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SQL For Data Science

Tutorial about SQL with a focus at the end of the book on SQL for Data Scientists working with Oracle DB.

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Vincent ISOZ
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75% found this document useful (4 votes)
3K views350 pages

SQL For Data Science

Tutorial about SQL with a focus at the end of the book on SQL for Data Scientists working with Oracle DB.

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Vincent ISOZ
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Structured Query Language (SQL ISO/CEI 9075:2011)

focused mainly on Oracle 11g r2 for Data Science

Vincent ISOZ
V6.0 r13
oUUID 1839
Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL

Table Of Contents
1 Useful Links ....................................................................................................................... 8
2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 History ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Syntax ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Procedural extensions ............................................................................................... 13
2.4 Standardization ......................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Well Know RDBMS using SQL .............................................................................. 15
2.6 Why IBM Oracle at University? .............................................................................. 16
2.7 Recommended References ....................................................................................... 17
3 Lenszynski-Reddick Naming convention ........................................................................ 20
4 SQL for DML (Data Manipulation Language) ................................................................ 21
4.1 Comments IN SQL ................................................................................................... 23
4.2 SQL Version ............................................................................................................. 24
4.3 SQL SELECT Statement .......................................................................................... 25
4.4 SQL USE Statement ................................................................................................. 28
4.4.1 SQL DESCRIBE ................................................................................................ 28
4.4.2 SQL Aliases........................................................................................................ 29
4.4.3 SQL COLLATION Statement ........................................................................... 31
4.4.4 SQL random sample ........................................................................................... 34
4.5 SQL UNION ............................................................................................................ 35
4.6 SQL SELECT DISTINCT and DISTINCTROWStatement .................................... 38
4.7 SQL WHERE Clause ............................................................................................... 39
4.7.1 WHERE with interactive parameters ................................................................. 39
4.7.2 WHERE using COLLATION ............................................................................ 41
4.7.3 WHERE using IS NULL or IS NOT NULL ...................................................... 42
4.8 SQL AND & OR Operators ..................................................................................... 46
4.9 SQL ORDER BY Keyword ..................................................................................... 47
4.10 SQL INSERT INTO Statement ................................................................................ 48
4.10.1 Insert a Null value .............................................................................................. 48
4.10.2 Copy the rows of a table into another one .......................................................... 49
4.11 SQL UPDATE Statement......................................................................................... 51
4.12 SQL DELETE Statement ......................................................................................... 52
4.13 SQL SELECT TOP (and aka BOTTOM) Clause .................................................... 53
4.14 SQL LIKE Operator ................................................................................................. 56
4.14.1 SQL Wildcards ................................................................................................... 56
4.14.2 SQL REGEX ...................................................................................................... 57
4.15 SQL IN Operator ...................................................................................................... 58
4.16 SQL BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN Operators ................................................. 59
4.17 SQL Cartesian Product ............................................................................................. 60
4.18 SQL JOIN ................................................................................................................. 61
4.18.1 SQL INNER JOIN statement ............................................................................. 61 INNER JOIN with 2 tables ......................................................................... 61 INNER JOIN with 4 tables ......................................................................... 63
4.18.2 SQL LEFT JOIN statement (OUTER JOIN Family) ........................................ 65
4.18.3 SQL RIGHT JOIN statement (OUTER JOIN FAMILY) ................................. 66
4.18.4 SQL FULL OUTER JOIN statement (OUTER JOIN FAMILY) ..................... 68
4.18.5 SQL SELF JOIN (circular join) like syntax ...................................................... 71

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL CONNECT BY hierarchical queries .................................................. 74

4.18.6 SQL CROSS JOIN syntax................................................................................. 78
4.18.7 Exercise about a mixture of various joins in only one query ............................. 82
4.18.8 SQL INTERSECT syntax .................................................................................. 83
4.18.9 SQL MINUS syntax ........................................................................................... 84
4.19 SQL Nested Queries (Subqueries/Multiple Layers Queries) ................................... 87
4.19.1 Scalar subqueries (single-value subquery) examples ......................................... 88
4.19.2 Column subqueries (multiple values query using one column) examples ......... 88
4.19.3 Row subqueries (multiple values query using multiple column) examples ....... 89
4.19.4 Correlated subqueries examples ......................................................................... 90
4.19.5 SQL EXIST function .......................................................................................... 90
4.19.6 SQL NOT EXISTS function .............................................................................. 91
4.19.7 ALL, ANY and SOME....................................................................................... 92 ALL ............................................................................................................. 93 ANY ............................................................................................................ 96 SOME ......................................................................................................... 99
5 SQL for DDL (Data Definition Language) .................................................................... 100
5.1 SQL SELECT INTO statement .............................................................................. 101
5.2 SQL INSERT SELECT INTO statement ............................................................... 103
5.3 SQL CREATE DATABASE statement ................................................................. 105
5.3.1 On SQL Server ................................................................................................. 105
5.3.2 On mySQL ....................................................................................................... 106
5.4 SQL CREATE TABLE statement .......................................................................... 110
5.4.1 With Data Types statements only..................................................................... 110 Various SQL DB Data types ..................................................................... 111 SQL General Data Types ...................................................................... 111 Oracle 11g Data Types ......................................................................... 112 Microsoft Access Data Types ............................................................... 114 MySQL Data Types .............................................................................. 115 SQL Server Data Types ........................................................................ 117 SQL Data Type Quick Reference ......................................................... 119
5.4.2 With Data Types and Constraints statements ................................................... 120 SQL NOT NULL Constraint .................................................................... 121 SQL UNIQUE Constraint ......................................................................... 123 Create a single UNIQUE constraint on table creation .......................... 123 Create a multiple column UNIQUE constraint on table creation ......... 124 DROP single or multiple UNIQUE constraint ..................................... 124 Create a single UNIQUE constraint on an existing table ..................... 124 Create a multiple UNIQUE constraint on an existing table ................. 124 SQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint ............................................................. 126 Create a single PRIMARY KEY Constraint on table creation ............. 126 Create a multiple PRIMARY KEY Constraint on table creation ......... 127 DROP single or multiple PRIMARY KEY Constraint ........................ 128 Create a single PRIMARY KEY constraint on an existing table ......... 128 Create a multiple PRIMARY KEY constraint on an existing table ..... 128 DISABLE/ENABLE single or multiple PRIMARY KEY Constraint . 128 List all primary keys from a table ......................................................... 129 SQL FOREIGN KEY Constraint .............................................................. 130 Create a single FOREIGN KEY Constraint on table creation.............. 130 DROP FOREIGN KEY Constraint ...................................................... 132

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Create a FOREIGN KEY constraint on an existing table .................... 132 Foreign Key with ON DELETE CASCADE ....................................... 133 SQL CHECK Constraint ........................................................................... 134 Create a single or multiple CHECK Constraint on table creation ........ 134 DROP CHECK Constraint ................................................................... 135 Create CHECK constraint on an existing table .................................... 136 SQL DEFAULT Value ............................................................................. 137 Create a Default Value on table creation .............................................. 137 DROP Default Value Constraint .......................................................... 139 Create a Default Value on an existing table ......................................... 139 SQL CREATE INDEX statement Value .................................................. 141 Create a Single (aka non-clustered) Nonunique Index on an existing table
142 Create a Single (aka non-clustered) Unique Index on an existing table142 Create a Multiple (aka clustered) Nonunique Index on an existing table
143 Rebuild an Index ................................................................................... 143 DROP Multiple/Single Unique/Nonunique Index ................................ 144 List all indexes from a table ................................................................. 145
5.5 SQL ALTER TABLE Statement............................................................................ 146
5.5.1 ALTER TABLE to change table name ............................................................ 146
5.5.2 ALTER TABLE to add (static) new column .................................................. 147
5.5.3 ALTER TABLE to add virtual (dynamic) new column ................................... 147
5.5.4 ALTER TABLE to change column name ........................................................ 150
5.5.5 ALTER TABLE to change column type .......................................................... 150
5.5.6 ALTER TABLE to change Constraints name .................................................. 151
5.5.7 ALTER TABLE to change Index name ........................................................... 151
5.5.8 ALTER TABLE to change table in Read Only................................................ 151
5.6 SQL DROP Statement ............................................................................................ 153
5.6.1 Drop a database ................................................................................................ 153
5.6.2 Drop a table ...................................................................................................... 153
5.6.3 Drop column(s) ................................................................................................ 153 UNUSED column(s) ................................................................................. 153
5.6.4 Drop constraints ............................................................................................... 154
5.6.5 Drop index ........................................................................................................ 155
5.6.6 Drop the content of a table ............................................................................... 155
5.7 SQL AUTO-INCREMENT.................................................................................... 156
5.7.1 Syntax for MySQL ........................................................................................... 156
5.7.2 Syntax for SQL Server ..................................................................................... 156
5.7.3 Syntax for Microsoft Access ............................................................................ 157
5.7.4 Syntax for Oracle (with simple ID) .................................................................. 157
5.7.5 Syntax for Oracle (with GUID) ........................................................................ 159
6 SQL VIEWS ................................................................................................................... 161
6.1 SQL CREATE VIEW Syntax ................................................................................ 162
6.2 SQL ALTER VIEW ............................................................................................... 165
6.3 SQL DROP VIEW ................................................................................................. 166
7 SQL Functions................................................................................................................ 167
7.1.1 SQL CONVERSION function ......................................................................... 167
7.1.2 SQL AGGREGATE functions ......................................................................... 170 Dual Table ................................................................................................. 170

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL GROUP BY function........................................................................ 172 SQL GROUP BY with HAVING function ............................................... 175 Mixing HAVING and WHERE ................................................................ 177 SQL GROUP BY ROLLUP (crosstab queries) ........................................ 178 SQL GROUP BY CUBE (crosstab queries) ............................................. 182 SQL GROUPING statement ................................................................. 182 SQL GROUPING_ID statement .......................................................... 183
7.1.3 SQL Null Management functions .................................................................... 185 SQL NVL .................................................................................................. 185 SQL COALESCE Function ...................................................................... 187
7.1.4 SQL Elementary Maths functions .................................................................... 188 SQL ROUND function ............................................................................. 188 SQL LOG function ................................................................................... 188
7.1.5 SQL Elementary Statistical functions .............................................................. 189 SQL SUM Function .................................................................................. 189 Running Total ....................................................................................... 191 SQL Average Function ............................................................................. 192 SQL COUNT Function ............................................................................. 194 SQL MAX/MIN function ......................................................................... 196 SQL MEDIAN Function ........................................................................... 197 SQL Continuous Percentiles ..................................................................... 199 SQL Discrete Percentiles .......................................................................... 201 SQL Ratio to Report ................................................................................. 202 SQL Mode (unimodal) Function ............................................................... 204 SQL pooled Standard Deviation and Variance ......................................... 206 Population Standard Deviation and Variance ..................................... 206 SQL Sample Covariance ........................................................................... 207 SQL Pearson Correlation .......................................................................... 210 SQL Moving Average ............................................................................... 211 SQL Linear Regression ............................................................................. 214 SQL Binomial test..................................................................................... 217 SQL Student T-test ................................................................................... 221 Student One Sample T-test ................................................................. 221 Student Two Samples T homoscedastic two-sided test ...................... 223 SQL CrossTab Chi-2 test .......................................................................... 226
7.1.6 SQL Logical test functions ............................................................................... 229 SQL CASE WHEN function .................................................................... 229 Inside SELECT Statement .................................................................... 229 Inside WHERE Statement .................................................................... 234 SQL DECODE function: .......................................................................... 235 SQL MERGE INTO USING... MATCHED:: ......................................... 236
7.1.7 SQL Text functions .......................................................................................... 239 SQL UCASE/LCASE function ................................................................. 239 SQL INITCAP function ............................................................................ 240 SQL Concatenate function ........................................................................ 241 SQL SUBSTRING (MID) function .......................................................... 243 SQL LEN function .................................................................................... 245 SQL format text function (TO_CHAR) .................................................... 246 SQL REPLACE function .......................................................................... 249 SQL TRIM function .................................................................................. 250

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL LPAD function ................................................................................. 251

7.1.8 SQL Dates functions ........................................................................................ 252 SQL Now function .................................................................................... 252 Now function based on timezone ......................................................... 253 SQL Days between two dates ................................................................... 255 SQL Hours between two dates .................................................................. 256 SQL Months between two dates ............................................................... 257 SQL Years between two dates .................................................................. 258 SQL add a day/hour/minute/second to a date value.................................. 259
7.1.9 SQL Analytics Functions ................................................................................. 260 SQL WIDTH BUCKET ............................................................................ 260 SQL Row Number .................................................................................... 262 SQL OVER Partition ................................................................................ 263 SQL RANK and DENSE RANK .............................................................. 267 SQL LEAD and LAG ............................................................................... 268 SQL First Value ........................................................................................ 269 First Value with Preceding ................................................................... 270 First Value with Preceding and Logarithm........................................... 272
7.1.10 SQL Sytems functions (metadatas queries) ..................................................... 273 Tables size report ...................................................................................... 273 List of columns ......................................................................................... 273 Number of rows in all tables ..................................................................... 274 Generate SQL for scripting ....................................................................... 275
8 SQL for RDL (Rights Manipulation Language) ............................................................ 276
8.1 Create/Delete User ................................................................................................. 277
8.2 Put a table in read/write .......................................................................................... 280
8.3 Grant access to tables for external users ................................................................ 281
8.4 Change current user password ................................................................................ 286
8.5 Resume of possible actions .................................................................................... 287
9 PL-SQL .......................................................................................................................... 288
9.1 Create and use procedure ....................................................................................... 289
9.1.1 Procedure for data insertion (only IN variables) .............................................. 289
9.1.2 Procedure for data update (with IN/OUT variables) ........................................ 292
9.1.3 Procedure to check if something exists ............................................................ 293
9.2 Create and use functions ........................................................................................ 295
9.2.1 Function for data update (with IN/OUT variables) .......................................... 295
9.3 Manage Transactions.............................................................................................. 297
9.3.1 ACID Properties of database transaction ......................................................... 297 When to use database transaction with COMMIT and ROLLBACK ...... 297 Simple COMMIT Example .................................................................. 297 Simple ROLLBACK Example ............................................................. 300 LOCK et UNLOCK .............................................................................. 301
9.3.2 TRANSACTION with EXCEPTION .............................................................. 307
9.4 Triggers .................................................................................................................. 309
10 SQL Tutorial for Injection (hacking) ............................................................................. 312
10.1 SQL Injection Based on ""="" is Always True ...................................................... 313
11 SQL for Data Science..................................................................................................... 314
11.1 Modal Value ........................................................................................................... 315
11.2 Spearman correlation coefficient............................................................................ 316
11.3 Kendall correlation coefficient of concordance ..................................................... 318

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11.4 Binomial Probability .............................................................................................. 320

11.5 Fisher Variance Test............................................................................................... 323
11.6 Chi-square adequation test with Yate's correction and Cramèrs' V ....................... 324
11.7 Chi-square adequation test with Cohens kappa ...................................................... 327
11.8 Two Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Adequation Test............................................ 329
11.9 Mann-Withney (Wilcoxon Rank) Test ................................................................... 331
11.10 One-Way ANOVA............................................................................................... 333
11.11 Student-T test ....................................................................................................... 335
11.11.1 One sample T-test ......................................................................................... 335
11.11.2 Two sample paired T-test ............................................................................. 337
11.11.3 Two sample homoscedastic T-test ................................................................ 339
11.11.4 Two sample heteroscedastic T-test (Welch Test) ......................................... 341
11.12 Wilcoxon signed rank test .................................................................................... 343
12 List of Figures ................................................................................................................ 345
13 List of Tables .................................................................................................................. 346
14 Index ............................................................................................................................... 347

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1 Useful Links
The most important link as it gives you the possibility to use Oracle Enterprise online for free to
train your skills:


and finally, some other links:




http://www.oracle.com/pls/db102/homepage (B11-M1 Level)

http://sql.developpez.com (B1-M1 Level)

http://blog.developpez.com/sqlpro (B1-M1 Level)


http://www.dba-ora.fr (B1 Level)

http://sql-plsql.blogspot.ch (B1-B2 Level)

https://forums.oracle.com/welcome (B1-M2 Level)


https://www.video2brain.com/fr/formation/sql-les-fondamentaux (B1 Level)

http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_quiz.asp (B1 Level)

http://psoug.org (B1-B2 Level)


B1: first year Bachelor, B2: Second year of Bachelor, B3: Third year of Bachelor, M1: First year Master, M2:
Second Year Master, Phd: " Philosophiæ doctor" level (=M2+[1;4])

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2 Introduction
This PDF has for purpose to introduce the basics of SQL for Data Scientists in a 5 days
training. The most important chapter for Data Scientists will be the last chapter at page
314. Database files are given only to the people that follow my courses.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a special-purpose data query language designed for managing
data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS). There are obviously (and sadly…)
other data query languages, for example (for a more exhaustive list refer to Wikipedia):

• XPath
• M
• Dplyr
• Data.table
• Panda
• JQuery
• …

Originally based upon relational algebra and tuple relational calculus, SQL consists mainly of a data
definition language and a data manipulation language. The scope of SQL includes data insert,
query, update and delete, schema creation and modification, and data access control. Although
SQL is often described as, and to a great extent is, a declarative language (4GL), it also includes
procedural elements.

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SQL was one of the first commercial languages for Edgar F. Codd's relational model, as described in
his influential 1970 paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks". Despite not
entirely adhering to the relational model as described by Codd, it became the most widely used
database language

SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986, and of the
International Organization for Standards (ISO) in 1987. Since then, the standard has been
enhanced several times with added features. Despite these standards, code is not completely
portable among different database systems, which can lead to vendor lock-in. The different makers
do not perfectly adhere to the standard, for instance by adding extensions, and the standard itself
is sometimes ambiguous.

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2.1 History
SQL was initially developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce in the early
1970s when IBM created the first databases (on the bases of a paper written by the mathematician
Edgar Franck Codd). This version, initially called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language),
was designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in IBM's original quasi-relational database
management system, System R, which a group at IBM San Jose Research Laboratory had
developed during the 1970s. The acronym SEQUEL was later changed to SQL because "SEQUEL"
was a trademark of the UK-based Hawker Siddeley aircraft company.

In the late 1970s, Relational Software, Inc. (now Oracle Corporation) saw the potential of the
concepts described by Codd, Chamberlin, and Boyce and developed their own SQL-based RDBMS
with aspirations of selling it to the U.S. Navy, Central Intelligence Agency, and other U.S.
government agencies. In June 1979, Relational Software, Inc. introduced the first commercially
available implementation of SQL, Oracle V2 (Version2) for VAX computers.

After testing SQL at customer test sites to determine the usefulness and practicality of the system,
IBM began developing commercial products based on their System R prototype including
System/38, SQL/DS, and DB2, which were commercially available in 1979, 1981, and 1983,

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2.2 Syntax

The SQL language is subdivided into several language elements, including:

• Clauses, which are constituent components of statements and queries. (In some cases,
these are optional.)

• Expressions, which can produce either scalar values, or tables consisting

of columns and rows of data.

• Predicates, which specify conditions that can be evaluated to SQL three-valued logic
(3VL) (true/false/unknown) orBoolean truth values and which are used to limit the effects
of statements and queries, or to change program flow.

• Queries, which retrieve the data based on specific criteria. This is an important element
of SQL.

• Statements, which may have a persistent effect on schemata and data, or which may
control transactions, program flow, connections, sessions, or diagnostics.

• SQL statements also include the semicolon (";") statement terminator. Though not required
on every platform, it is defined as a standard part of the SQL grammar.

• Insignificant whitespace is generally ignored in SQL statements and queries, making it

easier to format SQL code for readability

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2.3 Procedural extensions

SQL is designed for a specific purpose: to query data contained in a relational database. SQL is
a set-based, declarative query language, not an imperative language like C or BASIC. However,
there are extensions to Standard SQL which add procedural programming language functionality,
such as control-of-flow constructs. These include:

Source Common name Full name

SQL/PSM SQL/Persistent Stored Modules
Interbase / Firebird PSQL Procedural SQL
IBM DB2 SQL PL SQL Procedural Language (implements SQL/PSM)
IBM Informix SPL Stored Procedural Language
Microsoft / Sybase T-SQL Transact-SQL
SQL/Persistent Stored Module (implements
SQL/Persistent Stored Module (implements
Oracle PL/SQL Procedural Language/SQL (based on Ada)
Procedural Language/PostgreSQL (based on Oracle
PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL
Procedural Language/Persistent Stored Modules
(implements SQL/PSM)
Sybase Watcom-SQL SQL Anywhere Watcom-SQL Dialect
Teradata SPL Stored Procedural Language
Tableau 1Common Databases Technologies

In addition to the standard SQL/PSM extensions and proprietary SQL extensions, procedural
and object-oriented programmability is available on many SQL platforms via DBMS integration with
other languages. The SQL standard defines SQL/JRT extensions (SQL Routines and Types for the
Java Programming Language) to support Java code in SQL databases. SQL Server 2005 uses
the SQLCLR (SQL Server Common Language Runtime) to host managed .NET assemblies in the
database, while prior versions of SQL Server were restricted to using unmanaged extended stored
procedures that were primarily written in C. PostgreSQL allows functions to be written in a wide
variety of languages including Perl, Python, Tcl, and C

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2.4 Standardization
SQL was adopted as a standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986 as
SQL-86 and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987. Nowadays the
standard is subject to continuous improvement by the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1,
Information technology, Subcommittee SC 32, Data management and interchange which affiliate
to ISO as well as IEC. It is commonly denoted by the pattern: ISO/IEC 9075-n:yyyy Part n: title,
or, as a shortcut, ISO/IEC 9075.

ISO/IEC 9075 is complemented by ISO/IEC 13249: SQL Multimedia and Application

Packages (SQL/MM) which defines SQL based interfaces and packages to widely spread applications
like video, audio and spatial data.

Until 1996, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) data management standards
program certified SQL DBMS compliance with the SQL standard. Vendors now self-certify the
compliance of their products.

The original SQL standard declared that the official pronunciation for SQL is "es queue el". Many
English-speaking database professionals still use the original pronunciation /ˈsiːkwəl/ (like the word
"sequel"), including Donald Chamberlin himself.

The SQL standard has gone through a number of revisions:

Year Name Alias Comments

1986 SQL-86 SQL-87 First formalized by ANSI.
Minor revision, in which the major addition were integrity constraints. Adopted
1989 SQL-89 FIPS127-1
as FIPS 127-1.
1992 SQL-92 FIPS 127- Major revision (ISO 9075), Entry Level SQL-92 adopted as FIPS 127-2.
Added regular expression matching, recursive queries (e.g. transitive
closure), triggers, support for procedural and control-of-flow statements, non-
1999 SQL:1999 SQL3
scalar types, and some object-oriented features (e.g. structured types). Support for
embedding SQL in Java (SQL/OLB) and vice-versa (SQL/JRT).
Introduced XML-related features (SQL/XML), window functions, standardized
2003 SQL:2003 SQL 2003
sequences, and columns with auto-generated values (including identity-columns).
ISO/IEC 9075-14:2006 defines ways in which SQL can be used in conjunction
with XML. It defines ways of importing and storing XML data in an SQL
database, manipulating it within the database and publishing both XML and
2006 SQL:2006 SQL 2006 conventional SQL-data in XML form. In addition, it enables applications to
integrate into their SQL code the use of XQuery, the XML Query Language
published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), to concurrently access
ordinary SQL-data and XML documents.[37]
Legalizes ORDER BY outside cursor definitions. Adds INSTEAD OF triggers.
2008 SQL:2008 SQL 2008
Adds the TRUNCATE statement.[38]
2011 SQL:2011
Tableau 2 SQL Standard Evolution

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2.5 Well Know RDBMS using SQL

• 4e Dimension (4D) • MariaDB • SQLite

• Microsoft Access • MaxDB (anciennement • SQL/MM

• Adonix X3 SAP db) • Sybase

• OpenOffice Base • Microsoft SQL Server • Teradata

• DB2 (AS400) • Mimer • Microsoft Excel

• Firebird • MySQL • HSQLDB

• Visual FoxPro • Ocelot • CUBRID

• HyperFileSQL • Oracle • H2

• Informix • Paradox • ...

• Ingres • PostgreSQL

All these systems have some particularities which some are not found in others.
Moreover, it is always interesting to refer to the reference manual RDBMS during special
or complex queries, as well as their optimization.

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2.6 Why IBM Oracle at University?

• The computer scientists that created the basics of database theory were working for IBM

• Oracle has indexes choices that are much more interesting for advanced data management

• The SQL language of Oracle has graduate statistical functions that others don't have

• In general, it is accepted that Oracle is more robust than others systems

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2.7 Recommended References

Excepted the ISO reference book I strongly recommend the further lectures:

B1 Level B1-B2 Level

B1-B3 Level B1-M1 Level

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B1-PhD Level B1-B2 Level

B1-PhD Level B1-PhD Level

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B1-B3 Level

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3 Lenszynski-Reddick Naming convention

As said during the MS Office Access training if you do not follow the LR naming
convention for your objects you will have troubles to read large SQL queries. In the present e-
book I did not follow this convention to prove you the problem of lecture that the non-respect
of this convention can imply:


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4 SQL for DML (Data Manipulation

Go on:


to use the on-line simple SQL query.

SQL is a standard language for accessing databases.

Our SQL tutorial will teach you how to use SQL to access and manipulate data in: MySQL,
SQL Server, Access, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, and other database systems.

With our online SQL editor, you can edit the SQL statements, and click on a button to view the

SELECT * FROM Customers;

Click on the "Try it yourself" button to see how it works.

In this tutorial we will use the well-known Northwind sample database (included in
MS Access and MS SQL Server).

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Figure 1 Northwind Database "star schema"

Keep in Mind That... SQL is NOT case sensitive: "SELECT" is the same as "select"

Semicolon after SQL Statements?

Some database systems require a semicolon at the end of each SQL statement. Semicolon is
the standard way to separate each SQL statement in database systems that allow more than
one SQL statement to be executed in the same call to the server. In this tutorial, we will use
semicolon at the end of each SQL statement.

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4.1 Comments IN SQL

In Oracle, comments may be introduced in two ways:

With /*...*/, as in C.

With a line that begins with two dashes --.

-- This is a comment
SELECT * /* and so is this */

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4.2 SQL Version

To see the actual version of you SQL Engine (because depending on the version some
functions/statements won't work), in MySQL use:

SELECT @@version;

and in Oracle:

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4.3 SQL SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement is used mainly to select data from a database. But it can also be used to get
information on the active database. For example, on MySQL:

And on Oracle:

And still on oracle to get all tables of the actual database use:

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The result is stored in a result table, called the result-set.


SELECT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name;


SELECT * FROM table_name;

When you select only a few columns, we say we're using an "SQL projection"...

Below is a selection from the "Customers" table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Alfreds Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany


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2 Ana Trujillo Ana Trujillo Avda. de la México 05021 Mexico

Emparedados y Constitución D.F.
helados 2222

3 Antonio Moreno Antonio Mataderos México 05023 Mexico

Taquería Moreno 2312 D.F.

4 Around the Horn Thomas Hardy 120 Hanover London WA1 1DP UK

5 Berglunds Christina Berguvsvägen Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

snabbköp Berglund 8

The following SQL statement selects the "CustomerName" and "City" columns from the
"Customers" table:

SELECT CustomerName,City FROM Customers;

The following SQL statement selects all the columns from the "Customers" table:

SELECT * FROM Customers;

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4.4 SQL USE Statement

If you have multiple databases on your server you could have to specify which database you want
to use (MySQL):

USE dbNorthwind

SELECT CustomerName,City FROM Customers;

Or depending on the technology here you can see an example of the beginning of a query using
two tables of two different tables (SQL Server):

SELECT * FROM Accounts.dbo.TableOfAccounts ,Sales.dbo.TableOfSales....

With Oracle you have to change the user scheme using:


where other user is the name of an another (without quotes!) user who has access to another


To get the technical details about a table, on mySQL use the statement DESCRIBE:

Identically for Oracle:

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4.4.2 SQL Aliases

SQL aliases are used to give a database table, or a column in a table, a temporary name.

Basically, aliases are created to make column names more readable.

SQL Alias Syntax for Columns:

SELECT column_name AS alias_name

FROM table_name;

SQL Alias Syntax for Tables (very useful for joins):

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name AS alias_name;

In this tutorial we will use the well-known Northwind sample database.

Below is a selection from the "Customers" table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

2 Ana Trujillo Ana Trujillo Avda. de la México 05021 Mexico

Emparedados y Constitución D.F.
helados 2222

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3 Antonio Moreno Antonio Mataderos México 05023 Mexico

Taquería Moreno 2312 D.F.


And a selection from the "Orders" table:

OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate ShipperID

10643 1 6 1997-08-25 1

10644 88 3 1997-08-25 2

10645 34 4 1997-08-26 1


The following SQL statement specifies two aliases, one for the CustomerName column and one for
the ContactName column.

Tip: It require double quotation marks or square brackets if the column name contains spaces:

SELECT CustomerName AS Customer, ContactName AS [Contact Person]

FROM Customers;

It will give:

Customer Contact Person

Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Ana Trujillo

Antonio Moreno Taquería Antonio Moreno

Around the Horn Thomas Hardy

Berglunds snabbköp Christina Berglund

Blauer See Delikatessen Hanna Moos


In the following SQL statement, we combine four columns (Address, City, PostalCode, and Country)
and create an alias named "Address":

SELECT CustomerName, Address+', '+City+', '+PostalCode+', '+Country AS

FROM Customers;

it will give:

CustomerName Address

Alfreds Futterkiste Obere Str. 57, Berlin, 12209, Germany

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Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222, México D.F., 05021, Mexico

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312, México D.F., 05023, Mexico

Around the Horn 120 Hanover Sq., London, WA1 1DP, UK

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8, Luleå, S-958 22, Sweden

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57, Mannheim, 68306, Germany


The following SQL statement selects all the orders from the customer "Alfreds Futterkiste". We use
the "Customers" and "Orders" tables, and give them the table aliases of "c" and "o" respectively
(Here we have used aliases to make the SQL shorter):

SELECT o.OrderID, o.OrderDate

FROM Orders AS o;

Aliases can also be useful when:

• There are more than one table involved in a query (see later JOINS)

• Functions are used in the query

• Column names are big or not very readable

• Two or more columns are combined together

4.4.3 SQL COLLATION Statement

With the COLLATE clause, you can override whatever the default collation is for a comparison.
COLLATE may be used in various parts of SQL statements.

To see what is collation we will focus on Oracle. First create the following table:

and add some values:

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Now run the following query:

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As you can see the order is return given the binary ASCII code of character. To have a more
suitable result corresponding to your language you have to specify your collation using National
Language Support (NLS) statement:

You can see all available collation by running the following query:

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In SQL Server the syntax is almost very different!

4.4.4 SQL random sample

When you do Data Mining (supervised learning machine) you have to select a sample of your

Here is the syntax to take a random sample of 1000 rows on SQL Server:

SELECT * FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail TABLESAMPLE (1000 ROWS)

and the same on Oracle:

WHERE rownum <= 10

Here is the syntax to take a random sample of 25% percent of the total number of rows in Oracle:


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The UNION operator is used to combine the result-set of two or more SELECT statements.

Notice that each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns. The
columns must also have similar data types. Also, the columns in each SELECT statement must be
in the same order.


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table2;

Note: The UNION operator selects only distinct values by default. To allow duplicate values, use
the ALL keyword with UNION.


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table2;

Note: The column names in the result-set of a UNION are usually equal to the column names in
the first SELECT statement in the UNION.

In this tutorial we will use the well-known Northwind sample database.

Below is a selection from the "Customers" table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

2 Ana Trujillo Ana Trujillo Avda. de la México 05021 Mexico

Emparedados y Constitución D.F.
helados 2222

3 Antonio Moreno Antonio Mataderos México 05023 Mexico

Taquería Moreno 2312 D.F.

And a selection from the "Suppliers" table:

SupplierID SupplierName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Exotic Liquid Charlotte 49 Gilbert Londona EC1 4SD UK

Cooper St.

2 New Orleans Cajun Shelley Burke P.O. Box New 70117 USA
Delights 78934 Orleans

3 Grandma Kelly's Regina Murphy 707 Oxford Ann Arbor 48104 USA
Homestead Rd.

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The following SQL statement selects all the different cities (only distinct values) from the
"Customers" and the "Suppliers" tables:

SELECT City FROM Customers

SELECT City FROM Suppliers

Note: UNION cannot be used to list ALL cities from the two tables. If several customers and
suppliers share the same city, each city will only be listed once. UNION selects only distinct values.
Use UNION ALL to also select duplicate values!

The following SQL statement uses UNION ALL to select all (duplicate values also) cities from the
"Customers" and "Suppliers" tables:

SELECT City FROM Customers

SELECT City FROM Suppliers

The following SQL statement uses UNION ALL to select all (duplicate values also) German cities
from the "Customers" and "Suppliers" tables:

SELECT City, Country FROM Customers

WHERE Country='Germany'
SELECT City, Country FROM Suppliers
WHERE Country='Germany'

With Oracle you can do something sometimes interesting by adding à separation line that seems
works only with UNION ALL:

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In a table, a column may contain many duplicate values; and sometimes you only want to list the
different (distinct) values.

The DISTINCT keyword can be used to return only distinct (different) values.


SELECT DISTINCT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name;

The following SQL statement selects only the distinct values from the "City" columns from the
"Customers" table:


The following SQL statement, that seems to exist only in Microsoft Access, selects only the distinct
records from the whole table (including also not visible columns from the SELECT statement) the
"City" columns from the "Customers" table:


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4.7 SQL WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified criterion.


SELECT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value;

The following SQL statement selects all the customers from the country "Mexico", in the
"Customers" table:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE Country='Mexico';

SQL requires single quotes around text values (most database systems will also allow double

However, numeric fields should not be enclosed in quotes:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE CustomerID=1;

The following operators can be used in the WHERE clause:

Operator Description

= Equal

<> Not equal. Note: In some versions of SQL this operator may be written as !=

> Greater than

< Less than

>= Greater than or equal

<= Less than or equal

BETWEEN Between an inclusive range

LIKE Search for a pattern

IN To specify multiple possible values for a column

Tableau 3 Logical Operators

4.7.1 WHERE with interactive parameters

With Oracle you have the possibility to make the queries interactive. This is used a lot in financial
and predictive models.

To do this just write in query constant criterias the following:


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for example, as:

The when you click on Run you will get:

you type then a value:

and clic on Submit to get:

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In Oracle run now the following query based on the table created before:

As you can see the system is case sensitive. Now type:

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As you can see the system in now case insensitive (CI) but still sensitive to accents!

To make the query case insensitive and accent insensitive just write:

4.7.3 WHERE using IS NULL or IS NOT NULL

Tables like the following in Oracle have empty "cells":

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Now if you try:

as you can see there an no results. If you try the following you will get the same problem:

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But if you try:

it works! This is the right syntax!

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4.8 SQL AND & OR Operators

The AND operator displays a record if both the first condition AND the second condition are true.

The OR operator displays a record if either the first condition OR the second condition is true.

Remark: And direct XOR doesn't exist actually in SQL! You must use a logical workaround
to get it.

The following SQL statement selects all customers from the country "Germany" AND the city
"Berlin", in the "Customers" table:

Example with AND:

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Germany'
AND City='Berlin';

The following SQL statement selects all customers from the city "Berlin" OR "München", in the
"Customers" table:

Example with OR:

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City='Berlin'
OR City='München';

You can also combine AND and OR (use parenthesis to form complex expressions).

The following SQL statement selects all customers from the country "Germany" AND the city must
be equal to "Berlin" OR "München", in the "Customers" table:

Example with AND & OR:

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Germany'
AND (City='Berlin' OR City='München');

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4.9 SQL ORDER BY Keyword

The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set by one or more columns.

The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in a
descending order, you can use the DESC keyword.

SELECT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column_name,column_name ASC|DESC;

The following SQL statement selects all customers from the "Customers" table, sorted by the
"Country" column:

SELECT * FROM Customers

ORDER BY Country;

The following SQL statement selects all customers from the "Customers" table, sorted
DESCENDING by the "Country" column:

SELECT * FROM Customers


The following SQL statement selects all customers from the "Customers" table, sorted by the
"Country" and the "CustomerName" column:

SELECT * FROM Customers

ORDER BY Country,CustomerName;

Some DBA write sometimes orders as following:

SELECT CustomerName, ContactName, City FROM Customers


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4.10 SQL INSERT INTO Statement

The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table.

It is possible to write the INSERT INTO statement in two forms.

The first form does not specify the column names where the data will be inserted, only their

INSERT INTO table_name

VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);

The second form specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...)

VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);

We will see late the INSERT ALL statement to insert multiple rows at once!

Assume we wish to insert a new row in the "Customers" table. We can use the following SQL

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City,

PostalCode, Country)
VALUES ('Cardinal','Tom B. Erichsen','Skagen

The CustomerID column is automatically updated with a unique number for each record in the table
when you use the INSERT INTO statement.

It is also possible to only insert data in specific columns!

The following SQL statement will insert a new row, but only insert data in the "CustomerName",
"City", and "Country" columns (and the CustomerID field will of course also be updated

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, City, Country)

VALUES ('Cardinal', 'Stavanger', 'Norway');

4.10.1 Insert a Null value

To insert a Null value you just have to write the following query:

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, City, Country)

VALUES ('Cardinal', Null, 'Norway');

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4.10.2 Copy the rows of a table into another one

For this example, in Oracle first run the following query that will create a copy of the
Demo_Customers table structure:

then you can copy some or all of the rows of the original into the new one:

To create a copy of a table with its data and with its structure then you can simply use:

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4.11 SQL UPDATE Statement

The UPDATE statement is used to update existing records in a table.


UPDATE table_name
SET column1=value1,column2=value2,...
WHERE some_column=some_value;

Notice the WHERE clause in the SQL UPDATE statement! The WHERE clause specifies which
record or records that should be updated. If you omit the WHERE clause, all records will be

Assume we wish to update the customer "Alfreds Futterkiste" with a new contact person and city.

We use the following SQL statement:

UPDATE Customers
SET ContactName='Alfred Schmidt', City='Hamburg'
WHERE CustomerName='Alfreds Futterkiste';

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4.12 SQL DELETE Statement

The DELETE statement is used to delete rows in a table.


DELETE FROM table_name

WHERE some_column=some_value;

Notice the WHERE clause in the SQL DELETE statement! The WHERE clause specifies which
record or records that should be deleted. If you omit the WHERE clause, all records will be deleted!

Assume we wish to delete the customer "Alfreds Futterkiste" from the "Customers" table.

We use the following SQL statement:


WHERE CustomerName='Alfreds Futterkiste' AND ContactName='Maria Anders';

It is possible to delete all rows in a table without deleting the table. This means that the table
structure, attributes, and indexes will be intact:

DELETE * FROM table_name;

Note: Be very careful when deleting records. You cannot undo this statement!

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4.13 SQL SELECT TOP (and aka BOTTOM) Clause

The SELECT TOP clause is used to specify the number of records to return.

The SELECT TOP clause can be very useful on large tables with thousands of records. Returning a
large number of records can impact on performance.

Note: Not all database systems support the SELECT TOP clause.

SQL Server / MS Access Syntax:

SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s)
FROM table_name;

Examples on Microsoft Access:

Products that selects the two first records from the "Customers" table

SELECT TOP 2 * FROM Customers;

or with percent selects the first 50% of the records from the "Customers" table:


MySQL Syntax:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
LIMIT number;

Example MySQL Syntax:

FROM Persons

Oracle Syntax:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE ROWNUM <= number;

Example Oracle Syntax:

Five first orders:

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Five highest orders:

Three smallest orders:

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4.14 SQL LIKE Operator

The LIKE operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column.

SQL LIKE Syntax:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with the letter "s":

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE 's%';

or on MS Access:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE 's*';

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a Country containing the pattern "land":

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE Country LIKE '%land%';

Using the NOT keyword allows you to select records that does NOT match the pattern.

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a Country NOT containing the pattern

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE Country NOT LIKE '%land%';

4.14.1 SQL Wildcards

In SQL, wildcard characters are used with the SQL LIKE operator.

With official SQL, the wildcards are:

Wildcard Description

% A substitute for zero or more characters

_ A substitute for a single character

[charlist] Sets and ranges of characters to match

[^charlist] Matches only a character NOT specified within the brackets

Tableau 4 Common SQL Wildcards

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with any character, followed
by "erlin":

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SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE '_erlin';

In MS Access the following Statement work for only one letter (but that's not standard SQL):

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE 's?o paulo';

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with "b", "s", or "p":

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE '[bsp]%';

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with "a", "b", or "c":

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE '[a-c]%';

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City NOT starting with "b", "s", or "p":

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE '[!bsp]%';

Or the equivalent:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City NOT LIKE '[bsp]%';

4.14.2 SQL REGEX

With the REGEX option in MySQL, the following query:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE 's%';

Will be written:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City REGEX '^s';


SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE '[a-c]%';

Will be written:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City LIKE '^[a-c]';

The reste is about a REGEX training…

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4.15 SQL IN Operator

The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause.

SQL IN Syntax:
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IN (value1,value2,...);

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City of "Paris" or "London":

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City IN ('Paris','London');

MS Access will write the same automatically as following (but previous syntax will still
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE (City="Alain") OR (City="Albert");

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The BETWEEN operator selects values within a range. The values can be numbers, text, or dates.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;

The following SQL statement selects all products with a price BETWEEN 10 and 20:

SELECT * FROM Products


To display the products outside the range of the previous example, use NOT BETWEEN:

SELECT * FROM Products


The following SQL statement selects all products with a price BETWEEN 10 and 20, but products
with a CategoryID of 1,2, or 3 should not be displayed:

SELECT * FROM Products

AND NOT CategoryID IN (1,2,3);

The following SQL statement selects all products with a ProductName beginning with any of the
letter BETWEEN 'C' and 'M':

SELECT * FROM Products

WHERE ProductName BETWEEN 'C' AND 'M';

The following SQL statement selects all products with a ProductName beginning with any of the
letter NOT BETWEEN 'C' and 'M':

SELECT * FROM Products


The following SQL statement selects all orders with an OrderDate BETWEEN '04-July-1996' and '09-


WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN #07/04/1996# AND #07/09/1996#;

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4.17 SQL Cartesian Product

What do you think happens if you run:
SELECT c.CustomerName, c.CustomerID, o.OrderID
FROM Customers c, Orders o
WHERE c.CustomerID=5;

You will then have de cartesian product of all the combinations... for sure this is not what you
are expecting... Then see what's next about JOIN operator.

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Figure 2Illustrated Common SQL Joins

4.18.1 SQL INNER JOIN statement INNER JOIN with 2 tables
The INNER JOIN keyword selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the
columns in both tables.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;


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SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
JOIN table2
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;
PS! INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN.

Below is a selection from the "Customers" table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

2 Ana Trujillo Ana Trujillo Avda. de la México 05021 Mexico

Emparedados y Constitución D.F.
helados 2222

3 Antonio Moreno Antonio Mataderos México 05023 Mexico

Taquería Moreno 2312 D.F.


And a selection from the "Orders" table:

OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate ShipperID

10308 2 7 1996-09-18 3

10309 37 3 1996-09-19 1

10310 77 8 1996-09-20 2


The following SQL statement will return all customers with orders:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID

FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;

and compare this query with the example of the cartesian product:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Customers.CustomerID, Orders.OrderID

FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
WHERE Customers.CustomerID=5;

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL INNER JOIN with 4 tables

This is a very important example to understand!!!!

The following SQL statement will return all customers with orders and the saler name:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderId, OrderDetails.Quantity,

Employees.LastName As EmployeeName
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
INNER JOIN OrderDetails
ON OrderDetails.OrderID= Orders.OrderID
INNER JOIN Employees
ON Employees.EmployeeID= Orders.EmployeeID;

To understand the following shema will help again:

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We will use this query late for the study of CROSS JOIN statement.

For information the equivalent in Microsoft Access looks like following:

And the corresponding automated generated SQL:

Formatted a little bit this gives:

It can be seen that the SQL generated by Microsoft Access is far from ideal ... Even if by copying
straight into MySQL or other this code works perfectly (just need to adapt the name of one table
and one of the fields!).

By cons the opposite does not apply! Copying the given SQL at the beginning in Microsoft
Access will not work (even by adapting small differences in names) !!!

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4.18.2 SQL LEFT JOIN statement (OUTER JOIN

The LEFT JOIN keyword returns all rows from the left table (table1), with the matching rows in the
right table (table2). The result is NULL in the right side when there is no match.

Remarks: Starting with Oracle9i, the confusing outer join syntax using the ‘(+)' notation has been
superseded by ISO 1999 outer join syntax. As we know, there are three types of outer joins, left,
right, and full outer join. The purpose of an outer join is to include non-matching rows, and the
outer join returns these missing columns as NULL values.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;

PS! In some databases LEFT JOIN is called LEFT OUTER JOIN.

Below is a selection from the "Customers" table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

2 Ana Trujillo Ana Trujillo Avda. de la México 05021 Mexico

Emparedados y Constitución D.F.
helados 2222

3 Antonio Moreno Antonio Mataderos México 05023 Mexico

Taquería Moreno 2312 D.F.


And a selection from the "Orders" table:

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OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate ShipperID

10308 2 7 1996-09-18 3

10309 37 3 1996-09-19 1

10310 77 8 1996-09-20 2


The following SQL statement will return all customers, and any orders they might have:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID

FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;

The LEFT JOIN keyword will then return all the rows from the left table (Customers), even if there
are no matches in the right table (Orders)

CustnomerName OrderID

Alfreds Futterkiste null

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados 10308

Antonio Moreno Taquería 10365

Around the Horn 10355

Around the Horn 10383

B's Beverages 10289

Berglunds snabbköp 10278

Berglunds snabbköp 10280

Berglunds snabbköp 10384

Blauer See Delikatessen null


4.18.3 SQL RIGHT JOIN statement (OUTER JOIN

The RIGHT JOIN keyword returns all rows from the right table (table2), with the matching rows in
the left table (table1). The result is NULL in the left side when there is no match.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1

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ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;

PS! In some databases RIGHT JOIN is called RIGHT OUTER JOIN.

Below is a selection from the "Orders" table:

OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate ShipperID

10308 2 7 1996-09-18 3

10309 37 3 1996-09-19 1

10310 77 8 1996-09-20 2


And a selection from the "Employees" table:

EmployeeID LastName FirstName BirthDate Photo Notes

1 Davolio Nancy 12/8/1968 EmpID1.pic Education includes a BA in


2 Fuller Andrew 2/19/1952 EmpID2.pic Andrew received his BTS

commercial and....

3 Leverling Janet 8/30/1963 EmpID3.pic Janet has a BS degree in



The following SQL statement will return all employees, and any orders they have sell:

SELECT Orders.OrderID, Employees.FirstName

FROM Orders
RIGHT JOIN Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
ORDER BY Orders.OrderID;

For the exemple database of ORACLE Server this will be:

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or its equivalent (but less intuitive to read):

SELECT Orders.OrderID, Employees.FirstName

FROM Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
ORDER BY Orders.OrderID;

This will return:

OrderID FirstName


10248 Steven

10249 Michael

10250 Margaret

10251 Janet


As you can see Adam did never sell anything but is still visible. Try now:

SELECT Orders.OrderID, Employees.FirstName

FROM Orders
LEFT JOIN Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
ORDER BY Orders.OrderID;

and you will see that you have then only employees that did sell something
(Adam will not be visible anymore).

You seem to be asking, "If I can rewrite a RIGHT OUTER JOIN using LEFT
OUTER JOIN syntax then why have a RIGHT OUTER JOIN syntax at all?" I think
the answer to this question is, because the designers of the language
didn't want to place such a restriction on users (and I think they would
have been criticized if they did), which would force users to change the
order of tables in the FROM clause in some circumstances when merely
changing the join type.

4.18.4 SQL FULL OUTER JOIN statement (OUTER

The FULL OUTER JOIN keyword returns all rows from the left table (table1) and from the right table

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The FULL OUTER JOIN keyword combines the result of both LEFT and RIGHT joins.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;

MySQL & Microsoft Access lacks support for FULL OUTER JOIN!!!
Below is a selection from the "Customers" table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

2 Ana Trujillo Ana Trujillo Avda. de la México 05021 Mexico

Emparedados y Constitución D.F.
helados 2222

3 Antonio Moreno Antonio Mataderos México 05023 Mexico

Taquería Moreno 2312 D.F.


And a selection from the "Orders" table:

OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate ShipperID

10308 2 7 1996-09-18 3

10309 37 3 1996-09-19 1

10310 77 8 1996-09-20 2

The following SQL statement selects all customers, and all orders:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID

FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;

that will result in on the W3Schools website:

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CustomerName OrderID

Alfreds Futterkiste

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados 10308

Antonio Moreno Taquería 10365




In Oracle it will give you:

To do the same in mySQL you will need (enjoy not being on Oracle)...:

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SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID

FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
FROM orders
FROM Customers

I give you imagine how to deal with multiple FULL JOINS in mySQL looks like…

4.18.5 SQL SELF JOIN (circular join) like syntax

While self-joins (also named "circular join" or "auto join") rarely are used on a normalized
database, you can use them to reduce the number of queries that you execute when you compare
values of different columns of the same table.

For this example, first create the following table structure in Oracle:

and insert following datas (with the horrible Oracle Syntax):

INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1056,'Patterson','Mary','x4611','mpatterso@classicmodelcars.com','1',1002,'VP Sales')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1076,'Firrelli','Jeff','x9273','jfirrelli@classicmodelcars.com','1',1002,'VP Marketing')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1088,'Patterson','William','x4871','wpatterson@classicmodelcars.com','6',1056,'Sales Manager (APAC)')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1102,'Bondur','Gerard','x5408','gbondur@classicmodelcars.com','4',1056,'Sale Manager (EMEA)')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1143,'Bow','Anthony','x5428','abow@classicmodelcars.com','1',1056,'Sales Manager (NA)')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1165,'Jennings','Leslie','x3291','ljennings@classicmodelcars.com','1',1143,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1166,'Thompson','Leslie','x4065','lthompson@classicmodelcars.com','1',1143,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1188,'Firrelli','Julie','x2173','jfirrelli@classicmodelcars.com','2',1143,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1216,'Patterson','Steve','x4334','spatterson@classicmodelcars.com','2',1143,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1286,'Tseng','Foon Yue','x2248','ftseng@classicmodelcars.com','3',1143,'Sales Rep')

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INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values

(1323,'Vanauf','George','x4102','gvanauf@classicmodelcars.com','3',1143,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1337,'Bondur','Loui','x6493','lbondur@classicmodelcars.com','4',1102,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1370,'Hernandez','Gerard','x2028','ghernande@classicmodelcars.com','4',1102,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1401,'Castillo','Pamela','x2759','pcastillo@classicmodelcars.com','4',1102,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1501,'Bott','Larry','x2311','lbott@classicmodelcars.com','7',1102,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1504,'Jones','Barry','x102','bjones@classicmodelcars.com','7',1102,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1611,'Fixter','Andy','x101','afixter@classicmodelcars.com','6',1088,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1612,'Marsh','Peter','x102','pmarsh@classicmodelcars.com','6',1088,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1619,'King','Tom','x103','tking@classicmodelcars.com','6',1088,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1621,'Nishi','Mami','x101','mnishi@classicmodelcars.com','5',1056,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1625,'Kato','Yoshimi','x102','ykato@classicmodelcars.com','5',1621,'Sales Rep')
INTO hier_employees(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
(1702,'Gerard','Martin','x2312','mgerard@classicmodelcars.com','4',1102,'Sales Rep')

You will have something like this:

In the employees table, we store not only employee's data but also organization structure data.
The REPORTSTO column is used to determine the manager ID of an employee.

In order to get the whole organization structure, we can join the HIER_EMPLOYEES table to itself
using the EMPLOYEENUMBER and REPORTSTO columns.

that will result in:

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But the Top Manager is missing... Using the following syntax:

we get the improved result (now shown with all rows):

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL CONNECT BY hierarchical queries

If a table contains hierarchical data, then you can select rows in a hierarchical order using the
hierarchical query clause.

This is especially useful for:

• Orgcharts!

• Project Gantt Plannings!

• MindMaps!

• Forum threads!

• ...

Consider the following table for a basic example:

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The following query will create the complete structure of employees from the president to the
bottom down employee:

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or in a prettier way:

SELECT LPAD(ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME)+(LEVEL-1)*3,'+') "Horizontoal Orgchart" FROM mydata


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or for a partial orgchart:

or another mor complicated way:

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they are other CONNECT BY statement available in Oracle... for more see on Google.

4.18.6 SQL CROSS JOIN syntax

The following plain cross query returns all possible combinations of Customers and Suppliers
(then the total number of rows of the result will be the multiplication of the rows of the two, three,
... tables used for the query):

SELECT CustomerName, ShipperName FROM Customers CROSS Join Shippers

This is equivalent to the ANSI SQL:1989 syntax:

SELECT CustomerName, ShipperName

FROM Customers, Shippers

Remark: CROSS JOIN is not available in MS Access

You won't found very interesting example of this query in books for non-statisticians but remember
that we saw in the Stastics coures how to proceed to a chi-2 test of independence using a cross
table and this is the case where such query can be very useful to link the resulting view to a
statistical software.

This type of query can also be used to generate a table with a combinations of vendors names and
sales dates to make statistical forecasting for each vendor with all existing dates (see Quantitative
Finance course).

For an example consider first the following query on the W3 School website:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Employees.LastName As EmployeeName,

Sum(OrderDetails.Quantity)AS SumQuantity
FROM Customers
INNER JOIN Employees

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ON Employees.EmployeeID= Orders.EmployeeID
INNER JOIN OrderDetails
ON OrderDetails.OrderID= Orders.OrderID
ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerName, Employees.LastName
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;

This will give:

CustomerName EmployeeName SumQuantity

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados King 6

Antonio Moreno Taquería Leverling 24

Around the Horn Callahan 55

Around the Horn Suyama 50

B's Beverages King 39

Berglunds snabbköp Callahan 64

Berglunds snabbköp Fuller 62

Berglunds snabbköp Leverling 43

Blondel père et fils Buchanan 80

Blondel père et fils Fuller 50

Blondel père et fils Leverling 99


And now to make a contingency table of Customers with Employees and Quantity we have:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Employees.LastName As EmployeeName,

ifnull(Sum(OrderDetails.Quantity),0) AS SumQuantity
FROM Customers
CROSS JOIN Employees
LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID AND
LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails ON OrderDetails.OrderID=Orders.OrderID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerName, Employees.LastName
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName

Or (it's the same):

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Employees.LastName As EmployeeName,

ifnull(Sum(OrderDetails.Quantity),0) AS SumQuantity
FROM Customers
CROSS JOIN Employees
LEFT JOIN Orders ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID AND
LEFT JOIN OrderDetails ON OrderDetails.OrderID=Orders.OrderID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerName, Employees.LastName
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;

This will give:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL

CustomerName EmployeeName SumQuantity

Alfreds Futterkiste Buchanan 0

Alfreds Futterkiste Callahan 0

Alfreds Futterkiste Davolio 0

Alfreds Futterkiste Dodsworth 0

Alfreds Futterkiste Fuller 0

Alfreds Futterkiste King 0

Alfreds Futterkiste Leverling 0

Alfreds Futterkiste Peacock 0

Alfreds Futterkiste Suyama 0

Alfreds Futterkiste West 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Buchanan 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Callahan 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Davolio 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Dodsworth 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Fuller 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados King 6

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Leverling 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Peacock 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Suyama 0

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados West 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería Buchanan 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería Callahan 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería Davolio 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería Dodsworth 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería Fuller 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería King 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería Leverling 24

Antonio Moreno Taquería Peacock 0

Antonio Moreno Taquería Suyama 0

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Antonio Moreno Taquería West 0

Around the Horn Buchanan 0

Around the Horn Callahan 55

Around the Horn Davolio 0

Around the Horn Dodsworth 0

Around the Horn Fuller 0

Around the Horn King 0

Around the Horn Leverling 0

Around the Horn Peacock 0

Around the Horn Suyama 50

Around the Horn West 0

B's Beverages Buchanan 0

B's Beverages Callahan 0

B's Beverages Davolio 0

B's Beverages Dodsworth 0

B's Beverages Fuller 0

B's Beverages King 39

B's Beverages Leverling 0

B's Beverages Peacock 0

B's Beverages Suyama 0

B's Beverages West 0

Berglunds snabbköp Buchanan 0

Berglunds snabbköp Callahan 64

Berglunds snabbköp Davolio 0

Berglunds snabbköp Dodsworth 0

Berglunds snabbköp Fuller 62

or the equivalent in Oracle will give:

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4.18.7 Exercise about a mixture of various joins in

only one query
Here the purpose will be to understand and reproduce the following query:

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4.18.8 SQL INTERSECT syntax

The SQL INTERSECT query allows you to return the results of 2 or more "select" queries. However, it
only returns the rows selected by all queries. If a record exists in one query and not in the other, it will
be omitted from the INTERSECT results.

Each SQL statement within the SQL INTERSECT query must have the same number of fields in the
result sets with similar data types.

The syntax for the SQL INTERSECT query is:

select field1, field2, . field_n

from tables
select field1, field2, . field_n
from tables;

As an example, we have using the W3School website the possibility to obtain all customers ID that
have made an order:

SELECT CustomerId FROM Customers

SELECT CustomerId
FROM Orders;

in other words: if a CustomId appears in both the Customers and Orders table, it would appear in your
result set.

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This is equivalent to an INNER JOIN with a GROUP but the INNER JOIN solution is more flexible
because you can take the columns you want!:

SELECT Customers.CustomerID
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerID;

or more efficient with a DISTINCT (useful for MS Access):

SELECT DISTINCT Customers.CustomerID

FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID;

4.18.9 SQL MINUS syntax

The SQL MINUS query returns all rows in the first SQL SELECT statement that are not returned in the
second SQL SELECT statement.

Each SQL SELECT statement within the SQL MINUS query must have the same number of fields in
the result sets with similar data types.

The syntax for the SQL MINUS query is:

select field1, field2, ... field_n

from tables
select field1, field2, ... field_n
from tables;

We can't use the MINUS statement on the W3School webiste. We will then focus with a small example
on Oracle.

First in Oracle create a new customer in the customer table:

You will have then a new customer:

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Now run the following query:

This can also be done with a LEFT OUTER JOIN (useful for MS Access for example) without the
limitation of MINUS statement (possibility to take the columns you want):

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4.19 SQL Nested Queries (Subqueries/Multiple

Layers Queries)
A subquery is another powerful way of using SQL queries. One SQL statement can be embedded in
another SQL statement.

A subquery is a SELECT statement within another SQL statement. The SQL statement can be
SELECT, WHERE clause, FROM clause, JOIN, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SET, DO, or another

The query that contains the subquery is normally called outer query and the subquery itself is
called inner query.

If the subquery returns only one value, we speak about "single value subquery" or "scalar

If the subquery returns multiple values, we speak about "row subquery".

Advantages of using subquery

• Subqueries structure a complex query into isolated parts so that a complex query can be
broken down into a series of logical steps for easy understanding and code maintenance.
• Subqueries allow you to use the results of another query in the outer query.
• In some cases, subqueries can replace complex joins and unions and subqueries are easier
to understand.

Disadvantages of using subquery

When subquery is used, the database server (actually the query optimizer) may need to perform
additional steps, such as sorting, before the results from the subquery are used. If a query that
contains subqueries can be rewritten as a join, you should use join rather than subqueries. This is
because using join typically allows the query optimizer to retrieve data in the most efficient way. In
other words, the optimizer is more mature for MySQL for joins than for subqueries, so in many
cases a statement that uses a subquery can be executed more efficiently if you rewrite it as a join.

Rules that govern the use of subqueries

• A subquery must always appear within parentheses.

• You can embed a subquery inside another one. You can have as many level as you need.
• If the outer query expects a single value or a list of values from the subquery, the
subquery can only use one expression or column name in its select list.
• When you use the result from a subquery to join a table in a JOIN operation, no index can
be used on the join column(s). This is because subquery first generates result on the fly
and then the result is used in the join.

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4.19.1 Scalar subqueries (single-value subquery)

When the subquery returns a single value, the subquery is only evaluated once and then the
value is returned to outer query to use. This kind of subqueries are also known as single-value
subquery or scalar subquery.

This query returns data for all customers and their orders where the orders were shipped on
the most recent recorded day.
SELECT OrderID, CustomerID
FROM Orders

This query returns all products whose unit price is greater than average unit price.
SELECT DISTINCT ProductName, Price
FROME Products
WHERE Price>(SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM Products)

4.19.2 Column subqueries (multiple values query

using one column) examples
When the subquery returns a list of values, the subquery is only evaluated once and then the list of
values is returned to outer query to use. This kind of subqueries are also known as "column

This query retrieves a list of customers that made purchases after the date 1997-02-05.

SELECT CustomerName, Country

FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID in
FROM Orders
WHERE OrderDate > '1997-02-05'

The query below returns the same result (on the W3 School website!) as query above because the
list of CustomerIDs are used rather than the subquery:

SELECT CustomerID, Country

FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID in
'Ernst Handel',
'Mère Paillarde',
'Old World Delicatessen',
'Reggiani Caseifici',
'Save-a-lot Markets',
'Toms Spezialitäten'

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For sure the same result can be obtained using the JOIN statement (often, a query that contains
subqueries can be rewritten as a join). Using inner join allows the query optimizer to retrieve data
in the most efficient way:

SELECT a.CustomerID, a.Country

FROM Customers AS a
INNER JOIN Orders AS b ON a.CustomerID = b.CustomerID
WHERE b.OrderDate > '1997-02-05'

4.19.3 Row subqueries (multiple values query using

multiple column) examples
The below statement semi-joins Customers to Suppliers based on a tuple comparison, not just a
single column comparison. This is useful, for example, when you want to select all Customers from
a table whose City AND Country are also contained in the Suppliers table (without any formal
foreign key relationship, of course):

FROM Customers
WHERE (City,Country) IN (
SELECT City, Country FROM Suppliers

This example won't work on the W3 School website due to implementation limitation of the web
interface (see the alternative below with the green background). We also won't lose time to import
a database to test this in Oracle.

Some systems want's the following syntax:

FROM Customers
WHERE ROW(City,Country) IN (
SELECT City, Country FROM Suppliers

If none of the above works you cans use the EXIST statement (see later) with the following syntax
(this will work on the W3 School website):

FROM Customers
SELECT * FROM Suppliers
WHERE Customers.City= Suppliers.City AND Customers.Country =

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4.19.4 Correlated subqueries examples

The name of correlated subqueries means that a subquery is correlated with the outer query. The
correlation comes from the fact that the subquery uses information from the outer query and the
subquery executes once for every row in the outer query.

A correlated subquery can usually be rewritten as a join query. Using joins enables the database
engine to use the most efficient execution plan. The query optimizer is more mature for joins than
for subqueries, so in many cases a statement that uses a subquery should normally be rephrased
as a join to gain the extra speed in performance.

Note that alias must be used to distinguish table names in the SQL query that contains correlated

For example, the previous query:

FROM Customers
SELECT * FROM Suppliers
WHERE Customers.City= Suppliers.City AND Customers.Country =

belongs to the family of correlated subqueries because the subquery use the Customers.City and
Customers.Country attributes of the outer query.

The query below query finds out a list of orders and their customers who ordered more than 20
items of ProductID 6 on a single order.

FROM Orders AS a
SELECT Quantity
FROM OrderDetails as b
WHERE a.OrderID = b.OrderID and b.ProductID = 6
) > 20;

4.19.5 SQL EXIST function

EXISTS is used with a correlated subquery in WHERE clause to examine if the result the subquery
returns is TRUE or FALSE. The true or false value is then used to restrict the rows from outer query
select. Because EXISTS only return TRUE or FALSE in the subquery, the SELECT list in the
subquery does not need to contain actual column name(s). Normally use SELECT * (asterisk) is
sufficient but you can use SELECT column1, column2, ... or anything else. It does not make any

Because EXISTS are used with correlated subqueries, the subquery executes once for every row in
the outer query. In other words, for each row in outer query, by using information from the outer
query, the subquery checks if it returns TRUE or FALSE, and then the value is returned to outer
query to use.

Remember we already saw such an example (all Customers that have a Supplier in the same City
and Country as their home address):

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FROM Customers
SELECT * FROM Suppliers
WHERE Customers.City= Suppliers.City AND Customers.Country =

that returns 8 rows on the 91 customers:

But don't forget that this can also be done with a JOIN statement!

4.19.6 SQL NOT EXISTS function

NO EXISTS is used with a correlated subquery in WHERE clause to examine if the result the
subquery returns is TRUE or FALSE. The true or false value is then used to restrict the rows from
outer query select. Because NO EXISTS only return TRUE or FALSE in the subquery, the SELECT list
in the subquery does not need to contain actual column name(s). Normally use SELECT * (asterisk)
is sufficient but you can use SELECT column1, column2, ... or anything else. It does not make any

Because NO EXISTS are used with correlated subqueries, the subquery executes once for every
row in the outer query. In other words, for each row in outer query, by using information from the
outer query, the subquery checks if it returns TRUE or FALSE, and then the value is returned to
outer query to use.

We will take as example the opposite of the previous example:

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FROM Customers
SELECT * FROM Suppliers
WHERE Customers.City= Suppliers.City AND Customers.Country =

that returns 91-8=83 rows:

4.19.7 ALL, ANY and SOME

It is quite possible you could work with Oracle databases for many years and never come across
the ALL, ANY and SOME comparison conditions in SQL because there are alternatives to them that
are used more regularly. If you are planning to sit the Oracle Database SQL Expert (1Z0-
047) exam you should be familiar with these conditions as they are used frequently in the

For the examples below we will use the following EMP Oracle table:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL ALL
The ALL comparison condition is used to compare a value to a list or subquery. It must be
preceded by =, !=, >, <, <=, >= and followed by a list or subquery.

When the ALL condition is followed by a list, the optimizer expands the initial condition to all
elements of the list and strings them together with AND operators, as shown below.

Transformed to equivalent statement without ALL:

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When the ALL condition is followed by a subquery, the optimizer performs a two-step
transformation as shown below.

Transformed to equivalent statement using ANY (not really intuitive):

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or transformed to equivalent statement without ANY (also not really intutive):

- 95/350 -
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The ANY comparison condition is used to compare a value to a list or subquery. It must be
preceded by =, !=, >, <, <=, >= and followed by a list or subquery.

When the ANY condition is followed by a list, the optimizer expands the initial condition to all
elements of the list and strings them together with OR operators, as shown below.

Transformed to equivalent statement without ANY:

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When the ANY condition is followed by a subquery, the optimizer performs a single transformation
as shown below:

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the transformed to equivalent statement without ANY:

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The SOME and ANY comparison conditions do exactly the same thing and are completely

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5 SQL for DDL (Data Definition Language)

SQL DML has to do with the "physicial" position/creation/deletion of datas in the database.

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5.1 SQL SELECT INTO statement

With SQL, you can copy information from one table into another.

The SELECT INTO statement copies data from one table and inserts it into a new table.


We can copy all columns into the new table:

INTO newtable [IN externaldb]
FROM table1;

Or we can copy only the columns we want into the new table:

SELECT column_name(s)
INTO newtable [IN externaldb]
FROM table1;

Tip: The new table will be created with the column-names and types as defined in the SELECT
statement. You can apply new names using the AS clause.

The examples below won't work on W3 Schools website or even in Oracle (see the lasts queries in
the screenshots to see how to do this in Oracle) or MySQL but will directly work with MS Access

Create a backup copy of Customers:

INTO CustomersBackup2013
FROM Customers;

Use the IN clause to copy the table into another database:

INTO CustomersBackup2013 IN 'Backup.mdb'
FROM Customers;

Copy only a few columns into the new table:

SELECT CustomerName, ContactName

INTO CustomersBackup2013
FROM Customers;

Copy only the German customers into the new table:

INTO CustomersBackup2013
FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Germany';

Copy data from more than one table into the new table:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID

INTO CustomersOrderBackup2013
FROM Customers

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ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID;

Tip: The SELECT INTO statement can also be used to create a new, empty table using the schema
of another. Just add a WHERE clause that causes the query to return no data:

INTO newtable
FROM table1
WHERE 1=0;

In Oracle you will have to run if the table does not already exist:

and if the table already exists:

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The INSERT INTO SELECT statement selects data from one table and inserts it into an existing
table. Any existing rows in the target table are unaffected.

We can copy all columns from one table to another, existing table:


SELECT * FROM table1;

Or we can copy only the columns we want to into another, existing table:


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1;

In this tutorial we will use the well-known Northwind sample database.

Below is a selection from the "Customers" table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country

1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

2 Ana Trujillo Ana Trujillo Avda. de la México 05021 Mexico

Emparedados y Constitución D.F.
helados 2222

3 Antonio Moreno Antonio Mataderos México 05023 Mexico

Taquería Moreno 2312 D.F.

And a selection from the "Suppliers" table:

SupplierID SupplierName ContactName Address City Postal Country Phone


1 Exotic Liquid Charlotte 49 Londona EC1 UK (171)

Cooper Gilbert 4SD 555-
St. 2222

2 New Orleans Shelley Burke P.O. Box New 70117 USA (100)
Cajun Delights 78934 Orleans 555-

3 Grandma Kelly's Regina 707 Ann 48104 USA (313)

Homestead Murphy Oxford Arbor 555-
Rd. 5735

Copy only a few columns from "Suppliers" into "Customers":

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, Country)

SELECT SupplierName, Country FROM Suppliers;

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Copy only the German suppliers into "Customers":

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, Country)

SELECT SupplierName, Country FROM Suppliers
WHERE Country='Germany';

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The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database.



It will not be possible to create a database in Oracle Express because the first and only database is
created during installation with the CREATE DATABASE Statement. In MS Access and on W3 School
you can also not use CREATE DATABASE statement.

5.3.1 On SQL Server

You just open SQL Server (here you can see SQL Server 2008 R2) and you type the following

This example query create a database named as db_DemoTest in this case I omitted PRIMARY
option and the first file is assumed as a primary file. The logical name of this file is
DB_DemoTestData as I mentioned in query. File name parameter is for specify physical location for
the database file *.mdf in Local disk C:\ in my hard drive.

The original size of this file is 20MB, Additional 20MB from disk may allocated by the system if it
needed (FILEGROWTH).

If MAXSIZE option is not specified or it set to unlimited the file will dynamically use all space in disk
as it grows.

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You close an reopen Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and then you will see:

5.3.2 On mySQL
For the example we will download and install XAMP:


After installation:

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Clic on phpMyAdmin:

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Clic on SQL:

Now type:

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If you click on Exécuter you will have:

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5.4 SQL CREATE TABLE statement

5.4.1 With Data Types statements only
The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create an empty table in a database.

Tables are organized into rows and columns; and each table must have a name.


CREATE TABLE table_name

column_name1 data_type(size),
column_name2 data_type(size),
column_name3 data_type(size),

The column_name parameters specify the names of the columns of the table.

The data_type parameter specifies what type of data the column can hold (e.g. varchar, integer,
decimal, date, etc.). See tables after queries examples for data types list for various DB.

The size parameter specifies the maximum length of the column of the table.

Now we want to create an empty table called "Persons" that contains five columns: PersonID,
LastName, FirstName, Address, and City. On the W3 School website type:


PersonID int,
LastName varchar(255),
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
BirthDate timestamp with time zone

To rename a table on Oracle:


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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Various SQL DB Data types SQL General Data Types
Each column in a database table is required to have a name and a data type.

SQL developers have to decide what types of data will be stored inside each and every table
column when creating a SQL table. The data type is a label and a guideline for SQL to understand
what type of data is expected inside of each column, and it also identifies how SQL will interact
with the stored data.

The following table lists the general data types in SQL:

Data type Description

CHARACTER(n) Character string. Fixed-length n

VARCHAR(n) or Character string. Variable length. Maximum length n (maximum size

CHARACTER 2000 bytes)

BINARY(n) Binary string. Fixed-length n

BOOLEAN Stores TRUE or FALSE values

VARBINARY(n) or Binary string. Variable length. Maximum length n


INTEGER(p) Integer numerical (no decimal). Precision p

SMALLINT Integer numerical (no decimal). Precision 5

INTEGER Integer numerical (no decimal). Precision 10

BIGINT Integer numerical (no decimal). Precision 19

DECIMAL(p,s) Exact numerical, precision p, scale s. Example: decimal(5,2) is a number

that has 3 digits before the decimal and 2 digits after the decimal

NUMERIC(p,s) Exact numerical, precision p, scale s. (Same as DECIMAL)

FLOAT(p) Approximate numerical, mantissa precision p. A floating number in base

10 exponential notation. The size argument for this type consists of a
single number specifying the minimum precision

REAL Approximate numerical, mantissa precision 7

FLOAT Approximate numerical, mantissa precision 16

DOUBLE PRECISION Approximate numerical, mantissa precision 16

DATE Stores year, month, and day values

TIME Stores hour, minute, and second values

TIMESTAMP Stores year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values

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INTERVAL Composed of a number of integer fields, representing a period of time,

depending on the type of interval

ARRAY A set-length and ordered collection of elements

MULTISET A variable-length and unordered collection of elements

XML Stores XML data

Tableau 5 General SQL Data Types Oracle 11g Data Types

String types:

Data Type Description Limits

char(size) Where size is the number of characters to Maximum size of 2000 bytes.
store. Fixed-length strings. Space padded.

nchar(size) Where size is the number of characters to Maximum size of 2000 bytes.
store. Fixed-length NLS string Space

nvarchar2(size) Where size is the number of characters to Maximum size of 4000 bytes.
store. Variable-length NLS string.

varchar2(size) Where size is the number of characters to Maximum size of 4000 bytes.
store. Variable-length string. Maximum size of 32KB in PLSQL.

long Variable-length strings. (backward Maximum size of 2GB.


raw Variable-length binary strings Maximum size of 2000 bytes.

long raw Variable-length binary strings. (backward Maximum size of 2GB.

Tableau 6 Oracle 11g String Data Types

Number types:

Data Type Description Limits

number(p,s) Precision can range from 1 to 38. Where p is the precision and s is the
Scale can range from -84 to 127. scale.

For example, number(7,2) is a number

that has 5 digits before the decimal
and 2 digits after the decimal.
numeric(p,s) Precision can range from 1 to 38. Where p is the precision and s is the

For example, numeric(7,2) is a

number that has 5 digits before the
decimal and 2 digits after the decimal.
dec(p,s) Precision can range from 1 to 38. Where p is the precision and s is the

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For example, dec(3,1) is a number

that has 2 digits before the decimal
and 1 digit after the decimal.
decimal(p,s) Precision can range from 1 to 38. Where p is the precision and s is the

For example, decimal(3,1) is a

number that has 2 digits before the
decimal and 1 digit after the decimal.
Tableau 7 Oracle 11g Numbers Data Types

Date types:

Data Type Description Limits

date A date between Jan 1, 4712 BC
and Dec 31, 9999 AD.
timestamp (fractional Includes year, month, day, hour, minute, fractional seconds precision
seconds precision) and seconds. must be a number between 0 and
9. (default is 6)
For example:
timestamp (fractional Includes year, month, day, hour, minute, fractional seconds precision
seconds precision) with and seconds; with a time zone must be a number between 0 and
time zone displacement value. 9. (default is 6)

For example:
timestamp(5) with time zone
timestamp (fractional Includes year, month, day, hour, minute, fractional seconds precision
seconds precision) with and seconds; with a time zone must be a number between 0 and
local time zone expressed as the session time zone. 9. (default is 6)

For example:
timestamp(4) with local time zone
interval year Time period stored in years and months. year precision is the number of
(year precision) digits in the year. (default is 2)
to month For example:
interval year(4) to month
interval day Time period stored in days, hours, day precision must be a number
(day precision) minutes, and seconds. between 0 and 9. (default is 2)
to second (fractional
seconds precision) For example: fractional seconds precision
interval day(2) to second(6) must be a number between 0 and
9. (default is 6)

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Tableau 8 Oracle 11g Dates Data Types

Large objects (LOB):

Data type Description Storage

bfile File locators that point to a binary file on Maximum file size of 4GB.
the server file system (outside the
blob Stores unstructured binary large objects. Store up to 4GB of binary data.
clob Stores single-byte and multi-byte Store up to 4GB of character
character data. data.
nclob Stores unicode data. Store up to 4GB of character text
Tableau 9 Oracle 11g Large Objects Data Types

Row ID Datatypes:

Data type Description Storage

rowid The format of the rowid is: Fixed-length binary data. Every
BBBBBBB.RRRR.FFFFF record in the database has a
physical address or rowid.
Where BBBBBBB is the block in the
database file;
RRRR is the row in the block;
FFFFF is the database file.
urowid(size) Universal rowid.

Where size is optional.

Tableau 10 Oracle 11g Row ID Data Types Microsoft Access Data Types

Data type Description Storage

Text Use for text or combinations of text and numbers. 255 characters

Memo Memo is used for larger amounts of text. Stores up to 65,536

characters. Note: You cannot sort a memo field. However, they are

Byte Allows whole numbers from 0 to 255 1 byte

Integer Allows whole numbers between -32,768 and 32,767 2 bytes

Long Allows whole numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 4 bytes

Single Single precision floating-point. Will handle most decimals 4 bytes

Double Double precision floating-point. Will handle most decimals 8 bytes

Currency Use for currency. Holds up to 15 digits of whole dollars, plus 4 8 bytes
decimal places.Tip: You can choose which country's currency to use

AutoNumber AutoNumber fields automatically give each record its own number, 4 bytes

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usually starting at 1

Date/Time Use for dates and times 8 bytes

Yes/No A logical field can be displayed as Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off. In 1 bit

code, use the constants True and False (equivalent to -1 and
0). Note: Null values are not allowed in Yes/No fields

Ole Object Can store pictures, audio, video, or other BLOBs (Binary Large up to
OBjects) 1GB

Hyperlink Contain links to other files, including web pages

Lookup Wizard Let you type a list of options, which can then be chosen from a 4 bytes
drop-down list
Tableau 11 Microsoft Access Data Types MySQL Data Types

In MySQL there are three main types : text, number, and Date/Time types.

Text types:

Data type Description

CHAR(size) Holds a fixed length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special
characters). The fixed size is specified in parenthesis. Can store up to 255

VARCHAR(size) Holds a variable length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special
characters). The maximum size is specified in parenthesis. Can store up to
255 characters. Note: If you put a greater value than 255 it will be converted
to a TEXT type

TINYTEXT Holds a string with a maximum length of 255 characters

TEXT Holds a string with a maximum length of 65,535 characters

BLOB For BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects). Holds up to 65,535 bytes of data

MEDIUMTEXT Holds a string with a maximum length of 16,777,215 characters

MEDIUMBLOB For BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects). Holds up to 16,777,215 bytes of data

LONGTEXT Holds a string with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 characters

LONGBLOB For BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects). Holds up to 4,294,967,295 bytes of data

ENUM(x,y,z,etc.) Let you enter a list of possible values. You can list up to 65535 values in an
ENUM list. If a value is inserted that is not in the list, a blank value will be

Note: The values are sorted in the order you enter them.

You enter the possible values in this format: ENUM('X','Y','Z')

SET Similar to ENUM except that SET may contain up to 64 list items and can

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store more than one choice

Number types:

Data type Description

TINYINT(size) -128 to 127 normal. 0 to 255 UNSIGNED*. The maximum number of digits
may be specified in parenthesis

SMALLINT(size) -32768 to 32767 normal. 0 to 65535 UNSIGNED*. The maximum number of

digits may be specified in parenthesis

MEDIUMINT(size) -8388608 to 8388607 normal. 0 to 16777215 UNSIGNED*. The maximum

number of digits may be specified in parenthesis

INT(size) -2147483648 to 2147483647 normal. 0 to 4294967295 UNSIGNED*. The

maximum number of digits may be specified in parenthesis

BIGINT(size) -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 normal. 0 to

18446744073709551615 UNSIGNED*. The maximum number of digits may
be specified in parenthesis

FLOAT(size,d) A small number with a floating decimal point. The maximum number of digits
may be specified in the size parameter. The maximum number of digits to the
right of the decimal point is specified in the d parameter

DOUBLE(size,d) A large number with a floating decimal point. The maximum number of digits
may be specified in the size parameter. The maximum number of digits to the
right of the decimal point is specified in the d parameter

DECIMAL(size,d) A DOUBLE stored as a string, allowing for a fixed decimal point. The
maximum number of digits may be specified in the size parameter. The
maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point is specified in the
d parameter

*The integer types have an extra option called UNSIGNED. Normally, the integer goes from an
negative to positive value. Adding the UNSIGNED attribute will move that range up so it starts at
zero instead of a negative number.

Date types:

Data type Description

DATE() A date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Note: The supported range is from '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31'

DATETIME() *A date and time combination. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Note: The supported range is from '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31


TIMESTAMP() *A timestamp. TIMESTAMP values are stored as the number of seconds since
the Unix epoch ('1970-01-01 00:00:00' UTC). Format: YYYY-MM-DD

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Note: The supported range is from '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-

09 03:14:07' UTC

TIME() A time. Format: HH:MM:SS

Note: The supported range is from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59'

YEAR() A year in two-digit or four-digit format.

Note: Values allowed in four-digit format: 1901 to 2155. Values allowed in

two-digit format: 70 to 69, representing years from 1970 to 2069

*Even if DATETIME and TIMESTAMP return the same format, they work very differently. In an
INSERT or UPDATE query, the TIMESTAMP automatically set itself to the current date and time.
or YYMMDD. SQL Server Data Types

String types:

Data type Description Storage

char(n) Fixed width character string. Maximum 8,000 characters Defined width

varchar(n) Variable width character string. Maximum 8,000 2 bytes + number

characters of chars

varchar(max) Variable width character string. Maximum 1,073,741,824 2 bytes + number

characters of chars

text Variable width character string. Maximum 2GB of text 4 bytes + number
data of chars

nchar Fixed width Unicode string. Maximum 4,000 characters Defined width x 2

nvarchar Variable width Unicode string. Maximum 4,000 characters

nvarchar(max) Variable width Unicode string. Maximum 536,870,912


ntext Variable width Unicode string. Maximum 2GB of text data

bit Allows 0, 1, or NULL

binary(n) Fixed width binary string. Maximum 8,000 bytes

varbinary Variable width binary string. Maximum 8,000 bytes

varbinary(max) Variable width binary string. Maximum 2GB

image Variable width binary string. Maximum 2GB

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Number types:

Data type Description Storage

tinyint Allows whole numbers from 0 to 255 1 byte

smallint Allows whole numbers between -32,768 and 32,767 2 bytes

int Allows whole numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 4 bytes

bigint Allows whole numbers between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 8 bytes


decimal(p,s) Fixed precision and scale numbers. 5-17

Allows numbers from -10^38 +1 to 10^38 –1.

The p parameter indicates the maximum total number of digits that

can be stored (both to the left and to the right of the decimal
point). p must be a value from 1 to 38. Default is 18.

The s parameter indicates the maximum number of digits stored to

the right of the decimal point. s must be a value from 0 to p.
Default value is 0

numeric(p,s) Fixed precision and scale numbers. 5-17

Allows numbers from -10^38 +1 to 10^38 –1.

The p parameter indicates the maximum total number of digits that

can be stored (both to the left and to the right of the decimal
point). p must be a value from 1 to 38. Default is 18.

The s parameter indicates the maximum number of digits stored to

the right of the decimal point. s must be a value from 0 to p.
Default value is 0

smallmoney Monetary data from -214,748.3648 to 214,748.3647 4 bytes

money Monetary data from -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 8 bytes


float(n) Floating precision number data from -1.79E + 308 to 1.79E + 308. 4 or 8
The n parameter indicates whether the field should hold 4 or 8
bytes. float(24) holds a 4-byte field and float(53) holds an 8-byte
field. Default value of n is 53.

real Floating precision number data from -3.40E + 38 to 3.40E + 38 4 bytes

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Date types:

Data type Description Storage

datetime From January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999 with an accuracy of 8 bytes
3.33 milliseconds

datetime2 From January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999 with an accuracy of 6-8
100 nanoseconds bytes

smalldatetime From January 1, 1900 to June 6, 2079 with an accuracy of 1 minute 4 bytes

date Store a date only. From January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999 3 bytes

time Store a time only to an accuracy of 100 nanoseconds 3-5


datetimeoffset The same as datetime2 with the addition of a time zone offset 8-10

timestamp Stores a unique number that gets updated every time a row gets
created or modified. The timestamp value is based upon an internal
clock and does not correspond to real time. Each table may have
only one timestamp variable

Other data types:

Data type Description

sql_variant Stores up to 8,000 bytes of data of various data types, except text, ntext,
and timestamp

uniqueidentifier Stores a globally unique identifier (GUID)

xml Stores XML formatted data. Maximum 2GB

cursor Stores a reference to a cursor used for database operations

table Stores a result-set for later processing SQL Data Type Quick Reference

However, different databases offer different choices for the data type definition.

The following table shows some of the common names of data types between the various database

Data type Access SQLServer Oracle MySQL PostgreSQL

boolean Yes/No Bit Byte N/A Boolean

integer Number Int Number Int Int

(integer) Integer Integer

float Number Float Number Float Numeric

(single) Real

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currency Currency Money N/A N/A Money

string (fixed) N/A Char Char Char Char

string Text (<256) Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar

(variable) Memo (65k+) Varchar2

binary object OLE Object Binary (fixed up to Long Blob Binary

Memo 8K) Raw Text Varbinary
Varbinary (<8K)
Image (<2GB)

5.4.2 With Data Types and Constraints statements

SQL constraints are used to specify rules for the data in a table.

If there is any violation between the constraint and the data action, the action is aborted by the

Constraints can be specified when the table is created (inside the CREATE TABLE statement) or
after the table is created (inside the ALTER TABLE statement).


CREATE TABLE table_name

column_name1 data_type(size) constraint_name,
column_name2 data_type(size) constraint_name,
column_name3 data_type(size) constraint_name,

In SQL, we have the following constraints:

• NOT NULL - Indicates that a column cannot store NULL value

• UNIQUE - Ensures that each row for a column must have a unique value

• PRIMARY KEY - A combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE. Ensures that a column (or
combination of two or more columns) have an unique identity which helps to find a
particular record in a table more easily and quickly

• FOREIGN KEY - Ensure the referential integrity of the data in one table to match values in
another table

• CHECK - Ensures that the value in a column meets a specific condition

• DEFAULT - Specifies a default value when specified none for this column

The best way to study all these options is to use a real RDBMS. We will also use Oracle...!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL NOT NULL Constraint

The NOT NULL constraint enforces a field to always contain a value. This means that you cannot
insert a new record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.

The following SQL enforces the "P_Id" column and the "LastName" column to not accept NULL

If you try then to insert a row without the LastName you will receive an error:

And if you forget nothing the operation will be successful:

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as you can see in the Oracle object browser:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL UNIQUE Constraint

The UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.

The UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column
or set of columns.

A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint defined on it.

Note that you can have many UNIQUE constraints per table, but only one PRIMARY KEY constraint
per table.

If the creation of a UNIQUE Constraint fails this is because you already have duplicates data
existing in your table in the chosen field. Create a single UNIQUE constraint on table creation

The following SQL creates a UNIQUE constraint on the "P_Id" column when the "Persons" table is

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:

That will give:


CREATE TABLE PersonsUnique

P_Id int NOT NULL,

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LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,

FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
) Create a multiple column UNIQUE constraint on table creation

To allow naming of a UNIQUE constraint, and for defining a UNIQUE constraint on multiple
columns, use the following SQL syntax:

MySQL / SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:

CREATE TABLE PersonsUniqueMulti

P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
) DROP single or multiple UNIQUE constraint

To drop a single or multiple UNIQUE constraint, use the following SQL:

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:

ALTER TABLE PersonsUniqueMulti



ALTER TABLE PersonsUniqueMulti

DROP INDEX uP_ID Create a single UNIQUE constraint on an existing table

To create a UNIQUE constraint on the "P_Id" column when the table is already created, use the
following SQL:

MySQL / SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:

ALTER TABLE PersonsUniqueMulti

ADD CONSTRAINT uP_ID UNIQUE (P_Id) Create a multiple UNIQUE constraint on an existing table

To allow naming of a UNIQUE constraint, and for defining a UNIQUE constraint on multiple
columns, use the following SQL syntax:

MySQL / SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:

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ALTER TABLE PersonsUniqueMulti


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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint

The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.

Primary keys must contain unique values and primary key column cannot contain NULL
values. Each table should also have at least one primary key.

If the creation of a PRIMARY KEY fail this is because you already have duplicates data
existing in your table in the chosen field. Create a single PRIMARY KEY Constraint on table creation

The following SQL creates a PRIMARY KEY on the "P_Id" column when the "Persons" table is

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:


LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)

That will result in Oracle to:

as you can see this result in an horrible Index Name. The better is then to use:
P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),

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P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
) Create a multiple PRIMARY KEY Constraint on table creation

The following SQL creates a PRIMARY KEY on the "LastName" and "FirstName" columns when the
"Persons" table is created:

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:


P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)
CONSTRAINT pkPerson PRIMARY KEY (LastName,FirstName)

That will result in Oracle to:



P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,

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FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
PRIMARY KEY (LastName,FirstName)
) DROP single or multiple PRIMARY KEY Constraint

To drop a PRIMARY KEY constraint, use the following SQL:

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:





DROP PRIMARY KEY Create a single PRIMARY KEY constraint on an existing table

To create a PRIMARY KEY constraint on the "P_Id" column when the table is already created, use
the following SQL:

MySQL / SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:


ADD CONSTRAINT pkPerson PRIMARY KEY (P_Id) Create a multiple PRIMARY KEY constraint on an existing table

To allow naming of a PRIMARY KEY constraint, and for defining a PRIMARY KEY constraint on
multiple columns, use the following SQL syntax:

MySQL / SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:


ADD CONSTRAINT pkPerson PRIMARY KEY (LastName,FirstName) DISABLE/ENABLE single or multiple PRIMARY KEY Constraint

To disable a PRIMARY KEY constraint (or any other constraint) to speed up deletion or addition
of a huge amount of data, use the following SQL:

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:



This will give:

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you can't with Oracle without PL/SQL disable multiple constraints. With SQL Server there is a nice
query to disable all at once (see on Google).

To reactivate a constraint, we will use:


ENABLE CONSTRAINT pkPerson List all primary keys from a table

It may happen that sometimes you want to get the list of all indexes of a table. To do this use the
Oracle all_constraints reserved word of Oracle:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL FOREIGN KEY Constraint

A FOREIGN KEY in one table points to a PRIMARY KEY in another table as seen in the database
theory training.

Let's illustrate the foreign key with an example for Oracle. Create a single FOREIGN KEY Constraint on table creation

We want a table to know what is the fidelity card number of a given customer and which employee
(saler) sold the card.

To do this we will run the follwing SQL in Oracle (this code must also work for mySQL, Access and

This will give:


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Now if you try to inset the following:

It will succeed because Customer ID4 and Saler ID 1 exists but:

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will fail because Saler ID 3 does not exist! DROP FOREIGN KEY Constraint

To drop a foreign key on Oracle (SQL Server/Access) you use:

on MySQL:

ALTER TABLE demo_FidelityCard

DROP CONSTRAINT KEY fkCustomer Create a FOREIGN KEY constraint on an existing table

For Oracle (also SQL Server, MySQL, Access and others):

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Foreign Key with ON DELETE CASCADE

A foreign key with a cascade delete means that if a record in the parent table is deleted, then the
corresponding records in the child table with automatically be deleted. This is called a cascade delete.

A foreign key with a cascade deletion can be defined in either a CREATE TABLE statement or an
ALTER TABLE statement.

Here is an example. First, we create our table:

Then you can try... If you delete a customer, the related FidelityCard will be removed. Same thing if
you remove only the sale!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL CHECK Constraint

The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.

If you define a CHECK constraint on a single column it allows only certain values for this column.

If you define a CHECK constraint on a table it can limit the values in certain columns based on
values in other columns in the row. Create a single or multiple CHECK Constraint on table creation

We want to create a card fidelity table where Fidelity Card Number must all be greather than
1'000'000 and at the same time accept only Sales who's ID is greather than 1 (the same syntax
should also work on MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access...):

This will give:


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And if you try to insert the following:

And if you respect all constraints you will get:

with success! DROP CHECK Constraint

To drop a check just write:

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and when you run the SQL code you will see the Check removed:

on MySQL the syntax is:

ALTER TABLE Demo_FidelityCard

DROP CHECK chk_CardNumberAndSales Create CHECK constraint on an existing table

To add a CHECK constraint on most RDBMS the syntax is:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL DEFAULT Value

The DEFAULT constraint is used to insert a default value into a column.

The default value will be added to all new records, if no other value is specified. Create a Default Value on table creation

Once again, we will play with Oracle:

where you can see the important SYSDATE statement used a lot also sometimes with the USER

Note: On mySQL, Access, SQL Server you have to replace the sysdate with getdate().

This first query (the query that interest us) gives:

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But if we use the GUI to insert rows, the standard values do not appear:

But if we insert using SQL:

INSERT INTO Demo_FidelityCard (FidelityCard_Id,CardNumber,fkCustomer_Id,fkSaler_Id) VALUE


we get:

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... it works! DROP Default Value Constraint

To drop a default value on Oracle:

To drop a DEFAULT constraint, use the following SQL on other RDBMS:


ALTER TABLE Demo_FidelityCard


SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:

ALTER TABLE Demo_FidelityCard

ALTER COLUMN InitialBonusPoints DROP DEFAULT Create a Default Value on an existing table

To create a DEFAULT constraint on the "InitialBonusPoints" column when the table is already
created, use the following SQL:


ALTER TABLE Demo_FidelityCard

ALTER InitialBonusPoints SET DEFAULT '100'

SQL Server / MS Access:

ALTER TABLE Demo_FidelityCard

ALTER InitialBonusPoints City SET DEFAULT '100'

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ALTER TABLE Demo_FidelityCard

MODIFY InitialBonusPoints DEFAULT '100'

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL CREATE INDEX statement Value

Much more about indexes with the Enterprise version of Oracle:


The CREATE INDEX statement is used to create indexes in tables.

Indexes allow the database application to find data fast; without reading the whole table.

The users cannot see the indexes, they are mainly just used to speed up searches/queries.

Indexes are normally created only and only if the users say that the database begins to retrieve
information too slowly. Create them only after table creation and on users requests otherwise you
use disk space for nothing!

If the creation of a UNIQUE INDEX fails this is because you already have duplicates data
existing in your table in the chosen field.
Note: Updating a table with indexes takes more time than updating a table without (because the
indexes also need an update). So you should only create indexes on columns (and tables) that will
be frequently searched against.

Creates an index on a table. Duplicate values are allowed:

CREATE INDEX index_name

ON table_name (column_name)

Creates a unique index on a table. Duplicate values are not allowed:


ON table_name (column_name)

Note: The syntax for creating indexes varies amongst different databases. Therefore: Check the
syntax for creating indexes in your database.

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Create a Single (aka non-clustered) Nonunique Index on an

existing table
Once again, we will play with Oracle:

This will give: Create a Single (aka non-clustered) Unique Index on an existing

Duplicate values will not be allowed. It's like creating a Nonunique Index and after putting and
UNIQUE constraint on it:

This will give:

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It is easier to manage than creating and Nonunique INDEX with after a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT.

Note: On MS Access, when you create a Primary Key, on unique Index is automatically created on
the primary key column. Create a Multiple (aka clustered) Nonunique Index on an existing

If an employee uses a lot of queries using only 'CardNumber' field creating a non-clustered index is
for sure the efficient answer. But if you have another employee using a lot of time queries using
'CardNumber' and 'fkSaler' then it will be interesting to create a clustered Index.

Depending on the scenario and storage availability and also update frequency of the table you can
have cluster index on the 2-uplet ('CardNumber','fkSaler') + two index on respectively the same

The best solution is not always easy. The best thing is to study usage statistics and compare
results using statistical tools (student T-test typically).

To create a multiple (clustered) non-unique Index on Oracle on an existing table use the following:

and for sure you can also create a multiple (clustered) UNIQUE INDEX. Rebuild an Index

An index can be corrupted on the tree needs to be optimized again. To rebuild and Index, run the
following on Oracle:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL DROP Multiple/Single Unique/Nonunique Index

To drop an INDEX on Oracle you just write:

You don't need to specify the table because index names are unique across the whole server.

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL List all indexes from a table

It may happen that sometimes you want to get the list of all indexes of a table. To do this use the
Oracle all_indexes reserved word:

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5.5 SQL ALTER TABLE Statement

Here is a resume of some new ALTER TABLE statements and some other we already know (all
examples are given only for Oracle):

5.5.1 ALTER TABLE to change table name

First, we create in Oracle the table:


PersonID int,
LastName varchar(255),
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
Salary float,
TaxesPercentage float,

We get:

and after we rename it :

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5.5.2 ALTER TABLE to add (static) new column

To alter a table to add columns:

5.5.3 ALTER TABLE to add virtual (dynamic) new

Computed columns are nothing new to Oracle and have been available since its first release in
1984. A special type of column - known as a computed by column - defines a calculation instead of
a data type. This special column takes no space within the table but allows the programmer to
fetch the value at run-time using the select statement, or via a cursor.

The computed by expression can be based only on pure functions!!

Use the ALTER TABLE statement to add AUTOMATIC new column.

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If we look at the table structure we get:

as you can see the virtual column is not visible in the table structure but if we look in the SQL
structure, we can see TaxAmount:

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Now if we add a new row:

Now that a least one row exists, we have:

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and we can look at the content:

it works!

5.5.4 ALTER TABLE to change column name

To change a column name just use the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE Employees RENAME COLUMN Birthday to BirthDate;

5.5.5 ALTER TABLE to change column type

To change a column type just use the following syntax:

FirstName varchar(30),
LastName varchar(30)

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5.5.6 ALTER TABLE to change Constraints name

The following SQL code can be used to change the name of a Primary Key, a Foreign Key, an
Index or a Unique constraint:

pkPerson TO pkPersonId

5.5.7 ALTER TABLE to change Index name

First create an index on our table:

CREATE INDEX idxFirstName ON Employees (FirstName);

And to change the name of the index:

ALTER INDEX idxFirstName RENAME TO idxFName;

5.5.8 ALTER TABLE to change table in Read Only

Sometimes you will need to protect tables against DML from end-users. Then the best solution
could be to protect de table in read only to avoid any data modification.

To do this run the following code in Oracle:

And now if you try to run and DML query you will get an error:

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and if you change it again in READ/WRITE you will be able to run the DML:

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5.6 SQL DROP Statement

Indexes, tables, columns and databases can easily be deleted/removed with the DROP:

5.6.1 Drop a database

To drop a database we won't make a practical because this can be done with a simple right
clic on Access, SQL Server and can't be done with Oracle and on the free version of MySQL
this statement is blocked.

Then to remove a database, when you have the rights and the possibility, the syntax is simply:
DROP DATABASE database_name

5.6.2 Drop a table

The DROP TABLE statement is used to delete a table.

DROP TABLE table_name;

5.6.3 Drop column(s)

To drop a column, you have to alter the table:

(col_name1, col_name2); UNUSED column(s)

If you are concerned about the length of time it could take to drop column data from all of the rows
in a large table, you can use the ALTER TABLE...SET UNUSED statement. This statement marks one
or more columns as unused, but does not actually remove the target column data or restore the
disk space occupied by these columns. However, a column that is marked as unused is not
displayed in queries or data dictionary views, and its name is removed so that a new column can
reuse that name. All constraints, indexes, and statistics defined on the column are also removed.

(col_name1, col_name2);

You can later remove columns that are marked as unused by issuing an ALTER TABLE...DROP
UNUSED COLUMNS statement. Unused columns are also removed from the target table whenever
an explicit drop of any particular column or columns of the table is issued.

(col_name1, col_name2);

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It is no longer possible to retrieve marked columns when clearing a table to make them operational
again. Only the DROP UNUSED COLUMNS directive is allowed to handle such columns. It destroys
all the columns of a table that are marked at erasure.

5.6.4 Drop constraints

We will focus here only on Oracle SQL and with a NOT NULL constraint example (the idea
is the same for Primary Key, a Foreign Key, an Index or a Unique constraint).

To see this with a NOT NULL we create first a table:

Then you will see that NOT NULL is only a constraint:

The if you know how to remove a constraint you know how to remove and NOT NULL. For
this you just type:

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5.6.5 Drop index

The DROP INDEX statement is used to delete an index in a table.

DROP INDEX Syntax for MS Access:

DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name

DROP INDEX Syntax for MS SQL Server:

DROP INDEX table_name.index_name

DROP INDEX Syntax for DB2/Oracle (you do not need to specify table name because index name
are unique across the whole server):

DROP INDEX index_name

DROP INDEX Syntax for MySQL:

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP INDEX index_name

5.6.6 Drop the content of a table

What if we only want to delete the data inside the table, and not the table itself?

Then, use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement:


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Very often we would like the value of the primary key field to be created automatically every time a
new record is inserted.

5.7.1 Syntax for MySQL

The following SQL statement defines the "ID" column to be an auto-increment primary key field in
the "Persons" table:


LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),

MySQL uses the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword to perform an auto-increment feature.

By default, the starting value for AUTO_INCREMENT is 1, and it will increment by 1 for each new

To let the AUTO_INCREMENT sequence start with another value, use the following SQL statement:


To insert a new record into the "Persons" table, we will NOT have to specify a value for the "ID"
column (a unique value will be added automatically):

INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName,LastName)

VALUES ('Lars','Monsen')

The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the "Persons" table. The "ID" column
would be assigned a unique value. The "FirstName" column would be set to "Lars" and the
"LastName" column would be set to "Monsen".

5.7.2 Syntax for SQL Server

The following SQL statement defines the "ID" column to be an auto-increment primary key field in
the "Persons" table:


LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)

The MS SQL Server uses the IDENTITY keyword to perform an auto-increment feature.

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In the example above, the starting value for IDENTITY is 1, and it will increment by 1 for each new

Tip: To specify that the "ID" column should start at value 10 and increment by 5, change it to

To insert a new record into the "Persons" table, we will NOT have to specify a value for the "ID"
column (a unique value will be added automatically):

INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName,LastName)

VALUES ('Lars','Monsen')

The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the "Persons" table. The "ID" column
would be assigned a unique value. The "FirstName" column would be set to "Lars" and the
"LastName" column would be set to "Monsen".

5.7.3 Syntax for Microsoft Access

The following SQL statement defines the "ID" column to be an auto-increment primary key field in
the "Persons" table:


LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)

The MS Access uses the AUTOINCREMENT keyword to perform an auto-increment feature.

By default, the starting value for AUTOINCREMENT is 1, and it will increment by 1 for each new

Tip: To specify that the "ID" column should start at value 10 and increment by 5, change the
autoincrement to AUTOINCREMENT(10,5).

To insert a new record into the "Persons" table, we will NOT have to specify a value for the "ID"
column (a unique value will be added automatically):

INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName,LastName)

VALUES ('Lars','Monsen')

The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the "Persons" table. The "P_Id" column
would be assigned a unique value. The "FirstName" column would be set to "Lars" and the
"LastName" column would be set to "Monsen".

5.7.4 Syntax for Oracle (with simple ID)

In Oracle the code is a little bit more tricky.

First we create this basic table:

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You will have to create an auto-increment field with the sequence object (this object generates a
number sequence).

Use the following CREATE SEQUENCE syntax:

The code above creates a sequence object called seq_person, that starts with 1 and will increment
by 1. It will also cache up to 10 values for performance. The cache option specifies how many
sequence values will be stored in memory for faster access.

To insert a new record into the "Persons" table, we will have to use the nextval function (this
function retrieves the next value from seq_person sequence) :

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The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the "Persons" table. The "ID" column
would be assigned the next number from the seq_person sequence. The "FirstName" column would
be set to "Vincent" and the "LastName" column would be set to "ISOZ".

5.7.5 Syntax for Oracle (with GUID)

Using a GUID instead of a simple id auto-increment has some pros and cons (see Database
Modeling Course). Then here we will focus on how to create such a thing in Oracle:

Then if you insert a new row:

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You will get:

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In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.

A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or
more real tables in the database.

You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOIN statements to a view and present the data as if the
data were coming from one single table.

If a view contains the primary key and all others NOT NULL columns, the view can be used to insert
datas or even override the original table constraints (by adding complementary constraints to the
view). Here we will focus only on basic read-only views because this is the most common case for
end-users (and we have only one week to study SQL...).

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The general syntax is:

CREATE VIEW view_name AS

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition

Note: A view always shows up-to-date data! The database engine recreates the data, using the
view's SQL statement, every time a user queries a view.

Also we begin with an example:

You can check that the view exists:

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And then you will see the view:

You can also query the view:

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If you change the structure of the table the view will not work anymore. Then you have to
compile it:

No, you can't ALTER VIEW to add or remove columns! The syntax is the following (we don't want
the cust_first_name column anymore):

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You can delete a view with the DROP VIEW command:

DROP VIEW view_name

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7 SQL Functions
SQL has many built-in functions (almost ~150 for Oracle) for performing calculations on data. We
will see here only 19 functions that have to be known by undergraduate students.

For more:



7.1.1 SQL CONVERSION function

The CAST() function converts a value (of any type) into a specified datatype.

For this let us consider the following demo table of Oracle Express:

With the following content:

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And now let us see a typical example of the CAST( ) function:

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Obviously we can also convert to INT (integer), to VARCHAR(…) (string) and so on… corresponding to all
standard column types in Oracle.

An important example is the following of CAST is also the ratio of two integers. Some Database will not return a
result for the ration of two integers. This is why by security we will always write something like:

Instead of:

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7.1.2 SQL AGGREGATE functions

To study the family of AGGREGATE functions we will use a mix of the W3 School website and
Oracle! Dual Table

But first let us introduce the DUAL table, that is a special one-column table present by default in all
Oracle database installations. It is suitable for use in testing simple functions.

For example:

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or for fun:

etc... OK now let's go with aggregation functions!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL GROUP BY function

The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result-
set by one or more columns.


SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)

FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name;

Always put the WHERE statement before the GROUP BY otherwise you may filter on a column that
doesn't exist anymore because of the grouping!

Below is a selection from the "Orders" table:

OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate ShipperID

10248 90 5 1996-07-04 3

10249 81 6 1996-07-05 1

10250 34 4 1996-07-08 2


And a selection from the "Shippers" table:

ShipperID ShipperName Phone

1 Speedy Express (503) 555-9831

2 United Package (503) 555-3199

3 Federal Shipping (503) 555-9931


And a selection from the "Employees" table:

EmployeeID LastName FirstName BirthDate Photo Notes

1 Davolio Nancy 1968-12-08 EmpID1.pic Education includes a BA....

2 Fuller Andrew 1952-02-19 EmpID2.pic Andrew received his BTS....

3 Leverling Janet 1963-08-30 EmpID3.pic Janet has a BS degree....


Now we want to find the number of orders sent by each shipper.

SELECT Shippers.ShipperName,COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM


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LEFT JOIN Shippers

ON Orders.ShipperID=Shippers.ShipperID
GROUP BY ShipperName;

The result will be:

ShipperName NumberOfOrders

Federal Shipping 68

Speedy Express 54

United Package 74

We can also use the GROUP BY statement on more than one column, like this:

SELECT Shippers.ShipperName, Employees.LastName,

COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders
FROM ((Orders
ON Orders.ShipperID=Shippers.ShipperID)
INNER JOIN Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID)
GROUP BY ShipperName,LastName

The result will be:

ShipperName LastName NumberOfOrders

Speedy Express Dodsworth 2

Federal Shipping Suyama 3

Speedy Express Buchanan 3

Speedy Express King 3

United Package Buchanan 3

Federal Shipping Dodsworth 4

Federal Shipping Fuller 4

United Package King 4

Federal Shipping Buchanan 5

Speedy Express Callahan 5

Federal Shipping King 7

Speedy Express Fuller 7

Speedy Express Leverling 7

Speedy Express Suyama 7

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Speedy Express Davolio 8


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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL GROUP BY with HAVING function

The HAVING clause was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used with
aggregate functions.


SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)

FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING aggregate_function(column_name) operator value;

Below is a selection from the "Orders" table:

OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID OrderDate ShipperID

10248 90 5 1996-07-04 3

10249 81 6 1996-07-05 1

10250 34 4 1996-07-08 2


And a selection from the "Employees" table:

EmployeeID LastName FirstName BirthDate Photo Notes

1 Davolio Nancy 1968-12-08 EmpID1.pic Education includes a BA....

2 Fuller Andrew 1952-02-19 EmpID2.pic Andrew received his BTS....

3 Leverling Janet 1963-08-30 EmpID3.pic Janet has a BS degree....


The following SQL statement finds if any of the employees has registered more than 10 orders:

SELECT Employees.LastName, COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM

INNER JOIN Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID)
HAVING COUNT(Orders.OrderID) > 10;

The result will be:

LastName NumberOfOrders

Buchanan 11

Callahan 27

Davolio 29

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Fuller 20

King 14

Leverling 31

Peacock 40

Suyama 18

Now we want to find if the employees "Davolio" or "Fuller" have more than 25 orders

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Mixing HAVING and WHERE

We can add an ordinary WHERE clause to the SQL statement.

Example using the same table as before:

SELECT Employees.LastName, COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM

INNER JOIN Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
WHERE LastName='Davolio' OR LastName='Fuller'
HAVING COUNT(Orders.OrderID) > 25;

But this is equivalent to:

SELECT Employees.LastName, COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM

INNER JOIN Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
HAVING COUNT(Orders.OrderID) > 25 AND (LastName='Davolio' OR

and don't forget the parenthesis after the AND logical operator otherwise the result won't be the

The result will be:

tName NumberOfOrders

Davolio 29

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL GROUP BY ROLLUP (crosstab queries)

Grouping and in particular gathering aggregates across groups often brings confusion to many
practitioners. This does not need to be the case if approached from a systematic fashion. This
article will approach gathering aggregates from a simple GROUP BY operation and then extend into
Oracle's more higher-level grouping operations. In particular the ROLLUP operation which allows us
to group and aggregate at different levels in a collection of similar rows.

To see how the GROUP BY ROLLUP works, we will focus once again on Oracle.

First, we make a basic simple query:

We complexify a little bit this query by adding a GROUP BY and ORDER BY statement and a sum( )
on the order total:

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And now comes the ROLLUP:

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As you can see this do the same as a GROUP BY but adds sub-totals rows and at the end at grand-
total! This is especially useful for invoices automation purposes.

And if you have the time you can mix all the stuff study we saw until now:

SELECT state,
round( sum( mens ), 2 ) "Mens",
round( sum( womens ), 0 ) "Womens",
round( sum( accessories ), 0 ) "Accessories"
FROM ( SELECT demo_customers.cust_state state,
WHEN demo_product_info.category = 'Mens'
demo_order_items.quantity *
WHEN demo_product_info.category = 'Womens'
demo_order_items.quantity *
WHEN demo_product_info.category = 'Accessories'

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demo_order_items.quantity *
FROM demo_order_items,
WHERE demo_order_items.product_id = demo_product_info.product_id
AND demo_order_items.order_id = demo_orders.order_id
AND demo_orders.customer_id = demo_customers.customer_id )

You will get:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL GROUP BY CUBE (crosstab queries)

The GROUP BY CUBE can be seen as an extension of the GROUP BY ROLLUP because it adds
complementary subtotal at the end of the returned table: SQL GROUPING statement

To make this result more usable in some special case, some users add grouping:

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in this way it's easier use the result as a subquery. SQL GROUPING_ID statement

Or as an easier alternative to GROUPING as seen above, you can use GROUPING_ID:

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7.1.3 SQL Null Management functions SQL NVL
In Oracle/PLSQL, the NVL( ) function lets you substitute a value when a null value is encountered.

The same syntax on SQL Server will be:

SELECT Customer_Id, Cust_Last_Name, ISNULL(Cust_Street_Address2,'Unknow')

FROM Demo_Customers;

Another interesting example is the following:

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to compare with:

nice trap... this is why triple check is important when you manage billion dollars!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL COALESCE Function

In Oracle/PLSQL, the COALESCE( ) function returns the first non-null expression in the list. If all
expressions evaluate to null, then the COALESCE function will return null.

this is especially useful to manage input error from the end-users.

In SQL Server the function is a little bit more interesting because you can choose what to return if all
argument are null:

SELECT Customer_Id, Cust_Last_Name,

COALESCE(Cust_Street_Address1,Cust_Street_Address2,'Unkown') AS Address
FROM Demo_Customers;

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7.1.4 SQL Elementary Maths functions

We will suppose here that the reader alread know the basic addition (+), substraction (-),
multiplication (*), division (/) and power syntax (POWER(number,exponent). SQL ROUND function

The ROUND() function is used to round a numeric field to the number of decimals specified.

SQL ROUND() Syntax:

SELECT ROUND(column_name,decimals) FROM table_name;

Here is a typical simple example: SQL LOG function

For a real example of LOG( ) application with SQL and in finance see page 272.

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7.1.5 SQL Elementary Statistical functions

Oracle is the most powerful RDMS for descriptive, inferential and hypothesis statistical tests. This is
why all examples in this chapter will be done only with Oracle.

The descriptive statistics functions can for sure be mixed with GROUP BY, WHERE, JOINS, ...
SQL statements and especially subqueries! SQL SUM Function

The SUM() function returns the total sum of a numeric column.

SQL SUM() Syntax:

SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name;

The following SQL statement finds the sum of all the Quantity fields for the Order Items table:

Or a little but more interesting:

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Or an interesting one to get the Total Number of Records in ALL TABLES of a schema (see page
273 for other metadata queries):

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Running Total

Running totals are very typical request from many accouters and business analysts. Let us see
how to do this using the SUM( ) function:

Nice to have! That was boring to write with previous versions!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Average Function

The AVG() function returns the average value of a numeric column.

The syntax is the following:

SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name

The following SQL statement gets the average value of the price column from the products table:

The following SQL statement selects the Product Name and Price records that have an above
average price:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL COUNT Function

The COUNT() function returns the average value of a numeric column.

The syntax is the following:

SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name

SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name;

The COUNT(*) function returns the number of records in a table:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;

The COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) function returns the number of distinct values of the
specified column:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name;

Note: COUNT(DISTINCT) works with ORACLE and Microsoft SQL Server, but not with Microsoft

The following SQL statement counts the number of orders from CustomerID 7 from the Orders

The following SQL statement counts the total number of orders in the Orders table:

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The following SQL statement counts the number of unique customers in the Orders table:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL MAX/MIN function

The MAX()/MIN() function returns the largest value of the selected column.

SQL MAX()/MIN() Syntax:

SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM table_name;

The following SQL statement gets the largest value of the Price column from the Products table:

Or with the corresponding informations:

and just replace MAX( ) by MIN( ) in the above queries to see how MIN( ) works.

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL MEDIAN Function

The MEDIAN( ) function returns the Median value of a numeric column.

The syntax is the following:

SELECT MEDIAN(column_name) FROM table_name

The following SQL statement gets the average value of the price column from the products table:

The following SQL statement selects the Product Name and Price records that have an above
median price:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Continuous Percentiles

PERCENTILE_CONT( ) is an inverse distribution function that assumes a continuous distribution
model. It takes a percentile value and a sort specification, and returns an interpolated value that
would fall into that percentile value with respect to the sort specification.

Here is a first example:

Or the same statistics by department:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Discrete Percentiles

PERCENTILE_DISC( ) is an inverse distribution function that assumes a discrete distribution model.
It takes a percentile value and a sort specification and returns an element from the set (there is
no interpolation!: then it takes the nearest value of the set).

It is interesting to take for example the previous one but now with the discrete percentile:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Ratio to Report

The RATIO_TO_REPORT( ) computes the ratio of a value to the sum of a set of values:

This is the same as a simple subquery likes w show in the next screenshot:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Mode (unimodal) Function

The STATS_MODE( ) function returns the Mode value of a numeric column.

The syntax is the following:

SELECT STATS_MODE(column_name) FROM table_name

The following SQL statement gets the average value of the price column from the products table:

The following SQL statement selects the Product Name and Price records that have an above modal

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL pooled Standard Deviation and Variance

A funny example of the use of standard deviation STDDEV( ) and variance VARIANCE( ) by
grouping sales based on ISO week numbering: Population Standard Deviation and Variance

Oracle also has the functions:


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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Sample Covariance

Returns the sample covariance of a set of number pairs. Oracle can't without PL/SQL return the
variance-covariance matrix.

Note: In statistics we know (see Statistics course) that de regression matrix is more interesting
but the variance-covariance matrix is still useful in financial modeling.

Then here to see an example we will first create a two columns table with the following script:

and here is the corresponding text (for copy/paste purpose during the training):

CREATE TABLE Covariance_Table (CreditLyonnais real, FranceTelecom real);

INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.017516,-0.328775);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.198426,-0.020374);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(0.122761,0.197863);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.034988,0.063419);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.000267,0.018141);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.002667,-0.172160);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(0.021390,-0.180791);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(0.142932,0.153366);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(0.072148,-0.232346);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.034822,-0.229599);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.039398,-0.545980);
INSERT INTO Covariance_Table VALUES(-0.082719,0.558855);

This gives us a part of the table used in Minitab, Tanagra, SPSS and R training:

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and now we run our query:

To compare with the value obtained with Minitab:

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Everything is fine!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Pearson Correlation

The Person correlation is for sure used a lot in Finance but also anywhere else where linear models
are studied.

The table we will use here is the same as the one for the Sample Covariance (see above). Then we
just run the following query:

and we compare with Minitab:

Everything is fine!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Moving Average

To see how works moving average with Oracle we will first create a table with the following script:

and here is the corresponding text (for copy/paste purpose during the training):

CREATE TABLE MovingAverage_Table (Period integer, Measure real);

INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(1,200);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(2,135);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(3,195);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(4,197);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(5,310);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(6,175);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(7,155);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(8,130);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(9,220);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(10,277);
INSERT INTO MovingAverage_Table VALUES(11,235);

This gives us the table used in Minitab, SPSS and R training:

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and now we run the following query:

and we compare with the 3 MA analysis in Minitab:

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excepted the chart, everything is fine :-)

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Linear Regression

The linear regression functions fit an ordinary-least-squares regression line to a set of number
pairs. You can use them as both aggregate and analytic functions.

To see how works regression functions with Oracle we will first create a table with the following

and here is the corresponding text (for copy/paste purpose during the training):

CREATE TABLE Regression_Table (Period integer, Measure real);

INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(3,4);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(6,9);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(7,12);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(8,15);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(9,17);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(10,16);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(11,17);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(12,18);
INSERT INTO Regression_Table VALUES(15,18);

This gives us the table used in Minitab, Tanagra, SPSS and R training:

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Then we run the following query:

and we compare with Minitab:

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for sure a statistical software gives more results but otherwise what we get back we Oracle seems

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Binomial test

STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST( ) is an exact probability test used for dichotomous variables, where only
two possible values exist. It tests the difference between a sample proportion and a given
proportion. The sample size in such tests is usually small.

To see how works regression functions with Oracle we will first create a table with the following

and here is the corresponding text (for copy/paste purpose during the training):

CREATE TABLE BinomialTest_Table (Gender varchar(1));

INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('M');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('M');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('F');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('M');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('F');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('F');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('F');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('M');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('F');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('M');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('F');
INSERT INTO BinomialTest_Table VALUES('F');

This gives us the table used in Minitab, SPSS and R training:

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Then we run first the following query:

This is correct. It gives the exact probability of having 5 Mens under the hypothesis that founding a
Man or a Women is equal (=50%). This is corresponding with our calculation made with Microsoft
Office Excel in the Statistical course:

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Now we run the following query:

This is correct. It gives the exact probability of having 5 Mens or less than under the hypothesis
that founding a Man or a Women is equal (=50%). This is corresponding with our calculation made
with Microsoft Office Excel in the Statistical course:

Now we run the following query:

and we see that the result does not correspond to our Statistical softwares for example like

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or even like IBM SPSS (.......):

What happened? It seems that Oracle makes the following mistakes or choice... as you can see
below on the Microsoft Excel screenshot:

As you can see it does not take the case where Mens=7... to follow

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Student T-test Student One Sample T-test
In the STATS_T_TEST_ONE( ) function the first argument is the sample and the second is the
constant mean against which the sample mean is compared. For this t-test only the second
argument is optional; the constant mean defaults to 0. This function obtains the value of t by
dividing the difference between the sample mean and the known mean by the standard error of the

To see an example, create first a table using the following script:

and here is the corresponding text (for copy/paste purpose during the training):

CREATE TABLE T_Student_Table (Measure real);

INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0809);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0873);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(14.9679);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0423);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.1029);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(14.9803);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.1299);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0414);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0351);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0559);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0793);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0753);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0483);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0515);

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INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0962);

INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0654);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(14.9759);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table VALUES(15.0507);
This gives us the table used in Minitab, Tanagra, SPSS and R training:

Now we run the one sample T-Test:

to compare with the result obtained with Minitab during the Statistics course:

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everyithing seems fine ;-) Student Two Samples T homoscedastic two-sided test

Before using these functions, it is advisable to determine whether the variances of the samples are
significantly different. If they are, then the data may come from distributions with different shapes,
and the difference of the means may not be very useful. You can perform an F-test to determine
the difference of the variances. If they are not significantly different, use STATS_T_TEST_INDEP( ).
If they are significantly different, use STATS_T_TEST_INDEPU( ).

In the STATS_T_TEST_INDEP( ) and STATS_T_TEST_INDEPU( ) functions the first argument is the

grouping column and the second is the sample of values.

The following example determines the significance of the difference between the average Pipeline1
and Pipeline2 flow where the distributions are assumed to have similar (pooled) variances:

To do such a test we need to create first a table with the following script:

and here is the corresponding full text (for copy/paste purpose during the training):

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CREATE TABLE T_Student_Table_2Samples (Pipeline integer, Measure integer);

INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,163);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,150);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,171);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,155);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,186);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,145);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,154);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,173);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,152);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,150);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,143);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,138);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,166);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,193);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,158);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,175);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,167);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,150);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(1,158);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,167);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,157);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,149);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,145);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,135);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,157);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,135);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,167);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,154);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,165);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,170);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,165);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,154);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,176);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,155);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,157);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,134);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,156);
INSERT INTO T_Student_Table_2Samples VALUES(2,147);

and then run the following query (the 1 in the third argument specifies which Pipeline is the
reference for the calculation!):

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to compare with the result obtained with Minitab during the Statistics course:

everything seems fine ;-)

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL CrossTab Chi-2 test

Typically, cross tabulation (or crosstabs for short) is a statistical process that summarizes
categorical data to create a contingency table. They provide a basic picture of the interrelation
between two variables and can help find interactions between them.

Because Crosstabs creates a row for each value in one variable and a column for each value in the
other, the procedure is not suitable for continuous variables that assume many values.

To see how works regression functions with Oracle we will first create a table with the following

and here is the corresponding full text (for copy/paste purpose during the training):

CREATE TABLE CrossTab_Table (PrjDelay varchar(1),PrjManager varchar(1));

INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('Y','N');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','Y');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','N');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','N');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','N');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','N');
INSERT INTO CrossTab_Table VALUES('N','N');

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corresponding the following crosstab table corresponding to what we used for the Minitab, Tanagra,
SPSS and R training:

Certified Project Non-Certified

Projects Total
Manager Project Manager
Delays respected 8 1 9
Delays non-respected 4 5 9
Total 12 6 18

And now we run the following query:

And this corresponds perfectly to Minitab output:

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7.1.6 SQL Logical test functions SQL CASE WHEN function Inside SELECT Statement
In Oracle and MySQL IF structured is reserved for PL-SQL. You have then to use the CASE WHEN or
DECODE statements (caution! The DECODE is considered as depreciated and should not be used
anymore, furthermore it is ORACLE specific).

The CASE ... WHEN statement can be used for multiple IF simplifications. Here an example with the
W3School database:

SELECT CustomerName, Country,

CASE Country
WHEN 'Germany' THEN '2 days shipping delay'
WHEN 'Mexico' THEN '20 days shipping delay'
ELSE '15 days shipping delay'
END AS ShippingDelay

That will result in:

CustomerName Country ShippingDelay

Alfreds Futterkiste Germany 2 days shipping delay

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Mexico 20 days shipping delay

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mexico 20 days shipping delay

Around the Horn UK 15 days shipping delay

Berglunds snabbköp Sweden 15 days shipping delay

Blauer See Delikatessen Germany 2 days shipping delay

Blondel père et fils France 15 days shipping delay

Bólido Comidas preparadas Spain 15 days shipping delay

Bon app' France 15 days shipping delay

Bottom-Dollar Marketse Canada 15 days shipping delay

B's Beverages UK 15 days shipping delay


Or consider the more complete example with Oracle mixing different tables and SQL statements
and functions:

With the following tables:

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SELECT state,
sum(mens) "Mens",
sum(womens) "Womens",
sum(accessories) "Accessories"
FROM (SELECT demo_customers.cust_state state,
WHEN demo_product_info.category = 'Mens'
demo_order_items.quantity *
WHEN demo_product_info.category = 'Womens'
demo_order_items.quantity *
WHEN demo_product_info.category = 'Accessories'
demo_order_items.quantity *
FROM demo_order_items,
WHERE demo_order_items.product_id = demo_product_info.product_id
AND demo_order_items.order_id = demo_orders.order_id
AND demo_orders.customer_id = demo_customers.customer_id )

This SQL query will result in:

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Case versus Decode:


• Complies ANSI SQL • Oracle Proprietary

• Can work with logical operators other • Works with only '=' / like operator
than '='
• Expressions are scalar values only
• Can work with predicated and
searchable queries • Data consistency is not needed

• Needs data consistency • NULL IS NULL returns TRUE

• NULL=NULL returns FALSE • Can be used in SQL Statemens

• Can be used in PL/SQL and SQL • Cannot be used in parameters while

statements calling a procedure

• Can be used in parameters while calling

a procedure

Here is an example that illustrated a typical difference:

And here is an example of CASE using the IN predicates ::

And other exemple that highlights the fact that one cares about consistency and the other not:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Inside WHERE Statement

An another very interesting application of WHEN CASE is to use it in an ORDER BY statement as
you can see below:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL DECODE function:

In Oracle/PLSQL, the DECODE function has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement or of a
CASE statement but without comparison operators as already mentioned!!!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL MERGE INTO USING... MATCHED::

The purpose of SQL MERGE INTO in association with WHEN is to avoid creating multiple queries to
update datas for example.

To study MERGE INTO we will use first de default EMP table available in Oracle:

and create also a Bonus table (now using a script instead of INSERT ALL for fun):

this will give:

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And now here is the MERGE INTO example:

The result will be:

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As you can see there a two more rows and the existing one have the bonus updated.

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7.1.7 SQL Text functions SQL UCASE/LCASE function
The UCASE()/LCASE() functions converts the value of a field to uppercase/lowercase.


SELECT UCASE(column_name) FROM table_name;

Syntax for SQL Server and ORACLE using UPPER()/LOWER():

SELECT UPPER(column_name) FROM table_name;

Example with Oracle:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL INITCAP function

In Oracle/PLSQL, the INITCAP( ) function sets the first character in each word to uppercase and
the rest to lowercase.

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Concatenate function

It is sometimes necessary to combine together (concatenate) the results of several different fields.
Each database has its own method of concatenation (...):


• Oracle: CONCAT( ) or ||

• SQL Server: +

In Oracle CONCAT takes only two arguments. Then if you need three you have at least two


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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL SUBSTRING (MID) function

The MID() function is used to extract characters from a text field.

SQL MID() Syntax in MySQL and MS Access:

SELECT MID(column_name,start[,length]) FROM table_name;

Oracle doesn't have some of the handy short-hand functions that Microsoft has embedded into it's
VB programming languages and into SQL Server but, of course, provides a similar way to return
the same result.

The key, is Oracle's SUBSTR( ) function!

In Microsoft's SQL Server, and in Visual Basic, you have the following:

MID(YourStringHere, StartFrom, NumCharsToGrab)

MID("birthday",1,5) = "birth"
MID("birthday",5,2) = "hd"

LEFT("birthday",5) = "birth"
LEFT("birthday",1) = "b"

RIGHT("birthday",3) = "day"
RIGHT("birthday",1) = "y"

Oracle's SUBSTR function works much the same as the MID function:

SUBSTR("birthday",1,2) = "bi"
SUBSTR("birthday",-2,2) = "ay" the -2 indicates started from the end of the word

Here is an example with Oracle:

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or a little bit more elaborated:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL LEN function

The LEN( ) function returns the length of the value in a text field.

SQL LEN( ) Syntax for mySQL and MS Access:

SELECT LEN(column_name) FROM table_name;

SQL LENGTH() Syntax for Oracle:

SELECT LENGTH(column_name) FROM table_name;

Here is a typical example used a lot on the web:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL format text function (TO_CHAR)

In Oracle/PLSQL, the TO_CHAR( ) function converts a number or date to a string.

The syntax for the TO_CHAR( ) function is:

TO_CHAR( value, [ format_mask ], [ nls_language ] )

Here is a typical first example:

and a second well know example (already seen before):

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and the same again with number formatting (that will cause in Microsoft Excel the numbers
to be in text format!!!!) to obtain thousand separators using American representation:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL REPLACE function

In Oracle/PLSQL, the REPLACE( ) function replaces a sequence of characters in a string with
another set of characters.

The syntax for the REPLACE( ) function is:

REPLACE( string1, string_to_replace, [ replacement_string ] )

If we take the previous example but in the main to obtain thousand seperator using European
representation, we get:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL TRIM function

The TRIM( ) function in mainly used for Internet because users type sometimes a lot of useless
blank spaces anywhere in the input. Then an easy way to clean all duplicates spaces is to use
TRIM( ).

A generic example must be enough to understand how it works:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL LPAD function

In Oracle/PLSQL, the LPAD( ) function pads the left-side of a string with a specific set of

Remember the chapter about CONNECT BY of page 71 with the following orghchart ;-)

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7.1.8 SQL Dates functions SQL Now function
The SYSDATE( ) function (also NOW() on some RDMS) is used a lot as default value when we
create columns. But it's also used a lot to calculate the number of days, month, years... between a
date in a table and... now (typically in project management applications).

Here is a typical example:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Now function based on timezone

Or another typical example used a lot on the web:

It may be interesting to see how to insert such a timestamp in a database! For this purpose, let us
first create a table:

And insert a new row:

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And indeed it works!

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Days between two dates

Here once again we will see a generic example of the function TO_DATE( ) :

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Hours between two dates

Here once again we will see a generic example:

and so on to get minutes, seconds, etc.

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Months between two dates

Here once again we will see a generic example of the function MONTHS_BETWEEN( ) :

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Years between two dates

Here once again we will see a generic example:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL add a day/hour/minute/second to a date value

A generic example must be enough:

Notice that to add months, there is a specific function ADD_MONTHS( ) .

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7.1.9 SQL Analytics Functions

The analytics functions of Oracle also include new statistical function of undergraduate,
graduate and postgraduate level. In this chapter we will only see the functions that are not
purely statistics. If the reader wants to see the related (undergraduate) statistical functions he
has to go back to the chapter Statistics on page 189. SQL WIDTH BUCKET

If you run the following query using the WIDTH_BUCKET( ) function:

we then have the following intervals (groups):

 
  
−, 0 , 0,1'000
, 1'000, 2'000
, 2 '000,3'000
, 3'000, 4 '000
, 4 '000,5'000
, 6'000, +  

 =0 =1 =2 =3 =5 =6 =7 

this give us for each employee the number of the group he belongs to:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL Row Number

The function ROW_NUMBER( ) gives a running serial number to a partition of records. It is very
useful in reporting, especially in places where different partitions have their own serial numbers.

Here is an easy example:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL OVER Partition

To understand clearly the OVER statement first consider the following simple query that returns
departments and their employees count:

and now run the following query doing also the same but without using the GROUP BY function:

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the difference should be easy to understand!

In absence of any PARTITION or <window_clause> inside the OVER( ) portion, the function acts
on entire record set returned by the where clause.

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where the value "8" comes from:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL RANK and DENSE RANK

RANK( ) and DENSE_RANK( ) both provide rank to the records based on some column value or
expression. In case of a tie of 2 records at position N, RANK( ) declares 2 positions N and skips
position N+1 and gives position N+2 to the next record. While DENSE_RANK( ) declares 2 positions
N but does not skip position N+1.

This is especially useful for Mann-Withney and Wilcoxon statistical rank tests!
(see graduate training)

Here is an easy example to understand:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL LEAD and LAG

LEAD( ) has the ability to compute an expression on the next rows (rows which are going to come
after the current row) and return the value to the current row. The syntax of LAG is similar except
that the offset for LAG( ) goes into the previous rows.

LEAD (<sql_expr>, <offset>, <default>) OVER (<analytic_clause>)


• <sql_expr> is the expression to compute from the leading row.

• <offset> is the index of the leading row relative to the current row (positive integer with
default 1)

• <default> is the value to return if the <offset> points to a row outside the partition range.

Here is an easy example to understand the idea:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL SQL First Value

The function FIRST_VALUE( ) returns the first value in an ordered set of values.

The following example selects, for each employee in all departments, the name of the employee
with the lowest salary:

or the opposite:

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The first value with preceding is really important to be able to calculate growth in percentage of a
numerical indicator. To see an example, first create the following table:

We will then get:

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Now we can run the following non-trivial query the get growth in percentage:

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and if we run the following non-trivial query using LN():

we get:

with the famous time consistent yield used a lot in finance (we just have to change the sign but
this is a detail)!

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7.1.10 SQL Sytems functions (metadatas queries) Tables size report
To obtain the list and size of all tables in MB and greater than 1 MB: List of columns

To obtain the list and size of all columns in a table:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Number of rows in all tables

We already saw this query earlier above:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL Generate SQL for scripting

If you wish to quickly generate queries to analyze your tables by copying/pasting the code in a
script you can use the following:

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8 SQL for RDL (Rights Manipulation


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8.1 Create/Delete User

To manage users with Oracle or Oracle Express, we use SQL Plus:

This will open:

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Now we put to create a user:

Pour supprimer un utiliser on utilisera DROP USER:

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8.2 Put a table in read/write

You can place a table in read-only mode with the ALTER TABLE...READ ONLY statement, and return
it to read/write mode with the ALTER TABLE...READ WRITE statement. An example of a table for
which read-only mode makes sense is a configuration table. If your application contains
configuration tables that are not modified after installation and that must not be modified by users,
your application installation scripts can place these tables in read-only mode.

The following example places the Demo_Users table in read-only mode:


The following example returns the table to read/write mode:


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8.3 Grant access to tables for external users

Suppose we have a database created with the following settings:

and also create the following user:

Once the user created logged into ISOZ workspace:

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and type in the log fields:

and run the following query:

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For the moment, if CODD tries to query our Demo_Customers table from ISOZ database he will

If we want to grant selection (SELECT statement) to Codd on our table Demo_Customers:

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And Codd will be able to query ISOZ tables using only SELECT statement:

Or if you want to grant all rights:

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You can then try and update SQL statement in Codd session as for example:

UPDATE isoz.Demo_Customers SET Cust_FIRST_NAME='Vincent' WHERE


And if we want to revoke this right:

Il y a bien une petite centaine d'accès qu'on peut donner à un utilisateur. Pour voir ces derniers
concernant Oracle, le lecteur peut se référer:


Un petit exemple est:


TO Codds;

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8.4 Change current user password

Very simple subject! A unique example will be enough:

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8.5 Resume of possible actions

You can grant users various privileges to tables. These privileges can be any combination of select,
insert, update, delete, references, alter, and index. Below is an explanation of what each privilege

Privilege Description
SELECT Ability to query the table with a select statement.
INSERT Ability to add new rows to the table with the insert statement.
UPDATE Ability to update rows in the table with the update statement.
DELETE Ability to delete rows from the table with the delete statement.
REFERENCES Ability to create a constraint that refers to the table.
ALTER Ability to change the table definition with the alter table statement.
INDEX Ability to create an index on the table with the create index statement.
EXECUTE Ability to compile the function/procedure.
Ability to execute the function/procedure directly

As you can see in the example below, it is possible to create some nice procedures!:

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We will study PL-SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) in the next
course... but we can still see the basics!

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9.1 Create and use procedure

A procedure is a routine that an SQL user can develop to facilitate redundant operations. To see
the idea a simple example could be enough.

9.1.1 Procedure for data insertion (only IN variables)

First, create the small simple table as below in Oracle:

Then create the following procedure that has for only base purpose to insert a unique row given
two input values:

When this PL-SQL code is run you will get in the Object Browser of Oracle in the category
Procedures the following:

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If you click on Save & Compile you can then check if there is an error or not before using the

Now it's time to use the procedure:

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and when you run it the new line is well inserted:

and after you just play with your imagination to create what you want for procedures using all SQL
statements and functions that we have study until now.

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9.1.2 Procedure for data update (with IN/OUT

Run the following query whose purpose is to update the salary of some given employees (who
belong to a given department) and then returns the total cost for the company:

Then you go in the procedures view to compile the procedure as before:

Now it's time to use the procedure:

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9.1.3 Procedure to check if something exists

One of my students asked me once if it is possible to check if something exists or not before acting
on it? For sure! Here is a simple example with a table deletion script:

then execute the procedure:

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as you can see, everything works fine!

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9.2 Create and use functions

A function only makes calculation and return the value. Here is a simple example:

9.2.1 Function for data update (with IN/OUT

Here is a simple example that needs no explanation to be understood:

Then you get:

and if you want to use it:

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That's it! Your first SQL function!

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9.3 Manage Transactions

9.3.1 ACID Properties of database transaction
There are four important properties of database transactions these are represented by
acronym ACID and also called ACID properties or database transaction where:

• A stands for Atomicity, Atom is considered to be smallest particle which cannot be

broken into further pieces.database transaction has to be atomic means either all steps of
transaction completes or none of them.

• C stands for Consistency, transaction must leave database in consistent state even if it
succeeds or rollback.

• I is for Isolation, Two database transactions happening at same time should not affect
each other and has consistent view of database. This is achieved by using isolation levels in

• D stands for Durability, Data has to be persisted successfully in database once

transaction completed successfully and it has to be saved from power outage or other
threats. This is achieved by saving data related to transaction in more than one places
along with database. When to use database transaction with COMMIT and

Whenever any operation falls under ACID criteria you should use transactions. Many real-world
scenarios require transaction mostly in banking, finance and trading domain.

Transaction control statements (TCL) manage changes made by DML statements.

What is a Transaction?

A transaction is a set of SQL statements which Oracle treats as a Single Unit. i.e. all the statements
should execute successfully or none of the statements should execute.

To control transactions Oracle does not made permanent any DML statements unless you commit
it. If you don’t commit the transaction and power goes off or system crashes then the transaction
is roll backed.

TCL Statements available in Oracle are

• COMMIT:Make changes done in transaction permanent.

• ROLLBACK:Rollbacks the state of database to the last commit point.

• SAVEPOINT:Use to specify a point in transaction to which later you can rollback.

We will see here an example of such an application. Simple COMMIT Example

We want to delete all logs of a given customer and even the customer itself. To do this, we go first
in SQL Script to be able to run multiple queries at the same time (what SQL Commands does
not permit):

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We then give a name to the script in the field Script Name and we write our script (it's a little bit
false because it's simplified for pedagogical reasons!!):

and then we click on Run:

and then on Run Now:

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It works for sure but in reality, a lot of troubles can occur! During the deletion for example:

• The database can crash or be shut down for maintenance

• Some user could change some sensible data

• or any other know and imaginable error...

Here is an example where we want to be sure to delete everything related to customer 3:

in SQL Server the T-SQL syntax is similar:

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To make the changes done in a transaction permanent use the COMMIT statement.

As you can see below, if there is for example an error in the script, the beginning will be committed
(row 2) but the rest won't be executed:

This is very dangerous! That's why we will see the RoolBack. Simple ROLLBACK Example

To roll back the changes done in a transaction give rollback statement. Rollback restore the state of
the database to the last commit point.

We take the same script a before but we change it a little bit:

Now if we run it we can see in the log:

but because of the ROLLBACK, everything that is related to the customer 5 is still here in reality:

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Vincent ISOZ Structured Query Language/SQL LOCK et UNLOCK

MySQL enables client sessions to acquire table locks explicitly for the purpose of cooperating with
other sessions for access to tables, or to prevent other sessions from modifying tables during
periods when a session requires exclusive access to them. A session can acquire or release locks
only for itself. One session cannot acquire locks for another session or release locks held by
another session.

Locks may be used to emulate transactions or to get more speed when updating tables. This is
explained in more detail later in this section.

LOCK TABLES explicitly acquire table locks for the current client session!

For the example, remember that at page 277 we have created two sessions:

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From the ISOZ session, we lock on table immediately:

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lock_mode Explanation
Allows concurrent access to the table, but users are prevented
from locking the entire table for exclusive access.

Allows concurrent access to the table, but users are prevented

from locking the entire table with exclusive access and locking
the table in share mode.

Allows concurrent access to the table, but users are prevented

from locking the entire table for exclusive access.

Allows concurrent queries but users are prevented from

updating the locked table.

SHARE ROW Users can view records in table, but are prevented from
EXCLUSIVE updating the table or from locking the table in SHARE mode.

EXCLUSIVE Allows queries on the locked table, but no other activities.

Table 1 Types of lock modes

We go to the CODD session afterwards and run first a simple query:

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But let's see if we can update a row for exemple:

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If we unlock the table in the ISOZ session a bit:

Then Codd can run the update:

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And if we want to completely unlock the table:

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type of errors in Oracle:

Exception Raised when ...

ACCESS_INTO_NULL Your program attempts to assign values to the attributes of an
uninitialized (atomically null) object.
CASE_NOT_FOUND None of the choices in the WHEN clauses of a CASE statement is
selected, and there is no ELSE clause.
COLLECTION_IS_NULL Your program attempts to apply collection methods other than
EXISTS to an uninitialized (atomically null) nested table or varray,
or the program attempts to assign values to the elements of an
uninitialized nested table or varray.
CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN Your program attempts to open an already open cursor. A cursor
must be closed before it can be reopened. A cursor FOR loop
automatically opens the cursor to which it refers. So, your program
cannot open that cursor inside the loop.
DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX Your program attempts to store duplicate values in a database
column that is constrained by a unique index.
INVALID_CURSOR Your program attempts an illegal cursor operation such as closing an
unopened cursor.
INVALID_NUMBER In a SQL statement, the conversion of a character string into a
number fails because the string does not represent a valid number.
(In procedural statements, VALUE_ERROR is raised.) This exception
is also raised when the LIMIT-clause expression in a
bulk FETCH statement does not evaluate to a positive number.
LOGIN_DENIED Your program attempts to log on to Oracle with an invalid username
and/or password.
NO_DATA_FOUND A SELECT INTO statement returns no rows, or your program
references a deleted element in a nested table or an uninitialized
element in an index-by table. SQL aggregate functions such as AVG
and SUM always return a value or a null. So, a SELECT INTO
statement that calls an aggregate function never raises
NO_DATA_FOUND. The FETCH statement is expected to return no
rows eventually, so when that happens, no exception is raised.
NOT_LOGGED_ON Your program issues a database call without being connected to

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Exception Raised when ...

PROGRAM_ERROR PL/SQL has an internal problem.
ROWTYPE_MISMATCH The host cursor variable and PL/SQL cursor variable involved in an
assignment have incompatible return types. For example, when an
open host cursor variable is passed to a stored subprogram, the
return types of the actual and formal parameters must be
SELF_IS_NULL Your program attempts to call a MEMBER method on a null instance.
That is, the built-in parameter SELF (which is always the first
parameter passed to a MEMBER method) is null.
STORAGE_ERROR PL/SQL runs out of memory or memory has been corrupted.
SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT Your program references a nested table or varray element using an
index number larger than the number of elements in the collection.
SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT Your program references a nested table or varray element using an
index number (-1 for example) that is outside the legal range.
SYS_INVALID_ROWID The conversion of a character string into a universal rowid fails
because the character string does not represent a valid rowid.
TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE A time-out occurs while Oracle is waiting for a resource.
TOO_MANY_ROWS A SELECT INTO statement returns more than one row.
VALUE_ERROR An arithmetic, conversion, truncation, or size-constraint error
occurs. For example, when your program selects a column value into
a character variable, if the value is longer than the declared length
of the variable, PL/SQL aborts the assignment and raises
VALUE_ERROR. In procedural statements, VALUE_ERROR is raised if
the conversion of a character string into a number fails. (In SQL
statements, INVALID_NUMBER is raised.)
ZERO_DIVIDE Your program attempts to divide a number by zero.
Tableau 12 Oracle typical errors

in SQL Server the T-SQL syntax is almost very different:

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9.4 Triggers
Like a stored procedure, a trigger is a named PL/SQL unit that is stored in the database and can be
invoked repeatedly. Unlike a stored procedure, you can enable and disable a trigger, but you
cannot explicitly invoke it. While a trigger is enabled, the database automatically invokes it—that
is, the trigger fires—whenever its triggering event occurs. While a trigger is disabled, it does not

You create a trigger with the CREATE TRIGGER statement. You specify the triggering event in
terms of triggering statements and the item on which they act. The trigger is said to be created on
or defined on the item, which is either a table, a view, a schema, or the database. You also specify
the timing point, which determines whether the trigger fires before or after the triggering
statement runs and whether it fires for each row that the triggering statement affects.

To see an easy example first create the following table:

Then run the following code to create the trigger:

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Then fire the trigger with for example the following code:

You will then have:

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get it! ;-)

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10 SQL Tutorial for Injection (hacking)

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10.1 SQL Injection Based on ""="" is Always True

Here is a common construction, used to verify user login to a web site:

User Name:


Imagine that the Server Code is:

uName = getRequestString("UserName");
uPass = getRequestString("UserPass");

sql = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name ='" + uName + "' AND Pass ='" + uPass
+ "'"

A smart hacker might get access to user names and passwords in a database by simply inserting "
or ""=" into the user name or password text box.

The code at the server will create a valid SQL statement like this:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name ="" or ""="" AND Pass ="" or ""=""

The result SQL is valid. It will return all rows from the table Users, since WHERE ""="" is always

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11 SQL for Data Science

We will focus here on all STATS_XXXX functions of Oracle and only on these one. We have
already introduced some of them earlier on page 189. We will repeat them here but also go
more in deep in this subject and with ORACLE Live SQL!

Let's start:

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11.1 Modal Value

That's all what this function can do… hence…: No comments!

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11.2 Spearman correlation coefficient

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11.3 Kendall correlation coefficient of


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11.4 Binomial Probability

The name of this function STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST is really misleading! It's absolutely not
a binomial test but just the cumulate probability function…

The function description is the following:

If we take the same data as in the theoretical training:

we get:

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We can fall back on almost all results using the R statistical software (excepted that last one
that I was not able to found how Oracle calculates it…):

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As you can see, this has nothing to do with a real binomial test:

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11.5 Fisher Variance Test

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11.6 Chi-square adequation test with Yate's

correction and Cramèrs' V

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11.7 Chi-square adequation test with Cohens


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In fact, whatever the table used or the data, Oracle returns always 0 for Cohen's kappa. This
mean that there is almost surely an issue or a bug with this parameter.

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11.8 Two Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov

Adequation Test

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11.9 Mann-Withney (Wilcoxon Rank) Test

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11.10 One-Way ANOVA

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11.11 Student-T test

11.11.1 One sample T-test

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11.11.2 Two sample paired T-test

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11.11.3 Two sample homoscedastic T-test

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11.11.4 Two sample heteroscedastic T-test (Welch


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11.12 Wilcoxon signed rank test

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On peut obtenir la valeur de Z proche de celle que renvoie Oracle avec la commande suivante:

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12 List of Figures
Figure 1 Northwind Database "star schema" ........................................................................... 22

Figure 2Illustrated Common SQL Joins................................................................................... 61

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13 List of Tables
Tableau 1Common Databases Technologies ........................................................................... 13

Tableau 2 SQL Standard Evolution ......................................................................................... 14

Tableau 3 Logical Operators .................................................................................................... 39

Tableau 4 Common SQL Wildcards ........................................................................................ 56

Tableau 5 General SQL Data Types ...................................................................................... 112

Tableau 6 Oracle 11g String Data Types ............................................................................... 112

Tableau 7 Oracle 11g Numbers Data Types .......................................................................... 113

Tableau 8 Oracle 11g Dates Data Types ................................................................................ 114

Tableau 9 Oracle 11g Large Objects Data Types................................................................... 114

Tableau 10 Oracle 11g Row ID Data Types .......................................................................... 114

Tableau 11 Microsoft Access Data Types.............................................................................. 115

Tableau 12 Oracle typical errors ............................................................................................ 308

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14 Index
ACID properties ....................................297 CREATE DATABASE ........................ 105
ADD ......................................................147 CREATE FUNCTION.......................... 295
ADD_MONTHS( ) ................................259 CREATE INDEX ................................. 141
Aliases .....................................................29 CREATE PROCEDURE ...................... 289
ALL .........................................................93 CREATE SEQUENCE ....................... 158
ALL_USERS .........................................282 CREATE TABLE ................................. 110
ALTER CHECK ............................................. 120
ADD ..................................................147 Data Types ........................................ 110
ALTER INDEX.................................151 DEFAULT ........................................ 120
MODIFY ...........................................150 FOREIGN KEY ................................ 120
READ ONLY ....................................151 NOT NULL ...................................... 120
RENAME COLUMN ........................150 PRIMARY KEY ............................... 120
RENAME CONSTRAINT ................151 UNIQUE ........................................... 120
RENAME TO ....................................146 CREATE TRIGGER ............................ 309
ALTER INDEX.....................................151 CREATE VIEW ................................... 162
ALTER TABLE ....................................146 CROSS JOIN .......................................... 78
ALTER VIEW.......................................165 crosstab queries............................. 178, 182
AND ........................................................46 CURRENT ROW ................................. 212
ANY ........................................................96 data query language ......................... 9
Auto-increment column.........................158 Data Science ......................................... 314
AVG( )...................................................192 Data Types ............................................ 110
AVG_ROW_LEN .................................273 DATABASE( ) ....................................... 25
BEGIN...END .......................................290 DECODE ...................................... 233, 235
BETWEEN ..............................................59 DEFAULT .................................... 120, 137
Binomial probability .............................320 DELETE ......................................... 52, 133
Binomial test .........................................217 DELETE CASCADE............................ 133
BOTTOM ................................................53 DENSE_RANK( ) ................................ 267
Cartesian Product ....................................60 DISABLE single or multiple PRIMARY
CASE WHEN ......................................229 KEY Constraint ................................ 128
CAST().................................................167 DISTINCT .............................................. 38
CHECK .................................................120 DISTINCTROW ..................................... 38
CHECK Constraint ................................134 DROP
single or multiple CHECK Constraint DROP CONSTRAINT ..................... 154
.......................................................134 DROP DATABASE ......................... 153
Chi-2 crosstab test .................................226 DROP INDEX .................................. 155
Chi-square adequation test ....................324 DROP CHECK Constraint ................... 135
COALESCE( ).......................................187 DROP constraints ................................. 124
Cohens Kappa .......................................327 DROP FOREIGN KEY Constraint ...... 132
COLLATION ..........................................31 DROP single or multiple PRIMARY KEY
COLUMN_NAME ................................273 Constraint.......................................... 128
Comments................................................23 DROP UNUSED ................................ 153
COMMIT ..............................................297 DROP USER ........................................ 278
CONCAT( ) ...........................................241 DROP VIEW ........................................ 166
CONNECT BY .......................................74 DUAL ................................................... 170
CORR( ) ................................................210 EXCEPTION ................................ 293, 307
COUNT( ) .............................................194 EXIST ..................................................... 90
COVAR_SAMP( ) ................................208

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FIRST_VALUE( ) .................................269 STATS_CROSSTAB ( ) ................... 226

Fisher Variance Test..............................323 STATS_MODE( ) ............................. 204
FOREIGN KEY ....................................120 STATS_T_TEST_INDEP( ) ............. 223
FOREIGN KEY Constraint ...............130 STATS_T_TEST_INDEPU( ) .......... 223
single FOREIGN KEY Constraint ....130 STATS_T_TEST_ONE( ) ................ 221
Functions STDDEV( ) ....................................... 206
ADD_MONTHS ( ) ...........................259 STDEV_POP( ) ................................ 206
AVG( )...............................................192 SUBSTR( )........................................ 243
CASE WHEN ..................................229 SUM( ) ...................................... 178, 189
CAST( ) .............................................167 sys_guid( ) ........................................ 159
COALESCE( )...................................187 SYSDATE( )..................................... 252
CONCAT( ) .......................................241 TO_CHAR( ) .................................... 246
CORR( ) ............................................210 TO_CHAR( ) .................................... 206
COUNT( ) .........................................194 TO_DATE( ) ..................................... 255
COVAR_SAMP( ) ............................208 TRIM ( )............................................ 250
DECODE ..................................233, 235 UCASE( ).......................................... 239
DENSE_RANK( ) .............................267 VAR_POP( ) ..................................... 206
FIRST_VALUE( ) .............................269 VARIANCE ( ) ................................. 206
INITCAP( ) .......................................240 WHEN IN ......................................... 233
LAG( ) ...............................................268 WIDTH_BUCKET( ) ....................... 260
LCASE( )...........................................239 GRANT................................................. 283
LEN( ) ...............................................245 GROUP BY .......................................... 172
LN( ) ..................................................272 HAVING........................................... 175
Logical functions ...............................229 GROUP BY CUBE............................... 182
LPAD( ) .............................................251 GROUP BY ROLLUP .......................... 178
MATCHED .......................................236 GROUPING.......................................... 182
MAX( )/MIN( ) .................................196 GROUPING_ID ................................... 183
MEDIAN( ) .......................................197 HAVING............................................... 175
MERGE INTO..................................236 IDENTIFIED BY.................................. 286
MID( ) ...............................................243 IF...ELSE...END IF .............................. 293
MONTHS_BETWEEN( ) .................257 IN .................................................... 58, 233
nextval ...............................................158 INDEX
NVL( ) ...............................................185 DROP ................................................ 144
Order_TimeStamp .............................206 Rebuild.............................................. 143
OVER( ) ............................................264 INITCAP( ) ........................................... 240
OVER( ) ............................................211 injection ................................................ 312
PERCENTILE_ DISC( ) ...................201 INNER JOIN .......................................... 61
PERCENTILE_CONT( ) ..................199 INSERT INTO ........................................ 48
RANK( ) ............................................267 Copy to another table .......................... 49
RATIO_TO_REPORT( ) ..................202 INSERT SELECT INTO ...................... 103
REG_INTERCEPT( ) ........................215 interactive parameters ............................. 39
REGR_AVGX( ) ...............................215 INTERSECT ........................................... 83
REGR_AVGY( ) ...............................215 IS NOT NULL ........................................ 42
REGR_COUNT( ) .............................215 IS NULL ................................................. 42
REGR_R2( ) ......................................215 JOIN........................................................ 61
REGR_SLOPE( ) ..............................215 CROSS JOIN ...................................... 78
REPLACE( ) .....................................249 INNER JOIN ...................................... 61
ROUND( ) .........................................188 OUTER JOIN ............................... 65, 68
ROW_NUMBER( ) ...........................262 RIGHT JOIN ...................................... 66
STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST( ) .........217 SELF JOIN ......................................... 71

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Kendall correlation coefficient ..............318 Pearson correlation ............................... 210

Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test .329 PERCENTILE_CONT( ) ...................... 199
LAG( ) ...................................................268 PERCENTILE_DISC( )........................ 201
LCASE( )...............................................239 PL-SQL ................................................. 288
LEAD( ).................................................268 PL-SQL functions ................................. 295
LEN( ) ...................................................245 PRECEDING ........................................ 212
LIKE ........................................................56 PRIMARY KEY ................................... 120
Linear regression ...................................214 multiple PRIMARY KEY Constraint127
LN( ) ......................................................272 PRIMARY KEY Constraint ............. 126
LOCK ....................................................301 single PRIMARY KEY Constraint ... 126
Logical functions ...................................229 random .................................................... 34
CASE WHEN ..................................229 dbms_random.value ............................ 34
DECODE ...................................233, 235 RANK( ) ............................................... 267
MATCHED .......................................236 RATIO_TO_REPORT( ) ...................... 202
MERGE INTO ..................................236 READ ONLY ............................... 151, 280
WHEN IN ..........................................233 READ WRITE ...................................... 280
LOOP ....................................................287 REG_INTERCEPT( ) ........................... 215
LPAD( ) .................................................251 REGR_AVGX( ) .................................. 215
Mann-Withney test ................................331 REGR_AVGY( ) .................................. 215
MATCHED ...........................................236 REGR_COUNT( ) ................................ 215
MAX( )/MIN( ) .....................................196 REGR_R2( ) ......................................... 215
MEDIAN( ) ...........................................197 REGR_SLOPE( ) .................................. 215
MERGE INTO ......................................236 RENAME COLUMN ........................... 150
MID( ) ...................................................243 RENAME CONSTRAINT ................... 151
MINUS ....................................................84 RENAME TO ....................................... 146
Modal value ...........................................315 REPLACE( ) ......................................... 249
MODIFY ...............................................150 REVOKE .............................................. 285
MONTHS_BETWEEN( ) .....................257 RIGHT JOIN .......................................... 66
Moving Average ....................................211 Rights Manipulation Language............. 276
Nested Queries ........................................87 ROLLBACK ......................................... 300
NOT BETWEEN.....................................59 ROUND( ) ............................................ 188
NOT EXISTS ..........................................91 ROW_NUMBER( ) .............................. 262
NOT NULL ...........................................120 ROWS BETWEEN ............................... 212
NOT NULL constraint ..........................121 SELECT .................................................. 25
NUM_ROWS ........................................273 SELECT INTO ..................................... 101
NVL( ) ...................................................185 SELF JOIN ............................................. 71
One sample T-test..................................335 SOME ..................................................... 99
One-Way ANOVA ................................333 Spearmann correlation coefficient ........ 316
Operator sql injection........................................... 312
IN .........................................................58 Statistics ................................................ 314
Operators CORR_K........................................... 318
AND ....................................................46 CORR_S ........................................... 316
OR .......................................................46 STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST............. 320
OR ...........................................................46 STATS_CROSSTAB ....................... 324
ORDER BY .............................................47 STATS_F_TEST .............................. 323
OUTER JOIN ....................................65, 68 STATS_KS_TEST ........................... 329
Outer Query .............................................87 STATS_MODE ................................ 315
OVER( ) ........................................211, 264 STATS_MW_TEST ......................... 331
OWNER ................................................273 STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA ........ 333
PARTITION BY ...................................215 STATS_T_TEST_INDEP ................ 339

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STATS_T_TEST_INDEPU ..............341 TOP ......................................................... 53

STATS_T_TEST_ONE ....................335 Transactions .......................................... 297
STATS_T_TEST_PAIRED ..............337 triggers .................................................. 309
STATS_WSR_TEST ........................343 TRIM( )................................................. 250
STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST( ) .............217 Two sample heteroscedastic T-test ....... 341
STATS_CROSSTAB( ) ........................226 Two sample homoscedastic T-test ........ 339
STATS_MODE( ) .................................204 Two sample paired T-test ..................... 337
STATS_T_TEST_INDEP( ) .................223 UCASE( ).............................................. 239
STATS_T_TEST_INDEPU( ) ..............223 UNION ................................................... 35
STATS_T_TEST_ONE( ) .....................221 UNIQUE ............................................... 120
STDDEV( ) ...........................................206 UNIQUE constraint .............................. 123
STDEV_POP( ) .....................................206 UNLOCK .............................................. 301
Structured Query Language ...........9 UNUSED .............................................. 153
Student one sample T-test .....................221 UPDATE................................................. 51
Student two sample homoscedastic two- USE ......................................................... 28
sided T-test ........................................223 USERNAME ........................................ 282
Student-T test ........................................335 VAR_POP( ) ......................................... 206
Subqueries ...............................................87 VARIANCE( ) ...................................... 206
Column subqueries ..............................88 Version.................................................... 24
Correlated subqueries ..........................90 VIEW .................................................... 162
Row subqueries ...................................89 ALTER VIEW .................................. 165
Scalar subqueries .................................88 CREATE VIEW ............................... 162
SUBSTR( ) ............................................243 DROP VIEW .................................... 166
SUM( ) .........................................178, 189 Welch test ............................................. 341
sys_guid( ) .............................................159 WHERE .................................................. 39
SYSDATE( ) .........................................252 COLLATION ............................... 39, 41
TABLE_NAME ....................................273 WIDTH_BUCKET( ) ........................... 260
TO_CHAR( ) .................................206, 246 Wilcoxon signed rank test .................... 343
TO_DATE( ) .........................................255 Wildcards ................................................ 56

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