High School Life V. 1 N. 11

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High School Life

Chester E . Clark ____ Editor-In


Robert Gra!ham Assistant E
Robert KniesJ:ey __ Business Mar
Robert Arms-tong Athl e tic E
Curtis Leece Jloke E

Volume I. Harbor Springs, Michigan, December 21st, 1921 Nc
By A College Student
I srli dc. So it iol with a srpecialized edu- j s chool on !>hte hill' , to. feast on Pleas .. , o.n Mronday
cation. Jt btings attention t o I am.t me;mones to. t ell :the nN1'g at 6. 30. Om gJ)lest of
s ome o ne thing to some one line of what an easy hfe r!ugh school IS. Goebol headed the ;men rund ibo.
By James Starr , e ndeavor !J I!ld by it we .a re abl e t;o
On Tuesday mbrniu.g, J 11mes Starr ((Je 1fOCItball t eam a nd Jed t he w:
Ther e a r e many tlwts which comE> do .a great e1 numiber of thhJJgs than as a representative of the Harbor the tables.
into one's mind as he is pi Jrssing thru j we had !before imagined. Springs Club of the U. of M. &PO_ke T:he wb rthy toa.srtnnaSiter, Gh
t he cJ h is h :gill schiJo l hat in J Our broad educat i on allows us to to the s tu?eaJ,t body. He brought E. Clark, pel"fQrmed h is d:uties
my es timation, and I judge froon my s e-e new fields :and th e spedJB train- him greetmgs Oil' tJhe H:wbor .Sprmgs his u su.a.B rubility 11111d grea.t ease
own ex.p :>ri e n1ce the point which i ing and preparation u.s to r eap Club Mr. Stone a nd Mr. ling upon Mr'. HJlry rSwi1f>t f?r .a ,
comes m ost often and sticks a big1ae r 3 11,::1 11 a1-vest froJll Beu.dle. He sjp/Jrk e. o.n the value orf an taLk to the boy>Sr. .M.r. Sw1frt s
pers!stently, rega rds hiS ,futur e e du- , those f ie ld s and by SJ !lning we \\ 11 education a:nd p.1ctured I !lor us the IJ: business man eXJpects
cLit ion:. He wDnders if .he .will ever go become sure l<: a.ders .)f nen a;s 1 ; :lV'J wild rtl)! h now made by . the boys of boy," w:JIS not only humorous an
'JillY than school. I asl> e d the Hlarhor H;; 11 the world fo.r an . but ha.d, a 1great d etlf of
t.hla.t IS already .decHled. He ''on- sc hoo! to produce. , On '':ednesday party ca:twnal value.
ders wa1.a.t !me of work or w!Ht pro- J was given m the schiYDI .b>u1l<lmg for A few songs were sung IJnd
fe s1SI'on he will f.t t? foll ow, I . . . I th e Junior Girl Scout!!;. The enter- superintendent, M1'. Bailey, gav{
a:nd he wher e he w1ll go to School ActiVltles i taillllllent at five and boys some good advice 1by way
brave. ,tJhJ,Js f_.Hmg _do.ne. l alfter dEJ!J.'g,nrtflUI a few short r emaiks.
thE! . oili e1 wil.l follow lo., L l ; ,;;:t Friday even :ng was j was. decorate d m r the Our gruest. Mr. Goebol, was

If he giOUP"'. the fnst,. t wo to one of t:he most eventful e venings in mrm. Chn_strmas carols "ere . rJ.ng ia1
:..1xluced. He gaJVe 111 v ery fine
geJher ,det el lmmes lhe no,t the hidlx y of o.ur >high school whe n, I games p t:hus srpe.ndmg on "The Game o,f Football and
t he hlg.J S:!hiJol pre paJ' J.tJ.on suf- due to the untir.i ng efforts of t.he Sen- I a :ery gay. tlhe Scoll'ts de- Ga me of Life." He compared the
fl ee. ' iQrs and F'Jlculty the Commun1ty Fro- pal t e d at eJght 0 clock. . . to th eir value !.lind also to t he w:
The world or t oclay is crowde d wi th Ji>c .was given to the .people of the The Freshme n are p.atJeJl!tly which c u e s houkl play the m.
b llo weTIS. cr.owded with peopl e who town ill'g.
. I'
a1e wiill :ng tJo a1ccept I:Jille as their , .. ' . , .' TJ1e Fresrhies are the pr-oud owners '' e take It, rfrl,om rl\fr .. s
I . . n d if II I . 'th t As we en,e. ed the Gym, " e saw a or blue and toques which r e- that! Coac.h Yost or MIIChlgan t
c :


WI ' nUJmber of .booths abo.ve which w. as I tlresent thE!'r <colors The hi s greatest tam1 upon only thE
g1ea ea.
uue Ine
11 1
1- 1 a Hla 1 d C ffee ' t l t h t hi hi "nk
- r l'>t r Ju' l :, to . ch s p. ort.
Sl.,ns as m JUJ g.., a n. 0 . have caps 01f the styte wtth r ed eJ Ia a IS g 1:-'v,nmen.
vahlc Y
S c allan s u b u P 1 d Sh.n e, Fortune e T !hugs and 1 d bite color and worthy oif repreSienhng the
Tb . ese peop. e as 11 IJ.y .. are. elm'1 I Candy. and k e Creurn, were painted .. of . Vi vian Lane .f rom the univer s :ty. M.r. Goeb:ol said tJhaJI
Y t a :rns !J>m

ea. ks .
also a number 01f gay oosfumes. eiJahth l' hl d Ja;me- Clalk fl10m gJ me of life is pB.ayed a lmost E
?.re t l.e es 'f u . 11 ere! ar:,, a Everyone played games 1;1nd ex per- th"'e sev.enth been to re Jy as eac.h . individua l pl ays his
Jllg num er O ;a ege( ""la m I I I ' l . th .. "D' H , . . w th t If h . d't I
h b. th ba<lly tOJ' Il lence.c gomg IU 'II]),PY ouse, I p .. the &nhool in the contest on on e ' earn. e IS a II Y P
\ V o::: l; tnnefr l S ra er h . tl a .... t d t" cr ov ..., . . b d t k 1 h ad .
d ,.1 , d . . t1 . . tJ s. , .aNmg l!-'l.r ..J o an . e?- n1., . " Hew 1 Can Malke tr.le Highway More e oes no m!J, e rnuc 1 e w.
an ,"


none Jo. es Then t:l1:o cr:Jiwd c1:rnbed sta1rs to , SafEo .'' sr:.l'ccess Hfe. he .plays the
.What IS by all. see more. cf the such l >Dur 'nla the of Ut e F'rolic s.quare, b1.ts the !me <3Ud
swn wpon cond1tJon WhiCh IS . 1 IS Che m112a l Marg1c. :Mo>vmg Pictures . F 'day the Sen.liors me mortJd a;nd plays ea,ch play w1th a sm1l
known .and :J.dm,tted to exJstH. and the Bird Mus-eum. , . rl . . "'' i ;:r 'bound tb win, both in the
!':.......,! t h t !-' t a-!Ml- exfleet-th - - - - m. t he _wnn __o.___a. till_ge --"""ISOll.-lY_as__ __ _ __ ----. .
. a
wa-n ,.., . . ule c rowd went ro the .. cent e d t o t:he High Schoo!. The [I me and th-e game o:f hfe. -
c!ru:,s e.s c.f the Harbor Sprmgs H1gh I audit oPium w her e they were enter- p. e s> t f
f u ' r \ V'e are aware oil' M1
Slcbool t:> fu.rnis:h some o f those high tail; ed for nea rlv ail hQI\Ir with a. s ude nt.sr ve i:Yll glb a e u orb wJrlth t o the Michigan .and
minded, oonsoientious men 'Jind wo- 1 con,isnng gift and lt e err

h'lm m uc h success in his care

- men who wm fit them,selves to as- c/ ,. so'iJ by :Vl!F1' G.-aham a 1 yer :rs com.e as one Ot.
et 111tehs (l"pta.in of neXJt year squa
1 h ' th 1 ''' " '. . ,menJJJTJa! s ever presen l!l( o e '
surne a;ctne lea( e1 s . p 111 e PI oces- by Mrs Burnett nd a r ec1tat1on by I S
f n 1 by a en.wr c as,s. " .
EJO!l o -' e. " , lVJ .iss T?'WS'ley, \\'111? wlbs dressed as a ---'E".ul DeL.a;verpw. :!\fr. Bond P:resente<l lelt.te
And tlJ be as much a leader as I I t' l e glrl , a S[1w1sh dance by Ruth the men of t.hbs year.
c: m asking tJhese ICla;sses to pro duce, ! \Vr ight and three .srelections on the
lmcnogam has been s>: mewhat c
om; mru.st the i EdisJn, whi ch Sen' or class pre- Bards' Beginnings vd from of last year. The ne
and the latitude Clf v:swn whi ch i:K'n.ted to the H1gh Schcol as a me- s:gn was made by Clement Ph
ccme;;, tlmu a puPsuit of letters as : ma.ria l. . , , Liiten br: ht The foll owing fiftl:len fellows r
well as expe ri eace. Tbese one;:> must i The Bc. y t roup ;;o. 1 held A ,
,. ' 'han receive eeL mon ogra;ms: Ra bePt Kne
develop the tra:ned eye and mind a !J,a."in ess meetillJ? I as t Thursday A. n - ) u s ,from one Go r.don Wilsl:n . Chester Marti11
a s pz:o.a!i.st in order they may I night .and e le.cted th :) following offi-

beli eve, Hu.gh Cook. Gale CaJsk ey, BJ.Y G

f011ge ahead of the ra111k 11 11J1d fil e to , cers for the yeaJ : , , Tha't o:Jd Harbor Spr1ngs Leon Woodr'llff, J o hn Ames, G
c. pen 1:1p the way for the r est to fol- .
WiJH Patrol leader Tho considere d t o be small, Wilcox, Ge!orge Holliday, G
low. . . . Theodor e Blackman not ranke d amcnlg the worst. W'beeler, Theodo!'e Blackma n , .A
I wo.u:Jd ch.a;lactel'JZe S'lJ:Jh a pre-
Pme T ree f'U,trol lt 1a.der N 1 N t t all Zube r. Robert Armstrong and r
J] lrat,;on by twl:>> wh'eh at Ford l\IoultJn a rfe.w thing., ent Pbis.t ey.
further investiga tion they take thei r Beav e;' Pal:!ol Jeade r A J,I=U understand - R.Oibert 'Ku>:.es:ler. ou1 las.t J
merunin:g . whk >h bring them har- 1 ( Ope.n vacanci:es f!ll ed) ..,:ould make Springs capti>tin, gave a talk
mony w1th each othe1. The f1rst ef- I Ther e are f ve V1 J1canclt'S m th:s pa - 'l h 'be t town in the land. ing the fellows spn1t and app
i.s: .the ve r;v: common on 3 cal_l e d , trot and o ne tlhe Pinre T";ee: Six Wi:h add'itton o.f stree t cars, tion for the kiudne,;::; a:HI ba
To Illustn ;te the a;pphca- , more scouts w11l te t a.lien m li111!111ed- Sk ,n 1 1
e a nd s bo.ws shiwn thehl throughout t :JC fa.
ton , let me put a small pin hol e . iate.ly. Applka.tic.n.s can be Secure d Wi

thru a. pi.E:<ce of pa,pe r hold l t 'IP ,fl.om the ScoutJmaster, s .:d Newmi Jn. T IJU h. r no -e " The si111ging of Ameri ca, le d b:
::t arms length 'rum my .. ' r-an j The re m:Cillder o f tlh:e e ve ninrg wa6 eand up Frank B t iley, Conclude!l th<o t)ro:
see tlh e bole but n othi n.g is distin spc:1t in pl aying lJ.aslietball and jump_- ,nell Ile rest The football fellows IVi.'\h to 1
1 1 n .fi!!u 01'g a. h I
gui:?. :.lable o: fl 8 ot .. c.: s ! ' J > in:g. . . . . As not be ing just as good. aill of tbos.e w o so )
I bnng the p::1per do.:;oer and closer I I I' St Tues_day mght the Gal Scouts But! bein the best. forth ssuch rgreat efforts ,, !'. to
to my eye. I ;;(' c mor) u: :J mor3 of a.ssembled m room 2. Fl'om there S
g e d the banquet ,su ch 'J SUC"C><;.
what lies on t.he c ther sid e. This hol e they took a SWi:ft bike to Erwin'3 and
... n e
, ste -GoPdon \Vilson Jms . be en el
in the r ep.r esen:ts tn1e back. Roll cal_! was taken iJ.t t he top ;
'town captain of Hanbor's squad nf 1!
one r ece1ves. more h e the or the htll . . The it can be.
the .hole I3' m.oved to h1 s eye 1 The Senwr boys H1-Y met a nd or- - Ji h A!II es (Poet Laureate )
a nd the great eJ h;s or ganized last Thu rsdJ' Y evening. The 10 u 1
l ife aibout h:m. , I officers e lect ed a r e as follows:
The Second eff0;;t . is narrowing u1 Pres: de nt Ch c:'St e r E1 Clark I Athletics 1' Mary ha:d 11, little lamp.
s pecial: zation. To thJI .t out in a 1 Vi,ce '-----------------! It was well trained, no do;bt.
c oncrete I w1ll oompa1 e 1 Secr etary Ro
bert Kneisley I Althl tic Ban uet ColUSe elwry .time tha t Hoh C'a lll E
c;; t to the le ns of a powe:ful m1- .
Teasurer Leonn:rd Po!\vers e q '1 hal !Jtt.le hmp JWe'llt
c i'C sccpel. Before the thin slide is put A Juni or Hi- Y c lub is being organ- \\' e, the stJudents or t he Hi11I'bor .. . ,
under the len,. the naked eYe can on- i'ed unde r the Jeadersh/ p of Mr. I Springs H igh School, feel ve ry ,proud That was a put up JOb.
- , t "vVI t?' '
Jy discem a blotch upon its s urf) 1ce, Bond>. The y me t last Thursday with of the fact that we were SJ> fortuna e .. 1a .,
but with the aid of the lens a new the Senior club and will soon orrg1lrlllin securinrg Mr. Paul Goebol, of the Th1A wall p_aper.
p c ture is thrown befor e our eyes. izc. Miehigan University, to speak ti:> us "Do you love me?" said the
c n su:bst.tut :ng more and more A number or hhe High Sehool 1 t A>thlet irc banquet and before I .tb "I'm all
e t:ul lens greater a nd greater ))-0SSI- Alumni. who have retumed from col- the h1gh &choot 1>11 yci\1.' sa1d the sugar. You 1
ti l ities a r e r e va .: le<l upon the littl e lege vaca.t:l:lll, h a ve vis.:t E':l tll e "Ole : Tthe Athleti c ba nquet WaS> held in thjng," mul1lllured th pu;per ba!

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