Tutorials On Black Body

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Tutorials on Black body radiation 1.

Assume that a certain 660 Hz tuning fork can be considered as a harmonic oscillator whose Vibrational energy is 0.04 J. Compare the energy quanta of this tuning fork with those of an atomic oscillator that emits and absorbs orange light whose frequency is 5.00x1014 Hz. 2. If Planks constant were smaller than it is would quantum phenomenon be more or less conspicuous than they are now? 3. Express the Planck radiation formula in terms of wavelength. 4. Radiation from the Big Bang has been Doppler-shifted to longer wavelengths by the expansion of the universe and to day has a spectrum corresponding to that of a black body at 2.7 K. Find the wavelength at which the energy density of this radiation is a maximum. In what region of the spectrum is this radiation? 5. Sunlight arrives at the earth at the rate of about 1.4 kW/m2 when the sun is directly overhead. The average radius of the earths orbit is 1.5x1011 m and the radius of the sun is 7.0x108 m. From these figures find the surface temperature of the sun on the assumption that it radiates like a black body, which is approximately true. 6. How many photons are present in 1.00 cm3 of radiation in thermal equilibrium at 1000 K? What is their average energy? 7. An object is at a temperature of 400 oC. At what temperature would it radiate energy twice as fast? 8. At what rate does radiation escape from a hole 10 cm2in area in the wall of a furnace whose interior is at 700 oC? 9. Find the surface area of a black body that radiates 1 kW when its temperature is 500 o C. If the black body is a sphere, what is its radius? 10. Considering the Sun as a black body at 6000 K, estimate the proportion of its total radiation that consists of yellow light between 570 and 590 nm. 11. The brightest part of the spectrum of the star Sirius is located at a wavelength of about 290 nm. What is the surface temperature of Sirius? 12. The peak wavelength in the spectrum of the radiation from a cavity is 3.00 m. Find the total energy density in the cavity. 13. What is the wavelength of the most intense radiation from an object whose surface temperature is 34 oC which is about that of human? In what part of the spectrum is this?

14. (a) Find the energy density in the universe of the 2.7 K radiation mentioned in Q5. (b) Find the approximate number of photons per cubic meter in this radiation by assuming that all the photons have the wavelength of 1.1 mm at which the energy density is a maximum. 15. Find the specific heat at constant volume of 1.00 cm3 of radiation in thermal equilibrium at 1000K.

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