Muzakra 22

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SOUL: How hard do I have to work at spiritual life, my dear Lord?

SELF: I am glad that you’ve asked this question, My friend. Actually, there’s no
question of “How hard,” for however hard you try, you can never try hard enough. (Fa
iza fraghta, fansab - Qur’an) It is extremely important to avoid laziness and to declare
war on sloth. Sloth is a vice that not only prevents perfection; it also automatically
delivers you into the hands of the enemy. If you are at all serious about defeating this
enemy, you must begin by shunning all vain and useless entertainments, such as
television and cinema, newspapers and useless novels, books and magazines. In fact, you
have to withdraw your affections from all worldly things and avoid all pursuits that are
not for Me.

Remember: I am the still small voice within, and you should strive diligently to
heed the inspirations to My voice. You may not know it, nor yet have sufficient faith to
believe it, but I always speak for your benefit. You will always triumph, provided you
listen carefully to Me and execute the orders of your God conscious superiors.

For this reason, it is necessary to have a fixed schedule in devotional service. Do

not hesitate – not even for an instant – in the execution of your service. One delay leads
to another, and another, and then a third, and so on, until you finally lose your
opportunity for worship altogether.

People often become addicted to leading an easy life and avoiding work entirely.
This addition is proportional to one’s indulgence in it. Finally, labour – even though
service to Me – becomes so distasteful that one becomes lethargic to the point of
uselessness. Who wants a useless servant? How can a master be pleased with and
reward such a servant?

SOUL: But, my Lord, it’s very difficult to shake off the lazy habits of a lifetime.

SELF: You’re quite right. Sloth is very difficult to overcome. Often it does not
disappear unless one is shamed by economic or social failure. Conversions occasioned
by social or economic shame, however, are not as permanent as those occasioned by
spiritual shame, resulting from realization of My displeasure.

Furthermore, sloth is a poison that spreads its paralyzing effect over all the
faculties of the soul. First, it infects the will, making work seem loathsome. Then it
infects the intelligence, so that one’s resolutions to improve have no effect. What should
have been done without delay is either totally neglected, or deferred to some indefinite
future. Procrastination becomes your second nature. The conditioned soul promises,
“Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.” Unfortunately, tomorrow never arrives, for tomorrow
always becomes today.
SOUL: So I have to be quick. Isn’t that right, Lord?

SELF: Not exactly. Mere swiftness of hands and feet is not enough. Things must
be done at the proper time and at the proper place. Moreover, the proper consciousness
must be employed. By this, I mean God consciousness – acting only for Me.

For instance, an act, which is done without regard to its proper execution –
performed only to avoid some threat of retribution, or to attain, some promised sense
gratification – cannot be called either diligent or devotional.

SOUL: What is the cause of such miscalculation, Lord?

SELF: Usually, one has failed to appreciate the infinite value of a good work
properly done for Me. Such a good act may completely nullify all the impediments that
sloth can place before you.

Think constantly of Me. Whether you hear about Me, tell others about Me,
sincerely pray to Me, render some service to My sacred Deity, chant and recite My Holy
Name, or in any other way remember Me – such loving service satisfies Me very much.

On the other hand, I withdraw My graces from the soul who neglects My graces,
and I give them more and more to him who is faithful in loving service to Me. Surely,
such a devoted soul will enter into the joys of My Kingdom.

SOUL:But I am so weak, Lord. How will I ever be able to manage this?

SELF: In the beginning, you may find your own strength insufficient to face all
the tribulations on the road to perfection. But be of good cheer. I am the Master not only
of this world, but also of an infinite number of worlds, some higher and some lower.
Gradually, you will acquire the habit of always calling upon Me in your times of trouble.

Remember, I am the friend of My devotee and the protector of the surrendered

soul. I will not fail you. I promise you this, for you are very dear to Me. Chant My Holy
Name and be happy, My dear one.

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