Emerald City Knights Chapter 2 Our of Their League

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This is the second in an adventure series for Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition. The presumption is that most players and GMs will be running this adventure as part of that series, though there is advice included in the Getting the Heroes Involved section of the first scene for those groups that enter the adventure through avenues other than starting with the Prologue and Chapter 1 of this series. Further assumptions are that the player characters are relatively new heroes, are power level 10, and are operating in the same universe as the Freedom City setting material provided by Green Ronin Publishing (and are familiar enough with the setting that references can be made to NPCs and other setting-related material without too much explanation needed); again, notes are provided with advice on how to deal with other kinds of player groups and characters, but the text and adventure primarily reflects the aforementioned assumptions. Text intended for reading directly to players will be noted as such and will be entirely in italics. All that is necessary to play this adventure is a copy of the Heros Handbook, a d20 (several would be better), and a handful of player character heroes. You can get a set of ready-to-play heroes from the Green Ronin website: http://www.greenronin.com. of old-school violence as the heroes stop the first set of organized stormer villains from making a name for themselves when they attack an AEGIS (the American Elite Government Intervention Service) transport.


Assuming this chapter is run for the players immediately following Chapter 1: Life in the Aftermath, the heroes should be at MarsTech, Inc. interrogating Maximillian Mars after driving away the villains of F.O.E.

Read or paraphrase the following to the players. Wreckage lies all about you, the aftermath of a battle you werent expecting. You werent the only ones with questions for the smartest man in the city... and F.O.E. wasnt keen on you being there. Amidst the sound of settling debris you hear the cracking of concrete and see a large bubble grow out of the paved pathway. A second later it retracts and a voice calls out, We should have known you couldnt be trusted, Mars! Standing inside the is the Freedom League! Johnny Rocket, Bowman, Dr. Metropolis, and their newest recruit, Seven. Dr. Metropolis was the one speaking and he continues, And now youll pay for what youve done! Before you can reply, Dr. Metropolis shakily puts one hand to his forehead and yells, Get out of my head! With his other hand he points at Mars. Immediately, the buildings come alive around you, steel and concrete flow like mud to form grasping hands and swinging mallets, while the other Freedom Leaguers quickly follow his lead and attack! Some days, it just doesnt pay to put on a cape and go save the day.

In this chapter of Emerald City Knights, the player characters have the opportunity to prove themselves against members of the Freedom League. Following that wonderful comic book tradition of heroes fighting each other due to a misunderstanding, the heroes find they have a sponsor and a swanky pad ready for them to move into. Well, almost readythe heroes get to be involved in the final stages of construction of their new base. They also get to do some relationship-building with the authorities, followed by defending their new turf from the Grandmasters Chessmen agents. This chapter concludes with a bit


If the heroes were not involved in the first adventure, they can still be brought to MarsTechs main corporate campus without too much difficulty: The heroes have been investigating the Silver Storm and have followed the leads to RedShift Energies and from there to MarsTech, which owns the energy company, and Maximillian Mars. Its bad timing they arrived just in time to give the Freedom League the wrong impression. Theyve been following the F.O.E. members for reasons unrelated to the Silver Storm and found themselves onsite after driving away F.O.E., just as the Freedom League arrives and assumes the heroes are villains. Theyre onsite due to a more complicated reasontheir secret IDs are tied to MarsTech and they changed into heroic ID after stumbling onto F.O.E., or the heroes went to question Mars after being asked to do so by AEGIS (who dont want Mars to know that AEGIS is investigating him directly), or a mystic involved with the heroes has warned them of visions where the League finds themselves in trouble after arriving to confront Mars (the trouble is caused by Metropolis problems as detailed in the Playring Mars and the Freedom League section). Or any reason that seems reasonable for your group.




His teammates dont have time to notice the odd behavior because Dr. Metropolis attacks immediately, plus their attention is on Mars and the heroes, who the League members assume are his new crew. When Metropolis attacks, Johnny Rocket, Bowman, and Seven follow his lead. Theyre all accustomed to Metropolis being the voice of reason, so they assume Mars and his cronies (the heroes) have mentally attacked their teammate. The characters have little choice but to defend themselves.


Scene Type: Combat As the Freedom League arrives and suddenly attacks, the player characters all receive a hero point. This is very important as it gives them a slight edge (its their comic book after all!). Unbeknownst to the heroes, some of the technology at MarsTech is generating an odd sort of interference that very few people can even begin to sense, let alone be affected by. One of those people is Dr. Metropolis. He throws the first punch because of the unexpected effect the interference has on him. It drives him to violence and he lashes out without thinking. He doesnt know what it is but it hits him the moment he arrives. (The feedback would have affected him anywhere within a few miles of MarsTech, but its especially strong on campus because of the amount of tech in the vicinity).


Mars is shocked and caught off guard by Dr. Metropolis attack, but recovers quickly. He was expecting a visit from the League (or, more specifically, Captain Thunder) at some point, but is just as shocked at Metropolis immediate violence as everyone else. He stays calm








Well, not normally, no. There are extenuating circumstances. And the fact that the least hotheaded of the League is acting peculiar makes things all the more confusing for his teammates. However, you may not like using the good Doctor in this fashion and thats okay. A couple of other options are available to you. The first is to use Captain Thunders son, formerly Bolt and now going under the name Thunderbolt. Or use Megastar. Both have graduated from the Claremont Academy and make excellent candidates for membership in the Freedom League. In Thunderbolts case, assume that his father has mentioned a story or two about the Commander and Thunderbolt has a score to settle with his old mans old enemy. For Megastar, the MEGAS is Preserver technology and the same effect driving Metropolis over the edge also affects the MEGAS, but even harder. Stats arent provided for these alternate characters, but Thunderbolt can easily default to the Speedster archetype and Megastar to the Paragon (trading out two power points, one for the Alternate Effect off his Strength for a Ranged Damage attack and the other for the Feature (Guidance from MEGAS).

and continues to try to defuse the situation even as the Metropolis commands the building to attack him.

A thrillseeker par excellence, Bowman loves being in the middle of the fray and its obvious to observers that he shifts from being surprises by Metropolis actions to being able to barely contained excitement at the prospect of a good fight. While extremely well-trained, Bowman is still young and a show-off. He flirts with female opponents and fires off non-stop banter.

Regardless of tactics, the level of training and skill the League members show is impressive. The player characters are acutely aware that theyre facing very experienced opponents, people who have stood against SHADOW and Omega and triumphed. An Expertise: Current Events check (DC 15) allows a hero to remember that the majority of the League is off-world dealing with some kind of threat. Insight checks (DC 20) reveal a high degree of confusion among Metropolis teammates over his behavior, regardless of how smoothly they recover and follow his lead when he attacks. It appears Mars is taking no offensive action towards the League. Hes defending himself, dodging attacks, and attempting to reason with Metropolis. An Insight check (DC 25) reveals that he is just as confused as everyone else, but hides it well.

In this scene, Dr. Metropolis is a natural force erupting in violence at Mars and those around him. This is not the calm, emotionally detached figure with whom everyone is familiar. He verbally attack Mars while unleashing his powers at everyone whos not a member of the Freedom League.

There are two things you should make clear to the heroes during this fight. The first is to make the League members seem impressive and worthy of their reputations without overwhelming the characters. The League has a slight power level advantage and youll need to keep them from rolling over the heroes. The second is that the players should come out of the fight feeling like theyve done something remarkable. Their characters just fought the superstars of the hero community and they held their own. One way to achieve both of these goals is to include Shining Moments of Awesomeat least one instance for each of the heroes in which they get to show off a signature power or maneuver. The same goes for the members of the Freedom League. Examples of these sorts of moments include Bowman flipping backwards and (while upside-down) firing arrows at multiple opponents and simultaneously firing off a few taunting words, or Johnny building a makeshift cage around an opponent and then stopping to look critically at the hero while saying something like be a good boy and stay there. Seven could use magic stunts to counter a heros powers without undue effort. The sheer power of Dr. Metropolis area-based animate objects effect should carry enough weight on its own, especially given a detailed description. These examples are just that you should improvise and elaborate however you wish. Each group of players

Strangely quiet, Johnny is also acting out of character. Normally verbose and practiced at exchanging witty banter with Bowman in the heat of battle, Johnny is surprised by Metropolis behavior and is dividing his attention between putting down his opponents as efficiently as possible while also trying to get his teammate to explain himself and calm down.

Serena doesnt know whats going on. This is not how the mission was supposed to go and shes adapting on the fly. She mostly fights defensively, protecting her teammates from harm as much as possible until she has no choice but to fight back! Still relatively new to the team, she is trying to keep her wits about her while processing Metropolis uncharacteristic rage. Shes also concentrating too much on holding up her end of the fight for her to look at the bigger picture.

Even though they cant keep the fight from starting, the heroes notice several important things during the conflict.



is different and youll need to tailor the heroes own Shining Moments for maximum gratification of your own players.


of easily available throwing weapons for super-strong characters, and a forested region provides good hiding places as well as boulders and trees which can also be used as weapons. This isnt an isolated areaits a place of business with several hundred employees in the surrounding area. Even assuming most of them fled the area during the battle against F.O.E., there are still people behind those walls, cowering in stairwells, or hiding in vehicles. The sheer number of innocent bystanders should be tailored to the level of additional Complications you want to pile on the heroes... but since they earn Hero Points for them, its probably worth it. Just as the heroes show concern for the innocent bystanders, so do the League members... except for Metropolis. The fact that he pays no attention to them is a strong indicator that he isnt in his right mind.

MarsTechs primary corporate campus is a sprawling facility. The majority of the buildings are only three stories tall, though some buildings feature underground labs and parking structures. The heroes begin the fight in Mars office. The office itself is most likely in ruins after the fight against Cyberknight and the other members of F.O.E. from Chapter 1s conclusion, so there are broken walls and debris from shattered furniture and windows everywhere. Assume a Damage 2 to Damage 4 effect for anyone thrown, knocked prone, or knocked back onto the surroundings. Mars office looks out on an open area that includes a small park (about 150 feet on a side) with heavy stone benches (Toughness 8) and a small pond (about 10 feet on a side and 4 feet deep). Metropolis used a power stunt to teleport himself and his teammates to the facility, and showed up on the concrete walkway (Toughness 8) just outside the building. The internal walls are heavy construction material, better built than is typical for such a structure (Toughness 8), but external walls are a transparent polyceramic composite (Toughness 10) that casual observers easily mistake for glass. The rooms are standardized as small offices (10 foot by 10 foot), large offices (20 foot by 15 foot), and conference rooms (20 foot by 30 foot), with hallways 5 feet wide. Mars office is special, the size of one of the conference rooms. See the Marstech Offices map, page 3.

The Freedom League and Mars appear in the Heroes & Villains section at the end of the adventure. For MarsTech employees, use the Bystander and Scientist archetypes, and the Police Officer archetype for Security Personnel (see Heros Handbook, pgs. 216-217).

At the point when it looks like either the League is about to win, or that the heroes are about to win, Raven shows up. Read or paraphrase the following to the players. Suddenly, from above, a loudspeaker-enhanced voice rises above the din of the battle, Stand down! Instinctively, you and your opponents look up and see one of the Freedom Leagues Pegasus space-planes hovering silently in the air with Raven standing on top of it looking down at the scene below. The Pegasus hovers in mid-air as she hops off and glides down to land near you. Ravens intimidation factor, especially combined with the loudspeaker and the hovering jet, is sufficient to grab everyones attention. If Metropolis is still up, he collapses, unconscious, finally overwhelmed by whatevers been bothering him. The other members of the League stop fighting (and hopefully the heroes do likewise).

Seven, Bowman, and Johnny Rocket fight together intelligently, just as theyve trained to do. Unless forced to do otherwise by specific opponents giving them good individual fights, the three of them spend a couple of rounds getting to know their opponents, then concentrate their attacks on one target until it drops. Then, they move to a new target and do the same. Each of them do their best to protect bystanders, Bowman attempts to draw fire to himself in order to give his teammates openings to attack without being threatened. Johnny is a bit protective of both Seven and Bowman (as he still views both as young and inexperienced regardless of the reality of the situation). Metropolis adheres to no tactics and instead, tears into Mars and the heroes with abandon.

Approximately 350 feet away, across the small park, , the buildings end at a large parking lot (500 feet on a side). On the other side of that is a four lane highway, and then a forested area. Parking lots are ideal for lots

If the heroes managed to make a particularly good showing against the Freedom League, thats worth a hero point. They should also earn hero points during the fight for any complications that come into play, or for particularly good roleplaying.





Scene Type: Roleplaying While the rest of the League went to MarsTech, Raven went into the city to investigate. After hearing combat chatter over the team communicators, she diverted to the facility to put a stop to whatever was going on. Raven tells Seven to see if she can do anything for Dr. Metropolis, dresses down Johnny and Bowman, and then introduces the heroes by name to her team. (Shes Ravenshe already knows everything that is publically available about the characters.) Bowman and Johnny are both apologetic and a bit sheepish. Raven excuses herself to have a few words in private with Mars, while Johnny and Bowman try their best to make nice with the heroes. If the heroes ask to be included in the conversation Mars, she asks them to indulge her for Mars sake. Mars agrees that hed prefer to have the conversation in private. You should stress that Raven is being extremely polite and has no interest in offending the heroes. Johnny and Bowman (mostly Johnny) provide lively conversation and pepper the heroes with questions. Exactly what the Leaguers talk about with the PCs is up to you, but be sure to tailor it to the heroes; it could be wholly social, a comparison of powers, information gathering about the Silver Storm, whatever makes sense. It should be obvious to the characters that the Leaguers are attempting to mend fences... and that Johnny and Bowman are actually quite friendly and charming (and they are pouring on the charm to compensate for their earlier actions).

If one of the PCs can eavesdrop, even while being distracted by the Leaguers, they overhear Raven and Mars discussing someone called the Commander and that Captain Thunder sent them to check in on Mars... and that theyre keeping an eye on him. She also asks him if he had any involvement in the Silver Storm, to which he responds that he had no prior knowledge and only heard about it on the news after the fact. He adds that his intentions are in the best interest of the city and hell prove it the moment they rejoin the others. When the two conversations are finished, the groups get back together and Mars announces he has an offer that will, he hopes, help the city and give the Freedom League a bit more confidence in him: He offers to sponsor the heroes as Emerald Citys official super-team, the Sentinels (or whatever it is the heroes decide to name their team), and will supply them with a headquarters in the top five floors of the Emerald Tower.



Read or paraphrase the following to the players. Perhaps this will help alleviate a few concerns Ive been working on putting together resources for a team of hometown defenders for Emerald City. Given the lack of heroes in the city and the presence of organizations like F.O.E, and whoever or whatever is behind this Silver Storm, I think its high time we had our own defenders. So, to that end Id like to donate whatever resources are needed to get all of you set up as a team. I have connections in the city government and, with the Leagues help with AEGIS, I believe we could have things taken care of in short order. My people have been working on a headquarters in the top floors of Emerald Tower complete with the very best technology I could put together. Ive been thinking about this for some time and Ive spoken with the local authorities in general terms. They have mixed feelings about an organized group of heroes taking up residence in the city, but theyre open to it. I think with the chaos caused by this Silver Storm, they might be even more open to it. Rome wasnt built in a day and all that, so I have every confidence AEGIS will come around after the League puts in a good word and youve spent a little time talking with them. If I or anyone else had any doubts about your dedication or abilities, your actions since the Silver Storm have certainly erased them. I know theres a lot to work out, but what do you say? If the heroes are open to the idea, Mars welcomes the opportunity to make a more detailed pitch, including a tour of the headquarters, and introductions to the necessary law enforcement figures and politicians. If the heroes are concerned about accepting support from a former supervillain, assuming they are aware of that fact, Mars does whatevers necessary to convince them (within reason). He is a very persuasive man with a lot of experience sealing the deal with hard customers, and he is highly motivated to sell these heroes on agreeing to become the team hes been laying the groundwork to present to the city. If the heroes turn to the Freedom League to get their opinion on the matter, they believe Mars offer is on the up-and-up, but they dont entirely trust himand they caution the heroes to do likewise. After the conversation, Raven excuses herself and her teammates as they need to check in with Lighthouse and try to figure out what happened with Dr. Metropolis. This leaves the player characters with time to talk with Mars if they so desire, but otherwise they set to setting up their new headquarters and establishing themselves as a team.



Scene Type: Roleplaying The assumption for this part of the adventure (as well as the series as a whole) is that the heroes have accepted Mars offer and decide to work with him to finish building their headquarters and officially form a team. Some of the heroes may be concerned about Mars motivations, or they may need a few days to get comfortable with the idea, thats fine. However, in order for the series to move forward the heroes need to team up. If some of the characters (or players) are reluctant to work with Mars because theres doubt as to whether hes a decent guy, you should work with that player to come up with a reason to join that appeals to the character. Exactly how you and the player(s) work this out depends on their characters, but it could be as simple as convincing them that the best place to keep an eye on Mars is as part of the team. Once the group has decided to move forward, with whatever additional roleplaying is required to get them all to that point, you can read the following aloud to them. The next few days are a whirlwind of activity, during which you meet with local authorities, politicians, citizen groups, and the pressfor interviews, press conferences, and photo shoot after photo shoot. Mars and his team organize the meetings and press events, but step aside when its your time to shine and only offer advice or input when asked for it. In all, they prove to be a good resource, but mostly stay out of your way. You, in turn, learn a lot about dealing with the authorities both in public and private. Thankfully everyone appears to want to work with you. Theyre very interested in having a team of superheroes to call on when threats like the Silver Storm and its aftereffects occur in the future. To show its support for you, one of the citizen groups suggest the mayor give you the key to the city. That proves to be a popular suggestion and by the end of the week you find yourselves standing on a stage on the steps of City Hall receiving the key in a public ceremony. Afterword you spend some time talking to the press and signing glossy pictures of yourself for adoring fans. Once the ceremony and the media circus surrounding it is over, youre due to meet with some AEGIS agents at their headquarters in City Hall. Youre shown into a small, non-descript conference room where you meet Agents McKenzie and Nguyen.

The heroes have just acquired the Fame complication. The GM should highlight the benefits and drawbacks of their new-found celebrity through interaction with the adoring public, autograph-chasers, and the like.




The heroes faces are everywhere. Secret IDs just got much harder to keep in this age of the internet, camera phones, and sophisticated surveillance. A public ID means no privacy. An adoring public is cool, but they dont go away. Ever. Go outside and attract a throng of fans. And if you thought SHADOW was soulless and evil, wait until you deal with the paparazzi. The heroes new-found fame may rankle some members of the police and fire departments. After all, theyre out there saving lives every day, then these heroes come along and handle a single event and hog all the glory? That may lead to trouble with some members of the force. The press can turn on you without mercy or warning. Where once a little-known hero might have gotten the benefit of the doubt in a fight gone expensively wrong, now every bit of collateral damage is fodder for special investigations on the citys defenders. Thats not a problem in these early days, but it may be at some future point.

ters should think up some questions of their own to ask the heroes, but heres a list to get you started: Can you please give us an overview of your powers inasmuch as youre familiar with them? How long have you been operating as a hero? What motivated you to start? What were you doing on the day of the Silver Storm that you were able to get there so quickly? Did any of you know each other before joining the Sentinels? Did any of you know Maximillian Mars previous to your encounter with F.O.E. and the Freedom League at MarsTech? Are your powers dangerous to others in any way other than when you use them on someone? Where did you get your powers, or if youre not comfortable revealing that, whats their origin? How long have you had your powers and how experienced are you with them? Why did you decide to become a, pardon the term, vigilante instead of joining a government agency or program? Do any of you have military experience? Do any of you hold advanced degrees of any kind, such as engineering or the like? Do any of you know first aid?


AEGIS Agents (see their full write-ups on page 18): Agents McKenzie and Nguyen (pronounced win) are friendly but businesslike they dont want to antagonize the heroes, but they definitely want to make sure the heroes understand that its AEGIS who ultimately signed off on the heroes becoming a team and they expect a certain level of professionalism and responsibility. The purpose of this meeting is to find out as much as additional information as they can about the heroes. They ask lots of questions, they even ask about things they already know about, just to make sure their information is complete. Gamemas-

McKenzie and Nguyen apologize if any of the questions offend the heroes, but they go on to say they need to



learn as much as possible about the heroes so they can properly support them and vice versa. Theyd like the heroes to see them as partners when they work together, not as inconveniences or adversaries. They all want the same thing after all, for the people of Emerald Cityand Americato be and feel safe. In addition, the agents give the heroes an overview of AEGIS, the local office, and the sorts of resources and support they can expect to receive. The specifics are unimportant, but the heroes walk away knowing a great deal more about AEGIS, which should come in useful in the future.


Despite all of the security in place, the Grandmaster compromised the security of the heroes Emerald Tower headquarters as it was being built, with a rotating set of Bishops infiltrating the construction crew to plant data taps, surveillance equipment, and teleport transponders. Theyve been tapping all the data links they could since the links went active and are finally ready to move to stage two. Read or paraphrase the following to the players. As work on your headquarters nears completion, Mars tells you its time to test the training room. He meets you there, standing in the center of the room, arms outstretched, grinning like a proud papa. The room is large and non-descript right now, but youve all seen it being tested and know its capable of so much more. Mars himself built the systems that power the roomhes been very secretive about itand its equipped with powerful moving floors, powerful weapons, and holographic projectors to simulate all sorts of training scenarios. As the doors slide shut behind you, he lowers his arms and says, Let the games begin. Then his image digitizes and he fades away just as the walls all around you slide open to reveal coil launchers, flamethrowers, and taser cannons, while sections of the floor rise up to create a maze of barriers. On the far side of the room, a small, white disk with a large red X on it unfolds from the wall near the ceiling. Then you hear Mars voice say, Go! While the heroes may believe this is just a training session, whats really happening is that the Chessmen have taken over the training room and are using it as part of a trap. Once the heroes realize theyre in a trap, thats worth a hero point, optionally, you could give them a hero point as soon as the doors close. Mars was actually a hologram created by the Queens who are in control of the room. Theyre using it to hide some Knights and Pawns in the room (see later in this section) and to attack the heroes with the following weapons, each of which has the Unreliable flaw (the weapons can take a few seconds to recharge), so each only attacks on a roll of 11-20 every round. There are enough weapons to attack each hero and the room has the following combat abilities:
Initiative +5 Coil Launchers +10 Ranged, Snare (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobile) Line Area, Damage 10 Ranged, Multiattack Damage 7 Ranged, Affliction 12 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated)

This scene lacks built-in combat encounters, but its rife with opportunities to award hero points due to the trouble and inconvenience caused by Fame or any other complication a hero might have to deal with. In addition, given this scenes focus on roleplaying, you should also give hero points to any player who impress you.


Scene Type: Combat and possible Challenge Grandmaster, leader of the Chessmen, is a local criminal mastermind. Hes decided not to let a new team of heroes set up shop in his city and interfere with his profits! Hes also angry with Mars for getting involved, so hes going to use his attack on the heroes as cover for pilfering whatever information or technology he can from the heroes new headquarters.

It is crucial that the gamemaster pay careful attention to the balance of combat in this encounter. The Chessmen have several advantages and between their abilities and control of the training room, they can easily crush the heroes if the players arent smart, careful, and lucky. GMs should be aware that the Chessmens TacNet ability means the Knights and Pawns are disproportionately effective for their power levels. Its also important to keep in mind that the Pawns are minions (see Minions, page 193 of the Heros Handbook) so the heroes should be able to deal with them more easily than with the Knights.

The Chessmen have three goalsto steal all the information they can from the HQs secure links to MarsTech and various other external databases that have been hooked up (like AEGIS), to field-test the Knights and Pawns newly-upgraded systems, and to show the world how incompetent these new heroes are. They do this by luring the heroes into their own training room, which is being remotely controlled by the Chessmens Queens. Once inside, the Queens attack using the capabilities of the training room, while the Knights and Pawns study the heroes before moving in for kill.

Flamethrowers Laser Blasters +12 Taser Cannons +8






the control systems. Athletics may only be used to gain one success for this challenge. Perception (DC 15): Success on this check allows you to spot one of the panels that gives access to the portions of the control system you need to reach. Perception may only be used to gain one success for this challenge. Expertise: Science (or other appropriate Expertise) or Technology (DC 15): Success on these checks allow you to open the access panel (without ripping it open) and then bypass the security protocols in order to shut down the rooms combat simulator. These skills may be used to gain up to four successes for this challenge. If a character or characters manage to complete the challenge, the rooms weapons cease firing and all the holograms cease functioning immediately. That saves the heroes from worrying about the room, but there are also some Knights and Pawns hiding in the room, courtesy of the holograms.

Because the weapons are mobile and take actions, they can be dazed and staggered normally (see Damaging Objects, pages 104 or 192 of the Heros Handbook). Rather than attacking the weapons, a technologically savvy character can attempt to shut down the entire room by gaining access to the control systems. This is a challenge sequence, during which the room continues to attack the hero, making it particularly challenging. In this instance the hero(es) must use their standard action to make skill checks. Heroes who arent involved in the challenge can attempt to draw fire off the other characters by targeting the weapons attacking the characters facing the challenge. When a weapon is attacked by a character, it returns fire, turning away from whomever it was previously targeting. This sort of action is worth a hero point to a character making himself a target.

During the first few rounds of the heroes fight with the training room, the Knights and Pawns, hidden by their EM Cloaks and the rooms holograms, sit back and observe the heroes. This gives their TecNet Interface a chance to work, before the Pawns attack from hiding followed by the Knights who drop their cloaking fields and join the fight. Using their TacNet Interface effect (see the Knights and Pawns in the Heroes & Villains section), the Chessmen


Five degrees of success before three degrees of failure. Athletics (DC 15): Success on this check allows you to force or rip open a section of the wall and gain access to





If youd rather not make that many rolls for your players, you can use the following table to determine how much the TacNet has learned about the heroes. Whether you use the table or not, give each hero affected a hero point for the inconvenience. For each hero, find that characters Will defense, then find the number of rounds before the Chessmen join the fight. At the junction of those two values is the penalty that hero suffers to his or her attack bonuses, Dodge, and Parry. If the Chessmen arent discovered, they wait five rounds, then reveal themselves and attack.

Headquarters: Emerald Tower 20 points
Size Large Tou 16 Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System, Workshop

The top five floors of Emerald Tower are devoted to the teams HQ. There are security systems, shock supports, and reinforcement separating those floors from the lower ones, and access is limited to a secured express elevator and equally secure roof access. First floor: The mostly-public floor. It contains meeting rooms and communications centers, as well as computer equipment, offices, the infirmary, and a library. Second floor: Personal quarters, gym, kitchen, dining area, and entertainment room. Third floor: Power core, environmental equipment, defense systems, and storage rooms. Fourth floor: Labs and workshops take up about half the level, with the other half devoted to a two-story combined training room and gym. Top floor: Divided between hangar facilities and the upper area of the training room.

There are two Knights and ten Pawn minions (five teamed with each Knight). Each group picks a hero and concentrates fire until that target drops, then moves on to a new target. Knights and Pawns use their Teamwork advantages to help each other when possible.

The Toughness of external walls is 16 whereas internal walls are Toughness 12 except for the training room, which is Toughness 18. The training rooms normal size is 150 by 200 feet (30 by 40 squares if using a tactical map), but holograph projectors, moving floors, and carefully applied force fields can make it appear any size and shape.

may already have the heroes at a disadvantage. Its a system that ties all the Knights and Pawns together and allows them to learn how to fight the heroes by observing them. If you wish, you should secretly make Will resistance checks (DC 15) every round for each of the heroes before the Knights and Pawns enter the combat. Its important to make the checks secretly because the heroes dont know anything is happening. The TacNet doesnt drain their abilities, instead it gives the Chessmen more knowledge about how to fight them, so theres no way for the heroes to see or feel anything happening to them.

The Chessmen are a relatively new criminal organization. Led and built from the ground up by the mysterious Grandmaster. It is actually a re-invention of an older organization brought down many years ago during one of the original Ravens last cases. It was an organization comprised of highly skilled agents cherry-picked from



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5 5 5 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0

5 5 5 5 3 1 1 1 0 0 0

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global intelligence agencies. The original Grandmaster died in prison, but his son, a technical genius, is intent on honoring his fathers memory by resurrecting the Chessmen. Using resources hidden by his father, as well as those gained from other sources, the Grandmaster has built a base of operations underneath Emerald City, a headquarters called the Board. Two AIs known as Black Queen and White Queen coordinate all Chessmen operations from the Board and act as sophisticated switchboards for the highly encrypted communication system and run teleporters to move resources as needed. Advanced robot Pawns are the foundation of any combat operation, supplemented by powered-armor wearing Knights and mobile weapon platform Rooks. Cyborgs called Bishops with artificial cyberpathic interface systems act as infiltrators and intelligence agents. Only Knights and Pawns come into direct contact with the heroes in this adventure. Theyre both detailed in the Heroes & Villains section.

damage control to win back public confidence. The defeat does, however, earn them each a hero point. If the heroes win, the Knights and Pawns self-destruct. The men inside the Knight armor die and their equipment along with the robotic Pawns is reduced to white-hot sludge. Simultaneously, all the other Chessmen equipment secreted around the base also self-destructs. The damage caused to the headquarters is minimal and Mars rebuilds as necessary. Regardless, the base is operational and the heroes can move in right away. Mars, if and when the heroes track him down, is somewhere else in the building while the heroes are fighting for their lives and knows nothing about his involvement in luring them into the trap. Any investigation the heroes undertake to prove otherwise only confirms his story; neither he, nor anyone else, was in the control room. In addition, the training room computers confirm that the Mars the heroes interacted with was merely a hologram controlled from outside the building. Its impossible to trace where the controllers were located because that information was wiped out when the Chessmen destroyed their links to the building.

Given the odds against them, the heroes could easily be defeated by the Chessmen, in which case the Grandmaster is able to steal all the technology and information he wants and then orders the Chessmen to leave. He has what he wantedterabytes of data from both MarsTech and AEGIS, as well as video of the heroes being defeated in their new headquarters! Video that quickly makes its way into the hands of the media. Although it doesnt end their careers, its a major setback and the heroes have to do some serious

The heroes should receive at least one hero point during the early parts of this encounter (as directed in the text), but could earn more through their actions or clever play.





it. The heroes arent as much fun as the agents, but she tries to make the most of their discomfort, too.


Scene Type: Combat The powers-that-be in Emerald Citys underworld have noticed the stormers and their potential value as superpowered lackeys. A test of these potential recruits has been arranged. Theyre going to hit a secret AEGIS transport. Nothing fancy is planned, just a snatch-and-grab, preferably with a lot of collateral damage. This is also a test of the local AEGIS team and the new heroes. Read or paraphrase the following to the players. Its been an interesting week or so meeting important people, trying to learn names, codes, and security procedures. Apart from the excitement in the training room, its been a busy, boring week. That changes when an alarm starts going off and you all rush to the meeting room. A quick flash of information on one of the large view screens tells you an AEGIS transport has come under attack not far from the Emerald Tower and the agents are pinned down by some unknown super-powered assailants. If they decide to check with the authorities, the heroes find out that, yes, the transport is under attack and all phone and cell communication in the area is being blocked. The heroes dont have a lot of time to decide what theyre going to do, but investigating in person is likely their best bet.

Gator is going through the motions when the heroes arrive. He was hired to inflict property damage and thats what hes been doing. Hes already torn up the street and has thrown cars into surrounding buildings. Hes a little bored and doesnt enjoy Oblivions blathering. Hes actually relieved when the heroes arrive and welcomes the opportunity to tear into them.

He has people to hurt and things to vent his frustrations on, so hes happy. Given how cool and attractive most hero types are, he takes an instant and intense dislike to them and obviously enjoys bringing the hammer down on whichever hero is closest.

This is a jobit has a goal and a payoff and thats all Trinity finds important. Shes emotionally detached and sees the heroes as a new and bothersome problem for which she has to find a solution. If anything, she seems to be in something of a hurry. Note that the flexible nature of this encounter means that GMs can easily add, subtract, or substitute stormers as needed, be it characters of your own creation, or some of the stormers from the Threat Reports series of PDFs published by Green Ronin.


Here are a few guidelines and tactics for the opposition in this scene.

Emerald Citys existing underworld is trying to decide what to make of both the stormers and the citys new hero team. Emerald City has long been a safe haven for a number of criminals, but these stormers are drawing too much attention, as evidenced by this new team of heroes taking up residence in town. Some of stormers could be useful, but there are too many unknowns. This mission will help answer some questions for some of the key players in town. These stormers have been chosen from the newly emerging population due to their power, potential, and reputations. Few of them know each other already or have operated together, so theyre not coordinated and dont really work as a team. If they make a good showing, future employment is a safe bet. If they screw up, nobody has anything invested in them and theyre expendable muscle. None of the villains will fight to the bitter end and are more than willing to run off if they feel theyve made a good showingor if it looks like theyre going to wind up in jail. Theyre not fighting for a cause, theyre fighting as part of an audition and they know it. Talkative villains say as much before they flee. The stormers were told to knock over the AEGIS truck, take the case inside, and then stick around until the heroes

In this situation, the agents are desperate, harried, and fighting a losing battle against overwhelming numbers. They dont know much of anything about these new stormers, they cant get through to anyone else on their communicators, and theyre concerned for their wellbeing. They are very happy to see the heroes.

Melodramatic almost to the point of being operatic. He likes posing and loves monologuing, but he throws out a malapropism here and there, so its hardly effective. Hes also openly flirting with Epiphany Jones.

Jones is obviously enjoying herself. The AEGIS agents are just the sort of boring busybodies that always got under her skin when she was nobody. Shes having fun making them squirm, and flirts right back at Oblivion while doing





showed up. When the heroes arrive, the stormers have just retrieved the case. They dont know whats inside it. The organizers behind this event dont really expect the stormers to make the rendezvous (at an abandoned warehouse down by the docks) and no one will be there to meet them. Instead, they left a cheap cell phone and a case with $25,000 in it for them to divide amongst themselves If they actually make it, the phone will be used to contact them and arrange future work and contact details. Otherwise, the phone and the money are the price of doing business.

When the heroes arrive, the villains launch a crude ambush. The plan, such as it is, is for Oblivion to attract the heroes attention so that that Trinity, Gator, and Tar Pit can get their shots in while Epiphany causes problems from out of sight in an alley. However, the villains arent team-players, and they havent trained together, so they dont stick to the plan for long. The fight quickly degenerates into chaos. If things start going really poorly for the stormers, they abandon each other without a second thought. Gator and Tar Pit head towards the sewers, Trinity flies off, and Captain Oblivion blasts an escape tunnel into the sewers or Undercity for him and Epiphany Jones to use. They take the case with them if the heroes havent recovered it from them, but they wont delay their escape to try and get it back. The AEGIS agents mostly stay out of the way of the heroes and villains since theyre not equipped for a serious fight. However, if an opportunity presents itself, the agents arent afraid to return fire or help out the heroes in some way.

The stormers have trashed the convoy and forced the AEGIS agents into weak defensive positions, but they arent moving in to finish them. Instead, theyre playing with the agents while waiting for the heroes to arrive. All communications in the area are being jammed, so backup isnt on its way, only the heroes.

The combat takes place on a four-lane main street through downtown. Theres a crushed, flipped, and damaged semitruck in the middle of the road. In front and behind it are twin AEGIS SUVs that have also been destroyed. Two of the surviving agents are taking cover behind the rear SUV and the other four agents are inside a nearby building fighting back as best they can while waiting for backup. The villains are arranged as shown on the map.

The surrounding buildings are brick and stonework (Toughness 8-9) and are three to four stories tall, with an occasional five story building, which run from 40 to 70 feet tall. One corner of one of the blocks is a gas station a hero or villain may decide to blow up the underground gas tank (Burst Area 2 (60 foot radius) Damage 13), or the





GM may decide to trigger a heros Accident complication, which results in the same effect. (Remember to award a hero point if you do that!) The cars on the scene have already been destroyed and can be used as cover or as weapons by stronger characters. In addition, fuel has leaked out of the destroyed cars and covers the five feet surrounding them. The fuel catches fire (Damage 3, Secondary Effect) when hit by any attack that will set them ablaze. The fire persists until put out. The vehicles gas tanks wont explode unless a player spends a hero point to edit the scene to make it happen, or you inflict another hero-point worthy complication on them (Area Burst Damage 10).

The stormers used in this encounter all appear in the Heroes & Villains section at the end of this adventure. For civilians, use the Bystander archetype and normal AEGIS agents use the SWAT archetype, both from the Heros Handbook.

If the heroes lose, the stormers leave as they were instructed. None of them are coldblooded killers (yet) and they arent getting paid to kill anyone, not even the heroes. Given the nature of the opposition, the heroes should win. At which point, AEGIS takes possession of the briefcase the villains were after. The agents refuse to answer questions as to what the case contains, citing national security concerns, then they thank the heroes, and see to helping locals deal with the aftermath of the battle. If a hero insists on finding out whats in the case (Toughness 10 against attempts to rip open, Technology check against DC 25 for a more civilized method), the heroes find it contains a transparent vial of gray sludge and a few pieces of odd looking (and obviously damaged) tech, all secured in transport foam. Without some context for the items, it should be impossible for the players to deduce what they are. Be vague in answering questions about the items, but remind the players that their heroes probably just violated a number of federal laws and soured their relationship with AEGIS.

If the heroes figure out this is a trap and take precautions or approach the situation carefully, foiling the stormers ambush, thats worth a hero point. A couple of the villains in this scenario have Luck, which is usually reserved for heroes, since it allows villains to, effectively, impose a complication on the heroes without giving them a hero point. Instead of doing that, its recommended that you give the affected hero(es) a hero point. Finally, there are plenty of AEGIS agents and property around for the heroes to protect, that sort of heroic activity is definitely worth a hero point.





ring, a wallet with family pictures inside, a still-clutched leash of a beloved pet out for a walk. Such details are unrelated to the mystery, but drive home the loss of innocent life that makes it important for the heroes to solve it. Examinations of most victims reveal only the expected traumas from the blast, storm, and energy discharges, but heroes with applicable skills (Treatment, Expertise: Medicine, etc.) and access to a Laboratory or Infirmary can turn a vital clue by studying one of the stormers captured in the previous chapter. Success on a DC 20 check with a relevant medical skill reveals, after a few hours work, that there are nanites present in the bloodstream and tissues of exposed individuals. The nanites seem inert, but arent breaking down like those found outside of a host body. The heroes may also learn this later from accessing the medical files of a stormer if they lack the required skills and you feel like passing the information along to them. Mars has no access to this data unless the heroes share it with him. If they involve Mars, he says hell gladly work with them to uncover what he can about the strange technology. Once he gets a chance to look over the devices more thoroughly, he recognizes aspects of their technology as being of the same origin as the salvaged alien tech he used to make his Commander armor. This worries him, but he doesnt mention it to the heroes just yet. The heroes may pick up on the fact that hes hiding something (either with powers or an opposed Insight check versus his Deception skill check result). Regardless, hes good to his work and not only investigates the new devices, but also compares it to his own alien technology in an effort to figure out how they might be linked.

Following the action-packed first few days of the teams existence, well-deserved downtime is in order. While practicing in their (now fully-restored) training room or otherwise taking advantage of their new homes features, a few of the technical-minded heroes can use their time to investigate the the Silver Storm. Assuming the heroes havent already had the chance to study the evidence they collected at the site of the Silver Storm in a fully stocked laboratory, they can now use the lab in their new headquarters to do so. If they do, they can discover the following. (This information is repeated from Chapter 1, but since it may not be discovered until now, its included for ease of reference.) The metallic dust is the most potentially illuminating piece of physical evidence, and heroes with the Investigation skill collect a proper sample with the usual DC 15 check. Later, with access to a Laboratory, a couple of uninterrupted hours, and a DC 20 Expertise (with an appropriate specialty), Investigation, or Technology skill check, the characters discern the true nature of the dust. While examining their samples under a powerful microscope, it becomes apparent the dust is made up of tiny machines, imperceptible to the naked eye. The machines the characters collected are not functioning; possibly damaged by the explosion. Indeed, theyre in the process of breaking down into their component elements. Incredible though it seems, they are what the Silver Storm was. If the heroes make a second excursion to the scene of the explosion to scour the area for additional samples, in another couple of hours they find further corroborating evidence. More of the microscopic machines are present, inert and breaking down like the ones recovered earlier. Anyone with the Expertise: Science, Expertise: Engineering, or Technology skills examining the microscopic machines and succeeding on a DC 15 check can identify them by their proper name: nanites. They also pretty quickly recognize them as products of an amazingly advanced technology. Even heroes from advanced extraterrestrial civilizations find these nanites beyond their peoples capabilities.


Next month, the adventure continues in Emerald City Knights, Chapter 3: Power Play adventure. If youre looking for hooks you can expand on between chapters of the adventureor to expand your series setting the heroes can investigate the Chessmen or chance onto another one of their operations. Perhaps theyre using some of the information they found in the information they stole from MarsTech or AEGIS to recover a much-needed experimental power source or prototype weapon. The heroes could also build relationships with important people in the community, either by performing various good deeds or participating in fundraisers or other public events which leave them open to attack by enemies. You could also expand on the briefcase the stormers stole (or attempted to steal) from AEGIS. If the heroes didnt find out what was inside, you can substitute an item of your own and spin off an entirely new plotline to occupy the heroes. Finally, the weekly series of Threat Reports available at the Green Ronin Online Store are filled characters you can use to create additional scenarios around. Perhaps a run-in with Pack-Rat and Junkpile, or Fallout might decide he wants whatever AEGIS was transporting and the heroes need to defend it yet again!


Its kind of gross, but a generation of players raised on a steady diet of TV autopsies are bound to make for the corpses in search of forensic evidence. Sadly, there are some who suffered the worst of the explosions effects. Assuming the heroes havent committed some egregious violation of public trust, the authorities grant them reasonable access to anyone in their care or custody, as well as any needed facilities. The important thing is not to let the departed become statistics. As the characters examine bodies, mention a personal item still on the deceasedan inscribed wedding






Justin McKenzie came to AEGIS after two tours with the United States Marine Corps, and quickly earned a reputation as an exemplary agent. He earned the nickname Eightball from fellow agents for his talent at getting caught in the thick of things but always managing to extricate himself. His career as a combat agent for AEGIS ended after being captured and tortured by the telepathic serial killer Headhunter, who had not appreciated a flatline getting so close to capturing him. AEGIS shrinks said McKenzie couldnt go back out as a combat agent given the trauma he suffered, but he had enough friends high enough in the agency that he wasnt forced to retire instead, he was transferred to Analyst Division. Technically, this was a demotion, but you couldnt tell by the way he acts. McKenzie is happy to still be alive and sane, and finds his colleagues (none of whom have ever had to fire their weapon in the course of duty) very amusing and a change of pace from his old friends. McKenzie is the earthy common-sense member of the Emerald City AEGIS team. Hes the only one in his section with practical experience fighting the people he and his colleagues now study, and hes often called on to bring that experience to his work.



Abilities Str 2 Sta 2 Agl 2 Dex 1 Fgt 6 Int 1 Awe 2 Pre 2 Equipment Commlink, Flashlight, Light Pistol (Ranged Damage 3), Undercover Shirt Advantages Benefit 2 (AEGIS Security Clearance), Contacts, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 2, Great Endurance, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Quick Draw, Set-up, Well-informed Skills Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 4 (+6), Deception 4 (+6), Expertise: AEGIS Agent 7 (+8), Expertise: Current Events 5 (+6), Expertise: Superhumans 6 (+7), Expertise: Streetwise 6 (+7), Insight 6 (+8), Intimidation 6 (+8), Investigation 8 (+9), Perception 6 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Guns 8 (+9), Stealth 2 (+4), Treatment 4 (+5), Vehicles 4 (+5) Offense Initiative +6, Light Pistol +9 (Ranged, Damage 3), Unarmed +6 (Close, Damage 2) Defense Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 5, Toughness 6/4* (*without Defensive Roll), Will 7 Totals Abilities 36 + Powers 0 + Advantages 14 + Skills 41 + Defenses 12 = 105 Complications MotivationPatriotism, QuirkGung-Ho (Tends to charge in without thinking, often resorting to violent action over strategy), QuirkPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (Suffers from minor PTSD, which flares up when under extreme stress)


Analyst Nguyens parents were among the last refugees to escape the fall of Vietnam immediately prior to the American withdrawal. They adapted completely to their new role as American citizens, but suffered severe prejudice from their new neighbors. Growing up, Elizabeth felt pressure to perform twice as well as her peers just to be considered equal. This left her with strong feelings about equality and a pathological work ethic. She has no life outside of the office, certain that this report or that paperwork could be just a little better if she spent one more evening or weekend working on it. Behind her back, the other AEGIS agents joke that she puts workaholics to shame; there is also an office pool going as to whether she has a nervous breakdown before or after she drives one of the other analysts homicidal trying to keep up with her. Nguyen (Please just call me Beth I insist.) is much too perky and cheerful by half, as if her life depended on her being liked by everyone. Shes also prone to speaking too quickly and overloading people with information.



Abilities Str 0 Sta 1 Agl 1 Dex 0 Fgt 3 Int 2 Awe 2 Pre 0 Equipment Commlink, Flashlight, Light Pistol (Ranged Damage 3), Undercover Shirt Advantages Benefit 1 (AEGIS Security Clearance), Contacts, Equipment 2, Jack-of-all-trades, Languages (Vietnamese; English is native), Well-informed Skills Acrobatics 3 (+4), Athletics 3 (+3), Deception 4 (+4), Expertise: AEGIS Analyst 8 (+10), Expertise: Current Events 6 (+8), Expertise: Superhumans 6 (+8), Insight 3 (+5), Investigation 6 (+8), Perception 3 (+5), Persuasion 3 (+3), Ranged Combat: Guns 6 (+6), Technology 3 (+5) Offense Initiative +1, Light Pistol +6 (Ranged, Damage 3), Unarmed +3 (Close, Damage 0) Defense Dodge 4, Parry 3, Fortitude 3, Toughness 3, Will 4 Totals Abilities 18 + Powers 0 + Advantages 7 + Skills 27 + Defenses 7 = 59 Complication MotivationPatriotism and Ambition, Quirk Socially Awkward (Her intensity tends to be off-putting)

Knights are the combat leaders of The Chessmen. Highly mobile and heavily armed, they are equipped with the same TacNet interface as the Pawns, but are capable of the independent thought and creativity the Pawns lack. Recruits are trained via computer interface (a process which includes brainwashing and a removal of normal fear-response) and each has a killswitch that can be remotely triggered to release nanites which reduce the armor to sludge.






Abilities: Str 6 Sta 2 Agl 2 Dex 2 Fgt 6 Int 1 Awe 1 Pre 1 Powers: Powered Armor (Enhanced Fortitude 4, Enhanced Strength 4, Flight 6 (120 MPH; Subtle); Immunity 10 (Life Support); Impervious Protection 8; Gatling Laser (Ranged Multiattack Damage 9, AE: Blinding Barrage (Selective Shapeable Area Concealment from all Visual and Auditory senses)); Senses 5 (Communications Link with Black Queen, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Infravision, Radio); TacNet Interface (Reaction Burst Area Perception Range Simultaneous Weaken 5 (Resisted by Dodge), Broad (Attack, Dodge, and Parry ranks), Simultaneous, Insidious, Subtle; Limited to only affecting traits when opposing TacNet user, Limited to only when multiple TacNet users are present); Removable (-23 points)) Advantages Close Attack 2, Fearless, Teamwork Skills Athletics 4 (+10), Expertise: Chessmen Agent 9 (+10), Expertise: Current Events 4 (+5), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+5), Expertise: Tactics 6 (+7), Insight 4 (+5), Intimidation 4 (+5), Perception 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Gatling Laser 5 (+7), Stealth 2 (+4), Technology 4 (+5) Offense Initiative +2, Laser +7 (Ranged, Multiattack Damage 9), Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage 6) Defense Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 9, Toughness 10, Will 5 Totals Abilities 34 + Powers 94 + Advantages 4 + Skills 25 + Defenses 11 = 168 Complications Motivation (Fanatical devotion to the Chessmen), Quirk (Can be killed through electronic killswitch over which they have no control)



Abilities: Str 8 Sta Agl 1 Dex 0 Fgt 0 Int Awe 2 Pre Powers Feature 1 (Self-destruct system); Growth 2 (8 feet tall; Innate; Permanent); Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects); Impervious Protection 8; Enhanced Advantages 1 (Teamwork); Enhanced Defenses 8 (Dodge 4, Parry 5); Enhanced Skills 9 (Close Combat: Unarmed +6, Ranged Combat: Arm Cannon +4, Perception +8); Speed 4 (30 MPH); Arm Cannon (Ranged Multiattack Damage 10), AE: Grenade Launcher (Ranged Burst Area Damage 7), AE: Taser Dart Swarm (Cone Area Affliction 7 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated)); Senses 5 (Communication Link with Black Queen, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Infravision, Radio); TacNet Interface (Reaction Burst Area Perception Range Simultaneous Weaken 5 (Resisted by Dodge), Broad (Attack, Dodge, and Parry ranks), Simultaneous, Insidious, Subtle; Limited to only affecting traits when opposing TacNet user, Limited to only when multiple TacNet users are present) Advantages Teamwork Skills Close Combat: Unarmed 6 (+6), Perception 8 (+10), Ranged Combat: Arm Cannon 4 (+5) Offense Initiative +9, Arm Cannon +4 (Ranged, Multiattack Damage 10), Grenade Launcher (Ranged, Burst Area Damage 7), Taser Dart Swarm (Close, Cone Area Affliction 7, Resisted by Fortitude), Unarmed +6 (Close, Damage 8) Defense Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 10, Will Immune Totals Abilities -12 + Powers 111 + Advantages 0 + Skills 0 + Defenses 0 = 99 Complications Motivation (Programmed Automatons)

Pawns are sophisticated combat robots. Though their complex programming may make them seem intelligent, they are only machines and have neither creativity nor independent thought. Pawns stand 8 feet tall and are obviously armored, each has a cannon in place of its left arm. In addition to its Arm Cannon, a Pawn also has an internal grenade launcher and can release a hail of taser darts from the center of its chest plate. Acting in concert with other Pawns, they can pose a significant hazard to those who are accustomed to the more easily disposable robot assets of other organizations. Each unit possesses a self-destruct system identical to those found in the Knight armor. Note that Pawns are Minions (see page 193, Heros Handbook).



Abilities Str 2 Sta 3 Agl 1 Dex 2 Fgt 4 Int 10 Awe 4 Pre 4 Powers Quickness 6 (Limited to mental tasks) Equipment Smartphone, Undercover Shirt Advantages Benefit 5 (Billionaire), Benefit 5 (CEO of MarsTech), Close Attack 6, Connected, Contacts, Daze (Deception), Equipment, Fascinate (Persuasion), Improved Initiative, Inventor, Skill Mastery (Technology), Well-informed Skills Athletics 6 (8), Deception 10 (+14), Expertise: Business 8 (+18), Expertise: Criminal Mastermind 6 (+16), Expertise: Superhumans 4 (+14), Expertise: Science 11 (+21), Insight 8 (+12), Intimidation 8 (+12), Investigation 4 (+14), Perception 8 (+12), Persuasion 8 (+12), Ranged Combat: Commander Suit Weapon Systems 8 (+10), Technology 11 (+21), Treatment 2 (+12), Vehicles 4 (+6) Offense Initiative +5, Unarmed +10 (Damage 2) Defense Dodge 9, Parry 9, Fortitude 8, Toughness 5/3*, Will 13 *Without undercover shirt. Totals Abilities 60 + Powers 3 + Advantages 25 + Skills 53 (106 ranks) + Defenses 27 = 168 Complication MotivationAmbition, Secret (Former criminal mastermind)

Once upon a time, Mars wore a very different power suit than the expensive custom-tailored ones he buys in London today suits with armor and frightening hi-tech weapons systems. As a young man, he accidentally stumbled upon long-lost fragments of alien technology. He reverse-engineered a number of components, built an armored battlesuit, and went into business as the Commander, a mainstay in the super-criminal community of the time and a major problem for Captain Thunder. Eventually he reached the conclusion that he could accrue just as much power in the business arena, legitimately, and without running the risk of being crippled while fighting costumed powerhouses. During the Terminus Invasion,

Mars aided Centurion and others in their fight against Omega, then successfully parleyed that assistance into a presidential pardon for his crimes. He then returned to his native Emerald City and started MarsTech. Over the years hes built it into a massive multinational business empire. Though he is very familiar with the citys underworld, he keeps all such associations at arms length and is very serious about being a respectable and legitimate busi-




nessman... His true history is known to a select few in the hero community and he and Thunder have an unspoken (and grudging) respect for one another. Mars is a PL11 normally (based on his Defenses). The Commander suit and other such gear are sealed in his private labs, and his various lairs are mothballed.


bing features all over it, which he pretends is the source of his powers.

Nora Patterson was goth eye-candy for a series of violent losers, before finally ending up with Morris Klein; the loserest of losers as her friends called him. Most people pegged her as something of a twit within moments of meeting her, but that changed when she became a stormer. Her IQ skyrocketed and her awakening, which is what she called the manifestation of her ability to see and influence the structure of the universe. As Epiphany Jones, Nora can alter reality by stating what she wants to happen (and then the car behind the idiot explodes...) and it happens. Currently, this is limited to destructive displays (collapsing walls, exploding gas mains, etc.) and influencing probability in her vicinity, but she continues to learn and improve daily. A big clue to the full extent of her powers lies in her newfound musical ability. Shed always wished for more musical talent and shortly after gaining her powers she suddenly had it. Despite the potential of her powers, she focuses most of her time and effort making the world sorry for how she was treated as untalented, unloved Nora Patterson. Nora can be quite charming when she controls her violent tendencies. Shes a pretty young woman with pale white skin, dyed black hair, heavy make-up that actually works with her overall look, and a sort of goth meets Victorian vibe complete with brass buttons, black ribbons, lace frills, a top hat, and opera glasses.

Morris Klein was a punk rock musician who had been looking for a new club to trash when he got caught at ground zero of the Silver Storm. Morris had a great deal of love for his music, but absolutely zero talent, and was more a space-filler for a revolving list of equally hopeless bands than an actual member of any of them. When he and his girlfriend were caught in the Silver Storm, it was the best thing that ever happened to him. In addition to his newfound ability to generate a field around his right hand that disintegrates matter, he was also physically and mentally improved in almost every way. Now fully aware of what a loser and joke he had been, as well as realizing the depths to the philosophies behind the music he loves (ideas and concepts he had mostly ignored before), as Captain Oblivion, he wants to bring a new era of nihilism to the world. Eventually. First, he plans to enjoy himself a bit, and that means he needs money. He took his pretentious/ ironic name and has embarked on a revenue-generating campaign. Despite his oafish blustering , Klein isnt stupid. He wears a voluminous black coat and full face mask with old fashioned aviator goggles, and he cobbled together a bulky, dieselpunk-looking glove-bracer that stretches up his arm with vacuum tubes and lights and other attention-grab-

Rene LeBeaux moved north from his native Louisiana following job after job. His last trucking gig fell through in Emerald City, and he found work on the docks. It was a simple life; he had a roof over his head and a regular paycheck, so he was okay with it. Then he was trapped in that weird cloud after a burger and beer on Yellow Brick



Abilities: Str 4 Sta 8 Agl 3 Dex 3 Fgt 8 Int 4 Awe 6 Pre 4 Powers: Disintegrating Touch (Damage 10 Linked to Weaken Toughness10 (Resisted by Fortitude; Affects Objects, Progressive, AE: Deflect 10, AE: Burrowing 5, Penetrating)); Immunity 5 (Alteration Effects); Impervious Toughness 10; Protection 2; Senses 1 (Danger Sense) Advantages: Assessment, Close Attack 2, Defensive Attack, Diehard, Improved Disarm, Inspire 2, Taunt Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+7), Athletics 5 (+9), Deception 5 (+9), Expertise: Emerald City Music Scene 6 (+10), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+8), Insight 6 (+12), Intimidation 6 (+10), Perception 6 (+12), Persuasion 6 (+10), Stealth 2 (+5) Offense: Initiative +3, Disintegration Touch +10 (Weaken Toughness 10 linked to Damage 10), Unarmed +10 (Damage 4) Defense: Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10, Will 9 Totals: Abilities 80 + Powers 70 + Advantages 9 + Skills 25 + Defenses 14 = 198 Complications: MotivationGreed and Chaos: Captain Oblivion is out to show that world that everything is meaningless, that there is no order in the universe... and make himself rich at the same time. Power Loss: If he cant touch anything with his right hand, he cant use his Damage/Weaken array. Relationship: Epiphany Jones.



Abilities: Str 0 Sta 6 Agl 1 Dex 1 Fgt 4 Int 6 Awe 6 Pre 4 Powers: Enhanced Advantages 5 (Defensive Roll 2, Evasion, Redirect, Set-Up); Reality Control (Perception Range Shapeable Area Selective Damage 10 (Variable Descriptor 2 (Limited Reality Control)), AE: Selective Shapeable Area Luck Control 4 (Luck 5)) Advantages: Attractive, Beginners Luck, Defensive Roll 2, Evasion, Jack-of-all-trades, Luck 5, Redirect, Set-Up Skills: Deception 4 (+6), Expertise: Musician 8 (+14), Insight 10 (+16), Perception 10 (+16), Persuasion 6 (+10), Stealth 6 (+7) Offense: Initiative +1, Reality Control (Perception Range Shapeable Area Selective Damage 10), Unarmed +4 (Damage 0) Defense: Dodge 12, Parry 11, Fortitude 6, Toughness 8/6* (*without Defensive Roll), Will 14 Totals: Abilities 56 + Powers 58 + Advantages 3 + Skills 22 + Defenses 26 = 165 Complications: MotivationRevenge and Thrills. Power Loss: Cannot use her Reality Control array if she is unable to speak. Relationship: Captain Oblivion.




Row and everything went to hell. Nobody wants to hire someone that looks like a human alligator, especially one that can snap a man in half without much effort. A mans got to eat, and there are people out there who are willing to hire him. The jobs are a little messier than before, but its not like the cops can stop him now. Gator looks like a large man with scaly plates, a tail, and ridges running from head to tail. His jaw is slightly elongated, packed full of big, nasty teeth. He has a difficult time speaking, so when he does, its slowly and enunciated as much as possible, which makes people think hes a dumb beast. Hes a strong and an accomplished street fighter who has no compunctions about playing dirty when necessary.


Her body transformed into some kind of solid energy, and not only that, it was made up of three humanoid forms joined at the shoulders! The bodies shared the same consciousness and she was able to perceive the world all around her at the same time. She discovered she could cause bursts of energy to erupt from her bodies and she could fly!. Karen wasnt altruistic. She didnt want to help people; she wanted to help herself and she finally had the power to do just that. She flew back to the building that housed the physics program and burned it to the ground. It served them right for kicking her outeven if she had sabotaged other students projects! Trinitys triplicate form is a descriptive effect. Any effects targeting one of the bodies affect her normally. When she loses consciousness, she reverts back to her normal (single) physical body. Thats the only time she changes back to normal as she vastly prefers her new appearance to her old.

Tar Pit doesnt really remember his old name. He thinks it might have been Roger something or other. Years of alcohol abuse had put him in the gutter, homeless. He doesnt remember what he was doing downtown, but he remembers the Silver Storm... and the pain that followed. Now, as a vaguely humanoid mass of a black tar-like substance, the only thing that motivates Tar Pit is his hatred for the normal people in the world. Tar Pit likes opponents to hit him and become stuck to his body, or, if they refuse to engage him, to engulf his foes and suffocate them until the stop moving.



Abilities: Str 9 Sta Agl -2 Dex -2 Fgt 2 Int -2 Awe -1 Pre 0 Powers: Tarlike (Elongation 1 and Linked Strength-based Damage 1); Enhanced Advantage (Instant Up); Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects); Impervious Protection 10; Impervious Protection 8 (Limited to only versus physical attacks); Insubstantial 1 (Liquid; Permanent; Innate); Suffocating Engulf (Reaction Affliction 10 (Resisted by Fortitude; Hindered, Immobile, Paralyzed; AE: Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Concentration, Grab-based); Regeneration 3; Speed 3 (16 MPH) Advantages: Close Attack 8, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold Skills: Intimidation 10 (+10), Perception 6 (+5) Offense: Initiative -2, Suffocating Engulf +10 (Affliction 10, Resisted by Fortitude), Unarmed+10 (Close, Damage 10) Defense: Dodge 2, Parry 2, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 18/10* (*vs attacks other than physical ones), Will 9 Totals: Abilities -2 + Powers 114 + Advantages 11 + Skills 8 + Defenses 14 = 145 Complications: MotivationChaos. Hatred: Normal-looking people.

Karen Emerson was wandering dejectedly away from campus when her life, already in the toilet after just having been expelled from her graduate program, took another dramatic turn. Her abilities erupted immediately, accompanied by immense pain but no period of lost consciousness.


Abilities: Str 9 Sta 10 Agl 4 Dex 2 Fgt 8 Int 0 Awe 2 Pre 3 Powers: Aquatic (Immunity 1 (Drowning), Movement 1 (Environmental AdaptationAquatic), Swimming 6 (30 MPH)); Armored Hide (Impervious Toughness 8; Protection 2); Claws/Teeth (Strength-based Damage 3, Penetrating 3); Regeneration 5; Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Olfactory Tracking); Tail (Extra Limb 1, Reach on Strength Damage, Enhanced Advantages 1 (Improved Trip)) Advantages All-out Attack, Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Prone Fighting Skills: Athletics 6 (+15), Intimidation 6 (+9), Perception 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Thrown 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+8) Offense: Initiative +4, Claws/Teeth +8 (Close, Damage 12, Penetrating 3) Defense: Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 14, Toughness 12, Will 6 Totals: Abilities 76 + Powers 35 + Advantages 6 + Skills 12 + Defenses 12 = 141 Complications: MotivationGreed: Gator is just trying to earn a living and have fun doing it. Prejudice: Strange appearance. QuirkCarnivore: Must consume large quantities of raw meat as part of his basic diet. TemperBloodlust: Gets lost in battle and easily succumbs to bloodlust).


Abilities: Str 6 Sta 10 Agl 0 Dex 0 Fgt 6 Int 3 Awe 3 Pre 2 Powers: Flight 6 (120 MPH); Force Field 2; Impervious Toughness 12; Plasma Blast (Ranged Multiattack Damage 12, Accurate 4; AE: Radiation Burst (Burst Area Damage 10); Senses 4 (Acute Detect Radiation (visual), Radius on all Visual) Advantages: Defensive Attack, Improved Initiative 2 Skills: Expertise: Current Events 6 (+9), Expertise: Science 8 (+11), Insight 4 (+7), Perception 4 (+7), Technology 8 (+11) Offense: Initiative +8, Plasma Blast +8 (Multiattack Damage 12), Radiation Burst (Burst Area Damage 10), Unarmed +6 (Damage 6) Defense: Dodge 8, Parry 6, Fortitude 10, Toughness 12/*10 (*without Force Field), Will 10 Totals: Abilities 60 + Powers 71 + Advantages 3 + Skills 15 + Defenses 15 = 164 Complications: MotivationPower: Trinity enjoys power and wants more, no matter what form it takes. Quirk Vengeful: Very sore loser.





Abilities Powers Advantages 60 15 34 Skills Defenses Total

47 23 179


Hi-Tech Bow and Trick Arrows: Array (17 points), Easily Removable (-8 points) Explosive Arrows: Ranged Burst Area Damage 6, Diminished Range 17 points Bola Arrows: Snare 4 1 point Taser Arrows: Ranged Affliction 4 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) 1 point Smoke Arrows: Ranged Cloud Area Concealment 4 Attack (All Visual) 1 point Peerless Archer: Ranged Multiattack Damage 4, Precise 1 point Swingline: Movement 1 (Swinging) 1 point Trained Runner: Speed 1 (4 MPH) 1 point

Fame: All of the members of the Freedom League are very well-known. MotivationThrillseeker: Bowman is an adrenaline junkie. He sometimes has a hard time reconciling this drive with his professional obligations to his teammates and his extensive training. Responsibility: As the latest in a line of heroes to carry the Bowman name, he feels a keen responsibility to do the name proud.

Hi-tech Chainmail Hauberk (Protection 2), Commlink, Flashlight, GPS Receiver

Accurate Attack, Benefit 1 (Well-off), Close Attack 4, Connected, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment, Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 4 (Bows), Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 2, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Precise Attack 2 (Ranged; Concealment and Cover), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 4, Seize Initiative, Skill Mastery (Ranged Combat), Taunt, Ultimate Effort (Ranged Combat)

Acrobatics 10 (+16), Athletics 8 (+10), Deception 8 (+12), Expertise: History 4 (+5), Expertise: Streetwise 8 (+9), Insight 7 (+10), Intimidation 6 (+10), Investigation 7 (+8), Perception 8 (+11), Ranged Combat: Bows 6 (+12), Stealth 10 (+16), Technology 7 (+8), Vehicles 5 (+11)

Initiative +14 Ranged Weapons +16 Unarmed +10 Ranged, Damage 4, Crit. 16-20 Close, Damage 2

Dodge Parry Will 14 10 8 Fortitude Toughness 8 6/4*

*Without Defensive Roll

Bowman has grown up quite a bit since joining the Freedom League, though he doesnt always let it show. He still acts the part of the thrill seeking, smart-mouthed flirt, but its just as much because its expected of him as it is leftover immaturity. In combat, he uses taunts the bad guys to draw their fire and trusts his mobility and training to keep him safe, while his teammates take advantage of any openings in their foes defenses. Many an enemy has turned to tear into Bowman only to be felled by one of the Leagues big guns he never saw coming. Since Seven joined the League, Bowman has made a concerted effort to grow up, because hes concerned with how his old classmate perceives him.






Fame: All of the members of the Freedom League are very well-known. MotivationResponsibility: Metropolis is keenly aware of his role as protector and is tireless in the performance of his duties. QuirkInhuman: Metropolis isnt human and doesnt interact with humanity following expected social mores. Weakness: Metropolis weakens if he is removed from urban areas for long periods of time, eventually sickening and potentially even dying (whatever that may mean for such a lifeform).




Carried by the City: Flight 1 (4 MPH; Limited to Urban Areas) 1 point Constructed Body: Feature 1 (Increased Mass 1; 400 lbs), Immunity 16 (Aging, Fatigue Effects, Life Support), Impervious Protection 4, Impervious Will 10, Regeneration 5 (SourceUrban Materials) 38 points One with the City: Movement 2 (Permeate 2; LimitedUrban Construction Materials), Senses 6 (Acute and Analytical Detect City Details and Layout (Extended 2), Radio) 8 points Urban Elemental: Array (73 points) Animate Object: Perception Range Selective Shapeable Area 2 Damaging Move Object 12 (100 tons; Dynamic, Precise; Limited MaterialCityscape Components) 74 points City Sculpting: Continuous Transform 10, Broad (any cityscape component into any other cityscape component), Dynamic 2 points City Sense: Remote Sensing 14 (All Senses, 60 miles; Dynamic, Subtle; Limited to Urban Areas) 2 points City Travel: Teleport 14 (60 miles; Accurate, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Dynamic, Easy, Extended (16, 000 miles), Turnabout; MediumUrban Areas) 2 points

Diehard, Fearless, Improved Initiative

Expertise: Current Events 8 (+12), Expertise: Structural Engineering 14 (+18), Insight 8 (+12), Intimidation 8 (+8), Perception 4 (+8), Stealth 6 (+7), Technology 6 (+10)

Initiative +5 Animate Object Unarmed +10 Perception Range, Damage 12 Close, Damage 6

Dodge Parry Will 8 10 10 Fortitude Toughness 10 14

Abilities Powers Advantages 72 127 3 Skills Defenses Total 27 13 242

The origins of Metropolis remains a mystery despite the attempts of more than one researcher (including Metropolis himself ) to discover the truth. This hasnt diminished the good Doctors devotion to his duties as a protector of humanity in the slightest.





Abilities Powers Advantages 102 3 64 Skills Defenses Total

78 24 271



Combat Mastery: Strength-based Damage 2, Subtle 3 points

Binoculars, Body Armor (Protection 2, Subtle), Collapsible Staves (Strength-based Damage 2), Commlink, Mini-tracers, Night Vision Goggles, Restraints, Flashlight, GPS, Grapnel Gun (Movement 1 (Swinging)), Multi-tool, 30 points worth of vehicles and smaller headquarters hidden around Freedom City Utility Belt: Array (16 points) Tear Gas Pellets: Ranged Cloud Area Affliction 4 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed and Vision Impaired, Stunned and Vision Disabled, Incapacitated) 16 points Bolos: Snare 3 (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized) 1 point Boomerangs: Ranged Strength-based Damage 1 1 point Explosives: Ranged Burst Area Damage 5 1 point. Cutting Torch: Damage 1 Linked to Weaken Toughness 1. 1 point Flash-Bangs: Burst Area Dazzle 4 (Resisted by Fortitude; Vision Impaired, Vision Disabled, Vision Unaware) 1 point Smoke Pellets: Cloud Area Visual Concealment Attack 1 point

Fame: All of the members of the Freedom League are very well-known. Identity: Ravens true identity as Callie Summers is a zealously hidden secret. MotivationJustice: Raven is driven to fight the evil that took her mothers life. Obsession: Fighting crime is the center of Ravens life and she spares only enough time from it to protect her secret identity.


Size: Small Tou 10 Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System 3, Workshop

Agile Feint, Assessment, Benefit 3 (Millionaire), Close Attack 2, Connected, Contacts, Daze (Intimidation), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 17t, Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Initiative 2, Improvised Tools, Instant Up, Inventor, Jackof-all-trades, Languages 4, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Ranged; Concealment), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 6, Redirect, Seize Initiative, Set-up, Skill Mastery (Intimidation), Skill Mastery (Investigation), Skill Mastery (Perception), Startle, Takedown, Trance, Tracking, Uncanny Dodge, Well-informed

Acrobatics 8 (+14), Athletics 12 (+14), Deception 8 (+14), Expertise: Criminology 13 (+20), Insight 10 (+15), Intimidation 14 (+20), Investigation 15 (+22), Perception 14 (+19), Persuasion 6 (+12), Stealth 12 (+18), Sleight of Hand 8 (+13), Streetwise 13 (+20), Technology 8 (+15), Treatment 6 (+13), Vehicles 8 (+13)

Initiative +10 Boomerangs +16 Collapsible Staves+18 Unarmed +18 Ranges, Damage 3 Close, Damage 6 Close, Damage 4

Dodge Parry Will 16 16 14 Fortitude Toughness 9 8/6*

*Without Defensive Roll

Raven is one of the constants in the League. Other than growing older, very little has changed with Raven in recent years, except perhaps that she continues to hone her legendary skills.





Abilities Powers Advantages 50 102 7 Skills Defenses Total

27 12 198


Run on Walls: Movement 2 (Wall Crawling 2), Limited to while moving 2 points Run on Water: Movement 1 (Water Walking), Limited to while moving 1 point Super-Speed: Enhanced Defenses 22 (Dodge 11, Parry 11), Enhanced Advantages 19 (Agile Feint, Close Attack 5 (QuirkOnly versus opponents that have lower initiative totals than Johnny), Defensive Roll 3, Evasion, Improved Initiative 12, Instant Up, Move-by Action), Quickness 12, Speed 16 (125,000 MPH) 73 points Super-Speed Combat: Array (24 points) Arm-Spinning Tornado: Cone Area 2 Move Object 8, Limited to pushing away 24 points Fast Attack: Strength-based Damage 6, Burst Area and Selective on 8 1 point Flurry of Blows: Strength-based Damage 6, Multiattack on 6 8 1 point

Fame: All of the members of the Freedom League are very well-known. Identity: Johnnys identity is public knowledge. MotivationResponsibility: Johnny is strongly invested in using his powers his powers for good and not bringing shame to the heroic legacy established by his grandfather. Prejudice: Johnny is gay and sometimes faces discrimination because of it. Relationship: Johnny is a married man and he worries constantly about his husband.

Commlink, GPS receiver

Agile Feint, Close Attack 3, Close Attack 5, Defensive Roll 3, Evasion, Equipment, Grabbing Finesse, Improved Initiative 12, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Redirect, Taunt

Acrobatics 7 (+12), Athletics 8 (+10), Deception 6 (+9), Expertise: Current Events 6 (+7), Expertise: Pop Culture 6 (+7), Perception 8 (+10), Ranged Combat: Throw 9 (+13), Technology 4 (+5)

Initiative +53 Fast Attack Flurry of Blows +13/+8* Unarmed +13/+8* Burst Area, Damage 8 Close, Multiattack Damage 8 Close, Damage 2

*Only if he has a lower initiative than his opponent.

Dodge Parry Will 16 16 8 Fortitude Toughness 9 6/3*

*Without Defensive Roll

The Leagues resident speedster has mellowed and matured somewhat in the last few years, due significantly to finding and marrying the love of his life, paramedic Chris Penny. He struggles to restrain his impulsive nature, but more often than not is a voice of reason on the team much to the surprise of the other Leaguers.





Abilities Powers Advantages 42 60 7 Skills Defenses Total

32 20 161


Defensive Magic: Array (20 points) Shining Shield of Sirrion: Impervious Force Field 10 20 points Deflect 10, Reflect 1 point Magical Spells: Array (23 points) Shining Shackles of Sirrion: Snare 8, Diminished Range 23 points Abjurations of Abbridon: Nullify Magic 10, Broad, Precise 1 point Elemental Masty of Ghorummaz: Perception Range Move Object 10 (25 tons), Limited to Classical Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) 1 point Magic of the Modrossus: Ranged Damage 10 1 point Second Wheel of Weyan: Remote Sensing 22 (16,000 miles), Visual and Auditory, Feedback, Medium (Any reflective surface) 1 point Shining Suns of Sirrion: Dazzle 10 (Visual; Resisted by Will) 1 point Whirling Wind of Weyan: Flight 4 (30 MPH) 8 points Witchsight: Senses 3 (Analytical and Extended Magic Awareness) 3 points

Fame: All of the members of the Freedom League are very well-known. MotivationResponsibility: Seven is keenly aware of the responsibilities her powers carry. Power Loss: Seven loses all of her powers other than Witchsight when she is unable to speak or to gesture with her hands.


Attractive, Equipment, Languages 4 (Atlantean, Latin, Sanskrit, and several ancient occult languages), Ritualist

Deception 7 (+10), Expertise: Magic 9 (+12), Insight 8 (+13), Intimidation 4 (+7), Perception 8 (+13), Persuasion 6 (+9), Ranged Combat: Magical Spells 9 (+10), Sleight of Hand 6 (+7), Stealth 4 (+5), Treatment 3 (+6)

Initiative +53 Magic of the Modrossus +10 Shining Shackles of Sirrion +10 Shining Suns of Sirrion +10 Unarmed +6 Ranged, Damage 10 Ranged, Affliction 10, Resisted by Fortitude Ranged, Affliction 10, Resisted by Fortitude Close, Damage 0

Dodge Parry Will 8 7 14 Fortitude Toughness 5 12

Seven graduated from the Claremont Academy and then spent a couple of years as Adrian Eldrichs student, where she honed her already respectable abilities to an even more intimidating degree. She joined the League a few months ago following a fight against Malador that showcased the Freedom Leagues need for magical knowledge. Shes worked vigorously since then to show her teammates that she deserves her spot on the team, an effort the rest of the League frequently tells her is unnecessary.






Adventure Concept: Steve Kenson & Jon Leitheusser Writing and Design: Aaron Sullivan Editing, and Development: Jon Leitheusser Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Interior Art: MK Ultra Studios, Ramon Perez Cartography: Sean MacDonald Publisher: Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Jeff Tidball Emerald City Knights - Chapter 2: Out of Their League is 2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mutants & Masterminds, Super-powered by M&M, Green Ronin, and their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. The following is designated as Product Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, Version 1.0a: hero points, power points. All character and their associated images, descriptions, backgrounds, and related information are declared Product Identity. The following text is Open Gaming Content: all game system rules and material not previously declared Product Identity. Green Ronin Publishing 3815 S. Othello St., Suite 100 #304 Seattle, WA 98118 Email: [email protected] Web Sites: www.greenronin.com www.mutantsandmasterminds.com

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