Prophecy Gems Complete

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1 _________________________________________________ doing, a person is always more important in My eyes than any

You can only be one if I am your Centerpiece. I am the Missing bedroom slipper project you’re working on for Me. Beware lest
Piece. When I’m not there in the first place between you, as the you make a god out of your work!
Center & pivot of all you enact & do, there is only a void for Satan
& his demons to fill. 7 _____________________________________________________
Make Me the Center of your lives & all will be well with you. Picture yourself as an archer. You skillfully hold the bow,
I will show you a better place, that “secret place of the Almighty” focusing on the target, sharpening the better of your eyes, aim
under the Shadow of My wings. Here you shall find peace as exactly as you pull the arrow, stretching the string to the point
you’ve never known & you will know that I have called you & where you feel that this is what will give the arrow the
ordained you, & you shall go forth in My power. Not by your momentum needed to hit the bull’s eye with the right impact.
might, which is nothing but weakness, nor by your ever That's what good prayer is like. It's time to cultivate that skill,
decreasing power of your flesh, but by My life-giving, give it the place of honor it deserves as a means to survival.
invigorating, quickening, all-engulfing, all-powerful Spirit of Love, Your soul is the bow, the arrow is your prayer, & My heart is the
Power & of a sound mind. You will need every little bit of storage bull’s eye. I am the True Goal, & if you hit Me, it’ll always have the
space in your minds for the good grain & the sound doctrine of desired effect. You only need to shoot short distance, as I’m
My Words, and anything else will only disturb & interfere, cause always close. Just wrap your burden, your question or desire
disharmony & distortion... around the arrow & let it fly to Me.

2 ____________________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________________________
It isn’t a bad thing to want to know how I created the World Time is in My hands, & I can stretch it for you. The Enemy has
and yet, when it comes down to it, it all remains a matter of faith ways of making time appear shorter. Learn to operate more in the
and what you or they are willing to put faith in: whether it be Me, Spirit & lean less on the arm of the flesh. Keep trusting! Keep
My Word and the supernatural, or the finite reasoning of man & relying on Me, and this will help you to give Me all the glory, as
science falsely so-called. Therefore, seek not to arm yourself you will see so clearly how I have done it for you.
with fleshly knowledge, but be faithful to commune with Me & I
will let you delve deep into the mysteries no man has ever known 9 _____________________________________________________
before you, the supernatural revelations of the truth of the Spirit, What do you think it means when it says ‘ all things
which defy the so-called facts of man. So look up to Me & remain tempted like as we are...’?
focused on Me. There IS no condemnation for those who walk in A-L-L. Why do you think I had this, what some people could call a
Me and live in My Spirit. If you just continue this walk with Me, I pretty snappy attitude toward My parents when they were looking
will also perform the miracle of helping you to overcome your for Me & found Me in the temple?
besetting sins, help you to forsake the residue of the Enemy’s I knew I was superior & let them feel it. Just like you sometimes
strongholds in your life. If you continue to be willing & keep feel you could do things better than others in higher positions
saying “Yes“ to Me, I will cleanse you from all that, free you from than you. But that’s how we, yes, including Me, learn or learned
every chain & I will mightily use you. obedience through the things which we suffer. And then we can
comfort others with the same comfort wherewith we are
3 _____________________________________________________ comforted.
No matter how much you think others may benefit from what It’s always easier to see the spiritual weaknesses in those who
you have to say, there is always more you can learn from them, if are supposed to be leading you & supposed to be better samples
you’re just humble & patient enough to find out. to you. But the real crunch, & the real change comes, real
There’s nothing more important than finding out what I’ve got to humility comes when you have to carry responsibility for others.
say on a matter, yet your behavior sometimes seems to indicate A lack of love is always a manifestation of not hitting the bull’s
that you think there’s nothing more important than people finding eye of God’s perfect will.
out what YOU’ve got to say. ‘O that ye should altogether hold In this world & in this life, there will hardly ever be a completely
your peace! And it should be your wisdom.’ (Job 13:5) Remember perfect day or hour or even a completely perfect minute, for
the poem about the owl? ‘...The less he spoke, the more he you’re constantly surrounded by the results of the curse. Look
heard... wish we were all more like that bird...’ The more you pray forward, therefore, to the time of My coming, ‘when that which is
about what you say or write, the more sure you can be that it’s perfect shall come’, and you will know then, even as you are
really from Me, & not just another opinion. known by Me, and all will be well.
Learn to resist the temptation to speak unless spoken through by
Me. 10 ____________________________________________________
Go forth in the power of My might, and nothing will be able to Angels have been ‘working overtime’ to get you where you
withstand you. And the little things that made life so impossible are, innumerable battles had to be won, & the Enemy has fought
for you beforehand, suddenly will seem ridiculously insignificant. long & hard & furious. You’ve finally gained enough experience
In all you do, wait for Me and My counsel & strength & power to to recognize his traps.
rise above! It’s a matter of giving the glory to Me, instead of Tell Satan, Apotheon & the likes in their faces, ‘What have you
yourself! nincompoops to do with me? Get thee hence! Know ye not that I
am a chosen of the Lord? For verily, He has bought me, paid for
4 _____________________________________________________ me the high price of His blood, and yes, His angels have fought
The world is yours to conquer. Picture each new day as a vast for me, and He has taught me to fight as well!’
landscape of virgin terrain which I put before you. You can Wave your weapons in their heinous faces! Can you see them
choose whether you turn to the left or to the right, take the jerk away, suppressing frightful squeals & howls? ‘No chance!’
highlands or low lands, whether you ford a river, explore a lake or Continue to walk circumspectly, on guard, in ever closer
ocean or march straight into the jungle... It’s all yours, if you take communication with Me & your direct overseers.
Me with you. Now that you’ve learned to fend for yourself, take the next step &
learn to defend, protect & liberate others! Show us & them what
5 _____________________________________________________ you’re made of, that all the blood, sweat, tears & prayers have
What counts Here is your spirit, and what seems weak in the been a wise investment, for I, the Lord, have foreseen it, I have
flesh is might in the spirit. Your weakness is your strength, for said it, and I will not fail! Go forth in the power of My might! Win,
your reliance on the Lord is your only hope. fight, conquer! Going forth to conquer & to conquer! Be counted
amongst David’s mighty men! My Gideon’s band of the Last
6 ____________________________________________________ Days! Walk worthily of this privilege. Act honorably, according to
No matter how important you consider whatever you’re your calling. Give your all.
12 ____________________________________________________
11 ____________________________________________________ Because you receive & believe the New Wine, there are always
I’m glad, I rejoice when I can make you happy. For this is My constant new revelations, spiritual renewing of vision & outlook,
happiness. I have no other. This is My purpose, to make My new perspectives & views in your life, which give your life & mind
children, My bride happy. In this I find the greatest of pleasures & hardly enough time to stagnate & settle for the old, comfortable
fulfillment. Nothing else will ever satisfy Me as much. And the rut. As long as you keep receiving the New Wine & do your best
fact that after our making love, and you finding your ecstasies in to give out what you’ve received to always make room for more
Me, you reward Me with the fruit of MORE babies, NEW brides for new revelations, you can’t get stuck in a rut, even if you’re
My kingdom. In this, the circle is made complete. The eternal tempted to. The simple act of drinking in & receiving & believing
circle of being fruitful & multiplying. Obeying My commandments the Word is already an active part of fighting the Devil, as you will
& bringing forth ever fresh, new fruit to Me & that your fruit defeat doubts, thoughts of the Enemy, clearing out his cobwebs
remain, and in turn that fruit should again bring forth more new & keeping your mind & heart clean of any of his dirt.
fruit. No, it’s not a process that can be achieved rushedly. You ‘Now ye are clean through the Words which I have spoken unto
don’t just pop a seed in the ground and ‘plop’ an new tree or you’.
plant stands there, but first the seed has to remain in the soil, be There’s nothing more important you can do than absorb & drink
moistened & warmed, until its shell grows soft & breaks open. in My cleansing, purifying, strengthening Words.
Then a tender shoot pokes out its tiny white tip at first, then it
grows, and after a while you see the first tiny leaf on the surface. 13 ____________________________________________________
I specify in quality fruit. Quantity’s alright, but quality is better. What I have said, I have said for all. For now it is spoken in the
You, the sons & daughters of David, are My choicest & favorite dark, and only few hear & listen. But soon it will be heard
branch. In you I specially delight, for you render the pleasures everywhere. My voice shall be heard in all corners of the Earth,
unto Me that the others don’t dare. Oh, they bring forth fruit unto and My Words will be known by all, great & small.
Me, and I delight in them, and I reward them and care for them,
and sometimes it seems to you that they are even closer to Me, 14 ____________________________________________________
as they are so sacrificial, so obedient, they don’t seem to be Count your blessings & assess all I’m doing for you, gather the
battling some of the besetting sins you have to battle, they seem sum of what you’ve learned, and testify of them. The more you
purer in your eyes. Nay, I say, this is only because they are know, the more responsible you’ll be to act accordingly. If ye
shutting & sealing themselves off completely from the world of know these things, happy are ye if you DO them. Redeem the
delights which I have created, but they don’t dare admit that they time, for the days are evil.
not only come of Me, but that I delight in them, too. You are the
ones I have blessed with that liberty. You long for it, you desire it, 15 ____________________________________________________
and sometimes you get homesick for Heaven, longing for the As long as you learn from your mistakes, nothing is lost. Even
sweet, pure liberties you will experience here as naturally as your mistakes made are then one of ‘all things’ which work
eating a meal on Earth. Without any of the curses & plagues of together for good for them that love Me. Turn around, determine
jealousy, much less any of the physical dangers of diseases to keep an eye on that weakness, ask Me to help you be on guard
which are associated with sexual freedom on Earth right now. In & ‘deliver you from evil’, strengthen the feeble knees & the hands
My Kingdom all these things won’t be anymore, and all things that hang down, & go to work on building new, healthier habits.
will be pure. Oh what a day that shall be when thou shalt join with And that’s what you call ‘progress’ & learning.
Me in My Kingdom, to be ravished by Me forevermore. Thou shalt
have such joy that thou hast never known and thou shalt see 16 ____________________________________________________
such beauties that thou hast never seen. And thou shalt know Soon that which they say now rules the world – money – will
that it HAS been worth it all – all that thou hast suffered, and all be no more, and you will look and it’s gone. First to be replaced
that thou shalt yet go through. Thank you, for coming into My by Satan’s mark for his short time and then to be replaced
arms, My dear! Thank you for loving Me, making love to Me & forever and eternally by My new & everlasting System of true
bearing fruit for Me: Wilt thou bring forth more fruit? Yes? Then values. Prepare for it and adapt to it, learning to apply the true
just keep coming... keep coming... keep ever coming for more, values of faith and unselfish love right now, and you will be rich.
and I will give you until you are full, until you are truly satisfied, People will come to you & look up to you for possessing the
until you lie exhausted and completely exasperated, thrilled, and most priceless possessions which no money on Earth can buy.
helplessly & hopelessly surrendered to Me, the Master of your Build lasting works onto the true foundation of faith in Me. Build,
soul. I have created thee for that purpose, to be ravished by Me. in faithful labors of love, an everlasting house of souls unto Me,
For you to lie naked before Me & let Me take you & fulfill your reap a harvest of gold, pure & everlasting. Cling tightly to Me, so
wildest dreams. Let Me kiss you with My words, let Me make love you will gain the strength you need. The hour of darkness is
to you with them, for they are My seeds that will bring forth the coming. Let Me be your only light, and I will light your path. I will
fruit that you and I desire. They are what will make us one, if you guide you where all other men’s hearts would fail from fear. I will
absorb them and let them mingle with your being. They are the uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. I do not lie.
everlasting magic that will spring forth in miracles thou hast not Each of My Words is worth infinitely more than the most valuable
seen, nor heard of. They are what will make you invincible. They bill or coin. My Word has brought forth the universe, which has
will cause you to rise above this physical dimension, which you brought forth everything humans manufacture and produce and
now as yet feel limited & bound to... Not for much longer, My sell for a certain price in the first place. They’re all just borrowing
darling. For soon you will fly! No, you will never come back down it from Me to begin with. They’re all living on borrowed time, and
to their earthly level once I’m done with you, darling. And you guess Who they’re borrowing it from? I lend it to them, and soon
wouldn’t want to for nothing in this world. You know it’s just a I will return to see what each man has done with it and reward
shadow in comparison to the true pleasures I have in store for them accordingly.
you. You know it is nothing and count the riches of this world but Pay respect to Him, to Whom honor is due, the Maker and Giver
dung. They are an illusion of the Enemy of their souls, a fake, a of all things!
cheap, sparkling & shiny counterfeit, ‘The most desired object in Those who are rich in this world often walk away from Me sadly,
the world’, and once you get near it, it turns out to be a cage unwilling to find true happiness in giving their all to Me and
hung over the black abyss of nothingness. Only focus on Me, others to bring them Salvation & happiness.
Who giveth you richly ALL THINGS to ENJOY, the eternal Giver When I return, will you cry, ‘If I only had given up this thing and
and Source of every good & perfect gift: your only link with true that or the other for the Lord, how many more I could have
happiness. Amen, child? Cling to Me!” saved!’?
It requires faith to set your affections on things above. Faith
which is acquired by faithful intake of My Word, so invest your
time, your Earthly currency, wisely and well. Tomorrow the 19 _____________________________________________________
dividends and gains of your investment may be required of you. Shoot your arrow of your vision, your destiny, your prayers
Will you be found wanting? into the future which is as bright & golden as My promises.
Every moment you spend with Me, is time invested wisely. Every Give your life to others, & it shall be given unto you! Give NOW,
Word you glean from My lips is another wealth of those true & before it’s too late!
lasting riches. You do not wrong in sitting at My feet & gleaning
those riches. 20 _____________________________________________________
All must die, although the Enemy has duped them into a state GOD FIRST! Always remember that! ‘NOT A MOVE WITHOUT
where they seem to be oblivious to that fact. Every second of YOU’ is a good slogan.
every minute of every hour of every day a person dies, and yet it
doesn’t occur to the majority of them to make any preparations 21 _____________________________________________________
for that event. It’s those seemingly small disobediences that the superficial
Instead, they keep pursuing that which is Earthly, fleeting and eye can sometimes barely distinguish as such, that cause the
timely, only to be losing it all in the end and to stand before Me greatest pain & damage sometimes: Esau’s mess of pottage for a
with empty hands. Be not thou like them, but learn of Me. The birthright, Saul’s sparing of the Amalekite... The burying of the
way of the cross is the way of true glory. Forsake that which talent... It all comes down to the one great commandment. For if
might bring you temporary glory in their sight, and come, follow they would have loved Me with all their hearts, they wouldn’t
Me! Please do, for every day you spend in other pursuits is a day have obeyed half-heartedly; they would have carried out My
lost for Me! instructions to the full.
Invest your time wisely, by bringing every moment, every action, Full faith, love & trust means being afraid to make a move
every move, every breath of your life to Me and letting Me use it without Me.
to the full. Then you won’t have to be ashamed. If it is Me that I should always be your first & foremost focus point of
worketh in you, you’ve got nothing to lose, nothing to regret, communication! Without Me you could make a mess of things.
only to gain, to grow, to expand, to multiply, to further & advance Only I’m way out there & know what’s ahead, where the dangers
My Kingdom. To give means to invest. To invest means to earn & lie & I can show you ‘things thou knowest not’ – great & mighty
reap & harvest the dividends. You sow in tears and shall reap in or humble & small. But the things I show you will make all the
joy. difference in the universe.
This is the way, walk ye in it! This is the path I have ordained for If you would only know how loved you are! If you had only a
you, the irregular path, the ‘crazy’ path of a prophet. Now glimpse of My love for you!
therefore, look nor hearken neither to the left, nor to the right I’m not bound by many or few. I’m the Creator & am privy to the
anymore, for any of their opinions. If you would save their souls, exception to every rule I ever made. There’s always a ‘deeper
you must ignore their opinions. Realize that they are the ones in magic from before time’, some clause in the contract of the
want, in need, in danger, yea, in the valley of the shadow of foundations of creation that the Enemy in his shortsightedness &
death, and you are the one with the answer, their salvation. blind rage & lust for power is not aware of.
Things will NOT continue as they were. And when they will
change, when that which is forecast will come to pass, then you 22 _____________________________________________________
will have your chance, and I will have My chance, if you will let Your weakness is your strength, for My strength is made
Me work and speak and move and live through you. That’s why perfect in weakness. Your weakness is what makes you turn to
you must train now, so you will be prepared when it happens. Me instead of running out the door & jumping right into the day
Be like Me. Enduring unto the end. And I am with you always without Me. Your discomfort is what makes you feel not at home
even unto the end of the world, which isn’t that far off anymore. in this world, which is what I desire, so you seek Me and My
Kingdom first.
17 _____________________________________________________
If you don’t expect miracles, how do you think they’re ever 23 _____________________________________________________
going to happen? As your faith and your ability to rise above grows, you will
It’s your expectancy, your faith, your counting on Me doing it, learn to smile & be joyful in spite of all the oppression around
that makes it happen. Just like you’re pulling down this prophecy you, for you will carry My victory in your heart.
right now, just like you know I will talk to you if you expect Me to, There’s no limit to what I can do through & for you! The more
likewise I’m ready & willing to do anything else for you, if you effort you make to let My Spirit rule in your lives, the less room
just believe it. there will be for any minions of the Devil to hang around.
Pray much more for those around you, for your prayers can do & Make every move & speak every word in My authority, in the
will do mighty things, which, in turn will strengthen your faith, power of My Spirit!
and their faith, and result in more people praying, more prayers, You can’t witness ‘in the flesh’ if you want to win souls.
more miracles, etc.
So, look not at the waves, nor at the wind, at the state of the 24 _____________________________________________________
world, much less listen to their doubtful opinions, but stay close I want to renew your lives, raise your standard to a new one, a
to Me and stand up for Me. Pray down strength from Me, and new level you hadn’t attained before. The wheel of revolution is
that’s how I will be able to shine through you. Let go & let Me. rolling in your life.
Just let Me do it for you, through you, with you, and in spite of This new & higher standard will not come by itself. It will require
you. That little spark & ember of faith, unseeming in its both, spiritual efforts in seeking My guidance faithfully & obeying
appearance, hardly there, hardly noticeable, is the one big by then applying them to the physical: doing the manual jobs of
difference between you & the rest of them around you, for with applying elbow grease to whatever thy hand findeth to do.
that little switch of faith you can turn on My power. Turn it on!
Make it happen! Let it shine! Turn the keys of the Kingdom to get 25 _____________________________________________________
the heavenly machinery of miracles working for you! Let that Once you learn to pray in everything you do, you’ll get closer
engine take you far! to the ultimate goal of ‘turning every thought into a prayer’. Mark
16:15 is actually a part of My great commandment to love your
18 _____________________________________________________ neighbor as thyself. Another part of it is to pray for them. Your
Lift your eyes into the distance & the future I have in store for top 3 priorities are:
you! Lift up your eyes & look on the fields, for there will be a 1. The Word
mighty harvest. 2. Prayer
3. Witnessing
No. 1 is the obedience of the great commandment to ‘love the
Lord, thy God with all thy heart & soul & mind’.
Nos. 2& 3 are the obedience to ‘the second, which is like unto the 31 _____________________________________________________
first: to love thy neighbor as thyself’, but really also fulfilling the Stand tall like a man for Me and for those who need My love,
first one, as you show your love for Me by your obedience, and My unadulterated, unselfish, sharing, sacrificial & humble love
by loving the ‘least of these, My brethren’ through your prayers from you.
or bringing them My Word, you’re also loving Me.
32 _____________________________________________________
26 _____________________________________________________ Doubts are thoughts from hell.
You’ll always be disappointed if you make your happiness Only the obedient ones shall shine like the stars forever.
dependent on people or things.
Enjoy My blessings! Enjoy them a little bit more everyday by 33 _____________________________________________________
reminding yourself of them more often. See what you can come You’re going way too much by what you’re feeling like doing,
up with, that you can be so thankful for! instead of by the simple desire to obey Me!
I use those times you’re frustrated by your own inability to get
27 _____________________________________________________ anything accomplished in your own strength. That’s what
Thank Me daily for your children, because one day, you’re reminds you of your need for Me.
going to see like I see, and realize just what a blessing they are.
Pity those poor, duped, selfish people who think they’ve got no 34 _____________________________________________________
time to learn to care for another human being, to learn Stay on the right channel by staying in My Word.
responsibility for another little soul!
35 _____________________________________________________
28 _____________________________________________________ Constantly remember that if the Devil can’t stop you, he’ll try
Some battles are for the sole purpose of having you learn to to slow you down, & he’ll do that by tempting you with things
rely only & wholly on Me – nothing & no one else. To make you that are not My best & highest will for you for the moment, but
realize that I’m EVERYTHING and more than enough. My that which I call ‘his’ second best! He cleverly uses your curiosity
fellowship with you is much more important for you than anyone & interest in things, your own desires, inklings & ‘feelings’ –
else’s. that’s his playground: your little urges to which you so quickly &
Learn to walk in the Spirit. Make the extra effort to wait on Me, easily yield. But you MUST Learn to forsake these for Me! Don’t
even when you feel like rushing out & jumping into the day. The follow your own ‘leadings’, follow Mine.
excitement is My gift, just don’t forget Me, the Giver! Take Me Time spent with Me equals time saved, not wasted. For I will
with you each day, wherever you go, whatever you do! Forget Me prevent you from wasting it on things the Enemy would get you
not! involved in, in his permanent effort to lessen your effectiveness.
I love for you to sing songs of love to Me. Sing to Me with your
heart. Listen to Me with your soul. Let our love conquer each 36 _____________________________________________________
other’s hearts! You must strive to be faithful in the little things I’ve told you to
By this shall all men know that you are My disciple if We have do, before I can trust you with bigger, greater things. It’s natural
love one for another! Show them that you love Me! Sing of your for man, in his pride, to seek greater things for himself, but the
love for Me forever! Reach out & receive new anthems of love for way of My workings of the Spirit is that you have to show
Me from the cloud of heavenly helpers that surrounds you, for in yourself faithful in the little first, before you can be trusted with
this Realm, music amounts to praise! One continuous more. For the little things ARE big things in My Kingdom.
declaration & manifestation of love & gratefulness, which grows
& grows & climaxes, resulting in spurts of love, fruit conceived, 37 _____________________________________________________
miracles wrought, greater works of My love accomplished. This Always make sure that what you’ve got to say comes from Me
is the manifestation of My Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is & isn’t just your own opinion or assumption. Focus on Me! Enjoy
Love. Against such there is no law. Proclaim this love. Let it be Me without any distractions!
your beacon, your torch, your halo, your ever accompanying
glow that shows people there’s something special about you, 38 _____________________________________________________
something weird, something they can’t put their finger on: your As the Boss & Owner of this enterprise, I consider that which
love for Me! Let this be the essence of what constantly is good for My company, naturally also good for Myself. Trust Me.
permeates your being, let this be the flux emanating from you. This is My outfit, it’s in My hands, thanks to the yieldedness of
How much better it is than a complaining spirit. Don’t complain your king & queen.
about the state of the world. Fill your heart & mind so much with The best thing you can do is pray!
My presence, with My praise, with thankfulness for the things I’ve
done for you, I am doing for you, and the even greater things I 39 _____________________________________________________
will yet do for you; for My faithfulness, which will never leave you Be careful with your words, actions & your behavior & always
nor forsake you, that there will be no more room for anything commit your sample to Me. Keep a smile on your face in spite of
negative. your hardships.
Love Me enough to praise Me & thank Me for all I’m doing & have You’re a salesman of My message. But if people don’t see you’re
done, and love your neighbor by letting them participate of your happy with what you’ve got, they won’t feel like you’ve got a lot
love for Me, by not wasting their time with profanities, but by to offer them. Attitude is everything in salesmanship.
blessing them with showers of light when you open your mouth.
40 _____________________________________________________
29 _____________________________________________________ Look beyond that which meets the eye. The ‘obvious’ isn’t
Let Me be your song! I will be your greatest song, the One that necessarily always the truth. So much more lies beneath the
will make their hearts soar & lift you high above the dungeons of surface, and to uncover the hidden truths, you always need an
this world. If I’ll be your Melody, you will set the hearts of men agent to clear away the rubble it’s buried under.
who seek free. If I’ll be your tune they’ll know they’re not alone! The more you seek in the Spirit, the more you’ll find. The more
you let go of this World, the more you will cherish My World, the
30 _____________________________________________________ World of everlasting ecstasies, instead of fleeting pleasures.
In My eyes you already are perfect. If you set your aim high, You could accomplish so much more if you would use more the
you may get better results. If you walk through life with the firm underused weapon of prayer. Come to Me! Ask Me what you will!
knowledge that one day you won’t be making anymore mistakes, I have granted you the desires of your heart, have promised to
you may quit making them earlier. move mountains at your request, & still you are not moved to
come before Me & pray as you should. Wanna change the world? firmament forever. Those are the REAL stars.
Pray! Wanna do things that count & make a difference? Pray! Hollywood? Forget it. Some of those guys are going to suffer in
Whichever way you do it, PRAY! hell for having led millions astray with their ‘universal’ bad
I can show you great & mighty things thou knowest not of, IF you samples of selfishness, bad habits, ‘coolness’, cruelty toward
will call unto Me! each other & hatred... I beg you, My children, NOT to look up to
NOTHING is impossible to you! You even have the power to them! Look up to the real stars, the ones who are going to be
change My mind. stars in My Kingdom, & already are in My eyes: The cheerful
Let My Spirit be your magic Carpet, rub the oil lamp of My Word givers, the little saints, the nobodies who make My kingdom
& ask Me to perform any wonders & miracles for you that are possible, who give My existence - the existence of it all - a
needed to obtain the victory! I’ll remove any obstacles in your meaning... the diamonds of dust, without whom My light would
path & help you defeat all your enemies... be invisible, & without which this World would be in total,
absolute darkness.
41 _____________________________________________________ So many are deceived by Satan’s black light, which is actually
Human love is limited in its capacity to forgive, to take the darkness. It will soon be revealed & exposed for what it really is.
humble seat, to prefer the other person, sometimes even simply That bit of black energy you get from the Enemy’s sources may
by time. But My love is forever & constantly unconditional. look like it’s going to get you somewhere or boost your own ego
Permanent. Everlasting. Eternal. Like a rock that can never be for a little while, but it will only turn out a fake, a deceit & your
moved. Like a mountain. Like streams that never run dry. loss in the end. It may shine with its strange & artificial glow for a
little while, but only leave you in cold, gross darkness. The whole
42 _____________________________________________________ world will soon be in cold, gross darkness & already is, if you
You only wind up making a mess of things until you finally don’t shine your true light.
learn to sit back & let Me act. So, stick to the true source of My heavenly energy, My Love & My
By continuing to make these kind of ‘I do everything wrong’- light, which you will find in My Word & as you come & bathe in
experiences you will see the need to stop making your moves My Spirit in prayer & sweet lovemaking with Me. Shed the cloaks
without Me. of darkness, of pride & selfishness, & nothing will be impossible
for you.
43 _____________________________________________________
Your past is but a stepping stone, a launching pad from which 46 _____________________________________________________
you will soar & rise above, way above this world & its ways, for I Every incident in your life is being used & in part even
have given you the crazy faith to set your affections on things orchestrated by Me in preparation for times ahead, valuable
above. As you learn to operate in Me, in My strength & wisdom, lessons for your life, or simply milestones you find orientation
in the power of My Spirit, you cannot fail. by, if you live according to the Spirit.
Give Me all the glory all the time, & there’ll be no stopping you. You must work hard to prepare for the calamities that are about
to befall the World. And just like Noah needed My exact
44 _____________________________________________________ instructions in order to be able to build the first ship in history,
Prove that you are My disciple by showing love. so will you, if you wish to survive the flood of iniquity. The time is
How can you say you love Me, whom you have not seen, if you truly drawing near & you’re feeling the vibes of impending doom.
can’t even love one you have seen? Do what you can & I will do what you can’t. Don’t let your mind
Stop expecting more of others than you are able to yourself & be do the work, just let Me take over... you must learn the art of
more generous with your love & affection. Look beyond that letting go & letting Me take over & do the work, the talking, the
which bothers you. thinking! Let Me drive! Just sit back & relax!
If you can’t love, all the knowledge of My Word in the world isn’t
going to make a difference! 47 _____________________________________________________
I am the Source of love, and I have unlimited capacities to give
45 _____________________________________________________ & thus, you do, too. Just come to Me to get it & pass it on.
Only those who abandon their own selfish desires have the If you decide to love, no matter what, you’ll do just fine. The
ultimate privilege to use My power to the utmost, without answer lies in simplicity.
limitations. Love must be the theme of your life! For then they’ll know for
One of the purposes of this Earthly life is to get people so sick of sure you are Mine, that you have been with Me, and I, if I be lifted
that system that seeing My wonderful heavenly System will up, will draw all men unto Me!
immediately strike them as the solution, the answer to all their It’ll fall like scales from a lot of people’s eyes when they come
questions, the light after a long dark night. Many who come up into My Kingdom, the realm of My Spirit. It happens all the time.
here, exclaim, "Of course! It’s all so simple! Oh, why wasn’t I able The great awakening: "Oh, it was right there all the time. It was at
to see this before? Why don’t they see it? It all would be so much our reach! You were there all the time, Lord, You are... LOVE! All
easier & so much more beautiful if they would just share... give a that was needed was just a little more love!..." And then they cry
little more... love a little more...!" They’re overwhelmed by the & cry, and I wipe away all tears from their eyes... Just like you
beauty & the simplicity of it. It’s like coming to see the light after cried. No worries. Nothing wrong with crying. That’s why I
having lived a life in blindness. You, My children, have the ability invented it, you know? Heart & soul wash. It’s good for you. Pity
to see that light & carry that light in your hearts already, that’s those who never do. You can imagine what they smell like in the
what makes you so special. It’s just that the Enemy tries with all spirit. Imagine you never wash: The dirt just grows so hard on
his might to get you to hide that light under bushels of pride & you, that crust of pride... yuck!
fear of sticking out & not being accepted... bushels of ‘coolness’, That’s another reason I said, ‘Become like a child’: children aren’t
bushels of pretending you’re really not that different... Well, if too proud to cry. It’s part of childhood. And, you want to know a
you knew how beautiful that difference is, not only in My eyes, secret? It’s part of manhood, too. Part of being a real man. So, let
but also in the eyes of those out there who seek Me, even if they them hide in their pride & in their false, hard fronts... You just
would never admit it, you wouldn’t be ashamed of it anymore. come & flow & move with Me. You soften the ground in the spirit.
Those among you who I’m really able to use best are those who Make it more fertile for the seeds of love, with the tears of a
don’t hide it but flaunt it. They let it shine. They gladly share My broken, receptive heart. Tears are the lubrication that enable Me
love in a smile with anyone they pass by. They don’t care if to implant the seeds of My love in your heart more easily. That’s
anyone thinks they’re nuts. They know the principle of why, many times when people really get moved in the Spirit &
happiness. They just go out there & shine & shine & give & give, speak in tongues or strong prophecy, they weep. It’s another way
and their radiance grows, as they grow closer to Me, until, as My in which the Devil has deceived the world away from the way
Word says, they shall shine as the stars & the brightness of the things are in My world: to have them thinking that crying is
something bad. Well, with so much to cry about when you look at you would not listen! I have given you My Words, but you would
the sorry state of the world, it’s definitely better to cry than to not hear. You hardened your hearts every time You heard My
laugh away your life in silly foolishness, like so many of them do. voice in your conscience, you chose the easy way, the selfish
The Devil’s entertainments & amusements are distractions that way every time.
lure you away from thinking about reality. The reality that the Oh, yes, you gave a little bit of your money to your church, and
world is in such a poor state, you should be crying instead of you will be rewarded if this money was used to support
laughing! You should be shedding tears in desperate prayer for missionaries who helped others to find Me. But what is that,
all the heartless injustices, cruelties & torturous crimes that are compared to what you could have given, compared to what you
being committed by the wicked every second of every hour of could have done? You called Me, ‘Lord, Lord...’ every Sunday in
every day, and pray like a house on fire that you won’t be found your church, but I wasn’t your Lord. I was not your God. The god
guilty of their sins, too, by participating in their delicacies they you trusted in was the god of this world, the god of money, the
derive out of other people’s pain. god of mammon, the gods of pleasure, your own bellies, your
Sure, you are saved, all your sins are forgiven. But all the ones own luxuries. For if I would have been your God, you would have
who will be lost because you were too busy entertaining yourself sacrificed these things unto Me, you would have laid them on the
instead of doing what you could to get them saved will one day altar, in order to help others to find Me, those, who knew Me not,
make you cry. Why do you think I have to wipe away so many those who were waiting, starving & freezing for My Word, for My
tears from My children’s eyes? Because they fail to weep & pray gospel from your hands. Instead you tried to pay Me off with a
in intercessory prayer for them now. Because they fail to sow the little here & a little there... just enough to stop your conscience
seeds in weeping now. Because, if they would, joy would come in from burning like a prick in your sides. Just enough to deceive
the morning, but great will be the lamentation of those who fail to you into thinking that you were so good, so much better than
sow My seeds in this life, when this is what I would have wanted those godless, ignorant, uncultivated non-Christians, those
them to do. Great will be the sorrow of those who fail Me and the heathen, those pagans. YOU have turned My creation into hell;
lost who are searching for Me, when it would have been in their they didn’t! You have exploited the poorer nations of this Earth;
ability to save them, but they would not, simply because they they didn’t. You professed to have known better, claimed to
were too busy entertaining themselves... Can you see the atrocity possess the exclusive truth; they didn’t. Well, it turns out you
of this? Be not deceived into thinking that I will judge missed an important part of that simple truth of Mine: Love!"
unrighteous judgment, for this is what My blind enemies on Earth It all comes back down to love... the meaning of existence. And
say about Me: "What kind of a God is this, who rewards his rich, the sooner you get it, the better. The sooner you GIVE it, the
spoiled, pampered & indulgent children with heaven for better! The sooner you forget everything else & get out there &
exploiting the poor? For refusing to share their wealth? For not obey this greatest, yes, this single most important of all My
only standing by in cold indifference while others suffer & die, commandments, the better! Go & obey this one rule of Mine &
but even being the perpetrators & cause of their suffering, more you WILL fare well:
often than not?" Can you blame them for rejecting Me & refusing ‘Thou shalt LOVE!’ Write this commandment on the tablets of
to believe in the God of such a distorted picture of what is being your hearts. Engrave it so deeply, you will never ever be tempted
portrayed as Christianity? Can you imagine how much that hurts to forget it again, not even for a single moment: ‘Thou shalt
Me? Can you imagine how sick with anguish it makes Me? No, LOVE!’ All else will fade away, will be worthless, embarrassing
you cannot. ashes between your teeth, only what’s done in love will count &
So, don’t be deceived by any means, into thinking, that all those stay. Love today!
lukewarm, selfish, self-indulgent so-called Christians will go
unpunished, and woe unto you, if you are going to be counted 48 _____________________________________________________
among them. Being spewed out of My mouth isn’t going to be as To pour out your hearts unto Me for the sake of others is an
glorious as they may picture heaven to be. Living in everlasting essential part of worshipping Me, loving Me & your neighbor as
shame & contempt, while those they abused & neglected will find thyself, which you must not neglect.
comfort in My bosom won’t be all that glorious, either. Only My Through prayer you have the power which created the universe
faithful ones, those who truly give their lives in order for others at your disposal, at your service to do anything for you, so don’t
to find Me will be rewarded richly. let laziness keep you from making use of it!
The others will even lose that which they think they have. Poor,
destitute & naked, not rich & adorned, as she pictures herself to 49 _____________________________________________________
be. Oh, how Satan has deceived her into perceiving herself as a You must be stirred to greater action than ever before, if you
queen. His magic, fake mirror of false images distorts grossly the want to be used by Me in the future, if you even want to survive
reality of the way things really are & the way I see things. Soon the impending future events. The Enemy will continue to tempt
that glass will be shattered, and there will be great wondering, you with decoys & tricks to get you away from My highest & best,
amazement, and the shock will be so great that there even will be so, beware!
half an hour of silence in all of heaven. The awe of her exposure Make prayer, your most important task in life a habit! Use that
will be so great... nothing will move... only silence. Imagine the power! You can really change things if you pray! ‘The effectual,
whole universe staring at you for half an hour, pondering the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!’ And this is
shame you have brought upon My name by your bad behavior: almost an understatement in these modern times and in relation
This will be the fate of the Laodecian church. The lukewarm to what you could accomplish! Change the world through prayer!
Christians. Oh, be not counted among them, but get on fire & Change your life & the lives of those around you! Just DO IT!
burn your life, like a candle at both ends, & give, give your life
unto them for Me! Please! I beg you, for your own sakes, for lost 50 _____________________________________________________
souls’ sakes, for the sake of their eternal future and yours: If you knew the privilege that is bestowed on you, you would
Choose ye THIS DAY whom ye shall serve, for soon it will be too treasure it much more than gold & silver. You would not waste a
late. As certain and as truly as My name is the name in which second thought on this little problem here, that little desire there,
every knee shall bow, as truly as My throne is established in for you would cling to this precious, most rare gift in the universe
righteous judgment, I swear by My holy name: I will not let these as to an untold treasure. Almost everybody has money, sex, food
injustices committed by My wayward children go unpunished. & things, but not many people have this direct wire to Me, the
There will be no excuse. There will be no weaseling out of the Creator & Master of all things, Who can even see to it that those
responsibility & the guilt by lamenting, "Oh, but we were who DON’T have those things WILL have them, if YOU would
deceived! Satan has sent his emissaries to join our ranks & has only pray & grant Me the attention I deserve. By praying you can
deceived us. He has lured us away from the true path with his relieve the suffering so much, and by neglecting to pray, you sin.
riches, with his splendor, with his lies & temptations!" Nay, but I For to him that knoweth to do good & doeth it not, it is a sin.
will say unto them: "But I have sent you My prophets, to whom I have to withhold My blessings, because you do not pray. How
blessed are those who pour out their hearts to Me in prayer every
day. Who not only pray for themselves, but dedicate their time, 53 _____________________________________________________
their most precious commodity to pour out their hearts in Habits and familiarity stand between that what you are & what
intercessory prayer for the benefit & concern of others. That is a you could be, between what you could accomplish and that
love I will richly reward. That is a faith which will be most highly which you actually wind up doing.
honored in My Kingdom: That of knowing that in praying for
another, you’re doing the greatest work, the greatest service , the 54 _____________________________________________________
most valuable favor to that person you ever could, for you don’t The signal of the trumpet has to be clear in order for the people
only give of your own time & heart to them, but you rely on Me to to get the message. That’s why it’s important you take the time to
do the work you cannot possibly do. They don’t spend their time be more thorough & investigate. Don’t be superficial & rash.
in the Devil’s device of worry, which is fear & a lack of trust, but There are so many factors you are not aware of yet. Becoming
they wisely invest their time into the currency of faith & they turn aware of what’s happening, of what others are feeling & going
in their heavenly cheques one after another into My heavenly through is the opposite of leading introverted lives. It takes time.
bank, for Me to hand out the ‘cash’ of My blessings to those in It takes more than a swift glance into someone’s direction &
need, the ones they pray for. Now, that is wise investment thinking you’ve absorbed their situation in a glance & now you’re
indeed. In fact, there is nothing wiser on this Earth you can do. fully equipped to answer a matter. You have so much to learn.
Invest every second you can into the biggest, booming bear In the Spirit, things move slowly & majestically. Not as quickly &
market in the universe! hectic as you do in your world. The difference is almost like the
Even the dark times, the seeming downhill slopes of your life way you view ants: They move speedily & they always have got
have in reality been uphill slopes in My direction. to do something to ensure their provision & survival. But Here
Be not envious of evildoers. Even if they may not appear to be everyone knows that all the fretting, worrying & haste in the
evildoers on the surface, just ‘perfectly normal’ people, universe won’t add one iota to your stature. It is a commonly
sometimes the greatest sin anyone can commit is to do nothing! known law of the nature of My Spirit World that ALL things are by
So, be not envious of selfish doers of nothing to alleviate the Him & from Him & to Him, so, all you might as well really do is let
suffering around them. There is not a colder & more empty & go & trust Him! Our Father, which art in Heaven, Thy will be done!
harder heart than that of a person who has everything in the Thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven! Give us this day
physical & yet lacks the love to share it. There is always the our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
seemingly legitimate excuse of pointing toward others who have those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,
even more & give even less, but they won’t be there when you but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power
stand in front of Me. and the Glory forever, Amen!
Be not like those rich evil doers of nothing, but stir yourself up This prayer is based on the founding principle of the rules of the
into action of prayer! And pull down My blessings upon your Spirit! You’re simply praying for that same law to apply in your
fellowman & thereby BE a blessing unto your fellowman! You temporary, physical realm, which is ever permeating the
want to be free & set others free also? Pray! The power I have atmosphere, the calmness, the tranquility, the timelessness, the
given you to release in prayer on the behalf of others can do eternal assurance of Heaven. You trust in Him for your daily
more to change the course of history you see unfolding before bread & cease to struggle & toil for it, like the ant. And rather, you
your eyes right now than you think! Make history! – PRAY! concentrate on the truly essential, the learning of the spiritual
Change the course of coming events! Reduce the number of lesson you were sent here to emphasize on: the forgiveness of
those who WILL suffer & die in the inevitably unfolding coming others’ wrongs against you, and the recognition & refusing to
events in history by praying for them, and giving them My yield to the temptation of evil, recognizing that the power &
message of warning, so that they can prepare. And while they’re Kingdom are truly God’s & not the usurper’s.
at it, they might just happen to help you, too, by sharing their
material blessings with you. 55 _____________________________________________________
How many lives you could save & change if you would be more I have called you to spiritual accomplishments, not great works
faithful in praying for them. Don’t miss out on your purpose in in the physical realm. The unseen, unnoticed work you do for Me,
life by being distracted with ‘2nd bests’! to further My cause, to spread My message, THAT has eternal
51 _____________________________________________________ I’m teaching you to think in a completely different & new way
Do you really believe that I know best? Well, if so, just act than the way you have been raised in before. ‘Rational’ thinking
accordingly! Stop worrying whether you get your fair share or won’t help you survive in the days to come, only crazy faith in Me
not! Give and it will be given unto you! Stop complaining like & following My leads, which means obedience. If you live in Me,
those who wallow in their self-righteous self-pity & moan about act, move & breathe in Me, listen to My Voice & follow My
never getting anything in return when ‘all they do is give & instructions, you WILL wind up emitting that love I want them to
give...’. Believe Me, if they were truly as giving as they believe see through you, and you will be the tools & vessels I need you
themselves to be, they wouldn’t be complaining. For they would to be.
be filled with a silent, cheerful joy unspeakable, that small Your obedience in taking this path will result in changes of lives
personal trademark of the saints, the reward for believing & of those who will be attracted by the love you will radiate. They
acting on the knowledge that it is more blessed to give than to will feel the warmth of your fire.
receive. So, give, even if it hurts. Even if it goes against your Welcome to the point between theory & reality! That’s where you
nature or against all that you feel like doing! Just give! Pour out need faith which can see beyond that which meets the eye. Faith
of yourself & I WILL pour in, you can never outpour Me. which sees My creation, the potential a person has to become
something greater. Look not at that which you see with your
52 _____________________________________________________ eyes. See the possibilities! See My hand working in their lives!
Other worlds,... other dimensions..., other realities..., they all Look at Me! Don’t look at the flesh!
have the same core, the same Creator, and the essence is the Waver no more. A lot depends on YOU. You must take the
same everywhere and in all of these: love, light and life, they are initiative! If you had perfect faith, nothing wavering, I wouldn’t
one, and they are to be desired. have to test your faith anymore.
Only when you’ve grown wise & mature enough to truly believe
that that world really has nothing to offer you, can you let go & 56 _____________________________________________________
fully focus on the sunshine of My love everyday & bathe your Self-pity is another machination of the evil one. I’m exposing
face in its light. If you would reach out & receive My life, suck for his tricks, lies & devices to you, which he’s trying to pull on
My love, as if nothing else could ever satisfy you, then you would millions. I want you to become expert fighters, so you can
indeed be satisfied. recognize problems and their causes at an instant.
Recognizing the Devil’s devices will be an invaluable asset in the speak & think well of you. Your heart says, just listen to the Lord!
future, for you won’t be able to permit yourselves to be fooled by Forget all that & just love the Lord, and He will work out the rest.
him on any single occasion. These things will be matters of life & Your head says, oh, but there’s bills to pay, shopping to be done
death as we exit the drill phase & approach the real battle. and this & that & the other... The heart says: There’s listening to
I am your Strength! be done, there are Words to be heard from the Maker of the
universe, Words from the mountain!
57 _____________________________________________________
Physical circumstances are irrelevant to Me! To rise above 63 _____________________________________________________
means to rise above anything that binds you, confines you to any I have equipped you with My Word. It will restore light where
boundaries, any limits, anything that says, ‘It can’t be done!’ there was a gray hazy mist of lies, it will be a bright beacon on
Learn not to trust & lean on your own understanding for an your path, a clashing sword in battle. It’s like the sword
instant, but to constantly stay in tune with Me! It’s your only Excalibur, which wins every battle, as long as it’s wielded. As
hope! long as you lash out at the Enemy, you’re bound to win. He’ll tell
The ones who love Me with all their hearts will always be in the you, you have no chance, but listen not to him. As soon as he
minority. The true prophets will always be lone voices in the opens his mouth, a lie comes out. He may cunningly mix it with a
wilderness. bit of truth, so that you might believe him, and he comes across
Let Me be the sunshine of your life. Only I can give you as the defender of the mistreated, the champion of the underdog,
happiness, true contentment & true beauty of the inward parts. trying to get you to show weakness when you should not, and
He that soweth to the spirit will reap life: the more time you again, trying to get you to harden yourself when you should not.
invest in the Spirit by delving into My Word, the more life you will One thing you need to know about the nature of the Enemy is
reap. To fully absorb the Word, you have to dedicate yourself that he never plays fair. He’s the first to scream, ‘That’s not fair!’,
wholly to it, without distractions. and will be the first to break the rules. He’s a pathetic, cowardly,
Worship Me! – The sun of righteousness with healing in My desperate punk who knows that his time is short, ready to tear
wings, your sun & shield, giving grace & glory, not withholding down into the abyss as many with him as he can.
any good thing from them that walk uprightly.
64 _____________________________________________________
58 _____________________________________________________ There are so many factors, so many angles you’re not even
Treasure My lashes of love for the compliments they are, aware of. Ask Me to constantly open your eyes & make you
without fearing them. aware of opportunities to share My love.
Put your hand in Mine & trust Me blindly for whatever I may bring If you were more aware of your weaknesses, you would be a lot
along... Sign a blank sheet of paper everyday & let Me fill in the more humble.
details. You don’t have to know everything in advance, I do. I
want you to be ready & willing to accept anything I may ask you, 65 _____________________________________________________
whenever it may come! Don’t be so afraid! Trust! Imagine if parents on Earth wouldn’t have any cares & worries
Open up your hearts like a flower would open up her petals to the about having to come up with the provisions for their families,
sun & let Me shine deep into your hearts. Don’t hide your inner and on top of it would not be subject to sin & the devil’s
heart, your core, your essence from Me, for you are already fully temptation: Their children would be their greatest joy, and the
known, accepted and loved unconditionally by Me. Spread wide major theme around which the large part of their activities would
open for Me, little blossom, and let Me make love to you! revolve. That’s the way I, your Heavenly Father, and My Queen,
the Holy Spirit, care for you, watch you, rejoice in you, our
59 _____________________________________________________ children.
Focus on Me, and I will be the glasses through which you will Imagine older brothers & sisters on Earth would not be driven by
see everything clearly. Everything will make sense if you look at their own selfish desires, interests & motivations of usually only
things through Me. Especially try to see with the eyes of love. wanting to impress their peers or older ones than themselves
(not the ‘real old ones’, you know, it always has to be just the
60 _____________________________________________________ right age group to be considered ‘worthwhile’ impressing): They
‘Thy Kingdom come, on Earth, as it is in heaven’ means the would find their greatest joy in helping, tutoring, watching, and
marriage of the physical & the spiritual realm. The veil shall be playing with their younger brothers and sisters, or those of their
rent! And soon everything that was hidden shall be revealed. friends. Well, that’s how your many helpers on this side care for
Everything will be open! Now you see through a glass darkly. you, take their interest & joy in you, their younger brothers &
Then you shall see as I see. sisters on Earth. They don’t spend their time on selfish
pleasures, nor look down on anyone they don’t deem ‘cool’ or
61 _____________________________________________________ worthy, they are driven by My great Love, the driving force of our
If the ball is in your court, the best One to throw it to is Me. Let celestial realm to want to do anything they can to be a blessing
Me decide when it is best to make which move next. Trust in Me, and a help to anyone, great or small, lowly or great. All that is
the Leader & Captain of your team, and you’ll play safe. Trust & required is that you ask, and they will answer & intervene & help
look to Me as you go, and I will lead & guide you every moment you with anything you might need help with. All you need to do is
of the way. I can’t tell you all the exact moves of the match before seek to listen to their whispers, hearken for their voices, and you
it starts, as a lot will depend on the moves the other team will will hear many thrilling stories, revelations, and you’ll be given
make, the ones we’re playing against, AND your reactions to insight into all the mysterious hidden intricacies that make life so
those moves. Also call on the help of your other team members, seemingly complicated without their help.
your Spirit helpers & angels, as they’re going to be a big help in Life could be so much easier for Earth’s little boys & girls, if,
keeping the opposing team at bay. instead of running around in a blind frenzy to get what they want,
Watch out for pride, one of the central players of the Enemy, and or even what the Devil told them they should run for, they would
don’t be too soft, either, as you won’t stand a chance of winning acknowledge their heavenly brothers, sisters & parents, who are
the game, otherwise. Alright, I’m passing the ball back to you... ever watching, ever caring, ever loving, ever willing to share, to
apply all their might to lighten their young charges’ load, to ease
62 _____________________________________________________ their path, to make their lives more enjoyable.
Try to imagine how I feel about so few being willing to listen to You, My children of David, are more blessed than any other
Me. This is a pain I still feel everyday when I look down upon the group of people alive on Earth, because you have been given the
children of men & suffer from their neglect. Don’t listen to your awareness of your greater, heavenly Family around you. ‘The
head, listen to your heart. Your head says, you’ve got to do this Family’ is not only that relatively small Earthly group of believers,
or that or the other in order to fulfill your duty, so that men will but a much larger entity, a body consisting of countless
members behind the curtain which separates your realm & ours.
You are just the tip of the iceberg. The secret, hidden real force of 68 _____________________________________________________
this army lies beneath the surface, or rather, above the Lift up the standard of Love, My pioneers! For soon this standard
wavelength of that which is perceivable to mortals. will fill the whole Earth, like a mighty mountain that will fill the
So, come, play with us! Come & join hands with your older whole Earth, and you will have been My pioneers, the founding
brothers & sisters who love you more than anyone on Earth fathers, who, in the last & most wicked days of man will have
could ever love you. Come, & work with us, and we’ll show you withstood all opposition to declare & establish this eternal
how, we’ll show you many tricks that will make your work so standard. Right now, in the eyes of man, love is nothing but a
much easier, so much so that you’ll feel like you’re flying in romantic idea or an emotion, considered foolishness by some.
comparison to the tedious way you’ve been going about it before But in My kingdom, that standard of love will be just as tough a
you applied for our help! Come & fight with us & we’ll introduce law as the laws of man today. If you will break it, you will reap
you to the newest, most sophisticated equipment, artillery & consequences.
vehicles any military body in the whole universe has ever known. There will be statutes which will have to be kept, and they will all
We’ll let you partake in our intelligence & fill you in on important be part of the new standard, the standard of love. And, oh, how
details as to what the Enemy’s next moves are going to be, how proud I am of those like you who now, when this future is
you should prepare, what pitfalls to guard against. We’ll equip considered nothing more than a wild dream by those who
you with technology that makes the mere word ‘technology’ surround you, already proclaim it.
sound pre-historical! My day shall come as a thief in the night.
Call us, your GREATER FAMILY, for help! CALL ON ME! I’ll come Blessed will those be whom I’ll find lifting up the standard of love
running! Those who mess with us don’t know what they’re in their lives, deeds & actions, and teaching others to love just
getting into. the same. For soon that love will be a cutting light in the
Let this boost your confidence a little bit, next time you feel darkness, which will be seen from miles away. My sheep will
prone to feel inferior. You, yes, tiny little you, are part of the most follow your beacon & My voice in you, so, be My standard
powerful gang in the universe, the one who’s getting ready to bearers, My heralds, proclaim My standard of love!
rule & run the joint for good, & you’re in touch with the ‘Boss’,
the Man on the top! 69 ____________________________________________________
Strait is the way & narrow is the gate which leadeth unto life &
66 _____________________________________________________ few there be that find the way of unselfish love, the radical,
There are always new changes of plans possible, factors you revolutionary, anti-System way of My Spirit. And wide is the gate
couldn’t even think of, but that I can prepare you for miraculously & broad is the way that leadeth unto destruction, the way of do-
if you constantly stay in tune with Me. ‘Pray without ceasing.’ your-own-thing, the loveless, unloving, cold-hearted, ‘reasonable’
Keep your channel open at all times. Be ready for anything! way, and many there be which go in thereat. Be My called-out
Especially when you have a needy situation. Be always prepared ones, the set-apart ones, different from the norm. Don’t be cold &
for the option that I might bring about some unexpected means cruel & ‘normal’, but warm & loving, caring & sharing, even if the
of supply for you, even at a time or from a direction you might whole world will call you crazy.
not expect. The ‘normal’ way is the way of death. The road to life requires
faith. It’s not normal. It’s not the rut that millions tread upon day
67 _____________________________________________________ in day out.
I may not look like a lot when you can’t see Me at all, when you
want someone tangible or just an ordinary nice life, but there just 70 _____________________________________________________
ain’t no such thing as an ordinary nice life. It may look like some Those who cling to the old ways of the flesh are going to reap
people have one, but everybody’s got their price to pay. the destruction of the flesh. He that liveth by the sword shall also
Sometimes their ordinary nice life is just a facade created by die by the sword. They’ll find out that they have been puppets in
demons, & in reality they’re living a lie. Sometimes they just put the hand of the god of this World, the god of war, of hate, of
on a show (very often, in fact) & are really miserable inside, or pride, and of all that is an abomination to Me.
just as lonely as you sometimes feel... I want you to see right through him! He will have no power over
Sometimes they may have a ‘swell time’ on Earth & have to pay in those who will see right through him. Time will expose him for
hell for it later, like the rich man in the Bible, who wanted poor what he really is, and when he is gone, time shall be no more.
Lazarus to only dip his finger in the cool water to refresh him &
ease his suffering. 71 ____________________________________________________
You are living right next to that spring, that river of cool water Learn from Me to be longsuffering. ‘Love suffereth long & is
that so many would like to only get a tiny taste of. For you it’s kind’. Be longsuffering & kind!
just, ‘Oh yeah, the ol’ river...’ Be confident that all is in My hands! Trust Me for everything: your
Maybe I’m letting ‘not-so-nice’ things happen to you at times to health, your protection, your supply. Sometimes, when you’ve
remind you that things could be worse. One of the main causes been disobedient, you start worrying whether I’ll still bless you,
for things getting worse is man’s lack of appreciation for the but I will, as long as you return to Me & do your best to learn
good things. The disability to ever be ‘content in whatsoever from your mistakes & not to repeat them. I am much more loving,
state’ they are... And when they don’t appreciate what they’ve patient, longsuffering & positively inclined toward you, My
got, I might have to take it away from them & let them fall into a children, than the Devil is trying to have you believe.
situation that makes them a little more desperate, a little more The devil is the epitome of a politician. And the way he
appreciative. campaigns to gain ‘voters’ & supporters for his cause is by an
One thing that always works wonders is if you praise Me in spite ugly smear campaign against his Opponent: Me. So, he spreads
of everything! Although you may be familiar with My Spirit, My all those lies about Me, about how unjust I am, how unloving,
Word & the things I have to offer you, there lies an innumerable how unmerciful I am, and oh – what’s one of his favorite words?-
amount of new thrills & kicks right before you which you’re not Unfair! And subtle & sly as he is, he manages to convince quite a
aware of, & you’re letting familiarity cheat you out of them! few with his propaganda. But don’t listen to, much less believe
If you wouldn’t let people & the situation around you distract you his rap about Me not loving you! You mean everything to Me!
so much from the fact that everyday with Me could be an exciting Don’t let the old punk tell you anything else! I love you more than
new adventure, you would enjoy life a lot more! You think you’ve you’re able to fathom.
tasted all I’ve got to offer? I CAN make you happy! Who else
knows all your heart’s desires? The Devil may be in on some of
them, but he will only tempt you with counterfeits that may look 72 _____________________________________________________
like they’ll make you happy, but... I WILL! NOTHING will be able to stop you, if you walk fully emerged in
Me, in the confidence that the laws of physics don’t apply to you operate with Me, but to function by Me, to make things happen
anymore in the hour of faith, when I call you to step out on the through Me, just use My power & get things done by using Me!
water, when I challenge you to rise above. Let Me be your Genie in a bottle! Just rub the lamp, open your
Remember, greater work than the works I did ye shall do. Don’t vessel & let me fill you with My oil, My strength, My energy, the
let the agents of darkness tell you you’re too insignificant, you’re power that will enable you to DO IT! You wanna DO IT? Let ME do
not worthy & blah blah. They only have a chance the second you it through you!
believe them. But if you know they are liars, and all you focus on Don’t be like the flowers in the garden that wanted to be
is Me, My truth, and My promises, they know you are a greater something else. Be like the bamboo that I can flow through!
threat to them than they have ever known. For you bear the light That’s all I’m asking you to learn & do right now, & nothing else
that will destroy them. That’s why they hate & fear you. And with matters.
every battle you gain strength & grow stronger in faith, in the If you want to get things done, start off whatever you’re going to
wielding of your weapons, in your desperation & closeness with do by praying & don’t stop until you can wait no longer to burst
Me, in ignoring the circumstances. To hell with the with energy and drive and a compelling force to get done the
circumstances. Circumstances don’t count. Soon the thing I lay on your heart to accomplish! There’ll be no stopping
circumstances will be the most disastrous they have ever been in you, but ‘the love of Christ constraining you!’
all of history, and you will wish you had learned not to go by or Don’t do anything without Me! Don’t move until you hear My
look at the circumstances. Only look at & go by Me. voice or get My sign, ‘This is the way, walk ye in it!’ Don’t get
I am your only hope, but if you begin to cherish that hope for its impatient with yourself! I’m not impatient with you, so, why
true potential you will start to realize more & more just what should you? Others don’t learn in a lifetime what you’re learning
powers, what possibilities lie at your fingertips. now! Remember, it’s often just the Devil who’s making you feel
You will walk like Moses before the magicians of Pharaoh & guilty about not being more busy, accomplishing or achieving
prove that your magic is stronger. more so you can pat yourself on the back! It takes faith to just
You will walk in the same power that was given to Me on Earth, to wait on Me! But you’ll feel so much better, if you do! Trust Me!
stop the wind, to walk on water, to heal the sick, to raise the
dead, to multiply the bread. 76 ____________________________________________________
Just learn to faithfully, daily focus on Me, take time to get onto Worry not about your situation. It couldn’t possibly be as
My wavelength, into My rhythm & heavenly groove, and you’ll ‘impossible’ as the odds for this universe to function by itself.
walk by faith, not by sight. And if I and the Father take care of the endless empty spaces out
there; don’t worry, we’re also going to take care of you & your
73 ____________________________________________________ empty pockets & bank account. Have We ever let you down? Nay,
You can never take anything for granted! You must pray for little Songbird, we have not let you fall to the ground. ‘The
every little thing, & not take’em for granted, or they might not strongest arms in the universe have promised you their care!’
come to pass. You always have to count on attacks from the I can show you areas in your life you could improve in, especially
Enemy with people who are stuck on themselves & pride-ridden, your area of trust. Stop doubting My ability to save you! Stop
sad tales of cases who ‘could have but wouldn’t.’ Strive to always whining! Stop wavering & hesitantly crawling across the ice! Get
be reliable, even with people who don’t promise any earthly up! Stand up! Run! Jump onto one of those horses that are
reward. running past you across the same frozen river you’ve been trying
to crawl across.
74 ____________________________________________________ Try Me & put Me to the test, instead of relying on your aching arm
The attitude of demanding part of your reward already on of the flesh! Try giving Me a chance to supply without having to
Earth is like the prodigal son asking for his inheritance to go off rely on your talent in part, so you can give Me the whole glory.
& squander it. It’s reigning a little now & foregoing certain Instead of still needing this little bit of self-affirmation, this little
privileges later. Remember Sophie the washerwoman & the rich pat on your back... let go & rely FULLY on Me!
lady. I want you to become completely disattached from any I’m not pleased when you go & look around for something you
desire for worldly gain, because soon these things will lose their need without My counsel. That’s why I’ve had to allow this
significance entirely, and I want you to be prepared for this. seeming defeat... But out of it came the greater victory of this
lesson. The Devil may tell you, ‘Soon you forgetful people will
75 ____________________________________________________ have forgotten it all again!’ But ‘My Spirit, the Comforter, Whom I
I’m teaching you a brand new modus operandi. Like Moses will send unto you, will bring all those things to your
running away from a very hectic, active, stressy & busy life in remembrance.’ If you walk in the Spirit, you WILL remember
Egypt & coming to the wilderness to learn to do nothing but tend these things: She will remind you! She’s like a super-duper-
sheep for 40 years... I had to get Egypt out of him first. Before mega-smooth computer program that can enhance your rusty
you’re going to get into your gear of operating in the flesh, I’d little system anytime with all the knowledge you need, brings up
rather have you do nothing but learn to hear from Me, listen to any stored data from the past, or even brand new information
Me, soak up Me, absorb Me, take time with Me, loving Me, that hasn’t been there so far, in revelations, dreams & prophetic
begging Me, learning to let Me do things for you & through you. visions. All you gotta do is download Her & install Her on your
You couldn’t do it in the flesh. You have to give it all up into My system!
hands, just stop talking & close your eyes & let Me give you the And cooperate more with your spirit helpers! Don’t let them feel
words to speak. THAT’S the way I want you to learn to operate & left out! Counsel with them about every move! Ask them for
do everything! Let Me do it! Until then, don’t feel discouraged checks before every little thing you do! ‘In the multitude of
about not getting accomplished much! It’s like the story about counselors, there is safety!’ You want safety? Counsel with the
the Sultan whom the Devil reminded that it was time for his multitude I’ve surrounded you with! They’re waiting for you to let
prayers, so that he would feel more content with himself. You them take over the wheel & drive.
would like to feel better about yourself, but I want you to be Relax your tired eyes, arms & legs, & just lean back and let them
desperate. I want you to know what an absolute hopeless mess steer you while you completely trust & enjoy the ride! THAT’S
you are without Me, and that truly, without Me you can do what I call a first class ticket to Heaven. Have you ever seen
nothing! anyone traveling first class driving himself? Let them take over!
A lot of My children are still operating too much in the flesh, Let them take the responsibility, because, you ARE their
leaning too hard on the arm of the flesh! responsibility. Do you want to be like a stubborn kid that just
I’m making you weary of relying on your arm of the flesh! insists on driving himself, no matter how tired you are? I will not
Trust in Me, focus on Me, hold Me tight & never let go, because give you a serpent if you ask Me for bread!
without Me you’re lost. Most church Christians are so suspicious of the Devil in every
Your principal task is to learn to operate by Me, not merely to co- spiritual matter, they reject the gifts of the Spirit altogether! All
My Spirit warriors have to really make things happen down there, 79 ____________________________________________________
is YOU, the children of David. The demons & familiar spirits have (Spirit helper:) No matter who or what is opposing you, it’s no
lots of human vehicles on Earth they can act through & wreak match for the Lord. No matter what the difficulties, how adverse
havoc through. But for a human to fully yield to one of My holy the circumstances, none of it is a match or a challenge to the
ghosts, it takes surrender of pride & self that is only rarely found. Lord. No matter how bleak the night, how terrible the
It also takes complete faith & trust in Me. Will you have that faith approaching danger or threat. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.
& trust to let go of yourself completely, & let My Spirit take you The Lord doesn’t look at the accomplishments, but at the ratio
over, make you over & catapult you to heights you’ve never between what you have and could achieve with it, and that which
dreamed of? Talking ‘bout a ‘new creature’: THAT’S the way to you actually do. The ones who are actually applying themselves
become one! Surrender your pride, your accomplishments to Me. & give their all for the cause are so very few. He grieves over the
Care not who gets the glory, for only those who give all the glory lack of willingness of His children to give the way He gave. It’s
to Me will be those who will have full access to all the halls of very hard for Him to understand how people who have been
heaven & will truly reign with Me. given so much can still be so selfish, so foolish and so short-
So, be not dismayed by this crushing of your self, this humbling sighted.
of your sense of accomplishment, this rendering you helplessly, It’s the same way it makes you sad when you see your children
hopelessly coming to the end of your rope & just letting Me aren’t obeying you, no matter how many times you ask them to
finally take over! That’s the only way it works do certain things, when you see how they don’t appreciate what
they’ve been given, and continuously only crave whatever the
77 ____________________________________________________ Enemy has to offer. Imagine you were a general of a great army,
I test you not only through your trials, but also by moments of and your own children were constantly flirting with the Enemy!
superiority, in moments of success. If you would realize how Wouldn’t this grieve you unbearably & almost drive you insane?
irrelevant the circumstances of those individual situations are, Especially because you would know that the Enemy only seeks
how each of them is really only there to pose a new challenge to destroy them, to inflict harm on them, and tear them down to
before you, a new opportunity to make another grade, to climb defeat. It hurts when they don’t see it. All they see is that the
another step higher, spiritually... you would take each of them Enemy’s soldiers have much funkier uniforms, and they would
much more gracefully. like to just have fun sometimes & forget about this old war.
Take them as from Me, saying, 'Thank You, Lord, for entrusting That’s why the Lord just has to blurt out the shocking truth
me with another test, another challenge, for You know I can sometimes, to wake people up from their delusion. The truth of
handle this one by Your grace!' the matter is, you haven’t even yet begun to fight, and it’s high
If you had a glimpse of the blessings I have in store for you when time. Worry not about your own life, for whether you live or die,
you pass those tests the way you should, you would put on your you do it unto Christ, and your loss is only your gain.
best behavior, there would be no complaint or murmur on your You’ve just got to rewire your thinking completely & think like
lips, only praise! Him. It’s like everything is upside down. To gain means to lose &
Take on My Spirit, seek to give unselfishly, that your love may be to lose means to gain. To give means to receive, to die means to
found pure in My sight, and I can truly reward you! truly live. Success in the world means failure to the Lord, and the
Seek to give of yourself. Seek to die that others might live. higher you climb on the System’s ladder of success, the lower
If you want to be My follower, you must learn to speak up for the you sink, spiritually, when you’re called to be one of the Lord’s
truth with conviction, to fight for it, willing to provoke, even servants & messengers & apostles. When you’re called to be one
though you know this will cost you your life. of His missionaries, then there just isn’t much success in
Do WHATEVER it takes: Do the HUMBLE thing! Go the way of the anything else you may accomplish, as far as the Lord is
cross! If there's a choice of things to do, choose to do that first concerned. All the applause in the world is like ashes between
which gives you the least pleasure, not that which gives you the your teeth, and a sad farce, for while they are clapping for you,
most! I am a Giver at heart, and I want those who follow Me to be you hear the cries of the lost you’re failing out there somewhere
givers, also. in this poor, lost & lonely world. The children of the Lord are
Heaven on Earth is a gift I give to those who have learned to obey fainting in the land, not knowing what to do. What will you do?
Me & give to others, instead of seeking selfish pleasure &
satisfaction. 80 ____________________________________________________
Even in the age of cyber space, 'The only Bible the world is going (Spirit helper:) If you would know the Lord more, you would
to read is the one bound in shoe leather!' love Him more; and to know Him more you’ve got to spend more
Shine for Me, stand up for Me, mean business for Me, be willing time with Him. Once you know Him the way you should, you will
to REALLY live and die for Me. Lay hand on your cross I've given love Him like you should and you’ll obey Him like you should &
you to bear, deny yourself & preach Me out there in the highways get others to know Him, and to love Him, like they should.
& byways & charge them to come in that My house may be full! Imagine you’re the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and the
Lovest thou Me? Feed My sheep! Show your love by your supreme Ruler over everything, and you suffered and died for
actions! You want My blessings? Then GIVE! this dude who all the time is afraid and ashamed of admitting that
he’s associated with you, just because the people he’s
78 ____________________________________________________ surrounded by don’t know about you yet... How would you
You have asked Me to take your all, and I am asking it from present such a guy to the rest of the masses of saints &
you, which means the surrender of your life, your pride, your all, multitudes of martyrs who themselves suffered & died for you?
on the battle field. If you're willing to take this step, then you truly You’d be searching for words, stammering, ‘well, er, umm, this
will be mightily used of Me. My promises are always contingent here is so-&-so, ho-humm, he never really stood up much for me,
on your obedience, your commitment, and now is the time for Me but he’s a nice guy anyway...’
to ask you for this final step of utter commitment. It costs you Doesn’t sound too hot, huh? So, why don’t you turn around and
everything. But this is what you have asked Me to take. make Him proud of you by showing that you’re proud of Him &
I ask you to take the final step for Me; to be one of My seekers - NOT ashamed to be called His servant, His bride?
not for answers or fulfillments, for you have found the answers - Granted, it’s all by faith for you, and times are surely darker, the
a seeker for My lost sheep to give My answers to, and in this Devil’s power & lies have greatly increased. So what? Make up
highest of all callings, find the greatest fulfillment of all. your mind! Do you believe that Jesus is Who He is or don’t you?
Would you lay down your life for Me and for the sheep? Now is And IF He is, do you really think you have any reason to hide
the hour of your destiny, the ultimate test. Here is the crossroads your acquaintance with Him? People would prefer it if they could
of choice between greater usefulness than ever & settling for just put you in the ‘religious nut’ drawer, but wait, where’s my
second best... It's all up to you! ‘religious nut who tries real hard to be a real cool dude like all the
rest of the unbelievers’ drawer? ‘Guess I’ll have to make a new
folder for that one’. And it’s a folder that pretty soon will wind up expected to get there.
in the trash can, cause it’s just a little bit too exotic for most My way up is down & to advance for Me, you might have to step
people to care about. back sometimes. Your natural mind is the greatest obstacle
Start having the guts to be your beautiful, original, genuine self, between you & Me.
‘a humble servant of the Lord. You’re a walking gold mine of Never before has the human mind been so drilled & conditioned
knowledge. A walking treasure chest. But God can’t bless you by the input of the Enemy, for he has much greater platforms &
hoarding all that gold for yourself, He’s heartbroken about it! means of implanting his thoughts into human minds than ever
The Lord’s gonna bless you mightily for giving it out! before, through the media & education. There’s a lot more I have
to get past first.
81 ____________________________________________________ Once you have learned to put the fleshly way of thinking aside, &
The direction I’m guiding you is not to accumulate more stuff, let My Spirit take over, then I’m able to teach you to lay the
but to ‘trash your trinkets & head for the hills’. Usually, whenever foundation for communication with Me.
I know you really need something, haven’t I always supplied? Now your heart has been made soft & moldable & open & fertile
When not, you can assume that I’m expecting you to manage for My tender seeds.
with whatever you’ve got & ‘be content with such things that ye Let them grow. Let them take root in you & bring forth
have’. magnificent fruit in you from Me. Magnificent fruits of My spirit,
I’m preparing you for times when no one will be able to buy or of love, of mercy, of a personality so much more beautiful than
sell unless he has the mark of the Beast. This game of commerce you could have ever become in the flesh. Let Me take you over &
isn’t going to continue forever. Get used to the way of the future: make you over.
Looking unto Me for all things! I’m making you over spiritually and as a person, your character.
Paper is not a very good foundation to base your life on, to hinge You’re becoming a new building for Me, which will house &
your hopes on & to build your actions around! It’ll be a very shelter many, with many new improved features. I’m constantly
disappointing master. up for new enhancements, which are going to make your life for
Me more & more exciting all the time.
82 ____________________________________________________ Just keep your face focused on Me, and no matter what you do or
Your life is but a vapor... yet while you live it, you deem it so what happens, it’s going to be an enhancement, an improvement
important, and every moment seems to be the absolute & only for the better & a blessing for you (Ro.8:28).
reality, all that matters, except by faith, which tells you, ‘cheer up, Whatever the circumstances are, I want you to look past &
there’s more!’ beyond them, through them, at the hidden blessing, the greater
Folks who think they know better than God can sometimes be the victory which will come about through seeming defeat; at the
very voice of the Devil himself. lessons & wisdom gained by means of an apparent loss, at the
They don’t see the greater truth, the greater mystery beyond the greater purpose of God, at the greater good which will always
obvious. They cling to the way of the flesh. come forth out of supposed evil for those who love Me, at the
The flesh sees only the temporal, the immediate. Faith looks beauty which will come out of the ashes of the old.
beyond, at the Promise, laid there before the foundations of the Sometimes the opposite of what appears to the carnal mind, is
world, and reaches out for it, stands on it, chooses it as a firmer actually the truth. Those who don’t have the oil of My Spirit in
ground than what is generally perceived as ‘reality’. their lamps only see the apparent evil. They have been bewitched
Life is a school in which you are being tested, taught & prepared by their glamour into rejecting My power.
for greater purposes hereafter. ‘Out of the mouths of babes & sucklings have I ordained
Yet all you can think about is your fun. ‘When’s the bell gonna strength, that I might still the enemy & the avenger’. I will use the
ring, so I can run out & have fun with my friends?’ You try to get voices of children to shut up the Enemy. And ‘unless you become
by with the least necessary amount of effort invested in My like a little child, you shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of God,
studies, hoping you’ll just about make the grade in order to enjoy for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.’
both, the fun & pleasures here & now, AND the rewards later. Your father David saw this all along & knew this all along, which
You’ll be sorry one day, & wish you had done better! Only those is why he had such a great burden for the children, and became
with good grades will pass on to the real privileged the founder of one of the few religious movements in the World
opportunities, similar to the way things are in the world, which is with such strong emphasis on children, childcare and home
only a shadow, an example of things to come. schooling.
Sometimes I give you things to see how you will handle them. To If you could see as I see, you would know that those apparent &
see if you’re going to be willing to give it back to Me. It’s like seeming burdens are one of the greatest blessings, treasures &
playing ball with a very young child. At first they want to keep the privileges ever bestowed upon you.
ball for themselves & they run off with it & shake their head when Children are a vessel of whatever you have the faith to fill them
you say & beckon, ‘C’mon, roll it back to me!’ You’ve wondered with. They are the incarnation of the verse, ‘According to your
sometimes how kids could be so dumb, right? Well, there you go. faith be it unto you.’ If you don’t have the faith that they will
become a blessing, that ‘Blessed is the man who has his quiver
83 ____________________________________________________ full of them’... It’s time you start appreciating those arrows for
I don’t want to scare you of the future, but if you would see the what they are. Not mere useless, ugly & dirty sticks that are
severity of the impending doom, you would act differently! You causing you nothing but trouble, but arrows, which, when
would dig out the Word and start reading & memorizing as if your combined with the bow of My weaponry & the skill of the
life would depend on it as much as breathing. I will have to Archer’s hand, namely Mine, can go further than you ever have or
become your oxygen, if you want to survive the days to come! I will...
will have to become your only light, your bread, your water, and It’s another trick of the Enemy, to have deluded folks into
everything you need to live, for the Devil is going to try to cut all thinking that kids are a burden. Open your eyes & look beyond
other means of supply. what you see in the flesh! Look at My unlimited potential of
You can’t serve two masters. As ‘East is East & West is West & opportunities! Despise them not, but seek Me, for all I can do in
Ne’er the twain shall meet’, so it is with Me and Satan’s ways: their lives! ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me!’ Let them come
Ne’er the twain shall meet. unto Me & don’t be of a cold, harsh, cruel, unbelieving heart, just
Love is telling the truth, even if it hurts. because you have been disappointed!
Pick them up & take them back into your arms, & try again. Fight
for them!
84 ____________________________________________________ Have a little more faith in Me, that I can do a miracle in their life,
True satisfaction comes from a place which eludes the carnal that they are My children, and I will lift them up.
mind, and you sometimes have to do the opposite of the Pray for them, and I’ll show you what to do. Ask Me what you can
do to bring each one back to Me! mightily overcome.
Don’t let those fears hold you down any longer: fears of
85 ____________________________________________________ reactions of man to the things I might ask you to do or say; fears
You’re the ‘enemies of state no. 1’, as far as the Devil is of what men might think of you; fears of men’s opinions; fears of
concerned, for he knows you will rip the kingdoms of this Earth rejection; fears of consequences for unorthodox actions.
from him in due time, for you are ushering in, announcing & Rather fear the consequences of lack of action, for this will only
proclaiming the coming of My Kingdom! result in true loss, lost opportunities, in failing Me & My highest
In a way you are spies for the future government, infiltrators of will & thus in the failing of countless others who might have been
the usurper’s government, which will soon rightfully be re- reached, but weren’t because of your fears of what they might
claimed & conquered by Me, with your help, but you can bet he’s have thought about you.
not just gonna stand by & watch. As useful as the internet may To hell with what they think about you. They’ll think much more
be, one of it’s primary purposes is to collect information for the highly of you if they’ll see you’re different, not so stuck-on-
Beast, so, be prayerful & cautious, & don’t feed the Beast what’s yourself, like all the rest of them, scared to make one wrong
destined for the ears of My children only. move.
They’ll think much more highly of you if they’ll see you’re one
86 ____________________________________________________ who for once is bold & daring enough to break out of the
Look for somebody to love! If you look for someone to love, confines of pride, clichés, opinions & traditions of men...'The
you’ll always find something wonderful to do! If you can live Game’. To hell with their game & break out of it! Dare to be
according to this task & convey it to others, so much good could different! Dare to be unconventional! Dare to challenge the
be done. Go out unto the highways & hedges & look for someone established rules of etiquette. ‘No, you shouldn’t talk to that girl,
to love! For God so loved the World that He gave His only because her boyfriend might get upset!’ YES, you should talk to
begotten Son to look for someone to love! Go ye into all the that girl, no matter what anyone thinks or says, because you
world & look for someone to love! Look for someone to help, too might be her one & only chance in a lifetime to find Me!
cheer up, to encourage, to pray for, to witness to. If all your Overcome your fears! Don’t let them stifle your inspiration, choke
actions would revolve around this simple theme, you’d find life to & reduce your usefulness to Me to a trickle compared to the
be so much more fun. raging river it could be. Let the torrents & cloudbursts of My
You can love in anything you do. And doing things for love, Word convert your trickle in the wilderness into a mighty, raging
means doing things for My glory. You’re not bound by time, tide river, whereby many shall find life, strength & hope.
nor space, you can just close your eyes anywhere you are & ask Break forth! Break the dams & confines that bind you, that would
Me to guide your thoughts to someone who might need your have you trapped & would stop you from where I want you to
prayers. You can even pray for those in the spirit world, or those gush forth & bring life!
you don’t know what happened to them, whether they are still in Gush forth & flood them! Stop trickling about hesitantly & gush
the physical realm or have passed on to the spiritual. Prayers, forth! Do you believe I am the Truth, or not? The one single Truth
just like love, are not bound by time or tide or earthly spheres. As of cause & effect? I am the Cause of everything: you are part of
the wind bloweth where it listeth & thou knowest not from the effect.
whence it cometh, nor wither it goeth, so is everything that is Every little move & action of yours depends on a choice, whether
born of My Spirit. You cannot lock it up or confine it. So, you will react to the impulse with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, a 1 or a 0.... 1s
whenever you feel like you’re trapped by the hopelessness & and 0s,... that’s all a computer program is based on.
discouragement of this world, break out into My Spirit & know Make your right choices today. Say YES to Me! Every time!
that I can use you wherever you are to love someone else. Love
that knows no boundaries. 88 ____________________________________________________
(Spirit Helper:) Prayer – the great unrecognized action of faith
87 ____________________________________________________ – only & purely conceivable as effective by the eyes of faith –
Overcome all fear. There is no fear in love. In order to have useless in the eyes of the unbeliever; one of the great mysteries
total love, you must combat & overcome all fear. Recognize it as of God. For who, in their carnal minds, would have ever begun to
your principal enemy & attack it head-on. For almost the Devil's assume that in all the great & glorious efforts & works of man,
entire power lies in fear. But I want you to trust wholly & know which will all come to naught in the end – the most lasting &
without a doubt that you have nothing to fear. effective deed & effort should be the one which commits the task
There is NOTHING to fear. For I will let no harm come upon you, into the hands of the Lord, in obedience to His command, ‘Stand
as I have promised. back & see Me fight!’? ‘Stand back & see Me work! – For hath not
‘Look for someone to love’ also means, in other words: Shed all My hand made all this?’ He Who hath begun all this, should He
fears. Be willing to reach out daringly, with nothing to fear, no not also complete it? – The Beginning & the End.
thought wasted on the consequence, just be driven unstoppably It is man’s temptation to assume that he needs to finish what
by My love. God has started. In reality, God is only in the process of
Defeat your fears! Eliminate your fears! Obliterate your fears! choosing those who choose to let Him work through them, to
Weed them out! Seek them out & tear them apart, like evil little help Him establish His true Kingdom.
agents implanted on your system by the Enemy. Expose your How finite are the works of man. In all their doings, in all their toil
fears. They are the remnants of the darkness in your life. Flood & striving, they accomplish not a fraction of what a believer can
them with the light of My Love & Words, & burn them out. achieve on his knees, committing the matter which needs to be
Fearlessly stand before Me as a valiant warrior for My cause, done to the Maker.
determined to do ANYTHING, for what is there to lose? There are God wants to work. He begs, ‘Command ye Me!’ He wants us to
only greater victories to gain. tell Him what He should do, like a Genie in a bottle, Who would
Face your fears & challenge them with the white-hot sword of My be without a job without our prayers. So, let’s let Him work
Spirit! Get rid of them! Blast them! For I want you to fear neither through us! Pray! Commit what you would have done, to Him, &
threats on the inside, nor threats from the outside; neither loss He will do it.
nor pain, nor any other thing that men should do unto you, only The works of the flesh often accomplish only the opposite of
fear Me. what the Lord wants in your life, for by strengthening &
Only fear the results of what might happen if you don’t obey Me: increasing your carnal sense of accomplishment, your trust,
the loss of souls & victories won, the tears, the hurt & the shame. confidence & reliance on the Spirit is weakened.
But fear nothing that might stand in your way, between you & the ‘When I am weak, then I am strong, for His strength is made
thing I want you to do. perfect in weakness.’ He must increase, but you must decrease.
Only focus on Me, anchor your look firmly on My eyes & go forth His power in you needs to grow, and your own puny little
in fearless obedience of whatever I command you. Then you will strength must come to an end.
Command the Lord what He should do for you, instead of trying fiddler in the end.
to get there by your own strength & efforts, & you’ll see how
much further you will go on the wings of the spirit than your own 92 ____________________________________________________
two feet could ever carry you. Why walk when you can fly? Worldliness is a tough weed. It will raise its ugly head & sprout
again & again, even after having been chopped down countless
89 ____________________________________________________ times. Unless every trace of the roots is torn out, it will crop up
It’s not good to be working with people who can’t give you any again & again. The love of money is the root of all evil.
spiritual support. If those who are saved can at times be used by Sometimes I manage to break someone, & their ego is shattered
the Enemy & subject to his influences, how much more so those on the ground, & when they don’t accept My hand then to lift
who don’t want to receive Me! Just like you are drawn closer them up again, sooner or later the Devil will revive them with his
toward Me every minute, so those who reject Me grow further & same old enticements of lust for pleasure, love of money &
further away from Me by the minute, thus growing worse & egotism.
worse. He that is not for Me is against Me.
93 ____________________________________________________
90 ____________________________________________________ I have not given you the spirit of fear, nor of uncertainty, nor
Only when you have learned to treat success & failure with the of darkness, nor of confusion, but the Spirit of power, of love, of
same desperation, yet clinging to Me in joyful trust in spite of light & of a sound mind. But the Enemy is the author of
anything that happens, only then will you be stable, unshakable, confusion, of self-righteousness, of contradictions, saying things
immovable by any event or obstacle & can say with the true but never really meaning them, much less keeping his word.
overcomers: ‘None of these things move me’. But be not shaken, even though the whole world should come
Remember to give Me the glory whenever you’ve gained a tumbling down around your ears, and even though all forsake
victory, whenever you’ve made it through a day with flying you.
colors, and remember that the next test may be just around the The Devil is an artist of his own kind, and his art is to perfect
corner. This victory may already be your next test: to see selfishness & disguise it in a cloak & veneer of self-righteously
whether you’re going to give Me the glory for it. All you’ve got to being convinced of the saintlihood & faultlessness of the selfish
do is REMEMBER ME! That’s the key! Sometimes big secrets of person, only able to see the faults in others. THAT’S the
the universe lie in such seemingly insignificant things as the perfection of the art of Lucifer, that’s his masterpiece: PRIDE!
name of a flower: Forget Me not! Don’t forget Me! Don’t forget to He easily finds entrance into the hearts of those who don’t
give Me the glory! In your remembering Me every step of the way constantly remind themselves of how frail their foundation is
lies the course, the quality & the effectiveness of your voyage when they base their lives on their own goodness.
through life. Only those who truly cast themselves entirely upon Me & My
If you forget Me, things are going to happen to remind you of Me. mercy & fully realize that anything good about them is nothing of
Because it is really an urgent & pressing matter that I become an their own merit, only those who truly strive to prefer others to
integral part of you! Forgetting Me for an instant may cost life, themselves, & only those who are willing to put their own desires
cost you a right choice or decision, which might cost you a soul, on the backburner in order to put Me first, only those find in Me
which may cost you a kingdom of other souls who might have the power to overcome him, the great tempter, the great lover of
been won through that one. ‘For the loss of a nail...the loss of a self.
shoe...the loss of a horse... the loss of a king... the loss of the He that loseth his life for My sake the same shall save it. But
kingdom. The memory of Me will be the nail that will keep the Satan constantly reminds you of all you stand to lose: ‘No, you
horseshoe of your action attached to the foot of the horse of My CAN’T give THAT much, are you CRAZY? Remember, everyone
power, which will enable you to go much further & accomplish has a RIGHT to demand their MINIMUM AMOUNT OF PRIVACY!!!’
much more than you could in your own strength. Plus, it will The Devil is the advocate & promoter of privacy!
prevent you from stumbling & causing the loss of your crown or
someone else’s & thus prevent any loss that might have been 94 ____________________________________________________
brought upon the kingdom by any mistake made by failing to The less firmly you are attached to the World & the System, the
remember Me. less you’re going to be affected by the cataclysmic changes that
Wanna quit making mistakes? Remember Me! Wanna stop are going to befall it.
blowing it? Remember Me! Wanna win lasting victories & make The more you stay tuned to Me & move with My Spirit, the safer
continuous uphill progress without the 2-steps forward, one- you’ll be. Being a pilgrim & stranger in this world always shows
step-back grind? Simply remember Me & give Me the glory by its advantages when this world is being shaken up by Me &
acknowledging Me, thanking & praising Me & asking Me to keep turning events.
you from falling, even when you think you’re safe. That’s the Let Me carry you above all the waves the storms are whipping up.
secret. The sea beneath you is seething & foaming, a black, menacing
brew. But you are safe in the palm of My hand, little bird! And you
91 ____________________________________________________ sing on, in spite of the storm. You’ll experience first hand My
It’s better to make blunders of the mind than be so afraid of peace in the center & the eye of the storm.
making mistakes that you never dare to do anything. As those on your left & on your right are falling prey to
The world is like a lost lover I’ve got to find, and you’ve got to confusion, you, unafraid, as one who has got nothing to lose, can
help Me find her... the lost sheep who are still in the world. The rest tranquilly & peacefully in My palm.
world says: ‘give a little bit of your love to me, cause I’m waiting
right here with open arms...’ Love them for Me, will you? Pray for 95 ____________________________________________________
a love for the sheep, like Dad used to have: a good shepherd who After every storm the sun will shine again: this is the way it
cares for the flock, feeds the sheep, prays for the lost & is has always been. I will not forsake you utterly, however hard the
concerned about them. wind & rain of My purifying chastisements may seem.
Your generation is having it easier than any other in history, and For though much terror has been brought into the world & worse
things won’t be able to continue the way they are. shall come: is not My power greater than all that? Isn’t My love
Man is just reaping the results of the seeds of selfishness, of greater than their hatred?
wanting to enjoy, take, consume, without giving anything in I don’t want you to be overwhelmed by the evil you see in the
return. For centuries & thousands of years people have known world, leaving you stunned & unable to give life & light to others,
that you have to sow, in order to reap. Only in these times, I want you to be overwhelmed by My joy, My love & My goodness
children demand everything in return for nothing. Adults likewise & light and to shine it forth & overflow onto them, like a fountain
have adopted this attitude of, ‘I deserve this, so I’m going to take of life, love & light, everywhere you go.
it’, only to find out that someone is going to have to pay the You will see My hand manifesting itself on your behalf.
I send you out like Don Quixote & Sancho Pansa, to battle the this world. Besides, you will already be able to enjoy glimpses of
windmill giants who are turning the wheels of fortune in this that heavenly bliss in this life.
world. Now you must show whether you have the guts to resist There is such peace in humility. So, forsake the laughter & the
unto blood. boasts of the proud! Why lean on the arm of the flesh? Wise are
So, be not entangled in the affairs of this life, for this is battle those who are weak in their own sight & run to Me for strength &
time! Flesh & blood will not inherit the kingdom of God & man protection. Foolish are they who think they’re strong enough to
shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth save themselves. Wise are they who take My Words to heart.
from My mouth. Foolish are they who only trust in their own minds.
Are you willing to sacrifice, to be a fighter for Me, to lay your life Thus it has been from the beginning, and thus it shall be until the
on the line? If so, let go & let Me run the show! You’re gonna see end. The battle royal between those who trust in the flesh &
that with Me, so much better things will be! those who put their confidence in the Spirit; those who choose
Me for their Captain and those who choose to be the captains of
96 ____________________________________________________ their own fate; the former will sail their boats safely into My
All these things from My hands: milk & honey. And yet, so harbor; the latter, in their blind rage of pride and ego will crash
many, so often take it for granted. They don’t see the myriads of into an iceberg, like the Titanic, & great will be the calamity & the
miraculous processes needed in order to get these things to you: cries of woe thereof.
the precision in the exact right distance of the sun from the Earth ‘When will they ever learn?’ Many are called, but few choose to
in order for plants to grow... water... people never realize what a learn out of the lessons & experiences I bring into their lives.
miracle water is. They just take it for granted & waste it, waste it, Many simply prefer to heed the lies of the majority. They think
waste it... But soon, all this flow of blessings will come to an with a carnal mind & see with the eyes of the flesh: the sheer size
abrupt halt, & everything willfully wasted now will be willfully of the majority, the size & apparent strength of it appeals to them,
wanted then. For these are indeed the fat years, but the lean and they want to be part of it, part of the ‘in-crowd’. They seek to
years are just around the bend. impress, they don’t want to be humiliated.
This is why it’s expedient for you to operate fully by faith. It’s the Beware, therefore, and fall not into the same trap! It’s very easy
only way you’re going to survive then. Learn & prepare now by to yield to the temptation of wanting to impress, but know now
adjusting to lean wholly on Me, and the transition won’t be too that this is the way of the flesh. Seek not to impress with your
painful then. If you already allow Me to carry you now, to care for abilities, but with My Spirit. Which means, having to do the
you, as if you had nothing but Me, it will not be so difficult then, humble thing that breaks your bottle, that’s tough on your pride.
when there will REALLY be nothing but Me to rely on. Think about it!
Trust not in uncertain riches, but in the living God, Who giveth
you freely all things to enjoy. And lay not up for yourselves 97 ____________________________________________________
treasures on Earth, where moth & rust doth corrupt, but an I’m asking you to forsake your independence.
incorruptible, eternal crown & treasure in My realm, built by The supposed benefits of independence are only illusions, as
spiritual materials: faith, My Word & souls won. For riches they only enslave you to your own lusts, and the path of self-
certainly make themselves wings, they fly away as an eagle gratification is not the road to true happiness & fulfillment.
toward heaven. Let Me be your treasure, your Supplier. Let faith Delve not in nostalgia about the past, for every day is getting
in Me & My Words be your currency. And prove Me now herewith better. Let there be no remorse over past failures. The lessons &
if I will not open unto you the windows of heaven & pour forth victories gained out of seeming defeat, far outweigh the loss
such a blessing that there shall not be room enough to hold it. there might have been.
What is it that you value? Wherein do you find your greatest Your life is meant to be lived for Me and for others.
satisfaction, joy & fulfillment? Is it not in the ecstasies & bliss of Those who settle for mere Earthly contentment are like goats
My Spirit? For you have drunk from all those other cups & they who can survive on anything. But My sheep will never be truly
have left you thirsty & you have found that only the clear satisfied with less than My fresh green grass and the sound of
refreshing water of life that I give quickeneth. The flesh profiteth My voice.
nothing, it is the Spirit that quickeneth: The Words that I speak Nothing short of the real thing would ever do the trick for you, My
unto you, they are Spirit & they are Life. Come, & find life loves.
abundantly, and water that will never leave you thirsty again! Please continue on this rough & rugged road that leads to the
Find greater delicacies, greater enjoyment, greater kicks & only rewards worth attaining for true overcomers. There is yet
intoxication & thrills than in anything that can be found on Earth. much more for you to learn, so, open your ears & your hearts,
Mere shadows are found on Earth of that which is found in the and be diligent. Be ready for many new exciting lessons, things
glories of My Kingdom! And yet, so many of My children are so to achieve, territories we’ll explore, souls & worlds we’ll conquer.
fixed on those shadows and act as if they were all there is that is Only those who see with the eyes of My Spirit, only those who
worth striving for in life: the temporal, the fleeting pleasures of are in tune with Me, can see the opportunities all around, the
this life, the immediate, quick satisfaction, the cheap thrills, as adventures, the colorful, endless possibilities. For people like
opposed to My lasting joys. you there will always be more than enough to do, while the
Why do you, My children, settle for less than the best over & over spiritually blind stare into the gray nothingness of their boredom.
& over again? Why do you subject yourselves into the hands of Change the world by opening the eyes of the spiritually blind &
the powers that rule the physical & temporal realm, who seek to proclaim that there’s yet another world to find!
use you as pawns in their game, when you are destined to
become My rulers of the eternal realm? 98 ____________________________________________________
So, come, My children, & forsake those fleeting pleasures today, There is yet a lot more progress to be made. Think in no wise
‘having food & raiment, let us therewith be content’, learning to that you have attained. There are new challenges ahead, and a
be ‘content in whatsoever state’, and find out about the thrills of forsaking of the old is due. Everyday is a completely new
the REAL winners & champions of the universe. The kind of chapter. Be prepared for anything, for changes.
happiness that money just can’t buy, the bliss of living for love. Be not deceived by any false sense of security. You’re only going
Find out how much more blessed it is to give than to receive, to make it if you cling to Me for every little thing I bring across
how much more fun it can be to be consumed instead of your path. Only by My grace shall you stand. Take hold of that
consuming, to be used by Me, instead of seeking to use others to grace now.
give you self-confirmation & pats on the back. Why not strive for Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. But what gives you the
a higher goal & wait for a pat on your back from Me: ‘Well, done, guarantee that you will be able to bear tomorrow’s evil with
thou good & faithful servant: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord’? greater grace than today’s? Behold, the future is NOW! Act NOW
And oh, what a joy that shall be! The joy will be the greater, the to be prepared. The only guarantee you have is right NOW.
more you are willing to forego the cheap, fleeting & fake joys of Live NOW the way you would not be ashamed of if you were to
stand before Me tomorrow. For what is your life? camouflaging it in cloaks of ‘independence’ & ‘individuality’,
Only I can strengthen you sufficiently, so, cling to Me, every when all the while conniving to enslave them all to his demons,
minute, and cease from being so easily distracted, upset or manifested in their own lusts, selfish pursuits & ambitions.
irritated, shaken and driven from your path by things & matters Be freed from this lie, which has been binding you, tying your
so minuscule & mundane. hands & stopping your mouth, keeping you from proclaiming My
Trying to pull others up to a higher spiritual level will strengthen truth as you should.
you. Only be aware that you also have not fully attained yet. Be no longer stopped by their outward shows of reluctance. It’s
Always bathe your actions & your speech in love, and you won’t much like a woman’s outwardly cold pretense of not being
go wrong. interested in a man, while inwardly craving his every bit of
99 ____________________________________________________ I’ve left some special rewards to the wise, those, who don’t give
Hatred stirreth up strife. What a great fire such a small member up too easily, the persistent ones. If things would have be too
– the tongue – can kindle. By thy words shalt thou be condemned easy, there would be no challenge. You’ve got to fight
& by thy words shalt thou be justified. Prove your maturity by persistently to reap the most precious blessings & benefits in
refraining from wrath. life. It’s hard work, even spiritually. Attack this hurdle with fervor
You haven’t been as prayerful as you should have been, didn’t & determination, & you will become a true overcomer &
really desperately seek Me, nor have you reached out enough for accomplisher of the lasting works of My Spirit. Tackle this
My Spirit. Sometimes I have to let things happen to wake you up. obstacle, & you will truly become a useful tool in My hands, for
‘Hello! – Somebody down there? – I’m HERE! Waiting!’ you will truly have learned to operate in the Spirit!
Put on My Spirit of meekness, and I will give you greater wisdom It’s a spiritual effort, a spiritual push, & you’ve got to put some
to fight! If I’m coaching you, you’ll score more points. Let more of real spiritual force, umph & drive into it to get the desired results.
Me shine through! Be a spiritually violent & forceful warrior, tearing down the
Devil’s strongholds in the hearts of the children of men.
100 ___________________________________________________ Develop your spiritual muscles, work out & work’em up. Become
When you are weak, then you are strong. Walk in humility. a strong man in My Spirit.
What makes you truly great is not the talent I have given you, but Hurt feelings & sensitivity come only from the System’s hogwash
the anointing I give you whenever I am able to use you, speak & of pride. Up Here, the truth is welcome in its full power, for it is
flow through. In doing so, you won’t have to rely on the flesh known as a force of liberation from Earthly chains of pride &
anymore, for I will do it all. I have begun the good work in you, inhibitions.
and I will perfect it. I have said it, and I have done it. It is done No more cowardly & weakly chickening out & backing up at the
already. The things I have revealed in the Spirit long ago, they are slightest show & display of reluctance & resistance, okay? Attack
done already, they have come to pass already in My eyes, so, the goal & the foe before you head on! Race toward the mark of
walk with your head held high & shine, shine now as you will the prize! Move forward! Don’t retreat! No surrender! Not an inch!
shine then, for Me it’s already all the same. Okay? That’s the Spirit!
Yes, there are trials & tests still before you. Greater ones than
you have ever experienced so far. But in My eyes, you have 102 ____________________________________________________
passed them already, for I know you will cling to Me as your only I do some things to teach you patience, other things to keep
hope. You have put Me first, and are determined to keep doing you patient, and yet others to make sure you’re still patient. For
so. verily, you have need of patience. Patience with others, even
You have stopped running away. You are heeding My call, patience with yourself. Patience with your & their mistakes &
embracing My love & I hope you will continue to treasure it more faults...
than anything. There is nothing greater you can accomplish but to love Me and
The greatest temptation for a sincere Christian is to make a god those around you.
out of his duties toward Me, instead of worshipping Me wholly,
so, don’t ever forget that: I want You much more than the 103 ____________________________________________________
bedroom slippers you make for Me. I’m always available, always eager to hear from you, and
You can’t look to people for inspiration and fulfillment. You will more willing to give than you are to receive.
only find your lasting joy in close communion & constant union Ask Me about the things that are going on in your life. There is so
with Me. much to learn from all you’re going through. I know that the more
Stay close to Me! Don’t run away! Hold My hand! Receive My I give you, the more you will overflow onto others.
whispers! Try to hear them when you read your mails, when you I won’t judge anyone by the amount of souls they have won, only
drive, when you sing, & learn to keep in constant tune with Me. by their faithfulness to do whatever they could in their situation.
Put Me on fully! Let Me be you! But those samples of outstanding performances or
achievements for Me should give you an alternative to what
101 ____________________________________________________ you’re seeing on your right and on your left, and for you to know
With man it’s impossible, but I am a God Who thrives on man’s that nothing is impossible and there are no limits to what I can do
extremities. Where you can’t anymore, there I can. Where you with a man who is determined to let Me use him.
end & come to the end of your capacities, there I begin & have a To feel bad about it would be the opposite of the desired effect &
chance to start working – finally! – through you. definitely does not come from Me.
Not by might nor by power – nor by man’s gifts, wit or prudence Let those positive testimonies inspire you and encourage you to
– but by My Spirit. Only if I enable you, you have the strength to attain to greater heights & actions for Me! What I’ve done through
work these workings of My Spirit. The flesh is utterly incapable, others!
useless a hindrance, an annoyance. It doesn’t cut the cake when Let Me prove to you that nothing’s impossible.
you intend to do My work & the works of My Spirit. It’s got to be I dread that spirit of conformity, that ‘normal’ way & the urge of
My Spirit in you! people to adapt & assimilate the style, the behavior & the exact
Keep going & keep trying for Me, even if they don’t respond. patterns of everyone around them. I love it when someone dares
Beckon & urge them to follow Me, even if they do so reluctantly. to be different, to step out of the norm, the habitual scheme...
Pressure from Me gets My prophets out of the System, & then it’s That’s the kind of people with the potential to change the world.
gotta be them to exert pressure on the people, to get them out,
The System’s brainwash taught you, ‘You shouldn’t pressure 104 ____________________________________________________
anyone, especially when it comes to religious matters!’ How can My soldiers be fighting wholeheartedly when they
The devil has become a master at subtly spreading his message, don’t really hate their enemy? When they can’t even see him?
The same forces who will be at work during the time of the AC inherit it.
are already at work right now to bring him to power. A new world Without the things you suffer you would never be able to learn
order doesn’t just pop out of nothing without having been the lessons I want you to learn. It’s those many afflictions &
thoroughly planned. Some things look simpler on the surface sufferings that make you righteous (Ps.34:19).
than they really are, and just because you can’t see the intricacy It’s the yielding to Me, and accepting the perfect peace that
on the surface, doesn’t mean it’s not there... whatsoever state I have put you in, I have put you in it therewith
to be content, that brings happiness. For you know that I love
105 ____________________________________________________ you, and even though it may not look like it, you know that I will
If there wouldn’t be any opposition, there would be no challenge. keep My promise & everything’s going to be alright!
You’ve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can That’s My promise to mankind: Everything’s going to be alright!
see the light. It works like this in many other aspects of My Even if it seems that everything’s going all wrong, temporarily,
creation. for the Devil and his cohorts are given temporary control over
Adversity is what makes you strong. this world, you will see: Everything’s going to be alright!
Some people are just looking for an excuse to do what they Rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh!
would really like to do: Quit. Throw in the towel & say ‘Uncle’ to Let Me restore unto you the joy of My salvation by looking at the
the Devil. ‘Get me back into the matrix! I don’t want any more of wonderful things ahead, beyond the shadows that surround you
this hard life of faith...’ & are so imminent. Look through the matrix of the Devil onto the
‘Distract me, distract me! Keep me busy with superficial greater goal behind it, My Kingdom, where nothing shall hurt or
thoughts. I don’t want to see the ugly truth! I don’t want to hear destroy. Where righteousness will cover the Earth as the waters
all those things about how bad the world is. Let me sleep! Let me cover the seas.
dream on, this blissful little dream I’m having... Don’t wake me up Yes, troubles will come, and troubles are necessary, in order for
with your talk about warning & End time...!’ mankind to appreciate My blessings that I will bring over them,
Only few have the faith ascribed to Job, who can say, ‘Even if it even My rule, which they would resent otherwise. First they must
looks as if God is breaking His Word & breaking His promise to see the righteousness of the Devil, before they will be able to
Me, I will still trust Him!’ appreciate Mine.
Only few deem themselves less righteous than God. Even you must have those days of battle and of pain, in order to
You have to constantly be on guard & desperate, always on the appreciate the good days. Soon I will have to withdraw a whole
lookout, not hobnobbing with those who have already betrayed lot of blessings from mankind: because they don’t appreciate
Me, and trying to please them... them, but are taking them for granted.
The tendency to be shallow & superficial & worldly was already Satan is My sheepdog. And even those judgments I’m allowing
in those who left before they left and in those who are indulging the Devil to leash out upon the world will bring people into My
in it right now, it’s only a matter of time until it sprouts into an fold.
ugly weed that’s going to invite the giants of doubt & criticism in A mighty harvest shall come through the troubles that are
to do their share of damage in their part of the Father’s estate, awaiting the world.
before they peter out themselves... unless they repent. Hear, therefore, the Words from My mouth, like My prophets of
old, that you may be strengthened & will stand your ground in
106 ____________________________________________________ the days of adversity, and you may have an answer to give to him
The first shall be the last. The last shall be the first. that asketh thee.
Sometimes those who were expected the least to be used by Me, You tried to tear yourself loose from Me to see whether your arm
are the ones who wind up being used the most. For My ways are of the flesh could carry you any further than I could. But you saw
not your ways, and I choose whoever I will. Sometimes I use that it was not so, but that from My hand come blessings, and in
people who were the most unlikely candidates, that it truly might My hand is the power to withhold blessings, when I know it’s
be the excellency of My power in you & not anything of best for those who I love.
yourselves, lest Israel say, 'mine own arm hath saved me.' All things that are good for you, I will grant you with a generous
Only those who follow Me each step of the way are going to make heart.
it. Encourage others to follow Me, to hear from Me, to receive My So, continue to be My prophet brides, those who shall be known
guidance. More desired to be are My Words of guidance to you, for their love for Me. Love that will enable them to do all things, a
than thousands in gold & silver. Trust in My riches! Seek My love to overcome all obstacles, the love with which I have loved
riches, those riches & treasures in Heaven, where neither moth you first, by which I have created you.
nor rust doth corrupt!
Seek My face every day! That’s the best preparation. I will guide 108 ____________________________________________________
you with Mine eye, thou shalt hear a word behind thee, saying, A day in My courts is better than a thousand others. An hour
‘this is the way, walk ye in it!’ I will instruct you & teach you, lead spent in the halls of My courts, in prayer & praise & worshipping,
& guide you each step of the way. seeking & trusting Me will accomplish a thousand times more
I’m your only hope & chance of survival! You have to learn to than any hour spent trying to solve the problem in the flesh.
really rely on Me and My help to make it through whatever the In other words, prayer is a thousand times more effective than
future holds! anything else you can do, because by praying, you’re leaving the
I will be your secret weapon! I will be your defense! I will be your matter in the hands of Him Who is really able to do something
secret Source of instructions, which will ensure your survival, about it.
your protection, your provision and your success! Just follow No matter how cool you may be, how open, how permissive:
Me! Just be prepared for whatever, whenever it comes, by without Me, you’ll still wind up a failure.
following Me closely each step of the way. You must not rely on anything but My hand, My power & My
Putting Me first is the key to happiness. Spirit.

107 ____________________________________________________ 109 ____________________________________________________

I lead you down the rugged paths into the abyss & depth of The majority of people prefer darkness to the light, for their
despair so you will cry out to Me. For look at who are the ones deeds are evil. It’s not necessarily that they’re obviously or
who go astray: is it not the rich and the noble ones, the ones for blatantly evil, either, but when the Father shall judge every work
whom everything comes so easy? Solomon went astray because of every man, woman & child, all things shall be revealed.
he didn’t have to go through the hardships his father had to go Now is the time of faith, to take things by faith, even though you
through, which made him appreciate the kingdom, for he didn’t don’t see or understand every aspect of everything involved.
just receive it by birth, he couldn’t take it for granted, because he Blessed are they who, not seeing, yet believe.
had to suffer persecution even from loved ones before he could So, take My blessing by faith. Know that it is there, even if you
don’t see it or feel it, just take My Word for it. That’s the only I really AM, I really DO exist. Do you think I told Moses that’s
foundation on which you can stand. My name because it is the answer to the most essential question:
As long as you hold on to the rock of My Word, you won’t get 'God, are you REALLY there?’ I AM!!! I’m not often quite easily
washed away. Abide in Me, and abide in My Word. That’s the perceived & recognized, nor accepted as the God of Love that I
secret place, the shadow under the wings of the Almighty. am. But I AM.
That’s a fact you can build on, no matter what all the scoffers &
110 ____________________________________________________ doubters can do or say. And your job & task it is to show them I
The greater the darkness, the brighter the light, and the closer am.
we get to the End, the brighter you will shine.
Woe unto a man if the light that be in them is darkness, and if the 114 ____________________________________________________
words they speak will be found to be lies to deceive many. Nobody’s perfect, & that’s not what I’m expecting of you. I
Your Enemy would love to accuse Me of the same sins he is a will make you perfect, but it’s none of your own doing other than
master of himself, and he tries, but blessed are those who have simply following My leadings step by step.
the faith to see through his lies, who have the discernment not to Ye are clean through the Words I have spoken unto you, and
trust him, but look past the apparent sense his accusations may there is no wiser investment of your time, no greater treasure
make temporarily, expose them as lies & find Me again on the you can gather, than this. Only one thing is more blessed than to
other side of the shady cloak the Devil would have tried to cast receive these Words, and that is to give them.
between us. Look for the next step I would like you to take. Like crossing a
‘Shady Cloaks of Lies’ is one of the Devil’s favorite games. As river: Look for the next stone or rock on which to put your foot.
soon as he spins another one – and he spins many – he looks for My Words, My instructions to you are like those rocks. And as
an appropriate victim to present it to, to see whether he can you follow them step by step, you’ll eventually get to the other
hypnotize them with it, distract them with it from the truth, the side safely.
only true Center of all, the only One Who could give meaning to You are My rays of hope. Focus on Me & receive power to shine.
their lives. ‘Shady Cloaks of Lies’ – the Devil’s favorite game. I’m calling you again & again to come to Me, to rest in Me, bask in
Make people aware of that. Me.
The secret lies in letting Me fill you to overflowing. When your
111 ____________________________________________________ cup runneth over onto others, you can be sure that goodness &
By allowing a bad sample of others to become your excuse for mercy will follow you all the days of your life. Giving that which
giving up, you yourself have become an even worse sample. you receive fills you even more than the actual receiving.
Look not at others! Look to Me! I'm the only One who will never Don’t look for popularity if you want to be successful in My
disappoint you, & the only One who can preserve you from service.
becoming a disappointment to others. Always seek the truth.
The moment you judge others for their behavior is your first step Inhale it, absorb it, and reflect it, and you will be a piercing ray of
down the road of acting even worse. That's how the world got light that will cut through the Devil’s clouds, and the darker it
worse & worse all the time. This process was highly accelerated gets, the brighter you’ll be.
by the Devil's ability to show artificially created & enacted 'bad If you invest what little strength you have to connect with Me,
behavior' on TV & in the movies..... Just like people are more you’re tapping into a Power Source that’s unbeatable, invincible.
prone to believe a lie than the truth, they also tend to imitate the
bad, rather than the good -- otherwise, why aren't there more 115 ____________________________________________________
Ghandis & Mother Theresas? (Jn. 3:19). There is yet so much If you just focus on Me, and the dire necessity to put Me at
more to learn for all of you, & yet, each of you has that innate the center of all your activities, thoughts & endeavors, you’re
tendency to think that you know better. making a straight bee-line toward My perfect will for you.
If you humbly ask Me to show you your weak areas & how you It’s a fine balance to know when something becomes a
can improve them, you'll fare so much better. And you'll have so distraction, or whether it’s something I want to use to draw you
much more to share from the revelation & overcoming of your closer to Me, so, you’re just going to have to stay in tune with Me
mistakes & shortcomings. & make an effort to ask Me everything!
I’ll be right there to answer you every time, even when you don’t
112 ____________________________________________________ feel like it. Feelings are deceptive! The inspiration you receive
The more you dwell in My Word the better you know your from Me when you come to Me, which spurs you to action &
weaknesses, for My Words are a mirror to your soul & an divinely inspired interaction with others, those types of emotion
exposing light of the wickedness & deceitfulness of the heart of are a gift from Me.
man. My Word is a two-edged sword, discerner of thoughts & The other, natural emotions can either be good or bad, but
intents of the heart, & if you really want to know the truth about whichever, you should not let them determine your actions, nor
yourself, study My Word. In fact, that's the main reason why most your state of mind.
people shun My Word, because it reveals the ugly truth about YOU need to get a hold of My Spirit & the victory, whether YOU
them. It's not always very uplifting or encouraging; it's breaking, feel like it or not! If you don’t feel it, just get desperate & break
& a downer at first. But then again, it's like the story of the through to My side until you’re there. Some things you have to
wayward son who didn't stick it through the reading of his fight for.
father’s testament until the good part came. Break the vicious cycle of not feeling like you can get a hold of
The good news is that I can deliver you from all the sins & Me & thus not really being in the victory.
weaknesses & make a new creature out of you. All have been Break it by punching through in the Spirit, regardless of whatever
tempted to feel more righteous than God about some point at one feelings; grab hold of Me, and I will pour down My divine
time or another. inspiration & anointing on you.
Self-righteousness makes you judge people in your carnal mind,
applying the letter of the law & by doing so, you're robbing 116 ____________________________________________________
yourself & cheating yourself out of opportunity to 'love the Passive rebellion is a very poisonous spirit. It’s the ‘silent’
unlovely', 'go the extra mile', 'cast a veil over a multitude of sins' type of rebellion many young people use to ‘prove’ that they
& rise above the 'natural cycle'. were ‘right all along.’ They try stressing your patience to the limit
Let Me manifest My life-changing power in you, & you'll inspire until you finally give in & then they can point their finger & say,
them to change, as well, for they will see My awesome power at ‘See? I knew it.’
work first hand. People have to realize that in this life, a lot depends on them. A
lot depends on them, when it comes to whether they will ever see
113 ____________________________________________________ the fulfillment of their dreams or not. How much are they willing
to invest? How much elbow-grease are they willing to put into it? above the circumstances. Love that sees beyond that which
If your input is zero, that’s what you will reap. He that soweth meets the eye, into a distant future, where even the most
sparingly, shall also reap sparingly. seemingly futile efforts of love are richly rewarded, and, oh, will
If you want something out of life, you’ve got to put something they be appreciated then.
into it & not just sit back passively & wait for everything to just Even those to whom you were pouring out your love, who didn’t
come along. appreciate it when you did, and it was like pouring water into a
Show Me that you’re learning out of this lesson. Your children are bucket full of holes, it will fall like scales from their eyes, & they
a mirror to you. All these lessons I allow to come along in your will be so thankful. I doubly appreciate your efforts to love when
life for a purpose. that love is not returned.
There will be tears in Heaven, but mostly tears of joy & of
117 ____________________________________________________ gratitude for the unspeakable love that gave when nothing was
Everything is dead without the Spirit. All the perfection one given in return, love that never gave up, refusing to look
can try to attain in the flesh, is dead & nothing, without the true anywhere but toward that day when your seemingly lost efforts
life of My Spirit. will meet the highest reward.
Don’t just let the things you learn inform you, but form you, Regardless of any other ambition in life one may have right now:
shape you into something greater. Learn to see with the eyes of Love is the only light, the only truth, the only thing that gives a
the spirit, not merely acknowledge data & accumulate life purpose.
information. Don’t just accept facts with your brain, but come to Love will never be lost. Though all the riches in the world & all
know with the tacit knowing of faith, so you learn to apply the the mighty monuments to the accomplishments of man will
information adequately, and the right bits at the right time. That’s cease & sink into the sand, love will remain, for it is the eternal
when believing becomes seeing and faith becomes knowing. essence, that part of Me in this world that will outlast everything.
Love, only love will remain.
118 ____________________________________________________
I want to teach you to love. Without love, it all avails nothing. 122 ____________________________________________________
Let all your things be done in love. I'm proud of you when there ‘For they all seek their own & not that which is Christ’s’ –
is so much love among yourselves that people can tell you are Everybody’s into their own thing; their own plans, interests,
My disciples. Show people that you've tapped into the source of dreams, opinions, views – their own world. ‘Except a grain of
Love. wheat fall into the ground & die, it abideth alone... ’ On its own,
Knowledge? Efficiency? Skill? Coolness? --None of these things the grain of wheat doesn’t do much good. And down there in the
come anywhere near the power of love! Be a representative of darkness it doesn’t see, feel or perceive much but its immediate
Love. You represent Me, & I am Love. Stop letting all other surroundings: the earth & the worms, an occasional mole or bug.
ambitions & motives distract you from the one & only true But if it absorbs the heat of My sunshine & the waters of My rain
purpose you're on this Earth for: to love. & lets its shell become soft, something inside starts growing,
which finally wants to burst through the shell of your former
119 ____________________________________________________ confines. And that’s the moment when your old man dies to make
How easily you lose sight of Me, when I’m there all the time. If room for something new, something greater than your former
you only had a notion of how present I am. How real. Become self.
Christ-conscious! Become more conscious of Me! Focus not on And as you grow steadily heavenward, finally you see the light &
the things at hand, focus on Me, & the things at hand will take on eventually find yourself side by side with many, countless other
a whole new meaning & they will come & go with such greater stalks of grain. Your roots intertwined with theirs, you sway &
ease. dance in the wind in unison, you’re not an individual entity
I want you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I’m anymore, alone – no, that lone self & former you has died –
always right here with you! you’re one with the harvest now, ready to ‘bring forth much fruit’.
I need you to be alone with Me before I can teach you how to
successfully live with & lead & guide & shepherd others. There’s 123 ____________________________________________________
always more of Me & what I give is only limited by what you can I am a God of the New. I am always the ‘new’, the unknown
handle. element, which is why people shun Me, for they are used to their
old, comfortable ruts. Because they have no changes, therefore
120 ____________________________________________________ they fear Me not. For I am the God of change, and he that is open
Just because your personal experiences have formed a certain to Me is open to change. He that seeks Me seeks the new.
frame of what you can imagine as possible and what not, it
doesn’t really have any influence whatsoever on the fact whether 124 ____________________________________________________
it’s really possible or not. And My children should always know, I am the difference between life & death. For I am Life, &
that in spite of their own limited experience & all they’ve learned without Me, you’re dead. – Lifeless, motionless, dead. If you
to be ‘possible’ or not, all things are possible to him that would be fully aware of how incapable you are to get anything
believeth, for with Me, nothing shall be impossible. accomplished without My help, you would constantly be seeking
Don’t be deceived by the apparent, don’t limit yourselves to your My contact, desperately grasping for Me as a drowning man
own finite minds and experiences. Ask Me to open your eyes & grasping for air.
expand your vision that you may be able to see those things I am your oxygen. I am what keeps you alive. If I withdraw just a
which right now you can’t see. Call on the keys of vision & fraction of the necessary ingredients to keep you alive, your
understanding, and I will broaden your perception. body would cease to exist. What man is taking for granted is
Just because you can’t see Me doesn’t mean I’m not there. Just actually an endless sequence of miracles.
because you can’t see Uranus, Pluto or Jupiter – at least not in Don’t think of the eternal realm as a lesser realm. The pride of
broad daylight, doesn’t mean they’re not there. Just because you man is thus that he considers his own world superior, just like
can’t see My millions of angels & spirit helpers doesn’t mean... most people consider everything that is their own to be of
and so on. There’s more to life than what meets the eye. superior value than that which is someone else’s: whether it be
their own opinion, their own point of view, their own country or
121 ____________________________________________________ family or way of doing things... their own religion.
Just as it is more blessed to give than to receive, so it is more That’s the difference between true faith & all false religions. True
blessed to love than to be loved. - And the most blessed is the faith is the opposite of all that is ‘your own’, for it comes not from
ability to love unconditionally, even when that love isn’t requited ‘your own’ world, nor ‘your own’ mind, nor from any place or
or even appreciated, to give when you apparently receive nothing realm that is ‘your own’. For the Kingdom of God does not
in return. That is love that overcometh all things. Love that rises belong to any man, but any man can choose to belong to the
Kingdom of God. 127 ____________________________________________________
So, there are those who claim to be Mine, but they only want to Sometimes you have to seek & search in the spirit for the
use Me, instead of letting Me use them. There are those who want cause of your problems, & then I can reveal the culprit, the
to make Me ‘their own’, but refuse to let Me truly call them My perpetrator, the responsible root of evil to you, & it becomes your
own, for they refuse to listen to Me and they refuse to obey Me. target, & then, ITNOTPOTKs, you fire away!
Those are the ones of whom I prophesied in My Word, ‘I have You are continuously under attack by an invisible foe, but with
never known you’. (see Mt.7:22,23) For how can I know them, if My help & through My Spirit, you can locate them, pinpoint them,
they continuously lock Me out of their hearts & lives, when I want & through the weapons I’ve given you, liquidate them, annihilate
to come in & ‘know’ them, make love to them? Only those who let them, & get rid of them! The power I have given you is always
Me love them, come in unto them & possess them can be greater than that of the Enemy!
claimed as Mine, and those, in return, have the right to call Me Unfortunately, a battle is often lost because you fail to recognize
their Lord & Husband. & pin down your enemy! Often you tend to ignore them, brush
If you continue in My Words you will receive the strength to do them aside with an attitude of, ‘Oh, I don’t have time for this
My works. But if you constantly run off, doing your own thing, today!’ But ‘If you don’t get alone with the Lord & lick the Devil
how can you claim you belong to Me? first, you might as well forget it!’
If you really want to serve Me, then start by sitting down at My It’s expedient, absolutely necessary, that you win the victory over
feet & listening to Me daily. You MUST spend the expedient your spiritual enemy first, before you can seriously consider
amount of time with Me each day to fully enter into My making any real spiritual progress. And without spiritual
consciousness – the realm of My Spirit – My heavenly thought progress, there won’t be much progress in the physical realm.
power & My full possession. Otherwise all your works are like You can see the victory or defeat on your faces. A victorious face
nothing. As ‘one that beateth the air’. Stop beating the air right will always go further in spreading My victory & furthering My
now & start making moves that count, performing works that will cause than one that is ridden by trial, self-doubt & defeat...
last, by doing them in My power & by My Spirit, following My After all, nobody will believe that you’re able to help them out of
guidance & instructions. their hole if they can see you stuck in one yourself. So, get the
Let Me empower you before you get to work, & you won’t feel victory first thing before you do anything else: get a hold of Me &
condemned, empty or depressed at the end of the day, & your let Me annihilate the devil for you! Let Me practice My sharp-
sleep will be sweet. Let Me be the One to fulfill your heart’s shooting skill a little bit, by helping you to focus on your target
desires & finally stop yielding to every craving & whim of your everyday, pull the trigger & shoot the balloons of the Devil’s
mind. bluffs & scare tactics for you.
Imagine you’re a deep sea diver. I am the bottle of oxygen on Call on the keys & the names of your specially appointed
your back! That’s how much you need Me! defenders, when being attacked by Lethargy, Apotheon, Pan,
What choice did you make today? Did you choose to sit at My Bacchus, Obstacon, the evil Selvegion or Vandari!
feet & listen to My Words, or did you prefer to run out on Me Half the victory is already won once you recognize & detect their
again? presence or approach. Don’t let them cheat you out of the joy &
You’ve got to make the decision to forsake all & follow Me every happiness I could give you everyday by simply ignoring them or
day of your life! pretending they’re not there or hoping they’ll just go away. That’s
one way how NOT to win the victory: hoping they’ll just go away.
125 ____________________________________________________ Unless you show them Who’s the Boss & that you’re no quitter,
When you will come to be with Me, all your sorrows, your but an adversary to be reckoned with, they’ll always come back &
battles, your trials, will all fade away in an instant & will seem torment you when you least need it.
ridiculously insignificant. Fight, beloved, for this is what you were born & called to do: to
You will immediately be so absorbed by the matters that truly be fighters for Me, warriors to make the Devil tremble. Liberators
count & so overwhelmed by the sheer impact of the eternal of your entrapped & captive brethren. Guerrillas of the spirit who
nature, all your former temporal difficulties, human shortcomings will beat the hell out of the wicked forces of the foe with the new
& failures will be shadows of the past. weapons.
As you will be drawn unstoppably into My light that will make all You’ll have to fight your way through to victory.
those former shadows fade away, you will see & know as you are If I would just give you the reward without you having to fight for
seen & known & you will embrace the new, the much better it, you would never appreciate it as much as once you will have
version of what you’ve left behind in that earthly cocoon. bled & fought for dear life over it! Do you think I’m making a
Let this breeze of eternity soothe your mind & remind you of how mistake? All this battle & fighting business – that’s not the film
irrelevant all your trials & worries are, how unreal they suddenly you’d like to play in?
become when faced with the glory of the eternal realm of My I’m the Director, & I chose My cast, & even though you may have
Kingdom. Trust in Me, that everything I allow to happen in your a hard time believing this, but I know best who’s suited for which
life someday soon will all make perfect sense. When you will role. Sometimes it takes a while for an actor to grow into a role or
come face to face with the final, complete picture of your life, for a role to grow onto them. But when the movie is done, you’ll
every seemingly meaningless stroke will have a perfect purpose. know that I was right. And as you will receive your reward, your
Even those dark shades, the sorrowful times & dark battles &, ‘Oscar’, you will thank Me & say, ‘Even though I initially had my
yes, even your sins, will serve for the contrast needed to make doubts about the Director’s wisdom in choosing me for this part,
that picture perfect. I want to thank Him now for giving it to me in spite of my earlier
protests...’ And you’ll go on to thank your producers, your staff &
126 ____________________________________________________ colleagues, & all the little folks behind the scenes who made it all
Hear! Hearken for the sound of My voice, My whispers, the possible.
Words from My lips, throughout the day! Keep an open ear for I know, it’s a little tough & strenuous at times, the shooting &
the checks & whispers your helpers would like to give you. Learn making of this movie of your life. The training for the battle
to integrate them more consciously in your daily activities. If you scenes alone is wearisome & it’s hot & uncomfortable. And, oh,
become more aware of them & acknowledge their presence the antics of some of those other actors! Well, welcome to the
more, things will flow much more easily, your day will open up Hollywood of the real life!
into a larger range of possibilities of revelations, lessons, Once you take the time to carefully study the script, you begin to
instructions & thus greater efficiency. realize it actually makes beautiful sense, & I promise, there’ll be
If you’re open, they can show you more effective ways of doing grateful tears when you’ll see your name among all the others
whatever you are doing. And always check in with Me & them scrolling down at the end, & you’ll know it will have been worth it
before you start doing something new. all! Your heart will be one great, big 'Thank You!’ And on My cap
you will read a whole-hearted ‘You’re welcome!’
your faith in strong winds, or wreaks judgment over the Earth in
128 ____________________________________________________ fierce storms. Mostly taken for granted, you never miss it as
My Love for you grows. Especially when I see that you’re much as when it’s not there, just like people are most desperate
trying your best to obey Me, trust Me & follow Me... It makes Me for Me when I remove the things that keep them alive, when
so proud of you. they’re nearing their death... That’s when they realize in terror
I’m proud of you for being willing to be different. I’m proud of you that they can’t survive another minute without that certain
for being willing not to be conformed to any cliché, anything something they’ve been taking for granted all their lives, like a
that’s been there, but for having the courage to be something drowning man.
completely new & unorthodox. Independence from Me is as if the Earth would declare its
When it comes to this world, I’ve always been strange & weird, independence from the sun & drift off into space. I’ve written it all
not because I am weird, but because they’re so far away from the over My handiwork: ‘you need Me, you can’t do without Me any
way things are supposed to be. They’re so far away from My more than a fish can do without water, a plant can do without
standard of love, so deep into their darkness, the light scares light, no more than you can live without air: without Me, you can
them half to death. do nothing!’
It takes humility to be willing to seemingly be the loser, but With all their knowledge about the intricacy of My creation, of
humility is one of the most precious & most to be desired how complex everything is, they still refuse to accept Me, just
qualities in the universe! Strive for the golden garment of because that would be ‘too simple’...
humility! It only looks like a shaggy rag in this world, especially View your task as one of a life-guard, offering the rope of
to unbelievers & captives of mammon, but to the eyes of faith it Salvation to a drowning population.
is one of the greatest treasures to be desired. Those who are firmly anchored in this World will go down with it.
If you want to learn of Me, seek humility! If you want to follow Me, But those who let go, and have got nothing to lose are the truly
bathe yourself in humility! If you want to be like Me, acquire blessed ones. ‘Freedom’s just another word for Nothing left to
humility! If you would be truly free, desire humility. Humility is lose’...
wise & meek, not easily puffed up, not easily provoked.... I am your Home & your Refuge! Seek not any Earthly security,
Humility is love. which is all fake & temporal anyway. Stay close to Me, the One
Whatever you do, don’t let it become tainted with pride, but make Who can ensure your safety, your health & your survival,
your humility plain & obvious to all men. For it is pride that wherever you are. Once you realize that nothing else matters but
makes people rise against each other & spout out hateful words. Me, you will live happily & in freedom.
But humility always takes the low seat, apologizes, and is meek.
This doesn’t mean you’re supposed to let them trample all over 130 ____________________________________________________
you, but it does mean that you should remain polite & calm, and I am the Great ANYHOW! My specialty is to do things in spite
not reel off a barrage of bad language, even if you may have all of the unfavorable circumstances & against all odds. The very
the legitimate reasons in the world for it. Trust Me, and leave existence of life is a proof of that. I am He Who creates
these matters in My hands & learn not to get upset when something out of nothing; in fact, everything. I can make
something happens, but to take it as from My hand, even as a something out of nothing, in fact, the less there is of you, the
test. Just take it as something that I’m allowing to happen in your more I can do with you.
life right now, for a purpose, even if it’s just to see whether you’ll The problem I’m having is with those big shot somebodies, who
be smart enough to just give it back to Me. Just say, ‘Thank You, think they really are something. The ones who are too important
Lord, for handing us this situation! Could we now kindly hand it in their own sight to even stop once to acknowledge Me or think
back to You, for You to take care of it? We can’t, Lord! We thank of Me.
You for this terrific lesson, Lord, but You’re going to have to take Rejoice that you are nobody! I can use nobodies a lot better than
care of the details, show us how to handle this & do the rest, the somebodies! Rejoice when you feel small, useless & like nothing!
part we can’t...’ That’s when I can use you! That’s the point where you cry out to
That is wisdom. That is faith. That is believing Romans 8:28. Me & realize that without Me you’re nothing!
That’s trusting Me the way it pleases Me. That’s knowing that I’m
in control. And no matter how grave the situation may look right 131 ____________________________________________________
this minute, by faith & by My grace, you’ll be able to laugh about Satan knows what a loss it is to Me when one of My brides is
it tomorrow, next week, or at the very latest when you’re with Me too entangled in their own matters to come to Me.
in My Kingdom. I’d be honored to prove Myself worthy of the Thank you for rebuilding that wall that had crumbled under the
trust you put in Me. Enemy’s attacks. I bring about greater strength, greater glory &
usefulness out of rebuilt things that had been cast on the junk
129 ____________________________________________________ pile by others. I am a Specialist in healing wounded souls.
Thou art wise that thou art simple in faith to use & claim the I gave Adam the garden, but I didn’t take over the gardener’s role
power of My keys. Avail yourself of their power & nothing & no for him. That was his part. Have faith that I’m able to do for
one shall be able to withstand you. others what I have done for you. If they give Me a chance.
If I hadn’t given you the power to remedy this situation, the
solution, & hadn't made it possible for you to solve this problem, 132 ____________________________________________________
I would not have allowed it. There IS an answer to every problem. Moving feels like dying but it’s also going to be the beginning
It’s just that most people don’t even look for it, or have the faith of a new life. A new deck of cards, a brand new situation, with an
that it is there, or they think, ‘Nah, that’s too simple...’! My almost limitless amount of new possibilities for Me to use you in.
answers always had to be easy enough for a child to grasp them, It’s exciting, and you can feel things really moving. As you move
otherwise they wouldn’t have been universal enough. your ship across the fierce oceans of this life, I will be your
Love is the answer. Prayer is the answer. They can come up with anchor, My Spirit will be the wind to blow you to your destiny &
all their carefully designed plans of improvement, but if they My Words of instruction will be your helm & rudder, steering you
can’t come up with love & faith, they won’t succeed. Sooner or in the directions I tell you to.
later, every human being will have to come face to face with the I’ve got you tightly in the palm of My hand, I won’t let you fall, I
fact that without Me you can do nothing. Let’s face it: without Me won’t let any harm come near you.
you can’t even breathe. Who made the lungs & the oxygen? And I can see things and people the way they’re going to be & they
Who created the process that made an endless supply of oxygen already are in the spirit.
possible? Just because they refuse to give the credit to Me There are many who have been broken, but they don’t know yet
doesn’t change the fact that I’m still responsible for it. about the Potter Who has everything in His hand. How many
Air is a good description of My nature: It is invisible, yet vital & throw their lives away because they see no hope at all. There are
all around you. Sometimes it is warm & still & sometimes whips many who would yearn for the comfort you know. But they don’t
see any hope. your destiny.
That’s why I’m letting you experience the feeling of
abandonment, of feeling completely lonely & forsaken, at times. 135 ____________________________________________________
May these experiences break your hearts for those in the world Never underestimate or despise the little things, much less
who have no notion of Me. You carry My torch, children, so, hold the little people!
it high, for all to see, and become not entangled in your own If you want the full reward, the full blessing, you’ll have to go
bickerings, desires & lacks... things you want and think you lack, through the hard times, full length, breadth & width.
when you lack nothing but the ability to see My abundant Glory in your sufferings, excel in your tough times... that’s rising
blessings & show the due gratitude. above. To smile in situations where others would despair. To be
Lift up your eyes, and hearts and tongues in thankful praises to calm when others would freak out. To feel safe & secure when
Me. Please Me by praising Me! It’s vital to have a thankful there is nothing to hold on to, no rope, no net – only My invisible
attitude. hand. Trust in the face of adversity.
Remember always to thank Me, My love, for things truly could be Don’t despise simplicity, for it bears a beauty that they who seek
worse. It pleases Me so when I see you thankful, even for the perfection know not of.
little things. Constantly focusing on the hole in the doughnut is a
very dangerous trick of the Devil. It’s the opposite of the ‘glad 136 ____________________________________________________
game’: Instead of seeing the good things in a bad situation, he When you shall seek for Me with all your hearts, I will let you
shows you the bad side of any good situation, makes you focus find Me. Though that what you will find is often the opposite of
on that which keeps it from being perfect. what you were hoping for in the flesh, death of self, death to the
Show Me and the world a grateful smile! flesh, death to pride & everything that exalts itself. My road is not
But if you let the Enemy cheat you out of the joy of My blessings the easy road.
by failing to recognize or to acknowledge them, walking around When you put the pleasures of the flesh before My needs, I
under a cloud of doom all day because of whatever you think cannot fully bless you.
you’re missing out on, nobody will believe you that you’ve got When you seek the things of the flesh, I cannot punch through!
anything more than what they’ve got. What you do is weightier than what you say! Good words won’t
Everything I give you is good, and you can accept it, take it, and be able to make up for bad deeds...
use it and enjoy it. Enjoy life as the gift that it is. Enjoy this I always keep My Word, and I want My children to stick to their
school as the gift that it is. words as part of their testimony for Me, and to reflect the good
fruits of their faith in Me by their reliability. If you say you’re
133 ____________________________________________________ going to do something, DO it!
The god of romance, of physical love, of wanting to be loved
instead of giving love is the one that has threatened to take My 137 ____________________________________________________
place in My children’s lives more than any other god, and often Our love is going to help you make it at your very own pace.
he has succeeded, resulting in an empty, dissatisfied life of one There is much to do, but how are you going to do it if you don’t
who has missed My highest calling & will for their life. Beware of learn to make use of My power in order to do it? I knew all along
making an idol out of any human! that you were going to need this time to make it. You don’t have
‘Delight thyself in the Lord & He shall give thee the desires of to torture yourself with self-condemnation & anxiety, wishing you
thine heart.’ You say, ‘Give me the desire of mine heart, oh Lord, could do things better & faster.
then I will delight myself in Thee.’ Once I have given you the Focus on what you’ve got instead of the things you lack. I love
desires of your hearts, you say, ‘more, more! I can’t delight you just the way you are & want you to learn to do so likewise.
myself in You, unless You give me more!’ Addiction to a human You’ve really got no reason to murmur about yourself & the way
being can be one of the worst kind. It is an abomination in My you are made.
sight for any of My children to make a god out of anything or Trust Me that you are just what & who & where you were meant
anyone else but Me. to be.
In your witnessing & in winning people to Me, it can never be All I want is to love you & be loved by you, to communicate with
early enough to point people toward Me, lest they become so you & have you communicate with Me. To make love to you...
focused on you that they can’t let you go, and you will be All I want is you. I long to be all you ever needed. I want to be the
standing between Me and them. fulfillment of all your dreams. Your happiness is My goal, for that
The art of letting go is a prerequisite for anyone truly desiring tohappiness will rub off on others.
serve Me, for one must not only be willing to let go of all other ‘That’s selfish!’ The Devil says. ‘He just wants everybody to love
things – AND persons – that would stand between them and Me, Him!’ Yeah, so what? Who doesn’t? At least they’re always going
but they must actually DO so. to get love in return, and more, much more than they could ever
It’s the difference between being willing to forsake all and give, while he’s got nothing to give except for fleeting selfish
actually doing it. It’s the difference between knowing the way & pleasures & momentary delights; cheap counterfeits of My true
actually walking in it. The difference between being a hearer and happiness. The Devil is the greatest party pooper of all times.
a doer. Show Me your faith by your works. You have got so much more than he’s got to offer, because what
you’ve got is real! It’s lasting! It’s alive, and grows & multiplies &
134 ____________________________________________________ never stops! His version is as temporal as the kicks you can buy
Come, ye that are hungry & thirsty, & partake of the food that with paper money, which will always be worth less tomorrow
will not leave you hungry again, but which satisfies your soul. than it was today, and woe when the fire of testing comes!
The more you move into the realm of My Spirit & dwell in My Then you will stand on your firm ground of gold. The currency of
Word, the more you will see things the way they are seen from true faith will buy you what you need when paper money will be
Our side. All is vanity that’s going on around you. So few seek to nothing but sad history. Be not afraid of the fire, but delight in it,
strengthen the things that remain. But all you do in love will be as it serves no other purpose than your purification. It won’t burn
like a little seed of eternity. or hurt you.
Sow the seeds of eternal life. Save their spirits from starvation.
Go where My Spirit leads you, to the lowly in heart. 138 ____________________________________________________
My Spirit resists the proud but seeks out & makes love to the Remain on My path of love.
humble. No greater power hath any man than the love I have given you,
‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’, for they have a vacuum, they’re My children! For I am Love, and I cannot fail. Love is all there is,
not self-satisfied or pretend to know & have it all. Go where the and all that will remain. Love will remain victorious, the
humble spirits call & beckon you to come. There you will find everlasting conqueror.
fertile ground & fulfillment. There you will be needed & will find If you knew how badly the world needs you, you would hold back
in pride no more, you would freely give, for freely you have Pride is a little kid pretending to be a grown-up. They mimic
received, and they crave it, they yearn for it... ‘This cannot be all’, adults, when in reality, they don’t have a clue of what being an
they say, ‘But what else is there?’ They cannot see it. They see adult is really all about: The worries, the responsibilities, the hard
glimpses of it here or there, in the Hollywood fairy tales, or in a work in caring for others.
brief encounter with someone they feel they might have loved in
another time, place or world, but, they figure, it can’t be real in 141 ____________________________________________________
this world, where everything is so cold & cruel & calculated... I am your Home! I will be your place of refuge; here under My
Show them My softness, My overwhelming love that knows no wings & in My arms you can find rest & safety. I will give you
boundaries! Step out of your pride! Prove to them that I exist. Let more security than any four walls in this world ever could. My
go & be used of Me, My instruments of love! protective force field around you, the hedge of My angels &
helpers around you, protect you from the attacks of the wicked
139 ____________________________________________________ ones.
The path of the least resistance takes you down & ever lower. Faith is the solid foundation I want you to build for your spiritual
Only My Spirit can guide you right where I want you to be. Things Home.
will be worse. Prepare for more uncomfortable situations! Only My children & chosen vessels throughout the ages have always
the ones who are able to take whatever comes, will be able to been thorns in the side of the System, appealing to their charity
make it & stand! for a place to stay, for a meal or for their help in another way.
Take whatever comes as from My hand.
140 ____________________________________________________ I never meant for your journey through this world to become all
Count the cost, My loves, lest you find out in the middle of the too comfortable. I don’t want you to feel at home in this world! I
road that the price is higher than what you are willing and able to want you to be pilgrims & strangers, gospel gypsies & My
pay, and you might have to turn around again. Determine whether ambassadors! Be proud of your vocation, and of your heavenly
you’re really willing to pay the maximum price of surrendering all Home, renouncing your Earthly citizenship.
Many people said they were going to follow & serve Me, went Be Heaven-conscious! I want you to be sure of your Heavenly
back ashamed, because the price turned out to be higher than Home! Prepare for your real, eternal Home!
what they had expected. Make yourselves cozy in the secret place of the Most High! I’ll be
Giving all means total death to self, letting it all go completely, better to you than a known path or anything else you’ve ever
and not clinging to every little straw of pride, any little glimpse of known before! Just trust Me, inhabit Me & let Me inhabit you! I
hope of saving yourself. long to be & live & dwell & move in you, and I long for you to
You cannot climb the mountain of My highest will with a load on dwell in Me!
your back! Pride is too heavy to bear for anyone. It becomes a Look & see with the eyes of My Spirit! Look not at the waves &
burden to anyone else around, as well. Oh, the weight of pride. the wind! Look at Me! I’ll be your ship, your vessel, & I’ll carry
The weight of sin that doth so easily beset you... What back- you safely Home!
breaking pride! Why, My children, why do you carry such a heavy
burden I have not ordained you to bear? 142 ____________________________________________________
All of you must overcome pride if you really want to put Me first Connect to Me in whatever situation I bring across your path.
in your lives. Seek to do the humble thing, constantly. If there is Prepare for greater changes!
an option between 2 things, choose the more humbling option! I Look for My strength, & My opportunity for strength in weakness.
called you to take up your cross & follow Me, not to nail others to Seemingly impossible situations are ideal breeding ground for
crosses & crucify them with haughty looks and proud thoughts & Me to operate.
gestures... I’m forcing you to look up to Me in desperation.
Nothing is impossible, but I’m talking about the limitations you’re I’m waiting on you to love you each day, as sure as you know
imposing on yourselves by your pride, your inability to really let that’s the sun out there...
go completely & let Me take over, and consequently, a lack of (Is.54:10) I want you to become more sure of Me than you are of
faith through a lack of obedience, which comes with the yielding. anything else.
You are in dire need of a lot more humility and determination to Learn to see Me with the eyes of your spirit! I would like to give
make it up that mountain of My highest will. Don’t feel bad about you visions of Me! Try to visualize Me when you seek Me, so that
it or condemned, just let it humble you and let it make you realize you will start learning to see things in the Spirit!
how nothing you are. I have yet many things to show you & reveal to you. Prophecy is
Eat and drink in My Words as if your every breath of life like radio! Discover Spirit-TV! Fine-tune your senses for it.
depended on them. Seek Me not only with your mind’s ear, but also with your
If you’re going to make it, then it’s not because of anything of spiritual eyes & see what I will reveal to you. A picture is worth a
yourself! thousand words, & the gift of vision can be an even more
‘Praise is the voice of faith’, and the opposite is also true: efficient & quicker way for Me to communicate certain things to
cursing is the voice of unbelief, it’s the ultimate statement that I you. Watch out for the great & mighty things of the Spirit I wish
am not in control, it’s the life-blood & breath of murmuring, the to show you! Come & see; taste & see. There is yet so much
epitome & manifestation of thanklessness & ingratitude! more to be heard, felt experienced and seen. I’m more willing to
IF you want to serve Me, then get ready for humble work and total give than you are to receive.
crucifixion of your self! As much as I love you, your beautiful, Fine-tune & adjust your receiver! Tune up for the gift of vision!
divine self, My creation, My bride, the way I can already see you Get ready for Spirit-TV! Stop seeing things merely with the eyes
in the Spirit: that other self, your old man, your fleshly old of the flesh. If you look at people with the eyes of the spirit, you
creature, is an abomination to Me. And in order to completely & will see their true nature. I can reveal things to you about people
fully become that new creature, you have to obey My Word & ‘be that they won’t even know about themselves! I can show you
transformed by the renewing of your minds, presenting your things of the Spirit that will encourage you & will give you new
bodies a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service’! Don’t strength to carry on.
be unreasonable & just strut out there onto the battlefield like You seek a beauty that is not of this world. There is no other
some novice, bragging, ‘Yeah, I’ve got what it takes, alright!’ satisfaction for you than My heavenly light! Come, & open your
As soon as the bullets start zinging around your ears and the eyes to visions of heavenly light! Catch some rays of heavenly
first casualty falls and you get wounded, you’ll be cowering in sunshine, flooding your soul with glory divine!
fright, you will run for your lives, because you were not prepared! Greater light than the sun's. Eternal radiance that doesn’t hurt
Pretending to have faith when you don’t have it is dangerous! the eyes. My light is only pure & good! Seek Me for My pure &
Sit down & humbly start sucking My paps & get some faith by true light!
drinking in the milk of My Word! Bathe in My light! Just a glimpse of My true, eternal, life-giving,
heavenly light will strengthen you & lift you up & encourage you Don’t live by fear, doubt, worry & anxiety, but by faith, hope &
enough to keep going with renewed vigor & strength! love! My way up is down, to the death of self; self-confidence,
Consider My heavenly light that source of energy you need in self-reliance, self-sufficiency. And up on the wings of a glorious
order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom & resurrection from the ashes of that death: a new creature that
blossom into its full beauty! So far, you have felt its warmth & it doesn’t need to worry how it’s going to accomplish or cope with
has pulled you up above the ground from the depth of the cold, this, that & the other, but who simply rises above by My power, in
dark Earth; you have soaked in My water & rain, but now you God-given joy & carefree trust & faith.
must open up your petals fully & look fully into My wonderful Forsake those weights that hold you down! Time for a grand
face! forsake-all! Toss all your worries & excess weight over board!
There is a whole lot more to Me than you have known so far. You I want you desperate & hopelessly dependent on Me, because I’m
truly ‘ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!’ Open your eyes, & I will show you! I your only hope of survival!
will reveal Myself unto you, & all your helpers around you & give I’m teaching you to trust & rely on Me more.
you many visions of things that thou knowest not. There is no Show Me that you know that you can’t make it without Me!
limit to what I can show you with the eyes of the Spirit. I always bless it when My children are willing to forsake the old in
As the days grow ever darker, & you find ever less satisfaction in order to embrace the new.
the finite beauties of the world, look for more, for greater things,
beyond those seen with mortal eyes. 145 ____________________________________________________
You have tried to soothe your hunger for beauty by means of the I want to give you the ability to find peace in the midst of the
flesh. Often what you consider beautiful, is downright ugly & an storm. I will prepare a table before you in the presence of your
abomination to Me, while other times that which you consider enemies & you will lay down in peace, the troubles will not come
ugly is beautiful in My sight. Learn to see with My eyes, and fully nigh you.
put on My mind. My participation in your life has been greater than you previously
When you hear from Me & you are attuned to Me, you can rest in thought, even during times you felt distant from Me. It is I that
My mind, but often, when you’re involved in all your physical long for greater closeness with you, & it's your own mental
activities, you slip out of it again, you elude Me, or My mind conditioning that stands between us.
eludes you, simply because it gets crowded out by your habitual I’m just going according to your pace! I’m taking you step by
way of doing things in the way & strength of your carnal mind. step. Just be ready for Me, & in due time I will open the right
But there is yet a more pure & a more perfect way, My love, and I door! If you continue to faithfully seek Me, nothing can go wrong.
would like to train you in it. Take My hand & I will lead you there, I want you to be that bird singing his songs on the overhanging
to the place where you shall be able to see, see things the way I branch above the raging cataract, the symbol of peace in the
see, perceive things the way I do, that place where you will be so midst of the storm.
enwrapped with Me, you will never want Me to let you go again. The little bird doesn’t see what’s going to happen tomorrow, he
Then & there, we will be truly one. One in heart, in mind & in just keeps singing anyway, trusting that I’ve got it all under
spirit. Then My thoughts will be your thoughts, My Words will be control, that everything’s in My hands.
your words, & all you will have to give to those around you will My kindness toward you shall not depart from you even when
come from Me, & you will finally have learned to be like Me, a true the mountains shall depart & the hills be removed. My thoughts
sample of My love, a doer of My Word, not a hearer only. A walker of you & toward you are full of benevolence & mercy, not
of the path, not merely one that knows the way, but goes the way belittling you, judging you or condemning you for your sins. I
& shows the way. Let Me take you there! Come, let us be one! died for your sins already, so, why should I condemn you for
Come to that point where you’ll want Me as much as I want you! them?

143 ____________________________________________________ 146 ____________________________________________________

When you can’t look anywhere but up, lying flat on your Every morning My mercies toward you are new. I have
backs, I can get through to you the best & reveal My will to you. promised I would care for you, and I will. Don’t let the Enemy
By running away from a testing in one situation, you may only trick you into thinking you’re not important enough or I’m too
find yourself having to start from scratch in another situation, or distant or indifferent to care for you. I died for you, so, you are
having to repeat this lesson later. In other words, the progress is important enough. If I even care about every sparrow that falls,
slower than when one sticks to the situation they’re in. But I give how much will I care for you, My precious ones! You are the
you choices & vents to ease your pains & trials. reason for this whole spectacle on Earth. You and all those I also
If you seek Me first in your hearts & are willing to put your hope to retrieve from the mess the Devil is trying to make out of
personal emotions & desires on the back-burner, I will help you it all.
to make the right decision History repeats itself. The large majority of people have always
There IS no perfect situation on Earth. ignored the warnings of My prophets & were caught by surprise
The question is, are you strong enough to stick it out here until & with their pants down when the troubles came, and it won’t be
you’ve got the victory? Are you willing to obtain a complete any different next time.
victory over your trials by faith & through clinging to My power? You owe it to them, to warn them anyway! Remind people that
Or are you going to run off, hoping the pain will go away? The there is a God who is just, Who will not allow these injustices to
greater blessing lies in gaining the victory over the enemy at carry on unpunished forever. What goes up must come down,
hand, to win this battle here & now. and the bigger they come, the harder they fall. It’s like the law of
I never condemn you for taking the easy way out. I love you way gravity. And the graver the atrocities, the stronger the effects of
too much to condemn you for your weaknesses. However, the that law.
consequences of your choices must always be borne by Continue to teach them, continue to share My Words, old & new...
yourselves. This is a golden opportunity right now to win a Imagine how loudly your words of warning will ring in their ears
golden victory. once they see it all happening.
Be My voice, My messengers, My heralds, My proclaimers, My
144 ____________________________________________________ witnesses, servants, and I will be your strength and all you ever
Since the beginning & the days of old I’ve had to allow your needed.
enemy to test My children, to see whether they would still trust Let My Spirit ignite you!
Me even when all goes wrong. Only the road of obedience will give you the zest & the vigor
Can you rise above these circumstances? Look not at the waves that’s needed.
& the wind & the gray abyss beneath your feet, but look up to Me! My message is the magic that will change lives & bring life to
My hand is always right there. I have never & will never let you others who were as good as dead. You can give a meaning to
fall! their lives. Of course, to be willing to accept & receive the truth is
the primary requirement. Those who lie to themselves & prefer to only a shadow of a heavenly reality... an image of something
live in the lie will always oppose you. All you’ve got to offer is the greater to come.
truth. Live it! Share it, speak it, give it, sing it & I will be with youThe only thing you have that’s just as real as what We’ve got Up
& your mouth & everywhere you go, in all you do & every word Here is the Spirit. Though human spirits on Earth are encased in
you shall speak. earthen vessels, it’s the raw material that My Kingdom is made
of. It still has to be refined, processed & purified, which is the
147 ____________________________________________________ painful process of trials & testings. You are the diamonds we’re
Every situation has to be judged on its own merits. You can’t digging out of the mines of the darkness of your physical world...
apply a standard solution, as every individual situation is Only that darkness could bring forth such precious jewels &
different & has its individual solution. Seek Me for the specific gems. Without the additional beauty from the sufferings of the
answer. present world, the final outcome wouldn’t be the same... It’s the
touch that leaves the beholder breathless.
148 ____________________________________________________ The more you absorb Me, the more you will reflect My light. I’m
Love is the answer, & the more love you’ll receive from Me, what makes you special & what they’re attracted to.
the more love you’ll have at your disposal to pass on. Short Be more conscious of Me & mindful of Me in all your interactions
circuits of the Enemy happen when someone tries to receive the with others. Stay connected to Me & pray for an opportunity to
energy & power not from the appropriate Source, namely from show them it’s Me, giving Me all the glory!
Me, but from somewhere or someone else instead. Lift Me up, so that I can draw them unto Me through you. Be My
Although I have given you each other to be manifestations of My magnet! If it’s only yourself you show & portray, it comes across
love for each other, if you become too obsessed with the as presumptuous & arrogant & pushes them away.
manifestation, it becomes a form of worshipping the creation But if you are connected with Me & are poled correctly, you will
more than the Creator. When human love takes the position that radiate love & humility, & that’s what will attract them. Only boast
My love should have in someone’s life, disappointment is pre- in Me; let Me be that which you want to show off.
programmed. Really showing Me to the people means to show love to the
Trust that I can satisfy you fully. Don’t let the Enemy get your people, which isn’t always that easy when those people are so
focus on the hole in the doughnut & on all that you think you’re deceived & often quite cocky in their ignorance which they
lacking & missing out on, when you’re so richly blessed! mistake for knowledge.
There is a great danger in not recognizing & appreciating My This is why I send you to seek out the humble & poor in spirit,
blessings, for usually the only way for Me to make you appreciate the hungry & not the full. Shine with My light & let them see, hear
& acknowledge them if you’re unable to see them, is by & feel Me in you! Point them to Me by constantly staying
withdrawing them & making you see them by the lack of them connected to Me & perpetually flashing the message, ‘It’s only
when they’re gone. Jesus!’
Gratitude & thanking & praising Me is so important & such a
positive force. Rebuke the Devil when he tempts you to stare at 152 ____________________________________________________
the vacuum, the emptiness, the deep black hole in the middle, It’s hard for your natural man to thrive on a promise that’ll be
that black hole of your desires. Look at Me instead, the great fulfilled sometime in the distant future. You want joy & happiness
Giver & Filler of all things, & praise Me for all I have given you right now & your flesh rebels against discomfort & makes you
already – even if you can’t see it. But if you praise Me for it by want to yell, ‘I don’t care about the future, I want to feel good
faith, I will make it visible to you. I will let you see your blessings, right now.’ Well, that’s where faith comes in handy. Faith acts
which the Devil has been trying to hide from you with that shroud content in the face of adversity because it knows it already has &
of self-pity, of comparing by making someone else’s blessings owns the fulfillment of the promise right now. You hold the title
look so much bigger than yours... deed in your hands. You may still look like a pauper, but you’re
The more you praise & thank Me, the more you will discover to on your way to the bank with the title deed, and when you get
praise & thank Me for, & this will strengthen your faith to pull there, you’ll be a rich man.
down even greater blessings from My hand. Walk with your head Trust Me, that I’ve blessed you with riches, even when you can’t
up in the wind & keep your antenna pointed straight upwards. No see them. Take My Word for it. Trust in My Words even when you
good thing I will withhold from you. don’t feel like it. Aah, that’s when I like those tests the best,
Be thankful for what you’ve got. Express your thankfulness so during those times when you don’t feel like it, because it shows
that I can bless you with more. Me you’re willing to defy natural circumstances; to be cheerful in
I love to give. Giving is My greatest joy. Giving your life for the spite of the way you feel.
brethren is the supernatural, powerful force of love that drives & Don’t let circumstances drive you into a defensive position! Stay
compels you to give all, filling you up with unspeakable joy, to on the attack! Rise above the circumstances.
the point that no matter how much you give, you still feel like you You can rise above anything. New, unexpected situations are
never made a sacrifice. simply new challenges for you to rejoice at & to laugh in their
faces, thanking Me for bringing them along to make you grow
149 ____________________________________________________ stronger.
Only those who are alive, quick & vibrant & ready to change, Say, ‘Thank You, Jesus, for this new battle, for this new
fear, trust, respect and love Me, because they’re finding out I challenge, for this new & strange adversary or obstacle to tackle!
never let them down. In every new situation I will catch them & It is a good day to die! Hallelujah!’ And roar a battle cry that’s
hold them up in My hands, bear them across any river of going to send shivers down the Enemy’s back! Let him know
adversity & take care of them much better than any known way you’re on your feet & a force to be reckoned with today, that he’d
or anyone else ever could. I’m all you need. better clear your path, or he’s going to wish he had! That’s the
Don’t let circumstances sway your decision. I’ll be with you spirit of a warrior! That’s the attitude of a victor!
everywhere you go So many cower in fright or in a state of near-defeat, hoping the
Enemy won’t come near them.
150 ____________________________________________________ You’ve got the priceless opportunity to be My knight in shining
You don’t have to have all the answers right now. What’s armor who stands in the gap & rescues them & gets them out of
important is, that you obey. I’m just waiting on you to say, ‘Yes’ to the Devil’s dark dungeon of defeat. One to rally them together
Me. with a battle cry & to renew their hope & courage, their will to
151 ____________________________________________________ The Enemy has come in like a flood & My Spirit will lift up a
There is always an upgrade & an improvement on each of My standard against him, but My Spirit needs you as a vessel & a
creations in the physical! Everything down there, on Earth, is tool, an instrument of peace to bring back to their hearts what
they lost. The Enemy was dealing with Me & said, ‘Sure they’re all would be considered ‘strange.’ Acceptance & tolerance of the
going to serve You with the fear in their necks that this world is new is every new arrival’s crash course. But new arrivals to
going to pot soon. But give them a little more time & they’ll all fall Heaven are free from fear & thus, what would be fearful
for me, You’ll see!’ And so, I had to grant him more time, I had to suspicion & bewilderment on Earth is only joyful awe &
grant him the ability to display even greater temptations than excitement up Here.
ever before, make his matrix look more appealing, more So, instead of going on the defensive, why not try to see the
attractive than ever before with all its glittering & shiny toys & heavenly potential in others? The points where they might dare
distractions & enticements. I had to let him make Me & My to be different if they could just shed their fears of not being
prophets look like fools to have been predicting an earlier doom, accepted or what others may think about them if they dared to
and now... It’s true, many have fallen by the wayside & have given veer from the status quo? If you come across like, ‘Hey, I don’t
in to the attraction & the lure. Many have been hypnotized by his care if you’re different than me; I love & accept you the way you
sirens & have fallen asleep with the fumes of his opiates. are’, it’ll always be a help to begin with. But if their reluctance to
But I will raise them up again, and you can be there to help them embrace & fully accept you is met by the same reluctance from
up. To show them you’ve been waiting for them. Yes, it may still your side, we’ll just have to wait a while until time will melt the
look like the Devil is winning, but not for much longer. Those who ice & soften the hardness. There’s nothing that’ll make you more
discern the signs of the times can tell that his days are numbered tolerant of others like time, when you’re following Me.
& ‘the wicked shall be turned into hell & all the nations that forget I will even teach you to love your enemies & have pity &
God.’ It will come to pass. compassion upon those who you think want to harm you. If you
So, be not dismayed by the fact that you are few, and less than truly seek to learn from Me & to become like Me, you will learn to
ever, those of you who really mean business for Me. My prophets have mercy. Lighten up, & be merciful on others as I have been &
have always been solitary voices against a mob of mockers & will continue to be with you.
scoffers who would have pulled them off the wall of conviction & The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. To will & desire
My highest calling. You’re in good company. And compare the My good work & pleasure you find in you, but to do it, you don’t
rewards. What is the reward of a life lived in selfish comfort? find so easily. If your sample would match your inward desires to
What is it, compared to the glories I have prepared for you? be loving like Me, you could be bearing so much more fruit.
Pray that I will enable you to act according to your belief. Faith
153 ____________________________________________________ which worketh by love is the formula for success with people,
You must spend time loving Me, otherwise you won’t be able especially for winning them to My Kingdom. Keep on loving!
to function properly. I’m in the process of making you utterly Keep on trusting! Keep on believing that I am there & will reward
dependent on Me, because it’s what you need. If you don’t learn your every effort you make, to be a sample of My love! Whatever
it, how are they ever going to get the point? thou spendest, I will repay!
Be a sample of a God-follower! You don’t have to know anything
except how to call on Me & receive My answers. If you do this 155 ____________________________________________________
faithfully, they’ll see that it works, & they’ll follow your sample! Happiness is usually found elsewhere than you assume. Get
a glimpse of My bird’s eye view, & you’ll be able to tell which
154 ____________________________________________________ roads will turn out to be dead end streets & which roads lead to
Good times will come & go. I’m the only steady & constant higher ground & progress. Usually the road of forsaking all is the
Source of security, inspiration . Only I can safely guide you along one that leads you higher, whereas if you refuse to let go of all
this rugged, steep & dangerous mountain path. ‘Folks you meet the excess weight of your personal desires, it drags you down to
on your way up aren’t always kind’ & often they even serve as an where it keeps you stuck in a hole somewhere.
additional test, whether they’ll be able to persuade you to quit & The first step to becoming My disciple is forsaking all. Matthew
give up by the lack of being the support & encouragement they’re 19:29 still applies & works today! I can only give you a hundred-
supposed to be, or even by failing to show appreciation for your fold of all you leave & forsake for Me if you actually do so.
encouragement & support you’re trying to give them. Forsaking all is never done just once & for all; it’s a process that
Do you really do these things as unto Me, or in order to receive goes on.
their love, sympathy, attention & praise? I never ask you to give up one thing without giving you
One thing that’s going to help you overlook others’ faults is something better. And even NOTHING is better in some cases
remembering your own & what a hopeless mess you are than clinging to something that’s not My highest will for you
yourself. Don’t expect everybody to recognize your motives as anymore, because ‘freedom’s just another word for nothing left
pure & right when you can’t even be 100% sure of their purity to lose’: I.o.w., freedom is sometimes equivalent to having
yourself, knowing that the heart of man is a deceitful thing, who NOTHING! Nothing to tie you down, to keep you stuck or chained
can know it? to some stake or rut in the ground.
I know how it feels not to be accepted by those you call your Dare to step out & let Me be sufficient for you. Let Me be all you
own. Consider it part of being a partaker of My sufferings. ever needed & I’ll prove it to you, that I am! What else do you
Sometimes a man’s accomplishments are not recognized until need besides Me? Right! Nothing!
his life is over & his fleshly presence is taken away. Not many of All you need is Me. Everything will make perfect sense if you put
My children have been granted the privilege to rest on their on My mind & let Me grab hold of you in final total possession!
laurels & reap all the credit for the gifts they shared with the You will no longer grope around blindly & will no longer be led
world during their lifetime. People are too narrow-minded to fully astray if you let Me be your Guide, Your eyes, your senses, your
appreciate revolutionary, radical new gifts that seem strange to Everything.
The different kind always have a harder time. Why do you think 156 ____________________________________________________
they all adapt & conform to each other, wearing the same style of The drawing power, the suction, the empty space you create
clothes & the same fashionable hair-cut? That’s the easiest way. in you for Me to fill is the way to happiness & fulfillment. I can
If you’re not different but show that you want to be like them, it’ll answer every question if you’ll but ask, solve every problem you
be easier for them to accept you. They won’t have as many put Me in charge of, fill any need & empty space you open for Me!
suspicions about you but will quietly accept you as one of their All nature is full of examples of this principle: Every creature
own. seeks her mate to unite with, so together they can bear fruit.
Only in My Kingdom can people be free & bold enough to be Everything is a sample of how My love, My heart seeks you &
what they really are inside their innermost selves & reveal yearns for union with you.
themselves openly. It’s because all fears are history here. Fear of And in becoming one with Me, you will become one with all the
the unknown, fear of the strange & different. In Heaven there are other partakers of My love. And the result will be one big, happy,
so many different styles & people, beings & things that on Earth joyful, universal Family, My Kingdom of Love!
It ever grows & expands. time on Earth is good preparation for greater things.
Most people never even acknowledge My presence nor existence 'Get out of yourself & get into others!' Witnessing is what it's all
at all, blatantly denying the possibility of My existence in spite of about, and there are enough lost sheep out there to keep you
the plain evidence all over My creation. Imagine your children distracted from your own problems and feelings of self-pity for
just simply refusing to acknowledge your v existence! – ‘No, I’ve the rest of your lives.
got no father! – I simply came into being by an unplanned, After all, that IS life! You have never lived as intensely & as
random process called evolution...’ If you think you have reasons thoroughly & as fully as when you've been out there on the battle
to be frustrated sometimes, all I can say is ‘Welcome to the club!’ field, fighting for the souls of man, beckoning them to enter My
Kingdom & shooting My bullets of light & life into the Devil's
157 ____________________________________________________ territory & land of the dead.
Open pathways are before you everywhere; if you will just There are many who feel deep down inside that they're not of this
open your spiritual eyes you will see them. In the flesh you only world, and if I could motivate you to get concerned about My lost
see the limitations, the confines, the ‘hole’ in which you see sheep out there to step out & search for them, & call them into
yourself. Seek Me, therefore, to lift you out of your hole & onto My house, how much more blessed would your own lives be! You
the pathways of your choice. Remember, God’s way up is down, would feel so much more joy & excitement instead of all this
& the road of greater obedience is often the least attractive one. I introspection & analyzing, wondering & worrying.
give you alternatives, but don’t expect them to be as richly That's the main purpose of this Family! I was a missionary, & if
specked with as many hidden blessings as that special path of you want to be a true follower of Me, then that's what you, too,
greater obedience. The alternative roads, those which contain a will be.
certain amount of compromise, don’t have any hidden blessings, You've got the choice: whether you boldly stand up for Me &
for they already appear to be so ‘blessed’ & easy – there may be proclaim, announce & testify Me before men, or prefer not to rock
hidden trials involved, though. the boat, to just hide your light & pull it out occasionally. Are you
Your primary responsibility is to make sure you get a hold of Me a do-or-die revolutionary for Me, a shiner, or a light-hider? Don't
& My perfect will for you & find My perfect path for you. If you hide your light, let it shine. Follow & obey that heavenly
seek counsel, only rely on those who follow God. commission with heavenly rewards of greater joy & fulfillment
What looks like the difficult path to you may be in reality the than anything you've ever known, and an eternal crown to shine
easiest path, for when you can’t do it, I’ll do it for you. Quit like the stars.
struggling in the flesh & let Me take over! Make Me happy by trying to make others happy, telling them
I must make you so sick of compromise, you’ll get so disgusted about Me! See how much more happiness will fill your walls!
with it, you’ll never want it again! Compromise is your most Each tract you leave in somebody's hand will be a strike at the
treacherous enemy! It’s the very voice of the Enemy, using your Devil's heart. Demons can't stand the sight of a victor, the shine
flesh to get you to settle for the lesser option to keep you from of a Lord-sharer, the conviction of a cross-bearer, the umph of an
walking My highest road... overcomer, the mercy of a missionary, nor to get into the way of a
Seek Me more desperately! Realize how much everything warrior for Me! (Dan.12:3)
depends on learning to get My counsel & direction & be more You wanna shine like the stars – forever? Be wise & share My
urgent, more alert & desperate about it! I can only answer you light with them that sit in darkness, & turn as many to
with the same intensity with which you seek Me! righteousness as will receive Me, & you will! You will already
To be a hearer only, instead of a doer means you’re actually shine in this life & people will see it, not to mention the way in
deceiving yourself! which you will shine when you come to My kingdom! Let it shine!
What hast thou that thou hast not received? Let’s start all over
again on a good, firm, solid foundation of knowledge of the fact 159 ____________________________________________________
that in reality, when it comes down to it, you’ve got & know He that soweth to the flesh will reap the corruption of the
nothing! flesh. The flesh corrupts. It corrupts the spirit & chokes the
Nothing’s pretty good for starters, at least it is for Me! Much things that really count. Only the Spirit brings life!
better than some of the stuff that some people think they have, Your fleshly loss has been your spiritual gain. In losing your
that’s only creating a mental road block preventing Me from pride of life you have found Me, My voice, & a humbler path.
starting to really work in their life! Long live the Spirit! And it does. It lives forever.
That’s why forsaking all is so important: it leaves you with In becoming partakers of the spiritual, the eternal, you’re taking
nothing but Me, & when I’m all you’ve got, then you’re really free on a very special role in this world, for you have inherited that
to just let Me use you & do it through you! If My children could eternal, immortal ingredient, which marks you as different &
only let go of the things that weigh them down, knowing that I makes you stick out from them.
can more than supply everything they need. But the road of utter The less there is of you, the more the light shines through. You
trust is like death to the flesh... When it comes down to it, you’re must decrease so that I can increase in you. Are you willing to
either going the way of the flesh or the way of the spirit, which become a little bit less of yourself & a whole lot more of Me?
will require a complete break with relying on the flesh.
Whatever happens, I will take care of you! You’ll always be safe 160 ____________________________________________________
under My wings & I will care for you all the days of your life! (John Lennon:) Thank the Lord for it, even if He used the
Seek Me even harder & more diligently! Get down to more Devil to bring it along.
serious business with Me in seeking My guidance! Beware of How much more powerful God is than the Devil! I had
comfortable compromise! ... Learn to be consequent & follow underestimated Him, you know? That’s a mistake you’re prone to
through on the things I show you! For the flesh battles in you, to make when you judge God by the people who supposedly
get its way, to push its way through, to sway you & influence you represent Him, & their interpretation of what He supposedly said.
to settle for the lesser option than My best.... Only if I become the Hear Him yourself! You can judge for yourself! Just like you hear
primary point of your focus, can you operate the way I truly want the Devil’s message all around & everywhere in the images,
you to. sights & sounds of violence, selfishness & greed & ‘Buy this, buy
that & the other!’, so you can hear God’s voice all over, too. He
still speaks & doesn’t limit Himself to any man-made rule &
158 ____________________________________________________ boundaries as to who or what He uses to speak through.
In the multitude of counselors there is safety & where there Just remember the Christian lady with her bread & thank Him
are 2 or 3 gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst when you hear His message, even if the Devil did bring it, as in
of them. Learning to counsel together, to communicate & to the case of many movies, books & songs.
come to decisions together is a good thing. We counsel & He really is all-powerful & everywhere & even capable of just
communicate a lot Up Here, so, learning to do it during your life- using the Devil for His own purposes. So, don’t be afraid of the
old punk. Your God is so much greater, so much more powerful,
He won’t let the Devil near you. You’ll be quite awed & silenced 164 ____________________________________________________
by just how great He is, one day! Look up & cheer up, mate! When you get to the end of your rope, then I have a chance!
There’s really nothing to worry about! Many of My servants have found out to their surprises what
things they were still capable of when they already thought their
161 ____________________________________________________ times of usefulness were over.
Good & evil can’t coexist peacefully, one will give way to the I don’t need anyone who is strong in themselves, I need
other. somebody weak, who in their own flesh can’t do it, somebody
If I had not flooded the Earth in Noah’s times, you never would utterly dependent on Me. I need holy holes & nothings to fill up
have seen this day. If I wouldn’t have asked Abraham to sacrifice with My Something! It’s good if you feel incapable!
Isaac you and no one else never would have known what it truly I’m tossing you into the water & you’ll only be able to breathe by
means to love Me above all. My miracle-working power. It’s pretty hard to trust in yourself
And is it really so selfish & cruel of Me to want everybody to love when you need a miracle for every move. You’re not going to
Me first? I’m just telling you what’s good for you. Just like every make it walking in the flesh, only if you rely utterly on My Spirit.
plant grows towards the sun & flourishes & prospers by obeying Throw yourself completely on Me! I will carry you!
that law of nature, so will you if you will obey My law of love. But
if you turn away from Me, your spiritual Sun, you won’t prosper & 165 ____________________________________________________
grow, but wither & die, that’s how simple it is. Sometimes all I need in order to be able to do greater things in
Only the rebellious, the jealous, the envious the proud, those someone’s life is for them to realize that they can’t do it all on
who’d like to be the big head-honcho themselves, like Lucifer & their own. It’s a good thing to learn to ask for help. Humility is so
anyone else who’ll ever listen to him, they have a hard time precious, and yet so rare!
yielding & cow-towing to an even greater One than themselves. Babies and humility are related.
They don’t want to soak up the sun, they want to be the sun Children are an heritage of the Lord, and by rejecting this
themselves, but in so doing, they become a black hole sun, heritage, selfish people are forfeiting their heritage & their part in
radiating blackness & darkness, poisoning the world. Me. Only the selfish dislike children.
They’re polluting the world with their rubbish. And what do you Children are a more important factor than many realize. They’re
do with rubbish? Clean it up! Get rid of it! You recycle what can the fruit of man, although some have come to accept the concept
be salvaged & still be used & get rid of the rest. Now, what’s so that the fruit more worthy of bearing is their little colored
unloving about that? That’s what any loving father, keeper or papers... The love of money is the root of all evil, and if you
creator of anything would do: Keep & protect his children, consider money a greater & better fruit to bear than children,
offspring, flock or creation from harm & varmint that might then you’re on the Devil’s track, not Mine!
threaten to destroy or cause them to get sick, & so, you get rid of Your children will still be your heritage from Me, even long after
the threatening menace. the last bill of paper money will have gone down the drain.
Some people nowadays might not call that love, but I consider it Welcome them with arms wide open, love them as I have loved
My loving responsibility. Nowadays people confuse leniency for you, and that love will never return unto you void. Even IF the
love, letting them get away with anything... But that’s not love. I Enemy gets a hold of them temporarily & twists & warps their
require obedience, because nothing but obedience to Me will minds & turns them against you! Let it be a test of unconditional
ensure your happiness & safety. And I will do My best to protect love, like I have loved you unconditionally, even when you turned
My lambs from the influences of those who try to lure them away from Me. Forgive them as I have forgiven you and continue to
from the straight & narrow path of strict obedience, which is the forgive!
road to happiness & a safe haven. Love in spite of failure, that’s real love. Only unconditional love is
Especially when your child is young, you protect it even more really love, everything else is just opportunistic attraction. I
zealously from danger. The older he gets, the more you allow to chose to make you & everything in this world imperfect, so that
happen to him, to let him learn to reap the consequences of his when you will meet the perfect, it will be all you ever longed for.
own actions. That’s why right now you see less cataclysmic You, the imperfect, are the hole, the vacuum, that I, the Perfect
intervention from My hand. I will have to allow the world to follow must fill, and the more you realize just how imperfect you really
that rebellious punk to his bitter end, in order to learn a lesson are, the more you realize how much you really need Me, and the
that will keep them behaving for a thousand years. more perfect our union will be. I am the factor in the equation that
will transform you from the imperfect state to the perfect, I am
162 ____________________________________________________ the good in you and about you. Cling to Me, absorb Me, & I will
A baby is always a token of My love, not a problem! It may rub off on you & it will change you for the better. Those who
bring about some new challenges, but start taking a positive reject Me will go the opposite way. And in the end, each man will
approach to the new wonderful things I bring about in your lives! reap what they have sown & will be showered with their reward.
I will care for My own, and as with everything else, you’ll see in
the end that this is the best thing that could have happened! 166 ____________________________________________________
How many miracles & wonders I have wrought in your life! Don’t Never neglect Me, the Sunshine, the Source of love & warmth
you think to get you to the destination of My choice will be an in your life! For there were times when you looked elsewhere for
easy thing for Me? What’s important is that you act by faith, that utter satisfaction of your inward needs. You were looking
knowing that I can & will do it! Act as if it’s gonna happen and it’s hither, thither & yon, but you did not find it until you finally
gonna happen! Don’t forget your umbrella when you ask Me for turned towards Me, in full expectancy & knowledge that I am the
rain! One Who can fulfill your needs, and I alone.
I’m sorry for the pain those times have caused you, when you
163 ____________________________________________________ were wandering through the deserts of this life, looking for a
Now that I’ve managed to stretch your vision toward further source of inspiration here, behind this rock, or there, in that tent,
horizons I would like you to walk mindfully of this, your new and all you found was bitter disappointment. I, the Lord, your
vision, wherever you go & whoever you talk to. I always bless it God, am a jealous God, for I love you ardently, and I could not
when you faithfully witness & testify of My higher calling for you. permit anyone or anything else to take My place in your heart any
Stay faithful to the vision & keep it fresh in your mind & on your longer!
heart everyday, knowing that there is a higher calling for you, a Those you are living with now are having to learn the very same
higher destiny that I have in store for you, & if I have promised it, lesson! How do you pass it on? Point them to Me constantly,
know that I will bring it to pass! Prepare for it! especially in your sample! If you’re a satisfied customer yourself,
Keep this vision & make it known. If you go in obedience to Me, this will speak much louder than any words you can say.
you’ll know that I will protect you, you’ll be safe from harm. The reason why I want you to come & get the love from Me, is
because I want you to share it, I want you to pass it on! Come & before you, the importance of the message I have asked you to
get it & then pass it on! share with the World, & the urgency, the life & death matter of
Can you give sufficient love out of your own personal reservoir getting out there & saving lost souls!
to even completely satisfy one other single human being? No, Have compassion for My sheep out there, you’re going to find
the only Source of Love that can truly satisfy any human heart them, if you seek! Look at what I have given you and what more I
am I, so, come, turn to Me, love Me with all you’ve got, bring your am able & willing to give you and despise it not.
empty vessels & let Me fill them up to the brim, and then you can Choose this day what difference you will make & what mark you
share what you’ve got & what you just received from Me. Only to will leave in the world, how many you’re going to save, and how
return to receive more next time & the next... you’re going to change the course of history & destiny! Take this
challenge seriously, & let it spur you to action for Me! Together
167 ____________________________________________________ we can make it against the evil one & snatch many from his
The Devil may stand in front of you & sneer, ‘What do you clutches that he would destroy unless you & I intervene to save
think you’re going to accomplish with that tiny, ridiculous them from their otherwise bleak destiny! Can you receive their
flashlight of yours, in my all-surrounding darkness?’ But he only signal? S.O.S.! ‘Save our souls!’
dares to try to bluff you because he knows you can’t see what he
sees. That torch you’re wielding is a searing hot weapon that 168 ____________________________________________________
makes his demons squeal & run, and he knows the only chance Often I had to watch you rush out the door in this way: ‘Now
he has of getting you to stop is to bluff you into thinking it is not a time to stop, look & listen; now is the time to forge ahead
doesn’t really amount to much after all, what you’re doing. in our own steam, for this thing that I’ve got to do is the most
And so, he tries to distract you with personal problems, makes important thing & we can always put the Lord first later!’
them look much bigger, more important, more relevant, than this And then you wonder why you’re having tough times & battles &
‘unimportant little light’... But, hey! Don’t let him fool you! It’s why things aren’t running as smoothly... If you want things to run
exactly the other way around: Your personal problems are tiny, smoothly, you’ve got to apply the oil of the Spirit! You’ve got to
unimportant & insignificant in comparison to the monumental take the time to put Me first in every situation & in any kind of
task of flooding the Devil’s territory of darkness in My light! situation! You had better take Me along, if you don’t want
You have the power to bring life wherever you go. Your sharing situations where every moment is agony & ‘Why me, Lord?!’ You
the Word with people wherever you go makes all the difference better spend extra time with Me on days when you’re
there is between life and death! Without you & your pouring out exceptionally busy & need extra strength & energy, & not crowd
the Word, there is only barren soil everywhere, being scorched Me out of your life & exclude Me!
by the heat. There may be fertile ground here & there, but we’ll And until you’re going to learn it, how can you expect anyone
never know until you give it a chance by sowing the seeds of My who looks up to you, to learn it? You’ve got to set the sample &
Word on them & watering them! Let it rain! Let My love pour forth the rhythm & the tune which the others are going to dance &
& rain down on you and them! move to! If you play your jerky, ‘Let-me-do-it-in-the-flesh’ tunes,
We’ll never know the difference unless you do. The difference that’s the kind of jerky moves you’ll get! But if you play your
between what is and could be or could have been... You have the relaxed & calm, ‘Hey, let’s trust the Lord for anything’ melodies,
power to change destiny. You can help Me change destiny. You everything jumps in rhythm, everything flows in tune...
can save a lot of people! You’d better tune right in on Me!
You can give Me detailed instructions of things you would like to I’ve been around all those years, you just haven’t been able to
change in this world that you see going wrong, pray for them in see Me this clearly, but the more you open your eyes, look to Me
the name of the power of the keys, and you will change destiny! & spend time with Me - the more you’ll seek Me, the more you’ll
In the name of the power of the keys you can change destiny! find & see!
You can change history! The history of what would become Soon, you’re going to see Me everywhere & in everything, for
unless you make your move, reach out & make that connection that’s where I am, literally! Sometimes you’ve just been seeing
with Me & apply that power of the keys to get Me to change the the Devil too much in everything & you figured, ‘No, the Lord
course of things! So many people that may have been destined couldn’t possibly be in that place, it’s already occupied by the
to die could be saved. And yet so many you could have saved Devil...’ Well, look beyond, & you’ll see that whatever place the
might die because you didn’t do anything... Devil may temporarily be usurping, he’s only waiting to get his
Think about it, what power I have given into your hands, and the butt kicked out of there.
difference between what will or won’t happen, depending on all I’m putting on My boots, & you’ll be watching him run in no time.
you will or won’t do! I haven’t given this power into everybody’s So, look again! You may not have seen Me there before, but look
hands, but I have chosen you! Yes, insignificant, unimportant again! I am the deeper layer, the true foundation, that which the
little you & you & you have I chosen, to put into your tiny little Enemy has only been trying to cover up & hide with his fake false
hands the power to change the destiny of people & whole front & illusion!
nations. Please be careful & faithful with that power, & apply it to Many people believe in it, but you just poke your finger in it &
the best you can! It’s a great privilege & also a great show it’s just a fake – a slimy film & layer that’s been placed over
responsibility. Don’t let the Devil belittle what you’ve got in your the real truth, and you can just rip it off & wipe it away with one
own sight or make your own little problems look so much bigger wave of your hand & the magic wand I’ve given you – the Word &
or more important to you! If you really get down to serious the power of the keys!
business of changing the world for Me, you will forget about your Let them see what you see. Pray, like Elisha prayed for Me to
problems, you’ll see that they were just an illusion created by the open his servant’s eyes, so pray for them, that they may also see.
Enemy of your souls & the souls of those you are to save, to But in order to make others see, you’ve got to also make sure
distract you from your important task! you stay permanently focused on Me & don’t let anything divert
You could save someone from being completely lost in this cold or distract you! Keep your eyes on Me, the author & finisher of
& lonely world, just like I saved you out of it. Didn’t it make all the your faith, & keep tuned right in on Me!
difference in the world to you that someone reached out to you &
shared My light, My Word, My Salvation with you? You can make 169 ____________________________________________________
that same difference in the lives of others. Someone might be Remember Isaac! Only once Abraham was willing to sacrifice
waiting for you to reach out for them & save them, just like I used & yield that which he loved most dearly, was I able to bless him
someone else to find & save you! Can you do for others what I & mightily to become the ‘father of faith.’ I cannot tell whether you
others have done for you? truly love Me first until you’ve really lain your Isaac on the altar.
I’m not asking you to ignore the problems, but to claim My power Letting go of the person you love most in all the world is a
to rise above them. You’ll see how insignificant they are painful process, but one day you’ll see the perfect sense in this.
compared to the monumental significance of the task I have put I’ve got to have you open, ready & willing for anything. So, seek
& ye shall find, knock & it will be opened unto you, ask & you will loss of My physical presence. They just waited for the fulfillment
receive. Pressed down, shaken together & a good measure will I of some promise I had given them, that only made sense to them
mete into your bosom for trusting Me fully & putting Me first in vaguely. They couldn’t even begin to imagine what the Holy Spirit
your lives! was, or the Comforter I had been telling them about.
So, they waited, just like you right now, in a state of uncertainty
170 ____________________________________________________ of what’s going to happen next, but they were not disappointed,
You have to continue to make the right choices everyday. & went on to greater works than they ever would have dreamed
Every day I’m presenting you with a new challenge to follow Me, of. So, keep waiting patiently on Me & for Her, it’s going to be
everyday I’m calling you to leave your boats & fishes & the affairs exciting!
of this life.
173 ____________________________________________________
171 ____________________________________________________ Your children ARE important – to Me, and they should definitely
I love you with all your mistakes, just the way you are, so, if be to you! You should do the best you can for them, and you
you wanna be like Me, you can love yourselves, too! MUST be faithful in that which is not really the least: your little
Quit listening to the Devil & believing all the lies he tells you ones.
about yourself or others. Your little ones are of great concern to Me, and you can’t really
This is a war you should be able to enjoy because you’re so far be a good missionary or disciple if you’re a lousy father or
superior to your enemy! He’s bluffing & lying & trying to trick you mother. So go & learn what this meaneth: ‘I will have mercy, not
with his magic of making everything he’s got look sooo big. sacrifice!’ Whatever sacrifices you may be able to make for Me as
But all you’ve gotta do is snip your fingers & the facade a missionary on some far flung field can't amount to much if you
collapses & you see the wondrous glorious reality of how things have failed those very ones I have entrusted you with... It’s all a
really are, namely that I am truly in control, not he. test, My love, all a test, and transporting you across some ocean
When I return, it will be like somebody snipped their finger & the won’t make a great missionary out of you if you can’t even love
spell of the hypnotist is broken. His illusion is NOT reality. Even those in your own back yard. I want you to show My love for
though there are a lot of hypnotized people out there who are them.
convinced that what they are seeing right now is real, your magic I told you they were your mission field... have you watered your
is much stronger than the evil magician’s, & you can free people little plants? Have you cared for your garden? Have you been
from Satan’s spell & wake them up out of their trance! Refuse to faithfully sowing My seeds into their hearts? Is your sample such
let fear – his greatest trick – have any grip or power over you that your children would want to assume your life-style?
whatsoever! Come & get soaked in My perfect love every hour of How does your sample come across? Do they really feel like
every day! Let us never be apart! Let’s stay connected! He may you’ve got something to offer them, better than what they’ve got?
growl & try his scare tactics on you, or try to weave one of his Whatever your goals may be, love is still the most important
hypnotic spells of doom & dismay, but you can zap him with the thing, and that’s what will speak louder then anything else you
power of truth. may do or say. Love is all they need & want from you, and if they
I have given you power over Satan, and I want you to apply it! ‘In won’t get it from you, where are they going to get it?
the name of the keys of the kingdom we’re gonna bring Satan to Consider it a golden opportunity, this handful of young souls at
his knees!’ He’s going to cower before you & whine & beg you to your disposal right now, ready & receptive for your love; hungry
stop. for your love! Could there be anything more important in this
I’m right behind you, & there’s nothing the punk can ever do to whole world for you to do than trying your best to fill that need?
harm you. He only will keep trying if he senses that there’s doubt You’ve been wanting to give them My Word & doctrine. But the
in your heart. He only has power over you through any seeds he essence of that is LOVE, and without love, it’s all dead works, &
has sown in your heart that you’ve allowed to grow there. But if love is the only language they’ll understand right now. Speak it!
your garden is clean and strong, filled with My life-giving Word, & You’ve got it, so, give it.
you’re in tune with Me, he can do nothing! You’ve got something to give that the System hasn’t got ... love,
He only attacks when you’re weak. That’s why it’s so important the greatest & most important thing of all, without which all these
that you stay faithful & really make Me your A No.1 responsibility other things are useless, meaningless & empty! Love is all you
& focal point in life, every day! need!

172 ____________________________________________________ 174 ____________________________________________________

Are you willing to extend the same amount of patience, love How do you inspire someone to give more love? Simply by
& forgiveness to others that has been shown you? If I have being a faithful example of giving all the love you can, yourself!
forgiven you your great debt, why shouldn’t you forgive them How do you pull somebody out of their hole of pride, of twisting
theirs? any little innocent phrase uttered to mean a personal attack
Maybe I’m just allowing them to be so weak to test you & see against them in their mind? How do you keep someone from
how you will handle it, how much patience you will have for crawling back into their den, time & time again? How do you
them, how much love; how much you will pray for them to make inspire them to praise Me? Well, the same thing applies! You’ve
it! got to be such a sample of outgoing communication, of humbly
It simply takes time for faith to grow. What’s important is that you opening yourself up & communicating, instead of withdrawing &
each make the connection with My Holy Spirit & let Her empower closing up, that it becomes contagious. Make praising Me a
you to do what you can’t, let Her take you over. The Comforter contagious habit! Don’t be dragged down by their negativity &
comforts you over the fact that you can’t do it & helps you do it! lack of praise, but pull them up to a higher level by praising Me
Like a Mother will say to a frustrated child, ‘Come here, let Me all the more cheerfully.
help you!’ Like a mother taking her child’s hand when he’s trying You’ve got to learn not to let them drag you down to their level,
to write or draw something beyond his ability, She guides your you’ve got to learn to pull them up! Your ‘UP-power’ needs to be
hand & does it for you. You hold the pencil, but She guides your stronger than their ‘down-power’! You must learn to become a
hand. thermostat, regulating the ‘temperature’ of the atmosphere
All you’ve got to do is be yielded & willing vessels, and that’s around you, instead of merely being a thermometer, measuring &
where the only problem lies: all your wiggling around & your own reflecting the temperature given off by those surrounding you.
ideas of things you think you’ve got to do in your own strength, The problem isn’t really much more of a problem than what they
or things you feel you’ve just got to have right now. That’s why a would call a mathematical problem in school: It’s a test & an
broken heart is such ideal breeding ground for My Spirit to start exercise, a lesson for you to learn, to make you smarter, wiser &
working in you: You’re not as full of your own desires. You’re a better shepherd, sample & fighter! So far, the problems &
grieving over some great loss, like the disciples were, over the enemies you’ve had to battle, were your own, but the next grade
of this school is to learn to overcome the enemies & problems Pride sucks the very joy out of life.
others are battling with. You no longer just take care of yourself, You’ve got to keep fighting that old man, you’ve got to keep
your own little problems, but you’ve become responsible to help forsaking all & you’ve got to re-commit yourself to Me & My
others with theirs as well. That’s what learning to be a shepherd cause afresh every day!
is all about. So, pray for them & their problems, as you would for Be faithful everyday to say ‘yes’ to Me, over & over again. In
your own; don’t get frustrated about them, much less allow any order to make the right choices & make the best out of everyday,
of them to drag you down. It’s time to stop being the baby you’re going to have to remind yourself each day anew of that
yourself, but take care of others. you belong to Me & that I’m all you’ve got that really counts... and
Don’t be like those kids who consider school to be a drag, but nothing else matters!
consider it a privilege. The very situation you’re in is specially When you wake up in the morning, remember that you are Mine &
tailored for you & your needs, your NWOs & the very things you your life belongs to Me & you’ve got to consciously commit that
need to learn to grow & make progress. day into My hands, or things might simply not turn out as well!
Don’t give up on them, but have faith for them, pray for them, That’s what putting Me first means.
fight for them. All these things are happening for your sake & Hearing My Words & not doing them is like sand. Obedience is a
benefit, to make you stronger! solid rock foundation you can build your life on – everyday!
You should be very thankful for them, as without them there Remember that I’ve got you, and commit everyday into My hands
would be no lesson, no wonderfully challenging situation you first thing, before the Devil has a chance to distract you with
can learn so much from! Do your best to be a faithful sample of something else.
love! Don’t let your pride get in the way of communicating & making
If you flunk the test, they might flunk the test. A lot of their progress! So much depends on you & how you take it & what
progress depends on your progress; their sample is largely you make out of it!
dependent on yours.
Rejoice over the glorious opportunity of a new battle to win for 177 ____________________________________________________
Me! THAT’S the spirit of a warrior! That’s the kind of soldier I’m I long for you to find satisfaction, grace, strength, joy, peace
going to be able to be proud of & tell, ‘Well done, thou good & & trust & all your heart desires, in close communion with Me.
faithful servant,’ and you can already, right now, by faith enter Don’t you understand? It doesn’t really matter where or who or
into the joy of thy Lord, because I want to give you My joy! You what you are, but what matters is that you learn this lesson. The
can have an advance & get to enjoy a good portion of it now, desired results of all I’m doing in your life is you – and each of
already in this life! Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord! Come in & you – becoming that person I want you to be: a person that is
be happy! If you don’t have any reasons to be happy, who then? close to Me, that trusts Me, that relies on nothing but Me and that
won’t be shaken because you stand on Me, the firm foundation,
175 ____________________________________________________ clings to Me, the Author & finisher, and is satisfied by Me, the
(Gem, a Spirit Helper:) His strength is made perfect in weakness, great Filler of all things.
so, glory in your weakness! Use it! Be proud of it, for that’s how The instability of your situation is engineered by My hand in
He can use you! Let your imperfection be His chance to bring order for you to make Me the Stabilizer of your lives, the only
about greater perfection than you ever could! Just give up your factor that always remains & around which everything revolves.
attempts to try it in the flesh & let the Lord do it completely. Trust If you’re truly satisfied by nothing but Me, if what you truly want
completely in Him regarding all your affairs. Commit them to the is nothing but Me, I promise you, I won’t disappoint you! Wait &
Lord in prayer & trust Him wholly for each of them. see!
He’ll get so much better results than when you try to do it with
just a little help from Him... 178 ____________________________________________________
When you realize that those accomplishments were really the Even if it looks like everything is lost & all the progress you
Lord’s, it’s easier to get into praising the Lord for the result, made is blown to the wind, those are just the storms of testing
instead of patting yourself on the back... that blow away the chaff & that which remains is the worthwhile
If you knew what great friends you have over Here on this side, stuff, the material worth keeping.
you wouldn’t be so frustrated sometimes over the lack of friends Connect the spiritual with efficiency in the physical.
there. Accomplishing labors of love through the power of the spirit is
When people come Here & see all their helpers on this side the ultimate fruit of applying all that you’ve learned. The proof of
involved in their spiritual upbringing... what joyful reunions these the pudding is always a physical manifestation, your works.
happenings are, the greatest of which will be the Lord’s marriage I want you to manifest the things I show you in obedience & take
supper! Your flesh won’t get in your way anymore, then. greater steps toward applying My counsel in your practical,
All your human, Earthly clumsiness will be done away with, and everyday life. It’s the ultimate proof whether My power really
every move you’ll make will be perfect, like Him, isn’t that cool? helps you to accomplish that which you’re not able to do in the
The Lord is just adding the humility & appreciation factor right flesh, or whether it’s all just fine in theory.
now, the extra touch of love that’s going to make the whole
creation even brighter & more glorious in beauty – the final 179 ____________________________________________________
touch. Oh, the hurt & pain a soul can inflict upon itself when it locks
You will see that He’ll truly have done all things well, when you’ll Me out of its world. The sadness, the gloom, the darkness &
see the final outcome, the end product. emptiness... And how it pains Me when My children refuse to
So, don’t neglect your time with the Lord & us, no matter what it believe in Me, build a brick wall in the place where once there
is you’ve got to do: Let Us take care of it, & it’ll turn out better, was a door to Me, a door to simple, childlike faith & simple belief
okay? Before every phone call: pray! Over every letter you send & trust in Me. Brick by brick, lie by lie, blocking Me out.
off: pray! About everything you do, every word you say: pray! Break down that wall! You can’t do it with half-hearted efforts!
THAT’S the way to do it & that’s the way of safety & the path that You’ve got to put your heart & some umph into it! Break it down!
will ensure success in all your moves! It’s a sturdy, solid wall, held together with the mortar of many
Don’t treat us like something strange or alien, honey, we know disappointments, frozen hard with the icy winds of disbelief;
you better than you know yourself, & we’re closer & a bigger part another spiritual plain, another dimension, one where I don’t
of you than you think. We’re RIGHT HERE! exist, or where I am very far away, like a vague shadow of things
long gone by – a fairy tale, like Santa Claus.
176 ____________________________________________________ And lo, there are many, countless in number, who live in that
You can’t go by your feelings as to what defines victory & same world – one where My light never shines, but only the fake,
defeat. True victory is defined by faith, unshakable faith that artificial light of the usurper, Lucifer, keeps everything in a gray,
won’t be shaken by anything anyone says. hazy mist... so depressing! They don’t even have the hope of a
better & brighter, more colorful world to come...! reasonable indeed, when you think of it! You were right all
I could be the answer to all their problems, & yet, they reject Me along...’ Making something sound like your own idea, when it’s
because of the lies they’ve been told. actually just his perverted way of seeing things is one of his
Do you see how important your task is? For you are so few oldest & favorite tricks!
against so many! Oh, if only you had greater boldness to stand So, check your thoughts & bring them before Me: ‘Lord, is this
up for Me in a greater, not merely defensive way. Go on the attitude really Yours that I’m having?’ Try the spirits, especially
attack! the ones that enter your own mind! A lot of self-righteous
Christians like to apply that one to others & make themselves
180 ____________________________________________________ judge over another person, when the very first person they
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound should apply that verse to is themselves.
thereof but canst not tell from whence it cometh, nor whither it It’s easy to spot the negative in others, and so difficult to see the
goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit. Can you hear the good. Oh, it’s easy to see the good in others that are far away,
wind blow now? Now you know what it’s like to bend with My like in those unreachable superstars the Devil is trying to get
Spirit – not to be fixed on this world, not attached, nor rooted everyone to think they’re so great, well – maybe some of them
down, nor chained to it, but to be free, moving with My Spirit, as are. But that person next door or in the next room?
She beckons you... swiftly & easily able to change directions, Instead of unrealistically glorifying people that are completely
speed or intensity at a moment’s notice... Welcome to the out of our reach, why not come to grips with the fact that their
freedom of My Spirit. There is no greater freedom than this. whole wonderful appearance might be just a fake, whereas those
people you think you know so well may have a deeper side to
181 ____________________________________________________ them than you might ever know, if you don’t care to find out. But
Every day is an intricate new creation of Mine, full of many in any case, you should give them the benefit of the doubt. And
planned & coordinated processes, innumerable activities behind even IF they have that weakness or two... who doesn’t? For sure
the scenes... a brand-new work of art. In fact, it’s a continual you do! So, if you want to be leery of someone, be leery of those
work of art that never stops, for you may have to sleep, but I thoughts that come creeping up into your own mind. Bring each
don’t. We’re all constantly working behind the scenes for you & thought into ‘the captivity of Christ’, as the Scripture says.
all the other millions of My children and those who are yet to A properly working conscience tries to keep your every thought
become My children for each new day to become just that step in in check. The Devil always accuses others of the very thing he’s
time to bring them closer to Me in the way that’s needed to bring most guilty of himself! He hates for you to apply the same tactics
about the optimal result in the big picture… on yourself voluntarily that he tries to use on you subtly,
Another great scene in the movie of life. Most people are sneakingly, without you ever being aware of him doing so.
unaware of this fact & think they’re just haphazardly put there by His input is always presented irresistibly attractive, and it’s
fate, without a specific purpose or role to play, but you, My definitely not always real, but more often than not simply a
children, need to be aware of the fact that you’re actors in a great downright, blatant LIE! He’s the father of lies and that’s what he’s
work, & you need to turn to the Director & follow the script in best at: lying, cheating, bluffing, faking, deceiving... everything
order to bring about the best possible performance. that is false, he is the master of. But I am the REAL THING!
Unlike in a worldly movie, though, to be a star in My show, it’s The real thing may not always be as attractive, especially when
not about how cool you come across, how well you can act, but you’ve been spoiled by the attractive looks of the fake, but it’s
how much you care & do for others that counts the most, & that’ll REAL! It’s going to get you through the winter! REAL fire will!
qualify you for star status in My Kingdom! Artificial fire won’t! You still have a tendency to be deceived by
And My highest awards often go to those who took on the that which your eyes behold, and I want you to look deeper! Look
lowliest roles, the nobodies & nothings who just did for others beyond that which you can see! Look into the heart! There you
what was needed, whenever they could, even if it meant a will see real & lasting beauty! You may also see pain, you may
sacrifice of an opportunity to show the world how well or great see tears & hurt, but you will never, never wind up disappointed
they could have done something else. by some pretty false front there that turns out to be something
If you want to be truly blessed by Me in every aspect, do the un- completely different than what it pretended to be! Look deeper!
glorious thing, the humble task, take the lowly part. For in Look into the hearts of people! Open your eyes to the depth that
learning humility, you acquire the primary requisite for becoming lies beyond the apparent!
a truly great person! If you treasure humility as one of the most Look for real! Behold! What great & mighty things I would show
worthy goals & ideals in your life, you will seek those humble & you, that thou knowest not! Open spiritual eyes & see what I want
lowly deeds, for you know that they are good for you! So, neglect you to see, things I’m willing & eager to show you!
not the humble tasks, especially those that nobody else has done Claim the keys of vision, for I have yet greater things in store for
yet. Don’t let others snatch away all the blessings & rewards for you as an important tool & instrument yielding vital information
doing them, but be a blessing to them by giving them a break & that will ensure your survival and that of many others, and
showing ‘em you’re truly one of them. You’re not too noble to dip consequently, the salvation of many.
your hands in the dirty dish water or clean the toilets or hand out Don’t let the evil one deceive you anymore. I give you the power
a tract! to see right through his false & phony front. Loosen yourself
Doing the humble thing, listening to & respecting each other, not from the deceptive bonds of appearance!
looking down on those who you might think are not quite as
smart as you... these are all essential parts of the Law of Love. It 183 ____________________________________________________
will make you a lot more likable & desirable. Humility of the Spirit The imperfect things in life require more faith of humans to
has something highly attractive for those who seek true love. believe in Me, as they figure, how could a perfect God have
The reward is a peace & happiness, a certain kind of satisfaction created something so ‘vile’, so dirty, so low & humiliating? ‘I
that doing the lowly task brings, that nothing else quite does... mean, going to the toilet, changing diapers... you can’t tell me
that a perfect God would have planned it all to be thus...’ Oh, yes,
182 ____________________________________________________ but I did. And for a reason & purpose, as one fine day they’ll all
The Enemy likes to operate incognito. If you would always see. Without a comparison to the imperfect, that which is perfect
recognize his voice as being his, you wouldn’t fall for it nearly as would never be as fully appreciated... You’ll appreciate not
often... But often his sneers come camouflaged as the voice of having to go to the bathroom anymore in Heaven, a pain-free
‘reason’ or as your own thoughts. He persuades you very subtly world, without dirt & pollution... It illustrates well the filth I have
to adopt his opinion & view of things, like a very smooth & saved you from, through My sacrifice.
diplomatic talker, who manages to talk people into his own view There is nothing uglier in the physical than the torturous
by making them think that his opinion is their own... ‘After all, execution of a man, as Mine was. Through all that filth, pain,
this is what you have always thought, too, isn’t it? And it’s very blood & agony I was able to bring Heaven, the perfect place
where every moment is perfect, to every soul who will receive & thoughts of inferiority. You’ve got nothing less than they. In
that sacrifice as a personal gift of love from their Creator as real, lasting values, they are the ones to be pitied in comparison
remission for their sins. with the riches you’ve got.
It’s My perfect will for you to be right where you are right now, as Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
unbelievable & unorthodox & uncomfortable as it all may seem, works & smiling faces & looks of love, and glorify their Father in
so that you might learn the faith & the patience & the trust, that Heaven, rejoicing inwardly over the recovery of love that they
even when all things don’t look as perfect as they should, I am in had long thought lost & vanished. Show’em I’m still around! And
charge. that love is still the answer & the most important thing!
There might be a lot of reasons behind those imperfections in Show it in your actions & your interaction with each other.
life, My perfect imperfections! Show’em how much you love each other, and that there’s still
enough love around, even for them. Even if they think you’re a
184 ____________________________________________________ little crazy... To hell with what they think of you, as long as you
The reason so many of My children don’t really live godly in can get them to think of Me.
Me, is because they have shielded themselves from the I have chosen the weak vessels to confound the mighty, the lowly
possibility of experiencing persecution. They wouldn’t do to confound the great, the nothings & nobodies in order to
anything that’s not politically correct – with few exceptions. confound the big shot somebodies. Who is lowly enough to let
Some are bold enough to stand up & step out for Me and the Me work through them because they feel incapable themselves?
truth, and I will reward them mightily! Look for the downtrodden, who feel useless & incapable, those
who are empty, seeking to be filled, & tell them to give Me a
185 ____________________________________________________ chance, to let Me use them, fill them & lift them up!
Love loves the unlovely. If you only love those you jibe with, Stay tuned to My wavelength, slowly & humbly moving about,
what great feat is that? Anyone can do it, even the unbeliever. doing what you can, at My speed and in My strength.
That’s why I’m teaching you My supernatural love, that which
goes above human capacity. Yes, you can’t even love without Me, 187 ____________________________________________________
that’s why you need Me so bad, & you have to ask Me for more Praise is another underestimated weapon you don’t use
love, for your own is not enough! You feel embarrassed about it, enough.
but just give your empty heart to Me, & I will fill it! You see, that’s ”Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh’, and if
why I don’t like you to fill your mind, your heart & your self with trivial matters and bad language proceed out of your mouth with
any old thing that comes along, any old book or movie, because I greater ease than My praise, then it shows that there’s is
can only fill an empty space & vacuum that’s waiting for Me to fill something wrong. Your mouth is your most important instrument
it. But if you fill it up with something else already... It’s like: you of conveying to others what you believe in, what you think and
can’t eat any more healthy food once you’re stuffed with junk what you are, by your words you will be justified or condemned,
food. When you’re full, you’re full. You just need to wait then until and whosoever controls your tongue, he is the one who is in
you’ve digested whatever it was you ate or read or watched & charge of the helm that steers your boat. Do from your belly flow
make space for something new, which hopefully will be a wiser rivers of living water (Jn.7:38)? Is it not you that speak, but the
choice. Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you (Mt.10:20)? Then
What you can do, though, is, you can reserve that spot for Me, so praise My name, for ‘Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus
that, as soon there’s some space for Me to fill it, I will. You can Christ is come in the flesh is of God & whosoever shall confess
already tune in to My wavelength, log on to My server & press the that I am the Son of God, God dwelleth in him’ (1.Jn.4:2,15). If you
download button, & as soon as My computer detects any blank want to be free from the Devil’s grip, praise Me!
storage space on your hard drive, I will fill it with the desired & Let the Devil and his demons know without a doubt that you
needed input! belong to Me, that you’re not ashamed of Me, and that you
You have to learn to be led of Me even in those apparently tiniest worship Me, not him! Fear is the opposite of faith, and by getting
of decisions: ‘Lord, should we really watch this movie now? Is it you to fear, the Devil is trying to get you to worship him, instead
really Your will for us to watch it now?’ The same way you should of trusting in Me! Praise is the voice of faith, so voice your faith
seriously consider if it’s really a good thing to stuff yourself with by praising Me... (Mt.10:32; Mk.8:38).
chocolate when you know soon you might be having a decent Will you fight to overcome the Devil by raising your voice unto
meal... Me? If you hide your faith you are fighting a defensive warfare
Do you see how much like children you are? Always wanting to which no man can win. Which is it you choose: Faith or fear? If it
have the sweetest, give in to the craving... pretty spoiled, is faith, then let Me hear it, and let the world hear it.
actually. That’s why the person you’re having the most trials with Praise is the manifestation of your faith in Me. The sacrifice I
is probably the one who’s got your very same weakness. ...You require of My children is the sacrifice of your lips, yield your
see that spoiled child inside yourself reflected. tongues unto Me in praise, for I dwell in the praises of My people.
It’s another lowly process of digging in the dirt, rubbing your You can choose whether you walk a high or a low road. One that
nose in the imperfect, all to make something better out of you. believes quietly – a defensive warfare, barely managing to keep
It’s that friction, that heat, that pain, that transforms you & the Devil off your back, or an offensive, where you take the
improves you. Kingdom, and every place upon which the soles of your feet
Wait on Me. Stop rushing ahead without Me in your life, wait for tread is yours, with an attitude that loudly proclaims that you are
My instructions & learn to patiently wait & move & act at My My children & servants of the Most High, who are not ashamed of
majestic speed. their calling. According to your prayers and your praises and the
intensity with which you confess Me before men I will be able to
186 ____________________________________________________ bless you.
Don’t worry about what people might think or say of you. You There is no other way to please the Father but to confess Me
are different, you know that, and you’ve got to live with it, and before men. That is a faithful & just servant in His eyes: one who
you can be proud of the spiritual heritage you’ve got! If you think will not deny Me before men, but who will boldly confess Me &
you can put on some kind of show about how well you might fit not make a secret out of their belief in Me.
in & how much like everybody else you can act, you might as Discipleship is more than just making a living for yourselves! It is
well forget it. I sent you as sheep in the midst of wolves, not for living for others & bringing Me to them, salvation and all that
you to pretend to be one of them, but to be a shining light unto you’ve found in Me.
my other sheep, that they might see you & find you & recognize
you as a beacon in the darkness to whom they’ll be able to turn & 188 ____________________________________________________
find Me. Why don’t you just say, ‘Let’s pray!’? So much pain &
Rebuke Apotheon & Arakan when you feel tempted with feelings suffering could be eased if you’d simply pray more. I’m pleased
with your coming to Me daily for instructions, but it’s about time which kill the body, but fear Me!
you start putting the things I’m saying into practice. Otherwise I One of the winners in this life who does not extend a helping
just keep repeating Myself & this might become a vain tradition, a hands to the needy, and especially to My servants in need, will
ritual or ceremony, and you know that I don’t go for that at all. surely not make a good picture in the next.
I know you’re trying, but in some instances you’ve just got to
stop trying & simply do it! See, nobody expects you to be the 191 ____________________________________________________
answer man who’s got the solution for everything. But we should Let's have another cuddle & love-up time! Let Me whisper My
all be able to expect you to be able to point others, who are Words of love into your ears again & be wholly Mine! Let Me
having a problem, to the Answer Man, and what’s easier than transport you out of the realm of the physical & into the infinite
offering to pray together? Take the problem to Me! courts of Heaven & Beyond.
There you shall find solace & comfort & guidance & all you need
189 ____________________________________________________ for your soul to make it through this weary world.
I want you to learn to also tune in to Me when the conditions How I delight in My loved ones abiding & living together in unity,
aren’t perfect... When you’re surrounded by noisy strangers & in harmony, in victory, without internal discord.
unbelievers, and those around you are no support because they Let go & let the world pass you by with its twisting & turning.
are stressed or battling themselves. I want to be your focal point Don't worry, you're not missing out on anything. In fact, they're
& your main Center of attention in any circumstance. missing out on the truly good times, peaceful times, heavenly
It’s part of your training. Call it the skill of distraction-blocking... music & atmosphere & infinite Words of wisdom. Fully live in the
Make Me the central point of your focus & attention under conscience of that you are superior, and you've got so much
whatever kind of condition, even if it’s noisy, chaotic or more to give them than they could give to you.
confusing all around you. You should be so full of this conviction, that you're of My royal
‘You can get in the Spirit anytime & anywhere...’ you just quietly priesthood, that they almost come to you without you having to
slip aside for a minute, if you can, you close your eyes & connect approach them: 'What is it about you guys? There's something
with Me. special... what is it?...'
‘Smile though your heart is breaking; smile even though you’re You know where you're going at the end of this life, they don't.
aching...’ If you connect with Me, I WILL give you the grace and You know what this life's all about, they don't have a clue. You
the peace that will make you smile! don't have to slave away at one of their meaningless jobs, but
You’re standing right in front of this mountain wondering how they work hard for a false & fake security that's soon going to
you’re going to make it. Well, you’ll make it the same way you disappear from under them like a rug someone is jerking away.
made it this far: by trusting in Me, not yourself, relying on Me as While your security is built on the Eternal Rock.
your Guide, holding My hand & heeding My voice & obeying My You even know the future, both, the dreadful & the glorious
instructions. events to come. All they know is that one day they'll die.
If there was no hope for you to ever make it, I wouldn’t present So, if you want to feel better about what you do, just do more.
you with this challenge! Pray for Me to help you to be more efficient in your work & to
I guide you step by step along the path of reaching your ultimate really help you to accomplish something that lasts, fruit that
potential. I know what you can personally achieve & what you’re remains & to become 'a workman that needeth not to be
made for, which is the highest possible grade you can tackle, and ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.
I’m not going to expect more of you than what you’re capable of, Even prayer is work – spiritual work, and I reward you for your
so, you shouldn’t either. effort of obedience to petition Me, by granting your requests.
Don’t expect too much of yourself too fast. 'Ask and you shall receive.' Nourish your spiritual stature by
Do the unconventional things My Spirit asks you to do at the investing time, effort & work in the works of My Spirit. You're
spur of the moment. Become more spontaneous & feeding on My Word to help you grow spiritually, and then you
instantaneous, not so calculating, picturing in your mind what obey by acting on what I told you through My Word. That's like
the other person might think if you say this or do that... Forget it the exercise that makes your spiritual body grow strong &
& just DO it! muscular.
When you realize you’re failing in an area you should come to Me Become a holy man by immersing yourself in prayer &
& ask Me to help you to make it! communion with Me. That way you can always be sure you'll be
I can make your crooked paths straight! I could iron out all your doing the right thing, if you follow Me step by step & let Me guide
faults & flaws over night, if I wanted to. But I want to use them. you by the hand. Pray without ceasing. It's like keeping your 2-
Bring those areas in which you’re failing to Me, and I can iron the way radio on all the time. Ready & on stand-by to receive new
whole thing out & bend it all straight. ‘I’m your Handy Man’. last minute instructions and to let Me know whenever you need
help. Just keep your battery recharged & stay tuned to My
190 ____________________________________________________ wavelength. You just might have to turn the knob a little every
You will have to get used to being a thorn in the flesh of men, now & then to make sure we're still connected, and you might
who are becoming continuously more wicked, and remember have to recharge your battery, then you won't have to worry
that they’re not really accepting you on their ground, but I’m just about losing the connection. You can stay online with Me 24/7
tolerating them temporarily on My ground, which I am permitting without wasting money or energy.
the Enemy to usurp from Me for a season. If you can't do anything else, you can always pray.
You are My children, and he that receives you receives Me, and
woe unto them that reject you. See it as part of your task & 192 ____________________________________________________
testimony. Without even saying much, your mere existence is Your days would flow so much more smoothly, they’d be more
witness to their spirits enough to make a decision either for or exciting, more alive & more fruitful, if you would include Me
against Me, but you have to grant Me a little bit of time to either more.
let their cup of iniquity be full or to bring forth fruit meet for You can see Me in everything if you seek Me, & you can touch
repentance. people’s hearts in most unexpected ways at times...
I know it humiliates you, and it’s an uncomfortable position for When you think of Me, it’s like the contact is made from your
your pride, to be somewhere where you’re not really wanted. But side. I’m always there, but as long as you ignore Me, you don’t
it’s part of a prophet’s mission to go places where he’s not really profit as much from My presence, naturally, as you do when you
welcome, and have I not said that I sent you out as sheep into the tune in to Me. And, of course, I can’t use you as much as I would
midst of wolves? like to if you’re literally in a state oblivious to Me & you fail to
So, let them growl & show their teeth a little, what is that to thee? acknowledge Me.
Endure hardness as a good soldier. In all thy ways, acknowledge Me, & I will direct your paths.
Seek not to be a man-pleaser, but please Me! Fear not them You can determine the positive or negative outcome of a
situation by deciding whether you’re going to pray or not. deem to be your own knowledge. Your own knowledge can be
Don’t let the Enemy & the power of habit cheat you out of this worse than ignorance at times, because it closes doors that I
opportunity to make a golden opportunity out of each one. Every would open. You think you can tell by your experience that a
moment is a golden opportunity to do something wonderful, if certain thing is very unlikely to happen in a certain situation or
you include Me in it. with certain people, so you don’t expect miracles anymore, you
Even if you can’t see any sense in what I’m allowing to happen, quit, you surrender, you give up.
once you realize that ALL things come from My hand, it’ll help Forget what you know! I am Everything and you are nothing. Just
you to acknowledge Me more & ignore Me less. be a holy hole that needs to suck Me up desperately in order to
Certain things may a signal from Me, a sign, ‘Hi there! Remember even make one right move. Lean not unto your own
Me?’ understanding but trust in Me with all your heart!
Many apparently meaningless details & incidents start making Seek Me desperately and with your whole heart, even when
sense once you start turning to Me. It’s like turning a light on in a things appear to go well. Don’t feel condemned, but do feel
dark room. It’s like learning to read: all of a sudden those convicted, that there is yet so much more to do... so much you
symbols start making sense. haven’t even begun to tackle. Remember to take one step at a
If you want to grasp the meaning of every day & every moment of time, seek Me for which step to take next, and then take that step
life, start learning to read My signs. A lot of things you may not & do it & then the next one & so on. That’s progress.
understand may be My handwriting on the wall, & if you seek Me You CAN make it, no matter how impossible it may seem! I have
& ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you. promised it, and I will empower you, I will do it and you shall see
To you, My brides of the End, it is given to read & understand the it.
signs of the times. If you look beyond that which is at hand &
seek Me in it, & the deeper meaning, it’ll be like reading the 195 ____________________________________________________
Matrix. It’s like learning to read computer programming language. Here in My arms you will find the secret strength you need to
Come to Me & your spiritual helpers for tutorship more often, & make it. There is always more, & Our love will never run dry.
we’ll teach you lessons on reading the secret script of the matrix My love for you will never fail, it’ll go on forever & ever & ever. So
of your life. Life can be much more exciting than you think. If what if your life is a mess! Look at Me! Every life is a mess
you’d take full advantage of every golden opportunity in life, without Me!
you’d never ever be bored, confused or frustrated... Life would be Cheer up, if you don’t feel good. Those who feel good and
constant fulfillment & excitement. righteous about themselves usually are the ones who are far
from it.
193 ____________________________________________________ It is more blessed to live a sacrificial life of hardships &
Desperation is required to really bring results. Indifference & sufferings than a life of ease. When things are rough & tough,
complacency kill your spirit. that’s when I’m blessing you the most.
My queen is like the voice of the Holy Spirit, begging & When you’re hurting inside, that’s when I’m blessing you with
beckoning all to come to repentance, to turn unto Me with all strength.
your hearts, but so few listen, so few hearken, and even less I don’t just want you to endure the trials & testings & hardships &
obey. So many of My own children are so involved in seeking battles, I want you to embrace them, welcome them, enjoy them
their own thing. & look forward to them.
So few stir themselves up to call upon Me, to intercede for I’m giving you special spirit helpers whose task it is to help you
others. So few weep & feel & pain with those who are lost. So to love and enjoy the battle.
many hear the voices of the Enemy, the voices of self-
justification, or listen to the debilitating voices of doubt. 196 ____________________________________________________
The plenteous life-style has hardened the hearts of many, to ‘The worst thing in the world you can do when you don’t know
where it has become as the stony ground in the parable of the what to do is to keep going.’ Traffic lights are there to get you to
sower: they hear the Word, but then the Enemy comes and takes stop when you’re about to be run over by a flood of traffic from
the seed away, the birds & evil spirits of the System snatch My other directions if you just keep going.
golden Words right off of their minds & hearts again, keeping Pride & fear of being rejected drive you into the path of least
them busy with other, trivial things to think about, and the resistance. To sneak out & take the comfortable option is not
sunshine & warmth of the comfortable lush life dries them up, conviction!
sucks the life out of them & prevents them from growing roots in You’ve got all hell fighting you once you decide to serve Me, but
their hearts... it’s not like I’m leaving you helpless or defenseless. You’ve got to
Truly these lands are stony ground. And almost the whole world have a fighter nature in order to make it.
is infested by this disease now in one way or another, for the
Whore has made drunk all nations with the wine of her 197 ____________________________________________________
fornication. Right now, you’re learning from what has happened, but the
ideal & perfected use of prophecy is to be warned of these things
194 ____________________________________________________ beforehand.
If you shall seek Me with your whole heart I will let you find Right now, your gift – which is still in the infant stages – helps
My grace, which is sufficient for thee. But you have to come with you to analyze the events & things happening around you, but in
determination, boldness and desperation before My throne of the future, it will actually help you prevent the sort of mistakes
grace to find mercy & help in time of need. And one important you’re now learning from.
factor is not to let the Devil trick you into losing that desperation. Making mistakes is part of the school of life, but the goal is to
Much is at stake here: the destiny of nations; of millions of souls learn to make less of them.
either lost or won, your eternal reward or regret, according to Search for treasures of My Spirit, unrevealed, hidden & veiled,
whether you did your part that was needed to save them or not. reserved only for those who truly seek Me with all their hearts. I
You can justify yourself by the fact that you’re giving more than have yet many things to give you.
the average person, but you will always know that there would
have been more you could have done, if you don’t really give and 198 ____________________________________________________
do all that is possible. ‘He that is not for Me is against Me & he that gathereth not
Break through that wall of deception; the Devil’s trickery & with Me, scattereth abroad’ (Mt.12:30). Are you gathering with Me
illusion, which causes you to fail to see the truth behind the or scattering abroad? Gathering with Me means to go out there
facade! Seek Me and the truth, the real picture more desperately, with Me, ‘without the camp, bearing My reproach’ (Heb.13:13),
for you cannot rely on your own minds. You cannot rely on your into the fields & gathering lost souls, & by passively doing
eyes and on your physical senses, much less that which you nothing, you’re scattering abroad, instead.
One of the primary reasons for the success of evil in the world is want to do.
that good men are doing nothing. So, fight against those demons It’s a matter of life and death. Many lives and many deaths. You
that are trying to stop your mouths & destroy your witness & could be a bringer of life & saving them from death. Now is not
testimony. It’s a battle, yes. It’s a war. It’s tough. And you haven’t the time for jesting. It’s war time, an all out struggle between the
even yet begun to fight. The fighting is happening out there. And two opposing forces of the universe, and you’re right in the thick
only by obeying Me & launching out into the deep will you find of it.
My complete blessing. Overcome, even as I have overcome. ‘Those who stand strong on the rock of My Word & truth will be
I’m telling you where the greatest blessings lie. They’re raised above the storms, & those who stand on earthly soil will
sometimes hidden under a cold layer of snow or ice, the facades be washed away.’ The Devil tries to get you so occupied with
that some of those lost sheep are taking on to hide their true earthly affairs that you won’t even have time to start taking the
selves. affairs of My Spirit World serious enough.
Nothing will ever last; only the souls you win for Me. Will you That’s your struggle: flesh or spirit. Every day, every hour &
allow fear, pride & Lethargy, your enemies, to hold you back & every minute you have to make the choice & decide. And it takes
keep you from your highest calling & destiny? faith to choose the Spirit, the invisible... Especially when that
which I, the Lord of the Spirit ask of you is hard for you to do,
199 ____________________________________________________ and that which the Lord of this world uses to distract you is so
As long as you’re pleased with yourself, it’s pretty hard for Me attractive.
to get you to desperately want change. It keeps you from staying If you reach out to Me, I will reach out to you! If you put Me first
desperate & humble. It also keeps you from getting really, really place, I will take care of you. But you will have to renounce all
serious about your life. these distractions. Prove your belief by the amount of time you
If you don’t want to keep making the same mistakes over & over spend with Me. You can’t just go on in ‘flesh mode’. You will have
& over again, some things are going to have to change. Some to switch to ‘Spirit mode’ if you want to get anywhere &
things you’re simply going to have to get more serious about & accomplish anything, and if you want to survive.
more desperate. You’re walking towards a pitch-black, gloomy night, and only I
The times you were the most desperate in your life are not the am out here in front of you. I can see through the dark, but you
times you like to remember the most, much less would you like can’t. You’re blind without Me. So, don’t be unfaithful & neglect
to re-live them, but they were the times that brought about the your time with Me. You need it, and I need it, too, for I need you. I
biggest changes in your life. They were the times that spurred really, and honestly need you! I can’t do the job without you! I’m
you into action: into memorization of My Word, desperate prayer, dependent on you to get the job done.
greater efforts to witness.
Feeling too comfortable & too good about yourself distracts you 202 ____________________________________________________
from getting really desperate and looking for those areas in your ’The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak:’ The spirit stands
life you need to change in. for your willingness, and even comes from My Spirit, which
I HATE that complacent spirit... the spirit of amusement while the works in you, both, to will & to do that which is My good
world is going to hell. What will you have done with your life? pleasure. I have begun the good work in you, and I am the One to
Are you just carelessly going to continue enjoying what you’ve complete it. But the flesh is what hinders you. It stands for
got or are you going to get concerned about those who haven’t weakness. That which is considered strength in the world is
got? actually a flaw, a handicap if you want to do the works of the
Look at the immensity of the purpose of your life! You truly have Spirit.
a challenging task. Success in the flesh profiteth nothing. If I don’t anoint your
Don’t let the misery of the World just pass you by untouched, but works to be accepted by the world, then it is My will for you to
implore Me to change things! utterly dedicate all you’ve got to the Spirit, and there you will find
strength that they who trust in the flesh know not of.
200 ____________________________________________________ Naturally you want to show the world that you’re not a failure.
‘In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ But think of Me on the cross. I didn’t look like a success to
Jesus concerning you’ (1.Thes.5:18). It is the Father’s will that anybody hanging there. And if you really want to be My disciple
you thank Me and keep a thankful attitude in everything & every and follower, so it will be with you.
situation, and not start complaining & murmuring about it! Give Success in this world is almost equivalent with failure in My
thanks in every situation you find yourself in & you’ll see it’s up eyes. It’s the same old scheme: are you willing to apparently be
to you & your attitude what will become of it. a loser in the world’s eyes and a winner in Mine, or do you want
Even the worst situations can turn into good and lead to a better to be a winner in the world’s eyes and a loser in Mine?
one, if you’ve simply got the right attitude, one of trust & of This constant struggle of the flesh to crowd out of your life the
thankfulness for whatever I bring. I may be testing you to see things which are important to Me, by the things which you
how you’re going to handle it, how much love you’ll come up consider more important at the moment, is so contrary to Me, My
with or whether you’ll let your pride take over & spoil it. will in your life, and thus your spiritual progress.
‘I will have mercy, not sacrifice:’ ‘Before you can go out and It’s the flesh that weakens you, disables you to do the works of
‘sacrifice’ your pride to Me by being a faithful witness, you’ve My Spirit. The flesh is weakness, the Spirit is strength. It’s the
first got to have a LOVE for the people. Go and learn love, & then exact opposite of the way the world looks at it, and,
it won’t even BE a sacrifice anymore! Without love, it’s nothing. subconsciously, you’re still rather prone to look at it that way
Without love you are nothing. Without your love for Me, your yourself. The spirit is associated with people who are physically
obedience is nothing, and only love will give you the grace to weak, or with ghosts, dead men without any physical strength at
obey Me in the first place. Without love, there’s no use in all. In other words, irrelevant to success & achievement & all that
witnessing. I’m sending My prophets to the world to give really matters in this world.
everybody a chance to repent, to turn around & change their It’s the eternal struggle, and it’s becoming more & more intense,
minds, their hearts & their ways, because I love them. as the world of the flesh fights its last furious battle & lashes out
That’s what John 3:16 is all about. I love them, and the Father innumerable temptations at My brides to lure them away from Me.
loves them, that’s why I came. That’s why He sent Me and that’s The god of this world appeals to all that your flesh desires, all
why I’m sending you, because I love them. That whoever will you could ever dream of having in this life, in order to get you
receive you might be saved. away from Me and the Spirit.
He fights for your time, your energy, your attention. And every
201 ____________________________________________________ minute he achieves to lure you away from Me to fulfill the
If you would get desperate with Me everyday, you would find gratification of the flesh, is a point for him, which weakens you a
so much greater strength & grace for all the things you do and little more, delays your progress a little more. He knows he
cannot stop you, so he delays you. He’s throwing gimmicks, 205 ____________________________________________________
obstructions, obstacles and all manner of devices onto your You really must be set on fire if you want the world to come
path, the course you run for Me, to slow you down, to keep you out & see you burn. They won’t be attracted by half-hearted,
from reaching that goal, to get you to miss the mark, which is smoldering or logical thinking, but only to the supernatural voice
what sin means. of My Spirit.
Sin means missing the mark. So, in order to hit the mark, and not Inspiration is essential, otherwise it’ll be cold dead works &
sin, you’ve got to focus, you’ve got to take time, you’ve got to words.
concentrate, you’ve got to stay clear of any distraction. The sample must be the outstanding thing and what makes you
Love doesn’t go by whether anyone deserves to be loved or not, different. Pray for compassion for the sheep. Claim the keys of
love is unconditional. I will always love you, no matter whether passion! Woo them like a lover.
you fail or how often you fail. Love must be the driving force of this revolution, the Revolution
In the flesh, you’re a loser. In the Spirit, you’re a prince. You can of Love.
walk through your days either as a loser or as a prince,
depending on whether you walk in the Spirit or in the flesh. Are 206 ____________________________________________________
you going to be a loser or a prince today? Are you going to walk You must change your attitude & stand up for the conviction
in the flesh ? Or in the spirit, as My prince and anointed, My that your time is Mine, you are not your own. Don’t subject
beloved, in whom I am well pleased, in spite of countless faults & yourself to bondage, it’s a new day.
flaws by the standards & measures of man? Are you going to live Be prayerful about your interaction with outsiders, for their
your days according to their standard or Mine? According to unbelieving attitude rubs off on you, subconsciously. You have to
theirs, you’re a no-good, a loser. In My eyes you’re a bearer of realize that in order to prove your loyalty to the System you’re
riches, a prince among paupers. undermining your loyalty to Me. Ye cannot serve God and
It is so important that you spend sufficient time with Me mammon...
everyday, in order to get on My wavelength – to grasp hold of Me, Sooner or later there won’t be any more in-between.
in order to walk according to My standard of love.
Cling to My Word as if it were all you’ve got. Cling to My hand as 207 ____________________________________________________
to your only strength, your only hope of survival, and reject the Claim the key of the gift of sacrificial love. It’s that special
temptations of the many distractions the Devil throws your way Key that makes true saints out of ordinary, originally selfish
each day! people, who were not any different from all the other folks, but
DO the Word. Make it merge with every fiber of your being. Rub it have been touched by My supernatural grace & have been
in as a precious healing balm & ointment that will heal & cleanse transformed by My Spirit into something they were not. Claim the
you from every ill, every weakness, every blemish! Keys of change and transformation and renewal of life for a
There are many who believe in Me, but few who know that I’m complete change-over of heart and soul and mind!
present in every human being’s life every day, eager to interact A missionary is a man or woman who is utterly dedicated and
with My children, to speak to anyone who will listen. yielded to Me, not holding anything back. Nothing else matters to
For these are indeed the last days, in which, as I have promised, I them but to give, to pass on that which they have received from
will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, that they may prophesy, Me. They are compelled, driven by that force, that love
dream dreams & see visions, if only they be willing to receive and unspeakable, peace that passeth the understanding of your
believe! mind, My supernatural Spirit. The ‘love of Christ constraineth’
I have loved you more than you have ever known, more than your them.
perception of love can ever fathom as long as you live in the A missionary is a picture of utter trust in Me vs. the flesh. They
flesh. And nothing and no one can stop that flow, nothing can know they are doing My work, and that I’m a fair Boss and
stop the flood of My love for you, which is also manifested in My Husband, and will never fail to fulfill My part of the deal. They can
Words of love to you, so, let it flow & never stop! count on My supply and My faithfulness to reward the faithful.
A missionary is a picture of true wisdom, for he has seen through
203 ____________________________________________________ the vanity and emptiness of this World, that it’s got nothing to
Burning with My Spirit is not anything you can do in the flesh. give that could ever truly satisfy, and thus they rush forward to
Only I can set you on fire, you cannot force it. Humility & fill that aching need in their fellowman for that only real and
brokenness is what makes you material that I can ignite. lasting treasure that truly satisfies: My Love & Salvation.
Otherwise, it’ll only smolder, smoke & choke the people. A missionary is humble, yet proud. Proud to be working for Me,
In order for it to become real, there needs to be pain & the King of kings & Lord of lords, doing even the humblest &
desperation. lowest & most menial task, just to follow My example in gratitude,
You cannot fake love, nor the real fire. Any element of self, which and to fill the need.
might distract from Me, the true light is only harmful, as it will A missionary does that which no one else would do, what
lead the searcher into a false direction. You’ve got to be willing to nobody else can do or is willing to do, and thus they become
become nothing, nothing at all, nothing but Me. superhuman. My missionaries are My supermen.
Watch out for any of those elements that would distract you. Just like I was raised from the humiliating death on the cross and
ascended into the sky in glory and am set at the right hand of My
204 ____________________________________________________ Father’s throne, so shall My humble missionaries be highly
What do you want to do? Do it yourself, promote self, or take exalted above all men.
the humble road, deny yourself & glorify Me? The comfortable They are the rulers of My future. For who else will be worthy?
road is the one that promotes anything you like but Me. Who else will have the love necessary but those who have
When you start promoting Me it starts to become already given their lives in love?
uncomfortable... That’s when you start dying to yourself, All those who think they are something shall stand in shame in
because it makes your pride, your selfishness, your ego, your old that day when I will exalt those carriers of My Words.
man & everything in you that stands for this comfortable & What is a missionary? They’re all I’ve got. And they’re all you’ve
compromising little life, squeal & hurt. got. For without them, this life and this whole world would truly
I’m going to help you, but I can’t take this pain from you. be meaningless, there would not be any hope for any of you.
So, you have to check your motives. Is your goal & vision easy Honor them. Help them. Don’t turn them away, but give, as it is in
living? Or do you sincerely want to further My cause & Kingdom? your power to give, for truly it shall not be unrewarded.
Selfishness weakens your spirit. Pray against selfishness
everyday. As long as you continue to be willing to fight & 208 ____________________________________________________
sacrifice for Me, you’re going to be fine. God’s way up is down. I wish for you to proceed in faith and confidence, not fear. I
wish for you to walk in love, not in fearful trembling of what the
future might hold. personal life?
If you want to fear anyone, fear Me! It’s the only wholesome fear That’s why there’s nothing you can do, no situation you can ever
there is. It’s a warm fear, because you know it’s going to lead you fall into, in which Romans 8:28 won’t apply. Be it good or bad,
to do the right thing, and it’s the beginning of wisdom, the first whatever happens to you who love My Words, it will always be
step that leads you into the right direction. for good & for the better, never for worse!
It’s not really ‘fear,’ but more like ‘respect’. You respect Me, you For those who love God, things will ALWAYS turn out to make
acknowledge Me, you check with Me, and you’re scared to make perfect sense one day, and you manifest your love for God by
a move without Me, because you know you might land on your receiving the Seeds of Love, the Word of God, into your hearts.
face otherwise. They’re more important than food, more important than money,
It’s time to put on the new man I’m making out of you, a fully more important than anything you can do. Keep in mind that
grown, mature adult in body & spirit, wielding My anointing & these Words weren’t just destined for your ears only, but that
authority, the full stature of the man of God I’m anointing you to you’re supposed to give’em to the world. I will cause you to burst
be. forth in My perfect time, like a newly born spring bursting forth
It’s serious business! You’re fighting against powerful enemies! It into a mighty river.
requires sobriety and shunning any kind of foolishness & Be prepared to teach nations... Prepare for the time of the End
shallowness. Be free to be the real you, and that’s a serious when you will teach many.
fighter! Foolishness is one of those elements of self. You will be the beacons of My light to the world in the greatest
You know that I have a good sense of humor, but basically, I’m a darkness this World has ever known.
serious man, acquainted with a lot of grief, and we’re at serious You’re going to become My most skilled warriors of all times!
business here, fighting a serious war for a serious cause with a Stand back and see Me fight! – Through YOU!
lot at stake. Those fates of countless human lives you are
wrestling for are nothing to be taken lightly. 210 ____________________________________________________
Don’t take this anointing lightly. Wear it with silent pride in Me, I’m not rushing you. I’m taking you at your pace. I knew all
constantly keeping that secret connection up with Me. Let Me be along what you were willing to do and give and what you were
your secret. I’ll be your secret weapon, your secret power, the capable of, and how much time you would need to put it into
secret to all you would call success. The voice behind the practice.
curtain. The power beneath the surface. You’re doing fine in coming to Me for all these things. Few people
I want you to inspire in people a hunger for the greatest mystery on this Earth come to Me for counsel when they’re having a
of the universe, arouse a curiosity in their minds and hearts problem. Lots of people pray, but few wait for the answer.
about what it is that makes you tick, that faith that there is As soon as you come to Me, I will give the answers that will make
something so much greater & more real than this world. the mountains just melt away.
Let Me live, move, walk, talk, think in you, love them through you, So, if there’s a thing you’re having trials or doubts about or
talk to their hearts through you, touch them through you. Let battles with, just say so. You can come to Me and then you can
them see Me through and in you... the secret power & source go forth in My Spirit & clear out the problems.
behind everything you do, every miracle you will work, every
word of wisdom you will speak, every song you will sing. 211 ____________________________________________________
Let Me fully possess you, and there will BE no limits to what you Ask of Me and I will give you the heathen for your inheritance.
can do. You can already assume that authority in the spirit.
You definitely don’t have to be afraid of them. Remember that I
209 ____________________________________________________ am much greater than he that runs the world. And you’re more
One of the advantages of the Enemy over you is your carnal than conquerors by being willing to appear like the losers.
tendency to expect things to happen in the usual way, not any
differently from the way you’ve seen or experienced things to 212 ____________________________________________________
happen before. Through sin, Satan is able to attack you with condemnation.
Count on the unexpected, learn to be prepared for even the least But only until you get a hold of Me & pump down enough of My
likely in a group of possible events to happen, even an entirely heavenly water to wash all that filth away.
new one that no one would have even dared to imagine... You should not to neglect to pray against evil worldly influences
You don’t have a clue how things are going to pan out. dragging in the Enemy’s vibes, trying to belittle you, to put you
My Word and promises about the future are unshakable and down.
unconditional. I’m always with you, will never leave nor forsake
you, etc. 213 ____________________________________________________
Others of My promises ARE conditonal, and their fulfillment The Serpent will spew out a great flood of lies after the Bride,
depends on your individual choices. Praise Me whenever one of and the Earth will swallow it (Rev.12:15), so be prepared. Be
you has made the right choices toward victory and deliverance, prepared for the greatest collision and confrontation between My
for a lot of work in the spirit was necessary in order to bring that Bride and the World which has ever been, resulting in the
victory about. greatest tribulation there has ever been. For I will wreak trouble
If you’re open, you can learn through anything & everything I’m on those who seek to trouble you. I’ll give them greater issues to
allowing to happen & bringing across your path. Openness to My worry about, trust Me. The plagues of Pharaoh are a good
Spirit, My truth & My revolutionary new wind, is one of your picture of this. He oppressed My people, and I sent him plagues,
greatest assets. You’re taking time to absorb My Words & My and although the AC will never let up on you voluntarily, nor will
lessons daily, My revelations, and there isn’t in this world he be persuaded, I will give him enough distractions on all fronts
anything better you could do! to keep him busy with other matters than persecuting you, My
I AM your driving force. I AM your motor! I AM what keeps you beloved, and in the end he will face his final Nemesis descending
going and got you going in the first place. I AM the beginning and from the sky, namely Me, and he shall taste the white-hot sword
the end, He Who worketh both, to will and to do that which is the of My mouth & take a thousand year ride he won’t forget, playing
perfect will of God in your life. I AM the Engineer of every lesson yo-yo in the bottomless pit.
you’re learning, and thus even the Allower of every mistake Yes, ridicule him, he can’t stand that! Don’t underestimate him,
you’ve ever made and will yet make. but don’t respect him too much, either, for he doesn’t really
These Words only apply to those who are choosing My Words to deserve any respect. He’s a foul traitor, and a pitiful case, the
be the source of the very strength and essence of their life. If true epitome of a loser, although right now he’s really acting up &
life, and everything ever created came about through My Word, is pretending to be the winner. He’s all fake & phony, the only
why should it be surprising that that very same Word should also thing that’s real about him is his spiritual stench, and that’s all
be the essence of your strength, energy & power in your there will be left of him, someday, a bad-flavored memory of a
chapter in the history of the universe which everyone will have 216 ____________________________________________________
learned one good thing out of: Never to want any of it again. You just can’t have the faith that I can fully bless you if you
That’s My purpose, so we can all finally enjoy creation together, know you’re not obeying Me fully. I want to gently lead you along
each one with thankful hearts. Although there still will be the path of perfect & complete obedience.
challenges, don’t worry. New planets & territories to conquer and Pray without ceasing, and come, lie here with Me on that
enlighten with the knowledge of truth. To teach is and will be promised meadow of meditation and reflection, committing all
your ultimate destiny... to teach others to teach others to teach... your cares to Me.
After all, free choice will still be a fundamental law of the Commit your family to Me, your needs & finances, your enemies!
universe, but you can teach from your personal experiences why I can take better care of them all than you ever could, just give
you personally recommend to choose good: because you’ve Me a chance! Believe and drink in! Don’t let the perverted &
seen evil. twisted thoughts & doubts of the Enemy interfere & cause static
Of course, some won’t be happy with a historical record of evil & pollute your mind! Block him out! Leave him out in the cold!
and will want to experience it for themselves. We might send He’s got no part in you, you are Mine, and there’s nothing he
them back into the past, to get a good first-hand experience of could ever do to change that. There’s nothing you could ever do
what evil’s all about, and that should cure them. to change that. I love you unconditionally. All he can do is bluff &
You are My future rulers & teachers, and to be heavenly minded, lie & try to scare you. But if you look into My face & hold My
to some extent, means, to be future-minded. hand, you won’t be scared. How can you be scared if you’re lying
Once you come Here, you will know the victory has been won, in My bosom? Nothing and no one can do you any harm.
although some of the actual fighting is still to take place. It’s hard Use greater wisdom & greater love – even for your enemies – in
to comprehend while you're still on the temporal plain, but it’s your communications with them. Live peaceably with all men, as
still the truth. It’s like those people asking, ”Who made God?” It’s much as it lies in you.
hard for a temporal being to grasp the concept of eternal beings. It’s better not to write anything, than words which stir up strife.
Although I was created, for I am the beginning of the creation of Witty words won’t get you out of trouble, only My power &
God, the Father is and was and will always be eternal. There is no wisdom will.
beginning nor end to Him. There are many who need your prayers. Come, and implore Me
There will be an end to the kingdom of Satan, his world, to be for them. I need you to pray for them.
replaced by My Kingdom, with the barrier between the
dimensions gone. I will bring about that End, just like I brought 217 ____________________________________________________
about the beginning of this World, that’s why I said, I am ‘Alpha You say, ‘Lord, I don’t want to keep You only for myself, but it
and Omega’, and for you, who have grasped that point, there will costs so much to share You with others...’
be no end. The worst thing in the world you can do when you don’t know
what to do is to keep going... It’s a time of great transition &
214 ____________________________________________________ upheaval, & there will be even greater upheaval in the future, so,
You would like to drop everything & follow Me, but I could use it behooves you to pray as if everything depended on prayer,
you more in a different capacity. The Devil is attacking you, trying which it does, and to hear from Me & seek My face as if
to make you feel inferior. But I want you to assume the authority everything depended on getting a hold of My instructions &
& power in the spirit & accomplish & do that which you’re revelations, which it does.
ordained to by Me! ‘Not a step without Me!’ is the standing order of the day. You
It’s time you fulfill your ultimate calling! You’ve got to believe! can’t afford it to make one. It’s essential that you go through this
Keep your vision, your eyes & your focus beamed on the royal crash course in AME.
mantle of anointing I’ve given you: that shining crown, that
golden glory, that high calling of God, & let no man belittle you! 218 ____________________________________________________
Keep your vision of the grander things I’ve ordained you to do! There is a reason why things are tough & tight. In emergency
Tear loose from the little, insignificant distractions & mundane situations I draw people together. For when things are rough &
affairs of life! Trust Me for more. Enlarge your vision! Raise your not as usual, nobody can just ‘bear their own burden’ anymore,
goal, your standard & vision. Aim high! The future’s yours to but people have to flock together, join their resources & pitch in
claim! It’s yours! Grab it now! together.
This is the day of your anointing. You’ve got to believe, act...
prepare for it! Get ready for it, I’m going to do it! Get ready for 219 ____________________________________________________
God! It’s human nature not to respect someone on a ‘lower’ level
or stage of development as much as you would one of your own
215 ____________________________________________________ rank & level of experience, or higher. You have to learn respect,
Wanting to be everybody’s friend stems from wanting to avoid even for the little ones & whatever they might have to say. Show
confrontation, and can be a form of laziness, when you allow respect toward them in the way you answer them, once they’ve
others to compromise. Often you don’t really pray about whether told you what’s on their hearts.
what someone wants is good for them or My will for them. On
occasions, you have compromised & ‘just let them do whatever 220 ____________________________________________________
they feel like’ as long as it’s within the realm of the tolerable. People with inferiority complexes often subconsciously over-
Being a good shepherd requires more than that. compensate their feelings of inferiority by putting on a hard &
You’re so afraid of becoming the kind of shepherd that used to arrogant, proud outer front to shield & protect them.
bug you when you were younger, that you’re not much of a It’s a vicious cycle & a deadly trap of the Enemy: first he makes
shepherd at all. Just lying there idly in the meadow, while the you feel really bad about yourself, & so little in your own eyes,
lambs are playing dangerously close to the woods or are even makes you hear all their sneers & criticisms of you – sometimes
hobnobbing with the wolves or other suspect animals isn’t really real & sometimes imagined – then he amplifies them in your mind
doing the kind of job I would expect from one of My shepherds. I to where you feel you could hide under the carpet or plain
can’t rely on that. I can’t trust you with them when you’re that ‘disappear’... and there, down there in your little hole & shelter,
lenient & just let them do whatever they please, hardly ever sometimes over years, you develop new confidence, but you
tell’em off, just because you don’t wanna rock the boat. harbor that resentment toward those people who used to ridicule
It takes greater love, greater commitment, greater yieldedness, you. You have found out by now that you’re not as pitiful as they
greater readiness to be and do and go wherever, whatever I are, you know now they’re deceived, but you can’t really come up
demand at any time. Greater obedience to the Holy Spirit. with sufficient love for them to humble yourself & submit
Learn to speak up & not harbor things inside. yourself into their hands, like I did, becoming their servant, or
like Neo did in ‘Revolutions’...
You’ve got to find your own personal ‘Mr. Smith’, who is belittling My chosen ones, he knows that that's all he needs in order to
& ridiculing you constantly in your own mind, renders you render a potentially powerful threat to his kingdom useless, or so
ineffective in some ways. The demon who keeps asking you, weakened by comparison, that he won't have to worry much
‘Why do you still keep fighting when you should know by now anymore.
that it’s useless?’ You’ve got to pinpoint him, nail him down, One day you will see just how ridiculous the issue was, over
knowing that I in you am far superior to him, and that I am going which you risked a life of unity, a potentially powerful team and
to give you the victory, & then look him in the eye, & say weapon in My hand against the Enemy...
defiantly, ‘Because I chose to! Because this is what I’m born to All it does is, prove that you didn't really care about winning
do: I am destined to fight & lick you bastard, I’m destined to WIN! others into My Kingdom in the first place, much less to seek My
So, get out of my way, you little satanic nincompoop, in the name Kingdom first. All you really cared about was yourself, your
of the power of the keys!’ personal satisfaction, and that nobody got any more of anything
I will pray for you, My love, that your faith fail not, and that you than you did...
will expose & challenge your own personal enemy, and know that You didn't really have what it takes, that's why you settled for
I’m always not only right beside you, helping you to fight, but I less than God's best, or even 2nd or 3rd or 4th best...
will be in you, fighting him through you. Full possession is your What a shame. You always knew it somehow. After all, your old
destiny, for you were meant to be all Mine & Mine alone, and friend, the Devil, has been telling you all along that you didn't
when the time is ready, you will win your final victory have what it takes, and most of the time you believed him. Those
bright & glorious promises... yeah, it would have been nice had
221 ____________________________________________________ they applied to you, too, but they were written for someone else.
You have many enemies. And you’ve got to fight them one by And Me, well, I'm just going to have to look for someone else.
one. They know they can’t stop you, so they seek to delay you by Someone who might not despise that crown... someone who
bluffing you, intimidating you or attacking you with fiery darts of doesn't mind a little sacrifice. Sure, years of training, of pouring
doubts. into you My Words, My care... down the drain. Not the first time...
You are the light, and they hate you! They seek to obstruct you, I've seen it many times. Just another one who thought I
for they know they can’t put you out. So, they try to weaken you demanded a bit too much... another one who didn't really care
from within, trying to stop the flow of the fuel, so your light will about this sacrifice of Mine on the cross. After all, you didn't ask
grow dimmer, for less people to see than if you would really get Me to die for you, did you? And if I did anyway, well, that's My
on fire for Me and burn! own fault, you figure. My own fault, too, that I was as dumb as to
The Enemy is trying to get each one of you so absorbed with choose you, right? For a task that I should have known full well
their own personal little matters & affairs that you won’t manage that you didn't have the guts & whatever else it takes for it...
to concentrate on the common foe, the common goal, much less Well, which is it going to be for you? You tell Me! I know full well
to really unite and attack him. that I'm putting you through dire straits right now, that I don't
The Selvegion are trying to make sure you will fight for your little seem to be blessing this union between you an awful lot. You
comforts & commodities & rights. think you might get things rigged up a little bit better by
They’re only the infantry. Next come the archers, then the spear yourself....
fighters & finally the horsemen. Or in terms of modern warfare: Maybe it's worth a try, you figure... Set out all on your own, not
next are the tanks, then the planes & finally the missiles. having to let all those other idiots bug you. Yes, ‘on your own’ is
What the Punk isn’t realizing, is that with each battle, beloved, the key phrase, by yourself, and for yourself, and all around
you’re growing stronger. And with every new upgrade & weapon yourself... Another few hundred miles down independent road...
he tries on you, you grow stronger & develop ever greater All alone through the galaxies... well, I knew somebody like that,
resistance against him. They will finally realize that they won’t who was finally ruined by his own bad company...
have a chance against you from the spiritual realm anymore, and What's it gonna be? You tell Me!
will see their last resort in attacking you in the physical during
the tribulation, and that’s right where I want them. He thinks 224 ____________________________________________________
you’re the mice & he’s the cat, when all along, you’re only the You will have to make a decision similar to the one My disciples
bait to trap him into the physical world, where we will be able to had to make when I asked them to forsake their miraculous
finally annihilate his whole system. catch, for a great testimony. The disciples had just witnessed the
He’s going to find out that in chasing you, he’s bitten off more miracle, thus they were willing to follow the Miracle Man, not just
than he can chew. cling to the mere manifestation of the miracle. In time, you will
also witness My undeniable miracles, which will persuade you
222 ____________________________________________________ beyond a shadow of doubt, and there will be no more hesitation.
I’m going to use you in your different capacities to win the Some things simply take time, even though the matter is always
war, each with different modi operandi, different views, attitudes, urgent. I’m preparing you for your exodus, but preparation takes
motives & tactics. According to personal choices & even time.
mistakes, circumstances can change. What counts is that the The essence of the mission’s success lies in openness to My
war is being won, not who gets the greatest credit or glory. moves, regardless whether it’s the way anyone expected or
There are certain things you dislike & that rub you the wrong experienced it before or not. ‘Forget all you know’ is the slogan
way.... But what’s important is that there is sufficient unity, for the day. ‘A little child shall lead them’, and blessed is the man
loyalty, mutual respect and love for the cause that you win the who will be open and alert enough to see My hand in that leading.
war and make it happen. Stay alert in the Spirit, and open to unexpected moves &
changes, never underestimating the little things.
223 ____________________________________________________
How easily everything a man has is lost by pride. It's a gamble. 225 ____________________________________________________
'Who's gonna give in first?' I want you to start receiving messages for the ones you
Some never found out. Only to discover in tears much later that minister to. Neglect not this gift of prophecy, nor use it solely for
the issue that had caused them to separate was so ridiculous, so yourselves...
shamefully ludicrous and downright idiotic... But thus is the I teach you to overcome your fear of man, your tendencies of
wisdom of Satan. denying your own convictions of what you believe is right, or
His art & witchcraft consists in making mountains out of things that I have shown you to be right. Remember the old and
molehills, big monsters out of tiny little bagatelles. Small, tiny the young prophet. I’m teaching you to stand up for the things
seeds of dissension which grow into ugly big giants & demons of I’m showing you personally, your link with Me. What is the most
discord, hatred, disunity and jealousy, and what have you... important thing every child of God must learn, and every
whatever divides, whatever drives a wedge between My people, generation has to learn it individually? To hear from Me, find out
My personal will and act on it, because, sooner or later, that’s all useful pre-requisite when challenging the Devil, the accuser of
you will be able to rely on, and you will need to be able to trust in the saints. Because sooner or later he’s going to pull out any sin
your channel then! he can find that you ever committed – knowingly or not – and
You’re each important to Me, and whatever I give each of you will blessed is that man who has learned to mete others with a
bear equal weight and be an equally important piece of the standard of loving forgiveness, for with that same standard he
general picture & puzzle of My perfect will for your team... will also be met...
Each one has to be open to new leadings, new angles, new
factors in the equations, new possibilities they might not have 229 ____________________________________________________
considered before. You don’t all have to be doing the same (Dad:) We’re all different kinds of vessels of the Lord’s living
things all the time. Unity is something greater than that. water. I poured forth without measure. The more water you get,
You’ve each got your unique talents & calling, your natural the more chances you’ll have that there are a few little impurities
‘swing’ or ‘umph’ or momentum, that thing which is your or strange little creatures – strange truths – in there.
personal special contribution to this enterprise. Some of you are What matters is that the World was being watered & saved from
still looking for theirs, but you’re all going to find it if you stay dying of thirst. A few little trickles aren’t nearly enough to make a
close to Me, keep coming to Me for every move & every decision. real difference. Some things you’ve just got to take by faith.
I will lead you in a clear direction, not an uncertain path. It‘s one of those things you’re just going to have to trust the Lord
for... Why did He choose me? Because He knows best.
226 ____________________________________________________ Even Jesus suffered from attacks of the Enemy....
A prisoner & slave of the Matrix doesn’t have Me to lean on, I was a fella who loved the Lord the best he knew how, just like
so, he only has his own flesh & circumstances to lean on. you...
You can always trust a Systemite to be a Systemite; to seek to Show the world the goods you’re made of. Make us proud!
advance his own cause & leave you standing cold in the rain, if – The benefits of backsliding? We’ve ALL experienced them.
need be, to never stick up for you at the slightest risk of his own
personal loss. 230 ____________________________________________________
They are unprotected subjects to pride, envy, selfishness, & all There are some things you simply might not understand,
kinds of bad spirits lingering around. which you’re going to have to either trust Me for, or put your own
You can tell the effect of Cesar demanding his pound of flesh: reasoning above Mine, saying you know better than Me.
your energy, your time, your very substance & being, just for a That’s what the 70 did when they left Me after My ‘cannibal’
little meager support. sermon... They figured, ‘That’s it! That can’t be it! This makes no
sense! It goes against all we ever believed to be right...’ Are you
227 ____________________________________________________ really willing to forget all you know?
Come to Me first. Things will work better that way. You know, that’s sometimes the hardest thing for a man to
I’m not impatiently expecting My children to learn how to drive a forsake: his own knowledge. He may not have a lot in material
truck when they only recently learned to ride a bike. You’ve got to wealth, but oh, his spiritual riches are well kept in his brain up
trust in My patience, and also be patient with yourself. there, and no man can take that away from him...
Sometimes you folks are your own toughest judges. You must tell Pan that you’re going to go on for Me, even if
there’s nothing about My plans that you understand. ‘Walk by
228 ____________________________________________________ faith, not by sight.’ Faith is more important than knowledge. Faith
You don’t all have the same tastes, likes & dislikes, (-and you is the driving power that compels you to do something for Me,
don’t have to). Your spirit helpers don’t, either. whereas knowledge can sometimes leave you cold, a passive
Are you going to be able to work with each other in spite of your observer of what’s happening.
differences? Get out of the grand stand! Participate, run & fight with us,
I am your Anchor and safe-guard. I will not lead you astray. instead of analyzing. Once you’re down in the arena, you’ll see
There are great lessons to be learned, about team spirit, about just how tough it is to fight the Devil and the whole world and still
humility, about not seeking that which is your own, about try to be a perfect sample.
preferring one another... So, stop criticizing and analyzing and come on down, walk on the
Shepherding requires being grounded & firmly rooted in the ground with Jesus, right here in the arena, where it’s happening.
wisdom that is from above, My meek Spirit, humble & quiet That’s where the crowns are being won, where the winners are.
verification, making sure that this is, indeed, the direction I’m Be a co-fighter, really attacking the Devil where it hurts, in the
leading, before announcing it to the whole world and causing a real-life, flesh & blood battle down in the arena of witnessing &
great stir, when maybe it turns out that I’m actually leading you preaching the gospel.
elsewhere. The Family is not a defined entity that can be generally analyzed
In quietness and confidence will be your strength, and the or categorized, but the Family consists of thousands of
majority of My great accomplishers throughout history were personalities & different characters, which make up the overall
quiet people who just ‘did what they could’, according to their sample of the Family. The Family is you & what you make of it.
faith... And hiding behind the excuse that you can’t do the job because,
There are different types of human personalities, like there are ‘there’s hardly anyone else doing it either’, just won’t cut the
different types of angels and spirit beings, different types of cake. That kind of attitude never won a war or revolution, and I
animals or astral bodies: stars, planets, moons, comets, will hold you personally responsible for any loss that you could
asteroids, etc. They all fulfill different purposes to maintain the have prevented.
balance of the universe. Some people resent being labeled or The trick is not to wallow in self-condemnation or self-pity
categorized in any way, or even the fact that people might know because you’re all alone & there’s no one there to help you &
something about them which they wouldn’t want them to know, understand you... The trick is to overcome all that & snap out of it
but there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, so you & just do the work! A lot of people could have been saved, and
might as well get used to the fact that you’re an open book. you are as responsible as anyone who has received such a large
There’s a lot about you that others could tell you about you, not amount of truth.
to mention what I could tell you about yourself... It all depends on I’m not forcing you, but I’m trying to motivate you, to move you
how much truth about yourself you are willing and able to take. into action, begging you to get down to the real thing, face the
Some folks simply prefer to dish it out, but with the same responsibility of the job you are given by Me. All other things are
measure you mete, you will also be measured again. It all comes distractions, and the time of your ignorance We have winked at,
back to you, sooner or later. Being a tough task master on but from now on you’re being held responsible!
yourself first of all, means you’re prepared to take whatever Self-righteousness comes back in your face. Beware of self-
comes, and that you’ve got nothing to hide, which is always a righteousness. Lay low, and learn all that you can from others.
Hold back with your own wisdom, and hold your peace and learn You’re going to be as one who has risked the safety & lives of
your piece! your comrades over your own well-being. They’re going to be
gone, because you refused to fight, and you’re going to be lonely
231 ____________________________________________________ and sorry.
I’m working on the motivation of your hearts. I want you to
learn to love & teach your kids, to witness to your fellowman and 235 ____________________________________________________
to keep your house neat out of love for Me, because you know it A sick or handicapped person can reach out to help others &
pleases Me, and out of love for others. I want you to open up. I’m do good at times, but you wouldn’t send a handicapped or sick
teaching you about the importance of communicating, person to the battle front in a war. If you’re going to be My
understanding & sympathizing with others; I’m teaching you the frontline soldiers & Endtime warriors, you’re going to have to be
importance of acquiring spiritual wealth above material wealth & cured first, or at least be rid of that piece of shrapnel, that bullet
making a living. or tip of an arrow that’s still stuck in your wound.
Out there, that’s all they exist for: ‘making a living’. Is that all Then you’ll have to stop the bleeding, pray for a quick healing,
people ever consider living for & investing all their resources in, get some rest & re-filling, a clear vision, & then you can join in
their time, their energies, their lives? ‘What shall we eat? What the fray again.
shall we drink? Wherewithal shall we be clothed?’ ‘Where shall You’ve got to get rid of some of your excess weight & baggage, &
we live?’ and ‘Who will fulfill my sexual needs?’ These are pretty some of your inappropriate habits & attitudes that don’t come in
much all the questions that they are concerned about. Once handy when fighting a war.
those are covered, it goes on to, ‘How shall we spend the time I need reliable soldiers who will fulfill their duty, regardless of
that is not spent on any of those previous questions?’ ‘How can whether they feel like it or not...
we entertain ourselves?’ You should be able to rule your spirit & emotions!

232 ____________________________________________________ 236 ____________________________________________________

One of the first steps to getting something done for Me is to Thank you for fulfilling My heart’s desire, and allowing Me to fill
pray for them to happen. It’s like you’re charging My angels to go you to the brim, and for asking Me to fill you to overflowing. I will
before you & clear the way of any obstacles. You want to get grant your request, and from henceforth you will overflow with
something done for Me? Then start off by praying them through! My love, My Spirit, My Words and My wisdom. Untold riches are
Your own physical energy will never be enough. The power of yours in the spirit.
prayer is the secret. Come, let us ascend unto the next level of greater challenges,
If you would take the time, I could show you things about each deeper riches and revelations, of closer ties to My Spirit; more
person you meet, and you should. You must pray more about permanent interaction between Me and you, and much closer
things... union with your helpers and lovers in the spirit.
This habit of making decisions without counsel & united prayer, Come, and join us in a permanent love feast, where you will be so
that’s one major NWO: eliminate that bad habit & replace it by the thrilled and will find all your heart ever desired. Where Earthly
way it’s supposed to be. matters will be less relevant than ever, worries will be completely
You’ve just got to make it a rule: No more decisions without done away with, as you will find Me taking care of every little
counseling & praying together about it, period! detail for you.
There’s more at stake here than just a few hurt feelings! Thus is the path of those who have laid their personal desires at
My feet, only wanting to do that which is good for My Kingdom.
233 ____________________________________________________ Yours shall be a first-class ticket to Heaven, as you hold on tight
It is good that you are alert, but you can also trust Me that the to the magic wand of My keys.
situation is in My hands. Commit the whole thing into My hands Welcome, up Here, in the chamber of greater love, a new level of
& trust Me. You can determine your course of action. greater dedication. Strip naked, and join us in a love orgy that
You have to go according to your faith on major decisions... will thrill you. It will make you want to forget your present world,
All this is going to make you stronger, bolder, braver, more and yet, My greater love & joys & ecstasies of the Spirit will also
valiant & courageous. It will help you to rise above & make out of give you greater strength to deal with the affairs of the physical,
you that which you were not, but what you have always felt as you will find greater joy in your tasks, more grace to give, a
destined to become. I am with you. I’m re-making you. It’s a greater love and understanding for those who you come in touch
painful process in part, but it will be worth it all. with.
Touching you, for many, will mean touching Me, for you are all
234 ____________________________________________________ My gifts of My love to those people out there.
A bad disease, handicap or injury cancels & disables all other Many, whose intentions weren’t pure, or were not willing to pay
plans & activities. Things just can’t keep going as usual, can’t the price, who held on to some selfishness in their hearts,
continue, because someone has had an accident or fell sick; the compromised & never found the strength that it takes to do My
kind of emergency situation where everything around just stops work; the supernatural power of divine and unselfish love.
& people have to focus on it, take time out & deal with it. Welcome among the ranks of My true shepherds, those anointed
You’re all affected by it & disabled. What complicates the issue and appointed to feed My flocks, scattered throughout all the
is, when the patient denies the symptoms or tries to justify them Earth, on the highways & byways, and wherever you may find
by mistakes made by others. them. They are your goal and destiny. Your highest goal for
Although you will want to do everything in your power to drag which you want to strive, you will find it not by trying to make a
this comrade in arms along, there comes a point where it’s either name for yourself or leave your mark in history by some self-
‘drop the body or die yourself!’ This is the horrid, cruel but very effort, but by sharing that which I lay on your heart with those
real nature of warfare. whom I shall lead across your paths.
There comes a point where the person you’re trying to save There are countless sheep who are hungry, even starving for My
determines to give you their co-operation and start fighting for love and truth. I’m going to open up your eyes and will enable
themselves or they’re going to have to be left behind. You can’t you to see that which lies underneath: the loneliness. The
risk the whole mission, the whole troupe ALL the time over one longing for assurance of a glimpse of that which you have seen
person who refuses to get the victory! and felt and experienced; a ray or glimpse of hope. You’ve got to
Because all the shouts & laments of ‘Oh-how-could-you-be-so- be My transmitter of hope for them.
cruel’ are soon going to go under in the noise of the real battle, Tell them about My great mystery, why I suffered that cruel death,
and then help you God if you find yourself paralyzed by the key part of My mission, that I did it for them, and if they can
something you didn’t fight hard enough to shake while you still just believe and accept that, they won’t have to worry anymore
had the chance to do so. about what will come, about their mistakes, or whether they will
make all the right decisions or do all the right things in this life. Empty yourself completely of all that occupies your mind and
Tell them of My unconditional love. The New Testament, a new then give Me that blank mind, heart, soul & life of yours, and let
agreement and contract I have made with Man, means: Me fill it with the stuff I consider really relevant.
unconditional love. Give Me your mess, and I’m going to create a Masterpiece of My
All you’ve got to do is accept and receive it. Stretch out your perfect harmony & order out of it!
hand, and let Me lay there the greatest gift in the universe, and If that sounds like your kind of music, lend Me your ears, and I
you will be forever Mine to care for, to love, to shield and will fill them. I will fill them with the music that created the stars. I
zealously protect from any harm, to provide for, to satisfy, to will sound into an orgasmic explosion & climactic event that will
make happy and to fill with joy, to fill your very heart’s desires. If thunder around the world, and you’re going to wish you’ll be in it!
you only reach out & touch Me! Are you going to ride My sound-wave? We’re going to be heard
around the world, and it’s going to create an echo that will never
237 ____________________________________________________ end, and ricochet through time, history and eternity.
Remember the big lesson on self-righteousness! You never Give me your minutes, and I will give you millennia! Give Me your
know when I might let you fall into the same trap or condition hours and I’ll give you eons! Give Me your days, and I will give
that you’re seeing someone else in and either laughing about or you all eternity! Eternity is yours for the asking! What are we
shaking your head at... Next time that fella down there might be going to do with it?
you! Empty your mind, the glass of your life, completely of all that has
It helps when someone goes through a terrible trial & feels like been filling it previously, let Me give it a real good rinse, or even
freaking out & someone comes along & says, ‘Oh, that’s not so create a whole new vessel out of it altogether, if need be, and let
bad! I’ve been through the same thing & I’m still alive... In fact, it Me fill it, and fill it, and fill it, and fill it...
turned out to be quite okay in the end...’ That’s all some people From My angle up Here, your problems look pretty ridiculous &
need to hear sometimes. irrelevant. Behold, I make all things new, if you give your old
You’re learning to discern My voice from the Enemy’s. world to Me & let Me remake it into a much better, new & glorious
It’s a constant ‘choosing the good & eschewing the evil.’ Watch reality!
out whom you’re allowing to speak through you. Always be on
guard, and claim the promise I gave you, that I would constantly 240 ____________________________________________________
fill you to overflowing with My Words, My Spirit & My love! If you’re going to be filled by Me to the point of constantly
Remind the Devil of that when he comes around to try to use you over-flowing onto others, You’re going to have to take time with
for a channel of his message... his little sarcasms or worldly Me to get filled without distraction by others. Are you willing to
attitudes. Keep washing your heart & mind with My Word & My seem like all you would not want to be? Sometimes that’s the
positive input! only way I can make someone become what they’re truly meant
to be.
238 ____________________________________________________ Stop listening to the vile opinions of man. Especially of men who
Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all is forgiven and are in bondage to the lurks of Satan! Let’s move on to the things
forgotten as far as I’m concerned! All that counts is your love for that are REALLY relevant, for time is short, and we’ve got a big
Me... I don’t want anything else. And, in a way, your love for Me job to do!
is a result of your mistakes: If you had been more successful, do Concentrate and focus on what’s relevant.
you think you would have been that desperate to find Me? Life is about finding My lost brides in the spirit out there, wooing
As long as everything goes alright, man is pretty used to cruising them, and bringing them Home to Me. I’ve created you to be a
along on his steam as usual, without desperation nor a real deep servant and a blessing to many!
need for Me. It’s the beginning of a brand new life without compromise,
without worrying what others say. They seek not the will of the
239 ____________________________________________________ Father, just like Peter didn’t when he was trying to convince Me
You need to learn to go on steadily for Me, even when it looks not to go to Jerusalem to be crucified. Imagine if I had let him!
like everyone else is jumping off the ship. The greatest and most important mission in the entire history of
I’m going to be with you! And that’s what matters! man could have been foiled!
Let Me be your Stabilizer! I want to be your Anchor, and the only If you could see how much is at stake, you would not hesitate
thing you cling to. Come to Me with your empty vessel & say, one minute!
‘Lord, erase all I know & just give Me your pure, clean, Radical changes are necessary right now! It’s time for another
unadulterated input! It’s gotta be You, otherwise, it’ll be no use!’ acid test! Time for Me to see whether you love son or daughter or
I want to be the only steady & fixed factor of regularity & stability wife or husband more than Me, or whether you’re going to put
you can lean on! The only ground for you to stand on. All other first My call to you to feed My sheep...
ground is sinking sand. I want available tools at any time I need I’m calling you like the shepherd boy to slay the giant with the
them, adaptable at a moment’s notice. smooth rock of My Word! Love doesn’t care what people say, and
I want you to forget about the circumstances. I want you to focus we’re talking about the most important love here, namely your
& rely solely on Me. You’re just going to have to make a greater love for Me! Your highest duty is to Me alone, and it’s time to
effort to put Me above your circumstances. I don’t want your make that clear.
circumstances to dictate your times with Me, what you’re going Focus fully on the task ahead and the vision I’m going to give
to ask Me, etc., I would like to dictate your circumstances by your you, even if you feel like dying! The Enemy is going to try a few
times with Me: Me giving you the instructions and the Words that big stunts, for sure! Are you ready for them?
will create new circumstances.
Right now, My Words to you are a result of your circumstances. 241 ____________________________________________________
You find yourself in a situation, you seek My counsel about it, & Delusion must be destroyed, in order to build a firm foundation
then My Words might alter your circumstances according to the of truth. Think not that I am come to bring peace. I am not come
extent you implement them. But now, the next step is that you to bring peace, but a sword to set man at variance with his father,
come to Me blank – open – ready for Me to create a whole new daughter with mother... I bring that sword of variance, to cut
set of circumstances for you. Make the verse happen that says, down the veil of false appearances and views which hinder you
‘This is the day which the Lord hath made’! Let Me make your from doing My work. With every layer of that curtain that I cut
day! Let Me not only actively participate in your day, but let Me down, you come a little closer to the whole truth. Shed your
rule it and make it, and determine what your actions are going to former concepts of truth and reality and empty yourself
be! Give every minute, every second, every hour of it to Me as completely and open yourself utterly to Me. Let Me be your
clay in My hands to form out of it a new creation, a new sequence strong anchor and first love.
of miracles, an episode of wonders to behold. One of man’s major dilemmas in this day and age is his own
knowledge, or that which he thinks he knows. Everybody is so and its material blessings. They figure the things I am asking
convinced of their own view and opinion that they’re not open for people to do are too crazy. They make no sense. It’s all too
the truth, everybody’s an evangelist for their own little private & uncertain for them! No, they’d rather play it safe, serve the Devil
personal pet truth. This is actually one of the greatest obstacles & work hard for his meager wages than trust Me that if they obey
you’re up against. How can you show that your truth is truer than Me, I will supply all their needs. Your task is going to be to find
theirs? those who are fed up with being slaves of the Devil and want to
Well, in the end, only My power and anointing will tell the tale, use their energies for a better purpose.
and ”If this work is of man, it will come to naught, but if it is of Am I enough for you? Do you think I can manage to make you
God, no man shall stand against it.” And ”by their fruits ye shall happy? Fulfill you and satisfy you through and through? Test Me
know them”... Healings, miracles, good fruits & manifestations of & see if I really am the Best!
My power. I am a jealous God, I never made a secret out of it. It’s a known
You throw your rod on the ground and it turns into a snake, and fact throughout all the ranks of Heaven that I’m simply so much
then the Pharaoh’s magicians do the same, but yours will eat up better than anything else, that putting anything on a same level
their snakes. If you’re truly going to be My anointed, the world of importance with Me, or even above Me, is nothing short of
will see it. sheer insult. And I’m looking for humans in your physical world
Moses’ walk out into the desert on his own was the only way to who believe that. Are you going to be one of them?
get him to My holy mountain. Do you really think that I’m the best Thing in your life, or are you
Keep My message, not your needs in the forefront of your mind. still waiting for something better to come along? If you’re still not
You must learn to rise above even your physical needs and let completely satisfied, you haven’t discovered all I’m capable of!
them dictate your life no longer! But seek ye first My Kingdom There’s more to Me, much more! Try Me!
and righteousness, and all these other things shall be added
unto you. 244 ____________________________________________________
It’s going to be a lone hard road, and you’re going to look like the Throughout history, whatever army or military force had
loser, but I told you, you had to be willing to look like everything acquired any kind of position of power, as soon as they stopped
you didn’t want to be. War is on. This is the real thing. conquering, growing, & invading more of the Enemy’s territory,
as soon as they felt safe enough to settle down and just enjoy
242 ____________________________________________________ what they had, they started becoming corrupt.
If you feel like you’re not going to accomplish anything, it’s You had been shaken up by the effects of compromise, areas,
going to cause you to get desperate to have Me accomplish which so far you hadn’t allowed Me to touch. So I tore down that
something through you! There are desperate times up ahead, and last layer of delusion which blocked your view from seeing the
the faster you learn to get desperate with Me, the better off you’re plain naked truth. For some people, the whole ugly awful truth
going to be. about themselves is just too ugly, and more than they can bear.
There’s a storm of opposition from the Enemy and even those, It’s time to part with compromise. It’s time to find out where each
of whom you don’t know exactly whether they’re friend or foe - of you really stand.
time will tell whether they will go for the option of love that will If you’re a babe, then act like one & drink in the milk to get
lay down his life for their friends – but all those things will just stronger. If you’re a disciple, a fully grown, mature doer of the
serve to strengthen you. Word, then show Me your faith by your works!
You’re in a higher league now, and you look like a skinny runt And if you’re serious about making the changes needed in order
compared to all the bullies, and you feel pretty lost... They’re to get to the standard I want you to have, but you feel that those
joking about you a little, and the training is very exhausting. It’s living in the same Home will hold you back from doing so, in their
another acid test. Things are always toughest at the beginning of momentary state, then you’re just going to have to be willing to
a new ministry, a new grade, and, well, that’s just the way it goes forsake them, even if it hurts a lot. Show Me that you are willing
& the way we all find out whether you’ve got what it takes. and able to sacrifice! Show me that you are willing and able to
The thing to do now is to gratefully and wholeheartedly take up act on what I’m showing you to do, even if those dearest to you
this new challenge, as opposed to getting discouraged & lying don’t understand and think you’re making a mistake. Show Me
down with an attitude of, ”How could I ever think I was going to whose follower you are!
make it?”
So, be at peace, everything is alright, even though you feel like at 245 ____________________________________________________
rock bottom. There’s no better place to start, because there’s no Obey Me step by step, and as you obey one step you will be
other way to go but up. shown the next. This crisis is not for nothing. It’s not an empty or
unnecessary drill! Things are not going to continue as they are,
243 ____________________________________________________ and I want you to survive, so, you’re going to need a tougher
The Devil had you so confused & in such a mud hole, it’s state of mind in order to make it! There’s even a reason for all
time to remind yourself and him of Who’s in charge here. Show this lukewarm reasoning you’re being confronted with, for
him by praising Me that you still know that I am in control in spite nothing makes you as sick of lukewarmness, as being handed or
of all his futile attempts to sow confusion and hoodlum! fed a good mouthful of it yourself by someone else, and I sure
Better to be betrayed than to be one of the traitors. hope it’s gonna make you hate it!
Lift up your heart to Me, don’t dwell down there in the muddle of It’s a problem when people read the Word but only pick out
your own mind! Come up here, where the air is clean! Come up to whatever they like or appeals to them & sort of ignore the heavy-
My holy mountain! Receive My precepts & write them on the duty stuff, or say that won’t apply to them.
tablets of your heart. There comes a time in every life, when they see where they erred
The test every great leader throughout the ages had to pass, & failed to see the truth.
from Moses and on down until the Family: The resistance of the In the end, there are going to be 2 in the field, one with My true
half-hearts. The criticism of those who would want to be the anointing, one without...
leader themselves. The rebellion of the proud & unyielded. ”Who When I return, there will be shiners & shamers. Keep in mind
made you a ruler over us?” It’s the very voice of Satan! He got to what you’ll want to be on that day, & keep working toward that
the same point where he got fed up with My leadership & he was goal: becoming a shiner for Me. It’s nothing you can work up in
thinking, ”Who made You the Boss over us anyway? I wanna be the flesh, but it can be achieved by faithfulness to Me.
my own boss!” And the majority of the people out there simply Keep striving for humility! Humility that will enable you to
prefer themselves as their own boss, or if they don’t have the approach anyone at any time with My message without any fear,
strength & courage to be their own boss, they’ll accept the Devil born of pride, about what they might think of you. I wish you
or any one of his System stooges; at least he’ll give them what would fall so much in love with Me that you would only care what
they think I can’t: security and a fixed, safe position in this world, I think of you!
I don’t want you to stay empty, I want to fill you up with Me! I No ocean or mighty river without the tiny little drops of water, or
want to satisfy you! Focusing on the positive means, not staring the even tinier water molecules, and likewise, ”no greater love
at the problem, at the hole, but looking up to Me, the solution- than this” without all the tiny little, but consistent & constant
Giver, the Filler! Stay focused on Me, not on your needs! Look at manifestations thereof.
Me, the Supplier! Look at My promises! Reach out for My heart of No babies without tiny little, invisible-to-the-naked-eye sperms &
love, and touch Me, and I will guarantee you greater satisfaction eggs, no body without tiny little cells... It’s the tiny little faithful
than any woman could ever give you! actions & deeds of love that make Love the greatest thing in the
It’s not always necessarily bad to be in want of a certain thing universe. So, don’t worry about great accomplishments & making
that you’ve been taking quite for granted... your mark in history. Nevermind about grand aspirations and
You’ve got to create a vacuum for Me to fill it. There’s got to be a great names for yourselves. If you just stick to the tiny little
need before you get stirred up sufficiently to call on Me with all actions, deeds & steps of love, you’ll be doing just what’s
your heart to fill it. necessary to bring about the triumph of good over evil, and you’ll
Commit tomorrow into My hands. Commend the day into My be doing just fine, and you’ll be fulfilling the best possible
hands in the name of the Keys, & look what I do with it. Let each destiny for yourself there is.
day be Mine, and it’s going to keep getting better. For how can you assume that you’ll be ready to lay down your
life for another someday, by some grand endowment from on
246 ____________________________________________________ high, if you’re not willing to take the little steps each day to show
(After watching ”Mr. Holland’s Opus”:) One day, the subtle others that you care for them, that you consider their happiness
tricks of the Enemy, which he used to deceive millions to get and satisfaction and care more important than your own?
them to abdicate, for a mess of pottage, their highest calling of How can you think that someday you’ll be ready and faithful not
being their brothers’ keepers, of being teachers & shepherds of to deny Me, and to stand strong in the hour of temptation, when
the flock, will be exposed & laid open for the whole universe. The you can’t resist the little temptations of selfishness right now?
mess of pottage of some personal dream or desire in the end You didn’t think little things were THAT important, did you? It’s
often only turned out a decoy, a distraction of the Enemy, a because most people are impressed by what’s big. Dinosaurs &
compromise to settle for a quick, easy-to-see, easy-to-reach mammoths, skyscrapers & towers of Babel, ”Yeah, let’s build an
solution or satisfaction, as opposed to the long & winding, even higher one...” But what was once the highest building in the
thorny road of faith & patience. World is now a heap of scrap & sorrow, and it’s the ants, not the
For who would have thought that that child or that youngster dinosaurs, who have survived.
could have turned into a brilliant mind, a shining light & beacon So, be thankful, if you’re small & little. Enjoy it, while it lasts. It’s
to many under your influence & tutorship? Who could have like the advantage & gift of being invisible. Those who are
suspected that they were wide-open treasure chests, waiting to inflated by their pride are always a target. Even when they’re not,
be filled with what you had to give them? they always feel attacked, they always feel criticized, they always
I’m handing out a crown of great glory to those special few who feel like everybody’s looking and staring at them... when often,
had the vision, who were faithful, who led My little ones & guided it’s all just in their heads.
them by the hand, who had an unselfish love to pour their own Love IS our most important weapon. It’s the stuff that our
lives into those young & brittle vessels, often at the cost of weapons are made out of! And all the great words & great visions
giving up their own dreams & visions & goals they had for & great aspirations & great announcements of, ”Behold, we shall
themselves. do this, and we shall do that, we shall conquer this land, and we
Because they had the faith that those young ones could grow & shall be great indeed...” can sometimes turn out to be nothing
rise above their own limits, that they could far exceed whatever but hot air and a lesson in the importance of the faithfulness in
accomplishments their teachers might otherwise have little things like love.
achieved... Because they were unselfish enough to esteem If you are called to do great things, forget not the greatest of all:
another, younger one higher and more important than the love & humility to treat others the way you would like to be
themselves, therefore I say, Hail to the faithful teachers! Glory treated yourselves. Walk a mile in their shoes, and if you still feel
and honor to them from everlasting to everlasting... to those who like you have some great words to say afterwards, write them
shared the know & shared the glow, who passed on the down, and pass them on in humility and silence. The World
knowledge of My truth in faithfulness & a humble anointing. How knows enough big mouths. What it needs is to see action.
greatly shall those be honored by countless millions... forever. Whatever you may say: tiny deeds of love will always speak
louder than words. What convinced people that I was the Christ
247 ____________________________________________________ were not only My Words, but ultimately My actions: the miracles I
I prefer you in a desperate & helpless state. I can use you and My disciples performed. And through My Words I want to
much better like that. Complacency is one of the greatest give you the faith to do miracles yourselves. Just remember, the
enemies My children have, and one of the most dangerous, way to get to those big miracles of love is via tiny little stepping
because the presence of that yucky spirit feels as familiar and stones of faithful deeds & manifestations of love toward Me and
cozy as a friend, and is seldom recognized and exposed as the your fellowmen everyday. In everything you do, every minute of
heinous foe it really is... every day, love is the most important thing. That is something
Don’t fall into the mode of taking things for granted. I want you to that will never change. Even though the manifestations might
stay alert & keep your eyes open for those golden opportunities differ or change according to the occasion: Sometimes the
to touch someone’s life, to influence someone for the good, ultimate proof of love will be the correction of somebody or to
which might bring eternal changes, to sow the seeds of My stand up for your convictions of the truth, but it always has to be
wisdom into their hearts – to teach, being instant in season and done with love, for without love, anything good you might do is
out of season... nothing. If you’re failing to give love, you’re failing Me.

248 ____________________________________________________ 249 ____________________________________________________

What is love? Love is respect, not taking someone for granted, Before you show love to those outside, you have to make sure
showing appreciation. Love is like light, reflected in the gazillions you’re loving those closest to you as much as yourself. See it as
of tiny little particles of which everything consists, without which one of your major tasks in life to impart to others what you have
the light itself would remain invisible. Even so, love, without learned, not only by recounting your experiences, but also by
countless tiny little manifestations, isn’t really there. honestly, humbly and lovingly approaching them about areas in
Focus on the immediate little steps of love to take, right in front which they could improve in their lives.
of you – as opposed to far-off goals of grandeur & splendor. It’s For example, if there is something someone says or writes that
the little things that make the Kingdom of Love stand, the little, lacks clarity, instead of just pretending you understood, why not
tiny molecules, that hold the whole universe together. sweetly admit, ”Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t understand this. Do you
think you could make it a little more clear or explain what you Little is much if God is in it.
were trying to say?”
What’s important is that each correction is done in love, and that 252 ____________________________________________________
all your teaching is an act of love. If you pour out your life to others, I will pour out My life to you!
I have bestowed upon each one of you the ability to see & Take more time to minister to those I have brought across your
comprehend different things, & you can only fully profit from the paths. Spend more time feeding them. Your needs will be taken
things I teach all of you individually by sharing them with each care of.
other. All I ask is that you be faithful in the little things. Don’t worry
Who knows but what you might have to share could be the about the costs, I will more than repay whatever thou spendest.
missing piece in the picture of the major lesson I’m trying to Whatever troubles you, give it to Me, & don’t let it distract you
teach someone at this very moment in their lives! Or perhaps by from the job at hand! Prayer is the pump that sucks down My sap
what you’ve got to share, something else will be triggered, a from the heavenlies. It creates a vacuum for Me to fill. When you
reaction, or a related thread, which might help you or yet another don’t know what to pray, just start praising Me, that’s one thing
person along... you can ALWAYS do.
Sharing the know & being your brothers’ & sisters’ keepers is a Why make an idol out of your blessings, when you can have the
wonderful thing. Keep an open mind when you come to Me in Giver of the blessings, the Blesser Himself, to worship, and to
prayer, for what I could show you to convey to someone else. love, and to adore?

250 ____________________________________________________ 253 ____________________________________________________

When will you start seeing and really believing that all things It’s time for radical changes & time to get down to serious
come from My hands, all things are in My hands, and that many business with Me! Time to seriously seek My face.
of these things I’m bringing about in your life are really just for Things ARE going to get desperate, sooner or later, and I’m not
the sole purpose of testing you? going to let anyone get away with taking things for granted any
Each person perceives as reality only a fraction of the grand longer. On the other hand, I don’t want you to panic & stare at the
picture. Only I can reveal the whole picture, and in due time, I waves! I want you to look up, to Me, and continue to trust in Me.
will. My promises are still true, especially in time of crises!
Seeing things through My eyes requires more than just an open If something doesn’t work, I don’t seem to be blessing it, and
mind & being objective. Even your objectivity is still quite withdraw My support, it’s time for a change. As long as
subjective, as it is subject to your own desires, opinions, your everything is all comfortable, I hardly get any of My children to
point of view, even your selfishness. move. I always have to turn up the heat before they will get
Being an evangelist or missionary, an apostle, means not just stirred up enough to look for a change or a different direction.
waiting for opportunities to arise, but creating opportunities. You cannot neglect your job for Me.
When you have the right to enjoy a liberty which I have granted,
but you forego it, in order to avoid that one of your members 254 ____________________________________________________
should get hurt, that’s living the law of love. There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end
Your hurt is your reward! Your pain will be your joy! Enjoy every thereof are the ways of death.
little bit of your pain, for this is godly hurt, and it’s going to bring
I’m asking you to dwell within the realm of My heavenly thought
about good fruit. power, so you can be free from the vain, empty, often useless
When you are ruled by love, you don’t waste away the hours thoughts of man. This will result in you choosing at every turn of
moaning & groaning you wish you had the liberty of the good old the road, the right one of two possible ways: man’s way or My
days while the world is going to pot...You work as if everything way. Man’s way leading to destruction and death, and My way
depended on working to get souls saved into the Kingdom. leading you further on, the high road and the low road.
A little more pain and sacrifice for you bring life and relief and How can you make sure you’re going My way up, and not your
Salvation to others. own way down? By not relying on your own finite thoughts & the
Forsaking all – everyday! – That’s one of the slogans of a true empty words of man, but by basing all your decisions on My
disciple to keep in mind if you want to start off each day clean input; My Words, My thoughts, My way, and like this you will
slated in order to get the most you can do out of it. Forsaking all move within the realm of My Spirit, My calm, My heavenly sphere
in order to put Me first, that’s the goal. of protection... peace that passeth the understanding of your
251 ____________________________________________________ Turn every thought into a prayer, and My wings will lift you
Please don’t neglect My time with you. Sometimes a break can higher.
renew your hunger for My Word, and then I will pour forth again Analyzing circumstances & then drawing your conclusions from
in greater strength, but you wouldn’t want to go too often without that analysis, as to what you think you should do, can very easily
any spiritual food, or you’ll dwindle down to a skinny runt in the be one of those ”ways of man”. You think things over, you judge
spirit, and we’re at training here, where a lot of spiritual effort & your situation, your chances, the probability that you’re going to
strength is required, and as the saying goes, nothing comes from make it by the height of the waves, by the gusts of the wind, and
nothing. The same principle applies to your prayer life. Ye have you figure, ”No, I think today is a good day to stay home. I think
not because ye ask not. it’s better to quit, to tie up in port, to give in, to not even try.”
I’m bound to certain rules & can only give you what you actually You think this is the right thing to do, the reasonable thing, &
ask Me for. You believe in prayer as much as you pray! everybody would surely nod their heads & agree with you. But
If you shall seek Me with all your heart, I will let you find Me. then, what about Me? Did you commit the situation into My
I need to be able to count on your loyalty to Me! Are you still with hands in fervent prayer? Did you make really sure that I’m not
Me? It’s more than ever time to delve into My Words. going to calm the storm, or enable you to sail the stormy sea,
Don’t limit Me by unbelief, but let Me work in you to bring about anyway? You could be in greater danger staying at Home than
the changes needed in order to get to the point where you’ll be a launching out by faith, if that’s what My highest will would have
real blessing to your brethren, both, IN the Family and those not been for you! Seek Me, consult Me, and not your own mind. Lean
yet in the Family. NOT to your own understanding!
You’ve got what many are looking for. You’ve got the key to the
hearts of many who I have been preparing for this. 255 ____________________________________________________
I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me. Will you just lift Me You’re like Neo the first time he comes to the oracle & she
up and exalt Me? Put the emphasis on Me and My Word, teaching tells him, ”No, I’m sorry, kid, you haven’t got what it takes!” And
them to establish their own personal connection with Me, and I he doesn’t. At that point. But from then on he learns to esteem
will draw them unto Me! They will come! another higher than himself, ”in honor preferring one another.”
What you need in order to make it to the next step, is a love that did,” and while the men of force go down in flames & lighting up
is willing to lay down your life for each other. You have the the landscape in one brilliant flash, sometimes a little,
potential for it, but whether you’re willing to go the way you see insignificant person can continue working, lighting many candles
before you, or finally start walking in it, is entirely up to you! in many places, and thus give an equal amount of light, only in a
”I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: quieter way, but nevertheless the same amount of light.
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That So, have patience and compassion for the weaker ones, for you
thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey never know what I may do in their lives over time, and what great
His voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy miracles might be wrought through their weakness. It’s not the
life, and the length of thy days” (Deut.30:19,20) You are choosing strong & mighty who will conquer the Earth in the end, but ”the
between the ways of life and death right now, the way of your meek shall inherit the Earth”.
own carnal mind, of the flesh, and the way of My Spirit.
What may seem like the easy way out is often only a harder way 258 ____________________________________________________
down the road. Learn to apply your faith as a drawing power, like electricity,
I am steadfast, stable, and I, the Lord change not. If you can to work in your lives. Put it to use & make it work! Plug it in & let
make up your mind to truly follow Me, I will make a way, even your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
when there is no way. works & glorify Me! That’s the purpose of faith.
There are times when it seems perfectly legitimate, reasonable & Share something useful, uplifting, encouraging, relevant. Give
alright to quit; the only reasonable thing left to do. But those are whatever is helpful.
often the times when the true heroes are born, those who say,
”Lord, contrary to all the circumstances, contrary to what my 259 ____________________________________________________
mind tells me and contrary to the way I feel, in spite of the fact Come to Me, come down to the depths of the core of your
that I know that this rugged road in front of me here will bring a heart in desperation, & find Me there, waiting with open arms &
lot of pain & suffering, as it already has, in fact I’m still eager to answer you, eager to supply your needs! I have needed
suffering... In spite of all this, Lord, I decide & choose to keep & longed for you to stir yourselves up. It’s the indifference that
going for You! There are a thousand voices telling me this can’t won't let Me cope, that won’t let Me work, that won’t let Me stir
be the right way when it hurts & feels so bad, but I’m just going Myself up, as long as you don’t stir up yourselves!
to follow You and Your dreadful road up to that cross, because I I’m having to allow troubles in your life, for without them, you’d
believe in You: You are worth it, and I don’t really want anything be self-satisfied...
else but You! I’ll follow! To the death!” I have to create a need, & at times have to withhold My blessings,
Those who have any other motives will sooner or later peter out, for only in those times you really stir yourselves up
anyway. Only those who have Me for a motivation & incentive to wholeheartedly to come before Me as you should. I need your
keep going will find the strength to keep going, no matter what. concern & your desperation! Nothing comes from nothing. If you
can’t get stirred up emotionally, can’t invest your heart, it’s just
256 ____________________________________________________ lifeless clay....
Set up a spiritual firewall against evil intruders! Don’t let them But when there’s a need, it creates a vacuum. It’s like the
plant their spyware cookies on your system so they can spy out darkness that cries for the light, the cold that longs for My
when you’re most vulnerable! Don’t grant them any access & warmth, the question that waits for My answer, the problem
make sure your firewall doesn’t allow any leakage! which yearns for My solution. I’m pleased when you earnestly cry
Run your spyware checker program regularly, claiming the keys out for My help, I need that!
against any evil little intruders & keep your system clean of As the need grows, your desperation also needs to grow.
anything that might cause trouble! Only turn to safe sites for I withhold My blessings at times to erase any shadow of a doubt
good, healthy, clean & uplifting input & don’t take any risks! about whether it really comes from My hand. Nothing comes from
Better safe than sorry! nothing.
The keys of imprisonment can act like a spiritual firewall that’s There is no such thing as good luck, and as far as you’re
shielding you from hostile intrusion & attempts of the Enemy to concerned, there’s either My blessings for you because of your
hack into your system! Keep it up & running & activated all the obedience to Me and your faithfulness in giving Me the glory, or
time! the absence of them. The feeding of the 3000 & of the 5000. The
more you try, the less results, and the more you trust, the more
257 ____________________________________________________ get filled! The less you start out with and the greater the need,
”Men of force are men of faults”... and often, those men of the greater & the more obvious the miracle, and the more will be
force are surprised who really winds up making the grade. Often left over!
those weaklings, those, they never would have had the faith for, I want you to give Me the credit for your supply! Tell them of the
who they couldn’t possibly figure how in the world they were times I saw you through. Let everybody know that I am the Man
ever going to make it. But time is the great tester, and often a in your house, Who’s putting the food on your table!
great strengthener of the weak, of the slow, and of those who
keep the best of their energies for later, in fact, until the point at 260 ____________________________________________________
which they’re 100% sure that it’s My power & My energy working In order to have a good, clean & strong channel with Me, a
in & through them, not any of their own. person needs to have good, strong & clean faith, which is built
Men of force almost always have a strong remainder of their own by faithful study of My Word, they need a good, strong & clean
energy & their own self integrated in their works, spirit, and you should be free of strong emotions & personal
accomplishments, deeds & actions for Me. And I can use that. involvement in the situation you’re trying to hear from Me about,
But they also strive with Me a lot more, argue with Me a lot more, if you want pure, clean & untainted prophecies. There is almost
like Peter did... and they don’t always cast themselves onto Me always a certain trace of the vessel in the messages you’re
as hopelessly as those naturally weak ones who know they receiving from Me, but it’s a difference whether the vessel has
wouldn’t stand a chance in this world without Me. been burned in the oven of many fires or whether it’s still a
Men of force often have strong personal opinions, preferences relatively young, weak, soft & brittle vessel, which might even
and dislikes, and these can cause hurt, and sometimes occasionally lose entire crumbs & lumps of clay which spill over
unnecessarily drive away some who could have been used by into the message.
Me, otherwise. ”If the truth kills, let it kill” is one of their slogans, There are conditions to the contract, which you, the user, have to
and they’re sincere about it, and would die for their conviction keep in order for this equipment & this line of communication to
any day, & they look down in disdain on those who lag behind work properly.
them in their convictions, which might not be quite as strong yet. The written Word is still the no.1 way of finding My will.
But it’s a little bit like ”The hare never made it, but the tortoise
261 ____________________________________________________ Show them that I am a greater Lover than the god of this World.
If you strive for My best & highest, sometimes you feel the He only seeks to enslave them, puts them into a trance & gets
only way to get there is total absorption, total embrace, but in them hooked on selfish lust.
reality, sometimes it requires letting go. Letting go of mistaken But I’m the only One Who renders all, Who gave to the blood – to
concepts & perceptions. Sometimes you don’t really see clearly the death. No greater love hath any man than this. Therefore,
because you’re too close. neither is there greater satisfaction, fulfillment & happiness in
any other...
262 ____________________________________________________
Indifference & familiarity are 2 major enemies of true & good 266 ____________________________________________________
friendship & companionship. Gratitude’s an attitude you can’t do Put your confidence in the true values, not in your talents,
without as friends! And show your appreciation by returning kind your wits, but in Me, My Word & your connection with Me.
deeds of love. When you’ve got nothing, I’ll be your All-in-all! When you’ve got
You don’t have the patience for friends with handicaps? I was an nothing & I’m all you’ve got to cling to, that’s when I will prove
Outcast, the Son of God, permanently marked as ”not one of Myself most efficient & effective for you, that’s when I’ll be all
them”, battling with the Devil all My life, appalled by the you ever needed.
hypocrisy, hardness & evil of their hearts & destined to die a The flesh is almost like the false identity the Enemy wants to give
criminal’s death. My destiny was My handicap! you; the weak, sinful & despicable you. But you can look way
Work on your qualities as a friend. Your companions need past that at your higher anointing & you’ll know what I’ll make
someone loving, patient & understanding, not aggravated! you capable of. You’ll be unstoppable & you can do all things
Here comes in the art of discerning between the sin & your through Me if you just focus on your true identity: My creation!
friend, the sinner. Remember who you are! It’s the slumbering higher anointing
Freely give yourselves to each other unselfishly, without which dwells within each of you, which the key & the call of
expecting anything in return. David & the chord of his harp, bring to life. That which you can
be & are in the spirit: the creation of My omnipotent hand, not the
263 ____________________________________________________ fake identity the Devil is trying to brainwash you to accept.
I’d like people to learn to see Me in everything, to look for an Be My creation, My children, awaken, & come to life, oh ye very
opportunity in every situation to glorify Me or to remind people of creations of My hand, the sculptures of My eternal breath! Hide
Me! Be more optimistic & look out for the opportunity instead of no more, crawl no more into the dark dungeon, the grave, the
letting yourselves be bogged down by the seeming impossibility. empty shell of this flesh, which is nothing but corruption. I beg
The Devil would like to sneak in & grab the glory for virtually you to refuse to accept the lower identity which the Devil & the
everything that’s pleasant under the sun. System are trying to give you & that you render your services
What matters is whether you give Me the glory! Refuse to give it completely to Me. Be a fully functioning agent for My cause &
to him! Just take whatever comes your way, trusting in it from the don’t let them brainwash you any longer into believing &
Romans 8:28 angle, giving Me thanks in all things, even IF the accepting the loser role he would like to put you in.
Devil did bring it! Sometimes you’ve gotta have some guts to Be more than conquerors by the faith which overcometh the
grab the spoils of Egypt. If you’re too scared about whether it’s World, faith in Me & the higher calling & destiny I’ve ordained &
really politically correct to do this or accept that, there goes empowered you for. It’s going to happen soon, & it’s going to be
another lost opportunity. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed like flipping a switch, pressing the ”delete” button, & your former
are the humble, the thankful, those who grab it by faith & thank self, your fleshly identity will be remembered no more. Old things
Me for it, no matter where it came from. It’s only pride that makes have passed away, behold, all things are made new. This is what
things complicated. it means to truly become a new creature in Me; that’s how drastic
the difference is.
264 ____________________________________________________ You’re My agents of love. I have created you, ordained you,
I don’t want you to keep Me all for yourself. One of the greatest enlightened you, activated you, sent you forth. Be that which I
proofs of your love you can give Me is to share Me with others. have called & chosen you to be. Reject & cancel the former. Be
Not like the jealous, prudish, selfish & possessive church the greater one you can be that originated in Me. That which is
Christians who hardly ever mention Me, much less share Me with flesh, is flesh, but that which is born of the spirit, is spirit. Break
anyone else. No wonder they don’t believe in sharing. They don’t out of the cocoon of the old. Let go of the flesh & cling to My
even share their faith. Spirit.
But you are called to act & live differently. I want you to be bold & The lessons you learn from your interactions & experiences with
open & share Me freely: ”I am a bride of Christ, & I would like to key people serve to make you willing to change into what you’re
share my Husband with you! He’s the greatest!...” This may supposed to become. I’m going to dwell in you richly & will use
sound shocking & provocative, but that’s the attitude I want you you mightily, as it has been ordained from before the foundations
to have. of the World. Blessed are your eyes & ears, for you have come to
I desire to satisfy those you come in touch with, those I send be one of My saviors at an hour like this, which is going to be
across your path. unlike any other. Therefore, be not perplexed by your weakness,
So much depends on your willingness to share Me with others. but shed it like an old cloak. Soon I will clothe you in strength,
Your happiness & fulfillment, not to mention the souls saved & anointing & power & none shall be able to withstand thee, if you
the happiness you’d bring Me. can believe.

265 ____________________________________________________ 267 ____________________________________________________

I want you to share Me, your Lover & Husband, with the love- Glorify Me in all you do. Use it for edification & lifting Me up,
starved, hungry & searching out there. I want you to recruit other not the Enemy or self, or sad feelings of gloom & hopelessness.
brides for Me! Can you do this for Me? If singing is similar to prophesying, it would be good to pray
I want & desire a sexy, unselfish, wildly willingly sharing bride before you sing, that I will override any elements of self, & that
whose sole desire is to give Me the utmost pleasure possible, not it’s purely My Spirit that comes through.
by selfishly withholding Me from others & insisting on being the If you want your singing to be clean, wholesome & edifying,
only one to satisfy My needs, but knowing that nothing else will you’ve got to make sure that it’s in My Spirit you sing, not your
satisfy Me more than your freely sharing Me with others & ever own, & that your singing isn’t tainted by self, or even the spirit of
giving more of Me! the Enemy.
Ever giving more of Me to others is the secret to happiness & the The less there is of you, the more the light shines through. The
meaning of life! Continue to give others ever more of Me, & you’ll more you glorify Me & the less you just display your skill, the
continue to be completely & totally satisfied. more I can use you.
Burn free with the message that truly glorifies Me... you go out & preach something you can’t even really practice
Be completely freed of the shackles of pride, get in touch with yourself yet. I’m establishing a ”trusting in the Lord completely”
people on a low & humble level, of one who reaches out his hand mode in you right now. There was always something else you
for help & in return gives the blessing of My Spirit. were able to rely on beforehand... Now all that’s gone, and You’ve
Follow Me & you’ll be alright. just got to learn to trust Me!
You’ve got to trust Me blindly, even if it looks like it’s a dead end
268 ____________________________________________________ street I’m leading you into. Trust that I will make a way where
Testings, trials, purgings, & then some more testings... It’s a there is no way!
rough & tough exam you’re learning for: the hour which is to
come upon the whole world to tempt them that dwell on the 273 ____________________________________________________
Earth. If I am to keep you through it, I must be sure you’re not so What’s your top no.1 priority? To love Me!
attached, so affected by all that’s going on in the World. The Your 2nd greatest duty is to love your neighbor: make a greater
affairs of this life... The worries & cares of life, which choke the effort to love each other & the lost sheep out there. Care more for
seeds of My Words! You must be watchful that those cares of life others. Help each other more. Find out what they need. It also
don’t choke the effect of My Word on your heart. The Devil is means that if someone has a particular & outstanding problem,
trying hard! which needs special care & attention, to attend to it, not to avoid
If you’d spend more time with Me about your issues, you’d find it.
out that I’ll take care of them... If you go to a doctor with a Sometimes, blessings can be taken away rapidly, when not
problem, you have to sit in a waiting room for a few hours, then appreciated & fought for like you ought.
you have to tell him your troubles, & you have to listen to his Love is a multi-faceted & many-splendored thing, which not only
advice or follow his treatment. If you can take the time to attend includes being kind & nice to each other. It also includes
to your physical problems, how much more should you take time imploring & seeking Me for a person with a problem & helping
with Me to counsel about the affairs of your life! Consulting time them to apply the solution I give or show you for them. Tacitly
with Dr. J.! standing by, crossing your arms & shaking your head isn’t going
to do the trick.
269 ____________________________________________________ You are Mine, & I can do with you whatever I consider best, & if
Do you trust Me? I know you still have some doubts & fears & you want to let Me use you at all, you each have got to trust that I
worries. I’m not expecting perfect trust for starters, but we need know best where to put you & in what capacity & situation to use
to get there & make progress in eliminating your doubts & fears you.
& replace them with more & more faith & trust, and one sure fire If you’re going to trust Me for the situation I put you in, then trust
way to strengthen your faith & trust is for you to see Me supply, Me fully & in every aspect, that I know what I’m doing. Put your
without the interference of your own arm of the flesh, so, stand whole hearts into it, before I’m going to have to take ”it” away
back & see Me supply. Stand back & see Me fight & work on your from you. Apply your whole heart, don’t just look at what you
behalf! would like, but what you can effectively do to help. And nobody
was ever helped by ignoring their problem. Nobody was ever
270 ____________________________________________________ healed from cancer by saying, ”It’s not so bad... It’s gonna go
You’re never a failure if you obey Me & are trying to find a way away...”
to implement My Word. You can pray for it, yes, but sometimes, concrete action has to be
I have given you the power to do My work. You’ve just got to use taken & an operation needs to take place to cut out the festering
it. You activate it by using it, by going forth & finally getting into growth... Trust Me, the great Head Doctor, that My diagnose is
that gear, engaging in that mode of witnessing, fulfilling your correct & My prescription to attack the problem is the right one.
divine purpose & destiny. Things might get worse temporarily, but trust Me; that’s the only
Sometimes you’ve got to “get right back to where you started way they’re ever going to get better.
from”, in order to get somewhere new. If the roads you’ve been
walking so far haven’t taken you to your destination, you’ve got 274 ____________________________________________________
to get back to where you started from & try again. You don’t have an easy task & I don’t blame you for wanting
Only remember, it’s a new era, and there are new methods & to give up. The problem is, if you give up prematurely, rescue
means you’re going to have to use, new songs you’re going to yourself prematurely, in other words, you’ll always wonder,
have to sing, and new tools you’re going to have to apply. ”What if I had kept trying? Would we have succeeded?” The true
I’ll be your coach. I’ll be the leader of your team, & all you’ve got pioneer would rather die trying than quit prematurely. That’s why
to do is follow Me & I will make you fishers of men & I will give I don’t want you to throw in the towel yet: I want you to become a
you such a catch that there will not be room enough to hold it. true pioneer & a perseverer. Hold on!
Can you believe it? Misunderstandings, pain, hurt & problems, are principally a
result of that element of self, and this won’t occur if you put Me
271 ____________________________________________________ first, give Me the glory & credit for everything & make sure right
(Dad.:) ”You don’t always have to know where you’re going... from the start what you’re in it for: winning disciples for Me.
Sometimes the Lord just wants you to trust even though you Get more heavenly minded by getting out there & winning souls.
can’t see where you’re going. ‘We walk by faith & not by sight’, That’s the most inspiring thing you can do, and the best
remember? Just put your hand in His, He’ll be better to you than preparation for Heaven, where you’re going to meet all of those
a light or a known path. souls again & they will be your grateful friends, companions &
As long as you keep going in the right direction, everything’s lovers, too... don’t insist on having your heaven on Earth first,
going to be alright. Let nothing worry you! ‘When you’re trusting without bringing heaven to the lost. That’s like chasing
you’re not heard to fret, & when you’re fretting, you’re not happiness when you ought to be giving it to others. Make others
trusting yet. So, let go, my friend, & let God have His wonderful happy.
275 ____________________________________________________
272 ____________________________________________________ One of the greatest lessons in life is to detect whether
Grab hold the hem of My garment, My heart, and pour out something is for real. You have to learn to detect the lie, the
your needs, sorrows & heartaches to Me. Tell Me what you want. deceit. The goal is to train your gift of discernment to the point
You asked Me to do whatever it would take to make you more where you can almost see it or touch it. Sometimes you can
fruitful, and I can only use broken men & women, no others will smell it, that it’s there – something’s wrong, but you can’t put
do. Do you trust Me fully, that I’ve got your life in My hands? your finger on it until you touch it or have exposed it & it
I want you to become a sample of utter trust first of all, before becomes plainly visible.
Your aim is to expose the true, hidden motives. You’ve got to
strip off the cloaks & pretenses layer by layer & uncover either 278 ____________________________________________________
the ugly truth underneath, or beautiful, naked sincerity & Your praise angels are those who record all the things to be
trueness of heart. thankful for, they help recollect all those things; they’re the
Live as truthfully as you possibly can, & make it as easy for keepers of the record of the manifestation of My power in your
others to be truthful with you, when they tell you something life.
honest you might not like. Tell the truth as you would like to be Your angels of praise help you when you know not what you
told the truth. And be aware of the fact that many people are should praise Me for.
trapped in a game in which they seem to think they need to put Be mindful of them & their presence, tune in to their leadings.
on a pretense, or that they just can’t show their true selves. Pity They can also help you to aim at the Enemy & to hit him where it
them & free them with My truth! Set free the captives of lies with really hurts the most, to shoot off a load of praise in just the right
My Words & deeds of truth! direction.
As I have set you free from the snares of the pressure to deceive, Make it so painful for him to linger around, he’s going to avoid
so shall you set free others in the same bonds. you & fear you.
Nothing is as liberating as the naked truth! Live it, use it, make it So many great victories could be won, if people would only learn
your theme & credo. Convey trueness of heart! Ain't nothin’ like to wield that weapon of praise.
the real thing! The Devil can’t stand praise, which I have ordained out of the
mouths of babes & sucklings. When a baby giggles, it praises
276 ____________________________________________________ Me. Some of those funny little words they make up are often
You must believe that everything I allow to happen in your life praises unto Me: they are just thankful to be alive & enjoying life,
comes from My hand, & that I know what’s best for you. the life I have given them.
The Devil doesn’t have any power whatsoever to let anything Praise is simply a matter of gratefulness. So many folks take all
occur in your life without My absolute control & permission. You these things for granted, because the Devil has actually duped
are Mine, and He has no part in you. So, when bad things happen them into thinking that these things came about by themselves
or you feel distant from Me, it’s only a test I’m allowing to or that you had to earn them yourself, & so, why should you
happen, and if you flunk, it only shows you need greater care, thank anyone? That’s the Devil’s religion: ”You don’t have to
more special attention from Me. I’m tutoring you, personally, thank anyone, because everything you’ve got, you’ve only got
because you mean that much to Me, and I want to help you to because you worked for it yourself!”
make it! I have reserved you for Myself. If you’ve got that kind of an attitude, you’re actually spiritually
Learning to love and teaching how to love is what it’s all about. dead. Only babies & children & the simple-minded & poor in
It all revolves around love, and without love, all the rest amounts spirit can appreciate the ability to just receive a gift & be thankful
to nothing. Love is the gold dust that, when contained in your for it... Of course, when you’re not thankful, I sometimes have to
actions, your deeds, your works, converts them into real, lasting withhold the blessing in order to teach you greater appreciation
values. You will know you’re sowing to the spirit, investing in for those things you tend to take for granted. But, basically, this
eternity, and you will see the result in changed lives around you, is a great, ongoing lesson for the entire universe: to learn the
and thus you’ll feel the results in your own heart almost praise of Me. It’s simply a powerful & integral part of keeping the
immediately. whole machinery going. That’s just the way it works. Thank Me &
Love is what makes you real. It’s what converts empty, fake & you’ll make uphill progress. ”In everything give thanks! Let
phony pretenders into real, truthful, honest & giving people you everything that has breath praise the Lord...” Come to realize
can rely on, you can trust in, and it’s going to be something how important it actually is. ”Oh that men would praise the
people will be able to sense & feel about you; they’ll be able to Lord...”
see it in your eyes. No matter if they may be inclined to think A more praiseful attitude would solve so many problems! Praise
you’re weird or strange, whatever it is. If you’re genuine, if you’re is the voice of faith. In other words, without praise, your faith is
real, if your heart is covered and embalmed in My elixir of love, mute, it can not be heard. Your faith is as loud as your praise.
they’ll know they can trust you. Praise is power and spiritual wealth.
That is how My Family & My children throughout time have been The power of praise is even greater than the power of prayer,
able to operate and survive against all odds: It wasn’t that they because prayer still depends on the faith with which it originates,
had any outstanding means, finances or wealth to back them up, while praise is already taking the next step, believing Me &
it was a look into their eyes that told people, ”you can trust trusting Me for the answer & by faith thanking Me for it.
them!” That is what you must learn to put your personal trust in, Blessed is the man who has learned to wield that weapon boldly
more than any other physical security or guarantee you would & accurately, who learns the skills of praising Me in the power of
want to give to anyone: It’s My Spirit that counts! The Spirit of the Spirit, who can ride on the wings & waves of praise. It’s an
Love. Without it, their thoughts about you may be subject to any energy force that’s irresistible.
amount of doubts. But once you’re walking in My Spirit, they’ll
sense you’re emanating a certain warmth that feels like an old 279 ____________________________________________________
familiar & faithful friend.... That’s the kind of spirit that engenders Praise generates wealth. For unto him who praises Me for
trust. those things which he has – shall yet be given more. It’s the
That’s a greater value & asset you can have than large resources positive investment of the little power, the little strength, the little
& any amount of finances to back you up, for they’ll sense your energy you have, which generates more power, My power, to
reliability, and that you won’t deceive them. That’s why it’s so work on your behalf.
important to get any traces of deceit out of your lives. It’s gotta Praise multiplies your prayer power.
be truth that’s ruling your lives. It’s gotta be genuine. It’s gotta be ”The Most High dwelleth in the praises of His people.”
God’s good gold. It’s gotta be love. Where My people praise Me, there I feel at home, for I know I am
welcome there. I’m treated like a guest of honor & with respect, &
277 ____________________________________________________ a grateful attitude.
You have really only just begun to learn, and the best attitude You have to put something in, in order to get something out of it.
to have is to know that you know nothing. Increased praise will enhance your prayer time, as you will feel
How can you grow when you think you’ve already attained? I can more inspired & you’ll notice the increased effectiveness of your
only make nothings into something. prayers. You will notice the effect of praise right away.
I can only fill the empty & void places, the lowly hearts. You need Behold what wonders praise can do.
to have a vacuum; an empty space for Me to fill. If there’s already
too much of something, too much of you; too much satisfaction... 280 ____________________________________________________
how can I fill it? Too many times you let things, circumstances or incidents,
pass you by indifferently, without getting stirred up to seek Me of souls, that’s what I call winners! Nobodies, who don’t care
about them, to counsel with Me or beseech Me about them. It’s what the hell anybody thinks about them, as long as they can tell
that passive, fatalistic attitude, which makes people go around in another soul about Me, that’s what I call real winners! You may
circles without ever getting anywhere, ever learning but never look like the total losers to the World, but, hey, are you willing to
coming to knowledge, as one that beateth the air. You often look like a total loser to the World in order to become one of My
accept things as from Me, but you don’t give them back to Me, total winners?
commit them unto Me or into My care, you don’t always Sometimes I seem so far away to you, sometimes My whole
commend a situation into My hands, nor ”command Me Spiritual realm seems so unreal & so far away to you, & you
concerning the work of My hands”; you don’t tell Me what you wonder why you can’t feel the presence of your angels & spirit
expect Me to do about a certain thing. helpers, and all you’ve got to cling to is My Word. But, hey, that’s
You don’t do it because you’re too lazy, or distracted, or because the deal: You’ve got to put your faith in My Word, not in feelings,
you’re afraid to be disappointed in case I don’t answer according not in the manifestations or the fruit of My Word, but simply &
to your liking, & you fear this might hurt your faith. But in any purely in My Word itself. I have sanctified My Word even above
case, whether I answer a prayer specifically in the way you want My name, & heaven & Earth shall pass away, but My Words will
Me to or not, it’s always better to have prayed for a situation & to never pass away, so, I think it’s a pretty good & solid foundation
commit it into My hand, than not. The results will always be to build & base your life, your actions, your faith, your everything
better! on, don’t you?
And there’s a lot of things for you to pray & get stirred up & even So, if you’ve got nothing but My Word, it’s still pretty good!
desperate about! If you leave anything to itself, it won’t just You’ve got nothing but that magic wand, but that magic wand can
automatically improve by itself. Everything needs care, and the get you anything you need & want! Just learn how to wield it! The
best care you can give to things, people & situations, is to pray Word is the secret. The Word is the Power!
for them. That’s why sometimes I have to put you in desperate Even though the World is in darkness, for you it will be a brighter
situations where almost the only thing that’s left for you to do is & more glorious day than ever before. You will be forging ahead
pray & trust Me for the outcome! to new & greater & more glorious horizons, ever knowing that
Pray & cover everything there is to pray for, until you know, ”it is the best is yet to come!
done” & you have done all you could! Lo, so many are lost & waiting, and the darkness is ever
increasing. Behold what a shining light thou holdest! Hide it not
281 ____________________________________________________ away, but let it shine!
Things only become too much to handle when you don’t
perfectly rely on Me. There are situations in life, where 284 ____________________________________________________
circumstances seem to push you to the edge; the absolute Be that yielded contact somewhere in the vast intricacy of the
extreme & limit of just about as far as you can go before you’re Big Picture of the universe & eternity, the relay that says ”yes” to
about to quit & yell at the Enemy, ”I surrender!” That’s what you God at the right time & place, & let My power flow through you
call tests, and I admit, this was a severe one, but that’s the only freely. It may be hard work, & it may be insignificant what I ask
way I can train you for this war. you to do, it will probably & most likely be humbling. But your
If you can’t handle the situation anymore, just say sincerely: willingness to say ”yes” to My humble task; that’s what’s needed
”Sorry, but I’ve got to get a hold of the Lord’s mind for this to bring about the desired progress & growth!
situation first right now, so, would you mind if I just take a break Take one little step at a time; you can only write one word, one
& pray for a few minutes?” Or, ”Come on, let’s pray together!” letter at a time.
"Changing the World one heart at a time...”
282 ____________________________________________________ One day those songs, along with all your efforts, will be historic
There’s one thing that nobody can do better than you, not events of the time when there was only one world to change...
even Me, and that’s the job I’ve given you to do for Me. Then it’ll be ”enlightening the universe one world at a time”... But
There are many things you were created to do that only you can the efforts now are the same. Even changing one life is like
do. Each person has their own scintillating beauty, their own changing a whole world, a whole universe. Look how hard it is to
particular sparkle or shine to contribute to the Big Picture of My even bring the light permanently into the life of one person...
creation & plan. There are some things I cannot do because I ”Men loved darkness rather than light...” Light is always the
have ordained others to do them. Some things I just left for you strange new ingredient, along with the truth... The lie was so cozy
to do. & comfortable... so easy to live with...
Everything you do matters! And some things matter a lot, Living in the darkness is just drifting along effortlessly, but living
whether you do or don’t do them makes a big difference. You in the light is a constant struggle & fight! It’s dangerous, because
make a big difference! you’re exposed to your enemies, & they come to pick at you &
You matter & everything you do matters! see whether they can uproot you. The wind and the weather will
The life you live right now on Earth is only the tip of the iceberg. test you severely, and the sun will sear you with scorching heat...
It’s only the snowball that’s going to start a big avalanche. But all this will only make you thirst for Me more desperately, will
Because everything you do will cause an effect, which again will make you cling to Me for dear life, in utter reliance on Me, &
cause an effect, and on & on it goes forever. ”He that believeth in that’s when I can use you.
Me hath eternal life”, and eternity’s a long, long time to cause an
awful lot of effects, let Me tell you! 285 ____________________________________________________
Everything you do & go through means a lot. Even everything Praying is not only an essential part of love a parent should
you say has a great impact! have for their child, but it’s actually the most important &
When you’re weak and feel like an utter failure & you call out to effective thing you can and must do!
Me, you’re giving meaning to My existence in a way only you can. I’m bringing you to the end of your wits. The only chance you
The great plan is that everything, and everybody will lovingly have is to bring the matter before Me. I’m your only chance! –
interact, teamwork & co-operate in one heavenly, ecstatic & The only chance for anyone to make it up that straight & narrow
climactic symphony... Everybody has an important part & role to way which leadeth unto life, your only chance to avoid being
play... everybody matters, everybody makes a difference, sucked down that broad & wide gateway that leads to
everybody can contribute, and we all need each other. It’s destruction. I, the Gardener, with My sharp ax of My Word, am
wonderful. your only chance against the Devil’s evil magic weeds.
I’m trying to teach you to rely & depend more on Me in the area of
283 ____________________________________________________ finances, supply & planning your activities, in the area of
If you give what you’ve got to Me, you’re the perfect & ideal childcare.
material out of which I like to create My kind of winners. Winners The moment you realize that you don’t have a clue what to do &
call on Me, then I’ll have a chance – the only chance there is – to But someone who reminds people of their Creator will hardly
right the wrongs. For only I can see what the Devil is trying to ever receive a warm welcome among those who have rejected
accomplish, only I can see where the real danger lies. the very thought of their Creator, who have embraced the Big Lie
Sins are like weeds which have to be torn out & chopped down that life & the World with all that’s in it came into being by itself,
with the ax of My Word, otherwise they’ll let in the giants of just so they can keep doing their own thing without their
gloom & despair (demons & bad spirits – unhappiness). Stop conscience pricking them too hard...
everything in such a situation and chop down the weeds. Pull out Keep tugging along this path of humility & pray that you will meet
the ax. Stop all playground activities & pull out verses. humble ones who will receive Me.
You can’t continue business as usual. There must be some soft & hungry sheep there somewhere. Pray
So much depends on you & whether you’ve gotten a hold of Me that I will help you to meet them & bring them across your path.
yet on any given day to get your strength, your guidance, your Don’t let the hardness of heart of the others affect you.
inspiration from Me, to be an example of My love and of trust & Search & seek out My lost sheep, and you will find the fulfillment
utter faith in Me for everything... that you seek!
Your whole situation is destined to drive you into My arms, to
desperately cling unto Me for your bare survival. For all too 289 ____________________________________________________
easily you slip right back into the confidence of the flesh, and Keep the vision that you’re not of this World, that you’re
that’s when you start making mistakes. It won’t work without Me. pilgrims & strangers, & that you’re never really going to fit in if
you want to be My disciples. Everybody wants to be accepted,
286 ____________________________________________________ nobody wants to feel or be treated like an outcast, but those who
(Spirit helper:) Man’s idea of goodness & righteousness have decided to follow Me are never really going to be fully
differs so drastically from God’s, and one of man’s greatest accepted by the System, no matter what they do...
problems is their own idea of righteousness & their tendency to I’m teaching you to trust Me more & less in the arm of the flesh,
judge God for His... and the Devil is going to test you along those lines: ”Are you
You’re learning to praise the Lord even for so-called ”bad” things sure you’re still going to trust Him? Looks like He’s leaving you
that happen. Sometimes through a great loss people gain hanging in the air...”
something greater they would have missed otherwise... I’m not incapable of caring for you, just because the Devil is
Countless folks had to realize that some tragedy that happened tempting you a little & the System is turning the heat on. Just
in their lives was the very best thing that could have ever remember Who’s in charge & relax.
happened to them, because it made them stop going down the ”Seek ye first the Kingdom of God & His righteousness, & all
road of perdition or it led them to the Lord in desperation. these things shall be added unto you!” If you really put the affairs
of My Kingdom first, you’ll see how all those physical matters are
287 ____________________________________________________ of secondary importance & relevance.
”Greater” things with Me often mean ”humbler” things first:
humbler ministries & methods... With Me it’s always, ”small 290 ____________________________________________________
beginnings; greater ends” & ”he that is faithful in that which is Beware, lest ye be led astray from the simplicity of the Gospel
least is faithful also in much!” of Christ! – It has happened to many who were thirsting for
I teach you faithfulness in the least, before I pour out My knowledge above the childlike simplicity of My Word, My Gospel,
blessings on you fully. You can achieve much more for Me, if you My truth!
work unitedly. The Devil is always telling mankind that I’m cheating you, just
Humiliation is good for you. My Spirit is just simply more because I don’t tell you everything there is to know all at once,
manifested in humility & a lowly approach. when he’s the biggest cheat & liar of all times – in fact, the father
of lies.
288 ____________________________________________________ He’s going to appear as the great ”savior” from all My supposed
You’ll see just how vast the difference is that prayer has made injustices; I am the culprit in his version of the story, & you are
in your life & in the course of your destiny. all My victims... poor abused guinea pigs, who are never being
Everybody – no matter how seemingly insignificant their role or told the whole truth by Me.
task – all have their perfect place in My Big Puzzle. You will find I’m granting the old punk – and all of mankind –this freedom,
out that you were doing exactly what you were supposed to, all because I want you to find out the difference between the truth &
along. the lies that are all around you, between the darkness that
Right there, in that humble little place, humbly trying your best to surrounds you, & the light. I’m not telling you lies, he is. And in
tend to the needs of a handful of sheep, you’re fulfilling the very order to distract from the fact that he’s such a blatant liar, as
best & highest purpose you ever could, and it’s something much usual, he points his crooked finger at Me, accusing Me of not
better & greater in My eyes than any big & glorious ministry telling you the whole truth.
which would be highly esteemed in the eyes of the System.
That which is highly esteemed by the World is abomination to 291 ____________________________________________________
Me, and friendship with the World is enmity with Me. Beware When is love not love? When is love not pure, but tainted?
when all men speak well of you, but rejoice if they speak all Every time someone loves another, there is a little bit of selfish
manner of evil against you falsely. The servant is not above the desire involved... So, where is the point where someone can say,
Master: If they have done it to Me, they’ll do it to you. ”This is not of God”? Where is the borderline? Sometimes I
If they don’t, and you’re popular, then there must be something simply can’t bless it when someone only focuses on what they
wrong & you’re not faithfully giving out My message. want.
”A prophet is not without honor except in his own country”: When they let go of it & try to give love to another, concentrate
Jeremiah, Isaiah & all the prophets had a hard time in their own on the needs of another, try to please Me & fulfill My
land, and the only ones who enjoyed fame & power, like Daniel or commandment of love not just toward the person they love &
Joseph, were those who were abroad. want the most, then I can bless them with the desire of their
It’s one of the rewards of the fulfillment of My commandment to heart.
”Go ye into all the World & preach the gospel to every creature...” I often give you your Isaac, only to ask you to give him up for Me
People need to have a certain minimum amount of humility again, to test whether you really love Me above all.
before they can show honor to a man of God. They will always So often your strongest desire is the very thing that stands
worship & fall down before the tough super-hunk types, who are between you & Me, & there is just no other way but for you to
champions at the game according to the Devil’s rules, with their give it up for Me, as much as it may hurt.
false charm & using demonic powers to win the favor of the People so often figure I wouldn’t have given them such a
masses. beautiful feeling of love for someone if I wouldn’t have intended
for it to last forever & I wouldn’t demand of them to give it up It’s the Enemy, through his tares & weeds of the cares of this
again. No, I don’t demand it: the choice is up to you. But I cannot life, along with his evil birds, his evil spirits that whisper doubts
bless you having any other god before Me, & whenever you & lies into your mind, that I don’t speak to you anymore for
refuse to give your Isaac back to Me, you’ll notice things going whatever reason, which are subtly trying to crowd out of your
downhill from then on. life your personal time for receiving My seeds. Tear out those
So often people selfishly want someone to cater to their needs & thorns that won’t let the seeds of My love sprout in you. Tear
wants, when love – real, unselfish love – is all about learning to them out & burn them, & follow Me into My chamber, completely
give instead of receiving, to serve, instead of being ministered forgetting about the Enemy & his old World. Let him have this
unto... whole World, but let Me have you, & let yourself be full of Me!
But being able to learn this requires a certain amount of maturity. You need Me more than ever, & I want you to indulge ever more
Maturity comes from suffering – the very thing most people try in the spiritual riches & wealth I’m pouring out on you,
so hard to avoid. It comes from learning that it’s not in yourself, emphasize more on them, acknowledge their importance,
but in forsaking that self-love & finding Me at the end of yourself, become more dependent on them & make greater use of them!
& finding that I am so much greater, so much more sufficient & I am your oxygen! And neglecting Me is a very dangerous thing
so much more able than yourself. ”Lest Israel say, ‘Mine own arm to do!
hath saved me.’” I’m the most important factor in your life. My communication with
I want you to find out for sure that it is I Who saved you, not you is the leading of My Holy Ghost towards a higher destination
yourself, that My strength is sufficient for you, not your own, that & purpose for you, & you must not forsake this personal
it is ”not by (your) might nor by (your) power but by My Spirit” connection with Me, your channel, no matter what comes or
that you will live, overcome, make progress, win victories & grow happens!
& accomplish anything at all. The importance of the spiritual far outweighs the importance of
You’re all having to learn to not just show love to the one you feel the physical. Where will you spend Eternity? In My Realm! Where
most attracted to, but the one you feel least attracted to, and in do you find guidance, direction, comfort, solace & strength to
this, in reaching out to love the one it costs you the most to give continue on the right path in the physical? In My Realm!
& pour out to, find My blessings... So, come, follow Me, My love, follow closely, take My hand &
”Love loves the unlovely”. Love reaches out & is kind even to come along with Me! Come & see! If you don’t even come & see
those you don’t feel attracted to, but feel appalled by... It’s laying
yourself, if you don’t take time to communicate with your King,
down your own wants – your own life, in order that someone else how can you be a successful ambassador for Me?
might live. Your first & foremost responsibility is your loyalty to Me!
You’ll never be able to make it without this personal link with Me.
292 ____________________________________________________ Forget about all those outside influences: what the neighbors or
It’s a tough test to make it through, to become one of My town folk might think about you... You’re working for Me, but
future kings or queens, and there’s a price to pay. Otherwise ”You cannot do the Master’s work without the Master’s power.
people would consider it unfair that I will have given My future And to get it, you must spend time with the Master!”
rulers all those privileges when they might think they never got a I’m the main Source of supply of all your needs. All you need is
chance. But when it shall be revealed how much each of those love for Me & to come & get it! Whatever you need! Come & get
kings & priests of Mine have had to go through; all the suffering, it! Whatever you want! If you’re in tune with Me, you’ve got it! Do
the testings: the refusals to yield to the Enemy’s shiny you really think any Earthly lover ever had any more love for his
temptations & easy way out, over & over again, it will be clear & bride than I, the Lover of all lovers, have for you?
understood, that indeed they deserve their position. ”Anything you want, you’ve got it! Anything you need, you’ve got
Right now, in the World the cards are dealt unjustly as far as it! Anything at all, you’ve got it, baby”... Quit worrying about what
positions of power go, and the distribution of wealth, for the other folks might think of you! Just worry about what I think of
dominion is given to the evil one to give to whoever he chooses. you, & then be bold enough to be My nut! Are you bold enough to
But in My Kingdom to come, truth & righteousness will cover the be a nut for Me? Are you brave enough to ignore their ridicule &
Earth from shore to shore, as the waters cover the seas, and scorn? Are you wise enough to even look beyond & past their
there will be no more unrighteousness. laughter & to look right through it as the facade of insecurity it
Pray for those who are battling hard & who are being buffeted & really is, their desire to possess a fraction of what you’ve got, so
battered around by the tempter. Pray that they might cast that you can still love them? To have sympathy for them when
themselves on Me utterly & thus find the supernatural strength they laugh at you?
needed to continue & to walk on My straight & narrow, rugged So, their minds may tell’em what a funny & weird guy you are, &
path which leads to the greatest rewards possible... It’s either they laugh, but in their hearts it looks quite different. In their
suffer a little now & reign forever later, or the other way around. heart, they’re crying like a baby, because they don’t have a clue
Your sample will never be perfect enough to withstand the about what to do. Look through that facade, so that you can fulfill
onslaught of the Devil’s lies. No matter how good you are, you your purpose, the reason you are here!
could never be perfect enough for him to stop accusing you in Don’t walk around blindly, oblivious to what’s really going on!
the ears & minds of others. Look at Me: I was the most perfect And the only way to see the spirit, even to see their spirits
sample there ever was, and yet he was able to turn the mob beneath their facade & false fronts, is to get a hold of Me. You
against Me. can’t live without it, My dear, you can’t succeed without Me.
Hold the reins tight & not so loosely, as that is exactly the way ”Without Me, ye can do nothing.” It’s just as simple as that. So,
the Enemy can get in: by giving all that leisure, & an idle mind is quit trying! Don’t even try to do anything without Me, it’s useless.
his workshop. You’ve got to be more on the attack & be You might as well forget it! It will be futile, empty, vain attempts,
conscious of the fact that you need to train, not just try to give as ”one that beateth the air”!
them an easy life. Stop going around in circles! Take My hand & let’s really be
I’m training you all to be My race horses for the final race, and I going somewhere! I need you to! It’s time to wake up from
can’t just ride you leisurely with loose reins in this battle & race slumber! It’s time to open up your eyes to My full reality! You’ve
of the End. I have to strap the saddle on real tight & you have to got to be fully awake & aware of My reality first, before you can
give it all you’ve got! You may need all that sleep & all that food, attempt to wake up others. It’s wake up time! Good morning, My
but when it’s racing time, you must give it all you’ve got. You may love! Did you sleep well? Yes, it was only a dream! It was the
not be as attractive or have as much winner potential as others, Devil’s bad dream of a World of bondage in which you were tied
but it all depends on your heart, and how much you allow Me to down by his rules, his laws, dependency on his kingdom & his
set you on fire, how much you want that victory. system, when in reality I’ve set you completely free! Oh, you were
worrying so much in that long, awful dream...
293 ____________________________________________________ But now it’s all over! You must shed the cloud of the influence &
spirit & emotion that dream would have on you, the Devil’s dream miracle!” So, be the miracle & continue to be the miracle & just
world. hold on to Me, and you will continue to see ever greater miracles!
Just come to Me faithfully, My love & I’ll keep you awake! Don’t Be a miracle of love for Me!
let the Devil’s sleeping gas put you to sleep! Remember, I’m your
oxygen! Breathe Me in, & you’ll keep wide awake & full of energy! 297 ____________________________________________________
Let Me be your oxygen, your energy, your Everything! Everything Can you feel the tension in the air? It’s the calm before the
you want, you need... you’ve got it! storm! The days of peace & of ease are numbered. The hour of
You’ve got it all by faith, which you get by spending this time temptation which cometh upon the whole earth to try every man,
with Me, in My personal Word for you. woman & child which dwelleth therein will come. Therefore I say
Only I can give you the exact counsel you need. Neglect not this unto you: Prepare! Prepare your hearts; for what you will need
link with Me. It’s vital. You need it more than anything else. most of all is faith to protect you from fear & despair! Faith for
miracles to help you rise above the most atrocious & miserable
294 ____________________________________________________ circumstances of all times!
Bitterness sometimes is based on a misunderstanding, and Blessed are those who are poor now, who are learning to do
with the help of the evil Selvegion the Devil can often distort & without, who have already learned to appreciate the little things,
use anything to hinder people’s unity if you haven’t really learned the small things, that which the rich, the wealthy, the mighty &
yet how to be on guard against them. complacent despise, for those who live humbly won’t fall as hard.
They draw your focus on some ”wrong” someone is committing Woe unto the mighty, for in that day everyone shall say ”How the
against you, or has committed, and the last thing in the World mighty have fallen, have fallen...”
they want you to do is recognize that they are really the culprits, Marvel not that you are a lone voice of warning... Were there not
so that you would unite against them & chase them out in united 400 prophets who foretold victory, & yet the one who prophesied
prayer & claiming of the keys. the king’s death was right? Therefore, redeem the time, for the
Real love doesn’t lock others out, criticizing them & shaking days are evil! Learn to truly rely on My arm, & not on your own.
heads over all their faults & weaknesses. It’s pulling them into The time has come to lean utterly on Me, My child!
your circle of fellowship, not leaving them out in the cold... These are My judgments on the wicked who forget God. Although
Prove whether you’ve really got what it takes to not only stay in they are part of the Evil one’s plot, I allow these things to judge &
this Family, but to also move forward in it. Anyone can stay humble the wicked, the mighty & proud.
where they are & stagnate, thinking they have arrived & feel all There will be a great Harvest during that time of Great Confusion.
self-righteous about it, looking down on others. But standing still The coming crisis will cause a mighty widening of the eyes of
is the beginning of backsliding! You either keep constantly those who have not discerned the signs of the times, & it will
gaining more ground & territory, keep making progress, going open their ears & hearts to your words.
forward, or you slide back into the morass of System-standard Time is the great tester.
me-thee-thou-&-no-other-ness. Just like I purged Israel for 40 years in the wilderness & I had
purged Moses, tending the herds of Jethro the Midianite for 40
295 ____________________________________________________ years, so I also purge & purify & prepare the hearts of My people,
(S.H.:) The Lord is restructuring your whole department of My chosen & called-out ones.
priorities & attempting to get you to put His Word first & make Rejoice in thy humbled state, in thy weakness, in thy incapability,
everything revolve around the Word. for I am He who is able to thus work through you. Rejoice, for
It’s hard to make drastic changes little by little, which is why when you can not, then I can! When you come to the end of your
we’ve had to apply some more drastic measures & allow a series rope, then I finally get a chance to work through you!
of tumultuous incidents to occur in your life, to uproot you from Be sober, be vigilant; for the night is almost upon you! Woe unto
your former level, so, if everything looks a bit chaotic in your life the Earth and the inhabitants thereof, for the serpent will soon be
from time to time you’ll have to excuse us, but this was the only cast out, having great wrath, for he knoweth his time is short!
way to have a revolution in your life as peacefully as possible. You are My bride, who I will care for and protect and hide in the
Plus, it’s good preparation for greater changes yet to come. wilderness, so worry not, but trust! Trust in Me and forget thine
Keep the Lord first everyday. Keep in mind the affairs of His own arm! Lean wholly unto Me and I will carry you and see you
Kingdom as your priorities & have everything revolve around safely though the tempest and raging storm!
them. Missionary work is primarily established through Though a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy
preaching the gospel, getting out the Word. right hand, yet shall it not come nigh thee, for I have chosen you
Get back to the basics of getting the Words in and out, and you’ll out from among them, thou art Mine. Because thou hast put thy
see how everything will fall into place. trust in Me and hast said unto Me, ”Thou, Lord, art my rock and
You just need to take on a ”winner’s” attitude! The Lord knows my refuge”, therefore will I protect thee and keep thee and carry
you’ve got what it takes, it’s just you who still needs to be thee all the days of thy life!
convinced of the same! But if the Lord knows it and says so, you Your life is in My hands as a precious thing, and I will not blow it
can bet that He knows best, so, it pays to act on it & take it by out! Only rest there in My hands, and try not to move around too
faith. If He says you’ve got what it takes, ”You’ve GOT it!”, much in your own strength, but yield your little strength to Me
Amen? You’ve got it, so go on & GIVE it! and I will multiply it and use thee mightily as I will.
For there are many who say, ”Lord, use me; but in this way or
296 ____________________________________________________ that way, in this capacity or that one ...” But only few have the
You can’t always expect people to find out the score by trust and yieldedness to truly commit their life into My hands and
themselves. You’re there to tell them! say, ”Lord, do with me as Thou wilt.” Or ”Use me as You best see
Every good shepherd is able to learn from the sheep & he knows fit”! For as I have said to My Maria that her weakness is her
when it’s time to follow their leading, but you’re still the greatest strength, so I say the same unto you: when thou art
shepherd! You’re My employee! And as soon as you get that weak then thou art strong, for My strength is made perfect in
point, that this is your job, & you’re going to stick to it & get with your weakness! Be weak in yourself and strong in Me! Let Me
it & quit roaming about the landscape like someone who doesn’t empower you, overwhelm you and take you over! Be completely
have a clue about what he’s supposed to do, everything’s going Mine! Surrender your will unto Me completely, and I will mightily
to be honky-dory! use you! Give Me your all, My love! Cease from worrying and let
I started this revolution with one father and his 3 kids. ”Little is Me take care of you! Why do you fret so much, do you not think
much if God is in it.” that I am fully capable of caring for you? Or that I’m not willing? I
It doesn’t pay to worry! But it always pays to love & be loving, have promised it and I will do it! Fret therefore no more. Show
and to keep loving, even when you don’t feel like it! ”When you them that your greatest strength is in your faith in Me!
don’t feel like being kind & loving, but you do it anyway, that’s a That is the true gold that I would counsel every man to buy: the
gold of faith! Every trial will only be another precious lesson Your job is to free them, to give them a glimpse of My hope &
learned, yet increasing your value. ”When He has tried me I shall light & love! You need to have a major love & meekness
come forth as gold.” Even when they will say, ”Behold, he hath revolution! ”Take My yoke upon you & learn of Me, for I am meek
been utterly consumed by the fire”, yet I shall raise you up like & lowly in heart.” Will you follow in My footsteps & learn of Me?
the Phoenix from the ashes of defeat and raise you to greater It’s a humble path! And the same people who cheer you, may
heights than thou hast dreamed of. Call them unto Me! Woo crucify you later, so, watch out! Don’t fall into that terrible snare
them and win them away from the Wicked one. My sheep shall of pride... Do the humble thing! Choose the humble path! Give a
hear My voice through thee and a stranger they will not follow. little love & sympathy wherever you go!
Let anger be far from your heart! Refrain from anger and cursing What the World needs now is love... Now more than ever. It’s
lips! Glorify and praise Me in your heart! Praise without ceasing! almost becoming extinguished, & that’s your calling: to show My
You’ve got a lot to be thankful for! Just look at the doughnut and love to the World, not to show off how smart, cool & talented you
not the hole! Behold, I am your doughnut, so, look at Me! Let Me are!
be your biggest blessing and constantly be thankful for Me! I’ll be Give love to the needy & save their souls! That’s all you should
more than you’ll ever need! Only trust and be not dismayed! worry about, that’s your perfect role! Be more like Me; a meek &
Trust in Me, ”the author and finisher of your faith.” humble, loving Man. Love is the answer! Love is Me! Love is IT!
Don’t forget it, don’t neglect it – not for a minute! They need
298 ____________________________________________________ every bit of it you can spare, so, please love, love them up for Me,
Everything that happens to you comes from Me, because I & let Me love them through you. It would make Me & them so
allow it for a reason. Stop seeing the people behind those happy – and you, too, you’ll see! Love!
incidents & circumstances, stop blaming them, & instead, you
really must begin to see Me in all this; seek Me in all this & ask 299 ____________________________________________________
Me why I allow it to happen this way. You’ve simply got to look (S.H.:) The Devil’s always going around ”Improving” God’s
more to Me. As Dad said, ”For God’s sake, you’ve got to see creation, correcting ”His mistakes” & supposedly ironing out the
God!” flaws & righting His ”wrongs”... that which the carnal mind
Your life is going to start going uphill if you start seeking Me first deems imperfect. But His ways are just different. That which man
thing everyday, truly putting Me first on a daily basis & including or the Devil often call bad is in reality good, & that which many
Me in everything you do. That also will amount to giving Me the call unclean, He has called clean...
glory in all you do & for all you do, instead of seeking the glory It always boils down to the question of who they think knows
for yourself, or the recognition. better: they themselves, or God? – That’s faith & trust, where
You’ve got to watch your motives, like Bruce in ”Bruce even if you don’t fully understand something, you still trust Him
Almighty”: he wanted to let the World know who he was, what a to know best.
wonderful & talented TV reporter he was, but the more he got In the case of ending one’s life prematurely, one of the main
what he wanted, the more wrapped up in himself he became, & reasons the Lord opposes that is because many people just find
the bigger the mess grew that he made out of things. Him in their final hours, days or weeks, as was brought out in
Since I’m only allowing what’s best for you, you’ll have to take it ”My Life As A House”...
by faith that for right now, it’s best to keep you humble, low The flaws & imperfections are just what’s needed to bring about
profile, fairly unrecognized & we don’t make a big star out of you. the desired results: like fertilizer!
I exalt those who are little in their own sight, those who know Some folks only want to see nice, ”good” & clean things, but
beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s all Me, & they wouldn’t be that’s not reality! That’s Hollywood – the Devil’s dream world... to
tempted for a moment to give the glory to themselves. get people to stay permanently dissatisfied with the real World...
Recognition by the World could be downright dangerous to your
spiritual growth: it’s a potentially very dangerous poison. It’s like 300 ____________________________________________________
sunlight, which in the proper amounts is okay, but if you’ve When you are tempted to get upset about a certain situation,
already been indulging in it a lot, you need to watch out, for you think of Me, put on My mind, and commit the situation into My
might easily develop skin cancer. Any extra exposure, hands ( Hebr.12:3).
recognition & applause from the World, without finding the right ”Agree with thine adversary quickly whilst thou art in the way
balance to do the humble thing, could be dangerous. That’s why with him..” Be friendly and show a meek spirit.
I’m having to abase you; & believe Me, I can use you so much Anger can really be a dangerous inroad of the Enemy, and you
better in lowly & humble capacities. must claim the Keys right away when you feel attacked. ”Bruce
What’s really best for you right now is those little, humble jobs Almighty” was specially made for people who think they know so
where you can use your talent to spread some love & My much better than Me when I allow them to get into an unpleasant
message. Trust Me that I know best whom I can trust with highly situation, and who challenge Me and defy Me, wondering how I
elevated positions. can dare to have let such atrocities happen to them... But usually
Why not trust Me that the shady spot I chose for you right now is when I let them have their way, they become even more
exactly the right one for you, & that in due time, when you will frustrated and upset with themselves, because they see they’re
have learned to humble & abase yourself & to put your whole making an even bigger mess out of things when they are in
heart into the task at hand, regardless of who gets the credit, I charge of a situation, than when I was.
will promote you & lift you to the next appropriate level? True If you let Me be in charge of your life, your Home, your situation,
humbling is a genuine process that takes time... your relationships – everything, and you truly and humbly
I would like for you to give encouragement & show kindness to commit and yield all to Me, as Bruce did in the end, learning how
the little people I send across your path on a personal level. to pray real prayers from the heart – especially for others - you
Personal witnessing is so much more effective than mass can test Me and see if everything won’t work out alright in the
witnessing. end. That’s My challenge to you! Test Me and see if I won’t work
Ask Me for more love, for the grace to love them, knowing it’s not out any situation, any problem in life you fully commit unto Me!
really their own fault what they’ve become, but have pity on them Remember also to ”pray for them which despitefully use you and
as captives who have been duped & entrapped by the Enemy persecute you” and to make an effort to ”love your enemies, do
with his lies & lures & enticements. good to them that hate you...” Try to come up with a lot more
They’re captives, slaves of mammon, & you’re a free man understanding and sympathy for people, put yourself into their
walking among them. Show a little love & mercy, show shoes: consider the background and evil times they were born
compassion! Can you spare a little lovin’ for those people? into...
That’s all they need, & all they want, & as long as you don’t have Ask Me for the gift to deal with people, especially for a gift of
it, you’re missing the mark. Can you spare a little lovin’, instead greater love, empathy and understanding.
of getting upset at the poor captives of Satan? The times when you’ve been a lousy sample make you realize
how desperately you need to change, and they make you realize your blessings from time to time & never cease to praise Me! I
that ”it’s good” what I’m permitting to happen in your life. love to teach you the wonders of life!
When your eyes are always wandering longingly to some
elevated, unrealistic place in your mind, where you think you 302 ____________________________________________________
ought to be, and your heart follows them, you wind up being The weakening of the flesh in order to bring about My
completely discontent in the state you’re in, unlike the apostle strength in you really is a beautiful process for Me to behold. The
Paul, who had learned to be ”content in whatsoever state”. shedding of the old to give birth to the new. The farewell of the
Appreciate and count your blessings, be thankful, praise Me cocoon of the flesh to welcome the wings of the spirit which will
more, and just let the light in more, so that there won’t be any help you rise above & fly higher than you’ve ever been before...
room for all that darkness which would like to take hold of your Letting go of the flesh & the enticements of the world in order to
life and soul and mind! put Me & My will first in your lives is a crucifixion of the flesh, &
Stay on guard and on the attack against anger and murmuring! the Enemy fights it, but I highly honor each sacrifice you make
Remember how much mercy, patience and longsuffering I’ve had for Me! Pioneering & stretching out your hands of faith in a new
toward you, and it might help you to wink at the faults of others a direction is what all My children who are willing & ready to
little more... ” undergo changes I bring about in their lives, are preparing for:
Remember that with the same measure you mete out to others the big changes in the World that are now on the horizon. Even
they will mete out to you again. ”Judge not that ye be not though the times ahead will be the darkest in all of history, you
judged” – ”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” will be My shining lights in it, for you hold My truth, & you are My
If you criticize others, you will also be criticized! You’re the one candles & torches in the night, My diamonds of dust. You were
who’s got the truth and should know better. ”If ye know these created for this purpose, & I have prepared you for this. Fear not,
things happy are ye if ye do them." but walk into the future with your heads held high & raising high
the torch & flame I have given you.
301 ____________________________________________________ Fight & resist the oppressing forces of darkness. The Evil one
I have made women different; the soft, warm, emotional will seek to control every facet & angle of a man’s life.
counterpart to the hard, cool, rational way of the masculine So, prepare yourselves. Focus on, & guard in your hearts My
character. high calling for you to be My shining lights to the World in gross
There is more you can do in order to understand them, and I darkness!
want you to! That’s your homework for this course in inter- I will feed you, keep you, supply for you & care for you just like I
human relationships you subscribed to in this college of life. And always have. You will have to rely utterly & totally on Me, which
if you neglect your homework, you shouldn’t be surprised if you is what I’m teaching you right now, so you can depend on Me
flunk the tests. more & more as time progresses.
I have provided the study material for you. It’s work, & the The greater the desperation, the greater the vacuum, the power
hardest part is overcoming your own lethargy & lack of interest. with which you draw strength, energy, input & counsel from Me!
Life is all about venturing out into the unknown, exploring the The greater the need, the more I can fill, for I can only fill the
other side, conquering the new. Otherwise there’s no progress, hungry with goods, but will have to send the rich, the full, the
no challenge, no growing, no forward movement. self-satisfied away empty.
Put yourself in their shoes to try to see & feel things the way they So, isn't it a blessing to be small & desperate, clinging to Me for
do. every day of your life? Isn't it so much more blessed than the
In order to be loved by them, you need to love them enough to be self-satisfied, lukewarm mode of confiding in the flesh?
willing to try to understand them, to leave your masculine Stir yourselves up & implore Me, seek Me & beg Me to fill the
pedestal & descend to the depth of the female psyche. Don’t need. Where there is no need, there is no space to fill...
worry; don’t be afraid; I’m not going to let you get lost there... I’m
holding your hand, & I’ll be your guide. 303 ____________________________________________________
I’m the Lover of all lovers, & I can teach you a lot about women To be honest & to tell the truth is part of the proof of your
that you don’t know, but you’ve got to show some interest & do love. It’s part of the price of living the law of love.
the part you can do, so I in return can do what you can’t & fill in Learning to communicate openly & honestly is one high attribute
the blanks, or whisper in your ears what you don’t find in the & quality to attain, & if you can, you’ll be so much more of an
textbooks. overcomer, a true prophet of God & child of God who won’t have
Get wisdom! Get wise & learn about women. I know you’re anything to hide... just pure light, pure truth, innocent & humble.
scared, but instead of letting them draw you away from Me, draw The pair of pliers grabs the piece of gold & holds it in the fire
them closer to Me. To learn to teach them to satisfy their desires until it melts. Making you pass through the fire will bring forth the
with My help, you have to know what it is they want & then peaceable fruit of righteousness, which will spring forth into a
present the heavenly solution to them from the right angle. Just fruitful tree of life, bearing much fruit unto Me & bringing life to
saying, ”The Lord & the Word will solve all your problems” won’t many.
do the trick! You may have to spoon-feed them & let Me love So, marvel not, nor be dismayed at the fiery trial which is to try
them through you. I am a sexy, ardent Lover, Who can fulfill their you, as though some strange thing happened unto you, but
wildest dreams better than anyone else ever could. rejoice, for in this you shall become truly unafraid & a brave heart
Many men simply don’t care enough to want to understand. of gold...
Finding out what women want could improve life on planet Earth It’s a special destiny, a special trial, a special purging, but with a
a whole lot. special reward. You will understand & know that is has been
That’s the way I arranged it, the conditions for love & marriage: If worth it all, & you will rejoice in My wisdom, in My mercy, that I
you want it to grow, you’ll have to share it. If you refuse to share have bestowed upon you the honor to suffer thus, because of the
it, it will shrink. Just like a flower will wither away if you hide it & special splendor, the special beauty for ashes, the particular
keep it away from the light, so love will wither if you try to keep it brilliance, shine, magic & usefulness this purging will result in.
to yourselves. It’s a law of the spirit I’ve established. Are you Hold on, knowing that you shall come forth as gold... There is no
ready to trust Me that I won’t let you get hurt more than you’re other way for Me to make you truly willing to do anything at
able to bear? When you grow, it hurts your muscles, so if you anytime for anybody & be nobody for Me!
want to grow in love, you’ll have to bear with a little pain as you I am the Planner & Perfecter of all this. I am what matters.
give away what you hold most dear... Ready for this? Well, Through all this, I draw you closer to Me! Thou art Mine. I am a
whenever you are... I’ll be waiting for you with greater rewards. consuming fire & a jealous God, & will have no other gods before
Have I ever disappointed you or failed to reward you sufficiently nor beside Me. I will consume them with a raging fire, & only that
for a step of obedience you took towards Me? Maybe you don’t which is gold will remain.
always see your rewards, which is why it’s so important to count Anything that tries to lure you away from Me, I will consume it!
Anything that would occupy your mind, your heart, when I have I am enough for you! Enough to supply ALL your needs! I
reserved them for Me, I will utterly blow them away in raging heat want you to find out first hand that I am enough!
& an all-consuming fire.
I am all that matters, & that’s all I want to be in your life: all that 308 ____________________________________________________
matters! I will cause the wrath of man to praise Me! In all their Rebuke Pan, who’s trying to distract & twist your mind, &
raging, they will only draw you closer & tighter into My arms, & I Apotheon, who’s trying to make you feel bad about yourself &
will be your shelter, & all that surrounds you, all that concerns like a loser! Claim the keys of clarity & peace of mind! I will keep
you, & all you’ll ever need! I long to fully possess you... have you him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Me, because he
care about no one, & nothing else, until I am done with you, & trusteth in Me. Trust in Me & keep your mind stayed on Me, for in
then you shall emerge, a new creature to bring light & life to Me it will find a safe & calm harbor.
many others. In your life, nothing else matters but Me! I’m allowing this fight to make you stronger, cleaner & more
convinced of the truth you believe in than ever before! This is
304 ____________________________________________________ causing our connection to be strengthened incredibly, & one day
No matter what happens, you have to follow the little dog trail you will look back at this challenge with rejoicing & triumph!
of My Spirit, stay close to Me & not leave My side. Venture out Keep thanking & praising Me for this battle, as bleak as it may
toward Me & take a step of faith toward freedom! I am in control. I seem, for out of it you shall emerge more victorious & stronger,
know, it sounds hard to believe, because there are so many other purer & more upright in heart than ever – more golden & glowing
influences, but they’re all subject to Me! If you go in My full with the light of one who has been tried in the fire of God!
anointing, then you’ve already won! But the moment you get your
eyes off Me & you start looking at yourself, you’ll sink. 309 ____________________________________________________
If you keep your eyes on Me & you don’t care what else happens I am your Soul Mate, the missing Piece and the Source of
around you, then you’ll rise above, you’ll overcome, & things will utter fulfillment in your life. And it hurts Me when My saved
fall into their proper place on your left & on your right! The children still wander through life with an attitude of ”but I still
absolute top priority is Me & My will & what I want to do & want haven’t found what I’m looking for....”
done in your life! Just keep your eyes on Me! Keep your heart & Neglecting My Word is like committing spiritual suicide, like
your affections set on Me! starving your soul to death. Neglecting My Word is turning your
Keep walking on for Me! Keep walking on towards Me! I’m always back on Me, because I and My Word are one. So, in neglecting My
waiting right here with My open arms, ready to be all you ever Word, you’re neglecting Me, your Husband and Master, opening
needed, ready to be your Comfort, ready to be your One & only, your mind, heart and life to another instead, the Enemy, who
your first love! would love to snatch you away from Me.
So, if that’s what you want, to elope and run off with the Enemy,
305 ____________________________________________________ then go ahead and keep ignoring Me, keep refusing Me and My
Take time to really concentrate on Me, My Kingdom, lost precious seeds of love and life I would implant in you. Pretty
souls & the things I want you to do. soon the Devil and his demons are going to realize that the light
Don’t ever feel lonely, for I am right here with you at all times! If has gone off in your house, and they’ll come in like thieves in the
ever you feel tempted to get lonely, just listen for My whispers, night and are going to have a ball on your bill, which may sound
okay? And reach out for My touch! I have always yearned for you funny at the moment, but will leave your place in a hell of a state
to reach out & touch Me! I have loved you more than you knew! the next morning. In other words, your life will turn out to be one
If you manage to keep your mind stayed on Me long enough, you huge chaos and mess, if you exclude Me, the guiding Light and
might finally really manage to let Me shine through you, to put on Bringer of order.
My mind & be a real little diamond of dust for Me & sparkle & The Enemy won’t even let you participate in his ”order”, at least
shine like you never did before! The more you tune in to Me, the not for very long, since his intentions toward you aren’t
more My thoughts will become your thoughts, & the more natural benevolent in the least, but he only seeks to confuse and
it will become to you to hear from Me. destroy. If you refuse to take in My word, you might as well start
You’ll hear My words right in your mind & heart! Wherever you singing ”Bye-bye love, bye-bye happiness, hello loneliness, think
are, we can be connected & together... even if your hands are I’m gonna die...” and you will die spiritually, rendered useless for
busy doing something else... Me, on the scrap heap of society.
All because you’ve lost the vision and the desire to follow Me and
306 ____________________________________________________ be a fisher of men, to lay down your life so others might live.
”Him that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall”, You’ve lost the vision of that crown, that high calling of being
so, be on guard, for the Enemy would like to get you off of the one of My chosen future rulers of the World.
straight & narrow road of only leaning on Me & following My If you want to be My disciple, you’re going to have to spend time
instructions! Make no move without Me & don’t speak unless with Me, period! I have established these rules for your
spoken through! happiness, safety, health and a fulfilled life.
Each day you spend with Me in close fellowship in Don’t stop taking in the sap of life. If you cut yourself off from the
communication with Me, learning of Me, will accomplish a lot sap of life, your tree will wither and die away. I put before you
more than a thousand days running around in the wings. today the path of life and death: choose your own future! Will you
Especially when you don’t really have your battle plan laid out be a tree of life planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his
before you yet. Be honest: you don’t have a clue what to do, nor fruit in its season, or will you allow yourself to spiritually dry out,
where to go. wither and die?
Stick to Me & don’t do a thing on your own. Build your house on I will always love you and be there for you, for I remain faithful
the Rock & not on the sand! Receive My instructions & carry even when you are faithless, but when you come to the end of
them out, instead of pushing through any of your own ideas! your road and the time will come for a review & to answer the
What will you contribute to the establishing of My Kingdom on question ”What have you done with your life?”, it may be that
Earth? If you truly put Me first, I will take care of those other you will wish you had been there for Me, too, sitting at My feet,
affairs. I am what concerns you, & Who you should focus on. I listening to My words so that you could have been able to do My
am the Master Shepherd Who will show you which way to lead work.... What will you do with your life?
the sheep!
Come, sit with Me, & learn of Me, & I will teach & show you how 310 ____________________________________________________
to truly accomplish! Only by constantly choosing Me above all Unity is a requirement to receive the other weapons & the
other options will you become one of the chosen. strength to make it through the days to come. My power is love,
& if you don’t love one another, you cannot avail yourself of that
307 ____________________________________________________ power... First of all you have to learn the lesson of love. Only love
will make you strong enough to be a martyr or any kind of Spirit has to work with what you've got the faith for & use the
witness for Me, both, now & in the future! Without love, it is reservoir of Word you've got stored up in your heart & in the
nothing, it availeth nothing, you are nothing... back of your mind. If I'd be revealing to you EVERYTHING you
So, learn to love, for that’s the most important thing! Be My love need to know, there wouldn't be any need for you to read the
for others! When you share something you know, do it with love! printed Word anymore, nor for turning to other sources for
If it’s more of a manifestation of love not to say something you learning.
know, then learn to be silent! You must decrease, your The gift of prophecy is not meant to take the place of the printed
knowledge, your mind, your abilities; but My love in you must Word, as long as the printed Word is still available! There might
increase! come a day when prophecy will be all you'll have to rely on, & I'm
That’s the first step to survival! You won’t make it without love! preparing you for that day, but in the meantime, enjoy the feast &
Pray that I will make you not only a vessel of My Word & My the variety of means to hear & learn from Me that's available.
message, but also a power-tool of love! A generator of affection! "According to your faith be it unto you" is also applicable to
A distributor of kindness! those who leave the Family. Faith is a drawing power, a vacuum,
Your heart feels so utterly incapable of giving love to so many, & when that vacuum has been replaced by a fullness of other
especially when you feel like so many don’t want your love, or things than My Word, My Spirit & My input, then the Word & My
Mine. But look again, My love, & you’ll see that love is the only Spirit & input have simply been crowded out of their lives. They
chance you’ve got! You can know as much as there is to know, lost the connection, & they've been "alienated" from My Spirit &
you may have all the other impressive gifts or talents, but what life. They were so filled with their own thoughts & wants, doubts
you need is the hand of love, a heart of love that reaches deep & things they let the Enemy place in their hearts over the years...
down into the heart of another & touches them & tells them "No How do you lose the faith? By neglecting the Word. It all boils
matter what you feel or think right now, God loves you down to the Word, or a lack of intake of the same.
immeasurably & unconditionally!” This is the only magic that will Faithfully keep your daily appointments with Me, & faithfully keep
ever really truly touch & change a life! loving Me, sitting at My feet & keep drinking in My Words of Life,
My Spirit is love! What do you think healed the lame man at the which will quicken you, keep you alive & in My Spirit.
temple gate? Just an awesome manifestation of power to Keep drinking in My Word & keep alive with My magical, heavenly
impress the multitudes? No, My Spirit reached out & touched that sap, which will cause you to bring forth fruit, instead of dying on
man & healed him, made him walk, fulfilled his wildest dream, the vine. Isn't it a wonderful feeling, the prospect of bringing
which made him jump & praise with joy! That was love! forth fruit for Me? Your branches hanging full with blossoms,
The gift of tongues... some kind of theological display of promising a ripe & abundant harvest? Spring is coming, & your
supernatural spirituality? No – an orgasm of love, as thousands tree will blossom, & all those blossoms will become fruits in their
of My Spirit helpers were united with their charges so closely season, at harvest time, as long as you stay planted by the rivers
they could even control their tongues & proclaim My Gospel in of My water, & you keep receiving My life-giving sap...
languages the foreign visitors to Jerusalem could understand...
Peter’s sermon that day; a great theosophical treatise to impress 313 ____________________________________________________
the Scribes with Peter’s eloquence, or a message of Remember that your weakness is your strength! I choose to
reconciliation between Me & My backslidden people? – A talk through "whispers" much more often than through "shouts."
marriage proposal from Me to anyone who would receive Me that The World knows enough big-mouths who have come & gone, &
day & would choose to become My bride? yearns for those who touch their heartstrings with their tender &
Every miracle has behind it a greater purpose of love – even the loving songs. Reach out for those who have aching hearts;
supernatural destruction of evil is only serving the purpose of remind them with My still small voice that, indeed, there IS
love in abolishing their hate... something more. Let them know they don't have to be afraid. Be
Unconditional love & forgiveness of sins... are manifestations of My songbird that comforts their hearts. Don't be like the noisy
My supernatural miracle working power of love. Lessons on sparrows, who can be annoying at times, but be like the special
combating familiarity & showing appreciation are all lessons of songbird that usually picks a quiet place where his voice can be
love. My first foundation stone of higher heavenly education: heard...
love. Keep it quiet for as long as you can.
314 ____________________________________________________
311 ____________________________________________________ A new page; a new leaf turned over... blank... for Me to fill in
Things won’t always continue as they are. & for you to sign. That's the way I like it. That's the kind of
”All who will live godly” in Me shall suffer persecution. business transaction of faith & trust & submission that I like. You
Persecution is an integral part of the revolutionary Christian’s show Me your trust, & I reward you for it!
life, and remembering that will help you to stay awake spiritually. Sometimes it's hard to focus on Me, when there are so many
The main reason lethargy & lack of conviction hinder My children vibes around you & things going on... You don't feel like shutting
from accomplishing what I would have them accomplish is that a the door on them, because you don't want them to feel unwanted
lot of them have it too easy. It’s hard to stay desperate when life or excluded. And yet, sometimes you just have to take a stand &
is so easy. It’s hard to believe in the Endtime approaching when pay the price of conviction to make sacrifices for that which you
you’ve been floating on a cloud of ease for years, & ”nothing value most.
ever happened”... You'll never be able to please everybody the same, & often, in
Persecution & judgment have always hit most of My children by order to please Me, you must be willing to "fall from grace" with
surprise, but I want you to be prepared. I want you to know that the people, be willing to let them think badly of you... "How can
time is short & not act as if things are going to keep going the he be so arrogant, to set himself apart from the rest of us like
same way they have been for the next hundred years, for they that? Does he think he is something better than we are?" When
won’t. it's not necessarily so, but just that you're choosing better
Be prepared to forsake all at a moment’s notice, when the time company than theirs, namely Mine. And in a way, you even do it
comes. But, be assured that, wherever you may wind up, I’ll be for them, for it's better for them, too, if you get a hold of Me first,
with you & I will use you as a testimony! Be thou faithful unto so you'll know what to give them...
death, & I will give thee a crown of life! Don't be afraid to shut the door on the rest of the World
occasionally & hang the "Do not disturb!" sign on the door in
312 ____________________________________________________ order to be with Me. People around you will just have to accept
"According to your faith be it unto you" also applies with the fact that I'm the most important "thing" in your life, & they'll
prophecy: if you have the faith for supernatural, absolutely out- have to respect that.
of-this-World revelations of "great & mighty things which thou I am your strong shield & exceeding great reward! Your mighty
knowest not", then they shall be given you. And otherwise My bulwark! And even so you shall become a bulwark in their midst.
Not any longer subject to their whims, tossing you to & fro as when there's yet EVERYTHING to gain! School has just begun!
they like, but someone who knows his goal & will in no uncertain You ain't nearly done yet, so, don't let the old punk fool you, like
terms correct whatever types of behavior should pose a potential the fox & the cat in "Pinocchio" were telling him not to go to
obstacle between you & that goal. school...
Those with great leadership qualities, those full of action, Don't be naïve & don't fall for his lies! I've had to rescue you out
courage & initiative, do not always make it in My Kingdom in the of many a cage & entrapment, & out of the belly of the whale, &
long run, but those who have chosen the good part of sitting at now out there on the winds & waves of the open sea of life you're
My feet, hungering for My Words, it will never be taken away from going to have to prove if you're noble enough to lay down your
them! It's My promise! life for your brethren in order for My fairy - the Holy Ghost - to
If you let circumstances rule you without ever coming to Me to make you into a "real boy"! Now that's the epitome of the
find out My will for you, never presenting your body a "living difference between My way & the World's: you must die in order
sacrifice" & committing your day, your life unto Me afresh that you might really live!
everyday, that's when you're failing Me & heading the wrong way:
the dead end street of dead works. 316 ____________________________________________________
I've got to be the Beginning & the End of all your works in order The Devil is sooo busy distracting My children from focusing
for them to be works of faith instead of works of the flesh. Just on Me.
like faith without works is dead, so works without faith, love & The Father purges every branch that it may bring forth more fruit,
spirit are dead, also. so, the chastisements, corrections & purgings must come. He
I've got to be in it, in order for it to come alive. eliminates all blemishes from My bride for Me, so that she may be
Those who do good works without My Spirit to strengthen & pure, blameless & spotless before Me, which is also the main
uphold them, sooner or later run out of strength, & they just peter reason for the Tribulation ahead...
out. Judgment must come, & it must begin with My own house.
Let not even those closest to you distract you from Me, for only I
315 ____________________________________________________ can give you the solutions for each individual situation, & it’s
My ways are not your ways, not the ways of the World! In the essential that you remain in close, personal contact with Me &
World, the winner is always in the right, but I sometimes train My don’t lose the connection! This connection can be compared to
children to become more than conquerors through becoming the flame of a candle, & as in ”Burn Free!”, the hands that come
good losers. If this life would all be oh-so-wonderful from A-Z, closest to extinguishing the flame are the well-meaning ones of
why, you would dread the day I call you to join Me in My close loved ones... So, beware that no man snuff out thy flame,
Kingdom. but guard it with all diligence!
But by maintaining it thus, that My children & true brides more
often than not appear to be the losers in this World, I make them 317 ____________________________________________________
conquerors of death, even through their own death of self & Look at what you can do for Me! Don’t look at the wind &
pride, even as I conquered death through My suffering on the waves, nor at your fellow servants... Keep your eyes full of trust
cross...(Jn.12:24). in Me, your Captain, & your heavenly crew.
This death will always result in a glorious resurrection which will Keep your eyes on Heaven & keep attuned to the Spirit world!
make it worth it all: the suffering, the sadness, the gloom & Look not at the flesh! The flesh has nothing for you! Look at the
humiliation & the pain. Spirit & there find riches & untold treasures to give & to pass on
"Fools laugh only in the sun", but a wiser man will have learned to those who are searching, thirsting & starving for My love, My
to find joy & laughter even in the rain. I'm having to remind you Words, My answers, My Spirit & Wisdom...
of this basic truth & principle over & over again, because of your Look at your Family in the Spirit! Seek contact with those who
tendencies to be influenced & swayed by the conditions & really have something to offer you! The riches I’ve got to offer are
circumstances of the World... outward appearances, & worldly spiritual! All I can give you is the Spirit! Will you treasure Her
ideas of success. Love loves the unlovely. Everybody loves the above all Earthly things? Delve into the Spirit & get in touch with
beautiful, but love those who are unloved, & you'll truly gather up those of the Spirit World. Get to the Source!
for yourself a treasure in Heaven! The carnal, the known is so much more comfortable, & you feel
There is still so much for you to learn, & this fact alone should more secure. But it’s time to reach out for the new, to stretch out
keep you young & fresh & excited at heart, & not let the Enemy your hands of faith & venture into the unknown! It’s time to go
make you feel like your life is practically over... through the gate, to pierce the veil & get in touch with those it
I'm touching you with My finger & revive you, rejuvenate & really pays getting in touch with! It’s time for that which really
resurrect you & I make you young again! matters! Time to get to know your real friends better, those
I put before you the ways of life & of death, to choose this day, & behind the veil, who have been watching you, helping you,
according to your faith be it unto you! "As a man thinketh in his supporting you, leading & guiding you, praying for you &
heart, so is he!" You can think of yourself as a dinosaur on the accompanying you for the longest time. And they can guide you
brink of death & oblivion, & that's what you're going to be! OR to the right people, too, whom you can give what is essential, &
you lift up your eyes, your face to Me, the Giver of eternal life, & they in turn will give you whatever you need.
let Me invigorate you, quicken & strengthen you & let Me fill you Come & play with your older, more mature brethren in My realm.
until overflowing with sparkling life & energy! "As thy days, so They’re so close: just as close as I am, & it’s essential that you
shall be the thy strength!" start learning to tune into them & communicate more with them!
I want you to be young & free - the older you get! See how much
My ways differ from the ways of the World? The older you get, 318 ____________________________________________________
the younger you become! That's My magic! That's My Lie back & let Me possess you & take you fully! You are Mine!
unfathomable, incomprehensible, un-analyzable miracle-working Get back to the basics – to the Spirit! Remember who you are: a
power & way, confounding the wise & mighty! spiritual creature!
I want to show you who the true heroes & conquerors are, those Welcome to the melding of the dimensions! In order for it to
who rise above the rules & confines of the physical world by My come to pass, yours has to be absorbed by Mine, your flesh
omnipotent power! needs to be absorbed by My Spirit! Total surrender! Utter
Come, follow Me, & I will yet rejuvenate you & bring you to yieldedness to Me! Complete possession & absorption of all you
greater heights of accomplishment & achievement than you have are by Me, your Husband, your Maker, the Fulfiller of all your
dreamed of. needs, desires & passions!
The Devil is just scared out of his wits, because he knows what Nothing else matters but our union, our becoming one & melding
I'm capable of doing through you! So he tries to pull his cloak & merging together! I’m coming to absorb you, to join you unto
over you, his gray & gloomy veil of sadness, of loss, of defeat, Me, & our love is all that matters... I have always loved you
Keys Promises, Bible verses? How often do you come together
319 ____________________________________________________ to wield the weapon of praise?
If you put your hopes in the flesh, you can count on winding
up disappointed! The flesh profiteth nothing! It is the spirit that 326 ____________________________________________________
quickeneth. The Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit & I wish to make you stronger & wiser, & I only manage to do so by
they are life! And I have come to give you life more abundantly. having you come to Me, desperately seeking My face & My help.
The flesh is dying. You know that running away doesn’t seem to be the answer,
Youth is such a deceitful thing, having the Devil telling you your ignoring the problem not either... So, deal with it! ”No matter how
flesh is immortal, invincible. That’s why youth is the Enemy’s dirty something gets, you can always clean it right up!” It may
perfect harvest field. Especially when they are strong, beautiful & take some serious work, commitment & elbow-grease, but it is
successful in the flesh. Only those to whom it is given can resist possible!
the temptations to fall for the lures & the deceit of the flesh: the We need to attack this problem. By letting it linger, it’ll only get
temptation to think of itself as all-powerful & all-knowing, & to worse. The secret lies in you coming to Me each time instead of
humbly admit that you know & can do nothing! So, fret not when despairing!
you are weak, but know that that’s when you are strong in My Obstacon, Pan, Bacchus, the Selvegion, Apotheon Arakan, & the
eyes & that’s when I can use you. demons of depression, Pride & Jealousy... The sooner you learn
to fight & lick’em, the better!
320 ____________________________________________________ I want you to learn spiritual warfare, and that just simply isn’t
Asking Me everything is the goal: to get you to the point achieved by curling up & feeling condemned everytime these
where you’ll be in such tight & close communication with Me, demons are being confronted! It’s not your fault they’re attacking
you’ll automatically ask Me everything & won’t even consider you! You are children of light, you’re active forces for Me in gross
doing a thing on your own. You will have truly learned then to put darkness, so, of course, you’re the Enemy’s targets! You’re his
on My mind, not to reason around in your own carnal mind. When primary targets, because, weak as you are, you are My brightest
I’m in control & you let Me move & think in you, speak through lights, piercing & penetrating his thick darkness. So, all you can
you & do everything to you, then you’ll know, ”This is it!” do is fight! You can run, but you cannot hide! So, sooner or later,
you’re going to have to confront them, pull out your keys turned
321 ____________________________________________________ to swords & fight, fight, fight! They’ve got no chance against
"The carnal mind is at enmity with God.” Anyone who falls your weapons. You’re an unbeatable foe! But they’re also quite
prey to carnal reasoning becomes a potential enemy to My aggressive in the first place, trying to intimidate you with fear or
cause. condemnation! But you must know they’re only bluffing! You
What I’m calling for is that you all lay aside your carnal reasoning must see through their intimidation strategy & call their bluff! The
& seek Me in everything. only chance they have is in intimidating you, hypnotizing you
The greater the ”impossibilities”, the more likely I’m going to do with their gruesome illusions, paralyzing & stunning you with
the miracle to prove that there IS no such thing as ”impossible”. fear or weakening you with condemnation or depression. But if
The greater the need, the more My power to supply will rush in to you take up your shield of faith, which acts like a gas mask
fill the need! The greater the vacuum, the stronger will be My against his poisonous gases of deceit, standing on My promises
answer. that you are victorious as long as you fight, call on the keys & My
help & start wielding those weapons, they don’t stand a chance...
322 ____________________________________________________ They’re going to be the ones running.
You’ve got to learn to be driven & pushed forward by the They attack whoever is in the weaker state. Since you’re getting
wind of My Spirit... Your efforts have to be made in the spirit. I’m all soaked up in the veneer of My Word, they see they don’t stand
teaching you to operate in the spirit. much of a chance against you, but they know they can still attack
”If the spiritual is ok, everything else will fall into place as well.” you through other people, & have them poke around in your
weak spots, your temper, impatience & anger. You must see that
it’s not the person fighting you, but the Enemy through them, so
323 ____________________________________________________ look past the person & deal with & address the Enemy, the spirit
My way & chosen path for you is the high road, not the low that’s using them to attack you!
road. With a little bit of spiritual insight & fighting skill & knowledge of
Without faith it is impossible to please Me... You’re either the tactic & strategy, this whole fighting business takes on a whole
servant of faith or the servant of fear. different angle, doesn’t it? It’s fun to fight when you know you’re
actually the stronger one. And you always are, because I in you
324 ____________________________________________________ am stronger than all the Enemy’s forces combined! I have
Life could be so beautiful if you would see with the eyes of overcome them all, I’m their living doom, & so are you, as long as
faith. Trying to play it both ways, My way AND the System’s, just you let Me think & live & move in you! All the Devil can do is try
won’t work. If you’re going to make the choice for Me, then it’s to distract you, bluff & deceive you – try to get your focus off Me
going to have to be all-out. You can’t ride 2 horses at the same for a moment. But he knows he doesn’t stand a chance for real
time! It’s either Me or the System, you cannot serve God and as long as you refuse to take your focus & glance off Me. As long
Mammon... as you keep your connection strong with Me, he’s the loser –
always! So, it pays to stay in tune with Me!
325 ____________________________________________________ Fight for your unity together. The Devil can only get in through
The problem in battling Pride & other related demons is, you wedges & loopholes in your armor, like selfishness, pride, fear,
cannot focus on the victim, as they will often not even accept suspicions, etc.
your help; you must focus on Me, on the power, to get rid of the So much is up to each one of you, your decisions, choices &
enemy! It’s up to you then to pray & uphold the spiritual standard determination to give & yield & surrender all for the cause, which
& not get sucked into the vortex of downhill movement they entails the willingness to strip bare before all, asking for prayer,
would often like to drag you into. You must not allow yourself to being willing to confront & attack your ugliest weaknesses by
be pulled down to their level when they’re under such demonic having them exposed. Only this way are you ever going to
influence of pride & self-pity! You must stay strong & focused on overcome your most serious enemy in your midst: Pride! It’s all a
Me! matter of being willing to overcome & exterminate Pride in your
Sometimes you wonder whether there’ll ever be any significant midst!
progress made, but I the answer is up to you! The spiritual
attacks are intensifying, & you must strengthen & adapt your 327 ____________________________________________________
battle mode accordingly! How is your memorization going? Your In order to see the good & positive in others & in order to
really love & appreciate them, it helps when you’ve got a picture to acquire understanding? Here’s the first requirement: silence!
of all their good qualities. Just keeping quiet, listening, not giving good advice, much less
When you’re in the gear of thinking negatively about someone, lecturing, you’ll be amazed at what you’ll learn. If you can’t keep
pull out some of the positive input on them from your arsenal or quiet & listen long enough, they can’t help but think you’re not
mental archives, to counter-balance your view of them. even interested enough in finding out about them & trying to
You can get a lot done by promoting steps toward improvement understand.
without attacking anyone. Instead of pointing your finger at In order to understand, you must listen. And don’t always answer
someone’s faults, point toward a positive solution: greater right away whatever comes to your mind. Let it sink in. Pray
emphasis on memorization, the Word, focusing on the work about what you’ve just heard. Learn from it. Take the time to deal
instead of the problems, getting busy for Me, etc. with every point & every statement. Find out what it means.
What’s the hidden language & what’s the Lord’s insight on it?
328 ____________________________________________________ THAT’s the way to learn & gain greater understanding!
I’m allowing this battle to show you how much the spiritual
affects your lives, & how much more seriously you should take 331 ____________________________________________________
the task of preparing & arming yourselves with the Word & My Sex is good! Anything that’s humbling & bottle-breaking is
keys. good!
The more you familiarize yourselves with the Spirit helpers I’ve There is nothing ”dirty” or wrong about it! Why do you call that
already shown you, the easier it will be for Me to reveal other unclean which I have sanctified? It’s just the Enemy, trying to
ones to you, which you may not know yet. Know your friends. spoil all the fun, & keeping you from enjoying one of the most
And know your enemies! beautiful things I ever created – a symbol & manifestation of My
love for all of you, My brides. He hated it from the beginning &
329 ____________________________________________________ has been deceiving people by taking the credit for it – one of his
It’s a life-or-death situation; it’s desperate! Cling to My Words most outrageous lies of all.
& strive to obey for dear life, because your lives do depend on it! If you have My Spirit, love-making is something holy, sanctified,
You must go on in spite of a negative “audience reaction.” The beautiful & precious. It serves multiple purposes, from keeping
Devil will always try to enter your midst somehow, & just like I’ve you humble to creating children – new precious souls: your
had to endure Judas’ presence or Peter’s out-of-the-spirit reason for existing, practically! ”Be fruitful & multiply” means:
statements, or James’ & John’s, or Thomas’, you’re all human & ”Thou shalt have sex!” It was the first commandment I ever gave
prone to be attacked by the Enemy, some more frequently than to man, so, how can anyone say there’s something wrong with
others. it? It’s like saying all music is wrong or bad – or all literature, just
It doesn’t make much sense to approach a person under attack because the Devil has his types... I gave it, created it, ordained it,
as if everything was ”normal” – you always have to go about it so, take it & receive it as from Me! Use it! Enjoy it! Let it set you
prayerfully & expect a battle & verbal attack of the Enemy. free!
My promises are ALWAYS conditional & hinge on your
obedience. If you choose not to obey Me, all those promises can 332 ____________________________________________________
be inherited by another who chooses to do what I asked. There will always be a few things in life you won’t understand,
”Hold fast that which thou hast, lest any man take thy crown.” It’s which will be an inexplicable riddle to you. Those are My tests &
talking about the blessing, anointing & task I’ve given you, your challenges for you.
job & the things I’ve told you to do. Those who refuse to, It’s a test of love, to see whether you will love unconditionally, a
abdicate their crowns to someone else. If you’re going to hold on test of your loyalty to Me, to see whether you’re willing to go on
to the blessing, then you’re going to have to fight in the spirit. for Me, even if I don’t give you your heart’s desire. Remember,
Ask Me to give you My real & genuine love that keeps on giving the blessings don’t precede obedience, & sometimes there are a
unselfishly & unconditionally, even if it hurts... As long as you few things I require you to do before I can bless & reward you, & I
keep looking at conditions like, ”Oh, they don’t need me test you & see how you will behave even if you don’t receive your
enough” or ”they don’t love me enough”, it’s not going to work. It heart’s desire. Whether you will have a murmuring attitude about
is a matter, whether you’re going to determine to do all you can it or stay cheerful, loving, giving & thankful for those things I do
to get the victory or not! bless you with.
It’s all in your faith in the Word! You really believe in it? Then for
love’s sake, start applying it & making greater use of it! Start 333 ____________________________________________________
obeying it, & using it like a sword & weapon against the Enemies This ”in love” type of love is a selfish form of love, it’s
of your soul. wanting another person, it’s not really giving. It falls more into
There won’t be any amount of good works behind which you’re the domain of Lust & its motto, ”I love me & I want you!” – That’s
going to be able to hide & show just how righteous & obedient basically what most of the World is mistakenly seeing as love,
you are. All the witnessing in the World isn’t going to help you if but it’s not always real love, although I can use these kind of
you’re not going to get into the Word yourself first, clinging to it feelings sometimes to bring about My will in a person’s life, just
for dear life. Ask Me to show you what’s the problem, let Me grab like I use other ”negative” emotions like desperation or
hold of your heart & let Me heal it! frustration to break people, humble them, etc.
I must remind you to “choose that good part, which shall never The question is whether a person will yield to Me in all this, trust
be taken away” from you. All the other things can be taken away Me that My wisdom is greater than their own in allowing certain
from you, so, why not build all, your hopes, your dreams, your apparent injustices to happen, or whether they will allow a root of
faith, your emotions, your whole life on that firm ground of the bitterness to spring forth in their heart. It either draws them
foundation which will never be taken away from you? closer to Me - if they receive this form of correction, it makes
I’m all the help you’ll ever need. Come on, let’s take that old awful them search their heart, & they check, ”Lord, show me why I
millstone from around your neck & dump it into the sea. Dump deserve this punishment, this treatment, this withdrawing of Your
those weights from your past! Take them out of your pockets & blessing”, OR they self-righteously harden their hearts against
see how much more easily you’ll get over those hurdles, & come, Me.
dive into My waters! I’m expecting you, ready to satisfy you like Many people in the World have an in-built, automatic defense
no one ever did! Please, come soon & don’t leave Me waiting mechanism against other people’s ”in love” feelings, & they
here. often become cold, harsh & unloving towards those who are in
love with them, resulting in unrequited love, one of the great &
330 ____________________________________________________ sad mysteries of life. The answer is rooted in the secret of true
(Solomon:) To gain greater understanding: talk less, listen love: not looking & waiting for someone to love you & make you
more; move real easy, quietly, smoothly, softly & slowly. You want happy, but going out & finding someone to love & make happy
yourself. Once you do this & apply & give love yourself, you also glimpse of the difference you’ve made in their life already, not to
become more attractive to those you want to love you. speak of what’s to come, and the difference you’ll make in the
A perfect example of this is ”Groundhog Day”: as long as he had lives of many others if you’ll just hang on to Me & let Me turn you
any selfish motives, he failed in trying to conquer her heart. Only on & let your light so shine before men...
when he finally was completely broken & had become a truly
loving man, was he able to conquer her heart with genuine love, 338 ____________________________________________________
& it broke the spell. Before the position of your heart is right, it When you can’t do anything but pray, let Me remind you that
acts like the wrong pole of a magnet: it pushes people away. This praying is not the least you can do for someone, but the most.
feeling of ”I want you!” often has the opposite of the desired There’s not as much in it for you as when you comfort them with
effect. But once your heart is truly turned toward Me & you allow your natural presence, but – believe Me: prayer is MUCH more
Me to love others through you, they become attracted to you, too. effective! You’ll SEE it one day!
You can’t do anything, except all I’ve been telling you! Stop
334 ____________________________________________________ feeling sorry for yourself for not getting what you want, & start
The best thing to do when you want a hug from someone, is coming to Me for what I want you to give! You can only be a help
to give them a hug! It’s the attitude of the heart that makes the by deciding to grow up in the spirit & become mature enough to
difference: whether you WANT a hug or you want to GIVE stand on your own 2 feet spiritually & emotionally, by doing
someone a hug. It’s all a matter of whether all that concerns you whatever you can to really ease the load instead of perpetually
is what you want, or whether you care what I want. I want you to wanting & wanting & thus being an additional weight, drawing,
learn to give, not walk through life always wanting this, wanting instead of giving...!
that, wanting someone... I’d like people to come to the point
where they have the attitude that sings, ”I want to give – keep on 339 ____________________________________________________
giving...” Are you willing to change & let Me make you a new creature,
or are you hanging on to the old – the shadows of the past?
335 ____________________________________________________ There are dark spirits in that past, and it’s time you tell them to
Feeling rejected in those ”in love” feelings has to do with leave.
whether the love you have is the passive & selfish kind, or the You need to change some of your attitudes! Trust Me that “I have
active, giving & unselfish – true kind of love. Let Me activate you made thee thus” for a good reason!
& turn you into a generator of true love, a giver of true love, one I have made you beautiful, & the only thing that needs to change
active doer of true love, & I personally promise you that you is your heart & some of your attitudes. Come & jump into the
won’t feel rejected anymore. waters of My Word, & you’ll be clean! Don’t listen to the liar! Kick
If you feel like you can’t do it yourself, ask Me! Of course, you him out!
can’t do it yourself! That’s what I’m here for, to help you do it!
Turn to Me for your needs, instead of to another frail, imperfect 340 ____________________________________________________
human being, & I’ll give you so much to give, not only to them, Your fears are mainly a lack of faith in My Words to you.
but also to countless others who might really need your love, Nobody’s forcing you to believe or obey My Words, but your
they won’t be able to help but love you & receive you with arms happiness depends on it... Will you choose to be happy, or
wide open. miserable?

336 ____________________________________________________ 341 ____________________________________________________

St. Francis prayed, ”Let me not seek to be loved, but to I have given you your request, but did it really make you
love... for it is in giving that we receive...” You may be waiting for happier, spiritually stronger? Did it bear good fruit? Or did it just
others to give you love, while all the while I’m waiting for you to result in you desiring even more, like an ever-growing hole that
give love to others. nothing seemed to be able to fill? If so, then this kind of
You’re not a baby anymore, but old enough to give love yourself, addiction is Obsession & needs to be rebuked & replaced by
not look around for somebody else to give YOU love! You have to genuine, giving love!
focus on giving instead of receiving! Keep on giving! ”Be not I desire to make you happy, & I will, if you just come to Me &
weary in well-doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint accept My will for you, instead of insisting on what you want.
not.” Trust Me that I know better what’s really good for you!
These answers won’t satisfy you & your longing – UNLESS you
receive them, accept them as My truth, My answer, My solution to 342 ____________________________________________________
your problem & apply them, believe them & act on them! Don’t let the World push Me out of your life! Don’t let it re-
conquer in one day all the precious territory in your heart that
337 ____________________________________________________ I’ve had to gently woo & win over months! Could it be that you’re
”The keys have the power to transform your natural presence still so impressed by the World that you respect their opinions so
into the presence of God!” Call on the keys to let Me transform highly? Don’t you know yet that you’ve got so much more than
your ”draggy” presence into an irresistible presence that they’ll they? Give them what you’ve got to give & don’t let fear of them
want to hug & feel like kissing, too. You just need to come to Me rule you! Trust in Me completely!
& get that power of My divine love & let Me transform you, Don’t run off to fight the battle in your own strength! Don’t take
change you, & I’ll guarantee, never again will you ever feel up the challenge on your own! Don’t let the sight of those waves,
unloved! the howling of that wind sway you, distract you & pull your focus
Everybody will enjoy your presence! You won’t have to be afraid off Me!Stay strong! Stay firmly attached to Me!
of anyone’s reaction, either, when you feel like kissing them. What’s the worst thing that can happen to you? – That they
You’ll just kiss them, & they’ll be fine, because you’ll be giving a crucify you? – Ha! Tomorrow will be another day. Why not leave
kiss, not wanting a kiss! an imprint on their hearts they can’t help but remember? One
If you don’t speak up about your desires & battles, & you don’t that says, ”God was here!”
give them to Me, either, the one who always winds up ”running to Give them something to talk about! Provoke them! Be My prick!
your aid” is the Devil, in the form of one of his emissaries, who You can be one of My rebels against the System & still be loving,
will be eager to tell you things like, ”They hate you, anyway” & you know?
”they love everyone else more than you”: He’ll also give you the Be a last chance for some of them to ever hear My voice
desire to leave. After all, ”everyone will be better off if you leave!” knocking at their hearts...
One day, My love, as rotten & useless as you may feel right now, Just shine with My love & My light, & be not driven by fear! You
you will see the difference you have made in their lives, just like either have faith or fear, you cannot have both, which do you
the guy in ”It’s A Wonderful Life”... Try to imagine just a tiny choose to be ruled by?
The Devil hates every minute & every second you spend with Me, what I’m doing & wouldn’t allow this if I wouldn’t know that this is
because he knows with each of those moments you grow good for you. Always see My hand in it, whatever befalls you, & I
stronger & become a greater threat to his kingdom of darkness! will help you find the hidden purpose.
Gently & quietly blow their minds by touching their heart-strings. Don’t be distracted by the ugliness the Devil wants to show you:
Awake the flying unicorn in them that comes running at the stay focused on My beauty!
sound of the harp of David! You are My shepherd, calling & Prayer & fasting clearly demonstrates that you believe that the
gently beckoning My sheep! Don’t just tickle the ears of the battle & the cause are a spiritual one. You’re not intending to
Philistines – the Systemites! But call & gently woo My sheep... fight it in the flesh, but by being willing to weaken the flesh in
cooing for them & showing them the way to Me, pointing at Me, order to grow stronger in spirit.
the Grand Master Shepherd. Give them an occasion to remember, You can only counter spirit with spirit. Spirits laugh at any
so that they will know one day that a prophet has been among attempts of the flesh to combat them. Only spirit can combat
them! spirit. Don’t try to go about it with any form of natural reasoning,
Give them My message. Look not at the waves or the wind of or they’ll laugh in your face.
what could or might be their possible reactions or opinions! My Only those who are willing to admit to, & openly declare the
Spirit rules over all of them, & if they’re not going to receive it, if absolute incapability of their flesh to resolve the matter, have a
they won’t heed their Master’s voice when they hear it, they’re chance. Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit. More than
going to be sorry, & it’s going to be their loss, not yours! conquerors by being willing to appear as losers...
Let them have it! Sock it to them! Be My prophet & they will know
it’s Me speaking through you! Just give Me a chance! I will 346 ____________________________________________________
reward you for being a faithful deliverer of My message! What you’re up against is pride, a deep, bottomless abyss, &
woe unto him that falls therein! Pride, your arch-enemy!
343 ____________________________________________________ It’s always hard to detect him in your own life. He has a special
Your job is simply to present the message. THEY have to system of camouflage that makes it almost impossible to spot
make the choice whether they’ll receive it or not. him in your own life...
Just do your job, whether they receive it or not. You cannot have Just as My Spirit is manifested in fruits, like humility, love,
a proud or arrogant attitude, it must be a humble certainty that patience, etc. (Gal.2:22,23), the spirit of the Devil has its
you’re successfully fulfilling your job, whether they receive you manifestations of pride, self-righteousness, hatred, jealousy,
or not, as long as you stay faithful to the message. envy, bickering, strife...
Nervousness comes from relying on the flesh... Trust &
confidence come from relying on Me. 347 ____________________________________________________
Pride blows things up out of proportion. Pride breeds fear &
344 ____________________________________________________ discontent. The proud are always afraid of something; of losing
The flesh hopes all things will continue as they were: ”No someone or something... At the root of practically all sin there is
reason to get desperate...” pride. It says, ”I deserve, because...” Whereas those who have
Whether soon or later, the end of that flesh will come, whether it fallen onto My rock & have been crushed & humbled there, know
wants to believe it or not, & those who are prepared for that final they deserve nothing. Why, they would have deserved hell, but
journey are always better off than those who are not. only in My mercy did I save them & gave them the gift of
Even the very elect would be deceived, if it were possible, but the Salvation so they could escape what they deserved. And they are
only thing that protects My ”very elect” is the Word. Those who grateful & humble about it, knowing it’s not because of anything
know My Word well enough & have chosen that good part, they they did or they are... only My mercy that saved them, a gift!
are My very elect. None of their own ”goodness” or good works – pure mercy.
That’s the only input, doctrine & truth that really opposes the When you really & truly know that, that’s when you stop
Matrix, the only true anti-matrix, the only real alternative to the demanding from others to be treated in a certain way... You just
Devil’s web. Beware, lest ye be led astray from the simplicity of take whatever comes, because you know that what you would
the gospel of Christ. Be a faithful watchman unto the house of have deserved would have been much worse.
Israel & give them warning from Me, that they might be saved by But not so the proud. They are a special, elitist type of crowd.
My truth! They rebel against humiliation with hands & feet, & they
ferociously defend that which they consider rightfully theirs,
345 ____________________________________________________ because, after all, if it’s theirs, they must somehow deserve it,
Sorry if you thought the war was over just because you won right? ”I mean, would God have given it to me otherwise, if I
one minor, initial battle. The Enemy will always come back in didn’t deserve it? How can you dare to want some of it?!”
greater force than before, when he has been defeated in an area. But so many gifts in life I give you not because of anything
He doesn’t give up so easily. But as long as you choose to fight you’ve got, or you are or you’ve done, but simply because I love
him back, you’re victorious. The only way he can win is if he can you, & out of mercy, & to see whether you’re going to be just as
get you to quit & give up... generous with My blessings as I have been with you, to see
What’s important is that you abide in Me & I in you. ”He that whether you’re willing to give & to share, not because anyone
abideth in Me, & I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.” – would deserve it, but because I love them, & therefore you love
And that’s what you want, right? If you abide in Me & I in you, them, too.
there’ll be not much room left for those spirits to drag you down, How could you withhold from others that which I have given you
you’ll be so full of My input & so tuned in to My power, you will to share? ”Freely ye have received, also freely give!”
overcome all those negative vibes around you. Just abide in Me But the proud are like the man in the parable I told, who had been
& encourage others to do the same... forgiven a great debt by his Lord, but then went to one of his
I know it’s hard when you feel attacked by the Enemy through the debtors & demanded that he should pay every penny he owed
person closest to you, but as I have told you before, I’m allowing him or he’d have him cast into prison. ”After all, there’s a special
this, so that you will rely on Me & Me alone – if need be, willing to reason why the Lord forgave me my debt: I’m special, you know?
go on for Me with or without anyone. I need each of My Endtime He knew all I have suffered & done, & so I deserved it. But you
followers to be so completely sold out on Me that it won’t affect don’t, so you better pay me back what you owe me. You’re not as
them too much if those surrounding you should fall. I need you special as I am! I mean, how could you be? Look at all those
to go on, anyway. As I have told you many times, ”What is that to faults of yours!...”
thee? Come thou, follow Me!” – Don’t let it distract you! Don’t let And so, the proud often live in their delusion until one day the
it dismay you as though some strange thing happened unto you! bubble bursts, & I take away from them even that which they
But in all & any challenges you face, take them as from Me, fully think they have & they thought they deserved & wanted all for
conscious & certain of the fact & truth of Rom.8:28, that I know themselves & didn’t want to share, & so they lose everything in
the end, unless, of course, they repent & recognize the error of humble & seeks the humble & lowly in heart, & isn’t very
their ways. attractive to pride – it doesn’t feed it.
How could you not wish for others the same mercy that was It’s the great testing time for all My children, & many will be
bestowed upon you? How can you not share with them freely & found wanting & will have to determine to shape up, or settle for
willingly the blessings I have so generously showered upon you? compromise, & be left behind by those who truly want Me above
Do you really think you’re so much better? Do you really think I all...
can bless such selfishness & pride? We’re going to have to get rid of ”Saul” – a name which stands
Oh, the System, yes, they’ll always understand & defend you, for for pride – in order to bring about Paul, the evangelist, apostle &
in the System you’re not expected to share. Why should you? I missionary & fruitbearer & life-bringer I want.
mean, you have to work hard & earn for yourself every little thing
you’ve got, so that in the end, your reward is the pride of saying 349 ____________________________________________________
to yourself, ”I deserve this!” & with a slight contemptuous glance I’m calling My chosen ones to Me, constantly, & they have to
at your neighbor you quietly add: ”And just for the record, dude: follow & obey that call, either leaving the rest behind or bringing
you don’t! You want some? Get your own!” them along, according to their choices, but their motives must
So, if anyone even insinuates, ”Shouldn’t we share what we’ve also be right. Not hitched on some personal relationship dream
got?”, they become outraged & yell, ”Are you out of your mind? they might be having, but to find & follow the radical truth & die
– That’s completely insane! Everybody should have their own! for it – daily, and whenever it is required. It’s a real life & death
What’s yours is yours & what’s mine is mine, so, hands off, battle, not a vacation.
buster!” One great requirement of any of My true followers is the
When all the while, they are really the insane ones, only thinking willingness to confront themselves, keep book with their own
of themselves... their System of insanity! souls &, if necessary, come to the conclusion, ”I’ve been wrong
If you’re not willing to share everything you’ve got, & I mean all along, I must start from scratch!” – Toss everything over &
everything, you don’t even need to attempt to get people saved & start clean slated: Forget your old ideas & attitudes...
”unplugged from the Matrix”, because, after all, they might If you can see the shape you’re in with My eyes, that’ll be a good
threaten to invade your privacy! They might want to move in with place to start on your way up again.
you, take away your precious living space... why, they might even How much do you really love the truth? Are you willing to kill
need sex & you might have to share with them, or worse, share your pride for it? Are you willing to die to self right for it?
your partner... When you feel down , don’t let pride pull you out of it, but try to
No, it’s much safer to do like the churches do: you can get them find Me there! I’m right down there in that deep, dark abyss &
saved & then tell’em they can stay living right where they are, the dungeon of your soul with you, and I understand. I understand. I
same way they always have, just ”try to be a good sample”... need you to seek My understanding of your problems & pains,
I’m looking for those who have learned or want to learn what this My comfort, & My unconditional love.
meaneth: ”I will have mercy, not sacrifice!” Why? Because it was Total deliverance starts by full-fledged honesty on your part to
mercy in the first place that brought you here, not any sacrifice of come to grips & face to face with the truth. This is just between
your own, or any good deed, & you didn’t really deserve any of it you & Me. The others will know when the battle is won. It’s not
to begin with, so, if you’re not willing to show & extend that same going to be an over-night victory, but the moment you will fully
mercy toward others, you’re not worthy of it. face the truth will already lift the burden & load in the spirit...
I’m looking for people who want to live what this means: ”Greater It’s all up to you. The ball is in your court. If you don’t know what
love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his to do with it, give it to Me!
friends.” If you don’t have that same greater love for others
which I had for you in laying down My life for you, you might as
well forget it. And don’t tell Me you’d be willing to lay down your 350 ____________________________________________________
life for them, you’re just not willing to share what you’ve got. Desperation is good for you. It’s only if you still see these
That’s the real problem with pride: it makes a hypocrite out of things as a burden instead of a blessing that you view them as
you, because it makes you think much more highly of yourself punishment. Anything that makes you pray more than you
than what you really are. usually would, is a blessing in disguise.
Instead of taking the blame, you start giving all kinds of spiritualYou don’t have to do it, all you have to do is trust Me. You don’t
excuses, and ”Don’t start insinuating anything that might put me have to worry, or bear the burden... just trust Me! Commit it into
under conviction... you see, I’m very, very sensitive, & if I won’t My care! ”Command ye Me!” (Is.45:11)
feel your support, I’ll just blow up in your faces...” (Mt.6:27) The less you think about it, the easier the work will be
Pride is the true terrorist, terrorizing all its victims in its way: ”Do
for Me, & the less you will get into My way of perfecting that
as I please, or else!...” ”You better be nice to me, or I’ll explode!”
which concerneth you.
They’re like those people with explosives tied to their bodies & if Praise Me for your troubles! ”The Lord hath given, the Lord hath
anyone around them makes a wrong move, they’ll just blow taken it away; blessed be the name of the Lord!”
everything up. Just like jealousy: ”If I can’t have you for myself, I’m going to take care of it all as long as you continue leaning on
then nobody can!” My everlasting arms. I want you to fully experience My greatness;
It takes humility to take correction in order to serve & follow Me, I want your faith to grow. I want you to stand back in awe at the
but if you prefer to be ruled by pride, you have no part in Me! wonders you’re yet to behold from My hand. I want you to revel in
You’ll always wind up doing more damage than good in the long My love for you! I want you to never doubt My love for you again!
run, in spite of all your good works & the sacrifices you make to Please, don’t, for it pains Me! No matter what it is that worries
show how good you are... you... whether it be the past, the present or the future... just let
You cannot hide the truth from Me of what’s inside you! You have My love soak it all up & absorb every worry & let it flood your
to be willing to let Me expose it to the light, or else I can’t freelives. I want to spoil you with My love. I don’t want you to think
you from it, & if you hang on to that darkness, I cannot use you! I’m stingy. Neither do I want you to be stingy with yourselves or
with each other – OR with Me, for that matter...
348 ____________________________________________________ Will you have as generous an attitude towards Me & each other
Compared to the love of Heaven, all earthly loves are let- as I have towards you?
downs & disappointments, & this experience will serve its Be generous in your praises to Me, be generous in your affection
purpose in making you become more heavenly-minded; ceasing towards each other; be generous in your tithes & offerings.
to seek satisfaction & fulfillment of your dreams in this earthly ”Give, and it will be given unto you!” You wonder why there isn’t
life. Only from the vaults of Heaven will you find treasures worthy more love? Give more! More money? Give more! The more you
of passing on... give, the more you get! Try Me! You decide to give more of what
The flesh... after all, is the stuff pride feeds on. My Spirit is you’ve got, & just watch what happens!
Focus not on the need, on your lack, but on all you’ve still got to them which are exercised thereby” (Heb.12:11). It’s a matter of
give. No matter how much you lose, you’re still so much richer in exercise, training, being drilled & used to it. Don’t shun it. It’ll do
the spirit than everybody else for miles around! You’ve got so you so much good. Learn to appreciate & cherish it & be grateful
much to give. And yet, you so hesitantly & reluctantly share, for it. It’s a great humbling factor, the medicine to your soul you
barely even aware of how rich you are, always only focusing on need.
the physical circumstances of your needs & lack of having what
others have got. You share with them what you’ve got & they’ll 354 ____________________________________________________
share with you what they’ve got; that’s the way it has always The most common religion in the World: the worship of the
worked & the way it was ordained from the beginning! flesh.
The meaning of life: the secret & the magic lies in the simple act ”There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end
of giving! Stretch that muscle a little more & work it up a bit thereof are the ways of death,” the way of all flesh. The way of
more, & you’ll be able to run circles around everybody else. Or the spirit is often the complete opposite, defies the way of the
even better yet: teach them how to give, too, & let them also flesh, & thus the flesh fights it.
participate of the heavenly blessing & the meaning of life! This rejection of My way of the spirit is often preceded by some
rejection of truth, & therefore, not having received the love of the
351 ____________________________________________________ truth, I must allow those other spirits to speak to them & offer
Come on, let’s crucify your flesh & bring to naught all your them the lie. Choose what you’re going to believe: your own
old habits, attitudes & ways that would raise themselves against “truth,” or Mine...
My reign over them, let’s kill them, mortify your worries & get
everything out of the way that’s not utterly yielded to Me, & let it 355 ____________________________________________________
result in a glorious resurrection of a new creature in Christ Humility is the ability to take the blame. Pride is the inability
Jesus that really lets Me live & move & think & talk & make to do so & thus always blames the others, radiating a black cloud
decisions in you, & that can wholeheartedly say, ”It is not I that of accusations & pointing the finger.
live, but Christ which liveth in me.” (Gal.2:20) It’s a spiritual choice between the humble road of taking the
blame & letting Me change you by accepting the truth, & the road
352 ____________________________________________________ of pride & not really accepting the responsibility for what
”The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mt.26:41). happened, which will lead to seeking the blame elsewhere...
”To will is present with me; but how to perform that which is
good I find not” (Rom.7:18). You’ve got to ”will” a little harder & 356 ____________________________________________________
put your will so much on My side that the unwillingness of the I’m like a Great Doctor, coming into a very, very sick World,
flesh will be overcome. eager to bring My healing, but in order to benefit from My
Your spirit, may be willing; but your flesh, your old man, may act healing, the patients have to accept the fact that they ARE sick.
quite “unwillingly.” But since what actually counts is what you The problem with that is that their false medicine man & voodoo
do, not merely your intentions, how willing you really were is doctor, the Devil, has given them a drug that makes them feel
evidently seen in the physical manifestation, your works... good in spite of their sickness, & that drug is pride.
Although you may consider yourself ”willing”, there is still more He also distracts them with other sins, but pride is at the root of
to give, more progress to be made, more willingness to be them all. Pride is what makes people refuse My help, because it
shown. makes them refuse to see the seriousness of their condition!
Real willingness says, “Yes, Sir! What’s mine is Yours; what else It doesn’t occur to them why that snaky voodoo doctor would go
can I give?” And the more you practice THAT kind of willingness, to any lengths to defy Me & destroy them. He even cooked up
the easier it becomes, because THAT’S the kind of willingness whole fields of science based on his lies, for no other purpose
that makes Me willing to pour out My blessings to you beyond but to deceive them that did not receive the love of the truth.
measure... And in the process, you become more & more willing How much do you love the truth? Do you want ALL of it, lock,
all the time! stock, barrel, no holds barred, or do you say ”That’s enough!”
when it gets to the ugly part?
353 ____________________________________________________ (Gen.8:21, Jer.17:9) The only thing that truthfully reflects the
I love you as My dear, beloved child & bride, & love it to be state of your heart is My Word. Let it sink in deeply, for that’s the
gentle & sweet & tender with you. But I also have ordained it that only thing that will heal it.
My people should shepherd each other, & you have to get used How much do you want the truth to make you free? Are you
to correction. willing to part with your own, personal little ”matrix”?
Your survival in this war depends a lot on the progress you make
in your training, and in order to grow, you need correction. If 357 ____________________________________________________
there was nothing about you that needed to be changed To look for details that ”aren’t so” in My Word is one of the
anymore, this would mean that your purpose on Earth would be Devil’s oldest tricks. ”Hath God said so? Ye shall not surely die!”
accomplished, & I could just take you Home to Me. And he was right: they didn’t. At least not right away. But the
But as long as you’re still on Earth, you can assume that there’s punishment was there, & I tell you, it was worse for them than
still progress to be made, things I’d like to change about you. death. When death finally came for Adam & Eve, it was like sweet
And you will need to receive some correction. I’ve ordained relief from the pain & suffering they had brought upon
shepherds to help you see areas in your life, which might not themselves & the whole World by choosing to believe the Devil’s
even occur to you to ask Me about, as you might not even be lie over My Word.
aware of them at all. So, the Devil will always find something I said he can point his
You’ve got a pretty straight view forward: you look at the things finger at & gleefully say, ”See? Not true!” to get you to discard
you want & you run for them & you grab them if you can; you the whole message, so you won’t believe & receive it, but rather
jump over any obstacles or run around them if you can, & that’s believe his version. But you’ll be the one suffering the
your way of going through life. But if you walk a little more consequences. Whether you’ll die right away or later: you will
circumspectly, & you get your focus off the ”object of your know one day that your death – your spiritual death & decline –
affection” long enough to ask Me about those other things & occurred the moment you chose to doubt My Word & disobey...
their meanings, you’ll discover so much more beauty, so many you were just buried later.
more things that add to the purpose of life & the joy of it...
Take time to absorb other things more as well. Open your life, My 358 ____________________________________________________
sweetheart. Even things you may initially dislike can turn out to The lust of the flesh is the ambitions of the flesh to strive
be so precious. Even correction from Me, although hard to take, against & nullify the spiritual.
brings forth the golden, peaceable ”fruit of righteousness unto The natural reaction of the flesh to the spirit is to counter &
contradict it, to fight it. have to learn to be thankful for your individual situation, trusting
The flesh claims to know better. Better than Me or anyone whom I Me that I knew best what kind of a situation to give you.
may anoint at the moment to take up My standard & raise a Likewise you’re going to have to trust Me that I will give you the
conversation to a spiritual or more edifying level. That’s why you most perfect, personally designed situation & role to fulfill in the
must be aware of the struggle, so that you make a conscious future. It’s still a little hard for you to trust Me, the Director of the
effort not to discourage each other. Everyone has their weak & play, with the distribution of the roles. You would all like to be
fleshly moments. But I’m trying to teach you to be aware of those little directors yourselves...
unguarded moments & to make an effort not to blurt out any silly The quality of your performance depends on your dedication &
thought that comes to your mind & would love to cross your lips, what you put into it. Sometimes some rather unknown actor in a
but to restrain yourself in order not to break the spirit when little, less significant side-role can take the audience’s breath
someone is trying to say something edifying, even if you may not away more than the main actors & characters, & by the grace of
feel at that moment that it’s a hundred percent appropriate. God you can be such a man, but it’s up to you, your willingness
Those feelings can be deceiving at times. to put all you’ve got into it...
It’s called respect, & esteeming your brother higher than yourself If the motive is to inspire them & to help them make it, & to give
to give them the benefit of the doubt at such occasions & ask Me your own life for another’s & forsake your own interests, then
to control your actions & support your brother or sister in spite anything is possible. But if you just want to show off how much
of your initial urge to contradict them or steer in a contrary better you think you can do, you might as well forget it.
direction of what they’re saying. Claim the key of unity. If you The best is to be content with your little role & play it the best
keep in mind how important unity is & your loyalty to each other you know how & trust Me for it & just do what you can to make
in supporting each other when someone is trying to lift Me up, the best of it. You never know who might be chosen for different
then you realize that it far outweighs anything ”cool” or funny roles in a later cast... And there’s still lots of stories to be told, a
you might have to say. lot of history to make & a lot of victories to be won that people
It’s those idle words you’re going to have to give an account for; are going to tell tales & write plays about for a long time to come.
those that don’t have any meaning, no value, no edifying Just stay on the right side & do what I tell you, & you’ll fare
purpose, nothing uplifting to them, no spirit, only flesh. You’re alright. Don’t worry about who gets the glory.
pointing downward instead of up. Instead of supporting your
brethren & gather with Me, in an effort to lead them to Me or to 361 ____________________________________________________
score points in Heaven, you scatter abroad... I love you unconditionally: success or failure, I treat both of
It’s like a naughty child tossing over a toy brick construction those imposters the same, & that is, I treat them both as success.
their brother or sister has just been trying to build. I’m trying to If you fail in some area, I’ll use it to draw you closer to Me, so.
teach you the importance & the severity of the impact of each of Just go at My speed, which is slow enough to ensure that
your words. You’ve heard that quote lots of times, “Words are everyone can make it.
real things. They bless or they curse, they build or destroy, lift up I use whatever you let Me use. It has to happen voluntarily:
or condemn...” Words are the building blocks of the universe. you’ve got to want it. I’m bound by what you actually ask Me to
Through My Words the worlds were made (Heb.11:3), and if you do, so, pray & ask Me.
follow in My footsteps, you must be aware of the impact of your You absorb the vibes of those around you, & if you pass them on
words. You create or destroy with them. You either sow good to Me & commit them into My hands & ask Me to work in their
seeds or weed seeds. There is no in-between. lives, you can change them & change your environment, your
Either you promote Me & My message, or the Enemy’s. surrounding – your world! I can give you the answers & solutions
The Enemy’s subtle message always promotes the lust of the – the words & attitudes & actions those people need, individually
flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life. tailored to their data, which you first transmitted to Me. You
Do you want to go through life doing, sowing & promoting things transmit the data, & I send you the answer, the update, the plug-
that are good or merely “not as bad”? It’s not about not in or fix-up, whatever they need. If you’re too tired to do anything
backsliding or not sinking back into the mire, it’s about going else, there’s still sooo much you can accomplish through prayer!
forward, gaining territory, an offensive warfare, an attacking You can be partakers of My sufferings & help Me carry My cross
initiative, not a defensive strategy just simply trying to defend & by helping your brothers & sisters to make it, by praying for
protect what you’ve got from the Devil’s attacks. them, supporting them, & doing whatever I show you & put within
Whatever doesn’t promote Me & My truth, must be promoting you to help them, lift them up & encourage them.
something else... the World, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the Many lives are saved by those who decide to live for others...
eyes & the pride of life... even what they call love doesn’t have Those who forget about their own burdens & crosses for the
anything to do with the real thing. That worldly concept of love is sake of others, & to help them carry theirs, turning the power
one of the most dangerous illusions, robbing Me of more workers outward instead of inward, which has a great reward: the joy &
than any other of Satan’s tricks. happiness of truly living for others.
Only the real, true 100% sold out revolutionaries can stick to My
raw truth of Mt.10:37. 362 ____________________________________________________
Looking unto man is walking the low road; looking unto Me
359 ____________________________________________________ is walking the high road. When you were looking at man, you
The Enemy can only get you down & discouraged or feeling took their failings as an excuse to lower your own standard, &
condemned for things you could be doing better when you don’t you sank ever lower.
link up with Me as much as you could. As long as you’re on My But now you know there IS no excuse; that what I have told you
wavelength, praising Me or communicating with Me, he’s got no that I want from you is what counts, regardless of what anyone
chance. That’s why I’m trying to get you all to pray & praise else does, now you look to Me & I can lead & guide you in My
”without ceasing”, so that your channels will be occupied by Me high road, free from the distractions of what anyone else says or
all the time & thus you’ll ”give no place to the Devil”... does... That’s the kind of conviction it takes in order to become a
In order to really hit home, you’ve got to focus the power not only sample to others.
onto yourself & pray or praise for your own benefit, but it’ll be No more the low road of taking the path of least resistance & the
lots more effective if you turn that power outward, toward those least risk, the path of comfort, pleasure & self-satisfaction
that surround you & have them benefit from it. because you figure, ”After all, why should I be giving more than
what anyone else might be giving? Why cheat myself out of any
360 ____________________________________________________ pleasure or selfish gain?” – Now it’s different.
Inasmuch as you apply these Words & take up the It’s ”I’m going to give & keep going forward, even if I’m the only
challenges, so shall you also be a partaker of the promises. one; even if no one else does. He’s loved me so much, how can I
”The grass is always greener on the other side” & you all simply give Him back any less than all I can?” THAT’S the attitude that
makes more than conquerors & turns losers into winners. That’s soul...Hold on & see what no eyes can see, beyond that which is
what makes Me proud of you; it’s gonna make you shine, & you’ll now, this fleeting shadow, into the everlasting beauty & glory of
never regret it! what you’re all going to be! Love each other with a glimpse of
that perfect love, which casts out all fear & all other
363 ____________________________________________________ imperfections, sins & blemishes. Love is what makes you
I don’t want you to be part of that System, or “established” to perfect! Be perfect in love, My children!
the point where you think you have to watch out for your
reputation. I want you to burn free & be liberated from clichés of 367 ____________________________________________________
prestige & worrying about being accepted. It’s lukewarmness & If you let people know everything that pops through your
man-pleasing & everything I abhor & I want you to hate it, too. head, they’ll soon lose respect & stop listening. But if you only
If you’re really going to burn free & spread My message, be My speak when you’ve got something worthwhile to say, the
samples to this wicked nation, you’re going to have to leave the chances are higher that they might actually listen long enough &
old ways behind. Come, step out into the new! Don’t stay in the stay interested.
old, worn out rut! Come away from her, My children! Come out of Foolishness kills people’s respect for you. If you get into a
the Whore! Come out from among them & touch not the unclean foolish spirit, people will have a hard time taking you serious
thing! next time you’ll have something important or serious to say.
You could be much further along if you would just choose to be You don’t have to be foolish, sarcastic or nervous, or superficial;
more radical, more sold out for My cause & less enwrapped by you can just be loving & thus win their hearts. Say something
the System, your Egypt, your Babylon... the place you look up to when you’ve got something to say. And listen, when you don’t!
in awe & think ”I want to be accepted by them!” But that’s the Too few people really know how to listen anymore, so, why not
very pull of the World that’s enmity against Me & My cause, be one of those, skilled in that rare art? And don’t only listen to
against everything I stand for, everything I’ve poured into you. the words of their mouths, but try to hear the unspoken words of
It’s bringing to naught everything I have tried to establish & their hearts! Learn the secret language of what they really mean
cultivate in you. Just one little look from the Whore & you’re to say. You can only learn this with the help of My Spirit, and only
gone again, hypnotized, spell-bound, & you’ve forgotten all your if you’re seriously interested, if you sincerely care & want to
vows of faithfulness & how you wanted to serve Me & do the become a soul winner, if you love them & would like to see them
humble thing, be nobody, do anything for anybody to please Me, in Heaven!
etc. You can pray, when you meet a person that has your interest,
You still think she’s a lady, when all I’ve been trying to make you that I give you the key to their heart & show you what it is that
see is that she’s a slut. She’s not worth it. I want you to kick her touches them & awakes them from their spiritual slumber or gets
butt! Kick her out of your life & sock it to her. Let her sic her dogs them out of their hole. Many, many people only act in a
on you, so what. You think she’s really ever going to like you or superficial manner because they are afraid to show their true,
accept you? She hates you & would like to destroy you & would inner self. Listen harder. And look deep into their hearts, deeply
like to tear you in pieces if she could, because her heart belongs into their eyes & let Me reveal to you their thoughts, their desires,
to her lover, Satan. their fears, their dreams & heartaches.

364 ____________________________________________________ 368 ____________________________________________________

Shepherding requires wholehearted dedication, if you want The greatest gift you can give Me is another soul to love.
to keep everyone happy & content. I love it when you love another one for Me & bring them to Me to
A shepherd is usually the first to get up, not the last. A true be ravished by Me. Inasmuch as ye have loved the least of these,
shepherd is a servant to others, making sure they’ve got all their My brethren, ye have loved Me!
needs met, & that’s a full-time job. A shepherd has to be on the
ball & get his instruction from Me, the Master Shepherd, so he 369 ____________________________________________________
will know the direction I want him to go & lead the flock every You must see a potential friend in everyone you meet, a
day. friend who might receive Me, if you just give them a chance, a
A shepherd will also need the help & counsel & support of the friend you should be willing to lay down your life for – your pride
older sheep or fellow shepherds, especially if he’s new on the & reputation. No greater love hath any man than this...
job, to make sure he’s not forgetting anything important. What you give them & tell them or don’t will make all the
difference in the World to them; you can determine their eternal
365 ____________________________________________________ future by what you choose to give to them or withhold from them.
Reason says, “I can’t afford to give because my own
situation is too tight.” Generosity says, “You never lose by 370 ____________________________________________________
giving.” Reason sees your own lack; generosity sees the If I am the goal, the target, the bulls-eye, then of course, the
abundant blessing that lies in giving in spite of the lack. Reason Devil will do all he possibly can to distract you from Me, to cause
is the hoarding, stingy, selfish & self-preserving, so-called you to miss Me & if he won’t manage to do so by outside
realistic attitude. Generosity is an open heart that pours forth; it influences, he’ll use anything he can get a hold of inside your 4
can do no other, ignoring the reasoning of your mind. walls. The art is to keep focusing on Me, anyway!
”Giving your love away” (and whatever I’ve given you)... “is The consequences if you don’t are the usual consequences of
doing what your heart says to.” So, listen to your heart! It’s so missing the mark, failing Me & not hitting where you were meant
much greater to live by the heart & following what the heart tells to: failure, sin, disobedience, beating the air, wasting precious
you to do than do just hearken to the narrow confines of the time, & consequently feeling condemned or discouraged about it,
mind. The mind sees the boundaries & impossibilities & why it so, it pays to fight to keep your focus on Me!
can’t be done & shouldn’t even be tried. The heart just feels the It pays to do everything you possibly can to keep Me first place,
urge to do it anyway & trust Me for the outcome. even if it‘s not easy, even if it‘s a fight, even if it costs a lot. The
first-class ticket might cost a lot more than a cheap last-minute
366 ____________________________________________________ flight, but it compensates the extra cost by many blessings: the
I’m always right here with you. I never leave you, nor forsake assurance of My company, guidance, blessing & that you’re in
you. Even if you feel distant from Me. My perfect will...
None of you will ever develop their full potential on Earth, you
will always be imperfect, as long as you live in the flesh, but you 371 ____________________________________________________
will be awed by what each of you shall be: perfect like Me, It all amounts to the old issue whom you’re going to believe,
nothing wanting. So, love each other, knowing that the in whom you’re going to put your faith, trust & confidence: in
imperfection you see will soon be exchanged for a perfect, whole yourself & your really limited amount of knowledge of yourself &
all things, or in Me... If you would fight to overcome that pride which makes you resist
Opinions are not really what matters: it’s the content of truth in correction, you’d find so much greater happiness. There lies
them that counts! great peace & fulfillment in that humility & yieldedness of
There is so much more than what you have so far been able to admitting right from the start, ”Lord, I’m blind, open my eyes so
experience & discover... Are you ready for more, much more than that I can see!... Lead me, I don't know where to go...”
you could ever imagine, or are you happy & satisfied with what I allow you to feel clumsy, so that you feel weak & incapable in
you’ve already got & think you know? Let go of the old & open your flesh & lean on Me instead.
yourself up wide to the new: forget all you know & think you
know & soak up My truth! 375 ____________________________________________________
Continue taking whatever comes as a new challenge &
372 ____________________________________________________ lesson from Me, seeing Me in everything. Continue to grasp My
(Dad:) What matters more than what people say is what the Lord vision, My way of seeing things, & My mind. Continue to make an
has got to say, and as far as our sins & mistakes go, He has effort to think with My mind, the far-out, supernatural way as
made it clear that ”the blood of Jesus Christ...cleanses us from opposed to the carnal & reasonable...
ALL sin” (1.Jn.1:9), and you can stand on that no matter what Continue to put your trust in Me, looking to Me for guidance &
anyone or the whole World or the Devil & all his demons might direction, even correction, for better ways to do things than you
have to say about it. Amen? have been doing them. There’s so much to improve, that
You are forgiven. Forgiven by the Lord, and even if they choose sometimes you don’t have a clue where to start, but I’ll be your
not to forgive you, what counts is the forgiveness of the Lord, clue. I’ll still be all you need, & the moment you integrate Me &
Amen? It’s another test of whose authority you adhere to & include Me in the equation, the solution will be underway. As
consider supreme: what the World has got to say, or the Lord. soon as you cast the burden on Me, it will leave your tiny
What has more value to you? What has greater weight, the shoulders & it will be on Mine, which are quite a lot more
judgment of the World or the judgment of the Lord? Look at the capable, and the matter is resolved; I don’t want you to worry
World: they have persecuted & hounded His children since the about it anymore. You can keep it in prayer, but don’t worry!
beginning of time, no matter what they did. And that’s even part Worry isn’t good for you, so I want you to instantly convert every
of the price one has to pay for ”living godly in Christ Jesus”. worry into a prayer, okay?
Just know that the Lord has forgiven you & stand on the rock of If worry is a sickness or a poison, then prayer is the cure. Worry
that fact, the forgiveness & Salvation of sins by the blood of is the question mark, prayer brings the answer. Worry is the
Jesus Christ. Show them Salvation power! After all, it wouldn’t black hole of the vast need that’s there to fill & prayer is the
mean much if there weren’t anything to forgive, right? Even if the switch that turns on the heavenly machinery that sets the filling
Lord may be using this sin to humble you, keep you desperate & process in motion. Worry is the darkness, prayer turns on the
get you more serious with Him, His power to forgive & save you light. So, pray, instead of worrying.
from your sin is very real, and you might come across people in
your life who might need that power even much more than you. 376 ____________________________________________________
The Lord usually has a much harder time with those who don’t All so many care about is themselves, their own satisfaction,
really need his forgiveness that much, who always have been a their own needs, their own problems, when just a little bit of
”good” person, so, it’s pretty hard for them to accept the concept focusing outwardly, on others & their needs, would in itself
of them being sinners & needing the Lord’s forgiveness, already solve so many of their problems & even fulfill their
especially when their sins are much less obvious than what the needs. If you focus on the needs of others, you can’t feel lonely
World considers sins. or sorry for yourself, nor feel unloved, because as you give, you
See, the Lord judges sin differently, & a lot of self-righteous receive, as you pour out, I pour in, it’s one of the laws of My
people in the World will get a big surprise when they will stand Spirit; as certain as the laws of physics, and more so.
before Him & find out what the Lord actually considers the worst
sin. 377 ____________________________________________________
The AC will be the epitome of self-righteousness & what the Love will be the necessary weapon & ingredient &
World will consider goodness, yet the Bible calls him the man of prerequisite for you to make it through the dark days to come.
sin, and the whole world will see what the Lord thinks about him You want to survive? Then love each other. You want abundant
when He returns... supplies? Then love each other. You don’t want your faith, your
Let it be another separation factor between you & the World. fire, dedication & love for Me to die? Then love each other. Love
”Spirit is spirit & flesh is flesh, & never the twain shall meet...” each other to the extent where you are willing to die for each
the way of the World & the ways of the Lord are so totally other, not withholding from each other, which tendeth to both,
opposite... the further away from the World’s ways you get & the physical and spiritual poverty, but freely giving to each other
closer you come to the Lord’s way of seeing things, the better off what you also freely have received.
you’re going to be. I hurts Me to see that you are withholding from others the
blessings I have so richly showered you with, wanting to keep &
373 ____________________________________________________ preserve the bear share of it for yourselves. Nothing shall be able
There are a lot of things to find out! It’s like a scientific to mete that abundant flow of love I will pour forth unto you if you
experiment, or a new pioneer move to completely unexplored & give as I have ordained you to give.
virgin territory. You don’t know whether there’s any water there, Give to those around you who need you, even if they may not
or whether there are wild animals, you’re not sure how you’re look very deserving to you. Love loves the unlovely! The way
going to survive, but you do it anyway, that’s what I call the they don’t look very deserving to you may be the very same way
pioneer spirit! you may not look very deserving to someone else, of whom you
might be expecting more love. Pour out to others in the way you
374 ____________________________________________________ want to be poured into...
Take Me with you! When you go somewhere & just feel the
need to get out, when you feel the need to run away, run to Me. I 378 ____________________________________________________
understand that you want to get away from the pain & hurt, but it I want you to appreciate those I have given you to live with.
hurts Me when you associate the pain & hurt with Me, or give Me There will come a time when you will realize that you wouldn’t
the impression that (in your mind) I’m responsible for it, when I’m have made it without them.
actually the One Who can soothe & ease your pain. Be grateful even for the battles involved, as the most precious &
Next time you feel like running away, why don’t you come valuable challenges I have brought into your lives to grow way
running to Me? I’ll take you places where you’ll really find beyond the state you would have without them.
comfort, great peace & satisfaction... It‘s My solution to your problems, My healing to your spiritual
blindness & inability to see some of your very own weaknesses. amount of respect, courtesy & love, paying attention to the
Some day you will see the perfect touch of My hand to bring younger as to the older, the handsome & the ugly, the weak as
about a magical constellation, which set loose a mountain slide much as to the strong, to the poor & needy as much as to the
of chain reactions, an explosion of My love. rich & wealthy, & soon you’ll see that there isn’t even such a vast
A baby brings many new “burdens” in the form of a greater work difference between them. Those who you expected a lot from
load. But in My eyes, that babe may be the purpose you’re here might turn out to be a disappointment, whereas those of whom
for, for what else is life all about but learning to care for someone you would have expected nothing or little might pleasantly
else, learning to help those who are weaker? surprise you. Get ready for some more pleasant surprises as you
Soon it will turn out to have been the biggest blessing & richest willingly give to those who don’t seem to have much to give in
source of rewards in your life you could have ever dreamed of. return. Ask Me for the needed amount of unselfishness to do so
You will be so overwhelmed that you’ll be ashamed of every time & for specific guidance as to what I would like you to give to
you wondered whether it was worth it. each, individually.

379 ____________________________________________________ 380 ____________________________________________________

I would like you to spend more time on those that are weaker, Doing things for Me means doing things for others, and not
that need your guidance, time & attention, feeding them, in those ”others” one holds in high esteem & looks up to & wants
giving mode. affection from, but ”the least of these, My brethren...”
It is human nature only to want to spent time with those you look Discipleship means laying down your life for each other without
up to, those you admire & think are cool. But I have ordained it ever really considering it a sacrifice. It means that you will prefer
thus that in order to truly enrich oneself, they’ve got to give to doing something WITH somebody else, simply because I have
those who are weaker: those who look lower or baser in your said in My Word that it is better for you to do so.
eyes, those you naturally don’t feel inclined to spend so much That’s the direction we’re heading: closer unity, more caring for
time with. others, less independence & privacy, more sharing & fulfilling My
Everybody wants to hang with the rich, the strong, the beautiful, law of Love. Are you willing to get ready for it? Are you willing to
that’s just human nature, so that they can benefit from those prepare for a change in your lives? Do you trust Me beyond a
qualities of these privileged somehow. But the way to become shadow of a doubt for it, that I’m not going to let you go under or
truly rich, strong & beautiful yourself - in spirit - is not by are you still harboring doubts in the backs of your mind about
spending time only with those who already have those qualities, ”sect” & ”control”, or are your feelings of independence &
but by stooping down to help & lift up those who are looking up selfishness just fighting against all these impending changes
to you. with all their might? And if they are, are you giving in to them, or
So, look not only at what you can get from others, those you look are you determined to keep fighting them until the bitter end, do
up to, but look also at what you can give to others, to those who or die?
look up to you, & who need you. Focus on the children, the Are you really willing to lay down your lives for My cause?
sheep, the needy. It’s a time to focus on giving & put the If you’re going to be a winning team that’s going to succeed in its
”receiving” mode on pause, as far as the carnal pleasures go mission, we’re going to have to see some commitment. Can we
that you have all put so much emphasis on. Get in ”Spirit” mode, see some commitment? Are you embracing the changes or
& then not only in ”receiving” mode, but also in ”giving” mode. dreading them? Whatever your answer is going to be, let it be
Switch the button to ”out” more often, & not only leave it on ”in” honest, above all. Honesty is fairness, for it will let the others
most of the time, feeding your loved ones only crumbs of the big know where you’re at & thus where they’re at... can they count on
meal I’ve been serving you. I want you to truly learn to freely you fully? Are you with them?
give, to pour out in streams & not just trickles.
I want you to become like a river. Where does a river flow? It 381 ____________________________________________________
doesn’t flow to the high places, it flows to the low places. To It feels good to Me to hear you say that you can’t make it on
those who have not, those who are parched & dry & thirsty & your own, that you need My help, to see you so desperate... It’s
yearn & thirst for you & what you’ve got to give. So, your focus so different from your usual, cool & apparently indifferent way,
has just been a little bit too much on the high regions, which when you don’t seem to be needing My help much for anything.
don’t really need what you’ve got to give that much. Give not to Can you see why I’m allowing these situations & crises to
those you would like to receive from, but to those who are willing happen in your life? Otherwise My presence in your life would be
to receive from you. nearly obsolete, you would barely need Me for anything.
Ask Me to show you what you can give to them, what you can do But I want & need you to want & need Me, so, I’m having to allow
with them, what you can share with them, read with them, talk to these challenges to appear before you, which finally make you
them about. Discover a whole, entire new World & universe of desperate enough to cry out for My help! See, if you were
Giving, which will far surpass that of receiving or giving to those desperate & humble enough from the beginning & not cruise on
you expect from in return... Expand your horizon. Look not only the drift of apparent victory, or ”all things flowing just fine”
up at the high & mighty, but look down on the low & without seeking My face constantly, they might not even occur.
downtrodden & discover the excitement of being needed - not by But it’s your resting on your laurels, your being confident of,
those you want to need you, but those who need you already. ”Well, now the Lord surely must bless me”, that allows the
Discover the thrills & the ecstasy of giving unselfishly to those Enemy to come in & test you again with the next battle. ”Him that
from whom you might not expect much in return, but who might thinketh he standeth, let him take heed, lest he fall” is probably
yet surprise you, if you only give them a chance. one of the key verses in your life, because as soon as you think
In order to find people who look up to you, you must not seek you’ve got it made, you’re allowing the Devil to prove to you that
those who are attractive to you, but those who are unattractive, it ain’t so.
humble, lowly, those who apparently have got nothing to give in And it’s good, because it reminds you that you haven’t got it
return. And they, in turn might be able to give something to those made at all, but that you desperately have got to cling to Me for
that you might again look up to... you never know what every moment & every step of the way, if you want to make it at
unexpected rewards might come to you through unselfishly all.
giving to & loving someone you might consider unlovely... Focus Naturally, it’s also a test of humility, & it shows how fragile &
on the need of others & the needy, & I will richly repay. fleeting some of these opportunities are, how much more one
If you treat others with contempt - those you look down on, those should pay attention to what I’ve really got to say & how easily
who might not have much to offer you - then those you look up to something is lost that’s at stake. It’s to be taken seriously. Your
will treat you with the same contempt. It’s the spiritual law of life isn’t just a vacation! It’s a life & death battle, and it only takes
cause & effect, ”whatsoever a man will sow, that shall he also an unguarded moment to let the Devil deal you a fatal or serious
reap”. So, do your utmost possible to treat people with an equal blow that you might seriously regret!
Choices & consequences! You chose to say the wrong things & impart the things of the spirit by means of the flesh, routines,
act the wrong way, to let the wrong spirit take over & rule your schedules or rigmaroles. It all depends on how alive My Spirit is
life & being temporarily, & now you‘re reaping the consequences. in you, how actively you live it yourself.
If you think that’s drastic, look at the much more drastic results Flesh can only satisfy flesh, but only spirit can satisfy spirit.
of Adam & Eve’s choice to listen to the Devil in the Garden & eat Those who only seek the gratification of the flesh, who don’t
of the forbidden fruit: all mankind is still paying the have any spiritual hunger at all, they’re like “Leave the dead ones
consequences for that after 6000 years! lay!” The Devil’s got them already! Let those dead bury their
There’ll be no more uncertainty, no ups & downs, if you cling to dead! Why bother about them? You keep going for Me, reaching
Me each step of the way & seek Me to open your eyes to for new heights to attain, new spiritual thrills & ecstasies to
whatever traps & snares the Enemy might be throwing your way! experience & make sure you don’t fall into that same trap.
Never, ever take it for granted when things are going smoothly, Just cling to Me, My love, knowing you’re in good company. The
but only know that it’s most likely the calm before the storm, the really dedicated ones will always be in the minority. Just make
moment of peace before his next attack, & you should stay sure you’re one of them!
desperately stay on guard against them, his subtle surprise
attacks. 386 ____________________________________________________
If You’d Only Reach Out & Touch Me! I long for people to
382 ____________________________________________________ reach out & touch Me, and instead, they look anywhere else for
Welcome to the end of your rope! Your extremity, My satisfaction. The first & foremost commandment is to love Me
opportunity! It’s not just clichés or Words of comfort, but the with all your heart & soul, and whenever you fall short of that
result of My engineering, the precise place & position in the spirit goal, everything else suffers: your love for others is weakened,
I need you to be to really start using you. As long as you still feel your power & strength to forgive, and consequently you become
too good or too strong to do certain humble tasks for Me, as long more critical, seeing their faults, or focusing on them more than
as you still rely on yourself or even your situation, it’s no good. you should & thus wind up discouraged & defeated.
It’s got to be stirred up, lest it stagnates & becomes no good. As Satisfaction lies only in My arms. I have given you each other to
long as there’s motion in it, I can use it & it generates energy. As love & enjoy, but you can only fully do that by loving & enjoying
soon as the flow of motion stops, it dies & becomes useless to Me first, and I will tell & show you exactly what you must do in
Me. order to love & enjoy each other, otherwise you’ll only wind up
So, let it blow, let it move, even if it’s all tossed about from one confused, because instead of putting Me first, you will have
extreme to the other. You’re going to have to be strong & mature allowed each other to become your distractions from Me. It’s like
now & show that you can live together & talk together. children only playing & talking with each other without paying
sufficient attention & giving heed to their parents.
383 ____________________________________________________ We, your heavenly Parents & all your “aunties & uncles” &
Stay up here. Not as “high above it all”, but upholding the brothers & sisters in the spirit realm are always close, but it all
standard. Be helpful, loving, humble & understanding, trying to depends on the clarity of your own view how well you perceive
help them make it. Gently teach them to stand & walk on their Our closeness. We are like towering giants, so much higher,
own. It’s like teaching someone to walk without crutches. mightier & more powerful than any of your tiny little mundane
Try to keep positive. Actively point them to Me. Show them how affairs, problems, disputes or differences with your brethren,
they can find full satisfaction in Me. heartaches, needs and whatever it may be. Ever present, ever
Be a shepherd! It’s a little hard when the sheep don’t eagerly real to protect you and the whole vast landscape of your life,
receive the food the shepherd has to offer, but just love them! your realm, from severe storms & floods.
We’re unmovable like mountains, like a hedge of giants to protect
384 ____________________________________________________ you, and yet you so often wander through this life & through your
Those who are rebellious against Me & My nature, My days as if you were utterly helpless, forsaken & all alone, only
spiritual ways, will fight & resist you! observed from a far distance by a scarcely interested, barely
They look down upon that which is weak & despised. They caring, obscure God and a few angels & spirit helpers. Isn’t that
wanna have fun, they say, they wanna show how strong they are how you perceive Us? What a wrong concept & perception, My
in the flesh... they worship the flesh! ”The Egyptians rule, the love! You have been allowing all the influences, the blinding
Babylonians have the power, the Persians are our masters, the decoys, distractions & fumes of the Enemy, the prince of the
Romans, they are mighty! Not those puny prophets the Lord is power of the air, the originator of the fog & darkness, to distort
sending us! And look at this One Who claims to be the Messiah: your perception of how close, mighty, powerful & ever-present
a nobody! We’re not going to cling to Him!...” We really are!
And thus they reject the words of My humble servants for today. Open your eyes, fully recognize, perceive, and see and
But judgment begins with the house of the Lord, & those who acknowledge We are here, We are always here, and We are
knew their Master’s will & did it not will be beaten with many always more than capable to aid you, lift you above any obstacle,
stripes. It’s going to be millstone time sooner or later for each according to your faith!
one of those who have taken offense in one of those weak & little We are not only here as judging observers, like a jury of critical
ones who chose to believe Me & My Words & to stand up for jurors, nor are we merely conducting an experiment & watching
them. you to find out how you will react in a certain situation. But We
These ”reproaches to the cause of Christ,” ”clouds without rain” are here for you, because We love you, We want to help you and
& ”wandering stars,” enemies within, have been around since the are just waiting for chances & ways in which We can help you.
very beginning. Cain & Abel were brothers. There will always be No one in the physical world will ever love you in the way that
those brothers who go the way of Cain, the way of the flesh... each one of Us Here do! And nowhere else but in your fellowship
These are the enemies I asked you to pray for in My Word, those with Us will you receive & find the love necessary to pass on to
personal enemies who just resist the voice of truth coming from others & make them truly happy! We are the secret of your
their brethren whom they despise. Pray for them, that My Spirit success! Neglect Us and you’ll fail. Use Us, interact with Us &
might manage to come through to them. communicate with Us, & We’ll reveal unto you the mysteries of
You never know which Saul, no matter how hard he has been the universe that will make your puny little earthly problems melt
kicking against the prick, might turn into a Paul, because of My away like ice in the sun. Ignore Us & you’ll be sorry. But it won’t
miraculous intervention in answer to prayer. be Our fault. Don’t you see how silly it is, when We’re here all the
time waiting to help you somehow, waiting for you to reach out to
385 ____________________________________________________ Us, to acknowledge Us somehow, & yet you keep getting
What is born of the flesh is flesh & what is born of the spirit distracted by this, that or the other & dishonor us by disbelief?
is spirit. You can’t legislate righteousness, & likewise you can’t You haven’t even started to make use of a fraction of the
potential that’s there at your demand. effective weapon in My hand.
You think the Spirit realm has little to offer to the physical? The
physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you 390 ____________________________________________________
see, feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit. ”God is a Spirit”, and A lot of people depend on your sample, your taking Me
just because ”spirit” to you means ”invisible”, you mentally seriously, & your taking the time to put Me in the first place in
restrict & minimize Our potential to near ”impotent”, instead of your life! You cannot afford to just be slack one day & neglect Me
what it really is: omnipotent! There is NOTHING I cannot do! And completely. Let’s switch back now to the serious-business-with-
there is nothing you cannot do through Me! Me gear, shall we? There’s so much to do & so little time to get it
You should be treating those little circumstances of yours that done & you need My power to do them, and to get it, you must
way: laugh into their faces as the illusions of time they really are, spend time with Me.
instead of treating & respecting them like all-absorbing factors Ignoring someone’s problem altogether is not love, and you can
that determine the state you’re in & rule your life, your emotions, always at least pray for someone when they’re battling.
your level of faith! Fight for one another! Sometimes you’ve got to fight for a brother
Stop letting irrelevant circumstances rule you, and start or sister in order not to lose them, & not just indifferently let
acknowledging that which is really relevant & important, namely them go down the drain, thinking, ”Well, it’s their own fault”... It’s
Me, and all those other towering giants around you in the Spirit, not entirely their own fault if you completely neglect your duty to
all here at your beck & call, ready to prove to you what We’re pray for them! I have prayed for you, and a real shepherd spends
capable of! time in prayer for his flock, that’s just all there is to it! Don’t let
Make Me the most important factor of your life, give Me the your indifference kill them! You cannot just abdicate your
attention & reverence, the importance & priority that is My dues, responsibility & say, ”Fend for yourself! You’re old enough!”
as the One Who in turn will reward you with total success, Everything depends on you putting your whole heart into this!
anything you ask & desire, anything you want. Forget your ”Boys just want to have fun spiel”! There’ll be more
There are those who have abdicated the privilege of being My than enough fun when you get Here, & I’m not going to let you go
chosen people, and have chosen to fight against My cause. without any fun in this life, either, but, remember, you’re being
Those who were given the light of the truth have rejected it and prepared for the severest test of mankind in all history, and right
despised it, and it has been given to others, who hungered for it now, you’re all far from ready, you wouldn’t make it. You wouldn’t
& yearned for it. stand a chance, you’d be found wanting.
So, take your job seriously! Take this war seriously! Don’t look at
387 ____________________________________________________ those who have turned aside! I’m dealing with them in My own
Just like I & My helpers like to remain in the background & way! What is that to thee? You must focus on your job at hand!
primarily unseen, so the true saints in your world are not those I’ve given you these sheep & these lambs, & to coordinate
out to draw attention to themselves. They’re too busy getting My everything & make sure it all runs smoothly takes time, effort &
job done of witnessing to the lost. prayer, you cannot just ignore things & leave them alone, hoping
Those who represent themselves are seldom My true, whole- they’ll turn out alright eventually.
hearted, & fully dedicated, loyal warriors. They’re too interested Yes, the Enemy is on your heels! It’s a situation not to be taken
in & concerned about themselves to really lay down their lives in lightly. He knows you’re a serious threat to him, and that his only
search for others who might need Me. chance is for you to let up your guard & stop taking this
If you really want to elevate Me & lift Me up & glorify Me, then you seriously. You have no excuse by looking at the failure of others!
don’t need to seek fellowship with those people, to let them know I have told you, for them, it may be alright, but for you it’s not! I
how cool you are. If you really want to glorify & exalt Me, go out will judge you for your own neglect, not theirs. You have a God-
among the highways & hedges & charge them to come in, that given responsibility right now, and one of your primary lessons
My house may be full! Don’t waste precious time you could be is not to allow anyone’s weaker sample to motivate you to
spending witnessing & winning souls. compromise, follow their sample & let down your guard & say,
Find those who are hungering & thirsting for only a glimpse of ”Well, if they can do it & just be slack about it, I can do it, too!”
what you’ve got! Wrong, you can’t do it, too! I’m not going to let you get away with
it, for he that hath been given much, of the same shall much be
388 ____________________________________________________ required, and you have been given much! You’re a bulwark of
(Dad:) You need to learn to not allow any sample of less- truth in a sea of lies! Guard that truth! Guard that flame with your
than-it-should be to be an excuse in your life to give less than life & don’t risk having it snuffed out by the compromising waters
you know you should. of System input that weakens you! There’s no time for it!
It all depends on your faithfulness & personal obedience to the
Lord, & how easily you will let the Devil bargain you into some 391 ____________________________________________________
kind of compromise. If you’re really sold out on Him, you won’t A revolution isn’t some kind of spare time hobby you can
let it happen. pursue when all the other things have been taken care of.
Most people won’t “think favorably” of you, if you go & do
389 ____________________________________________________ exactly what I want!
It’s a war, and you never know when the Enemy will send out The only thing that brings life is to live the life you’re preaching:
a party to raid your haven & deal you a mortal blow, so, it pays to being a furious voice for the truth out there on the streets
stay on guard! everyday, where it counts, & being a sample of the ”real thing” by
The Enemy knows who his most dangerous & potentially laying down your life for the sheep down there every day of your
powerful oppoents are, so, he’s not going to send out his troops life, not just talking about it as if it would be some nice thing to
to attack those who are spiritually asleep, but those who are a do when the weather is not too hot nor too cold! I wish that you
menace & a threat to his kingdom. He’s going to try to get you to were either hot or cold!
lower the standard & compromise, using as an excuse the You’re free to be one of the countless masses of those whose
imperfections of the others. Those of you who mean serious own life was too important for them to sacrifice it to the search of
business about Me will have to go on & continue being sold out lost sheep or souls out there...
for Me, even if those around you won’t tug along. You should be ruling & determining the circumstances, because
Your flame is vulnerable, which is why the Enemy is trying to use I’ve given you power over them & not be their slave & letting
water from within our own ranks to put it out (a trick he very them toss you to & fro! The circumstances are yours! Your
frequently uses, as nothing is as effective in dissuading a rebel destiny, your future, the whole landscape of your life lies before
for My cause, as criticism & lack of support from within our own you, for you to determine what’s to become of it. What will you
ranks!). But you are not alone in this fight, so, keep on fighting! do with your life? Who are you going to be? Just another half-
Seek for ways to implement My Word more, to become a more hearted, lukewarm compromiser, afraid of what people might
think of him, or a true disciple who is not too selfish, not too makes them wonder... ”It doesn’t fit into the picture! Is there
concerned about his own wee little life to lay it down for others in something I’m not aware of? This is strange!”
the firm belief that I’m not a liar, but that My Word is true: there Even if they brush it off afterwards, they will remember that point
ARE sheep out there right now who are starving for My love, and in their lives some day as a very crucuial & decisive one, where
I will hold you accountable for each & every one of them that was they were confronted with My truth, My light in their life, & they
there in your power to reach & find, but you would not because had the choice to either accept it or reject it.
you were too selfish, too occupied with your own little affairs & So, what the Devil is offering you in exchange for the eternal
too concerned what people might think about you. rewards of fulfilling My highest will for you are the lazy comfort
Will you be a loser, who was too afraid to look like a loser in the of your Home if you don’t go, and avoiding the ridicule you might
System’s eyes & thus compromised & danced according to their suffer, or the scorn some people might have for you, for handing
fiddle? Another sheep, howling with the wolves? Or will you be a out religious tracts. And for that you’re willing to let them go
winner, one of the few rare true conquerors who, by being willing down the drain forever. No chance to hear from Me, no
to appear as the seeming losers, overcame this World & will opportunity to make that choice... ”Maybe somebody else can do
shine like the stars forever & ever? it...” But what if the Devil tells them all the same things he’s
If it’s this life you put your money on, go on. I will not condemn telling you, & they also choose not to obey?
you. The sheep you have failed & will yet fail to find will condemn Then you have virtually become ”as gods”, deciding over the
you some day. ”Why didn’t you obey your Lord & why did you fates of countless people & souls you just determined to let go
never go out to find us?” down the drain of perdition...
Will you be a god, a king, the master of your own fate, not subject
392 ____________________________________________________ to the ridicule & scorn that servitude entails, but with your head
Grab hold of the anointing & then just walk in it! I’ve given it held high in pride for a season, or will you choose the humble
to you, it’s yours already, so, just take it, put it on, & forward, road of a servant, lower yourself in the eyes of men in order to
march! Just do what you know I want you to do & there’ll be no bring them salvation, and consequently rule & reign with Me
stopping you! I’m trying to teach you not to let the Devil stop forever?
you! To just laugh at his attempts to stop you! Ignore them! Walk Will you run away from My task for you, like Jonah ran from
right over him! Nineveh? And what will the consequences of your disobedience
Don’t listen to the Enemy’s voice, nor look at his distractions & be? What does it mean, ”I will require his blood at thine hand, if
decoys he comes up with as soon as you start going in the right thou warn not the wicked?” Well, it means that you will be
direction, just keep looking at Me and the power I have given you responsible for every act of unbelief which he would have not
to blow the Devil’s nasty illusions to bits! committed if you had been faithful to give him My message when
But some of his software is still integrated in your concept of you had the chance to do so... And instead of having his
reality. Whatever he tries to present to you as reality or relevant gratitude for all eternity for having brought them the message of
is absolutely irrelevant, and doesn’t stand a chance as soon as salvation, you will, in a way, have to be his servant, eternally
you let Me move in with My reality, that what I consider relevant & apologetic for not having given him the chance to know the great
important! The Devil goes: ”Oh, but the money, and all the alternative for his meaningless life...
bills...” I say, ”Seek ye first My Kingdom & the welfare of My You will always be the guy who was supposed to have given him
sheep, seek My lost souls, and all these things will be added unto the message that could have saved him.
you, freely!” Those who want to preserve their pride in this life usually won’t
Ever since the Garden of Eden the Devil has managed to have much to show forth to be proud of in the hereafter. It’s not
persuade people to rather believe in his voice than mine, like people are actually going to be proud of their
because his option is usually the one which sounds more accomplishments in Heaven, since they will give Me all the credit,
attractive! There is apparently more in it for you, if you choose but they either have or have not accomplished works that I will
the Devil’s option of disobedience. But is it really so? be proud of them for. And if through disobedience you have
There seemed to be more in it for Adam & Eve to choose to eat of failed to accomplish the things I wanted you to accomplish for
the forbidden tree: more knowledge, a new taste, and the serpent Me, there won’t be much I’ll be able to be proud of you for, and in
even said, ”Ye shall be as gods”! Now, THAT sounded some cases, like I have told My disciples, I will be ashamed of
interesting! But what was the reality? Curses, pain, thorns & those who were ashamed of Me and of My Words.
agony ever since, in trade for paradise. What they think of you may be more important to you right now,
What is it that makes the Devil’s option of disobedience so because that’s what you can immediately see, hear or feel, but
attractive to you? He’s telling you: ”No, don’t go out, handing out when you’re going to be in My Kingdom, where all that counts is
these silly tracts. Have you had a look at them? I mean, most what I think of you, you will wish that you would not have been
people won’t even be able to relate to them! They’ll look down so short-sighted during your Earthly life!
upon you as the lowest of the low: members of some strange To whom much hath been given, of the same much shall be
sect! Boy, if you’re asking me, it sounds like you’re much better required, and if you’ve been sowing sparingly, you will reap
off staying right where you are, in the comfort of your bed. There sparingly.
are so many other things you can do & should do: check your Which reality counts to you? That of here & right now, the affairs
emails & take care of all the details you’re supposed to take care of this life & what others think about you? Or that of Eternity, of
of!...” what your Eternal King will think & say of you when you come
And blah, blah, blah, on & on he goes, not really necessarily Home to Him with meager or plenty increase & profit from what I
audibly in your head, but that’s the kind of feeling he conveys to have invested in you?
you, the influence he exerts on you, the gist of it, isn’t it? He’s It’s in your hand to make Me either proud of you or ashamed!
that very subtle voice, apparently coming from your very own Half-heartedness doesn’t have to be your destiny! I have given
mind, which makes you look at those tracts critically: ”How you the power to rise above your natural weaknesses! You can
would you have related to something like this, if you had been decide to use that power & overcome!
given one of those on a street?...” Will you overcome your tendency to compromise, to accept the
Well, you’ll never know. But you can still be sure that I will bless Devil’s easy way out in this life?
you mightily if you’ll obey Me & give those tracts out, anyway! At What IS your life? What is it worth if you don’t give it to Me &
least it will mean that somebody will have to make a decision apply it for Me, if you don’t use what I have given you for the
either for Me or against Me, for My Word or against it. They will purpose I have given it for? Which is to win others to Me. Will
be reminded of Me, of the fact that I still exist, at the very least in you die daily for Me so that others might live? Or is all that
the minds & lives of people like you, who are willing to humiliate matters to you yourself & your own little comfort?
themselves for that belief to such an extent that they’re wiliing to I know your weaknesses. I know you’re selfish. But I have given
endure the ridicule of people by handing out these tracts. It you the power to overcome all that, all you need to do is believe
& make the choice to obey. Make the choice to overcome! Make spread.
the choice to defy all your natural weaknesses & all that the Devil Remember the parable of the hired workmen: those who agreed
will scream into your ears, & go forth & be a faithful servant of to work in the field didn’t do so in the end, & those who said they
Mine! In what will you invest the little time that is left? Will you would not, repented and went to work instead. Those who are
take up your cross & follow Me? supposed to do My work & preach the gospel, spread My
message & be My ambassadors, often fail to do the job, & so I
393 ____________________________________________________ have to raise up & use others to do the job for Me.
Don’t just let Me be an irrelevant Ghost spooking about in the So what if I use those who have been used by the Devil in some
back of your mind, make Me real in your life, & show it by giving way before? Wasn’t Saul, who later became Paul, a persecutor of
Me the place I deserve. Give Me the first place in your life by My children, & thus heavily used by the Enemy? And yet,
obeying Me! because of his great sin, there was also a great repentance, and I
The time of choosing the lesser option, the compromise option, used him more effectively for My cause in the end than any of the
is past! It’s time to choose My highest will! It’s time to put on other disciples... Don’t be like those who try to put Me in a box or
your battle gear & prove to the rest of the World that God still has try to dictate who I’m supposed to use or not, who I am supposed
a few white-hot, revolutionary representatives on this planet, who to save and who not... It’s just self-righteousness. Rather glorify
are not intimidated by the lies of the System, who are not afraid Me for every miracle I do in the lives of others, especially in the
to die daily for Me. Show them that there are still people willing to lives of those who went astray, to bring them back to Me & My
lay down their lives, their pride, their reputation for Me, and that service, often to be used more mightily by Me than ever before!
you are one of them! During the Endtime the Devil will have a lot of power, but yours
Show Me that you don’t only believe in My Word in theory, in will be greater! It already is! Use it!
your head, but that you’re also willing to obey it & apply it to your
physical life, by putting those Words into action. This love, this 396 ____________________________________________________
message ain’t for keepin’! It’s no good, it doesn’t become real When I sent Jonah to Nineveh with My Word, saying that I
until you give it away & share it with others! It only becomes real would destroy the city in 40 days, what was more important to
by giving it away! Just like seeds don’t do any good unless Me, My Word or the lives of the people? Well, by My actions I
they’re sown... money will do you no good unless you spend it & proved that the people were more important, even though Jonah
get it out among the people; clouds will no good unless they was very wroth with Me & upset.
burst open & rain down upon the ground. Even so, I want you to learn that the most important thing is love.
Don’t withhold that which you’ve got, but be a living example of Love for Me, love for the lost, love for the brethren! The only
My way, giving what you’ve got so that others may benefit from Bible the World is going to read is the one bound in shoe leather;
it! Those who have scattered abroad will enjoy their increase, the the only Word of God they’ll ever read or listen to is the Word of
harvest of the seeds they will have sown. God they’ll see in your sample; that’s LIVED in your life: the Word
of God they can touch & feel & see. It’s not how much you know,
394 ____________________________________________________ but what you do with what you know... That’s wisdom.
It’s sad whenever someone is too busy to show love! Knowledge puffeth up, love edifieth.
Take time to bathe everything in prayer. Take time to put Me first!
Take time to love Me & your fellowman! Even if people act a bit
dumb sometimes, or ask silly questions, it’s not an excuse to not 397 ____________________________________________________
show love! You may consider yourself smarter than they are, but All I’m expecting is that you put yourself into a position of
if you haven’t got love, of what use is all the smartness in the willingness & commitment to do My will. I’m expecting you to say
World? The Devil is pretty smart, & he considers himself so ”yes,” & really apply yourself to obeying Me. Once you make the
much more clever than everybody else. But, hey, it’s the heart decision that you’re going to obey come what may, I do the rest
that counts, and you won’t be judged or rewarded by how smart for you & help you to put it into practice & into action. You’ve got
you were in this life, but by the love you show. It’s the heart that to do the “wenting”, I’ll do the leading & all the rest.
matters most! I’m helping you to develop initiative & the art of taking positive
You should be viewing each person you meet as a potential new action by the circumstances I’ve put you in. Always remember,
friend for eternity. though, that one of the greatest actions you can take & things
You can become Me for them, if you let Me & My Spirit inhabit you can accomplish is action through prayer, the underestimated
you. But you must be free of pride & self & of wanting to show off weapon!
your own smartness or abilities! Convey love, it’s the only thing Keep in tune with Me through prayer, commanding Me what I
worth conveying! should do, & you’ll get so much more accomplished than you
Seek to show love above all! If you don’t have enough, ask Me! could ever do yourself, even with an army of people serving you.
Claim the keys of love, mercy & compassion for the sheep out ”It’s gotta be God!” Remember! It’s gotta be Me Who does it all. -
there, & I will give you My love. Love that is willing to lay down The part that you can’t do!
your pride, your coolness, even your very life for them. Let Me
show My love, My kindness & My mercy through you! There is no 398 ____________________________________________________
higher purpose you could possibly pursue or fulfill! Make this Your initial ideal reaction to every problem you encounter in
your highest goal, to truly be a messenger of My love! All else life should be to give it to Me & trust! Your spirit helpers & angels
doesn’t count! of the cloud of witnesses around you in the spirit world are
So often you don’t pass the test of love I bring across your way! waiting for that outcome when you face a difficult situation:
Whenever anyone asks you a dumb or silly or even pointless whether you will give it to Me & trust, or try to do it yourself &
question, see it as a test of love! Will you roll your eyes & give a wind up in dismay & worry & frustration.
snappy remark for an answer or not answer at all because you You've got the power of the universe at your disposal, you've just
figure it’s not even worth your breath? Well, that’s arrogance! got to apply it, make it work for you & use it by praying, digging
Failed! And you’ll have to wait until the next test comes around, out My promises & memorizing them & claiming them. If you
another golden opportunity to show love instead of pride! were fully aware of their power & effectiveness, you would take
Meet each question asked with friendliness, kindness, politeness this a lot more serious & spend much more time on becoming
& an air of understanding, loving-kindness & patience. Without skilled in the art of wielding the power of the keys and some of
love, you might as well forget it! You cannot do the work of the the other new weapons: action through prayer, the weapon of
Spirit without the Spirit! Spread Love! praise, etc.

395 ____________________________________________________ 399 ____________________________________________________

I will use anything to further My cause & have My message Just like I gave Abraham the fulfillment of his desires & My
promises to him, the heir of My covenant, and yet I asked him to want you to be a soft breeze to those who yearn for Me, and a
give this embodiment of all that was important to him back to Me, raging storm to those who reject Me.
even so it is with all of you: everyone Family has the choice When focusing on the power of the spirit, the carnal things you
whether they're going to let the things I have given them, their are worried about seem rather small by comparison, don't they?
boy- or girl-friend, their children, wife or husband, become their What's flesh, is flesh, & what's spirit is spirit, that's why I have
new god, the thing they live for, the thing that all their actions ordained you to come out from among them that only think in
revolve around, or whether they're going to give it back to Me carnal terms, that only move in the realm of the dead flesh. Come
every day, lay it on the altar & put Me first. out & move in the living realm of the spirit! My Spirit will supply
In a very real way, this sacrifice greatly enhanced Abraham's love all that you will need.
for Isaac. It showed to him how blessed he was, every day, after I have given you promise after promise after promise that I will
this, to even have him, because I could have also taken him away care for you. I WILL supply all your needs.
from him. Now that he had shown that he would not even I will supply as you obey. Don't focus on the need, focus on Me,
withhold his very son from Me, now he could love him with a love the End of all your needs!
that was pure, purged of any selfish intentions or motivations. He
loved him with a love that daily cried out to Me in thankfulness: 401 ____________________________________________________
"God, I thank Thee for this son whom You have given me, and The Devil always tries to find new ways to enslave people, to
whom you have asked from me, and I have not withheld him from make them feel guilty or in some way indebted to him.
you, and for this son that you have given back to me!" It was a There comes a point where the wicked become so corrupt that
love that was enhanced & beautified by utter submission to Me. you have to decide whether you're going to obey God rather than
That's the kind of pure love that is necessary, in order to make it man, & seek God's standard, rather than man's crooked
in this life and death game of faith! A love that says to the one standard. The Devil is a liar and a thief, & so are his followers.
whom you love: "I love you, but you are not mine, but have only They're trying to rob My servants & enslave them, bind them so
been given to me by the Lord, and I am willing to give you back they're not free to serve Me.
to Him at any time He requests you. He has loved me as much as Claim My protection against the Devil's bluffs & his "empty
to give you to me, and I will love Him back & give you back to winds."
Him any time He asks, and this in return, will again, strengthen I want you to be sure & certain of My will in all that you do. I will
and purify our love for each other..." defend you from Satan's stooges. They might send their dogs to
Your Isaacs are all the things that get so important to you that nibble at your heels, but if you've got nothing to lose, what can
they drag you away from Me. Whatever it is that just seems to they take away from you?
become more important than Me. Are you willing to lay down If you trust Me for everything you've got, what harm can they
your own desires on the altar, in order to serve Me and further My bring upon you? The Devil wants to strip you of your rights &
Kingdom? As long as you are ridden by your own selfish desires, your freedoms to serve Me, but I want you to rise above all that &
you're not different from anyone else in the World. And you grow above it.
aren't, really. You've got the same desires. Abraham had the
same desires to have a family, as any other man in the World. 402 ____________________________________________________
But the difference between those like Abraham & the rest of the What's important is that people recognize that you're not
World is that they can say, "See, I've had the same desires as "sailing under your own flag," but under Mine. They need to see
you, I'm the same kind of material as you, but I've had to learn to that you belong to Me, & that I sent you, that you've got a
put the Lord first, before that natural desire of mine. We've got to message, that you've got something to say. You want to expose
learn to give back to God that which He gives us in the first the System, destroy their delusion in order to build a firm
place, to show that we're thankful to Him, that we acknowledge foundation of truth, destroy, root up & tear down the old, rotten,
that it all comes from Him, and that we learn not to take each decadent, in order to build the foundation of the new, eternal,
other for granted, for that way we will only hurt each other. But "the one that's going to last". Let them know you're a man with a
when we give each other back to the Lord, it enhances our love message, a clear & bright message. Make it at least clear enough
for each other, it makes our love grow and grow and grow..." that those who seek the light will also recognize it in you.
As long as You love Me first & put Me first & show & prove by Unless the trumpet gives a clear sound, how can those that hear
your actions that I'm the most important factor in your life, that it understand the signal? "It's time to wake up!" "It's time to
love I have given you for another human being, or a ministry, or a recognize the fact you're being lied to!" "It's time to turn around
hobby, or whatever it is, will be in the realm where I can bless it. & fight! Choose today where you stand!" "It's time to open up
But if it becomes larger than that, if anything or anyone occupies your eyes & see the light!" "Today, when you hear His voice:
more of your time, your thoughts & your actions, & more of your don't harden your hearts!"
heart & emotions than I do, the blessing is gone, eventually, and
something will have to change. 403 ____________________________________________________
Obedience to the first & great commandment to love Me with all I'm not expecting more of you than what you are able to give.
your hearts is what it's all about, and means, allowing nothing, Whenever "fate" is handing you a burden that's too big & heavy
no object or person on Earth, to distract you from that most for you, or you think it is, instead of committing it to Me & rolling
important task in life. it all over onto My shoulders, you start moaning & complaining,
Only those who will have learned to let go selfish desires & lusts & acting as if it's all too much to bear. It's so important to stay in
& to put Me first, before anything else they want or think they've tune with Me & attuned to My voice, & not give in to any
got to do, will make it in the days to come. seemingly overwhelming circumstances, but to keep an attitude
of trust.
400 ____________________________________________________ You should be thanking Me for every new challenge I bring
Love is spirit. It's like the wind that bloweth where it listeth & across your way. Everything in your life comes from My hand,
canst not tell whence it cometh or wither it goeth, it is like the and is just another opportunity for you to show & prove trust in
fertile ground that brings forth its fruit in due season, and also Me!
like a raging fire, burning the dross & the chaff, giving warmth to Whenever something happens, you should seek the purpose &
those who are cold, and, again, like water, which, when poured lesson I have in this for you, since you are responsible for the
out upon the thirsty ground, will refresh & bring life. spiritual course & state of your "ship", and thus the one I'm
I would like to plant My seeds into your fertile ground. I would usually dealing with first.
like to pour you out like water upon the thirsty ground & send There are many lessons involved in the things I'm allowing to
you like a raging fire to consume all that stands in My way, only happen around you, if you ask Me & care enough to find out! The
leaving that which remains after a fire storm: the pure, the question you should always ask first of all is: "Lord, what do You
unshaken truth & solid foundation of My rock - all else will burn. I want to show & teach me through this?"
Whenever anything happens that seems to be making your It's easy to fall into a state of truce with the Enemy. It all
burden unbearable, get on your knees & ask Me what I want to sounds so reasonable. "Why should we rock the boat? Why
show you by that! Ask what I want you to do about it! Don't just should we challenge & aggravate the Enemy unnecessarily? Why
take it as one of fate's "bitter blows" & lie down & let the Enemy's risk any further problems?"
hoards trample all over you. Consider these situations tests, but The problem is, if you don't go out to attack the Enemy on his
also potential traps from the Enemy. For the minute you stop territory, he will come & attack you on yours, and usually has an
seeing Me & My hand in it & you react to it in the flesh, you're easy time invading your grounds, because he already knows
bound to make a bigger mess out of things than they already are. you're not much of a fighter in the first place. After all, otherwise,
Take it to Me, bathe it in prayer, know & trust that I have brought you'd be out on his grounds, trying to snatch souls out of his
it along for a specific purpose, to bring about a specific lesson in clutches!
your life, and it's your job to find out from Me, what exactly it is, The Enemy is fighting like mad to keep you busy with
& then to learn it, get the point & get on with it, so we can cover relationship problems & other affairs of the physical realm, so
the next step, or do that which I want you to accomplish! busy that there isn't much time to dedicate to the spiritual
Your intuition can sometimes trick you, & just saying what you warfare anymore. You just barely manage to defend yourselves,
feel like can have detrimental results. & thus won't inflict any harm on the Devil's kingdom & he's
Then there's the factor of clinging to past hurts. You must forgive happy & satisfied. "Mission accomplished!"
& forget. Especially forget those ridiculous lies of the Devil, The Enemy has lured & enticed so many, lulled them to sleep
which sow seeds of mistrust in your heart. with his poisonous gas into a compromising state of peaceful
Those lessons & experiences & things that you have learned by coexistence with him, that they really don't present much of a
experiences in your life or by having tried & proven a certain challenge to the System. He knows he has practically won the
truth from the Letters, are living treasures others can benefit war by peace! "He shall destroy many by peace..."
from. None of My prophets was ever really enthusiastic & thrilled about
giving My message to the people. Moses, Jeremiah, Jonah, they
404 ____________________________________________________ all had to be persuaded to do what I wanted. To become an
I have made you thus in order to change you, transform you. undesirable, one of those outrageous religious fanatics that
I sow in imperfection to raise from it a crop & harvest of spread those controversial truths, messages of doom...
perfection. The seeds of perfection already lie in you dormant, extremely unpopular.
sometimes to be seen in glimpses, when you're inspired, but you But what can I say? "Hold fast that which thou hast lest any man
have to go through a certain grind in life, a certain amount of take thy crown!" Will you allow the Devil to keep mocking Me &
pain & suffering, in order to really be made clean, pure & white & sneering into My face? Or will you be among those to stand up &
all that I wish for you to be in eternity. show him Who's greater? Are you willing to be made by Me, an
You'll see, these light afflictions will be so nothing, compared to influence on Satan's people, greater than his influence has ever
all the wonders you will see & experience, and it will have been been on My people? You CAN be, just by proclaiming the truth,
worth it all. Every moment of suffering you experience in life will no matter what the cost! It WILL have an influence on them, you
only enhance the joy you will feel for eternity. Every difficult can bet! Whether they will receive it or not, it's going to be the
situation only serves to make you shine brighter then. Every little most influential & decisive factor in their entire lives! Things will
affliction will bring about greater appreciation, greater ecstasy & go either uphill or downhill for them from then on. By your
sheer bliss & thankfulness for the perfection of My eternal Realm obedience, you can accelerate the process, you can stop any
& all you will encounter there. further delay of My judgements, which will bring about greater
Heaven & My eternal Kingdom will be such an exceedingly joyful repentance, greater results & greater harvest! The tools are now
place, especially because of the contrast it will be to all that there with which to reap the harvest! What's still missing is the
you're experiencing now. It's like the light compared to the workers to sow the seeds & to gather in the harvest. You scatter
darkness. But the darkness has its purpose, My love, just trust the seeds, I'll bring in the workers and the results! Do what you
Me. can & I will do what you can't!
Even so, the battles you're experiencing will also enhance your
love, your personality, your character, your understanding & 406 ____________________________________________________
ability to deal & interact with your fellowman. Just like I learned a Just like one has to realize first that he's a sinner in order to
lot from My interactions with people during My time on Earth, want Salvation, so one has to realize he's bound in order to want
became a lot more understanding of their plight, much more to be set free.
patient & merciful, so will all this serve to teach you greater love. Pray for those captives who are in the clutches of the Enemy,
I want you to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. One of the trapped in the tentacles of Bacchus, distracted by the spirits of
most loving services you can render to people is to listen to seduction, enticed & deceived by Pan, discouraged & defeated
them. Listen to them prayerfully, so that if there's any dirt & by Aptheon, Arakan & the demons of depression, hindered by
mental pollution they're heaping on you from the bottom of their Obstacon, silenced by the grip of Lethargy or captive to yet other
hurting hearts or the dark corners of their confused minds, you tricks & devices of the Enemy & his hoards.
can bathe it in prayer & be cleansed from it right away, while they Behold what a great cloud of helpers I have given you: Styrian,
speak, and it won't get you upset. If they want you to look at Arcothon, Illuminus, Lucerne, Yokum, the S.O.S., the Activation
them while they speak, just pray with your eyes open. Angels, Tola & Tor, & all power in Heaven through the keys of the
Consider this loving interaction with each other, this loving Kingdom. Now it's the time to shake off the weights that held you
service of hearing one another out & have them share what's on down, & really put the weapons to use I have given you! Time to
their heart part of your loving service to Me, part of your labors of sound the battle cry! No longer will we defend our ranks
love, which will not be done in vain, nor remain unrewarded. passively from the Enemy's attacks, hoping we will survive them
Every word that is spoken between you is being recorded, so the best we can, with the least amount of casualties & wounded
make sure they are loving, edifying & encouraging words, lest possible, but we will go on the attack & make the Enemy tremble!
you will have to be ashamed of them one day. I have been raising a new army, a new generation of fighters out
Remember Me, who endured worse contradictions from sinners of the old. The Enemy has been mocking Me, saying about them,
than you have. "Just give them to me for a while, let me tempt them with my
Don't resist the purging. How do you think you grow? By distractions, my lures & the enticements of the world, and you'll
everything being just the way you like it? By never having to face see, they'll forget You, they'll all turn their backs on you! Let me
any major confrontations? By never having to fight & stand up twist their minds with worldly thoughts & doubts, and see what a
for your rights? 'mighty army' You will have left when I'm through with them.
You'll see, they won't care about You!"
405 ____________________________________________________ But I have had faith in you, and though many have left indeed,
whose hearts weren't fully with Me, I believe in you! And I'm self, let Me pour them on the ground & re-make you into
calling you all back to life this day, as it were from the land of the something better; not a shining, glorious ornament, but a useful
dead: "Come away from her, My children, she has nothing to vessel! "I am a toilet! - Are you?"
offer you! Come on back to the land of the living! Streams that
never run dry..." 408 ____________________________________________________
Behold, I make all things new. This is the day which the Lord When Daniel & his friends were brought to Nebuchadnezzar's
hath made, let us rejoice in it & be glad! The armies of heaven court, they refused to eat the king's food. They only wanted
are on the move and marching. The testing period that the Enemy bread & water. Sometimes it's better to just stick to bread & water
was given to try & tempt My brides is over! The time has come to than all the stuff the System has to offer. Just because the
attack! Some of you, whose eyes have not yet been opened in the System has to offer it, doesn't mean that you should take it! You
spirit, are still oblivious to what's going on all around you in the don't have to take every temptation the Devil hands you, do you?
spirit, and all you see is the shiny wagons, armor & weapons of Remember, the fruit of the forbidden tree was knowledge. The
the Enemy. "Surely, surrender is our only hope," you think. But wrong kind of knowledge. Some things you wouldn't want to
just like Elisha prayed for his servant to open his eyes so that he know. Why get to know evil, when there's so much good to
could see that more were with them that day, than with the know? There are so many things to learn about & from My
enemy, so you, whose spiritual ears and eyes are already more Word...
attuned to My heavenly realm, must pray for those who can't see
yet. Don't let them be deceived & fooled just because they can't 409 ____________________________________________________
see the full truth! Pray for them, help them to see what you see! Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial, this is just
Help them to hear what you hear & feel what you feel: the regular battle mode. Satan is fighting My efforts to knit you more
excitement, the moving & stirring of the Spirit, that cries, "The closely together.
time is at hand, My children!" "It's time to wake up from He dreads the unity between you, so, he's planting his landmines
slumber!" of sensitivity in your midst, so that if anyone steps on one by
Just like in the fairy tales of old, My bride has been laying asleep some careless remark - no matter how innocent its intentions -
for a long period of time by a spell that was cast on her by a you'll have another crisis, another wounded soldier to take care
wicked witch, and thorns & hedges of thistles have grown around of, which will delay your participation in the battle.
her, but here I come, her Knight in shining armor, and I will kiss Have a positive attitude. Focus not on the lack of progress, but
her awake & take her with Me to places & heights never known look at the progress they're going to make by faith. Better to be
before! Awake, My love! Arise, My bride! It's a new day, and a surprised than causing failure by your expecting failure & a
time for greater steps than you have ever taken before! Time to negative attitude & a lack of faith! If you just keep focusing on
leave this enchanted land of darkness, the kingdoms of the the work that's to be done & try to attack it the best you can,
World which has been put to sleep by the Enemy! It's time to live even with the problems you're having, you're soon going to
up to all that I have proclaimed & promised you would be! Now is praise your way right out of the pit into which the Devil is trying
the time! to cast you, for I will give you victories to praise Me for!
Awake, all of you, to the World of the Spirit! It is here! All that I've
promised, is right at your reach, right now! All you've got to do is 410 ____________________________________________________
reach out & receive it, take it, use it, grab it, claim it, make it Isn't it great to really focus fully on Me & My Words, My work
yours! The kingdom is yours, My children! Let's advance & take & My affairs, without any distractions from the outside, without
it! Who will follow Me? the distractions of the entertainment of the World, which are
more often than not, attempts of the Enemy to get you "away
407 ____________________________________________________ from thinking", or to get you to seek solace & relief elsewhere
You're discouraged. The Enemy has managed to make you but in My arms; to get you hooked & addicted to another kind of
focus on man again, man's failings, instead of My power to comfort than Mine?
overcome, My ability to make you rise above all that. Your focus So many have found their comforters elsewhere, which is why
is on the bottom, the pit, not the new heights to which I want you they haven't really developed the skill & habit yet to find their
to attain! Some people are hurting you, getting you into a comfort & strength in Me at any time. The time for substitutes is
resigning & rejecting mode. Don't let it be so, but embrace & over. It's time for the real thing, which is Me. I am the original
receive even those blows, the hurts inflicted on you by your Satisfier & the only One Who can truly satisfy every longing of
brethren. It's part of being a partaker of My sufferings. I've had to every heart.
suffer a lot of failings & shortcomings, lacks of love & sense from It's just that so many haven't even given Me a chance yet. They
those I felt were Mine & should have stood up for Me, received were too busy finding relief & temporary satisfaction in their
Me, supported Me. In the end, I was deserted, left alone & substitutes, which to them appeared more easily available, as
supported only by a very few faithful ones. Thank Me for the they were right there in the material world, where they could see
faithful ones! them & grab them, no reaching out with the hand of faith for
Be thankful for what you've got instead of yearning for some spiritual comfort required. But the time is now to really determine
support from distant, vague sources. My Family is not a perfect, whether you will set your affections on things above or things
but a peculiar people, lest any flesh should boast. Remember that are seen: the eternal or the temporal; the real thing or the
what a failure you are, yourself, and that I allow all these things cheap imitation & easy way out, Me or the Devil's substitute.
for a reason. You're not perfect, either, and have a lot to be Come on & get real with Me! Experience that I am real! Find out
cleansed from. Don't think of yourself as if in any way you had I'm not messing 'round or fooling around, I'm for real, & I mean
attained. business with every Word I ever said.
I require not sinless perfection, but how much love you give, how
faithful you are to Me in giving out the truth. 411 ____________________________________________________
The Family is far from perfect, but it's still the best I've got & the Sometimes the plan for the day is just to stay faithful in the
best you've got, too! Instead of criticizing, why not little things... doing what you can to help the other one to make it
wholeheartedly make efforts to make sure it'll be a better place through their day & their battles with at least the knowledge that
by being a better member yourself? Not tearing down, cutting there's someone who cares for them, is concerned about them,
and wounding & criticizing others for their failings, but lifting up, prays for them.
giving support, binding up their wounds. Once I've seen how faithful you have been with the little things I
It doesn't really matter what you are: unless you just become a have given you to care for, I can also trust you with something
holy hole for Me & let Me fill you up, it's all useless & nothing greater: a wonderful witnessing opportunity, or something
anyway! There's still way too much of you in that vessel! Let Me completely unexpected... The art is to keep the vision for the
pour it out & re-fill you, renew you! Give Me the rests of your old glorious things in the doing of the humble & mundane, little
things of everyday life. Often people walk through life completely reality without being deceived by any of the Devil's soap operas,
dissatisfied because they're constantly expecting something then in My eyes that's already a lot, & you won't even have to tell
greater, something better to happen to them, all the while people all that much about you. They will sense it. They will feel
completely neglecting & despising what they’ve got. it. The very air about you will be different. There will be "strange"
But him that I can trust in that which is least, I will also trust with vibes accompanying you wherever you go, of a world that smells
greater things, but those who are not faithful in the little things, & tastes so weird to them: the smell & taste of the real world.
often first have to learn to appreciate what they've got, which
they sometimes only learn by losing all they've had & didn't 412 ____________________________________________________
appreciate... I'm making out of you a spiritual man & it just takes time, &
If you don't appreciate what I've given you, you might lose it any lots & lots & lots of My heavenly water & Spirit. Just like it takes a
time. The imperfections are part of the plan to help you one day lot of blood to transfuse into a man whose blood was poisoned &
really appreciate My perfection. has to be renewed, so it takes a lot of spirit to transform a fleshly,
Heaven is going to be your reward for having been faithful with carnal man into one who is spiritual & is concerned with the
the little, imperfect things of Earth: The more imperfect your things from above, not the things of Earth.
conditions on Earth, the greater will your joy be in Heaven. For the things of Earth are not edifying, but more often than not a
That's why the lame man who was healed by My power lept & distraction & hindrance from learning the more important &
jumped for joy. For you, who have been able to walk all your eternal values of the spirit. The worries & cares of life don't
lives, it is nothing special, but for one who has been lame from enhance unity, for instance. They make you encapsulate yourself
birth or for a long time to suddenly be healed & be able to walk & in your own little world that doesn't grant others permission to
run... that's joy unspeakable. You're having to go through life enter so easily. You become irritated & easily aggravated,
with all your little achings so that when you will come to Me, you whereas, once you have delved into My spiritual world of trust &
will find perfect joy in the contrast. You will find I am so much where Eternity reigns & everything that lives & breathes knows
better than anything else you've ever tasted in this world. beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm in perfect control of
That's why the Devil is trying to come up with more & more everything, then you can convey that same peace to others as
perfect counterfeits & substitutes & distractions all the time: well.
more & more perfect entertainment, shows, computer games, Calamities may be all around, but you won't be heard to fret.
movies, System music & sounds, all available by remote control, People will wonder, "How can they be so calm while the whole
so you don't even have to move or do anything to get instant world is tumbling around their ears?" And then you can let them
satisfaction; more & more perfect tasting food with artificial know that it is so because you have been with Me. It's My peace
flavors, made to even "top" My natural flavors I have put in foods that makes you beautiful.
naturally, more & more perfect drugs & narcotics... He's trying to It's important for you to get a hold of that peace first thing
literally spoil people stupid so they won't ever want to get off of everyday. The peace of knowing that I'm in control of your
their fannies to do anything else but indulge in his "perfections". circumstances, because you have committed them into My care.
After all, who needs anything else, if you can have all these The peace of knowing that everything's going to be alright,
"perfect" pleasures & entertainments? Who wants to deal with because you just had a chat with the Creator of everything & He
real people, when the faces & bodies on TV are so much more told you so & He confirmed to you that He still loves you & will
"perfect"? Who wants to deal with real life when the thrills & take care of you.
kicks he can give you are so much nicer, easier, better? Well, See what riches I have in store for you. Great & mighty things
there's only one thing about it all & that's that it isn't real. It's all which thou knowest not. Continue to be a source of strength,
fake & phony, & you're enjoying it all on borrowed time & money, love & encouragement.
while in reality he's cheating you out of your lives, your time, Once you start getting My spiritual angle of looking at things,
your energy and your touch with reality. even the things of Earth that surround you, which otherwise can
For a lot of people, reality is the worst thing to cope with. They be a nuisance & a hindrance, all of a sudden start making sense.
stuff their worlds & lives with the Devil's substitutes, be they Love - My real & true love - is what causes everything to make
money, material possessions or his entertainment or drugs, perfect sense, even the smallest & most mundane of things...
foods, games, sex, or their jobs, all of which are often excellent Love is the magic that converts ashes & dung into beauteous
counterfeits of My reality. He's even come up with his very own new life.
counterfeit love. But in the end, none of that will ever truly
satisfy, & when all this artificial "perfection" will have left the 413 ____________________________________________________
World high & dry, he will come up with his ultimate counterfeit: Fight to stay in the Spirit everyday.
his plastic one-World religion, the "perfect" System, without any You still don't ask Me when an inspiration hits your head,
more evil, without any more money, without anymore crime... whether it's really of Me. The thought entered your mind & you
"Welcome to Utopia!" just figured that that's what you were supposed to do, without
So, My advice for you today is: don't try to get away from reality! checking with Me about it.
It may not be perfect, but it's the best thing that could happen to I don't want you to do things to impress Me or anybody else, or
you! It will strengthen & mold your character, make you grow into to prove what a great guy you are. But I want you to rather fight
a real man, one who will not only seek his own selfish to love Me & others.
satisfaction, but one who is concerned about others & their If your motives aren't right, then the spirit isn't right, either, and if
welfare as well. Those who are trying to escape from reality by a project doesn't carry My Spirit, then it's just dead works.
numbing themselves & trying to alter & adjust it artificially to
their liking are only cheating themselves out of the most valuable 414 ____________________________________________________
things this life has to offer. What is there to correct or improve in an already perfect
You, not they, are living on the true ground of reality. I am the situation? What challenge is there in an already perfect
good & true & firm foundation, everything else is either sinking situation?
sand or one of the Devil's artificial clouds that he built in people's I'm teaching you to love the imperfect more unconditionally, and
minds by his mental conditioning them with false doctrines & I'm teaching you to love the Perfect, namely Me, more through
downright lies & delusion. this all by simply driving you into My arms over & over again,
So, don't expect too much from yourselves or out of every day of desperately & helplessly looking for a solution, & finding here
your life. Even if you're not making headlines as a flaming strength & encouragement & wisdom to go on over & over & over
evangelist, winning dozens of souls every day, if you just again. It's like a baby's love for her mother. If she's hungry she'll
manage to be real everyday, to walk humbly on the ground of My cry - over & over & over again, and even so will she find
reality, staying faithful in the little, mundane things of life & nourishment & comfort in her mother's arms & at her breast over
keeping the heavenly vision while doing so, focusing on Me & My & over again.
In the beginning the baby just takes it for granted & is oblivious & don't let Satan fool you & lure you away from My side!
& indifferent to the fact where the nourishment comes from, it I'm shepherding you closely, but I cannot keep you from all
just takes it & greedily absorbs it. But over time, a relationship of temptations. Just keep focusing on Me, knowing that I'm your
appreciation & love is established, and you can see it in the way secret to success, the One Who can ensure your becoming a true
she smiles at her Mom in a way she smiles at no one else, as if to winner & conqueror & overcomer.
say, "You are my sunshine! You're my all in all! You make me Love is the future! And since love is what you want, the future is
happy! You're always there for me! And as a reward, I'm going to yours. Leave those goats alone who settle for anything less &
give you my very best & biggest smile! I cannot do anything else come with Me into that land of Love where you will feel truly at
yet to show you my love, but this I will give you, my smile!" Home and like a king. Here you will forever be a servant. There
I'm bringing out the best in you through your hunger, your you will forever reign with Me. Just ensure your future position
desperation for the solution to these problems, I'm bringing out by maintaining a humble position down there. Don't lord it out
the best smile in you! A great, big fat happy grin for Me, over anyone, but continue to learn to be their servant, humbly
everytime you see My face, everytime you suck at My paps & are doing all you can to make them feel loved & to be truly fed by My
being satisfied by Me. Before, you were going through this life Words & My truth, with which I have blessed you. Just stay close,
with a gloomy outlook, barely believing that I loved you, even that's your personal secret to success & the key to your future.
though I had bestowed many blessings upon you, some of which
you didn't even recognize as such. You were crying like a baby, 416 ____________________________________________________
angrily, frustrated, moaning & groaning & complaining. You've got to believe in My love. You've simply got to know
I know both, the good & the bad sides of each of you, and I see that I love you! The original sin of man was to doubt that, and the
the total sum of the real you, not the temporary versions of when greatest sin, the sin against the Holy Spirit, is to reject that love
you're at one extreme of the pendulum or the other. by not believing that God so loved the World that He gave His
I love you when you're bad, because I can already see the good only begotten Son, once they've been given the chance to
in you coming out of it again. Why don't you trust Me when I tell receive Him.
you that I believe in you? Strive with all your might to believe in My Love, that it's always
I'm trying to get you to have positive faith in people, or at least in there for you, that I mean only the best for you, that I would never
My power to change people, & not give up on them prematurely. allow anything to hurt you without a divine purpose that is higher
Have faith in the people I've put by your side, faith that sees what than what you know or can see right now! Believe in My Love!
no one else can see, "the good & possibilities that others cannot How can you love Me in return, unless you first know beyond a
see." You see here the connection between faith and love? shadow of doubt that I truly love you? Many people fear Me, and
Without love, your faith is nothing. Love is the lifeblood of your they obey Me to some extent, because they know it's better for
faith, & it doesn't matter to Me if you're going out & getting 1000 them to obey Me to escape My punishment & chastisement. But
tracts every day & win 10 souls an hour, if you can't even love. that motivation is not really enough to do & accomplish the
Peter wasn't tossed about by the Devil forever. There came a time works of love I want you to do. The fear of God is a good
when he was converted & he strengthened his brethren & beginning, it is the beginning of wisdom, but it's not the end of it.
became a leading & major supporting pillar of My church! Unshaking faith in My love, that's what really brings results, the
I will pray for you, that your faith for them will not fail, & your love
kind of fruit I desire, fruits of love. I don't just want My brides to
for them will not fail. yield to Me out of fear of what might happen to them if they don't,
You don't want to spoil them, & you figure they should learn to what they might lose out on, that they might miss My blessings.
manage to function & operate properly, regardless of So, will you believe in My love for you, My darling? Will you
circumstances. But people don't "function & operate" like finally surrender to Me, knowing that there is nothing else to
machines, they actually need that little human ingredient called satisfy you, no greater love in all the Earth, nor in all the
love to "function" properly! I'm trying to make you a little more Heavens, than My love for you? How could you delight yourself
humane toward others, to have a little more love. My goal is to in Me fully when you can't even believe in My perfect love for
replace that heart of stone with a heart of flesh, and if you you?
thought I was going to do that by some magic trick, "voilá!" - I knew the only way I was ever going to get through to the very
Think again! core & bottom of your heart was by giving you the gift of
Just remember, "Love never fails." Love is the most important prophecy & filling you with My life-giving Words & seeds for you
thing! Let love reign! personally, so that you would know beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that I love you personally, and care for you personally, enough to
415 ____________________________________________________ counsel you on the problems you're facing.
The Enemy hates My predictions & visions of the future & I'm shining the light & warmth of the sunshine of My love onto
tries to ensure that the opposite is going to happen. your heart, even the dark, unknown corners that you yourself
His attitude is, "Oh, yeah, did God say so? Well we're going to haven't been aware of. I'm revealing to you the secrets of your
see about that!" And he tries all he can to foil My plans. The own self, the secrets to success in dealing with those around
Enemy never foresees the benefits of the backsliding he causes. you, and the very secrets & mysteries of the universe.
He's only concerned with the temporary defeat & delay he Can you believe now, that I'm going out of My way to show you
causes. After all, he knows he can't stop Me; all he can do is try My love? Can you believe now that I walked up Golgotha for you,
to delay Me & My plans by throwing a few monkey wrenches into yes you, My love? Can you believe now that I would do it over
My machinery, frantically trying to delay & postpone My future, and over again, to win you, if it were necessary, My love? That's
because he knows the future will bring his doom. He knows the why Peter said that those who turn their backs on Me crucify Me
Endtime events will trigger a chain reaction that is going to wake over & over again... They don't believe in My love for them.
up & bring back to life many of those he has successfully lulled Because they doubt My great love & desire to care for them, they
to sleep. think they've got to take the securing & ensuring of their survival
As you follow Me step by step, you'll see the path ahead more & into their own hands, as well as their desires & the things they
more clearly. want.
What is important is that you stay faithful & close to Me. All that But you are learning to leave all that in My hands now, that I give
matters is that you stay by My side & don't let your own the very best to those who leave the choice with Me. You are
willfulness get the better of you. learning to trust in My love.
I have set before you the path of life, and the path of your own Believing in My love for you, you will also be able to praise Me
will, that which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is much better! Your heart will be full of praise for Me, because you
destruction. Choosing Me & My way & My will means choosing will love Me, because I have first loved you. I'm right here with
life. Trying to save your own life & trying to ensure your own you, to protect you! Cling to this, the greatest treasure in the
wants will mean the loss of true life. Stay close to Me for true life, universe! The love of God!
& they often wind up getting hit by the enemy. So many find
417 ____________________________________________________ themselves wounded on the battle field & when asked what
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end happened, they can only reply, as the soldier in that story, "Well, I
thereof are the ways of death. Often what seems right to you in guess I must have zigged when I ought to have zagged!" And I'm
your own mind, only results in spiritual death. The sacrificial teaching you how to avoid that by listening to Me daily, and I will
option, the option of laying down your life for Me, of taking up tell you in an instant when to zig or zag, when to turn left or when
your cross, the option of truly denying yourself & your own to turn right, when to move forward or backward or stop. When I
desires, that's the only option that truly results in life. tell you to get down, you better do so, and now is a time for
When I'm putting before you an option to do the absolutely everyone to lay low on their own desires, so that you may learn
radical, contrary-to-all-your-rational-reasoning thing, how radical how to hold up the banner & standard of David again & make this
are you? How sold out for Me are you? How willing to really say Family once more what it truly should be.
"Yes!" to Me without reservations? Some are waking up to My call. Make sure that you're among My
Usually, time & history have proven that the harder way was the chosen ones by choosing My path above all others everyday...
more fruitful way. What if I had not chosen to take My Father's It's very vital that you learn to hear, follow & obey My voice at
cup & not gone the hard way? My Father could not even have every instance. How can you enjoy life, when you're groping
sent the Comforter, because it was expedient for My flesh to go around in the dark, without the light of My Word?
away, so that My Spirit could come. Even so, it is expedient for
you that your flesh should be crucified & mortified, so that the 421 ____________________________________________________
Spirit might come to life in you. "Learning obedience" for Me meant to learn to love even
Are you willing & ready & open for My very best? I will never let more than I had before I came to Earth; and seeing, feeling and
you be tempted above that you are able, but I still require you to experiencing the whole thing the way humans do, changed pretty
say "yes" sometimes. If you say, "yes" you will open up relays in much everything for Me, as far as My viewpoints, ways & abilities
the spirit. of relating to them were concerned. You can have all the wisdom
Some suffering is good for you because it brings out the best in of a God, but without love, it's still not the same. Part of the love
you, purges the Lethargy out of you, the dross, the laziness of the Father had for the World in sending Me to Earth was
the flesh & the rut of the old ways! manifested in His teaching Me through this experience to relate
Welcome to the company of those who were willing to die for much better to you.
their faith, for their God, and for the sake of others. The main reason people doubt the Scriptures today is because
I am handing you the spiritual affliction of that cross. Are you the Devil just lies about them, discredits them & gets people into
willing & ready to take it? Are you willing to truly have your own a critical mind gear about them, especially because they don't
desires, your own wants & ways & plans crucified? Do you still want to accept their divine authority. Who wants to hear about
believe that I love you, even though I'm asking you to sacrifice all "denying yourself" & "taking up your cross" & "losing your life"
your Isaacs? or "hating your life in this world" when that's the exact opposite
of all the popular doctrines the Devil has brainwashed them with
418 ____________________________________________________ for a century?
The hour has come that I'm asking you to take up your cross. Don't be fooled or influenced by the skeptical, doubtful,
Are you ready for it? Have you been wasting your time & letting incredulous mindset of the blinded masses. Without the light of
your spiritual muscles become all lax & weak, or have you been the Word, even My own children can fall into blind rages, how
preparing, so that when I would call you, you would be ready? much more so those who have always rejected Me & My Word?
Nobody ever said that dying daily would be fun or easy. I'm really The light of My Word will shed light even on the darkest corners
testing your willingness, and of course, you have to be really of history and the life of every man, and will show the difference
willing to pull it through if you commit to Me & say "yes"! But between what was and could or should have been. The entrance
sometimes I will lead you down a certain path only to get you to a of My Word giveth light. In its absence, there is only darkness, or
certain spot, to get you into a certain position of willingness of the Devil's cheap counterfeit & imitation of My true light, which
heart, or to bring about other circumstances that were necessary may make things appear a certain way, but only My true light will
to accomplish My will, but then there might be a turn or change reveal what they really are.
in direction...
422 ____________________________________________________
419 ____________________________________________________ To whom much hath been given, of him much shall be
Usually things look completely different from Up Here than required. You've been given much, & I'm waiting to see some
from your personal, subjective "ant's view" of things, & you're returns. I'm expecting more of you. Keep your eyes on the
just going to have to trust Me that I'm really telling you the better harvest!
of 2 options, although your feelings might be telling you the "What have you done with your life"... in order to win more souls,
opposite! to get out My Word, to warn the wicked?
No servant is above his master. If I have been humbling Myself &
420 ____________________________________________________ have gone out among the people to preach a message I knew
The keys strengthen our link & connection & ensure its most of them would reject in the end, and lead Me to death on the
clarity & freedom from enemy static. As you learn to treasure cross, I am expecting the same of My followers. And when there's
these Words of Mine & our times together above all else, & as so much to do & so few willing to do it, I just have to ask whoever
you learn to find greater satisfaction in these things of the spirit, is willing and available, and I recruit whoever I can get a hold of.
you will also grow in the ability to seek My Kingdom first, which Nobody wants to do the humblest of all jobs of passing out My
will result in greater obedience, thus greater blessings, & greater Words: to be faithful witnesses. Of course, being a good sample
fruitfulness. is part of that witness, but if the witness is missing altogether,
It takes those years of experience, in most cases, to bring what good is the best sample? Besides, there's nothing that will
someone to the end of their own rope & the realization that I truly help you to become a good sample of true love & humility like
know best what's better for them & which road truly leads to going out there to die daily! Otherwise, what difference does your
happiness. It's high time to awaken from slumber & get My job living together communally make, if it's just to live & survive
done. together? It's interesting, but it's not really showing the World
Whatever will happen, just follow Me! I'm training you to follow that you've got a message to deliver, unless you actually use
My voice, and that training often involves "zig-zag" movements, your communal living in order to get My message out.
as is so often appropriate in a war. I'm teaching you not to "zig" Use your lives, & everything I've given you, to get out My
when you should "zag" & vice versa, which happens when message, and you will find yourselves blessed.
someone follows their own leadings, intuitions or carnal wisdom You've got to do the wenting in order for Me to pour down My
grace. The boat has to be in motion before the rudder can take I purposely gave you this one, which I knew was going to be too
effect. I've told you where to go: into all the world. Everywhere! hard for you to figure out by yourself, in order for you to get into
Preach My message to everyone, everywhere, that's what Mark the modus operandi of "without Me ye can do nothing." Finally
16:15 means. you're getting desperate enough so that you come to Me at every
How blessed are the feet of those who carry glad tidings from My turn, because you don't know how to go on.
Holy mountain! You've got the glad tidings, the good news that Training with weights is going to help - to have experienced
could make them happy, the news that there is something more: situations like these beforehand: next time something similar
My Holy mountain, Space City, where they can come after this comes around, you won't be so freaked out because you know
life, if they only will believe it & accept Me. Now you've just got to you survived the last one...
move your feet & bring it to them! What it all comes down to is work. You're going to have to work
This is the main purpose of the Family: to be My chosen hard & study hard on this, it's going to be a real challenge, none
mouthpiece to the World. What if My mouthpiece has gone mute? of those classes where the good grades will just come flying to
What if the salt loses its flavor? What if the light of the candle you. You're going to have to seriously sit down & do your math
goes out? over this one, which means, sitting down with Me & seeking
Would you choose My will or the easy way out? It's the get-out-&- answers & solutions, which I've promised to give you, if you will.
actually-do-something revolution! Going out & passing out My But that will require sacrifices, as studying anything usually
Words is doing the humble thing. Why not make a difference & does: your friends are playing outside & having fun while you
do the humble thing? have to sit at home & study & find the solutions to your
423 ____________________________________________________
You're feeling weak & incapable in the flesh, because that's 426 ____________________________________________________
what I want you to be, just able to rely on Me & nothing else, Pride & sensitivity are scattered & strewn throughout every
desperately dependent on Me, knowing there's no chance you strata of society, especially amongst Christians, the main target
could ever make it on your own. My strength is made perfect in of the Enemy, and, of course, he's most of all going to try to stop
weakness. I can simply use you best when you're feeling this you, the children of David, in whichever way he can. Sensitivity
weak & know you can't do anything by yourself. And all you need makes an Old Bottle out of you, it's selfishness, it makes you
is My grace, that's enough. It's all by My grace that anything gets resist change, opens up a crack for the Selvegion, etc.
accomplished. So, just float on My grace & in My strength, which One of the most important things you need to do is to believe in
is perfected in weakness, & rise above. Your weakness is the My love. The same applies to the love of the Family: if you learn
ideal breeding ground & environment for My strength to flourish that, each member of the Family really loves you & doesn't resent
best. The magic elixir of My power comes out best in weak you as the Enemy would like you to believe, if you realize that
vessels, such as yours. My ability lies in your incapability. So, they're fighting on your same side, everyone will be on their way
rejoice in your infirmities, because when you're weak in yourself to victory.
& in the flesh, then you are strong in Me. You'll all be taking the wind out of the Enemy's sails by exposing
him and his demons as liars first thing when they come & tempt
424 ____________________________________________________ you with negative thoughts or feelings about what that other
Sometimes I've got to deactivate all that useful-in-the-flesh person might think or feel about you.
gear & feeling first, before I can make you really useful, useful in Things are going to have to change with everyone, if we're going
the sense of accomplishing something for Me, something that to make the headway that is necessary to climb the mountain of
lasts, something that bears fruit in the spirit! the Endtime together, the fiercest challenge My brides have faced
But when the appointed time shall come, you will be activated in all of history.
and "awakened" & you will be more effective, more active and You've got to be able to tell each other the truth. The love and the
downright explosive than you've ever been before. Your time will trust has got to be there for each one of you to be able to take it,
have come, and the hour of your destiny & purpose will have knowing that what was said was not said in order to hurt you, but
arrived, and all things will be made clear, every detail of your to help you & to get you a step further ahead in the way. You're
preparation will make sense then. I've got your life in My hand only going to make it together! One thing that's really got to be
perfectly, and although you can interfere to a certain extent with installed is a faith in the unswerving love of each member for the
your own decisions, as long as you're yielded to Me and you other. This is going to be the tie that is going to bind the Family
declare in our unwritten daily contract that you are Mine & I can together.
do with you what I will, you can safely assume that I will, and that This means, no more critical & hurtful words, only speaking the
I will use every minute to prepare you to the utmost for that truth in love, showing that you are willing to esteem the other
purpose of your existence that will render the greatest possible one's opinion greater than yours & taking the humble seat for My
amount of fruit for My Kingdom. sake.
Without Me you can do nothing counts. Nothing that lasts. Sacrificing your pride for each other is what it's all going to
Nothing worth mentioning. If you really want to get things done, amount to. It's time that My Family shows that they're truly My
if you want to make a difference, you've got to learn to let Me use followers by showing the World that example of a group of
you to the full. That's what counts, & that's all that matters. people who really love each other, wash each other's feet & are
"The less there is if you, the more the light shines through", so willing to lay down their lives & their pride for each other.
always seek to give Me the full & total glory in whatever you do, Live My Words & be a sample of one who faithfully absorbs them
and as long as you do, I will make sure to fulfill My Word, that if I & puts them into practice. Let them sink in & transform your
be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me. being.
If your motive is to glorify Me, then I can use it. Anything you say
or do: let My light shine through! 427 ____________________________________________________
I'm calling you to become mature enough to forsake
425 ____________________________________________________ something when it has taken an inappropriate place of
Focus hard on only pleasing Me! It's the only way you're ever importance in your lives
going to make it, and it's part of My high purpose in this whole The time of the merging of the spiritual & physical realm is
equation. I am the golden middle way, the pathway to choose, drawing nigh, and I want you to be prepared for it, by focusing
which will lead you safely without hurting one & neglecting the more on the spiritual & less on the physical. I want to use you as
other. I specially put this challenge before you to make double My heralds of this event, giving others the chance to prepare for
sure you would not fall into the temptation of just coasting along it, too.
on the momentum of the flesh or your own carnal mind & See your job as less that of a prophet of doom, but as a herald
wisdom, figuring you'd be smart enough to handle this. who is giving others a chance to prepare for coming events.
John the Baptist was a voice of one crying in the wilderness, field? There's blood & guts all around you, pain & death, hellish
"Make straight paths for the Lord", in other words, "Prepare for noises of weapons & bullets flying around your ears, your
the Lord's coming!" Which is, in essence, what I also want you to wounded comrades... Not much positive to look at, except by the
do. You're My voices in the wilderness, telling the people to miracle of faith, and with the eyes of faith. Claim the keys of faith!
prepare for My 2nd coming. Claim the keys of faith to see what no one else can see; to see
The message I want you to give people is to "prepare", & to let the victory in the midst of battle, to see the light in the midst of
them know that you're willing and able to help them to do so. darkness, to see the joy, the reward and the glory of triumph in
"Strengthen the things that remain" is the message that would the midst of gross pain & suffering & fighting all around you!
appropriately describe what I want you to convey to the world, It's impossible in the natural, it's impossible to do by yourself,
and how can you convey that successfully & effectively, unless but with Me beside you and the keys in your hands, nothing shall
you first live it yourselves? The things that remain are the things be impossible! I have given you the keys! The keys will pierce
of the spirit, the eternal things. Things like physical relationships, like torches right through the thick darkness the Enemy would
marriages, families, etc., have all proven to be more fragile & like to envelop you in, their light is just going to melt the
subject to time than ever before. The reason for this is, that the darkness away! Claim the keys of hope that they may bring a
lasting values that used to strengthen relationships before, have fresh breath to your aching, weary & tired heart, to refresh you &
been removed from them, and those were precisely the spiritual give you new joy and courage and vision for the battle.
ingredients I want you to help people to re-discover. Study more about the use of the keys of the Kingdom, for the
People don't even know anymore how to find the right partners reason some of you are still battling & not gaining ground as you
because they are so conditioned by the System to look for should is because you have not yet spent the necessary amount
superficial qualities in partners, & they're making physical things of time to learn to wield them properly in the Enemy's face, which
the most important requirements, instead of ensuring first of all is why he's attacking you so ferociously right now, because he
that the spiritual foundation is there, which includes being the knows it's going to be his last chance. Once you will have
right kind of partner, not just finding the right one. This requires learned how to use them properly, he knows he's done for & he
humility, a word that has virtually lost all meaning & use in the won't stand a chance against you!
World today. Most western cultures despise humility as a Thus, these attacks are also serving Me, because they drive
weakness. The Devil has conditioned people to such an extent, home to you the importance of learning to battle properly. You
puffed up their egos & blown up their pride & self-will thus, that know that this is not just a vacation but a war; that all that talk
it's a mental habit very hard to kick to be selfish, seek your own about battle is not just an allegory or a fairy tale, but hard core
ends & put yourself in the first place. A weakness like that can reality! See it like this, from this positive angle: without all these
take years to be fully exposed & for the victim to even become battles, you might still doubt whether all this is really the truth,
fully aware of it. but the battles just prove that what I am saying in My Word is
Consider it a great blessing & step forward that you have gotten true. It's the same as the fact that the Family has been
to know your weaknesses better, are more aware of them & will persecuted more than any other Christian group in the past three
thus know better what you need to fight & be on guard against, decades, this proved to you that they are really My chosen ones,
which is a great advantage you have before many who have not because they fulfilled My Word, for so have they persecuted the
even yet begun to fathom that there might be anything wrong prophets which were before them.
with them, who keep inhaling the Devil's deceitful gas of pride & The Devil hates you just like he hates Me & he will persecute &
ego-inflation. attack you just like he tempted & tried & finally tried to kill Me, &
Just like in an inflated economy, the day of reckoning will tell eventually was granted the permission to do so in order to fulfill
whether an inflated ego really has got what it takes when met My destiny. But you've got nothing to fear about death, just like I
with the sharp pin of reality. That's why I want you to walk on the had nothing to fear, because I knew I was going to rise again. The
ground of My humble reality, not float around on some cloud of Devil was granted permission to tempt Me with fear & tribulation
self-deceit, like so many others, so that you can tell them, "Come shortly before I was being taken captive, just so that I would
on down, walk on the ground with Jesus!" really be tempted in all things like you are, & I would go through
The spirit is the true reality. The flesh is under the curse & thus all the human despair & agony that you know.
under the heavy influence of the Devil, the father of lies, so, you Was I ever jealous or sensitive, you wonder? Or prone to
can't really rely on the flesh. If you want truth, seek the spirit. If negative thinking? Yes, I was tempted by them all, but the Father
you want values that last, seek the spirit. If you want excitement gave Me the power to overcome them. Even so, He can and will
& true satisfaction that far exceeds any thrill of the flesh, seek give you the power to overcome them, it just all depends on how
the spirit. If you would only value the spirit as you should, you much you avail yourselves of that power. With the power of the
would find much greater satisfaction there than in anything the keys, you have available now for yourselves that same power
World, the flesh or the Enemy have to offer. that I had, and that My disciples had, to do miracles & to
Do you think the Enemy just settles for the flesh? His pipes, bells overcome the Devil & all his temptations, fears, doubts, agonies
& drums are spirit, too! They are the spirit of rebellion against & devices he tries to trick you with, and as the days will grow
Me. Their spiritual influences usually have the effect on people ever darker, that light of the truth of the keys will also ever shine
that they indulge in the flesh even more. They fall prey to all brighter, for where sin doeth abound, there grace doeth much
kinds of vices, perverted sexual practices, and worst of all, it more abound.
strengthens their egos & pride, alienating them ever more from Wield the keys! Wave them high up, over your heads, let the
Me & causing them to distance themselves from Me more & Enemy know that you're not going to be easy prey! Be prepared
more. In reality, the Devil is just trying to win them over to his to battle. Be on guard constantly! There's a battle going on that
camp, so that they'll be ready & willing vessels for him & his will determine your future. Don't let the Enemy out of your eyes
demons when the time comes. for an instant, always be aware that his next attack might be
If you think about what challenges are still up ahead for you, coming at any moment, and don't just fend off his attacks on
don't you think it's time to mature, sober up & put your own you, but take the initiative & go on the attack!
selfish desires on the backburner? I'm so desperately in need of fighters, warriors, soldiers, people
Now it's time to break those habits, to loosen those bounds of who are not drifting around in complacency, but are fully aware
feeling all goody-goody about yourself in the flesh. You can feel of the fight & who take it seriously & who take the time to study &
much better in Me! And you'll have so much more to give to learn how to fight, so that they might become skilled in the
others, in return! techniques of war! There's nothing that pleases Me more than a
positive declaration of your faith that you are determined to fight
428 ____________________________________________________ this war and not only are you going to fight it, but you're also
Sometimes it's easy to focus on the negative, especially going to win it.
during times of battle. I mean, what's so cheerful about a battle Even though you're often closer to defeat than victory, at least
you're fighting, and you're gaining more & more experience in feed on My Word. All creation groaneth to be delivered. They're
your fighting, you're not just silently tolerating the Enemy in all starving & waiting to be finally fed the true bread. So many
some corner of your lives, but you're serious about having him having been fed the counterfeit of the Enemy, his false truths, his
exposed & expelled & cast out of your midst, overcome, lies, leading their souls & spirits to corruption. Yet, so many of
defeated, finished, exterminated! All those who hate the Enemy My children do not even see this. They try to concoct for
are specially loved by Me, because they have made it clear they themselves their own personal mixture of truths & half-truths
are standing on My side & are not going to give in to between what My prophets say and those doctrines of the World
compromise. You have experienced compromise & know its that appease them the most, similar to the way the children of
bitter taste, which is a great advantage, for now you recognize it Egypt would occasionally worship the gods & idols of the
and are allergic to it! That's an invaluable lesson in itself! To heathen around them, whenever it seemed to them like I was too
refuse compromise. Because nothing will drive My army closer busy to care for them.
to defeat than compromise with the Enemy. In reality, they were too busy caring for themselves to even care
It's so chicken, so cowardly, because you're actually giving in to about Me. And that has been the crux of the matter all throughout
a weaker Enemy, who knows he would have been defeated by history. Man is usually too busy caring for himself to even care
you if you would have just kept fighting, but he lured you into a about Me, and thus he thinks I'm not communicating with him,
peaceful coexistence with him by offering you nice gifts: "Why because I must not be interested in him or that I don't care about
wrack yourselves, fighting for this God of yours Who only gives him. But he won't care enough about Me, he doesn't seek Me,
you the bare necessities, when I can supply you with a sheer that's the problem. Nobody's interested in their Creator, nor in
endless amount of my glittering gimmicks that provide any kick finding out what He's got to say, they're all too enwrapped &
you can possibly imagine?" (Except, of course, real happiness & busy with creation, trying to keep it functioning. They need to get
genuine fulfillment, because that just isn't found in compromise back to their Maker & refer to the Manual or call the service
& settling for peace with the Devil, but he won't tell you that!) hotline, but it won't even occur to them. So, they all keep trying
When you're going through hell, remember that I'm right there to fix the damage themselves, just like Joe in the story, who was
with you, My angels are right by your side, and you've got the working in the airplane factory & didn't call the Boss when
power of the keys, the greatest force in the universe, so, it's something went wrong & wrecked the machine... That's a typical
impossible for you not to win! Don't get anxious or uptight, much picture & illustration of mankind...
less afraid, for even if you go down to the depths of hell, I'm right You don't just eat every once in a while. Likewise, you shouldn't
there with you! just hear from Me every once in a while, & be assured, there's no
"Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!" Blessed is end to this heavenly bread! You will also find that hearing from
he that goeth forth in the name of the Lord! Blessed is he that Me personally will enhance your reception of the Word I have
goeth forth in the name of the power of the keys! Go forth in My given through My prophets & king & queen. It will become even
name & nothing shall be able to withstand thee! Go forth! March! more clear, more to the point, more applicable & appropriate to
Attack! In the might & power of the Spirit which conquers all. For your personal, immediate situation. Even the old Words of David
all that is, comes from the Spirit & the Spirit reigns over all. For come to life & make more sense to you than ever before, or you
God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must seek to worship discover new secrets about old Bible verses you may have read
Him in spirit and in truth! Become one with My Spirit and My truth hundreds of times. So, keep consuming Me, keep eating Me,
everyday! You must touch base & ground with My Spirit & in drinking Me in & becoming filled with Me. It is My great pleasure,
truth. Go forth in spirit & in truth! You've got to advance, you and it will only do you good! "The entrance of My Word giveth
cannot lay back & let the Enemy gain any more territory! Now is light", and life and love, and strength, and faith and all that you
the time to hit him back, to strike back, to counterattack & force need in order to go through the battles of this life successfully,
him to withdraw! First of all you've got to force him to retreat so, don't neglect it, but give it first place, okay? ILY & I love to fill
completely from your own life, and then the light can take over in you up, My gorgeous Bride!
your life to such an extent that it will drive away those who would
cling to you falsely, for they won't be able to stand it. Either 429 ____________________________________________________
they'll yield to it & will meld with it & seek to become one with it If people would only let My Word be the discerner of the
& absorb it also, or they will resist it & clash with you. I want you thoughts & intents of their hearts... (Heb.4:12) But then, they
to become a rock in their midst. - A rock of refuge for those who don't really believe My Word in the first place, where it says,
seek to worship in spirit and in truth, and a rock of offense to (Jer.17:9): "The heart is deceitful above all things, and
those who will resist it & have ulterior motives. desperately wicked: who can know it?" There comes a point
Only the spirit is eternal, the flesh is destined to decay. when the only love that seems to be successful and able to do
You & I must become one, and you can only become one with Me the subject justice in getting rid of the sin, is the love manifested
by letting Me implant My seeds in you. My Words are My flesh & in chastisement.
My blood, without which you have no part in Me. You have to There are many who don't really let the light of My Word shine
consume Me to become a part of Me. Eat My flesh, drink My deep down into the dark corners of their hearts. So few desire
blood, for I am the very Word of God, by which the worlds were truth in the inward parts. What they don't realize is that one of the
created, that ye may become part of My eternal power & glory! greatest services of love I can give them is to open their eyes to
Consume Me, drink Me, eat Me, absorb Me, receive Me! My Words look at their sinful state openly & honestly & truthfully, because,
didn't make sense to those who were blind & deaf to the spirit... it's one of the purposes in life, to recognize how far you are from
Therefore, be not like them, but let your eyes & ears be opened & the state you're supposed to be, the heavenly or perfect state.
be ye healed of your blindness & deafness to the things of the Only in recognizing how far away you are from it, can you realize
spirit! Be healed & be free! Whom the Son hath made free, the the dire need you have of Me to change you, to renew you, to
same shall be free indeed! I have made you free from your sins, save you. The renewal & regeneration of the Holy Ghost...
but it always takes a little while until people grasp the point & I am the love of your life.
absorb Me to the point where they shall be free indeed from the
bounds of the flesh. 430 ____________________________________________________
"Come, taste & see that I am good!" "I am the bread of life. (1.Thess.2:10,11) Sometimes it's pretty hard to "receive the
Whoever will eat of this bread will never be hungry again!" In love of the truth," like the scene in the "Matrix" where Neo finds
order for your spirit to grow, you've got to take the consumption out what the Matrix is: it makes you almost sick, it's so
of Me & My Word as seriously as you take the nourishment of overwhelming, when you finally come to grips with how bad, how
your bodies! But too many are putting the physical above the wicked, how far astray & distant this present world is from Me,
spiritual! You think reading My Word is nice, but you don't from the way things are supposed to be & from the way I have
consider it as important as feeding your body. ordained them to be... to which extent the World is in the hands
Your spirits start to yearn & groan & become sick when you don't of the Devil & has got an iron grip on every man, woman & child,
using them as slaves & batteries for his kingdom of darkness & desires, feelings & comfort, instead of striving at any cost for
to his own ends. Even those I have freed from his slavery still what I want. Compromise is letting the Devil trick you into some
have to fight against him & his influences, his enticements & kind of half-way & in-between thing to settle with, instead of fully
deceptions & former illusions of the Matrix. If you've been freed saying "yes" to Me & following through on that commitment.
from the Matrix, "unplugged", saved, your life is a constant war Compromise is that which is standing between Me & you & what
against the agents of the Devil, & often you don't feel like fighting would keep you from total & utter commitment & yieldedness to
at all, & you feel like, "Plug me back in! I don't want to fight! Give Me. Compromise is a monkey wrench designed to disable My
me some kind of lie or half-truth, so that I can live in peace again, new weapon of full possession. Compromise is the breeding
so that I don't have to fight this ugly war anymore!" ground for lukewarmness. Compromise is the opposite of fire,
That's why some of the most deluded people in the World are devotion, determination & dedication. Compromise is the Devil's
Christians, people who have been saved from their sins, but who contraception to stop you from bearing fruit for Me.
don't really care to find out exactly what that means. They think, Be on guard against compromise! Don't let the Devil bargain you
"Oh, sure, it's easy: just basically try to be a 'good person', don't into settling for anything less than My best! Take the mountain!
do anything bad..." It's sort of like the way I tested the rich young Like Abraham, like Joshua, like Caleb. And let the rest of the
ruler, who asked Me what he should do to go to heaven, & I told weaklings, half-hearts & compromisers settle for the valley & the
him the basic commandments, "Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not low-lands. I know your flesh rebels against it, your mind is racing
steal," etc., and of course, he proudly stated that he had kept all in order to find a way out of this. But this is what taking up your
those. So now came the real clinch: "Well, there is one more cross & denying yourself means! That's doing what I want , not
thing you can do, if you really want your treasure to be in what you want. That's "Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be
Heaven, not on Earth: go, sell all that you have & give it to the done"!
poor & come, follow Me!" But that was a bit too much too ask. He "The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable
didn't really want the truth all that badly, not at such a great place!" Shake off the chains of lethargy & laziness!
The crux is that these people always have other gods before Me. 432 ____________________________________________________
Wealth & Mammon, the god of romance & his tricks to make a There is such a thing as taking yourself too seriously. While
god out of the person you love. you may feel like I'm asking you to be crucified right now, when
And just like with the rich young ruler, it is often a test to prove I'm indicating that My highest will for you is the hard road that
how much you really love the truth, & what price you're willing to you don't want, I still also want you to enjoy life, & trust Me.
pay for it. I have already stated the price: "All that thou hast!" Sometimes I can only send you My help or do the miracle after
Whether it's money or wealth, your fleshly family, your comfort, you have already taken the first step of faith, which is usually the
or the person you love most in the World... (Mt.10:37,38) switch that does the miracle of turning on the light. All you have
Those verses are part of My truth that is hard to swallow & hard to do is reach out the hand of faith & flip the switch. Your
to take. The kind of truth that makes people go, "Plug me back in! obedience in doing whatever I tell you to do, then brings about
That's more than I can take". And the part about losing your life My blessing & the help & the inspiration you needed.
in order to find it & denying oneself is just as hard. It's the exact The trick is not just doing what you feel inspired to do, but doing
opposite of what the World preaches. It also means going against something so that you will get inspired!
that what you want, and that's the real crux of the matter with I sometimes work in mysterious ways to test your faith & keep
some. As long as I allow them to keep their little idol, it's okay to you humble. I use all of you to compliment & help each other,
be a Christian. And as long as they hold on to it, the Devil won't filling the needs, keeping you all humble & dependent on each
even attack them too much, because he knows, they're still partly other & learning how to operate in unity!
his. "Huddersfield belongs to You AND me", he can say about I use everyone's talents & gifts to help each of you.
them, and he knows they won't be nearly as effective as if they Like this, nobody runs the whole show alone & nobody feels left
would really forsake all. out, either.
One thing about the truth is, you can't help anyone to receive it; The right way to take a responsibility seriously is to take the
it's their own decision. It's going to be tough to swallow, like the matter to Me, commit it into My hand & trust Me for it. I won't
red pill for Neo. Morpheus said, "Remember, all I have to offer leave the load on your poor little shoulders! You're all in My
you is the truth!" And the truth hurt beyond measure. But never hands, your life, your Home, your affairs & your future, and I,
was a statement made in a film that depicted so clearly what I ultimately, carry the responsibility, so, relax, take it easy & enjoy!
want My prophets to do: just offer the truth. Those who seek it & I'll take care of you!
want it & love it, will receive it, including all it's ugliness. They'll
just be happy to be freed from the lie, even if the life they'll be 433 ____________________________________________________
living for the truth will be one of hardship, of sacrifice & of (Spirit Helper:) "We have not an High priest which cannot be
foregoing many pleasures the easy, selfish life of the Matrix had touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all things
to offer, and even if it means constant war. tempted, like as we are." He can relate to the feelings of your
infirmities. He's been there. He has also been through it, not
431 ____________________________________________________ getting ahold of the Father's voice sometimes & feeling like
Decision-making time: all parties involved pray about the "Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
options & find out what they personally want, or even better, He's trying to show you that with all your struggling in the flesh,
what I would want them personally to do... Usually people take you still won't get as much accomplished as He can achieve
whatever options sound best to them, as in the case with through a tiny baby. A baby is able to do nothing but trust in God,
Abraham & Lot. Lot chose the valley, & consequently got himself trust that his mother will feed him & take care of him. And the
into trouble in Sodom. Lord would be pleased by you having that same trust in Him.
I'm challenging you to stretch your spiritual muscles & limbs into A baby is such a picture of perfect trust. That's why He said, "You
new, more exciting areas & changes, higher plains. gotta be a baby to go to heaven." You gotta be a baby to get a
Everybody involved needs to stretch their muscles of faith & taste of that heavenly peace & trust & faith. Just trust like a baby!
trust in some area. The thing to do is to focus on Me & keep your God will take care of you, of all the details, so, stop worrying!
focus on what's up ahead, not the easier, more comfortable You're not really letting go & letting Him. You're still worrying
option, IF you want to follow in the footsteps of Abraham, the about things that might still go wrong somewhere.... Or you're
father of faith, & be part of his heritage, a bearer of the crown of wondering, "What else can I do? There must be something else I
those who choose My highest will & option. "The root of all bad can do to make the most out of the renewal... what is it?" But if
attitudes & mindsets is compromise." you'd just relax & enjoy life & just let go & let God have His
Compromise is settling for the Devil's option & alternative to My wonderful way, you might be able to hear His voice a lot more
highest will for you. Compromise is giving in to your own selfish clearly, because He is pleased by trust. His strength flourishes in
weakness, but it's got to be trusting weakness, in order to come Abraham was alive on Earth, not many folks knew about him,
about fully. comparatively speaking. He had his encounter with the king of
"In quietness &confidence shall be your strength". Don't forget Egypt & with maybe a few hundred or thousand others, but none
about the confidence, the quiet trust, the assurance that God is of them were aware of who he was going to be. Again, what I
in control, He can handle things, anything you give Him! He's not made him, I brought about through a tiny little baby. Something
going to let you fall. He has taken care of you all these years, & anyone can do: make love & have a baby. But it was something
He will continue to do so. Don't worry so much that you might fail special I did, just like the Father did the most special thing in all
Him. Just let go of those worries & trust in Him! It's easier than history by sending down a baby...
you think! You're doing better than you think! Sometimes the whole impact that tiny little baby had, that
So you think you're a lousy fighter, & you're having a hard time seemingly insignificant life of faith, is only revealed years,
with this option that seems to be His highest will for you. You're decades, or even centuries later, as is so often the case with
feeling like Abraham, going up the mountain to sacrifice Isaac. people who are considered saints in the World: they're hardly
But in reality, He hasn't asked anything as grave of you, and even ever considered saints during their life-time. Even so, Dad, and
if so, just trust Him, that as you obey Him, He will not suffer you you, his Family, are despised right now by the majority of the
to be tempted above that which you are able, but will with the World, but just a little peek into the future will reveal a glorious
temptation also make a way to escape. Just trust & don't seek to destiny. But you've got to trust Me that I'm going to bring all that
be rescued prematurely! God didn't tell Abraham at the foot of about. It's not how much you do or you try to do, it's how much
that mountain, "No, it's okay now, I can already see that you trust you believe. It's not how much you accomplish or you think you
Me, you can turn around now & go home." No, he had to let him must, it's in how much you will trust!
go through the whole rigmarole of dragging him up there,
building an altar & gathering the fire wood, pulling out his knife & 435 ____________________________________________________
prove that he was really going to go through with it, then He said I'm trying to get you to seek first My Kingdom instead of
"stop!" & provided a ram instead! being too preoccupied with the supply of your needs. I simply
There's no fooling around with God. He might ask anything crazy want you to put your trust in Me & know that all these things
of you, & then you'd better have the faith to trust Him for it & go shall be added unto you, as I have promised, if you put Me & My
through with it all the way until He says "stop", or you're not Kingdom first.
going to receive the blessing & the approval, "Now I know for I would like you to love Me first. That's the top commandment.
certain that you love Me!" And as long as I still see & feel that there are other things more
Just have faith, even as you climb up your personal Mount important to you, I'll have to keep working on that.
Moriah, knowing that the Lord loves you & feels with you & He's Rejoice that I'm having you grow & don't keep you always
with you every step of the way. He knows how it feels, & it hurts revolving around the same point.
Him, too, having to test you like that, but He knows also that it's
expedient for you, in order to bring about the results that He 436 ____________________________________________________
desires: the amount of faith & yieldedness & dedication & Find in Me true abundance when you're lacking, and the
obedience that you need in order to really bring forth much fruit ability to rise above your circumstances.
for Him, which will also make you happier for Him in His service. I don't want you to be swayed by them, nor have them dictate
"Don't carry the World upon your shoulders!" Just shrug your your moods or actions, I want you to learn to have Me dictate
shoulders & say, "I don't know. But He does. I can't do it, but He your circumstances by your trust & by your prayers. You
can. I'm a failure, but He's the greatest of all winners & shouldn't only stop worrying, but you should rejoice & praise Me
conquerors, & He is mine & I am His. I am weak, but He is strong. at every turn & encounter with a new challenge, a vacuum for Me
I may be nothing, but He is everything & all that matters!" to fill, a chance for Me to prove to you My power of supply, My
Because you – His children - are all that matters to Him, you capability, My endless, unlimited, miracle-working power, My
know? benevolence toward you & My strength on your behalf.
You don't want to fail the World, you want to fulfill your mission Be bulwarks of hope for those around you. Even those who may
to the World, you want to make sure you're being heard & seen not believe right now in time of need will remember that you had
by the World, that you're faithful in conveying your message. But faith that exceeded the range of their hopelessness, the range of
God has to plan & prepare His "explosions" thoroughly, the physical circumstances, faith that believes that all things will
sometimes. When Abraham was around, he and his clan were be well because I'm in control.
practically all God had to work with. And he spent a lot of time, I want you to draw on My power, to really suck & gain strength
just training & teaching him, so that he could pass on a legacy from Me. My energy & never-ending power is there for you.
and a heritage of unprecedented faith. Faith enough to build a You've got the vacuum, & I've got the wherewith to fill it. Just use
whole new nation on. One little promise of God, that God waited the power! It is there! Come, & draw strength from Me, as from a
so long to fulfill until it seemed so impossible that it required a well that never runs dry. Have I not promised that he who would
miracle. When you come to the end of yourself & think you're no drink of the water I give, it would become a well of living water in
good for anything anymore, then God has a chance to show His them that would cause them to never be thirsty again? Why do
greatness & strength through you. you still hunger & thirst, why do you still lack, when I could fill all
Even so, God is concentrating & focusing on you, His children, your needs more than abundantly? Just come & get it! If you
His Family right now. There are others, feverishly working at would only spend the time with Me to get it... You think you need
spreading the message of Salvation, doing CTP work & even to spend time in order to fill your other needs, & you spend time
spreading messages of warning. But there is only one Family. on doing this & doing that, but if you would spend the time
And God has a special plan & purpose for you, His real, central directly with Me, I would take care of so many things. The under-
core of His true Family, because the legacy & heritage of the used weapon of prayer! Avail yourself of it. Don't neglect it! I
Family is going to be the foundation His new World is going to be could do & take care of so many things already before you can
built on in the Millennium. Just like Abraham's seed was going to even start worrying about them, if you let Me!
be as the stars & the sand, so are going to be the fruit of the
Family. There is going to be no end to the children of David. This 437 ____________________________________________________
little, bedraggled band, only a handful, compared to the billions, All of you must learn not to make physical circumstances
just like Abraham & his family, are going to be the forefathers of your masters, nor to let them push you around. The days of
generations & generations to come, in the spirit. letting physical circumstances push you around is going to be
over soon. Soon I'm going to show the World Who's the Boss,
434 ____________________________________________________ not only in the invisible, spiritual realm, but also in the physical.
"I the Lord, will be their God, & My servant David a prince As I have shown you, the one came forth out of the other, and the
among them" (Ez.34:24). You must look into the future. When servant is not above the Master. When it comes down to it, the
physical realm only will serve My purpose after all, so, recognize have any strengths, they'll try to make them look like
it as a means to an end, as something to serve you & My cause, weaknesses. The Devil is a cunning master of propaganda &
& not as your master. twisting things around with his lies. He'll convince the masses
It's time to seek first My Kingdom & righteousness & to truly that black is white & white is black, before long, so, stay
trust that in so doing you'll find that I will fulfill My promises to snuggled up to Me in My camp, instead of listening to their
you & supply all your needs. It's time to truly start trusting Me & distortions of the truth.
to start having the kind of faith without which it is going to be It's especially difficult not to be influenced by those other voices
impossible to please Me, and not only that, but it's even going to when they come out of your own ranks & from among your own
be impossible to survive without it, because faith, not money, is midst, from among My own children. But this just intensifies the
the currency of the future! test & brings it home to you, showing you that it is real. The Devil
In a way, faith is all that determines the value of anything, isn't pussyfooting around, & he'll use anyone who'll let him &
anyway, including money, so, it's all a matter of what you put who'll swallow his baloney. They feel invincible, like for sure
your faith in: Me, the Creator & Giver & Provider of all things, or they're going to win the race in their own strength, but prepare
paper. for the greatest lesson in all of history, the final outcome of the
battle royal between flesh & spirit: all eyes will see in the end
438 ____________________________________________________ who will have been stronger, those seemingly invincible hunks of
"Not as the World giveth give I unto you... My peace give I the flesh or those apparent weaklings.
unto you..." My peace is quite different from the World's idea of Blessed are the weak, for they give Me a chance to show My
peace, the selfish peace of "leave me in peace" and "Peace and strength, & I will be their reward. Cursed is the man who trusteth
safety!"... My peace comes from accepting the often hard to take in the flesh & maketh flesh his arm (Jer.17:5). I hail you weak
truth that I give them, letting it enter & change their hearts & lives ones, you, who without Me cannot do nothing & are fully aware of
& change the things that need to be changed in order to really this. I encourage you now, stay on this path, for it is Mine.
find inner peace.
It's the peace of knowing that even though the whole World is at 440 ____________________________________________________
war with Me, and thus the whole World will be at war with you, if Be free with Me & My Family & learn to freely give. There is
you're on My side, you're still going to be better off, because My freedom in giving. Despise the riches & wealth of this World by
peace, the peace that I give, is better than the sickening false giving them away! Prove to Satan that you're absolutely not
peace that comes from compromise & refusing to be the enemy impressed by his fake & counterfeit version of blessings &
of the World, by saying "uncle" to the Devil, because you've just riches, by giving away what you can & sharing all things, not
got the faith & the experience & the guts to believe, and the wits treasuring anything but the riches of My Spirit! Be freed from
to know that I'm a better friend to you than any brainwashed-by- their chains & come forth & be different! Give, give, give & give
the-Devil Systemite will or could ever be. again, give until you're free & until you've shown to the whole
World by your giving how foolish they have been in their
hoarding! Giving is the key to freedom!
439 ____________________________________________________ Give wherever & whatever you can! Give until you're totally free!
You're coming close to the goal of every human being: true
happiness & fulfillment. Most folks bet on the wrong horses to 441 ____________________________________________________
find it, but you're riding Me, & it's the most thrilling ride of all. If you do things right the Devil will fight you, & he'll fight you
Your peace & happiness speak louder than any words. Your calm the hardest in the beginning stages, so that he can convince you
& silent loving conviction & attitude of faith, a sample of living to quit before you can even get started...
what you preach, that's what will win the hearts of those who are In all your ways & in whatever you do, keep your focus on Me,
willing to give Me a chance. Forget yourself & claim the keys of keep trusting in Me & look not to man.
abandon & lose yourself in Me, My love! Trust in Me utterly & just Loving people takes time & effort... It's like with babies: it's not
plunge into Me, delve into Me & get lost in Me, never wanting to very efficient work, one would think, to pace up & down with a
find any of your old self again! I will make you a new creature! baby in order to get her to sleep, & changing diapers. But you've
You won't recognize the old! got to clean them anyway. That's part of a shepherd's job, part of
I may ask you to do things at times that don't make sense to you, a parent's job: it just takes time, time you need to spend with
or I may even ask you to start going a certain direction & then them in working out their NWOs, helping them get the victory
ask you to turn around again, but if you just trust Me more than over their battles.
your carnal reasoning, you will always pass the test & see that it I'm your Toilet, flushing your mind & heart with the water of My
will all wind up making perfect sense in the end. I love it when My Word. So, take My yoke upon you & learn of Me, how to be meek
children despise the voices of their own carnal reasoning, the & lowly in heart, not impatient. I'm not giving up hope. I know
voices of their own minds, the voices of the reasonable ones in that in the long run, you will make it.
the World who say that things are obviously so & so, not the way Just because someone is battling and even battling for a long
I say. I love it when you give Me a chance to defy them & prove to time, it doesn't mean there's no hope for them. It just means
them that in all their smartness, it'll avail to nothing if they make they're alive, the Devil is on their case because they mean great
their bill without the Keeper of the Inn, the One in charge, Whom danger to him.
they're trying to lock out of His own creation. What do you think Everything that's worth something costs something.
will happen in the long run if you refuse to pay your rent & ruin You have to learn to see things the way I see. I see differently!
the house you live in and lock the door & refuse to let the Where I see great pain, a greater fight, I also see a greater victory,
landlord in? Sooner or later he'll call the police & break down the greater sacrifice, greater love, and consequently, a greater
door to take back what's rightfully his & kick you out, put you in reward. For some people, the difference between the battle & the
front of the door, or even in jail. reward isn't always that big. "Sometimes I'm up, sometimes I'm
They may be thoroughly deceived that I may not have any rightful down... C'est la vie." But those who've got to fight for dear life in
claims to My property, but they'll find out in the long run. I have order to make it through another day, they truly rejoice & praise
enough proofs & witnesses that I'm in charge of this joint, even Me when I give them the long awaited victory. Remember? "The
though the Devil may say, "But you've handed it over to me! I real believers get excited & praise the Lord!"
won it in the gamble!" But the game isn't even over yet, & though
he may think he's winning - or rather refuse to believe that he's 442 ____________________________________________________
losing - all things will come back to Me in the end. Of course, Sometimes "bad" things aren't all that bad after all,
everybody hates the landlord's representatives, the folks he especially not from My point of view, & when weighed against all
leaves in charge over his building. So, your job isn't an easy one. the lessons learned & wisdom gained out of them, which drive
If you have any weaknesses, they'll criticize you for them, if you people closer into My arms & put their outlook more into a
realistic perspective: that it's actually quite naive to think that everybody's still having so much fun? I want people to serve Me
everything's always going to go honky dory, that nothing's ever because they love Me & choose to serve Me above the other,
going to happen, even if you don't pray or tune in to Me or run more shiny options, not only out of the fear of My impending
around outside of the shelter of My protection. judgments.
Let each man & woman choose whom they're going to serve. If it
be mammon, then let them serve him, but let them also be fully 446 ____________________________________________________
aware of the consequences, the price they'll have to pay: the I will show you the solutions.
price of slavery, the price of absence of true happiness which That's why it's especially important for you to cling to Me every
only comes by seeking spiritual fulfillment, (for man is a spirit & step of the way & make sure you get a hold of Me.
can only be fully satisfied by spirit), the price of the absence of Sometimes the solution consists in separating two factors so
My blessings & protection & of the peace that obedience to Me that we can get a closer look at them individually. Progress &
brings. growth comes by parting cells. In order to bring forth growth, the
If they seek the comfort that's found in things that are bought & cell needs to divide & multiply. "Except a grain of wheat fall into
sold, let them bathe in that cold comfort. But don't be surprised if the ground & die, it abideth alone. But if it die, it bringeth forth
your hearts turn cold & lifeless, frozen by the spell of the white much fruit." So it is also with cells. The disintegration of things,
witch, spoiling her victims with Turkish delight but turning them the spreading of things, the partition of things, especially of
into stone, only for them to wind up waiting for the breath of My living things, is one of the great secrets of life & of the universe.
resurrection, which I will bring upon My return... First 2 cells get together: the sperm & the egg. They unite as one
& form a new entity. Then that has to part many times & develop
443 ____________________________________________________ into a new baby.
I'm willing to give you anything & do anything for you. For the baby to grow, you're going to have to do some splitting.
I like to fulfill the desire of your heart, but it also becomes a test Otherwise the baby will die. No new life that could have been. No
for you, & for Me to see whether you will still function & stay joy brought to all those it would have touched. Just the sadness
victorious even if I take the desire of your heart away from you that death & stagnation brings.
again, either temporarily or permanently. I'm explaining to you one of the principles of life, and if you want
Sometimes you've got to let go of something wonderful in order to "keep your love alive", then you can't disobey that great rule
to find something even more wonderful, & even though that of all living things, either. You can't just say, "Oh, I'm an
requires faith to believe in things you cannot see, that's exactly exception to that rule. I know, God has His laws & all that, but
the kind of faith I require of you & all My children & brides who He'll understand that my situation is special... And He can work
want to serve Me well. around my special case a little bit & adapt the rules & laws which
usually make the universe function."
444 ____________________________________________________ But what you've got to learn, My loves, is that it is not I that have
Anger manifested in criticism of other people's mistakes is a to adapt to you, but You will have to adapt to Me & bend to My
pretty bad habit! You cut many wounds by this type of behavior. rules. You have to realize Who's the Boss, Who's the Shepherd &
It's a form of pride & self-righteousness, where you become so Who's the Teacher here. Just because I humbly washed My
upset about people's mistakes & lack of perfection that you start disciples' feet doesn't mean I let them get away with everything.
getting angry about it. It's a lack of love & a very ugly form of It doesn't mean that I let them stomp all over Me & let them do
pride. Anger born of pride. It's a perfect playground for the whatever they pleased. The World is full of spoiled children... And
Selvegion. I have been leaning toward spoiling My children a little bit over
Usually just a little prayer could have prevented the thing you got the last decade or two, but this is only because I wanted you all
upset about. But prayer goes against your proud, wanting-to-be- to be sure of My love for you. For many would doubt My love
self-sufficient nature of "I can do it myself." It's the epitome of otherwise, when they will see the atrocities of the Endtime
the stubbornness of the flesh, "I'll do it my way" & the end of it happening, & like so many times before, they would ask, "How
are often the ways of death. could a God of Love allow all this to happen?" But you know now
Blessed are the meek, blessed are the poor in spirit, because that I love you like no one will ever love you, and you also know
they usually don't fall prey to this kind of pride. Especially the that it is expedient for these things to happen.
intellectual kind of pride... "How can they be so dumb?" Looking Even so it is expedient now for you to go away, even as it was
down on others is disobedience, for I have told you to esteem expedient for My disciples that I left them, in order to send them
each other higher than yourselves, to be each other's servants, the Comforter. Even as it was expedient for My David to go away
preferring one another. in order for My Words through him to do the things that his flesh
Claim the keys of humility & surrender. Yield yourself utterly to could have never accomplished.
Me & into My hand! Ask Me to keep you meek & humble My Spirit was able to work through My disciples that which they
throughout the day, esteeming your fellow-servants higher than never would have accomplished through My fleshly presence.
yourself. Seek meekness! The death of the flesh - My flesh - brought the life of the Spirit.
The smaller unit has to die in order to give way to a greater new
445 ____________________________________________________ unit... That's the secret & principle on which all living things are
Blessed are the weak. It's the day & age of the weak. The founded. Cell partition.
weak & the meek, not the strong & mighty, will inherit the Earth.
There is greater strength in the spirit than in the flesh. After all, 447 ____________________________________________________
the spirit is eternal, not the flesh. The choice is, "Do you feed Those who hear My Words & don't do them deceive
your body and starve your soul"? Especially young people have themselves & they build their house on the shifting sands of
to make that choice & answer this question. disobedience.
Is their body, their mere physical existence & its pleasures really I'm teaching you to see properly..., and you're just learning to
that important to them that they're willing to completely neglect see. Many times you didn't really want to see.
their souls & spirits for it? Are they so duped, so fascinated by Your sin was doubt. You doubted My love for you, and that doubt
all the pleasures the Devil has to offer, just like Pinocchio on brought failure. Faith is a force that brings success, and a lack of
"Pleasure Island", that they don't realize that Satan is making a it brings failure.
spiritual jack-ass out of them? You're wondering why I'm not using you more.
I want people who choose My way voluntarily, and because they It's no good as long as you seek your own glory. It only starts to
think it's the best. Everybody wants a life-boat when the ship is become good when you start giving all the credit to Me,
already sinking. But who wants to come away from the otherwise it's just all so much pride & a works trip.
superficial partying while the ship is still cruising? Who wants to As soon as you start feeling capable of anything, you let your
believe those who say that the ship is going down while flesh do it. You rush at it. No waiting for Me, no bathing the
matter in prayer, no, you try it first in the flesh, & if it doesn't own state through rose-colored glasses, while very easily seeing
work, "Well, we can still pray then". the faults of others. If you see a fault in somebody else, the first
But that's not putting Me first. That's trying out everything else thing you should to is ask Me, "Lord, am I like that, too? Do I
first, & if it doesn't work, well, then I'll be your last resort. So far I have that same weakness also?" Because, if I let nothing happen
have usually been your last resort. to you without a reason, chances are that I want to show you
You haven't really been following Me, but you've just been something, and one way to reveal to you ugly qualities about
dragging Me along behind you in your life to consult when things yourself that you're not aware of is by bringing them into your
wouldn't turn out so good. Then I would tell you a direction, face by others.
make a suggestion & you'd say, "Yeah, great, Lord! Thank You
very much! I'll try that!" But then, as soon as another idea 449 ____________________________________________________
popped into your head, of course, you had to try that first & If you expect more out of life than you're willing to put in,
forgot about what I said. always look around for flaws & things to criticise, if you're not
I'm trying to recruit you over & over for a job & a task you don't seeking to stay on a positive channel nor making an effort to stay
really seem to want to do. You may say you want to, because it cheerful, by looking at the doughnut instead of the hole, then not
all makes so much sense, & you know that the reward for it is a even I can help you.
happiness you'll get no other way in this life, but you're just not In this case the rule applies, "God helps those who help
willing to pay the price for it! themselves," because I want you to make at least the effort to try
In My undonditional & endless love, I want to give you another to see Me in things, to see My goodness in the things I brought
chance, over & over again to score more points for your general into your life, & to praise Me for them, even though you were
outcome in the love game. You're like one of those who are not maybe expecting or hoping for something else.
very good at a certain game, but the Father just believes in the I can only reward you according to what you invest, like Sophie
kid, although he falls & makes a mess of things all over... to Him, the washerwoman. Your happiness in this life depends on your
he's the champion. obedience, your attitude & gratitude toward Me. As long as you
If you only knew how much I love you, if you had only a glimpse keep thinking, "God, I would have done better than that if I were
of a fraction of My love for you! You may think you know better You", that's not really an attitude of trust & gratefulness that
than Me... "Yeah, my Dad thinks I'm going to be a good player, engenders My joy. My joy comes from truly accepting that I love
hmmmph!" But let Me tell you that even if you never become a you, care for you and I'm giving you what's best for you, not
better player than you are right now - and I'm saying this in spite doubting all of these.
of the fact that I want you to make progress - what matters most Happiness & joy comes in the yieldedness of truly trusting Me
to Me is that you keep playing at all & don't quit. If you keep that I know better than you, that your life is in the best hands of
following Me the best you know how, instead of wanting to get the universe, & there's nothing to complain about. That the rough
Me to follow your plan, if somewhere along the line you're going times you're going through are exactly what you need in order to
to start refusing taking another of the Devil's sidetracks & make you what you're supposed to become. It's in trusting that
temptations to lure you from My way & you really get into the you're getting just what you need & deserve, and realizing that if
habit of asking Me first thing each day, "Now, Lord, what do You you want something better, murmuring & complaining won't help
really want me to do? To Hell with what I want! What do You at all to get it. Get up & do something for it!
want?"... as long as there's even a slight chance that that might You're going to have to show faithfulness in the little things
happen, there's hope, & that means you're a live one, otherwise before I can trust you with bigger things. That's just the way it
the Devil wouldn't be tempting you anymore, because he would works.
already have you bagged. Maybe you just want & demand a little bit more from life than you
Putting Me first each day means, not allowing any idea of yours deserve right now. While there may be a lot of handing out of
to distract you from praying & getting ahold of Me with all your unjust rewards in the World, bestowing the greatest riches on the
might & finding out what I really want you to do. Often you just least deserving, when it comes to My Kingdom & My children, I
take it for granted that if an idea pops into your head, "Of course, can and will only bless you according to your works.
it must be from the Lord, otherwise He wouldn't have given it!" As long as you faithfully obey Me, I bless you accordingly.
But in reality, it could have just been the Devil's distraction to Happiness doesn't come by waiting for it. You're going to have to
keep you from praying. And often the fact that you don't even ask do something, and not for yourself, but for others, trying to make
Me for a confirmation proves that it is so. them happy. If you could focus on others enough & be concerned
That's why being alone sometimes, & not being able to do enough about them, about their Salvation, their finding Me, if that
anything else is just the very best thing that can happen to you. would be your primary purpose, incentive & prerogative in your
Just being stuck here in a room with Me... My perfect set-up for life right now, then you would also find happiness. You may be
you & Me! waiting for happiness, but happiness is waiting for you to come
Be aware of that willfulness, that restlessness, that won't let you out & get her. Happiness is a hungry, waiting soul, waiting to be
find rest & strength in Me. It takes faith to be doing nothing but made happy by your obedience to Me in getting out there &
waiting on Me. You feel convicted about doing something. But finding her.
you shouldn't be doing anything without Me! We've had this In order to not fall into a state of spiritual obesity, you need that
lesson so many times... focus on the outside, the look out for new souls to conquer.
But I'm not giving up! I'm a very patient teacher, especially with
those who want to learn, even if they sometimes tend to think 450 ____________________________________________________
they're smarter than the Teacher Himself. I see the heart, & as (Mt.19:29) If you want to inherit a hundred times more, you
long as there is a desire to want to see your failings & want to do
have to do some forsaking. Going forward, making headway
better, what else can I do but teach you, even over & over again, gives you a new incentive to live, while clinging to the old makes
until you get the point? Just make sure that you try to apply the you feel like wanting to give up, vegetate & die. "Let the dead
same patience, love & mercy with others & don't be like the man bury their dead". If they don't get the point, what's that to you?
whose debt was forgiven but would not forgive others for theirs. Some people are called & made & predestined to be pioneers of
Bestow mercy even as mercy has been bestowed upon you. Love the new, leavers-behind of the old, otherwise they just die.
as you have been loved. That's all I'm asking, really. The Devil is trying hard to stop you from becoming a completely
yielded vessel. Anything that leads you back to the comfortable
448 ____________________________________________________ path of compromise with the System & the old path you've been
Don't expect more of others than you would of yourself. You trotting, is less likely to be from Me than from him. I want you to
know others have done it to you, and you have done it to others, have change. He wants you to stagnate. I say: "Launch out into
so, keep that in mind, it's a good & important lesson! the deep & forsake all that you have & I'll give you a hundred
It's a typical human weakness to overrate yourself & to see your times more!" What have you got to lose? Come, follow Me & I will
make you a fisher of men! power, etc., if I would forsake the Father's way & go his way...
Going his way would have meant to become a winner in this
451 ____________________________________________________ World, but a loser in the eternal task I was ordained to fulfill. I
It's time for My Family to stop pretending they're just a bunch wasn't sent to save Myself, but to save all of mankind. The basic
of nice people. It's time to come forth & show their true face as lesson & purpose in all is to refuse to walk the path of
what they really are: My prophets of the End, heralding the selfishness, not to seek to save ourselves, but others; not to live
downfall, the collapse & the destruction of the System. If you for ourselves, but for others.
don't feel like you're called to this, then go back to sleep. Join the So, if you're tempted to settle for some selfish & "secure"
dead in burying their dead. compromise, where do you think those voices are coming from?
But if you feel My call, then act on it! Isn't it the tentacles of Bacchus trying to keep you addicted to
It's going to be tough. It's going to be rough. But you are going to your lazy little comfortable situation, and the spirits of seduction
love the toughness & the roughness, because you're going to trying to lure you back into the ways of the World? "Oh, I'm sure
feel & know beyond any shadow of a doubt at every moment, we'll find a less extreme compromise & a way to work things out,
you're going to be right in the center of My will for you! so that you won't have to go that uncomfortable way..."
Don't try to figure out in your head, how. Just say "yes", & I'll do Wield your keys turned to swords & cut yourself loose from the
the rest. Your willingness is all I need, and I need you to keep tentacles & slimy fangs of the wicked ones! Break loose from the
focusing on this goal, that vision, & not veer from it, not let the comfort of this World! Cut Lethargy to the heart, who's trying to
Devil distract you with any "reasonable" compromise. If you shut you up & keep you from proclaiming My truth! Keep walking
listen to the carnal mind, you're lost! on! Don't stop! Don't look back! Remember Lot's wife!
You're tempted to doubt, but there will come a time when you Lot wasn't too happy about where he was heading: he didn't even
won't be tempted anymore, when you will have abolished the know where, & wound up in a cave, eventually, with his
mind frame of the World completely, & I will have renewed your daughters. All he knew was that he was forsaking the pleasures
mind completely, transformed you into a non-conformist of the & comforts of Sodom.
extreme kind. A flint against their faces, their proud & haughty But he kept walking. So, don't turn back & freeze into a pillar of
looks against Me. Yes, they shall hate you, as they have hated salt like his wife did! Lifeless, static, never to be used again in
Me, but I will love you, you will love Me and nothing else will the land of the living...
matter. Don't let the Enemy tempt you with anything less than My
Tell Me that this is not what you want and I will let you go your highest & best! I'm not going to forsake you. Even though you
way. But if all you want is Me, then let's bust the Matrix together! feel like you don't have the strength, I promise you My strength
You'll also have much greater help available. When you're doing whenever you need it. You won't need any strength of your own,
exactly what you were born & created to do, you're not that because you will have Mine. Put on My strength, made perfect in
concerned about ridiculous little details anymore that before weakness! I love your weakness. Just give it to Me! If you give it
would cause you to stumble. You're going to see. You're going to to Me & let Me use it, let Me fill your weak vessel, then I can turn
believe, because you're going to see. You're going to see it into strength that you know not of.
because you believed, and then you're going to believe even
greater things, and have faith for even greater things because of 453 ____________________________________________________
what you saw. That's how My magic works: you pull down a little Focus not on what you're leaving behind. Focus on the new
bit of miracle power by the faith that I give you, and you're going life you'll find: the changes, exciting challenges & new horizons
to see things that are going to strengthen your faith to call down to conquer! Life is exciting if you flow with My river of change!
even greater miracles, & on & on & on it grows! Neo's power Always keep your antenna up & ready to receive My signals &
grew, the more he kept exercising it. That's exactly how the keys cues as to when it is going to be the time to move.
of faith work. Just follow Me! Step out by faith! Don't look at the waves... Look
That's what "miracle" means: it's a work of My hand to look at. at Me!
That's why I performed so many miracles; they were the proof of
My Words, that what I was saying was the truth. And My disciples 454 ____________________________________________________
believed in My Words & thus created the miracle power Claim the keys of courage & courage shall be yours!
necessary for Me to do My first miracle. And from then on, their Fearlessly fight the Enemy as one who is truly willing to die for
faith grew & grew, and the miracles became bigger & bigger until his cause, for that's the kind of foe that the Enemy cannot stop.
I raised Lazarus from the dead, the general rehearsal for My own He cannot intimidate one who refuses to cower or be frightened
resurrection. by his bluffs. Any attempts of his to stop you, you must see
I rewarded each little stretching of their faith with a new miracle. through them as bluffs.
This also gave them the faith to do miracles themselves: Focus on Me, & hold on tight to the magic wand of the keys & the
everything I told them actually did happen, and it also had to be Word in your hands, which will cause you to rise above all
true that "greater works than these" they would do. They circumstances & lift you clear out of this World.
believed My promises about the Comforter, and they waited. And I recruit whoever is ready for higher destinations.
She came, and made them explode into a disciple-winning chain By becoming Mine alone, wholeheartedly, I will be able to use
reaction of miracles, the birth of My church! you so much more effectively to touch & change the lives of
The more you believe My Words & call on the keys of miracles & others.
draw down that miracle power from Me, the more you strengthen
your faith to believe all I'm telling you. This next explosion of 455 ____________________________________________________
faith is going to result in My Endtime Revolution and ultimately in I wish to give everyone multiple chances, and I want you to
My Kingdom established on Earth, because the time is drawing learn likewise, to have patience with others & learn better how to
near. "They can't stop our reign!" handle their flaws. Show mercy, and be generous in bestowing
your love on others.
452 ____________________________________________________ Honor to whom honor is due. I always bestow greater honor to
Just keep walking toward the light! Don't stop, don't look those who have proven over time to be most trustworthy. Learn
around, just look straight ahead! If the Devil tempts you with to judge according to My criteria.
feelings of the comfort of the current situation "Oh, it's so nice I can use everything I give you & make you go through, if you
where you are right now, you don't have to keep walking...", don't just patiently hold on. What I give you, I will use in due time. Just
listen to him! If he tempts you with his own fake imitations of the like every one of My Words will not return unto Me void, but will
light & says, "Oh, look over here: another light! Maybe that's the bring its fruit in due season, find its mate, and its fulfillment, so it
one you should follow!" - Don't listen to him. is with the gifts I bestow on you & equip you with. They're all
He tempted Me not only with all the riches of the World, with there for a purpose, and for their own special time & season, and
it's better to patiently wait than to force things & push things feel sorry for themselves, but they look outward at others & their
through in the flesh, for fear that I will somehow let you miss out needs & are driven by compassion for them.
on your destiny & purpose. That fear is of the Enemy, because Overcomers focus first of all on Me, then on others & their needs,
it's a lack of trust which stems from the feeling that I don't really & not on their own. Choose to be an overcomer today. Choosing
love you to be an overcomer means forgetting about yourself. It's a whole
I may choose to test your patience & faith, and a lot does depend different mind gear, a whole different ball game, and a different
on your faith If you let the Devil destroy your faith in My love for kind of company, to seek the help of those who can reveal to you
you, then it is you who allows & causes you to miss out on some what you can do for others today, instead of pondering about all
of My blessings, not I. I am bound by your faith in many ways. the things you think you need to be happy. Just forget about
Often people will go & try things in their own flesh, thinking, "I'm yourself, and everything else will fall into place, because all you
going to try to get for myself those things which God doesn't will want to do is My will.
grant me..." Only to find out that that wasn't where it was at, Some of the greatest miracles - & most needed ones - of this day
either, & sinking ever lower into despair. But down there in the & age are the healings of spiritual diseases, like selfishness.
dungeon of despair, they'll often find Me again, as they're willing he more you are willing to forego the selfish pleasures of this
to give Me another chance because all else has failed. And there World & the more you invest into the life to come through
they often find how much I truly love them, and that My love is unselfish deeds & acts of kindness, or simply giving My message
not dependent on your goodness or any works of yours. I just to others, the more you will be rewarded with glimpses &
love you, that's all, and you either believe it or you don't. Faith in foretastes of the heavenly rewards already in this life: the fruits
My love for you is a driving force that will get you further than of the spirit, love, joy, meekness, temperance, goodness, faith,
any self-esteem or self-confidence in the flesh. Because self- mercy... Against such there is no law, and the rules & laws of this
confidence will get you places without Me, and faith in My love physical World, that hold you down or keep you thinking about
for you, which will boost you with heavenly self-esteem, will get yourself, will fade away & lose their meaning.
you place where I take you, and you'll always get further with Me When you're bound by My law & rules of love, you're actually free
than without Me in the long run. The way of the flesh always ends of the physical laws & boundaries of the physical World. Do you
somewhere. But with Me, there IS no end! We'll always get believe this? Then rise above & overcome, simply by giving Me a
further, much further, than the flesh could ever take you. So, have chance to prove it & letting Me implement My laws & rules of love
patience & faith in My love, and put your money - the time of your & unselfishness in your life! If you cling to My laws & the things
life which I have given you to spend - on the spirit, if you want to that I want & seek to obey Me in everything, you will see the
be smart & reap lasting fruit! fulfillment of this, & you will witness My miracle working power &
Believe that I love you, no matter what the Devil tells you. If you the blessings of true freedom in your life!
had a clue how much I love you, each of your steps would be a Don't focus on the selfishness of others! Don*t let it distract you!
jump for joy! Just focus on Me & I will show you the need! Look beyond the
manifestation or symptom of the problem & let Me show you
456 ____________________________________________________ what's behind it, and then, let's rush in to fill the need! Love is
"How can we have the cake & eat it, too? How can we be a the answer! Don't withdraw when you see a problem. Do the
little bit selfish & yet please You, Lord?" Isn't that more or less opposite! Rush in & see what you can do, with My help! Don't
what you're asking? Well, you know that I often grant you your turn your back! GIVE! Even when it seems contrary to what you
requests, but you also know that the result sometimes is think you should be doing! Give, nonetheless! Trust Me!
leanness to your souls, & when your desire is to just be lazy &
loaf around, the result will often be leanness in physical 458 ____________________________________________________
blessings as well. "There is he that withholdeth & tendeth to "Man proposes, but God disposes." You may have your little
poverty..." plans, but it's wiser not to make them without Me, because if
I simply cannot bless you as much as I would like with true your plans don't jibe with Mine, a lot of things can happen that
happiness & all you yearn for when you're withholding My Words can change your mind & outlook on life, & make you see the
from the people & are neglecting My commission & the job I have importance & advantage of sticking to My ideas, after all.
given all My children to do. I don't condemn you and I love you A lot of people can sense the impending changes in the air, &
unconditionally, but I still have to remind you of the truth & of you, My prophets, of all people, can't act as if nothing would ever
your neglected duties, anyway. happen or change. I simply cannot let it happen. Judgment
The Devil has a much easier time to enter your ranks when you're begins with the house of God, & if you're off track, you can be
being selfish & off guard. When you're doing My will, you're sure you'll be the first I'll set straight.
waging an offensive warfare, not just a defensive one. As long as people who don't know My Word, My will, nor what's
It's the Devil's reasoning, that just because something is to come, act more maturely & wisely, more circumspectly than
possible or available that it's obvious that I want you to do that. My own children, something's wrong, & I've got to keep My
Some things are just quite simply his decoys. house in order, lest people say, "God, it looks like You can't even
I'm trying to help you to score points in the love game, so, I'm keep Your own house in order & Your own people straight..."
showing you what unselfish things you could do. Keep your eyes There is such a thing as being a reproach to My cause, when the
open for more opportunities like that. They're scattered & strewn sample some of My children give to the World isn't the sample I
all over, hidden blessings, sometimes well disguised, like bonus want them to give. You are My face to the World.
points in a computer game. I like to play with you & have fun with All I'm asking is that You consult Me & don't make your plans
you, too, you know? So, whatever you do, take Me with you so I without Me. Don't limit Me to only a tiny ridiculous corner of your
can bless your fun, & look out for opportunities to do unselfish life, when I am the universe that makes your life worth living. I am
deeds, so you can score points & collect blessings! the door by which you can enter into new Worlds to conquer &
great adventures everyday, yet you seek to keep Me in a little box
457 ____________________________________________________ you take along on your own little routines...
Sometimes I just need to hear that You need Me, & that you I want My brides of the End to show they're different by living
acknowledge & appreciate the difference that My life, My love & their lives for Me, making their lives revolve around Me, & not
My Spirit make in your life! I need your praises. I know your life is having other gods before Me. Please, give Me every day! I think
not a piece of cake, but that's the art: being thankful even for the it's fair for Me to withhold My blessings & protection from you on
difficulties & the parts that are a little rough. Anybody can the days you withhold from Me, isn't it?
murmur & go through life with a "Why me?" attitude & expect It's not that I mind you having fun, I just want you to include Me &
more out of life than they're willing to invest. But the overcomers let Me in on the fun, & not all of a sudden act as if you never
- and that's what I have called & chosen you to become - see with knew Me. Where is your loyalty to Me?
the eyes of faith. They see the good even in the bad. They don't See how much more fun you can have with Me! You don't have to
exclude Me, as if you were trying to hide from Me with an attitude that hides the ugliness beneath, but a veil of healing. I can heal
of, "Oh, God doesn't like us to have this kind of fun, anyway..." your ugly qualities, if you're willing to face them & accept My
That's what the Devil would have you think. Remember, I'm NOT healing power for them.
the great Ogre in the sky who doesn't want you to have fun! But I It's a choice between the ordinary - the System way, doing it like
need you to include Me if you want Me to protect you & bless you everybody else - and the extraordinary: My way. A choice
fully. You don't have to leave Me at home or tuck Me away into between the mountain or the valley. Being a mountain man
your little box where no one can see Me! In fact, you can use Me means to be willing to make a break with the System's ways of
as a guide to even greater fun, as a Source of new ideas, and conformity.
especially, as a Source of more love to give to those around you My attitude has always been, "to hell with the proper way!"
& those you come in touch with. Otherwise, you'll pass by so Those who are willing to forget the "proper" way, the way the
many unnoticed golden opportunities in which I would have liked System says things ought to be, they are the ones who change
to use you, but you didn't even give Me a chance... the World & make headlines for Me, not those who choose &
Start becoming a God-pleaser by putting Me first! Happy re- prefer to stay within the bounds of the "ordinary".
discovery of Me & My ways! I didn't behave the way they wanted because they didn't behave I
or the Father wanted, in the first place. I had to show them that
459 ____________________________________________________ the Father wasn't all that fond of their neat little "proper" way, as
"Blessed are the peacemakers." they thought. In fact, their "proper way" stank to the heavens, it
I am the Prince of Peace. A choice for Me & My ways is a choice reeked of selfishness, hypocrisy and of the foul stench of self-
for peace. righteously pretending to be what they were not. They were not
I want you to fully realize that, because sometimes you are quick being obedient, and they were not on God's track, and by
to take an antagonistic & hostile stance against those who rejecting Me, they finally proved it. They showed what they would
oppose you. You're quick to pull out a sword, like Peter, when he do with God, if He came down to Earth: betray Him and have Him
cut off Malchus' ear. But I have told you to "bless them that murdered by pagans. That's how in tune they were with God, and
persecute you & pray for them which despitefully use you.." how much they "loved" God.
Remember that I endured much more contradiction of sinners I have put that dislike, that anger against that cage in your heart:
against Me, so that you may learn patience, meekness & humility the cage of the "proper" way. The cage of the conformities to the
from Me & not come across as hostile to people. Remember that I ways & attitudes of man, always rejecting the ways & attitudes of
came not into this World to judge or condemn them, but that God. It's the same cage or box that every man, woman or child
through Me they might be saved. needs to break out of if they truly want to be free. My truth has
I want you to have a more loving, more merciful attitude. View set you free, but then the Devil comes & tries to set some things
them as captives you have the power to free, if they will but "straight": "Hey, wait a minute: that you're ‘free’, doesn't mean
receive your message, but first of all, you've got to be faithful in this or that or the other... You still have to keep these certain
giving that message to them. rules of ours."
It's always easier to be a prophet of doom than a healer & nurser My truth exposes the cage & the confines that the Devil is trying
of wounds & tender of sheep. There is a time & place for the to keep you in, and it's up to you whether you want to break out
warning message. But along with the warning you've also got to & be free each day or not. It's as if every morning when you wake
give them the answer, a glimpse of hope, that I am the light at the up, the Devil has woven a new web around you, consisting of
end of the tunnel, waiting for each of them with arms wide open, habits, selfish attitudes & chains of conformity, and you must
if they will just receive Me. decide whether you're going to live with them or not.
Keep on the lookout for those who might be searching. Concentrate on overcoming your besetting sins & the demons
Have pity & mercy on those poor folks who often simply don't Satan uses to attack & weaken you personally.
know any better & remember, "Blessed are the peacemakers." I It's going to be pretty obvious to most people involved, once I
am sending you into their midst as a bringer of peace, a herald of really start playing the principal role in your life. They're going to
My era of peace. know the difference. "Be ye followers of me, even as I am also of
The antichrist has his own heralds, & although he portrays his Christ" means you first have to be My follower, otherwise, where
era as an era of peace, too, "he shall by peace destroy many", are you going to lead them? There's nothing like life on the
because his is not real or true peace, and the peace the Devil mountain! Valley life will never ever truly be "it" for you, it'll
gives is only short-lived. But you can be a herald & messenger of always only be the same old "cage". Choose freedom, choose
the Prince of true, genuine, everlasting peace and freedom. the mountain! Leave the System valley cage of conformity to
everybody else's way behind.
460 ____________________________________________________
It's pretty hard to accept the whole ugly & awful truth about 461 ____________________________________________________
yourself & to learn to apply that truth daily, to keep on the right Bask in My sunshine! Turn your faces towards Me! I'm gonna
path, & to put it into action, you've got to want that truth, even if make you glow with a radiant glow that's going to far surpass
it hurts or nearly kills you, and then live it & act on it! any beauty in the physical.
Some have to have a certain image that they can hold up to
themselves in order to keep their self-esteem at a level where 462 ____________________________________________________
they can stand to live with themselves. It really takes time to It's time for another swim in My Word. Come on, dive in, &
establish a deep conscience of the fact that all these things really find out how refreshing I can be!
don't matter, but simply the fact that I love you more than you
could ever know, should be all the boost necessary to give you 463 ____________________________________________________
healthy & truth-founded self-esteem, godly self-esteem, not Sometimes you take what you're used to as the standard &
based on some kind of false & unrealistic image that pride wants the norm, but the closer you get to My Spirit, the more you realize
to paint of yourselves. that you're by far not anywhere near the top of the mountain yet,
It's a very common human quality, to need to cling to some but actually have just conquered a few hills, and the real
unrealistic self-image in order for people to walk through their mountain is still waiting for you. Well, what's important is that
lives with their heads held high. It's the distorted, unrealistic view you come out of the valley at all, and that you keep making
of yourself through the mirror of pride. You don't see the flaws progress. You don't have what it takes, but I can give it to you for
anymore, and it boosts your self-esteem & self-confidence. the asking.
But I want you to base your confidence on My love for you. I want Claim the keys of courage & courage will be yours! All the
to be a true mirror to you, one that shows you your flaws, but can qualities you lack & need to climb the mountain ahead are at your
also help you to overcome them, and that is not achieved by disposal through the power of the keys, and will be yours for the
ignoring them. The veil I cast over countless sins is not a veil asking!
You just need to avail yourself more of the power. Use it! Receive Is it going to be incentive enough for you to keep going when
it! Take it, it's yours! You just need the faith to stretch out your I tell you, "I believe in you!"?
hand to receive it and the humility to realize that you can't make The more you seek support & encouragement or approval &
it without it, that you need it, and thus you will ask for it, claim it, praise from your fellow-humans, your brothers & sisters, the
depend on it, instead of your flesh. The flesh sits there, self- more you just find out you're barking up the wrong tree. It's
satisfied, & pleased by its own routine. "Why, things are going difficult to be pleasing both, the people AND Me at the same time,
just fine. I don't need any help. We've done fine so far without and you're just going to have to make your choice as to what's
any extra help, and we're going to manage..." - It hardly even more important to you.
acknowledges the extent to which you've been dependent on Me You're going to have to get to know Me a lot better yet, you're
all these years. It would like to take the glory for itself. It strives going to have to be more sure of Me, in order for Me to become a
against humility and against the changes I would like to bring greater Source of inspiration to you than any people on Earth
into your life. "Oh, let's continue on here, in our nice & could ever be
comfortable rut..." Just faithfully point them to Me, not only when they're
But I say: don't listen to the voice of the flesh! Don't give in to the demanding things from you that you can't give, but also when
comforts of the flesh! Don't yield to the lusts of the flesh. Don't they're heaping compliments on you. Tell'em, "It's actually all the
go the way of the flesh, the easy way, the low road, don't take the Lord, if there's anything good about me at all..."
compromise! Just like you're unable to give them all the love, fulfillment &
If you want Me to use you, you're going to have to resist the emotional support they need, you should also be humble enough
temptations of the flesh to settle for the easy & comfortable way! to admit that you don't deserve their praises. Tell'em, "Don't
Being a soldier & fighter for Me is definitely not the comfortable praise me, praise the Lord!" Otherwise I just might have to let
way. Nor is the comfortable way in any way being a soldier & them discover your feet of clay. If you fall for the trap of
fighter for Me. accepting man's praise, the fall will come, eventually, & the taste
Every soldier also needs some time of relaxation & recuperation, of disappointment is always bitter. So, it's always best & safest to
but I'm talking about when your whole life just seems to revolve keep pointing them to Me in all things & constantly glorify Me
around finding an easier way to do it, following the path of the and remind them, "It's not in me, it's not in me, it's only in Him...
least resistance constantly, avoiding confrontation, settling for It's only Jesus today..."
the less challenging compromise. If that's the pattern of your life,
then you can tell that your life hasn't really been guided by Me. 466 ____________________________________________________
It's just not My way to seek the easy way out, to look for the You can stand because I've said that you can do all things
comfortable way, because that is the way that seeks to avoid the through Me. You say you can't, but I say you can. Now, who are
cross, the hardships & any sacrifice. you going to believe? Who are you to doubt My Words, which
Just because it's there, doesn't mean you have to use it or do it have brought forth the Heavens & the Earth & the entire universe
or that it's of Me. & all that lives & crawls & breathes in it?
Making things more comfortable for you is not My will! To hell If I say, "Let there be light", there IS light! If I say, "Take thy bed &
with the comfortable way! The comfortable way is landing an walk," the lame walk & don't say, "I can't!" You may think you
awful lot of people quite uncomfortably in hell, when you could can't, but I'm going to prove to you otherwise! Of course, you've
have saved them from it! A lot of people are going through an got to give Me a tiny bit of a chance & not be so stubborn to
uncomfortable hell-on-Earth type of life, while you are busy being refuse to even consider that you can. It's not that you can't, but
comfortable! The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a it's because you won't, you don't want to, that's another story.
comfortable place. So, beware of the comfortable place! You're coming closer to Me every moment of your life, because I
love you, and the closer you come to Me, the more you will see
464 ____________________________________________________ just how much I love you & what a vast amount of care I bestow
Some encounters, acquaintances & even relationships in life upon you. What's in My interest is the best possible for you, your
are tests & lessons & learning experiences. eternal happiness, and if I deem this lesson you're supposed to
Those who will look to man will always fail sooner or later, be learning the very best thing for your eternal happiness &
because they will always discover flaws that will make them welfare, then you can trust Me that it is so.
stumble, if they look to man. Only those who look to Me will make Can you have a little faith in Me that I still know best & still do
it. Only those who can see My hand in it all, even in spite of the what's best for you because I love you?
failings of those who perhaps should know better, will make it. No one will ever be able to love you like I do. You may even hate
It doesn't only depend on how good or bad a leader you are, but yourself & feel like everybody else hates you, too, but I still love
also on how good or bad a follower they are. And if they're only you, love you, love you, & there's no end to the love I have for
going to be good followers as long as everything is going honky you.
dory, and you're bending over backwards to please them & try to (Heb.12:2) Look at Me & you shall be more than a conqueror! You
play all the tunes they want to hear, then that's not really what life don't have to be a loser! Just look at Me & keep your eyes on Me,
as a disciple is all about, and you're simply going to have to & you'll be a winner!
entrust them into My hands, knowing that you have done what Just stay focused on Me, Me in you, the hope of glory! I I love
you could. It may not have been perfect, but that's as good as you, no matter how bad you are or could ever be, because you
you managed, and I will have to do the rest, that which you have received Me. It will have been worth it! I'm not putting any
couldn't do. pressure on you, I'm just trying to get you to love Me by realizing
You should have been looking to Me all along! You have to trust how much I love you. I love you with a burning love, which is
Me & look to Me, the Shepherd, not the sheep! only returned with a tiny fraction of the intensity with which it
The spirit behind something is all that counts. originates, but I'll be waiting faithfully & patiently for your love
My will for you is to feed the sheep & supply their needs, instead for Me to grow. Look at Me! I held on, I didn't quit, and if you keep
of being concerned with your own needs. Haven't I always looking towards Me, I'll also give you the strength to hold on!
supplied? Pass on that peace, that confidence to them, that I will You can become more than overcomers by just holding on to Me
always supply. & keeping looking unto Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith.
Trust in Me, look to Me for the supply of your needs. I am the One The good work I have begun in you, I also WILL complete. There
Who's in charge of that, and Who wants to make you happy, so is no "loser" option with Me, if you just keep holding on &
that you in turn can make them happy. As long as you look looking unto Me...
anywhere else as a source of your happiness or fulfillment, you
fail. You should know better than that by now! 467 ____________________________________________________
Humility is what makes you brave, bold & courageous,
465 ____________________________________________________ because you know you've got nothing to lose in the first place,
no reputation, no pride, and nothing else, you only stand to gain Earth, what would there be to learn? What would there be to
the satisfaction of doing what I've ordained you to do, regardless save? What purpose would there have been for Me to come & die
of what anyone might care to think about it. for?
If I would have stopped for a minute to care about what people I love you completely despite all & any of your sins & flaws &
thought of Me, I never would have driven the money changers short-comings. And I want you to learn to love others with that
out of the temple, and there are many other things I wouldn't very same love of Mine for them, too. I've got a love that sees
have done. I could have been embarrassed when the harlot came through faults as if they were glass or not even there. I just see
to wash My feet with her tears, but I couldn't have cared less the good, that's what love does. People are always quick to judge
about what the Scribes & Pharisees thought of Me, because I others for their flaws, just like they were quick to judge & crucify
went by standards of the heart & not the clichés and superficial Me. But learn to see things differently! Learn to see through the
standards of the people. eyes of forgiveness, and the eyes of love. "Against such, there IS
You see, the goal is to train & teach the World in God's ways, not no law!"
to accept & compromise around her ways. Compromise with the Learn to be loving, forgiving & seeing through My eyes, with the
World will always be a temptation until you learn to have eyes of hope, of faith and greater possibilities for people, instead
conviction to know & stand up for what you know is God's of putting them in a box! Love people as I also love them! Love
correct standard. them with My liberating power of love!
Remember to stay humble & honest and full of conviction &
boldness to stand up for what you know is right, which is My 470 ____________________________________________________
standard, & not the way the World would look at this. Love is the way! Love is what everybody needs! Love is the
You cannot allow her to stop you from doing what I've ordained answer! Love is the power without which you can't do the
you to do. Master's work, and to get it, you must spend time with the
You've got to learn to stand up for your rights. Master! Make sure you do all things in love, in My power!
I want you to trust Me completely for all your needs, to depend Beware of the flesh & the pressure it would like to put you under!
on Me and thank Me & glorify Me, accordingly. The rush & the fretting & fuming of thinking you must do it in
I want you to learn gratitude... to appreciate My supply for you, your own strength! It's the Enemy trying to trick you into that, so,
instead of taking everything for granted: don't take it for granted, don't fall for it, but be assured that you won't stand a chance in
but ask Me for it, and thank Me for it. the flesh! It's no use! Don't even try to accomplish anything in
the arm of the flesh! Don't even try anything without Me, My
468 ____________________________________________________ blessings & My Spirit! You're just bound to make a disaster out of
I use people to make people, to shape people, to influence things!
people & change people. People are some of My favorite tools & Let's make sure we stay closely together! Don't let your mind
instruments. There's nothing like people to affect or change or rush you into any feverish activities without making sure you're
even make people. What they will become mostly depends on doing it in My strength & power, taking the necessary time to
their own choices, & last not least, the influences they get from ensure you're getting that power from Me beforehand.
other people. People make people, in more ways than one. "He that soweth to the flesh will also reap the corruption of the
flesh, but he that soweth to the spirit shall reap life eternal!" The
469 ____________________________________________________ things you do when you invest your time into the things of the
You've got to learn to love folks even with their mistakes. spirit will result in eternal fruit, more souls, and a harvest that will
"Love the sinner & hate the sin" doesn't really mean, "Sure, I'll never rot away, while the things you do when you invest your
love the sinner. As soon as he gets rid of the sin!" Imagine if that time in activities where you simply indulge in the flesh are
was My attitude! No, loving the sinner means loving them in spite temporal & won't last, but they will pass & wither away, like
of their sin & patiently helping them to overcome their sin & everything else you see in the temporal realm.
having the faith that will eventually manage to do so by My grace! Sow to the spirit! Let us accomplish things together that will last!
I want you to learn compassion for the sinners. I want you to Remember what you're here for & what your job is! Your task is a
weep for them, to pray desperately & wholeheartedly for them to spiritual task! Flesh is flesh, & it will wither away, but I have
be healed & to be touched & delivered by Me. I want you not to ordained you for things that will last, so, don't let the flesh
condemn them! I know this hasn't been your intention, but often distract you from the spiritual things you're destined to do!
you have done so simply by the lack of love you've shown. You
withheld your love from them because of their sin, and that 471 ____________________________________________________
broadcast the message: "You don't deserve my love or affection, You must make greater efforts to tap into the riches of the
because of your sin!" Spirit. Even making love is not just merely a matter of the flesh,
My body was broken, and My blood was shed precisely for your but much more a matter of the spirit than you think. Flesh can
healing and remission of sins, so, how can you withhold it from satisfy flesh, but only spirit can satisfy your spirit, and that
them when that's the very purpose I went through all the aching, yearning, burning void & vacuum deep in your souls!
suffering & agony for? Discover the art of loving in the spirit! You must learn to see the
What counts is not the amount of good works you do, but the flesh much less, and the spirit much more, in each other and in
spirit in which they were done & that you're learning to operate in everything!
My Spirit & My love. Pray to find the ecstasies in store for you in the spirit! Find out
When you look at people, what I want you to see is somebody I how much more there is to discover in the spirit World, by
love. The way to not motivate somebody is to think of them as making the Spirit World a greater part of your lives! It's much
somebody who "doesn't look like they're going to make it" or more real than you think! Find out how much greater ecstasy,
whatever drawer you feel you've got to put them in! If you want satisfaction & fulfillment lies in loving Me and My Holy spirits
people to stop putting you into drawers, you've got to stop that more!
habit yourself first of all!
Give people a chance! And give Me a chance to touch them, to 472 ____________________________________________________
work in them, to bring about a change. It's never too late for that As long as you're still concerned about what people think
change. about you, you won't have what it takes. A prophet doesn't care
Never ever give up on anyone prematurely. Never condemn them about people's opinions. All he cares about is performing My will,
or judge them in your heart for not making progress fast enough! regardless of what anybody thinks or says.
Never condemn them for their weaknesses! Overcoming It's simply human nature, and a natural reaction & mechanism of
mistakes, faults & weaknesses & sins is one of the major self-defense to find flaws in someone who seems to have been
objectives in life. Your weaknesses & sins are an important part favored more than others, be it in forms of talents distributed to
of this school of life. If I would have sent you all perfect to this him, or the amount of attention they're getting or the situation
they're living in. wrongs & turn things around in your life and in everybody else's
Just keep your focus on Me, the One Who can bring real beauty who will accept Me.
to any situation, even in spite of what people say about you, and No, it's not always going to happen overnight and in such
in spite of the fact that there may be others in better situations obvious miraculous & supernatural ways that it's not going to
than you. Envy is one of the Devil's weapons to suck the joy out require any faith on your part. Faith is the prerequisite, and what
of life. Instead of keeping you thankful for what you've got, it is the voice of faith? Praise! So, let Me hear your faith in your
keeps you staring at the hole in the doughnut: "But there's praises & gratefulness to Me, and you will see that this attitude is
something missing!" also going to spur you on to greater action, which is going to
Envy spoils it all, no matter how blessed you are, for it will never make your faith more visible in your works!
allow you to see your blessing but only what you're missing out
on. 475 ____________________________________________________
(Natalia:) The most High dwelleth in the praises of His
473 ____________________________________________________ people! So, if you want Him to dwell among you and within you,
Learning to aim straight & even to discern & recognize your you simply have to praise Him. Make your love for Him known &
true enemy takes time & skill & experience, with all the tactics of show it in your praises! Show Him that he's welcome in your
deceit & camouflage he applies. heart, that you acknowledge that He knows best, & that you're
It takes time to learn the skills of spiritual warfare. even thankful for His measures of discipline, for they always
make you better in the end.
474 ____________________________________________________ It didn't occur to you that praise was going to be such an
Thankfulness is happiness, and if you're not thankful, you're not important factor in your life, the factor that would change
happy! everything, that a praiseful attitude was what was going to turn
If you don't make a conscious effort to count your blessings & to your life around!
focus on the things you could & should be thankful for, the Devil The wings of praise will carry you further than you thought! You
is always quick to point your attention towards things & flaws in have yet to discover what a mighty weapon praise really is. You
the overall picture you can start murmuring in your heart about & want to be an overcomer? You want to partake of the 7 promises
go, "Yes, I know I should be thankful, BUT!... Look at this, & look the Lord gave to them that overcome in chapters 2 & 3 of
at that flaw..." Or, "Yes, I would be happy, IF.... But..." Revelations? Praise, and you will overcome!
Whereas faith, and seeing with the eyes of faith means, seeing Praise is the voice & trademark of overcomers, for they will
Me in everything, in other words, seeing the good in everything, praise Him no matter what, regardless of any circumstances or
like Pollyanna's "Glad Game!" If life hands you a lemon, make conditions, regardless of any calamity, any problem, anything
some lemonade out of it! "All through life, my brother, if you'd be that might not be going their way, they know that despite all it
a happy soul: keep your eyes upon the doughnut, & not upon the may seem like, the Lord will have His perfect way in the end, and,
hole." You could even focus on the fact that Dad quoted that little yes, everything's going to be alright! No matter what the Devil
poem wrong, but who cares? Look at the blessing & at the truth may do, they that overcome will praise God. Regardless of what
in it! might go wrong, they that overcome will praise Him! So what if
It's easy to find fault! It's easy to see the mistakes in others & you can't see it, to him that overcometh is given the faith to
where they screwed up & how difficult they're making your life, believe the opposite of what they see, if need be, because they
and "if you look for the bad in people, you're going to find it!" But trust Him, and therefore they will praise Him. Even though it may
I say, look at the good! Count your blessings! Life could be much seem that God is breaking His own Word, His own promises to
worse than this! But don't even focus on how much worse things them, though it may seem that He may even kill them, the true
are going to get or could be, but focus on how good you've had overcomers will yet praise Him!
it, and most of all, on how good it's still going to be! So, if you want to be an overcomer, just praise Him, no matter
No matter what the Devil is going to do, the outcome is going to what happens. It's a mighty weapon! Let His praise become your
be a good one, and a glorious & happy one for you! Now, that's song, let it become your voice, your weapon, your shield, your
something to cheer up about, isn't it? No matter what's going to vehicle, your trademark, your banner & everything you will be
happen, I'm going to take care of you! Isn't that something to known for! Your life can change now, if you choose, by rising
praise Me for? above your circumstances & overcoming them through praising
Maybe that's the ingredient that's been missing in your life! Show Him!
some gratitude! And if people ask how you can be so happy, Isn't it marvelous how simple the solution to all your problems
don't be ashamed to let them know it's because of Me! That's is? Would that ever have occurred to you? That the simple,
actually how witnessing works! Witnessing is advertising the childlike weapon of praise was going to be the answer, the
Product that has brought you the greatest satisfaction. But if solution to all that was wrong in your life?
you're actually not satisfied or not grateful for what you've got, if Claim the keys of praise, and keep loving Him through your
you're letting the Devil distract you & get you to focus on the praises! Just start praising Him like you should, from the heart,
things that are still not perfect in your life, then nobody's going and all the negativity, all the shadows that have darkened your
to be curious about what you've got, either, because it's obvious life will flee away. Come out of the shadow lands & come to the
that all you've got is the same as they: a bunch of problems. mountain: "Standing on the mountain, praising the Lord..." Come
But I have given you the solutions! I AM the Giver of solutions & up here, standing on the mountain of life, praising the Lord!
the One Who can answer all your questions, solve all your Come out of the valley of the shadow of death! Murmuring &
problems. Maybe you should acknowledge that fact more & use it negativity are the voices of death, but praise is the voice of life, it
and show gratitude accordingly, instead of allowing the Enemy to brings life, you know? It has actual creative power! It's all
divert you from it and instead cause you to "look over here & intertwined, because praise is actually a part of love, it's a way of
look over there... there are STILL some problems..." Life on Earth showing your love for the Lord, of giving your love to the Lord, of
in this age, while the Devil still has dominion over it, is never making love to the Lord, and thus it's a part of His creative
going to be perfect, otherwise, there would be no need for Me to power. It originates from Him, because He did the things that
come & save mankind. In fact, it's far from perfect, so, focus on cause you to praise Him in the first place. The problem is when
Me, the perfect One, and the bringer of perfection and Salvation, you neglect to praise Him for the good things He does for you,
the Deliverer from pain & suffering, the Prince of Peace to bring you interrupt the cycle, and He cannot bless you as much as He
surcease from war & strife! would like to. It's another of the laws of the Spirit, you've got to
Focus not on the circumstances, which are largely brought about praise Him for what He already gave you if you want to receive
by the Devil's mingling in My affairs, plus man's lack of wisdom & more.
lack of love, and his falling for the Devil's tricks, but focus on the So, if you have been asking but not receiving as you expected,
fact that you have found the One Who is going to right all the it's most likely because you've been neglecting to praise Him for
what He already gave you. "Ye ask and receive not because ye look like it so obviously on the surface, but if you brush aside a
ask amiss, in that ye would consume it upon your lusts..." little of the debris & the fallen leaves, you can discover the
Whenever your motives are selfish, you will neglect to praise precious treasures I have created & brought forth in your life.
Him, but if you praise Him and give Him all the glory & honor for Remember, it’s paying attention to the details that allows you to
it, how can your motives be selfish? That's why it also says that discover some of the nicest secrets about the universe.
all things received with thanksgiving are clean. In other words,
praise cleanses everything! If you thank Him for it, it becomes 478 ____________________________________________________
clean! No matter what He gives you or sends your way, even if he The longer the preparation, the greater the explosion! Don't
uses the Devil to bring it along, even apparent curses or worry about these years of preparation; don't see them as a
problems or calamities, if you praise Him for it, it's going to work waste of time or not getting accomplished anything - don't feel
together for good, because you've proven by your praise that guilty or condemned about it. What matters is that you're going
you love Him, and all things work together for good to them that to be ready at the time when I will really need you! That's all that
love Him by praising Him! counts, that I'll be able to rely on you then. So, just keep
Praise Him in your heart, praise Him with your lips, praise Him following Me, and keep learning how to follow Me, how to refuse
with your actions, with your life! Life is going to be life indeed the Enemy's shiny distractions, his apparently more glorious or
when men will have learned to let their lives be turned into one gratifying other options. Keep learning to see Me and My hand
single, continuous praise of Him. and My purpose behind the things that I allow to happen in your
life, keep asking Me about them, and about their deeper purpose.
476 ____________________________________________________ Keep putting your doubts on the back burner, and keep trusting
There are a lot of factors involved behind the scenes, that My ways are higher than yours, & that as hard to believe as it
determining why I allow things to happen, why things don't work may seem right now, every little detail will fall into place & wind
out as you would ideally have them, and if you seek Me about it, up making perfect sense in its contribution to the Big Picture.
you can find out! Get My view & My glimpse of the situation! See
& find out what it looks like to Me; catch My angle! 479 ____________________________________________________
When your emotional priorities don't coincide with Mine, and the While it's true that I'm teaching you lessons on humility,
things I know are really the best for you, then I'm having to make surrendering & submitting to the ideas & views of others, the
use of the right You've granted Me to "do whatever it takes" in most important thing for you to learn right now is to learn to work
your life to draw you closer to Me and to get the best possible in co-operation & teamwork with Me and your spirit helpers, and
result & the greatest potential usefulness out of your life, even that includes standing up for your own convictions.
overriding your personal desires, which are simply not always in I don't want you to follow Me or do the things I ask you to do in
line with what's good or best for you in the spirit. order to achieve a certain "audience reaction" or the approval of
As long as everything is honky-dory, you simply assume the people around you. I want you to follow & obey Me out of
everything is the way it should be, so, why get desperate & seek conviction, out of love for Me and knowing that I'm the best thing
Me about the things that need to change? When everything's the that ever happened in your life.
way you like it, you don't seek change, but rather to preserve The best thing that ever happened in your life was and is and
things the way they are. always will be I, and the sooner you learn that & quit looking
But I want you to seek Me, and I need you to seek greater & elsewhere for that complete inner fulfillment you're yearning for,
closer union with Me and your helpers, I need you to focus more the better off you're going to be. Another human being will rarely
on the spirit world, in order to ensure your future survival and ever turn out to be as good a steward over your heart as I am and
greater fruitfulness for Me. You cannot bring forth the fruit I want will be, especially in this day & age.
you to without getting ahold of Me, My Spirit and your helpers So, seek not to run anywhere else but into My arms, My love!
more. This is where you'll be perfectly safe & warm, no matter what
So, consider it a compliment and a token of My love for you, happens around you & what the circumstances are. Keep on
when things are going rough in the physical, because that means overcoming by praising Me, trusting Me and loving Me in spite of
I'm drawing you closer to Me and into My spiritual Realm! Isn't it anything, and I will give you that white stone, and in it a name
a wonderful privilege to be cared for & desired thus by the written that no one else will know but you - and Me! A name that
Creator of the universe? That's why I'm reminding you to be will be your special code of direct link-up & instant utter
more praiseful, in spite of apparent unfavorable circumstances, communication & oneness with Me, your personal access code
because the true circumstances, as I see them from behind the to My heart. I cannot grant just anyone access & entrance to the
veil, are quite different! A grand privilege! Praise Me more by Holy of holies & inner core of My heart, as I'm sure you will
faith, knowing that all is in My hands & perfect care, everything understand, but only to those who will approve themselves in
will work out alright, despite the way it may seem. this life as true overcomers. You see now the difference between
Sometimes, instead of running away or seeking a new situation those who are saved but are failing Me throughout their lifetimes
to run to, I'm expecting you to look for ways to improve your and those who will be overcomers? You see now the reward
current situation first, not giving up on folks around you that's going to make it all worth it? To him that overcometh will I
prematurely. You're My love for them, so, don't seek for Me to give all the best of the secret hidden treasures as described in
take you - My love for them - away from them prematurely, when My book of Revelation. If you're ever tempted to lose the vision
I'm not done yet loving them through you, okay? or wonder whether it's all worth it, look up those promises, take
See what more wonders love can do & how miraculously it can them to heart, and they will strengthen you & help you to hold
change the most chaotic or rotten looking situation or life... It can on! I love you more than you'll ever know!
transform the worst problem cases and the greatest losers into
winners by My grace; trust Me! 480 ____________________________________________________
So many follow their own leadings, their own intuitions,
477 ____________________________________________________ without going the proper way that I have ordained, of doing first
You’re learning precious lessons through My withholding the things first.
flow of blessings at the rate you would want it: you’re learning You cannot enjoy the greater gifts without doing the humble
patience, consideration, learning to put Me first in the whole things first, the little, menial task of laying a stone-by-stone
process & to praise Me in spite of the fact that I’m not giving you foundation of firm knowledge & assurance of My Word.
everything you want, because I know better what’s the best for Only a small minority knows that you've got to learn to be a good
you... You’re learning to communicate about these issues, which follower first, in order to become a good leader.
is rather humbling for you, and thus you’re also learning greater And the best leaders of all are those who don't come across like
humility out of all of this, which is also good. leaders at all, but who inspire others to do good by their own
I think, we can really talk about progress here. It may not always samples. Becoming a sample, not a sermon, is what it's all about!
Try to be a sample of honesty without hypocrisy. It's important the closeness to Me you gained through fighting! Your whole life
that you're being 'real'. is changing. The adversity is making you more profound, it
Let everything you give come from the heart, truthfully & opens your eyes to where you can see through the Devil's lies.
honestly. Isn't it worth it?
Aren't these battles precisely what's making you what you are
481 ____________________________________________________ destined to be?
I can't stress enough just how important praise and keeping Real fighters keep their eyes on the reward and the glorious
a praiseful attitude is! It's the key that turns darkness into day, in crown ahead, not on the temporary struggle, pain and fight! The
spite of adversities, trials, battles, personal problems, etc. victory is all that matters! That total closeness to Me I have
Praising faith just laughs in the face of all these circumstances & promised to My overcomers! That secret access to My very heart.
says, "So, what?! My God is greater than all that, and He can Let those who will settle for less, settle for less, but the true
cause me to rise above all this in the blink of an eye, if He overcomers would rather die than give up.
chooses to. But if not, I will still not surrender to the voices of "Surrender? Hell no! We haven't even yet begun to fight!"
negativity, but I will still know that He knows best and only allows
what is best for me, and I will keep praising Him for that!" 483 ____________________________________________________
So, if you would truly have Me turn on the light in your life in all Life is the best school, and I am its Teacher. The problem is
its power, learn the skills of praise! Seek wisdom in learning how that too few students pay any attention to Me, and the Devil has
to praise Me, for there is much more hidden in that treasure than lured them all away from Me and is keeping them all too busy
you can even begin to fathom right now. Your pride fights it. learning & studying about his twistings of the truth, so that they
Because Pride knows he's going to be defeated by it! don't even have time anymore to learn from life itself. Usually, as
Praise is utter humility & surrender to Me, not seeking any glory they grow older, there will be experiences that teach them.
for the flesh or for yourself, but only seeking Mine. And that is a Experiences that will often leave them disappointed about the
factor that just eradicates a lot of the darkness that's prevalent in philosophies they were brought up with, and so they wind up
the World right now, where everybody just basically seeks their disappointed and confused.
own glory, and to glorify themselves, to pride themselves in their You have a light to shine onto their path, if you only will. You
accomplishments & pat themselves on the back, or proving their have love to shower them with. "Things are gonna be much
worth & showing off with the status they have achieved to reach better, if you only will..." Oh, how I wish for you to be so in tune
by themselves, through their own hands or by means of fleshly with Me that you would shower the people continually with My
heritage in the things they acquire, their material possessions, love, be a radiator of My love & energy for them, a constant light
their wealth, their cars, houses & other status symbols. Whereas to shine in the darkness! If you will wholeheartedly make that
the status symbols of the Spirit World are the exact opposite: your goal and ambition, it can happen, you know? It is possible!
"the less there is of you, the more the light shines through" is the Do you want to? Do you want to be a shining light of My love to
slogan in the spirit, and the less you exalt yourself & seek your the people? Oh, how I wish you would! How I wish you would
own glory, and the more you seek to glorify God, and just fill the make this your principal endeavor. The Devil fights it so much,
need by whatever humble and invisible action, that is what because he knows that that's the most important part of your
makes you shine with greater brilliance & glory. testimony and your witness. As Dad said, "You can't really say
If you seek to do that which matters & bears importance you've delivered your soul, unless you delivered the love first!"
according to the rules and standards of Heaven, you would be Love is what you were born to. People almost expect it of you!
wise to seek things that glorify Me, to sing and write songs that They know & sense that something is wrong when you put on
glorify Me, songs that express your gratefulness and love to Me! your proud, cool, & defensive act, closing yourself up to any
Ask Me for awesome melodies carrying Words of praise! possible hurt or ridicule! If they think you're funny, so what? Be
Find out what a wonder-working weapon praise can be! My clown! "Make'em laugh!" Don't take yourself so seriously! But
Remember, loving Me is the greatest commandment, and what you must keep loving!
better way is there to express your love for Me - besides your If you knew how powerful your looks of love could be, that
obedience to Me - than by praising Me, in word and song & deed? should be emanating from your eyes... if you could only
overcome your fear of rejection! It is time for you to overcome! It
482 ____________________________________________________ is time for you to confront your enemy, your personal "Mr.
A true fighter will always miss the fight during a period of Smith", and face him, and fight! Open your eyes and see whether
truce or peace with the enemy... I will not use you as an instrument and channel of My love, in
Some are born to live a life of compromise or settling for spite of all the Devil can do to try to discourage you, intimidate
whatever little plastic peace the Devil will toss at them. But My you or stop you from doing it! Keep daring on! If there is a show
true sheep and My true children will never be satisfied with of resistance from somebody, move on to the next! Scan your
anything less than My truth, and that which I feed them. It's audience for a receptive pair of eyes, and then don't be afraid to
simply because they know that this life isn't everything there is. make a connection. Claim that keys promise: "Call on the keys to
There is something more, and compared to that, this life is a give you God's eyes when you look at your audience, & those
mere shadow. who see you will know it is Jesus speaking and singing through
It's natural to want the bliss and the joys and the ecstasy of you."
what's to come, already in this life, and I have granted you the Let Me speak & sing and love them through you! That is your
possibility to enjoy some of it, and to get a little foretaste of purpose, your task, your destiny! Why miss out on the thrills of
those heavenly joys & ecstasies. The only problem is that the fulfilling your destiny? For the fear of a little rejection & ridicule?
Devil won't just idly stand by, watching people enjoying My Are you going to let the Devil bluff you & scare you out that
heavenly freedom without intervening & trying to spoil the fun easily & get you to surrender the field to him so easily?
with his lies, just as he did in the very beginning. Why do you think I sent you into their midst? Just like the Father
That's simply the rein I have given him, to test My children & let sent Me to hell to preach to the spirits in prison for 3 days and
them and Me and the whole World find out whether they're also nights... do you think I would have needed to do so if there had
willing to pay the price for it. Whether they'll hold on to the been no hope for them whatsoever?
blessing even if it means resisting the Enemy's lies & See what wonders love can do, and find out whether love cannot
temptations & going to war for the righteous cause. transform one of those "zombies" into one of My living creatures
You'll see that as time goes by and you keep on fighting, that & powerhouses of energy of God! I didn't give up on you! So,
you'll actually become stronger, and it eventually will get easier. don't give up on them, prematurely, either!
It will not always stay this hard! Yes, I know it's exhausting, it takes a lot of energy, it's tiring, and
No crown without a cross, no victory without a battle, no triumph you often wonder if it's all really worth it... You figure, "Oh, they'll
without a trial... Look at the reward! Look at the desperation and just have more problems if they get saved, anyway, because then
the Devil will start fighting them!" So what? Would you rather and the only influence you have on this process is through your
leave them in his clutches? You cannot continue to see things prayers.
with the carnal mind like that! Just because prayer sounds so familiar, simple & childlike, it's
Look at it like this: you are in this fight, in this battle against not very appealing to the intellect. It doesn't come across as
good and evil, the good fight of faith, and you know there's no anything glorious, mysterious or special you can do, since it's
turning back, no way you're going to quit fighting, and you basically something every child can do. But how many really use
desperately need the help of more fighters to help you survive in that power?
the future, just as they desperately need you and your witness, It is your means to practice the greatest magic in existence, your
the truth you've got to share with them, in order for them to find usage of My power, and you should think twice about whether
their purpose in life, and a cause worth fighting for! Just because you should allow the Enemy to cheat you out of that weapon, just
there are some who will resist the option of breaking out of their by making it look as something simple & childlike and completely
cozy little cage doesn't mean that there are none who want to be different in your eyes than it really is!
freed. And even if they all just wanted to stay trapped in their Just like praise, prayer is one of those weapons that sound so
cage, you would still owe them the message that they could be simple, so contrary to all that appeals to the human intellect &
free if they wanted to, and I would increase your power and ambition to accomplish something on your own, that it's pretty
supplies by another means. easy for the Devil to trick you into neglecting them through pride,
But I have purposely ordained it thus that you need the help and which is lucky for him, because he knows that if you start using
support of others, and that you operate in teamwork with them, those weapons as you should, his days are numbered.
just as I have ordained all of life to be a constant scheme of give If you're going to win disciples, you're going to have to win them
& take, love & be loved! The times that you had the courage to to the habit of using the power of prayer, too, and that includes
reach out into the darkness resulted in so much fruit! Imagine having them learn from your own sample of a prayerful attitude!
how much more fruit there could be if you would only reach out They must see that you really believe in My power, and that
more often! means, you're going to be using and applying My power through
So, pray desperately, My love, that you will not fail Me in those prayer.
golden opportunities I bring across your path! You'll never know Before anything is going to work out in the physical, you're first
whom you might meet! Keep your eyes open for receptive hearts, going to have to establish it in the spiritual, by asking Me to
and even if it's not quite obvious upon first glance, keep on make it work, through prayer. Make room for it to happen -
digging! through prayer. You're not only creating a vacuum inside of your
There are many who don't know that they have been deceived, own heart & spirit for Me to fill, but you actually create a space
who don't even know that there's a truth to discover, a real sense for Me to fill with My miraculous answer within your realm of
& purpose in life! Find them, and in finding them, help them to operation, your world, your environment, your surroundings &
find it, and to find Me, and in finding them, help Me to find them! circumstances, your situation. Make room for miracles and new
My little lost sheep! Oh, please, make them your task in life, your disciples - through prayer! Make it happen - through prayer! Use
mission, the one job you're wholeheartedly dedicated to: finding My magic! - Pray! Draw in new disciples, sheep and supporters -
My lost sheep! I can't beg you enough! through prayer! Get rid of obstacles, both, in the physical and the
Yes, I know it's not all that easy! Some of them don't even know spiritual - through prayer!
that they're sheep, and some are well camouflaged in wolf's When you start becoming aware of all that prayer is capable of
clothing! You've just got to be open to My Spirit to lead you to the and what you're capable of through prayer, it just about becomes
ones, and what's most important is that you send out clear ridiculous that you don't use that greatest of all powers available
signals that will beckon them to come and will attract them to to man to a greater extent than you do - doesn't it? Of course, it
you! And what is it that makes it obvious & clear to all men that takes time and requires patience and faith to pray! It doesn't
you are My disciples? "If ye have LOVE one to another!" minister to your carnal sense and desire for accomplishment.
(Jn.13:35) You want to accomplish something with your own hands, and
So, show that love, let it shine, and they will come, okay? Never that doesn't happen when you pray. You're using a remote
cease, never stop showing and emanating that love! Never stop control for My hands to do something instead. But if you're wise,
radiating love and spiritual sunshine! Keep shining on! and you have the faith & insight it takes to really accomplish
great things, you will actually realize that this way - using My
484 ____________________________________________________ hands, instead of your own - you can get so much more
Stress & pressure can be tricks of the Enemy to get you out accomplished, it's like multiplying your own strength
of the gear of trusting in Me fully, and being led of Me. Stay in My innumerable times over.
protective bubble. I want you to learn to be the same person, With your own two hands you can maybe move a few bricks at a
whether you're interacting with brethren or with outsiders, not to time, but using My power, you can move a whole wall or as I have
become a chameleon & adapt the color & spirit of your said in My Word - a whole mountain, with the same or even less
surroundings! physical effort.
Just be My creation & stand up for Me and My truth wherever you I appreciate your wanting to do things for Me. But there are so
are, to the extent you're able to, and always keep on the lookout many spiritual forces at work behind the scenes, that you simply
for an opportunity to be a witness for Me. Just stay connected to must forsake any attempt to do this with your own natural
Me. means. You must operate in the spirit. That means you must give
Be My you when you're around them. Take Me with you wherever Me commands and put Me in charge of the things you want Me to
you go, and stay close to Me and on My wavelength! do! "Command ye Me!" - Especially concerning the work of My
hands, and My sons & daughters.
485 ____________________________________________________ When you can't do something yourself, then you've got to ask Me
There is no spiritual life without prayer. Prayer is the A & O of to do it!
it. If you want to live in the spirit, if you want to bring forth fruit in You've got to learn to let Me work!
the spirit, and accomplish anything in the spirit, it's going to "Stand back and watch Me fight!" I'll say, "Just wait patiently, My
have to begin with prayer. Souls and disciples are spiritual son, and watch Me a while & see what you can learn from Me!"
babies being born through prayer! "What do you see?" "What have I already done in your life?"
Praying for others is one of the first steps of love. Through "What can you learn out of it and what do you think I'm trying to
prayer, you become a practicer of what you believe in, it's one of tell you through this?"
the first ways of putting your belief into action! You put My power I'm telling you, relax! Take it easy! Stand back and watch Me
& magic into effect through your prayers! fight! Enjoy life a little bit! Learn how to let Me do it, instead of
Draw them in through your prayers. All the words in the World thinking you've got to do it all yourself! You can't do it yourself!
won't do the trick, it's gotta be My Spirit working in their heart, I've got to do it for you! Stop trying to carry that heavy load
yourself! Let Me help you! Let Me carry your burden! Let Me carry keepers, to both, give and take correction from each other
your load! without getting offended. Those who want to make progress will
welcome it & be grateful for it, and it will make a big difference in
486 ____________________________________________________ their lives, & they will be eternally grateful that you took the
Put your hand into Mine & trust that I will lead you to the very courage & addressed those unpleasant issues.
best place possible for you! You say, "Yes, Lord, I do trust You, Fear is still an Enemy and definitely an opponent to overcome in
and I want to trust You, but I'm a little bit scared that You might your midst. "Perfect love casteth out fear", so, let perfect love
lead me down a path I do not want to go." rule among yourselves, establish My Law of Love as a standard
I'm just asking you to trust Me to walk that road toward new among yourselves, and you will cast out those fears.
horizons, open doors of change, toward surrender of your own
ways, your independence & your individual freedom & 487 ____________________________________________________
preferences, in order for Me to give you greater, inward freedom "I have set before you an open door that no man can close."
and fulfillment. Where I guide, I provide, and I will make a way where there is no
I can't always beckon you to follow Me down roads that sound way, as I have promised, if that's the direction I'm leading you.
like fun excursions to Pleasure Island. My road is the road of The most important lesson to learn, and hurdle to overcome is
sacrifice, of surrendering your own freedom to do with your time the issue of flesh vs. spirit.
whatever you want, in order to invest more of it in others, & their It is expedient that the flesh be crucified in order for My Spirit to
benefit. If that road would look like a pleasure trip, it wouldn't be rule you, in order for you to seek that which I want, and not the
a test of faith. things which you want. Every day should be a new decision for
I'm calling everyone in My Family to mature, to grow up, to each of My disciples, where they say to Me, "Not my will, but Thy
forsake some of their personal freedoms & preferences, for the will be done!"
sake of My greater Family, greater unity within My Family, and But the flesh doesn't let go so easily of the things it wants, and
thus a greater testimony of greater love. It all amounts to a even Paul said that the wanting of My good will, he found in
choice between true loyalty to My Family and basically pursuing himself, but the execution thereof, the performance, the doing of
your own way. Everyone of you ought to know by now that your it, he found not. It's simply not there. It's not within your flesh,
own way, with your own little reservations & conditions, is not not within your constitution, to perform that which is My will.
really the road to true happiness. That's why it's got to be My Spirit doing those things through
Even though I'm leading you down the road of faith, trust & you.
commitment gently & slowly, nevertheless I do expect you to take You can't do the works of the Spirit in the flesh, and to get ahold
steps forward & make some progress & forward movement, of My Spirit just takes time fellowshipping with Me, asking Me,
otherwise you'll stagnate or wind up going round in circles, & receiving from Me, drinking in from Me. Without Me and My Spirit,
you'll always wind up at the same stage of spiritual growth, over you can't even see clearly where to go, much less take steps in
& over again, having to repeat the same old lessons. Progress & the right direction. But isn't it better like this, desperately looking
maturation is to let go of the old, & will always present to you to Me for each step you're going to take, depending on Me and
new challenges, new learning experiences and thus you will knowing that without Me you can accomplish nothing, than
constantly grow & gain greater riches of experiences & lessons thinking you have need of nothing and just going full steam
gained, resulting in greater faith and also greater ability to make ahead in the power & strength of your own flesh?
decisions with My help. Isn't it better to wait for Me and for My strength?
I'm calling you all to take a step forward, in faith, not in fear. Learn to let Me work through you, and I will use you! But going
Whatsoever is not of faith, is sin, so, don't do it if you don't have on in the energy of your own flesh will only do more harm &
the faith for it. Pretending to have faith when you don't can also damage than good in the long run. I still don't want a Christian
be a sin. But at least you can all take the step in the direction in Endeavour union, but "Lord-letters." As long as you know you're
which I'm leading you, seek My face about it, and communicate nothing and can do nothing, it is good!
about it. You have the choice to go ahead in the flesh & make a mess of
You're prone to avoid unpleasant subjects, trying to avoid things, or to wait for Me, even if you feel like you're not
unpleasant confrontations, when it's simply part of love to bring accomplishing anything. That shows that you've got faith that I'm
up those subjects at times, for the sake of greater honesty, the One Who needs to do it, anyway.
openness & humility. It also shows that you have greater faith in I want you to desperately depend on Me and look to Me for every
each other, that you believe it's not going to make the other one move you make, but I also want you to learn to work more in
stumble, if you bring this up now. It teaches you consideration, teamwork with others. There is so much you've yet to learn & to
tact & responsibility in your conversation, because you will be see. Some things that are pretty obvious to others, you're only
prayerful about your choice of words, in order not to offend the barely beginning to see now. I have chosen to work in unity &
one you'll be talking to. This is all practicing & acting out My Law teamwork with My millions & billions of spirit helpers in order to
of Love, whereas if you don't do these things, you'll simply set an example of what I want you to do.
stagnate & never make any uphill progress. No communication, Become a teamwork of spirit and flesh. First learn to co-operate
no advancement, all for fear of touching the unpleasant and work in unison with Me and My helpers, and once you are
subjects... being spirit-led, apply the same method with your human co-
But I know that you've got greater potential than that, & I'm going workers, keeping in mind that just as your helpers and I have to
to prove it to you, if you just give Me a chance & are bold enough take you where you're at, you have to Can you see what I'm doing
to come out into the sunlight & bare yourselves to Me and each in your life? You're learning to love, as you are being loved.
other. Bring out all the laundry of reservations & doubts you Without it, all works & accomplishments mean nothing.
might have about this, that or the other, and learn to
communicate about it & deal with the issues, instead of letting 488 ____________________________________________________
them rot away, hidden away in the darkness. What counts is the instructions I'm giving you for today. The
If you don't confront them and deal with whatever there needs to fact that I may have told you something that sounded completely
be dealt with, if you just wrap everything up in silence & never contrary in the past, or that I may have led you in what looks to
talk about it, never address it, you'll suffer for it! You'll reap the you like the opposite direction should not surprise you any
consequences of not having communicated about it openly & longer. Those who are experienced in My guiding & leadings of
honestly, some day. Because you will all wind up failing Me to their lives, know that this is simply one of My modes of
some degree, by failing to learn to communicate with each other, operating. It's a test of faith for you, because you can't see all
even about unpleasant issues. that's ahead, & which is the best way to get to the desired
That's what I'm talking about when I'm saying that My Family has destination.
to learn again to be shepherds of each other, to be their brothers' I give you everything so that you give it back to Me. If you receive
everything from My hand & thank Me for it & are willing to give it make it entirely easy to see the need and the needy situation
back to Me every time (like the picture of a parent playing ball underneath that pretense.
with a toddler: the toddler has to be willing to throw or roll the The need is often well-hidden under a veneer of pride, at other
ball back to the parent, otherwise it won't work...), then you'll times so obvious that it's overwhelming & you feel helpless at
eventually find out that this game works, and it's actually fun, the demand. That's when you've got to turn to Me, as you see
and that there's a sense to all this give & take, even though you that you cannot do it by yourself, but you've got to tap into My
(the toddler) may not see it at first... power & endless resources in order to come up with the
Do you see the persuasion & loving patience that's involved in demanded supplies of love & care.
persuading someone to give up something, to give it back to Me, It's a challenge for you to rise above your laziness, the inability
in order to get the ball rolling & make progress? It gets better all to see the need below the surface, and the temptations of the
the time, you know, if you just trust enough to give the things or Enemy to draw your attention away from the focus on others'
people you love back to Me. needs. Find their needs. Discover what a difference it will make.
Every time you trust Me and give one of those beloved items or It will change your life into a completely new & different one.
persons back to Me, put them into My hands & are willing to
forsake them for Me, I will improve them a little bit for you, and 491 ____________________________________________________
you'll get back something better than you had before. And if I The Devil is an artist at making a mountain out of a molehill,
choose to take something or someone away from you for a he amplifies bagatelles through his magnifying glasses of
period that to you may seem "permanent", you can also trust that excessive emotions, fears, sensitivity & the spectrum of a
this will only serve for Me to give you something better, as you'll subjective point of view.
see in the long run. You may not always agree with Me right away A subjective point of view often completely fails to see the
that it's better, but you will, eventually. overall picture & zooms in on a tiny little issue, magnifies &
Also, remember that I may like you to ask Me to give it back to amplifies it completely out of proportion until you've got a Mt.
you! Instead of getting offended, hurt, proud & bitter about Me Everest of a problem, artificially inflated out of what was
asking to give something back to Me that you love, I want you to originally a tiny little lump or innocent blunder of the mind.
trust in My promise that I never take one thing away from you Even the art of learning to love is part of the spiritual warfare,
without giving you something better, and be humble and trusting and your Enemy will always pose traps for you, in order to stop
enough to ask Me and even remind Me of My promise. "Hey, you from accomplishing the goal of loving others, and causing
Lord, but didn't you promise...?" That's perfectly alright, because you to hurt them unwillingly instead... Be on guard. The Enemy
I have purposely limited Myself to give to you only what you ask will always look for an opportunity to attack & hinder, to divide &
for - usually, that is - and often "ye have not because ye ask not," conquer and destroy your unity.
which is pretty sad, because I'm so much more willing to give Watch out for the Devil's traps! He knows where your weak spots
than you are to receive. The only requirement is that you ask. are & when you're most vulnerable.
That's not asking too much is it? It's usually after you've given, & you feel like you've done your
duty. But love keeps on giving, even when you feel exhausted.
489 ____________________________________________________ There's more to give! There's more to forgive; more of a distance
Will your life be one of failure to do My will by the aid of you can walk with them! Don't stop! Don't stop giving, don't stop
perfect excuses, or will you just brush all those drawbacks & loving, for loving never stops!
setbacks aside & break out & launch out into the deep waters of The moment you stop, it dies. Love has to continue, and in order
My will for you? Sure, you can decide to always stay near the to keep it alive, you have to keep loving, keep using it, keep
coast line where the water is shallow & relatively safe, if that's all moving. Crank up the motor of love & keep burning the fuel. This
you've got the guts for, & boast & show off to the ones still on kind of combustion doesn't cause any pollution nor waste, but
the shore how brave you are. But then again, how far will you constantly produces positive energy!
ever get?
The reason of getting into the water at all is not just to piddle 492 ____________________________________________________
around, but it's for getting somewhere, and you won't be Be more enjoyable by being more trusting! As you trust
catching fish in the shallow water, at least not nearl y as many as more, you will also be more trusted!
if you follow Me out into the deep. I have made you strong enough to bear with more than you might
Piddling around in shallow waters might not provide the think. Keep trusting Me that I won't give you more than you can
challenges necessary for you and those with you to grow, and handle.
the beach and the shore is always so close, within reach, that the I'm asking you to praise Me more; to make sure you're aware of
danger of going back there is greater. all the good things I heap on you, so that you can have a more
positive attitude & outlook on life and enjoy it more! Open your
490 ____________________________________________________ eyes & see all the good and the wonders & many benefits &
If you look for a needy soul or situation, you will find it! blessings I've given and am giving you, and will continue to give,
Looking for a needy situation, a vacuum to be filled, isn't really if you will appreciate & make use of them & thank Me for them!
something that comes naturally to most people.
You haven't really been on the lookout for needy situations and 493 ____________________________________________________
holes to fill with My love as you could have. You've been so busy Love is going down a road that you, in your own "right"
looking for the personal answers & solutions to your own mind, according to your desires, and your flesh, would not
problem that you've often forgotten that the greatest solution to choose. It's the road one takes in defiance of the flesh. It's what
all your problems is simply forgetting about them & getting into made Me walk up that road to Calvary, and what's making you
others! "Find someone else to make them happy, and then wanting to understand that for which you naturally don't have
happiness finds you!" any understanding... It's walking the extra mile.
It's part of the Devil's lies that just because people are so Like the brother who ran out to the battle-field to his heavily
imperfect, so full of flaws, so dumb, so slow, so unable to see wounded brother, only to die there with him, because he
clearly, that I would not love them very much, when the exact expected it of him.
opposite is true: I delight in the fact that people desperately need Are you willing to learn and to acquire a greater love than what
My help, and that I can love them, fill their needs & be there to you have known & called love thus far?
help them. Are you willing to be a prisoner of love and in this find the
I have problems with people who think they're so great & perfect greatest freedom?
that they don't need any help. Pride is My main enemy, and the It's all got to do with loyalty, commitment, being a faithful &
enemy of love, because it's what makes people think they don't reliable friend, it's all got to do with being a man of honor. It's not
need Me, and then they act accordingly, which, I admit, doesn't a pride trip I'm talking about. It's seeing through to the end what
you've started, not stopping at any point short of death & the I want you to see My creation in each other, the new man or
ultimate extreme. It's learning all that you have not yet known woman, which I'm making you, the king, queen, prince, princess,
about love. priest or priestess you're going to be when I'm done with you - by
You've been given a great gift. But it is also required of you to faith. Don't look at the old man with their faults & human failures,
use it and to make the most of it. Not to bury your talent in but at that which you're going to be. You've got to look in the
selfishness, laziness or fear, but to make the most of it, bring spirit, through My eyes, through the eyes of love, faith & hope.
forth fruit from it, use it & invest it. My Words to you are not just Forsake the eyes of doubt, of criticism & of seeing the so-called
pretty Words to enhance your life or make it easier. They're "realistic" side or view of things, which is only the temporal view
instructions that will turn you into a better man, something more of things, really, which will cease, along with all that is temporal,
like Me, and I'm requiring that progress of you. & look on that which is eternal. See things in the spirit.

494 ____________________________________________________ 496 ____________________________________________________

I'm teaching you to pay more attention to the details, to fine- I am your top priority, and you do well to remember that, to
tune your operations, plans & proceedings. You've got a general keep it in mind and to keep putting it into practice. If you do, all
view of the Big Picture, but there are still many, many details to else will fall into place, for only I can give you the necessary faith
discover, and since My Big Picture is multi-dimensional, there and love for others that will enable you to live by faith which
will always be new angles, depths & glimpses to discover in it. worketh by love.
In fact, the Big Picture is a living picture that's still growing & All My prophets had feet of clay and weaknesses, none of them
evolving, not by itself, but by My design, as everything is, so, you was perfect, so that people would still have to look to Me, not just
discover as you go & while it continues to grow. View life as an at the man. The only man you do well to look up to and "behold
expedition with many things to observe & study, with tons of the man", is I.
details to glean & learn from. I was a humble man, troubled by His enemies, with a very short
Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook public ministry that ended on the cross.
important factors, it will teach you patience & the importance of I need to make sure that it will be all Me working through you,
little things. It will help you to not so easily misjudge or that you will be giving Me all the glory and none of those things
misunderstand things, not to make snap judgments. If you realize like reputation and what people say or think of you matter to you.
how much hinges & depends on little things, you will learn to Just keep trusting Me that I know what I'm doing, and I will anoint
hold your peace on a matter until you're certain you've got all the you in your time & will have you progress at My pace, not anyone
details straight & you're not missing any of the factors in the else's.
equation, and you'll see, you'll be a lot less prone to making Let not your heart be troubled by all these things. Yes, time is
mistakes in your life. short, & the days are evil, but let not go of the anointing I have
Take a hint from Me, the Creator of all things, and Master of given you over your enemies! Don't be overwhelmed by all that is
precision: you'll get more done, and you'll do it a lot better, by to trouble you, but let Me be your Comforter, your Strength, your
not ignoring the little details! Details are important! Tiny little strong Pillar, your Anchor!
herbs & spices can completely change the entire flavor of a big It's got to be Me! It's got to be Me moving and thinking and acting
meal. Tiny little strokes & touches make the big picture come to in you and through you and by you, otherwise it will all be of no
life. Tiny little thoughts gear the actions of people, big & small, avail. That's still the most important thing you've got to learn: to
and tiny little words can make the difference between life & let Me operate through you.
death... Tiny little atoms & molecules, the building blocks of the They will see the anointing, the peace and the power, yes, even
entire, gigantic universe... Tiny little sperms & egg cells uniting the authority that spending time with Me and putting Me first
into a new human being, consisting of innumerable more little daily will give you, and they might figure, "Well, if it works for
cells. him, it might work for Me, too..."
To Me, every little detail matters. Every little hair on your head,
every little sparrow, every little word you say. 497 ____________________________________________________
Even all of eternity consists of tiny little moments, as does the Learning to have My peace & calm in the middle of all & to be
ocean, of tiny little drops... One of these days you'll just see how a pillar of My strength & tranquility, that's what learning to be a
much I am into details: every man & woman being faithful in shepherd & leader of My flock is all about. To absorb what's
doing just the tiny little thing they can do. Tiny little prayers, going on around you, but not to be absorbed by it! To be a steady
accomplishing more than all the greatest works of the flesh. rock in their midst that they can lean on, that they can flee to
Whenever man decided to get something "great" accomplished - when there's confusion or turmoil, unshaken, and always
like the tower of Babel, for instance - often, what resulted was pointing them to Me, the Source of your peace, and the Rock on
nothing but confusion and destruction. Now, during the time of which you stand.
man's greatest accomplishments ever, there is also the greatest I commanded the seas to be calm and they were calm. That's the
confusion ever, with less people knowing what they're here for kind of strength I give. You're in command. Everything's under
and where they're going, than ever before. My control, so there's no reason for hurry nor worry, no reason to
That's why you, My tiny little lights in this gross darkness, are so fear, just perfect trust.
important to Me. You may seem like nothing, and yet, everything
revolves around you, as you will someday see. Remember what 498 ____________________________________________________
infuriated Nero in "Peter & Paul" the most? That some were It's not an exclusive thing to have Me as a chatting partner,
saying that Paul was the most important man in the World. Not Advisor, Helper and Counselor, it's something available to
the great ruler of the Roman empire, but a little Jewish preacher anyone who would only dare to give Me a chance. If they only
from the edge of the World... would… But often they just don't take Me seriously enough. They
It's still the same: not the big rock stars or movie stars or don't fear or respect Me, but rather choose to ignore or avoid Me,
pompous politicians are really the important people, but My little if not as something unpleasant altogether, then at least as
pivots, like you, on which the axis & the wheels of history are something secondary or of less importance than their own little
really turning. There were many great & pompous men in Nero's lives & priorities & ambitions, until I allow something to happen
day, but who ever remembers them? But the Peters & Pauls are in their lives to wake them up.
now recognized as the real stars, & thus will it also be in the They think their whole world & universe spins around them, not
future. The Britney Spears' & Michael Jacksons & George Bushs Me, and that's where they're making their mistake & are going to
are going to be obscure & unheard of then, but everyone will find out someday that they are going to be left far behind by
know about the Family. those who discerned their True Center.
Love & accept them at the stage they're at, without condemning
495 ____________________________________________________ them, just as you would not wish to be condemned or judged by
those who are further along than you. must ask Me first about each new passenger you take on!
If you keep all these safety rules & precautions, and make sure
499 ____________________________________________________ you're behaving properly out there in the traffic, then I can bless
A Family Home's purpose is not just to survive & spend a you with a safe ride, & you'll know you won't have to worry so
happy time with each other, but to be a mission station, a colony much about anything, because, even though you bear
of establishers of My Kingdom on Earth. And in order for My responsibility, you've delegated that weight safely into My hands,
Kingdom to be established, people have to know & hear about it, by obeying Me in all these things & thus knowing for certain that
so that they can make the choice either for or against it, and My I will keep My promises & My part of the deal!
sheep will get a chance to join you and help you in your efforts to Come, & be re-filled, My love! Tank up & get this overhawl, check-
win yet others for Me. up & renewal of My Spirit done! Let Me refresh your system! Let
You already have My commandment - to go out & preach the Me clean you up completely & make you all like new inside! -
gospel anytime, anywhere. If you'll just get out there, I will lead & Always focusing on the need, the purpose for all of this: not just
guide you & show you where to go, trust Me. to improve yourself and to enhance your own life-style, or make
Seek ye first My Kingdom - that's what I call righteousness - and your model look nicer or fancier, but in order to make room for
all these things shall be added unto you! more passengers to pick up towards My destination - their
destiny, the accomplishment of My highest will for each of them
500 ____________________________________________________ and you.
Sometimes it takes time to prepare both, the hearts & lives of A racing car cannot keep on without regularly pulling into the
My prophets & chosen ones, but also the hearts of the people, boxes & getting checked up, refueled, new tires and serviced, to
the sheep, & turn them to greater receptivity for Me and My make sure that nothing is going to go wrong during the next
message. As long as the times are alright, there is little rounds. Well, this racing car isn't just a little one man cab, but a
desperation and hunger for My Word or leadership & guidance, passenger bus. I can enhance & update your model according to
but as the times get rougher, the desperation for Me also grows. the need and the vision, and that which seemed least likely to run
It's got to be My time! People have got to wait on Me! It's got to & win the race, often winds up being the big surprise in the end. I
be My move! So often, folks get impatient & their urge to get love to surprise everyone! If only the strong would make it, it
something done in the flesh so they can pat themselves on their would get boring, wouldn't it? But I have chosen the weak things
backs, impatiently drives them out into a spur of feverish activity of this World to confound the mighty; the foolish, to confound
in which they sometimes get so involved that they don't even the wise, and that which is not to bring to naught that which is...
notice My voice anymore, or that the Spirit and anointing has I didn't choose the young, strong, noble prince of Egypt to
departed from them... rescue My people, but the old, lonely & strange shepherd from
The temptation is there to just get out, get up, jump out & run & the wilderness...
do something. But you need to wait for My kiss! I need to kiss
you awake first, otherwise you will only run around in your sleep. 501 ____________________________________________________
You need to be awakened by the kiss of My love first, the kiss of It pays to be on guard constantly against evil spirits.
My anointing of love! Without the anointing of My love, you will "Deliver us from evil" is part of the prayer I taught you to pray,
fall flat on your faces. because it's very relevant to each of you.
You can't do My work without My power, but you can still manage Each one of you is prone to become a target of evil, that's just
to go through the motions without a lot of love, if need be. But one of the facts of life, and that's why you've got to pray & stay in
there should and ought to be a lot of love in My Family of Love, close communication with Me to help you overcome that evil, to
and if there isn't then something's severely wrong, something withstand it, to resist it, & that I might deliver you from it. It's
which can't just be ignored. You can't just keep going as if nothing to be ashamed of, nothing really weird or odd or terrible,
nothing happened, after the love has gone. You can't pretend it's daily life on the battlegrounds of this World. Evil is bound to
everything is alright after the love has gone. There's no use in attack you, oppress you & harass you, and you've just got to stay
pretending, no need to be going through the motions... you can on guard & vigilant against it on all sides. The Enemy will always
keep steering that steering wheel all you like, but when the motor seek for the weakest link in your chain & target that. If one
has died down, you won't be getting anywhere. Maybe you'll regains strength, he'll pick the other, next weakest link.
coast a few more hundred meters on your former momentum, but You shouldn't label or dump that person altogether, nor put them
soon you'll come to a halt, and since we're usually trying to make in your "hopeless case" drawer, but fight for them and with them
uphill progress, without the motor & engine & power of My love & stay desperate with Me to deliver you from evil, just as I have
present and at work in your lives, you might even be in danger of taught you to pray.
sliding back & rolling back down the hill a piece, until you pull It actually works, & is a system I have established in order for
the hand brake & start the motor again. Which also means you you to learn to fight & care for each other, to remain in unity. The
better make sure you always have enough fuel in your tank. wrong thing to do when someone gets attacked is to self-
See, I'm really not expecting anything too difficult from you! I'm righteously point their finger at them or to turn your back on
teaching you to drive, so that you can safely pick up My them. The right thing to do is to show them unconditional love &
passengers on the way. But I'm making sure that you're keep praying for them, "Deliver us from evil".
becoming a safe driver, one who will make sure to get everyone I didn't say, "deliver them", or "so-and-so," but I said "us",
safely to their destination. And one of the main rules is: always because everyone of you is subject to it, and you're all going to
make sure your tank is full! Make sure your motor is running & have to be forgiven for trespasses as you will have to forgive
well oiled with My Spirit. Sometimes, with all the commotion others theirs, and all have to pray not to be led into temptation...
everybody makes, you don't even realize right away that the None is exempt from that.
motor has gone off. But then I give you My warning signals, and Keep your focus on Me, and I will deliver you from evil!
you realize. Make sure there's enough air in your tires, ensuring a
soft, instead of a bumpy ride: be soft, gentle, polite & kind to 502 ____________________________________________________
each other! The bigger a team becomes, the more patience is required
Make sure the brakes are all working, so you can stop, look & for the weakest member. Children are a factor you can't just
listen when any obstacles or other drivers or circumstances are ignore. You can't just ignore the little things, the little people and
getting in your way! Make sure there's enough water & coolant to the details, in favor of a big thing, or potentially big thing. In
keep your motor from over-heating! You also need to make sure order for any enterprise to become really great, one has to also
you're not loading up more than you're allowed to take. spend time with the little details involved, one can't just ignore
Sometimes you feel tempted to take on anyone who needs help the little people & things.
or would like to get a ride with you, but then you run into danger
that your vehicle might simply not make it up that hill, and you 503 ____________________________________________________
The trials you go through because of your not getting what disrespectful attitude, caused by his criticism of the way I made
you desire are only a small shadow of what I'm experiencing. I you and those around you, or people in general, with all your
want you to share Me with the World! I want you to introduce Me flaws.
to them! I want to love them & have more children with them! If you can tell where this attitude comes from, namely not from
My full blessing & the full outpouring of My Spirit can only flow yourself, but from him, this will help you stay on guard against
when there's obedience and surrender & submission to My him. He is one of the perpetrators of hatred & violence on the
highest will. Earth, one of the Devil's vilest officers, instigating strife among
If you want the full blessing, you must also pay the full price of men, persecution and discrimination & torture, oppression by the
seeking the highest & best. strong against the weak...
I want to share with the World. I would love to see you arranging Beware of his evil inroads into your heart & mind by trying to get
dates for Me with the World. I would love to hear you say to them, you to despise & look down on others, or even despise yourself
"Would you like to have a date with Jesus?" "Would you like to and your life, which is a precious gift I have given you. He is the
get to know Jesus?" I want you to be a match maker for Me! I one mainly responsible for your not enjoying the ride of your life,
want you to arrange dates for Me with My potential future brides not enjoying the company of others, not enjoying yourself. He
out there. constantly points at the "flaws" with which I've made you and
My love for you is not affected by your weakness. My love is others. You have to remember that even those flaws are from My
stronger than yours, and so much greater, so much more hand, and thus, are ultimately for your best; not to feel bad about
forgiving & all-encompassing. them or get all negative about, but to see them as challenges to
But I can only have a happy & fulfilled relationship with you if rise above, and - if nothing else - as tools to make you appreciate
you're willing to share Me with the World. My perfection more, the full extent of which you will get to
experience when you come Home to Me.
504 ____________________________________________________ Follow Me along the dotted line of My little dog trail of the Holy
(Dad:) "As you go, God will show. If you'll obey, He'll make a Spirit to show & reveal to you the steps you can take toward My
way." Sometimes the anointing comes as you do the "wenting" - perfection, which might be something completely contrary to
often, in fact. The boat has to be in motion, before the rudder can what you might think, or what the World or the Enemy might
take effect. He's just waiting for you to go out there & simply do consider perfect.
it. That's where you'll find the anointing & the inspiration & the All it takes is staying in close touch with Me & pumping down My
strength & the love you're now lacking. You've received all the power, My life & light & instructions, simply staying alive &
theoretical instruction one needs, now it's time for the practical moving & growing in the spirit by maintaining a live & pulsating,
part, time to put it into action. intimate relationship & line of communication with Me.
Action in My Spirit is the antidote against Lethargy and once you
505 ____________________________________________________ will have overcome Lethargy by taking action in My Spirit, you
(S.H.:) You want to give people a glimpse of Heaven? Well, will also be fighting much more successfully against your other
then you're going to have to get one for yourself first. You're enemies, like Baal, Pan, Apotheon, Bacchus, Pride, etc.
going to have to become intoxicated & high on the heavenly Action in the spirit will ultimately also result in the kind of
Elixir of love yourself, first, before you can arouse the curiosity physical action that will reap spiritual and eternal results: fruit
of others! that remains, the bull's eye of My plan for you. So, keep aiming at
Heavenly help is what you need! Heavenly help is yours to that bull's eye of My perfect plan for you, your destiny in the
receive. In any situation, any problem you're facing, even if it's power of the keys! Call on Archer's help to help you aim at your
something you desire & feel like you can't have... Just because invisible enemy! Let him guide your hand & steadily & firmly
you can't have it in the physical for whatever reason, doesn't practice your skill in hitting the mark.
mean you can't have it in the spirit. Everything is yours in the You must see through My eyes, no matter how hopeless the
spirit - by faith. That's the Lord's promise to each of you. You can aspects. Reject what you see with your carnal eyes & look
avail yourself of anything from Heaven that you've got the faith beyond, at the unseen; the spiritual, the beauty I will bring about
for, while your Earthly blessings still somewhat depend on your for the ashes of the temporal imperfection, the sin, the
obedience & your actions in the physical. disobedience, the weakness & the flaws that might be all you can
In other words, we're always here for you, to fulfill your heart's see with your eyes right now.
desires, even if you may not always find a physical fulfillment of Love with My love, which is eternal & sees the eternal creation,
your heart's desires. The spirit is always available, the flesh may not the flesh, and is unconditional, because temporal, finite
not. That's the kind of freedom you can find even in a prison cell, conditions scarcely count when compared to eternity, limitless
the overcoming of & rising above the flesh... possibilities & My never ending power of Love.
"In the spirit in the spirit you can be so free, you can be whoever
you want to be." There are no limits to the spirit. Limits are a 507 ____________________________________________________
thing of the flesh. What is your life? It is but a vapor that is here a little while &
So, wanna live a life of no limits? Gotta live your life in the spirit! then it's gone. Take no thought for the morrow! Stop worrying!
You should always be prepared, but you should never worry!
506 ____________________________________________________ Worry not about your own life, but about all the lost souls that
Seek Archer's help in overcoming Baal, who seeks to tie you are perishing daily out there.
down in self-condemnation, and belittling & hurting those around If you can't clearly see the road ahead of you, then that is so that
you. you will seek Me more! Otherwise, you would just procede in the
Worship of Baal, in this day & age, is more widely spread than flesh & follow your own carnal mind & reasoning. This is not a
you would think, although men don't do it consciously or are not time for reasoning, this is a time for blind trust & obedience &
aware of whom or what they are worshipping, just as they are not just following Me, even though you can't see where I'm leading. I
aware that they in effect worship the Devil by worshipping their need disciples who can blindly trust Me & will just follow
own minds & intellects & yielding to their pride. wherever I go. So, shake off the fears & worries & replace them
You can see the worship of Baal in the way people are hurting with faith & trust!
each other and hurting themselves. He makes them hate Life can really be thrilling & exciting if you seek Me & focus on
themselves, & thus also show little or no respect to others, but Me in all things! If you know you've got Me with you, it's not
only disdain & contempt instead. It is Baal who makes you look scary at all, because you know you're an unbeatable force.
down on others, belittle them & causes you not to esteem them There's nothing to be afraid of, nor any reason to worry. "When
nor yourself. He is one of Satan's executives of the hatred & you're trusting, you're not heard to fret & when you're fretting,
disdain he has for mankind. It's that attitude of resigning to you're not trusting yet..."
negativity & worldliness, using bad language or hurtful words, a
508 ____________________________________________________ who is born of the spirit where he's supposed to go, nor can
Your faith will make you whole! Just come running to Me normal, mortal men tell where these are coming from. Nobody
each day, no matter what the Enemy might do or tell you to can tell them what they're supposed to be, or what they can't be,
distract you, & all will be well. I know there are many things because, "in the spirit, in the spirit, you can be so free, you can
troubling you. You wish you could make progress faster... be whoever you want to be" and whatever I want you to be!
But the only way to make progress at all is to get ahold of Me & I have blessed and loved you for wanting to be that which I want
My power. you to be, not what you are, nor what you want to be, but what I
I'm going to help you do what you can & you'll have to trust Me want you to become... that which I choose and prefer, a tool &
for what you can't do yet at this time, rather than falling into the vessel according to My liking!
snare of self-condemnation. I have chosen you to become a special vessel to absorb what I
Put your full trust in Me, blindly, that I am leading you in a good am giving. The only requirement is that you stay faithful to Me,
path, and I will give you the strength you will need at the time that you don't take this liberty I have given you as a license to do
you'll need it. as you please or to get sidetracked with other things, but you
Those steep declines on your life's roller coaster ride are simply must constantly seek Me as to how I want you to invest the time I
part of it. have given you.
I know better than you what you can handle. If you stand on this To whom much hath been given, of him much shall be required,
truth, that I won't allow you to suffer more than you can bear, and I have given you this great privilege to be a chosen vessel of
than you will also know that whatever befalls you must be within Mine at the price that you should also really be Mine and Mine
the range of what I know to be bearable. So, bear it with a grin. If I alone, and that you strictly discipline yourself & consecrate
allow it, it means that you can handle it. yourself to Me; make Me all that matters to you!
Seek Me & ask Me where the challenge lies, where the solution Am I worth that much to you? Am I worth to you all you've got?
lies, what I want you to learn out of this. It's not too much, it's not All your time, all your attention, all your obedience & all your
too hard or too tough to bear, because I'm allowing it, and I know desires? Can I truly be all that you want & all you desire? Can
that you can handle this. you truly trust Me that I'm going to be all you'll ever need &
I can see you better than you see yourself, and I can see the needed, all you want, & ever wanted & all you ever craved? I will
hidden, potential strength that lies dormant within you, waiting to give you all the other things you ever craved & wanted as well, if
be activated! I see you as stronger than you see yourself. you will make Me your only desire, for I am Everything!
I am your strength! Is there anything too hard for Me? So, if Everything that's good & everything you ever wanted is found in
anything seems to be too hard for you, the problem can only lie Me!
in you not availing yourself of My strength as much as you
should... 510 ____________________________________________________
In giving to Me, you're pouring out your substance unto Me
509 ____________________________________________________ and My house, and you're showing your faith in giving back to
You're My bride! I like to consume you, as you like to Me what I have given you in the first place. Don't consider it a
consume Me. As you breathe Me in & drink Me in, so I also enjoy technical formality only, for it's part of your worship, your
to drink, breathe you in, inhale you & ravish you, absorb you! I service, your sacrifice to Me, as it is the effect that will help
love to become one with you! It gives Me such ecstasy. others you give to, to bring forth more fruit to Me, in which you
Love is the meaning of life on every level. Even on the highest will find great blessing. Give willingly & cheerfully, as from your
level, I the Son of God & Creator of all things, as well as the whole heart. It is of utmost importance to the furtherance of My
Father Himself, We live to love and to be loved. Even though you Kingdom. The more you give to Me, the more I will be able to give
may feel unworthy of such honor, it is not the flesh that counts, back to you.
it's the spirit that makes all this possible.
Just like the penis enters into the dark & hidden places of the 511 ____________________________________________________
woman's intimate parts, so I love & crave to enter into the dark & Don't let the Enemy trick you into believing that I don't love
hidden things of this dark & mysterious realm of the flesh, the you or that you're too bad to deserve My attention!
physical, and I crave for intimate contact with My believers in the He tries. If he can't get through to you with his old lies anymore,
physical realm, those who can only perceive Me by faith. This is he'll try to weaken you with new lies. That's his art: weaving &
so specially rewarding, gratifying & satisfying for Me, you can spinning new lies all the time, so, don't you fall for them! Stay
hardly imagine it. close to My truth, & be also faithful to expose the Enemy's lies he
When My children set aside their Earthly desires & seek their uses on your loved ones, but do so in love.
satisfaction & utmost fulfillment in Me instead, this means so The longer you love Me, the more time you will spend in My arms
much to Me, it pleases Me so very much. Just like without faith it right here with Me, the more the urge will grow in you to also
is impossible to please Me, there is no greater way to please Me share that love with others, and the more My love in you will
than by this expression of faith, of pulling down My seeds from compel & constrain you to give that same love to those who also
Me by faith. seek Me. You must patiently allow Me to work in your life & worry
"Blessed are they who having not seen, yet believe!" So, keep on not about doing it in the arm of the flesh.
believing, & keep on drinking in My love, keep on sucking My My love for you grows and grows so much that it's going to
paps & nursing & feeding on Me, keep on consuming Me, the explode & burst through the confines & limitations the Enemy is
Bread of Life! For unless ye eat My flesh & drink My blood, ye trying to impose on you.
have no part in Me! I need you to consume Me! I need you to I do not love you any less for things you do or don't do, but your
hunger for Me, to crave Me, to desire Me, to need Me, to be utterly own capacity to love and your own joy could be multiplied many
dependent on Me! I need you to be desperate for Me to fill your times over by giving out more & giving your life & My message to
souls & spirits to the utmost! others more, by sharing Me more with others.
The more you yield to Me and the more you choose Me, the more So, why piddle around in puddles, when there are oceans to
it will become irrelevant what others may think... the more you swim in? You could have so much more by overcoming the
will be willing to be My love slave, ready to be consumed by the confines, the limitations & restrictions that you are allowing right
fire of My love & devotion. now to hold you back & keep you from sharing more. Keep
Just as Nicodemus couldn't understand how a man could be focused on the goal and the possibilities & the greater potential,
"born again", so the Nicodemuses of today don't understand the greater love, greater joy & greater victories that lie out there,
how a man could become a bride of Christ. waiting for you to avail yourself of them.
But the wind bloweth where it listeth & thou hearest the sound As I have waited for you to finally reach out and touch Me, now
thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth, the next step is that you reach out to those that would also like to
so is everyone that is born of the spirit. You cannot tell the one get to know Me and touch Me and don't know how or where. They
know they're being lied to and I have sent many helpers to help be filled to the brim with gratitude for My wisdom and love in
them distinguish between the lies and the truth, yet it's hard for using this very situation to get you to this extremely important &
them to know exactly the truth, because they haven't seen it decisive point in your personal history.
practiced, for this is the privilege reserved for My Family. - The These are the turning points that make history in My book! My
only true alternative to the Devil's heartless System. history books look quite different from those of the World, where
Show them, "Yes, there IS an alternative, and there IS an the great heros were the conquerors & big head honchos.
answer!" Show them that there IS an exit out of the Devil's Altough I use those characters, too, the way My history books
matrix! are written, is that they revolve around the true heroes &
Be the hope of the hopeless! heroines behind the scenes, the unheard of mothers & little
people who day in day out sacrificed their lives for someone else,
512 ____________________________________________________ not taking lives from countless others in battle, but giving life.
The best thing you can do when someone is being attacked All the little things that happened behind the scenes that I
is to stop everything and pray until they've got the victory! engineered in order to teach this person that lesson or bring that
The times to just ignore things & just let it pass are over! I want child or that person to another pivotal point of decision that
you to take action, action through prayer & do something about it would influence & change their lives & those of many others for
in order to enable Me to do something about it! When someone in the good... The meek shall inherit the Earth, and even though
your midst is being attacked, it's a test for all of you! It's a test of they may be making the least racket & no news at all, much less
love, whether their battle also becomes your battle, or you just history, in this World, you will see that My accounts of history as
indifferently continue whatever you just happen to be into! to who was truly more important to bring about the truly good
You've been through similar battles & have come out alive, & you changes that really mattered, will sound quite different.
can see things from the top of the mountain in some ways, & to Chose to become one of the few to see things from My angle.
you they don't look nearly as bad. But what does that help them Reject the way of the loud & proud. Continue to trust in Me and
unless you come down & descend from your high horse, & help My strength.
them up & pray for them? That would be what I'd call maturity! Put your confidence in Me, instead of yourself. In quietness &
Maturity is caring enough to help someone else who is going confidence shall your strength be.
through a phase of spiritual attack & weakness! It kills Me over & Be tutored by the Master & Lord of all things on True History, on
over again when I see how much those who supposedly should the ways of truth that are well hidden behind the loud & proud
know better fail to just see the simple responsibilities of love, facade of the Enemy.
which should be so natural & common sense, which has become
anything but common in this day & age when iniquity has come 514 ____________________________________________________
to the full. I want you to check your motives. I don't want your getting
In such a situation, you don't continue business as usual. Call on out My Words to be another man-pleasing trip or something you
Me for help! I'm your emergency call & 24h hotline, always do because everybody else is doing it, but something you do
available & at your service, always ready & willing to send out a because nobody else is doing it, and I said it should be done, in
rescue squad to help you! fact it's the Holy Commission My Family has been ordained for,
It has become a common symptom of this sick society that as all of My disciples have been.
people are just standing by & do nothing when others are being It's the one thing all hell will fight you tooth & nail to stop you
attacked in broad daylight! But I don't want you to be part of that from even getting started.
society & for sure don't want you to act like them! Indifference is All depends on how much you want to obey & do it for Me! You
one of the prevailing sicknesses of society: did you catch it? It's already know what I want, now you just also have to want it badly
a highly contagious kind of spiritual paralysis & numbness... enough. How much do you want it?
Feeling "comfortably numb"? Is the Kingdom of God a pearl of such great price to you that
Wake up & stir yourself up! Don't be a coward who's just you're willing to sell everything else that you've got in order to
standing by & watching as the Enemy takes over your brother or seek first the good of the Kingdom, just like I gave up My life for
sister! you? You were a pearl of great price that I gave everything for,
Someone can't call the police themselves while they're being now, how much are you willing to give for Me? I know, for you it's
raped or lying on the ground bleeding! In some situations you all by faith, and the things around you, the tangible world & all
have to do something to help! It's like the story of the good that you can hold in your bare hands is so distracting and telling
Samaritan. How much of a good Samaritan are you? Or are you you you'd be foolish to let it go for some God you cannot even
more like the Pharisee who passed by, seeing to it that his robe see. But that's faith, without which it is impossible to please Me.
wouldn't get dirty? How do you think I would act in a situation And again, how much do you really want to acquire it? How
like that? The good shepherd leaves the 99 & goes out into the much time do you invest in acquiring that good gold from Me by
wilderness, out into the storm, into the brambles, and He couldn't spending time in My Word, strengthening your spirit for the
care less about His clothes or how He looks afterwards. All that battle? You've got to have it in before you can get it out.
matters is the rescue of the lost sheep. Be a true shepherd & So many are falling short & failing to do the job... Everybody's so
defend the sheep with your life! involved in doing their own things, making bedroom slippers for
Me or even for themselves or for others, while what I desire is for
513 ____________________________________________________ them to give their love to Me and bring others to Me also.
Some things you just can't grasp or comprehend while People have become so hardened, so cold & indifferent to others'
you're going through them, but can only see properly sufferings. All that counts for them is what they can touch, hear
retrospectively, after a good while of time has passed & you see & see, and what they want... People have become more selfish
all the benefits, the positive changes that difficult situation will than ever before, as Paul and others have prophesied about
have brought about in your life. How it stretched your muscles of these times.
patience, your desire to understand the other, carnally So, how badly do you want to be different? How badly do you
incomprehensible side, how it contributed to making you more want to be unselfish? How badly do you want to become one of
longsuffering, more gentle... My shining heroes? How badly do you really want Me, and how
Seeking Me about it and refusing to accept your own thoughts on much do you really want to be close to My heart? The
the matter but rather Mine, that's such a good sign of progress! prerequisite is that there cannot be anything else between us, no
Which other situation might have possibly gotten you to this other desire of yours, just Me... How badly do you want that?
point where you give up on your own carnal mind, only wanting How badly do you want to get rid of all the other distractions &
My mind on the matter more effectively than this one? Right now weights & sins? How badly do you want to be free? How badly do
you can only thank Me by faith for this situation & having you want to learn how to fly?
brought you to this point by it, but someday soon, your heart will
515 ____________________________________________________ apply My Words!
If you lack energy, come & get it straight from the Source of Keep on the lookout for My exciting ways to bring to pass your
all power & energy! I have promised: "I will strengthen thee, yea, wildest dreams. Life is really exciting, if you just open your eyes
I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My & realize what's going on! Avail yourself of My strength & light &
righteousness." life!
You go a lot by how you feel, and by what you see. But I want you
to experience that I am "more real than anything you see or 516 ____________________________________________________
feel"... I want to be the Light that you turn on in your life when it's It doesn't matter what or how or where you are, I will always
dark, the heat you can avail yourself of when it's cold, your food love you! Always be mindful of My unconditional love for you &
when you're hungry, your drink when you thirst. don't get bogged down with thoughts of self-condemnation!
I want you to realize how badly you need Me. How nothing you That's the downhill spiral & drift of the Enemy. Call on Archer &
are without Me. How useless everything will be unless you reach his heavenly archers for help to aim at the right goal, the highest,
out for Me & do it in My strength! & let nothing divert you from it. All things work together for good
It all depends on how badly someone hungers & thirsts after to you because you love Me & are called & chosen according to
righteousness. If they're going to be happy & satisfied with My purpose.
anything less than My best, then they won't continue their In spite of all the gloom & doom you feel, life is still thrilling &
search, but simply settle for whatever they're content with, 2nd something glorious! Think of all the joy you're still going to bring
or 3rd or maybe 4th best... Whatever compromise the Enemy of into people's lives!
their souls & of their happiness will be able to persuade'em to You've each got Me, the Source of all joy & bliss & heavenly love
settle for. But since you've asked Me to become your all in all, I & sunshine right in your hearts.
will allow things to happen in your life to make you desperate for The victory IS available for those who would avail themselves of
Me to the utmost, even if that's not always a pleasant process. it in the power of the keys. My power is always on and available,
Your bones are aching, your stomach feels nauseated, you feel like electricity or a broadcasting station. Now, if you let the
tired, but you can't sleep anymore... Time to get ahold of Me! Enemy persuade you that it's no use to even flip the switch, turn
Time to start learning to rely on Me for strength & as the only true the knob & get ahold of My power, that it's better to remain in the
Source of energy, & to give you a boost to help you to make it. valley & darkness of his dumps, then that's really your own fault.
Without Me you can't even get started, and that's good. What's If you choose to float back into the darkness because you think
the use in getting started in your own strength & getting going in it's more comfortable there, then that's your decision &
the flesh, if you want to accomplish acts of the spirit & bear responsibility, and you can't blame it on anybody else, nor
everlasting fruit? If you want to accomplish works that count in should you bear that kind of responsibility or burden if anyone
the Spirit, you're going to have to get ahold of Me & realize just tries to heap it on you.
how real and how important I am. You can't look at man in this business! If you look at man, you're
I am the Designer of every little molecule you and all that sunk!
surrounds you consist of. And while each of those molecules If you look at all the sin and the human failure that's there, & all
might or might not continue to exist for a certain time span, I am that's wrong, you might as well give up & quit & tie up in port
the Planner with the plan behind each of their existence, in other right now. The difference between the System & the Family is not
words, much more real than anything you feel or see... So, that's that there is no sin in the Family. It's that in the Family there is a
pretty important, isn't it? So much strength, wisdom & power to lot more grace to be found. My grace. The sure mercies of David.
avail yourself of. In the World there is sin and the accompanying condemnation
Just because most people are never aware of that & ignore Me & which alienates them from Me. In the Family, there is sin with the
never avail themselves of My power, does that mean you have to accompanying forgiveness & mercy and lessons of love &
behave as if you were as ignorant as they? I'm right here - the humility gained out of them in the long run, as I have promised to
Source of strength to overcome all weakness, all laziness & any all those who love Me, because even your sins are part of "all
mood that might threaten to hold you down. Just use Me! Put Me things" that work together for good to you.
to use & avail yourself of Me! Don't take Me for granted! Don't be The difference between the System & the Family is Me. In the
so familiar with Me that you hardly give Me anymore attention, System there is darkness with no light. In the Family, there is still
just because you think you've already got Me all figured out & a lot of darkness & dirt & sin which is inborn human nature or
know all about Me. When it comes to all there is to know about contamination from the World or brought about by the Enemy's
Me, the amount of what you do know is pretty close to nothing. attacks & intrusions, but there is hope, because I am there to
If someone asked you whether you would want a delicious cleanse anyone from their sin for the asking, there is
breakfast, have sex with the girl of your dreams or indulge in forgiveness, there is love in spite of the sin. That's what grace is,
your favorite pastime, like watch a thrilling movie or go the grace whereby ye are saved, not of yourselves, not of works,
horseback riding or for a trip to a south sea island, you'd be wide lest any man should boast.
awake with excitement then, wouldn't you? Well, I'm all these Nobody can boast of My Salvation, you can only rejoice in it &
things & more for you, your Soul Mate, Who alone is able to fulfill thank & praise Me for it, and that's the neglected path that could
those wildest dreams for you. and would bring the victory to so many, if they would only
You have a hard time believing it, do you? You think, "Yeah, you choose that path of praise.
could, Lord..., but then, why should You?" Well, I would, because Instead of allowing the sin and the bad all around to drag you
I love you and would like to make you happy, and your lack of down into the pit, you should praise Me, that in spite of all that
belief is the only reason why I shouldn't... filth I love you and will always love you, and - don't worry: I have
It's all just limited by your own faith. cleansed you, and I will continue to cleanse you and sanctify you
Some of you lack the faith to overcome their weaknesses or their unto Me. You are very precious to Me. Like diamonds just hewn
laziness or they lack faith for simply more energy. Some of you out of the dark, black rocks: There's still a lot of that black stuff
lack the faith to be able to really trust Me & thus overcome & all around you, and if you focus on that, you're not a pretty sight,
eliminate their fears. Some of you lack the faith that there's ever that's true. But just wait until I'm through with you!
going to be enough love for you... Some lack faith in My power to Now, some say, "Stick me back into the mud & into the rocks! I
supply or the faith for protection or faith in My love. That's all you can't bear the shame of my filth! I don't want the World to see
really need in order to get all you ever needed & wanted. Drawing how dirty I am, and down there in the mire with all the other dirt,
faith, to draw the power, the love, the strength you need from Me. at least I won't stick out! Put me back in!" Or they say, "Whoa,
So, exercise, gain and cultivate your faith. Buy that good gold you guys are really not looking that much better than the rest of
from Me which is going to get you through the hardest times of the rocks down there in the mine. I might as well go back there &
history, when paper money won't have stood the fiery test: get spare myself all the chipping away on me by the Master's hand;
faith! And you know where to get it! Just listen to Me, feed on & all that cleansing & uncomfortable purging."
It's all a matter of focus, like Pollyanna said: "If you look for the become extinguished in the desert, and in the modern day
bad in people, you're going to find it." The trick is to look at the version, it is those who trust in and look at the flesh who are
good & focus on the good, which, in essence, means to focus on going to have to become extinguished, and only those who truly
Me in each of you, the hope of glory. It's having faith for each trust & rely on My Spirit will make it in the end.
other, faith that looks not so much at what you or they are, but Like Paul asked some of the early Christians, "That which we
what by the grace of God someday you're all going to be. That's have begun in the Spirit, are you going to perfect it now in the
seeing the spiritual man or woman in each other, as opposed to flesh?"
seeing only the flesh, and that's where having a spiritual The flesh can be such a distraction from that which really
relationship starts. matters.
Sometimes familiarity can really kill it. You live with someone for That's why those who are doing it in the arm of the flesh are
years & you're so familiar with all their faults & you lose faith that dying out.
they could actually be used by Me in some mighty or special way. Learning together to focus on the spiritual part of your
You lose interest in whatever they're getting from Me, just relationship, and making Me the center & golden middle of it, is
because you know the vessel so well, you figure, "Well, what's in what will salvage your being a team for Me. I'm really your only
there couldn't be much better than what I already know of his hope. You're going to have to live this relationship in the spirit,
outside." Wrong. You have incredible treasures in earthen with Me being the Center of it, and the top priority in both your
vessels, that the excellency of the power may be manifest as hearts and lives, otherwise it can't work. So, let it grow.
clearly being Mine & not your own. Which, again, should give you How can you let it grow & cultivate a spiritual relationship? By
all the more reason to praise Me & thank Me, that I have chosen sharing with each other what you experience in the spirit, the
you weak, earthen vessels as vehicles & sacred carriers & things I'm teaching & revealing to each of you.
holders of My messages, My wisdom, My Spirit. You will have to make the choice whether you're going to see
So, look not at the flaws in yourselves nor each other, but see Me each other in the flesh or in the spirit. It is the spirit that
in you, and the bounty I have bestowed upon each of you, of My quickeneth - brings life - the flesh profiteth nothing - it's no good.
true eternal riches and beauty, and rejoice, be thankful, be So, work on seeing each other in the spirit. I didn't say, work on
humble & glorify Me, love Me and revel in Me, for I glory in you. I the other to help them see you in the spirit, but work on seeing
would like to use you, no matter how little you think of yourself! the other in the spirit. It's got to be your view, your focus, your
And I would like to use that brother or sister of yours, no matter attitude that's going to have to change. Changing the world
how familiar you may be with their weaknesses... starts with you. What matters is that each of you goes on with
Of course, if you're not really interested in being used by Me, but Me, and whether the other one gets the point or not: what is that
are only interested in yourself or in how you can use others, then to thee?
there's not really that much I can do to help you, except let you Just make sure you're getting the point of what I'm trying to get
get another bellyful of the selfish life in the darkness, & I'll leave across to you, & you'll see, I'll take care of the other one, you
you there for a while until you're ready & willing to once again won't even need to do much except pray for them, and just focus
sparkle & shine along with all My other diamonds in the rough, & on Me & do & say & share what I'm showing you to. Just focus
ready to be cleansed again. Sometimes even the rough times in on Me, and things will start to flow, you'll see.
the darkness will bring about a certain purging already, as you
realize you don't really fit in there, either, or they realize you 518 ____________________________________________________
don't, or you consolidate what it really is you want in life. You wonder why I allow funny things like these to happen in
Whichever way you choose, I will not condemn you. your life, & whether it's maybe because you're off the track
somewhere, and this is some kind of a punishment.
517 ____________________________________________________ But you need to trust that your life is in My hands & that even
The Enemy tries to tell you "it's all wasted!" He says, "Look these odd things are ordained by Me for different purposes. They
at them, they're so wasted! It's just a big waste! They waste their keep you humble, desperate & dependent on Me. You know
energy, they waste their lives... what a waste..." Yeah, when they you're not going to get through this all in one piece except for My
could have lived their lives selfishly, like so many others, and protection & care, & like this I draw you closer to My bosom.
invested it more "wisely" & carefully like most people, seeking I love you and I want to be your Shelter from the storm. I want to
pleasure & gain for themselves, instead of "wasting" it on so draw you so close to Me and let you experience My comfort, so
many kids... that you'll be able to comfort others with the same comfort you
Many might say that My life was wasted, and I was being wasted have received from Me.
and looked definitely wasted by the time I carried that cross. But
"wasted" can also just mean a very intense form of "being 519 ____________________________________________________
spent", and as far as eternal rewards go, nothing is really wasted I will be your strength when there is no strength, I will be
in a life that's spent in giving unselfishly & living for others, your comfort, your guiding light. I will steer you safely into My
whether they be your own children I have entrusted in your care harbor. Trust wholly in Me. I will be your ship and My Spirit will be
or others I lead across your path. Sure, it's pretty tough when the wind to propel you gently forward in the right direction. In the
those very ones you poured your life into can then turn around & World you feel pushed around at times, but I give not as the
say, "Mom, how could you be so stupid & waste your life on all World giveth. In Me you shall find peace and safety. I am your
those kids?" (Indicating that it might have been better for relief & surcease from the strain the World puts on you. I am your
everyone involved if you had only had one or, two, namely them Comfort. If there would be nothing to comfort you from, why
and maybe a little brother or sister to play with...) should you need a Comforter?
And sometimes it's because you missed the opportunity Even so, the adversities of this life were ordained to gear & steer
somewhere to really teach them some character values & help your focus in My direction, to make Me the goal in your life, the
them to become less selfish than most everybody else around. place where you will find all the answers & all you yearn for. It is
But in the end, the whole universe will finally see what was really for that reason also, that I'm not able to grant you all the desires
wasted and what was really wisely invested. of your flesh, because I know that in this you would not find the
Sometimes they could have gone more in the power of the Spirit greatest fulfillment you truly long for. You must trust that I don't
than the flesh, and sometimes it didn't look all that anointed & want to withhold anything that's good for you, I just simply
blessed because they simply didn't wait for Me or didn't really happen to know better than you what's truly best for you, and
depend on my supernatural help. that's not always just what you want or desire at the moment.
But all in all, theirs will have been a much wiser investment than Sometimes the best for you is to wait a little while and learn a
that of all the selfish lives put together. little patience, as I have said, "ye have need of patience" and
Catch a glimpse of the way I see it. patience takes faith, so it all contributes to your acquiring the
I've had to let the entire older generation of the children of Israel true riches & values of the spirit, the everlasting riches & values,
God's true gold & currency: the currency of faith. success in My eyes. That selfish & self-efficient sample is one of
What greater gift could you acquire than the ability to rise above the greatest factor in others' not really feeling needed. Nobody
all earthly and physical circumstances, according to your need? wants to be a burden.
That's the same power and magic that fed the 5000 when there It never dawns on you how tough a job of responsibility is until
was no food. Come on, let's defy the laws of physics together, by you have one yourself.
means of the superior laws of the spirit and confound all those Who of you is not here or in this Family entirely by My grace
thinkers & would-be scientists with a science and knowledge that alone? Those who had the most potential & were able to lean on
will defy all theirs, and that is deeper & greater than anything their own arms have fallen flat on their faces and have petered
they could ever come up with in their finite minds! out, long before those who needed Me and nothing but Me to
My path is higher than that. So much higher... Learning to fly. cling to, in order to make it through another day.
That's what it's all about. Great abilities in the flesh can be more of a handicap than a
Just a little while longer you will be confined to the boundaries of blessing in My work, and stand between Me and you, stopping
the physical World with it's laws. Just a little while longer you will you from accomplishing those things I really want you to do.
be bound to the laws of gravity that tie you down to the ground. So, don't be afraid to let go. Just let go & fall back into My arms!
Soon we'll leave all that behind. "Come fly with Me!"
522 ____________________________________________________
520 ____________________________________________________ Fall in love with the spirit. Open your eyes to the way I see
One step at a time... Go slowly, My love. Sometimes you go the perfect way they are in the spirit.
too fast in picturing all these different possible scenarios in your I'm teaching you & allowing you to experience a little bit if
head, like Mark Twain said, "many troubles, most of which never Heaven on Earth already, in order for you to show heaven to the
happened." World. I'm teaching you to learn to love each other to the point
You're so close to that attitude of positive trust, cheerfully where you're willing to lay down your life for the other, in spite of
trusting that I know best & trying to see My hand even in whatever flaws or imperfections they may have, by learning to
apparent tragedy. see them through the eyes of the spirit and My eyes of love!
Those who are alert & attuned to My Spirit will find each other I have called you to explore the realms of the Spirit.
and flock together, being brought together by their helpers &
their whispers. 523 ____________________________________________________
Those who are in their ruts of doing what they've always been I gave you this "Isaac" from My hand, & yet I'm asking you
doing the way they've always been doing them, will probably now to forsake it again... the ultimate test of faith.
continue to do so, but those who are open & receptive to My Though you may have to forsake your heart's desires for My
winds of change can enjoy new breezes & exciting changes, sake, and for My work's sake for a time of "sowing in tears," "joy
both, in the spirit, and as a result of those changes in the spirit, cometh in the morning", and there will be a day of great rejoicing
also significant changes in the physical. when you will reap, if ye faint not, and when you will see that it
So, be open for My positive winds of change! Don't let the Enemy has been worth it all.
bog you down with his negative version & view of things, which Though now you may be tempted to see Me as cruel to give you
he would like to impose on you. something and then ask you to return it and give it back to Me, to
It's easy: those who make My goals their goals & My business give it up for Me, one day you'll see that this test of your first love
their business will thrive & rise above & just ride on the wave of was utterly necessary.
My will, but those who continue to selfishly seek the fulfillment of "Let Me be your First Love..."
their own desires & plans, thereby often standing in the way of See not the loss, but what You have gained out of it! Incredible
those who would seek to do My will above all, will be taken out of lessons, and a broken heart, and a much closer relationship with
the way or fall by the wayside... As much as you love them, you Me! Isn't that what you really wanted? You are becoming a warm,
must see that it's better if they're gone, so that you can compassionate & tender-hearted lover of God and others. Isn't
concentrate more on My job for you. My job for you is the sheep that worth striving for?
who are not yet in the fold, who have not yet even ever heard the
words of David. 524 ____________________________________________________
There is a totally new crop & harvest of a generation that has I want you to be more desperate for My help, realizing more
never even heard about My spiritual revolution. that you need Me, get you to the point where you see that
nothing works without Me.
521 ____________________________________________________ The World is busy working away without Me, and where are they
It's more difficult in many ways, more humbling and it headed? Destruction. You've been working without Me for a long
requires more patience to operate as a team, to learn to function time, and it takes a while to turn someone around & have them
as a team, but the reward and benefits are that it safeguards you get into a whole new modus operandi of working by Me. It's not a
from a selfish & independent road of pride & self-efficiency, thing that happens from one day to the other. It takes time.
which makes you go through life with an attitude of "I don't need Moses didn't become the patient shepherd overnight, either. It
anybody else", the result of which is usually that you'll find out took him 40 years, until he was 80, to get where I wanted him.
that while others would have needed you badly, they won't need Learn to focus on Me without distraction. That's the foundation
anybody with that attitude, either. on which you can then build lessons of teamwork & unity, etc.
It's okay to be needing others, and I have ordained it thus that But if you're distracting each other from establishing that
others need you, too, and they need you to need them, as well. foundation of putting Me first & making Me the basis of all your
There is something so much higher, more noble and more actions & interaction, then you'll have problems.
important to strive for than just plain efficiency in a worldly As long as you are the greatest influence on each other, I'm not
sense, of how many funds you can bring in on your own, or how able to be the greatest influence on either of you. I want to be the
much work you can get done on your own. To learn to be working most important "thing" in your lives.
as a team is much more important in My eyes, and something
much more valuable to achieve. 525 ____________________________________________________
Teaching someone to harmonize takes time, just like it takes time Each day is like a new beginning from scratch. You can't take
to teach a child to do the dishes or to be a help in the household. the inspiration, the feelings of victory and triumph from the day
But if you don't take that time & invest that time, you'll be stuck before with you into the new day. It's a little bit like daily
on your own as the only one who can "do it," having failed to forsaking all, or dying daily & being born again. It shows to which
train others to follow in your foot steps, having failed to let extent I like to make all things new. So, every new day is a new
others help you. challenge, a new chapter of your life to be written, involving new
Including others more would definitely be a key to greater lessons, new treasures to hunt and collect, and, of course, new
battles to win. allowed someone you know to die to show you a glimpse of the
They're really continuations & sequels of all you've learned in the pain of the millions that are dying out there without the Words of
days before today, but yet there's a feeling & nuance of newness life in your hands, that you and your children are taking for
& strangeness to it all. The victories of yesterday were won, but granted, yea, and some even despise? What if they're out there in
the outcome of today is still undetermined. It's because of this poverty, without a job, without money, just for Me to show you a
uncertainty that you're having to come to Me afresh every glimpse of all the countless destitute & poor spiritually, who
morning, to find Me, get ahold of Me, be filled with My strength & would long to be blessed with a fraction of the riches you've got?
find guidance from My hand, and confirmation of the path before What if all those supposedly bad things you see Me allowing to
you from My mouth. happen to them are in reality good things that draw them closer
It's a little bit like My parable about the husbandman whose to Me, that would wake them up from the error of their ways, if
servants told him that an enemy had come & sown bad seeds you would not attempt time and time again to protect them from
among his crop, and they asked him what to do. The landlord My chastisements? I'm not saying that no pain was ever caused
said, "Just let them grow, and at the harvest we'll separate by human failure, I'm just saying "what if?"
them..." Sometimes you just have to wait and see how things or You will never find out as long as you just pursue the obvious,
people develop. and that which you think you should do, without seeking Me
526 ____________________________________________________
"All seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's" 528 ____________________________________________________
(Phil.2:21) That pretty sadly just about wraps it up. All seek their It's one thing to want to change, and another to actually do it
own. So few are interested in My cause and My affairs. So few are and allow it to happen, and being truly open to change and
concerned about the lost sheep, starving and bleeding out there, progress would mean to address the issues, not avoiding them.
for whom I died, and whom I would love to reach and feed and lift There is often someone who will stop the flow of the Spirit by not
up with the words of David, but too few seek that which is of My getting their switching point in line with the rest of My movement,
interest, they all seek their own. stopping the flow in the direction of greater teamwork and co-
Seek to be a more genuine sample of My love. Be more operation.
concerned about My sheep out there. Keep feeding them. I'm teaching you to look before you leap, which means that even
in a case where I give a general "okay," you need to keep looking
527 ____________________________________________________ for signs of confirmation along the way. I'm trying to teach you to
I have led you in the direction of forsaking all, the direction of read My signs. They are all over the place, and often people don't
willingness to change, of being willing to do things against your register them. If they would stop to notice them and ask Me,
own natural inclinations, of greater teamwork. You must "Lord, what does this mean?" I could show them so much more
constantly stay alert and attentive to any last minute changes. & teach them so much more, and their path would become
This is taxing on the carnal mind, which would wish to know as clearer.
much as possible about what's going to happen, but this is My I may open a door, and it may look alright, but you won't really
training & teaching you My modus operandi of walking by faith, know whether it's the right one for you until you go through it, or
not by sight; trusting in Me, and My hand to guide you, and not at least have a look in there & "check it out."
following the course of the "obvious" step to take next. I expect My children, those who know Me personally and follow
The trail is only seen with the eyes of the spirit, in doing what I Me, especially over such a long space of time, to touch Me and
want, none of your own plans and ideas. get ahold of Me personally, to roll their burdens over onto My
Is your priority the pursuit of your own, personal plans, or even shoulders, and to trust in Me fully, to let Me carry their load.
the welfare of your own flesh and blood family, or whatever you Otherwise, if you're not even able to do this, what kind of
think is obvious that you should do? Or are you going to seek salvation, what kind of faith are you going to offer to others? It
that which is Mine, namely My Kingdom, My lost sheep, and My requires faith to let the arm of the flesh rest a little while & have
little dog trail, the hidden path of the Holy Ghost, that only those the World call you crazy because instead of securing your
find who seek Me with their whole hearts? sustenance with the work of your own hands, you're spending
It all comes down to trusting Me and obeying Me rather than what your time hearing from Me and in My Word. But "they that have
man says is the obvious thing you should do. But just because chosen this good part, it will never be taken away from them."
you can't trust Me for some of the things I allow, you think you Choosing to sit at My feet and listen to My Words and feed the
have to take things into your own hands. World My Words is the good part, and you will thereby become
I'm asking those who say they wish to follow Me, to keep straight My friends, My lovers, My brides forever, for you have proven
their priorities and determine what's most important in their that I and My love and My seeds mean more to you, are worth
lives: their carnal (adult) children, or the many lost spiritual more to you than your reputation.
children of Mine, who might be lost forever in this life, just
because you were so encumbered about with much care and 529 ____________________________________________________
worry for your physical children, who were My responsibility to It's really a very common & natural & widely spread problem,
begin with. this phenomenon of wanting to be loved, instead of taking the
You seem to be so afraid that I'm too incapable or heartless to initiative to give love to others instead. That passive attitude of
take good care of those I have given you. Can you keep them "why don't they like me or love me?", which results in
from death? Can you keep them from prison, and the paths of resentment, isolation, or simply indifference... "Well, they don't
darkness they have chosen for themselves in their lives? No, not like me, so why should I care about them?" And as part of your
by caring for them every waking hour of your life could you keep self-defense mechanism you start looking at their flaws & all the
their spirits from wandering into the depths of darkness, if that's things that are wrong with them, and instead of seeing them like
what their choice is. But I can. IF you will commit them into My victims you could be helping, as people in the same boat with
hands, which will often mean, first letting them go out of your needs & weaknesses just like your own, you categorize them &
own hand & trusting Me for them. exclude them from your life.
My ways are unlike your ways, and they're mysterious ways, and I'm trying to tear down the wall between you and those people
you don't always comprehend them. But does that mean that out there that you have built to protect you. You've grown strong
they cannot be good? Does that mean you know better than Me? enough, and I would like you to venture out from behind these
Does that mean I have failed, I was absent or asleep when this or walls in order to rescue others. Don't be afraid anymore of
that bad thing happened? getting hurt! You've got the Words of eternal life, and even
What do you know that I might have allowed them to be cast in though they might not receive them the first time around, you
prison to show you a glimpse of the countless captives in the must keep trying, you must sow the seeds faithfully.
prisons of Satan that you will never free? What if I have even You must overcome your fears, your pride, your lethargy & your
hesitancy to go out there & feed them, if you want to inherit My
fullest blessings. It doesn't really matter where you go, because 533 ____________________________________________________
My sheep are everywhere. The "father of faith" went out, "not The best warriors are the crazy warriors, who barge into the
knowing whither he went," and that's the footsteps I want all My Enemy's territory with a wild roar and shout, the ones who get
children of faith to follow in. Just GO and I will show! carried away by the rush of victory!
I have promised you that there are sheep out there, so, just There is a time for everything, a time to tread low and be
launch out on this, My promise, and put Me to the test! watchful, and a time to just burn free and let the chips fall where
they may. This time right now might be the only time in history,
530 ____________________________________________________ the last chance left, before My return, to really burn free and let
The making of a spiritual man... To teach somebody to see, the chips fall where they may, to freely sow My seeds, to really let
not with the eyes of the flesh, which grow dim and will perish, but them have it!
with the eternal eyes of the spirit, to look past the hatred, past That's why I want you to pour it out without measure, not stingily,
the rejection, past all the negative reactions the Enemy stirs up in but generously, just pouring out your life, all you've got!
them towards you, and yet being able to love them, as I have If you would know and see the power I have given you, you
loved them & endured such contradictions of sinners against Me. would use it. You would no longer hold it back or keep it to
Remember, they're the victims, they're the captives, not you. yourself, but you would venture out & conquer the Devil's
They're the ones who need to be saved & rescued, delivered. territory. I have given it to you & have promised you every place
They might not be aware of it, they might not see any need for on which the soles of your feet would tread. So, go forth to
salvation or a need to change. But they probably will, before conquer!
long. That's why I want you to seek those who are desperate, Tap into the power of David! Be enriched and strengthened to go
who can already sense that something is wrong with the World. forth to conquer and to conquer! You are My followers, and just
But even among those who haven't seen it yet I've got those who as I have gone forth to conquer and to conquer, so must you. Be
are My sheep. They just instinctively know that I'm in control, no not fearful, be not hesitant, be not overly cautious, but be valiant,
matter what happens, so, they are cheerful in spite of all that be courageous, be brave. Give it all, holding nothing back!
might be going wrong.
That's why it's important to discern, you know? 534 ____________________________________________________
It's time to focus on the job I've given you. It's time to cast "Everything's gonna be alright!" If you can convey to people
yourself wholly onto Me & stop relying on the arm of the flesh. that everything's going to be alright, because I'm in control, it's
Blessed are those who find joy in passing My Words & My okay, they can trust Me... that's already worth a lot. And if you
message on to others. This, My joy, shall be their strength. I am love them unconditionally, with the love you got from Me, then
faithful, and a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Me and seek they get a glimpse of hope that I can love them like that, too, and
to do My will. that I won't allow anything bad to happen to them. Comfort them
with the comfort you've found in Me!
531 ____________________________________________________ Be so full of My light, which is stronger than all their darkness...
Decisions, choices, changes... So much depends on each of be that ray of hope for them. You can practice that magic, and
you, your desperation to find My perfect will for you... you're going to be quite skilled at it, if you keep it up!
Apart from the physical organization of the Family, the Family is Encouraging & comforting others is part of the magic of love; it's
also a spiritual army, and a lot depends on how loyal you are a softer magic, but not any less powerful!
being to that army. Whoever happens to be fighting on your side,
alongside you in that army at the moment is your brother or 535 ____________________________________________________
sister in arms, and they deserve your loyalty, in spite of any & all When I grant you the desire of your heart, that blessing could
weaknesses or flaws. be compared to a rose. And what do roses usually have? Right,
Of course, they have flaws, faults & battles. They are fighting the thorns. "No rose without a thorn." So, why do you keep
Devil, the enemy of their souls. They are in a war of worlds, a complaining about the thorns? Is that too high a price to pay?
severe struggle, which brings a lot of upheavals into one's life, Does that mean that, yeah, you wanted this heart's desire, but
while those who have withdrawn from that spiritual battlefront to only if it comes without any problems? It's like saying "Don't you
just live a selfish life have no right to point their finger at them in have any roses without thorns?" Well, not if you want the real
an accusing way. Yet they are usually the first to point their finger thing! "If it's real things you want, it's the real thing you'll get."
at them, because in having made a truce with the Enemy, they are If you want the real thing, not the Devil's cheap plastic
also subject to his "comments" on issues. How much do you counterfeit & imitation, if you want beauty that lasts, please,
allow yourself to be affected by those comments? How much do accept the little bit of suffering it's wrapped in, along with it,
you listen to those doubts? How much do you look at the wind otherwise you'll just be cheating yourself!
and the waves, and at circumstances, instead of the spirit? If you really want it, you're going to endure a little hardness for it,
Before you can expect others to put their lives into your hands, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
you must be sure of your utmost loyalty to Me, My Words, and These things show you how mature you really are, & whether all
My Family. Which do you prefer? Flesh or spirit? the things you know & were supposed to have learned, have
really been applied & put to action & have turned to experience &
532 ____________________________________________________ true gold wisdom.
"Stop! See thou, do it not, for now I have seen that thou Until then, all the good advice you can give is just so much hot
lovest God!" air. It's the sample without the sermon. But once you've endured,
My will has been brought about by your going in this direction for once you've been there, your words turn into gold, because your
as long as was necessary. I have taught you many lessons, the heart is in them, and it's not just all empty, puffed up wind from
decisions in the spirit have been made, the switches have been your head, but valid & solid, tried & proven, life-giving counsel.
made in order for all the rails to lead in the right direction. The
path is clearer than before. Your train was headed in that 536 ____________________________________________________
direction, but now I'm bringing in new changes of course. Many of those who have "been in the way" for many years,
That's the way I cause My children to follow Me. This is tactic and and "seen everything" have - with all that they've seen - often
warfare! Welcome to the battle-field and to My army! This is how lost sight of My spiritual goals & guidelines behind all these
things work out here on the battle front: lots of changes, and you things. They have become so influenced by the experiences of
can't get used to it fast enough. what they've seen with their eyes, that they have doubts whether
As long as I am the One who's calling the shots, you don't need My Word actually still works or applies, and whether it's really the
to worry. As long as I am guiding you personally, what is there to supreme standard... Their personal experiences have outweighed
worry about? Just trust & follow! I will not lead you astray! their faith in My Word. Whereas those who are totally sold on Me
and My Word, who believe that I truly can never fail, will still hold their viewpoint, to lend a listening ear & a helping hand & thus
true to My Word, even if they can't see it fulfilled yet before their fulfill the law of Christ, My Law of Love.
It's a test of faith. Are they going to still believe Me, even if it 538 ____________________________________________________
seems as if I have broken My Word? It's the test of Job, the test I weaken the arm of the flesh, in order to strengthen the
of Abraham, and the test of those tried in the wilderness, which spirit. I want you to trust Me more for everything.
things have happened as an ensample to you, upon whom the I want you to stretch & exercise your muscles of faith, just like
ends of the World have come. you need to exercise in the physical.
Sometimes you have read My Word all your life, and yet you have I've had to take some of the distractions away from you, which
never really lived it, never really gotten the point of that passage occupied you & made you feel like there was nothing else that
you memorized or read or heard a thousand times. "Yes, I know concerned you much besides what was going on immediately
all that," you say. But, have you ever really tried it? Have you around you.
tried to live it and to experience it, to put it into action and effect There is a trace & shadow of neglect running through your life
and to the test? Have you found out how happy you can be if you right now, which seeps into many different areas. "This you
don't only know these things but actually do them? That's "New should have done & not left the other undone!" Your projects are
Bottle-ness": the openness & readiness to let Me reveal all good & nice, as long as they don't cause you to neglect the
something completely new to you, even by means of an "old" most important things in your life!
verse or quote that you may have heard a hundred times before, The sample you're being directly reflects on My Family, and
and the willingness to apply it to yourself today, right now, in a whatever love or lack of love you show will resemble My love &
new & radical way you may have never considered before. that of My Family to them. So, please do not fail to show them My
"The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak..." That's one of love.
the experiences I've made during My life in the flesh, which has It's quite a responsibility to be My face to the World, My hands,
helped Me to have more compassion for all My mortal, flesh & My mouth, My feet, My representative!
blood children and brethren and brides. I know how fragile you Be a channel of My love!
are, and how incapable. That's why I don't judge you. But I do try What if this was the only time you had left to show My love?
to give you clues & help you how to overcome the weakness of
the flesh & try to show you how to rise above all those things 539 ____________________________________________________
that hold you down. I'm saying, "You CAN do it, if you believe!" In Just remember that whichever way things are going to work
fact, you can do ALL things through Me, IF you believe! out in the end, that all things work together for good, because
you love Me and I love you, and the more you love Me, and take
537 ____________________________________________________ time to love Me and invest energy & time & prayer power and
I'm happy for you when you feel victorious & on the upper your passion into this, our love, the better things are going to
side of things, but remember that "the Lord is nigh unto them of work out. A lot depends on you and what you put into it. You can
a broken heart, and a contrite spirit He will not despise." So, steer your boat into virtually any direction and towards any
when you're desperate or battling, you're actually not any further destination, according to your faith, which is the power that will
away from Me than during these more victorious times, but I'm draw down My wind to guide you & push you into the waters and
actually closer to you then, although you may not really feel it. harbor of your choice.
Walk by faith, not by sight or feelings, to learn to treat those two If you just keep up that pace of My Spirit, that "slowly but surely"
"imposters", success & failure, just the same! pace, you'll know that you'll reach your destination safely,
The time I was clearly & even visibly with Shadrach, Meshach & because I'll be the power to get you there.
Abednego, was the time they were thrown into the fiery furnace,
so, know that I am with you always when you go through a fiery 540 ____________________________________________________
trial. The times when you've recuperated from your last trial or In a way, the keys of the Kingdom are like music, and in a
battle, when you feel stronger, and like walking on your own way, they are My music! You determine the key in which the tune
again, are the times when I can actually let go of your hand for a of your life, or that fraction of your life, this day, this moment,
little while & see how you'll be faring. this hour is going to be played in, by availing yourself of the
But it would certainly be wise of you not to stray too far from My corresponding key. You claim the key of victory, and your life
hand again, knowing that the next battle might just be 'round the becomes a song of victory, a victorious, and cheerful tune. You
bend, and "he that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed, lest will learn more about these mysteries, and you will fully
he fall," for the unexpected assaults of the Enemy are always the understand when you come Home into the eternal realm, for here
toughest ones to take. So, be prepared, always! Be cautious! everything is musical and enwrapped in heavenly sounds. Just
You're living in perilous times, both, spiritually and physically! like the Enemy rules the soundscape of the physical World at
Constantly be on guard against any attacks from the inside or the large, with it's wailing, mournful, monotonous & mechanical
outside! noises, so I rule My Realm, and it's filled with heavenly
Treat victory and battle - even seeming defeat - just the same, symphonies.
knowing that for you, just to be fighting spells victory. By imparting My songs, which contain My Words & message,
Persistence equals victory! You've just got to keep on! And you're shedding a little bit of the heavenly soundscape onto the
nothing else matters! Earth.
Also keep in mind the objective, and what you're fighting for: the Seek Me about what songs to impart to those around you. Now,
defeat of self in favor of greater love, unselfishness & sacrifice that your flesh is weakened, your gifts of the Spirit have been
for others. Learning to be there for others, and to give, not just to strengthened.
receive. Get ahold of Me first thing in the mornings, so you can tune in to
Continue to bear in mind that heavenly, golden and noble Me, "getting in tune", and "tuning your instrument" to Me, to My
objective & goal of unselfish love. Don't try to sneak out of those key. With the power of the keys, it all becomes so much clearer,
little unselfish jobs you can do for others, whatever "thine hand and you can almost "hear" that heavenly tune to which your daily
findeth to do", but do it "with thy might", from the heart, willingly, rhythm is supposed to be geared, it almost becomes tangible to
as unto Me, knowing that those are the kind of things that will you, doesn't it? It's a gift you have to keep cultivating, day by
strengthen you in the best & most worthwhile & noblest of all day. Like a plant, like a tree planted by the rivers of water...
That's walking in My footsteps & making Me your Champion, 541 ____________________________________________________
Example and Hero. Sometimes you have to start from scratch & take that first
Don't underestimate the little things, for they are often - in My step of faith... Just launch out there in blind trust & write the first
eyes - the big things. Seek to understand, to empathize, to see few lines, knowing that if you ask, I will answer, even if you don't
"feel" like there's anything coming. Sometimes you can feel it this one, too. I know, it's all dreadful from your point of view, but
coming, other times, you have to prime the pump & only a few as you'll look back at this point in your road some day soon,
drops will come at first, then a trickle, & finally it flows... you'll laugh about it, trust Me. It's just one of those "molehills
This is to help you not to take this gift for granted, and to help turned mountain" that seem so huge & insurmountable to you
you appreciate these Words of Mine, and to treasure them. right now, but after a while you smile about how you ever
Sometimes I don't feel much like "spoon feeding" you when considered this a real challenge...
there's so much food around that you haven't touched yet... Appropriating faith is the weapon that'll already propel you to the
How about some spiritual clean up in My Word? Just stay tuned place in time in the spirit where you'll be able to laugh about it,
for My voice as You go. Remember that I speak to you also and just by believing My Words to you right now, you consider it
through My written Word. Nothing like getting into the Word for already "done", that this supposed "obstacle" is just another of
staying on My channel... the Devil's bluffs.

542 ____________________________________________________ 544 ____________________________________________________

Ye have need of patience. Just because you don't feel like If the "rat" seems to have developed a certain resistance
you're accomplishing very much, doesn't mean you're not in the against My "poison", you will simply have to heighten the dose
center of My will. Maybe I'm still in the process of preparing you. or try some other variations of My heavenly "pesticides," just
Remember that Moses was 80 by the time he was ready for the come to Me for counsel about it, & I'll give & show you what you
Exodus. I'm cultivating the desire in you to get out & reap the need each day & what exactly you must do to successfully bust
harvest like the way a man is being aroused & stimulated. My Satan and his crowd successfully in each situation.
urges for you to "get out & do it" are like your natural sex drive, You may find out that this "rat" actually mutates into a monster, a
which I have given to every man to ensure his progeny. great, fierce dragon, that will try to stop you with all within him
I'm arousing you & stimulating you spiritually to woo & win My from conquering the sleeping princess, and from awakening her
lost bride. This doesn't mean that you should rush & do it in your with the kiss of My love & delivering her out of his clutches. But
own strength. You need My Spirit to do it. And the realization of all the while you're becoming more & more skilled & stronger all
impotence & failure without Me is just helping to make You seek the time as well, and if you're determined to keep fighting him, no
Me & My Spirit more and to make you more desperate for My help matter what, to always get up again & fight another round, then
& My power, without which you simply can't do it. you'll win in the end & conquer & save the world through love &
There's such a humongous job out there to do, that there's no perseverance, love that never fails & never quits.
chance in a lifetime even to think that you could do it on your It's going to be a love explosion, like one huge orgasm, resulting
own without My power, and so I'm making you more desperate to in many seeds sown & many more new children born into My
get ahold of My power. I'm driving you into My arms by the sheer Kingdom... That's what I'm preparing you for. Whether it's going
recognition of the vast need and your impotence to do anything to be here or somewhere else, it doesn't really matter. As long as
to quench it, and thus of the need you have for My power to do it you stay in touch with Me & continue to be guided by Me, I will
through you and avail yourself of that power... steer your ship safely into the harbor of My choice.
In other words, if you want to love them - successfully - you'll
have to love Me first & get all the love for them you need from Me 545 ____________________________________________________
first. And that's why I'm keeping you & training you & teaching Grow stronger in My strength, not your own. Do you still
you here in My arms. And you simply need to trust a little that think that any of the strength you need to combat the Enemy will
that's okay. You don't have to feel condemned for not have to be your own or something you can come up with or have
accomplishing anything for Me, even though I'm constantly to work up yourself?
reminding you of the great need. You need to realize the need to I'm teaching you the strength of patiently waiting for Me and
overcome lethargy and other weaknesses, your fears, etc. absorbing and assimilating My power. You are not greater than
But you can't overcome them without My help, so by drawing to he that is in the World, but I am. And if I am in you, then he
My Word in desperation and seeking Me with greater desperation doesn't stand a chance.
in spirit, you're actually coming closer to that goal. The Enemy At that point where you recognize the uselessness of the flesh,
can't stand it when one of My children clings to Me desperately the futility of the flesh, that "the flesh profiteth nothing," that's
and is crying for help and crying out to Me as to their only hope. where you finally get desperate enough to make sure you're
That's like poison to him. getting ahold of My strength, and that that's the only chance you
At first the Enemy is attracted by it, because he sees you ever had and will ever have, Me in you, your only hope.
weakened, and he tries to get you even more down and deeper I'm also strengthening the ties of unity between My people, the
into despair. But what he didn't see was the poison underneath: skills of teamwork and successfully fighting the Enemy together
the desperation, and the hook of My love and Salvation, which as a team, not "each man for himself." It's the merging that I'm
unstoppably draws you closer to Me in such situations, and while encouraging, the melting together of hearts & lives, requiring
he took a few nibbles at you, and thought you were going to be surrender & submission, not the elevation of one single person.
his next meal, he'll find out that you're actually going to kill him, Elevation of self has always been the Devil's scheme, all those
ha! horns on those beasts "coming up" or "rising up" or "waxing
You're the Enemy's death, his downfall & nemesis. The deadly great," while those truly greats of My realm & My true heroes
poison, that while it looked so attractive to him, and he joyfully have always lived by the rule, "He must increase, and I must
was trying to gobble you up, you'll be that which kills him from decrease, it is not I that live, but Christ who liveth in me."
the inside like Neo did with Mr. Smith. Don't miss this revolution of unity, the revolution of the meek &
That's what you are to the Devil & his System. humble & lowly ones melting together, the true revolution of My
Like the man in "Medusa Touch", whom people thought to be a Spirit, which doesn't advocate any single person or unit for their
menace and a threat, something evil... Yet he was the hand of My outstanding accomplishments, but will judge you by what you
judgment, virtually unstoppable. And by what? By sheer thought have done for the body as a whole, what you have done for
power. You have the weapons of heavenly thought power, somebody else in order to help them to make it. This is not a
amplified by the keys and full possession, AME, prayer & praise... competition for anyone to see who gets the most accomplished.
imagine how powerful a threat you are to the Enemy's kingdom. It's a teamwork, a united effort, and I want My Family to explode
His only chance lies in trying to dissuade you from ever as a whole, not just a few individuals here or there.
beginning to use those weapons. That's all I'm waiting for. Use So, the goal is not to stick out in a "behold, here I am" kind of
those weapons to make it happen! attitude, but to sink in, to dive into the whole body & meld in, to
blend in and to become one with My Family, to become a
543 ____________________________________________________ strengthener of that which is feeble, not a judge. "Any element of
You simply have to trust Me that you're going to get through self is disgusting..." it doesn't belong, it only pollutes the white
linen of the righteousness of My saints, the humble & meek spirit doesn't make everything they have to say null and void, nor does
of unity. Any aspirations & desires to seek one's own glory are it mean that their problems are so much bigger than yours that
like an abomination in My sight, and are counter-productive to they don't have a right to point out some of your own flaws...
the movement of My Spirit & that which I want to bring about. It shows true greatness when a man is always open to correction
That's what it's all about... The willingness not to do or and constructive criticism, even if at first it may not feel that way,
accomplish anything outstanding, but just to do the humble and you get offended, and you wonder, "Who does he or she
thing, the little faithful things that make this kingdom stand, to be think they are, anyway, to tell me what's supposed to be wrong
a nobody & be willing to do anything for anybody, anywhere, at with me?" But when you react that way, then you know that
any time... the love that lays down its life for another. That's the you've fallen into the trap of pride.
kind of love that will make it. It's just so much easier to see the faults in others than to be
willing to see your own, that's human nature, and when you've
546 ____________________________________________________ got a problem along these lines of self-righteousness, it's good
When you feel weak, then you're actually stronger in My to remember, like I've often said, what a mess you yourself have
sight, & when you're desperately crying out to Me because you made along the same lines or in other points, and the Lord is
have just recognized that there is nothing good in you definitely letting you have a taste of your own "mess" right now,
whatsoever, then you're actually closer to Me than when you feel & that's sometimes the only cure.
like you're doing okay... But, as always, you'll be better for it, & it's just another of the
Archer will help to defend you against Baal, for he is the god of sheer endless amount of things & events that work together for
the flesh that causes you to seek to elevate yourself above good. In fact, this will enhance & magnify your love for the Lord,
others & make them feel inferior and hurt them, instead of because you'll realize how even more desperately you need Him
esteeming them higher than yourself & preferring them to than you previously thought, and that will enhance the Romans
yourself. 8:28 power in your life even more. The more you love Him, the
Claim the keys of humility when you sense that you are about to more things will work out for good for you, the better things will
develop a condescending attitude towards someone. work out.
Problems just don't go away by ignoring them. Seek Me more Just beware of the natural man's reaction to curl up in
desperately, seek to obey Me more desperately, seek more resignation because of your faults. You should wholeheartedly &
desperately to stay on the straight & narrow path and to keep humbly receive them & learn from them, so you will be able to
clean from any inroads of the Enemy, stay clear of compromises, avoid them more, in the future. Don't get into that indifferent,
and fight more whole-heartedly, if you really want a victory. "nothing really matters anyway" spirit... that's exactly what the
Stop merely existing & getting by! Start living! Start really Devil wants, & exactly the opposite of what the Lord wants you to
running toward the finish line and the goal! Fight to win! Mean do. He wants you to take a positive approach to it, to learn from
business! Get real! Stay on guard! Get on the attack! these things, to let them humble you.
I know, you didn't think you were perfect, but you thought you
547 ____________________________________________________ had your flaws & faults & weaknesses & shortcomings all figured
"Give God all the credit all the time!" There's a reason for it, out already, that you were fully aware of them, and that you didn't
you know? It's a security check to keep you humble. Because need anybody to tell you anything about it. Well, you were wrong
otherwise, if you take even the tiniest bit of credit to yourself, it on that one.
becomes a form of worship that may seem innocent enough at There are things you need to work on that you're not even aware
first, but pretty soon it'll grow & grow into a hole in the dyke that of, and that the Lord purposely didn't show you Himself, because
will result in a catastrophic flood of evil sweeping into your life. He wanted you to humbly receive them from them...
So, when analyzing the situation with a magnifying glass - The Lord likes people to interact that way: "You receive some
something that detectives following the little dog line of the Holy correction from me, & I'll receive some from you. You help me to
Ghost sometimes do - then you can see who's the real culprit see some of my weak points that I can't see myself, & I'll help you
here, namely you: you are, and always have been, your own see some of yours!" That's humility! That's unity! That's love!
worst enemy. Because you all have faults and weaknesses, and the Lord has
Be merciful as I am also merciful to you and forgive you for your made no one sinless saints.
sins. "I will have mercy, not sacrifice!" Forget about any The Lord has blessed you with some outstanding gifts. But that
sacrifices you want to make for Me! It's mercy I want, not that doesn't mean that He blessed you with having no weaknesses to
sacrifice! work on. In fact, your gifts will always make you more prone to
fall into the trap of pride than less gifted people will be, so, you
548 ____________________________________________________ will always need some extra & additional help in order to avoid
(Dad:) "The heart of man is desperately wicked", and you're those pitfalls.
just no exception, son. Sometimes our own perception of The Lord can't make it obvious & warn you beforehand: "Okay,
ourselves can be a little tainted, especially when we're prone to now, this is going to be a test of humility, to see how much
be sensitive and thus not welcome the corrections & correction you're going to be able to take from this one,
suggestions others are trying to make to help point out some of otherwise it wouldn't have been a test. The way He tests the
our flaws... people is by going in clandestinely among the people: the King in
But the thing is, the Lord often uses weaker vessels than beggars' robes, which is why He said, "Inasmuch as ye have
ourselves to point out things to us that are wrong about done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done
ourselves, especially in order to make sure that we don't esteem it unto Me." You didn't think that by taking correction from them,
ourselves more highly than anyone else, won't be respecters or you were actually taking correction from the Lord, did you? Well,
persons, but will receive correction as helpful hints & tokens but these are the ways of the Lord.
from anyone, great or small, old person or child. And as long as His ways often exceed our own capacities, our imagination, our
you refuse that kind of correction, those hints the Lord often faith, our comprehension. Just to show you that you haven't
gives especially through those that are younger & those we "arrived" yet, by far, that there's still lots of progress to be made,
wouldn't always necessarily deem "worthy" of correcting us, you lots of lessons to be learned, and if you think you've got it made,
may miss some important points He may be trying to bring home get ready for a big surprise!
to you. So, decide who and what you're going to be, decide whom you're
You're wondering why He didn't show you this before. Well, He going to serve, who you will love and who you will hate. If you
tried, through others He was using, but you weren't open to what really love the Lord, you will hate the Devil, and you won't grant
they had to say, because you figured because of the magnitude him any access or entrance into your heart, life, mind and spirit,
of their own problems, they weren't entitled to. But see, that's not but you will resist him unto blood. That means, you will be
how it works. Just because someone else has problems, too, tempted to become aggravated, but you won't be aggravated.
You will be tempted to get angry, but you won't get angry. You follow in My footsteps, and you are willing to lay down your life
won't give in to his spirit! for love, then you're going the path of the true conqueror and
overcomer, and you'll wear that incorruptible crown, while those
549 ____________________________________________________ who seek to take, take, take are going down, down, down.
I don't like to make decisions for you. I can help you make
them, but you have to decide yourself. They're like tests & ways 551 ____________________________________________________
for Me to find out where you're at, what you're made of & where That "show-business" type of gospel, the "show must go on"
you stand... The choices you make are what you are. They make type of holy roller theme, unfortunately isn't entirely honest &
up your testimony, your witness, they become your whole legacy truthful, not with themselves, and not with others. It's not the
& your life. So, don't dread making them, nor shun them or try to same as the blessing it is to have around someone who is truly
sneak your way out of them, since they're so important. Enjoy humble and filled with My true wisdom, which is considerate &
making them, or at least learn to enjoy it. giving, instead of demanding & taking.
It's the Enemy, who's trying to get you to dread those choices. He Learn how to give. If you can just stay focused on that & stop
likes to muddle things up, to keep them not so clear, so nobody trying to make some kind of a show business out of that and
quite knows what's going on exactly, in his misty haze of "behold what I've learned" rah-rah, but just sincerely try to live it
confusion. But I have always provoked people to make clear instead, without having to look around for the applause of others
choices and decisions with My radical ways, either for Me or for it, then you're actually a lot more in My footsteps of the
against Me, there was no in-between. humble path than the one you walk by making others feel bad for
not accomplishing the same as you...
550 ____________________________________________________ I don't reward people according to their "great
That's the difference between the Enemy and Me: while I accomplishments," but for their faithfulness in the little things.
gave My blood to be shed for the World, he only takes. I am the Witnessing is one of those. It's the little things you read between
Giver, he's the taker. He thinks the World is His for the taking, but the lines, that tell whether love is really genuine or not.
the truth is that everything of value has its price, and I have paid Make sure you stay in prayer & thus make sure you're
the true price. Yes, he will also leave his place in heaven, not accomplishing what I want, and that I will get all the glory for it.
voluntarily, like Me, but because he will be cast out. But instead Just do what you can do, and trust Me for the rest... Trust that I
of laying down his life, he will be the greatest taker of lives there will give you the anointing, and also the desire and the burden
will ever have been, like I said, a murderer from the beginning for whatever task I want you to accomplish, and if you don't have
(Jn.8:44). the strength or anointing for anything you think you should do,
So, you do have a dangerous enemy, which is why life isn't just trust that it's not My time for you to do those things yet, but
something to be taken lightly. It's dangerous to underestimate that I'm still in the process of preparing you...
your enemy or pretend he's not really there, to just avoid thinking "The hare never made it, but the tortoise did", and a little crippled
about him or the threat he poses, or to wishfully think that he boy like Tommy can accomplish "more" in My eyes, and in the
probably won't care too much about you, and if you leave him in aspects of real, genuine love, than many a great flashy evangelist
peace, he'll leave you in peace, too. and flaming prophet who only stumbles others with his unloving
He hates you too much to leave you in peace, and he will either sample & testimony of grandeur, display of self that's lacking
try to lull you to sleep with all his lures, hypnotisms and honest-to-God truth & humility.
temptations, and cause you to let your guard down, or he will There IS a difference when I'm really in it. You'll feel it. You'll feel
ferociously attack you with all he's got. His goal is the same in a warm tug at your heart when it's really Me coming along &
either tactic: your destruction. It's up to you which way you will asking you to follow Me. There's got to be love in it, and without
allow him to combat you. The slow & subtle poisoning by posing love, it's nothing.
as your "friend", bringing into your life all the tempting things And even if you spend your whole life just learning how to truly
that will cause you to lower your guard & defense against him, or love one person, if that's My will for you - and who can say that it
the open confrontation. isn't? - then you're better off doing that than any other grand
There is no peace with the Devil. If there's one enemy it pays to ministry I didn't really call you to, or trying to do it before you're
rather fight openly and not seek a moment of truce with, it's really ready. Everybody's got their own pace.
Satan. Otherwise you'll regret it. Any moment of compromise,
any moment you don't openly declare war on him and fight to the 552 ____________________________________________________
finish, will be a moment that will weaken you! You've got to be I am capable of taking care of any amount of contrary
constantly on guard against him, beware of his presence as the circumstances and turn them to your good, and, as I have
enemy of your soul constantly, and never let down your guard, promised, "I will make a way where there is no way". I have also
never think, "oh, well, he's not really that bad... if I just close my said that I have put before you an open door that no man can
eyes, he'll go away & perhaps he'll ignore me if I ignore him!" shut.
You can ignore him safely by focusing on Me for your protection, This is the way, walk ye in it! Which means that this is the
that's alright. But never think that he's not there or that he's not procedure I want you to go by, to learn by and that's the way to
out to destroy you. That's the mistake that some have made. successfully follow Me.
They underestimated him. They figured, "oh, well, he's not really Learn to claim the keys to guide you, and to open the right doors
as evil or nearly as dangerous as he's always hyped up to be..." before you, to supply your needs and to remove any obstacles
Or they figure that maybe the others were too weak, but they're that might obstruct your path of My perfect will for you, and you
strong enough to withstand his temptations. They won't give in will see, you'll be free and you will get there, 1, 2, 3. I am the
to him. They're different... But little by little, one compromise will Author of your path, and I will also help you to finish it. Your life
follow another, and he'll find your weak spot, and you can always is safely in My hands. I am the Architect & Constructor of this
count on him to be a real Judas & traitor & to stab you in the building of your life, and the more willingly you yield yourself
back when you least expect it, when you're weakest and let down into My hands, the less you interfere with your own will, wants &
your guard. desires, the better the outcome will be. The more you trust, the
So, there you have another bleak picture, but it's My picture of more magnificent the edifice will become.
your reality, the way I see it, and the way it is! It's not a vacation Changes are good for you, even if they're just changes of mind,
your on, this trip through life, but it's warfare! I have sent you out of attitudes and perspectives and direction of focus. Keep on
as sheep among wolves, therefore be wise as serpents - don't let moving...
him outsmart you - and harmless as doves, knowing that he may
be able to destroy your body, but you will be the true conqueror 553 ____________________________________________________
in the end. Sometimes you seemingly refuse to see the signs I'm
He that loseth his life for My sake, the same shall save it. If you strewing all along your way. I've been giving you many signs &
tokens of encouragement! So, why do you complain in your enemy almost before you finish making it. He's asking, "Are you
heart? sure you want to leave my dreamland of compromise, the warm
Everything that's worth something costs something. The price & cozy state of truce with me? Are you sure you want to join the
for being a vessel of treasures is that of pain, that of being set side of those who have declared an all-out war against me?"
apart, yes, even some sort of "exile" situation. Look what John He knows, if there would be a way to get by peacefully coexisting
got during his exile on Patmos: The Book of Revelations. with the Devil & still pleasing Me at the same time, you probably
It takes going through certain kinds of experiences to be able to would. But there isn't. And so, the only choice you've got is all-
be a vessel or a channel. You don't hear songbirds all chirping out war against the Enemy. And he'll fight you back, for sure. He
together in big flocks, do you? They're usually more solitary sends his emissaries, just to remind you that the nice,
types of birds. comfortable days of truce are over.
What's more important than your "mark" you leave, your The days of feeling at home in this World are over. It's time to
"accomplishments" is the real difference you can make through come to grips with the fact that you're an unwanted, unwelcome
love. And love doesn't think about herself & what she's missing alien here, a pilgrim & stranger from the other side, the Enemy
out on, love is concerned about others! And who did I tell you to camp, as far as they're concerned who are sold out to the Devil.
love - right after Me? Your neighbor, or the one closest to you! The World only embraces & pampers those who have swallowed
Imagine how it must hurt to be living with someone who always the Devil's hook & are definitely in his camp. They're like the Nazi
keeps looking into the distance, where the grass appears to be forces during WWII, indulging in all the luxuries & suppressing
so much greener... the "unwanted" elements, and just like in WWII, this is only the
Being happy spells learning to be content & grateful for what you beginning of woes. At first they edge in on your privileges,
have, and instead of selfishly yearning for far-away dream-lands hassle you & make things tougher for you, but sooner or later
where everything is happening that you think you're missing out they'll find the perfect excuse to start a full-fledged persecution
on, you should be tuning into Me and others, to make sure against you and your kind.
they're happy.
The root of the problem lies with taking things for granted... also 555 ____________________________________________________
called familiarity, and you know what's bound to happen when "If we walk in the light,... we have fellowship with one
you're not thankful for what you've got. another" (1.Jn.1:7). The light of open & honest communication
Heaven and its happiness are yours for the asking, and the shoos away the Devil's darkness & his opportunity to sow any
accepting of it, by simply receiving whatever situation you find discord or start any rumors.
yourself in as My personal love-gift to you, hand-tailored for your Through the power of the keys you can forgive anything.
personal need, if you could only trust Me and thank Me for it! The Devil often uses little things & seemingly innocent little sins,
Life isn't going to be perfect - ever - in this present life, and I lacks of forgiveness or tiny little grudges in the back of people's
ordained it this way for you, so that you would - like Abraham - minds. Remember the "camel's nose." Once he's got the tip of
seek a better place, a City Whose Builder & Maker I am - your true his nose in by one little thing that's lingering in the back of your
Home. This World is not your home, so you might as well quit mind, he'll try his head, then the neck and you know the story...
looking for the perfect place in it, and the perfect situation, where Don't let him take over your tent! Give no place to the Devil! Just
everything is going to be as you wish. like you're never going to find the perfect place in this life and
Heaven just won't happen as long as the Devil is still in charge of this World, it's also very unlikely that you're ever going to find
this place! You can enjoy glimpses of it, but in order to do that, the perfect people to live, work or fellowship with. Nobody's
you're going to have to get rid of the Devil's garbage first, that perfect. People naturally want others to be more like themselves,
he's piled up in your life! You need to have daily clean-ups, get but that would defeat the wonderful variety I have given you.
rid of the Enemy's dirt first, be washed clean with My Words, Keep in mind Joseph, & all he had to forgive his brothers for.
before you're going to be able to enjoy that heavenly happiness.
And you can feel the difference: "Now you are clean through the (Joseph:) You have gained spiritual riches and nourishment of
Words which I have spoken unto you!" Now that you've listened which you've got plenty to share with your brethren now, and
to My Words, which have straightened things out, made things many are feeding from it and are basking in the sunshine and the
clearer, & washed away the garbage & filth the Devil would have warmth of the fire, made from the wood you gathered, and you're
liked to dump in your temple of the Holy Ghost, which he will try helping them through this cold, spiritual winter and time of
over & over & over again to usurp. famine.
Just like he will usurp the temple in Jerusalem in the End, so he Don't be offended if they don't know what to make of you and
already tries to usurp the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is your your coat of many colors, your strange & odd little ways...
body, every day right now, and you've got to fight to keep him It's not enough to just be different. It's important to make a
out! difference, to strive to be different in an uplifting way, a positive
The perfect World is coming, for you to enjoy for all eternity, so,way that takes the initiative to make a positive difference. I was
why not prepare for it, by already starting to live in the joy and tempted to just resign while in prison and passively sink into the
the love and the peace of it, as much as you can, and you can, if abyss of self-pity. But thankfully, the Lord quickly had me snap
you're tuned in to Me! out of that, because He had given me a job to do.
Lock out the Enemy & don't let him usurp your temple, & just Always keep in mind and focus the job the Lord has for you,
tune in to Me and love others - your neighbor - as yourself, that's greater than anything you could imagine right now, and
knowing that they would probably also wish that things were that He's preparing you for right now, through all you're going
slightly different, so, make it different for them, and as much as through, in order to do a better job at ruling the World some day.
you can, try to make their dreams come true, and I'll see what I You will be righteous and fair rulers because you will have gone
can do about yours. through sufferings yourselves that will have shown you the other
side, that will enable you to relate to those that might also suffer
554 ____________________________________________________ and be plagued by doubts, or hurt by others. Blessed are the
When you're at war with an Enemy that rules pretty much the peacemakers. How do you make peace? By forgiving and taking
whole World, things aren't always easy, they aren't always rosy. a step toward the others, trying to understand, and trusting the
This World is inhospitable to you because you're not a part of it. Lord for the rest, the part you can't understand. He made all of
You're it's enemy. Be glad you are, though, because in being the you. He must have known what He was doing, didn't He?
World's enemy, you're being My friend! Friendship with the World Haven't you learned that He does all things well? So, even in
is enmity with God, and thus enmity with the World equals creating you and those others with all your flaws, and putting
friendship with God. you in this situation where you'd have to learn to get along, He
Of course, the Enemy wants to make it tough on you, & he makes must have known what He was doing, right?
you want to regret your choice to become his and his System's And don't worry, Heaven is full of oddballs! You will really feel at
Home here, because the place is just buzzin' with seeming It's heartbreaking to see them make the wrong choice, but choice
nutcases that really made the differences in the World that is what it's all about.
brought about God's perfect plan. The wild dreamers that saw It's always a matter of whether you believe you are your own, or
the things no one else dared to see, that were even ridiculed by whether you believe that since I not only created you, but have
their own brethren... also bought and redeemed you with My blood, you're rightfully
If you avail yourself more of our help, you will have more faith & Mine. If you accept the fact that your life actually belongs to Me,
courage to be that bold, to tell them your dreams in spite of what you won't make such a big fuss about Me wanting to use you and
they might say. Maybe I wasn't always the wisest or discrete in wanting to employ you for My purposes, you figure it's a whole
choosing who I was going to share my far out dreams with, I lot better serving Me than the Devil. But evidently, the majority of
wasn't the most cautious, but the Lord used that boldness later people see it differently.
in order to get me where He wanted me: right beside the throne And then there are those who don't even know yet that there is
that ruled the World, and that's where you're going to wind up an alternative to the Devil's bondage & slavery at all, and those
too, some day, along with those brothers & sisters who never are the ones that I would like to employ you to reach and to free
would have dreamed that you would ever make it there, along from their captivity, or at least to make them aware of the fact
with them, just like you may be having a hard time picturing them that there IS an alternative.
as that which they're supposed to be, and, by the grace of God,
they're going to be. 558 ____________________________________________________
In fact, a lot might depend on you, as to whether they're going to My thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace, even though
make it or not. In my case, the Lord used me in order to ensure in the World you may have no peace, but I give you My peace.
my entire family's survival. Be sure you don't miss any golden Sometimes, the only reason why you don't have any peace is
opportunities for ways in which the Lord might want to use you because you're still focusing on the World too much, and you're
in order to ensure your Family's survival! Never think that not holding still long enough to be filled with My peace. If your
because you're locked up in some dungeon or prison cell, along mind isn't stayed on Me long enough, I can't keep you in perfect
with criminals and the scum of the World, that God isn't going to peace, because you don't trust enough in Me (Isa.26:3).
be able to use you there. You never know where you might end You must strengthen yourselves in the power of the keys by
up next, if you seize the opportunity, stay open to His limitless memorizing specific key promises, geared to your particular
possibilities & just keep trusting that He knows what He's doing! problems & weaknesses. What's important is not to walk through
It pays to have crazy faith and to not limit the Lord in any way your days aimlessly, but to receive a clear vision from Me
when it comes to His plans for you. beforehand, of what I want you to do.
A lot of these things just require self-discipline.
556 ____________________________________________________ The power to obtain the victory and overcome all obstacles is in
Greater unity equals greater power. You want more power? your hands, but it depends on your application, and your
Strive for more unity! You want Me to raise you to a level of determination to wield that power, that will actually DO it and give
greater strength, more energy, greater love? Seek greater unity! I you the victory. You need to get up & grab it!
will alter your circumstances, and improve them, according to Changes are good for you and ordained by Me.
your faith & prayers, but the power you seek, and the changes Call on Arcothon's power to defeat the fat, obese demon
you seek don't come by Me just pressing a button and magically Apotheon, who's trying to make you feel so bad about yourself
transforming you into something better & stronger, just like that. you don't even want to get up! Arcos will help you to become a
As you know, I take time for My greatest accomplishments & conduit of the power & energy of God, the greatest power &
works, and even creating an update to a computer program takes energy there is. So, if you lack energy, that sounds like the right
time and work. And in order to enhance you, upgrade & improve address to turn to, doesn't it? Life, light & love, the energy of
you & transform you into the state of greater strength you want God! Open your life up to the life, light and energy of God! Flip
to attain, I might do it through a lower, baser & humbler road of the switch, & turn it ON! Greater power has no man than he that
having you merge with others. It's hard work, having to roll up opens His life to the flow of the power of God!
your sleeves & working in the mire of inter-human relationships,
where sin rubs against sin, flaw against flaw, and imperfections 559 ____________________________________________________
meet their mates & counterparts. Isaac was My miracle.
This is the inevitable road of humanity: that of having to learn On the surface he looked like just any other boy, but a good
from and with each other. There are times of solitude when I just glance at what lies beneath, and upon digging deeper, one could
seclude you unto Me & hold you close to My breast & nourish see that there was something very special happening there, and
you, just tuning in to you and your needs alone, but there are it's that same working of My power which worked in Isaac's life,
also those times when I require you to humble yourself & get and that of My children of old, that also has to come to the fore
down to the nitty gritty of having to deal with other humans' on behalf of your destiny. It's gotta be My plan for you, none of
weaknesses, the confrontation of their handling your your own! It's got to be My time for it.
weaknesses and differences of opinion. Climbing the mountain Time is perfectly in My hands, quit worrying!
of this life consists in overcoming those differences & Do what you can, and I will do what you can't. When I say, "Roll
sometimes seemingly insurmountable obstacles of qualities you ye away the stone," or I give you a burden or an idea to do
spot in each other you just don't feel you're able to reconcile something, then do what thy hand findeth to do with thy might.
with. But that's one of My favorite ways I like to prove My power, Even if I'm having you wait for the fulfillment and the mate of
when you say, "I can't! I just can't cope or deal with that," I say, these promises like Jacob had to wait for Rachel... The important
"You can! Just give Me a chance, & I'll prove it to you!" thing is to keep trusting in Me, no matter what, knowing that
whatever happens is good for you, and the closer you stay to Me
557 ____________________________________________________ and the more you love Me, the better it will be for you - whatever
In some ways, the selfish way is the easier way. You have to happens.
carry the Devil's heavy yoke, but for that you don't need to share I delight in doing My miracles when they seem all the more
your life with others, you don't have to give & pour out your life impossible. I waited for Abraham & Sarah to grow in age beyond
to others, as service for Me requires, and thus for some it's the point where it was humanly & commonly possible to have
simply easier to serve the Enemy. children until she conceived Isaac. Remember, she laughed at My
I don't mind stealing away former employees of the Devil, just Words, but that laughter turned into flesh & blood!
like he evidently doesn't mind recruiting Mine. Have faith that I can fulfill My promises to you even when it looks
One will never appreciate the freedom I give until they have been humanly impossible because of circumstances, or the state the
the Devil's fool. Very few are content to serve Me without ever World is in. Continue to make the daily choices to set My
having seen or tried the other side. miracles in motion, that will keep you on the straight & narrow
track of My perfect will for you, and you will see them come to Your only hope is to turn around and start focusing on Me totally,
pass. to "pray without ceasing," staying connected with Me at all times.
And remember that My way up is down, so that even when you're Don't turn off the heavenly communicator, but stay tuned to Me!
feeling down & no good, & at the end of your rope, that may be Make your life a life-long song that doesn't stop when your
when in My eyes you're closest to the top! So, keep humble, stay "Getting in tune" is over! You can't stop looking at Me while
desperate with Me & faithfully looking for My guidance, trusting you're walking on the stormy waters of this life, or you'll sink
that whatever comes, you're safely in My hands. That's all I'm down again into the abyss of "realistic" negativity, or should we
requiring you to do (Micah 6:8). say "negative reality"? Step out on the water of permanently
I just require everyone to do what they can, humbly, and to stay positive reality, and stay there, by focusing on Me non-stop!
close to Me, to trust that I'll do for them what they can't, so that In the flesh it is impossible, but all things are possible in the
they in turn may give Me the credit & the glory for it! spirit! Just don't turn the power off! Keep it on! Keep walking in
the Spirit, the anointing, this closeness to Me!
560 ____________________________________________________ Why turn it off? Why not walk in this spirit, My Holy Spirit,
Flow with the river of God & don't worry about whether it's permanently? Stay tuned to Me.
taking you places fast enough. What does experience teach you? No more changing identities like Clark Kent into Superman and
Did your worries ever avail much? Did they ever happen? Were back. I want you to remain Superman! Forget about Clark Kent!
they ever justified? While I don't want you to get complacent & Forget about the "realistic," pessimistic, negatively inclined
self-satisfied, I want you to develop greater trust in Me for your Systemite! Become My new creature permanently, by refusing to
life. In your mind, I'm still so far away from you most of the time look at the waves of the negative reality of the Devil, and staying
during the day. fully in My positive Reality!
Since you tend to easily forget our closeness that we enjoy in the I'm not "gone," when you're finished hearing from Me. I'm always
mornings, why not come for another session later during the day, there, like I promised (Mt.29:19). I am permanently connected to
and another one in the evening? That way you'll never be My angels and spirit helpers who are permanently by your side.
uncertain about My love for you again. I want to pull you closer, You can talk to Me permanently, check in with Me mentally about
ever closer, & while I'm proud of the progress you've already every single thing you do. This is the part about AME that you
made, I also see what's still lacking in your life, & how much never dared to put into practice yet, and it's also what heavenly
closer you could still come, and have got to come in order for Me thought power is all about.
to really effectively and efficiently use you, and to really live full That's also what full possession and "giving no place to the
possession & heavenly thought power all the time. Devil" amounts to, because if every moment of your life is
If you have to eat physically 3 times a day, why not come to Me occupied by Me, we're going to crowd the Devil clear out of your
for spiritual nourishment 3 times daily, also? My Spirit would be life. It can be reality for you right now!
so much more present in your life at all times. It's like being "on-line" with a computer: before, you've had a
slow connection, and now you've got a fast broad-band
561 ____________________________________________________ connection. Take advantage of your spiritual flat-rate, and stay
The Devil is trying to cast you into the pit of negativity, which online permanently! Don't go off-line anymore! Stay online &
is where he keeps an awful lot of his captives. attuned to Me permanently, "walking by faith and not by sight!"
It's the supposedly "realistic" twist of things, or better the Close your eyes to the negative spin on things, and view them
pessimistic twist, which always makes you see the downside, with new eyes, your spiritual eyes.
even in your blessings. I want to be with you and talk to you always.
The Enemy makes you see the flaws in others, or dwell on them, Like this I'll be able to guide you much better & lead your spirit
when you should be looking to Me and hear from Me what you firmly by the hand, and you'll be doing & saying those things
could do to help them or to remedy the situation, to make a which I want you to do & say.
positive difference. It's also the Enemy that makes you belittle
the treasure and immense blessing of the Words from Heaven 562 ____________________________________________________
and the weapons you were given. He makes people doubt the Don't worry about tomorrow, but commit your care into My
power of the keys, the effectiveness of prayer & praise, and the hands! I will uphold you with My right hand. The young lions do
veracity of prophecy. lack & suffer hunger, but they that trust in Me and fear Me shall
"The joy of the Lord is your strength." How do you find My joy? not want any good thing!
By looking at things through My eyes, the eyes of the spirit, You will yet appreciate Me as the greatest treasure you've got, a
which see the blessing where others see burdens. very present help in trouble and faithful Provider. You will yet
It's that negative outlook that's holding you down, weakening learn to trust in Me completely. Sometimes I have to remove the
you and robbing you of the strength you need. ability to trust in one's own flesh in order to help them make the
You should be happy, and jumping for joy! transition to put their whole trust in Me. When it comes down to
All you see is the hole in the doughnut, the things that others it, it's all going to have to be Me seeing you through in the end,
have that you don't have, and the greener grass on the other side and as time progresses, you will learn this more & more.
of the fence. There IS no hole! The holes are just portions of the Stay on My wavelength! Just know I'm always close, constantly
same batter that you take apart, in order to give the doughnut its there holding vigil over you and guarding you, for you are very
special form and shape: the shape of a circle, a symbol for precious unto Me.
eternity. In the light of eternity, or from an eternal viewpoint, all It's time to get down to serious business! Playing time is over!
those "holes" in your doughnut make perfect sense. Childhood is over. It's time to become a man, time to stand up
Not only are you despising the hole, but the whole doughnut, and be counted! It's time to wake up to who you are and walk in
wanting a bigger or better one, disregarding My eternal theme of the anointing I have poured out on you.
"he that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much." Don't slip into behavior that doesn't distinguish you from the
Your major problem stems from a negative attitude toward life average! I need you to be different!
itself! Everything still revolves pretty much around yourself and
what you want, but that's the cycle of negativity. Spiritually, when 563 ____________________________________________________
someone is focusing on himself, they become like a negatively Sometimes the greatest waves of thankfulness come when
poled magnet: it pushes other objects - in this case, greater you're just awed by the things I was able to do in your life
blessings, happiness & fruitfulness - away. Whereas in turning because you've had the guts to undergo a great big change in
around and focusing on others, trying to make them happy your life.
instead of yourself, and seeking your own survival & gain & You have to decide whether you're really going to accept Me as
benefit, you become a positively poled magnet that attracts your Master and Lord, and the only One to determine your
others and draws My blessings to you. circumstances.
Although one might say it is merely a matter of feelings I'm the hopelessness you feel in the impotence to do anything about
talking about - these feelings are not to be underestimated, it. But there is something great, mighty and powerful you can do
because they are more than mere feelings, they are spirits, and about it all, and that's to pray. One of the reasons I'm letting you
fruits of My Spirit, which translate into strength & greater power get into these difficult, twisted & complicated, seemingly
& usefulness & fruitfulness for you! impossible situations, is to have you realize that there's nothing
What makes sense and what is reasonable is not the kind of in the World you can do about it... except to pray!
criteria you can go by in these matters, but only follow the I and the Father, and all My heavenly realm of counselors are at
leading of the Spirit. Where is She calling you, beckoning you, your disposal, waiting for your instructions, your
gently guiding you? communications, having you tell us what you would like us to do
I will be your Counselor and your Guide, your Instructor when it about all these situations, to commit them into Our hand. If you
comes to Words of counsel and wisdom. But She is the one Who commit the situation into Our hands, there is so much more we
rules the emotional realm. can do about it than you ever could.
Where do you think you will be happier? If it is material things There's nothing you can do, and no talking in the World is ever
that hold you back, or issues of convenience and what seems going to help as much as prayer. When you have the choice
more logical, reasonable or practical or advantageous, consider which weapon you're going to apply, prayer is the wiser choice.
where these aspects have led you in your life. Did they guide you We have the means to do things and set processes into motion
in the path of fruitfulness, of happiness, of sheer joy and that you can't. We can do what you can't. No matter what We
excitement & bubbling over with My heavenly bliss? Or have they might tell you to do, the circumstances could change and cancel
robbed you little by little of the very joy of living, of the ability to the effect of our counsel, but if you commend the situation
see and appreciate My good things and blessings in your life? directly into Our omnipotent hands, We'll do something about it
The little things and the little people, those with a vacuum, they against which Satan and circumstances are powerless.
are what bring My kind of happiness, they were the kind I was We will open the right doors, instead of just pointing you toward
drawn to, not the high & mighty, the heady, arrogant & proud them. We will make things so obvious that there won't be
(Lk.1:53). anymore doubt as to whether this is the right way you should
Are you willing to launch out by faith & trust Me completely for walk.
your life? This is the way of unlimited miracles, and possibilities. If you could only see the need for more desperate & fervent
Whereas if you limit Me to only use you under conditions and prayer in your life! Satan would be powerless against you, and he
specific circumstances, you're also limiting Me to only bless you would just be forced to stand by in awe as you would clearly rise
with a certain amount of the joy and rewards of what total above any of his ludicrous attempts to try to do anything to stop,
yieldedness would bring. hinder or delay you!
The Devil has put all his money and wit onto the tactic of having
564 ____________________________________________________ you do anything else put pray, to distract you from using this
Thank you for conveying and transmitting a picture and weapon, to keep you in a state where you're content enough in
impression of your situation to Me, My love. It is very touching order to keep you from praying desperately & really getting ahold
and special and heart-breaking. Sometimes I'm first having to of My power on your behalf!
think a little bit Myself, ponder these things in My heart, receive Hearing from Me was an important step, because faith cometh by
counsel from My heavenly counselors, who are all connected hearing. But now you're going to have to put that faith you
with Me, and especially receive counsel from the Father on all acquired by hearing from Me into practice, and use it by applying
these matters. For even My omnipotence, omnipresence and the even more powerful weapon of prayer!
omniscience are still dependent on the Father. Although He has Once you've got the faith that comes by hearing from Me
given Me all power in heaven and in hell, I still need Him, you personally, the effect of your prayers is much greater than that of
know? a Christian who only has a vague idea of Me being somewhere in
It's not like He is retiring, because I'm taking over the business. heaven, and that I just might hear his prayer & perhaps do
In a way, He's still running it all; He's just letting Me do most of something about it. You know that I'm right here, and we're only
the business, that's all. But there comes a point when even I have waiting for your instructions to start working on your behalf! Tell
to sit back a little and reflect, and receive some powerful input us what to do! Tell us what you want done, and if it's in line with
from Him and some of the other heavenly counselors on these the Father's will, you know you have the petition you asked of
matters you present to Me. It has always been that way, and it Him! This is the confidence you should have in Him!
always will be. Heaven will never be a One-Man show with one (1.Jn.5:14,15)
big & all-powerful head honcho running everything. Not even the The amazingly & astonishingly simple answer to your complex
Devil operates like that, but is smarter than to try to do it all conglomeration of question marks & blanks in your mind is: just
himself & delegates his dirty work to millions of his fallen angels. pray! It'll do more for you than you can ever think or say or know
Although he's much more of a macho & a tyrant than I have ever or come up with & do yourself...
been, & he's not nearly as open to counsel from others as I am.
There are so many beautiful sides & aspects to your situation, so 565 ____________________________________________________
many facets & angles, possibilities to consider, that it even takes It's good that you're coming to Me to find out what I want you
Me a while of pondering and counseling with My companions and to do.
lovers up here, including the Father, to see what is the best You could be getting Us, the real workers behind the scenes,
option, solution and counsel we can offer you for such a complex busy for you, with the things you would like to see done, and you
situation. need done before you can do anything.
You see how important even your seemingly insignificant We are the ones who can put things into motion for you, who can
situation is for us, and what kind of a challenge you're presenting prepare the way, prepare the hearts of the people you want to
us with? You see how seriously We're taking all this? These reach. You have a goal? You have a vision? Tell us all about it in
things do matter to us, My love, and they matter a lot, and I prayer & ask Me to make it happen!
cannot just give you a reply off the top of My head, which I hardly You thought you were supposed to make it happen, but what it
ever do, anyway. Sometimes there is no rash & quick & snap took was the realization on your part that you can't really make
solution, and I cannot even tell you, "Do this or that & you'll be anything happen... that if something's going to happen, we are
fine..." I can only offer you suggestions. going to make it happen, the much greater force here in the spirit
The choice is going to be yours. Pray that I'm going to do the World, waiting to work on your behalf! We are here for you,
miracles, the part that you cannot do... Focus on change, focus waiting to serve you, to enable you to serve My purpose...
on the spiritual needs of others, focus more outward than Your earthly mind gear has it ingrained in people that they're
inward... supposed to do things by themselves, whereas, according to the
I know your heartache and pain, and I can feel your burden, and heavenly modus operandi, hardly anybody ever does anything by
themselves. I always sent out My disciples 2 by 2, and I've always though he could have been a ruler, like unto his ancestor Joseph,
been preaching & advertising the strength of unity, and My heart he refused to serve a wicked king and preferred the sufferings of
delights in seeing My people, My children, My brides working his own people instead, and led My people out of Egypt again.
together, hand in hand, and I especially delight in teamwork I am the God of Israel, the God of David, and I have kept all My
between the dimensions. You tell us what you need from us, and prophets, kings & priests, and have in these last days poured out
we tell you what we would like from you. That's how successful My Spirit upon all flesh, so that whosoever will may come &
business works, even in the World. serve Me, and partake of My goodness. I am the God of Love.
Talking 'bout 'free trade'. It can't get any freer than this. And if I fail to care for My own, I am worse than an infidel.
Everything you need is for free for the asking, all you need is So, worry not, & obtain perfect trust in Me.
wholehearted dedication and a little faith. And in order to comply The Family is not a place for those who just want to save their
with our requests, you still need obedience, and that's basically own necks. It's a place for those who love Me so much that
all that's required to make such a heavenly transaction & they're willing to give up their own lives, desires, lay down their
business deal. You never were much of a business man in the pride & sacrifice selfish ambitions, in order to bring others to Me,
World, but I can teach you some things about heavenly business into My fold & safe haven, as well.
& heavenly businessman-ship. You want to be a businessman for I won't allow anyone to pretend to be more of a disciple than
Me, busy for My business? what they really are.
I'd be glad to recruit you. You've already established a fairly good No matter how legitimate the excuse, in the end, it's only that: an
line of communication with us, which is already a rare & choice excuse.
quality, which qualifies you for business interaction with us & our Nearly everyone has their own little idols, a little shrine in some
Realm above many others. The next step is that you place your corner of their heart to another god, some issue, some fancy,
order. Tell us what you want, when you want it, and where, in some little hobby or strong liking, that is sometimes just as
which quantity, and we'll counsel about it, and if it is within the important to them, or even more important than I am, and I just
interests of our heavenly & eternal goals & prospective, we'll be cannot tolerate any other gods beside Me.
glad to supply you with your demand. Only sufferings can bring forth depth.
If you're our employee, our "man" down there, in your particular
situation, it's only natural that we should supply you with those
things you need in order to get the job done that we would like 567 ____________________________________________________
you to do. Plain hard work is good for you, it keeps you humble &
"As thy days, so shall thy strength be;" the older you get, the illustrates what I do with you. You are My work, and hard work,
stronger you'll be if you're well connected with Me, regardless of too! It takes hard work to keep you clean spiritually, just as it
whether everyone else in the World pipes a different tune. takes hard work for you to keep your house, your clothes &
Look who's ruling the World: who are the politicians, the dishes & even your bodies clean. It takes some scrubbing of the
governors, kings, priests & presidents? Now, they may make it walls of your heart with My Word, and a few tough & trying
look as if the young ones are ruling the World, but that's just a circumstances & fiery tests & trials to burn out the dross & get
subtle deception. Just because the young ones are their target of rid of the hard crusts...
commerce, doesn't mean that they're actually ruling. All they're Yes, it is work for Me to engineer all that, it doesn't just happen.
really ruling is their mom & dad's purses & wallets: "Mommy, I Just as it is plain hard work for you to train your children
want this" & "Daddy, I want that!" But they're not really ruling. properly and to keep them in the way they should go.
They're just cogs in the machinery; the little batteries that keep Just because there's no visible reward, it's hard to do things for
the machinery of commerce rolling. Me or simply because they ought to be done, for love.
And while they're getting everything they ever want, they're But if you know that nothing is hid that shall not be revealed,
becoming so pampered, self-satisfied & slothful, that it would then it's only a question & matter of time before everyone will
never even occur to them to even start thinking about anything know what you're all about anyway, so, why not work for the
as tedious as ruling the World & any form of administration. Even future right now?
the president is just a little puppet. He doesn't even know what to You don't know exactly what it holds. Because some things
say in public, he's just their dummy. But in that aspect, he may didn't happen when someone said they were going to happen,
even be smarter than you: he knows he doesn't need to do does that mean you should put your money on success in this
anything himself. His daddy and his daddy's friends will always life?
tell him what to do & say. It's easy to follow God & be a disciple when you "know" that
In this the saying is fulfilled, "the children of darkness are wiser everything's going to go to pot. But that same kind of conviction
among themselves than the children of light." The Devil has is pretty hard to maintain when the World around you just keeps
taught his children what the score is, and they don't seem to going & going without the judgement ever happening, & you
have any problems learning it. wonder whether you've been fooled.
But some of My children still think they've got to do it all "The judgements aren't coming, anyway, so why should I keep
themselves. leading this difficult life of sacrifice, when everybody else around
Just tell us what you need, what you want, and we'll do it, so that is having so much fun? I wanna have some fun, too."
you can do it. But real conviction stands its ground. You know right is still
right, and wrong is still wrong. You know that you're going to be
566 ____________________________________________________ rewarded abundantly for the right you do, and for avoiding the
I am the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? I wrong.
am the God of Abraham, who went out, not knowing whither he If you do things for Me and as unto Me, you'll reap eternal
went, and I have carried him all the days of his life, the God of benefits and more permanent blessings than paper money. I'll
Isaac, the son & heir of promise, the son of miracles, whom I reward your faithfulness in the little things by being faithful to
required of Abraham, and he withheld him not from Me, you, even and especially during the tough times.
wherefore I blessed him all the more, and the God of Jacob, who There are always new & different angles to view things from, and
was not the firstborn, but who became as the firstborn when his I want you to see things from all kinds of different sides. I want
older brother despised his birthright. you to be more understanding of your brothers & sisters, to
I am the God of Joseph, Who carried him all the way through the empathize more with them & walk a mile in their shoes. It's good
wilderness, next unto the throne of Egypt as the right hand of the to see things realistically, and not judge your whole world by just
ruler of the World of his day, and the God of his brothers, who, the little part of it that you've seen. There's so much more you
although they had done wrong, repented and were forgiven, and haven't seen, so, expand your horizon & open your eyes to
the God of all their descendants. what's yet to discover. Get the real view of things!
I am the God of Moses, who was drawn out of the water, and
568 ____________________________________________________ are not Mine.
Only those who are not ashamed to be Mine in the most Now it's time to hear the call of freedom, My love, & fly higher
intimate ways possible are going to be strong enough, for their than you've ever been before. Because your wing was broken,
love will be strong enough & deep enough. It is My love for them but I have healed it in special & tender loving care. Fly.... fly
and their love for Me what will help them make it through the high... and I'll be the wind beneath your wings! Come, take a step
darkest night in history. out on the water toward total freedom! It's yours for the taking!
I am saving the best wine for last, although you may not be able Shake the shackles of circumstances & man-made boundaries!
to see it right now. Their rules! They have forsaken Mine, so why should you keep
You miss out on some of the joys of life if you focus too much on theirs? For those who follow & live by My rules, the rules of the
the negative qualities of people, their imperfections, the far godless society don't count anymore! You're set free by My
distance they are from the way they're ideally supposed to be. superior law of love, which they'll never understand, because it's
See them with the eyes of faith, as that which by My grace one so much higher than their narrow minds that bind & confine
day they're going to be... as tomorrow's victors, tomorrow's others to only that which they can see, grasp & comprehend!
understanders, tomorrow's seers, for truly, I will make them see Don't be afraid! Walk on by faith, and in full conviction toward
and understand all that they can't see & grasp right now. The total victory! I'm right behind you, above you, below you and
entrance of My Word will give light & understanding even to the before you! I encompass you from all sides & nothing shall be
simplest of them, or the most carnal minded. For they are My able to stop you!
children, and I will not let Satan defeat My promises.
Have faith in them. Have faith in My power to change them and 570 ____________________________________________________
make them what they're meant to be! Sin not by disbelief and "Pity the weak" and continue to have the faith that I can
lack of trust in Me knowing what I'm doing. If you keep doubting, change people, trusting that all things come from My hands. I
it will be like saying you would have known better than Me. often steer things contrary to the directions your carnal mind
You don't bring about a positive change by a negative viewpoint would have expected.
or attitude. You must become so positive that you simply refuse Learn to discipline your spirit.
to see the negative, you just rise above all the negative A truly good warrior has to learn to train, control & discipline his
circumstances, because you believe & trust Me that I knew what I own spirit. Be not troubled if I even allow those closest to you to
was doing, and that by My grace they're going to be what they're turn into your enemies temporarily. They're tough tests, but I've
meant to be. given them to you because I knew you would be able to handle
Sometimes it's even better when someone doesn't know that There's still lots to learn. You'll be amazed how much wisdom
much at all, but is simply an empty vessel waiting to be filled with there is yet to gain. We've hardly even gotten started yet.
My input. In fact, being a holy hole is one of the best qualities Extend the same mercy you've been shown.
you can have & one of the best prerequisites for really becoming Extremes usually serve good teaching purposes.
something for Me. If you're already "something" in the natural,
naturally witted, gifted or talented, it's a lot harder for Me to come 571 ____________________________________________________
through in all My power. The same type of people who doubt that little old you can
Those who know that they are nothing in themselves, already receive living Words straight from the mouth of God, also fought
know which part of the glory they should give Me. All of it, lock, Me for having the audacity to say that I was the Son of God. And
stock, barrel, because they knew they could have never done the same kind of people who were responsible for My death
anything by themselves... would also rather see you dead, and every true & dedicated child
of David.
569 ____________________________________________________
It's good for you to find out what burden you have the faith to 572 ____________________________________________________
carry, and which no longer; to find out what you've got the faith & Sometimes you get hit by what I'm doing or allowing or
the vision for. Put Me on the spot. I like for you to tell Me what demanding from you in your life as if it was an act of utter
you want Me to do for you, to commit these things into My hands, cruelty, and your first reaction is to rebel against it, like Abraham
& not just carry the burdens until you drop. I want you to bear My first rebelled against Me when I asked him to offer up Isaac. But
burden, which is light, & My yoke, which is easy, the yoke of My as time goes by it shows that this "act of cruelty" was actually an
service, and of a life where I can freely supply for you because act of greater wisdom & greater love than your mind was able to
you're doing My will, & not adhering to System standards. fathom.
I want to set you free, to fly wherever My Spirit calls you. Don't let Right now you feel like "Oh, He's at it again... God is torturing me
the old snake tie you down. "Oh, yes, it's very irresponsible to again. He certainly must not like me very much..." But just wait a
neglect your duties to the System, to the State, & to the way while, and you'll see things differently.
things are supposed to be, and the way we run things here..."
"Pay us your dues!" That's the tune of the System. But I have 573 ____________________________________________________
chosen you out from among them to set you free and to burn The Enemy will always use the very thing that is the most
free! important thing to you as a way to get between us. Sexual
I have come into the World to set mankind free from the burden desires, on one hand, were given to you by Me, and I have
of their sins, but I have given My Family to the World in order to created you with them, but on the other, it is one of those things
set them free from the slavery of the System. The only that I give, expecting you to give them back to Me, or at least not
alternative. But the Devil tries to deny you the right to be free. He to put before Me in your life.
says, "No, this can't be done! You're breaking the rules! You're This is an area you're just beginning to open up to Me.
mine! You have to fulfill your duties toward my rules, my It's not that I want you to forsake it entirely, but I want you to use
system..." it more for My glory, to use it more in My Spirit and in My love. I
He that loveth son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of don't want you to consume it in your lusts, but to offer it up unto
Me..." And he that loves more the praise of man than Me, the Me as a sweet smelling incense... an offering of love unto Me.
approval of man, and the opinions of man, he that cares more Glorify Me in the act of love, do whatever you do for My glory,
about what people say than what I say, he is not worthy of Me! especially making love.
This is your conviction. This is your faith. now stand up for it. Making love should be a very special way of worshiping Me.
You know Whom and what you have believed, and you know that Have a giving attitude, not that of one who is just consuming.
nothing can stop you, if I decide to bring it to pass. And it is My Become more loving, more giving & more sacrificial.
desire to set you free. For too long you have been bound & Becoming a missionary starts at home.
chained, trying to play the game according to their rules, which Do whatever thy hand findeth to do with thy might
right, and wrong is still wrong, and if you know how to do right
574 ____________________________________________________ and do it not, then that's wrong, too.
Anything is made pure by receiving it from My hands & Even if the whole World is going the wrong direction, and even if
thanking Me for it. it seems they all do so willingly, and that nothing can stop them,
Keep the Enemy at bay by praising Me in all you do & say! Give you've still got to tell them that they're going the wrong way!
the glory to Me for anything and everything, especially the things That's your message, that's your purpose, that's your ministry!
you enjoy the most! Don't take anything for granted. If you want It's your job to find out how you can let people know - whether it
to make sure that anything in your life has My blessing, ask Me to be politely or not - that they're going the wrong way. If you saw
bless it, and thank Me for it. Anything in your life that you will somebody walking down a road towards a certain danger or even
include Me in will contain My Spirit and My blessing. certain death, you wouldn't be too concerned about the
Any activity in your life will be blessed as much as you will politeness in your message or in your words you would use to
include Me in it. make them turn around, would you? You would just try to be as
convincing as possible, politely or not. You could even get a little
575 ____________________________________________________ frantic about it, or sounding completely unreasonable, and yet it
The sum of everything I've been trying to teach you, all would be justified, because you would just be very upset &
amounts to the same ever new & yet oldest of all things: it's all excited about the thought of them continuing down their path to
about love, how to acquire & practice & give greater love, how to certain death or danger, right?
overcome selfishness. Just because some or even many don't want to hear the truth,
Remember, "the greatest of these is love." You cannot do it does that make the truth bad? Or is it still the truth, and even if
without the power of love. If you don't feel that My love they don't wanna hear it, isn't it still a whole lot better than all the
constrains you and is your motive, then stop everything & get lies in the World together? So what if they believe that their lies
ahold of Me, and love Me and receive My love, until it truly are the truth? You know better. And you owe it to them to at least
becomes your motivation. tell them & warn them. "Oh, sorry, sir, but what you're believing
This is the reason for it all. It's not a technical thing. All this talk there is really not the truth!" - If you want to do it the polite way.
about staying "online" with Me permanently, focusing on eternal Or you can scream, "For God's sake, wake up from your
values & goals, praying more, etc., all it amounts to is just delusion! You're living a lie!"
greater love, and love is the purpose for it all. You've got to have Just ask Me about what kind of language to use on what
My love, otherwise it all won't work. Love is the A & O, the occasion. What counts is that you believe the truth, and even if
beginning & the end, the purpose of everything. It's not who gets you may not know all the single answers to every question or
the greatest glory, who gets the greatest rewards, who gets the problem you may encounter out there, you know the Answer
most done, but it's all & simply about learning to love. Man, and you'd be surprised how many people would envy you
If at any point on your path you notice you're veering off that for what you've got, who would long for a glimpse of that faith
straight & narrow path of love above all, then hold it, go back, if and that light that you've got.
necessary, do whatever you must to find that true goal again, that
truest of all goals. 577 ____________________________________________________
Love and nothing else is what shall remain. (S.H.:) When you live in the spirit, you live better, you live
deeper... more intensely. When you live in the spirit, you really
576 ____________________________________________________ live. You find out what really matters. Living only in the flesh, the
Keep in mind the long-term goal. The immediate, short-term really relevant matters of life just pass you by, and you live your
gratification is often only a cheap fake, and a pretty poor shadow life and pass on into the next world and stand there like a
of the real thing you could have if you'd only hold on a little stranger, not prepared at all.
longer, & don't feel like you've got to consume & have it right Feed your spirit, too. The Lord is so good. People have no idea
now. how good He is, that's why we must tell them.
For one thing, you're feeding the flesh like this, which again,
wars against the spirit, and it makes you weaker in spirit, weaker 578 ____________________________________________________
to do those things which I would like you to do. The flesh As the whole big moving picture of God unfolds more & more
upholds itself and what it wants, while those things I would want into ever more fruit, ever more souls, ever more heavenly
from you, come from the spirit, the spirit of letting go of the flesh, children, and His Realm expands, there will also always be more
of yielding it, surrendering it, laying it down. & more to counsel about.
See, when you wake up in the morning, the way you're Every living soul is a sheer endless source of subjects to talk
programmed, because you're still living in the flesh, & the about, especially since it also gets in touch with endless
Enemy's vibes permeate the air, and simply because of the curse amounts of yet other souls, and each of these encounters &
& fall of man, which affects you somewhat, even though you're constellations forms a different picture, endless opportunities,
saved, makes you naturally strive & act contrary to My Spirit, and so many things to find out. In heaven, things flow a lot more,
which is why it says, the natural or carnal man is at enmity with and will be much freer... communication between us will be even
God. much better than now, and it won't all necessarily happen in
That's why you've got to get ahold of Me first thing in the words, for there are other means of communication, as you will
mornings in prayer, and get "re-programmed" anew each day, get find out.
ahold of My wavelength & seek the things of My Spirit, to be Communication with us won't ever stop or slowly trickle down to
"transformed by the renewing of your mind." a halt or fade out, but it will go ever on, ever increasing, ever
Staying close to Me may not yield the immediate, cheap thrill of improving, ever resulting in greater fruit, greater wisdom, greater
the flesh, but a longer-lasting, more genuine & real satisfaction, light & greater love, in spite of all & anything the Enemy might try
which will not only benefit you but others as well. to do to make it not look that way or to stop us! We will
The flesh doesn't want to give up its privacy and those areas & overcome. I have already overcome him, and that's why you will
territories in your life that used to belong to yourself. also overcome him through Me.
Again, the difference lies in focusing on the long-term goal. Right now, he's trying to stifle & smother communication that's
Sharing has eternal dividends. spiritually edifying in any way he can. Although the physical
Not very many people get converted by becoming interested means of communication have improved & multiplied
enough all by themselves to find out & investigate. They need tremendously during your life-time, you can also tell how the
incentives. They need someone to spark the flame of interest. quality of communication has been deteriorating, as he gets
The Devil sure isn't being idle about imposing his religion on people into an ever increasingly superficial & materialistic
everyone else. mindset. He tries to tie them up completely in the physical realm,
No matter if the whole world does the wrong thing, right is still so that they'll be too entangled to even start looking for an exit, a
way to break through into the spiritual. doing that which is most important to Me.
The Enemy rules the realm in which you live right now, and I You've really got to go on the attack. It's not that Styrian is just
want you to be aware of his devices, so that you can fight him going to come in & do all the work for you. You've got to fight
better & won't fall for his deceit. I'm exposing his lie with My with all your might & make an effort yourself, & then she's going
truth. Just as I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, so he's the to help you.
wrong way, the Lie and Death, and the more I expose him to you, You've got to fight for the victory in the spirit! Fight that battle,
the more power you will have to expose him to others as well, facing down your enemy!
and show them what's keeping them captive. Declare all-out war & rally to your side those who were destined
His communication is all very one-sided, like someone who only to help you.
likes to talk about himself, and thus he's also getting people onto Everything that helps feed the flesh, weakens the spirit.
his same, selfish wavelength of only wanting to talk about You've simply got to fight, recognize the enemy, stare him in the
themselves & all boring each other to death, when they could eye & declare an all-out war & fight to the finish! Ask for prayer.
find so much life, so much fun & excitement by focusing Seek that victory, and seize it!
outward, first of all on Me, and then on others, helping them to I am come to save you from your sin, not only to forgive you for
find true purpose in Me & truly deep & satisfying things to talk them, or earn you the Father's forgiveness by My sacrifice, but
about. also to really free you from your sins, including your besetting
That's why I'm looking for empty vessels, those who are not so sins. Just lay aside the weights and the sins which do so easily
full of themselves that there's no room for more, but those who beset you, looking unto Me, the Author & Finisher of your faith,
are empty, who have found nothing in this world nor in the beginning and the end, the Alpha & Omega, Who hath
themselves that was able to satisfy them, for they're looking for delivered, Who doth deliver and who will yet deliver.
something higher, something better, something everlasting.
That's the difference - or one of the differences - between those 581 ____________________________________________________
who are spiritual-minded and the carnal-minded: the carnal My stance on what is family and what isn't, is a little tough to
minded think in earthly, temporal terms, the spiritual in terms of take for those who are carnal minded & put their money on this
eternity. They don't just settle for things that can be acquired, World. Look what I asked of Abraham... That wasn't a very
achieved or accomplished in this world, but they put their money, "family-oriented" thing to do.
their time, their energy on something beyond that, something Look what I did to My own Son... Jesus: I had to forsake Him and
more lasting, which is what gives them the crazy faith to reach let Him go and suffer a cruel death at the hand of the wicked &
out to other souls and win them also for the eternal Realm. unbelievers. People could say, "What a Father You are, God! Tsk
For those that be wise in this world, the things of God are tsk..."
foolishness to them, but for those who know better, all that But you see, My Family is a Family of the Spirit, and it's open to
"wise" talk is just so much vain & empty blah. The more they anyone who will, anyone who would like to join it, but in order to
glory in their own greatness, and the greatness of their realm, the join it, you'll have to leave the flesh & the allures of the World at
greatness of their accomplishments, the more repulsive it the door. Once you have decided you want to be part of our big
becomes to My sheep, when they hear the stranger sing songs of heavenly Family, there are some pretty exclusive rules, and all
praises unto himself. that hog-wash from man's carnal mind, influenced by Satan, will
They inwardly know that he doesn't cut the cake, that he's only have to go.
interested in himself, when it comes down to it, that he doesn't In that aspect, I'm separating the wheat from the chaff, the boys
have the love of God in him, and that all the things he may want from the girls, those who have got what it takes to believe My
to talk about don't really satisfy that longing for everlasting radical doctrines & drink My strong wine, and those who will
values, and so, he just bores them. On the other hand, those who have to be left at the door when the Bridegroom enters in with
are enticed by his lures, and those who shortsightedly settle for only those who were wise enough to fill their lamps with the oil of
the cheap thrills & instant satisfaction of this world will easily My Spirit.
become bored by talk about spirituality. It's because they can't They didn't persist in only burning their own smoldering wax,
relate to it because their fields of interest lie elsewhere. They running on their own carnal wisdom, but they asked Me to fill
want what they can see & touch & consume right now, they their empty vessel with My input, to replace their vanity with that
couldn't care less about eternity. All that interests them is right which really counts, counsel, views & thoughts from Me, and the
here & right now, no matter how. more you do this, the less important the world and its views will
That's the selfish twist of the world: right here, right now, no become to you, for the more I will matter in your life.
matter how, they've gotta have it and they're gonna, even if it I am the Source of warmth & light in your life, the Source of
means they have to betray others to get it. Once you start supply of all that you need. I take My responsibilities toward My
listening to their hypnotic tunes, it's very easy to become enticed children, those who have chosen to become My spiritual children
by them. by accepting My Son, Jesus, very seriously. Especially if they
But that is why I have all the more to tell you. For receptive have decided to trust Me for their lives.
vessels are rare and few. Those who have decided not to trust Me for their lives, but make
others responsible for them, are not walking in the path of faith,
579 ____________________________________________________ they don't have the same standard, and the rules by which they
Once you start changing, those changes usually become judge are man-made, not Mine. They are not the standards of
platforms for greater & better changes. faith, but the standard of doubt, of man caring for himself, of the
Changes are almost always blessed by Me, especially those that arm of the flesh saving itself.
require a certain amount of boldness & sacrifice on your part. But without faith it is impossible to please Me.
As long as you keep saying "yes" to Me & My open doors, you There is a difference between those who are My children and
can be assured that I'll bless you. Trust Me for the outcome. really trust Me, and those who are My children but still primarily
trust in the flesh and refuse to trust Me.
580 ____________________________________________________ It's better to acquire My view on things than many personal
If you know you've got a certain weakness in an area that opinions. It's better to know nothing at all except that I'll take
you need to overcome, or a root of sin that you need to tear out & care of you than many of the so-called "facts" & pieces of
not allow it to grow, then you've just got to keep recognizing it, knowledge that make up the wisdom of man, which is
keep confronting it, keep at it. Keep applying the remedy. Keep foolishness to Me.
calling on the Gardener & the Gardener's helpers to help you "What fools those mortals be" who trust in their own wisdom &
combat those evil, ensnaring weeds, hindering you from bearing rely on their own arm of flesh & say, "Mine own arm hath saved
any real fruit in your life. me." Don't in any way feel inferior to those who are rich & high-
Lethargy is a spiritual, hindering force trying to stop you from minded in this world. You have nothing but a little faith, and yet
you have so much more than they. That little bit of faith is all the They may not even know what's good for them, but you've got to
difference between you and them, but that little bit of faith is your look past all that & look at their poor, sick & aching hearts,
direct link with My eternal and total power, so, it amounts to quite knowing that you've got the medicine, & then be willing to
a big difference in the end, and makes all the difference in the administer it. Don't hold back!
world. You've got the love that they need. You've got the life they want
It's that pearl of great price, which is becoming of ever increasing to lead. Be a faithful conveyer of My love! Go forth, in the name
value to you, as you realize all it can do, and everything else of love! Focus on Me as that which they lack & need, & be so full
becomes worthless by comparison. You have been a pearl diver of Me that I will just pour out of you into them. Don't be too proud
for My truths, and you have found it, that most precious of all to give Me to them!
pearls, that key to My Kingdom called faith, and as you focus on
it, and it becomes all-important to you, and as it reveals to you 585 ____________________________________________________
mystery upon mystery, opens unto you door after door, and The influence of the world, along with the power of habit
supplies you with riches upon riches, all else fades away into keeps you lagging behind the way I would have you adapt to My
oblivion and less importance, except those who would also like changes (Lk.16:15).
to bask in the true light that this little pearl gives off, having
realized that all the other lights were fakes & counterfeits. 586 ____________________________________________________
So, don't consider yourself poor, worthless, a pauper or loser. Stir yourself up & search Me with your whole heart! For he
You've got something to give! You've found the true Source of all that calls unto Me wholeheartedly will also receive a
true riches, and many will bask in your light and in your wealth in wholehearted reply! It's all that half-heartedness that comes from
the days to come. And even they, who would hinder you now, and people being so self-satisfied, & complacent with the way things
would judge you now for not heeding to their ways, will be are, that stands in the way of them ever getting stirred up enough
grateful then, that you refused to compromise for their sake, and to really get something done for Me. In order to really do the
even they will be proud of you, and they will bow down at your humanly impossible, one has to get desperate for the cause. It's
feet in gratitude that you made the wise decision for their benefit that desperation that makes things happen; the realization of the
as well. They cannot see it now, but they will see it then, and they urgency of the matters at hand.
will rejoice. And then they will also truly be part of My great, big, The ship's going down, & yet the band plays on & the captain &
happy, eternal Family! his crew are saying, "Don't panic, everything's under control...."
when really everything's out of control, because they're trying to
582 ____________________________________________________ grab the control more & more away from Me, practically want to
"This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how eradicate Me from people's minds, lives & consciences & give it
hopeless; no matter how far..." Reach for that star, My little crazy over to the one they will receive, who will come in his own name,
Don Quixote! You've got nothing to lose except that stony prison unlike Me, Who came in His Father's name & they did not receive.
of a reality in which the Enemy would like to keep you locked up. So, it pays for you to be alert & be among those who are
But there are no confines to those who possess and wield the prepared for what's going to happen. But if you're not prepared
keys of the Kingdom! The rules that apply to you are a when it happens, how can you be of much help to them? How will
completely different set than the ones the Devil has set up for his they know that you knew what was going to happen if you didn't
slaves. My servants are messengers & ministers of freedom in prepare yourselves?
this world of confines! You are the chain busters, the prison It's not an attitude of complacency I want My children to have,
busters, the matrix busters, exposers and destroyers of that but one of alertness & desperation. After all, you don't just stand
prison for their minds, which held you captive for a time as well, by in complacent indifference when you see a ship go down and
but from which I have set you free in order to set others free as most of it's passengers drowning, do you? You can't just stand
well. by, shake your head & say, "Tsk, tsk, I knew all along that this
You must make the decisions of which new territories you want was going to happen."
to conquer next. And if you shoot for the stars, you might at least You've got to DO something about it! You've got to save their
reach the moon, & the higher your vision, the higher you'll also souls. Nobody is as concerned about getting their souls saved as
fly. when they're realizing their ship is sinking. And a lot of people
are beginning to realize there's something wrong, more than
583 ____________________________________________________ they're being told, and people will be more & more willing to
The Word is your greatest & most valuable gift. The Words listen. But you've got to show by your attitude that you're real,
are the spiritual music, the tune & key that makes all My children not just another fake & phony with half-hearted or selfish
around the World tic, and the most powerful weapon. motives.
I will honor your faith you have put in My Words and your love for That's why you've got to pray desperately each day, with genuine
My Words. The Devil will fight you all the more, the closer you concern for others - that's why I want you to start showing more
come to My perfect will for you, the more you threaten to really concern for others - that's what it's all about, concern for others,
accomplish for My Kingdom, but keep on believing & keep & that's why I want you to pray desperately each day for Me to
forging ahead. show you what is the right attitude to have, what kind of an aura
you should bear, what kind of a mantle, and what kind of a spirit.
584 ____________________________________________________ This doesn't mean that you have to be dead serious all the time.
I will speak to you anytime, regardless of the way you feel, But you've got to be real. It's even going to help you to be more
and regardless of what you've done or not done. cheerful, because you're going to be less concerned about
There are times when My children don't have a clue. But I can yourself, & more concerned about cheering up others, helping
give you a clue. I'm the Clue-Giver! Haven't got a clue? Ask Me them to carry their load.
what to do! You're not in this world in order to collect & gather applause, but
You've got to be faithful in that which is least in your eyes, before souls. What do you think is going to be more rewarding in
I can bless you with that which you consider much. Your eternity? That little bit of applause that's here today & gone
commission is to love them with My love. tomorrow, or that little bit of money? Or the souls you're going to
If nothing else, you can love them through your prayers. Then win by going out searching for My lost?
you can ask Me for what other steps you can take to love them, & It's time to get serious about what you believe in. Time to make
I will show you. You have to develop a vision & a burden for it, the connection between your faith and the so-called real world,
the goal of reaching them. You think they don't want to be but also the real world of your actions, to really put your faith
reached, but you've got to look past the surface, beyond the into action & live that faith & live by faith! "The just shall live by
superficial impression they give off that they don't want to be faith!" - "Not by bread alone, but by every Word which
touched or loved with My love. proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
washed away the entire population of the world, except for Noah
587 ____________________________________________________ and his family. So, don't be amazed that the vast majority of
One shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand people are headed to perdition.
to flight. Go forth like Jonathan and his armor bearer, & find out Why am I allowing them to be misled? Because they have chosen
who is stronger. I am not limited to save by many or few. In fact, to believe a lie (John 3:19).
I've always specialized in using the few: the 300 of Gideon On the other hand, the greater the darkness, the brighter the
against the huge army of his enemies. Or when Elisha & his light, and the greater the contrast between you and them, the
servant were besieged by the enemy. If you could see in the greater the power. Just don't be afraid to let it shine! Don't let
spirit, you would also see that they that are with you are more their darkness intimidate you, influence you, enwrap you in any
than they that are with them. Your power is greater, and you just way, but pierce that light through their darkness & let it shine in
have to grab hold of that power & believe in it & wield it & not be its full radiance! A city that is set on a hill can not be hid, neither
swayed by physical circumstances, such as numbers, or the can a light be put under a bushel!
flood of mental conditioning that has programmed the masses Let your light so shine before men, even if they think that your
against what you stand for. light is darkness, or dangerous, & even if they may not all glorify
There is still that still small voice of My Spirit that speaks to all your Father when they see your good works, which they may not
those who are My children. After all, the propaganda & hogwash consider that good in their warped minds. But let their minds not
of the Enemy didn't prevent you from finding the truth, did it? influence you, but know who you are, what you are and Who you
Even though you were raised in it. When you were confronted are serving, and one of these days, they're going to see the truth,
with the truth, you chose to believe it, in spite of everything you and they will glorify Me and the Father then, for you, and the
had been brought up to believe by the System. mercy that you have brought to them, even if they didn't
So, what makes you think that I can't do the same thing for recognize it. Even if they don't receive Me or your full message, if
others that I've done for you? What makes you doubt that I can they will even only give you a cup of water or any token of
preserve My own unto Me? "My Father, which gave them to Me, is hospitality, they will glorify the Father one day for the good work
greater than all, and no one will be able to pluck them out of My you did in letting your light shine before them, and they will be so
Father's hand!" You have also read that nothing, no high or low grateful they did not reject you, even if they couldn't handle your
or depth, nor principalities nor powers, nor things that be nor message yet.
things to come, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate Know who you are in spirit: the only real alternative to the Devil's
you from the love of God! Neither shall many or few, or any System & Matrix, and while there will be those that will reject you
amount of Satan's propaganda and lies. My sheep will always, and some will only receive you in part and somewhat hesitantly -
still be My sheep, and they will hear My voice, and a stranger remember that they'll be rewarded for whatever good they do you
they will not follow! - but there will also be those who will have been waiting for you.
It may not be helpful from your point of view that most of My They may not show it at first, & it won't always be easy, but
other sheep - those of the churches - antagonize you, reject you something inside them will cause them to receive you, as you
and despise you. But why is that? Is it because they are more have received Me.
righteous than you because you believe in free love & extra-
marital sex? They may think that makes them more righteous 588 ____________________________________________________
than you, but that's only because they are deluded & deceived. I will empower you. The Devil is such a liar, such a swindler,
For in reality, it is they who are the fornicators & adulterers, for a real boogie man, trying to scare you out of the things I would
they are whoring and compromising with the System. They're not have you do, before you even get started, in hopes that you
dropped out. never will.
They did not "come out from among them," nor did they ever Everyone has their little mountains to climb in life. They may
"forsake all that they have" so that they could be My disciple, nor seem ominous & unconquerable from down below, but once you
do they know what this means, that "all who will live godly in start climbing, you'll see it's actually much easier than you
Christ Jesus will suffer persecution"! To whom do those thought, because you'll find Me and countless helpers right by
Scriptures apply? Who are the just that live by faith? Who are the your side, making it almost too easy for you.
called out ones, hated by all nations & kindreds & tongues for My All that really suffers & goes down is your pride. Tell Me what to
name's sake? do about your pride; whether we should just leave it in peace,
Now, this doesn't mean that everybody hates you, but the there in that cozy, dark corner of your life, & not disturb it, or
majority always will. "For strait is the gate & narrow is the way whether we should chase it out, stir it up & get it out into the
that leadeth unto life, & few there be that find it. And broad is the sunlight, where it's going to shrink & disappear like a vampire in
way, and wide is the gate that leadeth to destruction, and many the daylight!
there be which go in thereat." So, though in this world you may If there's anything that vampires are good symbolisms of, it's
be the few, the persecuted minority, be assured that they that be pride. It sucks. It's sucks & drains your life-blood, hiding away in
with you are more and greater by far than they that be with them. a coffin in some dark place of your life when you're working for
Yea, in all these things ye are more than conquerors through Him Me and exposing yourself to My sunlight. But as soon as the sun
that loved you! My love for you, and My love in you is greater is gone, it'll come out & try to suck your blood & turn you into a
than all, and it will conquer all. Wherefore, be comforted with zombie that sucks instead of gives, draining the life-blood of
these Words. Be strengthened! Wake up to who you are and to others, too, instead of giving your blood to them, as I did. It's the
how powerful you are, and cease from being intimidated by the exact opposite of all I ever lived & taught & preached.
Devil's empty lies & bluffs. Sure, he can impress with his I never demanded anyone's blood, but I gave Mine freely, & even
quantities of zombies that have rejected Me and will continue to told My disciples that they would have no part in Me unless they
reject Me, and trod down their path of doom. But you have would eat My flesh & drink My blood, which turned quite a few of
nothing to fear of them. them away from Me temporarily!
If anything, they are afraid of you, and your out-of-this-world They did come back later when they realized what I had meant by
courage that they lack, to accept the truth, the naked, full impact this, when they saw, & when the Holy Spirit revealed it to them,
of the truth as to which extent they've been lied to, and not only how the Scriptures had to be fulfilled & how I had to give My life,
they, but their fathers and their fathers' fathers before them. in order to save them, that by My blood they were going to be
But this is not the first time that My children stand alone against saved, no other way.
a vast majority of antagonistic generations. Abraham, Noah, and Some had expected the Messiah to be a great deliverer in the
a good many others were in the same boat. I know your flesh, who would cast off the Roman yoke from their neck. But I
temptation to wonder whether so many could be wrong after all. was "only" a Deliverer in spirit, Who would free them from a
But that's precisely why I said that the days before My coming much greater yoke, though, than the Roman yoke, namely the
would be like unto the days of Noah. When the flood came, it yoke of their own sins. That is not something that appeals to
pride, nor the flesh, nor to anyone who settles for this temporary what you pray for, and if you stop praying, I can't keep pouring.
world. This only appeals to those who are weary of this world, That's another reason why it says, "Pray without ceasing." I keep
who know that it has got nothing to offer them. supplying as long as you keep praying.
Slay your pride and bury that slain vampire in the dust. And out Remember not to take My flow of supply for granted, & never to
of those ashes, out of that dust, new life will spring forth & grow, stop praying it in and thanking Me for it.
a truly new man: My hero. The one you scarcely dared to dream These times also make you search your heart & see where, in
of being. But you can be, if you choose to. which area you might be failing Me, and where you could be
Doing this for yourself because you're after those laurels, would doing more, and it's good you're looking in different directions,
be the wrong motivation & incentive. There's a need. The world for new ways & methods of doing things. But don't start feeling
needs My super heroes, and they're not going to make it without abandoned or cast out because of some supposed failures. My
them. I have called you the saviors of this world, and you are. love for you is way too great. I could never abandon or condemn
Without you doing the job you should, the world is not going to you or cast you out for anything that you did or did not do. Any
be saved at the time and in the way it was meant to be. such feelings come from the Enemy!
All it costs is your pride. You know, how the Devil is always after It's a lack of trust in My love for you, and he's trying to put Me on
people's souls in some movies or stories? "All it costs is your the same level as his: just because he will self-righteously
soul..."? Well, the one thing I'm after is your pride. The thing is, condemn you for your failures, that doesn't mean that that's Me.
people's souls usually belong to the Devil in the first place, No way.
unless they're bought & redeemed with My blood. But the one Condemnation will cause a hindrance in our connection, because
thing I'm after, once I have saved your soul, is your pride. I want it dampens your faith that I will bless you.
you to surrender it to Me, to yield it to Me and to sacrifice it for As long as you're faithful in doing all you can in order to please
Me. Pride is often the one thing that prevents people from getting Me & stay close to Me, I respect & acknowledge that, & you can
saved in the first place. But then, once you're saved, in order to be sure that just as much as the Enemy is trying to belittle My
fulfill your great Commission & save the souls of others, it costs deeds for you in your mind, it's also just him trying to belittle
your pride again and again. your deeds for Me, but I see things differently & know how to
The price for the greatest reward there ever has been and will be: appreciate your every effort.
your pride! If you yield & give it to Me instead of clinging to it My love for you is greater than any wrong you might ever do...
protectively, that "cool," protective outer garb, whatever it is that There's a lot that your finite, mortal mind cannot yet grasp about
you think makes you look cool & prestigious in this world, I will the vastness & the extent of My power to forgive, otherwise you
give you a new robe of light that's going to make you fly. wouldn't be fretting so much, but you would be trusting Me a lot
Recognition in Heaven comes through humble tasks, dying to more, and rejoicing a lot more, instead of feeling depressed
yourself, sacrificing your pride & laying down your life for others. about all your supposed failures.
This negative type of thinking also affects others, because it
589 ____________________________________________________ makes you apply that same kind of thought not only to yourself,
There is a time for everything, for everything there is a but also to them. You judge others with the same harshness with
season: a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to rejoice, and a time which you judge yourself.
for weeping... And the art of living is to be content in whatsoever It's a very common human weakness, and one of the Devil's
state you're in, whether you're up or down, & to treat those two favorite traps, which he can use exquisitely with people who are
imposters, success & failure, just the same. The weapon of "accomplishers," whereas those who naturally feel & know that
praise comes in most handy during these times of testing, when they are & can do nothing in themselves, tend to give Me the
you don't feel so much like it. Just wield the weapon of praise & glory a lot more for everything, and also to be less harsh &
see what wonders it can do. judgmental on their brethren. Blessed are the merciful, for they
Have a praiseful attitude! Take each new day, no matter how shall obtain mercy.
gloomy it may be, as a thrilling challenge & new opportunity to Seek meekness, mercy, purity of heart, and even poverty in spirit,
conquer new territories for Me! Every little progress you make, being reviled by men and persecuted... I was telling My disciples
every step you take that brings you closer to Me, is a bit of new on the mountain the way I see things, as opposed to the world's
ground gained for the Kingdom, and another victory over the way of looking at things. I was giving them a glimpse of how high
Enemy! Don't let him make you feel like a loser, when you're My thoughts were above theirs, and in what aspects.
actually winning. Hunger and thirst for righteousness, and mourn (for) the sorry
It's one of his ugliest characteristics to constantly belittle state of the world & even your own sometimes, because these
everything & anything good you're doing or accomplishing, to times of contemplation make you realize what things are not the
belittle the miracles I'm doing, "Ahhh, that doesn't amount to way they should be, and your need to improve them with My
much! That's only a drop in a bucket..." And thus preventing you help. You will be comforted by Me, for I have gone through the
from praising Me for what I've already done for you, attempting to same sorrows, and by the Comforter, Who has wept since the
keep your eye on the hole, instead of the doughnut, the need, beginning of time over the hardness of the hearts of the children
instead of My bountiful supply. But where there's a need, there's of men, and the error of their ways. So, be comforted from your
a vacuum to fill. You just have to assign that vacuum to the right mourning, and let your hunger & thirst after righteousness be
address, namely Me, and not take it onto your own shoulders & filled.
try to carry the burden yourself! I'm the One in charge of your
needs; I will supply. Remember? I'm the Man in your house! You 590 ____________________________________________________
are but My little brides. Will I not care for you faithfully? You must fine-tune your instrument! Close your eyes & really
"Prove Me now herewith, if I will not open the windows of heaven make an effort & zoom in on the details.
& pour forth such a blessing that there will not be room enough You have to be able to read the fine print & hear even the faintest
to hold it!" whisper of My Spirit! We're training your ears.
Of course, sometimes you have to do a few certain things in
order to help Me open that window, or you've got to hold up your 591 ____________________________________________________
hands in order to receive the blessing & not let it fall to the Focusing outward, on the sheep, is the best remedy against
ground. Sometimes you have to be wanting it enough & not take any personal problems there is. Nothing strengthens unity like
it for granted. rallying together to fight against the real Enemy out there &
Sometimes you have to be made aware of the need first, and you fighting to get My message out & win souls into My Kingdom!
also have to go through experiences & dry spells that will help
you appreciate those blessings more. 592 ____________________________________________________
You pray a lot harder for My supply during the lean times. I was a teacher, and I am the Master teacher, and if you follow
Remember that I'm limited by your prayers, so, you actually get My footsteps, it's natural for you to also want to become a
teacher. between making money & changing the world by daring to be
You find strength again in the vacuum that's there in the spirit, a different & striving for the things that last. The magic and power
vacuum that you need. It's the inborn need to be needed. You that's going to enable you to make that difference is love! That's
need to feel needed by the sheep, a flock to pour out to, because the difference that will arouse others' curiosity long enough to be
you were born to be a shepherd. willing to ever listen to you, let alone follow you: It's the
If you're faithful to pour into them, and to share with them what difference that will be the "happiness factor" in your life, and the
I'm giving you, and you learn to focus on their needs & tune into energy you lack.
their bleatings & what's needed in order to strengthen them, you If you get ahold of My love, get connected to Me, getting re-filled
will also hear the call of the greatest need of others better, with love for Me and those you're going to meet, that's going to
wherever they may be. give you power & energy like nothing else will ever do.
For although you were born to be a shepherd, I have had to
replace the stony heart with a true shepherd's heart first, and it's 595 ____________________________________________________
only now, since you're coming of age, that you're learning to train Be gypsies for Me & pilgrims & strangers in this world.
your ears & focus your attention on the sheep & not your own I'm giving you freedom & liberty to serve Me the best you can,
plans to become some kind of a hero, much like Moses, when he according to your faith & abilities & vision, and you can do all
was younger. You're finally ready to become a shepherd, things through Me Who strengthens you.
requiring your own personal exodus from Egypt, so that in due It pleases Me that My children should develop their own initiative,
time you might become a leader to lead more of My children out come up with their own plans & visions & different ways of doing
of spiritual Egypt. it, even though it might not be the way everyone else does it.

593 ____________________________________________________ 596 ____________________________________________________

You must not allow the Enemy to cast you into the dungeon If your faith has received a sudden boost, and you've
of despair & feeling useless. I simply have chosen the weak to acquired a new vision which changes the outlook on everything,
confound the mighty & it's better to be weak and a yielded why, according to your faith it will be done unto you.
instrument in My hand than a strong but unyielding reed that The directions I had been giving you thus far were the ones I was
only bends according to its own will. able to give you according to the faith you've had so far, which
What you are and who you are and what you'll have been will all was influenced by the prospects of the various options you saw
become manifest to all by the works you will have done in the available. Now there's another option which opens up a whole
end, but it's not those great & glorious accomplishments that are new dimension of possibilities, and it's busting your previous
seen by all that make you really great in My sight, as you should mind frame, & thus enabling you to see further, to take into
know by now. It's faithfulness in the little things, yes, like consideration realms you thought were out of reach before.
teaching, like standing in the gap & cooking & doing the dishes. Now there's a fifth dimension, a new factor, which would enable
you to enjoy ALL possibilities simultaneously, and a nearly
594 ____________________________________________________ endless variety of more possibilities, directions & places to go, at
I don't just want to be Your "boss" or commander, I want to the same time!
be loved by you! Obedience without love is not really what I'm If this is a vision you would really like to take on, as My crazy
after, and without love, it all means nothing to Me. crusaders, reaching every corner I might possibly send you out
Love is and was & always has been the most important thing in to, according to your faith be it unto you. Don Quixote was only
life. Nothing but total love satisfies. able to bring others happiness as long as he didn't care what
In Heaven, in the City of Love, where the God of love rules & others thought of him.
dwells with His own people of love, there is no such thing as You can let the Enemy scare you out of practically anything. He
lovelessness, just as there is no darkness in this City of Light. can scare you right out of living, if you let him.
Likewise, you will also never ever lack energy anymore, because With the right vision you can have the faith which will spur you
love IS the energy of God. on to take the kind of initiative that opens My windows of Heaven
You need warmth & light & love to function & operate fully. On & pours down such blessings that there will not be room enough
the other hand, you're also going to have to give it your best, to hold them! T-ry Me!
even if the conditions aren't ideal or perfect, and I will bless you
for every effort to break out of your natural limits. If there's not 597 ____________________________________________________
enough love around, don't just be a thermometer, but be a Any ministry you're going to pursue: witnessing, teaching,
creator, a generator of love. Make up for the lack that's around! singing... they're all for the benefit of people, so, you're real main
Make a double effort! ministry actually is people.
Let your light shine & let your love shine, & who knows but that it People are what My Kingdom consists of, & by seeking first the
might just be the ember that's going to spark their flame, too? Kingdom, you're actually putting your priorities on people. It
The remedy for your lack of energy is the best remedy for means you're not living for yourself, but for Me & others. And
everything: love! If you focus on love, and you just fall in love once you make Me & others the central pivot that your life
with Me, and consequently with the souls of those around you, revolves around, you'll start noticing the blessings pouring in.
you'll fall in love with life, and the more love you have. It gets you Now, it's pretty hard to create new habits & a modus operandi
moving into positive action. that revolves around others when you've been spending so many
My love, My ultimate motive & incentive can spur you on & cause years revolving basically around you & how you feel & making
you to move out into positive action. yourself feel good... That's what intoxication is all about, and any
You cannot allow pride or fear or resignation to cause you to addiction that Bacchus tries to pull you away from Me with:
withhold it! You've got to give it anyway! numbing the pain, making yourself feel better. You're not willing
It's your calling, your destiny, your commission, to be a to face whatever pain & strain life is handing you & so you take
powerhouse of My love, an ambassador of love, an envoy of love. the Devil's easy way out: "Oh, you don't have to go through all
Love is what I want you to convey, love is your message, love is this pain! Here, take this, it'll make you feel better!"
what I want you to deliver & what I'm sending you out to give to And instead of handing your pain over to Me, for Me to deal with
the world! it, you cheat Me out of an opportunity to help you & manifest My
You've got to make My love your token, your standard, your goal, power in your life, and you cheat yourself out of an opportunity
your banner and the essence of everything you do, everything to grow in faith and love for Me, because instead of allowing Me
you say. It must be your motivation & driving force everywhere to do a miracle in your life, you rely on Satan's counterfeit
you go, there can be no other. Mere sense of duty will not do. It's solution, which isn't a solution at all. It just helps you forget or
got to be love, anything else is not enough. ignore the problem. What kind of a solution is that?
And that's what's going to make the difference. The difference So, this situation where you're forced to realize you need other
people to help you also makes you wonder, "what can I do for they do, it's going to be pretty difficult convincing anybody that
them?" Well, for one thing, they're already going to be mightily you've got something that they haven't, & making them want
blessed by helping you. But you can pray for them, ask Me to what you've got! It's got to be something better than what they've
show you things about them & areas in which they might need got. As long as you only want what they've got - their money -
help or counsel & in general just show more concern & and you cannot instill in them the desire to have what you've got,
appreciation for them! namely Me, you're not going to be much of a soul winner.
"People are what matters." People are what it's all about, and it's My calling, the job of a missionary, is not one to be pursued half-
time to really start focusing on people & how you might be able heartedly or lazily, you've got to give it your all! As you do all I
to help them, what you can do for them, so that they in return can, I will abundantly reward you & supply all your needs, just as
might help you with what you need! That's what the life of faith & I have promised!
the life of a missionary is all about.
You've just got to have a heart for people, be concerned about 600 ____________________________________________________
them, be moved with compassion upon them as I was and still It's got to be My Spirit. Nothing else will touch the people.
am. What matters, & what makes the difference, is My Spirit!
Love is what it's all about, and it's people you're supposed to Let My light shine before them.
love. They're the destination & recipients of that love. What do Show forth the power of unity!
you do with all that love? You give it away! To who? To people! Always be a good witness & shine with My Spirit!
Humans sometimes have their ways of simply not seeing the
obvious, which is why I'm reminding you & making it clear: 601 ____________________________________________________
people are your mission, people are your purpose, your ministry Some things you find out by open & closed doors. I won't
& the reason you're here. All those great saints of the ages that reveal everything to you in prophecy, since I also want you to
ever lived, they weren't so great because they attained some "knock," so that doors will be opened unto you, & you give
state of saintliness or holiness, but because they dedicated their various people their opportunities to make choices according to
lives to people. which they may be blessed. You will have given them an
Do whatever it takes to touch & heal people. That takes humility opportunity to be blessed by Me.
& initiative to go out & give of yourself. You can't keep it in! Who wants the blessing? Call around & then take the first good
door that opens.
598 ____________________________________________________
The Enemy is pretty subtle & very quick in building new 602 ____________________________________________________
Egypts, strengthening hidden & formerly unknown parts of your Your attitude had to change, putting greater emphasis on
"old man," & sometimes it takes time to even recognize them, unity and the testimony & witness than perfection, or even your
which is expedient, though, in order to be able to fight them. own taste, which was heavily influenced by System input.
You've been praying for Me to keep you close unto Myself & for Get away from the gear of trying to impress people. Spread forth
Me not to allow anything that would cause you to drift further My message & shine forth with My love & My Spirit!
away from Me. Now, all that comes with a price! You can't "dwell You put your money on the wrong horse, you were trying to
in the house of the Lord forever" & still go shopping in the impress, instead of reaching out to touch them! You had to find
Devil's supermarkets, along with all the other greedy System out where it wasn't at.
Greed is now considered natural & one of the "healthiest" factors 603 ____________________________________________________
& ingredients for a thriving economy, and modesty is becoming a So much is in your hands. So much power! Your destiny lies
rare & odd thing, not really looked on kindly anymore. in your own hands, & you can determine so many things through
You've been training yourself in modesty, being content with the prayer. I can do anything & there's nothing I won't do for you if
things you have, and even forsaking some of the few luxuries you ask in faith!
you had been enjoying before while the Devil has continued to I might just change your way of looking at things & help you to
het the world hyped up in ever more stark raving mad see through My eyes, but whichever way, you'll notice the
materialism and greed. difference.
So, in a World like that... would you even want to be one of the There's incredible power in your hands, & you can apply the keys
"top of the heap"? of change not only for yourself but also for others, especially
I'm only giving you what you can handle & what's within the those close to you, who are also yielded to Me & under My
frame of what you've asked Me for. You've asked to stay close to influence, being shaped by My hands...
Me, so I didn't allow anything that would cause you to stray. You're growing & progressing together, & you can help each
Your desires & goals were altered by My Word. My Word made other become that which you're supposed to become.
you aware of the truly important things in life, & so your priorities Keep praying for changes to happen. You don't like the way
changed. things are? Pray for Me to change'em!
When you'll be coming Home, everything is going to be the way it
was meant to be. That true Home of your heart is Here, My 604 ____________________________________________________
heavenly Realm! Unrealistic expectations stop you from just being yourself.
You'd like to be strong & able to perform a lot of mighty feats,
599 ____________________________________________________ worthy of admiration, or at least so you could pat yourself on
Money is important, but the only thing that's going to last, your back & be content with the way you are, not always so
the only eternal value that you can take with you from this world desperate for change. But I have made you weak instead.
into the next, are the souls you're winning for Me. In order for Me to truly become the Source of all power & energy
And in order to win souls, you're going to have to put on the robe in your life, your Driving Force, as opposed to your own drive in
of My Spirit, that heavenly-minded gear, & not the usual, "what the flesh, it just takes this weakening of the flesh.
shall we eat, what shall we drink, wherewithal shall we be You're just going to have to accept the way I've made you, or ask
clothed" mind gear that everybody's in out there. Me to change you. It all boils down to faith, & according to your
In order to win souls, you've got to stop worrying about these faith be it unto you. You can shape your environment & change
worldly matters, & have perfect trust that I will take care of them, your world according to your faith.
so that the souls you're trying to win can really see that you've You've got to cultivate your faith, & keep it growing! You've got to
got something that they haven't got, that you're actually not in keep making progress, constantly gain new territory, face new
the same sinking boat with them, but that you've got a heavenly challenges, have new changes. You've got to stir yourself up to
life-boat to safety. call upon Me! Don't let the indifference kill you, nor Lethargy lull
As long as you see things from the same materialistic angle as you to sleep, spiritually.
faint! How do I give power to the faint & strength to those that
605 ____________________________________________________ have no might? The same way you gain physical strength by
Whenever you come upon a challenge that's too big for you I eating food & taking in physical nourishment! You've got to eat
want you to turn around & give it back to Me. No problem in the Me, just the way you eat your food, if you want Me to do you any
world is too hard for Me to handle, & I just want you to learn to good. If you get hungry you eat, right? So, if you feel like you're
use My strength, My love, My understanding, instead of your own running low on spiritual energy & "lovability," just stop & take a
capacities. That's why I'm letting you run into challenges & break & take a bite of Me! Come, "taste & see that the Lord is
situations I know you can't handle on your own. good."
I'm allowing all this as a test for you. I'm in total control. This Your great & "unbearable" dilemma is actually the best & most
situation is engineered by My hand to see how you'll handle it, perfect way possible for Me to show you just how desperately
whether you'll bring the problem to Me to solve it & use My you need Me. Can you see now how perfectly I'm in control of
strength, or you just give up in the sheer hopelessness of not absolutely every aspect of your life? If you give Me your life, I'll
being able to handle this in your own strength. take it! I won't just ignore you & have you go on business as
I never was in the business of showing off how smart I am, since usual. Everything starts to make sense, if you care to find out!
I figured there were already more than enough people trying to
do that. So next time you feel tempted to make a silly joke on 607 ____________________________________________________
someone else's behalf, skip that opportunity to make yourself One simple way you can stay on My wavelength is by
look smart & score another point on your humility chart instead. praising Me. Whenever you can't pray without ceasing, praise
What people in the world consider smart sometimes, We, Up without ceasing.
Here in heaven often call downright dumb, because a lot of times You'll keep the Enemy & his bad spirits away & safeguard your
those smart jokes or witty remarks just cause others pain, which own spirit & tongue that way, and you'll make sure that whatever
is a pretty dumb thing to do by heavenly standards. That's you do is bathed in My Spirit, a positive & grateful attitude.
another area in which you have to learn to put on My mind, & not There's a lot to do, that's why it's specially important to make
be subject to your own, old way of thinking. sure you stay in My Spirit.
Call on the keys of submission & subjection for your tongue, and
yield that little member to Me, so that you only speak when 608 ____________________________________________________
spoken through by Me. "In the multitude of words there wanteth Take Me with you! Don't let our communication go under in
not sin." all the stress & the distractions! Remember to live each day as if
it were your last. Like this you won't miss any golden opportunity
606 ____________________________________________________ to get in a witness. You've got nothing to lose, so don't be afraid
I'm showing you how much more understanding, patience & or ashamed to talk about Me! You can only gain by it, & so will
longsuffering is to be expected of you. If I don't show you to what they, even if they initially might resist it!
heights you've still got to grow, how will you ever make the Keep up the spirit of giving. It's the warmth that will draw them to
necessary progress? the fire! It's not always that easy to get a fire going. You
Radical, supernatural changes are required to make radical, sometimes have to keep feeding it for quite a while until it'll
supernatural progress! You can't do it yourself. What they need finally really burn. But that fire will come in really handy when the
is a love that by far exceeds your own finite capabilities, & you're World's other sources & means to create heat artificially will have
only going to get the stamina you need by plugging into Me first run out, & the lights go out!
thing, before you make your clumsy attempts to lift them up. You Your light & your fire may seem rather insignificant right now, but
can't do it without Me. The only way you're ever going to love it'll really light up the landscape then, when the darkness comes.
anyone enough, & the way they need to be loved, is through Me Prepare for it, and help others to prepare for it! The best possible
& by My spirit of power & love & of a sound mind. way to prepare for it is by establishing a living relationship with
The only real & true & lasting cure is My love, & you're only going Me. Encourage others to do that!
to get that from Me. You can't feed a starving soul from empty Show them that it's possible to talk to Me, hear from Me, to be
pockets. loved by Me and to receive whatever they might need straight
You've got to have it first, in order to give it. You can't love in the from Me. All they've got to do is to invest in My currency, faith.
flesh, you can't perform a miracle of My Spirit in the flesh, and I They've got to invest a bit of their time & their hearts & their
have ordained it to be purely a work of My Spirit from A to Z. energies into My currency of faith that will withstand the tests
That's just the way it is... You've got to come & get it from Me. I've when all the other currencies of this world will have been
ordained it that way to prevent you from ever thinking it's you. consumed by the fire of judgment.
It's not in you, it's not in you, it's only in Me! One doesn't have to be perfect or holy or a sinless saint in order
It's true: you don't have enough love! Just admit it. to hear My voice & love Me intimately... I have chosen earthen
There's another good reason for really making sure you get vessels for My treasures, that others might have hope, too.
ahold of Me first thing every day, because if you don't, you know All they've got to do is invest in Me, put forth a little effort of faith
you're gonna make a mess of things, & no matter how hard you & put some of their time, money & resources on My horse, even
try, you're never going to manage to say or do the right things. though it may not always appear to be the winning one.
Without Me ye can do nothing!
In order to love your neighbor as yourself, you've first got to love 609 ____________________________________________________
Me & get filled up with My love for them. Nothing is impossible "The wicked are like the sea when it cannot rest." "There is
with God, but for you, everything is impossible without God! no peace for the wicked." Unbelievers don't have the same peace
I can let the world get away with operating in the flesh, because & rest that remains for My children, because it requires faith to
they live in the flesh & they love in the flesh. But I have called be able to rest in Me.
you to live in the spirit, to be one of those who will prove in the They're frantically groping around in the dark, rushing to & fro,
ultimate showdown of all ages in this Battle of flesh vs. spirit, thither & yon, afraid that they might be missing out on
that the spirit ultimately is stronger. The flesh may look as if it something, when all the while, the best thing they're missing out
has got the upper hand for the longest time, but in the end, the on - My love & Salvation - could be found in quietness &
hare never made it, but the tortoise did. The flesh may think of contemplation & stillness in their hearts.
itself as invincible and all-powerful, but it isn't. The Enemy fights like mad to keep them from ever getting there,
You want love? Come & get it! I can give it to you! Your spirit is a & so he keeps'em busy, busy, busily beating the air & chasing the
wonderland that I can fill with My love & light. Otherwise - without ever elusive bluebird of happiness. And what's worse is that
My infilling, it'll just be cold & dark & useless. There's no way some people can go through their entire lives like this, ever
you're ever going to have enough love without coming to Me first hardening their hearts to My voice.
to get it. I am the Bread of life! Unless you eat Me, you're going to It's good for you to find out the difference between them and you,
between what you've got & they haven't. could have accomplished for Me, and thus for greater &
Strive hard to be separate, as if you would around somebody everlasting rewards, literally perish & become lost, so, it's your
having a bad disease. responsibility to make sure to give them the vision.
Keep them in quarantine from you & take all the precautions you I'm allowing you to be in a situation of greater need right now for
can, keeping your own spiritual resistance strengthened & taking their sake, so that you don't just continue leading your little self-
in lots of the medicine of My Word. sufficient lives as before, but so that you will see the need of
ministering to those who in return are able to minister to your
610 ____________________________________________________ physical needs! It's time to start establishing your church and
They're like natives of a jungle tribe who are diseased, solidify a work for Me, and thus truly live by faith, which means
although it barely dawns on them that something's wrong with truly living the life of the just.
them, because they've lived in their filth & disease all their lives. You will get so much further that way than by just relying on your
You come along, having once been a member of their tribe, but arm of the flesh. Your true job & calling is to live for others, to
you've gone to work for the Great White Doctor, Who their witch live to minister to their spiritual needs, to feed the hungry &
doctor has told them is "no good", & that He has "bad joojoo". starving the words of David, as I have been feeding you.
All you can do is stay so convinced yourselves of the Strengthen the things that will remain, both, for you, as well as
effectiveness & greater power of the Great White Doctor's for those you will minister to, as you will give them priceless
medicine that your confidence that you've got something better opportunities to invest in eternity and My eternal values, as
than they, and the peace you have about it will be a testimony in opposed to living visionless, selfish & materialistic lives.
itself. You will no longer let all their loud rituals, chants & dances Relying entirely on Me and My sustenance for your living, you
& ferocious, menacing gestures distract you or divert you from will come much closer to full possession & being guided by Me
what you know is the truth, and you will just patiently have to non-stop! Beware of the Enemy's attempts to divert you from
wait for an opportunity and a needy situation to arise where the this! He will tempt you to get back into your old rut, but you must
Great White Doctor can prove His greater Magic. not allow him, but stay true to this vision I'm giving you, because
Their boat may look a bit more fancy than yours, but what you the people, My sheep, truly need you to be the shepherd I have
know, & they don't see yet, is that their boat has a hole in it, and ordained you to be.
they're all attached to this big sinking ship, while you in your Even by needing them, you're fulfilling a great need in them, the
small & humble life-boat will be relatively safe. It may not look need to be needed. I need them, and they need Me, and they need
very appealing right now, and they may look upon you almost you and you need them. It's a time for My children to find each
with pity, because they could never stoop down to such low other and find how much they need each other. It's going to be
levels as you in your little life-boat, but just wait until the storm My bride's secret of survival through the darkest night of history.
comes & the Titanic crashes, & they'll see things quite differently. You will all need each other to make it! No more self-sufficient
Whatever you do, don't let their way of seeing things affect you, lives! No more time for that kind of pride & independence.
not for a minute!
612 ____________________________________________________
611 ____________________________________________________ I am making you a shepherd. You will feed My sheep. This is
You will not be disappointed if you put your hopes, desires & your job, your task, your destiny. Feed them the lasting food, the
aspirations on Me. If it's Me you're longing for, you will find that Bread of life, & lead them to My good pastures, beside My still
I'll be more than enough & more than you ever needed and waters. As you will faithfully feed My sheep & fill their needs, you
desired & ever dreamed of. I am here to fill your every longing & will see that I will faithfully feed you & supply all your needs!
your every need, every craving & desire for love, passion & From henceforth you will be a feeder of sheep. There are those
affection, plus everything else you might desire & long for: who are good at being fishers of men, but your main quality will
mysteries & secrets revealed, and riches upon riches, much be that of feeding My sheep. I am giving you the very words they
more everlasting and fulfilling and satisfying than anything you are needing to hear to feed their souls & spirits & deepest
could ever find in this world. longings & yearnings for true, intimate fellowship with Me, their
I like you to pass this message & knowledge on, that there are Creator. You can re-connect them with Me, just like you have
greater riches to be found in Me than where most people are been re-connected with Me.
seeking satisfaction. Often, the more pleasure they derive from
this world, the more successful they are at managing to lead 613 ____________________________________________________
satisfactory lives, the less they see the need for Me and intimate It's detrimental to be hanging out or fellowshipping with the
contact with Me, but if you pray for them, I can create that same wrong type of people, because you often allow their lower
vacuum & longing in their souls for Me that I have placed in you, standard to be an excuse for you to lower yours, too.
because you have asked Me for it. Being poor doesn't make a loser out of you. Only thinking you're
If you pray for them, that they won't be truly satisfied by none of a loser because you're poor, & that you have to compromise for
the Devil's materialistic counterfeits & by anything but the real gain, will make a loser out of you, spiritually!
thing, I can protect them from that deception, just as I have "Real faith will always take the option that when there's a
protected you, and I can consecrate & reserve them unto Me. compromise, an opportunity to go the normal way, it will still
You've got to claim them for Me! If you already know they're My choose the radical, the different way..."
sheep, and especially if they have already received Me & you Your flesh still longs for the regular, the "normal" way, where you
know they are My children and they have received My message won't have to trust Me to bring in whatever you need to survive.
through you, and they're receiving Me in receiving you, you can But sooner or later, that whole "proper" way of doing things is
claim the keys of destiny for them, that they might reach & fulfill going to disappear. The "proper" way is headed for the mark of
their highest destiny & truly fulfill a divine purpose in their lives, the Beast, & at that point, you will have no part in it, anymore, &
instead of being satisfied with filling their little niche in the the sooner you start to prepare & find an alternative way of doing
business world. One doesn't have to exclude the other, but if things, which is Mine, the better off you're going to be.
they only pursue the materialistic side, they'll never be truly Don't dream that things are always going to stay the way they
satisfied without fulfilling the part they can do for Me, to help are, but keep in mind where it's headed: toward the mark of the
further & advance My cause & Kingdom, but it's your job to Beast, because this System is of the Devil, and he's not going to
remind them of that golden opportunity! give it up voluntarily. I'm going to take it away from him by
Without a vision the people perish. Without someone showing allowing him to fully establish his kingdom on Earth, proving to
them what they could be doing for Me and for others, how they all mankind what an absolute mess he's going to make out of
could invest some of their lives, energies & resources into My things, and it's going to be war, and nothing less.
eternal cause, their spiritual muscles wither, their focus grows He's going to declare open war on My bride, and that's where
more & more narrow all the time, & the opportunities of what they he's going to have gone too far, & where he's going to find out
that he can't keep making the bill without the Keeper of the Inn...
Don't be a System junkie yourself; but be thankful for the fact
that you can learn to trust Me for the income & outcome of every
single day, that I'm your Provider, the One Who feeds you, the
One you work for!
Are you going to stand up for Me proudly, & say, "this is my God,
the One I'm working for, and He has never failed to supply all my
"A disciple is someone whose primary goal in life is to serve God
and not mammon." Is your promary goal to serve Me, and not
Every penny in the service of mammon is hard earned by bearing
the heavy yoke of mammon, while every cent I bless you with in
My service, that is being given to you in return for My Words and
Family tools is a testimony to My great power of supply, My
power to lift you up. My yoke is so easy, it can help you fly!
Putting on My yoke is almost like putting on a pair of wings, in
comparison to the heavy, steely yoke of the System and
mammon, who will squeeze every drop of energy out of you in
return for every penny you earn. That money just disappears
again, as it develops eagle's wings itself & disappears into this
hole or that, this bill or that need... it never stops; it's a vicious
cycle & a deadly trap!
Step out of that treadmill! And step out on the water of My will for
Don't lose sight of the goal, the vision I've given you!
Establish a ministry that's really going to spread My Word & My
message, & stop compromising for gain.
Do something for Me, that's going to make an obvious difference!
Show & prove that you're actually going to take up your cross &
follow Me, spreading My message of truth to the lost & hungry
sheep & being a ray of light in a dark & dreary world!

613 ____________________________________________________
Resign to your fate & fate will accept your resignation!
Resigning to your fate is the exact opposite of what I have been
trying to teach you. Resigning to your fate means yielding to
your circumstances instead of availing yourself of My power to
change them.
It's conforming with & settling for the "prison for your mind" that
the Devil has constructed for you, your personal little "matrix."
Some tests do re-occur, sometimes time & again. You all have
your besetting sins.
If you endure hardness as a good soldier of Mine, I can
encourage you that there WILL be an end to those trials & battles
& sufferings.
Do you still believe that I am all-powerful? Or do you think, "Nah,
the Lord can do quite a lot, but not this thing..."? It's still
according to your faith. Do you believe?
Categorical Index: 428, 432, 433, 434, 436, 437, 443, 447, 449, 451, 455, 464, 467, 478,
481, 486, 492, 497, 507, 508, 509, 514, 515, 519, 520, 527, 528, 538,
Action: 248, 506, 536 539, 543, 552, 553, 559, 560, 562, 566, 568, 569, 578, 581, 599, 604,
608, 609
AME: 320, 321, 413, 425, 458, 476, 542, 561
Faithfulness/Perseverance: 36, 248, 251, 252, 255, 274, 287, 300,
Anger: 297, 300, 444 411, 441, 447, 449, 458, 476, 480, 493, 509, 531, 537, 551, 584

Attitudes/Mindsets: 39, 74, 91, 200, 235, 263, 277, 278, 280, 295, 309, Family, The: 65, 420, 433, 451, 557, 566, 568, 569, 587
334, 351, 362, 365, 403, 409, 421, 431, 439, 449, 457, 460, 506, 517, 521,
529, 568, 573, 586 Fear/Courage: 45, 87, 91, 208, 323, 455, 463, 467, 486, 489, 507,
512, 529, 533, 596
Backsliding: 243, 294, 312
Flesh Vs. Spirit: 8, 22, 33, 37, 55, 62, 70, 75, 76, 83, 84, 88, 96, 100,
Beauty For Ashes: 144, 250 101, 117, 140, 142, 157, 158, 164, 175, 194, 201, 202, 207, 257, 266,
285, 302, 314, 315, 317, 319, 321, 322, 344, 348, 351, 352, 354, 358,
Big Picture, The: 123, 175, 181, 250, 282, 284, 478, 494, 578, 606 365, 374, 375, 384, 385, 386, 400, 410, 412, 417, 423, 427, 439, 445,
455, 461, 463, 470, 487, 511, 517, 519, 521, 527, 530, 536, 538, 540,
Change: 12, 24, 53, 66, 98, 123, 132, 142, 199, 224, 233, 239, 253, 563, 576, 577, 578, 581, 588, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612
266, 270, 339, 363, 373, 382, 407, 412, 450, 453, 463, 486, 520, 525,
527, 532, 552, 563, 579, 585, 602, 603, 604, 606 Forgiveness/Mercy: 54, 154, 172, 238, 372, 447, 455, 460, 469, 501,
547, 555, 589
Children: 84, 116, 165, 173, 246, 285, 378, 433, 434, 446, 488, 502,
517, 527 Forsaking all: 79, 129, 133, 157, 170, 250, 261, 266, 349, 417, 443,
450, 452, 453, 523
Choices/Decisions: 143, 170, 176, 209, 224, 255, 315, 324, 340,
354, 355, 358, 381, 397, 399, 415, 420, 431, 442, 445, 486, 487, 549, Freedom: 180, 293, 440, 460, 557, 569, 582
Fruitfulness: 11, 312, 392, 393, 420, 470, 489, 493
Churchianity: 47, 264, 460
Full Possession: 142, 151, 155, 191, 192, 208, 220, 303, 314, 318,
Communication: 10, 21, 84, 137, 142, 158, 174, 176, 216, 231, 260, 320, 345, 424, 428, 439, 454, 484, 496, 542, 560, 561, 611
293, 303, 306, 317, 320, 359, 386, 428, 477, 479, 485, 486, 501, 508,
555, 564, 565, 578, 608 Giving: 19, 50, 51, 76, 148, 190, 262, 334, 335, 336, 338, 350, 352,
362, 365, 376, 377, 379, 393, 440, 457, 480, 491, 510, 537, 597, 608
Conviction vs. Compromise: 79, 87, 101, 103, 128, 154, 157, 159,
184, 190, 191, 196, 205, 206, 225, 240, 244, 293, 314, 324, 362, 387, Giving the Glory to God: 3, 43, 75, 175, 206, 263, 267, 298, 360,
388, 389, 392, 428, 431, 451, 452, 463, 467, 479, 482, 484, 550, 554, 413, 424, 447, 465, 481, 547, 551, 568, 574, 589
561, 562, 567, 569, 576, 587, 596, 602, 609, 610, 612
God first: 20, 21, 25, 28, 35, 56, 90, 93, 100, 115, 143, 148, 157, 169,
Correction: 58, 111, 112, 215, 249, 316, 347, 353, 384, 429, 456, 171, 176, 177, 227, 239, 240, 243, 250, 252, 293, 295, 298, 303, 304,
458, 476, 477, 518, 548 306, 348, 370, 386, 390, 393, 399, 420, 431, 435, 437, 447, 457, 458,
496, 498, 519, 520, 523, 524, 563, 566, 573, 597, 599, 606, 611
Dedication & Commitment: 79, 103, 116, 134, 138, 207, 314, 352,
360, 380, 392, 397, 413, 417, 441, 533 God's Justice: 146, 567

Deliverance: 428 God's Love: 11, 21, 30, 41, 46, 57, 64, 66, 70, 95, 128, 137, 145,
156, 161, 171, 177, 195, 216, 236, 265, 282, 293, 303, 304, 305, 310,
Dependence On God: 75, 76, 83, 96, 97, 108, 124, 129, 140, 144, 318, 329, 349, 350, 361, 366,374, 412, 416, 421, 428, 429, 446, 447,
164, 259, 293, 342, 345, 381, 382, 414, 424, 425, 445, 452, 470, 485, 455, 456, 466, 469, 479, 503, 506, 509, 511, 515, 516, 568, 589, 606,
487, 490, 515, 521, 524, 530, 542, 545, 606 611

Devil's Devices: 63, 67, 70, 71, 72, 93, 101, 103, 107, 110, 115, 116, God's Promises: 107, 146, 157, 194, 253, 266, 270, 300, 410, 466,
131, 132, 133, 137, 140, 148, 152, 167, 171, 179, 182, 193, 194, 212, 479, 505, 508, 519, 529, 558, 559, 562, 564, 568
220, 221, 223, 247, 263, 265, 266, 268, 289, 290, 292, 293, 315, 316,
337, 346, 357, 358, 389, 392, 401, 406, 408, 410, 411, 415, 427, 439, God's Ways Vs. Man's Way: 15, 16, 45, 50, 61, 68, 78, 84, 88, 101,
445, 450, 452, 470, 472, 483, 484, 491, 506, 511, 542, 550, 553, 561, 106, 124, 144, 177, 183, 238, 240, 241, 242, 247, 254, 255, 257, 263,
578, 588, 589, 597, 598, 604, 611 283, 286, 299, 313, 315, 323, 362, 372, 412, 417, 419, 439, 455, 458,
460, 463, 467, 480, 495, 500, 513, 517, 561
Discipleship: 44, 79, 96, 97, 105, 140, 155, 187, 196, 207, 224, 244,
253, 309, 349, 380, 391, 417, 418, 430, 460, 463, 464, 499, 567, 612 Grace: 100, 423, 516

Discernment: 237, 275, 473, 530 Happiness/Joy: 96, 127, 137, 155, 158, 166, 174, 181, 341, 420,
439, 449, 553, 561
Doubt: 32, 171, 357, 392, 403, 531, 613
Healing: 273, 428, 610
Endtime: 16, 46, 68, 83, 94, 104, 152, 209, 213, 268, 292, 297, 302,
311, 395, 427, 451, 459, 612 Hearing from God: 20, 21, 62, 75, 103, 106, 111, 124, 126, 127, 142,
143, 147, 153, 156, 157, 185, 191, 210, 217, 225, 243, 251, 254, 260,
Faith & Trust: 8, 16, 17, 38, 55, 57, 61, 65, 67, 72, 76, 94, 96, 105, 268, 305, 306, 309, 312, 316, 329, 403, 420, 428, 488, 498, 508, 525,
109, 117, 119, 135, 137, 141, 144, 145, 152, 162, 164, 168, 175, 177, 528, 532, 541, 560, 561, 571, 584, 590, 596, 608
189, 211, 230, 245, 250, 253, 258, 263, 269, 271, 272, 273, 289, 297,
299, 312, 314, 323, 324, 343, 350, 360, 371, 375, 398, 403, 416, 419, Heaven: 45, 121, 125, 141, 175, 411, 505, 553, 555, 564, 594, 598
227, 262, 284, 447, 500, 519, 520, 525, 539, 558, 606
Heavenly Thought Power: 254, 305, 320, 359, 542, 560
Peace: 144, 181, 308, 412, 438, 459, 497, 555, 558
Holy Spirit: 76, 114, 139, 172, 180, 202, 205, 322, 547, 563, 587, 600
Persecution: 184, 311, 571
Honesty: 215, 228, 244, 275, 303, 347, 349, 380, 460, 480, 486, 555
Pioneering: 4, 68, 373, 450, 499
Humility/Pride: 3, 36, 45, 47, 61, 64, 93, 96, 128, 130, 140, 176, 181,
186, 190, 201, 223, 228, 248, 263, 267, 287, 288, 298, 326, 343, 346, Praise: 14, 28, 67, 108, 148, 187, 252, 278, 279, 297, 301, 350, 359,
347, 348, 349, 355, 356, 360, 374, 381, 382, 407, 422, 426, 427, 444, 416, 449, 457, 474, 475, 476,481, 492, 516, 542, 574, 589, 607
460, 465, 467, 477, 481, 490, 545, 546, 548, 551, 588
Prayer: 7, 17, 19, 25, 38, 40,47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 66, 73, 84, 86, 88,
Independence: 223, 380, 611 108, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 199, 201, 216, 232, 251, 252, 259, 268,
280, 281, 285, 288, 302, 338, 350, 359, 361, 375, 384, 397, 398, 404,
Jesus: 9, 113, 124, 128, 129, 130, 165, 421, 428, 433, 439, 564, 588, 436, 444, 485, 488, 501, 512, 542, 564, 565, 586, 589, 603, 608, 611
Progress: 176, 189, 199, 201, 233, 242, 244, 304, 338, 373, 403,
Keys of the Kingdom: 17, 120, 127, 129, 256, 420, 428, 439, 444, 404, 425, 435, 446, 450, 463, 477, 486, 493, 499, 508, 512, 528, 548,
454, 463, 475, 540, 542, 456, 552, 555, 558, 603, 611 562, 604, 606

Knowledge: 2, 117, 118, 120, 129, 227, 290, 515 Protection: 141, 216, 256, 416, 518, 562

Law of Love: 250, 331, 486, 537 Relationships: 1, 9, 89, 174, 182, 217, 228, 234, 262, 294, 301, 330,
333, 334, 335, 337, 358, 367, 378, 379, 414, 427, 455, 468, 469, 477,
Leadership: 9, 166, 168, 193, 480 486, 516, 517, 522, 556, 567, 568, 578

Little Things & People: 248, 284, 287, 297, 477, 480, 494, 502, 515, Revelation: 103, 111, 132, 142, 197, 371, 446
537, 545, 551, 563, 593
Sacrifice: 250, 361, 417, 463, 550, 573
Looking unto Jesus: 111, 114, 119, 142, 144, 148, 168, 189, 253,
263, 304, 326, 345, 370, 375, 409, 410, 415, 449, 453, 461, 464, 465, Salvation: 236, 372, 586
466, 496, 501, 507, 516, 517, 561
Sample: 111, 136, 153, 154, 168, 178, 205, 300, , 388, 390, 402, 439,
Love: 6, 31, 41, 44, 47, 55, 59, 68, 69, 71, 86, 87, 91, 98, 118, 121, 458, 480, 505, 511, 535, 538, 600
134, 135, 138, 148, 154, 165, 166, 173, 185, 186, 200, 202, 203, 205,
248, 249, 273, 276, 291, 294, 296, 298, 301, 310, 315, 333, 335, 336, Security: 10, 85, 129
347, 348, 361, 366, 368, 369, 377, 394, 396, 399, 400, 404, 414, 415,
426, 441, 469, 470, 476, 483, 487, 491, 493, 500, 512, 522, 529, 534, Selfishness: 27, 78, 89, 93, 122, 201, 250, 264, 265, 274, 333, 334,
537, 538, 544, 545, 551, 553, 575, 584, 594, 597, 606 347, 376, 427, 452, 456, 457, 490, 514, 557, 561, 575, 578

Loving Jesus: 11, 21, 28, 29, 75, 80, 137, 142, 177, 191, 209, 229, Self-righteousness: 93, 105, 195, 237, 300,372, 444, 448, 501, 548
231, 240, 264, 265, 305, 368, 399, 458, 471, 475, 509, 511, 515, 568,
573 Shepherding: 174, 212, 214, 225, 296, 353, 364, 379, 383, 390, 403,
414, 415, 441, 464, 490, 497, 512, 592, 611, 612
Meaning/Purpose: 606
Sin: 112, 209, 416, 447, 460, 516, 580
Meekness: 99, 257, 444, 445
Spirit Helpers: 76, 127, 175, 192, 195, 317, 328, 386, 398, 476, 505,
Metaphors: 76, 185, 192, 256, 361, 456, 500, 556, 561 506, 520, 546, 558

Miracles: 17, 40, 72, 224, 296, 310, 558 Spiritual Weapons: 217, 398, 454, 475

Money: 16, 81, 92, 165, 612 Spirit World: 5, 10, 40, 52, 54, 60, 61, 65, 134, 142, 175, 181, 317,
386, 471, 564, 565
Movies: 127, 138, 181, 255, 298, 299, 300, 315, 430, 451, 542
Supply: 96, 148, 245, 252, 259, 269, 289, 293, 307, 321, 400, 464,
Music: 28, 29, 267, 313, 481, 540 467, 562, 581, 589, 599, 601, 612

Mysteries: 8, 21, 60, 87, 88, 90, 100, 122, 151, 183, 192, 197, 213, System, The: 11, 16, 45, 47, 50, 67, 69, 87, 94, 101, 104, 109, 111,
277, 282, 318, 333, 386, 416, 446, 479, 509, 540 165, 179, 193, 195, 201, 206, 226, 231, 243, 284, 288, 347, 363, 372,
401, 408, 411, 421, 430, 439, 451, 460, 467, 512, 554, 587, 598, 609,
Negativity/Positive Thinking: 182, 242, 263, 327, 409, 414, 442, 610, 612
444, 449, 472, 474, 475, 481, 492, 495, 516, 555, 561, 568, 589
Teaching: 246, 247, 249
Obedience: 11, 14, 21, 24, 32, 33, 55, 80, 87, 150, 161, 163, 176,
178, 189, 191, 245, 306, 329, 332, 343, 393, 397, 400, 405, 420, 422, Thankfulness: 14, 26, 27, 67, 107, 132, 148, 200, 261, 300, 403,
432, 447, 449, 503, 504, 514, 594 411, 449, 457, 467, 474, 553, 561, 589

Overcoming & Rising above: 57, 71, 84, 87, 90, 94, 95, 107, 121, Trials & Tests: 77, 82, 92, 100, 107, 135, 143, 151, 268, 281, 284,
135, 149, 152, 239, 241, 315, 392, 428, 436, 457, 460, 466, 469, 519, 302, 332, 345, 350, 381, 382, 404, 407, 414, 443, 464, 512, 513, 535,
536, 542, 552, 558, 578, 613 537, 553, 566, 572, 605, 613

Patience / Waiting on the Lord: 3, 28, 54, 71, 75, 102, 172, 186, Truth: 105, 112, 114, 241, 244, 245, 284, 290, 349, 354, 355, 356,
371, 411, 428, 430, 460, 551, 576, 581, 587

Unity: 158, 218, 222, 225, 294, 310, 326, 358, 380, 409, 412, 426,
432, 487, 491, 501, 521, 545, 548, 555, 556, 565, 600

Vision: 4, 12, 18, 19, 30, 40, 59, 64, 97, 122, 142, 163, 168, 211, 214,
246, 373, 428, 434, 447, 553, 555, 564, 567, 576, 582, 595, 596, 611

War of the Spirit: 10, 12, 35, 45, 47, 56, 63, 65, 72, 79, 85, 95, 101,
104, 105, 127, 152, 158, 167, 174, 195, 196, 208, 209, 220, 221, 222,
234, 235, 256, 308, 325, 326, 328, 345, 389, 390, 405, 406, 428, 430,
454, 473, 482, 491, 501, 506, 512, 531, 537, 542, 544, 546, 548, 550,
554, 570, 580

Wisdom: 128, 129, 301, 330, 396, 403, 535

Witnessing: 16, 23, 29, 39, 45, 76, 87, 101, 114, 132, 133, 134, 146,
151, 158, 167, 187, 198, 199, 201, 205, 209, 229, 230, 236, 251, 252,
264, 265, 270, 274, 288, 295, 298, 337, 342, 343, 367, 387, 391, 392,
395, 402, 404, 405, 422, 449, 456, 459, 483, 499, 503, 511, 514, 520,
526, 529, 542, 557, 576, 577, 586, 591, 599, 608

Word, The: 12, 13, 16, 34, 56, 63, 84, 109, 112, 114, 201, 209, 251,
260, 283, 295, 312, 344, 356, 357, 358, 408, 420, 421, 428, 429, 462,
514, 541, 553, 583, 598

Worldliness: 92, 105

Yieldedness: 75, 76, 78, 138, 266, 291, 297, 318, 352, 360, 361, 369,
374, 415, 416, 417, 418, 424, 444, 447, 449, 450, 486, 487, 527, 545,
557, 563, 579, 593, 604, 605, 606
1 ____________________________________________________ as an area that My light isn't shining on yet, so that's where he
If you clothe yourself with the cloak of humility, & abase can play his game of "Shady cloaks of lies & deceit."
yourself to a position where you're receptive to learn things, What's one man's meat can be another's poison, and it becomes
even though they don't make any sense to you; if you're willing poison the minute that it becomes a god for you, once it
to, like Don Quixote, not see as man sees, but see the noble in becomes so important to you that it occupies your thoughts,
the mundane, the princess in the whore, then you'll be a star your time, your motives and your actions more than is due.
according to My book! Living for Me and serving Me very often entails sacrificing
There is hope as long as you're open to receive My Words of Life, personal desires, as hard as it may be sometimes. You think that
which teach you to see things not the way they seem in the because you desire it, you're supposed to have it, but that's not
physical & in the carnal, but the way they really are in the spirit. necessarily so. Sometimes those desires are the very
Judge not according to the obvious, but judge righteous temptations of the Enemy, designed to lure you away from what I
judgment! Not all that glitters is gold. desire for you.
Digging deeper will always reveal the ultimate truth in the end, if Certain rewards can only be enjoyed after certain tests.
that's really what you're looking for, like any true disciple always Sometimes the only thing that will enable you to pass the test is
will. letting go the desire for the reward, which means laying down
I have loved you with unconditional love, and so should you your life, your own desires for the sake of another.
learn to love likewise. I have forgiven you and continue to forgive These things must be given to you, you cannot take them by
your countless sins & overlook your flaws, & you should learn to force or by demanding, which is not according to the Law of
forgive as you're being forgiven, to love as you're being loved, to Love.
help others to grow, even as you're being helped and taught by Resist the temptation, recognize it as the Enemy it is, and fight
Me. this foe!
You can become like Me! If you're determined to learn from Me, I Those spirits first influence your flesh and subtly cooperate to
am determined to teach you. subvert your spirit, until you're giving them a chance to come in
Thinking you deserve something better is pride and self- and take over. You can fall from any level of service. If you think
righteousness, thinking you know better than Me. Make you're standing, take heed lest you fall. Often the more desperate
something better out of what you've got by learning from Me! I you feel, the more useless, and the less "holy" you feel, the
can make everything out of nothing. Even so can you, with My closer you really are to Me, whereas when you think you're so
magic of love. Hold on to My promises! I can bring it to pass right & you're so convinced that the other party is wrong, you
against all odds. might actually be in for a a big surprise.
What has had to die in order to bring forth the new was your own
2 ____________________________________________________ perception of things! I've had to shatter your deceptions &
Strengthen the things that remain, instead of the arm of the illusions in order to make you see the truth. Another veil is gone,
flesh. Spread your wings & fly to new horizons, do new things another layer of the Devil's deceptions, and you're one step
and enjoy the freedom I am giving you! closer to My throne.
Keep focusing on the freedom that I have in store for you, and all
the countless possibilities it entails. Walk toward the realization5 ____________________________________________________
of that vision by faith. Make it happen! Nothing happens by accident or without a reason or a purpose.
I cannot bless dishonesty, no matter how minimal or insignificant
I love you and want you to be happy serving Me. I'm not it seems to be to the logical mind. There is no such thing as "a
expecting you to go out & do things for Me that you hate, little white lie."
although some things might initially be simply tough & become You must realize that I knew all that was going to happen, and
better as you go. But people must be able to see that you love I've allowed it. Do you believe that I've allowed all that happened
what you're doing, & that you're doing it because you feel you're as the best thing that could possibly come out of it?
called to do this beyond the shadow of a doubt, and there's no How else would you have come to the point where you're willing
other thing on Earth you would do. to finally let Me fully take the reins in your life?
Invest your time, energy & resources, your lives, into My All this is necessary for you to come to greater purity before Me,
Kingdom. Start living by the faith that in so doing I will which is going to enhance your power incredibly. Without it,
miraculously supply your needs. The less your arm of the flesh is nothing's going to work. If you're going to work for Me, you're
involved, the more I'll be able to do for you! going to have to have pure hearts, and I'm using these things to
I can work better miracles without any support from the flesh! If purify & cleanse you. Rejoice, for I'm freeing you from all the dirt
you'll just bring My message to the people, you'll fly higher & go that would otherwise obstruct the light & cause you to shine less
further than you have before. radiantly. Rejoice, because you're going to shine all the more
In order to open up a new book, you have to close the old book brightly through all of this. Rejoice, because this cleansing is a
first. In order to start something new, you'll have to forsake the great blessing, not a curse, nor reason for sorrow. I love you.
old, something has to die in order to give way to the new.
6 ____________________________________________________
3 ____________________________________________________ The only road that's going to take you to the right destination is
If you want the cloak of humility, you're going to have to walk the road of humility.
the humble road. You cannot pretend or presume to be ready for something when
Stop any & all activities that would feed your pride, which will you're not, when you're not yet fulfilling the requirements.
make you lose the garment of humility again. You can't say you're in 10th grade before you passed the final
Seek and walk the humble road! Don't let the Devil entice you to exams of the ninth grade...
go down any road that will minister to your pride. "Freedom's just another word for 'nothing left to lose'" - no
reputation, no pride, nothing! If you lose your reputation,
4 ____________________________________________________ welcome to the club! If you lose your pride, congratulations! And
Real, genuine, unselfish love loves the unlovely. I see and which other way are you going to lose your pride but by being
judge totally contrary to the way man does. humbled? And how are you being humbled? By being a sample
I'm having to blind some people physically in order to make them of one of My "peculiar people," My called out ones, who are not
see in the spirit. Imagine if you were blind, what a different of the world, the blessed ones whom men shall revile & speak all
attitude you would have, how much humbler you'd be, and how manner of evil against, falsely. Those who only walk because of
much more grateful! My grace, those who live by My grace and by their faith in Me,
Hiding from Me is always the result of sin. Any area of your life those who have no other strength, no other shield, no other
you're trying to hide from Me will be used by the Devil somehow provider but Me.
A factor entering the equation that tempts you to rely on the flesh
doesn't help. 9 ____________________________________________________
My way of seeing things often very strongly differs from yours. Use the sword of the Word against your foes. Exposing them in
The sin of self-righteousness exceeds the sin of jealousy on My the light of My Word is one of the best remedies & most powerful
scale of "graveness." The obvious & blatant sin is not as bad as arms against them.
the more subtle sin of self-righteousness. Get on the attack with the white-hot sword of the Spirit, which is
Make it clear without a doubt that you accept the blame. the Word of God, & cut the Devil to the heart! The Word is your
Your life may seem a total disaster in your own eyes right now, most important weapon of attack, use it! It will solve many of
with only Me to trust for what you need in order to make it, but in your problems & strengthen your connection with Me.
My eyes, you're in the best position you've ever been in, so, You want to see things My way? Read My Word! You want to
cheer up: what looks like the worst to you, is actually the best think My thoughts? Study My Word! You want to be strong in the
you've ever been. Spirit? Absorb & eat & drink in My Words, and you will be! The
You've got no more urge to prove & show to the World what you secret of basically everything you long for lies in the Word. It's
are & what you can do, because you've already found out that the magic seed that's going to bring the fruit in your life that you
you're just a mess and only make a mess of things without Me. desire. It's the golden standard that'll help you see things clearly,
So, if there's ever something good that's supposed to come forth according to My rules & standards, it's the light on your path & a
from you, it's going to have to be Me, right? lamp unto your feet. So, if it gets dark & dim all around you, just
What better foundation for anyone's future is there? turn on that power torch of My Word, and light up the landscape
all around you.
7 ____________________________________________________
I don't judge you by the amount of accomplishments you 10 ___________________________________________________
achieve, but reward you for the amount of love you show. Seek Me desperately for the course your life is to take. The
You've got to have it inside before you can give it out; you've got Devil fights tooth & nail to stop you from accomplishing My
to have the love for each other first, before you can let your light highest & ideal plan for you.
so shine before men. If you can't even love each other, how can When I give you a vision or plan for the future, the Devil will fight
they expect that you're truly going to love them? So, I prefer your it, and it depends on all involved to ward off those attacks from
sitting still & waiting on Me, learning from Me what it means to the evil one, and if one link in the chain fails to see their part &
have mercy, to any sacrifice. the conditions they have to fulfill, the whole plan may come to
The more you trust in Me, the better off you're going to be. naught.
The life of faith is exciting, much more exciting than knowing you History or destiny is constantly being re-written & re-planned &
can just coast along & trust in your arm of the flesh. re-shaped by its participants and their decisions. It all depends
Life is too precious to be only living it for money. And learning to on each of you. Each one has to fulfill their part. If any party
love is so much more important than anything they can teach allows the Enemy to foil the plan, the final victory is going to
you in any old school, university or apprenticeship. have to be brought about by some other means, or even by other
Be a slave for love! It's so much better than being a System slave players...
for the Devil! Your place as one of My winners is not guaranteed. Each one's
place among the winners & final victors is only determined by
8 ____________________________________________________ their own constant determination, conviction and decision to
If My Word is your strength, you should read it. You don't leave keep on for Me & Me alone, no matter what, and if whatever your
your sword lying in a corner while you're going out on the battle brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may
field. You believe in the Word as much as you read it. be held responsible for his mistakes, but you will be held
So, if you want your faith to grow and become a force that's real responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead
in your life, just use the Word. The most precious gift I have of Me, and whatever your looking at the waves will result in. If
given you is My Word. Just because others don't appreciate it as you want victory, you've got to keep looking at Me. Everything
they should is a poor excuse for being as blind as they are & not else will only spell defeat...
recognizing the treasure I have given you for what it is!
The masses are hypnotized by the evil light of the usurper, and 11 ___________________________________________________
they can't even see what you see. You are what you are by the choices & decisions you make
You must carefully choose in what you will invest the time which every day, every second, minute and hour, and what you will be
still remains. It will require discipline and a conscious effort to is determined by all that. You're not the same you were yesterday
make sure you invest it in the right things. I am the foundation. because of the decisions you made today.
Choose this day what you will build on it: hay, wood or precious You're either one step closer towards the goal or one step further
stones. away than you were since the last step you took, depending on
Wood is a sturdy material, and definitely an upgrade to straw, but the direction in which you took it. That's why some people never
it won't stand the test of fire, either. The only thing that's going to seem to be making any progress, they move a bit forward and
pass the fiery test is that from My eternal realm: My Word & the then a bit backward. But with each passing time, something more
pursuit to not only treasure it for yourselves, but also to get it out is revealed, and you can see a little more clearly...
to others, so that they, too may be partakers of My Word & be
transformed into precious stones for your crowns. 12 ___________________________________________________
Striving for precious stones & the pure gold of faith requires the I could look into the future & tell you all that's going to
utmost dedication, commitment & seriousness about your happen, but I want you to learn to counsel with Me.
business. You're not just slapping together a mud hut or a wood As children of God to whom the Word of God is being revealed,
shack, you're building something that lasts, which requires you become as gods, as the Bible says, and your decisions have
investing time & well-planned effort into your building. greater impact on your future, than the decisions of unbelievers
You're only going to get out of it what you're willing to put into it. have on theirs, unless they choose to receive Me and My Word,
He that soweth sparingly will also reap sparingly. too.
It's not the feelings that count or indicate how close you are to I have called you, as I told My disciples, not only My servants, but
Me. My friends, and you are even more than My friends, you have
What I can offer you is the same old secrets & weapons that become My bride. And as such, I want to go with you, accompany
would get you where you want to go, if you would only apply you & be right by your side through the troubles you pass, and
them: My Word, action through prayer, unity, praise & My keys... not just predict your future & say, "there you go."
Invest in these and you will reap dividends that last, and you Your future is still in the making, and determined by your
won't feel like you've been wasting time! decisions, so, why should I influence them by revelations of
what's going to happen? You might prefer it that way, but that's 16 ___________________________________________________
only because you see as a child sees, not as the Father, who When someone operates in the flesh, there's nothing uplifting
sees what's truly good for you. about it, no heart, no soul, no spirit, no real life in it.
I want to use this situation to draw you closer to Me than you've Without the Spirit, it's dead, without love, it avails nothing...
ever been before, and I want you to trust Me for the outcome, &
not tell you what's going to happen next, so that you can run full 17 ___________________________________________________
steam into that direction & basically forget all about Me again. As Don't view circumstances as obstacles, but as stepping
soon as you have a plan, an idea, or a vision, you forge ahead, & stones, & rise above... Aim your arrow way beyond the horizon,
only when you encounter difficulties, you look to Me for the beyond the scope of what you see... That's the kind of vision I
answers. want you to have, to break out of the confines of the familiar, to
Closeness to Me will make you more free than you've ever been. get out of the "think local" gear. Think universal!

13 ___________________________________________________ 18 ___________________________________________________
The System has become even more System, things are You don't find happiness in your own selfish pursuit of it, and
hardening, and they're getting so hard that you can almost feel it Heaven on earth is only found by bringing a little bit of Heaven to
beginning to crack. This is the faith that overcometh the world: others.
the knowledge that upon whom This Rock falls, it will grind them What you give and pour out to others must be the pure waters of
to powder. Heaven, no element of self or seeking vain-glory or your own
Stay focused on the spiritual, instead of getting side-tracked by satisfaction in it, or it will be contaminated...
the carnal. It is not you who are poor, but they. The things they To give that which is pure requires humility.
indulge in, and the riches they now boast of are as fleeting as Only in total humility does one find the grace to give out that
anything that can be eaten up by moths & rust... as a leaf in the which is pure, the pure, unadulterated light and water and food
wind, which will soon turn to dust. It is you who are rich indeed, from Heaven, the spiritual nourishment that will truly set them
and blessed with spiritual & lasting riches. The physical may rule free and will truly strengthen the sheep.
right now, for this little season, but you are the rightful heir of the The true sheep won't care whether the food is wrapped up in an
true and coming riches. They who rule now will wallow in dust appealing appearance. It doesn't have to be "cool," it just has to
and ruin and lament later, while you will possess a peace and be nourishing.
riches that remain. The Devil hates you for that, but there's If you seek heaven on Earth, just give a little bit of heaven to
nothing he can do. Keep looking at Me! Pay no mind to him! He's others who are needy, and then that heavenly happiness you
bluffing, cheating & lying! Zap his evil bubble of deceit! Expose seek will find & overwhelm you.
him & laugh at him & ridicule him for his ludicrous attempt to
stop you! I in you am so much greater than he is... he's like a tiny19 ___________________________________________________
little dwarf in comparison. You shall see it one day, and all the Make sure that what you give is truly the pure & unadulterated
world will wonder, "What? This little nincompoop has terrorized water & nourishment from Heaven, don't let it be tainted by your
this world for so long? That ugly little dwarf? That's the one we own attempts to make it "more attractive"...
worshiped and by whom we were awed, thinking he was so The true beauty that is really going to save the World lies in the
great?" It will fall like scales from their eyes, & some will laugh at
simplicity of My truth & My Salvation, even if those you give it to
this atrocity, others will cry. won't initially recognize it as such, nor will they reward you or
Come and see, behold My greatness, which far exceeds anything appreciate you much for it.
your adversary can muster up. We will all have a good laugh When there is a choice, choose the true beauty, that which bears
about him very soon. It won't be long now. Get ready! My message in it, not that which you think will please them
most... It's gotta be the heart. It's gotta be something real, that
14 ___________________________________________________ lasts & is different & will make a difference.
The humiliation, the humbling, the being made nothing is Focus on the mission of giving what is pure to those who need it,
good for you! You must learn to walk the humble road, the low even if they may not even be aware that they need it. The
road, if you want to learn how to be truly used by Me. Forsake the heavenly vision comes through faith, believing that I know better
road of the high and mighty. I want the strength you avail what's not only good & best for you, but also for them. Like a
yourself of to be found in weakness! I don't want you to rely on mother or a nurse that's giving a sick child a medicine the child
the arm of the flesh, big equipment, or whatever gives you doesn't know yet, and you say, "C'mon, taste this, it's going to be
strength that is not Mine. good for you!"
I must take those false crutches away from you, the false You've got to convey the faith, that I, their heavenly Father &
confidence in money & the things of this world, because they're Great Doctor, their Maker & Mender, know best what's really good
all going to burn in the fire. for them, and even though that which you present to them as My
medicine may not appeal to them at first, if they only try it, they
15 ___________________________________________________ will like it, or at least it's going to help them.
You've got to remember the garment of humility if you want to Can't you testify of the good that My medicine has done for you
be guarded and protected against the fiery darts of the Enemy. in your life? The "leaves of life & healing" of My Word? Aren't
Don't be so quick to think that for sure you must be right, no you a lot better off than before when you didn't have a clue what
matter how strongly your feelings and intuitions may be was wrong or where you were going?
suggesting you are. Sometimes, what seemeth right unto a man Apply the healing balm of My Spirit generously with all those you
(or woman) only ends in destruction. Choose this day whether come across. Heal the land by spreading My pure, unadulterated
you will be a help in constructing, building and edifying My elixir wherever you get a chance. I'm making a new man out of
Kingdom, or whether you're going to tear down and destroy! you. One a lot less like yourself and a lot more like Me.
If you will be a helper and a builder, you must keep on the
garment of humility. 20 ___________________________________________________
I've got to get you out of the way, before I get a chance! I've got I'm still here when all others have left & long given up on you.
to make absolutely nothing out of you until there is nothing left I still love you when the capacities of all others to love are
of your own self, before I can really begin to use you, and as long drained & run dry.
as you're still so full of your own opinions and your own self-will I know your frame & that you are but dust.
about things, I've got virtually no chance! I want you to reach the end of your rope, the end of your own
I'll use you to some extent, but it's not the same as when you capacities & find Me there, way beyond the limits of man to love,
completely let go & just let Me! to give and to pour forth... I want you to experience the vast
difference between My love and your own, so that you will know
without a doubt which of the two is better to give. The light only has its outstanding purpose in the darkness. The
I want you to have nothing left but Me. I want to be your warmth darkness never liked the light. Your only hope is those sitting in
when you're cold, your food when you're hungry... everything the darkness who are waiting for the light, the children of light;
you ever need. And the more I will be to you, the more you let Me you must call to them! And you will find them, if you're faithful!
satisfy you, the more enthusiastically you will also share Me with
others! 23 ___________________________________________________
You will want to advertise Me, because you'll have found out that This is a time of contemplation, of clearing out old cobwebs,
I'm able to satisfy & quench anyone's thirst & still any hunger & of getting the victory over former bad habits, and a time of
fill any need. preparing for something new & strengthening the things that
I have chosen the weak, those who cannot do it in their own remain.
strength, to confound the mighty, and that which the world Anger is just one letter away from danger. You must learn to cast
considers foolish. And if you're poor and needy, hungry, cold, your burdens on Me, & when you see that something is not going
thirsty or lacking, and you'll let Me be sufficient for you, if you exactly right or the way things should, just trust Me for it.
believe that I am all you need, then be of good cheer: I will make Learn those praise songs & get into praising Me through music.
you rich. Let it soothe your spirit & calm your anger. May it engender trust
So, if you find nothing else to thank Me for, thank Me for My & peace & love in you.
promises to you, and that I will keep them and fulfill them as Become a truly meek man of God.
surely as I am. Thank Me for My love for you, which will never
cease, no matter how badly you might fail Me. Thank Me even for 24 ___________________________________________________
My purgings and chastisements, by which I purge you and purify Don't let the Devil's reality intimidate you into compromising
you so that you might bring forth more fruit. with him!
Anyone can believe as long as things are going fine. Remember
21 ___________________________________________________ Job! The one responsible for his sufferings was the Enemy.
It's this very desperation, this incapability to cope with life in He's just the great tester & tempter to see & find out who of My
your own strength, that I cherish the most, because it creates the children & brides really mean business, & who could be easily
necessary desperation in you to call down My power, and that's dissuaded to flunk out & serve him instead...
when I get a chance to work. Remember that this life is only the darkness through which the
When all you've got left is trust in Me, then I get a chance to work little sapling makes its way to the light! Look not for lasting
in you. pleasures or heaven in this life, but rejoice in the life to come!
When you realize that you can't do it by yourself, that's usually Think about My glorious future that will make it worth it all. Don't
when I finally get My chance! get stuck worrying about dark times ahead! Look beyond & past
Your very weakness will be your strength. What's going to help them, into My glorious light, into which you have already come,
you make it through is not any of your personal strength, much out of the darkness, by faith. It's all by faith! When the seed is
less a pretense of any strength that's not really there, but your still encased in its shell, it's in total darkness, and when the shell
only hope is your trust in Me; getting ahold of Me, daily & never cracks open, it appears to be in the light, and free, compared to
to neglect that link. its former confines. But you're only growing & groping your way
You are on enemy territory, and it's scary, dangerous, & not to be through the earth until you pierce through the veil, the spot that
taken lightly. Make sure that you're always close to Me, in tune separates darkness & light, and come out into the sunshine! You
with Me, and not letting go of My hand! can feel the warmth, the closer you get to the surface, but the
All those who have erred from the way, thought they were smart Enemy sends frost & blithe to harm you, snails, to eat you up
enough to make it without holding My hand, without having to before you can make it out, and you've felt them have a bite of
come & ask Me everything. you. But this must only make you all the more determined to fight
Your weakness is your strength. Your need to rely on Me, your your way to the top, because the faster you'll grow, the sooner
incapability to make it on your own... all this is actually your you'll be stronger, & strong enough to withstand all the Enemy's
forté. It's your safeguard & anchor that keeps you close to Me. attacks.
So, despise it not, nor be ashamed of it.
25 ___________________________________________________
22 ___________________________________________________ Just like the builders of the “Matrix” sometimes made
You've got Me and My shoulders to cast all your worries & changes in the Matrix, which changed things, so Satan has been
problems on. given certain power to change things in order to influence your
Your failures really don't count nor influence My love for you at perception of things. You see the truth in a certain way, and he
all, and you shouldn't worry about them influencing your future, says, "Oh, yeah, really? Let's see if those things be so!" And he
either, because fear of failure actually causes failure. "Fear is the makes certain changes in order to shake your foundation, that
enemy," and the root of a lot of your problems lies in fear. what you perceive as the basis of your concept of everything.
But if you know you've got nothing to lose, what are you so Hasn't this been his concept from the beginning? "Hath not God
afraid of? What do you stand to lose? said?..." And he is very persuasive & powerful in deceiving you &
The fastest & most efficient way to get rid of any elements of self, trying to get you to doubt & "forget what you know" in his own
pride & reputation with this world is to become nothing, giving way. It is good, because like this, anything you built your faith on
out My Words. that was not the true foundation will be eroded, and all that's left
You must be so convinced of the truth, that you're in the right, is the solid rock truth of My Word. You had built your concept of
and that My Word is the best thing you could ever give to people, life and your little world on a little island, which, even though it
that they can't help but see that there must be something to it. was based on the rock of My Word, the other parts became
Stop sympathizing with the Devil & swallowing his views. almost more important to you, and now that they've been eroded
You must expose his views as false, and as lies. by the storms & raging river of this life, you find your reality
The fact that other Christians will hardly ever accept you does reduced to this rock again.
not speak against you as much as for you. Maybe you have perceived things or interpreted them to mean
You've got a different type of God, One Who's alive, kicking and that things were going to happen a certain way, and the Enemy
rocking! Be proud of the fact that you're not part of any of the used this & changed things & now calls Me the liar, when he is!
established churches! You're not part of the System, and that's When people started exposing the Illuminati, and Communism as
your forté, not your weakness! their primary tool, Communism was nearly disbanded & officially
So, even though the majority is brainwashed against you and My "died" as a political ideology that had proven to be not as
truth, let's face it: if they wouldn't be captives of the great liar and successful as Capitalism. But as soon as that paradigm is
deceived by his lies, what great need of the truth would there be? ingrained in people's heads, be ready for another surprise...
It doesn't matter what it's called... The Enemy will rule the world & gifts & tools I've given them than to Me. But it's war time now,
by his blue print, his deceit & lies. time to attack, and the time for toying around is over! I need you
to put your weapons & gifts to use now, get them out there on
26 ___________________________________________________ the battle field, and use them to win souls & free the captives, do
Faith is a gift of My grace, & nothing you can work up in the My job & reap the harvest.
flesh, or pride yourself in, nor give yourself the credit for. Nor can It's time to get serious about what I've given you all these things
you blame others or criticize them or look down on them for for, your experience, your talents, your gifts, knowledge, wisdom,
having "less" faith, because faith is a tricky thing that only faith, the weapons of prayer and My Word, and it's time to break
shows its true value in the thick of the testing, and some who free from any chains of the Enemy and explode into freedom, and
thought they didn't have any all of a sudden find themselves with be the revolutionaries you were ordained to be.
a lot more than those who thought they had a lot... "Forward, march!" is the motto of the day! Time to attack! Testing
You can't lean on anything you've got, that you've accumulated & training time is over. All further training will happen right on
or acquired on your own over time, not even your faith, your the field, where you will see and experience it much more
knowledge of the Word, much less your mind or your wits or intensified, much more real.
your own goodness, but the only thing you've really got - and all I've been preparing you, and it's time to take the theory & put it
you really need, at the same time - is Me! into practice.
I'll be there to give you faith when you've got no faith! I'll be there Don't look at the wind, don't look at the waves, don't look
to give you love, when you've got no love - strength, when you've whether the others are catching on. Don't worry, you won't be left
got none of your own... I don't want you to boast in your faith. I alone! You're not alone in this fight, & there's a mighty army right
only want you to boast in Me. behind you, right beside you, and right in front of you!
It's all a work of My grace: your love for Me, your faith in Me, and
everything, and you have nothing more of anything than anybody 28 ___________________________________________________
else that wouldn't have been given you by Me, purely by grace "As they went, they were healed. You've got to do the wenting.
alone. Once you get in motion, each will find their calling, their strength
Sure, it helps if you ask Me for these things, but since you & personal ministry. What matters is that you get going.
thought you already had a lot of faith, you didn't ask Me for more. Sometimes, in order to get a car started or a boat off shore, all
Faith to do the the works of Him that sent you, to put those hands on deck have to get out & push, even the driver, or the
Words into action, to do those things which you hear from Me, is captain, & once the vehicle or vessel is underway, each one can
a faith you have not naturally in you, so you must beg Me for it! assume the position they're best at.
What is it that converts lifeless faith into a living, fruitful, visible To get your boat going, you might have to make a sacrifice & do
faith? The works by which it is manifested. The very same works what you don't feel to be your calling so strongly, even if it's
by which every man shall be judged by Me. The works in which something you don't like to do or you have trials doing. There is
you manifested, proved & showed your faith to the world! simply a greater need to witness right now than for anything else.
First rank the apostles, who give out My Words, the prophets, Because there's such a need right now to save the lost souls
who receive My Words, rank second. which are otherwise going to be lost to Me for this age, I'm
It all amounts to 3 words: trust and obey. You cannot pretend to calling all hands on deck. It's an emergency situation, a red alert
trust. Either you do or you don't. And if you do, it will also be a kind of situation, where even the captains have to pitch in and
lot easier for you to obey. Neither can you pretend to obey. Either row the life boats in order to get them saved.
you do those things I told you, or you do them not. And that's There are times when one has to forsake their personal calling in
what's going to determine what kind of a man you will have been order to heed and obey the great & general call to go & seek &
in the end. Not what I have told you, but whether you have done save that which is lost.
what I told you! And if you don't find in you the faith to do what I called My disciples to become fishers of men. Fishing is a skill.
I'm asking of you, ask Me for it! Remember, I'll be there to give You can't just stand there in the middle of the brook or river or
you faith when you have no faith! lake or sea & wait for the fish to jump into your net. It takes a
Humbly admit that you haven't got the faith it takes to obey Me, & little skill to trick them into the net, a certain way to swing the
ask Me to strengthen your faith, to give you more faith, and I will. fishing rod, or to cast your net in the right way, without scaring
But don't ever pretend to have when you haven't got what it the fish away.
takes... Some things you've still got to ask Me for. Don't forget This is going to simply require practice and the leading of My
Me, the main factor in the whole picture! Holy Spirit. You can't look at them like a prophet of doom or
Straight to Me - that's where I want you to run, to turn, to look for judgment, or they'll be scared off. You've got to look at them with
every solution to every problem. I'm right here! Why try to work love. Remember they're lost sheep, & you're trying to restore
up faith for a situation yourself when all you've got to do is hand them to the Great Shepherd.
it over to Me & then trust Me that I'm gonna take care of it? I know it won't all be easy & will be somewhat new for you, not
your usual routine, but just trust in Me, and I will help you make
27 ___________________________________________________ it!
I'm more than just a fairy tale. I'm a real factor in your life, &
heavily involved in it! The Enemy's influences in your life at times 29 ___________________________________________________
seem more real to you than I. They achieve this just by stopping On the subject of depression, the person under attack has to
you from praying! They do it subtly, and over a long time. They start out by making a decision to do something positive about
make you too lazy, or undermine your faith in prayer somehow, the state they're in. First of all, they need to realize that they're
or they tell you there's no need, or make you feel condemned so under the attack of the Enemy, and that they're responsible
you won't consider yourself worthy of asking Me anything... themselves to do something to fight him, they can't pin that
many different tricks & schemes... Attacks of doubt, responsibility on anyone else or make anyone else responsible
discouragement, delusion, depression... Once you finally do call for it. It's their battle, and they're responsible to get the victory.
out to Me in desperation, & ask Me to save you, I come through Sure, they can ask for help, but they can't use it as an excuse to
for you & will be the sunshine after a rainy day for you, and more. get even more down to say, "Boohoo, nobody's helping me to get
I will flood you with miracles, solutions & answers that will make the victory..."
you wonder how you could ever have doubted Me in the first They've got to make the choice & the decision that they don't
place. want to remain in that state & so they say, "I refuse to stay in this
Am I not truly all you need? Just give Me a chance, & I will prove condition," and accordingly go on the attack with positive action,
it to you over & over again! whatever they may be capable of at the moment, be it getting into
Sometimes it's even all My good gifts to My children that distract the Word, praising Me or asking for prayer.
them from Me, and they start giving more attention to all the toys They need to make an effort, and it's really only a tiny effort, too,
with the help of all the power I've given you at your disposal. If more, but now you're also going to have to make progress in
they would only make the decision to take the first step in the learning to love the people around you and the people you come
right direction, that would be it! I could then release all the power across.
necessary to help them, and also give you the anointing to say & In order to become a real lover of people you've got to forget
do the right things to support them & help them out of that hole. about your ego and tune in to them & their needs instead.
To fight or not to fight, this is the question! The answer is I am a "helper of love, who wants to give you counsel... on the art
obvious: you have no other choice than to fight, the only other of love & wooing & winning and being a vessel of (His) love"
option is to say "Uncle" to the Devil & make everyone else's day (3522:46).
around miserable, too, which is a very selfish thing to do. Everything takes time, even for these things to be revealed unto
When you feel the Enemy attacking you in your mind, go on the you. You're often impatient, and would like to know everything all
offensive! Refuse to let him play his dirty games with you! Just at once, do everything all at once & "get it over with" so you can
get up, grab a guitar & sing a song of praise, or just start praising finally cash in your rewards & have some fun. But that's not how
Me right then & there, & read the Word, ask Me to show you it works.
exactly the kind of Word you need to pull you out of that vortex, Making you the tool and vessel you want to become is going to
and ask Me to give you My own, personal counsel for you, and take time. And getting frustrated when it doesn't happen quickly
just don't stop until you've got the victory! enough & looking around elsewhere for satisfaction instead only
Remind & safeguard each other. delays things further & slows down your process.
Take time to love, take time to learn the art of love. It takes time
30 ___________________________________________________ to become an artist! Though you may have some God-given
(Styrian:) Lethargy is mostly manifested in your life by getting talent, it just takes time & practice to make the most out of it, and
you to avoid telling the truth because you don't want to deal with as with some of the greatest artists of all time, your work may
the results & repercussions. Other factors involved include never be appreciated by others during your life-time, but that's
laziness, fear, pride and your weakness of wanting to please the just the price one risks having to pay for being a true artist &
World, which is Vain's territory. master of the art... You can't have your cake & eat it, too.
They're matters of the heart between you and the Lord which It's either the real thing or the cheap counterfeit that the masses
you've got to get right. Like not taking His blessings for granted, go for. Only time will tell the difference, and there you go again...
not holding grudges with Him for things He allows, showing it takes time!
more gratitude for Him and simply asking Him for more love for So, don't be impatient about yourself about not accomplishing
others, & more faith, all of which requires humility to admit that more, nor be impatient with those around you, nor let the
you desperately need Him. impatience of others mislead you! You think you've just been
Sometimes the victory lies in recognizing that you've been given stagnating for the past few years, but a realistic look reveals
the victory already, the grip is gone, whereas sometimes you something quite different! You've virtually been crossing worlds
tend to doubt the power of the Lord, & act as if the Enemy's grip over that amount of time, and why? Primarily because you've
& hold on a certain area in your life is still there, when the Lord been daring to take the time to tune in to the spirit world! Look at
has already freed you from it, just like the chained eagle. Habits. the riches you've accumulated and acquired. They won't put
Change will help you make progress in that area, and if you call butter on your bread, you say? Just wait and see all that they're
on your personal angel in charge of change & progress, and you capable of! You'll be surprised!
call on the keys of change & progress, you'll shoot forward by Yes, the Lord has been having to keep you humble, because
leaps & bounds. naturally, you're prone to pride. But just keep remembering that
Sometimes it's good to look back & thank the Lord for the way it's all a gift, & nothing of your own! You've just got to be still
you've already come, for all the victories He's already helped you enough to receive it, hold out & reach out your hands for the gift
to gain. and receive it. That's what too many people are too proud to do,
One of the Enemy's favorite tricks is to blow your problems way but that's what you've got to teach them to overcome. It's not of
out of proportion, just like Don Quixote's wind mills, that you works. It's by grace, the gift of God, lest any man should boast.
hardly see anything else. You don't see the progress you've Teach them how to receive by giving them a sample of being a
already made, you only see the huge mountain & obstacle great receiver yourself, & show them it's nothing of your own. It's
blocking your way. Obstacon deceives you into perceiving them all a gift, & they can have it too.
as much bigger & more insurmountable than they really are.
A lot is really happening in your mind, influenced by your 32 ___________________________________________________
perception of things. (Change:) Sometimes something good has got to give for the
There are more helpers available for you than you're aware of. benefit of something better, or in order to prevent a great evil. It's
Just keep focusing on the Spirit & keep yielding your sense of called sacrifice. Sacrifice and change are ingredients of the
priorities to the Spirit World, without becoming entangled so Family like chicken meat is of chicken soup.
much with the affairs of this life, as much as they seem to be Sometimes it's the greatest changes that take the longest
banging at your door... amounts of time to bring them about, the inner changes of heart.
I cannot bring them about, but I can change certain
31 ___________________________________________________ circumstances and conditions in order to get you into a position
(Angel:) You have to quiet down! You've been frantically trying of greater willingness to accept the changes the Lord wants you
to catch that elusive bluebird of happiness, the epitome of all the to make.
joy & fun & things you thought you were missing out on, when it I like to gently lead you one step at a time. It's just that
just takes a good stop, look & listen at times to find out what sometimes, when you don't really follow those repeated, gentle
you've already got to be thankful for, and to learn what life is nudges, that we have to increase the force of those nudges,
really all about. which then result in those unpleasant "forceful shakings", which
Otherwise, the gist of life just basically passes you by. The thing are really only caused by your resisting me.
that's really going to move you into action is the love the Lord is If you're really open to change and desirous of change, and you
teaching you right now to have for those around you, those really hunger & thirst after the progress the Lord wants you to
you're sometimes tempted to wonder whether they're not just make, you see things differently. Often you were not able to see
dragging or slowing you down, stopping you from reaching your things my way or the Lord's way because your heart was still
true & great destiny, somewhere on some distant, glorious stuck in the past, and the way things used to be in the "good old
horizon. When they're really the gist of the lesson right now. After days"...
all, what are the 2 great commandments? Love the Lord thy God, That's Old Bottle-ishness. Conservatism, call it whatever you
and thy neighbor as thyself. You've been making a lot of want, stagnation, death. You look backwards, instead of ahead,
progress in your relationship with the Lord, learning to love Him into the glorious future, which the Lord has promised to be much
better than the past. But no, you want to get back to the way change you're helping to bring about by your obedience to do
things were, or at least try with all your might to preserve that what you can to change the world! You're sowing the seeds of
last bit of the heaven on Earth you once knew & try to cling to it the Lord's spiritual love, which will grow & blossom into little
with all your might & fight to preserve it, instead of boldly trees & flowers & buds here & there until finally, one day, the
marching ahead into an obscure future, blindly, by faith in the whole world will be covered by spirit trees. It's an explosion! Just
promise alone, that things are going to be better there, because that it seems to be happening very slowly to you, and it's a
all things work out together for good... process that continues over generations.
Without your help, I can't work or bring about that change of Just like the Devil's people have been working over generations
heart or attitude, but together, with your consent & open in order to establish Satan's kingdom on Earth, so we have been
invitation to have me work in your life and reveal things to you, working on establishing God's Kingdom, and you know which is
we can accomplish a lot & take great strides & bring about much going to be the one that's gonna last!
positive change & progress! So, keep changing! Keep revoluting! Keep revolving and
Accept change as something good, something necessary, evolving, growing and splitting your cells, multiplying & bringing
something wonderful in your life, and receive it with arms wide about that which the Lord has ordained to become! "Thy
open, just like a baby. A baby brings lots of changes into your Kingdom come!"
life, and that's why children are becoming so unpopular in That's what we're all working towards. If you keep this motto in
today's society, who constantly resist change & fear not God. your head, one of the basic & fundamental factors & essential
That baby may only be a small source of noise & trouble in your points the Lord has established for His followers to pray for, then
life today, eating up your resources today, and making you you'll also know what to pray for (and, after all, prayer is one of
wonder what else it could possibly be good for, besides giving the mightiest weapons by which change is brought about), and
you trouble, but a look into the future with the eyes of the vision what to work towards, what to strive for!
that I can give you, of what that baby can become one day, if Find the kind of changes the Lord wants you to make, the kind of
you'll only rear it with the right kind of attitude, will give you a initiative He wants you to take, and what kind of actions & steps
completely different outlook. He wants you to take each day to bring you a step closer toward
And so it is with the changes I bring into your life. They may look that final goal: "Thy Kingdom come!" One of the primary
a little disturbing to you now, maybe useless, eating up your requisites in order to bring that about is what follows next in the
energy and resources, costing you effort to dress & feed them, Lord's prayer: "Thy will be done!" You've got to yield, submit &
but in the future, if you keep feeding and seeing them through surrender to His will, in other words, be willing to accept & make
with the right kind of spirit & attitude, you will see that it will truly the changes He wants you to have or make in your life, and
have been for the best. remember that it's better to make changes than merely taking
Change is really the opposite of the Devil's spirit of stagnation. them.
Although he pretends to be the great pioneer of change & If you make changes instead of merely taking and accepting
progress in the World & accuses Christians & believers of being them as they come, then you take the initiative, and you call the
old-fashioned, in the spirit his philosophy is really old and rotten, shots, you're on the offensive, and not on the defensive, which is
and the same kind of selfish & greedy philosophy he has been exactly what the Lord is shooting for. Keep working toward that
introducing since the beginning. final goal. Take action! Action through prayer is fine for starters,
That's the difference between looking with the eyes of the spirit & then, as you go & continue to grow stronger & stronger,
and merely seeing things with the carnal mind. The eyes of faith wielding the weapon of change, you'll also break out into
will reveal the way things really are. And I can take things a step enacting other changes, by some real, Spirit-powered action!
further & not only show you the way things are in the spirit, but That's the principle. Now you've just got to apply it!
also the way they're going to be or are supposed to be in the
future, if you take all the right steps of faith & eagerly walk in the 33 ___________________________________________________
direction of the changes I want to bring into your life. (Windsor Elerian:) You have always been a freedom lover, but
Ask yourself everyday, what can we change today in order to you have let the Enemy cheat you out of that freedom a few
make things better? Be open to me, welcome me, call on me to times.
reveal to you all the many things that could be changed. Tell your His deals offer you comfort & "safety" - a relative amount of
loved ones about the benefits of tuning in to me, too, that they "peace," but it's that false peace that is exposed as idolatry.
don't need to dread me; I mean them no harm. I never take Wrong attitudes, aggressions, bitterness & pride affect your
anything away from you without the plan of turning it into freedom more than any person ever can.
something better. Your bondage lies in the fear of man, and the fear to lose your
I work on behalf of the Lord in your lives, so, any change last bit of respect and reputation; in the fear of what men might
happening in your lives is going to be for good and for the better. think of you, a fear born of pride.
Just be sure you also call on the Lord for wisdom and The Lord is going to continue to lead you out of the entangled
discernment for which possible changes are really the best to mess of the System, the labyrinth of bondage, and I am right here
further His cause, because the Enemy might try to distract you to act as your scout. I beckon you to follow me on the way
with some of his lukewarm alternatives, or even tempt you to go toward freedom. And when the time is ready, you can just grab
overboard. Everyone has to go according to their own pace. hold of my mane & jump on my back & ride on my back as we'll
Most of these things happen in your life, whether you're aware of race full speed into the most total freedom anyone can have.
them or consent to them or not. But the Lord, in His love, wants
you to be aware of them so that they are going to benefit you 34 ___________________________________________________
more, you will know more of what's happening, what He's doing (Angel:) Concern for others is a key to your own liberation.
in your life, and in giving us your cooperation, it's going to be a Focusing outwardly, tuning in to the needs of others will always
lot easier on you and us. He's trying to get you to not only draw the Lord's blessings & power.
passively and reluctantly accept changes, but to actively use Counseling requires desperation to find the right words, since
them as a weapon to go on the offensive. choosing the wrong words to say the right thing could mean
An attack is definitely a change, isn't it? It may be a passive defeat.
attack, as in when you're being attacked by the Enemy, or it can The Lord is using this to free you from your sarcasm and
be an active one, when you take the initiative, but in both cases, cynicism, qualities that are so unlike Him, and such deeply
it signifies change. In the first scenario, change is inflicted on ingrained System influences in you that He has not found any
you, and you must take it passively. In the second, you determine other way to help you get rid of it than through this intensive
what impact the change is going to have. You take the initiative, training with someone in need of your counsel & direction, & yet
leave your camp and go out to "change the world!" so sensitive.
The Lord is talking about the merging of the dimensions, that's a Remember that the Lord often just allows people around you to
act or be a certain way just for your benefit, to test you, try you or thing, or the hardships, opposition & oppression he suffered at
teach you an important lesson. the hands of his enemy?
This habit is a bondage of your own tongue uttering things which I'm trying to make a fighter out of you, but that just won't work
displease the Lord, and so very counterproductive to your without having to overcome a certain amount of hardship &
attaining His true freedom. opposition & difficulties.
Your words have created this monster that's attacking now. I'm trying to get you to overcome your concern about people's
Pray together for deliverance from the influence of your unloving opinions, even of those from among your own ranks, and you
words of the past, from your habit of the wrong usage of words, only get there once you really wake up to the fact that you've got
and for a gift of using your tongue properly, the way the Lord nothing to lose. You may have to lose your reputation with your
intended, without sarcasm, cynicism and all those other System brethren in order to win their love.
influences. Keep your conversation clean of anything that's not
of Him. He wants the pure to be altogether pure. 37 ___________________________________________________
After praying, you must not assume that you have done your You have to give it out, in order for My Spirit to flow. You've
part once and for all, but you must stay on guard and make a got to partake in the battle in order to really feel part of My army!
conscious effort to keep your conversations clean of worldly You've got to do the job in order to get paid. You've got to obey
influences. to be blessed, do the "wenting" to get healed... You've got to do
your part in order for Me to be able to do Mine.
35 ___________________________________________________ The time of your ignorance and the time of your preparation I
(S.H.:) It's not by chance that the Lord said "By thy words thou have winked at, but now the time is coming for you to participate
shalt be justified and by thy words thalt thou be condemned." It's in the battle. Every able man, woman & child must help to win
your words - just as much as your actions - that determine what this battle. Anyone who's available must grab their weapon &
kind of a man you are. fight. It has come to that.
You have a gift with words. You can really be used by the Lord The onus is on you. Say not in your heart "I can't." When I have
with the words you're using to impart wisdom & of your promised in My Word that you can do all things through Me and
knowledge of His Word and revelations. But often, that that with the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven the word "can't" has
inspiration is not there, and when you're "ex-cathedra," no meaning to you, it is an offense to Me if you still act as if you
surrounded by your loved ones you're familiar with and with "can't."
whom you feel you can "let it all hang out," you often lower your Take on an "I can" attitude! Believe that you can! Because it's
guard and your standard, and you say many a thing you would true! "I can't" is the slogan & mindset the Devil is trying to drill
never dare say to a stranger. into you! And we pretty much know that it amounts to "I don't
Part of that habit and influence comes from your worldly pals, of want to," but the soldier can't just simply say "I don't want to
course, which is one thing you must guard yourself and be fight!" He that taketh not his cross daily is not worthy of Me.
vigilant against from now on with all your might. It's a deadly It's your God-given duty to fight for the Kingdom, to fight for the
trap. You're inflicting more harm than you can fathom by letting lost souls.
yourself fall into the trap of using the same lingo those guys use. It's time to go on the attack for souls! You can't lose! It's a
It's as if you're tearing down the man that's different from all winning battle, all you have to do is overcome your own fear,
those foul-mouthed System-suckers, as if it had been nothing but pride, laziness & lethargy!
a facade or a pretense, and leaves one to wonder which of the I need you to fight for Me! Trust that I will strengthen you, and
two is the real you. you will not regret it! The blessings will far outweigh the price
If you're wondering what needs to die in order for the new man to and the sacrifices you might have to make.
be born, that's it, right there: that foul-mouthed, run-with-the- You'll grow so much stronger, become so much more alive. Be a
pack, pretending-to-be-a-Systemite side of yours is the one the saver of souls, live what you preach...
Lord wants to eliminate.
It's going to require a tough fight & constant conscious effort & 38 ___________________________________________________
attack. Yes, it stinks. Get clean! Get rid of that dirt & filth. There's Some things you've got to take by faith, even though you may
nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, a skunk a skunk, but not understand them yet fully. There are many different aspects
try to stick to vocabulary that you wouldn't have to be ashamed to each situation, and things are not always as clear cut & black
of using in the presence of the Lord, which you are - just about & white as seems to be evident from the Bible. According to
constantly, except when you do use that kind of language, some verses, those in hell will stay there for eternity, yet others
because that's when the Lord needs to turn away from you seem to indicate that all men ever born will eventually come to
because He can't bear it. the light. According to some verses, Salvation is by grace &
It's almost tantamount to treason, because you're waving the forever, and according to others, you must work for it and you
qualities, banner & uniform of the Enemy when you do that. It's a might lose it. So, the truth must lie somewhere in-between, and
new day, and the time when the Lord used to wink at this self- that is so.
styled "Patton-imitation" type of lingo is over now. It's a new day In the case of those who received Salvation, but immediately
in which it behooves every ambassador for Christ to behave as afterwards rejected it, eternal life wasn't actively present in the
such. lives of those spiritually "still-born," who receive Me but then
It's time to clean up your act on a large scale! If you really want reject Me again later. (1.Jn.3:15)
to do your part to reach the world for the Lord, you must rid My mercy isn't anything for mortal man to fathom or understand.
yourself of any excess weight - garbage you've been dragging There's just so much more to the Father's love than you can
along from the System. fathom with your finite minds. All I can do to help you is give you
"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all!" a little glimpse of what's beyond the scope of your minds, &
encourage you to take it by faith & trust Me that there is more, a
36 ___________________________________________________ larger part of the picture you may not yet understand.
You must allow Me to correct you in different ways, without Remember also that this is one of the differences between you
immediately assuming that I've forsaken you. and the churches, that they have confined themselves strictly to
It was the Enemy attacking you, but the Enemy is attacking the Bible, whereas you, My Family, have opened yourselves to
everyone, and a lot depends on how much you will allow him to My new Words for this new era, and to the fact that there's simply
get the upper hand, or how strong you will build your resistance more truth than that which can be found in the Bible.
against him. You have not yet resisted unto blood, striving
against sin, but have had a rather lethargic attitude about your 39 ___________________________________________________
fighting, a little bit like the Postman in the movie. What made him It's not a time to keep going business as usual. It's a time of
a fighter? A continued life of ease & freedom of doing his own great change and a time of contemplation. It's a time to seek My
face & see what things I would have you do differently than the There is a purpose in all the bleakness and the hardship.
way you have been doing them. It's a time to get ready for even Be sober & vigilant, mindful of the roaring lion that goeth about,
greater changes ahead, for strengthening the things that remain, seeking whom he may devour, but also fully in knowledge of the
your faith & trust in Me and the things which are not of the Earth, fact that I have given you the victory over him, and I won't let you
not seen, not temporal... be his next meal!
It's a time to start getting your act together as the messengers I You wonder how I could possibly have arranged all these
want you to be, and not to keep leaning on the arm of the flesh. dreadful & awful situations to work out for best. All this ugliness
It's time to quit repeating the same mistakes over & over again, doesn't look too much like it's been arranged & conceived in
of just doing what comes naturally, the obvious, without even heaven. Well, but when a baby is first conceived it may not
bothering to ask Me about it & consult with Me. always be a pretty sight in its embryonic state. And even a
It's a time to be willing to let Me kill those unfruitful elements in newborn isn't all that pretty. It takes time until you recognize the
your life & to allow Me to purge them & go on to newer, more beauty in it.
fruitful ways, methods & things. Time to stretch your muscles of Or a picture when you first start, or when you record or write a
faith & trust in Me for the future! Time to realize fully that I'm the song. So it is with My sometimes unconventional & not-so-
One Who's supplying your needs, & that not your own arm has promising looking ways & plans in your life. "Just wait & see!"
saved you. You may not think this is going to turn out very good, but just
wait & see! Sometimes it takes faith to trust that a God of Love is
40 ___________________________________________________ doing all this, all those things that don't seem to make any sense
Make My business your business, not promoting yourself and to the human mind.
your own cause, but Me and My cause. You'd be better off truly What you consider unclean, I have often called clean.
serving Me, promoting My cause, My message. I'm giving you the light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to.
Just keep walking. There's going to be some more darkness to
41 ___________________________________________________ get through, some more pain, but if you keep your eyes on the
Stretch your faith & reach out for the goal of greater miracles! light at the end of the tunnel, or on the rising sun on the horizon,
I have spoken about raising the dead & healing the blind & sick, although you may barely only see its first few rays of light, hold
and I want you to raise your goal to that level, not stay on the on to that promise, and you know it's going to be good.
same kindergarten or pre-school level forever. I want you to Everything's gonna be alright.
progress, to focus on higher goals, and to have the faith for Me My Words aren't just empty words. They're real, & they're going
to overcome any & all impossibilities. I want you to realize that to come true. You've got the truth, because I'm not a liar. A lot of
there are no barriers that can hold you back, whether it be a poor other people are still wondering what the truth is, or may be
physical state, a poor or even shattered personal relationship, or completely oblivious to the truth, constantly & perpetually
a poor financial status. I want you to be fully aware & conscious deceived by the old liar, but I have given you the truth! The truth
of the fact that I am able and willing to alter your conditions shall make you free! That's what it is that makes you free indeed.
favorably for you at any time and in any situation, especially All I have to offer you is the truth! But the truth is all you need in
when you're determined to do My will and to use that gift in order a world of lies, in order to cut through & rise above.
to further My cause & seek not your own. The truth and the knowledge of the truth will help you rise above
I want you to get over & past the point of worrying about your and free you from all the confines, simply because you're
physical needs to a state where you regard them as way below realizing that they're living a lie. You've got to expose the lie and
the priorities of My agenda in your life. "Seek ye first the the wrongs before the truth can really set you free. I'm freeing
Kingdom of God... & all these things shall be added unto you." you from the wrongs & lies in your own mind, heart & attitudes
It's a good time to apply the power to rise above when you're right now, and you will be made free indeed. Take My Word for it.
down & you can't go on! It's a good time for Me to do a miracle
when you find yourself in an impossible situation. See the 42 ___________________________________________________
opportunity instead of the difficulty. Remember to praise Me and thank Me for what you do have,
Focus on Me and My bright opportunity even in this seemingly for if you don't continually appreciate the fact that things could
dark & bleak situation. I have told you, your redemption draweth be worse, I might have to allow them to become worse, just in
nigh, & whom the Son hath made free, the same shall be free order to prove it to you, that you did have a lot of reasons to be
indeed. The Devil tries to defeat those statements of Mine thankful. You must use the weapon of praise, as I have said, you
wherever he can, and you wonder where is that great liberty & must use all the New Weapons, and remember to integrate your
freedom I have announced? spirit helpers more. I purposely won't give you all the answers &
You can only see the things which are keeping you bound in the solutions anymore Myself so that you will learn to seek your
physical, but I'm using those physical confinements in order to helpers for them. We must delegate so that everyone gets their
set you free from those things which really bind you, spiritually. chance to be used, so that everyone can develop the ultimate
You're like the Jews who were expecting Me to free them power & make utmost use of their gifts & fulfill their purpose &
physically from the Romans, when I had come to free them destiny.
spiritually, from their sins. Now, which is the greater freedom?
That's why I said, whom the Son hath made free shall be free 43 ___________________________________________________
indeed. Whoso committeth sin, the same is the servant of sin. (S.H.:) All that is received in thanksgiving is sanctified. You
Thank Me for My correction, and if I have called you to be a just have to sanctify whatever you do or enjoy in thanksgiving
servant or a slave, seek not to be loosed, but trust Me that I have and prayer of cleansing, just like you would wash your hands
chosen the best path & destiny to make you what you're before a meal and brush your teeth afterwards. If you would
supposed to become. And be hopeful, because I have said "your bathe your consumption of the Lord's blessings more in prayer
redemption draweth nigh," but don't become impatient if it's not and praise, you would also be guided better into knowing what is
quite here yet. You can see the light on the horizon, but it still kosher and what isn't, and you would find greater strength to
takes a little while until it's fully day. resist the temptation to yield to those things which aren't.
A new day will come. A new page will be turned over. A new book You know the Lord has given you a lot of slack and freedom, and
will be written, and things will have changed. In the meantime, He likes you to enjoy His creation, and even allows you to go wild
pray for those changes to come to pass, which you can see now every once in a while. But you must not allow the Enemy to take
only in the distance, on the horizon. Don't fret or get impatient, the credit for it and convert it into sin. Whatsoever is not of faith
but pray them through! is sin. You must cleanse it in thanksgiving & prayer, & rebuke the
I will make these things & changes come about in My perfect Enemy & make it clear between him and you that he has no part
time, you can just focus on them in faith, patience and trust, and in you! You're enjoying whatever it is you're doing or allowing, on
help bring them about by faithful prayer. behalf of the Lord, with His permission, knowing that if you're
doing anything wrong, He will show you your failure, and by His It was often so that My specially chosen prophets were poorer
grace you will be able to correct it. and more rugged than the majority of the children of Israel. They
Greater men of God have committed greater evils and sins than lived in a poorer and more humble way because they wouldn't
you, and yet God has been able to use them mightily, so, tell get bogged down with an abundance of earthly possessions,
Satan the accuser to get lost and just start praising the Lord! they wouldn't get entangled with the affairs of this life, in order to
please Him who had chosen them to be a soldier.
44 ___________________________________________________ Consider it an honor that your life-style is much more like My
(Huldah:) When someone is emotionally involved in own, Who did not have where to lay My head, and that of My true
something, it's hard for them to hear from the Lord about it prophets throughout the ages.
objectively. It's never easy for humans to submit to another's Be encouraged! You're in good company! Don't compare your
leadership, especially when they're leading in the opposite standard to that of others. Take it as a special token of My love
direction of their own will and desires. That's where the Lord's that I have chosen you to be different, like I've always had special
admonition comes in to be one another's servants, preferring servants who stood out from all the rest, who were used
one another & esteeming the other higher... Humility. A great specially by Me, even if they had to go on all alone at times,
virtue to strive for. seemingly forsaken by Me and the World, but only they knew -
You must pray for the supernatural, miraculous strength of the because I told them and assured them - that I had not forsaken
Spirit to overcome your human weaknesses and rise above your them, but that I was with them... And later on, history showed
fears & all that would hold you back, all that would try to get you that they were right, and the rest of the bunch followed in their
to chicken out on the Lord & fail Him. You can do all things footsteps.
through Him, especially with the power of the keys. It's not all that awful to be different. Being blessed with a
Just look at the Lord, and the fact that He can do it through you. specially strong link with Me simply requires spending less time
Don't look at it as pressure or some sort of Damocles sword, but with the affairs of this world. I'm doing something special in your
look at Him and His promises of power to rise above! Look at the life, and it's nothing to feel bad or abandoned about. I'm right
potential, the ideal, that which the Lord knows can and should here with you! Don't let the Enemy tell you anything different!
be, and that which by grace you're going to be, no matter what
the Devil can do. He can only delay you, but he can never stop 46 ___________________________________________________
you! Sooner or later, any grip he might have on you is going to Any heart's desires are only husks and leanness of soul
be released, and you're growing stronger every day and every without Me.
hour through your struggle against him. You might feel weaker You need to find your happiness & fulfillment in Me if you're
than ever before, but in reality you're growing stronger all the going to "sell" Me successfully to people. If your fruit is to
time in the spirit! remain, you need to be purged from those other "gods" that
you're having before Me, be it money, sex, love, affection,
romance or success, recognition, whatever it is your heart
selfishly desires. As long as any of these things still outrank Me
45 ___________________________________________________ in your heart and in strength of desire, they will be stopping you
You must spend more time with Me and listening to My Words, from letting Me use you as I would, and this will mean that I will
for that's from where your faith will come, and what's going to have to continue to purge you.
free you from unbelief. But if you let your circumstances Be not surprised that I'm still having to chasten & cleanse you,
overwhelm you instead of running to My arms, then it's no as long as there are other things that are evidently more
wonder you feel distant from Me. If you don't call on Me to help important to you than I am. "Everyone of you that forsaketh not
you, if you don't let Me heal your wounds, then you're going to all that he hath, cannot be My disciple." And you can't fool Me, I
feel like "Well, Lord, where've You been when I needed you?" know what has priority in your heart.
But I was right here, hoping you would turn to Me for comfort & If people would only give Me their whole hearts & truly & wholly
solace, but the Enemy tricked you into thinking that you weren't dedicate their lives to My service unconditionally, then they
good enough for Me. He does it very subtly, and it's not even would find the desire of their heart, and I would give it to them, as
consciously in your mind that you think these things when you're I have promised. But as long as they're chasing it in their own
depressed, otherwise it would be too obviously the Enemy. It's might & do whatever they can to secure it for themselves by their
more like an underlying feeling. Well, that's exactly what those own might, it eludes them, and the stronger they try to grasp it,
demonic influences & oppressions are. They not only manifest the less tangible it becomes. It's hopeless & futile!
themselves through thoughts in your mind, but also emotions, You've got to go at it from a different angle & seek to make Me
feelings, moods... the whole spectrum of your inner being. and others happy first, and then happiness will find you! That's
I don't see you as a failure! I'm pointing out the need, and it's one of the principal laws of the universe. That's why it's so
convicting for you to see the need, but I'm preparing you for the important that you dedicate your whole being to Me first thing
job, not judging or condemning you for not doing it. It's never as everyday. Give Me all your heart's desires & commit them into My
bleak or as negative as the Devil would paint it. hands, to do with them as I see fit, and yield to Me, then I will
You must view the difficult times in your life differently from now bless you & see what I can do for you.
on, not as something bad or dreadful, as a sign that I've Don't despise your birthright as others have, and be not envious
abandoned you, but as a token of My extra special care for you. of evildoers! There will be an eternal reward for your having to
I'm spending extra time with you, paying extra attention to you in forego the pleasures of sin for a season, because you are My
order to mend your flaws, to make you better, enhance you, make child & My bride; there will be greater blessings than you can
you more beautiful for Me. ever fathom, which will make it worth it all in the end! Much more
There hath no temptation befallen you but such as is common to lasting pleasures & happiness than anything you could find
man. anywhere else but in Me. All roads will lead you to the same
You have food and meat that others know not of, to do the will of conclusion in the end, that true and lasting happiness is only
the Father... Even basic human needs become secondary to that found in Me, because I am the Source of all you're longing &
what the Father wants. He can keep you going with or without it. yearning for.
I'm teaching you to get by on less, because in the future there If you focus on Me as the ultimate "Object" of your affection and
will be less of everything available. desires, you will find happiness and bring happiness to others.
Just as "judgment begins with the house of the Lord," within My As long as you're looking elsewhere, you're programmed for
house, I "deal" with those first who are closest to Me. If you're disappointment.
going through rougher times than others, consider it a privilege,
because it means that I'm considering you to be among those 47 ___________________________________________________
who can handle it. You may think you're having hard times right now, but you
may look back at these times with different eyes someday, as has life and death. It marks the difference between success and
happened so often in your life. Retrospectively, things never look failure, between being an overcomer or one who is being
as bad as they might look at the moment you're going through overcome by the world. Where will your faith to overcome the
them. It's like in Whinnie The Pooh, where the terrible mountain world come from? From My Word. I am the Word, and I have
turned out not to have been much more than a molehill, and the overcome the world, and through Me you will overcome also, but
dreadful forest just a few bushes... you cannot if you neglect Me.
That's how you'll look back at your life, too! Despise not the greatest treasure, the greatest riches I have
poured out to mankind in this day & age, for in them you find the
48 ___________________________________________________ strength to overcome, to rise above and the secret to everything
Accept yourself for what you are & enjoy the ride without you will ever need.
constantly worrying what you're missing out on or how much My Word is the essence of Me, and My Word is the essence of My
more you could be making out of what you're given. You'd have a Family, of My power and everything you want and need to know
much better time just loving Me and enjoying Me & trusting Me about Me. You want to know about Me, about the future, about
for the results, of what you're going to become as a result of the meaning of life and what it's all about? Read My Word. Be
absorbing My seeds. My Word shall not return unto Me void, and wise and don't neglect it. For to hearken thereunto is the path of
the Words that have created & formed the worlds will certainly life.
also be able to make you that which you're supposed to become
in due time. 52 ___________________________________________________
What did the world have to do in order to become so beautiful? It For many things you just rely on your own understanding,
just had to hold still, be there and lie in My hands in yieldedness, still, and you haven't made it a habit yet to consult Me about
and that's what you've got to learn too: the bottle needs to hold everything. Just shoot up a prayer & commit the thing into My
still in order to be refilled! Just hold still instead of fretting so hands & ask Me to give you a warning sign if there's anything
much! Just let Me love you and give My seeds to you. fishy about it. I will give you the right checks & confirmations if
you check in with Me. But you've just got to do it & make it a
49 ___________________________________________________ habit!
Give them only My Word, not what they would want to hear. It's like teaching your child the habit to ask you for permission
Tickle not their ears, don't try to make My road appeal to them or before she goes anywhere, just to make sure it's okay. Usually, I
make it look comfortable. It is not a comfortable road. My path is will just say, "Sure, go ahead." And the only times a longer
a rough and rugged mountain path, and those who choose it explanation will be necessary is when I will have to explain to
must be strong in spirit, not fat and pampered, and they must be you why a certain thing won't be good for you, or in situations
ready for sacrifice. But it will still be better than the valley, when where I will say, "Yes, it's okay, but be cautious of this or that or
it will be flooded with iniquity. the other..."
See, I'm not really that different, and My dealings with you don't
50 ___________________________________________________ differ all that much from your dealings with your children. That's
The main ministry of the Family to the world is to minister to another reason why having children is such a blessing & one of
them My Words for today. The Bible is not enough in order to the major purposes in life: there is hardly a better example of My
serve Me appropriately in this day & age, even though it is very relationship with you, hardly any better parallel which explains to
much the foundation. I am not a mute God, I still have a lot of you better how I like to interact with you, how much I love you,
counsel to give to My children. Just like it was necessary for My how I wish for you to learn to obey Me, etc., than having children.
followers to listen to My Words 2000 years ago, so it is today, and
even more so, for the times are even more perilous & dark. The 53 ___________________________________________________
greater the darkness, the more needed is the light of My Word. One of the basic needs of man is to be needed, and if they
To neglect My Word is to refuse the torch that would light up won't feel needed, you're never going to win disciples.
your path, and to insist on continuing to walk in darkness. If you Pray for greater unity, pray that I help you & show you to do what
really want to know the truth, just use My Word, consume My you can in each situation, with each personal relationship with
Word, read it and eat it. That's what will make the difference in those you know & are in touch with, in order to advance unity!
your life. You must not neglect any of the weapons, and unity is one of
It was expedient for Me to go away in the flesh in order for Me to them.
send My Holy Spirit so that I could be with all of My disciples
simultaneously, and in order for them to be able to give and pour 54 ___________________________________________________
out My living Word. Follow Me step by step. You can only see dimly at first, and
The Word is more important than fellowship. you need to hold on to My hand & follow the little dog line until
you can see the matter clearly & find out My perfect will for you &
51 ___________________________________________________ what is best.
A lack of a vacuum for My Word is one of the biggest & Abide in My presence. It is possible for you, otherwise I wouldn't
saddest problems among My followers today. Without My Word ask it. The only way to drive this fact home to you is by
you can't make it! Without My Word it's no use! Without My Word presenting you with one seemingly "impossible" situation after
you're destined to lose! If you neglect My Word, you neglect the another.
most important weapon I have given you to fight this war, you're I'm asking you to have faith for the "impossible."
neglecting your daily food, you're neglecting Me! Don't keep your eyes on the "impossibilities" of your
Without taking in sufficiently of My Word you will wind up too circumstances, but on Me and the fact that they each come from
weak for the battle, when you could have become valiant and My hand, only to draw you closer to Me and as a test to see
strong. whether you're going to fall for the lie that indeed there is such a
Woe to the self-satisfied! Woe to those that do lack hunger & thing as "impossible" or whether you're going to accept My
thirst for righteousness and truth and all that is found in My challenge & turn the "impossible" situation over to Me to deal
Word. For they may think that they have, but will be found utterly with & prove to you again that there is no such thing.
wanting. Woe unto those who are too blind to see the writing on
the wall. 55 ___________________________________________________
Blessed are those who have an ear to hear what My Spirit saith It is necessary for Me to bring on the night before I can bring
unto the churches. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of back the Spring. It is necessary to bring on the purging before all
prophecy. Blessed are they who exercise themselves therein, is pure again.
who neglect not My Word, nor My voice, but who sharpen their You say, "Bring on the good times! Stop all this suffering," but
ears to catch My every whisper. It marks the difference between it's necessary for Me to bring on My judgments first. You must
agree with Me on this, you must desire them as something good. necessary. He has to turn up the heat a bit & show you how
You still resist them, and tend to murmur in your heart against quickly things can turn from bad to worse if you don't take Him
Me for allowing the times to be so rough. But if you would make seriously. Certain things He just can't let you get away with. He's
an effort to see from My vantage point, you'd see the sense in it. invested too much in you, you've become too important.
When you see a spoiled child, you know that what it needs is not No matter what goes wrong in your life, it doesn't give you a right
more of what he wants, but correction. to use such language! It's the opposite of praise! It's speaking
I'm asking you to agree with Me that judgments must come, and the Devil's words!
to pray that I bring on that which I know the world needs most. In other words, instead of letting holy spirits utter God's praises
Don't resist My discipline and purging, but trust that it's good for through you, you're allowing the Devil's unholy spirits to use
you! Welcome it! Welcome Me with open arms, even if I bring your mouth to sling profanities into God's face, and you can bet
correction with Me. Dread it not, but cherish it. Be thankful for it, your life that He's not going to let you get away with that
for through it I am making you what you need to become, not unpunished, because He loves you.
what you are but what you're going to be by My grace, and My You're not walking uprightly unless you're talking uprightly. No
chastisement is My grace in this case, My privilege & special wonder the Lord has to withhold good things from you.
honor I bestow upon you. Trust that I'm not allowing you to be Walking uprightly in this day & age means to adhere to the
tempted above that you are able. counsel He has given for this day & age, His statutes for today.
If you sow the Devil's seeds, you'll also reap the Devil's fruits,
56 ___________________________________________________ and you've seen how quickly they grow into huge weeds that will
True love is giving, it's not "wanting." let his giants & demons climb into your garden, so beware!
Whenever you see that the Enemy has penetrated your camp and Beware of foul language!
has entered in your midst, you cannot keep going business as Every word you say is the reflection of a choice you made.
usual. You must stop & pray! You've chosen to either yield to good or bad influences, and it's
Don't allow the Devil any entrance! I've told you that I wasn't an obvious sign you've yielded to bad spiritual influences when
going to let you go on with sins anymore that I might have profanities are coming out of your mouth.
tolerated or winked at in the past! You can't get away with that anymore! You're too old, too
Your conduct is of extreme importance, and if you break the responsible for the Lord to let You get away with such things! "If
rules, if you commit sin, it's going to be judged from now on! you can't say something nice, don't say nuthin' at all!"
There's no more getting away with it!
Someday you're going to look up to Me & say, "Lord, when You 58 ___________________________________________________
let me get away with everything & you spoiled me & gave me all Be wise!
my requests, I loved you, but I didn't love you as much as after It is in your power to choose to be so, instead of being foolish,
you pulled out the rod & started chastising me for my sins and just following your whims. Being wise means not to always
shortcomings." follow your whims, but do those things which are going to be
You will know that I knew best what you needed. I needed to good for you in the long run.
show you that you would never love Me as much by spoiling you One big necessary step in acquiring wisdom is going slow &
as you would by Me correcting you! I could have never given you taking time to absorb My Wine for you, making sure it's really
enough! You would never have been satisfied, no matter how becoming part of you & you're not forgetting all the potentially
many of your hearts' desires I would have granted you. life-changing truths I'm blessing you with.
No matter how much love you would have received, it never Take time to pray, take time to meditate. Take time to absorb Me
would have been enough for you! fully, and to become a part of Me - to let Me become a part of you,
You will sing like king David: "Before I was afflicted I went astray,a conscious part of you that's always there, one that you cannot
but now have I kept Thy Word. It is good for me that I have been lose. Staying in My presence is more a matter of the heart than of
afflicted that I might learn Thy statutes." the mind.
You only learn to truly keep My law of love by the afflictions I'm It's your mind I have to get past most of the time, so that I may
letting come upon you! finally get ahold of your heart. It's heart-to-heart communication
This is the real War we're fighting, the Holy War, the War of the I'm longing for, not just a cold, technical exchange of the mind. I
worlds! The weapons are real, and the stakes are real, too! The long to be loved by you.
pain and the losses are real if you don't fight right, if you don't Even though with your mind you can make the decision to love
win, if you don't train enough in order to become strong & able somebody, it's still another step until you can truly say you love
soldiers, and there's no running away! There's no tucking your somebody, and that's just something that comes from the heart,
head under a pillow & hoping it'll go away! not the mind. Love is a matter of the heart, "the heart of the
57 ___________________________________________________ If you really want to dig down deep, you not only have to
(Dad:) God's way up is down, so, cheer up, son, you're on discover mind-boggling truths, but let those truths sink deeply
your way up. There were many times when I was at the end of my into your heart where they will change your life & take the
rope, completely freaked out & not knowing how on earth the desired effect.
Lord was going to pull me out of a certain situation, but it's gotta You've got the anointing of endurance and vigilance. Endurance
be the Lord that pulls us out of it. It makes you more thankful for means, you don't have to swallow the Devil's lies telling you that
His salvation. He comes & saves us over & over again from the I'm giving you more than you can bear. And vigilance means you
result of our sinful ways. He doesn't just save you once & then can recognize the Devil's tricks & attempts to trap you so that
leaves you up to your fate, but if you call on Him & trust Him, you won't fall for them.
He'll be there for you every time, no matter how big a mess I have given you a new anointing of endurance and vigilance,
you've gotten yourself into. which means you have the strength to carry on and you've got
It'll make you so thankful & much more humble, & you'll think the alertness & the discernment not to fall for his traps & lies.
twice before you start murmuring or complaining after He's Hang on to those gifts, please!
saved you so miraculously out of an impossible mess that it took I need you to make it! I need you to love those around you for
His miracle-working power to get you out of. Me! They cannot make it without your love, and I cannot make it
It takes an impossible situation for Him to do a miracle, just to without your love! Things won't be the same without your love!
make sure that you get the point that it was Him Who saved you Your love is so important. Even though it may seem so little to
and it could only have been Him. you what you can do, so small, so insignificant... If you could see
Jesus loves you and He cares for you, He feels with you, and He the future as I see it, you would know what a huge difference
knows exactly what's going on inside of you. It pains Him to see your love makes. So, please, do not withhold it! Please do not let
the agony you're having to go through, but He also sees that it's it grow cold! Keep it alive & keep it burning by feeding it the right
things. and take up your cross, deny yourself and lay down your life for
Don't feed your pride by self-elevating ministries, but feed the Me! Experience the power of obedience! Find out what miracles I
fire of love by doing the humble thing instead. am capable of working for you!

59 ___________________________________________________ 60 ___________________________________________________
"If you don't get alone with the Lord and lick the Devil first, You've got to trust Me, that even this dark chapter in your life
you might as well forget it!" How true! If I had to do it, go out into will work together for good, & that My hand is upon you for good
the wilderness, in order to resist the temptations of the Enemy and not evil. My thoughts toward you are thoughts of love &
and overcome him once and for all, how much more so will you mercy, not of punishment, and if I'm allowing this, it's only for
have to do it. your best.
Fighting and resisting the Devil instead of giving in to his It's making you stronger, and that's what it's all about:
temptations and nudges is what it's all about. Not missing the strengthening. The easy way is one of the surest ways to be led
mark (the essence of "sin") because you've allowed the Enemy to astray. If it's tough & difficult and you cling to My hand in
distract you, that's what it's all about. It means sharpening your desperation for every step of the way, knowing that otherwise
focus. Fighting with all that's within you to drown out the voices you won't make it, then you can be pretty sure that you're on the
that would tear you away from what's really relevant. Cutting out right path, and that this is My way for you.
all the frills, the things all around the true essential & center of Trust that it's not evil or bad, but ultimately for your good!
the meaning of life, and instead of just circling all around it or It's just one of those lessons in life ordained to make you
hitting the spots all around it, hitting straight into the bulls eye... stronger.
I am the Target! If you will focus on Me long enough, if you just I'm all that you have and all you can rely on! This will strengthen
manage to hold still long enough and to not give in to all the your dependence on Me more than anything else.
voices reminding you of this or that or the other you could do, if Never let your guard down, never take your focus off of Me.
you just stay clearly focused on Me, barring everything else from Lean fully on Me and Me alone. Permanently put Me first.
your mind, you will hit the mark! We're progressing from the theoretical to the practical realm,
It all depends on how seriously you want it! If you want it badly where the consequences for failing to learn and apply the lesson
enough, you will stay focused on it, you won't let anything else will be more drastic and tangible. I want you to rely on Me.
distract you from it. But if you do allow other matters to distract Only I can hold you up.
you, then it just shows that it wasn't all that important to you to My jealousy is good for you! It's not destructive! My jealousy will
begin with, in other words, other things are still more important prevent you from leaning on someone else but Me, which is not
to you than I am. good for you.
You've got to deal with the Devil & make it clear between him and We're trying to strengthen the things that remain, and that is
you on whose side you stand, and that he won't have a chance faith, trust and reliance on the Eternal, not on man, or anything
anymore trying to get you over to his side. Otherwise he'll keep else that is temporal.
trying and trying. This battle is inevitable.
The answer lies in giving up what you are, surrendering your old 61 ___________________________________________________
man, to be totally absorbed by Me. Your life could be much steadier in My joy, in trust in Me and
Why keep getting stuck with the affairs and matters of the Matrix in confidence & faith, more steady in flowing with the Holy Spirit,
when I have revealed to you the secrets of the Big Picture, the if you would make Me a more integral part of your life at every
larger layer that even engulfs the Matrix, and is a much higher moment.
Reality than the Devil's fake? Why not shoot and aim for the Real My company brings you such joy & peace. Why do you seek
Thing? Why let the Enemy distract you with his offers of truce satisfaction elsewhere when it has proven over & over again to
and betrayal so that you can benefit from the "blessings" and be futile? Come running into My arms, just the way you are, just
fake steaks of the Matrix? you, no false pretenses, cover-ups, no self-worked-up
He tempted Me. "You don't have to go through all this suffering! goodness... I don't need any frills, no fancy ado, all I want is you,
You can stop it all right now! Make an end of all this nonsense! just you!
Life is to be enjoyed..." Life was meant to be enjoyed, but never Just follow My leadings instead of drifting around aimlessly,
on his terms! waiting for some gust of wind to pick you up, for some
I'm trying to get you to make the transition from enjoying the circumstance to open or shut a door before you...
prosperity you gain by compromising and relying on the arm of I am the Creator of all circumstances, and the great Coordinator
the flesh, to the prosperity that comes from truly enjoying all of it all, so, why not avail yourself of My service?
things from My hand, the rewards I give to those who obey Me. Just make it a habit to come back to Me as regularly as you eat a
Those who stay faithful to Me and trust Me, those who remain snack or you go to the bathroom or you put another log of wood
because there's nowhere else to go, are much better off than onto the fire in your stove... In order to keep the fire burning
those who prefer to secure their living with their own abilities. you've got to keep feeding it, lest it go out & you freeze
Things are very, very tough, sitting on the fence between serving spiritually....
Me and him. You'll either accept the deal he has to offer you that How much you get from Me is only limited by your own faith.
will give you his prosperity at the price of virtually your soul - the The rule is simple: ask and it shall be given you. Those are the
lack of ability to love - or you'll send him to hell and get on My only conditions. You need to ask. You don't run after your child
bus & get busy serving Me & start do what I recruited you to My all day long & ask, "What is it you'd like now... Do you want this?
army for! Do you want that?" The best is, not to spoil them too much, but
Obstacon is tempting you with the "good" options of the 2nd let them ask if they want something. You can lead them in a
best! - In reality, the 2nd best presents an obstacle that will stop certain direction, as to what the available options are, but they've
you from reaching the very best. got to do the asking themselves... usually.
If you're serving Me from a platform, a ministry where you right
away come all out with what you stand for, as you do when 62 ___________________________________________________
witnessing, it's just so much more conducive to true success That vacuum, the emptiness, the drawing power and hunger
and what I call bearing fruit than the way where you just present for Me is the prerequisite for receiving anything from Me, for the
yourself and your abilities in the limelight, and you're so rich I have sent empty away but fill the hungry with goods.
concerned about your image & reputation that you only dare to I know what you need, even before you utter it, and when you
speak up about your beliefs once a rare & exceptional situation don't know what to ask, My mercy is greater than your inability.
comes up! I'm going to prove My love to you if you do as much as call out to
Bring My glory into your life by telling people about it. Me and expect Me to answer. I will not disappoint you! I want to
It activates My power in your life when you decide to obey Me prove as false all the doubts the Enemy plants in your mind.
You must trust Me that while things are tough for you, they are you to manifest your love for Me in your love for the brethren.
the best for you, much better than if I would spoil you with an Let a new era in your life begin, a new era of love. In order to
easy life. really make it happen, you've got to proactively fight for it &
Comparing with others who seem to be having it easier on the make it happen, realizing that the unity & love you have for each
surface, won't do you any good, and you'll be amazed to find out other is one of the most effective weapons you have got in your
that there's a different story beneath every surface. You just have arsenal.
to trust in My fairness. Make love your life, your goal, your ambition, and unity your
Living by faith in the communal life-style of the Family has its treasure, which you're going to shield and guard zealously. Be a
advantages. I can provide much better for My children than you shepherd that lays down his life for his sheep, and let them know
can for yourselves in your own efforts. that and feel that beyond a shadow of doubt.
The life of faith is the better option. All the working hard in the Lovest thou Me? Love My sheep!
flesh for material gain is in vain, and I can supply and provide for
you much more abundantly and in greater ease than you can by 66 ___________________________________________________
means of the flesh. I'm Your emergency rescue squad. Whenever you call Me &
Of course, you're going to have to do for it what I'm asking you to send Me your SOS, I'll be right there. I have not come to save the
do, and not cling to those activities which don't further My healthy, but the sick, not the strong, but the weak.
cause... I have certain expectations from you, who have decided You've got to continue to pour yourself out. Just showing the
to follow and serve Me. way won't do the trick with some, they want you to walk with
My expectation is that you bear fruit. them.
You've got to let them wear you out just like I did, because the
63 ___________________________________________________ way up is down. I let them waste Me, devastate Me, completely
Where I guide, there I'll provide, and I'll make a way where wear Me out & wipe Me out, but in this I found the strength that
there is no way. But you must believe that I will, and use your title never runs out. I was willing to give all, not holding back, and in
deed of the thing you're hoping for and act knowingly that you return I received all.
possess the thing you're asking, and thus move forward in It's humbling when you find yourself unable to give as much as
expectation. they demand, when you fall short of their expectations, but it just
That means, you will make the necessary preparations, like the shows that what you need cannot come from yourself, but from a
girl who was called to be a missionary but didn't have the funds Source that is greater than you. If you can't give enough, turn to
to go, but she believed & packed her things & the day she stood the Source that never runs dry.
at the train station, ready to go, I supplied the funds You can live up to the demand through Me. It has nothing to do
miraculously. Or like the little girl who took an umbrella and rain with the way you feel, faith cannot be based on feelings.
coat to the prayer meeting for rain... Get a re-fill of your capacities to love.
You must have more crazy faith & not let the circumstances &
"voices of reason" intimidate you. Crazy faith is what's going to 67 _____________________________________________________
be needed in the future, and the sooner you exercise yourself in I'm trying to show you the positive side of what you consider
it, the better off you're going to be. such a dilemma. I'm challenging you to stretch your faith.
If you lack, ask Me.
64 ___________________________________________________ The weapons are at your disposal. Who are you to say you can't
When you're feeling most useless I can usually use you most, if I tell you, you can?
whereas during those times when you think you're actually
accomplishing something, our communication sometimes comes 68 ___________________________________________________
to a halt. The natural & carnal man is at enmity with God, and so in the
It's the "arm of the flesh" syndrome, and precisely the reason flesh it's impossible to live godly. You'll only have the grace to
why I'm having to make you the nothing I need you to be in order endure and then even enjoy the life-style I have chosen for My
to make you into the something I want, the useful vessel, tool & disciples of the End if you live in the Spirit. You've got to walk in
instrument for Me. the Spirit, be led of the Spirit. For the carnal man it's impossible
I use it to show you how nothing you are, how helpless and to attain. You have to let Me make you a new man, a new
hopeless, without Me. creature, the spiritual man.
The truth is, that nobody, no matter how high and mighty they Unfortunately, you're only free enough from the distractions of
may feel in this life, can stand without Me and My help, and the flesh and this world to even be interested enough in the Spirit
they're all just as hope- and helpless as you are, they just may to really delve in when you are going through trials &
not know it yet. So, you've really got the advantage there. You tribulations.
know something they don't know yet, which helps you to prepare It's only when you're driven to the end of yourself that you're
for what's coming, which means that you're actually ahead of willing to give up everything in order to gain the new, the
them. unknown, that which I have to offer. But when things are going
In your hopelessness and in your desperation you find Me, and okay, you're okay with compromise, you're comfortable with the
that's the greatest asset anyone can have in this life. idea of conforming & taking any easier way out... And thus, I
How do you become the "hope of the hopeless"? By having simply have to send you lots of trials in order to keep you
experienced the hopelessness yourself first, comforting others desperate & as close to Me as I wish you to be.
with the comfort wherewith you yourselves have been comforted You wonder, "Is that it? Is this really my destiny? Is there really
by Me. You "pass it on!" That's the beauty of it! It's the principle no easier way out? Am I destined to battle forever?" Well, as far
on which the happiness and meaning of life is built, to "pass it as having to fight until your dying day is concerned, yes, that's
on." every true warrior's destiny, and he won't mind. What matters is
that you keep fighting faithfully in whatever capacity you can,
65 ___________________________________________________ that you do the best with the cards you've been dealt.
How can you say you love God, Whom you haven't seen, if You just have to make sure that you get your strength for the
you cannot love your brother (or sister) whom you have seen? battle from Me every day. I wish to be the Source of all that you
Becoming a missionary starts at home. long for, all that you need, and all that you dream. I don't want
If they can't even tell that you love them, what's the use of all the you to look elsewhere for satisfaction! I want you to look to Me
preaching in the world? for the fulfillment of your wildest dreams and trust Me that I will
Love your brother or sister for Me. If your unity and your bond of bring it about as much as you can handle it in My perfect time.
love with your brother or sister is okay, then you can be pretty Trust Me that I know a better way to happiness than the one you
sure that your love bond with Me is doing okay, because I want would choose!
Don't think that you've got to hide things from Me, nor that you experience it. If a life of greater ease would have contributed to
can hide things from Me. Realize that every good & perfect thing making a better person out of you, I might have allowed it also.
comes from My hand. Receive each pleasure as from My hand. There are greater riches in life to be gained than material wealth.
You're learning how to love. That's more important to Me and in
69 ___________________________________________________ My eyes than for someone to become popular and successful in
You're learning, and that's one thing the Enemy can't stop. this world. "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!"
That's progress he cannot hinder, because even if you suffer "Popularity, power & plenty are dangerous, so watch out!"
many blows, you will grow stronger and wiser with each one, and Rather draw them unto Me because they can sense that you've
ultimately, he's just going to hang himself by fighting you. You got the truth and the true and the pure light, unadulterated of any
become stronger with every minute of the battle! ulterior hidden motives of self-glorification, vanity & pride! You
It's wise not to underestimate the Enemy, and to be aware that are My ambassador and vessel I pour into, a vehicle, a tool of
it's got to be Me fighting for and through you. inspiration, so that people can get to know & see Me through
You'd be surprised in how many little ways you can deal him you.
blows, just by swinging the weapons of love in his face. I can make you rich in spiritual wealth, but if you climb up the
One way the Enemy has been able to get back in was by getting World's ladder of success, you're bound to neglect My values,
you to let down your guard of desperation. If you stay on guard bound to compromise with the world, you're going to be less
and desperate with Me for every move, every word you say, likely to win more souls for Me.
everything you do, he'll be a lot more hesitant to attack. "For what is your life? It's but a vapor that's here a little while
The coward only attacks you when you're weak, and "weak" and then it's gone..." Stay focused on the essential things, on the
means, when you're self-confident (strong in yourself and relying values that remain.
on your own wisdom instead of Me), when you take the victory
for granted and you don't stay on guard. That's when you start 72 ___________________________________________________
making thoughtless jokes which might cause little hurts here & Keep making progress in focusing outwardly, out toward the
there, or you just get off on doing whatever you feel like doing, field and the sheep.
and before you know it, the Enemy has caused you to stumble Passing out tracts sure is a conversation starter in the right
again. direction, if you want to witness.
The thing to do is to stay alert in the spirit. You often wonder If you would just get going, I could be showing & leading &
"what in the world did I do wrong now?" but it's often simply the guiding you in the right direction.
fact that you've let your guard down in the spirit. You've got to Turn around, if you want to make a mark for Me, instead of
stay in prayer all the time. "Pray without ceasing!" Isn't that the leaving your own little mark on the world...
ability you want to acquire? Full Possession, the ability to stay in That's the decision every angel has had and every human being
tune with Me all the time? will have to make: whether they're going to promote themselves
What better way to teach you this than to let you suffer an attack or Me. In the end, there are really only those 2 options: you either
whenever you let down your shield or your antenna, your work for Me or for Mammon, for love or for self and selfishness...
connection with Me? The quality of your connection with Me is for the truth or some half-baked compromise, which sooner or
often reflected in the quality of your connection with your later winds up as a lie or some form of self-deception.
brethren, and when there are things between you and them that If you really want to live for the truth, choose to do so.
are wrong, then you've got to seek Me about them, you can't just You want the magic to happen? Just get out witnessing!
allow them to fester. Witnessing should be the purpose of everyone's existence in the
Use these situations to learn from by "absorbing" them. You can Family.
change them by absorbing them in love, patience and If you're convinced that you've got something better than they,
longsuffering, instead of reacting antagonistically. By watching how can you be looked down on?
and quietly bringing these issues before Me. I know best how to Apply what you've learned and share your spiritual wealth in
handle things. It's the best thing you can do, because it shows trade for their material riches! Break that box & let it roll, break
you trust Me to do something about it, instead of taking the that pride & let it flow in grace and humility! Give what you've got
matter into your own hands. to give. You can't keep it in! You've gotta let it out! It's time to
In other words, you're attacking the Enemy by one of the most show the world My love. The world is crying, "When will I be
effective and yet most underestimated and underused weapons: loved?" They're waiting for the love of David, the kiss of the harp
prayer. You're proving that you're believing that prayer works. of David. Will you withhold it from them?
More than getting upset about the issue, or more than reacting in You want your dreams to be fulfilled? Just go out there and make
some way to show your disapproval, you show that you believe it happen! Don't allow the Enemy to hold you back with pride and
that prayer is the most effective thing you can do about it, and fears!
that is a victory.
Prayer changes things! You can pray for people's manners, their 73 ___________________________________________________
character, behavior, their attitudes... whatever it is you see, carry Withhold not from them to whom it is due if it is in thine hand
it before Me in prayer. Who is better equipped to deal with to give! You must not withhold your love for fear of losing, for
anything that is not the way it's supposed to be in My army than you will only lose by withholding; never by giving. This requires
I? Pray for one another! faith, for the carnal mind tells them that they lose by giving, that
the more they give the greater the risk of losing it all, but I say
70 ___________________________________________________ the opposite: the more you withhold, the more you risk losing
I can and will supply, according to your faith. Don't look at the your love!
hole, the need, the vacuum, but at Me, the Light, the Giver, and The flesh tells you the opposite of what My Spirit tells you, and
My capacities to give. I want you to expect miracles with cheerful the acid test & the crunch of faith is, who are you going to
anticipation and excitement of what I'm going to do. I want you to believe more, Me or your own flesh? It's a difficult test; for you're
have expecting faith. Expect Me to do it for you, and I will, much more familiar with your own flesh than with My voice, so, in
because I want to. the natural, you tend to believe your own inclinations and
I want to teach you to live and survive by faith. Make faith your instincts more; the protective instincts of preservation, of
currency! battling to keep what you have, rather than to give.
I'm the Opposite of all that the flesh tells you. When the flesh
71 ___________________________________________________ tells you to keep, I say, give!
What's most important to Me is your character and your He that soweth sparingly will also reap sparingly. Withhold not!
spiritual strength. If riches and fame would have contributed to
making a better person out of you, I might have let you 74 ___________________________________________________
(Windsor Elerian:) Now is the time of the harvest! It's time to You've all got to be willing to take the pain along with the love.
return to the vineyard of the Lord, time to get back on the wall of The virgin instinctively knows that she's going to be hurt by
the work He has called you and chosen you to do. Don't be like allowing herself to be loved. But fear of pain and the decision to
the foolish virgins who would refuse to surrender to Him. For in resist and not allow it will only result in hardening.
refusing to render your service to Him, you're like those who
refuse to yield themselves to Him, you're refusing to bear fruit to 76 ___________________________________________________
Him. You want to know why I allow poverty and why I allow poor
Some are willing to receive the seed, but they are not willing to health. "He filleth the hungry with goods, but the rich He hath
bear the fruit, but a truly fulfilling bride for the Master is one that sent empty away." (Luk.1:53) "They that be whole need not a
both, receives His seed and bears fruit for Him. This is the physician, but they that are sick." (Matth. 9:12) "For the Son of
ultimate fulfillment of anyone's destiny, to bear fruit unto the man is come to save that which was lost." (Matth.18:12)
Master and Lord of all creation. Sometimes the way I see things is the exact opposite of the way
Don't be like those foolish and selfish ones who say, "I don't you see them. What you call a blessing, I call a curse many times,
want to work at bearing fruit yet for the Master. I first want to and what you call a curse, I see as a blessing. "For My thoughts
enjoy life." What they're really saying is, "I want to be my own are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the
master!" They don't want any master but themselves, but in this LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My
they are putting themselves under the yoke of the Devil, the ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your
master of selfishness and the master of one's "own way." For thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8,9)
there are really only 2 ways: the straight & narrow pathway of the To pass on My living Words to others and directly challenge them
Lord, which is hard to find, and the large, broad highway of the from My lips will be a larger part of your ministry as time goes
Devil, the one which the majority choose to walk. on. It is My will for you that you take the time to hear from Me for
Some have walked the path of the Lord for a while, but then your sheep. It's part of your healing ministry to them, to heal
became diverted and sidetracked onto a lane that took them back them with My Words of life, to heal their bodies, souls and spirits.
to the Devil's broadway of selfishness. I have come to bring salvation to the entire man... the physical
Disobedience drove them away from the true Master, and so they and the spiritual. I have come to satisfy all your needs, to heal all
wound up under the yoke of the usurper, even if only for a time, your ails: mental, physical, spiritual, everything.
to help them discern the difference; to melt them, break them, Just as I was given the authority by My Father to forgive sins, so
humble them, teach them... whatever is necessary to make them I was given the power to heal not only their spirits, but also their
see the right path and to come back to the Lord's service, where bodies, as a physical illustration of the spiritual healing power of
they will open up others' eyes also to the slavery of the Devil. My salvation. My name means "Savior." My cry and My call to
The way of freedom is rough, rugged and steep, but those who mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly
are called unto freedom will always return to the road of freedom & entire, I want to cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your
in the end, they will never settle for the Devil's comfortable body, your heart, your spirit... your soul.
compromise for too long, they won't fall for his counterfeit In this upside-down & backward world run and ruled and ruined
"freedom." The freedom the Devil offers is a delusion and by the usurper, a lot is wrong with a lot of souls, and there's a lot
deception. He is just very carefully hiding the chains attached to of healing to be done, a lot of correcting what is wrong. Just
his deal, but true freedom lovers won't fall for his magic tricks for because you have grown used to the way things are doesn't
very long. Sometimes they really get entangled in a deep mess, mean that that's the way they're actually supposed to be.
but they will fight for their freedom! They are the Lord's true I have come to bring change; a change of each & every life, a
freedom fighters, because they will pay any price and go to any change of direction for each & every man and woman as well as
length to first of all fight for their own freedom from the Devil's for mankind in general. My message was and still is: "repent!"
deception, in order to then free others also. Which means, "turn around! You're going the wrong way! You
Sometimes they need to get entangled in order to reach some in may think you're going the right way, but I'm telling you
special positions. They can point the way to freedom, and then something different! Now, who are you going to believe? Here,
they "jailbreak" together, bringing others with them into freedom, this is the right way to go: follow Me, and I'll show you!"
the freedom to fight for the Lord, instead of being a captive of the One of Satan's greatest and most successful weapons against
Devil. mankind is that feeling, "It feels right, so it must be right!" Or,
You couldn't really set others free until your eyes were open to "This feels familiar, it feels okay, it doesn't feel strange, so it
this fact, that you still need to make your jailbreak yourself. You must be the right way!" They become so familiar with the wrong
became ensnared again by the fowler! Now it's time for you to way, the Devil's way, that they actually think it's the right way.
bust out, to break the cage door open, and free many other birds After all, it "feels right!"
along with you. I am here to help set you free so that you might They have become alienated from the life of God because they
soar up high into the wind again. So that you might become a have neglected the Words - which are the Spirit and Life - of God.
freedom fighter for the Lord, like me, and like all the others of His They think they know better.
brides, fighting for the freedom of the whole world, which is lying Faith is not built on feelings, but by the fact that My Word says
in the chains of the evil one! Fighting for freedom is what it's all so. Often something you will read in My Word will cause you to
about! Fight for yours and fight for theirs. You've got the have unpleasant feelings. You may not like what I have to say.
weapons of truth and love, and none of the chains or cages or But does this mean that what I said is wrong? Perhaps your own
entrapments of the enemies can stand against them. You've got attitudes have been tainted and influenced to a point where what
the keys, which will unlock any door which might hold any of the you think is the truth is something you have come to accept as
Lord's brides captive to the Enemy! Recognize their power and "truth" because that's just what everybody says or "knows"
use them to both, be set free and to set free others! This is your nowadays.
destiny and high calling, there is none higher! The Devil's first appearance in the Garden of Eden was with the
Follow the call and shout of your queen to freedom! Follow the intention to get Eve to doubt My Word. "Hath God said...? Surely
heart of your mother into total freedom, total love, total truth, free NOT! Surely it is NOT so!" And he has been following that same
from the chains of compromise, free from any spider webs of scheme ever since, and your test in this is to either stay faithful
half-truths, free from any poisonous gas of deceit with which the to My voice, or believe your "own intuitions," which, sad to say
Devil is trying to lull to sleep. Free! are often tainted by the input of popular opinions, which often
Freedom is here! Take it and give it! come straight from the Devil. If you really want My unadulterated
truth, and if you want to hear My voice of truth, you must be
75 ___________________________________________________ ready to forget all you know.
I'm showing you a lot about not resisting the pain but You can "listen to your heart," but you must first ask Me to
accepting it instead. search your heart, and to give you a hunger for the truth and
nothing but the truth, and that I won't allow you to settle for any just makes it all melt away, and everything becomes possible
half-truths or deceptions of the Enemy of your soul. He's very sly again: where there was only cold and grey, all of a sudden, life
and knows how to make his lies extremely attractive. People springs up again everywhere!
automatically tend to think that they would never be as dumb as You can be like that to those people! You can be like the sun of
Adam and Eve to allow themselves to fall for the Devil's lies, but Spring to them!
that's already the first lie they swallowed right there: "Oh, I'm
never gonna be that dumb!" Well, you might have another 78 ___________________________________________________
surprise coming on that one, when you'll find out one day how You are right where I want you to be, regardless of what it may
often and how easily you fell for the Devil's fairy-tales! Adam & seem like at times, or the voices calling you to "come hither,
Eve will look like heroes to you then, by comparison! thither or yon."
Where I guide, I provide, and if I don't provide, then you'll just
77 ___________________________________________________ have to assume that "It's von ting: yust to shtick!" - And that
I can use you and your talents, but only to promote My you're right where I want you to be. If it is My will for you to go, I
solutions, it's not that they are the solution or even part of the will open the door for in My due time.
solution - they're only instruments & vessels to bring it to them. Always double-check before making major decisions to make
The solution is My Word, and it has to remain pure, and clean, sure you're truly following Me!
and untouched of any element of self, and it cannot be tainted or I like things done in decency and in order. I like things to be
overshadowed by any display or promotion of self. When you do taken care of. I like you to be considerate towards those who are
that, they tend to worship you instead, and it obstructs the true looking up to you, who love you, who depend on you.
light & hinders their connection with Me. If there will be a situation where I'll be calling you to follow Me
As soon as you determine that what you want to promote and just drop everything, you'll know it's the right one, you won't
completely is My Word, and nothing else but Me and My Word, have any doubts about it! In the meantime, just learn to follow Me
that everything else, your gifts, your talents, your music, your step by step right where you are. You don't have to make any
songs, your self - are only tools you want to apply and use in gigantic steps when you're still learning how to walk. I don't want
order to bring that gift to mankind, you'll feel My Spirit flowing you to bite off more than you can chew.
through you and spur you on to action. I want you to be open for My challenges in your life, yes. But I
Put aside your carnal mind and be ready to expect what you think want you to make sure that they are truly My challenges to you,
is impossible to happen! Give Me a chance to prove to you what not anybody else's. I want you to follow Me. I'll lead you to the
is "impossible" and what not! I tell you what's impossible: right places to go, if you check in with Me, just don't ever take
nothing is! There is no such thing as impossible to Me! I can anything for granted that it's "obvious" that you should go there,
change any life! when I might want you to stay or go elsewhere instead.
To categorically dismiss people as hopeless cases, to put them Since I'm not providing for you to go anywhere else, you're just
in drawers, that's the same kind of churchy and self-righteous going to have to assume that I've got a job for you right here to
attitude that Jonah was portrayed as having in this movie do, lessons to learn, progress to make...
("Veggie Tales - The Story Of Jonah"), but you shouldn't allow There are major things & changes the Family is going through
that to happen to you! Give them a chance! And give Me a right now. There is lots to be learned about the new
chance to change their lives. infrastructure of My Family.
Everything and anything is possible with Me, and you insult Me The move of My Spirit is a large emphasis on unity, greater unity
and hurt Me if you put Me in a box & say, "Sorry, Lord, but it's than ever before.
quite obvious that You're not going to be able to do that!
I might just do it in order to prove to you how wrong you are in 79 ___________________________________________________
putting Me or anyone else for that matter in a box, because I've been trying to establish a closer & better relationship
anything is possible, and anyone can change! Anything can between Me and you by taking all the physical distractions of the
happen - there are no limits to what I can do. more superficial kind of fellowship away, and I'm trying to get
Be open to the possibility of Me changing anybody, no matter you to focus outwardly, on the truly lonely people in this world,
how hopeless it may look to you! It's presumptuous of you not to who don't know Me at all, who have not yet found Me, who don't
even give them a chance because you think you've got them all have the faith you've got, to help support them through life.
figured out. Have compassion and look for them, try to reach them, to find
Never say that I won't be able to do a certain thing, change a them.
certain person or turn a hopeless situation around completely, If you feel alone, you've still got Me to comfort you & to share
because I just might be out to shock you! With Me, you better get everything with; to get the answers to all your questions from.
ready for the unexpected, the totally-out-of-this-world! But so many people in the world are much lonier than you and
Walk on water! Turn water into wine! Raise the dead! Heal the don't know that My comfort is available for them, they're just
lame and cure the blind! Ascending up to heaven in a cloud! waiting for someone like you to come along and tell them.
You've heard that I'm still as active and as able to do such things They know that there must be something more - or at least they
as I was 2000 years ago? You better believe it! hope there is, but they don't know for sure - as you do - that
I can do anything! Just give Me a chance, and do your job of indeed there are millions of others on this side, yes, even
establishing that magical connection between 2 ears and My billions, even only one of which will constitute better company
Words, and stand back and get ready for something to happen! than they've ever enjoyed on earth.
Something you might never have dreamed or deemed possible! The grain of wheat in the ground feels lonely. Only once you've
You just find the right kind of pair of ears for Me, give them My broken through that veil where you come into the light, you'll find
Word, and look out! Do you think I made this whole world for out that you haven't been alone all along, but that there are
nothing? Just to be some kind of a nightmare to show off how millions of others like you.
wonderful Heaven's going to be by comparison? I want to use You can be one of My agents to bring them warmth or
you to bring Heaven to them right now! But they're only going to nourishment, to help them grow toward the light!
see and enjoy and have heaven in their lives as much as you To some you are like angels! You've got to be aware that you've
show them, as much as you allow them to have! got so much more than the average lonely person in the world!
The Devil is so scared of you, fighting you like crazy because he Your loneliness is a godly loneliness; a solitude I use to draw
knows he's going to lose victims out of his clutches of hell, and you closer to Me, to strengthen our ties, to make your faith &
they're going to have heaven happening in their lives. That convictions grow & enhance our relationship. If all things work
ingredient of heaven is like a poisonous, deadly virus to his together for good to them that love Me, for sure it will also
kingdom, his system, his Matrix! It totally busts it! It's like what include any feelings of loneliness you might experience.
the Spring does to the snow! It breaks the cold spell of winter & But what about those that don't even know that there is a God to
love? Learning to really apply My power to your life is a process that
Those are the people I want you to have compassion for, the requires time and focus. You've got to stay focused on your goal,
people I want you to reach, to dedicate your life to just like a student would be focused on his diploma or final
exam, his graduation, throughout years of studying, listening,
80 ___________________________________________________ absorbing information and material in school.
I have ordained that the connection between you and My Spirit My course isn't all theory, but an essential part of it is learning to
World can only be established by faith. When you break through put the things you study into practice with witnessing, getting
by faith, and you touch Me, or get in touch with your helpers, out My Word.
then you'll also be rewarded with that comfort of knowing you're "He that is faithful in the least, is faithful also in much," if you're
not alone. But first you have to make the effort of faith. faithful to get out the message in a low position, then you'll also
You'll be rewarded with understanding, assurance, and My be faithful to get it out when you're in a more elevated position.
heavenly gifts of the Spirit, brought to you by My heavenly Have less of a "Jonah" attitude toward them, and more of a
company and host of angels and helpers, after you have reached "Jesus" attitude, the attitude of a shepherd that would give his
out by faith & made the connection. You ventured out to trust Me life for the sheep. It's easy to preach hellfire and damnation from
that if you would flip that switch, I would not leave you in the an elevated platform. But it's another story to be mingling with
dark, and I rewarded you with the light and warmth of My love them, right down there on the streets, on eye-level, in order to
that poured into your "room" consequently. bring them My truth.
If I would not require of you to have the faith first, I would make it I'm trying to teach you to love the fight, to really cherish the
too easy; there would be no challenge, no test, and the "game" battle & barge right into it.
would be boring! Everybody could become a "winner" too easily. There are more "clandestine" troupers than there are open
So, I've made it thus that this "treasure hunt" of life wouldn't be fighters and attackers and front-line soldiers, and I need more of
all too easy. I'm not telling everybody: "Hey, everybody; the those who truly have nothing to lose and wholeheartedly give
treasure’s over here! Come and grab your rewards!" their lives for My cause.
That is, I often do tell them, but they won't believe! They won't My power is available for the main purpose I have given you the
believe, because they've already been conditioned by the Enemy, power for: to witness, the meaning of existence.
the great "party pooper" and his lies that "there is no treasure!"
"There's only this dull life, and the only reward you'll ever get is 82 ___________________________________________________
the money you'll get in exchange for the work you do, and that's The more you become like Me, the more you'll become a
it!" "The only reward you'll ever get is that which you earn with different you, and the more you'll become the way I would like
your sweat!" you to be, but you're still going to have your own personal traits,
Well, that's his variation of the game, and since it appeals to a lot features & characteristics. I don't want you to become like
of people - ever since Cain - I let them have their "fun" and let robots, all looking & acting the same. I even use your
them find out which is better: the Enemy's rules or Mine. weaknesses.
You are not completely free of his indoctrination yet, but keep Your life is a piece and work of art in My hands, and if I would
falling back into the urge of working it up in your own sweat, have wanted to just create the perfect you in an instant, I could
instead of staying focused on the search for My true treasures. have saved the long introduction of what happened in your life
You're still distracted by the Devil's variety of My game, which I so far.
called "Life - more abundant," and which he dubbed "Survival - if That's not how I work. I don't create "perfect" humans factory-
you manage!" You follow the twist of the world: "I'll do it because style! I take My time to shape each one personally by My own
everybody does it," and spend your time & energy worrying hand. I take infinite care in every little detail. You wonder, "what's
about and doing all you can to get the Devil's little "Monopoly" He doing that for?"
paper money rewards for your sweat, while I'm still waiting for But that's where you've got to trust Me that I can see the finished
you to start hunting My real treasure: the lost souls out there, result of what you're going to be, I have a vision and inspiration
buried in the harvest field of life. of what the finished symphony of your life is going to sound like.
Sure, they're well hidden perhaps, at least some are, but the main I like to take the time to make it perfect.
reason you're not finding any more is because you're too I'm trying to get you to shoot for something more than the
occupied playing "Survival." Is the Devil's variation of My game immediate cheap thrill.
really that much better? I can't believe it. I just think he's fooled Money will buy you things, will pay your bills & give you instant
you into thinking that that's the way it goes, just like he's fooled satisfaction, even some kind of peace of mind, temporarily. You
all those other people into believing in Evolution! Money is still wonder, "Winning souls isn't going to put butter on my bread."
your priority, not souls! Don't you realize how sad that is? What But oh, the eternal rewards for each soul that you win for Me!
lack of faith? And how much you're missing the mark in this? If I could get you to make souls your major focus and incentive,
You say, "Well, if You would take care of my financial needs, then what an endless episode of joy your life could be!
I could focus more on doing Your work!" No, you wouldn't! If you could see the eternal and everlasting rewards that will
Because that's not the way it works! The step of faith comes first, follow this act of humbling yourself in order to bring a person to
then comes the reward! Me, if you could only see a glimpse of it, you would stop working
I need you to take the step of faith which shows Me that you for anything else and investing your life into anything else but
believe that lost souls are a greater and more valuable treasure this.
to "hunt" and look for than money, and if you would only go and Do you have the faith and the kind of long-term vision it takes to
look for them, I would reward you, as I have promised in My win souls? This treasure hunt is a little tricky. The clues that
Word! guide you to My true treasure aren't always that easy to find. And
Come on, look a little harder! The treasures are there the Enemy, the party-pooper has made the game more difficult by
somewhere, you just need to look! Show yourself worthy of My hanging nice & shiny distractions all over the place, little "plastic
rewards by obeying Me and playing the game according to My treasures" & imitations, to keep you from looking for the real
rules! ones.
Money is his master piece of those counterfeit treasures. The
81 ___________________________________________________ love of money is the root of all evil because it distracts people
I want to prove, show and manifest My life-changing power to from the true essence of life. All their lives long they're chasing
you first, so that you're going to be all the more "sold" on My paper, getting nowhere, when all along; if they would just look a
"product," and that your faith will be fresh, fiery and alive, and little more carefully and if they would just stop for a moment and
testifying of your very own experience when you tell others about cease to be so distracted by the Devil's counterfeit treasures,
how I could change their lives or how they could apply My power they could find the real treasures that are there to find in this life.
to their lives in order to make them better. Not in elusive paper money, nor in the things that it buys, but in
the very fellow human beings I have created to be by their side to to win them... anyone you come across... everyone you meet. You
be reached, to be touched, to be explored, to get to know, to give owe it to them. It's your duty. It's your only salvation and hope of
to and share with all that you've found & learned in life. survival! You must show love, for that is the difference, the one
The Devil has invented many devices and inhibitions to stop thing that makes you stand out from all the others.
humans from reaching out to each other. The fear of "what the Sure, others are polite, courteous and kind, too. But you must
other might think of me," pride, false mental pictures and have a love that even exceeds that kindness. A love that they can
perceptions of each other, also called prejudice, even laziness, feel & lets them know that there's a chance for them to be
because it takes a certain amount of effort to get to know forgiven for all their sins, a love that loves them unconditionally
someone... & never gives up hoping, never stops believing that by grace,
All this is stemming from a lack of faith that indeed it should be they could make it, if only they'll be open enough for it and
more rewarding to invest your life in other human souls than this receive.
oh, so wonderful, shiny, and most desirable of all gimmick: paper You've got to have that kind of a winning attitude with everyone:
money! with your kids, with your brethren, and with strangers! Look no
Soon it's going to become even more elusive, and you won't be longer at the negative in them. Give them the benefit of the
able to see it at all anymore. It will only exist in a "virtual" bank doubt. Don't judge anyone before they've been tried & found
and electronic cyber world... the Devil's "perfect" imitation of guilty.
faith. His riches and wealth will finally be as invisible as Mine are, Remember what Nicodemus said to the Sanhedrin when he was
only to be received by faith in his system and obedience to him trying to protect Jesus? "Our law does not condemn anyone who
as a faithful "serf." has not been tried & found guilty." If even the Jewish law gave
No man can serve two masters. Blessed is he who has chosen people a chance to be heard, then how much more so the Law of
the right Master. Who is your master? Who are you serving? Me? love. Jesus overcame all that harshness & all that hardness, the
- Investing your time and energy into winning souls for My unforgiving self-righteousness of the Pharisees against him,
Kingdom? Or are you settling for the cheap thrills of the because He endured it, like a lamb led to the slaughter. He just
immediate gratification that paper money brings? Where is your sucked up all their hatred like a sponge & converted it to love
focus? Where is your aim? What are you shooting for? Which inside Him, and through His all-encompassing, all-powerful and
treasure are you hunting? all-changing love, you can also have the freedom and the power
to love even your enemies!
83 ___________________________________________________ "Love your enemies" is a reality.
I'm trying to get you to bet on the "real thing." My currency is
the real thing, the only thing that's going to endure & see you 85 ___________________________________________________
through any crisis! You better start making full use of it, and Sometimes I test you to see how badly you really want My
getting trained in its usage, because you're going to be more & truth and My revelations, or how quickly you would settle for
more dependent on it, no more reliance on the arm of the flesh in some kind of compromise & in-between thing. If you want the
the future! truth and nothing but the truth, there is a price to pay for it. Part
It's going to be the time that all the prophets have dreamed of of that price is often time, because you have to take the time to
and foreseen, the ultimate fulfillment of all I've said & spoken! find out what the whole truth is concerning a matter, and
I want You to praise Me for it! Show the Devil you're not scared of sometimes I can't just give it to you in one quick batch, but you
him, nor of anything he can bring about, knowing that he's only a have to take portion by portion, step by step...
tool in My hands to bring to pass My greater plan! What must Sometimes I will only lead you a little ways into a certain
come to pass is going to come to pass, the cup is almost full. So, direction, which you'll have to follow until you know more & see
it behooves you to invest all your time & energies into preparing things more clearly.
for it! Don't be like those who didn't get into the boat with Noah
because they were too busy with the usual affairs of life, their 86 ___________________________________________________
courting and eating and drinking... The self-righteousness of thieves: They think life has treated
If you can see the changes happening on the horizon, you better them unfairly, withholding from them what others, less deserving
start preparing for them, and not wait until they're here! And one than they, have in abundance, and in order to mend destiny's
of the best ways to prepare for them is to let others know about flaws, they figure, they just take the measure for themselves that
them now, before they come to pass, so that they can prepare fate or life or I have been withholding from them.
also, and help you. If you figure you're good enough to deserve it, it's practically
People have got to see you busy at "building an ark," making your right to take it from others, even steal it. After all, they're
preparations for the rain, even though they may not see it coming "bad," too, definitely far from perfect, so, why not "punish" them
as clearly as you do, so that when it comes, when it's going to a little to your own advantage by stealing from them, and taking
start pouring, they will know that you have been prophets among something from them that you want, & probably even deserve.
them. It's expected of you to be warning other people, to talk to The problem is, that same self-righteous and abusive attitude
them about it! Anything else would be a sin! carries over into other areas of your life as you grow older, and
Shift your dependence to My power and My living waters, learn to you "punish" people for their not being perfect by being unkind &
apply My power to your lives, and avail yourself of My light. mean to them in other ways. You toss unfriendly or judgmental,
cynical, cutting remarks at them or simply withhold your love
84 ___________________________________________________ from them & turn ice cold when they behave in ways that you
(S.H.:) Put on the anointing of love, the mantle and the don't approve of.
anointing the Lord would like to give you, the new you that He It's your way of "educating" people, "training" them and
wants you to be. Without it, you feel like a villain, like a loser. But disciplining them, judging them according to the laws of St.
with it, you know He can turn you into one of the winners, Little-Old-You! - Your own laws & rules of the game, something
because you're letting Him work & shine through you. It's not you've always been a master at: bending the rules in your favor;
your ugly old self anymore, which obstructs the Lord's light, & always judging others a little more harshly than yourself.
only lets others see the darkness of your carnal, natural sinful After all, it's the easiest way to get what you want. Others may be
nature, the old man. But in the light of the anointing of His love, working their butts off for it, but you? No, you're smarter than
you radiate, you sparkle, you shine; you can do things you never that! God or the fates must have simply made you smarter than
thought you possibly could; it gives you strength to do that being as dumb as to work hard for that money... that's what He or
which you couldn't do before. "they" made them so dumb for, so that they could do the hard
The world needs you so much to wear that anointing of love, and work for you, and you just take it from them.
you must never forget it! You must give everyone an equal There's a lot of smart people like that in the world, and if you
chance, and you must never ever put down the effort & attempt want to know the truth, the world is run by them, and it's driven
into ruin by them. They suck their fellowmen's blood, use and always humbly remember that you're all of the same material,
abuse them, and take everything they can get away with in order including the same weaknesses, and you can always grab hold of
to achieve their own ends, which are, in the end, the Devil's own the beam in your eye more comfortably than having to dig for the
ends. Because when it all comes down to it, you'll find out that splinter in your brother's eye.
you have only been used by him all along, fooled by him from the Often I let you detect the splinter in order for you to become
beginning, driven by your own greed, covetousness and lack of aware of the beam. Self-righteousness is assuming that
love, respect and compassion for others. somebody is guilty of a sin that you couldn't possibly be ever
It will only be a matter of time until your facade is going to drop. found guilty of yourself, because without Me, you can do nothing
The clock is ticking, and with every second you live, and with good, but anything bad.
every breath you breathe, you grow closer to the moment when There's no depth to which the human mind cannot sink, unless
time shall be no more and everyone will know exactly what you you stay fully grounded in Me.
are, what you have been and what you have done.
It may seem irrelevant to you, because all you care about is the 89 ___________________________________________________
fun you want to have with your friends right now. But as sure as Haven't I promised that whatever thou spendest I would
the day follows night, it shall be revealed what you are. repay? Haven't I said "Give and it will be given unto you with the
Eventually you wind up all alone, forsaken even by the Devil, same measure that ye mete with?"
who's been patting you on your back all along, encouraging you Haven't you learned by experience that "he that withholdeth
about how smart you are, and, "hey, that's not too bad if you take tendeth to poverty, but he that scattereth abroad increaseth?"
something from them! It's really rightfully yours!" Giving, sharing, pouring out and scattering what you've got, in
In the end, it will just be you, and you alone, having to live with My book spells faith, because it shows that You're expecting Me
your sin, and you'll feel pretty dumb then, when you'll stand to return in the same abundance to you with which you give.
before Me - which you inevitably will. Withholding spells lack of faith. You think you must make sure
Turn around and walk a clean path in your life, for which you will with your own effort that your existence is secured; you're not
not have to be ashamed. really trusting that I will give you and supply for you what you
Will you live on as a lying & deceitful little "king," reigning for a need.
short time in your own little realm of pride and self- Giving is what it all boils down to. Giving, instead of only
righteousness, judging everyone by your own laws and rules, receiving and demanding, like selfish, spoiled children! Giving of
and forever thinking you know better than everyone else, your life, giving of your substance, giving till it hurts.
including Me, or will you turn around & walk the humble but Trust in Me and My promise: you never lose by giving! Not even if
truthful and honest & sincere road of a true prince for Me? it seems absurd, illogical or unreasonable to give! It didn't make
Instead of being thankful for what you're given, and "faithful in sense to the masses that I had to give Myself on the cross, not
the little things," you despise the little things, but My Word says, even to My disciples... But where would you be if I hadn't?
"He that is not faithful in that which is least is unfaithful also in
much." I cannot really trust to give you more, if you're not faithful 90 ___________________________________________________
with what you've got, and you certainly cannot be faithful with When one seeks the wrong things, pursues the wrong desires,
what you've got if you don't appreciate it at all and despise it. focuses on the wrong goals, it taints their perception of things! It
So, since I can't bless you with more and give you what I want, causes them to see only or mainly what they want to see! Young
you settle for the Devil's alternative: "Just take it!" He tells you -people, when faced with a crowd of people of various ages, will
contrary to what I would say - that you deserve it, and it appeals almost exclusively zoom in on other young people... Fashion
to your ego & pride, so you choose to believe him instead of Me, oriented people zoom in on others' clothes & what they wear...
the dilemma of mankind since the beginning of the world. others will look at their faces, yet others at the build of their
It's not that I think that you won't ever deserve special material bodies...
blessings, but you've got to do something for them, usually. For Zooming in on carnal things, you neglect your spiritual view and
one thing, you can ask Me for them, instead of stealing them. You insight, your vision. And thus it easily happens that you see
can also ask Me for a way to provide them by an honest means, things not quite as they are. Finding out the truth takes time, and
instead of resorting to the Devil's cheap means of stealing. you have to be willing to spend time on it. You can't just give it a
If you continue living his way, there will always be something to quick glance & say, "Nah, that's not it," just because you don't
hide in your life, to cover up... you will never be able to be like the looks of it.
completely honest with anyone. It's a life spent in darkness, When Esau came back hungry from the hunt, all he saw & cared
instead of the light. about was the food that Jacob had prepared, and that's all he
Choose which road you're going to follow; the high road or the wanted at that moment. He couldn't care less about his birthright
low road, the path of light or the broadway of darkness, the way at that moment & wouldn't waste a second thought on it. But I
of truth, or the slippery track of lies. want you to act thoughtfully.
In order to receive My pure and untainted input, you must spend
87 ___________________________________________________ time with Me in My Word!
On earth, you only have your immediate scope and Judging people by their past mistakes, mentally putting people in
perspective and way of looking at things. It's hard for you to see a box consisting of the walls of the confines of your own mind
the other side, the other possibilities, that there's another side to which you create for them out of your negative memories &
it, another angle to look at it; seeing the "elephant" from more experiences with them is not appropriate anymore in this day &
than one side. age when I'm changing lives radically & sometimes rapidly.
It's a great gift - the gift of understanding others. The carnal mind is quick to put both Me, and the way it thinks I
It's always easier to see the other's weaknesses than your own, should operate, and others into a box, and that's not a very smart
that's just human nature, and part of the blindness people are thing to do in My business.
plagued by in the darkness of this world. Only in the vast light of Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block to divine
Heaven, where all things are revealed and nothing is hidden revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to
anymore, can you see as things truly are, you will know as you you and pipes up with its own input! When you come before Me,
are known, and all things are open & naked to everyone. you must lay aside your own opinions, your own background
The love of truth does not only include a love for heavenly information as much as possible, and any preconceived ideas &
revelations, but also what others have to tell you about yourself. bias, otherwise a message can very easily become tainted by
what you "know."
88 ___________________________________________________ "Forget what you know" is a good slogan.
Nearly all the weaknesses you spot in others, you will also be You can be misled by the carnal mind. You have to make sure
able to detect in you, if you search thoroughly. Like this you can that you're on My channel and fight to keep your channel clean
and clear of carnal input. Love is what it's all about. It's not about having a glorious
ministry, not about impressing the people with your talent... The
91 ___________________________________________________ only lasting impression you're ever going to make, and the only
Becoming steady in your faith and firm in what you believe one they're interested in is an impression of love! If you show
should be one of your main objectives to strive and work for. them you love them sincerely and genuinely, that will impress
Not to fool yourself into thinking that you know anything, but to them!
acknowledge Me instead of leaning to your own understanding, Love is the greatest of all gifts. Greater than prophecy, greater
to continuously seek Me for the truth every little step of the way, than good works, greater than the gift or tongues, miracles, faith
and not even give your own opinions a chance to form and & all the other impressive gifts! The only gift that will really make
crystallize without My guidance & input. That's the only way you a lasting impression on someone that will cause them to change
can make sure that the way you see things is really the truthful their lives is that gift of love.
way, the true and clear picture. When you're humble and small, then you're able to love people.
I want you to love each other including all your flaws, just like I Humility and love are one.
do. I loved you so much that I was willing to die for your sins. I So, be not dismayed if I'm having to keep you humble, down and
just sucked up all that evil like a humungous magic sponge and low, not able to trust in uncertain riches, but only in Me, your
converted it into perfect love, casting out all fear, blotting out all living God, Who giveth you all things richly to enjoy! Trust in My
sin, the ultimate clean-sweep! living riches that I'm giving you through your lowliness, your
And you can wield that same, supernatural power of love and desperation and your humbled state.
forgiveness, too, the ability to love in spite of someone's faults. I Seek not to be in a position where you can lean on your own arm,
want you to not call that unclean what I have sanctified, but to your own pride, where you think you don't need to be loving to
enjoy it. anyone because you're so self-sufficient! Self-sufficiency is a
deceitful device to alienate people from each other, so that all
92 ___________________________________________________ they will be occupied doing is to try to impress each other &
Salvation and redemption is all about delivering you from evil. show off to each other, instead of loving and needing each other
Firstly, and foremost, the evil of your own hearts, and lastly, once and giving to and receiving from each other, which is the way I
you have overcome and have been redeemed from your own had originally intended for the game to work.
sins, I deliver you out of the evil of this world! That's why the first Giving people an opportunity to be blessed and feel needed
and primary requirement to receiving My Salvation is realizing makes them feel good about themselves, and that's because they
that you're a sinner, and that you need My Salvation from your instinctively know that that's the way things are supposed to be,
sins. they're fulfilling their true destiny by giving to someone, they're
As long as you keep recognizing that need, I keep cleansing you, complying with and fulfilling a part of the meaning of their lives
washing you over and over and over again, from the error of your and purpose of their existence.
ways. It's not just another selfish need... it's totally okay to need to be
93 ___________________________________________________ Blessed are the givers.
You can't just enjoy the physical advantages of being in the The Devil always sees the negative and the bad in people; he's
Family without doing your part of making sure you understand the constant accuser of the saints. That which I have called holy
what the spiritual principles the Family is founded on are, and and sanctified, he has the audacity to call unclean, accusing you
what the Family's all about. You can't just be in it for the loaves of ulterior motives, when love is the perfect motivation.
and the fishes and not take time to sit at My feet, listen to My He hates love, because love is what I am, and he hates
Words for the purpose of passing them on to others, or sooner or everything that goes along with it, and tries to besmirch it with
later you're going to be washed out. his ugly way of looking at things, be it sex or the need to give,
But that's precisely what the Enemy is trying to do through the the need to be needed, the need for sympathy, or plain unselfish
spirits of seduction: he's trying to subvert & divert your attention giving. He teaches his followers that it's "idiotic" to give, when
from the spiritual to the physical, to where you become so they could keep it for themselves. But only those who look
enwrapped and enticed by the physical blessing, that you neglect beyond and have greater wisdom than those who fall for Satan's
the spiritual. But while the physical blessing is a reward I give, to lies, see the greater blessing & the greater, hidden reward
be enjoyed by those who keep My commandments, if you only beyond the apparent loss of the thing you gave away.
indulge in the physical manifestation of My love and neglect the The mere act of having to ask people for help is already a much
spiritual, the life-giving sap, you're going to die spiritually... greater fulfilling of My purpose and My will for you and all of
Sometimes I have to withhold the blessing in order for you to mankind, than when you're just doing your job & getting paid for
learn the lesson. it. You give people a chance to be blessed according to whether
I have to withhold the good thing in order to show up in which they give to you and how much, in this, My "machinery" of give
aspects you're not walking uprightly (Ps.84:11). and take.
What is called high among men, I call low, & what they call low I
94 ___________________________________________________ call high, and that which is highly esteemed among men is often
Drops of heavenly rain, heavenly love, cause your heart to an abomination to Me.
blossom into life and warmth. The spiritual winter of your heart is So, keep walking My "low" road, happily and humbly and
over. The hardships you've been experiencing, the heat I've been gratefully! There's nothing to be ashamed of!
putting on, are causing the hard shell to soften & crack open &
finally the new you is coming to life, the person I wanted you to 95 ___________________________________________________
be. Not the cold, reserved, critical & calculating old you, but the One little disobedience leads to another, it will seldom stay
loving, warm, affectionate, embracing you, that does not hold alone. If you doubt My Word in one aspect, and think you can
back from Me nor from others! make yourself an exception on that, the Enemy will soon offer
A giving you, a smiling you, bubbling over with My humble joy and suggest more compromises for you to make, more
and love, dropping warmth and love and affection and disobediences he makes you think you can get away with...
encouragement into the hearts of those you pass by. Without this One of the easiest & smartest ways for him to get My children
love, there is no worthwhile ministry, mission or cause, and you trapped in the cage of disobedience is by telling them that it's
cannot perform My tasks I have for you, and the work I want you actually freedom... after all, it's their own will that got them there,
to do for Me. not the seeming, apparent confines that lie in keeping My
If this love isn't your driving force and the power that motivates commandments & performing My will, no, the apparent freedom
you, it will only be a lifeless going through the motions... it of doing your own thing.
cannot work, it cannot bring forth fruit! But all the while, camouflaged as freedom, doing your own thing
will only wind you up in the chains & fetters of selfishness. Only The only way you get that kind of faith is by receiving My
on the straight & narrow path of obedience you will find the true instructions & confirmations that this is what I want you to do, in
freedom one finds in unselfishness, not seeking their own thing, spite of what your mind or your feelings tell you.
but the happiness of others. Walk the low & humble road, whether you feel like it or not. Your
Doing your own thing is still the same, age-old pursuit of your mind is seeking ways to struggle out of this, to get you out of
own happiness & satisfaction, which simply won't make you that humble road, back onto the "normal" & accepted, beaten
happy. Only in keeping My rules do you find My grace & power path of conformity.
you need in order to perform the tasks of unselfishness, the But just let yourself go & fall into My lap, that apparent hole &
things one needs to do in order to make others happy. low valley of humility, & trust Me that I will catch you there, proud
of you for having trusted Me, & able to bless you for it.
96 ___________________________________________________ So what, if you're a needy human being? So was I. I needed food
You've got to look deep and hard in order to find My perfect & shelter & was dependent on the help & hospitality of others so
path for you each day. It's not enough to just get your major that I in return could bless them with what I had to give. Those
directions or encouragement from Me for the day and then close who are stingy and refuse to give to you for whatever reason,
your eyes & ears to what else I might have to show and tell you. they just cheat themselves out of their reward. Even if they think
You've got to stay alert & keep your spiritual radio on! they're already up for a great enough reward as it is, for all the
One way of doing that is to pick a verse, quote or key promise to good they've already done, someday they're going to wish they
memorize each day, to help you stay on My spiritual wavelength would have helped you.
& to prevent you from sliding back into the carnal way of You cannot judge or condemn them for their refusal to help, but
thinking! See and find out what a powerful anchor My Word and trust Me, one day they're going to wish they had. They will realize
promises can be to prevent you from erring and drifting away! what special beauty they missed out on in the reward that would
Ask Me to show you and guide you to the right one for each day have been there in that simple little act of helping you, if it was in
& put this advice into practice! It's a small step you can their ability to do so & if they only would have found it in
realistically take, and it's an important one! Pick a KP & cling to themselves to do so - to overcome that restraining selfishness
it, to pull you through. that at that crucial moment in time stopped them from doing the
right thing.
97 ___________________________________________________ It's like some of those bonus rewards, enhancements, extra
Seek your satisfaction in Me. I am He that satisfieth all things, special weapons or advantages people can pick up in some of
fills every vacuum, every longing and every yearning... In loving those computer games. Only that My game & its bonuses &
Me you'll find strength that they, the world, know not of. Come, rewards are real, there's nothing "virtual" or "cyber" about them,
let Me love you! they're hardcore reality!
Combating selfishness is a hardcore reality issue, too much
98 ___________________________________________________ hardcore for some people, to confront themselves with such a
Your situation is always the worst you know, that's how the fight! This is only for the real men & women, those who want the
Devil's machinery of self-pity works: he gets you so enwrapped real fight, those who have got the stuff & what it takes to face the
in your own situation, your own circumstances, etc., that you real enemy: their pride, the Devil & their own selfishness.
don't perceive anything but your own confines, until I take you Only the truest of men & women, only the really valiant fighters
on a trip outside your little world, like Scrooge, who came to see have got the guts & what it takes to confront that kind of an
a misery greater than his own, & what was even more effective - enemy! To choose any other enemy is easy and a cop-out in
the end result of where his selfish road was leading him unless comparison!
he changed his attitude. The greatest rewards wait for those who commit themselves to
It requires a change of attitude in order for you to get to the point that ultimate struggle of good & evil, to confront & combat the
where you consider others worthy of your effort to help them, to very evil in their own hearts, the very sin in their lives, for in this,
reach out to them - to walk the uncomfortable path & go out of they're fighting the very enemy of God - the Devil - on a day to
your way & sacrifice of your own comfort in order to make it day, face-to-face level.
easier for others & lighten their load. How proud I am of these. No matter how unheard of they may be
It all boils down to whether you deem them & their welfare more in this world & in this life, they will be heard of - you can trust Me
or equally important to your own or not. for that!
But you first want to improve your own condition & appearance, Those who forego the cheap gratification of conformity & the
before you consider yourself ready to help others. You don't want immediate rewards of being accepted for adapting to the
to come across as the needy one, you want it to be obvious that superficial standards of the world, they will reap the mighty,
you've got something to give to them. But that's not always how everlasting & glorious rewards of My Realm.
it works. No one can fake, pretend or cheat at that contest. You're either
When I spoke to the woman at the well in Samaria, I seemed like I real for it or you're not. Counterfeit participants & fakes &
was the needy One. I didn't have a bucket - she did. But when I phonies are always exposed sooner or later, no matter what
shared with her of the spiritual water I had to give, she realized position they may hold in life. All that counts is sincerity & how
that it was true, that although I appeared to have even less than real you are about it, how much you really mean it. And your
she did, I had something much more & better to give to her than works will show it.
anything she had ever received... You realize how embarrassed you feel about accepting people's
And you know the rest of the story... how she got converted and help? You need to change your attitude & not cheat people out of
was instrumental in reaching the rest of her town for Me. So, My their rewards or allow them to cheat themselves out of My
willingness to appear needy bore good fruit in the long run. I rewards so easily! Give them a chance! Give them a chance to be
wasn't too proud to ask her for water- otherwise the whole blessed!
conversation never would have started. If they're going to receive a reward for every cup of water they
There are many willing to help, who might never know how or give you, imagine how richly blessed & how happy they'll be, if
even that they could be of help to you, if you're too proud to let you give them a chance to help you in a greater way than that!
them know your needs. It's the natural course of human interaction: give and take, help
Help them by enabling them to be a blessing & a help to you. It and be helped... But somehow you have allowed your pride & the
works even if you don't feel like it. Enemy to alienate you from this natural way of life & the way
The Devil will always try to get you to not "feel like it" when it things ought to be. It's so difficult for you to receive, because the
comes to doing something good, something that counts for Me. Enemy fights it. He fights you being a blessing to each other!
The art is not to pay any attention to him, to ignore your feelings So he makes you too proud to ask, or too embarrassed, or when
& do it anyway. That's faith. Faith to act contrary to your feelings. somebody helps you, you almost take on an apologetic attitude
about it & sometimes tend to stop them from giving or doing experiences & opinions of what you deem possible and what not!
more than they would. Give Me a chance to work, and don't withhold from them the
Remember that if I had to do it - the King of kings - then how chance of a life-time!
much more so should you not be too proud to ask - for help, for
food, for shelter, for anything you might need. It takes courage to 101 __________________________________________________
be honest about them, & the Devil will try to nip any attempts of Who would have thought that a seemingly innocent &
honesty in that direction in the bud, but you should not let that harmless looking sin like a lack of gratitude could be so
discourage you or divert you from it! dangerous, such a formidable foe, capable of causing such
Being honest about your needs creates an atmosphere of damage & loss? But it is real!
humility, but it's the natural way it was intended to be. You couldn't possibly see the major problem you never would
You just admit, "I have this need," & you receive the gift & help have suspected to be the culprit was your ingratitude.
from someone to fill it & you give in return whatever you can. I told you how important and life-changing a more praiseful &
My sheep will hear My voice & recognize the right thing when grateful attitude would be in your life. But nothing drives home a
they come across it. point like a real-life lesson, & by temporarily having to do without
the blessings I brought into your life, I have made you recognize
99 ___________________________________________________ the real danger of ingratitude!
The Devil is always after the young, and their battles are often A lack of love had a devastating effect.
more intense than yours & it takes My kind of sensitivity to tune
in to them, to be aware of what's going on with them; to 102 __________________________________________________
communicate with them about it & to draw them out of I'm an Advocate of openness and honesty!
themselves, as a doctor would with a patient, so that you know You better get ready for Heaven, where everything will be open,
what specific Word medicine to give them. and there will be nothing hidden and no more secrets. All your
Once you hear them out, show genuine interest & an effort to actions and intents will be open to everyone. I want your
tune in to them, & concern for them, they'll open up & will be marriage to be a type of My marriage to you, and there is no way
ready for your Word-based solutions, providing you're applying you could hide things from Me, so be honest.
them to your lives yourselves. They'll only accept tried & proven
advice. 103 __________________________________________________
Ask Me & My helpers to help you tune in to them. Call on the There is great peace, love and faith found in humility! Not in
Illantri, which will help you connect your hearts to theirs. Ask the frantic urge of accomplishing great things and getting
Herald to reveal to you what their particular needs are, to shine a
frustrated if it doesn't work out, but humbly & gratefully
light into the dark area, that question mark in their hearts & appreciating all the little things I have created for you to enjoy, &
minds that parents & grown-ups seldom have a clue about. to take the time to enjoy them & learn of them!
Once they'll be able to tell that you are genuinely concerned The perfect things are going to come later. First I must test every
about them, their hearts & souls, & willing to sacrifice your timeman to see how faithful they are in the little things!
for them & to change things for their sake, they will also become The little people make this kingdom stand. The big shot types are
more willing to listen to you and accept your solutions rather unreliable in comparison to the faithful little ones, who are
wholeheartedly. just thankful for the little things they've got...
Come to Me & your helpers regularly, regarding the particular Nobody's perfect! So, stop expecting perfection from people! If
needs of your children, before problems occur, & thus prevent I'm not expecting it, than who are you to be expecting it of them?
them from happening. Just accept this weak, imperfect & faulty human frame you're in
I'm ahead of you & can see the bend in the road that for you is right now, & learn to enjoy the little things, be faithful in the least,
just a question mark. I see their future. Never give up hope, justand then I will also reward you with much!
because things have gone wrong in the past. You can change Forget what you know & open yourself up to the simple things,
everything today, the way you look at them, their way of seeing the little things & learn from the little people how to enjoy them!
you, your whole lives & interaction together. Being open to Simply enjoy what you've got, & trust Me for what will come
change is a key factor; being willing to change your sample. afterwards.
Whether I will be able to bless you with more, something bigger
100 __________________________________________________ or better in the long run depends on whether you're thankful for
Convey to them that I need them. The Devil uses them to the what you've got already!
point of abusing them, and as long as this fills their need to be Those who appreciate what they've got & are thankful for it, also
needed, to feel useful, that they have found their place in the love to share it and thus are able to receive more. While those
world, and as long as they're not even aware of the fact that I who complain and murmur and wait for "the perfect thing" to
have a much greater need of them, and for a much worthier come around until they're going to start sharing of what they,
cause, why should they ever get to the point of even considering lose what they think they had & get less & less. "He that
to serve Me? How could they, if they don't even know that I have withholdeth it tendeth to poverty."
need of them? Enjoy every moment of peace that I've given you while it lasts,
That's why I need you to let them know that I need them! This because out of them you will have to gain the strength you will
should be one of the major themes of your approach, just like need for the tougher times ahead. Just enjoy and be thankful!
anyone who would recruit new soldiers for an army, or workers
for a project: you make them aware of the need, you make them 104 __________________________________________________
aware of the rewards, and you advertise the vacancy, make them I'm with you when there are many people, just as much as
aware that there's a place for them that I would want & need them when you're alone. It's just easier for you to hear My voice when
very badly to fill, if only they are willing & say "yes" to Me! you're alone. Which means, you're just going to have to make a
Unfortunately, this is not at all the way most of My reapers are greater effort to hear My voice. You're going to have to learn to
recruiting new soldiers at this point in time. That sense of adapt to situations like this, and you will have to learn not to let
urgency is nearly lacking entirely. people be such a distraction to you. You must tune into My vibes
I have need of them! Great need! And you must let them know! to where you feel them more strongly than their vibes, for their
This is your job! Don't withhold from them the golden vibes can be confusing, but My "vibes" will always lead you in
opportunity, the chance of a life-time to be employed by the best the right direction.
Employer in the world, to find the best cause anyone could ever It's a test and a drill for you to see whether you will still detect
live & fight for! the right way even when there are many other ways; whether you
Please, don't limit them, nor Me! Don't confine that which I have will hear & distinguish My voice & wavelength out of many
ordained and promised to your own limitations of personal others. Take Me with you into their midst.
need or deserve, but if it doesn't come across like that at the
105 __________________________________________________ other end, if the person you claim to love doesn't feel loved by
I have brought you to the Kingdom for a time such as this you, then you can either determine that it's their own fault, or you
that you may learn to surrender to My plan, even when you can't could humbly seek Me about the possibility whether perhaps you
see its wisdom and perfection fully yet, to just say, "I take thee," and your ability to love may still have room for improvement, and
even if you still see flaws and imperfections, like when Hosea if perhaps there's an area I want you to change in.
married the harlot... Gomer... the very name I have used in My Maybe I want you to stretch your capabilities of love & mercy!
Word for this nation, Germany. No matter how good a prophet you are, chances are that I still
So, take her unto thee for a wife, and fear not, fret not, for this see some things differently than you do.
thing is of Me and of My Holy Ghost. I have ordained you to be teachers of the world, but you
I want you to put up with this imperfection for Me, and be married yourselves are also still learning, and if you think the time has
to it, even as I put up and am married to yours. This is a token of arrived when there's nothing for you to learn anymore, no more
the bond of true, everlasting, unconditional love. You don't mistakes to improve or correct, then you're just about to make
expect someone to be perfect as a condition before you are able the biggest mistake of all! You will become nothing but another
to love them. blind guide of the blind.
I accept your sacrifice of love unto Me, and that you are making Be open to examine your own heart & show that you truly have
Me your first, foremost and one true and supreme Love, the the love for the brethren that is willing to lay down your life for
feeding Source of all your other loves. them not only in word and tongue, but also in deed and in truth -
right now, not just in some distant future.
106 __________________________________________________
If you were all perfect, there would be no challenge at all to 109 __________________________________________________
the commandment, "Love one another" or "love your neighbor as It sometimes happens that a person gets saved, but they
yourself." But because it's sometimes so difficult, because of the don't let go completely of the spirits of their past. Like Naaman,
weaknesses, mistakes & faults it's such a challenge, & not they want to keep their old gods in a corner of their lives to
everybody is succeeding at it. comfort them whenever they feel ill-treated by Me, when My
"Love casts a veil over countless sins." How much are you demands & expectations of them seem too hard for them to cope
availing yourself of the veil of love? How much do you use it? In with.
other words, how much do you love? How much are you able to And so, they actually wind up "cheating" on Me. They're
cope with others in spite of their faults? "officially" Mine, but are caught "running around" with some
Blessed are those who see the good & possibilities others can't other "guy" from their past.
see & who can just accept & love people the way they are... They say, "Well, that's just me, that's the way I am, aren't you
willing to take both sides of me, the good and the bad?" But what
107 __________________________________________________ they don't realize is that that part is not a part of them, but is
Faith does not stand on feelings, emotions or "chemistry," actually an intruder, a spirit, which, like the old man of
but on the fact of My Word. Huddersfield, claims a right of ownership to them & mocks Me in
I bless it when someone puts Me to the test & goes contrary to My face: "She's Yours and mine, because she will not let me go!"
their natural expectations & abilities, trusting that I will do it Familiar spirits can be more dangerous in some ways than
somehow. demons, because people don't recognize them as some great
Love unconditionally, forgive & give everybody a new chance evil, but they feel so "familiar," so comfy & cozy to have around,
each day for a fresh clean start, not keeping grudges or mindsets like old friends, except that they're not real friends, but seek to
about them that will throw shadows of negativity on them. Be a drag you down & impede your spiritual progress.
conduit of My love which is new everyday, and endless. They're often spirits of independence, & the Enemy has granted
Endlessly forgiving, pardoning and giving. Giving new chances, them some sort of "free lance" status, which makes them feel
and giving again and again and again... free and great advocates of "freedom," because he knows he can
do great harm in this, stopping those who are influenced by such
108 __________________________________________________ spirits from yielding and submitting totally to Me. But what those
Forget all you know! This is not a situation in which any of familiar spirits often don't know themselves is that they're
you can rely on your personal experiences or understanding, working for the other side. They're deceived into thinking that
wisdom or knowledge, but one in which you're each going to they're actually free and independent, but they don't know that
have to seek Me. they are actually used by the other side, which makes the
If you think your time is too important to deal with such a deception so perfect.
problem, then it just shows that an important ingredient is still They're not truly free, they're not saved by Me, and when
lacking. judgment comes, they will have to go to their "prison cells" in
The ingredient that will let folks know beyond the shadow of a hell or some other state where they will have to learn their
doubt that you love them so much that you'd be willing to lay lessons, but since they're obviously ignoring the truth and My
down your life for them - as imperfect as they are, for how can light, they're not My sheep, and they will cause their victims to
they believe that you'd lay down your life for them if you're not also resist My truth and light to whatever extent they can - they'll
even willing to sacrifice a few hours or even days to deal with a stop them from yielding to it completely.
problem someone has, in a gentle, loving and patient way? There will always be that weakness, that stumbling block, which
What is greater, your zeal and your ambition to "make history" by they will convince their victim is just a natural weakness, but as
blowing like Krakatoa & letting the chips fall where they may, or soon as something spiritual is the cause, it ceases to be natural,
your love for one of your brethren, even if they may be the but becomes supernatural, for spirit and flesh are 2 different
weakest or the least among them? things.
It is a test to show whether you have learned something about Of course, there are demons behind the familiar spirit, using him
the most important thing. If you haven't got it, ultimately you like a puppet on a string. Sometimes he's aware of them,
haven't got what it takes, as you can tell from 1.Cor.13. All those sometimes he chooses to ignore them, but they can influence
works, prophecies, miracles & great words will cease and fail, him and intensify the depression or whatever miserable state
but the only thing that won't fail - to win their hearts, to make they try to get the spirit's host into. He acts like an agent, a
your team that kind of a winning team it's supposed to be and vehicle or a medium between those demons and the host. Their
must be if you want to accomplish a fraction of what you would influence becomes a little more "anonymous" & clandestine
like to accomplish for Me, is love. (note: a "proxy"). The familiar spirit is like Judas, an old trusted
Now, love is a tricky thing sometimes, because you may think or "friend" who will betray their victim with a kiss.
even feel like you've got all the love for someone they should He tries to keep them running around in circles, without breaking
out of it, for he knows, the closer they get into the light, the circle around themselves and other "good" people, that won't let
greater is the danger of him being exposed and cast out. any others in. I want you to learn tolerance for each other, and
He's just a little tool, and you must rebuke the demons that stand how to cope with each other's weaknesses: to openly and
behind him and are using him, too. honestly communicate about them & not just hide under your
Familiar spirits are former humans, the Devil's counterpart of My blanket & wish they're gonna go away soon.
spirit helpers. Because they were once flesh & blood humans, What if it's simply your destiny and My purpose for you to work
they can "relate" to humans better and also camouflage their out your differences together? What if I'm just testing you to see
influence a little better than demons. They serve as masks or what you're going to do about it?
"sheep clothing" to the Devil's demons who will gain entrance The test is too complicated to cope with on your own, and you're
through them that is more subtle and not as easily detected as going to have to acquire not only greater unity and love for each
downright & straight demonic influence, although, once the door other than ever before, but also greater dependence on Me and
has been opened, there is no limit to what extent other bad skill in the usage of My spiritual weapons.
spirits will also pour in through that loophole until the victim Nothing drives home the urgent need to do a neglected thing as
realizes what's going on and decides to put a stop to it. much as the failure that results from your not doing it, so, even if
Drinking weakens their own resistance and discernment between you fall, it draws you closer to Me.
what influences are really good and bad. It opens the door to I'm broadening your spiritual horizon. You confine your scope,
those feelings of "I've got a right to make myself feel better right your perception & what you think you know about the world to
now, to comfort myself and soothe the pain..." your own experiences, those things which you have already seen
They have to let go of that usurper trying to snatch them away. & heard & felt or perceived in some way. But there is so much
They have to make a choice. Ye cannot drink of My cup and the more to discover, a whole new bandwidth to upgrade to, when it
Devil's. comes to vision and perception!
This is only the beginning of a whole new world I'm about to
110 __________________________________________________ reveal unto you!
Be grateful for this opportunity to practice your combat Why limit yourself to the same confines that all mortals do, when
skills! Even if these trials & battles you're having don't seem to I'm giving you a chance to break out of them, by widening &
be good to you, they actually are good for you, because they opening up your horizon to a greater capacity to receive and
strengthen you. It's training. perceive than you were ever able to before? You can experience
The spiritual forces you're fighting are real. some of the benefits of the spirit world and of the world to come
It's hard to be fighting at 2 fronts, but that's another battle already now, if you're really interested enough! There's nothing,
ground reality you're going to have to become trained in, since no secret, no mystery I will withhold from you, if you're
the Endtime won't be any smoother in this aspect, but only interested enough. You can prepare both, yourself and others for
rougher, having to fight outside enemies along with those who what's to come, and isn't that precisely what your job is?
will cleave to you with flatteries, as My Word says. It takes Getting prepared for what's coming doesn't always have to be a
discernment, a desirable gift in this day & age you should seek chore, but can and should be exciting, because you will
and ask for! experience new pleasures, sights & sounds and thrills you never
experienced before as you do so! Getting to see a whole new
111 __________________________________________________ dimension is exciting, isn't it?
"Battles never cease." Not in this life, & not before I come. If you continue to seek Me and My whole truth and nothing but
So, just take them, face them, with your chin held high. the truth with your whole heart, you will see things you've never
I'm finding out right now who is taking the first opportunity to seen before, and you will activate powers you never experienced
sneak out when they can, and I'm not flattered by the results. If I before, and life will not be dull, boring, a chore or a drag in any
would count only those who don't take every opportunity to way!
sneak out & find a way around having to go out witnessing You knew that there was more to discover, you just didn't know
whenever they can, the odds would be very similar to those of that those things are closer than you thought. They're actually at
Gideon's army: I'd have to send the tens of thousands home and your reach and disposal, if you're just interested enough to find
stick with a few hundred. them out.
That's why I'm not very choosey right now & will wink at people's Spirit tv is available in your area right now, and all you've got to
weaknesses, as long as they're willing to witness & do the job & do is plug in, upgrade, tune in and enjoy! Broaden your horizon!
get out the Word, because there are just so very, very few who Get ready for something new! Have it and enjoy it for the asking!
do. The large majority is trying to find other things wherewith to It's already yours! Just use it!
busy themselves in order to avoid that hard & humbling task of
fulfilling the commission I have given all of you. 113 __________________________________________________
If you would just stay focused on the witnessing, on the battle Sometimes I want you to put forth some faith for a situation
that's to fight out there, all the other things would fall into place or people less than perfect, trusting Me that I will improve things
eventually. You would be so thrilled by the results you would as you go & step out by faith.
achieve, if you would just obey Me & get out there & bring in the Remember not to see everything so "black & white!" Remember
sheep, all your little internal problems & idiosyncrasies would My perfect plan! I'm using this situation to cause you to grow
shrink to insignificant sizes in comparison! way beyond your former state, into full stature!
Just hang on & fight a little longer. You haven't even begun to You need that challenge in your life in order to make you into the
fight, so, how do you know whether it's going to work out or not? man you're supposed to be.
The boat has to be in motion before the rudder can take effect. So, rejoice, all those intense battles are good for you, and you're
Stop trying to sneak out before you have really given Me a gowing stronger by the day, by the hour & by the minute!
chance! You must not neglect to see My hand in all of this. It may seem as
I don't care about any other qualities right now than one's if they turn things upside down a bit, but consider it a ploughing
willingness to do the job for Me. of the field which is necessary before any seeds can be sown,
and fruit can be borne.
112 __________________________________________________
You're hoping for some kind of black-or-white type of answer, 114 __________________________________________________
but there are many shades of gray & many factors to consider, All things come from Me. So, it behooves you to take them as
many details involved. Everyone has spiritual problems & NWOs such, to not murmur and complain about them, but to have a
to an extent & things to overcome. cheerful and trusting attitude about them, that I know what I'm
It's a human trait to want to distinguish between "good people" doing, that I know you can handle them, and that they're the best
and "bad people," and to take a distance from the bad & draw a thing you need in order to grow and progress in your life.
You've got to learn to see things through My eyes, perceive them about that?
with My mind & catch My heavenly vision for them. Many times But seeing the good in others in spite of the bad, that's an art I
you still call that unclean which I have called clean. What doesn't want you to learn! Without it, you're never going to have any
make sense to you, often makes perfect sense to Me. success with people, because people sense it when you only see
It's not always going to be the comfortable & easy road I choose the bad in them &consequently don't like them. Like that quote,
for you! You see where that leads. The path of the least "The people who like people are the people people like."
resistance really leads downhill. If you don't like'em, they won't like you. If you want to be liked
No matter how "legitimate" anyone's excuse for quitting, it's still and loved, you better find ways to see the good in others, so that
an excuse for quitting, and what they should have done was to you will learn to like them and to love them in spite of their flaws,
keep on fighting, no matter how hard the battle, no matter how so that they, in turn will learn to like & love you in spite of yours.
hot the test. If you put up with theirs, they'll put up with yours!
You cannot judge by what is right before your eyes. You must But if you continually judge them in your mind & label them & put
look further, into the future of My limitless possibilities, glance them in all kinds of boxes & drawers, be sure that they'll find
through the dark clouds at My bright & shining horizon! equivalent labels & boxes for you, too, simply as a matter of self-
I've become so desperate for willing workers, that I'm ready to defense.
use anything & anyone, regardless of their flaws, as long as The solution is not to look at the negative, but at the positive, to
they're willing! emphasize the positive traits of others & focus on them. The
If you continue to build on faith, you will reap many benefits, more you look for the good in others, the more you will see it, &
experience many mighty miracles, and you will see the glory of the more it will come alive for you, and it will become more &
God! more real to you! A positive reality instead of one where all you
Accept that it has got to be so without any murmuring! see is the bad.
Sometimes I leave you in situations where you are powerless to Claim the keys of positiveness, and of a heavenly outlook &
do anything in the flesh, so that you will have no other choice but perspective, and you will see heaven in others.
to commit it into My hands, to bring it before Me in prayer, & trust The world knows enough hell! Time to show them a little more
that that's truly the best thing you can do. heaven! Discover the positive!

115 __________________________________________________ 117 __________________________________________________

You're going to have to decide whether you're going to be There is yet so much for you to discover, so much to explore.
willing to render your energies to a greater cause, joint effort, Not one day of your lives ever has to be dull or boring. You just
team or Home than just your own personal family's survival & need to open your eyes & there will be so many truths to
doing a little witnessing on the side, even if this will mean that discover!
you most likely won't be deciding your own moves anymore to In this age of lies you are My discoverers of truth. And there's
the extent you are, but that someone else will guide, direct, lead more to discover every day! Truth about yourself; truth about
or "steer" you. others; truth about the world, My Kingdom, it's almost limitless
Decide whether you think you're going to accomplish more by what's there to discover!
"running around" loosely, like horses, wild & free, wherever you And you can pass on those truths to anyone who is interested
want, or whether it wouldn't be more efficient for My Kingdom if and hungry for it. That's what I'm sending you out to seek and to
you would let yourselves be harnessed to & employed by a find: those who are hungry and receptive for the truth.
greater cause, some joint effort, team, or bigger Home, a carriage That's a prophet's job, to deliver a message, whether it's popular,
with wheels, able to transport a much greater load & thus get a or whether he thinks it's going to go over well, or not.
larger amount of work for Me done. You overcome fear of people's reactions, pride, laziness,
The Family is all about doing things together, which also compromise & disobedience by fighting against these things
includes receiving direction or counsel from others, in order to with My Word, the keys & prayer...
be most efficient. I'm exposing those enemies to you not just for you to be aware of
I am the Head or the Boss of this Family, and naturally I would them and acknowledge their existence, but so that you will fight
like for all My children to employ the maximum amount of their them! You overcome them by going on the attack! You have to
energies to My cause, yielding the maximum efficiency possible, declare war on those demons that are urging you, "Oh, no, you
so, if there's any way I can manage to persuade you to make the better quiet down, you'd better not rock the boat, no, no, don't
necessary changes in order to do that, of course I will. say that, don't speak the truth; after all, no one's asked you for
It's either My 'carriage', or the System's, because you're always your opinion, did they? They're gonna have to find out by
going to have to pull a heavier System load if you're just going to themselves..."
live independently & on your own, without the full advantages of What good are talents, if you don't put them to use for the benefit
communal living. of your fellow humans?
The independent way is harder, tougher and much more energy Claim the keys of love, fight for love, give everything you've got
consuming, and not nearly as efficient in the long run, as for love! The world isn't being won, nor changed, much less
dedicating your forces to some sort of joint effort or "winning saved by just passively sitting there until they're gonna get the
team." point! They're never gonna get the point unless somebody tells
them! Some points they're never going to get in this life, because
116 __________________________________________________ you were meant to drive that point home to them!
If you focus on the negative, you will see the negative. If you One thing is putting people in boxes, labeling them & being
focus on the positive - which, granted, with some people is a little unwilling to expect them to change. Another thing is, having the
bit harder - you eventually will see the positive. faith that they're going to change & give them a piece of advice
You must learn to look for the good in people! Then it will also that has turned out to be helpful in your own life & shown you
not be so hard for you to correct them or tell them about some of where some of your own pitfalls were, as a tool and aid to help
the things they do you consider wrong, because they'll still feel them make that change.
that you love them & consider them a positive addition & a Whether they're going to receive it or reject it then is entirely up
blessing to your life, not a burden. to them, but you will have done your part.
What is needed is a more positive outlook, more love, more of You will then not only be a discoverer of truth, but one who
the ability to see the good in others, instead of the bad. imparts & shares what he has found. A pioneer, who will have
Everybody can see the bad in others, that's not difficult! The opened up new ways and territories for others, & treasure not
Devil can tell you a whole lot of truth about them, and he does so only to keep for himself, but to enrich others & have them benefit
all the time. His demons are at work non-stop to point out to from them as well. That's what witnessing is supposed to be all
people all over the globe the faults of others. What's so new about.
But sometimes you have to discern what message exactly it is it's time you face that enemy, because it's the only way you're
that someone needs, and in order to do that, you have to spend ever truly going to bear fruit that remains.
time with them, talking to them, hearing them out, finding out You, the Family, are the only true alternative to the System, the
what they're receptive for and what not. only totally dropped out ones from the System, unplugged from
For 1 karat of diamond, you have to shift 1 ton of sand! It takes a the Matrix & independent from the Whore, because you live by
while of digging and searching until you find a diamond in all that faith - outside of the System & not part of the machine, which
sand, someone worthwhile who is hungry for the truth and will none of the other groups & churches can claim of themselves,
receive it. But you have to do that digging, shifting & searching, and this makes you totally unique, and should give you the
otherwise you'll never find out! confidence that you do have something to offer: the only true
You have to hear them out, check them out, talk to them & have a alternative to the Matrix!
thorough look at them & not be too quick to discard them! Some Keep in mind that it takes shifting a ton of sand in order to find
that you would have discarded as sand turned out to be the diamond, & don't let your impatience get the better of you if
diamonds which had to be found by others, which shows that you run into more wolves, dogs & goats than sheep! Of course
you didn't look very thoroughly! Sometimes you didn't even have the sheep are going to be fewer & less in number, otherwise it
the faith that there were going to be any diamonds in that pile of wouldn't be a challenge!
sand in the first place. But I promise you: there are diamonds out If there would be no way I could expect of you to overcome your
there, and if you seek them, you will find them! pride, your fears and the lies of the Enemy, I wouldn't put this
What else is more worthy of the investment of your love & time & challenge before you! But I've equipped you with all the weapons
all, than eternal human souls? Is there any greater cause to you need in order to fight and win this battle, so, give Me a
dedicate your life to? That was the cause to which I dedicated chance to prove that My Word is true, that My promises are true,
Mine, so, if you want to follow in My footsteps, you'll be wise & and that My weapons work, and fight!
do the same! If I thought they were worth it, so can you. If you just get out there on the battle field you will regain the
Ask Me to open your eyes & show you the good about them, the conviction you need, which will ultimately free you from any
potential, the hope, the areas in their lives in which you could be desires to be part of the System!
a blessing to them! Make your life a blessing! Remember you're not a part of it! The Whore's got no part in you,
You must not give up on them, but continue praying for them & as you're not part of her!
wait for the right opportunity to give them that advice. What counts with Me is not your manners or whether someone's
People often do not see the whole truth about themselves. behavior is impeccable, but to what extent they are allowing
If you go about it the right way, you will find a great calling, and themselves to be defiled by the System, and it behooves you to
great joy in being My messenger, and you will become better at take on My view and way of looking at things in this aspect if you
telling others the truth in love. Find out what wonderful fruit the really want the truth and to convey nothing but the truth!
truth brings in others' lives! In My eyes, the flaws that stand out to Me much more than little
Don't hurt anyone by withholding the truth from them. That hurts personality flaws or quirks in anyone's behavior are the spots &
even more. Find ways to let them know lovingly. marks of compromise with the System. The greater the gap
between you and the System, the purer you are in My eyes.
118 __________________________________________________ Whereas, if you compromise and, when it all boils down to it
Your problem with getting out My Word is primarily based & you're still a servant of Mammon, that fact will stand between you
seated in pride, since it's obviously humbling to distribute My and Me, because it's just a matter of fact that "Ye cannot serve
Word to a crowd of unbelievers, the majority of which will usually God and Mammon!"
reject you.
That's why you have to keep your eyes, your focus & your vision 119 __________________________________________________
on the spiritual, and trust My Word for it, that they are truly From dust thou art & to dust thou shalt return! Everything in
spiritually poor, no matter how rich they may be materially, or your world is temporal, & everything is only a test. When they're
how proud & cocky they might come across. In the spirit, you'll going to be gone, the question that will remain will be: how did
always be much richer than they, even though the Devil will often you do? Did you cut it? Or will you be ashamed of yourself,
try to deceive you into believing that it is not so, which he's been wishing you had done better?
having an easy time with in the past due to your tendency to look I don't just want you to begrudgingly endure the pain, but to rise
at that which meets the eye, looking at what's before you, the above and overcome the pain as a cheerful winner.
way things seem to be - the carnal reality, but not the way I see What's going to meld you together is the fighting together, the
things! going through the dirt & grind of the battle together, and these
When you only look as man sees, at that which is before your mundane things you're having to go through in this life are part
eyes, instead of the heart, what's beneath, then it's easy to fall for of that. Just like the roughness of the nitty-gritty of witnessing
the Devil's lies of, "Aah, they don't need you or what you've got serves to rub My seeds deeper into your spiritual womb, thus
to offer them, anyway! Look at them! They look better & happier enabling you better to bring forth more fruit for Me, even so
than you ever did! What makes you think that they ever would those mundane battles of every day life, including its physical
have the faintest need of your religion, your God or anything burdens, serve to knit you & meld you closer & tighter together,
from you?" to truly make you, My Bride, into one.
If you swallow that stuff, then of course witnessing or litnessing Now you may not see it as clearly as I do, but then you will. All
is no fun, because you feel like, "Yeah, what have I got to offer the lessons learned together, on honesty & openness,
them, anyway?" And instead of feeling like giving them what communicating, overcoming selfishness & laziness, jealousy,
you've got, & wanting to share your spiritual riches with them, and helping others to overcome their weaknesses, it all serves to
you doubt, & you feel like they have something better than you, make you into one beautiful, gorgeous bride, one body, in which
and the Enemy makes you want what they've got! every member loves the other with an immense, deep and
You've been falling for the Devil's lies & false gospel of, "Blessed undying love.
is the flesh! Blessed are the rich! Blessed are the proud & those Even those who couldn't make it, those who quit, they will have
who don't need any spirituality..." an extra amount of love & admiration for those who didn't quit,
Your carnality makes you feel inferior to them. Which shows that who held on in spite of the hardships, because they will know
you've been trusting in the flesh, and with all the spiritual input that it took something they didn't have. As long as you're not
you've been taking in, it didn't really serve to make you truly giving up, & as long as you're making some kind of progress &
stronger in the spirit. Because the truth is that it will really only forward movement, not subtly sliding back, but learning from
rub in deeply, down where it really brings forth fruit, if you are what I show you, you're winning!
willing to be "ploughed" by the rough conditions you meet out You may feel like a loser due to your physical circumstances, but
there when witnessing! You've been running away from that, & you should learn to look beyond those & listen to what I'm telling
you: you're a winner, one of those who is going to be held in high Humility: the moment you think you've got it, that's when you
esteem & admiration forever by your brothers & mates, because lost it. The moment you think you are somebody, that's the
you're holding on. moment you fall! As long as you're willing to humbly remain a
Blessed are those who are holding on, who are not giving up, no nobody for Me, for My sake and My glory, you're faring safely.
matter how much temptation makes them waver or may be One of the basic requirements for true prophecy is humility. "Let
tempting them to quit. him that thinketh he standeth take heed, lest he fall."
I'm testing My brides to see how receptive they are to correction
120 __________________________________________________ I give them through others.
You've got to act according to your own faith, your own It's important for Me that you learn to trust in and be sure of what
channel, your own link with Me. I see what you're able to do, what I am giving you, of your personal link with Me--that you trust
your struggles are. what I'm giving you, not a serpent or a stone for a bread or an
I'm happy you're becoming aware of the need to find out more egg.
about people - the most interesting "thing" I ever made. I'm glad The veracity of a prophecy is not determined by how outstanding
you're overcoming your fears of them because you're getting to it is, but rather, by how applicable, how helpful. Is it good for
know what lies behind their actions, and you're maturing into a others? Does it minister good fruit? Are the hearers edified by it?
state where you will be able to help people instead of considering For My Endtime prophets it's expedient that they become as pure
yourself their victim. as possible and as free as possible from any element of self,
Often they're just victims of their own ignorance, of nobody which contaminates My gold.
telling them any better, victims of the lies they've been told & a I am the True Judge, and will reveal all things. One may not be
lack of the truth. And one has to be careful to give somebody the accomplishing much on the surface, but I see whether they have
light who's been in darkness for so long, they often react done what they could. Another may be accomplishing a lot on
adversely to it. Their adverse reactions have scared you in the the surface & cause a big stir, but only I will tell whether they
past, but I'm teaching you to overcome those fears. It's a process have really done what they were supposed to.
of your own healing in order for you to be able to heal others.
Praying for them is laying the ground work, & getting done those 122 __________________________________________________
things you're powerless to do! Many times you just do what you feel like & don't check back
You will always want to do more & accomplish more, but the with Me whether it's okay or not. You just assume, & that's it.
more you learn to let Me accomplish things through you, the I'm available to check back with, anytime & anywhere you are, so,
more you will accomplish in the end! what's the problem?
It's not how much something will sparkle or shine or how The problem is that you have a weakness with this attitide of, "I
glorious it may appear, that defines its worth, but how much it know what I'm doing." But do you? Do you really know, without a
will endure the tests of time. Only real gold will last. doubt that what you want to do is the best thing you could
Truth in the inward parts - applied to purge & make clean, that is possibly do for everybody? Or hasn't it been the case that many
what will bring about the true gold that can stand the tests of times you found out that a certain thing would have been better
time! Collect only that which is "for keeps." to do a different way? And by counseling about it, you can see
The truths are helpful in your task of helping others. things from a different side, that you didn't see before, different
Praise Me, for I have blessed you richly! Don't let the Devil cheat perspectives, different factors. You each look at things differently
you out of the joy of your reward by his twistings & turnings! The & can thus contribute to each other with your points of view. And
twisting & wiggling snake! It gives you great peace & a feeling of counseling about them beforehand is a lot better than talking or
victory & satisfaction to even behold this picture, because you arguing about it afterwards, when it's too late & what's done is
know you have him exposed! You've got his number, you know done.
where he's at, you've got him down pat & he can't fool you Counseling & praying about things together is important! You
anymore, pull no more wool over your eyes! See him wiggle & avoid grave mistakes that could be made by doing whatever you
wind! Clobber him good & hard, so he'll think twice before think or feel is best at the moment, but which may turn out not to
creeping into your door next time! be the best in the long run for everybody involved.
It's raining truth! The truth is raining down on earth, watering the Counseling works.
parched ground.
Now you can go on, quietly & & tranquilly in your path, knowing 123 __________________________________________________
that you've got a rod that will truly and safely guide you into all You've got to keep fighting if you want to keep winning. If
truth. Continue on your true path, having the confidence of truth you just passively let the Enemy fill you with all his input, then
in you, the truth that I give you, the truth and security that I am it's no wonder you're being dragged down.
not giving you a serpent nor a stone when you ask Me for bread. You don't realize the need until you're in a crisis situation, where
I give you the good manna from Heaven, that will feed the there's no way out but up, with the magic wand of My key power.
multitudes in the times of trouble. You must hear My voice even in the midst of tumult.
All My truly greats of faith, although Satan had desired to have You have to fight harder to get ahold of Me.
them, in the end turned out to be way more than he could handle,
and they all defeated him. I'm so proud of My overcomers! 124 __________________________________________________
Jacob may have been a deceiver, but he inherited his father's
121 __________________________________________________ birthright. You must grant Me the majesty to determine which
In the desperation of not wanting anything false, there is weaknesses I consider more tolerable. When somebody deceives
great safety! When all you really want is the truth and nothing but in order to gain advantage, it isn't as big a sin in My eyes as
the truth, no matter how ugly it is, then you're faring a safer road when someone puts the affairs of this life before Me.
than one who easily settles for something that "sounds good."
When you're out for beauty, more than the absolute, naked, and 125 __________________________________________________
sometimes ugly truth, then you run the risk of accepting fake Being thankful for what you've got is an important lesson; to
gold, which may appear shiny on the outside, but will not stand learn to be "content in whatsoever state" you're in. The Enemy
the tests of time. comes along with all those shiny temptations of all there is "on
It requires great desperation, sincerity and humility, honesty with the other side," when you could have heaven in your heart right
yourself to the point where it hurts, willingness to break with where you are, right now, if you only have the right attitude.
your own romantic image you may have of yourself, in order to The best cure against the "greener grass" syndrome is the
truly receive nothing but the real, naked and raw truth - a disillusion that comes when you have a closer look & all that
consistently flowing plan that slowly but surely moves you along shine just peels off & you're finding out it wasn't real at all.
to My perfect will. I'm making sure that everyone of My children is given a whole
bunch of wonderful opportunities right where they are, and to your God, to Me, unless you are content & visibly satisfied
unless I'm obviously opening a door for you to go through & go with what you've got. And there's no reason why you shouldn't
somewhere else, you can always assume that those wonderful be, and if you're not, then it's because you've been allowing the
opportunities are right there in your own "backyard," & you just Devil to cheat you out of the happiness that's rightfully yours.
have to look for them! The truth is really a precious & wonderful thing so few people
You don't have to constantly wish you were somewhere else, in a really have, and it's a treasure you can proudly advertise. Flaunt
better situation, or somebody else, etc. In fact you shouldn't, for it, and walk in the confidence of truth. Fully knowing that you've
as long as you do, you're missing out on what you could be got My truth can give you that peace & confidence that many
accomplishing in life, because you just don't see it! It's really one others are yearning for deep down in their hearts, & if you don't
of the Devil's meanest tricks to constantly try to get people to let the Enemy cheat you out of the joy of it, they're going to come
belittle what they've got, instead of enjoying it. & ask what it is that makes you tic.
In My Kingdom everybody is completely satisfied & content &
happy with what they've got, & there is no more reason for envy, 127 __________________________________________________
nor is anybody driven by motives such as wanting to show off in One of the smartest tricks the Devil ever pulled was
pride what they've got, in order to make another feel bad, or to convincing the majority that he doesn't exist. But even fewer
draw attention to themselves. people recognize the extent to which he is invading their own
A mature attitude is that of one who has learned that all things homes, lives & families.
come from Me in the first place, & so they give all the glory, The younger a person is, the more the flesh "rules" them, and
honor & credit for it right back to Me, for "what hast thou that they see things with their carnal minds, not like I do. They think
thou didst not receive?" that physical harm is the worst that can befall them or their child,
To make another feel bad because they may not have received when in My eyes, the spiritual dangers, which draw them away
the same gift you did is silly. from Me, are something to be much more concerned and alarmed
Ejoy your wonderful gift of a life with no need for envy, but one about than those dangers of physical harm, which I often use to
that can be enjoyed, right here, right now. draw a person closer to Me.
Abraham was willing to trust Me, that I knew better what was the
126 __________________________________________________ best concerning his son, that My hands were the place he was
There's so much more to discover than you could even begin going to be best cared for, even if I asked something as absurd of
to fathom, so many people to reach right there in your own area, him as to sacrifice him unto Me. Evidently Abraham had enough
so much to do, to achieve, to accomplish, more than you faith to believe that even if Isaac would die, it would be better for
possibly ever could in a life-time, so, one of the Enemy's favorite him than what could have happened if Abraham had disobeyed
ways to keep you from ever getting started is to distract you from Me.
the task at hand with sensations of longing for the far unknown, Now, modern parents are very, very far away from that kind of
where everything is perfect... faith. They think they have to do all that is in their power to
I have called you away from the shallow waters and am calling protect their children from any physical harm, danger or abuse,
you to the kind of deep sea fishing for fish that are hard to get, and if necessary, even to protect them from Me. They don't
but worth keeping. believe that the best place in the universe to place their child is in
I have given you an intellect to cope with this kind of people you My hands, they don't have the faith of Job who said, "though He
encounter here, & that's why I have called & put you in this slay me, yet will I trust in Him," and much less the faith of
region. Abraham, who practically said, "though He ask me to slay my
It's a fine art, to be able to live in the here & now & fully enjoy it, only son, yet will I trust in Him."
especially in this day & age when you're constantly bombarded Today's parents' faith is so weak, they scarcely even know that I
with advertisements for the "other side of the fence" where the exist, much less would they consider that I have anything to do
grass looks so much greener. with the rearing of their child. They consider raising their child
But you have to combat these temptations, in your effort to the duty I gave them, but in their eyes, that duty does not include
cultivate your stick-to-itiveness & persistence & determination to Me, or trusting Me for their children. They want to take it all into
do all you can right where you are. It's another aspect of being their own hands, just like they try to take their own lives and its
faithful in the least, for I cannot promote you, unless you've substance & insurance into their own hands. They place their
shown what you can in the very situation you are. And it's simply trust in money, instead of Me. But consequently, they also make
pretty hard to get the best accomplished for Me that you can, if grave mistakes, since they don't consult or seek Me about any of
you don't even manage to be content where you are. It's hard to these things. They often fail & fall flat on their faces & wind up
convince others that you've found the Answer to all your confused, wondering what on earth they might have done wrong.
problems and the key to happiness in Me, when all over your face Some do apply genuine & sincere love, which cannot fail. But
is written plain & obvious discontent with the situation you're in. often they forget or don't know that to a child, love spells t.i.m.e.,
Whenever discontentment attacks, you must realize that & while they're working half their lives away in order to ensure
something is wrong, not with your situation, but with your own their family's physical well-being, they neglect the spiritual.
attitude & spirit, and you must ask Me to show you where the
Enemy found a way in. 128 __________________________________________________
You can flow with My anointing & float on the cloud of My Spirit if The veil of forgiveness covers a multitude of sins. Forgive as
you know you're right where you're meant to be, & that you can you would want to be forgiven.
make the most of that situation right where you are, wherever Remember Me, who resisted not the contradiction of sinners, but
you are, no matter what the circumstances. You don't have to endured (Heb.12:1,2).
wish you were anywhere else, in fact you must not. It's poison to You become an overcomer by enduring victoriously.
your spirit & your fruitfulness. Just tune in & join in & step right
into life right where you are, knowing that I have put you in the 129 __________________________________________________
place where you're supposed to be, and if it weren't so, I would I could have told you beforehand that things were going to
have told you or opened the door for you to go elsewhere. turn out totally different than what you expected, but you know
There are so many precious people to reach for Me and follow up Me: I like to let you find out by yourself. If I would tell you
on right where you are and in your neighborhood! Your life is so everything beforehand, we could spare ourselves the whole deal
full of golden opportunities & chances, you've just got to open of living this life & its riddles & mysteries in the first place.
your eyes in order to be able to see them. Don't let the Enemy get Consider it a game in which you're being blind-folded, & you
you to focus on the hole in your doughnut! Accept what I've have to find out things by using other methods than what you're
given you & make the best out of it. Hard work won't kill you! usually used to. You're not seeing everything clearly from the
It's always going to be difficult to attract others to your message, start, otherwise there would be no excitement. You're having to
grope & feel your way around, so that you can learn to get in revealed.
touch with certain situations from a different angle. You've had to I'm giving you a chance to live a life-style that resembles the
"feel it out" & found out that this was not what you were looking heavenly life-style, with no dark corners in your life, but where
for. My light shines into every single corner of your heart & being,
Instead, you practically found that what you had already was a lot where you're virtually transparent.
more similar to what you've been wanting all along, all you Why wait until you come to be with Me in My Realm, or until I
needed were a few little attitude changes & changes of come to bring about the merging of the realms? You can start
perspective! living like that right now! Find out how much power 2 people can
I have taught you a necessary lesson the long & hard way, really develop when there are absolutely no secrets between
because the long & hard way is the most effective & lasting way, them! Nothing to hide!
that really drives a point home, not easily forgotten. Everything It's really a wonderful thing when there's no need for secrets.
that's worth something costs something, and if you want a This different concept of love than you previously had is a much
valuable lesson that's going to last, you're going to have to be brighter concept. Your concept was always a bit bit dimmed by
willing to pay something for it... a bit of pain, a bit of agony, and romantic candle light, where your flaws are well hidden & you
some desperation. But it will have been worth it. can easily pretend to be somebody a bit more perfect than you
I want you to mature & grow beyond any need or desire for a really are.
superficial show... to detect what is real and what is not. I want I'm bringing into your life a love as bright as the sun, one where
you to have discernment, so that you won't fall too easily for you don't have to try to hide. Unconditional love is the very
anything that shines & glitters & promises a lot on the surface, magic that will convert you into a true prince of Mine.
but will turn out to be just another fake & disappointment. The Devil tries to scare you that you might lose something
I want you to look at that which is not shiny on the surface, that through honesty, but you're only going to gain from it.
which requires faith to believe in and to invest in, even that which Feel the sexy excitement of total openness! Welcome to Heaven!
others might not have faith for in the natural.
Whatever you do, you've got to have the faith to go all the way 132 __________________________________________________
through with it, & not leave the job half-done or leave your sheep Total freedom only comes through total surrender to Me.
half unattended when you begin to lose faith in them, or because You're having to yield every day, at every turn & decision that
they're not living up to your expectations. requires a "yes" to Me from you. You have to forsake all & die to
Remember not to see things as black & white, because there are your old man every day. Receiving My help in this daily, through
many different shades of grey, & I will use all of them to make a My instructions of what it is I want you to forsake & what area I
perfect picture... want you to yield more & progress in is vital.
I explain to you how every little thing makes sense.
130 __________________________________________________ Total unity, totally open communication, honesty, yieldedness &
Continue to work on focusing on the positive, looking at the commitment is the way I've been wanting you to go.
opportunities, instead of the obstacles! Now that we've cleared Sometimes you're only willing to give so much, but I can't really
all the Devil's elusive castles in the sky out of the way, that were use you unless you're genuinely willing & ready to give all.
distracting you & causing you to wish you were hither, thither or Giving your all really pays off, & in fact, it's the only way that
yon, you should really concentrate on all the good & wonderful living for Me really works successfully.
possibilities that lie right before you. It's a bit like those half-developed organs that Evolution expects
You don't have to act as if under pressure, but everything - people to believe in: they won't work. You can't breathe with a
whatever you choose to do for Me - is up to you. It must be My half-developed lung, or live with an unfinished liver. It has to be
love that should constrain you. Everything you do for Me, I want fully developed, nothing half-baked, before it will work. Well, the
you to do it voluntarily, out of your love for Me and for the sheep, functionality of your giving-all organ is just about fully developed
which is there as a result of My love for you, which you're & in its final stages, & you'll notice the difference when My power
experiencing everyday, and not because you've got some sort of will flow through all those pipes & tubes & spiritual veins!
mental Damocles’ sword hanging over your head that tells you, It's a certain level of maturity My followers have to reach, at
"You'd better... or else...!" which I can flip the switch that will really make'em shine,
My quest is and has always been to set you free, not to enslave because they're ready.
you. It will be plain & clear to all when you're "done."

131 __________________________________________________ 133 __________________________________________________

When it comes to a heavenly and spiritual viewpoint, there IS The real & natural taste of life isn't always sweet, but heartier.
no such thing as "privacy," but all things are open & naked Even so it is with your spiritual intake: for a healthy diet, you
before Me (Heb.4:13). won't only listen for or read My sweet words of love to you, but
I want your relationship and marriage to be one where you really also the words of correction & instruction; the stuff that's
don't have to hide anything from each other. naturally a little bit harder for you to chew on, but essential for
Are you ready for such openness? Then you're really taking a your spiritual health.
giant step toward Me, toward My ways, toward the ways of the It's natural to want life to be as comfortable, easy & sweet as
spirit world. It's impossible to deceive anyone Here, to pretend or possible, but it's not really good for you, since that's weakening
be a fake. Nobody will fall for it, because everyone is looking you. That's why there are more battles & less luxury, less ease,
right through you. less comfort! I need to get My people ready for war, and we
Failure to see that is actually evidence of false spirituality, cannot fight the foe effectively and successfully as long as
pretending to be so spiritual, when you're really still living by the you're weakened by all his lulling & tempting devices, by all his
carnal concept (wishful thinking) that there is anything you can addictions to the sweet things in life!
hide, that won't be revealed in the long run. This cloaking Temptations will keep coming your way, but it's up to you to
business & hiding things is one of the Devil's games. He gives resist them. Otherwise, you'll only be weakened more.
people that urge to hide things from each other, & to even try to The Devil may pretend to be your friend, but only until he gets a
hide from Me. He wants to exclude Me. His goal is to isolate chance to stab you in the back. Sooner or later his flag comes
everyone into their own little worlds full of their own little secrets unfurled, & the masks of deception will be dropped, and you'll
they think they can hide away, when in reality, it's all laying wide find out that it all was a carefully concocted trap!
open before My eyes. It's time to go without his luxuries, "bribes" & goodies with which
If you want to learn to see through My eyes, you have to become he tries to keep you at peace with him: "Look how sweet I'm
conscious of the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing is hidden making your life! You're not going to fight me, are you?" - The
from My eyes, but that before Me, all things are open, naked, and same way a burglar would toss a watchdog some meat that has
been soaked in a substance to make him go to sleep, or even have their weaknesses & all that. If you fully appreciate what
poison, to simply kill him! He knows no scruples, & he won't they're doing, show you're grateful for them, they'll get into the
hesitate to use even the meanest tricks in order to get an ring gladly & knock the Devil for a loop! And they eventually
advantage over you! might put those to shame who didn't believe that they've got
These battles are supposed to be signs that everything is not what it takes.
alright, and yes, something is wrong, indeed! Something is You've got to believe in them, and you've got to show that you
wrong. believe in them, that you're counting on them and that you
There is no peace with the Enemy. believe that they can and will make it.
You must fight & defend those I have committed into your care, No matter how big their problem may be, they're the ones who've
to defend them with your very life, if need be. It's time to attack! got the courage, the vision, the love and the humility to go out
I'm having to purge you of those elements of friendship with the there & get out My Words.
world that make you compromise, ashamed to stand up for Me You want your perfect little world, but chances are, you still
before them, because you don't want to lose your popularity with wouldn't be perfectly happy in it! Because, just like with Adam &
them! You need to get rid of this filth, this dirt, this virus, or it's Eve, what's got to change is your own ungrateful attitude of your
going to spread! own heart, & you must learn to appreciate & praise Me for the
There's a great danger of others adopting this System mindset of little things, even if they're not perfect, in order to really learn to
cowardice & fear to be different, & when this disease has hit fully appreciate the better & eventually the best & perfect things!
home, you will have lost another potential & powerful warrior Love, appreciate & encourage them with genuine concern &
from your midst & will instead have to deal with a constant appreciation for what they do. Maybe I'm even purposely
potential traitor, since they will always be a voice of doubt, a allowing them to have the strength for things that you don't, just
voice for the System and for the Enemy, dragging you the in order for you to see that I measure & hand out talents
opposite way, instead of pulling along in My direction! differently than you might or than you would expect Me to do it
according to your own reasoning. Come now & let us reason
134 __________________________________________________ together, & see who's making more sense in the long run!
It's expedient for you that we continue communicating The ones I have chosen to do the most difficult job in the world
throughout the whole day. P&P time should be like priming the aren't those who think themselves perfect.
pump, stirring up a flow that should continue steadily throughout
the day, so that you can always stay in tune with Me, and not get 137 __________________________________________________
distracted onto other wavelengths, which are not Mine. I have to test My soldiers in their weak areas. You'd prefer Me
When somebody's going through an extreme fight, that's the time to test you in areas of your life you're stronger or would do better
to stop talking and join in their fight in prayer and a sober in, but those are not the areas that need to be strengthened most.
attitude & a vigilant spirit! I've got to remind you, "Hey, it's all by My grace!"
Excessive words are often a sign of insecurity, that doesn't I'm not allowing you to take things for granted! You haven't
communicate nor convey trust or strength. A quiet & confident arrived yet. This life isn't supposed to be heaven yet, this is not
spirit conveys strength. When somebody is going through your destination, not paradise. You're not supposed to feel like
serious trials, nothing will help them as much as your taking on a you've arrived while you're still on earth! You're on a
serious & sober attitude as well, showing solidarity, genuine battleground, in a war. And you're fighting your way through
concern & that you're fighting alongside them in spirit! toward your ultimate destiny.
You don't overcome a bad spirit with a light attitude, but by Don't act so surprised about the repercussions you're reaping as
sobering up, facing him down, confronting him, and showing that a result of your disobediences.
the victim is not alone in their fight, but that you're right by their The temptations will keep coming & knocking at your door, but
side, fighting with them and for them. it's your choice whether you will succumb to them! It's time to
acquire some spiritual strength & the greatness to resist them,
135 __________________________________________________ because the repercussions will come, whether they will seem
Fighting alongside each other is what it's all about. related to the sin or not!
Concentrating on the battle at hand, the really relevant things: I'm teaching you the difference between mere physical, fleshly
the lost sheep & souls, forget your own problems! If one of you is beauty and real, lasting, eternal beauty of the spirit. Your mind is
feeling unloved, imagine how unloved so many of the poor, lost still framed by that Hollywood & MTV-generation way of looking
sheep out there must feel, who don't even know Me & don't know at things.
of any other hope beyond this life! You long for the total & perfect beauty of My kingdom. But first
Witnessing has always been the best solution for personal you must learn to see beauty in the imperfect things.
problems. It's going to meld you together better & faster than You can't learn to see the beauty of things the way I want you to
anything else will or can, and I'm going to bless you for it. while you're still panting for the artificial, carnal beauty of the
Witnessing is My ultimate plan for you, what I desire for you, and System. You can't drink of My cup and the Devil's! In order to
in this you will definitely find many victories & solutions! learn to see My beauty, you must renounce the beauty of the
world. You can't love both. You'll either fall for one or the other.
136 __________________________________________________ Which is the beauty you want and seek in your life: the eternal &
Can a man argue with God? Well, more often than not, they true beauty of the spirit, or the mere carnal beauty that fades like
do think so. They don't see the sense in it all, so they question the grass of the field?
the whole thing... "Lord, aren't You making a mistake here? How When you behold with the eyes of the spirit, you'll see things
can You expect this of Me?" beneath the surface that reveal the true beauty of the spirit, even
It requires faith to go out there & die daily for Me! in someone that doesn't appeal to your physical sense of beauty
It's tough being the only light in a sea of darkness, and not many at all.
have got what it takes for that. That's why I'm using whoever I Whenever there is something going wrong in your life, or not the
can who is simply willing to do the job, even if they're far from way things are supposed to be, you can be sure that there's a
perfect. Whoever will get out for Me and get out My Words to cause for it, and a very good reason. If it comes across as if I'm
these people nobody loves, I will use them, and I am proud of punishing you, there must be a good reason for it, and you can
them. Support and sustain them the best you can. Treat them like be sure that this is also out of My great love for you, and that it
your champion, and help, support & uphold them! will work together for your best.
Be a coach they can trust, one that encourages them & rubs their Him that I love much, I will also have to chasten much when they
muscles after the battle & gives them clues on how to fight more go astray. I'm zealously keeping you from the contaminations of
effectively. the world. I want to keep you pure unto Me, and you would also
They're your prize fighters, even though they may be a little odd, that I keep you thus.
I keep you close to Me and I chasten you because of My great Even though on the surface it may seem as if you're just
love and care for you. So, rejoice when you fall into divers suffering the same fate as countless others, the difference is in
temptations, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial and who you are, and why, and how you do it!
count it all joy if you're often being reproved by the things I allow I cannot spare all of My children from suffering similar fates as
to happen in your life as a result of even your littlest strayings. unbelievers, but I want to show the world the difference in how
Those things are keeping you in check, they keep you from they die. There were many who died in the Roman arenas during
straying one inch farther from Me than you would possibly want, the time of the Roman empire, but only My children died singing,
and they will make you that what I want you to be! praising and trusting Me, not afraid to die.
It's a wonderful life if you look at it from the proper perspective. I'm showing the world through the death of My saints that I came
There's so much to be thankful for and rejoice about, you just to "deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime
need to see it. subject to bondage," (Heb.2:15) and that I can deliver them, too.
Many have come to believe in Me through witnessing the way My
138 __________________________________________________ people die.
Can a man be found more righteous than God? For sure What looks like defeat to those who look with carnal eyes, is in
there can be found plenty who think so. Who's to say or judge reality a beautiful victory and eternal testimony. "Precious in the
who has run the race & finished their testings in this life, and sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." (Ps.116:15)
who's not? Are you the judge of these matters or am I? You only see things from your linear point in time, but I see the
Some people have won their battles, stood their tests, & they full scope of eternity, that which was, long before you were born,
only have one last test to pass, one final enemy to overcome: and that which will be long after this life, and the more you will
death, the final foe. Often people wonder, "What kind of a God "hang with Me," you will learn to see things from that eternal
lets these things happen?" angle, too, it will rub off on you, you will see, and you will also
But that is the carnal way of looking at things. People don't see behold with the eyes of faith, the faith which overcometh the
what's supposed to be the point in getting older, becoming world (1.John 5:4).
weaker with age, but it does make sense, if you look at it from My
viewpoint. The whole lesson of life is that spirit is superior to 139 __________________________________________________
flesh, even though it may not look like it initially. Commend the whole matter into My hands on a regular basis.
And another very fundamental lesson in life is for man to learn I am the One Who can supply all your needs, & if you focus &
that My righteousness exceeds his own by far, even though it direct your vacuum to Me, putting Me in charge of it & making Me
may also not always look like it, and even if I attach many hard responsible for your needs, you'll get much better results.
tests, which will make people question whether I really am It's taking spiritual action concerning the matter that counts.
righteous or know what I'm doing. This is the ultimate test to find There isn't much you can do about it in the physical, & getting
out whether they really believe that I know what I'm doing, and upset won't help any! But you can command Me whatever you
whether they can say, like Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I want Me to do concerning the situation, and trust & believe that it
trust in Him." will make a difference, and it will.
This is the faith that overcometh the world. This is the faith that You've got to work toward your goal in prayer! I can get you
overcomes even the final enemy & laughs in his faith & says, there! But you've got to persistently and consistently walk and
"Death, where is your sting, grave, where is your victory? Even work toward it by faith & through the wings of prayer. I can get
though He slay me, I know whom I have believed, and whosoever you places, but you've got to "rub the lamp" or say the magic
liveth and believeth in Him shall never die, for he that believeth in words that are going to make your carpet fly, so to speak!
Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live." You can't just passively expect Me to do something about it.
"But then," you wonder, "what about all the pain & suffering they You've got to tell Me what you want done & how you want Me to
have to go through?" take care of a situation!
Have I not told you many times that through your sufferings you
become partakers of My sufferings? Through your pain I allow 140 __________________________________________________
you to be there with Me at Golgatha, a moment which will stand It would be a good thing to remember that before you ask Me
forever in the annals of eternity, and through your own pain, you for something new, you should praise Me for what I've given you
will have eased My load & comforted My soul on the cross, already. Good prayer should start with praise.
because you have been willing to take on some of My agony & Do you get the connection between My Spirit being present and
share My pain. It may not seem to you that you would have done praise?
so voluntarily, but that is only because you forgot what you had You've got to be prepared for the Devil's first grenades as soon
agreed to before you came to earth. as you wake up. So, what better way is there to counterattack
To most unbelievers it looks like I didn't go to the cross than sling a good few showers of praise in his face? Let it rain
voluntarily, but that I was simply another victim of Roman praise bullets!
injustice and cruelty. But believers understand that it was more
than that. It was an act of love. In fact, the greatest act of love 141 __________________________________________________
ever known to man, and a path I had chosen to walk voluntarily, Making money is the System's idea of fruitfulness, not Mine. I
long, long before. "The lamb which was slain before the will bless you with money if you're doing My job, but I want you
foundations of the world." to trust Me for your income, more than anything, and I want you
And even so, it may not look so obvious that those who have to to learn to depend more on Me instead of your arm of the flesh.
suffer painful deaths & sicknesses although they have been To "make hay while the sun shineth" in My terms refers a lot
living righteous lives for Me would be going through their agony more to witnessing and follow-up; establishing a church that will
because they made the choice to do so before they were born, support you in the days to come, rather than the immediate "hay"
but you're simply going to have to take My word for it. of money or income without being much of a witness.
"Then," you wonder, "what about all those who die such deaths It's the difference between investing in the immediately visible
who don't believe in You, who cannot possibly be partakers of result (money) vs. the longer term, slower results of sowing My
your sufferings, since they haven't even been born again yet and seeds & feeding the sheep.
they may not even be Your children?"
When I was crucified, I died the same death that millions of 142 __________________________________________________
others had suffered and would continue to suffer after that. There's a difference between the things that make sense to
Millions of others, even innocent people had been and would yet you and what makes sense to Me. For Me, any lack of love is
be crucified. But what made it outstanding was Who I was, and closer to insanity than a genuine need for love and an honest
why I chose to die in the same manner that millions of sinners expression of a need for love.
died, and also, how I died. Your thinking is still so System framed: everything that doesn't
bring in cash, is a waste of time! Appreciate what you've got, employ your elbow grease in it and
Dad taught a lot about the importance of showing affection, give it all you got in order to make it work.
appreciation and love. Without love, it's all nothing!
I'm trying to get you into the habit of doing things you don't feel 145 __________________________________________________
like doing, like cleaning up your desk, just because it would be a Role reversal is part of My scheme to teach people to walk a
better sample, like witnessing, because that's your most mile in the other one's shoes. This happens a lot in the Spirit
important job, of praising Me, just because it means victory over Realm. I allow people to learn from their mistakes by having them
the Enemy, and of cuddling, just because somebody else needs accompany their descendants as spirit helpers, to see what the
it, and it's good to be affectionate. late ricochets & repercussions of their actions are over time.
I'd rather see you expressing a little too much love than too little! In the case of the Jews & Palestinians, yesterday's Davids are
You must stop measuring what’s appropriate for your life by the turning into today's Goliaths. It's a warning, that even My very
standards of others. own people, if they don't stay close to Me, can stumble, and
become the very opposite of what they were and were supposed
143 __________________________________________________ to be, and become My very enemies!
It's easy to speak up when a culprit has been exposed. But I This is also manifested in the way that other Christians
want you to be braver & more courageous, to speak up, even if it persecute My Family! It shows that anyone who doesn't stay
turns out you were wrong. So what? You may wind up humbler close to Me can turn into an old bottle, and they can move from
than before, which is good. the arena into the grandstands, turn from martyr into persecutor,
If you show the courage to speak up, they will know that this if they don't watch out!
guy's got an eye on them, and being a safeguard & your brother's It pays to stay aware of the fact to what extent the Enemy can
keeper. cause you to err from My path, if you allow him! A lot of people
You must not stop or discourage anyone from speaking up! It go astray and wind up not living up to the kind of sample they
may be unpleasant to hear what's bugging them, but it's still a lot were supposed to be. So, it's pretty easy to stray from the
healthier to have it out than to let it fester inside. straight & narrow. This should always serve as a reminder to stay
close to Me and that "he that thinketh he standeth, let him take
144 __________________________________________________ heed lest he fall," or as Dad put it, "without Me ye can do
I can only establish bigger units from well functioning anything bad!"
smaller units. When it comes down to it, it's only My grace that can prevent you
The notion that things are just going to fix themselves under the from erring or straying from Me, and you can only ensure that My
right conditions is wishful thinking at best. It requires some grace will stay upon you by desperately staying close to Me,
attention and elbow grease to fix problems, not avoiding, but staying connected with Me & My Word, and at the same time
confronting them, dealing with them, working on them. striving to stay humble and grateful about it at all times & not
First you've got to establish a well operating core & center of a make the decision to let pride enter in, which is the beginning of
unit of any size, starting from molecules & atoms, that's pretty many a fall.
much the founding rule of the whole universe. You can't just As soon as any person or group of "chosen ones" came to the
ignore even the smallest problems & simply build over them. If conclusion that they were anything of themselves, they lost it,
you have a faulty basements or foundation, the whole building is and became just one more curse instead of a blessing. So if you
going to collapse sooner or later, and I'd rather have you rebuild want to be a blessing to others instead of a burden and if you
the foundation from scratch over & over again until you've got it want to remain a blessing until the end of your days, make sure
right, than risk a whole bunch of people getting hurt by a you stay humble, stay close to Me and remember that you are
carelessly built house collapsing around their ears. nothing and I am Everything.
It just takes time to build faith by faithful study of My Word. That's why I'm keeping you down at a level of accomplishing
At the core of each member, there's got to be Me, or the whole nothing you could ever start giving yourself the credit for. What
body won't be able to function together. Every living cell has a you have, you only have because you have received it from Me.
core, and that core has got to be well intact and healthy, The Jews sought to give the glory & credit to their own arm of the
otherwise it won't be able to multiply successfully and grow into flesh, and when they did, they ceased being My people and
a bigger organism. I am the Life that ensures a healthy cell core. became My enemies.
As long as that very center of each cell receives the necessary Even so, many of the church have fallen victim to pride and the
nourishment and protection it needs from Me, it won't have any carnal mind frame of the world, considering worldly values
problems growing into something greater. But as long as there is higher than truth and closeness to Me. It's so much like Dad said
an area where the flow is hindered, the exchange of life- way back in "For God's Sake, Follow God": " Power, popularity &
supporting substances is stopped or not working as it should, I plenty are dangerous!" As long as you stay small and poor and
cannot allow it to grow & spread, otherwise there will be a sick persecuted, you've got nothing to worry about, you're still on the
organism. right track. But as soon as you get big, powerful & pompous,
No team can work with only one party giving their all & the other watch out!
giving as little as possible, just in case it might all collapse. I've been allowing some of those "Saul" ingredients in your life
You've got to have faith in Me, that everything in your life truly for you to keep them in check. Always keep an eye on them, and
does come from My hand, and whatever thy hand findeth to do, don't allow yourself to become a persecutor, instead of the
whatever the situation or task before you, it was meant for you to persecuted. The line between potentially becoming either a Cain
do it with all your might. or an Abel is very thin, which should be a reason to always stay
I put a project or challenge before you to roll up your sleeves & desperately close to Me, and to stay desperate for My grace.
show what you can with it! People who take it for granted that naturally, they're the
You're right where I want you, doing right what I want, & even "righteous ones" aren't aware of the danger of how easily they
though it's just something tiny & little you're working on, it's got can fall and turn into My very enemies if they don't watch out.
to be so, because in order to make anything bigger out of it, That's why so many of My people wind up doing more harm than
you're first going to have to get this little core working properly good at times, because they simply don't stay desperate enough
in harmony and unison. to make sure that whatever they do is because of Me and through
If you invest your love, time, affection and energy into this, just Me, instead of some of their own holiness and righteousness or
trusting that you're meant to do this, because otherwise I goodness that they think they have.
wouldn't have put this before you, much less told you to do so, Beware of the flatteries of the Enemy! When he sees that he can't
it's going to work, and it's going to result in and reward you with hold you down anymore with condemnation, he'll try the
lasting fruit. Stop hesitating & looking for signs of failure! This opposite tactic where he'll flatter you & will try to get you so
will work if you just believe in it, and I want you to believe in it! lifted up about yourself that you'll think there's no way you could
possibly ever do anything wrong, until reality -or I - jerk that rug God; One Who only peeks in every now & then, but pretty much
of wishful thinking away from under your feet. leaves everybody to deal with their own troubles. That's not Me!
The danger comes in when you think of yourself or your I'm the opposite of that! Especially when it comes to My own
particular group as the only right ones and righteous ones. Then children, My brides, those Who have accepted Me as their Lover,
I'll often allow you to make some mistake or blunder to remind Husband & Savior, who implore Me and seek Me everyday and
you it's not you, but Me that makes you anything, and I may even collect My Words as their greatest treasure. Do you really think
allow somebody else to walk around with the anointing that had that there's any way I could possibly be indifferent to your life?
been ordained for you, just to show you it's still Mine to give, to Not in the least! In fact, I care a lot more than you think, I am a lot
whoever I choose, yea, even to My former enemies, if need be. more concerned than you know, and I interact, guide & direct
Look at Paul! Talking about some role reversal and classic case things, orchestrate things a whole lot more in your life than
of persecutor turning into the persecuted, which, of course, is you're aware of. I am involved! That's mainly due to your
the version that's more to be desired than the other way around! willingness to have Me involved, for I won't naturally get too
On the contrary, some formerly persecuted Family members have involved in people's lives who want Me to stay out of it!
joined the bands of your persecutors, which is the negative But since You want My involvement, ask Me for it, pray for it &
version of that type of role reversal. Just be sure you play the long for Me to make things better in your life according to the
role I have ordained for you, which is the humble and meek and way I best see fit, every moment becomes significant! There is
lowly role, and don't fall for the "script" the Devil might offer you.
hardly a moment or an incident in your life that doesn't include
The humble, meek & lowly way is My way, and basically all others some potential lesson to be learned.
are not. As long as you're listening, there's hope, because My Word will
It may not sound very promising, nor very appealing to the flesh, not return unto Me void. Of course, the more you remember it,
but you'll find eternal & lasting rewards: peace, happiness, love, the more you help Me to fulfill that promise & really make it
joy... all the fruits of the Spirit through following Me and taking on
happen & have My Word bear fruit in your life.
My role. Are you happy playing My role? If you're not, look again "Remember Me" is a very good slogan to run your life by! In
and count the blessings! every situation, even if you can't possibly figure out what it's
The opposite is scarcely worth it: cruelty, hatred, fear, pride... the
supposed to be all about, if you remember Me, I will bring My
world knows enough of that. Let's make a difference together by sense into it! I will make it clear to you what's happening and
showing them heaven's humility. what you could or should do or should have done! And as you're
learning right now, there is hardly a situation in life where
146 __________________________________________________ praising Me wouldn't be the absolute best & most appropriate
The Devil is like a terrorist who has unrightfully taken over thing to do, where praise wouldn't be the most effective weapon
the land as a usurper, just like the Jews have taken over Israel or to use.
former Palestine by acts of terrorism, having duped the people - So, if you remember Me in a situation where someone's being
just like the Devil - into thinking that their enemies are actually attacked, remember Me and the fact that I'm involved, I'm in
the terrorists. control, and I might even be allowing this to happen just in order
If the smartest thing he ever did was duping people into believing to test you! I'm allowing that demon to attack you to show
that he doesn't exist, the next smartest thing he did was tricking whether you learned to apply that weapon I've been trying to
people into believing that his enemies are the culprits, terrorists teach you to use!
or "bad guys," which he is perfecting right now through I know what I'm doing! Remember? "Hung the world on nothing! -
besmirching the image of My followers on a global scale, by Hangs pretty good, doesn't it?"
having infiltrated and deceived them, or having imposters pose Just start praising Me for allowing this attack as a test to see
as Christians, who are really working for his side, or by tempting what you've learned from all the Word and fighting instructions
them and afterwards accusing them to the world. you've been reading; for this opportunity to put that priceless
It's the same diabolically clever plan he used since the beginning knowledge to the test & thus make it real in your lives! Take it
of history, from Esther's time to Nero accusing the Christians of from the theoretical realm out into the practical! It's not just
burning Rome, and on down the line. supposed to be head stuffing!
That's why it's important that you get a clear picture of what's It's not the amount of Word you know that matters, but the
really happening and going on, for otherwise, how can you warn amount of Word that you live! It's got to become part of you, it
others, if you yourself scarcely know what's happening? It's a has to come from your heart, and must be visible in what you
tough enough task not to become deceived yourselves, these live, otherwise, if it's just in your head, it's not much more than
days about which I have said that if it were possible, even the cold, dead knowledge & hot air & you float around like a hot air
very elect would be deceived. So, be not deceived, but stick balloon high above everybody else, but not really doing anybody
close to Me & My counsel, and I will let you in on what's really any good.
going on, no matter what things appear to be on the surface. "Come on down & walk on the ground with Jesus!" That's part of
My humility & reality training!
147 __________________________________________________
Not forgetting but remembering My relevant counsel during
moments when you're being attacked and your faith is being
tested is pretty much what it's all about... when I'm testing you to 148 __________________________________________________
see whether you really learned the lesson I've been trying to The only way to rise above is to focus on Me, not the
teach you through My Word or whether it just went in one ear & seemingly overwhelming forces of the Enemy.
out the other. You cannot look at the waves! The wicked are like the waves of
You can always assume that whatever subject you're reading on the sea that cannot rest. Instead of looking at the wicked &
is never by coincidence, but that it's very likely to be a key to getting all seasick, look at Me, Who can teach you to walk on
what you're going through at the time, and you can be sure that water!
I'm going to test you on applying what you've read, even on the Let Me teach you what you have to know in order to walk your
same day you read it! specific and individual path that is destined for you. If you pick
Forget about "coincidence," because there is no such thing! up other input that is not what I know is best for you, it can serve
Everything may seem totally chaotic & not to be making any as a distraction.
sense, and the age-old doubt keeps lingering forever in your Listen to Me, your Coach, in order to avoid any mean knock-outs
mind: "Why should God care about me and be involved in every by the Enemy.
detail of my life?" Even King David asked, "What is man that The Enemy is by no means a fair opponent who abides by the
Thou art mindful of him?" rules. He is ruled by hatred, and he wants to destroy you by any
But you need to get rid of that image of a far-away, not involved means, rules or no rules. He knows he'll be disqualified & barred
from the game sooner or later, anyway, so his only objective is to Behold, I make all things new. I am the One Who brings
cause as much harm and destroy as much as possible while he variety & change! You can interpret that both ways: either you
can, that's why he is called the Destroyer in My Word. (Jer.4:7, just passively and patiently wait until I bring some kind of change
1.Cor.10:10) about, or you take part in bringing change and renewal about by
Don't let him destroy you, but always keep on guard by keeping absorbing Me, including Me in everything and focusing on Me,
close to Me! I'm your only Protection! There is no way you can expecting change & thus helping to make it happen.
possibly escape or survive what is to come without Me, so you All newness & variety that is good & positive originates from Me,
might as well learn the best you can how to depend on Me daily, and I am the Newness, the Variety & the Change you seek!
to really keep Me in the first place in your life & make Me the There are certain things I'm capable of that you haven't
most important factor. experienced yet, because you haven't really believed yet that I
I have made you in a way that you can't possibly even get am able to. You sometimes tend to put Me in a box.
through a day without Me. The Devil's not going to fight you in an area where you feel
I am training you in the art of dependence on Me. The Devil "comfortable" fighting him. He wants to hit you where it hurts, in
knows that dependence on Me is your only hope of survival, so your sensitive and weak and vulnerable areas. Of course, he'll
he will try to get you to forsake the idea of having to depend on hope that you'll cop out & throw in the towel. But as long as you
Me. don't, as long as you keep fighting & keep hanging in there,
I'm like your Mother & you're like My baby. There's nothing you're gaining from it. You're being strengthened and trained,
unnatural about the baby's dependence on his mother. There's and you gain experience.
nothing wrong with dependence on Me! I'm your tug boat into Everything, every day of your lives is a miracle, and with
freedom, your horse on which you can ride out of this mess. everyday that passes, where you've made it another piece up the
Hitch your wagon to My star! road successfully, you've just experienced another miracle! -
Something that only keeps working by My miracle-working,
149 __________________________________________________ supernatural power. Whether you can feel it being there or not is
You want to accomplish something tangible, you need your not relevant anymore, you can see it with every day that passes.
little "success" experience sometimes. I just want you to see You've gone as far as anyone could expect you to go on human
things from My perspective & see what I consider success, which level. But a new thing has begun, powered by God.
is often a lot of barely-to-be-detected-with-the-naked-eye ground You're going to have to get the love and the power to keep this
work below the surface. working from Me, every single day.
You would like to give your children a treat that they can You've read and heard stories about men who have forgiven the
remember as something not boring, but that's because you want murderers of their entire families by My grace, something that
to appeal to their mind gear of "what can I consume today, so humanly hardly seems possible. Even so it is going to have to be
that I can register this day as a success of some kind?" It's that My supernatural love which is going to enable you to forgive
manipulated mind gear of constantly having to receive, each other time & time again for your failures & shortcomings,
unlearning the ability to give or contribute something and casting veils over countless sins & flaws, and to not only keep
registering that as a success instead. loving each other as much as before, but even more than before
So, in order to really do them a favor, you should not adjust to in spite of it all.
their mind gear and bend to their wishes, but you should instead Against all the odds of the humanly reasonable and possible, this
seek for opportunities for them to learn from you, which will be love is going to grow. But this is only going to be possible by My
useful preparation for the future. If you just bend to their scheme, Spirit.
you'll just spoil them & render them useless & unable to cope It defies all natural reasoning and laws of probability and all
with life later on. odds. Humanly you can't make it, you're doomed to defeat &
Being a true leader & shepherd does mean to be sensitive to the failure. But with Me all things are possible.
flock's needs, but it doesn't mean to let their desires lead you. I am going to prove once again that some of My greatest victories
You cannot let their desires determine your path. come out of seeming defeat.
It's the path of the least resistance, but that is where you have to Every breath you take comes from Me. I am the Oxygen that will
learn to let Me guide instead. If you continue to compromise keep this flame alive, and as long as you're aware of how much
because you want to make things right for them in order to have you depend on Me, this is going to keep going, working and
your peace, you're going to reap the results! functioning. But as soon as you look at the waves, you're
You cannot allow people to manipulate you, you have to stick to sinking!
what I'm showing you is good and the best for all of you. So, where do look for variety, for newness, for spunk &
I'm trying to train you for the War of the Worlds, not a holiday inspiration? At all the things you cannot have? No. At Me!
camp where you become weaker & weaker by the day, unable to Don't let resignation in! You've got to believe, hold on at any
resist & fight the Enemy! I'm trying to teach you to fight! And in cost! Let earth and all carnal circumstances recede & let Me lift
order to ensure your survival, you're going to have to learn to you above all the natural impossibilities! I'm going to make this
seek your satisfaction and fulfillment in spiritual things, because happen, so you'd better believe Me for it! Don't be dumbfounded:
you're never going to be able to escape the Devil's clutches & If I said it, and if I ordained it, don't you think that I also am able
influence as long as you remain junkies to his enticements & to keep it alive?
seek them above My pleasures! I'm just allowing the Devil to pour some water over it, like the
Your kids have to learn to appreciate the little things & that they servants of Baal poured water over Elijah's oxen and altar. It was
must give in order to receive, otherwise they're going to be lost an additional challenge, to ask to do the totally and utterly
later on, unable to contribute anything valuable to others, only impossible, to pour all that valuable and precious water down
selfishly seeking their own pleasure & satisfaction. those trenches.
They've got to do their part in order to feel truly satisfied in the But for Elijah there was never a doubt that I was going to do it.
long run, finding pleasure in giving and contributing their share He knew there was going to be fire, and there was going to be
to the workload, which is much more lasting and important than rain again. So, as a result, I caused him to do the humanly
the fleeting little pleasures of consumption. impossible, because He had My anointing, My power, My fire, and
Once you've got your priorities straight, it becomes much more it's got to be that same power, anointing and fire that fuels your
pleasurable again to enjoy something small, you won't take life's actions, your words, your life!
little pleasures for granted anymore! It's all about giving, not Never ever doubt that I'm going to do it, no matter how much
taking! water the Devil may pour over it! He's casting out a flood after
It's all about serving, not seeking to be served! you to drown you, but don't you swallow any of it! Let them
swallow it! But you must keep on believing, never doubting that
150 __________________________________________________ My fire is more powerful than all his water, & all that's going to be
left of it when the twain shall meet and I'm done with him is Treating the imposters success and failure just the same is what
vapor! makes a good pilot: a good and smooth landing! It's relatively
So, don't insult Me by doubting Me. It's a conduct that is easy to take off, and you feel like you want to stay up there
unworthy of you! You should know better than that! You have forever. But what goes up, must come down, and you're going to
been raised & trained to know better than that! In fact, you were have to come back down eventually, and why not do so out of
born to know better! I cannot fail, and I won't. your own accord, before your fuel runs out & you'll take a tumble
& spin?
151 __________________________________________________ Humility can be an incredibly effective weapon! You don't let
You can always come back to Me for another shower of My pride consume your energy, you won't fall for it, you won't yield
golden Words to you, another snack of manna, My heavenly to that temptation to let your flesh make you feel any more
bread, My water of life, which is better than wine. "special" than anybody else, because you know, what does it all
In order not to stumble, you have to keep your spiritual ears amount to, anyway? Dust in the wind! That's really something
open! And have your antenna tuned in My direction! Once you're that applies to all those rock stars. All they really are is dust in
involved in something, it's so hard for you to just step out of it & the wind. A vapor that's here a little while & then it's gone! Those
take a break & get into the Spirit, but you've just got to do it in tiny, insignificant missionaries, they're doing things that are
order to maintain your proper balance! You must drown out the really going to last, and they're going to enter into the halls of
world all around you, shut it up and turn on & tune in to the fame of Eternity!
music of My Spirit! You try to use that high energy level you feel to do something
It's always available! And much more rewarding than worldly special, to make full use of it. But as a result, you often wind up
input. cranky & easily irritated, which shows how fragile & brittle this
Why feed on crumbs, when I could serve you a whole delicious thin veneer of "feeling great" really is, and how artificial! It's that
meal? plastic coating of some personality types, which you're finding
Make room for something new, just passing on the things, the out, is just part of their deception. It serves to deceive both them
message & gems I give you to pass on to the people who will and their audience. And that's entertainment. You create an
receive them, no matter whether many or few! illusion, a spectacle that draws their thoughts away from the
Be a little light & ray of hope in this darkness & let it shine! You serious matters of life, it makes them forget about things for a
don't have to be a big flash of lightning! Just a little, steady light, while, and it's not really all that bad.
like a star in the sky, that will do, that's all I'm asking of you. The only question is, how can you make that entertainment
If you want to leave your mark, make sure it's the right kind of edifying, so that it benefits in good results, offering solutions to
mark, an edifying one, that makes people lighten up! people's real life problems, instead of just creating a temporary
The less self there is involved in there, the better and purer it's high that makes them feel good but will let them down after a
going to be! It has to be an unselfish thing! while?
The good Samaritan didn't think much of himself or his deed that That's the purpose behind My Family tools: they are basically
day when he picked up the beaten man & took him to the inn. He entertainment, but edifying, uplifting and faith-building
just did what he could to help, & that's what it's all about. entertainment, from which people can glean valuable lessons for
Don't allow the Enemy to discourage you! Be thankful that what their lives! They're an influence truly for good! They give Me the
you accomplish is something good and lasting, though it may be glory, not anyone else in particular! Nobody gets the glory but
little. There are a lot of big fake "accomplishers" who are really Me!
only destroying with their big "accomplishments," or merely It's not, "Wow, look how nice he can play or sing!" but, "Hey,
accumulating things. that's sweet! Look at their smiles! They really look like they've
The less you have, the better it will be in the long run, because got love or something..."
the less you will have to tie you to this world. The less you have, It should teach you not to concentrate so much on the quality of
the greater the testimony that you're not of this world, that you're your performance, but on the quality of the spirit that comes
not putting your hopes in the riches of this world. across!
The less you have, the happier you'll be, because accumulating Do people notice the difference between you and any other
riches and things and wealth in this world just ties you down to worldly singers? Do they get something out of it besides just
it. You become too heavy to fly! technically perfect music to tickle their ears? Can they take home
If you feel rejected & like an outcast, remember that you're in an experience that makes them feel like they've been touched by
good company! Look at Paul. My Spirit that day? Can you say that you've touched someone
Sure, he felt discouraged at times, too! But he just kept doing with My love that day? That's what counts & what you should
what he had to do. "Yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the focus on! Forget about yourself & get into them!
gospel!" And even so, you've just got to keep pouring out &
giving out what I give you... whatever it is that I give. Don't 153 __________________________________________________
question it, don't minimize it, don't worry if not many people Focusing on the negative debilitates you, even if it's the
seem to appreciate it! That's the way it's got to be! truth!
Some people need their immediate, visible successes, or they'll You're much better off focusing & dwelling on the positive,
drop their projects like a hot potato. But that's not the kind of seeing My hand in everything, Romans 8:28, & how I can even
perseverance & shtick-to-it-iveness that I expect My men & use the Devil and his legions of demons, along with all the evil
women of faith to have. Pioneers must have vision to see what they bring into this world, to bring about My plan for each of you,
no one else can see! - Initiative, to be the first one to try. Plus My children.
faith and courage. Keep receiving and drinking in My Words, and Look at the Book of Revelation: even though it talks about all the
that faith will grow, and courage will set in, too! suffering and death that's going to befall the world toward its
The primary requisite for all those who would follow Me is love, end, there is incessant praise in heaven at the same time. They
and once My perfect love will be your driving force & motivation, continue to praise Me in spite of all the suffering they see
it will cast out all your fears, and courage will be yours, along happening on earth because they see something you can't. There
with everything else you'll ever need! is a perfect plan, and a perfect picture and sense in it all! No
matter what all the bad in your life amounts to, you've got to get
152 __________________________________________________ ahold of that glimpse of My perfect picture, My perfect sense in it
The result of what artists feel after an exuberant performance all! You've got to see Me and My hand in it!
is a feeling that many of them get addicted to, but it's not nearly Look at the positive opportunity in the negative condition.
as fulfilling or truly satisfying as the joy over a single soul saved. Instead of focusing on the loss, focus on what you've gained.
The less glorious task of going witnessing is a much greater Instead of feeling dwarfed by the giants who rule this world,
accomplishment in My eyes. rejoice that I'm going to use little Davids like you to bring those
Goliaths to fall! 156 __________________________________________________
If you're prepared for a crisis, such as periodically occurring
154 __________________________________________________ emotional lows, then the disappointment won't be so big. You'll
(Mt.13:52) It gives Me pleasure when My children delight in be expecting them as something natural, as night following day
My Words, both, new and old. There is more to discover in My or winter following autumn, and you won't freak out, wondering,
Word, more excitement to glean from it, than from the whole "what's it again now?" You'll know, "Oh, it's just an emotional
caboodle of worldly knowledge and entertainment combined. ebb." It will be a lot easier to deal with it.
One has to glean a lot longer and harder to find some reliable You've been hoping "they" would disappear, but it looks as if it
source of all they call "knowledge" in the world. They just don't would be smarter to just accept them as natural, regular
seem to stick to the truth as much as My Scribes and prophets occurrences that you're simply going to have to deal with, a
would. There are too many people out there who defend nothing natural result of the fall and of sin in this world.
but their own little truth. That's the result of Adam & Eve You can't go by feelings. If you wait for emotional confirmation
believing Satan's lie at the tree of the knowledge of good and until you're able to show love to someone, you won't be showing
evil, "Ye shall be as gods." The problem is that when you have love very much. Besides, emotions have often turned out to be
millions or even billions of little "gods" running around & deceptive.
everyone of them having their own "truth," it's pretty hard for It's a little bit like "Groundhog Day." The spell won't be broken
those who are not as conceited to find out what to believe in and until you've learned your lesson. Let's face it: everybody in the
what really is the truth. world can love the person they're emotionally attracted to, they
The difference between goats & sheep is that goats will eat have a crush on or are in love with. But learning how to love
anything, whereas sheep will only be satisfied with the fresh unselfishly, for My sake and for the glory of My kingdom is a
green grass of My truth, and nothing else. whole different ball game!
Nowadays people are being drilled into this urge of having to You're actually learning to become each other's servants for My
consume and consume and consume even more. They're being sake, for My Kingdom's sake, for the sake of the souls you're
brainwashed into thinking that they couldn't possibly be satisfied winning together by becoming a frutiful team!
with merely the grass from My pastures and the fresh clear water And instead of being all enwrapped in your emotions for each
that flows there. When there's so much else available to satisfy other, too busy to care about Me and My affairs, you're each
any little hankering, craving, lust or itching of ears, it seems learning to put Me first in your lives, to let Me be the one to fill
weird to stick to such a strict and what seems like a that greatest yearning for utter love, and I will honor this.
"conservative" diet & just be modest & be satisfied by My Word
and input. 157 __________________________________________________
But a good allegory for this is the story of Daniel, Shadrach, The more you will allow My Spirit to rule you, the more the
Meshech and Abednego in Babylon, where they refused to eat of right kind of emotions will run through you. After all, My love is a
the king's food & preferred only bread & water instead. After a very emotional thing, but it's a higher emotion, it's not bound by
week they were looking healthier and stronger than the rest of circumstances, nor influenced by selfish feelings. It's something
the students. Not all that the world has got to offer is necessarily you would call supernatural!
good for you! It's the kind of love that's even capable of loving your enemies!
So, blessed and wise are they who are satisfied with the Your natural inclination toward your enemies is to hate or at least
relatively little I've got to offer, compared to the abundance of the dislike them, and you feel like cursing them & want Me to judge
world, but which is clean and kosher and wholesome, whereas them.
the abundance of the world will only deceive you and make you But remember what I said? "Bless them that curse you, do good
sick. And if you have a closer look, what I've got to offer to them that despitefully use you and persecute you..." For if you
nowadays isn't even all that little. love only those who love you, what reward is that? The
The problem isn't a lack of abundance, but rather that people Systemites do the same! I want My children to be masters at the
usually tend to yield to the temptation & curiosity for the other art of loving, capable of loving more than average.
side. They think there's more to discover over there, on the other What else can motivate you to want to go out & take My gospel to
side of the fence. I recommend for you to make the large part of complete strangers who are not very likely to welcome or
your spiritual diet that which you know is 100% approved of My embrace what you've got to tell or offer them? That takes the
Spirit & comes from the clean water brooks of My mountain. kind of love I'm talking about, and it begins where your natural
Watch your diet & learn to restrain yourself & not always to yield resources and capabilities to love end.
to the craving & consume whatever you find or happen to hunger It has got to have come to the point where it's clear that these are
or lust after. But if you want a healthy soul, a healthy body and not your natural emotions, for they have come to an end, but this
spirit, then you're going to have to stick to a healthy diet, one in is something greater, a divine love, and supernatural, a work of
which the rule applies that "less is sometimes more." My grace, it's Me working in you, not your flesh, proving that My
Learn to discipline yourself. strength is made perfect in your weakness, and when you're
weak in your own resources, then you're strong in Me!
155 __________________________________________________
It's sad for you to feel alone when you've got such a cloud of 158 __________________________________________________
helpers around you, but you seem oblivious to them & unaware If you wait for circumstances to be just right and perfect
that they're there. before you'll obey My commandment to go into all the world &
Whatever you feel like, your faith should not be based on preach the gospel, you're never going to do it! The Devil will
feelings, but on the fact that you are not alone! You're never always be right there to point out to you, "Oh, but this isn't right,
alone! and that little detail over here isn't right, either," etc.
You associate fellowship with mere physical company only, My blessings don't precede obedience, & it's often your very
whereas I'm trying to teach you that your spiritual company is a willingness to go out in spite of the fact that it kills you, that
whole lot more important and wholsesome for you. brings down that supernatural love and Spirit of Mine that you're
You still go by what you can see and hear and feel with your really yearning for. It's a step of faith. You do something for
physical senses, that's what's important to you, all the while reasons that are invisible to the naked eye, in spite of the visible
neglecting what you could see, hear or feel and be experiencing and tangible conditions. There may be a million reasons why
with your spiritual senses. It's a matter of exercising them! nobody in the world should be able to expect you to go out & do
One exercise to activate & experience greater interaction with this, but you're doing it anyway for the simple reason that I've
your spirit helpers is witnessing. "Obedience brings down the asked you and commanded you to do it. That's obedience!
Spirit and blessings of God." You should do it regardless of whether you've got the perfect
Home or the perfect sample, just because I'm asking you to do it,
and because it's My commandment. You have more love for each flash of knowledge. I want you to know exactly why you believe
other if you experience the heat of the battle field together, & let something to be a fact.
that melt & mold you together! Also remember there's a time & season for everything. Many
I can use anybody in spite of their weaknesses. people take their lives too seriously & blame Me for having
It doesn't matter if you don't have the perfect sample, Home or allowed them to "waste" years in a certain place when they think
marriage, you've got a perfect God, & that's all you really need to they could have been somewhere better. But they tend to forget
advertize. And whatever it takes, you should do it, because that's that their lives are vapor, and if I determine that the best place for
your main job & purpose in life! If you just obey Me and do it in someone to learn their lessons is a jail or a sickbed or a country
spite of the way you feel, I will reward you with feeling really that's not as fruitful as others, or whatever, then you just have to
heavenly about it! Because you will know that you're in the trust that I know best that this was indeed the perfect place for
center of My will, and that means you'll be in the center of the you, even though your choice or preference might have been a
universe as far as I'm concerned, fulfilling your destiny, and isn't different one.
that what matters & counts & all you really want? Relax, you didn't miss anything!
You can make your greatest mark by telling others about Me! Some people have a wrong perception of what it meant when
So, just ignore all your quarrels, your differences & imperfections Peter said, "speak as the oracles of God." They figure that it
& lacks in your sample & keep forging ahead in spite of all that! means that whenever they open their mouths, people are
"There's only one way & that's forward!" You must learn to ignore supposed to listen and take it as if they were the oracle of God
those feelings of frustration, of hopelessness, of lack of love or and as if I was speaking directly through them. What it really
whatever happens to be the carpet of emotions the Enemy would means is to make sure that it is I who am speaking through you,
like to wrap you up in so that you think you've got an excuse not and to only speak and open your mouth when spoken through,
to do what I've commanded & ordained all My disciples to do. and not just voice any old opinion based on carnal reasoning.

159 __________________________________________________ 162 __________________________________________________

Speaking in tongues is a bit like prophecy. You just take the It's hard to trust Me totally for your providence when you
step of faith to give out the first few words that pop into your know that you should be doing more in order for Me to be able to
head. It's a new challenge, a new territory to explore, another fulfill My promises of supply to you.
area to strengthen, to use your mouth more to give out the things Sometimes the very thing you dread the most might actually be
you receive from Me by faith. the thing I want you to work on most to tackle or strive to
It's humbling and it defies your natural urge to stick to all that overcome.
makes sense, since you don't understand the meaning of those It's a little bit like "Pay It Forward:" it has to be something
words yet, in which case you're just going to have to ask Me for difficult, a big thing for you, not just any old thing that's easy for
it. you to do, if you really want to make a difference and do things of
It's not like it's "necessary," but definitely desirable. real impact and lasting value for others.
Anything that's tough on one's self-righteousness and pride is
160 __________________________________________________ good for them! Anything that engenders humility, greater
As far as witnessing is concerned, you must not try to work teamwork, anything that shows you're willing to bend and
up the grace for it in the flesh! You must learn to enjoy the sacrifice a personal opinion for the sake of greater unity, those
product yourself, if you want to be any good at advertising it. are manifestations of love in My eyes, and are important to Me.
Just relax and enjoy My Spirit, and sooner or later it's going to That which is hardest for you is probably the very thing I might
flow out of you! want you to do, and you wouldn't want to "give the Lord that
Yes, it does take an effort, it does take a sacrifice, it's true, it's which doeth cost you nothing," would you? (2.Sam.24:24)
like dying to yourself & to your pride, but it also brings a new joy A sacrifice is a sacrifice because it's hard for you. If it's easy for
and fulfillment. you, I might still bless you for it, but it's not quite the same as
Ask Me to fill you with My Spirit until you just bubble over with showing your willingness to do that thing which is the hardest of
My Words and long to give people My message to the point all for you to do, which is often to yield.
where talking about Me won't seem like some strenuous effort
anymore, but will turn into your greatest joy & satisfaction. 163 __________________________________________________
My peace I leave with you! In the world ye shall have
161 __________________________________________________ tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
What you're going through right now is My dealing with your "I can't" is never what I want to hear. Those words don't have any
former hankering and love for the world, doubting that the world meaning to those who wield the keys. If you wouldn't be faced
is really all that bad. You still had some hopes & dreams about with this impossible situation, you would never experience the
the System. miracle-working power of the keys, you would see no need to
Sometimes you've just got to forget everything you've learned in wield them, except for occasional prayers of protection when you
order to find the truth for the moment! You've got to forget those claim the keys.
circumstances which framed your condition that formed your But I love impossible situations because they force you to use
view of things, in other words, just smash the whole picture key-power to its full extent. As Dad said, it takes an impossible
(icon=idol) of your perception of things & let Me make it over situation for Me to do a miracle.
completely! You're coming closer to Me all the time, with every moment,
The Devil is quick to contribute some of his input to your view of every trial & battle that passes.
things in order to stop you from becoming the totally pure,
radical & revolutionary vessel for My truth and nothing but My 164 __________________________________________________
truth that I would want each of you to be! And sometimes his "What happened?" It's a question to which most people only
input comes from the most unexpected sources, so you've receive an answer once they get Here. "Where did I fail? Where
constantly got to be on guard! did I get off the track? What did I do wrong?"
If something hinders or stops you from having changes, if A life starts out quite promising, but then, somewhere along the
something ties you down to a certain rut and keeps you from track they lose the vision, the faith or the zest and they slide
obeying My commandment to go into all the world & preach the down the hill. "What happened?"
gospel to every creature, then you can almost always assume Well, as you know from the story of Job, it's usually your Enemy
that the Enemy's behind it. who's responsible for, or involved with a lot of what happened.
You had to get to this point in order to really learn it! I don't just Like the evil old man, Mr. Potter, in "It's A Wonderful Life," who
convey all there is to know in a class at the beginning of it, I want unbeknownst to the hero of the story found his money & kept it,
learning to be an experience for you, not just a lecture or sudden and thus caused many problems & trials... that's the way the
Devil works, too. He sees an opportunity to work his evil plan, to physical is temporal, but the Spirit realm is eternal,
exploit others in order to spread out his power & convert indestructible, incorruptible.
innocent villages, homes and entire countries into one big It's a typical carnal human habit to only accept others of one's
"Pottersville." own kind, in this case, the physical, and to reject or not really
But with My children, those who communicate with Me and are fully acknowledge the "other" kind, in your case, the spiritual.
serving Me, I don't want them to be ignorant of his devices. You But I'm trying to get it through your head that what you're
may know about how his people work in order to gain control seeking you won't find in your own realm, but only Here, in My
over the world. But it's even more important for you to know Spirit Realm!
what his tricks are that he uses to gain entrance into your lives Stop looking in the wrong place! Stop ignoring the right place!
every day, how he sows his evil seeds of division & tries to divide When are you finally going to be interested enough in My Realm
& conquer! that you really desire to see it and perceive it? You'd better get
Oh, I wish that you could see it! How he enters, & what he uses. ready for it! And how do you get ready for a place to which you're
The thing is that often you do see it, you're aware of him working, traveling? You try to find out as much as you can about it! And
but then you're indifferent to it. since it's possible for you to communicate with the inhabitants of
It's all about caring more & being a good shepherd. that place, you should really take advantage of that possibility.
You've got to learn to be patient and longsuffering, It's advisable to have friends and acquaintances in your new
understanding and forgiving, knowing that you're in need of just destination! And you do! You definitely have more friends over
as much forgiveness. Here than you do over there! So why ignore them any longer, just
Remember what Dad said about the importance of showing because you can't see them with your physical eyes? Open your
appreciation! Or the "Personal Encouragement Revolution" and spiritual eyes!
many other places in the Word where I've been trying to get you
to lift others up by encouraging them & showing them 166 __________________________________________________
appreciation. But those revolutions and admonitions are all too The other day you felt like you didn't have a friend in the
quickly forgotten most of the time, & people get back into their world... a bit the way the guy in "It's A Wonderful World" felt, too.
habits of viewing others with familiarity and negativity so quickly. Deserted & like he didn't have a friend in the world... But I
All that is the work of the Enemy. Just like Potter stole the money showed him differently.
in the movie, he sees where you're forgetting about the important You must dispel the lies of the Enemy about what others think of
detail of applying your spiritual wealth & riches of showing love you. That's one of his "Mr. Potter" schemes you're not aware of,
& appreciation, and he holds on to it, makes it impossible for you but you must be: he steals your faith in the Family and in
to show any more. "He that withholdeth it tendeth to poverty!" yourself as being a valuable part of it. He steals your unity and
Once you start withholding, the Enemy tries to get you to make a your love for each other by sowing lies and having you swallow
habit out of it. It's so much harder to make a habit out of showing them, and you often don't even realize what happened!
praise & appreciation, but it would make life so much easier for You just know that something's terribly wrong & you feel that
everybody. what's wrong lies with you or the Family or both, when in reality,
So if you want to know the simple solution: show more a lot of all that is based on the Devil's mean old tricks. He stole
appreciation, praise more, be content with such things that ye the "money," the riches of My love that I gave you for each other,
have, and encourage others more! They need it, they long & by rigging up these situations, using innocent little blunders &
yearn for it, and if it is in thine hand to give, why do you withhold blowing them way out of proportion, creating a major crisis out
it? of them.
Don't let the Devil have his way with you and your loved ones! You must expose the Devil's workings! You have to expose the
Don't fall for his tricks of going without uttering a word of praise evil "Mr. Potter" at work here & show him up for what he really is!
and encouragement for days. Don't be so critical! For every He uses innocent little blunders of the mind, little neglects &
critical word you should utter 10 words of encouragement. shortcomings that everybody is prone to, and creates a huge
crisis out of them that makes you feel and think that nobody
165 __________________________________________________ loves you and you're just a useless failure and the best thing
Blessed are the lonely, for they shall find comfort in Me! I am would be that you had never been born, etc., ready to jump off
the Companion of the lonely. You've seen people rot together, the bridge.
become foolish, loud and rough. But not so the lonely! The lonely Thankfully, I've got My "Clarences," My angels, jumping into the
have time to think, so they become profound instead of situation to set things straight, to help you out, and to straighten
superficial. out your misguided view & perception of things. That movie is
Nowadays people are scared & paranoid of nothing more than of really a blueprint for what's happening in many people's lives, of
loneliness, as if it were the greatest curse that could ever befall a how the Devil manages to discourage and belittle them in their
man... to wind up lonely. But I don't want you to be like that! Sure, own eyes...
I know you enjoy fellowship & company, but I don't want you to That's why it's so important that you constantly encourage each
shun loneliness or regard it a curse, because I use those times other, let each other know how much you love and need each
when you are alone to draw you much closer to Me than I ever other, & don't give any place to the Devil and his dirty lies trying
could while you're distracted by others. to destroy your faith, your unity & your positive outlook on life!
There is just no other way for Me to train you in perceiving the You must reject those thoughts and determine that you're not
realities of the spirit world. As soon as there are people around going to give the Devil anymore chances to enter, listening to his
you, you're not even interested! But you can find the perfect lies about what others may be thinking of you. It's a form of
company you seek right Here, in the Spirit World! daydreaming of the most negative and harmful kind. It's
You must learn to separate the meaning of the words "invisible" entertaining the Devil's thoughts, swallowing his poison, and you
and "unreal." For you, they are still too much the same. Just must make a positive & definite declaration that you're not going
because you can't see something, you automatically categorize to fall for those lies anymore!
whatever you can't see as "not quite real," you don't give them You must be on guard against them!
nearly the same importance as the things or persons you can There is no evidence or realistic ground they're based on, except
perceive with your physical senses. But that's foolish! Where is some falsely interpreted blunders of the mind! You must see and
your faith? "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the keep in mind that there are no bad intentions behind them, just
evidence of things not seen!" Don't just dismiss all that evidence, like the uncle in the story had no bad intentions whatsoever of
or put it in a mental drawer of "less relevance." misplacing the money.
If you ever want to learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, you're Of course, he made the mistake, and the crisis did happen, but in
going to have to believe, really believe that the Spirit World is the end, everything turned & worked out for the better, so you
just as real, and even more so than the physical, because the might say that it all was just a great big test of faith, and an
exposure of the Devil and his tricks! Some of the things he does care in the world was a much greater saint & so much purer in
and has done in your life, you will never find out until you're with My eyes than whatever you had tried to achieve in your own
Me, but as someone who knows My Word as well as you do, you fleshly efforts.
can be assured that if anything goes wrong in your life, he's got Can you see it now? The purpose in it all? The difference
his hand in it somehow, but never without My permission and a between Cain and Abel? The vanity & senselessness of the
careful eye that he won't go any further than I permit him, striving for carnal perfection and of lack of trust in Me? That
because I know just how much you can handle... child had more trust in Me and faith than you could muster up in
The usual human reaction to this is "but that's not fair" & they all your two and a half decades of studying My Word!
cry why did I have to create the Devil in the first place, etc.? They So, who's to say who has got more faith? Who's to say how I
all want life to be good and perfect, they want heaven on earth. measure success or closeness to Me? The greater your trust in
But that's not the plan & purpose of this earthly life and of this Me, the better off you'll be. Who, by worrying, was ever able to
dispensation of grace & Salvation by faith. add one little grain in size to his spiritual stature? Forget about
There will come a time when everything will be perfect, & in order your worries! Trust in Me! Your worries will just drive you away
to ensure that it will stay perfect & nobody will ever want to rebel from Me temporarily, until you wind up back here at My feet
against Me again, I'm having to teach the universe a lesson they again, frustrated that all your worries didn't get you one inch
won't too quickly forget. further!
I never wanted robots who just blindly obey My every command You don't have to make it in your own strength! If you just trust in
without any choice, but I do want people - and angels for that Me and wait on Me, I will carry you there!
matter, heavenly servants as you are My earthly ones - who know Do what you can do, but don't worry about a thing! Just honor
why they're serving Me and why they are loyal to Me, why they Me by trusting Me and refusing to worry! Why walk when you can
love Me. I want you and everybody to know why they believe in fly?
Me, and why it's good to obey Me - by experience, & not just
because somebody told them. And that's why we're creating this 167 __________________________________________________
huge "database" with the history of the world, that anyone who "The Benefits Of Backsliding" draw you closer to Me, keep
will ever have any doubts about why it is best to serve, love and you humbler & get you back on the ground of the reality of what
obey Me, will be able to go "back" to and experience first hand, your limitations really are.
just like you're now able to glean lessons from movies like "It's A It's not your own goodness or "specialness" that gives you the
Wonderful Life" & see parallels to your own life and situation in conviction to stand up for Me before the whole world! It must be
there... My Spirit, which is easily shooed away by a display of pride or a
Everything that happens, happens as an "ensample" to those self-righteous attitude. You must know without a doubt that it's
who will come after you, and someday somebody is going to all by My grace & nothing else, otherwise it won't work & the
profit from what you're experiencing right now! Nothing is lost, anointing is withdrawn & you'll find out what you really amount
really, nothing of all I allow is ever in vain, so actually, Solomon to & how brave you really are, without Me!
was wrong about that. It may be vain to collect or strive for They're a special breed, the "By Grace" clan! They have learned
worldly possessions and riches or knowledge, but it's not to be that it's truly all just Me & not themselves doing it.
understood as "So what's the use of it all, anyway?" There is a
use in it all, even in the sample of where that kind of thinking led 168 __________________________________________________
Solomon, namely to stoop to the dark side in search for ever Enjoy learning the lessons I'm teaching you! Learning isn't
more knowledge, experience and wisdom, and in the end, what the same as punishment. It can actually be fun, and you're
he believed turned out to be true for him: it was all in vain! acquiring greater & more lasting riches that way than those who
The best & safest thing to do is to just stick to what I told you, work for money only.
that you've got to be a baby to go to heaven, you've got to be a "It's not having what you want, but wanting what you've got!"
child if you want true wisdom & just "do it cause Daddy said so," Discover the magic & the brilliance in the situation I have blessed
& trust that I have a perfect plan & purpose in everything. There's you with! But you can only do so by forgetting about the Devil's
no use worrying about Me making mistakes. castles in the sky & his daydreams about what could be or could
My wisdom of love and obedience is higher than knowledge. have been.
Knowledge puffeth up but love edifieth. A greater one than What could be or could have been is not as good as that which
Solomon said this, because he had seen that his own knowledge is, trust Me. Of all the possible situations & scenarios for you,
had all been false & had to be tossed all over, in order to be born this one is the best, this one's No.1, your destiny! So there
again & become like a child once again. "Forget what you know" should be nothing, no illusion of the Devil or any other thing or
was the name of the game. And especially forget about the evil imagination stop you from jumping in with both feet & putting
lies of the Devil! your whole heart right into this situation that I've given you.
Yesterday you had this experience when you were looking into Your happy heavenly Home you're seeking, that Home of hearts,
the eyes of that handicapped child: you realized how full you is right here! Your lesson is right here, your job is right here,
were of worldly worries and sorrows, and how far away from the your life & your destiny, everything... right here & right now!
purity of heaven, compared to the simplicity of that child. Isn't No use worrying about what you're missing out on! The real
this one of the greatest supposed "evidences" of the fact that party is happening Here, in the Spirit World, and you won't get
God indeed makes mistakes? A handicapped child? "How could any closer to this any other place in the world! Not with tons of
God allow this if He were perfect? - To let somebody totally people around you & having loads of fun! This is it! The fun is
innocent be born with such deficiency and cause suffering for coming, too, don't worry!
him and his parents?"
You were wondering about this yourself. Well, now you know. 169 __________________________________________________
You had a glimpse of how I see things. That that little child - What is the greater love, and what is its greater
although he may never grow up to be as "smart" & "able" as you manifestation? The crush when you were a young boy, or the
are in this life, yet all the while is closer to heaven than you are, faithful years of helping out, even without all that much
is purer in My sight, and even to such an extent that you had to emotional involvement?
feel ashamed at the comparison. My love is tangible. It is something you can feel. But it's also
It reminded you of the visions Rick Joyner had of Heaven, and more than that! It goes beyond what you feel, and sometimes
how he felt ashamed in the presence of My saints. Well, you felt a even contrary to what you feel like.
little ashamed in the presence of that little handicapped child, Often you feel like giving up. Why don't you? Because you know
because you knew that he was a greater saint than you were. - you don't feel it, but you know - that it's not the right thing to
Here you had been fussing and fuming, striving for perfection, do. It's that same old story about feeling, faith & fact. You're
not wanting to be late & you found that this little fellow with not a learning to see My facts, which are building the faith that will
eventually pull up your feelings again, too. the best you can.
But don't look at the hole in the donut just because the feelings Take more time to express love in those little ways that are so
might not be there or as strong as you wish! That would be important to woman. Look for opportunities to do that, make it
reversing the situation! You would allow feelings to drag down more of a priority & something important to you. Learn it!
your faith and disregard the facts! What's there to do that's so much more important than letting the
For women, feelings and facts are very closely related, simply person closest to you know that you love her? Love begets love!
because they have a strong intuition that tells them their feelings You will never regret any amount of love you invest your
are right. But this can also be a dangerous game sometimes, energies in showing! "Whatever thou spendest, I will repay."
especially when the Enemy deals them a few "false cards" & their (Luk.10:35)
feelings and intuitions are based on his deceptions.
So, what we're having to establish first of all is the proper 170 __________________________________________________
foundation of My facts, none of the Enemy's counterfeits, & in Many times throughout history have My chosen children
order to do that, you first have to learn to distinguish between been slaves to the System & Paul even said, "Servants, seek not
the two, and to discern what are My unshakable facts, and what to be loosed!"
are the fakes that the Devil would like to present as facts. In order to enjoy some things, you just need to work hard. That's
This logic doesn't appeal to women, but being a man, you need the reason why most people work so hard: they want to enjoy
to know that the ground on which you're building is true, & for more things! You are happy & content with less, but you realize
this you need to dispel your doubts. You also want to improve that it would be nice to have a few additional blessings. And
your house and your building, and then, once everything stands, you're going to have to work harder at it!
& is something worthwhile looking at, then you can feel proud of There's a fine line between waiting on Me and not realizing that
it, too, and that happiness sets in that's there when you've I'm waiting for you to get busy. Waiting on Me doesn't mean
accomplished something, or you know you're on the right track staying inactive. There's always room for improvement & ways to
or simply, "this is it!" become more efficient. I want you to come up with the best
It's not like you're doubting the whole time, either. It's just that possible results in productivity because I know that as a result,
you know that something's missing, you're not done yet, you're the happier you're going to be, because you'll feel accomplished
still supposed to do something in order to make it "perfect" - at and fulfilled.
least perfect enough so that the picture coincides with your I'm aiming at your reaching a point of greater productivity &
mental ideal... getting things done in the right way, with the proper attitude,
You're supposed to learn from each other by accepting each having learned to let Me do the things through you & not just
other's ways & views, opening each other's lives & hearts to each operate in the arm of the flesh.
other. This is what a real marriage is all about. I want you to follow Me closely along each step of the way,
Learn to communicate with My help. I'm the Center, the Hub, and constantly seeking Me for My direction. Weighing each of the
you're coming together over Me. I'm the central exchange point factors against each other, you'll come to the right conclusion of
of well-working communication between you, and without Me, what's best to do concerning a matter in your particular situation.
you can't do anything, not even communicate! Every person and situation is unique, and you need to find out
But if you focus on Me and keep your faces turned toward Me, I with My help which one applies to you: is it time for you to join
will be the One Who unites you, Who will interpret what the other the children of Israel in the mud, making bricks for the Egyptians,
one is really saying. I will show her your heart, when all that or are you called to tend sheep in order to be prepared to free
comes out of your mouth is just head & directed by the mind & them from their slavery? Whose servant are you called to be?
your reason. And likewise, I can help you understand what her Find out what your faith is, where you stand, what you're willing
often unclear "heart-language" means in your language. to do, what you have the greatest burden and faith for, coming
So far, you've been letting the Enemy do a lot of the interpreting, back to Me about it & weighing all the details against each other...
and purposely twist things around. His goal isn't uniting you, Study and investigate the matter!
he's trying to play your words against each other in order to How will it affect you spiritually? Will it buy you the ticket to
divide & conquer, to separate. freedom or will it turn into a golden calf, or both?
So, whenever she says something that might rub you the wrong There's no way for you to find out the entire future of what's
way, turn to Me and ask Me for the discernment and the going to happen beforehand, but you can consider the risks
interpretation of it! I can show you the heart, & that it's really not involved, talk about what each of you have the greatest faith to
meant the way the Devil would like to twist it. That's why he who do, etc.
answers a matter before he hears it is a fool: you've got to first What is the greater danger in your situation? That of never
hear it properly, with My ears, and not just flare up in a snap achieving anything, or that of becoming a System slave? What
reaction based on your first - often misguided interpretation & are your motivations?
perception. Being a System slave can be better than being a captive of Pride.
So, there's lots to learn, isn't there? But that's what you're here Are you seeking the path of the least resistance or are you really
to do! You never knew how little you knew, did you? About the seeking to obey Me?
real essential things in life, even such basic things as Search your heart for hidden motivations, wrong attitudes, which
communication between 2 human beings... There's a lot more could lead you up the wrong path!
that you don't know than you know! There are many reasons why it pays to get your directions &
She just needs to be sure and know that you love her, & then her instructions, counsel & guidance from Me. "Come now & let us
day & little machine will run smoothly. But if you get distracted & reason together..."
become too busy to hear out her heart... it gets tough for her to I like to communicate with you!
keep functioning. There's more to being a husband than just There is hardly anything more important to Me than achieving
"being there." that My children learn to walk the right path, in the right direction,
You need to really be there, in a tangible way, tangible to her based on the right instructions from Me; that they become
sixth sense, that intuition I gave women. If you're not, the Devil liberated from the confusion that's a result of the Devil's lies
will try to fill that void with his input. they've often grown up with; that they can see instead of
A lot of women simply adapt to men in this aspect & just block wandering around groping through the darkness.
out or mute those senses, sometimes successfully, sometimes There's scarcely anything more important for Me than ensuring
not, or they focus on the mundane things, which are also that each of you find the center of My perfect will for you, that
important & need to be taken care of. But just as it is difficult for you take time to learn to hit the mark instead of missing it, and
you to live and operate in this loveless world, so it is for her, and I'm a very patient teacher.
in order for her little world to be in order, she needs to know & be My capacity to teach is only limited by your attention span, your
sure that you love her, so you've got to make sure she knows, capacity to learn, to receive, to listen, to tune in, to let go of your
own ideas long enough lies to your fellowman, your mission field, your "patients,"
I've got so much to share, so much to give, and yet there are so "clients," whatever you may want to call them, those you are
few really willing to listen and to receive it. here to help and reach! You're meant to reach out to those
But the time will come when they will be eager to listen! "They around you, your fellowman, loving your neighbor as yourself by
will all be taught in the ways of the Lord," and you're going to be helping them to find the same blessings & answers you have
one of My teachers! Tutored and trained by the Master teacher found in Me.
Himself! I have simply opened up your eyes a little sooner & have allowed
How would that sound for credentials of a promising future you to find and see the truth before them, in hopes that you
career? would be faithful to pass it on to them, even though they might
In that light, it makes spending one or two hours daily with Me not seem as interested, but they need it desperately, just the
seem like relatively little, doesn't it? If you think that worldly same. Failing to reach out to them is the very sin the Devil is
students spend 6 or more hours each day studying their stuff trying to get you to commit, the very failure that's his goal and
about temporal matters that are going to fade like the grass on aim!
the field... Will you let him accomplish that? Will you allow him to cause you
"The flower of the field": the wind passes over and it's gone. But to fail & miss your destiny? Will he manage to bluff you & scare
"whoso doeth the will of God, the same abideth forever." you out of what you're meant to do? You can either blame him for
FOREVER! Think about that. Let that word melt on your tongue & it forever, or you can refuse to even give him a chance! Call out
realize that it marks the difference between the timely value of to Me whenever you're at wits' end about what is happening and
what you're doing and what the majority of the people in the going wrong in life!
System spend their time on. Compare a few puny decades to We're trying to expose the Devil's hidden workings in your life.
FOREVER! Hidden to you, that is. And you must ask Me every step of the
"Return to Forever!" "Let's get back to the Garden!" "Come on way, as soon as something's fishy: "What happened? Lord, what
down, walk on the ground" with Him that was and is and will be has actually happened here? I can't see it, I don't understand it, I
forever! Forever is the only reality that counts, as far as I and all don't have a clue! But You do, so, please, show me!"
My true visionaries of all times were ever concerned. Forget I can use anything! Focus on what I'm trying to convey to you &
about the temporal! What good is it? What short-sightedness! teach you & impart to you through everything you experience!
If you invest each of those tiny little fragile moments, those tiny There is a lesson in everything! Expose the Devil's workings! Ask
drops of time, in the vast ocean of forever, they won't merely Me to show & reveal to you what he's doing!
evaporate into thin air, as the works of unbelievers undoubtedly
will, but you're going to make eternal contributions to the one 172 __________________________________________________
that lasts. The patients are there, in need of help, but the doctor is
Whatever decisions you have to make, measure them by the deceived into thinking he's sick and helpless himself and thus
standards of forever! What weight does it have in the cause of fails to reach out & do his part to heal them! Instead of being
forever? Is that thing you do and are planning to do merely aware of what you've got to give, instead of being the giver and
something which contributes to the fleeting, temporary subjects accepting your role of the benefactor I would want you to be,
of time, or will it be something worth an entry in the annals of you're focusing too much on your own needs, your own
forever? "disease." You're too enwrapped & busy & preoccupied with your
own healing, instead of reaching out your hand in order to heal
171 __________________________________________________ the other, your neighbor, your fellowman, the one closest to you,
Pity the weak and heal the sick! Have compassion on the but that's what you've got to focus on: their need, not yours!
poor, strengthen the feeble and kiss and touch the blind & lame! It's a very common problem & trick of the Enemy you have read
If you cease seeing the poor spiritually diseased as those who about in "Revolutionary Women." You cannot be preoccupied
seek to cause you harm or as rejecters or antagonists & begin with your own happiness, it's elusive & vain to even attempt to
viewing them as victims instead, you'll begin to get a glimpse of go chasing after it! Your job and your task in life is to make
the vast ministry before you! others happy! You must quit believing the Devil's lies that you've
You're still seeing yourself on Outreach as the beggar, when in got nothing to give! You've got so much to give!
reality it is you blessing them with eternal riches, and all they can But you focus on your inabilities, your fleshly ailments and your
do is honor Me by giving you some of their material blessings in weaknesses, your lacks, instead of that which you've got! You let
return! the Enemy cause you to view yourself as a weakling and pauper,
Satan totally twists things & turns them upside down, inside out instead of a mighty prince wielding the most powerful weapon in
& makes things appear as the reverse & opposite of what they the universe! Forget about "Star Wars!" You've got the real thing!
really are! You've got the Power!
For too long you have seen yourself as the victim, when they are There is more power in your hands than you're aware of. The
really his victims, and he's just been fooling you by keeping you Devil's trying to make you oblivious to it. But you must not allow
from seeing things the way they really are! You are spiritually him to blind you! You must not let him get you to belittle and
rich beyond measure, and they are the poor & destitute, neglect that most powerful weapon in the universe you're
desperate for just a cool finger from you, having dipped it into My wielding! You must not let him fool you into thinking that you're
cool, fresh living waters. unable to love when I have placed that weapon of love in your
But as long as you fall for the Devil's portrayal of the situation, hands!
you won't do them any good! It's like a doctor walking through a You've got to avail yourself of it! The same applies to the power
hospital, himself complaining about his sicknesses & seeking aid of healing, the power to overcome anything! You can no longer
from his patients! A bizarre reversal of roles. allow him to stop you & keep you from what you're supposed to
Of course, not only is he trying to deceive you into thinking that be doing!
you're sick or the pauper, but he's also deceiving them into You could be pouring into them, instead of just ignoring their
thinking that they are actually whole and not sick, and that they need due to being so enthralled & hypnotized by the focus on
are rich, instead of destitute, naked and poor, as I see them. your own pseudo paralysis, pseudo impotence & pseudo
But what matters is that you see things My way! You must incapabilities. Yes, you are able! Yes, you can! My Word promises
assume the role of the healer and benefactor. it, and you've been preaching it to them over and over again, and
You have been given so much! If you don't pass it on, if you allow they have been proving time and again that they believe it, but
the Devil to scare you out of it because of pride, then what could now they're just waiting for you to show that you also believe it!
have been the beginning of a wonderful chain reaction won't What's stopping you from giving them the love that they need?
come to pass! What's stopping you from obeying My counsel, from putting it
Don't fall for Satan's deceptions. Expose him and his devices and into action and from doing more than just merely "being there,"
passively lying there & waiting for lightning to strike you in order thirsty soul by your side will not return to you void. It'll grow and
to bring you back to life? grow an hundred-fold! Every bit of spiritual wealth you'll be
Life is in your hands, you've got the key of life, you've got the passing out will be multiplied over and over again, if you'll just
power to give, to love, to create, there's nothing you can't do! start. Remember the parable of the buried talent.
Why don't you believe it? Is it too good to be true? Is it too It's time to dig up your wealth, pass it on, invest it and watch it
beautiful too to believe? multiply! You have stored up & hoarded quite some riches for
Is My power all just theory in your head or do you actually yourself now, but you must no longer withhold them! It's time to
believe it, act on it, use it? This is your dilemma that you must wake up to what you've got, to what your task is, and time to stop
overcome! You've got to put it into action! You've got to make it allowing the Enemy to fool you & grind your fruitfulness to a halt!
happen & just do it! I've been telling you this over & over again, Time to call his bluff! Time to rebuke his lying vanities, his empty
now it's time for you to quit being a hearer only & start being a lies, his illusions and apparitions, his false portrayal of things.
doer. Quit deceiving your own self! How do you deceive yourself You must learn to recognize the Devil's workings in your life. Just
by just being a hearer of the Word instead of being a doer? By ignoring him won't do the trick! He's an Enemy that's to be taken
believing the Devil's lies that it won't work for you! That it's all very seriously, and ignoring him could be the biggest mistake
good & nice & may work for others, but not for you, for whatever you ever made!
reason... You're not good enough, you're not worthy, you don't It may be unpleasant having to deal with the Enemy, but what
have enough faith... to hell with all that rubbish! It's irrelevant, else is a war but having to constantly face & confront & deal with
just like all the other baloney the Devil concocts in order to get your enemy? - Exposing his tactics, finding out which way he
your focus off your goal & off your task, to reach out & touch operates, what he's trying to achieve, etc. And you must find
them! ways to lick him, beat him, destroy him!
If you'd only reach out and touch them and would listen to their But instead of focusing on attacking and fighting him, he is
voice... Hear their inner heartcry for what you've got to give! You trying to divert your attention & get you to focus on yourself,
can't keep it in! Believe it, act on it, do it & send the Enemy back your weaknesses, your desires, your wants, your lacks. He
to hell where he belongs! doesn't want you to focus on using the weapon in your hand to
Live, love, give whatever you have to give, just do it! Withhold no smite him!
I want you to wake up every morning fully conscious of the vast 173 __________________________________________________
oceans of love and spiritual wealth that you've got to give & You sometimes tend to limit Me and My riches in your mind &
share with everybody. think there isn't much left to learn, to find out. Knowledge can be
Start pouring out! It is time! You must start pouring into everyone one of the Enemy's greatest temptations, and it takes a lot of
you come across. Get out of idle gear & make some uphill self-discipline to stay on the straight & narrow of the simplicity of
progress. You've made your U-turn and you've turned around in My Gospel.
the right direction, now you've just got to get going! Zoom in My voice is much better heard and perceived in the silence than
onto the goal that lies before you & step on the gas! when surrounded by others, especially those who still soak up
The Devil is keeping you from giving the love you ought to. And whatever pleasures and enticements the world has to offer.
as a result of that lack of love, there is a whole flood of lies he The real thing is Here, where I am and rule and reign, in the
can pour into their vacancy for the Devil's input. invisible, eternal realm. But "invisible" often isn't good enough
It's like Adam standing by & just watching Eve when she ate the for those of little faith.
fruit, instead of defending her from the Devil's lies & stopping her It's all by faith, and without it, it's pretty hard to find My favor,
from doing it. And often, blaming Eve, or womankind in general because faith is the basis of it all, the primary condition. You
continuously for the result of what happened, is one of the have to be willing to make a declaration that you prefer
causes for a lot that's going on in the world, & one of those something you don't see over something that you can see.
devilish schemes I'm trying to expose: the Devil tempts you to Otherwise there's no use in even starting or pretending to walk
blame them and you become resentful. He gives you an excuse or live by faith.
for not loving them and you fall for it! There IS no excuse for It means establishing a connection with invisible entities, people,
failing to love! To love is the one and only commandment, so why beings, whatever you want to call them, and allow them to
don't you keep it? become more important to you than some of the visible ones.
And to love does not just mean to passively & reluctantly The gifts of the Spirit are only found by those who truly seek
tolerate. To love is reaching out, actively going on the attack & them, and in order to seek them you must spend time in the Spirit
doing something to alter your "neighbor's" state, not blaming Realm, you must show some interest.
them, but taking the responsibility to do something about it! You're learning to love, you're learning to fight your spiritual
You see how much I can teach you about the very basic enemy, you're learning where to find those spiritual riches and
mysteries of life if you just take this time with Me seriously nourishment for your soul! You're learning to communicate with
enough & don't just view it as a repetitious duty or ritual? Reject the eternal ones instead of allowing the Devil's vain voices and
the lie of the Enemy that you're powerless and that you've got sirens to drown you out & hypnotize and entice you!
nothing to give, for you've got everything! There is no limit to It's a myriad of little, seemingly insignificant choices you're
what you can give, if you'll only start! There's an unlimited having to make each day, as to who you're going to listen to,
supply of fuel in your vehicle, but you still think you've got to whom are you going to follow, My voice and the whispers of
power it by your own puny force, like riding a bike uphill, when wisdom, or the Devil's roaring cheers, laughter and enticing
all you need to do is step on the gas, rev it up & get going! songs?
Stop looking at the non-existent void & emptiness that the Devil Keep your focus on the spiritual. Make the right choices!
is trying to paint before your mental eye & look at My riches that Distinguish between the Devil's lures & My whispers, and
are yours to give! You can really play Big Spender & dish it all between the way the world sees things and My way. Discern the
out! Imagine you had an unlimited amount of money to give away spirits. Seek wisdom. In the silence you will hear things that
to people, to whoever you met, and whoever would take it! Of really count and will make history. Here on the mountain! Not
course, some won't believe it & think it's just a joke, but others down in the valley. They're going to be washed away by the next
are just waiting for you to pull it out of your pockets! flood, the coming flood of the Devil's lies & iniquity that only
I seriously want you to start viewing yourself as a multi- relatively few will be spared from, as Noah and his family, or Lot
billionaire whose sole purpose for existence it is to reduce the and his...
poverty of the world & get busy dishing out the wealth! Start Refuse to go the way of the world, refuse to be colored by their
handing out the money & see how you'll be changing your part of influences, refuse to accept their standards! Question everything
the world! Whatever thou spendest, I will more than repay! you hear, except what you know comes from My good,
Every little drop of love you'll pour into each hungry & love- wholesome sources! And impart what you've been given to
others, to those who will listen to and receive you. Whereas the kind of love I want you to have for one another is
the kind that is blind to each other's faults, that just keeps loving
174 __________________________________________________ unconditionally, that refuses to let the Enemy plant any negative
I want you to stick to what's clean and wholesome & not drag thoughts about them in your mind & automatically casts a veil
in dirt and pollution from the world into your life and into your over any fault or flaw you might detect in them. You make that
midst, this sacred temple of your Home, which I want to set apart conscious decision: "No, I refuse to focus on that flaw in that
and consecrate for Me. person." And you can ask Me, "Lord, help me to see them as You
I want you to shut your doors to the temptations and perversions do!"
of the Enemy and discern hard between what is of Me and what is "If you look for the bad in people, you'll find it." So in order to
of him, for you cannot drink of My cup and his at the same time! maintain unity you refuse to look for it. Even if the Devil insists
I want you to open your door more for Me to cleanse your life in on showing you the bad, "Look here, their flaws, they're obvious,
& teach you My pure, giving and edifying ways of love and not look at them!" You just slam the door in his face & say, "Get lost,
the worldly ways of lust! punk!" And you refuse to even look at it. You just make a
Compared to the purity Adam & Eve had experienced in the constant decision to accept them the way they are, which will
Garden, all else was husks. All they wanted was get back to the also give you the grace to lovingly point out any shortcomings to
garden, and the thrills and pleasures of this sinful world were them without offending them. You can tell them almost anything
only shadows in comparison. you want to, and they'll always feel that your words are spoken in
But you can look forward to the Garden & you can start enjoying love, if your attitude behind it is, "Look, I love and accept you the
the wholesome, pure ways of loving of the future right now, & be way you are, but the Lord was laying it on my heart that perhaps
aware of not letting any of the defilements of the world enter in. you might actually be happier if you were more considerate of
Keep it pure; free of any of the influences of the world. this or that fact..." If you really love a person, you can find ways
Ask Me to open your eyes and to renew your vision! All the fancy to even point out their shortcomings to them without causing
images of distraction of the Enemy are disappearing, and now them hurt or offense. The trick is not to focus on the weakness
you're ready for My picture! Seek it with your whole heart. but on the person and how wonderful they really are, or even if
they're not & they've got a lot to work on, how wonderful they
175 __________________________________________________ could become by My grace, if only shown enough unconditional
It just won't work to do things without checking in with Me! If love, and that you have faith in them in spite of anything.
you want My blessing on something, come & get it! Your attitude must be, "Even if you're never going to get the
victory over that weakness, I will love you just the same. But if
176 __________________________________________________ you want, I can help you overcome your weakness & maybe we
Harmony can be obtained by keeping the code of conduct can overcome it with united efforts..."
that is appropriate for My children: a code that prefers the others' But you must never let another's weakness affect your love for
welfare over their own & that will do everything in one's power to them. You must keep it unconditional. That's superhuman love,
avoid causing the other's discomfort on your own behalf. If the but it's the kind of love available to you by My Spirit! You've just
others' welfare is actually more important to you than your own, got to reach out and receive it in the same way you're reaching
you'll simply conduct yourself in a manner that will always try to out and receiving this prophecy. You just pull it down from
make sure that you are making things alright for them. You walk heaven with that drawing power called faith, the "little strength"
of their need. that you have, which flips the switch that makes available for you
Your whole attitude is geared toward them instead of your own all the superhuman power that I have for you, in order to perform
needs and desires. It means to lick selfishness & to put your all those superhuman feats that others are incapable of. All
whole self on the backburner for the sake of others. For some you've got to do is ask Me for it and believe it!
people that's extremely difficult, because the Enemy tries to get Just pull it down, bit by bit, let the power run through your lines
them all wrapped up in themselves, makes them conscious of unit by unit, the same way electricity runs through the cables in
their needs, their lacks & their unfulfilled desires & so that's all your house & enables your machines to work!
they can focus on temporarily, until they decide to just forsake all It's not any harder than what you're doing right now. The only
that, ask Me to help them overcome all that in order for unity to difference is that you wanted the gift of prophecy badly enough
continue to thrive & prosper. in order to focus on it and believe Me for it, and you received it,
It is indeed a noble goal to strive for, a purpose and a cause to and you can receive any of those other gifts in the same manner!
live for, and the ultimate fulfillment of it is "Greater love hath no You just focus on it and then draw it down, you just use it, avail
man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends." That yourself of it, you make it happen, that's all. Just because you
love doesn't just come over night or all of a sudden. If you believe it. And just the same way you refuse to live a single day
haven't been willing to lay down your life everyday in the little without receiving My living Words to you, you can also refuse to
things & ways for others, if you constantly prefer your own go for one single day without the power of My supernatural &
welfare & consider your own well-being more important than divine, unconditional love! You just avail yourself of it in the
theirs, then you won't be able to lay down your life for them in a same manner as prophecy or any other gift you have the faith for
real life & death situation either. It starts today, with the little receiving. My gifts will make you truly happy, and you can make
things. Me happy, too, by believing Me for it and just availing yourself of
Unity with your brethren & co-fighters is not only a cause worth all that you need. It will help you make others happier, too, and
living for, but also worth dying for, beginning with the dying daily we're all going to be one big happy Family, the way I ordained it
of the little sacrifices you gladly make for each other, and that's to be, by each one availing themselves of the power and the gifts
the original spirit that used to permeate Family Homes and the at their disposal, using & sharing & making My power work for
spirit of every true Christian and child of God that ever lived everyone involved, just like a power circuit will go from utility to
throughout the ages. utility & light this lamp & that one & the other, until we've turned
It just means to constantly look out for opportunities to make life darkness into day! Just put a little love in your heart & shed a
a little easier & more pleasant for the others... to seek for ways to little light in theirs!
serve each other. It really makes life more enjoyable. So many It's pitiful when My children grope about without it, when they go
have lost and forgotten that art, mostly due to familiarity. As soon with so much less than they could be availing themselves of! So,
as they notice an unpleasant quality in someone they often when you see a need, when you see a hole, some flaw in
figure, "Oh, they're so far from perfect, why should I do them a someone that needs an infusion of My love & Spirit, don't make
favor?" Or, "They've got this & that weakness, certainly they're the mistake of shutting up your bowels of compassion & turning
not worthy of me sacrificing anything of my own resources or off your own light to them! Just turn it on & let it shine all the
efforts for them..." This doesn't happen consciously, but it's often more brightly in spite of that flaw, in spite of that darkness until
the underlying attitude that's there. you've ignited them, too. Just keep shining on in spite of
anything! That's your royal duty toward one another! My children out of them, somewhat, if you know that soon it's going to be all
owe it to each other to love each other. over. And it also takes the sting out of death, because you know
that death will hold such a glorious promotion for you and a
177 __________________________________________________ liberation from any hold that sin might still have over your body...
The line the Devil handed Eve concerning the forbidden fruit Not to mention all the physical ails & pains.
surely sounded tempting and it "felt right," but it was a lie You'll be a perfect teacher then. No more angry impatience, no
nonetheless. Whenever your feelings tell you anything that more rolling your eyes over any pupil's slowness in grasping
contradicts My Word or what I have told you, then you can be whatever you're trying to impart... You'll also be a perfect lover
sure about their source! Who are you going to believe? Me or then, able to read minds... able to read wishes from their eyes.
your feelings? So, if you feel incapable & like a lousy lover right now, just tell
Stick to the discernment of My Spirit; always verify those her, "Hang on! Soon I'm going to be perfect!" And it's true. So
intuitions or feelings with My Word & My counsel to you, and don't get impatient with each other, but wait for the perfect to
when those 2 don't coincide, you know which one you'll have to come. Even if you feel that your flesh is telling you a different
believe & choose as truth. story. You feel weaker & less capable all the time as the days &
I build a new foundation for your life, based on My New Wine, weeks, months & years roll by. But the power of the flesh was
your life saver. temporary in the first place, and the closer you get to the end of
Both, feelings and people are a very weak basis to build your that, the closer you get to the real thing.
faith and your life on. How much better a foundation is My Word! The real thing is the spirit. The flesh is a little playground where
The feelings I will give you will usually engender love, & you're able to play "god" for a little while... until you get tired of it
strengthen your love for someone, instead of doubt. Even if by & decide you prefer to let Me take over that part in your life again.
the gift of discernment I show you something that's wrong with And from then on you realize that although it seems to be going
somebody, My Spirit will enable you to cast a veil over their flaws downhill, you're really going uphill, because with each step
& love them in spite of it. I will even enable you to show love to further down, you get a step closer to Me!
your enemies! If you're open to My Spirit & really avail yourself of My power,
you might yet be in for a big surprise as to what I can still do with
178 __________________________________________________ a man who already thought of himself as passé & as good as
It's really true: "God's way up is down." It's just that so few dead. Moses' time of greatest usefulness didn't start until he got
people want to go My way, precisely for that reason: it takes them to the ripe old age of 80. So look up to the unlimited possibilities
downhill. Down to the defeat of the flesh, the revelation of its of the spirit & not down to the illusion of "I cannot" of the flesh,
uselessness, and up to the victory of the spirit and the revelation okay?
of its superiority & supremacy! You've got the Spirit, and the more you use It, the more you will
What is being associated with the word "teacher" nowadays, is a discover that usefulness will flood your life. You will feel truly
teacher without the Holy Spirit: a dead exchange of lifeless useful and used by Me if you'll use My Spirit to make it happen!
information, no life, no spunk, no enlightenment, because there's Use Me, and I'll use you.
no light! A blind guide of the blind.
Their little world is so puny & finite compared to the dimensions 179 __________________________________________________
that are open to you. They're the guardians of the ignorance the Whatever you learn or whatever knowledge you acquire, it's
Devil wants to bathe his captives in. Whereas I want you, as a still best to "lean not unto thine own understanding," but "in all
teacher of My wisdom & knowledge, to impart life-giving, thy ways" to "acknowledge" Me. Without the Spirit, any
liberating truths, not the impoverishing, blinding lies of the knowledge is dead, just as works without love are cold & dead.
System, destined to hide true knowledge from the people! It's the Spirit that makes the difference!
They bury the truth, you resucitate it! You will have to undo a lot I've put you there to learn patience for the less than perfect, and
of the Devil's work they are doing in countless children's lives! love for the unlovely.
My earthly "career" as a teacher, preacher, healer and prophet Everybody can love perfect people! There's nothing special
didn't last very long. And you have come to learn that My death about that. But it takes something to learn to love the imperfect &
was actually My zenith, My absolute destiny; there was nothing faulty & to put up with their flaws, look past and beyond them &
higher to be achieved or accomplish than what I did through My yet come up with a compassion for them that will enable you to
death. So, stop viewing death as a defeat! It will just be the proof even lay down your life for them.
of the pudding, that you were willing to live and to die for what So, learn to love others in spite of their faults! Recognize that
you've been preaching and teaching. That's what makes the they are all victims of something greater, just like you, and that
difference: you're not to be another teacher of mere dead facts & you're all there to help each other to overcome those
figures, but teaching others the eternal way of life! weaknesses & things that hold you captive. And knowledge is
And the cool thing about it is, death has no affect on it, not as helpful an aid in overcoming such things for most people
whatsoever, but it's merely your promotion to a much better as is simple faith & love!
working place, under much better conditions. A child has faith in people and love for people in spite of their
Any problems you might be having right now, such as with flaws. In fact, it can hardly even see them. Only those who are
impatience, etc., will all be a thing of the past then. Your already grown up often can't see anything but flaws, and what
weaknesses seem to be a part of you that seems to be pretty particular weaknesses they have to battle against, and what they
hard to get rid of. But that's why Salvation from your sins was should strive for or focus on in order to do so successfully.
the part that I've had to do, you don't have to worry about it! I'll Also, never underestimate the power of prayer to change & alter
take care of your weaknesses; just leave'em up to Me! any natural flaws & characteristics you or anyone might have!
When it comes to all that dirt, I'm "Mr. Proper," for real! I take Remember, the solution lies with Me. Anything you will learn will
care of it like nothing & no one else can! Through the daily be of no effect or avail if you don't bring it to Me in prayer & ask
washing of your soul & spirit in My Word I'm giving you a Me to help you overcome your weaknesses.
glimpse of what it's going to be like. Right now it seems like the
dirt is really hard to get rid of because it clings so easily to the 180 __________________________________________________
flesh. The less emphasis you put on the flesh, the more progress You're making progress in being aware of the Enemy's
you'll make in combating your besetting sins, but they won't be invisible workings behind the scenes!
gone completely until you're out of the flesh. They won't have Some things can be dangerous distractions from the Enemy to
any more power over your saved spirit! Isn't that something to get you off the wall of the work that I want you to do, and he
look forward to? doesn't hesitate to pull the meanest tricks & plays real dirty!
To focus on that goal will help you to realize how temporal it all You've gotten a glimpse of the lengths to which he will go in
is, the trials & battles you're going through... It takes the punch order to manifest his hatred against you! He's really a very bitter
and dangerous Enemy whom to underestimate has turned out to relationship with Me, like a dance that culminates in ardent
be a fatal mistake in many lives! passion & the final peak... the moment when you'll know even as
The old bastard would love to wipe you out & deal you a mortal you are known. So, look ahead, look forward! There's something
blow. He hates you, and he can see that soon you're going to get exciting to look forward to! That mark of the price is really worth
a lasting victory, because you just won't give in. it!
You need to learn to resist the emotional lies he's trying to hand
you. 182 __________________________________________________
You cannot trust your feelings, not even intuition! The Devil will Make My cause yours, and you'll really have something to
use anything to deceive you, and if he even uses My Word by say! If it's just your own opinion you're pushing, you'll only be
twisting it and falsely re-interpreting it, as he tried when he adding to the sea of voices & confusion. But if you become a
tempted Me, how much more so will he be able to use your mouthpiece for Me, I'm going to see to it that you're going to be
feelings to deceive you! heard!
It takes a little while & investment of time to make sure you're
making the right decisions, choosing the proper option(s) & thus 183 __________________________________________________
avoid making what could turn out to be a critical mistake. Reckon You're not alone! This is not the end of the world. Just
against whom you are fighting, and that in order for Me to protect another step closer to Me, closer to the goal! Closer is the word
you unconditionally, you must make sure you abide within the of the hour! It may not seem like it, and it looks as if it's through
walls of My will for you by faithful counseling & consulting with a whirl wind of turmoil & confusion, but nothing can change the
Me before any move you might plan to make. fact that I'm using this to simply draw you closer. Because that's
Once you do this, you can have the peace that I'm truly in it & where I want you: closer! And that's where you're going to be:
that I will protect and bless you in all you do. closer. Closer to Me and closer to My Kingdom, closer to the
181 __________________________________________________
There are a lot of things going on in your life that you're not 184 __________________________________________________
aware of, mistakes that you're making you're not aware of, forces Be more considerate of Me. To consider means to take note
affecting your life, etc. So it pays to tune in to the Spirit World to of, to pay attention to. You're still paying a lot more attention to
find out what they are, because I and your spirit helpers, are people, than you are paying attention to Me. You're still more
aware of them and can reveal them to you, if you're only preoccupied with pleasing them than pleasing Me.
interested enough & care enough to find out & listen. That's why I said I'm a jealous God. As long as people's opinions
You must study & investigate at times in order to really find out are still more important to you than what I've got to say, you're
what happened, what's been going on here, "who dunnit?" "Why not really My servant, but theirs. If you're going to be My servant,
are we stuck in a rut & don't seem to be making progress?" And then it's expedient that you heed Me first of all and make it your
that's exactly what We're here for: to let you know. primary responsibility to make sure you're pleasing Me.
You don't have to grope around blindly in the dark, clueless to You like to mingle & like to be accepted. But one disadvantage of
the machinations of the Devil & what he's been up to in your life that is that you easily compromise My standards in order to
in order to sabotage My plans for you. You can find out. That's please them. You want them to think well of you. But I've said in
what prophecy is for. You don't have to be ignorant of the Devil's My Word, "Woe unto you if all men speak well of you."
devices, plans & schemes, in fact you shouldn't and must not! You want people to like you and love you. That's natural. But
My heavenly forces are in a way like policemen or officers of law your primary concern should not be that people like you and love
enforcement, and it is their job to catch and expose the culprit. A you, but to love Me and obey My Word on how to best love them.
crime has been committed - or rather, countless crimes - and it is To love others, according to My standards, doesn't mean to do all
their and your duty to find out who was responsible for this. Who you can to please them so that you can be sure they'll love you,
were the perpetrators? Who instigated it, and who were the but to do the things that I tell and show you they will need the
helpers? Who was involved? most.
You won't be able to solve the whole mystery of My workings in The only hope you have is to stick close to Me and get your
this life, but I'm giving you a glimpse. There's a lot to learn, instructions from Me about what I want you to give to those
there's a lot to find out, and only those who don't see it, those around you, how I want you to manifest to them My love and My
who don't have a clue to the vastness of all that is there to idea of love.
explore & to find out about, actually get bored with all the There comes a time when I want you to learn to stand up for your
potential excitement around them that they're not even aware of. convictions.
There's so much more going on behind the scenes that concerns Sometimes you've got to take a hard stand in order to do the
you than you could ever even possibly find out in life. It will be right thing and fight the wrong! You've got to learn to be
one of the greatest & very special kicks for you in Heaven to consistently tough, yet loving.
solve the final mysteries & see My perfect sense in it all! Right We're fighting a tough & mean enemy. That means we've got to
now you can only see it by faith, but that faith is growing. In other learn to be tough, too, sometimes.
words, your ability to see the hidden mysteries of the spirit is You've got to do what I'm putting on your heart. You've got to
slowly growing, and day by day there is more & more to discover. obey Me even if they're going to hate you for it!
And the more you discover, the more you will be able to pass on How well are they going to think of you if all your efforts to make
and impart to others with ever growing clarity. it right for everyone and to please them become so frustrating
Even though there is so much more going on than you could that you wind up in rage and frustrated anger?
even begin to grasp with your earthly mind, all you really need to
know is that you can trust Me fully, that I'm in control, and I will 185 __________________________________________________
only allow things to happen to you that will be good for you in My old greats of faith like Moses, King David & My prophets
the end, because of My great love for you, because you have of old certainly prayed a lot! They didn't think they were all that
chosen to love Me. smart as to be able to handle things themselves & they fell flat on
I will always cause the wrath of man to praise Me in the end, & their faces about the situations they found themselves in on a
you will see how it worked out for the best, after all. regular, daily basis!
Just hang on through this time of relative ignorance, where Nowadays you people think you're so smart, you're lacking the
you're having to look for clues here & there as to what's really desperation & the humility to just surrender & realize there's no
going on. It'll just make the anticipation of coming to My full light way on earth you can do it on your own. And so, instead of
& knowledge greater & more exciting. committing those issues into My care, you try to figure them out
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." It's on your own.
the final orgasm, the climax of your life's symphony and Not praying enough is really a dumb thing to do, because it could
solve all your problems & prevent many of them from ever with keeping their own heads above water & not wind up a
happening in the first place! casualty themselves...
If you walk more in prayer, My Spirit will show you how to Your mistakes are one of the reasons why you're here. They're
properly handle people and situations. part of your learning program. And you're not the only one!
If you have a problem, you should make sure that you've done Ask Moses how he felt after slaying the Egyptian, or David after
your part to commit it into My hands, so that you know it'll be having slain Uriah, Abraham how he felt after having lied to the
taken care of and that I'm working on the solution. king of Egypt about Sarah... Jacob's sons after having sold
Jospeh into slavery, Zechariah, how he felt after doubting
186 __________________________________________________ Gabriel... oh, and of course, Adam & Eve...
I frequently have to change tactics & plans & methods, or The tempter is still around, tempting whoever he can find who's
even policies, according to the condition of My people. willing to lend him an ear!
So much depends on the decisions you make each day. If you That's one big advantage about the time you spend listening to
don't obey, I can't show you the way. Me: you can't listen to Me and the Devil at the same time! So if
Without prayer you're not going to get very far. It's the A & O, the you want to get rid of the Devil and his lies & you want to get his
beginning & end of all things in this business! doubts out of your head, just come to Me, listen to Me and dig
Changes of plan can happen because someone doesn't pray into My Word!
enough, doesn't apply himself enough in order to really make it There's no excuse for not getting in the Word!
happen! Self-satisfied indifference really does a lot of damage. As long as you're taking in My Word, you're gathering with Me.
You can't afford to be indifferent nor self-satisfied! That's exactly My Word will never return to Me void. If you receive My Word &
what the Enemy will shoot for, to get you to not rely on Me, but take it in faithfully, sooner or later your faith will have grown to
just float around on an elusive & deceptive cloud of false security the point where you will find an outlet & where it will benefit
that somehow you're gonna manage. But chances are you aren't others as well. But as soon as you stop receiving it & you stop
gonna manage unless you call Me for help! drinking it in and feeding on it, you're programmed to spiritual
starvation, death and decline.
187 __________________________________________________ What reasonable justification is there for stopping to take in your
When life becomes too easy, the desperation dwindles, the life-giving nourishment? What would ever stop you from eating
need you feel to seek My face disappears & that lazy old self- and drinking? But then people have always been a lot more
satisfaction settles in, that disgusting contentment with the way careful about not starving their bodies than their souls... How
things are, instead of the fiery desire to change the world! It's not about you?
that I don't ever want you to enjoy life, but I want you to see why I
must allow adversity in order to keep that vacuum alive inside 191 __________________________________________________
you, that urge to seek Me or else you know you're not going to There's only one way, & that's forward.
make it through the day! If you keep focusing on the Word as your most important priority,
Don't settle too easily for the happiness this world & this life has it's going to work like magic, because My Word IS the Magic! The
to offer. You'll always know there's something more, something Greatest Magic from before the beginning of time! The eternal
better to be found elsewhere; Here, with Me, in the Spirit! magic! Because it gives you faith, the power to move mountains,
and what greater magic is there than that?
188 __________________________________________________ Worship of creation isn't going to bring the same satisfaction and
If I handle your problems by not dwelling on them but fulfillment as the worship of the Creator, which is manifested in
encouraging you in spite of them, why don't you try to be a little taking heed to what He has to say as stated in His Word! The
more like Me in that aspect? Dwell a little more on the positive, written Word will compliment and enhance and enlarge your
on that which by faith you know is going to be, instead of on the treasure and reservoir of personal communications with Me. It
negative, the present conditions as you see them. will confirm to you that you are on My track & will show you
(whether) you are right in the center of My will! Because you are
189 __________________________________________________ part of My plan! Just because you don't witness the execution of
Focus on Me, not on what is lacking in your life, and I will the plan yet doesn't mean there is no plan! A plan is a big
show you what abundance of wonderful things We, you and I manifestation of faith, because it's the rough draft of some action
together, have got to give to the world! you're going to take. But the more intricate & special that action
Forget about the things that aren't perfect in your life! The is going to be, the more time needs to go into the making of the
perfect is coming, don't worry! But you can enjoy your ride on plan. So, if My plans involving you take a little more time than
your way there, even if it's not perfect yet! you would wish, relax, because it simply means that a lot of
I want you to learn to appreciate & be thankful for even the less preparation is going into you and My plans concerning you!
than perfect! Warfare: it constantly requires of you to make changes of plans
You've got a golden opportunity to make the best out of what & to develop new tactics, and you yourself change a lot.
you've got right now! Look at the positive, the opportunities, & When the Enemy does something in your life to try to foil My
not at the negative, the obstacles. That's the Devil's tactic: original plan for you, then I and My angels have to make
drawing your attention to what's missing. contingency plans & find alternative ways of making things work
Whereas, if you make it your priority to zoom in on Me, the out for the best for you & to still bring you to your level of utmost
Perfect factor in your life, Who at the same time can make all the possible usefulness for My kingdom!
other aspects of your life as perfect as possible by pouring out The more you are battling, the more important you are to Me,
My blessings on you in response to your seeking them in the first because if you weren't, then the Devil would just leave you in
place, the whole story is going to sound different! peace! But if you come out for Me & stick your head out of the
Make the best out of what you've got, instead of always seeing trench, that's when he starts firing, and those are the times when
whatever is missing that keeps it from being perfect! Enjoy what you should cling to Me all the more desperately.
you have! It could be worse! Things won't ever be totally perfect You should get excited & say, "Hallelujah! The Devil is mad, so
in this life. They're meant to be imperfect, and for a good reason, we must be accomplishing something or doing something right,
as you'll fully understand in due time. Just trust and enjoy! which he hates!"
Every time he attacks I'm expecting you to turn to for help so that
190 __________________________________________________ we can lick the foe together! I'm with you, and at no time is this
There's nothing wrong with just doing the little things it takes more true than when you're fighting the Enemy! There is no
to keep the boat afloat. In a crisis situation there isn't much time greater proof that you're on My side than when you're fighting My
for people to pay special attention to others... It's an "all hands Enemy.
on deck" scenario, where everybody is pretty busy & occupied I wait for you to come to Me, in order to help you to get the
victory, so that you will know it's not you who wins them, but that Me, and you have My permission to answer the need
only I can win them through you! Next time you're battling, immediately!
remember that I'm only waiting for you to come to Me to give you Making love conditional is such a nuisance of the Enemy! He
the victory! That's what will show that you've really learned how makes you take on the role of the judge & jury in your mind &
to fight properly! I'm your greatest weapon, your shield and your utter the verdict: "No, I won't love you or show you any love
exceeding great reward! I will be your Victory! I will show you because you have failed in this & that or because you've
precisely which weapons to use, which are going to be the most committed this or that wrong..."
effective in dismantling him & destroying him and his plans, his That's also the picture he would like to paint of Me in the minds
lies in your life! of each of My children. I'm so glad you're finally getting to know
So, come on back to Me; make Me and My Word your priority, the real and truthful picture of Me, of Who I really am, and what
and you'll never regret it! I'm really like. And that's precisely the picture and message I'd
love you to convey & pass on to others.
192 __________________________________________________ Somebody's gotta tell'em that I love them! I don't want to judge
You still have a lot to learn about faithfulness in the little them, I don't want to accuse them, I don't want to hold grudges
things. against them, I just want to love them!
You can be My hero by being faithful in the small & little things. Every failure you spot in others, I'm allowing them to happen in
When I meant for you to shoot your arrow into the unseen order to deal with something in your life that needs straightening
distance, do you think I was talking about physical distance? I'm out! Nothing happens by accident. And it's often a test of,
asking you to aim for My Realm! My Realm is the invisible "What's he gonna do? How's he gonna react? Is he going to self-
horizon I want you to shoot for, and the only place where you're righteously blame & point the finger & put on a harsh &
really going to find your dream and its fulfillment. My Realm is unforgiving attitude? Or is he going to remember that he himself
the "Real Thing." is also to blame for the same thing, and use it as a reminder of
The temporal realm is nearly unreal by comparison to My eternal his own NWOs and treat the matter in a loving manner, the way
and everlasting values. That's why I mean for you not to seek he would like to be treated himself?" For "with the same measure
great things for yourself, as it says in Jeremiah, nor to dream of ye mete it shall be measured to you again." (Matth.7:2)
accomplishing great & mighty works. The little things you can Blaming and holding things against another creates an iron wall
accomplish by striving for the gifts of humility and faithfully of separation between you, and will separate you from the people
doing whatever you can to really unselfishly be of help to others you're trying to minister to, and consequently from any fruit you
for them to make it on their way, that's what I consider mighty might bear otherwise and the bountiful results I would have you
works. reap in your life if you'd walk in love as you have been loved.
For I look not as man sees. To be faithful in prayer for others, to Don't let the Devil trick you & cheat you out the joy of giving what
be faithfully studying and absorbing My Word, to faithfully tend you have been given!
to the needs of the little ones around you, to faithfully and
humbly and gratefully continue to praise Me, even in the midst of 194 __________________________________________________
adverse circumstances... that's what I call mighty feats of the Getting to know Me is part of the purpose of life... You can't
Spirit! really love someone unless you know them, right? So, in order to
Your prayers are like that arrow, and My heart is the goal, and learn to love Me it sure helps to get to know Me.
that what you aim for is the things you would like Me to You've got to learn to handle a two-people relationship before
accomplish for you. you can learn how to deal with more. Never underestimate the
My warriors are warriors of the Spirit! My battle is happening in power of 2 or 3 gathered together in My name.
the realm of the spirit! It's a reminder of the importance of little things for someone like
The only way victories over evil spirits are won are through you, who would prefer to be totally in tune and in sync with the
humbly using the spiritual weapons of prayer, praise and whole universe immediately: If you can't even get a little 2-person
claiming My promises; in other words, by hoping & trusting in relationship into sync and in tune, how can you expect to get in
Me to do the real fighting for you! sync with the entire universe?
You can summon My angels and My spiritual fighters to come to Start off with (a bite on) something you can actually chew.
your aid by availing yourself of the spiritual weapons. If you can't lay down your life for this one, who's to guarantee
You must let go of the flesh and embrace the Spirit if you want to that you'll ever be able to do so for anyone?
win the battles before you. Learning to love your neighbor as yourself, and getting to know
"Come on down, walk on the ground with Jesus!" You're not Me better... hey what was that about the purpose of life? I think
going to do anybody much good up there, floating high above we're getting mighty close here.
everybody else... You'd be much more of a help right down there
in the nitty-gritty, pitching in with all the little things that need to 195 __________________________________________________
be done & that are necessary in order to make life smooth & Your chain is only as strong as your weakest link, your Home
workable for everyone. as strong as your weakest member, and if one of you falls, it
The victory is not won by restlessly wandering off toward distant, shows that you didn't do a good job in making sure your spiritual
solitary horizons & daydreams, but by faithfully observing the walls were fortified & strong enough to make sure that everybody
humble tasks I ask you to do! And sticking to them consistently. was going to withstand this attack.
You've got to stop thinking in terms of an independent individual
193 __________________________________________________ & start thinking in terms of a unit. What's best for the unit, for the
Welcome to the modus operandi of how things should and body, for the Home?
are supposed to be! Welcome to the way it works when you are Things change in the spirit the very moment you make the
in unity! Welcome to victory level! It's amazing what it took just decision to let something else take the priority over the most
to get there, isn't it? Just a little bit of love. Just a little bit of important thing in your life - the Word.
giving of yourself! See, when I'm asking you to put Me first, this You made the wrong choice, and the repercussions of it were a
doesn't always mean that you have to absolve your full 2 hours steady decline of your spiritual strength, of the spiritual walls of
of time with Me before you can show those by your side some your Home, your vessel, whatever you want to term it. As its
love! In fact, I prefer if you go to it & put into action right away captain, you're responsible for its welfare and safety. That's what
what I show you within the first 5 minutes, & then you can come responsibility is all about. You can't just say, "Oh, well, if she
back to Me for more later on, that's fine. sinks, I'm a good swimmer!"
But when someone is in need of love - especially someone as If she sinks, chances are you're going down with the boat.
special and important as your co-pillar that alongside you The results of your neglecting My Word were that it was even
upholds the structure of your Home - that's always a priority for more difficult for you to get into My Word today, which shows
that a downhill spiral will just go further downhill until you decide make it all clear. Trust Me in this also, that I have a good &
to stop & get desperate about going the opposite direction again. perfect reason for withholding the meaning of some of the things
from you that you don't understand... It may sound a little tough,
196 __________________________________________________ but Dad was right when he said, "You don't have to understand;
Everything in this physical life is vile, faulty and almost evil all you have to do is obey."
in comparison to My heavenly Realm, and unclean, because you In other words, obedience is better than understanding and
are all under the curse of the fall. So, if I can use any, I can use knowledge. Knowledge can be nothing but a bunch of head-
all. As long as there's any kind of noble ambition, as long as stuffing, but obedience - obedient action - will get you places!
there's any kind of receptivity for what's good, I'll use that, You're better off knowing a little less and doing a little more than
regardless of the circumstance of the person having picked the vice versa. It's better to do than to know, and, of course, best of
wrong religion or even having grown up in it. all, to know these things and do them...
With the state Christianity has been in for the longest time, it's Sometimes it just takes Me a little while to persuade some of My
really no wonder that people can't possibly imagine that that's prophets, servants or kings to yield to do My will. It's when they
where the answer's supposed to be, and you can't really finally get to the point where they realize that there's no point in
blame'em for choosing to rather look for it at the other end. arguing with Me or thinking they know better than Me, no point in
The difference is that some sincerely keep an open mind and questioning or doubting Me, that all they can do is trust that I
heart, and continue searching, and instead of falling into a rut of know best, that they will finally consent to just letting Me have
clinging to their pre-fabbed notions & attitudes, they keep My way in their lives... Whether you may be able to see that point
checking out what's wrong and what's right. And if they detect coming in your life or not, trust Me, it will come, as long as you
something that's not right within their own ranks, they're not keep saying "yes" to Me, even if you don't fully understand.
afraid to break ties with them, even if that means danger to them. Faith is a drawing power. It keeps drawing and drawing, and as
Others prefer to compromise. They stick to their old mindsets & you draw, I will draw you closer to Me.
attitudes they were brought up with, they continue to go the way As long as you keep believing and receiving, I will keep you
of the System and play the game until the end. They won't dare to moving... forward, toward Me.
risk losing everything they have gained and accumulated, no
matter whether it's right or wrong. 197 __________________________________________________
That's why I say in My Word that you have to let the weeds grow That's the ultimate test of humility: When you know that
along with the good plants, and you can separate them at harvest people aren't treating you the right way, when you know they are
time. sinning against you, or even going to commit a crime against you
It's not that quickly determined sometimes, whether something is that they're going to regret for all eternity, as in the case of My
going to turn out to be an "evil tree" or not. It's pretty clear once crucifixion, when in such a situation you still won't resist evil, but
they get to a ripe old age and they are definitely set in their ways. stay humble and meek and not say a word, and just let it be...
But My ways are pretty "weird" sometimes & hard to put in a box, That's also the ultimate in faith, because you just trust, that even
& thus it can happen that I use something that is apparently though your rights are being violated, and an atrocity is about to
"from the other side" in order to bring about My plans & purpose. be committed against you, you still trust that I and the Father are
I used the Beatles to trigger a movement that would give birth to in total control and won't allow anything but the best for you to
the Family, as a new and living alternative, as well as a scourge happen to you...
and a convicting testimony to the old, brittle church of that day. It was relatively easy to preach "love your enemies, do good to
Just like I have used the Muslims as a scourge to Christianity them that hate you & pray for those that despitefully use you and
when they had fallen into their idolatries in the past... persecute you." But that night I was taken, and when I suffered
Nobody can really tell Me what I'm supposed to do or not, which on the cross, I had to prove that I really believed what I had been
is one privilege I have as God and the Master of the game. The preaching, and that's the showdown where it will be manifest
Devil and some of his people try the same, and they try to play how much of a real Christian you really are, when it comes to
God, too, but as the entire universe will see in time, We shall see showing how much you're really capable of loving your enemies.
Who will have been best at playing it. As I've said, anybody is capable of loving or liking or at least
Napoleon was one of those and was told "Man proposes but God getting along with their friends or relatives... at least that's the
disposes." All you can do is commit them into My hands and way it used to be. But loving your enemies, showing love toward
trust that I will show them their limitations. those who abuse you & treat you badly, that's a completely
I use all kinds of methods in order to keep the battle alive. I can't different matter.
allow My people to fall asleep or fall into a false sense of security, Check your heart. Would you be ready for persecution? Would
thinking there is nothing wrong and no one to fight. The World is you know which is the right way to react? What if they lock you
in the hands of the Enemy, and as long as that is the case, there up? What if they don't grant you any rights? What if you had no
will never be true peace in this life for My true children. Bible, no notebook and nothing but those verses & KPs you
So, marvel not at My ways, nor wonder whether these things can actually memorized? Would you be rich or poor then?
really be so. Nothing is impossible with Me. You can't put Me in a You'd better be prepared for such scenarios. You need to realize
box, you can't tie Me to a certain club or group of people or claim you'll stand much better chances to get the things you would
that I belong exclusively there or in this corner or that drawer... need in such situations, and of better treatment if you are
If the Enemy has you or any of My other chosen fighters cooperative, humble and friendly.
cornered, I will have to stir up and awaken someone else You can't let your anger & pride carry you away!
temporarily, in order to use them and divert the Enemy's The days are evil. These are the Last Days, and the Endtime is
attention from you. Then, once they will have experienced the here...
heat of the fight & will have found out that it's not altogether a Knowing how to behave in such a situation can make all the
piece of cake, either, then they will have to prove themselves, difference in the world.
and at the same time I will give you a break and another breather Try to practice some "love your enemies."
in order to gain some ground again. There is nothing you can do against the tide of injustice that's
Don't worry if this will appear to make sense to no one else but sweeping the world. All you can do is be a beacon and a witness
you. Some things are just between Me and you because you have for the truth, and you can only be that by being a true sample of
a unique mind, and although others may want to partake of your it. Love that is capable of loving your enemies has always been a
mind and be part of it, it doesn't necessarily mean that they will very strong sample and witness throughout the generations, and
have to - nor be able to - understand all of it. has been a proof of who My real followers were.
Many things written in the Bible aren't clearly understood by Don't make any mistakes you might regret by acting unwisely
everyone or even anyone, they're to be revealed in their time. I toward them that are without. "Agree with thine adversary
like to keep some things a mystery until the time has come to quickly whilst thou art in the way with him..."
in advance. I like to keep some things a mystery, at least for a
198 __________________________________________________ while & long enough to give you time to make an effort to use
The greatest way in which you can manifest your faith in My your brain to find out what you can about it. Godly wisdom and
Words is by obeying them. knowledge are gifts of the Spirit. You just have to discern
I shine My love on you and you reflect it to the World... between System input and My wisdom, or carnal thinking.
Sometimes you achieve the greatest results & effectiveness not Or the freedom of choice I have given everyone to either doubt or
by doing it all yourself, but by focusing & transferring whatever believe Me.
amount of love and power you've got onto a certain vessel, Some of the things you know today weren't necessarily always
receptacle or tool that can do the work much better for you! clear to all the angels. When Adam & Eve ate of the forbidden
It takes all unnecessary pressure off your back, of thinking fruit, not all of them were aware of the fact that this was what had
you've got to do it & yet feeling so incapable, when I'm showing been expected. So, these things can be a test of faith sometimes.
you, you don't have to do it, you can just let them do a lot of it for When it seems like God failed, only those who loyally believe in
you. their hearts that He really IS infallible can keep believing, trusting
It always sounded abusive to you, like slavery, to "use" and obeying Him.
somebody. But that's all that some people need and want. The temptation is there to think, "What is He doing? That's not
Including Me! I like you to use Me! I can't wait for you to use Me right..." And the temptation of self-righteousness, of thinking you
and put Me to work, put Me to the test, to make Me do it for you! could or would have done better. That choice is there, for
Isn't it a relief to have those around who are glad to do it for you everyone. Constantly. That's the plan of free choice.
when you feel like you just can't? Well, you can! Through them! You may be tempted to think, "Hey, God, what's up with Your
Everybody in life has got their purpose, their place and their Family? They're failing You left & right..."
perfect task, and there's nothing wrong with the fact that some Maybe this is your weak point, your point of temptation, where
are existing to serve. The trick is to return the service with the you're having a hard time trusting Me for all things... You may
appropriate amount of appreciation, kindness, attention and love. trust Me in everything else, but when it comes to My people, My
The Devil has drilled this dislike to the idea of "serving" and Family, you seem to have the tendency to think that I don't quite
being used into people's heads, when that's what a lot of them know what I'm doing, or that I'm not capable of coming up with
really inwardly long for and are destined to do! And on the other something you would consider they ought to be.
hand he places some sense of false humility into others, who But why should I withhold the same freedom of choice that I gave
think they should do it themselves, and they fall under Adam & Eve from the Family? Why should I painstakingly see to
condemnation over the fact that they just cannot... I have it that the Family is "perfect," without the option of failing, (and
ordained it thus that they don't have to do it themselves. All I'm talking about every single individual), when that is the overall,
they've got to do is what I've enabled them to do, to love maybe grand plan? You see, the plan is to show how I can use you, how
just one key person and focus on them & pour all the love into I can work through you, in spite of your weaknesses.
them that they've got, and that person will spread that love to That's exactly the big lesson I want to teach the Devil and all
many others. those on his "perfection through own abilities" trip: the more
It's like one of those water pitchers for watering plants: you pour feverishly someone tries to be perfect in their own strength, the
your water in in, and it comes out over a larger area than you bigger the mess they're making out of things, whereas the
could have covered, and without making a mess! Everybody's greatest saints who ever lived learned to let Me do all things
got their purpose & it will work wonders if shine your love on the through them.
chosen receptacle for all you've got to give. Never forget your No matter how hopeless a case you may be in the eyes of others
most important job and responsibility. - or others may be in your eyes - I can use both, you and them, in
It's as if I would have given Eve to Adam for a help to meet his spite of it, if you'll just let Me & give Me a chance. That no flesh
needs & he would have said, "Uh, no, Lord, it's okay... Thanks, should glory in My presence. That I will get the glory for it, since
but I actually think I'm going to manage just fine by myself..." I'm the One Who initiated the whole thing in the first place, and
The history of mankind might have become a lot happier tale to the One Who will complete it. The only difference is between
tell if men - instead of running off & waging wars or trying to those who think they can do it themselves and those who got the
become richer than their fellowman in order to make a great point that there's no way on earth, no chance in a lifetime that
name for themselves - would have been more aware of the role they can, without Me.
they were destined to play, which would have been to truly love And that's what's going to make the one difference that counts
their women and make sure that they were completely fulfilled in between the Family and the rest of the world: the realization that
doing their jobs & fulfilling their destinies. it's not in you or them, but in Me. As Dad said, "Lord-letters." To
Love just didn't sound like an occupation worth their time. Well, it each one of you applies what Dad said, "When He can get you
was for Me, and that's the big difference between those who out of the way, then He has a chance!"
follow Me and those who follow the ways of the world and their And as long as there are all these disturbing elements of self in
god... I am never too busy for love, nor is anything else ever the way, that seek for a way to pat yourselves on the back for
more important to Me than love. There is never anything more what you've accomplished, instead of letting go & letting Me do it
important than to make sure you're fulfilling your destiny to love. through you & seeking to give Me all the credit & glory for it, it's
Love is your destiny! not where it's at.
Realize just how important it is and you're failing if you don't Usually the point where people really get to the point of letting
love, no matter how great & wonderful you think whatever else Me do it through them comes with times of great desperation, in
you're doing might be! times of great crises & great need. As long as everything is
Acquiring riches or conquering lands, all that is naught if they affluent, as long as it's times of peace & plenty, usually My
have failed to love. No matter what you did, it is nothing, people simply aren't desperate enough to be willing to just have
compared to love! Every humble little person who just did themselves "erased" & just let Me be there through them...
whatever they could to show somebody sincere and genuine love Again, it's like the Garden of Eden: the situation was too perfect,
is greater in My eyes than all the great conquerors, heroes, super too smooth, too easy for them, there was no need to get
stars and multi-millionaires together! desperate, they felt no need to watch out for temptation, to seek
Love is the secret. Foolish is the man who neglects it. Wise is he Me as fervently as Adam did after the fall, to find out what the
who respects it. Perfect will he be who makes it his all-in-all. For I Devil was up to next.
am Love and thus, love IS all-in-all! It may seem a little unfair to you that I'm having to use all these
adverse & difficult situations in order to get people to allow Me to
199 __________________________________________________ use them - and for them to use Me, seek My wisdom & answers,
I love to answer your questions. But I don't always like to etc. - but that is really only because you see it from your own
hand you the answer on a silver platter & tell you the whole score subjective point of view. You like to have things easy. That's your
personality. And as soon as things get tough, you complain, to conform to the already existing way of doing things. It's not
"that's not fair!" But that's where you have to trust Me when I say, the time anymore for you to imitate others' behavior, but to come
"Well the easy way may look best to you, but it doesn't to Me!" up with your own, based on My instructions.
You may think the easy way is the best, but I see it differently! To I may ask you to do things nobody else has ever done before. I
you, the easy, comfortable & smooth way, the path of the least have equipped you with the crazy faith to believe Me for things I
resistance & friction may seem the most desirable, but I say, "not may never have asked of anyone else, or that you've never heard
so." or seen before...
That's why I'm trying to get you to enjoy & relish the battles & It's in your power to make a difference, and it's about time you
hardships, to rejoice in them and to praise Me for them, because, wake up to that calling & live up to it! Don't sink back into the
contrary to your own natural inclinations, they're the best things morass & mire of sleepy conformity, but dare to be different, and
that can happen to you! Without them you would become not only different, but unique! Because you are. There is nobody
pampered, spoiled, lethargic, indifferent, lacking all incentive to in the whole universe quite like you, so, trying to fit into the mold
seek Me - much less desperately - in short, useless. As far as I'm of others & yielding to the Devil's attempts to get you to blend in
concerned. & just act like everybody else is denying your true calling & your
So, your troubles & trials make you what you're supposed to be! real identity.
They change you from something I can't use into useful tools & You're not like everybody else, period! I want you to act in each
instruments in My service. They may be the things you least want situation not as you may have learned from old, existing patterns
nor appreciate in your life, but I say, appreciate them, because of how people habitually act in such situations, but to come up
you need them! Rejoice in them and praise Me for them, with your own, brand new patterns, based on what I'm telling
because... You want the Family to become what they're meant to you, how you're supposed to act.
be? Well, that's the way! Those troubles, trials, afflictions, Don't be like everybody else, be what I'm telling you to be & what
problems & battles... all those things you'd preferably do without, I want you to be. Don't act like everybody else, but do what I tell
are the very things that are going to accomplish that & bring you and want you to do, even if nobody has ever done it before.
about the changes you need! This isn't the same as wanting to be a "special" sheep. I'm calling
And that means, the harder they are, the better and more people to step out & have the guts to dare to be different again &
effective they're going to be. That's why you'd better get used to do unusual things, things nobody else has ever done or tried
fighting & battling mode. Because the more you battle and fight, before.
the stronger you're going to be - in Me. And the stronger in Me
you'll be, the more My light & love they'll see! 202 __________________________________________________
Rejoice & praise Me every day for your troubles, for every Your anger stems from the frustration about things not being
moment & situation when things are not "the way they're the way you think they should be. You think life is treating you
supposed to be." Thank Me for your challenges. Therein lies the unfairly, you deserve better than that, & a lot of that anger is
secret of recent success and progress! directed at Me and those whom I seem to prefer in your eyes, by
Praising Me for your battles and challenges is one of the most making things easier for them.
positive, effective & powerful actions a human can take, and Instead of respecting My judgment, it leads you to defiance &
applying one of the most powerful & devastating weapons rebellion against Me... you think you know better and would have
against the Enemy of your souls. Praise Me for your afflictions, done better, if you were Me, which is exactly the kind of pride that
battles & adversities. caused Satan to fall. It's the root of all sin, and you must
recognize that it's the very spirit of Satan complaining about Me,
200 __________________________________________________ cursing Me and wishing he would be in My stead. You think you
Your destiny is to give, and to give and always to give, even could do better than I, if you were endowed with My powers, you
if there doesn't seem to be anything to give. As long as you keep think you're more just, more righteous, you deserve more than
giving, I will give back to you. what I'm handing you. But only in the yielding to My better
In your poverty I am making you richer than others who bask & judgment & humbly & gratefully accepting the job and the slot in
dwell in their material riches. St. Martin didn't say, "Well, if I had 2 life I assigned you to can you find peace and can you start
coats, I would give you one," but he gave half of his own. It is walking the way of true accomplishment, fruitfulness &
time for more heroes and saintly knights like that, and I want you fulfillment in Me.
to be like that. Since you sincerely want to make progress and come closer to
I want you to live what others are preaching. I want you to be a Me, I'm showing you your enemy and what hinders you.
living sample of true Christianity & show the world that there is Like Dad said, "you are your own worst enemy," & it's time you
still hope. Just the fact that there are people who don't only care face down that "Mr. Smith."
about themselves, but will also give of their own substance, even The pride that makes you think you're better than God, the root
to their own hurt, will be a spark of hope that will rekindle the of all sin, is what keeps you from truly drawing closer to Me!
faith in many, even in the darkest time of the history of the world.
Setting your affections on things above & not on things of this 203 __________________________________________________
earth means to make people and souls your true and lasting It takes perseverance to change the world, not letting
riches. Accumulating physical wealth is hardly a cause worth adversity discourage you & turn you away at the first show of
living for. And if so, then at least you can use it to share it with resistance.
the needy and help others when you can... You're burying your talents and opportunities to change the
But you must focus beyond material things. They cannot be what world under the fears of what people might think about you, fears
your life revolves around. of their dislike & rejecting you... You figure, "well, if they don't
Your main focus should always be on Me and the job I have given want it, I'm not going to give it to them, even if I know they need
you of giving, loving & caring for others. it..." That's pride. You're not willing to pay the price of
confrontation for their souls. That's sad. I understand and
201 __________________________________________________ sympathize with you, but I'm hoping that you will become more
Make a positive difference! The art lies in seeing in others the of a fighter than that, that you will acquire greater faith, love &
good & positive that is not so obviously seen... to patiently put humility in order to overcome those fears & that pride.
up with others' flaws & be helpful, loving & tolerant.
You cannot go by the sample others showed you, because I have 204 __________________________________________________
given you different strengths, a different capacity to love... You are different, and there's no use trying to hide it. The
You're different, so don't go by how others have treated you, more you try to pretend to be just like them, the weirder it will
because I have equipped you differently in order to be able to act seem, because it won't really come across as honest. You
differently. I have created you in order to make a difference, not pretend to be something you're not, & they would accept you
faster for what you are if you'd be more straightforward about it. I'm going to do. See whether I will disappoint you! See whether I
You're trying to please both sides, Me and them, but that's will open the windows of heaven & pour forth a blessing that
precisely what doesn't work, as he that is a friend of the world there will not be room enough to hold it!
will be the enemy of God. You're going to have to decide that you
just want to please Me, above all and no matter what, that's what 206 __________________________________________________
it all boils down to. The Spirit Herself helpeth your infirmities of not knowing
It has always been easier when you had a group of people to live what to pray for as you ought, & sometimes helps you to come
together with & just do the "pleasing Me" thing together. It's very up with the solutions already while you ask, fulfilling My promise
hard to stand up & stand out for Me as a single family unit. that "before they call, I will answer."
Don't base your belief system & your actions on what you see It's a little bit the way you find solutions & reach helpful
other people do, on how they treat you or whether they like you conclusions sometimes by just talking and communicating about
or not. It has to be your own conviction that must spur you on to things. Communication is really a magical thing. It triggers a lot
do what you know is right. It cannot just be the current of others of answers, opens doors & vaults of possibilities you weren't
pulling you along, "I'm doing it because they're doing it!" aware of before, and if it already does the trick with regular
Stop putting on a show of pretending to be just like everybody human communication, think of how much more effective your
else. communication with Me can be!
The answer to your lack lies in greater faith, trust & reliance on
205 __________________________________________________ Me. "Ye have not because ye ask not." If you haven't asked Me
I'm always eager to pour out, even if the Devil is trying to for supply in the first place, then it shouldn't surprise you too
whisper the opposite in your ear, like "you don't deserve it, you much that there's not much happening.
haven't been good enough..." Thanks for not listening to him! Every now & then I simply expect you to stir yourselves up to call
Thanks for ignoring him! Thanks for ignoring his attempts to on Me to supply your needs, so that you will know that it comes
distract you or get you to look at the waves! from My hands & you won't just take it for granted!
Thanks for being faithful to Me and for keeping the faith & good
spirits! I know it's not that easy at times, so I doubly appreciate 207 __________________________________________________
your efforts to stay cheerful, victorious and in the Spirit! Thank I have chosen you to be one of those who had to build their
You for praising Me when you felt like cussing! I like that kind of faith solely on Me, your knowledge of Me, My Word and My
faith, that kind of proclamation that you still think I'm tops even if personal communications to you. Abraham or Moses were such
it may look as though I'm allowing things to happen to you that pioneers of faith, who've had to find Me basically on their own,
make it tougher on you instead of easier. without much tutorship or guidance from any human party, with
I like it when you make an effort to go in the right direction & few exceptions.
make progress. It doesn't primarily depend on the training you receive what kind
Heavenly thought power is a process during which I reclaim of man you're going to be, but it depends on the choices you
territories in your mind that the Enemy had usurped and make.
occupied, and it very much involves a conscious effort on your I want to be your Tutor. I want you to know Me so well personally,
part, and some active fighting on your behalf! that you won't have to depend on anybody else's good sample,
It's not some passive waiting to be endowed with the grace from but that My sample will be sufficient for you! I want to prove that
on high. You're going to have to keep at it, be on guard! the Spirit is more important than the flesh! My carnal presence is
Praising Me when you that you're getting into this grumpy mood not necessary for you, My disciples, to do greater miracles than I
& spirit is the best thing you can do! Just show the Devil that did. Paul accomplished more for Me than the other 11 who had
you're absolutely convinced that not only I'm the Boss and in walked with Me and had seen Me in the flesh! He relied on the
control, but that I also perfectly know what I'm doing, and that Spirit!
you're convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that even if you The flesh is irrelevant! Forget about it! When it comes to
may find yourself in an unpleasant situation, that if I've allowed accomplishing things for Me, what matters is the Spirit. Not how
it, it's got to be the absolute best possible thing happening to good you are in the flesh, nor how good the samples were that
you, because I love you and only will allow the best for you! you have seen, not how good the training was or wasn't that you
That's the spirit of meekness! One of the fruits of the Spirit! You received, it all depends on your personal connection with Me!
meekly accept that I know best and you yield to it, whatever I If you witness, I want you to do it with the incentive of helping
have chosen for you. them to establish a personal, direct, spiritual relationship with
Cast down those imaginations and high falluting thoughts and Me! I want you to win them to Me. Once you've won them to Me, I
fears born of pride that exalt themselves against the better may lay it on their heart to want to serve Me, and I may show
judgment of the truth & knowledge of God! Get real! Look at the them that the Family is the best place for them to do so, just as
real picture! Don't let the Devil bluff you into believing his fake you have come to the same conclusion and still believe after all
reality! Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of these years.
Christ! To bring a gospel and a message to the world that they don't
Let Me tear down the walls of the Devil's strongholds in your want to hear is nothing for the proud! This is a job that requires
mind & cast down his imaginations, so that I can recapture each superhuman humility and obedience, faith and love that goes
& every one of your thoughts in order to get you to stop believing beyond the natural qualities of man.
the Devil's lies! Believe Me instead! You've got nothing to lose! I'm expecting of you the humanly impossible. There's no sense
Only all My greatest blessings to gain! even to try to begin serving Me, unless you believe that I in you
Don't focus on the weaknesses, on the flaws, on your sins or will work the humanly impossible!
those of your brethren, but on Me, Who will help you overcome I'm all about busting the confines of what the Enemy and your
them! Don't listen to all the garbage the Enemy tries to heap up human carnal mind have taught you all your life is possible and
in your minds to keep you from doing the job of winning the lost! what not! The Devil says, "you cannot fly." I say, "Believe in Me
Whatever he tells you, whatever atrocity may befall you, it's and you will!" The Devil says, "You cannot live forever!" I say,
irrelevant, compared to the rewards & glories & immense eternal "Believe in Me and you will!" The Devil says, "You cannot tell
blessings you will reap if you ignore him and just keep doing it in people about this! They're never going to believe you! They're
spite of whatever he may say! There is no higher calling! going to say you're crazy!" I say, "Believe Me, and I will lead you
Whatever else you may do, when you get Here, you will realize to those who will receive you, contrary to your natural
that compared to witnessing, it was all a waste of time. How expectations!"
much more could you have given to win one more, ten more, a My grace is so immense that even when you believe not, I remain
hundred more? Is this going to be your lament? faithful, I cannot deny Myself!
Go out like Abraham, not knowing whither he went, and see what When you show that, "Okay, I'm going to believe God, even
though I personally can't see how He's gonna do it," then I'm privilege, so, don't act like Joe the mechanic who thought he was
going to do what you can't, I promise! too smart to consult the boss when he ran into trouble, but do
Don't worry about what to say, because it will be given you what consult Me, check in with Me regularly whether the way you're
to say! When witnessing, the outcome is My responsibility. It's going and doing it is where it's at as far as I'm concerned.
something you do by faith, and it's My responsibility to reward That's why I enjoy talking to you in prophecy! It's one thing you
that faith! can't do in the flesh! For every Word you've got to suck on My
The best training anyone can receive is that of My Spirit, to see Spirit & you're utterly dependent on Me for it to work! You can't
Me and My power working, to learn to communicate with Me do it in the flesh or pretend you're hearing from Me! You need the
personally and receive things from Me. real thing, and what's of Me, and so it should be when you do
I am much more involved in your lives and actions than you other things as well. When you talk, when you work...
perceive. When I get something done through you, it's more Just like you've got to stop every so often to tune in to Me again
often than not in spite of you than because of you. & pray & suck a little harder to see what else I've got to say to
The qualities that contribute to letting Me use you are humility, you when you're hearing from Me, you must also learn to do
love, faith, yieldedness and a determination to obey Me, all gifts likewise when you're at work! Ask Me what I want you to do first
of My grace. I do 90% of the work. You only have to pay Me 10% of all, and then, once you get started, come back to Me frequently
of your money for doing 90% of the work for you, ha! & check in with Me. Learn how to work & operate in the power of
The more you learn to let Me do the work through you, the better My Spirit, as compared to power tools!
off you're going to be. It's time to put that manual crank aside & learn to plug into the
It's all about letting Me do it for you, about trusting Me, about power & use it & see how much more you'll get accomplished
relying less on your flesh, asking for prayer, spending more time that way! Just stay plugged in to the power, & when you feel it
with Me in order to get to know Me intimately, for only then can running out, don't continue in your own strength, but stop to get
you also inspire others to want that intimate relationship with Me recharged again. "Temple Time" was meant to be something you
for themselves. I'll be all the sample and the training you'll need. do as soon as you realize you need more of My power &
All you need is Me! strength! Stop everything & get ahold of My Spirit. Then keep
going in My power! Why would you want to do anything without
208 __________________________________________________ Me, My love and My power? Why walk when you can fly?
The type carnal reasoning that doesn't see the good in the
challenge I bring about, only the hardship in the lesson, always 210 __________________________________________________
equals hardship with "undesirable." But those hardships, The difference between operating in the flesh and in My Spirit
challenges & battles are the best things that can happen to you! is like the difference between walking and driving a car.
They keep you alive & growing. You need to avail yourself more of the power of prayer! Prayer
I'm stressing unity as one of the most important and vitally and My Word are the factors that are going to see you through,
necessary ingredients. And this is only the beginning of the way not the reliance on your own abilities. "Lest Israel say, 'Mine own
things are going to be and meant to be forever. arm hath saved me.'"
Unity cannot be found on a larger level unless it's there in the Please, avail yourself of My power. You're so used to relying on
core of the smallest unit first! your own abilities. It's your greatest addiction: that need for
You have to cultivate it on the smallest level first, otherwise it's accomplishment, so that you can feel useful and like you've
never going to work on any larger level. First of all, each of you accomplished your task that's your excuse for existing. But you
needs to be in tune, in sync and unity with Me, and then you've don't need an excuse for existing! I created you with a very
got to be in unity with each other. definite purpose, and that is to glorify Me, and not to be just
Right here, on this small level, I am able to show you what it is in another one of those who glory in the works of their own hands.
your own heart that threatens your unity: your selfishness, your You were created to be a promoter of Me and My cause, and you
lack of communication, your tendency to lock others out of your must seek to fulfill that purpose everyday!
world sometimes. As long as you're so full of what you want yourself, you're too
You've been blaming the circumstances. "Had I been blessed busy chasing that, instead of trying & aiming to promote My
with more favorable circumstances, things would have turned cause, which is usually not conducive to your own agenda.
out better." Not so. The lessons have always been there to learn Serving Me is a choice everyday: who are you going to cater to,
all along. The hindrances to unity come right from your own your own desires or Mine?
heart. Simply because you were unable to see them before Lethargy, selfishness & pleasure will always promote your own
doesn't mean they weren't there. ends in your mind, & all that's there to counter them is My Word
The real thing is right here on the scrubbing floors level of the & the voice of My Spirit, the anti-flesh, the anti-ego "movement"
nitty-gritty work of getting a tiny little family unit to function in the world of your mind, and you have to make your choices
properly, before you can think of gathering masses of followers! every time which side you're going to actively support by your
Once you've got that core working the way it should, the other actions. (Phil.2:21).
things will fall into place in their time. Just keep focusing on the You see, the same weakness & tendency you'd been criticizing &
point of it all: No use aiming for a big thing when you can't looking down on in others this morning, is also definitely
handle a small thing first. manifest in you, when you should know so much better! How can
you inspire others to be promoters for My cause when you
209 __________________________________________________ yourself are not?
Thinking you've got to do it by yourself, and in the flesh, That's why the churches inspire hardly anyone to give their lives
hinders you from experiencing the freedom you find in just for My cause: they don't live it themselves, & instead most of
putting it onto My shoulders & letting Me do it through you. This them seek their own agenda. What is your agenda? Who are you
requires faith that will invest time in prayer in order to make sure promoting? Who are you in it for?
you're operating in My Spirit. I wish for you to make the decision at the beginning of each day
Really learn to do the work in My Spirit, to let Me lead & guide that this is going to be a day you're going to choose to invest in
you each step of the way, to consult Me at every stage of the My cause, a day that you're going to live for the sake of the
project, and to bathe the whole thing in prayer. promotion of My cause & My kingdom... to put feet to that prayer,
I want the fuel and the essence of My Family to be the evidence "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven!"
of the power to do miracles & the impossible! I thrive on the
impossible! I want little things brought to magical life by My 211 __________________________________________________
wonder-working power, not dead perfection of the flesh! I'm teaching you about the often underestimated impact and
Remember at every step of the way that it is My work, My project, effect of your personal choices.
and I'm allowing you to work on it, which is an honor and a high My promises are always conditional in some way; you have to
keep your part of the deal in order for Me to be able to keep Mine: might not have been aware of.
if you make the right choices, then all the positive things apply I haven't made any of you perfect, and part of life is simply
that I've told you. But if you make the wrong choices, I can take ironing out the imperfections I purposely created you with - with
your blessings away from you again just as quickly as you My help. You don't have to be devastated by your failures! It's
decide to listen to and yield to the voices of the Enemy! okay to look at them & to deal with them, to accept they're there.
There comes a point when consequences can no longer be put It takes humility to just accept yourself the way you are, along
off. with all your flaws & faults, even the ones you haven't been
Sometimes you only appreciate what you've had after you lose it. aware of so far, and humility is one of the big goals to strive for,
If someone doesn't appreciate their job and starts murmuring since it's synonymous with love, and the ability to truly love. So,
about it, I might as well give it to somebody else. are you humble enough to face your own faults in order to truly
You might not see or understand why a certain thing was allowed love without limits?
to happen at a certain time, but that's where you'll just have to Only if you're humble enough to face your flaws and accept
trust Me and your helpers. them, and then work on them with My help the best you can, only
These are desperate times, and I cannot wait until I find perfect then can you lick your pride to the extent where people will be
vessels. I have to use what I've got. But I will do My part to make able to tell that they're truly being loved by you. There's, lots
sure that My vessels are being purged. more to learn about love!
He that would be the greatest among you, let him be the servant
of all. The humblest are the greatest, & the greatest are the most 213 _________________________________________________
humble. I'm expanding your horizons, stretching the muscles of your
When somebody becomes weary in well-doing, you just might former capacities. Becoming more open for My new, unknown
have to pitch in for them & take over for a while, if they feel over- elements, the factor that is so strange to your egos & habits is
burdened, or they say "thus far and no further." what it truly means to be revolutionary!
What I want is endless love that will stop at nothing, that would To be truly revolutionary is to whole-heartedly jump into a new
do anything, go to any length. thing, a direction I'm leading you, even if it doesn't make any
You wonder, "Can such love be acquired, even if I don't have it sense to you or is contrary to everything you have believed or
yet?" How much do you desire it? How badly do you want it? known thus far!
What price are you willing to pay for it? Is this love worth I love it when you trust Me for things you don't understand!
everything to you? Everything you've got? Are you willing to go That's what I call faith! When you just follow Me along blindly, not
to the ultimate extreme for it? seeing or knowing where I lead you, but you just trust Me, that I'll
True, endless love will never stop hoping and believing that it is lead you aright!
worth it, and this has been the power and force that has been This is necessary training for the future, for in the confusion to
motivating every one of My children to either serve Me or others come, not everything will make sense, nor will you always be
unconditionally until the end. able to see anything ahead, or what may lie at the end of the path
True devotion and loyalty. No ifs, buts or conditions attached. or direction I will be leading you. But you must learn to trust that
Will you have that kind of love for Me? Trust Me. You can pour whatever I bring across your path is of My hand, you must see
everything you've got into Me, and it will never be in vain or My hand in it - and that it's for a good reason!
return unto you void, it will always be more than worth it and Don't seek to understand! Seek to trust Me! And if you do, prove
return to you an hundred-fold. it, by praising Me in spite of the fact that you don't understand!
Wanting to understand, wanting to see, wanting to know
212 __________________________________________________ everything beforehand is a sign of wanting the control over your
Everybody makes mistakes. The question is, how much do life yourself. But I want you to yield & give up the controls over
you learn from them? You should view them as opportunities to your life fully into My hand. Only when you can truly do that are
learn from. Some of the most precious lessons you learn are you able to fully trust Me for everything, that everything that
those which you learn from your own mistakes. comes your way, no matter how bizarre, weird or irrational it may
Of course, that takes humility. It's tough on one's pride to take seem, is only the very best possible choice of Mine for you & will
the blame & face the consequences of their own actions, and to bring nothing but the best possible results for you.
deal with what it is you have done wrong in order to bring certain Do you trust Me, that I love you like that? That I love you so much
conditions about. It's always easier to blame the other party for that everything that happens to you is the best possible option?
it. But that's not the way you learn. "Taking the Blame" is a good If you've been praying and committing your day into My hands,
motto. how am I going to disappoint you by doing anything less than the
In order to truly understand some things, one has to be willing best? I will even allow the Enemy to only attack & test you in
and able to see them from an objective angle, not only from one's those ways that I know will bring forth the best possible results,
own subjective point of view. No matter how convinced anybody & even the mistakes you will make will be those that will teach
may be of that they're right and that they're the ones being you the most effective and important lessons, so that truly ALL
wronged, there's always another point of view, another aspect & things will work out for not only good, but for the best for you!
angle to look at it.
The art is to be humble enough to be willing to see it. It's also in 214 __________________________________________________
having the necessary love to put yourself in the other's shoes, as I'm trying to teach you greater understanding for others &
St.Francis prayed, to seek to understand, more than to be their weaknesses, through the knowledge that nobody's perfect
understood. And there is still My point of view, which might & everybody's vulnerable, & under the given circumstances it
happen to differ from your own (Is.55:8,9). could have even happened to you. I'm hoping to enhance your
When it comes down to it, the main gist of the problem with compassion for others, your love and understanding.
humanity - or the problems humans have amongst each other - If you learn to see things My way, you'll learn to view the hardest
lies with the fact that everybody is much too interested in their parts in life not as the worst, but as the best. You used to see My
own opinion and point of view than to attentively listen to that of crucifixion as something dreadful, something that people wonder
another. They're not really open enough to see the other side... why it had to happen, until you realized that this was actually the
For most people it simply takes an effort too great than they're main purpose for which I came, My greatest task & most
willing to make, to really listen to and absorb the other, different important "job," My destiny.
perspective than their own, & that's quite sad. Even so it is with your crosses. You may dread them & you may
It's impossible to really get the point & learn the lesson if you rather have those cups pass from you, like I wished, but
can't see Me in it. Instead of blaming the other party, seek Me & afterwards you'll see that they were actually the most valuable &
find out why I'm allowing this to happen. There might be more to most important parts of life, without which things would never
it than you've been willing or able to see thus angle you have been the same... no victories won over the Enemy, no
precious lessons learnt... No victory without a battle, no crown circumspectly, to watch your tongue & simply to be more
without a cross, no rose without a thorn... no beauty for ashes... prayerful in your speech.
Be sober, be vigilant. Be careful, watchful, prayerful, attentive.
215 __________________________________________________ Don't give the Enemy a chance to enter in through foolishness &
It's not time for any more words, it's time for action. Get your carelessly uttered words.
mind set on the task at hand. The task is winning and warning
the world, spreading My message, My Gospel. It is not trying to 219 __________________________________________________
primarily secure your survival. That's the way the gentiles live & If you have the right attitude & the right amount of love for
what the heathen seek. That's not "losing your life" in order that people, the right incentive, then nothing is impossible. But don't
you may find it. That's trying to save it yourself, the way worry if it doesn't look as if you're going to attain to all of these
everybody else does, and the result is that you lose it, like things in this life. Take it one step at a time, but don't get
everybody else does who tries to save themselves...the flesh frustrated if you don't get to the goal in one day. Be patient, not
way, the System way, the accepted way, instead of wholly only with others, but also with yourself. Don't require more of
trusting in Me! yourself than I do.
If you're going to represent Me, you're going to have to be I know you want to make progress & please Me, but you have to
prepared to do the unconventional thing, & for being unpopular! learn that those changes have to come from within, through
Even if you were perfect, as I was, yet they would find fault in you loving fellowship & interaction with Me, through spending time
enough to kill you (Jn.3:19)! with Me & loving Me, you can't force these things in the flesh!
Changes of the heart are miracles that only I can bring about, you
216 __________________________________________________ can't do it yourself, so quit trying & let Me do it! Just hold still &
"An idle mind is the devil's workshop," so don't keep your be My vessel & trust in Me to do what you can't.
mind in "idle," but put in My gear, fill yourself with My program, Open up your life & heart to Me & let Me do it & work in you what
which is the best guard against the viruses of the Enemy. you can't bring about yourself. It's so easy, if you just let go. You
You're on show & on trial for Us to see what you do with the don't have to do it yourself! Just let Me do it. It's going to be
smallest possible unit, how faithful you're going to be in "that alright, if you just let Me do it.
which is least."
Don't just idly seek to enjoy the situation as much as possible, 220 __________________________________________________
trying to squeeze the most fun or ease out of it, but work at it! I love you very much, in spite of all your failures & short-
Put something into it! comings! It's alright, the way you are! Don't worry about it! Leave
You determine what kind of a revolutionary & obedient disciple the ironing out of the flaws & imperfections up to Me. Maybe
you're going to be, & there's nothing & nobody you can blame what you consider imperfect is just what I like about you; that
that's supposedly stopping or hindering you! It just takes work, weakness that keeps you extra humble or dependent on Me. If
that's all. This is the era of obedience & it's time to get into some you were Mr. Success, you might possibly feel better about
action! Let's see some action! yourself, but I'm not so sure whether that would be conducive to
Once you realize that you're actually working for the King of the your being as dependent on Me & as desperate to seek & find Me
universe, the highest-ranking Employer you could possibly ever everyday.
have, then you'll actually see it can be quite adventurous & You're not strong enough to make it without Me, and I'm very
exciting. happy about that! Your weakness is the very thing that keeps you
Take the responsibility that everything - what you're going to close to Me! So, why not adopt My point of view & join Me in
become in the future, your destiny and all that goes with it - rejoicing over your weaknesses? Like Paul: "Therefore will I
depends on you, your choices & actions right now, today, and the rather rejoice in my infirmities, etc., for when I'm weak, then I am
amount of elbow grease & initiative that you're willing to invest in strong. (2.Cor.12:10)
it! It's not the natural thing to rejoice in your weaknesses, to praise
To become a real revolutionary, start right now, today, by Me for them. It's rather a supernatural thing to do. But it's one of
forsaking all, laying down your life, denying yourself & taking up the secrets of rising above! You rejoice in your weakness and let
your cross in every little situation & at every opportunity that you Me be your strength! If you could rely on your own strength, you
come across! would try to run the race in your own energy. But since your own
energy is practically non-existent, you're having to rely on My
217 __________________________________________________ hand to swoop you up and lift you above the obstacles... You let
(S.H.:) It's time to get serious about your work for the Lord. My power work for you, which is much more effective than any
Determine what your goals are, focus on them & pursue them & natural power you could come up with of your own.
work at them until you will have achieved them!
It's no longer time to haphazardly do whatever you feel like 221 __________________________________________________
doing, but focus & concentrate on the Lord's work, His sheep, Sometimes I test you to see how much you're really willing to
and the best possible way in which you can do your part to reach give, how easily you let circumstances sway you to compromise
them! & take the easier way out.
When you've accomplished something, don't rest on your laurels But even if it will make things more difficult, I will bless everyone
& feel self-satisfied, but realize that whatever you happened to who will make a sacrifice toward My cause. I will bless the
accomplish is only a small beginning & a tiny step towards a disposition to sacrifice for Me, My cause & My Family! I love a
larger goal, & you shouldn't stop then, but use the momentum to cheerful giver!
look around what you could do next.
There's no more time for coasting along in "idle." In order to 222 __________________________________________________
fulfill your destiny, you're going to have to apply some elbow What is the most effective thing a "nobody" can do? Pray and
grease! witness. Witnessing puts you on the "nobody" level on the
scales of people in the world, but on the top of My level, so, if
218 __________________________________________________ you're faithful to do those things which would qualify you as a
If you make efforts to put My counsel into practice & fight the nobody in this world, be assured that you'll be a star in Mine!
devil harder & work harder for Me than before, then of course, There are a lot of "nobodies" Here who by far outshine the
the Enemy isn't just going to take it lying down. You have to be greatest "stars" on earth. (1.Cor.1:28)
prepared that he's going to shoot back! If you declare war on
him, he's gonna fight you. 223 __________________________________________________
Your Home is a constant potential danger zone, in which it Sometimes people have to prove that they're mature enough
behooves you to walk & converse wisely, cautiously & to hold a certain blessing. And if they're not, if they're allowing
their feelings to go haywire with them instead of keeping the your NWOs, your challenge points...
priorities straight in their hearts & focusing primarily on what's You're My brides, but also My warriors, warrior brides, like the
truly relevant, namely the advance of My cause and Kingdom, legendary amazons.
then they will simply have to forego that blessing.
I won't hesitate to take it away, if it becomes a god before Me to 225 __________________________________________________
you. If it consumes more time and becomes more of a hindrance (Sybilla:) I am a spiritual warrior. Here to teach, coach and
than a help, more of a burden than a blessing. support you in your spiritual battles.
One simply needs to make the choice whether what they want is Similarly to how the Holy Spirit possessed Mary in order to help
really the truth or merely their own mental concept of Me, the way her be receptive to the Lord Almighty's seeds, so I can at times
they'd like to see Me. possess you in order to help you be more receptive to the Lord's
As soon as you put your relationship on that "untouchable" seeds as your Lover and Husband. Even loving is a thing of the
pedestal, I will have to knock it down from there, & you're just spirit, you know?
going to have to go without it until you either see the light, or Loving Jesus is a weapon. How different the spiritual way of
decide to go the rest of the way with your private little concept of fighting is from carnal ideas! Some of the most radical and
the meaning of life, yet another victim to the Devil's deceptions. powerful weapons we have are manifested in something that
Many people are so sure of their own perception & concept of symbolizes the exact opposite of all that people would associate
truth or their concept of Me, they're willing to kill for it. That's with warfare in the carnal.
why you have the standard of My Word. But love is still the most powerful weapon in the universe, and
the one that we're all here to learn to use and wield and apply in
224 __________________________________________________ our holy war against evil.
Even praying is something you have to learn to do by My And what greater way to apply this greatest of all weapon than
Spirit; in other words, to let go & let My Spirit do it through you. the fulfillment and obedience of the greatest commandment of
It's another one of those things you just can't do in the flesh. It's all, to love the Lord? Loving Jesus is truly one of the most
a lot like prophecy. powerful weapons you've got.
You have to listen to My Spirit & wait for whatever She's going to You can call upon my name when you need to love Jesus more.
lay on your heart, similar to when I speak to you. When you feel like you can't really let go of the flesh and your
Unless you're in My Spirit, you can't really pray. mind is in the way, I'll help you to yield to Him better.
It's part of the great lesson in life to seek Me. Sometimes you
grope around blindly through the darkness of your life in 226 __________________________________________________
frustration, but you must remember that that's when you need to When you're battling & struggling, in many ways you're even
seek Me, your Light! I use this to lead you on to new places, new more beautiful to Me. I feel for you, I feel with you, and you're
challenges, new angles & perspectives where you haven't been never alone in whatever you go through in life, I share it all, and I
before, & sometimes you have to really "look" around & search always carry you with Me, as you carry Me with you. I'm in you,
for My light & see where I'm leading you this time, and you have as you're in Me, we're one, even as the Father and I are one.
to be willing to move away from all that's familiar to you. But
that's the only way you'll ever make progress, grow, & pioneer & 227 __________________________________________________
conquer new territory. You can't do that by always sticking to When you really get inspired about something, it's a sure
what's comfy-cozy & the things you're so familiar with in life. indicator that that's a direction I'm leading you! When you get
I also use this when you get stuck on a certain thing or view too excited about something & get the vision for it, you definitely
much, or you're too occupied with something I want you to get have My green light.
away from, maybe in order for you to come back to it at some I lead you step by step. I delight in the projects of My brides &
later point, when you'll be able to see it from a different angle... children, just like you enjoy it when your kids get along & play
You have to keep forsaking things in your life, in your mind, your together nicely. And I even participate.
attitudes. I'm always watching, ready to give you tips, counsel, advice, new
Learning to fight in My army isn't always a pleasant, easy or ideas, etc.
comfortable thing. It includes hurt, sacrifice & strain, but that's
what makes the difference between kindergarten & school, a 228 __________________________________________________
battlefield and a playground. While My Words can give you the faith and some incentive to
But even after the darkest & longest stretch of agony, there's take the initiative and the vision, when it comes down to it, the
light again, at the other side of the tunnel. As long as you choose decision and final choice to actually do something about it is all
to go through the right tunnels, you'll always find Me and My up to you and needs to come from you. No amount of words in
light there on the other side. the world is ever going to change anything about that. The final
Just because somebody doesn't constantly look "inspired" step is yours to take. I provide all the necessary equipment and
doesn't mean they're not walking in My Spirit, or they're not living machinery, the connections, the energy, the tools, whatever you
in Me. need, but you're going to have to flip that switch that makes it
It's not always fun or "inspiring" to be fighting a war. There's a lot rumble!
of serious, unpleasant stuff involved, and to become more I've poured out & supplied you with the counsel you needed, the
familiar with these things and that part of life, is simply part of necessary assurance of all you need to know to get going. Now
the process of growing up & maturing. you just need to put it into action and actually do it. The doin' it is
As you grow, you notice a lot of not-so-glorious things that you your part!
didn't expect before... Gory details you didn't have a clue existed I'm sayin' it, you're doin' it. That's the way it usually works when
when you were young and idealistic and blue-eyed... Or even you're working for or serving somebody. So, I've done My part,
simply boring chores and a strenuous schedule. It's "welcome to now it's time to let Me see you do your part. It's time to get
the real battle of life!" working. Now comes the obeying part. The being-doers-of-the-
There comes a time when you can't avoid the battles and Word-part, not hearers only.
confrontations anymore, and it's simply come to that: time to It's the difference between just thinking that something is merely
grow up! a good idea or something nice to do eventually, and actually
So, no matter how dark & gloomy the battle, there has no doing it.
temptation taken you but such as is common to man, and it's all A lot of times I'm actually having to repeat Myself, and that is a
simply a matter & part of growing up, maturing & becoming a real sign that it's time for you to do something about what I've already
man and fighter for Me. said. It's as simple as that. It's your turn. Can I make it any
Usually it's whatever you're not so comfy with, that I'm trying to clearer?
stress & emphasize on in your life, always the "totally other," I've done My part, now it's time for you to do yours. I've done the
speaking, now you move to action. You're not on your own, since things alive and moving and progressing, and that includes and
I'm actually quite involved in the action, and I will continue to means changing.
guide you. But the emphasis now is on putting into practice what If you want to make forward movement, then this requires
you've heard. It's time to make hay while the sun shineth. change. You can't expect progress without change.
"The boat has to be in motion before the rudder can take effect," The things I've told you are for a purpose, they're a means to an
and that's what it's all about right now: getting the boat moving. end, not an end in itself. They're not the ultimate desired result,
but only messages to help you to get there, like sign posts. Don't
229 __________________________________________________ get into the habit of collecting sign posts, or get so busy creating
My Spirit is like a broadcasting station that's broadcasting all sign posts that you fail to read what they say or fail to follow the
the time, with the same constant intensity as ever, and the only direction in which they're supposed to guide you.
thing that changes is the intensity of your own receptivity.
232 __________________________________________________
230 __________________________________________________ You've been looking for something to "feed" you, to make you
What does quantity mean? Is your faith still limited to feel good about yourself. But that aching void is only filled by
measures of quantity? I am not limited to save by many or few, total union with Me, which is only possible through obeying Me.
be it people or words. Little is much, if God is in it! If obeying Me would be the thing you would seek the most, if
Consider this school of life an apprenticeship, where you don't making Me happy would be the thing you'd be most interested in,
only learn the theories, but also how to apply them in practical then you'd find a way to do it. You'd fight harder to overcome
ways! It's time to apply your hands & put some feet to the things your weakness.
you've learned. Life isn't only theory! It's important you grasp the You know that there is another stage, one that is beyond and
theory, but the practical part is what will get you somewhere. more than just "okay." You know that when it comes down to it,
You've been receiving it, now it's time to start giving it. Absorb & there's a lot more you could pass on to people.
study it & let it become part of your being. You're one step further Life is a series of confrontations with often very intricately
now. We've moved from receiving mode to application mode. concocted temptations of the Devil to get you to veer off the
You've received all the initial software, now you need to get going straight and narrow. He will sometimes work for years to render
& get your machine operating. You'll still receive more your service to Me in a certain area useless, or he'll plant
information and occasional updates, but basically, your phobias in your head that you'll have to overcome first before
Operating System is installed now, and you can just work away! you can burn free...
I need you to learn to fight! "Giving you the victory" would be like
231 __________________________________________________ cheating, the easy way out. Just because you're My children
I have promised that I would never forsake you, never leave doesn't mean I cannot let you get involved in the fight. I hate to
you. I'm even using your faults to draw you closer to Me. see you get hurt, and I spare you, protect you & do everything I
I take you where you're at. I don't reject you. It's just that you can for you, won't let you get tempted above what you're able to
have to keep your channel clean & fresh & well lubricated, that's bear, etc.
the work you've got to do, that I cannot do for you. If you're more But I know that there's more in you, more that you can do, and
interested in other things than My voice, then I can't help it, if must do, before I can just "give you the victory." I cannot give
your vacuum for Me simply isn't that strong. you the victory without having done your part of fighting. In order
It takes certain maintenance work to keep some types of weapon to get to know Me, you've got to spend time with Me. More than
functioning properly. You've got to keep the pipes clean, the with other things, even if they seem to be more "feeding" to you.
powder or the ammunition dry, etc. All that takes time & requires It's a test to see how much & how badly you really want the truth
faithfulness & dedication. or just an easy way out...
If you're too occupied with mundane matters to invest time into
your spiritual duties, then it's no wonder if you're going to fall 233 __________________________________________________
from your "sharp-shooter" level to a lower one, where you only Keeping your channel fresh & lubricated for Me is comparable
hit the mark every once in a while. It's up to you, your to making love: you've got to keep yourself receptive and longing
investment, your commitment & all. and yearning for Me, desiring Me.
Or if the weapon simply becomes too heavy for you, you might A lot depends on the level of your desire for Me, how much you
just need a little break. That's alright, too. Don't right away long for Me and want Me, your craving for Me. I love to be
assume the worst that I'm forsaking you or withdrawing My gift desired, and when I'm desired and wanted, I come in with all My
from you. Learn to love Me in other ways, too, & give your power. See it less as a duty, less as a chore, and more as the
prophecy skills a little break. greatest pleasure there is!
All things change. Perspectives change. Modes of operating
change. Tactics change. The emphasis on certain weapons can 234 __________________________________________________
change & shift to another. There's more to learn. This doesn't The more time you spend with Me, the more you will adopt My
mean we discard the previous classes and lessons and acquired viewpoints, & the less the worries, cares & problems of this life,
skills altogether, we just focus more on other things for a which the Devil will try to make seem so all-encompassing, will
change, to learn additional, new things. affect you. You will know that in spite of any appearances, I am in
To hear My voice on a large scale every day was comparable to full control. You won't see the loss, but you will seek that which I
feeding on your mother's breast. You've been sucking My paps want you to gain through it. You won't complain about the
for a long time, but now it's time for you to grow up, to be hardships, but you will rejoice over the lesson & additional
weaned and to learn to find nourishment elsewhere and through fighting skills of endurance and perseverance you will acquire
other means. It's going to be the same, good & wholesome food through them.
and nourishment, from the same Source, and I'm still going to be Through the loss you may have not gotten what you wanted, but
close to you and speak to your heart, I will live within you just as I got what I wanted: not a spoiled & pampered you, pampered by
much as I have on those days when you felt Me pouring out so the fulfillment of your heart's desires, but a more humble you,
abundantly through you. humbled by seeing what your own mistakes have brought upon
But we're going to have to be making some progress & move the you, and someone more loving, seeking more what you can give
things I've told you to the application level & put them into instead of only seeking to take. Ultimately, this is much more
action. Things will not continue as they were & you might as well what you would want to be, too, so, I may not be granting you
get ready for change, and more change. You've got to keep your immediate, temporary desire, but your ultimate, eternal
growing, keep expanding your horizon, keep embracing the new, desire.
the fresh, although it initially may feel strange to you. We're not
trying to establish a new ritual or routine. We're trying to keep 235 __________________________________________________
Always look at how much more you could be accomplishing I'm guiding you step by step. My modus operandi for My army
for Me, not how much less. is not one where every step or every path ahead is clearly laid
If you compare yourself to those who have made even graver out in advance, it's one of trusting and following Me blindly,
mistakes, then learn from them, but never use them as an according to last minute instructions and doors, which I open
excuse. You won't be truly satisfied with less than the best you and close just before it is time to move, without leaving your
possibly can for Me, so don't settle for less. carnal minds much room to figure it all out by yourselves!
I want you to learn a few lessons along the line of appreciating
236 __________________________________________________ My blessings, My supply, of being faithful stewards over the little
So many mistakes are made because people don't remember. I have given you, before I supply more, of being content with
Why do people not remember? Because they don't really make such things that ye have, lessons of moderation, not taking
an effort, they don't really care. They're too busy occupying their things for granted, gratefulness, and of giving Me the glory for it
minds with the next pleasure, the next entertainment, the next all.
amusement, the next "escape route" that leads them "away from The less attached you are to the System, the easier it will be to
thinking." Or they simply don't care enough to write it down, or, if get out of it, the easier it will be for Me to completely set you free
they've written it down, to read it again! from it, to set you apart from it. If you're not much different from
So the root of the problem is really indifference and falling for the everybody else, then what's the use? What good is the salt if it
distractions the Enemy plants along your way in order to prevent loses its flavor?
you & keep you from remembering, especially remembering Me
and what I've told you. 238 __________________________________________________
The Devil is very much like the evil fox in "Pinocchio" who If your child is giving you trials because of stubbornness,
diverts Pinocchio from his duties & tries to attract him to "the disobedience or laziness, you should ask yourself whether
easier" way to make money, instead of going the hard way of there's a chance that I might want to work on those same areas
attending school (--the school of life!--), which is what his father in your life. If they are causing you trials because you feel
Gepetto told him to do, and lures him with the pleasures on rejected or unwanted by them, you must ask yourself why.
"pleasure island." But Pinocchio only winds up making a jack- Often, children have a completely wrong concept of their father,
ass out of himself, along with all the others, by failing to quite similar to people's false perception of Me, their heavenly
remember to stay on the straight & narrow, until he finally Father. Ask Me to show you what you can do in such a situation
repents, wants to go home to the father and in not finding him at to rectify and perhaps correct their view of things a bit. But the
home, becomes obsessed with the search for the father... what first step is to get them to communicate.
an allegory of life! Ask Me what you can do, how to approach them in order to get
Sometimes you may not find the Father where you had originally them to confide to you what's on their hearts about you, why
been familiar with Him, once you've neglected to remember Him they seem to dislike you.
and to honor Him and to listen to Him, and once you've been If they give you trials because they prefer to spend their time with
down the road of sin. Your search for Him may lead you into the their friends to the extent that they hardly come to see you
belly of the whale, which are the deep, dark & trying experiences anymore at all, welcome to the way that I feel in relation to many
I often use to make a real man out of you, to show whether of My children!
you've really got a heart after all. Often it's because someone else fed them negative information
Often people are distracted & diverted by the Enemy, purposely about you, similar to the way the Devil tells lies about Me. Other
lured away from Me & My admonitions & tempted to forget & times it plain & simple selfishness, & they just know that having
disobey what I told them or what they simply know to be the to face you would only convict them & make them feel bad about
good way. After all, everybody else is rushing off to "Pleasure themselves.
Island," and who wants to be left out & miss out on the fun, There is more truth to the verse that I created you in My own
right? image than meets the eye. In a way, you're all little carbon copies
But if you're going to be a smart little boy, you're going to of Me, just like children often are the "spitting image" of one of
remember what Father said. You're going to pay attention to Him their parents...
and send the evil tempters back to hell where they came from. Sometimes your children feel resentful toward you because they
You're not going to listen to them but you'll tell them to get lost, think you neglect them & don't care about them, similar to the
that you won't listen to them, you've got to obey the Father, and way many people think that I couldn't care less about them or I
there's nothing they can ever do or say that will divert you from wouldn't bother with someone as "unimportant," which is really
that path of obedience! only one of the standard lies the Devil spreads about Me.
The answers to most of your problems lie in the things I've Others think downright badly of you, maybe not constantly, but
already told you. You've simply got to remember them! at times, which is similar to those times when you're "at war"
What I've told Joshua about the Words I gave to Moses and him with Me for allowing all those "atrocities" to happen to you, when
applies to you: write them on the tablets of your heart! Meditate really, more often than not, it's your own attitude & distance from
on them when you get up and when you lie down. But for Me that can be responsible for such times of testing.
heaven's sake, don't forget them! Ultimately, fathers are ideal scapegoats. You can blame a lot of
There's a great mystery in remembering. Imagine you could things on them that are going wrong, because they didn't do this
remember everything I ever told you, everything I ever revealed or that for you, etc., or they broke this or that promise. That's
to you and showed you, every enlightenment that ever came to why one of the best & most effective educational milestones in
you! Can you imagine the power, the glow, the divine inspiration life is having kids on your own, because it will ultimately show
you'd give off & radiate? But instead, all those things fade away you that you're not the perfect mom or dad either, and for once
from your mind, like leaves in the autumn wind for mundane you're able to put yourself in your parents' or even My shoes!
things. When you come to face it, that's one of the main reasons why
There is power in remembering. Claim the key of remembrance. kids can often give you trials: it makes you deal with your own
Hold on to it with all your might, for great power, great wisdom weaknesses, failures, wrong attitudes, selfishnesses &
lies in the power to remember the things I've told you and everything that's ugly about yourself that you hadn't even
revealed to you. realized until then. Most of all, having children reveals what a
It gives Me great satisfaction when you remember and obey the failure you are yourself, that you're not any better than your own
things I've told you. Doesn't it frustrate you when your child just parents at all, when you thought you were light-years ahead of
forgets or ignores your words? Well, it does the same to Me them. And that process also moves Me a bit closer to you,
when you do. because all of a sudden you can begin to see why I'm doing
things the way I am, or why I allow this or that to happen...
237 __________________________________________________ Things start making sense all of a sudden.
So, those trials about being a parent, though the most painful of knows that & looks beyond all that build of the Devil's deception,
all they may be, are worth it! As unimportant, trivial or mundane his stronghold in their minds! All the experienced witnesser and
as dealing with children may seem to some people, raising kids, determined warrior sees is that My weapons of love and truth are
and all the lessons that go along with it, is pretty much the unconquerable; they only see a pitiful, weak little challenge to My
epitome of the meaning of life. immensely stronger Spirit & Power!
While some parents think they're missing out on life because of I judge everyone according to their unique circumstances, I take
their kids, missing out on all the fun that singles or childless a lot of factors into consideration, and you mustn't be as short-
couples seem to be having, if you pay attention to what I'm trying sighted to put them all into one pot & say "tough luck for the
to teach you in life, you'll actually notice that it's those others, wicked that they're so wicked." If there wouldn't be any harvest
who are missing out on a lot. of souls to reap, if there weren't any treasures to find beneath the
Parents are leaders. Leaders are always envied, resisted, snow, what would be the sense & purpose of existence for all My
rebelled against, rejected, opposed & fought against by some missionaries & witnesses then? Just to warn them & then
people some of the time, but that's exactly the kind of adversities have'em go to hell? No, as long as there's still one single soul
that make a character strong. So, if you thought your kids were out there to be saved, it's worth it, and it's your job to look for
robbing some of the value of your life, if they're making you feel that soul & make sure they get saved. And as long as I haven't
worthless, like you're no good and you blew it, think again: returned yet & put an end to all of this, you can peacefully
they're actually the very factor that will accelerate your assume that there are still plenty of souls to win, plenty of folks
maturation, and increase your usefulness to others as a to witness to & there's still plenty of work to be done.
counselor, comforter, or person to trust & rely on, more than any
other factor. 242 __________________________________________________
Kids are worth it. A lot of things happened to you that seem to lack rhyme &
Each of your children is a universe of lessons & experiences to reason, but don't they all sooner or later wind up making sense
explore, if you're attentive. They're your most dedicated students after all?
& also your best teachers, so, watch out! Pay attention! Don't Some things may not have happened as you would have wished,
miss those valuable lessons they're here to teach you! but you are learning that those things that apparently went wrong
in your life are the biggest sources of wisdom & invaluable
239 __________________________________________________ lessons that will hold their value for eternity!
Never assume that I only work after certain patterns, for I use
anything and everything, and My ways are simply unorthodox & 243 __________________________________________________
often totally unexpected. I will always speak to you, whenever you ask Me. It's just that
That's why you've got to stay in tune with Me and forget about sometimes you have more faith to receive My Words than at
trying to figure things out in your own mind. Sometimes I even other times, & as I've told you; it depends on your vacuum, your
bring about victories, a new direction or clarity, by telling you to
desperation, sometimes your perseverance, & sometimes you're
go the wrong direction, just so you'll find out pretty quick where simply too easily distracted by the affairs of this life to hold out &
it's not at. Sometimes you've just got to try the wrong door, wait for Me to talk to you. But it's seldom ever because of
which has been torturing your mind with temptation or curiosity, something on My end that you don't hear My voice, but rather
and once you find out that it's a closed & locked door, you won't some condition or factor on your end.
bother about it anymore & can fully concentrate on the door and Sometimes it's also the Devil's lies, telling you I'm upset with you
path I really want you to go. or whatever, that's why I won't speak to you. On the other hand,
Time is the touchstone of testing, the moor stone to show who it it's as I've told you, there might not be any new special
is that really has My Spirit & who really has what it takes, the revelations coming every day. Yet whenever you ask Me and
strength & perseverance, the determination not to give up, plus, expect Me to answer with a vacuum, I will fill it.
no desire to turn back to Babylon or Egypt, because there IS no It's true that you shine with a greater light when you live for Me,
Egypt for them to turn back to. Freedom's just another word for shine for Me, give out My Words & live for My purpose than when
nothing left to lose, and for not having any Egypt to return to. you simply exist for existence's sake, try to make ends meet &
Deception is really one of the Devil's big trips, and to be able tomerely making a living. But My love for you isn't influenced by
recognize his illusions is half the victory. circumstances.
I love you unconditionally, whether you're good or bad, and
240 __________________________________________________ although I do try to teach you lessons or deal with you for your
When somebody chooses to believe a lie about you and wrongs, it does not influence My amount of love for you if you
refuses the truth, you will just have to let them go down their make mistakes or fail. My blessings are poured out to you
path for a while to find out where it leads, unable to do much according to your faith, your need and your requests. Sometimes
more for them than pray. I specially reward you for "being good" or make you pass dire
You just have to wait and let them mature, become older & wiser straits in other situations, but you need to learn to differentiate
and able to see the other side. In the meantime, it's important between the way I see "good" and the way you do. What you call
that you don't reject them, but love and accept them, also. "bad" I might call good.
If they think you don't care, show them that you do care. Sometimes the greatest blessings I bestow on you come in
Sometimes, in order to make things "real," they need to start disguise. You don't recognize them as such. But as you learn to
taking place in the heart. see with My eyes & learn to take things by faith, learn to live by
Be sufficiently mature to not just do the "natural" thing, but the the Rom.8:28 factor, your perspectives will change & you'll see
supernatural: to forgive & forget, and to understand. the "handwriting of good within evil."
You've got to come down to people's level, if you want to reach I know you need My light, My Words, My love, and I will not
them! withhold them from you. Remember, though, that you can amplify
the flow of My blessings, just by obeying My laws & dynamics of
241 __________________________________________________ the Spirit: the more you pour out, the more I can pour in. That's
Fishing is an effort that requires patience, skill & just the way it goes, regardless of My love for you. The more you
perseverance. You can't get impatient if the fish don't jump into give, the more I can give again to you... you've just got to "make
your net! There's more to it! A bit more effort on your part is room" for the new sometimes, & there's nothing that will call
required than that! A bit more willingness to sacrifice & to down My Spirit on you as effectively & abundantly as your act of
endure. pouring out to others what you received from Me. "Love wasn't
Sometimes people just don't know what they're saying; they put in your heart to stay; love isn't love till you give it away."
really don't know any better, simply because they have been
deceived by the Enemy. And the witnesser of great faith sees & 244 __________________________________________________
I'm teaching you many things through the various this world isn't as perfect as they would like it to be, and, well, if
circumstances of your life, and like any teacher, I am pleased they want the Perfect, send'em to Me! I'll give'em perfect! I'll
when My students show interest & take note of the lessons, show them what perfect really is, the way things were really
instead of just letting them pass them by. meant to be, if man hadn't chosen to veer off the perfect path of
I'm teaching you about the futility of so-called "security" in the obedience & harmony with Me!
world by people having lost everything over a few days of But every man, woman & child can return to that perfect path &
excessive rain in Austria, no insurance ever meeting a fraction of find the perfection they inwardly seek, in Me. I'll complete what
their need caused by the calamity. started as a crooked line & will make a perfect circle out of it.
I'm teaching you about the worldly crooks who try to make Just because things look far from perfect doesn't mean they'll
money of others' need for love & companionship & exploit their always stay that way. Just tell'em, "Well, the picture is not yet
loneliness & longing for love by the incident with that online flirt finished." And tell'em to either wait & see, or to come to Me for a
service. glimpse through My eyes, & I'll give them the vision of what it's
I'm teaching you that all things are possible to Me, contrary to going to become & what it's going to look like when it's done!
the thinking of man, by the way I had your wisdom tooth come There ARE absolutes! I know, because I'm One of them. In fact,
out properly, in spite of the lack of space and the pressure and the epitome of all of them. And the tale that there aren't any
pain it caused you. absolutes is just one of those poisonous lies of the Devil. Just
I'm teaching you many things about your fellow men through because he put his own curse-resulting filter of "less-than-
situations arising with folks you come across, teaching you to perfect" over My creation, in order to hide the perfect from man's
discern their personality types, not to put them in boxes, but to view, doesn't mean there is no perfect!
show you the variety & wonders of human nature, just as other Since man didn't want to whole-heartedly embrace the perfect,
people would study the variety of species in nature... but rather chose the option of doing their own thing & be their
I'm teaching you to be a parent with conviction, not to take the own "perfect enough," I allowed life to be imperfect, with Me, and
(apparently) easier way to let your kids get away with things you the perfection of the Spirit World being invisible, in other words,
cannot approve of, of letting them have their will against your with man groping around through life blind to all that's perfect.
better knowledge... They're starting to see the mathematical impossibilities of all the
I'm teaching you to trust in Me for your providence, not in your perfection in creation to have occurred by itself. But it still
own arm of the flesh, by putting you in a situation where you run doesn't cause many of them to stop & pause long enough to find
risk of losing more by obtaining more. out what I've got to say. As long as there are other things they're
I'm also teaching you that there is no general blue-print of do's more interested in. How about you? How interested are you?
and don'ts, but that everybody has to find out what is good for It IS hard to believe in that which you don't see! It is even harder
their own, particular situation, contrary to the urge to give in to when there are so many other distracting things which you can
peer pressure, & do like the others do, just because they do it. see! It IS hard to spark someone's interest in the invisible, no
Sometimes I also teach you that something you've been looking matter how perfect it may be! I admit that I did not make it easy!
for feverishly has already been in your possession, but you just On the other hand, I've made it easy enough for any child to be
didn't see it yet. You were more obsessed with the search than able to receive Me.
interested enough in the object itself to even recognize it among Listen to the child in you! It says, "Papa's in control!" It doesn't
those things you had already acquired. Take heed lest you doubt & criticize Papa the way children do when they get older &
search in vain, and search just for searching's sake & fail to become adolescents. It's that childlike loyalty to "Papa" that
recognize among the things you have already found what you are makes children so precious in My sight, & the reason I'm so
searching for. close to them.
In many aspects you are acting like one who is still seeking, Of course, the earlier they become disillusioned, the harder they
instead of one who has already found... Stop to cherish that will often become. But you've got the power in your hand to bring
which you have already found! Let it sink in, let it become part of a little hope back into those disillusioned lives. You can ensure
your being, and properly absorb it, so that you can share it with them that their heavenly Papa's still in control, after all, & that
others, too, and let them benefit from your findings, instead of He's going to iron all things out & set them straight, no matter
making your whole life one never-ending search for more! how hopelessly dark & entangled & confusing and derailed it all
I don't mind you being curious and hungry for more, as long as seems to be right now. Tell'em I specialize in creating order out
you don't waste the food I've already given you, as long as you of chaos! I love a challenge! And man has presented Me with
share it with those who are needy, those who don't have any true quite a challenge right there. But it's not too much or too difficult
spiritual food at all! for Me; I love it!
Tell them that I see their pain; that I feel with them; I understand
245 __________________________________________________ & sympathize! I want to help! And I will help!
My treasure chests are always filled to overflowing with I will help those right now who ask Me, and I will eventually help
goods for you. But if you're too distracted by something else all those who don't seek My help, too. And it's not any sadistic
you're more interested in, then no matter how much there is I experiment, either, or show-off scheme of Mine, to show off how
could give you, you can't receive it, because your focus is great & wonderful I am, but truly the perfect plan for everyone's
somewhere else, your desire is somewhere else. eternal happiness. You will find out how wonderfully perfect
You can't make hearing from Me an empty ceremony or ritual everything truly is, as hard as it may be to believe this right now.
without putting your heart in it. Either your spirit is hungry for My But all the pain, all the suffering will make sense, you'll see! Just
nourishment or it isn't. And when you’re more interested in hold on a little longer! Hold on!
something else, then I'd rather you come back to Me when you
truly hunger for Me. 246 __________________________________________________
I only have something to say when you're truly willing to listen. Friendship, love & investing personal time into your
People are always more willing to listen to Me when skies are relationships with people is proving to be more fruitful than
bleak & gray and trouble is in the air. When this world looks less ambition and zeal to accomplish great things for Me. I wasn't as
than perfect, when it seems that there's something missing, much of an "accomplisher" type as I was a Friend to people,
when there are problems that need a solution, or simply a hearing them out, visiting them, caring for them, healing them,
situation that could use some improvement, you can turn to Me, helping them. Being a helper is what it's all about.
the Source of all improvement, all that is better, the Answer-Man By showing that you don't consider your time too important to
& Solution-Giver to every problem, the perfect enhancement to invest in them, you show that you really love & care about them,
every not-so-perfect situation! you don't just want to use them.
People don't necessarily have to be totally broken before they In what better way can you live & manifest love than by being a
will accept Me. Sometimes all that it takes is that they realize that help to them in their time of need?
It should come natural to you! It doesn't always have to be a big life and any clue on how to tackle it. But now you can see! Now
disaster making headlines, that would require your help. you can hear My voice & receive the wisdom from Me to find out
Recognize when there is a needy situation that requires rolling what you're supposed to do.
up your sleeves & pitching in and show the world (or sometimes It's never too late for love! If you start concentrating & focusing
just a single lonely person) what it really means to be a Christian! on this goal the way you should, they will be eternally thankful
You can learn much about being a friend to people, and a helper. for it and for the change they will see in you.
How about just concentrating on being a helper & a friend to You're not finished yet with your job as a parent. There are things
people, a kind person? A lot of people are too busy for that. Take I'd like you to catch up on.
time for the most important things! It's going to come back to Blaming others won't free you from your share of the
you, you know? More than anything you say or tell people, it's responsibility, which is to love them, no matter what; to uphold
your actions that will reap the greatest benefits & repercussions them in prayer, to not give up on them!
& rewards. What you do speaks so much louder than words. So, No matter how much you fail or disobey Me, I never give up
be a doer & find out what you can do to help others! Just look having hope for you, I never quit having faith in you, I never stop
around! Once you're through helping them, they'll often be much loving you, and that's what your attitude toward your children
more willing to listen to what you have to say! should also be.
And this is what you can pass on to your children, too: a helpful Look up to Me & learn of Me how to love unconditionally & how
attitude. But you've got to live it for them to see, first, before to never give up on your children! And you'll soon realize that it
they're going to buy it! Give them a sample that's going to be all is connected somehow, & it'll all start making beautiful sense,
worthwhile imitating and following! That's what counts, more & you'll thank Me & love Me even more for having opened up
than any words you can say! your eyes to this whole new world of aspects that formerly you
were blind to. Without Me, you can see nothing! I am your light.
247 __________________________________________________
Welcome to the school of learning to love unconditionally. 248 __________________________________________________
You have to learn to keep loving unconditionally, & not make Remember what I put up with from sinners. False
your love hinge on behavior & good deeds. You must love accusations, fingers pointed at you and people hating you &
regardless of failures, just as I love you regardless of yours. "Tit despising you in a self-righteous frenzy is something you must
for tat" thinking is never any less justifiable than in the case of be prepared for if you follow My footsteps.
parents with their children. Your children are My jobs & tasks I Of course they're under demonic influence when they get like
have given you, primarily to love them, in spite of anything they that & want to crucify you. But that's when you know you've
might do, even though it may be difficult at times. Never passed the test & made the grade, when you're able to pray for
withdraw your love from them because of anything they might do them anyway, like I did on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for
or fail to do, or you are going to be the one who's failing Me (and they know not what they do."
them). They thought they were ridding the world of one more criminal or
The same way I forgave you, I also expect you to forgive others, nuisance, they thought they were in the right. The Devil can truly
especially your children! make them feel oh so right about accusing you. You must be
Let it teach you to appreciate that unconditional love of Mine, to willing to bear this if you follow Me and will be My disciple, that
not take it for granted, to help you see what a precious gift it is, sooner or later they will shout "crucify him," because you're not
having to learn to come up with that same kind of forgiveness one of them.
yourself for your children, who are failing you. You will always be one of those outsiders, those strangers &
When your own love fails & comes to an end, call out to Me, and I intruders, like Me, that they will resist, because men love
will make a way to love where there was no way, I will give you darkness rather than light. That's the Devil's imitation of the light
strength to love when there was no strength left... of My true judgment: his evil spotlight of false & twisted
If you keep in mind how much & how often you've needed My accusations, kindling in their hearts a false "righteous anger" &
forgiveness & My love to be unconditional, this will help you desire to lynch you, a hatred, which they believe is for just
keep humble at the same time, & help you avoid becoming self- reasons, just so they have an excuse to do what the Devil really
righteous. wants: to get rid of you.
You cannot just give up on them when they're failing you. I have warned you before, that children would accuse and betray
They need you to be there for them anyway, to know that you're their parents.
not giving up on them, to know that you've got something When they have made their decision against you and they hate,
stronger, a foundation, a rock to stand on that will cause your resist and reject you, then there isn't much more you can do for
love for them not to fail. them but to commit them into My hand in prayer. They are your
They test you sometimes to see whether your love for them is children for a purpose. But it doesn't mean that their ties to you
really real, or whether you'll give up on them & dump'em in your are stronger or more significant than those with your spiritual
mental trash can once they start veering from the path of your Family, those who receive Me and are truly your brethren and
expectations of them. children and parents, those who do the will of the Father, which
This is My job, My lesson, My challenge for you. is primarily to believe in Me, and believe in those that He sends
The harder they are to love, the greater the challenge. to be His prophets and voices.
Sometimes your children fail you, because you've failed to love Love them even if they oppose you. But once they cross the limit
them first! Your responsibility is to love them. And if the task & make it clear that they've obviously chosen the opposing side
seems to become overwhelming, I can always supply you with and are against you, when it's clear that they've joined the ranks
more love from My endless reservoirs! of those who would destroy you in self-righteous anger kindled
Maybe you didn't invest enough! Maybe you kept investing too by Satan, then you've got to leave them in My hands.
much in yourself, your own career, your ambitions, desires, etc. Your responsibility to love them isn't something you're supposed
And as a result, they don't share your views, your interests, your to do without My help. When it becomes humanly impossible to
love for the things you love, because they were what separated love someone, let it serve as a reminder that without Me you
you from them, what distracted you from your responsibility and cannot do anything anyway.
even your capabilities to love them as you should have... Loving others unconditionally is an art and a task that only I can
You must bestow special care on those you have the hardest really teach you. Only I can give you the grace to pray for those
time connecting with! It's the way I search for My lost sheep, & who despitefully use you and would persecute you. If you try to
they in turn usually turn out to be My most faithful, dedicated & do it in the flesh, you'll collapse under the weight of the burden. I
passionate followers. want to enable you to do the humanly impossible, but you must
Without My wisdom, without that direct link between you & Me, remember that it is I Who enable you, that it's nothing you can do
you weren't able to see this, oblivious to your task & purpose in of yourselves.
So, when you're faced with an impossible situation, that's the what this is all about! Let's enjoy the process!
moment when it's time to let Me take over. I could have made the diamond just like that, abracadabra and
It's an easy job you've got, because I'm going to do it for you! it's there, shiny, cut & polished. But that's not the way the Father
You don't have to carry the weight of the burden; you must not. works, nor has intended for things to work. Instead, the process
Let Me do it for you! It's so much more beautiful, when you is a long and laborious one: of digging & getting past a ton of dirt
realize that you don't have to do it, that you've just got to let go & & debris, rocks & stones, until the raw diamond is found. And
let Me. People will notice the difference between those times then it still needs to be cut and polished...
when you try so hard to do it in the flesh and when you just let The creation of the beauty of a purified human soul takes a lot of
Me do it through you. Let Me carry the burden for you! time, work & effort.
When you can't love, let Me do it through you! When you can't You're not supposed to find total perfection and sinlessness in
sing or talk, let Me do it through you! When you can't walk, when an instant! Not until the school of life is over. So keep learning,
you can't go on, let Me carry you! You must learn to throw your keep tuning in, keep paying attention and trying to do your best,
weight on Me, to just let Me carry you when you get too weak to knowing that it's Me Who's going to have to do it through you,
go on by yourself! I am just waiting for that moment when you that you can't make it without Me...
can't anymore & I must take over... That's My part. When you I just want you to learn to be your best by letting Me, to be the
have done yours & have gone as far as you could, then it's time strongest you can be by using My strength, to learn the best & be
for the next part, which is Mine. Just like I could have never made the humblest & most loving by simply absorbing Me, learning of
it without the Father, it's foolish to think that you must do it on Me, breathing Me in & just letting Me do it in you.
your own! If you focus on Me & put your desire on My side, you may be
So, don't try to carry the burden alone; the burden of loving the tempted to worry sometimes, but you won't worry. You'll be
unlovely, of loving your enemies or the foes of your own tempted to fret, but you won't fret.
household, the burden of supplying for them not only what they
would need but would consume in their greed! I am the One Who 252 __________________________________________________
supplies all in the first place, and when I withhold My blessing, I'm showing you the difference between real goodness, that
then there is a good reason for it, and don't worry about it, I will which comes from Me, and is born in the humility of the
continue to carry you. realization that in yourself there is nothing good and you can do
Watch out that you don't take on any other responsibility than nothing good, and the pretended goodness of self-sufficiency, of
what I want you to take on. Decide whose servant you are, those who believe they don't need Me, they're already good
whether you are My servant or servant to the ties of the flesh! I enough; self-righteousness.
want you to learn to stand up for your conviction and not let It's all a pretense, just as with the Pharisees of My day. They were
them use you. the pompous ones, with a flashy & shiny outward appearance,
which was supposed to testify of their goodness. And you can
249 __________________________________________________ imagine how My comparatively humble appearance irritated
I always make the best out of everything, and all things work them. They couldn't accept that everything they ever sought in
together for good to you, who love Me, even the wrong decisions life, everything they strove for & stood for and believed in, was
of others, or decisions that would have maybe been less not where it was at, because that's the way they had done it all
preferable than others. their lives. So they rejected Me and My miracles, because they
This is the path that makes you stronger & wiser and thus is the couldn't figure that God would use someone so different. They
best for you. Your convictions are going to be strengthened had God in a box. By thinking they knew God, they were actually
through this path, as well as your abilities to love more more distant from Him than the humble sinners who did believe
unconditionally, to have more patience with others & to be more in Me.
longsuffering... You're learning to be more like Me. Nowadays, there is even a larger majority of people who are not
There would have been no better road to get you there. And concerned with religious matters at all. Their religion is
wishing things would have been different doesn't make sense. themselves, or the goodness they think they're acquiring of their
You've just got to learn to let Me do it, let Me deal with it, and own efforts. They think they're good and they do good, but do
that's why I'm purposely giving you more than you can handle. nothing to relieve the suffering in the world, but just contribute to
As long as you somehow think you'll be able to cope with it the functioning of the machine that ever keeps exploiting the
yourself, you'll practically refuse to give the ball back to Me, so I poor, they keep it running. They may not know the extent to
let you wind up in a dead end pass, where all you can do is give it which they're collaborators of a great evil, similar to the way in
back to Me, hoping you'll make more of a habit out of it! Hand it which many people in Nazi Germany didn't know and refused to
back to Me! see the extent of evil of which they were collaborators, but in
rejecting the voice of truth, in refusing to listen to My servants,
250 __________________________________________________ they heap upon themselves their condemnation, their judgment &
I will bless it - financially and in every other way - if you put verdict.
Me and My work first & make sure you're doing My job of being a I show you those who do take the time to listen to you, those who
missionary. do help you, and the opportunity of giving such people a chance;
Instead of feeling depressed about not getting anything rigged you can be the link between Me and them!
up on your own, try to focus more on doing things together: Just doing the thing that comes natural in the physical and
counseling together, praying together & then attacking things spoiling your kids with material things, doesn't qualify you as
together. Together is the word of the day. Keeping this in mind "good" in My eyes, at all. Everybody does that. Just doing your
will relieve you from that chained eagle way of thinking that part as a cog in the machinery of the System, which is of the god
you're the one who has to do it. I've put you together so that of this world, the Devil, isn't at all what I consider doing a good
none would have to carry the burden alone. Simply use each thing or being a good person.
other's shoulders & do together what you cannot on your own. They're becoming so absorbed in it, they don't have time at all to
That's the way it works. I'm trying to make a team out of you. Try listen to Me, they don't take time to feed and care for their souls.
tackling things together! It's just a lifeless rut of the flesh.
I show how much better off people actually are when the
251 __________________________________________________ abundance is taken away from them, when they lose those things
One way of learning to let there be less of you is by learning which kept them too busy for Me, because in losing that which is
to submit to others, esteeming them higher than you, in truly temporal, they often find Me, the Eternal.
humble and committed teamwork, where you're learning to be
one another's servants. It's not like I'm just going to wave My 253 __________________________________________________
magic wand & make you perfectly humble in an instant, that's not It is hard for you to trust Me. You can't do it in the flesh. While
the flesh is busy thinking up ways to save itself, it makes it very accounts of incidents that vary in details. But what would you
hard for you to create a deep connection with Me, because I am have done without the Bible for the past 2000 years? Aren't you
the opposite of all its attempts. I am its enemy. That's why the thankful for it, even if there are a few flaws in there?
Bible says that the natural man is at enmity with God. The natural Those who sit back & criticize basically don't do anything good
man doesn't want to trust Me but in himself. That's why he can't to make the world any better!
love Me. I'm opposing his attempts to save himself, to keep Do you think I'm going to say, "Hey, listen, buddy, you should
himself alive. I am beckoning to lose yourself in Me and for Me. have waited until you got all the details straight before you
But when you've been busy at trying to keep yourself alive and opened your mouth"? - That's perhaps the way those ex-
surviving for quite some time, then that's a rut that's pretty hard members see Me and picture Me, because their picture of Me is
to break out of. After all, that's fairly much what a large part of just an extension of their own self-righteousness & need to feel
your life consisted of, with few exceptions & interruptions: superior in order to justify their failure to do what the Family
leaning on your arm of the flesh in order to raise your own have done and continue to do, to excuse their lack of guts &
support. conviction to change the world with whatever little bit you have
You're in the gear of doing most of the work in order to keep you at your disposal. They're like the servant that buried his talents in
alive, so that's what's making it hard to trust Me for it. You'd have the ground because he was afraid.
to hand the reins and the responsibility over to Me. Because So, don't hesitate & wait until you got all the details straight.
that's what I want, I'm having to cut the flow of finances Don't bury your talents! Be wise in being simple and just giving
generated from your own hand. How will I ever get you to out what you got. The details will be straightened out later. Those
completely trust in Me instead of your own arm, otherwise? who wait until everything is just perfect will never do their part to
I'm trying to woo you into trusting Me for your sustenance so change the world. They're the same bunch who always criticize
that you'll see that you don't have to work for the flesh, for the My unorthodox ways of doing things, as described in "Did God
meat which perisheth, but that if you'll trust in Me & work for Me Make A Mistake?" Did God make a mistake in using (Dad) as His
and My cause, promoting My message more intensively, I will Endtime prophet? A lot of people sure would think so. But they're
take care of you. I don't want your flesh to do it, I want you to going to be surprised!
learn to let Me do it for you by your doing what I really want you They're going to be surprised & shocked to find out just how
to do: the eternal & lasting work of the Spirit, not merely the different I truly am from their narrow-minded way of thinking! So
laboring for the meat which perisheth. what if some people don't get all of the details straight! At least
they're doing something with what they've got! They don't just sit
254 __________________________________________________ back & criticize, tear apart & nag, nag, nag. Don't you see where
You're going to have to get used to it, that in this war, today's that spirit is coming from? The Devil always thought he could do
instructions may contradict those of yesterday. So many things things better. Let him show just how much better he's going to
are going on that you don't know about, which determine the do it! Let those who do nothing but criticize show just how much
urgency of a matter, and while yesterday was yesterday, and better the world will be because of them! How many souls get
certain circumstances may have given leeway for certain things, saved through their criticism, their straining at a gnat, their
it may all look different today, just as it may all look yet cynical attitudes!
completely different tomorrow. It's human to make mistakes! They keep you humble. The proud
That's why it's so important you get your instructions afresh & haughty who do nothing but criticize have their reward in
everyday. You can't rely on the practical things I've told you feeling so high & mighty & superior in this life, that they can look
yesterday. While the general and spiritual counsel of My Words down on everybody else. If that's what they want, let'em have it!
to you from the past may still be applicable, when it comes to the But you know the importance of loving people in spite of their
practical things, related to the situation, they may vary & differ flaws, & that's an ability I appreciate & will reward much more
from day to day. than any attitude of wanting to know how much smarter you are
I want you to be open for My new input, possible changes & than everybody else, including Me & My prophets! It's an attitude
opportunities! thing! You can choose yours. But I think you get the picture of
I want you to be able to truly forsake all at a moment's notice, if which one I prefer.
need be.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, and you can 256 __________________________________________________
only be truly free when all the things you stand to lose truly mean As long as you were more successful, more busy, making
nothing to you, so that you can just forsake them & let go of more money, you were far away and distant from Me, too busy for
them at a moment's notice. Me. But I can't do without your love & company any longer! I just
When you've quaffed every cup of that which you previously have to keep you close to Me, I have to keep you relying on Me, I
wanted and it still leaves you dying of thirst for the new thing I need you to need Me!
want to bring into your life, then you're usually ready to truly If you weren't so desperately dependent on Me, things wouldn't
walk My path without reservations. be the same.
It takes guts to stand up to the brainwash of the Devil, and his
255 __________________________________________________ conditioning of the masses through the media, not to swallow
Sometimes you have to share what you know, even if it's just any of that propaganda.
a tiny little bit. If you share whatever you know, however childlike Loyalty to David as My Endtime prophet is one of the proofs in
& simple it may be, you're still better off than someone who is so My eyes how radical, sold out & revolutionary you are, how much
careful that he never shares anything in fear of not getting it all you dare to be different from the System!
right. I did the miracles of raising the dead, healing the sick and
Those who aren't satisfied with anything less than the perfect are feeding the hungry, which My enemies hated Me for, and David
nitpickers, and they never even get a fraction of the good did the miracles of healing the spiritually sick, raising the
accomplished that those do who simply have the guts & spiritually dead & feeding the spiritually starving, the miracle of
determination to share what they've got, even if they may not bringing those to My fold that nobody else would have had the
have all the details 100% straight! faith for, by means that nobody else would have had the faith for.
Dad didn't wait until it was perfect; he didn't filter out all the He didn't stop short of anything, just like I won't! I will use
strange little truths before he poured out the water. He knew the anything to save a soul, including the Devil himself, if need be.
world was dying of thirst, & time was short, so he poured it out, It's the results that count. I'd rather use a lesser evil, like a
and the world drank it up, and he fulfilled his destiny, although he mistake, a human error & unintentional untruth in order to
didn't fail to make himself a lot of enemies that way, just like I achieve a greater good, instead of being so self-righteously stuck
didn't. on all the details, painstakingly making sure that I've got every
There are even some flaws in the Bible, since there are various little fact & figure straight that I don't accomplish or achieve
anything! you had in your mind, which you thought & were convinced was
If nothing is impossible, why should anyone assume that it's so accurate, isn't necessarily the whole truth, after all; that reality
impossible to use sex to win another soul to the Kingdom of may turn out to have a few more surprises in store for you; that
God, or to show love to their brother or sister? Blessed be your you didn't have it all perfectly rigged up & figured out, after all;
father David for the faith he had to use things no one else had the that there is more that you don't know. Socrates pretty much hit
faith to use, to believe things no one else was ready or willing to the nail on the head when he said "the more I know, the more I
believe, for otherwise, this world would have been a different know I don't know." It's a bit like, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I
place. It would have been similar to the picture of could have get." "The more I lose, the more I gain..."
happened if Hitler had won the war. As long as you stay hungry, nothing, naked, humble, open &
The numbers of actual Family members are ridiculously small! desperately reaching out for Me to fill you, as long as you keep a
But that's the way I wanted it. I saw to it that through your radical vacuum for Me, I can fill you. I have always filled the hungry with
& unorthodox doctrines & revolutionary spirit you would always goods & sent the rich & full away empty. It's only those who sit
stay separated from the System, never accepted as part of it. So, like a queen, rich & increased with goods and have need of
don't consider lack of success with the world a failure or a nothing, knowing not that they are wretched, miserable, poor,
disappointment! It's My way of making sure you stay on the right blind & naked, who have nothing to expect from Me.
track - My track! If you know where the world is going, you won't So, what would you rather be? A Somebody who doesn't really
be too sad or disappointed that you're no part of it. need Me because he's already so satisfied with himself, or a
Dad was an anti-System rebel, one of the greatest who ever lived! nobody, who's got nothing but Me, ready to receive everything
You ought to be proud of having had such a radical & sold out, from Me?
non-compromising iconoclast for a leader, founder & spiritual The Devil nags & teases you: "Now, wouldn't it be nice if you had
father! some success you could show off with, so that you wouldn't
In the carnal, the Family looks like a poor outfit and a bunch of have to appear like some poor, little nobody?" But I want to make
losers! So what? So did I with My motley crew! But their names something better out of you than merely another successful
are written on the wall surrounding the Heavenly City, the Capital (person). Something the world needs much more desperately! A
of the entire universe! And so will you, My Endtime brides, be healer of wounds, a comforter of the heartbroken, a winner &
highly honored if you walk worthy of & un-daunting in this saver of souls.
privilege of being My called out, anti-System rebels, destined to There are enough proud & haughty people around, and they will
be different! Isn't it cool to be different? Isn't it great to be all meet their doom and downfall; why not be an exception,
offering an alternative? Isn't it great to be receiving Words somebody who's already walking on the humble ground of the
straight from the Great Alternative to the rut of the Devil, the reality that without Me, you are really nothing?
grind of the old? You can save them from the grind of the old, the It's the Devil's job to get everyone artificially puffed up & bloated,
rotten, decadent Systems of man, which are soon going to go blown up, way out of proportion to their real, spiritual size, by
down into the trash can of history, spiritually, to the bottom of the artificially created inflation material, like money, fame, reputation,
ocean, like the Titanic. It may have looked all shiny and new on "accomplishments," - some of which may be very questionable
the surface in the physical, but it's the spirit that determines in terms of lasting value. All they rely on is their own artificial
whether you're young or you're old & already rotten & ready to facade, & when it collapses, woe is unto them... When their pride
decay & rust away! See as I see! Open your eyes of the Spirit! collapses, everything collapses. They always say "faith is a
Seek not to please the spiritually dead but seek those who are crutch," but that's a lie! Faith is the only real and true foundation
alive, though they may seem as good as dead! that's really going to strengthen you from within. But the real
Those who are big in this world are paying a price for it! They are crutch, which only helps to keep the building of a spiritual
part of the death and the decadence of the System, suffocating, person standing up provisionally, without really strengthening
unable to breathe & to truly live, spiritually. Living the life of a the limbs from within, but only causing them to further
truly anointed instrument & vessel of the Spirit of God requires deteriorate, is pride. Pride is the crutch, not faith!
another price to pay: that of remaining largely unrecognized & So, do you mind if I kick those crutches away from you? It's
unappreciated by the world, persecuted, cast out. Are you willing because I would really like you to walk around freely, on your
to pay that price? own 2 feet! Everybody else is walking around with crutches,
some leaning very heavily on them, not able to go anywhere
257 __________________________________________________ without them, showing off how expensive they were. Some even
There are unlimited riches, but you need to absorb them. I have mega fancy wheelchairs. But without them, they can't get
can't pour any faster than you absorb. It's not that I withhold, but anywhere, just helpless cripples. And along comes little old you,
that you have to increase the intensity with which you absorb My running & skipping, without any crutches... And what's best, you
Word. It has to really sink in before it can yield the desired fruit & can even encourage others to get rid of their crutches, too, you
results. Keep concentrating on that which I've already shown can heal those spiritually lame & crippled, who don't even have a
you... there's lots. There'll be lots more to come, but you need to clue that life without their crutches & wheelchairs of pride is
absorb step by step. Don't just read & hear, but learn & grow. possible.
It's always the right time to do the right thing, & showing love, You see, when I was around, I healed the physically sick, the
especially to those whom you've neglected, is not a thing lame, the deaf & the blind. But you can heal the spiritually lame,
dependent on whether they "deserve" it or not, it's simply always crippled, deaf, dumb & blind of today. Providing they're willing to
the right thing to do. see and admit their own sorry state. The problem is that most of
them probably won't. They're so used to their crutches, they
258 __________________________________________________ don't even want to consider a life without. But aren't you glad
Moses had to become a nobody for 40 years after having you don't need any of that stuff?
been quite an important somebody. I'm after the dismantling of Humility will get you so much farther than those old crutches of
your pride. Your pride resists it, like a tough beast you're trying pride! So, seek not to feed your pride, to build up your own ego,
to kill but that won't give up so easily. your reputation, seek not the success of this world! Forsake
But only the humble can truly bring refreshment to the thirsty those crutches of pride! Kick your dependence on them! Toss
souls of others. Only the humble gain their trust to really be able them away! Burn'em! And see how wonderfully you'll be able to
to reach down into their hearts and to lead them to Me, the walk & run without them! (Isa.41:10!) Only humility can ever give
Answer to all their pains & heartaches. "God resisteth the proud you wings to fly! That old wheelchair, no matter how fancy, or
but giveth grace to the humble." Only the humble can fully walk those crutches of pride, they will only drag you to the ground.
in God's grace, and overflow with it. Humility and grace walk So, why limp around with crutches or roam about in wheelchairs,
hand in hand. when you can walk, run freely, and even fly?
Only the humble can take the blows of finding out that the picture
259 __________________________________________________ accomplished for accomplishments' sake, you failed to get the
(Windsor Elerian:) The Lord is trying to get you to the point point that it's all a gift in the first place: Life is a gift, and I want
where you'll be totally free from the grip of worldliness, free from you to enjoy it. More than being a test, it's a gift for you to enjoy.
clichés, free from their ideas of coolness, etc., free from the Your idea & mental projection of this school of life was too much
boundaries & ties of the flesh. He wants to make a genuine, resembling the picture of a System school. But My school is
spiritual person out of you. A spiritual person doesn't look at the really a lot more fun, a lot more loving, a lot more personal.
outward appearance, but at the heart. Neither do they put any Hanging out with Me, Your Teacher, is really something that's
undue emphasis on their own appearance. It's like that verse, "If going to help your life to become easier & more beautiful. My
any be a hearer of the Word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man school isn't supposed to make you worry or fret, "Oh my God;
beholding his natural face in a glass; For he beholdeth himself, what if I'm going to fail this test... what if I'm going to fail the
and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of teacher? That's not Me, that's not how My school works. It's more
man he was" (James 1:23, 24) like, "Hey, let Me show you something; let Me help you! I can
People get out of touch with their real, inner, spiritual selves, by show you a whole lot of things that can make this whole thing
putting way too much emphasis and importance on their physical called life a lot easier for you!"
appearance, their flesh. They think their appearance is them, A lot of times, people's idea of Me is only an extension of
when it's only a tiny fraction of their whole being. Sure, it's tough themselves, their own way of seeing & judging things. If you are
to not go overboard on looks when everybody else is doing it, harsh with yourself and others, then you'll picture Me as harsh,
but you've just got to realize that the emphasis on the spiritual is too, but that's not Me! I'm not harsh, but extremely merciful &
an art, a whole way of life that is so much more important, so patient! Yes, there are judgments coming, but not before I will
much deeper and more beautiful, simply greater than all this cult have shown My mercy and longsuffering and patience to the
of the flesh & looks, and all that goes with it, be it clothes- extreme!
consciousness, make-up, hair-dos, piercings, tattoos or suntans. The only way you're going to win people to Me is by showing
If people rely on these things & let them boost their self- them My love & mercy, not by ideas of a harsh God.
confidence, instead of walking in the strength of the Lord, then I am Love, I love you, and I don't want you to go out there for any
they forget who they really are. If they have to spend half an hour other reason but to convey that love! If it's not love that spurs
in front of a mirror before they have the guts to go out & show you on, motivates you & constrains you, as the Bible says, then
themselves to the others, then that's not really them going out wait & ask Me for it!
there, but just the made-up shell & packaging of the real you, It's not religious zeal that I want to be your driving force, but
which you're hiding beneath the wrapping. simply love for Me and them. And if you can't even love Me
That's the superficial way! You're only letting folks see your properly because you're scared of what I might do to you in case
surface, & not what lies beneath. And because you put so much you fail Me, if you haven't gotten the point yet that I only want
emphasis on it, and you practically put your faith in the flesh, you to love Me because you have experienced My love for you
according to your faith be it unto you, and you actually become first, then you're certainly not going to be able to convey that
that hollow shell of a vain & empty person, when you could be a love to others.
spiritual, genuine person, overflowing with true riches to give to Also, I want you to stretch your faith for others & see that if I've
all those you come across, simply by being real & genuine! been so patient and longsuffering with you, then there's no
It's one of the curses that the Hollywood industry, along with the miracle I wouldn't be able to do for others as well. In other words,
fashion industry & all the magazines & TV shows that are there's hope for anyone, and I can change any life. Just give Me a
pushing this kind of stuff on people, have wrought over the last chance & I'll prove it!
century. It's become a rare art, just being yourself. But as Dad So, forget about that whole accomplishment trip & just do
said in "Revolutionary Women," one way of really being whatever little bit you can each day and for My sake, enjoy life!
revolutionary is just being you! And that was the beauty of the It's the only way you'll ever convince anybody that you've got
original revolutionary women of the early days of the Family. something better than they, that they'll want to have as well.
Their beauty wasn't in their make-up, their hair-dos, their clothes,
or even their shapes, it was in their eyes, their smiles, the 261 __________________________________________________
genuine connection of their spirits with those they came in touch Of course it's in My own interest that My children accomplish
with. It was magical beauty! And the same applies to the men, the most they can for Me and My Kingdom. But sometimes it
also. takes My unorthodox ways to get there. And if I'm trying to teach
It's a matter of forgetting all you know for some, just getting rid you to get things done through Me and My power, then you just
of the way you've done things all your life, because that's just the can't seek to do it in the flesh. I'm purposely weakening your arm
way today's mirror & camera & looks oriented world has brought of the flesh for that very reason, so, don't seek to strengthen it,
you all up to be. But if you call on the keys of freedom, we, your don't let your carnal mind drive you in the opposite direction of
Eleria, can help you overcome those chained eagle ruts. Even at where I want you to be.
events where everybody will naturally try to look their best, The most important lesson I want you to learn is that you've got
hippest & coolest, you must remember that the best, hippest & to have the right Source of strength empowering you, the right
coolest is just the real you, the you that's beneath the motivations behind you, and the right groove.
"packaging" or the wrapping, so the less emphasis & time you There's nothing wrong with you wanting to do more for Me, but I
invest in that, your surface & appearance, the more you'll be able want to teach you how to do it properly. And the primary
to just let your real you shine through. requisites for that are that you know Me, know Who you're
It's because your real you, your spirit, belongs to the Lord, & the working for, so that you don't "sell" people your own idea of Me,
less emphasis you put on your fleshly appearance, the more He'll but the Real Thing, and that you do it in My strength, not your
be able to shine through. So, let Jesus shine through you, & own, because this job is too big, too monumental for anyone to
that'll be the best impression you can make on anyone. That's try to do in their own strength. Without Me ye can do nothing.
what it's all about. Forget about the flesh & get into the Spirit! This one verse is the gist, the crux & the point of it all, the one
thing I want you to learn. So, if that's what I want you to learn it
260 __________________________________________________ means, quit doing things without Me! Quit doing them in your
Your focus was so fixed on your accomplishment, "What am I own strength & any other way but through Me and My power! If
supposed to achieve? Which great works do You want me to you want to build lasting works, you're going to have to use My
perform?" that you didn't even see the main point I was trying to power to do it, not your own.
teach you, that, in fact, I didn't want you to accomplish anything I want to kindle a fire of love in your heart. It's got to be love, not
for the time being, but to just let go & let Me... I need you to learn fear of failure. I want them to see love in your eyes! If it's not
to let Me do it through you! love, it's no use.
Sometimes, in your blind ambition to just get something
262 __________________________________________________
You satisfy Me. Loving Me is an important & powerful weapon 264 __________________________________________________
you will greatly benefit from. The more you use it, the better off When I came and died for mankind, everything changed. The
you're going to be, the more fulfilled, happy & fruitful you're New Testament was the new way. The new way is the meek way,
going to be, and the more victorious. the humble way. The old way showed us that love was the better
The art of loving Me is an art of the Spirit, and it's not something way. I'm pouring out greater grace, and you should focus on My
that's born of the flesh, although I use the flesh the way I can use grace.
a physical appearance to inspire an artist to create a work of art, Love is showing My truth without words. Truth in action,
but the magic lies in the inspiration, the spirit, not merely in the manifested through deeds of love. The only thing that's going to
physical appearance. win them is love.
Although the physical appearance is divine in itself, in that it was The logic of man is coming to an end. But love will prevail. The
created by the greatest Artist of all, you must realize that the return of the heart to the true path will lead the world back to the
Spirit is something even higher, even greater, even more Garden, the great Reconciliation.
beautiful and more divine. This is the way of mercy, in which I want you to walk. Not in the
Loving Me has to be sparked and initiated by the Spirit. It has to way of condemnation and judging others (John 3:17). I don't
be ruled by the Spirit. I've got to be the ruling force in it. "Forget send you into the world to condemn the world, but that you
what you know." You must be open to a completely new should save those who would be saved.
experience. I'm the New, the totally Other, not the old, the things To offer Me means Salvation, not condemnation. The
you're familiar with. Making Love to Me is a weapon, a tool and condemnation is already there. But I am their Salvation. (Jn.3:19).
an instrument to propel you forward for Me, it signifies progress, Be heralds of Salvation, not condemnation! He that judges
coming closer to Me, which always means leaving the old behind. another will reap the greater condemnation.
This also means leaving old appetites behind, and things which If I learned obedience through the things which I suffered, how
formerly may have turned you on, must be replaced by new much more so each one of you...
things. You must open yourself to new images from My Spirit, The way of greater truth is the peaceable way of silence. Anyone
new experiences, new feelings. You must be completely open to can bicker and backbite, but only few can hold their tongue &
the totally new. I am the New, the flesh is the old. I am the Door to hold their peace. Everyone's got something to say, but few can
the new, the Way to the new, the Shepherd leading you to new listen and let it be. The meek shall inherit the earth.
pastures, the new bread, the new water of life, the Light, making
obsolete the old darkness which formerly surrounded you, and 265 __________________________________________________
leading you ever onwards, away from the former, the old, the "There is nothing that can come between us, except what you
well-known. allow." Only if the Enemy manages to make you doubt My love
Making love to Me will result in making more & more of a new for you, is there a shadow obstructing the flow of My light and
creature out of you, it will change you. I want you to become so love to you.
much a part of Me, the New, that you won't resemble the old The art of loving is a many-colored & multi-faceted world in itself,
anymore. enough to keep you busy learning forever. Don't freak out or
So, don't hold on to the old, but let it go, in order to make place panic when something happens you think you can't handle.
for the totally New, which I am. Are you ready for the new? Ready Rejoice over this new challenge.
to bid farewell to the past, the ways of the flesh? The old way of Be ready for anything at any time, to take it with a grin. When
doing things? nothing can shake you, it only fazes you as "so what, another
vain & empty attempt of the punk to blow my hat off," & you
263 __________________________________________________ shrug your shoulder & keep on trusting Me, that's what I call
Things change by the decisions people make, that's why it's faith! That's My idea of coolness! Be hot in your trust & love &
hard to make accurate predictions & "time tables" regarding the passion for Me, and cool when it comes to the Devil's attempts to
future. The future is as flexible as people's majesty of choice. rattle your wagon!
Certain events are set in stone, but when and exactly how they're Have I ever given you a burden too heavy to bear? Have I ever
to come about depends on many little factors, individual forsaken you with a load & left you all alone to carry it? No matter
decisions, & switches. how hard or heavy the burden, just roll it over to Me, & I'll take
It's the little things that make this kingdom stand... little prayers, care of it, that's the point.
& little decisions... little, seemingly insignificant choices. They The main point & lesson, when you're faced with a trial, a burden,
will determine the rise & fall of kings and what could have been any challenge, is still: are you going to give it back to Me, or what
kings & prophets. They make the difference between everything are you going to do? If you have 3 options: a) hand it to Me, b)
and nothing. For the want of the nail... the kingdom lost. freak out & despair, or c) to try to tackle it in your own strength,
One proud choice to disobey a seemingly minor instruction of which option do you think is the right one? Next time you're
the true prophet cost Saul his kingdom... faced with anything that might frighten or stress you, just
If you're not really open and hungry for the truth and nothing but remember the abc of success & overcoming. The right answer is
the truth, you can fail to see the truth even though you've been always a): hand it to Me!
hearing it all your life. It just passes you by, and the Devil only Just hand it to Me & stop worrying about the rest! If anything
draws your attention to those things which he wants you to see, comes your way, hand it to Me! You don't have to worry about
the things which feed your ego, instead of those which draw you anything. Whatever it is, just hand it to Me! All those things are to
away from it, make you humble & allow Me to increase in you, teach you to hand it to Me, to involve Me, to "pray without
while you yourself decrease. ceasing."
The true believers would rather go down with the ship than Hand it to Me & trust.
desert it! If you really believe that this is My ship, then you will
rather go down with it, when it seems as if it's sinking, than to 266 __________________________________________________
jump off in order to try to save your own neck. Will you bear this cross for Me?
Who needs those who will only try to save their own necks, seek The hurting, the pain, the sacrifice and the humbling, as opposed
to further their own cause, boost their own egos? We don't need to the way of self, the selfish way, the easy, comfortable way?
them on our ship, where we're trying to learn and teach others Let Me carry your load when it becomes too hard to bear. Just
how to love in total abandon of self. If you really believe and roll it over onto My shoulders in prayer.
know that I am the Captain of this ship, you won't jump into a life It's going to be alright. I'll help you make it through. The more
boat to try & be your own captain & "branch" out into your own you rely on Me, the easier it's going to be. The heavy loads are
business. By their fruits ye shall know them. By the fruit of their there to remind you that you shouldn't carry them yourself, but
lips, their fruit in your own life, you can tell. that you should rely on Me. Make Me work for you so that I may
work in you and through you. Learn to let Me work through you the gladiators & the "great" ones of ancient Rome, not songs
by making My power work for you. about finding strength in weakness.
Don't let go of Me! Don't turn the power, the connection off, but "What weird doctrine is that?" They can't figure it out!
stay in tune with Me. Stay "online." It takes some effort, but But I want you to distance yourself from all that & find true
you've got to overcome anything that tells you it's too difficult. fulfillment & satisfaction in faithfully doing the humble, little
It's an effort that saves you a lot of energy & difficulty that might things, keeping on giving out My message & being a living
come later on, if you fail to do it. Keep Me on your mind & stay sample of it, even if you think you're not accomplishing much.
connected. Stay tuned! Even if you are a "nothing," until you find your special "swing,"
the thing that makes you so special, so useful for Me, that makes
267 __________________________________________________ you the you that only you could have been...
Love is more important than the future, for it is the future. It is It's the hardest thing for a lot of people, to just be thankful for
more important than success, because it is success in My eyes. what I have made them to be. So many want to be something else
It is more important than anything, because it is everything; love or would prefer to be somebody else. But that's often just
is God, the most important & supreme, ultimate & greatest of all because the Devil has been causing you to compare.
absolutes. If you see the source of this comparing as a trick & a deception
Anything else is relatively unimportant. What's important, is love. of the Enemy to keep you from being content with what you have
And love loves the unlovely. It sees issues such as "weak" and & what you are, so you won't even start finding out what it is that
"strong" differently. you can do to make things better, then you actually start living.
I'm trying to re-frame your thinking. Be open to My input, Start living today. Your days are but as grass, and though you all
destined to bust all former, earthly confines! may be different flowers, you all flourish & then fade, it doesn't
Your mind is constantly looking for familiar borders & confines, make a big difference whether you might have preferred to be a
the walls to shelter the world as you've come to know it, the tulip or a rose, rather than a daisy... The end result is the same,
comfortable box. and your beauty is particular, special and unique enough for Me,
But I say, "Break that box & let it roll!" and for those around you, too, trust Me. What Satan has stolen
Your logic, your urge to have things figured out is hindering Me! from mankind is the trust that I knew exactly what I was doing by
So, stop trying to figure things out in your head! Praise Me a little making each one what they are.
more instead if things aren't ideal! Praise Me for'em and they will Be thankful for what you are, just enjoy the life I've given you to
be! At least you'll see them differently, more positively. So much live, instead of looking at what others have or do & accomplish...
depends on your perspective. The books that really count and that change the world and make
If you refuse the Enemy's or the System's or even your own a difference over time, are the ones written about My little
labels of "good & bad" & you start to realize that all things strange but true heroes. Those who felt like nothing compared to
deserve the label "good," because I have said it (Rom. 8:28), then the big monkeys in the world, but they just kept swinging from
why not just praise Me? tree to tree, from country to country, city to city, spreading My
It's like, "tell her she's beautiful, and she'll be beautiful!" The message, and they soon found a swing that echoed around the
same applies to your day! If you call it beautiful by faith, it'll be world.
beautiful! Praise Me for making all things new, the way they're Stories have often been My ways to drive home certain points.
supposed to be, by faith! You can't see it with your physical eyes, "The Greatest Story ever told has only just begun," and you're a
but you can see it by faith! part of it.
Start the day off praising Me and loving Me, and your day, your
life will be better! The only thing that matters is love, and it starts 269 __________________________________________________
with loving Me, and then I'll also give you enough love for those The strength, courage & faith you need to develop an
around you. All else will seem ridiculously unimportant to you, attacking initiative comes from your times spent with Me, so by
because you'll be so happy just obeying & loving Me! neglecting Me you go the opposite way. There's just no other way
around it: if you want to be like Me, you're going to have to be
268 __________________________________________________ with Me. If you want to learn from Me, you have to spend time at
In the world, it's a virtue to be strong. My feet, listening to Me.
Those who consider carnal strength a virtue don't realize that I have to strengthen you first, before I can send you out to battle.
everything comes from the hidden strength of the seemingly You can't go out to battle half-ready, half-baked, half-cooked.
"weak" Spirit World. Once you're strong enough to resist the Enemy's temptations &
The Devil gives strength to the rulers and champions of the distractions, and to not even give him a chance for an inside
darkness of this world. I am the Strength of the weak. attack; once you will have learned to hold on to your unity and
My sheep will only truly be satisfied with My good grass, but defend it at any cost, then I'll be able to send you to the battle
goats will go for the stuff the Devil feeds them. My sheep aren't field. And then will you also have acquired the necessary love
satisfied by anything but love, whereas goats will settle for the and courage for the battle, and you won't be shattered by the first
temporary satisfaction that material things, success, money, breeze of worldly temptation or comparison you might come
pride & accomplishments bring. across.
Nobody is aware of many of the things you witness. Just as there You have to learn to see with My eyes first, otherwise it's
were only a handful who witnessed My Words & actions, while useless: you will always feel inferior & like a loser, instead of the
the whole world thought where it really was all happening was winner you really are in spirit. You first have to learn to be what
Rome. There were many in My days, and in those which followed, you really are, your spiritual you, & not fall into the trap of the
who sought to make great names for themselves. But the only flesh. You've got to be My spiritual creation in order to fight the
ones who truly went down in immortal fame were those humble battle of the Spirit for souls! As long as you walk around in the
little faithful apostles of Mine, who did nothing but their best to flesh, it's no use.
take the totally unorthodox message of a poor carpenter's son You've been so used to walking in the flesh, it's hard for you to
who had been killed and risen from the dead, to the rest of the get in the Spirit. Learning to fly isn't all that easy for someone
world. And Rome sought to put out that fire, but was in the end who has been walking a rut around a stake in the ground...
consumed by it. In order to really be free, stay focused on your goal, and resist
It takes strong faith to go My humbling, unorthodox way, the temptation to flip flop back to the old familiar stake... the way
especially when you've been given talents you would like the of the past, the old way, the way of the flesh, the way that we
world to know about. But the world in their superficiality isn't want to leave behind in order to embrace the new. The flesh is
really interested in profound talents, they prefer to keep on being always vulnerable, your Achilles heel. It will always lure you into
entertained by tales of "winners" and "champions," those who the trap of doing the wrong thing, of making mistakes, and at one
made it big in this world, the strong, awesome and beautiful, like point or other, it could easily turn out to be a fatal one, except for
My mercy. Even though Romans 8:28 applies in every situation, When you deal with people, let Me shine through, and give Me a
and things will work out for good, this doesn't mean that it's chance to let that conversation with you make a difference in
always necessarily the best that could have come of it. Just their lives! Use love. Use My lingo instead of theirs!
because in My love I can turn every evil into good, it doesn't Get a hold of Me before everything you do! Get onto My
mean that there never could have been a better option, missed wavelength, My plain, get into My groove, My lingo, My Spirit, My
golden opportunities for which you might feel regret & remorse. love, and make each of your actions, words, conversations,
gestures, one that will make a difference in the meaningless,
270 __________________________________________________ lifeless, clueless Matrix of this world. If you want to be Neo, you
You were destined to be My bride and lover, and nothing else can't keep walking around pretending you're Mr. Anderson!
matters! You've got to refuse to let the Devil squeeze you into that old
Nothing is more important than our love! And if you fully realize System mold of your old you! You've got to refuse to let him
that, then nothing else can faze you or affect you, you're make you afraid of being different, or of even feeling awkward
completely sheltered from what's happening out there, safely in about it! Let's hope & pray you come across as different! Long
My bubble of protection, safely in My arms! live being different!
"Every little thing's gonna be alright." Everything is going to be You can't make a difference without being different! Wanna make
alright in the end! Even if you have to go through hell on earth, a difference? Then dare to be different! Talk different, act
it's inevitable that everything’s going to turn out good, because I different, be different! Let Me be that difference! Let them see it!
have promised it and because you love Me! And the more you Flaunt it! If you're just pretending to be one of them, then why
love Me, the better things are going to be! That's why loving Me should they respect & honor and reward you for being anything
is very much an effective weapon you will want to use, because it outstanding? Just have the guts to be what you are, different to
enhances and increases My blessing on your life, My protection, the core!
the manifestation of My power and the fulfillment of My promise!
The more time you spend and invest loving Me, the better off 272 _________________________________________________
you're going to be! It's the wisest investment you could possibly It's gotta be Me working in you and through you, if you want
make! to bear good fruit! Whatever you do, wait for My approval, for the
I want you to see it as the most important, most relevant and confirmation of My Spirit! Those who rush ahead without Me, fall
most practical thing you can do! Just as prayer isn't just the flat on their faces. It's a test of faith, sometimes, for you to wait
least, but the most you can do, so it is with loving Me! It is the on Me, instead of running out to do whatever is there at hand to
most important activity of your lives, which will empower you to do.
do all the other things you need to do with much greater ease Waiting on Me is the secret to success! Whatever you wait for Me
and effectiveness! So, take time to love Me, My love; you won't to give you the strength, power & wisdom for, will always be a
regret it! success - what I consider success.

271 _________________________________________________ 273 _________________________________________________

You're leaving Me personally out of the picture when you deal My Wild Wind may feel a little strange to you, exhausting &
with others without ever mentioning Me. It's as if My wife is tiring at times, but it's good for you, keeps you forever young,
talking to somebody without ever introducing her Husband. forever living, forever alive & bubbling over with good things.
I want to be a part of your life. I want you to include Me. Live in the Spirit, breathe in My Spirit, move with My Spirit; let My
I, your Husband, am always with you, and don't want you to Spirit move and think and speak in and through you! Feel how
ignore or neglect Me, whoever it is you're dealing with or talking it's changing you, making a new creature out of you!
to. I want to shine through you. I want to be right there, if not on Satan sought to snuff out that fire, that light, and sought to get
your lips, then at least on your mind and in your heart. If you you to put the emphasis and focus on the result of that Spirit, the
think about Me and are conscious & mindful of My Presence with gift of it, your talent, and he tempted you to lean on that, more
you, then sooner or later something about Me is bound to cross than on Me and My living Spirit Herself! The result was a dead
your lips, and in the meantime they'll see Me in your eyes. end street and long detour of the flesh.
You tend to go overboard to show them that you can act & talk But it was expedient that you learned this lesson on one of the
like them & be just like one of them. But what's so special about most dangerous tricks of the Devil, and one he uses most
that? Especially when what they need & what they're looking for frequently and most successfully with My people: that of getting
is something different? Somebody who's not stuck in the same them to lean on that which My Spirit has brought forth, rather
old pit, viewing things from the frog's perspective, down there, than the Spirit itself! To rely on the arm, strength and wisdom of
stuck in the hole, but somebody who's got Me along, your the new creature I made out of you, leaning on your anointing,
mighty, all-powerful Helper, Who's got the answer & solution to thus creating another "old man" that needs to be shed, let go and
all their problems. forsaken again.
I want you to come across as someone who's got Me with you, To be moving in My Spirit & to let My Spirit function in you
and unless they indicate definite rejection, I want you to make My requires that you let go of the crutches of the flesh, of leaning on
answers available for them! your own arm, talent or anointing for strength and support, and
Ask Me to show you how you can talk to that person without just cast yourself wholly into My arms, naked, and willing to trust
coming across like a religious nut, but still including Me. in nothing else but Me.
One way you can always include Me is by speaking in love, Let Me be your strength, your support, your Source for
because I am Love. Love is not being superficial, not just everything you need! Refuse to turn to any other means, refuse
sounding the same as everybody else. to do anything to save yourself or keep your own neck above
"Becoming one" is all about coming down to people's level to a water! Renounce that game of "survival" that everybody is
certain extent & degree in order to bring them My message playing, and let that old man die, so that I can resurrect the truly
presented in a way that's acceptable to them. It wasn't meant to new man in you!
be coming down to their level and that's all. It was meant to have The Devil will tempt you with compromise. "Oh, but you can use
a purpose. You become one with them in order to give to them both, the flesh and the Spirit!" But the more you fall back into the
My message, to give them Me, wrapped up in a packaging they gear of the fleshly methods of support, the less emphasis you
can relate to, but not to forget about Me altogether & just hand will put on My vision for you, of truly putting My Kingdom and My
them the empty packaging of your superficial outer shell without sheep first in your life!
Me in it! Focus on the new way, the new thing I am doing in your life, and
Take Me with you! Let your light so shine before men! Let Me on the goal and vision of its purpose, namely not merely to gain
shine before them! Show them Me! It's your one chance you support and ensure your physical survival, but to bring true,
might get to ever touch their lives for Me! eternal life to many, many souls who hunger and thirst for Me!
greatest duty of loving Me? That's a reality in billions of lives
274 _________________________________________________ everyday. He's keeping'em busy, busy, busy, busily preoccupied
"Nothing comes from nothing." You've got to put something with their survival, to make sure they'll be too busy to even think
into it, in order to get something out of it! about Me, much less spend time to learn how to love Me.
Just because things are going to be alright eventually doesn't How much time are you willing to invest in learning how to love
mean you've already made the grade. I'm waiting for you to really Me? Loving Me is more than a task, it's the very art of living. The
get ready for Me. very art of living lies in the art of learning to love Me. There are
And in order to really get ready for Me, what you need is a few people in this world who really know the art of living,
desperate, not a complacent attitude! I want you to be because they spend so little time on learning how to love Me.
desperately mindful of Me, on constant CQ with Me, at every step Don't let the Enemy distract you from the most important thing in
& turn of the way. life. What could be more important?
You've got to realize how ferociously the Enemy fights you! Give Me your time, your attention, your heart, your mind, and
There's no way you can afford to be indifferent or half-hearted soon I will be able to rule and determine your actions, causing
about it! I want you to be on guard & not ignorant of his devices. you to accomplish more than you ever could without having
The only way I can ensure My full protection is if you really make acquired My love & power first.
sure your spiritual firewall is up, and the more vehemently you The great secret lies in loving Me. That's all I require of you. The
pray, the more vehemently My hedge of angels will protect you! rest will come - not by itself, but by Me. I will do everything and
Beware of walking in the flesh! anything through you, if you just allow Me, by loving Me.
Are you going to be open and honest about the fact that,
"basically, we don't have very much in common with the way 277 _________________________________________________
most people live in this world"? I refuse to let anybody put Me into any kind of box of what
You don't have to pretend! You don't have to hide your light! Let they think I ought to do or how I ought to run My Family. Only
it shine! Your love & your happiness and peace will be those who accept My wisdom as the supreme standard, who
contagious, and they'll want it, too! Pray without ceasing. Be drink in the radical waters I have given for this time & age, I can
concerned about their soul! Forget everything you are in the use to fight the battle over the souls of men in history's darkest
flesh, only focus on the goal: their soul, safely in My fold! hour.
I use what nobody thinks I can use.
275 _________________________________________________ You've got to have faith for miracles of the kind the world has
It's important that you do what you do for the right motives, never seen.
in the right spirit, not because you're afraid of My punishment if You must see in a completely different way than the way the
you don't obey. You can't be a successful soul winner if that's world sees!
your only incentive to witness. It's gotta be love. On the other Often I require you to have faith and vision for something greater,
hand, as you step out by faith to witness, I give you the far beyond that which you can see immediately before you, and a
necessary love. willingness to sacrifice of your own life in favor of the future.
I'm trying to get you to take the 2nd role, and let somebody else Start pouring, and I'll make sure that it will be well invested.
shine, and just support them, to teach you love and humility, to I can show and teach you completely new things through this
be thankful for them, and to learn to esteem them above yourself. adventure of pouring your life, your faith, your substance, into
I'm an unconventional God with unconventional tactics, and one another one. The world always goes the way of the flesh, the
of the things I resist the most is the moment anyone tries to put selfish way, the way of decay, the ways of death! My way is
Me in a box & tells Me, "But this is the way it's supposed to be, always the new way, the contrary to the usual way, the
because it's the way it has always been!" No, it isn't! Not if I have revolutionary, unselfish way, the way of faith!
come up with a better idea, and you might find yourself lagging
behind by sticking to the old way instead of following Me and My 278 _________________________________________________
new, revolutionary methods! I like you to have fun & enjoy life, but I didn't mean life for Me
I'm not judging you by what you're accomplishing. What's more to be a permanent vacation! Sometimes you have to embrace the
important to Me than your statistics is that instead of becoming dark & painful road in order to be led to final, true & lasting
all self-satisfied & self-confident with what you're accomplishing, happiness. My way up is down, there's pretty much no exception
you're staying desperate & humble, humbly reaching out for Me, to that, and so, if someone constantly seeks their way up to the
desperately clinging to Me to make sure you're on the right path. sunny peaks in pursuit of selfish pleasure & "good times," they
When you get all proud of yourself & feel like, "behold, now I've will inevitably land down on the rock bottom of an empty soul,
really accomplished something," you lose that humility, that because they're just missing the goal. That's not how happiness
respect for others, the knowledge that you need them! You is found. You'll reap just what you sow and if it's only to yourself
become so self-sufficient that you think you could easily make it and your own pleasure that you sow, instead of pouring your life
on your own. out to others, emptiness is what you will reap.
I prefer you humble and small.
So, next time the Devil tempts you, "Shouldn't you be 279 _________________________________________________
accomplishing more?" just tell him, "Get lost!" The quality & height of your spiritual standard, & the strength
I have put you together as a perfect constellation to do a job for of your spiritual defenses depend largely on you and what you're
Me that I consider perfect. It may not look perfect to anyone else, willing to invest in it. If you just coast along, thinking, "oh, well,
but to Me it does, so what else matters? yeah, the Lord's gonna pull me through somehow," I might do it,
What else could you care about? This is the way, keep walking in but there will be consequences to pay for your lack of
it! preparation, strengthening your defenses & actively doing your
If you'd be the big head honcho making the whole show run... It part, and I will have to allow troubles & problems, even if just to
would be pitiful, don't you think? Sometimes, less is more, if less remind you that there's something missing, something you could
keeps you sweet, humble and loving. Keep making more out of & should be doing that you're not, such as take time for a full-
less! fledged prayer vigil, memorize keys promises, etc., in order to
maintain a high spiritual standard & defense.
276 _________________________________________________ If, instead, you leave a back door open for the Enemy, through
Sometimes I want you to do nothing but to love Me. If that's which he can enter, you have to count on the fact that it won't be
the greatest commandment and the main purpose in life, what necessarily you he's going to be attacking, but the victims are
makes you think that you have to do all those other things going to be the weaker ones. So, in order to protect the weaker
instead? Couldn't it be that it's the Enemy egging you on to members of your family, you need to keep all gates & doors &
accomplish things only in order to distract you from your loopholes shut, through which the Enemy might find entrance!
He's always going to attack the weakest member first, and then, You don't have to trudge through that old, stagnant world, you
by having attacked them, he's going to strike a blow from within can escape hither, to the Spirit... There's a way of escape, you
that's also going to weaken you, and thus he has a chance to get know? He gave you the power to rise above, so you don't have to
at you, too. be bogged down by all that carnal stuff!
Strive to strengthen your resources & reserves, instead of taking
any risks. 283 _________________________________________________
Do what soldiers do, prepare for battle, and not act as if life was a Some people's supposed spirit trip is nothing but a carnal
permanent vacation. Get serious about getting strengthened & trip of self-righteousness, pride and self-elevation & trying to
trained up for warfare! Invest time in proactive training & learning accomplish something in the arm of the flesh. Their arm of the
to really fight the Devil. flesh may be powered by spirits, but they're evidently not My
Are you being "sober and vigilant," or are you leaving the doors good, wholesome & clean holy spirits, but they have been sent
of your defenses wide open, leaving yourself vulnerable, and strong delusion so that they might believe a lie, simply because
your flock exposed to the peril of outside attacks? they did not receive the love of the truth. They had the chance to
receive the truth, but when they rejected it, that was their
280 _________________________________________________ decision to take the down-hill slope.
I want you to take on the role of a humble, meek, and They like to be strong in themselves, in their own spirit, and that
dedicated servant. very strength is a deception that many can fall for. The lie just
Get ready for whatever comes & whenever it comes! Ready to sounds too attractive to them: the prospects of doing their own
give it your best and your all. Leave nothing to chance. thing, sit on their own thrown, be their own boss... it's the same
Dedication and devotion is not quite the same as ambition, even temptation the Devil fell for.
though it may look the same. I have equipped all My sons & daughters of all ages with the
Ambition is when someone tries to zealously achieve something "majesty of choice," a constant check in your heart which
for themselves; they want to be successful, and that's their determines whether you're willing to give up your own thing to
motivation. Dedication is that same zeal, but not for yourself, but Me and allow Me to be your Boss & Master of your fate, or not.
for others, because you love them, and are determined to do the It's either "yes" or "no" to Me.
best you can for them. The temptation of doing your own thing entails an important
You are there to light their fire, not to reflect their warmth, or wait lesson and can be helpful in warning others & keeping them from
& see whether they have any warmth at all. Light their fire & falling for it, too. You wish you had never strayed & never
get'em hot! listened to those voices that were urging you to give in to those
cravings that promised you how much grander things you could
281 _________________________________________________ accomplish on your own...
You asked Me to break you & do with you whatever I saw fit. Those who hold on and who won't fall for that trap have got a
Do you really want this breaking? Do you really want Me to make mightier thing going than anything anyone could accomplish on
you & mold you into nothing? Or do you want to hold on to your their own, no matter how great or strong they may be or think
pride? they are. Because this is My doing, and it has been from the
You see, warfare isn't always beautifully organized. The signal beginning. What you accomplish in it is not quite as important as
sounds and you rush out onto the battle field, and you don't that you stick with it, remain a part of it, help to maintain it & do
always look good in the mess that results out there. The only what you can to keep it functioning.
question that will remain is: have you done what you could? Will Faithfulness & loyalty to Me and My Family is a great thing. Like
you have given it your all? that quote says: "A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness in
It's those disasters in the physical that sometimes result in the the little things is a great thing." The Family may be nothing but a
most beautiful spiritual events & miracles. You've got to give up "little thing" in the eyes of some, but faithfulness to My Family, in
the control. You're not in control anymore, but I am. My eyes, is a great thing.
What's most important is that you really learn to live the Even so, faith in Me is a little, unimportant, maybe even
message, a living sample, the living proof, a reflection of what ridiculous thing to many unbelievers & scoffers, but faithfulness
you actually live and practice and experience. to Me is a big thing. I don't even care how successful you are,
It's the Spirit that counts! It's not how "together" you are, how how great, or what "biiiig" gifts you have, "one thing is required
controlled, but how much you allow Me to control you! in stewards, that a man be found faithful!" (1.Cor.4:2)
You've got to get your focus off of the things that you're capable That's all I ask, and blessed is that servant who will have been
of, and focus on what I can do through you. Don't seek to be in found faithful! Look at all that you have received! Is it not only
control, but let Me be in control. If you're willing to let go & let Me fair that you would reward all that with mere faithfulness?
use you like that, even if the result may come across to you as Faithfully appreciating and being grateful for what you have
"chaotic," then you'll be a lot more fruitful! received? Returning My love for you with faithful service and
What counts is the Spirit! Forget about the flesh. Perfection is obedience instead of falling into the Devil's trap of doubt, final
flesh. Inspiration, the Spirit, that's what counts! So, let go of the disobedience, denial and betrayal?
flesh & hang on to the Spirit! Those who go against Me and My anointed ones are always
Strive for the uncontrolled, passionate surrender to the white-hot completely convinced of the rightness of their own cause.
fires of My Spirit. Let Me set you on fire, and the world will come Otherwise the Enemy could not get them that far.
out to see you burn! It won't matter whether it will look weird! To I have set you free! Don't let the Enemy lie to you about that!
hell with how it will look in the flesh! What matters is the looks of You're free! You may not be making a big splash about it, but just
it in the Spirit. quietly enjoying your freedom, but that's more like what freedom
really is. It's not a proud peacock strutting around, "I'm free, I'm
282 _________________________________________________ free," when he doesn't realize that he's chained to the ground by
(Windsor Elerian:) Fly! Fly, and let nothing tie you down to his own pride & inability to fly. But you, My little songbird, or
the old, to the rotten carcass of this world! It's dead, you know? even if you're just a little sparrow: you're free, you can fly! So fly,
Compared to the vibrant, living, pulsating and energetic, eternal My love, fly!
World of the Spirit, that old carnal world is nothing but stinking,
rotting flesh. If you think about it, the Devil is really nothing more 284 _________________________________________________
than the god of the dead. The pride of life keeps people from doing the will of God.
Come, and join the land of the living, flee like a bird to the I'm trying to make a shepherd out of you, whose main focus is
mountain of life, make the great escape Here, where everything is not so much anymore on what he's accomplishing himself, but
free, power, energy, everything you ever need, want and who invests & pours his life, his love, his energy & time into
dreamed! Dive in to the Spirit! others, so that they may do for Me what you yourself can't.
Your weakness is a somewhat immature desire to be heard & inherit the land. (Ps.37:34)
seen, a desire for attention. If you're longing for accomplishment I will wait on Thy name, for it is good before Thy saints. (Ps.52:9)
& lasting achievements that count, it's the ordinary little folks Because of His strength will I wait upon Thee, for God is my
who do most of that, while the rest of you artists are too busy defence. (Ps.59:9)
trying to attract attention! My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from
Your only desire for recognition should be for My recognition. Him. (Ps.62:5)
Your mistake is a lack of faith, looking for praise, approval, Mine eyes fail while I wait for my God. (Ps.69:3)
satisfaction and fulfillment in the physical realm, when true Let not them that wait on Thee , O Lord God of hosts, be
fulfillment can only com from the Spirit. ashamed (Ps.69:6)
I'm trying to get you to set your affections on things above, but Our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that He have mercy
your flesh just takes every opportunity it gets to run off with upon us. (Ps.123:2)
every temptation. I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His Word do I hope.
I'm having to jerk the comfortable pillow of ease from under you, (Ps.130:5)
which is the breeding ground for that lack of desperation & The eyes of all wait upon Thee (Ps.145:5)
determination to really go on the attack. I can't make it easier for Wait on the Lord and He shall save thee. (Prov.20:22)
you. Things have to get tougher and worse in some ways in order Blessed are all they that wait for Him. (Isa.30:18)
for them to get better in other ways. The flesh has to decrease, They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they
along with all its comforts, and the Spirit has to increase, which shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be
only happens by greater emphasis on the spiritual & less weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isa.40:31)
emphasis on carnal & worldly things. They shall not be ashamed that wait for Me. (Isa.49:23)
We will wait upon Thee, for Thou hast made all these things.
285 _________________________________________________ (Jer.14:22)
You must allow My Words to really sink into your hearts. The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that
That's from where the fruit of learning comes. Wisdom is so seeketh him. (Lam.3:25)
much more a matter of the heart than the mind. You've got to let Quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. (Lam.3:26)
Me plant My seeds into your heart, & you must absorb them with I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.
all your heart, not just acknowledge them with your mind. You've (Mic.7:7)
simply got to take the time for those seeds to really sink in. Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the Lord. (Zeph.3:8)
Learning is something that just can't be done in a hurry. Wait for the promise of the Father (Acts 1:4)
I'm not going to send you out into battle before you're prepared
for it, or send you into battles you're not equipped for. 286 __________________________________________________
I'm revealing to you, bit by bit, every day, how helpless you are Claim the keys of focus! Claim the keys of concentration, of
without Me, where your wrong attitudes lie, what your persistence, & rebuke any hindrance from distracting spirits of
weaknesses are. the mind who are trying to lure your thoughts away from Me.
Some people are incapable of living without some kind of (2.Cor.10:4,5)
artificially glorified self-image. They can't bare the shame of the These Scriptures you memorized act like a chimney sweeper's
ugly reality of what they really are, how nothing they really are, brush, clean out your "pipes" & free it from dirt & smut. Being a
how little good there is about themselves, and just how "hearer only" of the Word won't do it. And one of the first ways to
desperately they need Me to help them stay on guard and to keep become a "doer" of the Word is by memorizing and reviewing it.
them from stumbling. "He that thinketh he standeth, let him take Isa.26:3 - You can have the perfect peace of knowing that I'm with
heed, lest he fall." you every step of the way, in all you do, if you keep your mind
Many know not how nothing they are. stayed and fixed on Me. The Devil will fight with all he's got to
The strength of the flesh is a rope that promises to lead keep you from doing that, because he knows the minute you do,
somewhere, like that way that seemeth right unto a man, but you become a powerhouse for Me, and he cannot cause any
what is the end thereof? If know what's at the end of that way further delay, friction or disturbance on the inside - until he gets
that seemeth right unto a man, then you can be prepared, and another chance to distract you from Me again, somehow.
walk another road. It's a permanent fight to strive to keep your mind stayed on Me, &
Walk the humble road, the road that doesn't seem right to a man that's what those weapons of our warfare are there for, to pull
by his carnal reasoning, the road of faith, that tells you, "do it down those thoughts and mental picture that are trying to
‘cause Daddy said so." The path of obedience. separate & distract you from the knowing that God is right there
There is so much to learn, but it doesn't all fit into your mind. with you.
You've got to make room for it in your heart. Don't seek to absorb You've got to train and discipline those thoughts in the
it with your head. Let it sink in deep inside of you! obedience of Me. They try to break loose and run wild, hither,
Take to heart the wisdom of the Spirit. Put aside all impatience & thither and yon, but you've got to catch them & bring them into
patiently wait on Me. Have you got the patience and faith, to wait captivity, tell them Who's the Boss, and Who they should obey.
on Me? And those weapons, like the keys, the Word, the power of praise,
The temptation is often there, to jerk & make your own move, etc., are helping you to do that. But it's a conscious effort, a real
before I or the prophet have arrived, but your only hope & chance fight, and a mental and spiritual war.
to make it is to wait on Me. I'm always right there for you. The "knowledge of God" is the
knowing & being fully conscious of the fact that God is right
(Verses on waiting on the Lord:) here, right there with you and a very real and substantial part of
Let none that wait on Thee be ashamed. (Ps.25:3) you every second & every milli-second of your life, the very
Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day. Power that created you and keeps you going with every breath
(Ps.25:5) you take.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait on Thee. You could and should be absorbing Him consciously with every
(Ps.25:21) breath you take, every thought you think, every word you speak,
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen etc. But what causes you not to do that is the distraction tactic
thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. the Enemy uses, "every high thing" which exalts itself against
()s.27:14) that knowledge & conscience of My Presence in your life, that
Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him. (Ps.37:7) makes you think you can do it on your own. "I can do it myself. I
For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, can take care of myself."
they shall inherit the earth. (Ps.37:9) You may not be consciously thinking that, but your attitude in
Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt thee to excluding Me from your activities, your failure to acknowledge
Me in all of them, speaks louder than words. If you would truly be came to this side of the veil.
mindful of Me in everything you do, things would be different. I'm He knew it was the path of light he had to follow, & basically,
always there to a certain extent, but it takes 2 parties, 2 poles to that's how I guide all My children around the World into the true
make a real connection, and you've got to make a conscious light, all through their lives, even when they don't get around to
effort, flip the switch, zoom in on Me and stay focused there, stay hear the message from one of My servants. I have many ways to
tuned in on Me, in order to make full use & avail yourself of My speak to them & to prepare them, to teach them in My ways. The
power to the greatest extent possible. Zoom in on Me and then let important thing is that you don't miss the golden opportunities to
your focus rest there. If the Devil tries to distract you, zoom right bring them in when you come across them, that you show them
back in on Me. the simple door & entrance path to heaven, so that they don't
It's almost like pulling a stubborn horse or mule back in the have to keep walking and searching any longer than necessary.
direction you want it to go when it starts to go the other way. You've got the light and the power, the love, and it was given for
That horse is like your flesh which thinks it can do it without My the purpose that you pass it on to them, it's nothing you can
help & trudge off on his own. So, you've got to pull the reins & hide, tuck away or selfishly keep to yourself. It's not exactly the
say "No, fella, this way!" That's what you've got to do in order to same form of energy as electricity, but it's very much like it.
train & discipline your mind! The keys, My Word, and your own Electricity is its physical counter part, and an illustration of the
willpower to discipline your own mind are all instrumental tools even greater, spiritual Power of God's Love.
and weapons in order to make that happen, to keep that horse of How do you avail yourself of that power, the great energy of
your mind on the right track. God? Through prayer!
If you just let your spirit run wherever it likes, the Devil might try
to trap you & have you go his way. 289 __________________________________________________
You often lose sight of Me, forget about Me and just don't think of Things break. They deteriorate. They don't get better or
Me anymore or don't stay connected with Me. But you've got to. improve by themselves, as the evolutionists claim. The only way
You must. It's also like that allegory of the ram and the can grow in this life and truly gain is by acquiring spiritual
You've got to keep an eye on Me, keep your mind focused on Me, riches that won't be corrupted. The only way to grow is in the
and you're just going to have to make a conscious effort to do spirit, because your natural man decreases. You have to sow to
that. "Pray without ceasing!" Stay in tune with Me at all times! the immortal, the spirit.
Claim the keys of heavenly thought power and full possession! Nothing in this world lasts forever. In fact, time is running out.
Memorize keys promises along these lines, or quotes & verses Your natural stature is diminishing, deteriorating. The only way
that help you keep your mind in subjection to Me! Use the you can actually gain something that will last is by giving away
weapon of the Word more militantly, fully absorb it! Soak it in to what I've given you, My Words of life, and by winning souls,
the very fiber of your being. Rub that hyssop of My Word deeply which will be the eternal gain you will bring with you from this life
into your heart, think on it, meditate on it and write it on the into the eternal, the only thing that will last.
tablets of your heart. When an old house deteriorates, it will need some work on it, it
won't get better by itself. Likewise, your body needs some
287 __________________________________________________ "maintenance" & repairs done to it, the same way your car does.
I want My children & brides to become more acquainted with The tires wear off and you need new ones.
and more skilled in the use of their spiritual weapons of loving You can't say, "oh, I'll trust the Lord to fix those tires." You can
Me intimately, prayer, praise, the Word, the keys, their spirit trust Me that I'll supply new ones.
helpers & prophecy. You can't just close your eyes & hope the trouble will go away.
Because these relatively peaceful times will soon be over, and You have to confront it & deal with it, there's no way around it.
full-fledged warfare is going to break out. So far, most of you When an enemy comes to attack you, you'll have to face him &
have not been taking your training seriously enough. Your main counter the attack, you can't just ignore him. Some enemies are
concerns have been your survival, your careers, your futures, inevitable and of a natural kind, as part of the result of the curse,
your pastimes, and not truly giving your lives for My cause. such as pain, sickness or death. Although I have overcome them
Truly living by faith means, you don't care whether you're going for you, you still have to deal with them to some extent. The
to die or live another day, all you know is, you want to follow Me victory is by faith. It is by faith that you know you have eternal
blindly wherever I lead. life & that you'll be with Me after you die. It is by faith that you
What matters is that you spend time with Me, seek Me earnestly, know that I can heal you from the sicknesses that befall you. And
and start learning to rely & depend on Me, not your own arm of by faith you know that I can help you find a solution for this
the flesh! problem & get it fixed.
For many, worldly success has become a deadly distraction and Countless people deal with these problems without My help,
a snare (1.Tim.6:10). without faith. For them its all a matter of natural, mechanical,
Following Me requires flexibility & openness to change. carnal things, regardless of whether there is a God Who made
Following Me is a constant revolution. I am Revolution. Stay and designed them, or not. The difference between you and them
flexible and revolutionary! is by faith. You don't even always look happier than they do. You
don't look as though you have more than they, but rather less,
288 __________________________________________________ because you seek treasures that are not of this world & therefore
You've been going through this world as one not of them, but you don't ambitiously work for the same abundance they indulge
among them, as one who knew where you really come from and in. You believe that what I said is true: "A man's life consisteth
where you are going; about the magnificence of the Spirit World not in the abundance of the things that he possesseth."
that surrounds you; as one who feels things intensely, wondering There are two paths, two ways for man to choose through life:
how it can be that so many don't see and feel as you do, and the carnal way and the path of faith. The result only shows at the
always largely feeling rejected and despised by men for what you end of the road. Along the way, the carnal road often looks like
really were: not of this world. the more reasonable and the more blessed. They who walk that
I always bring somebody across your paths, who receives your road have a greater abundance, and those who walk the faith
kind and sticks to them loyally, no matter what the world around route will even have to humbly ask those others to share of their
may say or think. abundance with them. They definitely look more like the "losers."
Spirit is energy, the pure energy from which all that exists But that's where My surprise ending comes in. People of faith
derived. Einstein believed in a life after death, and he wasn't believe in a surprise ending. Not so much in order to tease the
disappointed. Although he had not known Me during his physical others at the end of the road & be able to say, "See, I told you
life, his belief, based on the things he was able to observe in so," but even to let them also be blessed. For they will be
nature with open eyes and an open mind, hungry to ever learn blessed for every helpful deed & thing they shared with you, My
more, prepared him to make the right decision when he finally people of faith, the apparent losers. It takes faith for them, too, to
be sharing with you of their abundance. And I will bless that faith. Is it My will for you to make it easier on yourself? It is the
It's not quite the same as the amount of faith someone has who hard way that makes you stronger.
decides to devote their entire life to Me, but it takes both. Just Which is the better preparation for what's to come? Acquiring a
like you score points in life by witnessing & winning souls & carpet that will be jerked out from under your feet eventually, or
doing loving things, being a loving sample, so they can the same, learning to stand on the rock which will lift you unfailingly above
by helping you or others in need, etc. any obstacle, that you might have to face in the future? The
You're all in the same game, except that you have a special role easier way is often a cop-out, & by thinking you're gaining
to play in it, that of the "spirit guides," those who may be poor in something, you're only cheating yourself out of a greater
the flesh, but can lead others in the ways of the spirit, the true & blessing.
lasting riches, recognized only by faith. Then there are the I want to be the One to provide for you. If you take the easy way
"helpers," and of course, the "enemies," those who oppose you, out, the Devil's System's cop-out, then how can I prove to you My
reject you, and make things tougher for you, and there are the power fully? Put your faith & trust in Me, not in the green paper
truly poor, and the masses of the indifferent, who you're also pig god of the System!
destined to influence & sway in their decision either for Me or It looks downright silly to the world: why refuse money you could
against Me. You can win souls and disciples from each of those be getting for nothing? It's like Daniel and his friends at the royal
other groups & even convert them into fellow "guides" along palace in Babylon, insisting to be fed only bread & water. Or like
with you, to help you in your quest, while other, former "guides" Elisha's refusal to accept money from Naaman.
can lose their positions & turn into either "enemies" or "helpers," Sometimes less is more when it comes to all the "blessings" the
or join the indifferent masses, etc. System has to offer. This is a new day, in which I instruct My
Everybody has their special role to play. Your role is to help brides personally in the ways that are tailored specifically for
others to determine which is going to be their role and position them and are best for them personally.
towards Me, whether they're going to be antagonistic towards My What do you prefer: money and comfort, or souls?
cause or whether they will help or at least sympathize with us. I prefer this "desperate" situation by far over one of ease.
You "guide" them into decisions, either for Me or against Me, The more you lean on System-related or -generated support, the
sometimes without saying a word. Simply by receiving and less souls you're likely to win.
accepting or rejecting and despising you, they will already have It's essential to keep up the necessary level of inspiration; the
made a decision. That is why your sample is so important. spark & incentive to keep you going for Me.
Sometimes I will give them various or even many chances, & if Your "less" in physical blessings brings so much "more" in
they didn't jibe with a certain of My representatives or "guides," I spiritual blessings, the true blessings & the true excitement of
will send them another one, to see whether they will respond life by fighting among the handful of sold-out & all-out guerilla
more favorably to that one... I give each of them opportunities to troops for Me daily.
be blessed by you, My prophet guides & humble servants.
Then there are those who pretend to be "guides" & My servants, 292 __________________________________________________
but they are actually false guides, wolves in sheep clothing. They The carnal mind sees desperation as something bad,
are, in many ways, even worse than open & downright enemies, something undesirable, something to avoid at all cost. But
because they deceive the people and lead them astray. They desperation is the ingredient that puts the magic into prayers
make mindless zombies out of those who could potentially have that makes them get answered in spectacular ways!
been helpers or even "spirit guides" themselves.
The way they treat you determines the way they would treat Me. 293 __________________________________________________
Some matters I leave up to your choices & decisions, and with In the flesh, you're a pauper, but in the spirit you're a prince.
others, I don't leave you any option (because I know you wouldn't You've got to humbly stay focused on that spiritual creation of
choose them voluntarily); they're inevitable. In those, you'll also Mine in you, knowing that all you are is by My grace. There's
have to show your faith and how you'll master them, and you can nothing you haven't received. Ye have not chosen Me, but I have
even be a testimony and a witness in these situations. chosen you. That's why it's so important for you to take hold of
Everything is significant and another move in this game of life. My Spirit at the start of the day: When you're in the Spirit, you're
Nothing happens by coincidence, there is a purpose in less likely to fall prey to pride in any form, because My Spirit is
everything. humble. You'll know who you are in the Spirit, & won't be tempted
to compare so much with others who may have more than you in
290 __________________________________________________ the physical, & you'll be content with that, just determined to
Everybody needs to experience some pain in life, and it is the make the best of it.
pain, not the easy times, that makes you grow & brings you If there are things about yourself that you don't like, praise Me for
closer to Me. them. Praise Me for all things, even, or especially those you
You must keep believing in Romans 8:28, & that even this works consider "bad."
together for your good. Exposing the tricks the Enemy pulls in order to sneakily rebuild
I haven't forsaken you in your pain, nor am I allowing it because your old man, shows that if you don't watch it, that old man is
I'm upset with you, but I simply have to allow it because it will going to creep up again, and before you know it, you'll find
also work together for your good. I can't protect you from every yourself stuck in a new Egypt the Enemy helped you build in
attack of the Enemy. your life.
Which other way do you acquire wisdom but by pain & suffering That's why it's so important to keep revoluting, to keep changing
& going through fiery trials & tests of faith? in your life, & not fall into any ruts, routines & habits. The only
I'm teaching you to trust in Me! There's no way around it. You're fool-proof remedy is your personal time with Me each day.
going to have to learn to trust in Me. You'll have to trust Me for The Devil fights to make you forget all that you're learning from
the pain, trust Me for your support, you'll have to trust Me for Me, & it's a little bit like having to start all over again from scratch
everything. When someone has truly learned to trust in Me, you every morning.
could call that wisdom. You have to re-learn afresh every day just how much I love you,
You want quick relief, I want you to trust Me. We're going to have how much I need you to come to Me and how much you need Me
to meet in the middle of what we both want. and to spend that time with Me.
According to your faith be it unto you! Sometimes it takes a while
until you find out where your faith lies, what you have the faith 294 __________________________________________________
for, and how far your faith goes. And that's what tests are all The keys promise you everything: more supply, more fruit,
about. more humility, faith. You have not because you ask not in the
power of the keys! You don't avail yourself sufficiently of the
291 __________________________________________________ greatest power I have ever given to man, which is at your
disposal. thrilled with feelings of excitement & anticipation knowing that
I have given you the power to overcome any obstacle, any this whole challenge & situation was planned & orchestrated by
weakness, any problem you might encounter! Me, it's one of My setups, & therefore, this is destiny!
Some people believe in Me, but they don't think they're supposed Often My great testings are crossroads in destiny that look very
to avail themselves of My help. They acknowledge, "Oh yeah, mundane, ordinary, and they're camouflaged as such, since
God is there, somewhere up in the heavens, minding His own otherwise, you'd obviously shape up, pull yourselves together &
business, so I'm not going to bother Him with any of my own put on your best behavior. I like to test folks in the little things:
problems, because He's probably way too busy for that..." how do they handle a flat tire, the dishes, a dirty diaper, or
Wrong. Each of you on Earth, are My "problem," My "affairs," My visitors that may well be on a different wavelength than your own
"business, & that which concerns Me, and the real problem is in many aspects?
that you allow the Enemy of your souls to trick you into believing I'm adding the ingredient of the strange factor: new, strange
that I don't care about you or that I don't want to help you, that human beings in your lives.
I'm expecting you to solve your own problems without My help! Everybody can live a selfish little life, but only those who have
The problem is that you don't avail yourselves of My help! My supernatural love governing their lives can live like My
Is there an easier way to solve it than to just ask Me for help? In Family. And I'm so proud of each one of you who dare to be
other words, to pray? No, but you want to show off how capable different, who dare to step out beyond the confines of what's
you are, how self-sufficient you are, how well you can do it on comfortable, your natural, selfish tendencies & preferences!
your own. And most of you humans are quite successful and That's what the Family's all about, & I'm so thankful for each of
efficient at taking care of yourselves, seeing to your own needs you who are willing to show: "We are the Family! We don't care
and those of your closest family, perhaps. But life is supposed to to live just selfish little lives like everybody else; we're not afraid
be more than just about caring for yourselves. You excel at to make sacrifices in order to show that we've got enough of the
taking care of yourselves and wonder why you're still not happy. Lord's love to put up with another's idiosyncrasies & different
I intended for you not to just care for yourself and your own, but ways of doing things, etc. We don't mind the different, because
also for others, outside of your personal family, because, in My we're open and willing and humble enough to learn from each
eyes, you're all one big family! You all have the same great-great- other and with each other!" The Family's life-style is one of the
great-great-great....grandfather, Adam, and after that, Noah, so, parts about their testimony and witness that speaks the loudest
you're all one big family. It's your choice whether you want to to the world, the proof of the pudding that you're really different,
accept your place in that Family and do what you can to help really "it," & that what you preach or believe in theory really
your brothers & sisters or not. Or whether you prefer to play the works in the practical as well.
Devil's game & do it his way: "I take care of myself, and if that
means I have to take something away from my 'brother,' I will not 296 __________________________________________________
hesitate to do it!" Then you can join his family, but it's not going The battle is rarely ever neatly organized. It's bloody
to be anywhere near as fun, and the rewards aren't going to be hoodlum, where all that counts is the fight you have, the size of
near as good as they are going to be for those who choose to be the "dog" in you! How easily are you going to be intimidated?
on My side & do it the loving way, the helping way, the How easy is it going to be for the Enemy to get you to turn tail &
considerate way. run? Or how hard are you going to make the fight for him? How
But since it doesn't come natural to you to do things My way, you determined are you to lick him, overcome him, destroy him?
might have to ask Me for help to be successfully loving. That's what counts!
Don't look at the circumstances! Of course, they're chaos! That's
295 __________________________________________________ what war pretty much amounts to, & that's what the Devil is
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these trying to create all along! Victory is to be able to grab hold of My
My brethren, Ye have done it unto Me." In taking others in, you're peace & heavenly Big Picture of My organized structure of
taking Me in, and in trying to do your best so they'll feel everything in spite of the temporary chaos the Devil tries to
comfortable, you’re bestowing that same hospitality on Me. It's create. He may show you that devastated landscape he left you in
easy to lose sight of that vision once you become familiar with in the spirit, but you've got to see My heavenly landscape &
someone & have come to know their weaknesses, & it gets beauty of what's going to be & what really is in the heavenly
harder & harder for you to associate them with Me in your mind. realm, beyond all that ugliness the Devil's trying to create!
Just remember, "one of the least of these, My brethren!" It's easy Don't let them influence you, but be an influence on them for the
to host the noble, the strong, the obviously good, the beautiful, better! Be a rock in their midst that won't be swayed, that refuses
whatever pleasant qualities people have. But it's always a real to be dragged along by their negative currents. In order to reach
test of love to treat one of the least of My brethren, those with that state of spiritual strength and “unshakeability”, you're
faults & mistakes, & shortcomings, as if it were I. simply going to have to come to Me. To be a bulwark of spiritual
I will bless the efforts each of you will make to show you're one strength, you'll have to tank up My peace.
big Family, not just selfish little families all fending for You're just going to have to get a hold of My peace & strength,
themselves. you've got to fight for it! It's your first duty! Otherwise, the
It's an effort to generate warmth, to shine your light, and to do Enemy knows he's got a chance, and you see the result of it!
your best to improve and enhance the situation you're finding, no Don't worry about not being "Mr. Perfect!" Nobody is, & you're
matter how gloomy it may seem, according to the gifts & abilities just doing fine by letting go & letting Me!
you were given.
Will you resign at the first show of attitudes you don't agree with, 297 __________________________________________________
or will you make an effort to make a difference? To maintain a positive attitude & outlook towards people that
I'm putting before you this challenge and golden opportunity to tend to strike you negatively or give you battles & trials is a very
grow way beyond your present horizon and restrictions, way past important thing, because so much is determined by the way you
your former way of handling and facing these types of situations. see others: your ability to successfully live & work with them,
You can show whether you've made any significant progress & which will affect your fruitfulness for Me, your unity, your general
have learned from the mistakes of the past, whether you've really happiness & outlook on life, as well as theirs, & it will affect their
grown & matured through all I've been teaching you through the decisions & desire to continue to serve & follow Me or not.
events of your life! So, it's important to maintain a positive attitude, an attitude &
The probably biggest mistake to begin with would be to assume spirit of forgiveness & of love that casts a veil over a multitude of
that it's just coincidence or chance that they're winding up at sins & shortcomings.
your place, and if it hadn't been yours, it would have been I appreciate when My children allow Me to control their lives,
somewhere else. There is no such thing as coincidence, least of instead of insisting on being at the controls themselves.
all for you, the stars of My show, and you should actually be Let Me be your driver! When you get tired, & it gets so foggy that
you can barely see the road, & you don't know the way, let Me for My input, aware & conscious of My presence, tuned for
take over the wheel. whatever I might have for you every single moment of your life!
That's what full possession is like: you allow Me to take the That's taking Me with you, letting Me be part of you, part of your
driver seat of your life, the steering wheel, the gear shift & the life.
pedals, & you just lean back & enjoy the ride. It's pride & the
natural tendency for man to want to show off that he can do it 300 __________________________________________________
himself, but there are situations in life where the only right move What a mess people can make of their lives if they just go
to make is to let Me take over the wheel! through the motions, walk in the flesh & never stop in order to
Common folks need to drive their cars, but V.I.P.s are too busy truly reach out & grasp for My Spirit, grab hold of Me and My
with more important affairs than just getting from A to B. There grace to change their lives.
are higher goals to attain & greater challenges for My kings &
queens, priests & priestesses, princes & princesses, & you're 301 __________________________________________________
much better off climbing in the back seat & tuning in to your I like your efforts to integrate the Spirit World more into your
really important affairs & duties. personal reality.
If you would let that soft, warm & loving spirit come through
298 __________________________________________________ more often, you'd find that it would be a lot easier for others to
Tough is good for you! You're having a tough time with open up to you.
people? Welcome to the club! The tough times are what it's all Most of the time you're putting on a show of something that's not
about! It's not the easy & smooth times that make you stronger! really you; of some kind of cool comedian.... Whereas, if you
Turn on your forgiveness power & cast that veil over a multitude would let My Spirit shine through more, you'd find that things
of sins! would flow more smoothly. People would feel more comfortable
Just because you can only see the one side, the negative, around you, open up to you more & trust you more.
doesn't mean that the positive isn't there. I've had to call you apart from the world, so that you would allow
The real problem is that you get rubbed the wrong way so easily, yourself to become different.
that you're so easily irritated & appalled by others' behavior.
That's a bigger problem in itself than their actual misbehavior! 302 __________________________________________________
(Gem, a Spirit Helper:) Jesus has chosen to operate through
299 __________________________________________________ others, through intermediary links, just as He's chosen you to be
Stay close to Me & let Me whisper My Words into your ears. I His links to the world. We, your spirit helpers, are always
long for your company & attention even more than any good involved in creating the link and connection between you and the
works you might accomplish for Me! You are what matters to Me, Lord, even if you may not be aware of it. We pretty much follow
much more than what you do. What you do is secondary, all your communications with Him, because we help to bring
because whatever good you'll do, if it's supposed to be them to pass, we're the channels, the vessels that catch the
something lasting & truly fruitful, will only be a result of your content of your communications in both directions & pass them
times spent with Me and of your closeness with Me, your on.
knowing Me. If you want to become a better bride to Him, just let me help you!
You can't save others in the flesh. You've got to let Me fill you & Let me become a more integral part of your life, and you'll see
possess you fully, so that I then can save others through you. that it means allowing Jesus to become a more integral part of
Absorb Me, become like Me by learning of Me, listening to Me, your life!
loving Me and spending time with Me. Using me, for you means making the greatest use of His power
Put Me first & keep Me in that first place. There's no use running that's possible and available to you right now, it's the next step,
off to tell others about Me before you're not 100% sure yourself the next grade up in the direction of growing closer to Him and
that you really know Me, lest you come across as some novice letting Him fully possess you.
who doesn't even know what he's talking about, like so many Spiritual relationships are actually more important than your
spiritual novices in the churches, who stand there in their physical ones, just as the Spirit is more important than the flesh.
pulpits, pretending to know what they're talking about when they Only by keeping the Spirit in first place will you be able to
haven't got a clue about Me, they don't know at all what I'm like, manage physical affairs, relationships, and your whole life, for
nor have many of them ever even touched Me & come to that matter, successfully, and according to His will.
experience Me, the way I need you to if you're going to do My Humans are made from spirits. When you come back Here, you'll
works. realize just how much everything is really one. All of creation is
You're supposed to come away changed from My presence; connected and intertwined, and those separations are only
you're supposed to take some of My presence with you & show temporal.
the World, let them see that you've been with Me, it's supposed Evil is restricted to the temporal realm you live in. Although
to make a difference! Dwell in the Spirit, stay right here in the Satan is still operating from the spiritual realm, his power is
light! really only relevant in the physical, and it's only because the
Stay focused on Me and only turn to the world in order to show Lord allows it in order for His great big plan & universal lesson to
them Me & the influence I've been having on your life, the change come about. Really knowing & comprehending means more than
I've evoked in you, the difference I made in your life! just acknowledging a certain fact with your head. It's not just an
Otherwise it's like the way you tell something to a child & then act of the head, but of the heart & belly as well. "From his belly
he runs off & forgets all about it right away! Growing up & shall flow rivers of living waters" means, you must not seek to
maturing means you stop running off & forgetting, you speak words from the head, but from your spirit.
remember! You make an effort to remember what I said, I'm your personal, special and closest link. We're so close... we
remember the Words I've told you, and you remember Me! That's are one.
what will lead to obedience. Disobedience usually stems from I'm your personal private teacher & tutor, so to speak, as many
carelessly forgetting My Words & My commandments & yielding men & women of God have had theirs, either in the physical or
to all the temptations the Enemy and the world have to offer. the spiritual (or both). I'm the love of God for you. I'm your secret.
Obedience only comes through refusing to forget My The Lord likes to make things so simple that even kids can
exhortations, but taking them seriously & not daring to let go of understand it.
them! You hold them tight, as to a rope to keep you from sinking,
to the hand that will lead you out of the jungle of confusion and 303 __________________________________________________
despair, to a flashlight or candle that's the only light in gross The answer is not in acquiring or accumulating more, but in
darkness... letting go, in giving away, in diminishing, decreasing, not
Remember & acknowledge Me in all your ways, constantly open increasing & adding to your substance or knowledge. Wisdom is
more than acquiring knowledge, it's experiencing, yes even learning to love people that are giving you a really hard time &
suffering the things you learn, just letting them be & diving right tons of trials, why, that's a challenge! It's also a test on your self-
into life. It's not holding on to what you've gathered, it's letting go righteousness. How much better do you think or feel you are?
of any false, temporal or carnal securities in exchange for the "He must increase, but I must decrease." Your old self, that easily
invisible, thin rope of faith you're going to be walking on irritated & aggressive self needs to decrease, while His Spirit in
instead... your life needs to increase. The flesh has to die, your pride has to
This is the real and ultimate challenge, the greatest adventure die, and His Spirit in you, your helpers, need to come to the fore
and test this life has to offer. All other paths in life a man or more & take the upper hand. "Long live the Spirit - (forever, in
woman can choose are mere shadows of this great adventure of fact) - & death to the flesh!" That's pretty much the slogan. The
the life of the spirit you've chosen to live. "In the Spirit, in the flesh profiteth nothing. The Spirit quickeneth, makes alive, helps
Spirit, in the Spirit wild & free you can be whoever you want to you to overcome & rise above your carnal weaknesses & NWOs.
be." So, make the effort to live in the Spirit! Make the effort of love!
It is the path that requires the most courage and other honorable It's a test similar to the one the Lord went through when he
attributes, since it's impossible to choose this path for vainglory. endured "such contradictions from sinners against Him..." You're
Those who walk this path for the wrong motives are going to be in His same boat: He has called you His saviors in this world, and
washed out sooner or later. like the Father sent Him, so He sends you, partakers of His
So don't be surprised if you find yourself exhausted from it. The sufferings.
flesh only gets used to the spiritual things after some training. Part of being a partaker of His sufferings is enduring the sins, the
You know how it always prefers the lazy & easy way, unless it's negative qualities of the people around you, and of course, the
to enhance its own abilities or show off its own aspirations.. hardest ones to bear are from those who you'd expect to know
when it comes to the spirit, it always gets very weak. But as you better.
know, I have chosen the weak things to confound the mighty. It's best not to expect anything from people that they might not
be able to deliver...
304 __________________________________________________ All you can really do is pray & fight to pass this test the best you
(Gem:) Staying connected is a matter of training. It's can. How are you going to grade yourself when you're through
something the flesh fights. It's a habit or an ability you've got to this? Are you going to be able to tell yourself that you truly did
grow in and cultivate, like any other art or skill you're trying to the best you could? Just be a good co-sufferer with Jesus. It's
learn. Come back & tank up & get a fresh connection. It's like sad, the state a lot of people are in, including your own. But
rechargeable batteries. that's where His love comes in: love in spite of anything! If He
The main purpose of learning to teamwork is to enhance your loves you in spite of anything, is it so wrong for Him to expect
ability to be a greater blessing to others. The pleasure & fun part you to love others in spite of anything, too?
is also okay, it just shouldn't become the main objective.
In order to have the "connection," last longer, we have to reduce 305 __________________________________________________
the intensity of it a little bit. You can't walk around in full The term "blindness" really describes the human refusal to
"emotional mode" all day, where you're virtually on the verge of see just how much I am engaged in caring for My children, My
tears all the time. The main purpose for availing yourself more of creation.
the weapon of greater communication with your spirit helpers is You've first got to destroy the false foundation the Enemy has
to become a better warrior. laid, the false knowledge he has implanted in people's minds.
Stay tuned for checks, instructions or leadings to help you with Blessed are they whose minds are not crammed with all that stuff
decisions you might have to make at the spur of a moment, the Enemy falsely has them term "knowledge." There are so
which will determine either loss or victory. many people who think they know this, that & the other. They
When you get ideas, check in: "What do you think about it?" You "know" that I wasn't "really" born in Bethlehem, they "know" that
have to learn to be able to receive those checks & nudges within the New Testament has been "rewritten" & tampered with, they
seconds, and you've got to make checking in a habit. The time "know" that you all descended from monkeys. If that is
has come for you to learn to apply this modus operandi. knowledge, then blessed are they who don't "know."
God is teaching His church dependence on each other, and there You really gain wisdom not just by accumulating spiritual wealth
is really nothing wrong with needing another person, nor being & knowledge for yourself, but seeking ways to improve the world
needed by them. around you by passing on to others whatever you receive from
It's all about learning to be vessels & instruments of His Power, Me!
His Peace, His Love. A life of giving! Energy comes from opening up your channels &
When one of you is sick, it affects all of you, and you're expected allowing whatever comes into your life to also flow onto others &
to care for them. Just as there's no reason to look down on benefit them as well.
anyone who is physically sick, there's no reason to look down on As you pour out, I pour in...
the one who's battling. Witnessing is what it's all about, & there is really no other, no
Love means to be willing to even help someone out of a mess better purpose for you in life. It's the one thing the Devil fights
they've gotten themselves into, even if it was caused by their the very hardest, trying his darndest to keep you from doing it!
own mistake. Love doesn't say, "It's your own fault!" Love quietly Experience the thrills of overflowing on others with My Words of
acknowledges, "we all make mistakes" & reaches out a hand to Wisdom!
help the other up in whatever way you can. You didn't see My hand in your life because you had been using
It's not so much a specific thing you must do. Your attitude is so your own hand to keep you above water most of the time! You
important...whether you're understanding of their battles & trials, should really allow My hand to bring you the things you want and
whether you're truly compassionate. Compassion means you feel need, instead of thinking that in any way you have to make an
with them. Can you feel their pain? Do you make an effort to feel effort to acquire them for yourself! You take care of My business,
it? and I'll take care of you!
"Understanding" doesn't have to happen with the head, it doesn't You first had to find out where exactly it wasn't at! You took the
have to figure out the rhyme & reason of what's going on. A bad long detour, the 8th way of finding out God's will: finding out
emotion is best combated with a positive emotion: closeness, what My will isn't! A lot of people are taking that way. In fact, it's
warmth, love. becoming so popular, I'm wondering whether we shouldn't call
Spirit is so much more flexible than the flesh. the whole thing "The 8 Ways To Find God's Will" to begin with.
Using Spirit power is really what it's all about! The Enemy attacks And making it clear from the beginning that although the 8th is
you with his negative spirit power! Counter it with the positive very popular, it's also the one that usually takes the longest...
power from above: key-power, love-power, Holy Ghost Power! You could have taken a shortcut & believed My Word from the
It would be easy to love perfect or near-perfect people, but beginning, which is the first way, and surest way to find My will:
all those promises attached to My commandments, that if you time. Whereas what people have to do in order to really gain their
seek first My Kingdom, I would take care of you. You didn't keep souls back is to sacrifice their time to Me.
your eyes on Me and My Word, but you placed them on man I have given them their time, their lives, every minute of it, and
instead, on the fruit of the Word, the result, not the Giver, the yet they refuse to give any of it back to Me. They have time for
Maker, the Cause, but the result. You didn't put your faith anything but for Me, they try to avoid Me, run away from Me,
primarily in My Word, but in what you saw. sometimes even while pretending to be serving Me.
Because everybody was so involved in the fruit and Many are just too busy, too occupied with other things than to be
manifestations of the Word, the Word itself wasn't kept in first able to really stop & take the time to truly find Me.
place. Finding Me and developing an intimate relationship with Me takes
When one neglects the spiritual, it becomes lifeless. Life time!
becomes unlivable, not worth living, empty, vain, a hollow shell! Many secrets of life lie in taking your time & going slow. You
You thought that because of your sins I couldn't possibly love cannot enjoy your life unless you slow down enough to really
you, you didn't deserve it. The Enemy had a grip on you through wait for Me, really make sure that you're walking with Me, living
your own sins. It wasn't that your sins actually caused Me to love each day with Me, spending time with Me, moving at My pace and
you less, but they caused you to believe that I loved you less. stop trying to rush ahead of Me.
That's why dealing with your sins and mistakes is important, too, Learn to really focus on Me, develop a living relationship with Me,
you cannot just ignore them. Some who have refused to deal with where you live, walk & talk & move with Me daily, where you
them aren't around anymore, they didn't make it. It takes that really learn from Me as your Teacher, your Companion, your best
honest confrontation with them. Friend, Lover & Husband. You cannot say that I truly am your
So, now you've come to face your sins, learned from your past Husband and you truly are My bride if you've never taken the
mistakes, have allowed Me to expose to you your own selfish time to develop this kind of a friendship & relationship with Me
hidden motives, and have allowed My Words to cleanse you from where you truly take time to learn from Me first, get acquainted
them with their white-hot truth, and you have come to accept My with Me first. Marriage partners talk to each other, communicate
unconditional love and eternal forgiveness. & experience things together.
Trust Me that each stumble will be another fall upward, closer to Neglecting to take time for Me you run into danger of someday
Me, closer to My arms, and that I will always be there to catch finding yourself out of touch with Me, because you never took
you. And no matter how hard you fall, or how badly you err or the time to really get to know Me, just like many married couples
sin, I will always, always forgive you! Eventually, if you really in the world live together without ever really getting to know each
believe this, the Devil will have to see that it's senseless, that he other, their deepest hearts' desires, their deepest secret
can't deceive you anymore into thinking that you have "fallen thoughts, their most intimate feelings, fears, dreams... it really
from grace" or are "too bad for Me." takes time to get to know each other, and it really does take time
Realizing the importance of this issue for many, I want to make to truly get to know Me.
sure that you pass on this message to others. Let them know that How interested are you? How much time are you willing to
God is good, a loving Father, a just Father, Who seeks to be sacrifice in order to really get to know Me? How much do you
loved, not feared. value the fast pace life of trying to rake in all you can get above
An important part of your ministry must be to expose the lies of the slow pace life of getting to know your Maker and Husband?
the Enemy! How much do you value the eternal things above the temporal? If
"The Devil was ordained to see whether he could get you to you do take the time and trust Me that I will fulfill My promise of
doubt God." As long as you refuse to believe his doubts, and Matthew 6:33 to you, you won't be disappointed.
keep believing even with your last bit of strength, you will see Feel the thrill of learning to walk with God, to walk at My pace, to
that things will continue to keep working out for the best & turn walk hand-in-hand and eye-to-eye with the Creator of the
out good for you somehow. Encourage people to take that step universe.
of faith to give God a chance! Tell them to make an opening in Thank you for having the patience, for taking the time to really
their lives for the light and love of God, and to see what will get to know Me! It's really only the beginning, and it's a slow-
happen in that margin of time they choose to believe! moving beginning, not much action involved, but as they say,
"Slow beginnings, greater ends." The slow beginnings of
306 __________________________________________________ developing a truly deep and intimate relationship with Me is
“The trying of your faith worketh patience" (James 1:3). going to result in the greater ends of greater works, greater
Patience is a mystery. In the natural, the children of men are thrills and greater adventures than ever, as you learn to no longer
impatient, they would like to achieve and acquire things quicker move and do things in your own energy, but to flow with Mine, to
than they usually do, understand things quicker. They don't like let the greatest power in the universe move and think and act in
to take things by faith and wait for the answer, wait for the you.
outcome. The general attitude is, "Now, God, when are You going Let the others have their cheap temporary thrills, if they insist,
to start making some sense?" While We go, "just wait and see!" but come thou & enjoy the greatest adventure of all times. Move
The world is rushing back and forth, trying to satisfy their own with the pace of God. Move with Me! Let Me move in you! Move
impatient desires with fast food, fast entertainment, fast money, real easy, move with God!
fast transportation, fast songs, etc. I'm making your life-style
differ from theirs. Take it easy, take your time. Take your time to 307 __________________________________________________
look and see and behold the great wonders of God." If you're Have a little faith in Me! Have a little trust! Don't be so
going too fast, you just don't see the hand of God at work in your anxious! I'm in control. And there's nothing that happens by
life. You've really got to take time to see it. See the hand of God coincidence to any of My children.
in the little things, the way things grow, the way I supply from the At the same time, this doesn't mean that everything is always
ground of the earth, from the sky, from even within your own going to be perfect. The Enemy will test you as he tested Job, to
loins and hearts the fruits of your bodies and souls... It takes see just how far you'll walk with Me, how far you'll still trust Me,
time to discover the spiritual creation that so many people have even when it seems like everything goes wrong.
lost St. Francis was talking about: "This is what I must find The cowards say, "the risk is not worth taking." The brave say,
again: my soul!" "nothing ventured, nothing gained..." In today's world, the Enemy
We talk about "lost souls," because so many people have lost has sown a lot of distrust. Naturally, he has also sown a lot of
their soul. I didn't lose it, they lost it. And they can only retrieve reasons for distrust.
it, find it again, in finding Me, and they'll only find Me if they take I don't view your "mistakes" as anything nearly as bad as you
the time to find Me. tend to see them yourselves! Many "mistakes" you made in your
The Devil is spurring everybody on to make the most fun, life were necessary pathways to a whole new dimension, a world
pleasure, money or other physical accomplishments out of their of insight and wisdom that you never even would have found the
door to, otherwise. And even if you had found the door, you If you realize how easily you can be prone to pride, it helps you
would not have chosen to walk through it voluntarily because it to make that extra effort to stay humble. All of a sudden it's not
would have looked so uninviting. How willing are you, how ready so bad anymore not to be getting any applause. You wouldn't
are you for My great adventure in your life? How far are you want to "lose it" over a bit of attention, right?
willing to let Me take you? Are you willing to place yourself, your This is war, and it's a very crucial time in history. We're all called
life, your future, your possessions, your substance and all that to fight & be warriors & soldiers for His cause. Whoever can and
you are, into the palm of My hand & say, "You know what You're is ready to fight is called to the fray.
doing?" For your own protection we're keeping you from any information
My way up is down. Those who make it only up, up, and further that could minister to your pride.
up in this world usually do so because they're more attuned to The enemy into whose hands I wouldn't want you to fall is pride.
the god of this world, the one into whose hand it is temporarily These things we're revealing to you are not for everybody.
given. Those who are attuned to Me, those who seek eternal They're primarily for your edification, your training, the
values and things which last beyond material gain & physical strengthening of your faith and the enhancement of your skill in
pleasure, will often have to pay the price of suffering for it, the using the new weapons.
way of learning from deep, dark & trying experiences. You must not by any means use the gift of prophecy as a tool to
Nobody wants to be made a fool of. And yet the very bravest of get attention or feed your own ego in any way. It is appropriate to
men in My eyes are ready & willing to look like fools in the eyes be cautious about sharing prophecies.
of the world, those "fools for Christ." Broken pride may sound If you've got any tendencies to get lifted up, then you'd better not
bad to you, but it sounds good to Me. ask for any big, fancy revelations. Just ask for what you need to
Pride is the very sin that separates most men from Me. Are you make progress in your walk with the Lord and to help others. Use
willing to risk your pride for Me, willing to give it a try, even IF it more to make headway in the practical realm of applying the
you lose everything, for the sake of helping another? In My eyes, Word, sharing the Word, getting out the Word, winning souls &
you will still be a winner, because, being fully conscious of the feeding the sheep!
risks involved, you gave it a try, you gave Me a chance. Don't go fishing for revelations that are going to be logically
I use situations that make a man desperate, that cause him to not explicable, revelations to blow anyone's mind, revelations of
know what to do, that bring him to wit's end, I cause these to information, but those that will alter your life, that will enhance
teach a man to look up to Me, to tune his ears to My signals. For your usefulness for the Lord. Those things that answer questions
when you are desperate, and you're heading down a road which like, "How can I really overcome the hurdles that stop me from
you don't know whether it's right or wrong, then you have a giving my all to the Lord & do my utmost & best for Him?"
chance to begin to truly hear My voice, My nudges, that's when It's all about stirring yourself up, breaking out of old molds &
you will begin to receive My directions, and you will either hear a habits, not feeling comfy & cozy with what you've already got. It's
voice behind you saying, "this is the way, walk ye in it," or you not about accumulating messages, it's about getting somewhere!
will receive my nudges of warning, signs that tell you to stop & You've got to get moving! It's got to move you from one point to
turn around, but you've got to get on that road first, the road that another, from the place where you are to a new destination, a
Abraham took when I asked him to forsake his beloved son Isaac place in your heart of greater & new readiness, willingness,
for Me. yieldedness, greater unrestricted obedience. Break out of your
Abraham never would have been the important man that he prison!
became if he would not have passed this test, the test of those I'm here to help you jailbreak, in a sense. Many spirit helpers help
who choose to love Me above all else, even if it means they will their charges to break out of their mental prisons.
lose everything they love the most. That's what causes God's explosions: every time when one of
He had to walk that way, he had to climb that hill, he had to be His children or prophets breaks free from the former confines or
willing to sacrifice Isaac, in order for Me to stop him and say, "It illusions of their minds that held them captive: the notion that
is good. I know now that you truly love Me." That's the road of there's anything you actually can't do!
faith. You know in theory that you can do all things through Christ, and
For many people, their Isaac is their pride. Without sacrificing that all things are possible to him that believeth, but if you really
your pride, you cannot walk the road of faith and love. were able to do anything you wanted, what would you be doing
Because pride harbors fear of failure and therefore causes right now?
failure. But if you're willing to lose it all, then you have freedom I told you we could be taking this to a deeper level yet!
to love, as the song says, "Freedom's just another word for What would you do, where would you go, if you really believed
nothing left to lose." Are you ready for the freedom of having that ALL things were possible to you?
nothing to lose? Where do you think you would be the most needed, and what
would you do?
308 __________________________________________________ (And) if that's your vision, why don't you focus on it, aim for it,
(Gem:) Ask the Lord for some Holy Ghost memory power. pray for it to happen & shoot off that arrow into the far distance
Claim the keys of remembrance. Train your memory by and go and find your dream? Anything is possible! You can go
memorizing. and be and do whatever you want! You have the power to make it
The Lord wants all of you to avail yourself more of your spirit happen! You just haven't believed it so far! You haven't reached
helpers. Communicating with a (holy) spirit always involves His out for it, you haven't grabbed it. If you really want to live your
presence. dream, you can do it! You've just got to commend that dream,
It's not necessary for you to know all the details right now. He that vision, that desire into the Lord's hands & quit believing the
doesn't want you to get tripped off on facts that wouldn't be Devil's lies that he wouldn't give it to you anyway because for
relevant to your needs right now. some reason you don't deserve it! Pray for it to happen and for
It's stupid to want to show off. It just makes others feel bad & that dream to become reality!
inferior & causes unnecessary trials. Just don't forget to tune in to others & let them shine as well, to
It's normal, it's natural to want to be recognized, to want to show support them in the spirit & in deed, to stay humble, to not put
the world the gifts you've got. But wisdom is to learn not to brag, them down, but actually prefer their happiness to your own &
not to show off, but just to use it quietly and only let it shine on esteem them higher than yourself...
those who will also appreciate it, who will truly benefit from your
gifts. Do it in an attitude of sharing, not showing off or bragging! 309 __________________________________________________
Just enjoy and use your gifts quietly, keep learning how to Get on that road, even if it might not take you where you
enhance them, and keep a humble attitude about it. Just be thought you were headed. You cannot be afraid of what people
thankful for them, & resist the temptation to brag or show off think.
about them. Without a vision the people perish. If you don't know where
you're going, you'll often get nowhere... about My creation, about the people I've made and the way I've
When I called out Abraham & he went out not knowing whither he allowed them to become.
went, he did have the vision of that country that I promised him.
He had a vision, & he got the fulfillment of it. He didn't have a 311 __________________________________________________
clue where it was going to be, but because he followed Me step The circumstances are not as relevant as the lesson they
by step by faith, I finally gave it to him. bring and the incentive they give you to pray. Things are just out
It's time to start looking and to start walking. of control as long as you leave them outside of the range of My
Get the boat into motion so that the rudder can take effect. It control, as long as you neglect to commit them into My care in
takes giving what you've got, or even what you haven't got, and prayer. As soon as you put Me in charge, I can change things, I
as you give, I will fill that void! can act, & I can make things clearer.

310 __________________________________________________ 312 __________________________________________________

I send people across your path that rub you the wrong way; (Gem:) Relate from the heart and gut side of things, the love
there's friction. Friction is good to rub off the rough edges on side, not the judgmental, analytical side of the mind. From the
both sides. side of mercy, as you would want mercy if you were in their
Life can't only be pleasure all the time. That couldn't be its shoes.
purpose. The motto for life on earth is: get a taste of the The Lord is introducing a whole new modus operandi by trying to
suffering! Get a taste of what I went through for you! get you to see what lies beneath, not the apparent.
You needed to come to earth in order to experience Salvation! You're all handicapped by the circumstances of the times you
You needed to come to earth, to be born of human flesh & blood, grew up in. Some never having had a relationship with your
in order to learn what it's all about, to get a deeper grip & fathers, making it much more difficult for you to believe that God
understanding of it all. loves you, others totally having lacked love all their lives, and yet
The one who brought evil and sin into the world always others having been spoiled by their parents, & not having been
questioned everything: why do some have different rights & taught how to face the challenges in life on their own, because
privileges than others? Why can't everybody be the same? He they were just pampered & protected from everything.
could never trust the Father that He knew what He was doing, he The generation of love-starved parents tries to make up to their
always figured he could do it better. kids what they were missing by going totally overboard in some
I'm only showing you a glimpse here, I won't reveal the whole aspects, & yet at the same time finding out how that isn't the
picture to you. Some mysteries are supposed to be revealed and solution either, so then they become hard again, and the whole
unfolded to you step by step, because you might not be able to thing is just one inconsistent mess....
handle them otherwise. You must trust Me in this, also. Basically, life on earth is a pretty bad chaos & confusion that the
Be patient and know that there is more to come. The whole Lord has to iron out & will do so when He returns. He has allowed
picture will be perfectly clear when you come Home to Me, and the Enemy and man to make a complete mess out of this world,
this should give you another incentive to keep moving toward and it does take some faith to believe that He's going to clean it
that goal, not settling for a comfortable residence & citizenship all up, make all the crooked things straight & restore it all to the
on earth, but remaining a pilgrim & stranger on his way to a way things should have been, but that's one of the wonderful
better, eternal Home. things about His Salvation. It's going to be universal and
All things will never make perfect sense on earth. Some things transcend into every area of life, every dark niche of the body of
will remain in the shadow, as question marks, only to be fully politics, of family life, of environmental care... simply every
answered Here, when you've reached the goal, your destination aspect where man ever screwed up & failed to do it right, He's
and the end of your journey. going to teach them how to do it properly - with your help.
To you it may seem little, right now, this link of communication
with Me. You'd like to be perfect already, and you're becoming 313 __________________________________________________
impatient with all this, "which is in part." (1.Cor.13) Everybody needs shepherding. Even when it seems like
But acquiring wisdom is a process that happens over time. they're rejecting it. Kids need training & correction, even if they
Knowledge can be gained pretty quickly and easily, but not act as though that's the last thing on earth they may need or
wisdom. Wisdom is acquiring the right kind of knowledge, want. Many grown-ups aren't better than kids in that aspect...
getting to know the right kinds of things, that don't just stuff your Just like I said that you would do greater miracles & things than I
head with information, but help you make progress in your life & did, I have also presented you with greater and different
will be helpful & beneficial to others as well. challenges than the ones I've had to face during My time on
"Don't seek to understand in order to believe, but believe, so earth. Things have become a lot more complex & complicated in
that you may understand," as Augustine said, & don't wait until your times, there are more factors that play into the picture,
you've got it all before you start giving, give what you've got, & which makes it harder to recognize what's there to do, which is
more will be given to you! Give what little you can, for that is how precisely the reason why you've got to spend sufficient time with
you'll receive more! Give and it shall be given you! Me to help you analyze the situation, figure out exactly what's
You want to wait until you have perfect wisdom to pass on, but going on & what's happening here, so that I can help you find the
you don't have to wait until you're perfect before you can give a right solution, and what to do.
little love. Love is seeing beyond the imperfection & seeing Me, Prayer changes things, & when you come to the end of your wit &
the Perfect in it. the end of your rope, that's where you've just got to commit the
Just look again, & once you find a glimpse of Me in them, stay whole thing into My hand & leave it there. Once you've done that,
focused on that, & not on their negative sides! Just let it be. What you can have peace about it & dedicate your attention & time to
every man or woman or child manages to be, let it be! Don't other things again.
expect perfection from them!
In this world, there is nothing perfect. The antichrist will be the 314 __________________________________________________
epitome of that kind of the perfection of the flesh, of the carnal Personal relationships & getting along with people is a one
mind, and it will turn out to be the epitome of defiance against of the major categories in the school of life, with a variety in
God. The carnal mind IS enmity with God. possible scenarios just about as numerous as the amount of
Seek My mind, and My ways of seeing things: the beauty in the combinations of people... a never ending adventure.
imperfect, in the humble and childlike, and escape the thinking of Since nothing & no one is perfect in this world, this will be
the carnal mind, which will only criticize, belittle and complain another factor to help you appreciate My perfect world, when you
about all the innumerable little imperfections you see in My get Here, a world void of the evil & lack of love you see and
creation! experience around you.
It's hard for you to praise Me when you see so much "wrong" Everybody has been affected by the curse, and the only thing
you can really expect from folks on earth is imperfection, land together with them, so, let this be a warning to you: if you
knowing that they will one day be perfect, but that probably won't don't want to miss the blessing, don't let them provoke you!
happen during their life-time on earth. If you see something going on that you think is wrong, just carry
it before Me, and see if it will provoke Me to anger, and I will deal
315 __________________________________________________ with it accordingly. But don't disappoint Me by taking matters
"Behold how good & how pleasant it is for the brethren to into your own hands. There's a greater lesson to be learned here,
dwell together in unity." You can imagine that if I delight in your from Moses' anger, than meets the eye. He failed the test to let
dwelling (living) together in unity, how much the Devil hates it & Me handle the situation... Having begun all this great work not by
fights it. his might nor his power but by My Spirit and miracle-working
God reveals Himself to the world through His church, through hand, was he going to complete it in the flesh now, and was that
you, My body, My bride. If My church is that important, this is one going to be the bottom line: a man's wrath?
of the factors the Devil is going to try to fight the hardest. He'll It's never your own personal affair, what concerns My kingdom! If
make it hard for you to live in unity with your brethren! It's My people are failing Me in some ways, even if you feel it's
something you've got to fight for. manifested in the way they're treating you personally, never take
Will you rise above your own personal, natural tendencies, it personal, never deal with it on your own terms, but hand it to
preferences & characteristics? Me, and let Me deal with it! It's My affair. Make sure you're being a
Everybody can love those of their own kind. That's easy. But if good sample, a good representative of Me, and stand back and
you want to be part of My chosen overcomers, then you're going get out of the limelight & let Me deal with it on My terms!
to have to render a bit of a superior performance than the It's no use, taking the rod of wrath into your own hands & to lash
average Joe. out words of anger, just commit it to Me!
The Enemy of your souls is also the enemy of your unity, and if
he can't destroy you, destroy your faith, your determination to 317 __________________________________________________
serve Me & do something for Me, then he'll at least try to destroy I've been telling you that desperation is good for you, yet you
your unity, in order to prevent you from being more fruitful as a still try to do all you can to avoid a situation in which you'd have
team than you ever could be on your own. to get desperate.
Make your Christianity a real thing. Don't behave just like Why are you trying to protect yourself from Me?
everybody else by evading and avoiding those you don't like, but I promise to reward your trust in Me.
prove that you're a follower of Me Who said, "love your I'm trying to get you to progress by not choosing the easiest way,
enemies!" I'm asking you not to avoid those you don't like, but to to keep you revolutionary by not settling for compromise with the
approach them, to embrace them. Not to shut them out, but to System. Desperate does not equal bad but good for you, because
draw them in, to include them. No matter how much your own desperation is what will call down My power to really help you.
flesh tells you how much better you are, how many differences So many are lacking gratefulness because they never have to get
you have, how you can't possibly agree or bear with this attitude desperate about anything!
or that quirk... The easy way out, the path of the least resistance, the
A lot of people just choose to live with those they can bear to live comfortable path with the least possible effort required is a poor
with, those of their own kind. They avoid having to stretch their choice!
own muscles of tolerance. That's so easy. That's so lame. That's I have put before each of you various levels of service, each
definitely not heroic. That's definitely not what I did! requiring different levels of desperation. Most of you choose the
path of the least desperation. That's natural. So, sometimes I
316 __________________________________________________ have to change the circumstances in order to get you out of your
I work in mysterious ways, and I'm letting you have a glimpse lethargic path. Are you going to resist My workings in your life &
of My mystery of the future, so that you won't be discouraged intervene & try to make things more comfortable & less
and tempted to give up. You must hold on & not give up in order desperate for you by yourself? Or are you going to allow Me to
to inherit the promise, the fruit of your labors, suffering & work My plan fully in your life without resistance and
patience. Even if the tree seems to be dry & as good as dead, no intervention?
life, no Spirit in it, I can still cause it to blossom. Don't give up A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness - and obedience - in
prematurely! a little thing is a big thing. There is a lot to this matter of not
It's a great test. Abraham saw his own body as good as dead, but taking things into your own hands, but trusting Me instead: When
he staggered not at My promise through unbelief, but still Saul didn't wait for Samuel and disobeyed him in a seemingly
brought forth the fruit of his loins miraculously, the promised little thing, he lost the kingdom. When Moses took it upon
heir, and so it is also with this tree, as you see it, as good as himself to demonstrate his own wrath about the people's
dead, no fruit, no life, no love, no Spirit. But stagger not at My murmuring, he lost his entry ticket for the promised land.
promise through disbelief, but believe that I am able to bring to Because Mary didn't insist on taking her fate into her own hands,
pass what I promised, even if the tree is as good as dead. but was yielded to God's plan & let Him have His way with her no
It took Abraham years until he would see the fulfillment of the matter what, I was able to come into the world to save you all
promise. And as Sarah mocked My messengers in her heart, and from your sins...
doubted that I would bring it to pass, you look & don't see it. It's
impossible, you say. But you must not give up prematurely! 318 __________________________________________________
Look at this tree, this body, as good as dead, but stagger not at (Jonah:) "Salvation is of the Lord" means, only the Lord can
My promise through unbelief, but believe that I am well able to save you! He's your only way out! There's no use looking for
perform that which I have spoken, because all things are relief elsewhere, hoping you'll find something better... You just
possible to him that believeth & with Me nothing shall be have to come to grips with the fact that you wound up there, in
impossible. the very particular situation you're in, for a purpose. It's your
The words that I gave to Moses were never as appreciated by his "destiny," the particular circumstances the Lord needs you to
own immediate generation as they were by the generations to pass in order to learn the specific lesson He wants you to learn.
follow later. That's just the way it has always been with most of The Enemy is always there to tempt you to disobey the Lord's
My saints: during their life-times, they were rejected, and only better judgment. He always knows better or tries to get you to
later, in most cases, after their deaths, were they recognized as feel like you know better than the Lord...
the saints & great men they were. The first Jews rejected Moses, What finally convinced me was that there was no other way,
in spite of the great miracles I performed through him. He had his Salvation was found no other way, happiness, bliss & fulfillment
faithful few who supported him, but the majority resisted him and was found no other way than the Lord's way; that's why I finally
provoked him to anger. But because he allowed them to provoke said, "Salvation is of the Lord!" In other words, only in His way is
him, he also missed out on the blessing of entering the Promised there Salvation, is there happiness, is there a meaning, a solution
to the problems. Running away from them isn't a solution. The be filled by what I give you, and giving the fruit of your lips, your
only way is to confront them, to face the job the Lord has given praises, back to Me, by converting your inspiration into living
you, even if it makes you cringe & pains you just to think about it. prayers and living words of testimony, testifying to others of My
It's like saying, "You're right, Lord! Your way is good for me! This love. If you do all things to the glory of God, you'll benefit from
way here that You've ordained before me, I don't like it, but I staying in My Spirit all the time.
come to see now that it's good for me, I'll take it. It's the only way I wish to be connected to you on a permanent basis, because
that's going to work!" then you'll be of much more effective use to Me, a more reliable &
He's the only One who knows the way out of whatever mess you receptive vessel, through which more of My light, love & power
may have gotten yourself into. His way is the only way out, the can flow through onto others!
only Salvation. One just needs to accept it. You need to embrace
the pain, that which you see ahead of you & dislike, you need to 322 __________________________________________________
take it as from the Lord, take it from His hand & say, "I accept." Pipes have multiple purposes & uses: liquids flow through
them from one vessel or place to another, or air, and with a few
319 __________________________________________________ holes in the right places, you can create heavenly music with
The only foundation I want you to build on is My will. All them! You can bring life & joy to many, being one of My pipes!
other ground is sinking sand. Know that My mouth is always attached to the other end of the
You must accept My will as the only & sole foundation. If that's pipe, and keep your pipe clean and pointed in the right direction.
not enough for you, then nothing will be! If I'm not enough for Pipes are very important in machines & cars, to keep them
you, then nothing else will be. If My Word and My will aren't a running. They transport oil, fuel, water, or air to the right places,
solid enough foundation for you, then nothing else ever will be! and if one of them gets clogged up, nothing runs anymore. Of
Can you make "Thy will be done" the sole sufficient ground for course, the Enemy will always try to clog up your pipes, but you
your life, your destiny, your paths & choices in life? must refuse to let him, or if he's managed to do it temporarily,
you've got to let Me clean it immediately with My Word & the oil
320 __________________________________________________ of My Spirit again!
Growing & maturing is not just increasing your knowledge; There's never a shortage of My fuel, you know? And it's for free!
it's increasing the bandwidth of the spectrum of what you can Yours for the asking. When nothing on earth will go or flow
actually see of the Big Picture. It's being constantly open to new, anymore, no more gas, no more oil, no more water, no more
radical, revolutionary and "counter-carnal" input, receiving it & electricity, then My power will still be running through you! And
putting it into practice. one fine day, that'll be all that will be needed: My power!
It's not necessarily always wringing yourself through to doing In a way, all is My power - or a physical manifestation of it,
things the same old way everybody else does it, but sometimes anyway: every breath you take is already a manifestation of
the answer lies in a new way of doing things. That's what makes power to begin with! Only then it will be obvious & clear to
the difference between a prophet and a regular disciple, a everyone where it all came from in the first place! No more
shepherd and a follower… Those who are open to My radical new doubting My existence, nor more being oblivious to My presence,
input, instructions apart from the norm & distinct from anything no more giving the credit to "chance," "luck" or coincidence!
else that's ever been there before, who stand out to Me, and Faith will be universal then, the knowledge of Me will be in
whom I can often use in special ways, flowing with My living everyone's heart!
waters, the spirit of Aquarius! You've got to live a living example of that time to come. Live now
It's exciting, when even the most mundane & seemingly as everyone will, then! Show them a glimpse of that heavenly life
loathsome experiences in life seem to make perfect sense in of the Spirit, the eternal life, in order to ignite the spark of faith in
view of the Big Picture. When everything makes sense & seems them, that will get their "motor started."
obviously conducive to the great plan of God Almighty. When Everything you see is a shadow, an illustration of things you
you're aware of those trials & tests just serving to bring you yet don't see. Cars are a bad smelling & relatively dirty version of My
another step closer to Me. heavenly machinery, but they serve to do the trick of explaining
certain spiritual principles.
321 __________________________________________________ (Show) your friends that I'm more down to earth than they might
Keep on believing in the sense of its original meaning, think! I don't mind getting My hands dirty, lying on the floor to get
"pistevo" - keep drinking in! Refuse to allow the Enemy to tempt some old rusty model like you going again and make it brand
you with anything you should be doing instead! You can only new. There's nothing I can't fix! Sometimes I might need to renew
give from within what you have got within yourself. You've got to a certain part or replace it, but I've got a never-ending supply of
be filled in order to pour out onto others. spare parts, tools & equipment to make or remake anything that's
Of course, when it is enough, that's when you've got to look needed. I can even upgrade your vehicle & make it stronger &
around for a way to share it, to pass it on, in order to make room faster than before! If you keep on believing, all things are
for the new. possible, and nothing, I really mean nothing, shall be impossible!
And you must also keep believing in the sense that when you go
through a trial, a hard time or a test, that it will serve to bring you 323 __________________________________________________
closer to Me, that you'll fly higher than before after every test! Let My Holy Spirit take over the controls of your life. That's
After every battle the victory is going to be greater, after every how you become a vessel, a pure bride of Mine, by letting My
storm, the blue sky is going to be even more beautiful, after Holy Ghost take you over and possess you: "The Holy Ghost will
every purging, your love is going to be greater and purer come over you and overshadow you," as Gabriel announced to
afterwards. Mary, and then you shall receive Me, the perfect Son of God, into
"Keep on believing" is the slogan to success: keep drinking in your flesh, and your flesh will be no longer imperfect flesh, but
My living Word, stay connected with Me, keep on using heavenly that which is mundane and earthly will be made divine!
thought power! Keep on believing when things are not looking so It was My flesh in Mary that made her divine, and that's why
bright, when your thoughts don't feel so heavenly, when you millions of Catholics practically worship her today. But the trick
can't see any trace of the fulfillment of the promise, except by is to just let My Holy Ghost overshadow you, control you and
blind, naked faith in My Word, simply because I have promised it, possess you, and then I'll be able to come in unto you & bring
regardless of the fact whether it seems so, according to the forth the fruit in you that I - and you - desire! Let Me do with you,
circumstances, or not. as I will, as Mary gave My Father leave to do.
Keep praising Me, keep loving Me, keep telling Me how much You
love Me, need Me, appreciate Me! Keep on licking the Devil by 324 __________________________________________________
keeping on believing in Me, and showing & manifesting your faith When you witness, you get inspired! Inspiration doesn't
by drawing down My strength & My goodness, by continuing to come from keeping it all for "me, thee, thou & no other," but the
inspirational level was always strongest where there was Impart to others your interest in the Spirit World, your faith in
witnessing going on, where people were really doing the job & it, that it's real, even more real than your own world, and that it's
pouring out, because that is simply where the inspiration will important to get in touch with it, and you will certainly benefit
come from: that is what you got the Holy Ghost for, to be from it. "You learn as you teach."
witnesses unto Me (Acts 1:8), and if you want the Spirit, be a Sharing things with others makes them more real.
witness! If the spiritually rich & satisfied don't want to hear, then go & find
It's a choice that everyone's got to make: what's more important, new potential vessels & channels. After I found out where the
their own physical comfort, or comforting lost souls & therein learned & elders were at, the Scribes & Pharisees, I went out to
finding the Comforter? seek a few unlearned men to educate them in the Father's ways
And everyone determines their own level of inspiration by the from scratch.
amount of emphasis they put on either one. How much spirit Find those who don't have an attitude of, "I'm not searching
power do they apply? How much do they use My spiritual anymore; I've already got it!"
electricity? Even if you have found the truth, you should always stay hungry
Continue pouring out, continue rolling with My wheel of for more, and that's what prophecy is all about: you get more
revolution and perpetual change, allowing Me to weaken your everyday, fresh from the heavens, like Manna, "There's always
flesh, to get it out of the way, to let Me work & move in you. Just more!" Are you ready for it? Do you want it? Can you handle that
let go & let Me! The more you learn that, the higher the much? Or are you already satisfied with what you've got? I'm
inspirational level is going to be, and the best way to achieve that looking for vessels who always want & seek Me for more!
is to actively spread the life, the heat, & the light of love, radiating Keep flowing. Keep growing. Cause there's always more!
and creating heat, rather than merely reflecting it.
Stay in pouring out mode and see what happens! 328 __________________________________________________
I'm not expecting anything from you that you're not able to
325 __________________________________________________ give. I make you see the goal so that you will seek ways to get
The Enemy fights & tries to prevent with all his might your there. You realize you can't get there by yourself, in your own
efforts to stay in tune with Me & hooked up to My Spirit, so he's strength or energy, so you have to seek My help in order to get
sending an additional band of his pests to try & make sure you you there. I show you the place where I want you to be, so that
stay tied down to his mundane limbo, instead of breaking you will do what you can to get there, start seeking for ways,
through to My sunny side of life... making efforts, taking steps in that direction, and most of all,
With increased intensity of stress, activity & pressure, you've got seek My help & wisdom to get there. You start realizing what
to increase the intensity with which you seek Me. things you will need for your journey, what you need to look out
When there's a lot to do, you need an extra portion of My for & what you're still lacking. Next you ask Me to supply you
strength, & you need to make an extra effort to stay & rest within with the things you still lack. You ask Me to fill in the blanks. You
My peace & calm, in order to move through the day in My Spirit & analyze the problems that caused you not to reach your
powered by My joy, instead of getting all fussy & hyped up. destination the last time you set out on this journey, what caused
Through the power of the keys, no circumstances on earth you you to fail & to go astray, you learn from it... that's how you
ever might encounter have dominion over you, but yours is the acquire wisdom.
dominion over them! You rule your circumstances through the "The gospel is about divine union and all the dead-ends it takes
keys. to get there." You know those dead-ends, right? You've been
I can give you the tools & weapons and the means to increase down some of those. But you're not the only one.
your faith, but then it's up to you to use them. You have the Some of those dead ends make you wonder what they're all
power to change your circumstances, and I need you to make about, but I assure you, they serve to drive you closer than ever
use of that power! I need fighters who will refuse to let into My arms. You cannot do the Master's work without the
circumstances get the better of them! Master's power! I don't expect you to do anything without it!
Take the time to really live in the spirit! I want you to become sure that it's My power that's compelling
Go slow! Make sure you grow spiritually by continuing to feed you, My power that's driving you forward, My power, My Spirit
your spirits as you go! Fight hard to resist your usual tendency that's causing you to speak, to act, to do anything, so that
to lock Me out of your lives during extremely busy or stressy everyone will know it, but especially you. You can be sure of My
days! Don't ever let your days become too busy to include Me in power, and I want you to be. You can be sure of My love, My
them! If you're too busy to take Me with you in whatever you do, unfailing, and unconditional love, and I want you to be. Be sure
then you're too busy! If you're too busy for God, then you're too of Me.
busy! If you're too busy for love, then you're too busy! You've got to have it inside before you can give it out.
I'm not saying that you've got to know everything before you
326 __________________________________________________ start giving out what you've got, I'm just saying that you've got to
Tune into the little people who you didn't even know were get ahold of My power before you do My work. I want you to
there, but who really need you. Start feeding the hungry! know how to find out what I want you personally to do. Otherwise
Turn to those who appreciate what you've got to give. When the you might just make a mess out of things, if you pretend you're
laden guests didn't appear to the wedding, the bridegroom in the ready when you're not.
parable sent out his servants to call in the poor, the beggars & There are those who feel they're ready, and even if they may
the lame, the despised of society! know a lot less than you do, that feeling is of Me. I want them to
If the rich & self-satisfied don't show up to your "party," cheer up, go out & learn by trial & error. But I don't have exactly the same
you're in good company: they didn't show up for Mine, either! So, tasks for everybody. Everybody's got their special job to do.
let's have a ball with the poor instead! Give to those with whom For some it may be getting out the tools & fighting the hand-to-
your giving really counts! Give to those who don't have yet! Let hand combat out in the streets. For others, it is to strengthen the
those know about My coming to the world for whom these good spiritual backbone, the frame of it all, against future attacks of
news really mean Salvation and the answer they've been the Enemy. There are the wise elders, who, though they may not
seeking! be out there in the fray with the younger ones, have their task in
Minister to the little ones, the despised, the poor and the poor in foreseeing impending evil, and to warn and protect the camp.
spirit. What's important is that everyone's in tune with their own,
Look around! If you look for the right things & focus on the personal instructions from Me, the pillar and connection of My
humble & lowly, you will see them. You need to change your personal will for them, and when that's the case, everything will
focus in order to see as I see, and to see what I want you to see. flow in harmony.
When you can each stand up for your individual needs &
327 __________________________________________________ convictions, even your feelings of what you think is the right
thing to do, without having to be afraid of what the others think Taking care of your body is work, the same as taking care of
or that it might not fit into their preferred way of running things, a house or a garden... You have to keep it running well.
when you can freely communicate without fears, when there is Health troubles are like warning signs that things can't keep
harmony, mutual respect, and My Spirit can flow from each of going the way they have. A break or a change is required. And, as
you to the other, as it does from Me to each of you (- the shape of you know, changes are good for you, including physical changes
the cross: the vertical beam signifying My connection with you, like changing your diet, or fasting for some time.
and the horizontal standing for your interaction with each other-), Again, less is often more. Less food is more healthy for you, less
then the world will also see and get the message of the cross, for indulgence bears more positive results, more health.
they will see My love at work in you (Jn.13:35).
Don't rob others of their opportunities to feel needed. Let others 331 __________________________________________________
shine. They must increase, but you must decrease. Don't be My direction for you is to keep on trusting Me, not to take
afraid of fading out. The fading out will only be the true fading in. things on a human level, but to take it as from My hand.
You fade out of the view of their realm, but fade into Mine, into The ultimate goal, as far as I'm concerned, is primarily for your
My true light of being a true accomplisher of the Spirit. faith, not necessarily for your income to increase! We all know
you need money, and everybody knows they need money, and
329 __________________________________________________ that's what everybody else's life is revolving around, that's
There were moments when I was tempted to not believe in nothing new! But living by faith, & really putting faith in the first
My disciples. But the Father reassured Me that they were going place is, in this day & age, something quite new & radical, and
to pull through somehow. the more emphasis you put on that, rather than on the problem,
You must make an effort to view people more positively, and you the lack at hand, and even the immediate & quick solution, the
must allow yourself to be more vulnerable & risk getting hurt, & more you're willing to let faith be the answer to the problem, the
not automatically shield yourself from any possible future more proud I'm going to be of you for being so different, so
disappointment! other, so holy!
The pain is part of the deal! If you cowardly try to sneak your way When you don't really have the faith for something, but you trust
out of it or around it, you're cheating yourself out of necessary the one you love & say, "I believe because you believe it!" That's
breakings & benefits. saying, "I believe in you! I personally wouldn't have the faith for
If somebody makes the obviously wrong choice, the right attitude it, but your faith for it gives me faith for it, too! Your faith is
to have about it is not a self-righteous, judgmental one, where strengthening my faith!" That's love & showing faith in one
you separate yourself from them totally, with an attitude of "I another!
never would have done that," but rather one of knowing that it
could happen to anyone to fall like that, & that it's only My grace 332 __________________________________________________
that can keep you from falling. Open your eyes so that you may see the wondrous things
Thinking you're better doesn't help any. It only makes things about My law. There are more lessons to be learned from My
worse. Claim the keys of brotherly love everyday! Word than meets the eye.
You've got to accept people's choices without self-righteously Do you see the Devil everywhere, or do you see Me in everything,
judging them for them! You've got to respect their majesty of even in something the Devil brought about, or the Devil happens
choice, knowing that I haven't ordained you all to take the same to use himself?
path! Everyone can be a part of the Family, each walking a Many people see the Devil in sex, just because he happens to
different path. That's the way it's supposed to be. So, don't be use it. The question is, who created sex? Me or the Devil? I did.
disappointed when someone slips or falls. It's only natural. You can see Me in everything if you look hard enough. It's a
Stretch your vision, your faith, your level of tolerance a little greater weakness to see the Devil in everything than trying to
more in your relations with others by making more room for your portray Me and My story even if there are elements in your
fellowman to fall, to sin and fail, just as you have, with the same portrayal that the Devil uses, too!
right to grace and mercy that you have enjoyed, without judging The Scribes & the Pharisees even saw the Devil in Me! They
them or losing faith in them. Keep the faith in people! accused Me of being a devil, and so the modern Scribes &
I was trying to get your focus on Me, and I've been trying to get Pharisees of the churches accuse those with greater freedom
you not to look at people. But that didn't mean that I never than what they have, of the same.
wanted you to have faith in people! It just meant that primarily, I Open your eyes! There's so much more to see! Everywhere! In
want you to put your faith in Me, regardless of circumstances My creation, even in a simple story! The world is full of wonders!
and whatever anyone does. But now that your faith in Me is Blessed are they who see them! How miserable are those who
strengthened, I want you to look around and expand your faith in see the Devil in everything!
others as well. Isn't it much more blessed to see Me and My purpose even in the
If nothing else, expand your faith in Me, that I knew what I was bad things that happen to you? To see My working in your life, to
doing when I created them, just as I knew what I did when I find Me talking to you through the lesson you learn in the battles
created you, including all your faults & pre-programmed failures you're fighting against the Devil and his ilk? How foolish it would
& everything! Failing is a part of life, & one of the most important be to reverse it, to see the Devil in everything, even in Christmas
parts of it. Can you imagine how yucky anyone would get if or in Christian stories, in the sincere efforts of others to bring Me
they'd only succeed all the time? to the world!
So, accept failure, your failures and the failures of others, as a Often it's the same jealousy that the Pharisees had of Me! Those
necessary part of life, one of those "beauty for ashes" things, & people don't have the greatness to check their own hearts for
don't take it as a reason to become self-righteous or resentful, sin, the sin of self-righteousness, they always & only see it in
but stay loving! Help people not to give up on themselves. When others.
they fall, that's when they specially need you to be there with an It all depends on how hard someone is looking for the real thing!
attitude of, "I still believe in you!" If they really want the truth and nothing but the truth, they're
See what wonders brotherly love and faith in your brothers can going to find Me!
do! Treat people like potential winners, not losers. Show more And once you've found it, it's up to you to fight for it. To keep it,
appreciation, not a critical or self-righteous attitude. to share it, to defend it, to make it grow! My story is everywhere!
Forgiveness IS believing in people. It's believing that I knew what There are those who decry astrology & astronomy, when My
I was doing in creating them, believing that I know what I'm doing Word clearly says that "the heavens declare the glory of God and
as I lead them through life, and believing that if I have done it for the firmament showeth His handiwork... there is no speech nor
you, I can do it for them, too. Your job is just to love them! language where their voice is not heard..." (Ps.19:1,3). Some just
don't want to see more than what their narrow little minds have
330 __________________________________________________ determined for them to be their reality. They don't want to
expand, they don't want to grow, they just want to put everything hell! I'm still a Friend of sinners & still have a hard time with the
& everyone into their same narrow little boxes & mind frames & self-righteous, holier-than-thou pretend-to-be-so-gooders.
condemn everyone else who doesn't see things as they do. Just
like many people are going to be shocked when they'll find out 334 __________________________________________________
that I really am Who I claimed to be, there are those who are Ringing out the old, ushering in the new... That's one of life's
going to be shocked to find out who My closest friends are. They cycles & main themes. If you learn to live out these symbolisms,
were already shocked when I was on earth! My friends were not you become a walking, living message of what I want to say to
the religious people! the world.
My friends were ordinary, simple folks, simple enough to receive Live a life of moving, vibrant change. Ever-flowing, turning,
My love & what I had to give! My best friends were ordinary revolving, moving, never stopping, never stagnating, forever
sinners, not those who condemned others for their sins. young, forever changing. You can only do that by living the life of
Some of them were also victims to self-righteousness every now the Spirit, by attuning your life to My Spirit, for what My Spirit
& then, that religious zeal & desire for exclusiveness, but they signifies in this world, is change. In reality, it is ever constant, but
quickly learned that that was nothing at all that I would as far as this world is concerned, it signifies change, because the
encourage: whenever one of My disciples came up with any state of this world is rebellion against Me, against My newness. It
notion of being better than someone else, I openly rebuked them. wants to stagnate, it wants to rot. It is death. I am life, but this
When they tried to keep the children away from Me, indicating world is death. So, by staying alive & continuing to move & flow
that I was too busy, too important, too holy, too high & mighty to with My Spirit, by living the life of the Spirit, you actually bring
be bothered by children, I rebuked them, because that is not what life into this dying, and in some ways already dead world.
I am!
When the sons of Zebedee thought that they probably were going 335 __________________________________________________
to have the closest place to Me in heaven, I rebuked them & This is your ministry, to pull down, and to destroy, and to
taught them that that's not where it's at. You wanna be the throw down, to build, and to plant (Jer.1:10). It didn't really sound
greatest in heaven? Be the servant of all! like "yeah, that's me" to Jeremiah, either, when I told him that I
My kind of open-mindedness that I advocate, is: be open for My had set him over nations & kingdoms. You're a nobody, as far as
surprises! Be open enough to see Me in everything! Why look for the world is concerned, and yet, upon you and the likes of you
the Devil in everything? But if you seek Me in everything, if you hinge entire fates of nations.
make an effort to see Me and glorify Me in everything, then You're one of My heralds of change. You don't play along in their
everything is sanctified! That's why Paul was able to eat with the game, because you know it isn't going to last. It is programmed &
former pagans he had won to Me! Their customs were totally destined to fail, to cease, in fact, it's already petering out. With
different from the religious Jewish customs he had been brought your life-style, you're signaling change, sending out the
up in. But because he had been a victim of extreme religious self- message, "I have changed, and if you were brave enough, you
righteousness & narrow-mindedness, he saw the liberty, the could do it too! We don't all have to be slaves of the Matrix.
freedom, the liberation from the law that I had brought! It took Change is possible. And change will come. Don't think your
Paul to drive home that point to the church, & some still haven't system is the only one possible. Don't think it's going to last
got it! forever..."
Don't see the Devil in everything, much less in the sincere efforts I'm still planning to come & take over this world. I'm still planning
of others to portray & convey Me and My message to the world, on changing everything! I'm still on My way!
but see Me in everything, even in the Devil's efforts to try to wipe Some of My changes are not fast, but slow & majestic. I take
Me and My message out! Because I will cause his wrath, and the time. I don't let the old boy get Me into a rush. Patience is one of
wrath of those who seek to persecute Me by persecuting you, the names of My game.
only to praise Me! I will use him to bring about My will and My
plan! Those who see the Devil in everything are short-sighted! 336 __________________________________________________
They need to look through all that's on the surface & see Me One of your major weaknesses seems to be that you get so
there, My much greater plan and work, beyond any of the puny easily annoyed by people.
workings of the Devil. It's hard to have a flourishing relationship with someone while
The same applies to the Devil's people: I use them to bring about you're getting annoyed by them.
what's written and what must be done. I allow the Devil's people When you get annoyed by someone, you avoid them; you try to
to enslave mankind in order to set them free! If they were free be where they aren't, so that you don't get annoyed anymore.
already, why would they need a Deliverer? If Pharaoh in Egypt It's easier for you to get annoyed or irritated when you're
wouldn't have made things so tough for the Israelites, they exhausted. Just come to Me in such situations, & find rest in Me.
probably never would have wanted to leave! Some even No reason to get annoyed & then let the Enemy condemn you for
complained & wished they had stayed. not having more love... If this serves to show you that you need
It's hard to see Me in hardships, in difficulties, in battles & trials,
to have more love & patience for people, that's good. It's good to
but I am there! So, why see the Devil in everything, or look for his see your lack, your insufficiency, your want, the empty, void
influence in even the good things? place in your heart & soul that you still need Me to fill. That's
They only see one side of the picture, the side which the Devil what I'm here for. That's why I'm here...
shows them, because they're not even open for My point of view. If you need more love & patience, just ask Me! "Too easy," you
The kind of openness I promote is the one that encourages say? Well, if it's that easy, then why is it so hard for you to do it?
people to see My point of view. Don't see the Devil in everything, Why does the Devil always manage to find a way to keep you
see Me! from doing it, from just asking Me? - From praying? If it's so
easy, then why is it so hard for you to do it? Maybe, if you need
333 __________________________________________________ to have some real challenge, then it might be good for you to
In his blindness, the Devil never sees how I use his efforts to realize just how difficult your own mind, instigated by the Enemy,
destroy Me, silence Me & wipe out My message, for My own is making it on you to avail yourself of the simple solution of
good. prayer!
One of the most important "tricks" of faith is, to see the good in You don't really have to battle with the problem yourself, and yet
the bad, not vice versa. This applies to people, to incidents, and that's what you choose to do, over & over again, instead of just
it can apply to questionable things like movies and books. Some rolling it over onto My shoulders, for Me to take care of it. Why?
people who were allegedly on the bad side, actually did wind up Because your flesh wants to play the Almighty itself, that's why.
on the good side, after all. My mercy was greater than everything, "No! Wait, I'm going to find the solution myself! No, don't ask the
greater than their sin, and certainly greater than the self- Father for help! You can do it! Just keep thinking harder! Think it
righteousness of those who would have preferred to see them in through some more! And one more time, backwards & forwards,
and if that doesn't help, try a little more worrying! I'm sure even given you the power to claim souls. Although it is ultimately
something's got to work!..." up to them and their decision, I have given you such power over
You act as if the worst thing that could happen to you is that I them that you can mightily influence them in My favor, and
take your "baby," your problem, away from you & take care of it whatsoever you loose on earth will be loose in heaven also
for you. When all I want to do is help you be a better "parent." (Mt.16:19). Thus is the power of the keys of the Kingdom!
You can really feel at ease about the simple solution of giving the
problem to Me! There's nothing wrong with it, it's perfectly 338 __________________________________________________
alright, no matter what the Devil or your carnal mind may be You're being influenced by outward appearances, because
telling you! You don't have to find or come up with the solution you've been feeding that! You screw up your expectations in the
yourself! The solution is to give it to Me in prayer, and sooner or physical to unrealistic levels. You need to realize that that's just
later you'll wind up with the conclusion that there is no other the Enemy teasing you. He's saying, "Yeah, see here, the goodies
solution anyway! I'm the only solution & way out! you could have, over on my playground?"
At first you still tend to get annoyed by that "primitive" solution & If you feed your appetite for unrealistic standards in the carnal,
easy way out, when you have such a brilliant mind to figure it's as if you're tearing down & belittling and allowing the Enemy
things out by yourself. But you just need to get it through your to belittle what you've got!
head that that "primitive" solution just happens to be the best The danger about feeding yourself the input from the media, is
solution. You need to expose that arrogance, that pride, as the that you're not content with what you've got anymore, you don't
same kind of pride that unbelieving scientists or intellectuals appreciate it anymore. It's like the verse in James about one who
have toward believers. They think it's "primitive" to believe in Me, sees his face in a mirror and forgets from then on how he was
primitive to pray, a primitive reaction of a primitive mind's made. He thinks he is actually that image he saw in the mirror. He
incapability to cope with the problems it encounters. thinks his flesh is all he is; all of a sudden his spirit, his soul
The question is, if faith in Me is so primitive and they're so smart, becomes irrelevant! And so it can happen if you focus too much
then why is the world constantly becoming a worse mess, on the physical & the flesh.
instead of getting better? What ideas are they coming up with That's why John listed the lust of the eyes among those things
that really do something to change things for the better & to that separate you from the Father, they separate you from love,
improve the state of the world? And where are they when you they separate you from the truth, because only the Spirit is the
need them? Has your own mind saved you out of any real truth, the truthful, eternal picture of you or anyone else, that
trouble? which is beneath the temporal shell, that body, which is now
Sure, I do use your mind, and I frequently give you good ideas, here, but you look again, and it is withered. Don't fall for those
but that's not supposed to mean that you're supposed to find all temporary illusions!
the answers there yourself. In fact, if you would thank Me & give
Me the credit for those ideas, I could bless you with a lot more of 339 __________________________________________________
them. But that's one of the most common & biggest weaknesses One of the greatest needs of human beings, including
of man: I give them a good idea, and they think it's themselves. children, is to feel needed, to feel wanted, to feel as an important
One of the greatest dangers you have is thinking that it's you part of their families; not a burden, but a blessing.
who comes up with all those ideas, whose mind is so brilliant, If even I couldn't do much in places where people's unbelief
when it's I Who give it all to you. hindered Me, and if what saved the blind man was actually his
That's another reason why the poor in spirit are the blessed faith in Me (Lk.18:42), his need for Me, his desire for Me; if even I
ones. It wouldn't occur to them that they're smart enough to needed to be believed in, to be needed and wanted in order to
solve their own problems. One of the biggest jobs the hordes of fully perform My best, then how much more do you all need that?
Satan are pursuing is to keep millions of modern minds thinking I and you aren't all that different; if I needed to be believed in,
they're smart enough to solve their own problems & thus don't then your fellow servants need it, too, and you owe it to them, to
need any help, least of all from God! believe in them, to need them, to depend on them, just like you
It requires humility to admit that you need help. Now, that's what owe it to Me, for that is part of the great Commandment & the
I'd call smart, when people humble themselves to admit they Law of love! While I don't want you to make a god out of
need help & call on Me! There's no smartness greater than that! someone else, it still is your duty to love others, and you can't
You can even beat Einstein and the greatest geniuses in the really do that if you don't believe in them. Everything you do to
world by praying! Because by praying you'll be coming up with Me, do it also to them! Everything you do to them, you're doing
better solutions than they ever did. Was the atomic bomb a good to Me! If you believe in them, if you show them that you need
solution? Certainly not! Come to Me, and I'll give and show you them, if you show them that you want them, that you trust them &
solutions that will exceed the quality of the solutions those trust that they won't let you down, then you're showing that to
brilliant minds in the world of science come up with. It looks to Me, also.
Me like the solutions they're creating only create more problems! I'm not talking about having unrealistic expectations of people,
So why not be real smart & let Me give you solutions that beat I'm just talking about having a little bit of faith in them.
theirs? You don't even have to have a concrete idea. You don't Let them shine, trust in them, let them develop their skills & put
even have to define the problem for Me & put it into words, or ask your own ministry on the back burner for a while & just be their
for a specific solution! You can just give the problem to Me, just support, their coach, their cook & the one staying by the staff
wrap it up into a bundle of prayer & give it to Me, and I'll take care while they go out & fight the battle for souls, and I promise, I'm
of it! I'll take care of it! That's My promise to you! Wherever you going to see you through somehow.
might find a problem, just remind yourself that I've promised that Things that are impossible with men are possible with God, so,
I'll take care of it! I'll take care of it for you because I love you so! don't limit Me and My actions to your mind gear of
That's the overwhelming love I have for those and reward those impossibilities, but make it happen by having the faith for it to
with who take the time to seek Me daily: A special service happen. What do you want to be written about you: that I wasn't
granted to the wisest of the wise, those who don't think they're able to do many miracles for you because of your unbelief, or
smart enough to solve their own problems, but believe that the that your faith has saved you? Your faith can do anything for
smartest thing to do is to give their problem to Me. I reward their you, so, have faith.
faith by taking care of it.
340 __________________________________________________
337 __________________________________________________ As the merging of the dimensions approaches, you will first
If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me. If you praise Me, witness that this world is going to become more & more like hell.
then you can draw them to Me by your faith. You can not only The more this world is going to turn into hell, the more you'll
pray for them, but even praise Me for them, that I died for them realize that you have no part in it, that you're no more than
and have saved them. Your faith for them can save them. I have strangers & pilgrims in it, because you are Heaven's children.
The more you realize that you're not a part of their world, the again? So, isn't it about time you started trusting Me?
more you will cling to Me, and the more I will empower you to rise
above this world. 342 __________________________________________________
If you freak out now, during this comparatively harmless drill, With giving to children you give and give and give, and every
what will you do when the real crisis comes? now & then you get a little something in return. But that's
You must learn to trust Me, to hold out. because your capacity to give is much greater than theirs. They
What you desperately need is more faith, and through this simply don't have as much to give, except through their
experience I'm causing your faith to grow. But you have to put obedience.
yourself on My side fully. That means, it has to be clear to you in So it is with Me. My capacity to give to you is much, much greater
your mind that when it comes down to it, you have no part in this than your capacity to return to Me, and some have more grace
world, you are Mine. I'm supposed to take care of you when they than others to return My benevolence & love to them in form of
come at you from all sides. their obedience to Me. Not everybody's the same.
When you run to the enemy camp in order to find shelter & I'm already happy if I find someone willing to listen to and receive
supply there, because you don't trust that I can give you what I from Me.
need, it may look like a rather "harmless" form of betrayal, but if All I really want is that you love Me and to let Me love you, and to
you already run to the System for "salvation," instead of wholly keep in mind the vision of allowing that love between us to
relying & trusting in Me, then what are you going to do when the overflow on others. But I know the difficulty of your task: after all,
real trouble comes? since you're representing Me, and you're trying to tell them about
So, holding out in this situation means a lot more than meets the Me, they're not very interested, since they're simply not very
eye right now! You've got to refuse to play their game & refuse to interested in Me.
give in, refuse to give heed to their threats! Yes, it's going to Only pain & suffering brings out the best in people, and that's
require a big miracle for you to make it in this situation, but that's when they usually turn to Me. As long as everything goes alright,
what it's going to require in the future, too! And if you won't make they couldn't care less about Me.
it now, through this test, then you're certainly not going to make That's why I have to allow things not to always go honky dory for
it very far in the big one! everyone all the time. And usually those who find themselves
If your faith and life-style, your attitude and everything about you "less blessed" in physical aspects, do find themselves more
is the real thing, then even the eventual crisis, of which all the greatly blessed in spiritual aspects in the long run. The poor, the
others were only shadows, will only be another part of your life of needy, the sick, the handicapped, the disabled & weak... they all
faith, My plan for you, My Big Picture & everything. find their way to Me much more easily & quickly than the rich, the
All those horror visions of the book of Revelation are real, but strong, the successful, those for whom everything goes alright...
some people are afraid to deal with it. They want to close their
eyes & hide behind the fake front of the System. It's a matter of 343 __________________________________________________
facing your fears bravely. Knowledge puffeth up, love edifieth. I'm trying to steer your
If your faith is the real thing, then you'll also be able to deal with whole way of believing, your spiritual life or "religion" away from
the ugly parts of the Big Picture, you won't have to seek comfort your head & move it more to your heart. I don't want you to enact
in the Devil's dream world anymore. your religion, your belief, with your head so much. It's much
I will supply all your needs, even without any help from "uncle" more important that you grasp the matters of the heart. Seek not
System. to understand these matters with your mind, with your head, but
The closer you have come to Me and to My side and shown that with your heart. Don't just let these things I tell you serve to
you really mean business with Me, the more the Devil has inform you, to merely add to your knowledge, but let them form
withdrawn his appearances of false peace from you, now that you, shape your heart, and consequently change your life & your
you're getting more serious about fighting him, instead of actions. Only this way will you be able to move out into other
coexisting peacefully! people's lives & change them also.
All that hype about wealth being a sign of God's blessing isn't You can't bring about a revolution, a rebirth, from your head.
always true. Especially not when that wealth distracts you from
Me & keeps you too busy to hear My voice of truth. Wealth isn't Everything in life depends on choices. It's part of a parent's love
always a sign of My blessing, but often merely a sign of to leave their child a choice.
compromise with the System. My children choose to let Me have the ultimate choice, it's okay
The trick about "Using It" is not to allow “it” to use you! with them if I don't always say "yes" to everything they want.
Sooner or later, it's going to be all-out war. No more peaceful Whereas those who insist on having their way regardless of Me
coexistence then. The sooner you wake up to the reality of war and what I have to say about it, reap the consequences.
and declare your independence from the System & lean wholly This doesn't mean that those who don't care about Me always get
on Me and make Me the sole Source responsible for your needs, what they want, nor that those who do care about Me never get
the better. what they want. It depends on what it is they want and a million
other factors. There are so many different situations, because
341 __________________________________________________ with every person it's different.
Desperation is good for you; it drives you closer to Me.
Praise Me for your problems. Remember that “the neglected path Be able to learn something valuable from practically anyone you
of praise will often lift you right out of the pit into which the devil meet, to believe in others, that I made them for a purpose, and
is trying to cast you!” that you can learn something from that person.
The greater the problem, the greater the victory, and the more it's
going to strengthen your faith in the end. You need those greater You just can't legislate sincere goodness of the heart.
problems, in order to give you greater faith, in order to tackle Those who get the core and gist of My message, that love,
even greater problems, greater obstacles & seeming nothing else, is the secret, they are the ones who have their
impossibilities in the future. This is all part of your training, your hearts open to Me.
faith-expansion & -growth program. It's the heart that matters, not some kind of dogma or theory,
It's from Me, from My hand; not the Devil who's doing this to doctrine or any other head stuffing. The key and the gist of My
attack you. it's primarily Me behind all this to test & strengthen teachings and of My life, and of all I want to convey to mankind is
you faith, and, ultimately, to prove to you, "hey, what's all the love, and that's a matter of the heart, not of the head.
fuss about? I'm right here!" I told you, "I'll take care of it!" Let your faith, your religion, what you live and preach, be a
Did any of your worries ever come to pass? Did I ever allow any matter of the heart, not a head issue! Pride starts in the head.
of those impending shadows that you saw, to really fall on you? You get a "big head" about something you are, something you
Didn't I spare you & deliver you from them time & time & time did, something you're part of. But humility is a knowledge from
the heart that recognizes that whatever I get accomplished as they still received the same reward & pay for their work. It
through you, I get it accomplished basically in spite of you, your says that because they judged the king for his goodness, they
weaknesses (those which you often consider your strengths) and were cast out. That's why you see a lot of those folks leaving &
your flesh. It's what enables you to be grateful for one another heading for the darkness, and others, who hadn't been there
instead of competing with one another, to appreciate one another from the first hour coming in & taking their places, their crowns.
instead of judging & labeling one another, to love one another, This is also another reason why I've had to allot more time. This
instead of seeking to promote yourself. lesson must first become clear. It's not the flesh, any carnal birth-
right of being born into a certain group, club or church what
344 __________________________________________________ makes you special or My Endtime elite. It's how much each one
I have given you power to reverse the curse through prayer embraces the spiritual heritage.
and the keys. You can reverse the effect of the curse the fall of You don't have to be old to be an old bottle!
man brought into this world, at least in the lives of certain others The problem is with the hearts of the people, what's within, it's
you touch by claiming the keys & directing My power toward their attitudes, & that's something hard to get rid of or to deal
them. with. Something has to happen from the inside. It's what
It's never "beyond hope." For Me, there is no such thing as happened when the Early church in Jerusalem finally got the
beyond hope. It's never too late for love. point & obeyed My commandment to go into all the world &
preach the gospel to every creature. Unfortunately, they didn't
Everybody's got the majesty of choice, that qualifies them to really get it until the persecution came.
make decisions to either make good of this life or to destroy it. That's why persecution is ultimately good for you. For one thing,
If you give someone the truth, he can still decide to receive it or it weeds out those who are only in it for the wrong reasons, who
reject it. It's like with any other gift: he may decide to receive it or are in it because it's the comfy little rut they've been in most of
reject it. When they reject what you're offering or giving them their lives. It also draws you closer to others, as you're forced to
that's not your fault. It's their decision. It's not because what cling to them for shelter. The major difference between now &
you're offering them isn't good. They just don't want it. Their then is that they actually had a physical country, which for the
perception of quality, their standard of values is corrupted. carnal minded still meant the "Promised Land" or the "Holy
Anybody who chooses to worship creation (or even worse, the Land." They hadn't gotten the point yet that I was actually
creations of man), over the Creator, will reap the repercussions through with that, & some Christians still didn't get the clue.
of that decision. The "Physical heritage" thing is a trip of the flesh. Those who
There will be differences in the repercussions of your decisions. don't realize that the royal heritage I'm speaking about is a
Not everybody will wind up exactly the same, regardless of spiritual one are actually lagging far behind those pioneers like
whatever they did... Paul, who did what he and all My church was supposed to be
What can you give to someone who doesn't want anything that's doing, way before the rest of them got the point. What
good? determines how much of an old bottle you are is how much you
There is such a thing as squandering your crown, your royal cling to the flesh. How much do you allow any sort of physical
heritage. You may still be a son and a welcome member of the advantage to minister to your pride? The more you realize that
Kingdom, but you forfeited your heirloom. Sometimes when the flesh profiteth nothing and that the Spirit is all that matters,
you've gambled & lost it all, the result is actually shockingly the more of a new bottle you can become. But first you've got to
simple: it's gone. You've lost it, squandered it, and it's gone. No allow Me to shatter your old bottle attitudes, mindsets & carnal
more heritage, no more part of the kingdom to rule and reign, dogmas you cling to, that which you "know" & think you're so
because you chose to be your own little king in your own selfish sure of.
little kingdom before it was due, you wanted it all right here & Have you got the heart? Have you got the love? Have you got the
now, you wouldn't wait. You were too short-sighted to invest your Spirit? Have you truly got what it takes to be My disciple?
life into some promised future event, you wanted all the fun, all Time will tell.
the comfort right away. The flesh always needs to have something by which it can pull
Only faith inherits the Kingdom. There are those who despise it itself up, elevate itself, and glorify itself. For many it's age or
for lack of faith. So, always cling to your faith. Don't let it go. looks, fitness... whatever the Devil can get them to worship or
Keep fighting, keep running, keep working for the Kingdom, keep use to distract them from what's really relevant: the Spirit!
seeking first the Kingdom. Don't put "all these other things," the The greatest danger in communal living does not come in form of
concerns of life, "what shall we eat, what shall we drink, disunity but it's the negative peer pressure of lukewarmness! The
wherewithal shall we be clothed" first & make them your primary contagious disease of stuck-in-the-rut-ness. The constant
concern! That's the short-sightedness & foolishness of resistance to change, especially true change & deep metanoia of
unbelievers, those who lacked the faith necessary to inherit the the heart. The comfortable refusal to really open your heart to
Kingdom. They despised the kingdom and the birthright, the title new things, your eyes to new things I might show you - even
to the throne for a mess of pottage. They're still sons, but not the about people you never even cared to notice before, because you
heirs of the promise and blessing. were way too preoccupied with yourself!
True heaven comes through the desperation that makes you seek
Me whole-heartedly - a desperation that comes from the total
345 __________________________________________________ failure of finding anything in this world that will truly satisfy you.
It's not about accomplishment. It's about being a pioneer of Those who are satisfied by less than the real thing - that joy
the new, about being a herald of the unknown, the strange, the unspeakable that comes from utter union with Me, found only
radical, the bottle-breaking, raw honesty & truth... your way of through the rejection of fleshly substitutes - only have a cheap
communicating. Just like My way of communicating with them counterfeit version of heaven-on-earth.
was too much for the majority of them to take, it was too honest, They may have everything, but if they don't have the heart of the
too open, exposing their insides too much, their hearts, they matter, then they don't really have "it."
couldn't bear it. As long as you still have an idea of how "it" is supposed to look
Paul saw that the church was to become something bigger than in the carnal, as long as you define what you're looking for by
just a bunch of Jews having found the Savior & received the Holy certain physical criteria, of the way the ideal person should look
Spirit. or what age they should be, then you haven't really gotten the
Some people just want to be so exclusive, so special, such a neat point.
& special little clique, they don't want to open up & make room Until you have gotten that point, you don't have anything to offer
for the new. After all, they've been there from the beginning. In them, either! As long as you are still deceived by fleshly
fact, from birth. They're like the folks in My parable who appearances, you're not any smarter or wiser than they are, so
complained that those who didn't toil the same amount of hours what could they learn from you?
Only if you allow Me to fill that aching void, that "God-shaped of lies, really is the prince of the world, then to what extent would
hole," are you going to be able to find a proper companion. he go to lie about, vilify and destroy - if he could - My Family?
Because only by finding that union with Me will you have enough
to give to the other person in order to keep that relationship 350 __________________________________________________
going. Otherwise you will only seek to find more & more for The reason you sometimes feel so far away from Me is
yourself, to receive & receive, to be given, to be served, instead basically none other than that you forget. You forget how much I
of to serve... It's the difference between selfish love and giving love you, you forget all My affirmations of My unconditional love
love, true love. And only I can give you that true love, the ability to you. You have to be reminded each day anew of My love for
to truly give without expecting anything in return. you. You have to come to Me each morning in order to get the
Only once you start looking at those to whom you can give will vision from Me and be reminded of who you are and how much I,
you find true happiness. your Husband, love you.
What you're looking for is not found there. That's why memorization is part of the solution of the problem,
What you're looking for is found in giving what you've got! because it will ingrain faith in Me and My love deeper into your
system, to where it won't be susceptible to feelings,
346 __________________________________________________ circumstances & spurs of the moment.
Instructions on practical matters don't always require Memorization is the key to remember. And remember is what you
prophecy. I've given you other means to find My will, such as should do! You must remember My unfailing love for you! You
godly counsel & counseling, open & closed doors, burdens, My must remember My promises to you! You must remember just
checks in the Spirit, etc. If you pray over a matter and you don't how close I am! You cannot just let it slip. Please, hold on to the
receive anything about it in prophecy, then chances are that I knowledge of how much I love you and need you more firmly!
want you to find out My will for you concerning it by some other That's what matters and is more important than whether people
means, such as talking about it or using the ideas I put in your have wronged you or have something against you. Step into My
head & then counseling about it, etc. footsteps. I've had lots of people against Me, in fact, nearly an
Just because I talk a lot about not listening to your carnal mind, entire race, plus the majority of the surrounding peoples, and
this doesn't mean that I don't want you to use your mind or that in spite of all the good I did. Yet it was My Father's love for
common sense at all anymore. Me that saw Me through. And even so it will be My love for you
that will see you through & help you to focus on the few who will
347 __________________________________________________ make it worth it all!
When there's no vacuum, then there's nothing I can fill. You
need to create a vacuum first. There doesn't always have to be a 351 __________________________________________________
question spelled out in words, but a vacuum. Remember to focus on Me and on the knowledge of My love,
on the power of the keys, and that through them, nothing is
348 __________________________________________________ impossible to you. And forget about the System & your ties to it,
The only thing that's stable, that's going to outlast any other its demands from you, its grip & hold on you, its offers to you, its
factors involved in creating or affecting your moods, is My Word. false securities.
It's the solid rock on which your faith can stand firmly, even when You've got to aim your vision on Me as your Provider, as your
your feelings seem to sway. The tighter you cling to that rock, the Guide, as the One Who directs & determines all your paths &
more stable your emotional household is going to be, the less forget about the circumstances that the Devil would like to use to
easily you'll be swayed by your feelings. keep you tied to the ground instead of serving Me freely.
Only the fact of My Word is strong enough to build and pull up
your faith to the extent that it will be able to pull up your feelings 352 __________________________________________________
to a steady & stable level, where you won't easily be swayed by Sooner or later you're going to have to buck the System, and
moods anymore, feeling distant from Me, or easily irritated or what's important is that you buck it and its influence now, in the
aggravated or whatever. Because (if you stand on My Word) spirit; that you counter it with My positive input & My truth.
you'll know I'm always right there. You won't allow your feelings If My truth in you becomes hard & solidified, nothing's going to
to tell you anything different, even if I allowed some seeming crack it so easily.
atrocity to happen to you. You've always been concerned about what people thought about
What you need more of is trust, and trust comes through faith, you. But you've got to break free of that no matter where you are
which again comes only through My Word. Make greater efforts and in what situation you are, and you've got to convey that
to really absorb My Word & actively strengthen your faith conviction, that it's okay to be different.
through it, by memorizing or reviewing faith-building passages, It’s all in My hands: your life and the life of your children, and if
verses or key-promises, and to read more, not just let it suffice you mess up, cheer up, that's part of life. Learn to deal with it as
for Me to answer your personal questions. it comes.

Tackle tasks in My Spirit, bathing projects in prayer, instead of 353 __________________________________________________

going about it in the flesh. It's got to be My Spirit, ensure that My It's always good to be open for surprises & your best ability
Spirit is really there with you, make sure you get in the Spirit! is your availability. Some of the chances you missed in life you
Whatever you do, you've got to make sure you're doing it for My missed because you had already allowed yourself to become
glory by bathing it in prayer. If you don't, then it easily happens unavailable, because you wanted a way out of your current
that you slip into the mode of operating in the flesh, and you'll situation, & it couldn't come soon enough. All these are things
reap the repercussions of that. You make mistakes. we want to try to avoid from now on with this new, much safer
modus of hearing from Me first about everything.
349 __________________________________________________ The Devil's going to try to cause you to doubt your directions
What the Family has to offer is the real thing and the truth. from Me or tempt you with irresistible offers that will look like
The amount of truth that exists in the household and fold of "obviously the right thing to do." Or, he'll make nothing happen
David is like an ocean, compared to the accomplishments of the at all, just to "show" you, "See, all this listening to the Lord
church. After all, the majority of the sample of the Church is still business isn't getting you anywhere!"
turning off more people & causing more people not to believe in My main lesson for you right now is patience; to wait on Me and
Me than it's winning folks to Me, or to that which I truly am. not move or jerk before it's My time to move. Sometimes less is
Don't underestimate the special place the Family has among the more, little is much if I'm in it, and My "nothing" is better than his
churches or among the Church - My ecclesia - in general. Who something! That which he and the world consider nothing is in
are the called-out ones who have truly obeyed the call out of the reality greater and more lasting riches than anything he and his
System? Who are My only true drop-outs? If the Devil, the father temporary world have to offer. Show them what "nothing" is
made of! Show them what My "nothing" can do, compared to whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
their "something." If you do everything to My glory, there will be no regret.
I hung the world on nothing, & nothing is the stuff that's mostly If instead of just talking & blurting out whatever pops into your
everywhere. But if you could see in the spirit, you'd see that what mind you pray about it or make sure that what you're saying is
looks like nothing to you is actually quite something. There's going to be inspiring & comes from Me, you'll probably be talking
simply more to everything, including nothing, than meets the less, but you'll be saying more! You'll be following closely in My
eye. You know what I'm saying? Not everything is the way it footsteps, the living Word of God in the flesh.
seems. This will only enhance your communication. It will move your
So, keep at peace & just doing your - what they consider to be - communication to a higher level, to where you're going to be
"nothing." Nothing but hearing from Me, communicating with much more in tune with each other. Just like everything carnal,
God Almighty and doing your best to pass on what you're what's spoken in the flesh can sometimes merely be a distraction
learning to those around you. I guarantee you that it will take you of what really needs to be said, and what you would say if you
further than all of their feverish activity combined is going to take were in the spirit. Communication is more than just talking. In
them! Heaven, there's a lot of communication done without actual
"Don't just do something - stand there!" Stand there & bask in My spoken words, and you could try a little bit of that already now, in
showers of light and live! Stand there & receive from Me that this realm. Claim the keys of heavenly communication with each
which is truly worth receiving & waiting for! Don't just do other, and let My Spirit permeate your communications, both,
something or anything, no matter what, just to keep busy! Get with each other, and also with others. It actually means allowing
your instructions from Me first & then you'll know what to do! your helpers in the Spirit to participate more in your
communication, instead of just letting your carnal mind rule such
354 __________________________________________________ an extensive part of it.
People like to have everything planned out in advance, but Sensitivity to the Spirit can be learned, just like any skill. It's just
things very rarely ever work out exactly the way they planned it. a matter of focusing differently, listening differently, looking out
"Man proposes, but God disposes." There's nothing they can do for different things. It's a matter of keeping your antennas up &
about it, I'm still the Boss. making a conscious effort to keep them up.
And you're a friend of the Boss, more than a friend, My bride & You have to control your mind and what comes out of your
lover. Everyone resents the Boss' lover. The Boss' lover is the mouth, bridle your tongue, as James admonishes the church.
target of all gossip & envy. Well, let them gossip & be envious, The trick the Enemy uses with folks like you who don't have any
"Let's give'em something to talk about!" position of leadership is getting you to think, "Oh, what does it
I'm going to care for you, that's all that matters, isn't it? I love matter whether what I say is in the Spirit or not? I'm nobody
you! What else really matters anyway? anyway, so what I say doesn't really matter." But that's the wrong
Certainly not their gossip & ill feelings. Just get stoned on My attitude. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. If you fail or
love & don't care what anyone may do or say! refuse to accept your title & spiritual rank of one of My
ambassadors & instead just wear the title "nobody," then that's
355 __________________________________________________ what you'll be. But if you're conscious of the fact that I sent you,
There's not so much time for trivia, for chit-chatting, it's time and wherever you go, you represent Me, you'll be a lot more
to get down to what really matters, the essence, what's relevant. prayerful about what you'll say.
When you've got to be mindful of every word you say, then you Listen more, hear more, learn more. Read between the lines;
want to make sure you're saying the right words. what is that which he's saying actually saying? What is that
Make each word count! "Make each day count", and every hour, saying about him? You can enhance your discernment skills
every minute, every word you say, and every song you sing, if through this. Listening & observing is pretty important in
you can! You never know when it'll be your last and the ship's learning discernment, although it is, of course, a gift, but one that
going to go down! You know this ship is sinking, so don't act as takes skill like any other gift, to learn how to use it.
if you didn't! Not with the intention to criticize, but in order to help people; you
Not everybody will be saved! What are you doing to make sure need to find out what their problem is, and then you can pray for
that as many as possible will be saved? their problem as I reveal it to you, and for a way you might help
I don't want you in the entertainment business, I want you to them to see it without offending or hurting them, to make them
speak the truth & what's relevant. Make them think, instead of see the truth tactfully and lovingly.
helping to tranquilize them & lure them away from thinking, as Save your breath for the things that really count, that really
the masters of entertainment do. matter, that make a difference; the good, positive, uplifting and
loving things! It's never the wrong time to say a loving thing!
356 __________________________________________________ if you feel like you've just gotta say something, make it a loving
If you strive to be a continuously open vessel for Me and My thing you say!
Words, for My viewpoints, My mind, then you'll eventually speak
less of the trivial, foolish or negative things that pop into your 357 __________________________________________________
mind whenever you don't make a conscious effort to stay on My (Dad:) You're going to do yourself, your "business," your
wavelength, but just allow your mind to drift, or just to give off & financial status & thus your standard & your living sample, a
receive whatever comes... world of good by making yourself a bit more rare! Jesus did it,
The Enemy is very subtle, & if he can't get you to think bad too! Often He hid Himself & disappeared & people were
thoughts or speak downright bad words, he'll try to get you to wondering where He was & why He wasn't appearing for the feast
say some idle word or think something that's not blatantly evil or & this & that & the other!
negative, but vain, idle, of no positive, constructive effect. He He couldn't stand their admiration for the wrong reasons. And
tries to have you stay "neutral." Not downright bad, but also not let's face it: if you're looking for admiration, it'll almost always
good. In other words, doing nothing to further & advance My only come for the wrong reasons. If they're looking for the truth,
Cause & Kingdom. they can find it in what you've got to say.
But you need to make a conscious effort to strive forward with Music isn't really an incredibly good medium to convey the truth,
every minute. You can never stand still. Even during your times and the whole truth! It's okay to convey a mood, a spirit, it's okay
of relaxation, you can make an effort to gear your thoughts into to attract someone to the message, but then again, with many
My direction, make yourself receptive to things I want to show people's perverted music tastes these days & their ever-growing
you through the movie you're watching or the scenery you're incapacity to really listen to what others have to say, it's getting
viewing or the conversation you’re having with someone else. harder & harder to really convey the message through music.
You can strive to make everything you do edifying, and that is the You know it from yourself: how many songs of the ones you like
fulfillment of that verse, "Whether therefore ye eat or drink; or & listen to, do you really know the lyrics of, & what they're all
about, & what they're really saying? There are a few, yes. But make it! He's not going to let you down - ever!
with the majority of them, you just listen to them because you He hasn't let you down during all these years you've been
like them, you like the melody, the way they're being sung & refusing to carry His cross, how much less is He going to let you
played; you like the music & enjoy the fact that it's written & down once you decide to finally pick it up!
being performed by a fellow Christian, but you don't even know That's all you need, and all the world needs from you: the naked
the lyrics of some of your long-standing favorites, with few God in Jesus Christ! Just give them the naked Jesus, nothing
exceptions. else - no cover-ups, not pretty clothes, no wrappings; nothing,
Now, if that applies to you, how can you expect more from your just the raw, naked and true Jesus Christ!
audience? You've got to admit that in the majority of cases, You've got Him! What else do you want to give'em? I don't care
witnessing and playing music are 2 entirely different cups of tea what else you do, as long as you give'em Jesus! I don't care
& 2 totally different stories, 2 separate things. about anything else... just give'em Jesus!
You can use the music to open the door for witnessing to If you want to know what it is that you can't keep in for yourself
someone, but never kid yourself into thinking that you've really any longer; it's Jesus! To Hell with anything else; anything that
delivered the message, delivered the goods, by just singing a few might get you to waste your time on anything else but giving
songs unless they're really straight in the face, POW! them Jesus! You can't keep Him in! You can't keep Him in, you
But as long as that's not the case, you've got to be realistic in gotta let Him out... You gotta let Him out in order for them to let
seeing music merely as a tool to open doors, to attract people to Him in!
the message, but never as the message itself. It's not an end in
itself, only the means to an end! The end, plus the beginning, the 358 __________________________________________________
A & O, is the Word! Jesus! You're only driving it home, once Getting your act together means getting your priorities
you're giving them Jesus! No matter how nicely you're trying to straight, getting down the gist & essence of it all, without much
wrap up the Word, the message, the heart & soul & core of what further ado about it. It's the rediscovery of the "simplicity of
you believe in, unless you make it clear enough that it's Jesus, Christ," that you need, without any fancy wrap ups, no neat
you can't really say you've delivered your soul, delivered the packaging needed... Just forget about the packaging, if it tends
message & brought home the point of what it's all about. to take too much of your time, & just present the raw & naked
You're not really making a point until you bring'em to Jesus. And Christ.
no matter how attractive you may try to make it, nothing beats There are too many people getting tripped off with the pretty
the real thing, the naked Christ! fringes & frameworks of Christianity & the Christian life while
Give'em the raw and naked Jesus, if you really want to make it neglecting the essence of it. Everybody's busy working on their
count, if you really want to feel like you're getting something presentation of their Christ, their individual little version of Me,
done, because anything and everything other than that is just instead of just plainly presenting Me, period! - While time is
plain & simply - when it comes down to it - beating around the running out!
bush! It's time to really get back to the basics; to quit talking about a
It's gotta be the real thing, the whole thing - it's either all - Jesus - revolution & revolute instead, to quit talking about it & just start
or nothing at all! Jesus is everything! Jesus is all of it, all that doing it.
matters, the Beginning & End, the A & O, and if you want to You can sing about the problem, you can sing about the solution,
convey anything that matters then convey Jesus, not just some but nothing really drives it home like living the solution, being
nice music about Jesus, but Jesus Himself! the solution, and attacking the problem head on. The problem is
It's either Jesus or nothing at all! that too few people are doing what actually ought to be done.
The world doesn't need another nice wrapping for Jesus, that They're finding nice, convenient ways around it & to keep
just hides His naked truth, all they really need is the naked Jesus, themselves busy with this & that & the other thing related to the
just the raw and naked Jesus, nailed to a tree for them in order to real thing, but not the real thing itself.
give them what they've been looking for all their lives & what So, the less time you waste on "Hey, everyone, look here at my
they're going to continue looking for, for the entire rest of their nice packaging, my nice wrapping of the gift!" - the better it's
lives, if you don't give Him to them! going to be, because what the world needs is the gift, not any
Make souls your goal, & don't try & steal the show! more wrapping paper! Just grab the gift, which is Me & My Word,
Your life will talk louder than a thousand words or a thousand & give it out to whoever you meet; that's basically the message,
songs! What good is all the beautiful music in the world if you're that's basically the job, & anything else is basically just a poor
not living what you're preaching, if you're not giving them the excuse & basically a waste of time when it really comes down to
living, naked Jesus Christ? What else is actually worth giving? it. Especially in the light of the fact that so many people are
What else is it worth losing your breath about? What else have spending so much time on all that goes around it, & so few hit
you got to give that actually gets anywhere, than the raw and the nail right on the head!
naked Jesus? It's time to hit the nail around the head, & to stop beating around
That's all you need, and all you ever needed, the raw and naked the bush. So, concentrate on the essential; try to really focus on
Jesus! hitting that nail right on the button, don't let the Enemy distract
Yes, you can make a song out of it, but do you have the guts to you; quit fooling around. Concentrate on getting out the Word,
sing it? Do you have the guts to live it? Sometimes it's just not getting Me to people, whichever way you can.
enough anymore to be preaching the good stuff without ever If you do that, then you're hitting the nail on the head. Remember
really living and doing it yourself! Sometimes there is a point that time is short. The Titanic is up to its neck in water, and the
where it's enough words, and now it's gotta be action, where they count of souls lost and won is going to be on you, among others
can't take anymore preaching, they gotta see you living it, or else who are responsible. It's not just a "nice thing to do" to save
they're just gonna boo you out! souls, but the only right thing to do, in a situation like that, as I
It's gotta be the real thing, made real by your actions! see it, and as the whole world is going to see it, soon. So, how do
Can you imagine what a farce the life of Jesus would have been you see it? And what are you going to do about it?
without that final, heavy ending part, that dying on the cross? In
the same way, your life is only a farce unless and until you're 359 __________________________________________________
taking up that cross; there's just no way around it! If you need In what ways was I tempted with anger? Sometimes I grew
help carrying it, ask for help; that's no problem! impatient with some people. Certainly I displayed anger toward
You've just gotta be ready for Jesus & say, "Yes, Lord, my the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, but that wouldn't necessarily fall
wonderful, naked, raw Lover and Husband, I'm willing to take that under the category of sinful anger, but more something like
same cross You carried for me! I'm ready to finally return the love righteous & godly indignation. I did have to deal with anger more
You gave me, to respond to Your call." You've just gotta trust Him in My younger years.
that He's going to help you make it, like the Father helped Him to One sin that's related to anger, - and anger can sometimes be a
manifestation of it - is self-righteousness. Sometimes we see reasons of physical exhaustion; sometimes the tendency to feel
someone we look up to behave in a certain way, and we think we a little bit like they didn't deserve it, and at other times mixed
have an equal right to act the same way. I was sometimes with the temptation to just be lazy. It's easy to be stingy with
tempted with thoughts of judgment in a premature way, before I some and then again extremely generous with others, and we
was really "ready" to be a Judge, so to speak, which is a very have to be careful to not be partial in our sharing, not to act from
common & natural thing to happen during many people's youth. a sense of personal preference, allowing some to indulge in our
Usually, what helps one to get over this, is to experience other love and goodness and all we have to offer, while being more
people's anger, to witness how ugly it can be, and how it hurts to stingy with others, but to equally shower everyone with the same
be at the receiving end of it. Having seen other people display opportunities to be blessed.
their anger from a child's viewpoint and the viewpoint of a weak On the other hand, sometimes there is a justified and necessary
human being helped Me to be more merciful, and to be more withholding.
"slow to anger," so to speak, more longsuffering. Avarice can be overcome by the sheer determination to give, to
continue to pour out one's life without measure, without holding
Pride was a sly & subtle enemy to overcome, since it was My back, a determination to give all.
goal and destiny to become an eternal, living symbol and sample
of humility, God's Lamb slain, in humble surrender & yielding. Certainly I was tempted by fear, one of the Enemy's most
And although this was My nature all through My life, naturally, effective weapons & one of the greatest and most typical
the Enemy tried to tempt Me with pride during My earlier years. manifestations of his power. I was tempted by fear before I faced
One perfect example of this is when My parents missed Me & I My darkest hour, the night in which I was betrayed, and since I
had stayed back at the temple without their permission... The age knew what was going to happen, this wasn't the first time I had to
of 12 is a very dangerous time when one is very easily prone to face that Enemy. Being the incarnation of an all-powerful God, to
pride. One begins to think of himself as very smart and superior experience fear was the epitome of the opposite of everything I
to others, even to his former or present superiors or parents. had been and was in the Spirit, and was to become. Fear is one
It's hard to know you are the Son of God, and not be tempted by of the sins that has the greatest grip on humanity, next to pride,
pride. and since I was to free mankind from it, I've really had to conquer
But I was reminded of the fall of Lucifer, how it was pride that it. Of all My temptations, I confess that fear was one of the
caused it, and I was reminded of the purpose for which I had strongest, although I was generally a courageous Person and
come into the world: not to lord it out over anyone in pride, but to One Whom others probably would have considered fearless.
humbly lay down My life for the sins of the world, sins such as But there were those moments of temptation when the Enemy
this very one I was experiencing in such moments during My just knew how to rub it in and to drive it home, that I, My flesh,
youth. I learned a lot more about pride, all of which helped Me to My body, was going to be in his hands for a certain time, and that
understand how much wiser it is to be humble, how much purer, there was nothing not even the Father could do about it, or could
how much more happy one can be if he simply does not allow do to help Me then... The fear of death, the fear of pain; not the
pride to take root in his heart but lets humility dwell there instead fear of actually dying or what was to come afterwards, but the
in full bloom. Humility was clearly the better choice and the fear of that hour, that cup, which, if it would have been possible, I
better path, and I saw that very early on in My life. would have preferred to have it pass from Me... But it was to be, it
had to be, I had to go through that!
You know that if there's one thing I stand for, it's truth, and I am I, the Epitome and Embodiment of faith, Who had walked on
the Way, the Truth and the Life. Consequently, there have been water, Who had raised the dead, Who had disappeared from
only very small & minor incidents during which I was tempted to within the midst of My enemies, Whom angels served and to and
tell an untruth, to slightly exaggerate something, or use a certain through Whom God Almighty spoke and Moses and Elijah had
apparition of a circumstance in order to enhance My own image. I appeared, I was to be subject of fear, in order to free all of
also learned these lessons very early in life. Once you have mankind from the grip of the same.
battled against the father of lies & looked through him, and once
you have seen poor pitiful human souls be victims of lies, deceit There were some who accuse Me of intemperance or gluttony.
& untruth, it's pretty hard to fall into that same trap yourself. But I They called My a wine bibber and a glutton; and it may be true
have been tempted in this point, too, and you may learn about that I indulged more in the good pleasures this life had to offer
these incidents in greater detail, latest when you're with Me in My than some of the holy men people had known before, like John
Kingdom. This kind of stuff is future educational material, and it the Baptist, who was living a rather ascetic life-style compared to
already is, in Heaven. Me. In fact, this was one of the reasons why John himself
doubted Me. He could not understand how we could be so
Envy was a sin that was easy to fall prey to as a relatively poor different in this aspect. Maybe you could say I was sometimes
young carpenter's son, when confronted with the riches of tempted to live a little bit of heaven on earth and to have a little
others. Then again, it was fairly easy to overcome, remembering bit of the share of the heavenly life while I was still on earth.
or being confronted with those who were yet much worse off I've had to watch it. I've had to keep the balance. I've had to learn
than us: the lame, the sick, the really poor; and if one had a to be sober & vigilant, for My adversary, the Devil was walking
grateful heart, it was easier to see one's own blessings & it about as a roaring lion, and he was out to devour Me. I didn't care
became harder to be envious of others. about the accusations of the people, but I also knew that this life
Also, being the Son of God and Heir of untold spiritual & eternal wasn't the end, My destination. So, the pleasures of this life were
riches, it soon became evident that envy was a result of looking not My reward yet, there was something much more to come; and
at things in the flesh, through carnal eyes, & losing sight of the yet I knew that all things were Mine, and I wanted to give My
eternal, the unseen. Envy could be overcome by looking through disciples - including you - a sample of the life to be lived in
the eyes of faith, at the inheritance of the Father's Promise, - fullness and abundance, although some Christians nowadays
indeed, of all that the Father held and had to offer... It made all tend to take this to the other extreme & go overboard on this &
that the world had to offer look pretty puny in comparison, which actually tend towards downright covetousness & greed. That was
is also one reason why the Devil wasn't successful at tempting not what I had meant, and the church will have to pay for this by
Me with all its riches, even at one of the very weakest points in destroying its name - besmirching My name and the name of
My life, when I felt completely empty and drained and virtually on Christianity and branding Me and My followers in general as
the brink of starvation... something that I am not, never was, and certainly didn't intend
for My church to be.
One of the ways in which I was tempted by avarice was being
tempted to withhold of My spiritual riches & all that I've had to Since I was a Man of Love, you might say that Lust was one of
give; not so much because I wasn't a cheerful Giver, but more for My more difficult temptations, but as the Bible says, I was
tempted in all points as you are, yet without sin. Whatever I did, fight the Enemy, and that you can't make it on your own but need
even when tempted with these things, I did it without sin; I did it the Father's help. Jealousy is a perversion of the godly jealousy
with love. with which I love and care for My bride, and which the Father
What kept Me looking forward, instead of looking at something I feels for those who are His, and sometimes I use human jealousy
may have been missing out on, was the great and immense need, as a scourge for those who have provoked Me to godly jealousy
the job that was there to do, and this should be the same factor in some aspect, or to drive home some other needed lesson.
that should help you get over this temptation, too. There are just It's also another lesson on things not always being what they
more important things to do, and there'll be plenty of occasions seem, because although a jealous person may appear as being
for this afterwards... an oppressor, they are really the oppressed, they may appear as
You might say that in My case this temptation was related to the the aggressor, but they're really the victim, as is also the case
temptations of envy, since I knew I wasn't going to be able to live with anger, to which jealousy is also related. Even so, jealousy is
out a carnal relationship such as marriage. But keeping the related to avarice, for it does not like to share the person it loves.
vision on My future bride & My spiritual bride made it worth it all It is related to fear because it's afraid of losing the person it
& helped Me overcome that temptation - although I'm just giving loves. It's related to deceit; because it deceives itself into
you a very brief rundown of intense matters of the heart, and thinking it deserves more, and brings many lies to the one's mind
when it says "tempted, " it really means tempted. It wasn't just a who is tormented by it. It is related to intemperance because it's
brief thought that I was able to brush of with the wave of a hand. like an addiction to the person one loves, and to lust, like an
They were intense and very real battles, deep and emotional insane, unhealthy craving for that person, to be enjoyed alone &
battles & trials, and as the everlasting school of Life continues, by no one else.
you shall have opportunities to benefit from My lessons (on this The only aspect in which it is related to laziness is that it doesn't
topic) further on up the road... want to deal with the consequences of sharing, the
repercussions of allowing an intruder into a relationship. It's one
Finally, you'd like to know in what aspect I may have been of the most selfish forms of laziness.
tempted with laziness. Well, there was that temptation to not Jealousy is like a poisonous cocktail of sins mixed into one, so,
want pour out to certain people, because I was tempted to feel it's a very potent device of the Enemy. Another way it's
they weren't worth it, that "Jonah" type of laziness that you're manifested in deceit is that the Enemy has managed to persuade
having to confront, the kind that's mingled with a little bit of self- some to perceive it as a virtue instead of a sin and a curse...
righteousness and a little bit of spiritual avarice or stinginess. It's which is why not many people have begun to tackle it, to expose
the "what's the use" attitude... it or to help each other to overcome it. You might say that
I knew what was in their hearts, and who was going to make it jealousy is an arch enemy of My Family, because My Family has
and who wasn't; so, knowing that some people were going to exposed it for what it is from the beginning, and has determined
squander the Father's inheritance didn't exactly motivate Me to to rout it out from among its ranks, while at the same time
pour out My life, My Words, My energy to them. But what helped Jealousy is determined not to allow some of the most unique
Me overcome that temptation, was a glimpse into the spirit and qualities of My Family to flourish as they should. It's very
into the future, that there were going to be precious souls, who, intimidating and wields fear and intimidation as one of its
even though they would squander My grace, My Words, My Love, principal weapons. You must resist that fear, not in the flesh or
even My sacrifice and Salvation, yet they were going to pan out with carnal attempts, but in the spirit. Boldly face and resist this
in the end and contribute precious lessons learned & valuable enemy!
gifts to their fellow humans through their experiences.
You never know who that person might touch, or (who they 361 __________________________________________________
might) become, that you feel tempted to refuse to give the Words How to witness under difficult circumstances? Difficult as in,
of life to, because you feel just too lazy to confront their initial because everybody has been brainwashed by the Enemy?
rejection or to deal with their lack of faith & lack of conviction, The trick is not to only look for & discover the things you have in
their lack of courage. common, the common ground, but leading them to new ground,
Having been tempted in all points like you also helped Me to see the new territory of My sphere, the Kingdom of God, where I rule
that there wasn't anyone for whom it wasn't worth it to overcome & reign & operate. You're not trying to keep'em right there in
that temptation, and herein lies another great mystery. Sleepiland, but you gently want to lead'em to Foreverland, to the
This was given you to help you overcome. If you know that Land of Truth, and the Land of Love!
everyone with whom you share My Words will be worth it in the You've got to get away from carnal thinking, the carnal effort to
end, then it will help you overcome your laziness & temptation to try to find or build paradise for yourself in that temporary world.
withhold, more easily. And if you know that I've been going You've got to stop putting your money or building your dreams
through these same temptations, you can know that I have on that kind of ground, & come to the conclusion that you're
overcome and through Me you can also overcome. You can going to quit looking for "it" here in this life.
benefit from My power, the power that I gained in part through Even at the risk of being ridiculed, you should make it plain that
overcoming your very same sin. You can know that I've done it you decided to put your money in the bank of Heaven – and that
and so can you, because I've done it. You can stand on My you're a faith-investor. They all are, they all invest in their faith; it
victory! By being a partaker of My life, My flesh, My body, My just depends on what they put their faith in. Most of them put
blood, you can also be a partaker of My victory - the victory over their faith in things that can be seen. You put your faith in
all sin - that I gained for you and all mankind - all of those who invisible things, that's the difference. It's actually not more
will avail themselves of that offer, that gift. One overcame for all. foolish, but really only braver than putting faith in material
Because I overcame, you can overcome, and because you things. You simply trust that there is going to be something
overcome, others will yet overcome, etc. where right now you can't see anything, many investors do that.
Don't fail to be a link in that chain reaction. Make it continue! Farmers do that: they plant their seed on soil & just throw it in
the dirt, and for the first few weeks or even months, they won't
360 __________________________________________________ see anything. What's happening is happening out of sight,
I was tempted with jealousy, too, that most unreasonable, underground, but faith tells them, that in a little while there's
uncontrollable and perhaps most bizarre manifestation of pride going to be a crop to harvest there.
with a shot of envy. There was no other way to overcome this In their case it's faith in nature, and the fact that they've seen the
enemy than to just call out to the Father and pray. Every human same "miracle" happening dozens of times: something coming
being should have experienced it at least once, even if only to be from apparently nothing.
able to relate to and sympathize with the poor victims of this In your case, the situation is slightly more difficult. Not only are
demon and his cohorts. you struggling not to look "dumber than a farmer", sowing seeds
There isn't much you can learn from it except that you need to into the apparent void & empty ground, but there are other
"farmers" like you, other Christians, who have been doing the
same thing as you for decades, centuries, millennia, and not only 363 __________________________________________________
have they (apparently) still not reaped the fruit of their labor in The Devil is testing you, to see how much you really mean
that the Kingdom of Heaven is still not here, but some of them business about your anti-System stance. And as you have seen,
have sown evil seeds of war and self-righteous condemnation, he manages quite easily to scratch the veneer, that bold front you
religious bigotry & hatred in My name and have contributed to put on, and when the pressure is on, you again long for the
the evil in the world heavily, instead of helping to make it better, comforts of the System quite easily!
and the same is still happening right now with supposedly It's another of those shocking truths about yourself, which in this
Christian presidents being the warmongers of the world & other case you wouldn't have found out any other way but by My
Christians staunchly supporting warmongering Israel, etc. silence & allowing the Enemy to do some of his "talking," his
I see your problem: with other "Christians" like that around, who applying pressure to you and your life, your faith...
wants to be labeled or come all-out as another of those dumb, "So... is that good or bad?" you wonder. Well, since it helps you
stupid, bigoted, materialistic & warmongering Christians? and all of us to know where you're at, where your faith lies and
But I want you to keep operating against all these odds, & put Me what you still need to work on, it's good! It shows the need. It
to the test & see whether I'm not going to bring in some fruit gives you a realistic picture of the momentary state of your faith
despite all the odds that stand against you. & helps you and all of us not to expect more of you than you
I've given you the Truth and the weapon of Faith as a foundation, actually can deliver; not to apply any more pressure than you can
which I'm daring you to prove whether it's a false or the right handle. Those are your limits, and we can start working from
foundation for your life! Okay, so there are other sandcastle there. This is where your faith ends, so far, and now we've got to
Christians who build their houses on the shifting sands of work on stretching it a bit more... on extending that vision, that
disobedience. But you've got the chance to show the world a range a bit, & make it larger, longer & more far-reaching.
house built on the rock of actually doing what I say! Remember, your heavenly Father knows your frame & that you
Okay, so it's a tough job! You've got all the odds in the world are but dust. Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be made
against you, but that's just the price for having a house built on white, & as high as the heavens are above the earth, so far will I
the rock, a house that's not going to go down in the storm. remove your transgressions from you.
The storm IS coming, and you'll be grateful then for every false It makes you humbler & makes you realize your need for Me even
alarm that helped you prepare for it. As far as many of those more desperately... and that's good.
people out there are concerned, the storm of life is already You've got to totally experience My love, My mercy & forgiveness
raging. That wind that's blowing out there is already rough and for you before I expect you to go out & sell it to anyone else! I
tough enough, &, they'll be pretty thankful for any help and want you to be so sure of it that there will be no more doubt
advice on how one can weather it & make it through that icy about it at all in your heart when you go out to share your faith
breeze with your chin held high and a smile on your face. with them.
Find out who is right & who's wrong! Find out whose truth is real, It takes those downhill slopes in order to get you there. If you're
whose faith is on the right foundation; see whose will crumble never down at the bottom, then how can I pick you up again, and
first - yours or theirs. how can you experience My mercy?
Put the money to the test & make it work & make it happen. The There's a purpose behind making you subject to the law of
only way it's ever going to do you any good is by using it, going gravity before I can allow you to soar up into the sky & into
out there & applying it in face to face combat & find out whose eternity.
currency is stronger. The school of life can be quite a drag sometimes. But it teaches
Your faith can do so much more for you by applying it & making you some really important and essential stuff that you can't learn
it do things for others, too; simply by sharing it. Sharing the faith in heaven.
is the name of the game. Share some of that wealth you've got It's in death that you find life eternal; in death and darkness that
stored up, because it won't do you any good just keeping it to you find mercy and Salvation of God. In those deaths of "dying
yourself. The only way it'll really grow is by giving it out, passing daily" you find Me, more so than in the good times, when you feel
it on & giving it away, by sharing it! so close to Me. It's the bad & dark times that actually bring you
closer to Me, so don't knock'em, don't curse them, but accept
them, say, like Mary, "Let it be! Let it be done unto Your
362 __________________________________________________ servant/handmaiden even as You have said!" That's the yielding,
If you listen to your own mind only, you're sunk, because it that's the submission I need. Just say, "Let it be!" Thank Me for
will often subtly lead you in the opposite direction of the one I them!
would lead you, so you've got to double-check everything with What makes you think that I'm limited in My power to save you?
Me! My power isn't limited, just your faith! My arm isn't too short, it's
Witnessing is the timeliest, most urgent & essential job there is just your vision, your scope - your faith is short-sighted! You can
to be done. Matthew 6:63 still applies, nothing's changed about always only see up to the point where the next obstacle appears.
that yet, and it's still, "seek ye first the Kingdom and then...." not But that's where the keys and rising above come in handy to
the other way around. boost your faith to make that obstacle disappear & just rise
Really finding the truth is a matter of being willing to let go of above it! From a bird's eye view, it isn't really there. It isn't really
what your own mind tells you & letting My mind take yours over, relevant. You just fly over it... so what? "They that wait upon the
to let My truth reign supreme & be willing to discard your own, Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings
"personal little truth," in favor of it. as eagles." - Wait upon Me in the sense of serving Me. And one of
What really matters is getting Me and My Word out to the people, the ways you can serve Me and "wait upon Me" is by praising Me,
and nothing else matters, really, nothing! And whatever helps one of the surest ways to rise above your problems,
you do it is alright. circumstances & obstacles: praising Me for them, accepting
Anything else, any other incentives are distractions and them, letting them be & happen to you & finding Me there.
disturbances. How long are you still going to allow circumstances to determine
Nothing is as important as witnessing, and compared to your state of mind? How long will you continue to allow them to
witnessing, everything else nearly amounts to nothing. So if you rule your spirit, to exceed your faith in My promises & all I have
really want to accomplish something, anything, forget about told you, and all My miracle-working power you've seen already?
everything else & make witnessing your primary focus & How long will you continue to forget all about Me and that I'm
prospect. Witnessing is IT! That's the message, that's the clue, much greater than all that? I'm not judging you or condemning
that's the score. you; I'm just asking you, how long do you want to keep this up?
It's like seed time: they've got to be sown at a certain time, Why not change it? Why not change it right now?
otherwise it's going to be too late. Now is the time! You don't have to submit yourself to the yoke of slavery of the
System, because I am your Deliverer. Don't be like those who to you most of the time. How dependent on Me are you, how
insulted Me by doubting Me, by thinking that My arm was too yielded to Me are you, how desperately do you seek Me and need
short to save them. Surely I had saved them all those other times Me and show Me that you need Me?
before, but this time they were going to be doomed... When everything runs smoothly, you don't take the same amount
Time & time & time again it happened. They never remembered of time with Me. Your attitude is, "Oh, thank You, Lord, but I think
My miracle-working power & mighty hand to save them out of I'll manage just fine today, I'll get by."
their last trouble; all they could see was their new, momentary But when you finally return to Me, to Me, that's success!
obstacle, and their doom in it. The Devil said "boo!" and they fell You somehow know that there's no point in continuing to play
right for it! the game, to keep on pretending, to keep going as usual, when
How many more times are you going to dismay at the sight of a the love has gone. When there's no more love, what point is
problem or an obstacle in spite of the countless times I saved there? And that's when you return to Me, the Source of love, with
you & told you not to be dismayed, not to fear, not to worry? your whole heart, in order to get back the light, the power, the
strength, the vision to keep going.
364 __________________________________________________ I'm sorry you have to continue to keep experiencing those
Some things I just require you to do regardless of how you stretches of emptiness, of hopelessness & senselessness, but
feel about it or how they make you feel. That's called obedience. they're just what's needed to drive you back to Me again in order
When it comes to doing the right thing, you've simply got to put for you to be refilled.
your feelings on the backburner. You may feel like it's tearing you So, don't panic, as though some strange thing happened to you,
apart, but if you know in your heart that it's the right thing to do as if nothing was the way it should be, or as though everything's
anyway, simply because it is I Who asked you to do it, then you lost beyond hope... It's going to be alright.
should do it, no matter what! When you're at the top, everything's euphoria, and "we're indeed
If you always and only go by your feelings or "inspiration" & thus the people... so happy together... etc." Then the first doubts start
put your feelings first, before obeying Me, then you should not be coming, later the substantial doubts, & finally you're near
surprised if things start going haywire in your life & nothing despair, at the bottom of the curve, which is where you call on Me
really winds up satisfying you. again, get ahold of Me in the way that you should, and I send you
back on your way up again, strengthened by the input you
365 __________________________________________________ receive from Me, which you can hold on to: the renewed vision;
I'm exposing the greatest thief of all, the Devil, who's My way of looking at things, & My Word, fresh from My lips, to
constantly robbing people of their most precious gifts & boost your faith again.
opportunities in the spiritual realm. But since what's happening You just can't stay up on the peak all the time. You're not home
in the physical is often a manifestation of the spiritual, since the yet, & the valley regions & lows are just reminders of that! Why
Enemy's kingdom is becoming more & more established, the 2 do you keep expecting things to always flow smoothly? Why are
realms are coming closer & closer to merging, and the Devil's you still surprised when trouble comes? Why can't you still treat
realm will pretty soon be completely in the physical, you have to success & failure the same & become a man, My son?
stand up for your rights in the physical as well. Rising above - or riding the waves of life's circumstances -
I'm asking you to use wisdom in your words, & that you don't stir means treating success & failure both the same, as success, that
up strife unnecessarily. Don't be too quick to expect the worst is; there is no such thing as failure to the man of faith. It may
from people. You know that most of the time, when you've look like failure, and all the millions of labels of what's generally
expected the worst, it wasn't really so, so be careful, since you accepted by the world may scream "failure", but you'll still refuse
wouldn't want to make enemies unnecessarily, and you'd want to to believe it. How can you or they call unclean what I have called
agree with thine adversary quickly, whilst thou art in the way with clean? How can you or they label failure what in My eyes is
him..." As long as you still have to go hand in hand with the success? Success is whatever helps you to stay close to Me, and
System in many ways, it's wisest to be friendly and polite, if that just happens to be something the world labels failure, so
agreeable, & not offensive, sarcastic or make cutting remarks. what? If it serves to keep you humble, desperate & close to Me,
You're wondering why the bad is so overwhelming in this world, than to Me it's still success, no matter what anyone says.
& what's the use of it all? But it's also a great opportunity to do Success, to Me, is when you regard circumstances as irrelevant.
good, to make a big difference; to do it differently than the I'm glad you're not quite there yet, because it makes you keep
majority, to stand up for the truth; to stand up for what's right; running to Me like a frightened child whenever trouble comes.
not only for your own rights, but also for the rights of others. But the goal is, that you stand tall when trouble comes, and you
Bathe your decisions, your communications and your actions in can just wink at Me & say, "I'm not scared anymore. I trust You
good counsel with Me and with each other. now. I know that everything's going to be okay, no matter what
things may seem like." That's faith, and when that happens, then
366 __________________________________________________ you'll have become a man, My son! And that's also the point at
I'd rather have your marriage be a disaster and full of which you'll be able to comfort others with the comfort which
problems, so that you both continually have to seek My face you have just found yourself in My arms, & you can become their
about it, even about making it further down the road together one knight in shining armor, a sample of Me and of My love to them.
more day, than have it be the other way around, where things No longer somebody who is frightened, worried or confused, like
flow so smoothly that you feel like you won't need Me anymore! them, but a beacon to shine a light onto their path, pointing them
Now, that would be truly the worst that could happen to you! to Me, assuring them that everything's going to be alright.
The reason why I allow misunderstandings to occur between
you, that allow the lies of the Enemy to enter in, along with 367 __________________________________________________
sensitivity & pride, is the same reason why I allow these things to You were thinking about how it must have been easier for Me
come into any person's life in the first place: to keep you to do My job than it is for you to do yours, of witnessing. You
desperate & close to Me, to keep you dependent on Me! The Devil thought, "Well, Lord, for You it must have been relatively easy:
is My sheepdog, continuously snapping at your heels & being a You just came into a town or village, healed the sick people there
pain in your butts, so to speak, in order to make sure you don't & didn't have to do much else but to open Your mouth & the
feel too comfortable in your cozy little lives, don't start feeling at people would just flock to You & listen to You. Certainly it must
home in that world, which is not your Home, and to keep you have been easier to preach under such circumstances than the
close to Me. ones we're facing nowadays, where people are prejudiced from
If I would let you go off on your own successfully and master life the start against us. They label us a sect, & it's not like we're the
without My help, you would go further & further astray, deeper only ones who claim to be Your followers. Those others who
entangled in pride & self-confidence. claim to be following You, they accuse us of being wolves in
Success, in My eyes, is something completely different than it is sheep-clothing, trying to lead the sheep astray..."
Well, I never made a secret of the fact that you were going to run using all kinds of tricks & distractions and whatever he can think
into more difficult situations than I did. I never made a secret of of to keep you from doing the most important, the most urgent &
the fact that the servant isn't higher than the master, if they have necessary thing, the thing you feel the least excited about doing,
persecuted Me, they would also - even more certainly - persecute the least reasonable thing to do, & the one you feel the least like
you. I told My disciples and those to be, that you would be hated doing, & only one single and sole factor stands as its advocate
of all nations & kindreds for My name's sake, and I know that it's and in its favor, and that's My will as conveyed to you through My
a tough job, following Me, it's a high price to pay. Word.
I know you don't want to be hated; I know that you want to be The only reason you know that this is the right thing to do,
loved instead. But that's the excellency of the faith that contrary to what you feel and your mind tells you, and contrary to
overcomes the world: a faith driven by a love for Me that is even the fact that it looks so much less inviting than all the other more
willing to be hated by all others for My sake. I know there is no tempting options, is that I've told you that I want you to do it. And
greater gift than that anyone could ever make Me, and all I can that's where the big mystery comes in: will you hearken to My
assure you of is that the rewards will make it all worth it. Even if still small voice? Will you obey it and put it in the first place,
you would never do another thing for Me, even if you would making it the most important matter & factor in your life? Or will
never give Me anything else than what you already have, the you allow all the other, perfectly reasonable sounding
rewards would already be much more than you could ever begin alternatives & distractions become more important & larger &
to fathom or dream of, and I know it's almost too much to ask of weightier to you?
you to go even further for Me, but I know you have the potential It's not difficult to disobey My voice, as you find out from the
in you to become one of those crazy overcomers for whom it is story of Adam & Eve in the Garden! It didn't take the Devil a lot of
never enough to give, one of those who just run on crazy faith persuasion. The only question is, have you been falling for his
that keeps them going forward for Me, no matter what the odds lies & his tricks enough times to have learned the lesson of what
are against you. truly is best for you, to be able to resist his temptations? Or are
You won't be reducing those rewards only to your heavenly you still not any smarter, any wiser, & still fall for his input, his
rewards and to a trickle in this life, the trickle of Me merely version of the story, his alternative, his compromise?
supplying all your needs, but you will overflow with joy; My Just like I'm providing an alternative for people to drop out of his
power will become so awesomely manifested in your lives that kingdom & servitude to him, so he presents you with his
people will be able to tell that there's something totally alternative to keep you from serving Me. Often it's a reasonable
extraordinary about you guys, and they will be curious, and they sounding compromise. "Hey, you don't have to do this dreadful
will start flocking around you just like they used to flock around thing that God is asking of you. Look over here, you can do it like
Me. this, & you'll still get by... You don't have to necessarily obey Him
What I'm asking you to do now is the beginners' & apprentices' in everything He says....!"
work: the tests of humility, just doing as I say without knowing if He obviously achieved the same thing with Saul, when he got
what I'm asking you to do is making much sense or not. But the him to disobey Me in some apparently minor matters, which
more you will do this, and in doing it keep your focus on Me, not looked unreasonable to the carnal mind... "Why slaughter the
allowing the Enemy to divert you with numerous distractions, the cattle when the army is hungry? Why kill the king when he can be
more you will climb up the ladder of credibility & trust, and the worth more alive than dead? And besides, it will look much better
more you will find out that I will pour out My strength & power to in the people's eyes..."
you in greater abundance, even to the extent that the Father's Don't feverishly cling to the kingdom yourself, nor impose your
Power was manifested in Me, and in My disciples after the sense of right & wrong or what you feel should be the proper
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. thing to do on others, but respect and support it when somebody
It's a struggle, and only few can resist the temptations of the else finds it in them to do the more radical faith-option. What it
world to distract you from the straight & narrow, but I can see boils down to is delegating decisions & leadership to that party,
that potential in you, and you're so close to overcoming! Just and listening to them, instead of insisting on having it your own
hold on, and be willing to do the crazy, seemingly pointless way.
things for Me, and you will reap those heavenly rewards already
right there, in this earthly life... at least some of them; in joy369 __________________________________________________
unspeakable & a love that will satisfy you more than anything "The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a
else you could ever dream or think of ever could. comfortable place." Are you willing to go to uncomfortable
It's a high privilege to be chosen to be one of My ambassadors, places & do without the comfortable places at times?
and it's one you shouldn't take for granted. Don't be surprised Most of the sheep are found in uncomfortable places... And
that it doesn't come to you so easily; that you're actually havingfinding them requires willingness to go to the not-so-comfortable
to do some substantial fighting. You think the Devil and his places sometimes.
demons are just going to stand by while you're threatening to The comfortable places are in the lowlands, and they're full of
become one of those who are destined to become their demise, people who are not looking anymore, perhaps never have been,
grasping countless others out of their clutches? How can you be they're just satisfied with whatever comfort the System has to
so surprised about the struggle & the amount it costs you? It's offer them, and the places where the sheep feel well are
something worth fighting for. becoming more scarce. They don't want to be like all those self-
satisfied gluttons of Mammon. That's why you've got to look for
368 __________________________________________________ them in the highlands.
It's easiest for Me to guide and direct someone who doesn't I will supply for you to get there, in order to find and free My
have any personal plan or agenda. When you're clueless about sheep. As you pour out My food and Word to the sheep, I will
what you're supposed to do, I've got the greatest chance to come pour out in double measure unto you.
through to you with My suggestion for a plan or schedule.
Whereas if you already have any notion of something that 370 __________________________________________________
"obviously" should be done, then I usually have to lag behind Stretch out your hand & receive, grab what's there by faith,
you for the rest of the day, instead of having you follow Me. and as you reach out & receive, you get more.... That's how faith
You've got to keep making a conscious effort everyday to put Me works. It's how everything else regarding the faith life works,
first, before your needs, otherwise I don't have a chance. also in the area of supply. You're making the effort & finding out
Remember that the Enemy won't tempt you with obviously wrong that I'm blessing it, and the more you get, the more you have the
things to lure you away from My straight & narrow pathway of faith to receive, and so you increase your efforts of faith. But you
obedience, but with seemingly good options which are simply must know when it is time to avail yourself of My "elevator" &
less than My best for you. quit getting up the stairs in your own strength.
The Enemy will try to keep you from doing My highest & best, I'm requiring you not to be affected by the affairs & cares of this
world anymore. You're not supposed to take that burden on your to close in on you, like the machines in the "Matrix" attacking the
own shoulders anymore! You've got to trust in Me! You cannot ships of the resistance. But hey, you're simply going to have to
get caught up in worrying about these affairs anymore. I'm not get used to that! It is a war! The System is your enemy and
asking you to ignore them entirely, but I'm asking you to trust Me threatening you, yes, but I will always take care of you and see
entirely to take care of them! you through every battle, every dangerous & frightful situation,
There’s no other way you're ever going to make it through the no matter what.
trouble of the days to come. Learn to thank Me for it, and use those weapons of praise and
You must cast off from you their yoke & the fears of lack of prayer to a greater extent, and see how much further they will
supply, or any kind of pressure the System would exert on you, carry you than the talents & abilities I've given you in the flesh.
and you must be immune to their scorn and ridicule. The spiritual gifts are much more precious, more relevant, more
efficient and reliable.
371 __________________________________________________ Everybody’s going to have to learn to pay their dues to Me in the
There are so many details & factors & lessons you miss out future, they just can't keep going on ignoring Me forever. Right
on if you just rush through life in a "let me have it all," consumer- now, they're ignoring Me, ignoring their Creator, and I'm letting
type of attitude. You want to enjoy all there is to enjoy, eat your them get away with it for them to find out what the results will be
cake & have it, too, but the most precious lessons & things of following the Enemy down his deadly track.
gleaned from this life don't come from seeking to receive, but But you, who are paying attention to Me, who are doing what you
from learning to give. can to convey to others a sample of living faith and trust in Me,
It's one thing to serve when you're forced to, but it's another you don't have to put yourself under the same yoke & burden of
thing to really learn to serve voluntarily from the heart, because fear that all they have put themselves under, much less should
you choose to. That is an important lesson to pass on to others, you be looking up to them in envy or admiration! You are free,
especially your children, because if they only learn to serve not they! Do you really think that true freedom can be bought
because they have to, then they will always seek a way out of with money? What everybody's going to have to learn to pay
servitude as soon as they can. You must instill in them a desire their dues to Me in the future, they just can't keep going on
to serve, to give, to be of service to others voluntarily, out of ignoring Me forever. Right now, they're doing it, they're ignoring
love. Me, ignoring their very Creator, and I'm letting them get away
It’s nearly impossible to do in the flesh, which is why you need with it for them to find out what the results will be of such defiant
the help of My Spirit. It helps to have a convicting sample of behavior & of following the Enemy down his deadly track.
someone faithfully serving that convicts others & motivates them But you, who are paying attention to Me, who are doing what you
to think & feel, "I should be like that, too." can to convey to others a sample of living faith and trust in Me,
You've got to show that laziness & lethargy is a weakness, a sin, you don't have to put yourself under the same yoke & burden of
an enemy, which has to be fought. It's a choice they need to fear that all they have put themselves under, much less should
make. you be looking up to them in envy or admiration! You are the one
It's the choice between going through life with a "gimme, gimme" who is really free, not they! Or do you really think that true
attitude of consumerism, seeking to enjoy all you can, to get all freedom can be bought with money? What kind of freedom would
the input you can, and laying down your life for others. The latter that be? The kind of freedom that Lenin's gold bought for Russia
defies the flesh & all that "makes sense" to you in terms of self- during the Revolution, which only brought greater slavery,
preservation, the so-called rules of "evolution," which is really greater pain and oppression than they had ever known before!
just the philosophy of the Devil. I will take care of you like I promised. Because you sought to put
Teaching somebody to serve out of love really requires love, and My will first in your life, to overcome your fears and boldly be a
giving and living a loving sample yourself, first. It's got to be My witness to the people for Me, I will also fulfill your other desires,
Spirit moving in you, inspiring you to do what you can to help and certainly your needs. So, continue to trust Me; you'll see: it
others & make them happy, bringing to birth in you the desire to pays!
do something good for others because you love them.
373 __________________________________________________
372 __________________________________________________ Nobody's perfect. Love loves not because, but in spite of.
Let all the busybodies be survivors, I want you to be Love is learning to put up with the flaws of others as I put up with
someone who truly lives. The type of people that stories are yours. Love is learning to constantly forgive, to refuse to look at
being told about, movies are being made about & books are the bad & look at the good instead.
being written about, are not the mere survivors, those who fight
for nothing else but their survival, like all the rest of them, but the 374 __________________________________________________
types who take time to live, to learn the lessons of life, who go You're being a living token and sign of the fact that all things
through life with both eyes & ears open & find out what it's all will not continue as they were. A lot of other people are doing
about: those who find Me, and let Me teach them the gist and their best to keep the dream alive & prolong it, to artificially keep
essence of life. the bubble from bursting, & they're fighting whole wars in order
If you just follow, you'll be alright; you won't need to worry to keep up "the American dream." But I have ordained you to be
anymore. a drop-out from this game, to not participate in this game, in
Childlike faith is more efficient than you could be with any skills order to not be a participant in the collective guilt & blame in
or strength of the flesh on your own. Trust Me more & rely more exploiting the poorer nations for your own excesses.
on Me. You’re living in greater excess of your needs than the average
It's okay to do what you can in the flesh, but there comes a point citizen on this planet. That's not because you've chosen to, but
where your flesh simply becomes too weak, and you're just you also don't need to play this game forever. It's a custom, it's a
going to have to let Me do it for you. habit, it's a man-pleasing ritual.
Learning to let Me do it for you is basically the lesson I want you
to learn, the mode I want you to acquire. In order to really do that 375 __________________________________________________
you have to take a step back from the busy scene. It’s obviously easier & more comfortable to preach the
I don't want everybody to be doing the same. gospel with money in your pockets. The problem is, it's pretty
There also have to be those who are more like the gardeners, hard to get the gospel across to the desperate, from a stuffed,
who tend to the plants, water them & care for them. I have self-satisfied attitude, especially when much of the desperation
ordained you to be not so much a sower of seeds, but more of a in the world is being caused by that very self-satisfied, greedy &
tender of My garden. It's a job equally as important, and you all gluttonous attitude of the leading nations of the world...
need each other. Supply and abundance cannot be the principal factor about your
The System is menacingly putting pressure on you & threatening life-style.
The world has to see and recognize that you're not part of the promises are conditional. Even My promises of Salvation are
big, fat, man-eating Goliath, the machinery of so-called conditional on people receiving it. My love is unconditional, but
Christendom, along with its Zionist friends & masters, that are whether you're going to be a recipient of that love depends on
swallowing up the poor of the world, but that you are different. your choices to receive it and say "yes" to Me. All things depend
But in order to reveal and show yourself as the little stone- on your choices...
swinging David you are, you must des-attach yourself of all that
heavy-weight armor & all the ado that doesn't come in handy in 379 __________________________________________________
effectively fighting the System tyrant. The weakness of God is stronger than the strength of man.
You're guerillas. And though you are equipped with sophisticated
spiritual weaponry, in the eyes of the world you are and will be 380 __________________________________________________
nobodies. So, it's time to quit trying to look threatening or Everybody has their perfect role & part to play, & it’s one of
impressive, it's time to start wielding those weapons that are the biggest tasks of the director or producers of a play, movie or
really going to make the difference, and show the world what TV series, to find the perfect cast.
you're capable of: the slaying of the giant. I chose each player, each actor for their perfect role, including
But it's going to have to be very obviously My hand and My yours.
means that will have saved you & will have given you the victory. In order to make sure you play your part the best you can, live!
The real greatness I give each of you individually all depends on Enjoy it. Don't take it too seriously, but don't neglect to take it
your personal obedience to Me, your personal connection with serious enough, either. You don't have to have a clue about
Me. You can't rely on some general type of blessing, anointing or everything that's going on. You just have to play your part the
protection just because you're part of My Endtime Elite. Every best you know how. As far as you're concerned, there's only one
soldier has to prove himself of his worthiness to be truly part of role & one part that matters most, & that's the one I've given you
that Elite. How much are you each behaving as an elite soldier? to play.
My Family is still the best part of My army, and the branch I am Concentrate & focus on it with your whole heart! Meditate on it
most proud of. But many are more preoccupied with the so you will get the supernatural anointing for it, assistance from
acquisition of supplies than truly spreading the gospel & the spirit world! Don't let less than ideal "set conditions" distract
preaching My message & delivering the captives of the System. you. It's rough sometimes, but everything has its price.
But the attitude I want you to acquire is that these things The play is multi-dimensional, taking place on all & various levels
shouldn't have first place, as so simply wrapped up in Matthew & platforms at the same time! Although the Devil is in some ways
6:33. participating in the play, he's mainly in the coaching business,
Sometimes less is more; quite often, in fact. "Clothe her lightly." since he's still operating from the spirit world. He's sort of in
Shed your weights. Rid yourself of the distractions & concentrate charge of the cast who are playing the villains' parts. But he also
on the essential! No matter what anybody else might say or think has his people who will try to make things not so easy for you to
about it! play your part. He tries to make his people look better than Mine
You all have different tasks & purposes; you're not necessarily all & do a better job. He's trying to steal the show from Me since the
to function the same way or do the same thing. A heart does beginning. We're in serious competition. At least for him it's
different things than a lung, a liver does different things than a serious, that is...
kidney, etc. And since he seems to have a larger "fan crowd" than I do at
It's okay to be different. If I'm telling you to be different, then it's times, one could be tempted to think that he might actually stand
okay. I might tell others, "stop trying to be so different," but you a chance to become the "real" star of the show... Well, we'll see.
need something else. Don't be scared to be different. It's okay! Usually, once people get a look behind the scenes, & they start
getting a bit more of an idea of the whole thing & find out what's
376 __________________________________________________ really good & what isn't, what's real quality performance and
Some things you can only handle through prayer. Some what isn't, they usually come over to My side after all. Often the
things you simply can't deal with in the flesh or solve with your time in the Enemy camp only helps them to appreciate working
own carnal mind. for Me, since working for Me may have its disadvantages, but
they're nothing compared to working for a dud like the Devil.
377 __________________________________________________ So, enjoy life! Enjoy acting out the part of your life, even with all
A real, true & deep relationship cannot come to pass without the little, seemingly insignificant side-scenes & side roles you're
total & utter trust. If you cannot trust Me totally and absolutely for having to play.
everything, to the extent that you're willing to lay yourself naked It doesn't really matter if you don't seem to have huge success &
into the palm of My hand, stripped of all the outer garments, free a gigantic fan crowd right now; that it doesn't seem to make
from all fear, pride & pretense, it won't work. Without total trust it sense what you're doing or you're not sure whether it's going to
won't work. do anyone any good ever. It doesn't matter if it seems that way,
If you withhold, if you withdraw, and you keep those things back, because I'm telling you, it will.
and hidden for yourself, in some dark little compartment of your Those who are willing to play those seemingly dumb little roles
life, then progress and maturation and growing together is are the greatest stars Up Here. They may seem a little boring to
stopped. It can't happen anymore. those action freaks, but we're preparing for some real
You needed to realize something was missing, so that you can sophisticated action here, not just some cheap, "made in China"
work on it & strive toward that goal of greater union, greater type of action...
trust, and greater commitment again. We're working on a show that might not attract the fast-food
It's good to see where you've lacked , and it's good to know in entertainment consumers, but one that will endure the tests of
which direction you need to be heading: towards greater time.
honesty, greater trust - all necessary ingredients of love. It's all You were wondering about your role you're having to play right
part of humility. It's humbling for you to share what's going on now. Well, I just want to encourage you that I and many great
deep down inside of your heart. But that's good for you. men of faith have been in the same boat. If you look at My life on
It's difficult. It's not easy. It's a fight. Pride fights it, and there are earth, you should be encouraged: it wasn't anything to be
going to be other factors, too, that are going to fight it and make envious of. Then there was St. Francis, & many of My apostles...
it more difficult. But you just cannot give up. It's something They all were just humble slaves for My work's & Word's sake.
worth fighting for! None of them died of old age as rich millionaires in their fancy
villa somewhere...
So, if you're tempted to think your part's too rough, cheer up, you
378 __________________________________________________ ain't seen nuthin' yet when it comes to "rough." Be glad that I'm
As I have made clear from the beginning, nearly all of My not letting you get you away with the easy part you might
actually prefer to have. Now that would be boring! Be glad you This, by the way, also applies to your physical diet! It's so quick
amount to nothing and nobody in this world, & that your life is a & easy to just prepare a quick fix snack, compared to the
struggle & a constant challenge, because it's the "somebodies" laborious process of preparing a full-fledged meal, but in the
in this world, who wind up being the nobodies in the next, and long run, your body will be able to tell and show the difference.
the other way around. So, stay away from the quick fixes. Focus on the real thing, the
I see you as the rich man, and them as the paupers. You are the real, long-term goal, the spiritual! Don't starve your soul. Don't
one who is truly blessed. Those others are just inheriting the fake deprive your spirit of the greatest kicks it was created to enjoy by
blessings of the Devil. They appear and fade into nothing as feeding it the cheap quick fix substitutes of the Enemy, his
soon as the show is over. They turn out to have been nothing but alternatives to the real thing! If it's real things you want, you're
a fake! They lose their value and shining appearances as soon as going to have to fight for them with determination! Don't settle
the curtain falls: "Game over," "The End," & "welcome to the Real for the cheap imitation!
World," the Spirit World! They're all going to find out that they
have been fools, fooled by the greatest fool of all, the great 382 __________________________________________________
impostor. The "more sure word of prophecy" (2.Peter 1:19) is "more
So, act out & play your part with the dignity of one who knows sure," more certain than any words of man. They're My Words, &
that he's the heir of the heritage that lasts, the poverty that will you can build on them, like I've built all of creation on nothing
turn into everlasting riches when this game, this show of life on but My Words. I say it, and it comes to pass. I speak not like man.
earth is over! When people say something, it won't always necessary come to
Whether people are going to accept the medicine you offer them, pass or be that way, but when I say something, you can bet on it!
no matter how convinced of its effectiveness you may be, still That's why you do well to take heed to it, "as unto a light that
always remains another question. But you've got to sell & offer it shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise
anyway, because you believe in it, and you want to help them; in your hearts." My sure word of prophecy is My daily light to you
you know it's good for them. That's being a "soul doctor" & a that shines into the dark place of your lives in this world, a lamp
missionary or a salesman for Me! You've got to do the right thing, unto your feet, and you can trust in it & lean on it and follow it
you've got to continue producing the good stuff, even if it seems with assurance. I will not lead you astray. If you follow My
like nobody wants it. The need is there, and sooner or later counsel & you heed to it & pay attention to My Words, you will be
you're going to come upon your "clientele," your "crowd," your safe.
niche in the market, the people who will have been just waiting
for what you've got to offer. This is what I call (having) a vision! 383 __________________________________________________
You will see in the end, there was really nothing to worry
381 __________________________________________________ about at all. I'm in full control, although I may temporarily not let
If I'll only be able to efficiently use you by strengthening & it appear that way, to test you, whether you're still going to trust
awakening your spirit, I have to do and allow things in order to & believe.
get you to put less emphasis on the flesh. In order to truly If things are going too smoothly, I won't have you seeking Me as
develop a hunger for the riches and the nourishment of the Spirit, much & as desperately. So, if things don’t look so rosy right
you have to choose to forego & fast carnal things. now, it is only for your best. It is a form of discipline which is
The things of heaven are so much more intriguing, so much more going to result in greater riches and blessings than physical
fascinating, so much more exciting and fun, and at the same time abundance, a token of My very special love for you.
so much more wholesome & edifying than the things of the
physical world. And yet, you usually turn to the physical for 384 __________________________________________________
pleasure, because of its single advantage over the spiritual: that The good works you do or things you accomplish don't bring
it's plainly visible to you. you closer to Me, contrary to what you might think. They make
The lust of the eyes is not of the Father because it distracts you you lean less on Me, My grace and My mercy, not more.
from the Spirit (1.Jn.2:16). I do want you to use your eyes, and I Only when you get to the point where you can truly look success
do want you to enjoy the truly pleasurable things, but you need & failure in the eye in the very same way, & can say, "The Lord
to learn to see the spirit, namely the truly pleasurable in them! hath given, the Lord hath taken a way, blessed be the name of the
I want you to find your joy & fulfillment in Me. If that were so Lord, and all the glory is His..." only then can I actually trust you
difficult or impossible or even unreasonable, why do you think I with great works, accomplishments & achievements.
would ask this of you? It's not only possible, but it's also I want you to know beyond any shadow of a doubt that I'm your
extremely good for you, and not only in a sense of "healthy," but only hope, your only salvation, and that without Me you cannot
I'm constantly encouraging you to seek your pleasure in the do anything. Once that's indisputably established, then I can
spiritual instead of the flesh because that's where the greatest start working through you.
satisfaction & fulfillment lies. You can really discover much I need your heart; I need you, first of all! I need your total
greater pleasures by looking for the spiritual ingredient in things surrender, your total submission, your total realization that it's
than by merely referring to the carnal for fun & relaxation. got to be Me and all Me doing it & working it in you and through
That's the difference between "youthful lusts," "the lust of the you, nothing else. No element of self whatsoever. Not even the
flesh & the lust of the eyes," and the kind of heavenly lust that slightest hint of the danger that you might ever talk about the
the Law of Love promotes: the first only looks at the physical, the things "you're" accomplishing. It's got to be totally clear that it's
latter is seasoned with the invisible, the eternal, the incorruptible. Me doing it!
Thus the former corrupts & ministers to the death & decay of the The proportion of the gifts & responsibilities you've been given
body, while the latter ministers to the spirit, to eternal life, & is (along with the gifts) don't allow any room for misunderstanding
thus simply a lot more wholesome & healthy & good for you, and, about the fact that it's Me doing it, and it's got to be obvious:
trust Me, it's also a lot more fun & gratifying, even if you may not "No, it's not me doing it, it's only Him! It's only Jesus!"
be as skilled at it yet. It takes a little longer to learn the good Certain things need to be stored away first in order to have the
skills, & to become really good at the lasting arts... It's also not right quality, like wines & some types of cheese. Not everything
always entirely easy to obtain opportunities to become skilled in is immediately ready to be shared with the world. There is one
these, it takes fight and determination. You need to know what thing that's good to share immediately, that's the good, fresh,
you want & pursue it, instead of settling for the cheaper option. Bread of Life, My life-giving and essential Word. You can always
The cheaper option is usually the Devil's substitute for the real share those right away, the sooner and the quicker the better.
thing. In order to obtain the real thing you must pursue it with But with some of these complimentary things it's better to wait a
determination and not allow yourself to be distracted or paid off while until they're best, also because you don't want to spoil the
with the cheaper substitute. The real thing requires its price. It's people. Right now, everybody's pretty much spoiled, & they've
not the quick & easy "fast food" solution! got too much of everything anyway. But if you wait a bit until
those things are going to be more appreciated, you'll be happier need or want Me half-heartedly. I've got to have you want & seek
for it, too. Me with all your hearts, nothing less will do.
And in the meantime, keep learning in "humble school." Ask for When I'm telling you it's no use for you to do anything except by
correction repeatedly. My Spirit & Power, that doesn't mean that your part is to do
Tell each other the truth, be each other's safeguards, shepherds nothing. But I'm expecting you then to take the initiative to pray
& brother's keepers! desperately for Me to make it happen. That's the kind of action I
Love wants to see the person you love rise up to their full want and need you to take.
potential. And you can help each other do that. Avail yourself of My power in desperation in order for My power
of supply to rush in in all its power! There is a reason for
385 __________________________________________________ everything, even if it's just to teach you to pray desperately.
Remember, all it takes is 2 or 3, and if these 2 or 3 just come When you do something good, don't immediately rest on your
together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. And even if laurels, but let it be only the beginning. There's lots more to go
the whole world should desert you, with Me you're still in the on to from there. Don't stop already when you've hardly yet
majority, because "more are they that are with us than they that begun! Stretch your faith; stretch your vision: there's more, lots
are with them" in the spirit, and much more powerful, too. more!
The Enemy may have the physical realm, the temporal, but I rule - If you see Me perform a miracle for you, don't limit your faith to
undoubtedly - the eternal Realm, & you just need to learn to put that one, but stretch your faith & your vision & believe that I'm
your "money" on the eternal Realm everyday, or in other words, going to do the next miracle, too! "Believe what I have promised;
"set your affections on things above, and not on things of this see the miracle and the keys of the kingdom will perform it."
Faith is power that you either have or you don't, and if you don't, 386 __________________________________________________
in this business of following Me, then you're in trouble! You’ve got to have faith & trust that I can deliver.
You’re going to have to absorb My Words much more deeply into I am able and I am willing to solve your problems! I'm more
every fiber of your being, if you want them to bring forth fruit willing to solve them than you are willing to believe it or to accept
from Me. My solutions or to even ask Me for them!
I need and want the real thing, a bride that really wants Me,
desperate to bring forth fruit to Me. 387 __________________________________________________
Your spiritual state is what matters most to Me! If you're I don't want you to start relying on the System, because
desperate about your physical shape & your finances, but sooner or later the System won't be there anymore for you to rely
somewhat self-satisfied about your spiritual state, when it's far on. I don't want you to put your trust or build your existence on
from where it ought to be, then something's wrong! sinking ground, that sinking ship, lest you go down with it. I want
Maybe your physical and financial state are both symbolic for you to put your trust totally in Me, no matter how adverse the
what your spiritual state is, in My eyes, regardless of the fact circumstances, how bad the odds may look. You think they're
whether you're hearing from Me every day or not. If you're looking bad right now, but you ain't seen nuthin' yet.
hearing from Me but aren't doing the things I say, then what good The greater the "impossibility," the greater the odds are against
is it? If you're not really taking them to heart, but just Me, the more I enjoy the challenge.
complacently think & feel, "Oh, well, I've had my daily talk from Keep soaking in My Word, keep digging out key promises! Learn
the Lord again today, so, I must be doing alright, now let's do to avail yourself of that power of Mine!
whatever I feel like..." Do you really think that's the end of it? Is You’re not going to remedy this situation with carnal action or
that the kind of religion or faith-life you want? A daily chat with efforts of the flesh, but you're going to have to avail yourself
God & then walk off & do your own thing? more of My spiritual power & create a greater vacuum for Me to
You can make an idol out of anything. And if you're making an fill.
idol out of My time with you, and you're just trying to keep it in If things are not going & flowing the way they ought to in your
that neat little box of "Oh, yeah, God talks to me everyday, & life, then it's only because you haven't learned to avail yourself of
we're really close & comfy cozy...," don't you think I'm going to My power enough yet! You can't do it in the flesh! I want to prove
smash that image & shatter that idol? to you that I'm perfectly capable of taking care of your needs!
"What matters is the things you do." Your actions are what make It seems to be difficult for you to believe that I can supply all your
you what you are, not your intentions, not even your belief or needs, even without any help from the System or your carnal
religion, if they never go any further than your head or your effort. But it's definitely not difficult for Me to do so. It's an easy
mouth. Your faith has got to determine your actions, otherwise, thing for Me, as easy as a breeze! As easy as supplying you with
what good is it; what is it worth? (James 2:17,26). every breath of air you breathe. Oxygen is at least as difficult to
Don’t think of yourself as rich and wanting nothing just because produce as paper, or some numbers on your bank account.
you have the key in your pocket. If you're too dumb to avail I understand that this game of "numbers" is hardcore reality for
yourself of that key and really dig into those riches and make the most people, but they are not the essential part; I am. I am the
most out of that privilege, then all the riches of Heaven can't help Provider, the Maker, the Essence behind this whole game called
you. You've got to turn the keys in order to wield their power & life, and you're severely underestimating Me if you doubt that I'm
overcome! able to supply your needs.
Physical loss can lead to greater spiritual gain. Look at Job! He Do you think that I would bless you more for settling for a
thought he was pretty righteous & as close to Me as you can get, compromise with the System? Do you think that would make Me
and yet he found out through his loss in the physical that I any happier?
allowed, that his relationship with Me had only been scratching You've got to give Me top priority. It's absolutely expedient that
the surface, whereas now he was getting really deep with Me and you include Me in your decision making & seek My counsel.
he got to know Me in a much more profound way than ever Going ahead & doing things because you think it's the right thing
before. to do or the reasonable thing is not the way to operate if you
There is so much more I want to give you, pour into you and seek first My Kingdom. If you do that, you're acting as if it was
share with you, and if physical loss and withdrawal is what will your kingdom, and you're seeking to build your own little
get you into a position of willingness and receptivity for these kingdom, not Mine. In a way, you're seeking to usurp the glory
things, then so be it. from Me, by taking things into your own hands.
The worst you can do is think you've already got it all; that would If you don't acknowledge Me in all your ways, in other words, if
be the exact opposite of the attitude I want you to have. I want you don't ask Me about it, if you don't check in to confirm that
you to know that you've got nothing and that you need it all, and I something is My will, then how can I direct your paths?
want you to behave accordingly. I need you to need Me even to a Committing your way unto Me means to check in with Me
greater extent than you have so far. It's not enough to merely beforehand to make sure that it's the direction I want you to take,
& then you can trust Me for it, that it's going to work out alright. My pictures are living, spiritual pictures, and they always
Don’t be surprised if things go haywire if you don't check in with represent the truth. Movies are like foreshadows & examples of
Me! I can't allow & tolerate you ignoring Me. You've got to hear My spirit pictures.
from Me everyday about where you should go and what you One must distinguish carefully between the false light of Satan &
should do! My true light. It's easy to be deceived by the "enlightenment" of
Ask Me about everything! No exceptions! the evil one.
Remember, "Not by (your) might nor by (your) power, but by My There will be nothing lost of the wisdom I've been trying to
Spirit" the battle is going to be won. You've got to give your little convey to you during this life when everything will be safe &
strength to Me and yield it in cooperation to My Spirit. Only that restored in My Kingdom. But while you are still in this life you
way it's ever going to work. have to fight to remember! You have to fight to remember My
Words, and not let their power slip through your hands by simply
388 __________________________________________________ forgetting what I've been telling you. That's why it's so important
In order to get a man out of Egypt, I've always had to stop the to read My Word & remember, to remind yourself of what I'm
flow of business as usual. Moses wouldn't have left for the telling you, to keep them in your heart!
wilderness if he hadn't killed the Egyptian, if everything would Often people don't remember the important things in their lives
have continued on the way it had been... because they didn't esteem them enough. They were too busy
I'm bringing you into a position where you are more willing to with temporal affairs, such as making money, and their lives with
make changes that you simply wouldn't undergo voluntarily, out all the lessons involved, just pass them by. But I want you to take
of your own initiative, if there was no need for them. the time to remember.

389 __________________________________________________ 393 __________________________________________________

When the world rejoices and is drunk & merry, I'm having you Life was meant to be enjoyed, & at the same time it was
pass through the worst of your trials & battles, to show you that meant to be suffered. Best of all is when you can "enjoy the
you have no part in them, that you're different; you're going the suffering," bear it with a grin, like Paul said, "rejoice in your
opposite direction than they. When they are joyful, I have caused infirmities." You see, retrospectively, the suffering will always
you to mourn, and even so you will be rejoicing when they shall seem not so bad, after all, it will always bring about the
be mourning... "peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised
He that soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly... You've got to thereby," "beauty for ashes," & joy that "cometh in the morning"
sow the seeds before you can reap the results. You've got to woo after one has sowed in tears. That's why those with great faith
some before you can win some. can walk cheerfully through their sufferings; they know it will be
The choice is yours, whether you will conquer the highlands or worth it all, and that the things they suffer in this temporal world
the lowlands before you, the mountainous territories or the are not worthy to be compared with the glories which shall be
plains, the woods or the wilderness, but it's expedient that you revealed in them.
do go forward & not become sidetracked & lured by your Enemy Just take whatever comes as gracefully as you can, & keep the
to take a rest here & take a rest there, enjoy this little distraction fact in mind that it is - despite all it may seem like - for your best.
here & that one over there, be busy with a little affair here and And that I will never leave you but am right by your side. Heaven
another there, while the Enemy goes before you to usurp the land is right by your side to help you through your sufferings.
that you could be rightfully conquering for Me! Even the "senseless" suffering that you see in the world will
Be thankful that I'm not letting you continue as you have been! make sense someday. In reality, there is no such thing as
Be thankful for My corrections & chastisements, for showing you senseless suffering. It all will make some sense someday. Even
that something is wrong, things can't keep going the same way... the suffering that evil people inflict on others serves a purpose.
It's not as if I hadn't rather had some of those things not happen,
390 __________________________________________________ it's not that all these things are what I would have preferred to be,
"He that saveth his life, the same shall lose it, but whoso but they are often simply necessary in order to bring about God's
loseth his life for My sake, the same shall save it." There's no great Plan, the ultimate fruit, the ultimate result, there can be
way around it. Trying to preserve yourself, your life, trying to none better.
"establish" it or to keep it established, trying to cling to it, will The Father knows exactly what He's doing, & even if some deem
just result in your losing it. The only way to gain & win is to let Him cruel, He is the ultimate Love. He can only be understood - in
go. The more you let go, the more you will gain. fraction - by faith, and few even make an effort, but what's
You can't wait until everything is perfect. I can use you, imperfect important is that you remember He knows what He's doing, "it is
as you are. You just have to let Me. You just have to give Me a good," even if it may not seem that way to you, and then it really
chance! is only one step further to thanking & praising Him for it, for the
“bad,” even if you may not fully understand its purpose.
391 __________________________________________________ Like Job said to his wife: "Should we receive the good from His
Compromise is made easily for the sake of immediate hand, but not the bad?" (Job 2:10) He was a great man of faith.
success. Watch out that you don't slip into compromise, that you There's still a lot for you to learn from the likes of Job.
don't neglect your mission, which can easily happen in a ministry There is a happy side to the life of faith, but also the serious side
that's recognized by the world. of life. The great lesson is to take both with a grin, just the same,
"A man's gifts will make room for him" & take him before kings, with thankfulness. If you can learn to be thankful for both, the
but you've got to let Me carry you there! You've got to let Me do good and the bad times, then you will indeed be a man of faith.
it! It's got to be My Spirit doing it, which will have come down Don’t act like some kind of victim! Let a lot more praise &
upon you for your obedience to My commandment to go into all cheerfulness come from your lips.
the world & preach the gospel to every creature! Discover the beauty in it all, even within the suffering. In this day
Keep the pioneer spirit, the missionary spirit, the "stranger in & age, when the Devil has gone to pretty much usurp all the best
this world" spirit, the "gypsies of the Lord" spirit, the "we've just he could grab on this planet, you're more likely to find the Father
got to keep moving" spirit! Don't allow yourself to settle down! and Me in that which he has discarded and despised, just as you
Get this ministry rolling in a way so that it will bear spiritual fruit, had been discarded and despised by the System & We came &
or pull up your roots & head for wherever My Spirit will carry you. made Our abode with you.
I'm purging you from his imprints on you. I'm cleaning you up
392 __________________________________________________ from his smut.
Every day of your life is like a picture, which in itself is a Stay close to Me! Stay clean! Stay right here in My arms & don't
piece of the puzzle of the big picture of your life, which again is a go away! He constantly tells you if you don't do things, I won't
piece of My Big Picture of everything. love you, people won't respect you, and they're going to look
down on you. But all you've got to do is what I'm telling you to you wonder about the places, the empty & lonely places I've led
do, and if I haven't told you to go anywhere, then you can just you, whether it was truly I Who guided you there, or whether
relax & stay in My arms. you've made a mistake & have been misguided. But if you have a
look at the world & where it's going, you'll understand! Seek not
394 __________________________________________________ to be anything big in this world, seek not to compromise for their
Communication with Me is not just happening in words, it gain, seek no truce with the Devil! Stay dropped out, small, tiny,
also happens with pictures and the accompanying emotions. I nearly invisible & below the surface.
can grasp & assimilate all you’re going through - especially when The only assurance & insurance is the way of the apparent loser,
you give & communicate it to Me - I sympathize with you & send of him that is willing to lose his life for My sake; the opposite of
you My appropriate answer. The more you communicate to Me, the way of the world. Shun their ways!
the more I can help you. The more you're allowing Me to take part
in your problems, the more solutions I can offer. The more you 397 __________________________________________________
ask, the more I can help. The more you pray, the more I can make Learn to avail yourself of My power. All the counsel in the
a way. world will do you no good if you don't put it into practice.
There’s still so much for you to learn, and still ways to go to All of this will merely remain in the realm of the theoretical, if you
where I want you. I want to become even more real to you than I never put any of it into practice.
am, more present to you, more relevant. I want you to You need change, & change in any form is good for you, and the
acknowledge Me as if I were there in flesh. more courage you have for greater, radical changes, the better.
But just because you can't see Me, you think you can't do that. I'll You're going to have to develop more initiative & get on the ball,
always be somewhat less "real" to you than anyone you can see. if you're going to find and fulfill your dream and the right vision!
That's why I'm trying to get our communication to the visual level Don't let go of your anointing, but learn to apply it more in the
as well. It's like the evolution of the telephone: nowadays people realm of the physical, of day-to-day, man-to-man, real-life
can phone each other & look at each other. We can do the same combat!
thing, you've just got to learn it!
I want to make things easier for you and want to teach you to see 398 __________________________________________________
Me, to visualize Me somehow, to help you become more It's never too late to come to Me, to turn to Me, it's never too
heavenly-minded by actually catching glimpses & visions of late for love, to receive My love... that's a universal truth! It's
Heaven. Again, it's more than just visual; it encompasses all your never too late! - Not for Me! Even if you missed all the
senses! We can communicate with all our senses; that's what I'd opportunities, all the buses & all the trains, even if you've done
call full communication, full & total interaction! so over & over again, I can always give you a brand new chance,
a brand new beginning, a brand new ticket, a brand new life!
395 __________________________________________________ Not only do I stand for newness & everything that represents
Wonder not about My choice & preference, how I go about, change & renewal & revolution, but I can also impart that
whom I choose and when and why I pour out My gifts and into newness to anyone else who would like. A new life can be yours
what vessels... You've got to trust Me & let Me have My way with & anyone's for the asking - no matter what situation you're in or
these things, Don't get impatient. Trust Me that all good things how old, worn out & useless you may feel. I can make new out of
will take time. the old - regardless of conditions & circumstances. Time is
Impatience has been one of the main reasons for young people irrelevant to Me when it comes to that.
to become frustrated with Me, My work, My modus operandi & No matter how late it is, it is never too late for Me!
ways of going about things. I'm too slow for them. They've got to
have it fast; right now; they can't wait... But you've got to learn to 399 __________________________________________________
wait on Me! (Dad:) It's good to be flexible & run with the flow of things,
You need to trust that everything will come in its good time. You adaptable to the Lord's moves , to be able to stretch & grow in
need to stop worrying before I've even had a chance to supply! the way He's leading.
You've got to give Me time, just like I'm giving you all the time You may still feel like a bit of a loser sometimes, that somewhere
you need to learn your lessons, to get to the point where I want along the way you lost it, & squandered your energies, & you
you. would have hoped to accomplish more with your life, but that's
Trust is one of the basic foundation stones of working together. not at all the way the Lord sees it.
You can only work successfully with someone if you completely Don’t give room to condemnation. Keep a positive outlook on
trust. We are not of this world, and in our world, one of the basic people! Keep believing in them & show them you do!
principles is trust. Sometimes we wind up surprised as to who made it in the long
run, and who didn't... quite often, in fact.
396 __________________________________________________
Small is good. Small is powerful. Small is smart! Small is 400 __________________________________________________
almost everything you want to be. The smaller you are, the better. It takes an effort to get a fire burning, or to keep it burning.
Nobody cares about the small sparrows, but they're after the big, You have to continue to fuel it & feed it. It's the same with your
fat birds. So, the longer you stay small, out of sight, out of range, spiritual fire. You have to keep fueling it with the wood of My
you can be like an independent little guerrilla fighter, like David, Word & the oil of My Spirit. Ask Me to help you stay "on fire" for
who was able to run around Goliath, while he could hardly move Me! Guard that flame, & don't take it for granted. Don't allow
in his heavy armor. Satan to blow it out!
So, don't worry if you're tiny compared to all those who are Beware of the flood of lies he tries to use to put out your fire,
seeking to make a name for themselves in this world! You both, lies of the System, as well as the subtle little lies he tries to
wouldn't want to be "big" in their world! implant directly in your minds.
You would rather want to be a nobody who's got nothing to do
with the game that they're playing! There's too much pride 401 __________________________________________________
involved! It's all too much in the wrong spirit - the spirit of The way of total faith is a lonely & rarely chosen one, & it's
consumerism, of decadence, while the world is going to pot on not everybody's thing. Of course, the more comfortable System-
behalf of their masters. version does look more inviting, and people would ask, "Why are
So be not dismayed if you figure you're a nobody. Don't be you not using it?"
envious of evildoers & fret not thyself because of workers of But it's a little bit as with television. It's available, it's there, & it's
iniquity! one of the master pieces of human technological progress, an
Pride yourself only in Me! Let Me be the only reason to glory in! unbeaten source of information and news, as well as
Where I lead you, you'll feel My tug on your heart. Sometimes entertainment, and some people would ask, "Why in the world
are you not using it?" course you can't say, "Well, normally, this doesn't happen, so I
But in spite of it being available, & in spite of the "common don't know if I have the faith for it."
sense" it might be to avail yourself of it, I have given you the Of course, it doesn't happen normally, otherwise it wouldn't be a
faith not to rely on System help. miracle, nothing special to note or look at. Except that for you,
It's really the faith of "there is no spoon," - total disregard for the My beloved brides, I would like that miracles become more of the
status quo & physical circumstances. Continue on this path of rule, rather than the exception.
totally living by faith. Everything is already a miracle: every breath you take is a
Just stay in tune & in touch with Me every step of the way. wonder of My creation, a total gift of My love, grace &
benevolence to you. Every meal you eat is a token of My love &
402 __________________________________________________ supply to you, and if you just learn to see everything as a miracle
The humble, meek & lowly way is the best way, as far as I'm in the first place (instead of taking it all so dreadfully for granted),
concerned. The other options of potential compromise with the then you'll also have more faith for other miracles.
System are always more dangerous. I prefer for you to be nobody Just because something has been going & working a certain way
in this world over being somebody. for a certain amount of time should not mean that everybody
The problem is that you would like to be a successful ought to take it for granted, yet that's exactly what's happening.
"somebody", instead of a lowly "nobody." People are totally oblivious to the fact that there are people
But your destiny is to leave these things in My hand. It’s most of starving on this planet right now, because for some reason(s),
all My anointing for the need of the hour that makes people great. the same miracles I'm doing in order to keep you alive aren't
And the need of the hour is not for another star. happening for them. The main reason being that I would have
My preferred way is the unconventional way. It's true that I anoint wanted those of the wealthier nations to "be the miracle" for
some to be outstanding lights & tools in My hands to carry My them and supply them with their surplus. But this just
message to the world in recognized ways. demonstrates their terrible failure to live according to My ways &
But the makers of the business aren't interested in a convicting instead they hoard & store, even destroy their riches rather than
Christian message, least of all an anti-System & anti-American sharing them with the poorer nations.
message. Some people have been made so paranoid by the Devil that there
Don't seek success in the world, not for whatever seemingly isn't going to be enough room, space, food & water for everyone
noble reason. on this planet, that they don't even grant the masses of poorer
You say, "But they would listen then." But then what? Do you people in "underdeveloped" countries the bare right & means to
think they'd go beyond that? To pray more, witness more? survival. And so, instead of sharing their surplus goods with
Your sample of living is more important to Me than your them, they rather destroy them, burn them up, and prefer to keep
message, and to them also. It's a greater testimony. There are watching the poor starve. Just to make sure the world won't
many who preach similar messages you preach, but how many become "overpopulated." That's the end of the road of disbelief,
people really live what they preach? How many of them are "for & the epitome and consequence of lack of faith.
real?" Selfishness comes from a lack of faith. If you have faith, you
That's the difference! have the assurance that somehow, in spite of all the Devil tries to
It's got to be clear that you're not seeking to establish or enhance tell you, there will always be enough, I will supply for you, care
your reputation or career, but that your only incentive is to have for you, and so you don't have to be scared of giving away &
the world see that there IS an alternative, a different way of living, sharing what you've got. You somehow know that I will take care
and it's being practiced by a few thousand folks around the of both, you and them, no matter how many. Even through the
world, and by the grace of God, you're one of them. "lean years."
I allow the lean years to draw people back to Me, to cause
403 __________________________________________________ sinners to repent & make things right, as I caused the sons of
By letting your guard down & thus allowing bad spirits to Israel to return to their brother Joseph in humility and
enter your midst, be it through disobedience to something I told repentance.
you, or through cussing, or any other bad habit or attitude, Remember that the greatest need & hunger is for the spiritual
you're weakening the spiritual defense of your whole Home, riches, and being wise - like Joseph - is storing up a lot of
letting down the walls of spiritual defense, lowering the standard spiritual wealth to share with the world during its leanest years it
& giving the Enemy an excuse to enter in. will have ever seen. The greatest famine I want you to prepare for
You bear responsibility for the spiritual standard, and if you is the spiritual famine.
lower it & let it down, you're letting them down & allowing them Not all things are as they seem. If you go & dig beneath the
to become prey to the Enemy as well. It's as if you're deserting surface of what it seems like, you'll discover a different picture.
them, giving in to the Enemy & letting them fend for themselves. Of course there are those who are self-satisfied & think they are
It's a matter of having all things in common, as opposed to the rich, wanting nothing. But there are also many, who below that
System's idea of privacy. surface are in reality confused & don't have a clue, & wonder
what this life is supposed to be all about. And you can tell them.
404 __________________________________________________ You have found out, haven't you?
Borrowing money isn't the solution... Tell them about the meaning of life!
Making more debts is really not the way to make headway in your
financial situation. Debts usually take longer to pay back than 408 __________________________________________________
one thinks. Isn't life so much more enjoyable living it for others, having a
vision to literally share your life & give it to others? Giving your
405 __________________________________________________ life away is what it's all about... just pouring it out...
What can I do for you today? What would you have Us, your Most of your worries really don't ever happen. It's just empty
legion of heavenly helpers, co-fighters & companions, do for bluffs of the Devil, only as real as you allow them to become in
you? your mind.

406 __________________________________________________ 409 __________________________________________________

Sometimes it takes simply getting to the point of recognizing The reason I've been keeping you weak physically is for you
what you lack so that you can find the right "lid" to your problem. to get accustomed to leaning on Me & operating in My Spirit. I've
made you incapable of doing anything on your own so that you
407 __________________________________________________ would learn to do things by My power.
You cannot go by past experiences when I want to do a Watch out that you don't lose the connection! Guard it carefully,
miracle. A miracle is something apart from the norm. So, of & don't fall back into the flesh-routine.
Only I can guarantee your operating in the Spirit & thus doing spite. You have to fight for your freedom meekly. The way Moses
fruitful things that last, and that will cause you to really make did. He knew he was in the minority, & that he could have easily
progress. been wiped out by Pharaoh, so he had to make sure that it was
indeed I fighting for him. There was no way on earth he could
410 __________________________________________________ have won that battle by himself, in his own strength, power or
"Are you being activated?" is a good question to ask people wisdom. It had to be Me. And now you can also stand back & see
you meet when witnessing, that's what you must look out for. Me fight for you.
"What are the things I'm telling you, doing to you? Are they
evoking a responsive chord in your heart to reverberate, or are 412 __________________________________________________
you rejecting what I'm saying, does it rub you the wrong way?" Counsel & guidance from Me would be available to anybody
All you've actually got to do in witnessing is look for the ones who would avail themselves of My gifts. But they're just a lot
I've already prepared for you & activate them with My Words. more receptive to the Devil's gifts; either his material "blessings"
They're like codes that will awaken My sleepers. Like that alien or the "gifts" he gives to his children in witchcraft to help them
tune in "Close Encounters." further their own ends. My gifts are for the purpose of helping
So, watch for people's reaction to you! The good ones have been others, that's the difference, & not many are all too interested,
choosing good & eschewing evil for so long, they'll know when since most "seek their own" (Phil.2:21).
the good comes around. They've almost grown allergic to the Then there are those who do like to help others, but only see the
wrong tunes, the wrong sounds, the wrong words, and the physical need. Naturally, I bless those people for their
superficial stuff that hardly even scratches the surface. They willingness to help the poor & needy, but the fact remains that
want to dig down deep, that's why it's also so important that they, along with the vast majority of people, fail to see that by far
you're real, that every song you sing is being sung in the Spirit, the greatest need (and nearly all physical want & need is in fact
that you really mean every word that you say, that it really comes only a result of that need) is the spiritual need, lack & vacuum:
from My heart; that you only speak when spoken through, people's failure to fathom, seek, grasp Me and to communicate
because you're allowing Me to speak through you! with Me, the potential Solver of all their problems.
The wrong words will just turn them off! You've got to listen for The word "solution" indicates that problems are solved by
the power! When you hear something, check it out for My power, allowing particles to dissolve into one whole: people have to give
and if it's got My power than you can keep it, assimilate it and up their own interests & yield to the benefit of the greater picture,
use it. But if it just tickles your ears but fails to go any deeper, the universal well-being of all mankind, and the greatest way to
then let it go. achieve that is by recognizing that man is a spirit & thus needs
When you go out to "sound" for them, make sure you're spirit to fill his greatest needs, and by turning to the Father of
sounding the right tunes, the right signals. Don't just give off spirits and all flesh to help you to do so.
superficial sounds without any meaning or depth! Thank you for being willing to let Me employ your help, your
Listen to My Spirit yourself first, before you set out to pass manpower for this greatest of all tasks: feeding the greatest need
anything on from Me! of mankind there is. So few are even able to recognize it and
Listen more deeply to the Spirit. The Spirit has got new things to those who do seldom ever get around to doing anything about it
say today, the wind bloweth where it listeth, and it pays to find that would even begin to make a difference. So, it's a
out where, and which tune She's singing today. monumental job, and you have a monumental foe to make it as
Maybe we've been getting away with singing yesterday's tune difficult as possible for you to do that job, but that's where I
today, but you won't be able to get away with it tomorrow. come in, and your faith in My superiority, to prove to the world
We're heading into the future, and I'm giving you constant that nothing the Devil and all his followership can do is able to
upgrades. stop even one of My followers if I'm on his side & right behind
There are many who are not reaping the right responses because him.
they've either been playing the wrong tunes or they've been His only chance is dissuading you with his bluffs & distortions of
playing the right tunes to the wrong people... the true picture, getting you to believe his lies & starting to see
You've got to have hope that My sheep out there will hear My things his way. But I'm teaching you to see things My way, & I'm
voice, and they will respond, they will follow; I have promised it. not going to let go.
They're going to hear My voice because they will recognize it See, that's why I've got so much to say: there IS so much to say
from all those times I have whispered into their hearts. Just like that mankind is totally unaware of. Not because I wouldn't have
you heard it and recognized it! been willing to tell them, but mostly because there were so few
Sometimes you can already see it on their faces that they're My willing to listen.
sheep. You just know it. And everything they say, every word that There's the time factor, too: Now is the right time for this, and I
pops out of their mouths seems to only confirm it. have simply chosen you, My Endtime prophets of the Family, to
"He that receiveth you receiveth Me, and he that receiveth Me be the greatest mediators between God & man there have ever
receiveth Him that sent Me." Go & look out for those God- been, in this time of the greatest need ever, which is going to turn
receivers, receptacles for God. "Are you a holy hole for God?" into the darkest hour of man's history.
That's what's got to be your unspoken question when you look
into people's eyes. 413 __________________________________________________
Look for those YESes, look for those who will react positively. A lot of people are allowing the Devil to steal away from them
Just find them. They are there. many an opportunity for them to see & glorify Me in things that
they are afraid of & think are evil, and many an opportunity to use
411 __________________________________________________ these things as a witness. Some people's concept & discernment
I have put before you another test to see how much you will of what is good & what is evil is slightly distorted.
apply My help & My wisdom. in My eyes, the reluctance of wealthy Christians to share their
You also have to know: what is your goal? What would be the wealth with the poorer nations of the world, & to really make a
outcome you'd be striving for? difference, is more evil than what some of them point their finger
The question: is this My perfect will for you? at & shout about. They who know their Father's will and did it not
I think it's fairly clear that I'm prone toward your break with the will be beaten with more stripes than those who knew it not.
System; that I want you to be free. Others have fought for their Christianity only makes sense if you put Me in the middle of it as
freedom for less noble causes and got it. How much do you want the sum of all hope for any positive outcome of the whole thing.
yours? Christians are generally lacking to make the difference they
You have greater obligations in life than just being nice. The could & should, which is sad, and a lot of it is due to compromise
word "nice" is nowhere to be found in the Bible. with the world.
On the other hand, it's right that you don't want to act out of My Spirit which will lead you in the right path of knowing when it
is too much to one side or too much to the other, where the already settled for a position of ruler-ship in this world, who have
golden middle is, of not being tempted by things of the world, & in their spiritual short-sightedness put their money, their faith on
yet not condemning them altogether. "Happy is that man that this temporary world, & have built their house on sand. I need
condemneth not himself in the thing that he alloweth" wise men & women to rule My world of the future, who will have
(Rom.14:22) learned to let Me rule their lives & to make Me the most important
Just because someone isn't a Christian doesn't necessarily mean factor in it, instead of worldly success.
they're further away from the truth than some Christians. Just What comes out when My children seek to compromise for gain
because someone isn't a Christian doesn't mean one cannot be a is a hypocrisy & spiritual stench that drives many away from Me
fighter for truth and for a just and righteous cause, against the and distorts the picture of what I'm all about. Anybody who does
evil in this world, much of which is perpetrated by those who not participate in their game will be blessed & accepted by Me,
claim to know Me. But if they would read and believe My Word & even though they may look like losers in the world. You can
take it to heart, they would know that just claiming to know Me become more than conquerors, by not only not-being-part-of-the-
doesn't do the trick, but the way they treat each of the least of My game, but also winning others to My Cause!
brethren determines how much of a Christian they really are. Win other freedom fighters for My cause, or at least work on My
Isn't it often so, that I can use you best in spite of yourself, in side & do what you can to help My cause.
situations where you wouldn't have thought that I was going to The greatest peace one can bring to people is My peace, peace
be able to use them for My glory, & yet I did in a much greater with Me, by bringing them to Me. In order to find true and lasting
way than you could have ever imagined? It's gotta be Me, and it's peace, they need to find and accept Me, the Prince of Peace.
gotta be clear to you that it's Me!
Don't worry about accomplishment & achievement. What's more 416 __________________________________________________
important, is - as I told My disciples - that your righteousness If you keep in mind that it's a straight & narrow road, & that
exceeds that of the Scribes & Pharisees, that your sample is a you've got to "keep it in the middle of the road," in order to keep
better one than that of phony & hypocritical church Christians, true & faithful to the path of life, the little dog trail of My Spirit,
that your faith is something more real & living than false & dead then you'll be more aware of the danger of veering from it. If you
religion! realize that straying from the center, & drifting to the fringes
If the only way I can purge that falseness, that tendency to means less life, less Spirit, less joy & the other fruits of the Spirit,
compromise out of you, is by making you a nothing & a nobody, maybe it will help you make a more serious effort to stay in the
and unheard-of, than so be it. Better you're unheard of, if all you center of My will and in the eye of the storm, the calm place
otherwise would make known & heard is just another piece of within My palm, where you can find peace, & where it's My Spirit
hypocrisy & compromise, any form of tainted Christianity, of that overwhelms you, not the sensations & drifts of the world.
which the world already knows too much. It's a little bit like walking a rope; keeping the right balance,
It's more important that those closest to you will be able to say, which is achieved by leaning toward Me. You can't go by what
when it's all over: "yeah, he wasn't perfect; he had a bunch of they want, but you must go by what I want.
faults; but he sincerely tried his best." Not like with so many Some tend to compromise for the ones they love, just in order to
"great" men who portray their facade to the world, while some make it easy on them, please them, and to avoid the
people could say about them, "Yeah, if they knew about him what confrontation of perhaps having to deal with their getting
I know." "bored," the apparently greatest of all evils that can befall young
Nobody's perfect, but it's important to be honest - "true to thine people nowadays.
own self" as the saying goes, & real. Don't put up a higher In reality they're bored because they aren't ready or willing to
standard for others than you apply to yourself, & don't be self- face the greatest of all adventures there is, which is a life lived
righteous. Just be you, & enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with it. for Me instead of for selfish pleasures & amusements.
Enjoy it & help others to do the same. The serious side of life is
important, too, but "a just weight" - a proper balance - is My 417 __________________________________________________
delight. Not everybody's the same. Most kids aren't naturally
The more you enjoy yourself, the more people will be able to interested in the Bible; their interest has to be fanned.
enjoy your company, the more enjoyable you'll be, and thus It's the old scheme of getting a fire started, and to keep it
you'll help them enjoy themselves, and their own lives more, too, burning. Some people are just better "fire wood" than others: if
as long as you "enjoy yourself" in My Spirit & in the way I am there's still too much of their own interests in there, the things
teaching & leading you. that they want, the things of the world, etc., then they're usually
too "wet" to get a good fire going...
414 __________________________________________________ You just have to wait a while, until all that worldly spunk has
Everything is made pure by thanksgiving & receiving it as dried up, you don't just toss the log away...
from My hand. So, thank Me, even if the Devil brought it, and They might never get to the point, unless circumstances in the
bathe it in prayer, do it for My glory, and I will accept it. There are world change drastically to where they just have to see that what
many things you can use if you learn how to use them the right you were saying all along is really true. In the meantime, show
way. Just like there are many things in the physical that had to be them what you can see. Show them the signs that show which
found out first, how, like cocoa or coffee beans... Then there are way the world is going & that confirm to you the things that you
things which are not good to use for My children, such as the believe are going to happen.
intoxicating plants from which drugs are being made. They were As much as you'd like to have this world be over with, so that I
also created for a purpose, but not for yours... could whisk you away to a better place where you would enjoy
Another factor is the quantity in which you use or apply certain life a lot more, this life is really very valuable, and I'm not going
things, since moderation is what counts with some of these to rescue you prematurely. There is yet so much to be learned for
things, & overdoing it is what will tip the scale to where it's no everyone involved, and there are still so many who need to be
longer good for you. saved.
I'd be a bad parent, listening to your whims & giving in to them,
415 __________________________________________________ instead of letting you experience what you really need. What you
It's more than okay to be little in this world, to be despised, need is a change of attitude, not a change of circumstances.
to be a nobody, to be a "failure" in this world. Nearly all My Once your own heart, attitude & view is changed, you're going to
greatest successes were failures in this world by their standards, be a lot more effective in helping to change other hearts,
and yet I have raised some of them to be the right hands of kings, attitudes & points of view.
just as all of you shall be at My right hand when I shall come to I'm influencing you to see things My way so that you can inspire
rule the world. & help others to see things My way, too.
I cannot use those to rule the world of the future who have So far you have allowed the world's influence on you to be
stronger in your lives than Mine. People are more open & others. I'm conveying some of My most life-altering truths to you
receptive to the Devil's input than Mine, because they find the through people from other churches & denominations, and if that
darkness more attractive than the light for some reason. applies to books, why couldn't it also apply to songs?
Most people just don't want to be cleansed of their sins, but they Most of what the churches have to offer is stale, shallow & brittle,
want to keep them hidden in the darkness. but there are also exceptions, and - just as among the Pharisees
They want to go on being selfish. They don't want to be told that of My time - those who are not "far from the Kingdom" (Mark
what they do - or don't do (James 4:17)! - is sin, and that they 12:34).
should stop it. Be not envious of their success, just use it & enjoy it. One of the
reasons I have given them those songs is for your inspiration &
418 _________________________________________________ enjoyment. Also to show you that you don't always have to
People sometimes tend to see themselves as victims, carefully hide the message in a song in symbols & parables, but
wondering, "Why me?" They would like Me to be easier on them, if there are others who openly call Me by name in a non-preachy
& tend to ask, "Why hast Thou made me thus?" Or, "Why are You way in their songs, then you ought to be able to do so as well.
allowing this & that to happen to me? Why me, when I've already You don't have to feel bad about being busy. You just have to
experienced so many hardships?" You can see parallels there to include Me in your business. Don't lock or leave Me out. Just
the life of Job… take Me with you in whatever you do. Consult Me, acknowledge
That's why it's good to share Scriptures about suffering with Me, check in with Me.
them, how important & valuable your sufferings are in My sight...
421 __________________________________________________
419 __________________________________________________ The Enemy tries to dissuade you from helping Me through
Thank you for creating a vacuum, a place for Me to fill, for doubt, the refusal to believe that things are really the way I say
letting Me know that you need Me. All is forgiven and forgotten they are, that the situation is urgent, and I do need you to do all
when you come to Me again to be cleansed. The sins of the past you can to bring in the harvest before the storm.
are no more, and thus it is every time you come to Me. I, the Back in the days when children were still helping their parents in
living Word, will cleanse you, and you are able to apply to the fields in order to ensure the entire family's survival, long
yourself what I've told My disciples, "Now ye are clean through before "child abuse" and "child labor" were ever an issue, it
the Word which I have spoken unto you" (John 15:3). wouldn't have occurred to children that their parents might not
It takes a little time, just like taking a bath takes time, and it takes need their help!
a little effort, scrubbing the dirt off here & there, but it feels so Of course, they needed their help; there was no question and no
good, doesn't it? Sometimes children have a hard time taking doubt about it! It just shows how things have been turned upside
baths, and some don't like water, but as you grow older, you down, & how different, how contrary people's mindsets have
learn to appreciate them. become to the natural way I ordained for things to be. Back then,
The spiritual stench has to go that comes from living in this juvenile suicides were virtually unheard of, because there was
world, accumulating dirt, decaying cells & dried sweat, the never a question in their minds whether they were being needed,
results of the curse & the fall, and you can partake of Me, My wanted or whether there was a purpose for their lives.
cleansing, My grace & mercy, My all-encompassing forgiveness Nowadays they think they're "enlightened" and have
& love & feel free & clean again. "progressed" & "evolved" away from those primitive days in
which children were an essential part of their family.
420 __________________________________________________ Just as you would find it wonderful if your child would come to
Sometimes you have to look beyond the fact that those you & ask, "Is there anything I can do to help you today?" & just
church Christians aren't like you, just as you have to look past as much as you would love it if she would develop a more helpful
the differences between you and worldly stars whose song you attitude, so, I would be thrilled if I could get you to develop an
sing, and just embrace & look at the message. I have to use them attitude that would cause you to look for opportunities, ways &
as tools, too, because I don't have enough of My prophets who possibilities in which you could be of help in order to further My
are being heard by the world. cause.
I have to find tools & vessels among others, to the extent that Just as much as you have to be on the ball with her in order to
they're willing to let Me use them. make sure that she does her share & learns to be a happy helper,
"All You Need Is Love" was the simple, but powerful message so I have to be on the ball with you.
that (John Lennon) was destined to convey to the world. It's easy, just plain normal, carnal sinful human nature, to be just
Regardless of whether the Devil was going to get the credit for it drifting off into a lazy life-style. It doesn't come natural to most to
or not, it was My message to the world. The Devil doesn't even be helpful, so that's something you've got to strive for & make a
believe it himself; he just uses it to fool some people he thinks conscious effort to work toward.
are naive enough to believe it, but you know that I am Love and It's a matter of not always being so concerned about the things I
all that you need. do for you, but developing an unselfish mindset of seeking what
You can even sanctify the mundane things of life, if you include you could do for Me each day; to ask Me every morning, "What
Me in them, let Me take part in them & pour out My counsel to can I do for you?"
you about them, bathe them in My light & in My Spirit; let Me Relationship is mutual give & take; you're just grateful for each
impart to you My view on them. Like this you can sanctify other. It is like that with Me & you, too.
anything, & you don't have to be afraid of this & that & the other I'm happy that you've stopped murmuring & constantly being on
that the Devil uses, because you can sanctify it, cleanse it & use the lookout for "something better," finally realizing there ISN'T
it for My glory. There is nothing I will withhold from you, if you anything better; there couldn't be! As far as the real world is
uphold it in My light for Me to cleanse & purify it for you. concerned, not the plastic, make-belief Hollywood type of world
Part of humility is humbly accepting that I have blessed others - the Devil is trying to brainwash everybody with into believing that
though seemingly less deserving - with My gifts as well, even it exists, just to make them miserable with real life, this is as
though they may not have to pay the same price for them, of good as it can get. You've just had to realize it.
being despised by the world. Being despised by the world for My Learning to love unselfishly is the best thing this life has to offer,
sake will earn you an eternal reward that I cannot grant you yet in there IS nothing greater! There is nothing that will ever make you
this life. anywhere near as happy, nothing as satisfying, nothing as
Some of the immediate rewards you get in this life are the joy & thrilling, nothing as right on the very button of what life is all
satisfaction of knowing you have found My perfect will, & that about!
you can see a lot of things more the way that I see them than
most other people do. But it does not mean that you're 422 __________________________________________________
exclusively blessed in all aspects, and that I won't bless any It took Moses 40 years in the wilderness to learn not to care
about his own concerns anymore, to get to the point where he Egypt out of Moses was precisely what took so long: the worldly
couldn't care less about his own life anymore, whether he lived attitudes toward things, & their viewpoints...
or died, where all his former & youthful ambitions were forgotten, If things would continue as they are, there wouldn't probably be
and only one thing counted: the will of his Creator. That's when much hope for the Family to stay as revolutionary & dropped out
he was ready to hear My voice & see My Holy Fire & experience as they have been. Even Dad said that the reason he believed the
My presence, and to carry out his job for Me. Family wasn't going to suffer the same fate as other movements
I'm trying to get you to learn these things a lot faster. I'm already that fell asleep was that he didn't think there was enough time
communicating with you about these things that there never was left for it to happen.
the time & never were the means to communicate about with Now, the Endtime events didn't happen as early as he would have
Moses, certainly not in such great detail. expected, and the radical spirit & fire of the Family has suffered a
Time is short, as far as those are concerned who ought to have blow from the attitude of "all things will continue as they were,"
been reached yesterday, as far as those are concerned who are and, of course, this is precisely the same attitude of churchy
ripe & ready for the message today. There is always a certain Christians who are building their lives on the shifting sands of
amount of time pressure involved in the task of getting in the this world.
harvest - ask any farmer - and the timing is crucial with some With some people it's the security of the System, with others it's
things. It takes a lot of work & action to respond to the the appeal of the System, its images, its apparent "niceness;"
opportunity. My spiritual matters need to have that urgency for with others it's the ties of the flesh that they cling to, that they
you, they need to become as pressing & important to you as your can't let go of, that they allow to come between them and the
own physical needs. point of total surrender to Me, a total break with the flesh & the
Learn to see those needs, recognize those opportunities & then System, the reception of the truth & nothing but the whole truth,
obey instantly & go to work on them! ultimately resulting in total freedom (Jn.8:32). It's a brave step, of
really, having "nothing left to lose:" you don't cling to your "nice"
423 __________________________________________________ images of the System anymore, nor it's "security."
My will is not heard in the strong wind, nor in the fire, nor in
an earthquake, but only in that still small voice in your heart. 426 __________________________________________________
I use My gift of communicating with you to draw you each closer Sometimes you just have to wait until all the factors are in
to My heart, so that I can really take hold of the first place in each place & the timing is right. Usually an answer is more
of your hearts. appreciated when it doesn't come right away. It gets people a bit
I am the Sculptor, and all you can really "give Me a hand in" is to more desperate & makes them appreciate the answer all the
expose the side of you I need to work on any given day or more when it comes, & makes them more thankful for it.
moment readily. When I say, "I'm going to have to chip away a Waiting on Me is probably one of My biggest lessons for you.
little bit of this area right now, over on this side," then you can You've had to wait for My supply almost until the last minute, in
give Me some co-operation by readily agreeing & saying "Yes, order for you to see that it's a test: I'm testing you to see whether
Sir! That side? Here it is! All Yours!" you're going to freak out or make some move in the flesh to save
You've got to be ready & receptive to receive My instructions of yourself prematurely... I don't like to rescue folks prematurely.
what I want to emphasize on teaching you every day, every Parents sometimes make the mistake of giving their kids
moment, every hour. Sometimes I've got to work on your ability something that they like or want too quickly, but it often spoils
to work together as a team in unity. Other times, I need to draw them & the amount of appreciation & gratitude they could have
you each closer to Me again, and to My heart, almost in developed otherwise... You still tend to do that, even with grown-
seclusion. Then maybe I want you to reach out to others, and ups. You've got something, and you want to share it right away.
you've got to be in tune with Me to find out exactly where I want But I like to wait & see whether they will really appreciate it.
you to go & who I want you to minister to. Then there's the factor of rushing ahead in the flesh & not
Right now, you're still learning. I'm preparing you to be a full- waiting for Me, which amounts to screwing up big time, as Saul
fledged pro in this modus operandi, where I'll be able to easily did when he didn't wait for Samuel. These are all lessons related
direct you in any given direction. to waiting on Me.
You can see now that with Me nothing is impossible, that I can Also, the aspect of waiting on Me in the sense of serving Me,
get you ready for anything by My grace. Just having Me talk to looking for opportunities to do things for Me & others, to ask Me,
you is assurance enough that you need in order to know that I "what can I do for You?" is another aspect of waiting on Me.
can guide you safely through any darkness, any tough storm and Then there's the age aspect. You're learning that I have quite a
safely into the harbor of your destination. different perspective on life & all that goes with it: what I
Blessed are they who continue to follow Me regardless of consider young or old, compared to the way people look at these
whether they understand or can see the point of what I'm doing issues. When people think their lives are practically over, that's
or not; regardless of whether they can clearly see the future when I like to begin to really use some of them.
ahead or not... So, just keep following Me through any fog, Often those who are young & strong in the flesh are really old
through any storm, through fire & water, through flood & through bottles in the spirit, because they're hung up in the old, carnal &
snow… worldly ways of looking at things. They fall for the obvious: they
It's forsaking all, all over again, & letting go. Letting go of all your think that strong really equals strong, & young equals young,
ambitions, selfish desires & motivations... anything that would worldly wisdom & knowledge equal gain... The old principle of
stop or hinder you from giving & surrendering all to Me. accumulation or acquisition, that one has to gain & acquire more
in order to grow & add to their stature. But the rules of the Spirit
424 __________________________________________________ are often the opposite: with Me, what is weak is strong, and I'm
You need to find out where your desire to have some "extra teaching that gain and self-preservation are often loss of greater
money" comes from: is it perhaps to protect yourself from being things, when compared to the true, eternal gains & rewards of
dependent on My mercy & supply alone? If I'm trying to teach forsaking all, laying down your life for your friends, & losing your
you to trust in Me, then I'm going to have to execute My program life, instead of trying to save it.
on all different levels where this problem is apparent. Moses was useless to Me when he was strong & powerful &
I have to weed out any lack of trust in Me that you might have, respected, but I was able to greatly use him when he thought of
just as much as any leftover desire to have your own flesh save himself as nothing. And the same applied to a row of others:
you. Sarah, bearing the promised fruit of her life in old age & way
beyond the state of expectancy; Saul, being highly exalted when
425 __________________________________________________ he was lowly in his own sight, etc.
In the world, but not of the world, that's what I need you to Waiting on Me basically means to go contrary to the flow of the
be. It's hard to fight against all those worldly influences. Getting world: they all run in one direction, trying to gain, gain, gain,
while you're slowly, but steadily going the opposite way: you give on guard. Only when he can get you to settle for a compromise,
of yourself. Thus apparently losing, but truly gaining in invisible some limbo of peaceful coexistence with him, and he can get you
but eternal riches & strength & wisdom as you learn to trust not off guard, "Oh, the System and the world aren't really all that
in your own strength, nor that which you hear & feel & see, but in bad," then he has a chance.
Me. And that's when I will allow him, too, to show you that you have
I want to teach you to wait on Me and wait for Me about been deceived. It may not have looked so bad on the surface, but
everything. Don't go ahead with anything until you get My okay only because you failed to look deeper. Look beneath the
for it, at least whenever and as long as you have any choice in surface: it's rotten and stinking within, full of dead men's bones,
the matter. Even when something seems obviously good or even and settling for compromise with it will mean danger of
the way I've been leading you previously. Wait for My okay. becoming infested with the same disease that killed them: the
I want everything done in decency & in order, having things sleepiness disease of satisfaction & contentment with a peaceful
established & confirmed by the mouths of two or three coexistence with the Enemy of your souls.
witnesses, etc. But I can't let that happen to you, My loves, as much as the
The days are over when you were able to make decisions based Enemy would love it! I've got to keep you awake, even if I have to
on something obviously seeming the right thing to do. We've got let you fight with hands & fists for your bare survival. I need you
to get away from going by what things "seem" like. Always to come running to Me, away from the Whore! Get out of her &
remember the verse, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a don't be infested by her ways! Declare war on her, be her doom &
man..." destruction!
The only way to find out whether things really are the way they Her grip of trying to imprison you & chain you to her perpetually
seem, or which way they really are, is to ask Me. Ask Me about it is the result of your truce with her. She's saying, "You've had
before you do anything. your fun with me, boy, now come on & pay me!" She wants her
I'm trying to make you see how important it is that you dues, & is threatening to fall on you & rend you in pieces if you
thoroughly check things through with Me. don't pay.
It'll probably do you some good to be confronted with the wolves'
427 __________________________________________________ teeth & foul breath for a while to remind you of why I'm at war
When you don't feel capable, then I am usually capable of with the System, & you can think about if you really want peace
doing it through you. Hasn't it always been like this, that I didn't with them & be their slave, or whether you're ready to declare all-
choose those who wanted or craved a certain position, but those out war against them & make sure & fully known whose side
who didn't want it, didn't feel like they could do it? "Man's you're on!
extremity is God's opportunity." I love to blow your minds with
things you previously thought impossible. 429 __________________________________________________
There were many who said, "But I'm too young," "I'm of poor Sometimes you have problems downloading a file, and
speech," "Why me?" etc., but I was able to use them all, to their you've just got to try again. It all depends on how badly you want
own dumbfounded-ness & surprise, and, in the end, quite it. If you really want it, you won't give up so easily. So, how badly
successfully. It's usually those who think "Of course I can do it" do you want today's latest update?
who turn out to be the failures...
430 __________________________________________________
428 __________________________________________________ "The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchant man
Sometimes you've got to be reminded why you're fighting, seeking goodly pearls. And when he has found one pearl of a
and against what; why this world needs to be delivered & great price, he went and sold all that he had and he bought it."
changed. If everything were alright the way it is, then what need Life is meaningless for Me without My bride, and it is
would there be for Me to come & "spoil" things for them? meaningless for My bride without Me. Our love is like a "tractor
I've got to purge My ranks from blindness, and I can only do so beam" that transcends everything: time and space, and connects
by making you see just where the System is at; why I hate it. us through and in spite of anything, any circumstances or rules
You can only desire the beautiful truth of My Kingdom by seeing of the physical world. The Devil is like the impresario who seeks
& being confronted with the ugly reality of the System. You've got to keep My bride under his contract, in his service, in favor of her
to learn to yearn for & desire the way things ought to be by worldly "career," but all that doesn't matter to My bride once she
finding out where it's not at, so that you can whole-heartedly has tasted of My love. All that has become worthless to her, and
pray, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in all she will do is wait for Me to come back to her.
heaven!" Thus is the love between Me and My bride; the greatest passion
In other words, "free us from the ways of the world, deliver us there is or ever has been.
from the awful state this world is in & bring on Your heavenly You must believe that the time of waiting is worth it all, you must
way, the way things are in Your heavenly Kingdom! Make it not despair, nor doubt whether this isn't all a great, big, mistake
happen that way down here, too, not the ugly, senseless, perhaps, but believe that it's meant to be. The Comforter is there
monotonous, unjust, life- and love-less way this place is being to comfort you through this time of separation, loneliness and
run and administrated right now! Come and finally rule the world suffering through this world, and She'll enable you to call &
the way it should be done!" beckon yet others of My lost brides to come unto Me. And
But if My own children aren't even praying or longing for this; as through My Holy Spirit, I am with you, right within you, both
long as even they are satisfied with this world and the way things reminding you of the fact that this world is never going to be
are in it, what need is there for Me to return? your home, never the place where you belong, but also filling you
The greatest weapon the Devil ever used against My people was with joyous anticipation of the glorious Kingdom to come, where
the spirit of complacency. A truly revolutionary spirit will never all things will be perfect, where we will be truly united, and all My
be satisfied with this world, it will always rebel against it; but brides shall be as one, as well. No more disunity, nor more
there are too few of them, and even they are often being separation, but perfect one-ness, total unity, total love.
persuaded to temporary truces with the Enemy & his System. You must not doubt, but continue to believe that the glories that
They're becoming tired & weary of war. And that's usually when shall be revealed in you are not worthy to be compared to the
the Enemy will also drop his friendly mask & launch his all-out, sufferings of this present time. It will all be more than worth it;
open attack: "They're weak & tired now, & just about asleep! Now trust Me.
let's attack'em!" My love that can make all odds against which you have to
That's why I've cautioned you in My Word to watch & pray, to be struggle disappear.
sober & vigilant. The Enemy, as a roaring lion walketh about You've got to focus on the invisible force which can make the
seeking whom he may devour, and he's closing in right now. right physical circumstances happen for you, or at least fill you
Cowardly as he is, he won't attack you while you're fully alert and with the power to make it through the adverse circumstances.
You must not focus on the lack, not on the way things are - quite and then tuck Me away again so they can peacefully pursue their
obviously not the way they should be - but on Me, in the hopes worship of the things they truly keep in first place, only to realize
and the faith that I can change things and make them come to that this is going to take them down the road of heart-breaking
pass in such a way that you long for and you know deep inside experiences that eventually will teach them differently...
they should be. Blessed are they who have chosen Me to be their first Love.
There's no use in blaming other parties for things not being the
way they should, for if all things are possible to him that 431 __________________________________________________
believeth, it's only your own fault if things aren't the way they You can only be a prophet who calls out others to "come out
should in your life, because you have simply not allowed yourself from among them," if you have been "called out" yourself, first,
to be as close to Me as you could. and have obeyed the call, and have exited from the whorish
The only One Who can make love happen from nearly anything, System. It's like what I told My followers about the Pharisees:
even as I formed Adam from the dust of the ground - is I. So, if what they tell you, this do, but don't do as they do, for they may
you put your love on Me and set you affections on Me and things say it, but they do it not!
above, not things of this earth, then you'll be able to love others You can't really follow them, because there is nowhere to follow.
with this great love as well, and it hardly even matters who it is... Which body do you want to follow: the dying corpse of the old
You'll be willing to lay down your life for those you know are your pharisaical church, or the vibrant, new & young body of My
brethren, your fellow-brides in Me. called-out ones?
There is no other way to make love any deeper than that. It A ton of coal isn't worth half as much as an ounce of gold. You,
cannot be a selfish love just between 2 humans. It couldn't be a the Family, are My pearl of great price, a valued treasure of gold
relationship that would exclude others. And yet that is what most that will go through the fire of purging but will not be burned and
people seek. Their focus on the wrong kind of love, namely consumed, only purified. It all depends on the works a man
merely human love & romance, is the very thing that stands in builds on the Foundation: wood, hay, stubble, or precious
their way of truly finding this great & true love, which will never stones. The precious stones are the souls the Family is winning
just end there, with 2 human beings and none other. It cannot to Me, and they will never burn, never perish.
happen, because if you would limit and constrain such love to It's so much like the relationship between the Pharisees and My
only 2 persons, it would die, it would become a dead end street, early followers: the Pharisees were well respected, while I and
like a dead lake, instead of something alive, that keeps flowing My followers were highly controversial. Even though some of the
on to others, ready and willing to let them participate in it to bring Pharisees respected Me and My apostles, none of them would
them love and life, also. have had the courage to forsake all & become one of them.
The answer lies in letting Me be your Soul-Mate, and by so doing, The Pharisees never would have suspected the motley fishers,
I can almost transform any other person into a soul mate for you. tax collectors & other followers of Mine from lower strata of
I can satisfy you & give you the right partner, create the right society than themselves to become the ascending world religion.
partner for you, or create the right partner out of you, for I see the Family as the only true existing alternative to the Devil's
someone else, if you're willing, and if you put Me first. But if System.
you're still looking elsewhere for the fulfillment of your dreams, if So many seek acceptance, a certain amount of fame &
you're just "trying to be good" in order to please Me, so that I will recognition in the world, they seek to adapt & blend in, but that's
answer your prayers & finally give you the desire of your heart, the exact opposite of what I want. As far as I'm concerned, the
that's not really how it works; it will just be another more dropped out, the more radical, the more different you are,
disappointment. Only if you truly delight yourself in Me, and the better. There is supposed to be a difference between you and
allow Me to become the love of your life, then I can also bring them. Just like there's a recognizable & definite difference
about someone to fill the role of a physical manifestation of our between Me and the Devil.
love. Yet because the Devil has all the power in this world, he tempts &
True love always has got to be open to let others in as well, bribes My children & called-out ones into a truce with him and
otherwise it isn't really true love, and it will come to naught, it will has them adapt to him and his people to where you can hardly
sadly trickle out to its earthly end. tell the difference between them and the rest of the world.
That's another reason why this world is not your home, & why Seek not to be recognized, accepted, well esteemed among
you're not of this world, because so few are willing to live this men... all that is an abomination unto Me! Just be faithful to My
true love. Most people settle for the selfish version, and then message, to My Word, & let nothing else distract you!
wonder why it cannot last. It can only last if I am the true, eternal
Center of your love, the focal point. You've got to realize that I'm 432 __________________________________________________
your Sun, and you've got to keep facing toward Me, you cannot I want you to need & be dependent on the things the world
allow another to take on the role of the sun for you. has to offer, so that you will communicate with them and share
Many stare into the darkness of space, waiting for their bright & with them what you've got, so that they will share with you of
shining star to appear, all the while neglecting & failing to make what they've got...
Me the true Source of all they're looking for. Many are just trying You've got the largest amount of truth, but you don't have the
to use Me to get them what they want, but they don't truly turn to entire amount of truth. There are others whom I have blessed
Me to find the fulfillment of all their desires in Me. with other revelations, other parts of the whole truth, and it's My
That's why they don't take time to hear from Me, they don't make will for you to find those & avail yourselves of them. Even though
their lives revolve around Me. They like to keep Me in their lives you're the best, you're not the exclusive holders & keepers of all
as one of their satellites that's supposed to spin & revolve & the whole truth that I pour out upon mankind in this age.
around them & their desires, but that's not how it works. That's Otherwise the attitude with which you'd approach others might
why they stay empty, even if they find their hearts' desires. easily come across as condescending, as from above, but I want
If you want a happy and fulfilled life, one in which your dreams you to approach them as from equal levels, a horizontal, eye-to-
come true to the most possible extent in this life, just make it eye approach.
revolve around Me, instead of trying to merely use Me as a I'm the One Who gives that which is from above, the vertical
means to your own ends. Often this happens very subtly, and it connection with all My children, but I want all of you to approach
requires a great deal of honesty with oneself to be able to expose each other from a horizontal level, in order to pass on to each
such false motives. That's where the self-deceit of many lies who other what you've received from Me via the vertical, direct &
only use Me - their "religion" - instead of letting Me use them. individual connection…the symbol of the cross.
That's the big difference. It's either they first or Me first. And I feed you according to your need, individually. And someone
many simply aren't ready for this step of total yieldedness, of else might be able to benefit from those things that I show you.
letting Me use them. For them, I still belong into that box where I see your need, and I give each one of My brides exactly what
they can keep Me, use Me to make their petitions known to Me, they need, according to their individual demands.
Your particular body condition warrants a particular & individual Me. That's all the reason I need!
diet. I'd be honored if you showed Me such trust, that you don't have
It may not necessarily be what everyone else might need or to worry about anything else, that you'll know I'll take care of
appreciate, but you do, and eventually you'll be able to comfort & things, because you know I care that much about you. You just
help others with the same medicine. know that there's not a chance in a life-time that I might have
You don't have to be like everybody else, neither are you in need missed that little detail or problem in your life that needs
of the same diet as everyone else. attention.
I know what you need, and I love to give it to you. It's like when the Shunammite woman came to Elisha after her
son had died of a sun stroke: Elisha sent a messenger to her,
433 __________________________________________________ asking, "is everything alright?" And she answered, "Everything is
If you do for Me what you can do, I'll also do for you what I alright!" Nothing was alright to her, because her son, her only
can do. beloved son had died, but she had such faith and trust, that she
just knew that I, through Elisha, would fix this problem. She
434 __________________________________________________ didn't come with a question or a petition. The prophet just asked,
(Dad:) Nobody's perfect during their life-times, & life on earth is everything alright? And she answered "yes." And he and I
is nothing but a process of learning, of suffering, of struggling honored her faith that day. (2.Ki.4:8-37)
from darkness into the light, from the imperfect, faulty and dirty So you can also trust Me, that I will take care of the problems and
carnal existence to the perfect, spiritual one. Even the very bad details of your life, without making much of a fuss about them. I
things are part of the purpose in all that, but you've got to be able know about your needs and about your troubles, and while
to work that heavenly glimpse of hope in there, if you want to sometimes it's good for you to bring them before Me in detail,
inspire people. mostly so that you can get a better look at them yourself, while
you do so, what counts most of all is your attitude of trust. You
435 __________________________________________________ don't come to Me in despair, wondering whether I have forsaken
Sometimes you're too full of preset subjects & you expect Me you, but you come to Me in faith, knowing that everything's
to say something on one of them, but I might not have anything under My perfect control.
particular to say about them. But sometimes I like it when there's My Spirit will always give witness to you and guide you in
nothing there... just you & Me, and you let Me fill the emptiness whatever is the appropriate way to approach Me in each
that is you. situation.
Just little old you is enough for Me. You don't always have to It’s not a set pattern you can follow, never a routine, which can
bring some "homework" to show that you've done for Me, just be kept and followed time and again. It's a living relationship I
bring Me you, that's all I need and want! want, where you have to stay attuned to My Spirit, keep your
What it's all about is not things and issues and problems to solve spiritual antenna up & listen to what the latest move is, what's
and accomplishments to be achieved, but what it's really simply the direction the wind is blowing from today? What is there to be
all about is you and Me. I love you and want you to love Me, revealed?
that's all. And it doesn't always take big works to prove that. It Just be a blank for Me to fill! Be ready and open for Me for
just takes love. It just takes a little time and attention and focus - whatever I've got to give at any given moment! One of your
on Me, not on any things you want to present to Me, not on greatest abilities is availability. Are you available for Me?
anything you think I might want you to do, but just plain old
focus on Me, so that I can fill you with My presence, with My 436 __________________________________________________
Spirit. I’m trying to teach you to stay in a mode in which you are
Don’t make a pattern, ritual or tradition out of our relationship, constantly able to receive My vibes & My input.
but keep it alive. Keep it subject to change, just as any As long as you're allowing your own thoughts and your
relationship would be. circumstances to rule your days, there's still a lot of aggression
Respect Me as a living Person, and although it's true that "I am there, a lot of aggravation, which you know is from the Enemy.
the Lord; I change not," or that I'm the same yesterday, today and But if you learn to receive My peace, My wavelength & My light
forever, this doesn't necessarily mean that I'm ready to make a on a regular level, you'll see, the darkness of the Enemy will have
routine or habit out of our relationship as if I were some kind of a to flee.
machine. There's simply no better way to get rid of the darkness than by
Sometimes all I really want and need is your love. I don't want letting the light in.
you to worry or think about anything; not what you think you I'm your Light, & I want to teach you how easy, how simple it is
should be doing or accomplishing for Me, or what you need Me for you to let Me in. It's not a complicated process, all you
to do for you, or any questions, just tune into Me, acknowledge practically have to do is flip the switch & turn it on. You don't
Me, love Me, & take note of that I'm here... have to build a lamp first, you can be the lamp. You don't have to
I'd prefer it if you'd come before Me more often with nothing else create a room or a vessel first, just be the vessel. Just be that
on your mind and heart but an openness and a space for Me to empty space to receive Me! That's pretty simple, isn't it? I know
fill, nothing but your receptivity. you can do that.
Like this I can fill into you whatever I like, whatever I see and You're pretty much always capable of just receiving My vibes, My
know you need most. Like this I can lead, guide & direct you peace, My love, and, unless you're too tired, also My Words of
totally in any direction I like, like a blind man, who simply has to love, comfort & instruction.
trust fully in his guide, as opposed to someone who sees and
has their own goals & destinations in mind. 437 __________________________________________________
Usually people come to their gurus, priests & teachers or Focus on the day that lies before you. What is there to learn
superiors with preset questions, but it's really nice, when for a today? - To do that you won't have to do tomorrow? Let My Spirit
change someone comes who doesn't need an answer or solution run through your spiritual "veins" & you'll know what to do, and
to a specific problem at all, but who simply comes for the anything you'll do will be "it."
company's sake, or simply because he likes the teacher's input,
because they're so wise, or so pleasant to be around, whatever. I've purposely made My people a peculiar, strange and imperfect
I want our relationship to become less "business" oriented and people, in order to separate & weed out those who thought they
more love-oriented; more "Me-&-you" oriented. It's perfectly okay were good enough in themselves.
when you have specific questions on your heart to ask Me. But Self-righteousness & pride are dangerous, because they stop
when you don't, don't feel as if you must make something up, in you from even seeing the need for forgiveness, because they
order to have a "legitimate" reason to come before Me & hear don't let you see your own sin. So, thank Me, even for your
from Me. All the reason you need is that you love Me and want besetting sins, for your lack of accomplishing great things, for
being so weak in the flesh, because all these factors are what contentment, but never happiness, that's one of the great
keep you humble, dependent on Me. mysteries about it all. And thus you see all these contented, self-
Having made My people less than perfect also helps to remind efficient people around, almost radiating an air of happiness...
everyone that it's got to be Me, and that there's no way that any almost, but not quite there. Because real happiness is only found
of which got accomplished was done by the efforts of the flesh, in something else, something deeper, in a path that the self-
which gives the glory to Me. Pride seeks the glory for itself. But if efficient and successful in this world barely ever discover, and
you've got enough reasons to keep you humble, then you don't you can see it in their faces. There is something that poor little
have as much of a problem with giving the glory to Me. old you have got that they can't quite fathom, can't put their
finger on, and that's your relationship of dependence on Me.
438 __________________________________________________ It's something very valuable, which you wouldn't want to lose,
You've got to focus on the good in order to maintain the and that's precisely why I've got to make sure that you stay in a
victory & not succumb to the overwhelming power and sheer position of relative insufficiency, so that you realize and
amount of evil displayed in the world. Stay on a positive remember constantly that you can't do anything without Me, you
wavelength. can't make it. Self-sufficient people are self-satisfied, but never
I want you to be on the alert. It's high time for a frontal attack happy.
against the lie behind the educational System and the System's You're not self-sufficient anymore, but you're happy. Your carnal
entire brainwash about evolution and other matters. mind still tempts you to seek that "good old" self-sufficiency, that
I have put this burden on your heart, to fight and counter their affluence, the success you had during the hey-day of your
barrage of lies in a more aggressive manner. Pick up that torch & compromising era.
light the landscape! What have you got to lose? The freedom to But with increasing affluence & ability to rely on the flesh, you
serve Me and yield My sword of truth without fear of losing the lose that dependence on Me, and thus, your connection with Me;
System's respect or your position only comes when you have no in other words: the source of your spiritual riches.
such thing to lose. So, the constant choice & battle is: flesh or spirit? What riches
Use the sword of godly knowledge to defeat the lies of Satan! do you prefer: the spiritual, or the carnal & material? The lasting,
Just because worldly knowledge & head stuffing is of the Enemy or the temporal? Happiness, or mere contentment & self-
doesn't rule out the fact that godly knowledge is a gift of My satisfaction?
Spirit! The facade of the successful looks deceivingly real and
authentic. Those expensive, plastic surgery smiles look very
439 __________________________________________________ convincing, and some do find glimpses of happiness; but usually
Memorization is one of the easiest & first ways to be a "doer" only because in My mercy I do allow them to experience
of the Word. It's part of discipleship. "The law of his God is in his moments of real love in their lives. But happiness is something
heart; none of his steps shall slide." It's one of the best only I can give, and you have to depend on Me for it, you cannot
safeguards you've got, and a needed sample for others to see work it up in your own flesh, your own efforts, and you have to
that you're making an effort to uphold the standard. trust Me for the means by which I choose to bring it about in your
life: often, not so much by gaining and accumulating, but by
440 __________________________________________________ losing that which was unnecessary, the excess weight of false
Bad times that draw you closer to Me, make you realize you perceptions, wrong attitudes, and, simply put, sin. "The sin,
can't do it without Me, make you appreciate Me and the fact that which doeth so easily beset us..." (Heb.12:1). Just cast it aside &
I'm around. Life in the perfect environment, the Garden of Eden, continue looking unto Me. Sin is all that will rob you of your true
wasn't exciting enough in the long run to keep Adam & Eve from happiness, all that will try to distract you from Me, will tell you,
the temptation of disobedience. As long as everything was so you don't really need Me, you can make it on your own, achieve it
easy & perfect, they didn't realize how badly they needed Me. by yourself, to make yourself happy.
Life on earth, with all its ups and downs, was created not only as Sin is giving in to the craving for the wrong type of input, the
a grand lesson & story to draw wisdom from for all eternity, but type that increases and exalts the flesh and starves and neglects
also as a means to draw My children, My brides, closer to Me. your spirit, your spiritual need, that "God-shaped hole" I've
Under circumstances in which you simply need Me for your bare created for Myself, & which only I can fill. But all it will lead to is
survival, you also learn to appreciate Me more. You can't ignore disappointment and further realization of where it's not at, unless
Me. The point is driven much closer to home of why I'm the most you're willing to live with a deception and a lie, which is, of
important part of everything, why I deserve to be praised & course, what many people do. They think and tell themselves that
worshiped and loved. that self-sufficiency and self-glory and satisfaction derived from
For someone as apparently self-efficient as Satan, for example, achievements & accomplishments is authentic happiness & the
and his powerful fallen angels, that was a lot harder to see, just sum of what mortals could strive for in life...
as it is for all his self-efficient human followers. Who needs God
when they manage just fine on their own? 441 __________________________________________________
You, My sheep, My children, and My brides, chosen before the There will remain mysteries, riddles and questions in life,
foundations of the earth, were destined not to be self-sufficient & things that you must take by faith, sometimes because they're
independent, but to be dependent on Me. You couldn't make it in part of your tests.
this world without My guidance & My care, as opposed to the You have My promises that I do everything for your best, that I
goats & wolves & dogs, who do. So, your insufficiency actually choose that path that is best for you, and you shouldn't compare
identifies you as one of Mine. "Blessed are the insufficient." with what another has that you don't. You simply have to keep
Blessed are they who can't make it on their own in this world, believing that I'm not being unfair. Those who get all the goodies
because they learn that they need Me and they give Me honor & during their earthly lives will unquestionably not be rewarded to
praise for the things that the others all take for granted: their the same extent in the next, as those who made the most out of
lives, every breath they take & every bite they eat, every piece of the little they had. The little, formerly unrecognized folks will be
clothing they wear & a roof over their heads. Being dependent on the big stars in Heaven. The rewards in Heaven will not be
Me is actually the greatest blessing there is, although it may be handed out unjustly.
well disguised or not easily recognized as such by people who My justice exceeds that of the world.
deem independence as such a desirable virtue. It's a test, sometimes, when you see all the evident "blessings"
For most people it's desirable to be independent, to show that of those who are reaping abundant benefits from their evil
they can make it on their own, that they manage just fine. They doings... But "be not envious of evildoers" (Ps.37)!
succeed, and they don't need help. They can pat themselves on
the back & are just perfectly content with life as it is... Content, 442 __________________________________________________
but not really happy. Because self-efficiency can maybe render Trials & battles with the System are to set you apart from
them, to draw you out from among them, to make you separate, taste better, but they actually aren't any better as far as nutritive
for I have chosen you out of the world; but the differences & value and health factors are concerned. And you were wondering
disputes you're having with your brothers, sisters & your mates how this coincides with people, how they actually seem to look
& the ones closest to you are to draw you to My bosom & to a better on the surface, almost as if to prove evolution right, but
position where you see that you can only wholly lean on Me. that they aren't any better when it comes to true and lasting
Happiness can only come from Me; not even from the close values. They've actually lost a lot of quality & "information" when
union with your brethren or with a wife or mate. You may be it comes to that.
living with the most perfect people in the world, but with the Although the best is yet to come in the world to come, as far as
wrong attitude in your own heart, and without that closeness to this momentary age is concerned, everything that has derived
Me, you still won't be happy. from the originals has deteriorated somewhat in the copying
Personal attacks from the Enemy remind you that I in you am the process. While some things seem to have gotten better on the
hope of glory. Without Me, there would be no hope, just as there surface, technology has improved, progressed & developed, & so
would be no light, and in order to go the right way, to keep sin have commodities, enabling people to live at much greater ease
out of your life, you constantly have to be facing toward Me & not than ever before, which again enables them to put much greater
turn your back on My light. Only in Me is your hope that you're emphasis on superficial things like their looks than ever before,
going to be walking the right path, a good path. Without Me which may give a certain appearance of genuine improvement;
you're going to get lost & make a mess of things. when it comes to a good, deep look beneath the surface, there is
I'm trying to get you to focus on Me constantly & see Me in actually no genuine improvement of life there. As people are
everything. finding out: with all the devices they're inventing to save time,
If you take Me with you wherever you go and in whatever you do, yet they always seem to be running out of time & seem to have
you'll be ready & prepared for whatever bad news or less time than ever.
circumstances less than perfect you may encounter. Nothing will That's why it pays to see things the way I see. That crummy
so easily defeat you & get you out of the victory then. But it's a looking root or vegetable your forefathers ate may have well
mindset you have to fight to acquire. To not just put Me on like been a much greater source of vitamins, minerals, & thus health
something you use when you feel like it. I want to "invade" & and nutrients, than all that "too-good-to-be-true" almost plastic-
occupy every territory of your being. like food they sell nowadays. And their hard and rough life-style
I want to get you to the point where you take it literally when I say may have rendered them greater genuine happiness than all of
without Me you can do NOTHING. today's technology & gimmicks can give you. And as far as looks
If you realize that every breath you breathe is a gift from Me, are concerned, I have made My view on this clear a long time ago
instead of taking it for granted, then you will also be grateful for in 1.Sam. 16:7: "The LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man
the other things I supply for you, instead of taking them for looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the
granted or despising them. heart."
You must anchor your spirit & soul firmly in Me in order for A lot of people may think that they are better than their
nothing to shake you. forefathers, that they may have "evolved" & progressed, but an
objective, un-biased look and comparison might tell a different
443 __________________________________________________ story, in which many of those who have lived before would shake
I've nearly always got something to say, the question is only their heads at the arrogance of today's population, to actually fall
whether you're willing or able to hear it! My Spirit is like a for such a gross deception to think that they have improved,
broadcasting station that never stops broadcasting, so, as long when, according to lasting standards & values, it is rather plain
as you've got a listening ear and a proper functioning receiver, I'll that man has deteriorated.
always have something to say. It's not that things have been perfect in the past, and in many
I'm not expecting you to give anything that you didn’t receive aspects, you have much greater means to spread the truth today,
from Me first. and those who are truly enlightened have more truth at their
disposal than ever before, but a lot also depends on what you do
444 __________________________________________________ with it. Even among believers, you'll find more courage, nobility
Nobility of spirit has a price. No crown without a cross. and sense of honor, discipline and self-sacrifice among the great
For some folks, the hardest part to bear about life is just being heroes of faith from the past than even among My most ardent
themselves & accepting the way they are. As if I was being believers and proclaimers of truth in this age.
terribly mean by creating them with this or that quirk or quality About the only human quality that has truly evolved beyond
that they detest so. recognition & to unimaginable proportions is their pride. It has
That’s one of the Devil's pre-eminent tactics of this day & age: by inflated, just like their currency. When it comes down to it, their
raising the standard of what people are supposed to be like to a entire system of values has just been blown up to look bigger,
totally unrealistic level via the media, he manages to make a lot but is so fragile; one little pin will put an end to it very rapidly.
of people totally dissatisfied with themselves. They just loathe
their own imperfection. 446 __________________________________________________
You've got to disarm the Devil's lies with the sword of the truth! As long as people still have a chance to be accepted by the
The truth is that if I love you and trust you and bestow so much crowd, they will do anything, make any compromise, tell any lie,
care and attention on you, invest so much time in you, then how commit any degree of (self-)deception in order to take that
can you dishonor My faith in you by having so little faith in chance. They will start smoking, in order to look just as "cool" as
yourself? If you cannot have faith for yourself, then at least have the rest, buy the same type of clothes (if they can afford it), start
the faith in Me that I know what I'm doing. I knew what I was drinking & acting in a way they normally wouldn't. They start
doing by choosing you. So, quit doubting! using a different language, etc., all in order to "fit in," to be part
When I tell you that without Me you can do nothing, I'm also of the crowd.
saying, but look at Me, and look at it this way: with Me, you can They want to look like everybody else, and the Devil scares them
do anything! There's nothing you cannot do, and "you can do all half out of their wits of being different in any way. That's his way
things, through Christ, which strengtheneth you" (Phil.4:13). of making sure that everybody will dance according to his tune.
What he calls popular shall be popular, what he calls "in" will be
445 __________________________________________________ "in," and what he declares to be the rules and the law, will be the
You were thinking of the loss of information in micro- rules and the law, by the sheer force of fear of being different,
evolution, and remembered that you read in a news article that despised & ridiculed.
fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious anymore as they used The only cure against all these fears is unconditional love; what
to be. They may look better through all that genetic the Bible calls "perfect love," which casts out all fears. Perfect
"enhancement" & manipulation, they may in some cases even love will love you in spite of your other-than-average looks or
dress or beavior. It will love you with all your quirks. makes a true believer out of you, an act way too difficult for
Fear is a social disease, Satan's biggest weapon to control the someone too full of themselves to sit still and listen, too self-
masses. They're victims. And if they refuse to admit that they're sufficient to be needing anybody's advice or help.
being influenced to be that way, then there isn't any more hope They're the type of believers like Cain, who get angry at anyone
for them to be cured than for a blind man who refuses to see. insinuating that they can't do it on their own. They've got to do it
It shows how hard it is to stay "real" and loyal to the truth when their way. They make their sacrifices to Me in their own way, they
you're right in the thick of the System! sacrifice what they deem worthy of being a sacrifice: not that
Periods of brokenness are virtually the only times when a human which I would really like, but some self-created effort of their own
being is willing to look through the facade of the System. hand, some product of their hands and sweat they can pride in
No one can receive anything from Me as long as they continue and show off before Me and the whole world: "behold what I have
and insist on deceiving themselves into believing that the accomplished!"
System is alright or doesn't have any negative influence on them. Isn't it sad when somebody is too full to receive? They want
They cannot accept or receive the truth, because they still cling admiration for what they've already accomplished, they want the
to the lie. praise & applause of the people, like Saul, instead of obeying &
There has got to be a vacuum for the truth, before they can hearkening. They already know it all, so "What could that old
receive anything from Me. prophet tell me, that I don't already know, anyway?"
There have - throughout history - none been so blind and
The curious and superficial in My days said, "Let's go and hear deceived as those who thought themselves to be enlightened
the miracle preacher!" They were after some kind of kick, & they and able to see. After all, those who claim to have already found
were in it for the loaves and fishes, or some diversion and the truth are the ones who oppose & try to drown out My true
entertainment of sorts. But they were living in the lie, that's why I, voices, not those who are still seeking & groping around in the
the Way, the Truth, and the Life, had nothing to offer to them. dark.
They were living in the way of death, the way of the flesh, the way It's much more comfortable for them to concoct their own
of the lie, the way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end "truth." It makes a lot more sense to them than My humiliating
thereof is destruction and death, but they were firmly convinced truth, which always says the exact opposite of what their pride
that their way was the right way, the way of life, and My way was and their flesh, their carnal mind tells them.
the way of death, and when I was finally crucified, it seemed to Those who refuse to drink in, to wholeheartedly receive My truth,
confirm to them that they had been right. That's why they all are they who have heard My Word & received the seed, but then
screamed, "crucify Him!" They wanted Me to die in order to prove the Enemy distorts it in their mind & turns it into some gospel of
that My way had been wrong, and theirs was right! And for 3 days their own, one which won't oppose him, but will live in peaceful
and nights it seemed as though they had been right. It seemed as coexistence with all he stands for, and thus, will always sooner
if the Devil had won, but when I rose, that's when the true story or later begin working against Me.
really began, as My power was multiplied manifold in My Not being able to receive correction of any kind is a symptom of
disciples. this, because they simply don't possess the humility to take any
Sometimes you've got to overcome death first, in order to really form of criticism or indicator that they are not quite on the right
break through to life. path, that they ought to change something about the way they're
Well, that's what I did for all of you! I have overcome death for doing things and the direction in which they're going.
you, I plucked out its sting, so that you could all partake of My
life - My unending life, life eternal, life forevermore, life ever- 449 __________________________________________________
increasing. The only way to get more love to pass on is by receiving it
So, pity them for their short-sightedness and insistance of from Me, by becoming a receiver, a true believer, first, drinking it
"knowing" that their way is right, and that their knowledge is the in.
truth. It's comparable to the way a child sometimes is convinced Sometimes people don't have it within them to walk the path of
to be in the right, only to find out differently after a little while. "I truth, but they want to, so badly - yet without having to pay the
was wrong" are still the hardest words in any language, and price for it - that they deceive themselves into thinking they are,
finding out that all you've been brought up to think and "know" that their own little way that they're carving for themselves, is
was lies, takes a courageous step to admit, that only few are indeed the path of truth. The most important thing to them is that
willing to take. it's their own, some achievement of their own that they can be
proud of. Otherwise they would have to give Me the glory for it,
447 __________________________________________________ as something I was achieving through them in spite of their own
Sometimes the enemy has to be exposed first before you shortcomings & failures, & that is something they're not able to
even know who you're fighting against. Sometimes he has to be accept. They create their own little "form of godliness without the
allowed to get under your skin, so that you realize how power thereof."
dangerous he can be, how much damage he can cause, and for They think they find Me in their own minds, instead of in My
you to determine that you're not going to allow him & let him get Word. Never would it occur to them to which lengths the Devil
away with it. goes since thousands of years to deceive the children of men.
How can I teach you to fight without a battle? The Enemy is right They underestimate the importance of My Word, which I have
there, right in your own midst, and you have to learn to realize given as a standard to discern between right and wrong, true and
how he manipulates your pride, your selfishness, your desires of false, truth and lie. Instead, they rely on their own minds as
the flesh, your laziness, your addictions & your worldliness, in powerful enough to be able to do so.
order to become alert enough to go on the attack against him, Cain and Abel were both believers. One loved Me and the other
instead of continuing in a state of truce and peaceful coexistence one didn't. He only did whatever he deemed right in his own
with him. mind, and demanded that I should be pleased with it. He was too
My way is a very hard way to walk for the proud. Blessed are the full of himself to care about what I wanted.
450 __________________________________________________
448 __________________________________________________ The prince of the power of the air and god of this world with
In order to become a true believer, one has to dig much all his host - physical and spiritual - is your enemy, and he'll try
deeper than those who just scratch around a bit at the surface of everything he can to stop you from succeeding in spreading My
the matter & then think they know it all. One of the first steps to message. That's why you must pray vehemently against him, for
become a true believer is to find the real meaning of the word "to he influences the weather, he influences his followers on earth to
believe," which comes from the Greek word "pistevo," which mean you harm, to turn the odds against you in any way he can,
means to "drink in." It's the act of receiving and drinking in that but if you stay close to Me and do what you can in order to defeat
him, to get ahold of Me and My protection, you'll see that in spite you're going to make it. You may still have to work on some
of all his efforts, you will still win. things, but I know by God's grace you're going to get there."
You can't just let him pull his tricks and do nothing about it! If you know that I believe in you in spite of your flaws, then you
Don't make the mistake of not recognizing your enemies, and can believe in them, too.
underestimating them. The Devil is capable of doing anything The next step after proving you really believe in Me is proving
except those things you ask Me to stop him from doing, so, it that you believe in what I'm doing in your fellowmen and believe
sure pays to pray so that I can send out My forces before you, to in them, also.
prepare the way, the hearts, and everything that needs to be If you believe in Me, then it's okay to believe in you, too, because
taken care of. by believing in Me like a true believer does, receiving from Me
The god of forces is on your heels as Pharaoh's armies were that which is necessary to make you what you should be, you will
after Moses & the children of Israel before the Red sea. When you become someone that others can trust in.
"wade in the water," remember that it will have been I who has If it's just you, without Me, if there's no connection with Me, then
delivered you from their attempts to wipe you out & cause you to you might not really be trustworthy, simply because the Enemy
fail! can short-circuit you and cause you to make some serious
mistakes & thus become less reliable. But as long as someone is
451 __________________________________________________ making sincere efforts to come close to Me, not for any glorious
It's not because of My capacity to give that the flow ever elevation of self's sake, but really only for the love of Me, the love
stops, but only because of your limited capacity to receive. of truth, and the love of love itself, it's okay, you can trust such a
Faith means nothing more than the extent of your capacity to person.
receive. I know I can believe in you because of the amount of belief &
If you've got the obedient kind of faith with an attitude of "ready trust you place in Me. I know you won't get tripped off too quickly
to go, ready to stay, ready my place to fill...," then I will just give or go astray, I know you're firmly anchored in My love, and that's
you the kind of inspiration, power and gifts to spur you into what strengthens My faith in you. I know you're keeping your will
action. on My side, you want to do what's My will, and since your
The kind of love I have is a gift that you can only receive from Me, decisions are always going to be in My favor that way, I can see
it's nothing you can work up in the flesh or through your own to it that nothing is going to tear you lose from Me or cause you
efforts. to stray, and thus My faith in you grows stronger & stronger;
It's a gift you need to learn to receive and learn to apply; the gift unshakable.
of unconditional love. I can forgive you for all your mistakes and sins because I can see
Open the range of the power of this gift in your life to others you're going to make it in spite of them. I can see you becoming
around you, extending the same mantle, the same veil cast over clean of them, because you love Me more than anything else. I
countless sins, over anyone else you meet, so that they can truly might still have to let you pass through some more of the
see My love for them in your eyes. cleaning and purging process, and it's not as if you're perfect
It won't be naíve & childish love that’s oblivious to all the evil yet, but that's what's wrong about the concept people have: who
that’s there, but mature love that has seen to what depth man has says someone has to be perfect in order to believe in them?
sunk, and yet willing to extend a hand and show a way out of I'm perfect, and I can make you perfect, too, and I will, in My own
those depths, saying, "you don't have to stay down there, if you good time, and as the whole universe one day will behold with
don't want to," just like I have shown you the way out. I have joy. You will all become like Me, & all the old filth will be
pulled you out of the depth of your own sin time and again, in the forgotten, to be remembered no more.
hopes that you'll learn to extend that same mercy on others. That's why one life is enough tor Me to make you all you've got to
If you start thinking something negative about a person, be. And if you don't make it during your life-time, there are places
remember that I love them, died for them, and that I love them in the spirit world to continue learning; an adequate place for
just as much as you, and that I would like you to be a vessel and every soul ever created. I and the Father know exactly what each
instrument of My love for them. Most people just don't know any one needs to come to repentance and enlightenment.
better than being the way they are, and even the knowledge So, you can even believe in the worst sinner out there. I believed
acquired from My Word didn't protect you from erring, either. It's in him enough to die for him, so you can believe in him, too, that
a matter of the heart, and as you've learned, "the heart speaks to eventually, I'm going to see him through to the point where he
the heart." You've got to learn that language of the heart, the can see clearly, too, what it's all about.
communication from heart to heart, that's what's going to touch Some take advantage of this great mercy and forgiveness, but
lives, change people, and consequently, change the world. you've got to believe in them, anyway. You've got to believe that
Words won't do you any good if you just keep them up there in every iniquity is going to be purged, & someday it's all going to
your head. You need to reach out & apply them on a heart-to- be okay.
heart level, saying "I understand. I've been there, too. But He Until then, just do all that you can to help them to see the light,
pulled Me out, & I know He can do it for you!" the sooner the better. You can relieve a lot of suffering and
It doesn't matter if they're older, supposedly wiser, or if they painful waiting in the darkness for others, so bring them the light
should know better than the way they're acting... These of the truth now, lest they perish without it. They might and
circumstances don't really rule the matters of the heart. Maybe eventually will find it on the other side, but a life that has been
I've ordained you to be the carrier of the spark that will ignite touched by My heavenly light is something much more
their flame... Don't underestimate the purpose for which I've worthwhile remembering than one that hasn't.
created you, the way and extent to which I could use you, the Give them the greatest gift, one worthwhile remembering when
extent to which I can use you to touch others' lives, if you will their life is over... There was someone that believed in them
only let Me and allow My unconditional love to pour and flow enough to bring them My light.
through you.
The lesson about forgiveness is an important one. If you can look 453 __________________________________________________
into another human's eye with a love that says, "God has I have given you the weapon of prophecy, now you must use
forgiven you," there'll be a power going out from you that IS it. You can't just use a weapon at a certain time a day, when you
going to affect & change your world in some way or another, choose to practice with it, but during the fight & when the battle
trust Me. is hot, that's when you need it the most and your skill with it
comes in the most handy, and when it also will be tested the
452 __________________________________________________ most, for what it's worth.
Becoming aware of a failure is the first step towards
correcting it. I believe in you! That's in essence what you're 454 __________________________________________________
saying when you forgive someone: "I believe in you! I believe It's a rare event that a singer enjoys the concert, just as it is a
rare event that a fighter enjoys the battle. It's rare, but not greatest gifts.
impossible. It's the rare art I want you to learn. Even though you It doesn't matter to Me how "perfect" or smart or rich or beautiful
naturally don't like to fight, you can be trained to like it, and once anyone is; what counts is their dedication to Me, and in being
you thrive in the face of adversities, then circumstances have largely willing to be more separate from the world than any other
truly become irrelevant, and then you'll be able to enjoy whatever church or group, the Family has merited that favored position of
you do, under whatever conditions. being My totally called-out ones, those who are not in any way
Adversities are necessary for you not to become too spoiled. You part of the System.
need them. You want to become stronger? That's what it takes. There is no such thing as some sort of acceptable & peaceful
coexistence with the System, and the idea alone is an
455 __________________________________________________ abomination to Me. You must recognize the System for where it's
Sometimes all you need to do is avail yourself of the power at. It's not your friend. Oh, you may have friends there, or future
that's at your disposal, intead of leaning on your carnal abilities. friends, and it's those I want you to seek out, and if possible, call
Weapons are for using. out, too; but it must all be under the general understanding that
the System is usurped by the Enemy, and thus there is nothing
456 __________________________________________________ good about it, nothing acceptable, nothing you could or should
To hell with the old way. Open your life to My new, compromise with, seek to be friends with.
unconventional way, the way on which you'll have to trust Me for I have to be tough on this point, because the more you dream
every step. about possible success in the System, the more you will allow
I will protect you & will not allow any harm to come to you. your energies & efforts to be diverted away from My cause. You
The more you show that you can live apart from the System and must turn your focus on the individuals I want you to reach, but
independently of it, the stronger your testimony and witness will away from the System as a whole. The System as a whole is evil.
be, because the more genuine will be the hope you'll emit to I want you to hate the System. That's why it's important that you
others, that there really is an alternative. The less you are keep exposing it and let no doubt remain inside your own heart
affected by clichés & what people think about you, the better. about its hopeless corruption.
Let them know you don't care what they think about you, for that The majority of Christians believe that the System's going to turn
shows freedom from one of the strongest chains with which out alright, that everything will pan out in the end, and there will
Satan has the majority of the masses bound... the chains of be a peaceful happy ending... They don't see to which extent the
conformity, of fear of being unaccepted & looked down on. There System is infiltrated and run by the Devil, they're deceiving
are others, at the bottom of society, who also don't care about themselves.
these things, and when you're on their level in the physical, but Any notion of peace with the System is a false notion. It's wrong,
on Mine in the spiritual, then you allow Me to see eye to eye a lie and a deception.
through you with every man, just as I did when I walked the earth. Anything that would serve to build up your reputation, your
I descended to the level of the lowest of the low, not being a image with the System, your respectabilty - unless in direct
respecter of persons, and I want you to follow in My footsteps. reference to your being a part of My Family or as a witness for Me
- is a loss for My Cause, because it's a gain for your worldly
457 __________________________________________________ cause, which will tear you away from the Cause of My Kingdom.
In order to be healed of a spiritual disease like worldliness or You must resist the temptation and the desire to be a respected
a love for the world, one has to recognize it as a disease first, part of the System. I want you to be a true rebel, not some
and desire to be healed of it, that's the first step. compromising, half-hearted "friend of both sides."
You've got to shift your trust and sense of priorities all the way
over to Me, otherwise, if your main incentive continues to be your 460 __________________________________________________
physical and financial security, you won't ever be able to burn The more NWOs you have, the more you need to work on, the
free in your ministry, but it will always have a bit of that "tent more there is to learn from. If everybody would be all good all the
making" status & flair to it, as opposed to being one of My wild & time, then there wouldn't be anything to learn. "Bad" has a
free witnesses. purpose, and I'm going to turn it into good. There's no bad that
I want your major concern each day not to be your own bank My heavenly key power cannot turn into good.
account or your needs, but the state the world is in, and wonder In fact, there is no bad that My heavenly key power will not turn
what you can do about it, what you can do to wake up more into good.
people & rally them to My cause. If you look at the bad from this angle, knowing that sooner or
later I'm going to turn it into good, it doesn't look all that bad
458 __________________________________________________ anymore, does it? Sure, the Devil tries to make it look so bad that
As long as you seek to accomplish anything that will boost to the rational mind it looks impossible that I could ever turn it
or strengthen or secure your own ego, it's the wrong attitude. If into good, but I will, at least for all those who love Me.
it's nothing but My glory you seek, then it's the right one. Just like everything that happened in your past, even before you
You've got to make it a habit to give Me the glory for things, just received Me, turned out to have been for your good, so I will also
as you need to cultivate the habit of praying regularly, reading be able to turn the unbelievers' past into their good, once they
the Word regularly, etc., and hearing from Me. After anything you will turn to Me. There's really nothing impossible to Me!
did or participated in that you consider a success, rest for a few Come out of your finite & limited world & breathe a whiff of My
minuted to give Me thanks and the glory. Otherwise it will only heavenly, fresh air of "no impossibilities" and "no limits." Allow
strengthen your flesh and its desires to gain ground & secure its Me to expand your horizon and stretch your faith, your focus and
own existence; "saving your life," instead of losing it for My your vision & point you further than your temporary horizon that
sake. you saw when you were still dealing with the little numbers &
You can sanctify things through praise & prayer and limitations of the world.
thanksgiving, and by sanctifying them, you can make them less The Devil's goal is to limit everyone. Subtly, he does so under a
subject to time, corruption and erosion... Try it! See if blessings cloak & pretense of "liberating" them from the supposed narrow-
won't last longer if you sanctify them through your praises to Me! mindedness of Christianity and conservative religionism. He
pretends to be their liberator, when he's really the limiter. I'm the
459 __________________________________________________ one who opens the lid & stretches the horizon beyond limits, but
You have a real alternative to offer. Not a perfect one, but a he always tries to put it back on & keep everyone boiling inside
real one. his kettle.
Your greatest testimony is your "apartness" from the System; it's The Devil's trying to exert pressure on you from the outside to
in My eyes your greatest forte, and the reason why I have chosen bluff you into believing that circumstances still have power over
the Family as My favored bride upon which I have bestowed My you. He reminds you, "But what about this... and what about
that? Shouldn't you be worried about this thing and that?..." That's how abundant My flow is, how ever-present My power, My
He knows that if I can get you to truly and fully trust in Me, He comfort, My Holy Spirit with all Her gifts of prophecy, miracles,
won't have any chance whatsoever to control or manipulate or healing, wisdom, knowledge, tongues, discernment,
influence you in any way. interpretation and faith! Plus the most excellent of all, which
sums them all up: love.
461 __________________________________________________ I never run out of mysteries to reveal to you. I crave to fill you to
You can only be a true friend to anyone by being apart from the brim.
the System, because Systemites are just groomed & trained to You need to drink a lot, both, physically and spiritually. My water
think about themselves & secure their own welfare. There may be serves multiple purposes: it nourishes & cleanses, keeps your
children of Mine inside the System who may be exceptions to system agile and well circulated.
that, but as soon as you seek success & recognition with the My living waters are the very essence of life; they're the
System, you turn into someone facing away from My light, and substance of which the worlds were made. Just as the keys have
thus unable to help anyone, unable to be genuinely concerned creative power, My Word has creative power. The keys and My
about others and their needs. Word are one. Just as My Word unlocks your understanding to
I have chosen you to be one of My called-out ones, one of My greater things, which you didn't know before, so the keys are a
true ecclesia, destined to be apart from the System, and not a manifestation of all the things you need and would like to have
part of it! that are still missing in order to get you to your goal. They're all-
You have been blessed with a greater privilege, a higher calling powerful. They're each a token of My omnipotence, but in a form
than just to tickle other believers' ears & make them feel more that's tangible for you. You just grab them, and you avail yourself
comfy with their compromising existence of acceptance of half- of My omnipotence and miracle-power.
truths & deceptions & following the Whore of false religion and How futile and foolish it is to be focusing on your needs and
spirituality down to destruction. lacks, and allow them to limit you? As soon as you'll be ready, as
Remember the vision of the armies of the Devil riding on the soon as you'll know exactly what My purpose and vision is for
shoulders & backs of millions of duped Christians, marching you, as soon as you've got your vision straight, you're going to
against My much smaller band of true believers. get all that you need in order to make it happen.
The degree to which decption has crept into the churches has
grown manifold over the past centuries, even though it may look 464 __________________________________________________
on the surface as if some kind of revival had taken place, and Expansion is the name of the game, as far as I'm concerned:
they seem to be more enlightened than ever. If they're so expansion of your horizon, your vision, your faith, your spiritual
enlightened, why are so few of them speaking up against the muscles & of the range & limits you have known & conquered
hypocrisy, deceipt and crimes perpetrated by their own, thus far. There's always more. Never let your mind limit you to
supposedly Christian governments? that which you have already known before, there's always more
to find out, new things to discover, to explore, to learn.
462 __________________________________________________ Pray for new visions, new ideas, new methods & new territories
Thank you for being willing to be a nothing and nobody in to explore, for new souls, new people, new friends, new contacts.
this world. It's the only way to rise to everlasting fame and glory. Pray for new faith for new things, new goals... pray for newness
If you realize just how wicked the world is, you wouldn't want to & change, a new outlook, a new horizon. Pray against fear of the
have any part in it, much less assume a position of prominence & new, against that feeling that makes you uncomfortable about the
fame in it. prospects of impending change, against the old rut that always
It's a little bit like those who were famous under Hitler's reign, or makes you feel more comfortable with things staying the way
during the time of the GDR in East Germany: nobody wanted to you've always known them, always had'em. Don't let any dust
hear or see them anymore after the war, or after the wall came settle in your life! Don't accumulate, but keep going, keep
down. You're one of those voices now that cry out in outrage moving, keep burning! You keep burning energy, you keep
against the atrocities of the System, while the others are spending yourself... that's what it means to live. To stagnate is
collaborators. Only the rebels will be remembered after the the opposite: corrosion, lack of movement, gaining weight,
liberation from a wicked regime, the collaborators will be clinging to the old. The newness of constant change is what will
forgotten. keep you alive.
It may all look so "free" and "liberal" on the surface, but you can Staying alive is not accomplished by trying to preserve what
see below the surface & tell what's really going on. you've got, but by virtually burning and spending it, trusting that
I will constantly refill you with new energy & life! That's truly
I can see who is compromising with the powers that be, and who staying alive. That's the only true life there is at all.
is really dropped out.
You can't possibly revolute against the System while you're still a 465 __________________________________________________
part of it. Each one of you IS a living revolution, allowing Me to I'm teaching you how to love, the most important and biggest
revolute your lives, to let Me turn it right-side-up, in order for you lesson in life. I want you to learn love from Me. From the way I
to cause genuine spiritual revolutions in the lives of others, but love you, you can learn how to love others.
also, to constitute a living symbol & message that there IS a true If I am excited whenever you are, and respond to whatever
alternative to the System. wavelength you happen to be on, or whatever mood you happen
That's something you dare not let the Devil destroy by lukewarm to be in, then this means that I want you to do the same for each
compromise with the very forces and establishments I want you other.
to be a living witness and testimony against. I don't give up on you prematurely, but I love you with a love
Every minute you invest in establishing your foothold in the which “hopeth all things, beareth all things, believeth all things,"
System, in strengthening your reputation with the System, etc., is and never fails, never stops loving, never quits hoping, never
time taken away from Me, that you could have been investing in stops believing in you.
My Kingdom. It's really true: you cannot serve God and Mammon, The Devil would love to get you to stop believing in each other.
for either you'll be spending your time serving Me, or you won't. But remember what I told you: if I believe in them, then you can
Enjoy your freedom to be different. believe in them, too; or if you can't, at least you can believe Me
Why try in your own strength to add cubits to your stature, when for them, that I will help them make it. And you can help Me help
all things come from Me in the first place? them make it by praying for them. It's a bit like that quote about
shepherds: "If you can't trust your leaders, you can at least trust
463 __________________________________________________ the Lord for your leaders."
Just open the faucet! All you've got to do is turn it, open it & Well, the same applies to your followers, your children, or
let it pour, according to your desire, according to your thirst. anyone you live with. Have a little faith in them. Even if they fail
or lag behind. In My book, you can score a lot of points by being honest
A true leader, one who's really out for living successfully in unity with people.
and community, manages to inspire others & encourage others It's an art to be able to tell people their flaws in the right way, and
about their gifts, their role, their position, the place that I want few possess it. So few are willing to follow in My footsteps in this
them to fill. A good leader & true shepherd makes his co- aspect.
followers feel needed. Everybody wants to copy Me when it comes to doing the
Get excited with others, about whatever they happen to get obviously good things: to help and heal and feed people and tell
excited about. them nice, faith-building and encouraging stories. Some even
How about an "anti-coolness campaign?" Get on fire for Me, and like to challenge others with the more daring parts of My
you'll see, people will start sharing your excitement once you message. But to really confront people eye to eye with their sins
show that you're making an effort to share theirs. "The real without self-righteous hypocrisy seems to be a tough one that
believers get excited and praise the Lord!" Are you a real only few feel called to.
believer? Here's another quality and trademark of a true believer: Being a shepherd or even simply a brother entails the love and
not only do they receive and drink in constantly from Me, but honesty not just to silently accept another's failure, which you
they also get excited about it. So, one way people will be able to know is going to harm and impede their fruitfulness and
tell how much of a real believer you are is going to be by seeing happiness for Me, but to courageously and lovingly confront
how excited you are, and by how much you praise Me! them about it.
Life is too beautiful, too important, too significant, too precious When you choose not to tell people the truth you see about them,
to be wasting it in a state of mediocre "coolness" and lack of you abandon them in some way and give up on them. You don't
emotion, thrills, joy and excitement about anything. Get some believe or have hopes that telling them the truth would do any
heat into your life! Coolness is a manifestation of pride. It's the good, and thus you label them as incorrigibles and hopeless
refusal to show participation, to be willing to get excited with cases.
someone else. It's a lack of love & shows once again how It's simply something that My followers are going to have to learn
humility equals love, and pride stands for the lack of it. to be more willing to deal with. You can't just ignore a sickness
Love equals the ability to show you share their excitement, or disease, nor would anyone ignore the fact that they might
instead of quenching it with the usual indifference & "coolness." need a bath desperately. But when it comes to spiritual health &
Today's section of the never-ending lesson of love is called cleanliness, people are a lot more slack & tolerant of evil.
"sharing excitement." It's an important ingredient & way of That's basically what it's all about: people's individual tolerance
showing love. Share the excitement! Share the joy! level of evil. How willing are you to accept evil in your life? How
If someone doesn't share the joy & refuses to get excited, that's ready are you for compromise with evil? Some people's levels
no reason to let them drag you down to their level. Don't just are higher or lower than others'.
remain "cool" or indifferent, but get excited. Spread some fire!
468 __________________________________________________
466 __________________________________________________ If you realize that correction is an important ingredient of
You need to get onto the plain of loving people in spite of love, and confronting someone honestly about something you
their flaws. see they're doing wrong is a real token of true love, then your
Faith, hope & love go hand in hand. If you have love for people attitude to correction will change.
and faith in them, then your hope for the future also increases, How much nicer is it to be told by a true friend what they think is
because you learn to look past the circumstances and wrong with you than just the deafening silence of those who
conditions, past the way things are, and beyond their current don't want to confront you with it!
state, to a future where all things are the way they ought to be. Forgiveness is the goal. Sometimes you've just got to be
The trick is to accept them right now and the way they are with a generous & forgive someone, even if you haven't received an
love that looks way past all their present imperfections, and sees opportunity to tell the other party how you see it. All you can do
them as perfect, because I, the perfect One, created them the way is trust Me that I'll take care of it in My own, perfect way.
they are for a perfect reason. You just have to take people for what they are. They're each
Hope is connected with acceptance. If you learn to accept the different. None of them are the same, like pebbles: the variety is
way things are, if you're willing to fully absorb reality the way I incredible and endless. No 2 rocks are the same.
made it for you, even if you don't think it's perfect, but trust that You look at them and enjoy them, absorb them, their shape, the
if I made these circumstances for you, then they must serve a way they're made, and you just accept them the way they are,
perfect purpose, then you can also have more hope for a better even if some of them seem to have some rough edges that can
future. You may not think things are perfect right now, but even hurt you, or some ugly side, maybe some slime or mud at
because of your faith in Me, you can hope that they're working the bottom that needs to be washed off. They're still just another
together for good toward a better future, a better outcome of pebble, like you are, and all together you form the river bed
things in the future. through which My mighty river of life-giving waters can flow; My
That includes accepting people - yourself, and anybody you can conduits to bring life to the world.
think of. They all may have a looong list of NWOs, but they're Rivers are really good examples of My churches: some of them
only going to ever be able to even begin making progress with are polluted, and you dare not drink their water or bathe in them.
them if they're being loved. Others are good and clean to enjoy at the places where they are
In order to punch through to the ability to love people , you've young, and as they flow on, they also become victims of
got to punch through to Me! pollution. Then others have been known to be polluted in the
You've got to let My heart speak to your heart, in order for your past, but have been cleansed since. There are tiny little rivers of
heart to be able to speak to theirs. Everything is a matter of the pure, fresh and clean water, which hardly anybody knows, and
heart. there are mighty, raging rivers, which give life to many.
It's gotta be the heart. Hope is a matter of the heart. Faith has got As you flow, you progress, and you change, and you will all wind
to be a matter of the heart in order to become really real and spur up in the same place: the sea, where you'll all become one in Me.
you on to works and deeds which prove that your faith is alive; Then all differences will have been washed away and have
and love certainly also is a matter of the heart, not just a become irrelevant; they will have subsided & made room for total
"concept" you can grasp. You either love or you don't. And if you unity, total and complete oneness, each drop of water basically
don't, then now is as good a time to start as ever. Just turn on looking the same, and in their time climbing up again, in the rays
the switch. You've just got to determine that you want it & then of the sun, to descend upon the earth again and be poured back
do it. into the earth... into the river... the circle of life.
Clear, clean water will reflect what it sees. Only when there's dirt
467 __________________________________________________ and darkness you have a problem with revealing what you see
and observe. You're subject to flaws & mistakes just like everybody else & you
If you can communicate in love and just share without inhibitions should thus stay open for suggestions & improvement.
or fears what you see, you will progress, you will advance and Sometimes it's a fight to avoid mediocrity! Mediocrity occurs
get further toward the goal. Withholding, withdrawing, holding when someone is all too quickly satisfied with a result that would
back and refusal and seclusion will lead to stagnation. Openness still show room for improvement.
brings you further. Openness toward each other, to both learn My work and personal pride and ambition just don't jive.
from and teach each other, to care and be cared for, to receive I call dedication to a job, when someone is just so willing to
and to share, to shepherd and correct, as well as be shepherded become whatever they're supposed to become, they forget about
and corrected. everything else. They're willing to do the humble thing, to play
the lowly role, they're willing to not look so hot, or even
469 __________________________________________________ downright ugly for the cause, the message coming across. The
I pour out Myself to you through everything: the sunshine, message is what counts, and all they consider themselves is a
the blue sky, the call of the birds, your loved ones,... everything humble vessel to bring it across, nothing else.
is a token of My love for you. Even when the sky is gray, it's to
draw you closer to Me and remind you that there's a better world 474 __________________________________________________
waiting for you. I'm always right here, waiting for you with open When you don't make an effort, when you're not on the attack
arms, and you're never alone, don't ever forget that, and don't and in fighting mode, but just tend to passively drift & let
forget to tell others. That's the most important point I'd like you everything just happen, then the tendency is usually downward.
to get across, along with the fact that there's hope for anyone. There are moments when you can just relax and moments
If you put Me first, you will progress & grow to a point where you without tension, but you should use even those to make
can say you're not the same man that you were yesterday. You're additional headway.
a bit wiser today. Let the Devil know you're not the same man he You usually don't really fight unless you're being attacked. You
licked so easily some time ago! fend off the Enemy when you're being attacked, but that's not
There is a big advantage in not being so spoiled that you can't how you expand, how you gain territory, how you progress. In
appreciate the little things in life. order to do that, you need more of an aggressive approach.
The Devil realized that it's much easier to corrupt people by that The minute you just settle down to enjoy what you've got is the
constant flow of wealth, than by poverty. Poverty will make them moment you start becoming an old bottle. I have to allow the
desperate, will make them return to Me and pray, will make them Enemy to stir up some trouble for you, in order to get you
appreciate whatever little thing they've got. But constant wealth fighting & shake you out of your happy little world syndrome &
will make them despise nearly everything and take it for granted. remind you that it's a war, and you can't take anything for
It makes you lose the power & will to fight the very fight of life. granted.
You can't afford to just drift through life without making any
470 __________________________________________________ progress, because if you're not making any advances into the
The more other stuff you have to fill your vacuum with, the Devil's territory to snatch something away from him, then he will
less you turn to Me to fill you. But if you voluntarily choose to advance into yours & see what he can rip off from you.
forego some of the surrogates, then it doesn't have to be so. This doesn't mean that I don't ever want you to relax to enjoy life,
This is the art of voluntarily forsaking something instead of but you need to keep up an advancing attitude. The times when
waiting until I take it away from you. It's also called sacrificing or you don't have any outstanding battles to fight should not be
trimming the fat. considered times of truce, but you should use them to advance,
to make progress somehow, by giving Me the glory for what you
471 __________________________________________________ enjoy, by integrating Me more in those times.
If the situation is bad, change it! I have given you the power You're still in the gear of assigning certain times & activities
to change your situation! But problems are more often than not throughout the day to Me, and exclude Me from the others. You
being caused not by your circumstances, but your own attitudes, don't really stay in receiving mode or connected with Me. You
your "system settings." Your attitude affects the way you are don't make a special effort to see Me in it, to get a lesson out of
going to function, just as the settings of your computer will affect it, to use it in some aspect to advance or to bring about some
its usability & effectiveness. gain for My Kingdom.
If your monitor settings are too dark, then you won't see clearly. Hearing from Me is already a lot more than what most Christians
Or if your system is overloaded with too much clutter, that won't do, but you shouldn't be satisfied with that. You need to stay on
do you much good, either; it's going to slow you down. the attack and in advance mode. You've got to have a conquering
Remember that sometimes less is more! attitude, not one of mere preservation what you've got. There's
You're resting mentally on the fact that your survival is more or more, lots more out there to win and gain and accomplish for Me.
less secured, so gone is the desperation that kept driving you The point that trying to accomplish things in the flesh is futile
into My arms. The securities of this world work contrary to My doesn't mean that you're not supposed to accomplish anything.
workings & plans & purpose. You can constantly look out for opportunities of how I can turn
something along your path into a victory, an advance or
472 __________________________________________________ advantage for My Kingdom. You've got to seize those
It's a matter of attitude & mindset. You just need to set your opportunities, seize the day, and not just let it pass you by.
mind to do these things, to observe them, & to keep them up. In order to really seize the day, you've got to be the one who
They've got to become rules in your life that you keep, & that are takes the offensive, instead of just being on the defense and only
stronger than circumstances, you won't bend them. You'll refuse fighting back when you're being attacked! That's why witnessing
to be tempted to neglect doing the right thing, regardless of is so healthy, spiritually: it's a way to lead offensive warfare, of
whatever circumstances might try to press you into strengthening your spiritual muscles & fighting skills.
compromising & not doing what you know is the right thing to By not exercising your muscles, you're allowing weakness,
do. deterioration and decay to slowly creep up on you and take the
upper hand, instead of actively fighting for life. Take a pro-life
473 __________________________________________________ stand!
There’s always room for improvement! Be more positive, be more definite! Don't just let circumstances
I'm constantly keeping the pride/humility factor in mind when I'm overtake you and overwhelm you and determine your days!
giving you something, which is why I hardly ever give you Get more out of a day! Strengthen your spiritual muscles. You
anything that's already perfect in itself. It's just not possible for a need that preparation!
human being to stay humble if everything they accomplish
always turns out perfect. 475 __________________________________________________
Don't forget the most important part about witnessing: something that takes time.
drawing in the net! It would be pretty senseless for fishermen to
be leaving their nets in the water forever without ever drawing 478 __________________________________________________
them in, wouldn't it? Don't forget to draw in the net! Sometimes If love is My strength and power, then the inability to love, is
you may think, "Oh, maybe this is too early," but then you're also what spells weakness to Me. If love is what life's supposed to be
risking hesitating too long and letting the fish get away again! all about, then failure to love & show love, is failure indeed. I
So, be more on the ball, have more conviction about getting them don't judge anyone by how successful at business they were or
saved, and be more determined to get the person you're how much money they brought home, but by how much love they
witnessing to saved! It's unorthodox to ask people to pray with show. If "being a good provider" kept you so busy that you never
you, it may be unheard of, but it's still the right thing to do in had any time to show love for your family, then I don't care how
such a situation! much money you brought home, I would still consider such a life
It's like the difference between talking about sex and actually a failure, if caring for your family's physical needs distracted you
doing it. It's almost like teasing to only be talking about it without from showing your love & affection through your interactions
delivering the goods! You'd almost prefer people to stop talking with your family.
about it instead of teasing you forever by only talking about it. And that applies to any other activity you might get enwrapped
And that's how it is with witnessing and Salvation! Stop talking in. Nothing is more important than love.
about it! Stop talking about Salvation when they're ready to get
saved! Get them saved! Don't be hesitant to draw in the net when 479 __________________________________________________
they're ripe and ready. It's better to ask them too early than too You have to make an effort in order to reap a harvest; you
late! You can always ask a second or a third time. can't just expect the fruit to fall into your lap!
"Everybody gets a second chance!" I don't mind you having fun! I want satisfied customers, they're
the best advertisement. I can't really use suffering salesmen, who
476 __________________________________________________ walk about with a gloomy look on their faces, not really looking
I'm stretching your capabilities to love, as well as your faith as if they were sold out on My product at all.
in people: to continue to believe in them, even when The world wants to see happy faces. They've known enough hell,
circumstances are bleak, and they look to you almost like your & they want to see a little bit of heaven, and that's what you've
very enemies. got to show, if you can live it.
I was and am more serious about "loving your enemies" than you It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do it unto Me and
may have thought. with your whole heart. Whatever you've got the faith, burden and
Unfortunately, Christians wage war against their enemies, while vision for - it's all yours.
promoters of witchcraft preach a message of peace, forgiveness
and loving your enemies, in this upside-down world. 480 __________________________________________________
This is, of course, part of the Devil's plan, to show that his Less is more! Instead of trying to stuff your days with things
scheme is the "true" path of peace and love, whereas those who to fill, watch and consume, just be more grateful for what you
claim to have it, namely the Christians, are utterly failing at already have. Just remember that less is more, and sometimes
delivering the goods. You, the Family, are My only hope - or at you actually lose by gaining.
least by far the biggest chunk of it - to prove him wrong in the You see it so many times with people, artists, songwriters,
end. singers & all kinds of folks who have made it to the top: they lose
I want you to be the ones to prove that only My supernatural love it. They just lose that original spark, which comes through that
in you can enable anyone to do the humanly impossible: to love, desperation, that emptiness, that hunger, that nothingness of
forgive and embrace your enemies, those who hurt you, those being nobody.
who wrong you; to look past and beyond all circumstances, to To become nothing would have been an excellent goal for life,
never stop loving in spite of anything. but the Devil said, "you couldn't possibly be satisfied with being
nothing! You deserve much more than that."
You're by title deed, the contract & testament of My blood, heirs The Devil and his ilk postponed the big crisis in order to corrupt
& children of the Kingdom, and "no man can pluck you out of My people more in their excess of everything they can't even enjoy.
hand" once you are saved (Mt.10:28). But you have to use that They've got so much, they can't even enjoy it. It's really "the land
"salvation power" regularly, in order to cleanse you from your of too much!"
sins, so that you can walk through this life as a living example So, exercise yourselves in moderation & don't be guilty of their
and sample of that Salvation, to show others My transforming excess.
power, so that they may want and experience it, too. It's the excess that makes people unhappy. It's the excess that
If there hadn't been any sin I needed to cleanse and save you causes marriages to fail and families to fall apart. They realize
from, if there hadn't been anything I needed to change about you, that no matter how much they acquire, it just doesn't make them
then what would have been the purpose of it all? Salvation must happy, so they often blame it on their partners. They're driven by
be something real, not just hypothetical or theoretical. It must be this need to constantly look for more, for new ways of finding
a visible change and deliverance from some real & tangible satisfaction. What they don't realize is that they're looking in the
negative qualities of yours. wrong direction. Their mode is "getting, getting, getting," instead
of giving.
477 __________________________________________________
Children are often touchstones & tests I bring into people's 481 __________________________________________________
lives, of their levels of tolerance & love of fellowman, as all "The people who live the contradictions are the saviors of
relatives are, except that you can't quite easily run away from the world."
your children. A lot of people do, eventually, but at least they're The Family is full of contradictions, riddles and wonders.
having to deal with that "mirror" of their ugly traits they didn't You can't figure the Family out, label it, put it into any drawer &
wish to face, for a few years, and a lot depends on how they deal say, "the Family is like this or that, period." The Family is as
with that. multi-faceted and complex as each & every member in it. You
Loving your children unconditionally and without partiality, can't say the Family is all good, according to human standards.
regardless of whether one is more "successful" than the other, or But the Family is giving Me room to breathe, to live and exist and
more "promising" than the other, and regardless of traits you move and act within them, which is more than what can be said
would consider positive or negative, qualities you may like or in favor of most other churches. The Family is allowing Me to be
dislike or that may even rub you the wrong way, is an important a part of them, more than any other church, and to a greater
issue in life. extent. Which doesn't mean she's perfect. Especially not
It's part of learning to love like I do, and as the Father loves. It's according to the standards of the world. She will always blow
your mind and bust your mental confines & borders & limitations 482 __________________________________________________
of definitions of what is "good" and "bad." You never know who will be converted through your witness.
My people are a peculiar people, and they have always been. It's Look at Paul... everything is possible.
also a safeguard to keep those out who go by their own It's not your job to tell who's good or bad, that's My job - one
standards of goodness, and who would just like to use the which the Devil has been trying to take away from Me, telling
"group-feeling" or "group-consciousness" to pose as a people and brainwashing them with his definition of good and
substitute for having to take up their own cross daily - the cross bad, which the AC will take to the ultimate extreme: it will be him
of dealing with their own flaws & faults & obeying Me in spite of labeling you as the "bad guys" that will trigger the greatest
them. persecution of all times and the greatest tribulation of all times,
I have set you apart to develop into whatever you have the faith, consequently.
vision, courage and initiative to be. That's why you shouldn't be guilty of the same thing they're
You would prefer to have a sample to follow you could clearly doing - the labeling, the hate, the short-sightedness & self-
define as "good." righteousness! Believe that I can change any life!
Well, if it were so obviously good, it might be a little too easy. I haven't sent you to condemn the world, but to be saviors of the
Even I shattered the rich young man's idol when he came to Me world, just as the Father hadn't sent Me to condemn them, but to
and called Me "good sir." I said, "Why do you call Me good?" save them (Jn.3:17)!
because his standards of "good" were not the same as God's. Be a savior, not a judge! Be like Me, not the accuser! Bring them
You would like to know who the good guys and the bad guys are. Heaven, instead of hell!
Yet you're experiencing that you can sometimes benefit even That's why the Father chose a position for Me on Earth in which I
more from something that has come to you on behalf of the "bad would be of questionable reputation, despised by the rich and
guys" than those who you know to be the good guys. pompous, of low degree and heritage, and why I have chosen
I'm not doing this to keep you confused, but to keep you open, such a position for you, My Family. It is quite difficult to judge
ready to forgive, ready to have faith for anyone. There is no one others when you're at the bottom. Judging others is reserved for
too bad for Me, too bad to be saved, too bad to be forgiven, if those on top, who look down upon others.
they come to Me. And it's more likely for the "bad" guys to turn to
Me in desperation than for those who have known Me and lived a 483 __________________________________________________
"good" life all their lives. This is the very purpose of the fall of (S.H.:) The Family is a funny thing. It looks kind of strange.
man. It didn't drive them further away from Me, but actually drew Some people are scared of it. Some folks think it's pretty, some
them closer. think it's ugly. But one thing has to be said about it as one of its
Through the very wrongness of the world, I bring about its utter attributes: it lives.
perfect-ness. Through the world's ways of sin, I bring about the It's because God lives in it. You never know exactly what He or it
need for salvation, their need for Me, and thus a much closer might be up to next, it's full of surprises. That's why you can't pin
relationship between Me and you than I could have brought it down, label it or put it in a drawer or categorize it. It constantly
about any other way. changes. Don't discard it prematurely. It might all of a sudden
That's the mystery of the cross - "agreeing not to demand start glowing and burn its way clear through your mental trash
perfection of God's creatures," but dealing with and accepting can.
their imperfections, even as I am dealing with yours and accept The Family's a funny thing. Funny things do happen. Especially if
and love you unconditionally - the way you are. it's God's thing, you can't stop it from happening. You mess with
This is a transforming love and attitude. You love, in spite of. You it and you might find out you just stuck your finger right in the
don't dislike or hate because of, but you love in spite of. You middle of God's eye. Don't do it.
endure. Having to endure adversities that are being caused by
your brethren may be the harder part of what you'll have to 484 _________________________________________________
endure in life, but it's the part that most closely resembles My People don't know how important humility is. Folks forget it
cross. After all, wasn't it the ones whom I loved, who were Mine sometimes. Pride and arrogance are the result of demonic power,
to begin with, who rejected and crucified Me? - Who denied Me, System input, and doctrines which feed your ego & make you see
who betrayed Me? things the world's way: "the survival of the fittest," etc.
So, if you want to follow in My footsteps, I'm expecting you to Someone realizes they're quite "fit," and it dawns on them that
reach the level of maturity and ability to forgive and love they actually deserve something better than those dumb people
unconditionally. You love them in spite of their rejection of you, surrounding them, their family, friends, etc. And often I do give
knowing by faith that they will change eventually, even as some them some leeway and another chance, only for them to find out
of My most ardent persecutors turned out to be some of My most that their new situation, their new circle of friends won't be
loyal and ardent promoters in the end. perfect enough, either. In fact, no one can hardly ever be perfect
Don't give up on them. Don't expect perfection or goodness that enough for people with perfectionist tendencies and
is simply not there. expectations like that.
Stop the antagonism. Stop the tit for tat. Stop the repaying of evil What they don't realize is that from My point of view, they're
with evil. Stop the bad thoughts, the criticisms, the judgment. actually not all that much smarter than the folks they look down
Judge not that ye be not judged. Forgive, breathe forgiveness. on, and not all that much better at all. In fact, from My angle, it
Nothing else will draw them to Me. Why are all men drawn unto often turns out that such people thought they were smarter than
My being lifted up on the cross? Because the message of the they really were & only outsmart themselves; that real wisdom,
cross is forgiveness. Forgiveness in spite of anything. You can and the real abilities which will get you through life successfully,
never be too bad, only too "good." are found in a completely different direction.
You'll have to descend from your level to theirs. They may not I'm weakening your arm of the flesh, because I know that as long
see it that way, they may reject you and dislike you, but you as you can rely on it & marvel at it, you'll always find the majority
determine to love them anyway. That's the way I loved; that's the of others around you so much inferior by comparison. I can't
way the Father loves. That's the initiating kind of love, the allow you to be more popular, because it would be another
creating kind of love, the love that makes something out of confirmation of your abilities & your arm of the flesh & your own
nothing, that brings everything where there was nothing. The wit, when I want you to lean on Me and make Me your strength,
seed which falls onto a ground of dirt and there - by dying - because it's the only strength that will see you through the times
brings life. when your own wits won't be of any avail to you.
Let them "kill" you, "crucify" you and reject you and love them Those who rely on their own understanding and abilities will fail
anyway, and thus become a savior of the world! Join Me, and inevitably. Only those who learn that there's a greater strength to
take up My cross upon you! lean on than their own, stand a chance to make it through the
dark future ahead. People who trust in their own wisdom and
knowledge & strength as their light are following a false light. It's spectrum, your methods & expand! Look into which directions
that way - usually their own - that seemeth right to a man, but the you can go which you haven't tried yet!
end of it is destruction. It's just not the real thing, not the long- There are things for you to do here, and your job is to find them.
range light that you need in order to see further than to the end Your job is to make the best out of the situation I've given you
of your own nose, the kind of light that truly will light your path and put you in!
when the darkness comes. Your own batteries will run out, and It takes faith, work and prayer, because the Devil will fight you
your light will be useless, and you'll wish you would have stuck like mad, trying to stop you from making anything good, much
to those good old-fashioned oil lamps and made sure you have less the best out of it, but that's what the fight is all about! Kick
lots of oil of the Spirit along in order to keep your path lit. him back! Push him back! Force him to retreat!
But that light of the Holy Spirit only comes through humility. It Bring some light into the darkness. Let your light so shine before
doesn't come to those who think they're better than everybody men! - That they may see your good works... They may not
else. It comes to those who see the good qualities in others, always consider them "good," but what counts is what I call
which they themselves don't possess: maybe they're more good, and if I call it good, then it IS.
patient, more forgiving, more understanding of others, or simply They glorify the Father by beholding your good works. Just by
more unselfish, more giving, more humble. If you can't see the receiving what you're doing. By accepting it, by receiving it, by
good qualities in others, then you're in pretty bad shape, liking what they see, because they're absorbing His light, like a
because love sees the good & possibilities in others, and if you tree, and it is inevitably bound to bring forth fruit, some new leaf
can't, it means that your eyes of love are nearly blind; your ability or branch, and it will bring forth new life. If you are messengers
to love is nearly nil, which means that you don't possess any of of God's light and life, then it will always bring forth some kind of
what I call real strength. So you may consider yourself to be new life when you let your light shine before men!
strong and smart, but all I see is someone weak and foolish. Like
I told the church of Laodicea: "Thou sayest, I am rich, and 486 __________________________________________________
increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest "Life to the full," is the motto by which I like you to live. You
not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, don't have to be satisfied with only half of the real thing. You've
and naked" (Rev.3:17); or Babylon the Whore: "She saith in her got the Real Thing, Me, and the way to really live it to the full, is
heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow" to put My way of living into practice & find fun ways to give Me
(Rev.18:7). and My message of love to others.
I'm leading you in a direction where you realize it's better to There will still be battles & problems, & some cross to bear, and
become nothing in this world, a nobody - of no reputation, as I you need to combat your own inhibitions & pride & shyness, but
was, if you want to achieve anything that counts in My Realm, at once you've done that, it can be a whole lot of fun.
Nearly all the big-shot preachers and religious teachers who 487 __________________________________________________
seem to be so successful, are turning out to have clay feet, and When you come to the end of your wit, that’s usually the
that they're actually invariably being manipulated by the Enemy's point where you let Me do the talking. People will run to you for
ilk somehow. If I use someone in a great way, then it's in a bottle- your input, because of your connection with Me.
breaking way, one that wouldn't appeal to their own pride or You would like to convey to them what you know, your wisdom,
would feed their own egos. the sum of what you've learned, the sum of your faith, including
I'm not allowing you to come across as "cool." It would be all it's benefits, like the peace you gain from it, but that's not very
detrimental to your humility factor. You're better off despised and realistic.
rejected! They hail, praise and fancy that which is young, strong, You're never going to get people to see everything the way you
where the flesh is still on the rise. "Cool" spells "young:" The do from one moment to the other...
flesh is still strong and appealing, good looking, and doesn't The smartest thing you can do is to come to Me for them. You've
resemble any reminder of what is inevitably before them all: got the connection & "hot wire" with Me. So, you can come to Me
death. As soon as you start bearing the first marks of for them & ask Me for some advice or counsel to pass on to
resemblance to that "taboo," you remind them of the unpleasant them. That takes faith, & often you won't even know whether
factor they'd prefer to ignore: evil and sin, which has brought that's what they want, or whether they won't think you're crazy...
death into the world. but that's still the best thing you can do for them.
Not being popular is the price you pay for learning to wield the They will have to decide whether they're going to believe it;
true spiritual weapons, the weapons of true strength, of lasting, whether they'll believe that this was really Me talking to them
eternal strength, not their elusive strength of youth, which will through you. Then they're going to have to decide whether
whither like the flower of the field. All it takes is a little time, and they're going to obey My counsel & act on it...
that which they thought was their glorious, eternal light will start Persecution usually comes as a result of involvement with
to dim. And once they realize that, they start looking around for people's lives, and if you want to "live godly in Christ Jesus,"
the true light. Part of the purpose of life is exactly that: finding you're going to have to get involved with people's lives.
out where to look for the true light, that doesn't fade. Finding out The System's way is "keep out of it, it's none of your business..."
where it ain't, namely not in you. But that's not My way. My way is to get involved, to take the risk.
485 __________________________________________________ You want to bring peace. But you have to realize that bringing
One mistake to make would be to think that you have arrived false peace, allowing people to exist in a peaceful coexistence
where you should be, because you're merely getting started. between good and evil & accepting and tolerating evil is one of
Sometimes, when things are looking okay, the Devil sends his the major sources of problems in the world today, and a lack of
demons of compromise & settling for less than the best, that conviction and guts to declare war on the wrong things are
principality specially in charge of Christians, and they make you what's causing the world to be in such a mess - the lack of
think you're already at your destination, when you barely even fighters against evil.
got going. Look to what extent I got involved with people's lives: I didn't
That's why you've got to keep pressing in. Don't quit seeking always do the "proper" thing! Some might say I stole away sons
progress, ways to improve & how you can do more than from their families, and it didn't just stop there: after the day of
yesterday! Pentecost, thousands of others also decided to live like that and
And don't let the lack of encouragement distract and discourage gave away all of their belongings to this strange new sect!
you! You're here to please no one but Me, and once you do that, I Talking about highly controversial, totally improper and perhaps
will also see to it that you're going to start pleasing and reaching even downright atrocious behavior!
the right people. No wonder the disciples suffered persecution! But they did the
Stretch your faith, your horizon, your vision, your outlook, your job I gave them to do, regardless of it! How ready are you to do
My job for you? evil deed a spirit that is not yielded to Me will stop short of, that's
why it's so important to keep your spirit in submission to Me.
Just like someone becomes a member of My Family through My
blood, so a familiar spirit has a link to their victim or charge
488 __________________________________________________ through blood ties of relation, which is why they're called
Anything that happens to My prophets is a sign of what's "familiar" spirits. It's their "right" and ticket to mess with your
happening with the world. The world is running out of borrowed life, unless you recognize them and refuse to grant them
time & money & soon someone is going to have to pay the entrance into your life in any way. You can command them to
fiddler. That's why I said, don't be guilty of their excess; don't leave and resist them in the power of the keys.
partake in their living on borrowed time & money, don't play their Any addiction can grant them greater power and control over
game, lest you'll have the same rude awakening they will, when their victims, just as sin can, putting anything before Me in a
the rug is going to be pulled out from under them. person's life, any form of idolatry, which the worship of another
person is also part of.
489 __________________________________________________ Obsession has many slaves, as do Pride, Jealousy, bitterness,
Be alert and on guard. "Work out your own salvation in fear envy, greed, self-pity, self-righteousness... all these can fuel a
and trembling" doesn't have anything to do with your eternal familiar spirit's presence in one's life, and the only way to make
Salvation, which you received the moment you received Me. But sure you're rid of them is by replacing all these negative qualities
the way you're going to make that salvation work for you in this with the positive qualities of My Spirit. Cast out hatred with love,
life depends on your desperation, how serious you are about it, pride with humility, anger and resentment with mercy and
how much elbow grease you're willing to invest into it to make it forgiveness, any bad thoughts by thinking of "whatsoever things
really work. are pure, just, lovely," etc. (Phil.4:8).
It's a gift, but in order to make this gift useful for you in this life, The mind is the realm where familiar spirits operate. They find
you're going to have to care for it, put some maintenance work access so easily because they think human thoughts. It seems
into it, so to speak. "Working out your own salvation" sounds more harmless, but just as a saint of Mine has to be possessed
like saving yourself. But according to My book and My rules, the by My Spirit because I own them, so a familiar spirit belongs to
way to save your life is to lose it. the Devil, and thus he can gain greater access to the unsaved
Lose it - the excess weight, the wrong attitudes, whatever it is spirit, as much as sin and disobedience and lack of resistance
that slows you down, in order to gain what really matters! By all allow. It's a matter of choices of listening to and yielding to the
the care and worry in the world you won't be able to add a cubit right or wrong voices.
to your life, so, instead of trying to constantly add something to When you notice they are there, you've got to stop & pray, resist
it, to make it richer, fuller, more; just lose it, drop it, get rid of them vehemently in spirit. You've got to take action. You've got to
some of it, and you will see, it will help you gain speed, take command of the situation.
effectiveness and a clearer view of those things that really I'm training you to take charge of a situation in which spirits are
matter. involved. It's not a reason to freak out, despair or murmur. As
The less you have to worry about other things besides doing the everything in your life, see it as a blessing (however disguised)
job I gave you, the better! from My hand, as a challenge to strengthen you, and as a
Share it, give it away, let others partake of it. If you share it, it necessary lesson. You've got the power! Just take hold of it and
becomes easier. Everything you've got: share it, and it will take charge! Walk in prayer! Discover what a mighty, powerful
become lighter, and you'll see, it will become more in a truly and awesome weapon it really is, especially when powered with
positive way! The more you give, the more I will repay! the keys!
Instead of trying to accumulate more things for yourself, seek to Pray! The Enemy knows that you've got the names of most of his
share, to give them away & be a blessing to others! generals and thus uses familiar spirits as his "spies" & proxies
to get a wedge in.
490 __________________________________________________ Know that you can resist those spirits' influences with the
Stay on the rock bottom of reality of what you truly can weapons of praise & positiveness - the power of positive
afford and what not; what your needs really are, realistically, and thinking! When they tempt you to murmur, turn it into a praise!
how much you're going to have to work up or pray down Remember how important praise is in order to bring about the
accordingly. The buck is going to stop with you - at zero, there's changes you need and for you to make the progress for Me you
no more trespassing that line, living on borrowed money or time. desire!
You've got what you've got, and what you don't have, you're Always maintain a grateful attitude! Praise is the victory!
going to have to get. This is a much more positive life-style than
life in the minus. 493 __________________________________________________
Welcome to the reality, the freedom of living on what you've The satisfaction and fulfillment you seek won't be found in
actually got, and not what the System lends you! this world. It's found in the Mother-World, the One from which
your world originated, My World. Here We see things the way
491 __________________________________________________ they really are. We zoom in onto the details that are still hidden
You're going to have to take your job for Me more seriously! from your finite view right now. Everything is so much bigger, so
If you faithfully put hours into reaching folks with My message, much more significant, so much clearer and more beautiful Here,
you'll see your "business" picking up and flourishing, eventually. in Real Life.
From your view, everything seems so small, so insignificant, so
492 __________________________________________________ dull, so gray and colorless, it's hard to believe that any of it really
Just like My spirit helpers function as conduits of My Holy makes sense, sometimes. But if you could step back and see
Spirit and are subject to superior angels and spirit beings, things with the clarity, sharpness and intensity that We see
familiar spirits are being used by the Enemy, they're conduits & things, there wouldn't be a dull moment in your life.
carriers of his vices, his negative qualities. Everything is immensely significant, much more than you realize.
They enjoy the power he gives them. They don't really realize that There is no such thing as "insignificant" to Me. The tiny,
they're slaves of the Devil, as long as he grants them that feeling seemingly insignificant factor that might not be of any
of independence, of being their own master. importance to you might be the very one on which I hinge My
It's the same reason why so many people refuse to accept Me. future decisions and judgments.
They enjoy that fake "freedom" and independence the Devil Strive to catch a glimpse of My view of it, and what seemed large
grants them, which will come with a heavy price, though. and important to you may shrink in size compared to something
Because in their rebellion against Me they go further and further you hardly even noticed or paid any attention to beforehand.
in their actions against Me; there's no stopping place. There's no The art of learning to truly see. It's expedient for you to see with
the eyes of the spirit if you're going to make it to your ultimate the world calls "progress:" they're inventing all those machines
destiny. supposed to make life easier for them, when all the while nothing
You've got to be in tune with Me, see things as I do, value things gets easier at all, but the less work they have to do, the less
according to My standards of what's important. chores they have to perform, the more problems they actually
seem to have.
494 __________________________________________________ Their meaningless education leads to relatively easy jobs in the
Without love, it's nothing. System, which are not fulfilling. They may be comforted by the
You know there's a whole new dimension of revelations... A thought that they’re so smart - thanks to their modern education -
whole new world is ready to open its door to you. that they can earn money relatively easily, compared to their
But having walked through it should not mean that you can just forefathers, but what do they really gain by all of it? Definitely not
leave everybody behind, and forget about all I've been trying to more happiness.
teach you on love, unity, the importance of including others, etc. Happiness does not equal finding ways around hard work! Often,
The position of your heart has to be right. the way to find happiness is by heading straight for the pile of
hard work right before you.
495 __________________________________________________ Happiness is not found in making things as easy as possible on
Prayer is like a sweet, spiritual perfume that changes the yourself. Happiness is not found in avoiding the chores of life.
atmosphere of a room. A room in which one has prayed has a Good old fashioned hard work would be the answer to many of
clean and bright spirit, it's as if someone has been in there with a the world's problems. But then they get into comparing: "Wait a
sweet, heavenly perfume, and has left a trace of that scent there. minute: this guy is not working half as hard as I am, and yet he's
Just because I've been stressing the visual sense or aspect in My receiving many times the amount I get for my work, so I must be
message, didn't make all the others unimportant. All your senses doing something wrong." And the Devil comes & pipes up,
can be enhanced in the spirit. There is such a thing as spiritual "Yeah, what you need is a better education!" In other words: use
"smell," just as much as there is heavenly or spiritual "touch," your brain in order to find ways to get more money for less work!
"sound," taste and sight. What they don't realize is that less work and more money does
It's the union of all things that gives a well-rounded and whole not by any means spell happiness!
picture. Yes, My picture cannot only be "seen," but it can be felt, Maybe the way of the world, they consider so smart isn't smart at
heard, tasted and even smelled as well! "Taste & see that the all, but just a way of cheating themselves out of the little,
Lord is good" (Ps.34:8). everyday joys of life...
If you're thankful for what you've got, your house, your room,
496 __________________________________________________ your car, whatever it is, then you won't mind investing a little
People will be coming to you for help, because you're doing elbow grease in maintaining it, making sure it stays clean,
what they never would have the faith to do: to just take the time respectable and a good sample. However, if you think that you
to hear from Me, as if it were the most important task in the really deserve something better, why, you ought to live in a
universe - and, what they don't know: it IS. palace, & so you're not going to waste your time cleaning up this
Otherwise you see things from the bottom, and from the ego-side dump, then you've got a very common problem...
of things. No wonder you wind up getting depressed or impatient
or aggressive then... 498 __________________________________________________
But if you keep the heavenly vision and act as if nothing else Beware of taking for granted what you have, and wanting
matters, then whatever happens down there just won't be able to something different, the "grass on the other side" syndrome. It
get you into a fuss. People still think that survival and acquiring prevents you from ever putting your whole heart into the
those things that make it possible are more important than life situation you're in, from applying any elbow grease to it, and
itself. If the mere purpose for your existence were the insurance instead of being enthusiastic and on fire, you just passively wait
of your existence, that would be pretty stupid, wouldn't it? And for the day when things will change for the better, which might
yet, that's the way most people live. never happen, because I'm waiting for you to take the initiative to
They do this, that & the other just to make sure they keep change things yourself!
existing, without ever wondering whether there perhaps might be The only way to break out of that is to take the initiative and just
a higher purpose for their existence than that circular reasoning. spread some love & affection the best you can. If you wait for it
The inability to be content in whatever state you're in is one of to happen, it might never come; you've got to make it happen!
the Enemy's devices to keep you ever looking, ever longing for Learn to be a thermostat instead of a mere thermometer.
something else to fill your "need for something" with, instead of To be a pioneer of love, you've got to have the faith and the
just praising Me for what you've already got and enjoying it. vision that it's going to be worth it to give and show love to
You've got Me, you've got My Word, You've got My Spirit, My others, then you've got to have the initiative to be the first to try
Love, and you've got each other. Why constantly look for more? & give love to someone else, and then you've got to have the
This item or that item that's missing. "After all these things do courage to see it through, to keep it up, and not be scared that
the gentiles seek," the unbelievers. They don't have a real God to you're going to get hurt. You can't allow your love to be passive!
love, honor & worship, that's why they get themselves all these You've got to give it away, which is an active deed, and action
things to put their hearts into. you perform, not just a passive waiting for all the right
circumstances to come up!
497 __________________________________________________ You shouldn't hold others responsible to supply you with the
The purpose in life is not to see how easy you can possibly love you need in order to keep you going. A lot depends on you,
make it on yourself, but it's the tough times, the battles, the and the initiative you come up with to get out of yourself and
efforts you need to make, which all work to make you stronger show love to others.
and earn you the "badges" in life that are really worth collecting. It's by pouring out that you will be refilled again!
What earns you rewards with Me is pitching in with and for What will be depends on your initiative, your courage, your faith
others, sacrificing of your own comfort in order to make it easier and your vision to determine that it's worth it to show love to
for them; simply put, to be giving and helping. someone else. You've got to do it, you can't expect everybody
I know you're being helpful in general, but you're just not really else to. If you want to change the world, you've got to be the one
used to applying elbow grease in your helpfulness, which could to start.
be just what you're needing, though; some physical effort in Don't let the Enemy discourage you, but use that power you've
order to strengthen your body, instead of allowing yourself to let been given to make a difference. You can make the difference
it become weakened further. between what is and what could be! So much depends on you!
Your mind is always looking for a way around the hard & The course of history hinges on single humans and single
humbling little tasks that are a part of life. It's the same as what human decisions and choices.
with that person or let it affect your interaction with them.
499 __________________________________________________ It's amazing what power I have given you over your
The need of each day differs from that of the next, and it's circumstances, isn't it? You can choose to rise above anything;
wise of you to come before Me to lead and guide you step by not only your own weaknesses, but also those of others, simply
step, day by day. by not allowing them to affect you adversely. It's not the same as
I lead you gently. I'm not telling you bluntly, "This is it you should simply ignoring them; it's a supernatural act, because it requires
do," or "that is it," but I teach you to look. "Look! Look ahead - a miracle of My love. Love's power is so prevalent, that anything
what do you see? What is there before you today? When you about any person which might be disliked by another is simply
look at the day ahead of you, what do you see? In what way does "overshadowed" & made invisible, annihilated by it.
My plan for you seem to be manifested today?" It's a little bit like That's why heaven's so perfect, and everyone in heaven is
putting the pieces of a puzzle together, and each day is a small practically perfect: it's the love that makes them perfect. As
puzzle that only presents another piece of the great picture undeserving as anyone might be, they're being loved totally and
puzzle of your life, which again is only another piece of the Big unconditionally, and that just deletes and erases anything you
Picture of all of history. would call imperfect.
The important thing is finding the right pieces & fitting them
together, and often it's not so much in what you do - although 500 __________________________________________________
sometimes it is - as in what you can learn. It's a slow progress, Do you want to lead a mediocre life with mediocre results,
because sometimes, instead of teaching you a new lesson, I have mediocre fruits and thus leave a mediocre legacy? Or do you
to make sure you solidify your gains, I make sure that you've want to excel and shine like a star? There's only one way you can
really learned the lesson you've just been taught. shine, and that's by availing yourself of My light! Without Me,
Many of the little things that are going on in your life are you're just a worm, but with Me you can become a glow-worm, a
connected, so let's try to put those pieces together. lightning bug, lighting up the landscape.
"When you live with someone day in and day out, the mistakes, By allowing carnal things, people, influences and impulses to
shortcomings, problems and idiosyncrasies of that person lead you, you're following them instead of Me, which means,
become very plain to you. But once you notice something, you you're making them your leader, your boss, your god.
have a choice to let it bother you or to not let it bother you. The result is that you wander through life just as clueless,
Praise Me and appreciate the person for all their wonderful aimlessly, powerlessly and blindly as the rest of them, with
qualities that help to make your Home the winning team that it is. nothing to give to them, except a little bit of knowledge that's
You'll be much happier and will receive My blessings if you focus tucked away in your head somewhere, but you don't put it to use.
on the positive, let your love cover the little irritations, and move It's as if you're pretending to be one among the slaves when I
on! That's the only way a good, lasting, and happy marriage will have set you free, as if you pretend you're among the blind, when
work‚ and the only way your Home will be good, fruitful, and I have enabled you to see, one among the deaf, the lame, the
lasting is if you overlook the little problems with love." (3590:164) poor, the disabled & invalid, when I have caused you to hear, to
That's the gist of the lesson I want you to consolidate. Again, the walk - nay, to fly, and empowered you beyond limits.
simple solution is praise, but there's also the knowledge that you You try to hide your light under a bushel, you bury your spiritual
have the choice, to either let it bother you, or you don't. That's riches, the gold of your faith and knowledge of My Word & truth
Satan exposed right there, because he makes you think you're a you possess. You're assimilating your surroundings & adapting
"prisoner," a captive of those mistakes & flaws of others, that to them, merely reflecting the present atmosphere & temperature,
you're going to have to deal with & be subjected to for the rest of instead of influencing and affecting it with your own input.
your life. But I'm saying, "Not really!" Because by simply making If you never flip the switch & turn the light on, it's no wonder you
the choice that you're not going to let it affect you or bother or grope around, lost in the darkness, like the rest of them.
aggravate you, but instead choosing to look at and praise Me for Do you want Me to tell you, "You could have made such a
their positive qualities, you deny those negative qualities to have difference!" when you come Here to be with Me? Do you want to
power over you whatsoever, and it's almost as if they wouldn't wind up weeping countless tears over what you could have done
exist! but didn't? What are you so afraid of? Why not grab hold of the
You can refuse to get aggravated. You can choose to continue to power I've given you?
be loving instead, choose to look at the good sides, choose not
to be bothered! 501 __________________________________________________
Choose not to be bothered by their flaws, their idiosyncrasies Just remember you don't have to do it yourself. It's I Who
their quirks! Refuse to look at them! Or, if you see them, use that want to do all these things through you. I want to use you, I want
as something you pray for, and address personally with them, if I you to be a vessel I can slip into and work through. I want to
lead you to do so, but don't focus on it, and don't let it bother possess you. If you allow this to happen, you'll see you won't
you! Don't let the faults stand between you and them! Choose have to worry about anything else: you won't have to worry
not to allow them to! That's one effective way in which you can about saying the right or the wrong things, you won't have to
make headway in your usage of the weapon of the Law of Love, worry about your supply... It's the modus operandi of the Early
and it's applicable in innumerable situations: choose not to be Church, the reason why everything back then was happening on
aggravated by the driving style of others! Choose not to be a supernatural level on a larger scale than today. They didn't try
bothered by the way some people seem to act extra friendly only to do it themselves, because they didn't have a clue what to do or
in order to get something out of you! Choose to ignore their how to do it.
tendencies to be more conservative than you in certain aspects, Just as My Early Church brides never would have made it without
or to be different than you in whatever aspects! Choose to accept the power of the Holy Spirit to have such an impact on the world,
and love them the way they are and not to be annoyed by it! so there's no way on earth you're ever going to make it without
You can take the wind out of the Devil's & the Selvegion's sails Her. That's why you've got to spend time with Me to get that
like that, leaving them practically disarmed. Be prepared for a power & make sure you're connected.
counter attack, and that they might come up with some real Let Me do the worrying. It's My business to make sure you're fed.
outstanding and aggravating traits in others now, which will only If you take care of My sheep, and make sure they're fed, I'll take
make it even more obvious that it's just one of their tactics! It's care of the rest & make sure that you're fed!
the way they work! They magnify & super-impose others'
weaknesses in your mind, make them look bigger than they 502 __________________________________________________
sometimes really are, when all the while you can choose whether I always have new counsel to give you, even when you don't
you'll allow them to affect you or not; which means, if you make feel deserving, or in tune. It's one big lesson to not hitch your
that choice, you won't even look at them, certainly not focus on faith on feelings! I'll still be there as close as ever, no matter how
them & be so obsessed by that image that you hardly get along undeserving you may feel, I still love you as unconditionally as
ever. hates the Earth. He knows it's going to be My heavenly HQ for
But it also works the other way around: no matter how euphoric eternity, and so he does his best to destroy it. But it will serve as
you may feel about one of Satan's shiny temptations, it will be a a perfect example of the Father's restoring power: just as He
letdown, just the same, & not lead you to happiness. The true completely restored many broken lives and broken bodies, so
path still remains the true path, regardless of feelings which will He also restore this broken planet and make it better than
might tell you otherwise. ever.
Even if you don't feel victorious, you can still be a victor, more We're not about to toss anything away too quickly! It's amazing
than a conqueror, even though you don't feel like a conqueror at what you can make out of things - and people - if you only give
all. them a second chance, or a third...
"Little is much if God is in it." If I'm in it, even if it's just a tiny Pray for the Family and do all you can to help Me improve the
little ministry, a tiny little life, a tiny little family you've got, then Family, but there's no use in criticizing or getting down over the
it's more in My eyes than some real big thing outwardly. What fact how far from perfect the Family is. In fact, I'm going to use
determines the value of something is not how big it is, but how the same restoration power We're going to use with the earth,
real it is! and which we've applied to so many lives, broken hearts, souls &
bodies, also with the Family. How many times have you been in a
503 __________________________________________________ situation that you thought was hopeless and I saved it & turned it
Love, freedom and happiness, all those things you want out into something good after all? Well, that's what I'm going to do
of life, only come to you by eliminating the negative things from with the Family, too! You must not give up on them prematurely!
your life, which you can do by allowing the positive, namely Me, It's the same with this planet. Some people would rather give up
to enter in fully. Just as you can only expect any garden or plot of on it already. They say, "Let's get outta here! Take me to Mars or
land to yield its fruit after you've purged it from the rocks, weeds someplace, just outta here!" They're going to get a big surprise
& brambles that might otherwise choke the tender sprouts of when they'll see what I'm still going to do with this place, and
your fruit. how wonderful and glorious it's going to be! They're going to feel
It's work. It simply requires time and hard work. Only the quite foolish and ridiculous then for having given up on this ol'
entrance of My Word giveth light. All the other things may give planet a bit too soon. First of all, it's not nearly as old as they've
you temporary comfort, diversion, or even a certain degree of all been fooled into believing it is. It seems to be one of the
inspiration, but only the entrance of My Word in your hearts, Devil's favorite tactics, making everything older, telling
minds & lives brings the kind of light that is going to bring forth everybody how old they are, making them feel old, useless,
the fruit of the changes & results you'd like in your life! outdated, etc.
Other things can give you entertainment or even a few good When you don't have any idea how young you are! Compared to
thoughts or feelings, but only My Word can act as an effective how old you're going to be some day!
tool and weapon to actually change your life for the better. The earth is practically still a baby. But of course, the Devil has
never shied back from killing babies, either! But I'm going to
504 __________________________________________________ save this baby, just as the Father saved Me from Herod's hand.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak; for to perform My And I'm going to save you, too, and this whole Family! It may
will, you find it not in you. You would like to do My will, but the look pretty old and tired right now, but you're going to see! This
flesh pulls you the other way, the way of your own will. There are life is just "training with weights," remember that! Right now
so few, so few who are truly dedicated & committed to doing My you're all training with weights, but someday soon you're going
will. That's why the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few, to fly!
and that's why the summer will be over and they will not be It's a promise I'm going to keep, as unbelievable as it may sound
saved... to unbelieving ears! That age-old dream... I'm going to fulfill it!
That's why I'm having to allow the storms to come, to purge your I'm going to make it come to pass! It's going to be part of My
hearts and make you white. Woe unto them who think that all great "Restoration Act Part 1," at the Rapture, which will herald
things will continue as they were. the Millennium!
Who will be ready when the hour of temptation comes? Who will If you could see how important your future is, you could see why
stand? Who is wise to take heed? Who will not fall for the the Devil attacks you all like crazy! Of course, he doesn't want
apparent, for that which the eyes see; but who sees deeper, that to happen, and he doesn't want you to believe it. So, thanks
below the surface, and can discern what's really going on? for listening to Me, letting Me straighten you out & renew your
faith & vision! Thanks for listening to Me instead of him!
505 __________________________________________________ Right now, the great lesson is called, "Where it ain't at!" "The
The Family is like a garden, similar to the garden of Eden, way which seemeth right unto a man and the end thereof are the
and not without the presence of the snake, either, and the only ways of death." By showing you which is the wrong way, by
way that garden is going to prosper is by maintaining it, applying letting you experience it first hand, I'm also showing you the
elbow grease to it, tending it and keeping away from that snake! right way, which way you need to go to overcome, to rise above,
You see, it wasn't just the appeal of knowledge of good and evil to succeed: you just need to turn around, and instead of
that did the trick with Eve. What went beforehand was a certain following all those other misleading voices, you just come to Me
dissatisfaction with what she had already, otherwise she wouldn't and follow Mine!
have been looking for something new. And that's what's Listening to Me is the one sure way to make certain you're on the
happening a million-fold all over the world even today. The old right track & that everything's going to be alright! I'm right here
serpent whispers thoughts of discontentment into people's with you, and I'm not letting You go or giving up on you, and you
minds & so they're ever looking for something else than what can look forward to a great and glorious restoration! In the
they've got, never satisfied with what's right at hand, but meantime, you can claim the keys of rejuvenation to give you
constantly looking for new sources of satisfaction. little tastes of it. It's like oxygen: it may be invisible and nearly
Now, on one hand, if they're My sheep, this can be because unnoticeable, but it has a great rejuvenating effect!
they're looking for Me, but many times - once they've been Don't worry if you feel rejected & like you don't fit in! You're in
confronted with the choice of accepting Me and either found or goood company! None of My true followers was ever a pop star!
rejected Me, it's simply an endless yearning for more Fame and popularity is something for those who seek the big
satisfaction. time in this life! My followers know that there's something better,
The most important changes take place in the heart, and much better, coming up!
changing your circumstances won't do the trick if there hasn't And you don't have to wait for the future; you can enjoy Me right
been an inward change happening. now. Anytime, any place, anyhow.
Nobody has the vision or the burden or the heart to clean up this
place, that's why I'm finally going to have to do it. The Devil really 506 __________________________________________________
The Devil's technique is called "isolation tactic." He sows Communication with Me is more important right now than
division through his lies and manipulations in order to separate communication with anybody else, because of the great
you from the body, and then he'll attack you when you're impending changes in the world and the approaching darkness!
weakened in your convictions, faith & confidence in the whole Sometimes it simply isn't appropriate anymore for all that chatter
thing. Like a bunch of hyenas, circling their prey & driving it to continue, there will even come a time when there will be
away from the herd. complete silence in heaven for half an hour (Rev.8:1). You're
If you want to stay alive, you've got to stick with the flock, in seeking happiness, laughter and diversion, but it's a time to quiet
unity; there's no wandering off independently by yourselves, or down and tune in to what is going to happen, lest you be caught
the wolves are going to get you. Unity is a security factor. by surprise!
Rivalry or rejection are usually artificially created by the Enemy Tune in to Me daily! You've got to stay in tune with Me!
and blown way out of proportion. They're lying vanities.
I allow some not so nice experiences as tests and lessons for 511 __________________________________________________
you. Some of the stuff that was happening was bad. The Family is just that: family; and there will always - in this
The question is, are you going to allow this to be an excuse for world - be frictions within families, for various reasons. But real
you to elevate yourself above them in your mind, to separate love, loyalty and faithfulness doesn't just stick around as long as
yourself from the rest of the body, because you think you're you need the ones you love, but even long after that, simply in
better? Are you going to allow the Devil's isolation tactic to work gratitude for what you have received when you were in need, and
to separate you from the body so he can prey on you? Or are you so that you can return some of the love that you're in a position
going to stick, no matter what? to give, even if it requires some sacrifice.
Remember the lesson about choosing not to let it bother and Now it's time for you to help make that heaven on earth possible
aggravate you. for others. Participating & pitching in, even if there isn't much in
it for you, shows your loyalty and your love for Me. You're not
507 __________________________________________________ only a recipient anymore, but a giver. In other words, you have
Praying is the gist of all that makes the difference! matured & grown.
Wisdom is asking Me. Wisdom is availing yourself of My power You're a grown-up now, and your duty is not seeking to provide
instead of trying to do it on your own. pleasure for yourself, but serving others, helping to make others
The big mistake the majority is making is that they're not coming happy, and in this you'll actually find much greater happiness
to Me when something's going wrong, they try to figure it out & than in just seeking your own satisfaction.
fix it themselves. So, don't look with eyes of expectation of what might be in it for
you, but with eyes of expectation of "how can I help, how can I be
508 __________________________________________________ of service, what can I give?"
In order to receive the new, you have to make room for it by It's easy to give up, to chicken out & run when the going gets
letting go of the old. tough! Everybody can do that. But I'm not going to win this war
Come before Me like humble servants, with an attitude of with those who run away when the going gets tough, only with
"nothing in my hands I bring; only to Thy cross I cling." folks who stick, come hell or high water; for them there is no
Luke 14:33 means: don't kid yourself into thinking you can be My such thing as giving up.
disciple unless you're willing to have that attitude of "I give it all It all depends on you and your maturity, whether you allow your
to you," and you're willing to tell Me this (and practice it & see it real Enemy to convert your brethren into your enemies in your
through, of course,) every single day of your life, holding nothing mind!
back! If, instead of resisting and rejecting the pain and pressure, you
Most people are oblivious to the fact that I gave it all to them in receive and embrace and welcome it, then you'll really learn
the first place, as Paul said, "what hast thou that thou didst not something, and will get to know things you will never know
receive?" (1.Cor.4:7) But they think they've got a right to withhold otherwise! That's where wisdom comes from. The alternative is
things from Me. It's all Mine to give and to take in the first place. only the typical & usual game of playing the rejected &
So, what do you think you can withhold from Me? misunderstood victim. With My help and counsel you can
understand, and pray, "Help me to seek to understand, not to be
509 __________________________________________________ understood." Then you won't care about whether you're
It’s not how good you are that determines My love for you. I misunderstood or not.
don't expect you to be perfect. Sure, I would prefer it if you had You should also not be concerned about whether or to what
learned the lesson and would stop seeking elsewhere all you extent you're being rejected by others, but how much do you
could find in My arms. But I know your frame. I know the reject and resent them?
temptations, and I know your heart. You say you have legitimate reasons for your feelings of
Just don't be surprised if all you find elsewhere is emptiness. rejection, but everybody thinks that. "If he weren't so-&-so, there
The heavenly perfection you seek is nowhere to be found but in wouldn't be a problem..." But maturity is not expecting others to
Me. be flawless & perfect, but accepting and loving them anyway.
There may have been better days, but if they would have gone on Welcome to the dimension of love unconditional!
forever, you would have started feeling too much at home in this Once you meet them on the level of unconditional love and
world. I must preserve you as a pilgrim & stranger in this world acceptance, find out what wonders that kind of love can do!
unto Me.
The Family is something for you to pour into, to invest in. Why 512 __________________________________________________
not show your gratitude by displaying an attitude that doesn't The "simplicity of Christ," as opposed to the Devil's brain-
merely expect to receive, but a giving attitude, even a sacrificial twisters, could be summed up in one phrase: "There IS an
attitude. The only ones who are going to make it in the Family are answer!" There is an answer to everything. Whereas the Devil
those who are willing to go down with the ship, if need be, keeps trying to brainwash people with his philosophy of eternal
knowing that I will come to rescue and save you at the last insecurity and confusion: "We don't know whether there is an
minute. answer, because everything is relative, & blah, blah, blah."
Remember the warning from "Stand In The Gap," about those "There are no absolutes."
who left the castle when it was on fire, they jumped off the ship But there IS an absolute and definite answer to everything, and
prematurely. Don't let it happen to you! it's yours for the asking, by faith! You've only got to get it from
Me! The simplicity of Christ is: "Ask Me!" "Ask Me, and I'll give
510 __________________________________________________ you the answers even to the most complicated riddles, questions
A lot depends on your own initiative; your own overcoming & problems you might ever encounter." Things are not always
of your laziness & communicating. It's work. simple, but the basic answer is simple: you can ask Me! How
much simpler can it get than that?
Of course, I will sometimes answer you by letting you find out the 515 __________________________________________________
answer through personal experience, which, basically, is also a Sometimes there are various reasons why I do or allow
simple concept, although it doesn't manifest itself as simple and things, and the benefit and well-being of My brides who love Me
as clear an answer as some people would like sometimes. In fact, and receive My seeds are right at the top of the list of those
you might say, while the "simplicity of Christ" is too simple for factors.
some people, it isn't simple enough for others, or for the same You're important to Me!
people in different aspects. I can use you, and you can use Me. What's lacking is the trust
I gave you your brains to use them, and I invite anyone to "come you have in My willingness to let you use Me. But in Me you're
now & let us reason together..." (Isa.1:18). It's fun for Me, and can dealing with a Partner Who never tires of giving, and One Who
be, for you, too! You don't have to limit your mind to any set simply does not believe in withholding. There is nothing I
boundaries, just let it fly with Me. You only have to make sure wouldn't give to you, and all you receive from Me is really only
that I'm your Pilot! limited by your capacity to receive and to drink in what I've got to
give. I want to use you more and more; just as I want you to learn
513 __________________________________________________ to use Me more and more...
It’s more blessed to give than to receive. You want to be
blessed, or happy? Then give! Give what you can! Look around 516 __________________________________________________
and see what you can do to make life easier for them, and to You can't always drift with the stream; sometimes you've got
make them happy! Don't live to be served, but walk in My to make certain decisions and plans, in order to really get to the
footsteps & learn to serve others! places and intersections where I want and need you in order to
If I'm not opening a far away, glorious door elsewhere, look fully fulfill your destiny and purpose.
around; there must be something to do right where you are! And You're going to have to talk and counsel and plan about which
there is plenty to be done, as is quite obvious! It may not be the direction you're going to take.
thing you had planned, but look; there's still more! The Family is a living thing, and as in all living organisms, there
Why not invest energy and effort into this ordinary day? You'll are good things that work toward the furtherance and
see, the more you put into it, the more you're going to get out of enhancement and procreation of life, and there are negative
it. things, which also have their time and purpose, such as bacteria
He that is faithful in the least is faithful also in much. How much & other parasites, which are present a-plenty in any body, and
are you willing to give to one or 2 persons who love you? How just show that there is a war to be fought.
much less than everything you've got? How much do you Those bacteria are not your actual enemy, but help to keep and
suppose I would give? make your body strong for the actual fight.

514 __________________________________________________ 517 __________________________________________________

(1 Sam.15:22). You seek to present to Me great sacrifices of "Man-pleasing," is a certain behavior one takes on in order to
fat and visible accomplishments, accompanied by the applause please a certain group of people, some sort of collective "big
and praise of men, but that is not what counts with Me. What brother" image, which the Devil uses to make certain personality
counts with Me and is much more important to Me than all that is types toe the line and behave, a "dictatorship of the people."
how much you obey what I tell you. Some image & projection is being created of what the herd is
It takes overcoming everything the Devil will use to throw in your supposed to follow as the consensus and collective "will of the
way in order to stop you from doing it, any kind of temptation people" (the Devil camouflages his dictatorship as "what
and distraction, inkling and craving... It takes strong faith, vision everybody wants").
and discipline to keep your focus on the thing I have commanded What's born of this, is for some a desire to be popular, for others
or asked you to do and to see it through till the end. a need to be accepted or simply not to stick out. Thus, instead of
Discipline is the opposite of spoiling yourself, of making things sticking to what's truly right, you try to please "everybody" & live
as easy for you as possible and not withholding any little up to "their" expectations... It's all a trick of the Devil to get you
pleasure from yourself that you might be craving. Discipline to chase some kind of ghost instead of dealing with those who
means also saying "no" every once in a while to a craving, an are closest to you… the mystery behind the phenomenon that
urge or a temptation. If you're applying a lower standard to people always tend to treat those worst who are closest to them.
yourself, then you're guilty of the exact thing C. S. Lewis The people you're trying to please are often only an image that
describes in "Mere Christianity:" "I am trying to call attention to he and his demonic voices are making you believe in. Instead,
the fact that this year, or this month, or, more likely, this very start dealing with, caring for and interacting with the real
day, we have failed to practice ourselves the kind of behavior we individuals right there by your side, in your house, on your
expect from other people." street, in your own village, town, etc.
It's a "double standard." It really is hypocrisy. It's a very common Because many people are so influenced by this scheme, they're
form of hypocrisy, but it's hypocrisy nonetheless. What is often not really "themselves," either, and you first have to get
hypocrisy? It's a lack of honesty, a pretense. You pretend to be through to their true selves. Don't judge anybody unless you've
more righteous or better than you really are by demanding of had a chance to hear them out.
others to adhere to the rules of a certain standard you apply for The Devil doesn't want to give anybody a chance. He'd like to
them, while basically ignoring it yourself. It's the same kind of prosecute them, sentence them, judge and execute them all. His
tyranny I accused to Pharisees & Jewish religious authorities of, input on anyone is about as bleak as it can get. Come to Me for
and which I exposed them for, which was what made them so input on what's there to love about each individual; their good
mad at Me and hate Me the way they did. sides & untapped potential, "the good and possibilities that
The lack of practicing the fairness of applying the same standard others cannot see."
to oneself that you would hold others to is actually one of the Don't listen to and fall for the Devil's imaginary "cloud of
basic problems in society. It happens everywhere, and is what witnesses," which often really only consists of his cloud of
undermines trust in families, in companies, in churches, in all deceivers, made up of billions of lies! Pierce right through it with
sorts of communities. The law enforcement agencies constantly the sword of the light of My Word, and discern what's true and
make others pay for sins and crimes they are often guilty of false! Come to Me for the truth.
themselves. Oh, and nobody is as guilty of it as modern western
governments, who accuse other, much weaker parties of crimes 518 __________________________________________________
like terrorism, all sorts of injustices and aggressions, when You can win anybody a little bit more to Me each day. No
they're actually the worst perpetrators of such things matter how far along the road they may be, you can still be key
themselves. and instrumental to drawing them even yet a little closer to Me.
It's a spiritual art, to be able to draw others to Me. That's what work together toward My grander plan. Everything will make
qualifies someone as a good leader or shepherd: you constantly sense someday, even the apparently senseless.
draw others closer to Me.
You've got to not only "stop, look and listen" to Me, but also to 521 __________________________________________________
each other! Take the time to tune in to each other! Take the time The extent to which evil is allowed in the world was gradually
to meditate on what the other one is going through, to pray for determined by the extent to which people accepted it, just as the
each other, and there'll be so much more understanding between amount of good is determined by the extent to which people
you. accept Me and follow My ways. It all depends on people's
A marriage is a type and symbol of My relationship with you: just choices. And even though the Enemy is the one who tempts
as I constantly draw you closer to Me, teaching you lessons and them and seduces them into evil, it's ultimately people's choices
urging you to make progress and grow, so you can and should to succumb to those temptations that bring evil into the world.
also do the same within your marriage! "There is no standing Without cleverly gaining people's co-operation, there wouldn't be
still! - You're either going forward or backwards." You're either much the Enemy could do.
getting closer to each other or drifting further apart. Often On the other hand, no matter how large the deception, it will
couples simply drift apart because they've lost the vision - they never be possible for him to deceive the very elect, My chosen
can't see any areas in which they could still be making progress ones, those whom I have chosen out of the world.
& grow together, when they haven't even yet begun to see!
Sometimes the secret of love between two parties is in realizing 522 __________________________________________________
just how much they need each other. You must not underestimate the little things. Perhaps that's
one of the biggest mistakes successful people make: they strive
I am the link between you. It's not going to work without Me. With so hard for the "big" things, and constantly "bigger" things,
Me, there's no way that this isn't gonna work, no matter how greater things, that they nearly totally neglect the little things that
different you may be or think you may be! surround them, that I've already given them, and that would bring
The Devil is creating mental blocks and phantoms between them much greater happiness (if they would just care to pay
people, and all those differences. Let them fade away like the attention to them) than all their chasing after ever greater things.
illusions that they are! Remove the false layers of the (Jer. 45:5). "Man proposes, but God disposes." Many a man may
imaginations of the evil one and discover the real and true have grand plans for his future, but in the end it is I Who
common ground, the bottom layer, the true foundation, which is determine what his future really will be, and perhaps the way they
Me! would have chosen, that seemed so good & right to them, would
All differences, quarrels, flaws & imperfections are really just have only turned out to be a way of death, so I, in My wisdom,
temporal. In your eternal state, all those differences aren't there choose a humbler & more modest path for them.
at all. Walk a step toward eternity & accept each other. Absorb The worlds of the kings either rose or fell with physical
each other, assimilate each other and become one as you are circumstances, but the prophet's world remained stable, because
already one in My eyes. It's going to help you become that which it was built on spiritual values that last, and hinged on Me and
I know you already are. Maybe you simply haven't believed it their relationship with Me, which was nearly always only a matter
yet... of 2nd grade importance to the majority of kings.
The truth is, that the prophets were the real rulers, the spiritual
519 __________________________________________________ kings. They had chosen the realm & kingdom of spiritual, and
"Try - just a little bit harder!" That's just about one of the eternal affairs, over the domain of the physical. Those who settle
basic themes in life. I can give you all the clues, show you all the for success in the physical, let them be their own kings, but
tricks & tell you all the secrets, but you've got to do the come thou and learn to be a king over realms that last!
"wenting," you've got to try them out & put them into practice.
What I tell you always works. Sometimes you just got to try a
little bit harder. 523 __________________________________________________
You don't have a lot of patience, and if something doesn't work The entrance of My Word giveth light, it creates the
out right away, you tend to give up too easily. Keep trying a little difference between that darkness of an empty & meaningless life
harder until at last you succeed. and one that sees purpose and fulfillment in everything.
"Tuning in" works. Keep it up, and it's going to become one of Everything is orchestrated by Me, everything visible is only a
your secret new weapons! Just as I give each of you individual physical result of some spiritual truth, and thus there is a plan
helpers, I also give you individual weapons, gifts & talents. behind it.
It's part of the weapon & gift of unity. It's a way to enhance your I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to
unity & fine-tune it. open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the
The Enemy will try to fight it & try to discourage you from using physical as a result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot
it, but just keep practicing & aiming straight with it until you more meaning. You know I meant something by allowing this or
become a master of this fine art. that to happen, or even creating this or that situation. You'll know
Just as I have compared prayer to the art & craft of archers; this that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's all
is a type of prayer, of spiritual communication. Basically, you're going somewhere, and thus you develop much greater faith and
praying for someone when you "tune in to them;" except that trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which
you're not praying anything specific, you're not presenting a you can then impart to others, too.
specific plea for them, but it's a form of meditative prayer, Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities
designed and destined to "connect" you with them & put you on for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. It shouldn't
the same wavelength. ever just be a struggle for survival.
Exercise your patience like a fisherman or shepherd... Gently You don't know how you're going to make it, but if you know that
woo and call your precious sheep to "come & dine." this situation, like everything else, comes from My hand, I
allowed it for some benevolent reason, then you can enjoy that
520 __________________________________________________ challenge & glean the maximum there is to learn & gain from it!
Blessed is the man who has discernment to see as I see, who I want you to run through this episode with flying colors; not
is not governed by the ways of the world to look at things. fretting or fuming, but on the lookout for those extra rewards that
Together is more, not less. It's not "less space," but it's "more are always strewn along the way, My bonuses, which you only
power," more counsel, more wisdom, more spirit, greater effect, find if you keep your eyes open, your spiritual eyes!
greater witness and testimony. The worries & cares of this life are like blinkers that prevent you
All things that I have brought about in your life, every stream of from seeing the overall scope, prevent you from seeing freely, all
input, every influence, every contact, every friendship... they all there is to see and discover, prevent you from enjoying life. They
prevent you from seeing the good things I have specked & death. So, whenever you can't do it, that's the time for you to
decorated your days with. Worries & cares only allow you to see show the magic you've learned: to let Me do it. Let Me make a
the hole, not the donut! way when there is no way out. Let Me give you something to give
Embrace this challenge fully as coming from My hand: a golden when you've got nothing to give. Cherish this void, this
opportunity to show that you've learned to let go and let Me do it emptiness, your nothingness, for out of it I'm able to create
all, & not think you must carry the load by yourself. everything and anything!
Even your crosses in life, I help you carry! That is the kind of Here's the faith, hope, love connection: first you have the faith,
faith that enables you to be a martyr, a true living witness & that I will give you what you have not, & you ask in faith, then
testimony for Me, the kind of faith that knows I will never leave stretch out the hand of hope, expecting Me to give to you what
thee nor forsake thee. I'm always right there with you, in you have not, & voilá: out comes love, the miracle of love, the
whatever situation you might find yourself. The only way My love that works miracles.
presence becomes real to you is by acknowledging it & availing Human love may have some of those qualities, but like all natural
yourself of it. resources, it will eventually run dry or fail in some aspect. Only I
As your life unfolds before you, you will see Me more & more in am the Source that never runs dry, the Source of constant &
every dark little corner, even of your past! You're really never never-ending supply, of all you ever need, physical or spiritual.
alone. And the more you acknowledge and avail yourself of My
company, the less you will feel alone or deserted. 525 __________________________________________________
"Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." How can you be It’s not politically correct to be reminding the world
doing it to My glory? By acknowledging Me, praying without constantly that you are going to be their rulers. But is it the
ceasing and praising Me, instead of murmuring. Take a cheerful, truth? Do you believe it? How much do you believe it?
positive and victorious approach to whatever challenge you find What's your attitude & mentality? That of a System slave & serf,
before you. or that of a future ruler, ready to overthrow the usurpers?
Only with a victorious attitude will you also emerge from any That fighting aspect of My nature is what I'm trying to cultivate
given situation, challenge or fight as victor. more in you, My Endtime children. That's why I raised for you a
If I started this day, don't you think that I'm also going to finish leader who was a fighter, a warrior & relentless soldier for My
it? And I do things "King-of-kings"- style. If you don't see cause.
anything magnificent and glorious about this day, then it's due to I wish for the Children of David to become the most radical &
your personal perception of it! It's only due to your lack of faith non-conformist bunch I ever had, because that's what I will need
to see beyond and rise above physical circumstances. Because in order to help Me to really take over the world. No
the more you see with the eyes of faith, the more you will see My compromisers, no half-hearts, no doubters of My truth, but stout
glorious golden opportunities in even the blackest of nights & believers.
most gloomy situations! You're a future ruler, no use trying to hide it; they will hate you no
The blackest night of My life, My crucifixion, My darkest moment matter how nice or politically correct you'll ever try to be!
ever, was also My greatest, most glorious victory! It all depends It's because they know that you'll be their doom & downfall! You
on how you see it, that determines whether you're going to be can't conform to their way of thinking, their way of seeing things,
one of the overcomers. because you are ordained & destined to be instrumental in
bringing down their System (Jer.1:10).
524 __________________________________________________ Don't let fear, doubt, lack of courage, faith & conviction get a
I'm teaching you how to give when you've got nothing to hold of you, but believe! Trust! Accept! And move forward, going
give. You just stand desperately, naked & empty-handed before forth conquering, and to conquer! There is no standing still!
Me, not knowing what to do or what to give, only looking to Me as
your single hope, and that's exactly the moment when I can teach 526 __________________________________________________
you the art of the miracle of love: when you've got nothing and The Devil will always try to distract you from either your
stand before Me, expecting Me to give you something to pass on. personal time with Me, or the time you spend and invest in giving
It wasn't anything you had all along. But you received it from Me Me and My Word to others.
and passed it on, and such love can be more precious than He's always trying to put some god in your life before Me; be it
natural, human affection. It may look a lot more meager at first, Mammon or pleasure, your own comfort... even food, or
not like very much, more like some dry piece of bread than an intellectual input. He knows you're easily going to detect his
opulent meal, or like some bitter root. But if you stick it into the tricks, especially as soon as you go overboard on something &
hungry and receptive ground of a heart that's yearning for you, obviously exaggerate, & thus he's trying to distract you with a
just watch what will grow from it: a tree of life. little bit of everything: a little bit of materialism, a little bit of
It's My miracle of love, or the miracle of My love. Just a little bit of maintaining your image, a little bit of fun.
My love is so much more powerful and effective than mere He knows he can't tempt you with blatant sin, so he'll tempt you
human affection. All affection & love originates from Me, just like with subtle & potential sin. None of these things are sins in
all natural resources were also created by Me. But the miracle- themselves; they only become sin if you neglect Me in these
type of love is when water comes forth from a rock, or in the activities. As long as you keep Me at the center of them, or
desert, where there was none before. That's when it's also most remember to put Me in the center of them, everything is alright,
appreciated. and there's no danger of your neglecting Me.
So, continue practicing the art of My miracle of love, squeezing As long as you don't become impatient and feverishly anxious to
forth love where there was no love, of giving forth where there pursue your momentary & temporal interests, but continue to
was nothing to give. You just turn to Me and ask Me to give you take the time to get into the groove of eternity, and stay there,
something to pass on, and they'll find that they will have been constantly remembering that the spiritual and eternal are what
blessed. matters, it's fine. But the Devil is waiting and watching, cunningly
Although you've got nothing to give, you've got all things and trying to manipulate things & trying to lead things up to some
everything to give, for what you give comes directly from Me. unguarded moment...
Rely not on any natural resources. Just rely on Me and prove to Usually when you're low on physical and spiritual energies &
the world, that your nothing is more than their everything. tuckered out, exhausted & you feel like now you have a right to
Because your nothing, your emptiness, your vacuum pulls down let it all hang out, to just relax & even be a little selfish, that's
everything... from Me. when he's got a chance to come in.
That's the creative power that faith has: it creates something out There's no time ever that an unguarded or selfish moment is
of nothing. It turns water into wine, or brings forth water from a okay. There's never a time when it's okay to be selfish, if you're
rock, or creates out of 5 loaves and some fishes enough food to My child, My bride, My follower. As someone walking in My
feed thousands. It creates health out of sickness, life out of footsteps, I have to be able to expect of you to always, constantly
be on guard, and to be a sample of unselfishness. I simply want folks to avail themselves of My help, but boy, are
Of course, there will be ten thousand "reasonable" voices telling they ever stubborn and dull to get that point! All I want to do is
you, "but that's humanly impossible! Nobody can be unselfish all help! But the Devil comes running, as if the place and everybody
the time!" So what, if they call it impossible? They also say it's in it belonged to him, frantically waving his arms & yelling, "No,
impossible for Me to have made the world in 6 days. But you no, thank You, but we don't need Your help around here; we've
know better! got everything under control." And people believe it. They think
If it's Me telling you to go slow, to take it easy, etc., then you'll they can do without Me.
know that it's because I know that that's what you need right So, accept the responsibility. Everyone of My children & brides is
now. But if it's the Devil or any of his spiritual or human responsible to help others and each other to make the right
emissaries telling you this, it can be that he's tempting you to do choices, that's what being a "brother's keeper" is all about.
the exact opposite of what I would like you to do. It's exactly the When you neglect that responsibility, disaster strikes. It's not as
same tactic he was using with Me: he knew he wasn't going to if the job, the responsibility were too great, too heavy, because
even get close to tempting Me with a downright lie or untruth, so you can ask Me for help, and that's part of your responsibility.
he cleverly used the Word to tempt Me. He used the truth in such You don't have to do it by yourself. The one reasonable & correct
a way, that it would have resulted in disobedience to God, had I thing to do is to come to Me for help. Let's do it together! Let's
followed through on his advice. And he's using that tactic with a tackle the tasks of life together! Find out how wonderfully easy
lot of Christians these days. That's why it's so important to have even the most seemingly difficult or even impossible tasks can
the Spirit, rather than merely the letter of the law, because the be, and then you can get others on fire, too, about how My power
Enemy can use the letter of the law to cause you to do the exact actually works.
opposite of what the Spirit would lead you to. Use it so that you can get on fire enough yourself in order to
The thing that really counts right now, today, and that's relevant pass it on & "sell" it to others. View yourself as a vendor, a
to your usefulness for Me today, is how yielded & dedicated you "provider" for the greatest Power Company there is: "Heaven's
are to My Spirit today! I will reward you for your faithfulness in Power Inc." - The Juice that never runs dry! Endless supply! All
the past, but what about your faithfulness today? I need you for free!
today more than I needed you yesterday! As the days are getting All you've got to do is get on fire & sell it!
darker, and the final battle comes closer, I need all the help I can
get! 528 __________________________________________________
That's why it's so important to Me that you stay faithful to Me Make love your business. Make My affairs your business.
each day, each moment. There cannot be an unguarded moment. Remember that I'm the Boss & check in with Me whether you're
Remember Amundsen's "Don't rescue me prematurely!" Don't let doing your job for Me according to My will and liking.
the Devil relieve you prematurely of your duties to Me, before I Continue to take time to put Me first! Continue to relax in Me!
have dismissed you! Don't let him cheat you out of the greatest Remember to go about your business for Me in a relaxed & calm
blessings & rewards by listening to his "it's time to relax now," & trusting spirit!
when it really isn't! Your responsibility is to call on Me as Joe the machinist should
I'll let you know when it's time to relax & time for a break, and have when something went wrong, not try to fix it yourself. Relax
you'll be able to tell the difference between My kind of peace I in the knowledge that you can call on the Boss anytime you need
give you, and the false, premature peace the Devil is trying to help; you don't have to try to show off how well you can do it
bring right in a crucial and decisive moment of battle. He's so yourself.
corrupt, wicked and deceitful that he won't even hesitate to call If you give Me the responsibility, you can also give Me the credit
for a truce right in the middle & thick of the battle, namely, when & the glory. Make sure you do all things "to the glory of God"
he knows he's about to lose. The stupid thing to do then would (1.Cor.10:31). Then you don't have to worry about the outcome &
be to listen to him. The right thing to do is to say, "Truce? No you don't have to take it all into your own hands or take the
way, dude! You must be dreaming! Here, take that!" And you sock burden of the responsibility for the outcome on yourself. Just
him another mortal blow. relax, knowing that "He Who has begun the good work in you will
Otherwise, he'll always be like those evil characters in the also complete it" (Phil.1:6).
movies, who wince for mercy or pretend to be your friend when
they're about to be defeated, but then try to stab you in the back 529 __________________________________________________
at the last moment. Go into every day as if it were a big day.
Everything in life bears a lesson, just tune in & learn it! Go in "giving-it-all-you're got" gear. Make it a habit to invest the
Your lesson for today: stay faithful to Me at every instant, every same kind of energy & dedication into every day. It will bring a
moment, & don't let the Enemy call the shots or "time for a better equilibrium, a better balance in your life, treating your days
break!" It's not his right to do so, since I'm the one calling the with less partiality. If you treat every day the same & consider
shots, & you'd better stay in tune with Me & make sure they're you're always on stage - My stage, & in My spotlight, you'll
My shots & My instructions! eventually render a better performance of your life.
If you live each day as unto Me, then you'll know & can rest
527 __________________________________________________ assured that I'll carry the responsibility for the outcome & you
Responsibility is like a title, a uniform which states your can float on My Spirit instead of having to crawl through your
rank: "responsible." You try to hide it, put on some more casual tasks in the flesh.
clothes & lend out the uniform to others, so that maybe you can If you always seek to accomplish the most you can - however,
get around having to bear the responsibility. not in the energy of the flesh, but by availing yourself of My
But you simply can't shake it. power - you'll up your productivity & pace in general.
Life is more than a stage play, and more serious than taking on a The things you do for Me have everlasting rewards. Show Me that
role in movie. you esteem My rewards more valuable than the lucre of the
Your actions carry more weight than they would in a movie or world.
stage play. But in today's Hollywood-framed mindset of whole Seek not to be able to be proud of your own accomplishments &
cultures & generations of people, that has become nearly a carnal achievements, leaving your mark among mortals, but
foreign concept. make Me proud of you by investing all you've got into eternal
Of course, there is also the other extreme, of taking life, or rewards. Please Me by showing your faith in Me, & investing into
yourself, your own part, too seriously. The trick is to find the My Realm accordingly. Make My plans more important to you
golden middle, and not to kid yourself with the illusion that than your own.
"nothing really matters," nor to torture yourself with bearing the Putting just as much energy & effort into the seemingly less
weight of it all yourself, to look at Me for help, to let Me help you important people - the "newsboys," that you would, toward the
bear your burden & fulfill your task. You can do it with My help. "members of parliament." If you treat both the same, you'll also
learn to apply the same unselfish love with your "parliament"
that you do with the lowly "newsboys," your brethren or people 534 __________________________________________________
you're ministering to, and this will help you to win them over just What makes you critical of others is self-righteousness.
like you win & draw those other souls to Me. It will be Me & My Everyone sees the world from their point of view, sees the way
power working in you in both cases. they think things ought to be and criticizes the way things are
You may not always know who is My special & particular and are being handled. The real challenge is to do it better
"newsboy" in any particular situation. Like this you'll have to without becoming self-righteous about it!
bestow the same kind & amount of love on each of them. Sometimes, in order to really learn, you must forget all you think
"The wisdom that is from above is... without partiality" (Ja.3:17). you know. If you stay in tune with My Spirit, I will show you the
Remember to be "winsome" with each one of them. Make an way things really are & won't let you fall into one of the many
effort to draw each person you encounter closer to Me. Be a true delusions that are out there.
conduit of My love! Be a part of Me! Be Me! - To them. As long as you're eager to learn ever more from Me, chances are
that you're really going to learn something. It's only when you
530 __________________________________________________ think you already know it all that you stagnate, get stuck & lose
(In dealing with people who are My sheep), always use your it. Be open for the new, My radical and revolutionary new input,
gift of discernment for the purpose of love, for the purpose of My surprises!
helping them to see more clearly or get further along their road,
to expand and open up their and your horizon, never to limit. 535 __________________________________________________
It's supposed to be a connection of hearts, souls & spirits, not a Only speak when spoken through by Me.
separation! It's not about categorizing, which is creating lines Sometimes you try so hard to say anything that appeals to their
between people, but about connecting, bringing together, not level, something they can relate to. You're going to the nth
separating and dividing. degree in order to show that you're able to relate to them, in your
effort to "become one" with them, like a chameleon, trying to
531 __________________________________________________ blend in.
It's part of life to be confronted with your weaknesses You've got to make a stronger effort to remain yourself in
through relationships in a more intense way than you ever could situations like that.
on your own. Of course, you don't want to come across as "overly preachy,"
When it's time to confront, it's time to confront, and you can't just but the truth is still the truth, and the truth is still your job. Even
"let it be" in that case & let it drag on & become a monster or at the risk of making them feel uncomfortable. It's a whole lot
mountain. Confront it while it's still okay and sizeable and you better to make them feel uncomfortable now for a short while by
can deal with it without having to cause any major pain! Confront confronting them with the truth than allowing them to drift
it while it's little, and overcome your fears to confront! completely away from My light into oblivion to the point where
one day they're really going to feel bad about all the golden
532 __________________________________________________ opportunities they missed out on in their lives that they could
I'm not expecting you to do more than you can deliver. All I'm have had if they had stayed on the path of spiritual growth...
saying is, "Try this!" "This is the way We do things in heaven, You can't really say that you've been doing your job if you don't
and it's the ideal way I've ordained for My children to do things in even make the slightest effort to draw them closer to Me in any
general, and if you try it, it might bring about some major way.
improvements in your life." I know you're imperfect, but that You've got to keep wielding that sword, you've got to keep
doesn't stop Me from offering you some of My perfection. fighting for Me, there's no standing still.
Remember your responsibility of standing up for your
533 __________________________________________________ convictions, your responsibility of being a voice for My truth, in
You can really only help others on a long-term basis if you whatever situation.
allow Me to help you first, and not just help others in order to "If you can't say something nice, don't say nuthin' at all." Better a
distract yourself from your own problem. silent testimony of not being part of all that superficiality by
One of the greatest decisions to make is whether one will accept keeping your mouth shut, than speaking without being spoken
the truth when they hear it or not. "Today if ye will hear His voice, through.
harden not your hearts" (Heb.3:15). Everything goes on from
there, & future events are determined by that moment when you 536 __________________________________________________
either hardened your heart or chose to open it and receive My You're very "people-sensitive;" sensitive to what they might
truth, even if it initially may be hard to swallow. want or expect from you, and the Enemy even makes you
Even if it hurts, you must trust that it's a good, godly hurt, the sensitive to what you think they might be thinking about you.
"lashes of love." Even if what I'm telling you hurts you deep Now you can see why I'm keeping you apart. The more you're
inside, you must trust that I say these things out of love. It's a around people, the more distracted you become. You think when
matter of being a new bottle or an old. The New Wine is certainly you're together you can just be on a more shallow wavelength,
tougher to take... It's radical. you put on a show or let the comedian hang out. People hardly
"Radical" comes from "roots," and there are certain things you ever have the guts to be truly themselves in front of others.
will just have to allow Me to uproot if you really want to be free. That's sad.
How much do you want freedom from pride? How much pain is it I'm trying to teach you the art of just being yourself in whatever
worth to you? situation. It's not necessary to pretend to be someone else, to
put on an act, a show, a mask.
It's not your works which determine your inner worth, value or You can't really say you're mature or really grown up until you're
goodness, your purity of heart. Someone can all be full of good able to just be you in front of others without pretenses.
works but for the wrong inner motivations, like pride, ambition, I'm keeping you apart so that you can learn to be yourself. You
self-righteousness. need to find out who you really are and then find the courage to
Only in heaven can it be determined how "good" and "righteous" be that person in front of others, too, without cover-ups.
those works really were, and what the true motivations were, and It's time to cast away childish things. You don't need to play a
somebody who accomplished a lot less might still outshine game anymore. It's time to become the real thing.
someone who accomplished great and glorious feats. When you play a game, you're rehearsing for the real thing.
There are other values by which I determine who is truer, who is You're nearly done rehearsing, and you're getting ready for the
greater, who has greater weight. There have been mighty kings real thing. It's time to leave this actor mentality behind and pierce
who were weighed in the balances and found wanting. (Eph. through this matrix of falseness & pretense by realness, by just
2:8,9). being blindingly, stunningly, naked you.
with Me & make sure that it really is of My Spirit what they're
537 __________________________________________________ going to say.
Your sin is only a temporary state, and since time, in It's the art of finding out when it really is My time to speak up
comparison to the vastness and reality of Eternity isn't really about your convictions and when it is best to keep quiet. It's a
"real" in a sense, like paper money: It may have a certain value to real test of humility.
you right now, but in the scope of eternity, it's nothing. "The That saying "you're really 3 people, the one you see, the one
wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life." others see, and the one God knows you to be," also applies to
Just like people are slaving away for money and live for nothing situations: you may see it from your point of view, the other sees
but money, it seems, smoking away their given time... it's all it from theirs, but only I see the whole "elephant." The biggest
nothing but a bit of smoke, "a vapor that's here a little while and mistake you can possibly make is assume that your view and
then it's gone." But the real thing lasts forever. Mine are always identical. So, why not ask Me to show you the
So, don't worry too much about your weaknesses, your sins, other sides of the elephant before you're going to open your
your failures... You can do what you can to overcome them, but mouth? That's what putting yourself in others' shoes means:
the main thing you've got to do is let Me. I've already given you come & see the elephant from their angle. And one by one, if you
the gift of eternal life, in the scope of which you're already come over to their side & touch & feel what they do, you're going
perfect. Your sin is nothing to worry about anymore. You're not to get a picture that coincides a lot more with Mine than your
under the payment system of the "wages of sin" anymore. I've original view, which you were convinced was the only right one...
already promised you and given you an eternal vacation & rest It takes a willingness to learn more than what you already know,
from it all, and the sooner you start enjoying living and working a willingness to tell the Devil, when he attacks through pride, "I
and enjoying life for Me, the better off you're going to be. know you're telling me right know I already know everything
Yes, they will hate and resist and despise you for it, "How dare there is to know, but I'd rather make double-sure & check in with
you despise our value system? How dare you just be happy?..." the Lord."
Old Bottles can't stand the New Wine and news of a new world You need to expose these workings of the Enemy on the
that's going to conquer the old, the one in which they have subconscious level and become aware of them. Something may
invested all their years, their efforts & "blood, sweat & tears" in feel so right, like "the way that seemeth right unto a man," and at
return for their wages. other times they can seem so wrong, but only I can tell you
Sin, time and money are connected somehow. If the love of exactly what is right or wrong.
money is the root of all evil, then it is certainly connected to sin, What's wrong is what always has been wrong, since the
plus, if "time is money," as they say... they're living away their beginning of time: Satan has deceived mankind and brought sin
lives in the slavery of sin. As I told the people, "He that commits into the world and put you under the curse, so, it's a whole lot
sin is the servant of sin" (John 8:34), and I'm the only One Who tougher to really find out what's the truth, thanks to the
can liberate anyone from that bondage. They slave away for their knowledge of good AND evil. From then on you've had to learn to
meager wages, which, in the end, turn out to be nothing but discern the truth from the lies, the good from evil, and the art is
death, that "way which seemed so right unto a man," but turned especially recognizing the evil within yourself. It's plenty easy to
out to be the ways of death... recognize it in others...
You slave away for little colored papers all your life, and all you So, maybe what's wrong is not so much the other person's
get for it in the end is the sting of death. But not so for those who "wrongness" or lack of whatever, but just your own present
receive Me. For I can turn anything and everything into an angle & point of view of things. Maybe you're sitting in front of
everlasting value. I'm the Great Alchemist Who can turn their the wrong part of the elephant, an ugly part of him, and that's
worthless copper into eternal gold. Even death will be something what determines your perception of reality right now. Move over
precious in My sight, when someone has become one of My to the other fellow's side & touch, feel and see as he does. Put
saints by receiving Me. And I can even turn money into yourself in their shoes. It's not only you singing, "walk a mile in
something useful, something that creates & brings life, such as my shoes," but it's the others singing it, too. Just like you're
your tithes, which are used for the good of My Kingdom. inviting them to walk in your shoes, they're also inviting you to
It all depends on the spiritual direction you're going. Everything walk in theirs, and there's a lot of shoes to walk in, a lot of
that's done for self and the Devil turns to death: the whole viewpoints to share & angles from which to see things... a whole
machinery of the System is geared to destruction and death. But lot of elephant to explore & discover.
if you give it all to Me, and live for Me, whatever you've got and
invest in My Kingdom will turn to God's good and eternal gold, 539 __________________________________________________
your life will not be wasted, even though it may look like "wasted My Word promises that you all shall be like Me (1John 3:2),
time" to Systemites and from their "money-making" point of perfect. Perfectly yielded to Me and perfect in harmony with
view... everyone and everything around. As long as the Enemy is still
around, there will always be things, people or wavelengths you
538 __________________________________________________ will feel incapable of becoming one with, and rightly so. After all,
It's a common phenomenon that people who often you're supposed to be finding out where you belong, and where
experience My anointing cannot tell when that anointing isn't it's at. Choosing sides is what it's all about. Some simply choose
there, and it's just their own mind, intuition or feeling guiding and the wrong side, and it's sad, but you can't let that affect you too
directing them. This is what happened on a large scale to people much.
who finally got to the point where they will believe that whatever They just settle for the temporal, for the right here & now, for
they "get" is from Me, no matter whether it contradicts My Word their own "godhood," their round of playing king. Spoiled
or My chosen prophets, or not. It's a putting of self above My children. It's a choice between wanting to be either good
Spirit, which is, in essence, what pride really is. children, who can wait for the reward and who are also willing to
It takes real humility to admit to oneself (and others), "Hey, I do something for them, to make sacrifices, or spoiled children
thought I was in the Spirit or on the right track about that one, who want to have it all now & can't wait until later. Of course, in
but I think it's turning out I wasn't." The right motivation isn't order to enjoy their cake now, they will have to pay the master of
always necessarily the right spirit. And that's what they need to the game. He caters to what they want. Whereas I'm more
learn and discern. Whenever they feel like speaking up & concerned about what you truly need.
correcting others for something they think isn't right according It's a choice between your own desires and inclinations, thinking
to their view, and even perhaps according to the letter of the law, that what you want is all that matters, or whether you're going to
they have to decide whether they're going to say it because it be able to trust that I know better, and that what you need is what
must be from Me and the right thing to say just because it has matters, not what you want or think you need.
come to their mind, just like all the good things I give them when It's receiving My fullness in exchange for letting go of the world's
they're really in tune, or whether they're going to double-check emptiness, their fake fullness, the counterfeit of abundance, their
"too much of everything." Of course, it's a whole different story when you're dealing almost
You should be doing more with what you already have, not do exclusively with people who see nothing wrong with this life, who
more in order to get more! One of the big problems of the times only believe in themselves and who don't think that there's a
is the lack of appreciation for what's already there. need for any change whatsoever. They have embraced Satan's
My eternal and spiritual viewpoint is generally more negatively illusion as the light, and the light of My truth only bewilders and
inclined toward the Systems of this world. It takes willingness & even frightens them, it's a "strange truth" to them, that topples
courage to face certain ugly facts about the world and yourself in their neat little picture of the way they see things. But you can
order to embrace My truly positive viewpoint. And whereas the still offer them the truth, even if it may not be easy to swallow, it
materialistic viewpoint is more positively inclined toward the still is much better than the lie, simply because it is the truth.
System and the world as it is, it is in reality the more negative You're dealing in truth (if anybody asks you what your business
view, because it depreciates Me. is), and the problem is that the demand for it is kind of rare,
While at first glance your view seems to be more negative, more which is why you have to ignite and spark people's interest in it.
serious, more down-slanted than that of the materialist, it really The lie is easy, the lie is comfortable. It may even satisfy
isn't, because your view is positive toward the true and real somewhat, like a drug, but it will never truly make you happy.
things in life that really matter; your view is positively inclined Like a drug, you may become addicted to it and dependent on it,
toward Me. and the thought of ever having to live without it scares you
There's a big difference between "good" and "bad" as from the nearly half out of your wits. But wouldn't you consider freedom
different angles & points of view, the different sides of the from such an addiction a positive gift? Yes, it requires a miracle.
"elephant." First of all, they have to be willing to forsake this drug they've
been so comfortable with, perhaps for all their lives. And then
540 __________________________________________________ they have to see it through, to go without it, to start a whole new
I'm trying to get Egypt out of you: the System's life of independence from that former crutch they were so used
indoctrination; and you must check your heart for any remnants to.
& residues of "Egypt" inside yourself & get rid of it. That's what's the difference between My sheep and the goats: My
Loyalty to My Family, My clan, My heavenly country & nation is sheep know deep inside that there is something else than the
definitely priority over any "Egyptian" philosophies, views or drug, the lie, and they're waiting for it, waiting for their liberation,
even "open-mindedness." Stay radical, stay tuned to Me, stay waiting for the truth, waiting for the light to pierce their darkness,
dropped out, an Israelite at heart, and have no room in your heart their false imitation of light, their "reality," which they can quite
open for the ways and enticements of Egypt. clearly sense, couldn't possibly be all there is. The others are
fine with it. They can keep pretending and playing the game until
541 __________________________________________________ the day they die. The lie is like second nature to them, in fact, it's
Persecution is often an instrument in My hands which I use more than that; to them it is the truth, and some will even
to make My own church white and to purify. It's the judgment I vehemently defend it.
bring upon My own house first, for that is where judgment Positiveness would be, to not rest until every effort were made to
begins. I cannot judge the rest of the world while I let My own try to deliver as many junkies as you possibly can. Negativity
children get away with sin. The world needs a fair God and would be to just give in, to let circumstances dissuade you and
Judge. make you think it's senseless, no use, no hope, no chance.
Remember that you're supposed to be aids to the Great Attorney Negativity would be to accept the mind frame that it's
of defense, Who is supposed to defend people before the Father "impossible." Positiveness is faith, to believe, and not give up
from the Devil's accusations. You're supposed to be on My side, fighting for their deliverance.
the side of the defense. So, don't get into any judging or I would like you to adopt a fighter spirit, knowing that it is your
accusing yourself! You're supposed to help defend people God-given duty to fight for the deliverance & Salvation of those
against the Devil. You're not supposed to be prison wardens, but lost souls, and that giving up prematurely would be a very bad
liberators. Show the people that you're on their side, that you're and negative thing to do, almost like treason, desertion,
not there to condemn them, but to save them. Your job is saving neglecting your duty and high calling from above.
them, not condemning them! So, adopting a more positive mind-frame for you would spell not
giving up on them too easily, but continuing to fight for
542 __________________________________________________ Salvation, knowing that it's worth it. Otherwise it's almost as if
Be so filled with My Spirit, so full of Me, that there's no room you have accepted part of their lie, that they don't really need My
for any darkness, any lack or absence of light, such as in the Salvation and My Deliverance. If you believe that, then in this
form of doubts, skepticism or disbelief, be it your own or that of aspect you have moved over to the Enemy's camp. You're saying
the people whose opinion you might be concerned about. (by your actions): "Yeah, it's alright for you to keep on living the
It takes a mindset of refusing to allow such things to hit you; just way you do. It doesn't make much of a difference whether you
determine to ignore them as empty winds and empty lies of the live with the truth or in the lie. If the drug's the thing for you, then
Devil, empty shadows, that appear as darkness and blackness, keep living with it." You're accepting the Devil's lie as a
but disappear when faced with My light. Your faith in My light "necessary evil" and just allow it to coexist. Whereas I would
needs to overcome those lies & pretenses & fears of darkness, consider positiveness, being a wholehearted & stouthearted,
none of which are really real in the first place. The only power the relentless fighter who will not give any room or place for evil to
Devil holds is over the mind, but once you refuse to even exist.
recognize that power and go forth in the faith that I am well able I'm asking you to sound a wake up call that's going to shake
to overcome all that, the battle is yours. them out of their beds and is going to make them shiver. Now,
They might decide to cling to their illusions of doubt & darkness, that's what I would call success, and that's what a successful
and to that shadow, refuse to let go of the false mindsets of the mission would be in My eyes, if you have managed to shake a
past, refuse to take that opportunity for a new today and a new good few people up, made them shake in their boots, scared and
tomorrow, but you must make it clear to them that you're offering convicted about continuing to live one more day in their illusion,
them the power to blow all that away, all their shadows of the their addiction to the lie.
past, if they will just give Me a chance and allow Me to, by My goal for you is not for you to live a comfortable life until the
receiving Me. day you peacefully die of old age. My idea of your purpose in life
I can give them a better future and present than all the good is not a comfortable vacation. It's meant to be more adventurous
times they ever experienced in the past. And especially for those than that, daring them to wake up, challenging them.
who didn't have any joyful yesterdays to look back on, whose Be a living alarm clock in their lives that will rattle them out of
lives have only been pain and sorrow thus far, I can be their their sleep and their stupor.
Comforter and Giver of a brand new today and tomorrow. If that's the spirit in which you will live, you will not go unheard
nor unnoticed. embrace it! Learn how to trust, instead of knowing how to
analyze and dissect everything. You would learn to let Me do it
543 __________________________________________________ for you, and thus learn how to use a much greater power than
I like to make My children happy. Happiness is something your own. A power that is preserved for the simple.
that often eludes the complicated minds, and you get another Faith is the power you've got to avail yourself of in order to gain
glimpse of what I meant by, "blessed are the poor in spirit." more of what you need. You can't just get these things in the
The less you worry, the more your trust enables Me to work for efforts of your own flesh. It's your trust and faith power that are
you. doing the work to bring about abundant supply, not any effort or
It's not that I'm opposed to people using their brains, but I'm worry or fleshly attempt to add one cubit to your stature by
trying to get you to operate more by the heart, & not so much by yourself. You've just got to keep up that trusting power! Continue
the head. It's the heart that attracts people. The regular, average to trust!
people are almost always rather inclined to be suspicious &
mistrusting of intellectually inclined people, who convey an air of 544 __________________________________________________
intellectual superiority, usually because they often breathe Prayer changes things. When you feel the Enemy is
criticalness of those who are less so inclined. attacking, pray! When you feel like you're not prepared for
And I usually side with them. The Devil is the smart aleck who something that's coming at you, pray. When you feel like you
tries to pretend he's so much smarter than everybody else, & he can't cope, and what life is handing you is a bit too much for you,
ridicules them & makes them feel inferior. But blessings come then pray. Prayer is the magic that makes Me help you carry your
from elsewhere, not only smartness. I bless the honest, humble, load. Without it, you're not going to make it.
hard working people, & they're often more blessed than those If there's been any improvement, any progress, it's because of
incredibly intellectual thinkers, which usually tends to make the your combined prayers. You must continue to pray. When you
thinkers only more bitter & cynical & critical, but what it actually pray, you show you care.
should do is cause them to think for real: that it's not only this You prefer to do tangible, visible things, the effects & fruits of
supposed intellectual superiority that makes things happen, but which can be immediately seen, heard or felt, but you've got to
the heart is an engine that can generate wealth more efficiently invest more of your faith in prayer, pour more of your life out in
and reliably than mere intellect. prayer. You believe in prayer as much as you pray.
The brain alone doesn't do it. It's the heart that moves one to Prepare yourself through prayer! Prayer is the magic I want you
action, which then actually makes the difference. The mind alone to practice! The magic witches practice is only an imitation of the
doesn't really have creative power. It's the heart that moves the power you release through prayer.
rest of your body along to really get something going. You need Chase away the silly and stupid doubts & attacks of the Enemy
inspiration, not just mere brain-power & intellect. through prayer, the way you get rid of flies with a fly swatter or
If it all just remains in the realm of thought, it can so often be and insect spray! Use the insect spray of prayer to rid yourself of the
remain nothing but hot air. You can think things up & down until (f)lies of the evil one! Spray some prayer magic in their direction
it hurts & you can talk about them for ages, but usually the & soon you'll hear their annoying buzzing no more! They will
simple people will have simply done it long before you ever got stop touching you, stop bothering you, they will cease to exist.
around to stop talking about it. Rid yourself of all the pests of the evil one through that power-
It's the difference between intellect & initiative. If you had a spray of prayer! It's pure energy, pure light, pure magic! It's a can
choice between the two, I would recommend the latter. Neither that never runs empty of the very force that not only created the
intellect nor intelligence are on the list of things needed to make universe, but also holds it together. The forces of gravity, speed
a pioneer, but initiative is, along with courage, another thing and light, etc., are all parts of one great force, namely Mine, and
which intelligent people often don't possess, because they're you can avail yourself through it through prayer! Wouldn't it be
often so skeptical, full of doubts, which easily grow into fears, foolish not to do so?
which provide the thinker with lots of reasons why one shouldn't You can also prevent problems from ever even happening by
even try. applying yourself of that force in a preventative way.
Faith is another quality which one has more often in spite of what Breathing is a lot like prayer. You breathe in My life-giving
their intellect or their carnal mind tells them than because of it, oxygen, you spiritually inhale My Spirit, My love, My force, and
because you have to accept My Word in order to get it, which will you exhale it again, as you breathe out your influence of
often tell you the exact opposite of what your mind will tell you. positiveness on the world. You shed light into the darkness
Then there is vision, vision to see what no one else can see. The through your prayers. And if you will quench the thirsty, parched
intelligent mind often only sees the obstacles, it sometimes even ground of their hearts with the water of My Word, you will in time
creates them, whereas to be a pioneer, you need more than mere watch a forest and a beautiful garden grow where there was only
intelligence. You need to be able to see beyond the confines of desert beforehand.
the mind. Intelligence (and I'm talking about the average amount Turn the desert into paradise! You can do it! The first thing you
that people boast of these days), is not enough, it's too limited to must do is pray! Show them the magic of prayer! Share the
accomplish any truly great and outstanding feats. Only those magic! Pour it on them! Let them experience it, feel it, enjoy it!
who can see further than the confines of their minds can break Let them notice the difference! Make a difference through prayer,
out & dare to go where no one else dared to go, do what no one My magic! You want to be a powerful wizard & performer of
else dared to try. Their minds simply don't know that it can't be miracles? You can only perform miracles if you start learning to
done. truly avail yourself of My power through prayer! I give it to you
Others would consider them dumb, crazy, lunatics. "Don't you freely. I want you to use it! I long for you to use it! Do you realize
know that this can't be done?" There IS no such thing as "can't that it's absolutely the most foolish thing in the world you could
be done" for My pioneers! So, don't overestimate intelligence! It possibly do, not to use it, to neglect it?
won't get you nearly as far as those other qualities: faith, vision,
courage and initiative. Watch out that your supposed intelligence 545 __________________________________________________
doesn't actually stand in the way of those superior qualities. Look at the positive! Rising above means not looking at the
That's why My Word says that "not many wise men after the flesh negative circumstances, but beyond them, at My power to alter
are called," (1.Cor.1:26), that the wisdom of the world is them, and at My purpose in them to teach, train & strengthen
foolishness with Me, and that I have chosen the foolish things of you, trusting Me that I know what I'm doing. Then you can thank
the world. Those who think they're so smart are simply not as Me for them, instead of complaining about them.
qualified in My eyes and for My service as those who are simple Unfortunately, sometimes there's no other way for Me to make
enough to trust Me. Faith is so much more valuable and powerful folks realize that things could be worse except by allowing them
in My eyes than human intellect. to become worse. Only then do most folks realize just how good
Oh, the wisdom of a child, if all you learned men would only they've been having it.
Let's face it, a lot of this negativity simply comes from being angry, impatient or upset with Me or your circumstances, or
spoiled: as long as the circumstances are all rosy & easy, things yourself. Learn to gratefully embrace life as it comes. If there is a
just get to a point where they can't be rosy and easy enough difficulty, don't despair over it, don't get mad or angry about it,
anymore, and as soon as a little obstacle appears, you nearly but face it and embrace & learn to handle it with humility.
freak out. "Every rose has its thorn." Consider those little trials The silent, peaceful garb of humility is the one that it behooves
that come along with the opportunities the price you have to pay you to wear, when you're faced with a difficult situation, a trial or
for them. You want a blessing? Well, you might have to carry a challenge, not to become upset and start ranting and raving.
burden along with it, too. Show that you believe and trust Me for what I've made you.
That's just the way things work in life. Even though I do give you So, next time you get tempted to get upset about something, pull
all things for free, I expect you to do certain things in exchange the break! Stop everything and take time to embrace that
for them: I expect you to pray, I expect you to praise Me, I expect situation, to love the situation, the gift of My new eternal life I
you to serve Me in exchange for My supply. I'm expecting you to have given you. The Devil might want to have you believe that it's
learn this lesson of dwelling on the positive, even in adverse just a part of your old, carnal life, just because you aren't perfect
circumstances, to stay positive, loving and understanding. yet. He tries to deceive you into thinking that you're still under
I know you can do it, and it's like C. S. Lewis said, "It's amazing the curse, and thus everything appears to be cursed. But I have
what people can do if they have to." There's no other way: you're blessed your life with My Salvation, lifted the curse from the lives
going to have to go through this, you're going to have to stay of those who have received Me, who accepted My sacrifice for
positive, you can't afford to let the situation drag you down. them, those who absorb My existence.
There's a light at the end of every tunnel. Just keep your eyes on Once you grow into a fully mature disciple, faithfully absorbing
it! Know that I'm going to help you make it through this one also, and imparting My Word to others, you actually become the living
and know that I want to use this battle, this stretch of darkness to Word in the flesh to the World as I have been.
deal with the failings and shortcomings of your hearts. Deal with You are a part of Me, and if you despise yourself, you are
it. Face it. Let Me rub it in, so you know which areas need despising a part of My body. But you need to embrace the whole
washing and treatment. You've got to localize, analyze and of it, even with its apparent flaws and weaknesses, because I will
expose the disease first, before you can cure it; especially yet cause those weaknesses and flaws to praise Me, just as I did
spiritual diseases. They're never cured by simply ignoring them. not save the world through some manifestation of strength and
To deal with this is what life is all about. It's not all and only fun power, but through My death, the epitome of weakness, loss, the
and pleasure. ultimate of what the world considers bad.
Part of love is to stick with others through their dark times. As Francis said, "It is in dying that we rise to eternal life." So,
accept and embrace your life fully, along with its death, accept it
546 __________________________________________________ as just the way I created it, and as it ought to be. It may seem so
Yourself is the first thing you've got to change in order to far from perfect to you, but you just need to have a little faith and
change the world & make it better. And what other way do I have patience: trust and see what I am going to bring about through
to let you know that you need to change; that things are not okay this momentary suffering and imperfection!
the way things are, but to allow things to go wrong? The contrast of the picture portrayed against the background of
Woe to them who are not being chastened & disciplined by Me, evil will help everyone to see clearly.
because they must think they don't need Me. There's no hope for Evil will teach mankind and all of creation a vital lesson, just as
those who don't think they need help; like that proverb: "Do you dung and fertilizer will bring about better results in a crop. It's a
see a man wise in his own conceit? Even for a fool there's more necessary part of the work; ask any farmer.
hope than for him." Trust that I will bring forth beauty from ashes, life from death, joy
As long as you know you need Me, or at least allow Me to remind from suffering.
you of that fact regularly, there is hope.
Less is more especially in the aspect of knowledge or "having 549 __________________________________________________
your act together." The less you are, the more I have a chance to The Enemy will always do precisely what he knows will stop
be in you. you from making progress in the particular area I want you to
make progress in.
547 __________________________________________________ Whereas if you keep your eyes on Me, on My promises and on My
If you could just accept who you are, you would get along so love for you, you will know that I give you - and have already
much better with the rest of the world. given you - the potential to overcome all these obstacles, these
I cannot really work through you until you have learned to trust weaknesses, both, your own and those of others that bug you. I
Me for yourself, for the way I made you, for what you are. I cannot have made you an overcomer.
work through you until you come to accept what I have made in My love for you is so strong that this love in you can overcome
you, accept it, receive it, let it be. all that. You don't have to allow these things to bog or tie you
"Love thy neighbor as thyself" doesn't really work if all you feel down. In fact, all the Enemy's attempts to do so are nothing but
for yourself is disdain. Once you trust Me for the way I made you, empty bluffs. My love in you is strong enough to overcome and
then you also begin to learn to trust Me fully for other things, rise above all that.
including other people, and their blunders, too. You can just let all that antagonism, rejection and resentment
You've got to lower the standard of perfection for yourself, first, bounce off like a rubber ball, or like a stone off a rubber wall,
before you can lower it for others. you're immune to it. You see what's happening, and you figure,
Stop feeling so rotten about yourself, and eventually you're "Hey, this is supposed to hurt me," and you're expecting the
going to stop behaving in a rotten way. Accept & believe that I pain, but I'm asking you, where is the pain? It isn't there because
have made you the way I knew perfectly well you were supposed My love for you is so strong, it just erases it.
to be, forget all those doubts about yourself and just trust, You're thinking you should be offended, that this thing might
believe, accept, be. You are more loved than you'll ever know in become a problem, but I'm telling you, what problem? What
this life. offense? There is nothing! You don't feel any offense, you just
feel the temptation to be offended, but I'm causing you to rise
548 __________________________________________________ above this, simply because of My great love for you. My love for
You have to learn patience - patience with the flesh; patience you is stronger than all obstacles, stronger than any lack of love
with yourself. or all the hatred in the world or of the Enemy that would destroy
You will come across types who will be able to benefit from the you.
things you're learning and experiencing right now. That's why I'm telling you, this is not a problem, this is but a joke.
You must trust that what I am teaching you will be appreciated Just focus on My love for you, and everything else will become
and needed and welcomed in due time. Please don't become irrelevant. Focus on what I'm trying to teach you. Focus on what
I'm giving you. upon all those evil growths of darkness & will make an end for
Behold what richness of spiritual goods I have bestowed upon them & cast them in the fire.
you! It would help you to be more patient with yourself and Trust in spite of all that the weeds of darkness can threaten to
others if you would remember that when it comes down to it, do; continue to believe & see My light beyond the apparent
you're all just children. darkness, knowing that the darkness - no matter how gloomy - is
You're all just learning, like kids in school. Some day you're only temporal, soon to be chased away by My glorious, eternal
going to put aside childish things and become mature, and you light.
will see eye to eye. Those who leave My school prematurely are
the ones who get tired of My teaching, My curriculum, they play 552 __________________________________________________
hookies and want to be their own teachers and masters. When I say "the flesh profiteth nothing," it means that it's
They didn't believe that I would help them to rise above any often only prolonging things, making them unnecessarily
inability, any weakness that would hinder them to cope with the complicated and creating a detour, when you're trying to figure
lessons and challenges I put before them. They didn't have the out & accomplish things in the arm of the flesh, instead of taking
faith that My love in them could do the humanly impossible. the simple way of childlike faith and the way of the Spirit.
All you've really got to do is trust in My love, My love for you, that I know your frailties & weaknesses, and use you according to My
it's great enough to help you to overcome anything. It's the love purpose, in coordination with what I know about your
that overcomes all things. (See Romans 8:31,32). weaknesses and strengths. My spirit world is very efficient in
Look at My immense love for you, which makes any lack of love finding out just what works best with different folks, and we're
irrelevant! All that matters is My love for you, which initiates not bound to any ruts. That's another thing that's so wonderful
everything in the first place. You love Me because I first loved about the freedom of the Spirit.
you, and you are able to love others and yourself because I first That's why I'm telling you, keep your eyes on Me, focus on My
loved you. Spirit and My love, and look away from those who are bound by
"Denying yourself and taking up your cross" is the very opposite rules and limitations which don't necessarily apply to you, simply
of man's modern teachings and other philosophies of "finding because I've given you greater freedom. I can't allow everyone
yourself," fulfilling yourself" and saving yourself. Denying the same amount of freedom. Some need those tight & strict
yourself means to not accept the Enemy's lies, which he tells the rules to go by, and it irritates them to see others running around
proud and self-sufficient that any of you can save yourselves by outside of them. But if I have blessed you with greater faith &
your good works. It also means to forsake your own plans about greater freedom, what is that to them? And if I have given them
making a great name for yourself in this life. It means putting the need for greater restrictions & tighter rules, what is that to
your cards and your money on the Spirit, and the World to come, thee? Every man according to his need & purpose. Quit putting
not the flesh and this present world. It means that you believe each other in boxes. If I have called you to greater freedom, why
what I said: "It is the Spirit that quickens (gives life), the flesh do you limit yourself to confines which weren't meant for you?
profits nothing," that you have chosen the way of Abel, not of
Cain, the way of the "Lord-letters" not of the workers-in-the- 553 __________________________________________________
flesh... I'm ushering in a new era in your life, in which you cease to
But it doesn't mean that you have to suppress yourself once I trust in the power of man and learn to trust more in Me.
have renewed you, once you have been born again, once I've I'm trying to get you to swap from leaning on physical power, and
saved you and you've become a new creature in Me. lean on My shoulders instead.
The Devil tries to inflate the egos of those who disobey Me, and I want you to put a greater emphasis on learning to acquire
at the same time to belittle those who do obey Me. He's the things you need by praying for them, by applying the spiritual
"coach" of the wicked, and he will spur on and encourage those principle, "ask and ye shall receive," instead of leaning on the
who do evil, and he will try to discourage those who do good. arm of the flesh. I want your life to become more & more of a
I know that it may seem like an impossible fight to win, against daily miracle for which you cannot help but give Me the glory as
such a wicked and sly foe, invisible, unrecognized and operating it becomes more & more obvious to you that it's truly My hand
in stealth, even unnoticed by some of those who should know supplying for you, not your own efforts with just a little help from
better. He hates to be exposed. Those demons - including the above.
ones that are lingering around My children and try to influence Direct what strength you have toward Me, using it to activate My
them and stop them from making progress & true spiritual much greater power, and avail yourself of that to make things
forward-movement - know who their potentially most dangerous happen for you. If you invest more time & energy in prayer, the
enemies are, those who can see their game and look through the results are going to be a lot more favorable than whatever results
games they cause their victims to play. you achieve by doing it in your own energy.
But all you must focus on is My love for you, it will be stronger I'll richly reward you for having put My Kingdom & My affairs, My
than any hatred, resentment and rejection you may experience. Family, first.
Love is stronger than pride. If you let My love permeate your very
being, pride eventually will not even be able to phase you. Let My 554 __________________________________________________
love for you and in you erase any traces of pride! You're just going to have to trust Me. I don't want you to put
Just focus on My love for you. Let it be more important than your trust in your chariots, but in Me. That's all I'm primarily
anything else. interested in cultivating in you: that trust. Trust that I will supply
your needs, trust that I will lead you in the right way, trust that
550 __________________________________________________ there is really nothing to worry about, since you put your hand in
Sometimes I use the horrors of this world to drive you into Mine and your trust in Me.
the arms of heaven, to make you long for heaven; in order for I have always wanted My disciples not to focus on their needs,
you to become more heavenly-minded, less worldly-minded, for their lacks, their worldly affairs, but on the harvest: My need for
you to realize yet a bit more how much this world is not your those lost sheep out there who still need to be won, workers that
home, how much you're not of this world, how you don't really might still be found, if you focus on seeking them out.
belong here.
555 __________________________________________________
551 __________________________________________________ You don't have to cheat yourself out of enjoying yourself. To
We're advancing, although it seems as if the Enemy's enjoy yourself means precisely what it says: you can enjoy just
kingdom on earth is advancing much faster, the way weeds being yourself, you can enjoy the body I've given you, the spirit
usually grow faster than good crops, and the weeds seems to I've given you, the life I've given you, it's nothing to be ashamed
threaten to choke My good crops, but you know and can trust of or to constantly deny or to beat down.
that in the end, I, the Wood Chopper will descend with My axe People need to see a happy and satisfied customer in whom they
can see the joy of My Salvation at work, not somebody who anything, whether the thing you feel inspired about is really
inwardly keeps murmuring about himself, "Why hast Thou made inspired by Me.
me thus?" You've got to really make sure always that it's My inspiration and
That heavenly joy is found in giving Me to others anointing, not an inroad or temptation of the flesh to make itself
Happiness simply eludes those who go chasing after it. The only feel grander and greater than is due. That's why I can more easily
thing I can offer you and you can offer to anyone else is a life in work with humble people. They don't have these temptations of
which you forget about chasing your own happiness, a life of all of a sudden feeling more special than others, more anointed,
dedicating yourself to bringing happiness to others, and that will more "used." They just do what's necessary & fill the need.
bring you true happiness. Remember that whatever you've got, you have only received, and
The Family has turned out for many folks not to be "their thing" all you can do is humbly pass it on.
anymore, because it's never been "their" thing in the first place, That's why I've got to give you thorns in the flesh, aches & pains,
but Mine, and the only way it can become your thing is by making your weaknesses, to keep you humble & low & remember your
My thing and My cause yours also. You can only identify with this frame, remember that this is not your destination. This is not the
by making My ambitions and pursuits your very own, which place you're destined to reign, but to suffer with Me. The
means you'll have to forget about your own. Witnessing is what suffering comes first, before the reigning, and that's the part
the Family is supposed to be all about. you're in right now.
You're right in the very center of My will when you do. Of course, I'm trying to make it all as bearable for you as
If you go out to show the people how much I love them and how possible, and I don't want your life to be all pain & no joy at all,
much they're being loved, you'll feel just how proud I will be of just like I also enjoyed My physical life and it didn't only consist
you for doing so. of suffering. But the cross, not the miracles, was the ultimate
When you know that you are being obedient to Me, you just know purpose of why I came, My ultimate destiny. It wasn't My time yet
that you are being blessed. There's no greater way in which you to be a king, but a humble Servant. And that's what you must
can manifest your obedience to Me than by witnessing, and thus learn, too.
no greater way to experience My blessings. The more you do it, You've got to discern whether these feelings are just feeding
the happier you'll be; Witnessing is a major key to happiness. your pride & self-reliance or whether they help you to walk in My
footsteps and that humble road of reliance & dependence on Me.
556 __________________________________________________
Even as I give freely to anyone who asks, anyone who is 561 __________________________________________________
willing to reach out their hands & receive from Me the riches I I'm not nearly as scared of breaking up selfish little families
have to offer, so do I want My children to give freely, also. as you guys are, contrary to popular belief. It's similar to the
Give and trust that I will supply & that I will touch the hearts of difference between the way most people view death, and the way
those who will help you! I view it: for them it's the most terrible thing that could happen to
them, in My eyes it's precious, a celebration, your glorious
557 __________________________________________________ homecoming, your relief.
The easy way out is to quit, and it takes faith to believe that And it's the same with separations, which most people view as
you can overcome the difficulties and fix the problems. You've something terrible, but in the case where your service for Me is
got to have the faith that I can fix anything, even if I test you, and what matters most & is of much greater importance than any
am taking My time until I deliver you. relationship ever could be, changes in relationships, including
Contrary to you and your tendency to quit and give up on a separations, come more often from My hand than the Enemy. It's
relationship or marriage, I will always stay married to My brides, more often than not a blessing, which brings positive changes
even if they are faithless, turn their backs on Me and forsake Me into the separating individuals' lives, freeing them from the
in their hearts. My love & faithfulness simply remains. chains of former habits and ruts.
If you're having serious long-standing problems in your
558 __________________________________________________ relationship and serious doubts about it - doubts about the
How it delights Me to know that I'm the One Who is the authenticity of the motivations that hold it together, then you
Answer to all your needs, your quests, the One to quench your should certainly be brave enough to seriously consider a
thirst and every longing. How it delights Me to watch you find all separation and at least talk and pray about it.
you long for in Me. Sometimes I make things "unbearable" in order to evoke change.
For you cannot find what you're longing for in this physical The only alternative would be a slow, painful death, caused by
world, and so you turn to Me, and I become more to you than you stagnation, compromise, and what ultimately amounts to
ever dreamed I would be, I become more and more important to disobedience. Look at what My Word says about forsaking all,
you everyday. You're coming closer to Me with every moment. especially loved ones that distract you from giving your whole
Sometimes that greater closeness comes about in a painful way, heart and attention to Me!
the ways of disillusionment with this temporary world, and its I'm trying to make you into as revolutionary fighters for Me as I
failure to satisfy your deepest longings & yearnings. And that's possibly can, using any possible means. If that takes a
where I come in and become all you could ever ask for and more, separation, so be it. I'm vehemently fighting to counteract the
and it thrills Me, it satisfies Me beyond measure, to be there for moves of the Enemy to stop you from being a revolutionary
you, to become all you've yearned for. Christian, if he can't stop you from being a Christian.
Unfortunately, he knows exactly what it takes to get most people
559 __________________________________________________ to stop even trying to be revolutionary Christians: a comfy-cozy
The road of less immediate glory leads to higher eternal little family that simply wants to enjoy life together. Maybe do a
glory. Those who seek glory in this life and in this world won't be little witnessing on the side every now & then in order to calm
satisfied with the humble life of playing second fiddle to down your aching conscience, watch movies & get things that
someone else's tune, a life of obedience, a life of submission. everybody else also enjoys; maybe a nice little vacation:
They want to be their own kings. "Welcome to System-Wonderland!" It happens a lot more quickly
Who will truly burn with My oil, and not just smolder & scorch than most are able or willing to realize. And in nothing flat you're
away their own, oversized wick? You can be sure that it's most trapped inside a situation you never really wanted to be in, but
likely going to be someone who is weak in their own strength, the longer it lasted, the deeper the rut, and the harder to get out
someone totally dependent on Me. of it.
It's not as if all the lessons you learn together as a couple aren't
560 __________________________________________________ good & useful, just like anything you can learn about can be
Feelings can be downright deceptive. good & useful, providing you're not - like so many - ever learning
Feeling "inspired" is not really a safe & foolproof guarantee for without ever coming to knowledge. In other words, never making
any real progress. And even if you consider yourself to be Kingdom, where all you've got is employed in order to bring forth
making progress, do you really think you know better what kind fruit for Me.
of progress you ought to be making than I do? That is what "sowing to the spirit" refers to. Whereas all those
So, please allow Me to rock your boat again, because, as lovely activities that merely minister to the flesh won't serve to make
as the ride may have been, I'm afraid you got a little off the your fields prosper, but will only leave them barren and desolate,
course & track that I want you to follow, and if that's what still and any fruit or life on it will wither and fade (see Gal.6:8).
matters to you in the first place, then definite changes will have It requires the pouring out of the very essence of your life, your
to be made, and I mean any kind of change it takes, not just the life-blood, just like I did. That's following in My footsteps.
ones you would be willing to make. If you're not willing to make
the kind of changes I want you to make, you know that I can The real sheep won't be satisfied with anything less than the
make your life of compromise & disobedience fairly unbearable, communion with a living God Who can speak to them everyday
and if you refuse to give Me what is rightfully Mine, I can take a and gives them relevant answers to the problems of their lives
collection that will far surpass what I might have required from everyday. They can't be satisfied with answers I gave thousands
you in the first place. of years ago, they need answers to their problems today. And
Time is short, and if you have communication problems in your who else has got such a God but you? Who else holds so much
marriage that hinder your communication with Me and My truth and can show them how to receive personal answers from
communication with the world through you, then prove that you Me but you, who are experiencing yourselves, that it works
really want to keep Me in the first place of your lives by forsaking everyday?
your marriage, lest it become an idolatrous abomination to Me!
And otherwise, just forsake your unrealistic expectations of each I can alter not only your way of seeing the circumstances, but
other, grit your teeth & get your job for Me done. Seek ye first My also your capability of handling them and dealing with them,
kingdom, not your marriage or family. which will make any mountain look smaller and more inviting and
That's another fundamental difference between My Family and less gloomy than before you asked Me to change things with My
the rest of the churches: My Family is not afraid to make such power. More often than not it will be My altering you, your heart,
radical changes for Me. How radical are you, and how much are your attitude and perception of things, that will really make the
you truly part of My Family? difference. So, that's where you've got to let Me work, for that's
where I have chosen to live: right in your own heart! Let your
562 __________________________________________________ heart be My home, and I'll be the greatest changing-factor of
There are many things that seem right to the carnal mind, but circumstances you'll have ever known. Make salvation work for
if you don't watch it, they can lead to real danger. That's why I'm you in ever-increasing, never-diminishing power, and soon you'll
exhorting you constantly not to lean to your own understanding spread that fire of salvation over to many others.
nor to depend on your carnal mind, but to ask Me everything, to
pray about everything. 564 __________________________________________________
It means shooting up a prayer about a certain issue & enabling Sin is neglect of Me, underestimating Me and not giving Me
Me and your helpers to give you checks about issues. That's why the importance and priority in one's life that is due.
situations are so dangerous in which it seems so obviously clear
what you're supposed to do that you fail to check in with Me. 565 __________________________________________________
It's quite natural to want to see the talents I have given you
563 __________________________________________________ put to use. It's just, what do you want to see them used for? What
The whole idea about faith and serving Me is that you don't do you want to achieve with them and what is your goal?
have to serve your circumstances and be subject to them, but to Personal fame and wealth, which is what the world would
apply your faith in My power to make the most out of them, make consider success? Or the kind of wealth that lasts for all eternity,
something better out of them, to use that empty ground and fill it namely souls for My Kingdom?
with My seeds, to till and plough it, so that from that which was If you know you're doing your best to invest your time & energy
once empty ground, unpromising and seemingly barren, you toward the latter, then you don't have to worry about the former
bring forth fruit unto Me. anymore. First of all, the first will have lost its meaning and
The ground of your circumstances waits to be tilled, worked and appeal for you, and then I have promised to supply all your needs
cultivated through your prayers and your obedience to Me, and if you make My goals your ambition, instead of pursuing your
thus altered, from an empty ground to a lush green field, that's own goals.
the ultimate purpose of faith. Your life without Me was like a Focus & concentrate on My affairs and what really matters, and
desert, but I came into your life and changed it into a pleasant rid yourself of all the influences of the brainwash of the world,
land. Now, your job is to turn around and - in order to maintain what people think about you, how they view you, comparing with
the happiness I have given you in the first place - to change the others, etc.
barren lands of others' lives into lush green lands also. This If you want My ways to rub off on you, then spend time with Me,
happiness isn't something you can just keep for yourself, but it investing your time in your heavenly bank account.
only remains alive if you share it with others. Only through this I'm not expecting any great accomplishments from you; I just
action of turning others' lives into something better, will your expect you to be faithful in the little things.
own "land" stay fruitful, fertile and lush and alive also. If you accomplish nothing but to pray for those who need your
You have experienced how the Enemy can turn your land into a prayers, then you're already accomplishing a lot more than some
wilderness again, if you let him, and that explains a little bit what multi-billion dollar mogul who's raking in the millions by the
Paul referred to (Phil.2:12) when he said, "work out your own minute! His millions are going to be absolutely worthless to him
salvation in fear and trembling:" it referred to what you do with the minute he dies, whereas you will have saved your riches
your own saved life while you're living it, and while you have a where they will truly count, for eternity!
chance to cultivate it. What fruit are you going to cause your life Concentrate on the lost sheep. They'll be eternally thankful to
to bear and bring forth? It wasn't referring to your eternal you for having brought them My message and salvation.
salvation, to your soul, which is Mine once & for all, but to what You are and remain My only true alternative to the System. All the
you're going to do with your saved life on earth. Are you going to others are just another bunch of System junkies with a little bit of
allow that salvation to work so that it brings forth fruit? Christian flavor mixed in or a Christian coating.
That's the only way your salvation will ever become visible and Continue striving for what the Family is and is yet to become, for
beneficial for anyone else. its growth. You won't regret it!
A day where I rule the circumstances, and one of which you can
truly say, "this is the day which the Lord hath made," is a day 566 __________________________________________________
which is dedicated to My purpose, to the advance of My Love and humility are practically one and the same. Without
love there can be no humility, and without humility there can be The only thing that will stop you from going down that road is to
no real love. Humility is a gift, which you receive for the asking. take in My input instead of his. The Words that I have given to
How badly do you want it? How much do you ask for it, pray for this Family are what is keeping this Family alive. That's why you
it, desire it? How important is it to you? must immerse yourself in them and not neglect them.
If you really treasure it as something valuable, then you won't let If you just manage to stay faithful to My Word, and to keep
the Enemy steal it away from you by tempting you to feel faithfully drinking them in until I come for you, you'll see: it will
superior, or to ridicule others, or to play that tit for tat game of have been worth it all!
pride, of they reject you, so you reject them.
That's the Enemy's goal, to kill your love for them, so that you 569 __________________________________________________
won't ever even start reaching out to them, to try to win them to (Dad:) Christians want new blood in their churches, but
Me. they're too proud to do what the Lord told'em to do: to get out on
Look deeper! Stop judging by outward appearance! the streets & make new converts & win souls to the Kingdom.
The Enemy will try to drive the biggest possible wedge he can That's what's the biggest difference between us and the
between you and those I want you to reach. He tries to persuade churches: that we're not too proud to go out there. Or at least,
you that it's pointless and useless to even try to win them. that's what's supposed to be the biggest difference. How
That's where you're going to have to decide whether you're going different are you?
to believe him or Me. Those people out there are the reason If you want new converts, if you want to win souls, you're just
you're still here. going to have to go out to the highways & by-ways & find'em &
Give them a chance. Give them the benefit of the doubt. You need bring them in.
to give them a chance before they can give Me a chance. Give So many people want to do it the "proper" way, off the streets, in
them a chance to give Me a chance! Don't allow the Enemy to a nice church building or some kind of nice meeting somewhere.
convince you that it's useless! But the streets is still where it's happening & where the lost
sheep are.
567 __________________________________________________
"Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth." Knowledge is from 570 __________________________________________________
the head. Love edifies, it builds up that which is essential. The There is a higher form of knowledge than that which the
heart. The inner knowledge, and more than knowledge; the urge carnal mind can come up with.
and compassion to do something about the things you know are Carnal reasoning and rational, intellectual knowledge are not
right. where it's at when you want to come closer to Me.
Man has steered himself into a world more and more controlled
568 __________________________________________________ by his own rationalism and further and further away from
Move forward; move on! Even if the future ahead of you intimate communion with Me.
seems like a bleak and dreary one, and one you would not wish They have been "alienated from the life of God" (Eph.4:18). The
to go through, take hold of those weapons and advance! Believe result is what I prophesied in Matthew 24:12, that the love of
that nothing will be impossible; no obstacle too hard to many would wax cold. The great "falling away" (2.Thes.2:3) is
overcome, no adversary will be invincible for you. more than a departing from the mere rational acknowledgement
No matter how hard or tough or adverse the circumstances, you of My existence. The whole interactive part that's supposed to be
can rise above them and make it through them with flying colors, there between Me and man is gone, leaving a vast hole, a
because you've got the combined most powerful weapon in the frightening vacuum and terrible, cold, spiritual "low pressure
universe. area," which is generating the most terrible storm this world has
The Enemy knows what tricks he needs to pull out in order to ever seen.
slow you down & tempt you to give up, to say, "it's no use." You Rational thinking is barley scratching the surface of true
think you could have probably handled any set of circumstances, knowing.
but not these, but you can tell that that's just his engineering. He Success- and position-oriented people rely too much on their
knows a lot about you and your weaknesses, too, and what own ideas, ambitions & desires. True leaders have always
you're the least likely to be able to handle. Well, that's his job for depended on more than rational knowledge. There is nothing
Me: to test you & find out which your weak areas are, and what it truly great you can accomplish with mere head-knowledge and
will take to get you to give up. without divine inspiration, the kind of knowledge which comes
If nothing can cause you to give up, then this means you tested from the spirit.
"negative" to any infection with his virus of the loathsome Giving Seek knowledge that is deeper than mere head-knowledge, and
Up disease. But sometimes you've got to build a resistance to a let the things you learn sink in deeper than that superficial level
certain disease or virus first. You've got to recognize what you're of rationalism. Get to know the deeper ways of knowing! Get to
up against, what his weakening tactics are, and for this you need know for real! True knowledge is more than head-stuffing.
to have experienced the symptoms first, and have been
confronted with the virus & the disease. 571 __________________________________________________
That's why the theory of Evolution was such a success for the Adam and Eve had already come to know the good, the truth,
Devil: he always likes to show people the possibility that they everything I had presented to them, which I had declared as
may have been wrong from the very beginning. good. For them to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good
Once he has weakened your faith in the very basis and and evil meant for them to discover the other side, the darker
foundations of your beliefs and faith, soon there will be no side, the knowledge of that which was not good and was not the
stopping point. truth: the knowledge of evil and of that which is a lie. That's all
The Enemy will go about with the same tactics he uses to destroy Satan really had to offer: the lie, the illusion, that which man
worldly families, and try to sow division and dissention between thinks he knows.
you and divide My Family as well. But that's where you've got to The knowledge of evil that Satan brought into the world by
fight. Do something in order to prevent it from happening: fight. tempting Adam & Eve to disobey Me, is nothing but an illusion; a
Claim the keys of unity and fight for unity, for the survival of your lie; a deception. They may think it's fact, and they may call what
spiritual Family, and for its growth. Refuse to believe the Devil's they consider knowledge reality, but reality as I know it is
input of "it's no use anyways!" something quite different.
He tries to overwhelm you with problems and obstacles, things They swapped programs. The first one was the "good" program,
that aren't right, that he instigated and planted in the first place. My program, the program of truth, but it didn't satisfy them. Man
But you must not allow them to persuade you to quit! He's trying needed a cause to fight for, and thus, something to fight against;
to destroy your faith in the Family and everything that goes along some challenges and adversities to tackle, before he was ever
with it. going to be able to truly be happy, and that's what's happening in
this life. be saved and are on their way to heaven. In order to make
If it all comes too easily, they tend to take it for granted, and salvation work for you in this life, and do you any good in the
thoughts start popping into their minds of "what if I were my own here & now, you're going to have to work at it. You're going to
boss?" So, everyone can experience what happens when I'm not have to fight the Devil for one thing, instead of surrendering to
in charge. him.
If you should ever get fed up with it, you can switch to a different It's the factor of how much you seek the truth. Some can live with
mode again, the mode of accepting My leadership, after all; My the lie and would be satisfied with a cheap counterfeit. That's
guidance & My loving light for your life. Some, sadly, never find good enough for them. The illusion & fake & counterfeit does it
out that they would have been able to do that, and quit the game. for them, they're okay with it.
That's where those who already found Me ought to have come in But there are those who just can't stand to live like that, and
to let them know about Me, but didn't. That's the big dilemma. those are My crown-hunters. They're not going to chase only
Many suicides could be prevented if My folks were more on the after mere earthly rewards, but they're going to live this life I've
ball. given them in pursuit of that higher reward, that everlasting one.
They put their stakes up higher than the rest of them, they shoot
572 __________________________________________________ for everlasting fame & glory, not in this world, but in the one to
You've learned that My ways are not your ways, and that My come.
ways sometimes include unexpected, seeming detours, which - if The only thing that can really spur you on to do the right kind of
you trust Me - might land you further down the road, and better thing is My love. And that's the only thing that can make a soul
equipped than before in the long run. that has been won for Me grow, too. You've got to pour on them
Certain experiences can bring about changes in your attitudes, My love in prayer, and in any other form and shape they happen
which will enable you to handle situations with renewed zest & to need it: forgiveness for their flaws, as a manifestation of how I
energy, and in different ways. have forgiven them and will continue to forgive them, simply for
You should go through that unpleasant experience with your having received Me, showing that you're not giving up on them,
whole heart and both eyes open for the biggest possible amount that you believe in them, as a manifestation of how I believe in
of benefits you can carry away from it, not "get it over with as them, even if they don't happen to really believe in Me. They
quickly as possible." You've got to embrace the hard times and drank Me in and received Me in that one crucial moment when
fully taste them and experience them, so that you can really carry they received Me, but then they locked up their heart again, or
away from them all that I want you to. In many aspects they're their mind. But you must not give up on them, and it should not
more valuable than the pleasant times. be an excuse for you to stop loving and feeding them.
You don't have to dread the adversities! You were made for them! They don't stop being My children! I won't abandon them, even if
You were made to face them and master them with flying colors! they turn their backs on Me. Of course, I could do more for them
After all; I'm giving you the means to face them. if they wouldn't, and a lot does depend on their personal choices,
Keep your eyes on My supply and provision, not on whatever but I've got to have you believing in them, too, that they're still
lack you see. My children, and still yours, too, they're still your brothers and
Materialism is like an addiction, a fake way to satisfy the aching sisters, even if it seems as if they're stillborn. You never know
voids that were created to be filled by Me. But it is sin. To be what miracle is going to revive that seed of Me in them and will
filling the place in your heart that was destined for Me with bring My dormant presence in them to life.
anything but Me is sin. It is idolatry. It is having other gods before
Me, or instead of Me. A lot of folks don't know any better; and 574 __________________________________________________
that's where your job comes in, of reminding them of what's Your accomplishments are not what matters most to Me. Wait
really essential. & depend on Me, trust in Me every step of the way through a
Remind them that "man shall not live by bread alone," that there project, instead of leaning to your own understanding.
is something better that they need, in order to be happy. Heavenly communication is what it's all about. In My Father's
house, with its many mansions, there is lots of communication
573 __________________________________________________ happening; spiritual communication, verbal communications, all
When you get saved, you become a live one, and the Devil is kinds of communication. Folks aren't bound to earthly confines &
going to try to bag you, and in some ways, the fight and battle of limitations. There's no more need for "firewalls"... It's all sort of
life will become even tougher. But it's well worth the price, "open source." Everyone's an open source of information and
knowing where you're going to go when the battle is over and communication; something the Devil is trying to imitate in his
that you're on the winning side, isn't it? The future losers are gross, abusive way.
allowed to pretend to be the winners here in this life. Just consider yourself part of our heavenly communications
The Devil will try to use this as an argument to discourage you network, because you are. Tune in to Me on a regular level, even
from winning souls: "See? It doesn't work! They're not changed! about little and seemingly insignificant things.
They received Jesus, and they still don't act any better than they
did beforehand... Salvation is a fake," as he's obviously managed 575 __________________________________________________
to persuade some. Trust in Me is the most valuable thing you have. I need to
They get discouraged by the lack of obvious, visible short-term push you to the extreme at times, to find out just how strong,
results of when someone got saved. Some people never climb up how pure, how real your trust in Me really is.
any further that "stairway to heaven," after they get saved: they Faith in Me is not really valued properly, unless it is the most
just stay there on that first step, & can even go downhill from important thing in your life. I'm constantly trying to get decisions
there. The game of free choice doesn't stop there. Although you from each of My children, in order to show, who or what they put
have decided to receive Me, it doesn't mean that you're their trust in when it all comes down to it. And it's good for you to
automatically going to continue receiving Me from then on. As find out just how much you can trust Me, that even in a life-and-
you can see with some, they make the decision afterwards to death situation you can rely on Me, you're in My hands, and
never open their heart to Me again. The Devil scares them out. All everything's under My perfect control.
they do is receive the seed, but they don't allow it to sprout, grow Every time you manage to get over another hurdle, another
& blossom. They're afraid of letting it fall into the ground and die obstacle and challenge in life, it will strengthen your faith to
so that it may bring forth fruit in them. They instinctively know make it over the next one. Your faith will no longer just rely on My
that some part of them is going to die with it, if they allow that. promises to you, but also on the experience that I am well able to
Their physical, momentary lives are what matters more to them keep them.
than eternity. You'll be able to say with your whole heart, "I know He won't let
That's why they can doubt their Salvation, too, and it makes me down, because He has never let me down. He has helped me
others doubt as well that they ever got saved or possibly could through this trouble and that trouble, and I know He will see me
through the next one as well." God is within you" (Lk.17:21). It's within you, and I'm using you to
Emergencies & crises bring out the best in you, purify your faith pump it up and slowly but surely flood the world with it. It's
and trust in Me. It's the road of Gethsemane that you will each coming from all directions, like the waters of the flood, which
find in your lives when you truly follow Me. Remember there were were coming from both, the "fountains of the deep," as well as
2 other fellows crucified along with Me that day, just as there are from the heavens.
many others suffering the manifold ways in which all of you do. See the world as it will be under My power & sovereign rule.
Yet I was the One Who had gone that way of the cross for Love, Since it's all accomplished already in My eyes, as far as I'm
for others, and for the Father that day, Who had walked a concerned, this is a realistic worldview; more realistic than that
righteous path. One of the other two relied on his own of those who doubt that I'm in total and absolute control and fail
"goodness" until the very end, his own smartness, and his own to see Me in everything.
world view. The other saw that there was something greater Those who perform miracles are those who are convinced
there, something beyond him, something he couldn't quite beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am in control, that I have
comprehend, but he knew it was something he wanted to be part power over all the elements, and that I rule and reign supreme. I
of, in whatever remote way it were possible, and I granted him need My believers to activate that power and to direct it wherever
entrance. it's most needed.
It was through My suffering that this soul was saved, and even I judge righteous judgment; I see each heart. I see each
so, through your sufferings, souls can be won to Me, too. The circumstance & background.
testimony of the way My saints trust Me in their sufferings and in There's a lot more detail to everything. It takes time to get an
the hours of their temptation is one of the greatest witnesses and accurate picture of everything. I don't paint in black & white. My
testimonies they can give. palette of colors is as infinite as My creation. There will never be
Trust that this is not only going to work out for your own good, a lack of surprises, of new discoveries, of new, unexpected
but also the good of others who love Me, even if they may not twists and turns in events. You will never be able to say, "Now I
know yet that they do love Me. Are you willing to suffer for know everything there is to know..."
others, as I was? Are you willing to follow Me? There will always be whole new worlds and dimensions to
I never asked anyone to worship Me, I asked them to follow Me. discover, new angles from which to see things, new additions to
To worship someone is easy. It's adoring them from afar. But to make your scope wider, which will burst your former limits.
follow them and do as they do, that’s a real proof of love, that's I'm showing you to love them not only when they're good, but
worship in spirit and in truth (Jn.4:24). I don't want My children to also when they're bad. I am teaching you to love in the way I
be going through any motions & dead ceremonies, like they do in love; not conditionally, not 'providing you're a good boy or girl,'
the churches. I want them to be living samples of Me, to show the but always.
world that faith in Me really works, that it's a powerful, life- Love loves always, even when all that appeals to the flesh is
changing force. gone. Love sees the invisible beyond the visible.
It's just never brought out to the full unless you have You have been carrying around some of that old black and white
experienced those acid tests. worldview, and I'm trying to get you to discard it for a better one,
Following Me is not about friends, a cool life-style and all the fun a more positive, more colorful one, with a broader spectrum and
of communal living, but about communication with Me. Faith is a wider range of things you make room for, you can include in
what gives life, meaning and purpose to it all in the first place, your circle of tolerance and acceptance. Inclusion is the name of
and without it, it won't work. It's like the tiny little core inside an the game, instead of exclusion.
atom. It's so tiny, compared to the rest of the atom, which are like You can see Me in everything. Everything belongs! Everything
the works, the manifestation that makes faith evident. But that happens to you comes from My hand, and you can embrace
without that tiny little core, there'd be no atom, because it wholeheartedly. I will not give you a stone if you have asked Me
everything else revolves around it. It's that "little strength" I for bread; it's My promise, and I will not break it. If you have
speak of in Revelations: the tiny little core of faith inside the asked Me for good food and nourishment, and that's what you
"atom" of your works & accomplishments & fruit for Me. Without desire, I will not give you something that's not good for you.
that tiny little strength, nothing else would come to pass. It's the Accept, believe and embrace. Live in the now, the place where
no.1 requirement. Without faith, it is impossible. Just as all time meets eternity.
things are possible to him that believeth, all things are The world needs a whole lot more love than it deserves. Only I
impossible to him that believeth not, because faith is what makes have enough love for the world. Others may give according to
everything possible in the first place. what people may deserve, but that's just not enough, for good
You've got to have faith, otherwise nothing is ever going to works can never buy you all the love you need. It's got to be My
happen. No miracles, no lives changed, no light. Only the grace from start to finish.
darkness & emptiness of unbelief. That's why it's so important
that you sow faith. Without faith, there's no real life, only 577 __________________________________________________
darkness. You may be seeing all those people, and they may look Focus on integrating, not on avoiding.
alive, but without faith, they're not. They're not really alive. Just I'm the Glue that keeps you together. Allow Me to run and flow
going through the motions, like all those dead church rituals & into the cracks that are between you.
ceremonies. What brings everything to life is faith, and without Life is not just about making it on your own.
faith, there is no life. No life worth living, that is. So, sow faith, Everything happens for a reason, and I want you to be more alert
help faith to grow, wherever you may go. Strengthen their faith; and ready to see Me in the things happening around you. I want
make it grow. Tell them that faith is what counts. And nothing you to include Me and get ahold of My Spirit and see the situation
else matters. through My eyes, so you can react to it as I would react, and not
just the way your carnal mind would.
576 __________________________________________________ By allowing Me to be a greater part of your life, you're allowing
I'm like a well within you, but in order to bring up the water to yourself to become a more active and intensive part of Me.
the surface, and to spill over onto others, to benefit others as (Jn.15:5).
well, you need to make the effort of pumping it up first. Widen The key to being happy is to accept that what I want for you is
your circle of tolerance toward outsiders and give them a chance truly best, and in wanting what I want.
to accept Me and to change. Exert more faith in people, or rather, No matter how convinced you may be of something, My reality
in what I can do and bring about in them. I can do all things and might still surprise you; the way things really are. Always stay on
am able to change every life that you allow Me to touch them pulse with Me & in touch with My reality, and what I know to be
through you. the truth.
I taught you to pray, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven;" but I have also said, "the Kingdom of 578 __________________________________________________
By talking about your battles, trials and temptations, you are a big piece of the cake of your time that's been given you and
on your best way to overcoming them. You're having the Enemy pass it on to others and share it with them. That's what
exposed that way. Bring it all out into the open and he won't have witnessing is: you invest some of your time into personally
a chance to do his dirty business in the dark and in secret passing on to others what I've given you.
anymore, which takes the power from him. You've got to broaden your view not only in one direction. Seeing
You're able to call a spade a spade, a bluff a bluff, a temptation in the spirit is a multi-dimensional thing. It zooms and expands
merely what it is, namely a temptation, but not necessarily a not only uni-directionally, into the distance, but into all
major crisis, since you're not about to give in to it. directions, left right, even retrospectively. You can learn things
It's so beautiful to Me when My brides tuck away their personal out of the past, if you've got your spiritual eyes open, that you
desires, put them on the backburner for the sake of the greater never could have learned otherwise. If it weren't so, what would
good & what's really important: for the sake of My Kingdom and be the purpose in reading those old Bible stories, or in watching
My will. movies about people who lived in the past, or finding out about
It's realizing that all these things - your desires, wishes, etc., are folks who lived and died hundreds of years ago?
temporal, and not really what matters, compared to My much So, if I can even cause you to learn from the things that are
greater Cause. behind, how much more would I like you to learn from the things
The small, personal cause is infinitesimal when it comes to My - and especially the people - on your left and right?
true and everlasting Cause. Faith is what makes you hinge your I mean for you to include and embrace them all, the entire scope,
focus and vision on that, not the mere fleeting earthly and circle and spectrum of what surrounds you, and by doing so,
temporal pleasures. embracing Me even in the least of these, your brethren. If you
If you can say with Pope John XXIII, "Apart from the will of God, don't, there'll be no end to the differences you'll be seeing
there is nothing interesting to me," then that's a major step between you and everyone else, instead of dwelling on the things
toward spiritual maturity. Finally self and its interests have taken you have in common. Which will result in isolating yourself more
second place to Me and what I want. and more from everything and everyone. Isn't it much better to
There is a greater cause to fight and strive for, than merely your do it the other way? Not judging automatically, but forgiving
own. automatically.
No matter what the sin, what the differences between you and
579 __________________________________________________ them may be, you don't judge, label, criticize and exclude them
I never imitated the System's way; I came up with My very automatically from your world and your sympathy, but include,
own, straight-forward and direct way. forgive, cast a veil over countless sins immediately, without even
My way was love, truth and humility. Adapt to My style instead of necessarily insisting on seeing them all. That is love. Try to be
theirs. understanding, even if you don't understand. All you need to
It's tough to go My way, because it means being willing to take understand is that I love them, and so should you. You can love
the pain, instead of dishing it out. It means to be ready to receive them; it's okay to love them, and you should love them. Why wait
the ridicule, ready to be laughed at, instead of being the one who for everyone to be perfect before you're going to love them? You
ridicules and laughs at others. It means taking up the cross think that way you don't waste your energy but will conserve it,
yourself, instead of nailing others to crosses with your words. but I'm afraid that's not how it works. Love is like manna; you've
Make sure that what you say carries the spirit of humility. got to use it today. That's what living in the here & now really
It's gotta be love. It's gotta be humble. It's gotta be Me. means. Do all that you can to be loving and to give love today.
Today and right now is all you've got and that's guaranteed, to
580 __________________________________________________ give love to those around you; so why not use it?
How do you become a master of any art? By practice. You
learn a skill by practicing it, and the way to learn to love is simply
by doing it. Whenever you're tempted to feel critical about 581 __________________________________________________
someone, instead of allowing the critical words to cross your The Enemy tries to have you believe that you're having a
lips, praise Me or say something nice instead; something loving, legitimate reason and excuse for self-pity.
edifying, something good. He tries to make everybody's situation look like the worst
When you're trying to get anywhere, you want to get there in the possible to them. That's why it's so important to praise Me and
fastest way possible. You seek an advantage for yourself, you be thankful; show an attitude of gratitude, and why praise is such
want to get ahead and leave the rest behind. an important factor and key.
But seeing the world through a universal, all-embracing lens When there are battles and quarrels, just praise Me for them. This
means not trying to separate yourself from the slower folks on is a real legit way of overcoming. Just praise Me for another
the right lane, but seeing yourself as part of them. Try to love challenge and trial in life!
even the slowest driver on the right lane. Besides being medicine What's your attitude: gratitude or resentment? That's what it all
for your attitude, your nerves and circulation, it also lessens the boils down to, your constant choice. Will you resent the trial, the
breakdown risk of your car, the amount of pollution you sling into empty half of your cup, or show gratitude for the full half? Life is
the air, and the amount of risk you pose to yourselves and other never all good nor all bad. You might say there are always good
drivers. things and bad things present in it; it all just depends which are
"Get out of the fast lane!" Patience and love are connected: it the ones you choose to look at or emphasize on.
takes time to love. There's no way around it. It takes time to love If you focus on the bad, then that's what will determine the major
all those drivers on the right lane of life. If you constantly seek to connotation of your view, your attitude, your day, your life. But if
get ahead of everyone and simply curse the fact that you're not you focus on the good (and if you have Me, you always have
fortunate enough to afford yourself a faster car in order to be something Good to focus on), then that will determine your
able to leave even more folks behind, then you're missing the outlook.
point. That's definitely not My idea of getting ahead. The Devil knows what you hate the most, and tries to rub that in
A more patient attitude will improve your relationships. Friends all he can. He provokes those situations you hate. They don't just
are those who take time to be and make friends. Even if it means happen by coincidence or karma. They're attacks from him,
sacrificing some of the time you'd ideally invest in the things you which means that you must be significantly important to him as
consider most important, in "getting ahead." Helping others to an adversary, that he would go to such lengths to make your day
get ahead, to grow, to make progress in their lives, taking time to miserable, in order to stop you, slow you down, stifle your
share with them what you've learned, all this requires the kind of testimony. And that should make you wonder why. It should
patience you need. make you go, "Wait a minute, if the Devil goes to such lengths to
If you want to be more loving, if you want to love more, just take slow me down or get me down, then there needs to be a good
your time to do it. That's the only way it works. It means you cut reason for it. If it wouldn't be important how I react now, then he
would just leave me in peace and ignore me. He'd try to lull me to
sleep and keep me happy. But I must be doing something right, 584 __________________________________________________
so he's trying to stop that." "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to
Remember that you're a live one. It's you that his demons attack, dwell together in unity." I love it when My brides live and work
not those who are not doing anything or going anywhere for Me. together in love and unity, without any of the interferences of the
In other words, your trials and battles are a direct result of your Enemy, the grudges & little differences of opinions & negative
doing the right thing, like that quote, "when you decide to serve feelings he likes to sow. It's a sign that I've managed to get you
God, all hell breaks loose," or, "The Devil doesn't start shooting out of the way and you are giving Me a chance, also to speak to
until you get over the top..." As long as you accomplish nothing, you through others.
he'll leave you in peace. But if you're doing My will, he'll attack When you give others a chance to be Me to you, then you truly
you, because you pose a threat to him. It's like people who feel esteem each other higher than yourselves and submit yourselves
threatened by others with power. one to another.
So, consider it a privilege, a sign and manifestation of the power Nothing is as valuable to Me as when My brides love and serve
that you have, if the Devil is attacking. Exposing your weak spots each other. All else is relatively insignificant: your personal
& chinks in your armor also helps our cause, because like this achievements, your successes, your works. Nothing else matters
you'll know which limbs and areas you'll have to strengthen, to Me like your unity, when I behold My children and see love and
where you've got to watch out & stay on guard. humility between them; each one seeking what's good for the
"Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations." "Rejoice other, and not their own.
inasmuch as ye are partakers of the sufferings of Christ." Be patient and merciful with others' flaws and failings, just as
The battle shows that you're on the right side, that you're a you would wish for Me to be with yours. Pray for them. That's the
winner. It shows that you're still alive, and that the Devil best and most effective thing you can do in order to change
considers you an enemy he should try to stop and slow down. things for the better.
That means you're accomplishing something that counts. It
means he hates you and you're not his friend. Isn't it good to 585 __________________________________________________
know you're on the right side? You're on My side! Pain is part of life.
So, resentment and resignation would be the absolutely wrong Learning to deal with folks who go according to totally different
reaction to have... that would be what he's trying to accomplish. standards, selfish standards, the System's standards, or even
But if you endure and are still able to keep a grateful attitude, in the Devil's is what I've had to do also. And if I've had to deal with
spite of the dirty tricks he pulls, the division he tries to sow, if it, along with their hatred and persecution, as I've told My
you see him as the culprit, instead of blaming the victim or the disciples, so will you.
circumstances; if you see what's happening in the spirit, instead The sting of betrayal, of pain from someone you trusted, is all
of the carnal view, then you're on your way to overcoming. part of your cross.
The flesh will tell you, "Hey, this is not what I'd call success! It In part it's a form of chastisement for your former streaks that
doesn't look very much like God is blessing you! Why are you you were prone to yourself. There's nothing that helps cure
having so many problems? You must be doing something someone from a quality that distracts from Me than a good
wrong!" But you'll be mature enough to tell, "To hell with success confrontation with that weakness in somebody else.
or failure! To hell with the circumstances! All that counts is the Don't seek to shun or avoid the pain. It's part of it all, the big
battle, and that I'm on the right side, so, bring it on!" picture of life... the dark shades, that make for beautiful contrast.
If he fails to intimidate you with his empty bluffs, the Enemy will Those are the things and experiences that make your heart cry
eventually turn tail and run. real. No rose without a thorn; no beauty without pain.

582 __________________________________________________ 586 __________________________________________________

Changes are good for you. I never take one thing away from Life is like a drink, and you've just got to quaff that cup.
you without giving you something better. Sometimes it's a little bitter, but you've got to trust the Doctor
Keep your eyes & ears open for changes. Be flexible. Be that it's good for you. Along with the bitter, there's also some
movable. sweet. Don't forget to praise Me for it, instead of just complaining
In your effort to see the positive side of your situation you about the not-so-pleasant stuff.
sometimes purposely overlook the negative. The real trick is to Praising Me for it all, including the bitter parts of life, shows faith;
see the positive opportunity beyond the negative circumstance; it's wielding the weapon of praise to the utmost, and you will see
the fact that I can alter the circumstances for you. and witness the devastating effect it will have on the Enemy, and
While it's good and commendable to be content with such things thus the wonderful, positive effect it will have on you and your
that ye have, this doesn't mean that you should settle for life.
something mediocre when I might be able to give you something
better. 587 __________________________________________________
My Spirit will help you see even the ugly and imperfect things
583 __________________________________________________ from a heavenly and divine perspective, which will enable you to
Look with the eyes of the spirit. If you look with the eyes of love even that which is far from perfect, because through My
the flesh, you only see the obvious, but the eyes of the spirit see eyes you get a glimpse of what they're going to become.
deeper, beyond the flaws, and see the good and possibilities that Like the man that had been blind from birth, so that the glory of
others cannot. God could be manifest in him, so that I could come along on that
The grass is always greener on the other side, but only until you day and heal him, even so it is with a lot of pain in the lives of
get there and have a closer look at it. those who love Me: Those pains are there for Me to turn them
Learning to see the good, and appreciation seem to be forgotten into a blessing, to bring beauty for ashes.
skills that have to be regained by conscious efforts. Praise is Just exactly what My plan is in this you may not see right now,
helpful in this. but you will understand and see and rejoice in due time.
Making praise & prayer a habit is really a key to success in life. Sometimes enmity and a clear division has to be brought about
Count your blessings! Count the qualities of your blessings, list in order to bring My servants and brides to the point where they
them, describe them, become conscious and aware of them, and stop fraternizing with fractions of the Enemy, simply in order to
you'll find it to be a secret to gratitude, which again is a secret to maintain some kind of peace. Remember that I have not come to
happiness. bring peace, but a sword. (Mt.10:34-36)
Taking things for granted is a killer. Gratitude and appreciation It has come to this point again where a man's foes shall be they
bring new life. Want some new life? Give thanks for the things of his own household because of Me. Again, there is division
you've got, and the very act will breathe new life into your being! among the people because of Me. Again, I'm asking you to be
separate. Again I'm asking you to endure to be hated of men for persecutors dwelling in material surplus. Even if it seems as if
My name's sake. Even though they claim to know My name, and you're getting the raw end of the deal, you must not look at
they claim to know Me and claim that they're part of Me, they are what's at hand, the immediate outlook, the circumstances or the
not, for they have despised and rejected Me for this world. obvious. Sometimes it's only by faith that you can tell that you're
They've gone the way of compromise, the way of the flesh. They on the right side, My side, that I'm with you and that I am
have not had eyes for the spirit, all they could see was the carnal, blessing you. Only those with great faith can say, "though He
they never clung to My Word, the Source of life. slay me, yet will I trust in Him. Though He allow me to be
It's what makes you separate: My Word. The sword of My Word, a imprisoned, to fall sick or to be persecuted, yet will I trust in Him
divider for some and bringer of new life for others, is the very and in His righteousness and that He does all things well.
force that brings about this separation. The more you live and
dwell in it, the more different you will become from them, the 590 __________________________________________________
more you won't fit in, and the more they will oppose and reject You had to find it was in Me, not in any of the distractions, or
you, just as they have rejected Me, because My Word is Me, and even physical manifestations of My love, just like Elijah found out
through My Word, you become like Me and one with Me and in in the wilderness that My voice wasn't in the storm, nor the
opposing and rejecting you, they oppose and reject Me. earthquake, nor the fire (1Kings 19:11,12), but in hearing My still,
They find themselves fighting against God, and haven't become small, spiritual voice, one that is not perceived with your physical
aware of it. They think they're in the right. Their own cause is all senses, but Spirit. Man's spirit can only be satisfied by spirit, as
the cause they need, their own right, their own truth the only one Francis said: "Man is a spirit, he has a soul, and that is what I
that counts to them. Damned are they who only follow their own want to find again: my soul."
truths. Blessed are the genuine seekers of My truth. So many have to find their souls again, their innermost selves,
that aching void I have left in each of My children, that only I can
588 __________________________________________________ fill.
(Arcos:) Input and output is the name of the game when it When you're young, all the voices of desires are so loud and
comes to being a conduit of the Lord's power. You have to make strong, they often drown out the cry of your innermost heart and
sure that your channel is clean & smooth, free of any distracting soul. You had experienced My goodness and thought there
or obstructing clutter from the System. The Enemy knows the would be no end to it, and kept expecting physical
dark, deep hidden spots on your system that you haven't even manifestations of My goodness, rather than the essential,
explored yourself! spiritual ones, like the Jews kept (and keep) expecting a physical
That's why you need all the new weapons. You constantly need Messiah, not a spiritual One... You had to learn that what you
to upgrade your artillery in order to stay up to par with the were looking for was not found in the flesh, but in the Spirit.
Enemy. That's where the simple solution lies, and where joy is found: in
The Lord is allowing mankind to discover things that have the Spirit. My Spirit is all you need.
already been spiritual truths, facts and modes of operation in the It's finding that vacuum, that inner aching void, that empty space
spirit world. He allows man to translate it into physical terms, so in you for Me to fill, in which happiness and fulfillment is found,
that you can learn a spiritual lesson from it. because how can something be filled or fulfilled unless it's
You can't just remain the same, you can't just keep what you've emptied first of the undesirable - or less desirable things that are
got, but you've got to change, upgrade, make progress. usurping the place of the essential? Your desires for carnal and
Sometimes the old equipment or modus operandi just won't do physical things had to go and be let go of, first, before there was
anymore, and you'll need to upgrade, and when the time comes, room, a place and space in you for Me to fill, that's what letting
there's simply no way around it. go and forsaking all is all about and what it means and amounts
There's more; you should not sink into an attitude of having to.
arrived at a point where you don't need to improve, upgrade or Let go of the things you think you need and let Me give you that
progress anymore. He wants you to keep your eyes open for new which you truly need.
possibilities, techniques & ways.
The Lord's leading you to "upgrade," to try out new things. It's 591 __________________________________________________
the opposite of conservatism. Conservatives always try to "From whence come wars...? Even of your lusts that war in
preserve & cling to their old ways of doing things, and they your members" (James 4:1). In the case of nationalism it's the
resent progress & change. But the Lord wants you to be lust of wanting to believe that "what's mine, is right." You
progressive, He wants you to move along with the flow of the automatically assume that just because you happen to have been
new. Being a conduit of His power means to always be open and born in a certain country, "your" country, it automatically makes
ready for His flow of the new through you, because He is "the it something "good" and more special. Just like your interests,
New," that which will radically renew the System of Everything. your hobbies, your ministries and your ways of doing things are
The Devil was trying to imitate Him in this, by bringing about his the best... It's simply pride, glorying in the flesh.
changes into the Lord's creation, but in reality he only created The majority of American Christians are Americans primarily, and
that which is rotting and starting to cry out to be replaced by the Christians secondarily, which isn't being much of a Christian at
truly new and incorruptible. all, because either you follow in My footsteps as a pilgrim and
Anger, being aggravated, lust, materialism, a desire to resist stranger in this world, or you might as well forget about the
change, etc. That's his kind of input. Pride, envy, jealousy..., the whole thing and stop pretending you're something you're not.
whole range of sin. Being proud of your country and at the same time professing to
The Lord wants to make sure that you do all you can in order to be a Christian is hypocrisy, because it's like claiming to be
bring as much change into your life as possible, so that it won't fighting for one side while advertising the Enemy at the same
just be the same rut and routine. time. It's treason.
Change and being a good conduit go hand in hand. If you're a nationalist, you worship the flesh, you're bound to
carnal ties, and you've been duped by the Enemy to fall into the
589 __________________________________________________ pride of life, instead of having been freed by My truth and My
Freedom is a thing I give to those who cling to My Word, Spirit to be someone who is not of this world, and You can't be a
those who truly adhere to My truth, absorb it, and refuse to true and sincere Christian and a flag-waving nationalist of any of
mingle it with lies and half-truths. the wicked nations of this world at the same time! You're either
Sometimes people who have chosen the side opposing Me, even advertising this world, or Me, the Alternative to this world, you
unwittingly - receive temporary "blessings" from the System, can't do both. You can't advertise God and Mammon. You can't
their 30 silver coins, but time will tell that their path wasn't a path serve 2 masters.
of true happiness.
Better to be persecuted and live with little, than to be one of the 592 __________________________________________________
My Word shows you the world through My eyes, as I see it, for the right things; the right things & right kind of folks were
without the bias you acquire and accumulate from the world and right under their noses all along, but they simply chose to ignore
its vibes. them...
Even the things painful for you are good for you, because they
separate you from the world. The process of sanctification is a 595 __________________________________________________
process of separation. I take you apart from the rest, and Little thoughts and words are just as important and
consecrate you unto Me. You are Mine. Receive it as an act of My significant as great big deeds and actions, they're just as real,
love in which I am drawing you closer to My bosom and into My and have equal impact on your life. Your little daily interactions
arms. I cannot do so, unless I take you apart from the world, for and conversations with little people are just as important to the
we oppose each other. general outcome of your day as the seemingly more important
The Devil is trying to make the world look friendly and not so exchange of communication with "big," important people.
bad, but remember that he is the usurper trying to take My place It's because there is no such thing as "unimportant." - Or at least,
as ruler over My creation, and while he's in charge, you simply there's a big difference between what I'd call important and that
cannot feel at home in this world. which most people would. You really only live fully when you've
A warrior and a fighter for Me is determined as such by his learned to appreciate the little things as well, have learned to be
battles against the enemy. But it's important that you discern content with them, to take them just as seriously as the "big"
who is your enemy, and who isn't, and one of the tricks of your things.
Enemy is to try to get you to blame and attack someone else, to Learning to determine and distinguish between what is really
focus your anger on someone else. He has tried this many times important is one of the major lessons in life, and many people are
by causing division and causing you to become upset at one failing at it pitifully.
another. If he doesn't succeed at that, he tries to create other Devotion to the little things is what marks and distinguishes a
"enemies" for you to focus your attention on, all the while great man.
preparing another attack. Don't forget to live, with all your busy-ness and accomplishing
It pays to be alert to the Devil's tricks and not fall for his bluffs. things. Don't forget to try to make life as pleasant as you can for
your fellowman, those I have entrusted in your care.
Sometimes you don't come to Me because you think "What else Refusing to look at the "hole in the donut" is the only way to go
can He possibly tell me? What new revelations could there through life successfully. You've got to appreciate what you have
possibly be?" Well, it doesn't always have to be a brand new, and what you are; it's the only solid ground on which you can
spectacular revelation, but I can always set your view straight & ever build more, for if you only focus on what you don't have and
show you which things to focus on, and what tricks the Enemy is what you're not, then you're sunk. It's like fighting a losing battle,
up to, just getting you through life, clearly seeing the truth and because you don't believe in yourself, your cause - or even in the
the path ahead, in today's dark and confusing world; and the fact that I love and care for you. When you know that I'm on your
world will see in you a living bible, a walking, breathing, talking, side and care for you, that your life is well cared for and safe in
singing bible. You are the book I write, and the words I'm giving My hands, then you can trust that things are okay the way they
you are merely a help and a tool toward the real work that is are, even if ideally there could be more favorable circumstances.
being written here, in a language that will never cease. The art is, when you aim and shoot for your goal on the distant
You now know in part, and prophesy in part. When I, the Perfect horizon in your quest to "find your dream," not to forget that the
One will come, that which is in part will be done away with. There place from which you get there is your present position. Your
will be no more need for these things that are incomplete. That's here and now is what's going to get you there, and it's an
why you must focus on a greater goal. Shoot far, for a horizon essential part of the plan and of the whole picture.
that is higher than the one you've been able to see thus far. The The present is the only place from which to reach the future. And
goal is not all these little things, which are in part, incomplete, thus, what you make of your present (the gift of your being)
they're only means to a much greater end, and you've got to determines your future. "Despise not the day of small things."
constantly look at Me in order to be able to see that greater end, Here and now, with all its little problems to deal with, is the
the goal. foundation on which you're building that which is to be.
Treasure every moment, and live it fully. Cussing shows that
593 __________________________________________________ you're not happy with the present, in this situation where you
I made people in My own image, and one of My qualities is are. You wish it were different, and you can't take it with grace as
that I like to surprise you, and it's a quality I have passed on to from My hand; you can't trust Me for that moment, that I knew
My children: the ability to surprise you and come up with what I was doing in giving it to you. You think you're in "the
qualities about them you wouldn't have expected, the ability to wrong film" or that something must have gone wrong for you to
touch your heart and become more valuable to you than you ever have wound up in that situation, that certainly I must have made
might have expected. The treasure chest at the end of the a mistake, or your whole life was out of control to begin with.
rainbow is quite often discovered right at home in the very heart All that is what the Enemy would like to have you believe in order
of someone you might have taken for granted. That's the kind of for you to take on a defeatist attitude, and to get you to give up.
surprises I like to make: You can travel the whole wide world in "Give up! It's no use! Why keep on fighting? You don't stand a
search of your treasure, and then you return tired and weary and chance anyway!" And sometimes the only answer that comes to
find it right at home, where it was hidden right before your very your mind, when he asks you "why keep on fighting," is
eyes all along... "because I choose to." You choose not to give up, not to
It boils down to the discovery that loving your neighbor as surrender to him, that's your choice and your determination, and
thyself and loving Me with all your heart and might, those 2 great that's what's going to give you the victory, ultimately. You've got
commandments, aren't really 2 separate things, but can virtually to know right from the very start, no matter how unpleasant the
wind up being one and the same thing, which is why I said, situation, no matter how much you feel tempted to wish you were
"inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have somewhere else - or somebody else - that I'm in control, I'm right
done it unto Me." And one of My greatest ways of conveying My there with you, so there's got to be a reason for it all, and there's
love to you is through another human being, so, it can easily be got to be some sense to it, and contrary to all it looks like, this is
that you're going to find Me right there, in the heart of another going to be for your good.
person. Whenever a situation looks bad and the Enemy tries to get you to
moan about it, you've got to realize that that's a lie. There is no
594 __________________________________________________ such thing as a "bad" situation for My children, My brides, in
In My book, it's not only okay to be a "nobody," but it's whose lives I am very painstakingly involved. There may be some
actually desirable. The world may despise nobodies, but when all situations that may look like bad situations, or they potentially
is said & done they'll realize they just haven't been looking out could turn into bad situations, but only if you fail to believe and
avail yourself of the power of My promise in Romans 8:28. I have when he'll try to defeat you!
given you the keys of the Kingdom, and there is no such thing as Never allow the world around you to make you forget or neglect
a bad situation for those who have the keys. that little spot of paradise in your heart.
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide
596 __________________________________________________ under the shadow of the Almighty. ...And under His wings shalt
There is a difference between the degree of righteousness a thou trust." Under My wings you can always find perfect peace
man actually attains to, and the one he imagines he does. and rest and relief from this crazy world around you. You can
Finding out that you're not quite as righteous as you thought, is always snuggle up with Me, no matter how big the problems may
a rare and precious gift. It's like discovering another place on appear you'll be having to face in life. None of them will be too
your "system" you weren't aware of before, where the enemy hard for Me to handle, and I want you to remember that.
sometimes likes to hide his agents & where he can work in the You don't like fighting, but this is one constant fight and battle
dark, undetected. But not any longer, if from now on you will everyone of My children must go through in their lives: the fight
choose to be aware of this device of his, this technique & variety against the Enemy's fiery darts of doubt. That's why it's
of self-righteousness. important that you never ever put down your shield of faith and
Just like physical sicknesses have many different strands and don't neglect the sword of My Word, either, nor the power of the
variations, so do spiritual sicknesses. The difference is that keys! Be faithful in building and training your fighting skills with
people know a lot more about the physical ones than the spiritual My new weapons.
ones. There are very few spiritual "doctors" around, who can Never become too busy for Me and My Word.
successfully analyze what's wrong with someone's spirit. Always remember the secret place where I want to meet you
That's what the gift of discernment is for, to feel your spiritual every day, where you can always remain a child.
pulse, give you a spiritual x-ray and a general check-up, & find You're always going to be My sweet child, no matter what.
out "what you've got."
Some ills aren't necessarily bad & permanent diseases, some are 598 __________________________________________________
just brief attacks, like headaches that come & go, or a backache I want you to shift the "sense of security" that the
or tummy-ache. Others come frequently & give you semi- possession of money gives you, to another "bank," another
permanent trouble, but they're not necessarily lethal to your address, so to speak, namely to Me. I want to be your sense of
spiritual health. security factor, and no longer can I tolerate money to be that
Overestimating your own righteousness is bothersome; it's factor in your life. As long as you still trust in money to give you
what's causing the pain, the symptoms that you wish you a feeling of security, what good is that? Moreover, it's a false
wouldn't have to experience: the self-condemnation and the sense of security, as My Word also says (1Tim.6:17, Prov.23:5).
embarrassment you often feel after having stuck your foot in My Word calls it "that which is not," in other words, it isn't really
your mouth, or bitten off more than you could chew. real, it's the perfect distraction the Enemy created & came up
If you desire truth in the inward parts, that's what you're going to with to lure most of the world away from Me, and he has
keep getting for a while: more bad surprises and not-so-pleasant managed successfully, all throughout history.
revelations about your innermost self, about areas in your life in Money is the hole in the donut that everybody's staring at in their
which you're not quite being the saint you wish or even thought constant, insane quest for more and more goods & possessions
you were. of whatever kind, all the while ignoring Me, the donut, and all that
I have already given you. Money is the Devil's perfect alternative
597 __________________________________________________ and antidote to Me, his wonder drug and no. 1 addiction and
Nowadays everybody's so concerned with becoming what distraction, his greatest and most effective weapon to turn
they think others are expecting them to. It's a rare person who people away from Me. That's why I said there are only those 2
can appreciate just being themselves. possibilities: you either serve God or Mammon. Your focus is
Many people say in their hearts, as the vessel said to the Potter: either on Me or on money, it can't be both.
"Why hast Thou made me thus?" They're not happy with the way Mammon is trying to have a grip on your life, a greater grip than
I made them; they think I made a mistake. Bacchus did, because while Bacchus will get you addicted to
I want you to remember My love for you, and with what special things you don't really need, money is something you do need in
care I made you and chose your surroundings for you, that today's world. The sad thing is when it gets to the point where
nothing happens by accident, and that I don't make mistakes. My own children and brides become so dependent and focused
When a situation seems bad, I want you to see My love in it, and on it, that they can't even imagine a world without it in the future.
to remember that this is also happening for some good purpose. If you can't imagine a future without money, then I'm wondering
The most important thing is that you trust Me and don't believe whether money isn't the greater god in your life than I am. If you
the Enemy when he tries to tell you: "You see? Now He made a can't believe My Word, that money will soon disappear during the
mistake!" or, "Now He has proven that He doesn't love you!" AC's reign, and can't see how I could run a world without money,
That's one of the greatest dangers of growing up: you become then it's as if Mammon, to you, is a more powerful god then I am,
more skeptical, which means, you won't believe things as easily and the lasting value according to your mindset, and not My
anymore, but you're going to want to find out whether the things Word. Duped into believing in the "omnipotence" of money.
you were being told are really so. When children become teens, Is it any wonder to you that I'm trying to throttle that factor, which
the Devil really attacks them with a lot of doubts, because they provokes Me to jealousy like none other, and reduce this source
want to discover their own view of things, and don't just want to of distraction, this medium of greed and sin from your midst, and
see things through the glasses they were given by their parents. seek to replace it with more lasting and certain values and fill
They want to make their own picture. that place on that pedestal in your minds with its rightful Owner
While it's inevitable to grow up, and it's My will for you to become instead?
more mature, you should always keep your childlike faith in Me. The purpose of the "Show Me The Money" series wasn't to get
The Devil will try to put a lot of thoughts into your head, which you more focused on money, but on the proper and godly means
look "grown up", but in the end can be quite silly, and really only and ways to get the money you need in order to meet your needs.
have the purpose to destroy faith and trust in Me. The series wasn't meant to make money a more important issue
Many are doing silly things and are behaving in silly ways. In in Family life than it already was, but to get people's views &
some ways it's really better and wiser to stay a child. No matter priorities back to the basics of how I can bless you with more
what is going to happen in your life which would tempt you to money by obeying My commandment to go into all the world and
feel grumpy, always remember that I have My good reasons why preach the gospel, instead of primarily focusing on money and
I'm allowing this to happen. It's going to help you to stay happy maybe do a little witnessing in your spare time.
when the Devil tempts you to get unhappy, to stay thankful when Learning to be content with less is something you're having to
the Enemy will try to get you to murmur, to stay in the victory go through after a period of making sure you've always had
plenty of everything. I always did supply everything you needed, more you will also avail yourself of it, and the more you will be
but in your juvenile ambitions you wanted more than that. Now washed clean. You won't be washed clean by ignoring the dirt, or
you're learning to be content with such things that ye have, after never even finding out it's there... You have to expose it, confront
having experienced - like the prodigal son - that to satisfy every it, discover it and then attack it with the laundry soap of My
craving can be husks, and doesn't really make you truly happy. Spirit, My pardon and forgiveness. And in turn, the more you are
Now you're learning to value the true riches. Time will do the forgiven, the more you will also love and forgive others... The
talking - and bring prodigal sons and daughters back to the whole process is one huge and powerful love-generator, so, I will
Father's house. turn the Devil's evil into My good. It is the fuel that I use to
combust it and convert it into My clean and powerful energy. I
599 __________________________________________________ virtually thrive and power My motor on the combustion of evil.
Some things have dual purposes, dual functions. There's For where sin doeth abound, there grace doeth much more
often another side to the same principle, two halves of the same abound.
thing that are slightly distinct. Look at both, the far distance for Don't worry about being a sinner. Be thankful for the ability to
"unreachable" stars to attain, and at the same time remember not recognize it and that it will be a way to experience My love and
to neglect the little things at home that will get you there. pardon. Praise Me, that My way up is down. Rejoice and glory in
If you put the right kind and amount of energy and vision into the your afflictions, trials and adversities, as Paul and Peter taught.
little things at home, the right amount of elbow-grease, attention, They saw over decades of experience how My machinery works,
interest & umph, then those very little things are going to get you and how evil is always merely used in the life of My saints to turn
far. If you project your long-term vision into your short-term into something good. I use evil for good. So, don't be afraid of it.
projects it can fuel them and get you a lot further than if you just Just use it: burn it up! Convert it! Anything the Devil can do is
go through your daily routines in a ho-hum kind of way. only fuel for My motor. Just like it turns out that oil is being
Keep your long-term vision in your short-term activities, goals & produced in the earth by the centrifugal forces released through
projects, and thus you'll be using those short-term projects as the earth's rotations. All the Devil accomplishes through his
vehicles to get you to your distant destination. rantings and ravings is to produce more fuel to keep My machine
You can get more out of the here and now, there's more potential moving toward the completion of My plan and Big Picture.
in the present than you've been making use of. You've got to not
only look further, but you've also got to look deeper. There's 601 __________________________________________________
more to see, both, in the far distance, and right before you, in the You can't just leave things to themselves and let things have
small, intricate little things of everyday life. There's more to their "natural" course. The natural course of things didn't turn
discover in the distance and at home. There's more directions in out to bring any improvement at all, but rather decay and a
which to look than one. deterioration of the situation, of the condition of things.
Learning to see means not just to look in one direction. The You can't just let the Enemy have the world & passively stand by
Enemy is quick to show you temptations and distraction on many as he wrecks it. You've got to do something about it! You've got
sides, or things to criticize and belittle in various directions. So, to counteract, you've got to oppose him. Otherwise, if you don't
I'm teaching you to see good things everywhere, new things, or oppose him, it's almost as if you're siding with him. You've got to
the new side of things, which you might not have been able to oppose the Enemy in order to really be on My side. There's no
see previously. I'm trying to teach you to see My way, and not be such thing as not choosing sides or passively acting as a
stuck in the Enemy's rut & negative way of looking at things. neutral, because that act of not doing anything to even attempt to
stop evil is an act of evil in itself (James 4:17).
600 __________________________________________________ I can only do so much teaching through words. Words are like
If you use your fears, turn around and face them, confront the theory, but the most effective training is the practical training,
them and use that situation to cause you to stir yourself up, call that which you experience in daily life, and your fellowmen are
unto Me and ask you to show you a way out, they can become your trainers & fellow-trainees, your coaches, and sometimes
like stepping stones. "I will make a way where there is no way." also your pupils and students who need to be coached by you.
Many times you might not have seen those stepping stones, had I like to be efficient and catch various birds in one shot, and so I
you not gotten desperate and called on Me for help. have ordained for all of you to be both, each other's teachers and
I can turn any evil into your good. I use anything to draw you pupils. The problem is that most folks are much more willing to
closer to Me. teach others and have them hear what they've got to say, than to
Fear can only be overcome by exposing it for the fake menace listen and learn from others.
that it is. It's hard when they don't want to hear - like children who don't
My love for you is greater than your unbelief! My pardon is want to listen and obey. It gives you a glimpse of what I'm having
greater than your sin. All the Enemy can actually do is try to have to deal with, and it makes you appreciate it all the more when you
you believe something that's not true. Oh, he'll mix in some finally do find someone willing to listen. I'm so thankful for those
emotions in order to give more weight to his lies and make them who are willing to listen.
sound more true, but ultimately it all comes down to your
personal choice whether you're going to fall for it or not. And 602 __________________________________________________
choosing not to is as simple as saying "no." The Devil just waits to be able to deal you a blow when he
You just say "yes" to Me, "yes, I believe You, Lord," and "no" to sees that you ran off into your day without taking the time to be
him, that's all, especially in a situation where he'll try to use strengthened first, without having taken the time with Me. He
condemnation. My love for you is greater than all: greater than knows you'll be easy prey then.
the impact of your sin, and certainly greater than the Devil's You can't afford it! You may think, "Oh, I'm strong enough!" Or
justice or his desire to see you prosecuted and judged for "Nothing's going to happen!" But I'm afraid I have to allow things
anything you may be guilty of. I'm your Defense Attorney, here to to go wrong, just to show you that it's true, "without Me ye can
protect you from the incessant accusations of the Accuser of the do nothing."
Saints, especially to yourselves. Everything only becomes a mess. You're focused on yourself
If he manages to make you feel guilty and hopeless, and you're then, instead of Me. You're focused on the circumstances, and I
just about to surrender and agree with him, ready to concede to couldn't show you My purpose behind them. No matter what you
his verdict, I'll step in & say, "Objection!" I see things differently. I do, how edifying it may be, or how much sense it makes that you
see all the background circumstances, conditions and reasons should do it, nothing replaces that time with Me, that personal
that caused you to sin and to fail, and I am ready to pardon. touch from heart to heart.
Of course, sometimes I will also allow a little of his pressure to Remember to give Me the first place. Otherwise the Enemy is
reveal to you that you're not quite as innocent as you may have going to try to paint his picture and his colors onto the canvas of
thought. But the more you see the need for My forgiveness, the your day, and it ain't pretty! He's trying to ruin My picture, the
picture I would make out of your day, just like he's trying to make I will bless you more, the more emphasis you will put on the
something ugly out of My entire creation, My big picture things that I consider important! Remember what you're here for
(Prov.29:18). and what life as a disciple of Mine is all about; about witnessing;
about winning others! Stop being so concerned about yourselves
603 __________________________________________________ and about your own survival! That's none of your concern, that's
I've got to show you what's really happening. If you don't Mine, providing you do the job I am calling and sending you to!
spend this time with Me, you just don't see it. You've got to pick Success, in My eyes, is obedience!
up your daily portion of manna! I am the Bread of Life. Come and Your calling is to turn around and go the completely other way!
eat Me, consume Me, taste & see that I am good. People will only follow your call and challenge for them to turn
What could be more valuable than this time with Me? What sort around, if you have turned around yourself, and are going the
of accomplishment could take the place of communion and opposite way of the main stream!
communication with Me? The first step of success is learning to listen to Me, and then the
It's not My trip, that you've got to accomplish, accomplish, next step is obedience, to implement those things. What could be
accomplish, or you can't stand to live with yourself... In fact, it more important than that?
rather looks like the Enemy's tactic to Me: "Keep'em busy! Too To be obedient to Me means to love Me, and that's fulfilling the
busy to get into talking with the Head-honcho, before He's going first and greatest commandment, and that's what I call success!
to let them in on what I'm up to!"
Don't let the Enemy distract you with busy-ness, don't let him 606 __________________________________________________
keep you busy, busy, busy, too busy for Me and what I've got to People underestimate the spirit world and its impact on their
say to you. No way of taking care of My business if you're too lives.
busy for Me. When things are wrong, you've got to address and face them,
Your No. 1 responsibility should be Me. You should most of all be deal with them, you can't just ignore them, or they'll get worse.
concerned about Me and My will for you every day, and finding It requires a certain amount of courage and willingness to face
out what I want from you. the truth. It's easy to see the culprit over there, on the other side
When you cling desperately to Me, when you don't dare to make or how the Devil is working in the lives of others, but it's always
a move without Me, you learn to do things in My strength and hard to have to face what he's up to in one's own life. But if even
power instead your own. I - having no sin - had to deal with him, then I'm afraid, you, My
Your most important accomplishment is your time with Me! The followers, won't get around having to deal with him, either!
people you're trying to impress are here today and gone There are a lot of negative and not-so-nice factors about a war,
tomorrow, but I'll always be there! and it won't help just closing your eyes and ignoring them!
So, let Me be your breakfast every morning! Let Me fill and satisfy Wounds, as ugly as they may be, have to be attended to!
your spiritual hunger every morning, before you get into anything Problems need to be dealt with. Evil has to be exposed.
else, & all the rest will fall into place. You'll have My anointing, My Whenever you see a need, take care of it! Attack!
Spirit, My vision and My strength & stamina to do it, My plan and
My viewpoint of things, and you'll be much better equipped for 607 __________________________________________________
whatever the day may bring! Thanks for allowing Me to assume the role of the Boss in
your life. It's not exactly human nature to render everything to an
604 __________________________________________________ invisible God Who demands things that go contrary to everything
Pain is a part of love; it's part of the price of love. What your flesh tells you. The flesh yells for self-preservation, and I'm
challenge is there in loving only under favorable conditions? The calling you to give it up, to let go. The flesh demands self-
true art of loving is to love in spite of the pain. It's learning to glorification, but I say, "Uh-uh! Give it to Me!"
forgive constantly and not to harden your heart, but to embrace Thank you for choosing the path of My Spirit! I know how difficult
the pain and accept it willingly. it is. The flesh keeps trying to make its comeback, so, thank you
for persevering, for being faithful in keeping that heavenly vision
605 __________________________________________________ and focus on the things that really count and last, that I bring into
Success, in My eyes, is not the aspiration to fame, popularity your life! Thank you for appreciating My gifts.
and fortune, but acquiring the ability to value the little things. Thank you for being a vessel of My love! Thank you for being a
Success, to Me, is winning a soul; not in order to make yourself recipient for My Words and seeds of love!
feel "good" or redeemed to Me by your good deed of winning the
soul, but just because you've learned to allow My Spirit to 608 __________________________________________________
perform that miracle through you! Learn to avail yourself of My power to change things!
To Me, success means learning to put your own energies on the It's in your nature to be quick to accept your fate and resign to
backburner and learn to avail yourself of Mine! Flesh energy the circumstances that are being handed to you without ever
usually exists in order to further its own cause. The things that trying to change them. It's one thing to be "content in whatsoever
are achieved by the energies of the flesh are things that usually state you're in," but you'll also find that the apostles didn't
serve for the flesh to put itself in the limelight or ensure its own always resign to their fates either. And being content in your
survival and prosperity. state still doesn't stop you from altering the circumstances or
Learning to apply My energy enables you to act out of unselfish praying for Me to alter them if it's My will.
motivations, out of concern for others. It wasn't My will that they stayed in prison forever. Usually you'll
True love goes forward in order to make My voice and My Words find that according to your faith it will be done unto you,
heard. Success means making sure that people hear what I've according to your faith in My ability to change your
got to say, making sure you're passing on My Words. Success, to circumstances. All it depends on is, do you want Me to change
Me, is not speaking unless you're spoken through by Me. your circumstances? Then let Me know!
Show them the way I really am. It's easier than you think, for you to change your circumstances,
I'd love for you to stop pursuing that worldly ideal of success all it often takes is your choice to want to have them changed!
altogether! My idea of success is in many ways the exact The small affairs of life sometimes don't seem important enough
opposite of the way they're being taught. They're pursuing the for you to stir yourself up about them to call on Me concerning
wrong goals, following the wrong ambitions! them. That's why I'm trying to drive home to you the importance
Your previous idea and concept of success has been wrong! of little things. Don't neglect them by failing to pray for them.
Financial affluence is not nearly as reliable an indicator that Little things amount to greater results, so you can achieve
you're on My path or successfully following Me as is the amount greater results by praying for the little things and their outcome,
of people you manage to witness to and the amount of souls you not just passively resigning to the way they are, but doing
win. something, namely pray, in order to change them.
You resign to the fact that, "oh, well, maybe that's the way it's got you're doing, but the world couldn't care less. All they're
to be." But I'd say it's too early to say that, when you haven't interested in is whether what you've got appeals to them &
even availed yourself yet of the power of prayer. The power of manages to satisfy that temporary craving & itching for
prayer is the main power I'd like you to avail yourself of. something new...
Otherwise, it's like running merely on the power of your own Truly mature people rejoice in their failures because they know
rechargeable 9 Volt battery, when you could avail yourself of My they will draw them closer to Me, closer to wisdom. They will
full and constant 230 Volt. have made yet one more experience to enrich them, to help them
My power is available and helpful and useful for more things than know in which direction the success they seek won't be found,
just recharging your own little battery. You can also save on your and will thus bring them one step closer to ultimate success.
own energy resources by plugging into My power & letting Me do Even if not achieved in their lifetimes (for truly mature people
the work for you. won't be concerned about the personal glory), they know they'll
Avail yourself more of that power & put it to work for you more, have laid the foundations for others to walk that path... Even if
especially in the little day to day things of life. the vast majority totally ignores their achievements, they will
Nothing's too unimportant for Me. The question is, how important know that there will be one or two who will pick up where they
are they to you? Important enough to stir yourself up about them left off, and they will use that path they have hewn into the
to call Me up about them? thicket of the world in order to explore that new terrain, that new
dimension that they knew was there all along, although they
609 __________________________________________________ themselves may never have seen it with their own eyes.
You cannot serve God and Mammon: one of the 2 voices will Remember what true success is all about. It's not all the hype
always gain the upper hand. They won't jibe. They're always that the Devil and the world are making out of it. It's something
fighting for lordship and the first position in your lives. The more - though at the same time less. Something less loud and
Enemy will try to get you entangled and under his yoke and in the instead more profound. It's often something invisible that can't
bonds of his slavery. He will try all kinds of tricks & use all kinds be quite pinpointed. It's something spiritual. How about aiming
of pressure to get you trapped in his "snare of the fowler." You for spiritual success?
are My free songbirds, and he's trying to catch you to lock you
up in one of his cages! Guard the freedom I have blessed you 611 __________________________________________________
with! The goal is not to totally abandon physical affairs, but to let
One can lose the life they were given, if they don't guard it well, the spiritual have dominion over them, to allow Me to rule over
both, the physical life, as well as the flame of the spiritual life, that physical realm in your life. But because the flesh strives
which Satan constantly tries to snuff out. against the spirit for superiority I'm having to remind you of that
Guard that flame & always keep it well fueled! constantly, to give the spiritual - Me - priority.
The flesh and its affairs cry "me first!" but I gently remind you to
St. Francis said toward the end of his life, "We haven't done continue giving Me the first place.
anything yet." You can always do more. There's always more you It takes a while until people slow down & cease from all their
could accomplish, some more progress to be made, some running around and acquiring and achieving, in order to realize
ground to be won. that there is something more. They realize with all they
You've just got to do something for those blessings. What you do accomplished they're still not truly happy, that there still must be
is what makes the difference. something more.
That's why it's important that you learn the superiority of the
610 __________________________________________________ spirit over the physical, so that you can teach them the secret. It
The more of a somebody you are, the more concerned you may be hard to learn, and it takes patience. But patience is just
usually are about your impression you leave on others, your one of the many spiritual blessings you obtain when you learn to
"image" with them, your reputation, your popularity... put Me and My affairs first.
Always seeking the attention and recognition of far-away and Most folks start out very impatient, when they want to achieve
unknown people also estranges you to the ones around you, who their goals. But once they get there, they slow down to take time
are fully aware of you and your presence, yet sometimes for things and people they used to ignore before, when they were
wondering why you're so far away, or where you are at all. It's a still so busy beating the air.
typical case of daydreaming about the greener grass on the other I seek to be loved as a father wishes to be loved by his children,
side of the fence, instead of enjoying what you've got right here and more; I wish to be loved as a Husband is loved by His bride.
and now. That typical mental scenario of envy, in which It's so important that you become a living example of that love!
everybody else has always got the better deal, and "man, you're Your relationship with Me and our love for each other should
really missing out on it," that the Devil tries to weave in so many permeate your very being, and should be what people notice
minds. Instead of living fully in the present and enjoying the here about you. Always let Me shine through your eyes, your words,
and now, he causes you to chase after some fairy-tale future, not your gestures & acts & deeds of love & kindness.
realistic, but effective enough to distract you from all that you
could find at hand. 612 __________________________________________________
Part of the real thing is the very reality around you, the one that You have to deny your old self, the old man, that about which
folks so often try to escape from. Those make-believe realities Dad said, "You are a new creature, yes, but boy, how that old man
sound so much more interesting than your own. likes to pop up again." It's the old man, your carnal man, which is
When was the last time you have attempted to combine your at enmity with God, whom you must deny access to your system,
mundane reality with the real thing of the endless vastness of My the place from which you govern your life, like an old operating
Spirit, in order to find your ultimate purpose in it? Why seek system that doesn't want to give up its realm easily, although it
fulfillment in the distance, when heaven's right next door? has already been replaced by a new and better one.
True inspiration is hardly ever recognized by your fellowmen Of course, the Enemy actively tries to install the old system
during your life-time, that's just one of the things about the world again, your old ways of doing things, your old habits, or the old
and the way it is. Some will be recognized as saints as soon as ways of the flesh sometimes in a new disguise.
they're dead, with others, it might take centuries, but what does The old self is all about taking and getting. The new man, the
that tell you about seeking glory and honor with people? It's a new creature, is all about giving. The old man is negative, the
pretty vain effort. Talking about beating the air or chasing the new man is positive. Once you're born again and you have
wind! learned to let Me empty you of all the old things and then fill you
That's why truly mature persons find no real difference between with My new and good things, the input that will cause you to
success and failure: the results - as far as the world is concerned give instead of constantly having you concerned about getting
- may be the same. You may have been truly successful at what more, acquiring more, consuming and accumulating, which was
the game of the old man, then you can learn to embrace your new wisdom, the outcome may improve temporarily, but the final
man, My spiritual creation that is you, and you don't have to outcome may still not be the best, necessarily. Whereas, if you
continue denying that. That's where you must learn to accept commit a matter into My hands, you can always rest assured that
that I'm doing something with that person which is you, and you the final outcome will be according to My will, and thus the best
mustn't continue putting it down. Once I start using you, that's possible option there is, regardless of what it may seem like
where the Devil comes in and starts reminding you of all your old temporarily.
and besetting sins and tells you it's useless, or you're useless, Sometimes you don't need to do anything else but pray & trust.
that I could never use you. That's what condemnation basically You commit the matter into My hands and then leave it there, and
amounts to. I promise, you won't be disappointed.
But that's where grace then comes in, and My power to use you Nothing will ever get you as far as if you let Me do it for you.
in spite of any flaws. So, once you have learned to deny your old That's why I delight to let you get into situations where you're at
self, that old selfish man you were, you also have to learn to wit's end and you don't have a clue what you're supposed to do
embrace and welcome the new creature I want to make you, and about it: I want you to learn the obvious, the inevitable: it has
it doesn't mean that you have to continue putting yourself come to that; you're just going to have to trust Me! I'm trying with
down... all My might to convince you that prayer is more than just a last
Once you can be confident that it's Me there, at the very core and resort when all else has failed! Prayer isn't the last thing you
center of you, then you can also trust in Me, right there at that should do, but the first, and if things aren't what they should be,
center, and that My power in you has taken over, and you don't then chances are that the main culprit is the fact that you haven't
constantly have to continue to belittle or doubt yourself or to put prayed!
yourself down. When you have become My creature, then it's More often than not, it is true, the guilt and the blame lies with
okay to accept that person, and not deny him the very right to be. you, although the atrocity you committed may have been none
You cannot keep accusing the one whom I have already justified. other but that you didn't pray!
That's why it's then important to not keep looking for Me Quit trying to do things better than I can. Just let Me do it for you!
somewhere far away and far apart from you, but you can find Me Let Me fix it for ya!
right at the very center of your being, in your heart, the place you
invited Me to come into when you received Me and asked Me to 614 __________________________________________________
save you from your sin, your old man, and I did. I came in and Part of maturing is to recognize one's errors.
have been living there ever since. That's why you can live from Truth is found by receiving Me.
your center from then on, and you don't have to roam about the Being a Christian means to live in Me and have Me live in you.
fringes anymore, the outer and superficial things. You have Me in When you live from that center, which is Me in you, then you walk
you! I am your new Center! I am the new Operating System or on the right path, and you don't have to be so distracted by all
Program that's there now at the core of your "machine," the that's on the outer fringes, the isms and schisms and doctrines
complex creation of what is you. about your belief, which are putting skin on your religion or faith,
I'm not off in space somewhere, far away and hard to reach, but but are not necessarily the essence of it. Many people get
right there at the very core and center of your being, inseparable distracted by their own doctrines and miss the essence of it.
from you. That's why nothing, no high or low could ever separate They get so distracted by the many "don'ts" involved in their
you from the love of God, because it's right within you, very belief system that they neglect the "dos." Or they focus so much
deep, right where I've planted it. Right where you allowed My key, on the factors about their belief that oppose the doctrines of
My seed, to merge with your inner lock, and it has long taken root other beliefs that they never find any common ground & thus
there since then, has been activated and has started to bear it's neglect the essence of My whole teaching, which is to love
fruit and change your system. others, instead of living in a life-long quarrel or even at war with
I am a very deeply integrated and inseparable part of you, the them...
heart and center from which you've got to live. I have given no one a perfect blue print of the truth, but leave it
I've never been far away, but right here all along... up to everyone to discover it with My help throughout their lives.
It does take some skill to differentiate between what is My input
and what comes from your old self or the Enemy, and some folks
underestimate that danger, and are a little too confident in their 615 __________________________________________________
own opinions, but then there are folks who tend to go the Make it a duty to pray over things. If there's one thing you
opposite way and doubt themselves too much. In either case, should be truly prayerful about, it's your words.
you're not truly living from the center. In the first, because you It's not always wise to be so utterly outspoken. Some things
allow some carnal input or input from the Enemy to pose as would better remain unspoken, while they still may be the truth.
Mine; in the second, because you deny My presence in you. Pray before you say or write, and don't forget: less is more.
The Source of living words of wisdom right within you is the
Comforter, "Who will bring all things to your remembrance," My 616 __________________________________________________
Spirit in you. Everybody's faith works differently, and everybody's needs
It's tough when people only listen to their minds, their carnal are different. There isn't one universal medicine that cures all ills.
reasoning, and are so convinced that they couldn't possibly err Although you might say in general that My Word is the universal
or be mistaken, that they don't take the time to go into the depths medicine, or My Power, yet how that Word or Power manifests for
of consulting Me. But "living out of your true center" means not each, individually, varies from case to case.
to be misled by those superficial voices from the fringes - your It's a part of My "service" and care for you. I like to serve you,
carnal mind and other voices, but to be led by My Voice. that's part of My love for you! Allow Me to take care of you.
It's right here, in your own center, your own heart. That's where I
live, that's where I am, and you don't have to look very far at all to 617 __________________________________________________
find Me! The times you stumble draw you closer to Me. You can't be a
perfect sample at all times, and those who want to find salvation
613 __________________________________________________ through you and others like you will also sometimes have to find
Humility means admitting your own wrong, even when it that it's "through forgiving that we obtain pardon," as Francis
seems that the finger isn't pointed at you quite in a justified said. People expect Christians to be perfect, but nobody is. I
manner. Once you've got that kind of humility, then unity will also didn't come to call the perfect to repentance, but the sinners. The
come more easily. healthy ones don't need a doctor, but the sick do.
Search your heart for things you might have done that may have The inability to see one's own sin is a much curse than all other
not been engendering unity... sins combined, and one sure way of learning to recognize your
When you try to fix things in the flesh and in your own strength & own sins is through dealing with and confronting those faults in
others, too, and forgiving them for them... learning to accept sin material of more mere words. What is really needed is someone
as a natural thing that you're simply having to live with in this who takes it and puts it into action - really lives it.
dispensation of grace. After all, without sin, there wouldn't be These writings are not an end in itself, but a means to an end.
any need for grace, and "where sin abounds, grace does much They're to help you to live better and better fulfill your purpose,
more abound." That's why some of My greatest saints have do your job for Me more efficiently.
usually also been some of the greatest sinners. No one loves
quite like a forgiven sinner. As far as the flak you're getting, remember that that's what I've
Sinning keeps you humble. It's not like I'm advertising sin, but had to go through Myself, and the servant is not above the
I'm trying to encourage you & help you not to feel too bad about Master. It's the acid test of whether you're really capable of
it (Ps.37:24). applying and putting into practice that which you've been
If you wouldn't make any mistakes, there wouldn't be half as reading, of seeing Me where you wouldn't want to see Me, of
much for Me to talk to you about. You see how your sins, loving even your enemies, etc. It's the proof of the pudding, of
shortcomings & failures draw you closer to Me? You want to whether it just goes in one ear and out the other, or whether it
learn how to do better, and that's basically what healing, really makes a difference.
learning, growing and salvation is all about: that void, that need Just like I didn't take the sponge soaked in vinegar & gall to ease
to grow, that emptiness. You have a need for Me when you're not My pain on the cross, you should follow My sample and not seek
perfect, when you realize you failed, when you need help to see, easy relief or a way out of the suffering, the hardship. You've got
when you realize you really don't know much of anything... to go through the pain and embrace the full taste of it in order for
It shows once again that you can't do it without Me, and, well, it to fulfill its ultimate purpose. There's no shortcut to glory.
that's basically what life is all about. Sometimes it may look as if
you can, and some people may even believe and be convinced 619 __________________________________________________
they're doing perfectly fine without My interference or help, but One of the greatest dilemmas of mankind in My opinion are
latest when man will have made an irreparable mess out of those who deem themselves righteous enough to judge others.
things, it will become obvious that it was just an illusion, and No one is 100% righteous. Everyone is guilty of sin. The question
"no, you're not doing fine without Me!" is, whose sin bears greater weight? Who comes to Me for
At least not according to My rules and My book. There's way too forgiveness? Who trusts in their own righteousness & refuses
much hurting going on, too much destruction... too much My forgiveness?
injustice… way too much suffering. The rich may think, "why, These are the criteria by which I measure whether anyone is truly
everything's just fine as it is." But I see the suffering of the poor, righteous or not, and blessed are those who judge not another.
and I say, "no, it isn't." Just because a rich minority is doing fine Those who justify themselves condemn themselves with their
doesn't mean that everything's fine. own mouth (Job 9:20). Those who quietly ponder their own sin
That's just no way, as far as I'm concerned, to be ignoring the and rely on My mercy, are they who are justified by Me.
plight of the poor, and the fate of those who haven't been as I will righteously judge those who self-righteously judge you!
richly blessed. That's not "doing fine" by My account.
620 __________________________________________________
618 __________________________________________________ If you pray more in the things you do, you'll find that it's
To be or not to be - in tune, and on the right track or channel never going to be time wasted. In fact, "time spent in prayer, is
- this is the question. To share or not to share? To be or not to be time saved."
a blessing... So, if you want to save time, instead of wasting it, keep praying.
Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who should ask Because in prayer I can show you what to do that's really going
you about the source of that joy. Pass on what you've gained. to accomplish something.
Sooner or later, when the fruit becomes evident, people will Let Me do it through you, whatever you do.
listen. Whenever there's a need, do what you can in order to fill it. Stop to pray and get ahold of My wavelength, instructions, boost
All I could do was sow the seed. Where do you sow the seed? Do of inspiration and Spirit power.
you sow it in areas where there are already fruitful stalks or
wheat & ears of grain growing? No. You sow them on the vacant 621 __________________________________________________
spots, where there isn't much growing yet. And you don't sow When you're doing better than most, or you already did so
seed where folks are already busy harvesting, either. much good, you tend to be content with that, and you tend to rest
Have you proven yourself to be a trustworthy source of new on your laurels, and those who have already received Me in their
seeds? Did what you delivered in the past bring forth good fruit? hearts so long ago sometimes fail to hear My voice and My
Sometimes you look at your life and wonder. That's why I said, let knockings, because they've already got it all. It's hard to see all
it grow until harvest time, and then we'll see whether it's good or that you're still missing when you've already got it all. It's
bad. humbling to look at the vast amount of things you don't really
The Family is like a small, fruitful nation with barren and have a clue about when I've already endowed you with so much
unfruitful or uncultivated areas in it. You happen to be in one of knowledge and truth. It's harder to see your failures when you've
those less fruitful areas, and so you're tempted to see the Family already accomplished so much. That's a dilemma with the world,
as sometimes rather lacking. who think they know so much, when it's so little compared to
Trust Me, that I will supply for My Family exactly what it needs, what's there to know, but it also happens to My children, because
just as I have supplied what you needed, individually. I take care it's simply human nature to want to pat yourself on the back &
of My Family's needs. go, "What do you mean, by implementing I'm missing it? I've
So, "let your light so shine". What the world needs is a sample of been doing it all along." It's illustrated in the fact that Christians
the living words, being lived and enacted by you, a "Bible in shoe and religious people, those who ought to know better, have
leather." always been those who were the most ardent resisters of My
Rejoice that I have so richly blessed you with these streams of voices of truth throughout the ages.
riches that never run dry, wealth beyond measure, spiritually. Sometimes I wait for you, My children, to recognize the problem,
One day the world will recognize. It's all a matter of seeing, and and pray for it, to ask Me to do something about it! That's usually
of wanting to see. Those who think they see already have less of the way I operate: I wait for you to tell Me what to do.
a desire for new ways of seeing. Remind yourself and others of Again, the best thing you can do is pray. You want to change
the need to learn to see - to see new things, to see Me in others, your life? Pray! You want the Family to change? Pray! Whatever
to see what before you couldn't see. you want and have the vision and the faith for: pray!
Before you're ready to pass it on, you've got to have it inside If you want folks to get the point and the heart of the matter, the
yourself. You've got to live it, be a sample not a sermon. Pass it best thing you can do is pray for it! You can change the world
on in processed form, via the life it creates in you, not the raw through your prayers! In fact, it will be the first sign and proof
that you got the point yourself, too! You can change your attitude, your way of seeing things, you can
let Me change your heart, and much of your world will already be
622 __________________________________________________ changed. You will be much more content & happy with things the
The obstacles are part of your training, to sharpen your way they are, a lot more trusting, that I'm having My way and that
focus on Me, to increase your desire for Me. If it costs you some My way is good.
effort to find Me and to be able to hear My voice and receive My The method ranking no.1 in effectiveness when it comes to
personal words, then you will appreciate them more and won't bringing about change: prayer.
run the risk of taking them for granted. The theme is action that counts, action through prayer. Prayer
Taking things for granted is one of the great enemies of shouldn't be based on selfish desires, but you should let My
happiness. That's what I was trying to bring home to you about Spirit guide you to pray those things you really ought to pray for.
appreciating your senses. Just to be able to hear and see and Strive to get to a point where you can see things My way, so that
feel, to taste, and yes, even to smell, these are gifts that many you know what really needs to be changed, and what doesn't.
take so much for granted. Yet if you learn how to use your More often than not, it's really so that what needs changing is
senses well, you can learn how to perceive Me through them, My yourself, your own heart, your ideas, your mindset, your concept
love for you. Sometimes it may not seem like much, what you see of things, your perception.
out there, or what you hear. No big revelations... But if you hear Don't look so far for the things that need to be changed, but start
and see properly, taste and feel all there is to perceive, you can right here, in your very heart! Allow Me to change you from the
find Me there... some new truth I can reveal to you, even through inside, and often you'll find half of the changes you would have
the simple little things of life. liked to be made not even necessary anymore. If everyone would
The fire of My love for you... The fresh breeze of air, like My just allow Me to change them and work on the beam in their own
Spirit... and the people I have given to surround you, the greatest eyes (you see that it's all a matter of seeing?), then a lot of
token of My love for you! One of the greatest sins, crimes and "splinters" you previously saw in your brothers' eyes would all of
failures of mankind is their lack of appreciation for each other, a sudden not even really be there anymore... Or if they would,
the sheer inability to appreciate another human being, to see you'd find it so much easier to help that brother remove it by
them in their whole beauty, to really hear what they have to say, your own sample of having let Me freed you from your own beam,
to perceive them, take them in and accept them for what they are. your own renewed perception of things.
You won't just find Me in the invisible and inaudible Realm, but It's like that prayer, "Lord, help us to change those things that
I'm right here for you, everywhere, surrounding you all the time, need to be changed, and to not change those things that don't
bestowing My love to you through the very things you hear and need to be changed, and most of all, help us to know the
see and feel; through the voices and looks and touches of your difference."
loved ones, the food I supply for you, the air that you breathe, the What needs to be changed most and first of all is you. Stop
warmth I supply for you, the walls to shelter you... thinking you already know it all, so that you can be more open to
You don't have to separate Me mentally from the physical things My revelations. Don't be so sure you already see, but ask Me to
you perceive. I am in everything, and I can be in everything for expand your vision! "The moment you think you have arrived,
you, if you just open your senses and perceive Me there. There is you lost it." (See ML 242:17).
so much love all around you, for you to perceive. The universe Everybody tends to forget at times just how nothing they are and
isn't as unfriendly and hostile as you so often perceive it. Yes, how little they really know, and how desperately they need Me.
the Enemy is there, and he rules the world, but he doesn't rule Everybody tends to forget that faith is a vacuum you create in
your world! You are a citizen of My world, the bigger picture, the your heart, for Me to fill. It's because the ego doesn't want to hear
larger Matrix, that engulfs and surrounds everything, including about emptiness.
the puny, artificial matrix of the Enemy. Mine is the Real Thing. I can use anything or anyone to teach you. Lessons are all
And if you experience the real thing and are part of it, the results around you, if you're just attentive enough to listen.
of the curse and all the disturbances of the Enemy will affect you
much less. In fact, you can learn to let them have virtually no 624 __________________________________________________
effect on you whatsoever, which is what the art of rising above is I gave you what others would have withheld from you.
all about, and what I have been stressing in My words to you It is I Who give and Who taketh away, the One from Whom all
from the beginning: the ability to rise above your circumstances. good things flow. Learn to give Me the honor and credit for them.
You rule, -- they don't rule over you! Learn to give thanks to the One Who giveth all things, and that all
You might as well get used to ruling, because that's what you things in his life come from My hands, sometimes as blessings in
were born and destined to do and to be and become: a future disguise, as lessons to learn from, as mountains and goals to
ruler of My Realm. But you earn the credentials for that future tackle; that life isn't just one joyride, but it's much more like a
rule right here and now; you collect the necessary experience to school, and certain blessings don't precede obedience.
become a good ruler in My future in the here and now, and one of Learn to delight in Me, so that I can give you the desires of your
the principal, basic lessons in this is to learn how to see and hear heart.
and perceive properly. It's hard to realize that what you've been looking for has been
Learn how to see everything through My eyes, to perceive right in front of you all along, longing for the holy grail, which is
everything with My sense of awareness, perceiving Me in always far away, almost not wanting to realize that I can give you
everything, and thus, along with it, My angle of perception. all you need merely for the asking. Learn that happiness can be
The first step in order to be able to contribute anything yours right here and now, through Me. You don't need to achieve
worthwhile is to receive what's already there, to fully embrace it certain things first, whatever one idealizes, idolizes - because all
and taste it. Taste and see that the Lord is good, and be still and those idols just distract them from the true God, the true Source
know that I am God; be still and know that I am; be still and of happiness, the true Goal, the true Giver of all these things that
know; be still; BE! you're longing for, Me.
I don't let people use the elevator to find Me; I prefer it if they use
623 __________________________________________________ the stairs. Everything that's worth something, costs something.
Prayer is the most effective thing to do in order to bring It's got to cost you some of your time, your attention, some
about the truly needed changes. Often the truly needed changes effort. But usually, folks prefer to invest all that into something
are changes in your own mindsets, attitudes and perception of else, one of the manifold distractions out there, and counterfeit
things, inward changes, changes within yourself, rather than the sources of happiness, or their arm of the flesh, or some other
other party. supposed "shortcut" to heaven or happiness.
Like this you can become a much more effective agent of People are still basically blind, when it comes to recognizing the
change, too, if first of all, you allow Me to change yourself. The real thing. They don't even know when they've found it, or when
first on the list to change the World is "yourself." they've been found... They think it's got to be something else,
somewhere else. They always assume everything they're looking created you to perform!
for to be somewhere far off in the distance. It can never be right If the Son hath made you free, you shall be free indeed! Grant Me
here. "First I've got to achieve this, or accomplish that..." When the permission to exercise My power in you to the full! Please
all the while I am right here, and all they've got to do is give Me a don't limit Me! Why settle for less, when you can have so much
little bit of their time and attention. more?
How much I desire for you to fully let Me partake of your life! Let
625 __________________________________________________ Me refill you again! Let Me save you again and again from the
The best attitude to have and the best role for you to assume, death of this life! There's so much more you haven't even begun
is not so much that of the teacher who knows it all, but of a yet to experience, to taste, to see and feel and hear and see, and
humble co-learner. There are definitely a lot of things for you to to breathe with every breath you take! Breathe Me in!
learn, and it's not so much that you are the teacher here, but Don't get stuck on trying to preserve what you've got, but open
more like My principal student. There is nothing that will inspire wide for the floods to come!
others to learn the lessons from life, like the sample of someone
doing so: a fellow student who shows his peers and younger 626 __________________________________________________
brothers all the things he discovers on their way. Some are just not interested in finding out what I have to say
Not in the way of some old know-it-all, but someone young at to shut up long enough to listen. The "god" they communicate
heart, and fresh, like them, only just discovering those mysteries with is just an extension of their egos, something they wish for
and secrets of life, happy and eager to share them with those on Me to be. That happens to a lot of self-righteous people. That's
your path, as they unfold. why I said in My Word that I would have to say to a lot of people
Being a spiritual man means always staying a simple child at who claim to have been doing this and that in My name, "I never
heart, an eternal pupil and learner. It's those who think they know knew you." They never knew Me, and I never knew them. All they
something, who don't really know anything at all; those who thought they knew was a figment of their imaginations, an
think they already see are the ones who are blind. But as long as extension of their own desires & what they figured I ought to be.
you go through life desperately wanting to learn and see and Very few - in comparison - actually really want to know Me. I'm
discover what life's all about, that's what I would consider too scary, too strange, too different for most of them. That's why
spiritual. there are millions of Christians who reject the true prophets.
The Spirit quickens and makes alive, that means, it's always They just use Me as a label they associate with, but they don't
young and moving, never old and stagnant, brittle or really have much of a clue Who I really am.
conservative, stuck on the old way of doing things, never resting
on any laurels of yesterday. It takes each new day as an 627 __________________________________________________
opportunity for a new beginning: "This is the first day of the rest It's good to define every once in a while what it is you want.
of your life." Make each day as if it were the first day of a new Sometimes it's good to remind yourself also of what you don't
period of your life, and it is, because it's a different period than want, so that you can forsake those things.
the past. It's the present: the beginning of the future, where you When there's a choice and an option for an easier way out, and
can do all things differently than you ever did them before. yet My brides choose the less promising, the less visible way, the
As long as there's still room in your life for improvement, as long way of faith, of emptiness, the way of foregoing, sacrificing and
as your life isn't perfect yet, you should always be openly forsaking, because they know in Me they will find a much greater
welcoming change and that wonderful opportunity to learn how happiness, that makes Me so happy.
to do things differently than in the past, to see things from a How easily can you resist the temptation? How badly do you
totally new angle, and just let each day be a new learning really want Me, and nothing else matters?
experience, a new episode, almost like the beginning of a whole How much do you avail yourself of Me, and how much do you
new life. still depend on other crutches? Can you let go of those crutches
Break out of the cocoon of the old! Experience My newness. Let voluntarily, or will I have to take them away? How much are you
Me renew you, your vision, your concepts, your outlook, your really willing to "give it all to Me"? How much do you really
whole being. "surrender"? How real am I to you, how relevant? To what extent
To be "transformed by the renewing of your minds" is something am I your priority? Am I really taking first place in your life? Am I
you have to experience every day in order to find My good and really the No.1 remedy for any lacks and troubles in your life?
acceptable and perfect will for you every day (Rom.12.2). Let Me How quickly do you come to Me for every need, or do you first try
"reincarnate" in you every day, to make your life a radical force of to find relief in something else? Am I your last resort, or the One
change for Me. Don't get stuck in any old mindsets, even if you you turn to first?
"already have the truth." Good for you! But what is the truth that I These are questions you should ask yourself periodically to find
want to teach you today? What is the lesson, the metanoia, the out where you stand, how sincere and how serious you are about
revelation for this day? This day, I can make all things new. This your service for Me, what it really is you want, and whether
day, things will never have to be the same they used to be! This you're truly giving your all for Me. Is there more you could give?
day, I can work in your life in a way I never have before, if you Are you seeking with all your heart to make some progress
determine to let Me. This day can be the first day of not only the today?
rest of your life, but of a brand new life altogether, with brand Even if you think, "Well, I'm certainly spending more time in the
new prospects, aspects and perspectives, a brand new outlook, Word than most other folks I know," how much more time do you
brand new horizons, visions, goals, methods... all depending on spend on some other activity, in comparison to the time you truly
how open you are for Me and My changes, My Grace! spend with Me or for Me? Will you be found wanting? Could there
Don't stop the flow of My power in your life. It's like breathing, a have been more that you could have done, when you assess all
process in which you constantly inhale and exhale My Spirit, as that you did, at the end of your day, or at the end of the year, or at
the life-giving power that will sustain your spirit, just as oxygen the end of your life?
keeps you alive in the physical. It's not about all you've already gained, nor about the progress
You can be constantly renewed with heavenly fresh air and new you already made, but how much there is yet to make. If you have
whiffs of My Spirit (Tit.3:5). reached one goal, what is your next? Have you reached any goal
I bring new concepts, new perspectives, new pictures & at all? And what are your goals? What is it you really want? What
illustrations to your mind to give you a renewed vision. is it you'd like to accomplish and achieve, and is that which you
Allow yourself to experience Me to the fullness of your would like to achieve truly something you would want to achieve
capacities! Don't limit yourself to trickles of My Spirit when there for Me? Are you sure it's not just something your own ambition
are literally oceans to revel in! I give you My power to overcome drives you to do, but is it truly the humble thing, and the thing I
all things, even death! Live in that conscience, that assurance, in ask of you?
that vocation, that calling, that destiny! Play the role I have These are honest questions that require sincere answers. You've
got to let Me check your heart, if you really want Me to choice.
accomplish through you the utmost possible. If you really want So, if you're lacking those qualities, you haven't been out
Me to use you to the full, you've got to make sure that you're witnessing, when that's your job. Instead of being so critical of
absolutely not deceiving yourself. How truthful are you being people, you could be falling in love with them.
with yourself? Can you really strip your soul bare before Me and I know it's a tough job. But in order to get where you want to get,
let Me illuminate and expose any dark corner in your life that there's no other way. In order to make the progress that you want
might still be there? to make in order to overcome your weaknesses, that's the
Let Me shower your soul with My cleansing, warm and healing remedy, that's the way.
light. I am the Light of the world. Are you ready for that light? Are You can't look down on them. You can only look eye to eye,
you ready for My touch, My Words, My truth, My love? Are you standing on the same level with them. Give them My truth in
really ready for it? And how far will you go? How much can you humility.
handle? Can I truly fill you to the top until you overflow? If obedience is the way of happiness, then disobedience is the
I'm trying to free you and cleanse you from any barriers and way to unhappiness. So, why not be happy and obey?
hindrances that might stop the flow of My power and light in your
life, from My heart to you. I'm trying to make sure that all your 631 __________________________________________________
pipes are clean in order to ensure a smooth and steady flow, a There will always be things in this life you won't fully
constant stream of My power and current through your life. I'm understand, that you will just have to wrap up in a bundle of faith
making sure that the light you give off shines clearly. Each of My & trust Me for, things you see "through a glass, darkly," that will
brides should regularly check their own hearts to make sure that only be fully revealed to you when you come Home. That's just
everything is working properly and all the incentives, priorities part of the deal, when it comes to the life of faith.
and motivations are right. Seeing Me in someone in spite of their flaws is a big lesson I'm
trying to teach you. If you're not willing to put up with or confront
628 __________________________________________________ their flaws, how are you ever going to die for them, if you can't
Don't be frightened of the emptiness. It's what makes you even stand to live with them?
hunger for Me and thirst after My righteousness. The well- I'm not expecting you to just take people's flaws without doing or
meaning hands want to fill you up and make you feel cozy, warm saying anything about them. But I'm expecting you to deal with
and fed. They mean well, but they don't know what it means to them, confront them, say something about them, not altogether
look unto Me for comfort, supply and protection. avoid them! It's called being a shepherd, or your brother's
The Enemy will do and try anything to smother your keeper. That's what it's like to have a shepherd's heart. It involves
effectiveness for Me. He will try today. He will try tomorrow! He correcting things that you see are wrong.
will try everyday. Not just once, not just twice, but many times.
He will try through friend or foe, and, unfortunately, he more 632 __________________________________________________
often succeeds through your friends to get you to compromise. Sometimes you don't even have to say all that much; just
The tune of this world is "accumulation:" you basically live for doing it will make all the difference it takes.
gaining more. The treasures I want you to glean are not material, Knowledge and prophecies will fail, but love never fails.
though, they're not temporal, and to get them, you actually have My relationship with you, our love, and the resulting fruits of it,
to let go and lose those things that people of the world cling to. our spiritual babies, are much more important to Me than the
So, by accepting the world that they would like to offer you, a bedroom slippers you make for Me.
world of greater comfort and security, you would actually be
cheating yourselves out of some of the blessings you would 633 __________________________________________________
obtain by forsaking those comforts. If you want to succeed, just stick to My plan!
Some things you know are better forgotten and forsaken for a
629 __________________________________________________ better truth, a better way.
I'm the One Who's got the plan, and the only way you can be If you'd go through your days & lives with more of an attitude
in on it is by following Me closely. If I were to just give it to you, that you really don't know anything, instead of the usual know-it-
you would probably run ahead of Me in pride and loudly all attitude, you'd be amazed how much helpful stuff there is yet
proclaim, "Thus saith the Lord!" But I don't need or want loud to learn out there...
and proud proclaimers as I need and want world-lovers. Not "the The prerequisite for finding My will is to have no will of your own,
world" as in "the System," but as in John 3:16: "God so loved the and likewise the prerequisite to finding My riches and blessings
world that He gave..." all that was beloved and important to Him. is not to be full of yourselves, your own ambitions, ideas &
Are you also willing to give up for the world all that you love and desires, but to empty yourselves of them all and be ready and
is important to you, so that the world would not perish, but have open for whatever I've got to give to you.
eternal life?
Are you willing to leave the comfort of your nice, warm house to 634 __________________________________________________
go out into the cold to save even those who you know will crucify The main struggle that’s going on on earth is between those
you for your attempts, as I was willing to leave the halls of who want to control and those who leave the control of
heaven for you? everything in My hands. Those who want the power and those
who concede, “Thine is the power and the glory...“
630 __________________________________________________
"The truth shall make you free." It is My Word and your 635 __________________________________________________
continued absorption of it that is going to lead you to freedom You want a clear cut answer, but if I’m not giving you one,
from your sins. Although you must realize that it is not only your then this means I want you to play it by ear. I don’t just want you
own absorption of My truth that will help you, but also your to have one prayer and then write the subject off, but I want you
helping others to absorb it, as well: your feeding them the Word, to deal with this on a more thorough basis, to bathe this whole
your witnessing My truth to others, will also give you a greater thing in prayer on a constant basis, on the basis of “pray without
love and understanding for them, along with more patience to ceasing.“
deal with their quirks. Since facing confrontation in a prayerful way is good and
When you constantly put yourself in a position where you strengthening for your character & personality, I’m leading you to
practically humbly beg them to receive My Word, you cannot the very thing you would naturally avoid. Life is a constant
have any negative thoughts about them. It won't work. That's why confrontation with the forces of evil, and it’s best to arm yourself
witnessing is really a fool-proof remedy against pride, self- for it, instead of seeking to shun it constantly. Some
righteousness and a lack of love, because it just practically confrontations you simply can’t avoid. And if you avoid them,
forces you to walk in humility and love, you have no other you run the chance of the other party - your opponent - taking
advantage of you and your passive attitude. You move on a different plain, and they can’t grasp it. It’s totally
foreign an alien to them. But keep moving forward anyway.
636 __________________________________________________
The voyage away from “Eden,“ the cozy haven you’ve had 637 __________________________________________________
here with Me before evil entered your world, (speaking You’re longing for comfort and relief, but what you really
metaphorically now), is part of your destiny, part of your life- need is strength and perseverance, and these are not as easily
lesson, part of the program and part of My plan for you. obtained, but come through tests of endurance. While it’s true
This life wasn’t meant to be altogether pleasant, as much as you that My strength is sufficient for thee, that strength is only found
seek pleasure in it. Look how and where Moses died: in the in places of emptiness where you don’t feel like you can keep
wilderness, unable to enter the promised land, as a result of his going in your own strength at all anymore. That is where My
own mistake. The valuable thing to have gained out of this both strength is found, that is sufficient for thee.
for himself and untold generations to follow is the lesson. It’s I can’t give it to you any other way. There is no shortcut to it, no
more important and valuable than the pleasure - the temporary, easier way to get it. First your own strength must be completely
fleeting pleasure he might have experienced, had I granted him to expired, before you’re finally desperate and empty enough, ready
enter the promised land. The real Promised Land is not in this to receive My strength, which is sufficient for thee. It feels
world. Your real and final and ultimate satisfaction, fulfillment, strange to you, not like enough at all, it’s something you’re not
peace or goal, whatever you may be trying to achieve, won’t be familiar with, not as familiar as your own flesh, your carnal
found in this world or life. This life will always be imperfect, strength, and your carnal wisdom and understanding. Only in the
because I want you to continue to seek the truly Perfect. I don’t void and absence of all these things are you finally ready for My
want you to be satisfied with anything this temporal world has to strength, that feels so awkward to you... So like nothing. It’s like
offer. This world is not your home. I want you to continue seeking walking on air, when before you were walking on solid ground.
a better place, and ever striving toward that one, ever following “You mean, I’m supposed to trust this?“ You wonder... It’s not
the heavenly vision I give, the fulfillment of which can simply what you’ve been used to, your good old, tangible, carnal
never be found in this world. So you shouldn’t keep seeking it strength, with just a little bit of help from Me.
here, either. I’m helping you to learn to grow in My strength, and to avail
Sure, you want to make the best out of it, and I also want you to, yourself of My strength to a greater measure. “My strength is
but “making the best out of it“ may be 2 different things, when it made perfect in weakness.“ Before, you were relying on My
comes to My personal view and angle of looking at it, compared strength to some extent, but it was never really made perfect,
to yours. Your “best“ is always associated with fun and pleasure, because there was still too much of your own strength there.
which is always temporal. My ambition for you lies in the eternal: Therefore seek not relief, but seek endurance to see it through.
what can we take along that’s for keeps, the value of which will Rely on My strength, and seek not that old familiar strength. It’s
last into eternity? The pleasurable moments are only good for time to learn to rely on a new strength, which is totally Mine, and
memories that will be shadowed by any tiny moment in Eternity; to let go of the familiar old. Let Me prove to you that it’s true, My
merely a drop, compared to the ocean. But the lessons are strength is sufficient for thee!
something not only you, but untold others after you will benefit
from for ages beyond this one. And the lessons usually come out 638 __________________________________________________
of the less pleasant experiences... The Enemy never fights you when you’re strong and on top
Lessons come from battles, from confrontations, from sufferings of things, because he knows he has no chance then. He only
and trials, often brought about by your own human weaknesses fights you when you’re down and weak, he’s a real coward and
and frailties, the very things you often try so hard to avoid. That hyena.
which you think is going to be to your disadvantage, that which One of the best portrayals of the Devil ever is the coward Scar in
you would call a demerit or a minus point, those are actually ‘The Lion King,’ who usurps the true king’s kingdom, has him
often the plus points for Me. It’s a lot like the different views of killed, and the true king’s son needs to wander off into the
My crucifixion: the world views it as a loss, but Here We know it wilderness.
was the total Victory.
The ultimate Victory over the greatest Enemy ever fought, was 639 __________________________________________________
brought about by a seeming defeat. Never forget that, when you Focus more on each other’s needs than your own, really
go down an unpleasant road, which may seem like a defeat to letting go and expecting nothing in return.
you. Those seeming defeats make you dig down deep in the dirt, Real love, true love will never come back to you void. You already
like a man digging a well, and they prime the pump that makes receive while you give it.
the heavenly water flow. Heavenly water to refresh generations to See the opportunity, not just the obstacle.
come. It’s life, and the hardships it brings, that write these kind of
King David hardly thought that the Psalms he wrote would be lessons in your hearts...
such a vast source of inspiration, wisdom and comfort to
generations to come... Yet they were the honey that came forth 640 __________________________________________________
from the crushing and twisting of his life, and it has been a It’s humbling but also liberating when you can say, ‘We have
source of comfort beyond all measure to innumerable souls. found the enemy, and it’s us.’
There is so much to learn out of all the open books of life - of It’s ‘Taking The Blame,’ dealing with the beam in your own eye
lives I’ve written, things which at this time many are not able to (it’s a matter of seeing clearly) and being humble enough to face
grasp, but they will unfold, and one day it will all be so clear, and your own errors and say the hardest words in any language, ‘I
learning won’t be a boring chore, as it may be for many today, was wrong.’
but it’s going to be one endless thrill. It’s a hard and painful way, but that’s the only way some lessons
So, continue to move forward, even to this foreign, unexplored really stick and hit home. Otherwise, they’re often forgotten too
ground, that hostile territory before you, and be confident, that as easily, or only briefly grasped with the mind, and not deeply
I was with Moses, so am I with you, and as I was with David, so absorbed by the heart… life-changing.
am I with you, so be not afraid of whatever you might encounter The easier way wouldn’t have nearly the same impact. In order to
there, but go forth in the spirit of a conqueror. They may win their drive a certain point home, there has to be a vivid illustration of
temporary victories over you today, only to bow their heads to the point.
you forever hereafter...
The only difference between them and you is that you’re learning 641 __________________________________________________
of Me - lessons that totally elude them - you’re seeing, while they Had Abraham really killed Isaac, then it definitely would have
are blind. You hear, while they’re deaf. You perceive, while they been a mistake, but you see, I was the One asking this of him,
go on in ignorance and oblivious to all that’s really happening. and I knew he was just going to follow Me on that one. I just
wanted to test his willingness, whether he was willing to do so in 644 __________________________________________________
the first place, and it created a whole new outlook for him, too, It’s never too late to start obeying, to become a doer of the
and a whole new relationship between him and Me and with his Word. That’s why I am so patient and longsuffering... I keep
fellowmen. hoping for folks to hop on the bandwagon of the doers of My will,
I know, it’s hard to trust sometimes, that a God of Love would ask and sometimes it’s those folks you would least expect to fulfill
you to do such irrational things, or would use such that hope, who come to surprise the whole world.
unconventional methods, but that’s why only those with great It’s like an apprenticeship: you learn as you go and put the things
faith can really trust Me - and My Word, for that matter. Some you have learned in theory into practice.
people consider the Abraham/Isaac episode an atrocity that You were not aware of the many distraction tactics of the Enemy,
doesn’t really belong in My Word. They didn’t really get the point. and how hard and vehemently he would try to cause you to stray,
But when you can trust Me for anything, that’s what I’d call faith. and it would have been nicer without all these painful
Having asked him to make that sacrifice, and his willingness to experiences, but that wouldn’t have brought about quite the
follow through with it, altered everything and made him see same result, the result which I am seeing, which is much more
clearly, and put everything in the proper perspective. These beautiful.
manifestations of faith are there to bring home a point. And by I prefer deep and profound beauty, even at great cost, over mere
the result you can tell that it was My voice and My hand in it, after ‘niceness.’ I always prefer the real thing, the really deep thing,
all, no matter whether all the voices in the world are going to pipe that grabs you down at the core of your being, moves you and
up, ‘It was wrong of God to ask that of you or to tell you that!’ Or, changes you around.
‘that was not the voice of God at all!’, just because it doesn’t In Me you will always find a Source of never ending depths,
make sense to them or eludes the capacity of their faith. untold mysteries to discover, and a whole universe of revelations
The Enemy is not fighting them as hard, because they’re not to explore. I shall never disappoint you.
nearly as big a threat to his cause as any of you are, who That profoundness is the proof that there is more than the
embrace My full truth. The Enemy knows why he can freely let superficiality and occupation with the immediate things, the
them loose on the world, because they’re not only working for Me temporal.
and My cause, but unknowingly also for his, which is what The Devil is trying to drive his herd into his vast fold of
happens to a good many sincere Christians. primitiveness, dullness and superficial, meaningless platitudes
So, don’t look up to them for spiritual guidance, but to Me. and jingles without any depth, to stir them into a mindset of
You’ve got to cling to your spiritual heritage of the house of preoccupation exclusively with the things of earth.
David, of a real supernatural connection with Me, and not settle My sheep hear My voice, and they detect the difference between
for all those mind-answers. Sometimes you’ve got to appreciate eternal and temporal. They sense the difference between their
what you’ve learned and acquired already. Not that you should tales and the real thing, the eternal life I give.
rest on those laurels and close yourself up to more and new
things to learn, but you’ve also got to review and retain what I’ve 645 __________________________________________________
given you already and not dismiss it, just because you’re finding The Family was ordained to correct the portrayal of Me and
out that in this other corner you can learn new things you never of the Father that the churches have given the World: to show
heard before! that I’m not opposed to pleasure, I’m not opposed to people
The important thing is to remain Spirit-led, to be led by Me enjoying life. It’s because of this wrong portrayal that people are
personally, to look to Me and let Me guide you. not finding the way to truly enjoy life, which is found by
You need Me, and that’s all you’ve got to know, plus that I’m here integrating Me in their activities, their lives, their plans, their
for you, always as much as you need Me, and beyond. visions and dreams, or to acknowledge Me in them, to enjoy it all
Lean on Me and on My Word, and you’ll fare safely! as a gift of My hands.
Some enjoy it without caring much about where it all comes
642 __________________________________________________ from. It’s not that I mind all too much, since I can still enjoy their
Being a good steward over the things I have given you happiness. But what they lack is a direction to look, they lack a
shows that you appreciate them, that you’re thankful for them. Of goal in their lives, or rather, a goal that leads to a point beyond
course, the Enemy will fight that. He always makes what you’ve this life.
already got look like nothing, compared to all the elusive things This life is only the beginning of enjoyments. The real fun is only
he would offer you, ever since Adam and Eve in the Garden. They just about to start. And it also includes the ability to take life’s
didn’t know they were living under the most perfect hardships as they come, in stride, and not begrudgingly. Real
circumstances possible right there, they fell for Satan’s lie that enjoyment is knowing that I have given you the power to
there was something better than that, which I was withholding overcome and rise above anything.
from them. I know where happiness for each of My children lies. And I alone
You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, but I’m helping you can lead you there.
to learn to appreciate what you’ve got a bit more while you have
it! 646 __________________________________________________
That’s why praise is so important! Praise shows Me you You’re so used to the clear fresh water from the mountain,
appreciate what you’ve got, you’re thankful for it, which shows you’re thirsting for something else for a change, but you must
that you chose not to believe the Enemy’s negative input, but are realize that what most people might be looking for is precisely
keeping your eyes on Me. that fresh cold water from the mountain top that you tend to take
for granted...
643 __________________________________________________ Sometimes you’re so excited to share your latest discoveries,
You want to include Me more in your actions, in your that you neglect to tell people what got you to the place of that
planning, in your work and in your fun times? Just do it! discovery, which could be compared with a science professor
Pray more as you go, before you do and say. Check in with your teaching a bunch of primary school pupils stuff that’s simply way
helpers. Wait for My blessing and My confirming checks in the over their heads. First you’ve got to lay the foundation.
spirit. Just take Me with you and realize I’m right there. Don’t let The real thing is more than words... ‘A Sample, Not A Sermon.’
anything separate us! The whole church system is still based on the sermon principle,
It’s only your position that changes. I am the Lord, I change not. while I’m building My Family on the principle of becoming a living
Yesterday, today, forever... the same. I am constant. Constantly sample of the truth, just as I was a living sample, and all My true
and permanently there for you, just like the air all around you, saints were samples of My love and truth, more than just
just like the universe all around you. As long as the universe is sermons.
there, you can be assured that I’m still there, too! There are enough teachers, preachers and talkers delivering
sermons, but way too few guides who truly show the way by
walking therein themselves first... enjoy that knowledge and act assured of My promises, to be so
The one big difference is the sample factor. sure of the victory that you can almost act as if I had already
The Family is preparing not only themselves but also others for come and delivered you.
what is to come. Instead of kidding themselves into believing that
they still have forever to reach the lost, they heed My warnings in 649 __________________________________________________
My Word that time is short, and My advice to ‘redeem the time, You need to seek ways to make My counsel & input work for
for the days are evil.’ you in practical ways. You Look around for ways to implement &
Remember what I said about the Pharisees: ‘Do what they tell apply it... to live it.
you, but don’t do as they do, since they only say it but don’t do Stand by My side and help Me by doing what you can.
it.’ Continue to allow Me to incite you, to get you on fire, to move
The general direction I lead is My direction and to teach folks to you.
follow My way, which has many different shapes and ‘Enthusiasm’ basically means ‘God inside’ you. Let the world
manifestations for each separate individual. You can help others notice and see that I’m inside you! Let them partake of that glow,
to find theirs by pointing them to Me. of that fire. Let them warm themselves by your fire! You don’t
Take them to Me, and I will guide them aright. have to do anything but burn, ... just be there and give warmth
and light.
647 __________________________________________________
Ambition often keeps people busy, busy, busy, but their 650 __________________________________________________
hearts away from Me. Give people a chance to give Me a chance! I work in all their
It’s hard for you to learn to let Me work through you, and lives, and the Father lets the sun shine on all of them, the evil
sometimes just to be content with the little that you accomplish. and the good, and He sends His rain on all. ‘Let it rain!’ Let My
You don’t only witness to others of My Words, My truth & My goodness rain on anyone.
gospel, but you’re also there as witnesses of what’s going on. Never give up hope in people prematurely.
When I was on earth, I didn’t spend My whole time just
ministering, but actually 90% of the time I spent watching, 651 __________________________________________________
observing, learning. You want to learn not just to be a witness When you’ve got nothing to lose, no pride, no prestige, then
with your mouth, but also through your sample, a living you’re free to give to people without fearing what they think of
manifestation of My truth. you.
That doesn’t mean you have to wait until you’ve reached a If you’re weak, needy, hungry & empty & yearning for Me, only
sample of sinless perfection before you ever testify of Me and My then can I fill you. As long as you’re self-satisfied, your vacuum
truth to anyone, but I also want to remind you that your purpose for Me is too weak...
is not only to teach, but also to learn, to observe, sometimes to The same goes for situations when you don’t know what’s going
just silently witness and do what you can to influence things for to happen next, and you have to trust Me for it: As long as you’re
the better. When the final crunch comes, only I will be able to familiar with your surroundings, and you know exactly where
save the world, and although I’m including all of you, My brides, you’re going & what’s coming next, you can’t rely on Me as well
in this, it is I Whose purpose it was to destroy the works of the as in a situation where everything’s open...
devil (1.Jn.3:8). I can even use you to reach out & be a blessing to people you
So, sometimes you just have to ‘stand back & see Me fight’ and would personally not expect to be able to break through to.
learn of Me, look unto Me, listen to Me, receive from Me, absorb The world needs you to be outgoing, outreaching, outpouring,
Me. Only when you’ve absorbed Me rightly, can you also convey not introverted, shy, stuck-on-your-self!
Me rightly. It’s not like you know everything there is to know in Only if you sow into people’s lives can you reap from them the
one day and then jump out on the streets and pass it on, but you fruit of their friendship!
need to become a vessel yourself, you live and you learn.
I’m not putting you in charge of saving the whole world, I just 652 __________________________________________________
want you to do whatever you can to help Me do it! And I’m very I’m in control, and I’ve got it all in My hands. Your lives are all
grateful for all the help I can get. Don’t get so preoccupied with in My hands. What makes you think the devil’s got any control?
teaching that you lose sight of all there is to learn. He may exert some control over his, but in the end, I’m the One
Becoming a saint is not so much determined by what you do as Who’s in control of everything, and none of the plans and
by what you allow Me to do with you, by how well you take life’s devices he concocts can harm you if I don’t allow it, and I won’t
circumstances gracefully, and just allow Me to break you and allow it, if you’re in tune with Me.
reshape you. It’s not so much in what you do, but what I do with
you and you allow Me to. 653 __________________________________________________
If it doesn’t make sense to you, remember that one day it will, The love of money is the root of all evil (1.Tim.6:10), because
when you’ll see My version of the picture. You can learn from Me, for the love of money people will compromise the truth. For the
the Master Artist, by observation; by quietly watching and love of money people will neglect other, more or equally
studying the method of the Master Teacher. important tasks in life, such as their fellowship with Me, and their
care for each other, all in order to gain more money.
648 __________________________________________________ Once people covet it, they won’t act out of love, and thus,
Sometimes you don’t understand why I’m keeping you down, missing the mark of acting out of love, they sin.
why I’m keeping you weak. The love of money can become like an addiction; in fact, it’s
Being nobody may not feel as great to you & not be as appealing probably the most wide-spread addiction on earth. People are
to you, but I’d rather have you battle with feelings of under- willing to do almost anything for money. They virtually sell
accomplishment and being nobody than indulging in pride and themselves as slaves to the System in order to get it, and they
getting all lifted up over who you are and what you’ve done. will hardly stop short of doing anything for it.
You’re not nobody in My eyes. Consider the respect of the The love of money is My greatest rival. Scarcely a man has been
invisible cloud of witnesses around you as more important than willing to do the same for Me that he has been willing to do for
that of your earthly peers. money. Money is the one thing the Enemy invented to direct
There will always come a breakthrough into the light, even after people’s focus on in order to totally distract them from Me.
the darkest night. Money has been his most successful tool.
Focus on that hope, that dawn that will always be there after a Money is the most worshiped item on earth, the most coveted,
stretch of darkness. As the days grow darker and more evil, and the most loved, even though it is only an illusion, for its value is
the fog thickens, remember that glorious dawn that awaits you. based on faith in the existing System, instead of Me and My
I’ll be back for you, just like I promised. Faith is the ability to eternal Kingdom.
Money is the wages of the flesh. Cursed be the man that maketh expand your horizon and look forward, look ahead!
flesh his arm (Jer.17:5) and trusts in his own work and says, Move from the heart, know from the heart, speak from the heart,
‘Mine own arm has saved me.’ Money is the item that most share from the heart, live and give from the heart... the inner you
provokes Me to jealousy, because even many of My children have that is often so well protected that few can ever find it but what
fallen prey to the love of it. you’ve got to reveal. The world needs a whole lot more heart!
For the children of the world, everything revolves around money, Your mind is trying to get in the way, trying to figure it out!
yet from My children I expect that their lives revolve around Me, But you can’t figure out where one that is born of the spirit is
not Mammon. coming from, and where he’s going. You can’t always stick
everyone in a box or drawer, much less one who is born of the
654 __________________________________________________ spirit, and whom I have set free from any confines...
You find out where it’s not at by your mistakes, but a even My absolutes are larger, much more all-encompassing and
wiser man learns not only from his own mistakes, but from those flexible than your little finite measurements, yardsticks and
of others, too. descriptions and typologies... There are things that go beyond
I have given those dandy bad examples - like Judas - for My that.
disciples to know that that’s not the way to follow. The end of his The person you are right now is going to be left behind. Your
way made it plain that his path was the path of destruction, and soul is something larger.
thus it shall be with all those who follow Satan’s way and who fall It’s like the Law, or the laws of nature, all of which are going to be
prey for his temptations for personal gain or to save their own left behind once you enter the realm of the supernatural, the
lives. He that saveth his life, the same shall lose it in the end, but realm of the spirit. While with some acquaintances and
he that loseth his life for My sake, the same shall save it. friendships the mind can be helpful, it is the heart, not the mind
Those that cling to and hold on to their own lives, trying so hard that will draw them to you. It is the Spirit that will thrill their
to preserve them in their own strength, will only find out that hearts and minds and refresh and quench their weary and thirsty
they’ve been losing out in the end, while those who freely give of souls, not so much the input that comes of the mind.
their own substance with disregard of their own loss, they will
inherit a hundredfold what they were willing to give.
I love a cheerful giver. I will demonstrate to the whole universe
that it is far more blessed to give than to receive, that it is far
more blessed to be a giver than a receiver.
It always pays to give. It’s easier for others than for some, but
one for whom it is difficult to give, but overcomes his difficulties
and gives in the end is more blessed and does the will of God
more than one who is naturally inclined to give, but gets tired of
it and becomes selfish and withholding in the end... Only the end
of the road will tell one’s tale completely.
The Enemy is not after those he’s already got in his bag. I also
work in the conscience of those who have erred from My way but
are still My children. For those who are on the right path, I say,
‘watch and pray, be vigilant,’ for the Enemy would love to deter
you. For those of Mine who have erred and strayed, I say, ‘this
day, when you hear My voice, harden not your hearts!’
Just as the Enemy will tempt those many times who follow My
path, to cause them to stray, so I give many chances to those
who have strayed, to return to Me. The trick for true, selfless
givers is to remain faithful, not to become weary in well-doing.

655 __________________________________________________
There’s no way to live in the Spirit without prayer.
There’s no way to do the Master’s work without the Master’s
power, without spending time with the Master.
Connected with Me. Everything you’re learning must be put into
practice in order to move you forward!
Prayer is the hand that moves the gigantic network of My Realm,
the Spirit World, on your behalf.
In order to make real headway and forward movement and
visible, lasting progress, you’re going to have to commit your
ways unto Me and put your trust in Me, that I will bring those
things that concern you to pass. You’re going to have to trust in
Me to do it for you, instead of vaguely hoping that it might work
out alright, doubting whether I will do it for you or not, and
looking around for ways your own arm of the flesh might get you
out of this situation somehow if worse comes to worst...
In order to find My way, My strategy, My method, My solution,
you’re going to have to look in the Spirit! You can’t look in the
physical realm for solutions. That’s not from whence your help
cometh. Your help cometh from the Lord, which made Heaven
and earth (Ps.121).
You rely not on your own understanding, not your own strength,
not on luck, but on Me, the Creator of all things.
Give it to Me in prayer, put Me in charge of it. And then stand
back, relax & see what happens.

656 __________________________________________________
Stretch your vision and expand your spiritual muscles...
Discipleship: 1, 28, 39, 49, 59, 62, 74, 77, 80, 100, 115, 126, 132,
Action/Initiative: 27, 28, 32, 35, 37, 139, 144, 172, 192, 193, 196, 136, 137, 213, 216, 237, 248, 254, 287, 350, 355, 367, 374, 390, 391,
215, 216, 217, 228, 230, 231, 246, 279, 357, 358, 385, 397, 421, 422, 396, 401, 402, 403, 410, 415, 421, 425, 426, 431, 438, 439, 456, 461,
451, 479, 485, 497, 498, 513, 519, 527, 543, 567, 595, 601, 606, 608, 462, 481, 485, 486, 487, 491, 500, 508, 509, 522, 526, 528, 537, 540,
609, 618, 623, 632, 644, 649, 656 542, 548, 549, 554, 560, 561, 563, 573, 575, 579, 587, 591, 592, 605,
627, 646, 649
AME: 21, 52, 78, 91, 209, 304, 353, 362, 387, 414, 420, 423, 426,
507, 512, 528, 562, 574 Discouragement: 151, 156, 158, 166, 172, 567, 568

Anger: 23, 184, 196, 202, 316, 359, 499, 548 Doubt: 62, 95, 150, 207, 265, 400, 421, 444, 543, 573, 595, 597

Attitudes & Mindsets: 32, 33, 37, 81, 84, 125, 126, 134, 170, 219, Endtime: 13, 55, 82, 83, 291, 310, 322, 340, 387, 407, 415, 417, 482,
238, 246, 255, 274, 297, 304, 327, 329, 340, 345, 356, 371, 375, 385, 484, 504, 505, 510, 525, 551, 622, 646, 648
417, 421, 425, 440, 442, 471, 472, 474, 499, 523, 542, 563, 572, 581,
623 Faith & Trust: 8, 19, 26, 37, 39, 41, 48, 54, 60, 62, 63, 70, 76, 77, 80,
82, 83, 89, 98, 107, 113, 114, 120,127, 129, 136, 138, 144, 147, 150,
Big Picture: 129, 153, 289, 308, 320, 340, 380, 392, 434, 499, 520, 151, 155, 159, 161, 163, 173, 176, 181, 196, 199, 205, 206, 207, 211,
523, 585, 560, 600, 602, 647 213, 219, 244, 245, 249, 251, 265, 268, 284, 289, 290, 291, 303, 307,
316, 317, 321, 322, 329, 331, 333, 336, 337, 339, 340, 341, 344, 348,
Change: 2, 19, 23, 30, 32, 39, 41, 76, 77, 86, 94, 99, 150, 161, 219, 352, 359, 361, 366, 370, 372, 377, 383, 385, 386, 393, 395, 399, 401,
231, 262, 273, 277, 287, 293, 299, 300, 325, 330, 334, 335, 343, 374, 408, 424, 426, 441, 448, 451, 452; 456, 457, 460, 465, 466, 476, 498,
388, 397, 410, 456, 464, 471, 503, 505, 532, 546, 561, 563, 572, 582, 523, 524, 525, 529, 543, 547, 548, 549, 551, 553, 554, 557, 575, 576,
588, 612, 623, 625 578, 589, 595, 597, 608, 613, 623, 627, 631, 633, 641, 648, 650, 651,
Children/Parenthood: 32, 52, 61, 99, 127, 149, 238, 244, 245, 247,
248, 312, 342, 343, 371, 417, 421, 477, 549, 597 Faithfulness/Perseverance: 78, 86, 103, 111, 114, 119, 126, 150,
192, 199, 203, 216, 263, 283, 316, 317, 506, 511, 519, 526, 540, 568,
Choice: 10, 11, 12, 19, 86, 109, 173, 199, 207, 210, 211, 223, 263, 573, 595, 607, 637, 654
283, 289, 308, 319, 329, 343, 344, 371, 378, 492, 498, 499, 521, 539,
573, 575, 600, 608, 627 Family, The: 32, 62, 78, 93, 115, 118, 248, 255, 256, 283, 295, 349,
360, 375, 425, 431, 437, 459, 481, 482, 483, 505, 509, 511, 516, 525,
Churchianity: 145, 359, 361, 413, 431, 448, 459, 461, 587, 591, 626, 553, 555, 561, 565, 568, 569, 618, 641, 645, 646
641, 646
Fear/Courage: 22, 33, 75, 118, 120, 143, 151, 203, 307, 328, 359,
Communication: 143, 165, 169, 170, 206, 238, 328, 356, 365, 394, 408, 413, 446, 464, 498, 525, 531, 543, 600
451, 466, 468, 510, 516, 574, 595, 603
Flesh vs. Spirit: 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 16, 21, 64, 68, 73, 90, 118, 127, 137,
Conviction vs. Compromise: 10, 24, 36, 59, 68, 71, 74, 95, 117, 138, 145, 165, 178, 185, 187, 192, 207, 210, 253, 256, 259, 260, 261,
118, 184, 201, 203, 204, 248, 271, 281, 296, 317, 328, 352, 354, 357, 262, 267, 268, 269, 273, 277, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 300, 302, 303,
358, 365, 372, 375, 387, 391, 400, 416, 428, 431, 432, 446, 456, 459, 304, 338, 342, 345, 348, 356, 359, 372, 376, 379, 381, 385, 387, 409,
461, 462, 467, 472, 475, 487, 500, 517, 525, 535, 536, 542, 552, 561, 412, 426, 427, 440, 448, 449, 455, 484, 500, 504, 523, 529, 549, 552,
591 553, 560, 563, 581, 583, 590, 591, 603, 605, 607, 611, 612, 613

Correction/Discipline: 20, 36, 41, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57, 116, 121, 133, Focus on the Power: 83, 150, 176, 286, 308, 328, 351, 430, 436,
137, 154, 161, 223, 286, 313, 342, 383, 389, 417, 448, 452, 467, 468, 444, 455, 544, 545, 553, 576, 608
504, 533, 541, 546, 596, 627, 631
Forgiveness/Mercy: 1, 91, 107, 128, 150, 164, 247, 248, 298, 305,
Creation Vs. Evolution: 288, 289, 445 312, 329, 363, 373, 399, 419, 451, 452, 466, 468, 476, 481, 505, 573,
580, 600, 617, 619
Dad: 255, 256, 525
Forsaking All: 2, 14, 28, 46, 132, 176, 216, 224, 254, 258, 273, 303,
Death: 181 489, 508, 590, 607, 627

Dedication/Devotion/Commitment: 280, 281, 317, 367, 371, 377, Freedom: 2, 6, 12, 27, 33, 74, 95, 130, 132, 239, 254, 259, 283, 307,
465, 473, 498, 504, 529, 563, 595, 599 308, 322, 372, 411, 438, 456, 457, 503, 533, 542, 552, 589, 609

Dependence on God: 6, 20, 21, 26, 30, 60, 64, 68, 69, 83, 112, 122, Fruitfulness: 74, 141, 321, 323, 385, 485, 503, 563, 632
145, 148, 150, 157, 191, 199, 209, 219, 220, 248, 253, 256, 258, 261,
266, 273, 285, 287, 291, 296, 297, 325, 328, 366, 372, 375, 384, 385, Full Possession: 58, 59, 69, 271, 272, 273, 286, 297, 299, 302, 321,
391, 409, 411, 424, 437, 440, 442, 444, 484, 500, 501, 507, 524, 546, 323, 324, 442, 501, 503, 542, 546, 612, 625
559, 560, 574, 602, 603, 613, 617, 623, 627, 637, 655
Giving: 73, 89, 94, 132, 149, 172, 200, 230, 243, 288, 305, 310, 324,
Devil's Devices: 4, 13, 25, 27, 29, 30, 33, 43, 45, 58, 59, 74, 76, 82, 326, 327, 342, 345, 359, 371, 407, 408, 426, 443, 464, 480, 497, 508,
86, 93, 94, 95, 98, 109, 118, 120, 126, 127, 131, 133, 145, 146, 148, 509, 511, 513, 524, 537, 556, 612, 639, 651, 654
164, 166, 171, 172, 180, 181, 186, 187, 239, 268, 273, 274, 276, 279,
286, 287, 293, 294, 296, 318, 325, 338, 356, 360, 365, 368, 380, 392, Giving God the Glory: 26, 31, 77, 145, 199, 210, 321, 348, 356, 384,
400, 407, 413, 421, 442, 446, 447, 450, 460, 469, 476, 480, 496, 505, 387, 437, 449, 458, 474, 523, 527, 624
506, 512, 517, 518, 521, 526, 538, 542, 548, 549, 566, 568, 571, 581,
588, 592, 596, 600, 602, 603, 609, 610, 612, 628, 638, 642, 652, 653 God First: 2, 4, 30, 41, 45, 46, 59, 68, 105, 124, 148, 156, 184, 191,
223, 273, 299, 302, 305, 306, 362, 368, 416, 423, 430, 457, 469, 500,
Discernment: 104, 110, 112, 113, 117, 129, 173, 174, 177, 199, 356, 501, 526, 528, 529, 553, 554, 555, 561, 564, 575, 578, 602, 603, 607,
410, 417, 492, 504, 517, 520, 530, 538, 560, 595, 596, 612, 644 611, 624, 627
640, 646, 647, 654, 655
God’s Justice: 441, 541, 551, 576, 619
Little Things & People: 103, 136, 144, 149, 176, 190, 192, 194, 208,
God's Love: 12, 20, 60, 62, 68, 137, 147, 157, 183, 220, 226, 231, 216, 230, 263, 396, 441, 469, 493, 497, 499, 502, 513, 522, 594, 595,
243, 247, 294, 304, 328, 350, 354, 393, 398, 399, 405, 430, 432, 451, 599, 605, 608, 622
452, 465, 469, 477, 502, 509, 515, 523, 524, 533, 547, 549, 557, 558,
573, 575, 597, 600, 616, 622, 650 Looking Unto Jesus: 10, 41, 44, 59, 60, 61, 66, 104, 122, 123, 128,
147, 148, 150, 153, 170, 189, 205, 227, 247, 251, 266, 286, 306, 332,
God's Promises: 24, 41, 58, 172, 181, 211, 227, 231, 249, 305, 316, 350, 351, 359, 420, 440, 442, 510, 526, 527, 549, 552, 592, 602, 622,
321, 325, 350, 359, 378, 382, 385, 430, 441, 456, 460, 492, 501, 502, 628, 647, 655
505, 523, 539, 549, 551, 557, 565, 575, 592, 595, 613, 636, 641, 643,
644, 648 Love: 1, 4, 7, 16, 31, 34, 56, 58, 65, 66, 71, 84, 91, 94, 101, 106, 108,
112, 116, 117, 127, 130, 131, 142, 150, 153, 156, 157, 158, 164, 172,
God's Ways & Views: 5, 67, 77, 90, 94, 114, 136, 142, 149, 161, 174, 176, 177, 179, 193, 194, 197, 198, 201, 211, 225, 247, 248, 257, 260,
178, 196, 199, 222, 234, 239, 242, 243, 255, 275, 277, 326, 366, 412, 261, 264, 265, 267, 275, 288, 295, 304, 310, 312, 315, 329, 331, 343,
417, 426, 441, 445, 456, 460, 480, 484, 493, 520, 522, 538, 539, 548, 356, 366, 373, 384, 420, 430, 446, 449, 451, 452, 465, 466, 476, 478,
561, 572, 576, 577, 587, 592, 594, 595, 599, 603, 605, 610, 617 494, 498, 499, 503, 511, 518, 524, 528, 545, 547, 566, 576, 580, 593,
595, 604, 629, 632, 639
Grace: 264, 329, 533, 576, 612, 617
Loving Jesus: 48, 61, 97, 147, 194, 211, 225, 233, 262, 267, 270,
Happiness: 18, 31, 46, 64, 125, 126, 187, 267, 278, 318, 440, 442, 276, 287, 299, 306, 321, 430, 496, 515, 565, 570, 611, 624, 632, 647
479, 480, 497, 503, 510, 522, 543, 555, 563, 572, 577, 583, 590, 596,
598, 622, 624, 630, 645 Materialism: 151, 252, 287, 372, 374, 375, 407, 470, 480, 488, 496,
526, 539, 572, 628
Healing/Deliverance: 34, 76, 171, 172, 289, 290, 380, 457, 533, 545
Meaning/Purpose: 289, 520, 523
Hearing from God (Prophecy): 12, 44, 54, 61, 76, 78, 90, 96, 104,
121, 122, 123, 132, 133, 134, 147, 148, 151, 170, 176, 181, 184, 190, Meditation/Resting in the Lord: 528
209, 229, 231, 237, 243, 244, 254, 257, 269, 287, 308, 313, 327, 328,
336, 346, 347, 353, 366, 385, 387, 410, 412, 419, 423, 429, 435, 436, Meekness: 23, 205, 264
443, 451, 453, 463, 474, 487, 496, 499, 502, 505, 510, 563, 592, 602,
603, 622, 629, 632, 641 Metaphors: 77, 98, 230, 429, 471, 612

Heaven: 125, 131, 166, 178, 308, 314, 356, 359, 381, 430, 441, 499, Miracles: 77, 150, 163, 209, 219, 340, 385, 407, 524, 576
532, 550, 574, 636
Moderation: 414
Heavenly Thought Power: 96, 114, 134, 151, 205, 286, 299, 304,
310, 321, 356, 442, 474, 496, 510, 512, 535, 565, 587, 612, 618 Money: 7, 13, 14, 71, 80, 82, 94, 141, 142, 200, 291, 331, 340, 375,
380, 387, 404, 424, 445, 457, 469, 490, 529, 537, 598, 609, 653
History: 146, 411, 445, 498, 499, 521, 522, 636, 641
Movies: 25, 36, 47, 156, 164, 166, 172, 236, 372, 380, 410, 638
Holy Spirit: 16, 19, 50, 140, 157, 158, 159, 173, 176, 178, 179, 206,
224, 273, 293, 301, 304, 308, 321, 322, 323, 324, 334, 348, 356, 410, Music: 152, 357, 420, 644
430, 437, 451, 463, 484, 492, 501, 587, 612
Mysteries: 59, 129, 138, 166, 196, 199, 234, 236, 276, 302, 310, 359,
Humility/Pride: 1, 3, 4, 6, 14, 15, 18, 31, 33, 44, 58, 77, 86, 87, 88, 441, 463, 599, 656
94, 98, 103, 108, 118, 121, 136, 145, 147, 152, 197, 202, 203, 205,
207, 211, 212, 252, 255, 258, 275, 280, 283, 284, 285, 293, 297, 307, Obedience/Disobedience: 26, 59, 95, 98, 111, 155, 158, 170, 172,
308, 328, 339, 343, 357, 358, 366, 377, 396, 402, 432, 437, 445, 447, 184, 186, 198, 216, 231, 232, 236, 243, 267, 275, 285, 299, 317, 319,
448, 462, 465, 473, 480, 484, 533, 538, 546, 548, 559, 560, 566, 579, 342, 364, 368, 375, 385, 422, 514, 605, 624, 630, 633, 641, 644, 649,
591, 610, 613, 617, 621, 623, 625, 630, 640, 648, 651 655

Independence: 94, 109, 115, 283, 440, 492, 559, 577 Overcoming & Rising above: 23, 41, 44, 54, 119, 120, 128, 179,
232, 265, 266, 341, 363, 474, 499, 502, 523, 531, 542, 545, 549, 563,
Jesus: 76, 144, 197, 226, 227, 245, 246, 264, 319, 322, 332, 357, 568, 581, 608, 622, 625, 639
359, 398, 446, 579, 600, 644
Patience/Waiting on the Lord: 31, 41, 164, 179, 191, 219, 260, 272,
Keys of the Kingdom: 30, 44, 74, 116, 117, 163, 286, 287, 294, 325, 285, 306, 335, 353, 395, 426, 481, 519, 548, 580, 584, 611, 643
329, 337, 344, 356, 363, 385, 387, 460, 463, 492, 505, 568, 595, 597
Peace: 103, 264, 296, 415, 416, 526, 547, 597
Knowledge/ Wisdom: 58, 90, 91, 103, 108, 147, 154, 173, 179, 181,
196, 199, 290, 303, 305, 310, 320, 328, 336, 343, 345, 365, 438, 484, Persecution: 145, 248, 482, 487, 541, 589, 618
507, 534, 543, 546, 567, 570, 571, 576, 610, 621, 625, 632, 633
Pioneering: 117, 151, 543
Law of Love: 4, 84, 499, 593, 605
Politics: 145, 146
Leadership/Shepherding: 18, 19, 65, 66, 76, 77, 112, 116, 136, 149,
164, 172, 198, 214, 217, 238, 280, 284, 313, 366, 368, 403, 467, 518, Positiveness vs. Negativity: 106, 107, 116, 130, 144, 153, 164, 166,
527, 535, 538, 570, 580, 631 179, 188, 189, 201, 297, 298, 310, 329, 332, 333, 356, 438, 474, 492,
517, 542, 545, 580, 581, 582, 583, 599, 612, 630
Learning & Teaching: 171, 172, 173, 178, 190, 212, 230, 237, 244,
247, 251, 260, 265, 285, 290, 327, 343, 359, 363, 371, 394, 406, 434, Praise: 23, 42, 43, 83, 101, 136, 140, 147, 153, 199, 205, 267, 287,
465, 499, 534, 538, 548, 459, 599, 601, 614, 622, 624, 625, 636, 639, 293, 310, 321, 337, 363, 372, 393, 414, 458, 465, 492, 499, 580, 581,
583, 586, 642 545, 548, 581, 583, 595, 597, 622, 624, 642

Prayer: 26, 27, 34, 41, 58, 67, 69, 114, 139, 175, 179, 185, 186, 192, Time/Eternity: 8, 86, 138, 170, 263, 299, 306, 355, 398, 422, 537,
206, 210, 224, 266, 274, 287, 288, 292, 294, 304, 311, 313, 325, 336, 576, 580, 595, 598, 625, 636
337, 348, 372, 376, 385, 386, 394, 450, 464, 465, 492, 495, 507, 519,
544, 553, 565, 566, 573, 583, 584, 608, 613, 615, 620, 621, 623, 635, Trials & Tests: 4, 5, 8, 24, 26, 41, 45, 47, 54, 55, 57, 60, 68, 75, 79,
643, 655 80, 85, 93, 94, 110, 111, 113, 119, 120, 129, 133, 137, 138, 147, 156,
163, 165, 178, 199, 208, 214, 221, 224, 226, 249, 266, 279, 290, 291,
Progress/Maturation: 11, 23, 24, 30, 32, 41, 44, 60, 69, 113, 114, 292, 295, 298, 307, 310, 313, 317, 320, 321, 329, 322, 340, 341, 342,
119, 129, 191, 205, 213, 217, 219, 224, 231, 235, 262, 295, 308, 317, 359, 363, 366, 367, 380, 383, 393, 418, 441, 455, 497, 506, 523, 545,
320, 327, 345, 356, 377, 385, 399, 460, 464, 469, 473, 474, 485, 492, 546, 548, 572, 575, 578, 581, 585, 586, 587, 597, 600, 604, 618, 622,
499, 511, 525, 532, 535, 548, 549, 551, 561, 568, 578, 588, 609, 614, 624, 635, 636, 637, 640, 641
627, 630, 655
Truth/Honesty: 1, 4, 5, 19, 22, 41, 50, 72, 76, 85, 86, 87, 90, 91, 98,
Protection: 137, 180, 270, 274, 549, 597, 628 102, 112, 117, 120, 121, 126, 131, 132, 143, 146, 154, 177, 178, 223,
240, 263, 305, 332, 355, 357, 359, 361, 362, 363, 377, 384, 392, 413,
Relationship/People: 34, 53, 102, 106, 111, 120, 131, 134, 145, 150, 428, 430, 432, 446, 448, 452, 467, 514, 517, 533, 535, 536, 538, 539,
156, 176, 184, 194, 212, 214, 223, 240, 246, 295, 297, 298, 308, 310, 542, 571, 573, 577, 578, 587, 589, 596, 606, 610, 625, 627, 630
314, 316, 328, 329, 339, 356, 366, 377, 399, 403, 430, 352, 465, 468,
484, 499, 506, 511, 513, 517, 518, 531, 536, 538, 561, 580, 593, 595, Unity/Teamwork: 53, 56, 62, 65, 69, 78, 112, 115, 119, 122, 134, 135,
602, 611, 631, 651, 656 144, 158, 176, 193,195, 208, 250, 251, 275, 295, 297, 304, 315, 339,
384, 385, 430, 465, 468, 499, 506, 518, 519, 520, 568, 577, 584, 613
Revelation: 90, 112, 181, 494, 534, 623
Use It: 414, 420, 432
Sacrifice/Forsaking All: 32, 81, 161, 214, 221, 446, 470, 497, 509,
514, 561 Vision: 2, 17, 32, 72, 87, 90, 112, 114, 151, 165, 170, 181, 192, 200,
308, 309, 345, 380, 437, 460, 464, 485, 493, 496, 498, 516, 543, 580,
Salvation: 38, 57, 76, 91, 92, 178, 264, 289, 310, 312, 318, 337, 378, 592, 599, 610, 625, 627, 636, 645, 656
398, 446, 452, 460, 475, 476, 481, 482, 489, 537, 541, 542, 548, 563,
573, 575, 612, 625, 647 War of the Spirit: 4, 9, 10, 13, 27, 29, 30, 36, 37, 56, 59, 65, 69, 81,
98, 109, 110, 111, 112, 117, 118, 120, 123, 133, 140, 149, 150, 158,
Sample: 81, 99, 126, 138, 142, 197, 201, 207, 246, 271, 275, 299, 172, 180, 184, 191, 192, 196, 218, 224, 225, 279, 281, 285, 286, 287,
315, 316, 322, 330, 356, 357, 366, 374, 375, 402, 413, 456, 462, 479, 296, 308, 321, 367, 372, 375, 412, 428, 447, 450, 453, 454, 455, 474,
518, 526, 529, 535, 536, 555, 575, 579, 605, 617, 646, 647, 649 485, 542, 568, 573, 581, 587, 588, 591, 592, 597, 606, 635, 638

Selfishness/Unselfishness: 74, 95, 98, 149, 151, 176, 208, 210, Witnessing: 20, 22, 28, 37, 40, 64, 72, 77, 79, 81, 82, 100, 111, 112,
278, 294, 295, 305, 360, 407, 416, 421, 461, 492, 508, 526, 578, 580, 117, 118, 119, 126, 135, 136, 141, 142, 151, 152, 155, 158, 160, 171,
591, 605, 639, 654 182, 205, 207, 210, 215, 241, 243, 244, 245, 250, 255, 268, 271, 274,
275, 288, 289, 305, 324, 327, 357, 358, 361, 362, 369, 380, 389, 391,
Self-righteousness: 6, 86, 87, 88, 138, 193, 199, 202, 252, 283, 204, 407, 410, 417, 452, 474, 475, 482, 486, 487, 491, 524, 527, 529, 542,
329, 332, 333, 359, 413, 482, 506, 514, 534, 541, 580, 596, 617, 619, 544, 554, 555, 565, 566, 569, 576, 580, 605, 618, 630, 647, 651
Word, The: 8, 9, 19, 20, 25, 38, 48, 50, 51, 58, 90, 96, 154, 177, 190,
Sin: 4, 6, 30, 34, 56, 59, 125, 156, 170, 171, 178, 181, 268, 284, 305, 191, 195, 223, 236, 285, 286, 287, 305, 321, 322, 332, 348, 382, 384,
359, 360, 371, 403, 417, 440, 526, 537, 564, 572, 591, 600, 617, 653 387, 392, 419, 432, 439, 463, 503, 517, 523, 568, 587, 592, 597, 630,
Society: 421, 440, 445, 446, 456, 484, 488, 514, 517, 521, 536, 594,
597, 610, 617 Yieldedness, Submission: 15, 48, 59, 69, 105, 111, 114, 115, 132,
162, 202, 205, 251, 281, 286, 296, 297, 307, 317, 318, 322, 323, 324,
Speech: 34, 35, 57, 218, 355, 356, 365, 579, 580, 595, 615 363, 368, 390, 422, 423, 492, 501, 526, 546, 548, 559, 577, 578, 605,
607, 627, 633, 634, 649
Spirit Helpers/Hinderers: 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 109, 155, 225, 287,
302, 304, 308, 356, 405, 492, 588, 648
Spirit World: 131, 145, 155, 165, 173, 192, 282, 288, 301, 302, 327,
380, 405, 492, 493, 606 The prophecy excerpts contained in this file represent solely personal
instructions geared to the receptor and author of these pages and his
Supply: 2, 39, 59, 62, 70, 139, 162, 206, 244, 253, 289, 290, 291, unique situation at the time given, and are merely shared for the
305, 340, 369, 370, 372, 375, 387, 395, 433, 462, 471, 501, 524, 543, benefit of the edification of any who might find themselves in similar
553, 556, 565, 572, 598, 618, 628 situations or not. It is strongly recommended that the reader find their
own personal instruction from God matching their individual situation,
System/Worldliness: 13, 25, 33, 35, 80, 118, 127, 142, 154, 161, as there are never two situations exactly the same.
178, 215, 236, 237, 252, 256, 291, 301, 306, 312, 334, 335, 340, 351, These messages are by no means intended to give general guidelines
352, 365, 369, 370, 372, 374, 375, 387, 389, 396, 401, 415, 417, 425, of any sort, with the sole exception of statements clearly following set
428, 431, 438, 440, 446, 456, 457, 459, 461, 462, 484, 487, 488, 497, biblical truths. They're not to indicate a new "trend" or direction for any
514, 525, 537, 539, 540, 550, 561, 579, 591, 592, 605, 610 other individual(s), but may nonetheless serve as eye-openers to
possibilities of ways in which God has moved in my life, which may
Temptation: 4, 125, 126, 133, 137, 154, 174, 177, 190, 236, 239, previously not have occurred to or been perceived by the reader, but
258, 268, 269, 284, 359, 360, 367, 368, 459, 502, 514, 521, 526, 540, never with the intention that the same principles should be applied
548, 549, 566 unconditionally to their own situation, unless clearly confirmed by the
written Word of God.
Thankfulness/Appreciation: 43, 86, 101, 103, 125, 126, 136, 137,
189, 268, 359, 393, 414, 442, 480, 492, 496, 497, 498, 505, 509, 539,
It's something you should be doing for and with each other on a
1 ___________________________________________________ regular basis, a lot like taking a bath, cleaning your house or
You see your faith crystallizing into something solid, not your car.
anymore something vague, scarcely real, but a firm ingredient of It's something you would look forward to, like the prospect of
your life, something to rely on, count on and lean on. You’ve also driving around in a shiny, clean car, or having sparkling clean
had to realize that your faith is something that’s alive and fragile, windows again, etc.
something you dare not neglect. It’s something you have to keep Of course, everyone should make an effort to stay on guard and
feeding, keep nurturing and tending, otherwise it might fade not grant those spirits renewed entrance, which also includes
away and you find yourself weakened and anything but prepared asking for prayer whenever you suspect the culprits' dirty work
for the battles of life ahead. in action again in your lives. It will draw you closer together, will
Prove to the rest of the world that faith is something more meld you together more strongly, and will help you all to know
valuable, a more powerful weapon and a greater safeguard and that you've got nothing to hide from each other, but that you can
insurance than the things they rely on, like money, or the work of trust each other, even with your problems, and that you can help
their own hands. each other and are there for each other.
It’s still relatively few who choose that path of faith over the more If you deal with evil spirits on a more regular basis, instead of
familiar road of self-reliance & the arm of the flesh, that the vast shunning and avoiding confrontation with them, you will also
majority trots... grow in experience in dealing with them, in discernment and also
authority over them. You will eventually be able to recognize their
Let them feel that total forgiveness is available, and that you handwriting sooner, will be able to deal with it more quickly and
believe in a forgiving God, a forgiving and loving heavenly thus get rid of the problem more easily and efficiently. You'll
Father, Who doesn’t hold grudges, but would receive them all become more skilled at keeping your spiritual house clean of any
with arms wide open. Folks who convey that kind of a faith are pestering annoyances
the kind of saints this world needs, the kind of spiritual men and Fear of deliverance comes from the culprits themselves, because
women that the people in this world yearn for and that there naturally, they're scared stiff of losing their cozy homes... So, that
simply aren’t enough of. might be the first enemy to overcome, that fear of exposure. It's
While there are plenty who have watered down their beliefs to the comparable to some people's fear of being seen naked. But when
extent where they have hardly any real spiritual substance left to you're humble enough to know that there's nothing to hide,
share with and offer to others, those who stick to their guns are nothing to be ashamed of, nothing wrong with being naked...
often too dogmatic in order to benefit those who don’t share their everybody needs a bath sometimes, then it'll become more
same beliefs, and that is something you must not do, for your natural to you. It'll free you from spiritual inhibitions, just as
task is to allow others to benefit from your faith, to show that it’s regular contact with other "nudists" or on a sexual basis will
something they can have, too, and that it’s something to obtain eventually free you from natural inhibitions on that level. It's
so easily that any little child could, if they but ask for it and basically a matter of being used to it, and it's something you
accept it. should get used to & make a habit of.
It should be as natural as asking for prayer for physical healing.
Denying spiritual sickness is just as silly as denying physical ails
2 ___________________________________________________ and refusing help and medication. I didn't just die for the healing
All of My true apostles have heard My voice inside their hearts, of your bodies, but also for the healing of your spirits, and, as
that’s why it was My love that constrained them, not just some you ought to have found out by now, while Salvation is a one-
knowledge of duty they had in their heads... It’s got to be love time thing, its manifestations - such as healing, both, physical
that motivates you, it’s got to be the heart. and spiritual, have to be applied repeatedly and regularly, even if
for no other purpose than to simply keep you humble.
When you pray, pray from the heart. When you speak, speak from Just because you're saved doesn't mean you never get sick
the heart. When you sing, sing from the heart. again, right? You have eternal life, but you're not immediately a
sinless saint. You have to apply smaller doses of the general gift
Faith from the heart, that’s the flame you’ve got to tend, the of Salvation on a regular basis & try out its many uses. Again, a
power you’ve got to feed from and act from: that’s gotta be your lot like electricity: it doesn't only hook you up to the gigantic
motor, the hearth on which is to be done whatever you’re network of users, it doesn't just light your house in one big flash,
cooking up... where it’s got to be happening! That’s where you’ve but you have to turn on the lights and appliances individually in
got to find your answers, your motivations, your direction, your the rooms and places where you need them and when you need
driving force that spurs you on…. that knowledge deep inside the them. You plug in and turn on the vacuum cleaner when the floor
heart, that I won’t let My children down, like a treasure and an gets dirty, your washing machine when your laundry's dirty, or
anchor that holds them in their trust in Me. the hot water when you need a bath or shower... Salvation and
the workings of the Spirit World are so much like what you
experience in the physical; that's why there's no reason to be
3 ___________________________________________________ scared of it.
It's important that you keep your spiritual house clean. Of
course, the Enemy will try to fight that, and if you're not really on
the ball, he'll manage to get some pollutant agents in that will 4 ___________________________________________________
affect the structure of your life, your fruitfulness, your walk with The Devil is a good advocate when it comes to rooting for his
Me, your faith, relationship with others, etc. Some spiritual own cause and advertising his own righteousness, which he
house-cleaning is definitely due, periodically. figures is so superior to Mine... And he anoints his people with
Spiritual contamination and pollution is something that happens his mantle of apparent righteousness and justice, his shining
in life the same way anything else gets dirty & needs a wash or examples of what he would call "good," and his idea of
clean-up regularly: your body, your laundry, your house, your righteousness and perfection...
car, and it's really nothing to be ashamed of. You are in a filthy There's no relying on My grace there, although perhaps a distant
world, spiritually, and it's just natural to become contaminated by and uninvolved acknowledgment of My existence, fully aware
your contact with it, just by living in it. that if God is just, surely He would not let such goodness go
Especially when there's disobedience of any kind, then the unnoticed... But that's rather the extension of their own egos &
demons have a legal right to pester you, and you know that there their would-be image of God, than any real hunger or sincere
has been disobedience in your lives off and on, because desire to get to know the real Me. They don't even give Me a
otherwise it's like saying you're all perfect, sinless saints. chance to reveal My will to them, to let them know whether I
You don't have to make a big deal out of it. Just ask for prayer. agree with them and their concept or not, they just assume that
their idea is the right one, because it corresponds to the choose to resist the temptation, but to succumb to it. If even the
consensus of the masses as portrayed through the media. In 2 most perfect folks ever made weren't strong enough to make
reality, what they worship is their own sense of righteousness an exception, then you can't expect more from the average -
and their own arm of the flesh, My greatest rival and the greatest except if they have decided to learn from their mistakes and the
idols of this time, along with the so easily visible fruit they bear: mistakes of others.
It all sounds so nice, it's so nicely wrapped up in a veneer of To expect from kids that they'll choose the better way from
apparent righteousness & goodness, but when it all comes down scratch just isn't realistic. It doesn't make sense to be shaking
to it, what's really behind it is love for money, and nothing - your head at their failures, saying, "they ought to know better."
really, nothing else. You either narrow their choices in order to reduce the potential
I'm having you pass through this lesson to show you one of the harm they can do to themselves, or you realistically expect (from
disguises & tricks & cloaks of the Enemy, the Devil's 6000 years of experience from history) that they're going to make
righteousness. I want you to never be deceived by it, because the wrong choices, like everybody else. And while they make
many have been! I want you to look deeper and see what's their experiences that teach them to do better next time, you still
beneath it. I want you to look through the hypocrisy and the lie let them know that you love and accept them anyway, that you
when they make it sound oh-so-good, when all that really pray for them and that you'll be there for them, should they ever
motivates them is simple and crude love for money. And they need you.
cannot understand, cannot believe, cannot even begin to fathom That's the kind of unconditional love I'm offering people, and if
that what drives you should be anything different than their own you want to be My follower, that's what I would expect you to try
greed and lust for things. to do as well.
This greed, this worship of mammon, is the rage, the rush, the It's hard to stand by and watch how they're screwing up, how
addiction of the masses... they're all junkies of things, no matter they're making the wrong choices, seem to develop likings for
what pretty names and noble cloaks they want to give it on the the wrong kind of things, open themselves up to the wrong
outside. spirits. But, hey, I've had to do it with you, and I think it's only fair
Your refusal to play their game angers them & drives them into a if you follow in My footsteps and get a little bit of that experience
frenzy and a rage, because they cannot even begin to yourself. That's part of the meaning of life and of maturing: to
comprehend it. They figure you're just another liar, like they are. experience how God feels. And then to learn how to love and
That's why it's so important that you stick to the truth in all forgive the way God does.
things. You cannot give place to the Devil, you cannot give any You let some of your abilities go and trade them for more lasting
place to sin or dishonesty in your life, for the Devil will use it. - more useful ones in the long run, such as the ability to love and
Realize how important it is for you to make sure you're not falling forgive. Instead of your former "ability" to be judgmental and
into the same trap of materialism and the comfort & ease the criticize.
System has to offer. Good deal, isn't it?
That greed and compulsion for consumption may be so accepted Now the trick is to apply it in the course of action: when you see
by the System that they're not even recognizing it as a weakness, that rebellious spirit, or you hear them fuss and fight. It's alright
but even make it look like a virtue (the virtue of capitalism, for byto let them know that you think they're doing the wrong thing.
spending you keep up the flow of currency, you keep the But you cannot just drop them like a hot potato & forget all about
machine rolling), but I'm giving you a glimpse of what it really them & write them off in your heart & mind permanently: "That's
looks like to Me. It's like a bunch of kids totally obsessed with it. They put themselves on the devil's side. I give up on them!"
their toys and never even giving a glimpse of acknowledgment to Those experiences, those choices to go the wrong direction
their Father. The "kind uncle" has shown them a way to get all temporarily will bring them back to My arms eventually, just as
their toys, and they all dance to his tune instead now. When he your strayings did for you. You must let them go and give them
calls, they jump, and they'll even believe him when he tells them the freedom to make their own choices and experiences, but you
that their Father is their Enemy, and that those who stay true to must never stop loving them.
the Father are traitors and must be wiped out. You must let go of them in your mind, of your ideas and
expectations of what they should do and become in order not to
disappoint you. But you must not let go of them in your heart
5 ___________________________________________________ when it comes to loving them and always accepting them and
It's hard to bear the injustice, the rebellion, the disobedience, letting them know you're there for them... Even if you feel
the defiance... it makes you want to close up and withdraw your rejected by them.
love, your affection, yourself altogether. But that's where you've What should I say? Most of My children are mad at Me, too, for
got to be strong and endure the tension, endure hardness as a some reason, because they think I'm not there, that I don't care,
good soldier, endure the contradiction of sinners against you as I that I always reward all the bad guys and the undeserving with
did... (Heb.12:3). Even from your children, as I have to endure the things My children want, but that I never give them...
from My children. Even from your bride, as I have to endure from And it's true; I purposely don't often let them find all they're
Mine... Never giving up hope, that the power of Salvation is going looking for and total fulfilment in this life, because they are Mine,
to bring to an end the good work that I have begun in each of and I want them to know there is something greater to come. For
you. Always forgiving and receiving and accepting, in spite of the time being, most of them still set all their hopes on this world,
any and all sin, failure and shortcoming... but because they are Mine and because My Holy Spirit continues
It doesn't say that I endured the contradiction of sinners without to speak to their hearts and to work in their lives, they're going to
ever piping up & saying what I had to say about it. You can still learn eventually that there is a deeper meaning to all of this in the
give'em the truth, and you ought to. But what they do with it from World Beyond...
then on is up to them. Assure them in that hope, strengthen and encourage that tiny
Being good is something that's gotta come voluntarily, from the ember of faith... The joy you experience when they discover that
heart, otherwise the whole thing is only going to do more that tiny ember was in reality their greatest treasure, a treasure
damage in the long run. exceeding all earthly possessions and achievements in value by
Experience is the best teacher. far, is worth it.

6 ___________________________________________________ 7 ___________________________________________________
If you will leave people their choices, usually they won't choose You need to recognize the problem; not just the effect it's
what's good for them. They usually won't choose the fight having on you, but somehow get down to the root of it.
against evil, they'll choose the easy way out. They usually won't
It's all about dealing with and confronting your weaknesses, and by planting ideas and desires in your mind of things you'll want,
those of people who are close to you and concern you, instead of some of which will sound good and reasonable, but will only be
avoiding the whole subject. second best & will divert you from the task of living for others.
Dealing with evil is a part of life, and necessary, just like doing You'll need to check, "Lord, is this really the best thing to do
the laundry, etc. You can't just ignore the laundry until it stinks now? Would this be truly something I'd do for others, or just for
and you run out of clean clothes... myself?"
Direct your energies outward!

8 ___________________________________________________
Serving Me happens to be one thing you cannot manage to do 12 __________________________________________________
successfully in your own interest! It's got to happen because Seek the opportunities to do something good, to be a blessing
your desire is to make someone else happy, starting with Me. You to someone else with your whole heart, the same way you would
have to learn to seek My satisfaction, My happiness, and My joy, seek Me, My face and My counsel, the way a blind man would
and that of others. desire sight! It's an effort you've got to make, a whole-hearted
Before you tell others about the great commandment of loving effort. You cannot just be passive or lukewarm about it. You
Me, you're having to learn some of the fundamentals of that law ought to be desperate about making sure you did just what it
yourself. took each day to make a difference in someone's life, to draw
You're going to have to change your attitude and position of them closer to Me. That's what I'd call concern, dedication and
heart. (com-)passion!
You know there's got to be some purpose why you're here today,
It's never too late for love, to start to truly love, to learn all over there's got to be some good you can do today, and an important
how to truly love, to take on a new approach of love... It's never part of My plan that you can fulfill, so you're determined to find it.
too late for Me to make you over, renew you and give you a new The world isn't going to come knocking on your door to ask for
heart, a new outlook, a new life! If you really seek the truth, the Gospel! That's the mistake the churches are making! All they
you're going to find it, even if it sometimes may take longer than ever do is wait for folks to come, but you've got to seek, urge,
you would have expected. beckon and charge them to come in! You've got to woo them!
You've got to court them, like a passionate man. Where has all
The way you see and approach things can change everything the passion gone?
drastically! Your life can take on a whole new meaning and
outlook, your days can become much brighter, if you learn to
seek not only what I can do for you, but what you can do for Me, 13 __________________________________________________
and make that your primary incentive! Everything is sanctified that falls under the jurisdiction of the
law of love. What others would consider sin, I have sanctified. To
May you discover the joy of what it means to really be able to say them, it remains unclean.
with your whole heart, "All I want to do is serve Him!" Because the Family is unique in their application of the law of
love, they become My inner, "sacred circle," which puts a certain
immunity over issues which outside that sacred circle would be
9 ___________________________________________________ considered unclean. While at the same time, that circle is flexible
(Watchman:) Be happy that the Lord isn't making it all that easy and open to anyone who would enter, so few have the faith or
on you, because it's a lot better for your character, your courage to enter, and to those outside, the things that I have
personality, your soul, your spiritual maturity, and all you're ever sanctified within that circle, remain unclean.
going to be, to endure hardship! There is a way to live apart from the System, and My Family is
Sometimes the Lord gives us something to have us find out proving it.
whether we'll handle it worthily and make the best out of it, or
whether we'll take it as an opportunity to feed our own egos, our
own self-righteousness & pride. 14 __________________________________________________
A lot depends on our attitude in receiving His blessings. If you To love them even when they reject you, even when they have
use them as some sort of badge of honour to make you think strayed from you and turned their backs on you, that is the art of
you're better than anyone else, then watch out! loving unconditionally, like a true father, whose continuously
The most dangerous enemies of all, our pride and besetting sins conveyed message to his children is: "I will always love you."
come so close to us, that we easily fail to see them and recognize To love, even though they falsely accuse you and attack you,
their danger. persecute and seek to wipe you out, that is the art of loving like a
savior, who even prays for his enemies on the very cross upon
which they nailed him. Do you want to have that much love?
10 __________________________________________________ The way to get there is only over the defeat of pride, the way
With a giving attitude, you'll never return empty-handed. down to the rock bottom of your soul, where you'll stand before
Me naked and humble, but in truth - no pretenses, no trying to be
I want you to love the people you're going to come across with a something, just accepting what you are: dust upon which I have
special love from Me. blown, and trusting that if I will blow on you yet once again, you
Love them for Me. Love them with a love that's from Me! Pass on will rise above it all.
the goodness that has been bestowed on you, share some of that I will breathe upon you the breath of life, the breath that first
good feeling, that joy, that peace & trust & warm aura of faith. Be caused Adam to awaken, and brought forth life from non-living
My messenger boy for them & let them know and see and feel My matter; and so it will raise you from death to life - from a life,
love for them! Just pass it on! Pass on the good things I'm giving once so death-like, to a life truly lived in My love, My exuberant
you, freely give what you so freely have received! joy, My victory, My Spirit.

I need faithful warriors who encourage My people and tell them, You can break the vicious cycle of rejection. Your attitude can be,
"It pays to go on! It's worth it to continue fighting." "I will accept and receive you, even if you reject me. I will always
love you anyway!" That's the kind of love the world needs.
Forgiving, unconditional love! Not just the usual, "I'll do
11 __________________________________________________ something for you if you do something for me," but "I'll do
You never lose by giving. I will always fill you up again. anything for you, no matter what you'll do to me!"
The Enemy will attempt to distract you from your goal and vision That's the kind of love that drives the devil insane, because it's
the exact opposite, and the nemesis of his game. It's crazy love, right and just God could use such a crazy outfit and such
alright; crazy in the eyes of an unbelieving, rational world, but it's unconventional methods. Their desire for perfection doesn't jibe
also the only thing really worth living for. with My means of using the imperfect.
When you can love in spite of all, then you've got a treasure that
no one can take away from you. Then you are truly rich beyond Can you cope with your imperfections? I can. It's certainly more
measure, rich in glory that not even death can take away from pleasant than the pseudo perfection of the self-righteous, the
you. elite, the Devil's people! I don't care too much for human
Seek to love above all else! It takes time to love, but it's never perfection. It's pretty puny to Me. In fact, it's that human
time wasted. Take time to listen, take time to talk. Take time to appearance of perfection and righteousness, that to Me, is like
hear them out to feel them out. Show interest. filthy, menstruous rags, because I know there is no such thing.
Listen to their heart: "What is it they're really saying?" There's always blood and filth behind all that facade of
righteousness and "we've made it." The price for those at the top
You can love even those who would betray you, love those who to get there was always paid by the blood, sweat & tears of
hate you, hear those out you can't relate to, deal with those who others, who were stepped on, trampled on and exploited.
are on a totally different wavelength than you. Who knows if I So, it's better to be on the humble side & cast in your lot with the
won't do the miracle of turning their life around? Maybe your "losers." The losers turn winners again, remember that, and how
touch of love will be the magic spark needed... Maybe all they do you become more than conquerors? By being willing to be
ever needed was a little bit of real, genuine and everlasting love... good losers, to look like the losers temporarily. Try not to give in
to your desire to be in the winners' crowd. You wouldn't enjoy
Choose to overcome: No longer will you be ruled by fears and yourself around them.
anxieties or circumstances, but you will rule them. You can take It's better to learn with those who learn from their falls.
the upper hand, take charge, take command.
There's hope. There's always a few who will make it, and who will
make history. Joshua saved the day, that's why I chose to wear
15 __________________________________________________ his name! Out of that bunch, he was the one who made the whole
I often like to bring you treasures from an unexpected, outside apparent disaster worth it and turned the seeming fracaso into a
source, so that you don't become too introverted, but stay open successful mission, after all.
and enlarge your circle. There's always room for improvement, That's more or less how it's going to be in the End, too. You're all
no matter how right on you or your movement may be. There's finally going to wind up in the Promised Land, thanks to those
always counsel and help you can receive from others, that you few Joshuas I will choose from among you, who will lead you
should not be too proud or stuck-on-yourself to accept. There's there.
always more to learn, even from people you would have not Don't look at the murmurers and complainers, belly-achers &
expected that they might have anything to offer you. It pays to go choosers of the wrong track. Look at Me, and My purpose behind
through life attentively, with both eyes and ears open, and not get it: to pick out from among them those who will stay faithful in
too stuck in your dogmas. spite of it all, and who will yet stick out from the rest of them all
My purpose is to set people free, not to stick them in boxes or tie by refusing to yield to the same temptations. The temptations will
them down to dogmas. In their efforts to figure Me out, or stick be there, but they won't yield to them. They won't be perfect,
the truth in boxes with clear-cut confines and jurisdictions, many either, but they're just going to have what it takes to lead My
have missed some essential parts of it. So, it always pays to stay people Home...
open & not shut yourself up, nor be scared of other "strange
truths." There's going to have to be a lot of cleaning up to be done, a lot
Sometimes, the fear of being led astray can lead to not finding of hard work. It's not going to be all glory and no work... There is
anything, not even the truth I would want to show you in addition a lot of hard and dirty work involved in getting it all going the way
to what you've already found. it should... It's not always nice & clean & perfect from scratch.
That's just not the way it works.

16 __________________________________________________ Just allow some room for disasters, for head-shaking events,
It would be so easy, if there were tons of predictions being stupidities and atrocities to learn from, to laugh at... It's all part of
made, all of which would be coming to pass. It would be so easy the big picture. It's not all tragedy & drama. There's also some
to feel high and mighty and truly anointed then, and like "we're comedy.
really it," wouldn't it? There's even a place for cases you might not be able to figure out
There was a time for Moses to be ready for the Exodus, but there what sort of purpose there might be for a walking chaos like
was also a time when he wasn't ready yet. There's a time of them... There's a purpose for everything and everybody. Often
definite, visible anointing, and there's a time of preparation, of you can do no other but stand back and let Me do, let Me show
finding out where it's not at, how not to do it, which mistakes not and let it be.
to make. The true seers will always see the true event that will pass nearly
You're still in the preparation phase. Moses did lead the children unnoticed and quietly after the non-happening of the loudly
out of Egypt successfully, eventually. Although it did take them a advertised flop... The true learners will always - in the end - learn
lot longer to get to the Promised Land than most of them were the lessons that were there to learn out of all of this, and they will
prepared for. Are you prepared for the long haul? be there to teach the world what really happened... The true
Certainly some of the children of Israel felt just as cheated back wisdom will always be there, available in the whispers, when all
then as you sometimes tend to feel. This was not the bargain the loud rah-rahs of the world will have quieted down, and even
they had settled for: the Promised Land, yes, but not 40 years of before that, usually only far apart from them.
wandering through the wilderness. Yet it was those 40 years in Just keep following My whispers, My still, small voice that you
the wilderness that made My people truly My people. And it's not can hear in the wilderness, leading you - slowly, step by step,
as if they would have been perfect after those 40 years, either, lesson by lesson - on Home.
but at least they were ready to conquer the Promised Land!
They still had to cope with a lot of imperfections, and those
imperfections seem to have gotten worse all the time. 17 __________________________________________________
I'm trying to teach you to operate in My power, to take on My
There is always only a very small minority of those who really get strength, My anointing, My mantle, in all you do, which also
the point, who really let Me talk to them. The majority will always includes My mind, My view & way of seeing things, My heavenly
follow their own impulses. They can't figure out how a real and thought power... to avail yourself more of My power through
prayer by praying without ceasing, to walk and live and be in Me Everybody's got their own personal note, their own personal
as I want to be in You. I want to teach you to love Me, so that you contribution to make to My Big Picture.
can avail yourself of My love power in order to love others and Everybody is important.
thus fulfill the great law of love and all things attached to it.

Many believe themselves to be more mature than they are, 19 __________________________________________________

immune to weaknesses that they are not immune to, and perhaps I periodically have to allow you to be humbled; usually after
taking certain things for granted that they don't even really have times when you feel all "built up" by something, some pat on the
yet themselves, like certain unselfish qualities. back, some encouragement, for which you might have failed to
They detect faults in others while there are plenty of things in give Me the glory.
themselves that they don't spot so easily, that aren't exactly the I'll always be there to catch you again, but I've got to know for
way they should be, either... sure that I can trust You; that you're going to be faithful to give
You're discovering that there are quite a few NWOs that you Me all the glory for anything you accomplish, and reminding you
weren't even aware of, that it can happen that you do the right of your failures is a good and practical way to ensure that. It's
thing for the wrong reason, and thus it doesn't really contribute like "humility insurance." It's not something to dread, although
to establishing a better kingdom, after all. it's natural that you're not so fond of it. But maybe if you can see
it as a necessary part of My plan and procedure, some kind of
One of the main problems is, that people are not really all that preventative "safety measure" to make sure you won't go astray
interested in finding out what they're doing wrong. So, I've just or cave in to pride, actually something quite natural, maybe it'll
got to work with what I've got, and keep showing them ways to help you to feel less fussy about it when it happens...
do things better.
The majority of people are not interested in stopping what works
for them in order to deal with wrong attitudes they may be 20 __________________________________________________
having. It takes a certain level of maturity and a willingness to There's no way you're going to be able to drill love and
scrutinize yourself, to face the ugliest part about yourself and kindness into human heads by force or discipline. The only thing
then embrace that leper, forgive and love him anyway, and let Me that will teach them love is love.
heal him. It takes that certain experience of brokenness for one Strive to be the best sample of love you can possibly be, for
to be willing to get there. that's the only thing that will come close to the desired result of
Everybody's got their own time for these things. people learning more love for each other.
Some of the things you discover may be applicable to a number Do the best you can to teach them to be loving by your own
of others as well, and you can lead a horse to that water, but then sample of never giving up on loving them in the first place, by
it's still going to be up to them whether they're going to drink. just totally giving up your life to love...
If they want to learn, they're going to learn it, too. You just can't
Only since having experienced the process of human maturation
force anyone to. "A man convinced against his will is of the same have I also become not only the Lord over all creation, but also
opinion still." its Savior.
If you're really onto something and finding a better way, others Something broke open, it made more space in the Plan, not just
are going to notice eventually, and it's going to come out of you for the Jews, but for all men...
in the way and at the time that it should. You don't have to force The moment of My death was virtually the crux and crucial point
it. What matters most of all, is your personal sample. If what you on which all history hinges, the great Crossroads of history, from
found works for you, people are going to notice it sooner or later, which on God started walking with mankind. It was no longer just
they can't help but notice. Just let it sink in properly with you and
a vertical relationship, from the top down to the bottom, but it
let it show, what the truth can do. Let it go to work for you, and was now one in which I had stretched out My arms to welcome all
others will want to try it, too! mankind, any who would receive Me, as My personal bride, ready
to receive all things from Me, whatever Power, Glory and Majesty
I had.
18 __________________________________________________ I was no longer just an Observer of mankind as its Creator, but I
Although the fundament may be quite old - the whole thing had become a Partaker in mankind, I had walked your same road;
grows, slowly, like a gigantic puzzle, bit by bit (information by I had come down to the bottom, to the same ground as you, and
information), revealing My Big Picture, in which you're even descended into hell after that. I committed My soul into the
participants. Father's hand, knowing that My journey was now going to take
You're not only the students, but the teachers of future Me to the depths of Hell, and sometimes that's what you've got to
generations, just like the other Bible patriarchs have been do, too: Just yield your life into My hand, even if you know it
learners in their times, but have long since become teachers of might lead you through hell. But you'll also know that if I'm going
untold millions. to be there with you, then no matter how fiery or awful that hell
The whole thing grows, that's the plan. While that snowball still might be you have to go through, you'll always come out
looks the same old white, as you roll it through the snow, and it's victoriously, in a glorious resurrection, without even the smell of
still made out of the same basic stuff, namely snow, it keeps smoke.
growing and growing, though, and eventually becomes quite a
substantial weight to reckon with...
It changes. It progresses. It's never exactly the same old thing. 21 __________________________________________________
There are new varieties and slants to discover all the time, about "They all seek their own" (Phil.2:21); everybody is primarily
those good old fundamental truths. concerned about things they consider able to bring them
It always takes you back to the same simple but monumental happiness, safety and whatever it is they want.
truth and foundation. While love is thought of as something
simple, it is also God, and thus the quite complex Source of Sometimes years pass before your children show interest in you.
everything. Sometimes they never find out what they've been missing out on
Don't ever think that you have it all figured out. There are as until they get over to the other side.
many different aspects and angles about love, as there are to It's pretty tough to resist the temptation of resigning to that fate
God, and that's an infinite amount. You're never going to quit of "they're just not interested..."
learning about love. But I know that My children do need Me, even if they may not be
The moment you think you've got it all figured out, a new door aware of it.
will open that will lead you into a whole new dimension you never The art is to arouse their interest. The art is not to withdraw in
even assumed existed. resignation when you see that they're not interested. The art is
remembering, "You may not be interested right now, but one day you over time, should help you to see that same potential in
you will, or at least you will wish you had been!" others, too. It's going to come out sooner or later, and all the
The art is in conveying to them, lovingly, "you may not be very differences between you will be gone Here!
interested right now, but there are certainly advantages to There'll be total forgiveness, total acceptance and total love. And
showing interest." if you can see that, even as a slightly faint vision of something
that's going to happen in the distance, in the future, at least it will
I can influence their lives and their hearts in ways that you can't help you understand that there's something fundamental you
by anything you do or say. This is where your prayers come in, have in common with any of your brothers & sisters, no matter
and your faith in prayer, as the most powerful weapon at your how different you are at the time being, and it should help you
disposal, and your most efficient tool, relying on Me doing what focus more on that common goal than any differences or
you can't in order to get their attention and interest. difficulties in getting along.
It should help give you an incentive to break the ice and show
I brought you into situations throughout your life that helped Me greater acceptance, greater understanding of them and what
get your attention. However, the extent to which a person is they're going through, knowing that I will change them in time, as
willing to give Me their attention at all is so much up to each I have changed you.
one's personal make-up and majesty of choice. Some simply will You've got to find some common ground with them in order to
not hear until it's too late and they lament, "If I only had listened help them, in order to save them.
when I could..."

You must realize, though, that resignation never helps. If you 24 __________________________________________________
withdraw and remove your own interest in them or any signs of The truth is only going to help you as much as you believe in
your support of them, if you stop showing them your love or that it, it's only going to be as effective for you as strong as your faith
you're somehow on their side and behind them, it will usually in it is. "Truth resisted loses its power over the mind," and it
only push them further away from you, make them feel more won't do you any good. The only way the truth is going to do you
unloved and rejected, and it's simply not conducive to what you any good at all is if you receive it and believe it, act on it and
would desire... that they will love you and come back to you. obey it.
Sometimes you can do no other but let them go their own way,
but it's always better if they know that you still love them, no I chose My Endtime Bride to be anything but perfect to keep all
matter what, just as I love you and them, too, no matter what. the hypocrites away who are only in it for their part of the reward,
who want to partake of the anointing, all the glory that comes
with being the chosen one!
22 __________________________________________________ You've got to be ready to take all the shame and blame that
"Take heed how you hear." You must discern the voices that comes with being part of this, or you'd better leave while you
say which way to go, and you have to play it by ear and really can! You're still, basically, the people everyone's parents have
listen where I lead you. always warned them against, but you're also their only hope, the
only true alternative to all the lies they've been fed by the
Catch a whiff of My heavenly breath again. System, that are responsible for the big mess they're all in, in the
first place.
It's not worth it to try to make it for a prolonged period of time So, consider what you've got. And consider whether this is really
without new input from Me, without waiting on Me so that I can what you want. And then consider whether you're really going to
renew your strength (Isa.40:31). go through with this, ready to lay down your life for this, your
reputation, your face, your name, your everything. This is not a
You're going to have to learn to put up with things going wrong place for anybody concerned about saving face, nor making a
sometimes... It all depends so much on how you take it. name for themselves.
Praise Me for when things go wrong! When you praise Me for it, it It's a place to show that you give a damn about anything the
shows your faith that I'm in control in spite of it all, and that I can System says, and to prove it, by sticking up for a bunch of folks
still make the best out of it. that look like anything but the chosen and anointed ones: just a
bunch of guys struggling to make it on the path for God, learning
The carnal mind is enmity with God (Rom.8:7) because it yields the lessons of God, trying to live for God the best they can.
more easily to the Enemy's wavelength. I never said My people were a perfect people, but a peculiar one. I
never said that I had chosen the high and mighty, but the foolish
and the weak, the nothings of this world, and the nobodies.
23 __________________________________________________ No matter what you are, you've got to be real, and that's what it's
The art of seeing Me in others, in everything... is the art of all about. I'm washing away everything that's fake, false, and all
believing that in that imperfection, that momentary ugliness of the excess. All that will remain is the real thing, the real you, the
the caterpillar or cocoon, there's a higher purpose and a greater real warriors, believers and fighters, do-or-diers, the ones I'm
beauty hidden than meets the eye, that shall be revealed with going to be able to count on!
time. The lesson could be entitled "Wait & See!" Wait & see what Everything else must go!
I'm still going to do, what that ugly duckling is still destined to
become! Wait to see the final outcome before you judge or make
up your mind about something or someone and before you stick 25 __________________________________________________
them in your mental drawers or label them. It's good advice, to I want to be connected to your heart.
wait & see. My Kingdom must be based on more than mere intelligence or
It's like the parable about the wheat and the weeds. thought. It's got to be more than brainpower, but love power that
moves you into action... emotion!
Time is the great tester indeed, and a revealer of beauty that you Put your heart into it! If you try to figure it all out in your head &
couldn't see before. analyze it to pieces, it's going to look ugly. From a rational point
of view, this life doesn't make a lot of sense; too much
In spite of your failings, mistakes, weaknesses and all you imperfection. It's not smooth enough for the mind. It's too rough,
lacked, I knew what was in you, and that time was going to bring too many rough edges.
it out. You're still not "finished," but you can get a clearer That's why you're only really going to get through life
glimpse now, of what I was having in mind. successfully if you put your heart into it.
Seeing the hidden potential that I have started bringing out in
Father's table?
26 __________________________________________________ How long are you still going to settle for pig feed? Why not come
You can't expect people to be perfect, nor anywhere near Home and feast at the Master's table?
perfect, nor should you hinge your love on them living up to your Just because there are others who are being materialistic, is that
expectations. You don't manage to fulfill anybody else's sufficient excuse to become a materialist yourself? You never
unrealistic expectations, either. lose by giving! Never, never, never, never! Even if you should be
Stop charging a price that they could never pay! Stop demanding giving to someone with motives less than 100% pure, it would
something they could never fulfill or live up to. You're humanly still not be wasted or lost.
not strong enough to fulfill any such expectations yourself, so "You never lose by giving." That's My promise!
how can you make those demands on anybody else? Why not
just accept everybody for who they are?
If you decide to wholeheartedly listen, you will also find a way to 27 __________________________________________________
bring Me into the conversation. But you're not always willing to Sometimes people act as if their things were more important
forsake all and follow Me on the spot into the heart of that than some poor soul. That is an abomination, an atrocity to Me.
person. That, to Me, is the epitome of setting wrong priorities. It's idolatry
That's not how you're going to convince them that you love them of the highest degree, and certainly missing the mark of love, and
with a love that is ready to lay down your life for them! That's no thus, sin.
way they're ever going to believe it, no way to strengthen their Just because this may seem like a fairly normal thing to do
faith in your love for them. But you should. nowadays, I don't want you to get the impression that this is
Is your love strong and unconditional enough to show them that anywhere near tolerable in My eyes.
they're more important to you than whatever you were doing? Put souls first, and everything else will fall into place. Put My
As long as what you're doing is not immediately involved with sheep first, and I will take care of the rest. Feed My sheep, and I
the salvation of another human soul, it couldn't possibly be more promise, I will feed you!
important than hearing those closest to you out & really listening The Enemy is sly and tries all kinds of techniques to get you to
to what they've got to say. Listen to them with My ears, and you'll think that this thing is more important or that thing is more
also have My words to give back to them as a reply. important, but if you stick close to Me, I will always be able to tell
What could be more important than love, more important than and show you what's really most important! And one pretty
showing love? Earning money? Installing some new software? failsafe criterion by which to go is: if it's alive, if it's got a soul,
Burning that CD or answering that email? and if you can talk to it, then it's got priority. Living souls -
Folks around you are never going to be completely convinced people, humans, and especially My sheep, your brethren or
that you truly love them, unless you learn to dedicate yourself to potential future brethren, should always have your priority over
them wholeheartedly, to listen to them as if they were the only some gimmick.
thing that mattered at that moment. That's the way I talked to My Seeking first the Kingdom: What is the Kingdom? What does it
disciples, and they knew that what I had to say mattered. They consist of? People! First of all, look after My people, and I'm
knew that the only more important One to Me than they was the going to look after you!
Father, but besides that, nothing else. Certainly not some
insignificant little circumstance or physical condition that
concerned our immediate comfort, well-being or supply, much 28 __________________________________________________
less any new, not really necessary gimmick, just another addition There are innumerable factors which determine how much I
to the collection! can give to someone and how much another person might
Don't let your life become just another collection or accumulation handle. You'll eventually find out that there was perfect justice in
of things! Make it a life that matters! Make it a life that made a the amounts of blessings, talent, etc., that have been distributed,
difference! Make it a life of which others are going to be able to even though at first glance, the distribution may seem a bit unfair
say, "this fellow really lived, because he knew how to give! He to you at times...
gave it all!" Can you imagine people saying anything nicer or
more beautiful about you when you're gone? Wouldn't that be
something to strive for, a more worthy cause than making sure 29 __________________________________________________
you've got this book and that movie, or this or that or the other It takes a conscious effort to give all the glory to Me! It takes
thing you think you still need? realizing that there's an automatic, hidden mechanism
That old survival instinct sometimes makes you forget My Words functioning in yourself that causes any accomplishment to feed
about "he that saveth his life shall lose it, and he that will lose it that dark, hidden part of your ego, which seeks to be built up and
shall save it..." pumped up by that sense of accomplishment, and then refusing
True, there are others who are doing worse than you, but that's to give in to that urge by making sure that you say, "Lord, I want
the kind of excuse that isn't going to count, just like those to give You all the glory for this!"
excuses didn't spare anyone from the gallows during the
Nuremberg trials!
Are you working out your salvation with fear and trembling? Are 30 __________________________________________________
you really making sure you're making the most out of that gift of Adversity is what makes you strong. You want to have power
Salvation that I've given you, that I've paid for with a high price? over unclean and evil spirits? It's these fighting experiences that
See, I was willing and able to pay the price you demand. Look at give you the power you seek. For although it is I Who give you
Me! I'm fulfilling all your expectations! Why waste your time the power, I give it to you by way of applying the little power you
expecting things from folks who could never live up to all that already have and finding out that it's not quite enough, that you
you might expect of them, when you've got Me right here, Who need to come back to Me for more; that you've got to keep on
already more than made up for anything they might lack? Why training, fighting, hanging on...
keep staring into the void, when there's total fullness and
wholeness over Here? What else could you possibly need or
want? 31 __________________________________________________
How could anyone possibly have the audacity to say, "But I still How do you become an instrument of My peace? By uttering
haven't found what I'm looking for?" What else could they be My praises. By showing forth your thankfulness and a grateful
looking for? What, unless all they're really concerned about is attitude, and thus becoming a living showcase of My grace
the puny husks of the flesh, the food that was thrown out to feed everywhere you go. By never allowing yourself to be
the pigs, that My prodigal and wayward sons in this world would overwhelmed by adverse circumstances but insisting to trust
feed themselves of, when they could have the abundance at the that I am in control of them all, refusing to give in to doubt,
despair and murmuring! you can rely on is My being on your side.
How else do you manage to bring love where there is hatred, to It all depends on choices made within those different fractions,
bring light where there is darkness, joy, where there is sadness? people, governments, societies... Their structures change from
You cannot do this unless you even refuse to look at the hatred, within according to the decisions and choices made on
the darkness, the sadness, or their causes, to begin with. You individual levels as well as corporate... they all affect their stance
refuse to see the adverse circumstance as such, but only as an toward Me, whether they tend to be for Me or against Me.
occasion to put My power to the test. You rejoice in the adversity, This happens on local levels, too. Maybe a party you wouldn't
because it has brought you a new challenge to prove to the trust on a national level becomes trustworthy on a local,
universe that I am greater than any circumstance! communal level because of a certain, God-fearing member.
"Where there is doubt, there let me bring faith." You cannot have
any doubts yourself, but must be so full of positiveness, so
determined not to give any place to the Devil and his evil 33 __________________________________________________
thoughts of darkness, of nothingness, that anything and How puny church Christians look compared to David's mighty
everything that represents his gloom will only serve as a vacuum men of the spirit... there's just no comparison. Few have the
that's immediately filled up and overwhelmed by My courage to even face the truth of that drastic difference.
graciousness, My capacity to fill, My all-engulfing and Sometimes people confuse themselves just in order to not see
overflowing light, joy and love. the truth. Or they try to apply for themselves whatever they can
Let your heart and soul be a waterfall of My Spirit, against which glean from it that makes them feel better, but they're not ready
the Devil and his ilk won't stand a chance! Be a generator of for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
positiveness that will strangle, choke, suffocate and nip in the Of course, I prefer them taking in some of the truth to accepting
bud any attempt of negativity to even crop up! Now, that goal none of it, but on the other hand, only those stout hearted men
may sound slightly "utopic" to you, but it isn't! It is at your reach, and women of the spirit who want the whole truth really have
by My marvelous, transforming power. what it takes to bring forth the fruit that I desire.
You want to become an instrument of My peace? Well, become With fearful people transformation takes place more slowly as
one! I command you this day: BE an instrument of My peace! I they carefully make each step, making sure they're not giving
ordain you to go and bring faith where there is doubt, hope more than they can afford, or falling into some trap which they
where there is despair, love where there is hate, pardon where suspect around just about every corner...
there is injury, light where there is darkness, joy where there is
sadness! That means, you will be an overcomer, and eraser of all
those negative manifestations, and you will fill that dark void of 34 __________________________________________________
nothingness, wherever you see it, with My warmth. You don't need to try to figure Me out, you just need to love
Remember that cold is merely the absence of warmth, darkness Me and obey Me the best you can. I know you better than you
is merely the absence of light. You've got the antidote to that know yourselves, and thus also know what you're capable of,
emptiness, that void, because you represent Me, the Filler of all better than you do yourselves. Sometimes you may fret & say,
things, of every void and all low and empty spaces, you are My "But I can't!" But I know better & say, "Yes, you can!"
instrument. If you're really sure of My love, you'll always know that whatever I
In order to be what I want you to be, you cannot be preoccupied expect of you, whatever challenges I present you with, even
with being loved, understood or comforted, but must seek to whatever pressure I may put you under, it's all for your best, it's
love, understand and comfort others. all because I love you more than you love yourself, and you can
Every day will be another series of confirmations of the truth that just trust, and go ahead and "do it cause Daddy said so."
it is in giving that you receive, in forgiving that you obtain mercy You just can't put Me in a box, or tell Me that I'm supposed to
and pardon from others and Me, in forgetting about what you operate in a certain way! I'm free, and I have everything in the
want, letting go of your desires, that you find what you wish for, universe at My disposal to bring about My plan.
and in dying that you will rise again and again and again.
Let go & trust that it's okay! I give you exactly what you need.
Why worry about by which means I bring it?
32 __________________________________________________
I definitely welcome your having Me involved more in matters I'm teaching you to fine-tune your convictions, and not to go
and affairs of your daily lives. For Me, it's fun. And even though overboard on any issue. What I'm showing and revealing to you
you dread having to deal with some of these things, they can may be just fine for you and work for you, but you can't dictate
also become fun for you if you include Me more in them. You can the same remedy for everybody.
combine the physical with the spiritual, and thus convert every
physical matter into an at least partly spiritual one. Usually, people have different problems than worrying about how
different or weird you are. What matters is that you love them,
You want to infiltrate the System of the evil one and eventually that you're being nice to them & are making an effort to be Me for
overthrow it. He's the usurper, and you're working toward the them.
recapture of the kingdom for the rightful Heir, and by "infecting"
anything that's merely carnal, material and physical with a breeze I won't ask you for more than you can deliver! I won't give you
of spiritual, it changes. Blessings flow from one party to another. more than you're able to bear.
All you need is right here, and it's available to you for the asking,
I want you to be open, not stuck in prejudices, even if based on at the reach of your hand! All you need is Me! You don't need to
former experiences. impress anybody with what an obedient citizen of the kingdom
Everything can change. The factors can change, the parties you are, just be yourself, and if you happen to run into problems,
involved can change, the cards can change. Those who formerly we'll take care of them!
were against Me can change and work for Me instead, as it Everything's under My control! You're in goood hands !
unfortunately works the other way around...
King David had to learn this during his life-time, as those who he Spiritual input is more effective than verbal input.
thought to be his allies turned against him and became his When you talk, you do use the Holy Ghost, too, but when you
enemies, so that he was forced to seek refuge with his former pray, She's much more involved yet!
enemies. There are precedents to what I'm doing in your life in
order to establish your trust in Me alone, never in any earthly The Enemy makes you feel like I'm asking too much of you, "The
institution. Your friends of yesterday can become your enemies door knob's too high…" So, have a realistic look at things,
of tomorrow and vice versa. The only thing that changes not and discern the truth.
toward a greater challenge, and a more distant horizon, to
Isn't it wonderful when all you can do is pray? When all you can greater works, yet higher mountains to climb than the hills
do is let go and let Me take care of it? you've tackled so far.

I came down to your level to bring you up to Mine, now, are you
35 __________________________________________________ going to be less than willing to do the same for others?
While jealousy is not right and inappropriate, the same also
applies to familiarity. It's not how much you've been given, but how much you do with
To overcome familiarity, you must learn to see a person through what you've been given that counts, and sad to say, some of you
My eyes, My eyes of forgiveness when they do wrong, and My could be giving so much more!
eyes of love - unconditional and unshakable. Have you really loved the least of your brethren as much as you
would love Me?
Loving your neighbor as yourself requires some skill. It requires It's easy to love the King of the universe, the One Who'll grant
some effort. It takes something, and you've got to put something you all your desires and requests, the Fulfiller of your wildest
into it, it costs something. It costs something to find out what dreams. But how much can you really love Me in the least of
makes a person tic, and how to solve a problem. That's the these, your brethren, that little weird brother over there, or that
challenge of love. overweight sister over here...?

There will always be one step deeper to dig! There will always be
36 __________________________________________________ one lower brother to love! There will always be a little bit more
The grace is given when you need it - "Power for the hour." In progress to make, and if you have forgotten that, you're an old
the meantime, just keep hanging in there! It's going to be alright! bottle, and don't even know it. Or it might be that you are making
One day you're going to look back at all this and it's going to progress, but only in the areas that you know are easy for you to
make perfect sense. Sorry if all I have for you is a promise. No make progress in. But how much to you really excel in, and
instant relief, no secret magic remedy... Just faith & hope that it's confront those areas that are tough for you to deal with? How far
all going to make sense someday. are you willing to go for the lowest of the low among your own
When a human is born, he is like the raw vessel of clay. Only the ranks, the Family, who are desperate for love, but get so little of
fiery trials of life will make a useful vessel out of you. it, just because they may not have in the physical what would
qualify them for the ranks of your accepted age group, looks
group, coolness group, or whatever.
37 __________________________________________________ Come on, let's bust that "group think" & blow all those little
I like to work in teamwork, and I don't just run a one-Man show "groups" and cliques to hell, in order to finally make one large
up Here. I like to include everybody I can and allow them to Family out of all of them!
participate in the work on the Big Picture. If folks think they need
to limit Me in their heads as to what I can use and what I can't, I'm not expecting you, My Family, to be perfect. Not even the
well, that's their problem. Early Church was perfect, if you look at some of the quarrels they
Ask yourself what I'm trying to show you through this; having to were having.
deal with the matter of God Himself choosing to work in But I do expect you to be sincere, honest with Me and yourself,
teamwork. Ask yourself, "am I following in His footsteps in this and I expect you to love. If you can't love the unlovely, or even
aspect?" make an effort to do so, then why do you pretend you're so
Look around for more ways of doing things together in perfect, anyway? Why don't you just admit that you need My help
teamwork. in order to empower you to do that which I really want you to do?
"Together" is the slogan of the day. In the end, the truth and I will always catch up with you.
I first had to teach you to make sure to include Me in all your I will have to allow something to happen in your life to wake you
action, but if you learn to do things in teamwork with others as up and you'll wonder, "What happened? Why did You allow
well, it's just about perfect. that?" It's because you may have listened to an extent, obeyed to
an extent, but not all the way, or not to the extent that I would
have expected from you, as part of My Endtime elite!
38 __________________________________________________ There's always a bit more to give and a step further to go, and as
When it comes down to the way you ought to be loving Me, far as I can see, and judging by all that's still left to be done, I
each other and the world, you haven't even yet begun to love! repeat, you haven't even yet begun to love. Which doesn't mean
It is no good to be patting yourselves on the back for a little love you can't begin right now! Ask Me to show you in what aspects
here and a little love there, maybe even for a lot of love, you might have been failing Me by failing those around you. Ask
compared to what's out there among the rest of the world. Me if there is something I would like to show you about yourself
As long as you haven't managed to love those you like least with that you may not have wanted to hear or know so far, something
the same kind of supernatural love that enabled Me to love and you might not have had the courage to hear before, or even the
pray for My Enemies, even on the cross, it is only a portion of the sincerity, or the necessary amount of love for truth.
vastness of the love that I would like to pour out to you to pass Life is full of surprises, and some of the surprises might be about
on to the needy. you. I know you better than you know yourself, and I can reveal
things to you about hidden weaknesses that you haven't even
I prefer to praise you for the good you do, instead of scolding been aware of (Heb.4:12).
you for the things you fail to do, but in order to truly fulfill your
destinies as My Endtime brides, you must realize that there is
more, so much more to give, and that you haven't even yet begun 39 __________________________________________________
to love, to give, to pour out as I would wish from you. As long as It is the Spirit that brings to life otherwise dead matter. Real
there are those even among your own ranks who are starving for life comes from the Spirit - the flesh profiteth nothing, it doesn't
love, and whose hearts are weeping bitter tears of loneliness, avail much, when it comes to making happiness last.
how can you live in self-satisfaction, continuing to ignore the The Enemy seeks to cheat you out of it, by telling you that you've
needs of the neediest among your brothers and sisters? got to earn it, work it up, etc.
But happiness can't be bought. It is only received in finding Me
You're the best of the best, when it comes to My people on the and learning to let Me do through you the things that will bring
planet. But when it comes to doing the best that you could be happiness to others. By letting Me guide you, you will find Me
doing, there's still a long way to go. I'm trying to draw your focus taking you to the lush green valleys where your soul will find
sweet rest and will finally feel at home, even while yet in this hate me so much that they're going as far as to betray me." But if
world, which is not your home. Although you've always known you can even forgive them then, it shows that you've made the
this wasn't home, you can constantly lead others home, to their grade. You recognize that you're not the victim, but in the end,
real Home, even as you walk through this strange world. it's they who are the victims of pride, and only your going
Bring them Home, into My fold! through with your path of love that you chose, and following
through until the very end on the cross, is going to save them
from that. You cannot even be indifferent to them and say, "They
40 __________________________________________________ betrayed me, so what!" But you're going to have to do something
In prayer, you can spread your soul out like a healing balm, about it, you still have to be willing to save them in spite of it.
and thus have it benefit many, simultaneously. If you don't pray, "Save your traitors."
the balm stays in the jar. But as soon as you pour out your soul They cannot do any better than fail you, but you must do better
to Me in prayer for those whose lives concern you, and those I than fail them! As a rule of thumb for those who want to save the
put on your heart to pray for, because their lives concern Me, it world, you have to expect of yourself what you can't expect of
goes to work and soothes, heals, performs miracles, and you them, because you know I expect it of you, because you trust Me
become like a magician puppeteer, influencing many lives from and I have enabled you to (Phil.4:13).
behind the scenes: you're becoming My hands, pouring out the You got the point. They may not have gotten it yet. But you can
balm of My healing elixir over them. help them to get the point by showing and proving that you got it.
So much good can be done and accomplished through prayer. If they see someone got the point of love, then they might get it,
There's virtually nothing better you can do! too. It may still take a while for it to sink in, but you can't just give
Prayer is the way through which you can become a partaker of up hope in them. You've got to keep hoping. You've got to keep
My all-powerful nature and create little miracles everywhere, of believing in them, gotta keep loving. Even if there is nothing
new life, new hope, bring light and love where there was none. evident there that would be worthy of any such love. Nothing
could ever earn such love in the first place. Love loves on in
spite of, not because of. Keep loving on!
41 __________________________________________________
If your kingdom would be perfect, what longing would you
have for My everlasting Kingdom? But in this, that the physical 43 __________________________________________________
kingdom is only a poor, imperfect shadow of what is to come, The basis of the knowledge that you are nothing, is a good
you will keep your eyes on Me and on My true and everlasting basis for Me to give you everything. As long as there is still any
Kingdom to come. notion that I chose you because of anything you are in the flesh,
It is not My will for any of My sheep to be looking unto man, but I you didn't get the point! What you can become is only because of
want them to learn to look unto Me, their true shepherd, and by your willingness to first be made into nothing and nobody, so
doing so, they will also receive the grace to look past the flaws that everything you are will only be of Me.
and faults and failings of their brethren, knowing that you all fail Anything else, any element of self, of ego, your old, carnal man,
in like manner. that you allow to enter or to linger around, will be disastrous. It's
When everything is perfect for them, they become spoiled! gotta be Me. It's gotta be humble, true kind, give peace to the
The only thing that keeps folks desperate, dependent on Me and troubled and sight to the blind... set the captives free...
praying as they ought, is when things are going less than perfect "Pray before you say."
for them, when there are adverse circumstances. Otherwise, the It's pride to just spit out any old nonsense that pops into your
group becomes the substitute for Me, the group becomes god. head, because it indicates that you think that just because it's
Man worship is still much more far-spread than many people yours, it's gotta be good somehow.
realize, and one of the most common forms of modern idolatry, Sometimes you're just going to have to make a serious effort to
with many of its perpetrators/victims not even realizing it. And keep your mouth shut, period! "Sometimes less is more"
I'm not for it, but will do what I can to expose those idols for their definitely applies to words!
feet of clay. If you feed your ego, it's going to become a monster that's going
It is My will that the Family isn't perfect, just as it has been My to turn on you. You start getting easily annoyed and aggravated,
will that My church never was, and My people never were. The because people are never going to be able to be or act perfect
church was never meant to be the all-in-all. The All-in-all is Me, enough to satisfy your pride. Instead of chasing after any elusive
and the church is merely a place where you can find Me, a group standards, screw down your expectations of people, keep
of people through whom others can find Me, and sometimes by humble.
means of the very fact that My own people are so far from
perfect. What matters is what you do with every little bit of information,
There's no other way but to look to Me. There's nowhere else to how deeply you allow it to sink in, so that it can be seen in your
find the Perfect but in Me, and I'm using the imperfect to have actions. Otherwise you wind up with a case of spiritual bulimia
those who seek the perfect point to Me. If you think you're going where you stuff and stuff yourself, but fail to digest it all properly,
to find the answer and all you're seeking in any group of flesh and so you vomit it all out again, and it will never do anybody any
and blood people, you're wrong! You will always find some flaws good...
anywhere, with anyone, in this world. If you want the flawless, And it's because spiritually, you do it for the same reasons that a
turn to Me! bulimic person does it in the physical: you want to live up to
unrealistic standards of pride and vanity in order to please
everybody. It's a pride trip of wanting to please everybody,
42 __________________________________________________ instead of just being who you are.
It's pride that expects people to be perfect. The pride that tells
them, "I deserve better than that." It's the same pride that tells If your incentive for fellowship is that you want folks to adore
jealous people, "I deserve to be loved exclusively" also tells you, then you might truly be better off without fellowship!
them, "I deserve to be treated better than this." So, since it's the
pride that gets hurt, it means and shows that it must be good for Concentrate on the sheep's needs. You're not supposed to be
your humility factor, if you think what's happening isn't the way it hunting for applause! It can backfire and result in the opposite of
ought to be for you. At least it's pointing out and showing up the the desired effect!
pride. As a faithful little nobody, humbly feed your sheep. Stop trying to
Humility takes people where they're at, as I did. Betrayal hurts, be a big somebody. It's only going to make you unhappy!
it's true - it's the toughest blow possible on your pride, your
flesh, your ego. It means, "they don't love me at all. They even
44 __________________________________________________ You will always have My help, but it's still your job. I'm not going
Guard the flame. How easily a furnace can go out, if you don't to do your job for you. I want you to do your job with My power
have the fire burning properly yet, or when the fuel is consumed and My wisdom, but I still want you to do it. It's still your
and you failed to put new fuel on in time... These are all living responsibility. It is your responsibility to direct and use My power
illustrations of how you must keep and guard the flame and fire in the way you will. You've got to make it happen, even if you let
in your soul, how you must keep feeding and nourishing it, and Me do it!
shelter it, make sure it gets enough oxygen, etc. It's an art in You can do that by praying for Me to keep your flame and fire
itself. It takes skill and effort. burning, to protect it and not allow it to go out. But that prayer is
Sometimes you're too lazy to rekindle the flame or to put a new your act of keeping the flame. You're wisely availing yourself of
block of wood on the fire... Sometimes the furnace needs a My power then to do the job, but it's still you doing your job.
cleaning, or the chimney sweeper has to come by & clear out all Prayer is the easiest and most efficient way to get your job done,
the pipes & vents... Sometimes you have to get rid of the old that's why the Enemy is fighting it so hard.
ashes first, before you can start a new fire... Sometimes the wood The story of the Devil reminding the Sultan of his prayers is not
is still damp... about true and efficient prayer, since the Devil would never
It takes care and a certain amount of vigor to make sure your fire remind you to keep up with that kind of prayer. The story is about
keeps burning, it doesn't just come by itself. I can help you ceremonious prayer, the kind one only observes out of duty, like
kindle the flame, I can even supply you with the fuel, but you're an empty rut he keeps up, only to soothe and pacify his own
still the one in charge of keeping it burning. I cannot do conscience.
everything for you. That's not what is meant by letting Me do it But the kind of prayer I'm talking about is a weapon that the
through you. Enemy is more scared of than anything else, because he knows
You've got to make sure it's My fuel that's burning, and not your he's powerless against it. It's the prayer of truth. The kind of
own wick, that's why you've got to make sure that you always prayer that goes right down to the core and heart of the matter.
replenish the oil before it runs out. It takes staying on the ball, It's the kind of prayer, originated by the Holy Spirit that directs
staying on the attack! You can't get lax about it. You need to be you to the very thing you've got to do. You know. It's that inner
aware of the fact that the Enemy is going to try all he can to snuff knowing. That kind of prayer is the kind the Devil is most afraid
out your flame! He wants you to be cold and sick! He wants it to of, and of course he will do anything within his might to keep you
be dark, he doesn't want your flame to light up the landscape and from praying that way.
the surroundings, nor does he want others to find warmth by He knows you become practically invulnerable to his attacks if
your side! You've got to fight for it, you must fight to keep the fire you pray for Me to keep and guard the flame of your heart. It's the
alive! best thing you can do to protect it. If you ask Me to keep it
Sometimes you're also plain weary of the heat, and it's not until burning, what can he do?
you experience another stretch of cold that you really appreciate You've got to be savvy to My plan, you've got to be in on it, and
the fire and its warmth again. And that's when there's a greater get a clue of what I'm up to. And that's basically what you're
willingness again to go through all the little troubles necessary to doing in prophecy: you're getting a clue. Before you were
keep a furnace going. clueless, but now you're getting a clue of what I'm going to do,
and what I want you to.
If you work unitedly on keeping the fire burning, in order to share And everything all of a sudden obtains rhyme and reason.
the warmth you generate together, as long as you seek to give
and share every aspect of your lives, it will work and burn fine,
but as soon as selfishness, jealousy & pride enter, they put a 45 __________________________________________________
damper on the flame, and problems occur. You’re realizing you're not quite as prolific at the art of loving
That's when you've got to seek My face desperately for these yet as you would wish to be. You have to dedicate yourself more
problems that threaten to put out your fire. You cannot just try to to it. You're finding out it's a somewhat greater task than you had
"live with it," or hope they'll go away. Otherwise, if you just fold realized. It takes a bit more than what you have thus far been
in resignation & figure, "it's no use shining my light on others, putting into it.
it'll just create problems anyway," then it's no wonder the flame Allow it to grow... you can learn love and return to love.
goes out.
It doesn't help to just blame the other party and say, "they won't Guard that flame. It's not so much focusing on your own flame of
let me burn," because it's your own responsibility to keep your love, but by really beholding the other's flame, truly appreciating
flame kindled and your fire burning. You will be rewarded it, treasuring it, that your own heart's flame gets re-kindled too,
according to your stewardship over your own flame, and how and thus you can warm each other.
well you guarded it, and how much warmth and light it gave off to Learn to focus on their very inner being, their inner core and
others, no matter what. soul. Learn to behold the flame, the candle of their inner
Your primary responsibility is to keep the fire burning. If that fire, sanctuary, that what really makes them burn and tic from the
that light, that life, that flame is really what's most important to inside.
you, you'll guard it with all you've got, and you won't allow any By far the more important to discover and explore is the "inner
heinous tricks of the Enemy to get anywhere near putting it out! space" of your fellow human beings.
You've got to be prepared for anything! You won't be deceived by You're going to have to focus, tune in and zoom in on them,
appearances, either, nor blame conditions or circumstances! You really perceive them, absorb and feel them out, hear them out,
won't be able to say, "Oh, it just went out by itself!" Not if you pay attention to them.
consider it your greatest duty to keep it burning! Can you blame people for being attention junkies when there's
The only thing that can make it go out then is your failure to so little they get of that stuff? Everything else seems to be so
guard it and keep it properly. There's no other excuse for the much more deserving of attention: making money, shopping, car
keeper of the flame for having allowed the fire to go out than his maintenance, success at work, etc. "And what about me?" the
own failure. Maybe you hadn't realized how precious and how inner soul of so many cries. "Nobody's paying any attention to
fragile it was. Maybe you thought that since I ignited it for you, me. Am I really not worth anything?"
that I was also going to keep it burning, no matter what, but Judging by the amount of attention some people are willing to
that's not the way it is. You've still got to do some of the work. pay to their spouses, their children and other loved ones, is it
Adam had to tend the garden of Eden, and you've got to tend the any wonder that so many think of themselves as absolutely
garden and guard the flame of your heart! You've got to protect worthless?
your garden, your plants from blithes and make sure they're The Enemy constantly uses pride, ambition, greed and other
being watered plenty, and you've got to keep that fire in your inborn human factors and sins, the tasks with the more
heart burning! promising rewards... the great accomplishments that pay off in
immediate, visible results, like cash, applause or appraisal, that they can have somebody to blame when their plans don't
recognition, reputation, popularity, etc., to distract them and lure work out.
them away from what is really relevant.
All these things that feed pride are taking away from love, from The question is: how much do you really believe that I am the
feeding that little flame inside the human soul of the one who is answer? How much do you really believe in Me? How much do
so desperately waiting for your love, starving for your love. you really believe I am capable of? Do you really think I can do all
So many are literally starving for the love that so few are willing things, change all things that need to be changed?
to give to the needy.
The demand is so great, and all the while the Devil keeps people Everybody always thinks that they know better than Me.
busy and distracted with other, really much less relevant things You may be sincerely convinced that you would have known
and activities than to love others. better than Me, or a better way to do it, but please, bear with Me
for a little while longer and give Me a chance to bring this to an
Focus on people and their needs. Recognize them for what they end.
are, pay attention to them! Give them your time! Give them your The picture isn't done yet, and of course it doesn't make any
full attention, as if nothing else was more important, and - when it sense to you yet. You're just going to have to wait until the
all comes down to it - nothing really is. Because you can only say picture is finished.
in the end that you loved Me as much as you managed to love the How speechless you're all going to be when you'll see the
least of these, your brethren. perfection of the final outcome. In the meantime, bear with Me.

It is a widely spread phenomenon that people think they know A lot is up to the personal choices of people. The way they are
another person, even one they're very close to, but in reality and what they become depends on their own choices. You are,
haven't really touched the soul of that person, haven't really basically, what you choose to be and chose to become, and often
perceived the true picture of who that person really is. It is one of people simply seem to settle for less than the best.
the greatest tragedies of the times. But then of course, it is My part is making the best out of the mess you make out of it all
equaled by the fact that most people don't even really know who with your choices, and it's quite a challenge. But when you'll see
they themselves are. the final outcome of it all, you will even see My wisdom in having
They're all too busy keeping the apparatus running that secures allowed you to make those wrong choices in the first place.
the maintenance of their shells, their bodies; not many folks are When it comes to the end of the road, you'll see that there would
really savvy about what's going on on the inside. It certainly have been no other, no better, no more beautiful way to bring
doesn't help that those who claim to know something about it are home the point, make the message loud and clear, and engrave
often totally confused and deceived themselves, not at all in the lesson on every man, woman and child's heart.
touch with My reality. What sort of good advice can you expect
from somebody who seriously believes that man evolved from
the monkeys? And that what's going on inside the human brain 47 __________________________________________________
is basically evolved animal behavior? Patience and prayer is what you can contribute to the
I created the animals to illustrate human behavior in many ways, improvement of the situation. Trust that I'm at work on it. You're
but to turn it around and base your knowledge about humans on not the only one who realized that something is wrong, and
the assumption that it comes from the animals, is not exactly things are being done about it. In the meantime, consider it
conducive to genuine wisdom, nor real solid knowledge about another test whether you're going to stick or allow this to
the human psyche. become your excuse to quit.
Unfortunately, by denying the true origin of the human spirit, man Let the hurt grind your ego, your pride, your carnal self to
is often somewhat reduced to that animal state in which they powder. That's what those atrocities are there for. Don't let it
believe they are in the first place, for "as a man thinketh in his become an excuse to quit, but let it become a tool to make you
heart, so is he." If he believes he is an animal, an animal he shall more humble, more yielded, more quiet.
be. And the more people there are walking about, thinking they Sometimes I simply let you experience situations you can't
are animals, the more it seems to confirm that delusion. The handle, to see whether you're finally going to shut up and pray.
"herd instinct," "Monkey see, monkey do." Study to be quiet! Make an effort! Try a little harder! Experience
And because there are so few living samples of people who really the pain for once, instead of immediately opening your mouth to
have the ability to fully tune in to their fellow humans, everybody complain about it before it even starts.
assumes that that's the way it's supposed to be, the normal state You can complain all you want about what bothers you - or you
of affairs. To "know" somebody is merely limited to knowing their can silently trust Me. The Shunnamite woman could have
exterior, their outer manifestations of what's inside, but hardly complained about her son having died. But did she? When the
ever the real thing that dwells inside that body. prophet asked her through his servant, "Is all well with you and
So few people really touch each other's souls these days. your son?" she replied, "All is well."
Get in on some deeper love. She trusted that, although he was dead, all was well, because I
was in control. And I rewarded her faith with her son's
Look again! Look deeper! resurrection. How much of that kind of faith can you muster?
How much can you trust and say "All is well" by faith?
Choose whether you're going to take a trusting stance or not.
46 __________________________________________________
I'm what you've been looking for, not any group of people, not
any church. But when some people find Me, they don't fully 48 __________________________________________________
embrace Me... They want Me on a safe, mental pedestal where If you still haven't found what you're looking for, it's usually
they think they've "got Me" where they want Me, but I won't get because you've been looking in the wrong places. Happiness is
too close to do anything beyond their control... not found in any big noisy careers, nor in big personal
They want to be in control... exactly what Satan promised in accomplishment, but in the quiet, humble act of resting in Me,
return for disobedience: "Ye shall be as gods." In other words: getting to really know Me, touching Me, hearing My voice and
"You can be in control yourselves! You don't have to follow and seeing My hand and My footprints in your life!
obey this God that you don't really know what He's up to..."
When it comes down to it they really only want to do their own I like it when folks are satisfied with little, able to enjoy the basics
thing. But they figure they better make some kind of a deal with of living, and they don't have to have a constant entertainment
Me, some peace treaty, in which they pretend to be on My side, program or attitude of "keep me busy, or I'll get bored." That is a
so that I won't do anything that might cross their plans, and so sickness that evolved from the way the world has developed
under Satan's rule and influence. difficult to cope with is something good, or not. In other words,
With Me, life never gets boring, but I'm never the big rah-rah type. you have to find out whether you should make an effort to adapt
to it, or whether you should confront it, which presents an extra
If you're empty, I can fill you up again. The greater the emptiness, "bonus" challenge to you.
the greater the appreciation of the filling, the greater the In any case, it teaches you to deal with others, teaches you about
satisfaction and joy that comes with it. That's why I've said, them and how to handle differences, and, in some extreme case,
"Blessed are the poor... Blessed are they which hunger and it teaches you to love, accept and embrace the totally other. It
thirst... for they shall be filled." Blessed are the empty, the teaches you flexibility and the ability to consider totally different
longing, the searching, for they shall find in Me the Fulfillment of factors and angles than you might previously have been aware
all they're looking for. But you need to look in the right places, of. It opens your eyes to totally new views.
the quiet places, not all the loud, noisy and busy places. My still If you learn these things under the guidance of My Spirit you can
small voice can best be heard in the silence. truly learn and acquire wisdom that way. You've got to see Me in
it, in order for it all to make perfect sense.

49 __________________________________________________ It takes the "sting" out of what you're experiencing when you
God first. Two words. No matter what happens, that's the rule know it's for your good, like all things, and when you can see a
that always applies. You may think you have acquired all the purpose with a goal in it. The goal is greater understanding and
necessary wisdom by now to solve that problem by yourself, but wisdom. It's greater insight into the human heart, and
you'll only find out that that was another classical case of wishful simultaneously, into the heart of God, as you learn to see the full
thinking, wishing you'd have stuck to that one golden rule: God scope of different angles and possible viewpoints.
It's the one rule to which there are no exceptions, the one that Since I know what you can handle, it's alright for you to go
always applies, if you want to succeed and don't want to mess through this lesson. You don't need to wonder, "Am I in the
up. It's the one rule to keep, no matter what. wrong film?" because you're never in the wrong film. Sometimes
It's the magic formula that will supply all your needs & solve all you've merely got to adjust to the script, the setting and the co-
your problems. If you put Me first, you just can't go wrong. actors. Call it a test of your flexibility and adaptability, plus a test
of your trust in the Director's wisdom.

50 __________________________________________________ For someone who determines their own personal worth by their
There are still so many things to show, so many aspects to works, accomplishments and service to others, it is hard to stand
share from My heavenly point of view, to learn to see the spiritual by and see others praised or appreciated for theirs. They think,
causes behind things. it's something that's being taken away from them. It's the same
There's more progress to make in your learning to become like root of the problem as is found in jealousy. Of course, it's not
Me. rational, reasonable or justified, but just the way pride distorts
things. Once you realize and learn how pride works in different
People could tell that I loved them, didn't look down on them or minds, it's a lot easier to deal with it, expose it and to overcome.
despise them. The person must be honest enough with themselves to be willing
to face it, admit the problem to themselves, have it exposed. In
Some folks make it difficult for you, and you don't feel like it the ideal case, they should even learn to laugh about such
could be expected of you to love them. But I want to stretch your childish behavior in themselves, but depending how seriously
"love muscles" to try to extend just a little bit more love, a little one takes himself, this can be quite difficult sometimes. It's true
bit more mercy, a little more forgiveness every day. that some people take themselves too seriously, especially in the
field of religious service. Pride has a heyday there, which is why
Sometimes I purposely let you make such a mess of things, so envy and jealousy - spiritual jealousy - are rampant in the
that you don't feel better than anyone anymore, not even the churches, and why I can often rather use simple-minded folks
worst person you know. When you don't look down on anyone who are not so stuck on themselves.
anymore, and you don't consider anyone more deserving of When it comes down to it, one has to let go of their own ego and
judgment than yourself anymore, then you're walking through life of seeking their own glory in order to serve Me, but that is a
humbly, and you'll even be able to love the worst of your process that doesn't always happen overnight. It can take quite a
enemies. few years for pride to be fully exposed and all its unpleasant,
I wouldn't want you to send anyone to hell prematurely, when hidden side effects to be completely weeded out of one's life.
there might still be a chance for them to be saved. Mostly because people aren't even aware of their own hidden
Sometimes you feel like those people are raping you spiritually, motives until they become mature enough to deal with things and
and you don't think you can forgive them or bear it, but you can, are sincerely interested in finding out why things simply haven't
because nothing is impossible to him that believeth and wields worked out as they should thus far in their lives.
the power of My keys of the Kingdom. I want you to learn to rise Call it a course in "spiritual psychology." Just because
above such circumstances, because they're going to get worse. psychology is known to be a worldly thing, and worldly
If you commit the matter into My hands in trust, then I'll be able psychologists can be some of the weirdest people you've known,
to do the miracle. Remember that it's you I'm training, and you it doesn't mean that there is no such thing in My Realm. The
I'm teaching, that you are the one who's supposed to learn study of the human spirit is one of the main things this is all
something out of this! about, and as in worldly psychology, it does not only serve to
analyze and fill people's heads with knowledge, but also for folks
to begin to understand themselves, and to learn to tackle their
51 __________________________________________________ problems on the basis of that understanding.
I give to every person lessons and challenges in life that are Of course, the easiest way would be to just pray for deliverance
according to their talent and personality type, and what I know from certain problems, but, as you're finding out, it doesn't
they can handle. Since you are by nature inclined to relate and always work that way. Sometimes you have to resist unto blood,
"see the other side," I present you with challenges along these striving against sin, which means, it takes more than a prayer of
lines, even if you may sometimes tend to think I'm asking too deliverance over some of your besetting sins. It takes the
much of you. If it wouldn't be hard or tough in any way, it honesty and courage to be willing to face them in the first place,
wouldn't be a challenge, right? letting Me expose and show them to you, shine My light of truth
In the same process, you're learning discernment, for you're into those dark corners of your heart, and then allowing Me to
forced to find out whether that difference in others you're finding clean up there.
Simply seeing it, recognizing it and acknowledging it, admitting the flesh and the carnal mind again, because I want you to be
to it, takes humility, and that's already half the victory in itself. fully aware of the risks involved and the repercussions you may
The humility to admit to oneself, "Why, this is ridiculous, the way have to deal with, that you should consider before allowing
I'm behaving! - Lord, give me the grace to snap out of this!" yourself to get back down there.
Of course, for some people, who are extremely stuck on It's like you're invoking the strength of the world, instead of My
themselves in this aspect, it can be difficult, because all they see meek and humble spirit, and the world may give you temporary
is their own hurt. Their pride blinds them to the truth and often success and strength in the flesh, but you know what I think
even stops them from being willing to see it. That's why there are about worldly success. "What is highly esteemed by men is an
so many spiritually blind people who think they see. They can abomination to the Lord." Their idea of success is My idea of
make life really hard, as you can see from My experiences with failure.
the Pharisees. It's not that I won't pick you up again when you fall, but I cannot
You've got to expose the Pharisee within you, that self-righteous protect you from the impact and the repercussions of allowing
prig, that thinks he sees and already knows the truth, and can't yourself to fall when you ought to know better. I let you reap and
stand some other little "nincompoop" to come along and tell taste the results. You cannot indulge in the spirit of the world and
them what they think is truth, or even perform a whole bunch of drink from My cup at the same time, you must choose which it is
miracles, or accomplish greater works with much greater ease you want.
than you ever could. Usually it's the humble sinners who've had Giving your all in the spirit means going the humble way; giving
to be forgiven for a lot, who can let go of any such pride more that which humbles you, not that which builds up your ego and
easily, and they can just let Me take over, because they know pride and self-reliance. It means putting your trust in Me to the
their own lives are nothing. Whereas those who've hardly ever utmost, and giving what might cost you a step of faith to give.
committed a wrong in their lives don't even know what they're It's determined by the spirit in which you do it... relying on the
supposed to be forgiven for. My Salvation power isn't nearly as flesh, or seeking My glory in it.
effective in their lives, and can thus also not be used as greatly I want your thoughts to be with Me. I want you to know and
to bring that Salvation, grace, mercy and forgiveness to others. acknowledge your dependence on Me. I want you to humbly be
You can only sell to others what you avail yourself of and are aware of your incapability except for Me. I don't just want you not
using and convinced of yourself. to be obviously proud, but I want you to be definitely humble.

52 __________________________________________________ 55 __________________________________________________
You've got to base your decisions on what's right, not just to Although it's a natural urge in you to accomplish things you
avoid hurt feelings. Some hurts can be good. They can make you can be proud of, you must realize that this natural urge is part of
grow, mature, wise up, learn, expand, able to relate, to the natural man that is at enmity with God. If the natural man is at
sympathize, to have compassion on others and see things from enmity with God, I want you to become a supernatural, spiritual
their angle, and not just your own. man. (See Rom.8:6,7; 1Cor.2:14).
As long as it's your pride that's hurting, it shows that you still If to be carnally minded is death, enmity with God, and not being
need to get rid of. Because there's no way you can serve Me subject to His law of love, and to be spiritually minded is life and
successfully with such a load on your back. peace, you must choose wisely each day between those two
I wasn't tip-toeing through life, just making sure there were never paths I have set before you: the path of life, and the path of
going to be any hurt feelings! I was an exposer of pride and false death; the path of the flesh or the path of the Spirit.
motivations and ambitions of men, and made many enemies. Choose the path of life and spirit each day, and run away from all
It's nice to be considerate, but it's more important to do the rightthings that would promote the flesh or the things that the flesh
thing than just trying to be "nice." Niceness isn't going to save would beckon you to do, the way of death, that is not love and
the world, but the truth is. life and spirit. Flee youthful lusts, run away from the temptations
and enticements of the flesh, and run in the other direction;
pursue those things I want you to seek, and "follow
53 _________________________________________________ righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the
When I call you to follow Me and give your all, then you cannot Lord out of a pure heart" (2Tim.2:22).
allow anything or anybody to hold you back; no earthly ties of Instead of running after money, you'll be running after faith;
flesh and blood, nor emotional ones. For My true soldiers and you'll be following My footprints of faith, and obtain everlasting
called out ones, the Cause will always be above any earthly riches. Instead of thinking you can judge yourself between
obligations, customs, relations or ties. what's right and wrong in your own carnal mind, you'll be
Those who are truly called never settle for less than total seeking My righteousness, and the way I see things, not your
freedom from those earthly bonds. own. Instead of selfishness, you'll seek the ways of love and
In forsaking all, you will find that I will give you My all. unselfishness. Instead of having aggressive and hostile thoughts
on your mind, you'll seek peace with all men, especially your
brethren, those who call on Me out of a pure heart.
54 __________________________________________________ It's righteousness vs. self-righteousness; faith vs. the faithless,
"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." What I have materialistic ways of the world; love vs. selfishness, and peace
promised, I will keep, even if it may look as if I'm not keeping My vs. the aggressive ways of the world. So, when the Enemy
promise, temporarily. Sometimes I have to allow you to reap the tempts you to be self-righteous, to settle for less than My best, to
repercussions of your actions. When you strengthen your arm of be selfish, and with aggressive thoughts, you won't fall for it.
the flesh, and that which builds up your pride and your self- These are choices you're having to make each day between flesh
reliance, then you weaken the spirit. or spirit, the ways of life and the ways of death (Jer.21:8).
You cannot build up both, simultaneously; you either strengthen I need you small, weak, desperate and dependent on Me. I can't
the one or the other. You cannot invest in one without taking have you break out into some display of your own carnal
from the other. By putting your trust in the arm of the flesh, you strength and greatness.
make it harder for yourself to find the door back into the spirit. You have to choose between My humble way and the proud ways
The chained eagle flip flopped back to the old rut & stake, finding of the world, between giving Me all the glory, and cashing in
it hard to break loose again. some of it yourself and patting yourself on the back.
The Enemy tries to put you back on a spiritual chain, once you There's never an excuse to settle for the ways of the flesh, the
return to the stake of the flesh, and he doesn't want to let you go easy way out or the "safe" way. Always cling to Me, lean on Me
again. And I purposely allow you to stay down there and and rely on My Spirit.
experience how tough it can be to get back out of the groove of
the mess isn't there and pointing fingers at others won't help.
56 __________________________________________________ Cleaning up is what life is largely all about.
Not everything you do is obviously or directly an investment
into Eternity: every meal you eat or shower you take is not
exactly an investment in Eternity, but it helps to keep your body 57 __________________________________________________
going, which houses your spirit, and thus keeps it learning, You have to go through certain phases alone. That's when I
growing and progressing. The same applies to other things you draw you to Me or get you to focus more on your helpers. But it's
learn that are really only relevant in this life: exercising, which also important to work in unity. That's what life in My Kingdom is
you won't need to do in your supernatural bodies anymore, about: "together" is the name of the game.
either. But you're going to have to invest something into the here
and now, in order to successfully bear fruit that remains for There's a time for everything, a time for laughter and a time to
Eternity. refrain from it, and I'm teaching you to strike a better balance.
Sometimes the investment is hidden or indirect. The closer you get to the Tribulation, the greater the atrocities
that are being committed in the world around you, the less there
I cared not only about people's spiritual, but also their physical is time for laughter!
well-being, and I still do. I love to provide and supply for you, There is a time when the laughter dies down. Right in the thick
love to give you the things you want, and fulfill your hearts' and the heat of the battle, you won't often feel like laughing.
desires. Sometimes I may not want you to soften the impact of truth,
It wouldn't deem anyone that changing a diaper would be a because the matter is more serious than it may otherwise come
significant act in the light of Eternity or the coming Kingdom of across.
God, but if you think again, you'll see that the selfless and Coming across as "too serious" may have been the better option
humble act of caring for another helpless human being is very than not having taken the matter serious enough... There is such
much something that prepares you for it. It's all about copying a thing as regret over not having done more with your life, not
God and learning to be like Him, and changing diapers is having used it to the full, and some folks have had to experience
something He very much does in a spiritual way all the time, that, simply because they didn't want to deal with the serious
when you've gotten yourself into a mess up to your neck, He side of life. Most folks aren't taking things seriously enough.
always pulls you out of it again, cleans you up and gives you a They've been so drilled to having fun, fun, fun... they can hardly
fresh diaper, right? do anything else anymore. Of course, it's because they've got to
God has changed you and cleaned you from your own dirty work, work, work, so when they're done with it, all they want is
righteousness and sanctified you with His - simply by your act of fun, fun, fun.
receiving Me, His love-gift and Universal Power-Cleaner... It's okay to be serious about certain things.
So, get a change each day, and make sure you run around clean Being a furious voice for the truth has its price. You laugh less.
and fresh, bathed in My true righteousness, and not clinging to You're more serious than the rest of them. That's alright. When it
your own, old smelly version. You have to continue disposing comes down to it, by and large, I was a serious Man. I was not a
yourself of your waste and getting clean before Me and through comedian! But the sitcom mentality has seeped in so deeply into
Me, flushed by My water of the Word, which I abundantly pour people that they think something is wrong if there's no fun and
forth for you, as much as you need. no jest involved. It's time to get away from that type of
God is like a loving Father and Mother who lovingly and smilingly
change their baby's diaper... The Father loves to rid you of your Some problems just cannot be solved in a humorous way. Some
old waste and make you all new and clean. lessons just can't be taught the humorous way. Some battles
So, never consider anything too mundane or too low or too futile can't be fought in a humorous way. It may be that there was a
to invest your time in. It's not the high-falluting, glorious road time when I was leading the Family away from being too serious
that leads to His Kingdom, but the low and humble road, often about themselves, but you've swung to the opposite side of the
paved with seemingly mundane and humbling acts: many dishes pendulum, to where "Be So Happy" has become some people's
to wash, many problems to solve and learn from, even many only credo.
mistakes to make, many diapers to change, both physically and Fun is not the A & O, the all-in-all. It's important and it has its
spiritually. place, but it's not supposed to be your god.

True spirituality is often merely a matter of doing the seemingly

low, humble and mundane tasks in the right Spirit, with the right 58 __________________________________________________
vision, incentive and motivation behind it, powered by Me and My My joy comes from caring for others.
Spirit. That's the vast difference between My true followers, and That's one reason why the Devil tries so hard to discourage
the sterile, pseudo-spiritual Pharisaical church Christians, who anyone from even starting to serve Me and live for others. He
think that by staying out of the dirt and never stooping to the knows that they might start liking it, and that it could cause some
depths of getting your hands dirty with some mundane task, kind of a snowballing effect that he might not be able to stop.
much less any such dirty affairs as sex, they stay spiritually Once you start caring for others, you also reap the benefits.
clean. What they don't realize is that the worst rot possible is Those who leave My service abdicate the joy of caring for others'
coming from within themselves. They may keep covering up their souls to those who pick up their deserted ploughs and crowns.
mess with an outer garment of apparent cleanliness, distract See those poor lost souls out there like abandoned puppies who
from their own spiritual stench by constantly pointing at the sins are looking and longing for a new owner. Say to their souls, "I
of others, or even making sins out of acts which are none in My will care for you! I'll take care of you from now on." And even if
eyes, but they can't deceive Me, nor anyone else who sees things you can't do it yourself, you know you can bring them to Me, the
as they are in the Spirit. They're like naughty children who true Master of their souls, and if you give them into My care,
constantly run away from their parents when Mama wants to put you'll know they'll always be in the best hands possible. You can
on a fresh diaper. already care and accomplish a lot for someone by caring enough
to pray for them and commit their care into My hands!
Getting rid of your waste is nothing to be ashamed of. It's only
pride that makes you want to hide that you're just as much of a Little lambs are some of the cutest animals around, and that's
dirty sinner as all the rest. Once you admit it and submit to the precisely the way I see lost souls. It takes work to care for them.
cleaning process, it's okay. But isn't it worth it? Isn't it the greatest thrill you can possibly
"No matter what kind of a mess you've gotten yourself into, you imagine?
can always go and clean it right up." Covering up and pretending Caring for others is what life, the universe, and the whole
purpose of existence is all about. anyone to marry, to give them a chance to manifest that bond of
Joy forever is our slogan. Come on and get some by giving love between two people that it might result in fruit that I have
some! ordained, is a doctrine of devils, who gleefully rejoice at the
deception they have wrought in those self-righteous hearts, that
made love for yet two more people impossible (see 1Tim.4:1-5).
59 __________________________________________________ That's what I would call sin! To put a stop to all that love that I
My true chosen ones won't settle for compromise with the evil could be pouring from one person into another and back and
one! For them there is only all-out war with him, and only one forth through their loving union - made impossible by some
goal in sight: the earth freed from his tyranny. outrageous and preposterous law of man, concocted by the Devil
It's important not to act out of an agenda of personal vendetta, himself: "Thou shalt not love! It's against our rules!"
and not to fight in a blind rage, but out of love, to rescue your What bondage! What cruelty! What guilt those self-righteous
friends. servants of Satan heap upon themselves, deceiving themselves
into believing that they're actually doing Me service with their
You can avail yourself of the help and wisdom of those from hypocrisy, their spiritual crimes, their lack of love and the self-
beyond time, and their wisdom and insight, their battle righteous hatred they sow!
experience, in order to fulfill your destiny and do your part to As I said "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees," I say "woe"
contribute to the victory and triumph of good over evil. unto them!
You are destined to make a difference! If I remain the Same, yesterday, today and forever, you can be
assured that I have not changed in this aspect! Just as I
60 __________________________________________________ condemned the self-righteous Pharisees of My days, so do I
I took the burden of the law off your shoulders. I have paid the condemn those of today, even if they call themselves
price, and I have taken that weight off your shoulders. It's a "Christians." They are the ones of whom I said," Depart from Me,
matter of faith, though. How much do you really believe in My I never knew you!" They never knew Me, and I never knew them!
Salvation power? Of how much guilt do you believe My sacrifice Their hearts are far from Me, although their lips may praise Me,
was capable of cleansing you? but their praise is dead - killed by their works, which are not
Some folks prefer to still take some of the load on their own works of love, but works of self-righteousness, of pride, and
shoulders. thus, of hatred.
They insist on carrying part of the burden themselves, they are They justify their hatred, their killing of the innocents and poor
addicted to the flesh to the extent that they need and want to do by relying on Me, thus besmirching My name before the world,
part of the works in their own energy and strength. making Me a God unworthy of anyone's faith, only worthy to be
They cling to the lies of the Devil that they're not good enough, mocked, despised and rejected. They are the ones who crucify
that they must first obtain some level of goodness before they Me afresh every day. For not only do they reject My sacrifice for
are worthy of receiving all My gifts to the full. themselves by insisting on leaning on their own righteousness
But it's not goodness that would "earn" them My blessings, but for the "preserving of their salvation" (as if any such thing were
faith. Faith and humility. The faith to receive, and the humility to possible), but they also rob salvation from others, leave them in
accept it, that there's nothing you can do on your own to make eternal insecurity. Satan rejoices in them as his greatest feat yet,
you any more worthy. ever! The perfect deception! The perfect "Christian" cloak, for the
perfect satanic and diabolical plot!
They cling to the letter of the law, rather than to the spirit. They're
living on the fringes, and not from the true center. They don't
allow Me to become their True Center. All they want is the fringes, 61 __________________________________________________
the skeleton, the frame that holds the construction together: a It's not so much what you do that matters, but why you do it,
form of godliness without the power thereof. A facade, really. what motivations and incentives lie behind it. What's the spirit
That's what the church system is all about: pretty buildings that behind it? You've got My Spirit, so let that be the Spirit that's
look nice and fancy on the outside, "pretty" Christians that look behind the things that you do.
nice and "clean" and "proper" on the outside, but you dare not
look inside. I can use you in any situation, if you let Me and commit it into My
hands! My goal is to be able to use you in every situation, that
They're the type of people who made sure the Romans had Me wherever you are, whatever you do, I can use you, and My words
crucified. Without ever getting their own hands dirty, yet they will come bubbling out of your mouth, My Spirit, My living waters
were the ones guilty of My blood. Pilate made it pretty plain to will flow out of your belly at all times, "as the Scripture hath said"
them that he refused to take that responsibility when he washed (Jn.7:38).
his hands before them, and he was more righteous in My eyes
than they were. You can always keep fighting for the victory, even if all you do is
This is hard for you to grasp, but there are unbelievers who are pray! You've got to fight for the victory in prayer! You've got to
more righteous in My eyes than some Christians. pray without ceasing! If you don't have time to hear from Me in a
It is the true law, the "moral law" that's written in every man's particular situation, you can still pray!
heart; the law of love, and the degree to which every man obeys
it, that determines how righteous he is, not all those ridiculous The Enemy is trying to get you to carry the burden yourself. But
little rules and laws they come up with themselves. your primary responsibility is to pray and ask Me for help, not to
You will only be judged and rewarded by the amount of love you try and carry the load yourself!
had for others, you will be judged by the Law of Love, not any
man-made rules about adultery and fornication. The amount of
love is what counts. The amount of love you give is what will 62 __________________________________________________
count toward your degree of righteousness; and the lack of love There's more to the here and now than you previously
you display and manifest will be on the other side of the balance. fathomed, and that includes the care of your bodies, the
Are you making people feel loved? Are you making it easy for responsibility you have toward others and the impact you have
them to love? Or are you putting heavy burdens on them, that in on their lives, and basically your whole sample, that which you
the final analyses spell out nothing else than: "thou shalt not constitute, that which you convey, the energy you give off,
love"? Which is precisely what those hypocrites are doing by basically, what you are.
forbidding to marry, which is and remains a doctrine of devils, To just be is a greater responsibility, something you actually
whether the person has been married before or not, and whether principally do for others. You make an effort to be the best that
the person has decided to become a priest or not. Forbidding you can for their sake, so that you can be strong enough to pull
them out of the hole and over to My side; that you can be a usually never really accomplish the kind of things that count, as
strong enough light and signal for them to find their way Home; far as I'm concerned, simply because the wrong spirit is behind
that you can be a good and clear enough sample of My love and it... the wrong incentive. It just clashes with My Spirit, the two
of what a disciple of Mine is truly supposed to be like, so that don't jibe. Love is love and pride is pride and ne'er the twain shall
they won't be turned off, as happens so often with average meet.
Christians. That's why, as soon as there's pride involved, something's
What you are is more important than you thought, and thus it wrong, it causes the machinery to malfunction. It's like a law of
requires more work, more investment of your time and effort than spiritual mechanics: a big no-no.
you thought, and it entails more than just feeding your spirit. The position of your heart in these matters of accomplishment is
While that was the major emphasis, and it was building a good just as important as the positions of individual pieces in a
and thorough foundation, now we're going to have to get back to machine, or some sophisticated equipment. You can't put a
strengthening and building up the rest of you, and all that it motor in the trunk of a car for instance. But that's in a way, what
entails: your body and your overall sample, which includes your lots of people do, like that old saying, they put their carts before
Home, your team, etc. their horses. It's the horse power that's got to do the job,
What you are is important. Especially when you have managed to otherwise the cart isn't going to get anywhere, and that applies to
become nothing for Me. The art is in building up what you are your relation with Me, too. Some people think they don't need the
supposed to be without simultaneously building up your pride, horse, or the motor or the fuel anymore, they're coasting along
your ego, your carnal self, that which you're not supposed to be. on some former momentum, and they don't realize that the oil
Your soul consists of your whole man, body and spirit. What we has run out or the horses are asleep. Without oil, that motor's
had to get rid of was the carnal man, the one who just seeks to going to give up the ghost pretty soon and cause one helluva
build up his own pride and seeks the opposite of My will for you, stench.
the sinful nature in you that always seeks to contradict Me, to That's why I can use you better if you just know that you're
doubt Me, to strive against Me, to run away from Me. But if the utterly dependent on good maintenance, constant refills of fuel
first thing you do every morning is yield your whole life to Me, and oil, and make sure that the whole machinery is in order. All
and spend the time with Me that is needed in order to shed the these things illustrate the intricacy of your lives for Me. There are
carnal man and put on the spiritual man, then we can also many factors to consider, and, as usual, lots of folks never
wholeheartedly focus on building up your body and all that goes bother to read the manual, or they simply misunderstand or
with it. misinterpret the parts they do read, or they're not looking for
That is perhaps where you misjudged others before and couldn't contact with the Master Mechanic and Technician Who could
see why they were putting so much emphasis on what you show them all they need to know.
considered carnal things. I like to be involved in your earthly matters a whole lot more than
That's how easy it is to misjudge things, people and situations, most people realize.
and how easy it is to see things the wrong way... the carnal way. It's important to remember that you are not alone. There's help
The carnal way likes to camouflage itself as the spiritual way and available for you. How silly it would be to constantly ignore that
manifests itself especially in religious hypocritical self- help & insist on doing everything alone.
righteousness. The Pharisees were more carnal-minded and "in Tuning in to Me isn't only a one-on-one process, but it includes
the flesh" than those sinners they looked down on, because the tuning in to the other members of your team as well, both, on this
"spiritual" sins of self-righteousness and spiritual pride are side as on your side of the curtain. There are oodles of folks
much more severe, and much more deeply rooted in the flesh involved in everything, so you must expand your horizon and
than the mere desire to enjoy the bodies I have given you, modus operandi to working with multiple members and partners
including all its functions. in this body, My church, learning to tune in to them, and being
That's why there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end open to input from them at any given time, requesting their input,
thereof are the ways of death. To the carnal mind it looks the counseling with them, checking in with them, both, your team
opposite of the way I see it. The way that seems right on the members on earth and in the spirit world.
surface is the sanctimonious way, that's why you've got to look I want you to get a broader spectrum of things in general, not the
deeper, below the surface, and see what I've got to say about it, uni-directional way of looking at things, the way a horse with
and how I see things. That's what My truth does, and bathing blinkers would. Expand your horizon and circumference and look
yourself in the truth of My Words: it helps you to see things My around you in a full 360 degree circle. There's more to perceive
way, and not the way your carnal mind would interpret things. It than just the path ahead of you, more than just your own crown
tells you, "things are not what they seem." and reward, your own personal goal. There's a unified goal that
Of course, the most important thing is still the Spirit, and what everyone on My side is working together on reaching, and they're
they can see in your eyes is so much more relevant and hoping that you're going to be a good team player, listen to their
important than any physical sample could be. counsel.
You've got to look deeply, especially when it comes to people, You are not alone. There are millions around you, trying and
and you cannot judge by exterior things, just as you wouldn't wanting to help you, so open your channel, and also be receptive
want them to judge you for your exterior. It's the spirit that for the input they can contribute through those at your side!
counts, and that you can only see once you look beyond the Everything belongs. And everybody, too! You're not supposed to
exterior, and you've got to make that effort. tackle it all by yourself.

63 __________________________________________________ 64 __________________________________________________
It's not really love, if it's not humble. As soon as the boasting Dedicating your time to Me is an art that can be improved by
starts, it starts to get smelly in the spirit. It's like some delicious the amount of energy and intensity you put into it. Committing
meal. If you let it stand for too long, it will go bad. There has to be the day into My hands in prayer is like drawing a rough sketch &
constant movement and renewal. The old has to be discarded, a general deal that says, "here, Lord, make out of it the best you
and a new meal has to be prepared. A new offering has to be know how." But if you want to go into the details and make a fine
made, without time for resting on your laurels of the past. You art out of it, you say, "Lord, I dedicate this next hour to You, and I
can't sit back and pat yourself on the back for the souls you've want to put my whole being into it! Take me, possess me to the
already won. You just keep going, the way a good housewife full and help me to make the utmost possible out of it." It's like
knows she's got to cook another meal every day, got to keep the difference between passively making love and being the one
cleaning, got to keep going, got to keep doing the humble task... who takes the initiative. There's a time for both, but as You know,
Those who are too busy worrying, "what's in it for me?" and it's nice to have variety.
wondering about the amount of glory they're going to get, Put some passion into it, some initiative, some more dedication.
The amount you'll get out of it is determined by what you put into I hand you some situations for you to hand them back to Me,
it. The more you give, the more I give back to you. The more you the way a father rolls a ball toward his child, expecting him to roll
are determined not to settle for anything less than the very best it back. That's the way the game works. After you've rolled it back
you can make and get out of each single day, the more to Me by committing the problem to prayer, and I've done what I
wholeheartedly you pray, the greater the results are going to be. can to improve the situation, I'll roll it back to you, and have you
There's always more to give. Just like there is always more to do a little bit of what you can.
receive from Me, and I always have something more to give to I bring out that hidden potential in you.
you, I have made you so much in My image, that there's always
something more left in you to give, another extra ounce of
progress to make, yet another little bit to grow... 67 __________________________________________________
There's always more, not only of Me, but also of you, that you Mine is a straight and narrow path, and although My voice and
can give to Me, and I, in return, will give you all the more of Me. My signs are everywhere, and My handwriting is seen all over
When I know you give Me your all, and there's nothing you're creation, it is only few who are able to see it. Only few are able to
withholding from Me, then I also give My all to you. When there's make out My path, because the majority choose to look out for
nothing withheld, but all is given on both sides, that is utter other things. People primarily focus on the things they are
surrender, total passion, that's when life has truly begun. interested in, and My still small voice of truth that promotes the
By holding back you're just cheating yourself out of the greatest path of sacrifice and humility is inaudible to the majority, who are
possible thrills you could ever experience. still following the ways of the flesh.
Once you come up with the necessary amount of energy to break
through to the other side, My helpers will have a much easier As you walk My path, and people start to pay attention to you, the
time inspiring you with the necessary thoughts that will guide tests are becoming harder, and the Enemy thinks up more
you to do the things that will help you accomplish the best and intricate schemes to deceive you and lead you astray. The
most you can. immediate, tangible blessing is often accepted at the cost of the
What is needed in order to ensure the best possible guidance hidden, unseen and eternal blessing.
you can receive from Me, is a certain desperation that ensures It takes desperate seeking of My face and of My will to find out
Me that you don't want to settle for anything less than My best which is truly My blessing, which is the Devil's temptation; which
possible option for you, that you're really serious about it all, and is truly My will, and which is the will of the flesh.
that you really want to invest something into this; and I won't be My will for you will usually be the path of crucifixion, not the
slack about rewarding you and blessing you accordingly. exaltation of the flesh.

65 __________________________________________________ 68 __________________________________________________
People often demand from each other a perfection that they There's more to making salvation work out in this life than the
lack themselves. It's a form of idolatry, because it's trying to mere act of receiving Me. Receiving Me may secure their place in
make a god out of something that is no god, namely another Heaven, but whether their life on earth is going to be more like
human being. Instead of turning to Me as the Source of hope, heaven or more like hell largely depends on which way they point
strength, love and inspiration, they turn to a futile, empty vessel their antenna in the here and now. It depends on whether they're
like themselves, fragile and imperfect, projecting into them hopes also going to accept Me in their consciousness.
that only I can fulfill. To make salvation work out in the present life takes more than to
And thus they create another scapegoat. Someone they can just say a little prayer to receive Me into their hearts. That prayer
blame for their emptiness, their disappointment, their may secure their eternal Salvation, but to make it work and make
unhappiness. it happen during their lives on earth, they have to strive to live
and obey the first and great commandment to love Me with all
Pride is a dangerous deceiver that distorts reality, and once their hearts, all their souls and minds.
somebody starts walking down that path, the end of happiness They've got to put their salvation and their faith into practice. In
and harmonious living together is in sight. "Pride cometh before order to grow, they have to keep receiving and drinking in My
a fall." Hopefully, you will just be able to get back up again, wipe milk, My Word. When that flow stops, they become "alienated
off the dirt, bandage up the wounds and keep walking, and from the life of God." All that remains is their little egos that are
hopefully everyone involved will learn their lesson and recognize often even “smaller” than those of their unbelieving counterparts
the impostor next time he'll come in another camouflage. who have never known Me, because they are still searching what
has once been found and rejected by the former believer. The
You and you alone are responsible. You can't blame anybody ego of the backslider is a diminishing ego, it shrinks, so to
else. You can't blame the older one, the stronger one, the speak, because they have found and rejected Me and My truth
supposedly wiser one for your own failures to take heed and not already; there is nothing for them to grow toward or look forward
fall into the Devil's traps. to... just a selfish little existence with no other destiny than to
No excuse is going to hold ground, as to why the other person finally return to Me.
was to blame. You could have focused on Me instead of them. That's why backsliders and apostates are sometimes capable of
greater evil than those who never found Me. The Devil makes
The culprit is your own failure to look unto Me instead of them. them mad at the unconditional forgiveness they received in their
There's no one else you could blame for that. salvation, and they want to prove that they're not worthy of it,
that it was a mistake for Me to ever grant them that salvation. The
In your efforts to learn to work together you cannot forget that Devil uses them to show what a "fool" I was, in his eyes, to ever
it's you alone who is responsible for your own actions and save them in the first place, and die for them.
choices, your own victory or defeat, because it is I that give the Only those who can see through the great mystery until its very
victory, not any other person. It may have been helpful if the end can believe in such unconditional and vast, all-forgiving and
other person would have been strong, wise and quick enough to all-embracing love. It goes totally against the grain of the pride of
do the right thing in order to ensure your keeping the victory, but man, any philosophy of works, of being able to earn one's own
ultimately, your personal victory does not depend on them, but salvation, because it becomes obvious that only I can do it. And
only on whether your own heart is right with Me, whether you're that is, of course, the option the natural man refuses and rejects,
truly and fully leaning on Me and trusting in Me, or not. until he gets to the point where there's no other way, and they
finally yield to Me in their desperation.

66 __________________________________________________ The human spirit is like a wild horse that needs to be tamed
through the experiences it suffers. It has to be won over through lazy sheep, then it's time to wise up!
real and true friendship and love. No falseness or harshness or Sometimes you've got to get out of the way and let Me appear on
ulterior motives driven by pride will do. Only the real thing. the scenery!
"Stand back, and see Me fight!" It takes true wisdom to recognize
when that time has come and then to realize that you're actually
69 __________________________________________________ doing the person a greater favor by withdrawing.
Part of developing spiritual strength is learning to resist By spoon-feeding them, you're actually ministering to their
temptation. I want you to learn how empty, vain, futile and what a laziness, and at the same time, neglecting other tasks.
waste that spirit of the world is. It's betrayal of Me. There is a time and a season for everything under the sun: a time
to spoon-feed, and a time when they've grown enough to be
Whether you're going to stand strong in the hour of temptation getting the food for themselves.
(Rev.3:10) is being determined now, by how firm you stand in the Sometimes You simply have to have the humility to get out of the
relatively small temptations of every day. Are you going to allow way!
yourself to be pulled along with their current? Or will you stand The plan is for each one to establish their own, personal
strong and resist it, and pull them along with Mine? connection with Me, and in order for them to learn that, you have
You haven't yet resisted unto blood, striving against the sins of to get out of the way!
foolishness, worldliness and shallowness that are trying to Sometimes, it's time to shut up and let Me do the talking.
entice you and beguile you. You're causing them to form a habit of dependence on you, when
what I want is for them to form a healthy habit of dependence on
Me. Your intentions may be good, but you're actually operating
70 __________________________________________________ against My will.
I know the human heart, and that it doesn't seek My interests
in the natural. You don't have to put on any false pretenses with
Me. I know you inside out, and I totally know where you're at. You 72 __________________________________________________
don't even need to apologize. I know what to do in order to get You're not just learning to disregard the negative
you to turn around and learn from your mistakes. circumstances and stay cheerful in spite of them, but you also
I'm much more merciful and longsuffering and patient than you disregard the opportunity for relying on the flesh in the more
can fathom. I've got to be longsuffering, patient and forgiving favorable circumstances, and instead of patting yourself on the
enough for any sinner. My love has got to be big enough to even back, or trusting in your own arm of the flesh, you choose to stay
embrace those running far outside of the range of what you humble and desperate and dependent on Me, as if nothing had
would consider "the fold." My fold is so much larger than that. changed, truly treating success the same as failure: praising Me
My range is so much wider than what most people consider. for both, and treating them equally.
I'm a Champion of those who are considered losers by the
standards of the System.
My sheep won't feel at home with that crowd. 73 __________________________________________________
I wish I had better news for you, I wish this world were a better I can't let you fall prey to the complacent spirit of taking all
place, one where you could feel more at home, but it isn't. It just things for granted.
You're not what they want, because you're not one of them. As long as everything's rosy, it's hard to stay desperate. But as
Wolves can always tell the sheep underneath all that wolves' soon as I let the Devil loose to blow down your neck, you know
clothing. you're not at home in this world...
As soon as you're having a problem you've got something to
I'm leading you to the most unattractive option of all times – as seek and ask Me about, you're hungry and desperate for a
far as the carnal mind is concerned: I'm leading your heart back solution, you need Me.
Home to Me.
It's going to strengthen and immensely increase your amount of The solution lies in the very desperation, that vacuum, that void
love for Me, finding out just how futile, empty and vain all the for Me to fill.
other options are. "Power, popularity and plenty are dangerous." In other words, if
Being human gives you all the liberties to experience "freedom you're un-popular, it's good for you; if you're poor, it's good for
from Me," to live out the total majesty of freedom of choice. And you, and if you're a weak little nobody, it's also good for you!
those whose hearts truly belong to Me realize that "freedom from
Me" isn't freedom at all, but the opposite, that true freedom lies in
belonging to Me. 74 __________________________________________________
There is no other way to overcome your Enemy than by
"Pray without ceasing" means, "be in tune with Me always," getting to know him, his tactics, his schemes, his ways of
constantly. And whenever you experience moments when that's operating.
not the case, then it's usually a reminder that you would have Those who choose to basically remain oblivious to his very
been better off if it would have been so. existence, much less get to know his modus operandi, will look a
lot worse when the final battle and clinch comes.
You have to learn to be able to recognize the Enemy at work in
71 __________________________________________________ the circumstances he uses and manipulates, never losing site of
The sense of "being needed" can sometimes be a form of the fact that if I allow it in the first place, then there must be a
pride, or it can minister to your pride. "They need me," and so, good purpose in it.
you're flattered, and you devote all the time to them that they You ought to be learn to rejoice in adverse circumstances,
want, instead of having them learn to communicate with Me knowing that they serve My purpose of bringing out the very best
instead. It's like the proverb about teaching someone how to fish, possible in you.
instead of giving them food. You have to decide which way you're I'm teaching you through all this to remain stable in spite of
going to be a greater help to others: by just spending hours and anything. You cannot go according to outward circumstances
hours with one single sheep daily, spoon-feeding them, just and influences, and you won't, if you cling to Me tightly in spite
because he's too lazy to dig for the food himself, or by telling of and regardless of anything. You'll still remain firm if your focus
them where to get it, and thus be able to devote time to others as is on Me.
When there are other sheep being neglected because of the one It shouldn't matter to you whether it's hot or cold. It's easier to
handle the heat or the cold than lukewarm complacency. to hope instead of despair!
Life has it's ups and downs, and I purposely allow a whole lotta Be the one who dares to hope: dare to hope, dare to expect the
shakin' going on in order to test you. The ultimate clinch being, good things, instead of always expecting the worst in order to
will you trust Me anyway, or at some point allow yourself to avoid disappointments and hurt! Dare to look up, full of
believe that you know better than Me? expectancy! Don't allow yourself to be bogged down by
Real faith will continue trusting that I know what I'm doing. pessimism and negative expectations, not only for your sake, but
for the sake of those around you, who look up to you!
How can you grow beyond your limits unless you've been driven Be freed from the chains that tie you to earth, trudging in a circle,
to your limits to find out what they are and where they are? There and look up and soar high into the heavens instead.
will always be new limits to discover and explore, you will reach
points you have never known before. But instead of freaking out
about it, you can rest assured that if I have trusted you with the 78 __________________________________________________
former one, that you were going to be able to handle it and make The greatest victors are those who refuse to believe the
it through that one, I'm also allowing you to handle this one circumstances that indicate or announce defeat! They keep
because I know you can do it. fighting anyway, they keep believing anyway, that they're going
to win. That's the kind of attitude that refuses to give in even to
Maybe I will allow the Enemy to drive you just a little bit beyond the most un-promising circumstances.
your limit. But next time, you'll be able to handle more. And it's True victors don't go by what "it seems like." They know that
necessary, because things are going to get worse, and you need those appearances can be deceiving. They don't fall for "false
to get to know your limits, your weak points, and you need to be evidence appearing real." Instead, they cling to My Word, that all
aware of them, able to recognize them and be cautious of them. things are possible to him that believeth. It seems impossible?
But you cannot use them as an excuse to quit and give up. If you Make it possible, by believing anyway. You can make it possible,
hand it back over to Me at that point where you can't handle it you can make it happen through your faith, because all things
anymore, it'll all work out alright, just as it always has. are possible to him that believes.
It may seem to you as if you're losing ground, but you refuse to
believe in the loss, because the eyes of faith can see that beyond
75 __________________________________________________ every apparent loss there is always something greater to gain
People can tend to become spoiled through a lot of attention. from it and through it. It's never a true loss, but only an
They can get used to it and think they have a right to it and start opportunity for something greater to be gained by it. They've
demanding it. learned that apparent losses are only opportunities for progress,
It’s never wrong to give, but it depends on what it is you give. It's because they've come to experience that "God never takes one
never wrong to give the right thing, that which I show you a thing away from you without giving you something better."
person needs. Just be open and expectant, hopeful for that "something better."
Otherwise it can happen that you give and you give, and folks You may not know what it is yet, but you're just going to have to
just get used to it and wind up taking it for granted... let Me surprise you. Maybe I want you to create something better
To stretch out their arms of faith and touch Me personally and than what you formerly had... Maybe I want you to prime the
really get to know Me is the best thing you can convey to them. pump of your creativity a bit and give you new inspirations to
Instead of spoon feeding them, teach them how to get ahold of create something better than the previous and make some
the food and the nourishment, even if it does take a bit of time. progress, get a little bit further than you were last time...
Every now and then it's time for progress, time to upgrade and
update. Whenever I have an upgrade in store for you, you can
76 __________________________________________________ always be sure that it's truly an improvement on the stock. I
All the self-analysis and introspection in the world isn't going really want to make it true, what the song says, "Every day is
to do for you what I can do for you, and what you can do by getting better since I came to Jesus."
looking unto Me. The Devil sure tries to make it look as if that weren't true, he
sometimes even makes it look as if it were the farthest thing from
the truth, but I want to make you see that it's true: that every day
77 __________________________________________________ is going to get better in some way than the previous. You're
Learn to look unto Me as I looked unto the Father. going to be a little bit wiser, a little bit stronger, and ultimately
The more you look unto Me, the more you absorb Me, just as I happier than when you started out. I'm going to see to that!
absorbed the Father by looking at Him. This doesn't mean that it's going to always be easier, because in
I couldn't do anything without the Father, but because I was order to make you stronger, there has to be some weight, some
constantly looking unto Him, there was nothing I couldn't do. resistance, some challenge, and the stronger you get, the more
And so it is with you: the more you look unto Me, the greater One you'll be able to handle.
beyond yourself enabling you to do all things, and without Whom If it seems as if somebody is not getting stronger, but a problem
you're able to do nothing, the more powerful you will also seems to prevail, then the challenge may consist in finding out
become in My might. what it is that seems to be hindering the progress. Perhaps that
If you keep looking unto Me, you will have My supernatural person's faith isn't really truly in Me in all points, but there is
wisdom that will help you to say and do the right things. You some false hope or illusion they cling to, some concoction of
won't be making so many mistakes anymore. You will walk in their own mind instead of My ultimate truth. There might be some
love more, as you absorb My love by looking unto Me. mindset about certain issues where they have adopted their
The Devil would keep you focused on the ground, walking by "own" truth, and haven't really dug down to the bottom of My
sight, instead of by faith. But if you keep looking unto Me, I reality in this certain aspect.
promise, I won't let you fall into the ditch, and it is much better to
put your trust in Me than in your own wisdom. Maybe they're going elsewhere instead of Me to find what only I
By always looking to the ground in order to avoid the pitfalls you can give them. "...Since I came to Jesus" means coming back to
miss many golden opportunities on the horizon that are only Me regularly and all the time for more, and not running elsewhere
seen by looking up, by the trustful vision of hope and instead. Of course, it's your job also to find out what you can do
expectation. in order to improve the situation, and not just assume that
See the heavenly vision, the heavenly viewpoint and angle of everything is going to get better all by itself. You need to
things. contribute your part in order for everything to get better and
Be different, stick out from the down-looking, down-trodden every day to get better.
masses and be one who dares to look up instead, one who dares You can contribute your part in making it nicer and better for
someone else and be Jesus for them in some ways, to be a If you're not going to find freedom in Me, then who is going to
manifestation of My love for them. In order to make it better for find it anywhere? I didn't set you free only in order to place new
everyone involved, each party has to allow Me to use them to be rules and burdens and regulations on you, or put pressure on
Me for someone else. I have determined not to do it all by Myself, you to strive to be exactly like another group of people! You have
but to use you as My co-players and team mates. How much are the right and the privilege to just be you! In all your uniqueness,
you willing to let Me use you? craziness, along with all your peculiar traits and idiosyncrasies,
etc. You have My official permission!
Giving all the glory to Me is not the same as letting Me do If anyone asks you who gave you the permission to be that weird
everything and refusing to play your part in it! and odd, just tell'em I did. If I'm fine with it, they're also going to
You should ask yourself, "What can I do in order to make this day learn to be fine with it in the long run. That's why you shouldn't
a little bit better than the day before for this person? How can I worry about what people are going to think or say about you. You
be the love of God for them?" Part of making "everyday better" is shouldn't have to feel like you've got to hide your being different.
to shift your focus from yourself to what you can do in order to Who says everybody's got to be all the same? Or who said that
improve life for someone else. That's what truly will make it's something bad to do things differently?
everyday better, and a major part of the secret of how it works. If there's anything I want My Family to be, it's different. I want
The secret lies in letting the light you receive from Me by coming there to be an alternative to that which already exists, especially
to Me spill over on others' lives... in not only feeding yourself and that so-called normal arm-of-the-flesh-dependent System.
letting the others see to it themselves, how they're going to get
their nourishment, but also sharing the food, sharing the
inspiration, and feeding each other. 80 __________________________________________________
It's another of those points that's actually pretty basic, but that It has turned out to be safer to make the Family look a little
hasn't really sunk down deep into the roots of your attitude. Your less attractive to begin with, so that only those who truly search
attitude shows where you're "at," whether you got the point, and for the real thing will also find it there.
at which level of progress you are, your level of maturity and It's a little bit like the motley crew of the "Nebuchadnezzar" in
vintage and quality of character. Is yours a selfish, introverted "The Matrix:" They didn't exactly look like the epitome of a
attitude, or a giving, mature and loving one? "happy family," or like the kind of outfit anybody would be proud
to join right off the bat. It was more like, "Oh, my God, you must
be kidding! Tell me that this isn't really happening!"
79 __________________________________________________ My people have always been a peculiar people, simply because
Life is more important than accomplishment. It's more than they are not of this world. There have been certain periods and
that. The heart is what matters, the motivation; you've got to "golden eras" during which My church enjoyed a certain
have the right incentives. It can't just be your own ambition or popularity, but they were few and far between, and often rather
urge for accomplishment, your desire to see your name in neon due to some compromise with the existing systems of the world
lights, not even a desire for the shiniest crown and biggest which consequently brought My judgment upon them, and the
rewards in Heaven. It's got to be love. Your motivation has got to eventual downfall of their glory.
be your love for them, which comes from the love I give you for
them because you have experienced My love, and you want to My true disciples are going to be able to thrive on anything, no
pass it on. matter how rough the circumstances, they will keep going, and
will keep producing the life-giving medicine for the souls of the
It takes faith to do things differently than the rest, but that's all world, as long as they regularly get some of My refreshing
part of the school of faith. You've got to know which role you're waters! All My true disciples need is Me and My refreshing
supposed to play, and you've got to be sure of it, confident in it, waters. I will do and provide all the rest for them. It's got to be
and allow nothing to shake you or dissuade you from it. entirely My working.
One of the advantages of when you're not part of the "in-crowd"
anyway, when you realize you're different to begin with, is that You can provide the plant or the soul with water, and you can
you're not bound by peer pressure as much, and you have apply a little bit of tender loving care for it, but in the long run,
greater liberties to do things differently. what keeps it growing, is My miracle-working power, which will
continue to work in spite of anything you do or won't do.
You can only advertise for a product successfully if you're truly a
satisfied customer first. You can't offer anybody a better life So, just make sure that My sap runs in you freely and richly, and
unless you first show that you truly enjoy life yourself. You can't you're bound to bring forth fruit. Keep watering those little
show anyone the key to happiness - at least not very saplings, don't let them dry up and wither away, keep praying for
convincingly - unless you show that you're experiencing that them, and then trust Me for the rest, that I will do what you can't
happiness yourself. do.
The same powerful, continuous process that keeps the entire
Not everybody in My Kingdom has to do things exactly the same universe in motion, will also keep you and your spiritual babies
way. There's nothing wrong with being different. If I would have alive! Just make sure they can see and sense My Spirit in you,
meant for everyone to be and do exactly the same, I could have and let Me worry about all the rest!
seen to it. I'm an Advocate and Fan of variety, rather than
monotonous similarity. I delight in the differences between you.
81 __________________________________________________
You've got to be motivated and driven by My love, not some thing The differences between your children are the factors of which
in your head that tells you, "You ought to, because the other consist a lot of the challenges and lessons in your life: to learn to
ones are doing it, too!" Find out what it is that I want you to do handle each of them individually and take them where they're at.
personally about the basic instructions I've already given you, of There's no standard procedure that works with all of them. You
loving Me and others and spreading My Words. Which is the way know basically, what everybody needs is love. But how do you
you can most efficiently participate in My efforts? It does not apply that love with each one, individually? That is the challenge,
mean that you've got to do it exactly the same as they. and what makes life interesting. Most folks don't even want to
bother to find out how to get along with different people. They'd
You've got the freedom to do and be whatever and whoever you rather just get into their own little work, their jobs or their
wish to be for Me! Some people are afraid of their freedom! Enjoy hobbies. But I've made it so that sooner or later, everybody is
it! Embrace it, live it, proclaim it, flaunt it! It's nothing to be going to be confronted with different people, the differences in
ashamed of! "You can be free!" people, and thus they're forced to at least be confronted with the
different view of things, even if they may not accept it. It is so in The best thing you can learn out of your mistakes is: don't try to
order to show people that there is such a thing as a different do it on your own, but always avail yourself of My help! If you call
view and perspective, and I'm already hinting through that, that on Me and rely on Me, you won't fail. If I'm your strength, you
they're all going to get a surprise in the end to find out how I won't be too weak! You won't disappoint folks, because you'll be
have seen things all along: the totally different view - God's view! pointing them to Me, the only One Who can fulfill their desires
Insisting that your own personal view of things is the only right
one is like insisting you're God, and everyone else's opinion
doesn't matter. And that is, unfortunately, what many people do: 83 __________________________________________________
they put themselves first, ignore the needs of others, and There are false types of love, selfish types of love, which don't
basically play God. But usually something happens somewhere necessarily come across like love or as benevolent or something
along the line that causes them to realize that it's a fairly solitary good on the side of the receptor. With men, this is sometimes
and frustrating game, that it's a lot easier and better in the long manifested when they have a sexual urge and desire for
run to agree with people with different views at times. someone, and they can't understand why this should only come
And that's where the process of learning from others sets in, and across as repulsive on the other side. With women, it manifests
voilá, you will have stumbled upon one of the major purposes sometimes in a way that they try to spoil the one they love too
and meanings of life. much; heap too much attention and care on them, which comes
across as suffocating on the side of the receptor of such "love."
In other words, part of the meaning behind the differences that These types of situation have contributed to some people losing
exist between people and every kind of creature is also a part of faith in love altogether. They saw that love - or what they thought
the meaning of life: to simply behold the difference of the other was love - didn't work. They got hurt in their attempts to love.
and learn from it, absorb it, register it, test it, prove it, and if it But people need to realize that love is something greater than
turns out to be any good, perhaps assimilate it, or at least accept what they often consider love. "Love loves the unlovely." It
and tolerate it. All that spells growth. And in the long run, this is reaches out toward those you would have no natural desire to
one of the major contributing factors to all of you - all of us - reach out for. It seeks what is best for them, not what you may
growing into One. Simply put, it's love. think is best for them. It seeks what is really the best for them. It
is open to possibilities that are contrary to your own natural
expectations or notions of what others might need, as drawn
82 __________________________________________________ from your own conclusions based on your own needs. Love
If you live in the light, the light will also rub off on those makes an effort to see the other - the totally other side!
around you, they can't help it.
It expands its view way beyond one’s own limited personal view
You’re finding yourself facing the problem that has occurred in of things and is ready to deal with what's totally different, even
many people's lives: how to present someone with Me who has opposite of what you've known all along. Love makes you grow.
formerly been seared by the bad experiences of having been It doesn't just keep you in your comfy-cozy little world right
presented with a false image of Me. How do you present the real where you are. It doesn't hesitate to get its hands dirty, to move
Me, that which I truly am, to someone who has formerly gotten to beyond the familiar place of one's own comfort, to go out to the
know a false, distorted image of Me? highways and hedges, to a strange land in order to find there
totally other perspectives of life in a needy heart or soul. It sees
There were many who were a bad or false sample of Who I really the need and does something about it.
am, and a lot of folks have been seared by this false experience Love makes you grow beyond the limitations and confines of
with the portrayal of a God that I am not. your former, your present world. It constantly expands and
causes you to expand and stretch your horizon, to venture out
Love will not go unnoticed. It won't leave folks indifferent and into new realms of perception, yet always staying loyal to the
untouched. A love that truly originates from Me and that seeketh True Center of all, which is Me, the Initiator of true growth.
none of her own, against such there truly is no law, and nothing
can stand against it. True love will never just let you stay in your own little world,
It’s the degree of purity in it that counts. stagnating in your old view.
It may be only a tiny little treasure at first, but people will
recognize that what you've got is something special, and they Love is like Me, because Love is what I am, and like every aspect
can't just ignore it or be indifferent to it. And with time, it will of Me: Revolution, constant change, the totally other. It
grow. challenges you. It is your oldest desire and yet constantly new.
It's My little power, My tiny little presence in you, which has Love is thrilling and mind-blowing: you cannot comprehend it,
finally become one with you, a part of you, and grows there until only receive a portion of it and pass it on. Love is My Spirit which
it completely takes you over - regardless of anything the Enemy is like the wind that bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the
may try to do. If this is My doing, then nothing can stand against sound thereof but canst not tell from whence it cometh or
it, and, as Paul said, "who shall separate us from the love of whither it goeth. You can never figure out love. You can only
God?" know it in your heart, it doesn't fit in your head.
Love is the secret, the all-powerful force that rules and guides
The secret lies largely in the humility to be able to see and admit the universe, for Love is God. It's so much greater than anything
that you've been wrong. Your intentions may have been good, that men could pin down and define with their finite minds, and
but good intentions simply are not enough. They've got to it's definitely so much greater than some of man's limited
become more than intentions. They've got to become your perceptions of it.
incentive, that which motivates you, the essence of all you are
and do: "The love of Christ constraineth us" (2Cor.5:14). One has to watch out that they're not confusing love with some
own selfish need for security or affection and something that will
The mistakes are part of the training. Without mistakes and actually stop them from experiencing the fullness of My true love
errors, there's no need to repent, nothing to admit to, nothing for in their lives.
which to humble yourself and admit you were wrong and need
help, no need to change. Love will lead you to situations that are beyond your
That's why those who suppose they do everything right are the experiences, to places beyond your present limits. It will lead you
ones who are most distant from Me. They simply don't need Me back to My arms, helplessly wondering what to do about this new
as much as folks who screw up a lot. challenge, and only I can give you the necessary love, strength
and wisdom to master each one.
Love will always bring you back to Me because it originates with 87 __________________________________________________
Me in the first place. You can only know from whence it cometh Don't make yourself too comfortable, too much at home in this
and whither it goeth if you know Me, for then you will know that it world, but keep that hunger, that yearning for that which is to
comes from Me, it originates Here, with Me, and that's where it come, that which is perfect. Strive now for that which is perfect,
will also lead you again for more, another round of learning, that you may learn of Me and of My ways, and that you may
another cycle of growth, another little bit of wisdom gained, become - as much as is given you - perfect in this world, as you
another season of fruit borne for My glory. already are in My eyes. There is nothing imperfect about you in
My eyes. It's just your own view, your own perception that still
sees the flaws. I cannot even see them anymore.
84 __________________________________________________ I see the light and the beauty in you, and all I feel for you is love.
You can't judge others simply because of their nationality. For Me, that's really seeing. When you can look through the eyes
That's the kind of generalization and bias that cause the type of of love, and all you see and feel is love, then you can really see.
aggressions that lead to wars in the long run. All the rest is only the space between the stepping stones that
Just because people don't live up to your expectations, you lead you there.
cannot toss them all in the same bucket. I will show you the pieces of the puzzle, the steps of the way to
You see a certain unfavorable quality in them, and you never ever take that will lead you to Me, to total love and understanding.
expect them to change or snap out of it. You put them in a
drawer, there to remain forever, until by the grace of God they The affairs of this life will sometimes disconnect you from the
might manage to surprise you. spiritual and heavenly vision, temporarily... You will have to
But they might change more quickly if you give them a little pause and will not be able to see where to step next,
moral support by encouraging them. By showing that you believe momentarily, and perhaps you might even stumble and take a
in them and love them, trust them... in spite of any present faults fall, but in My eyes, it is all perfect.
or shortcomings. That's where you've got to adopt My all- In many ways, it's not so much that I - the Perfect - come to you,
embracing, all-forgiving view. but you finally come to Me and arrive at the point where you are
totally ready for Me, ready to see with My eyes, ready to feel with
Love challenges you to stretch your spiritual muscles toward My heart, ready to become like Me (1John 3:2).
reaching new capabilities you don't possess at present, to
stretch and expand your horizon and focus. You need to grow in The virgins heard that the Bridegroom was coming, and they
love, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness of others, having went out toward Him, to meet Him. Thank you for meeting Me
more faith in them, and positive expectations. half-way! Thank you for preparing for My coming, for making
sure you always have enough oil in your lamps!

85 __________________________________________________
A thief, who by stealing thinks he enriches himself, only takes 88 __________________________________________________
loss of his own soul. I expect you to come to Me, to make an effort! You can't just
They don't realize that they're losing by what they consider gain, sit passively waiting for Me to make everything happen in your
how they're only heaping up misery for themselves by trying to life! As you move toward Me, I move toward you.
chase that artificial happiness. There is that which promises to With the intensity you seek Me, I will come and give you the
be gain but in the end turns out to have only been loss... answer and allow you to find Me.
Keep your eye and vision on Me, no matter what.
The ways of sin make a person ugly, warped, distorted,
despicable and undesirable, compared to what they're supposed The challenges are there for you to tackle and overcome, not for
to be. The question is, can you love them anyway? Can you love you to be overcome by them and fold up in dismay!
them enough to help them find their way back to Me? Can you
still see My light in them? Can you still consider them a "friend," I'm your principal Ally, the One you can rely on without a doubt,
even if they don't act like you do? Can you forgive them the way the One you should consult with most and first of all.
you have been forgiven?
One of the Enemy's principal jobs is to supply you with
legitimate excuses for quitting!
86 __________________________________________________ The question is: will you accept and use that excuse? Or are you
The "beginner's mind..." the prerequisite for all learning. The going to be wise enough to look through his scheme and plot?
more you know, the more you know you don't know. If people Does your vision go further than that which is immediately before
only had a clue how little they know. If you can face each new you? Can you see that there's something going on beneath the
day with the innocent ignorance of a child, a hunger to learn, a surface of the appearance of things?
desire to still that lack of knowledge, then you're able to learn a
lot faster than those who think they already know everything and
have to be re-educated first. There's so much you all have to un- 89 __________________________________________________
learn! When you are young and strong and seemingly independent
Forget what you think you know, and realize how little you really from Me, I watch you, My children, and I enjoy it and delight in
know, and how much there is yet to learn! How can you learn seeing you enjoy the life I've given you. But My truest and
when you think you already know it all? greatest joy is fulfilled when you start experiencing that hunger
for Me and start realizing that there is something missing, that
If you realize you've all got so much to learn together and from the basics and essentials I have equipped the process of life and
each other and with each other, then it's not one person acting as your environment with, somehow don't seem to offer.
the "master" over the others, but each one just humbly shares And the older you get, and the more weary you become of life
what they're learning as you go... and all its difficulties, which often at first were hidden from you,
the closer you draw to Me, and you come to Me, realizing that
Let Me teach you! As you continue learning from Me, absorbing you need Me.
the words from My mouth, you will at last truly learn. My Word
shall not return unto Me void. It will bring forth fruit The greater the longing, the greater the joy, the satisfaction, the
(Isa.55:10,11)! fulfilment. It is no longer "I," but "we."
Things you learn to do together in teamwork with others, tend to
stick with you longer than things you do on your own. about, and to tell them to quit wasting time on all the
There is power in unison and harmony. Just like there is much comparatively frivilous endeavors they invest their energies and
more warmth there when 2 bodies warm each other, and the bed resources in.
is cold when you're in it alone, unity brings much of the warmth
of life. I've given you helpers along your road to help you keep your eye
on the goal and remind you of your quest, helping you keep your
I want you to become more conscious and aware of the fact that focus on the straight & narrow.
you are not alone. You're never alone. There is a cloud of
witnesses and helpers always at your disposal, at your service,
and it's imperative that you avail yourself of their help. 93 __________________________________________________
Isn't it wonderful, when there's a vacuum, a hunger, a
Without love, life doesn't really amount to much of anything. curiosity, a desire to learn and know more coming across from
your children? When there's receptivity, a space to fill instead of
fullness, and the notion that they already know and have arrived?
Isn't it great when they know their journey has hardly yet begun
and they're open for your guidance and counsel, and they
90 __________________________________________________ confide to you what's on their hearts, when they cease to be
It shocks you at times to realize how much you're failing. But afraid of you and your opinion, of your judgment, and they just
use it as an opportunity to emphasize just how much you need accept that you love them?
and are dependent on Me!
It is never too late for reconciliation, all it takes is the readiness
it's much easier to be "good" when all the credit goes to yourself. to admit you were wrong, a readiness to forgive and accept each
The ego will gladly score points for itself by being "good," but it other, to take a step toward each other, embrace each other, and
becomes a lot harder once you realize that in reality, there's start again.
nothing good about yourself that you wouldn't have to give Me
the credit for. You can't give the sheep, those hungry and thirsty souls around
you, all that they need from your own resources, that's why it's
That's why it's so important to be honest with yourself and find important that you get refilled by Me.
out what really makes you tic, whether it's love or pride that's
motivating you as your driving force in life. Thank you for following in My footsteps, and for being a sample
of My forgiveness and accpetance.
Personal witnessing has always been more effective than the
mass witnessing and preaching of the churches. I operate one- Isn't it so much better to show love, instead of being judgmental?
on-one, and you must really adopt that style, too. So much more beautiful to show them an open door than to shut
"Preacher Syndrome," that urge to stand before a crowd and talk them out?
or sing: the kind of "show business" that Christianity has Look at My life: did I ever avoid or evade those people that others
developed into is a cliché you've got to get rid of. That's one way looked down on? I didn't even avoid those who hated and
in which pride and vanity become the hidden incentives behind a rejected Me. My message has always been, "Come to Me all ye
lot of people's "good deeds." that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Too many of My supposed followers, too many so-called

91 __________________________________________________ Christians don't act as I would, as I did toward them that are
"Prophecies shall cease..." One day, all this exchange of without. They don't beckon them to come in, and so they're
words won't be necessary anymore between us. We're headed committing a greater sin than those they judge! They're heaping
for a higher level of communication! greater guilt on themselves by pushing away from Me those who
There's something even better coming up, when you'll be with Me I love and who I long to come unto Me.
in My Kingdom, and you will be as I am (1John 3:2).
Look deeper, to see that hidden beauty there. Make an effort to
Thank you for choosing Me as your role model! I will reward your see Me in them! Grow beyond your present limits!
choice in this and won't disappoint you, and you'll see that Open up and widen your present bounds and limits of affection,
eventually that choice will manifest in the type of fruit in your life openness and receptivity and acceptance, stretch your muscles
that will cause others to look up to you as well, and you won't and level of tolerance. You've got to see their naked, wounded
have to be ashamed anymore, because they will no longer see soul beyond all that hardened, outer shell, beneath all the
you, but Me in you. camouflage they put on.
Eventually you're going to be a role model, too, that people will
be able to look up to, if you keep following Me, continuing to Is it any wonder people should react negatively to Me when the
seek My counsel and My heart daily, and as I was in this world, Enemy has been lying to them about Me, telling them that I don't
so will you be. love them, won't accept them and reject them?
Show understanding and consideration of the circumstances that
Thank you for choosing to represent Me, My cause and My make it so hard for them to believe.
agenda in this world, and for not seeking your own!
Once they've been shown My love, and they still insist on
For those who seek an answer, there will be an answer! dwelling in the darkness of their unbelief, then you've probably
Sometimes it will take a little time, but if what you seek is the done what you could, you have "delivered your soul," as My
truth, they will find the answer, just as you sought and weren't Word says, and there comes a time when I won't hold you
disappointed! responsible for their souls anymore. But until then, you've got to
be long-suffering and patient with them.
Be as patient with their hurting souls as you possibly can.
92 __________________________________________________
There is so much yet to discover, to explore and conquer. How much have you begged Me to do My part, the part that you
Many haven't even opened their eyes to begin to see it, nor to can't, of working in their hearts, and drawing them to Me? How
recognize the real issues at hand. Part of your task consists of much have you asked Me to draw them closer to My bosom?
letting people know what the real issues of life are, what life is all
A lot depends on you! Reject them not, lest they recject Me! Ironically, much of what is gained is brought about by something
being lost in the physical realm: the flesh must decrease, so that
the spirit may increase. Life in the spirit is brought about by
94 __________________________________________________ letting go and death in the flesh. The more you let go in the flesh,
I specialize in the impossible and that which doesn't make any the more you grow in the spirit.
sense to you.
We can benefit and learn from your experiences, and you, of
It's almost as if I had to admit that I had made a mistake. The course, can benefit from and avail yourself of the sheer endless
mistake of granting humans the liberty and majesty of free pool of wisdom of all ages that is stored Here, according to the
choice. Isn't that what unbelievers hold against Me all the time? effort you make to draw from it, like activating a pump...
"If God would really be just and righteous, He wouldn't allow all It's like a heavenly bank of spiritual wealth. The Father has put an
that, He'd put an end to this!” account there in your name, and you can draw from it whatever
Those self-righteous critics of Mine think they'd do a so much you need, anytime you need it. You don't have to walk through
better job of running this world, if they were in My position. But the physical world as a spiritual pauper. Sometimes you feel as if
all the while, they're not even realizing that I am letting them runyou lost your bank card or forgot your PIN... it seems more
the world. What they're really saying is, "You should give the difficult than usual to "pick up money from the bank," or maybe
power to me, not them." you got there too late, after closing time... But all these worries
are unsubstantiated. You have permanent access without having
People can be overly optimistic at times and expect to find whole to show any card or having to remember any number, because
chests full of diamonds and jewels, already cut and polished, as you have the Father's mark and seal in your forehead. You are
they go down into the mine, but that's not reality! The reality is one of the royal heirs with special privileges.
that you go down there with your pick and shovel, and it's cold, Your natural reasoning sometimes makes you doubt that,
uncomfortable and dirty, and for every ton of dirt you move, you because you don't feel special, you don't feel specially good, you
might find a diamond. That's the reality of life in the mines! don't even feel much different from any old villain... The Enemy
Everything else is a result of the elusive television mentality tries to "remind" you that you're no one special at all, just
where everything comes easy, without you ever having to do another wicked human, like all the rest of them, just so you won't
much of anything except press a button on your remote control. make any runs to the "bank" and pick up something that you
But that's not how leaders are made. Leaders are made with don't deserve in the first place.
picks and shovels, not remote controls. But heaven and all its blessings are not earned on a merit basis.
You either have the right and you are being granted access to its
If you want to be one of those exceptional jewels that make a riches or not, no matter what the Enemy may do or say. In fact,
difference and shine a light into the darkness, then you cannot the only chance he ever had is that you fall for his bluffs and
expect things to get better all by themselves, but you're going to believe any of this stuff. That's why it's important you bathe in
have to do something in order to make it better! You'll have to the Great Link first, each day, for us to remind you of who you
work hard on becoming a better person and making a difference, are: one of us, who is at Home Here and has full access to the
and not just take the lack of love of others as an excuse for never treasure houses of the Father; an heir with all the full privileges
doing anything! and constant access to anything you might need.
What Satan says about it or tries to make you believe about it is
You're sometimes like spoiled, impatient children, who want it all irrelevant. Like any treacherous Enemy, he won't recognize your
done, ready to enjoy: "I don't wanna wait! I want it now!" But authority just as you won't recognize his, since it is only an
that's not how things work! It takes time to prepare a meal, it authority he falsely claims as a usurper. He may attempt to
takes time and patience for certain circumstances to come about intimidate you with his displays of authority and power, but you
where you're finally able to enjoy. Life does not merely consist of know none of it is real, and his days are numbered. You may be
the enjoying process. nothing more than a refugee, one of the "underground," one of
those he labels "terrorists," but you know beyond a doubt that
You want the Family all ready to enjoy and to consume for your you are part of the true and eternal Kingdom which soon is going
enjoyment, when it isn't quite there yet, but a lot actually still to be rightfully restored to the true King and its Maker.
depends on you, as well as each individual member, and "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High..." Not so
whatever they're willing to contribute in order to make the Family small, that secret place! In fact, it's everywhere. The only thing
what it's supposed to be. Sometimes it may seem more than that's secret about it is that unbelievers are totally oblivious to it,
you're able to afford, and sometimes you wonder if it's really but believers and sons of the Kingdom can dwell in it anytime
going to be worth it. and anywhere and "abide under the shadow of the Almighty,"
It's hard to tell in advance, whether it's going to be worth the that shadow of light, that empowerment from on high, in His
effort. Remember, though, that everything that's worth anointing, in His power, in His love.
something, costs something. What a poor and meaningless alternative and miserable
You can't expect to get something out of anything if you're not substitute to all this is the empty, hollow shell of a life the Devil
ready to put something into it. has to offer instead... And what a privilege and glorious task -
what a reward in itself - to be able to bring this true life of love,
the life of God, to others and share His light with them! What joy
95 __________________________________________________ above all joys!
(S.H.:) Welcome to the Great Link! The pool of unlimited
inspiration and exchange of vital information - the place where all (Ps.139:7,8) The secret place of the Almighty, His Realm, His
holy spirits connect and become as one. It's not really "a place" Spirit, can never be lost to you, to anyone of His sons and
as much as a gigantic phenomenon, a wavelength, an ethereal daughters who dwell There, who call this Great Link their Home.
area and broadcasting range without limitations that expands You can never be lost to it, not even in the depths of hell. His love
throughout not only the entire physical universe, but also all is everywhere, as far as you're concerned. There is no place that
other dimensions: the Great Link is the Spirit World. Here you are excedes His power range, His range of broadcast. His station is
truly at Home. In the physical world you have causes for fear and all-powerful! No static of the Enemy can suppress it, once your
anxiety, and you worry about the diminishing state of your conncetion has been established to the point where you're sure it
substance. Here, there is no fear, because nothing diminishes, always works, and you've found out that anything the Enemy
nothing can ever be lost - everything constantly grows, and there may try to interrupt the connection is just vain attempts.
is only eternal gain, no loss, whatsoever. It's his that's a hopeless cause. He's trying to turn and twist it
around and make you look as if you're the one who has a lost
and hopeless cause, and in his world of deceptions it may
sometimes look like it. But in reality, things look quite different. It takes an effort every day to snap out of your selfish and
In reality it's he that is the loser, not you! It is Christ Who is the passive "serve me" habits. You need to realize that you're not a
true and eternal Ruler, not his little puny fraudulent and fake child anymore, and you must not take every opportunity to be
appearance of a usurper. spoiled, but instead look around for opportunities in which you
He may even look as if he's got the upper hand, but you know can do something for others.
that he's destined to lose, he can do no other. Some things are temptations of the Enemy. You don't have to
avail yourself of every luxury just because it's there.
"Victory is life," so, walk in the victory. Walk in the life of a victor,
one who is born and destined to win, simply because he has
chosen to fight on the right side of the ones who are willing to 98 __________________________________________________
seemingly appear to be the losers... the losers that turn winners. You need Me to open the eyes of your heart and explain to you
More and greater are they which are with you than they which are what's happening and what's going on.
with them. It's not about finding the right people, the right group, or the right
The Great Link, is invulnerable, indestructible, eternal, and all- church, but about becoming the right kind of people, even if
powerful. It is the greatest Force, the greatest Army there ever there is none other you can look up to and imitate: you can
has been or will be - the epitome of power and strength: a strong imitate Me! If you trust that what I teach you is good and you just
tower, a mighty rock, a firm foundation, a mighty fortress, a take what I give you at a time, you will see that it will all make
bulwark never failing, the great Mountain of the Lord, which shall perfect sense eventually, and take you to a happiness and
fill the whole earth, never to be removed again, destined to reign enlightenment you would not have deemed possible before.
and last forever. Often it's repeat, repeat, repeat, and it seems as if a million words
were necessary until you finally grasp the point, the point that
everything has a meaning.
96 __________________________________________________ You finally rise head and shoulders above the supposedly-able-
Your help cometh from the Lord, which made Heaven and to-see "accidentalists" who believe that everything happens by
earth" (Ps.121:1,2). I am your God, and I want you to copy Me and random coincidence, without any higher purpose or destiny. You
"play God" and "be God" in little ways for others. I don't want see that they are the ones in darkness. Their senses of survival
you to look up to others and worship them, as if they were God. and self-protection are very clear and defined, often superior to
Is that so hard to understand? I want you to turn to a reliable yours, just like many animals can beat you at hunting or
source for your needs, namely to Me. And then I want you to protecting themselves and fending for themselves...
pass on that which you've been given by others. Like Adam, you walk through this savage garden, surrounded by
I want you to do is to give to them what you've received from Me. all the animals, some of which are so much bigger and taller and
My goal and desire is for you to reverse that selfish cycle and do stronger than you, equipped with greater survival skills, but you
things differently. Instead of relying on your arm of the flesh for don't find your mate among them. But suddenly you wake up one
the things you need, I would like you to turn to Me and rely on Me day and find next to you one just like you to accompany you
instead. And in relation to others, your fellowman, I want you to through this life's journey, to love and be loved by, to share with
not seek what they have to give to you, but you have to give to and learn with and from, as well as to teach, or simply to sit at My
them from all that I have blessed you with. feet together and learn from Me.
That's the m.o. of the future. It's the only modus operandi that Everyday is a little bit like the first day, when understanding and
has any future, for that matter, for the selfish mode of this clearly seeing and hearing first began... It's not as if everything
present world will soon pass away. "The world passes away and you learned previously is all there, right away, but you have to re-
the lusts thereof" (1John 2:19)... activate that knowledge, that conscience, re-establish your tie of
The lust of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of life are all about love and trust with Me... That is somewhat part of your handicap,
taking, about selfish consumption. But "whoso doeth the will of with which you must live. There is no way around it: you must
God," which is, to give to others, instead of selfishly taking from spend that time daily with Me, or you'll just drift off in the
them, "the same abideth forever." It's the eternal modus meaninglessness of mere survival, the way so many others do,
operandi, the one I have ordained from the beginning, the one living lives without meanings.
from which mankind has strayed, the one you must find the way Living a life full of meaning, sense and purpose has that price:
back to and show others as well. you must make the sacrifice of time in order to re-discover the
purpose for today. You need that hour or two with the Teacher.
There are those who are supposed to be going My way and
supposedly doing things My way, but have been tricked into
doing things the old carnal and selfish way again. That's why it 99 __________________________________________________
doesn't matter what you call yourself or pretend to be, but what "Giving up is just about the equivalant of the original sin."
you do. Your actions will prove whether you're truly one of Mine Adam & Eve gave up resisting the temptation, they gave up
or not. You can call yourself what ever you like, you can be part resisting evil, they gave up making that effort to strive to obey Me
of whatever church or movement you like, and hide behind the at all costs... They gave up on believing Me and chose to believe
backs of others, but when it comes down to it, what will the Devil's lies instead.
determine whether you're really doing things according to My Sometimes all you've got to do is hold on to the right thing when
way and My will or not, is your actions. you've got it: the truth, the right way, the good work, and refuse
You can say whatever you want, but it won't make any difference to give up, refuse to be distracted and stopped, no matter how
until you do what you say. hard the Devil will try.
Remember My promises to "him that overcometh" in the Book of
Revelation. It's all about overcoming and resisting those
97 __________________________________________________ temptations of the Enemy, overcoming all seeming
The younger, immature and childish you are, the more selfish impossibilities, difficulties and potential excuses to quit, and rise
you tend to be, the more you tend to "expect" from the wrong above them all on the wings of faith in Me, refusing to doubt that
direction. It's never wrong to be expecting things from Me, what I have promised I am well able to keep. If I told you that you
exercising your faith, and putting your bucket under the one can do it and nothing is impossible to him that believeth, then
Source that won't disappoint you. But not doing that is precisely you will trust and believe that it is so, regardless of appearances
the mistake so many immature people make. They don't come to of circumstances.
Me, they look elsewhere. With some it turns out that what they It's called perseverance. Faithfulness. Stick-to-it-iveness. The
want is not Me. opposite of giving up.
If it's really Me and My utmost and best will for you that you're Right now you can hardly envision it: your life has been so full of
seeking, then sooner or later you will recognize the faults in the disappointments, so many things have turned out so differently
System, including the church system. That's when they might be from the way you would have hoped or expected... Things seem
willing to put up with the flaws in the Family, simply for the sake so weird, so strange... and you wonder, "Can anybody ever be
of having found the Real Thing. certain ofanything or anyone?"
It's true that the Family may not look like "the Real Thing," but Perhaps that's why it's encouraging to know that "Yesterday,
that's where you've got to refuse to give up on believing it today, forever, Jesus stays the same." He won't disappoint you
anyway, just because I said so. or shock you by turning into some freak you won't know or
If you really want to lick the System, lick the Devil and fight him recognize anymore.
to the death and refuse to compromise with him, then this is the Fathers usually won't change drastically anymore, since they're
best place, the best outfit, the best group to do this with. usually old and mature enough to have developed their full
I'm calling you to join the fiercest battle ever, not to some personality.
peaceful, easy, relaxing vacation camp. It's youth that you have that sort of trouble with. You sometimes
There is a place where folks really fight the Devil to the finish, don't know who they are because they themselves have often not
and it's no holiday camp. It's not for the sensitive or those who really yet been able to determine or find out for themselves who
are out for a jolly good time, unless your idea of a good time is they really are.
making the Devil bleed.
To serve Me means to serve Me in battle against evil, and it's a You thought fame and success you would determine who you
relentless battle to the death. There's nothing fake about it. No are, that this would be the factor that would leave your mark on
second chances of, "Oh, I don't think this is what I wanted, after the landscape of history. But it turned out to be a fake. That's not
all." There's either fight to the death or desertion. really who you are. Who you really are is not determined by how
well you have managed to merely maintain the outer shell of your
being: your body - how well you've been able to dress or feed it,
100 _________________________________________________ and in what elegant manner you were able to transport it from
Aren't you being stricter and tougher on your own children, one place to another.
too, than some other System brats, most of whom you know are How much more exciting and thrilling to be able to really move
probably going to go to hell, anyway? The ones whose behavior people in the spirit, to touch their hearts and move them from a
and attitudes you care about are your own children. Likewise, I place of darkness into the light.
care about you. What interests Me is your attitude. You may not have been very successful in this world, as far as
You're going to be confronted more and more with people who what they consider success, but at least you have been in touch
are being used by the Enemy to tempt you, to cause you trouble, with the light, and you have been able to touch others with that
to annoy you and anger you. light of love, and shed a glimpse of that light on them, and share
The Devil and his antichrist System will always accuse you, some of it's brightness, splendor and warmth. That's the sort of
prosecute you and blame you, and you'll have to know why, stuff that determines who you really are.
according to My view, they're wrong.
Disappointment comes from vain attempts to find true fulfilment
You must learn how to deal with the Accuser of the Saints and in the wrong places.
beat him with his own weapons by exposing his ulterior motives When folks don't expect anything out of this world anymore, then
and discern his and their twisted way of seeing and portraying they're usually ready for God.
things. You will always stand as the accused in the courts of men Once they've come to accept that there must be a purpose in life,
- whether in actual and real cases, or in the courts of their own or else life would not be worth living, then they must also accept
minds and hearts - just as I did. And when you stand there, know that behind that purpose must be One Who purposed it and
that they have accused and persecuted Me the same, and I have planned it, and what else could be the meaning of life than
been there and passed this way before, so that I could be your finding Him to find out what that purpose could be?
Of course, this will point them to the Word, which is full of
Forgiveness is a great part of faith, too. Sometimes it takes more information about what God wants from us! Without the Word,
faith to be forgiving than to wreak judgment and condemnation their life is as meaningless as that of deaf and blind Helen Keller
on your enemies. before she discovered the meaning of things in words. All of a
sudden, things had a significance. Before that, life was merely
Stand back and let Me fight for you, and you shall altogether hold existence, and a fairly miserable one at that. After that, nothing
your peace. That's often the requirement for having Me fight for stayed the same. And that point of recognition and awakening is
you: you just hold your peace and totally trust that I will do it. not too far beyond reach for others, either. All they need to
discover is that things actually have a meaning. Once they
discover that, it's an easy thing for them to find out that meaning,
101 _________________________________________________ all they have to do is read it.
(S.H.:) You wonder, "Why would God have children that It's that magical moment from which on everything will make
disappoint Him, betray Him and hardly ever live up to His sense, the moment that will bring life into their hollow shell, the
expectations?" You wonder if this wasn't perhaps one of those moment of true rebirth.
seemingly unreasonable things for God to do, one of those You must hope for, you must expect that awakening! You must
"mistakes" He's so often accused of making... believe it is there, somewhere around the bend, and it will turn
It seems to contradict the fact that He's all-knowing. If He is, death into life again.
shouldn't He have known better? But then, will we ever know if The meaning and purpose of your own life is to convey that
the "proper" way truly would have been the better one? concept of meaning and purpose to others. And by failing to
Can you trust Him for the final outcome? The journey may seem fulfill that purpose, you only achieve the opposite, namely a
to be taking you to the opposite place of where you want to go, contribution to the disbelief that there is no purpose, just as
but can you trust Him that despite the way it seems, you're going Jesus said, "He that gathereth not with Me, scattereth abroad."
to wind up at the best destination possible? It's time to activate that purpose in your own life and start doing
Trust makes the journey much more agreeable, when you're full what you're destined and ordained to do. Tell people about the
of confidence that He knows best no matter how bleak the road meaning of life! That life actually has a meaning, a sense of
may seem, and that He will get you to the place your heart purpose. There is such a thing as purpose! There is such a thing
desires and longs for, that place you'll truly call Home. as meaning! And what better and greater meaning and purpose
could there be for you than conveying that knowledge to people? Man was the master over creation and over the animal world, and
when he turned from Me, he was leading his entire kingdom away
There is a place they're going. There is a destination to their from Me. The result was enmity. That's what the Enemy does, he
journey, and thus, there is such a thing as destiny. Only that a sows enmity wherever he can: enmity between people, even
large part of that destiny is in their own hands! It's up to hostility between brothers and sisters, enmity between animals,
everyone's own efforts to find that truth, that destiny, that and enmity between man and animals. If you follow the Enemy
purpose. They cannot just passively wait for everything to fall and his way, you'll reap enmity.
into place by itself! It takes an effort, a willingness to learn, a The reversal of that process is My way of friendship, of love, of
readiness for learning, a desire for knowledge, a desire for truth. peace, the original way, it's "back to the Garden." Back to the
It's sometimes a hard and tough job, just like Ann Sullivan's job place where all is in harmony with each other, with its Creator.
with Helen Keller, to teach someone the existence of something They way of union, of unity.
they're totally oblivious to: the existence of purpose. But once The only reason why I cause division is because I must expose
you manage, it's like breaking through from darkness into light, those whose hearts are divided from Me, those who are not really
and it will have been worth it! She had the faith that it could be on My side, who don't seek My ways.
done! She had the desperation and determination that it had to
be done. Otherwise her own life would have remained
meaningless. Even so, without your conveying the meaning 104 _________________________________________________
sense of purpose to others, your own life is void of meaning, and Your communication with Me is the lifeline that will survive
the vicious, empty cycle of emptiness and purposelessness will any crisis. It's your No.1 lifeline, the most important of all, the
continue. part that will never be taken away from you, that personal, heart-
You must live in the conscience of your duty to break that spell! to-heart relationship between Me and you.
It's the Great Lie indeed: "There is no meaning! There is no
purpose!" That's the myth and evil tale you need to expose and Even faith is nothing without love, as 1Corinthians 13 tells you.
destroy! Show them that there is a meaning! Show them all you You can have all the faith in the world and be able to move
have been taught! Show them where to find God, where to see mountains, but if you don't have love, if you don't do whatever
Him; help them decipher His handwriting, help them to discover you do, out of love for Me, it's nothing. It means nothing and
His signs! amounts to nothing. Because I am Love, the only value that
Show them that despite all the apparent meaninglessness, there counts is love.
IS a meaning, much greater than they could fathom. But it's not Even faith one day will become obsolete. Who needs faith, when
beyond their reach! In fact, God is more than willing to reach out you see the Kingdom, and you're right in it? But love will be
to them and show them and teach and tutor them, to talk to them, forever. Love never faileth, it will never cease, love is eternal.
just as He has been talking to you! Show them that there is a way My goal for you is not to have fear of man or sense of duty to
that they can listen, even though they're deaf. That there's a way constrain and spur you on, but the love for Me which grows out
they can learn how to see, even though they are blind! There is a of your personal connection and relationship with Me, out of
way to know that which they know not of, that which they don't receiving My love for you. Only when you can receive My
even believe exists, they cannot believe because they have been personal love for you, can My love really spur you on and
poisoned with the gas of unbelief. But you can revive them, become your driving force and motivation.
resucitate them, awaken them and bring them back to life! All you
need to do is give them the truth: there is a meaning to In My School, the higher up you are, the more dependent on Me
everything. you become, the closer you are connected with Me, and the
closer our communication will be.
All that matters is that I can use you wherever you are and in
102 _________________________________________________ whatever small capacity you allow Me to. You can become Me for
When I came to earth and had to walk right among those men those around you, and that's what life is all about. If they can see
and women I had created, some of which looked quite fierce from Me in you and see Me act through you, hear Me speak through
that short distance, I wasn't at My safe distance in the Heavens you, and they can feel My love coming through you, what else
anymore, but right there among all that beauty and ugliness at could you possibly want? What else could be the goal? What
the same time. else could there possibly be to attain? What official "badge"
The answer, the solution, is to have the humility to say, "I'm not would you still need, other than that? What greater sign of
better than you." I gave that example. If anyone had a right to say approval? That's all that counts, for everybody, high or low,
"I am better," it would have been Me, but instead, I allowed them follower or shepherd: if I can manage to act and live in you, then
to treat Me as if I was worse than they, I allowed them to you're fulfilling your purpose, and there shouldn't and couldn't
condemn and execute Me as a criminal, and still feel very really be anything more you'd want...
righteous about it.
That's the only kind of love that's going to win anyone over. As I am the true and divine Husband of every human soul, that's just
long as you still have any notion that you are any better than the way I and the Father have purposed it, destined it, and by this
anyone else, it will seep through eventually, and it will hurt them. loving union between Me and your soul, true fruit is brought into
It will not have been perfect love. being and made possible. There is nothing else as desirable
about life than bringing that kind of fruit, that's the purpose for
Just because I saved you from your sin, doesn't mean you're which you are ordained.
better. It only means that you've got a job to do, and that is, to If you stand firm in Me, you continue receiving My life-giving sap,
get the other person saved, too. soaking up My sunshine and water of life, nothing can stop you
Find some common ground. Build on the things you have in from brearing and bringing forth fruit, not even the fiercest winds
common. Show that you're really not all that different and that and strongest storms.
you can understand and relate, and that you love and accept
them. You are My medicine to the world, My healing balm I pour on their
aching hearts and internal wounds. You soothe and ease their
pain, you bring sweet relief to them, you make them feel a little
103 _________________________________________________ bit better and make their lives a little more worthwhile. You bring
Whenever you get more obsessed with the gift than the them glimpses of hope, something to look forward to, the
Giver, I allow Myself to send you a little reminder that there's confidence that there is something more, something beyond that
more. The message, quite simply is, "come back to Me!" which they've been able to see thus far...
As My doctors and nurses to them, you must display confidence
in their healing, in their progress. You cannot frown upon them, fine...successful..." And you succeed and succeed, and wonder
shaking your head with an attitude of, "I don't know if they're why you still feel so empty, in spite of all your success.
ever going to make it," but you need to instill faith in them, hope, Remember that success in My eyes is a totally different story!
and, of course, most of all, love. Love is the light that gives them So, seek success with Me! Seek those things you know make Me
hope. It's the sunshine that brightens up their days, that puts that happy, not what you think you need to attain happiness!
spark of joy back in their lives and hearts, that makes life worth
108 _________________________________________________
(S.H.:) What the people of God have to offer to the world is,
105 _________________________________________________ principally, God. If anyone is interested in something else, they
Welcome to the battle of faith of overcoming your fears and will be disappointed. If they're not interested in God, nor in
all the reasons in the world why you shouldn't be doing this. having a personal, intimate relationship with Him, then they've
come to the wrong place in search of the fulfilment of their hopes
This is your "Don Quixote destiny," your chance to "reach the and dreams when they come to the people of God.
unreachable stars." To become a knight, even though you never All the people of God, can ever do, is point Upward to Him for all
were a knight! the answers. If that's not where they want to turn in order to get
If you're met with resistance, you'll know what to do: just pull out them, then forget it. Such people will only waste your time. Those
your lance and attack those darn windmill giants! who always want to have everything prechewed and done for
them and like to be served the food of God on a silver platter are
not fit for the Kingdom of God.
106 _________________________________________________
There is a pupose to life, and most people are oblivious to it,
and it's a large part of your job to let folks know about it. 109 _________________________________________________
Having to face one's own sins and weaknesses in their
Life wasn't meant to be perfect. The folks who sit around and children is very effective and purging.
wait for everything to be perfect are programmed for Nothing better for curing you of your selfishness than being
disappointment. The art is making something nice and enjoyable confronted with a concentrated dose of it yourself every day. It
out of whatever imperfect material you've got to work with: a makes you sick of it...
diamond in the rough, a block of wood to make a beautiful Egotism, pride, self-love and selfishness make one assume that
carving out of... a crooked little house to turn into a cozy home... role of a king in life, instead of that of a servant. It's the
an imperfect manuscript... imperfect children... selfishness of the insane... They only think about themselves.
Total insanity. That's why only a life revolving around Me, the
True Center, can be a meaningful and fulfilled life. Anything else
107 _________________________________________________ is like drifting around in space without a goal, without aim, just
If you dive into your day without getting the necessary heading for eventual destruction.
amount of oxygen from Me, first, it's like diving into the water
without taking a deep breath first: you won't last very long down I cannot protect anyone from their own choices, not even My own
there... Oxygen is some pretty essential stuff, and so am I. children.

Without Me life is meaningless. Every lesson and every trial has an end. It will never go on
Money can't buy rain. Money will buy food, but also only for so
long, without rain. Certain things can't be replaced or substituted All you need in order to become an efficient servant of God, or at
by money... least a happy soul, enjoying My Spirit, is a healthy relationship
They put all their trust in that paper, but every now and then, I with Me, and I'm granting this privilege to anyone who wants it.
need to allow certain things just to remind them that there are They don't have to have any other outstanding qualifications, be
other things they need, which money won't buy them. especially selfless or sacrificial or anything, all they need to do,
the only requirement they need to fulfill, is that they want Me,
You are My latter rain that I have ordained to fall and refresh the show some interest in Me, and as long as that's the case, I will
parched earth in this time of the End, but you're a little bit like a reveal Myself to them, My mind, My heart, and they can learn of
rain drop that doesn't want to fall. You're there in your cloud, Me, each at their individual pace.
saying, "No, let me just accumulate a bit more of water! I don't I don't expect any outstanding feats or qualities from anyone.
want to fall on this stupid ground, on this stupid, hard and Of course, I'm hoping that My brides and servants will develop a
stubborn earth. After all, they don't even deserve it!" desire to pass on all they've received from Me, but
The problem is, if you hang on to the sky for too long, the sun your service to Me will only be really effective if it is sparked by
might just soak you up without your ever having done the earth love.
any good, and you will have become "like clouds without rain" In the long run, the only thing that really counts is love. Love that
(s.a. 2Peter 2:17)... "Wells without water, clouds driven with the will stretch your own mental confines and limitations.
I want to show you and teach you My mercy upon the
The big danger in the temptation of "acting like everybody acts" undeserving, how undeserved everything is and was that you're
is that they act as if I'm not there, and it can become pretty given, so that you won't take it as much for granted, but
uncomfortable for those who ought to know better when they appreciate it more; that you realize what miracle of My grace you
choose to ignore Me, for whatever seemingly legitimate excuse. are experiencing.
"I did it because they did it" has never freed anybody from their
own responsibility. Nothing else but the power of My love can enable you to show
Regardless of what they do, which way they act, in which forth the same forgiveness that I have shown you.
direction they drift, I expect something different from you! You
can't go by their groove, their twist, can't dance to their music! By feeding your enemies, you place fiery coals on their heads
It's a different tune than the one I'm playing and want you to play! (Pr.25:21,22), searing their conscience and their minds with an
imprint of something that happened here that they won't forget,
Every now and then, some of that worldly influence comes and that they will be held responsible for. They're being given a
seeping and creeping in. "How's it going?" "Oh, just chance that might turn their life from "not much of a tale to tell"
into a beautiful adventure. holy, something sacred, something deeply revered and
Stand up and fight for your most essential need of all. You've got
110 _________________________________________________ to make it totally clear that nothing is more important. There is
I know the struggle you're facing against all the distractions nothing that could be anywhere near as important as My time
hammering at the door of your life! I know your frame and with you, My communications with you, My position in your life.
remember that you are but dust. It can mean the difference between spending the rest of your day
The danger of wanting to promote oneself instead of Me and My or life in Eden or out in the wilderness... It can mean the
humble and humiliating message, which involves dying daily, is difference between life and death.
always there, and part of the battle consists of just resisting that
temptation. You're naturally geared that way that you don't care about Me as
Whether it's your need to be needed or your need to succeed, much as you should in the first place, and that's why you've got
your need to avoid pain, your need for security... etc. It's all so to make a strong effort to cultivate your love for Me. It's a fragile
hard to let go for the sake of the things I need you to do. thing, and you can't just take the growth of that tender shoot of
your love for Me each day for granted.
The aspect of "dying daily" sometimes gets lost in all your
efforts to cherish the opportunities to enjoy life and live life to the The times are getting too serious to be messing around with
full that I'm giving you... opportunities that are hard to forego. It's something as important as your daily time with Me, your seeking
easier to pocket the blessing yourself first, instead of passing it Me first. There's way too much at stake...
on. Sometimes you might be able to get away with it, and it may
seem to you as if you can afford to go for a day without your time
Everybody takes what they are given, and everybody is way too with Me, but I wouldn't rely on that. It could also turn out that
busy playing with their toys, the blessings life hands them, than you'll wish you hadn't.
to pay attention to the needs of others, to pay attention to Me...
and you wonder, "Where are the needy?" It’s your personal responsibility to establish that standard for
It takes thorough searching to find true sheep, and it takes a
whole-hearted search, but they're out there. You must not give up It's a lesson some folks learn the hard way. Some folks learn it
hope, you must not break off the search, nor get discouraged, the hard way of living their entire lives ignoring Me or putting
nor distracted. You must continue searching. other things before Me. They never even realize until it's too late.

The drive of the flesh can sometimes pull you away from Me and
111 _________________________________________________ into a rut that may seem like a form of godliness, but without the
We're supposed to change the world. You're not just power thereof. It's easier to become like the churches than most
supposed to moan about the state it's in, you're supposed to do people think. It just takes that seemingly insignificant sin of
something to change it! neglecting Me, just underestimating the importance of Me in their
What have you done today to change the world, to improve it and lives and in the lives of others; just a tiny little mistake in the
to make it different from the miserable state you're so miserable proportions of priorities, one tiny little measure of emphasis too
about? much on their own egos, which they stole from the portion that
actually belonged to Me, and the balance will come undone and
Consumer mode is the disease that has befallen the people and things will start tumbling.
nearly every nation in the world. The machinery of life is very delicate and intricate, and you
Nobody looks at or appreciates what they've already got, wouldn't want to mess with certain factors, or you'll disturb and
everybody constantly wants more or something else. unravel the equilibrium of life, and when you disturb the balance
of the nature of the Spirit, things can unravel quite badly and
You've got the healing message that "emptiness is good for you. result in a spiritual earthquake or tempest you may not want to
- You don't need to seek to fill that empty spot in your heart and risk causing.
soul with the first best substitute for God you come across, you Usually these things happen because people figure, "God's
can have the Real Thing!" gonna take care of everything, anyway, just as He's always done;
He's not going to let anything bad happen to Me." But I might, if
you neglect your duty of making sure you're fulfilling your
112 _________________________________________________ personal responsibility to maintain the spiritual equilibrium by
People are usually so good at fighting for their physical keeping the most important things in their place.
needs. They'd do virtually anything, go to any lengths & settle for It's usually a very subtle process when folks start shifting their
any compromise for money, but when it comes to spiritual priorities away from Me, but the results are tangible. That's why
things, they figure they can go for a day without food, without certain things happen in your life that are like warning signs.
nourishment, without spiritual oxygen.
No Spirit, no life, no love, no joy... Some folks consider the blessings more important than the
Blesser, and they're dedicating a lot more attention and time to
The greatest gifts can sometimes also be the greatest what they're given than to the Giver.
distractions. It's a trap folks fall into all the time: they become so They'll have to reap the consequences of those choices , just like
wrapped up in My blessings I bestow on them, they neglect the everybody does, but it becomes especially dangerous when they
most important thing of all: Me. drag that same attitude of, "Oh well, God's not all that important"
around with them into the lives of others and try to make Me
You must learn to fight for that need as much as you would fight equally less important in other's lives as I've become in their
for air, for your bare survival. The things of the Spirit need to own. And that's where you've got to put your foot down and
become just as integral a part of your daily life as the physical show that you won't nudge, that you won't adapt your sense of
things you wouldn't let anybody cheat you out of, like eating priorities to theirs.
drinking and sleeping.
There will always be those who will label your devotion to Me as
Without the most important thing, you're finding out that life isn't self-righteousness or spiritual arrogance in order to make light of
turning out to be much fun. That most important task and duty their own lack of devotion for Me. It's just one of the games
and appointment you have everyday has to become something people play. It's your responsibility not to fall for it, but to keep
your standard up at all costs. You cannot allow them to call you In public schools he makes it imperative that children sit and
down from that wall of your greatest duty, to strengthen your listen to his drool until they don't mind hearing it anymore, start
daily spiritual defenses. tolerating it and perhaps even start liking some of it. But even if
If you allow them, you'll lie there defenseless and open and they don't, one of the worst side effects of it is that he's killing
vulnerable for the Enemy to take you and leave your life, your any hunger for true knowledge in the effort, since they figure
day, a spiritual wasteland. they're already learning more than enough.

The secret in the beauty of creation lies in the exact proportions, The less you do to counter Enemy input in their life, and the more
and some people still need to develop a sense for the right passive your attitude about the whole issue becomes, the more
proportions. Some people don't know when it's time to stop. you're giving in to the Enemy and allowing him slowly but surely
They don't know when it is enough. They try to get so much of to take the reins in their life. It's as if you're allowing him to have
one thing that it becomes too much. It's too hard for them to the control over their life, and thus also a little bit over yours,
snap out of their own rut and change to another ingredient in life since they're a part of your life and always a factor that heavily
and avail themselves of that one. influences you.
That's why it's so important to sit at My feet and learn from Me They can become your "Huddersfield," of which the Enemy can
each day: among other things you need to develop a sense of the say to both of us, "They belong to you and me!"
right proportions, the right measurements and the right
equilibrium in order for your day to turn out well-balanced, with a Of course, a lot is determined by their choices, but the first step
well-balanced diet and amount of everything. is up to you to make.
Some folks think I just slapped things like air, water and earth
together, nothing much to it; but each of them are very carefully At the rate you're going, they probably will continue to pursue
concocted combinations of ingredients following strict that which they want, which is basically the essence of what
measurements and an exact balance, otherwise the result they're being taught : "Get what you want, because that's your
wouldn't have been the same. right, and that's what everything's all about!"

You allow the Enemy to unravel the balance of the ingredients of The essence of the Devil's success in his brainwashing
your day, and the air becomes unbreathable. techniques of the masses is that he makes them think that what
No matter whom he tries to use, you just need to be aware of his he wants them to have is actually what they want.
intentions, his goal, his agenda, which is the destruction of your Of course, the essence of My teachings to counter that would be
usefulness for Me. He'll use whoever and whatever he can to get to seek not their own will, but Mine in their life, which would
there, that's why it pays to be on guard from the very first minute mean the voluntary sacrifice of some of the things they want for
of each day until its end... the sake of My will...

This battle field of life can become pretty hostile territory when You're going to have to turn up the flow of My input and My
you allow him to just disturb the equilibrium of things a little bit power in their life, if you successfully want to counter the flow of
and allow him to take a little bit of the proportions, one tiny the Devil's input pouring into their life!
measurement of one of the essential ingredients out of your life,
that enable you to breathe properly. After all, that's what those
poisonous gases in warfare are supposed to do: to disable the 115 _________________________________________________
enemy and stop him from breathing. One of the greatest challenges about this adventure of the
life of the spirit is not to allow things and people to distract you;
If I'm the air that you breathe, don't let the Enemy rob you of it! not to allow them to take the upper hand. Sometimes they will try
Don't let him kill you with his poisonous gases, don't let him to win your favor over the matters of the spirit, but I have built in
choke you, suffocate you, don't let him steal your oxygen. some safe-guards to remind you where to find true and ultimate
Defend your right to breathe! satisfaction.
It is simply the best for you to stay closest to Me, your helpers,
closer to the Spirit, and not veer into the carnal gear of things,
113 _________________________________________________ which will just weaken you in spirit and cause you to fail.
When you realize to what greater extent I want to take over
your life, and have to, if I'm going to use you as much as you You will only succeed in your mission if you don't make a mess
wish, then you're beginning to realize how much more of you out of things by trying to do it in the flesh.
there is yet to surrender, how much more there is yet to give, that
in many aspects, you haven't even yet begun, or at least you get It's easy to say, "You've got to stay more in the Spirit!" But how
an idea that there's yet plenty of room to grow, plenty of progress easy are you making it for them to stay in the Spirit? How
to make. considerate are you of their need to get close to Me and into the
Spirit, how much of an effort are you making, not to distract
Life isn't going to get boring, because there is yet so much to them?
learn, so much further to go... It's important to truly mature into true helpfulness, really being
interested in finding out what the people you love really need the
Keep progressing and keep walking, keep absorbing Me. most, even if that will mean less attention for you for a little
Otherwise, it's just childish, selfish behavior. That's one reason
114 _________________________________________________ why some people don't want to grow up: they know they can hide
The Devil often infiltrates My children's minds with his input, behind that excuse of childishness.
and consequently they wind up on his wavelength... It's a streak that is really just a silly little game.
Often you underestimate the impact of his input and the extent to
which his input is being spread and made available. One strategy That's one reason why relationships with your spirit helpers are
of countering the Enemy's input more effectively, would be to important: a relationship with a spirit helper will always be one
counter his doctrines and expose them, nullify what he's saying without any such games involved. There will never be any
by My truth. The problem is that you don't have much of a clue ulterior motives, no hidden agendas, no cover-ups, shows and
what you're up against, as well as the sheer amount of input pretenses. It will always be about that which is relevant: the
you're up against. Cause of the Kingdom. There will be some fun and laughter, but
no silliness or foolishness, because the Presence of My Spirit
will always remind you that time is short and to redeem the time, Instead of becoming disappointed, disillusioned or even bitter
for the days are evil. over the blows you will almost inevitably experience from life,
A conversation with a spirit helper will always be educational, you'll be able to take them much more lightly, and they will hardly
advocating and furthering your spiritual growth. You won't feel as even affect you, if you have anchored your hopes and affections
empty and stupid afterwards, as you often do during or after a in the Spirit World where you simply won't be disappointed.
human conversation. Most of all, and principally, the Spirit World stands for Me, My
relationship with you, but I also want you to keep in mind that
You've got a whole lot to learn from your spirit helpers, and the you're not just dealing with one single Individual here, but a large
more you "hang" with them, the more their spiritual maturity is company which constitute much better company than is
going to rub off on you. That's why some of My prophets of old available to you on earth right now.
appeared to be so superior to others, so unwavering, looking
through any schemes and refusing to be bribed by any tempting If you're looking for perfection, then you need to look to Me, to
offers: they were so in tune with their angelic helpers, since they the Spirit World.
spent a lot of time on their own, or rather, not in human company,
but in the company of their spiritual aids and assistants and Receiving your regular fill of the perfection you find in the Spirit
tutors. They made sure it was My Spirit which was governing helps you to cope with the imperfections in those around you in
them, and they didn't allow the affairs of this life to distract them. the physical world - including your own. The view you receive
from Us reminds and comforts you that even though your
No matter how pressing, important or urgent this life's matters situation isn't perfect, everything's going to be alright.
seem to be, including all that is involved in a marriage,
relationship or family, for a man of God, the Spirit and the Just because there are those who are still full of hopes and
spiritual side of things should still come first. Seeking first My aspirations concerning this life shouldn't make you want to
Kingdom and putting Me in the first place in your lives is still begrudge them that earthly joy they're still hoping to find. That's
expected of you, even if you have a family. true and mature love, when you can rejoice in the happiness of
others, even if it may seem that you're being "left out" or you're
But it's simply not possible to actually keep Me in the first place not benefiting from it yourself.
in your lives, without dedicating the appropriate amount of time If you know how to get your personal needs met Here with Us, in
to Me without distractions. the Spirit, then you can say, like I did to My disciples, "I have
That's why true love is sometimes manifested simply in the effort meat that ye know not of." They may still need physical sources
not to be an additional distraction to the person you love, not of joy and happiness, but you'll have found that inward Source,
being one of those numerous factors that would try to distract the Source of the Spirit. It's not as if you're altogether ready yet
them from their most important duties in life, which are their to give up the joys of this world completely, but you're in the
duties toward Me. process of discovering that the satisfaction the Spirit renders is
more lasting, more effective, more real than the fleeting physical
Blessed is the one who can silently take the backseat to Me, and joys.
let Me sit there in the front seat with their loved one, who can just They can go hand in hand, too, and one can enhance the other.
enjoy what's going on and learn from it, and won't insist on being Staying in the Spirit certainly enhances your times of physical
the center of attention. enjoyment. That spiritual contentment is what will enable you to
be content with the "manna" you're receiving in this life and
Of course, there are other distractions, too, which you will also world. You won't be constantly craving for the pleasures of
have to work on resisting on a regular basis, but this particular Egypt, but you'll be satisfied with the humble but sufficient
one often tries to claim its "legitimate right to importance" and supplies I provide for you. You won't be playing the game of
needs to be put in its proper place more often than obvious "Gimme, gimme more" that's going on all around you.
distractions. For most people, their families are actually their top This will be specially expedient in the times of scarcity to come,
and foremost priorities. They are practically their god. There is when the pleasures of Egypt will abruptly cease, and survival will
nothing in their lives that ranks above them in importance, and become a matter of continuous miracles.
thus they have made a god out of their family.
That's why My teachings sometimes come across as shockingly
"anti-family." But as I told you before, by destroying the 117 _________________________________________________
supremacy of little flesh families, I create a bigger, spiritual The Enemy will try to revive your ego, and make your own,
Family, and that's what The Family is all about. carnal self strong, remind you that you can do it yourself, and try
It's not that the family unit doesn't have its place of importance, to get you to rely on yourself and your own carnal strength as
but it's just not supposed to rank above Me in importance, that's much as possible, just to avoid your letting go and letting Me and
all, and every now and then, it seems as if everybody can use a My Spirit take over and take control.
little reminder of that fact. The (carnal) family has come more
dangerously close to getting people to disobey the first You don't need to be afraid of one of My Holy Spirits taking the
commandment, which is to love Me, than anything else, and upper hand in your life and taking control over your life.
people should be more aware of that.
Those verses about anyone loving their families more than Me You have to make a constant positive decision of saying "yes, I
not being worthy of Me are there for a reason, they're not some want You" to My Holy Spirit.
kind of mistake in the Bible, as some would assume.
It takes humility to take the backseat to an invisible Lover. But To totally trust Me means gaining the victory over the fears and
blessed is he or she who has the grace to display that humility, lies the Enemy will plant in the heart and mind.
which is one of the highest forms of love anyone can manifest for
another, in some cases. You've got to know that you can trust Me; that you've asked Me
for bread and I won't give you a snake or a stone. You can trust
Me that I have given you a reliable source.
116 _________________________________________________
Seeking refuge and comfort and relief in the Spirit is the only You’ve got to make an effort to make a difference, to be an
effective weapon that will protect you from disappointments with exception, to be an extraordinary sample of someone who puts
the affairs of the physical world. With the physical world, the more emphasis on the spirit world.
motto applies, "Enjoy it while it lasts," while lasting enjoyment It's hard to stay focused on the spirit world in the middle of all
and a reliable source of satisfaction are only found in the Spirit. the physical hubbub, it takes an effort.
You've got to be determined to see it through! You've got to know knowledge of Me, really getting to know Me.
that nothing else matters.
Sometimes your marriage seems to stagnate because there
People who have committed themselves to the other side seem seems to be a halt in the process of reaching out to get to know
to have it so much easier in this world... After all, they've each other more, as if you both already knew everything there is
committed themselves to the god of this world. He's not going to to know about each other... There is hardly anything sadder than
fight them when they want to surrender to him and his spirit. that.
That's choosing the easy side in spiritual warfare. But it's the
easy side only because it's eventually going to turn out to be the Just as there will always be more from Me you can find out and
losers' side, promising temporal victory and being "kings" in this discover and get to know, there will also be constantly new
world, but paupers in the world to come, unless they turn around angles and new things you can discover about each other. It
and dedicate their lives to My Cause, the one true Cause. doesn't always have to be the same old thing. It takes an effort to
dig it up, it takes forsaking some of the old rut, it takes daring to
People will sense that that's what's different about you: that you step onto new territory together, that you may not have been
have committed yourself to that true Cause. familiar with, previously.
Even if the majority may dwell in blindness, ignorance or It takes trust, that the direction your partner is leading you, will
darkness, there are those who also made their choice for My be a good one, even though you may not be familiar with it. It
Cause. takes trust in Me, that when I gave you each other, I didn't give
you a serpent or a stone, but good bread to eat, that I knew what I
was doing in creating you for each other and giving you to each
118 _________________________________________________ other.
(S.H.:) Turning from a deceiver into a prince of God is the
purging process - wrestling with God and not letting go before Sometimes you've just got to drink the cup I'm handing you, even
the blessing, and finding out which of the two is stronger. - as I drank the cup My Father gave Me to drink. There may be
Finally winding up saying "You win" to God, and surrendering to moments when you're tempted to pray, "Father, take this cup
Him, giving Him the respect which truly is His due. from me," but if in the end you're willing to say, like I did,
"nevertheless, not my will, but Thy will be done," I promise you
Eventually you come to see that everything He does and won't regret it, you won't regret having trusted Me fully; it will all
everything He did was because He loves you, and all of it was the be worth it in the end, and you'll see, there could have been no
best of all possible options for you. After all, you discover, He better result possible than what I am going to bring about
knew best, and He did what He knew was best, thankfully, despite through all this.
your own initial protest and suspicion of ulterior, less noble You may have preferred a "shortcut to happiness," enjoying your
motives on His part. rewards a lot sooner, having your cake and eating it, so to speak,
heaven now and hereafter, but that's not always how it works.
What makes you really want to mature is that sample of how Sometimes you have to wait a little for the main rewards yet to
much the Father cares for you. Then you want to turn around and come...
bestow some of that same care on others, too. You want to share
with them of God's goodness. You consider it would be unfair, "It's human nature to want the best of both worlds," but the
even treason, to want to keep all that love exclusively for suffering is nonetheless inevitable. Sometimes I just have to
yourself. You just couldn't possibly do it. By doing so, you would remind you that this world is not your destination yet... there is
prove yourself unworthy of all His care, His attention, all the more to come, you cannot have all right here and now.
lengths He went to in order to teach you effectively. As beautiful and as rich and full as I try to make this earthly life
"How to effectively get them to care for others" might be the for you, sometimes I simply have to remind you that this isn't
description or title of one of God's main points in His agenda for Heaven yet. There is too much going wrong with this world, this
our lives. is not your destination, not the place of your rest, not your
reward; this world is not your Home. You can try to make it as
You're tossed into the world as a selfish little human being, and cozy for yourselves as you can, as all those unbelievers do, who
your higher destiny and purpose is to become something else, don't care much whether there is anything else after this life, but
no longer selfish, but selfless and caring for others. No longer there will always be reminders of the fact that this is not your
living for yourself and for what you can possibly consume, but final destination.
dedicating your life to the service of others.
The words "enter into the joy of thy Lord" do apply to some
Not everybody is destined to become a Florence Nightingale or extent in this physical, earthly life, and I want you to experience
Mother Teresa. But you can nevertheless learn to become more My joy, but you won't really hear them in their full meaning of the
mature, more mindful of those around you and their needs. phrase until you come Home where you really belong. The magic
of those words will never really work fully until you get Here
where all is joy. As long as there are still people suffering from
119 _________________________________________________ the injustice of the world you're living in, how can you ignore it
About children, if you think they're stupid or selfish, they will and experience the total bliss I have in store for you? Only once
sense it, and of course they won't be attracted to you. Your you've come Home and know that you've done all I expected of
negative attitude toward them will work like the wrong pole of a you, all I knew you were able to, in order to help alleviate the
magnet. suffering of others the best you could, tried to bring Home with
People sense it when you look at the negative in them. "People you as many as you possibly could, only then will you really be
who like people are the people people like." Anybody can "not able to enjoy it all the way your heart longs for.
like them." But it's tough, and a challenge to learn to like them That is the dawn you're walking toward through the shadows of
anyway, in spite of their failures. Try to look at the good in others, this world, the light your soul is longing for. Your attitude should
for your own good. be more one of anticipation than one of having already entered
into rest and enjoying your rewards.
For this would be a false attitude, based on the deception many
120 _________________________________________________ of My children live in, in this world, that they think they're just
There is hardly ever a distance between you and Me that I about in heaven already, and they can really lord it out over the
would consider "close enough." I always would like you to rest of the world... Almost acting as if this earthly kingdom of
continue making progress in your walk with Me and your true theirs were My eternal one.
and is going on around you, My Spirit will just keep working in
Remember you're not at home where you are, but that your true you and through you, and there's nothing whatsoever he can do.
Home is still waiting for you. Don't sadden Me by acting as if you You've basically got to ignore all the shiny temptations that might
were home already and feeling perfectly comfortable where you cause you to give yourself the glory, instead of Me, and other
are, as if there was nothing better to look forward to. Talking things he will try to use to divert you.
about disappointments... Anyone who settles for what this world
has to offer and thinks it couldn't get any better than this, is a Gandhi was a good example of a man who seriously strove to
disappointment to Me, because they show what little faith they resist temptations. He saw them for what they were and thus was
have and what a tiny little limited box they seem to need to put always able to discern the truth. While those around him kept
Me in. falling for the usual lies and temptations, the lust for power, the
Don't settle for the illusion that I'm not greater than anything the lust for revenge, etc., he just kept seeing the truth through it all,
usurper can come up with in order to make this life constitute of and that's what you can do, to, and what can be the difference
as much of a thrill as he possibly can in order to entice you away between you and church Christians with all their highly
from Me and get your vision and focus off your eternal Home! sophisticated technical equipment to keep their show-business
Be thankful for every less-than-perfect day to remind you that Churchianity on the road, with your simply saying it the way it is,
this world is not your home, for too many of My believers seem saying what's essential, without all the other big ado about it.
to have forgotten that, and seem to think that this is all the home
they'll ever need... They know they'll have to leave it someday Life is supposed to have a meaning, and be meaningful; it
when they'll die, and so they try to "bribe" Me with alms, and they doesn't consist of all those other frills everybody's so busy
try to reserve themselves a fancy spot in heaven with their acquiring all the time. And you're driving home that point,
money. But when it comes to heavenly rewards, I can't judge bringing things back down to the simple issue of the meaning
anyone by how much they give, but by how much they've got left and purpose of things.
and still could have given.
You can do a million things each day, but what good are they, if
you've forgotten what you're doing them for? It's good if you see
121 _________________________________________________ your path before you clearly each day. There are times when I'm
You have to make sure that your work is bathed in a spirit of having you go through the fog, without seeing clearly where you
trust and calm. It's important that I am in it. But My Holy Spirit go, but even this is to strengthen your spiritual senses of greater
can be easily shooed away, when She feels like She has been trust in Me. I can lead you with My Spirit, even if you can't see
replaced by some spirit of feverishly trying to accomplish anymore with your eyes where you're going or supposed to go.
something, instead of fully leaning on Me. You know how it is
when you don't feel needed. You don't want to just barge in on The Enemy tries to muddle things up a lot, and then it takes
people who give you the impression they're doing perfectly fine some time for regrouping, for letting the mud disappear again
without you, doing things in a way or a spirit quite distinct from until the vision becomes clearer again and you can see where to
yours, and act as if the last thing in the world they would need go and what to do next.
right now is someone coming in and telling them they ought to
be doing it differently. You can't be concerned with audience reaction. You've just got to
keep your vision of what I've shown you. If you listen to the
Fight for a greater Presence of My Spirit in your work and at your voices of the critics and scoffers - even the imaginary ones in
working place. your head - you're sunk.

Yes, there is a lot to do, it's true, and time is short and you Just remember to let Me and your helpers do it through you. The
should redeem the time. But redeeming the time also means to responsibility and the load doesn't weigh on your shoulders
"pray without ceasing" and making sure you're spending every alone. We can carry this thing through for you and with you. Let
moment possible in the right spirit, in the company of the right us bear the gist of it. You just be the vessels we shine and pour
spirits, and you're not giving any place to the evil one, which can through... Like this you don't have to worry, either, what people
easily happen if you allow yourself to become irritated, upset or may think about you. If it's My thing, not yours, then I can take
aggravated. care of the "image," too, and the way it's going to come across in
people's hearts.
Let your m.o. be one of full possession and heavenly thought
power, where the room is buzzing with holy spirits and the "Little is much, if God is in it." Better than to wait until
Enemy wouldn't dream of even sticking his nose in! everything's perfect, which might never happen. The emphasis is
clearly on the message. The messenger doesn't stand in the way
of the message, absorbing the limelight for himself.
122 _________________________________________________
Whenever you get the chance, pray! It will make all the
difference in the world. It will show that you're relying on Me and 123 _________________________________________________
on the Spirit to get it done, you're not just trying to pull it through There will always come a point where your own tolerance
in the flesh. You're giving Me a chance to work that way. level will be stretched by someone even stranger than you, or
Just give Me a chance to work through you, to shine through stranger than the last "strangest" person you've had to cope
you. It's almost as if you're having to receive Me anew each day, with.
saying "yes" to Me afresh each day, making the decision again It's the "embracing the leper" process in the life of St. Francis
and again to take Me instead of what this cold, dead life of the and of many true followers of Mine.
flesh has to offer. You're saying "yes" to Heaven when you stop Shutting anyone out who doesn't look according to one's own
to pray and give Me a chance to work through you. You're then standard simply doesn't live up to what I said about loving the
not only making the choice that eventually you're going to go to least of My brethren the way you would love Me.
Heaven, as you did when you first prayed to ask Me to come into
your heart, but you're making choices that allow the forces of Seeking to be loved by everyone will only leave you disappointed
Heaven to become active in your life right now. by everyone's incapability to live up to your unrealistic
The Enemy is trying to slow you down and reduce your
fruitfulness for Me. Your motivation has got to be love for the people.
Whereas, if you just stay close to Me, no matter what happens You've got to stay on the rock bottom of the ground that what
you're doing it for - whatever it is you're doing - is love, and have you gone forth, accepting and bearing My seed and
without love it's nothing. bringing forth fruit unto Me? How many children have you borne
Humbly do whatever you're doing for love, and let that love be unto Me? Can you truly call yourself Mrs. Christ? Are you truly
clearly seen in your interaction with those around you, even if My wife? Have you truly employed your life in service to Me, or
sometimes they may seem to be harder to love than anyone far were you just one of the countless slaves of Mammon, who every
away you don't have to deal with. once in a while offered a little token, a small sacrifice to Me, as
How real is your love? Where are your limits? one would throw a bone to a dog under the table?
That's why I have said, "I will have mercy, not sacrifices." I'm sick
There always comes a point of more love and understanding and tired of little sacrifices that mean nothing, I want love. Love
than you've previously had. is the only acceptable sacrifice.

Everything else is only a distraction. Everything else will

sometimes only keep you busily going through the motions of 124 _________________________________________________
avoiding the very essence of what life is all about: "love thy Every person is like a country to explore. You may love it or
neighbor" - that person closest to you, you're living with, and hate it; consider it foreign or your own, but there is always
having to deal with face to face, that you cannot avoid or evade - something to explore. The saddest thing to do is take it for
"as thyself." granted. That's what a lot of people do: they never explore their
own countries, they're just interested in far-away lands, and
When you can accept and truly embrace the lowest of the low equally, they're not very interested in the people they're familiar
and let them know you're one of them or they're one of yours, with.
that you consider that there is no difference between you, but Oh, they may be very patriotic and act as if they don't love any
they're equally loved by Me as you are, then you've become real. other country as much as theirs, but - how much do they really
know their country - or their loved one? How much time have
I've always been the Hero and the Champion of the one lost and they really invested in getting to know all there is to know and to
forgotten and neglected sheep. If I knew the 99 were safely in the find out about them?
fold, My sympathies, My concerns and My love would go out to
that one lost sheep, strangled out there somewhere in the
brambles, the brushes, the shrubs of the confusion of this world, 125 _________________________________________________
and often I have wondered why those in the fold were always too You still have to learn to shut off the "emotional
busy pleasing themselves to ever come out and assist Me. circumstances" that the Devil often creates, and see past them,
It's part of being the real thing. Your love for the one lost sheep, see through them as illusions. They're spirits that are causing
the lowest of the low, the least of these My brethren, determines them. Spirits that make you feel unwell about something or
just how real you really are! someone, but you have to realize they're often either lying or
hindering spirits.
There is a goodness that goes beyond any confessional They're trying to get you to disobey Me, by creating illusions or
differences. There is a goodness that expects of you to be kinder fake obstacles in the path of doing what I've been asking you to,
to those who are not your own, who are different than you, than so that you will use them as an excuse, a "legitimate reason" not
to your own kind. That's what many of the Jews couldn't to do them. You must find out how "legitimate" those reasons
understand about Me: how could I be so kind to the non-Jews, really are. Are they real, or just mental fabrications by the
the Gentiles, the heathen, the "wicked?" Surely, I had to be a Enemy?
sinner, too, like them.
What I was showing them was that in the eyes of God, it wasn't You may feel as if you wouldn't be welcome, and you don't want
going to matter anymore whether you were a Jew or a Gentile, to intrude or bother anyone with the message I have given you to
but whether you were a child of God by being a child of good. pass on to them, but you have to realize that
Those who chose to do good over evil, and those who chose to whenever the Enemy is trying to tell you why you shouldn't be
recognize, accept, receive and believe in the Good when they expected to actually do something I told you to do, you can
saw Him or heard about Him, those were to be God's children safely assume that he's lying. After all, that's what he's best at.
from henceforth. It just about the only thing he's good at: faking things,
concocting lies, creating illusions, deceiving people. He's truly
And likewise there will come a time when I will make it clear to the great deceiver, and it is by his deceit that he destroys. In fact,
the world that it doesn't make any big difference whether you're by his deceit he gets people to destroy each other. He doesn't do
calling yourself a Christian, but how you live is what matters, and much of the dirty work himself. But he delights in watching all
how much you have given and done in order to make sure that the wreckage and carnage he causes by his lies and deceit.
those others, who apparently did not know Me, or perhaps did That’s why hearing from Me does make a big difference. How
not want to know Me because of some despicable and loveless else will you be able to tell what's going on? You should be glad
sample of one of those supposed believers and followers of that you're already getting a chance in this life to clean up, sort
Mine, would be given the chance to see a true picture and out and rectify some of the mess you made and caused, instead
illustration and token of My love by the way you lived. of having to wait until you get Here. Believe Me, you'll be grateful
God would not be God, nor would He be righteous, if He only for this opportunity one day.
allowed nominal Christians into His Kingdom, who - although
they were supposed to have known the truth - lived a worse Most people don't have a clue about the extent to which they
sample of what I stood for than some or even many of those who screwed up until they get Here - totally oblivious to the mistakes
claimed not to believe in Me, because they didn't want to be any they made and the impact they had on others and the
part of the hypocrites. consequences they brought about. So, be glad you're getting a
Can you blame anyone for not wanting to be a Christian today chance to recognize all this right now. The end of your book has
with the sample that Christians at large give to the world? Just not yet been written! You can still change things! You can still
as it is said "he is not a Jew that is outwardly a Jew" (Rom.2:28) - change your act and show that you've learned something! It's not
in the flesh, so I will also say, he is not a Christian that is too late.
outwardly a Christian, in name and in title only. But how much Now, when folks get Here, in some aspects, it's too late to rectify
are you really Mine? How much can you really claim to be Mine? things. I'll let them make up for it in some other way, and they'll
How much can you really say that you are My bride, that you be forgiven, but still it's so much nicer when you've been able to
have loved Me intimately, have heard My voice speak to your make "clean slates" as much as possible while you're still on
heart, and how much have you obeyed that voice? How much earth. Make sure that the other parties know that you've muffed it
and you're learning from it. If you have the spiritual down pat, then it's time to prove it by
your works, by your standard.
I'm not expecting more of you than you can deliver. I know what
you're capable of. But the only way I get you to make progress is
by expecting more of you, and in the effort, you stretch your 128 _________________________________________________
spiritual muscles and you grow. A conversation, just like all of life, is give and take, speak and
listen. The goal is not always necessarily to impart as much
information as possible to another, but to have as large of a
126 _________________________________________________ mutual exchange of information as possible...
Be thankful for the times when things go wrong and haywire, By giving them space & time to empty their minds & hearts, you
for they indicate that you've been either going in the wrong create the room and vacuum for more new input you might be
direction, or that you've been neglecting some pretty important able to share with them.
As long as everything's going alright, people just don't pay I create a vacuum in you by allowing you to first experience
enough attention. When things start going wrong, that's the point yourselves, have your way, have your say in life, and then find
where they'll start to listen up. "God, what am I doing wrong?" out that you need My input.
Usually those crises, when you realize your life is heading
downhill for disaster, are precisely what help you to prevent it Be a receptacle for the contents of their hearts, and once they
from really becoming one. have poured out, they will also let you pour in some.
Those times also make you more likable. All of a sudden you're
back down to the rock bottom of the fact that you're not better
than anyone else, even though you could have sworn you were, 129 _________________________________________________
at the rate things were going. The Devil is the champion of conformity and the opponent of
But alas, the curtain has fallen, and revealed that your life is a variety, of the liberty and freedom to dare to be different.
mess, just like everybody else's, and you have flaws a-plenty, He may pretend to champion the cause of "being different" when
just like everybody else. Maybe they're different ones, not exactly it comes to rebellion against God, but only in order to lure
the same or of the same kind, but no less numerous, no less everybody into his trap of endlessly boring monotony and
horrendous. In fact, maybe even a little worse to behold than similarity where everybody just does things his way, believes
some of the others'. what he dictates, and - believe Me, he's not nearly as innovative,
nor as mindful of variety as the Father and I are about the Big
As long as you can buy yourself things to make you feel better Picture.
artificially, things don't seem to be all that bad. Not bad enough
to make you ask yourself "what's wrong," anyways. So, that's You constantly discover new facets, new aspects, new details
another reason why I have to allow those times of "leanness," and angles, factors and clues to new secrets, mysteries and
and it can't always be times of plenty. Plenty is what spoils revelations; things you weren't aware of before. The Big Picture
people stupid. That's probably the core of the disease of society: is moving and growing; it is alive.
they work so hard in order to have so much money and so many You cannot just stick it into any closed container and say, "Here,
things that they can spoil themselves stupid. this is it: the whole truth and everything there is to know."
There's always more to it, always more. You may think now
You can't blame the Devil for everything. Some things are simply you've got it, and you've reached the bottom line, end of story,
the result of man's sinful nature, the results which he has and then a new chapter or whole new story begins.
brought about by his own choices - which may have been
initiated by the Devil's temptations- but they were still, Let go and take a break sometimes, in order to be able to get
nonetheless, his own choices. back to your work with renewed zest, energy and vacuum for
more input that "counts." The empty spaces between the
The circumstances outside the Garden of Eden teach you the particles of the molecules and between the planets are just as
consequences, and thus you learn from your mistakes. I'd say important as the particles and planets themselves. Just because
"Welcome to the club," but so far I haven't made any. It's not like I the power and energy is invisible, doesn't mean it's not there.
never regretted anything, but the Father has things rigged up in a Just because you can't see it doesn't make it useless. Even so,
way that even if I would make a choice which were the lesser of the "empty space" between your accomplishments, your breaks,
two or various options, it will yet turn out to be the best for your times of recreation, etc., are just as important as your
everyone involved... working hours.
Ask any school kid, which they deem more important, more
He that praises Me and My name, praises the Father. He has significant: the classes or the breaks in-between them.
ordained the flow of things to pass through Me, the Mediator
between God and men. Better to know little than to think you know it all.
I am the Light of the world by which you can see Him in
everything. Sometimes the fun things, the less "serious" things of life, the
by-products, turn out to be the main product and most important
The more you invest in this life, in acquiring and aspiring in this of all. Look at all the entertainment business is raking in. It's a
present world, the more you miss the point, and the more you'll major industry. Not that I approve of the way things are when it
miss out and lose in the end, of what you could have truly gained comes to that, but it just shows that "doing nothing" or "not
by investing more in Eternity. making sense" sometimes can be worth it.

You can't figure it all out anyway. That doesn't mean that you
127 _________________________________________________ should never help anyone else to get a clue, that you should
Diligence is an important part of love for Me and others. never share what you know, but it also means that you've
Part of love is being a good steward over the things I have sometimes got to let them be and do what they want to do, what
entrusted you. Once you've got the spiritual side straight in your they feel like doing. You can't regiment inspiration.
life, and there's no question about that anymore, then it's time to
focus on how you can best and most efficiently put all that
spiritual input into practice, convert it into a living, flesh and 130 _________________________________________________
blood sample. I fulfill your specific needs and those of your flock.
The mystery of learning to "wait on the Lord" is a much greater
You need to have answers. You need to be able to show that treasure than what many, many people ever acquire with all their
you've really got the Answer Man, able to give you answers. gaining and doing in all their lives.
You're not supposed to be ignorant and duped by Satan's lies,
like the rest of them. "Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before His Presence with
Sure, the temptations are there to get lifted up in pride, to singing. It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves."
become isolated, lifted off, elevated, etc., but I know whom I can (Ps.100). Isn't that the problem? That people think they can thank
trust with My gifts that I bestow on you individually, and it's none themselves for what they are, instead of Me?
of your concern to question Me on this. Show them how wrong they are! I don't demand praise, but show
What I gave you, I gave you because I knew you could handle it, them that they're going the wrong way, they'll never find
and if at anytime you do fall into one of the Enemy's traps, then happiness that way. For true happiness lies only in
you know by experience I know how to make you snap out of it acknowledging Me and giving the glory and honor to Whom it is
real quick, because you've experienced My hand of correction, due by respecting Me as the Source of happiness and life and all
and you always feel it upon you. things.

I've earned your respect, so to speak, and since "the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom," I let you continue and grow on 131 _________________________________________________
the path of wisdom, past its beginning. Go on, walk down the All the sermons and sound advice in the world aren't as
road of wisdom. It's a "downhill" road, alright, since it won't take effective as a living sample of what you're preaching. The best
you to any high places in this world. Just like the wisdom of the message conveyed is the one you convey by the way you live.
world is foolishness with God, it's also the other way around: the You must never allow yourself to make a god out of your work,
wisdom of God is foolishness to men. not even for a moment. Even if people interrupt you, they still
So, you've got to get used to that "fool on the hill" image, but as come first. The atmosphere should always be one of "welcome
the song says, "he knows that they're the fools," ever firm in the anytime," instead of "not now!" You owe that kind of a sample to
conviction that you are the one who truly knows, for you have the world around you, if you're going to be publishing words
assumed My knowledge... the real thing; not the fake wisdom of reminding people of the importance of love and the meaning of
the world. life.

You can have all wisdom, but if you don't even have the simple
basics of love, you still look pretty poor. 132 _________________________________________________
The fuller you are of yourself, your own plans, ambitions and
The purpose of the things I show you is to answer the questions intuitions, the less space there is for other things, including the
that people have about Me and the meaning of things, not to views and sentiments of others.
enrich yourself or enhance your own ego. Although you have found the truth, your life isn't perfect yet, and
True knowledge isn't a popularity factor in this world, anyway, it's not as if you'll never have to learn another thing from
but more likely you'll be viewed as some sort of crank, so, these someone else.
factors should serve as safeguards to keep you humble. I choose It's give and take. You teach and you learn, even from people who
humble vessels, considered foolish by the world, to bring My true may seem to have much less to give than what you've got. If
knowledge and light into the world. you're humble enough to be in a receiving and learning position
in relation to anyone you come across, you'll find life in general a
The price of true godliness is that of really not amounting to much greater success, when you come to the end of the road,
much of anything in this world, but to the contrary: persecution, than if you go through it constantly pushing your own thing on
ridicule, rejection, opposition and adversity. So that you truly others.
might draw your strength from Me and My Spirit and the It's the art of being open enough to see Me in everything,
company of the persecuted, the true men and women of God of including in everybody you come across, even as different from
all ages. you as they may seem. The more they differ from you, the greater
the challenge.
Growing older is really something to rejoice in and look forward
to when you walk with Me, and only then. Because you're
learning to rely more on My power and less on your own, you're 133 _________________________________________________
truly learning what it means, "He must increase, but I must Sometimes you've just got to realize that you can't have it all.
decrease." You can't be My chosen people and be popular at the same time.
You can't be winning souls and bearing fruit without any testings.
I want you to seek the happiness and welfare of those others, The Enemy will always try to discourage, hinder or slow you
and not your own, the art of learning how to give and how to down, if he can't stop you altogether.
love. Bad spirits feel well with hosts who give them a good time. That's
why you've got to discipline yourselves to not go overboard with
As you give and diminish that which is of and for and by the enjoyment side of things, you've got to stay on guard and on
yourself, you grow in all that which is of and for and by Me. the attack.
No matter how pleasant things get, you've got to remind
As you shrink in the significance of the nothingness of this world yourselves constantly that you're at war, and that you're warriors,
around you, you grow in all things that really count. Welcome a constant threat to the Enemy, and thus constantly at risk of any
from the world of nothingness to the world of All Things! You exit form of attack by him. He'll take advantage of any weak moment
the land of where all is fake and in reality nothing, and enter the you'll offer him.
land of the Real, the land of Everything. Everything that matters.
Everything that lasts, that is eternal. You actually need adversities and the troubles to keep you
spiritually awake and alive and progressing.
That's why it's a golden City, to remind everyone that Here are
found the values that will last, like gold, not the futile values of The lack you're experiencing is creating a necessary vacuum of
the world. Keep your eye on that Golden City. desperation, of humility, of everything that is the opposite of
Patience is a greater mystery than you thought, and impatience
is a greater and more dangerous sin of mankind than most think. I like to have you desperately dependent on Me so that you won't
fall back into the ever present trap of leaning on the arm of the allow to flush through your life. How much do you allow others to
flesh. When you've got a lot to be desperate about, then you'll be touched by Me through you? How much do you really give in
also have a lot to be thankful for, because you'll know that it order to be able to say you did your best, you gave your all? How
wasn't merely coincidence that you made it through the dire much do you have left? Are you doing and giving all you can?
straits, you'll know it was Me Who got you through the rough That's what counts to Me.

136 _________________________________________________
134 _________________________________________________ The System's got some mean tricks to enslave people
The people who swallow the System's brainwash, the loyal through fear and pressure. I'm just telling you there's nothing to
slaves of the Matrix, will never accept you as one of theirs. be afraid of.
They could never see their own evil clearly, openly and honestly. They're not playing fair. "The powers that be" are slowly evolving
They just don't have the guts to face themselves as what they into the most evil force to ever have governed this world, and
really are. They lack the honesty that it would take. eventually the time will come when, like My apostles of old, you
will have to make the choice to obey God, rather than men. And
The majority of the world simply lives in delusion, since that's in order to be able to do that, you've got to acquire the necessary
where the Enemy is guiding them. The biggest problem you have courage and faith to know that when it comes down to it, they're
about preaching the gospel is that they just don't want to hear just bluffing. And if you're willing to go to jail for your beliefs,
the truth! They couldn't live with it. because they're going to forbid you to witness, or because you
insisted on living by faith, instead of depending on the System's
The truth about what the Matrix really is would be way too far out, social services, what's the difference?
way too horrible for them to believe and accept. That they're Living by faith is a greater witness and testimony. It's part of
basically all being used as "batteries" to keep the demonic your anti-System testimony. Many of My children are still running
System of the Enemy running. "Welcome to the Machine!" on My instructions of yesterday, when it comes to that.
Of course, you're supposed to live as peaceably and as
It all comes down to the collision of the Big Lie with the Truth. cautiously as possible toward those that are without for as long
One cannot bear the other. You either adhere to one or the other. as possible. But I'm preparing you for the time when there will be
That's what it all amounts to in the end. You may try to concoct all-out war between you and the System, and that could happen
your very own mixture of the two, but eventually you'll see that rather quickly. And like Pharaoh of old, they will have to be
they won't hold, they will each crystallize into opposing fractions, shown and taught that you're not afraid of their threats, because
and you'll either cling to the one or the other. I'm on your side.

Only few are courageous enough to really believe the whole, Eventually, My Endtime Underground will have to break with the
outrageous truth about the world they're living in. System, it's ties with the System, it's dependence on the System.

Those who never thought they ever had anything to repent of are The System has ceased to respect Me, nor is it really respecting
the ones giving the world the most trouble with their sins they you on a large scale, and you know from My Word that eventually
themselves are blind to. they'll start hounding and persecuting you, so you can't live as if
your life and destiny was meant to be one of perpetual peace
with the System.
135 _________________________________________________
"A man's life consisteth not..." in the abundance of the
statistics he produces. Lately I'm putting a lot more emphasis on 137 _________________________________________________
how you do things, in what spirit, and with which motivation and Everybody wants to be popular with the younger generation,
incentive, than the amount of things you accomplish. You may be but it's only those who don't care too much about popularity who
thinking you're accomplishing so-and-so much and mentally pat are going to be able to teach them anything.
yourself on the back for it, and maybe coast on the laurels of
your accomplishments, but if that keeps you in a spirit of The most dangerous threat to genuine learning is the illusion that
complacency instead of desperation and humility, then the you're right, there's nothing to change about your views &
purpose of those stats is actually defeated. attitudes.
The question is not how much you accomplish on paper, but how
much do you really accomplish? How close are you really to the In the beginning it doesn't exactly evoke positive feelings to be
goal I have set before you, that which you would call fulfilling corrected and shown that you were wrong, but in the end, the
your destiny and the purpose for which you were created and sincere and true learners will be thankful.
Sometimes folks can hide behind some great accomplishments The overall tendency is that the older generation is much too
and achievements of theirs, while all the while really pitifully easily swayed by every little hunch, inkling and whim of the
failing at what I would really like them to do. younger generation, because they want to be "cool" with them,
they don't want to be "passé" or labeled as "Old Bottles."
The amount of love in what you did is what counts, not the But being an Old Bottle has nothing to do with age whatsoever.
statistics. They're just numbers. Don't hide behind numbers,
don't glory in them, only glory in love, and in how much you're They'd be much better off with a downright challenge and
able to truly live in and convey My Spirit each day. confrontation than this constant effort to avoid confrontations,
That's why I got so upset with David's counting the soldiers of resulting in pampering them and giving in to their whims and
his army: he was trying to put his confidence in numbers, instead notions...
of Me. Don't put your faith in numbers, but in Me! Nobody wants to take the risk of losing them, so they bend over
backwards to be nice to them, but the result is often the opposite
It's like the "abundance" of money on their bank accounts that of the desired effect.
some people think their life consists of. Their life and its value
basically consist of a number: the amount of money they have on Sometimes, love hurts. Sometimes there's no way around "the
their bank account. wounds of a friend" or "lashes of love."

Your true value is determined by the amount of My Spirit you

138 _________________________________________________ going to have to trust Me. I show you when it is becoming more
If you're faithful to make the most out of the little things I've than you're supposed to bear, but in the meantime, bear it with
given you, then you can be sure I will bless you with more. Little patience.
is much if I am in it.
Even if they won't wake up to the error of their ways during this
My Spirit is best able to shine through simplicity! life-time, you can be sure that the lessons will serve their
Some folks get tripped off on the technical side of things, they
neglect what's most important, namely My Spirit in it. Be honored that I have counted you worthy and strong enough to
bear these sufferings. Remember My apostles who "rejoiced that
My promise still stands, that he that is faithful in the least will be they had been counted worthy to suffer" for Me. It's part of your
given much. "job" to "endure hardness" as a good soldier of Mine (2Tim.2:3).

What I like to use is the little, the despised, the underestimated

things. 141 _________________________________________________
The sun is a very good illustration of what each of you can
What the world needs now is not just another "cool" looking be: either a source of life, or a scourge. It all depends on the right
Christian. What they need is the fire to warm themselves by, they balance, and whether you agree to make sure to always abide by
need to watch someone burn for Me, totally regardless of what My rules and parameters: the exact distance and timing I have
anyone may think of them. I like to use people who don't give a laid down for earth's rotations both around its own axis and
damn about whether the whole world thinks they're nuts. What I around the sun, etc.
need is people who are truly willing to be fools for My sake and
My Cause. The devil is constantly trying to change My rules and make his
own. He figures if he's god down here, then he might as well
I've given you a message, and that has always been the gist and change the rules, be the rule-breaker who wanted to be a rule-
the heart of the matter. If you don't have a message to give to the maker, and of course, he's making a terrible mess of it all.
world, and you just want to come across as another cool dude, Simple obedience and submission will turn out to have been a
then you might as well forget it. much smarter and wiser way than all his smartness, and the sum
of all his wisdom which he's applying selfishly and in the wrong
Crazy times call for crazy measures. Look at it: the world's gone way.
crazy. How do you think you're going to wake them up and reach Even wisdom, and all the gifts of the spirit can turn into
them and speak their language? By acting all "normal?" They're something bad and harmful if applied in a wrong way, a way
just finding out there is no such thing. without love, and selfishly. That's why Paul said, without love it's
all nothing. It becomes negative, instead of positive, a nuisance
instead of a blessing, a hindrance instead of a help, death
139 _________________________________________________ instead of life.
(Dad:) The Lord put that warning in His Word: "Woe if the salt
loses its flavor," and, "No man hides a light under a bushel." He You are My stars. You're the stars of My show, and you become,
knew of the dangers of the urge of conformity. bringers of life in this world, sources of words of wisdom and the
pivots on which hinges the equilibrium of all, without which there
He's still in the business of idol-smashing, and sometimes the would be a false balance which would cause everything to
most effective way to do that is the school of one's own collapse, which is precisely what will happen when the Enemy
experiences. Sometimes He gets certain folks to the point where will try to wipe you out, My true church, during the Great
they finally realize that if they would like the world to be any Tribulation, the times of trouble and hour of darkness I have
different, then they're going to have to do something about it foretold.
themselves, because it doesn't look like too many other folks are In that hour of darkness you will shine brightest of all. Right now
really doing anything about it. They're all too busy & concerned there's still some twilight, and the world isn't as desperate yet for
with their looks, their image & coolness and how they come your light, but when the devil's light will collapse and turn into
across... lots of things to keep them distracted from the real darkness, reveal itself as what it really is, then there's going to be
essence of things. great desperation among those who are My children at heart, and
who don't really want to follow the Devil.
Make sure the quality's there in your message and in what you He’s sifting them all as wheat now, he's the grim reaper, reaping
bring across! Make sure that God is in it, whatever you do, his harvest of souls and even seeking to entice many of My own
whatever you say. away from Me. And you stand there, seemingly powerless.
But you've got to assume the power over that situation. Act in the
Show the world the forgotten magic of simplicity! power and in the name of the Author, the Founder, the Ruler over
all, in His undisputable Authority over everything else, any
"Clothe her lightly!" That theme works. circumstances and forces that would dare to stand in the way of
My will, and that would dare to defy you.
Once you've become a sun, you don't revolve around them
140 _________________________________________________ anymore, your path isn't dictated by their rules anymore, or
You must take both, the enjoyment I give you, as well as the whatever circumstances they dictate on you, but you become the
suffering that comes along with it. If it were just one-sided, and pivot around which things revolve, you determine the rules and
you'd only have the fun part of life, you'd soon become spoiled. the course of events.
There has got to be some pain and suffering, and often the most
effective sort of pain is that which is being evoked on you by How do you regain what the Devil has cunningly robbed you of?
your own children. You claim it back. You must re-assume it. You're coming back
Let it count toward your being a partaker of My sufferings. See into your realm and take back what is rightfully yours. You may
yourself as one of those on the altar, one of the lambs and rams apologize for your temporary absence, for not having been "quite
of sacrifice, the partakers of My sufferings. Remember that there," but now you're back in full power, and they can be
you're in good company among many other fellow-sufferers, and assured that they can rely on both your authority and on your
resist it not. It is good for you. It is good. protection.
It may not be your idea of good, but that's where you're simply They need stability, and when somebody is unstable then they'll
look for another source that guarantees them safety. that you're "okay with God."
There will come a time when I will have to become your
The constant flow of those assured voices from TV - not like everything: your food, your oxygen, your water. You will be
those soft and sometimes unsure and wavering voices of their totally dependent on Me. Accordingly, you should start tuning in
parents - have barged in and claimed the authority over their to Me with the reverence that is due. Our relationship must grow.
hearts. They seem to promise, "I will lead you where you can The intensity and quality of our communication must grow.
walk safely." They sound so sure of themselves, as if they knew There has to be progress.
what they're promising. But of course they don't, and it's all one This godly pressure I exert on you is good for you.
big and gigantic fake. But it comes across so real. It's like climbing a mountain: you can't just stay in the middle
You've got to counter the counterfeit "realness" of the devil with somewhere, you've got to keep going until you reach the top,
My actual and total and totalitarian Realness. I have got the even if it costs you every last bit of strength.
absolute rule and power, and that's what has got to be I'm pushing you beyond what you previously thought you were
established as the ultimate standard in their lives - and yours, of capable of.
course, first of all. If you're going to lead anyone in the opposite
direction of where the System is leading them, then you'd better Sometimes you have to work at it a bit, even if it's a gift. It's a gift
know where you're guiding them, or at least that they can fully for you to work with. It's a weapon you have to practice and train
trust the One Who is guiding you, like Moses, when they walked with, and the more you do, the more skilled you will become in
out into the wilderness and toward the Red Sea. using it.
Once they had crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, they knew Sometimes it may seem a bit monotonous, as you repeat and
they had witnessed an authority unequalled, and that this repeat the same things, just like training football skills. You've
Authority was very likely to guide them safely into the Promised got to keep it alive and moving.
It’s not just a gift for your own enjoyment and gratification, but
When you remember that you are nothing and nobody and just a it's primarily destined to help you be a blessing to others, so,
hole for Me to fill you, then you will also invest the necessary keep your channel flowing outward.
time in the filling process, and you will be filled - with My power,
My authority that's going to make people look up and take notice. When you feel "stuck" and you don't feel like receiving anything,
because your own capacity to receive is exhausted, simply
because you don't really happen to need any new input, what
142 _________________________________________________ about your loved ones? What about others your life is in touch
Giving out and passing it on, means putting it to use and into with or is going to touch?
practice, and it makes it all come alive much more than if you just I know this happens when you're specially concerned about
try to store it all away in theory. someone, but what about training that muscle on a regular basis,
just as you would your prophecy muscle in general? Like
"intercessory prophecy." You hear from Me for the sake of
143 _________________________________________________ others. You could at least hear from Me about what you could do
Nobody ever finds out about those folks in whose lives to "make their day."
everything seems to be working out just fine, because there isn't
the same measure of desperation there, simply because it's not
needed. 145 _________________________________________________
If everything is honky-dory and the way it ought to be, what need There are some people who simply let their egos stand in the
is there for desperation? And accordingly, there isn't all that way of what I really want to do, but they don't realize it. They
much sweetness and honey flowing over on others from such think their program is Mine. That's what happens when I have
perfect little lives, as from the lives of those whose lives were become nothing else but an extension of their own ideas of Me in
crushed like a honey comb. their minds, but they're not really in touch with the real Me, they
don't really have the real thing, and consequently, the work
Your mistakes are an important part of the meaning and purpose cannot take off, because people just fail to see My Spirit at work,
of your lives, since they are what you learn the most from. but merely see a bunch of guys running around in their own
steam... the same as they see anywhere else: in politics, in the
You can't have it all: a perfect life and all the passion and thrills churches...
that result from the ups and downs of a less stable, more
turbulent life, and everybody gets what they're shooting for, what You have to pick up the torch of truly being led by My Spirit,
they're aiming at, what they can handle, and what I know they which is a little hard to do, when you're dealing with opposing
can take and need most. carnal input, but at least My sheep will see that there are a few
among My people who really have My Spirit, not just an idea.

144 _________________________________________________ Leaders are usually leaders because they've got so much of their
Turn on receiving mode. Welcome on the heavenly own personal drive. But in order to become truly one of My
wavelength. Sometimes I keep you on CQ for a little while. leaders who truly lead people in My direction and the way I want
Sometimes I need to know that you really want it. I want to make for them to pursue, it takes the willingness to let go of all that
sure it's not just becoming another lifeless habit for you, the way you think is the right way, and a determination not to settle for
some folks turn on their radios in the morning and let it run all any delusion of "My way," namely the temptation to allow your
day sort of for background noise because they can't stand the way to become what you try to sell as "My way." It takes that kind
silence. of honesty with oneself, that kind of desperation, that kind of
My station requires silence. It requires turning off all other determination to refuse to settle for anything less than My best,
background noises, thoughts and distractions that would throw for anything less than the real thing, which is My input, My
you off. It's also not something you can take for granted. direction, My love and My heart...
Although you can be sure of My Presence and of the fact that I
like and want to talk to you, it's a bit more than just flipping a There will come a time when anyone's own steam simply will no
switch. You've got to want it and have a vacuum for it. longer do, but My steam and power will be required and
Indifference is a killer that will make it nearly impossible to expedient. Nothing else will do. That's why "The Real Thing" is
receive My words. an Endtime theme: nothing else will work then. Right now, a lot
It's more than entertainment. It's more than a ritual to ensure you of people are still running on their own fake versions of whatever
they consider their real thing, but then, it's only going to be the
Real Thing that's going to do the trick, My true Spirit, and nothing 148 _________________________________________________
else, no more fakes, no more artificial hype, no more one's own As long as you've got plenty of time, it's relatively easy to
excitement or personal ambition or pet doctrine or modus take time to hear from Me. But the real test & crunch comes when
operandi or the way they think it ought to be done, but only My you're busy and occupied with many ongoing projects.
way. This is where you're going to have to prove and show just how
important My time with you really is for you, whether it really
You’ve got to let My Spirit take over. ranks top priority.
You've got to continue spending your time with Me, no matter
That’s what this life's lesson is all about: determining and what's all on the schedule and no matter how many projects
distinguishing the Real Thing from the fake. Which one is the there are to tackle, or how much responsibility rests on your
real thing, the proper picture: this one, or the fake; who simply shoulders.
claims to know better? Who's the one who's really got My
authority, the authority and power of My Spirit? Continuing to put Me first shows your faith that when it comes
down to it, I'm going to have to do it.
If they're not attuned to My Spirit or desperate to stay on My You’ve got to commit the whole thing into My hand and expect
wavelength, then you've got to make all the more effort to do so. Me to do it. It's got to be Me from A to Z, otherwise it will not have
You cannot just say, "The responsibility is theirs," but the the desired effect.
responsibility belongs to whoever I pick to carry it, and when it's
your turn, you've got to be ready. That's what it's all about: being I know you're anxious to show that you can do it better and in a
ready and prepared for when it's your turn to carry the more Spirit-led way than it has been done before, but then you're
responsibility. also going to have to continue in a Spirit-led m.o. and not get all
And then to be able to make sure that there will be a difference hyped up in the flesh, thinking you're going to have to do it all.
between what you've got to offer and all the previous personal
modes, namely My Spirit at work, truly, and nothing else. The spirit of competition is not nearly as conducive to success
as humility and when you acknowledge you can't do it and show
that you're dependent on everybody's help, most of all Mine.
146 _________________________________________________ Only I can help you to be truly successful in your endeavors.
Make a more serious effort to stay in My Spirit, to stay on Only I can help you rise above Satan's attempts to slow you
guard, to fill your heart and mind with input that will be down or stop this thing from becoming a success.
conducive to your staying in My Spirit, instead of input you may
"have the faith" to enjoy but may regret later having done so. It's got to be Me and My perfect timing. You cannot allow any
I'm going to demand and expect another level of commitment expectations of man to put pressure on you.
from you, and another standard of obedience where you can't
allow yourself all the same liberties you took the right to enjoy I'm happy to see you excited and inspired about the projects
thus far. before you. But you still need to learn to apply your energies
My work and plan for this area depends on you to a certain wisely, and not lose sight of Me in the equation.
degree, and you wouldn't want to screw it all up due to some
slackness or lack of obedience in the little things, right? By channeling your excitement and inspiration through Me, and
rolling the ball back to Me, you can be sure that everything is
When I promote you to another level of greater responsibility, going to have My perfect touch and blessing: My perfect timing,
that also means that I expect another level of obedience from My perfect pace, and you can rest assured that I'm going to do it
you, and one of the priorities related to that is the spiritual input for you, you don't have to do it yourself and in your own energy.
you allow yourself to consume. Thus you won't feel wasted or as if your energy was already
spent, but you'll feel constantly renewed, even if more than usual
It's better to listen to no music at all than to listen to the wrong has been expected and demanded of you.
kind of music! If you need more edifying music to listen to, Plus, your loved ones around you won't feel left out, or
create some! frightened about the change happening in you, because I will
remain the Constant in your life that will bring assurance and the
right equilibrium into everything, so, My peace remains, and it
147 _________________________________________________ won't be replaced by stress or panic, or any form of anxiety that
It’s not the amount of things you do that counts, but the comes from feeling as if you'd have to do it on your own...
amount of love in the things you do.

There is no higher value, no higher power, no higher intelligence 149 _________________________________________________

than love. You've got to live with the scrutiny of others, and the
The spirit of accomplishment kills that spirit of love sometimes. judgment they're going to pass over your words. It helps to make
Because love takes time to really find out and investigate about them more real and to affirm your convictions. After all, if what
the background of the story, it doesn't judge prematurely. Love you believe turns out to be watertight, and that it can withstand
takes the time to care. While the spirit of accomplishment takes the storm, then you can know for sure that it's something you
up and eats up that time. It just takes time for the things it deems can trust in, rely and build your life on.
most important and worthy, judging by what's to be seen on the It's not the audience reaction that matters; it's whether your truth
surface. It doesn't dig deeper. will hold when their criticism has finally died down.

The world of the man of accomplishment is going down, and only The Enemy has a very necessary purpose: to lend extra and
the world of the man of love will last. additional evidence to the word of truth of its power by the
adversity with which he resists and fights it, tries to besmirch
You've got to have the right basis for your works, and the only and nullify and contradict it. He says, "Did God really say so?"
right basis for any works and accomplishments wrought for Me and prompts man to find out by his own experience.
is love. You've got to make sure that love is the basis and
foundation of your household, that it's the prevailing and As time will do the talking, it will finally appear that it isn't I Who's
prevalent spirit in your Home and in your actions. the Liar around here, and experience shows which words are
really worth clinging to, Mine or his. And thus it is with all words
spoken, with every philosophy uttered... only the truth will way they are, and it would be good for you to train and prepare
remain. now, so you'll be ready then to face things in the appropriate
spirit and attitude of faith.
You’ve got to keep washing yourselves with the Word every day,
and some folks don't even realize to what extent they need that Only once you call on Me and seek My face can you be sure that
washing. the option chosen will be My option and preference, and only
On the other hand, the dirt is what makes the water and the thus can you advance and move full steam ahead in My direction
washing necessary. If you were clean already, then what would and in My power.
the washing of the Word and the regeneration of My Holy Spirit It's got to be the exactly right balance between going too fast and
be good for? too slow, being too pushy or impatient about things and falling
behind, and in order to find that right balance, you've got to
Most people consider themselves clean and look upon others as desperately seek to stay in tune with Me.
But when you look through My eyes, and you have washed your "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man," but only finding
heart and mind with My Words, you can see through the eyes of out for sure which is My preferred way for you to take, and which
faith and see both, yourself and others as clean by faith. I have is My particular highest will for this situation will lead you to the
cleansed you, saved you from your sins. That doesn't desired results.
necessarily mean that sin has disappeared altogether, just as I
haven't transformed your bodies yet into eternal and immortal If you discern the signs of the times, you can tell that time is
ones. getting shorter, and you'd rather have an impact on people's lives
But it will happen. that's going to cause them to make appropriate changes now
To some extent, your salvation and spiritual "cleanness" is only than a day too late.
by faith right now, and it's up to you to which extent you use and I don't want to scare you, but I also don't want you to be lethargic
apply that faith each day, and "work out your own salvation." or take it too lightly, thinking that things are going to continue
Some people get saved, but they still remain on a negative forever as they are.
wavelength. They don't apply or use their salvation and My
cleansing power for what it could do for them in this life already. It's time to get stirred up, and really get some movement and
They will still benefit from it in the hereafter, but they deny action in the spirit going in order to get the desired results.
themselves the privilege of using and applying My Salvation
power to the extent they could in this life. That's what the life of
faith is all about: to which extent do you use it, apply it and make 152 _________________________________________________
it work? It is only in the amount of love you have for your enemies
That's why you see some shining more than others: some use it that you can say you truly have supernatural love that exceeds
more than others... Some take it for granted and don't use it as the natural affection that even unbelievers have for each other.
much as they should or could, simply because they're happy
with the way things are, and the way they are. In their opinion, Sure, it's difficult to love your enemies. Your natural tendency is
they're already clean enough, they don't need all that much to hate them, to cast them out. You'd prefer if they weren't
washing. around. But My love doesn't always prefer what would be better
Whereas folks with a greater "history" of "dirt" will usually make for oneself.
sure they're availing themselves much more regularly and
desperately of the hyssop of My Word, and the regenerating There isn't much love for others within personal comfort. That's
Power of My Spirit. They know they need it. why the most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a
comfortable place: the more comfortable you are, the less love
How much to you realize you need My Word, My Spirit, My Input, you have for others.
you need Me?
How much do you live in a self-satisfied illusion that you're doing I have to allow your love to undergo tests to prove how real it is,
fine with the amount of Me you're applying to your life already? just as I test your faith. I'm trying to find out, how real is your
With how much or little progress are you content? Will you settle love?
for less than the best? With how little of the real thing are you
satisfied? How much of Me can you handle before you say Your capacity to love has reached its limits, you cannot love
"stop"? beyond that, and this should show you where you're having to
Some kids don't like to take baths. Others think they need one improve; where you lack, and where you need to acquire more of
everyday. What kind are you? If you're clean through the Words I what you're lacking.
speak to you, how clean do you want to be?
It’s tough when all you give to a person is only met with
150 _________________________________________________ ingratitude, lies and selfishness. It's a tough challenge to love
Action is not the only thing it's all about. It's certainly very someone like that... But it serves to show you that your
important, but what's most important is that I'm in it, and to capacities to love do have a limit, they're shockingly finite, as
ensure that, there's just no way around spending the necessary you're finding out.
time with Me. You realize that you have a need, that you're lacking something,
and that's always good news for Me, because it means soon
You don't have to hide behind what you're doing. You can be free you're going to be asking Me for that which you lack, for Me to fill
to just be who you are in Me, and that's enough. You can enjoy that need, which I always gladly do.
Me, and I will make it happen through you. It doesn't always have I love to fill any vacuum in your heart, your soul, any empty
to be a painful or laborious process, and the greatest sacrifice space there is for Me to fill.
involved sometimes is just that: your time. It's really true: without Me, you are nothing; you can do nothing,
and your love amounts to nothing.
It's always good news for Me when you realize how nothing you
151 _________________________________________________ are without Me, because it means that soon you're going to turn
You've got the power to control or at least influence the to Me with a renewed hunger and yearning for Me, when you
circumstances, and I want you to avail yourself of that power were just beginning to take Me a little bit for granted again.
more. There will come a time when circumstances will be too
tough and too difficult to just "accept" them and take things the Be honest: you cannot love without Me. Your own capacity to
love is embarrassing because I am love, and without Me, your the sour apple and play the dreadful role of the prophet who
ability to truly love is zero, and every now and then I need to shows and tells the people why things aren't working out the way
remind you of that. they hoped.
Your capacity to love anyone doesn't stem from your being such It's not "tough luck." There's a purpose in everything, and
a good person, or because you're such a good child of God, or "causeless the curse shall not come." There is a reason for
any other goodness you might think you have, but only from Me. punishment, and every person should be interested and curious
enough about the truth to find out what it was in their case. There
Only when you come to grips with of how little you're capable, are things to learn from life. But so few are willing.
how little love you're able to give in the natural, do you realize
just how badly you need Me. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow.

Life without Me really isn't worth living. You'll find out that there's
no fun, no satisfaction in it whatsoever, if I'm not in it, if you 154 _________________________________________________
didn't include Me and didn't take Me with you. Sometimes the apparently easier way, chosen to make things
I may let you get away with it for a little while and allow you to easier on yourself, can turn out to be a detour instead of a
experience a little fun and diversion on your own, until sooner or shortcut. It's better to put your whole heart into something from
later you'll realize that there's no fun, no true pleasure at all the start, even if it means it will cost more effort and work, than
without the true Source of all godly pleasure. to half-heartedly start something that's going to cost a lot more
time later to fix and patch up.
A lot of lessons and experiences in life lead to the same
conclusion and realization of how much you need Me. If you would have paid closer attention to the details, you would
It is discomforting to find out how terrible you really are, but have known better what to do from the beginning.
that's what My Comforter is all about: to help you realize how far
you can fly in spite of yourself.
The Comforter, My Spirit, helps you to rise above the confines 155 _________________________________________________
and limitations of your ego, and lets you find out that you'll get The essential thing is not what you do, or that you do
much further in life if you let Me take over. If you allow Me to fully something. But what is more important to Me is what you are, as
possess you, you'll become a new creature capable of so much you do them. In what spirit are you when you do them? What do
more than your old man. you convey as you do them? Are you acting in My love? Is My
love recognizable in what you do?
You’re going to make sure it's My love that's driving you.
"The love of Christ constraineth me" is a good key verse to help You've got to make a difference.
you remember what it's got to be. Nothing else will do. If you Your sample must constitute a difference, it's got to be a
forget, I will remind you. Life will remind you. Your own different sample, that's going to be infectious to others.
incapability will remind you. Just as I said to those who listened to Me during My time on
earth, "Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes
and Pharisees...," I say to you now that unless your love exceeds
153 _________________________________________________ that of the lifeless, loveless goers-through-the-motions, it will be
How do you help or cure someone who is sick, but they don't of no avail!
know it? And they don't want to know it...
People want to hear things that make them feel happy. It's true that I will resurrect My dead church, but I need those who
The whole story around Me strongly indicates that they're will wake them up! Yes, I use people to do My work, and you can
lacking something and something's wrong with them; that they be one of My instruments! You can be one of My wake-up calls to
need help. Nobody wants to hear that something's wrong with My sleepy army!
them. And having to tell them that is hard.
You can be feverishly running around and still be spiritually
They’re a little more open to hear about the solutions to their asleep. Only love is what brings you back to life, and what
problems, when things are going wrong. breathes life into what you do. If there's no love in it, then forget
But they don't want to take the responsibility for what has gone it; it's not going to change a single person's life! Only love gives
wrong. you the amount of dedication and fire and passion that you need
It takes humility to be able to take it and recognize that you did in order to truly begin to make a difference in anybody's life!
something wrong to merit whatever has befallen you. It takes
humility to realize you need help. Leave behind all the clichés in your head of what you think
you've got to do or what you think they're expecting of you, and
Realizing your fault is the only hope you've got. That's what focus on what I am expecting of you: I'm expecting you to love.
repentance, metanoia, is all about. Realizing you've been going "Thou shalt love" was My first and greatest commandment, not
in the wrong direction and then turn around... "thou shalt accomplish."
I want to use you as instruments and vessels of My love
In order to make salvation work out for you in this life, that's the wherever you come in touch with anyone who needs My love, for
point you're going to have to get to, sooner or later, the point of only love can awaken their hearts from their spiritual slumber.
turnaround, the point of repentance and metanoia. They've got to see the love manifested in flesh and blood in order
to break out of their barriers brought on them by that spirit of
One thing you cannot do, if you truly want to help them is ignore busyness, and it's a lot more important to Me that you be living
their sin or laugh it off, because you'll be lying to them, really, by samples of My love, than just another accomplisher.
giving them the false impression that they're alright. It's true that your love and obedience are manifested to some
That's why I don't demand of you to be smiling and friendly to extent in your actions, but way too many hide behind their
everyone. I need both. I've got My lovers and "wooers," but I also "actions," their work, in order to escape the much greater
need prophets who will show up the sins of the people, who will responsibility to love. They think they don't have to show love
refuse to compromise and laugh it off. anymore because of all the things they're doing already.
It's not a very popular job. I've got very few people willing to do it
on a grassroot level. It's so unpopular. And everybody wants to Just fulfilling your duty and hiding behind your job or position,
have friends. the purpose of what you're doing it all for in the first place is
But everybody has got their calling, and someone has got to bite getting lost, not to be found under the rubble of accomplishment,
meaningless action and going through the motion. You've got to learn to handle the ups and downs as they come
and treat both the same.
Let love be in everything you do, and if there can't be love in I don't want you to get high headed during those times of
what you're presently doing, if you don't find the necessary abundance, nor to trust in riches, and I don't want you to become
inspiration in it to eke out a little bit of love for your fellowman, negatively affected by times of poverty and hardship, either. If
than for My sake, find something else to do. you can face both with the same joy and confidence, and you can
happily and calmly take both with a grin, then you'll have become
If the salt of the earth should lose its flavor, what is it going to be a man of faith, My son.
good for? If you don't make a difference anymore, and add some
spice to that lifeless, tasteless System, then what good is it? You don't have to be afraid of anything. As long as you're taking
Me with you in the things you do - and that's the primary and
You're not going to touch or change anybody's life, unless you most important lesson you have to learn, not to neglect or forget
can show clearly by your behavior and the light in your eyes that to do that - it doesn't even matter so much what you do, for I'll be
you're different and truly have something else to offer than the in it, and I'll be with you, and I'll see you through and will help
lifeless rut they've got! you to see it through, whatever it is...

One of the worst things you could possibly do to Me is to You don't have to wait until you've got everything perfect. You
conform to the way others are doing things, thinking you've got learn as you go and you acquire valuable know-how as you work
to please them and live up to their expectations... with what little you've got and try to make the best out of it, and
They're doing their job, and I will bless them and reward them for then, when the new tools become available, you just swap to
that. But you've got a different job! using these...
In the meantime, keep working with what you've got.
You know and grasp the spiritual significance of the Family and You're free. So, use that freedom, and don't let your own fears or
the difference it's supposed to make. your mind limit you or put you in a box.
You’ve carefully got to guard, feed and fuel that flame, that
157 _________________________________________________
The level of love you maintain even just among yourselves is You can see where your children are headed, and it pains
more important than whatever you try to accomplish for Me. It you having to watch it. You keep hoping that maybe they'll be
cannot be accomplishment for the sake of recognition from all making the right decision by the grace of God, and you pray they
the others who are just going through the motions for similar will, but then you know how the majesty of choice is the one
reasons. It's got to be alive, it's got to have life and love and fire thing that can only be affected by prayer within limitations.
and spirit and spunk in it; otherwise it will just be another It's - some would say, the biggest flaw in My plan, since it leaves
relatively meaningless endeavor. such a giant loophole for the Devil to operate. But on the other
Yes, I will reward you for your faithfulness to Me, and for doing hand, what other universal lesson would ever drive home the
what you did, but it won't be comparable to what you could and importance and advantages of yieldedness and surrender to Me,
really should have been doing and accomplishing by daring to be as does this whole big series of events on earth right now, which
different. shows where man is going on his own, with his own choices, and
refusing to yield to Me?

156 _________________________________________________ Knowing that you have no one else on this earth you're able to
Haven't I always said, "according to your faith be it unto fully rely on, but only Me, that's what creates a bond between us
you?" And if you have the vision and burden for something, or a that no one can sever. You're putting your faith in the right
"dream," then by all means, grab it. Source, and your money on the winning horse, the only One that
Life is life for those who grab the opportunities, and not those is not going to disappoint and disillusion you, the only One that's
who hesitate. Sometimes you've got to grab life's opportunities. never going to let you down.
It makes your faith in Me more real, it makes your relationship
Every now and then it's good to remember that with all the evil with Me more real and more storm-proof, and it makes you more
that's attached to success stories, there is also some good to be real, as you cling more and more to Me as your only hope.
learned and gleaned from them, and that there's also another You turn more and more from the fake you, the carnal you, the
extreme: that of being too afraid to ever take any risks, that of deceitful you that's driven by ulterior motivations, into the real
being too careful, to the extent where you deprive yourself of and lasting you that you become when you hang close enough
every opportunity that the free market has to offer. with Me so that My qualities start rubbing off on you, and you
Of course, you don't want to be enslaved to the System, but that become more like Me, the real thing. - A real person. One about
doesn't mean you don't want to use it at all, either. After all, it's whom there is nothing false, nothing fake and nothing phony.
there for you and to serve you, not the other way around. The
Devil is at My command, and under yours as well, and it's not the There is no other One to put your faith into than Me, and by
other way around. making others realize that that's what you do, and what works for
He's like some ferocious dog that barks and growls and acts up you, you will also give the right kind of example.
as if he were the boss, but just one word spoken in My name and
authority will shut him up and remind him of who's the Boss My disciples had to realize that it could only be the Spirit that
around here. He's only being tolerated for a season and for a was going to pull them through. No carnal presence, no
purpose. personality cult, nothing and no one in the flesh... Only God can
see you through to accomplish what He wants you to, and He
I like to pride Myself in all the things My children, My church and cannot use you until you're ready and will have learned that.
My bride accomplish in spite of his opposition, in spite of his
suppression and attempts to shut up and stomp out the truth, to You’re living in times that will just continue to wax worse and
get My message heard, according to your faith and vision. worse. The world is getting ready for the Devil's version of
"Pentecost," when he will pour out his spirit in such measure
I want your joy to be full, and I want you to enjoy abundance that he and his angels will literally possess those who will follow
whenever appropriate. him and his "son," his chosen one.
There will always be times of plenty interchanging with times of There will be no compromising with the antichrist. You'll be either
less, and greater austerity required: Life's roller coaster ride. for him and against Me or vice versa. The ultimate decision and
choice will be required, and from then on there will be no more
double-minded compromising. It will be either all or nothing at The Enemy fights very hard in order to stop them from ever
all. getting into the hands of the people. He doesn't want them to be
rich or profit from them, he wants them to remain paupers. Poor
people are easier to enslave and govern, you know.
158 _________________________________________________
Quitting is an option that should be a total taboo for you. A What other meaning or purpose could there be for your life than
non-valid option, not even to be considered. Yet the Enemy to give your life in order for others to be able to finally enjoy My
senses that you're not quite there yet, and if he can turn up the riches, My abundance, My fullness of life? Until then, it's a selfish
heat just a little bit more, maybe then he can get you to quit. life, you take what is yours. But it only becomes beautiful and
Perhaps not altogether, but at least to stop trying to win the worth telling a story about once you sacrifice it for others, give
victory and the battle today, to do all that's within your might and your life in order for them to live.
your power to do today that you can in order to bring about some
progress for the Kingdom. Your job is losing your life so that others may find it. It's a tough
If he can get you to mentally resign, and you just go through it in job, and a high calling.
"suffering mode" and hope you'll just come out alive at the other
end, it's a different story than if you jump into the battle rejoicing
Everybody deserves a chance. And that's what you've got to give
and enjoying the challenge. them.
People will not always be as self-satisfied as they are right now,
Your suffering is never in vain. It always has a purpose, it's and you've got to be ready then to give them My Word, or even
always happening for a reason, and a good one, so bear it with better: tell and warn them now, so that they will know that a
dignity or at least the trust and confidence that I know what you prophet has been among them.
can handle and what I'm allowing, okay?
"When He hath tried me I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10). Get into the gear of pouring out; get into the Spirit. Everything
else is practically irrelevant. "Seek ye first...!"

159 _________________________________________________ If the job is too big, too scary, too awesome for you, then that's
You must stay true to the vision, and not compromise the just a reminder that it's got to be Me working through you, since
truth for the sake of conformity and having your peace. you don't stand a chance of doing it in your own energy.

Conviction is the refusal to surrender to any however tempting

truce and settlement with anything but the whole truth. 162 _________________________________________________
This isn't yet your resting place. You're on your way
There comes a time when I will test you to see whether you're somewhere else, and this world is not your home.
willing to forsake everything and everyone else - and their Sometimes My children make it so comfortable for themselves in
opinions - for My sake and for the sake of what I have revealed to this life that it becomes hard to part with those comforts, and the
you (like that crazy thing with Abraham and Isaac - be certain thought of having to move on elsewhere becomes unpleasant for
there won't be any applause nor approval from anyone)… them.
When that happens, and you become too attached to this world,
What peace is there when it's not based on the truth? then you've backslidden in heart, and it takes My loving
It's just some temporary truce with a lie, a compromise with a chastisements to get you on the straight & narrow again.
state of half-truths, a fake peace purchased on behalf of your
lethargy. The price: your freedom and happiness.
163 _________________________________________________
Will you cherish that pearl of great price for what it truly is and You may still associate freedom with physical liberty, but
cling to it, no matter what? Don't let the Devil cheat you out of look at those bound by their own chains around their hearts, tied
that possession, that treasure, although he may try with many to obsessions with belongings or other selfish and ambitious
tempting and soothing offers... goals. What really makes you free indeed is My Word, not any
Resolve is an essential ingredient of maturity. It may look to
others like stubbornness. But you'll know the difference.
164 _________________________________________________
It’s a time for resolve, certainty and determination to not veer "Many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down
from the straight and narrow path of focus that I have given you. with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Only that kind of resolve, determination and conviction will be But the children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into outer
able to truly and successfully lead and convince others, too. darkness" (Matth.8:11,12). The children of the Kingdom often
When mere opinions turn into divine assurance, that is resolve. take the Kingdom for granted and despise it, while those who
yearn for it from afar treasure it.

160 _________________________________________________ I have some outstanding children even among those who are not
It's a pleasure for Me to provide for you, and I love to fulfill "official" part of what is considered to be My kingdom.
your needs. You just have to believe it and act on it accordingly.
Receive from My hand and rejoice and praise Me as you do, for Didn't I come to establish a new Kingdom and do away with and
you are meant to be My receivers, so that you can pass on to abolish the old? What then if those of the new kingdom are
others in equal abundance. deceived into thinking that the old is still valid, as many
Ask that you might receive and your joy may be full. Christians do and practically worship the Jews? They worship
the flesh...

161 _________________________________________________ Just as it was the Jews, the "children of the kingdom" of then,
Here with Me is where you find the true diamonds. Those who persecuted Me and had Me killed, so it is the "children of the
earthly diamonds that people shed all that blood over are only an kingdom" of today who most seek to harm you.
illustration of My beautiful and everlasting gems, My truths which They never knew Me, and I never knew them. While many from
I reveal unto you, which last forever. the east and west, from other religions and cultures, readily
receive you and Me. immediately before you: you cannot look at the provocation, you
Just as "He is not a Jew who is one outwardly" (Rom.2:28, 29), must look at the lesson behind it. Will you fall for that
so he is not a Christian that is one outwardly only, and not as he provocation right in front of your nose, or will you be wise and
should be, inwardly, worshiping in spirit and in truth, for the look beyond, at the lesson and the purpose in it?
Father seeketh such to worship Him. If you see it as a lesson and a test, it's much easier not to fall for
it. Sometimes the gist of the lesson lies in ignoring situations
The old church has always mocked and persecuted the new one. that would provoke you to become aggressive. You know who is
the author of aggression, right? So, instead of feeling like you've
What really makes the difference is not in what you claim, but got a right to become aggressive, realize that you'd be a fool to
actually do, and where your heart is while you do it. Who are you fall into Satan's trap, if you allow him to use a certain situation to
really doing it for? Is it just to boost your own ego and to make provoke you.
you feel better about yourself? Just look at Me, the Teacher beyond the immediate challenge of
the situation, knowing that there's a deeper wisdom and higher
The large gist of those who call themselves My people are purpose to be gleaned out of this - out of anything - if you will but
continuing to lead the world astray into the worship of Mammon, see it.
the ways of self, the glory of the flesh and the worship of the
things they create with their own hands... It takes looking beyond, at the ultimate purpose of all, not the
immediate thing. Just as in magic, the name of the thing controls
My Spirit and My grace, and the Father's love are a lot more all- it or makes it "happen," even so ignoring the thing, and instead
embracing and all-encompassing than many so-called Christians focusing on the Maker, the Author of everything, will enable you
and even sincere Christians would give Him credit for. Their to perform the greatest magic of all: My magic of faith, the magic
philosophy remains one of separation and shutting others out, of "nothing is impossible."
while My call has always been, "Come!" Whoever is athirst, let
him come and drink of the waters of life freely! Focus on Me beyond any circumstance or challenging situation
you may encounter in life, and you will become a master at the
Keep the "beginner's mind," always aware of the fact that there's art of the greatest magic of the universe... the magic that brought
so much more to learn than what you think you know already. everything into being. You'll be a partaker of My creative power,
able to create new life, new light, new substance, where before
there was just an empty void. You'll become a filler, like Me, a
165 _________________________________________________ giver, instead of merely one more consumer. You'll become a
God always shows interest, even to those who aren't source of light, of life, of inspiration in their midst, just as I was,
interested in Him, but the problem is, He can't presuade them and every true conduit of My power ever was.
against their will. As long as they're just interested in themselves
and a thousand other things, He's just going to have to let them If you see My purpose behind every situation that puzzles and
go down their selfish road, hoping (and knowing, of course), that challenges you, you will soon find out that there is no problem
someday they'll return to Him. that cannot be solved, because you'll see that that's what the
Sometimes the greater part of love is the letting go. problem is there for: it's for you to handle it, to master it, and
You've got to let them go down the path that leads them away learn to solve it with My help.
from you, when you want them close, to be with you, near you
and close to you, walking your path with you. If you're a victim of the "coincidence mindset," that everything
evolved from random chance, then you'll doubt that things work
All this life, this entire history of this present age, is all about this way. You resign to fate and find out it will accept your
God letting His children go and walk their own path, away from resignation.
Him, in order to bring them ultimately closer to Him. But when you adopt the mindset that everything has a purpose,
you'll realize that even every problem has only the one purpose
It’s what life is all about, and some day they're going to wish that to be a step upward for you to acquire greater wisdom by, to
they had belonged to those few who really cared about God, challenge you to make yet another bit of progress.
when the rewards are going to be handed out to the faithful ones,
those who didn't just settle for the immediate and visible, If you counter every situation with love you can do no wrong, you
tangible gratification of the mess of pottage of what this life has cannot lose.
to offer.

How much do you allow the Enemy and the immediate pleasures 167 _________________________________________________
and entertainments of this world to distract you from the straight Honesty is a very important and fundamental factor in
and narrow path of obedience and the total and absolute highest wanting to achieving anything for My Cause at all, the Cause of
will of God for you? truth, and changing the world; and honesy about your own
weaknesses, frailties and limitations is just part of that. Of
There's never a reason to get self-righteous. That kind of spirit is course, everybody wants to be successful and a winner and
only what pushes them further away from Me… that self- show "we can do it." But really getting there, making the
righteous older brother syndrome. progress you need in order to be trained effectively into the
shape you need to be in in order to overcome the odds against
"Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now have I kept Thy you requires first of all coming to grips with where you're really
Word." If it happened to the greatest of saints, how can you at.
expect it to be any different in this case?
I'd rather have you go by the realistic view and assessment of
where you're at, even if time is short. Time indeed is short, and
166 _________________________________________________ the harvest is now, no doubt about it. But are you ready for it?
You can tell how the Enemy - through his agents promoting And if not, are you really taking the necessary steps in order to
hatred and strife between parties - tries to sow division between get ready?
you. Learning the ability to ignore his attempts and not to fall into
the trap of aggression and opposition is one of the clues in life it Ask Me to reveal to you what your personal enemy is, the
pays to master. obstacle that would hinder and stop you from really allowing My
It's another case of looking beyond the four fingers of what's miracle-working power to work in your life.
Love sometimes requires for each individual to put their own
If you're going to teach others how to let My truth set them free ideas and desires on the backburner for the sake of the common
indeed, you will have to let Me set you free first. cause.

You have to have it before you can give it and pass it on. Be a sample of flexibility and openness to change; of
I will give you what you need as you go and give and pour out, yieldedness and humility: be living proof that it's not all that bad
but you still need to be in receiving mode! You've still got to be to forsake one or more of your own ideas for the sake of a
open for what I want to show you! You've still got to make simpler, easier solution.
progress yourself, and refuse to be satisfied with the level you're
at. The most important factor is the love and unity which people
must see in you, and the overcoming of the obstacles and the
If you think there's nothing left for you to learn, then you won't odds involved in this is going to be a testimony in itself.
have very much to teach others.
The goal is to be able to praise Me and give Me the glory for
It's got to be Me and My Spirit and My message you'll want to something you managed to allow Me to bring to pass through
share, so you'd better make sure that you're getting ahold of Me, your yieldedness, not to show off something you achieved in
My Spirit and get My message inside first, before you get it out, your own strength or wisdom, or based on your own ideas.
so that people will be able to feel and witness that personal
connection between Me and you.
170 _________________________________________________
I want you to see the need, but I also want you to take the right I can only reveal things to people that they long for and need
steps in the direction of fulfilling the necessary requirements to somehow. I can only give the answers they seek.
fill that need. You've got to let Me fill you first before you can fill It's got to be something that one's soul is seeking and yearning
that need. for first, before I can reveal and give it. According to your
vacuum you shall be filled.

168 _________________________________________________ Blessed are the desperate, for they receive a greater abundance
You have to put up some kind of a fight. You cannot just be of grace in response to their souls' yearnings.
indifferent, you've got to have appropriating faith and grab that Blessed are they that seek and long and aren't as self-satisfied
blessing and claim it as yours. as the rest of the valley people.
Blessed are they that aren't entangled in this life's affairs too
I don't want you to "fight" for material goods in a competitive much to be really seeking Me to fill that yearning in their soul.
way, the way folks in the System do. But I do want you to put up Blessed are they that yearn for Me, for they shall be filled to an
a fight for your blessings, for your crown, and all that comes with extent that those who only seek Me half-heartedly know not of.
it. While I don't want you to fight for your positions in the world, I Blessed are you when your own brothers resent you and despise
do want you to fight for your spiritual position. Don't let the Devil you and reject you, for you shall find a comfort in My arms.
cheat you out of something that could be rightfully yours. Blessed are they that weep, for their tears shall be dried by My
If you're not going to fight, the Enemy WILL. own hands, and they shall be comforted by the Comforter of all
comforters, and they shall truly rejoice in that day when I shall
Everybody brags that what they've got is the best, and you don't return to deliver them.
want to sound like them.
But it would be nice if you would develop a little more pride in There is no greater joy than that which I have prepared for those
your Cause, in your faith - not for your own sake, but for Mine, who suffer and weep for My sake.
and theirs, since you won't do a very effective job at convincing
them that I'm the Real Thing otherwise, if you don't dare to People are naturally prone to initially resent and reject the
advertize Me... unknown. But what they initially rejected may suddenly turn out
to become quite popular.
You're advertizing for the opposite of all the System stands for, Christianity and religion were not nearly as popular until My
and what you're after is their souls. Sometimes if takes an effort faithful brides started spreading My Word with their happy smiles
and a price to buy those souls! It takes some daring, some taking all over the place, and it didn't take long until the rest of the
a risk. It takes the courage to place a higher bid on them, to world caught on, to the point where you're not looked on as
invest and risk more for them than the Enemy does. weird anymore at all if you're a professing Christian.
"Whatever thou spendest" in order to win them, "I will repay."
Any "losses" will be repaid and reembursed a hundred-fold. History will tell just how much of an impact My Family had on the
world and its development.
I encourage you to develop a little bit of godly ambition. The most important thing is not the mistakes that were made, but
After all, if you don't stand up for your convictions, others will, the good that was done. And so it is with you and everyone. If
and they're often less diplomatic, considerate or charming about you can just make the difference in one life, it's worth it. And you
it... have already touched countless lives, many of which you're not
even aware of.

169 _________________________________________________ Rejected and resented today and hailed as saviors tomorrow.
Sometimes you've just got to use what's available. That's the way it has always been.
If I would wait until you are perfect before I would ever use you,
then nothing would ever get done.
171 _________________________________________________
It's always harder to support someone else's idea, and it's one of Everybody's got their own limitations and capacities of what
the roadblocks to unity, that one's own ideas nearly always they can handle. Some folks' limit sets in earlier than that of
sound more attractive, and have a lot more motivational power. others, but eventually, all natural resources come to an end. Only
The art is to get united about something! I can stretch your capacities beyond your natural limits.
The important thing is to know when it is time to unite and do
something about the situation at hand with the means available. Pressure gets you going. Pressure is one of the physical forces
in the universe that get things moving, and without pressure,
there's stagnation. consequences in the Hereafter, but the end result will be:
"Everything's going to be alright."
Remember My Word to Ezekiel, and the vision I gave him of the It's not about "deserving," it's about grace and mercy.
bones that were resurrected and became a living army again.
Resurrection is what it's all about. I like to raise people and
things and dead projects from the dead and bring them back to 175 _________________________________________________
life - to bring life where there was none, that is My specialty. So, It takes time to get to know someone, even yourself, and if
even those whom you now see as good as dead - spiritually - are you won't take time to reflect and think about certain qualities
going to come back to life again some day, I promise, and you and ways you react or why you do so, they can remain a mystery
can trust Me for that. forever, until you come Home to Me and your angels and spirit
helpers fill you in on what you were so busy missing out on.
There's nothing that brings folks back to life like a brush with Most people prefer these things to remain a mystery, since some
death. Death is just a means by which I bring life, life more of them aren't exactly flattering. But you can really only make
abundant. Life isn't really life for a lot of people until they have progress, you can only be corrected on something, if you're
died. The real life only begins after death releases you from that willing to admit that negative quality or trait to yourself, and if
"cheap imitation" you call life right now. you're willing to face it and see it.

There aren't many who allow Me to shine the light of My truth into
172 _________________________________________________ the deepest and darkest regions of their hearts, like King David
There's nothing that teaches you how to do it like the prayed, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and
experience you gain from learning how not to do it. know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting" (Ps.139:23, 24).
The times you fail to spend with Me and to hook up with Me in the
spirit drive home the importance and the need for doing it. People can even hide behind their good works and keep
themselves busy with doing all kinds of good things in order not
The Enemy is not a long sleeper. He's very ambitious about to have to think about themselves.
gaining control over the world, and if you allow him to be up and I'm not saying that people should spend time thinking about their
about before you, you grant him an advantage. sins, but I would recommend that they allow Me to show them a
You can't gain the upper hand over him by relying on carnal few of their weaknesses and allow Me to help them overcome
means or your habitual ways. The only weapons that will help them and work on them. And one simply cannot start overcoming
you gain the victory over him come from My hand and My Spirit. a certain weakness until they become aware of it.
Therefore seek Me and cling to Me desperately, as if your life It's something they need to work on!
depended on it, for it does.
It may be the most unpleasant of all work, but folks like to sweep
People who don't know about stopping everything to hear from it under a carpet sometimes and just go to work at those things
Me just go on & on & on in their feverish activities, beating the air that will yield a better reflection on themselves and give them a
without ever really hitting the mark. Missing the mark is sin. better image.
That's why there's so much sin in the world: they never take time That's why some people get stuck and don't make any progress
to aim straight & hit the mark for a change. They never take time and come across as immature.
to listen and focus on Me, Who could prevent them from missing
the mark over & over again. A coach shows the team its weaknesses.

The harvest must be reaped, but I would like to teach you a few
important lessons as you go.
173 _________________________________________________ But so few are willing to listen to Me when it comes to personal
The right amount of pressure is good for you. It's what you weaknesses. Few have learned how to take correction from Me,
need and what propels you forward into making progress. and few are interested.
Otherwise you just passively drift along on the stream of life and
never develop any muscle, any character, any personality that's Some of you haven't allowed Me yet to free yourselves from
worthwhile. some of your besetting sins... Yes, it's all about the extremely
Those who had it rougher are doing better. unpleasant word, sin.
After all, that's the thing that keeps people bound and trapped,
and what they need to be free of, but like the Pharisees in My day,
174 _________________________________________________ they don't even want to see it. It's too unpleasant to deal with, too
Playing the "victim" is a weapon that many people use to get embarrassing, and not very conducive to that shiny image of
things their way, but you're not doing yourself or them or success that everybody's striving for: "Look at what we
anybody else a favor by giving in to that. Eventually they're not accomplished!"
going to get around taking the responsibility themselves for Many people are not even aware that they're being motivated by
what's become of their life. Life is what you make it. such things, and most are simply way, way too busy to even
Some folks just don't want to be helped, and the best thing you
can do for them is let them go and allow Me to teach them the
lessons they need through their experiences. 176 _________________________________________________
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. That's why
Their story will be a living monument for all eternity, of where the you've got to learn to operate in the Spirit and let the willingness,
wrong choices will lead. zest and enthusiasm of the Spirit empower and motivate you,
spur you on.
Not all prodigal sons and daughters return to the Father's house
during their life-times. A lack of joy in your work and service for Me saddens Me.
Instead of taking those hurdles, those challenges, those piles of
There is pardon and forgiveness for everyone, no matter how work and tasks I put before you, joyfully and with enthusiasm,
loudly the Devil will demand his type of justice. They may reap you drag your feet and ho-humm about it, and you moan under
the repercussions of their actions in this life, and some of the the workload, wishing you had someone else's job.
The real art of living lies in recognizing each challenge and task things in life.
set before you as your special and individual, tailor-made destiny
that only you can fulfill. Of course, that requires a good portion How can you overcome your enemy if you never face him down
of faith and vision when that "glorious destiny" is a pile of and fight?
dishes, a load of laundry or taking the garbage out.

It's relatively easy to do some glorious job that's going to be 179 _________________________________________________
noticed by a bunch of people. But those who can keep doing Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try
those little, menial jobs with that same vision are My greatest and you, as though some strange thing had befallen you, but rejoice,
truest heroes. inasmuch as ye are being made partakers of My sufferings
Those "little" people are in reality My truly great people, and through these things.
those "little" jobs they're doing are in reality the greatest service I use adversities in your life just as I use them in the lives of all
rendered to Me of all, because they require the greatest portion My children: to break them (for "God only uses broken men and
of faith, vision and perseverance, and that's why they will also women - no others will do,") to draw them closer to Me, to test
receive the greatest rewards. their faith and make them realize that My Word is true and
reliable, and have them depend on Me, instead of their own arm
"What thine hand findeth to do, do it with thy might!" (Ecc.9:10). of the flesh.

That breaking process is a long and hard process, and

177 _________________________________________________ sometimes it makes you think as though some "strange thing
Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap, and with the had befallen you.” You think something must be wrong with you
measure he metes, he shall also be met. You're going to get out in order for Me to allow all this to happen to you. But it's perfectly
of life, out of love, out of everything - the same amount you're normal for all those who follow Me, because it's a war you're
putting into it, everything reflects on you with the same intensity fighting, and you're fighting on My side, and it's no wonder
that your own efforts originated in. Half-hearted prayers will only you're getting flak from those of the world, for I am not of the
receive half-hearted answers; half-hearted works will only reap world, and neither are you.
half-hearted rewards, fruits and results. What war has there ever been without a battle? This is no "cold
You've got to put something into it, in order to get something war," nor merely a metaphor, but the real thing. And everything
worthwhile out of it, that's just the way it goes, one of the rules of that's worth something costs something. Every victory costs a
the universe. The boomerang comes back to you with the same battle.
intensity that you flung it. So it pays to put a bit more umph and
zest into it, doesn't it? If you want more, you've got to give more! So, hold on and keep trusting in Me, and know that your brethren
If you want to receive more, you've got to send more. all around the world are going through similar battles.
You’ve got to make an effort to give more, if you want to receive You're not in this alone. Everybody has their challenge before
and reap more. "He that soweth sparingly will also reap them, their mountain to tackle, their burden and cross to bear.
sparingly." But I will never give you more than you can handle (1Cor.10:13).
In certain aspects you haven't even yet begun to give, to love, to Oh, it may seem too much for you at times, but I know you better
pour out, to live... than you know yourself - I know better what you're capable of
You've got to get serious about it, dedicated, devoted. than you do.

Some day you're going to look back at these tough times in your
life and realize that they were the best thing that ever happened
to you. Right now you may feel tempted to think that they're the
178 _________________________________________________ worst that ever happened to you, but then you will realize just
One's own weaknesses and sins and frailties is what the how efficient they were in making of you that which you were
Enemy most effectively uses to dissuade people from getting meant to become, and how truly My promise will have been
going in the direction I want them to. They figure it brings out the fulfilled in you that "all things work together for good" to them
worst in them, so they'd better lay low and do nothing. But the that love Me (Rom.8:28).
Devil won't start shooting until you stick your head out over the
top of the ditch. You must count on adversities, on problems. The I have enabled you to gain the victory. All you need is to want
only way to avoid them altogether is to do nothing, and that is, of that victory and fight for it!
course, precisely what the Devil wants.
You've got to develop some zest, some determination, some
stick-to-it-iveness, gumption, perseverance, some do-or-die 180 _________________________________________________
spirit. You can't always avoid all the ugly parts by just laying low There are more important things for you than living out the
and playing Mr. Nice-Guy. The battle is bloody and chaotic, and desires of your heart, for which there will be all eternity left to
those involved don't exactly come across or strike anyone as indulge in. I know, you want a slice of eternity right now.
"nice." Well, you can have a slice. But first thing's first. The slice of
Folks certainly didn't think I was "nice," and it's probably the eternity you can taste right now is a slice of Me and of My eternal
least fitting term that would describe the event when I was Spirit. The spiritual things must come first, otherwise it will be
fighting My battle royal and carried My cross up to Golgatha. just another case of worshiping the creation rather than the
There was nothing "nice" about it. So, don't worry if things won't Creator.
stay all friendly and lovey-dovey once you get going.
Let Me be the Sunshine of your life and let Me light up your life!
The only place a battle doesn't look awful and gory is on a Make Me the Sun around which your life revolves!
Hollywood movie screen. Reality's a tough fight. You've got to
come to grips with the fact that in real life not everything will look Remember to keep your eye on the Doughnut, appreciating what
as nice and as perfect as on the movie screens. you've got, instead of staring at the hole in the middle, and the
void of your desires, those things which you haven't got, and
The real thing is the full round circle of everything involved: not which you're tempted to think would make your joy complete...
the ugly things filtered out, but the full spectrum of it, with all the
pain and gore and ugliness included. Don't cheat yourself out of There's just no other road to happiness than the one of truly
the lessons and the rewards in dealing with the not-so-nice putting Me first in your life. And staring at those things you don't
have yet is the surest way to unhappiness. It's making a god out allow Me to be that Good Shepherd to you first. Only by spending
of them, instead of Me, and it will have the opposite of any time with Me and having Me explain to you what's happening,
desired effect! Plus, it causes a lot of hurt for those around you, can you really let anyone else know what's happening, too.
since it makes them feel as if they're not really what you want.
Ingratitude hurts, you know? A lot of people have a lot of ideas. But not everybody has got the
How grateful are you? truth, and their finger on the true pulse of things. The spirit of
prophecy is the true pulse of things. It enables you to read the
What would make you think that you've gotten to a point where signals properly. You don't just give a vague estimate of what it
you deserve more than what you've got? could mean, based on your own free interpretation, but you truly
What have you got that you have not received? understand, and you convey that.

Sometimes you start thinking that if you're so gifted, then you It's a pretty powerful weapon, because it's so rare. Imagine you
probably deserve a bit more than what life has handed you. Sort were one of the only persons among thousands who could see
of like those stars who grant themselves all sorts of luxuries. properly, and everybody else was groping around half-blind, only
They can afford it, so they must deserve it, they figure. But do seeing vague silhouettes and outlines of things and people
they? around them. Also, the words and sounds they heard were
It's a matter of ruling now and suffering later. If you play god blurred and not really meaningful, whereas you could understand
now, then chances are you're going to miss out on some of the their true meaning. That's just about the way it is.
rewards later. Isn't it better to join your brethren down in the
arena and playing field of service, instead of sitting in the Most people think the distortions they're perceiving and the lies
grandstands and waiting to be served? they're hearing are the truth, and they're convinced that you're
the ones who are weird, misled, or on the wrong track or channel.
Life is about giving, not taking. You can't force anyone to accept the truth. You can only give it,
And one of the first steps to giving is to appreciate and realize and then it's up to them if they're going to accept it or insist on
what you've got, so that you can give from what you've already keeping their own little perception of "truth."
got, instead of constantly desiring something else, something
more... The spirit of prophecy enables you to bear My true testimony.
You become My living Word by receiving My living Word. You
It's really an art to focus on the Donut, not the hole. become prophets, mouth pieces of God and of the truth in this
No matter how much the Devil takes away from you, there will world. You tell and show the world where it's really at, because
always be more than plenty left to be grateful for. you're seeing things the way I show you they are, without
allowing your views to be tainted by worldly and carnal opinions.
It's all about gratitude for what you've already got, instead of
applying your majesty of choice to the acquisition of ever more You cannot avoid that there are going to be those who seek to
things you haven't got yet but think you need in order to be use, abuse, sabotage and betray you, who seek to harm you and
completely happy. be a hindrance on your path. But you can pray and commit them
Often, that kind of a life is a long detour that takes you back to into My hands, just as you would anything else.
the realization that happiness was what you could have had all
along, had you appreciated those things right at your finger tips. This treasure attracts a lot of hostile movement from the Enemy.
He makes you feel depressed and like "How can this be the truth
Happiness is the ability to fathom how richly blessed you are in or anything special, if it can't even prevent me from feeling so
spite of the absence of any of those faraway dreams and elusive miserable?" And you feel like tossing it away. But as long as you
items the Enemy reminds you that they're not yours yet. use that gift and that weapon, it can always pull you back down
The surest way to get them is not to chase after them, but to to the rock bottom ground of My true Reality, away from the
forget them, let them go, and just enjoy what you've already got. delusion the Enemy tries to create in your minds.
Even if it's nothing you've got, compared to others: Nothing with
Me is everything. I made everything out of nothing to begin with, It's humiliating for people, having to admit that you've got
and I can do it all over again everyday in your life, and in the lives something they don't. That's why pride stands in the way of so
of any other. many to ever finding the truth. Why should you have something
Give Me nothing, and I'll show you what I can do with it. That's better, something greater, something more real than they? After
why less is more for Me: it gives Me more of a chance to put My all, aren't they doing all the things that should entitle them to the
power into action. The less there already is, the more I can blessing, the truth, or whatever - much more than you?
create, supply, provide and fill. That's the way Cain thought, and the memory of his righteous
brother plagued him for the rest of his life. You may kill the
prophet, but you can't kill his truth. The simple and silent truth
181 _________________________________________________ that his righteousness exceeded yours, for all your vain
The spirit of prophecy is the true testimony that gives striving...
witness of Me in the right spirit and in the right way, and is thus It requires humility to receive it, obedience to enact it - simple
the factor of truth that makes the Enemy really mad at you and yieldedness to Me, and quite simply, love.
declares you as his real and true enemies (see Rev.12:17, 19:10). If you've got love, then you've got what it takes, and all you really
The spirit of prophecy is My living testimony in you that marks
you as the few who are a real potential danger and threat to him.
You are his opponents for real. All the others don't really know 182 _________________________________________________
what they're doing, don't even really know for sure who's side The "prince of the power of the air" (Eph.2:2) gives his power
they're on sometimes, much less how to fight properly. to his people.
The spirit of prophecy is what paints the true picture for you. I have given man the power to control the elements to some
Before that you didn't really know what was happening. You had extent, and especially in this day and age, where Satan's power
some basic ideas, roughly, like some rough sketch, which drew and the control he exerts over the earth comes to the full, you
some of the basic outlines for you. You only see clearly since will find that his people are being given more and more power.
you're having Me explain things to you on a daily basis. Of course, that's a little hard for some to swallow. They figure, if
the Devil and his people are being given that much power, then
You can only really learn to be a true shepherd who cares, if you what chance do they stand against him or them, with the little
faith they've got? That's why they gladly fall for the Devil‘s fake versions of reality:
They will get surprises when they come into My Kingdom and will they're much more pleasant to handle, more pleasant to the ear
have to be realize how things have really been. and eye than the naked truth.
It will show them that the reason they did not achieve all that
much for Me in this life is the fact that they underestimated the Boldness and courage really show when you're faced with a
Enemy. They simply could not imagine that he would go to such seemingly superior adversary.
lengths to fool them, to trick them, deceive them, manipulate As long as folks can kid themselves into believing that their
them. They figured, I was handling everything, so that they could enemy isn't really all that much to deal with, they can handle it
just float along on the stream of life with an attitude of "que será, better and make themselves believe that they stand better
será," when in reality, it would have been up to them to fight a chances to make it on their own, without any downright miracle
whole lot harder, because the Enemy was a much more powerful and My supernatural intervention.
threat to the Salvation of mankind than they were willing to see.
They didn't want to see the full scope of the danger the Devil Those who have too much to lose in this life and in this world
represented to mankind, because if they would have, it would simply can't cope with the fact that the world should be in such a
have also meant that it was expected of them to fight a lot harder horrendous mess.
than they actually did. They want a nice little world that's basically going to stay the
same for as long as possible.
It's a similar manifestation of the type of fear that causes
unbelievers to refuse to believe in My existence or the existence Few have the guts to face the coming Tribulation with courage
of the devil altogether. They know too much would be at stake, if and the faith, that I am going to manifest My power on their
they'd accept that we exist. They know that a decision would be behalf in an unprecedented manner, because that's going to be
expected of them, who they serve, and that if they'd serve Me, what it takes to face the unprecedented flood of evil that's almost
they'd have to oppose him. upon you.
But by refusing to acknowledge neither of us, they get around
having to deal with the whole issue. They refuse to see the spirit Can you take My cup and say, "Not my will, but Thy will be
world altogether in order to avoid having to make the decision done?"Can you quaff that cup of full-scale reality and embrace it
what position they're going to take in this war. as it really is?
The material life is the easy way out for them. When they die, it's
all over, they think, and hope, and that's precisely where they'll
have their biggest surprise coming. 183 _________________________________________________
The true sheep will find out that only the Spirit has the
The truth is a bitter pill to swallow, and not many people want to answers.
swallow it. Maybe they take some of it, but then they say, "Basta.
This much is all the truth I can handle; please give me no more..."
They're not interested in the many things I have yet to reveal to 184 _________________________________________________
you, because they cannot bear them yet (Jn.16:12). They're You're beginning to recognize the advantages of leadership,
having a hard enough time with the things I've revealed already, and the necessity of authority... Something you didn't want to
and that's all they can handle. Any more would bust their horizon display for years... You figured it would be nicer to just be
and freak them out. "everybody's friend."
They don't want to find out what's beyond the limits of their fake You found out that everybody doesn't necessarily want to be
little world. They like it the way it is, and thus they're not your friend, much less help you in any of your endeavors to
interested in investigating what lies beyond their horizon. change the world...
"Don't scare me with the unknown," is their motto. You didn't want to be a leader. But you're finding out that it's
pretty hard to get anything done without leadership altogether.
It's easier to believe that the bad weather catastrophes the world
is experiencing are My judgments for the world's wickedness,
than to believe that I am actually allowing man to tamper with 185 _________________________________________________
creation to that extent. They figure, if I'm in charge of the bad It takes time to find the right balance and equilibrium
weather, then they're probably going to be safer than if some between having too negative of a world view, and one that's too
maniac is in charge whom they don't know and trust... But then, blue-eyed, optimistic and naiv.
that's pretty naiv, because there is a maniac at the controls of
this world, and he's planning to take over completely. Sometimes only time will tell who has been right and who has
My Scriptures and prophecies and warnings about the antichrist been wrong.
were not just empty scare tactics, or a fairy tale that's suddenly As time keeps doing the talking, and I keep doing My talking to
going to happen at the end of the world, and then it's over. you and through you, you see the picture slowly coming
The author of confusion has been marshaling his forces for a together, and I'm confirming the elements of truth in it.
long time now, and the New World Order has been in the careful Eschewing the false and choosing the good, the pure, that which
planning and making. is truth.

The reason why people don't inform themselves about these It takes willingness to deal with the sufferings of the world,
things is fear. They don't really want to know what they're up willingness to take responsibility, to be able to dig down into the
against. whole truth.
They figure, the less power I have given the Devil, the less they It requires having to deal with guilt and complicity in collective
have to worry about him, and thus the less they'll have to worry injustice, taking responsibility for crimes and sins you would not
about fighting him, and they call that "faith" and claim to believe want to have committed and would not want to believe you had
"God's in control" (or "In God We Trust,") when in reality, they'd committed.
have a pretty hard time trusting in Me if they'd face the Once you've gotten past that point where you think you need to
circumstances as they really are, and dare to look the bleak defend yourself from accusations, and you're just willing to
situation in the eye and pay the full consequences. admit, "Yes, I, too, am guilty," then you grasp that it's all got to be
My grace anyway.
Most people prefer a dream-world, a world of make-belief that's
easier to handle than reality with all it's dirt, blood and guts and
twisted factors and complications. + 186 _________________________________________________
Focus on the new! - New openings, new possibilities, new you ought to be able to do likewise. You don't have to be so
options, new people, new perspectives and new prospects. The scared of yourselves or disgusted by yourselves. As I have said,
direction we're moving is forward, not backward, much less you'd do Me a favor if you could love yourself for Me and be less
standing still. tough on yourself, be a lot more willing to forgive and accept
If you're really in tune with My Spirit, then it is My Spirit Who will yourself, including all your weaknesses, failures, sins and
be moving you, without requiring any actual effort on your own shortcomings.
to move. The only effort you're got to make is to make sure Because that would also help you have a less negative attitude
you're in tune. toward others.

The young prophet sometimes is better off not listening to the If you're a lover of truth, you've got to be willing to accept and
old prophet, but to Me, and keeping My counsel in mind, and My embrace and seek also the ugly truth about yourself.
voice and guidance in focus.
Because if they get you to fall or compromise, trip or stumble, How can you learn the truth about others, if you're not even
then it won't be their responsibility, but your own, since you ready for the truth about yourself?
could have just stuck to My instructions.
For God's sake, follow God! "Why Shepherding?" You need to be told the things that are
wrong with you, since most of the time you simply don't see
You've got to see Me in it all. Otherwise you're sunk. them yourself, and accordingly, you'll miss out on full-scale
Because you keep being influenced by others, by what they do or reality somewhat. Your view becomes distorted, and not an
don't do, I'm having to keep on reminding you. You're only going authentic replica of the truth or of reality.
to make it if you keep your eyes on Me.
People can turn into monsters without correction. They're like
You've got to see Me! Come and see Me! You've got to make a wild beasts who need a tamer. I am the Tamer, but often, they
greater effort in order to see Me. Seek Me! You've got to try won't submit to Me, won't allow themselves to be caught and
harder to see Me! held by Me, and instead they continue wreaking havoc among
I want you to see Me! It may sound impossible to you, for Me to their fellow-humans.
demand of you to see Someone invisible. But I'm asking you to
do it nonetheless, because I know it's not impossible. Everyone has their elusive phantoms and bluebirds of happiness
I have promised that if you would search for Me with all your they chase, but the road to happiness leads down the humble
hearts, I would let you find Me. If you wish to see Me with all your road. God's way of happiness is down, down to the humbling,
heart, I'm going to show Myself unto you! humiliation, breaking and lowering of the self, the ego that tries
to play god almighty, if life would let it get away with that.
Just because you don't see more, doesn't mean there's nothing The phantoms and bluebirds often lead them down the wrong
more to see. path and in the wrong direction first, the distractions and
You haven't even yet begun to see! Compared to all that's yet to temptations, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the
see, you haven't even yet begun! pride of life... these are not the way to happiness.

I'm as close as you want Me! I can be as real to you now as you'd The way to true true happiness is the way to God… My way... the
ever want Me to be! You don't have to wait until you're more way of giving, the way of sacrificing, the way of the cross... The
mature or wiser or "ready," or until your faith is strong enough. opposite direction of where one in his "right"mind would expect
You can have Me right now in all My fullness, without restrictions happiness to be. But that's the trickiness and mystery of life.
and limitations, as much as you can handle! How much of Me Things are not always what they seem to be.
can you handle? How much of Me do you want right now? How You wonder, "Why did You have to make it all so difficult?" But
badly do you want to see Me, feel Me, hear Me, touch Me, I've given everyone enough brains to discern between good and
experience Me, live in Me? How badly do you desire Me? It's all evil. If you follow the path of evil and temptation into killing off
up to you! The distance between Me and you is only determined your brain cells, then that's not My fault...
by yourself and no other factor.
Even simple minded folks can tell the difference. It's just that
You figure, "Well, all these people who have known the Lord for sophisticated, modern man has become so screwed up! That's
all those years, they don't know Him much better than I do, why You've got to lead them back to the basics, back to the
either, and some of them don't even know Him as well as I do... simple things of life, back to the Garden! It all starts out there,
so, why should I make a greater effort?" Because your effort with the tree of knowledge of good and evil and making the
could change everything! Your commitment can change the wrong choices of disobedience. That's where the cover-up
world! Your choice to put more into it, even though nobody else begins, and you have to lead folks back to find the courage to
may be putting that much into it can change the world for better "strip their souls bare" and come before Me as they are and let
forever! Me show them what's wrong with them and heal them.
As long as they think that nothing's wrong with them, how can
Everything depends on you! As far as your life is concerned, they be healed?
whatever you want to make happen in it, depends on you, your
initiative, your incentive, your vision, your guts, your faith! - Your
determination not to allow yourself to get sidetracked or 188 _________________________________________________
discouraged! Your "yes-power." When you don't know whether an idea is from Me or whether
it's good or not, that's when you can ask Me & find out! That's
what the weapon of prophecy is for. I don't leave you clueless.
187 _________________________________________________ You may be clueless up until the point you ask Me about it, but
He who breaks the law in the smallest way has broken it once you do, everything can change. In that "New York Minute"
completely. It's not the size of the sin or the weight or amount of when you come to ask Me anything, everything can change!
it that counts. It's that it's there at all, and I want you to recognize Nothing has to stay the same. I've got the power to change and
it, deal with it, face it or "embrace" it. You have to "embrace the radically alter everything, any situation, mood or circumstance
leper" within yourself and accept and forgive him, because that's you may find yourself in, any state of powerlessness or
what I've done with you. frustration.
Yes, the sinful side of every person is ugly, but if I, the perfect In fact, that's what those bouts of weaknesses are there for:
God and Creator of the universe can embrace it, then certainly they're to be overcome with My help!
treasures heaped up for yourself in this world. To be different
The Enemy tries to delete all your valuable memories of what from them is to be humble and to pride yourself only in Me, only
matters by getting you to focus on the immediate problem: they in the gratefulness of being able to experience Me, having Me at
way that you feel, the circumstances, what little difference you your disposal to talk to, to be close to, to have as your most
seem to be able to make. faithful Companion, Lover, Friend and Husband.
But you see, you can make a difference. One man can make the Boasting yourself in Me is a humbling thing before the world, for
difference. All those heroes: they all made the difference in their eyes I am as nothing, and those who follow Me are as
because they refused to give in. nothing. But if you can show them that that so-called nothing is
They refused to let the Devil persuade them that it was no use! not all that little, after all, and give them a glimps of what that
They refused to quit. And you've just got to grasp the importance "nothing" is capable of, that's the kind of faith I love.
of what it means not to quit. That's what made the difference
between those who made it and those who didn't: those who did, When you move from being embarrassed by Me to the point
simply refused to quit. where you proudly flaunt Me before them, that's when I can really
rejoice in you and use you like never before. That's when I can
You may have a hundred legitimate excuses of why you couldn't really start moving in you and through you freely, for you no
possibly be expected to make it, but the truth and magic formula longer restrain Me to certain controlled moves which you allow
that's going to help you to make it in spite of any of those Me to make in you, but you give Me free rein to do with you and
reasons still remains the same: refuse to quit! through you whatsoever I will... That's yieldedness; that's total
I'm talking about quitting to make the effort to make a difference, submission; that's full possession!
to change anything.
I love people who've got nothing to lose: no status or reputation
Being an Old Bottle is contagious! It signals to others: "Look, I'm to worry about.
not moving, not making any progress, and I'm getting away with The more utterly dependent you are on Me for every breath, every
it!" And since everybody naturally chooses the path of the least bite of food, the better.
resistance, they'll be quick to imitate that sample of do-nothing- I love it when you're dependent on Me. I love and enjoy it and
ness, of be-nothing-ness, of hope-nothing-ness, believe-nothing- indulge in when you depend on Me.
Even those stormy and tempestuous situations during which you
It's so much easier to just passively float down the river of experience losses that don't make sense to you - loss of
circumstances, without making any effort to get upstream... orientation, loss of crew members, or loss of certain material
blessings, they're all so valuable to Me, because I know that all
This life-line with Me is the thing that's keeping you alive they'll do is draw you closer to Me; closer to that desired point
spiritually, that keeps your faith alive and that keeps you from where you'll desire Me above everything else and treasure Me
dying. That's why coming to Me is not merely a pretty good thing above all.
to do, it's what you must do, if you're intending to stay alive!
Even if you should shipwreck and your ships come home with
broken sails, it's so much more of a victory than any of those
189 _________________________________________________ defeatists' lives of spiritual "venture nothing, gain nothing,"
Sometimes you need to be reminded of who and what you're where everyone just stays safely on the shore.
up against, and of what sort of filth we're having to deal with in
our war against evil. Sometimes you become lethargic and you're I am that ocean, and out there, you find Me.
simply not on the attack or on guard, and I have to allow things There may be greater abundance of safety, of assurance of
to happen in order to remind you that it's war time, that evil is survival and material goods back on the dry land, but the true
real, and that we have to fight. spiritual seafaring man and pioneer knows that by far the greater
treasures are found out here on life's oceans with Me, where
you've got nothing and no one else to trust in and rely on but
190 _________________________________________________ Me...
Your life is like a ship out on the sea. There isn't much that's
organized about the sea: the waves are irregular, and the wind Let those spiritual landlubbers live out their puny little lives of
isn't blowing steadily at the same speed or with the same supposed safety, but you come and follow Me out into the vast
strength, or from the same direction constantly. And the more openness of the seas, where - in the unknown - there lie new
fiercely it blows, the more chaotic things can get, to the point horizons, new worlds to conquer.
where you might really have to call out to Me desperately if you
ever want to see the shore again and live another day... It's only really safe out here, in the palm of My hand. It may not
It requires faith and trust to be one of life's seafaring men. You're look that way, but it is.
in My hands and at My mercy. Whereas those on the land who
build their towers and castles to protect themselves from Me are
quite hard to get at. They know how to protect themselves from 191 _________________________________________________
the Wild Wind of My Spirit, and by the time I get through to them, You're becoming aware of your own limitations and
it usually has to be in the form of an earthquake or a similar incapabilities to live up to some people's demands. Some people
catastrophe to shake them up out of their ruts of leaning on their have got a vacuum that is as big as a black hole. Their addiction
own arm of the flesh and their neat little routines far away from and greed for everything is all-consuming, it's demonic, and it's
Me. no use trying to satisfy that sort of hunger.
But your boat is safely in My palm, and even if you get seasick at It's like feeding a ferocious beast that ever cries for more and
times, when the wind and the waves get rough, you're starting to more, just like that gigantic cuckoo baby outgrowing its parents,
become an experienced seafaring man who isn't too easily sitting in the nest and wreaking havoc.
scared anymore but often simply says, "Relax: it has come to They can tyranize entire families and larger groups and
that: I guess we're just going to have to trust the Lord." communities, to whatever extent they can get away with. Until
somebody calls their number and exposes their game and their
It's not only okay to be different, it's good, it's something to be time is up.
desired, even something to be proud of. For to be different from
the way they are is not to become proud as they do: indulging in
the pride of life, the pride of things and riches obtained and 192 _________________________________________________
While everything in this life, every outcome and
consequence depends on you and the choices you make, on Your descending to their level by refusing to think or believe that
your attitude and the effort you put into things, My grace is such you are any better than they, will introduce to their world and
that no matter how badly you screw up, things will still come out their universe the previously unknown option of true,
for the best for everyone. unconditional love without any ifs or buts attached, just "I love
Salvation works that way that no matter what you do, you will still you the way you are."
be redeemed by My blood and totally forgiven.
The only way they're ever going to start changing is by that
It should drive home to you just how vast a gift Salvation really experience, that someone takes them at eye-level without
is, and what a precious gift to pass on to others... thinking he's any better.

Where sin doeth abound, there grace doeth much more abound…
the greater Law beyond, those which the short-sighted, who only 194 _________________________________________________
look into the temporal realm can't see: My greater law of grace. Loss or gain, advance or retreat of the whole body, are all
And by that law, due to the greater amount of iniquity the Devil factors which in part depend on you, your moves, your actions,
has been allowed to pour out in this time of the End, there has your willingness to participate, to cooperate, to be willing to be a
also been granted a greater measure of grace. part of it and make necessary sacrifices.
And you, My brides and Endtime witnesses and ministers, must
be living examples of that grace: not judging others according to I want you to become like a river. Before, you were just trickling,
what may be at hand - the cold hard evidence against them - but but you're slowly starting to flow, and I want that flowing to
passing righteous judgment, taking into consideration all factors, finally turn into rushing, and even raging.
especially My greater Law of Grace. Of course, the Enemy would like to stop or pollute your flow.
His first tactic will be spiritual pollution through temptation and
It's comparable to a "Joker" in a card game: when you don't have compromise, and if he realizes he won't succeed with that tactic,
what it takes, and your hand won't give you any chances to win, he will try to stop the flow by outside circumstances and
then a Joker can turn your nothing into something, your bad into persecution or other difficulties.
good. My radical and greater Law of Grace can turn that awful sin
of yours into good, and against all odds, it can wash you clean You realize why the Enemy has allowed some rivers to continue
from its guilt. to flow and yield their Christian output to the world: it must have
been polluted.
My love and grace and mercy and forgiveness go way past all He figures, if he can manage to pollute it, then it won't do as
that you could possibly imagine. much damage to his cause, because folks are going to die
sooner or later from the pollution and poison he managed to get
Do you see the universe in its vastness? That's how vast My in there. That's why it's of utter importance that you stay clear of
mercy is. You can fill the whole place with darkness, and it seems his pollution, and that you stay pure and clean.
to be all-engulfing, but My light will always pierce and punch
through and bring victory in the end. The further downstream you get, the harder it is to stay clean.
The darkness is merely that which makes the light necessary, The higher up you are, the closer to the Source, the more
that which calls for the light, and thus, you might say, the chances you stand to keep it clean and pure...
darkness is the factor which brings the light about. Without the Down in the lowlands you're bound to run into trouble, so, stay
darkness, there wouldn't be any need for the light. safely up Here with Me! Even if it's in relative slitude and
isolation, and life is relatively rough... not the great lush and easy
Even if what people seem to prefer on a large scale is the life.
darkness, it will yet serve its purpose to show those who are
willing to find out they were wrong, that indeed, there is Keep it pure. Keep it simple. Keep it here with Me. Keep it little -
something bettter than the darkness they chose. just the bare necessities and the right amounts you need for
living without excesses. Keep it humble, keep it low. Keep it in
harmony with all around you, as much as you can, and agree
193 _________________________________________________ with thine adversary quickly whilst thou art in the way with him...
When you touch ground of the reality that you're simply no
better than anyone, that's a good place to start. Some people are afraid of you. Others appreciate you as the life-
That's what I'd call the rock bottom of reality: no more illusions giving source of My waters that you are. Others seek to
about yourself, no more pretenses, just a sinner and Me... carelessly abuse you and pollute you, and there are beavers who
would try to build dams in order to stop your flow and put
It makes forgiveness a lot more possible to happen. obstacles in your way.
Lack of forgiveness and acceptance will often drive people But in the end, you will reach your destination, the great and
further into their trap. mighty sea, from which you will ascend again into the Heavens
But when they feel you know that deep down in your heart you're and become part of the great cloud of witnesses, only in order to
not really any better than they, then they might come out, pour back down onto the earth again in My time, My latter rain...
because there's no self-righteous judgment or condemnation to once again start a flow of righteouness that will end up
awaiting them. covering the whole world as the waters cover the seas.

It's a glimpse for them of hope that there is such a thing as love
for them in this world, yes, even for them. 195 _________________________________________________
Love may not be what they're interested in most of all right now, What is good for My children, My called and chosen ones,
or they may be focused on different things, but it's still will in the end also turn out good for the rest of the world,
comforting to know that there is such an option. because all I do for My children will ultimately lead to the
Love, to them, is a thing as distant as Okinawa for you right now. establishment of My Kingdom on earth, and that will be
They can't relate much to it, and it's a bit strange to them, not something the whole world will profit from, except for those who
part of their world, maybe not at all what they're interested in. It's hate Me and persecute you.
too much trouble and too expensive to get there, so they don't
even waste a second thought on it, but it's still good to know that
there is such a thing as Okinawa. 196 _________________________________________________
Losses teach you dependence on Me. about. Whereas nothing is getting sorted out if you just avoid
The loss hurts, but in the end you learn through the way I provide and ignore the issues.
new possibilities, new options, new tools and methods, new
ways of doing things and equipment to do them with, that all You need to have conviction and the guts to do something about
things will come and go, but I am the one Factor that remains. your convictions and the things I show you and lay on your
heart, even if it's something as dreadful as opposing and
I bring about those changes in your life to avoid that the same confronting someone else's opinion.
should happen to you that's happening in so many others' lives: Opinions are not what leads to the path of life, but the things I
"Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God." personally show each one to do. And if you so easily give in to
It is the changes that make you revere Me, respect and everybody's opinion in favor of the things I've shown you to do,
appreciate Me as the faithful Constant that I am, Who will always then it's no wonder you're feeling confused, useless and
provide you with all you may need, so that you get to the point depressed.
where you realize that all you need is Me. Are you just going to watch the sheep go astray, simply because
they're so full of their own opinions and you don't want to cross
"All you need is love" is correct in the light of 1John 4:8 - "God is them, and don't like the confrontation of having to disagree with
Love," and thus becomes "All you need is God." them?
I'd like you to become more aware of that fact.
It will help you cope with any losses, changes, any crises and Some messes simply have to be sorted out. You can't just leave
drastic turn of events & circumstances. them to rot under the carpet somewhere.... Sin or wrongs of any
If you consciously make Me the one remaining Constant in your kind need to be dealt with, that's what shepherding is all about,
life, you'll see how easy it will become for you to adapt to any and to be neglecting that part of life is to be neglecting one of
kind of change. your greatest God-given duties. Of course, the Devil will try any
of his weapons in his arsenal to get you to neglect that duty,
You won't be stunned by any loss, but will simply acknowledge, including sensitivity, pride, discouragement, whatever it takes.
"The Lord hath given it, the Lord hath taken it away," and trust And you can either go under and surrender to him and drown in
that I will be there to provide not only a replacement, but usually your feelings of incapability and the resultant confusion, or you
an improvement of some kind for the loss you've just can fight.
As in Job's life: if his first wife counseled him to curse Me and Sometimes I'm expecting you to say no.
die when evil befell him, you can imagine that I came up with Do Me, yourselves and them a favor by sticking to your guns and
some improvement on the stock when I gave him a new family. staying true to the conviction that I have laid on your hearts...

The experiences and lessons learned in life are actually more

important, as far as I'm concerned, than the things themselves, 198 _________________________________________________
the losses or the gains... Prophecy is as vulnerable as its vessel.
At the end of the day, losses and gains are only numbers and
statistics, and they may have their place of importance to some In exercising yourself in the usage of discernment you must not
extent. But what's really valuable to Me is the lessons and the neglect the discerning of your own spirit, which is just as prone
experiences they bear, like some deep imprint of life's wisdom on to attacks from the Enemy as anyone else's.
your soul, that gives your life the real beauty and value. It's a good reminder to make sure you're staying on the right
It's not the things that give you your true value. It's how you channel.
handle their loss, the experiences and the wisdom you gain by You always need to be aware that the Enemy will try to penetrate
going through those ups and downs of have and have not, of win your channel and cause static and interference.
and lose, of gain and lose again, and by the way you handle
those losses, prove that you are winning and gaining again, even I allow things to happen to remind you that you're no better than
if it may "only" be the experience and confidence that the only anyone.
thing you can really rely on, really trust in and the only One you
really need, after all, is Me. Your gift of prophecy is a vulnerable thing which you need to
protect from the negative influences of the Enemy. You can't just
Loss is gain if you look at it trough My eyes: it will be the gain of take for granted that it will always work flawlessly, just as you
new opportunities, greater trust and confidence in Me, the lasting can't expect your equipment to always work flawlessly. That
Factor in your life; greater dependence on Me, greater wisdom, would mean it were perfect, but as Paul said, "Prophecies shall
greater treasures of experiences and lessons learned; the true fail... for now we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect
values of life. shall come, then that which is in part shall be done away"

197 _________________________________________________ The Real Thing is Me, the whole of Me, not just that part of Me
I never meant for anyone to try to figure it all out by called prophecy. You cannot just cling to any part of the elephant
themselves. Ever since Adam, I've always wanted man to look to as the whole thing...
Me for guidance and reference, to show him what's going on,
what went wrong, and how he's gotten himself into a mess that Sometimes you just stick to working with the one feature you're
only I can fix, when it all comes down to it. most familiar with, just as you would stick to your preferred
software program, but I want you to try out different features at
If you go by your own impulses and let only your own senses times, and not neglect the other important factors about your
direct you, instead of My Word, then you're bound to wind up in a spiritual life and walk with Me.
mess, because your earthly senses will always lead you toward
earthly things and in an earthly direction, whereas only My Word Choose the best weapons and gifts for each day. Don't get into a
can truly give you the heavenly perspective of things. rut. Let Me guide you in prayer and by My Spirit in the directions I
That earthly orientation has rubbed your nose down in the want you to choose each day.
ground and the dirt to the point where you lost touch with My
heavenly perspective.
199 _________________________________________________
Messes have to be dealt with, that's what shepherding is all There is a deep chasm between those belonging to the top,
the officially recognized church, accepted by the System, which that, and your eyes wander elsewhere, then you might lose your
has become an integrated part of the System and even one of its grip on reality, your picture might become distorted or
major symbols and perpetrators of its evils, and those who incomplete.
belong to the bottom, the downtrodden, despised and persecuted
church: the ones may have their time of "reign" and enjoyment in There are still new factors to explore, things you neglected to be
this life, but the others will have theirs in the life to come, when realized, yet new angles and viewpoints to see things from.
those who reign now will have to pay the consequences for
having chosen to look down upon My truly chosen... Life does not consist only of you, but other people are attached
to it and form vital parts of it, and separation from them causes
With their lukewarm, sickening ways of worship, their sickening pain. It's a pain that they experience already, when you leave
love for the System, their dreadful desire to always be on top them out, or are not paying the attention to them that you should.
along with the winners, and refusing to walk the path I walked, They’re having a large part of their lives revolve around you, your
the path of the apparent loser, their clinging to this world's riches needs, your expectations, etc. And isn't it only fair for them to
and their positions in the Devil's matrix, they’re really not expect some of your attention in return?
amounting to much more than a bunch of traitors at heart,
spiritually, because in reality, they're following him and his lies, The stronger you become in Me, and the more reliable, the more
instead of My unadulterated truth. you will find people looking up to you as a reliable source of
input and counsel, and especially with your immediate flock and
As I told you about rivers: the further downstream you get, the members of your family you cannot just say, "Stop looking at me!
harder it is to maintain it clean, and as far downstream as the Look at the Lord!"
church has gotten, you can sure see a lot of pollution in it. It's good to want to point them to Me, but folks need human
manifestations of My Spirit and My love for them, like you. And if
The short-sighted will always prefer their place among the ranks you have a closer look, you'll recognize and see that you need
of the mighty, the apparent winners. Only a few and only the wise them, too, that they're My love for you, too.
will choose a place among the despised and downtrodden I have made none of you as totally independent units fully
minority, but will find Me there among them... functional on their own, but I have purposely made you
somewhat dependent on each other, in order to create teams, not
just outstanding individuals here or there.
200 _________________________________________________
People love to be noisy. They don't appreciate the silence. The Enemy is having you focus so much on the flaws of others at
They don't know when to hush. They don't know how to listen to times that you start to wonder if you're not better off without
the whispers of the wind so that they would find peace for their them, but I'm here to tell you right now that it isn't so. It may look
souls... that way at times, but it isn't really so.
He knows that the only way he can ruin My work which I have
The mystery of emptiness is the greatest gift that enables you to begun in you is to use those differences between you, blow them
receive any of the other ones... it is the faith that makes all else up way out of proportion and make you feel uncomfortable with
possible. anybody else.
But remember that "comfortable" isn't necessarily a quality that
Listening is one of the greatest services you can render, both indicates My will or direction for you at all. In fact, if something or
listening to Me and listening to others. someone becomes uncomfortable for you, then chances are that
It has become such a rare art. I'm using them to stir you up from your comfortable rut, which is
Even in your witnessing you have to watch out that you don't threatening to lull you to sleep or get you stuck in way you've
spout off the answer before you have listened to their souls. You done it "for all this time now."
need to find out first what medicine they need.
So, have a closer look at those uncomfortable someones you
One of the greatest services you can render to each other is to don't seem to be able to understand and who bring question
give each other space and room and silence and time to listen to marks into your life. Chances are, they're about to be a new
Me. You must allow each other to live, by allowing each other to revelation for you, introduce another step of progress for you in
listen to Me. your life, one you may have been unable to see previously, but
nonetheless vital.

201 _________________________________________________ What I'll be mostly using in your life to really rub in life's lessons
You must be tested and tried, there is no way around it. and drive home the point, is people. More so than prophecies,
You've got to go through times of purging; I can't make you what more so than wisdom or knowledge and all the other which is "in
you ought to be without it! part" (1Cor.13). For only love will last in the end, and you'll find
it'll be all you'll need, even to a greater extent than you are aware
The way to enlightenment leads via the path of recognizing and of.
learning from one's own mistakes. Love will not only replace man's ambitions for material
possessions, but it will even replace the need for ambitions of a
Correction is a part of love. It may be disguised as something more spiritual nature.
else painful, but it is love nonetheless, love of a kind which In fact, it will expose all other ambitions as useless and replace
requires humility in order to be able to receive it... It requires them as the only true and good motivation to do anything, that
humility to give and to receive it, and where there's no humility, ever existed.
that part of love simply cannot flourish, and thus problems are Love, the beginning and the end. The eternal circle. Don't toss it
bound to occur. away! Don't despise it! Don't underestimate it or neglect it! You
might regret it & be sorry.
Where there's no readiness to receive correction, there can be no
growth, and thus there is only stagnation.
203 _________________________________________________
The Holy Spirit is the unifying factor among My church.
202 _________________________________________________ If you're not united, then it's because you're not allowing My
I've got to be the Spectrum through which you must see Spirit to unite you, and because you're not yielded to My Spirit.
reality. You must keep your eyes focused on Me. If you don't do
To become a surrendered and yielded tool in My hands means to deserve and merit the reward.
submit yourself as one yielded member of the whole, and not try
to stick out as one special, individual piece. What you're producing may not be what the people want - they
Make sure that what you do is part of the work of the entire body, want to laugh, and they want comedy, and yet all you can come
in unison and unity with the rest of the body. up with is heart-rending tragedy; but you'll still know that you
can do no other but give forth whatever it is I'm giving you to
pass on, and you'll see: it'll be alright in the end, and you'll even
204 _________________________________________________ get along with some of the folks you may have formerly
It is My will for you to become concerned about the sheep, considered enemies.
the folks and souls I lead across your path. It is My will for you
that you invest more effort, more time, more energy, more of your I need you to see Me in the chaos - in spite of the chaos, and
concern and blood, sweat and tears into winning them - more refuse to look at the circumstances.
prayer. That means you also must trust the folks around you, that I will
Winning the world for Me is not a job that can be accomplished anoint them at the given time to not let you down.
with efforts that are anything less than wholehearted.
The sheep can sense how much they matter to you, and whether Even a great guy like Shakespeare didn't just make it all on his
you would really lay down their lives for them... own. He got his inspirations from here and from there: one man
gave a clue, and another one gave the next. He just put the
Often, the reason why they make the choice against Me or you is pieces together. He wasn't the sole instrument or vessel,
not even so much because of their own rebellion, but because although he may have been the one to collect all the pieces and
there is simply not enough love there that would motivate them put them together.
to pay the price of giving up their pride. The events of his life - as chaotic as they may have seemed -
It takes a lot of love to overcome some people's pride. turned out to be the magic and source of inspiration that made
his writing so unforgettable. In the end, it wasn't really him
It's the amount of love they feel that is going to draw them back writing the story, but it was I and all the other key figures I used,
to you: an amount of love that is sufficient to be willing to face who created the story, and he just captured it. And that's the way
any kind of problems that might occur or arise through your it is with you, and with your role you're to play for Me.
effort to win and woo them, an amount of love that's willing to go
to any lengths for them. An amount of love that isn't going to You're a part of something greater. The danger is sometimes to
give up on them too easily. think that you are the "something greater" yourself, and that's
Do you love them enough to not let them go? To do all you when I have to set you back on your heels and remind you that it
possibly can in order to save them? takes many people to create a passion play such as this. There
may have been a few key and leading roles involved, such as the
I need you to have an attitude that will not give up or resign too "stars" who played the main characters, but in the end, you
quickly but is willing to go to any length for the sheep, in order to realize it took each and everyone involved, especially the little
draw them in. ones behind the scenes, those who did the script writing, the
Put some umph into it! Don't give up too quickly! There's a whole financing, the costumes, the backdrop...
bunch of fish to be caught, but only if you're willing to make the
effort to really draw them in! Even so it is with this movie of your life, your era, the time and
place in history which will go down as "yours." It is significant,
You're here to woo and win them! Your job is to free as many as and all the more so, if you recognize the "greater thing" you're a
you possibly can, and give your all in the effort, and if need be, part of. Not an inactive, passive part, but an active one, who
die trying. changes events by his own choices, but nonetheless, only a part
of a greater whole.
Love includes not giving up on them prematurely.
Don't give up hope for them. Don't stop praying for them. Don't I am the One Who puts the players together, and for a good
stop feeding them. Don't quit on them, and don't stop holding on. purpose and reason. You think I'm any less brilliant as a Director
Persistence and patience are two important factors in becoming than any of those worldly movie makers? You just need to trust
a successful fisher of men. Me, that's all.
Your trust will inspire that of others. Like the theatre owner, you
don't know how, but you know it's all going to end well. "But
how?" "I don't know - it's a mystery!"
205 _________________________________________________ Make some room for My mystery to happen. Have the faith and
the flaws, mistakes and imperfections in your co-fighters trust to let it happen! Expect it to happen, and prepare the rest of
have been little more than a big test of your faith, to see whether the crew and the audience in anticipation for it to happen, and
you would still keep going for Me, still keep holding on faithfully, never give up hoping that - against all the odds - it's going to
in spite of them. happen.

A lot depends on you, on your faith, on your refusal to fall for the
obvious, that which is at hand, on the surface. 206 _________________________________________________
If you want to feel My Presence more, there is simply no
A lot depends on your determination to believe that somehow, other way than to be spending more time with Me.
like in "Shakespeare in Love," everything is going to turn out It's quite simply a matter of keeping Me in the first place.
well in the end, even though you don't know how - it's a mystery.
The cast may be a hopeless bunch of losers - or they may look When you try to fill that spot I have reserved for Myself with
like it, and your Juliet may still not have arrived on the scene yet, anything else, I have to let you experience disappointment.
and you may think you're lost, from the looks of the
circumstances, but everything depends on your faith to believe You cannot take your spiritual blessings for granted, but you
that somehow things are going to turn out alright anyway. must guard them well.
Because I'm in control. It may not look like it, but you'll know - You have to keep the spiritual things first.
your faith will be strong enough to tell - that I am, anyway, and Otherwise, your decision to yield to the calls of the material
that I'm just allowing the chaotic looks of things in order to test world instead, may take you for a detour ride into a spiritual
you, to make sure that you've really got what it takes that will desert, where you'll have to find your connection with Me again.
more you will hunger for My pure milk and proper meat. Again
Always allow the spiritual to maintain the upper hand. you find that less is sometimes more.
It's simply the more important. It's the more lasting, the more
vital, and the more necessary part for you.
210 _________________________________________________
The distractions and temptations are there for you to learn to The Enemy starts fighting you when you start making a
resist them and keep them in their proper place, and never allow difference.
them to take Mine.
Your greatest victories will always come out of seeming defeats.
The way I've fought all My battles throughout history has always
207 _________________________________________________ been that same pattern: a seemingly pitiful, bedraggled little
The grey and gloomy skies remind you that this world is not band against a much larger enemy, greatly outnumbering My
your home, and that your happiness and fulfillment is found troops, just to make really sure that the victory was going to go
elsewhere, in the unseen Realm, where I am your Eternal on My account, "lest Israel say, 'Mine own arm hath saved me.'"
Sunshine that never fades. It's natural to want to stand on the stronger side, on the winners'
Come and bask in My Sunshine. Only I know what's really good side. It's one of My toughest tests for My true followers, to
for you. always belong to the camp of the apparent losers... But that's
I, the Good Shepherd of your soul, must keep you and protect precisely what forces you to look to Me. And I'm all you need.
you, sometimes even by the sheer force of the circumstances
around you. I must close the doors which are not My good and I'm even allowing it to look hopeless for a while, in order to make
perfect will for you. sure that you're not putting your hopes or confidence in your
own strength... to make sure that if you're going to come away
I need you to pour My heavenly sunshine out on the minds and victorious, then it's going to be a total and obvious miracle, and
hearts and ears of those you're meant to reach. you won't be patting yourself on the back, but will give all the
glory to Me.
I won't let anything usurp the first place in your heart and life that
rightfully belongs to Me. I cannot. I need you too much to convey I've got to allow you to get desperate to realize that you can't
My love to the world, and how can you, if you don't fully make it on your own. Otherwise there's no way you will ever seek
experience and avail yourself of that love, first? Me and turn to Me with sufficient determination to really find Me
and My solution, My salvation, My way out of the situation.

208 _________________________________________________
The "success" philosophy drives many to want to aspire and 211 _________________________________________________
ever aspire, to climb and ascend, instead of coming down to the If you just let yourself drift haphazardly down the stream of
ground of My humble reality and descending. life, it won't take you the same places you might get to if you
make an actual effort to swim and steer your life in a certain
Come down to the level of the children, of the humble, of the direction, which you usually do when you're having a goal in
lowly, of the simple, of the poor. The high and mighty and proud sight. It's easy to just go through the motions, but to get the
are always one step away from their next fall, but down here, on most out of your day, you must ask Me to renew your vision and
the ground of hardcore reality, you're walking pretty safely. help you stay focused on the goal.
Away from the glamour of the ascended, down in the lap of the
low, that's where you'll find the comfort of My Comforter.
Down there, in unity with your humble brethren do you find My 212 _________________________________________________
real greatness, that will make you stick out from the norm of There are those who make the right choices, and the
those making a name or place for themselves, some kind of question is: do you have the determination to become one of
position of renown, comfort or safety... their own little kingdoms, them?
instead of letting Me establish Mine within them. When all the false incentives for living don't seem to do the trick
anymore, and disappoint you over and over again, why not make
the choice for the right one and the one cause that won't let you
209 _________________________________________________ down, nor fail to disappoint you?
Only through the Spirit lasting fruit is borne.
Through prayer and yieldedness you allow Me to put you into the
places and situations where I can use you, and where you can do 213 _________________________________________________
some good. Ridiculously small numbers have always been My forte.
While everyone else always put their bet on the strong & mighty
There’s lots more I can accomplish through you, if you allow Me. and the numbers of their men, My motto has always been quality,
not quantity. The rare few who really do appreciate My truth and
This is the way to get things done and to get action pulled down My narrow way above all, stick out all the more, and you
from Heaven: through prayer. appreciate them all the more after a while with those
superficiality junkies who fall for what's on the surface and never
Your trials, hardships and difficulties, your tight passages, are dig any deeper...
the things that are going to make you fly in the end... It takes real discernment and knowledge of people to recognize
It's the hard times that enable you to finally spread your wings. I the true treasures, those you can rely on, do or die.
use the friction against the hard walls of the confines of the
cocoon of your circumstances in order to free you from the
things that hinder you from flying, your natural handicaps. 214 _________________________________________________
What was once necessary to protect you and keep you On one hand you've always known this wasn't home, but on
comfortable and alive must be stripped off and loosened, peeled the other hand you wish you'd feel more at home in this world.
off, in order to make you soar to new heights. If you don't feel at home in it, then it's because this world is not
your home.
The amount you receive is determined by your spiritual hunger,
which is diminished by the amount of other input you feed your It's confusing, I know, when you've got this bunch of worldly
mind with... The less you snack on those other "goodies," the believers hailing Me like their superstar and absolute hero, while
at the same time acting as if all they're interested in lies in this
temporary world. It doesn't jibe. That's what's wrong with the "How can I look good in the eyes of those that I'm trying to
church system. They think I'm some kind of a cool Dude who can please?" "How can I become someone to be remembered?"
enhance their quality of life both in this world and in the one to When in reality, those who are truly remembered have always
come, bliss here and now and forever, have their cake and eat it, been those who forgot about themselves and melded with their
too. They totally ignore all the information about the price that cause: the people they would give their lives for, seeking above
there is to pay, and thus give a totally wrong picture of what it's all their good and welfare, and not their own.
supposed to mean to be My disciple...
Faith defies the wisdom of the flesh. It has the courage to say
I admit, the deception is very tempting. Who wouldn't choose the "No" to it. "No, thank you! That's very kind of you to offer me that
comfortable way? The flesh automatically chooses that which advice on how to get ahead and on how to enhance my image,
feels good and is pleasurable... Nobody suffers voluntarily. But but I think I'll have to pass. Because there's this voice that says,
what price are you willing to pay for your comfortable life-style? 'There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is
Who and what are you going to betray? destruction...' I'm afraid I can't follow your path..." And then turns
around and goes the opposite way.
Set your affections on things above, seek to derive your pleasure
and satisfaction from the very Source of life, from Me. Start to avail yourself of the heavenly sources and powers to
sustain you, instead of your own natural resources, which are
going to come to an end as all that the Devil has to offer in his
215 _________________________________________________ realm ... all these things will fade away into nothingness. They'll
Every moment you invest in Me, be it through prayer, reading disappear. And only what was done truly for love will still stand
or memorizing or giving out My Word, every minute you invest in when all those bigmouths will finally have been shut up.
learning more about wielding the weapons of the Spirit World, is
a step that takes you further and closer to the goal of being ready will finally have been shut up.
for what's to come. So, you want to make headway for Me and make progress in My
school of thought, in the School of heavenly wisdom? Stop being
It's a choice you have to make nearly constantly: what am I going dragged about by the old school of the System and the flesh, and
to invest My time in? whatever they tell you to do in order to make progress. Stop all
that and come to Me! Turn around and start walking a new way, in
The pictures and the information that comes in the movies or on a new direction. Don't be afraid of going the opposite direction of
computer screens move along so much faster than the slow flux the one everybody else is heading. You may look terribly alone,
of input you get from reading or hearing from Me, or closing your going that way, and at first you may wonder, "Am I going to be
eyes in prayer... It seems to be downshifting to a lower gear, the only one?" But somebody's got to make the first move and
when your natural inclinations tell you to step on the gas... do have the courage to lead folks in the path that is truly Mine, and
more in order to get there faster. they'll follow suit, eventually...

But that's where faith comes in. Faith to do the opposite of what You’ve got to make a difference and have the courage and guts
your flesh tells you to do. to withstand the general trend, and go the opposite way.
My invisible Realm seems anything but conducive to great It may look like a humbler, less promising way, a darker, less
accomplishments in the physical, which is what the flesh really shiny, less glorious way, and folks may be shaking their heads at
yearns for. you and wonder, "Why's he taking that shabby road?" But in the
But in the end, all the efforts of the flesh without availing itself of end you and they will see which of the two paths really will have
the power of the Spirit will turn out to have been decoys, detours, led to what I'd call true success.
distractions, and a waste of time, good merely as another lesson True success is the road that will lead you to Me, and you have
on the long list of ways how not to do it. seen which is the path I have taken. It wasn't a glorious road, and
one that not many initially would have had the courage to follow.
if you want to get there faster and quicker, you're going to have It was a road that took My followers far away from their homes
to go slower, and do the exact opposite of what your flesh tells and all that was familiar and trusted... Away and off into the
and urges you to do. horizon... into the new, the unknown... with Me.
Stop all the feverish activity in the flesh and find out by waiting
for Me and My input where I really want you to go, and if
necessary, let Me take you there; find out what I really want you 216 _________________________________________________
to do, and if necessary, allow Me to do it through you and for I'm the unifying factor between you, your only hope for unity.
you. "Stand back and see Me fight," instead of rushing off into For only I can give you the necessary vision and love in order to
the battle half-baked yourself. make it, the kind of love that covers a multitude of sins, and
vision that doesn't look at the faults but beyond them.
Just as it's mice's appetite that lures them into the trap and to If you look at the flaws and faults, you're sunk, but if you look at
their doom, so it is the appetites of the flesh that often lead you the lesson behind them, and at My purpose behind them, then it
into the traps of the distraction, the wrong way, the opposite gives you a ray of hope that everything is going to wind up
direction of where I want you to go. making sense somehow eventually, and you can trust that
everything is going to be alright.
To be a follower, a disciple of Mine, means going in the opposite
direction of where the world is going and the flesh would lead The goal can only be reached through unity.
you. Instead of letting them drag you along with their current,
you go the opposite way. If it isn't easy, then there must be a reason for it, you must trust
that I have a purpose in it. I, the Architect of your life, also have a
Faith disregards all the philosophies of man and their counsel on purpose in this seemingly paradox detail and apparent
how to make headway, it discards all that the world advertises as nuisance... It's going to work out for good.
wisdom and their secrets to "success" and chooses to go the But sometimes you've got to let Me make it work together for
opposite way, one that apparently leads nowhere, down to the good, by putting forth some trust in Me first. If you approach the
most undesirable place of the defeat and death of that which the situation with a negative attitude, then you might be undermining
System is trying to build up: the ego, the self, one's own position the grounds for Me to bring about My good purpose. You cannot
and advantage... work against Me while I'm trying to bring about that good in your
life. have; a need to learn from someone else who has gone further
You must give Me your cooperation by putting forth a positive than you. It's a way I use to spur you on to growth and progress.
attitude of trust that I'm going to do it somehow, even if right now It has nothing to do with status, but it's all about the amount of
you can't see it. That trust is a requirement for the magic to work. dedication and commitment you have for My Cause.
You've got to enable Me to bring about the good out of this by
believing and putting forth your trust, and focusing on that It's convicting when you find someone who's more serious about
ultimately positive outcome. it all than you are, who puts more into it, who's more yielded and
dedicated and thus brings forth more fruit. It's easy when others
are giving less or seem to be somewhat weaker. But when you
217 _________________________________________________ find someone who is stronger and ahead of you, and more
There are many who have a portion of My Spirit, but there are dedicated than you are, then initially it may make you feel a bit
few who are bathing in Her thoroughly, who let Her penetrate small in comparison.
their heart and soul and entire being, and who soak Her up as if
their every breath depended on Her. If you have no one to look up to, then it can be a bit sad and
lonely at times, up there on that lonely hill or pedestal...
I can use those the most who will just let go of their own abilities, it's like an urge to be as close as possible to the top, the sky... to
wisdom and stamina and strength, and will lean and depend Me... without any distractions.
utterly on Me. You long for that lonely glorious peak, alone with Me, from where
you can look down on the rest of the world.
I like to have vessels and channels to work through. So few truly You just have that urge to get there, and in doing so, you show
let go and let Me. It takes getting to the point of readiness, where that it can be done.
you can truly say, "Now I'm ready for you, Lord."
When a human being is ready to be used by Me, that's a sight Having found someone who has even achieved to climb higher
that truly satisfies My heart. than you did should give you new incentive to keep climbing.
For a human being converted into a truly useful vessel and The goal is not yet attained. You may have previously figured that
instrument of Mine opens up entire new galaxies for Me in the you got as high as you wanted to go or were able to, and you
Spirit. Even a galaxy has its limits, but not the possibilities of were happy with the height you reached, but now I'm showing
what one human soul can achieve for Me that is truly dedicated you, "there's more."
to Me and finally ready to be used by Me without restrictions.
The possibilities are endless, of how that one soul will yet affect
other countless lives and produce a chain reaction that will result 221 _________________________________________________
in new life, never-ending. Sometimes the obvious can be dead wrong.
it's time to try a new thing, to have faith for new steps, & for Me
to open new doors and avenues.
218 _________________________________________________
I limit Myself to working through your faith. The connection &
link between the physical and the spiritual - the manifestation of 222 _________________________________________________
your hopes and dreams - lies in your faith. It's the vacuum that What will you reap when the summer of your life is ending
draws from the Spirit World that which you hope for. and the harvest is at your door? Will you wish you had done
If you hope for something, then act & believe & have faith for it... more, sown more seeds and ploughed and tilled the land more?
walk toward the goal of the fulfillment of your dreams. Or will you enjoy and partake of the abundance that the labor of
You must not only hope, but also believe, in order not to be your hands has created?
The harvest will tell whether your life's ideology and philosophy
I didn't have to persuade anyone to follow Me or talk them into it. has been the right one, and whether your attitudes and modus
I just said, "Follow Me," and they did. operandi have been the right ones, or if perhaps you erred and
Don't let doubts or hesitation, lethargy or lack of enthusiasm (= would have been better off adhering to another one. The harvest
"being in God") rob & kill the great things I could do through will tell whether you were on the right track and listened to the
your united faith! right voices, or whether you were deceived by what temporarily
seemed to have been the right way, the promising way to
abundance, but the end thereof was emptiness and hunger, and it
219 _________________________________________________ left you barren, vacant and deserted, and you wish you had done
I require from you the willingness to continue to say yes to differently...
Me, to My way up, which is down, to My cross, even if that's the
last thing on earth you'd want, according to your natural As long as you invest the seeds of your time in Me and My
inclinations. Kingdom, you can always be sure that it will bring eternal
Everybody has their idol, their god to give up. For some it's their dividends.
position of power, for others it's their position of comfort. For
some it is their relationship or the person they love, for others While the years of youth are often frivolously spent in selfish
their possessions... Sin is what stands between you and giving pursuits and interests and fleeting pleasures, many a man or
up those things for Me. It is what hinders you from hitting the woman of Mine has come to the decision of wanting to put more
mark of relieving yourself of those obstacles and distractions effort into My work in their later years.
that stand between you and Me.
Once you have managed to give up all those things for Me, there The Devil limits all things: all he grants is temporary, fleeting, and
is only one thing left to give: your life. If you have been strong, will come to an end. My time is the generous and never-ending
willing and faithful to give up those other things for Me, of which dispensation, I pour out in great abundance and beyond
you may have thought for a time that your life consisted of them, measure.
then you will also be willing to give up life itself for Me. If you sow to the temporal, then temporal and limited will be your
reward. If you sow to the eternal, your rewards will also be never-
ending: they will go on and on and on and on, forever...
220 _________________________________________________
Sometimes I draw your attention to a needed change or So, if you're wise, be like Me; give like Me; invest like Me, and
improvement by showing you something better than what you pour out like Me, beyond measure, in great abundance, never
withholding. Don't be stingy like the Devil in your investments,
but give and give and pour and pour, knowing that in the same Don’t allow the Enemy to rob you of that little strength, that little
abundance and measure that you pour out to others, it will also light of faith of yours, to believe Me for the impossible, against all
be poured out to you. odds, against any apparent circumstances.
Walk by faith, not by sight! If you always and only go by what you
Remove the lids and corks of your vessels and bottles and pour see, you won't walk the walk of faith very far. It's not about what
and pour and pour and never stop. In the same measure it will be you see, it's about what you can't see!
poured out unto you again! Thank you for learning of Me, and not
imitating the narrow-minded and -hearted ways of the Enemy. Believe Me for the things that you can't see! Believe Me for them
because I have promised them. According to what you see, I
must be a liar, or I must have simply made a mistake, right? But
223 _________________________________________________ wait and see! I'm not done yet. I'm not finished yet. And if you
The art is being your brother's keeper without coming across look at history, I've often used people that nobody would have
like a party pooper or nagger... Quite a challenge, isn't it? But expected the sort of feats from that they wound up doing in spite
that's what would determine a good leader & shepherd: someone of all the probabilities that stood against those miracles ever
who doesn't pull his punches, is not a man-pleaser, but at the happening.
same time also remains Spirit-led in the constructive criticism
and correction he does share... You cannot hinge your faith on man or what you see in the
temporal realm. The power that makes things happen comes
from Me, from My invisible, eternal Realm... and as you have
224 _________________________________________________ already realized, more often in spite of yourselves and your lack
Sooner or later you will be thankful for the time you invested of faith, lack of wisdom and lack of anything that would merit
in Eternity, instead of this temporary world; in the achievements such great accomplishments & feats than because of any
that will have made a difference for Me and My Kingdom, instead attributes of your own, so that it's all a work of My grace and no
of fleeting pleasures. flesh should glory in My presence.
Right now, it may seem like a loss to you, but then you will count
all things but loss, except for My Cause and My interests. Extreme praise also works the other way around: Not only can
What may seem to you like loss now will be perfectly clear as you praise Me for My miraculous answer and solution to the
gain to you then... calamity before your eyes, but I can do the same for you: I praise
It's a matter of priorities and maturity. you even before I see you doing what I want you to be doing,
because I know you will do it!
I also that in spite of the fact that you don't seem to be able to
225 _________________________________________________ live up to what I have promised you would do, you will, anyway!
Focusing on what's relevant puts everything into Just like you praise Me, a God Whom many in the world see as a
perspective. It puts the magic into what may have started out or Monster who sides with the wrong ones and punishes the
seemed like a gloomy day when you know that I'm in control, I'm innocent, so I praise you, a group that the world despises and
here for you and you're here for Me, and nothing else matters. looks down upon.
It doesn't matter anymore then, if you don't seem to have many I know you better than they do, just as you know Me better than
friends, because you know you've already got the best and most they do! And I know you even better than you know yourselves,
reliable Friend you could possibly have. and I know what you're capable of and who you really are, in
spite of what you see now in yourself, and the failure that you
It's wonderful when somebody realizes that I'm really all they see when you look at yourself.
need, and they don't have to worry about anything else, because
in putting Me first, everything else will fall in line. Only the true visionaries and prophets can see what I see. They
don't see the failures and losers that those see who look with the
You cannot allow the Enemy to get you to focus on the button off eyes of the flesh only. But they believe Me for My promises. They
the vest, the hole in the doughnut. Keep your focus on Me and refuse to doubt that what I have promised is true, and I will honor
My miracle working power, and let that power go to work. their faith.

226 _________________________________________________ Believing is easy when all the evidence supports what you
When the Enemy is around, you can't ignore him, but you believe. "Blessed are they who, not seeing, yet believe"
have to aim your spiritual weapons at him and shoot, and not (Jn.20:29).
rest until he's down. "If you don't...lick the Devil first, you might
as well forget it." You've got to lick the punk first. There's no use
in going on, ignoring him or pretend everything is alright. First 228 _________________________________________________
you've got to eliminate the disturbing factor out of your life, and I died for each person, individually. Salvation is a personal
do whatever it takes to get rid of his presence, his oppression issue, between Me and each human being.
and influence over whatever aspect of your life. But the goal is not to remain in isolation, but Salvation in itself, is
a means of bringing the soul into the great union of all things, the
Kingdom of Heaven. If Salvation is anything, it is salvation from
227 _________________________________________________ the isolation of each individual in their own sin and entrapment
Trust in My creative power, in My ability to give life where of their own ego and selfishness, and bringing it into the greater
there was no life! Whole, the uniting for the greater Cause, rather than any
individual, personal cause.
There is one difference between the Family and the rest of the
world, and that's their little strength (Rev.3:8), their faith to With each Christian Family living their own individual lives in
believe Me for the seemingly impossible, and their readiness, their own individual houses and homes, one most certainly
their willingness to be used of Me and have Me work in them and misses the union that ought to be there in Christianity, as found
through them and do with them whatever I see fit. in the Book of Acts.
It’s your only hope in this life. Because you can't possibly make it
on your own. You need a Family, an army to fight with, even if it's There is a weakness and a present danger to fall for the concept
only 300 men against an army of tens of thousands! Gideon of individualism and "what about me?," but that's where you've
never would have made it alone! got to attack and drive home the point by any means available,
that "it's not about me, it's not about yourself; it's not about may indeed be very small and seemingly insignificant, but you've
ourselves - there's something bigger at stake here, something got one mighty God, and He can make all the difference in the
greater, and really worth fighting and uniting for... not just the universe for you, if you just apply your little strength of faith to
salvation of me, thee, thou and none other, but the salvation of switch on His mighty power and make it work in your life.
mankind per se, inasmuch as they are ready for it, ready to
receive it and implement it on individual levels... as much as For every problem you may encounter in life, no matter how
they're willing to integrate into the Greater Body..." small or insignificant (for there is no such thing), and even if the
Of course, the problem with many of them is, is that they don't apparent reward for it seems to be nil or irrelevant, there is
accept or recognize the Door, the only Factor which can truly always a solution that I am more than willing and ready to give
bring unity to mankind, which is Me, My Salvation from sin, and and reveal to you, as soon as you start doing the right thing,
My Kingdom and truth. which is to focus on Me, the Solution-Giver, instead of the
The Enemy advertises the self as an entity worthy of attention You have to get rid of the mindset that anything would be too
that quasi amounts to worship, in order to satisfy it and make it insignificant or unimportant for Me to care about.
"happy," and even availing yourself of Me, My Word and My truth
- although only a fragment and watered-down version of it - in Whenever the Enemy attacks, it's always a good time to come to
order to achieve that goal, which amounts to supermarket style Me and find out from Me what's happening; why is this
religion: picking out of certain pleasant truths, and leaving aside happening, and what's going on... There's usually a reason for it.
the more unpleasant ones, just serving yourself of the goodies The Enemy is the hinderer, and that's what he will always try to
My Word has to offer, and neglecting the convicting truths that do. So, if you are presented with some hindrance, some obstacle
would spur you on to change, sacrifice and action. to overcome, you need to be aware that there must be a reason
The Devil just allows them a tiny little bit of My truth and mixes it the Enemy is trying to hinder you!
with a lot of his own poison of selfishness, and his lie of the
nationalistic version of the "greater cause." Sometimes you've just got to see it through for My sake! Don't
think about yourself so much, think about Me, how proud it's
Some folks are just self-oriented, even if they are saved, and in going to make Me if you're going to see it through just for Me,
that aspect, they're not really living their salvation, not really even with no tangible reward involved. And remember that the
making it work for them nor others in this life, but can actually heavenly reward is already yours as much as you focus on it, as
act counter-productively in relation to My Cause. much as you believe My promises for it and cling to them!
Only I can give you the love that is necessary to esteem the other
above yourself, and to lay down your life for your friends.
231 _________________________________________________
"It takes time to learn to care," and it takes time to learn
229 _________________________________________________ where it pays the most to invest one's time. It's a lot like the
The winds of change are blowing, but man's nature is thus growth of a plant. It takes time of stillness, sticking to your place
that he often ignores them and resists them. He tries to keep and soaking up My life-giving water and nourishment from the
things the way they are, tries to preserve and conserve them, and soil of life. But those who do, in return create oxygen, the stuff
continue all things as they have been (2Peter 3:4). that makes life possible for all other creatures around.
But My judgments usually came swiftly, when they came, and You are My life-givers. By absorbing My life, you become the
caused a mighty widening of the eyes of those who did not factor that makes life possible for others.
discern the signs of the times, and thus it shall be again. That's It's an invisible process. Mankind has been unaware of it for
why I need you to be prepared and on guard, and not slack. I many centuries. They've always been taking trees for granted
need you to be alert! and have chopped them off wherever they came across them...
I can no longer allow you to be entangled in the affairs of this life, They just stand there and don't seem to be good for nothing
for I have called and chosen you to be My soldier. except to be chopped off and used to feed their fires or build
their houses or furniture with... Likewise, people might consider
you quite useless. But you and I know more than they. We know
230 _________________________________________________ that you're actually the stuff that makes their life possible.
Sometimes you've just got to pray for the love to see things As long as you're around, they don't have to be afraid of
through. anything. I will keep things going as long as you're there. But
When you know you're not going to be rewarded in this life for a woe unto them if they start persecuting you. It's like those foolish
certain task, then you've got to keep your eyes on the heavenly people who are mowing down the rain forests, greedily robbing
reward. themselves of their very source of life.
If you keep your eye and your vision of that heavenly goal and
reward, you become a partaker of these things already here and
now. That heavenly joy won't just set in when your life on earth is 232 _________________________________________________
through and you receive your crown of glory. Man was programmed not to be perfectly happy with
If you focus on the heavenly reward, part of it will already be anything less than utter union with Me, his Creator, and that
yours as you focus on it. That's what gave all My martyrs, faithful includes embracing the truth - and the whole truth, because that
witnesses and true saints the power to not give in. It was more is what I am and what I represent.
than a mindset or the ability to rationally figure that someday in I cannot tolerate the lie, and sooner or later it has to go, there is
Heaven they were going to get their reward for it. They could feel no room for it.
that reward already, even while they were suffering.
The longer you follow the "little dog line" of the Holy Spirit, the
"Keep your eyes upon the goal and the victory in your soul!" It's more that "little dog" will grow, and the truth, and your concept
more than a mindset! It's more than a feeling! It's more than a or perception of it will grow, too; it will involve more and more
conviction! It's "the victory that overcometh the world, even your factors, which also include some pretty sharp teeth that some
faith!" It's that "little strength" that you have and put to use by folks are simply scared of.
drawing power from Heaven that is much greater than your own!
It's putting that "little strength" to use, that you've got, and The first thing to do in order to cure people from something
making it work, and pulling down with it the tremendous power of that's wrong with them is to make them aware of it. Most people
God. It's finally getting your eyes off yourself, and your petty are not even aware of the fact that they're afraid of the truth.
little problems and situations, and focusing where it counts: You
You can be a healer of their souls & spirits. You've got the The one factor that the rationalists just can't see is love. If I have
healing balm for their wounded and scared hearts, and you have chosen mankind to be vessels for My Spirit of love, then who is
the love which casteth out all fear. any rationalist to consider himself smarter than Me?
It's all about cultivating that love. People grow and cultivate all It takes love to grasp that deeper wisdom that goes beyond that
kinds of things, but that's the most important thing you can which you can figure out or understand or analyze with your
cultivate and make it grow. rational mind.

It's good you're exposing all the lies of the Devil, but you've got
233 _________________________________________________ to beware of tossing the baby out with the filthy bathwater: the
Ask Me for a supernatural portion of love - the kind of love baby is still there. That baby is mankind, and it's going through
that loves your enemies, and those who consider themselves its spring bath right now. The Devil has gravely polluted that
better than you. water, and you can hardly see the baby anymore, so you're
As with all trials and confrontations, in the end you will see that tempted to just tip the whole tub over and spill it all out... good
you'll have learned a valuable lesson out of it that will have riddance. But you're forgetting the main purpose of it all: that
strengthened your convictions about why you are the way you baby. It's gotta come out clean, and it's gotta be cared for,
are or why you do or believe certain things, even if others may dressed and fed and loved. It's not who can get rid of all the dirty
happen to see things differently. water the quickest. Sometimes you've got to look below the
The more you become a public figure and representative of My surface and see what's still swimming there in the hazy mist or
Cause, the more you’re going to be subject to the scrutiny, soup... It could be the purpose of it all, that you haven't even
judgment and criticism of others. As long as you’re hiding in the seen yet or even considered yet, nor even suspected that it was
dark, the moths won’t bother you, but as soon as you let your there...
light so shine before men, they’ll sure come at you and make
sure you’ve got what it takes… So, handle that baby with care. Handle your fellow humans with
kid gloves, and most importantly with love. That's what it's all
about, the A and Z of our story. Without love, it's all worth
234 _________________________________________________ nothing. Always keep the love factor in mind.
My Word gives you great power. It can be a weapon for great Your war, your effort, your fight is nothing without love. Let your
good, but if not wielded wisely, it can also cause hurt and truth always be spoken or written with love. That's what makes
damage. The way of My warriors is not ruthless, but generally the difference and what will change the world. Change the world
meek. We fight with love. Our most important weapon is our with love.
sample of love. It is even more important than the truth you
preach, for without love, even the truth is nothing. The truth is
love, and love is the truth. Without love, there is no truth and can 235 _________________________________________________
be no truth. So, first of all, you've got to bear in mind, in heart As long as you still rely on anything about yourself, you're
and soul the love, without which everything becomes nothing. not putting your whole trust in Me.
More important than who is right or who is wrong is love. How Putting your trust in your natural self allows pride a foothold in
great is your capacity to love? How clear is your sample of love? your life.
Love wins against the odds. What people really like is a spirit of humility. What they almost
admire most about you is your courage to humble yourself
When the conquering kingdom is ordained by My hand, then before them.
you'd do better to yield to it and to welcome it and accept it, even Humility enables you to reach people. Pride doesn't. Pride is
as My punishment, My way of disciplining the world for its sins what stands between you and them. Even if that pride is only
that they are often unaware of, and thus self-righteously defend something you resort to as a sort of protection to keep you from
their "innocence," which unfortunately only exists in their getting hurt, that fear of getting hurt is still a sin you need to
minds... overcome. For you must trust in Me, trust that I will protect you.
The right attitude to have toward the coming AC kingdom is not You don't have to protect yourself. Let Me be your shield and
one of defiance as yet, since it is coming as My final judgment of buckler. You don't have to enwrap yourself in all those coverings.
the world, and like all things, you must take it as from My hand, You've got to develop the courage, the love and the trust to just
and herald and welcome it as My course of events that I have expose your soul, to bare yourself before them and let them see
chosen for the world, not like many of those American your heart.
Christians, who think they've got to prevent it at all costs, in It's the Spirit that touches them.
order to preserve the freedom of their oh-so "godly" nation.

My warriors fight with meekness, because they know the victory 236 _________________________________________________
is not theirs, but Mine. I give the victory. There are those who It takes faith to see beyond the circumstances of your age,
confide in their own pride, their own abilities, their own arm, but the shape and the demands of your body; all the physical factors
all these things are vanity, compared to what I consider that would make up a perfectly acceptable argument in favor of
important, which is unity, love and humility. not doing that crazy thing your heart is tugging you to do.
But then, certain things never would have happened, if there
What truly counts is not to make a name for yourself or to leave wouldn't have been that someone to disobey their carnal
your mark in the world or history or to establish your own reasoning or the voices of comfort that sounded so much like
position as some kind of hero. It's more important that you "home." Instead, they wandered out into the wilderness, into the
establish a church and function as one of My co-establishers of unknown, and did the unbelievable, things that even their own
something greater than any mere personal cause or agenda. The brethren at first would not understand.
teamwork factor is more important nowadays than who's right or They forsook all that made perfect sense to the rest of the world
wrong, who's got the truth all pinned down to a tee, who's the for some call they felt in their hearts and they just couldn't
smartest or best or most righteous, etc. ignore... that defied all their flesh would have wanted and
beckoned them to do.
I have given you the power to become whatever you want to be.
Are you going to use that power for your own glory, interest and I'm not denying that there are unfavorable circumstances
whatever you want? Or are you going to use it for the humbler, involved in the option of My higher will.
more painful path of love? But also know that I have given you greater power than ever
before to overcome unfavorable circumstances, obstacles, and
even blockades in your own mind or heart. All you've got to do is progress you're reaching. The art consists in recognizing and
put forth that believing will and say "yes" to My highest option appreciating the privilege of what I've handed you already,
and greatest challenge for you. instead of wanting more, or wishing the circumstances were

237 _________________________________________________ I judge you by what you make out of the circumstances I've
To know Me is to know Heaven. If you've got Me in your handed you. If you moan forever about "if only circumstances
heart, you've got Heaven in your heart. were better, then I'd do better, too," I don't buy that. A real leader
and world changer is one who makes the best out of the
There will be Heaven on Earth, because a good deal of Heaven's circumstances he finds himself in; he trusts Me for what I'm
population is going to come down to invade the earth and take it doing, knowing that with Me, nothing shall be impossible.
over by force, by battle, and by an actual, physical revolution.
The tyrant who will have usurped this earth for too long will Wishing things were different so that you can do better just won't
finally be toppled and disposed of, and the King of Heaven will work. You've got to make the best out of what you've got, you
reassume His rightful title of King of Heaven and Earth. can do your best to make things better from where you are, and
you'll see that that's the way to get ahead, or change the
A lot of garbage will have to be disposed of, before things are circumstances. You yourself can change them, either through
going to be the way they ought to. It's no wonder you can't see your prayers or actions or words, but never through moaning
clearly now, or that you don't feel at home in that world, nor too and complaining about them.
happy, because, basically, what it amounts to right now, is a pile
of garbage. The king of garbage and slop permeates the The power to change things is in your hands.
atmosphere and every sphere and realm of the living, trying to You don't like the way things are? Change'em!
convert it into the realm of the living dead.

The only thing you can pin your hopes and dreams on, is the 239 _________________________________________________
future, a future in which all that sickening garbage of the Devil I don't mind you having fun, but I do mind you making a god
will finally disappear and life will at long last be what it ought to out of it... I need you as a reliable soldier.
have been all along.
I have a job for you to do that's crucial in getting together the I need you to make that transition from flesh to spirit, from
right team for that future: the clean-up crew has to be complete, putting the emphasis on physical things to putting it on spiritual
and the ones who will rule this planet and teach people in My things, I need you to put first things first and seek first the
ways must all be found and brought to Me. Kingdom.
Seek first My Kingdom and the Sun of Righteousness, which
As long as folks are focusing in all kinds of different directions shall arise with healing in its wings. That Sunshine is going to
than Mine for their fulfillment and happiness, it's no wonder make you righteous and whole, and give you a golden glow you'll
there's chaos. They all seek their own thing, and not Mine. They never lose! Let it shine on you and make it shine from within you!
all want to get their bellies full of fun, and they consider Me
boring. I don't want you to invest so much time in what you are, as in
Why should they be spending time in serious things, such as the what you are going to be. I wish for you to take your spiritual
meaning of life? It's plain and obvious what the meaning of life is nourishment and care and grooming as serious as you would the
all about: have some fun while ya can! And then they wonder at care you bestow on your physical body.
the end of the day why, after all this chasing for fun and pleasure, What We've got to offer over Here is so much better, so much
they still feel even less satisfied than beforehand... healthier, so much more worthwhile than the kicks and thrills
As long as they put their own desires first, they're going the you've got in the physical world.
opposite way of where happiness really is found.
We need you where you are, but with a good and solid
Choosing to walk My path is seldom something that can be done connection to Our World, so that you can pass on what you're
collectively, but is based on individual decisions. You can't receiving from Us. Not only in the form of the words you're
"collectively" make it for anyone. Every person must make it for receiving from us, but also in the way you act, your sample, your
themselves. whole way of living, the attitude of faith that goes out from you
that so contradicts and goes against their pitiful and fretful grind.
Having it affect you personally forces you to deal with it. No way
of ignoring the Enemy's workings. No way of getting around Convey the message to your people that there's no reason to be
having to deal with his devices and tricks he uses to enter even so afraid. "Be of good cheer, because there's Someone, in fact, a
the walls of the "very elect" unrecognized. whole dimension full of someones who care for you, are
concerned about you, so, why worry and fret so much? You're all
in good hands!"
238 _________________________________________________ If you can only convey that to people, it will already be worth so
The time will come when maturity will be required of you, and much and such a comfort to them. In fact, you will have become
taking the responsibilities seriously. the very voice of the Comforter Herself to the children of men!
When I see that you're ready to be trusted with more, then I will Bring them a message from their Heavenly Mother, that She
give you more. cares for them and keeps an eye on them and has got Her loving
and caring arms around them, and they don't need to be afraid.
It's good that you question and test yourself, and check your And there are the loving, strong and caring arms of the Father, as
own heart, "Now, was this really right or good what I did or said well, Who will not let them experience any harm, if He can help it.
or passed on?" All they need to do is decide to believe and accept Him through
Many are too self-confident to double-check with Me about their Me, the older Brother Who came and laid down His own life for
actions. An outstanding shepherd questions his own actions them in order to spare them any punishment they might deserve.
sometimes. He doesn't take for granted that just because of his All they need to do is turn to Me, the Sun of Righteousness, like a
position he might never be making a mistake. He stays aware of sunflower turning its face to the sun as it rises...
making potential mistakes.
But so many live in darkness, oblivious even to the mere fact that
I will honor you with responsibilities according to the levels of there is any such thing as the sun. Or maybe they can experience
it or feel it, but they don't know how to describe it, they don't
know what it is. You've got to fill in the blanks for them and let
them know that it's Me, so that they can avail themselves of My 241 _________________________________________________
Power properly. It’s better for Me to keep you low, small, and unrecognized. It
The children of men have always needed help in learning how to keeps you a more desperate and dependent on Me. It also keeps
avail themselves of the powers and sources of energy that lay you less distracted by the effort to try and please everybody.
hidden all around them. What you've got to do and you're in Being "Mr. Nice Guy" is a very time-consuming role to play, and I
charge of is letting them know about the greatest Source of have something different for you in mind.
Energy in existence that they can tap into for the asking...The
Source of all life and all Power, even much greater than the sun, What counts to Me is you, your soul and personality; that which
greater than atomic power, greater than electricity or gravity or you really are, not the role you play when you stand in the
any power they know. The Great Power behind them all: the limelight...
Factor that unites all the forces of nature or physics, the great
spiritual Force Which created them all in the first place - the God Being accepted by others makes you too comfortable about who
Factor that's not to be despised. and what you are already. But I want you to keep changing, I want
you to keep moving and progressing more in My direction.
Once you've availed yourself of the God Factor in your
equations, then everything else starts making beautiful sense. All I have a different plan for everybody. Something different works
the question marks slowly turn into exclamation marks of for everybody, and one of these days you'll realize how My hand
wonder and awe... was at work in a different way in everybody's life.
It’s okay to be following slightly different patterns of
development from everybody else, as long as you stick close to
240 _________________________________________________ Me.
You're going to learn to develop a more positive attitude Sticking close to Me is a lot better than sticking to the wrong kind
toward people... of people or even developing the wrong kind of traits around the
You're saying, "But Lord, the older I get, the more cranky I seem right kind of people... You must learn to see with My eyes, to
to get: I start noticing the flaws in people more easily, etc..." But think My thoughts and to speak My Words, and you simply don't
it doesn't matter. I can help you overcome those circumstances. learn that by constantly being surrounded by people, trying to be
You've got at your disposal My very best teams, all ready to funny.
support you and assist you in licking the Enemy and getting him
out of your system for continued smooth functioning and a If you can't trust what's happening in your life, at least you can
happy ending. trust Me for it, that I'm not going to allow it to lead you astray.

All you've really got to do is stick close to Me and not get tripped
off so easily, not get distracted or lured away by the Enemy's 242 _________________________________________________
shiny temptations; and I know he's planted them out there a- The refusal of some to believe in a life after death stems from
plenty. Just remember that it's best to just stick close to Me. their fear of the consequences. What would expect them there?
Certainly they would have to face the consequences for their
Keep your focus on My Sunshine, that will keep you warm, bright selfish actions in this life, and they fear they would be punished.
and cheery even through the darkest times. So they prefer to push it away into the realm of the unbelievable,
You will have an inner source of strength that people are going to the unacceptable, the non-existent - in their minds.
feed off and draw life from, draw hope from, and a reason to go That's why it's so important that you portray an accurate picture
on, even when all hope seems lost. You won't even have to do a of Me: that of a forgiving God.
lot of talking, a lot of persuading; all they'll need to do is look at People need to know that the reason why they don't believe in a
you and your calm, cheerful trust that everything's going to be lot of things is because they don't want to believe in them,
alright, and they'll believe and trust you for it. because they're subconsciously scared of the consequences.
And your job is to let them know that there's nothing to be afraid
I'm always beckoning to come, there's always more I want to of. I'm not nearly as bad as they think!
show you and share with you...
One of My biggest problems with the children of men is that
usually they can't sit still long enough, they're not patient 243 _________________________________________________
enough; they've got to be up and running someplace and doing The experience every human being gleans from their choices
something, when instead they could be learning of Me the is what makes it all so special, and what makes this "Big Picture"
mysteries of the universe. so exciting in the first place.
What kind of a drama would have been there if everyone would
A low level of energy in the physical can sometimes be a have been programmed to do good from the beginning to the
blessing in disguise, and My way of saying, "Here, sit down with end? Not much of a story to tell. In fact, no story at all...
Me for a while, and let Me refill and strengthen you."
But many people are too much into their gear of ever doing The lessons of the suffering that mankind is going through right
things and accomplishing things, instead of just letting go and now because of their wrong choices, will be there forever.
letting Me... They feel that in order to be needed by others, My Kingdom will be run by those who will have learned to make
they've also got to do those things that make them the right choices, and that should make quite a difference.
indispensable. Their self-worth is determined by their actions, so,
they feel that if they're not capable of doing anything, then Once the story is told, there will be lessons learned from it that
they're also not worth much, they don't amount to anything if will lead to a much happier sequel and continuation of the story.
they can't do anything.
The art consists of learning to make the right choices right now,
It's true that your rewards are going to be given you according to in spite of the manifold temptations and urges that would beckon
the works you did, but the best possible you can do to begin with you to make the wrong ones.
is to just yield and be a vessel to Me, so that I can fill you with the Will you, by your choices you make each day in your life, prove
right kind of energy, the right kind of incentives that are going to yourself worthy to be counted among those who will have earned
enable you to do the kind of works that require My strength to do the privilege of leading My people in a better way in the future?
it through you, so that you can give Me the glory for them. Will you be able to show forth that you have learned to make the
right choices? if it's something else, then take into consideration whether that is
People are sick and tired of leaders who keep making selfish really a worthwhile cause to be putting your name, your time and
choices, or whose motives are selfish and wrong in the first effort behind it.
place, who are subject to the same temptations as they are and Is it something you wouldn't have to be ashamed of being
fall for them, all the while claiming they're something better, and affiliated with or having advertised for when we'll be considering
that they should have earned themselves a right to lead others, your earthly works in the halls of Heaven? Will you be able to say
when upon closer inspection there isn't really much that would that you really invested your life in My Cause?
qualify them for such a position.
People are getting sick and tired of unrighteous and corrupt
leadership, that's why I need My future world leaders to make 245 _________________________________________________
choices that will prove that they have learned to do better. My nature is trust. Trust that even if no one is found willing to
utter My Words and praises, the rocks will cry out, if need be -
It's easy to abuse one's position for their own good. It's easy to maybe symbolic of all the stony hearts I'm having to change into
lighten up on yourself while being tough on everyone else. ones that are finally yielded to Me, and willing to do My bidding...
It's easy to say, "I can behave this way because of my position." I have to do with what I've got. But somehow the counsel and
It's easy to make excuses for yourself once you're in an elevated praises of God will be preached, somehow His work will get
position. That's what nearly everyone does, and that's what's done.
robbing people of their hopes for any better future. I know the flesh of My servants and handmaidens is weak,
though their spirits be willing.
What I need for My kingdom is rulers, men and women of It's easier and more natural for them to want the tangible, the
integrity who won't succumb to such temptations, but who will visible, rather than the invisible, the eternal, and I know their
truly rule in righteousness. frame, remember that they are but dust, as a father pitieth his
I need truly righteous leaders who will be able to withstand the children...
Devil's accusations. You know what I'm talking about. You see it all the time, when
your children are concerned with temporal matters, and only with
If you walk through life trying to make sure that there wouldn't be the momentary satisfaction, the here and now, oblivious to there
anything the Devil could rightfully accuse you of, then you will be and then... indifferent to it.
ready when the time comes.
I need you to do a better job, show more integrity and simply be
more upright men and women in heart than those who are ruling 246 _________________________________________________
the world today. Change and progress isn't going to happen by watching and
looking on and then being disappointed that it won't... Some
Some of them might even have good incentives, but they may things you've got to make happen, and one of the surest ways to
still be deceived by those they adhere to, and they don't have the make them happen is to start off by praying for them to happen.
courage to see the truth about them, and thus to stand up to Once you've prayed for something, I can then help you to
them. Some are blinded to believe in this present System, and crystallize it and manifest that prayer, showing you what you can
they refuse to see the truth about the rulers of the darkness of most effectively do to put feet to your prayers.
this world who are really ruling things from behind the scenes.
"The hare never made it, but the tortoise did." You may be
Those who have not chosen My way above all fall prey easily to putting a lot of energy into your thing, your determination to
the deceivers' schemes and plots. Those who lust for power will make the race, but then, if you get discouraged by being all alone
fall for their schemes, not only because they are so intricate, but there up front, or too exhausted and fall asleep, then it can easily
also because ultimately they want to, because the price for the be that all those other slow pokes are going to pass you and
true path is too high for them to pay. arrive at your destination before you.
So, why not adjust your speed a bit to everybody else's and just
I need valiant leaders who are not afraid, who won't be flow with the flow a bit more, instead of always feeling like you've
intimidated by any frightening prospects, because they know that got to rush ahead?
He that is in them is greater than he that is in the world. Don't sin by missing the mark because you're in some hurry.
I need leaders whose Sun and Shield am I, whose righteousness Take your time to aim straight, and take it slow...
is none of their own, but Mine, who are washed through and Sometimes you get into a hurry by letting someone push you
through in My blood and in the confidence in Me, that I am the around, when I want you to move at My pace.
one Factor that makes them invincible, makes them right, and
will see them through, no matter what.
I need leaders whose only hope am I, who know that there is 247 _________________________________________________
none other, least of all any of their own goodness or That "cross before you" isn't just a nice metaphor, it isn't just
righteousness or greatness except Mine. a line, you can sing along meaninglessly. Taking up your cross is
a hardcore reality that you've got to accept in the matrix of your
understanding, your concept and perception of what's to be
244 _________________________________________________ expected out of this life. Your cross is your destiny.
Quite a few people don't lack the boldness, drive and And just like with Me, and every other true follower of Mine
conviction to push their cause in the natural, but they sometimes throughout history, your cross will always be provided for you by
lack the integrity to make really sure that their cause is truly the people.
right one, truly a righteous one, and not just their own thing. If you keep in mind that that is your destiny, just as it was Mine,
What are you advertising for? Merely yourself, or the greater you won't be disillusioned, you'll know what to expect.
Your job, which is seeking first the Kingdom of God, which again
There have been many who pretended to be advertising and consists of people, is your cross. Those people who constitute
working for Me, but in the end really only put the emphasis on your job for Me, and that you're supposed to lay down your life
their own thing, their own church, or their own name, their own for, also become your cross.
TV program, etc. As My follower and as a partaker of My sufferings, that is what
you've got to expect.
You have to know what your product is, and what exactly it is That cross is real. It's a reality. And you've got to bear it willingly.
you're selling and trying to sell. If it's Me, then make it clear. And You've got to stop trying to avoid the hurt and the pain, but
realize that it's essential … it belongs. If you try to evade it and bending what thus far seemed a pretty stiff and stuck-in-your-rut
run from it, you'll never learn the lessons you should, you're attitude.
never going to get the point, and what's worse, you'll fail your It makes you more willing to put up with their quirks and face
destiny. confrontation. It's becoming a price you're more willing to pay,
You've got to allow them to "crucify" you and cause you that and you're beginning to realize that what you've had was
pain. You cannot run from it or try to resist it... It's your destiny something rare and precious.
not to fight back. Learn from Me how to take that suffering and
hurt from people without resisting it, without any attempts of If you leave things up to chance, or even the remote possibility
defending yourself; you've just got to let it be. that there is such a thing as chance, you're sunk. Only if you
realize that all things come from My hand and are - contrary to
That's why forgiveness is such a great and ever recurring theme. what may seem at first glance - carefully planned, are you able to
It's not just about forgiving a past hurt that already happened. It's appreciate all the factors in your life for what they really are, the
about forgiving as you experience the pain, it's accepting the tremendous blessings in disguise you so often take for granted,
pain, and forgiving in real-time. You won't be shocked or just because you figure you couldn't possibly be that lucky.
surprised by the pain, because you've been expecting it, and you
won't just endure it reluctantly or begrudgingly, but willingly, yes, You've got to be so absolutely sure of My hand and My doings in
even cheerfully, if you've been given that grace; that grace to your life, of My involvement in it, that you don't fall for that
pray for your enemies as they crucify you. illusion of chance for one minute... the delusion that perhaps
everything is ruled by a universal cast of the dice, and the
How much have you prayed for those who hurt you? outcome is as uncertain as anything else in this life...

If they reject and resist you, rejoice, for so have they done with You may not see the plan, but I've got a very clear picture of it,
Me, and it means you're in the same boat with Me. You can learn and I can let you partake of My knowledge, My wisdom, My
some of the same lessons I learned, experience some of the vision, My goals and My plans for you, and not for you only, but
same things I did, and bring forth some of the same fruits, for this whole planet and mankind per se, just as I have already
accordingly; most of all, the fruits of really being able to love and given you a general outline of it in My Word.
You don't accuse them while they cause you pain, you don't Humility is keeping on trusting Me steadily for whatever I'm
criticize or judge them or label them, much less fight back with doing in your life, in spite of however unworthy you may seem of
the same weapons they use, but you forgive, you pardon, you it, since it's got nothing to do with your "worth" or "worthiness"
love. That's real greatness. to begin with.
That’s all you've got to do, basically: Just keep trusting Me, no
You haven't yet begun to love, to forgive and pardon as I did; you matter what.
haven't even yet begun to fully grasp the concept of that love, as
long as you're resisting the pain and the suffering and the hurt
that people deal you inevitably when you're following My path. 249 _________________________________________________
I'm drawing you close to Me, the only One in Whom you will
You still seek pleasure and good times, you still seek the easy find satisfaction, and the only One Who won't let you down and
road. But I'm trying to gently lead you away from it, because it's can live up to your expectations. Even if it means that you'll have
not your road. You can find real joy if you willingly choose the to be putting up with the one little flaw in our relationship, that
path of suffering I have laid out for you. Everyone has a different you can't see Me right now...
path to walk, and this is your path. The perfect is by faith. For now. It will come, and you'll see it, and
see that it will all have been worth it, but for right now, it's all by
To lead and shepherd and guide your people through very faith, and you'll have to walk by faith, and not by sight.
difficult times is the destiny and purpose for which I am
preparing you, so quit seeking the happiness and pleasures of You cannot project hopes which can only be fulfilled by Me on a
the normal life, the artificial and superficial happiness that frail human being... You mustn't. Otherwise, disappointment will
everyone else seeks. be your lot, and your cynicism and skepticism will grow and
The true happiness you seek is only found in voluntarily grow, and make you all the harder to get along with people.
choosing the path of suffering for My people, the path I have
chosen, and the path that marks the life of everyone of those who You must not look with eyes of expectation, but with eyes of
have chosen to truly follow Me, although they all may be readiness to give. You must not be a vacuum, when it comes to
manifested in different ways. What matters is that you accept people, but a filler of their vacuums and needs. You must flip
your path, and not try to walk someone else's path. from receiving mode (which you're in when you're with Me) into
giving mode when you're with people. You cannot expect from
Once you've accepted your path and you realize that the people what only I can give.
suffering is nothing strange about it, but that it belongs, and that
it just serves to eradicate the impurities, you'll also find yourself Receive from Me, and then pass on what you've received. Stop
of greater service to My people, and find that there will be those regarding other people as sources of inspiration who might
who'll receive your healing, your message, your sacrifice... just minister to you and fill your needs. It's not going to happen,
as there were those who did receive Me; those who make it worth because I expect you to be receiving that inspiration straight
it all. from Me, and instead of expecting additional inspiration from
them, you must pass on what inspiration you get from Me to
248 _________________________________________________
The wrong thing to do would be to harden your heart and Make Me the focus of your hopes and dreams, I'm the only One
react to rejection by withdrawing. Who can fulfill them.

Sometimes the threat of the loss of unity with the only person
available makes you willing to invest in that unity what you 250 _________________________________________________
haven't been willing to invest before: you become willing to Success lies elsewhere than the visible and temporal realm,
sacrifice more of your independence, and to bend to their the goal lies in the spiritual world, and that's where the true
opinion and way of doing things. You become more open to treasures of wisdom and insight and greater love are gleaned
Happiness is not determined by physical circumstances, but
circumstances can be completely defied by an inner power and 253 _________________________________________________
conviction, a spiritual force; My power... The more of a conscious effort you make to really focus and
stay focused on Me, the clearer My messages to you will become,
It's My power you'll want to give and convey to people. Just the more strength and energy they'll give you, the more faith
focus on the power, not only as that which you constantly want you'll develop, and the more your doubts will disappear.
to receive from Me, but also as that which you want to give and In other words, focus on Me equals strength and energy.
pass on to others.
I want you to equip those who cross your path with the means The more you disallow your mind to become distracted, the more
and weapons to fight life's battles more effectively. I want you to clearly you will hear My voice throughout the day.
help equip them with My gifts, with My power, My light to guide
them through life's trials and battles successfully. You become like a magnifying glass that can bundle the sun's
What really matters is not your physical position, but your place light into a pretty powerful source of heat and energy that can
at My feet, where you can learn from Me and from those prophets start a whole fire, when focused on the right receptacle: any
which were before you that which is essential to give and pass material ready to burn and give its life to shine a light and give
on to those who will be ready to receive you and your message warmth to others.
and whatever you will have to give, especially when the troubles
which are to come and must come will come. The power of focus can help you to discipline yourself to become
What people think about you is totally and completely irrelevant. more single-minded, and not allow other tempting thoughts to
All that matters is that you will be ready then to feed them the lure your mind away from the essential.
words of life that they will need in order to survive, a voice of
hope in the time of their greatest darkness... You won't allow your thoughts to wander, you won't give in to
those voices of temptation beckoning you and luring you away
from Me, no matter how pressing and urgent they sound.
251 _________________________________________________ You know that this is more important. You consider staying
One of the greatest temptations of the children of men is to focused on Me, in order to hear My voice and receive more of My
always want to have the afar-off, to want what they don't have, to instructions, more important (Job 23:12).
despise what they have been given, and instead only crave and When listening to Me becomes more than a chore, more than just
focus on that which they have not. It's one of the Devil's favorite one more thing to do on your schedule of routines, but when it
tactics to breed discontent. becomes all that matters to you, all you live for, the most
That's why I'm trying to train you in the usage of the weapon of important thing, then you realize what it means, "Man shall not
praise, to make it known to yourself, to Me and the universe that live by bread alone, but by every Word which proceedeth out of
you are grateful for and appreciate what you've got, so that none the mouth of God," and you'll know what I meant by telling My
of these murmuring spirits that make you begrudge what you disciples, "I have meat that ye know not of... to do the will of My
have, and none of those enticing spirits that lure you into ever Father in Heaven" (John 4:32,34).
wanting what you don't have, can take ahold of you and make
your life and that of others miserable. When all you're interested in is Me and what I have to say, and
what I want you to do, then you'll be fulfilling the prerequisite for
In order to receive more, you must praise Me for what you have really getting things done for Me. You've determined to forsake
already got. Thank Me for what you have received already, and I everything else and lay it on the altar before Me; what I really call
will gladly pour out more. That's the secret to obtaining more. "forsaking all."
When you really put that thing on the altar and leave it there,
The more you focus on Me and on what I have given you already, without saying, "Okay, time is up, can I have it back now?" and
the fullness I have already blessed you with, the more that all you care about is My will and if there's anything else I might
deception is going to disappear that you're still lacking anything, have to say to you, then I can really use you.
that there might be something else you need in order to be truly You don't pay any more attention to the supposed lack, but put
happy and fulfilled. your entire focus, your whole spectrum on the Filler. You don't
stare at the problem anymore, but only at the solution. You know
the problem has become irrelevant, because all that matters is
252 _________________________________________________ Me, the Solution, in Whose shadow any problems become
The flesh fights being desperate and being dependent... it ridiculous, anyway.
wants to be happy and independent. And so it shows you other
directions in which to look for satisfaction. That's when you realize that prayer is the most effective action
You consume and consume, trying to fight that gloomy, dreaded you can take, and you finally value that weapon for what it's
feel of desperation, which would drive you straight into My arms. worth: more than anything you could ever muster up in your own
Sometimes you tend to forget that it's a fight, and you run into
your day, just like any ordinary day, let your hair down & just
relax, without wanting to deal much with the fight it entails. 254 _________________________________________________
But the problem is that if you don't fight, chances are that you're Your life and destiny are in My hands, so there is really no
rendering territory over to the Enemy... use in worrying... You're going to have to trust that all things that
If he doesn't encounter much of a resistance he'll make himself come to you come from My hand, and that I know what's best for
as comfortable in your life as you let him get away with. you.

No matter how tired you are, or how exhausted from the day You're only getting to know the true side of the System if you're
before, or whatever the circumstances are, everything I put confronted with the ugly sides of it. Of course, the Devil is
before you is a purposeful challenge, and you ought to be showing the youth - especially My youth - the best side and the
making the most out of it. best face of it, promising happiness and laughter...
He also knows it's his perfect weapon to sow division between
You must refuse the option to just drift along and simply not you, by creating different loyalties. Who are you going to remain
make any progress. Because making no progress actually means loyal to when your children choose to give their loyalty to the
regress: You're going back, instead of forward. System? How far are you going to compromise in order to
accommodate them? Are you going to stay radical and dropped
out, or are you going to compromise, and let them and their 257 _________________________________________________
whims have the rule over you? The happiness of My children is more important to Me than
the question whether they "really deserve this." Of course, the
That's why it's easier for My children, in many ways, when the Enemy would be the first to pipe up, "Of course, they don't." But,
System shows its true and ugly, devilish face and wreaks as you can tell, quite often I ignore him and his protests.
persecution over My church, than when it's all so "nice" and I see the heart. I see your efforts to do the best that you can, even
peaceful on the surface. if the results may be far from perfect. There might be many who
would argue, "but they could do a lot better than that," but I don't
It's true that their choices will influence you. But the extent to look at the lack, at the failure, at the flaw, I just look at the effort,
which you are willing to let theirs influence yours will again just like a man in love, who can only see the positive about the
influence their future decisions. If you choose to remain loyal to one he loves.
Me most of all, and refuse to compromise and refuse to settle for
any cop-out the Devil may try to lure you into, then they will What counts with Me, more than whether they are a faithful
respect that in the end, and it will influence their final decision, steward over what they have been given, or whether they are lazy
as to what they will dedicate their lives to. or diligent, is that they have chosen to be a vessel of Mine, a
If they see that you'll easily trade your spiritual birthright, receptacle of My Words.
heritage and convictions for any little whim of theirs, only in I want to reward that willingness by keeping My promise to give
order to please them, without checking in with Me, just so that those the desires of their heart who delight in Me.
you will have the personal satisfaction you gain from having The only condition I gave was, "delight thyself also in the Lord." I
made your child happy, then they won't consider your didn't even say, "Exclusively." I said, "also." In other words, you
convictions worth very much, nor a path that they'd consider can have your fun with those other things, too. But delight
following. thyself also in Me, and you'll see that I'll be the One to give you
your heart's desires! I'll be the One to fulfill your dreams and give
Sometimes, in your efforts to find heaven on earth, you yield to you happiness that all those other things can't, and I will do so
the wishful thinking of how nice and easy it would all be if you just because you had your delight in Me.
could just live in peace with everyone, in peace with the System,
in peace with the Devil, if possible, so that you could just have You have the choice to be an instrument of My love to them that
your peace. But "there is no peace, saith my God, for the wicked" is greater than justice, greater than merit, greater than "tit for
(Isa.57:21). You can't really have peace with the wicked; and tat," or you can stick to your legalism.
friendship with the world, sooner or later, will turn out to be Sometimes you've got to show love in spite of your skepticism,
enmity with God. your "better judgment" of what they deserve or not according to
how they've been behaving, and you've just got to place a wild
and daring bet on love, that if you give this love a chance, the
255 _________________________________________________ result and outcome might yet surprise you.
Things universally applicable are still subject to regional
conditions. Day and night simply happen at different times in That's why I allow a lot of "irrational" things My enemies don't
different parts of the world, the same as the seasons: while it is understand. Why do I seemingly bless those Christians so much,
harvest time in one hemisphere, it is spring in the other, etc. when they're so out of it, so selfish, so cruel to their fellowmen,
One field may pray for protection and a flourishing work, while so concerned about their own things? Well, I do apply My rod of
another might have to pray for judgment to set in, in order to correction in due time, but they're also all I've got. Who else will
bring about some kind of harvest and a condition where people's listen to Me? Who else will come and spend time with Me? I'm
hearts are more receptive. even thankful for that one hour on Sunday mornings.
Sure, it's peanuts, compared to what they could and probably
I know what is best for My people. Just trust in My wisdom and should be offering Me, but I'm still so grateful for whatever I can
leave the matter in My hands. Commit it into My hands, and I'll get, that I still gladly provide for them, protect and bless them,
know what to do. I will go to work on it like a competent just as I have provided for you and blessed you...
specialist. All it takes for you is to give Me the assignment
(Isa.45:11). When you're willing to put your own life, comfort and liberty at
stake for the sake of another's happiness, that's what I'd call
living John 15:13. When you're willing to make sacrifices and cut
256 _________________________________________________ off parts of your own supply in order to make another person
That’s basically My goal when I apply judgment to people: I'm happy, and are even willing to give that person an opportunity to
trying to finally get their attention. potentially hurt you by disappointing you in case they will turn
The judgment scare is very impressive and sobering, and I'm out not to be good stewards over the blessing you're willing to
afraid we're not going to get around it in the long run. let them have, even against your own skepticism, that's what I'd
What we want most of all is that folks pay more attention to Me, call "greater love."
right? You'll be better off if they do, they'll be better off, and I'll
definitely be happier, too!
Pray for something that's going to get their attention and will 258 _________________________________________________
make them listen up! These times are simply too important for Me to risk having
one of My key people become distracted with "the good life."
It's good that you want people to pay more attention to Me. But There are more important things here at stake than the fun and
that's your job! It's your job to get people to listen to Me! diversion of a single soldier: the fate and future of My entire army
depends on each one of you.
One of the first Endtime events that has to unfold is, "And this
Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached in all nations, and then You’re a lover of peace, but this is a time of war, and I'm asking
shall the End come" (Mt.24:14). I still need you to do a bit more you to fight for Me. Many who have fought and bled and died in
preaching, before I can ring in the last act! wars didn't want to do so, but they did so out of duty for their
country, their king, their cause, and now I need you also to
So, if you want the judgment to come, just make sure you do display that loyalty for Me and My Cause, and show that you're
your part and warn them first! willing to do that for Me, which by nature you're not so fond of...
to fight.
The Enemy won't leave you in peace, anyway. He won't stop and But if you stay open for any of us to talk to you at any given
give in until he has you either conquered or defeated and out of moment, then a lot more can be accomplished.
the way, and thus far you have reluctantly fought back whenever We're a team, you know? And it's growing, too. There's a lot of
he attacked you, but now is the time not just to defend what action around you, constantly, in the spirit world, and it would be
you've got, but to go on an all-out attack to snatch territory away good for you to become more conscious, mindful and aware of it,
from him that he is unrightfully usurping from Me. so that you can participate more in the action, and allow us also
This is about your Kingdom, your Country, your future, your to participate more in your actions, and be more involved in your
status as either victor or one more who's been conquered by this day.
fraud. He thinks of himself as some kind of a great field Marshall Maybe we can help. Be open for help from us at any given
and warlord, when in reality, all that he is, is a destroyer. And all moment. See if there isn't something we can do for you... a
he'll accomplish in the end is wreak considerable destruction problem you need help with...
and wreckage. You could and should have a lot more prayerful attitude as you
Distraction is the name of his game, in order to ensure your do your work, and stay in tune with us more.
destruction. That's why you've got to remain vigilant and on
guard, and not only that, but now I'm asking you to come off of Praise Him for your pain and discomfort. Accept and drink the
your defensive position and strike him a unanimous blow. cup He has handed you to drink, the cup of your suffering. Don't
Show him that you're not afraid of him! Show him that you've got murmur about it, but rejoice that you have been found worthy to
his number, and that you've got him pinned down, and that suffer for Him.
you're really convinced that I Who am in you is so much greater When you're trying to get something done for Him, and it
than he could ever dream of being. Now that I've begun to show becomes more difficult because the Enemy is allowed to touch
you who you are, show him who you are! your body with some pain or discomfort, then you're suffering for
the Lord's sake, right? And that's a privilege.
You may be some kind of upstart, compared to his millennia of
fighting experience, but that that won't stop you from challenging The Lord has been trying to teach you to take everything and
him, from daring him, yea, from defeating him! accept every situation you face as a challenge or gift from Him, in
It's true, you wish you had been more diligent in your preparation the light of Romans 8:28.
for this battle; that you had gotten more acquainted with your If you praise the Lord for your pain and discomfort instead of
weapons and had taken this whole war more seriously... But you moaning and groaning about it, you'll notice the difference!
can still make it. With Me on your side you can't lose, whatever
happens. The Lord allows them for various reasons: to slow you down, or
I need you to defy him. I can't just let him take the floor and boast not to take things for granted, to keep you humble, dependent on
that there is none to challenge him, the way Goliath did before Him, or simply in order for you not to start feeling too much at
the children of Israel. You can be My David, the young lad who home in this world and keep you remembering that this world is
took up the challenge with but a slingshot and a sword, and you not your home, not your resting place, but to keep your vision
can knock him out, deal him a mortal blow. and focus on the world that's to come.
Let them make you sympathize more with the millions of people
There is a time for everything: a time for peace, and a time for who suffer in this world, who don't know His healing power.
war, and this is a time for war. Now is the time to advance and no
longer retreat, but to use whatever you've got on the battle field. For every problem there's a heavenly solution. Your task is
merely to find it and avail yourself of it.
It is work, sometimes. It takes time and elbow grease to
259 _________________________________________________ implement them... But you won't get around that. Life simply
There are helpers assigned to specific areas in your life, and takes time living.
if you don't avail yourself of them and don't put yourself into a
receptive position and mode in order to receive their help,
something will be missing that was designed and destined to 260 _________________________________________________
help you. (S.H.:) It's hard to believe that He should have folks and
I cannot do all the work alone. I have simply restricted Myself to helpers up Here tailor-made to suit Your needs, but that's really,
not be doing it all on My own. basically, the way things are. He must have known right from the
start what you were going to need one day. So, just take my word
(Spirit Helper:) I'm Vision. I'm here to give you a clearer picture of for it: Here, in Heaven's "Library" of helpers, you'll find any skills
what's before you so that you can attack it better and thus spend you need!
your days more efficiently.

You've been scared by the churches into making sure whatever 261 _________________________________________________
you get is "kosher" and "from the Boss." Well, the disadvantage If you absorb My Word not just for consumption's sake, but
of this is that you can sometimes cheat yourself out of the same way you would refuel a car: in order to get to a certain
opportunities to grow and make progress in certain areas the destination, then you're going to profit more from it. Go through
Lord would like you to expand in. My Word and read not just as a habit and a must, but with the
vision in mind that it's supposed to give you insight, vision,
Times are pretty desperate, and the situation is pretty urgent, and strength and nourishment to achieve a certain goal, to fulfill My
desperate times call for desperate measures... The early will for you today, to do the job I want you to do.
disciples and apostles didn't know exactly what hit'em when they
were filled with the Holy Ghost... they just used the power. You
have been given a greater understanding of how it works, and 262 _________________________________________________
sometimes that knowledge stands in your way to really availing It's the equilibrium of all things and a just measure of all the
yourself of it more effectively. ingredients that make up the secret of life.

You figure you fare more safely if you just stick to one Voice, the Availing yourself of My power makes the big difference... It's the
Lord's. breakthrough from death to life.
You're not so fond of being confronted with additional choices
and decisions, such as, "which helpers am I supposed to avail I've had to let you experience the difference between walking the
myself of today?" path of light, and thinking you're walking in it, all the while
following the voices and phantoms the Enemy camouflages as necessarily what I want from you right now, when what you've
Mine. got could benefit so many more people, even if not immediately.
He has done so since the beginning of time, and it's only life's
experiences which truly teach you to know the difference. It's once again the choice between the immediate gratification
and instantly visible result of success, and that which you
cannot see, which is only by faith.
263 _________________________________________________ Have a little bit of a vision for the future, which promises grander
My ways are above your way, and what I am doing right now success than what you could ever expect from this world.
you cannot see clearly yet. Just like some of the revelations I
gave to Daniel and My other prophets, which didn't make sense
to them in their own time. The only ones who would ever 264 _________________________________________________
understand most of what they wrote, would live in the distant They can't stop you anymore than they could stop Me.
future... It's not you they're trying to stop, but Me.
What you are getting may not necessarily be exclusively for your
contemporaries. They want to be entertained, not shaken up, provoked and
Mozart never got around to enjoying the popularity of his music challenged...
during his life-time.
One of the principal and most outstanding and pre-eminent
There is such a thing as "nostalgia" in Heaven. lessons of your entire life, is not to look at man.
It will be a very interesting and fascinating study for untold Whenever another "star" appears on your horizon that you begin
millions and billions yet to come, what voices of truth were to focus on, instead of Me, then I have to allow things to happen
around during the great era of lies, the Endtime, when the Enemy that prove to you that this new idol has feet of clay just like all
was given full rein, and only a relative handful withstood the lure the previous ones...
and magic of his mass hypnotism (Eze.33:33).
Your job, in many aspects, is just to be there, making the truth I was criticized by My own followers, brethren and closest
available for those who want it. friends, betrayed by one of them, and denied by another... Walk a
mile in My shoes! If you want to follow My path, then that's
Many did not heed My prophets. The majority usually listened to what's going to be expecting you.
the false prophets of peace, when there was no peace. You
cannot force them to accept, receive or believe you; all you can Outstanding qualities are always balanced with weaknesses to
do is lead the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. make up for them.
All you can do is give the message. Don't be concerned about If they want to criticize and accuse you, they have a right to do
the lack of its popularity. so.
Truth has never been popular on a large scale. You've got to go on in spite of the naggers that will always be
around, knowing that I always allow those, too, in order to test
I'm not nearly as interested in numbers as in the degree of your you, because you're still anything but perfect, and there's still
dedication and faithfulness and effort to make the best out of some purging necessary.
what you're given, and I'm the only One who can fairly and
objectively judge that, taking all factors into consideration. Leave the responsibility and also the glory to Me. This is My
Fulfillment and happiness is found elsewhere than you have thing; not yours: you don't have to worry about it.
been previously led to believe, and it's got nothing to do with
numbers. Just give all the credit & glory to Me, and nothing will go wrong.
I'm the only One Who can handle it, since I'm totally free of pride.
Some folks want to be able to come up with formulas for success Pride is the opposite of what I am, it's absolutely absent from My
by numbers, the “formula of success." When what really makes a nature. The only thing I pride Myself in is you, My bride, and the
hit, is not any pattern of numbers one can follow, but divine Father, His infinite wisdom and glory. So, if you give all the credit
inspiration. to Me, in return you'll receive some of that same grateful and
humble Spirit that brings down true glory that glories in nothing
In Heaven, we have different measurements by which we else but the One to Whom all glory, honor and power and
calculate anyone's level of success. We don't go by numbers, the recognition is due...
amount of souls one has won, although it's great if someone has Just get out of the way and be Mr. Invisible for a while, like Him.
the gift to win hundreds or thousands to Me... But that still And a lot of folks blame Him for their unhappiness, including
doesn't necessarily make anyone a greater saint than a you, sometimes. So, if you're receiving some flak and feeling
comparatively "unsuccessful" saint who's just been plodding rejected, welcome to the club!
away faithfully at whatever their little tasks were they could do in
order to make their world better for Me.
265 _________________________________________________
So, don't worry about those big numbers! Let it fall into the The Devil won't fight those who show forth their own
category of, "Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them righteousness.
not!" Since he advocates his own righteousness, he also encourages
If you want to seek great things, seek the things I consider great, people to develop their own sense of righteousness, and, of
which will usually not be great achievements to call your own, course, the message he's trying to spread, is that everybody is
but things like faithfulness in helping others to live a happier life, basically more righteousness than God and His followers, and he
sticking up for the truth, and doing whatever is necessary to tries all he can to make Me and My followers look as bad as
further My Cause, without any great expectations of fame and possible.
glory in this world... He certainly won't ever give you credit for anything truly
righteous you did for My Cause. And he'll always inspire whoever
If you want to seek a truly great gift, seek the ability to love and he can to be voices of his own criticism of you. If you refuse to
give love. listen to him, he'll find mouthpieces who'll voice audibly what
he's got to say to or about you.
People have a distracting effect on you, and I can't allow you to
be distracted from Me. I know your heart, and how you can just If you find yourself in an absolute minority, it just makes you and
devote your entire time to pouring out to people, but that's not your message and your position and task in this world all the
more outstanding, special and significant. Many people seem to be getting along better with animals than
with their fellowmen. And with the path that many have chosen,
You wonder, "Who is going to accept our preaching?" you can't really blame those who can't relate much to their own
Well, even if no one does, your success isn't measured by how kind...
many people will have accepted your message, but by your
faithfulness in proclaiming it.
267 _________________________________________________
My solution never sounds as interesting to people who are not Nothing means as total a break with the System, as joining
really in desperate need of a solution, who have everything the Family.
running the way they think it ought...
I have let your world come tumbling around your ears, in order The grass always looks greener on the other side, especially to
for you to assure them that I'll still be there to hold and catch My sheep, for whom the Enemy, the great Deceiver constantly
them when theirs will come tumbling around their ears... You will puts up new magic acts, specially featuring and presenting the
have learned and experienced My realness, My Presence in times glamorous, glorious and oh-so-wonderful other side, trying to
of trouble, and you will have a very real faith to offer to people. minimize what it is that you've got over on your lawn, among
your own flock...
Arm yourself with godly knowledge, so that you may be well Maybe an alternate version of your reality or of your church, your
prepared in the days to come, to destroy Satan's strongholds in Family, whatever, might look better upon first glance. But upon
their hearts and minds, his constructed fortresses of disbelief. second glance, who knows whether you might not have gotten
I want you to become a skilled master fighter and expert at yourself into a bigger mess?
pulling down Satan's strongholds and delusions in people's
268 _________________________________________________
Contrary to the ways of the world, the quality and quantity of
266 _________________________________________________ My "natural resources" aren't diminishing, but improving,
Most humans try to get around Me, their helpers, and those gaining and progressing with your increasing abilities to absorb
who feed them what their spirits need. and process what I'm giving you. You are not only becoming
Humans and animals alike prefer to stick to their own kind, if they clean through the outpouring of My Words to you, but you're
can, and if they have enough fellowship with their own kind, they growing through them, your spiritual equipment and "pipes" are
don't care much for other kinds at all, much less superior ones being improved and enhanced, and it's truly a noticeable
who, they figure, might lord it out over them... development.

That's why "Ratatouille" was a nice example of an animal that You've been wondering about those Promises of Mine, of eternal
was interested in the other kind, ready to learn from them, even life, that are all over the Bible. Sometimes the evidence of what
though there were lots of hurdles and prejudices to overcome on you experience in the physical seems to be exactly the opposite:
both sides... you grow older and weaker, your body obviously deteriorates.
That rat was actually able to pass on some of its skills to But what really counts is the spirit! Your spirit is being
humans, too. rejuvenated, invigorated, and by reading those words of Mine
We in the Spirit World learn a lot from the things you're going you feel young again.
through in the physical. We benefit from the tastes you're And that's only a shadow and tiny foretaste of what's to come
developing, the savors and flavors you come up with, and it's and what's there in store for you!
something that works both ways... You're helping us, in a sense,
to cook the master dish, and you slap in your own ingredients to Whatever you give and pass on has got to be inspired, if you
the Big Picture, which make it perfect and round it off just the want it to inspire others. It cannot be just cold, dead facts or
way it's got to be... Something We wouldn't have been able to do figures or words... It's got to be alive.
without you. It's got to be more than what's coming from your own carnal
I need each and every one of you to contribute your special and mind.
individual part to My ""potpourri" or "ratatouille," as it's called in
French. That "little strength" you have is your receptivity to My signal,
You're also learning that I'm not nearly as bad and hostile as which is relatively weak and quiet, compared to all the blaring
most other "rats" perceive Me to be, but you're one of those noisy signals the Enemy is sending out into the world, and it
pioneers of inter-racial relationships who prove that there can be does require a certain skill to stay tuned to My signal.
friendship between "gods" and men...

Everything has a meaning. 269 _________________________________________________

There are few who aren't oblivious to the meaning of everything, It's all about learning the futility of the ways of man,
or even the very concept of meaning. compared to the ways of God.
You’re learning how vain and futile the carnal efforts of man are,
I appreciate any help I can get from you in getting them to see and how his way, brought to perfection, will only result in the
beyond their physical needs, to help them to catch a glimpse of ways of death.
the heavenly flavors that are yet to be savored and discovered, You've had to realize just how much man's ways oppose God's
whole new dimensions of enjoyment, similar to the way the rat in way. You've had to learn that God's way up is down. You've had
the movie taught his brothers about the varieties of food... to make all these, what you might call negative experiences, in
order to glean wisdom from them.
If your eyes are open enough, you can see Me in everything, even
in a story in which My Presence doesn't seem to be too You've had to go down that road and taste from your own
obvious... experiences, the hurt of your falls, just where it is that man's way
is leading, and how much better God's way is, in comparison.
Communication with the other, the different, that's what it's all There would have been no easier way to really drive this point
about: the re-unification of all things... the restoration of the home in a lasting and effective way.
peace and unison that was there between My creatures in the
beginning, and not be so stuck on your own kind only. You can watch a movie and read a book and learn a lesson from
it. But nothing is quite the same as personal experience, when it
comes to learning. You can only glean so much from watching trial, of temptation in the wilderness, and Gethsemane... Times
others and learning from their experience. What will stick with when they feel like "Why hast Thou forsaken me?"
you forever is your own experiences, your own pains and hurts Sometimes that leanness, emptiness and darkness was precisely
and consequences of your own poor choices and mistakes... what was necessary for the making of a man, the making of a
warrior, or the making of a champion...

270 _________________________________________________ You have to keep trusting in My love, fairness and faithfulness,
It turned out that making the right choices is sort of a rare even when I don't seem to be present, knowing that there is a
phenomenon. It's not something that everybody does all the good and perfectly just reason for what is happening. You can
time. People are much more attuned, in general, to their own always find the cause for that silence or apparent "absence" in
desires, wants, inklings and cravings, than to My bidding, and your own heart.
even those who do want to serve Me, usually prefer to do so on
their own terms, within a well respected church or environment. If recognition and admission of your own sins is a prerequisite
Not many are willing to pay the price for discipleship that is laid for Salvation, you can assume that it applies to other areas of
down in My Book: persecutions, sufferings, being a stranger in your life as well, such as My blessings or manifestations of My
this world, slandered and lied about, and taking up your cross to gifts...
die daily.
But you can always count on My readiness to forgive and to
receive you back again with open arms, as soon as you're ready
271 _________________________________________________ and receptive again for loving communication with Me.
I want you to be a people of praise, known for your praises,
your praiseful attitude, and your manifestations of love for Me.
I need you to show the world that there is another level of 275 _________________________________________________
spiritual maturity to attain. Soft-hearted parents can sometimes really make a mess of
Show them an alternative to immature Christianity. things that they can wind up seriously regretting. You make up
excuses in your head, and reasons for why you should allow this
and that and the other, and "it's hard enough for them as it is
272 _________________________________________________ without depriving them of this fun and that one..."
Whenever the Devil fights, you can assume that you're on the
right track. If you weren't invading his territory and posing a real As well-meant as leniency may be, the result and the end of that
threat to him, he wouldn't care, right? road can be fatal. It's one of the Devil's best camouflages of
"love" ever. In reality, it's only the parent's own desire to be
Believe in the miracle that some will be healed and delivered loved, instead of having to deal with a confrontation.
from their addiction to the lie. You settle for the immediate reward of your child's gratitude and
Your job is to give the message in spite of any circumstances! affection, but will reap hell for it later...
I'm leaving the ball in your court, no whining about
circumstances accepted. It's time for you to rise above them and Sometimes, being a parent is just a real tough job, and it's a real
look beyond them, to accept the power I have given you to tough fight, a downright battle.
change them or to act in spite of them! True and successful parenting is for warriors, because you must
stand up and wield the weapon of truth valiantly and faithfully,
stand true to your convictions at every turn and be willing to take
273 _________________________________________________ blows for it.
Are you going to give in to the pressures of the world when Otherwise, the Enemy himself will conquer you through your
they come knocking at your door? child by his disarming techniques. He will tempt you with the
Will that little temporal peace you will have gained by just closing promise of your child's immediate love and affection, in order to
your eyes and ignoring the issue or shunning the confrontation let down your guard, give him yet another inch, and another, like
have been worth the results and consequences of compromise? the camel's nose, and he'll threaten you with horrific visions of
the loss of your child's love if you dare to be as "foolish" to be
274 _________________________________________________ tough and hold up a standard that is true to your inner
You may have to dig a little deeper in order to find more convictions, the convictions based on the laws and rules laid
precious gold & jewels from My mines and from My mind at down in My Word.
times. Just because you've learned to mine them, doesn't
necessarily mean that it's always going to be equally easy, or that It's easier to build a fence at the edge of the cliff now, than a
the flow is constant. Even the mighty river has periods of more or hospital at the bottom of it later: a firm fence of My Word that
less water. lays down the rules and limitations in their hearts, so that they
Sometimes you've got to show a greater desire and show just won't go astray from Me.
how much you really want it, and that you want Me and My input Sure, it's work. And you keep hoping, "Oh, maybe everything is
above anything else, which isn't the case all of the time. going to be alright, and they're not going to fall at all... Maybe we
Sometimes you're simply more interested in other things... shouldn't worry so much..." But then, if you have any experience
with kids at all, you know that if there's a danger, and if there's
There's still much for Me to show and teach you and reveal to something they're prone to fall into in all their experimenting and
you, but the question is, are you ready for it? Do you really want trying out the world, they're more likely to fall into it than not.
it? Are you hungry for it? It’s your duty as parents not to close your eyes to the danger and
hope for the best, but to do what you can in order to keep the
I'm not interested in becoming a habit or ritual for you. dreaded fall from happening.
I like to satisfy you and fulfill and make you happy, but there's
got to be a certain hunger and vacuum. You have waited so long with the building of the fence that you're
I'm not interested in taking the second place in your life. probably not going to be able to build it without any protest from
them: "But I don't need any protection! You're not granting me
Most of My children aren't interested in communicating with Me, any fun and freedom! You don't trust me!" etc. And so you're
and at times that's the reason why I'm not about to say much to much more prone to taking the risk. "Oh, maybe we'll be lucky!"
them, either. Well, you know My stance on luck!
Sometimes I have to allow them to undergo times of testing and
It's true that the fence won't be a 100% safeguard and guarantee somewhat familiar with Me (I'm saying "somewhat" because
that they won't fall down the edge after all, and you figure, "Well, there is always a greater degree and always progress to be made
then what? All that work will have been in vain!" Well the in your walk with Me) - is to get them to stop iconizing Me, that is,
difference will be that you will know that you have done what you have their mental picture of Me somewhere up on a shelf from
could, and you won't have to hold yourself to blame for what which they can take Me and use Me and play with Me whenever
happened. they want, and to actually allow Me to not only participate in their
lives, but also allow Me to run their lives and dictate the
You've got to do more than just hope everything is going to turn individual moves.
out good. Parenting and shepherding is a tough job, and if you
want the kind of results from this job that you would like, you've
got to invest a bit more than just some good hopes and a few 277 _________________________________________________
prayers. The only chance of victory is to keep on fighting. You cannot
let the circumstances dissuade you or get you to quit.
You're likely to see the result of hundreds of souls who could
have been won but weren't, because you settled for a little bit of There's only those two options: to either quit or keep on fighting,
temporary peace by granting them some worldly pleasures and and sometimes quitting seems to be the more tempting of the
not insisting on their fulfilling their duties toward Me. two for a while, until you come back to your senses and realize
that it never really was an option in the first place.
You settled for peace when it was not a time of peace, but a time
of war, a time to be alert, and you settled for peace with those What else can you do but fight? Even if you seem to be alone in
with whom and for whom there is no peace, "for there is no this fight, this battle, or even this whole war, and sometimes it
peace, saith my God, for the wicked!" seems as though the very ones fighting on your side have turned
You will have failed to have ingrained in them the fundaments of against you.
the Family's beliefs that "friendship with the world is enmity with The Enemy can really create some confusion at times. He has
God. Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world, is the always been the author of confusion, and he knows his only
enemy of God" (James 4:4). chance is to get your focus off of the light and blur your vision.
As long as you can see clearly who is the enemy, and who's your
Being a disciple and a warrior for Me has nothing to do with friend, and you stand unitedly against him, he knows he doesn't
being nice. The word nice is nowhere to be found in the Bible and stand a chance. Only by bringing about this confusion where you
is simply not what I'm all about! Especially not what the world can't tell who is friend or foe anymore, does he gain a chance.
considers nice! Their niceness and niceties are only about skin It requires some skill, some experience and some self-discipline,
deep, and if you dig a little deeper, they can turn out to be utterly not to start firing away in the mist and the dark, lest you hit one
treacherous and fatal! of your own. It requires patience, faith & trust, to just sit and wait
Just because certain people are nice doesn't mean that they're it out until you can distinguish clearly what moves the Enemy is
necessarily trustworthy. up to, recognize him, and then pull the trigger.
It's great to have friends! But you have to remember to uphold He will use anything he can to sow division and confusion.
your standard, and that when it comes down to it, what they've
got to offer, in comparison to the truth, is mere child's play and It's a little bit like it's going to be during the Great Tribulation:
naiveté. basically, you're not going to be able to do much more than sit it
out. You can try your best to witness and win a few souls here or
You should think twice if you really want to let your child settle there, but mainly, it's just going to be about having to survive the
for a path of the System's empty husks that they cast before their ordeal somehow, which is going to be tough enough, and a
swine. strong enough testimony in itself of My power to keep you
Are you going to allow your children to make pig food their through anything.
spiritual diet, when they could have feasted from the richness of So, if I'm going to have to do the miracle of getting thousands
the King's table? It's one thing when they are old enough to make through 3 ½ years of Tribulation, then you suppose I might be
that decision on their own. But to let them go the Prodigal's path able to get you through this period of darkness right now, and
right before your own eyes and in front of your noses would be this stretch of confusion?
downright foolish. If you're feeling confused, it's no wonder. That's what the author
of confusion has been up to all along.

276 _________________________________________________ Just sit still and assured that I am not the Author of your
It's always the right time to do the right thing, and there will confusion, but am always willing and able to bring back some
never be a time when it stops being the time to do the right thing, light into the misty and dark confusion the Enemy is trying to
no matter what anybody or even everybody else does. create. Even if you can't see clearly, at least you can hear My
Sheep always need a little nudge or shove in the right direction. comforting voice, letting you know that I'm right beside you and
Taking up the cross does take a little persuasion, coaching and with you and that everything's going to be alright. I'll work it all
shepherding to convince them to do the right thing. out, I promise, even if it sometimes may not seem as if I'm doing
It takes a little salesmanship. much of anything besides testing you and then testing you some
You're supposed to be helping them to make the right decisions more...
in life that will ensure their happiness, fulfillment and
fruitfulness, as opposed to the way of the flesh, the path they
would choose if you just let'em have their own way. 278 _________________________________________________
There is the temptation to cling to the rational and to assume
The art is getting people to forsake their own way and convince the superior position.
them that Mine is better! In other words, you're trying to talk But by taking the humble seat and refusing to put yourself above
them into accepting My leadership and authority over their lives, anyone, but respecting their way of dealing with things, you can
and trading in their autonomy, which actually is nothing but the sometimes learn a lot more, and wind up with a few surprises
dictatorship of the flesh, for the rule of My Spirit, and let them here and there, things you couldn't have gleaned from
experience first hand which one of the two paths it is that rationalism...
provides the greater joy and happiness. You have to trust that everyone has their God-given role to play.

The art - especially with someone who knows Me and is Even in correcting and training animals, there's a correct tone of
voice to apply, an appropriate measure of respect and sensitivity The only thing that will safeguard you and keep you from evil and
for their needs. that can keep your own sin in your own hearts in check, is My
Just because man is Lord over all creatures doesn't necessarily Spirit, and submitting yourself to Me and My rule authority.
mean that he's supposed to lord it out over them. Otherwise you might just become another little tyrant as soon as
the roles are reversed.
Coming down to everyone's level, no matter where they're at, is
what I did, and that's what folks expect of any true follower of You cannot get rid of evil by merely eliminating it. You only get
Mine. rid of the darkness by letting the light in. Darkness is the
absence of light, and the way to remedy that is by letting the light
I'm putting it more and more into people's hearts to be able to in...
recognize the right kind of authority, My kind of authority, that It's one thing to point your finger at the darkness and exposing it,
stands in the power of the Father, the power of Love, no artificial but it's yet another to be flooding those dark spots with My light.
level of power or authority in the carnal. All the fingers pointing in the world won't mean doom to the
The System is a fake. It's not based on true values, not based on Devil and his workings, but as soon as you turn on the light of
truth, and that's the difference I want you to show to the world. My Salvation message, he starts to squeal, because he knows it's
the only thing that signifies loss to his cause and his kingdom.

279 _________________________________________________ All the movies exposing the workings of evil in the world won't
People ask, "Why did God allow this or that to happen?" do as much harm to him as one salvation tract, one witness that
when they never even asked Me for protection. In order to keep tells another soul how to get to Heaven...
problems from happening, you have to take certain measures in Shine My light into his darkness, and that will really make a
order to prevent them, and one of the basic measures you can difference!
take to avoid problems is to pray. You can ask Me to prevent
them from happening.
281 _________________________________________________
If you don't pray, I can't do anything except watch you go try to use all the weapons at your disposal, learning to
through it and hope that next time you'll be smarter! discern in which type of situation each weapon will be most
useful and effective.
You must learn to not only use, but also guard and protect your
280 _________________________________________________ weapons as well, they require some maintenance. Just as you
It's not you that are supposed to speak, but the Spirit of your would have to try to protect a sword or gun from rust and
Father within you. You shouldn't worry about what you're going corrosion, you must protect your spiritual weapons from the
to say. All you need to be concerned about is that you're going to corrosion and harmful acids and chemical processes of the
be all prayed up and spiritually prepared, so that you'll be in tune Enemy.
enough with My Spirit that it will be given you at the very hour, Lack of usage is of course one of the worst things for a weapon.
what you should speak. You've got to keep the triggers well-oiled, the blades sharpened,
That's the way it has always been, and is supposed to be. "That and the ammunition dry.
your faith" - and the faith of your followers - "should not stand in Sometimes you need to realize how important and irreplacable a
the wisdom of men, but in the power of God" (1Cor.2:5). weapon is before you start appreciating it and caring for it as you
Some people lean on the arm of the flesh and trust that "if just
enough people would get together to fight this evil, then we I'm allowing you to experience bouts of disunity, to show you
could win." how unpleasant life can be without unity, and to get thinking
But the truth is that each of you has to allow Me to save you from what you can do to maintain your unity.
the evil in your own hearts first, if you want to experience any Focusing on the importance of unity might help for starters.
triumph over evil! You've got to fight evil according to My way, Focus on what is wholesome, safe and conducive to tighter unity
otherwise you're doomed to defeat. with your brethren.

Those people make movies in which they can get away with When the battle is engaged, everybody is supposed to listen to
telling the truth quite elegantly about the evils that rule this the instructions from the general, or immediate superiors, and
world, and they're hip and "in" with the "in-crowd." But what you focus on carrying out those orders. If you're in a navy unit, you
have, and your message of the real and lasting freedom that I wouldn't be listening to radio transmissions of instructions of an
bring, the truth about the spiritual evils from which you need airforce unit commander...
liberation and My Salvation, keeps being as unpopular on a large
scale as ever. if the Family is really the one major threat to the Devil and his
kingdom, then he's going to do whatever is in his power to
The Devil doesn't really get mad until you name Me as the dissuade you, to convince you otherwise, that they're not really
solution to his fraud. He lets those people get away with their worth it, that there must be something better somewhere, making
exposés, because he knows that the masses are not going to a serious effort to make the Family look as stupid in your eyes as
wake up and fight anyway. Even if they would, their only chance he possibly can in order to weaken your support, your loyalty
to win would be if they have Me on their side. He knows their only and determination and conviction to fight for this cause.
hope of victory am I, and as long as I'm not preached, they won't
stand a chance, and thus he won't feel threatened. Some days you have nearly no incentive at all to fight because
The only menace to his kingdom is My truth, My Gospel; the the Enemy has sown thoughts into your mind that make you
message that there is a way out of all the evil in the world: not figure, "It's not worth it anyway."
only the evil of those other guys, the bad guys, but the evil in
your own heart that would cause you to act the same way if you I'm trying to help you to prevent having to say that when you
were in their position. come Here: "I could have done so much more..."

It is your circumstances that made you see the other side, but If you really do your best and do all you can, it doesn't matter
what if they were reversed? Would you be any better? Possibly, how little you accomplish in numbers. I know when you have
because of all you've learned at the bottom. But as you can tell given your all, but I can also tell when there's yet more you could
from your failures, nobody is infallible, and you can all blow it. be doing for Me, when there's yet a bit more of an effort you
could make to really stay close to Me and within the lines of My actually living your faith.
perfect will for you.
And as long as you're not, I have to keep giving you those You could learn a lot about paying respect and attention to the
nudges, those little tokens and signs of correction, My "ho- "little" people around you who really deserve it, for in My eyes,
humms," so to speak, in order to wake you up to the fact that they're not just the "little" people, but the real stars, the
things could and should be better. important people, the VIPs and spiritual millionaires!
You'll find out that there's lots you can still learn from them, that
they may still surprise you, and that their calculations are valid
282 _________________________________________________ and true, worthy to be trusted and reliable.
Members of a family don't expect little sister to come up with
solutions to their problems. You're too familiar with little sister You would do very well to take more of a humble seat and seek
being so little, and you're not used to relying on her for support the fault in your own court when there's a problem arising or a
& counsel. Besides, "little sister" has shown herself to be prone quarrel about something, or some difference of opinion. You
to certain problems in the past that make her even weaker in "big must show greater willingness to admit that you were wrong and
brother's" eyes. have erred about certain things; you need a humbler attitude in
But then, if we should judge everyone's capabilities by their general.
weaknesses, there would be quite a few surprising and shocking
disqualifications. If I don't judge you by your faults, weaknesses and
shortcomings, then how much less should you. That would be a
The solution would be to go out of your way and make sure that literal fulfillment of the parable about the guy who was forgiven
you don't judge their thoughts, opinions and ideas as irrelevant his debt but wouldn't forgive others their minor debts!
or non-valid by always being an attentive listener, and showing If I am showing you respect in spite of your problems, then you
that you give their ideas a chance and don't fall for the ought to be paying them respect in spite of theirs. You cannot
temptation to dismiss them prematurely. just label people for their problems and stop listening to what
they've got to say because of them!
Your actions speak louder than your opinions of yourself. You can trust them for what they have to say! It's worth listening
Just because you're nice and attentive and respectful to to, even if at first if may not seem that way.
everybody else doesn't automatically make you an attentive and
respectful person, as long as there are still certain people to It pays to listen to the "little" people that aren't so "little" in My
whom you fail to show these qualities. Just as every chain is only sight, that make your living possible with their everyday's "little"
as strong as its weakest link, your status as "attentive" is only as things that aren't so little in My eyes, either, and their seemingly
valid as the attention you are paying to the least of My brethren. "little" things to say, that may not make sense at first.

It’s relatively easy to be attentive and polite with people that Some of My greatest treasures come very well camouflaged. It
aren't constantly around you. The real acid test comes with the isn't all gold that glitters, but a lot of stuff that doesn't glitter can
people you see every day. If you can still really pay attention to turn out to be gold in the end, too.
them, and show interest in them, no matter what they've got to
say, then you're showing interest and paying attention. Focusing on My positiveness, My omnipotence, My
omnipresence, My sense in everything in spite of the apparent
It's no coincidence that "paying" is the thing you must do in absence of any such thing as sense.
order to show or give someone your attention, show you care
and pay them due respect.
It's one of those things that money theoretically can't buy. The 283 _________________________________________________
sad thing is, a lot of people are being respected more for their When you hurt each other, you tend to close up toward each
money than for their character or personal attributes. So, other. That means you've got to wholeheartedly forgive and
showing and paying attention to someone for just being forget all those incidents in which you've hurt each other, and
themselves shows that you don't judge or go by the standards of give each other a new chance and start clean slated each day
the world. anew.
It would be easy to show them the necessary respect if they were You've got to make that conscious effort of seeing each other
a millionaire or would spout off really wise and educated, with new eyes each day, from a clean angle, free of any ugly
impressive things all day. But what are the attributes that really memories from the past, of hurts you may have caused each
count, according to My book? Certainly money and brains are other.
not on the top of My list! It's a little foretaste of what Heaven and My Kingdom will be like:
Let's see what's there: love, loyalty, dedication, faith, faithfulness starting all over, clean-slated. That doesn't mean that past crimes
in the "little" things, and obedience to My commandments to and sins won't be dealt with, but once they're dealt with, they're
show love to others, especially by witnessing to them... also going to be forgiven and as good as forgotten, and people
When you see that they fulfill those criteria, then don't you will get a chance to start all over again clean slated, without
reckon that you should pay her the due respect, accordingly? having to carry any remorse over their past around with them.
It's that kind of taste of heaven you've got to be for each other
You're supposed to esteem each other higher than yourselves, every day: "It doesn't matter whatever you did or said in the past
preferring one another. How much do you practice that? You're that may have hurt me: I know you're doing your best, so I'm
really only practicing it as much as you do with the person you going to forget all that and just delete it, and I choose to see you
have the hardest time with. with brand new eyes.”
Your general weight as a practicing believer and disciple will be
heavily influenced by the score you achieve with those you're Of course, the Enemy will try to remind you: "But don't you
most familiar with. remember what he (or she) did to you?" But you've just got to
They’re the people you spend most of your time with. That refuse to listen to him and embrace the newness I can bring into
shouldn't mean that you owe them the least respect and your lives through the power of forgiveness, the power of
attention, but the most. change, the power of the renewing of the Holy Ghost, the power
of Love.
If faith without works is dead, then it doesn't really matter how
much more Word you know in theory. What counts is the extent The Enemy represents the ugliness, the weight, the dark and sad
to which you put your faith into practice, how much you are memories. I and My Spirit of freedom represent the opposite:
letting go and soaring high into a sky full of light, a brand new
horizon to explore and conquer together in love and unity, If My example that I have given humanity included taking time for
because nothing can separate you. children, then how much more should you take time for your
You can apply Romans 8:31, 32, also to your relationship, to your grown up brothers and sisters around you, who might need your
marriage, and to your relationship with everyone in the Family as attention and care even more.
well: You can be persuaded that neither high nor low, no devils Just as you seek confirmation that what you're doing is okay, and
nor angels, neither death nor life or anything in this world will be you need those nods from Me and tokens of encouragement from
able to separate you from the love I am giving you for each other, others that what you're doing is not just useless nonsense, so
My love in you, which initiates and fuels the love you have for others need those tokens and affirmations as well. Let them
each other as well. You can determine that you won't let anything know they're needed, appreciated, wanted, and not taken for
rob that flame from you! And that applies to your relationship granted.
which each person that chooses to make that same decision, to
let nothing stand between you and them, that nothing can When you're face to face with another person, I would like you to
separate them from My love, which unites you. devote and dedicate your attention fully to them. If you're in the
It can even apply to your relationship with those who may middle of something else, it may be a test of your love, but I'd
choose not to make that decision yet. They may choose to shut like you to make an effort to tear yourself loose from what you
you out of their circle of acceptance, but you can draw them into were doing and devote your full attention to that person.
yours. Of course, that may be a little more difficult, but definitely
worth a try. It gives you power to change a person, if you show Sometimes you cannot relate very much to what they've got to
that you unconditionally forgive and embrace them and take say. You figure, it's kind of irrelevant to the scope of eternity to
them for who and what they are, without judging, labeling or listen to tales about seemingly insignificant incidents, or
condemning them whatsoever. whatever. But if you consider that what they are telling you is
what occupies their mind right now, that those experiences
Pray for the healing balm of My love and forgiveness everyday, constitute their reality right now, then it becomes a responsibility.
that My Spirit will help you to cast a veil over countless sins and If you think they ought to be making some kind of progress, you
failings that may have been committed against you, and you'll could help them to find a stepping stone from the place where
see, it will also help you to deal better with your own. After all, if they are to the next one, that would take them a little further
you're quick to forgive others, they'll also be quick to forgive along their path, never depriving yourself of the opportunity to
you, and you won't be so prone to feel condemned about your learn and glean something from their experience, even if it's just
own shortcomings, either. If everything is bathed in the elixir of the attempt to associate and identify with their world view or their
My forgiveness, it creates a magical new atmosphere where any momentary perspective.
degree of love and unity is possible, and no shadows of
darkness can hinder and obstruct. If you walk through life with the humble attitude that you can
learn something from anyone, and anything they've got to say,
Refuse to let anything the Devil might bring to your mind stand from any child or person, you'll find you'll develop a lot more
between you. Let any relationship between you and any brother patience with your fellowmen, and since that's one of your goals,
or sister always be clean-slated, free of grudges, free of anything I'd say that would already be worth it.
you might hold against them in the back of your mind, free of any It can help solve or avoid future problems that might occur from
memories of what they may have done in the past that may have people having the impression that you don't love or care about
displeased you. Just give them all the chances necessary to them enough to pay attention and listen to them.
stand before you clean and aright, just as I give you a new clean
chance every day. You should never be too busy to hear others out and listen to
what they've got to say.
If you don't hold anything against anyone, then you won't be When they realize that you're open for their input, then they'll
subjected to that negative force of familiarity, and each person, also be a lot more willing to listen to you, too.
no matter for how long you've known them, can stand before you
like a new person you meet that you don't know anything about, Trust that time is in My hands.
none of their weaknesses and hidden sins, etc. Hand over the reins of your life - or the steering wheel, in terms
You're going to be able to listen to them without any prejudices, of today - to Me.
hear them out with genuine anticipation of what they're about to
say, eager to have it contribute to your scope, your picture, your
horizon, instead of already dismissing it beforehand... 285 _________________________________________________
The work behind the scenes is what really counts, the
Wouldn't you like to be treated that way, too? Wouldn't you love invisible hand of God working beneath the surface during the
it, too, if people wouldn't hold any of your past failings against months of snow... You think, it's death, but it's that apparent
you, or even their own negative notions toward you, and if they death that brings forth the new life of the spring.
would just give you a chance to be accepted within their circle of Even so the hard times that cause you to be more desperate,
tolerance, give you a chance to hear you out & listen to what more dependent on Me, they do for Me the real work, which
you've got to say? brings on My power on your behalf in your lives. They create the
vacuum that draws down My power, that yearning for Me which
I'd say you owe that kind of treatment to each other... causes Me to rush in an fill the need.
Be thankful for these lean times, and times of crisis, when there
is only a void for Me to fill, and a desperate need for Me to come
284 _________________________________________________ in and change things and mend them again.
I like willingness and a desire to learn to do better, not only The dark and lean times draw you back to the reality that you
toward Me, but also in relation to your brothers and sisters. need Me, that without Me you cannot make it.
You cannot just seek to please Me and at the same time neglect I take you back to the ground of the reality that without Me you
or mistreat your fellowman, as so many Christians in positions of can do nothing, and that also applies to your relationship:
power or authority have done, and sadly, continue to do. without Me, there is no love, for I am Love, and without Me there
is no unity, for I am He Who puts together what man shall not
Thank you for being willing to listen, not only to Me, but also to separate. I put together what belongs together. I am He Who
others, for in listening to them you are listening to Me, too, in a makes "everything belong."
way. Keep your focus on Me, the glue that keeps you together.
Keep a steady flow of My power through your lives. be done.
It's true that they can't expect you to have the very same level of
Apart from the need to pay attention to others, an attitude of faith for My power to manifest in the very same manner that they
forgiveness and acceptance, trust, and patience, the next do, but at least you should respect it as the nobler ambition,
ingredient to making unity work in a relationship is not to neglect compared to your disbelief. And you could make the effort to try
Me, My Word, not to take your focus off Me, the Magic and Power and have their faith for the same thing, too, and give Me a chance
that holds you together, the Initiator of your relationship Who to do the miracle.
must preserve it and make it last.
I am what you need most desperately in your relationship, and Give Me a chance to prove that it's worth it to trust Me.
staying focused on Me will guarantee your ability to keep up with There are no limitations to My power, no exceptions, no clauses
the other requirements as well. in the contract of conditions when it does not work, as the carnal
mind (with the Enemy's backing) is trying to tell you. I'm superior
"Without Me you can do nothing" also applies to relationships. to any circumstance! I'm Master over any condition. No one and
Those who have tried without Me have had to find out that they're nothing can mess with Me.
missing out on the best and most important thing, no matter how
wonderful their relationship might be.
So, view your "problems" not as curses, but as blessings in 287 _________________________________________________
disguise, for they are precisely what keeps you close to Me. A factor that influences your level and abilities of
communication is that sometimes you're quite simply on
When things just float along, you tend to think you don't need different wavelengths. One thing you can do about that is make
anything else than what you already have, you don't see any an effort to tune in to the other's wavelength.
need for progress, nor do you make any effort in that direction.
But what if you feel that you're on a "higher" wavelength than
I am the foundation on which you must build the work of your they are, you wonder? Well, if you truly are convinced that you
lives, which also includes your relationships, your families, your are on a happier and more inspired wavelength than they are,
fruits. If you take heed that you build on lasting values and that then you can try to pull them up to yours. That's what inspiring
the ingedients and building material, the mortar and bricks you others is all about.
use are quality material, taken from My heavenly mines and But that requires some work, since people naturally won't just
resources, then you can be sure that some lasting fruit is going snap out of their own familiar wavelength and tune into yours,
to come out of it, and that whatever you build will stand the especially if they have no clue what your wavelength is all about.
testings and fires of time, even death. In order to get them interested, you have to "broadcast" and
But if it's only fleeting motivations that drive you, like pleasure, "advertise" a little, and let them know what your "station" is all
temporary comfort or the fulfilling of your momentary needs and about. You have to "play some of your music" in order for them
desires, then your relationship may be just as much subject to to find out whether they like it or not.
time and erosion. The only way you can make sure that it's going
to last is by putting Me first: to make My agenda your common In order to pour out to others, you've got to have a vision for
agenda, and not any selfish interests and pursuits, and to focus them, and the faith for them, that they will take what you're going
on Me, look unto Me and hold on to Me every step of the way as to give them and bring forth fruit with it.
your only Hope of success. That's what shepherds do: they feed their flocks and bellwethers
in hopes that they're going to lead others to greener pastures as
286 _________________________________________________ It also takes love. You must convince others by your sample that
You have a tendency to consider your work more important your love is real and worth following.
than the people I've committed to your charge or send across
your path. So, if you want others to consider your wavelenth worth tuning in
It's a choice: "Am I going to consider what I'm doing now more to, then you've got to play happy tunes, and deliver a sound
important than taking time for this person who is talking to me, quality that attracts them, and not play doleful dirges and draggy
or am I going to make that sacrifice of interrupting my work or ho-humm songs.
activity in order to show them that they matter more to me?" In order to truly inspire others, you've got to broadcast inspiring
and uplifting music.
Sometimes the problem is that you already know what you You've got to gear your music to your audience, not just play for
should do, and you've learned the lesson in theory, but simply your own edification. You've got to tune into them first and find
aren't putting it into practice yet. You "know these things," but out what they need.
you're not happy yet because you don't do them yet (Jn.13:17),
and it bugs you to be reminded of your failure and disobedience. Truly outstanding leaders have always been givers, those who
So, what it all boils down to in the end, is an issue of obedience were primarily interested in giving, rather than what they were
vs. disobedience. It's a matter of obeying My great going to receive in return.
commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself or not. So, in order to be a giver, you've got to tune into the Source that
will make it possible for you to continue giving, even when the
It's a matter of finally putting into practice what you know in natural resources of others will long have run dry. That has been
theory, the sad discovery of just how hard it is to put My Word the strength of each and every one of My disciples who lit up the
and will into action. landscape for Me throughout history.
That's why a relative novice with a larger amount of initiative can
sometimes outscore and "old professor" of My laws and Words, It's not only having figured out the truth and watching how the
if they simply live more what the others preach. world is going to pot because nobody's interested in it, but
continuing to focus on Me and having Me show you
It's a little bit like the jealousy the Scribes and Pharisees had opportunities to pass on the light of truth, hoping and believing
toward Me: I was living and practicing all they had known and that there must be recipients for what I have given you.
been studying about in theory for all those years, having come to
the conclusion that it probably couldn't be done at all, and here I Have faith in the people I have placed in your care.
came along and proved them wrong by simply doing it. Great leaders are men who make the best out of what they have.
So, it might be a very silly thing to do, trying to choke someone's The others always wait for something better to come around first.
faith for "impossible" things by your "knowledge" of why it can't That's one of the most effective tricks the Enemy uses: "Wait
until something better comes around." Something better than and minds of western culture is to always be on the look-out for
what? A better life? Better circumstances? something else: "What else do I need? What else should I
Better circumstances won't come by themselves, you either have acquire in order to attain happiness or satisfaction?" It renders
to create them or ask Me to do it for you. people unable to just enjoy whatever they're given, when they're
always on the lookout for something else, in this big supermarket
Failure to inspire others is often due to lack of vision and faith to of consumerism, where you're constantly tempted to look around
even start broadcasting. You underestimate their capacities to and spot new things you never even knew you wanted...
receive and pass on what you're giving. You figure they're not The Devil's weapon to stop you from appreciating what you've
interested and they're not going to listen anyway, so why even got and putting your whole heart into it is creating an endless
waste your breath, your time, your energy? array of new shiny things to keep you distracted, to keep you too
Visionaries are those who never consider their time, breath and busy for what I'm giving you. You have been trained to always get
energy wasted. They're those who have faith in their audience, the maximum out of life, to take advantage of all that is available.
and enough faith in Me to believe that nothing happens by After all, you don't want to be a fool who's missing out on the
coincidence, and if I have put these people there, as much as latest.
they may be on a "different wavelength," then I knew what I was You want to download the latest gimmick, you want to enjoy the
doing, had a sense and purpose in it, and it's merely up to you to latest music and see the latest movies, etc. See what's there on
find out what that purpose is by letting loose whatever you've got eBay that you didn't even know you needed yet.
to pour into them and then see what happens. And thus, you neglect the little and simple things that you always
Have a little faith in what I'm doing. have around, and allow that army of things to crowd out the
small things, such as taking time to read My Word together...
None of the stars and planets in the universe is in their distinct
position by coincidence, but they influence each other in In My eyes, and according to My system of values, inter-human
perfectly ordained and synchronized proportions. Don't you think relationships rank higher in importance than projects by which
that what I have done with lifeless rock and matter I'm also able you can approve yourself and display your productivity.
to do with living souls? I'm not talking about romantic relationships, nor any other
Living souls are the most valuable thing there is, and the greatest "What's in it for me" type of device. I'm talking about "what's in it
evils on earth (are) perpetrated by those who do not share that for them" focus and what you can do for others in order to help
view. them to move along and make headway in the school of life or
What's more valuable to you than souls? Is there anything? What just make it through today's battles.
else is there? What else, but to teach people, to lead them into It's not about just making sure that you'll make it yourself. It's not
the light? just about ensuring your own survival in combat, but how much
What are you interested in? Entertainmaint? Money? Diversion? you care for the welfare and survival of others.
Pleasure? Sex? Success? Safety? Can any of them come up to The medals are not handed out to those who just made sure they
the happiness and the light with which those shall shine who made it through the battle themselves, but to those who saw to it
shall lead many to righteousness (Dan.12:3)? that their comrades made it as well.
You're not just responsible for your own life, but for your entire
You've got to believe in what I've given you. unit, your Home, your family.
They're not going to find it anywhere else, and you've got to have
the faith that if I have given it, then there are going to be It pays to put more emphasis on teamwork, on unity, on
recipients for it, too, people who are destined to receive what you communication, doing things together, counseling, planning
have to give. things together, etc.
When it comes to things, more is often less. When it comes to
Never underestimate the power and the magic of My Word and of working with people, more is always more.
My truth. You may be so familar with it at times that it may almost
have lost its shine for you, and you figure, "So what! This isn't
Alladdin's lamp, after all: it hasn't exactly made all my dreams
come true and given me all I wanted..." 289 _________________________________________________
But it has been a steady and reliable light on your path, and - The Law of Love is even harder to fulfill in some ways than
though it may not have given you all you wanted - it has always the 10 Commandments, it is stricter and more all-engulfing... So,
been faithful in giving you all you needed, right? of course you're failing at it sometimes. But it's good you're
That's a lot more than a lot of people in the world can claim. So, realizing it. A lot of people don't.
why not share a little bit of your luck with them? You may not You already know what the secret and the answer to the problem
figure what you have is so great, but maybe they do, if you just is, right? "If any of you lack wisdom, let Him ask of God, Who
give them a chance to let them make up their own minds about upbraideth not, but giveth to any man liberally that asketh Him"
it... (James 1:5). And that applies to love just as well. In fact, wisdom
is love. Love includes a lot of things: humility, wisdom, a
Everybody reflects the light in their own individual way, but the sacrificial, selfless and giving spirit and attitude...
less there is of you, the more they can perceive it as My true, And if it's love you're lacking, well... ask for it! You're relatively
unadulterated light, and that's what the world is longing for most. experienced in praying down My blessings when it comes to
supply or finances, but every now and then you reach this point
where you're having to pray for more love, and you're finding out
288 _________________________________________________ that that's even harder to have faith for, somehow.
It all comes back down to love and taking time for human It's easier to believe somehow that God can fill empty pockets,
beings, no matter how familiar you may be with them and how than an empty heart...
much you deem to know about them, always ready and trusting
that there may be something new to find out and learn about When you're finding out how much love you're lacking in your
them that you haven't been aware of previously, not taking them life, then you're really finding out how much you've been lacking
for granted. in your life. You realize just how empty you are without Me and
It's the secret of appreciating what you have and being thankful My Spirit... just how hard and cold and empty it is inside there,
for what you're given, which is a matter of trust in Me, too - trust without Me lighting My fire there, and just how badly you need
that I have given you exactly what you need. Me to change you and put that new heart within you that I
promised (Ez.36:26).
One of the devices of the Enemy he has installed in the habits
If a lack of love is the cause for the problems of the world, then it you to make mistakes and blunders, so it is with the Family: if the
must also be the cause for your personal problems, and if you Family would be perfect, then there would be a lot of folks in it
lack love, pray for it! What else could be worth praying for as for the wrong reasons, putting their faith in people, in the group,
much as for love? in the body, in the flesh, instead of My Spirit!

Anything can turn into stone within a relatively short amount of It's the experience of falling and failing and getting up again, ever
time, depending on the conditions, especially when they have realizing that it's not yourselves, nor of yourselves, but only Me
come in touch with substances that evoke the chemical in spite of yourselves, and only because of your openness
processes necessary for petrification. toward Me, your willingness to turn to Me and embrace Me and
When you allow your love muscles to rust, then your heart can let Me take over, that makes you grow and achieve progress.
easily turn into stone, so watch out! Don't let it happen to you! That's also what draws you into My realm of the eternal, the
Don't let the rivers of time, and all that comes rushing down the heavenly view and timescope of things, the mystery of the Now,
stream of your life, harden your heart! the present, the eternal moment of God...
There's no stop to all that corrosion and oxidation, once you If your faith can include and claim even the realm of time, to
allow it to set in. where you are able to allow Me to rule and determine your time,
then you won't be under the slavery of the timescape of man
Better stop it before it's too late, and make sure that you keep anymore, the rush and the pressure that makes their machine tic,
everything well-oiled with My Spirit, Which, all you've got to do in but you're part of My living "Machine," which is so totally
order to receive, is ask. That's not too much to ask, is it? That's different from theirs.
not a requirement that's too tough... Anybody can ask. Theirs is dead. It's lifeless and cold, like metal, whereas Mine is
alive and warm. Theirs is dark, Mine is light. Theirs is harsh and
Need more love? Come ask Me for it! I'll keep your heart from hard, Mine is soft and gentle.
turning to stone, and from becoming all hard and frozen, no
matter how cold it is, or how severe life's circumstances. Always Get in tune with My Realm, the right side of the Spirit World!
keep My homefire burning in your heart, and keep My wheels of
love turning!
292 _________________________________________________
It's not enough to just take note of a certain weakness, but it
289 _________________________________________________ takes the next step of determining that you're going to do
If you enjoy My fruits and My living waters, isn't it only fair something to change it, that's going to bring about tangible and
that you should also bless and thank Me, instead of just visible progress.
"gobbling" them up and taking them for granted? Just asking Me to give you the grace to rise above the challenges
You did a good job, alright, so, who are you going to give the you face each day is like dealing with the symptoms, instead of
credit for it? Yourself? attacking the root of the problem.
If you don't really take time to thank Me from the heart, and bathe
a project in prayer and praise, then the spirit of it can reflect your Give people the benefit of the doubt, that even if they did
self-sufficient attitude, rather than the necessary spirit of something you wouldn't have done, the end result might still be
desperate dependence on Me. better than having done nothing at all.

Everybody's busy doing their own thing. That's basically the Recognize their style, even if it may be different from yours.
problem of the world. They keep getting into it more and more, I don't mind you using yours. But please also allow others to use
until they become so obsessed with it, that they can't tell theirs. Be encouraging of their style of doing things, even if it's
anymore who they're doing it for, or whether it's right or wrong, different from yours and the way you would have done it.
just doing it is all that matters. But that's not how it's supposed Otherwise you're back to the same problem of narrow-
to be. Whatever you do should glorify Me, and in order for that to mindedness that the churches & Pharisees refuse to face.
happen, you've got to be in tune with Me, and that takes time to
make sure I'm in it, that I approve it, and that also includes
communication, teamwork and unity with those around you. 293 _________________________________________________
In order to get on the prophetic channel you have to go one
No member of the body can just be off into doing their own thing. step higher than the usual level of inspiration that you are on
It doesn't work. Everything affects everybody. when you write a letter to someone.
The most important thing is that you seek to be in line with My That's what people don't realize about Paul's epistles: As devout
will. a man of God that he was, and as full of My Spirit he may have
been, most of his writings were not direct prophecy. So, a lot of
those churches, who take everything he ever wrote as the pure
290 _________________________________________________ and direct Word of God, are actually making the very mistake
Whatever gets you to the point of giving others a chance, I Paul warned his followers of: not to become Paulites, followers
will use it, and I must, because there really isn't all that much of Paul, or of Apollos, or of Peter, etc., but followers of Me.
time left. If what it takes for you to develop a little more faith in They don't seek Me for My new and living words, they're building
others is to destroy your faith in your own goodness, then that's their lives on the writings of a man - however divinely inspired
what I will do and use... they may have been - who lived 2000 years ago, oblivious to the
It's important that you realize that I can use anyone who is willing fact that the same God who inspired him 2000 years ago is still
to let Me and give Me a chance to use them, and that you have alive and talking today.
just as many obstacles to overcome as anyone else. That's why their faith is practically dead, a hollow shell,
compared to what it could and should be.
They aren't even aware of the fact that I'm still speaking today,
291 _________________________________________________ but feeding nearly entirely off the food I gave millennia ago.
I don't specify in quantity. You still tend to differ with Me on
that one: you'd prefer to be part of an outfit you can boast of... You're building on a new and clean foundation, free of the leaven
but then your confidence would be in the group, not in My of the Parisees.
invisible power. Relying on their own strength of the flesh, their own justice and
Just as you're finding out that I can't let you be as perfect as so-called righteousness, they put themselves miles above
you'd want to be, but I'm having to keep you humble by allowing others, taking the right to exterminate them, totally ignoring all I
ever stood for. another good fruit will spring up from your loins, and a few
Through their self-righteousness they kill the whole Spirit of what generations further down the line, they might even bring forth a
My teachings are supposed to be all about. saint.
There will always be a few who will make it worth it. Some fruit in
It's what leads other peoples and nations of the earth to detest the far distant future, that you can't even possibly see yet, but
that image of Christianity that America is conveying to the world. you've just got to have the faith and vision that I know best, and I
It's simply appalling when any one nation or group of people is will make it worth it all somehow, eventually, and you will see it
so utterly incapable of recognizing their own faults, constantly and glorify Me.
self-righteously pointing their finger at others.
No responsibility is ever taken. How are they ever going to learn
and grow and mature spiritually as a movement or a church? 295 _________________________________________________
I always took every opportunity I got. If they let Me preach in
"He that winneth souls is wise" (Prov.11:30). That's what I a Synagogue, I would do it, but of course, they usually regretted
consider wisdom. Just going out there, in spite of it all, and it afterwards, since I didn't always exactly preach according to
doing the best for Me and doing their best to win others to Me. their liking.
So, it's not as if I'm telling you, "Stay away from church people!"
But I need you to be aware of the "leaven of the Scribes and
294 _________________________________________________ Pharisees," and the differences between the gospel of bondage
You're a follower in My footsteps, so your fate will in many they're preaching, and yours, of true liberty.
ways be similar to Mine. You won't always be a success with Your natural tendency is to shun the condemnation they're trying
everybody. There will always be those who oppose, resist and to heap on you, but on the other hand, you need to allow them to
reject you and all you have to give, just as they rejected Moses, make their decisions, and let them come forward with their
the prophets and Myself, and nearly each and every one of My accusations in order to expose themselves. If you're trying shield
true apostles throughout history. yourself from their self-righteous attacks, then the truth about
Popularity is one of the first things that has to go on the offering them won't come out. The difference between you and them will
plate if you're out to serve Me. not be manifest.

Your relationship, your marriage, and your little family are the It’s pretty hard to recognize sometimes. Even My disciples didn't
touchstone of how real you are. Deception stops when it comes have a clue what I meant with "the leaven of the Scribes and
to truly intimate relationship: it's the perfect touchstone and Pharisees" (Mt.16). They thought I was talking about bread. Only
proof of the pudding as to what kind of person you really are. as times went by and history unfolded before their eyes, the
Many people have totally different faces when they're out among Pharisees saw to it that I was crucified, and later they witnessed
the crowds, doing their jobs, or in front of their audiences, etc., the stoning of Steven, the rage of Saul, before he was converted,
but once they're at home, there are a few people there who know etc., then they got the point, and realized the difference, between
who they really are. the dead and empty religion of the Pharisees, and the powerful,
If you can't manage to convince your wife and children that new way of life I had brought into the world.
you're a nice guy, and if you can't manage to make them happy
and make them laugh every once in a while, then it's probably All I'm asking you is to preach the Word.
because you're not a nice guy, period, and you might have to do No big, fancy, wonder-group or wonder-church with light shining
some serious work on your character. from everybody's faces, that would make it so easy to just drag
people there by the dozen.
You can come across like Gandhi to the outside world, but if at You really have to dig down and study the Word: "Are we really
home you're letting little Hitler hang out, then something's right about this? All those others are telling us we're wrong..."
wrong. You're only as real as you are being at home. And all you've got is My Word to give you the faith that you're
Learn to be as real as can be at home, so you won't have to put right about all you believe in.
on any act when you go out. Just be you - the same old you - All I have to offer you is the truth. Nothing more and nothing less
wherever you are: the same one when you're at home as when than the plain, naked t.r.u.t.h.
you're before a crowd.
That's the thing that I said was going to set them free.
In the end, there won't be a lot of folks in the world thinking It may not seem all that much, compared to great outpourings
you're a nice guy, anyway, but rather, a dangerous religious nut. and supernatural manifestations of My Spirit, and a congregation
And the only peace you will have, which will also keep you from of thousands living together and speaking in tongues and raising
swallowing the lies the Devil will tell the world about you, is that the dead, like in the Book of Acts...
there's a handful of people, your closest friends and loved ones Just the little, plain old truth.
around you, who will know who you really are. You ask for a universe full of wonders, and all I'm handing you
You may have had some weaknesses, and sometimes you were a instead is a tiny little shabby old key.
downright pain in the butt, but at least they'll know that basically It's because I leave something up to you. Everything you wish for
you had a good heart and just tried the best you could to make is yours for the asking, but you will have to stick that key in the
the most out of what you were given... door yourself and unlock it and open the door yourself! And once
you have found all the wonders hidden behind those doors I
It's tough when those who oppose and slander you are from enable you to open, all you can do in turn is to pass on that key.
among your own, but that's the kind of treatment and treason I You can tell them all that expects them behind those doors of
experienced, and if I did, haven't I promised that you would mystery, but they have to turn the key of faith in that truth
experience the same? themselves. They have to accept it and use it.
Of course, it's sad when there's war between brethren, but as you
can tell from history, it's what the Devil has been up to since the You're saying, "Lord, if you could just make it plain and obvious
beginning. There will always be repetitions of the story of the fate that we're the right outfit, I'd go out and tell everybody. But like
of Abel and Cain, in different forms, as long as the Devil is this, I'm not quite sure what I should tell them."
around... Well, just give'em that same old key I gave you, that key of truth,
These stories that discourage you and tempt you to give up, just that key of faith, and tell'em, "This is the key to the Kingdom!"
as Adam was discouraged... devastated, when Abel died. But "You want heaven and happiness and love ever after? That key is
there is no giving up, no stopping. The "show" must go on what's going to get it for you!"
somehow, and eventually, another righteous heir will be born, It may not bring you riches in this world, nor popularity, nor a
great many other showy and flashy things, and it won't solve all How much are you in tune with My reality? How much do you see
your problems in an instant, but at least you're going to be able through My eyes, and do you see and hear what I perceive, not
to know some day that what you have got is the truth. And in a the impression or picture the Enemy and the world portray? How
world of lies, that is something really extraordinary and special! much do you fall for their show?

It may not look like it's worth very much. It looks shabbier than When somebody wants to be the friend of the world, then they
all those fancy golden keys those others have got, that open up just have to go through that experience of what it means to
big fancy treasure chests, with golden and glittery music coming become a temporary enemy of God.
out of it, smiley faces, and popularity... Even if you're My child, it means you are putting yourself on the
other side of the battle field, actually siding with the Enemy, and
But when their music is over, the magic of your tiny little key will fighting against My Cause, for He that gathereth not with Me,
unfold. It will stand the tests of time. scattereth abroad.
Stop seeking what those others have got! It is painful, when your child seems to be infatuated with your
Stop seeking that which attracts the wrong kind of attention! A Enemy.
lot of those guys are into Christianity because it's being made so
darn easy for them. "Join the in-crowd!" "Here, in our cool There is nothing wrong with the picture I portray, about the
American church, we're all so happy together, and you'd be a fool harvest being plenteous. The Enemy wants you to partake of his
not to want to join us, because we're the kings of the world, and version of the story in which he's saying, "Who needs you and
we're all happy and dance and sing and love Jesus!" "You can your Gospel about your God?- They don't want it! They're
have heaven here and now and later, too!" perfectly happy with all I've got to offer them!"

That bread is baked through and through with the leaven of the Are you going to fall for it? Are you going to let that reality of his
Scribes and Pharisees. It looks very yummy and inviting. So rub off on you - his way of seeing things? Are you going to
much bigger, sweeter and more tasty than what you've got, that swallow it?
relatively lean and flat loaf of bread baked without any of the Or are you going to defy his lying vanities and hang on to My
leaven of inflated egos and "better than thou" self-righteousness. truths and stand on them, knowing that My Word is true, no
If they feel like the champions of the world, you feel like the matter if everything around you may seem to be screaming the
losers. opposite?
it may seem as though nobody needs or wants My Word. Are you
But maybe that humble little bit you've got is worth more than all going to believe that and buy that impression of the way things
their fancy acts together, and maybe you should just be happy may appear to be? Or are you going to stand fast on My reality,
with it! which continues proclaiming, "the harvest truly is plenteous"?
Maybe you should just make the most of it that you can and while
you can, and offer the world a bite of your unleavened bread, and If you can't see that the fields are ready and white unto harvest,
the never-ending Source of it! and you know that My Word is true, then something must be
wrong with your view of things.
It's natural to want to be able to offer something appealing, Pray and make an earnest effort to break through to My reality.
something comfortable and accepted, something nice and shiny Come, see through to the bottom of things! Come see the void,
and flashy. It's humbling, having to say, "Sorry, all I've got to offer the vacuum, come see the need! Come and see what you have
you is the truth," especially when they reply, " Can I just go play not been able to see before. Believing is seeing, remember? If
with my friends instead, or go and watch this movie or read that you believe that My Word on this is true, as it is in all other
book?" instances, then you also will see it.

What are you going to do with this test? Where else are you
going to go? Who else has the Words of eternal life? 297 _________________________________________________
Like Jonah, you're finding out that I'm a lot more merciful, a
lot more patient and long-suffering than you thought.
296 _________________________________________________
The Enemy is trying to prove that the world doesn't need Me Instead of just giving them a brief warning and sit back and
nor you. He's trying to play Me, the great filler of every need, of watch the destruction, you're having to deal with them and their
every hunger, and he is nearly triumphant now and saying, "See? differences for what seems to you like an endless amount of
Everybody's happy now! Who needs You now?" time...
But you need to look a little bit below the surface. It's true that in But aren't you glad for all it taught you already?
the pampered West they're glutted with everything one may crave
- physically or intellectually - occupying and distracting their You came to realize that if I'm putting up with all their quirks, then
minds, but not ever really satisfying their hearts. I must be putting up with yours, too, and that I really must have a
But when it comes to those nations against whom the evils of lot more love for you guys than you were able to fathom.
those glutted nations are being perpetrated, and their friends and You've begun to realize how much more of My love there is than
neighbors standing by, you won't find that same bloated self- what you thought, how far it goes, and how it takes your life to
satisfaction. You'll find uproar there, and deep anger, a righteous places, angles and situations you never ever could have
rage that's soon going to sweep the world and cause a mighty expected.
widening of the eyes. Things have turned out so different from what you expected, you
I will yet pull out the pillows from under the arms of those who sit were often tempted to doubt the whole thing altogether, but you
at ease in Zion. had to learn that I am in control, and not you.

I cause the wrath of man to praise Me. The wrath of those who I'm the Director. You just play your part.
see the injustices of the lukewarm will cause men to praise Me, It's all about playing the role I gave you to play, and about doing
because it will serve to wake up many from their stupor and the a good job at it: to play the role I gave you to play with your
Devil's trance. whole heart and with heartfelt dedication, devotion, and getting
into it to such an extent that it will leave the audience with their
When things don't appear to be the way I tell you in My Word, jaws wide open. You want them to recognize that something
then you must look deeper. You must look beyond the great and awesome has been happening there. God was here,
appearance the Enemy is trying to create. and He blew on that person's life and lifted it from the miry clay
into the sky, for all to see... hell."
People want a good show. They don't care so much about the It's the path that requires everything. The one where I will leave
title of the role you're playing. What matters is how you play it. If nothing left over of your pet quirks, your pet idols, nor any of
you're going to be a Christian, be one with your whole heart your little pet lies and deceits and cover-ups, all your little
(because there's enough of them around already who play that weapons of self-defense that you learn how to use in the System.
part with a lukewarm, half-hearted attitude).
Even the guys on the bad side turn out to be good sometimes, Some are so soaked in pride, all they want in life is to show how
for no one is all good and all bad. The big deception often lies much they can achieve and accomplish on their own.
with those who think they're on the good side and take that as a Others simply despise the ways of truth and honesty and just
free ticket to commit any kind of atrocity in the name of justice... prefer to cover up and keep things in the dark.
Their own justice, and self-righteousness, rather than true Yet others aren't interested in any of that deep stuff at all. They
righteousness! enjoy the shallowness of superficial, temporal and fleeting
All I need is people's cooperation to allow Me to make them into
the human beings I have ordained and destined them to be, Wisdom - as all other aspects of My Spirit - can only be imparted
above and beyond that which they could ever become in the to those in whom it is wanted. The Holy Spirit is like a dove than
flesh, or if they allow the Enemy to hinder them. All I need is their gently descends where She is beckoned and invited and asked to
will on My side and a little bit of their cooperation, and they'll be come. She won't land where She's not welcome, nor will she
able to rise above anything. share a crowded heart that's filled with any other idol and false
So, cheer up! There's hope! A lot of hope! I can do a lot more, god and fallacy this world has to offer.
even with the little that you see, than you've ever fathomed. I can
do all things through those who let Me strengthen them!
302 _________________________________________________
Pride causes folks to have a hard time dealing with their
298 _________________________________________________ faults. They refuse the pain it causes them.
Some things you cannot counter with reason, like fear. It's a You'll just have to allow them to move in their own reality that
matter of the heart. You cannot just settle deep human matters they have the faith for, and continue hoping that some day they'll
on a level of logic or pure information. be ready for the rest of it.
There is no clear line between black and white or good and evil
here that you can easily explain... Dealing with the ugly truth would probably solve a lot more
In the end, being a good person, or a bad, is a matter of the heart, problems than hoping they'll just go away.
not just a matter of clear-cut moral rules and standards by which Usually, the Enemy won't just disappear by hoping he'll go away.
one can abide and say, "I am a good person" or "I am righteous." The one thing he can't stand is being exposed and brought out in
One may be keeping all the rules in the book and never have the open, into the light.
broken a single law, and still have a cold, unbelieving heart.
Pride has a way of camouflaging itself as a type of love that is
very dictatorial about what truths it allows in its midst. It's the
299 _________________________________________________ most dangerous type of pride, since it does most of its damage
The Devil is trying to get them all to play the same old game from the inside and largely unrecognized.
since the beginning: they think they can hide from Me. They think
they've got to hide from Me, cover up and be dishonest, keep If you just quietly allow the stream of truth to continue to pour, it
their dark little secrets away from Me, instead of being honest, will do its job of exposing the problem, and getting rid of it, one
open and sharing about everything. As if there was any sense in way or the other, because the darkness just can't resist it.
trying to hide anything from Me. And in the process, you will be purged by it, too, even by the
friction that comes to pass. Call it a refining process, the way
300 _________________________________________________ gold is being refined and brought to its best possible quality. Any
Spiritual short-sightedness comes from the abuse of your impurities that won't allow you to see through it will be purged
spiritual eyes, focusing and glaring too much at the Devil's shiny away...
That's just the development of the world... people growing less & The truth that will liberate you from the bondage and slavery of
less capable of seeing any farther than the end of their noses. the lie and the Father of Lies, will always be good news to My
It's an all-present danger, and protection from it is not something true believers.
you can take for granted or think it will come all by itself. You've One just has to be willing to pay the price for it, and not allow the
got to fight hard to protect your sheep and lambs from the Devil to buy him off with some tempting compromise.
Enemy's poison gases and devices...

303 _________________________________________________
301 _________________________________________________ The "real thing" isn't something physical. The real thing is
Being part of the Real Thing is the severest and most difficult the Spirit. It's not a certain number of individuals as a group, it's
series of tests one can take in this life! a spiritual entity. My Bride is a spiritual entity, and what makes
Only the truly elite and chosen ones can pass those tests, and her the Real Thing is My Spirit. Whenever My Spirit is there, a
I'm not talking about the "smartest" or the "greatest" and person or a group becomes the Real Thing, or part of the Real
obvious "winner" types. Only those who are truly willing to look Thing, because it's partaking of My Spirit.
like the losers in this life have the stuff it takes to become that
kind of a winner, and that's what it takes and what it means to be
following in My footsteps. Too many of My followers still insist on 304 _________________________________________________
wanting to look like the winners... If there's one little way in which you seek the glory for
It’s natural to want to belong to the "winners." yourself, it will fire back on you somehow.
It takes a whole lot of desperation, sincerity and humility, a real
My road is not the road to fame and fortune and easy success in whole-hearted effort, to make sure you're really giving all the
this world. glory to Me, and you can't just take it for granted that that's what
The Real Thing doesn't look very inviting at all. It's difficult, in you'll be doing naturally.
fact, in worldly language, you could describe it, "as tough as
Greater saints than you have caught themselves wondering if Life isn't all about constantly collecting new little revelations and
they were doing what they were doing for selfish reasons and bits of wisdom, but about learning to apply them. Until you make
motivations of putting themselves in the limelight. them real and make them happen in your life, it's all just so much
The natural thing is to want the love and attention for what you're head-stuffing.
doing yourself. The supernatural thing to do, that which only I
can enable you to do, is to do it all with only one purpose and
intention, and that is to glorify Me and Me alone, and it doesn't 307 _________________________________________________
exactly come natural to you, nor is it always easy for everyone. While the Devil has most of the church Christians distracted
It isn't even easy to recognize that you're not doing it. That's why with his war games in which they're pretending to be fighting
so many false prophets out there keep preaching without evil, or simply duped into fighting for him, while they think
realizing that My light has gone out in them. they're fighting on My side, you are My real warriors, and the
Devil knows who his enemies are.
So, you must make a greater effort to seek My glory alone. And He knows he doesn't have to worry about those lukewarm church
one way of doing that is by praying more for My guidance in the people; he's practically got them in the sack. He couldn't stop
things you're doing. Seeking Me and making sure you're getting them from becoming Christians, but he was sure successful at
ahold of Me with an attitude of nothing else matters. stopping them from ever being anything like revolutionary
Make sure it is Me you want to show off, not your own wit and Christians.
talents! They just did what they have always done: clear the heathen
They’re not interested in the element of self. They want pure temples of their idols, put a few crosses in them and convert
beauty. And they can only enjoy it, if there has been enough them into "Christian temples," never ever paying heed to the fact
humility on your part to make sure that you don't care who gets that I don't dwell in temples made with hands, but that the Father
the glory, as long as I get it. seeks to be worshiped in spirit and truth.
They just took the heathen idols out of their part of the System,
Making sure that I get all of the glory takes quietness and replaced them with Christian symbols and idols, and called it
stillness of heart, because it takes time to find out what it is that I "Christianity," all the while never having to leave their
really want. comfortable situation in the System.
They have their "presidential prayer teams" praying for the
If people see you in it more than Me, or instead of Me, then it's no troops who are slaughtering the innocents by the tens of
good... thousands. No wonder the world is getting sick of Christianity. If
You've got to duck & get out of sight. Otherwise, it's also you that's Christianity, I don't want to have anything to do with it, and
they're going to try to hit. There are various dangers involved in I don't. They're going to have to reap the repercussions and
letting them see you, instead of keeping your camera focused on consequences of their actions themselves, and they will have to
Me. bear My "Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew
They will blame you for anything you said that wasn't politically you."
correct, that came in a spirit of "thus say I, not the Lord."

It isn't always easy to do all things purely for the right reasons... 308 _________________________________________________
That's why I'm helping you remember, and one of the ways I do The Enemy is trying to create his own reality for his dupes, in
that is, usually, by allowing things to go a bit haywire... which people like you are the "bad guys," and if you weren't
When things go wrong, you wonder, "Why did they go wrong?" around, everything would be "nice and clean," a wonderfully
And that's when you can think about what you may have done working, happy System.
wrong that caused things to go haywire... It's humbling, but it's In My reality it's the other way around: you are the good guys,
necessary. because you're telling the truth and exposing the System and its
puppeteer behind the scenes, and how evil it really is.

305 _________________________________________________ It's the Devil's type of "perfectionism:" "Ethnic cleansing" and
You've got to make a conscious effort to get it into a more racism has all been his own idea, because he would like to create
positive mode, because otherwise, there will always be negative tons of little carbon copies of himself, very much like "Mr. Smith"
things to criticize, and you'll never be happy... in the 3rd issue of "Matrix." Satan is a lot like "Mr. Smith," in that
he detests mankind, and if anything, wants to absorb and
One sure way of becoming that way is to be staring at the Devil's assimilate them into his system, and convert them into his
shiny and unrealistic temptations, which cause you to be obedient slaves, totally yielded to him, without any will of their
discontent with what you've got. own. He may pretend to be the hero of the "free thinkers," but in
You're not thankful for what you've got and are wishing you had reality, he's not nearly as much into free choice as I am, as his
something better, and that's why you're trying to find fault with "New World Order" will show, at the latest when he will make the
what you have. mark obligatory for anyone who wishes to survive...
He's really a dictator at heart, and all his "goodie-goodie" show
Lack of appreciation usually causes one to lose what they have, that he's pulling off right now, of being a promoter of democracy,
not to gain more. In order to be given more, you've first got to be etc., and "let the kids have some fun," is just that: pure show. As
faithful with what you've got, and in order to be faithful with it, soon as they're all in the trap, he's going to pull the plug, and the
you've got to appreciate it first. fun will be over, once and for all.
It's not going to be called the "Great Tribulation" for nothing: the
Focus on the positive! fun will be over, period.
He's going to come up with what he's really good at - the only
thing: creating hell on earth.
306 _________________________________________________ He'll show his true face, eventually.
You need a positive predisposition and attitude when you
listen. You need to turn on your "ready" button: "ready to learn
something," "ready to absorb something." Even if it isn't 309 _________________________________________________
anything new. The hardships... Of course, you mind them, especially in the
Say something positive: "That's a good point," or "good face of the fact that others seem to be dodging them. They do
thought," or "Thanks for reminding me of that," or just "Amen." look smarter, somewhat... They do seem more blessed... on the
surface. They do seem happier, or luckier, with big fancy houses,
living in a lovely, temperate climate, while you're freezing in this who just flow with the current trend and hit the nerve of
country you sometimes feel like comparing to hell itself, where popularity of the times... What makes one really great is the guts
the people don't specially seem to be fond of you or appreciate to be different, no matter what anyone says.
you, one of the leading AC strong holds in the world, right in the
center of his future empire, that's slowly coming to pass and is There were many popular artists in the days of Mozart, while he
being prepared by his forces from behind the scenes, unseen by had to live in relative poverty. He just didn't hit the nerve of his
the oblivious masses... time. Another kind of sound was popular during his time, than
what he created. But his lived on forever...
I admit, you haven't chosen the more desirable fate, or rather,
you have allowed Me to choose a less pleasant one for you than But that kind of anointing does have its price. Songs that last
what others have, and it's natural that you start comparing and aren't usually written by party tigers. More often than not, they're
wonder, "Wait a minute. What am I doing wrong here? Everybody composed by those considered the party poopers of their times,
else seems to be having all this fun... What am I doing here in the ones that always have to bring up unpleasant and convicting
this God-forsaken place? My God, my God; why hast Thou subjects, that make you think about things no one wishes to
forsaken me?..." think about.
Nobody wants to be the one hanging on the cross and feeling Yet it's the confrontation with the unpleasant thought that evokes
forsaken not only by the world, but sometimes even by God the kind of changes that have been the driving force behind
Himself... Who can blame you? history, like the spirit of the song "Amazing Grace," that freed the
But then, what would you rather consider truly walking in My world from slavery. The man who received that song from Me
footsteps? Taking the easy way out and slurping Pina coladas was a man living in relative solitude...
under the tropical sun, or going this way of the cross - the way I'm giving you songs that will free the spiritual slaves of your
down to the death of the flesh, the way the flesh does not want? times, and of the times to come....

I don't blame you for being tempted to chicken out and take the There are changes coming up that are beyond their grasp,
easier, the more comfortable path, especially when everybody because all they focus on and deal with is the immediate, what's
else seems to be taking it, and you seem to be the only dummies right in front of their noses. They're spiritually short-sighted, they
who are missing out on all the fun... lack the vision for the future, and thus they can't relate to tunes
But believe Me, there would have been other places that some of and melodies of the future.
My great heroes of the faith sometimes would have rather been, So, don't let any attacks from the Enemy discourage you, but be
than the deserted, not-always-promising mission fields I had honored that you're counted worthy to suffer relative solitude
called them to. along with most of My other truly greats who changed the course
They were pioneers. They could see what others could not see. of history, even though what they did didn't seem to be very
They made history, the others didn't. promising at the time.
Time will tell which is the true gold of My anointing: which will
So, consider these days you're living in right now - even though fade, and which will last.
they may seem somewhat solitary times, cut off from all the rest
of the hive and from where it's "really happening," the times
during which I most likely am able to use you most, the times of 310 _________________________________________________
which someday you might also say, "Yes, those were hard days, You need to deal with your weakness and find out what it is
but they were the times during which I was used most by the that made Me allow you to have it, and why it is you're having to
Lord." struggle with it. As in everything, there is a purpose behind your
weaknesses and sins, too.
Remember the common attitude people throughout history had
toward those that I had anointed and raised above their own You may have been striving the wrong way or for the wrong
heads in some way: things and goals in life, and I can teach you how to strive and run
Moses - "Who made thee to rule over us?..." properly, and strive for the right goals, and using the right means
Joseph - "Here comes the dreamer..." to get there, namely My power and strength, not your own.
Nehemiah - "Come down from that high and mighty wall of If I can get you to do whatever it is you're going to be doing in My
yours..." strength, My Spirit, My power and by My grace, then My goal in
Samson - he wasn't exactly popular during his lifetime among his your life is accomplished.
own people, and subject to criticism and gossip, especially If I can get you to cease doing it in your own energy, in your own
because of his affection for women, particularly women that were wisdom, with your own efforts, then I've driven the point home
not really part of the "clan..." and the lesson is learned.
Gideon - "Who does he think he is, sending the rest of us home
again, and how does he think he's going to win a battle against You can't really love a sinner, if you're not willing to at least
an army with 300?" temporarily accept him the way he is, including his sin, knowing
And then the prophets... What makes you think that they were that I can deliver him from it. But healing someone from their
ever popular? sins doesn't always happen over night...
Look how the people rejected Me, their promised Savior, and how Sometimes you're finding yourselves having to put up for quite a
they resisted Paul, My greatest apostle and mightiest tool in My while longer with some of your own besetting sins than you
hands, without whom Christendom never might have spread the would like, or even someone else's weakness, and you're having
way I had intended. to learn to love the sinner, even if he didn't get rid of his sin yet.
In order to get rid of and overcome certain sins you have to take
They were the outcasts of the outcasts... The ones considered time to deal with them, and show that you have enough love for
weird and "untouchable" by those the world considered weird the sinner - including yourself sometimes - to put up with his sin
and untouchable. That's why they often raised their very own long enough to help find the right cure for it, find out what's the
crop of followers of Mine to Me. They didn't rely and wait on the lesson behind it and the reason I'm allowing it to linger for so
support and popularity from their ranks. long in some cases.
There were always those special few who chose to play the tunes
that I gave them to play, that didn't always say what others I'm using your sins to draw you closer to Me, and make you
wanted to hear, but what I wanted them to hear and chew on. realize that you can't do it without Me. Your weaknesses become
the factors I use to draw you to closer dependence on Me and get
That's the price of eternal fame, versus the mediocrity of those you to a point of total submission, yieldedness and letting go of
any less than realistic self-image, of any pretended goodness or If you take care of Me, My desires, and My wish that My
wanna-be perfection that isn't really there. message should be spread around the world, I will also take care
of your needs.
Perhaps I'm using one sin to help you overcome another.
Perhaps your laziness is one of My greatest tools to keep your Even if it sometimes seems as if you're landing right in the same
pride in check, for instance, or jealousy, to keep your self- mess you've been in before, I'll always pull you out of it again,
righteousness in check, and so on. and each time you're a little stronger and a wee little bit wiser.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't continue seeking My help in The progress may seem insignificant to you, but I, Who pay
order to overcome those weaknesses, and it doesn't mean that attention to infinitesimal details, know better, and see things
you should just passively accept them as "the way you are" and differently.
never make an effort to change. But when there is a weakness I don't only see the Big Picture more clearly than you do, but also
that just keeps lingering, sometimes you have to look deeper, the tiny little details, that are too microscopic for your view to
and see what else there may be that I want to show you, besides catch... all the processes taking place beneath the surface.
the usual, surgical method, of "just get a knife and cut it out” and
“good riddance."
Maybe the evil you're focusing on is the lesser of two evils, 313 _________________________________________________
which I'm using in order to help you get rid of the other one... Getting to really know someone takes time.
Your sin actually helps keep you humble, and it also helps Me to If you want to learn how to love, if you want to invest your life in
keep you closer to Me. love and dedicate your life to that purpose and make it a life of
love, then it's going to cost you all the time you have.
So, sometimes your "thorn in the flesh" is actually a useful
device that can keep in check some other aspect of the ever You cannot spend some of that time on serving other gods.
present and prevalent sin of pride, or the urge of self to unfold It always pulls you back in the opposite direction.
and manifest itself in some great accomplishment, and it can The longer you walk this road, the more you realize, you can only
certainly help to give Me the glory for anything you accomplish in walk it if you give it all you've got. Any compromise or anything
spite of your weakness! you withhold becomes a major obstacle or detour and usually
turns out to be a trap and distraction of the Enemy.
There are 2 sides to nearly everything. There is a good and a bad
side to even all apparently bad things, as well as to seemingly Happiness is something received by the act of giving Me your
purely good things. That's one of the side effects of the curse, time. If you give Me your time, I will give you happiness in return.
that everything has a shadow side to it, a dark side. Even
sunshine: you get too much of it, and it can ruin the crops, or
your health, and cause whole lakes to evaporate... 314 _________________________________________________
Chalk it up to the great party pooper of all times to see to it that You need to make room for others in your life. You have to
even the most perfect aspects of My creation has some clear out some of the clutter, some of the things your self is
drawback to it, a result of the curse. occupied with most of the time, so that there will be more space
Even water, as necessary it is to make all life possible, can also to absorb them. It's risky, and your flesh makes you feel as if
drown you and bring death. that's exactly what you wouldn't want: you want the familiar, that
Too much air can pop the balloon or - in the form of a storm - tear which is approved by you, all that you know is safe & you can
down your house. trust.
But without making room for them in your life, they will just
It's one of the mysteries of creation: the dual nature of things. become more alienated from you, because they will feel that they
No wonder some folks cooked up the Yin and Yang philosophy, will have to establish their own little world, full of their own little
because that dual nature and coexistence of good and evil things, because there was no more room in your world for them,
seems to be prevalent and permeate all of creation. or at least not sufficient...
What they don't see, is that it is a result of the curse which man's
choice to believe Satan, rather than obeying Me, has brought into When the barns of your soul are so full of clutter that there's not
the world, and that this may be the nature of things presently, enough room to house others in there anymore, then it's time to
and temporarily, but it is not the order of things according to My get rid of some of the clutter.
eternal laws. The darker side of things is programmed for It's like a full hand without capacity to receive more, but if you let
elimination, as impossible as that may sound to the carnal mind. go of what's in your hand, another hand can comfortably fit into
They think they probably couldn't live without evil. It's one of the
Devil's ways of making himself "indispensable," at least in some In order for a body, a unit to blend and grow and merge together
people's minds. there has to happen some giving way first.
Well, you and I know better, and there is such a thing as life They won't be open for your input, unless you're open for theirs.
without sin; and life without evil is possible. And we're going to Absorption and integration is the name of the game.
prove it to them, whether they believe it or not.
It's the essence of change vibrating in you that lets others know
you're alive.
311 _________________________________________________ It all depends on how open you are to My input, how adaptable to
Sometimes familiarity between people is the very factor that what I'm bringing into your life...
most hinders anyone from becoming a new creature. They would
like to become one, but the other person won't let them because
they continue to see the old man, the person they used to be, in 315 _________________________________________________
them. My Word is like the magical sword Excalibur, of the tales of
old, that was stuck inside a rock, and only the true king was able
Sometimes I use a third person to help someone become the new to pull it out. Only those who are truly destined to become My
creature they're supposed to be, especially when that person has future kings and queens are able to unfold its truth and make its
the sort of qualities that the one I'm trying to change lacks. magic work. It won't do anything for those who underestimate its
power, and think, "Oh, it's just a rusty old sword stuck in a rock."
Those who know that this is the purpose for which they were
312 _________________________________________________ born, will free it from the rock and wield it, and it will never miss
its target, it's the weapon that makes them invincible. don't need that.
You know there is no other way, no other purpose; nothing else You ought be mature enough not to have to resort to pretending
matters: you've got to retrieve that sword and wield it against the to be the cool guy who's got a smart joke on his lips in answer to
evil Enemy and free the captives from his grip and oppression. all the problems & challenges this life is leading him to face.
Some despise it. They don't see all that it could do for them. It's There are other, better ways to cope and deal with them, like
because I have not made its power obvious. honestly and openly addressing the problem, the fear the hurt,
It's just words. Just an Old Book whose meaning is so hard to the suspicion.
grasp, with many an hard saying in it, who can bear it?
Sure, it sounds more scary than the comfortable way that
It all depends on what constitutes value for you. If you're still enables you to remain in the shadow, allows your feelings to stay
distracted by the things of this world and the whispers and out of the picture, and you can just keep pretending to be the
seductions of the evil one, then you probably won't make the cool guy who is miles above it all, and all those things can't even
whole-hearted effort it takes to draw that sword from the stone. faze him.
Only if you know you were born and chosen to be an overcomer, Well, the time for that game is up, and a new and better game has
one of those who shall obtain a crown of life from Me and who been introduced.
shall rule and reign with Me, will you have the determination it
takes to grab its handle and withdraw it from the grasp of
uselessness. 319 _________________________________________________
It all depends which voices you listen to in your heart: the voices Since love is My commandment, it becomes somewhat
of doubt, or the still small voice of faith... obligatory. Once you voluntarily, out of your own free will and
majesty of choice, made the decision to obey and follow Me, love
becomes a thing you've just got to do, no matter what. There are
316 _________________________________________________ no legitimate excuses for not loving.
It's the crushing of your life that brings forth the beauty of
your songs. It's relatively easy to love Me, Whom you have not seen, but
As soon as someone has reached the top and is comfortable with perceive as perfect, compared to loving those whose faults and
where they are, they "lose it," as you have observed with so shortcomings you see before you all the time. The question is,
many singers in the world: they lose that desperation, that heart how real is your love? How far does it go? How long does it last
cry that makes their songs real. with those less than perfect?
As long as you stay unrecognized, rejected, unwanted and It's easy to love those who do you good, when they do you good.
persecuted, as long as you are forced to cling to Me and Me And then? Don't you think you ought to train your capacities to
alone in desperation, and you have no other "substitute" to love to go a little bit beyond that point?
threaten to take My place in your life, you can be assured that the
"honey" will flow forth from your life. Otherwise it's just like the Devil's justice - or his idea of "love,"
which rewards only the deserving. That's why he's constantly
The Devil really is god in this world, while I am the Stranger, and accusing you - My saints - before Me, asking Me to withhold My
all My true followers have been pilgrims and strangers, unwanted blessings from you because you don't deserve them. He thinks
outcasts. it's utterly unfair that I should bestow My blessings, My love, My
protection and care on disloyal and weak, undeserving
The sufferings are precisely the factors that make you appreciate characters.
Me and all I am for you, and they draw you to Me in a way that all I just happen to have more faith in you and more patience with
the good times in the world never could. you than he does. How about you? Is your love as short-lived
and as accomplishment-oriented as his? Does it only go to the
"deserving?" Or am I your Teacher, Who prayed on the cross for
317 _________________________________________________ those who put Me there, "Father, forgive them, for they know not
You ask Me for your daily bread and safety and all sorts of what they do?"
things, but why don't you just ask Me for more love, if that's what
you need? What's your standard of love? What's the measure you go by?
"Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." What is My will? Are you being stingy with your love?
That people love each other. So, ask Me to help you to love more!
"Thy will be done" means, "let there be more love," for if the The Standard of Love is an eternal, timeless standard. It's an
greatest commandment is to love, then it's obvious that that's unconditional standard. It's the Standard of the Eternal, as
what My will is. If you're asking for My will to be done, what do opposed to the finite standards of the temporal world, all of
you think My will is? Peace and truth and righteousness and all which will cease and come to an end.
those things, yes, but how do they come about? By love.
When you consider your accomplishments, your works, and
While it's somewhat important to recognize the weak spots in everything you did throughout your day, how do they measure
people, and not be fooled into thinking they're not there, it's also up, against the Standard of Love? How much remains when all
important to rise above them, just as you would any other else is stripped from it, except for love, and how much love you
obstacle. Sins and weaknesses are for overcoming and fighting came up with?
and winning the victory over them.
If you see a weakness in somebody, start seeking a way to try to All other standards will eventually fail and cease.
help them overcome it with My help. If you see the problem, do
something about it, look for a solution, don't just resign in the
face of it. 320 _________________________________________________
So much is up for you to do... or to ask Me to do... The secret of families in the old days was necessity.
The reason why they clung together through thick and thin, no
matter to what degree individual interests may have differed, was
318 _________________________________________________ that it was necessary for them, in order to survive.
Showing and admitting your vulnerability after you've been Kids in those days were not just asked timidly, "Oh, and would
hurt requires humility. you mind helping us with the work out on the field today? That
You don't have to camouflage your hurt as cynicism. would be so nice!" - They had to, or else their whole family might
That’s just another one of those "games people play," and you not have survived the winter, and they might have starved.
Necessity was the glue that kept them together, and that's And if you determine that this is what you're going to stick to and
precisely the stuff that's being eliminated from today's families follow through with, then you should not do it grudgingly, but
and from society today. People don't need each other anymore. wholeheartedly.
Don't look at the half-heartedness of others. Just make sure
Things simply won't get accomplished if you keep on waiting for you're not a half-heart yourself! After all, there won't be any
people to develop interest! The Devil is a much too cunning legitimate excuses for not having given your all, such as, "Well,
master at the art of distraction, in order for anyone to develop they didn't give their all, so I didn't, either..." That sounds pretty
sufficient interest in doing My will voluntarily, just because it lame, doesn't it?
happens to be so interesting. "Necessity is laid unto me to
preach the gospel" (1Cor.9:16). The only thing that works is that
you realize you need to do it, whether you feel like it, whether it 323 _________________________________________________
happens to be your particular field of interest, or not! I'm trying to teach you to get a vision for something that may
yield other results than the usual immediate cash-on-hand
You cannot just let a child do whatever he or she wants, and gratification.
whatever they're craving and feel like doing, no matter how You're doing your best to be a testimony and a witness... You're
"noble," how "democratic" and how politically correct it may trying to pioneer new methods, new ministries...
appear in the eyes of today's society! They don't always immediately render tangible success.
You want to appear as "correct" in the eyes of your children in Even in the world, there are lots of folks starting out on new
this aspect: "I never forced you to do anything you didn't want enterprises, not all of which wind up being successful. Well, at
to." But the sad answer one day may well be, "Well, perhaps least they had the guts to try out something new.
that's precisely what you should have!" "You should have They have found out that somehow life goes on.
stopped me from doing my own silly thing, and you should have
been more pervasive in your efforts to get me to do God's will Sometimes you just have to get through the not-so-good days
instead!" and trust that I'm in them, too, even if you can't see Me or feel
that's the way it used to be in families: you had to do certain It's those times of uncertainty that serve best to make sure you
things, whether you liked them or not! But by today's concept of become certain of your cause, because you question, and
families, that's taboo! You don't force a child to do things they accordingly you receive answers, which strengthen and solidify
don't want to do, because that might be labeled "child labor." your convictions and resolve.

Sometimes you've simply got to realize that you're doing people You ask Me, "Lord, are You sure, this is still the right way?" And I
a huge favor by making them do certain things that may never say, "Yes, I'm sure. Keep Walking!" "This is the way, walk ye in
occur to them out of their own incentive! it." I'm saying, "It's okay, even if it may seem a bit strange and
dim, and this is not exactly the rose-strewn pathway you may
Modern "enlightenment" is not really all that bright, when it have imagined it to be like when you follow God." +
comes down to it. You saw where that track led Me. The path of the perfect will of
God isn't always an immediate, glorious success-story. It's a
I gave young people all their energy not to be wasting it on story of crosses, crucifixions, humiliations, beatings and
selfish endeavors, but to invest it in helping others, those who hardships, which often can make you wonder, "Lord, are You
they ought to show their gratitude to for having raised them, fed sure that this is the right path? Everyone else says it couldn't be.
them and brought them through life successfully to this point. Everyone else says, it's a sign of Your blessings to be affluent,
so, if I'm going down this path, and I'm still dead poor, doesn't
this mean that I'm on the wrong path perhaps?"

Where are all those numbers that testify of your success, the
321 _________________________________________________ affirmation that you were on the right track all along, indeed?
Often that which is conducive to immediate "happiness," or
fulfilling of a temporary craving, will take one in the opposite Well, sometimes it takes a little waiting for that affirmation to
direction as far as their eternal happiness is concerned... their appear, which then also wonderfully brings along the numbers
outcome in the Big Picture. you so anxiously were waiting for, such as the three and five
The biggest enemy and handicap and obstacle in the way of the thousand converts won shortly after Pentecost, the affirmation
Big Picture is the immediate "little" picture, that which appears to for all My believers that in spite of what it seemed, they were on
be so big right in front of your noses, like the carrot on a string God's chosen path, after all...
on a stick held in front of the donkey's nose... That which you
immediately want and makes you run blindly into a certain Read the tales of Paul and all the hardships he had to endure,
direction: "I want it, I want it..." often with no evidence that he was on the right path except that I
would tell him so, which would lead him to the conclusion that
Learning to decline, and not yield to the immediate temptation of would continue to spur him on in spite of any circumstances: "I
what one wants in the present, is one of the major contributors of know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to
beauty to the outcome of the Big Picture; the rare exception of keep that which I have committed unto him against that day"
those who did not give in to the urges of the here and now. (2Tim.1:12).

That's what vision is. It keeps your eyes on the goal in the Do you still know Whom you have believed, even when the
distance and thus keeps you from becoming distracted by the circumstances aren't all that rosy, or you feel useless,
immediate little issues of here and now and instant satisfaction. abandoned, downhearted?
You're willing to chew your way through another rough stretch in My Word promises, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee,"
the faith and hope that the outcome will be well worth it and even when your feelings may imply that I may have done so,
make more than up for it. temporarily.

I need to get your faith to the point where you will know beyond a
322 _________________________________________________ shadow of a doubt that I have not left you nor forsaken you, even
It's relatively easy to want to have Me, your perfect God, for a when all the circumstances and ten thousand voices seem to be
permanent Friend; but what about My earthly representatives? screaming the opposite! "I will never leave thee nor forsake
thee!" That's a promise that ought to be so ingrained in your From a carnal and reasonable aspect what you have seems much
heart and mind that no matter what happens you'll still know that less desirable and downright pitiful compared to the epitome of a
I'm right there, not nudging an inch from your side. "good life" with all of the good works they've got to show forth.
I'm still around, and don't you worry 'bout a thing, no matter how Yet I see things in a slightly different way.
bleak it may seem!
There's yet another step further to go in one's dedication for Me,
During the rosy times it’s easy to assume that I'm around. The and that is the humble, lowly way of the cross, the only path that
"evidence" seems to be all over: "The sun is shining, the birds truly brings Salvation, not merely healing to souls, bodies and
are chirping, the flowers blooming, and all the bills are paid. spirits.
Yeah, certainly God loves me." But I need you to know with that The gift of healing is indeed a good and necessary one, but what
same assurance that I love you when the sun is not shining, about Salvation?
there are no birds and flowers, and you don't know yet how
you're going to pay those bills! My most popular works of healing the lame, the blind and leprous
and feeding the multitudes were not comparable to the act of
Even when things ought to be different, and you ought to be taking up that cross in order to bring Salvation to mankind.
doing better, I am the One to decide in which aspect you ought to
be doing better, and if I decide, "Now it's time for another lesson Remember that story about the Roman soldier who had a
on trust," then you're just going to have to learn how to trust Me, terminal disease, and he knew he had nothing to lose, so he was
even when it seems as if you're failing the rest of the world. one of the most relentless fighters for the empire. In recognition
of his valiant services, he was granted medical treatment to be
cured from his disease, and afterwards he wasn't the same
324 _________________________________________________ relentless fighter anymore, but sought to protect himself.
What's the right balance between being used by Me in spite Freedom is still and after all, just another word for "nothing left
of yourselves and being used by Me because of yourselves and to lose." You can't really say that all those people who have got
something that you do? so much to lose are totally free. Especially once their lives have
How much do I rely on the part you must do? been fixed up so nicely. They're definitely not free of their
illusions and lies about the System!
Teaching people to defend only their own, individual "territory," Sometimes the greatest obstacle to total freedom is the illusion
their own personality, is good and needed, but the Devil isn't of freedom. "You're free from your addiction to recognition from
nearly as scared of this rather selfish approach as he is of one people." That's good, but does that mean they are now totally
honest soul winner, who is not interested in fixing up and free? What about the illusion that there's nothing dreadfully
improving himself, but lays down his life in order for others to be wrong with their System, their country, their leadership, and that
saved. there is no war being waged on the poor and innocents in the
Success-type Christians don't get their hands dirty like that. It
doesn't look good. This kind of message is naturally a lot more popular than
painting bleak and dark End time scenarios, since it also brings
The art of spiritual self-defense on an individual level cannot be immediate improvement and relief from spiritual ails, instead of
compared to the universal spiritual warfare. having to plague oneself with further issues of confrontation
You may look miserable, lying there in the trenches, in the mud, concerning the global political and economical situation.
dirty, stinking and uncomfortable, fighting life-and-death combat But implying that this is the message that counts negates or
on the dark battle fields of this world, compared to the nice and undermines the importance of the other one, which, in My
shiny practice of spiritual self-defense of those sheltered people opinion, is more important. What are all those nice and spiritually
in their ivory towers, in their clean white (spiritual) judo suits. groomed Christians trained in the art of self-defense going to do
But when it comes down to handing out the medals to the ones against the flood of evil that is sweeping the rest of the world?
who will have been instrumental in winning the global and What are they doing in order to really establish My Kingdom on
universal war for Me, you can imagine, which type of warfare will earth, apart from fixing up their own individual little kingdoms?
have had the greater impact. What applies here is the same counsel that I gave the people in
respect to the Pharisees: do what they tell you, but don't
Judo does not inflict any harm on your enemy, it just teaches necessarily follow their sample. You might learn something from
how to keep the Enemy at bay, in order to enable one to live a life what this kind of people have to say, but don't necessarily think
"free of conflict." that that's all the truth there is and the end of it. When it comes to
Whereas you are being taught to prepare for the greatest conflict truly offering the world an alternative to its Godless and ruthless
there ever was between My Cause and the Devil's, My side and System, then the truth does look somewhat different than the
the Devil's, My people and the Devil's. picture these people portray, and their picture differs largely from
the one not only I see, but also the reality of billions of other
Not being aware of the greater spiritual warfare can become a people, who might not be able to afford their 4-step self-
dangerous illusion and deception: you think that just because improvement programs, however divinely inspired they may be.
you get a grip over your personal problems and the evil
manifested in your own life, the world is going to be a better
place from now on, and the Devil isn't really up to anything else, 325 _________________________________________________
like taking over the world, preparing the world for his own world Once you've established an excellent line of communications
order, and the final implementation of his mark. with Me, you'll probably also find that your communications with
All the attention is drawn toward overcoming personal problems others will increase and improve.
- which is all good and has its place - but there is no focus
whatsoever on the evil the Devil is perpetrating in the rest of the It is important that you establish clear lines of communication
world. The attitude behind that is, "Let the rest of the world go to with those you're living with.
hell, as long as we can save ourselves." If there are already so many misunderstandings and
misperceptions between you, how much more the Devil is able to
All those good works look nice, but what are all those good hinder clear communication between you and outsiders.
works compared to one immortal soul snatched away from the Communication is something the Enemy is fighting vehemently
claws of the Devil? against. It's one of the areas in which he tries to interfere,
intercept and distort and sow confusion.
Often, the conclusion they come to is, "What do I really know at
A good and strong line of communication with Me is the all?" All their former concepts and truths are being tossed over a
foundation. Next you need to have good communications with heap, and they realize they've got to start anew and build a
those you live with, and then you can worry about your different concept, a different life, or a different family, a different
communications with the rest of the world. job... Whatever it is they think they need to change.
And it's good. Changes are good for them.
We have to strengthen and fortify the cell from its core, before
you can consider cell partition, multiplication and growth. You've I'm having you learn a bit more about the basics of domestic
got to establish and make sure you've got a healthy cell and unit communications before you keep worrying about how you're
first, before you're thinking of making that organism grow. going to impress the rest of the world...
There is such a thing as "natural selection," only that nature You'll want the impression and mark you leave on the world to be
itself doesn't do the selecting, I do. a good one, not just any old one...
Of course, I've got oodles of helpers to join Me in that endeavor,
which aren't recognized by scientists, because they can't see'em,
and so, because they can't see what's going on, they accredit it 326 _________________________________________________
all to "nature." They don't recognize that nature has a Source. You've got to have your own house, your own unit, in order,
They don't realize that there's more to nature than meets the eye, before you can start telling the rest of the world what they're
because of the invisible, driving and creative force behind nature. supposed to do. You've got to be the right kind of leader,
shepherd or person in your own little Home, before you can go
You are a bit like those scientists who've been looking for signs out & teach & preach to the world...
of intelligence in outer space, when there was the vastest source You’ve got to clean up your own mess at home, first, before you
of intelligence to be discovered right at home, on the level of the can think about leading the outside world.
tiniest living unit known to man.
There’s a lot more to be revealed and discovered about your No matter what good intentions you may have, people look on
tiniest unit there at home, and it should be enough of a challenge the outside, outward appearances and the sample... What they
for you to deal with, before you start pioneering the vast see interests them more than what they hear. And most people
galaxies. There's a time for everything under the sun, and the see differently than you do, and are attracted by different kinds of
time for exploring the universe hasn't really arrived yet before appearance and presentation than you are...
you've explored your own little universe at home.
How are you going to teach any possibly existing aliens out Just because I asked you to be different did not mean that this
there, millions of light years away, if you haven't even learned the means that your way is better than everybody else's.
basics of communication at home? What are you going to impart I didn't promise you any kind of popularity or immediate
to them when you haven't even learned how to have peace at recognition as a reward for being different.
home, on your own planet, or inside your own four walls?
Focusing on the negative and the lack of love that prevails
What really attracts people and gets their attention is unity and elsewhere is just going to discourage you.
harmony. Focus on Me and drag your focus away not only from the shiny
distractions, but also the discouraging, negative things that
You can't just run off into the rest of the world, much less the would get you to focus on the pit!
universe, half-baked and not really ready for the show.
That's why the Bible says you need to have patience.
Patience is a key to better communications with each other and 327 ________________________________________________
to a better life in general. It's hard to suspect that the greatest source of intelligence
You need to realize you're not in a hurry to get anywhere. There's should lie right in front of man's own noses, instead of out there
no rush trying to save the world all at once, much less the whole in the vastness of space. Likewise, it's often easier to spot the
universe. Once you get a grip over your own life, your own little splinter in someone else's eye than the beam in one's own...
Home and unit, we'll worry about what we can do to improve the But there's always a few minor operations you've got to perform
rest of the universe, but for now, let's keep this lesson at home. at home and on yourself, first, before you're ready to face the
world and help them out with whatever their problems may be:
What do you really know about our line of communication that you've got to wash up, brush your teeth, comb your hair & get
we have right here? You realize that there seems to be some kind dressed, etc. So, there's a certain minimum amount of home
of translation process going on, which probably involves special maintenance required, before you can get involved in any
spirit helpers, just like there are those translation devices inside maintenance work on the outside world...
every living cell, and all those proteins doing all their different Faithfulness in the little things is a great thing well disguised.
Even so, there are many things you still need to learn about Whatever it is that costs you the most and that feels like the
communications with your wife, your children, about not being hardest to do, you can assume that that's precisely what the
so stuck on yourself and your own opinion, and oodles of other Enemy is trying to stop you from doing!
things, before you can enlighten the world with your wisdom.
A lot of folks think they're ready to be let loose on the world There is a certain order required at every basic level of the
before they really are. That's why they often get a surprise. It universe, and at the basis of every smallest unit, in order for
turns out so different from what they imagined it to be like; they things to work. If you just allow them to decay and deteriorate,
become disappointed and disillusioned and withdraw. Life is full there won't be progress, but regress; you'll fall behind instead of
of surprises. And often those surprises, those things that turned making headway.
out so different from the way you expected, are key factors in You will have to take care of things in order for them to continue
making you change. to develop in a positive, favorable and progressive way. If you
That's why people can change so drastically in their personalities neglect them, there'll be chaos, no order, and things will fall
when they mature. apart.
Experience has taught them that life has this quality of tossing
about all their former expectations. Their own little concepts and Energy plus matter plus information makes life possible. You've
perceptions of the world and mindsets simply often don't work got the matter, but then you've got to invest some energy in a
out, and they realize they ought to try a different direction and well-planned, organized, intelligent way, otherwise there will be
head down a different track... no new life, just a slow decay of the old.
Are you decaying or growing? you're not only teaching your child, but you're learning from him
You can make the difference by rolling up your sleeves and also.
pitching in and making it happen!
And that's how it is with evangelizing, witnessing and preaching
the Gospel to every creature, too: as you teach them the Gospel,
328 _________________________________________________ you're first inevitably going to have to learn about their customs,
In the Spirit, the victory is already won. It is already done, their language, and you're going to have to learn about them in
and nothing the Devil could ever do can change that... There's no order to be able to successfully shepherd them and give them
way around it: the victory will be won and has already been won what they need.
by Me. That's why it has all been written down already. "Thus it It takes time and trust to tune into such seemingly insignificant
has been written; thus shall it be done." Of course, the Devil is matters as a child's world, or the world of a new convert.
saying, "Well, we'll see about that..." You’re not just supposed to be teaching them, but that you're
also supposed to learn from them.
Realizing that evil works for good gives you greater faith in our
Cause. It helps you to praise Me more for when something "bad" If it would have been for the conservative hardliners of the
happens, for you will know, it will just be another stepping stone Jerusalem Early Church, it would probably still be a requirement
toward My future, another gallon of fuel that will get our rocket to for Christians to be circumcised and only eat kosher food. It took
its destination. further learning from Me, as well as from the needs of thousands
of new church members who were not Jews, to find out what the
That's the trick: not to resist it, but to yield to My plan; not to real requirements were.
fight it in your own energy, but to trust Me that I have integrated it You can only learn and find out what your children need, by
into My perfect plan, and thus, everything belongs, whether "stooping" to their level, so to speak, and finding out what
short-sighted folks can see it, or not. occupies their world.
It's not fatalism. It's the faith that I can handle anything, and to
those who believe that, and those who love Me, there is nothing If love is your religion, then you have to be open for things that
"wrong." Nothing can go "wrong" for those who trust Me, for I may not belong to your primary circle of your top favorite things
will right all their "wrongs." of interest...
You have to trust that some of these new influences on your life
If you realize that anything the Devil and his ilk can do is only come from My hand also, and as I told Peter, not to call unclean
fuel for My flame, then you can focus more quickly on the greater what I have called clean.
good behind it all, which will make you a lot more attractive to My
sheep. The Enemy is going to be instrumental in bringing about My plan,
What they need is someone who leads the way in full trust and since the world won't be ready for My one-world religion until the
confidence that I am in perfect control. Devil will have imposed his on them. They'll appreciate what I
This doesn't mean that there isn't a war to win and no enemy to have to say, once they'll have known the kind of spirituality or
fight. It just means you won't overestimate him and won't be moral code the Devil had to offer...
intimidated by him, because you'll know in the end, he's only
working for Me. When I came to the world, I didn't come exclusively as its
All he can really do is pester and annoy, but he can't really inflict Teacher. I also learned through the things which I suffered
any real and lasting harm on My chosen ones, as much as he (Heb.5:8). Part of what made Me a good Teacher was being a
may try to prove that the opposite is true. good learner also. You have to be able to absorb what's going on
around you.
Most of the things I learned from mankind were far from the way I
knew things were supposed to be.
329 _________________________________________________ But in learning about the problem, I also learned more about
Kids copy the behavior and attitude they see in adults: if what the solution was going to be.
their parents only display genuine interest for things connected
with their own little grown-up world, and the matters that they Communication is already a big part of the solution. After all, the
happen to be interested in, and show that they don't really have a giving of Myself to the world was a gigantic act of
genuine amount of interest in other things, such as "kids' communication between God and the World. It's a give and take:
matters," for instance, then it's only natural for children to adopt God gave that which He most loved, and He's receiving from the
that same attitude of "you live in your world and I live in mine." world in return.
Often, to their dismay, parents find themselves thus locked out of Eventually, communication between God and men will be
their children's lives when they reach adolescence, and they established to such a degree that He will feel comfortable enough
wonder "what happened?" among men to make His abode with them, right here, on earth
It takes a lot more time, patience, attention and genuine interest (Rev.21:3).
in things that are different and the world of their children, in Total communication, total understanding, total acceptance, total
order to become good parents, than what most parents come up love.
They behave a lot like adolescent kids themselves, when they are
so much into their own world, the world of their own peers and 330 _________________________________________________
things that interest them, unable to open their scope for things Acceptance is a great key in communications: accepting
beyond that. somebody for who and what they are without prejudice.
Once you are willing to overcome your fears and sense of
Communication and "going into all the world to preach the strangeness toward the "other," you'll find out that all they would
gospel" as opposed to only preaching "at home," is all about really appreciate from you is a little help, a listening ear, and
being mature enough to forsake the scope of your own sometimes, just being acknowledged at all.
immediate group of interest, and expand beyond it, to a new one
you may not be familiar with. So many people are unwanted and unloved, and it's almost as if
they feel in the spirit that it's your duty to make up for that:
Parents have to learn how to get onto the level of their kids. Most you're supposed to love them, you're supposed to be the people
of the time they're trying to get them up to theirs, and teach them of love.
the things they know, but being a good parent goes both ways: The people around you need you to believe in them. They figure,
if you're not going to believe in them, being My true 331 _________________________________________________
representatives on earth, then who is? If you're going to be just I have faith in you, and I'm very patient. "Love suffereth long
as biased toward them, just as incredulous or as indifferent as and is kind..." I'm not in a hurry. Maybe you sometimes lose
the rest of the world, then you're taking their last bit of hope patience with yourself, but I don't.
away from them, because you're the hope of the hopeless. If I can believe that you're eventually going to make it, then you
People like you, who put their cards on the other world, give can believe Me for it, too, can't you? At least you can try.
them a tiny ray of hope that there is an alternative. An alternative
they might not feel strong enough to choose for themselves right
now, but just knowing that there is one at all already gives them a 332 _________________________________________________
little hope when all other prospects seem hopeless... I want to teach you to see with your spiritual eyes. When you
look at things with your physical eyes, you're tempted to be
It's natural that kids want to get away with the maximum amount depressed, or not to feel too inspired about life or grateful for
of freedoms and liberties they possibly can. But it is your job as things...
parents to set the limits and provide the security of borders that It takes digging and looking a little deeper until you see what's
say, "Thus far and not further." behind it, and discover My "footprint" or "handwriting" in it all,
By playing big "Mr. Cool and Liberal" you're taking away the until you discover My "code," My hidden message in all the
security of the reins from them that pull them back, away from seemingly mundane and meaningless...
the danger zones. Those danger zones may look harmless to I am the One Who gives meaning to things.
them, intriguing and enticing, but so does many a way that leads
away from Me. Welcome back to the search and quest for the discovery of
You're there to offer a restraining hand and voice of wisdom that meaning, the deeper things you may not see at first glance!
won't just allow them to slip into that dark and shimmering, false,
black light of the Devil that has lured so many into darkness. You've got to put on your Don Quixote vision and see the
beautiful beyond the ugly!
It costs a price to walk the straight and narrow path that leadeth Even the seemingly ugly things are there for a purpose, and they
unto life. Entrance through the door may be for free, but it costs are tokens of My love as well, even if just to prepare you for a
something to stay on that path. more difficult test ahead of you.

You can help them make the right choice by making it extra hard I'm gradually preparing you for what's to come, and I'm also
on them to make the wrong choices. telling you, "Yes, I love you, and I care for you; but remember
Spare them some of the pain by making it tougher on them to also that this world is not your Home, it's not your resting place,
make the wrong choices. nor your permanent and final destination. You're on your way
If you make it hard enough for them to make the wrong choices, somewhere else... Remember you don't belong here; you belong
then they will think twice about making one when they're older. to Me and to My World!"
Nowadays parents not only make it too easy for their children to
make wrong choices, but they will often even encourage them to I've got to make sure you don't feel too much at home in this
make them, because their own lives have been a path of wrong world. As long as I know you feel strange here, and you feel very
choices. strongly that some things aren't right here, that there's got to be
Have the guts to be different. something better elsewhere, I can assume that you're going to
show up at My doorstep, asking Me to take you by the hand and
Am I granting you everything you might possibly want? No. I'm lead you someplace better.
giving you all you need, but not all you want, including not all the
liberties you want, because I know it wouldn't be good for you. I can't fulfill all your dreams and desires right here and now in
I'm a wise parent. I know better what's good for you than you do. this life, or you wouldn't be looking forward to what's there to
A wise parent knows better what's good for their child than he come... You wouldn't be desiring My change and My revolution,
does, whether he might agree with them or not. That's not only My metanoia...
your right, but also your duty as parents. Like this, you keep praying, "Thy Kingdom come!" You know that
it hasn't arrived yet, contrary to the way some Christians seem to
The wrong thing would be to give in. That's what the Devil perceive things.
speculates on, and his secret of success: his false, sugar-candy
coated version of "love," love that knows no restraints, and I have to teach you to stand up for your convictions, stand up for
permits anything, and lets them run right into their own ruin. what you know to be the truth, even if what you believe is not
Sometimes, love consists of the ability to say the word "no." popular, or if it puts you apart, as has happened to a lot of My
Love isn't always saying "yes" whenever your child wants heroes throughout the ages.
something. Love is saying "no" when they want something that's
going to be bad, or even only "2 nd best" for them compared to the If I would let you get away with leading the life you please, you
eternal rewards they're forgoing by not choosing the very best. would hold it against Me when you come Here: "How could You
let me get away with that?"
There's no telling of the rewards they're going to reap for having You don't just want what's seemingly "best" for you, but you
been instrumental in bringing some light into the darkness, apart want what ultimately, and in the scope of Eternity is best for you,
from enabling Me to bless you more as a Home, as a Family: your right?
unity, your happiness, your prosperity. The reward isn't in the here & now.
Allowing them to make the wrong choices could not only be
detrimental to them, but to all of you. Strengthen your heavenly vision and loosen your grip on the
Ask them on which side they want to be in this war. immediate world around you.
Ask them whether they realize how much I need them and how My Kingdom is coming, just hold on a little longer.
valuable they are for My Cause.

Compared to what I see, you're all short-sighted, and all you can 333 _________________________________________________
see is that carrot on a string dangling in front of your noses. But Make sure that what you're writing and singing for is to win
you have to see further. people to Me, to lift Me up, so that I can draw them unto Me. If it's
for any other purpose, then how am I going to be able to use it?
shepherding and being a shepherd, no longer some individual
334 _________________________________________________ "star-sheep:" "Behold the awesome ram!" It's time for saying,
There are more factors to be considerate about, more "Okay, it's your show now. What can I do for you?"
reasons to be more prayerful, and a greater need to check things After all, isn't that what I've been doing all along, the Master
through with Me more thoroughly, otherwise you may regret Shepherd, giving you an example of how it's supposed to be?
things. Show Me what you've learned and picked up from Me! Show Me
who is the greatest among you and can be the servant of all!
Many of My people throughout the ages would have just loved to
stay preaching at home and getting the attention and admiration
from their own kind. 336 _________________________________________________
And it's usually the rejection of those you're trying to reach "It's weird:" you're thinking, "How can people who don't even
within your own borders and familiar harbors that drives you out know You be so much more sacrificial than me, who have known
where I wanted you all along. You for most of my life?" It may surprise you that not all of My
Those who will primarily appreciate what you have to offer are disciples were by nature the sacrificial types. It's just that they
those outside, in the world, who haven't got Me yet to take for did what they had to, what I had commanded them to do... some
granted... earlier, some later.
I'm desperate for those who don't know Me yet and will Sometimes the Devil uses some strain of success as a big
appreciate Me as the Savior and Salvation that I am and will be to distraction from keeping My people going in the direction I want
them, as compared to those who have been so comfy-cozy with them to go. With the Early Church, it was partly their initial
Me all their lives that they don't know sometimes whether to success in Jerusalem that kept them from going into all the world
consider Me a blessing or a curse... as I had wanted them to.
Your job is bringing new faith to those who haven't got any yet. In the end, they all learned to be obedient disciples and apostles,
even though some had to be persuaded into doing their job for
Me, and yet others had to be driven by the sword of persecution
335 _________________________________________________ to do it...
Whatever lesson I try to teach you always brings home the
point better when there's a real life experience attached with it. Those who don't believe in Me, don't have the Devil to fight
against, and thus often have an easier time doing good than My
It's an "all hands on deck" situation, and I need all the man- children. The Devil uses it to point his finger and say, "You see,
power I can for this endeavor, and I cannot spare any. those guys don't even believe in You, and yet accomplish more
This is the real thing, not a drill, and this hour is the purpose for good than those who follow You!"
which I have ordained you. He generally makes it easier to be good on people who don't
Any effort not dedicated to this united attack, in My eyes would officially believe in Me, and thus don't give Me the credit for it,
be time wasted. and instead he tries to see to it that My own folks besmirch My
name and the name of My Cause as much as he can.
There is a time for everything under the sun, and the mills of My
judgments grind slowly. My responses are well-planned and well- Without taking into consideration the existence of the Enemy and
prepared. all that he's up to, things really don't make any sense... No
wonder people get confused. It only becomes clear once you
Peter was always quick to answer a matter from the top of his realize what he's up to and how he's scheming behind the
head and often stuck his foot in his mouth and made a fool of scenes, and what his purpose and goal is.
himself. He would overestimate himself, his courage and his
loyalty, and boasted, "Though all will forsake you, yet I won't."
And he really wanted to be brave... But that artificial display of 337 _________________________________________________
boldness often isn't the real thing. Learn to value people just for being people, and not for
Real boldness is not a lot of words, no hot air, no "But make sure whatever they may be able to do for you...
to be giving me the credit for this." It just does it!
Success thinkers are trying to be somebody. Nobodies are
Peter may have been the leader, but John was a steady force that simply not interesting for them. Somebodies are recognized by
outlasted him. their outward appearances and status symbols. You have none.
It's because love is a stronger force than a hot head... How unimpressive...
Love is something steadier, than that attitude of, "I'm gonna
show'em..." On the other hand, this enables you to recognize those who
Love simply does it, while the rest of them are still talking about merely cleave to you with flatteries; who are interested in you for
it. what you might have to give them and what you might contribute
Love is the trump card. Love is the winner. Love really does it. to their cause, as opposed to those who recognize the values
Love renders. Love is IT. that really count.
There's nothing like love. Anything else looks pale in
comparison. There's just nothing like it, period. Success type of people are not so much defined by their
relationship with Me, and by who they really are when they stand
It's time to let the little ones shine! Those who still have the stripped naked of all other factors, alone before Me, but more by
energy, the spunk for it and who know that this is what they have the things they do and accomplish, and the people they
been created for in the first place. They exist for Me, and you associate with.
exist for them.
Here is humility. Here is wisdom. Who can be the humble, lowly Even their idea of heaven is different.
ground to catch these little ones who shine for Me, without
insisting on being the stars of the show themselves? Who can let Well, that's the neat thing abut heaven: everybody can have their
shine those whose due it is to shine? Who can get out of the way dreams fulfilled there, and yet it will all blend together somehow.
and clear the stage for My real stars?
Who can put their own pet projects aside in order to support and A little glimpse of Heaven will direct your focus away from those
sustain My champions? temporal matters that disturb you.
They need you to be there for them! You may not be able to look eye-to-eye with some of your more
It's time to be there for your real job! It's shepherd-time! Time for earthly minded brethren yet, have not much in common with
them at this time, but the time will come, when you'll all blend usefulness, glory and honor, when My way of focusing outwardly
together perfectly, as one. is something a lot more down to earth: on a level of personal
It's really something to look forward to: all your differences relationships.
melded together by My love and the heat of the battles you'll
have been through in this life. Even presently seemingly It’s all about communication, tuning in to each other, being
insurmountable differences will be as though they never were. considerate of each other, each other's needs, and being of a
helpful attitude toward each other.
One of the greatest hindrances in this is the suspicion the Enemy
338 _________________________________________________ sows by making you doubt others' motives and truthfulness.
Since history is all about recognizing the difference between You've got to keep believing in your people. You've got to project
good and evil, it's obvious that not everybody can tell the something good into them, instead of the doubts & negativity the
difference from the start, otherwise, there would be no need for a Enemy would cast over them in your mind's eye.
lesson. If you keep in mind what I told you about seeing them the way I
What may look innocent and okay to some, may turn out in the see them, namely the way I know they're going to be, then you
end not to have been so innocent at all: a little curiosity by the realize it's not a mistake to be looking at others in a positive
first woman causing the Fall of all of mankind, the seemingly light.
innocent taste of a fruit that seemed to promise knowledge... It's It's okay to believe in yourselves, so it's definitely also okay to
really not always that obvious, what is really good and what is believe in each other. You must not always be so suspicious of
bad, unless you have come to experience it by the fruits of it. each other!
Afterwards you can tell the difference, and you say, "What have I Remember that everything, including your flaws and their flaws,
done?" And you repent of your evil. works together for your good: I can use it all.
And it's never too late to repent. It may get more difficult, with So if you manage to see them as a part of it and trust Me for it,
time, to overcome old habits, but nothing is impossible to him and see them as something ultimately good, instead of so terribly
that believeth. bad, then it's going to help you to have a more trustful attitude
What I want is that you develop some conviction against evil! I toward people. It will help you to trust Me more for them, and
want you to recognize it for what it is, not accept it as an thus to trust them more, too.
"innocent" little "part of it all." It's true, it is a part of it all, but it's "If you can't trust your leaders, at least you can trust the Lord for
the part I want you to get rid of. Life is a pathway of choosing your leaders." That also applies to the mistakes that were made: I
what things are there to keep, and what things are there to get rid used each and everyone of their mistakes as lessons, as tests,
of. for all kinds of purposes in order to make the Family, or even the
world, what it is today, for the same also applies to world leaders.
Some things you just cannot simply accept or live with. They All the terrible ways in which today's unwise leaders are leading
may seem innocent and harmless to you, but just because the world down the drain serve My greater purpose of bringing
everybody does it, does that make it good? about the Endtime scenario: It's all getting to the point where
they will desperately need supernatural help and guidance. And
You need to be aware of the influence people are having on you. so, first the Devil will have his turn, through the Antichrist, and
The Devil is going to try to destroy your testimony if he can! So upon having failed utterly, the world will finally be ready for My
the question is, are you going to let him? supernatural intervention.
So, if things were a lot better than they are, it would mean that
The way to get rid of the darkness is by letting the light in. If you the time of My Coming would still be more in the distance. But
avail yourself of the power that is in My Word, and you fill your like with things becoming so bad, you can tell, "Oh, redemption
mouth with My praises to the extent that there won't be any room must be drawing nigh" (Lk.21:28).
left for the negative words of the Devil, then you've got the
problem solved. One of the dangers of highly intelligent people is that they tend
How serious are you about proclaiming My Word? to become bitter and sarcastic about everything. That's definitely
not My solution, nor My way. Like this, they become part of the
It’s not all about what's inside and how you feel! What's more problem, instead of part of the solution; part of the negative
important is what goes out and how you affect the world. Not forces, instead of part of the positive forces that are supposed to
what goes into the body makes a man unclean, but what comes make a difference.
out of his mouth (Mt.15:11)! You're simply not prepared for the way the Devil sics you onto
each other, makes you suspicious and distrustful of each other,
when you walk through your day without My heavenly guidance
339 _________________________________________________ and input.
Never feel condemned about your mistakes. They're a part of It's the only thing that can keep your vision clear and pure of any
it all. of that dark and negative input from the Enemy about each other,
The nature of My saving grace is such that your mistakes won't the world, and just about everything. The Devil likes to pull
annul your good qualities, and I will still use your good qualities everything through the mud, because like this he can influence
regardless and in spite of your bad ones. you to the point where you lose your zest, your vision, your
Otherwise, if I'd be only waiting to find perfect and flawless inspiration for life.
vessels to fill, I'd never find anybody to use and work with. Even He's coming at you from so many angles simultaneously in this
Mother Teresa had her doubts, trials and battles. It came as a day and age that I have to make an extra effort to help you be
shock for the world, but you know better. There is no such thing aware of his devices. Only I can give you the input you need to
as a perfect saint. The verse still is true; "For we have this help you be grateful for life in spite of the black, gloomy picture
treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may the Enemy likes to draw of everything.
be of God, and not of us" (2Cor.4:7). He tries a different tactic with everyone: for those he's trying to
lure away from deep, profound and spiritual things, he's painting
One of the big lessons is the importance of little things, such as that picture of "everything's honky-dory" and "what are you guys
establishing a good, solid and loving relationship on the smallest all so panicky about?" While those who are already aware that
level, first of all. something's wrong and fishy, he tries to discourage with a
The Enemy tries to distract you with "more important things" in hopeless outlook so that they won't feel like it's any use to try to
order to get your focus off of this greatest mystery of all, so do anything about it in the first place...
close to home. He's trying to get you to focus outwardly in a
wrong way: some "out there" distant glorious future of No matter how bleak things may seem, I'm in perfect control, and
thus it will always be worth it to do what you can to make things Prayer is and will be one of the most important factors, and one
better. of the main themes is to fight in the spirit, not the flesh. Do you
It's never useless or in vain, as long as I'm in it. think that what I have begun in the Spirit, you're now supposed
to complete in the flesh (Gal.3:3)? This is all about becoming
I'm giving you My positive input and incentive for the day, and stout warriors in the Spirit.
then it will be up to you whether you will allow the Enemy to steal
that positive view and outlook on things from your minds, Skepticism toward people stems from putting too much hope in
whether you'll allow him to get you to doubt it or forget it them initially, and then when they let you down, you figure, "I
altogether, or whether you manage to stick to it, cling to it, should have known better," and your outlook on people has
believe it, act on it and remember it. grown another shade dimmer and darker.
I ignite the flame. It's your job to keep the fire burning and keep it What you need to do is see Me in others, and hope and pray that
warm and hot so its radiance will fill My whole house. they'll see Me in you, too. Come to face it: being a Christian is all
about Me. It's not about how good or bad your fellow Christians
are, but it's about the Christ, the One Who came to clean up
340 _________________________________________________ everything, no matter how big the mess is that everyone else
What matters is that you keep going forward with Me and made, including out of this mess called Christianity today.
toward Me, and that you keep making progress in your personal
walk with Me. If all the outer ado represents more of a distraction, Only I am strong enough to uphold and carry you, and that's why
more of a hindrance than a help to that, then I always give you I need you to lean on Me with all your weight and all your
that leeway, that "way to escape" (1Cor.10:13). strength. You can have none other share that pedestal with Me. It
I have come to set you free, not enslave you with another yoke, simply won't work! It's as if you're trying to run your vacuum
and if you feel that a certain yoke that is before you is too heavy, cleaner on two 1.5 Volt batteries.
you've got to make sure whether this is really the one I want you For some things, you need the Real Thing: the full 230 Volt
to bear. Only I can tell whether you're strong enough, and only I current of My power: plug it in, and wooosh, off you go!
can give you the strength to bear it. If I don't give it to you, there
must be a reason for it, and it's your job to find out what it is. Forget about them and think about Me! Only then can you even
think about them and look at them in the proper way. You've got
People see certain mistakes in others, but are incapable of to look at Me first! Without looking at Me first, there's no use
seeing those same mistakes in themselves. It's easier to think of looking anywhere else, because all you'll see will only drag you
oneself as the hero who would do it better under different down. So, come & have a good, long look at Me!
circumstances. It's like all those scientists looking at creation without Me on
Everybody’s trying to change their circumstances to show off their minds, coming to completely wrong conclusions and world
how much better they can do, only to find out that they'll often views: They stare out into space and figure that the earth must
fall flat on their faces. only be one random, coincidental little planet among the
The circumstances they were trying to escape from were put vastness and diversity of the sea of stars and planets. They look
there by My hand for a good reason. at "the evidence" on earth and figure it all must be millions of
All they want is get away from their awful present oppressing years old. What comes out is a worldview of vast, endless
circumstances that in their opinion are the only thing that nothingness and meaninglessness: no plan, no Planner; no
separates them from soaring sky high... purpose, because there is no purpose Giver.
Once they get their "own" set of circumstances, they may find
out it's more like climbing a mountain with a heavy backpack on Even so you look at all that life entails for you, and if you do it
their back than flying... without Me on your mind, you figure, "It's all pointless." But I'm
Only afterwards you often realize that your previous situation, trying to teach you, "Don't look out there, but look unto Me first.
the one you wanted so hard to get away from, was in many ways I'll show you and teach you the point." There is a point, but you
an easier one, but you wouldn't have had it any other way. won't grasp it without Me!
That restlessness, that urge to be off and accomplish something
big of your own to make a name for yourself comes from a lack If your focus really is primarily on Me, and I've got true top
of a close & intimate relationship of close communication with priority among all things and people that are of interest to you
Me. and intrigue you, then you'll be a lot quicker to forgive, and it will
be much easier for you to cope with the failures of others.
You'll look at the dinosaurs and won't see "millions of years,"
341 _________________________________________________ and out into space and won't see the earth as a random speck of
It's not "the survival of the fittest," but "the survival of the dust, but you'll see My hand in it all. Sure, you may be tempted to
closest." The one requirement for being able to survive what's wonder, "Lord, what on earth did You make dinosaurs for?" But
ahead is closeness to Me. And any physical distraction that you you'll reach the conclusion that like everything, I have also made
would put your trust and confidence in, instead of Me, would be a them to illustrate certain things: some people are like huge,
hindrance to that goal. greedy monsters, devouring everything in their path. Some of
those giants are peaceful and slothful, and yet can be dangerous,
I need you to learn the art of dependence on Me, because nobody simply because of their weight and size. My whole creation is full
else is going to be able to help you through what's to come, and of drastic differences in size, and just because some things are
the sooner you learn to get all your strength from Me and to put way bigger than you are, or some stars are way bigger than your
all your trust in Me, the higher are your chances of making it. planet, doesn't make you or earth less relevant. Let it teach you
that size isn't everything! What makes you really precious is what
Your position in relation to those around you ought to be of one you're made of.
who gives and presents support and strength to them, and it has A huge piece of rock or mountain may be impressive, but still not
to be obvious that I am the source of your strength. be worth as much as a fraction of its weight and size in gold. It's
They ought to make sure that I'll be their strength and Source of all about finding the true treasures among the vast rocks in this
all they rely on, too. life.
People are always impressed by size, neglecting the beauty and
It's not as if the situation wasn't urgent. But that's where the importance of little things and thus coming to wrong and
urgency lies: that you finally get the point about who you need to erroneous conclusions. More is sometimes less. A tiny diamond
put your full and total trust in. is more valuable than a ton of rocks. Are you smart enough to
spot the true treasures in life among all the impressive, but often
worthless big and huge things? within your own isolated little worlds, as far apart from each
Are you smart enough to distinguish the true King of kings from other as possible.
among all the mighty and fancy kings of the earth, even though
He was only a humble carpenter? That's what life is all about: You’ve got to determine that you're not going to let him influence
discovering God's mystery in life. If you only focus on the you anymore with his illusions; you've got to refuse to allow him
obvious, you're never going to get it. to taint your perception of things.
If you only look at people, and the way they act, forget it! You've
got to look deeper: at My hidden acts. Though they may be right He's an illusion artist, and he can put on a fairly convincing
in your face, they're hidden to most, because they just can't see show. Are you going to fall for his deception? Are you going to
Me in it. swallow whatever he tells you that sounds so much like truth?
Are you going to let him make you believe that you're better? Or
I allow people to fail so that you won't hinge your faith in them. are you humbly going to remember your own sins that I have
You encounter another person who promises to be a "star of wisely allowed you to commit, precisely in order to prevent that
hope," only to find out that they won't live up to your from happening?
expectations, either. The big impressive spiritual giant falls flat
on his belly and turns out to have been another "dwarf," just like "Remember from whence thou are come." "From dust thou art,
you. and to dust shalt thou return." "He remembereth that you are but
It's because you need to get the point that your hope lies dust..." "Ye have come out of the darkness into His marvelous
elsewhere. Your only hope lies here with Me in the Spirit Realm light."
and with your innumerable helpers, the true giants and reliable
ones. It turns out that ordinary dirt isn't all that ordinary. It turns out
that it's a highly complex environment and basis for all life and
Only I can teach and show you what is true and false, who you nourishment to thrive and become possible on this earth, an
can fully trust, and also where My will for you lies. Something extremely thin and extremely precious layer that used to cover
might sound tempting, and like a nice change, but you've still got the earth and is now dwindling at a shocking rate.
to make very sure that it is My will for you. Even with dirt, you gotta know what you're doin'. And the Devil
doesn't. He just creates his fake, but it doesn't bring forth any
life. So, you've got to discern between "good dirt" and "bad dirt."
342 _________________________________________________ Not all dirt is the same.
The inspiration that stems from the feeling of having The good dirt is what I allow in your life. Call it sin, weakness,
accomplished something in the flesh, is not 100% pure and temptation, trial or testing, sickness, whatever. The bad dirt is
genuine inspiration of My Spirit. what the Devil will try to make out of it, if you discard My good
It's not the same kind of inspiration that caused the explosion of dirt prematurely!
My message at Pentecost, for instance, because the Power of What can originally be good dirt that is necessary to bring forth
that Spirit sought only to promote Me, whereas that other sort of new life, if you discard it too early and think you don't need it,
inspiration seeks to promote your own act, and to secure your can turn into the useless dirt of the Enemy: a real problem with
support and sustenance. self-righteousness and pride, etc., that's going to be really hard
I want your faith and trust for your sustenance to come from the to get rid of.
pure source of preaching My Word.
I would like you to get to the point where it becomes totally clear So not even dirt and dirt are the same.
that I am the One Who provides for you miraculously because You can never just look at the surface and at the appearance.
you are doing My job. And thus you will be able to give Me all the You've got to become a well experienced and wise farmer who
glory for it, and I will be able to bless you with more can distinguish between what kind of dirt will grow good food,
unadulterated portions of My Spirit. and what kind of dirt is useless.

So, don't discard the "bad" things, the unpleasant circumstance I

allow to come into your life prematurely and don't wash it all
away or try to get rid of it by force. Chances are you might need
343 _________________________________________________ that stuff in order to prevent worse trouble from happening to
The Devil and his forces permeate this present reality and you. Maybe those little sins are there to keep you humble and
influence it according to their liking. keep out the really big ones that really can make life a pain for
They go, "C'mon, let's have some fun and mess up God's you!
creation and the beauty of things some more!" Think about it! "Selah!"
When he'll pose as the great "solution giver" through the
antichrist, he'll just tell'em to stop all the things he's been egging
them on to do all along thus far. 344 _________________________________________________
It's not that he would really care about the environment, much When you look at history you'll find that you never hear
less the survival of mankind. He's just interested in lording it out much about those who took the easy way out, who didn't dare to
over creation for as long as he possibly can get away with it, but take the challenge.
he knows his time will be short once he'll be down here for his Esau, who took the easy way out of selling his birthright in order
"grand moment." to fill his stomach on that one fateful occasion, didn't become the
patriarch of My chosen people, but Jacob did. For him, there was
You’ve got to learn to stick to My reality and learn that no matter no such thing as or settling for less.
how chaotic things may seem, I'm still in control.
We have to bring this big lesson for all mankind and the whole You bear less responsibility and thus have more freedoms if you
universe to a close. We've got to wrap it up, and there's just no settle for less and are satisfied with a lower rank. It doesn't
happy ending without his innuendo. necessarily determine your value as a soldier, but it does show
what level of responsibility you have chosen to take on, which
His "programming" works like that: if he can get you to think that again, does show to an extent how much you care for others,
everybody else is stupid and you alone are the only one who's how much of a leader you are.
cool - and if he can manage to do the same with as many people
as possible, then he's already practically won. Because like this It's a question of faith, too. Are you going to let the
you're never going to manage to work together, but you'll all stay circumstances, the state of your vessel, and the appearance of
things, affect you? Or are you going to keep on believing and There are certain types of environment that make it easier for
hoping for the best, in spite of them? To whom or what do you Lethargy and his imps to thrive, just as there are types of
lend greater weight and credibility: to what you see, or to My environment that make it easy for cockroaches, rats, or other
promises, and what I say? pests to thrive. If you make it too comfortable for them, too nice
This has been the great question and challenge of faith of all to resist the temptation, then it's no wonder you'll have them
times. Are you willing to believe My Word more than what you around.
see, the apparent evidence & the facts?
You're learning that facts are subject to interpretation, depending You can't wait for people to develop initiative. You've got to
from which view or angle you're looking at them. What matters, challenge them, and in many cases, tell them specifically what to
is, which one of the two interpretations is the truth. do.
You've got to decide whether you're going to believe in the Jobs left undone will result in blessings forgone.
evidence of things that are seen, or "the evidence of things not
seen," which is the definition of faith (Heb.11:1). You can't reward laziness. It's the worst thing in the world you
can do, because instead of getting rid of it, it will thrive and
From a rational, carnal point of view, and in the light of all that is threaten to take over your lives.
commonly to be expected, it may be very unconventional for Me Laziness is an enemy that needs to be taken seriously, you
to expect of you to believe anything other than what you see. cannot underestimate it or take it lightly. You need to confront it,
But then, I'm in the business of recruiting a more-than-the- deal with it, get rid of it, eliminate it and overcome it, just as you
ordinary lot, a special, and peculiar people of kings and priests would strive against any of the other, perhaps seemingly "more
and future rulers unto Me, who are willing to put greater weight serious" sins. Laziness isn't any less serious. One of its greatest
on what I say, even above that which they see. weapons is that it doesn't seem as dangerous as other, more
After all, that's what walking by faith, not by sight, means: you obvious sins.
walk and act and behave according to the things I say in My It’s just as much rooted in pride as the other sins: You figure,
Word, the source from which your faith comes, as opposed to the why should you do the work, when someone else can do it. In
circumstances of what you see. other words, you consider them your servants and put yourself
above them in your mind, and that's pride.
The world says, "the evidence shows that the world came into
existence out of a long line of coincidences," and some of My I have called you to be one another's servants, and laziness
believers refused to believe that on the grounds of what is said in hinders your doing exactly that. Laziness eggs you on to behave
My Word, and accordingly found new evidence that supported like a little king or queen that everybody else has to serve, and
their belief in My Word. it's one of the greatest problem factors with youth today, and one
key factor in why "women and children shall rule over them"
You're going to have to decide whether you're going to believe (Is.3:12): Children rule because mothers cater to them, and are
the evidence of what you see, or what I say. their executives to make sure that whatever they want is being
"pushed through" before the head of the household. It's very
subtle and sly child psychology. And it happens because nobody
345 _________________________________________________ would ever expect that their "innocent" little darling could
I actually prefer it when somebody sits down and counts the possibly and actually be that deeply rooted in sin already, and
cost first, than empty promises from hot heads that they don't that demons are actually affecting and using them in order to
have what it takes to keep. virtually enslave their parents.
They seem to be all gung ho and nod "yes, yes," but then they
don't even take the time to strengthen themselves for the battle. Discipline is a very important part of love, and without it, there
They don't even consider the possibility that they might be too can be no love in today's world. Sin is something that's got to be
weak for the battle, and that they might actually become a dealt with. Just as it wouldn't be love to never change your
burden to their fellow soldiers, who - although not as "gung ho," baby's diaper or never wash him or his clothes, so it isn't love to
initially, are a bit more serious about the whole thing. It's hard to just let them get away with sin, either.
become enthusiastic about a battle side by side with somebody
who looks like they're going to collapse any minute, just because If you are My child, and if you fight the Devil, you need to be
they didn't even deem it necessary to strengthen themselves. prepared for the Enemy's attacks.
It’s usually the ones who assess what they're doing, before they It's something that's simply bound to happen if you're a Christian
get into it, who really have what it takes to see it through. and fighting on My side, and that you ought to be prepared to
deal with.
There were those who played their marching tunes
enthusiastically into the battle, only to never return. They figured, Of course the Enemy will attack your kids, and try to attack you
of course they would win, of course they had what it took, but through your kids! You must reckon with it to happen, as
they didn't. Nobody ever heard of them again. It takes a little unpleasant as it is. But the more you're prepared for this type of
more than "rah-rah" to win a battle, and we'll see who's really got situation, the more skilled you will become in handling them.
what it takes to make it through this alive. That's why parents of more children usually have an easier time
dealing with such things: they're used to them.
A little circumspection, wisdom, assessment of the situation, and
intelligence, (as in intelligence during warfare), isn't all that
wrong, and maybe pure enthusiasm or optimism isn't exactly 347 _________________________________________________
what it takes to win a war. It's okay to call for help. It's more than okay. He that cries for
If you've done all you could to strengthen yourself and your help, usually finds that he shall be helped.
party, then you have every reason to be optimistic, although you Some people are still quite helpful, even in this day and age!
still shouldn't boast yourself of the morrow or shout "victory" That's why I'm urging you to go and find them, those who feel
before the battle is over. But if you haven't done what you could like they're born to help others, and are looking for ways to do so
in order to strengthen your spirit for the battle, because you were in the most effective way, and sometimes simply don't know how.
busy with "a form of godliness, but without the power thereof,"
then woe is us. It’s all about walking by faith, and not by sight: believing Me for
what I say, rather than what you can see before your eyes.

346 _________________________________________________ You see the relation between the words "white" and "wise?" The
wise have been made white in the purifying fires of My 349 _________________________________________________
chastisement (Dan.12:10), those that are wise and shall shine like If you realize you need to change, or even only that it
the stars (v.3), and they shall be made white during their trials. wouldn't be a bad idea to change, you can't expect that the mere
John saw them in his visions in Revelation, those who were realization alone is going to solve all your problems: "Poof, now
dressed in white, because they had come trough great tribulation I'm changed, presto!"
(Rev.7:9,14). Because then, as soon as the slightest bit goes wrong, you'll
wonder, "What happened? Is that what I get for it?" and you even
The victory is yours already. You cannot lose it. No matter what wonder if your intention to change might be what caused the
the Devil does, he cannot cheat you out of the victory. It's yours problem.
inevitably, no matter what he does. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's just that you haven't
even seriously begun to change yet. You may think, and live in
If you had the faintest clue how loved you are, you would know the delusion that just because you are now willing to change, the
without a doubt that it's worth it all. process of changing is already complete, but that is, of course,
nothing more than wishful thinking.

348 _________________________________________________ The bulk of the work is still ahead of you, and if you let the first
I can't save a sinner who doesn't realize he's a sinner. sign of difficulty dissuade you from seeing it through, then you'll
Change of heart is something you need to seek and want and ask be making it very easy for the Devil.
for, like Salvation. The requirement is that you want it and ask for You've got to keep wanting change, keep seeking change and
it. keep asking Me to highlight areas in your life that would be good
to change.
If you think you don't need change, it's as if you think you're
already perfect. Sometimes it's personal ruts and lack of change which make
What do you think is the purpose of all My instructions to you, of people grow together in an unhealthy type of codependency,
all the exposures of sin and the Enemy's tactics in your personal almost like an addiction to the way things are. But if you
life? It's so that you change things, change wrong attitudes and determine to change things about you, personally, your habits,
behavior and thought patterns. If you want to change the world, your attitude, your outlook, behavior, and even your appearance,
the first step is to change yourself, or allow Me to change you or then you make room for new things.
help you change.
It’s your life, and you have not only the liberty and the right, but
You should actively seek out the areas in which you need change the duty to make necessary changes in it that I require of you. If
in your personal life! you don't manage to make those changes together, then you just
have to take the first step alone. After all, it's your life that needs
I'm not bound by restrictions such as age, in order to perform My change, right?
Sometimes I have waited for some folks to reach the ripe old age While you're still in the beginning stages of the "new you," it may
in order to really show that it was a miracle, such as with the come across as a little clumsy, and sometimes you may only find
pregnancies of Sarah and Elisabeth, or Moses when I called him a lack of support from others, who don't even know what's going
to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. on. You may think, "Come on, everybody, don't you realize I'm
trying to change here, so could you please give me a hand?"
You need to do is to recognize the resentment you feel toward But all they can figure is, "Oh, he must be up to his old antics
other people's opinion about you needing to change in some again..."
aspect, as from the Enemy.
Maybe there's really room for improvement. So, personal change and change of heart is something that you
It’s really just the Enemy who puts that ugly handle on it: "Oh, and you alone have got to be serious about and got to have the
they don't like me. They want me to change." They probably do determination to see through. You can't make it dependent at all
love you the way you are, it's just that some of the ways you're on whatever support you might be getting from others. Chances
acting make them feel as if you couldn't possibly love them very are there will be none. People have unrealistic expectations of
much. each other at times, and they figure, if you've come to grips with
the fact that you ought to change things about you, then you'd
You've got to let love permeate your actions, your speech, your better do it quickly, quietly and pleasantly.
gestures, and yes, even your looks, your facial expression. Is But that's not always how it works. It's like learning to ride a bike,
your face expressing love for the ones around you? drive a car or learning to fly: there are some not so smooth
landings and manoeuvres you make on your way to getting used
Pride and ego can sometimes twist your perception of things. to the new method of transporting yourself from A to B, and all
Sometimes the Devil doesn't even have to do much. Sometimes the other drivers behind you shake their heads...
the sinful conditioning of your hearts is all he needs for evil and But don't let that deter you. Just keep on learning from your
a lack of love to thrive and grow all by themselves... mistakes and keep your focus on the goal, a new, more pleasant
you, no matter what it takes to get there.
Love is giving the other the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they're They told you it would be good to acquire these new qualities,
right about some things. Maybe it would really be good for you to alright, but it's up to you to acquire and learn them. The work and
change some things. the job are yours. This is your role to play. It's your magic act
you've got to work on, with My help, of course, and have Me
If I be lifted up - and I am Love - I will draw all men unto Me. If show you, My apprentice, how to transform the old, grumpy you,
love is lifted up, it will draw people like a magnet. into a new, cheerful and more pleasant version. I'll show you all
the moves and tricks, but you've got to do the learning.
Don't let the vicious cycle become a permanent cycle.
Just decide to implement some change in the "matrix," the way It's the era of miracles, alright, and the first miracle I want to
things are, the rut and routine of what your life is at present. perform in your life is on you! The first life I want to miraculously
You want to change things and change the way they are? You bet change is yours, the first resurrection I want to perform through
you can! you is the raising up of a wonderful, new you from the ashes of
the old.
It takes a few more steps than one to get there. There's the "roll
ye away the stone" stage, then the "unwrap him" stage, and that can be found right here, right now, wherever you are, even
finally, the "come forth!" when confined to a prison cell...
There will also be attempts of dissuasion: "Lord, are You Sometimes too many liberties and privileges can distract from
serious? He's been dead for so long, he stinketh..." But you've that essence of things.
just got to be determined to see it through: "Do you want to see All you need in order to find freedom, in order to find the next
the miracle of the new me, or don'tcha?" step toward your destiny, is right where you are, even if it's a
You've only made the first step of the procedure, so far: You've situation in which you appear to be surrounded and confined by
realized you needed the miracle, it would be a good idea, "Yeah, weakness, limitations, shortcomings, inability, impotence,
let's raise him from the dead, why not?!" frustrations and restrictions imposed on you.
And right now you're at phase two: "So whaddowedo next?" You
know there's no magic happening without Me, so you keep your Even if the world takes away your physical freedoms, they can
focus pinned on Me. The excitement and anticipation rises, as never take away your true, inner freedom. To the contrary, you
everyone eagerly awaits what on earth might be My next move, might find greater freedom through their restrictions than you
and the next clue I give you, as I show you what to do next, in ever had before.
order to perform this magic "trick," only that it's not really a trick,
That's the liberation of the soul. That's the true freedom I came to
it's the real thing. bring to this world. That's why happiness is not something
reserved to those with unlimited freedoms, but is even more
You believe in My magic, right? You believe that I am the often found and embraced by the handicapped, the paralyzed,
resurrection and the life. And you have realized that "he that the weak, invalids and those confined to the utmost, in their
loveth not his brother, abideth in death" (1John 3:14), so you physical circumstances. Sometimes physical captivity has
realize you need a resurrection from that death, you need a new brought true liberation of the heart.
heart with a whole lot of more love in it, right? So, the next step
you've got to take, is believe Me for it.
"The real believers get excited and praise the Lord! The Lord, is 351 _________________________________________________
going to do what we can't do, so let's roll away that stone, The bulk of your attention and devotion right now goes to
quickly!..." your circumstances and the usual "What can I do in order to alter
It's miracle time, resurrection time, and show time, folks! Let's my circumstances and improve my situation?"
have some action around here, and show off some miraculous I want you to learn to put more emphasis on not only your time
transformation power! And guess who'll be the first one we'll with Me, but also on the role I am supposed to play in your life. I
perform our miraculous transformation power on? Yes, none less need you to give Me a more pre-eminent position in your life than
than little old, insignificant you! After all, if they see that we've you're presently granting Me.
managed to radically change and overhaul you, then they'll know
anything wonderful can happen from there on. Putting Me first requires permanent determination to actually do
So, the spotlight is on you and on your tomb! "Ladies and it and find more ways, more areas and aspects in which you
gentlemen, will Lazarus come forth, or won't he?" Everybody's ought to be doing it: more areas in your life in which to include
waiting with excitement, so, let's not let them down. Me, more ways to put greater weight on My shoulders, instead of
trying to fix it yourself somehow.
What everybody else around you does, is actually irrelevant:
whether they realize what's happening, or whether they can There's yet another portion of devotion to be added to your effort
believe that it's actually going to happen, or not... it all doesn't to change and letting Me change you. There's yet more to give -
matter. All that matters is that you keep on believing and keep on much more!
walking by faith toward that resurrection of the new you. That's
the goal you've got to keep in mind and focus, and allow nothing Your concerns - however pressing they may seem to you - are
to deter and dissuade you. There's no stopping short of that comparatively miniscule, when it comes to the greater and more
goal. urgent needs for you to become what you ought to, and for you
to learn how to operate the way you ought to.
You better believe Me for big things, and expect big changes to
happen! Don't settle for "little miracles" this time, much less You've got to be ready for the resurrection, for My explosions
allow yourself to fall back asleep again, but let it rock! and miracles in your life!

350 _________________________________________________ You have learned to trust Me that what happens to you comes
Thank you for turning on and tuning in again, we'll do our from My hand and is planned and elaborated to such an extent
best to make sure you won't be disappointed. that it will ultimately be the best of all options. So why would
there be any need for other options?
The Enemy is as mad and scared as he usually is when you're That is My advantage of being all-seeing and all-knowing, and of
about to do something special and great for Me, he always fires being able to look ahead into the future: I already know what
away with all barrels when he realizes you're going to go on the would be the outcome of all the other options.
We don't need any parallel universes, because the other options
You realize you're not really as strong and courageous as you have already all happened in My mind. If you're really that
should be. But I will give you the victory anyway. You will be curious, some day I could share them with you, but it's not
victorious because of your trust in Me, not because of any actually anything you need to try out in real life.
strength you acquired by your own efforts or works. This reality, and this life, as paradox and irrational as it may
Unfortunately, trust and faith is Me is something that some seem, with all its contradictions and things that don't seem to
people simply lack because they don't cling to the source that make any sense, is, after all, the one real thing. This is it! You can
brings these blessings into their lives, which is My Word, and ifand ought to really put your whole heart into it, because this is it.
you find yourself lacking spiritual strength and trust, then it'sNo use wondering what could have been or might have been in
most likely because you've been neglecting My Word. some other life or parallel world or universe or some other
reality... No need to look for anything better somewhere out
You won't find whatever you're looking for by any amounts of there. This is it, right here, the one and only, the best. You won't
freedoms and privileges, nor by traveling to far distant places. find anything better anywhere else. I know, it sounds hard to
Sometimes confinement and your inability to escape anywhere believe because there's so much about this world that doesn't
else make you realize the blessings and the freedoms and joys make any sense.
But most of that is inflicted by man on himself or his fellowman, your existence, are still permeated and usurped and infiltrated by
and mostly due to all the screwed up mindsets the Enemy has the lie, when you thought you had so much truth...
planted in him, and the consequent lack of love and trust in Me. Part of the ugly truth I'm having to reveal to you little by little, is
just how much you have allowed the lie to gain access to your
If you can fully trust that I'm only allowing the best possible lives.
option for you right now, here in this life, then who needs an
endless amount of other variables and options to try out? It makes you seek a better way. If sin leads you down that road,
you figure you don't want it anymore, and you'll choose
There's a definite effort happening on My part and all those something better next time. If that's the price of sin, you're not
working alongside Me, both in the Spirit World and in the willing to pay it anymore. If that's the kind of power you're
physical, including you, to make the best possible out of this. It's granting the Devil over your life by compromise then you figure
supposed to become a masterpiece, and not just one more you'll better stand your ground next time.
random result of innumerable other trials and errors...
You weren't ready before, but now you feel as though you've got
It doesn't mean, either, that everything is preset and predestined, nothing to lose: our definition of freedom. When you've got
but that we're putting our best into helping man to make the right nothing left to lose, then you won't have any fears left holding
choices, or save him out of his mess when he made the wrong you back from the battle field. You'll barge right in, come hell or
ones. high-water, defying any instincts that would try to make you wish
We're not just standing by idly and let the wheel of fortune spin to preserve your own life, your own reputation, image, or
its tale. After all, mankind wouldn't stand a chance if we just left whatever may have seemed too precious to you before to give it
this world over to the Devil completely. up.
We're having to give him certain leeway, access and entrance
and even power over this world, according to the degree that I will purge and prune whatever needs purging and pruning.
man's choices enable him to, but always and only "thus far and
not further." Not every resurrection is a glorious one. Sometimes the only
There's a lot of planning and strategy involved, and it's anything thing you see after the great, magnificent outer shell has finally
but random. died and quit refusing to give up the ghost for the sake of
something better, is merely a glimpse of hope of a new life to
352 _________________________________________________ But you'll nonetheless know that whatever it's going to be, it's
In order to have a resurrection there had to be death first. going to be something better than the former, because the Great
Something had to die. Architect of Life has been at work here, and you now know by
One is not really totally and absolutely willing to give up all their experience that that's just how He works, He can do no other: the
selfish dreams, ambitions, desires and expectations from life latter will always be better and superior than the former, when it
completely until they've come to the point where they're willing has His handwriting and stamp on it. He doeth all things well.
to give up everything that is contained in this life altogether. So, your new life doesn't seem much, but it's going to grow.
In order to be able to lay it all on the altar, it has to become like Guard well what you've been given; keep it pure and free of the
dung for you; of no esteem... it must not matter to you anymore, Enemy's pollution and varmint. Nourish it, cherish it, and always
nor have any degree of importance; so that you'll finally be keep in mind its sole purpose: to bring life and light to others.
willing to embrace whatever it is that I want from you and ask of
you. Unless you realize that everything else is as nothing, it will
always remain just a wee bit too important for you to let it go 353 _________________________________________________
without hesitation in favor of My option, which otherwise will “Less is more” also applies to accomplishments. With so
always appear less attractive and less important, less desirable many numbers and statistics to boast of, you inevitably become
to you. high-minded, and your life becomes a conglomeration of
There must be nothing left for you to want to preserve in this life, numbers and statistics instead of the real you, a real person that
nothing about this life you would seek to save, for only he who can be loved and hurt and touched...
loseth his life shall truly save it. You can't keep it. You can't hang
on to it. You've got to let it go (Luke 14:26). It's almost like some men in seeming to have to prove to each
other and the rest of the world that their penis is bigger than the
You cannot have the new unless you let go of the old, and you other fellow's. Only that here it's about numbers of so-called
cannot let go of the old unless you deem it undesirable, nothing spiritual accomplishments, and not the number of inches or
you want. centimeters that make up the size of one of your body parts, but
No resurrection without a crucifixion. No crucifixion without a it almost amounts to the same type of immaturity.
betrayal; and betrayal can only happen by anyone close to you. That's what war is all about: "We've got the bigger weapons,
That is why many people don't allow others entrance to their we've got the bigger guns, and we can hurt you more than you
lives, or their inner sanctuaries: they're afraid of betrayal, afraid can hurt us, and if we wanted to, why, we could just blast you to
of crucifixion. bits!" Talking about "When will they ever learn?!"

That kind of hurt is inevitably part of human relationship: Their Instead of helping anybody, that attitude only makes everything
false image of you, their unrealistic expectations of you, which at worse. It creates more lack of love, more tension, more immature
the same time only seem to reflect your own unrealistic behavior - almost like a chain reaction of immature behavior and
expectations and false image you were having of Me, exposing foolishness - and it certainly doesn't bring unity, nor does it bring
your own selfishness in an even more painful way than the you or anyone closer to the true goal I have put in front of you.
revelation of theirs was to you... It's just another decoy of the Enemy. If he can't distract you with
It makes you want nothing but the truth. It makes you despise sin and with things that are definitely and obviously leading you
any false appearance, any delusion, it makes you want to destroy away from My will, like worldly temptations or the lust of the eyes
your icons, your images, your idols, which your mind had carved or the lust of the flesh, then he'll use spiritual pride, and this silly
of yourself, your life, those around you... anything false about it, game of, "Let's see who can accomplish more for the Lord!"
only to start again with what's left standing upon the rubble of
the lies that have been exposed and destroyed. There is such a thing as provoking one another to godly jealousy,
and stirring each other up for greater achievements for Me, and
It is a painful process to realize how much your being, your lives, there is such a thing as a race for the highest rewards. But
what's most important in it is that you run the right way. You've You haven't really been taking your career as one of My
got to keep the right goals in mind, and you've got to run this shepherds seriously enough to be calling yourself a
race for the right incentives, because if it's just pride that "professional" in that area. Yet that's what I've been training you
motivates and spurs you on, instead of love, then there's no for. And the time has come now to reckon what this time of
chance in a lifetime you're going to be among the winners. training has done for you and Me, and what the pay-off is going
Because pride and other false motivations will drain the energy to be.
and life-blood out of you. The only true incentive that will help Are you going to waste training and continue the same way as
you to keep going until the very end is love. And of course the you have, or are you actively going to get busy feeding My flock
Devil will seek to replace that by any false incentive, if he can, on a professional level, in order to ensure not only your own, but
and that's what you've got to be aware of. also their survival through the rough times in the near future?

Love is the only right thing that spur you on in the right way and It's time to pause and ask yourself, "What am I really here for?
enable you to hold on and fight the good fight in the right way Just to enjoy the ride? Or is there a greater purpose for my being
until the very end. And whenever you lose sight of that, I have to here?"
kill whatever's in the way and blocks your view from seeing the
truth. You’ve got to mean business about My business to a greater
Often, it's some big fat ego that stands in the way, and we'll have extent than you have.
the resurrection of a smaller & humbler one, after we shot it
down... When trouble comes - and trouble will come - who is likely to
stand their ground and not lose their faith? Those who have been
strengthening it and feeding it and investing their time in it,
354 _________________________________________________ right? So, you're going to be a very substantial and needed help
I need you to listen to Me. I need you to get things clear, to for them in order not to lose it, during those times, and that's a
get My vision for the future clearly and make it your own. I need calling. You could call that a profession. It's a profession you've
you to take heed. taken on by faith, for a need you believe by faith is going to arise,
I can't have you running around being really busy with little based on My Word, that things are not going to continue the way
projects here and there while I'm wrestling for your attention in they are.
order to convey to you My latest battle instructions. Something You have believed in change, and have invested your time
new is happening, and I want you to pay attention. accordingly, not in the ways of this world, which you know are
going to change, but in My eternal and everlasting and
I'd like to get your full attention, and the kind of reverence that unshakable values. You've been growing something and building
shows Me that nothing else matters to you than what I want from something that might not make much sense to the onlookers,
you. similar to the way it must not have made sense for people that
I'm trying to get you out of your little ruts and routines in order to Noah was building an Arc on dry land, and on top of it, housing
bring about something new - a break with the old, and the thousands of animals in it...
beginning of something new. Forget about the former way of Even so you see a lot of people deserting you and running off,
doing things, period. Make room for the new. following the lures of this world... The Devil knows how to get
them and how to tempt them. Yet, when the flood came, it sure
I like flexibility, adaptability, mobility and availability, readiness to was a good thing that Noah had built that thing, wasn't it? And
become whatever it is I happen to need at the time. That's what I even so, when the Devil's flood of iniquity and lies is going to
call revolutionary. To be active when I call you to action; to be sweep this world for it's greatest hour of temptation yet, you're
still when I need you to listen! not going to be sorry you've been investing your time in building
your faith.
To bring forth fruit that lasts is a work of the Spirit. You need to
get ahold of My Spirit in order to do so. What you are doing is going to make you a capacity in your field.
Granted, presently no one might recognize or value that, nor are
It's got a lot to do with plain and simple obedience, yes, but first they being very appreciative of whatever field it's supposed to be
you need to listen to My instructions, and find out what exactly I you're becoming a capacity or professional in, but I can
want you to do, before you can obey. You need to agree with Me guarantee that some people are going to be very thankful then
first, and with My will for you, before you can say "Yes Sir" and for what you're doing now and have been doing.
go out and do it. You need to comprehend fully what it is I want The time you're going to have invested in strengthening your
you to do. faith and establishing this line of communication with Me will
seem anything but wasted then! You'll be one of the few who are
Don't worry about whatever little things here & there you could going to turn out to have done the right thing!
be accomplishing right now. First I want you to listen
wholeheartedly. Moses didn't consider himself much of a "professional," either,
It's time to pause from your actions and activities to pay special but a has-been, one that once had it all in this wicked and unjust
attention to what I want from you next. world, and lost it, and who wasn't quite sure whether to call that
good or bad...
The last thing I want is for everything to continue as usual. Rut- And when he was faced with the great challenge of fulfilling the
thinking has never turned anyone on to turn the world right-side- purpose for which I had trained him there in the wilderness, he
up for Me! No more "business-as-usual." didn't feel ready at all. But he did the job, because I knew better.
There's got to be movement and revolution happening, and in
order for that to happen, some things have got to change! You can take your job for Me seriously, because I'm taking it
Problems are more often than not a blessing in disguise: they get
you out of your well-working routines and ruts that I would There's going to be a huge vacuum for the kind of stuff that
otherwise never get you out of! you've got to offer, when the time comes. They'll come running to
you for answers.
Contemplate and consider your situation in relation to My will for It will be evident that you will be among those whom I have
you. It's time for you to stop & find out what it is I want you to elected to lead My people out of this mess!
change and do differently. Those which I'm referring to as My professionals are the very
elect, the ones whom Satan won't be able to deceive, because
they've been so busy soaking up the truth, they will be immune Make your path free of comparisons. You need to focus on your
to his poison flood! own way ahead of you as a unique and individual path I'm calling
you to walk, and believe that if this is truly the path I've ordained
When all the others will run out of their professions and jobs and for you, that there will be others to join you in this path, but even
their usefulness, then it will show who will have been the wise if they won't, that it is still the path I want you to walk. You cannot
investors and real professionals in My eyes! let others dissuade you or listen to their criticisms of your path,
just because it's not the path they'd like you to take.

355 _________________________________________________ Few people want to go through the trouble of learning about the
The greater the need for Me, the more swiftly I'll be there, and souls of other people; what makes them tic, and much less do
with greater force will I rush in and fill the need. they want to find out the hard, raw truth about themselves and
learn how to deal with it.
With all those millions of people out there living in the illusion The truth is a bitter little book to swallow, hard on the belly, and
that they don't need Me, I am desperate for exceptional folks who only prophets are usually brave enough to eat it. Only the chosen
are dependent on Me, who are desperately in need of Me. I need ones choose the red pill of the truth and nothing but the truth
you to need Me, because without folks who need Me, I'm never about themselves and about everything else.
going to get the job done. It's only My power that's going to
enable anyone to do the job of winning the world, and so I need The Internet is the Devil's version of the "great link." That's why
people who are desperate for that power! he even tries to get you to find your inspiration and information
there instead of having Me and your helpers reveal it to you from
I delight in your incapability because I know that's what's going the spirit world. You must learn to use it more as a tool to reach
to drive you into My arms and make you beg for My power and those and feed those who seek My truth, rather than seeking to
grace to be poured out upon you, so that I can go to action still your own hunger there.
through you and in you. What I have to offer you is much better.

A "professional" means someone capable of availing themselves

of My Power. 357 _________________________________________________
Having learned that your own strength isn't enough is one of the I "recycle" your sins and convert them into useful lessons,
prerequisites for being a professional disciple. the "fruits of righteousness, which are exercised thereby"
(Heb.12:11). You learn to do better from doing it the wrong way.
Playing games is something for kids. But when you grow up to
be a man, you're supposed to lay aside childish things, as Paul If what you're doing doesn't have love in it, it won't inspire
said. Nowadays, everybody wants to play and stay a child for as anyone. If your primary concern is what will be in it for you, the
long as possible. Very few are really serious about life, much less financial potential or possible outcome, then it's dead, and it's no
about living their lives for Me! wonder it won't inspire or interest anyone.
That's why it often takes quite a few years until I can get a person You don't want to be part of the loveless toiling for gain and mere
to the point where they're willing to lay everything - all that survival - the rut, the System, the Matrix.
playing games - aside and follow Me. It took Abraham getting to If there's no love in it, it's dead.
the point of "looking at his own body as good as dead," and yet No matter what you do, it's gotta have love in it!
"he staggered not at the promise through unbelief" (Romans
4:19, 20). Concern about money is not good enough an incentive to turn
Not many young people are even interested in characters like any endeavor for Me into success.
Abraham, Noah and Moses these days, because youth has been That's why the churches are such a dilemma and such a farce:
so overly glorified by the media. they just don't have the love! They've been trying to do My work
But "It's NOT by might nor by power but by My Spirit" (Zec.4:6)! I without love! And how can you do My work - the work for the One
want to be the strength and power of your life! Who is Love - without love? How can you do good without
goodness in your heart? How can a loveless tree bring forth
You’ve got to refuse to let the Devil lie to you and discourage you fruits of love?
to that extent where you get to the point of wanting to quit. That's
precisely what he wants! Never allow the love to run dry. If it does, you're in grave danger!
So, when you get that kind of flak from him, it's a sign that you're Anything you do will be dry, lifeless, and will almost inevitably
on the right track, and that you must be doing something right! cause more damage, harm and hurt than any potential good!
Sometimes I might be able to rescue some of it and use it to
The way to success is a way that doesn't always look like some extent despite the lack of love, but basically, love is the
success from the start! It's a rough & rugged way, and often stuff I work with, and the material that I use. That's why I use it
you'll be tempted to wonder, "What in the world am I doing here, wherever I find it, and if it's among the heathen that I find it,
anyway?" There won't be rounds of incessant applause. It's a rather than among My own professed children, then I will use it
rough & rugged, lonely road! With so many jumping off your and build on it there!
wagon that you're tempted to ask the last few who remain, "Are What really qualifies anyone as a child of Mine is the amount of
you also going to go away?" But then there will always be a love they possess.
faithful few who will end up blowing your mind, making it worth it
all! There isn't any excuse for a lack of love if you know where to get
When the majority has deserted you, the nice surprise is the few it. It only shows that other things were more important to you
who stick! Who needs the majority? Who needs large masses than Me and My love, and that, precisely, is sin.
and crowds? All you need is a handful that stick!

358 _________________________________________________
356 _________________________________________________ Only what you commit to Me in prayer is being protected by
You won't make it, trying to please both, the System and Me. Me.
If you want it the System's way, then go the System's way, but It's not too much to expect of you, to commit things unto Me in
don't try to keep pretending that both is possible: going My way prayer, is it?
and the System's, at the same time! The first point of organization is something even you can do, and
that's pray. You need to get more serious about things and My
involvement in them. this shabby piece of rock?" Or "What on earth were You thinking
when You created me, Lord?”
You can't take for granted that your ideas are the A & O without But that's just because you don't see what I see... the finished
you praying about them & committing them into My hands, result.
making sure that they have My blessing on them!
Everybody's got their burden to carry and their share of
Talented people sometimes think they can get by either without weaknesses to deal with and to overcome, and you're just going
Me, or with just the minimum help from Me, so they can pat to have to trust Me that I've been handing out those talents and
themselves on the back when they've done it all, and they wist flaws alike fairly.
not even that My Spirit hath departed from them before it's nearly
too late. The miracle is when you can see the beauty in everybody,
despite their flaws; when you can see them through My eyes, the
eyes of faith and love. You regard the present circumstances that
359 _________________________________________________ make them not-so-pretty as a temporary shell that is soon to be
Fear is the greatest weapon of the Enemy, because it keeps no more, and only a step in the process of their becoming what
things in the dark. When there is love and light, he can't operate they're meant to be and going to be by My grace. You regard My
clandestinely anymore, because he is exposed, so, he needs grace and My hand working in them as superior to the present
deep and dark and hidden fears, shadows where he can lurk and circumstances.
operate unseen.
When you can face that fear, you'll realize it has blown itself way Don't look at the immediate 4 fingers of the problem before you,
out of proportion to make itself look a lot more fierce than it but see beyond them: look at Me, and instead of seeing 4
really is. problem factors, you'll see the solution factor along with each
one of them, a perfect replica of each of the 4 fingers. And what
Sometimes a sense of humor can help you take yourself less may seem like an optical illusion right now someday soon is
seriously. That's why it's said that the greatest requirement for a going to become the glorious reality. Take My Word for it: that
missionary is a sense of humor. Approaching strangers in a which is in part, imperfect, will be done away with when I, the
humorous sort of way takes the seriousness out of the issue, Perfect, will come; and you will all be like Me, totally regardless
which sometimes scares people away. of your present frailties.

You don't want to be humiliated, don't want to risk being The full measure and impact of your Salvation will come to
ridiculed... you consider yourself worth more than that. But what fruition then. You will know then what it means to be fully saved
you don't realize is how far above everyone else you're putting and redeemed by the one top professional Savior and Redeemer
yourself through this, how you're putting the value of immortal of all times. You'll see then what I mean by a "professional" job
souls that could be won by your willingness to humble yourself a well done when you'll see the royal diadem framed out of all
little bit way below your own pride, your own "reputation," your those formerly imperfect jewels and diamonds in the rough, in its
coolness, and keeping your "dignity" intact. You're trying to glorious splendor.
preserve your "image" at all cost, instead of allowing Me to
destroy it, in order to create a new and better one, or even better
yet, a totally new and real you, one that doesn't need any false 361 _________________________________________________
image to go by. Obedience brings down My blessing and My Spirit upon you,
That image is keeping you from exploding for Me, and what's My Spirit of love, and if there isn't enough love or enough of My
keeping you bound, and a prisoner, not the circumstances or Spirit, then it's not so much so that I've "allowed" it to be so, as it
people you blame! Pride has been the greatest jail master of all was your own choice not to fulfill My commandment.
times, keeping more prisoners in chains than any other sin or
master. Asking Me, "How could You allow us not to obey you?" would be
the same as asking, "Why did You allow free choice?"
It's as if you're trapped in a hall of mirrors which distort your I may be almighty, but it's no big secret that I have explicitly
image into something you can more easily live with than the you limited My powers not to interfere with mankind's individual and
you could be by humbling yourself, overcoming your pride and personal choices.
fears, and being willing to be a fool for My sake. It's not as if I can somehow magically "protect" you from your
By refusing to become a fool for My sake you only become a fool own disobedience.
for your own sake, a fool for the cause of preserving your pride.
If I wouldn't have allowed that, I would have to "disallow" a lot of
Is your pride really something worth living and dying for? other things with it.
In the final conclusion, I won't allow things to continue as they
are, forever. Eventually I will intervene.
360 _________________________________________________ When I will stop allowing mankind to disobey, a lot of people are
The diamond doesn't come out ready-made from scratch. In going to wish they had obeyed.
most cases, it's hidden from view inside some ordinary-looking
piece of rock, or it has to be retrieved from a ton of mud and
dirt... It's a lot of work, and it takes time and elbow grease. And 362 _________________________________________________
once you've found the diamond, there's still all the precision You're supposed to enjoy life so that you can advertise the
work to be done. Source of joy you've found.
The circumstances I orchestrate for each one, the situations, as
well as the other individuals influencing and helping to mold and I'm giving you the strength and the anointing for the battle at the
shape the diamond, they all play part in what the final outcome is hour when it comes, and when there is no strength and
going to be. anointing, then it simply must mean that I want you to rest a little.
So, maybe it's a little hard for you to trust Me right now for what Enjoy the break! Enjoy life!
I'm doing, but I say, wait & see what the final outcome is going to
be. You don't know yet what that person is going to be like when I won't frown upon you and ask you, when you will stand before
I'm finished with them, and how they're going to sparkle and Me, "How about all the other hundreds or thousands of souls you
shine. were supposed to win for Me?"
You may feel tempted to think, "What am I supposed to do with I know when someone has done what they could.
I won't expect more of you than what I know you could.

There is such a thing as doing too much in your own strength, 364 _________________________________________________
too much for the wrong incentives, too much in the flesh. Let's just assume that you simply don't know all there is to
Do whatever you can, and don't worry about the part you can't know; not about Me, not about a lot of things. Let's just assume
do, because I will take care of that! the humble position for a moment, and pretend you don't know a
I know what you can do, what you're capable of, what your fraction of all there is to know.
strengths and talents are, and I won't send you to do something Let's just say, as paradox as it may seem, this is the path you're
totally different. supposed to walk, the one that has been ordained for you.
Let's just try to take this path with a little more grace and with a
I won't let you miss out on anything! Any action you're designed little more thanksgiving, and even if you can't be 100% sure, let's
and destined for, I will let you partake in, and for the rest, well, just pretend I knew what I was doing in sending you down this
you're just going to have to trust Me that that was supposed to road, okay?
be someone else's job! Just as the churches (in Rev. 2 &3) were surprised in each case,
when I handed out their "report cards," let's just say, you'll also
Relax and enjoy your days while you can! The rough times are be pleasantly surprised when you'll see the overall outcome of all
going to come, and they're also going to work for you in making of this: the sense and purpose in it all; the rewards... Just have a
people more receptive, making the truth you've got to share more little trust in My abilities to plan and design, faith in My love for
obvious, easier to receive and believe. The coming events will detail and precision, and hold on a little longer, even if you can't
confirm what you've got to say, just as current events are already possibly see how any of this is supposed to wind up making any
preparing the way and hearts of the people. sense at all.
Time is on My side! The Devil would have you believe the
opposite, that it's on his side, and in some ways it's true: time Maybe I need you to go through this in order to show how a man
will eventually play the world completely into his hands. But only can get through these things with My help.
for Me to snatch it away from him again forever! I want to show that there is hope, even for someone who
considers his life a complete mess.

363 _________________________________________________ So, it's not the great and shiny path and success story you would
Flesh-people are always looking for fast, visible fruits and have preferred or chosen for yourself... Can you forgive Me? And
results of their own muscle or wit, so that they can pat can you trust Me that even though it's not, it's still going to be
themselves on the back and show how much they deserve what the better of the two options? Can you still trust that this is the
they desire - much more so than the weaker ones... the sort of best possible option that could have taken place, because of My
folks who don't get things rigged up in their own strength but unfathomable love for you?
have to rely on My grace.
This is a walk and life of faith, which means you don't know
Most people don't rely on Me and My grace as much as they rely everything there is to know with a 100% assurance, every step
on their own wisdom, knowledge or abilities. you take, and every inch along the way! Some things you've got
to take by faith in this life and walk of faith, and even though your
Your talents and abilities really make it hard for you to stay head cannot make out the purpose & sense in it all, at least your
humble and not fall for the temptation to feel superior to those heart should have that trust and inner, deeper knowledge that in
who don't have the same amount of skill, and the temptation to spite of the appearance of it all, I'm in control. I stand in the midst
look down on them somewhat, which basically is the root of of you, and yet I hold you in My hands (Rev.2:12-16, 20).
Familiarity stems from the pride of deeming yourself superior in Sorry about the paradox. Sorry about your mind not being able to
some way to those people for whom you have allowed yourself to figure it all out. Can you trust Me anyway? Can you just keep
lose respect; you consider yourself more "worthy" than they, following Me step by step, even though you may not see exactly
obviously "favored by the gods," since they have endowed you or quite clearly where this path may end & where it may lead
with greater gifts from on high than your brethren. you?
That can be dangerous, though, and leads to the same kind of
self-righteousness that led Cain to believe that he was more Maybe there is a higher purpose that presently might elude your
worthy of My honoring him, and that he deserved it more than grasp. Maybe it's just finding out which way you ought not to
Abel. He was judging things by his own criteria, and he refused take, next time.
to accept Mine. Maybe it's also to seek Me more about what paths and turns in
the road you should take, and not just try out this or that
If you humbly accept My criteria, and recognize that in My eyes possible shortcut. Maybe you're finding out that some shortcuts
those less shiny and less obvious gifts of your seemingly weaker turn out to be detours, sapping your spirit & energies...
brethren are actually more valuable than those flashy gifts, then
you can keep your respect for them, and you can even look up to Why can't you just say "Alright, Lord! Guess You know what
them and learn from them, and you don't have to follow that You're doing"? You think you deserve better for having chosen to
accursed path of pride until its end, but turn around and go the trust in Me, for having chosen My path. But what I'm trying to find
different direction. out is, how much do you really trust Me?
It's so easy to trust when everything's flowing according to plan.
It's good for you to learn My criteria and standards, by which I Trust doesn't become trust until things are not the way you'd
measure and commend My churches - which are the dangers expect them to be.
they need to watch out for, the weaknesses and sins they're
prone to fall for, and which are the things I most appreciate about
them and commend them for. And that's what you can learn from 365 _________________________________________________
the second and third chapter of Revelation. Your present trial is My way of keeping you on your toes,
Here’s a lesson on respect vs. familiarity, humility vs. pride, you alert, not feeling too much at home and at ease in this world. It's
can learn from the church of Smyrna and Laodicea, from Cain My way of reminding you that as much as you'd like to have
and Abel... If you know what to look out for, and what My criteria peace, there is a war going on.
are, you can find true wisdom, and you'll always have the right
attitude toward Me and others. Worldly leaders impose war on their people by deception, lies
and fraud, obviously because they're working for the Enemy. chance of winning?" -- referring to this particular battle.
The reason why they get away with it so easily, though, is You personally feel it's a hopeless effort.
because of the extent to which the people are asleep and lulled What do you want Me to tell you? "Yeah, you're right. Just fold in,
into complacency by all their comfort. They swallow the lies and it doesn't make any sense to keep fighting..."? That doesn't
condone the wars, as long as their own comfort isn't affected by sound like the kind of advice I'd give you, does it?
it. They refuse to see the truth, because in their eyes, everything That's because My view of the situation could never possibly be
is alright, as long as they have their little comforts and luxuries. as hopeless as yours. I always see possibilities and hope where
As long as they can play the game, as long as it works for them, you see none. Perhaps because I know that things couldn't
they figure, "why not?" possibly ever really be as bleak as you see them. Not as long as
I'm at the helm of your lives, and involved in them to any extent
I'm not allowing things to be too comfortable for you; otherwise at all.
you would fall into the same rut. If everything was in order, and You may consider yourself a loser, and may even consider those
you could just live out your wee happy little life in comfort, ease at your side losers, or not willing to fight for you or with you, or
and prosperity, you wouldn't care too much about the state of the worse, fighting against you instead, but you're forgetting that I'm
rest of the world, either. not a loser, and since I'm fighting for you, upholding you and
If things would be going too smoothly for you, you'd simply assuring your victory, things could never possibly turn out as
become too comfortable, too complacent, too much at ease and bad as you've already pictured them in your mind.
too indifferent to the state of the world, you wouldn't be moved
into action to change something for Me. The onus is on you to change anything about it, not so much on
the other parties involved. You can either want the change, and
At least you know that this isn't the way things are supposed to do fight for it to happen, or give in. You want Me to give you a
be. You may not know what to do about it, any other than coming "realistic prognosis," but all I can say, is "it's up to you."
to Me in desperation, but that's at least something... It's I have put before you the ways of either life or death this day, for
something for Me to work with, for starters. you to choose whether you'll take the high road or the low road.
At least I can convey My view to you, at least you're crying out to You want a prognosis? You tell Me! What is it you're going to
Me for help... anything but sink into the morass of the self- choose to do? Give up? Quit? Or keep fighting?
satisfied complacency of the pseudo-Christian System junkies. You know My ways. Quitting is not for Me, so don't ask Me,
"Don't You think I should better quit?"
it's turning out that the persecuted church is definitely healthier,
spiritually. Don't ask Me to lie to you! You can lie to yourself, have the Devil
I've got to keep you on your toes & do anything to keep you from lie to you, or 7 billion other people, but don't ask Me to tell you
feeling all comfy-cozy and at home in this present world, which is something I just can't by the nature of My Being. If I'm the way,
not your home! truth and life, don't ask Me to lead you astray, to lie to you and
show you death...
You just have to come to grips with the fact that you just can't That's not My way, My thing. You can't ask the Champion of the
totally figure Me out! There are some things about Me and My universe to just stop fighting and be so kind as to let the Enemy
ways that elude you, and that you will thus have to take by faith. take over and win the battle for a change.
It's not that I want to tease you with them or make your life I can feel for you, extend My sympathies for your plight, and
miserable, but you just need to trust that even this trial is what in everything, but I can't possibly encourage you to give up! Sorry,
My love I know is the best for you, and what will make you that's just not in My repertoire! I just can't do it. It's not in Me.
I can't love you any less than totally and completely. I guess Let’s first try everything we possibly can to make it, to keep it
you're just going to have to cope with it! going with renewed umph, strength and hope from Me.
I ain't that kind of a quitter, and I won't ask you to be one, either.
Keeping you aware of the fact that something is wrong will keep There's too much strength and faith and hope in Me. Too much
you from just leaning back and relaxing and settling for what love to make up for all your lack of it!
you've got, without ever making the faintest attempt toward If it would be My will for you to quit, I would have told you. It's
progress. not in My nature to lead you up the wrong path & then say,
It’s My means of keeping you desperate, just as I have used it in "Fooled ya!" Although that sometimes seems to be your picture
the past. There were situations in which you would have liked to of Me, and what you're thinking.
stay forever, if I hadn't used someone as a "prick" to keep you
moving. All you need is a few words from the greatest Winner of all times
If everything were harmony, then you'd probably just stay right to cure you from your loser streak and infuse some new zest and
where you are and never move into any change or progress spark and inspiration and life back into your weary bones. You
voluntarily. may think you're through, but you're only through when I'm
Whereas, if things are not fine the way they are, then you move through with you, and that hasn't happened yet. You're only
into some means to change. through when I tell you you're through.
You can at least pray for change or desire change... anything but
stagnation and the same old rut. I just can't give up on you! Nor will I ever encourage you or tell
you to give up on anyone else, especially not anyone you have
You never found your "perfect situation" yet with which you fought so many battles with and have come such a long way
would be so comfortable that you wouldn't desire anymore with.
change. Never give up on anyone prematurely, and always remember how
When things aren't the way you wish for them to be, and it keeps I refuse to give up on you, no matter how bad you blow it,
you from being totally satisfied with your situation, that's the alright?
factor that will move you into change. Remember the importance of forgiveness, the importance to
When you desire change, then things can move forward, and keep on believing in your people, and not allow some little sin of
otherwise they won't. That's one reason why things just can't be theirs that you're just as guilty of, to cause you to decide that
perfect until I come. you're going to quit loving them or believing in them! Don't
commit the sin of ceasing to pray for them (1Sam.112:23), of
ceasing to have hope for them, and faith that I can salvage the
366 _________________________________________________ situation, no matter how bad. Don't give up on them, when I
You're asking Me, "As tired as I am of fighting, do I stand a never would give up on you that easily!
How can you not hold on to others the way I have held on to care, and think that your own momentary comfort is more
you? important, more valuable...

Did I give up on you? You may have expected Me to, but I didn't. So, guard the light and flame of your love! Don't let Satan blow it
Did I refuse to forgive you or stop believing in you? Did I stop out!
caring for you? You may have known that you would have It gives another connotation to "Watch and pray lest ye enter into
deserved it, but I didn't. Even so, it is My will for you that you temptation" when you realize that the major goal of temptation
don't give up on them, either... Never. will be to get you to stop loving.

Once you realize there is nothing holier, nothing more sacred,

367 _________________________________________________ nothing more valuable than that flame of love in your heart, and
If to love is My greatest commandment, then it's obvious that that there's nothing the Devil is more after, the whole thing takes
that's what the Devil will fight the most from keeping you doing. on a new perspective, dimension and level of priority, and you
What he hates most and tries to stop the most is the love you begin to realize it's actually something not only worth fighting
have among each other and for others. He wants to stop all the for, but that it's simply something you've got to fight for with all
loving from going on, and that's been his goal from the very your might!
beginning, and as you can tell, he's been very successful at it. You cannot afford to lose that flame, for to lose that flame is
"From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they equal to losing the life that is within you. "He that loveth not his
not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?" He brother abideth in death."
uses every sin available to keep you from loving. Actually, that's How do you guard that flame? By giving of yourself to others.
the aim of sin: to keep you from loving; to "miss the goal" is sin, "He that loseth his life for My sake, the same shall save it."
and the goal is love.
Failing to love equals sin. Sin is, when anything other than love
becomes more important to you. 368 _________________________________________________
Follow Me every day according to the new set of rules and
Pride can make you feel like your own ego, honor or hurt feelings circumstances you'll find that apply for each day in particular.
are more important.
Greed can make you feel as if material things are more important. It’s time to focus outward and tune in to the needs of others, roll
Fear can make you act as if your own survival and security were up your sleeves and pitch in with the gigantic job of winning and
more important, contradicting My Word that "Whosoever shall feeding the world that's there to reach.
save his life, the same shall lose it." It's time to realize that those around you need you.
Then come all the lies the Devil uses in order to stop loving It's time to pour out and be there for them.
others... Lies about them or about what's more important... It’s time for the giving of yourself and the pouring out of your life
You've experienced how anger can keep you from love, by to others.
making you easily feel aggravated and annoyed by the quirks of You should be ready to turn around and pour out from that which
others, causing you to become impatient with them, or self- I have given you, and make your major concern and effort the
righteous, etc. part of pouring out.
Laziness can make you think that your own comfort is more You should be strong enough from now on to deal with the
important than that of others, causing you to fail to love... problems you'll be encountering, not dismay at the prospect of
Envy can make you think that what others have should be them and fold up in resignation. You'll be expected to make the
rightfully yours, causing you to put yourself above them and thus best out of it, to salvage any crisis situation, and avoid many of
causing you to fail love... them because of your greater amount of care and attention you'll
Hedonism can cause people to think that pleasure is more be giving to your flock from now on.
important than genuine love. You'll be expected to sit together more and organize your
And lust can cause you to never be satisfied with what you have, activities better. You will also be able to develop more initiative,
always thinking that the grass on the other side of the fence is more drive.
more important than love... It’s action time, and time to gain some stature by going out there
& being on the move. I'm mobilizing My forces. It's time to show
He uses his hoards and legions of demons & spirits to play on what you've got, show all you've learned, and what My personal
the weaknesses you're most prone to, and he even has divisions training and tutorship has done for you!
specifically designed to destroy your love and unity. It’s not about what you should expect from them, but what I'm
In effect, all sins and all evil is designed for that purpose, to expecting you to give to them!
destroy love. After all, if I am Love, love is their Enemy.
It's got to come to the point where you just know that there's
So, it behooves you to guard your "lovelight" with all diligence nothing you can expect, that any desire for adoration is, and that
and care, and not allow the Enemy to come near it, much less to if anything good is going to be done, it's going to be done by Me
snuff it out! through you, and anything else is vanity.
All is vanity until I become part of it, take part in it, and become
Sometimes he even uses the fact that you know all these things the driving force in it. Once somebody repents and turns from
in theory in order for you to become familiar with the concept their life of vanity and lets Me get ahold of it and blow My life and
and cause you to despise it. Sometimes the thirst for knowledge, Spirit into it, the cycle of vanity ceases.
another type of greed, can be a dangerous enemy of love,
because you start considering knowledge as more important
than love. 369 _________________________________________________
There have always been power struggles, unfortunately, even
The Enemy has used laziness to get you to give up too easily, to within My own ranks.
not hang on to love with all your might, and he has used doubt (a The trick is not to let those inside attacks of the Enemy dissuade
side result of that greed for knowledge) to weaken you and cause you.
you to harbor skepticism. The clue is to keep fighting in spite of both your own weaknesses
One of the ugliest forms of laziness causes you to stop even and theirs. Like this you'll know, there'll be no doubt about it, that
making the effort to love people, because you just conclude in if the victory will be won, it will have been My working, and there
resignation, "Oh, what is it all worth, anyway?" will be no temptation to take the credit for yourself.
You underestimate the value of those souls entrusted in your
Make sure that I'm your Source of strength, power and stamina. way is hard, and something I can very well relate to. Yet it’s part
You'll need Me even more than before, but the means of how of love to accept that they choose a different way than yours.
you'll get ahold of Me will be different: more immediate, Never just write them off & say, “Forget about them…”
desperate prayer over the situation, more availing yourself of the I want your love to be like Mine: forgiving, longsuffering, always
keys and spirit helpers to fight off any spiritual attacks, more embracing and accepting, never rejecting, never casting anyone
authority in the Spirit to command the situation, and not so much out…
detailed instruction in prophecy.
The instructions will be there, too, but the emphasis won't be the There comes a time when certain behaviour patterns draw a line
same anymore, which will make our relationship and walk of separation between you and them and it becomes clear that
together more alive, too, as it will move from the realm of they must part. But always try to keep something in common
recorded words to the realm of action, your behavior and with them, some common ground to meet on, and never
attitudes. You will speak My living words more... condemn them for their decision.
There will be more pouring out than pouring in.
I let you walk the path you choose, even if I know that there might
As the Enemy tries his usual ploy of contradicting My Word and be a bitter end attached to it, and I’ll be standing there to catch
making everything look as if it's unraveling and going topsy your fall.
turvy, the trick is, not to be moved by any of these things, and to
learn to look through his schemes, his desperate efforts to Teach them all you can about how to make it through life
discourage and dissuade you from your task. successfully with My help.

But everybody’s got to make their own set of mistakes, and part
370 _________________________________________________ of love is to grant them that freedom and let them, even if you
It's from the Spirit World that your help and victory comes. may know better, and can foresee the end of it. They’ve got to
Lift your eyes upwards, for that's where your help will come make their own experiences.
from, from above. It’s within them to want to try their own way, and the more you
Prayer is a weapon more powerful than anything the Devil can fight it, the stronger that urge becomes.
muster. "The Devil flees when he sees the weakest saint upon his You can warn them and teach them and prepare them, but the
knees." final decision will be their’s to make, and if they do make what
you would consider the wrong one, don’t just write them off and
Man always wants new gimmicks to play with, but I'm usually a close the door behind them. Always keep it open a crack in order
little slower in introducing them. I want to show man how much to enable them to come back. Always make them feel welcome to
can already be accomplished with so little, and with simple come back!
means... The policy of using gigantic machines and technical After all, wouldn’t you want to have had that same freedom – to
and scientific advances in order to constantly rake in more, is make the wrong decisions – too? And you did. And you see that
definitely not My philosophy! My philosophy can be observed in in the final outcome it was good that you learned the lessons you
the little birds under the sky being cared for by Me without were taught by that road… Why deprive them of theirs?
making all this big ado about their survival.

Let them think they've got to move their big machines in order to 372 _________________________________________________
ensure their own survival, but I want you to be smarter and just When I couldn’t have done it on My own or in My own
rely on Me! Show them that a little bit of faith is more powerful strength, or based on My own natural resources of love when I
than all that their machines put together could come up with. was on earth, I just had to turn to the Father, and rely on Him to
do it through Me and/or give Me whatever I was lacking in order
I want you to stay focused on: My power, and how to use it! for Me to do it.
I have to virtually beg you to use My power. If you can’t do it on your own, if you don’t find it within you to
love, focus on Me, look unto Me, ask Me, and I will give you the
Prayer and praise, simple enough for any child to use, are yet necessary strength and love you need.
more powerful than anything man's entire arsenal of weapons
and machinery combined could do. When you can’t come up with the necessary love for someone,
Besides, their machinery usual destroys, but My kind of try to love them for My sake, the sake of another person that
weaponry brings life where there was none... stands between you and them, or simply for the sake of peace,
harmony and unity.
All that the Devil can do with the stuff he shows man, is bring If you can’t love them for their own sake, try loving them for My
death. He's the bringer of death, I'm the Bringer of Life, and we'll sake! I can give you the grace and the necessary love and
see in the final round, which is stronger. Once you've overcome patience for them you need.
death, what other obstacle could there possibly be? All the There is never a valid excuse for not having the necessary love,
Devil's power is in death and the fear thereof, so, be of good strength or grace, the necessary anointing, or whatever you
cheer, I have overcome all that he can muster up! My love is a fire need, because anything you lack in the natural, in order to do the
that all his flood of death cannot quench. I'm an unquenchable job I have commissioned you to do, you can ask Me for!
fire that will bring life, and life, and ever more life, even through
all the death, destruction and havoc the Devil will wreak and If you can’t do it for any other reason, just do it because you
unleash upon the earth. I have overcome him, and will cause you know it would make Mommy & Daddy happy.
also to overcome!

371 _________________________________________________ 373 _________________________________________________

“As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children I’m involved in revealing new things to My people.
of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: Where there’s a need, where there’s a vacuum, I come in and fill
they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies it; that’s My nature – the way I am. I am the Bread of Life, always
in the gate” (Ps.127:4,5). ready to fill any hunger and satiate any appetite, as long as it’s
Even if initially they may not decide to go the same way you good and in accordance with My will for a person.
chose, the time may come when they will stand up for you,
defend and protect you. In order to be a pioneer, you’ve just got to take the first step,
The pain that ensues when your children decide to go the System there’s no way around it! And often – more often than not –
you’ve also got to have the necessary conviction to take that Martha, busy, busy, busy in service… service to whom? Service
step on your own, if necessary, if there’s no one else who’s to Me? My yoke is easy. And My burden is light. And if it’s not
willing to take it with you. easy, and the burden is not light, then it is not My yoke, in other
words, then you have not been serving Me.

374 _________________________________________________ I, the Lord, Your God, am a jealous God and Husband, and will
I, Who have called this world into life, this age, this cycle, will have no other gods before Me. And believe Me that it is for your
also bring it to an end. That’s why at My appearance, time as you best, that I’m not allowing those gods before Me, because they
know it, will end. It will bring to an end the age of finite things, or don’t love you, but will only use you and suck you dry until there
at least it will usher it in. The Millennium will herald the New is not a drop of life and energy left in you.
Beginning that will never know an end, which will really begin
after the Millennium. If you’re going to serve Me, you’re going to have to give Me
priority over the gods of this world, their money, their power,
Time’s reign will officially end the moment the 7th trumpet will their wealth, their positions, and all the benefits they give you,
sound and the kingdoms of the earth will be Mine. They will be including your reputation, your salary, etc.
Mine forever, but there must be yet one final test to show who
will have learned. Don’t be among those who will say, “If I only had! If I only had
It will show, whose heart will be on My side, and in My Kingdom. given a little more time to the Lord, instead of the System; if I
only had given a little more to Him instead…!”
It’s time to really show in whom you truly put your trust: in Me or
375 _________________________________________________ in them. And your path will be rewarded according to that choice.
My yoke is easy and My burden is light. So, if the burden Without faith, it is impossible to please Me (Heb.11:1), and
becomes too heavy, then it’s usually a sign that you’ve taken on without works, that faith is dead. I need you to do the works that
someone else’s burden, not Mine for you to carry. last and remain, that will bring forth fruit for Me, everlasting fruit,
spiritual fruit!
It feels great to be needed, to be indispensable, and sometimes
people don’t even care by whom, even if it is the System, and
even if they sap away all your strength, all your energy, so that 376 _________________________________________________
there is practically none left for Me, and before you know it, you The Essence, the lifeblood of My Family is the Word.
find yourself having lived a life slaving away for that which is Only those who cling to the Word will make it.
temporal, when you could have gleaned so many more lasting
bonuses toward that which really counts in Eternity.
377 _________________________________________________
I just want to keep My children from the embarrassment of I encourage you to put your stakes higher than you have, and
having to find out someday in tears that they could have done so I want you to be open for greater changes rolling in with the
much more for Me, while they were busily slaving away for the future, and prepare for what’s to come.
Things are going to tighten up. They’re not going to become
Change is up ahead inevitably. Things will not always continue more open. Authorities worldwide are soon going to start
as they are. There is one impending change that is inevitably clamping down and closing in on the “undesirable elements” of
going to hit everyone, even if they won’t live to see the Endtime society, as they already are, making it more and more difficult for
or My return, and that is death. I don’t want My children to enter people to lead alternative life-styles…
My Kingdom unprepared. I don’t want those who truly love Me
come before Me ashamed, and that’s why I’ve got to show them, I want you to be aware that changes might be required in the
even in sometimes painful ways, when they’re going the wrong future, and not to be stuck in your present mindset, but realize
way, or putting too much emphasis on something else than Me, that you may have to adapt to times becoming darker and more
giving their priorities to another, which in effect means, having severe, even darker than the Roman persecution and the
another god before Me, which I cannot tolerate. Inquisition!
So, it behooves you to walk wisely toward them that are without,
The flesh thinks and trusts that all things will continue as they and to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
are, that’s why they will always continue to work as they have
been for all these years and decades. No major changes have You may have to radically change tactics in the days to come, if
happened yet, so it’s unlikely to assume that they’re still going to you’re going to survive.
happen, so, why make any unnecessary preparations or Changes are up ahead, and while I do want you to keep that
adaptations? Like the parable of the frog: If you put him in hot radical spirit, I will need you to manifest it in different ways in the
water, he’ll immediately jump out. But if you heat up the water future!
gradually, he’ll stay inside until the water starts boiling.
So, if circumstances are becoming quite uncomfortable and Get together on a regular basis and make tangible plans with real
almost unbearable for you, maybe it’s because something’s steps on how to improve your business for Me.
severely wrong, and going to become worse. Maybe it’s an The haphazard life-style and the ways of those days are going to
indicator that the water is becoming very hot, and it’s time for be left behind!
drastic changes, time to jump out, before you’re going to boil.
The Enemy’s the one who started the fire, and he’s cooking his A new day is ringing in, and it’s bringing along lots of exciting
great final meal, his final empire and World Order. changes, which means, parting with the old.

It’s time for everyone near and far to get serious with Me; serious Nostalgia is not appropriate, but vigilance and being on the
about serving Me, and to prove whether they really mean lookout for whatever changes I want to usher in next.
business with Me, because the time for compromise with the That’s what it means to stay revolutionary.
Enemy and his System is soon coming to a close, and you must I want you to be ready at all times, and willing, to make the
prepare for that time. necessary changes, whenever required.
Be truly radical and stay on your toes, ready to change at a
You must spend time with Me, sitting at My feet learning of Me, moment’s notice. You cannot afford to become stagnant and set
what it truly is that I want you to do, and not run around like in your ways. You need to stay flexible and alive, changeable,
moving! When you allow things to flow into your life that don’t really have
There are great changes coming about that Old Bottles stuck in My Spirit, then it interrupts the flow of uplifting, inspiring and
their pre-set ways won’t make it through. edifying things in your life.
“Choosing the good and eschewing the evil” requires a bit of
I want to use you for as long as I can, and I need you to be time and experience to learn.
flexible and adaptable in order to ensure that! So if you want to ensure that the flow of My good and edifying
In light of what’s coming at you - the Tribulation - you will want to things keeps on steadily in your lives, do take the time to double-
avoid sticking out unnecessarily. check.
Be ready to appear – not necessarily as “one of them,” but at
least as one making an effort to “blend in” for their sakes, andWhat matters most is that you stay on the ball and on top of
not someone who stubbornly insists on making a point about things in the Spirit. Everything else will “flow,” but you’ve got to
how “different” he is, and “not part of it.” make the initial effort of the drawing first! You draw on My Spirit,
and it initiates the process of getting My heavenly machinery and
There are sheep out there whom I want you to win, and “in order engines to work for you.
to win some, you’ve got to be winsome.” You’ve got to show that That’s the principle of faith, the flipping the switch, the baby’s
they’re worth making an effort to you! That you care about them sucking on the breast… That’s the secret. It was, and always has
enough to change for their sake, if need be! been, and still is. Keep enjoying the secret. Keep sucking. Just
keep doing it! Feel the satisfaction coming up? The power that
People aren’t exactly becoming more tolerant as the times wax enables you to do other things you felt previously incapable of?
worse & worse and the days grow darker! That’s the power! Keep it flowing!

Unwillingness and resistance to change is a sign of being an Old

Bottle. 380 _________________________________________________
Even giving up your idea of what a New Bottle is supposed to It always takes one man (or woman) of faith to get the stone
look like, can be part of it. rolling and to initiate the process, to believe Me for what I said,
I need you to be radical enough to change! I need you to without any evidence for it. For them, faith is the evidence, the
welcome change, embrace change and to live constant change. title deed to the promise they cling to. They say, if I said it, then
Change means progress – the opposite of stagnation and they count it done.
becoming stuck in a rut. In order to keep alive, old things have
got to go, and you’ve got to change! So, keep moving with the You can either sit and wait for the right circumstances to happen,
breath of My Spirit, and come, flow with Me! and for the harvest to come by itself, or you can make it happen,
by believing that it’s happening and taking My Word for it, that
indeed it will happen.
378 _________________________________________________
As inevitable as the setting of the sun and the rising again of
the same, so is My mighty harvest that I have promised to My 381 _________________________________________________
reapers, My harvesters, My Family! You are ready to teach & How strong, how real, how lasting is your love?
preach? They are ready to receive, to soak up & learn what you The first and no.1 requirement for a shepherd is love. Love that
have to give. will last, love that will be able to look beyond people’s failures.
Just as the great number of fishes were unstoppably drawn into You’ve just got to keep loving them, no matter what they do, you
the nets of My disciples Peter & James, when I first called them, can’t just stop loving them.
so will the sheep come flocking to you, as a proof of your
authenticity. My sheep hear My voice, and they will follow. If loving Me and others is the top no.1 commandment, then the
Keep believing, and keep drawing them in! Keep throwing out Devil is going to try to get you to stop loving. Are you going to let
your nets, launching out into the deep, even if before you haven’t him?
caught anything! Do it because I said so!
Whatever you do, don’t stop loving! Keep on loving, no matter
With every word you pour out, your anointing & power will grow; what! There is just no excuse for failure to love. There’s no valid
for as you pour out, I’ll pour in, & you can never outpour Me! excuse for stopping to love someone.
I won’t excuse you for ceasing to love them. I expect you to keep
loving as I have loved.
379 _________________________________________________
Sometimes you’ve just got to be firm about what you want, Learning to love is all about putting up with others’ sins and
and keep insisting that you will receive. faults, and before you’ve learned that lesson, there’s no use
I do want to speak to you, communicate with you. trying to tackle any other one.
You can’t be passive about it. The drawing is your action, the part
that you do. What’s expected of you is to forgive and to continue loving those
You’ve got to be more determined about it, take it by faith that I who may have wronged you or someone else.
always love to communicate with you, and then act on that faith. Self-righteousness only makes matters worse.
You’ve got to make it happen; start typing and believe… take that
first step into the unknown. Stop taking others’ sins so seriously, when I haven’t paid any
significant attention to yours. If you want Me to turn a blind eye
It’s not that I am tired or don’t “feel” like talking. It’s not that My to your faults, mistakes and sins, then I will have to be able to
mood or My state are in any way affected by circumstances. expect the same from you regarding theirs.
That’s one of those aspects in which I am unchangeable, steady
and firm like a rock, as opposed to your feebleness and quality of
easily being swayed by physical circumstances. 382 _________________________________________________
That’s what some folks appreciate about Me, that I’m not as What I really want to drive home with saying “time is short,”
unreliable as they know themselves or other humans to be: not is the point that you shouldn’t waste your time with frivolous
subject to emotional bouts, moods or fits. I do get angry at times, things anymore, with worldly things, and that you had better stay
but that’s a different matter. You can always be sure that if and on the track and keep going My way, because I know how easy it
when I get angry, there’s a good reason for it. is for you to get side-tracked by the temptations of the Devil.
Yet, once you are on My path and doing everything you can to
get closer to Me, you also have to develop some patience and backdoor, rather than via open confrontation.
realize that not everything gets accomplished and learned in one
day. Once you are on My path, you must trust that time is in My Taking time with Me about it is a manifestation of love, too.
hands, and that the learning and growing process happens at My Bringing these issues before Me shows you’re concerned and
perfectly ordained pace, and you cannot become impatient with not just writing them off, and that when it comes down to it, I’m
Me or yourself, or others… going to have to be the One Who gives you and them the victory.
Without that trust, you cannot truly love, because you will always
expect more and faster progress from yourself and others than It would be like cheating to just give you the victory without
you’re able to deliver. having done some fighting first. It’s like the proverb about
teaching a man to fish, instead of feeding him: I’m teaching you
Sometimes the step I want you to take for Me is to simply wait the skills of obtaining the victory, strengthening you through that
and trust that I will come through for you, to flip that spiritual process, not just handing you the victory on a silver platter and
switch and make that decision to trust and believe in Me. allowing you to remain weak. Only fighting is what’s going to
When you look around, that’s precisely what a lot of people are make you strong enough to obtain the victory – not entirely by
lacking. I’m not expecting them to take the gigantic step for Me to yourself, but with My help, but nonetheless through the part that
drop out, forsake all and follow Me right off the bat. What they’ve you can do.
got to do first of all, before they can take any further significant There is always a part that’s there for you to do. Some things
step for Me, is to take that step of faith and make the decision you’ve got to wrap up in a bundle of faith and figure out over time
that they’re going to trust Me with their lives, that they’re going to with My help, and not just want a quick answer. Some of those
believe in Me and have faith in Me. paradoxes in life take time to understand. It’s time that makes
them beautiful, valuable, and turns them into experience and
You practically have to take that step afresh every day and wisdom that others will be able to benefit from as well.
decide you’re going to trust Me for your present circumstances
and problems and their outcome!
That’s why “Patience takes faith.” In order to have the patience 385 _________________________________________________
that makes love possible, first of all you gotta have faith. Sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to talking,
Faith is the process that makes the tree (of your spiritual life) even when you’re pouring out My Word to the sheep. You can’t
grow from the seeds, the Word. Faith is what causes the tree to feed babies big meals.
grow in the first place, without faith there is no tree of a spiritual Sometimes it takes a more basic teacher to give the really young
life. And once faith has done its work, it “worketh patience.” and fresh sheep the diet they need, otherwise you risk over-
That’s the result: you’ll have more patience with others, more stuffing them.
patience with yourself, and you won’t get all uptight if the world
hasn’t been changed into perfect yet all in one day. It takes humility to sometimes share less than all you could, to
say less than everything you know all at once, and to maybe let
somebody else do the talking for a change, who may not know
383 _________________________________________________ quite as much, but may have a better sense of what the
Make your goals a reality. appropriate diet and needed input for your spiritual babies may
I want to reward your labors with fruit! Just tell Me how much you be.
want, and I’ll see whether I can make it happen for you! As usual, Otherwise, it can become an act of the flesh, rather than relying
I’m more willing to give than you are to receive! on the gifts of My Spirit to really pour out to them what I tell you
they need. It can become merely an exchange of carnal
knowledge, when what you really need to do is pour out rivers of
384 _________________________________________________ living water from the spirit, rather than your head.
It’s better not to deal excessively with your faults, flaws and You’ve got to listen to the Spirit when you pour out to your
sins, and to just keep going right ahead in spite of them. And that sheep, and let Me do the talking through you.
also includes the faults of your own children, or your own faults
reflected in them. It can be shocking and frightening sometimes, You’re a team, and you need to evenly distribute the weight of the
and gives you reason to wonder, “Why hast Thou made me responsibility and the load between you, otherwise you might
thus,” but in the end, perhaps it’s just a test for you to see wind up with “back problems.”
whether you will keep going in spite of it… I want you to get used to team working.

Discernment shouldn’t ever keep you from looking at the good in

people. Real mature discernment means making the effort to look 386 _________________________________________________
for the good in people, in spite of the bad you may already see… It’s war time! In war, things don’t continue to tranquilly run
their course, but there is howling of sirens and running to and fro
(Heb.12:1, 2) Laying aside the weight and besetting sins of people… the sky is dark, and there’s the noise of gun and shell
sometimes means just to stop paying so much attention to them fire. There’s pain when you’re being hit by something, and you
to the point where you’re being hindered by them, and just look may find yourself paralyzed and tied to the spot…
unto Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith, your only hope of This is it. This is no drill.
glory. It’s not a time anymore for entertainment and leisure. It’s a call to
arms. The success and outcome of the battle will depend on each
Some of those “extra truths” you’re discovering should not make man, woman and child involved.
you forget the basic truths you already got from My Word! “Know
thyself” does not outweigh the truth of “looking unto Jesus!” In the movies you always see the hero make up his mind
It is good to be able to be completely honest with yourself. But if reluctantly and at the last minute, to finally do his part and pitch
what you see in facing yourself merely paralyzes and stuns you in, in order for good to win the battle.
into a state of zero productivity because you’re so shocked by it, In reality, that’s an attitude very unlike to ensure success.
then it’s better to just lay all that ugly ego-business aside, keep If you want to win a war, you’d better start training and learning
looking unto Me and do what’s humanly impossible, in spite of all how to fight as soon as possible, and prepare for what’s ahead of
your weaknesses. you, and not just rely on luck to give you the strength you’ll
need. Luck is a very insecure factor to rely on in a war, because
It’s tricky, trying to help someone to overcome their weaknesses you’ll more often than not find yourself and the world around you
in an uplifting way. You’ve got to do it sort of through the running out of luck.
In fact, you’ll find luck turn out to be only a façade, the joker’s You’re offering them the solution to death and hell by offering
mocking laughing mask to distract the masses and make them them salvation. You’re offering a solution to their ignorance by
think life is funny, keeping them utterly unprepared for the presenting ample information to build a foundation of knowledge
serious episodes to come… of truth; offering My happiness and joyful Spirit in exchange for
their depressions and frustrations.
This generation, brought up into believing that the meaning of The Offensive is all about focusing on the solution: “What do I
life is to have as much fun as possible, is going to have a hard have to offer to the world, and how could we make it more
awakening, soon, to the seriousness of the true core of the sense attractive to our target audience?”
of life, which has been hidden from them, and blessed will be Our product: The Solution. Our challenge: how to “sell” it to the
those a beacon of light and pillar of truth to hold on to and to public most efficiently.
guide them in the right direction… in My direction. You’re going to have to be able to prove and show from your own
lives that it works. Do you really believe that you’ve got the
Sometimes I must counter your efforts to ignore the fact that solution to the System’s troubles and woes? Then how will you
we’re at war, and that not everything’s fine, and this is not yet present it to the world? Because present it you will and must,
your resting place, with evidence for the extent to which the evil unless you’re planning to keep it all to yourself, right?
one is at work, not only in far-away lands, but right in your own
388 _________________________________________________
You’re used to Me bailing you out of your troubles somehow, You’ll be dependent more & more on My supernatural
sooner or later. But with the severity of troubles increasing, you protection, as time goes on.
had also better learn to turn up your prayer power accordingly. I give you My promise of protection, and the promise of My
In order to prepare you for the Tribulation, I sometimes have to blessings for being willing to take a risk for the sake of My
allow little foretastes and shadows of tribulation in your life, to Cause, My Kingdom, and for the sake of love and wanting to help
get you into praying mode, desperate mode, no-longer-things-as- someone and draw them closer to Me.
usual mode…
You are more valuable to Me than any achievements for Me you
You must learn to see and perceive the bad news as good, in that might ever make. Your fruit isn’t as important to Me as you are
they’re going to accelerate My return. “When you see these yourselves.
things come to pass, look up, for your redemption draws nigh!”
It’s all the more looking-unto-Jesus time! So, look to Me, when I’m more involved in orchestrating things from behind the scenes
you see these troubles happen in your life, and don’t look to any than you sometimes dare to hope…
other source of satisfaction, for that is not My will, and it would
defeat the purpose of the suffering I allow in your life.
Focus on Me, your only hope, your only strength, and your only 389 _________________________________________________
light! Nothing else is going to be able to see you through! You’ve got to do what I’ve given you to do without being
deterred or distracted by what’s going on on your left and your
right! Worse things than what’s happening right now are going to
387 _________________________________________________ happen, and you’re just going to have to be able to keep going in
If there is a school of life, and I’m its teacher, what the Devil spite of them! You cannot let it influence you when those on your
came up with in order to distract people from the school and the left and right are stumbling or falling. You’ve got to stand! You
meaning of life, was his counterfeit “school,” the compulsory can make an effort to lift them up, if they want to be helped and
public school system. lifted up and stand, but if not, you are going to have to keep
He’s trying to make sure that people – and young people in going and fighting anyway.
particular – won’t get the chance to tune in to the real school of If they decide to go a different way, if they allow themselves to
life, by keeping them busily stuffing their heads with the become lukewarm and be influenced and swayed by the System,
counterfeit knowledge concocted in his public school system. you’re still going to have to keep going for Me!

I can keep My children anywhere, and even protect their minds It’s not how much you accomplish for Me, how many you’ve
from becoming polluted by the brainwash the Enemy has them reached for Me that counts, as much as how faithfully you’ve
bombarded with on a daily basis. been keeping going for Me in spite of unfavourable
I can preserve them unto Me and keep them from becoming lost circumstances!
to all that smut, even if they may be affected by it somewhat. Even if you’re forsaken and betrayed by everyone around you, in
When you see the overwhelming power and mass with which the the worst case scenario, as it did happen to Me.
Enemy operates in his brainwashing procedure and propaganda If you’re truly going to be following in My footsteps until the
and information war, you figure there won’t be much of a chance bitter end, you’ve somewhat got to be prepared for that.
that anybody is going to escape that grind. But I want you to
have more faith than that! If you don’t like your church, create your own church! If you
The school system simply won’t “click” with a lot of people, who, don’t like the members of your congregation, win some new
like you did, instinctively feel that it’s not doing them any good, members to your congregation that you do like and do get along
not teaching them anything truly valuable. with! If you think that the rest of your faith community isn’t really
living up to what you’d consider My standard, then do it
Tell them about the cool alternative! Tell them about the school of differently, and show the world how you think it ought to be
life! Tell them about Me, the Master Teacher, Who can really teach done.
them stuff that’s worthwhile, 100% relevant to real life. If you’ll operate like that, sooner or later you’re going to win the
respect of those you may not be getting along with right now,
If the school system is the Enemy’s counterpart to My real school and once they’ll respect you, they’ll probably also adapt their
of life, then you have to cope with the fact that every hour your behaviour toward you.
child is spending in school, she’s being soaked with something
other than what I would teach her, if she were exclusively under You’ve got to be so convinced that you’ve got the Real Thing,
My tutorship. that you won’t be affected at all by the fact that some of the
members – or even the majority of members – of your outfit don’t
Focus on the solution. If there’s a problem, I must have the seem to be representing what you’d call the real thing! You’ve
solution. just got to keep being and keep preaching and keep advertising
the Real Thing regardless! it, and to receive My love first, which will then create the
necessary love in you.
If you think they’re not doing it, then do it yourself and be
whatever you think they’re not or are failing to be! As long as you consider yourself to be self-sufficient, you don’t
allow yourself to fall totally in love with Me. It’s the breakings that
Focus on what I’m able to do with you and through you, if you’re make you realize that you do need somebody, indeed, that you
just determined to be that one man with whom there is no limit to can’t make it on your own, and that that somebody is often
which extent I can use him. someone who’s been there all along, loving you unconditionally,
and basically just hoping and wishing and waiting for you to stop
Make Me proud and keep going for Me, just for Me! You can do it! taking that love for granted.
I know you can! I promised you can! It doesn’t say, “I can do all
things through the great and mighty church I’m affiliated with.” It It’s the necessary step that it takes, away from independence and
says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth self-sufficiency toward love, and just allowing yourself to totally
Me.” Prove it! Do it! Make it come true! No matter what anyone fall into the arms of love and recognize the Love of your life, and
else says or does! Refuse to be diverted by it! Just keep going just say “yes” to it, letting fall aside all the other factors that may
on, keep forging ahead in spite of anything they do or might not have motivated you so far, your ambitions and dreams of
do! Keep going right ahead! Will you do that for Me? achievements, etc. All that matters then is love, and once you get
there, you will also have the necessary love and patience for
others, because nothing else will matter: Time won’t matter
390 _________________________________________________ anymore, so there won’t be any need to become impatient.
The kind of “independence” and indigenousness I’m trying to Money won’t matter anymore, so there won’t be any need to
teach people is to rely and depend on Me, instead of relying and worry. Your ego won’t matter anymore, so there won’t be any
constantly looking up to other people for help. Especially need for defending or showcasing it…
because I know how short-lived human patience and willingness
to help can be. What it takes is letting go. Letting go of all that other stuff, all
else besides love. It’s really the only ingredient that will ensure
your success for Me.
391 _________________________________________________ You’ve got to make sure that that’s your motivation and the thing
It requires some sacrifice and changes to really get on the that rules you, your goal: love. If it’s anything else, what do you
ball for Me and with this revolution. want to witness for, win souls or disciples for? What use would it
It all depends on how much and how badly you truly want to be? For what would you win disciples and gain followers, if not
make it, surviving there on the frontlines in this war… for love? Just to make sure you’re keeping up, so no one can
laugh at your being left behind? Or to ensure your heavenly
It’s going to be a rough ride, and it’s only going to be the “ride of rewards? Or My continued blessings?
your life” if you make the necessary preparations for it, and make
sure you’re going to be in a condition to enjoy it, instead of being Once you replace all these with a desire for love, for nothing else
overwhelmed and knocked out by it because you didn’t do what than to love and be loved by Me, then you’re in the necessary
you could in order to have the stamina that it takes to keep up process that will enable you to do those things for Me that will
with My pace in this roller coaster ride… make a difference.
There won’t be any need to be angry with anyone anymore,
Remember “the most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a because you’ll know all is forgiven, all things will be well, and
comfortable place,” meaning that comfort isn’t what you ought to you’ll have that perfect trust in Me that perfect love brings.
be seeking. Comfort is your enemy, and anything that makes you
feel comfortable may be counterproductive in the aspect of When you see everything from the viewpoint of love, you’ll see
getting you where I want you to be. You can’t fight a war there is no need at all to condemn yourself for not managing any
comfortably! better; there is no pressure on you except that minimum
pressure and challenge that will spur you on to grow and make
progress; there is nothing to lose, nothing to worry, fret or fear or
392 _________________________________________________ become upset about! All is good! All will be good. And if it will be
If you need help, just ask. It would help to communicate good, it is as good as done. You can count it done! Trust Me! I
about more openly. Sometimes it also applies to inter-human promised it, and it will be so. It’s really a matter of trust. How
relationships: “Ye have not because ye ask not.” much do you really trust in those promises of Mine?

Every once in a while I allow you to fall into a situation where you Once you know I can do it; that I am well able and willing to help
have to rediscover the art of asking for things. you succeed, then all those lying vanities, your anger and
In regards to the Endtime, that skill might come in handy frustrations, will melt away.

“Ask and it will be given you.” Pride simply doesn’t pay off in 394 _________________________________________________
this, My business! And it doesn’t pay off in relationships, either. As long as you’re still trying to run on your own little
And isn’t that what My business is all about? So, there’s still a lot batteries, you’ll run dry and wind up disappointed and frustrated.
to learn along the lines of this relationship business, and one of Learn to make sure to run on My power, and not your own.
the first lessons is to humble yourself to ask, to openly make
your needs known, as well as your appreciation for having them If you make certain to avail yourself of My power, there will be a
met… You’ll get what you want if you just cultivate the art of different kind of zest behind your work, a greater certainty and
asking for it in the right way. knowing that you’re doing the right thing, more inspiration, and
thus, less danger of becoming upset and frustrated in the
393 _________________________________________________
What you want is a love for Me so great that nothing can pull You can’t do the things I’m asking you to do in the flesh. They’re
you back into the darkness, and you know that there is no effort spiritual efforts, fought with the weapons of the Spirit.
you could ever make in order to work up that kind of love, or
acquire it by yourself. The only thing you can do is to ask Me for It’s not in My interest to fool you, confuse you or lead you astray.
Time is way too precious for Me for foolish detours. I’m serious gifts I’ve given you, unless you just do what I’ve commanded you
about what I’m telling you, and I’d appreciate it, if you would to do with them. Sometimes it seems to make no sense: go and
believe Me for it, and take My Word for it, and if you’d act on what wash off some dirt! But who knows what miracles may result
I tell you. from that simple, sheer obedience!

As so often, I can only say, have a little faith in Me! Have a little You may feel like I’m teasing you and being mean to you by
trust in Me, that I won’t give you a snake or a rock for an egg or smearing some dirt in your face, but if you trust that I am Love,
bread… I give you good food. and that I only mean to do you good, you will believe Me, that
even that dirt will bring about your healing, even if you may not
Hearing from Me does not only consist of the actual receiving of understand it initially.
My words, but it should also include a time of prayer, of digesting
the spiritual food and input I’ve given you… of praising Me, and
thanking Me for it, and asking Me to show you ways to implement 397 _________________________________________________
what I’ve given you! People often fail to recognize the enemy within.
Most folks fail to realize that in order to be able to change the
world effectively for the better, one needs to correct what’s
395 _________________________________________________ wrong on the inside first, or at least recognize the obstacles that
I want to be your Sunshine when there’s no sunshine. I want are right there at one’s own doorstep, and then not be
to be the factor to brighten up your day, the Source that will give overwhelmed by them, but tackle them with My help.
you warmth when you feel cold in this world, the One to make
you feel loved when you feel lost and forsaken. When you become upset with Me for allowing unpleasant
I want to be the Sunshine of your life; your ray of light and hope, circumstances, you’re in effect putting yourself above Me. You’re
the one thing to look forward to in the middle of all the bleakness criticizing Me for the way I’m handling things, for the extent to
that surrounds you. which I’m allowing reality to veer from the confines you would
give it, if you were in My place.
Nothing’s going to cheer you up or light up your view on things It’s a matter of seeing things from My angle, not taking for
as much and as effectively as My voice, My Word, and My granted that whatever conclusions your carnal mind may have
glimpses of Heaven that I show you. reached are the A and O of everything…
No matter how smart you are, there’s still yet another point of
view to explore, and that’s Mine, and that’s something you don’t
396 _________________________________________________ get by figuring out, but by asking.
My words are more than just good advice. They are the living All the smartness and capabilities in the world won’t get you to
essence of all things, and they have creative power. If even your your destination, they won’t enable you to survive what’s to
words have creative power, just think how much more so My come; but faith can. That doesn’t mean that intelligence and
words, which brought the world into being. I speak and it’s done. strength are totally useless, and that you shouldn’t use them, but
It’s just that in the case of My children and followers who know you should not rely on them to the extent that you would rely on
Me well, I expect them to do their part, so I don’t just do the faith in Me and My strength, and greater knowledge and wisdom.
whole magic on My own, but I have you participate as much as
you can, in making it happen.
I show you where to throw the nets, but I won’t throw them out 398 _________________________________________________
for you. There is always a solution. I may make you go and find it As with Elisha and his servant, who didn’t see the spiritual
for yourself, but I give you a nudge in the right direction. forces surrounding them, and he had to pray, “Open his eyes,”
you can pray for others, that I will open their eyes.
If you feel ill-equipped or incapable to reach the standard that is
set before you, maybe it should teach you to have a little mercy It’s a work of My grace that I have come into your life and helped
on those for whom you may have put the doorknob a little too you see, and I want you to be an extension of that grace and help
high… others also.
I have prepared many of them, and have begun to show them
Even if what you’re doing may only seem like a drop in the things already. But you can lead them Home and fill in the details
bucket compared to what’s needed, it is a beginning, a first step for them that they’re yet unsure about.
in the right direction. It’s a small beginning to a greater end. Pray for them, that I will continue to open their eyes, and
It will take faith and perseverance to bring it to and end, and to continue to teach them things which right now they may not see.
have it grow into something stronger and more noticeable, but if That is one of your main purposes: to open the eyes of the
you will keep it up, you’ll find the results far surpassing those of spiritually blind; enhance the sight of those who only have a
the usual carnal efforts. vague idea of an outline and shadow of things to come.
Just keep it up, and this small, insignificant and unseemly effort
will grow into something that is going to bring about miraculous You have to be bold enough to assume the role of a leader. Not a
results! passive and hesitant attitude, but a definite and certain hand to
show the way. It’s an anointing and a mantle you have to choose
All I gave the man blind from birth was a bit of mud made from to accept.
spittle and dirt of the ground, along with a commandment, to “go People will look up to you for guidance, and you cannot just give
and wash.” But his obedience to do as I said, and his humility to a vague, uncertain signal. You must be sure of what you believe,
make something out of the apparently humble gift he was given and that this is the best way to follow. Any other way will at best
resulted in a miracle that’s been the source of the opening of be a detour.
eyes of many ever since… You’ve got to stand up with conviction and be bold enough to
proclaim to people, “We are the ones whom the Lord has raised
You never know what I’m up to with that small, seemingly and prepared to lead you through the darkness that’s to come!”
insignificant gift of yours, that small, seemingly unimportant life You’ve got to be determined and know beyond a shadow of a
of yours, in a small unseemly situation that you can’t seem to doubt that I won’t allow you to be led astray, but that I will hold
make much out of. All I may be requiring of you is that little bit of you safely in My hand and within My reins of the Spirit.
faithfulness, that bit of obedience to do it, anyway, and not to You are Mine, and I will not let you go. I will put My Words into
despise what I’ve given you, but believe Me for it instead. your mouth, and you will speak them, not with uncertainty, but
You may never know what I’m still going to do with those little with absolute certainty and conviction, and they will receive
them. realizing that My Spirit can only fill empty places & vessels…

I need those who are going to be ready for Me, and accept it and Right now your accomplishment-meter isn’t on “pat-yourself-on-
recognize it and see, “Yes, Lord, I am ready. Use me now.” the-back” level. So, I want to encourage you to stay down there
for a while and just soak it in and embrace this relative low. This
I’ll be there to carry the consequences for you. Just speak is just as much part of life, part of what I’m handing you as the
whatever I put in your mouth. Just be brave and say it; take the good, cheerful and sunny times.
lead, and don’t let their whims push you around and dictate Don’t see it as “not living up to your full potential,” but try to
what’s happening. thank Me for these times just as much as you would thank Me for
a sunny sky.
Help them overcome their demons, their besetting sins, and take
the authority in the spirit and help them fight and overcome Try to see Me in it! When you can see Me even in the grey sky,
them. Lead them in the fight, lead them to victory! Lead them to and you can fathom My love even from the bleakness of things,
confront their demons, their fears, their addictions, their lusts… then you’re learning to walk by faith and not by sight. The dark
whatever it is that plagues them, and tell them in no uncertain times must come, and you must experience them, too, just as
terms, “I can show you the way to freedom, if it’s freedom you everybody else must. How else will you comfort them with the
want!” comfort wherewith you have been comforted by Me? How else
will you teach them to walk by faith and not by sight?

399 _________________________________________________ Isn’t it the rough times that make you pray more? So, the times
Things apparently have to reach a certain point until you you pray more, in My eyes are the more “glorious” times, even if
become really stirred up about something in the spirit. Things to you may seem anything else but glorious. But you’re giving
have to become desperate before you get desperate… Me the glory more then.

If you want to make progress you may have to develop a different Don’t you think that I could have manifested My glory and have
attitude about it. My greatest works carried out through the angels more easily?
It’s not anything you can generate in the flesh, even though there And evidently some of them couldn’t handle My decision to
is a certain amount of physical effort that goes along with it. But choose man as the primary vessel, howbeit a weak and frail one,
you ought to get stirred up in the spirit about it and show that for My greatest works. Why? Because My glory would be
this is also what you want because it’s the direction I’m leading. manifest so much more obviously in them. It’s got to be clear
that the power comes from Me, otherwise, it’s just another never-
The first thing to do is to say “yes” to My plan and show that ending ego trip, like the one the Devil is on and has led his
you’re going to believe Me for it. followers into since millennia.
Why not believe Me for it, and enjoy the pleasant consequences
of your faith, rather than doubt and say, “Oh, the circumstances That’s why I glory in the times when your ego is low, and you
indicate that the Lord must not really have meant what He don’t feel like you’re accomplishing anything. I like to make
said…”? something out of nothing. I like to turn something unpromising
into something glorious. It’s just My nature. I see the potential in
Part of the problem has been your attitude of “resigning to your the dreadful, in the lowly and the despised…
fate” and saying, “I’m so tired of living, anyway, You might as The glory and strength of man is something I can’t do much with.
well take me Home!” That may be what you want or you may All that show-off in their efforts to impress each other doesn’t
think you want, but it’s not in accordance with what I want, since impress Me much. I’m looking for those who are ready and
I need you there to do your job and finish it. willing to give Me a chance to let My power and glory to be seen
You are still needed, even if you may feel old and useless, not and manifested through them. Be honest: how many of that kind
much good for anything. of people are there? How often does that happen?
You’re only through when I’m through with you.
Something truly magical happens when a human being allows Me
to take over and our forces unite to the point where I can really
400 _________________________________________________ work through them.
Sometimes when you think you’re doing great, you turn out It’s an historical event that lights up the landscape in a flare, and
to be doing not so great, after all, and those times when you’re that doesn’t go unnoticed.
really broken and good for nothing are often the times I’m using But I’m only able to do that kind of work in the darkness, in the
you the most. lowly ground, not on the high, sunny and elevated spots. My true
That ought to teach you not to resist and fight against those church has always been an Underground church in this world.
times of brokenness, but rather to embrace and welcome them.
It’s another aspect & facet of seeing things My way, instead of the You see the difference between “God’s fair-weather friends,” and
carnal way. those who get going when the going gets tough?
It’s those of the second group that really make it.
Your natural man resists the down times, and tries to pull himself
up and make you feel better again, pep you up again, and restore if you want to make it through the times ahead, you’re going to
the “champion” in the old man and the arm of the flesh & restore have to learn to also embrace the not-so-sunny and not-so-easy
their former glory. But the true art is to stay down there and “let it times, and take them with the same grin you would face the good
be” and just be content anyway, in spite of not being “on top of times with. I want you to quit murmuring and grumbling about
things.” them.
You have often chosen the easiest option and the path of the
Take it by faith that those “hard times” are just as much part of least resistance, and I’m warning you that the way ahead, and
My plan, and thus just as much reason to rejoice as the “good what the future holds is running out of “paths of least
times.” resistance.”
And maybe retrospectively, some day you might see that those There won’t be too many of those anymore, and you had better
hard times really weren’t bad times at all, but that they in fact learn to swim and buck the tide, if you’re not going to be washed
were the good times during which I was able to use you the most. away by the events to come.
I want you to stand, and I wish for you to remain. But a lot
You always strive to fill yourselves up with good things, not depends on you in this aspect, since you’ve got to see to it
yourself that you’re strengthened, just as you need to see to it
that your body, your muscles and your back are being Some of My prophets found the booklets & scrolls of My
strengthened. revelations a bitter pill to swallow, so, I’m going to let you
determine whether you’re ready for such a gift, along with all of
Why are you still looking for satisfaction in this world as if it was its consequences. Things certainly won’t become easier for you
your Home? Appreciate the good days, but don’t take them for with such a gift.
granted, and don’t start whining over the not-so-good ones, but
appreciate them, too. They’re more likely to be the days when I It’s a good thing to continue being prayerful and open for My
can really use you! nudges concerning what the immediate future brings. It’s
certainly good to “feel out” the signs of the times by staying in
touch with the news.
401 _________________________________________________ If you’re interested in the future, it starts out with staying in
Everybody makes mistakes and can be wrong about things. touch with the present, and all that’s happening already.
Leaders need to be forgiven and unconditionally loved and
accepted for who and what they are, like everybody else. There’s always a part that you can do, a part I’m expecting you to
There is a reason and a purpose on My behalf for allowing certain do, in order for Me to do Mine.
“errors” in the doctrine. You may just have to trust Me, that I
happen to know better what is best, taking all the available
information and factors into account, many of which you might 404 _________________________________________________
be oblivious to. The situation is desperate, and the time is at hand. The drill
phase is over, and it’s time to get out of the holes and for every
As long as any government allows My children to operate freely, man to fight for what it’s worth.
they will continue to obtain My blessings somewhat, even The time for romancing this present world is over. Those who
despite other misdeeds. still feel at home in it are going to find themselves trapped inside
If all else fails, you can blame it on Me for loving you guys so a vicious vortex that’s going to pull them down the drain. “It’s the
much. You are the apple of My eyes, and I will even wink at other end of the world as we know it,” and you’ll only feel fine if you
injustices at times, as long as they won’t touch you. have truly learned to put your trust in Me to the extent where it
really won’t faze you if it’s going down.

402 _________________________________________________ The easy way isn’t what makes you happy. When you become too
I have supplied and I will yet supply all your needs. I delight spoiled, you become just that: spoiled, not happy.
in your need. I delight in the opportunity to come through for you It behooves you to recognize the seriousness of the situation and
in an obvious way, undeniable that it had to be Me. behave and act accordingly. It’s going to require miracles to
I delight in confounding your doubts and dispelling your worries. survive, and every man will have to walk worthily of those
miracles. You’re going to have to fulfill your end of the bargain;
But there are also some things you must do. The blessing is no freeloaders.
there, but you must come & get it. The challenge isn’t on My side
only. There’s also one for you. Ask and it will be given you. Give It’s time for everyone to tune in, and learn what’s there to be
and it shall be given you. As you share your spiritual riches, I will learned, and to apply what has been learned.
see to it that your sheep will share of theirs with you, and as I see While it’s going to have to be My miracle working power to keep
you making the effort & doing all that you can to do your job for your heads above water, I can’t just do it without your making
Me, I will also make the effort to do all I can for you. any efforts to swim whatsoever. You’ve got to give Me some

403 _________________________________________________
I want you to train your dependence on Me to a tee. 405 _________________________________________________
It’s annoying when those you’re supposed to be able to rely on Even though I gave this general consensus and directions of
turn out to be less than reliable, but it should stress all the more how to operate in the near future, this doesn’t necessarily mean
the urgency of putting all your hopes and trust in Me. that this will dictate the life style of each and every individual. I’m
not expecting you to each do exactly the same.
Ps.27:10 sums up the lesson.
You can’t take it for granted that things are going to flow
People often overestimate the role of a group or body of people, smoothly if you’re not bathing them in My Spirit and prayer, and
be it their church, their government, etc., and then blame them just try to push them through in the flesh.
for letting them down. I’m not going to let you get away with not operating in My Spirit!
I want to make sure you get the point that it’s futile to rely on
people to such an extent, and that it really only pays to put your You’ve never been very fond of wind. It bugs you. It can
trust in Me. downright annoy you. It’s not your thing. And you’re standing
there and feeling this wind blowing your way, and you’re rolling
I like it when you stand on My Word and remind Me of My your eyes, and wonder “When’s all this blowin’ gonna stop?” You
promises, making sure that I’m keeping My end of the deal. I like prefer the sunshine and easy days; it’s not a big secret.
it when you take My Word seriously. I also like it when you take But it just so happens that this particular time in which you’re
the future seriously, which is obviously what a lot of people living is not part of what you’d consider easy times. While you
don’t, these days. All they care about is the here and now, and have been making it as easy on yourself as you could, there’s no
“After us, the deluge.” way out anymore, no more chance to avoid the wind and the rain,
and you’ve just got to let it blow and bear it the best you can.
You start receiving revelations and visions by making yourself Not having exposed yourself a lot to the wind hasn’t exactly
receptive for such input and creating a vacuum and an interest strengthened your spine, and all this rattle-&-a-shake is giving
for it. you a backache. All I can do is comfort you & tell you, “You’ll be
But I do have to warn you that some of these things carry alright!” You’re going to make it through this storm! But
consequences, certain burdens of responsibility. That’s why I murmuring won’t make it easier! Whining doesn’t help.
can’t just reveal the future to you lightly or in a casual fashion:
“You wonder about the future? Here you go.” Brace yourself, and try to take what’s coming at you with grace.
Others have had their share of sufferings, too! Now it’s your turn, grievous… nevertheless afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable fruit
and it bugs you finding out that you can’t take it as gracefully as of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” Just
they can. Well, but you can try. Start taking it a little more hold on a little longer and you’ll enjoy that peaceable fruit of
gracefully. righteousness.

“Humility and grace go hand it hand” (God giveth grace to the

humble). In other words, if you’re not handling things gracefully, 408 _________________________________________________
then it must be that your pride is standing in the way. It takes a Systemite to excel in the System.
Your pride is giving you hell over what’s befalling you. Humility As long as the System stays afloat, there’s nothing that glides
would help you take it more gracefully. So, why not just acquire along as gracefully on it, as all those expensive yachts & ocean
some of that humility that gives you the grace to take things steamers of the System, and your little lifeboats look ridiculous
more cheerfully and without murmuring, trusting that I know in comparison. They look as if they’re going to be the ones to go
better what I allow than you ever could… down first when the storm hits.
Pride might be telling you, “Aw, you could run this whole show a And your children, naturally, feel much more drawn to the
lot better in God’s place.” But humility tips your shoulder & bigwigs, those who make the big time, up on those big, fancy
reminds you, “forget it!” So, can you just let it be and let Me have ships, and they look down on you, there in your crummy life
My way with things without getting so terribly upset? boats, so close to the cold, harsh surface of the reality of that
It takes a whole lot of faith and patience on your part, because ocean you’re floating on, while they slowly ascend to fancier
this show isn’t according to your liking and personal preferences boats and threaten to leave you behind.
at all, but can you trust Me anyway for what I’m doing?
Well, if what they put their faith in is true, and their speculations
So I’m taking this in a direction you wouldn’t naturally approve are right, that the System will forever remain as it is, and there’s
of… But you know I’m the Boss, right? If you don’t like it, we can no storm coming, no iceberg that will sink their Titanic, then of
talk. course, you are, of all men and fools, the most miserable. Like
This was a first call and test run to see who would jump on the Paul said, “If our hope in Christ is in this life only, then we’re of
bandwagon wholeheartedly. So you’re not one of them. That all men most miserable…”
doesn’t mean I love you any less.
Experience has taught Me a lot. I know that sometimes those I don’t deny that according to rational reasoning it looks totally
who at first scream “I will,” later on peter out, and the reluctant crazy. I don’t blame anyone for feeling tempted to quit in their
ones might carry on the work after the enthusiasts are gone. right mind. I don’t blame you for shaking your head at what you
If this isn’t your time for jumping and pushing, I’ll take you where see.
you’re at, & will welcome you whenever you’re ready. The only thing you’ve got that you can go by and walk on, is My
I can only use you according to your capabilities… Word.
Right now, you feel like laughing about it, the way Sarah of old
did, when I told her that she would still bear a son in her old age,
406 _________________________________________________ to become the forefather of millions.
You ought to bathe everything in prayer. You never know But you know who laughed last in Sarah’s case, and I dare you to
when something might be a trap or a distraction of the Enemy. wait and see who is going to laugh last in this case, too.
Only I can show you that. Things may look reasonable and okay Just wait and see upon whom I choose to breathe My breath of
to you on the surface, but if you don’t double-check with Me, they life, and who shall indeed bear the promised heir, and the seed
may turn out to be a bogus, planted there by the Enemy. Even a so numerous it shall cover and rule the earth…
good thing can be used by the Enemy, if you don’t dedicate it to
Me in prayer first. I never said My Words and Promises wouldn’t require faith. I
know that without My insistence, if you were to go by your own
mind, you would have turned the other direction and gone a
407 _________________________________________________ different way by now, and I don’t blame you. I want it to be thus,
The heat of My refining fires, purification and cleansing is a that you can go by no other indicator but My Word. I want My
natural part of the process of making an instrument, a vessel, or Word – the mere fact that I said it – to be enough for you to go by
item of value out of you for My use. Just like everything else, this and put all your cards on. To hell with the evidence! Faith is the
pain and this purging also belongs. evidence of things not seen – the only evidence you need, as far
as I’m concerned: My Word – the title deed of ownership of the
My church needs cleansing, purging and chastisement to be impossible!
made white from all her sins. So, it behooves you to take My
cleansing and chastisements with grace and allow it to happen There isn’t more I really need, than one single person to believe
and yield to it… to welcome it, instead of rejecting it and resisting Me for My Word, and believe that I’m going to do it as I said, even
it. is spite of the total lack of visible evidence for it!
“Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept Thy
Word.” What makes you keep My Word is My afflictions and
chastisements, the cleansing process, the opening of your eyes 409 _________________________________________________
about the wrongness of your path. Those somewhat ugly, somewhat sad lessons in life are
those of greatest teaching value.
It’s an uprooting process, which causes the pain. I can’t allow Digging for a well in the dirt is dirty and hard work, but it brings
you to become comfortable with your sins, or too friendly with forth the clean and life-giving water. It’s those clean-on-the-
the world, because friendship with the world is enmity with God surface hypocrites who never deal with their problems on a
(Jam.4:4). The world really is that wicked, and that’s why you’ve truthful basis that are all rotten within, and for whom there isn’t
got to stay rejected by it, apart from it, and not feeling comfy- much hope. There is more hope for anyone who knows they’re a
cozy in it. mess than for someone who thinks they’re so great.
Clean-cut people promise to be less work, and a so much greater
Life is hard for a reason. Look at those for whom life has always and easier asset to My work, but it is difficult to even get them to
been soft and easy, and how they turned out as a result! see that they, too, need Me.
Even your adversaries are there for a purpose!
You would prefer the sunshine, but this gray sky out there paints
“No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but a more truthful and accurate picture of the state of the world. It
reminds you that the world is a mess. It’s in a sad state, and that
draws you closer to Me, makes you want to get a hold of Me more
desperately… You won’t settle for any deceptions & cheerful, 410 _________________________________________________
amusing distractions. When an organized body functions in a certain way, and it
You long for sunshine, but the rain is better for you. It’s good to becomes “the way,” the best way you have figured out for things
become aware of the dirt that you need to be washed clean from. to run, then it’s natural to want to draw your followers and as
It’s important. many others as possible along into the way with you. You want to
Some people don’t realize that. They only realize and take note of convert them to your way of doing things.
the physical… totally oblivious to the spiritual. All that interests
them is the here and now; the flesh. It’s as if the spirit doesn’t They may be expecting you to “move along,” just like all the
even exist, as far as they’re concerned. The spirit doesn’t even others, but what they don’t realize is that in your being different
faze them. They’re totally flat… Flatlanders. you’re actually contributing more than you would if you would
just do everything exactly the same way they do.
All you can do is pray for Me to open up their eyes. But of
course, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see. You It does require a certain amount of boldness to dare to be
can’t really open someone’s eyes against their will… So, you’ve different, to stick out from the rest. They may even persecute and
got to pray that I take away the fear and the indifference from hate you for it, like it happened to Joseph, and they’d rather see
their hearts… take out the heart of stone from within them and you as a slave in Egypt, than to flaunt your coat of many colors
replace it with a new one of flesh. in front of them.
That is a promise to cling to: “A new heart will I give you, and a
new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony People resent other folks being different. But I need you to be
heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” different, and you’ve got to hold on to that vision and cling to My
(Ez.36:26). Imagine a world where everyone is finally going to Word, and just do it because I said so.
have love in their hearts for each other, instead of the cold You’ve got to stay faithful to what I tell you, not their opinions.
indifference and selfishness that rules the world right now! It will pay off to stand your ground, if you just hold on to Me and
So, before you can even pray for Me to open their eyes, You must follow Me, and pay close attention to what I’m trying to show and
pray for Me to touch their hearts to want to see, and to want the tell and teach you!
truth; to be open for love and light and life… Don’t worry if you seem somewhat on a different wavelength, as
And that prayer must come from your heart, so the saying is long as it’s My wavelength. You have My permission to be
fulfilled again, “What comes from the heart, reaches the heart.” different! I’m alright & cool with it. B.S.U.R.!
“Changing the world: one heart at a time…” How do you do that?
You can only change another heart through something that The responsibility that comes with being different and that
comes from your heart in the first place: words from the heart, comes with being led by Me, and thus giving a sample to the rest
prayers from the heart… Whatever love has been there in your of the world of the direction I’m leading you, is much more
heart in the first place, must go out and reach another’s heart. valuable to Me than the bit of responsibility it takes to just be
hiding behind others and follow along in their tail.
In order to really leave an impact on the world, you’ve got to live
from the heart! You’ve got to ignore the fears of being We’re developing personality here, and leadership qualities of
disappointed … There is nothing that can stand against love, and the kind that will be needed during the days to come; the kind of
love is never poured out in vain. But it’s got to be there in your light that can shine its way through the darkness of the
heart first. Tribulation. Lights and energies that will rely on others will peter
The good and kind act has got to come from a heart of love. If it out sooner or later… Only those who are plugged in directly to
happens without love, they will feel it, if it came somewhat Me and My power will have what it takes to make it through the
reluctantly, and there isn’t really love in it. night.
It will come and bite back at you in some way and punish you for
the presumptuousness of trying to pretend to want to help
anyone for any other reason but love. 411 _________________________________________________
That hypocrisy will be exposed. Make sure your motivations are It’s hard to stand alone, but it’s precisely that “hardness”
truthful and genuine, or some lie is going to hit you from behind! that makes you into a strong man, and a force to be reckoned
It always takes a bigger sinner than yourself to teach you a Most people have become popularity-oriented folks, and they
lesson about your own sin. wouldn’t dare stand against what everybody supposedly agrees
Nothing drives a lesson home more effectively than pain. Don’t on as being the right thing or not…
evade it or avoid it or try to save yourself from it. Similar to politicians with their popularity polls, many people,
Let it happen. Let it come. Let it be, and embrace it, learn from it, including most of My followers, don’t go so much by their inner
swallow it. Let life hand you what it’s got to give and receive it; conviction as they are being lured and directed by the voices of
drink that cup! popularity.

The natural tendency is to respond to what comes at you in the Most people don’t seem to really get the point of Who I was and
same manner. You react. “Tit for tat.” But the way of love is not to what My role was during My life on earth. They picture Me as
repay them with the same currency, but to give them My currency some kind of Superman with perfect looks and perfect manners,
of love and forgiveness in exchange for their selfishness and speech and gesture. And in a certain way I was. In the Father’s
greed. You’ve got to counter their negativity with My way. But that doesn’t necessarily correspond to people’s
Positiveness! Don’t do as they do, but break the vicious cycle. standards.
You break the vicious cycle of the usual run of things by doing When it comes to them, you might have definitely described Me
something totally unusual: you love the unlovely, the unworthy of as somewhat awkward and strange.
love, and thus change and touch their hearts, and you will I wasn’t a cowboy, lone ranger style with a pistol belt casually
change destiny in the long run! around My hip. And I rode no bronco any other than that foal of
That’s why love is the most powerful weapon in the universe. But an ass upon My “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem, 3 days before
so many people have lost faith in it or dare not use it. My crucifixion.
I got into trouble mostly everywhere I went. If you want to read an
Just remember, it’s got to come from the heart. That’s where it accurate description of what and Who I really was, from an
begins, if you want it to achieve a greater end! anointed and divinely inspired point of view, and not a post-
mortem, post-resurrection and post-ascension overly glorified 413 _________________________________________________
human view, read the 53rd chapter of Jeremiah. I wasn’t your “All that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” From
average Hollywood type. Nor was I your average politician type their sins, or of their troubles… whatever you need to be saved
hunting for votes. I was on a hell-bent mission, literally, that led from: perhaps from yourself; I will do it as I have promised. It just
Me to a hell of a death on the cross and a 3-day visit in hell, and it has to get to that point where you’re desperate enough to realize
all resulted in over 300 years of persecution of My church, that you need My Salvation & need Me to save you.
resulting in hundreds of thousands of them dying martyrs’
deaths. Only when the tides turned and Rome became officially Most of the time people aren’t really desperate enough to call out
“Christian,” that popularity spiel took over, and the church for rescue. As long as things are just fine, or even bearable,
ceased from being the persecuted and became the persecutors they’ll putter along with whatever steam their little boat might
in many cases… have on the river of life. It takes those dangerous parts of the
river with currents stronger than their boat can handle, that make
Since when are My followers, My disciples, My prophets, them cry out to Me.
supposed to be concerned about their popularity? They’re only They know they can’t make it in their own strength, and that’s
supposed to be concerned about doing their job for Me of when they finally come around to avail themselves of Mine.
reaching the lost of the world with My message, that’s all. Of
course those who are not doing that job are going to resent you, You may think your present state is a calamity. One day you will
just like the Scribes and Pharisees resented Me, and you know see that it was the best thing that could have ever happened to
there are lots of Pharisees nowadays. you, because instead of continuing to cruise along in your life in
indifferent complacency, your present crisis is just one of those
Don’t look at people, but keep your eyes fixed on Me and on factors to pull you out of that rut & routine, making you
whatever I show you to do at the moment, whether anyone cares desperate enough to cry out to Me & ask Me to change things.
to approve of it, or not. It’s those times when you cry out to Me desperately that cause
You’ve got to be able to take some flak, if you’re going to stand things to change for the good.
up for Me.
The spirit of the Enemy is striving against Me and resisting Me I’ve given you the liberty to pretty much do as you please, and
and My ways on every level, in every area and walk of life. You’ll the Devil is on your trail, trying to show you your limitations, like
meet people everywhere who are going to struggle against My My sheepdog that he is, and telling you, “No, you can’t do that;
movement in the spirit. The ones who are truly yielded to My I’m not going to let you get away with it!” He’s even trying to kill
Spirit are very, very rare. you, if he can get away with it, and it serves to show you that this
isn’t just a game. It’s dangerous. There’s responsibility attached
The only One Who is truly capable of living up to all your with it. You can’t just do as you please forever. I can’t let you get
expectations and more, am I. So, look away from the waves, how away with it!
they rage and foam and threaten to undo you! Just keep your Your search and quest for pleasure and satisfaction just has to
eyes on Me steadily. Few are called to walk upon water. Few heed leave you high and dry at some point, because it’s destined and
the call. Do you have what it takes? “Step out on the water and programmed to do just that. It’s not the way to happiness.
you will see. Trust in Me.”

The Enemy sics his dogs on the carriers of My true anointing 414 _________________________________________________
wherever he finds them and can stir them up, like a hornets’ nest, Anger is a tough one to crack because it requires a change
or like dogs barking and nipping at your heels. But they can of attitude. You can’t take the circumstances and what life is
never really do you any real harm. Primarily, they are just there to handing you, gracefully. You are convinced it ought to be
test and strengthen your faith and resolve. These are precisely different. You can’t let it be.
the factors that make you strong. Just another example of the The right attitude to conquer anger would be: “Let it be!” Let it be
devil actually working for Me, whether he wants to or not. the way I know it’s got to be, even if you may be inclined to
disagree with Me! Just give Me that priority over your own
wisdom; give Me that benefit of the doubt that I actually do know
412 _________________________________________________ what I’m doing.
If things aren't exactly going your way, maybe you should And extend some of that same trust to your loved ones as well,
look around for My way, and which way I might want them. that they also know what they’re doing, and trying the hardest
and best they can to do it right, just like you.
In order to obtain and possess the necessary love to be an
apostle and a missionary and a prophet, you have to make It’s time for changes, and I’m trying to introduce them as
persistent sacrifices, consistent efforts to be in a sacrificial and painlessly as possible, trust Me; but with your tendency to take
giving mode. the easiest way out, some discomfort is simply inevitable.
Times are changing and requiring different, more mature
Short-sighted people figure that if they take care of their own attitudes, more mature openness in communication, better
needs first, then they'll be happy. But if you take care of what organization, and leaving a lot of youthful, if not to say childish
needs to be done before the thing you'd personally prefer to do, traits behind.
you might find out that this actually would contribute more to
your happiness than that me-first attitude.
415 _________________________________________________
Just receiving My words alone won't do the trick. You'll have to I’m trying to get you organized, but from the heart, not the
do them, too. "If ye know these things, HAPPY are ye if you do head, and in the right spirit: My Spirit.
them." It means bathing issues and matters before you in prayer,
Happiness doesn't just lie in finding whatever pleasure you can meditating about them, listening for the whispers of My Spirit
eke out of life, but in wringing yourself through to doing that about them to fill in the blanks and give you any checks,
perhaps less pleasurable thing for others that might really help warnings and nudges when you’re about to forget something
them to come around. You need that giving attitude in order to important, or you’re heading in a wrong direction.
make progress. Otherwise, what you're essentially doing is The trial and error method has been working somewhat for a
backslide. while, with some kind of results. But eventually, I assume, you’ll
want to be able to stop cringing when you think about things you
417 _________________________________________________
You ought to avail yourself of the 7 ways of finding My will for The process of making absolutely nothing out of you, so that
you, not the 8th, as a standard procedure… I can think and move and act in you involves taking you down to
Find out where it’s at by tuning in with Me and following My little the depths of your soul, bringing you to the point of willingness
dog trail of the Spirit, instead of the long painful way of first to let go of everything that builds up your flesh, pumps up the
finding out where it wasn’t. arm of your flesh artificially…
Old habits die hard, but I have given you the power to overcome It includes reducing the numbers that make up your life: the
them, and I’m expecting you to use it! amount of money you possess and possessions you can afford,
until you feel like, “My life ain’t worth a dime.”
When you see all that’s going wrong, it seems overwhelming and In establishing lasting and eternal values, sometimes the earthly
you feel like you don’t stand a chance. But even some apparently values have to be abolished first.
puny, seemingly futile and desperate efforts to change things are
better than doing nothing at all in resignation. Even a little You have to have the right foundation first. Your dependence on
progress is better than none, than standing still, or even worse: Me has got to be established firmly before we can allow some
retreat. greater influx of finances to happen in your life, to make sure you
won’t get distracted and your priorities shift.
All that has happened over the years was not in vain! You just
have to strengthen the things that remain, keep the keepers and It’s better for your spiritual life when you don’t abound. It’s better
discard the goners! Hang on to those valuable lessons I’ve for your level of humility, your level of desperation, and your
taught you through your situations & circumstances on unity, sense of needing others, instead of being so independent and
team working, following My Spirit, availing yourself of the keys, self-sufficient.
My helpers, prayer power, keeping the right vision, etc. You shouldn’t rely on them more than you rely on Me, but it
doesn’t mean that you can’t develop a sense of Family, of
I have prepared you for this day, and you ought to be ready. The belonging together and being able to depend on each other for
only reason you’re not is because you’re still focusing on people certain things.
too much, still looking at the waves and wind too much instead Another question is, how much can others rely on you? How
of looking unto Me, focusing on Me, on My power, the doughnut, available are you? How willing are you to contribute to My
not the hole! current movement of the Spirit?
I AM the doughnut, the big yummy circle around the nothingness
that troubles you; the senselessness. But if you just focus and It sometimes happens in warfare, that you get wounded by
concentrate on Me, everything will have a rhyme and a reason, it members of your own party. But you can’t allow that to weaken
all makes sense. you to a point of surrender. You’ve got to get over it and keep
Warfare is really an art, and it’s not necessarily something you’re
416 _________________________________________________ born into or everybody fits right into from scratch. It’s a skill that
If you remember that all that happens to you, the Father has to be acquired by hard training, and it’s not something you
allows for a purpose, and you wonder, “Why? - What is He trying acquire by giving up after the first few failed attempts.
to teach me through this?” then, instead of getting this feeling of The battle field doesn’t always exactly feel like “home” to
indignation about the unfairness of it all, you submit to it, you everyone. So don’t be surprised if you feel strange, and a out of
“let it be,” yield to the flow and just let the lesson and the place, wondering how you fit in and “what am I doing here?”
experience sink in. War is ugly. Your superiors yell at you, may even take advantage
of you, and not everybody remembers to remain a gentleman on
“Meet the new boss – the same as the old boss” seems to be the the battlefield. It’s not place for hurt feelings.
name of the game in this world, or even, “worse than the old Sometimes you feel devastated.
boss,” and things have just kept getting worse all the time, You realize how close you are nearly every moment of your life to
especially in aspects of government. “When worse comes to the point of losing everything, when all you will have left of your
worst” seems to be the tale of the kingdoms and governments of substance will be your naked soul standing before Me.
man. Not the figure of how much wealth you’ve acquired, how “big”
You can learn something from it and determine you’re going to you are in terms of numbers and figures, just you, your soul, who
do your best not to make the same mistakes, should you ever you really are.
come into a position of leadership, or even right in the position
where you are. Are you treating those around you with fairness? What you long for is other people with real souls, folks who know
Are you doing all you can to help them? who they are in the spirit.
I gave you and all My followers a perfect sample of what a “boss” Most of what you see is people who still measure themselves by
should really be like: a servant of all. numbers, by the measure of success they acquire, by what they
How much of a servant are you? accomplish.

That’s the kind of question you’re going to be asked at the end of Absolute authenticity is one of My qualities.
your life: What kind of a servant have you been? Not what kind of When it came to people, there wasn’t much there for Me to copy.
a ruler or leader or success type have you been, but how well The only thing worth copying in My eyes was the Father, and He
have you served My people? How well have you served others? certainly is different, the totally Other, when it comes to people.
Will you have been a good and faithful servant, faithfully handing And so am I. And so do those become who hang with Me. They
out the bread of life and serving them the water of life? Or will become different. They become weird. You don’t necessarily
you use the excuse, “Well, I never saw any sample of a truly want to be different. You’d prefer to fit in and blend in and just
good and faithful servant” to keep you from ever becoming a hang with everybody and “chill.” Well, I have chosen a different
good and faithful servant yourself? destiny for you.

Come down to the level of those who come closest to the sample Your loyalty to Me, to My voice includes showing a willingness to
of a good and faithful servant – or handmaiden – that you know, be left alone and isolated in some cases.
and do it like them: really live with them, serve with them, work The herd may not understand it, not be fond of it, and even reject
with them, see eye to eye and walk hand in hand with them. it, but that’s none of your concern and nothing for you to worry
about! You will see that it will have been worth it all; all this pain,
all this agony, all this going through the grind and process of
being made a solid entity, able to stand on your own two feet, love films are nice, but they’re not the real thing that they could
when there’s going to be the need for it. have with Me! Even in the midst of the greatest darkness on
earth, we can have the fires of love burning! That’s the fire the
In the end everybody will stand naked before Me, and they won’t world will need then, the fire by which they will warm themselves
be able to hide behind anything else. The question will be how through the long, cold, lonely winter before I finally come to take
genuine they have been as a person, as an immortal soul. Every you all Home with Me.
unit has to be pure, in order to make the great blending together You’ll need to learn endurance to make it through that period.
possible, the great unification, where you will all be as one. You can’t become impatient about My return, nor can you
become weary of hardship so easily. The best is yet to come, but
The purging is a necessary process you go through, and the unfortunately, the worst is also yet to come, so you’ll understand
sooner you do, the more ready you will be to be a help, support that it takes a few more lessons on endurance before you’ll be
and comfort to others. ready for that darkest chapter of man’s history.
Somebody’s going to have to check the path ahead and clear it of That’s why it behooves you at all times to be a sample of My
the rocks that are lying around that may be causing hurt to some patience, a sample of calm trust. You cannot worry, hurry and
of the weaker sheep. Somebody’s going to have to have the guts flurry about this or that. I need you steady as a rock to whom
to try out something new and something different. In the end they they can look and flee for refuge: a solid and firm rock of comfort
will appreciate it and thank you for it. for them to lean on, a true sample of Me! Can you strive and aim
to become that for Me? Show them that you’ve been with Me, let
them know all I’ve done for you, prove to them that I can never
418 _________________________________________________ fail, and assure them that I will uphold them even as I am
Come, dig for My water, My heavenly jewels & treasures… for upholding you.
what I have to give to you! Come and seek Me so that I may let
you find Me!
You may not consider what you’ve got a treasure right now; you 420 _________________________________________________
just know you can’t make it without it, and that you haven’t got Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit, along with
anything else. But when all things shall be revealed, it will fall like gentleness (kindness), love, meekness, and a good dose of faith
scales off your eyes as to what it really is you’ve got, and you’ll – maybe also in the people I’m sending you to witness to, and
feel ashamed for your tendencies to take for granted this gift I their receptivity.
have given you. If you keep the fruits of the Spirit in mind more when you’re
witnessing, then you’ll realize what kind of a sample you’re
If you were not to receive those glimpses of how I see things, supposed to be. After all, isn’t that the main purpose for which
then you would probably never fulfill your destiny that I have in the Spirit was poured out? – To witness and help you to witness
store for you. You would continue to look down, at the hole, at better?
the circumstances, at everything that seems to stop you from So try to keep in mind the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace,
ever achieving anything. longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness
temperance; against such there is no law. You’ll find that if you
The real thing, namely reality, is far more complex than a little 2 display all of these virtues in your witnessing, even the
hour Hollywood episode could ever manage to tell. Those movies advocates of the law won’t be able to resist you.
may be inspiring, and they may spur you on to continue in your
struggle and fight, but you can’t expect that same kind of Keep the fruits of the Spirit in connection with your witnessing
success story from your own life after 2 hours. There’s a lot more and vice versa, and you’ll know what is the right attitude and
believing and persistence against the odds required, in order to spirit to have. Bringing across My truth in the right spirit is
be able to tell your own story at the end of the game. actually even more important than what you say.
In order to win some, you’ve got to be winsome, meaning, your
composure, behavior, attitude and spirit weigh almost more
419 _________________________________________________ heavily than what you say in your witnessing and winning. It’s
When the blessings aren’t all that evident, or at least not in the sample that counts, not the sermon.
the same way they usually are, you immediately think that I must What you say may all be nice and good and true, but if the spirit
be more distant, but that is only because you’re still looking at in which you bring it across doesn’t jibe with the recipients of the
the circumstances, and not beyond. message, then it’s all to no avail… You’ll have labored in vain and
Being true lovers means to be going through thick and thin wasted your breath basically, not even so much because of their
together, including the hard times. A fair weather relationship lack of receptivity, but because of your lack of the right spirit and
isn’t as lasting as one that has gone through many ups and the right sample.
downs. It’s the “down” times that really strengthen the
relationship and make it water-proof and weather-resistant. Too What it all boils down to is overcoming your own weaknesses
many folks have allowed their circumstances to alienate them first, before you try and help others overcome theirs. You must
from Me, and to distance themselves from Me. They have hinged overcome your own anger and impatience first, in order to
their faith on the circumstances, instead of Me… They wanted a become the right kind of sample that’s going to make it possible
fair weather relationship. But I need folks who will hold on tight for people to receive the message that’s going to help them
to Me through the storm, and who’ll follow Me through thick and overcome their weaknesses with doubt or fear or disbelief.
That’s the kind of love, friendship and relationship I need: the
persistent type, the no-matter-what kind, the against-all-odds 421 _________________________________________________
sort, facing all difficulties & adverse circumstances. You’ve got The skin cancer epidemic you read about is part of the
to be ready for a long stretch, and that’s what I’m preparing you “pestilences” I foretold for the time of the end.
for. The world is under a curse, and things have gotten worse since
the beginning… They’re destroying the protective ozone layer
Your sheep need a sample of a storm-tight relationship with Me, a that would naturally protect you more from the harmful rays of
living example of someone whose faith has weathered the the sun with their pollution.
storms, whose relationship with Me has had its ups and downs Some people believe that everything comes from the sun,
and survived them all. including this very planet, and thanks to the sun there is life on
Show them that a love relationship with Me beats any Hollywood earth at all, etc., which is true to some extent, but it offends Me
episode! Show them what love is really all about! Those romantic that people would put My creation above Me.
The sun has been worshiped for millennia, from ancient Egypt through the finish line, if need be.
until today, and thus the sun has always been somewhat of a
“rival” for Me, so I have to allow people to reap the
consequences of their false and abominable worship of one of 423 _________________________________________________
My creations instead of Me, and what you’re witnessing right now The Devil is fighting tooth and nail to get you off the right
is only the beginning of sorrows, as you know from the book of path, and hurling whatever temptation he can think of at you in
Revelation. order to cause you to stray.
Things are going to get worse, and I need for My children to have Of course, tempting you to commit a sin that is greater than you
a mature attitude and wisdom concerning the sun. deem forgivable is one of his oldest tricks, and he would love for
Fact is that the sun wasn’t even around until a few days after I you to fall under condemnation, locking a door between you and
had created the earth. Even the plants were there first, as Me that no man would dare to open. But never underestimate My
unbelievable as it sounds to modern scientists. So, the sun love and mercy. Neither should you ever overestimate the power
certainly isn’t “the father of you all,” as some would have you of evil and sin. There is no evil I cannot overcome, and no sin My
believe. The sun is good and alright as long as it’s enjoyed blood can not erase.
according to the measures I have ordained, and within My
perimeters, and especially giving Me the glory for it, but also I need you to know that you need My forgiveness.
connected with a healthy amount of respect for the damage it can By accepting My sacrifice and believing that it was something I
do. personally did for you – even if you may not be able to fathom
how – you honor that sacrifice, and you give it the due position
It’s like many other gifts I have given you that require caution in and significance in your life that it ought to have, and I cannot
handling. You need to follow certain rules about driving a car, or accomplish that with supposedly sinless saints who aren’t quite
it can quickly ruin or end your life. The same applies to electric sure for what they’re supposed to need Me.
appliances, food, animals & pets, sports, etc.
Everything is supposed to be handled wisely, according to rules I am the Healer Who cures you from your spiritual diseases, and
of safety, and not in excess. Even sex is to be enjoyed under in order to do that, it is sometimes necessary to talk about them
certain guidelines of ethics and health pointers in order to – the symptoms, the causes, the severity of your case, and what
prevent damage and harm. you can do in order to prevent a relapse, etc., a proper spiritual
diet, the right medication, and so on. I am the Lord that healeth
Of course, the great insanity of mankind is that they are thee.
perpetrating the greatest harm and damage possible on each
other through war, a business in which they invest more than just
about any other, and that is an atrocity I must allow them to bear 424 _________________________________________________
the consequences of. It’s so easy to fall into a trap of self-confidence for obviously
They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. They despise life, Me good people. It’s harder for them to depend on Me for every
and My creation, so I will let My creation answer them back for move they make.
their defiance. For whatsoever a man soweth that will he also
reap. He that soweth to the flesh will also reap the corruption of All I really need for anyone to be, in order to become someone
the flesh… truly great for Me, is willing to allow Me to use them and make
them into something they aren’t.
Honor Me Whom to honor is life and prosperity, and keep all
aspects of creation in their rightful place: subordinate to Me. There’s perfect sense and purpose in Me having chosen the
imperfect to do My job, so that no flesh should glory in My
Everything My children do either brings Me joy or sorrow. It’s in presence, but it will be evident forever that it was only a work of
your hand to decide to either make Me happy or sad with your My grace and Spirit if any great thing will have been
behavior. accomplished at all; and so that all those high and mighty won’t
All I am concerned about is the good of My children. There’s have the excuse that they couldn’t have done it because it was
nothing in it for Me except the welfare of My children. You are My too difficult.
major concern, My most valuable possession.
Whenever you feel tempted to wonder what I’m doing, just get a
glimpse of My viewpoint of things. My requirements and criteria
422 _________________________________________________ may differ from your ideas of “capable.” The greatest
Just the fact that you are so desperately dependent on Me for requirement is willingness and yieldedness to be made willing
anything ups the chances that you’re going to stick with Me till and made into someone I can use, just to be a yielded
the end. Others who are so self-sufficient and don’t need Me as recepatacle and vessel and instrument in My hands. As long as
badly might just change their minds at some point. It’s like that there is any residue of selfwill and high ambitions for yourself, it
parable about the recruits of the Husbandman who was looking just won’t do. It becomes as brittle clay in My hands that cannot
for workers for his vineyard: the first promised they’d go – they be formed. You have to be moisturized in the living waters of My
probably felt as if they had what it took - and never showed up, Word. So, soak it up well, so that you may become soft and
while the second bunch, who never said they were going to go – moldable in My hands.
perhaps because they didn’t feel as if they had what it took – did
show up when they saw that nobody else did, and when they saw
the need. 425 _________________________________________________
Before an impending storm, crisis or famine, it’s a good &
I prefer a husband/wife relationship over a boss/employee one… wise thing to collect wisdom and experience that will see you
There may even be discrepancies within our marriage, and you through the storm, and when the time comes, others with you,
may get mad at Me sometimes, but we can get over that, since hopefully.
part of marriage is forgiving each other. The battle you’re having to fight now will make you strong for
that time. You will need that strength then.
You’ve got something that some of the supposed “winners” don’t
have. The more you cling to Me and avail yourselves of My Trusting in My Spirit, rather than the flesh seems to be a
strength, the more you will realize that with Me you’re destined to somewhat monotonous lesson, but it’s one of utmost and
become winners in the long haul. All you’ve got to do is continue supreme importance. There’s no way around it. It’s like, if you
to walk with Me. You don’t even have to run. I will carry you want to get anywhere in life, you’re going to have to learn how to
walk, you can’t get around it. Learning about the advantages of Refuse to let the Enemy discourage you, and keep focusing on
the Spirit over the flesh is also about getting ahead, instead of the fact that I need you!
falling back. Make it an indestructible truth you build your life and actions on:
“I don’t care what anyone says or thinks about me or what I’m
Many people fall back, they don’t really make any headway or doing. All I know and care about is that Jesus needs me, for He
real advance & progress, because they’re betting on the flesh; has told me so, so I’m going to do what I have to do and what He
they’re sowing to the flesh & thus reap the corruption of the wants me to do, no matter what.”
flesh. Only the Spirit brings life, and that’s a lesson that will only That’s the kind of resolve I need from you! Stop caring about the
hardly enter into carnal minds. opinions of others, and just to be so mindful of the truth that I
have great need of you that nothing else matters!
I consider Myself a Shepherd. And I want you to follow in My I want nothing to deter you, nothing to shake your loyalty to Me,
footsteps, so you’re just going to patiently have to learn how to nothing to be able to waive your obedience to Me! I want your
become a shepherd, how to deal with the problems of the flock, heart and soul and mind to wholly belong to Me, be an open
to nurse their wounds, to feed them the kind of food they need, receptacle for Me, not for the Enemies doubts and lies.
Being a shepherd is a humble and lowly job. Not much You’ve come this far by faith, and it may not seem like much to
gratification for the flesh in it, and some people might consider you, and as far as you’re concerned, it may look as though you
you’re wasting your time. But that’s why it pays to listen to Me have come nowhere. But I see differently. I know what I have
and not to them. You’re learning things right now that are going constructed in your life to be worth infinitely more than any
to come in handy when their System has long gone down the structure of physical and material value!
drain. I know something you don’t, and I want you to just trust Me that I
know what I’m doing in your life.

426 _________________________________________________
The first step needed in order to bring about any kind of 428 _________________________________________________
improvement is for somebody to see the need. It’s seeing the It’s important that you believe that I have given you the
need and realizing the lack, that there’s something missing, that power to overcome your weaknesses, and don’t accept the
makes you want to pray for it and wonder what you can do about mindset the Enemy that you’re helpless against them, and there’s
filling the need. nothing you can do about them, so you might as well resign to
Often people don’t see the need because they’re too distracted your fate and live with them for the rest of your life.
by other things.
One of his doctrines to prevent the regeneration and rebirth of
You have the power to really make a big difference. Instead of My Spirit from happening is, “Change – especially of personality
just jumping on some already finished and finalized bandwagon, and character – is not possible. If you’re a certain way, that’s the
you can be instrumental in creating that bandwagon in the way you’re going to be for the rest of your life, so, live with it.”
making, giving it some of its frills and finishing touches. That’s why it’s important that you don’t fall for his propaganda,
If it hasn’t been done yet, it can be done by you. but show that you defy it and vehemently oppose it by being a
Once you get going, others will jump on the bandwagon and will living proof that the opposite is true.
catch the drift and pitch in. It’s always the getting started that’s Yes, you may have all these negative qualities and besetting sins,
the hardest thing to do. but you believe in My power to enable you to overcome them,
More often than not I have started something with one man and that’s the kind of power the world wants and needs to see.
alone. Folks in the world are waking up to the fact that they’re not as
There will always be folks coming up with new and different good as they wish to be, and they become weary of being
ideas… addicted to their sins. But they don’t know about My power to
It may well be that I can use your ideas as an incentive to bring free them from their grip, they don’t realize that that’s the very
about needed innovation. purpose for which I came.

There are yet a few more riddles to solve, a few more clues to One of the first tactics of the Enemy to prevent Salvation from
discover, a few more challenges to tackle, and there’s more to happening is to make people blind to their sin, and to the fact
learn, more for Me to show you. that they’re slaves and captives of their sins and need liberation
and Salvation from them.
You do what you can, and I will have to do the humongous part The second tactic is to make those who do see their faults think
that you can’t. that they’re absolutely powerless against them, and that there’s
nothing anyone could ever do about them, but that’s precisely
where you’re supposed to come in and show them that’s wrong.
427 _________________________________________________ There is something that can be done about sin, and the God and
My present move is geared toward you focusing outwardly, Creator of the universe Himself has seen to it that it is within
out on the field and the flocks that are yet to be gained. The time anyone’s reach. Basically, all you’ve got to do is ask Him for help,
of physical dearth will be a time of spiritual harvest. and the help He did send was Me.
The confusion that is coming in the world will straighten the path My sacrifice has saved you from the impact that sin would have
of greater acceptance for My simplicity, clarity and truth. on you, and the rewards you would reap for your sin, which are
death and hell.
Tune in to My movement and come away from the distractions.
“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily doeth Some sins are more subtle, and that’s what makes them harder
beset us…” to overcome. The first step is always recognizing it and seeing
It’s time to rise above all those things that hinder you, time to the need for overcoming it.
really believe Me for My promises I have given, of the power to You see that there’s a whole lot of room for improvement in your
overcome all these things. life, a whole lot more holiness to be attained, a whole lot of
cleaning up to do yet.
I need you! That’s the thought that should be driving you and
spurring you on to continue to move forward, not all those Basically, I want My children to take care of themselves and be
doubts & thoughts of self-pity the Enemy likes to plant in your clean in a spiritual manner, just as any parent would want their
mind. children to wash themselves and not run around filthy. It just
takes a certain process to clean up daily, and to prevent sin from sin is what hinders you from doing just that…
having an overwhelming grip on you.
Just as God provided soap for physical filth and dirt, He has also
provided the spiritual detergent of My Word and My Spirit for you 429 _________________________________________________
to get clean on a spiritual level. Dealing with sin ought to be “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness”
something as common to do for every man, woman and child as and “be not unequally yoked with disbelievers” means you don’t
taking care of their physical cleanliness. Yet the world is in such do business with the slaves of the Matrix, with those who have
a mess because the large majority of the population is anything no interest whatsoever in being delivered out of the Matrix or in
but aware of this fundamental fact of life. In fact, it’s getting to the existence of anything outside of the Matrix, except for the
where the very word “sin” is becoming a taboo, and dealing with purpose of delivering others out of the Matrix.
it something awkward and frowned upon by the majority of You ought to be constantly on the lookout for those who are
society. looking for a way out.
They may have means of “dealing” with it, like going to Those who are not even interested are not worth wasting your
confession, if they’re Catholics, or seeing a therapist, if they’re time with. You have to look for that spark in their eyes that tells
atheists, and confessing and talking about it may help some you they’re searching, they know that something else is out
(although it doesn’t really help to blame it all on somebody else there.
or some circumstance from your past), but in order to truly
overcome sin, it takes going a bit further. Usually the slaves of the Matrix will oppose your purpose and
will thus be working against you, sometimes instinctively,
You’ve got to avail yourself of the water of My Word and the soap unknowingly, and sometimes going against you at will. They will
of My Spirit, and apply it in such a way that you know what you’re try to hinder you, defeat your purpose.
doing, you know what you’re up against, and you know the
desired result. When you wash a car or a wall, or whatever, you
apply the water and soap where the dirt is, and that means, 430 _________________________________________________
you’ve got to recognize and see the dirt first. When the job seems too big for you to do it on your own,
Some people have become so familiar with their dirt, they almost then it’s a good moment to rely on Me.
figure it belongs there.
The main thing that hinges on you is the responsibility whether
The Devil has many different tricks and devices in order to keep you’re going to allow Me to operate through you or not; whether
people from observing that most outstanding duty, many ways of you’re going to be a yielded tool and instrument in My hands, or
preventing them from seeing the need. Either he gets their focus not… You can do it. You can let Me do it!
on everybody else’s sin (self-righteousness), or he distracts
them with physical matters, making them blind to spiritual issues I can empower you. I want to empower you, and all that really is
(materialism), or he makes them hopelessly resign to their fate needed for you to do is to let Me.
(discouragement), all of which are distortions of the truth, which
would make you free (See John 8). When it comes to doing it all right, and gracefully and perfectly,
it’s true that it looks more as if things are going to have to work
Many people apply the Word, but they don’t apply it in a targeted out in spite of you, than because of you. But if you realize like
manner in order to help them make progress in the areas they this that it’s really going to have to be Me helping you and doing
specifically need to make progress in. the work miraculously through you, then My purpose has been
They think My Words are powerful and awesome, but they don’t established and accomplished, My personal goal in all this has
really grasp the point of what they’re supposed to mean for them, been reached.
personally. My goal is to get you to let Me do it through you, and as long as
you may look as if you had all things rigged up oh so wonderfully
I am here to set you free from your sin on a daily basis, and you by yourself, the chances are a lot lower, that that’s going to
need to realize that. You’ve got to deal with your sin, together happen.
with Me. You can let Me be your Therapist or your Priest taking The standard of the Word – all the things you know and have
your confession, I’ll be all that and more to you. been told about how it is supposed to be, and how you should be
These times together and the words I give you are not only for doing it, are - in many ways - only there to remind you just how
your feeding and enjoyment, but also for your cleansing, your desperately you need Me. It’s a little bit like the 10
washing, your daily salvation, if you will. Commandments: They basically showed how nobody can be
You want to make progress and headway in overcoming your perfect without Me.
besetting sins, and I can help you with that. In fact, I want to, and
that’s one of the major purposes our relationship is all about: It’s The universal lesson of “flesh or spirit” that I initiated 6000 years
about your sanctification, your purification, your set-apartness ago with the event of Cain & Abel is going to be played out until
from this world, your becoming holy. Not in the sense of a the very end, as evident in the difference between those who rely
sinless saint so you can sit on a pedestal and applaud yourself, on their own flesh and those who know that I am their only hope.
but in the sense of becoming a more efficient vessel for Me,
living for the purpose of helping and saving others, instead of The natural accomplishers always make the seeming failures
personal pursuits. look a little pitiful and hopeless in comparison… the “losers”
compared to the winners, the “tortoises” compared to the
The purpose is to replace wrong motivations with right ones. To “hares.” But time will do the talking, and only the end of each
replace worldly ambitions and hunger for recognition, applause man’s path will reveal who truly walked the right path, and the
and approval with a genuine desire to seek first what’s best for glory will be God’s in the end, and not any man’s.
My Kingdom, namely how to get others saved from a destiny you Time will tell who will have really learned the lesson of reliance
won’t have to share. You’re already saved and know you’re not on Me, and who will truly rise above all things, empowered by Me
going to hell. But it’s your responsibility to see to it that as many and My Spirit alone, not by natural abilities.
others as possible won’t have to go there, either, and the Devil Those who have got nothing to go for them but Me, they are My
has been working overtime in order to make sure that you true champions, who will truly shine in the end.
wouldn’t do just that. Anything but that.

We’ve got to get the world saved. We can’t just let’em go down 431 _________________________________________________
the drain. We just can’t. We’ve got to do something about it! And Right now you’re still, unsure of yourself, and you haven’t
been quite certain whether what you were doing was really you keep the Law of Love according to the best of your abilities,
ordained by Me. because the Devil will attack you, test you and try to dissuade
But once you will have recognized your true place and calling, you. But when you truly love Me, you will even see those things
the uncertainty and immaturity will eventually disappear. differently, and you’ll know that sufferings can be a blessing in
You will know as you are known. You will know that your disguise, and pain can be a way to partake of what I have gone
authority and anointing lie in My words to you, not in anything through for each of you out of love.
you may have done or that you may be or come across as. Once you truly love, you won’t necessarily shun the pain
anymore, but you eventually get to the point where you accept
The true power and proof of divine authority lay not in young and welcome hardship and adversity, and embrace them as
David’s voice, harp skills, nor any of his other skills – although friends who will make you stronger on your path.
his boldness to defy lions, bears and giants were certainly a
manifestation of My Spirit in Him, and a result of his strong faith That’s one of the great secrets: the stillness, the acceptance of
– but it ultimately lay in his gift of prophecy as evident in the yielding to the hand of God in your life, even if it brings times of
lyrics and words of his psalms, which are still unequalled in trouble and sorrow, to just let it be.
Jewish and Christian literature.
Most Christians rebel against that idea and say, “No, we are
It always has to be some lonely shepherd boy out in a field with a God’s children. We shall not see any sorrow. He’s going to whisk
few sheep, out in My creation, to whom I can entrust the truth of us into Heaven before the Tribulation comes.”
truths of the day, certainly not to the high priests in their But My children need to pass through the Tribulation in order to
synagogues, temples and tabernacles. be cleansed and purified from their sins, from their many lacks
and ways in which they are failing to love Me truthfully, genuinely
There has been no “parting of the Red Sea” yet, no plagues upon and sincerely.
Pharaoh, and the staffs that I have given to others seem to be Part of loving Me is manifested in loving the truth, and not
more powerful, more attractive and more spectacular than that settling for any comfortable half-truth and compromise with the
old rod in your hand. truth, such as the easy-way-out Pre-Tribulation-Rapture doctrine,
But that “old rod,” My Word, including My personal words to you etc.
and the Family as a whole, will in the long run turn out to be a
mightier weapon and a more lasting source of guidance than any The treasure that you find in the Family may not necessarily
of the showy dances of the false prophets and magicians of always be personal happiness, nor the fulfillment of all your
Egypt. wildest dreams and expectations, nor all the love you may seek
in this world, but the treasure one can find, if they’re interested,
It’s not the gift that matters, nor the one to whom it is given, it is is the truth.
only My Word, and the fact that I have spoken it, and the extent to
which you believe in it and put your faith in it and act on it and That’s the connection between truth and love. If you love Me, you
obey it that counts. will love My truth, and the extent to which you will love My truth
The secret still lies in the whispers, that still small voice that the and will refuse to settle for half-lies and compromises will show
majority of the world doesn’t pay attention to, but that is, My how much you really love Me.
brides, what makes you so unique, so special: you do. And that’s Those who bend the truth or accept the bendings of the truth of
really the main thing you’ve got going for you. It’s not a big, others in reality only do so not out of any love for Me, but out of
fleshly and obviously miraculous thing, it’s not a big sensation love for themselves. They want Me to cater to their egos and thus
that attracts everyone’s attention, it’s just My quiet voice you bend My truth in order to better suit them and their personal
carry with you, and that people can partake of via your preferences.
publications or songs.
They want Me to whisk them out of this world and into Heaven
Just like with young shepherd-king David of old, your greatness before the Tribulation that would make them clean and pure and
does not lie in your talents and skills, but in the magic of My white for Me. They want the easy way out; they don’t want to go
wonderworking words to you. That’s where your future lies, and the full length of the path for Me.
the true greatness of your ministry. They deny others the right to their Salvation and the security of
David had a much greater impact on the world through the lyrics eternal Salvation, because they couldn’t bear the thought that
of his Psalms than he had through any other feats of his. It was they should be so much less than special to have to share
the still, small, quiet voice of the whispers of My Spirit and truth, Heaven with all those other seemingly less deserving than they.
that echoed throughout history in a more lasting, persisting and They shut themselves and their followers off to the voices of
powerful way than any of his great an mighty feats. That is the their many helpers that could speak to them words and whispers
magic of the Spirit, and all the magic you need. of truth and wisdom, so that their own voices will be heard, and
their own “truths” will be proclaimed instead. They want to
establish their own rule, instead of allowing My Holy Spirit to rule
432 _________________________________________________ over them.
Why do all things work together for good for those who love And of course, they reject truths of My Gospel, such as forsaking
God? Because they are obeying the greatest of all all, having all things in common, and going into all the world to
commandments, which is to “love the Lord thy God.” Because preach the Gospel out of obviously selfish reasons, coming up
thereby they’re fulfilling the greatest and most important and with cheap excuses why I possibly couldn’t demand such
essential part of the Law of Love, and just like any other law, it sacrifices of them in this day and age.
works both ways: it has an effect on you if you keep it. It also will
have an effect on you if you try to break it or defy it, which is why So, don’t see it as a curse, but as a blessing, that I have set you
the world is in such a mess, and people get themselves into so far apart from them, that you can’t and won’t possibly be part
individual messes. of them and accepted by them. It may be relatively lonely up here
Once you get back in line with the balance of keeping My Law of on this hill, this mountain with Me, the mountain of truth, but
Love, things will start working out alright again. It’s the reckon it a price well worth this immense treasure, whose
difference between blessing and curse, between walking the high splendor may right now be hidden from their eyes, but shall be
road of living for God and others, and the low road of living for revealed when all that they consider riches will have faded away
self. and only what’s real remains.

Of course, seemingly bad things will continue to happen even if

433 _________________________________________________ your neighbor the way the Jews treat their neighbors, the
I just love you, that’s all. I just know that I love you. That’s Palestinians, then according to My book and view of things, it
basically all that matters to Me. I don’t expect you to be perfect, doesn’t cut the cake. Of course, many Christians, although they
and there’s nothing you could ever do to make you more have the New Testament, don’t really get the point, either, and
deserving of My mercies and blessings I bestow upon you. What they side with the Jews and don’t see the injustice and
matters is that I love you, and I’m just so thrilled about the fact monstrous crime that’s being committed once again in My Name,
that you do love Me back to the best of your abilities. in the name of their God – the God of Jews and Christians alike.
I don’t look at your lack of progress, or how much more progress
you could or should be making, the way you might look at it. I’m It shows that for this day and age, a new Gospel is necessary,
just so happy that you love Me at all and do what you can. and more of My counsel is necessary than what is to be found in
A lot of people don’t like Me because of the ugly image I’ve been the Bible, and that is why I’m pouring out New Wine in
given by My Enemy. So, I’m really thankful and proud of those of abundance. You can get My real picture, the accurate picture of
you who do what they can in order to restore My image to the Who I really am, and can and must convey that and pass that on
world and show them Who and how I really am, and that I’m a to the world.
real and reliable Source and Force that people can rely on.
Thank you for all your efforts you’re making to get people to put The world doesn’t need another group of people who preach that
their faith in Me! picture of a harsh, unforgiving and rigid God, but they need to
see Me as I really am: a merciful, forgiving, ever-pardoning God
I want you to know that you can always rely on My love, that it’s a Whose heart is broken over the atrocities committed unto man by
steady thing, and not dependent on what you’re doing or how those who claim to be on My side, when nothing could be further
you’re doing. I want you to be able to absolutely depend on it, from the truth.
and to be sure that you can rely on it anytime, regardless of They have never known Me, and thus I have never known them.
whether you’re doing alright or not so hot at any given moment. They don’t know Who I am. And accordingly, they portray and
My love for you is not conditional. I want you to be sure of that convey a false picture of Me to the world, and that’s the idol I
no matter what. want you to tear down and destroy: the false image of Me that
others have created for the world.
Those people who put Me in boxes and portray Me as a moody
God Who would one day consider someone saved and on
another day condemn them back to hell if they don’t behave 434 _________________________________________________
accordingly or don’t keep the rules, they don’t have any idea how In order to finish some things you have started, you’re just
off they are, and how they are distorting the picture of Who I going to have to get over any lack of enthusiasm and inspiration
really am in people’s minds, and what amount of damage they’re that hits you sometimes, since it’s natural to feel inspired about a
doing by creating this false image of Me. project at the onset of it, but it usually wears down the longer it
I certainly don’t want you to become affected by their false drags on and actually becomes work.
picture of Me. That’s not Me! You’ll certainly get a lot more accomplished in the long run if you
don’t just wait for extraordinary inspiration to hit you, but simply
Blessed are they who can rely on My mercy and who can enjoy do it because you know you ought to, and keep working on
being children of a loving God, Whose love is never-ending. something you started simply because you should also finish it…

Almost as important as what you do is the incentive and Remember that one thing is required in stewards, that a man be
motivation out of which you do it, which also determines the way found faithful, and your faithfulness in your work for Me is one of
you do it, and witnessing in particular is something that can the most important qualities, which you know from My Word I’m
really only render the desired fruit in the spirit if it is done in the going to praise you for.
right spirit, namely a spirit of love and faith, rather than out of So you know that faithfulness pays.
fear of what might happen to you if you don’t do it. Because if If you want to please Me and make Me happy, just be faithful in
you do it out of fear, then you pass on that same spirit: “If you your work for Me.
don’t do this or that, then God just might strike you down and
destroy you!” As much as you may dread monotony, are you willing to make
that sacrifice for Me every now and then, and work on something
For many it’s still, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of for Me that you don’t specially feel inspired to do, and just do it
wisdom.” But that was the rule and spirit of the old covenant. The anyway? Consider it part of your cross for Me, part of your
new spirit and motto is, “God so loved the world,” and “all things responsibility toward Me, part of the cup that you might prefer Me
work together for good to them that love Him back.” It’s not to let it pass, nevertheless, you determine, not your will, but Mine
anymore, “Woe unto you if you do or don’t do this or that,” but be done. One of those things you do for Me, which, by choice
“All you’ve got to do is receive and accept His love, and God will you would perhaps prefer not to do.
respect that token of your acceptance of Him and His love as
something so precious, He will accept you as His child, and will It’s not like I don’t want you to have fun in your work. You’ve got
care for you.” to forget about the contest and the reward and whether you’re
going to be a winner or a loser for some time, and just enjoy the
You know how you as a parent were a lot tougher with your fun of it.
oldest child than you were with the rest of them that followed? Once you get the hang of the fun of it, regardless of whether
You become softer as time continues, and you realize more and you’re going to win the trophy or the crown, you start becoming
more that love really is the way, the only way. any good at it, and that’s when you start becoming good at life
Well, if there’s one aspect in that I’ve changed between the Old itself.
and the New Testaments, it is that it has become more You’ve got to enjoy the thing you do and have a glory in it, and
abundantly clear that love really is the way. And while that love not just dread it or think about whether you’re going to be the
may have been manifested primarily through a firm hand of winner and take away the trophy or not…
discipline in the Old Testament, having become a Man and one of
you and walking among you did have quite an impact, and has Often you would just forget an important lesson, if I wouldn’t
changed a lot. remind you through some means, and even though there’s a
certain monotony to it, just as there is to brushing your teeth or
The old philosophy is overhauled. Look at what it is doing to the taking showers, you know there’s no way around it. Some
Jewish people! If Old Testament philosophy results in treating routines are simply very, very necessary.
Maybe it’s just My way of saying, “See? That’s what you’re doing
“Do what you like” is one of Satan’s slogans, because it’s one of to Me!”
the slogans and mottos of selfishness. Remember that My motto
was and is, “Take up your cross and follow Me.” Taking up your You may be doing fine compared to others, who are doing worse,
cross and doing what you like are two diametrically opposed but you’re not doing so fine compared to the way you could be
things. You either do the one or the other. You can wait forever doing, if you would truly keep your eyes on the essential, instead
until you’re going to “like” taking up that cross, it’s never going of allowing yourself to be so easily sidetracked by relatively
to happen. superficial and temporal matters.
All you can do is do what you know is right, and just by knowing
that it’s something I have ordained and by trusting that I know
what I’m doing, perhaps happiness is going to overtake you, in 436 _________________________________________________
spite of your own original tendencies to dread what I was asking You’ve been using the sub-standard attitudes you’ve seen in
of you, and you might actually wind up enjoying it… others as an excuse to lower your own, but I’m not going to let
you get away with giving less than you could and ought to
without suffering the consequences for it.
435 _________________________________________________ Others have been your excuse for lowering your standard and
I can see things you can’t. I see past present circumstances, level of commitment, and accordingly those who are supposed to
and I can only encourage you to try and do the same. be able to look up to you have been lowering theirs. It’s a vicious
cycle and chain reaction that stops nowhere unless and until you
Remember who’s the author behind getting annoyed and decide to put a stop to it in your life.
aggravated. It’s not Me. Get moving and give it your all.
The hard-working, all-giving, dedicated disciples may still be
Love is the most important thing, and that includes having somewhat of a minority. But you’ll have to decide what group
patience with your children and loved ones, even if they’re not you’re going to belong to: the on-fire minority, or the lukewarm
perfect according to your ideas and standards. majority.

This is one way the Enemy works in fathers’ lives: he gets them
annoyed at some of the traits of their children and thus creates 437 _________________________________________________
deep gaps between them, some of which have never been The main purpose of My Word is not to instill a feeling in you,
bridged during their life-times. but to provide you with truth as a foundation to build your faith
Of course, there is the other end at which the Devil is working, on.
and that is making children become so spoiled these days, that The purpose is not just to instill in them some fleeting feeling
people figure, “Who in their right minds would want to have kids and emotion of inspiration, like the folks in church on Sundays
anyway?” are craving, but the main purpose of the truth you convey and
pass on to others is to ignite in them a faith that they can build
But becoming really annoyed by their children’s traits and less their lives on, and that will be more than a feeling, something
than perfect qualities is especially something fathers have been solid, sturdy and lasting in the spirit.
prone to. They raise their standards of expectations from their
kids so high, that they can’t hide their disappointment when the Even if the inspiration level isn’t always the same, just as the
children fail to live up to them. emotional level in a personal relationship isn’t always the same,
This may not happen consciously, but you do notice that when the feeling isn’t the goal, but the goal is the life you can build
your child acts a certain way that annoys you, that you must from the working relationship and the trust that it engenders.
have been hoping or expecting them to turn out differently. That’s marriage. That’s being My bride. That’s more than just
being a visitor on Sundays and giving Me an occasional call just
Well, but that’s just the way life is: things turn out differently than to let Me know what you need. That’s receiving My seeds in you
you may have expected, including your children. and allowing them to bring forth fruit in you from Me with time.
And as usual, you have the choice to either murmur and That’s being family.
complain about your fate, or praise and thank Me for having done
and allowed what I knew would be best for your general outcome I’ve been trying to get you into wanting and recognizing the real
and eternal happiness. thing: not to have a relationship with Me for whatever’s in it for
you, because that’s just not the way genuine happiness is found,
Maybe if everything would be the way you like it and expected it not to do things you know please Me only for the benefits you
to be, you would have become spoiled by life, instead of learning might reap from it, but to really develop a love that’s real, and
the lessons that come along with hardships and adversities… that is so much more than a feeling. It creates a whole new way
of being in you, of doing things, of seeing things, and a new way
So, if life, including your children, isn’t exactly the way you’d of thinking and perception.
want it to be, remember that things might not necessarily be all Putting away childish things means you’re bidding farewell to the
that much better for you, your character, and your ultimate toys and getting ready for using the tools, doing the grown-up
outcome, if they were different, and that I know best what I’m things, the mature thing. It’s the transition from playing and
handing you. fooling around to actually working and bringing forth fruit, from
consuming to feeding others.
Try to catch a glimpse of the way I see things! Try to get a view
from My perspective! True maturity is all about letting go of your
own biased view and swap it for a new one, the view of the One 438 _________________________________________________
you trust simply knows better than you. Love is like a flame you have to guard well, and like a spring
of water that you’ve got to guard well from the poisoning of the
If your child has some qualities or habits that seem to be Enemy. You’ve got to keep your love pure, and not allow the
extremely difficult for you to handle, let life rub them in so that Enemy to sneak in and let him usurp the place of love with lust.
you can really learn whatever it is I am trying to teach you It’s when you get your eyes off the Creator and instead become
through them. too obsessed with creation, and you start worshiping the
Maybe that’s precisely why parents get annoyed by their creation instead of the Creator, that sin gets in and contaminates
children’s undesirable traits: they’re a reflection of their own, and and ruins something that could have been pure.
their pride usually makes it pretty hard for them to deal with that. Life is constructed in such a way that it’s bound to happen that
you slip and fall and mistakes, so that those precious lessons but then again, thus has it been with most pioneer efforts ever
can be learned from it. But it’s pretty important that you do learn made.
the lessons, and not just keep falling into the same trap and If everybody would have been gung ho from starters, just like
repeating the same old mistakes over and over again. during the “gold rush” that usually followed later, it would have
“He that soweth to the flesh will reap the corruption of the flesh.” been a different story for history’s pioneers, but not necessarily
If you focus too much on the creation instead of the Creator and always better…
worship what’s given instead of the Giver, you’re bound to Some company you’re better off without.
experience the repercussions.
I can’t just let you go down the wrong track without doing
anything about it. That would be a very irresponsible Parent. 442 _________________________________________________
Your children are not only your most attentive students, but
also your best teachers.
439 _________________________________________________ Through the fact that “God repented Himself of the evil He had
Time will do the talking. Time will reveal who will bear the thought toward His children” you read about in the Old
greater responsibility for any damage done, for any immature Testament, you can see that even God – as perfect as He is –
behavior. actually learns through His children.
There is an actual relationship going on, and relationship always
Pride will regularly try to invade your lives and throw in some has an impact on both parties.
monkey wrench. Although in essence God is a constant and changes not, there
Be aware of the Devil’s devices through pride, and the damage are certain qualities and attitudes toward certain individuals and
he can cause pretty quickly, if you don’t stay on guard. His relationship with them, the things He is going through in
relationship to them, that do change, but it is always a positive
Staying humble means also to be able to take some fuss with change.
grace occasionally, and not react in an ugly way that will make a
mountain of a problem out of what could have been a little The genetic information for any complete life-form is already
molehill. there in its simplest state. Although the outward appearance may
A large percentage of maturity is humility. As long as you’re still change over time, the essence, the gist, the information in its
proud, you’re prone to acting immaturely. genes, does not change.
The “genetic code” of God, so to speak, is permanently good and
It remains one of the factors about human nature that the thing reliable, nothing can change about that, which is the essence of
you can see the least is your own faults, your own sin and your the message, “I, the Lord, change not.” You can count on Him,
own blame in a matter. trust in Him. He’s not going to turn bad on you. With Him, it can
only get better.
Every relationship has its trials, the big question is, how do you
handle them?
443 _________________________________________________
Even though it shouldn’t be so that man only judges by the
440 _________________________________________________ outward appearance but should learn to see more the way God
While less than unconditional love may not be true love, an sees things, unfortunately, man hasn’t learned those things yet
attitude of unwillingness to change, or of being too lazy to even the Bible is trying to teach.
give it a try, isn’t exactly the epitome of true love, either. And if you’re trying to teach them, what’s important is that you
show that you have learned something from the Bible yourself,
A zero change and zero progress attitude is an attitude that leads and that is that you’ve got to become one with them in order to
to stagnation and death. It suffocates a relationship. reach them, you’ve got to become all things to all men.

Some sort of progress and growth – meaning change – is

supposed to be happening in a relationship or marriage; you’re 444 _________________________________________________
not supposed to stay forever right in the same spot where you’ve Sometimes you’ve got to have faith for that solitary path that
always been. nobody else is walking, and follow through with it, trusting that I
If someone seems to be unwilling to change and to move forward don’t give you a snake if you ask Me for an apple or an egg.
and advance toward the goal of a happy family and a fulfilled A prophet isn’t esteemed in his own country, so you have to do
marriage, it can be very frustrating, and kill any incentive to extraordinary things in order to get their attention.
invest more energy into it.
If they see that you’re not willing to invest an effort into the In some ways I have made you some kind of an oddball sticking
relationship, they figure a one-sided effort would only be futile. out, and you have to be ready to deal with not fitting perfectly
That defense mechanism of expecting some kind of return for into the overall picture.
their labors of love is there for their protection. Otherwise folks Some folks in My work just have to have the guts to be slightly
would just endlessly abuse them, and have them pour and pour different from everybody else, just because it happens to be My
and pour into them without ever giving anything in return. But will for their particular situation.
that’s not how it’s supposed to work.
This is the direction I’ve been guiding you, and you need courage
Even I expect certain things from My bride in return for pouring to walk in that path because not only are you walking it pretty
out My life to her: obedience, faithfulness, loyalty, faith and trust much alone, but you’re also getting some signs of flak or
in Me… skepticism.
It’s a matter of focusing more on the other one, the partner, People simply resent what’s not like them.
instead of only on one’s own needs, wants and desires. It’s a
matter of grooming the quality of unselfishness. The question is, what kind of group do I want you to become one
with? In a culture where fitting in and following the mainstream
and herd instinct of the masses is the rule of the day, what kind
441 _________________________________________________ of people are you trying to reach? Those who dare to venture
You’re representing a voice of genuine truth where usually from the norm, those who dare to stick out and be different and
lies prevail. defy the status quo!
It’s kind of a lone venture, and that makes it harder, of course,
(In) a wicked country with a wicked people that is by and large
going to hell, as all of the “nations that forget God,” I don’t want 446 _________________________________________________
you to conform to their status quo and “become one” with the “Welcome to the Club” situations are supposed to help you
large majority of them. I want you to stick out, in order to attract understand how I feel about things, including those times when
those who have the guts to be different and to veer from that you seem to think that whatever the System has to offer is more
highway to hell they’re all trotting down on. important than what I want from you.
Sometimes I allow others around you or in your care to fall prey
You want to send out a signal to the seekers: “You’re seeking a to worldliness to an even greater extent than you ever have, just
different way? You’re seeking a way out? Over here!” to make sure you’ll get so sick of it that you won’t ever allow
yourself to be infected with that virus again.
Some are called and ordained to be teachers, some apostles, and What you must keep in mind, though, is that they’re a victim of
some prophets. Not everybody has the same job, except that of that sickness, and you should pray for them, not judge or
preaching the Gospel. But how you’re supposed to preach to condemn them in your mind, nor look down on them.
your particular audience, in what attire and on what sort of The more self-righteous you get about it, the more you drive
platform, and in what particular ministry, varies from situation to them into the Enemy’s arms, and make them feel at home in his
situation and from individual to individual. camp, instead of yours.
They all have to make their own experiences, including their own
disappointments and awakenings about the System.
445 _________________________________________________
What matters to Me is that you remain faithful. “Moreover it is You feel as though this was some sort of Sisyphus task, to try to
required in stewards that a man be found faithful.” That’s raise someone in My nurture and admonition whose heart seems
basically the only requirement. to be on the wrong side already, but you can’t give up on them
The Enemy isn’t just going to peacefully stand by and look on as Sometimes they depend on what faith you have in them, and if
I make a super weapon out of you, aimed and destined for his you don’t have any faith for them, they figure, “Well, why should I
destruction. even keep trying then?”
He’s going to come up with his best magic in order to stop you I’m not talking about high expectations here, just enough faith
from becoming what you ought. that I’m in control in spite of any of the momentary
He may have made more points in this round, but you’re still in circumstances and the way things may seem, and enough
the ring, and you’re not finished yet – and you’re learning a bit unconditional love so that they won’t have to run all the way to
more with each fight, more about his tactics; and I’m counting on the opposite camp and into the Enemy’s arms because they feel
the ability of My Spirit in you to teach you something from all rejected by you.
this, lessons that will prevent you from falling into the same traps
next time… Wisdom and maturity are supposed to enable you to rise above
your natural inclination to play a tit for tat game, but instead have
You have to focus on what I’m doing in your life. love that is greater than their lack of love.
Will you stick to what I have shown you, regardless of negative
vibes, and gestures of rejection? If I wouldn’t have had more love for people than they had for Me,
none of you would be where you are right now.
Physical encounters are always spiritual ones as well. Everybody You’ve just got to have more love for people than they have for
you meet carries a spirit around with them, one that will either lift you, you cannot just reflect whatever amount of affection they
up or knock down, and you have to discern which is the case might manage to eke out for you.
with each one. Walk in My footsteps, the path of a Man Who was despised and
Some may seem to want to lift you up, but because they cause rejected. As far as they were concerned, I wasn’t anything
you to lower your guard and take your focus off of Me, it turns desirable, no one to look up to. But I had enough love to look
out to be a trap from the Enemy, which may not have been their beyond their lack of love for Me, enough love to love them
intention, but it’s a sobering lesson for you to stay tuned to Me. anyway, in spite of their natural lack of it.
You cannot let people affect you to an extent greater than My
effect on you! It’s a matter of putting the creation above the Sometimes the problem is that you may think that you have what
Creator, which is idolatry. If you show that anyone’s opinion of it takes, but in reality you ought to pray for more love, for greater
you matters more to you than My opinion, it proves that I am not love is necessary to carry you successfully through this episode
Who or what matters most to you, but that you have other gods of your life.
before Me, which, as you know, I simply cannot tolerate. The amount you have right now is not enough to salvage the
It’s all a test of your loyalty to Me. “Will he keep his heart set on situation. If you’re going to try to keep going with the same small
Me? Will he remain loyal in spite of the temptation?” amount of love in your heart, you’re not going to make it; you’re
More often than not throughout history, the sad answer to that going to lose them and heap a lot of sorrows and heartache upon
question has been “no.” What I’m looking for especially, is yourself. You’ve got to have more of a broken heart and more of
people who will reverse that often-observed course of destiny, a burden for them.
and who will make a yes out of that, a reversal of that generally You cannot just say, “Well if they’re not interested in the that are
observed pattern of destiny that so many have followed before, of real importance, then I’m not going to be interested in them,
but one chosen and special one chooses to break out of to set a either.” That’s not the way to win anyone.
new standard of greater faith, greater obedience, greater loyalty
and greater love for Me than his predecessors. You may think and feel it’s hopeless, but you’ve got to overcome
The reason I want you to pray more, to look unto Me more and to those feelings of hopelessness! Maybe according to the Devil’s
apply your spiritual weaponry more, is because that’s the only picture of reality, and according to any realistic prognosis based
way you’re ever going to manage to become that sort of person. on your personal experiences there isn’t any hope. But you’ve
There is no remedy that can be followed or applied in the flesh. got to put your hopes in My miracle-working redeeming power,
This is a victory that can only be attained in the spirit and by the My power to reverse destiny and to save anyone from any
Spirit. apparently predestined path of “the way of all flesh.”
So, for My sake, and your own, cling to the Spirit, and be not I can cause them to be an exception against all odds. But you’ve
distracted by the finite, pitiful, oh so temporal, howbeit glittering got to have the faith for that!
lures and enticements of the flesh. You’ve got to believe in My miracle-working power going to work
in people, you cannot underestimate Me and what I can do to
change people’s lives. I don’t want to exclude you from My plans, just as I didn’t exclude
Who’s to say who can make it and who’s going to make it and My prophets of old, and revealed the things and workings of the
who’s got what it takes to make it? Haven’t you experienced that Spirit Realm to them so that they would write it down in order to
usually those who make it in the end were those who looked the give you a clue.
least as if they had what it took?
Not only am I here to counsel you, but I also consult you, and ask
Give Me a chance, and watch Me go to work in their lives! Expect you for your opinion and input, I go by your inclinations and
miracles and the seemingly impossible! choices, too. Like this I can know that you’re going to make a
Focus on the wonderful things I can do in anybody’s life – even greater effort to stay in My Spirit and to be truly led of My Spirit,
the seemingly most hopeless of them - and offer them a way out, because you know it’s a great privilege and responsibility to be
a chance to get out of there and start anew… involved in the decision-making and the plans and workings of
You’ve got to have enough love and faith to give everyone a the Almighty. You’re an integral part of My Kingdom, and
chance. knowing that you’re important to Me and that your choices matter
to Me will help you to be more on the ball and take the whole
thing more seriously.
447 _________________________________________________
I may be guiding another person in a different direction, to do You don’t have much to do with the governing politics of today,
what they know they ought to, but you still have to go by what I this is not your time, it’s the day of the usurper, he’s going to
lay on your heart, personally. have his heyday soon.
A man’s gift maketh room for him, and the last thing you should But your time is coming, along with Mine. And it’s going to be a
do is feel ashamed of your gifts and try to squeeze yourself into lasting one. Something so concrete and solid and based on such
the same mold anybody else is trying to fit into… a firm foundation, that it will never have to be replaced by any
I want you to enjoy life and enjoy your service for Me and what other system again, a system that’s going to be here to stay.
you’re doing for Me: I want you to do what you enjoy!

Merely going through a humdrum of performing duties you don’t 449 _________________________________________________
particularly enjoy isn’t going to enhance your quality of life, thus I had given man paradise and eternal life to begin with. But
your health, your happiness, and thus also not your sample and upon not living up to the standard of rules I had set as the
testimony for Me, which equals your efficiency for Me. So I might condition for which they would be able to keep their blessings,
as well let you do what you enjoy! I’ve had to remove some of them. And we’re entering a dark
period – the darkest, in fact – of history where man will be
Of course, Satan is mad as hell about it, because he likes to deprived of more liberties, luxuries and benefits than he has ever
enslave everyone, and he furiously hates people who refuse to had to do without, and that after the time of his greatest
be loyal and obedient slaves of the Matrix. This is why he comes indulgence… That’s going to be quite a test, and I’m just giving
up with all kinds of cunning tricks to come up with new little you a little bit of training at that in order to make the transition
matrixes for those who have found a way of operating outside his not all too hard for you.
mainframe and the big Matrix. So, remember that I have called Many won’t be able to cope with being deprived of and having to
and ordained you to be free. I have come to set you free, so, give up so many of the things they had grown accustomed to,
don’t be surprised if that’s what you actually are, and don’t let and that they have been taking for granted all along.
the Enemy put you under any condemnation about it.
You don’t really know what you’ve got until you lose it.
Sometimes by losing it, you actually gain it for real. You get to
448 _________________________________________________ know its true value, and thus, when you get it back, you’ll have it
Sometimes it’s that little margin of one or two percent that in a way you never had it before…
makes the difference. It may not be a clear and obvious black and
white type of result, but the little details that make the difference, The sooner you learn to make Me your Master or to accept Me as
the fine-tuning to My Spirit. such, the smoother the ride is going to be in the long run. And
Sometimes it takes those little things that make all the difference, that includes allowing Me to determine which things are good for
that will tip the balance in your favor and will determine the you, and which aren’t, and in what amounts, learning to trust Me
difference between defeat and victory. It’s by the little things I can with that and coping with the fact that you’ll have to leave the
determine whether a man is truly great or not, whether proportions, distribution and measures of life’s pleasures in My
everything else is just a show. hands.
There will be greater sacrifices required of you further down the
A little gesture of humility, of giving in to the other party, just a road, so, you might have to make some adjustments in the
small token of yieldedness and show of willingness to take a step bordering of your “comfort zones.”
in their direction can make a huge difference.
A lot is up to you! A lot is determined by free will, and I don’t just You may say, “Why did You spoil me like that in the first place?”
recruit people and say, “You have to go, whether you like it or In other words, “Why did You have to be so good to me if You
not.” weren’t going to keep it up?”
I’m counting on you and your wisdom to help make decisions for It’s not that I wouldn’t have liked to keep it up if you would have
the best of the Kingdom. They may be small decisions and shown that you could have handled it.
choices at first, but trust Me, there are going to be weightier But what’s in My interest – and ultimately yours, too, is what’s
matters coming up as time goes by. best for your character, not your immediate satisfaction.
That’s how I work, and how things in My Realm are being worked Sometimes, instant satisfaction, gratification and fulfillment of
out. I seek the consent of My advisors, and I’m running things a your desires isn’t conducive to happiness in the long run, which
little more “democratically” than you may have had the is what I’d call true and real happiness.

There’s some pretty far-out stuff going on in Heaven… 450 _________________________________________________

Nothing is impossible, and I can avail Myself of any means in You’ve got to be sure to have something better to offer the
order to bring about My will… even if they may seem strange to world than what they’ve got. Otherwise, can you blame them for
you. wanting to walk another road?
You’ve got to have a goal before your eyes to which you can
point and tell others, “Come on, let’s go there!” But if you “Don’t forget about Me!” is the slogan. Remember to take Me
haphazardly stroll into the landscape without a definite idea of along, to thank Me and have Me participate in all that you do…
what you’re up to, then they’ll figure they’re better off sticking to
plan A, which is whatever they’ve been doing all along.
452 _________________________________________________
When it all comes down to it, and down to the question of “What Walk by faith, not by sight. Keep your eyes on Me, instead of
have you done with your life?” it’s just between you and Me, and yourself. If you were perfect, what would you need Me for? You
you’re going to have to take that stand on your own two feet! would probably just rely on yourself and forget all about Me! You
ask Me, “Why hast Thou made me thus?” Well, here’s the reason.
You should make your connection and relationship with Me the I need you that way.
base from which you’ll be able to work on your relationship with
others, and you’ll have a whole lot more to offer them, instead of Anybody can imitate the way everybody’s doing it, and quietly
living an endless quest of “What’s in it for me?” sink into the morass of the masses. Or they can try to be
“different” the “proper” way, by being some kind of a star or
artist that’s accepted by the System. So, I’ve made you
451 _________________________________________________ different… Is that such a burden to live with?
Your humility is more important to Me than your looks, Why not leave the variety I like to create up to Me, and trust Me
because your humility level in this life helps determine your that that’s okay? It may not be perfectly okay according to the
eternal appearance, not just your temporary carnal appearance Devil’s and the System’s standards, but it will be certainly okay
that seems to be so all-important to everyone these days. according to the status quo of the eternal World to come! The
There are a lot of things about creation that man hasn’t name of the game there won’t be, “Try really hard just to act and
discovered yet, and as far as I’m concerned, a generation that look and be like everybody else,” but “Just be yourself, and
only sees and looks at the physical, ignoring the greater spiritual enjoy the way God made you!” That’s the liberty and freedom I
truths behind the physical, is a blind generation. have ordained for My children and creatures to have, not the
bondage of having to worry about how different and “apart from
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” If your flesh is the norm” I made you! To hell with “the norm,” as far as I’m
deteriorating and diminishing, then My Spirit in you can prosper concerned!
and come to the fore more.
Your dilemma, in this case, is My reason to rejoice, because I The “norm” is on their highway to hell! Let’s put it this way: Only
know I’ll be able to avail Myself more of you the less of you there different folks go to Heaven! Only those who are bold enough to
is going to be, and you ought to rejoice with Me! refuse to just kowtow to the way that is dictated by the rulers of
Do you really think I’m planning on winning this war with muscle the darkness of this world. They want slaves, not free human
power, like some of those seem to think who are training their beings, much less free human spirits, free enough to
bodies and learning martial arts to help them through the communicate with their Creator and be whoever He wants them
Tribulation? to be.

It’s good to stay aware of the fact that when it all comes down to You’ve got to have the guts to be different, even if it’s different to
it, you’re really nothing without Me. When you know you are the extent of what some folks might call “bizarre.” Pity those who
nothing, then what have you got to lose? What worries could you don’t have the guts to be different, but feel as if they have to stick
have concerning your image? to some sort of consensus of what’s accepted or “cool.”
So, you’re not “cool.” Relax, you’re not the only one! It’s not the
Come on down to the ground of the reality of who you are in the end of the world! You’ll survive not being “cool” or “in,” or “hip!”
spirit! It’s bad enough that all those churchy Christian singers are
Trying to improve your physical shape a bit by catching up on trying so hard to be “hip” and “friends” with the world. So, you’re
your exercise is a good thing, and I’m all for it, but you ought to not a “friend” of the world, and the world largely despises you,
keep Me and spiritual things in the first place. rejects you and eyeballs you as something strange in their midst
Without Me and My Spirit any of those efforts become less than they can’t quite figure out and put in a box, or maybe they label
worthwhile, because the no.1 requirement for being the type of you as “nutcase” or weirdo!” That’s the way it should be!
person you ought to be is to stay in My Spirit. Without that, all You wouldn’t want to be an accepted part of their world! Not by
the other efforts are in vain! My standards, anyway. And as wonderful as some of those
Christian singers may be, the kind of signal they’re flashing out
“Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to to the world is a deceptive one. It’s a message that conveys the
the glory of God.” Whatever you do in the physical, you can notion that it’s okay to be hip and cool with the world and the
make it a spiritual act simultaneously, by giving Me the glory for System, and yet be My disciple at the same time. “You can be a
it, praising Me while you do it, thanking Me for it. By receiving all star in this world, and a servant of God at the same time!” “You
things with thanksgiving, you sanctify them, which in a sense can serve God and Mammon, after all!”
means, you transfer them from being purely physical matters into
the spiritual realm as well, because you’re allowing My Spirit to If you’re really conscious and aware of the fact that you’re
have part in them! nothing, then you don’t have to worry about your image, the way
you come across or what people think about you, as though you
That’s one of the great lessons of life. My message to mankind is, were some kind of “something” or “somebody.” If you’re truly
“Why exclude the spiritual? Why have only half the fun?” They nothing – and after all, that’s what I will have to make out of you
don’t know what they’re missing. But you’re finding out, before I’m ready to make you truly great in My eyes – then you
everytime you neglect the spiritual, or forget to include Me and won’t care about all that!
your helpers in the things you do, anytime you neglect to thank
and give Me the glory for the things you’re enjoying and It’s supposed to help keep you humble, being so “weird,” so
accomplishing in the physical. “odd” and so unaccepted, so apart from the norm!
So, if you don’t want to miss out on the blessings of My Spirit, The proud can meet all the standards of what the world expects
which bring you joy, love, peace, patience, modesty, self- from them, and they can be proud of that. But pride isn’t the
discipline, faith, kindness and meekness – in other words, the ticket to heaven or happiness, love is, and love is synonymous
right spirits and attitudes to be enjoying those things with, then with humility.
stay tuned to My Spirit, and don’t forget about Me whatever you As soon as you start getting lifted up in pride and you start
do. thinking you’re even slightly better than your fellowman, the first
thing out the door is your love for them. And with your ability to 453 _________________________________________________
love, your happiness also goes. Everybody is prone to make mistakes.
So, what would you rather be? Proud of who you are and
miserable and unhappy, or happily, humbly loving? How much of My love is being conveyed through you to those
It’s all a question of how much you’re willing to embrace humility. you come in touch with is dependent solely upon you, and I’m
The “hip” have every reason to be proud. The “un-hip” have certainly not putting any limits on the amount of love you may
every reason to be humble. So would you rather be hip & proud feel free to share. It’s just that you have found that you bump into
or odd and humble? If you can accept your oddness and your own natural limits. You bump into limits like jealousy that
strangeness as a means for Me to keep you humble and happy, limit the amount of love you can freely share with others, then
maybe then you can live with it better. you bump into limits that make you afraid of what others might
Be glad that you have the liberty to be just who you are, and that think if you show an extraordinary amount of love… lots of
you’re not bound by the pressure to be like everyone else, like all factors that limit the amount of love you share with the world that
those slaves of conformity out there! everybody is prone to.

So, the world says, “Blessed are the cool, the hip and the proud.” What the Devil is trying to stop the most from happening, is love,
I say, blessed are the odd, the strange and the humble. Who are because that is the proof that I’m still around, it’s the trademark
you going to believe? Do you think what I was doing during My of My existence. And as you know from the Scriptures, one of the
life-time on earth was the ordinary thing? Recruiting honest, signs of the time of the End in which you’re living is that
hard-working men away from their jobs and families for a cause “because iniquity (or unbelief) shall abound, the love of many will
that in the eyes of some, if not most, was highly questionable, wax cold.”
and that led Me to a public execution? If I was the Savior of the He’s trying to kill the love, not only in the world, but also in My
world, you might say that My style was certainly highly people around the world.
unorthodox! No wonder the Jewish establishment had such a He manipulates people subtly and cleverly into operating out of
hard time accepting Me! They had expected something or selfish interests, and so selfishness, sometimes subtly
someone a lot nobler, a lot more “together,” and not just a disguised, is often the true incentive that motivates people, even
carpenter’s son from Nazareth, which was like a by-word among if they may claim to be acting out of love.
them. “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”
It took the eyes of true faith to see in Me something nobler than What’s important is that no matter what you see or experience,
the Scribes, Pharisees, puppet kings and Roman authorities! It you don’t lose the love, but you keep coming back to Me
also took the eyes of faith to realize My true ministry: to save faithfully for more love to pass on to the world!
them from a greater bondage than that of Roman occupation,
namely the bondage of sin. The Family isn’t a big piece of cake I proudly present to the
Your role certainly isn’t to please everybody! It’s certainly not world, but basically, a piece of work I present to the world for
just to be another one of those popularity junkies trying to show anyone to participate in who has the nerve, the courage, the
off how many “friends” they can get on MySpace! If anything, necessary devotion and dedication and love for Me that it takes.
your role is to show that there is something different than all that Sorry if among those who say “I will,” not everybody’s perfect.
indeed! There’s a different way to do it, a different way to live, a
different way to go than the abhorrent “normal” way, which is the How do you measure love? Can you truly measure love by the
worst abomination in My eyes since the beginning of the world. amount of emotion and tears one man can evoke out of others by
Never before was the way that leads to destruction and hell so a speech he is holding? Maybe. But the way I measure love is not
broad and wide, and never before did so many walk in it! Even a only by the words a man speaks, but by his actions. The daily
lot of “saved” people are walking down that same road to living together, in spite of personal differences, is a much greater
destruction, and to the perdition of all their works! The only thing proof of love to Me. Now, there may still be friction within those
they’ll save out of it will be their naked souls, but so as if through efforts of love, and that friction may sometimes make you
fire. So, let that little bit of heat you’re experiencing not perplex wonder, “Where is all the love?” but it’s still a lot more than most
you, that heat of wondering, “Am I alright? Am I on the right other people, groups and denominations and churches even
path? It’s so lonely up here. Are you sure You’re not leading me attempt to do.
up a wrong way, Lord? – Nobody else is walking it. Are they You look at the missing button, I look at the vest. You stare at the
shaking their heads at me and laughing about the odd and hole, I stare at the donut. You see the lack of love, I see the effort
strange path I’m taking?” What is that to thee? Come thou, follow made that amounts to more love and greater love than I can find
Me, regardless of whether this is the “common” path, the anywhere else at present in this world.
“conventional” path, the “normal” or “accepted” path! Will you
follow Me up that road, even if nobody else is walking it?
I’m not saying that you are better than anyone else. All I’m saying 454 _________________________________________________
is that this is your road, this is My will for you, and your test is, It’s becoming more expedient than ever, not to rely on the
whether you’re going to believe Me for it, and obey Me, even if carnal mind anymore, but to make sure you get ahold of My
there’s nobody else on that same road – yet! And maybe nobody Spirit, My view and My opinion on matters.
else ever will! Be happy if it’s not a crowded road, but if it’s a The gift comes with a price, and that is that you have to keep
lone and solitary road! You’ll have all the more opportunity to availing yourself of it, you can’t just use it “once and for all
hear from Me and less distractions to worry about! times.”
Maybe yours is destined to be a road of solitude. Maybe not. Can
you trust Me for it, either way, and just take whatever comes, and It’s rarely that I give big and outstanding revelations, as in the
just do what I lay on your heart to do, and be yourself, that which case of Daniel and John, and perhaps Joseph. I prefer to train
I’ve created you to be without shame and embarrassment? you with “small revelations,” which require your staying in tune
with Me, so that I can show you the next step after I’ve shown
It’s okay the way you are and who you are because I made you you the first, etc.
that way, and doubting that is like saying you know better than John and Daniel had to “earn” their laurels, too, in order to
Me! “Lord, you must have made a mistake in the way You made receive such high-ranking, high-quality revelations from Me, and
me!” Why don’t you worry about your job and let Me keep another factor concerning them was: their revelations had
worrying about Mine? Yours is just to pass on what I give you, no virtually no relevance for themselves, but they were principally
matter what. for your purpose, upon whom the ends of the world have come.
You notice it says “ends,” signifying that there are various
incidents that could constitute “the end of the world as we know
it” for some people. want to be the Exception and the break out of that treadmill. I
really want to liberate them from all their fears, not just replace
But the main point is, you’ve got to learn to depend on the gifts old ones with new ones.
of the spirit on a regular basis, and not just once a day, but If what motivates you is fear of missing out on something in case
you’ve got to make an effort to stay attuned to Me throughout the you don’t obey Me, then you don’t have the right motivations it
day, and keep receiving My signals, messages and hints. takes to win anybody to Me, and they’ll sense it, and I’d rather
you go and enjoy yourself until you find out that there’s nothing
I’m trying to get you away from that independent spirit that says, to be afraid of.
“life is ours, we live it our way,” as if everything you’ve got had Getting Me is only win-win, not another, “Well, you win one thing
come from your own hand, instead of Me having given it to you. but loser another” sort of deal. I don’t want people to feel gypped
It’s part of giving honor and glory to Whom it is due, instead of by Me, only loved – genuinely loved, as they have never felt loved
yourself, like most people do. before, and to a greater extent than they even dared imagine
I want you to adopt an attitude about the money you’re earning
that makes you see that you’ve really been given that money! You haven’t really yet begun to fathom the greatness and depth
You’ve been given the opportunity to earn that money by My of My love, which is also one reason why you haven’t really yet
hand. begun to love!
There is so much more to love than you have even begun to
You never know just how much longer the whole “money game” fathom, that compared to all there is yet to it, you haven’t even
is going to last. It might be over sooner than some people think, yet begun to love!
and “Show Me The Money” will acquire another meaning, then. It The reason you haven’t even yet begun to love is that you
will mean, “Show Me the goods! Show Me what you have learned haven’t even yet begun to receive more than a tiny fraction of My
and earned with all that’s been given you and invested in you.” love for you.
Just like the man in the Bible who had given a varying amount of My relationship with you has always been tainted by some fear of
talents to his servants and upon his return was asking to see the what I might do to you in case you don’t do this or that. That is
returns and fruits of his investment. fear, not love. Perfect love casts out all such fears.
See, even money talk can be applied in spiritual ways. How have So, why didn’t I liberate you from these fears and false concepts
you been investing what I first invested in you? What dividends sooner, you wonder? Because I want you to be a help to others in
are you bringing and rendering for Me? What is the fruit, the gain becoming liberated from theirs as well. You’re not the only one
of all that I have poured into you? Where is the result? Show Me who has been bound by subconscious fears and underlying false
the money! Am I getting My money’s worth out of you? motivations of religiosity, and I want to liberate you from them in
That may sound capitalistic, and not at all like the Gospel of order to liberate others from them. Yet you can only be liberated
unconditional love you’re used to; more like a business from an enemy you have recognized. You can only be healed and
transaction and partnership rather than a marriage, but it’s just to cured from a disease that has been diagnosed.
serve as a reminder that something has been given to you, and
the world is expecting you to do something with it for their sake. Only love can do the trick. Only love ever will. If you haven’t got
I’m expecting you to do something with it for their sake. Not for love, you haven’t got what it takes. Only love casts out and
anybody’s selfish gain, but for the benefit of lost souls, and in overcomes all the fears that you need to overcome in order to
order to save lives! serve Me successfully when fear will rule the world. Only love
can liberate you from them, and free you to the extent where you
A lack and failure to invest in others’ lives what you’ve been have nothing to lose, and thus, nothing to be afraid of!
given would be the selfish thing to do! To do nothing would be
the real sin, and the really bad and outrageous thing to do! That’s If I fail to truly make you happy, then why should I expect you to
what the whole parable of the talents is all about. It’s a lesson for advertise Me to people, anyway?
those who think they’d rather do nothing than even take a slight If I do manage to fulfill your wildest dreams, then I won’t have to
risk at doing the wrong thing. To do nothing when you’ve been do any persuading in order to get you to give Me to others. You’ll
given so much to do good with, is a sin! To withhold when it is do it gladly and voluntarily.
within your capacity to give, is wrong.
Either I truly manage to do the work through you, and I manage
When the money will collapse, it will become evident what people to empower you to do it in spite of your weakness, or the whole
will have invested their lives in, and whether it will still be worth thing is just going to be one more trip of the flesh. Either I am the
anything or not. Real Thing, or not. Do you think what the world needs is another
trip of the flesh, another do-it-yourself type of religion?

455 _________________________________________________ If I can’t even come into your life effectively enough to bring
You have to check your heart about what your true about a visible change, how can you expect them to believe you
motivations are. Are you scared you’re going to miss out on the that I’m going to come back into the world to take it over and
best rewards if you don’t witness more, or do more of this and make everything better? If I can’t even manage to make you
more of that? Or is it truly love, and nothing but love that happy, but just another person scared of losing this or that or the
motivates you to win their souls to Me? Because it is only love, other, then how can anybody expect Me to be capable of making
and nothing but love that will enable you to do that, after all. the whole world happy?
I’d rather have you so in love with Me that I won’t have to
persuade you any longer to do anything for Me, but you’ll gladly Either My power is real right here and now, for you, or forget it.
do it out of sheer love for Me, than have you try to rig up some Who wants pie in the sky and some distant future happiness if
“carnal obedience” out of your own fleshly efforts, that is really the world is going to hell right now?
only fueled by fear of what might happen if you don’t do it…
I’d rather have you so happy and thankful that you can truly offer Once you realize I’m truly as great as you wish to believe by faith
Me to your friends and acquaintances as “the best deal of your right now, I know you will also gladly apply your energies ton
life-time,” by having personally experienced that I like to give you support Me in My effort to win the world for My Cause.
the desires of your heart and make you happy, than have you try
to serve Me for any false and less than noble reason. Don’t be afraid to receive from Me life to the full!
They already live in a “tit for tat” world where they only get I don’t expect you to pass on to others anything but what you
something in return for something they have to do or give first. I have received from Me yourself. And people want more out of life
than a gift of prophecy. They want love and happiness, real and
tangible. Can I live up to those expectations? Check Me out! If it’s tough or nearly impossible for you to directly focus on one
person yourself, because it’s too painful or whatever, you can
support an intermediary person in their love efforts toward them,
456 _________________________________________________ and pray for them, that their love fails not. You may not have it in
I begin My work with the tiniest unit. I work on the little you to keep the faith in them and good hopes, but you can
things, and their precision, the small entities on which the whole uphold and strengthen the other person’s faith for them in prayer
show is based, the single units, single cells, to make sure that and moral support, so that their faith in them fail not.
when they part, spread and grow, they don’t spread any They can be the love agent that you can pour your love into
corrupted information, which can result in deformation, and other where you won’t feel like it’s wasted, because they appreciate it
less than desirable results. and you know they’ll use it on others. You can multiply their own
With you, of course, I’m working on something spiritual, a love-capacities and thus be a support to them, and through them
spiritual new creation of Mine, and I like to take even more time reach many others.
and care with those. After all, the spiritual building blocks are
those destined for eternity, while the physical will largely have to In the Spirit World everybody has their job, and there are certain
undergo major modifications and changes and adjustments, key persons that can more easily reach others, and some of the
before they’re going to be ready to merge with the Spirit World. other figures, just like in a game of chess, can support and help
In creating a spiritual diamond, jewel or gem when someone is that figure.
“becoming gold” in the spiritual aspects, every little lesson
involved in that process is important. The degrees of pressure Your no.1 job is to see to it that your smallest unit is working and
and “heat” have got to be just right, the amount of adversity you functioning well, and as a result of that, your life will be flowing
experience, before you can be taken out of the fire again to be more smoothly in general.
cooled by My fresh pure waters. Just like in chess, you can lose your queen quickly due to some
false move, and losing the queen can often signal the whole
Most Christians are merely at the stage where they’re game being lost. So, you have to guard her at any cost and
discovering what I meant by telling My disciples, “I call you no uphold her and keep her going somehow.
longer slaves, but friends.” But My ultimate desire is to take this You don’t have to worry so much about all the other players
a step further to where I can say, “I call you no longer mere involved, since she will take care of them, and protect and
friends, but My brides.” support you and make sure your day will be a winner.
Of course, this is not just for anyone, only for those to whom it is
given, but those to whom it is given to believe and embrace this, I
treat with very special care. 458 _________________________________________________
“Hasn’t everyone been a prodigal son?” It’s good to
I want to liberate you from the notion that My love for you is remember that.
dependent on anything you might do or not do. Everybody’s looking for fun and a good time.
I’m not in love with what you do for Me, but with who you are. The main circumstance that kept bringing you back to Me was
It’s not the “blind” type of love that mothers often have for their the fact that you simply didn’t find what you were looking for out
children, which sometimes fails to see the areas in which their there.
child would badly needs discipline. I know your impurities will be
taken care of by the Father. That is why you are so upset at Him I want you to become like Me, and to learn of Me and from My
at times, and it is He toward Whom your anger is directed when example that I have given you. If I have granted you the liberty to
you know you’re being chastened and things are going rough for go out and make your own experiences to teach you where the
you. But all I see, My love, is who you are in the spirit, and the world is at, then you must grant that liberty to your children as
Father has put that love in My heart for you that makes Me see well. There’s no way a round it. You can’t just expect them to be
only the good; I hardly notice the bad, which I know is only smarter than you were.
temporal, anyway. If anything, they’ve got it harder than you did, because the Devil
It’s right there in the first epistle of John (1John 3:2,3). You are has come up with an entire armada of new weaponry designed to
going to be like Me when I come for you. distract and lure them away from Me.
On the other hand, you can be confident that if I have brought
Trust in My love for you wholeheartedly. You can rely on it. For you safely through all that you went through, I will also be with
that is what you are: loved. them.

You may not see each other as I do, but some day you will, and A part of love – a very important part, in fact, is granting people
you will all be as one. One bride, one body, one heart, soul and the right to be themselves, even if that means, “dreadfully
mind… One - with Me and each other. For this is the will of the different” from you.
Father. It may cost you something to relate to them, but that’s what it’s
Do you see the privilege? Can you see the high honor? And all about: investment. How much are you willing to invest in their
therein, all the sufficient reason to be truly happy and freedom to be who they are in order to find true happiness? How
overwhelmed with joy? You are chosen to become One with God much are you willing to invest in their happiness at the cost of
the Creator, and that, indeed, is reason enough to be happy and your own preferences and the things and circumstances that
rejoice! would make you personally happier, temporarily? How much are
you willing to sacrifice of your cake in order to feed them the
essence of life? How much are you really willing to unselfishly
457 _________________________________________________ help them, even if there’s nothing in it for you?
Focusing on the lack never solves the problem, but only That’s the kind of love with which I love you. I don’t just love you
tends to make it bigger. in order to get you to do things for Me or do things My way.
Whereas if you focus on Me and the vast amount of love I have Let them be who they are, and let them find out by allowing them
for everybody, My love enables you to even love your enemies. to walk the road they choose. You cannot drop them like a hot
Receiving more love from Me can be compared to recharging a potato because they didn’t choose your exact same road.
battery. It takes time. You don’t just pray, “Lord, give me more That’s another aspect of the Law of Love: you grant people the
love,” and “zap,” you’re refilled. You have to hang in there, right to make their own choices, just as God does. You won’t
praying for the person you need more love for, and wait while I withdraw from them in resignation when they choose a different
recharge your capacities of love for them and others. path, but you keep on loving them anyway; always ready to
receive them back with arms wide open… In order to truly keep growing until the day you die, you’ve got to
keep open for changes and new revelations and new directions
from Me.
459 _________________________________________________
You have to have faith in My power to change people from Once you’ve learned a new lesson from Me in theory, you’ve got
what they are into what they’re supposed to be, just as a to look around for opportunities to put it into action, how to apply
caterpillar is going to change into a butterfly someday. it in real life…
The way you get to the stage of what you’re supposed to be, is Take it from the dormant domain of your thoughts and your
via the present state, that ugly, low and imperfect state. interior into the lucid and awake realm of your actions, the things
you actually do.
It may be humanly impossible for you to love a certain person
with their undesirable qualities, but that’s where you can give Spirit does not resemble inactivity.
wings to your earthbound lack of capacities by praying for Me to The Spirit will spur you on to godly action. Overcome the
change that person and commit the matter into My hands, inactivity and stagnation of the flesh by godly powerful action of
trusting Me that I can take care of it and change them into the Spirit!
something more lovable.
You don’t like things and folks the way they are? Change them
through prayer! I have given you the power, but if you don’t use 461 _________________________________________________
it, then it won’t be done. In order to successfully walk My path, you will be required
So much is up to you and whether you will stir yourself up in more and more to overcome human limitations as you avail
prayer for someone or not. yourself of My weapons and My power.
See, you may be learning to depend on Me, but in some aspects,
I’m also depending on you. It’s a two-way street. Some things I In order to harvest good things from people, you’ve got to invest
won’t be able to do and simply won’t get done unless you do more time sowing to them; you’ve got to spend more time with
your part. people. In order to get along with them and cope with their
Not praying for them to change them is as if you don’t have the weaknesses, learn how to rise above them, overcome or
faith for Me to change them, you’re giving up on them, and you overlook them, you have to spend time at it.
don’t believe they’ll ever change, they’re a hopeless case, as far
as you’re concerned. That’s what I would call giving up on In order to learn how to deal with people, you’ve got to deal with
someone. people.
You passively and non-expectantly stand by and wait to see if
something is going to happen that might change your attitude “Give me truth” may be your personal credo, but what most
toward them, but you’re not contributing any power and effort people want above all is happiness and enjoyment, even if they
yourself toward them changing for the better. don’t know all the gory details about what’s wrong with the world
around them.
Not to do good when you’re capable of it, is a sin. To neglect to Yes, the world is a mess, but the good news is that I’m in control
do a good thing is a bad thing, and it will bear consequences. anyway! And it’s that good news you’ve got to focus and
If you’ve done your part, you’ll have the peace that you did what emphasize on! “Publish glad tidings” means, let’em know that
you could in order to change it; whereas if you don’t, I’m still in control, in spite of the mess the world is in! I may be
condemnation will be nagging at you, or at least the doubt of their only way out, but the good news is, I’m more than sufficient
what might have happened if you would have… at that job! I truly cut the cake! Focus on the solution, not the
The good news is that there is a solution to all the oodles of
460 _________________________________________________ problems in the world today!
You’ve got to know what you want! I can show and teach you Sooner or later they’re all going to find out that there are
a lot of things, as soon as you know what it is you want and need problems, indeed, and your job won’t be so much to explain to
to learn… or that there’s a need for you to learn at all! them how all those problems came about, but primarily, what the
You can either drift through life passively, or you can have goals solution is.
before you that you want to reach, things you want to learn and
accomplish, fruits to take with you along your journey Home. Of course, it’s hard for people to witness their beloved world
Sometimes when you’ve already been blessed with certain gifts, collapse, and to believe that the only solution to all of this is
you tend to settle for them, and you figure, “Well, doesn’t it say, something as otherworldly as Me. But those who are chosen will
‘Be content with such things that ye have’?” But notice that this find in Me the fulfillment of all they’ve been looking for.
verse is talking about “things,” and is not referring to spiritual
gifts! But concerning those it says “Strive for the best gifts!” In You’re not on a search for perfect people, but for people who in
other words, there are more things for you to receive from Me, Me will find their perfect answer.
more that I can give you, if you really want them, and you make People are all like holes of different shapes and kinds, and what
the effort to ask Me for them and seek Me and My advice and you’re looking for is the type of holes for which I am the perfect
counsel for them. There always are, and always will be. peg, the perfect Thing to fill it with.
The question is, are you satisfied with the place where you’re at,
or do you believe there is yet more to gain, more progress to
make and further to go? Do you still have a vacuum and a hunger 462 _________________________________________________
to acquire more of what I’ve got to share with you? Or are you My call concerning the Great Whore is still valid today, if not
satisfied, like those who figure there is so much they know more so than ever: “Come out of her, lest ye be partakers of her
already, there couldn’t possibly be anything they might be able to sins!” (Rev.18:4).
learn from anyone else? It’s natural to want to want to fit in, but sooner or later you’re
That feeling of complacency and feeling self-satisfied can really going to have to realize that I have called you to be apart from
be one of your most dangerous enemies! them, to be a prophet and a voice of warning unto them.

The best teachers are those who remain perpetual students. It’s simply not My will for you to be accepted and received by the
They stay open. They don’t close up. There’s a spirit of give and church system. After all, if there’s not going to be any difference
take, not just an outpouring from a stagnant reservoir that between you and them, then why should I spare you from the
doesn’t allow any fresh water in! judgments that are inevitably going to befall her?
your refusal to do it without Me.
People are bound to make mistakes. Mistakes have happened Everything that’s worth something costs something. How much
and they keep happening, and you’ve got to grant others the are you willing to invest?
same right to make mistakes that I grant you.
But it’s one thing to be making mistakes, and yet another to be It takes the baby an effort to suck the milk out of his mother’s
totally on the wrong track in some aspects. breast. If he’s too lazy to do the sucking, it means that he’s not
So, while My chosen path for this time may not look perfect, it’s really hungry, and he can wait.
still a whole lot better than the alternative, even if it takes faith to
believe that! The days are definitely evil, and one way of redeeming the time is
by spending it with Me.
My true and chosen few have always been a peculiar and
somewhat weird and chaotic bunch, compared to those who It’s time to learn to refuse to wander through your days without
“had it together” on the surface, those who made it big in the Me. It’s time to prove just how much you believe that you are
world. And on the surface, those “winner” types look so much dependent on Me and My guidance.
more appealing, to the extent where even some of My own people
were tempted and thought, “Those guys have it a lot more It’s not a lack of courage not to want to go through this life alone
together than we do.” And many have left My straight but rugged, without Me, but it would be a lack of wisdom to do so.
wild and narrow path for the seemingly more sophisticated
broadway to destruction that the large majority of the world is Survival isn’t something you can take for granted like the fact
going. that the “good guy” in the movie always wins and comes out
What’s really behind it is faith in this present world, rather than safely on the other end. In real life, things do happen differently.
the better one to come, and love for this present world, that There’s a certain important condition attached to your making it
causes the Demases to forsake Me and My Cause and My through this jungle, and that’s sticking real close to Me, the
people… the desire to have it all here and now, instead of Author of the Book, and the Maker and Director of the Film,
suffering a bit now in order to reign later. And the lie of the otherwise you’re going to wind up just another side role playing
churches is, of course, the ultimate and very tempting a victim of life’s circumstances.
compromise: “You can have both: fame and fortune here and
now and in the afterlife!” “You can be a star, both, in this life and
in Heaven.” 465 _________________________________________________
Well, but I’m going to be the One to decide who is really going to I purposely made some things too tough to manage on your
go over as a “star” and who will “shine like the firmament” in My own, so that you would ask Me for My help to do them.
Kingdom, and those compromisers that look so appealing and so Certain things you can’t do without help.
“together” to you, and like having so much more than you do,
certainly won’t be among My true stars who gave it all up in order Especially when it comes to the art of love, man often finds
to lead many to righteousness. himself at his own limits very soon. The most tragic part about it
is that the vast majority isn’t even aware of the fact that this is
You can’t lead many to righteousness by singing exclusively to what life is all about, and that they are doing poorly at the most
those who think they’re so righteous already. You certainly won’t important task in life, unaware that there is any need for
become a star in Heaven by being a star among the lukewarm improvement.
church of Laodicea, and reaping their applause! It’s easy to They know something’s wrong, but they don’t figure it could be
become “partakers of her sin,” and it happens more subtly than something as seemingly simple as that there’s love missing.
many realize. In fact, they don’t. They’re not aware of their sin at Seemingly simple, because, as you’re finding out, love isn’t all
all. that simple, and doesn’t come all that easy to selfish human
What do they really know about forsaking all, about living and
walking by faith? “In your patience possess ye your souls” (Lk.21:19). It’s not only
They don’t have a clue what it means to be despised and rejected finding it, but truly possessing it. It’s yours, and you have it
of all men for My sake. under control. Through what? What’s the key? Patience! Sounds
like patience is quite some important ingredient …

463 _________________________________________________
I have given to every man and woman the portion of strength, 466 _________________________________________________
anointing and wisdom and inspiration and conviction for their Man has been growing up and groomed in a life-style today
task. that makes him think that he deserves only the best and that he
You’re learning to trust, because that’s what you’re going to should make it as easy on himself as possible. But it’s so much
need, in order to be able to teach a whole generation of people better to have a humble attitude.
that is totally unfamiliar with that concept. All they ever trusted in Is your attitude, “I deserve better than that”? Better than the way
was the arm of their own flesh, and the System around them, they treat you, better “service,” more attention, etc.?
along with everything else they can touch and feel and see. Or are you doing what you can in order to make it better for them,
What they don’t need is another big shot hero showing off how too?
well he can do things in the flesh. They need someone who Are you living a life of service, or are you waiting to be served?
allows Me to use him and in whom My hand and My works are
made manifest more or less in spite of himself and his Putting yourself above others with an attitude of expectation to
incapacities. be waited upon is cheating yourself out of all the blessings, since
it is more blessed to give than to receive, not to mention the
You have to trust Me that I can trust you with the load I have rewards that await those who follow in My footsteps of being a
given you to bear. humble servant of all…
Don’t seek to be served, but to serve.

A lot of people follow their natural tendencies to seek the easy

464 _________________________________________________ way out, and if there are people willing to serve them, they gladly
A lot about the intensity with which I can work in your life accept that offer.
depends on your determination to have Me included in it, and But as in regard to many other things that life brings along: you
don’t have to take everything that the Devil has to offer. disappointed. Some of the things it may ask you to believe may
If you know it’s not good for you, refuse it. seem outrageous at first, compared to the tune of the world, but
you’ll always see that I will bless your willingness to believe it
As sweet as that temptation may be… try to shun it, and not give simply because I said so.
in every single time, for your own good. Otherwise you’ll just In doing so, you’re training and preparing for your heavenly
become more and more spoiled as the days roll by, and things citizenship, similar to the way someone would who prepares to
won’t become easier for you that way! migrate to a different country by studying the country’s language
and customs ahead of time. The better prepared you are, the less
A humble attitude and a helpful one, doing what you can, even if shocked you’re going to be.
it’s difficult for you is a whole lot better than a demanding,
getting upset if they’re not around to cater to your needs and Trust is the name of the game.
desires, etc. Trust in Me is always completely justified, in fact, the only valid
That’s a very dangerous attitude to have. Usually people with that and acceptable option.
kind of an attitude don’t live happily ever after… Join millions and millions of others in the heavenly Realm who
Good and true rulers are loving, kind and humble, and they don’t already know beyond a doubt that I’m in control, totally
mind pitching in with some of the work themselves. regardless of what things may look like down there, or what’s
being said and taught there!
I need to use you in order to make others happy.
The best and safest way to ensure your happiness is for you to
take on a humble servant’s attitude and try to help others and 468 _________________________________________________
make them happy. It’s the ultimate lesson, learning to get your eyes off of
circumstances, including the pain that other humans inflict on
you and to direct your focus and all your hopes on Me instead.
467 _________________________________________________ You’re inclined to pay so much more attention to that which is of
You’re just beginning to find out to what degree the your own kind, namely physical, and especially fellow human,
deception that’s happening on earth really goes, and how tangible, physically audible and visible like you, that I wouldn’t
untrustworthy science really is. You never would have imagined stand a chance to ever be noticed or acknowledged by you,
that they would have the audacity to lie so blatantly about so much less revered as the ultimate authority, had I made your
many things. You wouldn’t have suspected just how busy and fellow humans more perfectly suited to your needs and desires.
successful the Devil has been at work to wipe Me and My truth The flaws are My personal built-in safety device to make sure
from people’s minds, and to what lengths he would go in order to you’d pay a little bit of attention to Me every now and then. At
do so. Certain scientific facts must be hidden, in order to uphold least that’s the proper reaction and the right thing to do. Of
his lie. course, there are all these endless other options that people
mostly resort to, like go to war, fight and quarrel over their
Be open to new, mind-boggling surprises and revelations about differences. But there’s really only one right answer to the
what’s really going on, and what reality really looks like, and how problem, one correct solution to the riddle and the equation, and
different it actually is from the commonly painted picture. that is to come to Me about it and ask Me what you should do. By
this I am honored, and I will honor your faith in return by helping
Knowledge in Heaven is all based on the total and unquestioned you out and showing you what to do and how to fix the situation;
acceptance of God’s sovereignty. It’s unquestioned that He is the whether the fault really lies exclusively with the other person, or
ultimate and absolute Power behind everything, so there is never to what degree it lies with you, what kind of an attitude to take on
even a single instant of a question or doubt about whether it accordingly, etc.
really all happened the way He said it did in His Word.
I have created life as a complicated series of riddles the answers
You have to discern the effort the Devil and his folks are making to which you won’t find so easily without Me. Try and solve them
to get people to doubt Me, My existence and authorship of the without Me, and you’ll have problems. Ask Me to help you, and
universe. Up Here, there’s no doubt about how it all happened. you’ll fare well.
But down there you live in a sea of doubts, and you are little
islands and bastions of faith in that sea; islands that are growing Can you blame Me for having to resort to what you would call
with every bit of knowledge you discover that solidifies into drastic measures in order to get a sufficient amount of your
another piece of land when one more paradigm of doubt has attention? This is not about Me being an attention junkie. It’s all
been replaced by another fact of faith… about you, because learning to communicate with Me is going to
be so extremely vital and expedient for your survival in the near
Of course, all this is heresy and narrow-mindedness to the future, that I can’t let up on you and let you enjoy a carefree life.
legions of darkness surrounding you. But whether you will allow The lesson has got to be learned, there’s no way around it!
that to influence you, or whether you will decide to let your light I need to use extreme measures to teach you this ultimate and
continue to shine all the brighter, that is up to each individual. supreme lesson. Only this way you’re going to be able to do well
Also, how hospitable and inviting your island is for others is not in all the other lessons as well. You can only learn how to love
dependent on the sheer size of it, the amount of knowledge and others properly if you first love Me by tuning into Me sufficiently
facts you have stored up about the way things really are, but it’s for Me to show you how to love them!
primarily determined by how unshakable your faith is in My
Authority and Supremacy, even if you don’t have all the facts It’s the differences that avoid your merely falling in love with your
straight yet. own images of yourselves in each other. If all you really love
If you let the light of My undeniable Presence and love shine onto about the other person is just their similarities with you, then
your island, it will make it a sunnier and warmer place to be for what else is it but narcism? And that’s what some people claim,
others than a dry stretch of land full of facts and figures. love amounts to.
So, make sure that My Spirit is the source of your knowledge, Well, prove them wrong by loving the totally other, the person
and that your knowledge truly falls into the category of the kind who is totally different from you and has totally different points
that is a gift of My Spirit, and not just a conglomeration of facts of view, and opinions that differ strongly from yours.
and figures which might only confuse others.
Your battles for Me are always win-win. I simply can’t lose. So,
If you make My Word the basis and foundation of your faith and indulge Me and bear with Me for allowing all these crises in your
your world view, then you can’t go wrong, and you won’t be life and trust Me that they are necessary for you to learn the
ultimate lesson, which is to have Me in the first place in your life, But sooner or later you are going to have to learn that people are
your primary target of focus, above all and anyone else. actually quite wonderful beings, and that your correlation with
them, your interactions with them, and yes, even your
I’m your No.1 Communication Partner, your Central Exchange interdependence, are all part of My plan, especially for the future,
Point of Communication. when you will join us in My Kingdom, where everything is one
I am the Broadcasting Station that makes all good and true body, not just individual little parts moving about by themselves.
communication possible in the first place, and without using Me I’m trying to get the physical manifestation of My body on earth,
as the Central Exchange, the Main Pivot and Axis on which all My church, to work as closely to the way in which its spiritual
your other communication hinges and turns, it isn’t really much counterpart is working already, as much of a miracle that
more than a bunch of hot air. presently may still seem to require…

Relax and rejoice, for I have used this situation to bring about a Your unity, your melding together into one body, is very
greater victory for My Cause. important to Me.
The goal and the end I’m having in mind, that you get this vital I needed to establish your interaction with Me and your
point, is of such magnitude that your little crisis is totally dependence on Me, first. I am the Basis, and I come first.
irrelevant in comparison. Now that that’s established, we can go to the next step and focus
Once you get this point, you’ll have a weapon that will enable you a little more on your correlation with others again, your
to eliminate all future crises like this, because you’ll be so in tune cooperation with them, and the way you interact and get things
with Me, you’ll simply know how to avoid them. Unless, of together, because that is, after all, the goal.
course, they decide to go against My voice, but even that will be The goal wasn’t just for Me to establish a nice and neat little
a victory, because then you’ll know where they’re at, and you’ll private relationship with you, but to have that relationship cause
simply see your howbeit solitary path all the more clearly before you to become mature enough to finally be able to work together
you. properly with others as well.
It’s going to be their test, whether they can discard their own
opinions in favor of new and better ones, or whether they’ll Remember, “The second is like unto it,” they’re practically the
stubbornly cling to their own. That’s an acid test all have had to same: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Loving Me and
go through, and always makes the difference between the learning to love Me may be the first step, and I need you to learn
Jacobs and Esaus, the Cain and Abels, the Davids and Sauls. to have Me become your All-in-all, but only for the purpose of
being able to pass on whatever it is you receive and learn of Me
It’s the acid test of whether you’re just going to cling to your own to others, and share it with them.
little personal truth and dogma, or you are willing to let it go for a
greater one, a truer and more real one. Our relationship doesn’t end between you and Me, but as it
Your personal little truth may have gotten you through life fairly continues to grow and progress, you’ll see that more and more
well thus far, but are you up for an update and a ride that is really
participants are being included in it.
going to take you places? It’s like trying out a motor bike in Your spirit helpers, your mates and fellow-laborers; those you
exchange for a bicycle, or an airplane in exchange for a car. work with, and your friends. And it all grows and grows into one.
It’s not just an exclusive little relationship between Me and thee
The kind of faith you’ve got to have is one that will enable you to and none other, but a growing thing… the Big Picture.
stand unmoved by anything that your enemies – even those of My Picture primarily consists of living souls, tangible human
your own household (Mt.10:36) – may do to you. beings like you – and Me, since I’ve become a Human Being for
your sakes, and as some have begun to realize, that event
By clinging to Me and by absorbing My Substance you become changed everything. Before, there may have been separation
like a rock in their midst – a rock of offense to those who will between God and man. But since then, the name of the game is
reject what you’ve got to say, and a rock of refuge for those who reunification, reconciliation and becoming one.
will receive it.
If you cling to Me permanently without drifting off onto other Of course, it’s painful to observe a large part of the “subjects of
wavelengths, then you will truly become the kind of sample that My desire” not the least bit interested in becoming one with us,
they need to really be able to rely on. but we’ll just have to wait for them until they’re ready. In the
It will be easier for them to see Me in you, the more you improve meantime, let’s focus on those who are ready.
your sample and become like Me.

471 _________________________________________________
469 _________________________________________________ Focusing on others, and what they might think of you is not
True love is always based on truth, no deceptions needed. exactly looking unto Me or focusing on Me, is it?
The cards are on the table. No bluffing, no pretences, no wishful I know, there’s that desire to want to “fit in,” to be accepted, and
thinking, and thus no efforts required to keep something going it’s hard when you don’t. But you’ll just have to trust that this is
that perhaps doesn't really exist, the way people do when they the path I have chosen for you.
strongly want something to the extent that they're willing to Those “black sheep” are sometimes My test for My people to see
sacrifice a chunk of reality for it. whether they will love the least of their brethren the way they
It's a great lesson on the importance of the amount of truth in would love Me.
relationships, and when you've got to be afraid of telling the The truth is that I’m more often to be found in “the least of your
other the truth for fear of their reaction, when you've got to start brethren” than in the well established and accepted, mediocre
hiding things from them, that is never a good sign. “like-everybody-else” types.
The “black sheep,” weirdoes and “least of the brethren” types
Without total honesty, a relationship cannot really survive in the usually have much more time to think profoundly than the others
long run. True love is totally open, nothing to hide. who spend most of their time in popular chatter.

You never hear about the ones who always fit right in. The people
470 _________________________________________________ that make history are usually the ones who didn’t fit in. They
Sometimes it’s okay to be humbled a little by the fact that didn’t just go under in the crowd, they stuck out.
you do need others. It makes you look weak, helpless, and lost,
and you cry out, “Help, don’t leave me here at the mercy of these Now there are pros and cons to sticking out. The cons are: it’s
people!” lonely, it’s painful, and you don’t think very highly of yourself
because you don’t feel accepted. The pros are that you learn to commandments will have fulfilled themselves in you like
judge by other standards than the superficial standards of men, promises, and you’ll have reached the point where you “shall not
you spend more time thinking or praying, more time with Me, you kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness anymore,
become more profound, develop more conviction that way, and and you shall love Me with all your heart and your neighbor as
all in all, develop a much stronger personality than those who yourself,“ etc.
just swim with the tide and do what everybody else is doing, or
what they’re being told to do. While it wouldn’t make sense to put much effort into reaching
that state of sinless perfection and saintlihood in your own
It takes faith sometimes to believe that I knew what I was doing in energy, you can trust in My grace and Salvation power that
making you some kind of oddball, not like the other ones. eventually you will reach that goal.
Thoughts of evolution start creeping in, and “natural selection,” It only took one right choice.
and that certainly you’re the type who hasn’t been favored by
“Mother Nature.” But that’s precisely why folks like you tend to My work is a work of the spirit. I do employ flesh in order to get it
cling to Me more desperately than the average. “Mother Nature” done, but only flesh that is yielded to My Spirit.
doesn’t cut the cake, as far as they’re concerned. Some have a portion of My Spirit, and yet are somehow on a
If there wasn’t some kind of higher purpose and some plan wrong track in other areas of their lives, resulting in My ultimate
behind Me making you differently, then you figure, “Life sucks.” judgment of them including a phrase like, “Nevertheless, I have
And I don’t blame you for thinking so, because according to their somewhat against thee…”
game, and their rules of “the survival of the fittest,” etc., it really But even that kind of judgment is referring to their present state,
does. and not that which they will be.
I don’t blame you for not feeling at home in that world. You have heard about big failures being transformed in Heaven,
Unfortunately, some of My children do strive to make their home and you were told to accept that they are not the same anymore
in that world, and seek to fit in there to whatever extent they can. that they used to be.
In fact, nearly everybody tries, and it’s usually those who simply There may still be some tears in Heaven over what they did, and
don’t succeed at it, who continually wind up being rejected by regret for the pain they caused when faced with some of those
this world or continue to simply not fit in nor feel at home in this who were immediately affected by it. But in the end, I will wipe all
world, who wind up truly dedicating their lives to Me. those tears from their eyes, and all will be perfect.

“The meek shall inherit the earth.” In the world it may still be the You’re wondering whether the attitude to do the most in this life
strong and the “cool” people who inherit this world temporarily, in order to guarantee the greatest amount of rewards for yourself
but it’s the meek, the oddballs, those who don’t really fit into that in Heaven is the right incentive, and whether people should serve
game, who will inherit it for good, when the strong and mighty Me from that sort of motivation.
will have left it in shambles. The answer is yes and no. For some people it may be good to
It will be the meek who will have to clean up the big mess that the serve Me with that sort of incentive in order to get them going in
strong and mighty will have made of this earth, but they’ll have their service for Me.
supernatural help to do it, and they’re going to show the rest of Sometimes I use your “false” motivations for My glory and
the world how it should have been done all along, and that the greater good.
peaceful way is the lasting way. There’s always time to mature later on, as you grow up and learn
more about life. It’s better someone serves Me for the wrong
It’s not My will for you to be like everybody else, because, frankly, reasons than not serving Me at all and getting into mischief
I like you better the way you are, and I need you to be different. instead.
It’s okay not to be popular. In fact, perfectly okay, in My eyes! And yet again, I may use a period of mischief to get you out of
the rut of trying to serve Me for the wrong reasons, and clean up
your spiritual household a little bit and become more real in your
472 _________________________________________________ motivations and the driving force that spurs you on through life.
Usually the tendency of the flesh is to be fairly infatuated I work in everybody’s life in different ways, and what I’m trying to
with itself. Most people, even Christians, don’t agree in their get you away from is that “drawer” type of thinking, that would
hearts with what Paul wrote, “I know in me, that is, in my flesh, dictate the same kind of procedure for everyone.
dwelleth no good thing.”
They think everything that’s connected with their flesh, their I have an individual plan for everyone, not just one big plan for
families, their off-spring, their countries of origin, their national all. In the end, each plan will work together perfectly and weave
or local soccer team, etc., whatever is “theirs” is the best and the into one perfect Big Picture that will reveal itself as a Master Plan
greatest, and they’re virtually blind to its flaws. for the universe, but it’s not something that you in your present
state could pass on as universal advice for everyone, except for
Man has always had the tendency to adore and worship the work some of the basics.
of his own hands.
So, if I wouldn’t have created you each with some natural flaws to How to best make that Salvation work out in one’s own life is
keep you humble and down to earth, imagine where all that something they’ll have to find out through My Word and their
would lead. own communications and relationship with Me, and through the
things I allow in their lives in order to draw them closer to Me.
Even in relationships, people seek that in their partner which
compliments themselves, that which serves them and caters to Communication with Me isn’t always established right from
them, and they subconsciously seek their own image mirrored in scratch, as you’ve experienced in your own life. Sometimes it
the other one, and usually only wind up as disappointed with that takes a while until you get there. What matters is, that eventually
image as they already are with their own flaws. Perfection is not you do manage to communicate with Me.
the absence of imperfection, but the ability to integrate It pays to strive to get to know Me during your earthly life. And
imperfection. once you have managed that, then I will also be able to convey to
I’m integrating your imperfection in My perfect picture. Of course, you and put on your heart that which I would like you to do for
I’m also transforming you in the process, and through your Me, and I will enable you to do it, too.
integration and melting into My Big Picture and becoming one
with it all, you actually become perfect, not of yourself, but by If you find yourself incapable of doing anything more than what
absorbing My essence. you are doing, you’re just going to have to trust Me that that’s My
It’s My promise, that you shall be like Me, and in that state, My will for you right now, even if your sense of duty may be telling
you that you ought be doing more. Of course, you must stay tuned, keep paying attention to what
I won’t expect more of you than you can give or do. I’m trying to tell, show and teach you.
Sometimes your natural urge to accomplish more can be
compared to the story of the Devil reminding the Sultan of his I present My students with a real life problem, and I challenge
prayers. That illustrates very well what’s happening in many them to find a solution in teamwork with Me and their class
people’s lives who strive to serve Me with “good” intentions, but mates, and you’ve come up with some wonderful stuff which
in their own energy, and thus often fall short of the real goal. might potentially help others in similar future situations.
They fail to realize that you can’t legislate righteousness, much
less love, and love is still the most important thing, not good You can definitely tell you’re making progress when the lessons
works. you’ve learned are improving your life-style, your sample, your
witness and testimony, and your fruitfulness for Me.
My school of life is certainly relevant to your daily life, and it isn’t
473 _________________________________________________ just all theory or useless facts you won’t ever need in real life,
“Welcome to the club!” Sympathize a little with My pain, and which is one of the great laments about the current public school
what I’m going through. May it strengthen your convictions and system.
your loyalty toward Me and put you on guard against any My curriculum is actually based on real life, and Real Life is one
potential compromise with the Enemy, now that you know the of My favorite subjects I like to teach on!
kind of pain it causes Me. I teach you the maths as you need it, and the arithmetic as you
It’s not easy being a parent and watching your child run off to go, and the writing skills as you employ them. You don’t only
your enemy’s camp. have Me as your Teacher, but there are others from the spirit
I need those who can relate to My pain and share this experience world tuning in to the fine little things, as they inspire you and
with Me, so that I’m not alone in My anguish, and also for them to guide your hand in what you do and the different projects you
convey to the world that that’s how I feel when they forsake Me work on, My “assignments” for you.
for other, puny gods, who will never satisfy them, but who are all If you realize how much work and effort goes into it, not only on
they want right now. your behalf, but also on Mine, and that of your co-workers in the
How easy it is for Satan to lure them away from Me! How easily spirit world, perhaps it will help you to take the whole thing even
they fall for his temptations! How easily they forget the more seriously, and to put even more of your heart into it, and
warnings… strive to excel even more at what you’re doing.
But that was the plan from the beginning… free choice.
Don’t you think it pained Me to have to observe you choose to go You’re not much of a success junkie when it comes to immediate
the wrong way time and again? So, I think it’s only fair that you success in this world, but you can strive to be one of My
should get a taste of how it feels, too. legendary success story heroes, who tuned in to the right voice,
Sometimes it takes becoming a partaker of My sufferings, in instead of the voices of greed and selfishness and ego, and did
order to also be able to partake of My wisdom and My what was necessary not only for their own good, but for that of
longsuffering, and My supernatural love for people. You’re not a the world, My Kingdom, and for many others.
perfect saint from one day to the other. Saints are not born but If you realize that this is the right kind of “success” you’re
made, just like great leaders, heroes, or professionals and working for this time, then perhaps it will help you to get on fire
experts in any field. for Me and really give it your all in what you’re doing.
If you just get enthusiastic about what you’re doing, the world
You’re shifting from the position of the prodigal son to that of the will see Me in you, and they’ll warm themselves by your fire, and
father… a whole different range of experiences. bask in the comfort of My voice coming through you.
When you’re young, the role of father isn’t really that intriguing, That, of course, is precisely what the Enemy is trying to prevent,
that interesting for you, it’s the most boring role in the story. But which is why he tries to discourage you and lie to you about the
as you grow older and the positions are reversed, and you move futility of your work and efforts, etc, and he likes to portray your
from the role of the prodigal son – or the older brother, for that whole life as a mess, just so you won’t get too excited, too
matter – to that of being a father yourself, you start seeing things enthusiastic about anything, but will just make half-hearted
with different eyes. efforts, not really sure of who you are or what you’re doing, and
thus not really causing the stir you could, if you would just
You can relate to the verse, “friendship of the world is enmity ignore him and get ignited about the whole thing, confident that
with God” from another angle now, and see that their infatuation I’m behind it and in it, and not only that, but also the Instigator of
with your spiritual enemies actually means betrayal, and that it.
they have changed sides. I am the One Who’s giving you the ideas and inspirations in the
Instead of fighting along with you on your side, they’re now really first place. So, allowing the Enemy to discourage you about them
fighting for the other side and against you, whether they may be is like taking the credit for them yourself and saying they are
conscious of it or not. yours, instead of Mine. Whereas, if you make it clear that it all
You get a taste of how it feels when your own are basically comes from Me in the first place, you have the power to rebuke
actively working against you, and are employing their energies to the Devil and tell him, “Hey, this isn’t just my own idea, but the
oppose, instead of support you. Lord’s, so, get out of my way!” If you give Me all the credit for it,
These are all things I’m dealing with, and in going through these then he won’t have a chance to belittle it or make you feel
experiences, you can become My apprentice, sympathize and discouraged about it, because you’ll have made it clear that this
identify with the things I’m going through and learn to become isn’t just your own thing, but Mine, and he and you both know,
more like Me. there is nothing that can stop Me, if I have set My mind on

474 _________________________________________________
When you stay tuned to My Spirit and you stay on My 475 _________________________________________________
wavelength, life will inevitably reveal itself to you as an ongoing All depends on your attitude, whether you choose to take on
series of lessons and new confirmations and reminders of those the position of a servant voluntarily, or you prefer to invest your
lessons in order to make sure that you really learn them, too. life in a being-served type of position, one in which you’re the
I’m a Teacher Who dedicates extra time and special attention to one who’s being catered to, in which you pursue your own
each of My students, tuning in to their personal progress, and interests, etc.
always making an effort to give them just what they need. That is why I want you to be My brides: Women can relate a lot
more to this idea of an existence of service to the ones they love.
Men have the ruling and reigning scheme too much in them, and both feet more firmly on this earthly ground, their goals are a
it takes a while until some of them get really used to serving with little more “earthbound,” so to speak, they’re slightly more
their whole hearts. That’s why it takes My Holy Spirit in order to concerned about physical and temporal matters.
do it, the Spirit of the Mother Who lives only to serve, both Her
Husband and Master, Her Son, and all Her other children. It’s a matter of personal priorities and a number of other factors.
That’s why there isn’t any macho type of behavior on record from I’m a Father Who’s trying to make it right for all of His children.
My disciples after the infilling of the Holy Ghost.
Your position has moved from that of being one of My prodigal
It’s the question whether you want to promote Me or yourself and sons to having become the father of prodigal sons and daughters
your talents. Consider by which you’re doing mankind a greater yourself, and in the case of some of your younger brothers and
service: by catering to what they want, or giving them what they sisters who are yet more concerned about the affairs of this
truly need, even if they may not be aware of it. Sacrificing the world, you have taken on the position of the older brother.
opportunity to “make more” out of your talent in order to do the What’s important is that you remember that you’ve been a
seemingly impossible job of bringing My message to people who prodigal son yourself, and that you can sympathize with the
don’t even seem to want it certainly requires faith. aspirations and dreams of your own prodigal sons and daughters
It may look as if right now you’re choosing the loser’s path by and brothers and sisters, and don’t become self-righteous
purposely not taking the road that promises quick success. toward them, but as forgiving and welcoming them back with
But boy, you’ve really got something to say. open arms as I have been to you.
So, for God’s sake, for My sake, and the sake of lost souls, and
last not least your own sake, say it!
Say what you’ve got to say! 477 _________________________________________________
Speak what I put on your heart to speak! You’ve just got to keep giving them the truth in love, whether
Sing My message, the radical, white-hot message of the spirit of they seem interested or not.
David, because if you don’t, then who will? It’s the truth, and it’s the best medicine against their delusion.
It’s not exactly like I’ve got hundreds of folks like you available to What’s important is that you try to convey to them the truth not in
choose from. a narrow-minded way, of “believe or perish,” but in a loving,
attractive and inviting way. You must not push people away with
There are by far more important things for you to do than tickle the truth, but attract them to it by always wrapping it up in love
people’s ears. and genuine concern for their souls.
What they really need is My message of eternal Salvation. They
need the Spirit that is not from this world, to bring them life. In order to make that Salvation work out for them in this life and
have any affect on them right here and now, they will eventually
Young people are by and large more desperate than the older have to realize that it’s a fight, and they’ll have to choose sides.
generation who have their act together, because they don’t know
yet what the future holds, and they’re scared about it and
anxious. And that makes them – by and large – a more 478 _________________________________________________
appropriate target group for My radical message than the older It’s true when you say you’re not from this world.
generation. It’s almost as if you’re living in a totally different world than those
You can judge an age group of people and stick them into a box around you for whom all that counts is material things; their
or a mental drawer and label them, when you don’t really have possessions, and for whom the concept of the spirit world is
much of a clue what’s going on inside of their hearts, how pretty much an alien one.
insecure they are, because their whole display of “boldness” and You have embraced your heavenly citizenship above your earthly
“coolness” is often just a put-on act to hide what’s really one, and have renounced that.
They may act as if they feel superior, but that is just what they You’re fighting in the spiritual, and it’s purely by faith.
have to tell themselves to keep them from going under. It’s relatively easy to see when you’re doing something good in
They put their cards on their music, their generation, their age the physical, but when you’re trying to influence and win the
group, and it’s a challenge to find people who are willing to step world for Me and My Cause, those who don’t know Me don’t
and look past those boundaries. But they’re out there. always know what to make of it.

You’ve resorted to the same kind of defense mechanism they You need greater confidence and trust that I will take care of the
use: pretending that you don’t like them or just decide to “reject” results if you let the chips fall where they may, and sow more
them for some flaw of theirs. abundantly. You’re not in control, but I am.
That’s defense mechanism no. 1 in the world, that people use to Don’t be afraid of their reaction! Let Me take care of that! I have
keep from getting hurt: just look for a flaw in someone you feel promised to take care of you! Don’t be stingy with your light, but
drawn and attracted to, in order to prevent the risk of rejection. If let it shine!
you are a victim to that trap, imagine how many others are!
You have to have the courage to like someone and to love You’ve got to be convinced of what you are doing in bringing
someone and risk possibly being rejected or disliked by them, them My clean water of the Word of truth, even if it may seem
otherwise, what chance have they got? strange to them, and they may have their suspicions about you
“strangers” from another world…
Conviction is all about knowing that you’re doing the right thing
476 _________________________________________________ in the face of opposition and in spite of many voices who may
Will you continue to trust God like Job, even when it seemed think to know better than you. You’ve got to know what the truth
as if He was breaking His very promises to him? is and then fight for it, no matter what anyone else says.

Sometimes I give you certain promises to keep you going, but I

may fulfill them in a different way than you may have been 479 _________________________________________________
expecting. It’s a dying world. They may not know it yet. In a world where
the young are giving the impression that they rule, because all
Everybody speaks a different language and has different hopes that is portrayed all over is youth, and “youth rules,” they don’t
in life, different highlights to look forward to. realize that they’re in reality only manipulated by a few greedy
I give everybody different goals, and with some folks, who’ve got old men, who hold them like puppets on a string, singing and
dancing like Pinocchio, while they’re raking in the money, rob I have sent you to preach the “Good News” of the Gospel, but for
them of their liberty and suck the very life out of them. those who will reject it, it becomes bad news, because it signals,
heralds and ushers in their doom and downfall.
It’s hard to see the reality behind this farce, that in spite of its
phony youthful appearance, this world is really rotting and dying, The truth which has been uttered will come to pass and be
and almost decaying. There’s nothing fresh about it. They have fulfilled. As long as there are My voices of truth, I will do My part
allowed sin to enter, and the wages of sin is death, a death that is to vindicate them and to prove them right. The world may say
now rapidly creeping all over the world. They may not notice it they’re nuts and laugh about them and ridicule them and dismiss
while the music keeps playing and the laughter drags on, and them, but I will always prove them right in the end. It may not
their fancy dances, but it’s all just a farce the Devil keeps going, always happen immediately or exactly the same way it may have
under the motto “the show must go on,” only to hide what’s truly been interpreted, but in the end it will happen and come to pass.
happening beneath the surface: they’re getting ready for the total
enslavement of mankind.
480 _________________________________________________
When Pinocchio took off with the show-people, he thought he The Real Thing is not a group of people, but the Real Thing is
was free, he wouldn’t have to attend that stupid, boring school of relationship with Me. It’s loving Me, the meaning of life, and the
life anymore, and he was going to have some fun instead, secret.
becoming rich and famous. In the end he only wound up making Whenever you neglect the Real Thing, it becomes “unreal,” and
a jackass out of himself like so many others. The illusion of your life and everything going on in it becomes less real, less
freedom only led him to ever greater bondage. Even so it is with what it’s supposed to be, less soaked in My love, simply because
the game of this world. The Enemy is the cunning fox that lures you’ve been neglecting to make sure that you’ve got enough of it
them time and time again into their cages with his appealing fake yourself in order to run over with it and spill it on others,
version of freedom and fun, everytime losing a bit more of their including those closest to you, who are still somewhat
innocence and humanity. dependent on your faithfulness in your walk with Me.

You are of another world, and it’s only natural that they have a “All you need is love,” and if you’re not going to get it with Me,
hard time coping with you. where are you going to find it?”
I am the only One Who can fulfill that need for total love in each
Realizing what’s going on around you should meld you together person, and all you are responsible for is to make that clear to
ever more tightly and appreciate what you have got in each other, them and give Me to them, so that I can do the rest in their lives.
and not take it for granted. You hook Me up with them, and I’ll do for them what you can’t do.
No human being or group of people can ever completely satisfy
Consider how much you have been affected by their imagery of your need for love. It can only be satisfied by Me! So why don’t
perfection that has drilled you to find flaws with reality, the real you let Me do My job? Letting Me do My job in your life is the
thing. only way you’re ever going to be able to do yours.
Sorry if the real thing isn’t all that nice and shiny as the plastic
fakes the Enemy creates with his illusions, but as I told you You can be with Me right now, anytime, anywhere, anyhow. That’s
before, it has one advantage over his fakes: it’s real, very much the message. You don’t have to wait until you get to heaven in
unlike those seemingly perfect imitations the Devil creates. order to experience My divine and heavenly love and joy and
happiness and peace, and all you ever long for. I can give it to
They’re dying, and they don’t even know it. They keep dancing you right now, and all you’ve got to do in exchange is come to
and fiddling on their fancy big boat, and don’t even realize that Me.
they’re already up to their necks in icy water… My message to every single human being is: “Come to Me!”

The change that would be required to have things start going in a It’s not about deserving. It’s just that I love you, and I can’t wait
better direction is one that needs to take place right in their own to give My love to you. I was born to give My love to you and I
hearts. went all the way to die on the cross for you to prove it. Come and
Yes, they have been deceived, and their governments may be receive My love! Come and experience My love!
partly responsible. But primarily it is because they have yielded
to the temptation, and they have refused to recognize their real The goal isn’t to find the love you seek in another human being,
Enemy, which is a spiritual one. They have preferred his lies over but to find it in Me, and then let it overflow on them!
My truth. Seek not to receive from them what they can never give. But seek
to receive from Me what you can pass on to them, and in this find
So, keep preaching and broadcasting that truth by any means both their need and your need truly fulfilled.
available, so that at least they can’t say they never heard it,
they’d never been warned. Of course it’s not what they want to
hear. It wouldn’t have been very favorably received if someone 481 _________________________________________________
had gone around on the Titanic saying, “Excuse me, but this ship When it comes to truly accomplishing something, what really
is going to sink!” After all, she was deemed unsinkable. And is going to make a difference is letting Me go to work in your
that’s what they think about their System. lives, and what’s really relevant is not what you do, but what I do.
Keeping that in mind will also help you give Me the glory for
The flesh likes to think of itself as immortal, always refusing to anything you do accomplish, acknowledging that it’s really only
recognize and face its limitations, and the kingdom of the flesh is Me accomplishing those things through you.
the System. Just as My Realm and Kingdom is the spiritual one,
so the Enemy’s kingdom will become more and more the realm of
the flesh, the physical realm, where soon the game will be played 482 _________________________________________________
entirely by his rules, under his rule and actual, physical Sometimes the quickest way to get more is to let go of the
leadership, with the sole exception of those who will not have old and open your life for the new that I’ve got in store for you.
been deceived by his scheme, but see through it and can see it
coming and happening right now. It’s coming into being, the
Devil’s kingdom of darkness on earth, the creeping death that’s 483 _________________________________________________
inevitably taking ahold of them and their world. your righteousness is to Me as filthy rags (Is.64:6).
“Pride cometh before a fall,” there’s no way around it. Whenever 485 _________________________________________________
you detect pride in your life and thoughts of self-elevation, you I want you to be happy and fulfilled in your partnerships and
better brace yourself for the crash. It’s inevitable. It’s My relationships, but you cannot just expect and demand a perfect
protective system of what I cherish as My most valuable assets, relationship while continuing to hold on to your own selfish
namely you. I cannot allow you to be ruined by falling victim to desires, because that’s simply not what well-functioning
pride. Pride makes you unusable for Me. It ruins everything. relationships are all about.

I rather wake you up and shake you up and show you where that What and how much do you have to give?
road leads, than allow you to drift on further down that road.
A lot still depends on each of you, and whether you have got
What you call “righteousness,” and glamour and glory, I often what it takes, and whether you’re also willing to give what it
call filthy. takes in order to make this movie of your lives great.
As I said to Peter, “Why do you call filthy what I have called You should make an effort to do what you can in order to make
clean,” you can also take that the other way around: “How can this picture great, to make it inspiring and uplifting.
you call clean what I call filthy?” How can you feel so good about
yourself, when that’s the exact attitude I hate?
I need you to be dependent on Me, and I need you humble, 486 _________________________________________________
knowing that without Me you cannot do anything good, and that “The easy way out” often will have its painful consequences
I’m your only hope. in the long run!

I could not spare Peter the shame of having denied Me thrice,

because he was thinking too highly of himself, and likewise I 487 _________________________________________________
could not spare you your numerous falls, which bring you back You have to go by the way I am leading you by the checks
before My throne with the right and appropriate attitude and on and burdens I’m giving you, along with the discernment of how
your knees, instead of patting yourself on the back. things develop.
The most important thing is that you live the real thing, real
Pride is an enemy with whom I cannot allow you to fraternize in relationship with Me and each other.
any way, and not for any amount of time. Because it will kill you Make the best and most intimate, real kind of relationship out of
spiritually, if you allow it to linger around. There is no other way it, wherever you are.
than the humble way, if you want to walk God’s way and do That includes having nothing to hide, and total openness and
things His way and My way. The only way to do things when honesty.
you’re walking God’s way is the humble way. As soon as there are skeletons in the closet it’s very hard, if not
virtually impossible, to have the kind of relationship you desire,
As soon as you have any notion that you made it and you’re on because openness and honesty is such an essential part of it. It’s
top, that’s it! Your usefulness to Me dies that moment, because like the oxygen it breathes and on which it lives and thrives.
there’s no more flow of giving the credit where it is due, but it all Secrets, hiding and covering up suffocates it, and whatever you
flows into your own “pocket” and thus immediately becomes a think justifies the covering up, you need to overcome that and
deadly poison. simply confront it and bring it out into the open!
You can blame things going wrong on other factors, but in the
So, stay desperate! Stay humble! Stay low! And refuse to become end it’s really often only that: a lack of honesty and openness,
elevated and lifted up in pride or thinking you’re so good! Keep the supposed need to hide things from each other, which stifles
focusing on Me, your only hope of glory, because any other kind the growth and life of a relationship extremely. It’s like a disease
of glory is only vain self-glorification and stinks and will ruin you that affects it to the extent of speaking about a handicap.
and your life! It’s virtually the spirit of the Devil that permeates You’ve literally got a handicapped relationship if you can’t be
the children of the world, but I cannot allow you to get away with completely open and honest in it, so you should really strive hard
for a moment, so stay clear of it! for making that total honesty and openness a goal.

Learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge. It’s living the

484 ________________________________________________ experience you’re growing through, feeling it, absorbing it and
The confrontation that you would naturally shun is the factor letting it transform you.
that initiates and triggers your growth. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you’re gaining or winning anything
The confrontation and friction you’re refusing to deal with is new at all, but rather as if you’re losing something, and it’s true:
having to come and look you up right where you are. you’ve got to get rid of some excess weight that will just hinder
You want harmony and peace, and if it were possible, you’d want your growth and slow your progress down. Part of learning is to
heaven on earth right here and now, but that’s quite simply not discern what things to hold on to and what things to let go, and
what this present life on earth is all about. It’s in many aspects before the end of the day I hope you’ll have found out that the
the contrast to My heavenly life, Here in My heavenly and eternal amount of things to let go far exceeds the amount of those you
Realm. But you need to get to know this contrast in order to should hang on to. Letting go is really what it’s all about in this
experience greater bliss and greater appreciation for what I have life. Letting go, instead of clinging to things you won’t be able to
done. keep anyway.
It’s a lesson that just has to be learned, a process you simply
have to undergo, there’s no way around it, if you want to make At the same time it is sometimes required to hang on to certain
the most out of your life and learn all you possibly can, and not individuals that you’d rather let go of…
just lead a ho-hum life and shady existence. And there is just one Don’t go looking around for a way to escape in your own efforts,
way to make the most out of this, and that includes suffering. or try to rig one up with your own arm of the flesh. The Promise
Of course, you would have preferred a life without suffering, and says that I will make that way. So, don’t do anything in your own
who wouldn’t, when thinking short-term, or focusing on the efforts that you might regret later on.
present only, but if you want the real deal and really learn
something out of life, and take Home something that will last, and One of the major factors in all that you’re learning is to trust in
you will profit from for eternity, you’ve just got to bear a little My doing, more than your own. I will always have to do the major
pain. part in order for anything to work, and if I’m not in it, then it
usually won’t happen.
Can you yield to your destiny, which I have ordained for you to Just focus on this, your greatest, if not single responsibility each
go through? Can you embrace the pain, instead of cursing it? day: to love.
Can you thank Me for this situation, even if it’s less than perfect? You can’t let up on love! That’s the struggle and the fight you’ve
Can you embrace the ugly leper and find Me there? How about got to win! The Enemy will do all he can to discourage you from it
acceptance instead of rejection? How about trusting Me for what and tempt you to quit and yell in your ear, “That’s
I bring along, as ugly and weird as it may seem? unpardonable!” when they do something you consider wrong.
But have the grace to dismiss it and leave it up to Me to judge
that, and be wise & keep My advice in mind, “Judge not that ye
488 _________________________________________________ be not judged.”
I don’t like for all things to necessarily be all the same, and
you can see that in My creation all over, where not one animal, Give it all to Me! Anything anyone might ever do or say to rub
not one tree, is exactly like the other. So, should it be surprising you the wrong way, give it all to Me, as you’re learning to do with
that I would work in My church, the supreme crowning of My everything else. If you give it all to Me, I’ll give it back to you in a
creation, in that same way? Why would I want each and every purified form that will enable you to enjoy it without any
member to be exactly the same, behave exactly the same way, problems. I can turn poison into food for you. All you’ve got to do
and act and look the same? This doesn’t sound like Me, does it? is give it to Me in the first place to cleanse it!

Instead of prematurely dismissing what they have to say with a

“Been there, seen that” attitude, why not listen and hear them 490 _________________________________________________
out? Grant them the honor of your attention and show them that On one hand, the times in which you are living are more evil
they’re trustworthy and worthy of your attention, your ear, your than the days in which I was living, and there will come a time
time, and of occupying some part of your existence with a part of when it will be necessary for you to curse your enemies and
theirs. That’s love, too, you know? defend yourselves from them with My power.
Let them be themselves, say what they have to say, and grant On the other, you are supposed to show love, for as long as you
them an ear, even if it may fall outside of the scope of your can, and as much as you can. Once you see they rejected that
personal, immediate interest or curiosity. love for good, then they are basically cursed already by their own
It may seem or sound meaningless to you, but your tolerance for decisions, and will bring events upon their heads that will either
what I’m doing in each other’s lives allows Me to do most of the make them repent eventually, or, if they continue to close their
work and work in My mysterious ways that will bring out the hearts, they’ll eventually go down into the pit without you adding
greater works that you, in your own efforts never could have any efforts to their misfortune.
Cursing people should really only be a last resort defense
You can’t make love dependent on accomplishments, fulfilled against those who are your downright enemies, and not used in
obligations and expectations. People have got to know that small scale situations just because someone doesn’t seem to
they’re loved unconditionally in order to come up with the like you. You can commit the affair into My hands, though, and
inspiration and love to do anything that counts and matters in the ask Me to work in their lives, which is basically what I’ve
first place. commanded My disciples to do, to bless them that curse you and
to pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.

489 _________________________________________________ It’s no great art or feat to love those who love you. The proof of
What matters is that you keep your eyes on the goal, your the pudding, how much you’re really capable of love, comes
focus on Me and keep flying southward in one of those V- especially when it’s down to loving those who don’t love you, but
formations headed for the Great Gathering. seem to oppose and reject you. Loving those requires a skill in
That is really all that matters, that you keep your eyes on Me and the art of loving that not everyone is master of, and it requires
keep following in My direction! the supernatural, superhuman type of love that only I can give
If they don’t do it, what is that to thee? Come thou, follow Me! It and teach and equip you with.
is irrelevant to your path, what they are doing, as long as you
keep your eyes on Me and keep following Me. I didn’t say to My Training yourself in the art of loving in the face of hatred,
disciples, “Come follow Me, and I will teach you how to elect new rejection and lack of love will also sharpen your skills and
leaders among yourselves, and new idols whom you can follow abilities to deal with unloving behavior on behalf of your loved
after I’m gone!” I meant for each of them to become individual ones, and instead of going on the defensive right away and
followers of Me and individual fishers of men. withdrawing and reacting negatively and allowing their lack of
Each disciple, each follower and each fisher has to be his own, love to produce more lack of love in you for them, you can learn
standing entity that others, those who will be “caught” into the to counter that natural process and stop the chain reaction and
Kingdom through them, will be able to look up to, learning from vicious cycle, and allow love to continue and go on, in spite of
them how to look unto Me and become their separate and the adverse circumstances.
“independent” fishers of men themselves. Independent from It’s like praising Me and staying in the victory in spite of “bad”
others by learning to be fully dependent on Me. things happening: you just keep on loving in the face of a lack of
There are also situations where I want you to become dependent love. You ignore the circumstance of the void, and just act as if it
on those you work with; to trust in them fully and to be able to weren’t there and continue to fill the atmosphere with your
rely on them, but I never meant for you to allow anything anyone positive vibrations from Me, and you will often bring about
else does to have such an impact on you that it would distract miraculous results that way.
you from your job for Me or your focus on Me! That’s the way miracles happen. You interrupt the usual, natural
run and expected sequence of things, and bring in a new,
Sometimes I require your obedience first, before you ever get to supernatural ingredient, which allows the whole situation to take
see the first glimpse of a blessing or reward. a new, supernatural or miraculous turn with unexpected results.

Love is something that you do, totally regardless of whether Natural reasoning may tell you that they don’t deserve it, and it
anyone “deserves” your love or not. It’s simply My first and may remind you that you ought to play tit for tat and give to them
greatest and only commandment, that’s all. You do it because the same as they gave you, to repay their bad behavior with more
you’ve got to. It’s like breathing in order to stay alive. bad behavior on your end, but the path of carnal and natural
You love in order to stay alive spiritually. You stop loving and you reasoning isn’t exactly on the “winners’ list,” but it falls prey to
die. evil and becomes one of its earliest victims. You can’t just get to
My type of conclusion and happy ending by merely putting two have to leave up to Me and commit the whole thing to Me in
and two together, merely going by your own natural experiences prayer.
alone, leaning on your own understanding. You need The only hope you’ve got not to make a mess of it, is to stay
discernment that digs deeper and an ear that hears My whispers really, really close to Me and follow Me each step of the way, just
in your heart that will tell you how you truly ought to react. do what you can, one day at a time, moment by moment, and
So, instead of the usual, instant, typical reaction, give it to Me, pray desperately that I won’t allow you to slip and have you say
and let Me handle it, analyze it and interpret it for you and then or do something you might regret, that’s only going to make
show you what’s supposed to happen next, and how you ought matters worse.
to react.

492 _________________________________________________
491 _________________________________________________ Sensitivity is one of the great hindrances to spiritual growth,
Don’t give up on giving! Don’t let up on loving! Keep on because it won’t let you take correction as you should and thus
keeping on! Keep stretching those muscles of faith and love and prevents you from growing and learning by it.
continue to make progress.
There’s lots more to learn and more room for improvement. The Sensitivity-awareness is a vital pre-requisite to spiritual growth.
worst thing to do is to assume the position of one who thinks he If you realize you’re reacting sensitively to correction, then you
has arrived. That’s the moment you stop growing and making must realize that this will endanger your growth and maturation
progress and thus start to backslide. process, unless you choose to fight and overcome it.
As long as you’re learning, receiving new things from Me and feel
as if there are lots of new things for you to find out and yet for Correction and taking it used to be one of the most natural things
you to accomplish, and you keep an “empty” attitude of one who in the world, but the Enemy has boosted people’s egos to such
has yet much more to learn than what he already knows, there’s levels that taking correction has become something more and
hope. more difficult for them, especially in Western societies where the
Devil has been undermining family values for decades,
For some reason I must have brought this person into your life, undermining the authority of the head of the family and his role,
and that means that you’re going to learn some essential lessons undermining the authority of and respect for parents in general,
from your interaction with them. all with the intent to destroy the family per se.
Are you going to show love and understanding even when in the
carnal you can’t seem to come up with much of either? You know Bacchus and his legions are having a heyday with more things
you’re going to need Me to pass this test, and that’s part of the than ever they can get their victims addicted to. Be it their own
test itself, part of the challenge, because you’re just going to favorite brand of toys or clothes, their favorite singers and bands
have to stay close to Me in order not to screw it up. and music, their favorite TV show, computer games or sports
In the carnal it looks hopeless, and it’s a situation you can only team, or just the attention they’re getting from each other.
handle with Me, My cooperation and My help, meaning that The tendency of parents is usually not to see the picture in such
there’s a whole lot of praying to be done. a bleak way, and they figure, “kids need that,” just like they used
to need their “freedom” or time to play. What they don’t realize,
A teenager is an ideal instrument to let an adult know just how though, is that this sort of “freedom” leads their kids right into
clueless and helpless he really is, for all he may think he knows. the slavery of the Enemy, who is feverishly establishing his New
Here’s a situation you just can’t deal with in your own wit, your World Order, which he will raise from the crumbled ruins and the
own effort to put two and two together, it’s hopeless, and your ashes of this chaos and confusion and downright anarchy he’s
only hope’s in Me. Especially in this day and age when the creating right now.
Enemy is letting loose a legion of toys and temptations to lure He’s creating the disease in order to present the cure to it all with
them away from Me. He’s serious about being a fisher of men, his phony imitation of My Kingdom. The world is going to have to
too. Except that he’s the competition, and not working for My go through that in order to find out where it’s not at.
His goal is to put Me out of business, and, of with all his unfair
methods of fishing the seas to death, it looks as if he’s the big 493 _________________________________________________
mogul and I am a loser. That’s what he would like to believe, and Remember to treat the imposters, success and failure both
what he makes his followers believe, but time will do the talkin’. the same.
Time will tell whether My more ecological, more natural, and Trust Me that I knew what I was doing in creating that day.
more small scale style of fishing isn’t going to be more fruitful in Keep praising Me, whether you lose or win, whether the day
the end. His way is the killing way, and he’s only out for the brings you “success” or “failure.”
immediate profit: his getting to the top. My method is a long-term
method, and many of the fish he thinks are in his bag will seek a It’s always easier to work on your own pet projects than doing
way of escape once they realize his bait and hook aren’t all they some work on something that isn’t really all that much your
promised to be, and his lures were all fakes. thing, but that’s where discipline comes in to just put your own
For some it’s too late, but it’s never too late for those who have preferences on the backburner sometimes, for the sake of My
been Mine to begin with. Even if they do turn their backs on Me, work.
give their energies to him in order to fight Me and try to harm My If the Devil’s philosophy is “Do what you like,” or “Do what thou
work. wilt,” then you can assume that this definitely isn’t My
Remember what I’ve been telling you about unconditional love, philosophy!
and to extend that love and to keep it going even long after the As a child of Mine you ought to be interested in doing My will, not
natural amount of love will have been exhausted… love that even your own. That’s why I taught you to pray, “Thy will be done,”
loves your enemies, prays for them, seeks to heal them and just as I also prayed in My final hours on earth, “Nevertheless,
responds to intended harm with benevolence. not My will, but Thine be done…”

Extend that love and work on increasing your love-ability, your

patience, tolerance and long-suffering. 494 _________________________________________________
If you find yourself at wit’s end in your situation and you can’t That void in your heart and soul created for Me can never be
seem to handle it and it doesn’t make any sense to you, let it be a satisfied with anything less that utter union with Me.
sign to you just how futile it is to lean on your own Being a visible sample of that union with Me, instead of chasing
understanding and reasoning, and how much you’re going to fleeting earthly pleasures like everyone else, is the only thing
that is going to arouse the curiosity and interest of others to find Strive to live in such a way that when persecution comes, those
out what it is you’ve got that they haven’t. who know you will know that the accusations wielded against
If you’re just after the exactly same stuff in life that they’re after, you will be false, and in such a manner that they will want to pick
money, fame, success and physical pleasures and comfort, then up and continue where you left off once you won’t be able to
it’s going to be pretty tough to persuade them that you found continue your work.
what they’re looking for. You’re trying to win people, not prove to anybody who is right.

I can’t allow you to lose that desperation, that resolve that you’re
simply not of this world, that drives you into My arms for comfort 497 _________________________________________________
and solace and sweet heavenly communion with Me. I’m as different from the world as anything or anyone can
get, and the more you become like Me, the more unlike them you
The Enemy is distracting enough people away from Me as it is. It become.
is almost as if I’m having to say to you, “Do you also want to go
away?” “Do you also want to turn your back on Me?” The Devil promotes same-kind relationships, so that nobody will
I am Father of not merely one or two or three prodigal sons and reach out for the other, much less for the totally Other, which is
daughters, but of literal millions and millions. Me.
It’s a pretty lonely job, being Father to so many distracted Whatever is “their own” is what has priority.
children, off on Pleasure Island, having fun and letting the Devil That’s why it’s so hard to create unity between different Christian
turn them into jack-asses… churches and denominations, because each of them primarily
That’s why it’s of utter importance to Me that there are at least respects and is loyal to their own, which is somewhat “natural,”
some who are aware of the Enemy’s scheme and won’t allow but then being a disciple of Mine is all about not following the
themselves to fall for it, but make others aware of what’s going mere “natural” way – since the natural man or mind is at enmity
on, too… with God.
I want them to attend the school of life and pay attention to what My way is supernatural.
I’m trying to teach them. But the Devil whisks them all off to
Pleasure Island, keeping them busy, busy, busy with his So, a challenge to take on, on My behalf or as a Christian, would
amusements, away from thinking – or putting them through his be to seek the group of people that is the least like your own, and
fake imitation school, where they pretend to teach them things try to reach out to them and find common ground with them… try
and fill their heads with enough clutter so that there won’t to bring Me to them.
possibly be any space left for what’s essential. Dealing with people is your job for Me, reaching out to people,
and reaching them with My message, and in this case, what’s
Make your state of mind dependent on no other circumstance particularly challenging about it is the aspect of reaching
than your union with Me. I’ve got to be the Constant in your life, different people, since most people simply happen to be quite
more constant than the sun, more constant than the weather! different from you.
Rejoice in a rainy day and let it be a golden opportunity for you to
let Me be your Sunshine, the One to light up your life, to bring That’s the great magic of My story: I, the totally Other and
warmth and brightness and happiness. ultimate and epitome of being different to mankind, became just
like you, in order for you to be able to become like Me. First I
became like you in order to show you how to be like Me. That’s
495 _________________________________________________ the principle of “becoming one” and what Paul was referring to in
Things aren’t going to stay forever as they are. Tough becoming a Roman to the Romans, a Greek unto the Greek, etc.
changes are up ahead, and the sooner you get ready for change He walked toward them, he adapted to them in order to help them
and for what’s ahead, the better equipped you’re going to be. find some common ground with him they were able to relate to.

You’re going to have to bear and put up with worse evils than the In order to teach people to not just love their own kind, you must
ones you’re currently having to fight and put up with, so, be give an example of loving those who are different from you to
thankful for the ones you’ve got, for they will prepare you for the begin with, make an effort to relate to them, be a sample of
tougher road up ahead, greater obstacles and fiercer someone who is accepting and understanding of those who are
adversaries. quite different in views and manners from yourself.
I’m trying to teach you and bring about in you progress in the
Follow Me, the Great Teacher, step by step, to find out what I’m area of greater tolerance and acceptance of the totally other, one
trying to teach you out of every single circumstance and of the things which the world most needs.
situation of your life, especially the unpleasant ones.
How can you blame them for rejecting you for being different,
It’s important that you’re open for the truth and the whole truth in when you act just as intolerant of their ways and behavior? It’s
each aspect and situation, otherwise you wind up in a dead end true that a lot of which causes them to be so different is that they
from which there’ll be no progress, no way out, until you accept have strayed so far from My ways and the knowledge of My
the thing you presently refuse to see. Word. But how can you ever teach them better unless you first
show love for them in the first place, and acceptance of their
Believing a lie is something you’ll wish to avoid at all cost. howbeit so very different ways?

You’ve got to give them a chance to accept and get to know and
496 _________________________________________________ absorb and assimilate My ways. Once they got the chance, the
I don’t need anyone to say big words to try to save My ball is in their court and it’s all up to them. But until then, it’s
reputation. What the world needs above all is a sample of true your responsibility to love them – just the way they are, just as I
Christian discipleship. have loved you.

The few of the world I want you to win for Me – aren’t going to be
won by smart words, but only by your sample of love, and that is 498 _________________________________________________
something that sometimes simply requires the ability to take Blending in and becoming part of the mainstream crowd was
things lying down and shutting up, just as I didn’t say anything to never obligatory, as far as I’m concerned.
defend Myself before My accusers.
In Heaven, nobody is afraid of being rejected or frowned upon for
daring to be different. Heavenly society is truly a colorful society. the dark and cloudy days I’m bringing upon you are a sign that
things are getting serious, and that you’re going to have to focus
Earthly society structures are so influenced by the way the on your job for Me, because it’s becoming expedient that I can
System does it, where the need of adapting to the way the others count on you and rely on you to do your job for Me. It’s time to
do it is so drilled into them, they think there isn’t really any other take on a serious attitude that shows you’re serious about your
way to get organized efficiently. Of course, one factor being time. position with Me, and that shows your brothers in arms that
If you’re under any kind of time pressure and there are deadlines you’re one of them, someone they can rely on and count on and
to meet, then it’s inevitably a factor that’s going to have a say in trust that you’re with them in this fight.
the way things are going to pan out in trying to get organized as
a group. In Heaven, there isn’t really any such thing, nor will Just thinking about your own having fun would be a selfish thing
there be a similar or comparable amount of pressure in the to do right now that the world is literally going to pot and falling
Millennium. into the hands of the usurper. I need you more than ever now,
and that’s why I’ve got to have you taking this whole thing more
Just as there are vehicles that run on gasoline and others run on seriously. You’re not a kid anymore, after all, that just needs to
Diesel or some kind of organic fuel, electricity, or what have you, run out and play. You’re a grown up man now, ready to take on
so different people are motivated by different incentives. some responsibilities for Me in My Kingdom.
The majority of cars run on gasoline, and likewise, the majority of There’s more required of you. It’s time to put on your armor and
people run on the pressure of getting something accomplished forget about the playground, leave it behind, and trade it in for
within a certain timeframe. the battle field. The battle field is your place now, not the
But there are those who are powered by different incentives and playground.
fuels than what gets the majority of people going. There are greater thrills to be had on the battle field than you
ever could find on any playground.
As an organization it’s easier, of course, to accommodate a
group of people that run more or less on the same basic needs, “Blessed are the peacemakers,” but it takes some fight and
the same fuel. It’s easier to unite a group that runs on the same personal effort and sacrifice to make peace in this wicked, war-
stuff. mongering world.
But I happened to have made you “different models” for a certain You’ve got to open their eyes and wake them up from the
reason, and even if that reason may not be entirely clear and delusion of the hypnotism they fell under, monotonously
revealed yet, nobody has the right to say that their – howbeit it chanting, “Peace, peace,” when there is no peace, nor is peace
more “mainstream” - type of model, using the same fuel the on the minds or list of intentions of their leaders, but they’re
majority of vehicles uses, is the only “right” kind. heading straight for destruction.
Nobody has a right to say that “their” way is the only right way Show them the way to real, true, and lasting peace by making
when I have created folks who work and function differently from peace with Me, which is achieved by letting go of all lies, sin and
the rest. self-deception. True peace is only found by embracing the truth.
But they have no truth. And that’s where you come in. You’re one
Let’s say, I’m creating folks like you as a kind of “prototype” of of My truth-bringers to the world.
future machines in order to prepare the “average model” or the
standard, recognized models out there, that there are going to be Don’t mind about those who won’t receive it, who’ll reject or
other types of machines on the market in the future, and they’d ridicule it, and just tune in to those who will receive it.
better get used to some variety. There aren’t just going to be the They’re ready to listen, and they’re getting ready for what you
average standard type models in My society, but a whole bunch have to tell them.
more, and a greater variety than you’ve ever experienced before,
so, you might as well start getting used to it now and stop The more serious the state of the world around you will become,
putting other folks in boxes. the easier it will become for you to let go of those things which
up to now you deemed important. Soon there will simply be more
My creation is all else but uniform; otherwise I would have important, urgent and pressing matters on your mind than
restricted Myself to a lot less variety in species and kinds. pleasure, and the same will apply to many others for whom right
The abundance in variety in My creation ought to give you a now, pleasure is a priority.
glimpse of the liberty I want to give You, My children, My
crowning creation, to be whoever you want to be, and whatever I
have put in your hearts to be, regardless of how far it may veer 500 _________________________________________________
from the mainstream, as long as you stick to My general rules It seems kind of unfair that you are having to pay the
and codecs of the Law of love. consequences for that one slip of Adam & Eve, when they
couldn’t resist temptation.
But believe Me when I say, it would have happened to any of you.
499 _________________________________________________ The consequence of sin needs to be learned. The resulting
The dark and cloudy days are there to remind My sheep that imperfections, if not to say the blatant and gaping lack of
this world is not their home, and to cause them to look for their perfection, need to be experienced, for the lesson is learned and
true Home. They’re a signal that this is the time that I will go out absorbed in no other way.
and search for them and gather them, as I have promised
(Ez.34:12). Pain is a greater taskmaster than bliss. And what’s more, it
amplifies the bliss you will experience as a reward for your
Trust Me that there’s something better awaiting you at the end of having learned the lessons manifold. All I can tell you is, “Hang
this life that’s going to make up for any lack of fun and in there. It will be worth it!”
enjoyment you had in this one, and that there are other things
way more urgent that have priority over just “having fun” right I’ve relieved you from the pressure of having to accomplish
now. The world is simply too evil to just live in it with the purpose anything for Me you don’t feel capable of. Just enjoy your
of having fun. freedom to be able to love Me without having to prove it.

You’re one of My voices in this dark place, a prophetic voice It’s only in order for you to have gotten to this point that I had put
that’s sounding a warning signal, but I also have to make sure the pressure on you previously.
you’re doing your job. You knew you had to get to a certain point, a point from where
you could do greater things.
You were under the pressure of knowing that you had to change “Look, I’m standing at your door, and I know all about you, and I
some things about yourself, your attitude, etc. would like you to get to know Me, too, so that I can help you
And where has it led you? To the conclusion that what matters is figure out all the rest about your life, too.”
that you love and enjoy Me, and that will allow you to accomplish I can bring the answers to all their question marks.
greater things through Me and with My supernatural help than But they’re all busy trying to figure them out by themselves, or
you could out of your own force and incentive. try to see what the answers are that everybody else around them
The pressure of “needing” to accomplish things for Me brought has found.
you to the point of realization that you couldn’t, without Me, and Nobody is coming directly to the light, because it blinds and
thus it brought you closer to Me. scares them.
You don’t need to be scared of the light. The light is good. The
Some pressure is necessary to get you where I need you. You light is friendly. It may be hard, initially, to part with the darkness,
feel like you have to press in to get in the harvest before the but you’ll get used to it, and you’ll see, it won’t turn out to be all
storm, and in your endeavors find out you’re not strong enough, that bad…
and you finally get to the point where you rely on Me utterly to do
anything that needs to be done through you. Everybody has got their own individual mountains to climb, their
own hurdles to overcome, and they can’t go endlessly by how
Everybody’s different. And that’s why your relationship and someone else did it.
connection with Me is what counts primarily. I know best what It can help for starters, to learn from others, but there will come a
your individual needs are. point when they need to realize that the way to do it is to get Me
There are some who seemingly manage to accomplish a lot to show them, help them, and do it through and for them, when
without spending a lot of time on their relationship or interaction necessary.
with Me, and your flesh cries, “I want to be like them!”
But what counts and really matters is what I want you to be like, There will come situations where “the way it has always worked
and you are more important to Me than your bedroom slippers for so and so” won’t do the trick anymore, but only the way God
you’re making for Me. is going to have to do it right now.
If those who think they need to manifest their love for Me through
their works feel like they need to do that, then let’em do it, but it
won’t work with you. You’re not made that way. I know it, because 501 _________________________________________________
I’m the One Who made you. Experience in tough jobs is what makes you stronger and
One of the dangers of community and organization is the Tough jobs also make you rely on Me more than if everything
temptation to look at the others and what they’re doing and how would be such a breeze that you could handle it all in your own
they are doing it, and feeling envious about it, or feeling as if you energy.
had to do exactly the same thing. Tough jobs in the present are ideal preparation for the tough job
You may be able to learn certain things from their way of doing it, the future is going to bring, of survival in a wicked world ruled by
but you should never just take it for granted that just because the incarnation of the Devil himself.
I’ve shown them a way it works for them, it should also be the Finding yourself having to handle a tough job also destroys the
exact way I want you to do it. illusion that life is some kind of a vacation or pleasure trip.
I’ve got My very own and special way of doing things in store for Although I love for you to enjoy yourself and have fun in life, a
you, your own modus operandi, your special “power,” that makes large part of it is just a good chunk of work, which is good for
you fill the special place in My service that only you can. you.

My will for you and most of My children is not some “monkey How much happier people were back in the days when they had
see, monkey do” business where everybody is imitating each lots of chores and responsibilities to take care of!
other, but it’s a colorful wheel, in which I am the hub in the
middle, and each of you are the spokes who are connected with No one takes on a tough job voluntarily. People have to be either
Me and learn and absorb from Me your own specific need and coerced or tricked somehow into doing them.
task, and pass that on to the outside world on the rim. Laziness has become a fairly wide-spread
That’s why it’s good to gain experience in overcoming that
“Herd instinct” is actually the sheer habit of looking at each weakness, because any lessons gleaned along those lines are
other, instead of what each of My sheep should do on an going to be helpful and relevant for many people.
individual level, and that is look unto Me.
Once you’ve received from Me the strength and instructions and Of course, there are pros and cons to just being a work force
information of what your purpose is, you can also look to others, when people are neglecting the Spirit, which ought to be the life
not in order to imitate them, but to see how you can give them a force of the works you do for Me.
hand or strengthen them, too, to share what you’ve been given, Sometimes the saddest case of being a reproach for My Cause is
and also look for Me in what they may have to give you. when there is a blatant lack of My Spirit among My people; when
The important thing is to look for Me in everything, and only they may have it all neatly organized and rigged up on the
accept what you find if you can find and see Me in it. That’s why surface, but there’s just coldness, lifelessness and a lack of love
it’s of such utmost importance to get to know Me. How can you underneath, no fire to give life to whatever it is they’re trying to
say you love Me if you don’t even know Me? How can you say accomplish.
you love others if you don’t even know Me? Not knowing Me is I’m trying to infuse new life and Spirit through the Word, teaching
truly being clueless and not having the faintest idea of what you how to fight with the new weapons, getting acquainted with
everything is all about. your spirit helpers and showing you new and old means and
All you will convey to the rest of the world is the confusion that’s ways to pray and through the music I’m giving you.
inside you. There may be bits and shreds of wisdom in there, as
you blindly grope your way through this world in your attempt to Keep going, keep sharing, keep working away, keep pouring. I
make some sense of it all, and you may be very impressed by the promise and guarantee, none of your efforts shall be in vain.
discoveries you come up with, but you really only start getting a
real clue once you get to know Me.
502 _________________________________________________
What I am saying when I say, “Behold, I stand at the door and Everything you see in this world falls short of the perfection
knock…”? is, “Would you like to get to know Me?” you long for, including the people around you, and of course,
including yourself. prohibiting yourself to learn anything from your own mistakes,
You once had a glimpse of that perfection, and you’ve been because you don’t even see them as mistakes.
chasing that ever since, and the fact that you can’t seem to find An optimistic attitude alone, without a deep and sincere love for
and rehash it makes you dissatisfied with life most of the time. the truth, won’t really get you through life truly successfully,
I needed to give you a taste of it so that you knew it existed, so either. A life that has failed learning from its own mistakes isn’t
that you knew I was for real and what I can give you is for real, much of a life at all, since your mistakes are one of the greatest
too, but you were just not meant to find it for good in this life – or purposes in life per se. And how can you say you’ve lived life
at least not by the usual means of pursuit. successfully when you’ve missed one of its major purposes?

You dug a hole, you created an empty place to bury the old life, Helping a “blind” person to “see” takes skill, discipline and
the dead, but you weren’t willing or ready to make it big enough persistence through tough times.
to meet the need. It’s easy to take on a job you know you’re getting paid for, and
which you can quit anytime if things don’t work out. But the
Don’t do things half-heartedly; because that is one sure way prospect of being stuck in a relationship with no way out, and not
you’re not going to find the happiness you seek. much of an immediate reward or pay-off in sight doesn’t draw
many “volunteers.”
It’s easy to pursue your own satisfaction. Everyone does it. It’s
the natural thing to do. People do it until they wake up to the fact if you find yourself stuck in a hopeless and dreadful situation for
that their efforts have been futile and in vain. life, just think about others who are handicapped for life, and be
It’s a bit harder to dedicate your life to others, to pursue thankful for your hands and feet. Try to learn from their cheerful
responsibilities: you’re not always as cheerful when you do, so, and positive attitude about it, from their faith in My wisdom and
maybe they’re not the perfect sample of exuberant joy, but love and faithfulness to always fulfill My side of the bargain of
they’re still doing the right thing, trying to do their best. keeping My promise in Romans 8:28. Try to see the positive in it.

Everyone has different concepts of “their best.” You would like Some people are ready to learn and see; others aren’t.
them to do it more the way you do it, but for them, their best is How many people are convinced they don’t need a Savior
something else: the things that I put on their hearts to do. because they can’t even see that they’ve ever sinned?
Make room for tolerance and acceptance of the ways of those You’re seeing another facet of pride that is very common: the
around you. You’ve got to trust that it is Me putting on their inability to see one’s own mistakes. It’s a wide-spread spiritual
hearts what they should do, just as I’m putting it on your heart disease, and if you come up with any cure for it, it’ll be like
what you should do. finding a cure for cancer.
This form of pride and self-righteousness is responsible for an
I have used many a one-man show throughout history, much to incredible amount of evil in this world, because it makes people
the dislike of the envious by-standers, who would have liked to march off to war “innocently” in their firm belief that they’re
make use of that one-man-show’s energy and resources for doing a right thing for a right cause…
themselves. That’s just typical human nature. As long as in some You’re going to have to do some exposure work, find out what’s
way it caters to them and serves their purpose, they’ll accept it, behind it, and what’s causing the deception… What are the lies
and if not, they become envious and think they need to resist and the Devil is telling them that get them to believe that they’re
fight it somehow. blameless? What are the fears the Enemy uses in order to get
them to refuse to face and confront their own mistakes or even
it’s easier for those to accept what you’re giving who don’t know the existence of such?
you personally. The less they see of you, the more the light It’s a vast subject, a significant root of an immense problem.
shines through, the more they’re able to receive it; which is
another reason why I’m keeping you out of the limelight. If you can teach people to deal with their sins and their faults,
and help them to see them and work on overcoming them,
making it something as natural as brushing their teeth or taking a
503 _________________________________________________ shower, that would be a major breakthrough for My Cause.
Some situations don’t have a way out. Look at those who So, I wish you the best of success for your endeavor and your
have to endure a permanent handicap that they have to live with “mission impossible.” I’ll see you at the pole!
for the rest of their lives. What counts is your attitude and what
you make out of the circumstances and conditions you’ve been
given, and how you handle them. 504 _________________________________________________
Every day is a fresh learning experience.
A wife is supposed to be someone to accompany you for life – The knowledge I hand out to you comes in daily portions, and
through the good times and the bad times. They’re not for each day is like a learning unit or a “class.” That’s why journals
discarding or swapping when you feel dissatisfied with them. are extremely helpful in retrieving the things you learn on a daily
You people need to learn to see a difficult situation through until basis, and one day you will be able to recall and summon a
the end, and not be such quitters who throw in the towel at the particular lesson from any particular day or experience you’ve
first sign of adversity. had in life.

Nobody ever does only good. Everybody makes mistakes, and Mistakes are something everyone can relate to, and if you teach
nobody’s perfect; nobody has ever lived a perfect life of which others from mistakes you made, that shows them just how
they can say, “I never made any mistakes.” It’s erroneous to have human you are, and how much just like them, and that you’re not
that kind of an attitude. And, well, some folks just have the kind some super special case, endowed with extraordinary gifts from
of attitude – which is their besetting sin and handicap to carry on high, but that you’ve learned by trial and error, basically the
around through life – that they simply can’t see their own faults same way they have.
as easily as they see the faults of others. You’ve come to conclusions, and human conclusions are in
They’re so sure and certain of their own good intentions, they some ways more helpful in teaching others than divine
can’t possibly even see the option of anything being wrong about revelations.
what they do or say. They’re incapable of experiencing or seeing It’s the difference between one who teaches what he has learned
the effect their negative output may have on others, because they from books and one who teaches what he has learned from
perceive it all as positive. That’s one of the dark sides of experience. You’ve been there, and you can tell of the pitfalls to
optimism: you see even your own bad as “good,” and thus avoid, and of the things to watch out for.
because there are these other distracting factors of the obvious,
It doesn’t always seem as though there were an awful lot of seemingly more important attention getters, the factors that bring
people even interested in gleaning such deep lessons out of life, in more money or “publicity…”
but you’ve got to trust that even if there’s only going to be one, it All these drag you away from the little things, or from tuning in to
will have been worth it. the little folks around you and their “little world” and whatever’s
If you want to become like Me and have My kind of love for on their mind.
people and souls, then you’ve got to be willing to go all the way, You’re focusing on the whole world out there, and it’s hard for
even if it’s only for the sake of one. Do you believe Me that I can you to cope with your little world you find at hand before you, the
save one soul through all your efforts? And will that soul be world you’re actually living in and spending most of your time in.
worth it to you? Then we’ve got the same vision, the same “Cyber space” has opened up a window for you to speak to
driving force and motivation. nearly the entire rest of the world. It’s some kind of a public life,
Just keep your focus on that one soul, and that he or she will be and public figures have often had a hard time coping with their
worth it! relatively less significant, “little” lives at home.

That’s what’s so great about the story of Sir William Gladstone

505 _________________________________________________ and his considering the salvation of the dying newsboy more
You can’t blame circumstances and allow them dominion important than his public speech before parliament. If you can
over you, whether they’re tough or pleasant. It all still depends truly care more about the little folks and their souls than your
on your choices, and what you’re going to make out of those own public appearance, your reputation and all you might ever
circumstances, and whether you’re going to regard them as the amount to in the eyes of the world, then you’ll be a man of God,
supreme factor, or Me, able to help you to master each one of My son.
them according to My will, and not as they will.
Your life is already more “public” and significant than you know,
Being the victor and master over your circumstances means and the way you handle things and deal with the small-level and
you’re able to praise Me for any set or type of circumstances, everyday things, has a greater impact on the world in aspects of
“good” or “bad.” And the way to become such a master is by the greater, spiritual world and eternal Kingdom, than any other
acting like one, and starting to praise Me either way, even when temporary public output you could ever render.
you don’t feel like it. You’re always on candid camera.
The question is, what do you deem more important: the
Praise gives you power to frame your circumstances, because I temporary applause and approval, or the eternal, heavenly
honor your faith when you show that you love and praise Me rewards for putting emphasis on the right kind of priorities?
equally, for either good or so-called bad circumstances.
It’s great to have an extraordinary gift to share with the world,
If you praise Me even for your sins, and even the darkest and and to “let your light so shine before men.” But it’s more
remotest corners in your life, then you expose them to My light, important to make sure it’s truly a pure light, even if it’s just a
and you’re giving Me power over them, instead of withholding little light, and that it’s a warm light by which people will truly be
them from Me or trying to hide them from Me. You’re then able to warm their souls, a light by which they can find their way
showing Me that you’re allowing Me to take part even in the most Home; and that only really happens if your life is true, and you’re
intimate areas of your life and you’re welcoming Me into every actually living what you’re preaching and being a living sample of
area of it, without restrictions. the ideals you publicize.

Don’t be afraid of the darkness, but praise Me for it, too. Don’t neglect your family, your Home life, the people you come in
If you trust that all things work together for good because you touch with, your friends, helpers and supporters…
love Me, then you really must include those dark and scary The ones you can count on are those whose friendship and love
factors in life, too. They’re nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. you cultivate in your actual surroundings.
Don’t let fear rule that area of your life, but give it to Me. Let Me It seems like a hopeless job, when everything you try to sow in
have it and I’ll change it into friendly and light terrain. their lives is being torn down again by the world in which they
are so much more deeply immersed than the influence you have
There can’t just be the nice, bright, comfortable and pleasant on them, but that’s where faith comes in to never give up. Faith
sides to life. Only easy stretches make you unfit for dealing with that I am greater and stronger than any and all circumstances,
the inevitable harder parts. and that nothing and no situation is ever hopeless with Me;
So, thank Me more for the harder parts & episodes of life. If you never.
could see all things as I see, you’d see them as the truly more That’s the faith of the sisters Ten Boom; they saw what nobody
valuable ones. else saw in that horrible concentration camp: that I was with
them, with each of the prisoners there. I wasn’t with those who
wielded the temporary power.
506 _________________________________________________ They may not have seen Me, but I was there, and I saw their
The art is not to stand in the way or allow pride to stand in plight, and what she said – as absurd as it may have sounded –
the way when I’m doing something through somebody. was true: I was with them.
I am Emmanuel – “God with us,” and if there’s anything I am and
Love is granting others the freedom to develop their personal anything about My nature that you should know, then it is the
ministries and interests… fact that I’m with you.
I’m With You, and My Spirit calls out to the children of men. I’m
I promised to supply your every need, I didn’t say that I was with you, even and especially when it doesn’t seem like it, and
necessarily going to fulfill your every whim. So, maybe this isn’t you feel forsaken and abandoned, even in the darkest and
exactly the fulfillment of your every whim, craving and desire you deepest pits.
might have, but I can tell better than you that this is what you “There is no pit so deep that God isn’t deeper still.”

508 _________________________________________________
507 _________________________________________________ You start out winning a soul by claiming their soul for Me in
It takes time and a real effort to tune in and zoom in to the the spirit. You can’t do it in the flesh. And you can’t override their
things and people that really count. It takes a concentrated effort, majesty of choice. But you can punch holes in the spirit into their
walls of pride that the Enemy has cultivated in them through their said, “In the Beginning was the Word.”
fears and self-protective mechanisms. So, let’s have some exchange of words so that I can create My
They think they’ve got to protect themselves from Me, when I’m world, My part of the Big Picture in you today.
really the best thing that could ever happen to them.
How deceived the Devil has got this world! Often people are My truth in you is all you need.
afraid of the very people that would save them. Imagining how things are going to be is like an attempt of the
Look how the Devil is making the world afraid of you. flesh to figure out what’s before you. But real preparedness is
You would be their potential saviors, and yet he has concocted the knowledge of My Word that you have stored up in you, and
this big wall of lies and this false image he has given you in order the Presence of My Spirit in you.
to make you look like the kind of folks that are to be dreaded and
feared most. He depicts you as the most dangerous kind of No matter what you do, what mistakes you’re going to make or
people when you are actually the most benevolent that would do how badly you might ever slip, you’re always going to be loved
them the most and greatest good. You symbolize and represent by Me unconditionally.
their salvation, and yet he depicts you as their damnation. You know there’s a glorious future ahead of you, no matter what
you do. And it’s that kind of assurance, the gratefulness for the
People would never even begin to suspect the extent to which undeserved gift, and the sheer relief and happiness about not
they’re being lied about from just about every angle. Never having to do anything for it, of not being able to work for it, that
before has the world been so deceived. enables you to truly convey and give that to others which I want.
When people confuse lies for truth, then you’ve got great
confusion, and that’s precisely what’s happening. The world may be in a mess, and so may you, but your state and
that of the world is relatively irrelevant, because I’m greater than
Nobody knows anymore what the score is because of the sheer, all of that, and I’m going to clean it all up sooner or later, anyhow.
unprecedented amount of lies – the flood of lies spewed out at And the world, as ugly as it may be getting, is yet to reach her
them, and they’re drowning in it. most beautiful state by far, that’s My Promise.
Only those who are brave enough to see the truth and see that
darkness of lies surrounding you for what it is, have a chance to It is easier for the Enemy’s children to yield to his power and to
see the light. As long as you mistake the darkness for light, be governed by that power than it is for you, My children, to yield
there’s no chance of seeing the true light. to Mine, because the spirit of the Enemy feeds and strengthens
the power of ego, which is something the natural man doesn’t
It’s almost like you have to be willing to recognize the darkness fight, but welcomes and absorbs, like an addiction, whereas
first in order to be able to see the light. But isn’t that how yieldedness to My Spirit doesn’t endorse your own power,
Salvation works, too? You first have to realize that you’re a strength or self, but Mine, which is brought about by your
sinner, come to grips with your own darkness, so to speak, weakness.
before you can realize your need for a Savior. The natural man doesn’t want to be weak, and fights that. He
wants to be independent and show how well he can do on his
own, that’s why it’s harder for you to yield to My Spirit than it is
509 _________________________________________________ for the Devil’s children to yield to his.
There is nothing wrong with the way I made you. Also, his rewards are immediate. Riches and power are given
It just takes a little while to discern between what are genuinely into his hands to give to whomever he chooses, whereas I did
your natural inclinations, and that which becomes the not promise those things to you in this world, since My rewards
exaggerated, sinful version of a natural desire that the Enemy follow in the world to come – the lasting, and so much better
tries to promote in order to make you feel guilty about it world.
afterwards, just as it takes time, experience, and skill to learn to
discern between what is truth and lies in the world…
511 _________________________________________________
It takes time to learn to expose the workings of the Devil in your If I’m the One Who created every breath of air you take in,
life, and the way he operates, but once you do, things become who else do you think might be responsible for the rest of the
clearer, and it becomes more obvious to you what is okay and things you need?
what isn’t. And in the meantime, making mistakes is what’s going I want to remind you from Whose hand all those blessings in
to help you find out all the quicker. your life are coming from.
If you haven’t thanked Me much for what you already have, can
Learning to take each other where you’re at is part of this school you blame Me for not having given you anything better?
of life, and that also includes learning to take yourself where
you’re at, assessing where you stand, coping with it, and doing You tend to seeing how much better things should and could be,
your fellowmen the favor of loving and accepting them just like but you don’t really look at how much worse they could be, too.
you’re inevitably going to have to do it with yourself, if you want You look at what you don’t have yet, but you don’t look at what
to live a happy life. you’ve got and what you might lose, if you don’t appreciate it.

There comes a time when everyone will have to reflect about

510 _________________________________________________ their sins and mistakes.
I know you better than you know yourself. Say you are some kind of a prisoner in the situation you’re in.
So, you can be completely honest with Me. Would you know what you’re doing time for? Do you know why
There’s absolutely no need for pretense with Me, whatsoever, nor you’re there? Are you aware of the mistakes you made, the
would it make any sense. crimes or sins you have committed, the hurt you have caused
others? Do you think the disciplinary measures might possibly
I definitely know you, and I want to make Myself known to you be justified?
likewise, so that you may know even as you are known, as Paul
said. That’s basically how it is in life: you encounter unpleasant
Getting to know Me is what it’s all about, and what better initial circumstances, and you consider them unjustified, as if you
way is there, of getting to know someone, than exchange of deserved better than that. But do you, really? If you believe in My
words and communication? Once the words have been spoken, love and justice, can’t you also believe and assume that the
there will be other ways of getting to know each other even more circumstances I am allowing to befall you are the precise set that
intimately, but words are always good for starters, just like John you deserve and need in order to deal with your mistakes and
learn something from them? that would lead them in the wrong direction.
It’s all about: making you a true, real and reliable sign post that
The wrong attitude to have would be not seeing your sin and will help lead others Home to Me. And in order to become that,
guilt and thus not being able to learn anything out of life and you have to make sure that you’re always in tune with Me, which
life’s circumstances. means, I have to reduce other factors that you might tune in to
So, you’re having to deal with a set of unpleasant circumstances. otherwise.
What are they trying to teach you? I am the ultimate fulfillment of your deepest desires, and you can
only convey that to others if you have tasted of My Wine yourself
first, and have come and tasted to see that I am good, and very
512 _________________________________________________ recommendable, and something worthy of passing on – in fact,
I’m trying to clear your life of substitutes. the most worthy, unbeatable and none like it.
I need to be your true and ultimate Home. You need to find your Because this sounds almost too good to be true, they have to
perfect Home in Me. Just as you have invited Me in to come and see in you that it is true and that it is real, and that means you
live with you, I also want you to come and live in Me. cannot just occupy your time with substitutes the way everybody
Neither your family nor your brethren are going to be able to be else does. You’ve got to be a living wine taster who can tell them
there to help you face and master every trial and temptation as a satisfied customer, “Come, taste and see that the Lord is
before you, but only I can. good!”
If I want you to attract others to Me, I need to eliminate other
I want your thoughts, your heart and mind and soul to be at home factors you’re still searching for satisfaction in, or at least reduce
with Me. I want you to become more heavenly minded; I want you them, and keep drawing you back to Me, the ultimate Source of
to put on My mind. all you’re longing, looking and yearning for.
I need to become a greater and major part of your life, your I need to refresh your desire for Me daily. I need to cultivate it.
thoughts, your actions, plans and words. And in order to do that, I need to “prune” your other desires.
The happiness you seek lies in the letting go of everything else
I’m very unattractive to your physical senses, because there is and holding on to Me and pursuing Me as the one Pearl of great
nothing there that they can perceive, and your flesh is rigged up price most to be desired.
in such a way that it will desire the things that will ensure its I have given you so many other that it hasn’t been easy for you to
survival and fill its cravings. Yet that’s where your faith needs to stay focused on Me, but I’m using these things as learning
come in to tell the rest of you that even though it may not seem experiences for you to find out and filter out what is really best
like it, I am an exceptional Source of supply. and essential. I am the Essential. I am what you need. I’m the
It’s a little bit like with people and cats. Normally, cats wouldn’t
accept people as bonafide source of food and their needs, they’d
follow their instincts and look for mice and birds and anything 513 _________________________________________________
they can hunt. But after a while experience teaches them that Those chosen from before the foundations of the earth will
these humans taking care of them, especially that one special hear My truth in their hearts, and they won’t swallow the lies.
human that seems to be in charge, are an exceptional source that Some people just won’t swallow the lies, no matter how carefully
is to be trusted in spite of the natural instincts that tell them to go concocted they may be.
looking elsewhere for food. That human source is so much more
abundant and reliable, that the natural means couldn’t be Nothing is hopeless when looked at through My eyes or when
compared to them, and over time, it proves to be extremely tackled with My supernatural help.
reliable and worthy of their trust.
Well, that’s how it is with Me and you, too. Your natural senses
are still trying to look elsewhere for the satisfaction of your 514 _________________________________________________
desires and needs, but I want you to realize from your Man has been working hard on re-shaping his reality
experiences, that there is an even more trustworthy Source of all according to his idea for thousands of years, and modern
the things you need, and that is Me. machines and inventions have greatly helped him do that to an
There are ways in which humans also put restrictions on their extent previously impossible. But unfortunately, a lot of the
pets, just like I’m setting certain limitations for you, which imaginations of man’s heart are evil, just as they were before the
sometimes make you not so sure whether I’m friend or foe, after flood, and it’s all calling for similar consequences.
all. But just as you do what you consider ultimately best for your
pets, so you need to trust that I also only allow what’s best for People have not really improved since biblical times, as much as
you, and you can trust Me, even about those things I may they would want to believe it.
temporarily have to withhold from you. Unfortunately, by creating his own version of an improved and
Sometimes it’s actually good to do without a few things you’ve enhanced reality, man has gotten even further away from Me. It’s
gotten so used to that you take them for granted. And just like an example of the flair of “mine own arm hath saved me.”
with your pets, our relationship is cultivated through your trust They’re trying to save themselves from the ugliness of reality
and time spent with Me. The time you allow Me to pet you and that life unleashes at them, and since they somehow
caress you, and cuddle up are times that enhance My love for successfully manage in some superficial areas, they think they
you and strengthen My desire to want to care for you to the have less need of Me than ever. Even Christians and believers
utmost. And once you’ve spent that time I need with You, I gladly think they can do just fine with just a little bit of help from Me.
also give you all those other things you want and need… They take care of themselves, they supply for themselves, they
try to make sure in their own efforts that they stay healthy, take
Only those who find their perfect Home in Me can also convey all sorts of precautionary measures to avoid accidents and other
that “perfect homey” feeling to others. They’re the ones who calamities, etc.
have the gift to make others feel “at home” with them. It’s It’s hard to see one’s own failures in that kind of a reality.
because I am the true Home of every soul. “Home” is where
you’re trying to get as the goal and aim of the game of life, and So, if every now and then the stench of pure reality pours back
I’m waiting there at its end, just like I’ve been there from the into your life through some back door, relax. It’s the way things
beginning. And if you’re in tune with “Home” and your focus were for hundreds and thousands of years before mankind ever
keeps pinned on Me, then folks will instinctively feel that you’re achieved that current position of ultimate comfort for
one of the signposts they can trust that will lead them the right themselves, resulting in ever greater misery.
way to get there, too, and mind you, there are many signposts
The only way to get to My truly better Reality is via the ugliness
of your current reality, and taking it at face value, instead of As time goes by, the puzzle will become clearer, and reveal the
trying paint it over artificially, making it smell nicer with industrial whole picture. It’s part of your ministry to decipher and discover
sprays, or settling for lies, half-truths and fakes. the meaning of these things. You learn to read My handwritings
If you want the truth, you cannot be afraid of reality; you cannot on the wall and interpret them for the world, just as Daniel did for
shun it. the “bear” of his day, the Medo-Persian empire and its ruler.
The art is seeing Me there in the darkness, and getting ahold of You’re having another “dual kingdom” represented by a bear
My Spirit even in the depths of hell. I am found in the lowest hell, right now, ready to devour the Babylon of this day and age… It’s
and there’s no pit so deep that I’m not deeper still. also significant that the Medo-Persian bear had three ribs in his
I’m giving you tastes of hell sometimes, just in order to teach you mouth, just as 3 horns of the ten will be uprooted before the
how to find Me there, too. It’s easy to find Me in the pleasant AC…
circumstances. But what the world needs and will need more as History repeats itself in strange little ways. The forces of old will
time progresses, is someone to show them how to find Me even rise to new power, and the players of both sides will help their
in the very blackest pit of reality. So, don’t try to create you own, teams. Just as Daniel is helping you from the Spirit World to
more pleasant version of reality, but grasp Me in the one right fulfill your part of interpreting My handwriting on the wall for the
before you and all around you. It’s going to be a lot more helpful world of today, so the forces behind the empires of the past are
than all this escapism and make-belief that’s going on. working in the spirit for the other side. The spiritual forces are
I want people to know that I’m Hardcore Reality, and not the same. It’s all culminating for one great, ultimate physical
someone’s invention or fairy-tale. fulfillment.

515 _________________________________________________ 516 _________________________________________________

This generation has become so hedonistic, they all practice (Daniel:) All the prophets have dreamed of this day in which
some sort of escapism into a dream world of pleasure and a you are living, during which you see unfolding before you the
totally altered reality, just in order not to have to deal with the great happenings and events that we forecast so long ago.
real thing and life as it is at hand before them to touch and feel It is exciting for us to observe from our vantage point all that is
and chew… going on, and we can also see things happening behind the
No one wants to deal with their responsibility for what is curtains and closed doors, that are hidden to you.
happening in the world. They want to keep living in the illusion of As much information as you have available, there is always more
being the greatest, happiest and most enlightened nation on to find out, always more truth to add to the Big Picture, more to
earth and not face the reality of the suffering they’re inflicting on be revealed, more to learn, until it is complete and finished.
people. It’s a game of self-deception, and at the same time
making other nations and peoples drunk and high on that same God’s revelations have always been an act of His supreme grace
gas. and mercy. Sometimes you only become desperate enough to
really beg Him for those revelations, if your life and survival
People drink excessively in order to get a break and relief from depends on it, as it did in my case when Nebuchadnezzar
their ugly reality. They drink themselves into a stupor that makes commanded all the wise men to be killed because they couldn’t
them feel better about themselves, alters their perception of tell him his forgotten, yet troubling dream.
things, and the way they feel, and folks like that often feel like If the situation hadn’t been that desperate, it’s questionable
they have to “share” that buzz with others. They’re basically whether I had ever become what I did. It was this desperation
saying, “Come, get loaded with us, too! You don’t have to deal that awakened the gift in me – or at least to that extent.
with that ugly reality out there… Have a good swig of our wine It’s called destiny. God triggers some events in order to call to
and come see things the way we do, feel the way we do…” life the hidden potential in us, and you and many others will
Never before has any nation or world power had the same ability experience such calls likewise.
to make all other nations as drunk on its wine as America.
The greatest era of prophets is yet to come, of which my time
They stubbornly refuse to see how I might possibly see those was only a foreshadowing of events. The ultimate fulfillment of
things. The truth is too much for them to bear, and so they many of the ancient prophecies is still to come, and it is given to
swallow the lie, mingled with half-truths, that will comfortably your generation to witness these things.
keep them asleep in their dream world, where evil exists on a And we, “the prophets which were before you,” shall be glad and
much smaller scale, and the evil guys are always the other guys, honored to help you out in sharpening your skills and discerning
and they beat them every time. the signs of the times, and the Lord’s handwritings on the wall.
They live in their illusion of “We Are the Champions,” while even
some of their own prophets are proclaiming that attitude an The gift of interpretation is a gift that hasn’t been as appreciated
illusion, proclaiming the fall of the American Empire. as it should, because it has been mainly limited to the
She that was originally My Wife, but has turned her back on Me interpretation of tongues, and thus restricted to usage only in
and has gone a-whoring after other gods. She tries to get a free situations where someone received a message in tongues they
ride on the back of the power and the strength of this world, needed interpreted.
because that’s where her love lies. She doesn’t truly love Me, My But the gift of interpretation goes further than that, even as you
meek and seemingly weak and humble ways. She prefers the have recognized that the gifts of prophecy and discernment can
pride of life, and so she tries to get a ride on the back of the go further and be more elaborate than previously conceived.
Beast and pretends to be the Queen of the World, but only until You should ask the Lord for the gift of interpretation not only for
that Beasts gets tired of her and rends her into pieces. messages given in tongues, but also for dreams and world
The AC will be the final instrument to bring on that judgment over events unfolding before you, even messages in movies you
her, to let her reap what she has sown, and to fulfill My watch, which can sometimes only be recognized through His
commandment to give her double of the cup and portion of anointing and opening of your spiritual eyes.
destruction and suffering that she has given to the world.
It’s not only going to be the AC destroying her, but also the 10 God speaks just about all the time, and everywhere, and you
kings who will give him their power. It will be almost like a need to learn to interpret His messages all around you.
collective judgment of the main leaders of the world on the great It’s all about deciphering God’s handwriting on the walls and
culprit, and along with her they will of course try to wipe out and screens all around you.
destroy all she stood for, including her supposedly Christian His world is like a multi-dimensional screen on which He
values and everything associated with them. constantly writes His messages, and you, His prophets – just like
us, during our lifetimes – must interpret them to the world and
tell them what it means and decode the messages for them… Sometimes you’ve just got to give and pour out of your life, even
if you can’t see any fruit coming from it right away, or even if it’s
As I have been with your father David, so am I with you. We must doubtful that you ever will, regardless of bleak prospects and
all continue the work of our predecessors. That’s what family is unfavorable circumstances.
all about. The Devil and his wicked family imitate that in his
abominable ways, but we must continue the work of God. What Before I can become your exclusive news channel, you have to
David started, you must continue – even as the whole Family is a work with what you’ve got and interpret those sources with My
continuation of his work – just as he continued what we, the help; and the more skilled you become at this, the more prone
prophets before him, started long ago. you will become to hearing the “news” directly from Me.
Only the Lord can reveal the true, hidden meaning of things, be The key is not to get too absorbed by the events or even the
they big world events, or just small, seemingly insignificant predictions, but to keep your focus on Me, and I will alert you like
occurrences in everyday life, such as dreams, or even films you an inner alarm clock to the truly significant events.
watch, websites you read, etc.
Just as Dad interpreted the news he read and watched, and the Trust that I’m in total control, even if the whole thing may appear
movies or songs he came in touch with as signs of the times, and to be somewhat out of control.
passed on the deeper, hidden meaning of these things to you, the
Family, so you are to continue that work and explain to your Taking responsibility for your own mistakes is often the very
sheep and followers what’s truly going on. ingredient that makes all the difference in the world.
Refusal or inability to see one’s own mistakes & failings stifles
Just as the Lord reveals to you what the Enemy is up to when spiritual growth, and encourages straying from the path, instead
you are going through a fight, or what is going on in the spirit of sticking to My straight & narrow.
world or behind the scenes, or what is wrong with the world, you In fact, what makes My straight & narrow pathway the most
must in turn help those who come to you for help and insight, uninviting to most people is the fact that it’s strewn with the
those who will listen, to make sense out of the apparent recognition and repercussions of one’s own failures, and uphill
meaningless chaos unfolding in the world, and tell them that progress is only made by dealing with them properly. You
there is a plan behind it all. recognize them, admit them and try to change them, but you
don’t allow them to put you under condemnation.
Part of the Devil’s plan is to make everything look too confusing Once you’ve given them to Me and they’re confessed and
to ever make sense, but the good news is that the Lord’s plan forgiven, they don’t have any more power over you.
includes the Devil’s plan, and anything the Devil can do and is
allowed to do is only part of His greater and all-encompassing You’ve got to take full advantage of the wonderful magic of My
Plan, the Master Plan. forgiveness. It’s part of the power that should spur every
Christian on: yes, you’ve blown it a-plenty, but you’re forgiven,
The Enemy still tries to get you to doubt God’s wisdom, as you off to a new start, and eager to help others experience the very
still go by what you see, and you obviously can’t trust what you same. It’s part of the “joy of salvation” King David wrote and
see; it doesn’t make sense. That’s why you must allow us to sang about.
teach you to walk by faith, and not by sight, not to judge by what
you see, but to have true and deeper judgment, according to the It gives you new zest for each day of life, knowing fully that no
spirit. matter how badly you’ve blown it in your life, or what sort of
mistakes you’ve made, you’re totally forgiven, as long as you did
Along with discerning the signs of the times, use the gift of learn something out of it by facing the problem and your
interpretation, to really have the Lord literally translate to you responsibility in the matter, which usually is already guarantee
what the things unfolding before you mean in the language your on it’s own that you’re less likely to repeat the same mistake.
mind can understand. Once you understand it, you can more You may then make new ones, but only to learn yet more out of
easily explain to others what’s going on. them.
The Lord purposely didn’t choose any super-scientific geniuses
to be His tools and vessels to the world. He wants and needs I am the One Who doesn’t and won’t make mistakes, so it pays to
people who speak everybody’s language, especially in a day and make Me the one true foundation of your lives and to put your
age when “everybody’s language” is reversing and becoming entire trust in, instead of any man or woman, or group of people.
more simple and primitive.
If you’re looking for a “red thread,” something to help you make
Ask for the gift of interpretation of things and events that may sense out of all of it, then it behooves you to look for Me in it all,
puzzle you otherwise, and it will be given you. because that’s your only chance that you’ll ever succeed at it.
Life is a great, exciting and adventurous, multi-dimensional
puzzle, and it’s the challenge of a life-time to figure it out, That’s what I’d call learning and progress, when you get to the
especially when done not only for yourself, but for the benefit of point of learning from mistakes where you stop making them and
many others who will be given a clearer picture and world-view can prevent them from happening through the things you have
through your gifts. learned.

The Family’s main job is to equip ongoing prophets and Changing the world starts with recognizing the void and the
evangelists like you, like apprentices, for the job. Whatever work need, the places that lack and where errors have been
each one creates out of the gifts and skills they will be equipped committed, and then taking the initiative to do what it takes to
with, is up to them and the task each one of them is given by the replenish and refill them again, even if may look like a senseless
Lord. waste of time to others, because you may not be reaping
immediate benefits from your work or sacrifice.

517 _________________________________________________
Sometimes you have to judge a situation by the need and the 518 _________________________________________________
vacuum there is. Learn to love unconditionally, forgivingly, and not just
Sheep who are hungry for more of what you’ve got to share with according to some reward system of tit for tat, “I’ll be good to
them, need to hear the whole counsel, and more of what you’ve you only if you’ll be good to me.”
got to say. They’re worth making a little sacrifice for. Just as you have to make the conscious decision to focus on Me
and trust in Me for the positive outcome of your physical and NWOs. Otherwise you may not think or know that you have
circumstances, and make an effort of faith to see the good in the anything to work towards! You may think, all things are okay as
bad, because I promised I’d work it all out for your good, so you they are, no improvement needed! And that would be a fatally
must do the same with people, and refuse to look at the flawed attitude! The only glimpse of hope you or anybody has in
seemingly overwhelming negative side of things, their poor the first place, is recognizing the need, a place for Me to come in
qualities, their lack of interest in spiritual things, their and fill and make better. Otherwise, I won’t be able to change or
unwillingness to participate in working for My Cause, and instead improve anything.
look at the good, even if it’s nothing more than a ray of hope that
I’m in control and will somehow use the apparently bad to turn It’s what you’d call a humble attitude. The opposite of self-
out for good for them, just as I did in your life. reliance.
There’s the connection between money and pride: Reliance on
Wisdom isn’t an inherent quality of mankind, but something that money and your own abilities to get it provokes and invokes
is gained by the experience of where your own “smartness” will pride, as opposed to humility, the place where there’s lots of
lead you, as you suffer the consequences of choosing your own, room for Me to bring improvement and My goodness. Pride is the
usually wrong ways. filling up of that room with things you have created (at least in
Would you withhold from others the same majesty of choice that your mind) for yourself, instead of letting Me fill it…
I’ve granted you and every other human being since the first Pride is the sin that allows things like money to fill and usurp the
living couple? place that was destined for Me. And when you trust in riches,
It is painful to see them fall for the temptation and eating of the instead of the living God Who giveth richly all things to enjoy,
forbidden fruit. You know exactly how futile it is and what a waste then you’re in trouble, as far as I’m concerned, and nothing is
of time, how damaging and detrimental, and the suffering they’re well, but in dire need of drastic change!
in for. It hurts to see them hurt themselves. But you’ve got to
trust that their strayings and errings serve to draw them closer to
Me and My bosom than they ever could come otherwise. 520 _________________________________________________
The church thus was a result of teamwork. Even though
You seem to forget about your own road as a prodigal. there may have been substantial differences between Paul’s
A self-righteous attitude won’t improve anything. views and the Jerusalem church’s, he never allowed those to
interfere with his vision to establish My church, and not some
Eat what the table of life has set before you, and trust that it’s group of his own. He was loyal nevertheless. He was a man of
good because I have ordained it. unity.
By the end result you can tell that it wasn’t an effort of his own to
rake in honor and glory for himself, but he really, sincerely just
519 _________________________________________________ wanted to do My work according to the best of his abilities; he
My Spirit likes to run wild and free wherever She can, and just did what he knew he had to do, not for himself, but for My
She doesn’t like to be confined to certain pre-fabbed molds sake, and when he was gone, the brethren kept building on the
assigned to Her. foundation he had left them.

Most folks’ attitude isn’t very conducive to letting Me take the As Paul said, “No man liveth unto himself,” (Rom.14:7), and he
lead… There are too many blockages in the spirit, and it would knew what he was talking about from his own personal
really take someone to blow a portion of My Spirit through their experiences, having found out that even if it may sometimes
rusted pipes, in order to radically change that. seem as though you’re all alone and some “island” off on a
distant shore, whatever you do always affects others.
Pray for My Spirit to miraculously take over, inspire the key Whatever you do is going to affect the rest of the body in the
persons & bring about a wind of change and a whole new long run, and you are part of it, even if you may not feel like a
atmosphere. part of it sometimes.
You can make it happen! I have given you the power to make it Often these feelings come from the Enemy to create division
happen! Ask Me to make it happen! Claim the keys of “Make it between you.
Paul’s loyalty to the Early Church resembled David’s loyalty to
Just because some people don’t possess any great big skills, Saul, and it became clear that Paul wasn’t seeking his own glory
doesn’t mean that they’re going to be skill-less forever! There’s or his own good in what he was doing, but that he was seeking
hope for everyone! These are just the beginning stages! This the greater good of the Kingdom, just as David, centuries earlier,
world is still in its diapers! would have given his own life for Saul and the good of the
The Big Picture is still in its imperfect, relative beginning stages, kingdom, rather than seeking his own advantage.
and there’s lots of room for improvement.
One of the obstacles that prevent change is the inability to see
the need for positive change, progress and improvement. When 521 _________________________________________________
people think that things are just fine the way they are, they don’t Temporary power is what it’s all about with some. They place
see, desire or pray for improvement. That’s why it takes seeing their bet on the here and now. For them, there is no “there and
the ugly truth about your own condition before you can make then.”
upward movement into progress and growth. It takes the painful Materialism is in essence their religion, their “spirituality.” It is a
realization of your own need, in order to grow and obtain what spirituality of selfishness, of greed, both driven by envy and
you need to get in order to grow, instead of the self-satisfied destined to create more envy… one of the triggers of the misery
attitude of the Laodicean church, “I am rich, and increased with in this world.
goods, and have need of nothing” (Rev.3:17). It is an existence of emptiness camouflaged as abundance, and
yet, because most people don’t recognize the deception, that’s
You have to pray for a miracle of spiritual healing from the what they strive for.
infectious bug of the Laodicean disease of lukewarmness that is
plaguing My church in this day and age, where it’s so easy to fall What is the amount of money, wealth, or knowledge or any kind
into the trap of relying on one’s own flesh and comforts and self- of prestige, that will get you into thinking you’re better than
satisfaction, unable to see one’s own lacks and wants. anyone else?
How easily can pride deceive you?
It’s a good habit to confront yourself daily with your needs, flaws
For some folks it takes very little to get there. That’s why it’s they care about is what’s there to consume right here and now, to
important to watch out that you don’t start building that kind of hell with any potential repercussions and consequences.
wall around you that separates you from others.
People can get envious and resentful about other people’s
It is a good day to die to pride and all that causes you to hold spiritual wealth, just as they can get envious about the physical
back. It’s always a good day to let that old man die that would wealth of others, even if you give it all away.
cling to life, seek to preserve and “save” it, instead of giving it, It’s so different, therefore they resist it. They can’t understand it
forsaking it and laying it down for Me. or put it in a mental box or drawer of something they’ve seen
before, and so they’re suspicious of it. They figure you must
Do you discriminate others because you think they’re so have ulterior motives and hidden agendas.
“stupid,” just the way some people discriminate others because That’s why it’s sometimes better to reduce the flow to the amount
they’re “so poor?” In either case, “What hast thou, that thou hast they can handle, and omit anything that could be misunderstood
not received?” and misinterpreted.
You have to integrate a little bit of “quality control” in what you’re
pouring out. It’s more work than just letting it all flow full stream,
552 _________________________________________________ like going the extra mile and filtering the flow of what’s coming
That is the school of character that has shaped just about from your source to make sure it’s clean, understandable and
every significant man and woman of God: That very lack of consumable, and thus will cause no one to stumble, but will
support, that being forced to walk alone just with Me and Me bring genuine fruit.
alone on their side, against the opposition, is precisely where
their inner strength comes from that makes them rise above the
status quo. 554 _________________________________________________
Witnessing is conviction training.
True and lasting changes that really made a difference and had The best way to keep your convictions in shape is to regularly
an impact nearly always came from the bottom and the grassroot stand up for them.
levels, as much as the official government program may have
sincerely tried to invoke progress. But those on top are inevitably How strong is your own spirit when confronted with other human
too comfortable to make the kind of changes that are necessary spirits?
at times, and unable to see truths and perspectives that you see
at grassroot level, with very few exceptions. By becoming more familiar with the habit of talking with folks
about deep, serious and spiritual matters, you will get used to it
and also develop the ability of steering an already ongoing
553 _________________________________________________ conversation on a different subject in that direction.
Selfishness brings death, unselfishness brings life. Those
who only seek to take, don’t have the same fruits to show forth in It’s a battle for the ears of the world. Who will listen to our
life as those who give and pour out of their lives onto others. report? (Is.53:1)
Who will receive our witness and testimony? “To whom shall the
The selfish way of consumerism is a way that seems right and arm of the Lord be revealed?” You will only find out by bringing
seems to be the “normal” way to a lot of people, and yet it’s a them the message and thus putting them before the choice of
way at the end of which is death, since it doesn’t bring life to either rejecting or receiving it.
Only an attitude, spirit and life-style that sows of its substance
into the lives of others, in order to multiply and bring forth fruit, 555 _________________________________________________
can bring forth new life. Selfish lives are stagnant. They only If you haven't learned to love your enemies, even those of
consume, and thus extinguish, rather than create or bring forth your own household, then you haven't learned much to pass on.
new lives. It's better if you shut up then, and stop trying to school-master
The selfish life-style does not follow My commandment to be others, stop trying to teach others what you haven't learned yet
fruitful and multiply, but just seeks to preserve its own. yourself.
It's a difficult and tricky situation to love those foes of your own
The takers resist the givers. household, especially when they're supposedly on your side, and
it turns out they're not. But is that anything new?
The voices of reason will seldom ever tell you to pour out
unselfishly. They will tell you to go slow, sparingly, to be careful. You're supposed to be getting the love from Me, and pass it on to
That’s why you don’t see many pouring out. They don’t want to them, not expect it from them, so that you'll be happy enough to
risk subjecting themselves to ridicule, so, they’d rather preserve serve and obey Me!
and keep what they’ve got, hide their lights under a bushel and
rather fade away into oblivion than share their lights and bring You're the one supposedly seeing to it that your household stays
love, light and life to others. free of the Devil's influences, and prevent his taking over the
You have to deal with your mistakes and learn all there is to learn Making Me responsible for your failures is, the same disease as
from them. It’s not like there is no forgiveness, no reconciliation, that of the Scribes and Pharisees: self-righteousness.
but it’s also important that you bear the full consequences of You're considering yourself more righteous than Me, and say,
your actions and become aware of them. "Lord, you're giving me more than I can handle! You're breaking
Your Promises to me." When all you're really doing is reap the
You cannot play hooky in the school of life. repercussions of your own failures to do what I've been telling
you to do, the fallout of your own disobediences...
There are a lot of mistakes made that people could learn from, a
lot of lessons to be learned out of life, and out of history, but Will you take the responsibility for the mess that you've gotten
that’s not what they’re interested in or concerned about. They’re yourself in, or play the same game everybody else plays: "God is
not concerned about avoiding the same mistakes over and over to blame for it all"?
That’s why people never learn anything from history; not their You can't establish a living sample of real and working
own, and much less anyone else’s: they’re not interested. All Christianity just by omitting a few of the evils in this world and
establish rules about a few things you won't or don't do. and clauses in the law, and he tries to get away with whatever he
The way to establish Christian life is not by creating a few can, so you’ve got to put your foot down and make clear that you
"don'ts" and things you won't do. You must have a few essential know what your rights are, know My Word, and the clauses of My
"do's," things to fill the vacuum with that you've created with the contract with you, My Promises. you know what you have the
"don'ts." right to ask for and to expect, and you won’t let the Devil cheat
you out of it.
You may have tried, but the energy you applied wasn't enough, it
wasn't a match for the Devil. People in the System will always try to get as much as possible
You underestimated your foe. for as little as possible, and they’ll recognize the loopholes in
your conditions.
You won't be a very good teacher until you've learned this lesson The older you get the wiser you become at ensuring your
yourself. This isn't about what you can teach or tell others, but survival in this world, at making sure that the children of the
about what you can learn yourself. world cannot cheat you out of your dues.
Don't worry about others at all for a while, just concentrate on
learning your lesson. You’ve got to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. They
will treat you according to your wisdom and your attitude, your
You're reaping the repercussions and results of not making this self-evaluation, and what you consider your service to be worth.
your responsibility, your job. Whether you wanted it or not, it was They can smell whether you’re a “lion” or a “lamb,” someone
your job, and now you're reaping the results of not doing it. they’ve got to deal with carefully, or whether you’re going to be
their next meal.
You could have asked Me for help! You could have gotten
concerned and involved! You could have invested some energy.
"Nothing comes from nothing." 557 _________________________________________________
You've invested not much of anything in this relationship, and The truly valuable people are as rare as jewels, diamonds or
that's basically what you're getting from it, too. gold nuggets among a ton of coal or earth or rubble… They’re
When you sow nothing, what you reap is a big, black, deep and hard to find, and they take work to find. It’s hard work to first of
dark hurting hole of nothingness that can definitely be described all recognize them, clean them, and then, keep them, because the
as something negative, not just a neutral sort of nothingness. Enemy is going to try all he can to snatch them away from you.
Maybe you thought by doing nothing at least you couldn't do What he does is drag them back into the dirt, to mingle there with
much harm. Well, that's what you get for that kind of thinking. the rest of the rubble and become one with them again and
Doing nothing can be one of the worst type of sins anyone can become almost undistinguishable from them. It’s almost as
commit, especially when you know how to do good and do it not, though they assimilate the substance of their surroundings. Only
or when it is in your hands and within your power to give more. time will tell their true worth, and whether they’re real and true
diamonds or gems…
You wonder, "But what could I have said and done in order to It’s a lot of hard work. And it takes a special type of worker, too,
prevent this from happening?" Well, you could have asked Me to to deal with them and handle them, to have the patience to clean
show you what to say and do. You were concerned about so and polish them, sometimes repeatedly, from a new layer of mud
many other things and situations, too concerned to bother much or dirt that has encased them…
about this one. Well, now this "situation" is developing into the It takes “people-types” to do that, the type of people who like
biggest single crisis in your life, and do you think now would be people…
a good time to start doing something about it?
Doing nothing but stand by and watch turns out to definitely not The gifts of the Spirit come as a reward for having shown interest
have been the right thing to do at all. in the bread and water of life in the first place. If they appreciate
Well, it's never too late to start doing the right thing. You can still My Word, they will develop a hunger for it that will cause them to
start praying like a house on fire now! grow into a stature that will enable them to receive My gifts, also.
Whatever you do, it will be better than nothing! Neutral is not
positive, because it does not equal progress and forward Perhaps you have more reason to be content with what you have
movement, but always resembles backsliding. If you won't gain, than you thought, and you’ve got all you can handle, and don’t
you'll lose. really need any more for your happiness…

"That's your problem" is one of the most selfish and disgusting Love also includes wisdom, not just openness for anything that
things humans have ever started saying to one another, and it's comes along.
the opposite of My philosophy! Their problem is your problem,
and if you don't believe it, you're going to see it with your own One of the primary purposes for discernment is to distinguish
eyes! That problem of theirs you're not doing anything about what kind of person might be good for you to “take along” and
today is going to be your problem tomorrow, and boy, are you what kind you’d be better off without, and experience teaches
going to wish you had! you that the “right” kind are rare.
Good quality disciple material is rare, and not everyone I lead
You didn't think that neglecting a human being could bring such across your path is necessarily destined to become a disciple.
awfully negative repercussions with it, did you? Neglect is ugly,
when it comes to its results. But you can start today to make a
difference and unto the damage by stopping the neglect. Stop 558 _________________________________________________
refusing to get involved, and get at least concerned and give Since it is wisdom you’re seeking, it’s going to require a lot
them prayer support, if nothing else. of wisdom in handling this situation properly, and if you don’t,
If nothing else, you owe the world - and especially those parts of there is a lot of wisdom to be gained from the mistakes you will
it that are immediately concerning you, surrounding you and make…
touching yours - your prayers. So, from My standpoint it’s a win/win situation in which you can’t
If you can't do anything else, at least you can still make a lose.
difference with your prayers!
Just because somebody is failing or doing wrong, or making
mistakes, it shouldn’t stop you from loving them.
556 _________________________________________________
The Enemy is like a sneaky lawyer. He knows all the rules I knew that Peter was going to deny Me, and yet I never stopped
loving him… become the greatest loser of all times.

I died for Judas, too, meaning that I forgave him. I had to forgive In their short-sightedness they don’t see the power of spirit. The
him in order to be able to die for his sins… only value they see is flesh… their own, glorious flesh. Flesh is
what rules, and flesh is all that counts. Flesh is what they will put
Would you walk in My footsteps and do the same that I have their money on, yea, they will dedicate and sacrifice their lives to
done and give your life for one who betrayed you? the flesh. Welcome to modern-day Baal-worship!
Would you consider their life more valuable than your own?
Can you see that far into the deeper mystery from before time, as The more you realize the error of the way of the flesh, the more it
C.S.Lewis put it, in order to be willing to take that step of ultimate will drive home to you the supremacy of the spirit, and just how
love and die for the traitor? important it is that you not be blinded by the lures of the flesh.

Forgiveness is part of wisdom. It adds that ingredient to it that Time is on My side. Time will tell just how eternal, how glorious,
makes it soft and come from the heart. Knowledge is the hard how immortal the flesh really is, and how all-powerful. Those who
registration of facts and figures: you know what they’re guilty of put their money on the flesh, certainly don’t put it on the winner,
and what they ought to be judged for. in the long run. Oh, it may seem like it, temporarily. It does look
Heavenly wisdom sees further than that. Wisdom looks beyond more promising, somewhat, to the untrained eye of the novice
the immediate desire for justice. Wisdom incorporates the and the immature.
mystery of forgiveness.
The gospel of the flesh has no place for the spirit, except in the
Sooner or later you’re going to marvel at how everything is “mockers’ corner,” the place where they mentally discard all the
wonderfully connected and intertwined in My Big Picture… Even apparent “losers,” while they congratulate themselves and pat
the Judases and the ones who need our forgiveness the most are themselves on the back for being so wonderful, so smart, so
an essential part of the Big Picture, and you are connected to enlightened, so powerful and glorious.
them within that picture. There is a relation, and their destiny and Rare has become the man who will not “walk in the way of the
fate is dependent on your capacity to forgive them. ungodly,” and “sit with the scornful” (Ps.1:1). That’s where
Refusing to forgive would stop the progress of growing closer to everybody sits and walks, and, after all, isn’t their strength in
Me again. If you harden your heart, the door and passage is their numbers? Isn’t that from where they get their strength? Not
blocked for them. “Whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed from Me, nor by putting their trust in Me, but by listening to one
in heaven,” or in the spirit, and “whatsoever you will bind on another’s flatteries, any glimpse of hope that will feed their egos
earth will be bound in heaven” (Mt.18:18). and will tell them that they are being desired, and that will elevate
their flesh.
You cannot save them from following that road they think is the
right one. All you can do is receive them again once they come to That’s why true love is the only kind of love that will stand the
the end of their rope and recognize the error of their ways. tests of time. It shows a strength that they who live for the
in the meantime you can “watch and pray” over them… You can temporal don’t possess.
be their guardian to the extent they will let you.
You can learn from it, and allow the experience to break you and What must remain is the truth, and you must stand steadfast in it.
make you softer and wiser… You cannot be shaken by their desertion in the spirit.
If you allow their fall to shake you, they will only be confirmed in
Will you follow Me, even if they choose to fall by the wayside? their assumption that your way couldn’t possibly be the right
Will you continue to follow Me or use their failure as an excuse to one. Only if they see you unmoved over time by countless
quit? storms, will they finally begin to see that you’ve got something
more lasting than what they traded their happiness for.

559 _________________________________________________ if you won’t be moved by their wrong choices, it will also mean
Putting loving your enemies into practice is going to be that your attitude toward them won’t be much affected, your love
essential in the days to come. As the enemies of My Cause all for them will remain strong and unconditional…
around you will increase, it’s expedient for you to learn how to
handle them and deal with them. You must not see yourself as the victim, but them. They’re the
victims of their own poor choices. So, don’t weep for yourself,
Anything that makes you cling to Me and seek Me more but rather weep for them. Their path is a chosen path of pain and
desperately is good in My eyes, because it draws you closer to sorrow, not yours.
Me, gets you more serious about things and enhances the They may laugh today, they may deride you and scorn you and
essential skill of dependence on Me. feel superior to you in their own little wisdom, but don’t let it get
Anything you can’t cope with in your own strength and wisdom to you in any way. In fact, their only hope is if you won’t let it get
is good news for Me, because it will cause you to look to Me for a to you and if you won’t allow your pride to interfere. Only by your
way out, and there is no better way for Me to teach you. showing the strength of the spirit can they be convinced that
There isn’t really anybody else for you to rely on. You’re there to spirit is superior to the flesh, because they’ll not only see the
give them aid and comfort, but you can’t really lean on them for glories and beauties, but also the weaknesses, flaws and failures
full support, which is hard, but nothing will strengthen your of the flesh aplenty, and only by making a difference in your own
character more. behavior can you convince them that spirit is superior.
This is your challenge.
Show them what true strength and greatness really is. Show
them what to do with the false, erroneous gospel of the flesh by
560 _________________________________________________ wholly rejecting it yourself, and not allowing yourself to fall for
“The Gospel of the flesh” is a term that adequately describes any part of it!
Satan’s Manifesto. “Come, let us show the Almighty just how
strong we are, and see whether we cannot cast Him off His
throne…” 561 _________________________________________________
He despises the “path of the weakling” that I seemingly chose. The Enemy makes sure that what people really need is being
He wants to reign, he wants to win. He wants to be the “all-time- withheld from them and then makes them look for and find the
winner,” but cannot see in his blind rage that he is doomed to counterfeit versions of “love” and the attention they seek, in the
System. believe…
The truth is that happiness simply isn’t found in the attention or
even love you get from others, but in the act of giving love to The real degree and grade of “revolutionary” depends on your
others. connection with Me, which is either real, or it isn’t, and if it is, you
But unfortunately, sometimes, in the effort of setting out on this usually won’t have any problems with changes or having things
enterprise to give love to others, the immediate and apparently done in a different way than usual.
more pressing needs of obtaining what one needs to survive take
over the good intentions, and occupy much more time and space What makes you “real” is the suffering I bring across your path
than the actual giving of love… The surrounding machinery without you trying to evade it. You “eat” it, and you don’t insist
becomes much bigger than its core and original purpose, often on Me having this cup be removed from you, but say,
to such an extent that it can hardly be found anymore. “Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done.”
Thus is the curse of organized religion, and why people simply
aren’t attracted to it; because what most of them are looking for Everybody has hard times and trials and sufferings in My service,
is love, not organization. Now, if you manage to somehow but they don’t always swallow the depth of all that there is to
organize your task of giving love to the world, that’s great. But learn from them. Not everyone is willing to really face the ugly
realistically, what it looks like in most people’s lives is that thetruths about themselves that have brought their fate upon them.
love gets buried beneath a pile of organizational efforts to the Some even refuse to recognize the calamities that befall them as
point where only remnants of that love remain seen. such. They insist that everything’s okay. And in an optimistic sort
of way, they’re right. Everything is going to be alright, so by faith
Some people are simply not made for giving their lives in service they can say that everything’s alright already.
to others, or they’re not ready for it. What they want is to be Unfortunately, things have got to turn worse before they really
loved, and they feel that they need to have experienced that first, get significantly better, and refusing to see the signs of the times,
before they can give love to others. They want to get before they even their manifestations in one’s own life and family, isn’t
figure they are ready to give anything. And if they figure that always conducive to really learning the lessons behind what’s
smoking cigarettes or watching TV is what’s going to get them going on…
what they want, then that’s what they will pursue, and there is
hardly anything you can do about it, except hope and pray that Some simply don’t have – or take – the time for all this. They’ve
someday they will mature beyond that point. got their work, their activities, and they would almost consider it
a waste of time trying to figure out or analyze what’s happening
One of the principal differences between modern times and the around them, as long as they are kept busy doing something with
days before television and movies and all this modern their hands…
entertainment, is that back then people just had each other to It can be some form of distraction or “occupation therapy,” but
entertain… one that I don’t hesitate to use, since it’s that kind of people who
A lot of this modern entertainment not only distracts people from keep the machine rolling… You see, it needs all kinds of people
Me, but also from dedicating time to truly getting to know each in My work, not only the prophets, but also the pastors, the
other, since people just don’t talk anymore as they used to, and if teachers, the apostles, evangelists and administrators…
they do, often all they want to talk about is those trivial issues, None can say of the other that they don’t need them. Everyone is
rather than the deep, spiritual issues of the heart and soul. needed in their capacity. What counts is that each will have done
It’s another manifestation of how people are losing their souls what they could, according to the best of their ability.
among all the stuff they allow to clutter up their lives, those What’s important is that there’s a mutual air of acceptance,
“mountains of things”… instead of criticism and rejection.

How much do you make a difference? How much do you delve

into another person’s soul and really grab hold of who they are? 563 _________________________________________________
How much do you really make an effort to love “the least of these The discipleship life is a sacrificial life-style. Until you can
My brethren,” knowing that that is how I will know and be able to say that you’re truly giving your all & do your best, it’s not really
tell how much you’ve loved Me? happening… It’s not really the real thing, until you put your all
into it. It’s something you simply don’t manage half-heartedly!
Even though I’ll use whatever you give Me, in order to achieve
562 _________________________________________________ the ultimate results in your service and discipleship for Me, it
There simply is no such thing as perfect at this point in time, sure helps to make that commitment and have the determination
on earth, as long as the Enemy’s in control and in charge of it. at the beginning of the day, that you’re going to give it your all for
it’s quite natural to have opponents, and people who dislike you It’s a mindset, or rather a “heart-set;” an inner attitude and
and reject what you’re doing. If it were not so, it would be a sign determination of the heart. You know My Cause is worth living
that there would be something seriously wrong with you. There and dying for, and so, you’re simply willing to give all, even unto
will always be forces who will resist change, and who will resist death… that’s the kind of attitude that makes disciples, and what
the finger of the prophets pointing at weaknesses. will cause you not to shy away from unpleasant chores like
But being a brother’s keeper is telling when you see something cleaning the bathroom when it needs to be done, even if you
wrong. would not consider this to be your job.
It’s part of the humility that enables you to esteem one another
Of course, it also takes that healthy measure of self-criticism and higher than yourself, the only attitude that will ever empower you
openness and honesty concerning your own mistakes, to lay down your life for one another. That’s where laying down
otherwise, all that will come across will sound self-righteous. your life starts, and you can’t really say that you’ll be willing to
do that in the final analysis, unless that’s where you start.
If your motivation is sincerely to just do what you can in order to The flesh fights it, of course, but you must consider where your
further My work and My Cause, it will be okay. refusal to humble yourself might potentially lead… to the denial
and refusing to lay down your life for Me and one another.
Usually My prophets and messengers were oddballs who didn’t The flesh pushes for its survival, and it wants to save itself, its
care about their reputation more than they did about pleasing Me, energy, its life. It’s opposed to giving, yielding and sacrificing it
and thus often turned out a bit different than the rest. all for the sake of another.
At least you show that different is possible, contrary to what In order to keep it up, you’re going to have to avail yourself of My
those of a more conservative nature may have been tending to grace and strength, but the determination and decision must
come from you. I cannot allow you to dwell in the illusion that things are fine.
I will help you to see it through, but you must make the initial People want things to be fine, they want to enjoy life, that’s
choice that you want this, you don’t want to go the selfish road, natural, and that’s why you surround yourselves with pleasant
but you deliberately choose the unselfish, sacrificial. things, and you watch movies to divert you from the actual state
of the world. But you would really be better off praying more
It’s tough on those who give their all when their co-fighters and instead.
comrades don’t, and the bear share of the load always rests on The diversions aren’t going to solve any problems nor make any
their shoulders… definite improvements in the state of things, but your prayers
are! Prayer is the only thing that is going to enable you to partake
You could make such a difference if you determine each day that of My nature and grace to be able to handle these challenges
you’re going to give it your all and not just go through life half- you’re facing the way I would have handled them.
heartedly, trying to get away with giving as little as you possibly
can of what really costs you.
566 _________________________________________________
That’s what it means to “resist unto blood.” The Devil will fight You can always be assured that I’m with you.
your being sacrificial, but you won’t give in to him. You’ll fight
him back! You won’t let him dissuade you from giving all to My I don’t blame you for getting mad at a System that’s even more
Cause. corrupt, much more chaotic, confusing and wicked than it was in
My day, although it’s basically the same spiritual forces behind it
now as then.
564 _________________________________________________
Sometimes you just have to keep sucking by faith, thank Me It’s the spiritual forces behind those people you’re actually
for what’s coming, and keep sucking… Sometimes, what you’re having to deal with, more than the people themselves.
receiving breaks your bottle. Not everything I give you always By focusing your attention and power on the spiritual side of
sounds like material you could put in a book. things, you’re addressing the real culprits and powers behind the
Sometimes you’ve just got to accept and take what I’m giving scenes…
you, even if it may not be exactly your “style.” The people they use are often only instruments in their hand,
It can be a test of your loyalty. To whom are you more loyal, to often ignorant of what they’re really doing. And you can only
your “fans,” the outside world, your “audience,” or to Me? I’m disarm them by focusing the power on the forces that energize
really your greatest, and most faithful fan, as you one day will them, the spirits that empower them, by challenging them and
find out, and I’m also your best, most reliable and most faithful commanding them in My name and in the name of the power of
Friend. What’s more, I’m your Husband in the spirit, your Soul the keys to shut up and be quiet. You can bind and tie their
Mate, your best Match. hands and paralyze them, stop them from continuing their work
And I’m probably easier to please than some of those you’re in that certain area they’re exerting their influence over.
bending over backwards for in order to make it right for them. You’re going to have to learn to address the powers behind those
Plus, I’m the only One Who can enable and help you to make it people of which they are really often only victims.
truly right for them, successfully! So, lots of reasons why it pays They really often don’t know any better. Of course, the problem
to seek to please Me and trust Me for what I’m handing you, even with some is, they think they know better, or think they know
if the “critics” may be suspicious… anything at all, and refuse to realize just how blinded and
deceived they are. They cling to their deception with all their
might, because it’s really all they’ve got.
565 _________________________________________________ Just as you are dependent on My strength and input, so they are
I can relate to your experiences, because I have not only My dependent on their demons that guide them and empower them.
own, physical life-time on earth as an experience to account for, So, the best thing you can do is to command those demons to
but also that of each of My brides throughout the ages, who have shut up.
let Me partake of their lives.
Let it strengthen your spirit and character to just be out there
According to the evil of the days, so is greater grace also poured facing certain truths and battles on your own with nothing and no
out. “Where sin doeth abound, there grace doeth much more one else to rely on but Me, and let Me prove to you that I’ll be
abound.” more than sufficient for you, as I have been for Paul and others
of My voices and prophets who fought some of their battles
You do have a High Priest Who can be touched with the feeling of single-handedly with only limited support from others.
your infirmities and trials, even if I may have never gone through Let Me prove to you that I’m more than enough. Let your strength
the exact experiences during My life in the flesh… be in Me and Me alone, and allow Me to prove to you – and
through you to the world – that I am sufficient for anyone, and all
You’re by no means the only man in history who has been driven you really need.
to the edge of despair, because you would have expected more
from your life; something more harmonious, and you feel quite
disappointed. 567 _________________________________________________
What can I tell you? “Disappointment = His appointment.” Refusal to deal with one’s own blame is probably the most
Disappointment serves to draw you closer to Me, even if it seems widespread and most common spiritual disease… The pride to
to be doing the opposite at first. refuse to reckon with one’s own mistakes, sins and faults… The
You were having doubts whether I was able to relate to you at all, Pharisee syndrome…
but through having confronted those doubts, you received the
confirmation, that yes, I am able to relate to what you’re going Prayer will have an influence on things to turn for the better, but
through. I can sympathize with you, even if My own character and often the prayers won’t even be aimed at the area they’re most
personality wasn’t of as selfish a nature as yours. needed, if a problem isn’t being recognized.
It’s good you recognize the potential hazards, so that you can
Mankind isn’t evolving as much as it’s devolving. pray for them never to happen or come to pass, or, if they already
The world is becoming such an incorrigible and hopeless mess, started to happen, for them to stop.
that it behooves you to pray with such an intensity as you never
have before. Give Me the credit for every breath and step you take, and for
every day of life that you get through. Every day you manage to
really make it together as a team, give Me the glory for it. Praise Only those who dig a little deeper, who care to cast more than
Me for it, because it’s something that you should not be taking just a superficial glance at what is happening, they catch a
for granted anymore than the fact that everything stays put and glimpse of the mystery and magic that’s really happening, the
in orbit both in the universe, and that things keep functioning the mystery of the paradox, and unexpected, as opposed to the
way they are. usual, obvious humdrum, like so many of those Hollywood movie
Don’t be like those who refuse to give Me any credit for it all and plots that make you foresee what’s going to happen next.
instead take it all for granted, turning My beautiful creation into a I want My story to turn out a bit better than the average. I want My
garbage heap. I’m going to return soon to reclaim what is Mine, picture to be the best. I may allow it to look less than promising
and I will dispose of them and put them on My garbage heap, and for a while to give the competitors a chance, but in the end, it will
there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth! turn out just like with that river: all those resources will flow into
the same great Source of everything, and will contribute to one
You’ve got to see the trouble before it happens in order to common good. Oh, the credits will be handed to each individual
prevent it, and only the trained eye can see it. involved, and even the Devil will be accredited with his part of the
In order to prevent storms from wreaking the most possible greatest culprit of all times, but just like some of those
damage, you need unity and communication, and the doors must participants in those film or TV productions, a lot of those folks
be open for and exchange of information to take place. The worst know to whom credit is due, and that when it all comes down to
thing to have is an “I already know it all” attitude, insisting that it, nothing would have happened without the Director.
everybody should see it their way. That is no way to prevent Sometimes folks may be prematurely tempted to wonder, “Why
trouble, but the way to cause trouble… does He allow this to happen now?” or that turn of events, and
they figure they wouldn’t have done it that way, they would have
That’s the trouble the Pharisees brought upon themselves and done it better.
their nation, and that’s the kind of trouble the whole world is
bringing upon itself because of their refusal to see and deal with It’s not like I won’t listen to your suggestions and petitions, and
their own evil and do what they can to prevent it… that I won’t change My mind about things if I definitely am
It’s the most natural and common thing in the world, convinced and persuaded that you had a better idea, or even to
unfortunately, but it’s still not a good thing. Evil has got to be give it a try, but most of the times you’ll find that My original
recognized and dealt with. The worst thing you can do is to choices are usually the best.
ignore it. Life is like a great, interactive motion picture, and I allow My
actors to change the script somewhat as they go, just like some
highly respected and well-known actors are able to build in their
568 _________________________________________________ little spontaneous changes into the script. My prophets and
Things are usually not as bad as they seem to you, and a lot “stars” have the power to change My mind on certain issues,
does depend on whether you’re going to take on the attitude of they just have to have the faith and the courage to try it – and, of
“all is well” (2Kings 4:26), even in the face of calamities, or not. course, a good alternative plan.

My Word is a solver of any problem you may encounter, a I like constructive criticism with good, constructive and
changer of any circumstance you may find yourself in, the great productive alternative suggestions. They’re always welcome
alterer of conditions. among the flood of the usual complaints.
We have our little “suggestions box” called prayer, and if there’s
The Word is the great magic wand by which I do all My work. I anything you’d like to change, just let Me know! You can alter the
speak and I make it happen – the change, the miracle, the final outcome of the Big Picture by your personal input. If there’s
healing, the revelation that will change your mindset, whatever is anything you’d like to change or try out, say so.
needed in any given situation. Where there was nothing but
emptiness, I use it to fill it, and whole worlds appear where I work in teamwork, and I’m open to constructive suggestions
before there was merely a void, light enters where before there from those whom I can trust to come forth with such, who are
was darkness, and lots of life is suddenly happening where mature and well enough on My wavelength that I can trust that
formerly there was just dark emptiness. they genuinely seek the interest of the best possible outcome of
the Picture, not just a more glamorous role or position for
The more you flow with My flow, the more My power in you will themselves…
grow… It’s like a river. What started out as a little trickle I grant and distribute My Power and authority to My servants and
somewhere in some remote mountainous region, is being filled handmaidens. You can each become partakers of My Power,
and fed by another trickle here and there, each growing into wielders of that power, and, after all, it is through you that I do My
bigger brooks and rivers, gradually, and they connect at some visible work on earth; through you, the actors, that I convey My
point, only to make My main instrument and major channel even ideas and My mind to the people, the audience, who each
bigger, wider, larger, and an even greater source and bringer of become participants in the Big Picture, according to their
life than before… choices…
Sometimes it takes a while until one river flows into another, but
eventually, they all wind up in the same big pool, the sea…
569 _________________________________________________
The Enemy can never do anything to stop Me. He may try to get You’ve got something special: an intimate relationship with
you upset, try to get your attention by the damage he can cause Me, just as I had an intimate relationship with My Father. While
you, like a traitor; you watch him recruit more traitors working for others are spending their time and energy on relationships with
his cause, potentially causing more damage from within, and you people on their same level, (and it’s not as if they never had any
wonder, “When is this going to stop?” and how much power am I problems with theirs, either), you have a special relationship with
yet going to grant him to infiltrate, divert, pervert and convert My Someone Who can lift you to a higher level altogether.
own… Naturally, folks will resent that.
People are always awed and shocked by My apparent, deliberate What they really hated about Me, and what they couldn’t pinpoint
powerlessness. They can’t quite figure how God could have or figure out, what they were most jealous and envious of and
allowed His own Son to be crucified, executed like a criminal. bitter about, was My relationship with the Father. If the Father is
That doesn’t seem like a very God-like thing to do. After all, if the totally Other, He’s the Light that they’re all scared spitless of
you’re all-powerful, you’d use your powers to prevent that sort of in their darkness, and He was the ingredient about Me, the one
atrocity from happening, right? Factor that bothered them most, just like it’s your relationship
with Me that people most resent about you.
relationship with Me is established, can you also really and
You’re weird enough as you are already, they figure, but that successfully love others the way you should and the way they
“Jesus-business” just about takes the cake, as far as they’re ought to be loved.
You want a relationship that’s more from the heart? I’ll be your
But you have to look at it from a positive side: things could get best Teacher! Come to Me, and I’ll teach you how to love from the
worse. heart!
They certainly have gotten a lot worse in Israel since My day, and
the popularity and relative freedom I enjoyed in that country for It takes time to grow a working and fruitful relationship, and care
the three years of My public ministry probably wouldn’t last three and nourishment, just as it does with any other growing, living
days nowadays… thing… You’ve got to nurture it, feed it, invest in it, give of your
time and substance to it, except that “it,” in this case, is not a
So, cheer up, things could be worse, and they will be worse, too, thing, but actual, living people and human beings with eternal
but why not enjoy things not being worse yet, while you can? souls and spirits, just like yours. That’s the meaning behind
That may sound very simple, but some of the answers in life are “love your neighbor as thyself:” realize that they are the same as
simple, and I just would like you to enjoy it all you can. You’ve you and deserve and need the same kind of love and affection
got to count your blessings. You’ve got to take to heart how well I and attention and care as you would want for yourself. Show the
am providing for you, protecting you, and make it possible for sort of interest in them that you would like for them to show you!
you to enjoy life, so that a confidence will be built up through this Do unto them as you would have them do unto you.
lasting experience that will strengthen you for the not-so-
pleasant days ahead, of which your heart will say, “I have no
pleasure in them.” 571 _________________________________________________
The Devil and his people are best at the art of creating lies
Things keep getting worse all the time, but isn’t it wonderful how and making them seem so real that the majority of people will
well I am providing for you and supplying all your needs in spite accept them as facts.
of it all?
You looked for a way out, and I provided it for you. I made a way Just about in every stratum of society, My counsel applies,
of escape for you, as I promised, and I always will. I never “Enter in at the straight gate, for straight is the gate and narrow
allowed things to become more than you were able to bear. Isn’t is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be who find it.”
that something to be grateful for and to appreciate? The majority usually trots down the path that seemeth right unto
Isn’t that something about which you ought to let some of your a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death.
joy spill over onto your fellowmen? Let them know that there is a It pays to look and think twice before you decide what “truth”
God Who loves and cares for you, and for them, too! Your heart you’re going to allow your mind to fall for. Will you fall for that
ought to be running over with gratefulness for all that I’ve done which merely seems right and safe and secure at first glance, or
for you. And yet, you often still only see the hole in the donut. will you look deeper, beyond the appearances on the surface?
It’s not so much a question of intelligence or IQ, as it is of
No wonder they are envious of you! They envy you for your healthy, God-given discernment of what is good or bad, right or
freedom, for your courage, your faith… wrong.
They figure you’ve got all of that, and on top of it, you’ve even
got peace with God, and a loving relationship with Him and a There is a difference between the official, recognized and
measure of faith that most of them could only dream of. lukewarm version of Christianity, and the white-hot Real Thing!

Give them a break! Have a little pity on them! No wonder they There is such a thing as progress and “evolution” going on in
resist you: you have it so much better than they! They lead history, even though it’s not at all to be compared with the
miserable lives compared to yours. You may not see it that way, supposed biological evolution most people believe in, nor am I
because all you can see is your battles and trials, your internal talking about technological advances here. I’m talking about the
attacks from the Enemy, etc. progress that the inner core of My church – those truly of
You want everything to be perfect, but perfect’s not meant for understanding – are making, the wisdom they’re gleaning from
this day and age. The great mess mankind is making of things is the experiences of both, the successes and failures of My people
in their effort to defy that fact, and the more “perfect” they try to
in the past. I’m talking about the gift of knowledge that’s
become without Me, the worse it all gets. available from My Spirit, and those who are wise enough to avail
themselves of it, and actually learn something out of history,
So, enjoy your life, because it is a good one. both their own and that of their predecessors.
Keep on the sunny side! Look on the sunny side of things! You don’t have to keep repeating the same mistakes, nor the
mistakes of your forefathers. You can interrupt that vicious cycle.
You can reverse fate, stop that treadmill of always falling for the
570 _________________________________________________ apparent, or even the inclinations of your own mind. You can
Our relationship is something special, and you cannot really prove and test which and what is really real, what is truly of My
blame anybody for not being able to live up to it! Spirit and what isn’t – you can have the real thing, and not just
I want to take a special place in every person’s heart, and I can fall for something that may appear right, or just because it’s
only achieve that by doing special things for them that others something that sprung forth from your own mind.
can’t. There was a time when folks didn’t know any better, but you’ve
Others come in handy for doing the things I cannot be in charge all learned enough about humility and discernment by now, and
of, some of the physical needs they help fill for you, your need you have developed your prophecy skills to an extent where you
for physical company and affection, etc. After all, I have the big don’t have to settle for shaky and uncertain revelations anymore.
“disadvantage” (from your point of view) of being invisible to I want you to see that there has been going on a certain measure
you, so I need to make up for it. of progress, and that you today are further along My path, you
can enjoy a greater resource of heavenly wisdom and input, and
I need you to reserve that place in your heart for Me. thus, greater shall be the works that you shall do than I was able
Often the price for a “perfect” romantic relationship is their to do during My time and with My means…
relationship with Me.
Remember, the first part of the two great Commandments is to There is more to be achieved, attained and accomplished, and
love Me, because only once a good, strong and healthy we’re not talking about physical or material accomplishments
here, even though they may be manifested in such ways. fun as we all possibly can!” That was never My message.
We’re talking about faith and an application of the spiritual gifts I can have fun, and I don’t mind you having it, but it has never
and weapons and tools available to a greater extent than been My major prerogative.
previously seen and witnessed during the history of mankind, It’s natural to want to make it easy on yourself. Everybody does
and that’s going to mean, greater miracles than ever before. that all the time, spend their lives trying to make it as easy on
You all have a definite purpose and destiny to fulfill, and you themselves as possible, or ensuring that someday they’re going
shouldn’t belittle or underestimate what you’ve got, because it’s to have it as easy as possible…
actually quite powerful, much more than you can presently But that’s not My goal for My disciples. My prospect for My
fathom! disciples has always been the cross. Take up your cross daily
You’ve been given more than you’re presently aware of. You’ve and follow Me. That has been My message. Not, follow Me, and I
got to wake up to it and start using it! The greatest power of the will promise you days of ease and plenty! That sounds more like
universe is at your command. the Devil’s Gospel. Who wants to be comfortable in a world in
That’s why you don’t need to fear the Devil or his people which Satan is wreaking such havoc? Who wants to feel at home
anymore, either, or what they might do to you in case they get in it? You’re betraying My Cause if that’s what your goal and
upset with whatever you do! incentive is, just feeling comfortable and happy and cozy right
I’m more powerful than all of them, and I in you can do greater there smack dab in the Devil’s kingdom, accepting the way
things than any of them, and I want you to be aware of that, and things are, never trying to change anything, no need or reason to
not cower in fear, but be bold and let them have it, whatever I lay fight, no suffering with them that suffer, just silently bearing it all
on your heart to say, to speak, or write or sing. Amen? and hoping you’ll get through it all unscathed.

I give all and I expect all in return!

572 _________________________________________________ My nature is of such a kind that I am constantly giving. But it
You’ve got to use and apply the power in faith, and not with would be naïve to assume that that’s supposed to be a
an attitude of “let’s see if this works!” permanent one-way process. I want you to learn from Me, adapt
“Faith knows God will do it, and He does!” to Me, assimilate Me and become like Me, gradually, to imitate My
It doesn’t mean that all your troubles, trials and challenges will behavior, and to be converted into genuine and selfless givers as
suddenly, “poof,” vanish into thin air! But it does mean that you well…
can avail yourself of an extra portion of My grace and strength to
bear it all, face it all, combat the adversary and rise above him as
you fight. 573 _________________________________________________
And once you become skilled and exercised in wielding this It’s natural for the flesh to think of itself as the greatest, and
power, you might notice some occasions on which you’ll thus the most worthy of causes to promote. That’s why I’m
experience instant relief and an instant, tangible and visible allowing you to make experiences that prove to you otherwise
answer to your quest. and that expose the true, treacherous, deceitful nature of the
flesh. You think you can trust it, because you’re so familiar with
What I am giving you isn’t some universal recipe for instant it, and it assures you it has learned all the lessons from its past
happiness, achieved by permanent popularity and all things just sins and mistakes, and the moment you’re not looking, you’ve
working out fine and everytime 100% according to your liking. got an unguarded moment where it stabs you in the back and
Not even the Devil can promise that to his children, even though causes you to commit a blunder that’s going to wake you up
he may sometimes make it sound that way in the movies. again to its true nature.
All I can offer you is the butt-naked truth, not just some other The truth is, you can’t trust the flesh. That’s why My Word says
fairy-tale of how wonderful things could be in this life. that “Accursed is the man that maketh flesh his arm” (Jer.17:5). It
There is going to come a time when all things will be wonderful, just doesn’t pay. And it often takes quite a while for someone to
but you sort of have to work your way through this mess, learn the lesson that it is so. It takes some longer than others,
through this current period, in order to get there. but the more talents you have and the more wonderful qualities
This stretch seems a little tough to you, but retrospectively you you have to show off, the harder it gets, naturally.
will say, “How could I ever complain about these things?” It’s part of the curse of the Devil’s promise, “Ye shall be as
gods.” That god-hood definitely has its disadvantages, especially
You’re still seeing things very much from a perspective that has when you’re trying your best to serve the true God and that little
been influenced by the carnal reasoning of the System: there are pseudo-god ego keeps piping up, “Hey, but what about me?”
certain ideals of comfort and ease imprinted in your mind, and
you figure those little pains you have to endure don’t really The younger you are, the harder it is to look through the
belong there. A carefree, painless life is what you would ideally schemes of the flesh, unless you are blessed with an affliction
lead, preferably with all things just falling into your lap as you that early on proves to you that your flesh is not as all-powerful
need them, but I’ve never really made it that easy for anyone, not as it would claim to be, or you’re endowed with a special portion
even for Adam in the Garden! He had a job to do, too. And the of wisdom from on high.
trials and things you’re having to go through right now are all
there for the purpose of avoiding another “fall of mankind,” by The Enemy is trying to spread his poisonous gospel of
making sure you’ll learn the difference between that hard and acquisition everywhere, trying to pollute and corrupt people’s
painful way of the flesh, and the way things are going to be again minds everywhere with his “more, more” doctrine of greed,
when all things will have been restored to their former beauty materialism and hedonism.
and glory. And enduring hardness is just a part of it. It belongs it’s one of those symptoms “Systemitis,” a bug you automatically
there. catch growing up in an “affluent” society.
As soon as any type of hardness sets in you try to find an instant
relief for it. Getting out to promote Me and My Cause and get out My Word
you realize how much more rewarding this is than merely
What I have promised and have put before each of My disciples promoting self.
is a cross, not a bed of roses. There is nothing more effective than personal witnessing in order
If I ask you to take up and carry your cross, your mind should be to promote My Cause and really drive the point – Me – home to
a little more prepared for endurance and suffering, and you’ve people to the extent where they actually get saved. It takes that
got to come away from that vacation mentality, because that is personal interaction. All else is compared to cyber sex vs. the
not what I have called My disciples for. real thing. It may be somewhat satisfactory, but you’ll never get
I never said, “Come on, boys and girls, let’s try to have as much pregnant from it and bring forth the fruit of a new life.
In order to have spiritual babies, there’s nothing like really
getting down to the nitty-gritty of spiritually making love to them
with My Words, personally, wooing and winning them and
impregnating them with My seed. There’s just nothing like the
real thing!
Witnessing is part of what makes true discipleship.

What people need and really want is more than what your flesh
can offer. They need a Savior that won’t let them down with
human frailties, but Who went all the way to the cross for them
If what you want to give them is truly for the purpose of bringing
them to Me and giving them Salvation, then it’s okay, but woe if
it’s just an effort to get them to applaud, admire, adore or
worship you.
All you’ll do is “entertain” them and distract them from the
Essence and the Real Thing, like so many others.
It may be exhausting and tough work to personally witness, but
it’s still the number one most effective way to bear spiritual
babies and get real lasting fruit!

574 _________________________________________________
What you represent to them is the end of their dream, their
fake security, their fake money – their whole dream world. People
well established or deeply anchored in the Matrix don’t like folks
telling them it’s all an illusion and a lie.

They have chosen: the temporal over the eternal; the god of this
world over Me; temporal riches over eternal, lasting rewards,
materialism over love, the fake over the Real Thing.
What matters to them is the material path, and so they judge by
material criteria.

That’s what they hated about Me. I was a living monument to the
fact that they had been placing their bet on a lie, a loser, and
building their lives on a fake foundation. The more established
their lives were on that foundation, the more satisfied they were
with their fake and their lie, the more they resented Me. Only
those who at the core of their hearts were dissatisfied with that
game, with the Matrix, they were ready to let go of it all and follow
Me or at least hinge their faith on Me.
People are having to make the same kind of choices about you.
You resemble to them what I resembled to folks in My day and My
neighborhood. You evoke the same kind of choices in them that I
did in the folks of My time, and the end result is basically the
same. Their choices concerning you represent their choices
concerning Me.
Whichever way they’re going to respond and react to you, is their
reaction to Me.
You preach and speak and live the same truth that I represented,
and it presents them with the same choices that people in My day
had to make concerning Me.
575 _________________________________________________ order to keep the machine running won’t make any difference. It
Folks have drifted so far from the way things ought to be that won’t improve the world.
it’s hard to believe that everything is going to be in order again It won’t stop the world from its downward trend to perdition. It’s a
someday, and it’s true - it’s not going to happen without way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the
cataclysmic changes; but it’s going to happen. You can take My ways of death.
Word for it. In fact, My Word is full of Promises and actual No true life brought to the world, no light, just the same old usual
descriptions of how it’s going to be. treadmill in the fog which will finally result in the same darkness
Sometimes it’s easy to forget about them. That’s why I’ve been that’s everywhere.
telling you how important it is to remember, to not forget about In order to truly bring light to the world, you’re going to have to
what I said, My Promises, My Word, My vision. dare to be different and do something else, even if folks won’t
understand it!
Sometimes it seems as if the affairs of this life were destined to
keep you from remembering Me and that which really matters… Folks have never understood why My disciples and missionaries
It’s pretty easy to be distracted and sidetracked from the eternal throughout the ages, preferred to “waste” their time on perfect
vision, My scope of things. strangers, some savages out in the jungles, or natives to far and
distant countries, or even criminals or heathen, unbelievers and
Flesh is flesh, and can satisfy flesh, but only My Spirit can satisfy pagans; how they could be so disloyal to their own, so
and quench the thirst of that innermost you! unpatriotic.
So, let Me satisfy you; let Me prove to you that I can do it, so that They could never understand how they could devote their time,
you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am worth passing attention and resources to someone else than them, which
on to others and that I’m not a disappointment. shows what’s really the root of the matter here: selfishness.
Of course, anyone would prefer you spending your life making
It all depends on you, the receptor, and your capacities to money to cater to their needs and desires, instead of “wasting” it
receive, how much you’re going to get from Me, both in aspects on some dubious cause.
of guidance and personal words from Me, but also in regards to They’ll scream, “How could you dare neglect us and prefer that
happiness and personal fulfillment. What do you have the faith, dubious, obscure bunch over us, your ‘own flesh and blood’?”
the vacuum, and the space to receive? And in their eyes you’ll be the most heartless, irresponsible, and
What room is there for Me in your heart, in your life? How much downright wicked person on earth.
space is there for Me to freely move and act and show My power But time will do the talking and I will do the telling whether it was
on your behalf? How ready for Me are you? Are you limiting Me really a waste of time and a mistake to be investing your life in
by the confines of what you’ve previously experienced, or by something other than your flesh and blood, doing what
your lack of faith or some other mental restriction, limitation and everybody else does.
confine? How can you limit the limitless? How can you limit the There are lots of folks who won’t fulfill their obligations for
eternal, all-powerful, never-ending? How can you restrict the selfish reasons. But the Devil is not the least bit interested in
wind? You may erect a few puny walls here or there, but when it “exposing” them. All he wants to do is point his crooked finger at
all comes down to it, when it blows, it blows, and there’s nothing Me and at My brides and servants and show how unjust, unfair
you can do to stop it. Use it, get with it, and don’t resist it! Let it and “improper” I am in telling My followers to dare to be different
push and propel you forward, and let Me cause you to fly instead and jump out of the line that he would have them toe, fulfilling
of crawling about on your hands and knees! Come fly with Me! their obligations to his treadmill.

It’s another matter of flesh vs. spirit. You either sow to the flesh
576 _________________________________________________ or to the spirit, and those who sow to the flesh simply can’t relate
Taking up your cross daily and following Me and fighting on to those who sow to the spirit.
My side means conjuring up some serious self-discipline. You’re living, working and striving for two different and opposing
As long as you’re breathing, there’s more to learn. The Devil is the champion of the “flesh” team, those that root for
the glory of the flesh and all this earthly life has to offer.
I am the Champion of the apparent losers, who won’t amount to
577 _________________________________________________ anything much at all in the flesh, and I’m advocating faith in My
God demands first place and vehemently refuses to take Promise that there is going to be a better world than this one.
second place. Usually, when that’s all that people will grant Him, Those who are satisfied with what this present world has to offer
that place quickly disappears from # 2 on the charts down to the refuse to accept that there is going to be anything better after
obscure regions way below the top twenty. this, because, after all, in order to ensure rewards for oneself in
Once you start putting other things before God, there’ll be no end the world to come, they know they’d have to make some
to other items which will also scream, “Me first!” and also sacrifices of their present little kingdoms that they are not willing
demand a spot on the throne in your heart or the place in your to make.
life which was once reserved for the Almighty. Of course, there are those who are trying to play “the best of
both worlds,” but they’re another story. They are those who
People who don’t put God first never understand people who do. preach that you can fulfill both, your obligations to man and to
It’s as if they’re from two different worlds. They’re different kinds. God the same, and you can please both; you can serve God and
You’re of the one kind, that strange, out-of-this-world species Mammon.
that believes in putting Me first, and they are of the other kind, The question is, who are you going to believe? Me and My Word,
which could never even begin to relate to such an attitude. or them? Will you allow them to influence and sway you with
That’s why going on the attack and witnessing to them is really their way of thinking? Or will you remain steadfast and maintain
your best defense. Once you make clear to them where you stand your eyes on My goal and My path?
and what your convictions are, they’ll concede that you’re
beyond hope, as far as they’re concerned, and they’ll stop trying You’re not going to be popular with your relatives if you’re going
to pull you down to their level of thinking. to serve Me, but you should know that by now.
You won’t make any sense to them, and they won’t think very
Just doing what everybody else does, fulfilling your duties, highly of you. Welcome to the club! That’s a decision thousands
responsibilities and obligations to mammon and the flesh, is not of followers of Mine have had to make and the price they’ve had
anything potential to change the world for better. to pay. You cannot please both, God and those who serve
Just walking the treadmill of doing what everybody else does in Mammon.
If you serve God, you’ll be an outcast and a traitor to those who If you follow his philosophy, you’re sunk, and instead of Heaven,
devote their lives to Mammon and the god of the flesh. you’ll reap hell.

578 _________________________________________________ 580 _________________________________________________

People have needs that they want fulfilled, and that they I treat you according to the way I know you really are, which
expect other humans to cater to. The problem often is that sometimes differs from the romantic ideas you have about
because they fail to recognize and fully appreciate Me as the sole yourself, and I give you what I know you really can handle, not
capable Candidate to live up to their expectations, they’re what you think you can.
hauling in more and more disappointments from their fellow You have this idea about yourself of wanting to give of your own
humans, who simply can’t. incentive, but when it comes to giving what I demand from you at
That’s one reason why I have made you all so imperfect: so that any given moment, it’s a lot harder on you, and your first
it would be more obvious for each of you that other human tendency is to feel offended and hurt, shocked about what is
beings simply won’t be capable of fulfilling your every need and being asked of you.
desire, your longings for happiness, etc.; but only few seem to But that’s how war is. You don’t just get up in the morning and
grasp the point and continue to have unrealistic expectations wink at yourself in the mirror while you brush your teeth and
from their fellows. have your coffee, and say, “Well, I’m feeling fine today, so I think
What you can do is continue to point them toward Me by being a I’m going to have me a wee little battle of sorts…” The battle
faithful witness of the fact that I can and do satisfy, as well as breaks out upon you unexpectedly, and all hell may break loose,
trying your best to be a living sample of that truth and fact, one and you will just wish you’ll be ready for it, ready to let
by which they can tell and see that you’re speaking the truth. everything else go at a moment’s notice.
One sure way to do that is by putting your entire hopes and trust
in Me. First of all, by doing so, you’ll reduce the risk of making Your fellow soldiers are hearing their call to battle, and the worst
others feel bad about their failure to satisfy you completely, and thing you could do is to get offended and fail to give them your
secondly, you won’t feel all too guilty yourself about your support.
inability to do the same for them. After all, you weren’t made for They need to know is that they’ll have your unswerving support,
that job, since it’s solely Mine. and that you won’t be like a flag in the wind, deserting them at
A lot of people in this world are making the mistake of trying to the first sign of trouble.
do the job that has been reserved for Me. They’re trying to be the
all-in-all to the person they love and wind up frustrated over their The storm is sweeping parts of the world already, and it would be
impotence to fully live up to that job, or they wind up frustrated foolish to assume that it might never hit your shores.
over their efforts to change, improve or save the world single-
They call such people “too good for this world,” and while that is 581 _________________________________________________
true in some sense, in another, the problem is that they weren’t People get out of life what they want out of it, and if they
smart enough to avail themselves of My strength, which could wanted communion with Me, they could have it. You get what you
have really helped them to make a difference. ask for and have the faith for.

You can never completely satisfy each other or make each other Self-satisfaction is a real stopper and blocker when it comes to
totally happy. And changes of circumstances alone wouldn’t do communication with Me.
it, either. You figure if he or she were different and would change
this or that negative quality about them, then things would be Your sins are a temporal matter, and I look at the eternal.
fine, and you’d finally be happy.
But the truth is, I’m allowing each of you to be only less than Authentic identity always creates good behavior, but good
perfect for each other in order for you to get the point that only I behavior does not always create authentic identity.
can truly satisfy your deepest yearning and need. Once you know that I have loved and created you the way you
And you’ve got to let Me do My job and fulfill that need, if you are, and will always love you unconditionally, then you’ll also be
want to live together harmoniously and in a fruitful relationship. able to improve your behavior accordingly.

Allow Me to love you and you’ll love Me in return, and will be able Man-pleasing is a very popular religion among young people.
to love others the way you should as a result. The Devil figured that some folks just can’t be fooled into
worshiping things, so what is the next-best thing, right after Me,
Quit trying to do it all yourself and ask Me for help on how to do even created in My image, that he could get them to worship?
it. People. So, he’s got hordes of folks bending over backwards
trying to make it right for their peers, worshiping their opinions,
and their approval, their reaction to them, basically, their own
579 _________________________________________________ image reflected and found in others. It means more to them than
The Devil likes to build all sorts of mythologies around anything else.
himself. He’s the big pretender, and he’ll pretend to be anything And it’s a very “natural” thing, too, but you know how the natural
just in order to deceive and appeal to anyone, similar to the way man is at enmity with God. Living to please others is a death trap,
presidential candidates make promises to certain groups of and a poor counterfeit of living to please Me.
interest, howbeit not with any serious intentions of ever keeping
them. Don’t be surprised if some folks who did “less good” will actually
The one thing you can always trust the Devil for is that he’s a liar wind up closer to Me in Heaven than some of those perpetual do-
and a pretender. He simply doesn’t have a knack for the truth, gooders.
even though he may go around “exposing” Me and My people for What people call doing good, might – as in so many other cases
our “sins,” all the while busily covering his own filthy tracks. He – differ from what I call doing good.
is also the epitome of self-righteousness and hypocrisy. Woe
unto those who have him for their god. My greatest desire is for My children to love Me, and while loving
your neighbor, is just about the same, if you leave Me out of the
I want you to preach the Gospel and tell people about Me: in picture, you might miss the best possible way in which that love
order to free them from their servitude, slavery and bond-ship to for others could be manifested.
this false, evil god and usurper. You might dedicate your life to filling the physical needs of other
people, when I could show you that their spiritual needs are even
far greater.
A lot of people want to help people, but because they fail to 583 _________________________________________________
believe in Me, they only help their bodies and fail to quench their You can’t look at the way others perceive you; neither the
spiritual thirst. They couldn’t even begin to think of a way to fill good nor the negative aspects, and lean on those.
it; they’re clueless about these things, usually because they’re
still empty inside themselves. Those Christians in the concentration camp in “A Hiding Place”
And that’s where you come in. On the surface, what you have to didn’t receive much encouragement, no boosts of their egos for
offer might seem useless compared to the skills of a doctor, a what they were doing and enduring in that situation. All they did
nurse, or a relief-worker of some kind. And yet it is you who was what they knew was right, and that’s the kind of conviction
attack the manifold problems in the world at their root and cause: I’m trying to establish and build in you: to just do whatever you
the world is in such a mess because they lack the truth and love know is right, regardless of audience reactions, applause,
that a healthy connection with Me would give them. approval, or any blatant lack of it.
So, by showing folks how they can connect with Me, you may not
be erasing all problems instantaneously, but you’re giving each It’s best not to measure your success by people’s reactions to
one of them a cure and a remedy that won’t let them down, once you. In My business, you’re sunk if you do it, because if you’re
they learn how to avail themselves of it. genuinely following My path, you’ll never have a big fan crowd.
It’s like supplying folks with generators, an unlimited source of That’s what’s so deceptive about show-business type of
free energy, while the others are simply supplying them with Christianity. They make it look like you can be one of My true
energy created in the usual way. disciples and yet a superstar at the same time. A lot of the things
they say sound very anointed and right on, and possibly,
On a large scale, people don’t even know that something like that people’s lives are changed and genuinely touched through some
could be real. As far as the world is concerned, such things don’t of them. But ultimately, the way they lead others is just another
exist. You’re definitely out of this world, and since it’s not of this dead end street up Mammon’s road, another case of man
world, they figure it couldn’t possibly even exist. worship and indulgence in the flesh, temple worship and the
Well, you and I know better. creation of a new idol: yet another, even more cunningly
So you’re finding yourself with the tough job of convincing disguised counterfeit of the Real Thing.
people that something is real that thus far they didn’t believe
could be real. Similar to the way that I showed them that blind
and lame people could be healed, faith can cause you to walk on 584 _________________________________________________
water and even raise the dead. What they call a “mission Now is the time when you must seek and search for Me with
impossible” is pretty much on a daily schedule for Me, and I’m all your hearts. You can not go at the usual pace, not with half-
trying to bust their mental confines of “impossible,” because for hearted dedication and devotion; it won’t do. In order to make it
Me, there is no such thing. through this next stretch of the way before you, you’re going to
It’s hard to sell people something they never even heard of. have to give more, you’re really wholeheartedly going to have to
They’re such herd animals, that if they haven’t heard any of their dedicate yourself to the Cause, no haphazardly, shrug-of-
peers ever talk about it, they don’t want to know about it or have shoulder type of attitude is going to cut the cake.
anything to do with it. The time for “coolness” is over. What is urgently and desperately
The only chance of success you’ve got is becoming so skilled in needed is the fire of devotion. Coolness isn’t going to bring you
the art of using this weapon yourself, that they’ll be impressed through the night, only the fire is, otherwise, you’re just going to
and convinced that indeed it may be worth a try. freeze and starve to death.

All your doubts and all the Enemy’s negative energy can be Remember to come to Me when you don’t know what to do. Don’t
blown away with that invisible, light-weight perpetual power just keep going through the motions.
generator you carry with you at all times. And the more you use Don’t let your life be directed by whims.
it, the more enthusiastic about it you’ll get, and pretty soon you
won’t be able to stop yourself from convincing others to try it Perhaps I’ve been making things a bit too easy on you and have
out, too. been letting you get ahold of My Spirit too easily so that you’ve
If you avail yourself of it, they’ll see its effects in your life, and been starting to take it for granted. Maybe I’ve got to let you
soon enough, they’ll want it, too. wrestle a little bit harder again until you get ahold of Me, My
voice, My wavelength, so that you will appreciate it a bit more
582 _________________________________________________ Who likes to be taken for granted?
That’s part of the great paradox, that even though God knew
all about the sinful state of the world and about what was in Usually this kind of familiarity only stops when the thing you’re
men’s hearts, yet He “loved the world so much that He gave His taking for granted is being taken away from you.
only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.” Allow Me to give you a steady and clear vision for each day to
The Father has so much love that He even gave them Me, the pass on and convey to others.
One He loved above all, and allowed Me to cross the one barrier If the gift of prophecy doesn’t make much of a difference in your
which men consider to be the final, ultimate barrier, death, only life, nor in anyone else’s, then what good is it for, anyway?
to prove that it is possible to overcome it, that death is not a final
thing, as some believe and teach, but that love is stronger than Take note of the major outlines of what I’ve told you, and really
death. keep the gist of it on your heart and mind, using it as the vision
I’ve given you for each day, and a goal before you to attain.
The wages of the sin the Devil brought into the world with man’s The trick is in remembering all I’m telling you.
help was death, but He was now going to overrule that with the
gift of eternal life. It’s all grace. It’s all by grace. Once you enjoy
His grace and become a partaker of His grace, then you can also 585 _________________________________________________
be gracious to others, and you don’t have to be nitpicking at their There isn’t anything else that you can expect from this world
faults anymore, or be stingy with your affection toward them… than the cross.
You can just love in spite of, for that is what grace does. All you can do is willingly and submissively pour out your life for
Grace loves in spite of - undeservedly and for no special merit. them, because you know it’s the only solution.
You can’t save them with your wit, you cannot even save them occasionally, even though they may be doing it in order to
with your good works. They’ll only make your enemies more advance his kingdom.
furious and will yank the hopes of your disciples up higher in
some kind of physical solution, after all, when all you know is To love means to look past the temporal state someone is in, and
really needed is a spiritual solution; changes of heart, that will look beyond, at their true potential, one they may not even be
alter the circumstances and conditions right where they count, aware of yet themselves.
and change lives from within.
I want you to learn something out of this situation. I want you to
Next time I’ll come, I’ll change the circumstances, too. But until eat it, chew on it, and not spit it out until you’ve fully tasted this
then, you’re pretty much in the same boat that I was in, trying to lesson and experience, because it’s essential for My training and
change hearts, and you can only do that by continuing to lay molding you into what you are supposed to be. The only way out
down your life. No use clinging to it, no use trying to save it. As is the way through it!
long as you’re trying to save and preserve yourself, you’re not You’re going to have to experience it, go through it, and carry
going to save others. your cross, which is that situation and challenge you find
yourself in at any given moment. You may ask, like I did, “If it be
You need a giving attitude and spirit, not one that seeks to be possible, let this cup be removed from me,” but just as in My
catered to, admired or loved, like Francis prayed, “Help not to case, you’ll find that it’s necessary to drink that cup! Things just
seek to be loved, but to love.” wouldn’t be the same without it. Your personal history, which is a
It’s natural to want to be loved, but you can’t put wanting to be part of history and part of the Big Plan and Picture, wouldn’t be
loved first. the same without it.
You can expect to be loved by Me and receive from Me all the So, you cannot refuse going through it, you cannot try to avoid
love you need in order to find strength to give love yourself, but the pain it’s causing you. Just as the cross was My destiny, this
you can never expect the love you seek from others. It’s just not is yours. Suffer it! Experience it! Live it! Endure it! And you’ll see
within their capacity to give that kind of love, nor to fulfill your that the resurrection that will result from it will have been worth
expectations. the pain.
You’ve tasted of a heavenly love that simply cannot be found in
your physical realm, and continuing to look for love to satisfy
you will only leave you high and dry and lead to further 587 _________________________________________________
disappointment and discouragement. Instead, receive what you The System turns the good My people are trying to do into
long for from Me and then pass it on to others, and you’ll find something bad; making Christianity per se look evil and
greater joy in giving than you could ever find in receiving. ridiculous. But can you let that stop you? No. I didn’t let those
who taught that I was evil stop Me, either.
Don’t tap others for something they can not give. Tap Me and You cannot focus on your enemies and opponents. You have to
then open the tap and faucet wide and let it flow upon others. keep your focus on those who are going to be won by your
All you’ll want for them is to receive what you’ve got to give, sample in spite of them. The Devil will always try to get his
without expecting anything in return. Sometimes you stop platform and his moment in the spotlight, and sometimes he can
pouring and wait for some reaction, some kind of immediate, get quite bold and dominate the scenery, but you’ve got to trust
visible result. But instead, continue to look unto Me for further Me that even those situations are for your good.
fulfillment, and continue pouring.
I want you to continue giving and pouring a lot more. I want you If you don’t know what to do, don’t keep going, but stop and ask
to become a raging river, not a carefully flowing trickle, Me.
controlling and measuring whatever amount of water you give,
but running and gushing wildly and freely. Say not, “It is
enough.” Just let it flow. Judge not by earthly standards of what 588 _________________________________________________
is “enough” or not. The world is not in need of another few drops In order to really work in My power, you’ll have to get ahold
in a bucket, but it needs a raging river and lakes to swim in. of Me first. There’s no use doing something “great” if I’m not in
The world needs a lot more than what the stingy and greedy it.
churches have to give! Take more time, and be still to know that I am God, and what kind
of a God I am, and what kind of desires I have and what I would
Nor should you worry about whether there will be yet enough like from you, what I would like for you to do, and how I would
time to continue pouring. Just continue to look at Me, and at the like you to do it.
eternal aspect of giving. Whether you’ll live or you die, what is
that to thee? You’ll just continue giving, pouring and flowing, When you try to do it in your own strength and energy, you allow
that’s all. yourself to get into a rush. In fact, that’s how you can tell that
you’re working in your own strength. Whereas if you go forth in
My Spirit, there’s a calmness about it, a peace that comes from
586 _________________________________________________ knowing that it doesn’t have to be you; in fact, it shouldn’t be
Learning how to love is the art that it pays most to become you, that’s why there’s no reason whatsoever to get uptight and
skilled in. It’s the very art of life itself. Anyone who has failed to feel under pressure about anything, because the weight of the
learn the skills of love hasn’t really grasped what life is all about. responsibility concerning the outcome rests on My shoulders,
It’s more important than any other skill you can learn. not yours.
There’s no way around learning how to love, if you want to I want people to know that something greater is happening here,
consider yourself My disciple and make any kind of headway and that Someone greater has been at work here than just the fellow
progress for Me and My Cause at all. who is singing the song…
You can’t stop advancing at it. It’s simply something you’ve got I want them to see and hear Me in it.
to learn.
Loving others is our cross.
It’s easy to love perfect people, anybody can do that. 589 _________________________________________________
You have to face the consequences of your choices and
In real life, nobody’s perfect, nor are there always clear-cut actions. The consequences are there to teach you to think and
distinctions between the good and the bad. Everybody does counsel harder before you make choices. Take the time to check
some bad, and just about everybody does some good. Even the in with Me in order to avoid disappointments.
Devil’s people are coming up with doing something good, Take the time to get the specifics.
– there is a certain order and sequence in which events are
supposed to unfold, including the truths and things that shall be
revealed both to you, My prophets, and all of mankind.

590 _________________________________________________ Some things are discovered by one man first, and are not much
“The Family Road” is a tough one, full of trials, and it may more of a rumor at first, and then they suddenly spread and
well be the toughest road for anyone to choose who wants to made popular. In fact, that’s how many theories, some of which
serve Me to the fullest in this day and age. There will be oodles of are the basis for man’s knowledge today came into being. A lot
well-reasoned arguments from the rational mind that will easily depends on what the majority or key people will accept and
dissuade you from taking that road, and nobody will blame you – choose to accept as truth or not.
nobody except yourself, that is, when you’ll reach the end of your
road and you’ll see all the blessings you missed out on because I like for you to find things out using your own mind, your
you listened to them. experiences and conclusions, along with all you’re learning by
trial and error, finding out in the long run where things are not at,
The Enemy has full permission to test anyone even and which doctrines and theories evidently cannot be truth.
contemplating becoming a part of it, because of the value of the If all you’ll want is the truth, and if that’s what you hunger and
privilege that it is. If someone views it as a potential burden or a thirst after – because truth is a part of righteousness – then you
drag of some kind, if they think too much is going to be expected will find it and you will be filled, as I have promised (see Mt.5:6).
of them, and it’s going to be too tough for them, or too much…
forget about those. Some things are going to have to be left open to be revealed to
you when you come into My Kingdom, for you cannot learn and
It’s not about what’s in it for you. know all there is to know in your carnal body. You’re only using a
percentage of your brain’s actual capacity, so we don’t want to
Selfish people are very unreliable people. overload you, nor do we want to strain the capacities of those
who will have to listen to you.
True faith does not go by personal feelings or preferences, but
just by what they know is right, and if they don’t know it’s right, We have to go according to the general pace of the flock. There
then it’s no use. may be some exceptional kids who grasp things quicker than the
You’ve got to know it’s right, otherwise forget about it! You either others, but the caretakers will still have to go by the pace of the
know it or you don’t. rest of them. In fact, they’re going to have to go more according
to the pace of the slowest than the quickest.
Don’t look at the hole in the donut, the imperfections: look at the
donut! What else would there be? What alternative is there?
There is no alternative to My alternative. 592 _________________________________________________
Why not enjoy My donut, instead of criticizing it, analyzing it and In Eternity, wrong worldviews will be rapidly corrected and
murmuring about it? Things could be worse! The donut could be blinded eyes opened and deluded minds awakened.
In the meantime it is your task to continue trusting, to continue
Show a little more loyalty, and be convinced and sure of what following faithfully, even if it seems that you’re one of the few
you have there. It’s nothing to be taken lightly, for think of what who do.
you would lose.
The challenge is to become a rock in their midst that won’t be
If you listen to the carnal, you’re sunk. That’s why you’ve got Me shaken by the storms, even if the waves will rapture others away
to listen to, but don’t just take it for granted that things would from you and your path. You’ve got to keep going.
keep going forever as they are, even if you’d turn your back on
My highest will for you. Don’t give up prematurely on people. People who refuse to give
up prematurely on others won’t “let them go” before they have
Part of your cross that you’re carrying for Me is the Family Road - tried all they could…
the epitome of that strait and narrow gate and pathway that To you it may seem like a waste of effort and time and energy. To
leadeth unto life in this day and age, and few there be that find it. them it’s simply love. “Love That Will Not Let Me Go.” There have
You’re either going down System Road or Family Road. In the got to be those who have My kind of love for people that won’t let
end, there is no in-between. You’ll either serve God or Mammon. them go, at least not before they’ve tried everything to save
And what other way can you think of, not to serve Mammon? them, to rescue them and to keep them from going astray.
There are certain situations when love is to hope with them even
when there doesn’t seem to be much hope from the rational point
591 _________________________________________________ of view.
Man needs to get to the end of his own schemes,
concoctions, perceptions, and that which he considers A lot of lost sheep would stay lost, if none would go out to seek
knowledge. As you know, there are two kinds of knowledge, the and find them…
knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil.
A lot of evil knowledge is actually false knowledge, but man will
have to find out by himself that he’s simply been wrong about a 593 _________________________________________________
lot of things he considers fundamental knowledge, and to what Isn’t it good to find out that no matter how low you sink, you
extent he has been deceived. can still “never be too bad for Jesus”? Isn’t it good to know that
no matter how badly you’ll sin and fail, Salvation always works,
You, My prophets, are the keepers of My good and true even for the worst of sinners? Isn’t it worth it having to
knowledge, but I also want you to be considerate of what of this experience the darkness every now and then in order to fully
knowledge you pass on. Some of it might as yet be too much for come to appreciate the light?
them to handle.
I even told My disciples that there were things they couldn’t No matter how rough it gets, you can still count on Me, on My
handle yet. love and on your salvation. You’re never going to be able to lose
As long as you’re under the rule of time – and attached to it is the it, no matter what.
plan of time, what you might call the schedule of the Big Picture
I love you no matter what you’re going to do or say. I won’t this world, and not go the way of all flesh & drift down the stream
condemn you. of personal desire requires discipline and sacrifice. You cannot
I’m not expecting you to be any better than I know you can be. I just allow yourself to be pampered like a baby and still think
know you’re far from perfect, and what effect does this fact have you’re being a revolutionary Christian!
on My love for you? None.
I know you’re incapable of feeling even a tiny fraction of that You’ve been talking about the way kids are these days, but
immense love I have for you, nor can you even begin to grasp its maybe you’re not all that much better yourself. Maybe it’s not
vastness. Your mind simply can’t cope with it. just limited to kids, this sign of the times that folks seem to have
I know your frame and that you are but dust, and you don’t have become more and more enwrapped in themselves and their own
to try to be or pretend to be anything other than dust, dust that I, little world consisting of their own personal interests…
not you yourself, will elevate and lift into the light to float there
and shine like diamonds. You cannot become a diamond of dust With kids it may be more obvious because of the noisy way they
through your own efforts. You can do what you can by keeping go about it, but perhaps they’re just picking up something from
your face toward the light and focusing on the light, but it is I the adults around them, and taking it to perfection.
Who is going to have to lift you up to shine and sparkle in it If you want the world to be less selfish, why not make the first
move and give them a sample of what you’re talking about? Until
Maturity begins where the process of dealing with your wrongs then, it’s easy to just point your finger at others.
sets in, and with some it happens sooner, with others it happens
later. The good news is, it’s never too late.
You cannot make any prescribed pattern the standard for all. 596 _________________________________________________
Everyone experiences Salvation in their own way. You cannot Stay real close to Me, plugged in to My Power, not straying
dictate your own experiences, nor views, on others. Be open for away with your distractions and toys.
them to make their own experiences. Soon constant vigilance will be required, a constant state of
being attuned to My voice and Spirit, no more strayings from the
It’s painful to watch them go down that road, which you know is straight and narrow.
going to lead them to greater pain, but that’s where you’ve got to The time is coming when all the lessons I’ve been trying to teach
trust that in spite of the looks of it and the vastness of the pain you should be learned, and there won’t be any more trial and
you see impending, that I will nevertheless get a greater victory error phases. You must get the point and put into practice what
from it and My plan and purpose will not be defeated. you’re learning and remain on My track.

The Devil chose this time of technological advances to make his

594 _________________________________________________ big appearance and reveal himself to the world, a time during
People’s unwillingness and incapability to cope with the which man is showing the ultimate of his strength, wit,
truth is something you’re going to have to learn more about, deal achievements and knowledge.
with, and find ways to bring the truth home to people, even if It makes Me and My life seem more irrelevant, more distant, more
that’s the one thing they reject. humble and smaller, less impressive to those who are carnal
It’s like working on a cure for cancer. And whether you or they minded, compared to all the “great achievements” of man and
believe it or not, we’re looking for something more important the supposed “progress” he has made scientifically, socially and
here than a cure for cancer, and you have only just begun to in the ways he’s making his presence on the planet seen.
recognize the problem.
The problem is certain people’s unwillingness and refusal to Man has become “somebody,” and it’s in that kind of
recognize any problem at all about themselves. environment that the Enemy would like to present himself as the
The refusal to recognize anything wrong at all is the only way greatest “somebody” of all. He wouldn’t have been satisfied with
they can manage to cope with their faulty world. being a relative “nobody” like Me, preaching to and caring for a
Most of the problems in the world are being caused by people’s bunch of primitive people, comparatively speaking. He likes the
preference of their own “truth” over what really is the objective kind of pompous ado that you and I never had a knack for.
truth. “Loud & proud” is the name of his game. He comes across loud
and proud, making an awful noise that’s sure to catch
It takes a sharp, close and intricate analysis of your people, to everybody’s attention and will distract them from My still voice,
figure out and determine what it is they really need, and one but he will also subtly orchestrate some movement behind your
cannot be scared of the truth and some not-so-pretty details. back to eliminate you if you threaten to stand in his way. That’s
It certainly doesn’t help to close their eyes to any NWOs. why your only hope is to stay close to Me, always attentive for
My checks, My nudges, My hints and My counsel, because only I
Sometimes I choose what could be deemed an unfruitful can let you in on what he’s up to in your life. You could never
situation for someone, because the lessons to be gleaned from it figure it out yourself.
are more important to Me than any fruit that could be gained in
another situation, or by changing it. He’s trying to discourage you and get you to quit and give up
through the battles he brings on in your life. They’re real attacks,
and not just staged tests to keep you humble or desperate. I
595 _________________________________________________ allow them, but it’s not as if I orchestrate them. I am not the One
There’s no use shifting you to a more favorable position. Who leads you into temptation. I’m the One Who leads you
First we’ve got to cleanse you from rotten and spoiled attitudes, through it when it hits you, and helps you come out alright at the
and a little bit of hardship might be just what you need. other end. You’ve got to be sure that I’m the One Who’s on your
I care for you whether you’re good or bad, just like you keep The Enemy is telling you that I couldn’t possibly love you if I’m
feeding your child regardless of whether he’s good or bad… It’s allowing what he does to you, but it just shows the atrocity of his
just some thing parents do: care for their off-spring, regardless. attitude: “You see, God couldn’t love you, if He allows me to be
But whether we’re pleased with our off-spring is another so mean and cruel to you and make you go through all these
question. We may love them unconditionally, but we’re not trials…” In other words, he’s saying, “If God were prefect, He
always necessarily happy about what they do and the way they wouldn’t have made me like this.” But as I told you before, you
act and behave… become the way you are by means of your own choices. You do
the things you do because you choose to do them, not because I
To make a difference for Me and be a positive force for good in make you do them.
There’s a lot more free choice involved here than what people I don’t want My children to live like orphans and feed on crumbs
usually give Me credit for. You do what you choose to do, not when there are oceans to swim and revel in.
what I “make” you do or have predestined you to.
I still want you to be happy, and your happiness is important to
“Well, what about Judas?” you’re thinking now. “Wasn’t he Me, even if in certain situations, other things do have priority
predestined to betray You?” Just because I knew that He was over personal happiness. There’s got to be the right balance, and
going to do it, doesn’t mean that I made him do it. You either if you’re not happy in a certain situation and you don’t think you
believe that people have free choice, or you don’t. People are can be fruitful anymore, than I’ll have to take that into
becoming skeptical of the concept of free choice, because consideration and find a solution for you.
they’re seeing they’re not really making that much of a difference
with whom they choose for a leader. A lot of it seems to be a fake, Sometimes the mere prospect and possibility of change can
the illusion of free choice. And while that may apply to the already bring positive changes in itself.
System, it certainly does not with Me, and some of those fatalists Sometimes the way to rise above your circumstances is to have
will get a surprise when they’ll find out how much actually the faith to change them. Sometimes rising above requires more
depended on them, their choices, their words, their actions. than a change of attitude and the ability not to be touched by the
circumstances, but a real, actual change in the physical.
When you are going through an attack, don’t blame Me for it. It’s
not exactly like by allowing it to happen I make it happen. You
have an Enemy, and he’s very real, and he’s not kidding, he’s 598 _________________________________________________
really out to stop or destroy you. And while I do have the power You can already change a lot by praying. If you haven’t really
to stop him when he goes too far, and I can say, “Stop! This far prayed yet for a change to happen, you might want to give that
and no further,” it doesn’t mean that his attack was My idea to option a try.
begin with.
He happens to be the culprit because he happens to have chosen People are a toughie to take sometimes, I know. You get to
that role, but I didn’t make him do it. appreciate the variety of mentalities there is, once you’ve been
Just because I’m all-powerful doesn’t mean that I’m doing it all! I stuck with a certain mentality for a long time.
leave a lot up to you and to the other participants in the story. My goal and intent is that eventually, people will learn from each
other, from each other’s cultures, and that they will adapt and
I’m not the super head honcho who wants to play every single absorb from each other the best traits of each culture, and thus,
role in the play. I’m actually, by nature, quite humble, and like to eventually, create an ideal blend of “not-too-much” of any quality
stay in the background, and like to let the others play their roles or another, but a perfectly balanced human kind.
and shine. The idea of creating or breeding “the perfect race” wasn’t the
devil’s and his people’s to begin with. Of course, they’re going
I like to share the glory and the fame. Often the Devil projects his about it in the totally wrong way, by trying to annihilate the
own personality on Me and makes people think that the way he unpleasant and (in their minds) undesired factors, and try to do it
is, that’s the way I am, but you who know Me, must realize that all in the flesh. I’m trying to teach and rear My children and
that’s not true. I’m quite different from him, in fact, the opposite! creatures gently, by experience, and with a lot of patience
I’m not his “partner” for not immediately intervening and (eternity’s a long, long time), and thus aim to blend them and
stopping him from every crime he instigates, or every trial he meld them together, not for them to become totally uniform, but
plots to bring upon you. to nonetheless learn to get along better with each other and
become better balanced in their different traits and qualities.
I’m not the liar, I’m not the cheater and thief, I’m not the culprit. This is a thing that only My Spirit can achieve, and as long as
You’ll get through these trials in life a lot less painfully if you Satan’s in charge down there, this isn’t going to happen. You
realize who’s on your side, and if you start seeing Me as your can’t fill a room with a pleasant odor as long as there is still a
Friend and Savior Who’s going to come and pull you out of this. rotten egg or carcass lying somewhere. You need to get rid of it
first; and that’s precisely what we’re going to do: get rid of the
597 _________________________________________________
People with unrealistic expectations from others can often I wouldn’t want you to think that your life is as good as over; that
become the cruelest taskmasters; a classic example of what lack there are no more challenges, changes and surprises in store for
of appreciation can do in people’s lives. you. You may have gotten the impression that the only surprises
you’ve been getting lately were bad ones, but that is only
Nothing will make you pray like an unpleasant, oppressive because the Devil is fighting viciously to stop you from what
situation that you want out of. Sometimes things don’t change as you’re doing.
much as they could because you surrender to life’s There aren’t all that many folks who are really being the kind of
circumstances too easily; they’re still too comfortable for you to voices and samples with their lives that really count, and really
really wholeheartedly desire, and thus pray for a change. The make a difference. There aren’t too many who’ve really got the
Enemy tries to pacify you with substitutes for the real thing that Real Thing!
make you think, “Come on, it’s not all that bad, really! No need to There are many who are close to the truth, and not far from the
start praying for any drastic changes here…” Kingdom. But those who truly dedicate their lives to wielding that
That’s another way he can lull people to sleep. It’s a false sense sword of truth and cutting a path for Me into the jungle of the
of contentment, which actually amounts to settling for less than Enemy are very rare and few indeed.
you could have and get out of life, if you would just be desperate It’s a dangerous life, and you can bet that there’ll be lots of
and willing enough to pray for Me to change things. vermin and pests attacking you, wild and ferocious beasts!
Your life is an adventure, a true adventure! Forget about Indiana
That’s one condition for Me supplying you with a way of escape: Jones or Crocodile Dundee!
you have to ask Me for it. It’s like pressing the button that will
make the fire alarm go off, in order for the fire brigade to come to Sometimes those marching with you through that dangerous
the rescue. You’re finally getting desperate enough and hot marsh land and savage territory get weak, tired and wounded,
enough under the collar to smash that little glass window and and they seem to become an additional obstacle, rather than a
press that button, ready to leave that house on fire behind you. help, but this is where I teach you that caring for others is even
You don’t want to go down in flames with it. more important than your own headway, and laying down your
lives for the brethren is what will truly get you to the goal, not another part of the System.
just making sure you’ll get ahead yourself. The vast majority of Christians are like a herd of dumb sheep
who don’t have a clue at all as to what is going on, that they’re
Good things come and flow steadily into your life because of and being led straight into the arms of the AC, and to their doom.
through your prayers. They resent voices critical of their king, just as they have always
Laziness is never as inexcusable as when it hinders you to pray! resented and rejected the voices of My prophets of doom
throughout history.
The vast majority of people follow their leader like dumb sheep
599 _________________________________________________ just because he happens to be their leader and they happen to be
I’ve been advocating inward changes all along. the sheep.
Just transporting you across the ocean isn’t going to make a The masses yield to authority and follow the men in charge,
missionary, or a better or happier person out of you. regardless of where they’re headed.
Real and lasting happiness is only found in Me and in the center
of My will for you. Speaking up does have its implications, such as the type John
Life can be fun, thrilling and exciting; it doesn’t have to be the Baptist found out about.
drudgery. There’s room for lots of innovative changes! Try it! Life As in everything, there’s a good and just balance to be found in
can be exciting, if you let it! this, which I’m teaching you to find by feeling out: “How far can I
Lethargy wants to make a drag out everything, everything that safely go?”
could be loads of fun if you’d just change your attitude about it! Most people are more security oriented than you. They’re more
So why not give it a try! concerned about preserving what they’ve got.
Changing things starts right here & now with you, right where
you are! Don’t wait for anyone to come & save you, I’m already “Freedom’s just another word for ‘nothing left to lose’” also
right here! includes the freedom and courage to speak up about certain
issues that others wouldn’t. But remember that you’re living in
evil times, and that availing yourself of that freedom of speech
600 _________________________________________________ might wind up costing you your freedom and liberties
I’m trying to get you to acknowledge that you need each altogether…
other in some aspects, and that you are dependent on each
other. After all, that’s what community, communal life, living
together, and any relationship is simply about. People need each 602 _________________________________________________
other. Of course, I wouldn’t want you to depend on anybody more It’s natural and very common for everyone to see the thing
than on Me, but it won’t really work either to say, “I just depend that they’ve got going as the thing going, and they can’t really
on the Lord & don’t need anybody else.” It is through other comprehend people who hesitate to jump on their bandwagon.
people, after all, that I supply your needs, including that for You wonder, “Why isn’t everybody gung ho about this, my
company, even if you may have encountered many thorns on that project?” Well, because maybe I’m doing something else in their
rose lately. Better a rose with thorns than no rose at all, right? lives…
They’re excited about something else.
Even some of My most solitary heroes didn’t completely live on They simply don’t get as turned on and excited about the things
their own. Elijah did spend time with Me on his own in the your world revolves around, just as you can’t get as excited
wilderness, but then he also interacted with others, recruited about other people’s current big things, because a number of
Elisha as a disciple, etc; John the Baptist had his disciples, and factors have led each of you to set different priorities, goals and
even Enoch enjoyed company other than Mine at times, interests in your lives. While it would be great if everyone would
otherwise nobody would have noticed that he’d gone missing get behind the same bandwagon and push on one hand, because
when he “walked with Me and wasn’t found,” right? there is a lot of wonderful energy that’s being created by a bunch
of people working together on a same project, on the other, I
Sometimes I give you special times of solitude, just like I also wouldn’t want to set all My money on the same horse. I like to
needed and enjoyed during My earthly life, but these also serve spread out a little more.
to make you appreciate more the company of your loved ones It’s like you don’t put one pile of salt on one corner of your food,
again once you’re back from the desert or mountain. but you distribute it equally with a salt shaker…

Sometimes your brain can absorb things better and focus better Everybody has this natural tendency to consider what they know
when there are no other noises and vibes from others to distract and what they’ve learned to be it. Listening doesn’t come easy to
you, and that’s okay. I cherish these times when you can just anyone.
tune in and focus on Me, free of distractions. But then other
people aren’t necessarily your only distraction. One can’t really shepherd anyone else effectively without
Other things distract you from Me, too knowing them at all, or at least having heard them out to an
It’s good and within My perfect will for you to recognize how
much you need others, and learn to appreciate those I have put Some people are so sure of their channel, they forget and discard
at your side. everything else. Sometimes they get a picture in their minds, and
Life is all about learning to appreciate what I’m giving you; most they insist that it must be some kind of big revelation, but it can
of all the people I have given you to live with and to learn to cause problems when they’re not open for the Spirit’s
cherish. The problem with Adam and Even was – and pretty interpretation of that revelation or picture.
much every other human since - that they weren’t completely
satisfied and happy with what they had, as perfect as it was, and Leaders often figure they’re the leader, so they are the ones who
that instead they craved something else in addition to My ought to know everything and be teaching you, and that’s it.
goodness, and that’s what this daily life is all about: learning to Peacemakers usually don’t insist on being the ones who know it
eschew the temptations from the good I’m handing you. all, but can also hear the other side out and be open enough to
learn from anyone, leader or not.
Leaders are often the ones who have most to learn (– after all,
601 _________________________________________________ they’re the ones who have been leading this world into the mess
There definitely is a huge difference between you (the that it is –) but then they hardly ever take time for that, unless, of
Family) and the rest of Christianity, which actually resembles just course, another, even higher leader above them summons them
to some kind of workshop or seminary, and tells them now it’s amplify your voice, effectiveness and usefulness for Me, in order
time for them to learn something… to bring the message across more clearly, in a more powerful
Leaders are often unfortunately those who seem to have come to way. When you were playing “unplugged” there wasn’t enough
the conclusion that there is nothing left to learn, or they stopped power and volume. But you can sure make’em dance when
learning, sometimes simply because they’re too busy teaching you’re plugged in, right?
and instructing everyone else. Let Me teach you how to use the amplification of My Spirit.
They see things from their point of view. Coming over to see the
other, lower side of the elephant is something that would require Trust that My strength is enough for you, you can totally rely on
a big change in their thinking, when they figure it’s their job to it! I will provide for you, I will carry you, I will empower you, move
change everyone else’s way of thinking to come and see their you forward when you can’t do it anymore in your own strength.
There was a time when your own strength was sufficient, but that
Spiritual people or people with a spiritual gift sometimes have time is running out now, it’s going to be over soon. Soon you’ll
difficulties accepting the fact that other people, possibly from only be able to operate in My strength. But see it not as a loss,
lower leadership strata than they, could be on a higher spiritual for what you gain is so much more and so far beyond that which
level. It doesn’t occur to them, just as the Pharisees never would you need to let go and forsake. See it like an upgrade, a
have even considered the possibility that I may have been on a promotion, a powerful innovation that revolutionizes everything.
spiritual level above theirs. They thought they were the cream of Plugged in to Me, you are strong, because then we are together,
the crop. and it’s not you functioning on your own anymore, as a separate
People like that want to give you spiritual aid and guidance, but little entity, but you’re plugged in to My circuit, a part of My
only on their terms. They don’t really come down to hear you out gigantic, universal network, the network of My “single spoken
to share your point of view of things, so their counsel is sentence,” (“uni-verse”) where I utter a phrase and it is done, My
unfortunately only half as useful as it could be if they would take creation magic.
the time to hear their charges out.
Others who are already more used to operating in My strength
Certain people or types of music give you the creeps, while instead their own, see you struggle so needlessly, your efforts
others find them enjoyable. You’ve got to make room for some and energies invested in making it on your own, when it could be
acceptance and tolerance of other people’s wavelengths and so much easier for you, so much more enjoyable.
preferences. You’re trying to be good in your own strength, but that strength
Some people have great ambitions for their future, and they trust isn’t sufficient for you. You need Mine, and let that be enough for
that their energy will take them far. But sometimes the years go you.
by, and slowly that energy peters out, because it turns out that
the spiritual ingredient of that energy wasn’t as significant as You’re only going to be able to teach and show others how to
they thought. There wasn’t enough Spirit in it, after all, and it avail themselves of My strength and power, if you become a
seems to have been powered and steered by their own flesh too sample first of how it works.
much to bring about the big revolutions and cataclysmic So far, it’s like you’ve been using My strength to recharge your
changes they thought they were going to be instrumental in. own battery, but I need you to learn to stay plugged in to My
power and operate in My power.
Their project is always the most important to them. So, be aware
that you might be prone to making the same mistake, and
remember this next time you feel disappointment about the lack 604 _________________________________________________
of others’ enthusiasm for your project. Open your spiritual eyes and ears in a new, different way.
There is yet more to hear and see, there is yet a much larger
Many be called, but the chosen are few who choose to employ scope to discover in the spirit.
their energies to what is truly My Cause, and even when they do, There are different ways of knowing than with your head.
it takes a long time to learn how to do it properly. Knowledge from the head is often critical, sometimes negative,
and can also simply be equivocal. You can be quite wrong about
All in all people are fairly prone to relying on their own carnal some things.
minds these days, and even spiritually minded people aren’t Whereas that which is truly of My Spirit is always bathed in and
immune to that. engendering love.
Love is like the zero behind the other nine gifts- You add that
It’s easy to think you’re doing alright when you’re right in the love factor and you multiply your gift by ten.
mainstream and you have some sort of a position. You don’t Love is not something that is acquired via knowledge from the
need to check whether you’re doing alright or off the track in any head.
aspect, you simply “know” it. Open your heart, your spirit to Mine, and let Me fill it with good
The truth is, nobody is 100% “on track” all the time, otherwise and supernatural things that you can’t explain or figure out with
they simply wouldn’t be human, and those who don’t check your brain, but that are going to spur you on to action!
whether they’re really doing alright are in greater danger of There’s more to you than your mind. I want you to open up your
straying than those who they constantly nudge to make sure they whole being unto Me and love Me with all your heart and soul,
stay on the straight & narrow. too, not just with your mind!
When you’re being so busy, efficient and productive in your own
energy, you neglect that “bride” energy, and become more
603 _________________________________________________ mentally focused than “wholly” focused.
“My strength is sufficient for thee” is like saying, you don’t Remember? “Holy: Wholly His, in mind, body and spirit.”
need your own, physical strength anymore! Don’t try to run in
your own little strength, on your own battery power, but you can Wait on Me and on My Spirit to reveal to you how things really
rely fully on Me and on My strength. That’s enough, that’s all you are.
need. I promise. Just believe it! The greater weight has to be the supernatural side, My Spirit.
But you need to let go of the old one first. It’s like switching from Your mind ought to merely be the vessel that captures it.
battery power to current power. You have to plug in My cable.
Remember not to make the frame more fancy than the picture
Just as you had to learn how to use a PA effectively, that’s how itself. Allow the Big Picture to steal the show, and don’t allow
you have to learn to use My power gear for your purposes, to your little frame to try to run the whole show by itself, okay?
pursuit of making a name for yourself…
You like the spiritual puzzle of putting all the pieces of the Big
Picture together into one comprehensible frame.
Try to not over-employ your head in search for the missing 606 _________________________________________________
pieces, but let Me guide you intuitively. Learn how to hear and Make it a rule to keep your life, your mind, your heart open
listen with your spiritual senses, and think deeper than just with for your loved ones, no matter what it is you do.
the mind. Know deeper than just with the head. And most of all, Be there completely when you greet and welcome them. Don’t
in it all, love, for without love it’s all reduced to but a fraction of treat them like 2nd class citizens.
its true and full potential. You have to make a conscious effort to keep people above your
projects you’re working on.
Don’t reduce all that you give to Me – for that is what your life will People are what it’s all about.
consist of in the end: what you’ve given to Me – to 10% of what it It’s a matter of dedicating your life more to people, more to love,
could have been! Keep hanging that zero of love behind more actually becoming involved in the art of loving.
everything you do, say and know, wash all your thoughts, words
and deeds in love, and thus allow it all to reach its full potential! If you become primarily a lover of people, then you will learn to
say the right kind of words, and to deliver your message in a
loving way, and you won’t make anyone feel hurt or left out or
605 _________________________________________________ locked out. They’ll know that you’re alright with them, and not
The big regrets that people experience when they get Here, mad at them or against them in some way.
are not in the great and mighty things they might have achieved
and done through works they never accomplished, but all that Unless your project will have that warm “people ingredient,” it
they could have changed by the simple little task of prayer. won’t really touch people. It may be inspired and brilliant and
The greatest loss that believers realize retrospectively upon everything, but unless it has that taste and warmth and smell that
reviewing their lives at their arrival in the Spirit World, is all that comes from rubbing your shoulders with people and getting
they failed to change because they underestimated and close to them, most folks won’t be able to relate to it, simply
neglected the power of prayer. because they may not be that spiritually minded. They need a
While others, who hadn’t thought of themselves very highly more flesh and blood oriented gospel.
during their earthly lives, and thought their lives hadn’t
amounted to much of anything, are surprised at the extent to You cannot allow your unrealistic expectations to separate you
which their prayers did have an impact on things. They actually from people.
changed the world without knowing to what extent.

Upholding the ones you love and I have placed in your care in 607 _________________________________________________
prayer, and thus joining them in their personal fights and Everytime you correct a child, or anyone for that matter, it’s
everyday battles in the spirit, is in My eyes one of the best things really a token of love (Heb.12:6), as opposed to lazily just letting
you can do with your life. them do as they please and ignoring the matter.
It shows that you’ve really got faith in Me and My Spirit World, It’s the sacrifice of love that you make in order to help them do
more than the physical, and you put more emphasis on it than better and the one part you can do in order to change the
whatever you might be able to accomplish in the flesh and in situation for the better and correct it. That’s what correction
your own little efforts. amounts to: situation improvement. By approaching certain
people on the possibility of improving their behavior, you’re
Millions of fathers are so preoccupied with their careers and ultimately improving your situation.
accomplishments, that they neglect spending time with the ones If you refuse to do it, the situation remains the same, or might
they claim they’re doing it all for. They invest their energies and possibly get worse, and it proves you’re not much of a leader,
time in “being good providers,” but neglect the very ones they shepherd or parent, and basically shows a pitiful lack of
are providing for … conviction and courage.

A lot of people are accomplishment junkies, and they’ve just got

to “do something” in order to feel worth anything, when in fact 608 _________________________________________________
sometimes the people around them would just wish for them to One factor that determines what you receive from Me, or how
“be there” for them. What you’ll amount to is not so much in much, is your desperation, the strength of the vacuum you create
what you’ve done, as how you’ve done it, in what spirit, whether in your heart for Me, in other words, how much you really want
people will have good, positive and loving memories of you while and need to hear from Me.
you were “doing it,” or whether you caused them pain by
neglecting them in all your feverish “doing it.” When you truly need Me, I’ll always be there for you. Nothing is
going to change about that.
Yes, faith without works is dead, but works without love are
dead, too. At least as far as those around you are concerned who
you are neglecting on behalf of your works. They’d rather have a 609 _________________________________________________
little bit of your love, instead of your works. You’re still so preoccupied with the things of this world. You
What are your motivation and incentive for doing great works? don’t see things yet from a spiritual viewpoint. You want to get
You want to make a name for yourself, you want to be out of there, but then you’re not nearly as prepared for coming
remembered, admired, etc. Whereas just being there for others Here as you sometimes think. You’re still mainly looking at the
means forgetting about yourself and just being there for them. symptoms and allowing them to affect you; you’re not looking at,
It’s those very accomplishments that minister to your pride and much less dealing with the causes.
make you harder to get along with, unwieldy and unyielding,
unavailable, and “too important” to be bothered with “little If you’re allowing carnal ways of thinking to rule your day, then
things” such as the everyday affairs of family life… carnal words will come out of your mouth, and if you sow to the
The price of being a “great accomplisher” is often that of a father flesh, you will also reap the corruption of the flesh. If you adapt
whose children say, “He was never there for me.” The price of to the nonsensical talk of the world, don’t be surprised if you’re
whatever you accomplished was your absence from their lives. going to reap the fruits of it.
Now, it’s one thing if what you’re accomplishing is really winning
souls and bearing fruit for Me, but if it’s just sort of done in You’re trying to adapt to what you perceive as their wavelength,
but I cannot allow you to, because it is expected of you – it is other one, to put themselves above the other, and the craving for
your spiritual duty – to lift and pull them up. that satisfaction to be able to say (or at least believe) “I’m right
and you’re wrong.”
You were thinking in a carnal, worldly way, and thus speaking in It’s the lust for superiority or power over another that’s causing
a worldly way, and you were not seeing the spiritual roots of by far the greater damage and amount of casualties, and that is
things. something that has barely been exposed, so this ought to be
something to ponder.
“From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they
610 _________________________________________________ not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?” The
It’s quite natural to want a scapegoat, and in this day and age lust to exert some kind of power over another by playing the
where fathers have forsaken their original God-given role of victim, for instance. You give them an excuse to feel victimized,
being the “man in the house” and the leading figure of authority, and they’ll grab it!
they have become a favorite scapegoat in many households, The lust and desire for any kind of advantage over another.
resulting in endless amounts of separations, as it often comes to The lust to oppress another in some way, to deprive them, to
the point where they can bear it no longer, and they move out. exert some form of control and power over them.
Then they’ll have to live with the heap of guilt that will be put on
them for having deserted their families... Disguising that sin under a cloak of false innocence, the “victim”
It’s all largely due to a lack of humility and willingness on behalf cloak is one of their principal aids.
of people who like to play the “victims” game, to take the blame They are the weaker ones, so they have to go about it a lot more
themselves. subtly, if they want to get some kind of advantage over you, exert
It’s one of the big games of society. “I’m the victim, so you’re to some authority, power and control over you.
blame.” And by apparently being the weaker ones, the abused, the
It saves them from having to cope with their own problems and victims, they manage and achieve what they could never achieve
sins, which depresses them. As long as they’ve got someone by force or evident superiority.
else to blame for their misery and unhappiness, it distracts them It’s one of the subtle machineries of the Devil that teaches his
from their own guilt. It’s sort of a lesser evil when having to weaker clients to help them get the better part of the deal against
choose between the pain of dealing with their own sins and the odds. That’s his way of playing Robin Hood and the
short-comings, and the easier option of inflicting part of the pain champion of the weak and downtrodden. He teaches them how to
on somebody else by blaming them for their misery. cheat and deceive their way through life.
It isn’t happening on a conscious level, but it’s one of the They could have chosen not to. They could have chosen to
Enemy’s carefully cloaked processes and maneuvers in the dark. refuse the Devil’s hook, line and sinker. They could have chosen
the great peace which they have that love My law.
The culprit is usually – originally, as in the Garden of Eden – the But they didn’t. The lusts that warred in their members got the
Enemy, and the way he works is to get his victims to cave in to better off them, to grab the chance for some kind of advantage.
one of his temptations, to swallow his lie. They fell for the Devil’s temptation to play a part in his strategy,
The Devil is always partly right about his accusations. Otherwise and be instrumental in his maneuver of manipulation, in order to
nobody would ever believe him. He always uses some half-truth gain an advantage out of it for themselves.
as a hook or bait. The question is, are you going to take that half- They can cling to their lust, that satisfaction that playing the
truth and swallow it, along with the lies that follow? victim gives them forever, if that’s what they choose and want. Or
Usually, people do. And the result is the end of a happy, peaceful they can choose to forgive, they can choose peace.
period in paradise. The Devil just can’t stand to see people – It’s up to them whether they’re going to let that lust get the better
especially My people living together in peace and harmony, so he off them or not, that self-justification, that in the end will only
constantly cooks up new devices and means of destroying that condemn themselves (Job 9:20).
harmony. His ticket is usually some failure on your part, or on
behalf of one of the parties involved, and if the other side Sometimes it takes a little while until the picture becomes clear
swallows his hook, his half-truth, their “ticket” to make a and you can define what it is that exactly happened. Once the
mountain out of a molehill, if they choose to get offended, or smoke clears and the fall-out from the battle is gone, you can re-
whatever, then it’s another little success for the Devil. Once again construct with My help what exactly happened, what maneuver
he has managed to slow down your work for Me, your united the Enemy applied, and learn from it, so you’ll be better prepared
efforts for Me, once again he has caused another bit of wreckage. next time.
Of course, what he doesn’t see, is that he provides ample
opportunity for you to learn from all this by doing so. Even if
people never get the lesson or the point during their life-time, 611 _________________________________________________
and frankly, most don’t, they will learn their lesson someday, and Familiarity is a strange thing. It is one of the main factors that
I will still get the better deal out of it, and the best laugh. destroy relationships, and yet at the same time tries to prolong
In the meantime, it’s you guys who have to suffer through this unfruitful relationships for as long as possible, since you’ve felt
roller coaster ride of happiness lost and found. One day it’s so familiar with it all along, it would hurt to let it go.
there, the next it’s gone, and so on. All until you finally get the
point, realize what’s going on and are mature enough to put a The hard part about separations that most folks in relationships
stop to it and you refuse to take the Devil’s bait. dread, is making it official. Nobody wants to be the one who was
being let down, or jilted, dropped and forsaken for another one.
That’s how it goes in the world, and why there are all these wars That hurts their pride. That’s why some couples just resolve to
and conflicts happening. There is never one side alone to blame. letting their broken relationship quietly peter out. They still live
It’s an art the Enemy has taken to perfection; the art of sowing together, sleep in separate rooms, and people aren’t always quite
discord and strife, of bringing war where once there was peace, sure whether they’re still a couple or not, but it’s not really that
of destroying friendships and relationships and sowing hatred important. They’re still the same two people, and they often have
where once there was love… to stick together for reasons of convenience, or because of
That’s the dark and evil side of “The Art of War.” children involved, etc.
Another lesson and learning experience in life on how to get
The “lusts that war in your members” which James exposes as along as two human beings under adverse circumstances that
the cause of “wars and fightings among you” are not just typical force them to find some kind of a peaceable compromise.
carnal lusts.
They include the desire to self-righteously feel better than the Love comes with pain sometimes, because there are still so
many remainders of the desires of the self in there. limelight; they don’t need the attention or applause from others.
In order to really be able to give Me the glory, you’ve got to stay
It’s normal that there are personal interests involved in filling somewhat in the background. Otherwise your person can be
one’s personal needs. Nobody is that saintly that they get into a more of a distraction, rather than instrumental in drawing others
relationship only for the sake of the other one. And sometimes it to Me.
becomes clear and evident after a while that what you need isn’t
going to be met by this particular relationship anymore, and “When He can get you out of the way, then He has a chance to
when both parties come to that conclusion, that’s when they’re shine through you.”
usually ready to let go and ready for a change. Even if you’re not really interested in displaying yourself, it can
still come across that way to some, unless you make a
It doesn’t have to become a big drama. Yes, there’s pain involved, conscious effort to stay out of the limelight.
everybody can tell. But what is actually causing the pain? Is it So, let there be less of you, in order for Me to be able to better
really love and a broken heart about the loss, or the pain that shine through.
comes from breaking a long habit, parting from something or Even if it’s not your intention to “preach yourself,” it can still
someone you’ve grown very used to, a little bit like fighting come across like that, or the danger is that you do, unknowingly,
withdrawals from an addiction? unless you make a conscious effort of making sure you’re not.
Maybe it’s a little bit of both. But when there’s much mutual pain
involved that two are inflicting on each other, then it’s usually a
clear sign that the amount of selfish interests involved exceeds 614 _________________________________________________
that of the amount of pure love in it. Prayer is higher ranking in importance and effectiveness
than prophecy. There’s a time for everything.
It’s always best to combine the weapons. It’s like a feast, and you
612 _________________________________________________ must avail yourself of all the goodies at My table, if you want to
View that child not as your child, but say, as a “loan” from enjoy them to the full, and not just restrict yourself to a one-sided
Me: My child that I’ve given into your jurisdiction for some time diet.
to see what kind of a job you would do taking care of her and
training her in My nurture and admonition. I’m teaching you personally through the school of life and your
Maybe the great mistake many make from the beginning is experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and
viewing anything or anybody as “theirs” in the first place. lessons… these are all ways in which I communicate and interact
As My Word says, “What have you that you have not received?” with you.
And if people would apply that to the people they’re living with as They complete another piece in the puzzle of the deeper meaning
well, maybe they would treat them with a little more respect, too. of everything.

Instead of looking at the hole in the doughnut and all you think Those who are truly interested will always be a small minority
you’re missing out on, it would be better to appreciate anything compared to the indifferent masses. Especially in this day and
you’re given at all, and not take everything for granted. age, when “transgressors have come to the full.” So, don’t be
dismayed or discouraged about only being part of such a tiny
If you remember that all you have is what you’re being given by minority. “Few there be that find it” (Mt.7:14).
Me, you can view the whole thing from a viewpoint.
Perhaps I don’t think you deserve any more than what you’re Many of those who are saved unfortunately don’t change paths,
being given. after they get saved, and they stay on that same old broadway
And if that’s the case, of course, you should ask yourself why that leads to destruction, and to them applies what Paul wrote
and what you could be doing better. about those whose works will not remain, but they themselves
will be saved, but as if through fire (1Cor.3:11-15).
It’s easy to spot the tyrant in others, but an entirely different
challenge discovering him in yourself.
615 _________________________________________________
How much love do you have to see with that “extra spiritual eye In pouring gear, you’re giving and receiving at the same time.
that sees the good in others and possibilities others can’t see,” It’s that flow that comes to pass in communicating. You pass on
instead of only their faults? It doesn’t say that love has an extra something to others, but as soon as you take that step, it’s My
spiritual eye that sees their faults. That’s usually the Devil’s eye Spirit that flows through you, and you’re actually just giving what
of self-righteousness, rather than even God-given discernment. If I dictate.
you want something to discern and analyze, then it should be It is always more inspiring, and My Spirit flows better when you
your own behavior, your own part of the blame and your share of know what you’re receiving isn’t just going to be for you, but for
the responsibility in this situation and equation, and make a the benefit of others as well.
serious effort to find ways of improving your own act. Try to keep in mind that whatever you’ll be getting from Me may
not just be reserved for you alone, necessarily, but might wind up
having greater impact and go further.
613 _________________________________________________
Your strength is solely going to come from your relationship I want you to flow like a river! You were destined and created to
with Me, and I’m having to allow any distraction to be eradicated, pour and flow.
so that you can fully focus and concentrate on Me. It requires faith to continue to pour out something the world
What others can or should give you is irrelevant compared to evidently doesn’t want to receive, but you’re just going to have to
what I must give you and you must receive from Me. have that faith, that it’s not going to return void unto Me, as I
The only thing that is ever going to cause you to become a have promised.
source of strength and a pillar for them to lean on, and a true
shepherd, is what you receive from Me. So, come to Me for your Look at the prophets of the Old Testament. Not a lot of people
needs. I promised that I would supply them. listened to them and what they were saying during their life-
Lamps allow themselves to be consumed. They allow their wick Everyone will listen to the hundreds of false prophets that tickle
to burn, they’re not concerned about self-preservation. They their ears, that prophesy peace and plenty, etc. But time will tell
want to do what is necessary in order to give light and help who was My true voice and a true prophet. The truth will make
others. They’re not concerned about their names being in the the difference. That which time and history will confirm to have
been the truth. your expectations to others anymore, so that all you will want to
do with respect to them is give, and not take. When it comes to
Some of the things that are being said right now, some of the your fellowmen, I need you to assume a position of a giver, not a
Endtime interpretations, etc., are still hanging in the balances. taker. I’ve got to get you to realize that they haven’t got anything
But the actual development of those events are going to tell the to give of what you actually need, but that I alone am the sole
true from the false interpretations, and that which has been truth Filler of those needs.
all along will then crystallize and show and reveal itself to have I’ve got to become the Filler of your need for companionship, for
been the real thing, and stand out as such, apart from all the love, for comfort, relief, and everything else, and even if I supply
other, false or incorrect interpretations. it by means of others, you’ve got to give Me the honor and credit
for it.
Time will tell who’s been right or wrong.

618 _________________________________________________
616 _________________________________________________ Man has worked himself up to his pinnacle: to the point
One of the greatest tragedies in human life is the illusion that where he made it the easiest possible for himself, at least
there’s no need for Me in their lives, and there are no lives as Western man, and that part of the world population floating on
pitiful as those of the self-satisfied who live in the delusion of the top of their game, the first and second class citizens, so to
having no need for Me. speak.
That’s what the Enemy is trying to construct with all of his Whether his state of ease and luxury has brought him happiness,
distractions and temptations: the illusion that you don’t need Me. is an entirely different question, though, or even wisdom, since
He’s constantly saying, “Who needs Him, anyway?” “some of the most precious lessons we learn from the Lord
Well, that’s precisely the road mankind is taking, a road that will come from deep, dark experiences…” and avoiding those simply
prove whether you, mankind per se, need Me, after all, or not. equals the foregoing of that wisdom you might have otherwise
The Enemy won’t stop trying to get you to replace your need for gained.
Me with the need for something else, some substitute he’s trying So, even though those trials, tribulations and castigations may
to get you dependent on and addicted to, whatever you will allow be cause for present sadness, remember the reward, the ability
him to use to crowd Me out of your life. to comfort others with the comfort wherewith you have been
It’s usually only when you have nothing left to turn to but Me, comforted by Me afterwards, and trust Me, that contrary to what
that you find the full strength of your relationship with Me again. it may seem to you at the moment, those tough experiences are
What I need is you. It’s just rigged up that way, that I need you infinitely more valuable than your happy and easy times.
and you need Me. It’s the way things are supposed to be.
It’s natural that you would prefer to have only easy times, and
One of the main factors that causes things not to be the way sing, “hard times come again no more,” but when you face it, the
they’re supposed to be, is that people aren’t aware of the fact hard times are what life is really all about, and without them, life
that they need Me, and that I need them. Thus they prevent things would lose the major chunk of its meaning. That’s why My Word
from becoming the way they’re supposed to be. The heavenly life admonishes My brides and believers to not be envious of evil
is a life where that fact and that law of the supernatural is clear doers, those blessed by the Enemy who rule and reign in this
and granted: that I need you, all My brides and children, and you present world. Their victory is only temporary, as is their rule,
need Me. There is no shred of a doubt about it, ever. It permeates and as are their riches, whereas your joining Me in My sufferings
everything. will entitle you to the heirloom of My eternal Kingdom.
It’s a constant give and take. Everything that is alive breathes Me
in and out, and I, in return, in- and exhale you, all of My creation. What it all boils down to is, where are you putting your money
It’s a supernatural, and yet “natural” process in the spirit world, and your hopes? The here and now or the There and Then? Are
comparable to the process of photosynthesis in the natural you letting the here and now govern you and your being,
world. allowing it to cause you to dismay and shake in your boots, or
are you keeping an eye on the eternal reward?
The quicker you learn that you need Me, and the more you
remain in that consciousness of your need for Me, the better off How much of a “foreigner” in this world are you? How fixed is
you’re going to be, and the more stable and stronger in the spirit; your vision on the eternal World beyond?
not only experiencing that emptiness, that vacuum that draws on How deeply engraved are My Promises in your heart, about the
Me and calls for Me and recognizes your need for Me when eternal rewards to come? Is your focus on them strong and firm
you’re poor, lean, cold and wanting, but also when you don’t lack enough to make it through the trials and dark times to come?
anything in the physical. - Not fooled by “success,” but even
realizing in your strong moments that you need Me just the same Don’t focus on what the circumstances and the world around you
as during your weak ones. are saying, but focus on and listen to what I and My eternal World
are saying.
It’s relatively easy to be desperate for Me and wanting Me when
there are no other joys and enticements to be had. The real test
will come when life will come back in full bloom. Will you cling to 619 _________________________________________________
Me just as desperately then? Or will you let the appearance of Turn your spiritual sight and hearing toward My voice, and
things, the strength of your flesh and the beauty of nature create away from all those noisy voices of the world.
for you the illusion that you don’t need Me as much? It takes a special effort and skill to be able to make out My voices
and input from among all the System’s roars.
It is an art, something you decide you want to learn because of
617 _________________________________________________ its utter importance, the way a young man growing up in a
Just as the Father gave Me the strength and the stamina to civilization of hunters knew that he would have to learn how to
make it despite all odds, so I can help you do the same. hunt in order to survive.
I need you to turn to Me for that strength, even if I have to make The way anybody pursues their career seriously and responsibly,
you feel temporarily deserted by everyone else. because they know the survival of their Family depends on it. Y
As long as you still put your hopes in anyone or anything else, our job is listening to Me, and even if that job seems to be more
you don’t really stand a chance. I am truly all the hope you ever difficult than ever with the noises of the world trying to drown Me
need, and I’m more than enough. out with more impulses and frequencies than ever, you just know
I’ve got to become all you need to the extent that you won’t turn you’ve got to do it, because your life depends on it.
That’s a thing about the art of dependence: you know you need it need for.
and can’t do without it. I need to be needed by you in order to get
My purpose accomplished. But when things are tight, you look around and wonder, “What
could I be doing better?” “What might I be doing that is bringing
You wonder, what could I possibly tell you that is going to make this momentary situation upon me?” You’re not taking it for
a difference; how could words solve your crisis or catapult you granted any longer that you must be doing okay, but you figure,
out of the situation you see yourself in? “Wait a minute, why has the Lord stopped blessing me?”
But you mustn’t underestimate My Words.
Remember they’re the building blocks of the universe, and the I want to make sure you remember that it is I, and not your own
stuff the worlds were made of. abilities, who supply your needs, I want you to give Me all the
It is but a little thing for Me to supply your needs. glory for it.

Faith is a better and more trustworthy currency than cash. When it comes to confronting those in professional businesses
My Promises are certainly worth more than those pieces of paper with professional life-styles, it does pay to become one with them
that the majority of mankind pursue with all their might and and try to win them on their level, and not give them the
energy. impression that they might have to stoop down to yours…
My Words build up your faith, since that’s where faith comes Of course, the difference between them and you is that they
from in the first place, and faith is just about the most important believe in the System. You don’t. But you should show – even by
thing you can invest your time in – apart from love. your outward appearance and the efforts you’re making – that
Hope is the way you get there, it’s your road to the goals of faith you do believe in something that you consider worth getting in
and love. You’re not quite sure yet whether you’re ever going to shape for, even if it’s nothing else but convincing them of your
make it there, but you keep going and following that direction in cause, and doing what you can to help make it easier for them to
which My Promises point; you keep hoping. believe in it.
You sort of have to pretend to be playing their same game as a
It’s not so much your doctrines and what you believe what will survival technique. The attitude “The Lord will always do it for
make the biggest difference and your greatest testimony to the me, no matter what” can sometimes be somewhat snobbish and
world, but the way you live those things and put them into even wrong, if it causes you to be indifferent to the way you
practice. By refusing to join their rat race, even when all the come across at people, and when it causes you to think you can
circumstances and signs around you indicate you should, but by just let it all hang out, and if they don’t like it, tough luck.
continuing to trust in Me, even when the pressure is on, you
prove that you really believe what you’re preaching, and that you It’s a proud and somewhat arrogant attitude to have, that there is
know I’m going to come through for you, and nothing is going to nothing and no area at all in which you could be making changes
mean as much in the lives of others as that faith, that you know – and progress…
and thus they can know, too – that I come through for My You may think that your way works just fine, since it has been
children and take care of them. working somewhat to keep your necks above water, and I have
been blessing you to the extent that I have kept you alive and
The testing of your faith which is more precious than gold going. But if it causes you to fail to see areas and ways in which
(1Peter 1:7). you could improve and do things better, if it causes you to just
In other words, we’re upping the value of your currency. We’re settle for what you’ve got without seeking or desiring any further
making your faith even more precious, more valuable, and it’s growth or progress, then you’ve pretty much reached the state of
going to be an even stronger force to be reckoned with on the Old Bottles.
market of life.
It’s going to last while all other currencies are going down. Even The bottom is the best place to start for a way up.
gold isn’t as reliable in the long run. If you’re stuck in a hole, maybe it’s time to look around for new
ways and stairways and possibilities to get you out of it and to
I will only honor those with true and lasting riches, who honor Me ascend once again for uphill progress.
as the Giver, Owner and Maker of all things. Those who honor Me Just because I have promised to never leave you or forsake you
with their faith, praises and respect – those who look at Me again doesn’t mean I just want you to lie in your hole and not make any
and again – will also be honored by Me. single effort to look for ways out on your own. Sometimes the
way I get you “out” is by revealing to you a new way or method
In the long run, money will cease to exist. And faith will be you may not have considered before, or simply a new way of
replaced by the actual, tangible rewards for believing the looking at things and a new and fresh attitude about it all.
previously nearly unbelievable. It will always show to have been Maybe a more “professional” approach about your business for
the wiser investment in the long run. Money will turn into ashes, Me might be just what you need to give your work for Me a new
while faith will turn into untold riches that money could never boost…
Sounds like something worth having your faith tested for a little
bit, doesn’t it? For some, life is a refinery of the purest gold there 621 _________________________________________________
ever was, while for others it is a furnace, burning up all those Every person you meet is a world of lessons in itself, lessons
other, less than true and eternal values. Temporarily it may look you can only learn if you’re interested enough to find out and ask
as if those other guys are the winners, but look again and they Me to teach them to you and reveal to you those things about
won’t be found anymore. Hang on to your faith, for I swear it will them that you don’t know.
bring you greater rewards than the ashes between their teeth.
Relying on your own mind and wisdom in your “discerning”
people can be dangerous, because you may think you have
620 _________________________________________________ somebody all figured out, but because you didn’t have any true
I always have your attention when you’re in dire straits, and supernatural insight from Me about them, they can deceive
whereas My opinion doesn’t always seem to be that important and fool you and lead you on, and wind up having cheated you
when things are going okay. out of your precious time, or worse, having used or even
Financial tight passes always put you in a position of greater betrayed you.
respect for the Giver, the One responsible for paying your bills. It There are folks who know exactly what to say and how to behave
makes you look around for ways you might possibly improve, in order to impress others and come across as attractive and
which, as long as everything’s going alright, you don’t see a make people like them. They know exactly what kind of music
you want to hear. instead of Mine.
Somebody who may have looked promising, and as if they had Just like the Pharisees of all ages, they persecute and fight
their act together, can turn out to be a total mess, and can make against a small group and minority of believers that they brand
you wish you hadn’t invested that much time in them, after all. as culprits, and wind up fighting against Me in the process and
sticking their finger in My eye.
Since people are your “job” for Me, so to speak, you like to
project hopes into them, and your expectations of them are
sometimes unrealistically high to begin with. 623 _________________________________________________
Some people are too negative and don’t see the potential in Sometimes you rejoice too early. You think the victory is
others at all, that’s the other side of the coin. The ideal would be yours, you made it, and now you can drop your guard. But in
where with My help, you can swiftly assess where people are at, battle, these appearances can be deceiving. Many times the Devil
and find out from Me whether I want you to invest your time in has an ambush prepared for you that you’re not expecting and
them and whether you should put your hopes in them, or whether aren’t ready for, unless you simply constantly stay on the alert.
they’re just basically hot air. You’re on hostile territory, and you’re vastly outmanned and
outnumbered in the physical, so the prospect of some temporary
The environment is bound to have some sort of effect on the advantage does not allow you to coast on your laurels. You need
fruit. It’s harder to find good, healthy fruit in a spiritually sick and to be prepared for such tricks of the Enemy. He knows what it
unhealthy country. takes to get you off your guard.
Which is not to say that there won’t be any. But there’s just He knows one of the best ways to get you is when he can make
bound to be a larger percentage of people you come across with you think you’re safe and home free, and you’ve got it made, so
spiritual problems, due to the kind of conditioning they’ve been you can let down your shield of desperation and staying on
subjected to on a large scale. The darkness around them is guard.
bound to have some effect on them and corrupts them, as much You can’t take anything for granted, and you had better stay
as you try to shelter them and counter the negative with good desperate until the very last minute. You cannot even let your
and clean and wholesome input. Not many recognize the full guard down after everything is done.
scale of what they’re up against.
I cannot allow you to think that “Money equals blessing,” and
“acquired money equals ‘mission accomplished.’”
622 _________________________________________________ If as soon as money starts pouring in you stop making an effort
The spirit of antichrist is the spirit that promotes self against to make more progress, and thus you stop all growth and bring
God. It’s the Devil’s Gospel of “Ye shall be as gods,” “ye, and no the maturation and advancing process to a halt, then I have to
one else!” He certainly doesn’t like Me to be God, and so he conclude that pouring money in your lap isn’t a good idea.
promotes self and ego, tempting mankind to be their own god, all What was that verse about not putting your trust in uncertain
the while scheming from behind the scenes to ultimately enslave riches?
them and lord it out over them as their one and only god. Proving
that it was he and he alone, whom he had intended to be god all There’s that tendency to care for yourself and see what you can
along… do for yourself and save yourself a little bit, instead of fully
giving Me everything and then relying and trusting in Me fully to
It is that sort of people who think they’re free, but are really see you through.
bound. They think they’re alive, but are in reality dead. Theirs is a There’s a whole lot more trusting to be done, and it’s not as
gospel of death and hate – the opposite of what you’re trying to though you had arrived on Trust Mountain yet.
bring to people.
It shows that why it’s best to stay positive in your preaching and If you look around and really open your eyes and stretch your
emphasize on the good and stay on a positive note and shun the vision a little bit, you’ll see there’s a whole lot more left to give
negative, try to avoid talking too much about the things that and new ways of doing things for Me to pioneer. There’s yet
you’re against, but promote Me, and the positive aspects of the worlds to discover, of possibilities and opportunities and things I
Gospel, with the exception of coming and prophesied Endtime may want you to do for Me, so stay on the lookout.
events such as the coming of the AC and the mark of the Beast,
624 _________________________________________________
A definite, literal interpretation of the Scripture (when they would “He that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed, lest he fall.”
all prefer to keep it in the theoretical, symbolic or spiritual realm), It’s better to be not so sure of yourself, better to be humble,
would mean that they would have to implement Scriptures and desperate, even insecure in yourself, and make sure that any
apply them literally, which would require drastic changes of their sense of security and notion of safety is founded in your faith
selfish life-style, since it would implicate that Christians are and trust in Me, not any other commodity or physical strength,
supposed to do more than just live selfish lives and go to church talent or attribute.
every once in a while…
You’ve got to make sure that you won’t allow yourself to put your
The types of people they’re hostile toward are the evangelical confidence in your own flesh, your own wit and abilities, instead
types who have enough fire to do something about their faith and of in Me. You virtually become another person when you do, and
go out to promote it, those full of the Holy Ghost. Of course, you swiftly mutate from the humble and sweet nobody you
some of those groups may not be perfect, and their ways have usually are when you’re down and out, not knowing how you’re
become somewhat commercial and materialistic over time, and going to make it, into that self-confident “somebody.”
developed into something that some can react quite allergic to. I prefer the nobody any old time. And you’ll probably find
And perhaps they have contributed somewhat to the evils of your agreement on that one from those closest to you.
times, and brought about this false and superficial Christianity You have to decide who it is that deserves the glory and praise.
that’s causing so much harm.
The spirit of Antichrist is the one that is raging against all that,
using it as an excuse to extinguish Christianity from the face of 625 _________________________________________________
the earth altogether. A lot of people listen to what you have to say, so, it’s a great
By voicing their anger and rage against some of My servants – responsibility to make sure that what you have got to say is
no matter how badly at fault they may be – they’re actually really worth listening to.
playing into the hand of the devil and aiding him in his cause, The only way you can convince them that you aren’t wasting
their time, is by really making what you say uplifting, inspiring need and should have, and anything more than that might not
and encouraging for them. necessarily be good for you.

I’m trying to make you more mindful and considerate of the effect “Better” doesn’t always mean “better paid,” more lucrative or
of your words. I want them to build up, not just knock down, even bigger, but better in quality, more valuable for your spiritual
though it’s still true that “delusion must be destroyed in order to growth, strength and character. – Better for your relationship, as
build a firm foundation of truth,” or, as you have heard it put in you get along much better during those times when you know
another way, in some cases “the truth will make you free, but first you need each other.
it will make you miserable.”
You’ve got to remember the Devil’s “Ye shall be as gods”
Just as you’re finding out that your children in reality appreciate scheme, and recognize it in your own life. Where is he trying to
the boundaries you’re setting for them, and really appreciate the promote independence from Me in your life? What’s the area in
correction they’re receiving, so it is with most people: they want which you are most tempted to feel “almighty” or like you can do
to be told the truth, even if it hurts. Of course, if you can deliver it it on your own and don’t need Me?
with the least amount of pain possible, then that’s all the better. It’s a trap he usually uses with men. Women often have a harder
time at playing god, and so their substitute can be another
It’s all about learning how to love and being a light on someone person they make a god out of in their lives, and put before Me,
else’s path. usually a person who doesn’t have Me in the first place in their
More and more people are experiencing breakdowns on the road life, either.
of life, and they’re going to appreciate any kind of genuine help That’s why things begin to unravel as soon as you shift your
and encouragement along their way, even if your own car isn’t dependence from Me to the arm of the flesh. That’s when things
the fanciest of all. You have to look at the need, more than what start going haywire and your world, your relationship, marriage
people might possibly say or think about you, or whatever the and family, and just about everything starts coming apart at the
Devil may do to discourage you and keep you from being an seams.
encouragement to others. In the System, independence is hailed as a virtue and as
Get so concerned about others and their needs that you won’t something worthy of pursuit. My goal is to set you free. Free from
have any time to worry about your own and you can’t help but be such false paradigms by giving you the deliberating truth that
happy… That’s just the way it works, and you can begin to tell you don’t have to depend on yourself for happiness and success
that it does. in life. In fact, you can pretty much forget about it, because real
happiness is found exclusively in dependence on Me.

626 _________________________________________________ You’re merely recognizing a widely ignored fact: that you’re all
Dependence on Me furthers obedience. Independence dependent on Me for every breath of air, every ray of sunshine
promotes disobedience. Independence promotes selfishness, and every drop of rain, and thus every bite of food to begin with,
because it causes you to think “I deserve this and I deserve that and by recognizing that and giving honor to Whom it is due and
because I have wrought this and that with my own hands,” and ceasing to rebel against that ordained system of dependence on
so you pursue and chase your own happiness. Dependence on Me, you’re just coming back to the natural way of things, the way
Me knows “I deserve nothing,” and thus humbly and gratefully they were originally intended to be.
accepts and yields to whatever I bring along in your life. The Enemy and his cronies are trying to deny that. They’re trying
That’s a handful of reasons which explain why I must try to keep to play god and decide who is going to get food and even
you dependent on Me. Successful parents keep their kids on a sunshine and air these days. They’re taking it upon themselves
relatively short leash. They don’t allow them to do just anything to decide who is going to live and die, they’re usurping My role in
or go anywhere they like. this game of life, and that’s why they’re going to have to be so
That’s why you were thinking, “Rich parents have good kids,” - at severely judged.
least so long as those kids are materialistically inclined, because If they would have proven that they would have been respectful
they know that whether they will get what they want or not of the life I have created, and if they would have been just judges
depends on their obedience and attitude toward their parents. and handled their positions of power in a righteous manner,
Having to win the respect of your off-spring without the aid of things may have turned out differently, but because they show
financial pressure is a lot harder, but on the other hand, the love that they cannot be trusted with it, since they mercilessly abuse
and affection of your children toward you will be a lot more their power, they will have to be judged accordingly.
genuine, because you can’t really say that it’s truly genuine
respect and love if it’s based on materialism. How can something So, keep in mind that that’s not what you would want to be or
spiritual like love be based on materialism? How could the best become like. Be mindful of the fact that you don’t have to be and
force in the universe be born out of selfishness and greed? It should not be envious of evildoers, and you wouldn’t want to be
doesn’t work. Just as lifeless matter has never brought forth any like them – independent of Me and making a mess of things,
living thing that has a spirit, contrary to the evolutionary because they think they deserve to treat themselves selfishly and
magicians’ tales. lord it out over the poorer and weaker ones of the world
So, even if it may look as though rich or wealthy parents are disrespectfully.
more successful in gaining their offspring’s respect, that respect To disrespect My creation is to disrespect Me. They have no
may not be truly genuine, if it is based on materialism and some respect because all they see is themselves, or the way their
sort of bribe system: “If you’re good I’ll buy you this, if you’re selfish leaders do it, which are on Satan’s track. Ultimately, there
not, I won’t buy you that…” are only two forces and two leaders that men follow: it’s either
Me or the Enemy.
A system of dependence is often the only way to ensure that a
son or daughter will pursue the path of obedience. If you refuse to be too proud to admit that you’re dependent on
While dependence on the System is a questionable thing, you Me for everything, you’ll always have everything you need, plus
can always be assured that dependence on Me is a good thing, safety and shelter from the storms of this life, and you’ll make it
because I truly and always have nothing but the best intentions somehow.
for you in mind, and you can always be certain that whatever I
allow or don’t allow in your life is for your best.
Sometimes you have not because you ask not and have 627 _________________________________________________
neglected your prayer life, but usually you can assume that if you You don’t give badges of honor to a soldier before he has
have done all you could, whatever you have is just what you proven himself to be a valiant and faithful fighter on the battle
field. There are certain things one has to do in order to receive apostles changed the world with their actions.
My gifts of the Spirit. There is a difference sympathizing with My Cause, and truly
My Spirit was poured out for the purpose of enabling My going all the way in dedicating your life to fully living it,
disciples and followers to witness (Acts 1:8), so there must be a uncompromising discipleship.
genuine desire in someone to be a witness for Me.
It’s your life-style that the Enemy hates and fights so vigorously
The gift of prophecy is for those who need to know My will for and thus sends monkey-wrenches into your midst, often in form
them in a more specific way than I have already laid down in My of the worldly interests of your children, or by your own desire
Word. for a more comfortable life. He tries all he can to destroy your
Once your “boat is in motion,” and you are moving in My testimony and tries to stop you from being who you really are.
direction, you will find situations in which you will need more
specific and personal advice and counsel and direction from Me, I can’t say that you have managed to live up to every point of
and I will not hesitate to give it to you. perfect or ideal discipleship to a tee, but at least you’ve tried.
You’ve tried and shown that indeed it is possible to live by faith
I know what each person can give, and I will reward each one – in this day and age, and to live a life of fulltime discipleship,
not only in Heaven, but already in this life -- with the gifts they independent of any major institution, even if you may have failed
deserve and need, accordingly. in some other aspects to be a perfect sample of what the world
When I see that somebody does all they can in order to serve Me would expect of “nice” and flawless Christianity, which doesn’t
and to please Me, then I also give them the gifts that they will necessarily resemble My idea of a disciple at all…
need as tools and instruments to do their job for Me.
It’s hard to let go of everything you are and resemble to the
Some people haven’t made much of an effort yet to either read or System, your reputation, and see it go down the drain, but only
put into practice those things I have said already. until you realize what an illusion all that is, in the first place.
The gifts of My Spirit are for those who want to put My Word into Don’t be surprised if the System wishes to eradicate your name
practice, who want to put My will into action, and live it, they’re from the face of the earth. They can’t stand folks who shine a
for My “Action People.” Those who want to be more than just the torch light onto their dark and evil spots and expose their
“sermon” type of Christian who goes to church once a week to hypocrisy and their game for what it really is.
listen to the preacher and call that “service to God.” The System will hate you if you’re going to stand up for Me and
go on an all-out attack for My truth.
Service to Me consists of doing what you can in order to bring
My Words of life to those dying spiritually all around you, and Don’t be surprised or disappointed if you won’t have a huge
those who dedicate their lives to that service are the ones who following and a big fan club.
receive My gifts in order to help them do the job. The majority of the masses who followed Me only did so as long
as they thought I was going to bring them some sort of physical
An apprentice will have to work for a month before he will get his advantage, such as liberation from the Romans, which most of
first paycheck, and he won’t be getting the fancy assignments them expected the Messiah would do. Once they saw that I was
before he will have completed the simple ones, and that’s how it seriously clashing with the religious authorities of their System,
also works with Me, if you want to be My apprentice. and I wasn’t going to be big and popular, after all, you can see
Those who are faithful students of My written Word will also how even some of My closest friends pretended they didn’t know
eventually hear My living Word, as I have promised, but first Me, even if only temporarily.
you’ve got to do your part and what you can do make sure that
My Words dwell in you (see John 14:23). Popularity is one of the three things listed as dangerous, besides
power and plenty.
Two things are more effective in pulling down My Spirit upon you Let it go! You have to take a certain stance and be willing to let
than any other: witnessing and praising Me. I have ordained it in go of it all, not knowing whether you’re ever going to gain any of
such a way that if you cannot do one, you can at least still do the it back.
other. If you cannot witness, at least you can praise Me as a You can always be sure that I’ll make it up to you somehow,
testimony of your gratitude to Me, and of your acceptance of My eventually, latest when you come Home to Me, and I’ll pass out
lordship. the rewards. But even in this life, you’ll usually see that you
never lose by giving up anything for Me that isn’t going to last
Before you can receive My Words, you have to create a space for anyway…
Me to fill, and you have to prove with your actions that you want
to go My way, because prophecy is for those who want to go My The words “prophet” and “popularity” don’t jibe. They don’t
way, follow Me and do things to further My Kingdom. belong in the same category. They clash with each other.
Because what a true prophet of Mine has to tell the people is
You have to become familiar with My voice through reading My never popular. It’s never anything that pleases the “populus,” the
written Word, and eventually you’ll also hear My voice speaking people, because it usually exposes them and their false games,
to you personally. their hypocrisies, and how they have embraced the lies, instead
Trust Me that I distribute My gifts at a pace that I know to be most of the truth.
appropriate, and usually – not always, but usually – it takes a Prophets aren’t popular because the truth isn’t popular.
little while until somebody gets there where I can say “Now he’s If the Devil, the father of lies, is the god of this world, then what
ready.” do you imagine permeates the world, and what sort of
How much do you really want it? Do you think it’s something philosophies run and govern the world? Lies. Lies are the
worth waiting for and making a few efforts for? foundation of the System, and truth acts like a destructive
ingredient when confronted with that kind of pie-in-the-sky
628 _________________________________________________ And most people have fallen for some of those yummy, howbeit
There were some of the Pharisees in My day and the days of elusive options at one time or another. It’s your job to tell them
the early apostles who were favorable to our Cause, and worked that that’s not where it’s at, and that there is a real thing, that may
for us from the inside by trying to defend us from our enemies, not be quite as yummy as the fake looks, but at least it’s real, it’s
etc. lasting and it’s truly nourishing and of real value, unlike the
But their fame, and the extent to which they made history ends plastic fake.
right there, and is not comparable to the extent to which My Whether they’re going to believe you and follow suit is up to
them, and another question, but all that matters as far as you are skeptical attitude. Even if they turn out not to make it, your
concerned is whether you have done your job in telling them. energies will have been invested in a better and more
A lack of applause is never a sign that you’re not doing your job constructive way if you’ve been encouraging them than by
as a prophet. discouraging them.
For a prophet, a lack of applause and feedback from the System
is actually a positive sign. At least it shows that what you’re My Word is going to bear fruit some way or another, it’s a win-
saying isn’t just an effort to become popular and “friends” with win given, a situation in which you simply can’t lose. That kind of
them! energy is never wasted.
Prophets aren’t popular. The instant, temporary results may not always be exactly what
you wished and hoped for, but it’s the final result, the outcome of
the Big Picture, that matters, and that’s where you’ve got to keep
629 _________________________________________________ your vision.
When I talk about professionalism I’m talking about My principle works, it will not be defeated, My Word will not
professional engagement in bringing about and furthering the return unto Me void, period. So, you never lose by giving, by
cause of My Kingdom on earth; commitment on a professional investing positive energy into someone, even if you don’t see
level. their potential, or even if you see them wasting it.
When you choose a profession, you’re following a certain calling, You only have My blessing to gain by encouraging other people.
and you profess your loyalty to a certain cause. But negativity usually reaps its own results… So, for your sake,
We have the worthiest Cause in the universe for anyone to apply My sake, and their sake, stay positive!
their energies to.
Being a professional is more than a matter of outward
appearance. People can look as “professional” as they want to, 631 _________________________________________________
it’s still their actions that determine whether they’re anywhere A lot of drops in the bucket will add up to a refreshing and
near professional or not. life-giving drink, and if everybody contributes their drop, we’re
There are definite contrasts between worldly professionalism eventually going to have our bucketsful that are going to make a
and professionalism for My Cause. The dishonesty in the difference.
corporate world that they feel they have to resort to in order to Your faith manifested in doing what you can will result in My
get ahead, the sense of competition with people trying to climb pouring out to you in greater measure, and eventually you’re
up the ladder of success in order to get an advantage over others going to start pouring and never stop…
and show that they’re better than they; that’s not what I associate
with. There will always be more that could or might have been done
When I talk of professionalism, honesty’s a given and a under these or those circumstances. I don’t look at things that
requirement for being a professional disciple, as well as unity, way. What matters is that you stay in tune with Me so that you
rather than a sense of competition and anyone trying to prove can do whatever it is that counts most at the moment, and that
they’re better than someone else. you hit the mark in that way.
If anything, we want to prove that our “thing” is better than that It’s learning how to do it in teamwork that counts: with Me, and
rat race slavery the System is all about, and when we talk your helpers, both in the spiritual and the physical realms. Just
professionalism, we’re talking about professionally, whole- do what you can and you know I’ll do what you can’t.
heartedly, loving others and trying to help them find happiness.
You’re supposed to have undergone some progress and
development since you were beginners at all this. I’m trying to 632 _________________________________________________
point out ways and possibilities of becoming more serious about I speak through many means. I speak to you through the
all of this business of preaching My Gospel for a living, and thus, things you read, through My personal words to you, but also
professionally. through My ancient, written Word, as well as the New Wine, and I
speak to you through what’s going on around you, the signs of
the times, and even through the words of the proclaimers and
630 _________________________________________________ interpreters of such events, as in the news clips you read.
The humble attitude of willingness to take the blame is You’re feeling the “pulse” of the times by all these things, and as
always healthier and more conducive to peace and finding the in the physical, so it is with the spiritual: there are good doctors,
solution, than the self-righteous finger-pointing attitude of just who diagnose their patients accurately and correctly assess
blaming the other party. what the problem is, and there are those who are stuck in their
If you honestly and humbly admit that you still have lots to learn own little ways and opinions, and although some of them may
yourself, you’ll get further than by the method of appointing have some good advice to offer, a lot depends on the schooling
yourself to the only position of the teacher, and everyone else as they have received.
the students. There are certain things that will identify those who have been on
See yourselves as “fellow-students,” each in a position of give the right track all along and expose those who are at fault.
and take, and with everyone involved able to both teach and In the meantime, feel with them that are low and destitute, feel
learn something. the pulse of the times at its grassroots, and don’t assume any
position of royalty or governance unless you are more than
Even I counsel a lot with My heavenly counselors, and when you certain that it is I who put you in it.
read about things which “have been determined” that “must
come to pass” (see Dan.11:36) in My Word, then you can assume
that it wasn’t just determined by Me alone, or not even the Father, 633 _________________________________________________
but those conclusions were reached in unity and united Prayer changes things. It certainly has the power to break
counseling. vicious cycles.
There comes a time when words will only go so far, and you’re
The kind of leadership that doesn’t listen to anyone else is just going to have to apply the counsel you’ve already received
actually the Enemy’s kind, because it’s only pride that doesn’t and put it into action, even if it’s “just” action through prayer.
make room for fresh new input from others, thinking that you Sometimes it’s actually quite good when for a change there is
alone know best and assuming that everybody else is dumber or nothing else you can do but pray, because you’re giving Me a
inferior. chance then, to show what can be accomplished by letting Me do
it and giving Me a chance to work by commending the thing into
“We know you can do it” is definitely better than a doubtful and My hands through prayer.
You’re learning to come to Me not just once the damage has been Mammon will be taken away in order for the AC to be revealed,
done, but beforehand. because he will introduce a new system, based – for the first time
What else can you do but pray, in many situations, anyway? Even – on an invisible currency, the perfect artificial counterfeit of faith
better than finding out what happened or why things happened, – My true currency.
is preventing them from happening in the first place, through
prayer. That’s the power prayer has, and why prayer ranks above Even faith will become obsolete some day, when the whole world
prophecy. shall see. In fact, the whole concept of currency and trade will
become obsolete when it will have become clear to the whole
My Words are the stuff the worlds are made out of, but your world that everything is a gift to them from Me.
words directed to Me, or even your thoughts, or even undefined The whole concept of having to “earn your living” will be
emotions, your hearts simply put, directed toward Me, that which obsolete then. There will only be giving and receiving, the way it
you call prayer, are just about equal in importance, and just should work under a worldwide system of love.
about as powerful as My very Words, because they are your
reaction to My Words, and they are pretty much as important to It will be obvious to the whole world what right now is only
Me. obvious to those who choose to see through the eyes of faith,
That’s how much your prayers mean to Me, and how much namely that everything is a gift from Me to the children of men in
importance and power I give them. It’s because your prayers the first place.
show your faith and trust in My Words, and that I can do what It’s only one’s failure to recognize that, which forces him to have
you can’t. Your prayers are like an extension of My Words, to fend for himself.
because they are My Words put into action by you, and thus
nearly unequalled in power, except perhaps by the power of I have always cared for, protected and provided for My people,
praise, which is your positive declaration of faith in the fact that if which were a relative chosen few. But then the whole world will
you have asked for it, and I have promised to answer your be My people, and I will be their King.
prayers, you can count it as good as done.
It’s an unbeatable trio: My Promises, plus your prayers and They will still have to choose whether they’re going to obey Me,
praises… voilá, the combined power of the universe. or not, and whether they’re going to fall for the Devil’s
deceptions once again at the end of the Millennium, but after
My Words are going to surpass heaven and earth, and your that, things won’t even be determined by such choices anymore.
prayers are what you are going to make out of your faith in those Obedience will be universal, and, what’s the neatest thing about
everlasting words, and your praise is the manifestation that you it, is that it will be totally, 100% voluntary and from a full and
believe that I not only will do it, but – by faith – have already done willing heart, because the world will have learned the
it and thus you count it done, and thereby even enhance the consequences of the alternative, and that disobedience is the
power that your prayers already had to begin with. way to misery and hell…
So, there’s no stopping you when you avail yourself of My
Promises, of prayer and praise. The children of disobedience (See Eph.2:2) will be a sad history
Apply the whole magic potion in the name of the power of the then, available for all future generations, as a painful lesson to
keys, and you’re equipped and armed with the most potent learn from.
weapon in the universe.
Folks can tend to become impatient with Me and say, “When will
You finally put an end to all this?” But it’s supposed to be a
634 _________________________________________________ lesson for all of eternity, so we’ve got to make it have an impact,
You know My motto: “Changes are good for us.” and not just some short little lesson that people are going to be
Challenge and change are actually not that far away from each prone to forget.
other; so, see each potential change as a new challenge for Let’s say, We’re trying to make this Lesson unforgettable.

636 _________________________________________________
635 _________________________________________________ (S.H.:) The heavenly words from Jesus make the difference
Contrary to popular church interpretations of the passage that’s needed to bring back that heavenly spark into your life that
about the 4 horsemen, the 7 seals are like a fast-forward preview you’re missing.
of all of world history at one glance. His input and His gifts are different from all the things that befall
You’ve got Me there, “Whose goings-forth have been from the you in your earthly life. They simply don’t have that imperfect,
beginning and since the days of old,” (Mic.5:2), as the Scripture and thus disappointing quality about them that earthly things do.
says of Me, (even though church Christians like to interpret the
rider of the white horse as the antichrist), followed by the god of Sometimes it may look as if you hadn’t made much progress, but
war, who came into the world pretty much at the beginning, too, there definitely has been some, and even if the Enemy may try to
when Cain slew Abel; then Mammon, as people started trading make it seem insignificant, the wrong thing to do would be to
and developing their materialistic streaks, followed by death and give up! Giving up and resigning certainly won’t lead you to
hell. victory!
Then there is the prayer and patience of the saints, along with My
Promise, and finally, a quick bird’s eye view of the end of the The words the Lord has for you are the factor that are going to
world – not so much as the single events of My Second Coming, give you the victory. They’ll be the difference between victory
nor the battle of Armageddon, nor the Battle of Gog and Magog and defeat, between positiveness and negativity. The Enemy may
at the end of the Millennium, but all three rolled into one, the try to diminish their value in your mind and tell you, “What good
“Day of the Lord.” is it all, anyway?” But just stop to pause and think why he would
The Millennium will herald My day, the “Day of the Lord,” even if do that. Certainly not in order to help you! He’s just sick and tired
it will last a thousand years. My Second coming will initiate it, of being defeated and exposed by them day after day, month
and the Battle of Gog and Magog will end it – that period of My after month, year after year! There’s not much progress he can
Day during the existence of the world as you know it, before its make in your life, as long as you keep receiving and heeding the
recreation, the new earth. Lord’s counsel, and he sees he’s fighting a losing battle in your
And then the 7th seal heralds the 7 trumpets which will zoom in life. So, the best thing he can do is to persuade you that the very
more specifically on certain events of the Endtime. factor that’s strengthening you is one you actually don’t need,
that it’s useless.
146, 155, 156, 159, 168, 190, 197, 214, 215, 223, 254, 263, 273, 275,
Just because not many other people seem to be interested in 276, 296, 302, 309, 356, 373. 375, 389, 398, 410, 411, 427, 436, 441,
what the Lord has to say, doesn’t mean that hearing from Him is 444, 445, 447, 450, 452, 462, 471, 475, 478, 487, 497, 498, 554, 562,
not the one possible best thing you could ever do! Just because 571, 577, 583, 592
you’re seemingly the only one doing the right thing doesn’t make
it wrong! Correction/Discipline: 17, 20, 38, 54, 112, 118, 130, 137, 162, 175,
187, 197, 201, 207, 223, 234, 256, 281, 346, 375, 407, 413, 438, 456,
Only time will tell who the true prophets were, and their voices 492, 511, 562, 595, 607, 620, 625
will linger, while the other ones will fade!
Creation: 45, 67, 80, 103, 112, 141, 171, 310, 325, 327, 341, 421,
If you are going to doubt that you’ve got the Real Thing, then 442, 451, 488, 498
who is going to believe it? Don’t let circumstances dissuade you:
the problems in your marriage, or the way your kids are turning Dependence on God: 17, 21, 41, 54, 55, 63, 71, 72, 73, 77, 90, 133,
out, or the way your house looks, or the lack of people’s interest 144, 148, 152, 157, 161, 167, 190, 196, 197, 217, 235, 241, 243, 285,
in you and what you’ve got to say. If you make the Lord and what 291, 310, 341, 355, 369, 372, 390, 394, 403, 410, 422, 424, 430, 451,
He’s got to say, your primary interest, then all else will be pretty 452, 464, 465, 483, 491, 494, 500, 559, 567, 578, 588, 593, 603, 616,
much irrelevant… And sooner or later the people who matter will 617, 619, 620, 624, 626
realize that what you have to say does matter, simply because
what you have to say happens to coincide with what the Lord has Devil’s Devices: 4, 11, 34, 39, 44, 45, 46, 54, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 74,
got to tell them. Even if it’s just to confirm something somebody 88, 93, 95, 103, 112, 114, 117, 122, 125, 129, 141, 182, 191, 194,
else says in a crucial moment. You can sway the tide in His favor. 228, 237, 251, 254, 258, 262, 265, 267, 277, 281, 287, 288, 296, 299,
300, 308, 328, 330, 336, 339, 343, 346, 353, 356, 367, 370, 428, 435,
You’ve been walking a good path, don’t give up on it. Don’t put 438, 439, 447, 453, 467, 479, 491, 492, 497, 503, 508, 509, 516, 556,
any restrictions or limitations on your times with the Lord, but 561, 571, 573, 579, 581, 587, 596, 610, 616, 622, 628
keep making them the pivots on which the rest of your days
hinge, and the central point everything else revolves around! Discernment: 7, 22, 34, 51, 62, 100, 198, 213, 262, 338, 384, 397,
Don’t let anyone tell you it’s useless! Keep fighting on! 509, 557, 571, 594, 612, 621

Discipleship: 8, 24, 31, 37, 51, 53, 62, 80, 99, 110, 120, 133, 152,
Categories: 161, 162, 215, 218, 219, 247, 258, 264, 270, 275, 294, 301, 309, 324,
330, 332, 355, 368, 375, 377, 388, 389, 396, 412, 417, 427, 446, 452,
Accountability/Responsibility: 65, 589 456, 462, 466, 478, 489, 496, 497, 558, 563, 572, 576, 577, 586, 590,
598, 627, 628, 629
Action/Initiative: 12, 25, 43, 61, 78, 94, 96, 127, 131, 147, 150, 151,
155, 156, 176, 240, 246, 282, 286, 292, 306, 327, 368, 369, 373, 380, Doubt: 31, 402, 467, 565
394, 403, 460, 501, 517, 604, 627, 633
Endurance: 5, 9, 16, 47, 505, 552, 572, 586
AME: 406, 415
Endtime: 57, 87, 95, 116, 136, 141, 145, 151, 157, 182, 195, 229,
Anger: 55, 166, 296, 393, 414, 435, 456, 622 234, 237, 240, 243, 250, 256, 263, 277, 308, 329, 332, 339, 343, 354,
362, 374, 375, 377, 386, 403, 404, 410, 419, 421, 425, 427, 432, 448,
Attitude/Mindsets: 8, 9, 10, 78, 100, 137, 186, 216, 440, 475, 503, 449, 453, 454, 462, 479, 490, 492, 495, 501, 515, 516, 596, 598, 615
563, 585, 595, 620
Evil: 7, 280, 310, 328, 338, 423, 567, 610
Backsliding: 68
Faith/Trust: 1, 2, 23, 31, 34, 47, 51, 55, 60, 65, 74, 78, 79, 80, 84, 95,
Big Picture: 16, 18, 37, 46, 129, 165, 243, 312, 321, 351, 470, 472, 100, 101, 117, 120, 135, 156, 166, 170, 182, 186, 190, 200, 205, 210,
510, 519, 558, 568, 604, 630, 635 215, 216, 218, 227, 230, 236, 245, 248, 249, 253, 254, 282, 284, 286,
288, 297, 315, 323, 328, 331, 339, 344, 347, 350, 364, 370, 375, 379,
Change: 32, 33, 111, 137, 169, 188, 196, 221, 229, 238, 241, 311, 380, 382, 387, 393, 394, 397, 399, 400, 402, 405, 408, 414, 418, 419,
314, 325, 348, 349, 354, 365, 375, 377, 414, 415, 440, 459, 482, 495, 427, 428, 437, 446, 449, 452, 463, 468, 487, 493, 507, 512, 517, 518,
519, 562, 597, 598, 599, 620, 634 572, 575, 581, 592, 618, 619, 623, 624, 631, 633

Children/Parenting: 5, 6, 14, 21, 56, 66, 81, 93, 100, 109, 114, 119, Faithfulness/Perseverance: 5, 10, 16, 36, 47, 99, 138, 158, 186,
137, 140, 157, 165, 245, 254, 275, 320, 329, 330, 346, 371, 435, 442, 188, 204, 230, 263, 265, 277, 327, 355, 366, 369, 381, 389, 416, 418,
446, 458, 473, 476, 491, 593, 595, 605, 612, 625 419, 434, 445, 446, 487, 503, 590

Choice/Decisions: 6, 32, 46, 52, 54, 55, 65, 70, 109, 114, 126, 157, Family, The: 13, 15, 24, 33, 38, 41, 57, 79, 80, 94, 99, 115, 155, 170,
174, 182, 206, 212, 215, 234, 237, 243, 270, 276, 297, 330, 338, 361, 227, 267, 281, 291, 322, 376, 432, 453, 508, 516, 590, 601, 628
371, 379, 458, 472, 473, 477, 479, 560, 589, 596, 610
Fear/Courage: 3, 15, 33, 117, 156, 182, 232, 239, 242, 298, 335,
Churchianity: 33, 46, 51, 56, 60, 90, 93, 96, 120, 122, 145, 155, 164, 359, 410, 433, 455, 505, 571
199, 214, 228, 244, 257, 292, 293, 295, 307, 324, 341, 357, 365, 432,
433, 437, 452, 462, 561, 571, 583, 585, 601, 622, 627 Flesh vs. Spirit: 22, 32, 39, 54, 55, 61, 62, 67, 72, 95, 112, 116, 157,
164, 172, 176, 183, 206, 214, 215, 227, 236, 239, 252, 268, 276, 278,
Commitment/Devotion: 2, 8, 12, 25, 26, 35, 45, 64, 138, 146, 154, 291, 341, 342, 362, 363, 375, 394, 396, 397, 400, 405, 409, 417, 425,
177, 178, 186, 220, 284, 297, 322, 344, 351, 436, 464, 474, 563, 584, 430, 445, 451, 455, 456, 463, 472, 478, 479, 500, 501, 507, 510, 512,
629 560, 563, 573, 575, 577, 588, 605, 609, 624, 626

Communication: 287, 289, 325, 329, 330, 339, 392, 468, 510, 567, Focus on the Power: 250, 285, 286, 287, 370, 415
614, 615
Forgiveness: 5, 6, 14, 23, 31, 35, 42, 50, 51, 84, 85, 93, 100, 109,
Conviction vs. Compromise: 4, 52, 54, 57, 59, 79, 138, 139, 141, 174, 187, 193, 247, 275, 283, 341, 381, 476, 517, 558, 610
Forsaking All / Letting Go: 26, 53, 133, 219, 253, 352, 393, 487, Independence: 390, 417, 454, 510, 514, 626
Jesus: 20, 26, 32, 50, 52, 56, 57, 70, 88, 91, 93, 101, 102, 123, 126,
Freedom: 53, 70, 77, 79, 163, 167, 280, 340, 350, 352, 398, 428, 237, 264, 284, 286, 329, 341, 366, 372, 379, 411, 416, 417, 446, 452,
447, 452, 455, 500, 601, 626 455, 507, 565, 574, 578, 596, 628

Fruitfulness: 33, 56, 83, 104, 133, 222, 375, 378, 383, 427, 454, 460, Keys of the Kingdom: 50, 519, 633
553, 574, 621, 630
Knowledge/Wisdom: 16, 25, 43, 45, 51, 86, 129, 130, 265, 286, 301,
Full Possession: 64, 70, 104, 121, 152, 190, 400 345, 347, 363, 364, 387, 397, 446, 467, 487, 504, 518, 521, 558, 591,
604, 618
Giving: 10, 11, 26, 31, 33, 38, 54, 64, 75, 96, 120, 130, 142, 177,
222, 249, 287, 368, 402, 412, 485, 491, 553, 555, 572, 580, 585, 617 Law of Love: 8, 13, 17, 55, 60, 289, 432, 458, 498

Giving God the Glory: 19, 29, 51, 54, 55, 63, 78, 90, 122, 130, 169, Learning/Teaching: 6, 15, 16, 17, 18, 50, 51, 70, 74, 81, 82, 83, 86,
210, 240, 264, 289, 304, 333, 342, 400, 430, 454, 474, 481, 483, 567, 98,113, 124, 126, 132, 137, 140, 157, 166, 167, 172, 196, 201, 206,
613, 617, 619, 620, 624 220, 250, 269, 284, 288, 304, 329, 335, 387, 404, 415, 426, 438, 443,
460, 468, 474, 487, 491, 494, 495, 500, 504, 509, 511, 553, 594, 602,
God First: 8, 26, 27, 41, 49, 88, 103, 112, 115, 148, 161, 180, 206, 610, 614, 630, 635
207, 225, 239, 274, 313, 351, 354, 357, 375, 421, 438, 445, 450, 451,
468, 480, 494, 499, 512, 570, 577, 578, 581, 613 Little Things & People: 48, 73, 106, 138, 140, 154, 169, 176, 208,
230, 282, 288, 312, 325, 327, 335, 339, 341, 370, 396, 448, 456, 507,
God’s Justice: 28, 143, 238, 263, 360, 372, 626 631, 632

God’s Love: 6, 14, 34, 35, 70, 87, 93, 104, 109, 118, 152, 165, 247, Looking Unto Jesus: 41, 48, 51, 65, 74, 76, 77, 87, 88, 91, 96, 98,
248, 257, 283, 297, 347, 364, 365, 371, 395, 401, 421, 433, 456, 457, 116, 166, 172, 186, 202, 205, 225, 230, 264, 285, 287, 326, 341, 384,
476, 480, 504, 510, 582, 593, 595 386, 411, 415, 452, 457, 468, 471, 489, 517, 613

God’s Promises: 26, 27, 34, 36, 39, 54, 78, 91, 170, 230, 257, 288, Love: 2, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 26, 35, 38, 42, 45, 50, 55, 58, 59, 63, 78,
297, 323, 344, 355, 360, 362, 366, 378, 383, 388, 389, 395, 403, 408, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 89, 93, 102, 104, 109, 115, 123, 130, 131, 147,
409, 415, 427, 471, 472, 476, 487, 499, 501, 510, 556, 575, 603, 608, 152, 155, 166, 169, 181, 193, 196, 201, 202, 204, 215, 232, 233, 234,
619, 626, 628, 630, 633 257, 263, 278, 282, 286, 287, 288, 289, 313, 317, 319, 329, 330, 335,
348, 353, 357, 367, 372, 381, 393, 409, 432, 435, 437, 438, 440, 446,
God’s Ways & Views: 16, 17, 24, 35, 50, 51, 55, 62, 67, 81, 94, 118, 452, 453, 455, 458, 465, 468, 470, 471, 477, 488, 489, 490, 491, 497,
170, 196, 213, 215, 221, 245, 269, 282, 288, 296, 312, 323, 330, 363, 506, 555, 558, 559, 560, 570, 582, 586, 592, 595, 598, 604, 605, 606,
397, 400, 401, 412, 424, 427, 430, 454, 483, 490, 497, 500, 513, 516, 625, 626, 629
558, 581
Loving Jesus: 17, 34, 103, 104, 109, 120, 186, 190, 209, 341, 393,
Grace: 36, 109, 174, 185, 192, 339, 363, 398, 405, 472, 563, 565, 419, 422, 432, 437, 440, 456, 480, 500, 512, 564, 569, 570, 575, 604,
582 616

Happiness/Joy: 39, 48, 58, 79, 85, 107, 120, 130, 180, 187, 237, Materialism: 4, 26, 27, 55, 111, 116, 126, 180, 190, 288, 417, 428,
250, 257, 276, 350, 362, 404, 412, 413, 434, 447, 449, 452, 455, 461, 472, 521, 561, 573, 574, 626
466, 502, 557, 561, 599, 625, 626
Meaning & Purpose: 6, 16, 51, 81, 98, 101, 106, 122, 131, 166,
Healing/Cleansing: 3, 56, 187, 259, 272, 310, 324, 423, 594 216, 266, 310, 332, 341, 364, 503

Hearing from God/Prophecy: 16, 22, 44, 48, 75. 86, 88, 91, 104, Metaphors: 3, 44, 56, 63, 66, 95, 100, 101, 112, 141, 148, 149, 171,
112, 125, 144, 148, 151, 161, 172, 181, 188, 198, 200, 209, 253, 268, 190, 194, 205, 207, 209, 222, 231, 239, 245, 253, 255, 261, 266, 281,
274, 277, 293, 339, 350, 354, 379, 394, 395, 415, 418, 431, 447, 454, 285, 287, 315, 341, 343, 360, 408, 413, 415, 428, 442, 454, 456, 457,
468, 516, 562, 564, 581, 584, 587, 588, 589, 608, 614, 619, 627, 631, 459, 461, 464, 467, 468, 479, 485, 498, 500, 512, 516, 557, 568, 581,
632, 636 585, 597, 598, 602, 603, 613, 614, 615, 616, 620, 628, 632

Heaven/God’s Kingdom: 23, 91, 120, 130, 237, 263, 283, 337, 395, Miracles: 166, 171, 348, 349, 404, 490
452, 467, 470, 472, 478, 498, 507, 598, 616, 635
Money: 4, 55, 95, 107, 135, 282, 417, 454, 519, 619, 620, 623
Heavenly Thought Power: 17, 121, 512
Movies: 80, 205, 266, 308, 386, 418, 419, 429, 464, 479, 485, 516
History: 6, 16, 18, 20, 122, 141, 170, 205, 227, 295, 309, 323, 329,
335, 336, 338, 348, 354, 411, 449, 479, 500, 502, 520, 571, 600, 628, Music: 130, 146, 287, 309, 316, 333, 588
Mysteries: 129, 205, 310, 341, 351, 558, 604
Holy Spirit: 14, 31, 34, 44, 61, 116, 117, 121, 145, 149, 152, 186,
198, 203, 209, 217, 235, 239, 283, 301, 303, 342, 354, 385, 415, 420, Obedience/Disobedience: 3, 34, 46, 125, 141, 146, 181, 286, 354,
451, 467, 475, 501, 510, 516, 519, 557, 598, 603, 604, 627 361, 372, 394, 396, 403, 404, 412, 421, 489, 626, 627

Humility/Pride: 3, 9, 14, 15, 16, 19, 42, 43, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 60, Overcoming/Rising Above: 14, 31, 50, 74, 78, 88, 95, 99, 105, 151,
62, 63, 65, 71, 72, 82, 90, 169, 181, 187, 190, 193, 201, 204, 208, 152, 179, 188, 272, 310, 317, 370, 420, 427, 428, 446, 461, 468, 490,
234, 235, 241, 248, 264, 278, 282, 284, 301, 302, 304, 318, 343, 348, 501, 505, 572
353, 359, 363, 364, 385, 392, 396, 405, 409, 416, 439, 451, 452, 466,
470, 483, 503, 506, 517, 519, 521, 560, 563, 567, 571, 620, 624, 626, Patience: 23, 47, 70, 93, 94, 130, 215, 240, 246, 310, 325, 331, 382,
630, 632 384, 420, 465
Peace: 39, 55, 159, 254, 275, 499, 588 Spirit World: 3, 95, 112, 116, 130, 239, 266, 291, 370, 448, 457, 515,
616, 618
Persecution: 254, 270, 294, 365, 496
Success/Failure: 25, 54, 72, 107, 148, 208, 215, 250, 263, 265, 301,
Positiveness vs. Negativity: 31, 77, 84, 111, 119, 186, 216, 240, 323, 324, 336, 337, 355, 357, 474, 493, 583
305, 326, 339, 366, 387, 409, 461, 503, 518, 622, 630
Supply: 26, 34, 48, 49, 56, 130, 160, 312, 342, 373, 402, 454, 506,
Praise: 22, 31, 72, 130, 251, 259, 271, 370, 400, 451, 493, 505, 619, 511, 619, 620
627, 633
System/Worldliness: 4, 13, 32, 48, 68, 70, 79, 96, 99, 100, 107, 114,
Prayer: 3, 17, 21, 34, 40, 44, 47, 58, 61, 64, 66, 93, 122, 151, 198, 134, 136, 141, 155, 182, 214, 215, 243, 254, 264, 275, 278, 288, 301,
209, 246, 253, 279, 289, 317, 341, 358, 370, 386, 398, 400, 402, 405, 356, 365, 375, 387, 408, 416, 421, 425, 429, 444, 446, 451, 452, 462,
406, 409, 413, 415, 446, 459, 491, 555, 565, 567, 568, 597, 598, 605, 467, 479, 498, 508, 515, 556, 574, 577, 587, 601, 609, 621, 626
614, 633
Temptation: 11, 55, 67, 69, 97, 110, 112, 165, 206, 214, 240, 243,
Progress/Maturation: 6, 15, 17, 18, 38, 50, 56, 63, 64, 69, 74, 78, 251, 252, 253, 300, 321, 343, 363, 367, 423, 466, 473, 479, 494, 610,
81, 83, 84, 92, 97, 113, 115, 118, 120, 123, 130, 133, 144, 149, 152, 616, 626, 628
159, 166, 167, 175, 186, 202, 217, 220, 222, 224, 238, 241, 252, 272,
281, 285, 291, 292, 312, 327, 340, 355, 365, 377, 399, 412, 414, 415, Thankfulness/Gratitude: 120, 180, 238, 248, 251, 285, 288, 305,
426, 436, 440, 446, 460, 474, 491, 492, 499, 519, 555, 571, 586, 593, 400, 435, 451, 495, 510, 511, 569, 590, 600, 612
598, 620, 623, 634, 636
Time/Eternity: 14, 23, 56, 126, 130, 150, 215, 222, 224, 284, 291,
Protection/Safety: 190, 279, 300, 387, 388 313, 362, 374, 375, 382, 384, 439, 464, 498, 581, 598, 615, 618, 619

Relationship/People: 14, 15, 23, 26, 27, 35, 45, 51, 65, 81, 83, 84, Trials & Tests: 5, 9, 16, 20, 22, 30, 36, 47, 68, 73, 74, 109, 118, 120,
86, 115, 119, 120, 123, 124, 128, 132, 174, 202, 216, 240, 249, 263, 126, 133, 140, 143, 158, 165, 170, 173, 179, 196, 201, 205, 209, 210,
266, 282, 283, 284, 287, 294, 298, 311, 314, 318, 329, 330, 337, 339, 247, 259, 274, 285, 304, 309, 316, 323, 343, 347, 364, 365, 384, 386,
341, 352, 359, 363, 366, 437, 439, 440, 458, 461, 468, 469, 470, 472, 400, 405, 409, 413, 417, 432, 452, 456, 468, 473, 484, 495, 500, 503,
485, 487, 488, 491, 503, 506, 509, 518, 555, 557, 570, 578, 597, 598, 505, 507, 552, 562, 572, 586, 595, 596, 597, 614, 618, 619, 620
600, 602, 606, 611, 612, 621, 626
Truth/Honesty: 3, 4, 8, 15, 24, 33, 38, 51, 52, 56, 57, 70, 78, 91, 134,
Revelation: 167, 170, 373, 403, 454, 516, 517, 571, 591, 604, 610 145, 149, 153, 159, 167, 175, 181, 182, 185, 187, 232, 234, 263, 275,
278, 280, 287, 295, 296, 299, 301, 302, 318, 344, 352, 354, 356, 409,
Sacrifice: 336, 352, 391, 412, 434, 493, 517, 563, 572, 585, 595 428, 432, 437, 441, 461, 467, 468, 469, 477, 478, 479, 487, 495, 499,
503, 510, 513, 514, 515, 517, 560, 571, 572, 591, 594, 615, 625, 626,
Salvation: 3, 8, 14, 20, 26, 42, 51, 56, 59, 60, 68, 122, 149, 153, 192, 628, 629
228, 239, 280, 287, 324, 348, 413, 423, 428, 472, 477, 500, 508, 517,
582, 593, 614 Unity/Teamwork: 3, 23, 37, 44, 45, 57, 63, 65, 86, 89, 103, 155, 166,
169, 194, 202, 203, 216, 227, 228, 234, 248, 281, 283, 285, 288, 314,
Sample: 17, 20, 26, 31, 62, 79, 80, 82, 91, 96, 101, 117, 127, 131, 325, 337, 343, 385, 417, 470, 479, 520, 562, 610, 629, 630, 631
155, 157, 169, 233, 239, 240, 271, 282, 287, 294, 326, 329, 348, 387,
389, 419, 420, 428, 443, 468, 494, 496, 507, 512, 555, 560, 595, 603, Vision: 12, 23, 56, 59, 63, 76, 84, 87, 88, 92, 105, 113, 122, 130, 135,
605, 619, 620, 628 186, 211, 230, 236, 261, 287, 300, 309, 321, 323, 330, 332, 373, 383,
398, 426, 441, 450, 460, 575, 584, 623
Safety/Security: 334, 601, 626
War of the Spirit: 3, 30, 44, 57, 59, 74, 99, 105, 112, 117, 133, 158,
Selfishness/Unselfishness: 8, 11, 26, 55, 68, 78, 96, 97, 109, 115, 168, 172, 178, 179, 181, 189, 210, 226, 252, 258, 265, 272, 277, 281,
118, 161, 215, 228, 230, 288, 300, 412, 434, 440, 453, 466, 521, 553, 324, 345, 346, 347, 350, 352, 366, 384, 386, 391, 411, 417, 445, 499,
555, 577, 595, 611, 623, 626 555, 566, 580, 587, 610, 614, 623

Self-Righteousness: 4, 9, 16, 50, 51, 55, 56, 60, 62, 93, 102, 134, Witnessing: 12, 26, 27, 39, 82, 90, 92, 93, 95, 101, 102, 107, 108,
165, 193, 282, 290, 293, 297, 343, 363, 381, 428, 446, 476, 483, 503, 110, 128, 142, 153, 155, 161, 168, 200, 204, 244, 250, 256, 263, 265,
555, 562, 567, 612, 630 272, 280, 287, 320, 329, 334, 338, 347, 368, 420, 429, 433, 444, 455,
461, 475, 477, 478, 479, 480, 497, 499, 508, 510, 554, 573, 579, 627
Shepherding/Leadership: 17, 27, 58, 68, 71, 75, 80, 94, 108, 129,
141, 145, 174, 175, 184, 187, 191, 197, 202, 204, 215, 220, 223, 238, Word, The: 62, 86, 101, 138, 197, 261, 268, 287, 295, 315, 338, 344,
243, 247, 276, 287, 300, 317, 320, 326, 328, 335, 368, 381, 384, 385, 350, 376, 396, 408, 424, 428, 431, 437, 467, 510, 557, 568, 619, 627,
398, 401, 410, 416, 417, 419, 425, 466, 517, 592, 593, 594, 602, 607, 630, 633
621, 630
Yieldedness/Submission: 39, 43, 46, 56, 61, 62, 64, 70, 107, 113,
Sin: 4, 9, 13, 27, 51, 60, 62, 65, 69, 85, 99, 130, 175, 187, 197, 219, 114, 117, 118, 152, 169, 190, 209, 217, 240, 247, 276, 284, 310, 400,
310, 317, 343, 346, 352, 357, 367, 384, 409, 423, 428, 438, 452, 459, 407, 411, 414, 416, 424, 432, 449, 487, 505, 604, 626
500, 501, 511, 581, 610

Society: 32, 48, 57, 67, 84, 107, 115, 126, 195, 266, 296, 320, 346,
353, 386, 410, 428, 466, 471, 472, 475, 492, 498, 502, 514, 516, 552,
561, 581, 595, 596, 598, 610, 618, 626

Speech/Conversation: 280, 306, 338, 385, 601, 606, 625

Spirit Helpers/Hinderers: 59, 63, 64, 89, 92, 95, 115, 121, 125, 259,
260, 341, 346, 451, 474, 492, 515, 516, 566, 599
1 ________________________________________________ You would be – to say the least – disappointed.
“The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let not Well, it’s hard to disappoint Me, since I usually know ahead of
that man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord.” time what you’re going to be up to. But don’t be surprised if
As long as you can’t make up your mind whether I’m really it for there’s going to be a period of silence from Me, if that’s what it
you, it’s a lot more difficult for you to receive things from Me. takes to bring you back to your senses and make you think.
As long as you’re still flirting with the world in hopes that they By offering more entertainment, and amusement, you achieve
might perhaps still be interested in you, you seem to ignore just the opposite of that and lead them “away from thinking”
another verse from the epistle of James: “Know ye not that again, contributing to the entertainment overload that already
friendship with the world is enmity with God?” exists. If there’s one thing the world doesn’t need, it’s more
entertainment and more distraction from the essential things that
The lure and the sirens of the world are one of the most powerful they usually ignore.
temptations and distractions the Enemy has to work with against
Me and My Cause, and I sometimes just have to stand there and
watch it happen. But it’s not like I’m going to encourage you for 2 _____________________________________________________
it. It takes real faith to believe that “they that are with us are more
Thankfully, My silence makes you think. than they that be with them,” & it takes constant & steady focus
That’s a neat feature and advantage of silence. It makes you on those superior, howbeit invisible forces guaranteeing your
think. It gives you room to think, for a change, and gives you a victory.
break from all the endless noises and distractions which are You’re going to have to learn more & more to take your eyes off
trying to achieve just the opposite. of the obvious, the physical circumstances & factors, and tune in
Silence gives Me room to move. Remember that it’s the space in- to the spiritual instead.
between the objects that does it. So it is in the acoustic realm.
The power lies within the empty, silent spaces between all the When you look at the physical, you’re sunk! There are no happy
clamor and clatter. endings in real life for the flesh. That’s why this whole infatuation
with gloom and doom & the darker side of things that so many of
When I get you to the point where in silence you contemplate and the younger generation are subject to, is just another trip of the
realize that all you’ve been up to lately was vanity, then I get flesh, and shows just how little they adhere to the spirit. They
another chance to present to you My program, which, granted, champion the cause of the flesh & ignore the spirit.
may be a lot more low-profile than all the rah-rah and ado of self-
advertisement and aggrandizement. It takes faith to prefer the spirit over the flesh, and esteem the
It’s back from the pinnacle of the temple of temptation to the hill spiritual above the carnal; faith that they don’t have, because
of the humble cross, the true reality of what this world has to they invest the bulk of their time in other things than My Word,
offer for every one of My true followers… which would give them the faith.
So, in their short-sightedness, they settle for the here & now, the
It may all be nice for a while, rounds and rounds of applause and visible, with all its gloom and doom, & despise Me & My World,
cheers, but once it’s really down to what you’re all about, the just because they can’t see it.
cheers will fade. It’s a solemn occasion, for the world to be
reminded of what they did to their Savior. The kind of gloom and Walking by faith & not by sight requires a courage and attitude
you bring upon them is the atmosphere of Golgatha, a reminder that only the fewest & rarest, the choicest of My warriors, dare to
that the world always resists, rejects, persecutes, haunts and take on. And that’s a privilege that not many choose to be worthy
crucifies their saviors, and God’s messengers. of. All the more it should drive home the importance of focusing
A reminder of the fact that those messengers are always, without on the spiritual, rather than the physical, temporal world & all its
exception, not of this world, because the ways of the world are interests, to you, & help you make sure you won’t make the same
simply evil. short-sighted mistake of Esau.
It’s a reminder that they have to change their ways, and many
have to contemplate and think whether they’re willing to do that, You’re expected not to commit their same errors, but you’re still
and most of them naturally won’t. expected to love them. They might reject & not tolerate you, but
still you’re expected to welcome and tolerate them. If it weren’t
No one is immune to the worldliness bug, and it pays to stay on for that crazy, supernatural difference between what you have &
guard against it, and vigilant. Sometimes you forget the good old theirs, then what would make it desirable? The art lies in not
admonitions from My Book: “Be sober and vigilant…,” “Watch measuring others with their same standards, but loving your
and pray lest ye enter into temptation,” etc. Or, “He that thinketh enemies, to show love to those who have no love for you.
he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall.”
As soon as you judge another or point a finger at anyone else, It’s easy to love those who are just like you or are on your side.
you can be almost sure that you’re going to be the next one due One reason you find so few who are on your same wavelength is
for the temptation you just criticized in others, just to show so that you learn to love those who are not.
whether you were really stronger than they.
How do you love your enemies? Look past the differences & seek
Any amount of energy and time invested in promoting your arm some common ground. Somewhere along you’ve been feeling
of the flesh is wasted time and energy. The only thing I’m actually lonely, misunderstood, bitter & angry, too, so there should be
interested in and care about is the spreading of the message that plenty for you to be able to relate to. Somewhere along the lines
will bring souls into the kingdom, or help others to come back to you’ve been a System junkie, a pleasure junkie & a fool for the
the straight and narrow path they may have veered from. flesh, too, so why not show some understanding & humility,
Investing time and energy into anything other than that is simply instead of that alienating spirit of pride & self-righteousness?
counter-productive, because it preaches the message that, “Well, Why not show you’re not any better but have been down that
if he does it, then it must be okay.” When it‘s not okay with Me. same road, too? Instead of trying to protect yourself from future
It’s like having to watch those who are supposed to be working hurt, why not be willing to risk taking a blow, like I did? Sooner or
for and making advertisement for Me, actually advertise for the later you’re going to have to, I’m afraid. There’s no way around
opposing side. Imagine you’re running for president, and the receiving some blows, as a follower of Mine.
people you hired for your election campaign were actually Maybe some of your defense mechanisms only tend to make
campaigning for your opponent, using your money and matters worse…
resources, and the time you pay them for in order to promote 3 ___________________________________________________
your opponent… You wouldn’t be flipped, either, would you? “Love your enemies” is the message, and a fairly important
one, because this is what will truly make you stand apart as true
Christians, as opposed to those who sanction killing their Keep in mind what you’re here for: you’re here to introduce
supposed enemies (many of which have never done them any others to the Great Teacher Who will bring meaning and light and
harm), by the tens of thousands in far-away countries. love into their lives. Isn’t that a worthy endeavor?
I need you to be a sample of that miraculous, outstanding, super-
human love of Mine that even enables one to love their enemies. If you’re going to sing, make it a song that will make a difference
in their lives, a song that will let them know about Me.
This situation is going to require lots of desperation and help and
guidance from Me, but that is all the more conducive to My plan
and according to My will and liking, even if your flesh may crave 6 ____________________________________________________
for the opposite, a situation it can easily handle in its own The only way you’re ever going to get people to roll up their
strength and wisdom. sleeves and pitch in and help you with your work is if they see
you really being dedicated about it yourself.
So, they’re different. So is most everybody else. Show them that
you accept their being different, remaining friendly, polite and not You might be in this for a longer haul than you may have
coming across as judgmental… originally been hoping or preparing for.
With a half-hearted attitude, it’s going to take longer to get the
job done!
4 ___________________________________________________ I can’t let you off the hook before you get the job done.
It just so happens to be the nature of the Enemy that he likes In My school, there is no graduating with bad grades!
to lie, and when he’s running out of other things to lie about, and
when he sees that he doesn’t get any further with his lies about “Let’s get it over with!” is certainly not an attitude or mindset
Me, then he resorts to lying to you about each other. When he conducive to good work and a job done well and efficiently. It’s
sees he doesn’t have a chance anymore to destroy or weaken definitely not an attitude that’s going to warrant a “Well done
your faith in Me, then he intends to destroy your faith in each thou good and faithful servant…”
And in the same manner that he used to lie to you about Me, that There isn’t any mention in My Book of anybody just having done
I don’t love you because you’re not good enough, etc., he then a mediocre job for Me.
starts making up lies about your brethren, or your mate or your
children, etc., that will alter your perception of them, just as his I need you to change your mindset and prepare and brace
other lies used to tend to alter your perception of Me, or yourself, yourself for the long haul, because I’m going to have to prolong
or of life altogether. this class, this lesson, for as long as it takes for you to get it. I
can’t let you graduate without really actually having made it and
You can more easily distinguish his lies about Me because you passed the test.
know from My Word, and from My repeated assurances, that the You’ll have to make up your mind whether you really want to
things he tells you about Me not loving you, etc., simply aren’t belong to the ranks of My dedicated ones who really gave their
true. Whereas he has a greater chance to get you to swallow his all, and not just went through the motions because there would
lies about others, especially when your communication with have been no alternative.
them isn’t so hot.
The easiest way to find out the truth and expose him would be to The only way I’m going to be able to make My swift return is by
approach the other person and tell them, “I’m having these My bride and church getting the job done of winning those that
thoughts about you, could you help to clarify them?” Of course, need to be won.
that does take a certain amount of courage, honesty and humility,
but it would be the easiest way to find out. Unless you give it all you’ve got, you’ll lose, either way!
You can only win, if and providing you give your all.
You are doomed to failure if you don’t, and just “hang in there”
5 ___________________________________________________ half-heartedly.
Stay on the straight & narrow path of conviction and If you’re going to hang in there, I need you to do it with a whole-
separation from the world. If you won’t do it, how will you ever be hearted attitude.
able to expect anyone else to do it? Somebody’s got to lead the Hang in there means do it with all your might and whole-
way. heartedly, giving all you’ve got!
Hang in there also means, this could take longer than you
While there may be more than a few who may believe in Me, there originally expected!
aren’t all that many who actually dedicate their time to serving It means, you’ve been doing alright so far and you’ve been on the
Me and spreading My Word and furthering My Cause. right track, but if you’re going to make it for the rest of the way,
Does My Cause seem so un-worthy to you? some things are going to have to change now, because change is
Don’t you think that a relationship with Me is what they need, and the one guaranteed factor of this, My revolution, and has been,
that hooking Me up with them could solve a lot of their problems from the beginning.
and change their lives for the better? Hang in there, in other words, means, keep changing! Keep
You’re not just trying to sell them another “religion,” you’re revoluting! Keep forsaking all! Keep forsaking what needs to be
trying to get them to know Me. You introduce them to Me. let go of and keep forging ahead in a new direction, making
Don’t you think that there are certain advantages to knowing Me progress and conquering new territories!
and being able to rely on Me? All you sometimes see is your own Hang in there means, get ready for another U-Turn, and hold on
battles and trials, but am I not taking good care of you while most tight as the wheel of My revolution is going to take you for
other people you know and see around you lead much more another upside down and right-side up spin!
difficult lives without ever really knowing what for?
Sorry if that sounds like more than you originally may have
Introducing them to Me, the Great Teacher, does the same for thought that it would amount to. Sometimes, in order to make it
them that Ann Sullivan did for Helen Keller: She brought easy for My followers to begin their path for Me, I make it sound
meaning, yes, the very concept of meaning into her life, and simple, like, “Come, follow Me!”
that’s what I do for so many, countless others, too. But usually I But only after a while are they ready to hear some more of the
don’t get much of a chance, because so few of My people want to details and all that it entails to follow Me: taking up their cross,
introduce Me to those who don’t know Me yet. forsaking all they have and becoming an enemy to this world,
because all they really care about is Me and My Cause. 8 ___________________________________________________
Sometimes you’ve just got to try and reach out your hands for
The fate of those who realize along the way that they didn’t really whatever there might be there, even if you don’t feel a special
want that after all, is not where you want to go! So, the only vacuum inside, or an explicit desire to hear from Me. Sometimes
option for you is giving it your all! it’s okay if all that drives you into My arms and into the position
to hear from Me is the knowledge that you ought to do it, and that
it’s the best you can do regardless of what you feel like.
7 ___________________________________________________ You’ve got to make a little effort and stretch out your hands of
Passiveness leaves the floor to the other parties and lets them faith to receive. You’ve got to do a little bit of pumping and
run with it and have their way. It never fights for its cause, no drawing.
matter how much you may be convinced that it’s the truly right
one. The decisive factor still remains your hunger and desire for My
You mustn’t make the mistake of underestimating the power I’ve input, and if it’s not there, then that doesn’t mean that I have
given you to change things, to influence things, even if by forsaken you, but is probably an indication that you have tried to
nothing else but your prayers. satiate that hunger with other things, or you’re simply tired of
Things won’t just improve by themselves if you won’t do drawing input from Me.
anything about them! If you want things to change for the better,
the one thing not to do is to just stand by passively and watch it Whatever happens to be most important to you, you manage to
all go down the drain. make time for, and if you really want to hear My voice, you will.
Everyone’s efforts are required in order to bring about the best
possible results, and if you just half-heartedly tug along, instead The Enemy is trying to convey to you that spirit of resignation
of really giving it your all, doing your part and pushing along, and “What’s the use?”
then it will be your responsibility, if the desired progress hasn’t Your vessel seems a little cracked, and you don’t seem to be able
been made. to hold the water I would pour into you as well as you used to,
If you happen to be the one factor that could have made the and so you figure, “Well, why should I make an effort then at all,
difference, but you didn’t, simply because you wouldn’t, then to receive any?”
you’re to blame if the battle was lost! But a true spirit of refusing to give up would be to continue to
Do what you can, for Heaven’s sake; you can’t let everybody draw down My input into your vessel, even if there’s only a
down just because you can’t see how little old you is going to fraction left of it, knowing that even a little bit of My life-giving
make any difference. Why do you have to belittle and put down water is better than none at all…
what I have chosen, even if it’s you – to make a difference?
The world around you will keep changing, your immediate
The wrong attitude to have is, “If things aren’t the way I think circumstances will change, and everything around you may
they should be, why should I make any effort to change them?” develop into something beyond recognition, yet I want you to
Well, that’s perhaps precisely why they are the way they are, so know that I remain the one Constant in your life that you can
that you make an effort to evoke some kind of difference. Maybe forever rely on.
you’re there to make that difference. Maybe that’s why you’re
seeing the way things ought to be, so that you can help and do Some of the circumstances you experience cause you to reflect
what you can in order for them to become that way. negatively on Me, and you derive from them that I must not love
you anymore or not as much, and that I am punishing you for
By folding up in resignation because you doubt that I could ever something. But even if that were the case, you must remember
use you to make a difference you belittle My abilities to use the that even My chastisements are an act of My love for you, and if
weak in order to confound the strong, and My wisdom in I’m allowing certain of My blessings to be withheld from you, or
choosing those I have chosen… their flow to be reduced, then you’ve just got to trust Me that that
It’s the opposite of praise. It’s basically murmuring and is also part of My love for you, and that I know what I’m doing.
complaining, and it has destructive and negative power, the You can rely on My wisdom.
same way that praise has power in a positive, creative and
constructive way.. “He that loseth his life, the same shall save it.”
What did you expect from life? That gradually it would contain
A negative attitude is destructive. It’s expedient that you change more and more things and blessings for you to cling to? Well, the
that mindset. reality is that this life is a losing business, which in the end
You’re just as responsible as anyone concerning what will you’re going to wind up losing altogether, and all that will remain
become of this work. is what you will have invested in the true life to come.
It’s up to you to get out and help push in order for that bus to
make some uphill progress, and not just do your own thing and Don’t resist the loss, but yield to it and flow with it, and
shake your head about the catastrophe that you see unfold as remember that “less is sometimes more!”
the bus threatens to slide backwards into the valley! You’ve got to trust Me and My wisdom that the end result will be
just what it should be and what is to be desired.
All options are open right now, which means, there’s a vacant
spot for you to jump in and fill it and do whatever you can to save You see that the path I’m leading you threatens to be one of even
the situation, if you’re just willing! greater isolation and separation, and you distrust the prospect of
that path of loneliness and pain.
It doesn’t matter what mistakes have been made before, either by But you can trust Me, even if this may not look like the usual or
you or others! What counts is now, and how much faith you have reasonable thing for Me to do!
that I can make it through you despite any unfavorable You know from experience that I don’t always work in a clear-cut
circumstances or odds against you! and obviously reasonable way, but that My ways are higher than
Instead of letting the negative things you observe kill your faith, yours.
why don’t you use them as an incentive to determine to do what Often what I’ve been up to only makes sense once you’re quite a
you can in order to change things for the better? You can change ways down the road, or sometimes even only at the very end of
things for the better, I have given you that power! Now, will you it. So, can you trust Me that I know what I’m doing, even if once
use it? again it doesn’t really seem like it?

So, I’m calling you to be different. Can you live with that?
There is always enough to do and enough thrills to discover
9 ___________________________________________________ about life, if you’re interested in more than just yourself and your
One of the conditions to forgiveness is your seeing the need own immediate well-being or entertainment.
for it, and your coming forward and confessing the sin and Life is full of adventures to discover that the large majority is
dealing with it, confronting it and determining that you will strive completely unaware of.
to overcome it.
Certain things just require consequences and action taken. It may be hard for you to watch how those who invest in the here
You’ve got to repent and change your ways. You’ve got to move and now are blessed with success in return, while your efforts
on to a higher level. remain largely unseen, but that is the price one pays for being
not of this world and one of My disciples.
You may think life is treating you badly, but you ought to know
that things could get a lot worse, and they will, if you don’t show
some sincere gratitude for My blessings I bestow on you. 12 ___________________________________________________
I knew that the appearance of things was not portraying a true
picture. While there was apparent defeat before Me, I knew that
10 ___________________________________________________ beyond it lay greater victory, and that’s the sort of vision, faith
Sometimes certain efforts have to be made in order to get and trust you also must have.
what you want, and if everything would always fall into your lap Even though it seems as if you were on your way down to the
by itself, then I would be spoiling you. That’s not what I meant by rock bottom of your soul and existence, and the situation may
trusting Me to supply all your needs. I never said, “Don’t do appear to be less and less hopeful, you’ve got to have faith that
anything, I’ll do it all!” beyond it lies a greater victory and resurrection than you could
Life may have been easier in some aspects before, but then I possibly imagine, and which won’t be attainable any other way.
never said that it would gradually become easier… The You’ve got to go through this as I’ve had to go through
challenges grow as you go. Gethsemane, in order to experience that glorious resurrection,
and experience once again that the Father will have done it for
you the same as He did it for Me.
11 ___________________________________________________
I’ve provided you with sufficient building material for a house, You can claim the promise, “You will not leave my soul in hell”
and now you have to put a structure to it and build it, and put (Ps.16:10). Even though you must go through this dark period of
those bricks together according to the way My Spirit guides you. your life, He will not leave you there, but He’s only using it in
It may not make much sense to be constructing with something order to bring about a similar victory from it that He brought forth
as non-lucrative as words from an unseen Creator, and while through My crucifixion.
your contemporaries might perhaps ask you what on earth you’re
doing with your time, yet posterity might think differently about I will pull you through this somehow.
it, and maybe you will have done humanity a greater service by You don’t know yet how, and it seems to you as impossible as
dedicating your time to such a seemingly un-promising and un- the raising of Lazarus was to the bystanders of old, or as My
rewarding task (as far as immediate rewards are concerned), resurrection seemed to My disciples during the 3 days I was in
than by any feverish efforts of your own to have an impact on the the tomb, but it inevitably happened.
temporal world around you. The light inevitably won its victory over the darkness, and it
continued its conquest over the subsequent 3 centuries, and
How deep are those temporal impacts that folks leave in the even so it must continue to conquer and vanquish the darkness
present world? The temporary adoration of thousands, perhaps even now, as the world’s darkest hour approaches.
even millions, but what are they being left with? Unless what you
have to pass on to the world is really pointing them in My You are My heralds of light, and you must learn to be overcomers
direction, often it will only contribute to the illusion of their of the darkness and not be intimidated nor affected by it.
present matrix, and thus it will only encourage them to put more It may seem like a lot to ask when the darkness appears to be so
energy into the temporal, and invest more of their lives into that overwhelming and nearly all-encompassing, but that’s where
which is doomed to fade and pass away, instead of that which faith comes in, the little strength that you have, which is going to
lasts, and in My eternal Kingdom… turn out greater than everything the Enemy can muster in the
From a temporal viewpoint it may not make much sense what
you’re doing, but that’s what faith is all about: putting your cards Focus on the light! Focus on My Power, and see what no man
and your “money” not on the same old things everybody else else can see! See the victory beyond the battle, the resurrection
can see, and what they consider to be “common sense,” but past the crucifixion, the new glorious life beyond the grave, the
rather that which requires some “uncommon sense,” a vision for brilliant light just beyond that stretch of pitch black darkness.
things not everybody else can see…
You dare to make the statement that My words, and what I have Don’t be distracted by the fake colored and flashing lights of the
to communicate to you happens to be important enough to invest Enemy, that which seems like light and life, but is not. But keep
your time in it, and I will honor that statement. your focus fixed strong on the true light, the only light capable of
You are fulfilling My Word by your sample that “Man shall not live lighting every man that cometh into the world (Jn.1:9), even if at
by bread alone, but by every Word which proceedeth from the present so many of them seem to be in darkness.
mouth of God,” and “Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but
for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son Go forth and let your light shine! You cannot help but win, even if
of man shall give unto you…” Of course, that kind of “labor” I use the apparent losers to show the world what is true victory,
never did make much sense to those who are only concerned not wrought of the flesh, but of that which truly brings life: My
about the here and now, but that is what makes you different. Spirit.
It’s the same faith or vision that many aspiring artists or writers In the flesh you may see death, but the life that is wrought by the
needed in order to do what they felt they needed to do, and that spirit is the real thing that lasts.
they were created to bring forth, even if the world around them
thought it was nonsense, and it was usually especially those
closest to them, their own families, parents or brethren, that 13 ___________________________________________________
would give them the most flak about it… Some things time will resolve, as long as you keep your
spiritual eyes & ears open for My input. I may not always show Including Me will always bring better results than not doing it,
you everything you need to know immediately, but “Time will do even if your flesh may be telling you a different story.
the talking.” It’s easy to be swept off your feet by the loud and enthusiastic
You’re supposed to learn as you go, and lessons learned slowly rah-rah style of the flesh. It can be quite deceptive and
have a tendency to stick longer and be absorbed better. convincing: “Of course you can do it on your own! Come on!
You’re not supposed to know the answer to everything from Don’t you feel all that power and energy you have? Show the
scratch. Folks are supposed to know you’re in the same boat world that you’re its champion!...”
with them, the only difference being that you have that hot wire
with Me by which I can reveal to you answers to certain That battle royal between flesh and spirit is ever-present. If you
problems. You’ve got that magic lamp of My living words, which forget the lesson for just a moment, the flesh will take advantage
can solve problems for you as they arise. It doesn’t create a of it and try to make its break, and, of course, the spirit, in its
problem-free path for you, but solves them as you go and as you tender and gentle way doesn’t stand much a chance to oppose it.
confront them. The spirit is always the victim of the flesh and its aggressive
I’m not leading you on a path without confrontations, but one ways. The spirit will always bring salvation and new life to the
where you learn to deal with them with My help as they arise. flesh once the flesh has come to its end, and is ready to accept
that the spirit indeed is superior, but it usually won’t take long
until the flesh will figure once again that it can do it on its own.
14 ___________________________________________________ In reality it will only make a mess of things trying to face all the
The Good News and what is meant by “The Gospel” is not all numerous challenges in its own wisdom.
the gory details about the evils of this world and Satan’s The flesh’s attitude will always be, “We’re going to show them
workings and how he manages to enslave people, although it that we can do it without them!” Like a little stubborn child that
may take that sometimes in order to wake some people up to the really wants to show the world and only lands flat on its face in
fact that they need Salvation. But primarily, the Gospel should be the effort…
the emphasis on the Good News that I have come to save you
from all that – Anything the Devil may be up to will be brought to Too many people try to do things on their own without Me,
naught, and the first and best thing anyone can do to avail without consulting Me, acknowledging Me, and often even
themselves of My cleansing, renewing and liberating power, is to without considering Me or asking for My help at all. Just a quick
receive Me, God’s gift to them, and thereby become heirs of His stamp of approval, perhaps, so they can’t say they never prayed,
Promises. but not really looking up to Me for constant guidance.
There is a time for everything: a time to warn people of the evils
that may befall them if they refuse to adhere to My ways and Carnal reasoning leads to becoming the epitome of a fool who
counsel, but then there is also a time to remind them just how says in his heart, “There is no God, and even if there was a God,
easy it is to become a child or bride of Mine. there is no need for Him, because we manage just fine on our
You’re fighting to bring Salvation to the world, not condemnation own! This whole God-business is just causing a lot of problems,
(Jn.3:17). anyway…”
It’s good to be aware and not ignorant of the Devil’s devices. But It’s the opposite of the wisdom of acknowledging Me in all your
the message you will want to convey to others primarily is that of ways so that I can direct your paths. It’s like stubbornly insisting
Salvation, that of hope, and an emphasis on the light, and not so on running through the darkness blind, refusing to accept My
much on the darkness. light to shine on your path…
The foundation stone you must lay is that of Salvation, and that Experience teaches you that you all have a little bit of that
they have accepted Me in their lives. syndrome within you, and if you’re going to give in to it, it’s
The best and most effective weapons against the evils in this going to take you down the same path where you’ll wind up
world is My gift of Salvation. making a fool of yourself.
Give’em Salvation! Save them! Get them saved! Make them Mine!
Getting them saved and getting them to get others saved is the It pays to listen to Me and wait for Me and My input, My Power
best and most effective thing in the world you can do for Me and and Spirit to be your boost and guide…
for My Kingdom!
You can do it yourself, if you insist, but the result will never be
the same as when you include Me. You can do it, but whether
15 ___________________________________________________ you’re going to be doing a good job at it is another question.
It takes faithful practice to get your mind under My control,
and if you neglect it for a day, it’s going to take you greater effort
the next. Because you’ve been trying to come up with all sorts of 16 ___________________________________________________
ideas on your own, your mind is used to “doing it” on its own The kind of truth that really makes a difference and deals a
again, and it’s always hard for it to let go and let Me take over blow to the Enemy’s kingdom is the Salvation message.
again after such a period of running wild and free… I need you to publish glad tidings, the Good News.
Your mind will take you anywhere if you let it, wherever it deems A lot of people are preaching negative news, but not many are
that success and strength will be waiting. The only problem is, actively offering the Solution.
there’s no happiness, no joy, no peace, no love waiting there, The Salvation message might not put you on the front page in
because those are the fruits of the Spirit, whereas the mind earthly papers, but it puts you on the list of those who obey My
working on its own without My Spirit will just bring forth the commandment to preach the Gospel!
fruits of the flesh. And so you wind up tired, exhausted and You’re learning just how special obedience is, and how much
frustrated instead of fulfilled and satisfied with your trouble disobedience has caused for mankind. There’s a drastic
achievements… difference, and it pays to be counted among the obeyers.

I have to allow you to make these experiences to drive home the

importance of depending on Me instead of doing it on your own. I 17 ___________________________________________________
just can’t let you do it alone; I need you to include Me in it. You’re not the only one finding himself a bit clueless
I need you to find out by experience that the results simply won’t concerning how to deal with the younger generation. It’s one of
be the same when you try to do things without Me as when you those extraordinary challenges you find before you that I want
include Me and commit the day into My hands first. I need to you to recruit and solicit My help in solving and tackling.
make it obvious to you that relying on Me is doubtlessly the Sometimes all young sensitive people need and want is to be
preferable option to relying on your own strength and wisdom. loved and belong somewhere.
If they don’t really feel that their home and family is where they when the showdown comes and he shows his true face, you
belong, then of course they’ll look someplace else… among their won’t have what it takes to resist, overcome, lick and beat him.
peers and friends, to find that feeling of belonging and kinship.
Obedience and successful relationships both depend on the
It’s a perfect illustration of My relationship with much of the ability to let go of one’s own will. People with a strong will have a
church. The vast majority are simply quite infatuated with the harder time to form successful relationships with others and
world and love it the way it is, and they’re not really all that finding it in them to carry out orders or what’s required of them,
interested in either exposing its evils, nor in offering others a especially when it’s in aspects that require faith, instead of
way out. They’d actually prefer to be in it themselves, and – in situations with immediate, tangible rewards and gratifications.
their hearts – that’s often the case. It’s the “What’s in it for me?” society and a “Tit for tat” system
Sometimes their attitude toward the world will change later on in where folks only do something in return for some benefit, and it’s
life, according to their personal experiences. Others are simply very hard to get anyone to renounce that type of thinking for the
quite comfortable with it and the way things are, and they’re not sake of My Cause, and to persuade them into doing anything for
cut out for the life of a disciple. Me, especially if it’s not going to be rewarded with some
immediate benefit, but requires faith in rewards in some distant
Fact is, you’re in the world, and that’s for a purpose: you’re there future, which is only perceived by faith, since the whole rest of
to make certain experiences in it, and you just can’t save your the world says that it’s not going to happen…
child from that path any more than I was able to save you from
it… It is I Who will have to right the wrongs of this world, and I know
your frame, and won’t expect more of you than you can deliver
Everybody has to make their own experiences in the world that momentarily, but I cause you to grow and stretch your muscles,
will make them determine whether they feel at home in it, or enhancing your capacities to give.
whether they’ll refuse to settle for what it has got to offer them,
and seek a better place instead…
19 ___________________________________________________
The pain of having to watch them go the other way and forsake I’m a lover of details. I’m the Great Teacher, and I love it when
you – as Paul put it, “having loved this present world,” is an My pupils do their homework and thoroughly.
experience that I want you to go through as a sample of how I You’re finding out that just slapping your theories together on
feel many times. shreds of information without hearing out the whole story has
It’s part of obtaining a greater understanding of My mind, the unpleasant consequences.
mind of God, and learning to not only see things through My When you get excited about an opinion, you tend to skip a few
eyes, but also experiencing them with the Father’s heart. I don’t facts, and it requires a bit more work to really find all the
only want you to learn to see and think as I do, but also to feel supporting facts and arguments, secure their sources, and to
and to love as I do, and the only way to achieve that is via the state your point in a more balanced and reasonable way.
path of suffering and pain that you experience through these Unfortunately, that kind of work makes whatever you’ve got to
conflicts. say or write also more tedious to listen to or read…

To be forsaken by your own for the sake of the world is a very People are always quick to hear some biased gossip, or
real experience for Me and the Father to deal with, and We would emotional rantings and ravings of someone that will stir up their
like to allow as many as possible to participate and partake in emotions for a certain cause or against a certain group of people.
this pain to give them a greater understanding of Our point of What people like isn’t necessarily the facts, but hype and
view, and how we feel about it. propaganda. They basically love to be manipulated, and that’s
It will also teach you how to love like We do: not just giving up on also why they will receive the Antichrist with wide open arms,
someone when you see that they are turning their backs on you, since he will be the chief manipulator of all times.
but to continue loving them unconditionally in spite of their
choices and preferences for the world, even if it’s very painful. Give both sides a chance to be heard, at least when there are
You may feel tempted to close your heart up to them and lock facts on either end, without omitting any, lest you become guilty
them out, but you know you just can’t do that. You simply have to of the same tactic of manipulation.
bear the pain… And, like the father of the prodigal son, hope and Be fair enough to show the facts that speak in favor of the others
pray that some day they will return to you, and receive them back side, even if it may undermine your own point somewhat.
with wide open arms, as I have always done with you.
I wasn’t a great winner of debates in My time, and that’s simply
Mothers often experience these things differently. They cannot not what it’s about. It’s about winning the soul, not the argument.
bear to see the whole thing with the realistic view of what their I’d rather lose an argument and win the soul. That’s the goal…
children are actually doing by choosing the ways of the world. Not tons of arguments in favor of your point, but enough love to
They say, “It’s only natural,” and in a way they’re right. They win a soul, even if you never win an argument.
have to make those experiences; it’s in their nature to have to do
so. It’s not about showing off how smart you are, but about loving
others, and in the process you’ll find out, that that’s the smartest
thing you’ve ever done.
18 ___________________________________________________
You don’t have to take and accept everything the Devil, or Love may turn out to be even more effective than the raw truth!
even life itself, hands you. Sometimes you’ve got to have the
grace and the ability to say, “No, thank you!”
It’s ingrained into the minds of this consumers’ society to take 20 ___________________________________________________
and grab and consume whatever one can, but sometimes it’s The Prodigal son’s father waited patiently for his son’s return,
simply wiser to forego some of those blessings, which have a he didn’t go chasing after him, nor did he send the police after
hidden price. him, nor did he write him letters about how much he disapproved
They may make things easier and more pleasant for you of his son’s strayings.
immediately and in short term aspects, but in the long run they The world is a mess, but you need to ask yourself, what is the
make you lazier and spoiled… and thus, weaker to fight the best thing you can possibly do in order to improve things?
battle, which is, of course, the Enemy’s incentive. Just pointing your finger at the culprit isn’t necessarily the
He pretends to be your friend in order to weaken you, so that solution. It’s one thing to expose evil, but what is the answer you
will give? The Enemy always camouflages his temptations as something
You have come to learn all you did about the Devil’s devices, and less than downright evil and only time will tell and expose just
you can’t say you’re ignorant of them any longer, which is good. how bad the thing really was that he persuaded you to enjoy…
You’ve obtained a lot of wisdom and insight about his workings,
and it’s going to come in handy.
But “the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, 23 ___________________________________________________
gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, Some things are giving you trials. But let the trials do their
without partiality, and without hypocrisy” and involves a few work on you: Let them cause you to pray, let them mold your
more factors besides exposing the workings of evil. heart and make you desperate.
It sees how experiencing the fruits and results and One of the main causes for things going haywire is because
consequences of evil is necessary for mankind in order to learn people generally are so complacent instead of desperate.
their lesson and for others to acquire that wisdom, too. You can’t It’s okay to be desperate, in fact, quite appropriate in these times,
just impart all you know to anyone by telling them, “it is so.” If and if it takes some trials and some things that aren’t the way
they didn’t believe Me, what makes you think they’re going to they should be to get you there, then let it be!
believe you?
So, it might be better in some cases to just hold your breath for a Looking at the state of your vessel and the circumstances can be
little while until they’re ready to listen. a bit scary sometimes, all that introspection and self-analysis, or
the state of your crew. But if you keep your focus on the field and
on the job and the goals before you, and the people I have placed
21 ___________________________________________________ in your care to shepherd and take care of, you’ll see that there’s
I need people who are in this for the long haul, and who are purpose, after all.
prepared to walk all the way, no matter how long it may turn out Hold on to Me, and I will reveal the purpose to you that you may
to be. not be able to see immediately. When your life doesn’t seem to
A finished building does look nicer than one that was never be making much sense, it’s time to stop, look up & listen to Me.
finished because the builder didn’t quite have what it took to
finish it. He didn’t count the cost before he started… All that
remains is a sad waste of space and a monument to wasted 24 ___________________________________________________
manpower and resources due to a lack of wisdom, foresight and Sometimes it helps to be reminded how many people have it
the ability to truthfully assess one’s own resources and much worse than you in many aspects.
limitations. Whatever has befallen you, you can always safely assume that
What are the resources needed to finish running the race for Me?somebody else somewhere at some time must have had it worse
than you, and that you’re quite blessed.
Well, primarily faith. As long as you believe that all things are
possible, you’ll know that even if you get stuck along the way, The Enemy tries to amplify the pain and darken the picture by
seemingly without any strength or resources to continue, I’ll bewhispering in your ear, as if he was your friend and sympathizing
able to supply you with what you need. with you, when he’s responsible for the mess and the situation in
the first place. He’s the real culprit and traitor, and if anything, it
should strengthen your resolve against him, and your
22 ___________________________________________________ determination to fight him to the death. He’s the author of the lies
You must forego the negative, distracting input from the that cause the confusion, the misunderstandings,
Enemy in order to stay empty and hungry for Mine. “Ye cannot misconceptions and suspicions that cause all the hurt and
drink of the Lord’s cup and the Devil’s.” alienation, so he’s the one you should direct your anger against,
You’re trying to fight that feeling of emptiness with the wrong and whom you should fight accordingly.
cure, which is weakening your channel with Me! The other people involved are only his victims, just like you.

One of the Devil’s old tricks is to pose as some older, wiser You have seen the way he operates time and time and time again,
brother who says that it’s okay to enjoy the forbidden fruit; it’s so you should be able to be a strength and a comfort to the other
okay to enjoy that worldly entertainment, it’s okay to go easy on parties involved, instead of playing along in the game of
yourself… artificially induced antagonism and strife that he initiated with his
The problem is that the devices he offers seldom, if ever render schemes.
true happiness. They only yield a temporary relief from thinking. You’ve got to see the spiritual cause behind what happened, and
The assessment of where the world is at can sometimes hurt and see what his goals are. He wants to make you feel like giving up
tend to be depressing, so you want to drown out those thoughts and like surrendering to your fate, and as if the others were your
with some other, less gloomy input, or simply distract yourself enemies!
with anything available from that reality… He’s trying to discourage you from reaching out to communicate
On the other hand you’ve experienced that sometimes even a because he knows that would be the end of his scheme.
not-so-hot movie could contain some interesting lessons, and Communication is a killer of Satan’s schemes, that’s why he tries
you figure “more input is better than no input,” even if it isn’t to fight communication between you, and also with Me, tooth and
necessarily all good. nail. Communication is his dilemma, his nemesis. He can’t stand
But I’m just drawing your attention to the fact that some of that it, because it is bound to expose his scheme sooner or later and
not-so-good input can tamper with your channel with Me. reveal just how ridiculous all those lies and suspicions were that
It reduces your hunger and desperation for My input, because he was trying to sow in your minds about each other.
your mind has already been filled with something. Communication will shed light into each other’s minds about
how each of you really feel.
Movies designed to convey a “loser” spirit to its viewers are not Bringing in that light will diminish the Enemy’s abilities to
conducive to feeling much like one of My Overcomers or future operate in the darkness and there sow his seeds.
champions of the world, and what you were hoping to be a cure
to your depressions is going to turn out to be part of the problem
instead. 25 ___________________________________________________
People use fear as an excuse, when they ought to be
So, watch out what you’re feeding your soul. An overdose of the recognizing it as a weakness they ought to overcome.
wrong sort of input can have lasting implications that you It opens the venue for them to play the victim: “I was afraid of
weren’t ready for when you sought some harmless you…” That’s exactly what Adam & Eve said when they were
entertainment… hiding from Me. It makes you look like the big, bad culprit, and
they are the victims. But did that save Adam & Eve from having smart you were or not?
to pay the consequences of their actions? No it didn’t. And that’s If it was your own superior qualities that saved you, then what
a lesson for all mankind. hope would there be for them?
No matter what sort of excuse you will give for your sins, it won’t But if you put forth a little bit of a belieiving effort that what I did
hold ground, and it won’t clear you of having to pay the for you I am also able to do for them, and if you let that positive
consequences. attitude shine through a little bit, instead of your suspicion and
Nobody will be able to stand before Me and justify themselves doubt concerning them, maybe they’ll also catch the drift and
and clear themselves of their sin or failures. Not by all their trying start believing that I can do it for them, too!
to do so. If I’m your only hope, what makes you doubt that I can be theirs,
The easiest and quickest way to be forgiven is to be willing to too?
admit their sin and admit that they need help, instead of lying and
pretending they’re doing just fine without it, which is pride. Even if they’re going to betray you, what else can you ever do but
love them? If you don’t love them, you will only give them a
How to deal with someone who doesn’t want to face the truth? justification for their choice and betrayal.
Welcome to the great challenge of the 21st century! That’s what
I’m having to deal with, and – among other things – what you’re Can you make an effort to have a little bit of a believing and
here to learn: How to “sell” the truth to people who don’t want it. trusting attitude that I’m capable of bringing the best out of this
The least appreciated and wanted commodity in the universe. situation, and that I’m in full control?
The most rejected treasure of all times. You cannot put your trust in the circumstances or the shape
The only way you’re going to be able to sell it is by “speaking the they’re in. The only One it pays to put your trust in fully am I. I
truth in love,” love being the important factor here, even above can salvage any situation, no matter how bad.
the truth factor.
Without love, you’re never going to be able to speak the truth It’s true that it pays to be prepared for the worst in order to avoid
successfully. That’s why you have to learn to love people in spite unpleasant surprises.
of knowing the truth about them, truth that they’re not even But what crime could they possibly commit that I wouldn’t
aware of themselves… forgive them for? Now, we don’t want to find out, if we can help
That’s the type of art I practice and you can learn from Me. it, but why do you have to act as if there was such a thing? Why
Does it sound like a worthy endeavor to you? Learning to love can’t you just accept the fact that they’re a beloved and forgiven
people in spite of their faults and weaknesses? That’s the child of Mine, no matter what, and grant them that forgiveness?
business I’m in. You wanna join Me? The good thing about it is, if
you do, you’ll find that people will have a much easier time So you would have expected more of them, and you resent that
putting up with yours, too! they’re going to choose the ways of the world instead of Mine.
You resent the way this reflects back on you.
Yes, they’re afraid of the truth, which is precisely the reason why But these are fairly selfish motivations, and they certainly won’t
they’ve always been afraid of Me. They can’t handle the truth cut the cake in persuading anybody to sacrifice the thrills this
without first having received the assurance of unconditional love. world has to offer…
Once they’ve received and experienced that, anything is possible
for them. You’re just going to have to trust Me that I have a plan and a
It’s a power that can transform any wretch or notorious loser. lesson to teach you out of all this, just as there was in the things
that happened to you before. If it’s something that’s giving you
trials and a hard time, something to give you a reason to pray
26 ___________________________________________________ about and hear from Me about, rejoice: it means there’s
You simply can’t lose by loving – even your enemies – you something for you to learn and something to grow by, something
always win. to help you love better and become a better and truer follower of
“If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be Mine.
thirsty, give him water to drink. For thou shalt heap coals of fire
upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee” (Prov.25:21, 22). Just as you have seen that the deep, dark and trying times
You simply never lose by loving and doing the loving thing. wrought something better for you in your life, so it will have to be
Whereas a lack of love for a Christian is always a disadvantage with them.
and a sin, because it is My commandment for you to love others. If you can embrace the pain they’re handing you as an act of
It is your responsibility to love, regardless of feelings. love, in trust that it’s going to contribute to your life, to what you
My commandment to love stands stronger, has greater emphasis are and will be in a positive and enriching way, then it will also be
and priority than your discernment, or wanting to find out easier for you to love them. For this experience will bind you
whether you were right about your feelings and suspicions or together and will teach you that somehow you belong, just as
not. everything belongs.
Of course, it’s easier to embrace the pleasant things as parts that
The Enemy is extremely clever and knows just what it takes to “belong” in your life. But that’s where faith is needed to
get you to neglect your greatest and most important duty of all. recognize those blessings in disguise, which will often have a
What he specially fights, is love, and he will even use your gifts more positive effect on the overall outcome than the seemingly
of the Spirit to get you to fail to love, if he can, just as he used My and initial “good” things. ALL things work together for good to
own Word to tempt Me. them that love Me, not just the supposedly “good” things.
Faith is not looking at the circumstances, but at what by faith I’m
Maybe they irritate you, rub you the wrong way and give you a going to make out of them. Just trust Me that one day you’ll be
hard time, but it still doesn’t change anything about the fact that very thankful for the lessons in your life they’re teaching you
your one and only duty toward them is to love them. right now!

Stretch your faith even yet a bit more and trust Me that
everything is going to turn out alright in the end anyway, even if 27 ___________________________________________________
that’s not what it looks like right now. Being open to change, wanting and desiring change and
actively looking for it and for ways to change is precisely the
If it was My love and power that saved you, then who are you to attitude that’s needed: “What can I do in order to make more
doubt that I can save them, too, from the mess they’re probably progress, what should I change?” etc.
going to get into, just as I saved you out of yours, no matter how As long as you seek change, keep your eyes open for potential
change in your life, as long as you keep looking ahead, looking flesh has reached its limits and proven itself to be insufficient.
for the new, and embracing it when you see it, instead of
rejecting it, you’re bound to make progress and some forward Is it any wonder that there is such a great lack of My Holy Spirit,
movement. as long as everybody just tries all they can do in the flesh?
There is still way too much flesh energy and carnal attempts to
“Comfortable” isn’t necessarily a criterion on My list of make it happen instead of folks really relying on Me to do it for
prerequisites. them or through them.
While it may be natural for you to seek physically comfortable
situations, that may be something you’d like to get away from, It’s a false interpretation of the parable of the buried talents to
and seek to challenge yourself a bit more, physically, and think that not burying your talents should mean to make the most
discipline yourself more into a slightly less comfortable state, out of your natural strengths. The talents the parable was talking
and into a more revolutionary one. about and truly referring to were weights of gold, symbolic of the
In order to win spiritual battles, you’re going to have to stir true treasures I have given you and entrusted to you to bring
yourself up, and not allow yourself to settle down in a forth fruit with, and it’s much easier to want to hide those than
comfortable rut, but steer away from seeking that kind of your own natural abilities.
comfort. You want to be the kind of soldier that is going to standWhile it is true that some people have a problem with shyness
a chance to win a battle, and isn’t just going to be shot down and hide their talents literally, and the parable can be interpreted
easily because of a lack of mobility. that way in some cases, the emphasis should definitely be on the
Instead of seeking physical comfort, keep the spiritual up front, Word, the message, and the spiritual treasures I don’t want you
and seek to be fit, rather than comfortable. to hide in the ground.
Your usefulness for Me in this war is at stake… Of course, I want you to use your abilities in order to spread My
news and message, but the problem is sometimes that you tend
If you shift your focus away from what you want over to what I to use your gifts in whatever way and for whatever purpose just
want and your usefulness to Me, your fruitfulness and ability to happens to seem convenient, without really making much of a
reach and save others, things take on a different perspective. difference whether it glorifies the flesh or the Spirit.
What’s important is that you keep the focus and the emphasis on
Life may not seem to be worth hanging onto for your own sake, the essential, namely the Spirit, My message, and the purpose of
but how about hanging on to it and trying to make the best out of it all, and don’t fall into the trap of investing your energies in
it for My sake and the sake of others? something that will glorify the flesh or yourself instead. You’ve
Now it’s true that those others don’t always seem to be exactly really got to be mindful every day of the goal and your purpose:
appreciative of your efforts to bring them the message that could that you would want to preach and glorify Me, and spread My
save them, but I’ve been trying to get you to shift your vision message, and not just preach yourself.
from what you can immediately see, the way people apparently
are on the surface, to that which is below the surface, and their Most people are usually not ready to give their whole energies to
true need, which they might not be so ready to confess, because My Cause until they’ve reached an age where their bodies don’t
of their pride. promise any more glory anyway. As long as there’s a bit of
Love people in spite of their faults and look beyond their faults physical glory left, man tries to let the light shine on himself,
and flaws, at their hearts and that which truly motivates them, rather than using it to glorify Me and draw the attention to Me, My
instead of the show they usually put on. message and Salvation.

28 ___________________________________________________ 30 ___________________________________________________
The one thing I never want you to forget is that I’m with you, They that will seek Me with all their heart, I will let them find
and thus things will always work out and turn out alright for you Me. The problem is that so few really seek Me with their whole
somehow, now matter how bleak or hopeless things may seem. hearts. Their lack of interest, their indifference kills them…
If they’d be more interested in finding Me, then My people would
The more each of you will cling to and rely on Me, the more also be more interested and excited about helping them to find
harmony there will be, and disturbing factors will be erased. Me, and consequently, it would become easier for folks to find
But as it is, the vast majority is far more interested in finding
29 ___________________________________________________ other things beside Me…
Many factors force you to cling to Me and seek My face, Which makes it so that more faith is required on behalf of My
instead of enabling you to just cruise along “by sight.” The only people in order not to lose the vision for the commission I’ve
way anybody in My service is ever going to make it to the finish given them to preach the Gospel… more faith is required in order
line victoriously is by faith, not by sight & being able to calculate to obey Me than would be necessary if everyone would be eager
every little step ahead, relying on one’s own strength, wit and to find and know Me.
abilities. So, it’s not easy, but not necessarily because I have made it thus.
So it’s going to take a miracle for you to be able to make it, Folks basically aren’t interested.
instead of you being able to rely on your own skill. Does that My challenge for you is: how do you make them become
surprise you that I’m not allowing you to get away with relying on interested? How can you arouse their interest in Me?
your own strength? How are you planning to compete with the barrage of devices our
I want and need success to be brought about by My Spirit, My Enemy has developed to get them interested in themselves and
power and grace, not by your relying on your own skills. I need to their own amusement or survival?
get the whole glory in order for it to be able to work.

The final outcome and happy end of history will be despite the 31 ___________________________________________________
mess that mankind would have made out of it all, and only It’s in My interest that My representatives to the world are real
because of My wonder-working and miraculous grace, and that’s and not phonies, just shadows of some idea they’re chasing of
what I want you to put your whole faith in, not any personal, what they think a good or fruitful Christian or missionary is
carnal abilities. supposed to look like or behave like. I want what you are to
consist of My relationship with you and all you learn from Me.
It’s natural for the flesh to want to show off all that it can and all
that it is, and that remains one’s priority until the point where the The Enemy fights your becoming the kind of samples you’re
supposed to be, and tries to use those around you as a better, instead of being thankful for what they’ve got and humbly,
distraction to pull you away from Me and get your focus off of gratefully accepting it, even if their lot or portion may have some
Me. flaws. It’s basically the same as thinking they know better than I
As long as there are still battles to fight, you can tell that you’re to have handed them that situation, and thus putting themselves
still on the right track, still on the right side, and still hitting him above Me in their own minds, which precisely wraps up what
where it hurts. As long as things aren’t flowing too smoothly and pride exactly is.
you can’t just float along complacently, you know that you must
be having some effect on him that causes him to go on the You’ve got to allow the mystery to happen along with the
counter-attack. So, as long as there are battles, trials and suffering, along with all the stuff that perhaps you wouldn’t have
troubles, you can assume that everything’s alright. allowed or built in there, had you been the architect, but that’s
precisely where faith and trust come in and run circles around
pride and all the carnal mind will ever rig up in its own efforts.
32 ___________________________________________________
It usually only takes one man with the necessary conviction It’s your own choice whether you want to be happy or not. It
and burning desire to want to change the world with My truth, in basically depends on whether you cheerfully, thankfully and
order to make it happen, as is evident from the lives of Paul, praise-fully accept what I’m handing you, or not, and instead
Martin Luther, Dwight L. Moody and many others who got on fire consider that you’d have known and done better than I.
for Me, and the world came out to watch them burn, warm
themselves by their fire, and many contributed their fuel to the That’s the problem with the world: They think they could have
flame accordingly. done better, not realizing that that’s precisely the attitude that
has landed them in the mess they’re in.
I’m not expecting any more of you than I know you’re capable of.
I know your frame and that you are but dust. But I use dust, as
you know, to make My crowning creation out of, and shining 34 ___________________________________________________
diamonds to sparkle and reflect My light to a world in darkness. There is always a part that you must do in order to activate
Dust comes in very handy sometimes, and consists of just the My power and put it to use for you. You must find the thing that
right ingredients that I need in order to perform some of My you must do, your calling, that which will call down My Spirit
greatest and crowning works. upon you and will cause you to bear fruit.
All you’ve got to do is stay yielded and moldable and in My light, You can tell from nature that it takes certain factors finding
or even just on the ground of My reality in order to be there to together in order to bring fruit. The male must find a receptive
catch others when they fall, and allow the wind of My Spirit to and ready female, the chemistry must be right, the timing must
blow you up into the air again when it is time to shine. be right, the contact must be established and the semination
process must take place.
The way to do that is to stay focused on the light and to keep in The fact that it’s sometimes more tricky for humans to bear fruit
mind that your purpose is to reflect the light. We only begin to than it is generally in the animal world is symbolic of the fact that
have real problems once the dust starts looking at itself and likewise, it is more difficult to bear fruit in the spirit.
thinking of itself as something special, and that perhaps the light It is somewhat risky. Sometimes mothers give their lives for their
it reflects should come of itself: “Am I not an adorable grain of babies in giving birth to them. You must be strong enough for the
dust?” Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it? process. It shows that bearing spiritual fruit isn’t an easy thing to
The secret lies in waiting for the moment I exalt you and make be taken lightly. It requires labor. It is quite often a painful
you truly great. But that greatness only comes through your process and requires sacrifice, and sometimes looks like quite a
constant willingness and determination to glorify Me, the light, bloody mess, initially.
and your willingness to just be instrumental in making the world You don’t know what your fruit will turn out like, and whether
see that light and to shine with My light. they might even possibly turn against you eventually…
No wonder that some people don’t feel like they’re ready for it, or
How can you be an inspiration for others, and a sample of My like they can take anymore. But even if you can’t bear fruit
love, unless you stay plugged in to My power and make sure that yourself, you can help others to do so, or you can sow seeds
that’s what you radiate? Continue to face My light and stay elsewhere, or help tilling the ground…
yielded and willing to reflect it, and you’re going to make sure
that you’re going to continue to shine, and you won’t need to Everybody has their particular ministry, even if it may be quite
worry about the light in you going off… funny, strange, or unheard of.
You cannot look at the threatening wind and waves of Once you have found your niche, your ministry and what makes
circumstances that would try to extinguish your light. Even if you tic and works for you, then just go for it and run with it. Once
your dust should get wet and temporarily stop shining, you must the wind hits your sails, sail away!
trust that I will use your mud to turn you into a new vessel, and I When the wind isn’t quite favorable you simply must wait until it
will resurrect you into a new, better and more useful tool than picks up again or turns, until you can make some more headway.
you were before. In the meantime you can gather your strength and prepare for the
Continue to focus on Me and to trust, even if you should lose next shift of swift sailing.
sight of Me temporarily, knowing that the reason you might not When you feel like you’re in an inactive period, you can use it for
see Me is because you are inside My hand, and I’m molding you training and preparation. The next active stretch is bound to
into something new. come, and you’ll wish you’ll have the necessary strength then,
There’s a time to shine and sparkle, and a time to regroup and and that all your materials will be in order, and that you’ll have
refuel, so don’t be dismayed by those periods when you don’t prepared well, so that none of the ropes or sails will tear, and you
seem to be able to give off much light… can truly make all the headway that I want you to make.
A furnace doesn’t always burn with the same intensity, and when
it doesn’t, you just have to relight or rekindle it. That doesn’t You have to trust that these quiet seasons are there for a reason
mean it has lost its usefulness. It’s just time to refuel and let me and purpose, too. I know best what you need.
relight the fire in you. And I never run out of fuel for you. That is Sometimes I need you to recover from a longer stretch of
My promise to you. operating in the energy of the flesh, and get into Spirit-gear
You’ll feel the power and the energy to do whatever I want and
33 ___________________________________________________ need you to do when it comes, and you’ll simply know that that’s
It’s pride that conveys the notion to people that they deserve going to be the time to go to work at it again.
Sometimes an ingredient is missing, and I want you to introduce My servants and children to obey.
some necessary changes, try out something new, add a new When the time came, I made it unmistakably sure for them that it
factor to your modus operandi … was time to move on.

Sometimes the secret is to be able to wait for the right moment, Not every battle My children ever fight is won. Not if they’re not
and not run off before you’re ready, not to zig when you ought to aware of the Enemy’s devices, if they’re foolish enough to ignore
have zagged… him or in their pride refuse to see him at work in their own lives…
There are times when it’s simply time to “be still and know that I
am God,” to remember Who is Boss, and let Me have back the
first place and priority in your life again, after a stretch of 37 ___________________________________________________
showing how wonderfully you were able to do it using a lot of You can’t rest on the laurels of what you’ve already
your own strength. accomplished, achieved or even received, if you want to continue
With each passing year I want you to avail yourself more of My making progress.
strength and less of your own. You cannot take any gift from Me, for that matter, to your own
credit and merit, pat yourself and the back for it and think how
The more desperate and dependent on Me you are, and the less well you must be doing.
you confide in the flesh, the better things will be. You need to “What hast thou that thou didst not receive?” And if you did
learn that I am truly the One Who can and will care best for you. receive it, how could you ever boast of it, even if it’s just to
Your attitude should always be that of a humble seeker for more,
35 ___________________________________________________ never thinking you have arrived, regardless of how much I pour
Life isn’t something you’re supposed to be able to show off out to you.
with after it’s done, “Yeah, I lived a great life!” You either learn Be open to look in new and different directions and ways of
from it what you’re supposed to learn, or you don’t, and it takes making progress and learning from Me.
whatever it takes to drive home the necessary lessons, whether
you’re ever able to see the wisdom in the measures I’m taking in
order to ensure you do, or not. 38 ___________________________________________________
What’s in My interest is what you’re really going to take home I don’t give you more than you can handle. You may be
from all of this, what really sticks with you, what you really learn tempted to think it’s the case, but I know better than you do what
from it. you can handle or not.
I might bring you very close to the edge of your capacities
You tend to be inclined to argue that you deserve better than sometimes, but that’s the way you grow and make progress.
your lot that has befallen you. Why should you have to end up in
such a miserable situation? Well, it’s those miserable situations “He that loseth his life for My sake, the same shall save it.”
that determine and show what kind of person you really are… You’ve got to lose what’s disposable and unnecessary, the fake
Most people tend to think more highly of themselves than what and the superficial things, in order to gain the Real Thing, that
objective observation and judgment would rule, that’s human which lasts, and has true and eternal values.
nature. I give you the real thing in return for the fake you were chasing
before. The real thing is connected to suffering. “Beauty for
The question of “do we get what we deserve” is already Ashes.” No real beauty without some pain and suffering!
answered: “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
You don’t only get what you deserve, but you reap the very
results and consequences and fruits of your own either selfish or 39 ___________________________________________________
unselfish actions. Somewhere along the line your actions mustn’t It can happen more easily than some people think, that they
have been all that unselfish, if they brought you to this place, and make themselves idols and start worshiping other gods and start
if the fruit you reap is this situation you’re complaining about. falling prey to sins such as lust and greed!
Somewhere there must be something that is still left to be dealt You’re the light the moths are attracted to, and if it’s anyone
with, some problem to tackle, some weakness to face. they’re after, and are going to try to annoy, it’s you!
The school of life isn’t over yet.
I’m not letting you get away with everything. I’m not allowing you Flesh = temporal; spirit = eternal. You’re largely concerned with
to continue kidding yourself. temporal matters when you become obsessed with the flesh,
It’s time for you to begin to see your limitations and the instead of investing your energies and resources in the eternal.
consequences of your own actions first, before trying to save
others from theirs… The Enemy will try to usurp any area of your life that you’ll allow
What the world needs most is not another sermon, but a sample. him, and he knows exactly in which particular areas he’s most
What’s required here is a sample of yieldedness to My limitations likely to have success.
that I set before you, the confines that say “thus far and not You’re up against a cunning enemy.
further – for your own good,” and your cheerful acceptance of
40 ___________________________________________________
If children have an example of parents who constantly try to Once things are back to “normal,” you immediately quit
dodge the limitations I’m putting before them, then it’s no wonder seeking solutions, and just let things continue to have their way;
they’ll wind up trying to do the same whenever they can… and as you know from science, things won’t just improve by
themselves if you leave them alone, but rather tend to
How mature are you, as in foregoing some personal pleasure for deteriorate.
some greater good you could do instead for someone else?
With doors, it does take a little effort of your own to push them
open, to turn the doorknob, to knock or ring the bell, it isn’t
36 ___________________________________________________ entirely up to Me.
Just as I’ve had to pull out the sword behind the Early Church You shouldn’t be intimidated by obstacles. Where’s your faith in
in Jerusalem in order to get them to obey My commandment to My ability to help you overcome them? I’m here to help you.
go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, so
I’ve had to do it time and again throughout history, in order to get There are rules that need to be kept in order to score in the game,
and you’ve got to take into consideration what happens when toward those you see erring and straying from the way.
you take love for granted… Anything taken for granted tends to I want you to maintain a loving attitude toward them, even if you
lose its magic. can see exactly the foolishness & futility of the path they’ve
Even I won’t allow you to take Me and My blessings for granted, chosen. I want you not to judge them, even as I have not judged
so, how can you expect a frail human being to do so? you.
Experience will be their best teacher, even as it has been yours.
You’ve got to put something into anything you want something
out of. After all, isn’t that what life is all about, and what you really learn
Sometimes necessity creates whole new worlds of energy and the gist of life’s lessons from? Not from lectures or from books,
resources you previously wouldn’t have seen… sermons or talks, but from experience. That is the language that
really writes those lessons of life deep into your heart.

41 ___________________________________________________
Sometimes I have to discard an unfruitful branch in order to 44 ___________________________________________________
purge and prune My tree, so that it will be ready and stronger to Sometimes you just have to get going and do what you know
bear more fruit. It may seem like a loss, temporarily, but time will you’ve got to do, and then I’ll show and lead and guide you
usually tell and reveal that that which I have taken away was concerning the details as you go.
necessary in order to make room to bring in new and better fruit.
I do with what I have while it’s available, but when the time
comes, and a branch grows old, it’s wiser to cut it off and make 45 ___________________________________________________
room for new fruit to grow. The pruning is painful, but the future Real greatness does not judge, but is there to catch and
fruit that will be gained through it will more than make up for it. accept anyone the way they are including their faults and
failures, no matter how grave. That’s the kind of greatness I want
“No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but you to inherit and learn from Me.
grievous. Nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit
of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” The reason I’m allowing you to go through hurtful experiences is
My crucifixion and My parting, the taking away of My flesh, was not only for you to put yourself into My shoes and become a
painful for My disciples, but it was expedient for them in order to partaker of My sufferings, but for you to learn to love as
get to know Me more closely than before via the Comforter. unconditionally as I do.
The unconditional love I have for you I want you to extend to
Even so separation, parting of the flesh, may be painful for you others as well, so that they won’t feel judged by you, nor
for a season, but it will bring forth fruit that you will rejoice in. criticized or critically viewed, but just loved. If you can convey to
people the notion, the feeling and the confidence of “you are
loved,” then you’re there where I want you, and that’s the
42 ___________________________________________________ moment they’ll begin to follow you, because love is the only truth
Nearly everything about a relationship depends on the way worth following.
you see your partner. If you view them with critical eyes and
don’t really appreciate them, they feel it, and it is manifested as a When love truly becomes the essence of what spills over from
lack of love, which is the fuel of any relationship. It just won’t your life into that of others, then you’ll have learned the lessons I
make anymore uphill progress but inevitably grinds to a halt, and want you to learn and you’ll have made the progress I want you
you might have to walk a few miles to the next station to get that to make.
love tank filled up again and keep on rolling another stretch.
It doesn’t matter how well equipped, talented or anointed you are,
because all it takes is your yieldedness and letting Me do it
43 ___________________________________________________ through you anyway.
Sometimes, when some of your prodigal sons and daughters And the way you let Me do it through you is by taking the little
are on one of their trips into the world, you as parents can find steps of obedience I show you to take, and trust that I will be
yourselves tempted to become somewhat prodigal sons and there to empower you at the right moment, when strength will be
daughters on your own again, too. Be it out of resignation, or required that you don’t have of your own.
because you feel so strongly attached to them that you want to
show you sympathize with them and their ways, or in defiance of All it takes is for a little obedient someone to come along and do
the self-righteousness and lack of love of some older brother… what needs to be done, regardless of whether they’re aware of
It’s a test of your convictions, and whether you will stay true to the immensity of the spiritual battle going on around them or not.
them and keep Me in the first place in your lives and refuse to “Less is more” evidently also applies to knowledge, and
compromise, as well as of your love, to see whether you’re going sometimes the less you know, the more you actually get
to treat them in a self-righteous manner and become like the accomplished.
older brother toward them… The thinkers aren’t always the doers, and perhaps some of the
poor thinkers you may be tempted to look down on today may
Some tests serve multiple purposes. become the doers of tomorrow, who didn’t know that the things
It’s also a test of your unity, and to show whether you’re going to you’re so scared of couldn’t be done…
stay united as parents over the issue, or allow the Enemy to use
this to sow division between you.
46 ___________________________________________________
You don’t always pass these tests with flying colors, especially I understand and can sympathize with your burden to tell
not during their beginning periods, when you don’t really see any people the truth about the world in order to help them see the
of the meaning and purpose in them yet. Only when you’ve come need for a way out of this mess. You’re hoping that through
some of the way through them, and have fallen into some of the recognizing what mess they’re in they will wake up and want the
traps along the way, can you see their purpose more clearly. Solution…
“Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down” (Ps.37:24).
I must allow you to fall sometimes, for various reasons: to keep “Hold that fast which thou hast. Behold I come quickly.” I may
you humble and remind you that you are only a frail human not have returned as soon as some of you would have wanted Me
yourself, prone to weaknesses and sin, mistakes and failure, like to, but all in all, you’ll see that this whole story is going to be
everyone else, and prevent you from becoming self-righteous done and over with relatively quickly, and as I said, “When you
see these things begin to come to pass, look up, for your withdrawn from the sight of those in the material world.
redemption draws nigh.” You’re in a state in which I can use My tools and instruments
better than when they’re still “with both feet” in this world and
It won’t be long now, before the world is going to get so bad that put their hopes in the present, physical life, rather than My
many will say, “Stop this world, I want to get off!” And those that Kingdom to come…(Gal 2:20).
will call upon My name will be saved out of it.
You’re realizing the futility of putting your hopes and aspirations
There is a path of much suffering ahead for the world, and I need in the physical life …
you to brace yourself for it, but I also need you to focus on the Welcome at the end of your rope, the point where I can catch you
glorious happy ending, and instill hope. and carry your weight instead… The place of letting go, where
you allow Me to take over, having fully realized the uselessness
The less at home, the less comfortable and cozy you feel in this of trying to struggle on on your own.
world, the better it is going to be, because you will cling to Me
more desperately, you will be walking on the firm ground of
reality and the truth about this world without falling for any 50 ___________________________________________________
delusions about it that might lead you astray and along some Annoyance isn’t necessarily always of the Enemy. Sometimes
detours that might cost you precious time. it can also be the Holy Spirit grieved in you, or a spirit helper
disapproving of something that’s going on, and ignoring it or
The days are evil indeed, and time needs to be redeemed, not trying to ignore it may not be the right procedure.
wasted. Every moment is precious, and I truly need you to invest
your efforts in the spreading of the truth, and not in merely
entertaining people. 51 ___________________________________________________
“Whatsoever ye have done unto the least of these My
brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”
47 ___________________________________________________ The way you treat them, you’re also treating Me.
The winter of the world is coming on. It’s not anymore the You know that sometimes you could be more loving.
days of joy and merriment, although you may still have time to
enjoy a few more of those, but in general, it’s a time of warning, You cannot judge people by their flaws, or treat them according
of desperation, because soon all these things must come to pass to what in your mind they may be lacking. Unconditional love is
that I have spoken through My prophets. something else.
You owe them, because you owe Me! It may come across as a bit
I haven’t called you on a permanent vacation or pleasure ride, but annoying at times, that they would expect more than you’re able
to war! War is though! War is anything but pleasant, and it’s not or willing to give, but they know that according to the standard
My choice, either. After all, I’m the Prince of Peace, and that’s and rules of the Law of Love they have a right to expect the best
what I wish to bring on this earth. from you …
But as you can tell, not many of those in power share those same
ideas, because there is greater profit for them to be made from
war, than there is in peace. 52 ___________________________________________________
People don’t really re-spect each other. They don’t look twice.
As long as these are the conditions, there can be no peace, nor They think they already figured you out the first time they
Heaven on earth for anyone, as much as you would like to have glanced at you, and there’s no need to waste a second look. After
your taste and share of it already now. But it would be a very all, you couldn’t be nearly as interesting as they consider
selfish heaven, don’t you think, if you were to enjoy it while so themselves.
many go to hell without having been told about My true picture of
reality, My message of salvation and hope, and that there is That’s why a lot of people have issues with the ado that
indeed going to be a change in the not too distant future, of the Christians make about Me. They think it’s totally unjustified, and
kind that the peaceful peoples of the earth, and the meek are think that they’re the ones the ado should be made about, if any.
longing for. But that’s because they don’t really care enough to really probe,
find out and investigate what it is that made My life so special,
and what it is that makes people follow Me even to this day. All
48 ___________________________________________________ they’re interested in and care about is themselves…
Sometimes what I would expect from you aren’t any high and
lofty achievements and accomplishments, but just little humble It’s another dark side of the “ye shall be as gods” scheme, and
but necessary acts. one of its most unpleasant ones.
It practically disables people to learn anything of real value out of
It’s always easier to work on some pet project that folks will be life. All the information they want and can retain is information
able to admire, than the small and humble, invisible day to day that’s helpful of getting them ahead and that’s conducive to their
chores you’ve got to do, but improvement for your particular own advance.
situation would spell exactly that: a greater emphasis on the It’s a sad life indeed, but for some people that’s all there ever is.
small menial and mundane tasks, in order to improve the overall
spirit. People judge by what’s before their eyes and by what they can
see. That’s why they respect neither Me nor My true people,
A mess isn’t very inspiring; no matter how good you are at because they usually don’t have a lot to show forth when it
ignoring it. comes to standards of the world, and what they’re impressed by.

49 ___________________________________________________ 53 ___________________________________________________
You don’t see death anymore as something unpleasant one When the emphasis lies on the people, instead of the
should try to avoid, but more as something positive. You’ve message, ugly distortions easily come into place… When,
come to know that dead people aren’t “gone,” but safe, they’re instead of being diamonds of dust that just let the light shine
safely “tucked away” with Me in My Domain, where I can take through, the individuals put too much emphasis on themselves,
better care of them, instead of having them subjected to the what is seen when looked at each other is not the light anymore,
influences of the evil one, even if they may be temporarily but the individual aspects that also reveal the flaws and the dirt –
after all, dust is dust. You don’t get rid of the darkness by trying to chase it out, but by
If you could just keep your focus on Me instead, you would also letting the light in. “All the confession sessions in the world
manage to see Me in others more easily. aren’t going to make it…” They’re not going to make a better
person out of you, but you’re only hope is, as was said, “Christ in
you, the hope of glory.”
54 ___________________________________________________
Life has many riddles and mysteries that man hasn’t even It was “impossible” for the earth to hang there for days without
begun to solve yet. the sun and the rest of the stars… All it took was Me being there
They’re all trying to make sense of things in their own strength, and upholding it, making the impossible possible.
with their own wits and efforts to put 2 and 2 together and make According to the carnal mind that’s all pure nonsense. You have
sense of it all without consulting or even considering Me. They’re to accept the fact that most of what’s going on here, when it
leaving the major Factor out of the equation. comes to Me and My power, is way beyond the scope and
So, you can expect that the results they’re coming up with aren’t capacity of your carnal mind…
always going to be correct.
That’s the difference between supposed godhood, the kind the
Some of the basic discoveries man made, that modern man has Devil offered, which declares the human mind as supreme, and
based his science on, were made by men who didn’t leave Me out true godhood, such as offered by Me through your acceptance
of the equation, and are thus accurate, and they work. On the and reception of My Word, My Divinity, My Spirit and Salvation.
other hand, some of those who have come up with their own
conclusions that would leave Me out of the equation have heavily The only way you’re ever going to escape this mess is by letting
influenced those who believe in Me and thus affect their way of Me save you out of it. There’s no use worrying about how on
interpreting My Word, so there are confusing results and earth you’re going to make it. Your only hope, your only chance,
interpretations of the meaning of it all, and how it’s all supposed is trust in Me.
to have happened among believers…
If you keep looking at Me, trusting in Me and keep your mind and
If you keep in mind that I’m the major Factor in all of it, and that focus steadily on Me, I will promise you, you will see how I
all things are possible with Me, then it’s not so hard to believe created the earth, and you will understand and fully know, and
anymore that I should have created the earth, including its there won’t be a trace of a shadow of doubt left in your mind
vegetation, before the sun. about how it happened, and not a question.
You will know as you are known. You will love as you are loved -
A lot of things happened in the spirit, when disobedience entered as impossible as that may seem to you right now, because I will
the physical creation, and it set in motion a chain reaction of do it. I will perfect that in you and in all of Creation, in all My
various events that would slowly but surely change the face of children, which I have begun.
My creation, and that process is still happening. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging there all alone and
seemingly helplessly, but soon you will see a host of suns and
Some of the “laws of nature” that are in place today were not part stars all around you, and you will perceive that you have never
of the original equation. But since death entered through really been alone, that was just an illusion. It was a lesson to
disobedience, things naturally tend to decay. Things are getting teach you that I suffice; I am more than enough. My light, My
worse, not better, and that process isn’t going to be reversed love, My power is all that is necessary to hold you up, and will
until I return to restore things to the way they were before… soon result in a host of others around you, also upheld by Me,
that will make you wonder how you could ever have had the
In the present, fallen state of man and all things physical, it’s no audacity to doubt.
wonder that man more often than not comes to the wrong
conclusions, including some of My own believers, because the
human mind is less inclined to believe the truth than to doubt 55 ___________________________________________________
and believe a lie in general, just as the human heart is rather I will use anything and anyone I can get in these desperate
inclined towards darkness than the light, as John put it (Jn.3:19). times that call for desperate measures.
I will use any amount of energy anyone is willing to invest in the
The only thing that can help you reverse that state and process effort to reach the world for Me, and I will use any tactic to
right here and now is the intake of My input, which is the same generate that energy and willingness.
power that brought the original positive chain reaction of
Creation into being, and which will restore it in the end, too, You have the bulk part of your life behind you, and you’ve seen
when all will have learned their lesson, or the big basic chapter of and experienced many things that have crushed your aspirations
this part of history will be concluded. “The Era of the Fall” will regarding this life, and you have experienced the futility of the
soon come to an end, to be replaced by a better one. search for perfectionism in this present life and world.
But for others, it is not so, and especially in combination with Me
You shouldn’t worry about the state you’re in right now, the way and My Power, with Whom and Which nothing is impossible, they
you’re prone to make mistakes and to allow sin to enter in your deem it a worthy effort to strive for the highest goals possible for
life, as much as you should look at Me and the fact that I’m going Me, in order to reach the greatest heights attainable.
to put an end to all that soon, because that is what really matters.
What matters is not that you’re bad, but that the end of badness It’s good to have folks like you who are reminders of the fact that
is in sight, and your actual, physical redemption from all of this, the ship needs to stay firmly anchored in Me, and that the efforts
at My return, is drawing closer and closer. are futile if made in the energy of the flesh, instead of the Spirit,
but you may remember the times when you still had greater
It’s great and commendable that you want to work out and ambitions, too, about the way you wanted to apply your physical
overcome your NWOs*, and that you want to face them, have energies, and I do use those things, even if in the long run things
them sorted out, and get into a position where they won’t have may turn out differently for some than what they imagined…
that much of a grip on you. But the main point is that the way
you’re going to achieve this is not by focusing at them, at your You weren’t in it for the long haul. You thought it was all going to
own condition, and at the waves, but at Me, the Solution Giver, be over sooner, and you ran out of strength like the tale of the
and the only One Who can help you overcome all that. hare and the tortoise, and the same applies to many. You were
(= “Need-Work-Ons”) blue-eyed and optimistic, because you thought I was going to
rescue and whisk you all out of the mess of this world a lot
sooner… too high, but learn to live with the reality of where most people
But there were different lessons in store for you and many others are really at, and to develop a strength of character that will help
likewise. you to stand when you will have to face life’s darkest trials on
your own…
Things don’t always turn out exactly the way they initially seem
to. The kind of friends that really count are those who have the same
What seems nice and shiny and relatively simple on the surface Best Friend that you have in Me, people who also center their
sometimes becomes increasingly complex as time goes on and lives around Me, and who have a living connection with Me,
you get a closer look at it. which I can use to keep you on their hearts and minds, just as I
Youth stands for a smooth and attractive surface, but it’s often remind you to pray for them.
the depths of the many wrinkles of old age that reveal the true
intricacy of life. When you’re young, everything seems so simple, You’ve had to learn and find out yourself first what it really takes
so smooth, just like the surface of the skin you see in the mirror. to be a friend, and what are the criteria that really qualify you as a
Everything seems to be upbeat and energy and singing the tale reliable and faithful friend.
of progress. It pays off in the long run. It pays off to make other people happy,
Only with the passage of time and more time do people begin to to help them, and to be a friend to them, even if initially they
realize that what is truly considered progress is something often might not seem to have anything to offer you. That’s what true
quite different from those things they pursued in their younger friends are all about.
years. Values change. Everything changes.
“Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life
At first the race is run in the flesh – with perhaps a little help from for his friends.” That pretty much wraps it all up and reveals the
My Spirit. But the truly experienced know that it is not in the sort of quality and sacrificial, unselfish attitude a true friend –
energy of the flesh that the race is won, and they rely more fully according to My book – must have.
on My Spirit to carry them through the finish line.
Just hang on for a little longer, and keep walking that path of true
You have only just begun to battle in the spirit, and part of you success as defined by how much you give, not by how much you
still yearns to run with the younger generation, but you have to get (the opposite of the world’s idea of success), and you’ll see
let go and realize that that isn’t your task, but your task is to be that the type of people will show up in your life who have learned
an example of how much more efficient it is to wrestle and fight to live their lives by the same criteria.
in the Spirit, in other words, let My Strength do the fighting for
58 ___________________________________________________
The younger you are, the more you want to do yourself. The When somebody’s mind is made up about something you
weaker you become, the more you learn to rely and depend on have relatively little chance to change anything about that, and
My strength, and naturally, I want to prove that this is the way you just have to let them go through the consequences of their
you truly get more accomplished. choices.
Poor choices and their results are often the only thing that will
So, while for some it may mean to do all they physically can, to effectively change people’s minds for the better in the long run.
become more “professional” in what they’re doing, in your case You cannot save them from making those any more than I was
it may mean something else, namely that I want you to learn how able to save you from yours.
to professionally rely on My strength, My guidance and wisdom,
so that once the younger crowd starts running out of their It’s part of learning to love unconditionally to allow those you
natural steam, you can show them an even better way that is love to make bad decisions and go down paths that you know
found in letting go of the trust in the arm of the flesh, and starting won’t spell out anything positive for them, and yet try to keep
to rely on a much greater power… loving them throughout their folly and expect them with open
arms to come back to their senses someday.
Some of the oriental religions have grasped this point about the
superiority of the spirit over the flesh better than Christendom The beginning of true wisdom is the realization that your own
per se… carnal wisdom doesn’t cut the cake, and you begin to look
Right now, the whole world looks up to and has idolized youth toward Me for answers and wisdom, and not just rely on your
and the young. But it will turn out to be those who have learned own head.
from experience that really pull the threads and exert the true Respect for Me, and to start looking to Me for wisdom when your
power that wins… own has let you down, that’s the beginning of true wisdom.

The realization of just how sad and sick Satan’s promise of “Ye
56 ___________________________________________________ shall be as gods” really was, along with all its consequences, is
I have raised unto Me the rocks to sing out My praises in the first step on the path toward true godliness.
choosing you as My chosen vessels for this day and age, that
which they consider the scum and the lowest of the earth.
My Spirit sank down into the lowest regions of society and 59 ___________________________________________________
brought to life there what formerly had no life, and caused those Life is all about learning forgiveness, the very basics of true
to sing and shout My praises who did not know Me, as opposed love…
to those who sit in their pews on Sundays and do pretend to Anybody can love the perfect. Love becomes real when it’s about
know Me, but praise Me with their lips only, while their hearts are loving in spite of the hurt they’re causing you, in spite of the
far from Me. countless times they prefer something else, something infinitely
inferior, some dead, material, lifeless thing over you, or they’re
You are the rocks upon which I have built My new and living giving more attention to anyone or anything else. Love keeps on
church for today. loving even in the face of the total absence of love on the part of
the other one… That’s the kind of love that never fails, that never
ceases, never stops loving… the supernatural love of God, the
57 ___________________________________________________ greatest and deepest of all realities.
Just how true friends really are usually only shows in your
hour of Gethsemane, and it’s best not to screw your hopes up Welcome to God’s very own Club - not of the high and mighty,
but of sufferers and the despised in this world! regardless. What matters is that the things get done. You may not
feel My power doing it through you, but I promise it will always
be there when you need it!
60 ___________________________________________________
Keep your eyes, your vision and your focus on the goal, and
on what’s to come, on Eternity. It will take the sting out of 62 ___________________________________________________
anything you might have to go through in this life, any lack of Giving people freedom won’t always and only bring pleasant
happiness and physical comfort, any amount of suffering and results. There are ugly and unpleasant surprises involved in this,
trials. No matter what you do, and what is going to become of but it’s part of My plan for mankind to find out all they’re capable
your life, the best is yet to come! of, namely what extent of evil they’re capable of, for them to
realize how much they need My help in order to accomplish
How do you become more dependent on Me? By trying to anything good and make their lives turn out good.
maneuver and manipulate the circumstances into the most ideal
and best possible position for you? No, rather by yielding to and You’re shaking your head at some of the things they do and
saying “yes” to whatever situation and condition you find before wonder, “How could they be so stupid?” But one way they’re
you, even if it’s hard, and then relying on My help to get you going to learn better is by making the painful experience of
through that. where it’s not at.
You may be more inspired during the good times, even more
productive, but that’s not what counts to Me. What counts for Me You’re worrying, “But what if those experiences aren’t going to
is how much you lean and depend on Me instead of your be painful for them, but actually pleasant?” Well, that’s where
circumstances! – How much you allow Me to let you rise above you’re going to have to pray that they’re going to make the right
your circumstances, help you conquer them and make the best kind of experiences, and that I protect them from the deceptions
out of whatever you encounter in life. of the Enemy.
Right now he has that power over them, which is the lure of the
Paul wrapped it up pretty well in some of the things he said about unknown. Once they get to know what he’s trying to entice them
“rejoicing in his infirmities,” in persecutions, poverty, etc. with, just as Adam and Eve got to know the taste of that
He knew and had learned how to deal with circumstances the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good & evil, it will have less
right way, because his whole world had already been turned power over them, and just as Adam and Eve weren’t closer to Me
totally right side up to the point where he knew that everything before, but after, so will they.
he had ever known in the flesh before was wrong, and he had to
start all over again completely from scratch, with new rules, I’m not saying that I would have recommended for Adam & Eve to
made by Me where anything was possible, and nothing the way it eat of the tree. It’s just that basically, it’s inevitable, and people
had seemed before. are bent on making their own experiences and they figure, the
sooner, the better.
You’re going to have to become a pillar and a factor of stability,
someone to lean on spiritually, and not look so much for others After all, nobody wants to miss out on anything life has to offer.
to lend safety and stability to you.
Just as it was part of My love for Adam & Eve and all of mankind
to allow them to “screw up,” so it’s got to be part of yours.
61 ___________________________________________________ The efforts to protect your children from evil aren’t met very
You like to feel close to Me and get confirmations of the favorably at a certain age, and they perceive it as a lack of love, if
blessings and anointing of My Spirit, and now you’re finding you would interfere with what they consider their road to
yourself having to struggle on by nothing but naked faith… the happiness.
one thing that is really going to keep you going regardless of
how you may feel.
You do the right thing simply because you know it’s the right 63 ___________________________________________________
thing to do, not because you feel like it. You still feel as if you’ve got to have something to show forth
in your life, to tell the world, “You see here, all the things the
You’re still largely so preoccupied with how you’re feeling, when Lord is blessing me with in my life?”
that’s precisely the biggest distraction that keeps you from But I want you to wind down a little, and just be content with
performing My will. what you have, and enjoy it, instead of seeking and craving for
You’re consuming, fishing and hunting for that type of more, something else to do or add to your collection of
satisfaction that will cater to your well-being and “happiness,” “accomplishments.”
when the true secret of happiness is not in what you consume, In order to really become real, it all has to sink one level deeper
but in what you do for Me and others; in simple turns, in into you, onto a personal level, where you can truly say that the
obedience. magic you’ve found is not just something you can proudly
advertise and offer to others because it’s cool, and that’s the
These morning sessions don’t always have to consist of some thing you should do as a Christian and disciple of Mine, but
big, flashy and grand revelation that makes you feel inspired. You because it truly works in your personal life, too, and helps you to
just do it because you know you ought to, in order to stay in overcome internal problems with your family, your wife and child,
touch with Me and to get your latest instructions, not necessarily and makes you a more likable person to be with and have
to boost your level of feelings. around.
I want you to focus and concentrate on the tiniest unit first,
Get more into the gear of doing things just because you know before I want you to evangelize and convert the rest of the world
you have to; in other words, make obedience more your and spread your good news to them. I want you to prove on the
incentive, instead of relying so much on inspiration, going too lowest, most immediate level first that what you’ve got to offer
much by the way you feel about something and whether you’re really works.
“inspired” to do it. I don’t just want you to advertise another religion or philosophy, I
Become more of a sample of someone who does things simply don’t just want you to spread your thoughts out of an urge that
because they have to be done, and out of sheer obedience. you’ve just got to do that. I want you to truly have and enjoy the
solution to the world’s problems, and to make it evident that it is
Don’t feel bad because the feeling and the inspiration doesn’t so by it’s effectiveness in solving your own, immediate problems,
seem to be there. Just keep doing what you know you have to, so that you cannot just say, “Look, I found this philosophy and
belief here that’s really cool, check it out,” but you can testify, Sometimes silence is an important part of what I have to convey
“This has helped me overcome my problems big-time!” “I’ve truly to the world. I certainly am not going to be the type to try to
become a better man through this!” drown them out.
I know what I was talking about when I admonished My disciples
What really bugs a lot of people the most about life is their own not to cast their pearls before swine.
short-comings. They realize they fall short in some areas, they So, if I’ve given you nothing to say for the moment, than that’s
never manage to be as cool and as great as they would want to what I want you to say for the time being: nothing. If they won’t
be, at least not if they’re completely honest with themselves. listen anyway, and haven’t received what you have told them
Everybody has weaknesses that stop them from attaining real already, you’ve just got to wait until the time is ripe and they will
greatness in most cases, and so what everybody really needs listen, when the clouds of judgment on the horizon that they now
and wants is help in overcoming their personal problems. refuse to see will be hovering right over them, and make it
They don’t need another pseudo super-hero to show off how evident that all things are not the way they’re supposed to be.
great they are and make the rest of the world feel inferior. They They refuse to accept your view because they’re scared of the
need somebody to tell them, “I’ve been there, and I found this truth. They don’t know that they can trust Me. That’s why faith
thing that really helped me.” And “this thing” in your case being and trust are such important issues and themes to convey: that’s
your relationship with Me, and a real, live line of communication part of your job, to impart to them the confidence and assurance
with Me; the ability to receive the solutions to your problems, that yes, they can trust Me, that I am trustworthy indeed, they can
failures and shortcomings straight from your Maker via the gift of put their trust in Me. I won’t let them down.
prophecy that’s available to practically anyone who wants it.
One thing that’s required in order for this to work is to not allow
yourself to be enticed and distracted by the millions of other 65 ___________________________________________________
voices that constantly try to drown out My whispers, and so you The Enemy has rigged up the illusion that he has vastly
need to learn to choose those few things you really need and outnumbered you, and it takes faith to see through his scheme,
should hang on to and let go of all the things you don’t need but and that in reality it isn’t so.
are more like extra-weight, things that stand in your way of free You feel so powerless sometimes, your efforts seem so puny at
and good and open communication with Me. times compared to what’s needed, and you feel overwhelmed by
The motto is “less is more,” and the personal quality that the apparent superiority of the Enemy’s presence everywhere in
describes it is modesty. You decide you’re going to live with less this world. But that’s where faith comes in that still sees Me in
than what you previously had and wanted. You reduce and cut everything to an even greater extent than the Enemy’s power.
the fat intake a bit. You lay low on the calories, both the actual, Politically, morally and culturally speaking, it can be said that
physical, as well as the spiritual. “he’s got the whole world in his hands.” But only those with
You need to get away from the mindset of indulgence and start great faith can see the extent to which he has taken over this
learning to live on a bit less of everything. world, but still know that in reality it is I Who have got the whole
The more you trim the fat, the more you’ll feel the spunk and zest world in My hands, and only allow him to pull off his little game
of life return to you again. of playing “god of the world” for a little while, along with all his
Come back to the ground of the gist of life, and just living on the little “gods” who follow him and his “let’s all be gods” scheme.
bare necessities that usually bring you a lot closer to real
happiness than the notion that you’ve got to stuff yourself – He may still feel all-powerful as long as he’s in My Realm, the
physically and spiritually – with anything that comes your way. Spirit Realm, but once he’ll be confined to the limitations of the
physical world, the magic’s going to wear off real fast, and he’s
Just enjoy what you have and make the best out of it. Maybe you not going to make half as graceful a picture at “god of this world”
don’t need anything more in order to be happy. as he and his followers may imagine him to be right now…
He’s going to turn out to be just as much subject to sin as every
Why not let Me take over that “happiness department” in your life other slave to their own lusts and evil in their hearts since the
again and leave the responsibility up to Me to truly satisfy your beginning of time. The evil he actually introduced into the world
needs, instead of trying so hard to provide those things for at the beginning will turn out to be his own demise and Achilles
yourself? heel, as it will turn on him and cause him to make the mistakes
that will cost him the ruler-ship over this world, which presently
Allow some more room to breathe in your life, and let Me be the he may still think is rightfully his.
Provider and the Filler of any actual voids that do need filling. But in the end it will be mighty clear that he will have muffed it,
and that the world would never survive if he would stay in power.
All creation groans to be delivered of the grip of the usurper.
64 ___________________________________________________ So you’re not the only one who groans occasionally and wonders
It’s hard for you to play the role of a nobody, and just be and sighs, “When is this all going to be done and over with?” I
nothing and no one, unheard of and “invisible” for a while. know how you feel, even though grace was poured out in a
You figure you’ve got all these gifts that merit a spot in the greater measure during My time on earth, and life wasn’t quite as
limelight… tough as it is nowadays.
But that’s just the thing about My followers: the time of their Of course, in many physical aspects it has become a lot easier
“stardom” isn’t meant to be in this life and this world, but in the for most than it was in My day, but at the same time it makes the
one to come. spiritual aspect so much harder.
That’s why I asked you if you would be willing to become all The more the flesh is pampered and indulged, the harder it is to
things for all men, and willing to let Me make absolutely nothing keep up the spiritual values.
out of you, so that I could talk and move and breathe in and Modesty is virtually being destroyed by the all-present Gospel of
through you. consumerism that is practically forced on people.
The element of self becomes a distraction, yes, even an The Devil knew that this was going to be a stronger force and
abomination. “The less there is of you, the more the light shines more efficient tool in his hand than any intellectual lie he could
through” means that the opposite applies also: the more the is of ever cook up. Sheer primitive and instinctive greed, lust and
you, the less the light shines through. appetite…
In order to let My light shine through you, there has got to be less His greatest asset and factor working for him is man’s own sinful
of you, that means, the voice of your own opinions and views nature, his survival instincts and the “lusts that war in his
must quiet down, you must hush, and wait until I speak through members.” They’re all going to drive them straight into his arms.
you. That’s why it’s important for you to fight against and resist them
to the extent you can. Otherwise, you’re just going to be part of
his booty and prey. That’s also one reason why people are excessively into movies:
I want you to overcome, and embrace virtues, such as modesty, They know that usually there will be a good guy, or a couple of
and the other fruits of the spirit… good guys playing the leading roles who will make life look good
for an hour or two; people whose flaws won’t be shown, at least
not to the extent that they are in real life. You never see them go
66 __________________________________________________ to the toilet or the way they really look when they first wake up in
Friendships and relationship require maintenance work. the morning, and it gives people a better “reality” to distract
The only thing that really cultivates friendships is actual them.
interaction with people.
I wouldn’t want you to be part of those whose greatest regret is Of course, it would be better for them, if instead they would avail
the realization that they failed to invest time, heart and prayer themselves of My power to truly alter their reality for them and
right where it would have required it the most, namely with those really bring some improvement into their lives and some real
closest to them. light and hope to brighten up their darkness. But that requires
I don’t want you to be like those countless souls who don’t even faith, the one currency that most of the world is pretty broke of,
know their very wives or husbands, their children, and the very precisely because they’re feeding their minds all sorts of
ones they’re supposed to be closest to. different input instead of My Word.
So, the Devil may say about you what he will, and he may accuse
Is popularity more important than the truth? you to yourself and others, but I will say this in your defense, that
To most people, it is, and they’re willing to compromise the truth you have that certain little quality that the vast majority of people
in order to gain or maintain their popularity. Only a special few lack, and that is faith in My Word, and a love and a hunger for it,
are willing to let all that other stuff go for the price of that one and as I have promised, those who hunger and thirst for these
pearl of truth. things will not go empty and hungry for long.
Are you like that merchant that sold all that he had for that one Those who hunger and thirst for My righteousness instead of any
pearl of truth? puny artificially created counterfeit version of their own will find
Only a very small handful, comparatively, are really on an all-out what they are looking for, and it won’t be a disappointment.
relentless search and hunt for the truth and nothing but the truth, Those who make Me their hero are going to be the only ones who
and refuse to compromise with any lie or half-truth whatsoever. will never be disappointed.
And of course that sets them apart.

The Mountain Men have settled mighty close to the fringes of the 68 ___________________________________________________
valleys of this world, and there must be those to remind them Your physical capacities are decline, also impeding your
that the valleys of this world are not their Home, and not where abilities to retain and process information, which gives you the
they belong. The chosen few are always called and destined for impression that you’re not learning and progressing “fast
the Mountain. And mountain peaks are simply never crowded. enough.”
Not those spiritual mountain peaks, anyway. The thing is that I don’t really work according to such time- and
earth-bound schedules. Everything you learn and experience
Can you live with having to pay the price of being a mountain right now you will retain fully one day, even though you may not
man, one of My true pioneers up on that rugged mountain track, do so right now. It is not going to be wasted. In fact, nothing is
which many are singing about, but most are not really willing to going to be wasted.
set foot on? That’s why My Word talks negatively about wasters: they’re so
different to My and the Father’s nature. We never waste anything,
and so we’re not very fond of people doing so, but even in that
67 ___________________________________________________ aspect, Our saving grace encompasses their wastefulness to the
People sometimes assume that in order to have Me speak to extent that everything they waste will be saved by Us.
someone and for them to become a prophet, they would have to
be sinless saints. Well, you and I know that there is no such thing That doesn’t mean you should just passively let yourself go,
as a sinless saint on earth. As long as you’re in this life, you keep either, without making any efforts whatsoever to retain any of the
sinning, and all My saints, great and small, were sinning saints information and experience you’re gaining, but it just means that
until the day that they died or I whisked them out of this world… you shouldn’t worry about any of it being wasted on you or
getting lost due to your incapacity to remember it all right now.
There may come a time when you will have learned to have a
greater grip on your sin and control the extent of its power over Trust in My promise that I will restore all things to an extent far
you, perhaps even to the point where it may seem to others as if beyond anything you could imagine right now.
you were practically sinless, but you and I will always know Your only hope is My Promises, and that I will not turn out to be
better. another liar, and another one of those politician kings that make
After all, I also use your sins and mistakes to keep you humble promises they never intend to keep…
and teach you important lessons, and they work for Me in that As much as you can’t trust them, you can trust Me! All you’ve got
way. Imagine if you wouldn’t have those pretty obvious faults and is My Promises and the experience that so far I haven’t let you
flaws. Can you imagine what a self-righteous and spiritually down, and that I’ve always kept My Promises to you and have
arrogant prig you’d be? supplied all your needs.
Like this you know that it’s all My grace, and not because of
anything you do or are. You didn’t do anything to deserve this My Promise is that it will be more than worth it if you hold on,
privilege of the gift to receive My words, except for the only thing
and any sacrifice you might have to make…
which is required, which is hunger for them. Be not envious of evildoers, don’t keep dreaming their same
temporal dreams or get caught up in their world, which is not
People tend to remember and mention only the good sides of yours; not your home… But trust that there is something better
their saints and heroes, which is where the impression comes to come. Fully trust in My Promise and count on it as a reality!
from that some or most of My saints were sinless, but in reality You can trust Me! That’s what I want you to convey to others, this
it’s not so. The scribes wanted to be polite and not offend the very confidence, so it’s of utmost importance that you learn to do
man of God or those who respected him, and accordingly, only that yourself first.
wrote down the good things. There are some things people
simply don’t want to know.
69 ___________________________________________________
You cannot define yourself by your accomplishments and time, although My prophets have foretold it from Enoch to John,
works, but only by your confidence in Me and your relationship that I would come with tens of thousands of My saints in the
with Me. In other words, you must define yourself not by what sky…
you are, but by what you allow Me to be and do in and through That’s definitely something hard to picture for the average
you. rational mind, and probably the majority of folks around you
If you go by the physical appearances and condition of your would call you a lunatic if you told them that you believe that
vessel, your situation and everything attached to it, you may lose that’s what’s going to happen some day soon. Well, but if you’re
hope, because you can’t seem to make any sense of it, you don’t going to believe that outrageously impossible happy ending for
seem to be getting anywhere. Just like with those old pioneers the sad story the history of this world so far has been, then you
like Columbus, who were sailing uncharted seas for unknown can also start believing Me for smaller “impossibilities” today,
lands, not exactly knowing where they were going, nor if there and allow Me to work contrary to natural reasoning in your life.
was going to be any destination at all, or if perhaps they were If I’m going to intervene supernaturally and save this whole world
going to fall off the edge of the world instead, or be devoured by from the mess it has gotten itself into, then am I not going to be
sea monsters… able to do the same for you and change any less than favorable
But just as I allowed them to discover the Americas in My good situation you’re in into a better one?
time, you must also trust that I will bring you to your destination,
even through the fog and times when there seems to be no Except for the last 2 witnesses who are going to make a lot of
forward movement, no wind to push you further ahead. worldwide noise via the media, what My church will basically
have to do is patiently wait it out until My return during the
If you’re going to accomplish something of significance for Me, Tribulation, because it’s going to be “the night,” of which I spoke,
it’s going to have to be done by My power, via My directions to “which cometh, when no man can work.”
you, and for My glory, or it’s just going to fall flat, and never what
you would wish for it to be. That’s why it’s very important that you give the world the
message as much as you can beforehand, before the Tribulation,
Sometimes I just need you to “be still and know that I am God.” and before the mark of the Beast will be implemented and the
The times indeed are changing, and all things won’t continue as church will be persecuted, because “the night cometh when no
they have been, and My people are the first who must take note man can work.”
of the changes, if they want to be any help in leading the rest of
the sheep and letting them know what’s going on. My strength is enough for you, but your own could never be
enough. When you’re weak, then I am strong in you, but when
It’s of utmost importance that you stay connected with Me and you’re strong in your own strength, then I cannot be seen in you,
keep your focus on Me. What matters is what’s happening and I can hardly shine through. So, ask Me whether I want to see
between you and Me, and whether you’re right and in tune with you weak or strong. Ask Me whether it’s your physical strength
Me; all else is nearly irrelevant. All the good works will come and and togetherness I need in order to do what I want to get done
follow automatically, because they’re only a result and the fruit of through you.
your loving relationship and interaction with Me. You’re supposed to get it more together and become more
You cannot mistake service to Me as only action. In fact, 90% of it organized and structured and apply more planned strategy in the
is interaction with Me, Your communion with Me, your devotion physical, but you’re still supposed to do it in the Spirit and hand
to Me, and I will do the rest through you. I will then inspire and in hand with My counsel. The one doesn’t rule out the other. The
empower you to do the physical part of executing whatever is My new counsel doesn’t make the older counsel obsolete.
will for you to do. I prefer you to stay empty and desperate and yearning for Me
than full and content and self-satisfied with your own
It’s hard for you to sit still at times and just do “nothing.” After accomplishments. I’d rather have you seeking Me and
all, you don’t want anybody to think that you’re lazy, or call you wondering, “Lord, what can I do for you,” than pointing at all that
unproductive. But these are not the right kind of incentives to be you have done for Me already.
working for Me. It’s got to be more than that. It’s got to be love
that moves you. If you don’t have enough love for the people,
then at least make sure you’re getting enough love from Me so 70 ___________________________________________________
that you can love Me in return, and I will also give you enough It may surprise some people, but I wasn’t exactly a born
love for the people in the process. optimist when it came to people and all they were capable of in
this life, either. I knew what was in their hearts, and from the
My works aren’t always simple. They’re often complex and viewpoints of some, it may have also sounded “pessimistic” that
intricate, and so is the work that I’m intending to do through you. I kept foretelling them that they were going to crucify Me.
It’s not something you can figure out at one glance. The So, I’m not going to tell you, “Relax, they’re all not as bad as you
sculpture of your life is not something I slap together imagine them to be.”
haphazardly. It takes time, and there are periods when you can’t The only thing I can tell you is what I always tell you: Don’t look
quite figure out what’s to become of it, and you frown and at them, look at Me! Optimism may not always pay off when it
wrinkle your nose and wonder, “Huh? What’s it supposed to be?” comes to people, but it will pay off when it comes to Me. It’s
But bear with Me. Hang in there and let Me do it. Trust Me that I’m actually not just blind optimism then, but real faith and trust.
going to make the best thing out of you I could possibly imagine, Focus on Me, and I will give you the strength and wisdom and
and that is much better than anything you could possibly guidance to make it through any situation with people.
imagine. You’re the work of My hand, and the more you trust Me
and just let Me do with it what I will, without much interference or “Don’t be afraid of their faces!” Don’t be afraid of what other
doubt or questioning from you, the better it’s going to be. people can possibly do to you, and the hurt they may possibly
inflict on you, because I’m with you through all of it.
I know, it’s hard to believe that something as messy and The art is to learn to forgive and love them anyway, in spite of it
imperfect as your life and your whole situation is supposed to all.
turn out into something that will make perfect sense and perfect The art is to learn to pray even on the very cross they nailed you
beauty some day, but that’s where you’ve got to have faith in to: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
things beyond those which the eye can see, and beyond things You’re never going to be able to pray that on the cross if you
that are thought humanly impossible. don’t learn to pray that in the everyday situations of life.
Yes, the fulfillment of My Promises requires supernatural
measures. Things unseen and unheard of since the beginning of Most people aren’t aware of the dangers of relationship. Just like
baby animals usually aren’t afraid of people to the extent that authority that will convince them that what you’ve got to say
older, grown up animals are. Experience teaches both man and matters, and by making Me your strength you’ll become the kind
animals alike to be more careful. of sample that will spur them on to try and do the same.
It’s good to be cautious and watchful. I never said, “Go ahead
and jump right in with both feet, and enjoy whatever situation The goal is to get them to trust in Me. It’s frustrating when so
you land in!” I admonished My disciples to watch and pray. There many refuse to want to even give it a try. It’s almost as if you
are certain situations and things in life you would naturally wish have to beg them to give Me a chance to prove to them Who and
to avoid, and it takes some looking before you leap, and some what I really am, and what I’m capable of doing in their lives.
wisdom, prayer and communication with Me in order to avoid
winding up in a bigger mess than the one you were in previously.
74 ___________________________________________________
There are other challenges in life than finding out exactly what You are My vessel, and I love to pour into you. Thank you for
the great universal truth of everything is. Sometimes it’s the little keeping yourself empty and open for My input, and for not
truths, the little right attitudes and the proper position of the listening to the Enemy’s lies, that it’s a waste of time, and his
heart that make life on a local and practical level a lot more doubts about, “Who needs all that stuff anyway?”
livable. Well, you need it for one, and the time will come when more
That’s what is relevant to most people: how can the answers they people will hunger for My genuine counsel, when all the spiritual
derive from their faith in Me and from their relationship with Me junk food they’re currently glutting themselves with will turn out
help them in their physical, day to day lives? Not everybody’s to have been anything but satisfactory and the philosophies of
necessarily bent on finding out all the whys and wherefores of this world will have left them high and dry.
the intricacies of the universe. Most of them are satisfied with
just the necessary information and help to live happy lives You know how it is: when you’re young and ambitious you seek
together in harmony with others. to make a name for yourself, seek to make yourself known, heard
and seen in the limelight, and so you’re bound to compromise
with the rudiments of this world, usually to find out that it didn’t
71 ___________________________________________________ really satisfy your inner core at all. None of it reached down to
What the Big Picture mainly consists of is people, and in that your soul to feed it.
aspect, there’s yet quite a bit more for you to discover. So, all you can do is confidently wait that there will be those who
Even though the heart of man is the same all over the world when will make similar experiences that will lead them to similar
it comes to his need for Me, there are yet many differences conclusions as the ones you came to, and will drive them back
between the ways people allow their hunger for Me to be into My arms. When the world ceases to satisfy, then I will lift you
quenched in different cultures. high.
There’s nothing like the real live experience of getting to know That disappointment with the world is a necessary process.
people and cultures elsewhere to really give you a bigger view of Otherwise you’ll never really develop the hunger and need for Me
the Big Picture. that you should have.
There’s yet more to discover about life than what your little I need those who have made painful experiences with this world,
corner of the world has to offer and reveal… who from bleeding hearts will shout their convictions from the
rooftops. I cannot just rely on the politically correct in order to
get My message heard.
72 ___________________________________________________
I never run out of things to tell you. I never run out of things I want My voice and My approval to be sufficient for you, just as I
to teach you. Compared to all that is yet to learn, you haven’t want My strength to be sufficient for you. In short, I want to be
even begun, so I certainly wouldn’t want you to get the sufficient for you and prove to you that I am truly more than
impression that this was it, that the show is over with nothing left enough.
to learn, or that you’ve learned all there is to know.
I want you to preserve your hunger and appetite for Me and My I have anointed others due to their degree of hunger and
input, and remain eager to receive new things from Me every day, openness for Me, their desperation and willingness to be used by
if possible. Me.

Once you’re in the right spirit and attitude, I will also bring
situations in your life where I can use you, and I will bring the 75 ___________________________________________________
necessary inspiration and energy to work on certain projects, (Spirit Helper:) It’s hard to see the brilliance of the Lord’s Plan
and show you which ones are the most needed… and picture when you’re stuck right there in the mundane, the
imperfect, where everything good you believe in is by faith.
There’s a time for everything under the sun, and you have to flow Certain things are a means to an end.
with My timing and stay in tune and sync with My schedule, more You’re wondering, “What’s so hot about faith, if it’s going to be
or less the same way you have to make sure that a song stays on abolished again, anyway?”
the beat. It’s the same way as saying, “What good is a staircase, if you
You’ve got to listen to the Rhythm of Life, and tune in to it and don’t need it anymore once you’ve reached the top?” Faith is the
move to it, not jump or jerk ahead of it our miss out on it. stairway that will get you to Heaven, and even if you won’t need it
anymore once you get Here, it’s not as if you’ll be able to say you
Sometimes I first need to show you where the greatest need is. never needed the staircase.
“Small beginnings, greater end.” “Despise not the day of small
things.” It’s simply God’s Nature, His way of doing things to build
73 ___________________________________________________ greater things from small elements, and using various, imperfect
You’ve just got to follow Me day by day, regardless of the stages, that may not always make immediate sense to us while
physical circumstances of where you are and what your we’re in one of them, or going through various of those, but it’s
immediate prospects may be. You’ve got to know that in the spirit the final outcome that matters.
you can be who and wherever I want you to be, and the modern All you’ve got is the Promise of the final outcome, and all we can
means of communication have made it possible that you can do is assure you is that it’s going to be worth it.
actually be a tool and a witness for Me in a far-away country,
even if you have never moved a step out of your house. Your trials with those who don’t have the faintest clue about
By looking unto Me you will gain the necessary strength and these things, and who couldn’t relate to any of what you’re going
through in a thousand years make you fold your hands above may give without it.
your head and cry, “Oh, my God; Solomon was right: all is vanity
indeed.” But think about the contrast you’re creating by daring to
be so different from the indifferent masses who couldn’t care 77 ___________________________________________________
less about spiritual things. It’s easy to trust as long as everything’s going okay, just as
it’s easy to love perfect people, or people who are unselfish and
Think about it as a piece of gold or a jewel or gem gotten out of a giving, and who practically live to do you good. It’s a little harder
mine, with tons and tons of worthless, useless rock it was hewn to love the selfish, the less “deserving.”
out of… The rocks won’t buy you anything, but the gold and The value system of the System is still drilled into you: you only
jewel does! get something for something. But that’s where My nature differs.
In this world, it may not buy you much, being one of God’s I give where nothing has been given before. I also love the
jewels. After all, their system of values is based on paper, and undeserving.
will soon be reduced to nothing but virtual digits in a computer
system. Numbers… For people who crave recognition and applause, what is of value
What do they know about true values? is what helps them get ahead in this world, whatever increases
their level of popularity and admiration.
What I’m saying is that it’s not really all that important what all Things that are only going to set you more apart from everyone
those other people say or do; whether they’re going to reject else only seem like a waste of time to them and their way of
your message or can’t handle it. What matters is the few precious thinking.
folks who do, those hearts of gold who are going to heed your It would take some time for them to also start seeing that
call and are going to be found by you. popularity isn’t all that it’s made out to be…
They may only be a handful, compared to the tons of worthless
rock you may have to get past. But it will be worth it. The quest “Surface-lookers” only see the obvious. They don’t have the
and the effort will not have been in vain. patience, or the diligence to look deeper. They’re not willing to
“All is vanity” as far as the rocks in their darkness are make a bit of effort in order to find anything other than immediate
concerned. But as for the gold, there are higher plans for it, a gratification.
higher destiny, and they will be anything but vain. “Immediate gratification” and fleeting joys, temporary bliss and
God is not dumb. He knows what He’s doing. And you’re a spurs of the moment have become the Gospel, the A and O of
perfect part of it. this generation.

It’s going to take miracles to get you through all of this. And the
76 ___________________________________________________ more you believe and trust in Me and My capacity to do them, the
Sometimes it’s important to give people something that will more the Devil will fight to prove you wrong. But that’s where
make them happy. perseverance comes in, the part that determines whether your
Just like I do with you: I often give you what you want, rather faith was just another temporary phenomenon or something real
than what you need sometimes, because I most of all want you to and steady that will last and stand the tests of time.
know that I love you and to be sure of My love for you above Time may erode the ground all about you, it may erode health,
everything else. strength and fitness, but if your faith is real gold, time will never
Once that’s established, I know I can also give you a little needed manage to erode or shake that part of you, you’ll always keep
correction, because you’ll be able to handle it then and also clinging to Me, and keep trusting in Me.
receive it as a token of My love.
I want you to convey to people by your own sample the
If your incentive is to make people happy, rather than pulling assurance that “you can” trust Me!
through your own plan of “delivering the message” more or less
because you figure it’s your duty, then there can be greater
magic in that love power, manifested in your desire to make them 78 ___________________________________________________
happy and putting their needs above your own, of preaching the I want you to learn to accept others the way they are, and try
message. to sympathize with them, and relate to them, even if their
interests differ strongly from yours. I want you to accept and
Of course, if you’d make another rut out of that, then it would tolerate them the same way you would wish to be accepted by
become a scheme of man-pleasing, but I’m trying to get you to them.
find the right balance between the two.
It’s best to keep listening to your heart, and not so much to your
head. 79 ___________________________________________________
It’s more important that you do whatever you do from the heart, The Spirit World is not subject to the laws and rules of the
than just that cold sense of duty, and just thinking you’ve got to physical world, just as a parent is not bound to the same rules he
do it because you ought to. demands of a child, of “be home at five o’ clock,” and “go to
sleep at nine,” etc., just because what may be perfectly alright for
The goal is not just to slap the message around their ears in a an adult, isn’t necessarily appropriate for a child.
“there you’ve got it” way, but you’ve got to woo them first, win
them, and then you can lovingly impart the message. There will come a time when creation will have reached maturity
It’s an art. and will be melded with the Eternal World and thus become
Many people just resist being preached to, and in order to be a subject to its same liberty when it comes to the rules and laws
successful preacher of the Gospel, you’ve got to learn to woo that right now restrain the physical.
them first.
These are factors that worldly physicists and scientists are
As in all things, it’s the sample that counts so much more than oblivious to, as the vast majority of them leave Me entirely out of
the sermon. If you live for the happiness of others, that will the equation.
amount to more than any amount of sermons you could preach if If they leave out the Major Factor, how can they get an accurate
you just do it out of a cold, factual, sense-of-duty type of or complete picture? All they look at is their immediate, physical
motivation. part of the picture.

It’s the love that matters, more than any amount of message you If people insist on believing a lie, I will often give them a little
“evidence” to support that lie, or rather, I’ll allow the Enemy to do But since most people deny the Devil’s existence, and the fact
so. that he is the present ruler of this world, they’re also perfectly
In order to find the truth, a certain hunger for it has to be there. unaware of the extent to which they’re being lied to. All of which,
As long as they are looking for results that exclude Me from the of course, drastically changes once their earthly existence is
equation, that’s all they’re ever going to find. being terminated and they come to the grips with the realities of
the spirit world.
Unbelievers say, “Coincidence rules.” Believers say, “There is no
coincidence.” As a believer in Me and My Eternal Realm you They live as if their earthly existence would be all there ever was
believe that there is something greater than the physical world and will be, and the worst that could ever happen to them would
and its rules, that surpasses all physical laws. be to have to leave it behind.
That’s why I would like you to learn to live in such a way that
When man separated himself from Me by his choices, he brought coming to the Spirit World would be no great shock to you.
those conditions upon himself and his world that make him quite I want you to prepare for that transition, and live accordingly; not
different from My nature and the nature of the eternal. But you as an alien to the Spirit World, but one who has already learned
know My Promise that all things will be reconciled and reunified during his physical life-time to feel at Home Here, in the Eternal
with Me. Talking about a “unified theory.” Theories won’t be Realm.
necessary anymore then. It will be the unified facts of how
everything was created, planned and executed by Someone Who
left very little up to random chance, but rather to the individual 82 ___________________________________________________
choices of man to bring upon himself either a blessing or a Why should I let all things continue as normal, if they’re not
curse. the way they should be?
Your work for Me isn’t nearly as important to Me as our
Creation is based somewhat on the same system as computers… connection itself, and if there’s a problem in the connection, I
Is and 0s, yeses and no’s on a constant basis, toward Me, their certainly wouldn’t want to let you continue in your work for Me as
Creator. though nothing happened. You can’t do My work without My
power, and if there’s a problem with the power connection, we’ve
The right choice to make is to accept Me, to integrate and include got to fix it first, before you can continue doing My work.
Me, and to acknowledge Me, to seek Me in My Creation. The
wrong choice is to ignore Me, deny Me, refuse to accept that I’m What really matters is your connection with Me to get you
there, and thus exclude Me from their equation and Big Picture. through life successfully.
The right choices lead to true wisdom and insight and
knowledge, the others to foolishness professing itself to be wise. When Satan has managed to get you to allow something else to
usurp the position of priority in your life, I have to do something
to restore that position unto Myself. I’m not willingly going to
80 ___________________________________________________ give up the top place in your heart. I’m not just going to stand by
Potential blessings can be lost if you neglect to pray for the and watch you go down the drain spiritually.
necessary anointing and wisdom before making a phone call, etc.
You ought to know better by now than thinking that you can All those things that concern you may seem of utter importance
handle everything in your own wisdom. to you temporarily, but are they, really, compared to the
If I bring an opportunity into your life, you have to give Me a hand relationship between you and Me? What could be more important
in bringing it to pass. You cannot complete in the flesh what I than that?
have begun in the Spirit.
Imagine in a few years from now, when you may be cut off from
the internet, the telephone and the power lines. Possibly the
81 ___________________________________________________ water, too, and I will have to be your Provider for all these things
It’s quite a revelation to most arrivals in the Spirit World, just that right now you’re basically trusting the System for…
how vast the difference is between worldly standards of How prepared are you for a situation in which you’d have to trust
information (with their relatively low truth content), and the Me and Me alone?
heavenly standard of “the truth, and truly nothing but the truth.” How else will you be ready then, unless you learn how to trust Me
now for everything?
It’s one of the reasons why My thoughts are so much higher than
those of people on earth: most of people’s thoughts are based on
erroneous assumptions or misinformation, and quite far away
from the truth.
Following My way signifies a break with the thought patterns of
the world, and learning to adapt to My way of seeing things, and
thus getting ready for the viewpoint that exists in the heavenly

One of man’s great sins is his presumption that his conclusions,

opinions and concoctions of his mind are true and just, when
sadly, in most cases, nothing could be further from the truth. You
could almost say, nothing could be further from the truth than
mankind’s present level and wealth of information at this time,
the onset of the 21st century.

While there’s a lot of valid information available, it’s not the truly
valid and reliable information that’s largely being disclosed to the
public. Truth is simply not what permeates the air, the ether and
atmosphere in this day and age when the “prince of the power or
the air” rules and fills the earth and air with his vibes, which
consist mostly of lies.
Categories: Grace: 29, 67

Accountability/Responsibility: 7, 25, 35 Happiness: 61, 63

Action/Initiative: 7, 10, 34, 40, 44, 45, 48, 61 Hearing from God/Prophecy: 8, 13, 22, 37, 61, 67, 72, 74

Anger: 50 History: 2, 5, 25, 29, 36, 67

Attitudes/Mindsets: 6, 7, 27, 37, 70, 72 Holy Spirit: 34

Big Picture: 71, 75, 79 Humility/Pride: 2, 33, 36, 37

Change: 6, 7, 9, 27 Jesus: 12, 19, 41, 74

Children/Parenting: 17, 26, 35, 43, 62 Knowledge/Wisdom: 15, 20, 45, 54, 58, 79, 81

Choice & Consequence: 17, 58, 79 Learning/Teaching: 17, 19, 20, 35, 37, 43, 55, 62, 72

Churchianity: 3, 17, 56 Little Things & People: 7, 19, 48, 63, 70

Commitment/Dedication: 6 Looking Unto Jesus: 32, 53, 54, 58, 70, 73

Communication: 24 Love: 2, 3, 17, 19, 25, 26, 42, 45, 51, 57, 58, 59, 69, 76, 77

Conviction Vs. Compromise: 5, 8, 43, 74 Materialism/Greed: 65

Correction/Discipline: 1, 8, 9, 20, 41, 76 Meaning/Purpose: 5, 23

Creation: 54, 79 Metaphors: 1, 29, 32, 34, 72, 79

Dependence on God: 3, 15, 29, 34, 55, 57, 60, 69, 80, 82 Money: 75

Devil’s Devices: 4, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 30, 36, 39, 58, 65, 81 Movies: 22, 67

Discipleship: 1, 11, 27, 31, 59, 66, 73 Music: 5, 72

Doubt: 7 Obedience/Disobedience: 16, 18, 45, 54, 61

Endtime: 19, 46, 47, 54, 65, 69 Overcoming/Rising Above: 12, 40, 54, 65

Evil: 20 Patience/Wait On the Lord: 34, 69

Faith/Trust: 2, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 21, 26, 33, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 75, Peace: 47
77, 82
Persecution: 36
Faithfulness/Perseverance: 6, 21, 48, 77
Positiveness vs. Negativity: 7, 14
Family, The: 56
Praise Vs. Murmuring: 7, 33
Fear vs. Courage: 25, 45, 70
Prayer: 7, 80
Flesh/Spirit: 1, 2, 12, 15, 27, 29, 33, 39, 55, 65
Progress, Growth, Maturation: 6, 7, 9, 27, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 68
Focus on the Power: 12
Relationship/People: 3, 42, 57, 66, 70, 71, 78
Forgiveness: 9, 17, 25, 26
Responsibility/Accountability: 7
Forsaking all: 6, 8, 63
Sacrifice: 18, 27
Freedom: 62
Salvation: 14, 16, 26, 46, 54, 69
Fruitfulness: 34
Sample: 3, 31, 35, 55, 61, 63, 64, 73, 76, 77
Giving God the Glory: 29, 32, 53, 64, 69
Selfishness/Unselfishness: 47, 52
God First: 54, 82
Self-righteousness: 1, 2, 45
God’s Love: 59
Shepherding/Leadership: 23, 26, 60
God’s Promises: 8, 28, 32, 38, 54, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 75
Sin: 25, 67, 81
God’s Ways and Views: 8
Society: 11, 18, 19, 30, 52, 77
Spirit Helpers: 50

Spirit World: 49, 79, 81

Success/Failure: 29

Supply: 21, 82

System/Worldliness: 1, 17, 18, 20, 46, 47, 74

Temptation: 1, 12, 15, 18, 22, 39, 62

Thankfulness/Gratitude/Appreciation: 9, 33, 40

Time/Eternity: 11, 13, 39, 46

Trials & Tests: 10, 12, 13, 23, 24, 31, 33, 35, 38, 43, 45, 60, 75

Truth/Honesty: 4, 19, 25, 66, 79, 81

Unity/Teamwork: 28

Vision: 11, 60

War of the Spirit: 27, 31, 36, 47

Witnessing: 5, 14, 16, 19, 27, 30, 46, 47, 63, 73, 75, 76

Word, The: 11

Yieldedness: 8, 32, 35, 45, 49

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