T8 B8 Miles Kara Docs (3) Timelines FDR - On Top - Various Timelines (Media Time Lines - 1st Pgs For Reference)

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American Right 11

Crisis Above and Below

Boston to Los Angeles. Crashes into The North American Aefospace Defense
nor th tower of World Trads Center. Command, or Norad, has provided the
8:00 Sept, 1 1 commiss*on with a timeline of its
United Flight 175 actions on the morning of the attacks. The
Boston to Los Angsles. commission is concerned that Norad, the
Crashes into south Penlagon *s dornestec air-defense agency,
8:10 tower of World failed to act quickly enough,
Trade Center,
American Flight 77
' Washington to Los Angetes, CNFUSHT PATH
•> Crashes into Pentagon,

United Flight 93
Newark, to
San Francisco.
Crashes near Aterttnc the Ifchter lets
Shankwlle, Pa.
8:40 8:40 F.A.A. reports possible
hijacking of Right 11 to Norad.

8:46 F-15Jetf!lghter»
8:50 readied for takeoff from
OBs Air National Guard
Base on Cape Cod, Mas*.

•8:52 F-1 S'8 airborne.

9:00 8:57 FAA.
reports first
impact on FAA,
the World WiicWng of Right 175.
Center, L- 8:09 F-16 jet fighter* from
9:11 FAA. Langley Air Force Base, Va,,
reports crash -—, are directed to batte stations.
into tfie south
9:20 tower, '- 9:16 FAA. reports a possible
hijacking of Flight 93.
. —— -|
;™ 9:24 FAA, reports possible
9:30 ._^, W^cWng of Flight 77. F-16"»
i at Langley are readied for
! takeoff.

- 9:30 Langley F-16'» are

9:40 airborne, 105 miles away
from Waahlngton.




10:15 F.AA reports

10:20 crash of Flight 93,
11 Sep 01 Timeline
Time (Z): Action:

1202 AAL 11 first radar data (Boston)

1216 UAL 175 first radar data (Boston)
1219 AAL 77 first radar data (Dulles)
1220 AAL 11 transponder off
1240 FAA reports possible hijack of AAL 11
1243 UAL 93 first radar data (Newark)
1246 Otis scrambled on AAL 11
1246 AAL 11 last data near WTC
1250 AAL 77 fade from radar coverage
1252 Otis airborne
1253 Otis first radar data
1257 From Boston FAA, AAL 11 crashed into WTC
1302 UAL 175 last radar data near WTC
1305 FAA reports possible hijack of UAL 175
1309 AAL 77 fade from radar
1309 Langley on battle stations
1311 UAL 175 reported crashed into the second WTC tower
1316 FAA reports possible hijack of another UAL flight,
tail number N612UA
1324 FAA reports possible hijack of AAL 77, tail number N334AA
1324 Langley scrambled on AAL 77
1325 AAL 77 headed toward Washington DC
1327 Boston FAA reports a fifth aircraft missing
1330 Langley first radar data
1332 Andrews AFB training C-130 airborne (Gopher 06)
1334 Unable to locate AAL 77
1335 Langley reported airborne
1337 AAL 77 last data near Pentagon
1340 UAL 93 transponder off
1341 FAA reports Delta 89 possible hijack
1346 UAL 93 fades from Detroit radar
1347 Delta 89 landed in Cleveland
1401 103 ACS has radar up for support
1402 UAL 93 last data near Shanksville, PA
1403 Estimated UAL 93 ground impact
1405 2 Selfridge ANGB, fighters land
1407 FAA reports a bomb on board UAL 93 over Pitt
1410 Remaining Selfridge fighters land
1415 UAL 93 crash reported north of Camp David
1417 Toledo fighter, first radar data (Sting 11)
1429 Andrews C-130 last radar data near Pittsburgh
1444 Syracuse airborne (Cobra 1 and Apex 1/2)

0/69: oAio '*o C


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08:19 FBI Airphone Analysis Betty Ong Call to Raleigh Reservations (Minter) begins
08:21 AA Transcripts/Recordings Nydia Gonzalez joins Ong Call, calls Craig Marquis
08:22 FBI Airphone Analysis Amy Sweeney Call to Boston (didn't go through)
08:23 AA Transcripts/Recordings Ong-Raleigh recording ends
08:24 FBI Airphone Analysis Amy Sweeney Call to Boston (didn't go through)
08:25 AA Transcripts/Recordings Craig Marquis-Peggy Houck Call
08:25 FBI Airphone Analysis Amy Sweeney Call to Evelyn Nunez (cut off)
Woodward MFR
08:29 AA Transcripts/Recordings Bill Halleck Call to Boston ATC
08:29 FBI Airphone Analysis Amy Sweeney Call to Boston (didn't go through)
Woodward MFR
08:32 FBI Airphone Analysis Amy Sweeney Call to Michael Woodward begins
Woodward MFR
08:33 AA Transcripts/Recordings Bill Halleck reports to Craig Marquis on ATC
information (including threatening voices heard from
cockpit and loss of transponder)
08:40 AA Transcripts/Recordings Nancy Wyatt (BOS)-Ray Rowland Call begins
08:41 AA Transcripts/Recordings Craig Marquis tells (Halleck?) to have ATC treat as
08:42 AA Transcripts/Recordings First Gonzalez-Marquis tape ends
08:44 AA Transcripts/Recordings Ray Howland reports Amy Sweeney Call to Craig
08:44 AA Transcripts/Recordings Loss of contact with Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney
08:45 AA Transcripts/Recordings End of Gonzalez-Marquis Call
08:48 AA Transcripts/Recordings End of Wyatt-Howland Call
Chronology of Events
September 11,2001
11 Sep 01

8:44am AAL11, B767, BOS..LAX lost radar and communication by ZBW

8:57am AAJL77, B757, IAD..LAX, ZID lost radar vicinity York KY

9:15am UAL175, B767, lost radar South of Kingston,

9:40am Explosion at Pentagon

9:47am 1s1 impact World Trade Center

9:50am DAL1989, B767, BOS..LAX Divert to CLE due to bomb threat

9:58am DAJL1989, reported out of FL220 landing CLE as a precaution, NOT A HIJACK

10:01 am UAL93, B757, EWR..SFO bomb aboard, 40 miles SE PIT headed eastbound spotted by a
VFR at 075

10:02am AGL reports a HIJACK/Bomb threat - unknown call-sign type

10:03am AEA reprts that a fast moving twin from Pougipsee towards world trade center

10:06am TWA315 refused to go to PIT diverting to IAD, altitude 160

10:07am Lost radar with UAL93 south Johnstown, PA

10:07am 2nd impact World Trade Center

10:08am CLE AFSS evacuated bomb threat

~rOr08am TWA"3~r5~divei ting lo~©RF

10:00am ATC Zero AEA, national hold

10:09am DAL1989 on downwind at CLE

10:10am Receiving 911 calls from UAL93 40 SE Johnston, PA and black smoke

10:1 Oam TWA315 responding to clearances

10:14am Fast-moving A/C 60 NW DC southeastbound headed towards DC

10:15am UAL93 is down, confirmed by C130 after site, in mountains SE Johnstown Somerset, PA

10:17am ZOB bomb threat, evacuating the building

10:18am Aircraft 160 east of Nantucket westbound high rate of speed headed toward BOS

10:20am N84048 departed from Orange county, NY without authorization

10:20am API airborne (Fl)

10:20am ZNY reports sterilizing domestic airspace

10:2lam ZOB reports two more

Chronology of Events
September 11,2001

1022am DAL1989 on ground CLE

1023am Westbound aircraft is coast guard from Nantucket

1024 Air Force fighters trying to ID aircraft west of Nantucket

1025 DC/NY area small airports closed

1026 UAL93 down 3959N/07846W (reported by military) (NE of Camp David)

1027 Essential controllers ordered to stay on duty (non-essential released)

1028 NY/DC area VFR airports (NOTAM'd closed)

1029 ZDC Reports loss of radar with MEP411 (MidWest Express MD80) over BUCKO, WV

1034 MEP411 on final to CMH (original MWE-DCA) - landed without incident

1035 Unconfirmed report - DAL1989 flaps up at CLE

1036 Regions advised not to release essential personnel

1037 Med-evacs out of NY authorized

1038 Controllers ending shifts at ZBW not to be released

1039 DAL1989 parked in secure area/no one exited a/c yet (pilot says he is not being hijacked)

1040 N4 (US attorney general) over Toledo refuses to land (wants to continue to ADW)

-1-041 —AAtr7-7-rroldtrig imniddle-ZE-e^s ail bpace-^ater-uncernfmried-arid-wrcrrrg rnfo) -

1042 Preliminary report of fire at Camp David

1043 Camp David (conflicting reports) A/C northeast on fire, but Camp David OK

1044 N2 enroute to pick up AAT-1 at MSY

1045 Possible crash site in vicinity of York, KY—possible AAL 77

1050 N2 to be released from DC A

1051 CLE has two unidentified A/C circling in upstate NY at FL350

1052 ZBW ATC zero (evacuating building)

1053 AGL checking on AAL77

1054 AWP/500 confirms no controllers to be released

1055 ZBW evacuated when CG flight reported heading toward BOS (will try to get controllers
back in building)

1056 AEA to release controllers with relatives who work at World Trade Center
Chronology of Events
September 11,2001
1057 N4 inbound to DC A (ETA 1200) should be cleared

1058 ZOB local police reports A7C circling ZOB—will release personnel if needed

1059 AWP requested how many a/c inbound to LAX area

1102 AEA confirms US inbounds diverted to Canada

1103 AAL77 suspected down near Ashland KY

1104 ZID does not know about crash in Ashland area

1110 NTSB told ORD controllers not to return to facility—FAA countermanded NTSB order

1111 N4 reportedly diverted to Richmond; military advised that they need to work with ATC
to release med evac aircraft in NY/DC area

1112 FBI on site in LAX ATCT observing

1113 Military scrambled fighters to a/c circling ZOB

1114 Attempting to get General Cavanaugh (FAA head of security) from Puerto Rico back to

J ll5 ANE requested SCAT AN A

1116 DAL1898 confirmed by security HIJACK at CLE ATC - communication with pilot does
not confirm

1)17 Reconfirm ground stop exceptions include mjlitary/USCG/medivac/law enforcement

"HI'S —USCG-outuft<Drfo1k7epons^emving-distress"ca11s^oTrnrrree^ircraftXt;l7V'94:7/COA ~
57/Air Canada 065)

1119 DAL 1989 still not suspected to be hijack; taxiing to terminal

1120 TWA315 on ground at RDU

1121 AAL77 according to ZID—no wreckage reported on ground near Ashland

] 125 Bill Peacock/Ruth Marlin/Bob Toblin (Nancy Shelton/Benny Lee McGlamery/Doug

Murphy all at MSY but not coming on N2) to return from MSY on FAA LR31

] 126 COA57 (B777) in Moncton (Canada) ACC's airspace, inbound to EWR

1127 Fighter escorts with N4 going into DCA

1128 JFK: three alleged Middle Eastern persons refuse to debark from UAL23 at Gate 2,
Terminal 7

1129 UAL 947/ACA65 no info

] 130 NWA51 from Frankfort, Germany—Canada will not allow to land in Canadian
airspace—originally inbound for DTW
Chronology of Events
September 11,2001
1)31 Southwest of Nashville: G3 with Secretary of the Navy requests permission to land—
referred to ATCSCC

1132 Army 60180 (PAT 108) enroute from San Juan, PR to West Palm Beach, FL then to
ADW (with FAA head of Security—General Cavanaugh)

1133 Lt. Col. Mark Bucknell, J-5 (NMCC), will work military restrictions to MED-EVAC
aircraft in NY/NJ area

1134 UAL947 over BANKS (Fix in the ocean) heading toward Gander, Nova Scotia (worked
by Gander ACC)

1135 Life Parts (Medivac) flights will be coordinated wilh Military case-by-case

1144 NWA51 on ground in Canada

1145 Some controllers working some of the crisis aircraft are traumatized and need relieved

1146 All three a/c thai USCG reported hearing distress calls are accounted for (all OK)

1147 Some controllers in NY area are refusing to report to work (to be ordered to work)

1152 COA57 est. 60W at 1515Z and No confirmation on UAL947 from Moncton Proposal

1155 N4 inbound to DC A;

1156 Fl 6 intercepted N22CJ intruder a/c 35 NM west of PIT

1157 Canada now refusing to allow any a/c to land in Canadian airspace (ATCSCC will try to
turn a/c around)

1158 NMCC still determining that medevacs. USCG. and law enforcement to be released
NMCC phone #sf 9/11 Agency Internal Matters I

1201 Monte Beiger contacting NAV Canada (Mr. Creighton) regarding ability of Canada to
receive divert a/c)

1204 NMCC and AF/CC confirms med-evacs released at TEB

1205 Asst Dir/FBl: FBI requesting release of Ross 72, Cessna Citation, (Ike Nakamoto) from
Manassas to Hilton Head then back with FBI director

1206 Nine aircraft over oceanic airspace inbound to US—OK to divert to Canada (confirmed
between Monte Beiger and Mr. Creighton)

1207 AAT, el al, to go from tower to west side of field by Air Cargo (General Aviation Corp)
to be picked up by N2

1212 800 220 9381 Sat phone at AEA in case commercial phones lost

1213 AGL reports UAL809 (B767) on ground at Rockford (UPS area) potential bomb threat

1214 AGL reports DAL 1889 is deplaning on ground; FBI to search a/c

1215 PATIOS, with FAA head of Security to be in DC at 17:30 EOT

Chronology of Events
September 11, 2001

1216 ZBW back in operation with skeleton crew

1222 ATCSCC is moving ATSC into larger room to work on releases of a/c

1223 State Police wants to land at TEB

1224 N2 taxiing out at DCA (ETA; 1:30 CDT)

1227 COA 57 landed in Gander; seven a/c still airborne over oceanic airspace inbound to US—
diverting to Canada; UAL 947 returned to Europe

1228 Several thousand casualties in NY

1229 N2 took off from DCA

Status update: 1203Z: (some speculation) Sirkorsky helicopter N601S from Poughkeepsie (#1 to hit
WTC)—at about that time, a primary target, perhaps UAL 175
AAL11 (2nd a/c at WTC—hit south tower)
UAL175 (3rd a/c to hit WTC)
AAL77 (B757) (hit Pentagon)
UAL93 (B767) (crashed in PA, west of Camp David)

1240 Unidentified MD 88 over Elkens, WV (possible scramble by military) or may be worked


1245 Military intercepted aircraft and IDed it as military

1247 ZNY: N911LV (0476); Nl 16MB (0474); N109UP: Medivacs from ABE to NYC

1248 CINCPAC wants to divert 17 flights inbound to HON

1253 No number yet available for FAA relocation site

1255 TEB will be emergency ops center; Floyd Bennet Field (law enforcement ops center)

1256 ATCSCC/ATCSCC working with NORAD for releases

1257 SCAT ANA not in effect; need to reassess capabilities

1258 N206NE (0365) helicopter out of Stewart to TEB

1302 Contract Tower evacuations being coordinated in AEA and AWP

1303 Locking NYC down...most roads closed...

1304 USAF/CC at Pentagon ready to help. Col Atkins working.

1305 AEA-500 advised that AAL 11 voice tapes on intranet web site; will be taken off and no
more data put on web sites

1319 All releases currently required to go through NORAD; trying to implement system with
bank of codes for medivac releases
Chronology of Events
September 11,2001
1320 KAL085 flight inbound to LAX reports being hijacked through ARINC (confirming with
AWP) ZLA reports KALI (B747-400) inbound to LAX successfully landed at SFO an
hour ago—maybe same a/c

1323 KAL017 to LAX (ZOA never worked); trying to confirm; ATCSCC confirms KAL017
diverted Vancouver;

1324 AAL11 data removed from intranet

1328 All data to be placed on AAT-20 intranet

1328 NY Governor in helicopter N8076 (code 5601) from

1329 KAL085 confirms with ZAN they are not being hijacked

1335 Not a good system to work individual releases

1336 State police reported helicopter over nuclear power plant Wilkes Barre

1339 PATIOS now due at 3:50pm

1340 AWP reports five aircraft refuse to divert; will advise Admiral Blair

1341 Colonel Atkins advises Allentown evacs to contact HQ's phone #

1342 Alaska region reports unidentified aircraft circling ANC and numerous aircraft circling
over ANC who are short on fuel

1343 N2 ETE - 0:45 minutes out on ASD

1353 AEA will use bank of codes for ABE (0420-0431) and for N90 (5601-5611) and will
contact Ah/(J(J relocated at Boiling (ZU2~4U4~337TJ

1357 B747, reported by citizens, flying up Hudson (citizen report); F15s refueling over Long
Island will take look; later reported that a/c was probably refueler

1358 AF1 still displayed on TSD; may have been removed for security reasons

1432 Ross 72 released

1438 Advisory 41 issued Requests to use NAS will be authorized for military, law
enforcement, life guard and med evac flights, (need actual words from Advisory 41)

1507 KAL085 reported on the ground at Whitehorse, Canada

1504 N2 (2556) airborne due 1630 at DCA

1517 AWP reports confirmed bomb found in parking lot #2 at LAX; LAX ATCT evacuating

1522 Individual call signs/beacon codes still required for individual releases

1523 FBI reports US Airways squawking 7700 from Madrid

1526 AWP reports additional explosive devise in old LAX terminal

Chronology of Events
September 11, 2001
From this point forward, all coordination is for individual aircraft movement, ATC
system status, issuance of NOTAM's - no specific notes are being kept.
Lcom - (Chronology of terror - September 12, 2001 wysiwyg://959/http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/09/ll/chronology .attack/

September 11: Chronology of terror
September 12, 2001 Posted: 12:27 PM EOT (1627 GMT)

WEATHER 8:45 a.m. (all times are EDT): A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight
BUSINESS Boston, Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center, tt
gaping hole in the building and setting it afire.

9:03 a.m.: A second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston,
crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes. Both
buildings are burning.
TRAVEL 9:17 a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all New York City
area airports.
Plane hi
9:21 a.m.: The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey orders all bridges
QUICK NEWS and tunnels in the New York area closed.

COMMUNITY 9:30 a.m.: President Bush, speaking in Sarasota, Florida, says the country has suffered ;
MULTIMEDIA terrorist attack."
9:40 a.m.: The FAA halts all flight operations at U.S. airports, the first time in U.S. hist
traffic nationwide has been halted.

what's on
9:43 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, sending up a huge pli
show transcriots Evacuation begins immediately.
CNN Headline News
CNN International 9:45 a.m.: The White House evacuates.

9:57 a.m.: Bush departs from Florida.

10:05 a.m.: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses, plummeting into the
A massive cloud of dust and debris forms and slowly drifts away from the building.

10:08 a.m.: Secret Service agents armed with automatic rifles are deployed into
Lafayette Park across from the White House.

10:10 a.m.: A portion of the Pentagon collapses.

10:10 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93, also hijacked, crashes in Somerset
County, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh. Pentagc

10:13 a.m.: The United Nations building evacuates, including 4,700 people from the he
building and 7,000 total from UNICEF and U.N. development programs.

10:22 a.m.: In Washington, the State and Justice departments are evacuated, along with

10:24 a.m.: The FAA reports that all inbound transatlantic aircraft flying into the Unite*
being diverted to Canada.

lof 5 4/14/03 12:22 PM

Date 12-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 18-Sep 18-Sep Sep Oct May 2002 May 2003 Feb 2004 Mar 2004
Document Charlie Fit Gott NEADS Press Rel Scott Caine ANG Testimony STK Brief Hearing 1st Rev 2dRev
Event Actual
Notification 08:38 08:40 08:40 r~i
^ c** J-f.• . ,f 08:40 08:40 D '^'I ','-.
7 •-. "•> 08:40
Scramble 08:46/09:24 08:46 08:46 e^vc 08:46 08:46 o'SVC, 08:46 08:46 09:24
Airborne 08:52/09:30 08:52 08:52 0 <5v& 08:52 O'S-tT.S. 08:52 08:52 09:30
Impact 08:47 08:46 08:46 o^VC 08:46 08:46 oSV^ 08:46 08:46

Notification o^oj. 08:43 09:05 c/SV-S 09:05 O tH q 08:43 09:05
Scramble None 08:46 e^vC na
Impact 09:03 09:02 09:02 OT? •»*? «2k 09:03 09:02 O902t. 09:02 09:03

Notification 09:34 09:24 09:24 Qc-fii^ 09:24 09:24 O9i^ 09:24 09:24 09:34
Scramble None 09:24 09:24 o^a-y O^A.4 09:24 09:24
Airborne 09:30 09:30 0°'-* 0 09:30 09:35 0«?3c, 09:30
Impact 09:38 09:37 09:37 O? j :; 09:43 09:37 0^3,^1 09:37 09:43 09:37

Notification 'OC>~7 09:16/10:07 rrvCx, 09:16/10:07 09:16/10:07 09:16/10:07 10:06
Scramble None 09:24
Impact 10:03 10:03 10:03 /c '^'* 10:03 10:03 yoo^ 10:03 10:03 10:03

Notification 09:27/09:41 09:27/09:41 09:27/09:41 09:27
Landed 10:11 09:47 09:47 09:47

Canada Flight

Atlantic Ocean Irlight

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