Numerology Number 1: Love-Tip: Act Generously When It Comes To Giving Gifts To Your
Numerology Number 1: Love-Tip: Act Generously When It Comes To Giving Gifts To Your
Numerology Number 1: Love-Tip: Act Generously When It Comes To Giving Gifts To Your
Number 1
You are #1 if your date is: 1, 10, 19 and 28
People born under this number possess strong leadership
qualities, they buzz with optimism, but are ego worshippers at the
same time. They have a soft interior shielded within a tough exterior.
Flatter them with the choicest of words, show them that you exist
because they are with you, let them know that no one suits you better
than them and your #1 partner will shower you with all the love and
care in the world.
Love-Tip: Act generously when it comes to giving gifts to your
Career-Tip: Avoid wearing black. Pray in a temple located in
the Eastern direction of your city. You need to take a lot of initiative at
your work place.
Favorable numbers: 2, 4
Favorable color: Amber/Orange
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Number 2
You are #2 if your date is: 2, 11, 20, and 29
Mood swings are common with number 2's. Sensitive souls,
#2's tend to fall in love easily. They are imaginative and romantic at
Love-Tip: Express yourself in the best possible manner and as
much as you can to your partner. Communication is the key to
success in love life.
Career Tip: Drinking water in a silver glass and keeping a silver
coin in your pocket (not leather wallet) can help. Listen to your
favorite music, avoid wearing darker shades and try your hand at
travel or consultation business. Taking special care of your mother
will always be of help.
Favorable numbers: 5, 6
Favorable color: White
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Number 3
You are #3 if your date is: 3, 12, 21, and 30
They are notorious for acting impulsively and then thinking.
Impulsive is the adjective that suits them best. Extrovert and
outgoing, number 3's have a rocking social life.
Love-Tip: Avoid preaching to your partner; rather take advice
from him/her. Go for some joint activities.
Career-Tip: Wearing yellow attracts good luck. You need a
guru to guide you. Don't hesitate in seeking advice from seniors at
your work place.
Favorable numbers: 6, 9
Favorable color: Yellow
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Number 4
You are #4 if your date is: 4, 13, 22, and 31
Straight-forward by nature, number 4's are ambitious and desire
to carve a niche of their own. A little dry when it comes to romance,
4's are very emotional.
Love-Tip: Refrain from getting aggressive towards your partner
and keep surprising him/her to keep them glued.
Career- Tip: Wear cat's eye gem. Watching horror and
suspense thrillers is good for you. Clean your home on your own,
specially the bathroom, toilet and corners in the house.
Favorable numbers: 1, 2
Favorable color: Black
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Number 5
You are #5 if your date is: 5, 14, and 23
Happy-go-lucky, number 5's are cheerful people who enjoy life
to the hilt. They are accommodating by nature, so they are endearing
to those around them.
Love tip: Connecting with your partner at an intellectual level is
beneficial. Play with words and you'll always be surrounded with love.
Career Tip: Wear a ruby stone set in gold. Try your hands at
professions which involve reading and writing. Eat a small amount of
moong dal daily.
Favorable numbers: 2, 5 and 6
Favorable color: Green
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Number 6
You are #6 if your date is: 6, 15, and 24
Elegance is what describes a number 6 the best. It won't be
wrong to tag them as enticers and charmers, since no one around
escapes their innate grace.
Love -Tip: Using scents and perfumes keeps your love life
pepped up! Keep the romance alive by watching romantic movies.
Career-Tip: Talking to the opposite sex in office helps, while
seeking advice from women irrespective of your sex is also
Favorable numbers: 2, 5
Favorable colors: White and pink
Number 7
You are #7 if your date is: 7, 16, and 25
They are the ones who take the world by storm with their
innovative and out-of-the-box ideas. Number 7's are also famous for
their flirtatious and playful demeanor.
Love-Tip: Visit sacred places with your partner.
Career-Tip: Say 'no' to alcohol and cultivate a habit of drinking
a good amount of water. Wear brightly colored clothes.
Favorable number: 2, 7
Favorable colors: Light brown and off-white
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Number 8
You are #8 if your date is: 8, 17, and 26
Most of the times misunderstood by peers, number 8's are
'destiny's children'. Ups and downs rule the roost for people who are
born under number 8.
Love-Tips: Since you're easily misunderstood, make sure your
partner realizes the efforts you are putting into doing something for
him/her. Instead of preaching, show that you care from your heart.
Being expressive goes a long way.
Career-Tips: Don't dabble in speculation. You should take
special care of elderly people. Take their advice and if possible start
visiting an old-age home on weekends.
Favorable number: 1, 2
Favorable color: Black & saffron
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Number 9
You are #9 if your date is: 9, 18, and 27
Generous at heart and faithful in relationships, that's number 9
for you!
Love-Tips: Ensure that your loved one believes that you are
creative. Your success lies in creativity.
Career-Tips: Participate in an outdoor sport or work-out.
Remain calm and convert your aggression into creativity. Try to
complete every task you take up and avoid indulging in others'
Favorable number: 2, 6
Favorable color: Red
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