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CNC Programming Systems

3. CNC Programming Systems

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Ralf Weissinger, Dipl.-Inform. Roland Aukschlat, Ing. Franz Imhof
Multifunctional machines and complex workpieces require the use of high-performance NC programming. Individual priorities will dier depending on the type of manufacturing. Often the data for the workpieces being produced come from dierent sources. For this reason, the user should examine the criteria very carefully before committing to a specic program.

3.1. Introduction ( Figure 3.1 )

Figure 3.1. Overview of the software modules and interfaces between design engineering and production.
The requirements placed on NC programming are subordinated to the demanding requirements of the manufacturing industry and thus are subject to constant changes. The production environment is characterized by a wide variety of products and ever-shorter product life cycles. The result is that components of ever-increasing complexity have to be produced in smaller and smaller lot sizes. In response, CNC machine tools are becoming more capable and more multifunctional. The required exibility is reected in the increased installation of "almost universal" machining systems. A result of this is that the demands placed on CAM system have increased tremendously in recent years. This means that as the number and variety of machining processes contained in complete machining solutions increase, the more important it is to be able to manage them using the same CAM system.

3.2. Machining Processes Are Undergoing Major Changes

If one considers the various machining processes such as turning, milling, ame cutting, grinding, EDM, sheet forming, and even the machining of stone (Figure 3.2 ), it becomes clear that completely dierent machining strategies have to be chosen depending on the material (various metals, plastic, wood, glass, etc.).

Figure 3.2. NC-controlled stone saw with 1.5-m saw blade. (Robert Schlatter GmbH.)
Recently, more and more turning machines have been turned into universal machines that also can perform high-quality milling. And vice versa; there are now also milling machines that can be used for turning. State-of-the-art programming systems therefore have to be able to cope easily with switching back and forth between these machining processes. What is demanded here is quite clear: to be able to program all processes in any desired mix using the same system and the same user interface (Figures 3.3

and 3.4 ).

Figure 3.3. INDEX turning/milling center in a simulation.

Figure 3.4. Turning/milling or milling/turning machine from Pittler.

This trend toward combined processes continues with a mix of 3D sculptured surface machining and 2D milling/drilling. In the future, purely 3D machining will no longer be acceptable. There will be increasing demands to also be able to implement mixed programming for both requirements using a single system (Figures 3.5 and 3.6 ).

Figure 3.5. Depiction of sculptured surfaces (3D machining). The geometry is generated by simultaneous tool motion in all axes.

Figure 3.6. 2-1/2-D machining. Form-reproducing tool generates resulting geometry through Z in-feed.

3.3. The Area of Application Sets the Priorities

The need for adaptability becomes obvious when one takes a closer look at the areas of application subdivided into prototype construction, one-o parts manufacturing, small series, and full-scale production. These make completely dierent demands both on the programming system itself and on the NC programs that are created. In prototype construction, the

the NC programs that are created. In prototype construction, the requirement is to quickly create reliable, collision-free programs. The programming time and the ability to implement changes quickly are the highest priorities. The run-in time on the machine is also important. Optimization of the process time is of only secondary importance. The reason for this is that there is really little benet to be gained from optimizing the process time for just a few parts. Because running in may take place several times a day, this is where by far the greatest savings can be achieved. It is extremely important here to have programs that can be used to exclude the possibility of collisions from the very start, for example, by means of quality simulations. In some elds, and especially in one-o production, the unmachined part is already very expensive and hard to obtain. In such cases, zero defects are essential even during running-in (Figure 3.7 ).

Figure 3.7. Cylinder liner (length 1,500 mm). Example of a very expensive unmachined part in one-o parts manufacturing.
Series production involves completely dierent criteria. Here the process time itself is the most important point. The planning time is divided by the large number of units to be produced. It is thus advisable to look for ways to save even fractions of a second. This can be done most of all by optimizing the process sequence, optimizing tool paths and multiple xtures, and using a very highly adapted postprocessor. All the same, simulation also must be

used here to reliably avoid collisions.

3.4. Input Data from Various Sources

As the demands placed on NC programming systems have increased, so has the range of options for data input. While initially this involved only the geometry data of the parts being manufactured, it now also includes 3D data for the tools and clamping equipment, as well as the specic technology data for the individual machining processes. The standard here is generally 2D data in various interface formats and increasingly also 3D CAD data (usually the ISO 10303 series of standards [STEP]). These are supplemented by data about available tools, machines (for simulation), knowledge-based technology data, and recently, in some cases, feature data. Nevertheless, design drawings on paper also still exist. For such cases, CAM also has to provide a manual input option.

3.5. Capabilities of Modern NC Programming Systems (CAM)

The purpose of an NC programming system is to provide ecient support to the programmer. Its functions thus extend far beyond the creation of the NC program itself. They involve the handling of geometric data for the part being produced, the handling and registering of tools, and making them available in the data pool. With internal system functions it is necessary to create a data model that can serve as an unambiguous basis for automatic generation of suitable machining strategies. This also includes making the associated technology data available, such as the tool, feed, speed, cutting speed, cutting depth, and so on. The machining strategies can be veried and optimized through the use of appropriate simulation tools. Despite all the automatic features that provide great time savings on routine tasks, it is also important to make sure that the system has an open-system structure and an editor for NC programs. This kind of system concept gives not just the NC programmer but also the production-planning department and others the opportunity to congure the system to reect their personal considerations and to use it accordingly. From this brief description of the range of functions of NC programming systems, it becomes clear that today's high-performance CAM system indeed must meet very demanding requirements.

3.6. Data Models with a Uniform High Standard

In order to obtain a precise data model in the system, the CAM system has to check the imported geometric data (2D or 3D CAD data) for completeness and consistency and to bring the data to a uniform "high standard." If the design drawing is available on paper, then the system has to have a 2D design tool so that the user can transfer the information on the drawing to an internal 2D depiction. For the automatic transfer of 2D or 3D CAD data in various formats (STEP, initial graphics exchange specication [IGES], and CAD-specic formats), the important thing is to be able to read these formats and convert them into the internal format. Once this has been done, the geometry can be processed further in a uniform manner. CAD drawings contain large amounts of data that are completely irrelevant for programming. These include, for example, hatching, drawing frames, textual notes, dimension lines, and so on. To avoid extra work, it is important here to use an integrated data lter to select the right elements while the data are being read in.

3.7. CAM-Oriented Geometry Manipulation

If individual lines, circles, and circle segments are completely sucient to depict a drawing, then contiguous contour segments are absolutely necessary for processing it into an NC program. Because data that have been transferred are normally not of high enough quality, the CAM system has to be able to sort the data, correct them, and place them in the correct contour associations. This can include Extending or trimming contour elements Simplifying contours Splitting, connecting, and cutting Inserting and changing radii, chamfers, and recesses Shifting, rotating, stretching, copying, and mirror imaging Generating equidistant contours, erc.

It is also necessary to be able to correct elements whose tolerances are not centered, taking the connecting elements into account. In any case, it is essential to give the system information about the height of the body involved and the depth of any recess. If this cannot be done using the geometric data, then it will have to be done later via the depth setting of the tools. This is very time consuming. The design attitude very seldom corresponds to the attitude in the NC programming or on the machine. It is therefore important to align the geometries in space as simply as possible. It must be possible to associate dierent sides with dierent zero points (on the machine). With modern systems, if 3D models are available for the workpieces, then they also can be used to generate 2D programs. Based on the precise 3D data in the system, it is possible to derive 2D geometries such as planes, cylindrical surfaces, sections through volumes, or projections of surfaces as a contour with supplementary information about the position in space. If no CAD data are available, then the programmer must be able to generate all the geometry necessary to create the program using the functions available in the CAM system without any help from a CAD system. Complex workpieces contain such a large amount of geometric data that in some cases it is hard for the programmer to maintain a clear overview. It is therefore absolutely essential to support the programmer by means of suitable tools and management functions. It is especially useful here to highlight elements, contours, solids, and surfaces through the use of dierent colors, transparencies, thicknesses, and types of dashed lines and other special ways of emphasizing edges. It is also advisable to assign names and layers, as well as ways to conveniently show and hide relevant and irrelevant objects. One excellent method, for example, is to automatically hide surfaces that have already been processed.

3.8. Only High-Performance Machining Strategies Count

The truly supreme aspect of CAM systems is the generation of machining strategies. The important thing here is to bring the geometric data of the part being produced together with the suitable tool, the associated technology data, and the individual machining steps to form a high-

performance machining strategy. For normal machining such as milling or turning, it is common to use standard strategies that simply can be called up, such as Milling

Moving over contours/contour areas, etc. Broaching of recesses with and without islands Thread milling Slot milling Engraving Drilling cycles


Rough machining Roughing with cutting passes Finishing Recessing (Figure 3.8 )

Figure 3.8. Path calculation for recess turning.

These types of machining strategy can be generated automatically, practically at the press of a button (Figure 3.9 ).

Figure 3.9. Transferred from CAD to CAM and automatically converted into machining sequences.
But the real challenges are as follows:

To provide the user with a congurable, application-specic standard To provide for easy integration of nonstandard and new tools, technologies, and parameters To incorporate user-specic requests into the system, such as tool catalogs or special knowledge-based databases To transfer existing machining strategies to other geometries To create a direct association between the geometry and the machining so that in the event of a geometry change, the change is made automatically in the corresponding machining operations

3.9. 3D Models Oer More

Already today CAM systems are appearing that can use 3D model data directly to generate 2D programs. Transferring model data from various CAD systems no longer represents any problem. Previously, the interfaces often were problematic for the consistency and completeness of the data. Today, some interfaces are even capable of detecting errors in the consistency of the original model and may be able to repair them. As with drawings, looking good is not enough by itself. The model has to be logically correct, with no gaps in its edges, for example. In addition to these automatic correction steps, the user also has to have an option for manual simplication of the model. In the simplest case, this can involve hiding holes, chamfers, and recesses, perhaps in order generate a suitable model of the unmachined part. From the point of view of the programmer, it is important to be able to use his or her usual environment, for example, the CAM system, to manipulate the data as regards production. Even in the future, any direct, design-related changes still should be done only by the design engineer. Power over the product design and responsibility for it should remain there. The 3D basis can be used to derive the appropriate edges and surfaces for motion paths (up to ve axis paths) (Figure 3.10 ), thus unambiguously dening the positions and standards.

Figure 3.10. Five-axis path, derived from the surface and edge.

3.10. Innovation with Feature Technology

3.10.1. Denition According to VDI2218 Features are informational elements that represent areas of particular (technical) interest in individual or multiple products.

If the 3D CAD system that is being used is capable of attaching expanded information to geometric elements, then a modern CAM system can use this information to derive all the required tools and machining sequences. It should be noted here that only geometric and design-related information is needed in the 3D model. Some systems try to achieve automatic program generation by attaching tool and technology information to CAD objects. This approach, of course, is completely wrong. The developer has to stick to his or her core competency design engineeringand must not have to cope with production-related issues. What is more, it is very rare in the design phase for it to already be clear what production systems and which tools will be used later to manufacture the part. It is thus important to make a clear separation

between the geometry and the manufacturing technology. It becomes obvious here that model generation has to take into account more than just the external appearance. Information about tolerances, threads, surface quality, and much more has to be linked to the model in a consistent, logical manner. Whether it is integrated or used independently, the CAM system has to make use of the available information to derive optimal machining operations.

3.11. Automatic Object Detection

Unfortunately, the availability of such feature depends both on the CAD system being used (and its conguration) and on the individual developer and/or design engineer. It is therefore useful if the CAM system is also capable of deriving, for example, drilling data from the CAD model. In this case, it must be possible for the programmer to insert missing information manually, such as t data. Once this information is included, it is possible to derive the same machining operations and tools as with fully edged feature models (Figures 3.11 and 3.12 ).

Figure 3.11. Part with detected features, including a special borehole with a special tool.

Figure 3.12. Features of the CAD system. (Autodesk Inventor.)

3.12. Machining Database

Setting up a machining database can help to serve the dual purpose of greater transparency and faster processes. It is advisable to design this type of database with an eye to the user-specic infrastructure. The specic characteristics of use also should be taken into account; these are determined by specic properties, for example, frequently recurring machining strategies. On the one hand, common data structures are facilitated by data sets that are stored in a 1:1 relationship; that is, the geometry and the complete associated machining strategy are stored together. On the other hand, it is also possible to assign predened machining operations to other geometries.

3.13. Tools
In this process chain, the tools are of central importance. Neither automatic program generation nor quality simulations are at all possible without complete, consistent tool models. In manufacturing technology, tool management cannot be limited merely to the recording and saving of tool data. Far from it: Both the geometric and technological characteristics have to be available in such a way that the CAM system can access them as automatically as possible (Figure 3.13 ). In conjunction with the feature

automatically as possible (Figure 3.13 ). In conjunction with the feature informationfor example, for a stepped holethis makes it possible to automatically determine the correct tools. Using this method, it is also possible to ensure that in the event of changes, for example, from an M8 tapped hole to an M10 one, both the machining operation and the tool selection will be integrated automatically. Entering new, technologically improved tools thus also will automatically aect future selections of the optimal tool.

Figure 3.13. EWS tool for turning/milling centers; depiction of components and assembly.

3.14. Clamping Planning and Denition of the Sequence

Once programming is complete, the CAM system should be able to optimize the tool sequence and machining sequence automatically. For example, it should compile the spot drilling operations for all the holes and optimize the newly created motion paths. This also should take into account collision geometries on the model or resulting from the clamping operations. And, of course, it should be possible for the resulting sequence to be modied by the user. Here, too, it goes without saying that all actions should be visualized immediately for maximum user friendliness (Figures 3.14 and 3.15 ).

Figure 3.14. Planning the machining of the same part from two sides.

Figure 3.15. Simulation of a multiple setup.

The planning of the machining operation initially should be as independent of the machine as possible. It is not absolutely necessary to manufacture a part in the position where it was programmed initially. Osets and changes in position owing to clamping can be taken into account automatically by the postprocessors. This means that reclamping a part in a dierent setup/position is very easy. In series production, multiple setups contribute to a considerable reduction of the production time per piece. The machining

operations can be dened on only one part. If this part uses a multiple setup, then these machining operations are "inherited" at the new position so that multiple parts can be processed in various positions in the process sequence. Here, too, sequence optimization can play a major role and can be used to recalculate the tool sequence and processing paths in relation to the overall scenario. For traversing motions, the basic objective is to achieve motions that are as short and quick as possible. This is generally achieved by reducing the retraction distances. The principal problem here is the danger of collisions between moving machine parts and the clamped part or the clamping equipment. In series production, it is not acceptable to always pull back to a position that is safe under all conditions.

3.15. The Importance of Simulation

In this context, simulation is becoming more and more important as an essential additional tool for NC programming. Its scope covers everything from analysis of the tool paths on the workpiece to the overall scenario on the entire machine. This should involve source and NC code simulation, taking the specic machine model into account. One especially important aspect is the dynamic tracking of the machining progress so that the removal of material and the status of the part being machined become visible after every machining operation (updating of the blank). This makes it possible to have even the most complex machining sequences executed at the end of the programming to guarantee that there will be no collisions. Therefore, before the program is transferred to the machine, there should already be a simulation of the entire scenario that reects the features of the machine model as precisely as possible ( Chapter 4 : Manufacturing

Simulation ).

3.16. Postprocessors
Regardless of how convenient it has been to generate the data up to this point, the controller of the NC in any case will require its own special NC code. In the meantime, these codes deviate to a greater or lesser degree from the syntax dened in the DIN 66025 standard regardless of the type of controller. It is thus the task of the postprocessor (a program section belonging to the CAM system) to convert the data that have so far been

generated into the precise syntax of the specic controller-machine combination. Good systems have a modular structure, which means that the postprocessor is not buried in the general system code. Nevertheless, the CAM systems supplier also should take care of this last step because the postprocessor has a decisive inuence on the overall results of programming work. This is where it is determined whether control cycles and subprograms can be used and likewise whether full use can be made of the cutter radius and/or tool-tip edge-radius compensation. Last but not least, the postprocessor is also responsible for the generation of additional data such as tool lists, clamping plans, and auxiliary programs, for example, for the toolpresetting device. It also performs preassignment of milling operations on turning machines or distribution of the overall machining tasks among a number of individual machines.

3.17. Generated Data and Interfaces with the Machine Tools

When integrating the NC programming system into the existing machinery, the user's expectations should be taken into account if at all possible. This can include a number of additional production-specic requirements, including Assignment of NC programs to specic machines/groups Enabling/disabling of individual NC programs (including groups thereof) Sending back optimized programs Comparing the original program with the one that is sent back Logging of data transmission, service interventions, etc.

To implement this range of requirements, it is necessary to have an NC program-management system that is connected via DNC ( Part 6 ,

Chapter 1 : Direct Numerical Control ).

3.18. Summary
The protability of a CNC manufacturing operation depends heavily on the performance of the NC programming system. Programming comprises not just the inputting of the workpiece dimensions but also has to provide

appropriate specications for the entire manufacturing process for each machine. All the essential factors have to be taken into account. Therefore, before committing to a particular manufacturer, it is absolutely essential for the purchaser to obtain extensive information and to compare the various systems. It necessary to take into account not only the various machining processes and CNC machines that have to be programmed but also the requirements as regards the variety of parts with 2D and 3D machining operations, quality simulation of the nished NC program, the options for transferring data from the CAD system, feature programming as a way to make work easier, and last but not least, the ways and means for recording and calling up tool data and/or entire tool catalogs in a simple and easy manner. Also important is the automatic availability of the associated technology data, such as feed rates, speeds, cutting depths, and so on, for each of the materials being machined. A high priority is also placed on the ability to make changes or modications quickly to nished programs without having to start again from the beginning. Finally, one of the supreme aspects is generation of an error-free machining strategy.

3.19. CNC Programming Systems

Important points to remember: CAM is the abbreviation for "computer-aided manufacturing," also called

computer-aided programming . This means programming with the aid of

computers. This can involve systems integrated into CAD and independent 1. CAM systems. All contemporary CAM systems provide graphics support. The dierence between 2D and 3D programming does not refer to the nature of the graphics support. 2D programs are also generated on the 2. 3D model using high-performance systems. In the case of 3D programs, the tool is moved along the workpiece during the machining process with simultaneous participation of at least three axes of the CNC machine tool. The shape of the workpiece thus is created 3. directly by the tool path (typical for mold construction).

2D programs are needed for all processes in which a maximum of two axes move simultaneously during the machining operation with interpolation. This type of machining is typical for drilling operations and 4. milling operations such as surface, contour, and pocket milling. It should be possible for a CAM system to manage a mix of processes, for 5. example, turning and drilling/milling without a module change. With state-of-the-art interfaces, it is possible to transfer models from 6. various CAD systems to external CAM systems with no loss of data. The tool database is of central importance in the CAD/CAM process chain. Both in program generation and in simulation, it must be possible to access not only the numerical data but also realistic model data at run 7. time. Today, simulation is an indispensible aid in NC programming. This is essential in order to prevent collisions. Here, too, the better the model 8. data, the better is the quality of the prediction from the simulation. It is the postprocessor (PP) that generates the actual NC program for the specic controller-machine combination. It also can supply additional data such as tool lists, clamping plans, and programs for the tool-presetting device. A CAM system can be used only if the postprocessor is delivering 9. the proper output. It is advantageous if CAM systems have "feature" functions to be able to adopt programmed machining operations directly in the event of small 10. geometric corrections. During the design phase, it has generally not yet been determined which CNC machine will be used for the machining. Therefore, there should be a 11. strict division between the CAM system geometry and the technology data.


Hans B. Kief; Helmut A. Roschiwal: CNC Handbook. CNC Programming Systems, Chapter (McGraw-Hill Professional, 2012), AccessEngineering

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