6. How can I pray?
PAPA Prayer Present yourself to God
Be a real person in therelationship. Tell Him whatever is going on inside you that youcan identify.
God, I’m really tired right now, my life is very hard
God, I’m confused, I
have a decision to make, and I just
don’t know what
choice to make
God I’m really angry at this person right now, I want to
have revenge for how he has treated me
God, I feel empty right now, no motivation, unable tofocus on what I need to do.
Attend to h
ow you’re thinking of God
Again, nopretending.
Ask yourself, “How am I experiencing God rightnow?”
What does God look like to me? How picture do I see of him?
Is He a vending machine,
a frowning father,
a distant, cold force?
is He your gloriously strong but intimate Papa?
Purge yourself of anything blocking your relationship with God
Put into words whatever makes you uncomfortableor embarrassed in your relationship with Him. How are youthinking more about yourself and your satisfaction than aboutGod and His pleasure?
Approach God as the “first thing” in your life
as yourmost valuable treasure, the Person you most want toknow. Admit that other people and things really do mattermore to you right now, but you long to want God so much that
every other good thing in your life becomes a “second thing”
Seek first the kingdom of God and its
Anything less than this is idolatry.
1. Set aside some time every day to pray about things.2. Think about everything that concerns you, that you areanxious about or worried about.3. Make a note or list or something about what these thingsare.4. Note or mark those things that you can take care of or cando yourself.5. Do the things you can do6. Turn everything else over to God7. Pray to God and make specific requests to God about yourconcerns.God can handle our prayers. If He has a better way to takecare of the prayer request, he will deal with it, and, He WILL letus know.We need to cast our cares on God, and we have to learn to waitfor him and see what he does.a. Prayer shows us that God can provide for our every need,and he will make that provision available to us.
b. As we pray, we begin to see things from God’s point of view,
which will help us to see our problems in a new way. But wemust learn to be patient and learn to listen for God when hespeaks to us.
Sometimes he speaks to us through circumstances
Sometimes he speaks to us through a friend or someoneelse.
Sometimes we will feel a push or nudge or somethingwill come into our minds that is totally unexpected.
There are a number ways that God can speak to us, and I’m
not going to even try to tell you what they are. Most of youhave had an experience of hearing from God. It takes time, ittakes patience, and it take commitment to God.