Race Guide W/ Waivers

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Welcome to The Barney Shirey Memorial 5K Run/ 1 Mile walk--the run that is aimed to aid in stroke prevention! Thank you for joining us in this effort. We can't wait for you to experience the fun. We have created this race guide to provide you with all the information you need to make your experience as FANTASTIC as possible.

602 N Broadway St, Tecumseh, OK 74873

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st (6-7:30am)

114 N. Broadway Tecumseh, OK 74873 (Race Location)


What to bring to check-in:

A smile, your I.D. and if you are picking up packets for other runners, the completed "pick-up waivers" found at the end of this document.

What you'll get:

Your bib, 2013 Official T-Shirt, tattoo, bag of color for the start & finish line!

Still know people who want to join the cause and register?
If there is still space in the race come race day, runners can register on Friday or Saturday at packet pick-up for $40.00 cash or credit card

What you should wear

Just wear whatever youd like that is WHITE! White is best, as it provides the best canvas for color! Be creative! Dress up! Have fun! But dont wear anything you dont want to get full of color.

Be sure to bring your race bib if you choose to pick up your packet Friday Night! You HAVE to have it in order to be on the course.. and we cannot give you another one if you leave it at home! So tape it to your forehead, roll it up in your running shoes, or pin it to your running shirt as soon as you get it!

Color Runner Packing List

Some helpful hints on what you might want to bring with you.

*Change of Clothes *Change of shoes *Color Packet *Garbage bags

(for colored clothing)

*Towels (paper/cloth)
(Baby Wipes are a good idea)

*Cash & Credit Card

*Sunscreen *Bandana *Sunglasses *Camera/Cell phone

The Race Start and finish will be located directly in front of the Tecumseh City Hall. Due to Frontier Days weekend festivities, there will be a small portion of downtown Tecumseh blocked off. You are able to park on the perimeter areas.

6:30 am - 7:30 am - Race Day Registration / Packet Pick Up 7:30 am - Pre-Race Ceremony/ Program 7:55 am - Kids One mile fun run will line up 8:00 am - Kids Fun Run Starts 8:10 am - 5K runners Line Up 8:15 am -5K Runner Start 8:20 am - One Mile Walkers Go 9:30 am - AWARDS will be given out. Approx:

We Would love to have all participate on - site before 7:30 a.m.

Each Mile of the event is associated with a designated color. As with any substance, you want to keep it out of your eyes and our certified color throwers try to aim low as you pass by. Many Color Runners opt to wear glasses or goggles for their eyes and use a bandana or dust mask for their mouths. As shown below, the middle lane is the low color lane, which offers a lighter color experience. Please do not stop in the Color Zones. This will create a bottleneck and problems for runners behind you. In summary: We will work pretty hard to make it so our runners get as much or as little color on

Restrooms will be located inside the Tecumseh City Hall.

KIDS 1-mile Fun Run
We will be awarding 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Boys and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Girls

We will be awarding to the following: Ages 13- 19 (M/F) Ages 20- 24 (M/F) Ages 25- 29 (M/F) Ages 30- 34 (M/F) Ages 35- 39 (M/F) Ages 40- 44 (M/F) Ages 45- 49 (M/F) Ages 50- 54 (M/F) Ages 55- 59 (M/F) Ages 60- 64 (M/F) Ages 65- 69 (M/F) Ages 70 plus


We have just a few rules to ensure that everyone has a FANTASTIC experience. -No alcohol is allowed at The Barney Shirey Memorial Run -If you are running with a stroller, please start towards the back of the pack. Be courteous to and aware of other runners -If you are concerned at all with any part of the Color experience, feel free to wear safety glasses, a bandana, or a dust mask. -Please follow the directions provided by race officials and volunteers. -Above all, please be courteous and respectful to everyone around you. -Emergency personnel will be on site.


All profits go to benefit the National Stroke Association from the Barney Shirey Memorial Fund. The National Stroke Association helps fund research, prevention education and healthy lifestyles. We designate our portion to go towards their stroke prevention education and the GET STROKE SMART Program. A small portion of the profits go towards the Barney Shirey Memorial Scholarship to help student

Stroke kills almost 140,000 Americans each yearthats 1 in every 19 deaths. On average, one American dies from stroke every 4 minutes. Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. About 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. One in four are recurrent strokes. Ischemic strokes happen when blood clots block the blood vessels to the brain. About 87% of all strokes are ischemic. Stroke costs the United States an estimated $38.6 billion each year.3 This total includes the cost of health care services, medications, and missed days of work. Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability.2

Our Father, Barney Shirey, was a proud Tecumseh High School Alumni. In his 62 years of life he was a high-school basketball and football coach with 5 State championships, an air traffic controller in the United States Air Force, a legendary barber, the Tecumseh School Board President, an Associate Pastor at his local church, a loving husband and a devoted father. He and his wife, Carolyn, raised their 5 children in Tecumseh and are all THS Alumni. After having a life-changing massive stroke on September 11, 2005 and a life-long battle with diabetes our father passed away on December 21, 2010. Where another massive stroke took his life. This memorial RUN is a simple way of keeping his memory alive and bringing awareness to what strokes can do and living a healthy lifestyle. The stroke in 2005 left him unable to walk or talk. We took care of him. He was a vibrant man and in the matter of hours his life and our lives were changed. He needed 24 hour care. Weve seen what strokes can do! Its the only thing that will bring you to the point of death and totally disable you. We want to do whatever we can to prevent this from happening to another family. This is our annual fundraiser! Thank you for being apart of this! To understand a little more about him, feel free to read the article on the next page!


Thu, Jan 06, 2011

Tecumseh lost a big fan on December 21, not just a fan of sports but a fan of the town and its people. Barney Shirey was laid to rest last week on a Monday, which is fitting for a barber, and especially for Barney, who wouldnt want any of his fellow barbers to miss a day cutting hair to see him off. It seems like everyone knew Barney and, judging from the size of the turnout at his funeral, he made an impact on everyone he knew. Most know that Barney was a barber/entertainer, family man, singer, preacher, but some may not know that Barney was principal and coach for a time. Not only was he a coach, but he was an extremely successful coach as well as a mentor to a very young man at the time. Ive known Barney, or Barn as myself and others affectionately called him, for most of my life well since I was about five and Barn was 17. We attended church together and, of course, he left his mark on me with his haircuts, including his trademark uneven sideburns. He always told me the difference between a good haircut and a bad one was two weeks. Sure Barn left his mark on me with his haircuts, but more importantly he left his mark on my life in many, many other ways. Barn was principal as well as football and basketball coach at Tecumseh Christian Academy from 1979 to 1986 and during that time won five state championships in basketball competing in the Oklahoma Christian Schools Association. During that time I had the opportunity to work directly with Barn as an assistant coach, statistician, public address announcer, scorekeeper, as well as anything else Barn asked me to do. I learned a great deal from Barn during my lifetime, but since I am a sportswriter, I will try to keep the lessons learned from Barn relative to sports. So with tongue place firmly in cheek, at least part of the time, lets explore some of what I learned from Barney. I learned very early on that Barn, as I am, was a huge Sooner fan and I could never beat him when it came to University of Oklahoma football trivia. Barn also taught me that when you go to OU football games, you arrive for the game very early, walk around campus and soak up the atmosphere before going into the stadium in time to watch the teams warm up and never, ever leave early. This is a lesson I still adhere to much to the chagrin of some of my family members. I learned that if youre on time, youre late, wherever you are going. Barn was always, always early and not just a little early, but a lot early. Barn was early enough that if he was on his way to the school to get ready for a road trip and a kid on a motorcycle ran a stop sign and pulled in front of his little pickup, the accident scene could be worked and he could still be at the school to leave on time (true story). I learned that it is important to always look your best when representing your school and I also learned the meaning of the word exude. Whether football or basketball, Barn was always meticulous about his apparel and wore a coat and tie to coach basketball games, but never told me I had to wear a tie. When, sometime in that first season, I told him that I was going to start wearing a tie to games he said, Good, it exudes class. As a 20-year-old, I doubt that I had ever heard that word before, but I immediately understood its meaning and have never forgotten it. I learned to be prepared. Barn was meticulous in his preparation for anything, but I will always remember the prep before a game, especially a road game. From his coaching shoes being polished, football or basketball, to the equipment, to the travel arrangements, the game plan, and most important, the location of the nearest McDonalds for the post-game meal, everything was in order and Barn was always prepared. I learned you only need eight plays in your football playbook to be successful, four that run to left and four to the right and are practiced until you can do them in your sleep. Those plays should be running plays you know, three yards and a cloud of dust. You can also have two pass patterns just in case, a post and a flag route, also run to the left or the right. I learned to be conservative, and that Barn was in control. Barn was conservative, to say the least, in his play calling. It took me a whole season to get him to put in a wide receiver reverse that I had drawn up. Fortunately for me, it worked or I would have never had input into play calling again wait, Im not sure I ever did anyway.

You see, Barn didnt really need help and he let you know it. One day I came to practice proudly showing him a new pair of headsets that I had purchased for us to use. He looked at me with raised eyebrow and said, What are you going to do with those, talk to truckers? Message received; he didnt want me or anyone else in his ear helping him call plays. I learned that he was the fastest little fat man that I had ever seen and most of the players on his first football team couldnt outrun him, even though he was in his 30s and about 100 pounds overweight. One day after practice, everyone, including Barn, lined up on the goal line for an 80-yard sprint (eight-man football field) and Barn crossed the line before all but one player. This may have been his first close encounter with death, but he took great pride in his speed and ability to awe those in his charge. I learned that all you need to win basketball games is a 1-3-1 offense and a 2-1-2 zone defense. I learned that the zone defense is the best basketball defense there is and the reason the NBA doesnt allow a zone defense is because the league knows it will slow down the scoring. Funny thing, the NBA now allows some zones and the scoring in the league is considerably less than when Barn imparted that wisdom to me. I learned that the best coaching position for basketball is on your hands and knees in front of the bench while holding a towel in your mouth and pounding the floor with your hand. I learned that it was okay to begin substituting once you have a 40-point lead in the fourth quarter. You see, Barn wasnt trying to run up the score, he was just very conservative, and maybe a little insecure. In all fairness to Barn, he usually had a very good starting five, but beyond that it was the green team. The green team was named that because they wore ugly green jerseys in practice, but could have been so named because of inexperience with the round ball in their hands. When they were in the game it was nothing but hair, teeth and eyeballs, according to Barn. Possibly the most important lesson I learned from Barn was that bus drivers and coaches get to eat free (at least they used to) at McDonalds. I learned that sometimes Barn was both coach and bus driver and so ... well, you get the drift. I learned that if youre the head coach you should instruct the assistant coach and bus drivers what to add to their order so as to satisfy the head coachs appetite. I learned that two filet-o-fish sandwiches, two big macs, a hamburger, large fry, large coke, chocolate shake and two apple pies were the original coachs combo meal. If McDonalds no longer allows free food to bus drivers and coaches, Barn has to be held at least partly responsible. The lessons learned from Barn in sports and life in general could go on and on, but I also learned there is a time for all things to end. Sadly, Barns life here on earth ended way too soon for us and the final lesson he taught me was not to take each other for granted. I learned that you dont have to leave your hometown to be successful because success comes in many different packages. I truly believe that Barn could have found great success, maybe even fame and fortune, on the road but some things were much more important to him. Even though he never left, I cant imagine anyone more successful than a short, round, funny barber from Tecumseh. Barn often said there is no place on earth like Tecumseh, America, and he never had a desire to leave Pottawatomie County. No doubt, Barn has now found his home in the only place that he would consider better than Tecumseh, America. Barney was many things to many people. He was a husband and father, a barber, an entertainer, a singer, a preacher, a teacher, a school board member, a coach, a principal and on and on, but most importantly to me, he was a friend a mentor and a friend. So long, Barn, thanks for everything. We miss you and well see again someday.

2013 BMS5K AWRL Waiver

________________________________________________________________________________ Participants Name Printed Name
ALL ATHLETES MUST READ AND SIGN. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, WAIVER AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY (AWRL). I acknowledge that a is a running event is a test of a persons physical and mental limits and it carries with it potential for death, serious injury, and property loss. I HEREBY ASSUME THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING IN THE BARNEY SHIREY MEMORIAL. I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for participation in this event, and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified health professional. I hereby take the following action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns, or anyone else who might claim or sue on my behalf, and I expressly acknowledge that it is my intent to take these actions: (a) I AGREE to abide by the competitive rules adopted by this run(b) I AGREE that prior to participating in an event, I will inspect the race course, facilities, equipment, and areas to be used and if I believe any to be unsafe I will advise the person supervising the event, activity, facility, or area; (c) WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, OR LIABILITIES FOR DEATH, PERSONALLY INJURY, PARTIAL OR PERMANENT DISABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, MEDICAL OR HOSPITAL BILLS, THEFT OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ECONOMIC LOSSES AND LOSS AND/OR STOLEN ITEMS, WHICH ARISE OUT OF OR RELATE TO MY PARTICIPATION IN, OR MY TRAVELING TO AND FROM THE EVENT, THE FOLLOWING PERSONS OR ENTITIES: The Barney Shirey Memorial 5k sponsors, race directors, employees, event owners, volunteers, all states, cities, counties, or localities in which events or segments of events are held, and the officers, directors, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents of any of the above even if such claims, losses, or liabilities are caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the persons I am hereby releasing or are caused by the negligent acts of any other person or entity; (d) I ACKNOWLEDGE that there will be traffic on the course route, and I ASSUME THE RISKS OF RUNNING AND PARTICIPATING IN THIS EVENT. I ALSO ASSUME ANY AND ALL OTHER RISKS associated with participating in this event including but not limited to falls, contact and/or crashes with other participants, effects of weather including heat and/or humidity, defective equipment, the condition of the roads and railroad crossings, water hazards, and any hazard that may be posed by spectators of volunteers all such risks being known and appreciated by me, and I further acknowledge that these risks include risks that may be the negligence of the persons or entities mentioned above in paragraph ( c ) or other persons or entities; (e) I AGREE NOT TO SUE ANY OF THE PERSONS OR ENTITIES MENTIONED ABOVE IN PARAGRAPH ( c ) for any of the claims, losses, or liabilities that I have waived, released or discharged herein; (f) I INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE PERSONS AND ENTITIES MENTIONED IN PARAGRAPH ( c ) for any and all claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of (i) my actions or inactions, (ii) the actions, inactions or negligence of others including those parties hereby indemnified; (iii) the conditions of the facilities, equipment, or areas where the event is being conducted; (iv) the Competitive Rules; or (v) any other harm caused by an occurrence related to the 2013 BMS5k event; and (g) I GRANT PERMISSION for the use of my name and/or likeness relating to my participation in The Color Run event, and I waive all right to any future compensation to which I may otherwise be entitled as a result of the use of my likeness; (h) I UNDERSTAND and accept that my entry fee is non-refundable under any circumstance.


______________________________________________ Printed Name

__________________________________________ _______________________ Signature Date

I give permission to _______________________ to pickup my race packet and T-Shirt.

______________________________________________ Signature

FOR PERSONS UNDER EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS OF AGE A PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN MUST SIGN THE ABOVE AWRL AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION. The undersigned________________________(parent/guardian) is the parent and natural or legal guardian of __________________________(minors name) hereby acknowledges that he or she has executed the foregoing AWRL for and on behalf of the minor named herein. As the natural or legal guardian of such a minor, I hereby bind myself, the minor and our executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns to the terms of the foregoing AWRL. I represent that I have the legal capacity and authority to act for and on the behalf of the minor named herein, and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the persons or entities mentioned in the foregoing AWRL for any claims made of liabilities assessed against them as a result of any insufficiency of my legal capacity or authority to act for and on the behalf of the minor in the execution of the foregoing AWRL or in the execution of this Consent. I hereby authorize any licensed physician, emergency medical technician, hospital or other medical or health care facility (Medical Provider) to treat the minor named herein for the purpose of attempting to treat or relieve any injuries received by said minor arising out of or relating to The Barney Shirey Memorial event. I authorize such Medical Provider to perform all procedures deemed medically advisable in attempting to treat or relieve such injuries. I consent to the administration of anesthesia as deemed advisable during the course of treatment. I realize and appreciate that there is a possibility of complications and unforeseen consequences in any medical treatment, and I assume and such risk for and on behalf of myself and said minor. I acknowledge that no warranty is being made as to the results of any medical treatment. NOTE: PARENT/GUARDIAN MUST ALSO SIGN AWRL ABOVE. ________________________________________________ Printed Name of Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________ _______________________ Relationship to Minor Date

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