Jerraganda: Guest Speaker - Craig Alford

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The Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Inc D9710

Volume 17 No 14

Guest Speaker Craig Alford

Meeting 763 03 Oct 13

Pres Paul welcomed everyone to meeting 763 and invited Lynne McPherson to read the Charge to Australia, and Mez Mulvaney to toast Rotary International and the Rotary club of wait for it and the Club chorused in unison Kalgoorlie!!!


From our usually late Attendance Officer: In an attempt to redeem myself here are tonight's details. Apologies: Chilly, Cookie, Cathy and Colin, Chris, George, Bruce, Anton, Paul Robey, Terry, and Glenn & Glenda.

Guest Speaker Craig Alford

David Stevens introduced Craig, from the Rotary Club of Armadale along with wife Eileen (also a Rotarian) and daughter Lauren. Craig came to talk to us about a project, ride to the other side. Here is his story. In 2010 we visited the Hustler mower factory in the US. We heard about Josh Schmidt, an employee who drove a Hustler mower 4,000km for charity. We decided to be a bit more ambitious. We were going to ride a mower around Australia. 7 legs, 7 years, Approximately 1100 Hrs Raise $1 million

To make a difference, achieve something very special and raise much needed awareness and funds for rotary Projects.

A few facts: Since 2000 Australian Rotary Health have channelled over $20,000,000 into Australian health and medical research projects and in 2012 $2,737,000 was disbursed in research grants and scholarships. There were over one hundred and ten thousand reported cases of Cancer in Australia in 2012, with Prostate Cancer being the highest of all cancers totalling over eighteen thousand and also having the second highest mortality rate, second only t o Bowel. 1 in 7 men will get Prostate Cancer 1 in 25 men will die from Prostate Cancer Every THREE HOURS A MAN DIES OF Prostate Cancer

Should anyone wish to know more I have a copy of Craigs presentation. Kerry presented a book to Craig, sadly I am sure he was telling a very interesting story about hot, cold, tepid, weather etc, but I was helping David bring in the meal and missed it sorry Kerry. And what the heck did you do to my photo program on my phone. Not only will in not open, but I then deleted it and now it wont load on my phone!! Sheesh, no photo of you in this weeks edition.

Jerraganda business:
From the desk of the President: Had a nice piece of corro from the Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie, loved Mez. Cooma is celebrating 60th bday 26 Oct 13. Guest speaker is Caren Egle, Managing director of impact mngt and development. Sue Jarvis. Will update on the car.

President will vote on behalf of the Club at the Distr Conf. Will send out the agenda for comments.

Reports: Secretary NFTR. Reports: Treasurer

Operating acct changed 16 times in the last week due to the car raffle. Joker stands at 283.50???? Nada.

Reports: Club Service: Reports: Community

Probus BBQ 18 Dec. As per last year approx 60 mbrs, we cook the BBQ and provide meat. Walking group 18 Nov, our Bday is on 16 Nov. 20 mothers, we have been approached to cook a BBQ, they will provide their own meat. Bunnings BBQ 23 Nov, Jan will send out attendance sheet. There are 124 medallions left over from the 175th Anniversary Ball and on sale for 20.00 each Nicole has a website for her book 49.00 each

Car everyone seen the photos. Needed to raise the money. 2nd prize of $1000.00 went to the egg lady at the markets. Well done to the Club.. thanks to everyone who sold tickets and Jon who did a great job with the banking.

Ball was great, over $10000 was raised.

Reports: International
From Pam, the boys are in Tonga.. have a meeting tomorrow. There is another Rotary group from Sydney. Doing the health clinic or hosp. Both went without sun screen but have had a beer!

Reports: Youth and New Generations

RYLA noms by Nov 18-25

General Business:
Relay for Life Ian gave the following brief: 12 buses sign written Telstra 25000.00 cash component. 10000.00 of that to the school who raises the most money Issues with Guy Sebastian BUT Jimmy Barnes is confirmed. From David Stevens. Allison passed on her thanks for the welcome and friendship afforded to her by the club. From the Market lady. Thanks everyone for embracing the roster and doing such a great job. David will take more bags out. Bendigo Bank. Assistance given over the last few months has been invaluable. Thankyou.

SGT Fines:
Had some fun this week, would love to have been a fly on the wall when Kerry read the Jerraganda.

Heads and Tails:

Mrs Hunter is sitting in the chair over the next few weeks, will that make a difference to tonights pathetic 64%

********************************************************************************************************************* Joker: Won by Jon who drew the 9 clubs and Anne actually read out a joke!

Farmers Market Corner:

From the Pen of David Stevens Being a public holiday and the school holidays we anticipated a quieter day, and so it started. However, it was not to last. A patron in a big flashy Mercedes and an attitude to match decided that he had more rights than the rest of the patrons and demanded to be let through the gate to park inside. Ian, gate guardian it the time, refused and tried to explain the parking arrangements. Our citizen decided that some coercion was required and nudged Ians leg with the bumper of the Merc. Bad move. Ian was now more determined to stand firm. The citizen now resorted to verbal abuse and much gesticulation and figure pointing. Fortunately, Ian had rung David B who arrived in time to defuse the situation before it got totally out of hand. Ian, rightly, decided to report the incident to the police who arrived shortly after and took a statement from him. A couple of times during the morning said citizen approached Ian to apologise. The remainder of the morning was totally uneventful and unexciting. On our way home the police rang Ian to say that they had interviewed the man whose story differed from Ians, surprise, surprise and that they would be interviewing witnesses. However, they did say that there seemed to be a case for negligent driving and possibly common assault if Ian wished to pursue the matter!

Thanks David .

Market Takings for this week:

David Stevens, David Bailey, 05 Oct 13 Ian Wholohan

Tables $75.00

Bags $116.00

Water $5.00 (after purchase of ice)

Total $196.00

Comments: Ive seen Ian mad dont piss him off!!!


Let Ian know if you would like to be on Relay for life committee. Markets this week David Stevens, David Bailey and Ian Wholohan Markets next week Committees Meeting District conf 11-13 Oct Guest Speaker 17 Oct 13 Catherine Meacham. AGM 14 Nov 13. Xmas party 14 Dec 13.

17 Oct 13 31 Oct 13 14 Nov 13 16 Nov 13 21 Nov 13 14 Dec 13 Katherine Meacham Supporting Our Sisters Felix from St Judes Presentation AGM Jerra Rotary Club 15th Anniversary Celebration MS Mega Swim Celebration and Presentation (tentative) Xmas Party

Social & Special Events

28 Sep 11-13 Oct 13 1-4 Jun 14 175th Anniversary Ball D9710 Conference - Merimbula RI Conference - Sydney

Farmers Market
24 Sep 13 28 Sep 13 05 Oct 13 12 Oct 13 David Bailey, Anne Davis and Mez Mulvaney Kerry and Lynne McPherson, Jan Pettigrew David Bailey, David Stevens, Anton Pemmer Chilly Chilman, Kerry McPherson, Paul Robey

St Benedict's Roster
23 Sep 13 28 Oct 13 25 Nov 13 December 27 Jan 13 24 Feb 13 24 Mar 13 28 Apr 13 Robert Cooke and Jan Pettigrew Peter and Sue Jarvis David Stevens and Bruce Miller NO BBQ Paul Robey and Kerry McPherson Robert Cooke and Jan Pettigrew Peter and Sue Jarvis David Stevens and Jan Pettigrew

Club Officers 2012-2013 President President Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Club Service Director Community Service Director International and Foundation Director Youth and New Generations Director Paul Roger Paul Robey Chris Hunter Glenn Wahlert David Bailey Paul Robey Sue Jarvis Terry Spencer Lynne McPherson

Club Service Members Director Sergeant Welfare Program & Fellowship Attendance & Meals Officer Communications and PR Welfare & Historian Jerraganda Editor Club Service Projects Paul Robey Mez Mulvaney Sue Roger Ian Wholohan David Stevens Chris Hunter Sue Roger Mez Mulvaney Colin Hobbs

Community Service Members Director BBQs Epic Markets Fairs Ball Bowel Care Projects Sue Jarvis Jan Pettigrew Anne Davis TBA Sue Jarvis & Jon Wells Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller

International Members Director Polio Plus RAWCS Foundation GSE/Friendship Exchange Shelter Boxes Terry Spencer Pam Spencer David Bailey George McIver Robert Chilman Cathy Hobbs

Youth Service Members Director Local Programs District Programs National Programs International Programs Vocational Service Lynne McPherson Glenda Wahlert Robert Cooke Lynne McPherson TBA Peter Jarvis

Chartered Meets Apologies

Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra PO Box 8 Jerrabomberra NSW 2619 Email: [email protected] 18 Nov 1998 Thursday 6.30 8.30 Jerrabomberra Public School David Stevens by 12 Noon Tue T: 0413519894 E: [email protected] Mez Mulvaney 0419121128 [email protected]

Bulletin Contributions

Jerrabomberra Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellows 1998/99 2003/04 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2011/12 2012/13 Peter Jarvis, PP Gerry McNamara, PP Sue Jarvis, Keith Edmonds, PP, Jan Pettigrew, PP Pam Spencer, PP Terry Spencer, PP David Stevens, PP, Lydia Stevens, CSM, PP Mez Mulvaney, OAM, Liz Mulvaney David Bailey, Paul Roger

Rotarians of the Year 2000/01 2003/04 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Peter Jarvis, PHF, PP Garry Bradstreet Cathy Hobbs, Colin Hobbs Keith Edmonds, PHF, PP, Paul Hone Mez Mulvaney OAM, PHF, Liz Mulvaney, PHF Sue Roger Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Julia Worboys Robert Cooke Mez Mulvaney OAM, PHF


Alex Alexander David Bailey, PP Robert Chilman Robert Cooke Anne Davis, PP Cathy Hobbs Colin Hobbs, PP Chris Hunter, President, OAM Peter Jarvis, PHF,PP Sue Jarvis, PHF George McIvor Lynne McPherson Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Paul Robey Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Paul Roger Sue Roger Pam Spencer, PHF, PP Terry Spencer, PHF, PP David Stevens, PHF, PP Glenda Wahlert, PP Glenn Wahlert Jon Wells Ian Wholohan

Vera Alexander Vickie Still Phil Sixsmith

In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentor (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President). Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 20 members. We are an unusual club as we have a very high proportion of female Members. Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Storethe venue was very good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years. We now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm). As at 11 Jun 2013 the Club has 27 members 11 female and 16 male. Included in this are seven married couples. We also have 4 supporters of the Rotary Club. (Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club bulletin and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and (very) bad suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name; Jerraganda. The banner design by David Stevens was eventually selected. The design incorporates a goose and the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate.

Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

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