Shadow of The Colossus Secrets and Cheats
Shadow of The Colossus Secrets and Cheats
Shadow of The Colossus Secrets and Cheats
Hard difficulty:
Successfully complete the game and save when prompted after the credits. A new
game can now be started in hard mode.
When playing Time Attack mode under the hard difficulty setting, the following
bonus items will be unlocked, in order:
iatneaew tasiahri.
Harpoon Of Thunder
Sword Of The Sun: Light beacon operates in patches of shadow.
Fruit Tree Map: Reveals the Fruit Trees on map.
Shaman's Cloak: Increase defense and lessen damage.
Lizard Detection Stone: Detects white tailed lizards.
Shaman's Mask: Increase defense.
Cloth Of Desperation: Parachute for safe landing
Queen's Sword From Ico
Brown Agro:
Defeat all sixteen Colossi and unlock all items in Time Attack mode under the
normal difficulty setting. Then, hold Square at the title screen.
White Agro:
Defeat all sixteen Colossi and unlock all items in Time Attack mode under the hard
difficulty setting. Then, hold Circle at the title screen.
Reminisce mode::
Go to the corpse of the Colossi and press Circle to pray. The graphics will change
to a old film appearance.
Secret Garden:
Successfully complete the game four times (all four modes) and get a large amount
of stamina, Travel to the ends of the world and locate the patch of ivy on the
northeast side of the shrine. Climb up the ivy and follow trail all the way up and
around the ledge to the right. Jump across at the other end of the ledge to reach
the next set of ivy. Continue on until you get to another ledge above that you
must climb around. Once at the other side of this ledge, climb to the right then
shimmy across another ledge that leads behind a column. Jump to the ivy-covered
column, then continue climbing. The ivy will lead to a walkway. Climb the stairs
and walkway to the left of the garden. Note: Eating fruit from the trees causes
damage. You must defeat a seventeenth Colossus to continue to the end of the path
to the top of the temple.
It is possible to reach the Secret Garden early. Find the patch of ivy behind the
Temple you start at (almost directly under the huge bridge you came in on). If
your grip meter is high enough, you can just jump straight up the side until you
reach the first ledge, which has a small patch of leaves on it. Position yourself
directly under that patch of leaves. Continue to hold Grip/Duck and jump straight
up. Your character will immediately duck in those leaves, allowing you to refill
any lost grip. Then, continue around and up the side until you reach the path
leading to the garden.
After completing the game, start a continued game from the completed saved gaem
file. There should now be a number "2" to the right of your saved game. Start the
game and perform the time attacks on the statues (press Circle in front of the
statues in the temple) until you receive the "Lizard Detection Stone". Then, go
around and start eating the tails of the white lizards on the way to defeating a
few of the first Collosi. Now that you are strong enough (the grip meter's bottom
should be out of view off the bottom of the screen), go to the area below the
bridge you came from. Walk to the left slightly until you see an area of wall that
has vines going very far up. You can climb up there. Note: Instead of trying to
straight climb or jumping straight up, jump side-to-side all the way up to the
second ledge then continue jumping sideways at all opportunities (even on the
ledges and precarious sections).
Kevin Escaloni.
There is a good sized pond or lake in Sector C-3, at the bottom right side. If you
stand outside the water you will not see any fish. However if you dive into the
pond you will see large fish swimming around . Swim to the fish and press R1 to
grab the top fin. Let the fish tow you around the pond. Watch how long you stay
underwater or you will drown.
Dennis Kendrick.
Standing gallop:
Hold R1 + X.
Rearing Agro:
When stationary on Agro's back, quickly pull the Left Analog-stick Back + X. Agro
will rear, then quickly bolt forward at a gallop. This is useful for getting away
from a Colossus quickly.
Save the game after completing it. Turn off the PlayStation2, then turn it back
on. Allow the introduction sequence to begin, where your character is riding Argo.
Press Start so that the title screen appears. Allow the game to idle, and a new
introduction sequence will begin. Instead of Argo roaming all over the world, you
will now follow a hawk, soaring over the canyons and plains.
While holding R1 + Triangle, hold Square until the controller vibrates and/or the
rings on the circular meter fills. Then, tap Square again. This does significant
damage to the Colossi and make it easier to defeat them.
Shane W..
To do a powerful jump attack, jump and quickly hold R1 + Square. You will hit the
Colossus very hard.
Hint: Launch the Wanderer into the large room where Colossus 6 came from:
This is the best way to get into the sixth Colossus' large room or lair. Get the
sixth Colossus as close as possible to the large room where he came out of. Wait
until he smashes the floor with his hand. Note: This may take awhile. When he
smashes his hand down, make sure he is still as close as possible to the large
room. Immediately after he smashes the floor, grab onto his arm/hand fur. He will
start flinging you around with his arm violently. If he swings his arm when you
are near the large room, release his arm and you will hopefully be flung into the
large room. This may require a few attempts. The large room has a strange large
blue central symbol on the floor. Also, the Colossus just stands as close as
possible to the edge of the room endlessly walking forward and stomping the floor.
Legaiaflame aka Jeremy Prusak.
Hint: Lizards:
If you are able to shoot a lizard's tail it will detach from the body.
Hint: Tortoises:
Apart from lizards, eels, hawks and doves, you also can find tortoises. One can be
found at the very right side of sector C3. If you tread on it or hit it with an
arrow, it will go inside of its shell.
Glitch: Invisibility:
While attacking the Colossus #8, knock him off of the third story window and jump
out of the closest area you can find. When you land, you will notice that the
monster is squirming on his back and trying to get up. Get on top of his tail and
be prepared. As soon as he flips, switch to your sword. This will result in the
monster "squashing" you and pushing you through the ground below him. The game
will then try to reset your character, but you will notice that a glitch has
caused your character's body to disappear completely. Shortly after the battle,
save the game and continue. Once more, the game will try and rest your character.
It will get closer, this time, merely restoring the head and flapping cloak. Thus
resulting in you having an invisible body, sword, bow, etc. The only thing that
will be seen will be the head and flapping cloak. Note: The monsters can still see
you. This is only a glitch. The monster will still know your location and attack
you. To reset this glitch, kill yourself, get a game over and select "Retry." This
time, you will be fully embodied.