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Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


DRRAJUS REVISED GRE- OFFICIAL BOOK WORDLIST-2012-2013 NOTE : These words are compiled from official ETS GRE books and free on-line materials. You have 80 % chances of getting some of these words in real GRE exam: Developed by DrRajus GRE Team.
abandoned (adj):1.adj. rejected, given up; 2. abandon: v. reject, forsake abolish (v): cancel, revoke abrasive (adv): corrosive, harsh. abreast (adv): up to date with; side by side abridged (adj): shortened absolute (adj): complete; perfect; pure; unlimited; abstract (adj) :1.adj. theoretical not concrete abundant (adj) :plentiful academic (adj) : learned, theoretical accede (v) :agree accentuate (v) :stress, emphasize, accent accessible (adj) :1.adj.easy to approach; 2. access (v): reach accidental (adj) :that happens by chance accommodate (v) :oblige or help someone; give, adapt oneself; accompany (v) :go along with accomplish (v) :achieve or complete successfully; accord (v) :give or grant; agree; account (v) :to give a view; to furnish an explanation; accumulate (v)gather acerbic (adj) :bitter and shorttempered; acknowledge (v) : recognize, accept acoustics (n) :science of sound acquisition (n) :something obtained acquisitive (adj) :desiring to gain, grasping; acumen (n) :mental keenness; shrewdness; adaptable (adj) : able to be modified; adjusting quickly address (v) :speak to; to deal with; direct to adherent (n) :supporter, follower; admonish (v) :warn, reprove; adverse (adj) :1.hostile; contrary, opposed; 2. adversely (adv): unfavorably advocate (v) :urge, plead for; advocate(n) : supporter aesthetic (adj) :of or pertaining to appreciation of the beautiful; artistic; affable (adj) :friendly; amiable; affect (v) :influence, impact affectation (n) : 1.insincere behavior, artificial manner; 2.affected (adj): pretense affiliation (n) :joining, associating with; affluent (adj) :wealthy, abundant; aggressive (adj) :very forceful, hostile; bold agonizing (adj) :causing difficulty, very painful; agrarian (adj) :related to farming or agriculture; alarming (adj) :worrisome, a warning of danger alienate (v) :make hostile or unfriendly, separate; allege (v) : state without proof allegory (n) :a story in which characters are used a symbols; a fable; alleviate (v) :make less severe; relieve; allure (v) :tempt; charm, attract aloof (adj) :not friendly; cool and distant


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


alternative (n/adj) :1.n.option, choice; 2.adj. optional amateur (adj) :not professional, novice; unskillful; amaze (v) :surprise (someone) greatly; astonish. ambient (adj):environment, encompassing atmosphere ambiguity (n) :1.n.lack of clarity ; 2. ambiguous (adj) :unclear or doubtful in meaning ambivalence (n) : state of having both positive and negative feelings towards a subject ameliorate (v) :improve amenable (adj) :readily managed, willing to obey ample (adj) :abundant amplify (v) :broaden or clarify by expanding, intensify, strengthen; anachronistic (adj) :erroneous in date; out of date; analogous (adj) :comparable; similar; analogy (n) :similarity, parallelism; anarchy (n) :absence of governing body, state of disorder; angle (v) :present with a bias or in a particular way; annul (v) :make void ; cancel; anoint (v) :administer an oil or ointment to ; often in a religious ceremony of blessing anomaly(n) : 1.n. irregularity ; 2. anomalous (adj) : abnormal, irregular; anonymous(adj) : nameless, of an unknown person antedate (v) :predate; be earlier in time; go back further anticipate (v) : expect, predict; precede; antinomian (adj): opposed to the doctrine that the moral law is obligatory. antiquity (n) :extreme oldness; an artifact surviving from the past antithetical (adj) :mutually incompatible, contrary; anxious (adj) :experiencing worry; very eager, yearning; apathy (n) :lack of caring, indifference; apolitical (adj) :having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs. apologist (n) :one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something; apostle (n) :one who advances an important cause or idea; apparent (adj) :obvious; ostensible, pretended appetizing (adj) : stimulating ; arousing the appetite; appraise (v) :estimate value, assess appreciate (v) :be thankful for, increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of; appreciated (adj) :giving pleasure or satisfaction; fully understood; apprehension (n) : fear, concern; anticipation; apprise (v) :inform, make aware; appropriate (v) :1.take without permission; 2.set aside, 3.allot; approximate (v) : approach, come near; arbiter (n) :a person who settles a dispute. arbitrary (adj) :unreasonable or capricious, tyrannical; arcane (adj) :secret, mysterious; known only to the initiated; archeological (adj) :pertaining to the study of ancient cultures through their artifacts architect (n) :one who designs buildings and other structures arduous (adj) :difficult and tiring; hard and strenuous; aria (n) :a song for solo voice; arousal (n) :stimulation; excitement; articulate (v) :fluent, effective, distinct;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


artifact (n) :a man-made object taken as a whole; artless (adj) :without cunning, open and honest; ascendancy (n) :superiority, domination; ascent (n) :an upward slope or rising grade; acclivity ascribe (v) :attribute or credit to; aside from :apart from; besides; aspect (n) :point of view; appearance, facet; aspiration (n) :a strong desire to achieve something high or great; assault (v) :attack, onslaught; assent (v) :agree, approve, consent; assert (v) :state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully; assertion (n) :1.n.a confident statement of fact or belief; 2. assertive (adj) : forceful, aggressive. assessment (n) :estimation; appraisal (of worth); assimilate (v) :absorb, cause to become homogenous; assuage (v) : make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense; satisfy (an appetite or desire). assumption (n) :supposition, hypothesis; act of taking; astonishing (adj) :surprising, shocking; astounding (adj) :amazing; surprising, shocking; breathtaking; astray (adv) :away from the correct path or direction. at odds with: in a dispute with, involved in a conflict with ; at the expense of: at the sacrifice of, to the detriment of ; attainment (n) :achievement, fulfillment; ability attenuate (v) :make thin, weaken; attribute (n/v) :1.n.essential quality.2.v. to regard as a characteristic of a person or thing; attune (v) :adjust or accustom to a situation. austere (adj) :1.adj. strict; severely simple or modest; 2.n. austerity (n): ascetic simplicity; authoritarian (adj) :despotic, dictatorial, disciplinarian authoritative (adj) :official; reliable; assertive, commanding; authorization (n) :official permission; permit; empowerment; avarice (n) :greediness for wealth; avian (adj) :related to birds; avid (adj) :greedy, eager for; avow (v) :declare openly; acknowledge; confess awaken (v) :wake up, arouse (i.e. from sleep) balloon (v) :expand, grow larger; inflate; banal (adj) :hackneyed, commonplace, trite, lacking originality; bane (n) :misfortune, curse; banish (v) :expel; send away, dismiss barring (prep) :with the exception of, apart from baseness :lowness, meanness, without moral principles; bay (v) :bark with prolonged noises bear on: be relevant to, pertain to, relate to, befriend (v) :act as or become a friend to. beguile (v) :mislead, deceive; cheat, entice; beholden (adj) :indebted, in debt, obligated belie (v) :to show something to be false; contradict belligerent (adj) :aggressive; quarrelsome; benign(adj) : 1.kindly, favorable; not harmful; 2.benignity (n) :favor, kindheartedness besiege (v) :surround with armed forces ; harass (with requests);


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


betray (v) :be disloyal; reveal consciously or unintentionally; biased (adj) :prejudiced, having preconceptions; favoring one person or side over another; bibliography (n) :list of books by a particular author or on a particular subject; blending (n) :mixing; act of mixing ingredients together thoroughly; blighted (adj) :affected by disease; destroyed bogus (adj) :not genuine, artificial, sham; bolster (v) :support, strengthen, reinforce boon (n) :a thing that is helpful or beneficial. boost (v) :raise; increase; urge; borrowing (n) :the appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another source; brandish (v) :exhibit aggressively, wave something about; brazen (adj) :insolent, impudent; bold and shameless; break (v) :stop, cancel brevity (n) :concise and exact use of words; terse; bridle (n) :bring under control; brine (n) :water containing dissolved salt brutal (adj) :cruel, harsh, savage bungling (n) :work done in an awkward or clumsy manner; making a mess of something burnout (n) :fatigue, exhaustion buttress (v) :support, reinforce; calamitous (adj) :disastrous, catastrophic, cataclysmic calumnious (adj) :slanderous, defamatory; campaign (n) :an organized course of action to achieve a goal. candid (adj) : honest, straightforward, open, frank caprice (n) :a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior. capricious (adj) :unpredictable, fickle; carnivorous (adj) :meat-eating; casual (adj) : informal; superficial; accidental; catalogue (n) :itemized list catastrophe (n) :1.disaster, calamity; 2.catastrophic (adj):disastrous, calamitous categorical (adj) :absolute, unqualified, definite, certain; cathedral (n) :the principal church of a diocese. cautious (adj) :careful, wary cede (v) : give up (power); surrender; celebrated (adj) :famous, widely recognized; censor (v) :to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable cerebral (adj) :intellectual rather than emotional or physical. chance (n) :accidental, random, unexpected channelize (v) :direct the course charge (v) :accuse (i.e. of committing a crime); charisma (n) :persuasive charm or attractiveness; check (v) :pause, stop; examine cherish (v) :love; nurture, care for lovingly; chic (adj) :elegantly and stylishly fashionable choir (n) :singing group, chorus chronic (adj) :long established, as a disease; constant; chronological (adj) : arranged according to temporal (time) order; cinematic (adj) :relating to or characteristic of the cinema. circumscribed (adj) :subjected to limits; limited;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


circumspect (adj) :careful, prudent, cautious circumstantial (adj) :fully detailed and specific about particulars; cited (adj) :1.adj. quoted; 2. cite (v) : mention as an example; commend; civil (adj) :courteous and polite. claim (v) :demand; sue; plea; assert classical (adj) :1.traditional, timeless; 2. excellent clearheaded (adj) :not mentally confused; able to think clearly ; clergy (n) :people who work in religious ministry (like priests); clerical; clerical (adj) :relating to the clergy (who work for religious tasks) cloak (v) :1.v. conceal; 2. cloaked (adj): having its true character concealed with the intent of misleading; cluster (v) :gather closely together, assemble coalesce (v) :combine, fuse; coercion (n) :use of force to someone to obey; coeval (adj) :living at the same time as contemporary; cognitive (adj) :aware, perceptive coherence (n) :1.sticking together; consistency; 2.coherent (adj) : sticking together; consistent coinage (n) :invention of a new word or phrase coincident (adj) :occurring together in space or time. collaborator (n) :one who works together; collude (v) :conspire together to deceive others; commentary (n) : the expression of opinions or offering of explanations about an event or situation. commercial (adj) :pertaining to business commonplace (adj) :ordinary, everyday, uninteresting comparable (adj) : similar; of equivalent quality; compatible (adj) :capable of existing together in harmony; congruous; compel (v) :force, coerce, influence compelling (adj) :powerfully evoking attention or admiration. compile (v) : gather together in one place; compose complacency (n) :state of being pleased with oneself; smugness complementary(adj): serving to complete something; compliance (n): readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements; comport(v) :behave, conduct oneself in a certain manner compose(v) : 1.create, write; 2.calm; composer (n) :person who composes musical compositions;author, writer etc., compound (v) :combine, constitute, increase (esp. complexity); pay interest comprehensive (adj) :through, inclusive ; including all or everything; compressed (adj) :compacted, condensed compromise (v) :1. to come to agreement by mutual concession. 2. endanger the interests or reputation of. compromised (adj) :1.settled by making mutual concessions; 2.unable to operate in an optimal form conceal (v) :hide, cover; keep secret concede (v) :admit; yield, give up concession (n) :yielding; something which is given up; discount; concur (v) :agree, colloborate condense (v) :make denser, compress; make shorter; condone (v) :forgive, overlook, give tacit approval; confess (v) :admit (guilt, etc.); tell one's sins to a priest; confirm (v) :approve; verify, show to be true; strengthen


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


confounding (adj) :1.that contradicts or confuses; 2. confound(v): surprise or confuse; confront (v) :stand or meet face to face with hostile intent; oppose; congestion (n) :excessive crowding; excessive accumulation connotation (n) :1.suggested or implied meaning; 2. connote (v) : imply, suggest, hint; conscience (n) :a person's moral sense of right and wrong. conscious (adj) :aware; awake consensus (n) :general agreement, majority consequence (n) :1.importance ; outcome; 2. consequential (adj) : important, significant consequently (adv) :as a result, therefore considerable (adj) :important; substantial; significant; considerate (adj) :careful not to harm or inconvenience others. consistently (adv) :systematically; regularly; consolidate (v) : make stronger or more solid; unify, merge; consolidation (n) :unification, process of becoming firmer or stronger; conspicuous (adj) :noticeable, obvious, easy to see constraint (n) :1.a limitation or restriction; repression of feelings; 2.constrain (v): force, coerce construe (v) :interpret in a particular way; explain; consume (v) :eat or drink; destroy; use up contemporary (adj) :modern, current; relating to the present time; contemptuous (adj) :expressing extreme disdain; disrespectful; contend (v) :assert something as a position in an argument; compete; contention (n) :heated disagreement; an assertion; contentious (adj) :quarrelsome; context (n) :paragraphs surrounding a word or sentence; background contrasting (adj) :opposing, contrary, in a differing manner contribute (v) :give in order to help achieve or provide something; controlled (adj) :regulated, monitored; managed controversial (adj) :regulated, monitored; managed convention (n) :social or moral custom; established practice; conventional (adj) :ordinary; typical; routine; conventionality(n) :conformity with conventional thought and behavior; orthodoxy, unoriginal; converge (v) :approach, tend to meet; come together; convey (v) :make known; pass on, of information conviction (n) :a firmly held belief or opinion; convoluted (adj) :twisted; involved, complicated cooperatively (adv) :in a manner marked by a willingness to work with others copious (adj) :bountiful; abundant, plentiful core (n) :the center of an object; correspondence (n) :1.agreement; similarity; 2. exchange of letters corroborate (v) :confirm or give support to (a statement or theory); cosmopolitan (adj) :having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing counter (adv) :against, in contrast to counterexample (n) :example that refutes a theory or claim; counterfeit (adj) :forged, copied, fake, false


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


counterintuitive(adj) :contrary to what common sense would suggest counterpart (n) :things very much alike; a thing that completes another; counterpoint(v) :emphasize by contrast. counterweight(n) : an equivalent counterbalancing weight courteous (adj) :polite, wellmannered, civil; crafty (adj) :cunning or deceitful; credence (n) :belief that something is true, faith, confidence credibility (n) :trustworthiness, dependability credit (n/v) :1.n.approval; 2.v.give someone credit for something; credulity (n) :belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivet; crestfallen (adj) :dejected; sad; disappointed criteria (n) :a standard by which something may be judged critical (adj) :1.important, crucial; 2.expressing adverse comments; crucial (adj) :critical, decisive, very important crude (adj) :raw; unrefined; rude cultivated (adj) :refined, sophisticated, educated curiosity (n) :a strong desire to know or learn something. curious (adj) :1.strange; unusual; 2. eager to know or learn something. curtail (v) :decrease, reduce, shorten, cut short cyclical (adj) :periodical, repeating, recurrent; cynical (adj)1.doubting the sincerity of others;2. cynicism (n) : a cynical feeling of distrust debased (adj) :being lowered in quality or character debris (n) :scattered rubbish or remains; debunking (n) :the exposure of falseness or pretensions; deceitful (adj)1.deceptive, dishonest; 2.deceptive (adj) : misleading, deceitful decimate (v) :destroy a large part of declarative (adj) :affirmative; of or pertaining to a declaration decline (v) :sinking, decrease, ebb; descent dcor (n) :stage setting (in a theater); decoration deemed (adj) :consider something in a particular way; believe; de-emphasize (v) :reduce the emphasis given to deepen (v) :make or become deep or deeper. defamatory (adj) :slanderous, abusive, libelous deferential (adj) :respectful, showing honor defiant (adj) :resisting, opposing, disobedient definitive (adj) :final, decisive; most reliable or complete; deflect (v) :deviate or cause to deviate from a straight course. deft (adj) :1.quick and neatly skilful; 2.deftness (n) :skillfulness, proficiency defy (v) :oppose, resist; challenge degrade (v) :humiliate, dishonor; reduce (in size, amount, etc.); degree (n) :rank, extent; deliberate (adj) :carefully considered, intentional; slow, methodical delicacy (n) :something considered choice to eat; sensitivity; delimit (v) :determine the limits or boundaries of. delineate (v) :describe or indicate precisely demarcation (n) :the action of fixing boundaries or limits; conceptual separation; demur(v) :object, protest; hesitate


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


denotation (n) :the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; dense (adj) :1.compact, close; 2.(slang) stupid, slow depart (v) :go in a different direction ; leave, go away; depict (v) :portray, characterize, draw, describe deplete (v) :reduce the number or quantity of; empty derivative (adj) :obtained from another source, derived, borrowed; detached (adj) :not attached, separate; objective, impartial; aloof detachment (n) :separation; disinterest, aloofness; lack of bias; deteriorate (v) :spoil; decline; progressively worse; determinant (adj) :1.serving to define, serving to determine; 2. cause, reason; determinate (v) :precisely determined or limited or defined; deterministic (adj) :an inevitable consequence of antecedent sufficient causes detrimental (adj) :damaging, injurious, harmful devastating :highly destructive damaging; saddening; deviation(n) :1.n.aberration, abnormality; 2.deviate (v) : turn aside; depart from; deviously (adv) :indirectly; windingly; deceptively devoted (adj) :faithful, dedicated, loyal dichotomy (n) :separation into two parts; division or contrast; didactic (adj) :instructive, informative; tending to lecture others excessively differ (v) :be different; disagree differential (adj) :exhibiting a difference; differentiate (v) :distinguish, discriminate; become different; diffidence (n) :hesitance due to lack of confidence, shyness, timidity diffuse (v) :wordy, rambling; spread out (like a gas); digression (n):deviation from the main point (in writing or speaking) dilate (v) :make or become wider & larger, more open: diminish (v) :make smaller, reduce; disaffection (n) :alienation, estrangement, absence of affection; disloyalty discern :1.distinguish, perceive, recognize;2.discernible (adj): distinguishable, recognizable disclose (v) :reveal, expose to view discomfit(v) :make uneasy or embarrassed discontinuity (n) :lack of continuity, irregularity discredit (v) :doubt; challenge, disbelieve; defame; discrepancy (n) :lack of consistency ; difference; disdain (v) :view with scorn or contempt; disentangle (v) :release from entanglement of difficulty; unknot; disgruntled (adj) :bitter, disappointed, displeased disingenuous (adj) :insincere; not nave; sophisticated; disinterested (adj) :1. impartial; indifferent;2 disinterestedness(n): indifference, impartiality; dislocation (n) :an event that results in a displacement or discontinuity dismay (v) :cause to feel fear or anxiety. dismiss (v) :reject, eliminate from consideration; disorganized v:disarranged; disordered disparage (v) :belittle; represent as being of little worth; disparate (v) :basically different, unrelated;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


dispassionate (adj):calm, impartial; dispel (v) :scatter, drive away, cause to vanish; dispersal (n) :scattering, disbanding disproportionate (adj) :unequal, out of proportion, extreme disputatious (adj) :argumentative, fond of arguing; disquiet (v/n) :1.v.make uneasy, disturb; 2.n.anxiety, uneasiness; disregard(v ):neglect; treat in a disrespectful manner disruptive (adj) :upsetting; disturbing; divisive disseminate :1.v.scatter, spread widely, distribute; 2.dissemination (n) : spreading; dissent (v) :disagree on, differ, dispute, oppose dissolution (n) :disintegration, decomposition, separation; death ; distant (adj) :remote, far off, far apart; reserved, aloof, unfriendly distill (v) :extract the essential meaning of; purify ; refine; concentrate; distinct (adj) :clear, plain; different; separate distinction (n) :1.honor; 2. contrast; 3. discrimination;distinctive (adj) :special, unique, different distinguish (v) :see as different; differentiate; discern, recognize; distorted (adj) :twisted out of its normal shape; misrepresented diverge (v) :vary, go in different direction from same point; divergent (adj) :varying, deviating, differing; diversity (n) :variety; difference, unlikeness doctrinaire (adj) :a stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions; unyielding; dogmatic (adj) :authoritative, opinionated, intolerant, rigid; don (v) :put on downright (adj) :straightforward, direct; utter, complete, blunt; drain (v) :deplete of resources; flow off gradually; dramatic (adj) :intended to create an effect; theatrical; sensational; exciting; drift (v) :move about aimlessly or without any destination; drought (n) :lack of rain, abnormally dry weather; scarcity; duality (n) :dualism; duplicity; doubleness; dichotomy; dubious (adj) :uncertain, doubtful duplicity (n) :deception; being twofaced durable (adj) :sturdy, long lasting; dynamic (adj) :forceful, energetic, vigorous, spirited eager(adj) :strongly desiring, keen, fervently interested ebullient (adj) :cheerful and full of energy. eccentric (adj) :strange, unusual, odd eclectic (adj) :selecting from various sources; diverse ,heterogeneous eclipse (v) :1.a falling into obscurity or decline; 2.v. outdo, surpass; economical (adj) :thrifty, saving, frugal, careful not to waste money ecstatic (adj) :blissfully happy; joyful; efficient (adj) :effective, done without waste (of time, resources, etc.) egalitarian (adj) :pertaining to equal rights; elaborate (adj) :worked out in great detail; carefully planned; complicated; elated (adj) :exultant, happy; filled with joy elegant (adj) :graceful and stylish. elicit (v) :draw out (a response or answer); extract from; elite (adj) :upper-class, aristocratic; elliptical (adj) :1. oval, egg-shaped; 2. Ambiguous; eloquence (n) :fluent and appropriate manner of speaking


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


elucidate (v) :make clear; explain. elusive (adj) :difficult to grasp; evasive, tending to escape; embellish (v) :adorn; decorate. embrace (v) :hug, accept; include; surround; emerge (v) :appear, come out, be revealed emergency (n) :sudden need demanding immediate action eminent (adj) :famous, renowned, prominent; outstanding, conspicuous; emphasize (v) :to stress, single out as important; make more clearly defined empirical (adj) :derived from experiment and observation rather than theory; employed (adj) :put to use ,having work, occupied; emulate (v) :imitate, try to equal or excel, copy encampment (n) :camp, temporary residence (often made of tents, etc.) enchanted: spellbound, entranced; charmed; encompass (v) :include comprehensively; surround, enclose; endangered (adj) :at risk; in danger of extinction; endorse (v) :approve, sanction; support; enervate (v) :cause to feel drained of energy; weaken; engage (v) :1.keep busy ; employ; attract; commit; 2. engaged (adj): occupied, busy enhance (v) :increase, improve; enigmatic (adj) :mysterious, puzzling, obscure; enlightened (adj) :knowledgeable, broad-minded enrich (v) :improve the quality or value of, make better; entail (v) :necessitate, require, involve; entangle (v) :involve in complicated circumstances; enmesh; entomologist (n) :one who studies entomology, expert on insects entrap (v) :lure, snare, draw into difficulty or danger entrenched (adj) :established; fortified envision (v) :imagine; visualize. ephemeral (adj) :short-lived; fleeting; epidemiologist (n) :expert in epidemiology, one who studies epidemics and their treatments epistolary (adj) :1.pertaining to a long formal letter; 2.epistle (n) : long formal letter; equitable (adj) :fair and impartial. equivocal (adj) :mislead; attempt to conceal the truth; ambiguous; equivocation (n) :use ambiguous or evasive language; prevarication; eradicate (v) :remove or destroy completely; annihilate; erode (v) :gradually wear or be worn away; erroneous (adj) :wrong; incorrect. erstwhile (adv) :formerly, previously erudite (adj) :learned, scholarly, educated; essential (adj) :necessary, needed, fundamental, established (adj) :based, firmly settled; accepted esteem (v) :respect, admire; estrangement (n) :disaffection, alienation; separation ethics (n) :set of moral principles or values ethos (n) :underlying character of a culture, group etc., etiquette (n) :rules which govern social behavior euphoric (adj) :elated, blissful, joyful, exhilarated evaluate (v) :appraise, judge the worth or quality evanescent :fleeting, vanishing; evasive :not frank; evading; eventually (adv) :finally, in the end


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


everlasting (adj) :lasting forever or a very long time. evidence (n) :proof, something which proves or disproves evocation (n) :calling to mind, remembering; calling forth; evoke (v) :bring or recall to the conscious mind; call forth; exacerbate (v) :worsen, embitter; exacting (adj) :extremely demanding; exaggerate (v) :represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is; excavation (n) :act of digging out; act of unearthing; exceed (v) :outstrip; go beyond, pass; surpass; exceptional(adj) :out of the ordinary, unusual; excellent; exclusively (adv) :in a manner which shuts out all others; solely; excretion (n) :matter which has been discharged from the body; exculpate (v) :free from blame, declare innocent exhibit (v) :show, demonstrate; present exigent (adj) :demanding; urgent, pressing exotic (adj) :foreign; unusual, out of the ordinary expatiate (v) :describe in full, go into great detail expedient (adj) :advantageous, beneficial; convenient and suitable; expend (v) :spend; use up, consume explicate (v) :explain, interpret, clarify; explicit (adj) :stated clearly and precisely. exploratory (adj) :serving in or intended for exploration or discovery; investigative; exponential(adj) : (of an increase) becoming more and more rapid. exposition (n) :a comprehensive description and explanation of a theory. exposure (n) :disclosure, revealing; vulnerability to the elements; extensive (adj) :comprehensive; spreading over a large area extent (n) :scope, range; size, measure extinction (n) :annihilation, total destruction extraneous (adj) :not essential, superfluous; extraordinary (adj) :out of the ordinary, unusual extrapolate (v): guess, infer extravagance :profligacy, lavishness, immoderation; extreme (n) :either of two things that are as different from each other as possible; fabricate (v) :invent in order to deceive; fake; create; facetious (adj) : humorous, amusing facilitate (v) :make easier; promote, expedite; factual (adj) :real, actual, based on facts faint (adj) : (of a hope, chance, or idea) slight; barely perceptible fallow (adj) :plowed but not seeded, uncultivated; in active; falsify (v) :misrepresent, distort the truth; fanciful (adj) :imaginary; unreal; whimsical; strange; far from :not at all; the opposite of what is or was expected fascinating (adj) :charming; captivating, attractive fashion(v) :shape, create, make; fastidious (adj) :paying immense attention to minute details; hard to please; feasible (adj) :achievable; possible, likely festering (adj) :inflamed; irritated;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


fictitious (adj) :not real or true; imaginary or invented. figurative (adj) :departing from a literal use of words; metaphorical; fine (adj) :1.minutely small (of texture);2. precise; 3.refined; 4. free from impurities; finesse (n) :impressive skill and delicacy; subtle skill; fitfully (adv) :irregularly; intermittently; sporadically flabby (adj) :weak ; drooping; loose; soft flaccid (adj) :soft and limp; lacking firmness; flaw (n) :defect, imperfection; flawless (adj) :perfect, without a flaw, impeccable fleet (n) :group of ships; group of warships fleeting(adj) :1.transient, temporary. 2. passing swiftly, flexibility (n) :elasticity, pliability; able to change readily to meet new circumstances. flooding (n) :overflow ; inundation, deluge; florid (adj) :reddish, rosy; flowery; ornate; showy flout (v) :openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention); fluctuate (v) :rise and fall irregularly in number or amount. flung (v) :throw or move forcefully. focus (v) :concentrate; make clear; foolhardy (adj) :recklessly bold or rash. footage (n) :the amount of film that has been shot; length measured in feet; forage (v) :obtain (food) by searching; search for forbid (v) : 1.ban; prohibit; prevent; 2. forbidding (adj): unfriendly or threatening. foreground (v) :move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent; foresee (v) :be aware of beforehand; predict. forestall (v) : prevent or obstruct (something anticipated) by taking advance action foretell (v) :predict, tell in advance; forethought (v) :thinking out in advance , foresight, advance planning; forfeit (v) :lose; give up, surrender forgery (n) :a fraudulent copy or imitation. forgo (v) :go without (something desirable); abstain; forsake (v) :renounce or give up; abandon; forthright (adj) :direct and outspoken; straight forward ; fortuitous (adj) :by chance; occurring accidentally; fractious (adj) :easily irritated; difficult to control; fragment (n) :fraction, piece, segment; frantically (adv) :in an uncontrolled manner; hysterically; frivolity (n) : light-heartedness, flippancy, silliness frivolous (adj) : (of a person) carefree and superficial; not serious or sensible; frontispiece (n) :an illustration facing the title page of a book. frugality (n) :quality of being economical, thrift; frustrating (adj) :discouraging by hindering; causing frustration; fundamental (adj) :basic, elemental; essential galvanize (v) :shock or excite into action. gargantuan (adj) :extremely large; titanic; garrulous (adj) :excessively talkative. gawky (adj) :nervously awkward and ungainly


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


generalize (v) :draw from specific cases for more general cases genre (n) :a style or category of art or literature. giant (adj) :enormous, extremely large gloom (n) :darkness, dimness; sadness, depression; glum (adj) :dejected; morose; gloomy; goosebumps (n) :bumpy condition of the skin caused by a sensation (i.e. cold, fear, surprise) gracious (adj) : polite; friendly; benevolent; pleasant; granted (conj) :acknowledged as true gratifying (adj) :satisfying, rewarding; gray (adj) :dull and nondescript; grazing (n) :field or plot of ground where livestock are grazed greenhouse (n) :a glass-enclosed structure for the cultivation and protection of tender plants; guileless (adj) :innocent and without deception. habitat (n) :the natural home or environment of an organism. hackneyed (n) :banal, commonplace; unoriginal, trite. halt (v) :stop, pause; cause to stop; hand-wringing: an overwrought expression of concern or guilt haphazard (adj) :lacking order or organization; random happenstance (n) :chance occurrence; coincidence; harbinger (n) :an indication of the approach of something or someone; prophetic; harmonious (adj) :existing together in harmony; compatible; melodious; harvest (n) :the season's yield or crop; gather; haunted (adj) :visited as if by ghosts; obsessed or terrified in a strange manner; hearken back :go back to something earlier; return; hectic (adj) :marked by intense agitation or emotion; heed (v) :pay attention; take notice of; herbivorous (adj) :plant-eating; heterogeneous (adj) :diverse in character or content. heyday (n) :time of greatest success , period of greatest power or influence hibernation(n) :dormant condition; state of inactivity hierarch (n) :one who holds a position of authority (chief priest r leader); high art (n) :art which deals with dignified subjects and is characterized by an elevated style avoiding all cheap display; highlight (v) :stress, emphasize, accent, spotlight hindrance (n) :delaying, obstruction; impedance; homogeneity (n) :sameness, uniformity, similarity horrifying (adj) :provoking horror; humble (adj) :modest, not prideful; submissive, deferential, simple; humdrum (adj) :boring, monotonous, dull, repetitious hyperbolize (v) :exaggerate, overstate, embellish the truth; hypothesize (v) :create a theory, form a hypothesis iconoclastic: characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions; unorthodox; ideological(adj) :concerned with or suggestive of ideas; theoretical; ideology (n) :study of the origin and nature of ideas; doctrine, philosophy; idiosyncrasy (n) :unique characteristic, peculiarity, eccentricity; illiberal (adj) :bigoted; narrow minded; stingy; not liberal; illuminate (v) :brighten; elucidate, explain; adorn; illusion (n) :delusion; misconception, false idea


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


illustrate (v) :provide (a book or periodical) with pictures. imaginativeness (n) :creativity, inventiveness, ingeniousness immediacy (n) :quality of being immediate, instantaneousness; imminent (adj) :about to happen; impending; immunity (n) :the state of not being susceptible; immure (v) :imprison; enclose within walls; immutable (adj) :unchangeable, unalterable; impair (v) :1.weaken or damage. 2.impairment (n) :act of making worse; impartiality (n) :fairness, objectivity, neutrality impediment (n) :a hindrance or obstruction. impenetrable (adj) :impossible to pass through or enter; impossible to understand; imperceptibly (adv) :in a way that is not perceived by the senses; in a subtle manner imperious(adj) :arrogant and domineering. imperturbable (adj) :unable to be upset or excited; calm; impetuous (adj) :acting or done quickly and rashly; hasty; reckless; implication (n) :something implied, hint; state of being involved in an action or event; implicit (adj) :implied though not directly expressed; implicitly (adv) :in an implied manner; absolutely impolitic (adj) :in an implied manner; unconditionally, absolutely improbable (adj) :unexpected; unlikely; improvisation (n) :something which is done without preparation imprudent (adj) :rash; reckless; lacking wisdom; impudence (n) :rudeness, insolence, lack of respect impulsively (adv) :spontaneously; rashly, recklessly; instinctively impute (v) :attribute, credit; accuse, blame; inaccessible (adj) :unreachable, unattainable;not understandable; inaccuracy (n) :mistake, error; quality of being inaccurate inadequate (adj) :insufficient; unsatisfactory; incompetent; inadvertent (adj) :without intention; heedless; accidental; inalienable (adj) :non-transferable, may not be taken away or given to another inarticulate (adj) :not clearly expressed or pronounced; unclear; incentive (n) :stimulus, inducement, encouragement incessant (adj) :continuing without pause or interruption; continuous; incipient (adj) :beginning to happen or develop; initial; inclusive (adj) :comprehensive, allembracing, extensive incompatible (adj) :not able to exist or be used together; opposed, irreconcilable inconclusive (adj) : unconvincing; not decided; incongruous (adj) :inconsistent; inharmonious; unsuitable; inconsequential (adj) :not important or significant; inconsiderable (adj) :unimportant or insignificant; inconsistent (adj) :incompatible, contradictory, incongruous; changeable incorporate (v):take in or include as part of a whole. incur (v) :to bring (something usually unpleasant) upon oneself;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


indebted (adj) :owing money or gratitude; beholden; indecorous (adj) : impolite, improper, not appropriate indefatigable (adj) :persisting tirelessly; unflagging; inexhaustible; indemnify (v) :compensate (someone) for harm or loss; indication (n) :sign, signal, suggestion, symptom; indifferent (adj) :having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned; indigenous (adj) :native; belonging naturally to a place; originating from a place; indiscernible (adj) :impossible to see or clearly distinguish. indolence (n) :laziness, slothfulness, inactivity inept (adj) :1.laziness, inactivity; 2.ineptitude (n) : incompetence; inevitable (adj) :certain to happen; unavoidable; totally predictable; infallibility (n) :the quality of never making an error; perfect; infectious (adj) :likely to spread to or influence others; infer (v) :deduce from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. inferior (adj) :subordinate; of lesser importance; inflation (n) : pomposity; explosion; act of filling with air or gas; inflexible (adj) :not able to be bent; rigid; stubborn; influx (n) :inflow; coming in; inhabitant (n) :one who lives in a particular place; resident; inherent (adj) :existing as a natural and integral part, intrinsic, inborn inherit (v) :receive as a legacy; receive by genetic transmission inhibit (v) :hinder, or prevent (an action or process); hold back, repress; inimical (adj) :not friendly; hostile; initiate (v) :cause (a process or action) to begin. injudicious (adj) :showing poor judgment; unwise. innate (adj) :inborn; natural. innocuous (adj) :harmless, not causing injury or damage; innovative (adj) :new, inventive, pertaining to innovation inopportune (adj) :occurring at an inconvenient time. inscrutability (n) :1.impossible to understand or interpret.2. inscrutable (adj)not easily understood insensitivity (n) :inability to feel certain physical sensations; indifference; insightful (adj) :exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception; insincere (adj) :disingenuous, dishonest, hypocritical insist (v) :firmly emphasize, assert; demand; insolent (adj) :rude and disrespectful. inspire (v) :motivate, stimulate, influence; instinctive (adj) :apparently natural or automatic; impulsive; insular(adj) :isolated; narrow-minded; integrate (v) :combine or be combined to form a whole. integrity(n) :honesty, morality; wholeness, unity; intellect (n) :power of knowing, mind, reason; highly intelligent person intelligible (adj) :able to be understood; intend (v) :have in mind as a purpose; design or destine; intense (adj) :in an extreme degree; extremely serious; intensify make or become more intense; strengthen; intent (n/adj) :1.n.intention or purpose. 2.adj. determined to do interchangeable (adj) :exchangeable, can be traded;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


interference (n) :the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding intermediary (n) :mediatory, acting between persons or parties; interminable (adj) :endless; limitless interplay (n) :reciprocal play or influence, interaction interpretation (n) :an explanation or way of explaining interwoven (adj) :linked or locked closely together as by interlinking; intolerable (adj) :unbearable, unendurable intractable (adj) :hard to control or deal with; stubborn; intransigent (adj) :uncompromising, unyielding, inflexible intrinsic (adj) :belonging naturally; essential; intuitive (adj) :obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation invasive (adj) :involving invasion or aggressive attack; intrusive; inveigle (v) :persuade by deception or flattery; entice; inventory (n) :list of assets; act of checking stock invigorate (v) :give strength or energy to. involved (adj) :complicated; entangled; invulnerable (adj) :impossible to harm or damage. irascible (adj) :hot-tempered; irritable. ironic (adj) :happening in the opposite way to what is expected; sarcastic; ironically: (adv) :contrary to plan or expectation; irrelevant (adj) :not relevant, unconnected; irremediable (adj) :cannot be corrected; incurable; irresolute (adj) :indecisive, uncertain, hesitating jettison (v) :abandon or discard; throw away; judicious (adj) :wise, sensible, showing good judgment; justify (v) :prove to be right or reasonable; juxtaposition (n) :act of placing side by side (especially in order to compare) keen (adj) :eager; sharp; key (n/adj) :1.n. list which provides decoding information; 2.adj. important, crucial; laconic (adj) :using very few words; terse lasting (adj) :continuing or enduring; permanent; latitude (n) :freedom from restriction; laudable (adj) :1.worthy of praise, commendable; 2.laudatory (adj): praising; lax (adj) :loose; relax; lenient; lay (adj) :not clerical ; not professional leach :permeate or penetrate gradually; remove substances; leap(v) :jump across; move suddenly legislative (n) :lawmaking authority lionize (v) :treat as a celebrity. literary (adj) :relating to literature; scholarly, educated; litigation (n) :process of contesting in a court of law; lawsuit loathe(v) :hate, despise, detest, abhor logical (adj) :rational; reasonable; long-lasting (adj) :enduring, permanent, abiding, long-lived long-standing: very old, ancient, antique lucrative (adj) :profitable, yielding monetary rewards lull(n/v) :1.n.a temporary period of calm; 2.v. appease, calm lure(v) :tempt, entice, provoke, seduce; lurid (adj) :shocking, sensational; terrible, unnaturally bright; magnify (v) :increase or intensify.


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


makeshift (adj) :temporary, provisional, improvised maladroit (adj) :inefficient or inept; clumsy. malfeasance(n) : wrongdoing, trespass (especially by a public official) malign (v) :speak ill of; slander; malignant (adj) :harmful; evil; malevolent; malleable (adj) :flexible, adaptable; malnourished (adj) :suffering from a lack of proper nutrition, manacle (v) :confine or restrain with handcuffs; marginalize (v) :put in a position of secondary importance; marsh (n) :a tract of soft wet land; morass; mastery (n) :expertise; command; control; matched (adj) :suitable; identical; compatible; paralleled; matriarch (n) :female head of a family or tribe; reigning mother medieval (adj) :relating to the middle ages; very old-fashioned or outdated. meld(v) :blend, merge menacing (adj) :dangerous; threatening mendacity (n) :untruthfulness; falsity, dishonesty merely (adv) :just; only; simply; metaphorical (adj) :figurative; non literal; expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another methodology (n) :a system of methods used in a particular field. meticulous (adj) :very careful and precise; scrupulous; midst (prep) :in the middle of. migrant (adj) :migratory, of that which moves from one place to another mimic (v) :imitate in order to entertain or ridicule minimal (adj) :least possible, smallest; simple; minute (adj) :extremely small; trivial; tiny; misapprehension (n) :failed belief, improper understanding miscalculation(n): mistaken calculation, faulty judgment misconception :mistaken belief, misunderstanding, misinterpretation miserliness (n) :cheapness, stinginess mislead (v) :misguide, misdirect, misinform, deceive; misnomer (n) :a wrong or inaccurate name or term misrepresent (v) :represent unfairly; describe in a distorted manner mobility (n) :movability; ability to move; agility; modest: humble, simple; unremarkable; limited in size or scope; modicum(n) :a small quantity modish (adj) :stylish, fashionable momentary (adj) :lasting for a moment; brief; fleeting; monarchy (n) :an autocracy governed by a monarch; monopolize (v) :have and control fully and exclusively monotonous (adj) :1.adj.lacking in variety, repetitive; 2. monotony(n): tedious lack of variety. mores (n) :the customs and conventions of a community. mortality (n) :state of having a limited life span; rate of death mounting (n) :growing; becoming stronger, gradually strengthening multifaceted (adj) :having many aspects; varied; complex; mundane (adj) :of this world, earthly; normal, banal, ordinary; munificent (adj) :generous, lavish in giving murky (adj) :dark and gloomy; (of water) dirty or cloudy


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


mysterious (adj) :difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify. myth (n) :a widely held but false belief; a traditional story accepted as history; nave (adj) :lacking experience, wisdom, or judgment; natural; innocent; naivet (n) :lack of sophistication or worldliness; gullibility; innocence; narcissism (n) :an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself; self-love; narrative (n) :plot; literary work that tells a story; nascent (adj) :in the beginning stages of existence; newly developed; originating; native (n) :a local inhabitant; existing at birth, inborn; need (n) :a state of extreme poverty; shortage; necessity, requirement; negligent (adj) :neglectful; inattentive, careless; nesting (n) :process of making a place homey; nettle (v) :annoy; irritate; neutral (adj) :1.impartial; 2.of no particular kind or character; neutralize (v) :make ineffective by applying an opposite force or effect. nomadic (adj) :wandering; nonexistent (adj) :not having existence; lacking, missing; nontrivial (adj) :requiring real thought or significant computing power normative (adj) :standard, normal notable (adj) :remarkable, noteworthy; famous; notation (n) :system of symbols used to mark something (e.g. musical notation); notoriety(n) :famous for some bad quality or deed; notwithstanding (conj) : although, despite the fact that; novel (adj) :1.adj.new; strange; 2. novelty (n) :innovation; something new; novice (n) :beginner, inexperienced person, nuance (n) :shades of meaning; slight difference; subtle difference; numerical (adj) :of or consisting of numbers objective (adj) :1.impartial, unbiased; 2.not dependent on the mind for existence; actual. objurgation (n) :scolding severly, rebuking obligation(n) :duty; indebtedness; agreement; obliquely (adv) :indirectly; not directly; obscure (adj) :1.vague; dark; 2.hard to understand; 3.not important or wellknown; obsequious (adj) :overly attentive; fawning; servile obsolete (adj) :no longer produced or used; out of date. obstacle(n) :obstruction, impediment, hindrance obviate (v) :1. remove (a need or difficulty); 2. prevent; avoid; obvious(adj) :clear; apparent; occasional (adj) :infrequent; occurring from time to time; offset (v) :compensate; balance; olfactory (adj) :related to sense of smell omniscience (n) :knowing everything. omnivorous (adj) :eating meat and vegetation; onetime (adj) :erstwhile; former; at some time in the past; opaque (adj) :not transparent; not clear; dull; stupid opportune (adj) :especially convenient or appropriate; organization (n) :systematic arrangement of elements;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


orient (v) :direct; place in a particular position; become familiar with; originate (v) :begin; be created; develop; be born; orthodox (adj) :1. conforming with traditional or generally accepted beliefs; conventional, normal; orthographical (adj) :the conventional spelling system of a language; outmoded (adj) :out-of-date; oldfashioned; outnumber (v) :exceed in number outspoken (adj) :frank in stating one's opinions. outstrip (v) :exceed; surpass; excel; overestimate (v) :overrate, overvalue; overlap (v) :1.v.have something in common; 2.n. something that is superimposed overlook (v) :1.fail to notice, ignore; 2.look over; overrate (v) :rate more highly than is deserved. overshadow (v) :1.obscure; cause to be shadowed; 2. make something less important oversimplify (v) :simplify excessively, simplify too much overturn (v) :subdue; defeat; turn over; overthrow; overwhelm(v) :1.defeat completely; overpower; 2. give too much of something to painstaking (adj) :careful; meticulous; conscientious; paleontologist (n) : geologist who researches geological periods through the study of fossils panache (n) :flamboyant style or manner; self-confidence; pandemic (adj) :extensive, comprehensive; universal, general; widely epidemic; panned (v) :criticize; papyrus (n) :paper reed; paradigm (n) :model, ideal; mold, form; example, pattern paradox (n) :statement that seems to be self-contradictory; parallel (v) : be equal; correspond, be similar, be analogous; partiality (n) :bias, prejudice; preference; partially (adv) :1.n. in an incomplete manner, partly; 2.in a biased manner; partisan (adj) :devoted, zealously supportive, biased; partisanship (n) :siding with a particular faction; support or endorsement passive (adj) :submissive, unresisting ; indifferent, disinterested; detached; patent (adj) :1.clear; obvious, evident; 2. ingenious, innovative patriarch (n) :male head of a church or a family; patronage (n) :sponsorship; support; clientele pattern (n) :shape; sample; model; mold; paucity (n) :scarcity, scantiness; fewness peculiarity (n) :oddness, strangeness; peddle (v) :sell; sell (an illegal drug or stolen item); pedestrian (adj) :unimaginative; boring; dull; pellucid (adj) :clear in meaning, understandable; penitential (adj) :feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong. perception (n) :1.n.sense, feeling, intuition; understanding; 2.perceptual (adj): insightful, intuitive; perennial (adj) :lasting for a long time; enduring; perforated (adj) :pierced; holed, having holes perfunctory (adj) :superficial, cursory; reckless; that lacks enthusiasm;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


peripheral (adj) :1.marginal; external; exterior; 2.secondary; pernicious (adj) :malignant; damaging, harmful; perpetuate (v) :cause to continue indefinitely. perseverance (n) :persistent determination; persistent (adj) :tenacious; persevering; constant; personify (v) :give human qualities to an inhuman object; embody, typify; perspective (n) :viewpoint, outlook; vista, view; pertain (v) :belong to; relate, refer pertinacious (adj) :stubborn; persistent. perturbation (n) :anxiety; uneasiness; peruse (v) :read or examine thoroughly or carefully; pervasive (adj) :spread throughout; penetrating; pessimism (n) :lack of hope or confidence in the future. phenomena (n) :event or circumstance that can be observed; something unusual; phenomenal (adj) :extraordinary; perceived by the senses; phlegmatic (adj) :unemotional and stolidly calm; apathetic; phonetic (adj) :of or relating to speech sounds; phony (adj) :fake, fraudulent, not authentic physiological (adj) :pertaining to the function of body parts picturesque (adj) :visually attractive; pretty as a picture; vivid; piety (n) :devoutness, orthodoxy; religiousness; pioneering (adj) :initial, first, innovative, initiating; piously (adv) :self-righteously, hypocritically; in an orthodox manner, traditionally; pithy (adj) :succinct, terse; brief and meaningful placid (adj) :calm and peaceful; not easily upset; plastic (adj) :1.flexible, pliant; easily shaped ; 2. artificial; plausible (adj) :apparently reasonable and valid; believable; plight (n) :dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation. ploddingly (adv) :working slowly and methodically; working diligently; plutocratic (adj) :wealthy; aristocratic; poised (adj) :composed and elegant ; self-assured. polarize (v) :separate into opposing groups, contrapose; polemical (adj) :controversial, quarrelsome, disputatious politic (adj) :sensible, wise; clever political (adj) :1.pertaining to politics; 2.politicize (v) :give a political character to; populous (adj) :having a large population. portentous (adj) :1.prophesying bad events; 2.amazing; exemplary; 3.pompous portrait (n) :a painting of a person's face portrayal (n) :description, depiction; describe in a particular way. possess (v) :control, hold; have as a quality; own; posthumous (adj) :after death; posture (n) :an approach or attitude towards something; position; posturing (adj) :pretentious display of manners; posing, positioning potential (adj) :1.expected; in prospect;2. potentiality (n): strength that is not visible; pragmatism (n) :a practical approach to problems and affairs precarious (adj) :dangerous; uncertain; unstable;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


precede (v) :come or go before in time, order, or position precedence (n) :the condition of preceding others in importance, order, or rank precise (v) :exact; meticulous; exacting; preclude (v) :prevent ;make impossible, especially beforehand precursor (n) :an indication of the approach of something or someone; predate (v) :occur prior to; establish something as being earlier relative to something else predecessor (n) :one who came before (in a job, etc.); ancestor; predicament (n) :difficult situation; unpleasant situation; predominant (adj) :superior, supreme; prevalent, widespread; preeminence (n) :high status importance owing to marked superiority; prejudice (n) :preconceived opinion, bias; premature (adj) :untimely, before the proper time; hasty; premise (n) :basic assumption, presupposition prescient (adj) :having knowledge of events before they take place. presume (v) :1.assume, take for granted; 2.presumed (adj) : supposed, expected presumptuous (adj) :arrogant, excessively forward; presupposition (n) :early assumption, previous presumption preternatural (adj) :beyond what is normal or natural; supernatural; prevailing (adj) :common, predominant, current prevalence (n) :1.predominance; 2.prevalent (adj) : widespread, predominant; prevarication (n) :speak or act evasively; lie, mislead; prickly (adj) :ready to take offence; very irritable; primacy (n) :pre-eminence; supremacy; primed (adj) :1.ready; prepared; 2. satisfied, satiated; primeval (adj) :primordial, ancient, primitive; pristine (adj) :1.pure; 2.unrefined, unspoiled probate (n) :official certification of the validity of a last will ; probity (n) :honesty and decency; problematic (adj) :troublesome, presenting a problem, presenting a difficulty prodigality (n) :wastefully extravagant; lavish prodigious (adj) :remarkably or impressively large; amazing; prodigy (n) :genius ;exceptional talented child; productive (adj) :yielding positive results; generative; profligate (adj) :recklessly extravagant or wasteful; licentious; profound (adj) :deep, very great or intense; showing great knowledge or insight; profundity (n) :great depth of insight or knowledge; reconditeness; prolixity (n) : (of speech or writing) tediously lengthy. prominence (n) :1.eminence; fame, notoriety; protrusion; 2.prominent (adj): important, eminent; promulgate (v) :promote or make widely known prone (v) :1.having a tendency (to);2. lying face down; pronounce (v) :speak, or utter in a certain way;declare;hold; propaganda (n) :information spread in order to promote a particular goal propel (v) :push, drive; move forward


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


prophetic (adj) :of prediction; forecasting propped up :supported; leaning, held up prosaic (adj) :commonplace; boring; unromantic. prosecute (v) :bring a criminal action against; protagonist (n) :the leading character in a drama, film, or novel; champion; protected (adj) :defended, sheltered province (n) :district, division; region, area; provoke (v) :irritate, annoy; incite, instigate; stimulate, arouse; prowess(n) :excellent skill; heroism; courage; proximity (n) :nearness, closeness; proxy (n) :power to act of behalf of another person; substitute; pseudonymous (adj) :written under a false name publicize (v) :advertise, make public; pugnacious (adj) :inclined to fight, combative, quarrelsome; put to rest :not think or worry about it any more; qualify (n) :1.limit, restrict; 2.certify; 3.modify; 4.qualified (adj) : limited; competent; qualitative (adj) :involving distinctions based on qualities; opposite to quantitative; questionable(adj) : dubious, doubtful; debatable, controversial quirkiness (n) :a strange attitude or habit quixotic (adj) :impractically idealistic or fanciful. radical (adj) :revolutionary; (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm; fundamental; rational (adj) :1.logical, reasonable; intelligent; 2. rationality (n) : sensibleness rationalize (v) :attempt to justify (an action or attitude) with logical reasoning; realization (n) :1.accomplishment; achievement;2. awareness, understanding reasonable (adj) :logical; wise; likely, credible; reassess (v) :reevaluate, estimate again, recalcitrant (adj) :obstinately uncooperative; stubborn; rebellious; recapitulate (v) :summarize, conclude, sum up receptive (adj) :1.accepting; open to suggestions; 2. recipient (n) ; receiver, one who accepts; reconcile(v) : 1. to restore to friendship or harmony; 2. make compatible with; 3. adapt; recondite (adj) : (of a subject or knowledge) obscure. recrudescent (adj) :breaking out again; recurring. redundant (adj) :exceeding what is necessary or normal; superfluous; unnecessary; referenda (n) :poll of an entire population, referral of a vote to the entire electorate refined (adj) :purified, distilled; cultivated, having fine manners or style reflect (v) :reflect deeply on a subject; manifest or bring back; reform (v/n) :1.v.amend;improve; 2.n.a campaign aimed to correct abuses refrain(v) : not do something; abstain; refute (v) :rebut, disprove, prove false; regret (v) :feel sorrow, feel remorseful, rue reigning (adj) :exercising power or authority; ruling; prevailing; rein (v) :control, restrain; reinforce (v) :strengthen or support; relentless (adj) :constant; neverceasing; severe, unrelenting; unyielding;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


relevance (n) :relatedness, state of being connected to the current subject; relinquish (v) :surrender, give up; forsake, abandon reluctance (n) :1.unwillingness or aversion to do something;2. reluctant (adj) :hesitant, unwilling remarkable (adj) :extraordinary or striking; remedial (adj) :serving to fix, corrective; designed to improve one's skills renaissance (n) :rebirth, renewal; the revival of art and literature renewed(adj) :refreshed, new; reorientation (n) :change the focus or direction of. replicate (v) :make an exact copy of; reproduce repression (n) :suppression of undesirable feelings, urges or memories; repudiate (v) :reject, disavow; disown; deny, refuse; requisite (adj) :required, essential, necessary, needed reside (v) :dwell; rest in, exist within residual (adj) :leftover, remaining; resolute (adj) :determined; unwavering; restive (adj) :nervous, uneasy, restless; uncontrollable restrain (v) :curb, hinder; arrest; repress, subdue restrict (v) :.limit, regulate, curb; 2.restricted (adj) : limited ; 3.restrictive (adj) ; imposing limits; resurgent (adj) :rising again; experiencing rebirth; reticent (adj) :untalkative, reserved, self-effacing; retrospection (n) :1.reference to things past;2. retrospective (adj) : of contemplation of past events reveal (v) :disclose; cause or allow to be seen reverberant (adj) :resounding, echoing, resonant reverence (n) :veneration, sense of deep respect; revive (v) :reactivate, bring back to life; revolutionary (adj) :radically new or different, innovative rhetoric (n) :the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing rid (v) :free from; remove, take away; rife (adj) :widespread; plentiful; rigidity (n) :inflexibility; strictness, severity ritual (n) :any customary observance or practice rival (n) :competitor, opponent; robust (adj) :strong; healthy; vigorous; row (n) :argument, quarrel; ruckus ruinous (adj) :destroyed, dilapidated; disastrous rumination (n) :think deeply about something. salubrious (adj) :healthy; pleasant; sanguine (adj) :optimistic, hopeful; certain; sartorial(adj) :relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress. scandalous (adj) :outrageous, shocking; shameful; scant (adj) :lacking, having an inadequate supply; scarce (adj) :rare, not abundant, in short supply; scathing (adj) :causing damage; severe, harsh; scheme (v) :design; plot; form plots in an underhand manner; schism(n) :split; division of a group into opposing factions; scholarship (n) :profound scholarly knowledge; learning; scrupulous (adj) :diligent, thorough, and attentive to details; religious;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


scrutinize (v) :examine or inspect closely and thoroughly secular (adj) :not religious, not spiritual; worldly ; seize (v) : get hold of; capture; take over; seized on (v) :hurry to take advantage of; jump on; self-righteous (adj) :certain that one is totally correct or morally superior; hypocritically pious; semantic (adj) :of the study of the meaning and use of words and phrases sensational (adj) :exciting, thrilling; dramatic; sensory (adj) :pertaining to the senses; sensitive; serfdom (n) :slavery, indenture, bondage; settled (adj) :decided beyond dispute or doubt; resolved; sham (adj) :1.adj.deceptive; feigned; 2.v. trick, deceive; shield (v) :protect, guard; cover; shirk (v) :avoid work; shore up:support; prop up; shortsighted (adj) :lacking foresight or scope; myopic; improvident; shrewdness (n) :cleverness, craftiness; intelligence; significant (adj) :important, consequential; meaningful; of a considerable amount simplistic (adj) :oversimplified, unrealistically simple; simulate (v) :imitate, copy; pretend, fake simultaneous (adj): occurring at the same time; concurrent; skeptic (adj) :skeptical, doubtful, questioning the validity of claims; 2.n.one who doubts sketchy (adj) :not thorough or detailed; incomplete; skittish (adj) :nervous; shy; lively; slander (v) :defame, vilify, malign slavery (n) :state of being a slave, bondage; hard work; slight (v) :1.v.insult, ignore; 2. slight (adj) : small, insignificant; smelt(v) :extract metal from (ore) by this process; snap (v) : to speak in a curt biting tone; move abruptly; snappy (adj) :cleverly concise; neat and stylish; irritable; snare (v) :entrap, entangle, capture solicitous (adj) :showing interest or concern; eager or anxious to do something sophisticated (adj):ahead in development; complex or intricate; refined; worldly-wise; spare (adj/v) :1.adj. simple; lacking in quantity; thin ; 2. spare (v) : save, use frugally; handle gently: sparing (adj) :economical, frugal; meager, limited; specific (adj) :special, unique; precise; limited; spectrum (n) :broad range of connected colors, ideas or events speculate (v) :create a theory; hypothesize; reflect, ponder; spiritual (adj) :unworldly; immaterial; religious; sacred; sporadically (adv) :in an irregular manner, fitfully, randomly spotlight(n) :a focus of public attention; limelight; spurious (adj) :false, artificial; intended to deceive; stabilize (v) :make or become stable stained (adj) :tarnished (especially of reputation);discolored; stance (n) :physical position or bearing while standing; opinion standing (n) :status, reputation; duration; startling (adj) :very surprising or remarkable; alarming; static (adj) :motionless; unchanging;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


statistic (n) :a datum (fact) that can be represented numerically statuary (adj) :of or pertaining to a statue steadfastly (adv) :loyally, faithfully; without change, steadily stigmatize(v) :regard as worthy of disgrace; denounce; stimulation (n) :arousal, invigorating; motivation stinginess (n) :quality of being miserly, parsimoniousness; straightforward (adj) :simple, uncomplicated; frank; sincere; honest; strategic (adj) :based on strategy, designed to achieve a goal; strategy (n) :plan designed to achieve a particular long-term aim. strife (n) :plan designed to achieve a particular long-term aim. strikingly (adv) :in a remarkable manner, conspicuously stripped down: lacking any extra features; simple; strive(v) :try hard; compete; struggle; subcutaneous(adj) :situated under the skin subjective (adj) :based on or influenced by personal bias or feelings; existing in the mind; submissive (adj) :meekly obedient or passive; yielding; subordination (n) :state of being under the authority of another; subsequent (adj) :1.following, happening after; 2. subsequently (adv) :following; subset (n) :set whose components are contained within another set substantial (adj) :considerable ; important; essential; substantiate (v) :provide evidence to support or prove the truth of. subtle (adj) :1. be difficult to detect or grasp by the mind; 2. delicate; 2. shrewd; 3. cunning; subtly (adv) :in a subtle and delicate manner; subvert (v) :1.overthrow, destroy; 2.subversion (n) :undermine the power and authority of; succeed (v) :take the place of; inherit; follow, prosper; suffrage (n) :right to vote; suggest (v) :imply, hint; evoke, call to mind; propose; summarize (v) :give a brief statement of the main points of sunny (adj) :cheerful; bright and pleasant; superfluous (adj) :being more than is needed, excessive; unnecessary supersede (v) :supplant, replace; make useless supine (adj) :1.lying on the back; 2.passive, indifferent; indolence; supplant (v) :supersede and replace suppressed (adj) :stopped by force; repressed, stifled; blocked; surmount (v) :overcome, conquer, triumph over; surpass (v) :be greater or better than; excel; surrogate (adj) :acting as a substitute or replacement survival (n) :remaining alive; endurance; susceptible (adj) :1.vulnerable; yielding readily; 2. easily impressed emotionally sustain (v) :1.support, strengthen; 2. withstand; 3. maintain; 4. uphold; sway (v) :1.influence, affect the opinion or actions of; 2.swing to and fro; sweeping (adj) :overwhelming; extensive, general, having a wide range; sympathetic (adj) :compassionate, concerned, understanding synchronize (v) :cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate. synoptic (adj) :presenting a summary or general view of a whole;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


syntax (n) :1.study of sentence structure (grammar); 2.syntactic (adj) :conforming to the rules of syntax synthesize (v) :combine into a coherent whole; unify; produce by synthesis; taciturn (adj) :1.reserved or uncommunicative in speech; 2. taciturnity (n) : the trait of being uncommunicative; tactless (adj) :having or showing a lack of tact (skill). tailor (v) :make or alter a garment; create or adapt for a particular need ; take issue with :challenge tale (n) :1.story; rumor; 2.lie, falsehood tar (v) :1.to defile , stain; 2. tarnish (v) : make less valuable or respected; tawdry (adj) :tastelessly showy; cheap and sordid; tedious (adj) :tiresome; boring, dreary, routine; temperance (n) :moderation; abstinence from alcoholic beverages tempo (n) :rhythm, beat temporal (adj) :of or pertaining to time; temporary; mundane; worldly; secular; tendentious (adj) :marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view; biased tenuous (adj) :thin, very slender or fine. terse(adj) :concise, succinct, curt, short theatrical (adj) :excessively dramatic; affected thorny (adj) :causing difficulty; problematic. threshold (n) :lower limit; edge; verge, beginning; door step; thrift (adj) :saving, economizing thrilling (adj) :causing a surge of emotion or excitement; thrive (v) :prosper; flourish; thwart (v) :frustrate, foil, prevent, impede; timely (adj) :opportune, well-timed, convenient; timorous (adj) :lacking in courage or confidence; nervous; token (n/adj) :1.n.symbol, emblem; 2.adj.nominal, symbolic, perfunctory tolerance (n) :endurance, broadmindedness; tortuous (adj) :1. full of twists and turns; 2. Excessively lengthy and complex; tracing (n) :following, tracking; traditional (adj) :conventional; orthodox; trail (n) :track, footprints; path, way; trait (n) :quality, characteristic tranquil (adj) :1.quiet, calm; 2.tranquility(n) : quietness, calmness transcend (v) :excel, rise above, go beyond; transform (v) :change, transmute, metamorphose transient (adj) :temporary, impermanent transition(n) : the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. transitory (adj) :not permanent; short-lived; transparent (adj) :clear, see-through, easily understood treacherous (adj) :tending to betray; dangerously unstable and unpredictable trifling (adj) :insignificant, worthless, trivial trigger (v) :precipitate, initiate; activate; trite (adj) :hackneyed, unoriginal, stereotyped; triumph (n) :victory, success, achievement trivial (adj) :of little value; unimportant;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


typical (adj) :characteristic, conforming to the expected, standard; ubiquitous: present everywhere; universal; widespread; ultimately (adv) :in the end, eventually; unadorned (adj) :plain, simple, not adorned unaffected (adj) :sincere and genuine; natural; not affected; unaware (adj) :unknowing, uninformed uncritically (adv) :not critical; lacking in discrimination uncultivated (adj) : 1. not prepared for raising crops; 2.not highly educated undemonstrative (adj) :not tending to express feelings, especially of affection, openly. undercut (v) :weaken, undermine; underline (v) :underscore; emphasize underlying (adj) :lying beneath; fundamental, basic; implicit; undermine (v) :slowly weaken; sabotage, subvert underrate (v) :underestimate, undervalue, belittle underscore (v)emphasize; stress, underline understated (adj) :presented or expressed in a subtle and effective way; understatement (n) :a statement that is restrained ; undertake (v) :receive responsibility for a task; guarantee undiminished (adj) :not made smaller, not reduced; undue (adj) :excessive, disproportionate; improper; not owed unenlightened (adj) :ignorant; uneducated; uneven (adj) :rough, bumpy; unbalanced; varying; unfair; unexceptional(adj) : not out of the ordinary; usual. unfamiliar (adj) :not well-known; different, unusual unforeseeable (adj) :not anticipated or predicted. unguided (adj) :not guided or directed unimpeded (adj) :not obstructed or hindered. unintelligible (adj) :impossible to understand. unique (adj) :singular, matchless, unequaled, rare; one of a kind universal (adj) :worldwide, comprehensive, all-inclusive, total, general unjustified (adj) :lacking justification or authorization; unwarranted; unlikely (adv) :improbably, doubtfully, implausibly unlimited (adj) :infinite, unrestricted; limitless; unprecedented (adj) :never done or known before; novel; unpremeditated(adj) : unplanned; spontaneous; unpretentious (adj) :not pretentious; modest. unpropitious (adj) :unfavorable; unqualified (adj) :1. not limited or restricted, absolute ;2. incompetent unrealized (adj) :not achieved or created; not fulfilled unreceptive (adj) :not ready to accept, not open to new ideas; unremarkable (adj) :common, ordinary, not particularly interesting or surprising; unresolved (adj) :not solved, not settled unrestrained(adj) :uncontrolled, unchecked, unbridled, uninhibited unseemly (adj) :improper, indecorous, inappropriate unsophisticated (adj) :not complicated or highly developed; basic; unrefined; unsound (adj) :not holding acceptable views; not safe ; in poor condition;


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711


Dr Rajus Educational Academy-Institute for Graduate Studies Abroad GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Guaranteed Admission Coaching, I-20 Consultancy, VISA ADVISORY SERVICES M.D: Dr. Prasad Raju V V N R Pathapati, M.E (BITS, Pilani), M.S (Univ. of Connecticut, US), PhD


unsparing: 1.merciless, severe, cruel; 2.generous, not stingy unsubstantiated (adj) :not supported or proven by evidence. unsustainable (adj) :not able to be upheld or defended. untenable (adj) :undefendable; incapable of being defended or justified untutored (adj) :untrained, unprepared, uneducated unusual (adj) :uncommon, irregular unwieldy (adj) :unmanageable; clumsy upheaval (n) :a violent or sudden change or disruption; uproot(v) :pull (a plant, tree, etc.) out of the ground; eradicate; urchin(n) :poor and mischievous child; utterly (adv) :thoroughly, entirely, completely, totally vanquish (v) :1.defeat thoroughly.; 2. vanquished (adj) : defeated in combat varied (adj) :different, diverse; of different kinds; changing veil (n/v) :cover; hide venal (adj) :1.characterized by bribery; corrupt;2. venality (n) : corruption; venture (v) :undertake a risky or daring journey venue(n) :the scene of any event or action; locale; vestigial (adj) :not fully developed ; of a remnant; vexation (n) :anger produced by some annoying irritation viable (adj) :capable of working successfully; feasible; livable; vice versa (adv) :the opposite, the relation being reversed; conversely; vigorous (adj) :robust, strong; energetic, active virtual (adj) :being actually such in almost every respect; virulence (n) :extremely severe or harmful; bitterly hostile visionary (adj) :idealistic, one who envisions new concepts vividly (adv) :brightly; graphically; in a lively manner vocal (adj) :spoken, oral; outspoken; vociferous (adj) :loud, noisy, clamorous; vehement; volubility (n) :speaking or spoken fluently; vulnerable (adj) :unprotected; exposed; susceptible warrant (n) :authorization; license; justification; empowerment; warring (adj) :fighting, battling wary (adj) :1.cautious, suspicious ;2.wariness (n) :caution, heedfulness, watchfulness whet (v) :sharpen; awaken, stimulate widespread (adj) :common, popular, extensive, prevalent; wilderness (n) :forest; desert; a wild and uninhabited area willed (adj) :having a will of a particular nature (i.e. strong-willed); deliberate; withdrawal (n) :revoking, retraction; resignation; withering (adj) :1.wilting, fading; 2.causing someone to be ashamed woe (n) :pain, deep sorrow; misfortune, grief; worldly (adj) :materialistic ; not spiritual; sophisticated; earthly; mundane; wrought on: exert influence on yearn (v) :desire, long, crave; miss someone or something zeal (n) :excitement; fervor, passion; jealousy DR RAJUS COMMENTS : This word list is useful for short term preparation. Youll have 80 % chances of getting some of these words in the real exam. If you have enough time , read the Dr RAJUS 99 % word-list.


Dr Rajus GRE


403, ALLURI TRADE CENTER, Beside HOTEL SWAGATH, KPHB Main Road, KUKATPALLY, Hyderabad500072; Ph. No: 9908222209, 040-66173711

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