Design of PCB Layout

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The document discusses PCB layout design for an inverting amplifier circuit using CAD software.

PCB stands for printed circuit board. It provides both the physical structure for mounting components and the electrical interconnection between components.

The different types of PCBs discussed are single sided, double sided, and multilayer PCBs.


Work done by
CHAREN K (13110106025) DILLI PRASANTH (13110106035)









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CAD ( Computer Aided design ) is very essential for designing electronic circuits at various standards and complexity levels . OrCAD software is primary software used for different purposes like Designing, Simulation, and Debugging of electronic circuits . OrCAD PCB Editor is used for designing PCB layout of an electronic circuit . Lets design and study the performance of a bjt inverting amplifier , which gives amplified output signal with respect to the input signal with OrCAD Pspice and schematic and its PCB layout with OrCAD PCB editor software.


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 PCB designing Types of PCB PCB designing using CAD

CHAPTER 2 INVERTING AMPLIFER SCHEMATIC USING CAD 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Orcad design environment Starting capture Design of Inverting Amplifier Inverting Amplifier schematic

CHAPTER 3 PCB LAYOUT DESIGN 3.1 Layout 3.2 Design window Power system design Bibliography


PCB stands for PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD. Printed circuit board (PCB) provides both the physical structure for mounting and holding the components as well as the electrical interconnection between the components. That means a PCB = PWB (printed wiring board) is the platform upon which electronic components such as integrated circuit chips and other components are mounted. A PCB consists of a non-conducting substrate (typically fiber glass with epoxy as resin) upon which the conductive patter nor circuitry is formed. Copper is the most prevalent conductor although nickel, silver and tin are also used in some cases. 1.2 TYPES OF PCB

PCB may be of different Single sided PCBs As the name suggest in these designs the conductive pattern is only at in one side. And also the size is large in these case but these are cheap. Double sided PCBs These are the PCBs on which the conductive pattern is in o n both sides. The size of board is small in this case but it is costlier than that of above. Multilayer PCBs: In this case the board consists of alternating layers of conducting pattern and insulating material. The conductive material is connected across the layers through plated through holes. The size of this PCB is smaller than that of double sided PCB but it is very costly .PCBs may also be either rigid, flexible, or the combination of two (rigid-flex). When the electronic components have been mounted on the PCB, the combination of PCB and components

is an electronic assembly, also called PRINTED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY. This Assembly is the basic building block for most of the electronic devies. 1.3 PCB DESIGN USING CAD CAD system for PCB designing requires following: i. A computer system. ii. PCB design software like OrCad, CADSTAR, Protel, TANGO, Mentor etc. A photo plotter for art work generation.There are many enhanced features in electronics design automation tools which not possible in the hand taping. The main advantages are given below: i. Auto placement ii. Auto routing iii. After routing, optimization of tracks can be done. iv. Provides physical design reuse modules v. Electrical rule check (ERC) vi. All the layers are generated from same design by giving different options vii. Bill of material can be generated which contains number of different components used. viii. We can draw conductors as an arc, semi-circular at different angles. Design Rule Check ix. Advanced CAD systems have high speed analysis. x. CAD system provides all NCD files and Gerber data files for photo plotting. 1.3.1 BASIC DESIGN STEPS IN CAD- SYSTEM The following design steps are very common while designing a PCD in CAD: 1. 2. 3. 4. Entry the schematic diagram. Net list file creation. Placement of components manually or automatically. Routing of the board using manual routing tools or auto router

CHAPTER 2 INVERTING AMPLIFER SCHEMATIC USING CAD 2.1 ORCAD DESIGN ENVIRONMENT OrCad has a long history of providing individuals and teams with a complete set of technologies that offer unprecedented productivity, seamless tool integration , andexceptional value. New 10.5 release continues that tradition .Today's lower cost and yethighly sophisticated electronic design automation systems have created a uniquechallenge to nearly every engineering department. Therefore the use of EDA tools has become increasingly important as product lifecycles have become shorter and shorter. Modern electronic design automation (EDA) tools are beginning to support a more efficient and integrated approach to electronic. OrCad Capture design entry is the most widely used schematic entry system in electronic design today for one simple reason :fast and universal design entry. Whether you're designing a new analog circuit, revising schematic diagram for an existing PCB, or designing a digital block diagram with anHDL module, OrCad Capture provides simple schematic commands you need to enter, modify and verify the design for PCB. OrCad Layout offers PCB designers and PCB design teams the power and flexibility to create and share PCB data and constraints across the design flow. OrCad Layout delivers all the capabilities to designers need from netlist to place and route, to final output. The ease-of use and intuitive capabilities of OrCad Layout

2.2 STARTING CAPTURE The OrCAD Release 16.5 installation process puts Capture in the \PROGRAMFILES\ORCAD\CAPTURE folder, and adds OrCAD 16.5 to the Programs menu(available from the Start button). From the Start menu, choose Programs. The Programs menu displays .From the CADENCE Release menu item, choose ORCAD CAPTURE CIS 2.2.1 The Capture session frame Once we start Capture, we see the Capture session frame we do all your schematic design and processing within this window .The minimized Session Log icon in the lower left portion of the Capture session frame is the session log. The session log provides information about everything we have done in the current Capture session. Detailed information about this windowand the other windows in Capture. i. To start the capture work space . Click on file new project . ii. Select the schematic button and enter the file name and click OK .

Fig 2.1 : opening new project Finally ORCAD Capture CIS workspace is created and it consist all necessary elements required to design a electronic circuits . The workspace has a dotted grid , where the components are placed from the list of libraries available using place parts option . Place parts can be found under , Place Place part option 2.2.2 THE PROJECT MANAGER

we use the project manager to collect and organize all the resources we need for our project. These resources include schematic folders, schematic pages, part libraries, parts, VHDL files, and output reports such as bills of materials and netlists .A project doesnt actually contain all the resources. It merely points to the various files that the project uses .For this reason, we dont move or delete any files referenced by a project. If we do, the project wont be able to find them. The project file is saved with an .OPJ file extension .It is an ASCII file, and can be viewed in any text editor. Project manager folders Design Resources folder is the design folder with the designs schematic folders and schematic pages, and a Design Cache folder that shows all the parts used on theschematic pages. Any schematic folders or schematic pages that we cr eate areautomatically added to the design folder (in Fig. the design folder is namedDESIGN3.DSN). we can also add other files or information using the Project command on the Edit menu The Library folder (in the Design Resources folder) shows the schematic part library files weve added to the project using the Project command on the Edit menu . The Outputs folder shows the output of Captures processing tools. Generally, these filesinclude bill of materials reports and technologyspecific netlists Capture a dds theappropriate files to this folder as each is created Each project may have only one design, but may have multiple libraries. The design may consist of any number of schematics or VHDL models, but it must have a single root module The root module is defined as the top level of the design. That is, all other modules in the design are referenced within the root module .Within the project manager, we can expand or collapse the structure we see by double-clicking on a folder, or by clicking on the plus sign or minus sign to the left of a folder .A plus sign indicates that the folder has contents that are not currently visible; a minussign indicates that the folder is open and its contents are visible, listed below the folder .It appears as a schematic folder with a slash on it in a design file, or as a page in a VHDL file .Each project we open has its own project manager window. we can move or copy folders or files between projects by dragging them from one project manager window to another (as well as to and from Windows Explorer). To copy rather than move items, press and hold the C key while we drag them. If we close a project manager window, we close the project .In the project managers File tab, double-clicking on a schematic folder expands it and displays icons for each schematic page within the schematic folder. Then, if we double-click on a schematic page icon, the schematic page opens in a schematic page editor. Or ,if the page is already open, its window becomes active .

A design can consist of a single schematic page within a single schematic folder, or a number of schematic pages within a number of schematic folders. A schematic folder contains schematic pages in a relationship similar to the relationship between a directory and the files it contains. Files are contained in a directory; schematic pages are contained in a schematic folder .A schematic page provides a graphical description of the electrical connectivity of a design. It is made up of parts, wires, and other electrical symbols. A schematic page may also contain borders, title blocks, text, and graphics. Capture acts on any schematic folders or schematic pages we have selected within an active project manager window .For example, the Find and Browse commands on the project managers Edit menu, the Print command on the project managers File menu, and the various tools on the Tools menu, only apply to the selected schematic folder or pag 2.3 DESIGN OF INVERTING AMPLIFIER The BJT Inverting amplifier is designed in design window using the parameters available in the place parts tab The components are placed in the design window from place part dialog box . The components placed in the grid is connected using wire (w) The BJT inverting amplifier is designed with two voltage soruces




To generate schematic graph and diagram for studying the performance characteristics of the inverting amplifier , follow the steps given below Copy the circuit designed in the design window , which is with respect to schematic domain . Open new project under ( Analog and mixed A/D ) domain in order to simulate the electronic circuit under different conditions .


Thus a new work space is created similar to schematic domain .

Copy the inverting amplifier circuit and past it in the work space show above . This will initiate the simulation process . 2.3.1 CREATE NEW SIMULATION PROFILE To generate different simulations with respect to the designed circuit . It is necessary to create a simulation profile , under which all the simulations are executed and stored .


Click on PSPICE option new simulation profile Thus new simulation profile window is displayed . Enter the name for new simulation profile and click OK .

This action displays the simulation settings window , where the different simulations setting are available with respect to inverting amplifier , which is designed in schematic root .

2.3.2 TYPES OF ANALYSIS ( SCHEMATIC ) . The newly created simulation will open the gate way to different types of analysis with respect to circuit designed using OrCAD . The different types of analysis with respect to simulation of circuit are 1. Time Domain ( Transient ) 2. DC sweep 3. AC sweep / Noise

4. Bias point 2.3.3 SIMULATION PINS This below figure displays the voltage and current pins represented as (V) and (I) respectively are used to generate the simulation output with voltage or current input respectively .

These pins are placed on some specific location in the circuit designed to get the simulation of circuit at that specific point SIMULATION OF INVERTING AMPLIFIER 1. Time Domain ( Transient ) Analysis . Transient analysis provides for plotting of any time-domain waveform. Available variables include digital state, voltage, current, power, energy, charge, resistance, capacitance, inductance, B field, and H field. A variety of variables and mathematical functions are available to simplify plots. To perform Time Domain analysis :
i. Select Time Domain ( Transient ) option in the

ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

simulation settings dialog box. Under the time domain ( transient ) , there are many factors based on which the simulation is carried out . Select the General settings check box . Under general settings option , enter run to time = 10m , start saving data after = 0 , and maximum step size = 10u sec Click apply ok Press f11 to run the simulation.

Under time domain , we can analysis the performance of the circuit at various temperature by choosing the Temperature Sweep check box along with the General settings check box. Under Temperature Sweep option , enter different temperature at which the simulation/performance of the device is 1. Enter different temperature range as [ 15 20 30 ] . 2. Click apply and then OK. 3. Run the simulation

The Time domain ( transient ) Simulation output is given below

The simulation out put with respect to Temperature sweep output for different temperature [ 15 20 25] is given below .


2. DC SWEEP ANALYSIS Computation of voltages and currents as a function of (a) a variable dc voltage, or (b) a variable dc current, or (c) a variable parts value (example: resistor), or (d) a variable parameter (example: current gain of a transistor . 1) Select the DC sweep in scroll and enter the value with respect to the circuit designed . 2) Enter the source name , start , end and intermediate value to get the simulated graph for DC sweep analysis .

The simulated output with respect to DC sweep is given as :


3. AC SWEEP / NOISE Computation of voltages and currents within a circuit as a function of a voltage or current with constant amplitude but with variable frequency within a specified range - based on certain starting conditions (bias point). This analysis corresponds to the classical small signal ac analysis very often used by handheld calculations (example: Xc=1/C). 1) Enter the AC input as 100ms in Vsin And enter the parameters in simulation setting dialog box as show below.

The output schematic with respect to AC sweep is given as :


4. BIAS POINT ANALYSIS Bias analysis is a .DC analysis where the quiescent point is studied. You can make a bias analysis to determine the bias point of your circuit and see its variation with temperature, a design parameter, supply voltage. The Bias Point schematic output with respect to circuit is given as :



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