A Brief Analysis of The Nazm

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A Brief Analysis of the Connection between the Organization (Nazm)1 and the Subjects of Surah as-Sajdah: 2 Sama, Basar,3

Fuad,4 Kitab Allah5 and the Imamat6 Salehah7

Last Verses of Surah as-Sajdah, (32: 23-30); Comparing them with some topics of surah al-Furqan: The last verses of surah al-Furqan (25: 63-74) refer to the point that the Book of Allah is the prophecy of righteous (saleh) leadership. Before this the surah discusses the objections of non-serious addressees, who instead of paying attention to the Book of God (kalam-i Ilahi) were making fun of it (25: 4-5, 7-8, 21, 32, 41-42, 60). This last part of surah al-Furqan indicates that there are also some thinking individuals in this non-serious environment. When the signs of God ( ayat-i Ilahi) are read to remind these righteous individuals, they do not fall upon these verses like deaf and dumb (25:73), instead they listen to them with full attention and contemplate in them. This part of alFurqan reflects about the day and night of these obedient servants of Rahman in detail. It is that righteous leadership which is prospering according to the Book of God, in that social environment (24:74). A similar kind of style is found in surah as-Sajdah. At the end of as-Sajdah it is told encouraging Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that after the coming of the Book of Allah, it is a must for righteous leadership to take place. Prophet Musa who was given Torah, is presented as a historical proof for this. This example of Torah and Prophet Musa was repeated in surah al-Furqan also (25: 35-36). However, in surah as-Sajdah conditions on the way of its success are also mentioned. When Bani Israel fulfilled those conditions then a righteous leadership came into existence in that nation. It is indicated that now with your (SAW) ummah also, this story would be repeated. The conditions which the Prophet and his companions have to fulfill to obtain that righteous leadership are the following: 1. Complete faith in the meeting with God; 2. Faith in the (guidance of) ayat-i Ilahi, and individual and collective action in their light; 3. To struggle in that way with patience and perseverance. To continue the same description, it is said that the nations which received Allahs punishment, there ruins witness until today that this story has been perpetually repeated (32:26). It is mentioned in surah as-Sajdah in a general style without those nations name, but in surah al-Furqan historical indications are given with name (25: 37-40). In surah al-Fuqan too, instead of adopting the way through knowledge and using sama, basar, fuad, there is criticism on adopting the path of desires of soul ( khwahish nafs), which is also the subject of surah as-Sajdah. In the last three verses of surah al-Furqan, just
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Nazm means organization. It means the hearing. 3 It means the sight. 4 It means the heart or understanding. 5 Kitab Allah is Gods Book, the Quran. 6 Imamat is leadership. 7 Salehah is righteous.

like the last three verses of surah as-Sajdah there is prediction that the opponents will not succeed and the Quranic movement will be successful. It is named as al-Fath in surah as-Sajdah, though in surah al-Furqan opponents are told without any name that for sure they will meet the worldly punishment (which is actually the failure of falsehood). Inductive Suggestion in Understanding the Quran: In the verse 25:73 of surah alFurqan, Allah the Almighty first mentioned those people who listen to the verses of the Quran with full attention and try to understand them. Then immediately in the following verses it is said, these people make dua, O Lord make us the leader of the righteous people (muttaqin). In the verse 32:23 of surah as-Sajdah Allah the Almighty says that Prophet Musa was also given the Book which became guidance for the children of Israel. Then in the following verse where some of their qualities are mentioned, it is said that among the children of Israel some such leaders were born who were showing the way to the worldly people and were making decisions under the guidance of God (32:24). Seeing the two examples together (we) get the inductive suggestion that the contact with the Book is the prediction of the righteous leadership. The last verses of surah as-Sajdah indicate towards the above mentioned understanding. The Connection of the Last Verses of Surah as-Sajdah (32:23-30) with the Rest of the Surah: If we are right in saying that these verses are considered in the conclusion of the surah, and that you generally agree with the understanding we have above indicated, then to grasp the meaning of whole surah, next question would be How does the beginning and middle pave the way for this conclusion? We hope that the following brief answer would be helpful in understanding the collective sketch of the topics in Surah as-Sajdah. The (full) sketch is given in the next section of this essay. [In the beginning of Surah as-Sajdah there are some basic important imaginary explanations.] After the introduction of surah it is elaborated in detail that the creation ( khalq) and command (amr) are both for Allah, meaning, Allah who brought this universe into existence is running its affairs (muamalat). There is a significant place for duration ( zaman) in the sunnah of Allah. Its creative work goes through some evolutionary stages. Human being is the master piece of its beautiful creation. Guidance of the creature is considered in the prudence ( tadbir) of the command (amr). Therefore God granted sama, basar, fuad for the guidance of mankind. And in the second stage of this tadbir-i amr human being will be presented to their Lord for the explanation of their deeds. Thus make use of the capacities of thinking and understanding ( sama, basar, fuad) which are given to you, before this cessation ends. [After this conceptual clarification at the beginning of the surah, the middle of the surah (32:10-30) presents different perspective of comprehending (ifham wa tafheem), warning and good news.]

When these disobedient slaves do not want to use sama, basar and fuad in the present life, they will understand every thing in front of the God but it will not be beneficial for them at that time. Contrary to these arrogant people among the addressees, there are people who are understanding and thoughtful. When they listen to the revealed verses with ears open, their truth gets apparent to them and they fall in prostration abruptly and glorify and praise God. They wake up at nights to call their Lord and help the needy to get His pleasure. The end result of these believers and disobedient people cannot be the same. After the above mentioned details at the beginning and middle of the surah, it is said in the end in verses 32: 21-22: Our reminding to these disobedient slaves through the verses of the Quran was heedless, therefore now we will watch them after some punishment so that they get lesson. Otherwise, as a last resort we will take action of revenge against these criminals. It is the same action of revenge which is referred to at the end of the surah as the fath (conquest) of believers. After the clarification of the above mentioned verses of the Book and their comprehending, Prophet Muhammad SAW and the believers are urged to be attached with the Quran and to continue their efforts with patience and perseverance on the way to this Quranic movement. Once again the opponents are urged here to be prudent and to benefit from the allowed time instead of asking extraneous questions. Prophet Muhammad SAW is told not to indulge with these people (continue his efforts) at last/the end he will be the conqueror.

A Sketch of the subjects in Surah as-Sajdah

Verses 1-3 [Introduction] This Book is a guidance from the sustainer of human beings; it is not a fabrication of Muhammad SAW. 4-9 [Principle of clarification: creation (khalq), command (amr) and the time (zaman)] Allah the Almighty is the creator of this universe and its sovereign too. After this stage (test) of tadbir amar, in the second stage actions of human beings will be presented to Him. The creation is also not abrupt; it happens gradually and has duration. Top Position of the man in the creation of heavens and the earth: He has been given sama, basar and fuad (so that man can listen to the revealed Book with open ears, open his eyes to see the signs and contemplate in them). 10.14 [In this state of testing, tendency of the denial with the meeting of God]

15.19 20-..


Today, the person not benefiting from sama, basar and fuad is a disbeliever in the hereafter. Tomorrow when this respite will be over and he will be presented I front of the God then he will understand all these things. Although it will not benefit him any more. The end of the believers and the sinners (liars) (ahl-i fasiq) cannot be the same. Actions of those pious people who believe in the Book- their relationship with Allah and other human beings. [In relation to those who turn away] When they were reminded through Book they didnt heed to it. We will now remind them by giving some punishment, so that this prudence would have some impact on them. If it still doesnt work then we will take revenge from these criminals. [In relation to the believers: Address to Prophet Muhammad SAW] It is an imperative to rise righteous leadership after the coming of the Book___ just like it happened with Prophet Musa (A.S). After the strong conviction to the meeting with God, conviction is conditional for patience and perseverance, and the verses of God. This story has been repeated again and again in the history of prophets. Revelation is like that blessed rain which can fertilize the dead earth. It has started. Those people who are doubtful, it is favorable for them that they benefit from the present respite and act with wisdom. You (Prophet) should not indulge with these people attacking unreasonably (and continue your efforts), at the end conquest will be there.!

It will throw some light on the internal organization and subjects of the surah from the above mentioned sketch. But we feel that it is necessary to indicate the following to attain these two goals. 1. Some important atf ( ) of the surah and their meaning: (a) The letter w of the verse 32:23 connects (atf) with 32: 2. It means O Prophet! Today this Book is revealed unto you, and before this it was revealed on Prophet Musa (A.S). (b) Please consider the three objections of the critics as atf on each other. First Objection it is a fabrication (32:3) Second Objection and they say that when we are blended in the earth are we going to born again? Third Objection and they say when this conquest will come? (32:28).

2. Repetition of Some Words and Meanings in the Surah indicates the Significance of Some Topics: (a) Repetition of the words sama, basar and fuad 32:9, 32:12-13, 32:26-27 -----------------------------------------------------------32:15 and 32:24 mention those people who listen to Quran with open ears and contemplate in it.

----------------------------------------------------------The above mentioned three verses which record the three criticisms here the critics are those who do not use their sama, basar and fuad. (b) Please see in the following verses, the meeting with their Lord bi al-fil, its denial, forgetting it, not to have any doubt regarding it: 32:12, 32:10, 32:14 and 32:23 (c) There is importance of practice/ action ( amal) in the hereafter. The repetition of the word amal in the verses 32:12, 32:14, 32:17 and 32:19. An example of amal in the verses 32:15-16. 3. An important Quranic reference in the text of the surah: In Surah al-Araf (7:18) and then Surah Suad (38:85) the Book of Allah notes few words of the dialogue between God and the Iblis. At this event God says after swearing that I will enter you and those from among Jinns and humans who will follow you into hell. Then in surah Hud (11:119) and surah as-Sajdah (32:13) Allah the Almighty repeats this reference in similar Quranic words. Particularly in the light of this reference the meaning of verses 32:13 of surah as-Sajdah is that if Allah the Almighty had desired that somehow every human being get the guidance, then it would not have been difficult for Him to do that. But, He wants to see that (despite) the faculties of thinking and understanding He has given who wants to break the covenant and acquires the path of disobedience and who fulfills the covenant?_ If you desire the path of Shaitan instead of desiring my pleasure then your end would be that which is destined for all its descendents.___ As I had elaborated in the beginning : Allah the Almighty will remind in the hereafter that didnt I warn you about this dialogue of Shaitan in my Book? Didnt I tell you to use the sama, basar and fuad now, (because) if your eyes would open in the hereafter or youll understand the Quranic reminder then it will not benefit you? We hope that above mentioned few references, would be helpful in making a picture of the topics in this surahs and their connection on the whole.

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