References BOOKS

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AERODYNAMIC DESIGN KUCHEMAN, D. The Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 1978.

AIRCRAFT DESIGN CORNING, G. Supersonic and Subsonic CTOL & VTOL Airplane Design Helen Corning, BOX No. 415, Kensington, Maryland 20895. KIRSCHBAUM, NATHAN with Mason, W.H. Aircraft Design Handbook; Aircraft Design Aid and Layout Guide VPI Aircraft Design Series, 93-94 edition. NICOLAI, L.M. Fundamentals of Aircraft Design METS Inc., 6520 Kingsland Court, San Jose, CA, 1984. NICKEL, K., WOHLFAHRT M. Tailless Aircraft in Theory and Practice AIAA Education Series, 1994. RAYMER, D.P. Aircraft Design : A Conceptual Approach AIAA Education Series, 2nd ed., 1992. ROSKAM, J. Airplane Design Part I Preliminary Sizing of Airplanes, 1985. Part II Preliminary Configuration Design and Integration of the Propulsion System, 1985. Part III Layout Design of Cockpit, Fuselage, Wing and Empennage : Cutaways and Inboard Profiles, 1986. Part IV Layout Design of Landing Gear and Systems, 1986. Part V Component Weight Estimation, 1985. Part VI Preliminary Calculation of Aerodynamic, Thrust and Power Characteristics, 1987. Part VII Determination of Stability, Control and Performance Characteristics : FAR and Military Requirements, 1988. Part VIII Airplane Cost Estimation : Design, Development, Manufacturing and Operating, 1990. Roskam Aviation and Engineering Corporation, Route 4, Box 274 Ottawa, Kansas, 66067. STINTON, D. The Design of the Aeroplane AIAA Education Series (USA) or Blackwell Science, Ltd. (UK), 1983. THURSTON, D.B. Design for Flying McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1978. TORENBEEK, E. Synthesis of Subsonic Airplane Design Delft University Press, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Holland, 1982.

WOOD, K.D. Aircraft Design Johnson Publishing Co., Boulder, CO, 1966. CASE STUDIES IN AIRCRAFT DESIGN ARONSTEIN, D.C., PICCIRILLO, A.C., ANSER Have Blue and the F-117A: Evolution of the "Stealth Fighter" AIAA Education Series, 1997. BURK, J.D. Gossamer Condor and Albatros: A Case Study in Aircraft Design AIAA Education Series, 1980. DROSTE, C.S., WALKER, J.E. The General Dynamics Case Study on the F-16 Fly-by-Wire Flight Control System AIAA Education Series. HISOCK, R. A Case Study on the De Havilland Family of STOL Commuter Aircraft AIAA Education Series. HIRSCHBERG, M.J., ANSER Soviet V/STOL Aircraft: The Struggle for a Shipborne Combat Capability AIAA Education Series, 1997. GARRARD, W. The Lockheed C-5 Case Study in Aircraft Design AIAA Education Series. MEAD, L., COPPI, C., and STRAKOSCH, J. A Case Study by Grumman Aerospace Corporation and Gulfstream American Corporation on the Gulfstream III AIAA Education Series. PICCIRILLO, A.C., ANSER German V/STOL Fighter Program: A Quest for Survivability in a Theater Nuclear Environment AIAA Education Series, 1997. RECH, J. and LEYMAN, C. A Case Study by Aerospatiale and British Aerospace on the Concorde AIAA Education Series. STUART, W. Northrop F-5 Case Study in Aircraft Design AIAA Education Series, 1978. WIMPRESS, J.K., Boeing Aircraft Co., NEWBERRY, C.F., Naval Postgraduate School The YC-14 STOL Prototype: Its Design, Development, and Flight Test AIAA Education Series, 1998. Case Study in Aircraft Design: The Boeing 727 AIAA Education Series, 1978. The British Aerospace Harrier Case Study in Aircraft Design AIAA Education Series, 1997. ENGINEERING DESIGN

ADAMS, JAMES L. Conceptual Blockbusting; A Guide to Better Ideas W.W. Norton & Co., 2nd edition, 1979. LUMSDAINE, EDWARD & LUMSDAINE, MONIKA Creative Problem Solving An Introductory Course for Engineering Students McGraw-Hill, 1990. PETROSKI, H. To Engineer is Human; The Role of Failure in Successful Design Vintage Books, 1992. PETROSKI, H. Design Paradigms; Case Histories of Error and Judgment in Engineering Cambridge University Press, 1994. ETHICS MARTIN, MIKE W. and SCHINZINGER, ROLAND Ethics in Engineering McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1989. HISTORY DUFFY, PAUL & KANDALOV ANDREI Tupolev: The Man and his Aircraft SAE, 1997. CURREY, N.S. Aircraft Landing Gear Design : Principles and Practices AIAA Education Series, 1989. RESOURCE BOOKS ABBOTT, I.H. and VON DOENHOFF, A.E. Theory of Wing Sections Dover Publications, Inc. N.Y., 1959. BOWERS, P.M. Unconventional Aircraft TAB Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA, 2nd ed., 1990. HOERNER, S.F. Fluid Dynamic Drag. Hoerner Fluid Dynamics, 1965. HOERNER, S.F. and BORST, H.B. Fluid Dynamic Lift. Hoerner Fluid Dynamics, 1975. TAYLOR, J.W.R. Janes All The Worlds Aircraft Published annually by Janes Publishing Company, 238 City Road, London EC1V 2PU, England. USAF STABILITY AND CONTROL DATCOM: 4 volumes

STRUCTURAL DESIGN HOBLIT, F.M. Gust Loads on Aircraft : Concepts and Applications AIAA Education Series, 1989. NIU, MICHAEL C.Y. Airframe Structural Design Practical Design Information and Data on Aircraft Structures Conmilit Press Ltd., 1988. NIU, MICHAEL C.Y. Composites Airframe Structures Conmilit Press Ltd., 1988. STINTON, D. The Anatomy of the Aeroplane AIAA Education Series (USA) or Blackwell Science, Ltd. (UK), 1985.

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