Protection From Deception Derek Prince
Protection From Deception Derek Prince
Protection From Deception Derek Prince
Navigating Through The Minefield
Chapter 1
Of Signs And Wonders
by Derek Prince
Based on a series of talks given by Derek Prince to
his coworkers in Derek Prince Ministries in March 1996 Let Us Honor God's Holy Spirit
This is the first in a series of three messages. In this, number one, I
will seek to analyze a problem that has arisen in many sections of the
Chapter 1 church in many parts of the world. In the next message, I will seek
to analyze how the problem arose. And in the third message, I will
consider ways to guard against that problem arising again. The title
of this first message is "Let Us Honor God's Holy Spirit."
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Let Us Honor God's Holy Spirit
Signs and Wonders Do Not Determine Truth Signs and Wonders Do Not Determine Truth
Mixture Produces Confusion and Division
The Identity of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 2: Earthly, Soulish, Demonic There has been in recent years a worldwide explosion of signs and
Understanding the Human Personality wonders. Some have been biblical and helpful. Others have been
From Rebellion to Salvation bizarre and unbiblical. Signs and wonders are not new. They are
Discerning Between Soul and Spirit recorded in various passages of the Bible and in different periods of
From Earthly to Soulish to Demonic church history. However, the current explosion extends more widely
Is There a Way to Protect Ourselves? than any particular church or denomination and has attracted
Five Movements that Went Astray widespread attention in both the religious and the secular media.
Chapter 3: Four Safeguards
I want to make it plain that I have no personal prejudice or anxiety
No. 1: Humble Ourselves
concerning unusual manifestations. In actual fact, I have in my own
No. 2: Receive the Love of the Truth
No. 3: Cultivate the Fear of the Lord lifetime experienced quite a number of them. They do not frighten
No. 4: Make and Keep the Cross Central me. I am not negative about them.
As I recorded in my booklet Uproar in the Church, my own personal
encounter with Jesus in World War II began in a very unconventional
way. In the middle of the night, in a barrack room of the British
Army, I spent more than an hour on my back on the floor, with my
body first racked by convulsive sobs and then filled with a river of
laughter which grew continually louder.
Next morning, I found myself a completely different person, changed
not by any act of my will but by yielding to the supernatural power
that had flowed through me. I then looked up various passages in the
Bible that speak about laughter. To my surprise, I discovered that manifestation of the Holy Spirit will, in some way. harmonize with
for God's people laughter is not primarily, as we imagine, a reaction Scripture.
to something comical, but rather an expression of triumph over our
enemies. Now, I want to begin with some warnings of Jesus, particularly
related to the end time period in which I believe we are living. These
In Psalm 2:4, David actually depicts God Himself as laughing: are warnings against deception. They are found in Matthew chapter
24, verses 4, 5, 11 and 24. In other words, four times in 21 verses,
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh: The Lord shall hold them in Jesus specifically warns us against deception in this period of the
derision, close of the age.
Here, God's laughter is not a reaction to some comedy that is being The first thing Jesus said about the events leading up to His return,
enacted on earth. Rather, it is His response to the ridiculous human in Matthew 24:4: "Take heed that no one deceives you." Verse 5:
midgets who have the effrontery to oppose His purposes. It is His "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Messiah (Christ),'
expression of triumph over all the forces of evil. and will deceive many." Verse 11: "Then many false prophets will
rise up and deceive many." And then in verse 24: "For false messiahs
Sometimes, God fills us with His own laughter that we may share in (christs) and false prophets will rise and show great signs and
His triumph over those who are both His enemies and ours. wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
Later I pastored a fellowship in London that met on the top floor of a So, Jesus warns us four times against deception. Anybody who
fivestory building. One evening a lame man was miraculously healed shrugs off that warning or treats it lightly does so at the risk of his
and threw away his crutches. We all burst into spontaneous praise. own soul.
At that moment the building began to tremble and shake with the
power of God. The praise and shaking continued for about thirty The greatest single danger in this end time is not sickness, nor
minutes. poverty, nor persecution. It is deception. If anybody says, "It could
never happen to me," it has already happened to that person,
I realized that something similar was recorded of the early church in because that person is saying something could never happen that
Acts 4:31: Jesus said would happen. That is a sufficient indication that such a
person is deceived.
And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled
together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, Next, I want to say something important about signs and wonders.
and they spoke the word of God with boldness. They do not determine truth. It is very essential to understand that.
Signs and wonders do not determine truth! Truth is already
determined and established, and it is the Word of God. In John
At that particular time, our fellowship was conducting several
17:17, Jesus is praying to the Father, and He says, "Your word is
evangelistic meetings each week in the streets of London, and we
truth." And in Psalm 119:89, the psalmist said, Forever, 0 Lord, Your
certainly needed more than natural boldness.
word is settled in heaven. Nothing that happens on earth can ever
change the smallest little sign or letter of the Word of God. It is
But with regard to any kind of manifestation, there are two questions forever settled in heaven.
that I always want to ask. Number one: Is it a manifestation of the
Holy Spirit of God? Or is it a manifestation from some other source?
Now, the Bible speaks about signs and wonders. It says some things
And number two (and this is related to it): Is the manifestation in
about them that are good, and some that are very frightening. I want
question in harmony with Scripture?
to turn to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and read a few verses there,
beginning at verse 9.
In 2 Timothy 3:16, Paul says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of
God. In other words, the Holy Spirit is the author of all Scripture, and
He never says or does anything to contradict Himself. Every genuine
The coming of the lawless one [that is the title of the Antichrist] is Scripture, and anybody who tells us not to test things is, himself, not
according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying in harmony with Scripture.
wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who
perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they Our hearts cannot be relied upon to give us the truth. Proverbs 28:26
might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong says, He who trusts in his own heart is a fool. So do not be a fool. Do
delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be not trust your own heart. Do not rely upon what your heart tells you,
condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in because it is not reliable. Again, in Jeremiah 17:9 the prophet says,
unrighteousness. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who
can know it?
So, Paul says here there are such things as lying signs and wonders.
There are true signs and there are lying signs. True signs attest the That word deceitful in the Hebrew is a very interesting word. In
truth. Lying signs attest lies. Satan is fully capable of supernatural 1946, I was attending the Hebrew University in Jerusalem as a guest
signs and wonders. Unfortunately, many in the Charismatic student studying the nature or the law of the Hebrew language. I
movement have the attitude that if something is supernatural, it was listening to the head professor in this field at that time talking
must be from God. There is no scriptural basis for that assumption. about this verse: Jeremiah 17:9: The heart is deceitful above all
Satan is perfectly capable of producing powerful signs and wonders things. He gave reasons which I cannot carry over from Hebrew to
to attest his lies, and the reason such people are deceived is because show that this form of the word deceitful is active, not passive. It
they did not receive the love of the truth. On such people God will does not mean that your heart is deceived. It means that your heart
send strong delusion. deceives you, so you cannot trust your own heart.
That is one of the most frightening statements in the Bible. If God The professor gave a very vivid picture of what it means to find out
sends you strong delusion, you will be deluded. I think that is one of the truth about your own heart. He said it is like someone peeling an
the most severe judgments of God recorded in Scripture, sending onion. You peel off skin after skin, but you never know when you
these people strong delusion. They will be condemned, these people, have reached the last skin and all the time your eyes are watering.
because they did not believe the truth but had pleasure in So that has remained with me now for 50 years such a vivid,
unrighteousness. scriptural warning against relying on my own heart to tell me the
truth. There is only one source of truth, and that is the Scripture.
Therefore, signs and wonders are not a guarantee that something is
the truth. There is only one sure way to know the truth. It is in the
Word of God. Jesus said in John 8:32, "You shall know the truth, and
the truth shall make you free." There is no other way to be sure that Mixture Produces Confusion and Division
we can escape deception in these days except that we know and
apply the truth of God's Word, the Scripture.
Now, I would like to give briefly my summation of this whole
In 1994, for the first time, I was brought into fairly direct contact
phenomenon /movement/whateveryouwanttocallit, based partly
with one of the groups where those manifestations were occurring. A
on personal observation and partly on what I believe to be reliable
group of leaders went to some of their meetings and returned all
reports. My summation is very simple: it is a mixture of spirits, both
excited, saying they had experienced something wonderful and we all
the Holy Spirit and unholy spirits. They are mixed together.
needed to experience it. They said, "Now, you don't test it. You don't
try it out. You don't examine it. You just open up to it and receive it."
That was the first time that I really began to be suspicious of some of In Leviticus 19:19, God warns us against mixture. He is opposed to
these things, because such a statement is directly contrary to mixture. God says this, "You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let
Scripture. your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field
with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come
upon you." So, God warns against three things: breeding mixed
In I Thessalonians 5:21, Paul says to Christians, Test all things: hold
livestock, sowing with mixed seed and wearing a mixed garment.
fast what is good. So, if we do not test things, we are disobeying
We could say that sowing with mixed seed represents the message After the meeting, Sister White comes to me and says, "Brother
that we bring, when it is partly truth and partly error. Wearing a Prince, how could you talk to Sister Jones like that? Don't you
mixed garment would be like a lifestyle that is partly scriptural and remember that beautiful prophecy she gave two Sundays ago?" And
partly of this world. And letting livestock breed with livestock of an when Sister White is gone, Brother Black comes to me, and he says,
incompatible kind would be equivalent to a Christian ministry or "If that's the kind of revelation she has, I won't listen to any more of
group aligning itself with a group or ministry that is nonChristian. her prophecies!"
It is an interesting thing about such breeding; its product is always So, you see what we have? Confusion, and out of confusion, division.
sterile. For instance, you can mate a horse with a donkey and the I believe that is exactly what is happening in the church: confusion
product is a mule. But a mule is always sterile; it cannot reproduce. I resulting in division. Certainly there is tremendous division! I believe
think that is one reason why there are so many "sterile" operations in confusion will always produce division.
Christendom they are being bred with the wrong mate.
The Bible gives us no liberty to tolerate the incursion of evil into the
Now, I have observed this carefully, and I have had grievous church. We are not to be passive; we are not to be neutral. Proverbs
experience of this condition of a mixture of spirits. I find that it is 8:13 says, The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. It is sinful to
something which the Scripture warns us against. For instance, there compromise with evil. It is sinful to be neutral toward evil. In John
is a character in the Bible, King Saul, who had a mixture of spirits. At 10:10 Jesus spoke about the thief, the devil, who comes: to steal, to
one time, he prophesied in the Holy Spirit; at another time, he kill and to destroy. We always need to remember, whether it is in an
prophesied in a demon. His career is really a warning. He was a king individual life or in a congregation, the devil only comes with three
who ruled for forty years. He was a successful military commander. objectives: to steal, to kill and to destroy.
He had a lot of successes. But mixture was his undoing, and his life
closed with tragedy. On the last night of his life, he went to consult a I can remember many times I have been speaking with a person who
witch, and the next day he committed suicide on the battlefield. needed deliverance from an evil spirit, and I have said to that
Surely that offers no encouragement to any of us to cultivate any person, "Remember, the devil has three reasons for being in your
kind of spiritual mixture in our lives. life: to steal, to kill and to destroy. You need to take a stand against
him, not be neutral you must drive him out." What is true of an
I have observed that the result of mixture is two things: first of all, individual is true of a congregation. It is true for the body of Christ,
confusion; and then division. For instance, we have this mixed worldwide.
message, part of which is true, part of which is false. People can
respond in two ways. Some will see the good and focus on it, and Some of these unusual manifestations have been compared with
therefore accept the bad. Some will focus on the bad, and therefore unusual manifestations that accompanied the ministry of John
reject the good. In either case, it does not accomplish God's Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards and Charles Finney.
purposes. Undoubtedly there were unusual manifestations in the ministries of
those four men, and I have studied some of them myself, but I think
Once upon a time I was a pastor, a long time ago, but I remember the differences are greater than the similarities with the present
that the most difficult kind of people to deal with were people who situation. Let me point out to you three differences:
were a mixture. I will give you a little imaginary example. We have
Sister Jones in our congregation. One Sunday she gives a beautiful, First of all, all those men majored on the strong preaching of God's
prophetic message and everybody is uplifted, excited. But two Word. They hardly did anything until they had preached the Word of
Sundays later, she stands up and gives a revelation which she had in God, or apart from the preaching of the Word of God. Finney,
a dream. The further she goes with this revelation, the more himself, commented somewhere about his ministry, "I usually spoke
confused and confusing it becomes. Eventually, as pastor, I have to an hour or two." I do not know how many contemporary Christians in
say to her, "Sister Jones, I thank you, but I really don't believe that the West would listen to a twohour sermon, but Finney gave the
is from the Lord," and she sits down but that is not the end. Word in its purity and in its power.
Second difference: All those men made a strong call for repentance. So, although it was not a meeting for which we were responsible, we
That was their primary demand on the people to whom they went over quietly and started to talk to her. We discovered very
ministered. Some people call what we are seeing today "a quickly that she was speaking in a tongue, but for both of us it was
refreshing," but in Acts 3:19 Peter says that refreshing must be evident that it was a false tongue; it was not a Holy Spirit tongue.
preceded by repentance. Any refreshing that bypasses repentance is We challenged her to confess that Jesus is Lord, and she was not
not scriptural. willing or able to say that. So I conclude that she had a false spirit.
The third difference is that in the ministry of those men, there is no Later on, the people who were with her came over and talked to us
record as far as I know that any of them laid hands on people. I am and asked us what they should do about it. I asked them, "How did it
not saying that it is unscriptural to lay hands on people, but there is happen?" And they said, "Well, she went to a church that's involved
a difference. There is a situation in which people receive directly for in this move and somebody laid hands on her and this is the way she
themselves from the preached Word and another situation in which has been since then. But," they said, "she's convinced it's from God.
people have hands laid on them by others. We can't help her." That is just an example of "rain" that came
through a "cistern" that was not pure.
If I could take a simple example. It is like rain. If you are out in the
open and the rain falls upon you, you have received your rain direct Also, in the present move, there is a great deal of emphasis on love.
from heaven. But, on the other hand, if rain is caught and stored in I agree that love is the greatest thing. But the trouble is that people
some kind of a cistern, then you are not receiving that rain direct are not always clear about the nature of love as it is described in the
from heaven. You have to take into account the cistern and the pipes New Testament. First of all, love in us is expressed by obedience to
through which you receive the rain. the Lord. Any kind of love that does not result in obedience is
unscriptural love.
This is very vivid for me, because my first wife, Lydia, and I lived in
Kenya for five years in a house where our water came from rain In John 14:15, Jesus said to His disciples, "If you love Me, keep My
caught on the roof and channeled into concrete cisterns. Although commandments," or, in a perhaps better text, "You will keep My
the water came from heaven, we quickly learned by experience that commandments." In other words, what is the evidence that you love
if it stayed for any length of time in the cistern, worms developed in Him? The evidence is keeping His commandments. Then in verse
it and, consequently, we always had to boil our drinking water. There 21a. Jesus says, "He who has My commandments and keeps them. it
was nothing wrong with the rain as it came down, but something is he who loves Me." And in 1 John 5:3, it says, For this is the love of
happened in the channel through which the rain came to us, and it God, that we keep His commandments. Therefore, any kind of love
was no longer pure. I think this can be true of laying on of hands. It that does not result in obedience to the will of God revealed in His
is a channel which is not always pure. Word is not scriptural love. It is a counterfeit, a substitute for the real
Recently some ministers have moved from actually laying on hands
to some other action of the hands such as waving or pointing. Then, we need to consider the way that God expresses His love
However, this does not change the fact that something is being toward us. True, God is our Father, and He loves us. But as a Father,
transmitted through the hands. Otherwise, there is no reason to use if necessary, He is prepared to discipline us. In the messages to the
the hands at all. The important question still remains: Are those seven churches depicted in Revelation, I would say that Laodicea is
hands pure channels through which only the Holy Spirit can flow? probably the one that corresponds most closely to the contemporary
church in the West. And to that church the Lord said, "As many as I
For instance, Ruth and I were in a meeting fairly recently where love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent" (Rev.
ministers deeply involved in the current move were speaking. We 3:19).
were sitting about two rows behind a woman who was having a
terrible experience. She was like somebody continually trying to burp So, God's love is not sloppy. It is not sentimental. It is right downto
or trying to vomit, and she just went on and on and on. Eventually, I earth. If we are straying from His ways and if we are disobedient, His
said to Ruth, "I think we ought to try to help her." love is expressed in rebuking us and chastening us, and He
commands us to repent. Once again we have the problem of trying to
get what God promises, but bypassing the basic condition of We need to be on our guard, therefore, that we do not entertain a
repentance which is a deception. counterfeit "holy spirit." I want to suggest to you three ways to
identify the Holy Spirit, to recognize who the Holy Spirit is.
I recently read the following comment by a British Bible teacher:
The first way I refer to in my little booklet Uproar in the Church,
Some Christians take the text "God is love" and turn it around to which I wrote about two years ago. I will just quote a few
mean "Love is God." In other words, nothing can be wrong if it is paragraphs:
rooted in love. However, any love that comes between us and God is
an illegitimate love ... Another danger that threatens those who minister in the supernatural
realm is the temptation to use spiritual gifts to manipulate or exploit
Likewise any love that diverts us from obedience to God's Word is or dominate people. At one period in my ministry I found myself
illegitimate. casting spirits of witchcraft out of churchgoing people. Eventually, I
asked the Lord to show me the true nature of witchcraft.
I believe the Lord gave me the following definition: Witchcraft is the
The Identity of the Holy Spirit attempt to control people and get them to do what you want by the
use of any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit.
After I had digested this, the Lord added: And if anyone has a
In all of this that we are speaking about. this worldwide
spirit that he can use, it is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit
phenomenon, I believe there is one, central, underlying issue, which
is God, and no one uses God.
is often obscured. In fact, very seldom do we come really to grips
with this issue.This issue is the identity of the Holy Spirit. How do
we recognize the Holy Spirit? How do we know what the Holy Spirit is That is very important. The Holy Spirit is God, and no one uses God.
like? And how do we distinguish the Holy Spirit from other spirits?
Then I went on to say,
I read a statement recently by some NewAger in which she said
about the "New Age," "When the holy spirit comes, then the New Age Today I tremble inwardly when I see or hear of a person who claims
will be here." Of course I am sure most of you would understand that that he has spiritual gifts which he is free to use just as he pleases. It
when she talks about the holy spirit, she is not talking about the is surely no accident that some of those who have made such claims
same Holy Spirit that the Bible speaks about. This is one of various have ended in serious doctrinal error.
indications that there is a counterfeit holy spirit.
It is important to see that there is a difference between the Holy
It is nothing new for Satan to produce a religious counterfeit. Since Spirit Himself, as a Person, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In
the time of Jesus, history records a whole series of counterfeit Romans 11:29, Paul tells us that the gifts ... of God are irrevocable.
messiahs who have risen among the Jewish people. All of them had a In other words, once God has given us a gift, He never takes it back.
following. Some like Sabbetai Zvi, had a widespread and enduring We are free to use it, not to use it, or to misuse it. But even if we
influence. The latest of them died in 1994. misuse it, God does not take it back. Otherwise it would not be a
genuine gift, it would only be a conditional loan.
Another religious counterfiet is the being titled the "blessed virgin
Mary." With all the claims that have been made for her and all the It is a fact that people do misuse gifts of the Holy Spirit. Paul
titles that have been ascribed to her, she bears no resemblance to provides a clear example in I Corinthians 13:1:
the humble Jewish maiden who became the mother of Jesus, and
later of His brothers and sisters. Yet over the centuries this Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not
counterfeit has claimed the devotion of millions of sincere Christians. love, I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
Obviously the Holy Spirit Himself does not become a clanging is not the Holy Spirit. It is contrary to His whole nature and
cymbal. But the gift of speaking in tongues when misused can purpose. Once you have grasped that, it will open your eyes to many
become an empty, discordant noise. Unfortunately this often happens things which are going on in the church that are otherwise difficult to
in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles. understand.
I believe it is possible to misuse other spiritual gifts such as a word For example, we have a very beautiful chorus that we sing about the
of knowledge or a gift of healing. This can happen when a person Father, the Son and the Spirit. The first verse says to the Father,
uses a spiritual gift to achieve a result or promote a movement which "Glorify Thy name in all the earth." The second verse says to Jesus
is not in harmony with the will of God. One obvious misuse would be the Son, "Glorify Thy name in all the earth." The third verse says to
for personal gain. the Spirit, "Glorify Thy name in all the earth." I love to sing the first
two verses, but I decline to sing the third verse, because I do not
In such a situation, our safeguard is to be able to recognize the Holy believe it is scriptural. The Holy Spirit never does glorify His own
Spirit as a Person and to distinguish between Him and His gifts. This, name. His purpose is to glorify the One who sent Him.
then, is the first and most important fact about the Holy Spirit: HE IS
GOD. And we need to relate to Him and treat Him always as God. Let me make another statement which may surprise you. I have not
found in the Scripture anywhere an example of a prayer addressed to
The second fact about the Holy Spirit is that He is the servant of God the Holy Spirit. So far as I can understand, no one in the Scripture
the Father and God the Son. This is an exciting revelation because it ever prayed to the Holy Spirit. You probably would do well to check
gives such a high value to servanthood. Many people today despise that for yourself, but I have looked carefully and have not found one
the idea of being a servant. They feel it is demeaning and undignified example.
to be a servant. But I think it is wonderful that servanthood did not
begin on earth. It began in eternity and it began in God. God the You might ask, "Why so?" And I would give you this answer: It is a
Holy Spirit is the Servant of the Father and the Son. This does not question of heavenly "protocol." There is so little respect nowadays
demean Him or make Him less than God. But it is a fact that we have for protocol on earth that we sometimes do not realize that there is
to recognize about Him, which directs His activities and the things He protocol in heaven. It is protocol relating to a masterservant
does. relationship. In such a relationship, when you are dealing with a
servant, you do not speak to the servant, but to the master. You ask
In John 16:1314 Jesus gives us a glimpse of the Holy Spirit's the master to tell his servant what to do. It is wrong to directly
ministry and activity: address a servant when his master is available for you to speak to.
"However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you I believe that is heaven's protocol. When you recognize the
into all truth: for He will not speak on His own authority [literally: relationship of the Holy Spirit to God the Father and God the Son,
from Himself] but whatever He hears He will speak: and He will tell you understand that we never give orders to the Holy Spirit. When
you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is we want the Holy Spirit to do something, we address our request to
Mine and declare it to you." the Father or to the Son.
So we see: the Holy Spirit does not speak from Himself; He has no When I was looking through this, I found a passage in Ezekiel
message of His own. Isn't that remarkable? He only reports to us chapter 37 which I thought, at first, was an exception. It is part of
what He is hearing from the Father and the Son. Secondly, His aim is Ezekiel's wellknown vision of the valley full of dry bones with no life
not to glorify Himself, nor to attract attention to Himself, but always in them. First of all, he prophesied and the bones came together, but
He glorifies and focuses attention on Jesus. That is the second they were still lifeless corpses. Then, in verses 9 and 10:
important way to identify the Holy Spirit.
Also He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man,
Now, I want you to listen to this carefully, because it is revolutionary. and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Come from the four
Any spirit that focuses on the Holy Spirit and glorifies the Holy Spirit winds, 0 breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live."'" So
I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and selfassertive sham stupid
they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. degrading vulgar silly
flippant indecent degraded
So, I thought that the "breath" is really a picture of the wind or the
Holy Spirit and so Ezekiel was praying to the wind. But he was not I have in my heart, if God wills and I live, to write a book at some
praying. He was prophesying. And it did not come from himself. He time of which I have already chosen the title. The title is this:
merely passed on to the wind a command that he had received from Holiness Is Not Optional. Only God knows whether I will ever succeed
God Himself. Therefore, as far as I have been able to discover, there in writing the book, but I want to say, in any case, that the title
is not a single example anywhere in the Scripture of praying to the states the exact truth. In the Christian life, holiness is not
Holy Spirit. optional. Many Christians seem to think about holiness as if it is like
something added to a car, such as fancy leather upholstery instead of
Now, I am not seeking to make a big issue out of that. On the other the normal kind of plastic. But that is not true. Holiness is an
hand, I think it is very important as we try to discern the nature and essential part of salvation. In Hebrews 12:14 the writer says, Pursue
the ministry of the Holy Spirit. You would say to me, "Well, doesn't peace with all people, and holiness, without which no man will see
God hear our prayer when we pray to the Holy Spirit?" I think He the Lord. What salvation do we have that does not bring us to see
does. But we are not praying in full accord with heaven's protocol. If the Lord? But without holiness, no one will see the Lord.
we really want to please the Lord and show respect for Him, we will
show respect for His protocol. We have in our contemporary Western Christianity a very incomplete
picture of salvation. "If I get saved and born again, and then I want
The third important fact about the Holy Spirit is what is indicated in to go on and be holy. I can do it but it is an option." I want to tell
His name: He is Holy. This is His primary title: the Holy Spirit. In you that your salvation depends on your being holy. And holiness
Hebrew it is the Spirit of Holiness. He has many other titles: for comes only from the Holy Spirit.
instance, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Power,
and so on, But they are all subsidiary. His name and His primary title There are many features of purported moves of the Holy Spirit that I
is the Holy Spirit. Anything that is unholy does not proceed from the could pick out and hold up as examples of things that are not holy.
Holy Spirit. But I will only deal with one, and that is: animal behavior in human
beings attributed to the Holy Spirit. There are many such examples,
The Scripture also speaks of the beauty of holiness. There is a beauty some I have witnessed and some have been reported.
in holiness when it proceeds from the Holy Spirit. It is not necessarily
external. It may be internal beauty. For instance, in I Peter 3:4, First of all, there is no passage in Scripture that I know of where the
Peter speaks about the hidden person of the heart, and he speaks Holy Spirit causes any human being to behave like an animal. There
about the adornment of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of is the example of Balaam, but that is a strong contrast. God caused
God is of great price. This is not external beauty. It is internal Balaam's donkey to speak like a man but He never caused Balaam
beauty, which comes from the Holy Spirit. to bray like a donkey!
I want to say, however, with the utmost emphasis: Anything There was one man whom God caused to behave like an animal:
unholy or ugly does not proceed from the Holy Spirit. Nebuchadnezzar.
I will give you a list of 12 adjectives, all of which I believe cannot be He was driven from men and ate grass like oxen; his body was wet
applied to the Holy Spirit or to anything that is the product of the with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown like eagles' feathers
Holy Spirit. As I go through the list, I suggest you check mentally and his nails like birds' claws.
and see if you agree with me. Here, then, are words that would (Daniel 4:33)
never apply to the Holy Spirit:
But that was God's judgment, not His blessing! Revelation 4:68
selfexalting rude insensitive depicts four living creatures that surround the throne of God. Three
are there as representatives of the "animal" kingdom: a lion, a calf elephant spirit to come out. Immediately she dropped on her hands
and an eagle. But none of them make noises that express their and knees, crawled out through an open door, put her forehead up
"animal" nature. All of them alike proclaim the holiness of God in against a small tree, and began to try to push it down. Wasn't that
pure and beautiful speech. remarkable?
It is important to understand that there is an order in God's creation. Perhaps some wellmeaning Western Christian might have said, "Our
Man was created in the image and likeness of God to exercise sister is pushing a tree down for Jesus," but that was not the
authority over the animal kingdom (see Genesis 1:26). Man is, in explanation. The elephant spirit in her was causing her to do what
fact, the highest order of the creation described in the opening elephants regularly do, which is push down trees with their
chapters of Genesis. This has a bearing on the way the Holy Spirit foreheads. As soon as she was delivered from that spirit, she no
blesses us. He uplifts those whom He blesses. He will at times cause longer had any urge to push trees down with her forehead.
an animal to act in some ways like a human being. But He will never
degrade a human being by causing him to act like an animal. In the West, we sometimes tend to speak about the people in Africa
as unsophisticated and to consider ourselves more sophisticated.
I have a certain amount of experience in this area because I have However, I think in this realm of animal spirits it is we, in the West,
encountered animal spirits many times in Africa. I recall one who are unsophisticated and the Africans who are sophisticated. They
particular deliverance service that I held in Zambia with about 7,000 have lived for generations with such spirits, but until the gospel
Africans present. When I had finished the teaching and began to came, with the power of the name of Jesus and the Word of God,
command the evil spirits to manifest themselves and come out of the they had no way to deal with them. Thank God that many of them
people, there were all sorts of animal spirits that were let loose. By now know how to deal with them!
"animal spirits" I mean evil, demonic spirits that enter human beings
and cause them to behave like animals. Another example of which various reports have been given is people
behaving like dogs. I am a dog lover, but I think dogs should be kept
The first thing that happened was that a man with a "lion spirit" tried in their rightful place. I do not believe that the Holy Spirit ever
to charge me. But someone tripped him up and he did not reach me. causes anybody to bark or to run around like a dog.
You need to know that the reason these Africans in this part of Africa Where such manifestations of animal spirits have occurred, there are
have so many animal spirits is because many of them are hunters of certain steps that we need to take. We cannot tolerate or encourage
animals. They have this superstition that in order to hunt an animal such manifestations. Nor can we merely sweep all this under the
successfully, you have to get the spirit of the animal in you. So a carpet and go on as if nothing had happened.
man tends to have the spirit of the animal which he seeks to hunt.
For instance, the man who is hunting a lion, will get a lion spirit. In Matthew 12:33, Jesus instructs us:
There are many others. We dealt with spirits of wild boars that "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree
caused people to burrow in the earth with their noses like a wild boar bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit."
rooting for something. Then there were many snake spirits. These
were mainly in women, and when they were manifested, the women Wherever there is bad fruit, it comes from a bad tree. It is not
were flat on their bellies slithering around like snakes. All these I enough to get rid of the bad fruit. We must also cut down the bad
actually witnessed myself. tree that produced it. If we fail to do this, the bad tree will go on
producing more bad fruit.
There was one other spirit that I did not witness, but heard about
from the missionary couple who organized the meeting. Later I met Undoubtedly the tree that produces animal behavior of this kind is
the lady concerned. She was a very sweet Christian lady a school some form of occult or pagan practice. For instance, there are
teacher but her husband was an elephant hunter. When she came frequent manifestations of animal behavior in some parts of Africa
to the missionary couple for deliverance, they commanded the and India.
To cut down the tree requires that the leaders responsible identify "Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven
the problem, confess it as sin and repent of it. Nowhere in the Bible men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.
is there any ground to suppose that God will forgive sins that we are Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven
not willing to confess. him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit it will not be
forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come."
Somebody has said, "The confession must be as wide as the
transgression." If leaders have tolerated these things in the presence That is a very solemn and frightening warning. We are warned by
of their people, then in the presence of their people they need to Jesus Himself to be very, very careful how we speak about the Holy
confess it as a sin and cancel it. Otherwise, if the bad tree is not cut Spirit, how we represent the Holy Spirit.
down, it will go on producing bad fruit.
Jesus uses the word blasphemy, and I decided to look it up in my big
In closing, I want to give a little "parable" of my own construction, Greek lexicon. The primary meaning of to blaspheme is given in the
which is about my relationship with my wife. In this parable my wife lexicon as this: to speak lightly or amiss of sacred things. So when
represents the Holy Spirit and I represent God. Now please you speak lightly or amiss concerning the Holy Spirit, or misrepresent
understand, this is a very simple little parable and I am fully aware the character of the Holy Spirit, by definition you are close to
that the Holy Spirit is not the wife of God. But with those cautions, blaspheming.
let me relate the parable.
If you have ever done that, or been prone to do it, or been
A friend comes to me and says, "I saw you and your wife together on associated with those who do it, I want to offer you some sincere
the platform the other evening and she looked so beautiful, so fresh, advice: You need to repent. You need to settle that matter once and
so full of the Holy Spirit." So I say, "Thank you. That's really how she for all with God and never again be guilty of misrepresenting God's
is." Then, a little later, the same man comes to me and says, "You Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit is holy and He is God.
know, yesterday I saw your wife in a bar with a man drinking." And I
say, "That was not my wife! My wife is a pure and godly woman. She
does not go to bars and she does not drink with strangers. My wife
was right here with me all day yesterday. Don't speak that way about
my wife!"
Chapter 2
But a little later, he comes to me and says, "You know, I saw your
wife yesterday sunbathing topless on the beach." Then I get really Table of Contents
angry. I say to him, "My wife was nowhere near the beach yesterday,
and she would never expose herself like that! If you want to remain Chapter 1: Let Us Honor God's Holy Spirit
my friend, you've got to come to the place where you don't identify Signs and Wonders Do Not Determine Truth
that loose, immoral woman as my wife, because that's an insult to Mixture Produces Confusion and Division
her and to me, If you want to remain my friend, you've got to change The Identity of the Holy Spirit
the way you speak about my wife."
Chapter 2: Earthly, Soulish, Demonic
The application, of course, is this: if you want to remain a friend of Understanding the Human Personality
God, you cannot afford to identify His Holy Spirit as something that is From Rebellion to Salvation
loose or immoral or ugly or unholy, because that angers God Discerning Between Soul and Spirit
intensely. From Earthly to Soulish to Demonic
Is There a Way to Protect Ourselves?
Now we come to one final Scripture, which is in Matthew 12:3132. Five Movements that Went Astray
Jesus says,
Chapter 3: Four Safeguards
No. 1: Humble Ourselves
No. 2: Receive the Love of the Truth appearance of God. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head,
No. 3: Cultivate the Fear of the Lord since he is the image and glory of God ... (1 Corinthians 11:7).
No. 4: Make and Keep the Cross Central
The other phrase that is used is not image but likeness. Likeness, I
believe, represents the inner structure of the Godhead. The structure
of the Godhead is triune: Father, Son and Spirit. In that likeness man
Earthly, Soulish, Demonic was created a triune being spirit, soul and body. So man, in a
unique way, represents God to the creation over which God set him
Our proclamation this morning is I Thessalonians 5:2324: as a ruler: in his outward appearance and in his inner composition.
We are not going to deal with the outward appearance, but with the
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify us completely; and may inner structure of human personality, which is threefold: spirit, soul
our whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the and body.
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls us is faithful, who also
will do it. Amen. If we go back to the creation, we can trace the origin of each. The
spirit came from the inbreathed breath of God. When God breathed
We will carry on from yesterday evening, when I did my best to into Adam, that produced spirit in Adam. Incidentally, the words for
analyze what I consider to be a problem. This morning I purpose to spirit and breath are the same both in Hebrew and in Greek.
analyze how this problem arises in terms of Scripture. This is very
important because the problem continues to arise. I will give you five The body was clay infused with divine life. The soul came about
examples of the same problem arising in the last fifty years in the through the union of spirit and body. The soul is the part that is
Charismatic movement. I feel that if we can analyze the problem, difficult to understand. It is the unique, individual ego the thing in
then the next step is to avoid it. So, what I have to say is entirely each of us that can say, "I will" or "I won't." It is usually defined as
practical, I hope. consisting of the will, the emotions and the intellect. So, very simply,
these are represented in three verbal statements: "I want," "I think,"
"I feel." That is the nature of the soul. Those who are separated from
God by sin are dominated by their soul. You will find, if you analyze
Understanding the Human Personality it, that the life and actions of the natural man are controlled by those
three things: "I want," "I think," "I feel."
Now, let us consider what happened to Adam and Eve through sin.
Today I want to deal with the total human personality. And
First of all, the spirit died. God said in Genesis 2:17 to Adam, "The
particularly, two elements of human personality. If we don't
day you eat of that fruit you will die." Adam did not die physically for
understand ourselves and how we are made up, we have a problem.
more than 900 years, but he died spiritually the moment he
The total human personality, I believe, is unfolded in the verse that
disobeyed God.
we quoted: Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify us
completely, and may our whole spirit, soul and body be preserved
blameless. So completely means our whole spirit, soul and body. At the same time, Adam's soul became a rebel. We have to bear in
mind that every descendant of Adam, male or female, has in him or
her the nature of a rebel. That is our biggest single problem. For that
It says in Genesis chapter one that God decided to create man in His
reason, it is not sufficient merely to have our sins forgiven, though
own image and in His likeness (Genesis 1:26). His image would refer
that is wonderful. But the rebel has to be put to death, and that is
to His outward appearance. There is something in the outward
part of the provision of the gospel.
appearance of man that reflects the outward appearance of God. Let
me point it out this way: it was appropriate that the Son of God
should be manifested in the form of a male human being. He could Let me just look at two passages in Ephesians which deal with both
not have come in the form of an ox or a beetle, because the male of these conditions: the death of the spirit and the rebellion of the
human being, in a sense, represents the image or the outward
soul. In Ephesians 2:13, speaking to believers who have come alive All that is in the past tense. So, if we can accept it, spiritually we are
in Christ, Paul says: seated with Christ upon the throne. But the thing that I want to
emphasize now is: we have been made alive!
And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, [They
were not physically dead, but they were spiritually dead in trespasses Now, the soul, through repentance, is reconciled to God. It is very
and sins. And it was the new birth that brought them back to life. important to emphasize repentance. A rebel cannot be reconciled to
Then it says about these sins:] in which you once walked according God as long as he remains a rebel. So one of the things that is
to the course of this world. according to the prince of the power of involved in salvation is that we lay down our rebellion. Lots of
the air [that's Satan], the spirit who now works in the sons of people who claim to be born again and saved have, in actual fact,
disobedience, among whom also we all [that includes the apostle never renounced their rebellion. They have an outward form of
Paul] once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the Christianity, but the inner reality is not there. Let us look in Romans
desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of chapter 5 for a moment. Romans 5:1:
wrath, just as the others.
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God
There is a picture of the whole human race in rebellion against God through our Lord Jesus Christ....
and, because of the rebellion, dead in trespasses and sins. That is the
outcome of sin. The spirit dies; the soul becomes a rebel in rebellion We were at war with God. Now we have been justified by faith we
against his Creator. have peace with God. Then in verse 11 it says:
What happens to the body? It becomes what the Bible calls And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus
corruptible. That means it is subject to sickness, aging and ultimately Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
death. But, as I pointed out, the death of Adam did not take place
physically for more than 900 years. The death that Adam We were at war with God; we have been reconciled.
experienced when he disobeyed God was probably what the Bible
would call the first death. Then the New Testament speaks of the
Then, what happens to the body through salvation? It becomes a
second death (Revelation 20:6,14), which I believe is the final
temple for the Holy Spirit. I think this is very important. A lot of
separation of the rebellious spirit and soul from God forever.
believers do not realize that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,
and that we have to treat them with reverence. In I Corinthians
6:1920 Paul begins, Do you not know ... ? a phrase that he must
From Rebellion to Salvation use at least a half a dozen times. My observation is that every time
he says, Do you not know ...? most Christians do not know.
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who
Now, what happens when we get saved? To our spirit? It is made is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For
alive. We have become alive again in spirit, in Christ. Let me read you were bought at a price: therefore glorify God in your body ...
Ephesians 2:45:
Let us sum up what happens at salvation:
But God. who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which
He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive Our spirit is made alive.
together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us Our soul is reconciled with God
up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in And our body is made a temple for the Holy Spirit and also becomes
Christ Jesus.... eligible for the first resurrection.
So, God made us alive. That is not all He did. We do not have time to In Philippians 3:1011 Paul says that our body is made eligible for
analyze this, but He also resurrected us, and then He enthroned us. the first resurrection and that this is the goal of his Christian life:
... that I may know Him [that is, Jesus] and the power of His his soul activated his body. So the spirit in this present creation
resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to moves upon the body through the soul. We will come back to that in
His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the a moment because the New Testament speaks about a soulish body
dead. and a spiritual body.
The word used means the outresurrection, not the final, complete To take a very crude example. I think the soul is like the gear lever
resurrection, but the resurrection which is only of true believers. I am in the car. You sit in the driver's seat, switch on the engine, but to
always impressed by the fact that Paul did not take it for granted. He get the car moving, you have to use the gear lever. The gear lever is
said, "My purpose is so to live that I may qualify for the first the soul. The spirit is there, but it can not move the car without the
resurrection." I really do not believe we can take it for granted. It soul.
depends on how we live,
My purpose in all of this is to come to the place where we can
Now, what are the functions of these three elements? First of all, the distinguish between the spirit and the soul, but that is not easy. In
spirit. The spirit is capable of direct communion with God and fact, there is only one way we can do it effectively, which we find in
worship. It is the part of man that originated from God and can Hebrews 4:12:
return to God in fellowship and worship. This is stated in 1
Corinthians 6:17, a very important verse: For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any
twoedged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and
But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents
of the heart.
In my opinion, it would be completely incorrect to say one soul. It is
one spirit. If you take that in its context, Paul is talking about a man Notice the word even. The Word of God is the only instrument which
being joined to a prostitute and he says that is a physical union, but is sensitive enough and sharp enough to penetrate, to divide,
what he is talking about is a spiritual union. If you take that picture, between soul and spirit. In no other way can we understand the
it becomes clear that it is a very real union. But it is only the spirit different functions of soul and spirit, and the relationship between
that can be united with God. The soul cannot, the body cannot. them, except by the Word of God. You cannot rely on your own
Because of that, the spirit, and the spirit alone, I believe, is capable understanding, your own feelings. They are not reliable. The only
of true worship. In John 4:2324 Jesus says: reliable discerner is the Word of God. But, to use the Word of God as
a discerner, two conditions are set. They are found in Hebrews 5:13
"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will 14, where the writer is talking about the difference between mature
worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such and immature Christians.
to worship Him. [That to me is a staggering statement. Almighty
God, who created the universe, is looking for people who will worship For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of
Him. And then it says:] God is Spirit, and those who worship Him righteousness, for he is a babe. [Those who can only feed on milk are
must worship in spirit and truth." still babies. Then he goes on to say:] But solid food belongs to those
who are of full age [or who are mature], that is, those who by reason
The spirit is the element in us which is capable of worship. The soul is of use [but the margin says "practice"] have their senses exercised to
capable of praise and thanksgiving. But only the spirit, I believe, can discern both good and evil.
offer to God the worship which is acceptable.
In other words, discernment is not something we can take for
What happens to the soul? The soul is the decisionmaking element, granted. It only comes by practice, and it only comes as we take in
and through regeneration, the soul is able to make right decisions. the whole counsel of God through His Word. If we are living like
David said in Psalm 103: Bless the Lord, 0 my soul. He was talking to babies on milk, we do not have the ability to discern. If we have
his soul. What part of him was talking to his soul? His spirit! His spirit grown beyond that, we still cannot discern unless we practice.
sensed the need to bless the Lord, but his spirit could not do it until
I would like to challenge you and ask you: Are you practicing countless different words like psychological or psychiatrist or
discernment? I think I can say of myself that, to a certain measure, I psychosomatic. A psychiatrist is a doctor of the soul, because iatros
do practice discernment. When I walk into a situation, I put up my is the Greek word for doctor.
"spiritual antennae" and I ask myself, "What are the spiritual forces
at work in this situation?" When I listen to a sermon, I not only listen All right, we have psuche and the adjective is psuchikos. Now, there
to the words, I try to discern the spirit that is coming through the is no hesitation about the translation of the noun it is "soul." But
words. what about the adjective? The problem is that English does not have
a word "soulish." I believe, therefore, that we have to create a word
But this only comes by practice. If you just walk around carelessly to translate the Bible correctly. According to my understanding, in
and casually, you will not have the ability to discern. I believe we German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian in all those
need to practice discernment in every situation. I believe languages there is a word for "soulish." But English is limping along
discernment should be as regular a part of our spiritual life as prayer. without the necessary word to convey this very important distinction.
Otherwise, we will be in trouble.
Now I will take all the places in the New Testament where the word
psuchikos or "soulish" is used and I will try to draw out the difference
between spiritual and soulish.
Discerning Between Soul and Spirit
First of all, we will take three cases where the word "soulish" is
applied to the physical body, which is perhaps a little hard to
Now I want to talk about the difference between the spiritual and the understand. I looked at five translations, and I found various
soulish, which I will illustrate from the following table: different words that are used in different versions to translate this
word psuchikos. In the original King James they use "natural" or
"sensual." In the New King James they also use "natural" or
Language Noun Adjective "sensual." But in the margin in the last case, they use "worldly." In
the New American Standard they use "natural" and in the margin
Greek pneuma pneumatikos "unspiritual." and finally, "worldly minded." In the New International
English spirit spiritual Version they use "without the spirit," "natural," "unspiritual," and
Greek psuche psuchikos then they use the phrase "follow their natural instinct." You see,
English soul soulish then, that unless we get behind the English translations, we really
cannot grasp this vital distinction between that which is spiritual and
that which is soulish.
To understand this you have to go behind translations. I will try to
explain why. In this table we have the Greek and then the English, Now we will look at the three cases where soulish is applied to a
the Greek and then the English. We have the noun and then the body, in I Corinthians 15:44 (twice) and 46. 1 have never heard
adjective. When you see them in writing, the relationship is obvious. anybody else discuss this, but I will give you my understanding and
you can accept it or reject it, as you see fit. But it is an exciting
The Greek word for spirit is pneuma, from which we get the English issue, because Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:44, referring to the
word pneumatic that is a drill that is operated by air. That is resurrection: It is sown a natural body [that is, a soulish body], it is
because pneuma means "breath," "wind" and "spirit." Now the raised a spiritual body. There is a natural [soulish] body, and there is
adjective from pneuma is pneumatikos. How do we translate that into a spiritual body. You will notice there is always the contrast between
English? We know that pneuma is "spirit." Obviously, the English the soulish and the spiritual. There is a soulish body and there is a
adjective from pneuma is ... what? Spiritual. That's right. There is no spiritual body.
Then in verse 46, Paul says: However the spiritual is not first, but the
Now we come down to the Greek word for "soul," and here is the natural [soulish], and afterward the spiritual. So our present body is
problem: the Greek word for soul is psuche, from which we get soulish; our resurrection body will be spiritual. I understand that
means we will no longer need the "gear lever." Our spirit will simply the church, the NKJ says: These are sensual persons, who cause
decide where to go, what to say, what to do, and it will happen! It divisions, not having the Spirit [capital "s"]. But very obviously, they
will be a body controlled by the spirit. are part of the church because they cause division. So we have in the
church both those who are spiritual and those who are soulish.
We do have, in Ezekiel chapter 1, a picture of some creatures which
could be represented as having spiritual bodies. To me, this is
exciting, because in the resurrection we will have a body like Jesus.
We will just go where we want. No problems about dealing with the From Earthly to Soulish to Demonic
In Ezekiel 1:12, talking about the cherubs, it says, Each one went Then, the most significant passage of all is James 3:15, which I will
straight forward; they went wherever the spirit wanted to go, and deal with at length. Talking about a certain kind of wisdom, James
they did not turn when they went. They have spiritual bodies; they says:
just go wherever the spirit wants to go. And in the same passage. in
verse 20: Wherever the spirit wanted to go, they went, because
This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual,
there the spirit went.
So, this is how I understand it. A spiritual body is a body which is
By now, you have arrived at the conclusion that sensual is soulish. So
directly motivated and controlled by the spirit. It is like a car in which
there is a kind of wisdom that is soulish. And there is a decline,
you just switch on the engine and it goes wherever you want, at
descending in three stages: first, earthly; second, soulish; third,
whatever speed. You don't have to bother with the gear lever.
demonic. I believe this is the main way in which demons get in to the
work of God ... the people of God ... the church of God. It is through
Those are the three cases where the word psuchikos is used of a this decline from the earthly to the soulish to the demonic.
body. No English translation that I know of uses the word soulish.
Consequently, the distinction is obscured.
Now let us consider what is implied. What does it mean to be
earthly? For a Christian I believe it means our vision is completely
Now, let us look at the other places where this word psuchikos is limited to this earth. We cannot see beyond this earth. All we are
used. Here we come to a point where there is a clear conflict between expecting from God through salvation are things that belong to this
the soulish and the spiritual. I Corinthians 2:1415: life: prosperity, healing, success, power who knows what? I believe
all of that is soulish.
But the natural man [but it's the soulish man] does not receive the
things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can I will take a few examples of people who were not earthly. You can
he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is find a whole list of them in Hebrews 11. In fact, you could really sum
spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged by no one. up the saints of Hebrews 11 as those who were not soulish, who were
not earthly. Here are just two examples.
So, the soulish man is not in harmony with the Spirit. He cannot
receive the things of the Spirit; he cannot understand them. You can In Hebrews 11:910, speaking about Abraham, it says:
talk to the most highlyeducated intellects and they have no ability
whatever to understand the things of the Spirit, because they are
By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country,
operating in the realm of the soul. This is important because it brings
dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the
out that there is, in a certain sense, an opposition between the
same promise; for he waited for the city which has foundations,
spiritual and the soulish
whose builder and maker is God.
Then we go on to the epistle of Jude, verse 19, which is a rather
Abraham was in the Promised Land, he knew it was promised to him,
illuminating verse. Talking about people who have made trouble in
but he did not own it and he never lived there as if he owned it. He
never bought a house. He always lived in a tent, which is something and our ambitions and our plans are focused on the things of time.
movable. Note the contrast with Lot, who separated from Abraham We are earthly.
and turned his face toward Sodom the men of Sodom were sinners
before the Lord, and exceedingly wicked and he went where his When we become earthly, what is the next step down? Soulish. What
face was turned. So the next time you read about Lot, he is not just is the essence of the soul? The ego. What is it to be soulish? It is to
looking toward Sodom, he is in Sodom, and he is living in a house be egocentric; to be absolutely concerned with number one, as they
no longer in a tent. I think Lot, in a sense, is a type of the earthly say. The soulish person says, "What's in this for me?" The spiritual
man of God. person says, "How can I glorify God?" I think you will agree I hope I
am not being cynical there is a great deal of soulishness in the
But Abraham had a vision which extended beyond time into eternity. contemporary church, defined this way.
He was waiting for a city that he had never seen but he knew one
day it would be his home. I think that is how God expects us to be as Then the soulish opens up for the demonic. When you get into the
Christians. We are not at home in this world. When we become at realm of the soulish, you are exposed to the demonic. This, I believe,
home in this world, we become soulish. is primarily what permits demons to infiltrate the people of God, the
work of God. A little later I will give you five examples of what has
My second example is Moses in Hebrews 11:27: happened in this century.
By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he Let us consider for a moment two Old Testament patterns of people
endured as seeing Him who is invisible. who moved out of the earthly into the soulish and from the soulish to
the demonic. They were very distinguished people. The first one is
Let me suggest to you that this is the key to endurance. It is looking Aaron. If you turn to Exodus 32, you will find something that always
beyond time, looking beyond the level of this life where we often will astonishes me. Here was the anointed and appointed High Priest
have a very hard time, many frustrations, many disappointments. making a golden calf. I want to analyze what it says in Exodus 32:1
What will cause us to endure? A vision that takes us beyond time. 10.
There are many other examples. Those two are just examples Moses at this time is up on the mountain. They have not seen him for
Abraham and Moses of people who were not earthly. Then there is something like forty days. So it says:
also a remarkable statement by Paul which we would do well to
ponder in 1 Corinthians 15:19: Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the
mountain, the people gathered together to Aaron, and said to him,
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most "Come, make us gods that shall go before us; for as for this Moses,
pitiable [or the most to be pitied. the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know
what has become of him."
That is a very remarkable statement. If all our Christian faith
provides for us is things in this life, we are pitiable, we are to be The very significant phrase there is "the man who brought us up out
pitied. And I have to say, I want to say it graciously, there is a good of the land of Egypt." They had lost sight of God. They were focusing
deal of teaching in the church which only focuses on what God will do on human leaders. And I believe, almost inevitably, that will lead to
for us in this life. Such people often consider themselves prosperous idolatry. When we lose our vision of God and focus on God's servants
and successful; God considers them pitiable. we are in great danger. So,
This is a very, very basic truth. Christians of previous generations Aaron said to them, "Break off the golden earrings which are in the
up to World War I were basically conscious of this fact: the world is ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters, and bring them to
not our home. But since that time, many, many Christians have lost me." So all the people broke off the golden earrings which were in
this perception and live as if we really belonged here. Our thoughts their ears, and brought them to Aaron. And he received the gold from
their hand, and he fashioned it with an engraving tool, and made a
molded calf. Then they said, "This is your god, 0 Israel, that brought Moses, "You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak
you out of the land of Egypt!" with us, lest we die." And Moses said to the people, "Do not fear; for
God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so
So when Aaron saw it [this is an amazing description when Aaron that you may not sin." So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew
saw his own calf], he built an altar before it. And Aaron made a near the thick darkness where God was.
proclamation and said, "Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord" [to Yahweh.
I mean, I find it hard to understand how Aaron could do that. But if They were so impressed by the holiness and the majesty of God that
Aaron could do it, you and I can do it. We are no better than Aaron. they said, "Moses, we can't listen to that voice any more. Will you
Probably most of us are not nearly of his caliber. please hear for us and we'll listen to what you say to us." Yet in less
than two months, they had come from that attitude to the place
Then it says:] Then they rose early on the next day, offered burnt where they wanted a golden calf to worship, where they saw not
offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to God, but Moses, as the person who had brought them out of Egypt.
eat and drink, and rose up to play.
Paul takes this up in the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 10:57.
That is the essence of idolatry: play. When our worship becomes Speaking about the experiences of Israel when they came out of
play, we have moved out of the spiritual into the soulish and, Egypt, Paul says:
ultimately, into the demonic. I do not want to appear critical, but I
have to say, to my understanding, most of what is called worship in But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies
the Charismatic movement is not worship at all. Often it is very self were scattered in the wilderness. Now these things became our
centered: "God heal me. God bless me. God, make me feel good. examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as
God do this and God do that." It is egocentric; it is soulish. Only the they also lusted. And do not become idolaters as were some of them.
spirit can focus directly on God. As it is written, "The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up
to play."
Much of the music that we have in church today appeals to the soul,
stimulates the soul, It is very much the same kind of music as is What had happened? Their physical needs had been met. Their
used in the world to stimulate the soul. stomachs were full, their bodies were warmly clothed, so, what next?
Well, let's have a little excitement! Let's play! I am so concerned
I am no expert in music, absolutely not at all. I cannot sing a note in when worship becomes play. And today much of it is. Worship has
tune. But I have a certain sensitivity to the impact of music. Having nothing to do with entertainment. Entertainment says, "Excite me.
lived five years in Africa, I am aware that certain repetitive themes Thrill me. Satisfy me." That is all for the benefit of the soul. The spirit
and rhythms can deaden your sensitivity. If you sit under that long is excluded.
enough, especially when it is very loud, you lose the capacity to
discern. And in Africa those rhythms are used to call up demons. My second example of the transition from the spiritual to the soulish
to the demonic is even more frightening. You will find it in Leviticus
What is amazing about the scene of Israel's idolatry here described is 9:23 10:2. This is a glorious moment. The people had done
the total difference between the attitude of the people when God everything that God required in the form of sacrifices, and, when
spoke from heaven and their attitude perhaps two months later. their obedience was complete, God sent His glory and burned up the
There had been the most amazing shift. In Exodus 20 when they had sacrifice on the altar.
a unique revelation from God such as no other nation has ever had,
their response was awe. fear, reverence. In Exodus 20:1821, after And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting, and came
God had pronounced the Ten Commandments from the mountain: out and blessed the people. Then the glory of the LORD appeared to
all the people, and fire came out from before the LORD and
Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the
the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces. [A manifest
people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off. Then they said to demonstration of God's glory and a fire that actually consumed the
sacrifice on the altar. Now, the next two verses are some of the most Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken,
tragic in the Bible:] let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with
reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.
Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron [and Nadab was the eldest
son he was scheduled to become high priest in place of Aaron] . . . The NIV uses the word "awe." I ask myself, and I ask you: How
Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put much awe do you find in the church today? How many meetings do
fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the LORD, you go to where there is a sense of the awesome presence of God?
which He had not commanded them. So fire went out from the LORD
and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. When we were in Britain last summer, I encountered a minister
friend who made this comment: "I meet people who talk about God
The same fire that consumed the sacrifice burned up the worshipers! as if He were someone they'd met in the pub." We have got this
What is "profane fire"? I understand it is fire that is not taken from buddybuddy relationship with Jesus. He does invite us for fellowship,
the altar that God has commanded. What is "profane fire" in our for communion, but we must never, never lose our sense of awe. I
experience? I would say it is worship in any spirit other than the Holy think that is the root of the problems we have been talking about.
Spirit. And the penalty was death.
To go back for a moment to the contemporary spiritual movements I
We read in Numbers 16:135 about an insurrection against Moses in have been describing. I could easily believe that somewhere in the
the wilderness when some of the leaders took 250 censers, filled beginning there was a genuine spontaneous move of the Holy Spirit.
them with fire and said, "We're just as good as Aaron. We've got as Part of what comes out is the Holy Spirit, but it has become mixed.
much right to be priests as he has." And Moses said, "All right. We'll Some things are from God, but others are not.
try this out." He told them to assemble with their censers with fire in
them. Then the fire of the Lord came out and consumed 250 men. Why? What is the problem? My answer is soulishness: an
The lesson for me is this: You are responsible for what is in your undiscerned downward slide from a focus on God to a focus on self,
censer. You are responsible for the spirit in which you approach God. from objective scriptural truth to subjective personal experience.
I am not saying that you will be consumed with fire, but God's All too often a sense of awe and reverence for the holiness of God
judgments are often exemplary. In other words, God did not judge has been replaced by unscriptural frivolity and flippancy. In fact, I
every city where there was homosexuality as He judged Sodom and would say that flippancy has become an epidemic disease in the
Gomorrah. But His judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah was contemporary Charismatic movement. If we have been guilty of it,
exemplary: it showed forever God's estimate of homosexuality. we need to repent.
Again, when Ananias and Sapphira tried to cheat the Lord with their God has convicted me more than once of being flippant. I have
offering, they both died because they claimed to be giving God confessed it as a sin and repented. We have to set a watch on our
more than they actually were. Not everybody who does that dies. I tongues.
think if that happened, there would be fewer people in the church.
But God's estimate of it never changes. Charles Finney once commented, "God never uses a jester to search
consciences." One characteristic ministry of the Holy Spirit is to
Here we have this demonstration of the danger of approaching God convict of sin, and of righteousness. and of judgment (John 16:8).
with what is called "profane fire": any spirit that is not the Holy Where people remain unconvicted of sin, we must question whether
Spirit. This has become so very real to me. the Holy Spirit is at Work.
Now, let us turn to Hebrews and see the New Testament application.
(You know, one of our problems is that we often read the Epistles as
if they were written to unbelievers. They were not. They were written Is There a Way to Protect Ourselves?
to Christians.) Hebrews 12:2829:
Has God provided any protection against this kind of error? Yes! But In 1 Timothy 1:16 he says:
first we must understand that error primarily attacks the area of the
soul though the spirit may also be affected later. It is the soul, However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus
therefore, that must be protected. Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are
going to believe on Him for everlasting life.
The protection which God has provided for the soul has one unique
and allsufficient basis: the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Again, in 1 Corinthians 11:1 he says, Imitate me, just as I also
imitate Christ.
In Matthew 16:2425 Jesus says:
The only alternative to the cross is to put self in the place of Christ.
"If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take But this is idolatry and opens the way for the evil consequences that
up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life invariably follow idolatry.
[literally, soul] will lose it, and whoever loses his life [literally, soul]
for My sake will find it." The cross is the heart and center of the Christian faith. Without the
cross proclaimed and applied, Christianity is left without a foundation
Here is the divine paradox: to save (protect) our soul we must lose and its claims are no longer valid. It has become, in fact, a false
it. religion. As such like all false religions it is inevitably exposed to
demonic infiltration and deception.
Before we can follow Jesus, there are two preliminary steps. First, we
must deny ourself; we must say a resolute and final "No!" to our
demanding, selfseeking ego. Second, we must take up our cross.
We must accept the sentence of death which the cross imposes on Five Movements that Went Astray
us. Taking up our cross is a voluntary decision that each of us must
make. God does not forcefully impose the cross upon us.
So now, having said that much, let me give you five examples of
If we do not apply the cross personally in our own life, we leave a movements within the Charismatic movement that have all gone the
door open to demonic influence. There is always the danger that our same way. In some way or other I have had some kind of association
uncrucified ego will respond to the seductive flatteries of deceiving with each of them.
demons. Pride is the main area in our character which Satan targets
and flattery is the main lever he uses to gain entrance.
Going back to the period shortly after World War II: in Canada, there
was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Saskatchewan which came to
We must each apply the cross personally to ourselves. In Galatians be called the "Latter Rain." It made a very powerful impact, and a lot
2:20 Paul says, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I of people went from different areas of North America to
who live.... We each need to ask: Is that true of me? Have I really Saskatchewan. I would say the essence of this movement was a full
been crucified with Christ? Or am I still motivated by my soulish ego? restoration of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Many Christians today would feel that this solution is too radical. Later I knew a man who was a president of the Full Gospel
They would question whether this is really the only way to be secure Businessmen in Chicago, a fine Christian. He described what
from deception. They tend to regard Paul as some kind of "super happened to him when he went there. He said the meetings lasted
saint" whom they could never hope to imitate. nine hours, and they were so exciting that he didn't even want to get
up and go to the bathroom. But what happened? The leader became
Paul, however, does not see himself this way. His ministry as an proud, selfassertive, and fell into immorality and thereby discredited
apostle was unique, but his personal relationship with Christ was a the gifts of the Spirit.
pattern for all to follow.
Later on, from 19571962, I was a missionary with the Pentecostal York City. They were about 2,000 miles away from New York City at
Assemblies of Canada dear people, but practically no exercise of the time.
spiritual gifts at all. So one day I said to them, "Why don't we ever
exercise spiritual gifts?" The answer was, "The 'Latter Rain' had Unfortunately, after exercising his gift two or three times, he just
them." In other words, that has made it impossible for us; we might collapsed and his men came and gathered him up and carried him
go the same way. You see, one of Satan's tactics is to discredit that away. He explained that by the statement of Jesus that "power has
which is good by its misuse. gone out of Me." But Jesus did not collapse. I do not believe that was
the Holy Spirit. I believe it was demonic.
Then there was the "Manifested Sons" I'm sure some of you can
remember these. They were a very powerful group of men who took Later on I was close friends with Ern Baxter who was, for quite a
the Scripture that all creation is waiting for the manifestation of the considerable period, the Bible teacher in Branham's evangelistic
sons of God. They had a really powerful ministry, particularly in meetings. Ern loved Branham dearly, but his heart was broken over
casting out demons. But, in casting out demons, they entered into what happened. One day he gathered a small group of us and said, "I
long conversations with demons and sought revelation from them. I want to tell you about Branham. I don't want you to talk to anybody
believe it is totally wrong ever to seek revelation from demons. about it, I just want you to know."
They ended up with an exaggerated theology which said some of Now, since all the people concerned have passed from the stage of
them had already received their resurrection bodies. The next thing time, I feel free to share what Ern said about Branham. He said,
that happened was two of them were killed in an airplane crash. So "Branham had two spirits; one was the Spirit of God, one was not."
God said, "Where's your resurrection body now?" But they were fine At one point they were together and Branham pointed to a light bulb
men at the first. hanging from the ceiling and said, "The power I have can make that
bulb move."
Then there were the "Children of God." How many of you have heard
of the "Children of God"? Later they changed their name to "The I believe Branham remained in Christ to the very end, but he was
Family." A woman named Linda Meisner exercised a powerful taken over by people who wanted to exploit him. Although he did not
ministry among them. I had two or three encounters with her. She call himself "Elijah," he permitted his followers to do so. He was killed
was a very dedicated, powerful woman and she had a great burden through an automobile crash when his car was run into by a drunk
for the young people of America. But when she was taken over by driver. His followers embalmed his body to keep him there until
pride, she became manipulative and dominating. Many of the young Easter Sunday, being convinced that he would be resurrected. He
people in the "Children of God" came under her control. She cut them was not.
off from their relationship with their parents and their families and it
became a disaster. But I believe that when she started she was right. When he was in the Spirit, under the anointing, he was almost
unchallengeable. At one time, a demonized man came to attack him
Then there was William Branham. I had a little association with in a meeting. Branham commanded the man to kneel down and stay
William Branham at the closing period of his ministry. I was on the there until he finished his message. The man stayed kneeling in the
same platform with him two or three times with the Full Gospel same posture for the whole period of Branham's sermon. But I would
Businessmen. William Branham had, in some ways, one of the most have to say his end was ... perhaps the best you could say,
remarkable ministries that I know of. He was a very gentle, humble, disappointing.
loving man. His ministry of the word of knowledge was absolutely
legendary. No one ever heard Branham give one false word of And then we have "Discipleship" or the "Shepherding Movement."
knowledge. Now, I was personally, closely involved and I can tell you that it
began with a supernatural intervention of God. I was there when it
I was with him in a meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. He was on the happened. Three other preachers besides myself Bob Mumford,
platform and he picked out a woman in the audience and he said, Charles Simpson, and Don Basham and I were all speaking in a
"Now, you're not here for yourself. You're here for your grandson." convention. In the middle of it we discovered that the man who was
And then he told her her name and her exact street address in New
leading and organizing the convention was an actively practicing Now, you will notice that people usually say, "Pride goes before a
homosexual. So we thought, "What are we to do about this?" We fall." That is not what the Bible says. The Bible says, "Pride goes
agreed to meet together in someone's room in the motel not my before destruction." So, turn around! Do not continue in that way.
room. The four of us knelt down and prayed and when we stood up Because the end of it is destruction. And I am talking to myself as
we all knew, without any process of reasoning, without praying for it, much as to you.
without even wanting it that God had joined us together.
The second feature which I believe was common to all five was what
Yet, in spite of that, I don't think the thing went a year before it I have already spoken about: a mixture of spirits. There was truth
started to go off. This is my personal impression: the problem was and there was error. There was the Holy Spirit and there were other
primarily personal ambition ... in different forms. One wanted to be spirits. And the way the other spirits got in was through a downward
the leader of a movement, another wanted to appear on a platform, slide: from the earthly, to the soulish, to the demonic.
etc., and I was one of them. From my experience I would say there is
no greater problem in the church today than personal ambition in the Remember, the soulish is essentially selfcentered. In 2 Timothy 3:1
ministry. 5, Paul describes what the condition of humanity will be like at the
close of this age, and I believe we are living in that time. He lists
Another problem was that we were not renewed in our minds. We eighteen sins or moral blemishes:
still thought in the old church categories. Everybody who disliked us
said, "Well, you're really a denomination." Our leader said, "Oh, no. But know this [and that's the only time I can recall that Paul was so
We're not a denomination. We never will be." But the logic of spiritual emphatic. He says, now be absolutely sure of this ... ], that in the
principles is inexorable. He and his group have become a last days perilous times will come....
The Greek word translated perilous is only used in one other place, in
Our root problem was that we were not renewed in our minds. We Matthew 8:28, where it describes two demonized men who came
still thought in the terms of the way the church traditionally does against Jesus. And notice the English word there: fierce. So, there
things. And I do not believe the church does things right. I believe are going to be fierce times, and they are here! You can pray as
there has to be a revolution in our thinking before we can line up much as you like, but you cannot change it. Because God says, Know
with God's purposes. this ... there will be fierce times. You cannot change it, but you can
ask God to prepare you for it.
Let me just list these five examples:
Then Paul gives a list of these eighteen moral blemishes:
The Latter Rain
The Manifested Sons For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters,
The Children of God proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
William Branham unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without selfcontrol, brutal,
The Discipleship/Shepherding Movement despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God....
Finally, let me point out two elements that were common, I think, to
all these movements. Number One: Pride. Pride is the most Notice, it begins and ends with the things that people love. Love of
dangerous of all sins, in my opinion. I heard a fellow preacher say self, love of money and love of pleasure. But I want to point out to
once, "Pride is the only sin about which the devil will not make you you: the root of it all is the love of self. That is what lets evil in.
feel guilty." Proverbs 16:18, a very short little verse: Soulishness. Being focused on me. What is God going to do for me?
What do I get out of this?
Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before a fall. And then it goes on in verse 5:
... having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such Chapter 1: Let Us Honor God's Holy Spirit
people turn away! Signs and Wonders Do Not Determine Truth
Mixture Produces Confusion and Division
So these people, with these eighteen horrible moral conditions, have The Identity of the Holy Spirit
a form of godliness. They are not unbelievers; they are not atheists. I
do not believe, myself, that Paul would ever use the word godliness Chapter 2: Earthly, Soulish, Demonic
outside the Christian context. So these are professing Christians. And Understanding the Human Personality
what is the problem? Self love. Selflove is what opens the way to From Rebellion to Salvation
Discerning Between Soul and Spirit
every one of these other problems. Selfcenteredness. That leads in
From Earthly to Soulish to Demonic
turn to mixture.
Is There a Way to Protect Ourselves?
Five Movements that Went Astray
Just one more thing and we close. The way that mixture works is
this: it causes confusion and then division. Because some of what is Chapter 3: Four Safeguards
provided is good, some is bad. Some is truth and some is error. No. 1: Humble Ourselves
No. 2: Receive the Love of the Truth
This means there are two ways people can respond: some people will No. 3: Cultivate The Fear of the Lord
focus on the error and reject the truth; others will focus on the truth No. 4: Make and Keep the Cross Central
and accept the error. And therefore there comes confusion and out
of the confusion, division. People become aggressively committed to
one or other of the alternatives. What causes it? Mixture. We cannot
afford to tolerate mixture. Four Safeguards
What is the answer to mixture? Truth! The pure, undiluted truth of Our proclamation this time is the last three verses of Psalm 19:
God's Word!
Who can understand his errors?
It happened once in the U.S.A. that I was the only witness to an Cleanse me from secret faults.
accident in the street outside our home. As a result, I was required to Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
testify in court. Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
Before I gave my testimony, I was required to affirm that I would And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
That was the standard set by a secular court. How much more should 0 Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
we, as Christians, take our stand for the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth! In the first session I described what I consider to be a serious
problem, and in the second, I sought to give a scriptural explanation
of how the problem arises. In this final session I want to offer four
scriptural safeguards to protect us from such problems.
Chapter 3
No. 1: Humble Ourselves
Table of Contents
The first safeguard is contained in 1 Peter 5:5b6
"God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble."
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He The next safeguard is in 2 Thessalonians 2:912:
may exalt you in due time. . . .
The coming of the lawless one [the antichrist] is according to the
I believe the first essential requirement is that we humble working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders ...
ourselves. The Bible says, God resists the proud. So, if we are
trying to come into the presence of God but we are proud, we may So bear in mind that Satan is capable of producing power and signs
push but He pushes against us and He pushes harder than we can. and wonders. I have frequently commented that one obvious place
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God will make us humble. God for the antichrist to arise would be in the Charismatic movement,
always puts the responsibility upon us to humble ourselves. It is a because most Charismatics seem to think that anything supernatural
decision we have to make. No one can make it for us. People can must be from God. That is not so. Satan is capable of great
pray for us and preach to us, but we have to make the decision to supernatural signs and wonders. So how do we protect ourselves? It
humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt goes on:
us in due time.
... and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish.
I have already said that I believe pride is the greatest single because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be
problem, the most common problem and the most destructive saved.
problem. We saw earlier that pride goes before destruction. If we do
not turn back from the way of pride, our end will be destruction. So, what is our protection against deception? Receiving the love of
However, I find a very helpful and inspiring passage in Psalm 25:89: the truth. And again, it is something we must do for ourselves. God
will offer it to us; we have to receive it.
Good and upright is the Lord;
Therefore He teaches sinners in the way. Now, of those who do not receive the love of the truth, God says
The humble He guides in justice. this:
And the humble He teaches His way.
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they
It is the grace of the Lord that He is willing to teach us sinners at all. should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not
But God enrolls His students, not by their intellectual qualifications, believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
but by their character. A lot of people may go to a Bible school or a
seminary, or whatever else, but never be enrolled in God's school, That is a frightening verse. God will send them strong delusion. If
because God only enrolls the humble. The humble He guides in God sends you strong delusion, you will be deluded!
justice ... the humble He teaches His way.
In 1994 this is a personal, subjective comment in Jerusalem I got
The King James says, the meek. I find that meek has dropped out of up one night to go to the bathroom and as I was walking back to my
the modern translations. What is the difference between humble and bed, God impressed upon my mind, very clearly, that He had sent
meek? As I see it, humble describes your inner attitude; meek strong delusion to the Israeli government then in power (elected in
describes the way you express it. Perhaps we do not need the word 1992). I think everything that has happened since amply confirms
meek very much nowadays because there are very few people to that. It is a very significant statement because, if God has sent
whom it applies! There is usually a reason when words drop out of strong delusion, it is useless to pray for such people not to be
contemporary usage. deluded.
In such a situation there are two ways that we can pray. First, that
God will work through the delusion to accomplish His purposes. (In
No. 2: Receive the Love of the Truth
the outcome, it seems that one purpose was to set aside that There are two wrong ways of responding to the discipline of God. We
government.) Second, that God will protect us from coming under will look in Hebrews 12:57 for a moment. This is addressed to
the delusion ourselves. Christians:
There are two words that are used in a soulish way to manipulate You have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:
people: one is peace; the other is love. So, the people of the Middle "My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
East, and I think probably the people of the world, are being Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
manipulated by the offer of peace. By implication, if you are against For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
that, you are wicked. Obviously, anybody who is against peace is a And scourges every son whom He receives.
bad person. So you will feel guilty if you do not go along with it.
If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what
But there are conditions for peace. In Isaiah 48:22 the prophet says, son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without
There is no peace for the wicked. And Romans 14:17 says, The chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are
kingdom of God ... is righteousness, peace and joy.... You cannot illegitimate and not sons.
have peace apart from righteousness. I meet many Christians who
are seeking for joy. But if they do not meet the condition of There are two wrong ways of responding to God's chastening. First
righteousness, joy is not available to them. Politicians who use the we are warned: Do not despise the chastening of the Lord. Do not
word peace to manipulate people are deceiving them, because peace just shrug your shoulder and say, "Well, so what?" My observation is
will not come to the unrighteous. that many Christians who have become mature do not believe that
God will discipline them any longer. The truth is He never stops
The other manipulating word is love, which is used in the church. disciplining.
They talk a lot about the love of God: be loving, God is so loving, He
is so kind. That is all true, but God is also a very strict God. I have This was brought home to me so vividly when I was reading the
personally come to this conclusion (on the basis of my own account of Moses. At the age of eighty, God chose him,
experience and observation of people close to me): you cannot get commissioned him to be the deliverer of Israel from Egypt and sent
away with anything with God. Nothing! You may think you have him back to Egypt. But on the way, the Lord met him and tried to kill
gotten away with it, and God may indeed forgive you, but you may him (Exodus 4:2426). Extraordinary!
still have to face the consequences. You see, God forgives but He
does not automatically release us from all the consequences of what Why? Because he had not circumcised his son. He had disobeyed the
we have done. sign of the covenant that God had made with Abraham and his
descendants. So God would rather have seen Moses die than go
So don't have any sentimental picture of God. He is not a Father through with his ministry in disobedience. Sometimes we say, "Satan
Christmas, doling out candy to little children. He is very just, very is resisting me." But often the truth of the matter is, it is not Satan,
righteous, very loving but, in a sense, very severe. You cannot get it is God. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (1
away with anything with God. It is better not to try! Peter 5:5b).
I feel that love is being used to manipulate people at the present The other wrong reaction is to be discouraged when you are rebuked
time. People are talking about the love of God and God is so loving by Him. Don't say, "This is more than I can take. God, why do You let
and it is all true. But God's love is expressed in surprising ways. As I this happen to me? I can't stand this! I'm not going to take it." Those
quoted earlier, Jesus said to the church at Laodicea, "As many as I are the two wrong reactions: to despise chastening or to be
love, I rebuke and chasten. "That is love. God is our Father and He discouraged.
loves us, but He also disciplines us.
What about the love of the truth? The Greek word for love there is
the one we're all familiar with: agape. It is a very strong word. It is
the strongest word for love in the Greek language. It does not mean
just reading your Bible every morning, or going to church and The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever ...
listening to sermons. It is a passionate commitment to the truth of
God. That is what we must cultivate if we are to escape delusion. The fear of the Lord will never cease; it endures forever.
God will send strong delusion to those who have not received the
[agape] love of the truth. That means more than just having a "quiet Job 28:28:
time" or reading your Bible at weekends. It is a passionate
commitment to the truth of God.
Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding.
I think I can say, without being boastful, God has given me that. I
think God has given me a passionate commitment to the truth. Every
Notice that the primary requirement for wisdom and understanding is
time I hear anything that I do not feel is truth, there is something in
not intellectual, it is moral. It is to depart from evil. There are many
me that rises up. God can do that for you, too, but you have to let
clever fools around.
Him do it. That is the second safeguard: receive the love of the truth.
Proverbs 8:13:
No. 3: Cultivate the Fear of the Lord The fear of the Lord is to hate evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way
And the perverse mouth I hate.
The third safeguard is to cultivate the fear of the Lord. Many Notice, you cannot be neutral about evil if you have the fear of the
Christians say there is no more fear in the Christian life, but that is Lord; you have to hate it. And what is the first thing you hate? Pride.
not true. Certain kinds of fear are excluded, but not all. I will give Arrogance.
you a list of Scriptures that Ruth and I have memorized: at least a
dozen different passages about the fear of the Lord. The promises Proverbs 9:1011:
are so exciting that I cannot understand why anybody would not
want the fear of the Lord.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Here are some of them. Psalm 34:1114:
For by me your days will be multiplied,
And years of life will be added to you.
Come, you children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord. So, you want a long life? Cultivate the fear of the Lord. However, it is
Who is the man who desires life, not enough to live long; it is possible to live long in misery. But in the
And loves many days, that he may see good? fear of the Lord, God offers us a long and blessed life.
Keep your tongue from evil,
And your lips from speaking deceit.
Proverbs 14:26, 27:
Depart from evil and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it.
In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
The implication is that the fear of the Lord will cause God to give you And His children will have a place of refuge.
many days of good life. What is the first area that God deals with?
The tongue. Keep your tongue from evil ... your lips from speaking So the fear of the Lord does not make you timid, it gives you strong
deceit. confidence. And it provides a place of refuge for your children, which
in these days, I think, is very important. And the next verse says:
Psalm 19:9:
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, Spirit that speaks in the first person as God. Then they all come after
To avoid the snares of death. that in pairs:
That is a very vivid picture. Satan has set snares of death. How can the Spirit of wisdom and understanding;
we avoid them? Through the fear of the Lord. the Spirit of counsel and might;
the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Proverbs 19:23 is almost incredible. I can hardly believe it, but it is in
the Bible: It is important to see that knowledge must be balanced by the fear of
the Lord because knowledge puffs up, but the fear of the Lord
The fear of the Lord leads to life, keeps us humble. It speaks volumes to me that the Spirit of the fear
And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; of the Lord was resting upon Jesus. Though He was the Son of God,
He will not be visited with evil. He had the fear of the Lord; it rested upon Him. It never lifted from
How can you turn down a promise like that? Abide in satisfaction. Not
be visited with evil. It doesn't necessarily mean you will have an easy Continuing with the fear of the Lord: the fear of the Lord is a
life. counterbalance to joy. It is very important that when we get excited
we are anchored by the fear of the Lord. Again, I consider this a
Proverbs 22:4: tremendous weakness in the Charismatic movement. People get all
excited and happy, clap their hands, dance around which is
wonderful but not without the fear of the Lord.
By humility and the fear of the LORD
Are riches and honor and life.
Psalm 2:11 says:
You will find that at least 50 percent of the time the fear of the Lord
is directly connected with life. It is one primary condition for a good Serve the Lord with fear,
life, And rejoice with trembling.
And then, I think, most important of all is the prophetic picture of That may seem to be inconsistent, but it is the balance. You rejoice,
Messiah in Isaiah 11:12. but with trembling. You stand in awe while you are rejoicing. This is
carried over into the New Testament where it describes the growth of
the church in Acts 9:31:
There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
[All the New Testament Scriptures confirm that this is Jesus. Now, Then the churches [or the church] throughout all Judea, Galilee. and
listen:] Samaria had peace and were edified [or built up]. And walking in the
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him; fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, multiplied.
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. Again, notice the balance: the Holy Spirit comforts us, but we have to
walk in the fear of the Lord. We can be encouraged, we can be built
It is interesting to see that the Spirit that rests on Jesus is sevenfold up, but that must be balanced by the fear of the Lord.
seven is always the number of the Holy Spirit. It says in Revelation
4:5 that before the throne of God there are seven lamps of fire which You might say, "Well, Brother Prince. I've been redeemed. I'm a child
are the seven Spirits of God. of God. Surely I don't need to fear God any more." On the contrary,
you should fear all the more because of the price that God paid to
Personally, I understand this passage in Isaiah to reveal to us the redeem you. That is stated in 1 Peter 1:1719.
seven spirits of God. The first is the Spirit of the Lord: that is, the
And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according will be inconvenient in some way. That is to test the sincerity of your
to each one's work [and "each one" includes you and me], conduct motives.
yourselves throughout the time of your stay [or sojourning] here in
fear; knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, But if we want God's strength manifested in our lives, in our ministry,
like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition in our congregations, we have to cultivate the fear of the Lord. We
from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb have to cultivate a sense of dependence, an acknowledgment of our
without blemish and without spot. total dependence upon God.
So the very fact that we have been redeemed is the reason to pass This is very personal, but every time before I preach I tell God, "I
the time of our sojourning here in fear because God invested so know I don't have the ability. I'm totally dependent upon You. If You
much in us, He paid for us with the blood of Christ. This leaves no don't anoint me, if You don't inspire me, if You don't strengthen me, I
room for flippancy, which is really a denial of the fear of the Lord. cannot do it." Every now and then, I may stand up to preach and
forget to do that. Then mentally, in my mind, while I am preaching, I
say, "Lord, please remember, I'm dependent upon You. I cannot do it
in my own strength."
No. 4: Make and Keep the Cross Central
Then Paul goes on to say:
Now, the fourth and the final safeguard is: make and keep the And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of
cross central. I looked at the example of Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:1 human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that
5: your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of
And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of
speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony [or the mystery] The key to releasing the power of the Holy Spirit is to be focused on
of God. [You have to bear in mind that in that culture the highest the cross. There is a hymn that says,
achievement was oratory. If you were anything, you were an
excellent speaker. Otherwise you were probably despised. So Paul, When I survey the wondrous cross
when he says. "I laid aside excellent speech," in a sense was saying, On which the Prince of Glory died
"I'm not bowing to this culture."] For I determined not to know My richest gain I count but loss
anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was And pour contempt on all my pride.
with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling.
When we really see the cross, we have nothing to boast of.
I pointed out in a previous meeting that God's strength is made
perfect in weakness. When we have all the strength we need of our It is interesting that the original version of that hymn, which was
own, we no longer need God's strength. God has to bring us to the written by an Englishman, was:
place where we do not have strength. I have seen this in my own
experience in ministry continually. If God is going to use me in any When I survey the wondrous cross
significant way, He has to bring me to the place where I know I Where the young Prince of Glory died.
cannot do it; to the place where I know I am totally dependent upon
Him, that I am weak. Then His strength is made perfect in my
The writer was pointing out that Jesus was cut off in His prime. He
died in His very best age.
Let me say something else in this connection: I have discovered that I believe one of our greatest needs is to focus on the cross. I have
the opportunities to serve God seldom suit our convenience. seen people become very ambitious, striving for success, wanting to
Generally speaking, if God gives you an opportunity to serve Him, it
build a large church or ministry. Sometimes they succeed, but unless
the whole message is focused on the cross, they have only wood, hay So, Paul made a revolutionary decision. He would not preach the kind
and straw. of message in Corinth that he preached in Athens. He said something
here which, for a Jew, is remarkable. He said, I determined not to
I am reminded of a wellknown English preacher of a previous know anything. Basically, the Jews are people who know a lot and
generation, Charles Spurgeon, a Baptist. He was continually often their confidence is in what they know.
emphasizing to his students the importance of focusing on the cross.
One day he said something like this: "To preach the principles of the What an amazing statement! "I determined not to know anything. I'll
Christian life and make no mention of the cross is like a drill sergeant forget everything I've ever learned at the feet of Gemaliel, in all my
giving orders to a squad of soldiers who have no feet. They can hear studies forget it all! I'm only concerned with one thing: Jesus Christ
his orders and understand him, but they lack the ability to carry and not just with Jesus Christ, but with Jesus Christ crucified that
them out. Remember, it is only through the cross that we get the is the center and the focus of my message." And I believe it should
ability to do what God tells us to do." be the center and the focus of our message. If we ever get away
from the cross as central, we are in danger.
Now let us turn again to the first five verses of 1 Corinthians chapter
2. These have always been among my favorite verses because I I notice that Paul expected the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and
came to the Lord sovereignly from a background of Greek power. I find today in our contemporary church, if you preach about
philosophy. When Paul speaks about wisdom, as he does, he is power, everybody gets excited and if you appeal for people who
talking about Greek philosophy, so I think I am particularly able to want to receive power, many will come forward. Personally, I believe
appreciate the impact of what he says about wisdom. this emphasis on power can be extremely dangerous. I have
observed over a good many years that people who focus on power
We need to understand when we read these verses that Paul is end in trouble. They often end in error.
speaking about a certain part of his ministry journey. In Acts chapter
17, he was in Athens, which was the intellectual center, the Power is something that appeals to the natural man. Some
university city, of the ancient world. There he preached a sermon psychologists have said that the desire for power is the number one
unlike any other that is recorded. It was a somewhat intellectual desire of the human personality. Paul said, "I want power, but I want
sermon. He adapted himself to his audience and even quoted from a it on a different basis from that which the world understands. I want
Greek poet (which I do not think he ever did at any other time). I to forget all my wisdom, all my knowledge, all my theological
wonder whether Paul was really led by the Holy Spirit. At any rate, qualifications and I want to focus on only one thing: Jesus Christ
the results were disappointing. Only a few people believed. crucified." And then he said, in effect, "When I do that, I can be sure
that the Holy Spirit will come in power."
So, Paul went on to Corinth. Now, Corinth was a port city, somewhat
like the major port cities of our present world a very wicked city, Now I will close with another of my favorite Scriptures, Galatians
where every kind of sin flourished. Somewhere between Athens and 6:14:
Corinth, Paul made a decision, which is recorded in these verses:
God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus
And, I brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the
speech or of wisdom declaring to you the mystery of God. For I world.
determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and
Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much
trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with
persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Let me just recapitulate my four suggested safeguards:
Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of
men but in the power of God. Number 1: Humble ourselves. In that passage Peter says, our
adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom
he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). The devil is very powerful and very
active. Any theology that tells you differently is a deception.
I was meditating on this yesterday evening. Suppose an
announcement was made that a lion was loose on the ground floor of
this hotel, and you needed to get out. I do not believe you would
stroll through the lobby, humming a cheerful little chorus. You would
be very circumspect in making your exit. And you would be very
careful to close the door behind you.
That, I believe, is a picture of how we need to conduct ourselves,
because our adversary, the devil, is walking about like a roaring lion.
We cannot change that. But do you know why lions roar? It is to
terrify their prey, to paralyze them. So, do not be paralyzed by the
lion's roar. Be very cautious, but do not give way to fear.
Number 2: Receive the love of the truth.
Number 3: Cultivate the fear of the Lord.
Number 4: Make and keep the cross central.
Finally, let us quote Galatians 6:14 together. I don't expect you all to
know it by heart, so I'll say it phrase by phrase, and you say it after
God forbid that I should boast / except in the cross of our
Lord Jesus Christ / by whom the world is crucified to me /
and I to the world. Amen.
By Derek Prince