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Instrumentation of Gas 1 INTRODUCTION

Chromatography The key parts of a gas chromatograph include: a source

of gas as the mobile phase, an inlet to deliver sample to
G.A. Eiceman a column, the column where separations occur, an oven
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, as a thermostat for the column, a detector to register
USA the presence of a chemical in the column effluent, and
a data system to record and display the chromatogram.
In addition, some facility is needed so that temperatures
of various components can be accurately known and
1 Introduction 1 controlled. These parts of a gas chromatograph have
2 Carrier Gas 2 been unchanged in function or purpose for over the last
2.1 Selection of Gases 2 40 years although technology has been ever improving in
2.2 Control of Flow 2 design, materials, and methodology. In particular, analog
2.3 Gas Sources and Purity 2 electronics for control of temperature zones and data
acquisition were replaced with digital electronics and
3 Sample Inlets 3
interfaced with computers in the 1970s and 1980s. The
3.1 Syringes and Switching
arrangement of these components is shown in a block
Valves 3
diagram in Figure 1 and this arrangement is common
3.2 Pyrolysis 3
3.3 Other Topics 4 to virtually all gas chromatographs regardless of age,
model or manufacturer. A modern gas chromatograph is
4 Ovens 4 shown in Figure 2. In the discussion below, the general
4.1 Conventional Designs 4 function of each component is provided with comments
4.2 Other Designs for Control on the status of the technology. Most descriptions of GC
of Column Temperature 4 will include a cursory description of instrumentation; few
5 Detectors and Data Systems 4 will provide a detailed treatment of the instrumentation
5.1 Detectors 5 or technical details. Some of the best discussions of
5.2 Data Systems 5 hardware can be found in publications released by
6 Miniaturized, High-speed, and Portable instrument manufacturers..1,2/ Unfortunately, these may
Gas Chromatographs 5 not be found routinely in libraries but the reward for
6.1 Instrument Designs 6 efforts to obtain them is found in the useful details for
6.2 Detectors 6 optimizing an analysis or practical help for maintaining
Acknowledgments 7 the instrument.
The column may arguably be considered the key
List of Symbols 7 component of a gas chromatograph and accordingly has
Abbreviations and Acronyms 7 been treated separately under another heading. However,
Related Articles 7 the total variance of a separation (sT ) will conform to
principles of error propagation and be a sum of variances
References 7
from the injector (sI ), column
pP (sc ), detector (sd ), and
data system (sds ), i.e. sT D .si C sc C sd C sds /. Thus,
each of these components contributes to the overall
Instrumentation for gas chromatography (GC) comprises efficiency of a GC separation and merits individual
well-defined components, each of which contributes to attention.
the overall chromatographic performance. Most of these
components have reached a mature level of technical devel-
opment after nearly 50 years of development. Nonetheless, Temperature controlled
advances are occurring in an evolutionary, not revolution-
ary, manner with sample handling and in refinements of Carrier gas Injection Data
detectors. One area of dramatic advance in GC instrumen- supply port Column Detector system
tation is the development of small, sophisticated, portable
gas chromatographs. Each component of a gas chro-
matograph (columns excepted) is discussed below where
principles and recent developments are emphasized. Figure 1 Block diagram of gas chromatograph.

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry

Edited by Robert A. Meyers.  John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. ISBN 0471 97670 9

for a nitrogen cylinder versus ¾$50 for a helium cylinder.

However, the selection is more complex than the prices
of gas cylinders alone. Column efficiency in GC contains
a term for contributions to longitudinal broadening in
the carrier gas and this is given by the Dg term in the
van Deemter equation..3/ This term is proportional to
the square root of molar mass for the carrier gas, and
nitrogen or argon would be preferred over helium based
on Dg only. This effect can be seen in Figure 3, where
nitrogen provides better performance than helium and
has the lower contribution to plate height. However,
the shape of the curve for height equivalent to a
theoretical plate (HETP) versus flow rate (as linear
Figure 2 Photograph of modern gas chromatograph. velocity) for helium shows a reasonably good efficiency
at high flow rates..1,4/ (HETP is equal to L/N, where L
is the column length and N is the number of theoretical
2 CARRIER GAS plates in a column.) In contrast, the van Deemter curve
for nitrogen is comparatively narrow. Consequently,
The carrier gas or mobile phase in GC is an essential, but a GC separation using nitrogen at 10 cm s 1 can be
limiting, facet in separations. Carrier gas is the means to accomplished with comparable separating efficiency using
move constituents of a sample through the column and yet helium at 50 – 60 cm s 1 . The practical consequence of this
the choice of possible gases is restricted. Moreover, the is that costs for using helium, on a per sample basis,
carrier gas has properties that sometimes can complicate might be lower than those for nitrogen when the speed of
an analysis. Unlike liquid chromatography (where a wide analysis is factored into the calculations.
selection of mobile phase compositions may be possible),
very little can be gained in separations through altering
the mobile phase composition to influence the partition 2.2 Control of Flow
coefficient (k) or separation factor (a) in GC. One difficulty in GC is the compressibility of the carrier
gas and subsequent influence on separating performance.
2.1 Selection of Gases This was recognized in the first paper on GC where
correction factors for gas flow rates were described..5/
The choice of a practical carrier gas is simple: nitrogen
The implications for isothermal methods are significant
or helium. Air may be used as a carrier gas under certain
but will be critical with temperature programmed GC
conditions with portable or on-site chromatographs but
when column temperatures may span 200 ° C or more..6,7/
this is uncommon with laboratory-scale instruments. The
When temperature is increased for a column with constant
choice of nitrogen or helium is made, in part, on the
pressure on the inlet, the average flow rate in the column
principles of separation and, in part, on economics: ¾$20
will decrease owing to increased viscosity of the gas
mobile phase in a proportional but nonlinear manner.
C17 at 175 °C Under such conditions, flow rates may slow at high
1.2 k = 4.95 temperature and both separation speed and efficiency
N2 WCOT Column may suffer. Flow may be kept constant through mass
1.0 OV−101 0.4 µm flow meters that have inlet and outlet orifices, adjustable
HETP (mm)

25 mm × 0.25 mm
based upon pressure differences..2/ Constant flow can be
delivered across a range of pressure drops that may arise
0.6 due to changes in temperature but cannot compensate
H2 for changes in barometric pressure. An advance in
0.4 instrumentation during the past decade has been the
commercialization of flow programming so that flows
may be made highly reproducible.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2.3 Gas Sources and Purity
Average linear velocity (cm s−1)
A common gas source for nitrogen or helium is the pres-
Figure 3 Plot of separation efficiency versus column flow rate. surized cylinder or bottled gas supply, readily supplied as

a steel tank with a two-stage pressure regulator. This is still column. Another complication with syringe injections is
a common gas source though gas generators for nitrogen the introduction of particulate and reactive materials into
(air and hydrogen too) can be commercially competitive columns. Protection is afforded by precolumns. Further
with bottled gas and have advantages in safety. information on syringe injections and the range of options
Regardless of the gas source, special attention must for injection methods can be found in excellent reference
be given to the purity of tubing used to connect the sources..10,11/
source and the gas chromatograph and to impurities in Gas samples can be injected into the column using
the gas supply. Most columns do not tolerate moisture and gas-tight syringes or using rotary gas switching valves
oxygen well when operated at temperatures over 100 ° C. that offer enormous flexibility for GC instruments..12/
Best results for column longevity and chromatographic Precision gas switching valves allow a gas sample to be
reproducibility occur when the carrier gas is cleaned over measured with a precise volume and introduced into
molecular sieve beds (to reduce moisture). In addition, carrier gas flow without interrupting column flow. Sample
specialized traps can be purchased to reduce or remove is loaded into a loop and then, with a change in the
hydrocarbons and oxygen in the carrier gas. valve position, is swept into the column under flow of
the gas source. Heated switching valves such as those
made by VICI, Inc..13/ are also useful in the analysis
3 SAMPLE INLETS of sorbent traps. When traps are heated and switched
in-series with the analytical column, constituents will be
thermally desorbed for GC separations. Switching valves
The chromatographic process begins when sample is
can be automated via electronic actuators and can be
introduced into the column, ideally without disrupting
incorporated into purge-and-trap methods that are useful
flows in the column. The chromatographic results will
for characterizing aqueous samples for volatile organic
be reproducible inasmuch as this is accomplished with
a minimum of change in pressure or flow of the carrier
gas or mobile phase. Also, the injection step establishes
the initial (and best possible) peak width for the GC 3.2 Pyrolysis
measurement. Thus, delivery of sample into the column Another inlet option which is now routine in certain
should be controlled, reproducible, and rapid. specific applications of material sciences is that of sample
pyrolysis where solid samples are rapidly heated to a
3.1 Syringes and Switching Valves point of thermal decomposition in a reproducible manner.
At temperatures in excess of 600 ° C, substances such as
A common method for placing samples on a GC column natural or synthetic polymers thermally decompose to
is to use the microliter syringe with a needle to penetrate small molecular weight, stable substances that provide
a plastic membrane. In this method a gas-tight seal is a chromatographic profile which is unique to certain
maintained and sample is deposited into a heated zone. materials. Such an injector enlarges the application
If liquid or solid, sample is volatilized and swept to of GC to solid samples that would not normally
the column and this can be accomplished by manual be considered suitable for GC characterization, and
injections in ¾1 s. Syringe injection is a convenient pyrolysis methods have become standardized for some
and generally effective method though the thermoplastic applications such as assaying plastics. A journal now
septum develops leaks after repeated injections. Fatigue exists for analytical applications of pyrolysis, the Journal
of the plastic septum limits the number of injections of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Attachments to inlets
to ¾30 before the septum must be replaced. A second are commercially available and serve to extend GC in
difficulty arises with impurities from off-gassing or forensic and industrial applications, as shown in Table 1.
decomposition of the septum and these are seen as so-
called ghost peaks or peaks in control blanks..8/ Table 1 Examples of applications of pyrolysis GC
Advances with capillary columns introduced unprece-
dented precision and accuracy to GC measurements and Example Ref.
limitations with syringes became apparent..9/ Discrimina-
Lignin by pyrolysis methylation 14
tion toward high boiling point components was seen with Synthetic polymers
syringe injections and techniques to remedy the failings Fast GC 15
have been developed..9/ Sometimes thermal volatiliza- Bibliography 16
tion may lead to decomposition of samples so efforts Rosin glycerin esters in paper 17
to remove the discrimination and decomposition moti- Chlorinated polyethylene structure 18
Coating materials: bibliography 19
vated the use of so-called on-column injections where Proteinaceous binders in paints 20
sample is deposited directly from the syringe into the

3.3 Other Topics Table 2 Examples of applications of SPME methods with GC

In purge-and-trap methods, a small amount of water is
treated vigorously with an inert gas flow sufficient to Example Ref.
sweep volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the gas
Dimethyl sulfide in beer 23
phase from the water phase. The gas flow, including the Diacetyl in wine 24
VOCs, is passed through an adsorbent trap where VOCs Organochlorine compounds in water 25
are retained and concentrated while water vapor and Wine headspace compounds 26
gas are unretained and released to vent. After a short Ecstasy and amphetamine in confiscated samples 27
time of purging, the trap is placed in series with the gas Parathion in biological samples 28
Trimethylamine in urine 29
chromatograph via a gas switching valve and VOCs are Volatile compounds in sunflower oil 30
transferred to the analytical column. This is done through
a rapid increase in temperature of the sorbent trap and
the vapors are carried to the analytical column under of the oven. Heat from the resistive wire source is
carrier gas flow. Purge-and-trap methods are the basis for spread, ideally in an even manner, throughout the oven
an expansive use of GC for monitoring the VOCs at ppb volume using a fan attached to an electric motor. A
levels in aqueous samples as specified.21,22/ by the United thermistor or thermocouple inside the oven is part of
States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Such regulating the oven temperature via the amount of heat
instrumentation and methods are available today in released by the heating element. This is controlled by the
commercial instrumentation and can be fully automated. power delivered to the element and a feedback circuit
An advantage in this method of sample preparation is that to control and program the oven temperature. Efforts
nonvolatile constituents, which could potentially foul the to create isothermal conditions, i.e. no thermal gradients
column, remain in the sample container and do not enter inside the oven volume, are essential for reproducible
the column. chromatography and are criteria in evaluating good oven
Another adaptation of GC for trace organic analysis designs. Gradients in excess of a few degrees between
was the development of solid-phase microextraction various regions of an oven are practical in the best
(SPME) with a syringe design. In this, a stationary phase of oven designs and can be more than a few degrees
is bonded on a silica fiber that can be introduced to a in poorly designed ovens. One of the only systematic
gas or aqueous sample. Organic chemicals partition into evaluations of GC ovens was given by Welsh.31/ and
the coated fiber during a time of contact and the fiber his discussion provides measures for characterizing GC
is withdrawn into a syringe needle. In an injection port ovens.
the fiber is pushed from the protection of the needle and
sample is thermally desorbed into the GC column. This
4.2 Other Designs for Control of Column Temperature
method has advantages of convenience and simplicity
and the growth of use of SPME injections has been Several alternatives to conventional ovens have been
dramatic during the 1990s. A list of some representative devised and may be especially helpful for short columns
applications is given in Table 2. or instances where little space is available for a bulky,
heated air oven. Two approaches have been used and
include small thermal ovens.32/ and innovative column
4 OVENS heating arrangements..33/ Column heating based on
resistive heating is compact, uses minimal power, and
4.1 Conventional Designs can decrease analysis times..34/ These methods are based
upon application of heat directly to the column or a
Liquids or solids must be converted to vapor state and base upon which the column is crafted or attached. The
maintained as a vapor throughout the GC separation. approach is unlikely to become a laboratory standard but
Therefore, most gas chromatographs are equipped with is being explored for use in miniature or portable gas
ovens to keep the column at temperatures from 40 to chromatographs..35/
350 ° C. Exceptions are those chromatographs that are
used in separating simple gases such as light hydrocar-
bons or permanent gases. Early gas chromatographs were
equipped with isothermal ovens. Today, temperature- 5 DETECTORS AND DATA SYSTEMS
programmed ovens allow separations of chemicals span-
ning a range of vapor pressures in a single analysis. The subject of detectors in GC is a pivotal theme since the
Conventional ovens, unchanged in decades, consist of separation processes will have been wasted if the analyte
a resistive wire coil that radiates into the inner volume cannot be detected. Excellent primers on GC detectors

are available.36,37/ and any general text on instrumental near general availability of gas chromatography/mass
analysis will have introductory material on the common spectrometry (GC/MS) instrumentation. In a GC/MS
detectors. A biennial review contains an extensive section analysis, a mass spectrum can be obtained continuously
on developments of GC detectors and can serve as a guide at fixed intervals of ¾0.1 s throughout the analysis. Con-
to primary literature..38/ sequently, a mass spectrum can be obtained for each
chromatographic peak and the shoulders and baselines
in the chromatogram. No other detector can provide
5.1 Detectors
the richness of information available in such results.
Effluent from the column enters a detector where the Detection limits can be enhanced through the use of
composition of the carrier gas stream is characterized single ion monitoring where the mass spectrometer is
through one of several possible chemical or physical prop- used for detecting the intensity of one or a few ions.
erties of molecules. The mainstays in GC have been the This can provide the specificity of a mass spectral
flame ionization detector (FID), the thermal conductivity pattern for response without losses in detection limit
detector (TCD) and the electron capture detector (ECD). associated with scanning over unused m/z space. One
Other commercially available detectors include the pho- revolution in the past decade has been the application
toionization detector (PID), the nitrogen– phosphorus of powerful desktop computers to control instrumen-
detector and the atomic emission detector, though these tation and especially to control data acquisition and
have been less prevalent historically than the FID, TCD, handling.
and ECD. Other detectors have been introduced through
the years but have never become widely used in GC meth- 5.2 Data Systems
ods. The FID relies upon the formation of gaseous ions
from organic molecules combusted in a hydrogen – air At a fundamental level, acquisition of chromatographic
flame; the TCD is based upon changes in the heat absorb- results has been little changed since the early days of
ing properties of the gas effluent when the carrier gas is GC, though the digital revolution has meant that strip
altered with analyte; the ECD response is governed by chart recorders, once the mainstay of collecting chro-
the ability of some molecules to attract and remove ther- matograms, cannot be found today and only electronic
malized electrons. Despite long-standing conventions for recording-integrators or microcomputers are used. Signal
the design and operation of these detectors, advances still from the detector amplifier is digitized and stored to disk
occur. allowing enormous convenience in retrieving and replay-
Examples of evolutionary changes include the small ing results. This means that peak retention times, peak
FID designs.39/ and designs where gas mixing is arranged areas, etc. are automatically reported and have been since
to provide optimum response..40 – 42/ A recurring theme in the mid-1970s. In addition, software allows the results to
advances in ECD has been a nonradioactive alternative be displayed in an automated manner, i.e. reports can be
to the normal source, 10 mCi of 63 Ni. Despite promising generated according to standard reporting formats. All
discoveries, the radioactive source is still the favored this can be economically integrated into the total instru-
choice. The applications of ECD illustrate the advantages ment control and management through computers and is
of selective detectors where analyte can be found in the an option on all chromatographs and a standard feature
presence of potentially interfering matrix. on most instruments.
Examples where the ECD was chosen to detect a
specific chemical family over interfering backgrounds
include: halocarbons in air for oceanographic tracer 6 MINIATURIZED, HIGH-SPEED,
studies;.43/ chlorobutanol in mouse tissues and fluids;.44/ AND PORTABLE GAS
organochlorine compounds in milk products;.45/ pesti- CHROMATOGRAPHS
cides and other organochlorides in water;.46/ organochlo-
rine pesticides in edible oils and fats..47/ One area of GC that has shown vibrancy with advances
In the last two decades, inexpensive mass spectrome- during the 1990s is that of small, fast, and portable GC
ters or mass-selective detectors (MSDs) have dramatically instruments. Though process gas chromatographs were
transformed the practice of GC. Once the purview of amongst the first sophisticated analyzers placed into
laboratories able to sustain the high cost of mass spec- industrial on-site measurements, the subject has taken
trometers and the high level of maintenance, instrument new significance following the burgeoning environmen-
manufacturers made mass spectrometers both robust and tal movement. Making measurements where a sample is
inexpensive. This development, when combined with the located rather than relocating samples to a centralized
appreciation that analytical confidence is highest with laboratory underlies this trend. Recently, a new journal
a mass spectrometer as the detector, has resulted in a has appeared to support these efforts, Field Analytical

Chemistry and Technology, which includes portable GC field portable GC/MS systems can be expected to increase
advances. dramatically.
In high-speed GC, retention times can be pushed under Another sophisticated detector for GC is the ion
a few minutes or seconds with short, narrow bore columns mobility spectrometer and recently it too has been
or high flow rates. Part of the challenge in fast GC is the coupled to gas chromatographs for field analysis..59,60/
compressibility of the carrier gas and the necessary speed The utility of this hand-held gas chromatograph/ion
(low time constants) for subcomponents such as injectors mobility spectrometer analyzer was demonstrated by
and detectors for high-speed separations. rapid screening (¾20 s) with chemical warfare agents
such as dimethyl methylphosphonate..61/ One of the
6.1 Instrument Designs most impressive demonstrations was that from the US
Army where a portable pyrolysis-gas chromatograph/ion
An example of the size possible for small gas chro-
mobility spectrometer was developed for screening
matographs is an ultimate miniature gas chromatograph
airborne pathogens. This unit is shown in Figure 4.
created using silicon micromachining and integrated cir-
This part of GC instrumentation may be expected
cuit processing techniques..48/ This GC analyzer contains
to undergo continued development as interest in speed
a 0.9 m long ð 300 µm wide ð 10 µm high rectangular col-
of analysis pushes dimensions and hardware. Therefore,
umn coated with a 0.2-µm thick liquid phase. The injector
it represents one of the few areas of growth in GC
is a 10-µm-long sampling loop with the same cross-section
instrumentation that can be recognized in the absence of
as the column. Dual detectors based upon a coated
a revolutionary change in GC methods.
chemiresistor and on thermal conductivity are used. The
complete system is packaged in less than 23 cm2 and is
2.5 mm high. Although limited in scope to the detection
of ammonia and nitrogen dioxide, this miniature chro-
matograph offers exciting possibilities for future field
One trade-off for high-speed GC is the loss of
capacity due to the smaller diameter and shorter
columns. Application of packed capillary columns in
high-speed GC has been shown to improve capacity
and selectivity.49/ while obtaining high-speed separa-
tion for light hydrocarbons..50/ An alternative is the
multicapillary column which improved capacity while
maintaining the efficiency obtained with small internal
diameter columns..51/
Injection techniques for high-speed GC must provide
narrow bandwidths due to fast analysis time requirements
without compromises in resolution..52/ One means to
accomplish this is through cryogenic inlets which provide
narrow bandwidths.53/ and in some instances injection
times can be shorter than 10 ms..54/

6.2 Detectors
Mass spectrometers might be considered ideal detectors
and adaptations to fieldable gas chromatographs have
been made. One design is the size of a standard
size suitcase, weighs ¾31 kg and uses ¾600 W under
peak loads..55/ Naturally, field portability is a goal
and man-portability has been demonstrated..56/ A cart-
portable unit has been described and was capable
of screening 1000 samples an hour at a speed of
20 – 32 km an hour..57/ Portable GC/MS instruments
were also used for industrial hygiene applications..58/
As the need for field measurements increases and mass Figure 4 Gas chromatograph/ion mobility spectrometer for
spectrometry (MS) becomes miniaturized, the number of bacterial analysis.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5. A.T. James, A.J.P. Martin, ‘Gas – Liquid Partition Chro-

matography: the Separation and Micro-estimation of
The assistance of David Young, Jonathan Bergloff, and Volatile Fatty Acids from Formic Acid to Dodecanoic
Kara Douglas in checking the manuscript is gratefully Acid’, Biochem. J., 50, 679 (1952).
acknowledged. 6. W. Harris, H. Habgood, ‘Some Temperature Effects in
Gas Chromatography’, Talanta, 11, 115 (1964).
7. W. Harris, H. Habgood, Programmed Temperature Gas
Chromatography, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1966.
LIST OF SYMBOLS 8. V.M. Olsavicky, ‘A Comparison of High Temperature
Septa for Gas Chromatography’, J. Chromatogr. Sci.,
a Separation factor 197 – 200 (1978).
Dg Diffusivity of solute in carrier gas 9. K. Grob, Jr, H.P. Neukom, ‘The Influence of Syringe
k Partition coefficient Needle on the Precision and Accuracy of Vaporizing
GC Injections’, J. High Res. Chrom. Chrom. Commun., 2,
15 – 21 (1979).
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 10. K. Grob, ‘Classical Split and Splitless Injection’, in
Capillary GC, A. Huethig, Heidelberg, 1987.
11. K. Grob, ‘On-column Injection’, in Capillary GC, A. Hue-
ECD Electron Capture Detector
thig, Heidelberg, 1987.
FID Flame Ionization Detector
12. G.L. Pratt, J.H. Purnell, ‘Sampling Valve for Use in Gas
GC Gas Chromatography
Chromatographic Analysis of the Products of Gaseous
GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Reactions’, Anal. Chem., 32, 1213 (1960).
HETP Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate
13. See http://www.vici.com/
MS Mass Spectrometry 14. K. Kuroda, A. Izumi, ‘Analysis of Lignin by Pyrol-
MSD Mass-selective Detector ysis – Methylation: Pyrolysis Products Derived from
PID Photoionization Detector Beta-O-4, Beta-beta, Beta-5, and Beta-1 Substructures’,
SPME Solid-phase Microextraction Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 43(1), 112 – 114 (1997).
TCD Thermal Conductivity Detector 15. F.C.Y. Wang, A.D. Burleson, ‘The Development of
USEPA United States Environmental Pyrolysis Fast Gas Chromatography for Analysis of Syn-
Protection Agency thetic Polymers’, J. Chromatogr. A, 833(1), 111 – 119
VOC Volatile Organic Compound (1999).
16. J.K. Haken, ‘Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography of Synthetic
Polymers: a Bibliography’, J. Chromatogr. A, 825(2),
RELATED ARTICLES 171 – 187 (1998).
17. L. Wang, Y. Ishida, H. Ohtani, S. Tsuge, ‘Determination
of Fortified Rosin Glycerin Ester Sizing Agents in
Mass Spectrometry (Volume 13)
Paper by Reactive Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography in the
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