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by-law no. 4
a by-law creating an executive committee of
neill-wycik college, inc.
be it enacted as a by-law of neill-wycik college, inc. as follows:
1. during the intervals between the meetings of the board of
directors, the affairs of the college shall be managed by an executive
committee of three directors consisting of the president, the secretary
and the treasurer of the college. the executive committeeshall possess
and may exercise (subject to any regu lations wh ich the directors may
from time to time impose) all the powers of the board of directors in
the management and direction of the affairs of the college (save and
except on Iy such acts as must by law be performed by the directors
themselves) in such manner as the executive committee sha II deem best
for the interest of the college in all cases in which specific directions
shall not have been given by the board of directors.
2. subject to any regulations imposed from time to time by the
board of directors, the executive committee shall have power to fix its
quorum at not less than a majority of its members and may fix its own
rules of procedure from time to time.
3. meetings of the executive committee may be held at the head
office of the college or at anyother place in or outside of ontario.the
executive committee shall keep minutes of its meetings in which shall
be recorded a II action taken by it, wh ich minutes shall be submitted
as soon as practicable to the board of directors.
enacted and passed by the directors th is 22nd day of Apri 1,19
enacted and passed by the directors th is 22nd day of apri I, 1970.
Kathy Whalen
Barry W. Hales
by-law no. 3
a by-law to establish a rotating system of directors for
neill-wycik college, inc.
be it enacted as a by-law of nei II-wycik co liege, inc. as follows:
paragraphs 9 and 10 of by-law no. 1 be deleted and that new
paragraphs 9 and 10 be added as follows:
9. the affairs of the college shall be managed by a board of
directors of 12 directors, each of whom at the time of his election or
within ten days thereafter and throughout his term of office shall be a
member of the college. the directors of the college shall be elected
and shall retire in rotation and at the first meeting of the members for
the election of directors, six directors shall be elected to hold office
for a term of two years from the date of their election or unti I the
second annual meeting of the members after such date, whichever oc-
curs first, and six for a term of one year from the date of their election
or until the next annual meeting after such date, whichever first
occurs, and thereafter at each annual meeting, directors shall be
elected to fill the positions of those directors whose term of office has
expired and each director so elected shall hold office for a term of
two years or until the second annual meeting after his election, which-
ever occurs first. the election shall be by ballot.
10. the college may, by resolution passed by at I east two-th irds of
the votes cast at a general meeting of which notice specifying the in-
tention to pass such a resolution has been given, remove any director
before the expiration of his term of office, and may, by a majority of
the votes cast at that meeting, elect any person in his stead for the
rema i nder of his term.
enacted and passed by the directors th is 22nd day of apri I, 1970.
Kathy Whalen
Barry W. Hales
I i
by-law no. 2
a by-law respecting the borrowing of money and the issue of securities
neill-wycik college, inc.
be it enacted by the directors of neill-wycik college inc. as a by-law
of the said college as follows:
the directors of the college may from time to time:
borrow money upon the credit of the college in such amounts
and upon such terms as may be deemed necessary;
issue bonds, debentures, debenture stock or other securities of
the college for its lawful purposes, for such amounts and upon
such terms as may be deemed expedient and pledge or sell the
same for such sums and at such prices as the directors sha II
hypothecate, mortgage, charge or pledge a II or any of the real
and personal, moveable or immoveable, property undertaking
and rights of the college, present or future, to secure any such
bonds, debentures, debenture stock or other securities or any
money borrowed or any other I iabi I ity of the college;
delegate to such one or more of the officers and directors of
the college as may be designated by the directors all or any of
the powers conferred by the foregoing clauses of this by-law to
such extent and in such manner as the directors shall determine
at the time of each such de legation;
(e) give indemnities to any director or other person who has under-
taken or is about to undertake any liability on behalf of the
college, and to secure such director or other person against
loss by giving him a mortgage or charge upon the who Ie or any
part of the real or personal property of the college.
passed by the rlirectors and sealed by the college's seal, this 22nd day
of april, 1970.
Kathy Whalen
Barry W. Ha les
dispositing assets on dissol ution
45. in the event of the dissolution of the college all assets remaining
after the payment of all bonds, debentures and mortgages and all other
liabilities outstanding, shall be disposed of by a board of trustees to
such charitable organization or organizations as the said board of
trustees may determine, provided only that such organization or or-
ganizations must carryon their work solely in Ontario and must at the
time of such disposition be exempt from tax or duty under the provisions
of any federal and/or ontario statutes which may levy taxes or income,
gifts, successions, devolutions or estates at the respective times when
such dispositions are made. the said board of trustees shall be composed
of one representative appointed by the president of the students ad-
ministrative council of ryerson poly technical institute, and one repre-
sentative appointed by the president of ryerson poly technical institute,
and one representative appointed by the board of directors of the
college immediately prior to its dissolution.
46. in these by-laws and in all other by-laws of the college hereafter
passed unless the context otherwise requires, words importing the
singular number or the masculine gender shall include the plural num-
ber or the feminine gender, as the case may be, and vice versa.
47. a II records may be kept in either french or engl ish but need not
be kept in both. either language may be used in any college matters.
enacted and passed by the directors, this 22nd day of apri I, 1970.
Kathy Whalen
Barry Hales
ation or formality. the directors shall have the power from time to
time by resolution to appoint any officer or officers, person or persons,
on beha If of the college either to sign contracts, documents and in-
struments in writing generally or to sign specific contracts, documents
or instruments in writing.
41. cheques, etc. all cheques, bills of exchange or other orders for
the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued
in the name of the college, shall be signed by such officer or officers,
agent or agents of the college and in such manner as shall from time
to time be determined by resolution of the board and anyone of such
officers or agents may alone endorse notes and drafts for collection on
account of the college through its bankers, and endorse notes and
cheques for deposit with the college's bankers for the credit of the
college, or the same may be endorsed "for collection" or "for deposit"
with the bankers of the co liege by using the college's rubber stamp for
the purpose. anyone of such officers or agents so appointed may ar-
range, settle, balance and certify all books and accounts between the
college and the college's bankers and may receive all paid cheques
and vouchers and sign all the bank's forms or settlement of balances
and re lease or verification sl ips.
42. deposit of securities for safekeeping. the securities of the college
shall be deposited for safekeeping with one or more bankers, trust
companies or other financial institutions to be selected by the board.
any and all securiti es so deposited may be withdrawn, from time to
time, only upon the written order of the college signed by such offi-
cer of officers, agent or agents, of the college and in such manner,
as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the board and
such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. the
institutions which may be so selected as custodians of the board shall
be fu Ily protected in acting in accordance with the directions of the
board and shall in no event be liable for the due application of the
securities so withdrawn from deposit or the proceeds thereof.
regu lations
43. the board, in the interest of the membersh ip I may prescribe regu-
lations not inconsistent with the by-laws relating to the management
and operation of the co liege and may amend or suspend such regu la-
books and records
44. the directors shall see that all necessary books and records of the
college required by the by-laws of the college or by law are regularly
and properly kept.
acquired under any such by-law is prejudicially effected by any such
rejection, amendment, or other dealing.
35. fiscal year. the fiscal year of the college shall terminate on the
30th day of apri I, in each year.
36. borrowing powers. the directors may from time to time:
(a) borrow money on the credit of the college;
(b) issue, sell, or pledge securities of the college;
(c) charge, mortgage, hypothecate or pledge all or any of the real
property or personal property of the college including book
debts, rights, powers, franch ises and undertaking, to secure
any securities or any money borrowed, or any other debt, or
any other obligation or liability of the college.
from time to time the directors may authorize any director, officer or
employee of the co liege or any other person to make arrangements with
reference to the monies borrowed or to be borrowed as aforesaid and as
to the terms and conditions of the loan thereof, and as to the securities
to be given therefor, with power to vary or modify such arrangements,
terms and conditions and to give such additional securities for any
monies borrowed or remaining due by the college as the directors may
authorize, and genera lIy to manage, transact, and sett Ie the borrow-
ing of money by the college.
37. reserve fund. the board shall, at its discretion, allocate such
amount as it deems fit at the end of each year toward a reserve known
as the contingency reserve, to take care of unexpected expenses.
38. insurance. the directors shall insure against fire at all times all
buildings and other assets of the college to their full insurable value.
39. bond. every officer or employee of the college who has charge
of or handles money or securities belonging to the college shall be
bonded with a surety company selected by the board for such an amount
as may from time to time be prescribed by the board, but in no case for
any amount less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). the board may
prescribe that any other emp loyees of the college sha II be bonded in
such an amount as the directors may determine.
40. execution of documents. contracts, documents or any other in-
strument in writing requiring the signature of the college may be
signed by the president or vice-president and the secretary, or the
treasurer, and a II documents, contracts and instruments in writing so
signed shall be binding upon the college without any further authoriz-
- - - - - : - _ - - ~ ~ ri l
such meeting any business may be transacted wh ich the college at
annua I or genera I meeti ngs may transact. .
30. quorum. a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting
of members shall consist of not less than twenty-five per cent of the
membersh ip present in person or represented by proxy. if, at any gen-
eral meeting of the college, a quorum is not present, within the time
determined at the discretion of the chairman following the hour for
which the meeting is called, the chairman shall adjourn the meeting
to a date not less than twelve days thereafter and no more than fifteen
days thereafter and the decision of the said adjourned meeting sha II be
binding upon the college regardless of the number of members present.
notice shall be provided as in paragraph 29.
31. errors in notice. no error or omission in giving notice of any an-
nualor general meeting of the members of the college shall invalidate
such meeting or make void any proceedings taken or had thereat and
any member may at any time waive notice of any such meeting and may
ratify, approve and confirm any or all proceedings taken or
had th ereat
32. requisition of meetings. the board sha II, upon requisition in writ-
ing, signed by not less than one-tenth of the members of the college,
which requisition shall state the general nature of the business to be
presented at the meeting, requisition a general meeting of the members
of the college in accordance with the requirement of notice in para-
graph 29. if the board of directors does not, with in twenty-one days
from the date of the requisition which was received, proceed to call a
general meeting of the members of the college, then not less than
one-tenth of the members themselves may call a general meeting in ac- '
cordance with the requirements for notice in paragraph 29, which
meeting shall be held with in sixty days from the date the requisition
was received.
33. voting. each member of the college shall at all meetings of
members be entitled to one vote and he may vote by proxy. such proxy
need not himself be a member but before voting shall produce and
deposit with the secretary sufficient appointment in writing from a
member. no persons shall act as proxy for more than one member at
anyone meeting. at a II meetings of members every question shall be
decided by a majority of the votes of the members present in person or
represented by proxy unless otherwise required by the by-laws of the
college, or by law.
34. amendment of by-laws. the members may at a general meeting
duly called for the purpose, or at an annual meeting confirm, reject,
amend or otherwise deal with any by-law passed by the directors and
submitted to the meeting for confirmation, but no act done or right
25. the board may from time to time establish such committees, as in
the opin ion of the board, are necessary to administer the affairs of the
26. the constitution, duties and functions of all committees shall be
determined from time to time by regulation.
27. in addition to such other committees as the board may establ ish,
there shall be the following committees:
(i) membership committee
Oi) regulations committee
(iii) audit committee
(iv) education committee
the members of such committees shall be appointed by the board following
the annual meeting of members.
28. the annual or any other general meeting of the members of the
college shall be held at the head office of the college or elsewhere in
ontario as the board of directors may determine and on such day as the
said directors shall appoint. the annual meeting shall be held at such
time in the month of february in each year as the board of directors
may determ i ne
29. the annual meeting shall be held for the purpose or receiving the
report of the directors, the financial statements, and the report of the
auditors, electing directors, appointing auditors and fixing or author-
izing the board to fix their remuneration and for the transaction of such
other business as may properly be brought before the meeting. The
members may consider and transact any business either special or gen-
eral without any notice thereof at any meeting of the members. The
board of directors or the president or vice-president shall have power
to call at any time a general meeting of the members of the college.
notice of the time and place of every members meeting, annual and
general, shall, unless all the members entitled to notice of themeeting
have waived in writing the notice, be given either by sending the
notice to each member by prepaid mai I or telegraph, ten days before
the time fixed for the holding of such meeting, or by publishing the
notice at least once a week for two consecutive weeks next preceding
the meeting in a newspaper or newspapers circulated in the munici-
pality or municipalities in which the majority of the members of the
college reside; provided that any meetings of members may be held at
any time and place without such notice if all the members of the col-
ore present thereat or represented by proxy duly appointed, and at
of inability of the president shall be presumed with reference thereto.
21. duties of secretary. the secretary shall be ex officio clerk of the
board of directors. he sha II attend a II meetings of the board of directors
and record all facts and minutes of all proceedings in the books kept for
that purpose. he shall give all notices required to be given to members
and to directors. he shall be the custodian of the seal of the college
and of all books, papers, records, correspondence, contracts and all
other documents belonging to the college which he shall deliver up
only when authorized by a resolution of the board of directors to do so
and to such person or persons as may be named in the resolution and he
shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be determined
by the board of directors.
22. duties of treasurer. the treasurer, or person performing the usual
duties of a treasurer, shall keep full and accurate accounts of all
receipts and disbursements of the college in proper books of account
and shall deposit all monies or other valuable effects in the name and
to the credit of the college in such banks or bank as may from time to
ti me be des i gnated by the board of di rectors. he sha II di sburse the funds
of the college under the direction of the board of directors, taking
proper vouchers therefore and sha II render to the board of directors at
the regular meetings thereof or whenever required of him, an account
of all his transactions as treasurer, and of the financial position of the
college. he shall also perform such other duties as may from time to
time be determined by the board of directors.
23. duti es of executive director. the board may delegate to the executive
director such power and authority to manage and direct the affairs of
the college ( except such matters as must by law be dealt with by the
board or by the members in general meeting) and to discharge agents
and employees of the college as the board considers desirable. the
executive director shall conform to all lawful orders given to him by
the board and shall give to the directors or any of them all information
they may require regarding the affairs of the college. any agent or
employee appointed by the executive director shall be subject to
di scharge by the board.
education committee
24. there shall be an education committee whose constitution and duties
shall be outlined in the regulations. subject to the regulations all
members of the college shall be entitled to participate in the educa-
tional programme. the committee shall be entitled to permit such
persons who are not members of the college to participate in the edu-
cational programme as it shall from time to time deem fit.
deficiency of any security in or upon which any of the monies of the
college shall be invested, or for any loss or damage arising from the
bankruptcy, insolvency" or tortious act of any person with whom any
of the monies, securities or effects of the college shall be deposited,
or for any loss occasioned by any error of judgment or oversight on his
part, or for any other loss, damage, misfortune whatever wh i ch sha II
happen in the execution of the duties of his office or in relation there
to unless the same shall happen through his own dishonesty, except as
otherwise provided by law.
18. indemnity. every director or officer of the college and his heirs,
executors and administrators, and estate and effects respectively shall,
from time to time, and at all times, be indemnified and saved harmless
out of the funds of the college, from and against:
(a) all costs and charges and expenses whatsoever which such director
or officer sustains or incurs in or about any action, suit or proceeding
which is brought, commenced or prosecuted againsthim., fOfor inrespect
of any deed, act, matter or thing whatsoever made, done or permitted
by him, in or about the execution of the duties of the office;
(b) all other costs, charges and expenses which he sustains or incurs in
oraboutorinrelationtothe affairs thereof, except such costs, charges
or expenses as are occasioned by his own wilful neglect or default.
19. there sha II be a president, a vi ce-president, a secretary, a treasurer
and an executive director, and such other officers as the board of
directors may determine by by-law from time to time. the president,
the vice-president, the secretary and the treasurer shall be elected by
the board of directors from among their number at the first meeting of
the board after the election of such board of directors, provided that
in default of such election the then incumbents being members of the
board, shall ho Id office unti I their successors are elected. the executive
director shall be appointed by the board of directors and need not
himself be a director and shall hold office at the pleasure of the board.
20. duties of the president and vice-president. the president, shall,
when present, preside at a II meetings of the members of the co liege
and of the board of directors. the president shall also be charged with
the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations
of the co liege. the president with the secretary or other officer appointed
by the board for the purpose sha II sign a II by-laws the membersh ip
certificates. during the absenceor inability of the president, his duties
and powers may be exercised by the vice-president, and if the vice-
presi dent, or such other director as the board may from time to time
appointforthepurpose, exercises any such duty or power, the absence
meeting of directors shall invalidate such meeting or invalidate or make
void any proceedings taken or had at such meeting and any director
may at any time waive notice of such meeting and may ratify and
approve of any or all proceedings taken or had thereat.
14. voting. questions arising at any meeting of directors shall be
decided by a majority of votes. in a case of an equality of votes, the
chairman, inadditiontohisoriginalvote, shall have a second orcasting
vote. all votes at any such meeting shall be taken by ballot if so
demanded by any director present, but if no demand be made, the vote
sha II be taken in the usua I way by assent or dissent. a dec laration by
the chairman that a resolution has been carried and an entry to that
effect in the minutes shall be admissible in evidence as prima facie
proof of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes
recorded in favour of or against such resolution. in the absence of the
president h is duties may be performed by the vice-president or such
other director as the board may from time to time appoint for the purpose.
15. (a) powers. the directors of the college may administer the affairs
of the college in all th ings and make or cause to be made for the college,
in its name, anykindofcontract which the college, may lawfully enter
into, and save as hereinafter provided, generally, may exercise all
such other powers and do all such other acts and th ings as the college
is by its charter or otherwise authorized to exercise and do.
(b) the directorsof the college shall be responsible for carrying on the
educational program of the college and shall appoint an education
committee to assist them to this end.
(c) the directors may pass by-laws not contrary to the corporations act
orthe letters patent to regulate the conduct of the affairs of the college.
such by-law and any repeal, amendment or re-enactment thereof, unless
in the meantime confirmed at the genera I meeting of the members of the
college duly called for that purpose, will be only effective until the
next annual meeting of the members unless confirmed thereat and in
default of such confirmation thereat ceases to have effect at and from
that time, and, in that case, no new by-law of the same or like
substitution has any effect unti I confirmed at a genera I meeting of the
16. remuneration. the directors shall receive no remuneration for acting
as such.
17. liability. no director or officer of the college shall be liable for
the acts, receipt, neglects or defaults of any other director of offi cer,
or for any loss of expense happening to the college through the
insufficiency or deficiency of title to any property acquired by order
of the board for or on behalf of the college or for the insufficiency or
9. the affairs of the college shall be managed by a board of seven
directors, each of whom at the time of his election or within ten days
thereafter and throughout his term of office shall be a member of the
10. each director shall be elected to hold office unti I the first annual
meeting after he shall have been elected or until his successor shall
have been duly elected and qualified. the entire board of directors
shall be retired at each annual meeting but shall be eligible for re-
election if otherwise qualifed. the election shall be by ballot. the
members of the college may, by resolution p.Jssed by at least two-thirds
of the votes cast at a general meeting of which notice specifying the
intention to pass such resolution has been given, remove any director
before the expiration of his term of office, and may by a majority of
the votes cast at that meeting elect any person in his stead for the
remainder of h is term.
II. vacancies. vacancies on the board of directors, however caused,
may so long as a quorum of directors remain in office, be fi lied by the
directors from among the qualified members of the college, if theyshall
see fit to do so, otherwise such vacancy shall be filled at the next
annual meeting of the members at which the directors for the ensuing
year are elected, but if there is not a quorum of directors, the remaining
directors shall forthwith call a meeting of the members to fill the
12. quorum and meetings a majority of the directors shall form a quorum
for the transaction of business. except as otherwise required by law,
the board of directors may hold its meetings at such place or places as
it may from time to time determine. no formal notice of any such meeting
shall be necessary if all the directors are present, or if those absent
have signified their consent to the meeting being held in their absence.
directors' meetings may be formally called by the president, or vice-
president or by the secretary on direction in writing by two directors.
notice of such meetings shall be delivered, telephoned or telegraphed
to each director not less than one day before the meeting is to take
placeor shall be mailed to each director not less than two days before
the meeting is to take place. the statutory declaration of the secretary
or president that notice has been given pursuant to this by-law shall
be sufficient and conclusive ~ v i d e n c e of the giving of such notice.
the board may appoint a day or days in any month or months for regular
meetings at an hour to be named and of such regular meeting no notice
need be sent. a directors' meeting may also be held, without notice,
immediately following the annua I meeting of the college. the directors
may consider or transact any business either special or general at any
meeting of the board.
13. errors in notice. no error or omission in giving suc:, notice for a
by-law no. I
a by-law relating generally to the
transaction of the affairs of
be it enacted as a by-law of Neill-Wycik College, Inc. (hereinafter
called the "college") as follows:
head office
I. the head office of the college shall be in the city of toronto, in the
province of ontario, and at such place therein as the board of directors
may from time to time determine.
2. the seal, an impression of wh ich is stamped in the margin hereof,
shall be the corporate seal of the college.
3. there shall be two classifications of membership in the college,
namely, resident membersh ip and external membersh ip.
4. resident members shall be those students of higher learning and their
spouses, if any, who reside in the college and who have been admitted
as members thereof in accordance with the regulations of the college.
5. externa I members sha II be such persons as may be accepted for
membersh ip in accordance with the regulations of the co liege.
6. there shall be no political, religious, or racial discrimination in
the selection of the members of the college.
7. the membership fee and all other requirements of membership shall
be determined from time to time by regulation.
8. termination of membersh ip sha II be pursuant to the regu lations.
for the following objects, that is to say:
(a) to promote the advancement of learning and the dissemination
of knowledge;
, (b) to promote the intellectual, social, moral and physical devel-
ment of its members and the betterment of society;
(c) to establish and carryon scholarship and research programmes;
(d) to establish and maintain a library;
(e) to develop and conduct seminars, lectures and correspondence
courses, and to publish a journal and such other scholarly material as
shall be relevant to the educational purposes of the college, but no
academi c credits sha II be given by the college with regard to participation
in any such activities;
(f) to construct, maintain and operate a bui Iding for the college to
provide dwelling accommodation and meals for the members of the col-
lege and otherwise complementing the functions and foci I ities of post-
secondary institutions of learning and co-operating therewith to the
end that the members of the college will receive a wider and fuller
education than would otherwise be possible; and
(g) for the further attainment of the above objects, to take by gift,
devise, lease or purchase and to hold real and personal property, in-
cluding all such land, buildings, hereditaments and possessions as may
from time to time be acquired or erected by the college, and subject
to the charitable gifts act and the mortmain and charitable uses act,
to accept on beha If of the college any gifts, devises or bequests of any
property, real or personal, and to invest the proceeds thereof or the
income therefrom in acquiring and maintaining residences for the pur-
pose of providing dwelling accommodation for the members of the
co liege;
the head office of the corporation to be situate at the city of toronto,
in the said county of york; and
the first directors of the corporation to be Kathleen Rose Whalen,
BarryWilliam Hales, David George Maxwell, Robert Gordon Fullerton,
Stanley Melvin Adelman, John Jordan and William Alfred Newman,
hereinbefore mentioned;
and it is hereby ordained and declared that the corporation shall be
carried on without the purpose of gain for its members and any profits
or other accretions to the Corporation sha II be used in promoting its
given under my hand and seal of office at the city of toronto in the
province of ontario this twenty-fourth day of july in the year of our
lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight. ( . d)
Robert Welch
-----cs-- $ _ _!
province of ontario
by the honourable
Robert Welch,
provincial secretary and minister of citizenship
to all to whom these presents sha II come greeting
w her e a s the corporations act provides that with the exceptions
therein mentioned the lieutenant governor may in his discretion, by
letters patent, issue a charter to any number of persons, not fewer than
three, of twenty-one or more years of age, who apply therefor, con-
stituting them and any others who become shareholders or members of
the corporation thereby created a corporation for any of the objects to
which the authority of the legislature extends;
and w her e a s by the said act it is further provided that the
provincia I secretary may in h is discretion and under the seal of his
office have, use, exercise and enjoy any power, right or authority
conferred by the said act on the lieutenant governor;
and whereas by their application in that behalf the persons herein
named have applied for the issue of a charter constituting them a
corporation for the due carrying out of the undertaking hereinafter set
and w her e a s it has been made to appear that the said persons have
complied with the conditions precedent to the issue of the desired
charter and that the sa id undertaking is with in the scope of the said act;
and w her e a s by the department of the provinc ia I secretary and
citizensh ip act, 1960-61 it is provided that the provincial secretary and
minister of citizensh ip may exercise the powers that were conferred on
the provincial secretary at the time the said act came into force;
now therefore know ye that under the authority of the herein-
before in part recited acts I do by these letters patent issue a charter
to the persons hereinafter named that is to say: Kathleen Rose Whalen,
Barry Wi Iliam Hales and David George Maxwell, students, Robert
Gordon Fullerton, directorof athletics, John Jordan, managing director,
and William Alfred Newman, architectural technologist, all of the
mun i cipa I ity of metropo I itan toronto, in the county of york and provi nce
of ontario; and Stanley Melvin Adelman, of the city of ottawa, in the
regional area ot the regional municipality of ottawa-carleton and
province of ontario, housing fi eld worker, canadian union of students;
constituting them and any others who become members of the corpora-
tion hereby created a corporation without share capital under the name
neill-wycik college, inc.
( a)
( b)
appendix ________________________ __
by-laws of Neill-Wycik College
I ~
menu with a pee I
our esteemed building has an equally e-steamed cafeteria located on
on the ground floor.
wewill operate the cafeteria by making use of a minimal kitchen staff
and relying upon the resources of any of the members who wish to work
off their "fag duties" by working in the kitchen. by doing our own th ing
the operation becomes more flexible and menus more a-peeling.
meals wi II be avai lable to both members and non-members six days a
week. that includes lunch and dinner. meals will not be offered on
sundays. the high degree of absenteeism on weekends makes it im-
practical for us to offer meals on sunday. besides, if god rested on the
seventh day - our kitchen staff ought to be able to put their feet up.
furthermore, all you second class mothers in the six-man or apartment
un its don It have to continually poison yourselves. its a Iways a good
experi ence to eat out. so treat your man/woman to a sumptous mea I for
adollaror thereabouts in our cafeteria. all the meals you will receive
will include substantial portions of meat, potatoes, vegetables and of
course dessert-love dessert.
for your convenience there will be two dining hours and members will
be able to eat during the shift that is most convenient to them. for
example from 5-6 pm. or from 6-7 pm.forthosestudentswithconflicting
timetables or for those students who attend another institution other
other than ryerson bag lunches wi II be provided.
for the best in non-institutional ized food come I ive with us.
Doug Henderson



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do it cooperatively
welcome to your bui Iding.
now here comes the nitty gritty.
this coop, Neill-Wycik College,. is new; only by a ninety percent
federal mortgage can we enjoy it. this mortgage, plus all the other
expenses that a building incurs must be paid off monthly, since our only
source of income is renta I money, we must ensure that everyone pays
their rent on time.
what do we pay?
(a) if you I ive in a one bedroom apartment you have a twelve month
lease. you have already paid your last month's rent, when you move
in, you will pay your first month's rent. rent is due at the beginning of
every month.
(b) if you live in a 2 man self cooking suite you may have either a four
month or twelve month lease. once again your first month's rent is due
when you move into the building and the remaining monthly payments
are due at the beginning of each month.
(c) if you liveina6man self cooking suite or a 12 man house unit (room
and board) you wi II have pa id a portion of your term rent (four month's)
and the remaining balance is due september the 8th. the next term's
rent is due the beginn ing of january.
who and where do you pay?
you pay our busy, boaton, bonvivant, bookkeeper; Caro I, in the 22nd
floor office. (all the Neill-Wycik offices are located on the 22nd
floor .)
we can not afford to carry people in the building because a coop isn1t
a coop isn't a coop . isn't a coop unless it is financially viable.
if you do not pay your rent regu lari Iy the coop wi II cease to exist. we
can't afford another rochdale because only you and i will get screwed
intheear thinkaboutit. consequently, strict measures will be taken
to ensure the continuence of the coop. if you fai I to pay your rent or
writeabadchequeyourcase will be delt with by the house committee.
(your peers and fellow members) by law eviction fifteen days after the
rent was due is standard procedure.
we are dea I ing with real ities, the bui Iding, what it means and what it
offers are rea I th ings and i bel i eve in the bui Iding; so lets do it, lets
make it work .. and one of the ways to continue the function ing of the
building is to pay your rent cooperatively.
John Rowsome
-before repainting wash and rinse the wall surface. for difficult stains
use varsol sparingly, rinse, then paint once the wall is dry.
9. being a heel or how i learned to shampoo the rugs
there is a shampooing device that can be obtained from/by your floor
co-ordinator, operating instructions wi II be attached. (to your floor
co-ordinator that is.)
10. getting canned or how i painted my unit
before you paint your unit check with your floor co-ordinator. - they
do a fantastic job. keep in mind that someone else will move into the
unit after you leave: in other words consideration.
11. looking for a hot box?
in the apartment & two-man units the fuse box is located in the kitchen
12. an element of danger
after checking the fuse box & your stove sti II doesn't work, locate the
cartridges behind the front panel of the stove.
John Rowsome
Doug Henderson
weekly: wash lightly using a clean damp mop with cool water. change
the rinse water frequently. give specia I attention to heel marks and
smudges. rub lightly with fine steel wool (0 or 00 grade steel wool or
medium grade nylon pad.) and detergent, then give these spots a light
application of wax.
periodically: at regular intervals, depending on traffic over the area,
give the floor a major clean ing and re-waxing.
cleaning and wax removal
washthefloor with a mild neutral liquid detergent and water. stronger
detergents may be used on vinyl sheet goods, if necessary. for wax
removal, use an approved wax stripper. do not use scouring cleansers.
-they leave deposits wh ich are difficult to rinse off.
ri nse the floor with a min imum amount of coo I water. do not flood the
floor-repeat rinse with min imum of water unti I wash water is removed.
allow the floor to dry thoroughly.
apply a thin coat of self-polishing, water based, emulsion wax, using
a clean string mop or lambswool applicator. use long straight strokes
in one direction for best results. allow to dry, then apply a second thin
coat of wax. when dry, buff with a mechanical polisher for best results.
annually: remove wax from vinyl floor, using a scrubbing machine with
nylon pads. re-wax as previously specifi ed.
remember: do not use steel wool in the "grubbing
(the little grooves
in the floor.)
boot trays and rubber casters wi II stain the ti Ie and discolour it over a
period of time.
(c) cerami c floor ti Ie
wash the wh ite wa II ti Ie with water and a I iquid detergent, rinse and
wax with qualified ceramic tile wax.
(d) quarry tile: washwHhwaterandmuriticacid. (followtheinstructions
with muritic acid and use with extreme care,) rinse, then wax.
8. getting plastered or how i washed the wa lis.
do not drink the I iquid detergent. wash the wa lis with the Ii qui d
detergent. avoid all abrasive cleansers such as dutch cleanser or ajax
on the wa II s because th ey I eave ares i due or fi I m that is eas i I y
distinguished once the walls dry.
clothes with a towel and tuck the edges in well. because of the high
velocity spin anything that spills out of the basket because of improper
loading will be well ground up.
no dyeing of clothes in the washers or drying of freshly dyed clothes in
the dryers.
if you have any trouble, please report immediately to the 'laundry room
if the mach ine is at fault, your coin wi II be refunded.
money lost through negligence or improper use of the mach ine or
over-loading wi II not be refunded.
5. how to avoid a pane and leave the si Ily windows
you do notavoid cleaning the windows by throwing a book of quotations
through it (think about it) because it gets cold in the winter. someone
will be contracted to clean the outside of the windows. to clean the
inside of the windows, simply use your favourite window cleanser
and wipe clean.
- the screens in the windows are permanently fixed, so please do not
tamper with them.
6. how to pull the wool over your eyes or clean the curtains
it is recommended that you dry clean your curtains. it is also recommended
that a professional iron them -so spend a few cents and have them done
properly, itlll save you alot of hassle in the end.
if you should wash and iron your curtains, do so with a great deal of
care, otherwise the curtains will look like rags in a
iron the curtains you must press the underside of the pleats to make the
pleats stand out. the IIheading II (top) of the curtain must be pressed
with utmost of care, also. (thats not the naval term for washroom by
the way.) one more word about the curtains - shake or vacuum them
once a week to get the dust out of them, they'll last longer and the
colours will remain positive longer.
7. being floored by the dirt or how i learned to wash my floors.
(a) for vinyl tile in your rooms
(b) for vinyl tile in the lounges
general: remove stains or spi lis, as they occur. blot up carefully to
avoid spreading.
dai Iy: sweep the floor with a dust mop or soft fibre or hair broom to
remove surface dirt.
- there is an element of surprise ... these are not self-cleaning ovens.
you wi II have noticed th is after your first gri lied cheese sandwich .
what a smell!
- to clean, just brush on, or spray on, any oven c leaner and ... and
follow the manufacturer's instructions.
-again, if you have any enquiries about the functioning of the stove,
consult the instruction book provided by admiral.
4. bubbles, bubbles, toil & trouble, or how learned touse THE
-the washers and dryers are on the top floor. (22nd) they are coin
operated like mostofus. there are 10 washers, 5 dryers, and I extractor.
-WA SH ERS (and nuts)
a) there are two sizes .. the regular 8 Ibs. capacity at 25c;: a load,
and the large 12 Ibs. capacity at 3 0 ~ .
b)please read the detai led instructions on the inside of the washer lid.
c)a Iways make sure your clothes are loaded even Iy in the washer. when
wash ing large items, put in a few sma Iler items to ba lance the load.
hey man, if you get bad vibrations during the 'spin', it is an indication
that you have an unbalanced load. sooo shut off the washer and wa it
till it stops spinning. then open the lid and re-arrange your clothes
evenly around the tub, shut the lid and turn the switch back on.
d) to insure a completed cycle always push the coin chute, with your
coin or coins, all the way in and then pull it out to the start position.
e) do not oversoap . one cup of most soaps is plenty. if you have
accidently oversoaped, put in one cup of fleecy or other fabri c softener
to cut the suds down.
- DRYERS (for all the wet)
a) dryer capacity is 30 Ibs. approximately 3 regular washer loads or 2
large washer loads.
b) say, the dryer runs 10 minutes for I ~ . put in two dimes, one after
the other and it wi II run for 20 minutes without stopping .. etc.
c) you select dryer temperature depending on the fabric you are drying
but remember dryers get hot and padded bras (perish the thought) I
foam rubber, or plastic may burn or melt, so watch carefully.
d) dryers dry better at or near capac ity, so if you have 2 loads I put
them in one dryer.
extractor (for the ki ds)
a) using the extractor wi II reduce your drying time considerably.
b) extractor runs I cycle for I ~ .
c) extractor must be loaded very even Iy and very carefully. cover your
maintenance and cleaning in the building
if one is in want of cleanliness - do not scrub this article - just soak
it all up like a sponge or mopl
I. aw shute, or how i piped down to remove the garbage
the garbage shute is located at the entrance to the 12 man house unit.
(thats on the east side of the building.}there'sa squishing machine
(compacting unit) at the bottom of the chute that squishes garbage into
containers we rent from the city. the city takes our neatly packaged
garbage to a dump and burns it.
2. loosing your coo I or how i learned to deprost my refridgerator
when the red button in yourfreezer (top compartment of the refridgerator)
is covered you should defrost it. at any rate you should defrost your
refridgerator at least once a week in the summer.
fi rst, remove a II the food from the fridge. gather it up in your arms,
run out into the hall and yell coop at the top of your lungs - everyone
on the floor ought to run to your aid and keep the food cool unti I the
defrosting is completed. one word of advice; any I iquid refreshment
acquired from your local L.C.B.O. shouldbe kept in the room while
defrosting because you needn't yell coop to get the entire floor to look
after the consumption of said refreshment-with or without your approval.
second, turn the temperature control in the refridgerator to the "off"
third, in the freezer there is a baffle, open it; it acts as a trough to
the defrosting tray.
four, you can place a pan of warm tap water in the freezer to speed-up
the defrosting process.
caution: do not use a kettle or defrosting element in the refridgerator
because they wi II warp the inside of the freezer and cause a great deal
of hassi e.
five, to clean the inside of your fridge or freezer, use ordinary baking
_ if in doubt about anything concerning defrost procedure, check the
manufacturers handbook-they Ire very admirable people.
3. home, home on the range, or how i learned to CLEAN THE OVEN.
- after you have put back a II the food from defrosting the fridge I you
might as well clean the oven. (after a few relaxing sips of your
favourite brand, naturally)
workable materials
mortar and steel
concrete and brick
cranes and pains
metal and stick
plaster and piping
rai ling and siding
hydro and water main
shackles and bindings
truckers and torches
ceilings and walls
garbage and cartage
floorings and rna lis
machines making noises
machines moving bricks
people giving orders
and men moving picks
growing, soaring upward and out
active and constant with chaos throughout
apartment 717 looks across to this scene
just a very minor part of this major scheme
22 stories
22 floors
many more fam iii es
opening their doors
we're living together
each member a name
come live with us
concern is our aim
this building is finished
its finally real
i wonder why we made it
of concrete and steel
come live with us.
john rowsome
I.f challenge, that this type of self-government depends on the interest,
I inducement, enthusiasm and commitment of the membersh ip.
come live with us.
Audrey Cohn - a member of the board and sociology instructor at
ryerson poly technical institute.
editor's note:
if the membersh ip of the college happens to disagree with any of the
measures instigated to date; it becomes membersh ip's duty to change
those regulations for the benefit of the coop itself, through cooperative
interaction. '
clean I iness
nothing is as potentially detrimental to the viability of our community
as unsanitary and unsightly living conditions. the janitorial staff will
maintain publ ic areas, but each floor is responsible for its lounge areas,
halls, walls, etc. the residence of each floor will decide upon a IIfag
duty system" so that general accepted conditions are maintained.
each floor rep will transmit these plans and schedules to the house
committee. each I iving unit is responsible for its own maintainence,
and must meet the general standards established by the house committee.
disputes, non-cooperation & eviction
failure to abide by the regulations ie. failure to meet one's basic
responsibil ity to the community, may ultimately result in eviction.
members are entitled to appeal these decisions, in fact mediate any
dispute or allegation through the house committee (or a sub committee
thereof,) whose decision is binding.
the operation of the house committee-
election of representatives
at the outset, each floor wi II elect one representative to the committee.
in case of his resignation, leaving the college or absence from three
consecutive meetings; the residence of the floor wi II elect another
representative. once the committee is operational it is hoped that they
wi II consider the problem of devising a more equitable system of rep-
resentation such that all various I iving units with their unique problems
wi II be ably represented. from its members the committee wi II elect a
a simple majority of the elected representatives is suffici ent to conduct
business, btlt pol icy decisions must be ratified by a 2/3 majority.
minutes of each meeting will be taken by a secretary elected by the
committee. the secretary will submit copies of each set of minutes to
the general manager, the registrar, the house committee records and
shall post one copy in designated area for the general information of
the membersh ip.
once the house committee is duly constituted and functioning, it as-
sumes responsibility and authority for the administration, review and
revision of these regulations. suffice it to say, by way of caution and
(a) no one sleeps in the common areas
(b) after ten days visitors become residents and as such are required to
pay rent.
I) fire: please use the fire alarms as posted and evacuate the premises
as per standard procedure.
2) for other emergencies, notify the registrar, and follow posted
instructions for phone numbers of police, medical services etc.
3) in case of lost keys there wi II be an attendent on duty at the main
desk during "locked hours". open door and desk hours are pol icy
decisions yet to be decided upon. for replacement keys apply to the
interior decoration
posters are beautifull please use linen tape which will not remove the
please use adhesive picture hooks, which will not remove the walls.
do not paint walls, doors, furniture etc. without explicit permission
from the house committee via your floor co-ordinator.
pi ease advise the general manager (through your floor representatives)
ofthenumberof appliances in use per unit (radio, t.v., tape recorder
etc.). in rare cases it may be necessary to limit the use of these, in
the case of electrical overload.
the following responsibilities are discharged at the floor level where
in one shares responsibi I ity for the immediate environment. disputes
should be referred to the house committee.
pets wi II be a I lowed in the apartment & two- man suites only. no pets
will be allowed in the six man or twelve-man units. only ordinary
house pets are permitted. the house committee has the right and the
responsibility to ask a specific owner or entire floor to get rid of pets
if there are complaints about noise, odour, damage or unsanitary
confine your conviviality to a tolerable noise level; please respect
your neighbours right to privacy and don't impose the sounds of your
lifestyleupon him; keep in mind that most students sleep and study .
the house committee
welcome to the bui Iding.
the house committee is the organization of representative members
whose task it is to create and implement the structures and procedures
underlying the functioning of the Neill-Wycik community. obviously
a residence of 750 people cannot function without some basic structure.
equally certain is the desire of the coop population for persona I autonomy
in choosing their own I ife style. to effect a balance between these
two needs, the house committee has kept one basic premise foremost;
the opportunity for communal living allows students to dispense with
the supervision and compulsory services usually provided in student
accommodations; in return, this style of accommodation requires of the
resident a high degree of personal and group responsibility.
thus residence in Neill-Wycik College provides the member with a
great deal of latitude, so long as the viability of the total community
isnotundermined. the ground rules which follow are an initail attempt
to specify those standards of conduct that guarantee the basic safety
and harmony and viability of the community, consistent with the
principles of coop living.
the following prescriptions apply to the Neill-Wycik community at
alcohol - Neill-Wycik is your home, to enjoy and entertain in os you
wish. please make sure that you and your guests are of legal age for
the consumption of alcohol on the premises.
thesaleofdrugs is absolutely forbidden on the premises. the possession
and use of hard drugs is proh ibited.
the house committee earnestly seeks to differentiate between "visitors"
and "crashers ". obviously residents are entitled to have visitors in
their home subject to certain conditions. but, bear in mind that the
bui Iding was constructed for a certain occupancy, and the continuous
or prolonged presence of additional persons sufficiently increases wear
and tear, inefficiency in elevator service, general noise level etc.,
that the following restrictions are necessitated.
the houses within Neill-Wycik College
most people know Neill-Wycik College as the 22 storey building on
the corner of gerrard and mutual streets.
there is another part of the co-op that few people know about. there
are three houses in the immediate area of the building that house
approximately 40 Nei II-Wycik members. these houses came into being
shortly after the in itia I idea of the bui Iding came about, two years
ago. the houses provide a core of people who have experience in coop
living and this experience will be used in the initial operation of the
mainbuilding. the same can besaidforthepeoplewho lived at Rochdale
College, for the explicit purpose of being able to capitalize on
Rochdale's mistakes. now the houses will continue to function as an
alternative to "high rise" living.
rents in the houses are very reasonable, comparable and usually cheaper
than outside housing. a single room is $60/month and a double room is
each house has a kitchen, fully equipped to accomodate 12-14 people.
you can buy your own food or join the "food kitty" for $5/week and
eat to your heart's content. all cooking and cleaning is done by those
people participating in the "food kitty. " you wi II be surprised by the
numberofpeoplewho haven't cooked before and have discovered their
talent as a chef.
each house has a common room. or lounge where one can watch t. v.,
read, get into a friendly discussion or receive advise on any homework
or research problem you might be having. since it is a coop, there
must be cooperation between all house members, with everyone doing
their own I ittle bit to help keep harmony and order with in the house.
the houses wi II continue to operate along with the mnin bui Iding and
provide another important variation in environmental living . all members
of the houses are still members of Neill-Wycik College, so that all of
the facilities of the main building are open to us and we can help in
the success of the programs being offered by taking part in them.
having lived in a coop since last september, i think it is a fantastic
way of life because it teaches one, to shoulder responsibility and
concern for other people. so if you don't like living in a "high rise"
building, why don't you come live with us in one of the houses. if you
should decide to live in the main building, why don't you drop by and
visit us in the houses? you are always welcome.
Bob Kerr
Bob Chan
3. Nei II-Wycik has an agreement wh i ch says that once it can convince
the cmhc and other mortgage holders to transfer the mortgages, Co-op
College wi II transfer title of the bui Iding to Nei II-Wycik. the
management committee will then probably end. this will probably take
at least a couple of years.
4 . Neill-Wycik has control over monies such as education fees,
donations, etc., which it might raise for whatever purpose it likes.
5 . the salaries of the "staff", and expenses of Co-op College are part
of the capital cost financing, and form part of the cost of the project.
6. Neill-Wycik pays annually a charge of $4.00 per bed to finance
the 'educational' activities of Co-op College.
other responsibi I ities
Co-opCollegehasto build (hopefully by this time has built) a building
for Nei II-Wycik wh ich conforms to specifications and drawings approved
of by the representatives of Nei II-Wycik.
co-op college has to arrange the financing for the building, apart
from the non-builtin furniture and drapes, which are provided for by
the management committee and Neill-Wycik.
Neill-Wycik, along with the management committee has to fill the
building according to the purposes of Neill-Wycik.
the above relationships are defined more clearly in the "agreement"
between Co-op College and Neill-Wycik, which brings into existance
the management committee, and clearly defines responsibi liti es.
copies of this agreement should be available to the members, and the
staff of Co-op College is available to explain the agreement.
the pressures of completing a bui Iding and moving in have in the past
sometimes created bad feelings between "locals" and "boards" and
"staff". let us hope that Neill-Wycik will be a shining exception to
the occasional rule.
Rick Waern
pro ject director
Co-op College residences inc.
Co-op College had as its initial purpose the development of student
co-operative housing in ontario. the major responsibi I ity for the work
forthisdevelopmentrestswith the II staff "; the "board
isthe incorporated
body which has some of the legal responsibility.
with in th is purpose the staff and board have held a number of conferences,
consulted with groups outside the province and outside the country,
done quite a bit of research and politicking, etc.
some of the staff and some of the board members are now interested in
developing low-cost housing for other groups, such as citizens' groups
and the ywca.
Co-op College is concerned not only with the cost of a project, but as
well that the design be workable and humane, if not exciting, and that
the control and internal functioning of its project relect the wishes of
its members and a concern to create healthy communities.
Neill-Wycik College is a residence mainly for ryerson students. it is
also an experiment in high-rise living. this is not only because people
want it to be experimental, but because it is a large, multi-use build-
ing in downtown toronto in 1970. it is by nature unique, and therefore
financial responsibilities:
as a resu It of a somewhat embarrassing experience with another of our
projects, cmhc has made it clear that Co-op College must maintain
effective control over its projects for a couple of years. this period of
timemightbeshortenedsomewhat. in order to do this a joint committee
called the IImanagement committee" has been formed. this committee
has been described somewhere else.
in the event that the committee falls apart, Co-op College has the
ability to take over the operation of the building itself.
the basic financial situation is as follows:
I. Co-op College has title (owns) the bui Iding, and is responsible for
paying the cmhc mortgages, as well as the other mortgages on the
building; also taxes.
2. the management committee operates the bui Iding, collects rents,
pays other bills, and gives Co-op College enough money to pay what
what it has to pay.
29 june 1970.
Nei II-Wycik College and Co-op College
i wi II attempt to briefly summarize the relationship between Co-op
College and Neill-Wycik College.
in order to make the task only formidable and not impossible, i will
restrict myself to the ideas, legalities and responsibilities relating the
two groups. the more interesting and perhaps more important relationsh ips
between the people involved in each group may, as a result, be lost
Co-op College
Co-op College is a provincially incorporated-co-operative company.
it exists more or less on three levels:
I. the "Iocals" which are projects now in existance, just beginning or
perhaps on Iy being organized, wh ich become members of Co-op College.
to date most of the projects have been student co-operative housing.
2. the "board" of Co-op College, which consists of, in effect,
representatives of each of the 'projects' . the "board" is to make and
direct policy, represent the interests of the locals they may represent,
and provide an educational service to the members. it does these th ings
with varying degrees of success. the "board II gets paid travel expenses.
3. the II staffll of Co-op Co liege is to be employed by the lIexecutive
who in turn is to be employed by the board. the staff carries
out the instructions of the board and supervises the development of
pro jects. when these two come into confl i ct, the staff attempts to do
both with varying degrees of success. the "staff" works for a fixed
annual income.
when Co-op College started, the "Iocal"people and the "board"people
and the II staff II people were all more or less the same people, or closely
related, so th ings went very smoothly. now that there are many "Iocals",
a large "board/l and several"staffll the relationships amongst the people
in the three groups are more formal and more work is required to
determine what is in the interest of the three groups.
Nei II-Wyc ik College is an incorporated non-profit company. it occupi es
the bui Iding at mutual and gerrard streets and whatever other space it
wishes. it is one of the /llocals" of Co-op College. other people must
have written much better than i about what Neill-Wycik College is.
are responsible for constructing an annual operating budget and over-
seeing its impl ementation. to this end the general manager, and
through him the rest of the full -time staff, report to the management
in a short while, probably within 3 years, the management committee
will fade away and their responsibilities will revert back to the board
of directors of Nei II -Wycik Co"ege. in the interim, the three Nei 11-
Wycik members of the committee are appointed responsible to, and
removable by the board of Neill-Wycik.
our general manager is Joel Tarrida, who comes to us from the Canadian
imperial bank of commerce. he is responsible to the committee for A)
day-to-day operations, and B) financia I and plann ing advice. he wi II
be working with a maintenance chief and a chef, each of whom will
be runn ing h is own department, and wi II have a secretary and a
bookkeeper to help him run the office. while they are , directly
responsible to the management committee, they are hired as much with
a view to encourage individual members to take direct responsibility
for their environment as for their abi I ity to do what members can It,
shouldnlt or wonlt do individually.
Jack Dimond
20 july 1970.
Neill-Wycik College
management committee
someof the problems of living in a high-rise co-operative can only be
dealt with by the individual member-for example, learning how to get
along with your neighbours and keeping your room and suite clean.
others require committees wh ich are responsible for their actions to the
members. the management committee is a product of the special needs
of Neill-Wycik in its early years. there are three main reasons for its
I. wewant to get off to a running start in terms of being able to relate
the day to day events around the college to their long-range implications
for us as an organization with heavy financial responsibi I ities. (We
have, for example, over $750,000 worth of expenses per year to cover
through our operations.)
2. ourbuildingisfinancedprincipa"y by a crown corporation, central
mortgage and housing corporation, and was developed by co-operative
co liege residences inc., a student co-op controlled company. co-op
college has its name on our mortgage unti I the government is satisfied
that we can go off completely on our own. thus co-op college has a
vital interest in our well-being.
3. we want to develop ways of dealing with problems out of our own
experiences at Neill-Wycik. however, this doesn't preclude our creat-
ing a situation which gives US the benefit in our first years of the ex-
periences of a few people who have been working in and around this
college or other similar projects for a bit longer than most of us have.
the management committee is a response to these situations. it consists
of six members - three appointed by the board of directors of Neill-
Wycik College Inc., and three appointed by the board of co-op college
residences inc. the three Neill-Wycik appointees are John Rowsome
and Gerry 0
Grady, both Ryerson students, and Jack Dimond, who is
residence co-ordinator for inn is college at the university of toronto.
the co-op college appointees are John Jordan, executive director of
co-op college, Stan Adelman, the co-op college project director for
Neill - Wycikls building development, and Kathy Whalen, who is
employed as "co-ordinator" by Neill-Wycik and is our representative
on the board of co-op college. by having a group such as this on the
management committee, it is hoped that the needs and interests of
Neill-Wycik members will be of a controlling factor in the decision-
making of the group. their job is simple. all decisions which affect the
operating (as opposed to education) finances of the pro ject, must be
made through - or in line with - management committee pol icy. they
is someth ing you want that isn It there, or if you want to get to someth ing
that is and canlt find it, or if you just would like to talk about the
programs, come and see me - as registrar, itls sort of my thing. in
general - if you want to talk to someone about anything to do with the
college, or the building, come and see me, ilm in the shepherd room
on the 22nd floor.
Kathy Whalen
your registrar
housing at ryerson-hm-has been a problem for just about as long as
anyone can remember. so in 1966 we, the students, dec ided to recogn ize
it as our problem and to share the responsibi I ity for solving it. in that
year we set up the "committee" to found a housing co-operative. there
was Ell iot Spanten, Dave Maxwell, Janet Weir, Barry Hales, Bob Kerr
-names who have now become part of the history of ryerson and of Nei II
-Wycik College. like many committees we held meetings, drew maps,
wrotereportsandpulledoutourhair;all to discover that yes it was true,
we did indeed have a housing problem. but what was the solution?
then came Stanley - Stan Adelman was then working as a housing field
worker for the canadian union of students. he simply gave us encour-
agement and the name of a real-estate contact. Stan then helped us
to get our first house from ryerson. would you bel ieve an organization
which could get a house rent free sti II managed to lose money on it -
we had very much to learn. we rented our second house from the ontario
government and our third and fourth from private real-estate. and, of
course, there was our 2 floors at rochdale college.
while this house expansion was going on, we incorporated ourselves as
Neill-WycikCollege underthecharitable institutions act as aneduca-
tional institute. our assets at the time of incorporation were $100 - a
grant from surpi to cover our legal fee. immediately Stan began setting
upmeetingswith architects, developers, etc., - together we began to
deve lop the concepts of th is bui Iding. where the walls are, their width,
the colour, the carpets, the cafeteria, the lounges, the beds, the desks,
lamps, tiles, virtually everything youlll be using was researched and
discussedanddecided on by the groups of Neill-Wycik members. yes,
even your rents.
from the house operations and the work on planning the building came
thepeopleandtheexperiencethathasmade it possible for Neill-Wycik
College to really be a student building-conceived, planned, and
controlled by us.
but it has taken more than just saying it to make this co-op work. as
youlve been coming in to see us in the office, welve been telling you
that the bui Iding wi II be run by various committees, and that the
committees would be made up from the Neill-Wycik members. as your
registrar, it is part of my job to help you to organize these committees
and to provide the background information to enable you fo make really
re levant decisions.
as a college, Neill-Wycik has an education program. this program is
varied-check itout in your calendar-you should have got one. if there
floor having four different types of un it. the top floor houses a 12-man
un it, a a laundromat with iron ing and sewing rooms, a lounge,
a magazine room, a study room, seminar rooms, a pottery room, an
arts and crafts room and Neill-Wyciks offices.
each of the resident floors has one 12-man un it, two 6-man un its, four
2-man units and two apartments. each unit by its nature will require a
a different type of coop commitment.
the board of directors
the coop is run by its members. to faci I itate you there is an elected
board of directors. elections to the board of directors are held in
february of each year. the bylaw of the corporation are such that
one-half of the board is replaced each year. thus the maximum term
for a board member is two years and at the same time assurance is given
that no more than 1/2 of any board is inexperienced. the board is
responsible to the membership and provision is made for a referendum
should the need arise. election to the board of directors is open to the
membership and there will be an all student board within one year of
-the bui I dings operation.
board meetings are open to the membership and active participation by
the members is invited. all committees report to the board. the general
manager and the registrar are also responsible to the board of directors.
a look at the cost of living in toronto
building anything today is an expensive business. this is especially true
in toronto where land val ues are very hihg. the property that Nei 11-
WycikCollegeis built on costs one million dollars alone. thebuildings
projected annual expenses 851,000 dollars per year,consequently
actual rents are only comparable for the first year of operation. one
couldpossiblyfind lower rents in toronto, however with lease problems,
heavy restri ctions, and transportation costs. any student who uses the
t.t.c. daily will spend a minimum of $43.00/ term going to and from
ryerson. (th is assumes that only one zone fare is required) in addition
to the material expense, time is wasted. the fact that Neill-Wycik
College is virtually lion campus II allows students to participate in many
extracurri cu lar activities without the added expense of transportation.
one last and obvious point is that Nei II-Wycik College will be a fantastic
place to live
come live with us.
David Snelgrove - a member of the board and top student in 1st year
photographic arts, now entering 2nd year.
rate. the other 10% of the equity cost of the building must be obtained
by the "local. II in our case the equity came originally from investments
from the previous land owner and the contractor.
why have student coops
student coops have three vital areas of concern:
I) the formation of a cooperative I ife style
2) an improved educationa I environment
3) lower costs
life style
student coops can fi II a vital gap that insitutional residences can not.
in university residences the student must answer to administration and
the administration must answer to "public pressure. II in coop housing
the student is accountabl e to his peers. they have a great dea I of
freedom and yet the responsibi lity of control I ing your own environment
rests heavi Iy upon them. students are responsible for the operation,
management problems, coordinating problems and people problems. in
short, by its very nature the coop becomes a learning situation. thus
students have a chance to mature and develop a healthy attitude
towards responsibility that is unique.
all members of the student coop are aware of student's needs because
its membersh ip consists of fellow students. each student needs, time to
study, a p lace to study, access to proper fac i I iti es, and as essentia I,
areas to get away from it all and relax. students decide all parameters
and as a result, in most coop houses the academic standing of members
is well above that of the non-coop student.
furthermore, Nei II-Wycik College has a fantastic educational program,
it consists of:
education through coop living, a rich and rewarding experience in
casual and information seminars arranged by students themselves.
special activities to be offered by fellow students in music, photo-
graphy, fi 1m, cerami cs - usi ng the extensive faci I ities of the bui Iding.
the teaching of a wide range of courses that respected instructors
(volunteer) have a passion for and are very often neglected by
educational institutions, without the formal ity and regimentation of
processed and institutional ized knowledge.
the building is 22 storeys high and affords a beautiful view of the entire
city. th e basement wi 11 house a sauna bath, a games room, a pub, a
darkroom and music listening room. the main floor has a lobby, mai I
room, cafeteria and kitchen. there are also a few commercial stores
on the main floor. floors 2 through to 21 are the I iving areas with each
look for Neill-Wycik's "education calendar". it will be available in
lower cost
coopers seem to be able to bui Id student residences at between 2/3 to
1/2 the cost of other institutions. yet coops offer lower rents and less
expensive services. for example, our educational program is a service
of living in the building. it costs each member the time to attend the
courses in the area of his particular interests and nothing more. in
toronto coop is the basic methodof combating a student housing shortage
and unscrupu lous landlords.
coop and you
it might be worth noting that when the new bui Iding succeeds and works
as a coop, it wi II be the first successfu I high rise coop in north ameri ca.
there are many other student coops in canada and the united states but
the largest working high rise coop, at present has approximately 250
members under one roof.
for a coop to work, all of its members must think coop, this does not
mean that academics or anything else for that matter is thrown out the
window. it simply means that each member must accept the few
I imitations of the coop as means of en joying its numerous advantages.
from a practical point of view it means you must begin to take on
responsibilities for your own environment. there is no superintendent
for you to run to if your hall is not vacuumed, primari Iy because each
member is h is own superintendent - all 752 of you. with cooping you
have to clean the rug, your unit, etc. because no one else is going to
do it for you. we do not provide maid or baby sitting service for
individuals who ought to be responsible enough to look after themselves
and considerate enough to take into account those living with them.
as a resident of the bui Iding you wi II be asked to pledge a certain
amount of time to help the bui Iding run. in coop houses, work sh ifts
amount to between 2 and 4 hours per week; it wi II most likely be the
same in the new building. it might also be noted that in Neill-Wycik,
male and female have equal status and share equally all facets of
participation, in academic studies, work duties, or whatever.
at this time a coop housing development, "COOp College
had been
formed in toronto to attempt to aid students in organzing student housing
projects. the ryerson group joined coop college and applied for
incorporation in 1967. the group began working with Howard Adelman,
who was at that time executive director of coop col lege/a program
was developed for a coop Ilhigh risell and mortgage approval was granted
in december 1968.
in canada, student cooperative residences are eligible for 90 %
government loans at lower interest rates than the prevai I ing mortgage
an introduction to coop
letusbegin with the "co" of coop, which stands for cooperative. coops
are people. coops unlike joint stock companies arefoundedon material
andspiritual needs of various groups of people and existfor the explicit
purpose of supplying service to their members; not for making a profit.
membership is restricted to those who need the services offered and
agree to participate in the democrat functioning of the coop.
looking at the operative part of coops; they are operated on the principle
of one member, one vote. the membersh ip runs the coop. the key
though is "operate" and due to economic necessity, the social structure
of the coop must exist with in the overa I tenor of modern economy.
the first coops were organized in england in the early 1800
s; the most
successful being thatof the weavers in the small town of rochdale. (not
to be confused with rochda Ie college or rochdale vi Ilage.) they sold
basic household items amongst themselves and succeeded as a retai I
coop. thefollowing is a list of "rochdale principles" that still apply to
todayls coops:
- membership, vOluntary and open to all, regardless of race, sex,
religion, politics or other affiliations
- democratic control, one vote per member
- religious and political neutrality
continuous education in the principles and practices ot cooperation.
how we got our name?
officiallyweare incorporated as "Neill-Wycik College Inc. II to make
a long story short; the coop wanted to be incorporated under the name,
"Wycik College
in honour of momma and papa Wycik; two wonderful
people who have given 25 years of devoted servi ce to ryerson students.
legal technicalities forced the use of a prefix consequently it was
decided to use "Neill" in honour of A.S. Neill, the founder of the
"summerhill" school; thus Neill-Wycik College.
our history
a student housing group was formed from the student administrative
council of ryerson poly technical institute in 1966, to seek solutions to
an urgent housing probl em for ryerson students. the ryerson admin istration
provides extremely limited housing for its 6,000 students. the students
are forced to seek accomodation with "slumlords" who often submit
students to undue restrictions and cost. students are also forced to seek
accomodation some distance from the schoo I and as a resu It, ryerson
has the reputation of being a 9 to 5, institution. '
- tutorialsoffered in subjects that ryerson students find most difficult,
by ryerson instructorls.
1 1
staff at work
mama & papa Wycik
the two beautiful, smiling faces that you see here belong to Aurilee
and Raymond Wycik. thoseof you who are already familiar with ryerson
wi II know them as mama and papa over at kerr hall.
in looking for a name for this college, we wanted to find someone who
by thethingsthey had created and by the way in which they lived their
life, wouldofferan inspiration and direction to the college. at ryerson,
kerr hall has for many years been a good place to be. good to sit and
talkin, good to eat in, good to get things done in, even good to hide
in. it is organized and it is clean, but it isn1t stifling or inhibiting-
mama and papa are runn ing kerr ha II and have for over 20 years.
in naming the College Neill-Wycik we, as ryerson students, wish to
say thank-you to them.
the great speckled bird (minerva's owl) hovers over this building. she
gathers together in the even ing dusk and prophesies the coming of a more
cooperative society. Nei II-Wycik College gives you a living educational
experience without the depersonalization of institutionalized stuffings,
if you want it.
come together & make
th is living experi ence work
(photo - courtesy of ampex records of canada)
" .?
everyone taking part in the educational programs is a "member " or a
better word might be a "participant".
in the summerhill no face can be lost by anyone since no one is in a
hierarchial situation except by mutual consent. more simply, if you
have no one with authority you can not engender hatred or the desire
to express individuality in the form of mischief or anti-social behavior.
to some more traditional educators, the summerhill way seems like an
attempt to gain an educational paradise on earth. summerhill is no
paradise, it is a place of constant educational confrontation made
palatable by liberal doses of common sense and humanity.
toputitin A.S. Neill's own words: "i believe thatto impose any thing
until he comes to the opinion--his own opinion---that it should be
done." th is idea is fundamenta I to the operation of Nei II-Wycik Co liege
along with the educational principle ---: "make the school fit the
student". two good reasons why this collegeispartly named after A.S.
Neill of summerhill school.
Tom Thorne
what A.S. Neill has in common with this college
A. S. Nei lion a thumbnai I
A. S. Neill is the headmaster of the famous radical school named
summerhill. the school, founded in 1921 is situated at leiston, suffolk,
england and houses 45 co-educational students ranging in age from
Neill, now 86 1/2 years old, is well known for his ideas and practices
allowing maximum freedom for the ch i Id to learn when he is ready.
Neiliis guiding principle is "make the school fit the child".
over the years, Neill has had his distracting critics since the school
founding 49 years ago. despite this he has had immense success with
histype of education which has no hierarchy or anyone seeking status.
Nei Ills system is based on IIfreedom and love" and respect for the
individual to make his own decisions in his life and education.
A.S. Neill is the author of several books on "child rearing" not the
least of which are: summerhill: a radical approach to child rearing,
1960, and freedom-not license! 1966. both books are printed by hart
publishing of new york.
famed psychologist, Erich Fromm remarks in the foreward of Nei Ills
first book summerhill: "summerhiliis aim is to create happy, contented
people, not cultural misfits dedicated to war, insanity and canned
knowl edge" . about Nei II, Fromm states: "he is a man with a kind of
courage rare today I the courage to bel i eve in what he sees, and combine
realism with an unshakable faith in reason and love. he maintains an
uncompromising reverance for life and respect for the individual. he
is an experimentor and an observer, not a dogmatist who has an egotisti c
stake in what he is doing. II
Nei II-Wycik wi II base its educationa I program on the "respect for the
individual II concept. no one wi II lay down any criteria or conditions
before you can take part in the educational programs. you are urged
and invited to create your own educational experiences. this can be
ach ieved by combining with others simi larly interested in what you are
doing or by private study. in this learning environment there are no
barriers or special status to protect you in roles you may have devised
for yourself as a "teacher" or a "student".
" ?
II june 70
dear Doug,
i am 86 1/2, a tired old man with too much on my plate. 75
visitors last week and more than that number of letters. i simply havenlt
the time and energy to write for you, and my travelling days are done.
you young uns should now carryon the freedom flag yourselves.
but i wish i were young anough to accept yr invitation come
i wonder who the other crook in your title is. trying to wonder
if one of the great train robbers was a Wycik. yr scheme reads well
and it wi II succeed but on Iy if you have guys who get freedom with
their guts, and not like so many who get it only in the head.
A.S. Neill
leiston, suffolk
dear Mr. Neill:
june 3, 1970
i am a member of the 22 storey co-op bui Iding named after you
in toronto - Neill-Wycik College.
at present i am in the process of getting a handbook together
for ori entation and genera I information purposes of its members.
this letter contains two requests: the first being a request that
you consider writing an article for the handbook regarding your personal
hopes and aspirations for the college itself and emphasizing the need
for individual participation. enclosed you will find some relevent
information regarding the co-op. the second request is that you consider
making a personal appearance at the college for the benefit of its
members, and as an opportunity for you to experience just what is
happening in your honour; on or about September the 13th. all expenses
you may incur during travelling or while you are with us will be paid
by the co-op. weIll put you up in the bui Iding during your stay and
attempt to comply with your every wish.
since you are a famous or in some cases an infamous personage
we realize that the media will be clammering for interviews during
your stay. if you should wish to make a few television appearances, or
to make none at all your every request wi II be attended to in the most
professional manner possible.
if you should decide to write an article or send me information
enough to compose an article i would appreciate receipt of the material
by the second week in july as the handbook wi II be printed during
august and i wi II be on my holidays whi Ie it is being printed. i certainly
hope you can comply with both requests and i can on Iy extend to you
my most sincere apologies that you were not informed of the matter
since i am writing this letter of the request of our president
-Miss Kathy Whalen- your decisions may be directed to either of us.
Kathy will attend to all financial matters and a battalion of us will
attend to your every request.
most sincerely yours,
Doug Henderson,
editor of Neill Wycik handbook.
this handbook is dedicated to those individuals with the guts to seek
out freedom - without licence, and make it the essential ingredient
for their day to day well being.
photo of A. S. Neill
courtesy of macmillan-collier publishing co. ltd., from Herb Snitzen
book IIliving at summerhill II.
a bank note from the editor
th i s handbook refl ects a soc ia I process that wi II tax the resources of your
head rather than the resources of your pocketbook. it's about cooperation,
consideration & active participation. if you can adjust your lifestyle to
these criteria, just as you have adapted to reading this handbook, then
you can make this 22 storey structure, called Neill-Wycik College a
meaningful rea I ity.
cooperation is the fine art of living, working & participating together.
itisnot a mere pipe dream. it works in berkely, california it works in ann
arbour, michigan. it works at A.S.Neill's IISummerhill
school & it can
work here. however, to make it work each member of the coop must
experience a basic commitment to the spirit of cooperation. for some of
you this may be the heaviest burdenyouwill have undertaken because it
demands a great deal of maturity & consideration for others. nevertheless ,
if you can meet the demands made of you & survive - and there may be
times when you may compare the whole thing to a survival course - you
wi II discover that you have participated in a unique human experience
that most likely has made you a more well defined person .
bank on it.
head architect
john wells
( tampold-wells)
president &
dean registrar
kathy whalen
a. c. murphy
' ~
13 . . rentals - John Rowsome
14. menu with a peel - DH
college's charter
college's by laws
back cover - campus map
cover and photography by Peter Laid law excepting courtesy photo of
A. S. Neill from macmillan-collier publishing company limited and a
photo of .the great speckled bird courtesy of ampex records of canada
1. note from the editor - Doug Henderson
2. correspondence with A. S. Ne ill
3. what has A. S. Neill in common with the college - Tom Thorne
4. who are Moma & Popa Wycik - Kathy Whalen
5. an introduction to co-operatives - Dave Snelgrove
6. your registrar - Kathy Wha len
7. the management committee - Jack Dimond
B. neill-wycik's relationship with co-op college - Rick Waern
9. contribution of the houses - Bob Kerr I Bob Chan
10. the house committee - Audrey Cohn
11. poem - workable materia Is - J. Rowsome
12. howtodoit
garbage remova I
defrost your refrigerator
clean your shoes
washers & dryers
curtains and furniture coverings
wash floors
wash walls
shampoo rugs
paint your un it
who di d it - John Rowsome
Doug Henderson
" ..

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