IAS Prelims Sample Question Paper Solved Question Paper

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IASPrelimsSampleQuestionPaper:SolvedQuestionPaper IAS prelims exam was conducted by UPSC on 26 May 2013 (Sunday). The exam has 2 papers Paper 1 and paper 2(CSAT). One can find here the solved paper 2. The paper has 80 questions. ThequestionsareMCQsandobjectivebynature. You can find the answer to each question at the end of the solved question paper. The CivilServicesexpertteamofwww.excellcareerindia.orghasdoneitsbesttoprovidethecorrect answerstoallquestions.Incaseyoufindanydiscrepancy,kindlyletusknow. PaperII(200marks)Duration:Twohours Comprehension Interpersonalskillsincludingcommunicationskills; Logicalreasoningandanalyticalability Decisionmakingandproblemsolving Generalmentalability Basicnumeracy(numbersandtheirrelations,ordersofmagnitude,etc.)(ClassXlevel),Data interpretation(charts,graphs,tables,datasufficiencyetc.ClassXlevel) EnglishLanguageComprehensionskills(ClassXlevel). Questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills of Class X level (last item in the Syllabus of Paper II) will be tested through passages from English language only without providing Hindi translation thereof in the question paper. The questions will be of multiple choices,objectivetype. If you find that mostof the answers given by you in theexamination hall were wrong, dont panic. Try to analysesyour failure. The questions wereequally difficult for all the students. You stillhaveachancetoqualifyfortheIASmainexam.


For those students who have answered most of the questions correctly, its not the time to get complacent. Identify your strong and weak areas and start preparing for IAS Main exam accordingly. The solved question paper will help you in preparing for the upcoming state civil services and othercompetitiveexamsaswell.Beforestartingyouractualpreparationyoushouldhavesome adequatetimeinhandtocoverthesyllabusthatiswhyyoushouldstartatleast10to12month in advance. Ideally 12 month preparation is adequate and if not 12 month, then at least of 10 months. Some students ask that they can prepare for prelims in just 3 or 4 months time. Well, you can only prepare for the prelims in 3 or 4 months or even in 15 days or 20 days. But only if you got prior experience or gotten through the prelims before and covered the entire syllabus once. Then you can obviously prepare in just 3 month or 20 days, depending on your preparation level or caliber. But, if you are new or fresher in this entire civil services examination process. Then you should start preparing for the prelims ideally before 12 months or minimum 10 monthinadvance. Excell Career India prepares the young individuals of the country for cracking the Civil Services code. It was started in 2006 by Kalyansundaram, a former civil servant of 1983 batch. His mission is to give real quality guidance and coaching to the aspirants. Prior to starting this venture, he had spent considerable amount of time in teaching in number of educational institutes. His guidance and direct coaching had also helped ten aspirants to get into CS. This prompted him to open a fullfledged formal coaching center in the heart of Chennai city with the best infrastructural facilities. Kalyansundaram has written a number of articles and given a number of TV interviews on the strategy for approaching the civil services exam. Expert academicians and practicing civil servants are in the coveted faculty and adviser of the institution.


Excell Career India prepares the student online test, Fresh Batch Starts For Regular Class on 29thMay2013andForWeekendClasson1stJune2013.ExcelCareerIndiainvitesyouforthe SeminaronStrategyforCivilServices. ClickhereforsampleQuestionpaper

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