Haake Family Cookbook

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First Home on Montgall in Kansas City

The Haake Family Cookbook

Copyright 2013 - Family Cookbook Project and recipe contributors All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Published by Family Cookbook Project, LLC PO Box 262 W Simsbury CT 06092

Family Cookbook Project - Helping families collect cherished recipes forever. Visit us on the Web at www.familycookbookproject.com

Mom and Dad's Engagement Picture

Home on 52nd Street in Kansas City

Family History Our parents, Don Haake and Mary Jane Denman, met in the early 1940s in Kansas City, Missouri. This was during World War II when most young men were serving overseas in the military. Our dad was called to duty in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, but was rejected by the army due to stomach ulcers. This left him as one of the few eligible bachelors in Kansas City. Our dad, always full of bravado, used to claim he could date any girl in Kansas City. Our parents were a study of contrasts in most respects. Our mother was a reserved young woman who graduated from St. Mary College with a major in art. Our dad, brash and outgoing, was forced to drop out of high school at 16 due to his father's death. Both our grandfathers died when our parents were 16 - Joe Haake of double pneumonia, and Joel Denman of a fractured skull due to a fall on the ice. Ironically, Grandpa Joe was a butcher and Grandpa Joel was a surgeon. After college Mom worked as an artist at Hallmark making one dollar an hour. Mom stayed at Hallmark for a year, then worked as a secretary to make a better salary. Dad worked for Prier Brass, a company started by his Uncle Herman Hodes and three brothers George, Henry, and John. The company sold plumbing supplies and is still in existence. Today, the Hodes Company is headed by Herman Joseph Hodes II, the third generation of family and fiftieth grandchild of the original founder. Kansas City during the 30s and 40s was a cultural center for music jazz, blues, and big band. Due to the colorful and influential Pendergast political machine, prohibition wasnt enforced in Kansas City, drawing musicians from everywhere in the 20s and 30s. Our parents danced to the big band sound at the Muelbach Hotel in downtown Kansas City. Their song

was, That Old Black Magic by Glenn Miller and his orchestra, released in 1942. When Dad asked Mom to marry him, she didnt answer immediately, but took time to think it over. Were not sure how long Mom kept Dad waiting for her answer. Our parents were married at 9:00 a.m. on May 1, 1943 in St. Peters Catholic Church. Breakfast was immediately after the ceremony at the Belleview Hotel. An afternoon reception was held later on in the day. Mom and Dad took the train to Chicago for their honeymoon and stayed at the Palmer House. When they returned to Kansas City, they lived with Nonny, our maternal grandmother. When they could afford it, our parents moved into an apartment. Donald Jr. (aka Skip) was born on January 25, 1944. When our parents landlord noticed that Mom was pregnant again later that year, she slipped an eviction notice under their door. Judy was born on May 1, 1945, Jeanne on February 27, 1947, and Jane on August 17, 1948. In the meantime, Mom and Dad had moved to a bungalow at 6426 Montgall. The house had a side porch with a white picket railing and mature trees. By Annes birth on September 23, 1951, it was time to move again, this time to 15 East 52nd Street. The house was large enough to accommodate a growing family, with a huge front porch that wrapped around the side of the house. The new home was around the corner from Visitation Catholic Church with the elementary school within walking distance. During this time, Betty was born on March 13, 1953, and George on December 30, 1954. Grandmother Haake, most of Dads brothers, and Nonny

lived close by in Kansas City. Weekends were often spent with cousins, aunts, and uncles. Nonny was a tremendous help to Mom, coming over every Tuesday to babysit and let Mom use her car for errands. The Hodes Company made the decision to expand by opening warehouses in several cities. Dad was offered the Indianapolis position. Dad always wanted to be his own boss, so this was the perfect opportunity. The move was a difficult one for the family, having to leave Nonny, Grandma Haake, and all our friends and relatives. In November of 1957, Dad, Nonny, Skip, Judy, Jeanne, Jane, Anne, and Betty piled in the station wagon and headed for Indianapolis. Mom, who was 7 months pregnant with Martha, took the plane with George who was three at the time. George refused to get on the plane and screamed so loud that the pilot had to carry him onboard. The car trip was memorable with every kid (except Skip and Jeanne) throwing up at least once. Nonny became so efficient in getting rid of the mess that Dad barely had to slow down the car as Nonny tossed it from a pan out the window. Our Indianapolis home was at 3959 Carrollton Avenue, about 7 blocks from St. Joan of Arc church and school. The neighborhood was full of kids the Cliffords, McCauleys, OLaughlins, Hennesseys, McCrocklins, Rennicks, and Beaches. It was a great place to grow up. Skip started freshman year at the Latin School while the rest of the school-aged kids went to Joan of Arc. Indianapolis was different from Kansas City, a lot more conservative. But Dad loved it, becoming its loudest cheerleader, especially when the Colts came to town in the 80s. He and Mom were enthusiastic fans and would attend some of the games even though they had to sit in the nosebleed section.

The family continued to grow with Martha, born on December 30, 1957, and Mary on February 17, 1962. Herman Hodes eventually decided to close the Indianapolis warehouse. Dad bought a plumbing supply company from Les Lambourne, partnering with Jack Quatman, a cop who lived on the next block of Carrollton Avenue. The company moved to 25th and Central. By the end of the 60s, Judy and Jeanne were married, the first grandchild was born, and Skip was ordained a priest. Dad eventually had to close his business. The Barry Company hired Dad to work in accounting. Mom and Dad put the Carrollton Avenue house up for sale in the early 70s and moved to 5410 North Pennsylvania. In the 70s, Skip, Jane, Anne, and Betty were married, and more grandchildren were born. The family gathered often for holidays and summer picnics. Mom went back to work as a secretary at school 96. There, she formed friendships, many of which lasted the rest of her life. Nonny had to give up her apartment in Kansas City and move to a nursing home close to Mom in Indianapolis. In the 80s, Martha married and moved to Chicago, Betty moved to Texas, and Anne to Oklahoma. Skip had already moved from the Chicago area to New Jersey. Dad was cutting back his hours at work and thinking about retirement. He and Mom enjoyed their new-found freedom with all the kids on their own. They loved taking short trips, especially if it involved betting on the horses! In 1988, Dad suffered a stroke while at work. In the months that followed, he recovered enough to go back to work three days a week. In the beginning of January of 1989, Nonny died at the age of 94. Nonny was a wonderful grandmother, kind, loving, and generous.

On April 6, 1989, Mom and some of the sisters were having lunch at Betty's in-laws. We received a call from Mary that one of Mom and Dads neighbors had seen Dad collapsed on the front porch. An ambulance had been called and Dad was taken to the hospital. Mom and Judy rushed to the hospital to find that Dad had succumbed to a massive heart attack. The funeral was the following Monday with Dads five brothers in attendance. Arnie, Dads twin, was especially distraught at losing his brother. Even though its been many years, we still miss our hard-working, fun-loving Dad. The 90s brought more changes to the family. Mary got married, Betty moved back to Indiana, Skip moved to Vermont, Mom sold the Pennsylvania Avenue house to move to an apartment, and the first great-grandchild was born. In 1992, grandchild Ellen Beuoy (daughter of John and Jeanne) developed a juvenile form of ovarian cancer. The family was a great source of comfort and support during her year and a half of treatment. Ellen passed away in November of 1993. She is loved and missed by everyone. In 2000, the entire family gathered to celebrate Moms 80th birthday. The weekend included dinner at Bravos Restaurant, brunch at Jeannes, and a family day at Judys. In the 2000s, Betty moved to Arizona, Martha moved to Tennessee, and more great-grandchildren were born. John Curran (Judys husband) developed multiple myeloma due to his exposure to Agent Orange during his service in Vietnam. His death was a severe blow to the family who will always miss his easy and off-beat sense of humor. In 2010, the family gathered for Moms 90th birthday party. Mom was not her usual self after the celebration, so we made an appointment to see her doctor. A CAT scan showed that Mom had suffered a small stroke. We were hoping for a full recovery, but Mom continued to have problems with memory

and confusion. In 2011, Mom moved to an assisted living facility. The transition was not quite as easy as we hoped, but Mom was adjusting. In early January, 2012, while Mom was walking to Georges car for their weekly grocery run, Mom tripped and hit her head on the sidewalk. At the hospital, we were told Mom had broken her hip. During surgery, Mom had another stroke. The family decided to move Mom to hospice care. The whole family spent many hours in the hospice with Mom. She recognized all of us with big smiles. On the morning of January 15, we lost our wonderful mother. The funeral was at St. Luke Catholic Church with family friend, Father Jeff Godecker officiating. Cousins Peggy, Kathy, and Patty (Arnies daughters) drove from Kansas City to attend the service. Mom was laid to rest next to our Dad. With love and respect for our parent and the sacrifices they made to raise us and provide a happy home for their children and grandchildren.

Contributors Ameera Haake Anne Huntzinger Beth Kanter Betty Smith Betty Smith/Rosemary Haake Dad Diane Smith Diane Smith and Cameron Ragan Emily Boch Emily Teegarden George Haake Jane Peters Jeanne Beuoy Jennifer LaMarca Jill Amonette Jody Bailey Judy Curran Katie Hyatt Lisa Curran Martha Teegarden Mary McPherson Mike and Niccole Beuoy Mom Nonny Paul Haake Rosemary Haake

Table of Contents

Appetizers . .& . .Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Bread and . Muffins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Soups, Stews, . . . . Salads . . . . . . and . . . .Sauces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Main Courses: . . . . .Beef, . . . . .Pork . . . . and . . . Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Main Courses: . . . . . .Seafood, ........ Poultry, . . . . . . Pasta . . . . . and .... Casseroles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Vegetables . . . and .... Vegetarian . . . . . . . . .Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Desserts, . .Pies, . . . .Cakes . . . . . and . . . .Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Index of.Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Appetizers & Beverages

Home on Carrollton Avenue in Indianapolis

Appetizers & Beverages

Betty and Diane

Grape Jelly Meatballs Crockpot

1largebagoffrozenmeatballs 1largejarofgrapejelly 1jarofchilisauce

Betty Smith

Place all in crockpot and cook at least 4 hours

Alfredo meatballs
2jarsAlfredosauce 1bagoffrozenmeatballs

Katie Hyatt

Place all ingredients in crockpot. Cook low for about 4-5 hours or high 2-3 hours.

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Appetizers & Beverages

Sausage Mushrooms
2packagesmushrooms 1poundporksausage(hotorregular) 2cansgoldenmushroomsoup

Anne Huntzinger

Clean mushrooms and pop out stems. Stuff cap of mushroom with raw sausage. Place in pan and cover with soup. Bake at 325 for 1 and 1/2 hours.

Jesse, Jill, and Nathan

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Appetizers & Beverages

Cheese Ball
1packageBuddingBeef(chopped) 28oz.packagescreamcheese(softened) 2tbsp.Accentseasoning 2tbsp.Worchestshiresauce Greenonions

Jill Amonette

Blend all ingredients together. Shape into a ball.

Fruit dip

Katie Hyatt

Fruit Coolwhip(canusefatfree) 1/2smallboxanyflavorpuddingmixWelikethewhitechocolateflavor

Thaw cool whip, add 1/2 dry pudding mixture, stir together to blend. Use as a dip with any fruit.

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Appetizers & Beverages

Nonny skateboarding in the backyard of our Carrolton Avenue home

Nonny's Brandy Alexander Frappe

1/2cupcremedecocoa 1/2cupbrandy 1qt.vanillaicecream(softened)

Judy Curran

Combine and beat with mixer Personal Notes: I sure remember Nonny serving these - they were so yummy!!!!

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Appetizers & Beverages

Avocado and Goat Cheese Dip

3avocadoschunked saltandpepper garlicclove 1tlimejuice 4ozcreamcheese 4ozgoatcheese

Judy Curran

blend all ingredients with a mixer Serve with pita chips or similar cracker

Pineapple Cheese Spread

8oz.creamcheese 1/2c.crushedpineapple,drainedwell 1/4c.celery 1/4c.greenonion 1/4c.choppedpecans 1/2tsalt

Anne Huntzinger

Mix all ingredients together. Chill 1 hour. Great served with Ritz crackers.

Mary, Gage, and Darryl

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Appetizers & Beverages

Buffalo Chicken Dip

18ozblockofPhiladelphiaCreamCheesesoftened 1/4cupranchdressing 1/4cup(minimum)Frank'sBuffaloSauce(addmoretotaste) 1largeand1smallcanofchicken

Mary McPherson

Mix all and microwave for 3 minutes stirring at 1 1/2. Serve with round bite sized Tostitos. Personal Notes: Easy and delicious!

Simple lemon soda

Juicefrom1/2smalllemon 2tsp.sugar,ortotaste Ice 12oz.coldseltzer

Paul Haake

This is a not-too-sweet, refreshing alternative to canned soda. Juice half of the lemon into a large cup and remove seeds. Add sugar and mix until dissolved. Add ice, seltzer, and stir several times.

Shrimp Dip
18oz.creamcheeseroomtemperature 1cupchoppedshrimpibuycocktailshrimp 1/4cmayo 2Tcatsup 1Tlemonjuice 1smalloniondiced dashofsalt dashofworcestershiresauce

Anne Huntzinger

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Appetizers & Beverages

mix all ingredients and chill for at least 2 hours. serve with wheat thins

Cream Cheese Spread

8ozcreamcheesesoftened Driedcranberries Pecans 2tbspOJ 3packetofSpenda

Martha Teegarden

Bake pecans for 5 minutes in 350 degrees oven. While pecans are baking, chop dried cranberries. Chop pecans. Add all ingredients together. Serve with Ginger crackers (found them at Walgreens).


1packagedryHiddenValleyRanchDip 2largecanschicken 1cupHellman'smayo 18ozPhillycreamcheese

Mary McPherson

Drain chicken and put in a mixing bowl. Use mixer to shred. Add all other ingredients, blend with mixer and chill. Serve with crackers. Personal Notes: From a friend at work. Always a pitch-in favorite.

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Appetizers & Beverages

Laurie's Dip
8oz.creamcheese(softened) 3boulioncubesdesolved(Iputinsomewaterandnuke) 1/3cupmayo 1tbeaumonde(Iusuallydonotputthisinasitishardtofind)

Judy Curran

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy This is very good with veggies. We like it as a dip for steak fondue. Personal Notes: This is manadory for us when we have Fondue.

Berry and Banana Smoothie

1frozenslicedbanana 1/2cupfreshorangejuice 1cuphulledstrawberries 1cupblackberries 13/4cupsfatfreeplainGreekyogurt 1T.honey

Rosemary Haake

Place all ingredients in a blender; process until smooth. Personal Notes: A great and delicious way to get your fruit on-therun in the morning or for an afternoon break.

Cucumber Sandwiches
1cucumber 18ozcreamcheese 1Tmayo 1Tsourcream Partyrye Dill

Mary McPherson

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Appetizers & Beverages

Mix cream cheese, mayo, sour cream and chill. Spread on bread. Top with sliced cucumber and sprinkle with dill. Personal Notes: Better when chilled. If making a lot, use wax paper to layer on cookie sheet.

Anne and Emily

2(8oz.)creamcheese 11/2c.mayo 2(4oz.)pkgs.cornedbeef 8oz.shreddedswisscheese 8oz.sourcream 2Hawaiianbreadbowlloaf

Emily Boch

Mix together cream cheese, mayo, and sour cream. Stir in diced corned beef and swiss cheese. Cut top off Hawaiian bread. Pull out bread. Save all pieces of bread to use for dipping. Put mixture in center of bread. Put on tray and bake at 350. Pull apart second loaf of bread and use for dipping as well. ENJOY!

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Appetizers & Beverages

Andy, Gracie, Katie, and JP

Bean and corn salad

115.5ozcanblackbeans,rinsedanddrained 1canofcorn,drained Grapetomatoes,choppedasmanyasyoulike 1/4cupredonion,chopped 3tbspextravirginoliveoil 1or2tbspapplecidervinegardependingontaste 1envelopeofranch

Katie Hyatt

Combine beans, corn, tomato, onion. Mix olive oil, 1 package of dry ranch, and apple cider vinegar. Add mixture to the beans and corn, stir to coat. Marinate in the refrigerator 30 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips or wheat thins when used as a salsa. Can also be a side item or salad when eaten without chips.

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Appetizers & Beverages

JP, Annie, and Gracie

Ritzy Salmon Pate

115and1/2cansalmon,drained 8oz.creamcheese 1/2smallonion,gratedorminced 1Tlemonjuice 1heapingteaspoonhorseradish 1/2cmincedpecans 2Tmincedparsley

Anne Huntzinger

Bring cream cheese to room temperature and mash. mash salmon. combine salmon, cream cheese, onion, lemon juice and horseradish. place on a sheet of plastic wrap and form into a roll. refrigerate overnight. before serving roll log in pecans and parsley. serve with crackers or thin slices of bread.

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Appetizers & Beverages

Bloody Marys
1V8SpicyTomatoJuice(largecan) Lee&PerrinWorcestershireSauce Tobasco CelerySalt VodkaorRum Garnishment Celery Olives Lime

Martha Teegarden

In large pitcher, add V-8 juice, 10-15 drops of Tobasco, 20 second flow of Worcestershire Sauce, stir. Pour into individual glasses with Vodka or Rum. Add celery salt on top, garnish with celery, olives and squeezed lime.

Mom with Peyton Manning (before the restraining order)

Super Bowl dip

1pkgofJimmyDeanSausage 1canofRotel(drained) 1pkgof8ouncesofcreamcheese FritosorPartyRye's

Betty Smith

Brown sausage and drain. In a crockpot put in cooked sausage, Rotel and cream cheese, put on high until melted and hot, then low
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Appetizers & Beverages

to keep it hot. For a big party I usually get 3 of everything, for one of the sausage I get 1 one hot sausage to spice it up some. Serve with Fritos or Party Rye's Personal Notes: This recipe was given to me by my sister-in-law Sandy. This is a real crowd pleasure, don't plan to have any extra!!

Queso in the Crockpot

1poundGroundBeef 1packageTacoSeasoning 1poundHotBreakfastSausage 2poundsVelveeta 2cansRotel(dicedtomatoeswithgreenchiles)

Emily Teegarden

Brown the beef in a large frying pan. Drain the fat and return to the pan. Mix in the taco seasoning as instructed on package. Once done, add to crock pot. Brown the hot sausage in the same pan. Once cooked through, drain the fat and add it to the crock pot with the beef. Cut up Velveeta into cubes. Add the cheese and tomatoes to the crock pot. Stir until well combined. Cook on low until all melty and gooey, about 30 minutes to an hour. Serve with chips, veggies, or on top of hot dogs.

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Appetizers & Beverages

Warm Cranberry Walnut Brie

One8oz.roundBriecheese 3T.driedcranberries 1tsp.choppedfreshthyme 1T.choppedwalnuts,toasted Wholegraincrackers

Rosemary Haake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Using a serrated knife, remove topmost rind from cheese; discard rind. Place cheese, cut side up, in a small ovenproof baking dish; sprinkle with cranberries and thyme. Top evenly with nuts. Bake for 15 minutes or until cheese is soft and warm. Serve with crackers. Personal Notes: Be sure to buy dried cranberries and not Craisins which are sweetened. Delicious fall appetizer!

Parmesan Rounds with Lox

4oz.(1cup)shreddedfreshParmesancheese 1/4teaspooncoarselygroundblackpepper 3oz.lox(coldsmokedsalmon) 2tablespoonssourcream Freshdillsprigs

Jeanne Beuoy

Heat oven to 400F. For each round, spoon 2 teaspoons cheese onto ungreased cookie sheet; pat into 2-inch round. Place rounds 2 inches apart. Sprinkle each with pepper. Bake at 400F. for 6 to 8 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. (Do not overbake.) Immediately remove from cookie sheet; place on wire racks. Cool 5 minutes or until completely cooled. To serve, top each round with lox, about 1/4 teaspoon crme frache and dill sprig. Serve immediately, or cover and refrigerate until serving time.

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Appetizers & Beverages

Cob Salad Dip

Betty Smith

1package(s)(8ounce)PHILADELPHIACreamCheese,softened 1/4cup(s)KRAFTROKABlueCheeseDressing 1cup(s)finelychoppediceberglettuce 1/2cup(s)choppedOSCARMAYERCARVINGBOARDOvenRoasted TurkeyBreast 2hardcookedeggs,finelychopped 2smallplumtomatoes,finelychopped 1avocado,pittedanddiced 1/4cup(s)ATHENOScrumbledBlueCheese 4slice(s)OSCARMAYERBacon,crisplycookedandcrumbled WHEATTHINSBigSnacks

1.Mix cream cheese and dressing until well blended; spread onto serving plate or bottom of pie plate. Refrigerate 1 hour. 2.Top with layers of all remaining ingredients. 3.Serve with WHEAT THINS.

Jeanne, Mary, Judy, Mom, and Jane on Mothers' Day

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Appetizers & Beverages

Cream Cheese Wrapped Dill Pickles

8kosherdillpickles,whole 8ouncescreamcheese,softened 4ouncessourcream(oryoucanuseallcreamcheese) 3ouncesmeat(delislicedrareroastbeef,notultrathinlysliced)

Jeanne Beuoy

Using paper towels, gently pat the pickles and the meat slices dry. Combine the cream cheese and sour cream (if using) together in a small bowl. On a cutting board, lay out 1 slice of deli meat and gently spread with cheese mixture. Lay one pickle along the edge of the meat and roll up tightly. Repeat with remaining meat, cheese & pickles, then cover and refrigerate overnight. Before serving, slice pickles into 1/2-3/4 inch rounds with a sharp knife. Personal Notes: Addictive!

Alex, Martha, Sam, and Emily at Sam's graduation

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Appetizers & Beverages

7 Layer Frito Dip

FritoLayBeandip 2Guacamole's(ripe) GuacamoleMix(foundintheproducesection) SourCream Salsa BlackOlives ShreddedCheddarCheese GreenOnions FritoLayScoopChips

Martha Teegarden

In serving dish, layer the following in order: Frito lay bean dip, guacamole mix( mix the 2 avocado's with the guacamole mix, follow directions on package), sour cream, salsa, chopped black olives, shredded cheese and green onions. Chill and serve with Frito lay scoop chips. Personal Notes: This recipe is a must have for celebrations with our family...everyone enjoys it!

Vince and Jenny

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Appetizers & Beverages

Tex Mex Dip

3mediumavocados 2Tlemonjuice 1/2tsp.salt 1/4tsp.pepper 8oz.sourcream 1/2c.mayonnaise 1packagetacoseasoningmix 2(10.5oz.)cansofrefriedbeans 1bunchgreenonions 3mediumtomatos(2c.chopped) 7oz.canpittedblackolivesdrained&chopped 812oz.gratedcheddardcheese 2packagesoftortillaschips

Jennifer LaMarca

Mash avocados. Add lemon juice. Combine mayonnaise, sour cream and taco seasoning. Spread beads on large serving dish. Top with salt and pepper, then avocado, then mayonnaise/sour cream/ seasoning mix, then onions, tomatoes, olives and finally the cheese. Serve with tortilla chips. Personal Notes: Enjoy!

Matt and Emily

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Appetizers & Beverages

BBQ Chicken Nachos

2poundsCornTortillaChips 11/2poundscooked,shreddedChicken 1pintBBQsauce 1quartNachoCheese/QuesoSauce,recipebelow NachoCheese/QuesoSauce: 1poundpasteurizedcheese(Velveeta) 4ouncesshreddedCheddarcheese 8ouncesshreddedMontereyJackcheese 1(14ounce)cantomatoeswithgreenchilies(Rotel) 1tomato,diced 1/2jalapenopepper,finelydiced 1/2redonion,finelydiced 1/2teaspoongroundblackpepper 2greenonions,chopped(fortopping)

Emily Teegarden

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan, over medium heat. Stir until melted. For Nachos: Arrange tortilla chips on a large serving platter, or on individual plates. Cover with the shredded chicken. Top with BBQ sauce, then smother with the Nacho Cheese/Queso sauce. Enjoy!

Pizza Bites with Quinoa

1cupuncookedquinoa 2largeeggs 1cupchoppedonion 1cupshreddedmozzarellacheese 2teaspoonsmincedgarlic 1/2cupfreshbasil,chopped(or2tablespoonsdried) 1/2cupcherrytomatoes,diced 1/2teaspoonsalt 1teaspoonpaprika 1teaspoondriedoregano Pizzasaucefordipping

Emily Teegarden

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Appetizers & Beverages

Place the quinoa and two cups of water in a covered pot. Bring to boil and then simmer for 20 minutes or until quinoa is tender. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together all ingredients, except pizza sauce, in a medium mixing bowl. Distribute mixture into a greased mini muffin tin, filling each cup to the top (one heaping tablespoon each), and press down gently to compact. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from the pan. Serve warm with sauce for dipping.

Nonny's Hors d'oeuvres

Betty Smith

1jarofgreenolivesslicedwithpimentos 2cupsofSHARPcheddarcheeseshredded(Iusethecheesethatisalready shreddedjustmakesureitisSharp) 1canof8ouncesofHunt'stomatosauce 4choppedgreenonions 1/4cupofoliveoil partyrye

Mix all ingredients except the party rye. Refrigerate at least 2 hours ( I have made it the night before and it turns out fine) On a large cookie tray place party rye and then spread a good amount of the mixture. There are two ways you can cook it 1. Under the broiler for 3 to 4 minutes (just keep checking til the cheese starts to bubble)
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2. Or you could bake them for 5 to 7 minutes if you would like the party rye to be a little toasted, again keep checking until the cheese starts to bubble. Enjoy!! Personal Notes: What can I say, Nonny was a wonderful Grandmother, she brought us love, laughter and lots of fun to all our lives.

Champagne Four Ways

KirRoyale: Twooz.framboise Onebottlecrmedecassis(blackcurrentliqueur) Champagne ChampagneLimoncelloCocktail: 1lemonrindstrip 1T.Limoncello 1/2tsp.freshlemonjuice ChilledChampagne ChampagneCocktail: 1oz.Cognac 1/2oz.GrandMarnier 6oz.Champagne,chilled 3raspberries PeachBellini: 1partfreshpeachpuree(orpurchasedpeachnectar) 2partsProsecco(Italiansparklingwine)

Rosemary Haake

Kir Royale: Combine framboise and crme de cassis. (Keep on hand as a mixer). Add one tsp. to Champagne glass; top with Champagne. Champagne Limoncello Cocktail: Place lemon rind strip in Champagne glass; add Limoncello and fresh lemon juice. Top off with chilled Champagne. One serving.
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Appetizers & Beverages

Champagne Cocktail: Combine Cognac and Grand Marnier in Champagne glass. Add 6 oz. chilled Champagne; garnish with raspberries. One serving. Peach Bellini: Add fresh peach puree to champagne glass; fill glass with Prosecco. One serving. Personal Notes: The Peach Bellini has an interesting history: It was created by Giuseppe Cipriani, founder of Harry's Bar in Venice. The color reminded him of a pink used by a 15th century artist, Giovanni Bellini. Harry's Bar was a popular watering hole for such notables as Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis and Orson Welles. A New York City counterpart followed. I had my first Peach Bellini at Harry's Bar in Venice the summer of 1970 during my first eye-bulging trip to Europe, while travelling with a bus-tour group. I'll never forget it. I was forever hooked on the Bellini--and Venice!

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Bread and Muffins

Home on Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis

Bread and Muffins

Trevor and Judy

Judy's Rolls

Judy Curran

Heat oven according to package directions. Place rolls from one package on cookie sheet and put in oven. When smoke starts emitting from the oven, remove burnt rolls. Place second package of rolls in the oven and try it again. Repeat as needed.

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Bread and Muffins

Banana Bread
1cofsugar 1/2cshortening 1/2cofchoppedpecans 2tspwarmwater 2csiftedflour 2eggsbeaten 2cmashedbananas 1tspsoda,dissolvedin1tspvanilla 2tsp.salt

Betty Smith

Mix in order given and bake 1 hour at 350

Peppered Bacon Twists

1/4cuppackedbrownsugar 1tsp.crackedblackpepper 1can(11oz.)refrigeratedbreadsticks 1pkg.(2.1oz.)fullycookedthickcutbacon

Jill Amonette

Heat oven to 375. Mix sugar and pepper in shallow dish; set aside. Unroll dough; separate into 12 strips. Top each strip with bacon slice; dip in sugar mixture, turning to evenly coat both sides. Twist strips slightly; place on greased baking sheet. Bake 11 to 13 min. or until lightly browned.

Texas Toast
1loaffreshbakeryunslicedItalianbread Butterforspreading FreshlygratedParmesancheese Italiangratedcheeseblend(mayneedtwopkgs.ifsmall) RoastedGarlicandHerbseasoning(GrillMates) orpaprikaandpepper(Jeanne'saddition)

Rosemary Haake

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Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Slice bread in 1-inch slices. Butter each slice on top only. Pack Parmesan cheese liberally on top of each slice, pressing it into the butter. Add Italian cheese blend liberally to each slice, pressing it into the Parmesan. Sprinkle with garlic and herb seasoning or paprika and pepper. Place bread slices on a cookie sheet. Bake for about ten minutes, until nicely browned on top. Personal Notes: This is great with just about anything--meats, pastas, casseroles or soups

Easy Blueberry Coconut Pineapple Coffeecake

1/3cupsoftenedmargarine 1/3cupbrownsugar 1/2cupcoconut 1boxDuncanHines(oranybrand)blueberrymuffinmix 1smallcan(81/2oz.)crushedpineapple,welldrained

Rosemary Haake

Pre-heat oven to 400. Mix softened margarine, brown sugar and coconut together and set aside. Prepare muffin mix as package directs. Fold in drained, crushed pineapple. Pour into greased 8" x 8" baking dish. Spoon coconut mixture over batter. Smooth out a bit. It will spread out as it bakes. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Personal Notes: This is a very easy, quick coffeecake to whip up. And it's very moist and delicious. (Pineapple is the secret ingredient.) The first time I made it (actually several of them) was for a mother's brunch when Paul was in first grade. Kids and moms loved it.

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Bread and Muffins

Praline Pull-Apart Bread

1cgranulatedsugar 4tcinnamon 1(2pound)frozenRhodesWhitedinnerrolls 1/2cbutter,melted 1cchoppedpecans 3/4cwhippingcream 3/4cpackedbrownsugar

Anne Huntzinger

Stir together granulated sugar and 3 t cinnamon. Coat each roll in butter; dredge rolls in sugar mixture. Arrange in a lightly greased 10-inch tube pan. Sprinkle with pecans. cover and chill 8 to 18 hours. Preheat oven to 325. Beat whipping cream at high speed until soft peaks form; stir in brown sugar and remaining 1 t cinnamon. Pour mixture over dough. Place pan on an aluminum foil-lined baking sheet. Bake at 325 for 1 hour or until golden brown. Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes; invert onto a serving plate and drizzle with any remaining glaze in pan Personal Notes: This is a must for Christmas morning - love the fact that most of the prep work is done the day before so Christmas morning just pop in oven! My family loves this!

Six-week Bran Muffins

One12ozboxRaisinBran 2tsp.salt 3c.sugar 5c.allpurposeflour 5tsp.bakingsoda 4eggyolks,lightlybeaten 1c.Canolaoil 1qt.buttermilk

Rosemary Haake

Combine the Raisin Bran, salt, sugar, flour, and baking soda in a

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large bowl. In another large bowl combine the beaten egg yolks, oil, and buttermilk. Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients. Cover tightly with foil and refrigerate. This dough will keep in refrigerator for up to six weeks. Just scoop out enough to fill muffin tins 2/3 full whenever you like and bake about 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Personal Notes: Connie prepared these muffins for breakfast when I was visiting her so many years ago (30 maybe longer). They are so delicious that I had to get the recipe. I've seen a smaller-quantity recipe in magazine ads since then. Make this one. It will never last six weeks. The muffins are delicious for breakfast, lunch or dinner or as a snack anytime. They'll go fast!

Casserole Dill Bread

2to21/4c.flour 2T.sugar 1T.instantmincedonion 2tsp.dillseed 1tsp.salt 1/4tsp.bakingsoda 1pkg.activedryyeast 1T.margarinesoftened 1/4c.veryhottapwater 1c.creamedcottagecheese(atroomtemperature) 1egg(atroomtemperature)

Rosemary Haake

Mix 1/4 cup flour, sugar, instant minced onion, dill seed, salt, baking soda and yeast. Add softened margarine. Gradually add water; beat two minutes at medium speed of electric mixer. Add cottage cheese, egg and 1 1/2 cup flour or enough flour to make a thick batter. Beat at high speed two minutes. Stir in enough additional flour to make a soft dough. Cover; let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about one hour and 15 minutes. Stir batter down. Turn into a greased 1 1/2 quart casserole. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubled, about 50 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees about 30 minutes. Remove from casserole and cool on

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wire rack. Personal Notes: This is a delicious bread to serve with a summer picnic- style meal of barbecued meats, potato salad and baked beans. It's very easy to prepare; you just have to allow for the double rising time.

Lisa and Steve

Banana Bread
DRYINGREDIENTS: 13/4C.Flour 11/2C.Sugar 1tsp.BakingSoda 1/2tsp.Salt WETINGREDIENTS: 2RipeBananas(mashed) 2Eggs 1/2C.VegetableOil 1/4C.+1Tblsp.Buttermilk 1tsp.Vanilla

Lisa Curran

1. Preheat oven to 325 2. Grease & flour pan 3. Combine all dry ingredients
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4. Mix all wet ingredients in a mixer (i.e. Kitchen Aid mixer) 5. Slowly add dry ingredients to the wet mixture, mixing the ingredients thoroughly each time you add in the dry ingredients 6. Bake 1 hour & 20 minutes or until golden 7. Remove from oven and cover with foil until cooled Personal Notes: This is a recipe I got from my roommates in college (1996), when I was a Sophomore, age 19. It's one of Steve & my favorite recipes. You can add walnuts and/or chocolate chips, but we like it w/o all the extra stuff. I also make a few batches when I bake them as they are great to share with friends and co-workers. Trust me...they'll go FAST!!! ...So make plenty!!!

Grandma's Skillet Fried Bread

2cupssiftedallpurposeflour 4tsp.bakingpowder 1/2tsp.salt 1/2tsp.creamoftartar 2tsp.sugar 1/2cupshortening 2/3cupmilk 4to6T.butterforskillet

Rosemary Haake

Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, cream of tartar, and sugar. Cut in shortening with two knives or pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Make a well in center and pour milk in all at once. Stir only until dough follows fork around bowl. Turn out on lightly floured surface; knead gently 1/2 minute. Pat or roll dough 3/4 inch thick. Rolling pin should be dusted with flour. Cut dough into rectangle or square generous serving-size pieces. Set temperature of electric skillet at 300 degrees and melt 3 T. butter. When butter starts to sizzle place biscuits in skillet. They can be fairly close together. Put lid on skillet. Skillet-bake biscuits about 8 minutes on each side, adding butter as necessary. The skillet should never be dry. Each side should be a dark golden brown. If they don't bake long enough they will be doughy inside. Serve hot with warm apple butter.
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Personal Notes: I have warm memories of Grandma's fried bread with warm apple butter for breakfast. I made this many times when the Beuoy family was visiting Vermont. And if you're lucky enough to have any leftover, simply wrap in foil and warm in oven. It's still good the next day. Delicious!

Refrigerator Rolls
1c.boilingwater 3/4c.shortening(Crisco) 3/4c.sugar 11/2tsp.salt 2eggs,lightlybeaten 2cakesyeast(ordryequivalent) 1c.coldwater 6c.unsiftedflour(moreifneeded)

Rosemary Haake

Pour boiling water over shortening, sugar and salt. Blend until shortening is dissolved. Cool. Add eggs and stir. Add cake yeast to cold water and let sit for five minutes, then stir and add to mixture. If using dry yeast, add warm water to yeast according to package directions. Add flour a cup at a time and blend well. Cover bowl with a clean cloth and place in refrigerator for at least four hours, preferably overnight. Dough will double in bulk and will keep in refrigerator for a week or 10 days. When ready to use, take out amount needed, roll out on lightly dusted board and cut out, or simply form into balls with flour-dusted hands. I make large ones by this method. King-size rolls are delicious. Place in muffin tins, or side by side in round cake pans (required for large rolls), cover with clean cloth and let rise in warm place until double in size. Preheat oven to 375 degrees if using muffin tins and 350 degrees for round cake pans. Bake 12 to 15 minutes for muffin tins and until brown on top for round cake pans. Baking time depends on size of rolls. Personal Notes: My dear friend, Connie, gave me this recipe at least 30 years ago. These rolls are delicious served with specialoccasion dinners or any night of the week.
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Skip and Rosemary

Callie's Charleston Cheese Biscuits

Rosemary Haake

3cupsselfrisingflour 3T.saltedbutter,atroomtemperature,plus1T.meltedtobrushontop 4oz.creamcheeseatroomtemperature 1/4cupchoppedchives 1cupshreddedcheddarcheese 11/4cupsbuttermilk

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Slightly grease a large baking pan or pans. Pyrex baking dishes work very well. Use pastry blender or fingertips to quickly blend room-temperature butter and room temperature cream cheese into flour. Don't overblend. Leave some pieces of butter and cream cheese. Add chives and cheddar cheese. Stir just until blended. Make a well in the center and pour in the buttermilk. Quickly blend with flour mixture. Again, don't overblend. As soon as no more pockets of flour are visible, stop blending. Transfer dough to a well-floured surface and lightly dust the top and sides of the dough with flour. Pat into a smooth shape and roll out to 3/4" thickness. Dip a 3-inch biscuit cutter into flour and cut out biscuits, adding more flour to biscuit cutter as needed. Combine scraps together and roll out again and cut as many biscuits as possible. Place biscuits together in greased pans with sides touching. (they will rise better if sides are touching). Brush them liberally with melted butter. Place in pre-heated oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until tops are golden brown. Watch closely as time may need to be adjusted to as much as 25 minutes.

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Not all ovens are the same. Personal Notes: This recipe was on the Today Show a few years ago. It was originally double. It seemed as if it would make enough for a church supper. So I cut it in half. But if you're expecting a crowd of big eaters, double the recipe back to its original size. I use a large soup can (18.5 oz. size) to cut out the biscuits. These biscuits are delicious with soups, stews, casseroles or chili. Put leftover biscuits in Zip-Loc bags, cover with foil and heat in oven the next day.

Lemon Currant Scones

3c.allpurposeflour,plusmorefordusting 1/2c.granulatedsugar 11/2T.bakingpowder 11/2tsp.coarsesalt Gratedzestoftwolemons 11/2c.driedcurrants 12/3c.heavycream,chilled,plus1/4cupforbrushing 2to3T.sandingsugar(orrawsugar)

Rosemary Haake

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Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and lemon zest. Stir in the currants. Add 1 1/2 cups of cream and fold in with a spatula or your hands until all the cream has been absorbed. Continue adding the cream by the tablespoon just until the dough comes together and there are no dry patches. Turn the dough out on a lightly floured surface and with floured hands, pat the dough into a circle about 1" thick. Using a 2" round cookie cutter, cut out the scones and place them on the prepared baking sheets. Combine the scraps and cut out the rest of the scones. Refrigerate for one hour. Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees. Brush the tops of the scones with the remaining 1/4 cup cream, and sprinkle with the sanding sugar. (Or you can hold the scones upside down, dipping them in the cream, then in the sanding sugar). Bake for 16 to 20 minutes, rotating the baking sheet midway through, until the tops and the bottoms are nicely browned Personal Notes: This recipe is from The Sono Baking Company Cookbook, a beautiful book given to me as a birthday present from Connie. The Sono Baking Company & Caf is in South Norwalk, Connecticut. I've quite a collection of cookbooks Connie has given me over the years. And I treasure every one!

Honey Whole Wheat Bread

2packagesregularactivedryyeast 1/4cupwarmwater(105to115degrees) 1/2cuphoney 1/4cupbutterormargarine,slightlysoftened 3tsp.salt 21/2cupsverywarmwater(120to130degrees) 41/2cupsKingArthurwholewheatflour(orPillsbury) 3cupsKingArthurallpurposeflour

Rosemary Haake

In small bowl dissolve yeast in warm water; set aside. In large bowl, mix honey, butter, salt and very warm water; stir until butter is melted; cool 5 minutes. To cooled honey mixture, beat in 3 cups whole wheat flour with electric mixer on low speed. Beat on
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medium speed 3 minutes until well mixed. Beat in remaining 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour and dissolved yeast. With spoon, stir in 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour until dough pulls cleanly away from side of bowl. Place dough on floured work surface. Knead in remaining 1/2 cup all-purpose flour; continue kneading 5 to 10 minutes until dough is smooth and springy and pulls cleanly away from floured board. Grease large bowl with shortening; place dough in bowl, turning dough to grease all sides. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and cloth towel. Let rise in warm place (80 to 85 degrees) 30 to 45 minutes or until doubled in size. (I set the bowl on the stove fairly close to a pot of simmering water. Turn the bowl periodically being careful that the towel doesn't come too close to the burner with the simmering water. If you're Betty, you can set it anywhere!) Generously grease two 8x4 or 9x5 inch loaf pans with shortening or margarine. Gently push fist into dough to deflate; divide dough in half. Shape each half into a loaf size and place into loaf pans. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in size, 30 to 45 minutes. Heat oven to 375 degrees . Uncover dough and bake 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer or until loaves are nicely browned and sound hollow when lightly tapped. Remove loaves to cooling racks. Cool completely before slicing--about 1 hour. Keep leftover bread wrapped tightly in aluminum foil or Zip-loc bags, It can also be frozen. Personal Notes: This is a very delicious and hearty bread that takes some time but very much worth the effort. I've baked this recipe several times and it never fails so don't be afraid to try it. It's delicious with soups, stews and casseroles. Also very good toasted for breakfast.

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Hot Cross Buns

1/2cupgoldenraisins 1/2cupdriedcurrants 1/4cupwarmorangejuice 1pkg.quickriseyeast 1cupwarmlowfatmilk 4cups+2T.allpurposeflour 1cupwholegrainpastryflour 1tsp.salt 1tsp.gratedlemonrind 1tsp.gratedorangerind 1/2tsp.cinnamon 1/4tsp.nutmeg 1/4cuphoney 1/4cupunsaltedbutter,melted 2largeeggs,lightlybeaten 1T.water 1largeeggwhite GLAZE: 1cuppowderedsugar 1T.lowfatmilk 1tsp.freshlemonjuice

Rosemary Haake

Combine first 3 ingredients in a small bowl. Place yeast in warm milk and stir until dissolved. Allow to sit for 5 minutes while assembling other ingredients. In a large bowl combine both flours, salt, lemon rind, orange rind, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Stir with a whisk until well-combined. In a small bowl combine orange juice drained from raisins, honey, melted butter and lightly beaten eggs. Stir with a whisk. Combine this mixture with yeast. Slowly add wet ingredients to flour mixture while beating with a mixer on low speed. Continue beating at medium -low speed for 7 minutes. Turn dough out on lightly floured board. Add raisins and currants. Knead 2 minutes until smooth. Add up to 2 additional T. of flour to make a smooth dough. Place dough in a large greased bowl, rotating dough so that all surfaces are coated. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 1 hour or until doubled in size. Punch dough down; cover and let rest 5 minutes. Divide dough into 24 equal portions, roll each portion into a ball and place in muffin cups, greased or coated with cooking spray. Cover and let rise for 1 hour
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until double in size. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine 1 T. water and egg white, stirring with a fork. Gently brush rolls with egg white. Bake for 20 minutes until golden, rotating pans once during baking. Remove from oven, allow to cool briefly in pans, then remove to wire rack to cool. Make glaze: combine powdered sugar and remaining ingredients in a bowl, stirring with a whisk. Microwave on high 20 seconds or until warm. Using a spoon or a Zip-top bag with slit in corner, make a cross design on each roll. Personal Notes: Easter season isn't complete without hot cross buns. These were served in the pre-Christian era honoring the Goddess of Spring. In dismissal of this pagan practice, Christians added the cross on top.

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Goldie's Coleslaw
8cupsshreddedcabbage(iusethebagcabbage) 1/8tgarlicpowder 2Tsugar 1tsalt 1/8tpepper 3/4cmayo

Anne Huntzinger

mix and allow to stand at least several hours or overnight.

Avocado Chicken Salad

1Pkgboneless,skinlesschickenbreasts(2or3) 1avocado 1/4ofanonion,chopped juiceof1/2alime 2Tbspcilantro(orsubbasilifyouprefer) somesaltandpepper,totaste

Emily Teegarden

Cook chicken breast until done, let cool, and then shred. Add all of the other ingredients and mix.

Mandarin Orange Salad

1largecanofmandarinoranges,drained 1largecanofcrushedpineapple,drained choppedpecans 8ozofsourcream

Betty Smith

Mix all ingredients and refrigerant. Personal Notes: Mom made this salad every year for Thanksgiving, and I now serve it for my Thanksgiving meal and my friends love it!!!
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David, Betty, Diane, and Eric

Homemade Alfredo Sauce

1/4stickbutter 2cupsheavycream 1/2cupParmesancheeseandRomano(optional)

Diane Smith

Melt down butter in saucepan. Slowly add heavy cream with Parmesan cheese and bring to a simmer. Do not get the sauce to a boil. If you want the sauce to be thicker add more heavy cream and Parmesan to preference. Serve over fettuccine pasta.

Jeanne's ORIGINAL Spinach (foliage) Salad

Betty Smith

Dressing:2cmayo,1csourcream,1pkgoriginalHiddenValleydressing 1lbfreshspinach 10stripsofbacon 4hardboiledeggs 10ozpkgfrozenpeas 1cgratedSwisscheese paprika

Layer ingredients in order given - cover with salad dressing and refrigerate. May be made either day before or day to be used.

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My Three Sons Pasta Salad

1bagbowtiepasta 1bagspiralpasta 1ccauliflower 1cbroccoli 1ccarrots slicesofpepperoni 1cmozzarellacheese,cubed 1bottleSevenSeascreamyItalian

Anne Huntzinger

Cook pasta, drain, cut up vegetables and mix with pasta. slice pepperoni, cut cheese in small cubes and combine with dressing. Best if chilled for several hours.

New England Clam Chowder

210oz.canscreamofcelerysoup 110oz.cancreamofmushroomsoup 26oz.canschoppedclams,donotdrain 116oz.pkg.shreddedhashbrownpotatoes 2cupshalfandhalf 2tbsp.baconcrumbles tsp.pepper Toppings:Cheddarcheese,greenonions

Jill Amonette

Spray inside of slow cooker with cooking spray. Combine all ingredients in slow cooker and mix well. Cover and cook on low heat for 8-9 hours or high heat for 4-4 hours.

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Spicy Cajun Stew

16oz.packagesmokedPolishsausageorkielbasa, cutintoin.pieces 210oz.cansdicedtomatoesandgreenchilies,undrained 14ozcanchickenbroth 10oz.packagefrozenchoppedspinachthawed andsqueezeddry tocupuncookedinstantrice

Jill Amonette

In a large skillet, cook sausage over medium heat until lightly browned; drain. Add tomatoes and broth; bring to boil. Stir in spinach. Return to boil; cook for 2 min. Stir in rice. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand for 5 min. Stir with a fork.

Chicken Salad Supreme

4cchoppedcookedchicken 2cseedlessgrapes 1/2csliveredalmondstoasted 1/2cmayo 1/4csourcream 1Tlemonjuice 1/2tsalt 1/8tpepper lettuceleaves hardcookedeggsquartered

Anne Huntzinger

Combine chicken, grapes and almonds. Combine mayo and next 4 ingredients in a small bowl. Add to chicken mixture and toss well. Cover and chill Serve on lettuce and garnish with eggs.

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Chicken Velvet Soup

6Tbutter 1/2cmilk 3cchickenbroth(2cans) dashofpepper 6Tflour 1/2clitecream 1cchoppedchicken

Judy Curran

Melt butter in pan, blend in flour, stir in milk, cream and broth. Stir constantly until it thickens and comes to a boil Stir in chicken and pepper - return to boiling. Personal Notes: This is the soup that was served at the Ayres Tea Room

Jeanne's Foliage
1packagepreparedfreshspinach 2hardboiledeggs,sliced/orchopped 6piecesbacon,friedandcrumbled 1/2redonions,slicedordiced 2cupsshreddedcheddarcheese 1/2bottleranchdressing

Jeanne Beuoy

Prepare spinach into large bowl. Add remaining ingredients including dressing and mix well. Serve and enjoy! Personal Notes: The real name of this recipe is spinach salad, but George, in his slightly off-center way of thinking, dubbed it, "Jeanne's Foliage".

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Raw salad
broccoliabout4bunches onionabout1/2(iuseredonion) celery(about5stalks) crumblescrispbacon10pieces whiteraisins(alsocalledgoldenraisins)1/2package 1cmayo 1/2csugar 2Twhitevinegar

Anne Huntzinger

mix first 3 ingredients make dressing of mayo, sugar and vinegar - mix well. right before serving add bacon, raisins and dressing. Personal Notes: This is a recipe from my Mother-in-law, Evelyn.

Egg Salad with Greek Yogurt and Dill

Emily Teegarden

8largeeggs,boiledandpeeled 1/3cuplowfatGreekyogurt 1tablespoonmayonnaise 1tablespoonmincedfreshdill(maysubstitute1teaspoondrieddill) 3/4teaspoonkoshersalt 1/2teaspoonfreshlygroundblackpepper

Cut each egg in half and place in food processor bowl. Pulse 10-12 times until eggs are broken up into small pieces, being careful not to overdo it and puree the eggs. (Or, chop the eggs with a knife.) In a separate large bowl, use a fork to whisk together the yogurt, mayonnaise, dill, salt, and pepper. Add the chopped eggs and mix lightly with the fork until well combined.

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Potato Salad
4cdicedcookedpotatoes 1cchoppedcelery 3hardboiledeggschopped 1/2cchoppedonion ________________________ Dressing 1cmayo 1Tvinegar 1tmustard 1to2tsalt 1/8tpepper

Anne Huntzinger

Mix all ingredients - cover and refrigerate for several hours Personal Notes: I usually use red potatoes - so you will probably need 6-8 depending on the size.

Apple, Pecan and Blue Cheese Salad

12oz.springmixsaladgreens 1/2cdriedcherries 1/2cpecanhalves 6oz.bluecheesechunks 2wholegalaapplescoredandslicedverythin 1/4coliveoil 1heapingTDijon 1Tmaplesyrup 1tapplecidervinegar(ormoretotaste) saltandpepper

Anne Huntzinger

Add the greens, cherries, pecans, cheese and apples into a large bowl. mix olive oil, Dijon, maple syrup and vinegar in a small jar and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put lid on jar and shake well to mix. Pour a little of the dressing over the top of the salad and toss to combine. Taste the salad and add more dressing to taste.

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Cheeseburger Chowder
lb.groundbeef 1cancondensedcheddarcheesesoup,undiluted 1cupsmilk 1cupfrozenshreddedhashbrownpotatoes 1can(4oz.)choppedgreenchilies 1tbsp.tacoseasoning 1tbsp.driedmincedonion teaspoonchilipowder Coarselycrushedcornchips,shreddedMontereyJackcheese andchoppedgreenonion,optional

Jill Amonette

In a large saucepan, cook beef over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. Stir in the soup, milk, potatoes, chilies, taco seasoning, onion and chili powder until blended. Bring to boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes or until heated through. Garnish with corn chips, cheese and green onions if desired.

Carrot Apple Salad

1(8oz)canunsweetenedcrushedpineapple 2mediumtartapples,diced 3c.shreddedcarrots 3T.raisins 2Tflakedcoconut(optional) 1/3c.vanillayogurt 1/3c.plainyogurt 3T.mayonnaise 1T.lemonjuice

Jennifer LaMarca

Drain pineapple, reserving juice in a bowl. Add apples to the juice; toss to coat. Let stand for 5 minutes; drain. In a large bowl, combine the pineapple, carrots, raisins, coconut, and apples. In a smaller bowl, combine the remaining ingredients. Pour over carrot mixture and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 3-4 hours or until chilled.

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Hot German Potato Salad

6mediumpotatoes(iuseredpotatoes) 2hardboiledeggs 6slicesbacon 34choppedgreenonions 1/2tsalt 1/8tpepper 3Tvinegar 1Tsugar 2Tmayo

Anne Huntzinger

cook potatoes in their jackets until tender. cool enough to handle peel and dice along with eggs. cook bacon till crisp and drain. reserve 6 T bacon fat. crumble bacon into potatoes and add onions. stir vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper into fat and heat over low heat. pour over potatoes and toss lightly. add mayo and toss lightly for a creamy salad.

Layer salad
1headcauliflower 1/4to1/2headlettuce 1onion 1/2to1poundbaconfried Dressing 1to1and1/2cmayo 1/4cparmesancheese 1/2cwhitesugar

Anne Huntzinger

layer salad but not the bacon - add dressing spreading over top of salad - refrigerate for several hours - right before serving add fried bacon crumbled - then toss. Personal Notes: This salad is a family favorite - really needs to be eaten on the day you make it - lettuce gets funny leftover.

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Paula's Oriental Salad

1headcabbage(napa) 2pkg.ramennoodles almonds 1cupoliveoil 1/4cupvineger 5greenonions 1/2cupbutter smallpkg.sesameseeds 2Tsoysauce

Judy Curran

Saute amonds, sesame, noodles in butter (break apart noodles) Cook until brown, then cool Mix oil, sugar, vinegar and soy sauce. Toss cabbage and onions - add noodles and dressing (only use 1/2 of the dressing. Personal Notes: This is Paula's salad - it is very good!

Chicken salad
6chickenbreasts cupsourcream 1cupHelmansMayooruntilcreamy cupchoppedgreenonions 2cupsredgrapescutinhalforcraisens Saltandpepper SometimesIadd:1or2garlicclovesand/or1/2cupwalnuts

Jill Amonette

Dab chicken breast with butter, salt and pepper. Bake in 350 oven for about 45 min. When cool enough to handle, chop into cubes. Mix with all ingredients. Serve on crescent rolls or a bed of lettuce. Toast rolls if desired. Personal Notes: Using a rotissorie chicken cuts down the prep time and adds a great flavor!

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Spinach, Strawberry and Blue Cheese Salad

1largebunchfreshspinach,washedandstemmed 1pintstrawberries,washed,trimmedandsliced 1/2cwalnuts,toastedandchopped 1/2ccrumbledbleucheese Dressing 1/2csugar 1Tsesameseeds 1and1/2tmincedonions 1/4tworcestershiresauce 1/4tpaprika 1/2cwhitewinevinegar 1/2cvegetableoil

Anne Huntzinger

Place salad ingredients in a large bowl in the order listed. Top with dressing (for a very special presentation, serve on individual plates) Blend dressing ingredients in a jar, blender or food processor. The sugar should dissolve.

Church Picnic Lime Jello Salad

6oz.boxlimeJello 2cupsCoolWhip largecancrushedpineapple,drained 11/2cupsminiaturemarshmallows 2cupssmallcurdcottagecheese 1cupchoppedwalnuts

Rosemary Haake

Prepare lime Jello as directed. Set to soft-stage in fridge. In large bowl or 9 x 13 dish gently scoop out Jello and fold in additional ingredients, starting with Cool Whip. Smooth surface with spatula. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

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Personal Notes: Sweet salads were very popular when I was growing up. A variety of sweet gelatin salads were lined up on the tables at church picnics. And no dinner was complete without one.

Mom's Pasta Salad

1/2cmayo 1/4cgratedParmesancheese 2Tmilk 1and1/2ccookedcubedchicken 1csmallrotinicooked 1cchoppedtomatoes(canusecherryorgrapetomatoes) 1cgreenpepper 1/4cchoppedonion

Anne Huntzinger

Mix first 3 ingredients in a large bowl and the add rest of ingredients. If it is for lunch make the night before. If for dinner make in the morning Chopped carrots, celery or broccoli may be used in place of or with tomatoes and green pepper. 2 cups of veggies all together-your choice. don't leave the onion out -it's necessary Personal Notes: This is Mom's chicken pasta salad and it is very good on those hot summer days!

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Alex and Martha at Marine basic training graduation, July 2012

Elaine's Mom's Chili

V8SpicyTomatoJuice(largecan) 3/4cupofwater 1canofkidneybeans 5tspsugar 1/2can(bottle)ofchilipowder 1stalkcelery 5shakessteaksauce 1mediumonion 2lbshamburger saltandpepper macaroni

Martha Teegarden

Brown the ground beef. While ground beef is cooking, put all other ingredients in large stock pan. Add ground beef. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 2 hours. Cook macaroni. Serve yourself - chili bar. Macaroni on bottom, chili, cheese, onion. Saltines on the side. Delicious!

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Personal Notes: This recipe is from one of Mary's friends, Elaine. Thank you Elaine's mom for this recipe...my family has enjoyed this for years!

Slow Cooker Taco Soup

1lb.groundbeef 1onion 1(16oz.)canchilibeans,withliquid 1(15oz.)cankidneybeans,withliquid 1(15oz.)canwholekernelcorn,withliquid 1(8oz.)cantomatosauce 2c.water 2(14oz.)canspeeledanddicedtomatoes 1(4oz.)candicedgreenchilepeppers 1(1.25oz)packagetacoseasoning

Jennifer LaMarca

In a skillet, cook ground beef until browned over medium heat. Drain, and set aside. Place the ground beef, onion, chili beans, corn, tomato sauce, water, diced tomatoes, green chile peppers, and taco seasoning mix in a slow cooker. Mix to blend, and cook on low setting for 8 hours Personal Notes: Variations: -Add a can of drained black beans. -Instead of ground beef, place approximately 1 pound of uncooked boneless chicken breast on top of all the ingredients. After 8 hours in the slow cooker the chicken with shred.

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Spicy Corn Chowder

1/2cupdicedbacon 4mediumpotatoes,peeledandchopped 1mediumwhiteonion,chopped 2cupswater 3cupscreamstylecorn 2teaspoonssalt,blackpeppertotaste 2cupshalfandhalf 1candrainedgreenchillies

Diane Smith

Place the bacon in a large pot over medium-high heat, and cook until crisp. Drain and crumble, keeping a light layer of bacon grease in the pot. Mix potatoes and onion into the pot with the crumbled bacon and bacon grease. Cook and stir for 5 minutes. Pour in the water, and stir in the corn and drained green chilies. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and cover pot. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring frequently, until potatoes are tender. Warm the half and half in a small saucepan until it bubbles. Remove from heat before it starts to boil, and mix into the chowder just before serving. Optional: Sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese on top of chowder in serving bowl.

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Taco Soup
1poundgroundbeef 1largeonion,chopped 3(16oz)cansmexicanstylechilibeans,untrained 1(16oz)canwholekernelcorn,untrained 1(16oz)canchoppedtomatoes,untrained 1(15oz)cantomatosauce 1and1/2cupswater 1(4and1/2oz)canchoppedchile(optional) 1packagetacoseasoningmix 1enveloperanchstylesaladdressingmix ______________________________________________ Toppings tortillachips shreddedcheese shreddedlettuce choppedtomatoes choppedonion sourcream choppedavocado

Anne Huntzinger

Cook ground beef and onion in a large dutch oven over medium high heat until meat is browned, stirring until it crumbles, drain. Stir in beans and next 7 ingredients, bring to boil; reduce heat, and simmer, uncovered, 15 minutes. Serve with desired toppings.

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Strawberry Pretzel Salad

3/4cmeltedbutter 2ccrushedpretzels 3Tsugar 8ozcreamcheese 8ozwhippedtoppingthawed 1csugar 23ozpkgs.strawberrygelatin 2cboilingwater 210ozpackagesfrozenstrawberries

Anne Huntzinger

Mix butter, 3 T sugar and pretzels in a 9x13 pan. Bake at 300 for 9 minutes. then cool. Combine cream cheese, 1 c sugar and whipped topping and spread over cooled crust. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water, then add frozen strawberries. Let the gelatin mixture set until almost firm, then pour over cream cheese mixture and refrigerate. (It does not take long for the gelatin to get firm so watch that closely) Personal Notes: This has become a Christmas staple - everyone loves it and especially the grandchildren! Best if eaten that day -

Rustic Tomato Soup

1/4c.oliveoil 1smallonion,diced 1c.whitewine Twoc.dicedtomatoes 1tsp.dicedgarlic 1/4c.choppedfreshrosemary 1/4c.choppedfreshbasil 1/4c.choppedfreshthyme Saltandpeppertotaste 1/2c.heavycream

Rosemary Haake

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Heat the olive oil until very hot and add the diced onions. Cook until they are translucent. Deglaze with the white wine; simmer until liquid is reduced by half. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper and 1 cup water. Simmer gently for 25 minutes. Add the chopped herbs to a coffee filter and tie the filter together with a string. Add the herbs to the soup near the end of the cooking process, along with the chopped garlic; simmer for five minutes. Remove the herb sachet and add the heavy cream and blend lightly with an emulsion blender. Add salt and pepper to taste. Personal Notes: This recipe is by Chef Robert Barral, owner of Caf Provence in Brandon, VT where I took some cooking classes during the summer. Very enjoyable and informative. Lots of technique and tips. He says that herbs and garlic should always be added near the end of the cooking time so their fresh flavor will come through. (I didn't know that!)

Curried Butternut Squash Soup

4T.unsaltedbutter 2c.finelychoppedyellowonions 4to5tsp.currypowder 2mediumsizebutternutsquash(about3lbs.total) 2apples,peeled,andchopped 3c.chickenstock 1c.applejuice(orheavycream) Saltandpeppertotaste

Rosemary Haake

Melt the butter in a large heavy pot over low heat. Add the onions and curry powder and cook, covered, until the onions are tender, about 25 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the squash, cut in half and scrape out the seeds and chop into large pieces. When the onions are tender, pour in the stock, add the squash and chopped apples and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, partially covered, until the squash and apples are very tender, about 25 minutes. Pour the soup through a strainer, reserving the liquid, and transfer the solids to a food processor. Add one cup of the cooking stock and process until smooth. Add the pureed solids back to the stock in
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the pot. Add the apple juice or heavy cream and heat. If soup is too thick, add more stock as needed and heat until hot but not boiling. Personal Notes: Fall is the perfect time for butternut squash soup. If you use apple juice, the soup will have a fruity, slightly sweet flavor. Cream will give it a very smooth consistency and the flavor of the curry powder will com through more.

Indian Summer Turkey Chili

Jill Amonette

2tablespoonsoliveoil 1poundsturkeybreast 3tablespoonsdarkchilipowder 1tablespoongrillseasoning,suchasMcCormicksMontreal steakseasoning 1tablespoongroundcumin 2tablespoonsWorcestershiresauce 2tablespoonshotsauceortotaste 1largeyellowonion,quartered 2bellpeppers,anycolors,diced bottlebeer 128ouncetomatosauce cupsmokybarbecuesauce 1cupfrozencorn TopperSuggestions: Shreddedcheese:Smokedwhitesharpcheddar,pepperjack,chipotle cheddar,fivepeppercorncheddar,Montereyjack Cannedjalapenos,salsa,sourcream,Greenolives,Choppedfresh Cilantro

Heat pot over medium heat. Add oil and ground turkey. Season the meat with the chili powder, grill seasoning, cumin Worcestershire, and hot sauce. Chop onion reserving some for topping. Add onion and bell peppers and cook 10 min. Add the beer to deglaze the pan scraping up drippings and cooking the alcohol. Add the tomato sauce, BBQ sauce, and corn and bring to a bubble. Let simmer for 10 min. Remove from heat. Personal Notes: I use Killians beer and Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce. This combination is delishious! It is also fun to play around
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with the different beer and bbq sauce flavors.

Chilled Shrimp Salad

Dressing 1clovegarlic 1Thoney 1tdijon 6Torangejuice 1Toliveoil 1Tredwinevinegar Salad juiceandrindfrom1lemon 1clovegarlic,crushed 1bayleaf 1tpeppercorns 1tsalt 1and1/2poundsoflargeshrimp(tailintact) 4largechunkswatermeloncutintocubes lpoundheirloomtomatoes,cutintowedges 1/2ccrumblesfeta 1/4cfreshbasil,torn

Anne Huntzinger

Combine all dressing ingredients in a blender, Fill a 4 qt saucepan with water and bring to boil - add lemon juice, lemon rind, garlic, bay leaf, peppercorns and salt. add shrimp, cover, remove from heat and let stand until shrimp is cooked, about 15 minutes. Drain and cool 10 minutes - then refrigerate 30 minutes. Line a large platter with watermelon and tomatoes. Top with shrimp, feta and basil - drizzle with dressing. Personal Notes: We had this salad at Judy's one evening - most of the sisters were there and Mom - we had lots of stories with one that brought lots of laughs and I really do not think I have ever seen Mom laugh as hard as she did that night. The story was about Anne and her armor!!!!!!!

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Chicago Chili

Rosemary Haake

4poundsleangroundbeef 2mediumonions 4clovesgarlicminced 1redmangopepper 1greenmangopepper 2canstomatosauce(15oz.each) 2largecansdicedtomatoes 2cupsliquid(maybecombinationofwaterwithbeerorwaterwithredwineor simplybeerorwine) 2cansdicedgreenchiles 1/2tspcumin 2T.chilipowder 1/2tsp.basil 1/2tsp.thyme 1/2tsp.allspice 1tsp.salt 2canskidneybeans Accompaniments:Tortillachipsorcrackers,choppedgreenonions,shredded cheese,sourcream

Brown beef with garlic, onions and peppers in large Dutch oven until all redness in beef disappears. Drain well. Add remaining ingredients except for beans. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to simmer for one hour. Uncover pot and add beans. Stir until wellcombined. Leave uncovered and bring back to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes. Adjust seasonings if needed. Serve in large bowls. Pass the trimmings. Personal Notes: This recipe appeared in the Chicago Tribune soon after Skip and I moved to Glen Ellyn, IL in 1975. We invited our neighbors over for a chili dinner. Everyone wanted seconds, but there wasn't enough. Since then I have tweaked the recipe, added a few more ingredients and doubled the whole thing. This will feed a crowd! It's still our favorite chili after all these years!

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Soups, Stews, Salads and Sauces

Butternut Squash Soup

2ButternutSquash 1/2C.BrownSugar 2Tblsp.Butter 1Onion 1Tblsp.CornOil 2clovesofGarlic 1/4teaspoonfreshthyme 5C.ChickenStock 1BayLeaf 1/4C.to1/2C.HeavyCream ChoppedParsley

Lisa Curran

Cut the 2 butternut squash down the middle and remove all seeds w/a spoon. Place the 4 halves on a baking dish with the cut side facing up On each of the halves sprinkle 1/8 cup brown sugar and 1/2 Tblsp. of butter TIP: Melt butter in microwave and mix in brown sugar in a small dish then sprinkle on each half of the squash. Cover the halves with plastic wrap and cook in microwave on high for 20 min. Or cover with aluminum foil and bake for an hour an a half on 400 or until very soft. While the squash is in the oven, saute 1 onion, peeled and finely diced in a soup pot with 1 Tblsp. of corn oil for 7-8 minutes or until soft and translucent. Add 2 cloves of garlic, minced, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, and 1 1/2 Tblsp. chopped fresh thyme and continue to cook for 5 more minutes. Add chicken stock, 1 bay leaf, and cream to taste, to the soup pot, and simmer for 10 minutes. When the squash halves are cooked and tender, remove from oven. Very carefully remove the squash flesh with a spoon. You should

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get about 4 cups worth. Add to soup pot and blend with the hand held BRAUN mixer directly in the pot. Or you can place some of the squash flesh to a blender with the soup stock and blend. Repeat process until you have a smooth and creamy mixture. Garnish with chopped parsley and serve. Personal Notes: This recipe is from Ingrid Hoffman - a chef I saw on Regis and Kelly when I took a year off from work - 2007. BEST Butternut Squash Soup EVER!!!

Corn Chowder with a New Twist

3earsfreshcorn 1/4c.vegetableoil 1c.onion(smalldice) 1c.celery(smalldice) 1c.carrots(smalldice) 1/2c.butter 1/2c.flour 1c.whitewine 2c.dicedpotatoes 2c.heavycream Salt&peppertotaste Vegetablestock SweetPotatoPuree: 1sweetpotato,peeledandchopped 1carrot,peeledandchopped Alittlebrownedbutter Alittlemaplesyrup Sprinkleofnutmeg Sprinkleofcinnamon

Rosemary Haake

Cook the corn in vegetable stock until tender. Remove corn, cool and cut corn off the cobs. Add the cobs back into the stock and keep warm. Add the potatoes and cook until almost tender. In a separate stock pot, saute the onions, carrots, and celery in the vegetable oil until the onion is translucent. Deglaze with white wine. Reduce about 50%. Add the butter. When it is melted, whisk
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in the flour and stir until it is smoothly incorporated, Remove the cobs from the stock and slowly add it to the pot, whisking constantly. Add the corn and potatoes. Bring the soup to a full boil, reduce the heat to simmer and allow to simmer for a few minutes. Turn off heat and transfer about a third of the soup to a food processor and process until smooth. Add it back to the soup in the pot. Add the cream and the seasoning. Simmer for a few minutes. Pour the soup into bowls and top with a dollop of sweet potato puree and a swirl of paprika/oil Sweet potato puree: Cook sweet potato and carrot until soft. Add a little salt, a little browned butter, a little maple syrup and a dusting of nutmeg and cinnamon. Puree in food processor. Personal Notes: This is Chef Robert Barral's unusual recipe for corn chowder. He prepared this and two other soups in one of my cooking classes at Caf Provence. Who would have thought of topping corn chowder with sweet potato puree? It was absolutely delicious! Like most chefs, he doesn't measure everything. The ingredients sometimes read, "A little of" Practice makes perfect!

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Dad and Nonny on the patio on Pennsylvania Street

Dad's Hockey Puck Hamburgers



Form hamburger into patties. Place on extra hot charcoal grill (preferably one that has never been cleaned). Cook until black on the outside and raw on the inside. Retrieve the hamburgers that fall into the coals - though some may actually be coals - and serve those to Martha. Place on buns and wait for the compliments. Personal Notes: Mom and Nonny thought that Dad's grilled hamburgers were the best!

Taco Casserole
1lb.groundbeef 1pkg.tacoseasoning 1(8oz.)cantomatosauce 1c.water 2c.Tostitochips,crushed 1cancorn 1c.shreddedcheddarcheese

Anne Huntzinger

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Brown ground beef, drain fat. Add taco seasoning, tomato sauce and water. Simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in crushed chips. Drain corn and spread in casserole dish. Pour meat over corn and cover with cheese. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

French Dip Sandwiches

1cupbeefbroth 1teaspoonWorcestershireSauce teaspoongarlicpowder 2sprigsfreshrosemary Slicedroastbeef FrenchBaguetteorItalianbread SwissCheese

Jill Amonette

In medium saucepan, combine broth, sauce, garlic powder, and rosemary, set the pan over medium heat, and bring to a simmer. Add beef and simmer 5 minutes to heat through. Slice Bread and place cheese on top. Toast until cheese is melted. Place meat on bread. Dip sandwiches in broth.

Ben, Bob, Luke, and Beth

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Beef and Noodles

1LBofbeeftips 1cancreamofmushroomsoup. 1cupofmilk Addasplashofworcestershiresaucetotaste Eggnoodles

Beth Kanter

Combine all ingredients except egg noodles in the crock pot and cook on high for 6-8 hours. Before serving boil egg noodles according to the package and serve Beef and sauce over the noodles. Personal Notes: This is super easy and one of Bob's favorite meals!

Pork with Pineapple-Kiwi Salsa

1cupdicedpineapple 1cupdicedkiwi 2tablespoonscilantro 1jalapeno,seededandminced 1tablespoonlimejuice Saltandpepper Pork(anykind) Chilipowder

Jill Amonette

In medium bowl combine fruits, cilantro, jalapeno, and lime juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Season pork with salt and pepper and rub with chili powder. Cook according to directions on package. Serve pork with salsa. About 4 servings

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Stuffed Fiesta Burgers

1lb.groundbeef 1pkg.(11/4oz.)TacoSeasoningMix 1/2cupChive&OnionCreamCheeseSpread 1/3cupShreddedCheddarCheese 4hamburgerbuns,lightlytoasted 1/2cupfreshsalsa(fromgroceryproduce) 1avocado,mashed

Jill Amonette

Heat the grill to medium heat. Mix the meat and seasoning mix; shape into 8 thin patties. Mix cream cheese spread and Cheddar; spoon even amount onto center of each of 4 patties. Top with remaining patties; pinch edges together to seal. Grill 7 to 9 min. on each side or until burgers are done (160F.) Fill buns with burgers, salsa and avocado.

Pulled Pork
One610lb.porkroast 3T.beef/porkrub(preferablyStonewallKitchen) 112oz.bottlegoodbeerorcider 46cupswater Barbecuesauce

Rosemary Haake

Place roast in slow cooker. Sprinkle 3 T. rub over pork. Add beer and enough water to cover the roast. Cook on low for 8 hours. Shred meat with forks. Toss with barbecue sauce. Serve with additional barbecue sauce in a small bowl. Personal Notes: This was served at Kate and Ernie's "Moving to Florida" deck party. It's very easy and soooooo good. The recipe came from Mary Jost, a New England Vera Bradley sales consultant and good friend.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Stroganoff Superb
1poundsirloinstreakcutinthinstrips 3Tbutter 1/2cuponionchopped 14ozcanmushrooms(drained0 1/2tsalt 1/4tdrymustard 1/4tpepper 18oz.creamcheese(cubed) 3/4cmilk hotnoodles

Anne Huntzinger

Brown meat in butter, add onions, mushrooms and seasonings cook 5 minutes or until tender. Add cream cheese and milk, stir over low heat until smooth. Serve over noodles. Personal Notes: This is so easy even Jeff can make it!!!!

Greg and Jody

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Sloppy Joes for a Crowd

3lbsgroundbeef 3canstomatosoup 1largeonionchopped 3Tbssugar 1greenpepper 3tspsalt 1/2tsppepper 1tsporegano 1/2ccatsup

Jody Bailey

Cook hamburger with green pepper and onion. Drain. Add soup, sugar, salt, pepper, oregano and catsup. Simmer on stove-- I always put in a crock pot for a couple hours or longer (sometimes way longer!!)-- enjoy!!! Personal Notes: Love this for a get together-- it's easy and seems to go pretty far!!

Great Ground Beef Casserole

1lb.groundbeef 1(8oz.)cantomatosauce 1/2c.sourcream 1env.spaghettimix 1(8oz)cancrescentrolls 6oz.shreddedmozzarellacheese 1/3cParmesancheese 2Tbutter

Anne Huntzinger

Preheat oven to 375. Brown ground beef. Stir in sauce mix and tomato sauce; heat until bubbly. Combine cheese and sour cream. Pour hot meat mixture into ungreased 13x9 inch baking dish. Spoon cheese mixture over meat. Separate crescent rolls and place over cheese mixture. Combine Parmesan Cheese and butter and spread over dough. Bake at 375 for 18 minutes or until golden brown

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Tamale Pie
1lbgroundbeef Asmalloniondiced Canofcorndrained 1cantomatosoup Oneboxofcornbreadmix(IalwaysuseJiffyCornBreadMix)

Beth Kanter

Brown ground beef with onion and drain the beef when done. Return mixture to pan and add tomato soup and corn. Bring to a slow simmer In another bowl mix the corn bread according to package directions. Put ground beef mixture in a 9x9 baking dish and spoon cornbread mix over the top of the ground beef mixture. Bake for 350 for 30-45 min or until the cornbread is brown of the top. Personal Notes: This is a recipe that I got from Bob's mom Helen. Very yummy!

Jeanne and Mary on Monument Circle-Colts win the Super Bowl!

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Ham - Poppy Seed Sandwiches

1/4lb(1/2c)butter 1/2cpreparedmustard 1/2conion,minced 1Tpoppyseeds 1620slicesdeliham(BoarsHead) 810slicesswisscheese bunsorbreadfor810sandwiches

Martha Teegarden

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix margarine, mustard, onion and poppy seeds together to make a sauce. Spread sauce on inside of top and bottom pieces of bun/bread for each sandwich. Add 2 slices of ham and 1 slice of cheese to each sandwich. Close sandwiches and wrap individually in foil. Heat for 20 minutes before serving. Sandwiches can be made ahead and frozen before cooking. Personal Notes: Great meal for a day of football!

Jeanne's Casserole
2#groundbeef 1smallonion Garlicsalt Tomatosauce16oz. 8ozcreamcheese 1/2cupsourcream 12ozcottagecheese 16ozeggnoodles parmcheese

Judy Curran

Cook ground beef, onion and garlic salt. Add tomato sauce Mix cream cheese, sour cream and cottage together Cook noodles according to pkg./ Layer in an 13 x 9 baking dish: Noodles Meat

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All the Cheese Noodles Meat Parm cheese Back at 375 for 30 40 min. Personal Notes: I named this Jeanne's casserole because she made one time for John and I. She never made it again. I made it all the time because the boys, especially Steve, loved it!

Sausage Shrimp Skillet Meal

Jeanne Beuoy

18ouncepackageZatarain'syellowricemix 2tablespoonsoliveoil 1onion,chopped 1/2to1poundofPolishsausage,sliced 114ouncecandicedtomatoeswithgreenchiles(orplaindicedtomatoes) 18ouncepackagefrozencookedshrimp,thawed

Prepare rice mix as directed on package. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and sausage; cook and stir for 4 to 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and shrimp; bring to a simmer and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. When rice is cooked, add to saucepan; cook and stir for 3 to 4 minutes, until blended. Serve immediately. Personal Notes: Easy and tasty. I prepared this for my high school friends - one of them is allergic to gluten. I usually double the recipe because the leftovers are even better.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

3to4poundbeefbrisket 2Tliquidsmoke 1Tworcestershiresauce 1and1/2tsalt 2tceleryseed 2tblackpepper 1tgarlicsalt 1tonionsalt

Anne Huntzinger

Mix ingredients in a bowl. Lay brisket fat-side down in extra heavy-duty foil. spoon half the mixture onto the top of the brisket. Then, turn the brisket over and spoon remaining mixture onto the brisket. Close the foil, rolling the seams. wrap the foil-wrapped brisket in another layer of foil. place brisket in a 9x13 pan, and sit the the refrigerator overnight. Remove brisket (still in pan) from the refrigerator and bake at 250 degrees for 8 hours. Do not remove foil before baking or during baking. Remove from oven and let brisket set for about an hour. Slice and serve with bar-be-que sauce

Oven Roasted Sausage, Potatoes, and Peppers

1lbsmokedsausage 45decentsizedpotatoesIusedYukonGold 1smalljarbananapeppers 1redbellpepper 1largeonion,sliced 3tbspoliveoil salt&pepper

Jeanne Beuoy

1.Spray a large baking pan w/ nonstick spray. 2.Slice sausages into thin rounds, about 1/5? thick. 3.Cut potatoes into 1/2? chunks 4.Slice onion and pepper into strips

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5.Place all ingredients on baking sheet and drizzle oil over. Use your hands to toss everything together in the oil, making sure everything feels coated. 6.Add salt & pepper. 7.Top w/ sliced banana peppers 8.Bake at 400 for about 30-35 min, until potatoes are tender. Personal Notes: If you have any leftovers, saute them in a skillet, then add beaten eggs. Cook until the eggs are done to your liking.

Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers

8oz.ThinlySlicedRoastBeef 8SlicesProvoloneCheese 2LargeGreenBellPeppers 1MediumSweetOnion 6oz.BabyBellaMushrooms 2Tbs.Butter 2Tbs.OliveOil 1Tbs.GarlicMinced SaltandPeppertotaste

Emily Teegarden

Slice peppers in half lengthwise, remove ribs and seeds. Slice onions and mushrooms. Saute over medium heat with butter, olive oil, minced garlic and a little salt and pepper. Saute until onions and mushroom are nice and caramelized. About 25-30 minutes. Preheat oven to 400* Slice roast beef into thin strips and add to the onion/mushroom mixture. Allow to cook 5-10 minutes Line the inside of each pepper with a slice of provolone cheese. Fill each pepper with meat mixture until they are nearly overflowing. Top each pepper with another slice of provolone cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the cheese on top is golden brown.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Beer Brisket
3or4poundbeefbrisket saltandpepper 1onion,sliced 1/4cupchilisauce 2T.brownsugar 1clovegarlic,minced 1can(12ounces)beer 2T.flour 1/2cupwater

Rosemary Haake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Trim excess fat from brisket (important), season with salt and pepper and place in 9x13 inch baking dish; cover with onion slices. In bowl combine chili sauce, brown sugar, garlic, and beer; pour over meat. Cover tightly with foil. Bake for 3 1/2 hours. Uncover and bake 30 minutes more, basting occasionally. Remove meat to platter. Allow drippings to cool slightly and pour into glass container and allow to sit until fat rises to the top. Skim off excess fat from drippings; pour drippings into sauce pan. Blend flour and 1/2 cup water; whisk into drippings in saucepan. Cook, whisking constantly, over medium heat until thickened and bubbly. Cut meat across grain. Pass beer gravy. Personal Notes: This recipe is from Sunflower Sampler, a Women's Junior League cookbook of Wichita, KS (pub. 1980), given to me by Connie many years ago. She marked her favorite recipes. This was one of them.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Baked Brisket of Beef

Two14oz.bottlesketchup 13/4cupswater 1largeonion,sliced 3/4c.brownsugar 1/4c.granulatedsugar 1/2c.vinegar 1T.celeryseed 10oz.bottledbarbequesauce 1T.Worcestershiresauce 4clovesgarlic,minced 1T.cinnamon 6lb.brisket 2T.oil

Rosemary Haake

Combine all ingredients except brisket and oil in saucepan and simmer for 30 minutes. Cool. Brown brisket quickly in hot oil and place on rack of broiler pan. Pour one cup sauce over the top. Add 1 cup water to bottom of broiler pan. (If baking for 5 hours, add more water.) Cover meat tightly with foil, sealing edges around pan. Bake 3 hours at 300 or 5 hours at 250. Slice and serve with additional barbecue sauce. Personal Notes: This recipe is from the Kansas City Junior League Cookbook titled Company's Coming, dated 1975. It was a gift with Connie and she had made notations along with some of her favorite recipes and a birthday wish for "Happy Cooking". This brisket recipe is great if you're planning to be gone all day. Dinner is served when you arrive home! It also makes a lot of barbeque sauce that you can refrigerate and use with other meat dishes.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Hawaiian Pork Chops

4(6oz)Leancentercutloinporkchops(orboneinporkchops) 1Eggwhite,lightlybeaten 1/4C.Unsweetenedpineapplejuice 1Tblsp.Lowsodiumsoysauce 1/4tsp.Groundginger 1/4tsp.GarlicPowder 1C.Drybreadcrumbs 1tsp.DriedItalianseasoning 1/4tsp.Paprika

Lisa Curran

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Trim excess fat from pork chops (optional). Combine egg white and next 4 ingredients in a shallow, wide bowl and stir well. In another shallow container, combine breadcrumbs, Italian seasoning, and paprika and set aside. Spray a roasting pan and rack or baking dish with nonstick cooking spray (PAM). Dip each pork chop in the liquid mixture and then lightly coat in the breadcrumb mixture. Place pork chops on the rack in a roasting pan or baking dish. Bake for 15-20 minutes (depending on thickness) at 350, turn and then continue to bake for another 15-20n minutes or until no longer pink in the center. Serve with apple sauce. Personal Notes: If you're on a health-kick, or just like pork chops, you'll love this recipe. I found this recipe on the 24-hour Fitness recipe website. It's really yummy and you'll lose weight after eating this meal. Note - Steve and I like to use the thin, lean, bonein pork chops.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Tuscan Frittata
10eggs 1/2c.Romanocheese Saltandfreshlygroundpeppertotaste 2T.plus1tsp.oliveoil 8oz.mildItaliansausage,casingsremoved 1smallonion,cutinto1/4"slices 1redbellpepper,seededandcutinto1/4"slices 11/2c.babyspinach 1c.tomatosauce 6oz.freshmozzarellacheese,slicedthinly 8basilleavesforgarnish

Rosemary Haake

Preheat broiler. In large bowl, whisk together eggs, Romano, salt and pepper. Warm 1 T. oil in large, deep non-stick skillet. Cook sausage 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer to paper towel-lined plate. Drain sausage grease from skillet and wipe out pan. Add 1 T. oil to skillet and heat over medium-high heat. Cook onion and bell pepper 3 to 4 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, cook about 5 minutes more. Add baby spinach and cook for a few minutes. Add sausage to pan; pour in egg mixture. Cook, using spatula to lift cooked edges and allow uncooked eggs to flow underneath. Cover pan and cook a few minutes. When most of egg mixture has been cooked, drizzle tomato sauce over frittata and spread to edges. Arrange mozzarella slices on top and transfer skillet to broiler; broil for 3 to 5 minutes. Slide frittata onto serving plate and garnish with basil leaves. Personal Notes: When you're entertaining over-night company, a frittata is a great one-dish breakfast. Add some good toasted bread and fruit or juice and breakfast is served!

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Loaded Meatloaf
4slicesbreadtornintopieces 1/2cupchilisauceorketchup 11/2cupscoarselychoppedonion 1/2cupchoppedcelery,1/4"dice 1/2cupchoppedcarrot,1/4"dice 1/2cupchoppedflatleafparsley 1/2cupmilkorbuttermilk 6clovesmincedgarlic 2T.Dijonmustard 1tsp.freshlygroundblackpepper 1/2tsp.salt(freshlygroundseasalt) 4oz.sharpcheddarcheese,cutinto1/2"cubes 3largeeggs,lightlybeaten 1/2tsp.groundsage 1/2tsp.driedthymeleaves 1/2tsp.driedbasilleaves 2lbs.groundsirloin Glaze: 1cupketchup 2T.Dijonmustard 1T.brownsugar

Rosemary Haake

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Spread breadcrumbs evenly on a cookie sheet and toast for about six minutes until lightly toasted. Cool. Combine all meatloaf ingredients and gently mix together. Transfer mixture to a greased 9" x 13" baking dish and shape loosely into an oval-shaped loaf. DO NOT PACK TIGHTLY. Combine glaze ingredients and spread over entire surface of meatloaf. Bake 55 to 60 minutes until thermometer registers 160 degrees. Let rest 10 minutes before serving. Personal Notes: I've tried many recipes through the years and this is Skip's and my favorite meatloaf recipe. It's extremely moist with lots of veggies and herbs.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Beef with snow peas-pioneer woman

Katie Hyatt

11/2poundFlankSteak,TrimmedOfFatAndSlicedVeryThinAgainstThe Grain 1/2cupLowSodiumSoySauce 3TablespoonsSherryOrCookingSherry 2TablespoonsBrownSugar 2TablespoonsCornstarch 1TablespoonMincedFreshGinger 8ounces,weightFreshSnowPeas,EndsTrimmed 5wholeScallions,CutIntoHalfinchPiecesOnTheDiagonal SaltAsNeeded(useSparingly) 3TablespoonsPeanutOrOliveOil CrushedRedPepper,ForSprinkling JasmineOrLongGrainRice,CookedAccordingToPackage

In a bowl, mix together soy sauce, sherry, brown sugar, cornstarch, and ginger. Pour half the liquid over the sliced meat in a bowl and toss with hands or tongs. Reserve the other half of the liquid. Set aside. Heat oil in a heavy skillet or wok over high heat. Add snow peas and stir for 45 seconds. Remove to a separate plate. Set aside. Allow pan to get very hot again. With tongs, add half the meat mixture, leaving most of the marinade still in the bowl. Add half the scallions. Spread out meat as you add it to pan, but do not stir for a good minute. (You want the meat to get as brown as possible in as short amount a time as possible.) Turn meat to the other side and cook for another 30 seconds. Remove to a clean plate. Repeat with other half of meat, allowing pan to get very hot again first. After turning it, add the first plateful of meat, the rest of the marinade, and the snow peas. Stir over high heat for 30 seconds, then turn off heat. Check seasonings and add salt only if it needs it. Mixture will thicken as it sits. Serve immediately over rice. Sprinkle crushed red pepper over the top to give it some spice. Personal Notes: We all love this-there is not usually much leftover, so I would say it makes about 5 servings.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Shepherd's Pie
3T.oliveoil 1largeVidaliaonion,chopped 11/2poundsbeef,cutinto1/2inchcubes Saltandfreshlygroundpepper Allpurposeflour,fordredging 3clovesgarlic 3/4poundmushrooms 1c.whitewine 1/2c.chickenorbeefstock 2T.tomatopaste 3T.freshthyme,or11/2tsp.dried 3T.freshtarragon,or1tsp.dried 4mediumrussetpotatoes,peeled 4T.unsaltedbutter 3/4c.wholemilk Nutmeg 3TgratedCheddarcheese

Rosemary Haake

Heat the oil in a medium sized ovenproof casserole over medium heat and saut the onion until golden, about 10 minutes. Season the beef with salt and pepper and dredge in flour. Brown the meat on both sides. Add the garlic and mushrooms and saut for another minute or two until softened. Stir in the wine and scrape the bottom of the casserole to loosen any bits of meat. Add the stock, tomato paste, thyme, and tarragon. Simmer over low heat, covered, for about 40 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Meanwhile boil the potatoes until soft, mash them and add the milk and a bit of nutmeg. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Top the stew with the mashed potatoes. Bake the casserole, uncovered, for about 30 minutes. Set the oven to broil, sprinkle the cheese over the top and broil until golden, about three minutes. Personal Notes: Whenever we go to NYC, we often visit one of our favorite restaurants, Rosie O'Grady. I usually order the shepherd's pie. It's a delicious one-dish winter meal. This recipe is from Opera Lover's Cookbook, a beautifully-illustrated book that I sold in The Drawing Room.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Beef Tenderloin with Mustard, Garlic, Pepper "Frosting"

1wholebeeftenderloin(about4pounds),fattrimmed 1cupGreyPoupon 3T.crushedgarlic(jarred)ormincedfresh 2T.freshlygroundblackpepper 1tsp.driedsage Severalbayleaves Sauce: 6T.mincedshallots 2T.choppedfreshthyme 1cupbullbodiedredwine(suchascabernetsauvignon) 1cupunsaltedbeefstock 2T.butter 1tspDijonmustard 4T.choppedflatleafparsley

Rosemary Haake

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees. Prepare mustard frosting. Combine Grey Poupon, garlic, black pepper, and sage leaves. Mix well and spread liberally over meat, covering all surfaces except bottom of beef. Scatter a few bay leaves over the top. Place in roaster and roast for 45 to 55 minutes for rare. (Forty-five minutes seems just about right). Remove from oven and remove meat from roaster; let stand about ten minutes before slicing. Remove bay leaves and slice 1" thick. Remove strings as you slice beef. While meat is resting prepare sauce. (Sauce is delicious with mashed potatoes!) Sauce: Transfer roaster to stove top. Over medium-high heat add 1 T. oil or butter if more needs to be added to drippings. Saute shallots and thyme until lightly browned (2 minutes), scraping up bits from bottom of pan. Add wine; simmer a few minutes. Add stock, simmer a few minutes until slightly thickened. Remove from heat and whisk in butter and Dijon. Serve over sliced meat and sprinkle with parsley. Personal Notes: Beef tenderloin has become our favorite Christmas meat since everyone has just about had their fill of turkey for Thanksgiving. The mustard frosting gives the meat a delicious flavor. And the sauce is the "icing on the cake". Enjoy!
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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Chicago Deep-dish Pizza (Skip's requested birthday dinner)

CRUST: 1pkg.dryyeast 11/4cupsverywarmwater 1T.sugar 11/2tsp.salt 2T.Canolaoil 3cupsflour 2T.cornmealforpizzapan 2T.oilforpizzapan SAUCEANDTOPPING:

Rosemary Haake

1can(28oz.)dicedtomatoes,welldrained 1T.oregano 1tsp.basil 1tsp.sugar 1lb.mozzarella,thinlysliced 1lb.Italiansausage(mildorhot),cooked,brokenupanddrainedwelland pattedwithpapertowels. 1/2cupfreshlygratedParmesancheese

For crust, dissolve yeast in very warm water. Add sugar, salt and 2 T. oil. Stir well until blended. Stir in flour to make a soft dough. Turn out onto well-floured board. Knead about 3 minutes. Place in medium-size greased bowl, cover with cloth and let rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 1/2 hours. I turn a stove burner on low (not too warm) and place the bowl of dough close enough that the heat will help it rise. Keep turning the bowl so that it doesn't get too warm on the same side. For sauce, combine well-drained tomatoes (press the tomatoes a bit with your hand to get as much juice out as possible), oregano, basil and sugar. Set aside.

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Main Courses: Beef, Pork and Lamb

Brush a 14-inch deep-dish pizza pan with 2 T. oil, sprinkle with cornmeal. Punch dough down, spread dough out in pizza pan forming a thicker crust around the edges. Let rise about 30 minutes. While dough is rising, pre-heat oven to 500 degrees. After dough has risen, place cheese slices over dough, overlapping them a bit. Place drained sausage over cheese. Spread with tomatoes. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Place pizza in oven on middle rack and immediately reduce heat to 450 degrees and bake 20 to 25 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust is golden. Personal Notes: NOTE: It is essential that sausage be well-cooked, drained and patted with paper towels, and that tomatoes be drained of as much juice as possible or you'll wind up with little puddles of grease or juice on top of the pizza. If you do, just spoon it off. This is a very thick, hearty pizza which will serve 4 people!! It's one of Skip and Paul's long-time favorites. This recipe is from Soupcon II, a Chicago Women's Junior League cookbook from our years in Chicago Enjoy!

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Mike and Niccole in Egypt

Cracker Barrel Chicken Tenders

1lb.chickentenders 1cupZestyItaliandressing Juicefrom2limes 1tbs.honey

Mike and Niccole Beuoy

Combine the marinade ingredients and add the chicken. Marinate for at least 5 hours. Remove tenders and saut in a little oil until cooked through.

Marinated Pasta Salad

1boxlinguinecooked 1jarofMcCormick'ssaladsupreme(inspicesection) 16ozbottleofKraftzestyItaliandressing 2med.cucumberspeeledandchopped 2med.tomatoeschopped 11/2med.onionchopped 2smallgreenpepperschopped

Betty Smith

Combine all ingredients and marinate covered in refrigerator overnite.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Mom's Chicken a la King

1/4cuponion 2Tchoppedgreenpepper 2Tmargarine 1cancr.ofmushroomsoup 1/3cupofmilk 1cupcubedcookedchicken(1breast=1cup) dashofpepper

Judy Curran

Cook onion and green pepper in butter until thender. Stir in sou until smooth. Add remaining ingredients. Heat - stirring now and then Serve over chow mein noodles

Cheesy Baked Fish

1c.shreddedcheddar(baggedcheeseworksbest) 3/4c.Italianbreadcrumbs 1tsp.driedbasil tsp.nutmeg salt/pepper 1.5lbstilapiafillets 1tbsp.lemonjuice

Jill Amonette

Combine first five ingredients. Spread half of mixture in a greased 13x9 in. baking dish. Place fish on top of crumbs. Sprinkle lemon juice, then sprinkle remaining bread crumb mixture over fish. Bake at 350 for 20-30 min., or until flaky.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Chicken and Broccoli

3chickenbreast 11/2c.broccoli 1/2stickofbutter 1/4c.flour 1c.milk 1/2packagesaltines 1/2lb.Velveetacheese(cubed)

Jennifer LaMarca

Cook chicken and cut up. Mix butter, flour, milk and cook. Add cheese and cook till melted. Layer broccoli, chicken, crushed saltines, and pour cheese mix on top. Cook at 325 for 20 minutes.

Swiss Chicken
4chickenbreasts,boneless 4slicesSwisscheese 103/4oz.creamofchicken 1/4csherrywine 1c.stuffingmix 1/4c.butter

Anne Huntzinger

Preheat oven to 350. Place chicken in greased dish. Arrange cheese slices over chicken. Combine soup and wine together and pour over chicken. Next, combine stuffing and butter and sprinkle over chicken. Cover with foil. Bake 45to 50 minutes.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Chicken Spaghetti
1canRotel 1cancreamofmushroom 1cancreamofchicken 1cancreamofcelery 1canchickenbroth 2bigcansSwansonwhitechicken 1lb.Velveeta 1(16oz)pkg.frozeneggnoodles

Anne Huntzinger

Place all ingredients in crockpot and cook on low for 5 hours Personal Notes: This is really more like a soup - great with some crusty bread!

Boneless Swiss Chicken

6bonelesschickenbreast Swisscheeseshredded 1canofcreamofchickensoup 1canofcreamofmushroomsoup 1/2cupmilk 1to2cupsofPepperidgeFarmHerbStuffing 1/2cupofmeltedbutter

Betty Smith

Grease 9 x 13 pan Placed chicken in single layer in pan. Cover chicken with layer of Swiss cheese. Mix soup and milk together and pour over chicken. Cover with stuffing. Drizzle melted butter over entire pan. Bake at 350 for 45 to 55 minutes

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Chicken Casserole Delight

2cdicedcookedchicken 2cuncookedelbowmacaroni 2(101/2oz)creamofmushroomsoup 1(12oz)canevaporatedmilk 13/4cchickenbroth 1smallonion,chopped 1smallcanwaterchestnuts,drainedandsliced 1/2lbshreddedcheddarcheese 1/2tsalt

Betty Smith

Mix all ingredients in order given in large bowl. Put in well greased 9 x 13" pan. Cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate overnite. Next day remove foil and bake at 350 for 1 hour. Must be made 1 day ahead.

Fish in Foil
2rainbowtroutfillets 1Toliveoil 2tgarlicsalt 1tpepper 46bananapepperslices 1lemonsliced

Judy Curran

Preheat oven at 400 Rub fillets with olive oil, garlic salt and pepper Place each fillet on a sheet of aluminum foil. Top with banana peppers and lemon slices. Seal all edges to form enclosed packets Bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Personal Notes: JC and I had this for dinner alot - very easy and very yummy

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Olive Chicken
1cmedwidenoodlescooked 1cancreamofmushroomsoup 1cmilk 2ccookedchickencubed 1/2cstuffedolivessliced 1smallcanFrenchfriedonions

Mary McPherson

Heat soup in sauce pan, add milk slowly. Add chicken, noodles, olives and onions. Pour into 8x8 baking dish. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Personal Notes: One of Mom's Wednesday dinner experiments for GW and me. It is delicious, especially for olive lovers!

Chicken Pita Pockets

10ouncesofbroccolifloretscookedanddrained 2cupsshreddedcookedchicken 1cupshreddedcheese 1mediumtomatochopped 1/4cupmayonnaise 2tablespoonsmustard 1/8teaspoonpepper 4baconstripscookedandcrumbled pitabread

Beth Kanter

Combine all ingredients, place mixture in pita pocket and enjoy! Personal Notes: You can put this together even quicker by using Real bacon bits, and using canned chicken.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

No-Crust Pepperoni-Cheese Pie

Jeanne Beuoy

1(8oz.)mozzarellacheese,diced(IjustuseanycheeseIhaveonhandusually shreddedcheddar) 2oz.pepperoni,diced(approx.1/2c.) 5eggs 3/4c.milk

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Sprinkle cheese and pepperoni on bottom of 9 inch pie plate; set aside. In medium bowl with a wire whisk or fork, beat eggs and milk. Pour egg mixture into pie plate over cheese-pepperoni. Bake 25-35 minutes or until center comes out clean by inserting knife into center. 6 servings. 240 calories per serving. Personal Notes: Easiest dinner ever. Makes great leftovers.

Cameron's Enchilada's
4grilledchickenbreast 1canofredenchiladassauce 1canofgreenchill's 2cornstocksroasted 2cupsofMexicanstylecheeseshredded 1smallwhiteonion 1pkgofcorntortillas cilantro(optional)

Diane Smith and Cameron Ragan

Grill chicken and corn stocks (cut corn off stock), on the grill or stove top. shred chicken Put chicken, corn and can of drained green chill's together in a bowl Take tortilla put mixture and some cheese, not overflowing and roll tortilla heat up vegetable oil in a pan, fry tortilla mix for least than 10 seconds. Put all into a 9 x 13 pan, pour enchilada sauce (drained) on top put
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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

remaining cheese. Cook at 350 for 15 minuets or until cheese melts

Mom setting the table

20 minute Chicken Parmesan

4bonelessandskinlesschickenbreasts 1egg,slightlybeaten 1/2cseasonedbreadcrumbs 2Tbutter 1and1/4cPregospaghettisauce(smalljar) 1/2cshreddedmozzarellacheese 1TgratedParmesancheese


Using palm of hand flatten chicken to even thickness. Dip chicken in egg then into bread crumbs to coat. In skillet over medium heat, in hot butter, brown chicken on both sides. Add prego sauce, reduce heat, cover, simmer 10 minutes. sprinkle with cheeses. Cover and simmer 5 minutes or until cheese melts. Personal Notes: Mother would always make this when we would visit in the summer - it was Jeff's favorite!

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Bacon-Wrapped Turkey Burgers with Blue Cheese Sauce

1poundsgroundturkeybreastorgroundchicken 1teaspoonspoultryseasoning 8slicesregularbacon cuplowfatsourcream cupcrumbledbluecheese 1teaspoonchoppedfreshchives 4hamburgerbuns

Jill Amonette

Coat a griddle or large skillet with cooking spray and set over medium high heat. In a large bowl, combine the turkey and poultry seasoning, then shape into 4 patties, each about 1 inch thick. Wrap two slices of bacon around each burger, covering outer edge (secure with a wooden toothpick if necessary). Place burgers on hot griddle and cook until cooked through, about 5 min per side. Meanwhile, in small bowl, combine sour cream, blue cheese, and chives. Place burgers on buns and top with the blue cheese sauce.

Microwave Chicken Cordon Bleu

8bonelesschickenbreast 4ouncesofslicedhamcutinto8pieces 4ouncesofSwisscheesecutinto8sticks thyme saltandpeppertotaste 1/4cupofmeltedbutter 1/2cupofcornflakecrumbs

Betty Smith

Place each breast between plastic wrap and flatten to 0ne-eight inch thick with rolling pin or flat mallet. Sprinkle chicken with thyme, salt and pepper Roll ham slice around cheese sticks. Roll chicken around ham, tucking in ends and sealing with tooth picks. Dip Chicken in melted butter and roll in cornflake crumbs.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Place seam side down in 12 x 8 inch glass baking dish. Cover with paper towel and microwave 13 minutes on high rearranging pieces once. Let stand 10 minutes. Microwave 3 to 5 minutes until tender

Greg and Jeff trying on Lisa's jeans

Chicken Pot Pie

3Tbs.butter 1/2cchoppedonion 1/4cflour 1/2tspsalt 1/8tspgroundpepper 1/2tsppoultryseasoning 2cchickenbroth 2ccooked,choppedchicken 1cfrozenpeasandcarrots,cookedanddrained 1refrigeratedpiecrust

Jody Bailey

Melt butter and saut onions, till tender. Blend in flour, salt, pepper, and poultry seasoning. Gradually add broth and stir until mixture thickens. Add chicken, peas and carrots-- heat till bubbly. Pour into 1 1/2 quart casserole dish-- place pie crust over filling and poke/vent as you would a pie. Bake at 450 for 10-15 minutes or until pie crust is done!!!!

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Personal Notes: Greg's Favorite!!!

George grilling his wings at the Peters

Humphrey's Chicken Wings

12wholechickenwings McCormick'sGarlicHerbseasoning 2sticksofrealbutter 4lemons

George Haake

On a Weber's Smoky Joe grill, light Matchlight charcoal and wait till the flame burns down and the coals are white. Clip the ends of the wings and spread them as far as they will go. Sprinkle heavily with McCormick's garlic herb seasoning. Grill for about 50 minutes, turning frequently. Meanwhile, melt the butter with the juice of the lemons. Pour mixture over wings. Grill an additional 10 minutes. Personal Notes: "Humphrey" was the nickname given to George by his downstairs neighbors (affectionately known as "the brothers"). "Hmmmm, smells like Humphrey is grillin' chicken tonight".

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Spaghetti Bake
1poundgroundbeef 1/2choppedonion 1(26oz)jarspaghettisauce 2titalianseasoning 1(8oz)creamcheese 2cupscottagecheese 1/2csourcream 1(16oz)boxspaghetti 1/3cbreadcrumbs 1/2cparmesancheese

Anne Huntzinger

Brown meat with onion and drain. Stir in spaghetti sauce and seasonings. In a separate bowl combine cream cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream, mix well. Cook spaghetti according to directions. Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray. Layer half of the noodles on bottom. Spoon cheese mixture on top of noodles and then layer remaining noodles on top of cheese mixture. Spread bread crumbs and cheese on top. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until bubbly and heated through.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Judy and JC, April 20, 1968

Fruited Chicken in Creme

2Tbutterormargarine 2Toliveoil 6largechickenbreasts(21/23#) 1/2cuplightcream 1/2cupdrysherry 1can(131/2oz)pineappletidbitsdrained 1/2cup(ormore)greengrapes 1can(6oz)slicedmushroomsdrained

Judy Curran

Heat oven to 350. Heat butter and oil in baking dish (13 1/2x9x2). Place chicken pieces skin side up in baking dish for 1 hour. Heat soup, cream and sherry in saucepan, stirring occasionally. Stir pineapple, grapes and mushrooms into soup mixture. Remove baking dish from oven, drain off fat. Pour soup mixture over the chicken, cover baking dish with foil and bake for 15 to 20 minutes longer Personal Notes: This was JC's favorite chicken dish!
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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Judy's Spaghetti
2#groundbeef 1med.onion 2cans(15oz)tomatosauce 2cans(12oz)tomatopaste 2envelopesItalianspaghettisaucemixw/mushrooms 3cupswater 1Tsugar 1toregano 2clovesgarlic(crushed) 1bayleaf(crumbled) 16ozspaghetti Paramesancheese

Judy Curran

Cook and stir ground beef and onion until meat is brown and onion is tender. Stir in remaining ingredients except spaghetti and Par. Cheese. Simmer uncovered 1 and 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. Place in covered container; refrigerate overnite. Cook spaghetti as directed on package. Heat sauce; serve over hot cooked spaghetti and sprinkle with Par. cheese. Personal Notes: Everyone but me loves this - I am just not much of a spaghetti lover.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Linguine Carbonara
12ounceslinguine 1cupchoppedturkeybacon,soybacon,orregular cupchoppedredonion 3clovesgarlic,minced 1teaspoondriedoregano 1teaspoondriedbasil 2tablespoonsallpurposeflour 1cuplowfatmilk cuplowfatsourcream cupgratedParmesancheese,preferablyfreshlygrated cupchoppedfreshparsley Saltandfreshlygroundblackpepper

Jill Amonette

Cook linguine according to package direction, then drain. Meanwhile, cook the bacon in large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring a few times until golden brown, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring, until the onion is soft, about 3 minutes. Stir in the oregano and basil and cook for 1 min. Add the flour, and stir to coat. Reduce heat to medium, add the milk, stir to combine, and bring to a simmer. Remove from heat and whisk in the sour cream and Parmesan.

Breakfast Casserole
1/2lb.ItalianSausage(hot/spicyrecommended) 6slicesofwhitebread 9eggs 31/2C.Milk(1%or2%optional) 1Tblsp.DryMustard 6oz.ShreddedCheddarCheese(lightoptional)

Lisa Curran

1. Preheat oven to 350 2. Brown sausage (drain oil from pan - optional) 3. Cube bread 4. Spray 9x13 baking dish
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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

5. Arrange bread cubes in the bottom of pan 6. Beat eggs 7. Add milk and dry mustard and mix 8. Add sausage and cheese and mix (save a bit of cheese to sprinkle on top) 9. Pour mixture over bread cubes 10. Sprinkle remaining cheese over mixture 11. Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes 12. Serve with fruits Personal Notes: This recipe was given to me by a co-worker at AUL. When we get home-sick, I make this casserole for Steve and me. It reminds us of Indy. It's also a great dish if you're hosting brunch for a group of friends. It's easy and feeds many.

Chicken Divan or Chicken SO FINE!!

Betty Smith

110ozpkgofchoppedbroccolicooked,orIusefreshbroccolisteamed. 1cupofcookedchickenorturkey,bitesize sauce 1canofcreamofchickensoup 1/2cupmayo 1tlemonjuice topping 1/2cupgratedcheddarcheese 1/2saltinecrackers 1Tmeltedbutter

Placed cooked broccoli and cooked chicken in a well greased pan Mix mayo,soup and lemon juice and place it on top of chicken and broccoli Add shredded cheese Crust saltines and mix with butter and place on top of cheese.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Bake at 350 for 35 minutes, then 425 for 5 minutes Personal Notes: We could not have a Haake cookbook without this wonderful recipe. It is a favorite of several grandchildren and the Teegardens were the one who change the name to Chicken So Fine!

Citrus-Roasted Salmon
1tspgratedlemonrind 2T.freshlemonjuice 2T.honey 4tsp.chilipowder 1tspgroundcumin 1/2tspsalt 1/2tsp.groundcorianderseeds 1/4tsp.groundredpepper 1(6ounce)canthawedorangejuiceconcentrate 4(6ounce)salmonfillets,skinned(1inchthick) orangewedgesforgarnish Flatleafparsleyforgarnish

Rosemary Haake

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Combine first 9 ingredients in a bowl; brush both sides of fish with the orange mixture. Reserve remaining orange mixture. Place fish on a broiler pan coated with cooking spray. Bake for 15 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Place remaining orange mixture in a small saucepan; bring to a boil and simmer until reduced to 1/2 cup (about 2 minutes). Serve with fish; garnish with orange wedges and parsley. Personal Notes: This was served (along with beef tenderloin) at The Drawing Room gathering farewell dinner. The salmon was delicious!

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Schnitzel (Veal, Pork, Turkey, or Chicken)

Rosemary Haake

6c.torncountrystylebread 2largeeggs,lightlybeaten 1/4c.choppedfreshherbs(suchasflatleafparsley,chives,tarragon) Four6oz.cutletsofyourchoiceofmeat,poundedto1/4"thickness 1/2c.oliveoil(orablendofCanolaoilandbutter) 4lemonwedges

Pulse bread in a food processor until semi-fine crumbs form. Place breadcrumbs, eggs, and flour in separate shallow bowls. Mix the herbs into breadcrumbs; season with salt and pepper. Dredge cutlets in flour, shaking off excess, coat with egg, letting excess drip back into bowl, and coat with breadcrumbs, pressing them lightly onto the cutlet. Heat oil in a large cast iron or other heavy skillet over medium heat. Saute cutlets in oil until golden brown and just cooked through, about 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate. Serve with lemon wedges accompanied by parsleyed potatoes or fried noodles (spaezle). Personal Notes: When Skip and I go to Chanticleer, I always have the Veal Schnitzel. It's so delicious (and very easy to prepare, as well).

Ameera and Paul

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Slow Cooker Garlic Chicken

34poundschicken 1largeonion,sliced 1tablespoonoliveoil 2teaspoonskoshersalt 1/8teaspooncayennepepperor1teaspoonblackpepper 2teaspoonspaprika 2040garliccloves,peeled,butintact

Ameera Haake

Place onion slices on the bottom of the stoneware insert of slow cooker. In a large mixing bowl, toss chicken parts with olive oil, salt, paprika, pepper, and all of the garlic cloves. Pour into slow cooker, on top of the onion. Do not add water. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours, or on high for 4-6. The longer you cook chicken-on-the-bone, the more tender it will be. If you use drumsticks, the ones on the side will brown and may stick to the sides of the crock, burning a bit. If this bothers you, you can rearrange them with tongs an hour before serving. Personal Notes: We love this recipe and usually serve it over rice (Paul's favorite) or pasta. I prefer to make it with bone-in skinless chicken thighs since they absorb the flavors from the long cook time. I found it on a blog called A Year of Slow Cooking. You could also have crusty bread on the side and spread the extra cooked garlic cloves on top. Enjoy!

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles


Mom's Oven Fried Chicken

Jeanne Beuoy

1/3cupvegetableoil 1/3cupbutter 1cupflour 1teaspoonsalt 2teaspoonsblackpepper 2teaspoonspaprika(IusedOldBayseasoning) 1teaspoongarlicsalt(ifyoudon'tusegarlicsalt,addateaspoonofregularsalt) 89chickenpieces

Place the oil and butter in a shallow cooking pan and put in preheated 375 degree oven to melt. Set aside. In large bowl or plastic bag, combine flour and seasonings. Mix well. Roll the chicken pieces, a few at a time, in the oil/butter mixture and then drudge in flour mixture.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Place coated chicken pieces into pan, skin side down. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes. Turn over the chicken pieces with a spatula and bake for another 5-10 minutes or until top crust is bubbly. Serve hot, warm, or room-temperature Personal Notes: This recipe is similar to the one Mom made when we were growing up, only Mom used all Crisco for the fat. Of course this was before everyone became so health conscious and took the skin off the chicken and baked it without any fat. I used legs and breasts - the chicken legs were great but the breasts were dry. Next time, I'll use legs, thighs, and wings.

Chicken Pot Pie

Diane Smith

Crust 1boxPillsburyrefrigeratedpiecrusts,softenedasdirectedonbox Filling 1/3cupbutterormargarine 1/3cupchoppedonion 1/3cupallpurposeflour 1/2teaspoonsalt 1/4teaspoonpepper 13/4cupsProgressochickenbroth(from32ozcarton) 1/2cupmilk 21/2cupsshreddedcookedchickenorturkey 2cupsGreenGiantValleyFreshSteamersfrozenmixedvegetables,thawed

In 2-quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onion; cook 2 minutes, stirring frequently, until tender. Stir in flour, salt and pepper until well blended. Gradually stir in broth and milk, cooking and stirring until bubbly and thickened. Stir in chicken and mixed vegetables. Remove from heat. Spoon chicken mixture into crust-lined pan. Top with second crust; seal edge and flute. Cut slits in several places in top crust.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until crust is golden brown. During last 15 to 20 minutes of baking, cover crust edge with strips of foil to prevent excessive browning. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Personal Notes: I personally like to use fresh vegetables instead of frozen; it tastes much better. The fresh vegetables I use are green beans, potatoes, corn, and carrots.

Carolina Crab Cakes

Rosemary Haake

1/2c.finelymincedredonions 1/3c.finelymincedredbellpepper 1T.mincedfreshtarragon 1/3c.mayonnaise 1poundjumbolumporlumpcrabmeat,gentlypickedoveranddrainedofliquid 3/4c.panko(orfreshlyprocessedbreadcrumbs) 2tsp.salt 1/4tsp.whitepepper 1/8tsp.cayennepepper 6T.lightoliveoil 8lemonwedges

Combine in a mixing bowl the onions, bell pepper, tarragon, and mayonnaise. Add the panko and season with salt, white pepper, and cayenne pepper to taste. Let the mixture rest for 5 minutes. The panko will absorb some of the moisture and hold the mixture together. Form the mixture into 8 equal size cakes by hand and refrigerate for 30 minutes before cooking. Heat olive oil in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat until very hot. Cook the crab cakes on each side until nicely browned, about 3 or 4 minutes per side. Drain on a paper towel and serve each cake with a lemon wedge. You can also make a sauce of 1/3 c. mayonnaise, 2 tsp. mustard and hot pepper sauce to taste. Personal Notes: This crab cake recipe is from Donald Brickman's cookbook titled Magnolia's, featuring authentic southern cuisine-lots of good recipes! Magnolia's restaurant is located in Charleston, South Carolina.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Risotto with Shrimp and Gorgonzola

6T.butter 3T.extravirginoliveoil 2lbs.shrimp,shelledanddeveined 1/2c.whitewine 6c.chickenbroth 1smallonion,finelychopped 2c.Arboriorice 3/4c,crumbledGorgonzolacheese 2T.heavycream Saltandpeppertotaste FreshlyshavedParmesan Choppedfreshbasil

Rosemary Haake

Heat broth over low heat and keep it warm during preparation of risotto. In a separate large skillet, heat butter and olive oil over medium heat until it sizzles. Add shrimp and cook until they turn pink, a few minutes. Remove shrimp to a plate with a paper towel. Lower heat under skillet and add chopped onion and saut until translucent. Add rice and stir until it is well-coated. Over low heat, add white wine and stir frequently until it has all been absorbed. Add warm chicken broth, one cup at a time, stirring frequently until all has been absorbed. This process should take about 25 to 30 minutes. Rice should be al dente. Remove from heat and stir in crumbled Gorgonzola and cream; add salt and pepper to taste. Plate the risotto and place shrimp on top. Garnish with freshly shaved Parmesan and chopped fresh basil. Personal Notes: This is a delicious one-dish meal--easy to prepare and great for entertaining. Add a salad and bread and a good glass of wine.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Four-Cheese Macaroni
12oz.cavatappipasta 1/2cupbutter 1/2cupallpurposeflour 1/2tsp.groundredpepper 3cupsmilk 2cups(8oz.)freshlyshreddedwhiteCheddarcheese 1cup(4oz.)""MontereyJackcheese 1cup(4oz.)""Fontinacheese 1cup(4oz.)""Asiagocheese 11/2cupssoftfreshbreadcrumbs 1/2cupchoppedcookedbacon 1/2cupchoppedpecans 2T.butter,melted

Rosemary Haake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Fry bacon for topping; set aside. Prepare pasta according to package directions. Melt 1/2 cup butter in Dutch oven over low heat; whisk in flour and ground red pepper until smooth. Cook, whisking constantly, 1 minute. Gradually whisk in milk, cook over medium heat, whisking constantly 6 to 7 minutes or until milk mixture is thickened and bubbly. Remove from heat. Toss together four cheeses in a medium bowl; remove 1 1/2 cups cheese mixture for topping. Add remaining cheese mixture and hot cooked pasta to sauce, tossing to coat. Spoon into a lightly greased 9 x 13 inch baking dish. Top with reserved 1 1/2 cups cheese mixture. Toss together breadcrumbs, chopped cooked bacon, chopped pecans and melted butter. Spread over top of casserole. Bake 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes or until bubbly and golden brown. Personal Notes: I copied this recipe from Connie's 2012 Southern Living Cookbook while visiting her in Florida. Lots of good recipes in it!

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Grilled Chicken

Jeanne Beuoy

1egg 1/2cupvegetableoil 1cupcidervinegar 2teaspoonscoarsesalt* 2teaspoonspoultryseasoning 1/4teaspoonfreshlygroundpepper Poultrypieces(halfchicken,wholechicken,wholechickenlegs,chickenthighs, and/orchickenbreasts)

In a large bowl, whisk the egg. Add the oil and whisk until the mixture gets thick, homogenous, and a bright yellow, approximately 2 minutes. Whisk in the cider vinegar, salt, poultry seasoning, and pepper In a large resealable plastic bag, place the chicken pieces of your choice. Pour the prepared sauce over the chicken and let marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or up to 24 hours (the longer you marinate, the better). When ready to grill, preheat barbecue grill (spray grill with vegetable-oil cooking spray). For Barbecue with Charcoal: When coals are ready, spread them around the edge of the firebox (24" round) and keep a squirt bottle near the fire to put out flames. Turn the chicken often and don't let it burn. Breasts take about 25 minutes or until a meat thermometer registers an internal temperature of 165 degrees F (juices will run clear when cut with the tip of a knife). Do not close the lid on the barbecue. For Gas Barbecue (since you cannot maintain a hot fire without closing lid): Place prepared chicken onto hot grill. Cover barbecue with lid, open any vents, and cook approximately 20 to 25 minutes or until a meat thermometer registers an internal temperature of 165 degrees F (juices will run clear when cut with the tip of a knife); turning several times during barbecuing.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Chicken Piccata

Rosemary Haake

Twoboneless,skinlesschickenbreasthalves,each8to9oz.cutinhalf horizontallyandpounded1/4inchthick Saltandfreshlygroundpepper,totaste 1/2c.allpurposeflour 3T.oliveoil(oracombinationofCanolaoilandbutter) 3T.unsaltedbutter 2T.mincedshallot 1/2c.drywhitewine 4T.freshlemonjuice 1/2c.chickenbroth 3T.capers,drained 2T.mincedfreshflatleafparsley

Season the chicken on both sides with salt and pepper. Add flour to a shallow bowl and dredge the chicken in it. Shake off the excess. Warm 2 T. of the olive oil to medium-high heat. Place 2 pieces of chicken in the skillet and cook, turning once, until browned on both sides, a few minutes per side. Transfer to a platter and keep warm. Add the last 1 T. oil to the skillet and repeat the browning process for the remaining two pieces of chicken. Remove to the platter. Reduce the heat to medium and melt 1 T. of the butter in the pan. Add the shallot and cook until softened and golden brown, about 30 seconds. Add the wine, lemon juice and broth; increase the heat to medium-high and simmer until the liquid is slightly reduced, about 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in the remaining 2 T. butter, the capers and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle the sauce over the chicken and pass any remaining sauce alongside. Personal Notes: This is a Williams-Sonoma recipe, a main dish that's so easy to prepare and impressive enough to serve guests. Mashed potatoes go very well with the chicken and the sauce is delicious on the potatoes as well.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Linguini with Bacon and Eggs, Beans and Cheese

Onehalfboxlinguini FourslicesCanadianBaconcutinto1/2"piecesorregularbacon Onecupbeans(blackorkidney),rinsed 11/2cupsmilk 1T.butterormargarine 1T.flour Onehalftsp.cumin Onethirdcupcheddarcutinto1/2"chunks Twoeggsfriedwithsoftcenters Onefourthcupchoppedcilantro OnethirdcupfreshlygratedParmesan Seasaltandfreshlygroundblackpepper

Rosemary Haake

Prepare one/half box linguini according to package directions. While it is boiling, saute Canadian bacon in a little oil or fry regular bacon. If using bacon, chop into one-inch pieces first, fry then drain well. Prepare a thin white sauce with butter, flour and milk. Melt butter in small pan, add flour and cumin and whisk until it is smooth. Add milk and continue whisking until it is smooth and a little thicker. Add cheese and stir until cheese is completely melted. Keep warm. Fry eggs until centers are slightly runny. Place drained pasta in a large bowl, add bacon and beans. Mix well. Pour sauce over pasta and stir until well combined. Place pasta in two pasta serving dishes and top each with a fried egg. Season with salt and pepper. Top with grated Parmesan and chopped cilantro. Personal Notes: This recipe is Rosemary's concoction that we had for dinner last night. I didn't measure anything so measurements are by guess and by golly. You may have to adjust some ingredients. Skip really liked it so I'm glad it passed to Skip test. Hope you like it. Timing is important at the end. Keep everything hot until the eggs are fried.

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Chicken and Dumplings

12pieceschicken 2teaspoonspaprika 2T.poultryseasoning 1/2tsp.salt Freshlygroundblackpepper 2T.vegetableoil 3ribscelerycutinto2inchpieces 3carrots,peeledandcutinto2inchpieces 2mediumonionsquartered 2leekscutinto1inchpieces eightcupschickenstock(addmoreifneededtocover) severalsprigsfreshherbssuchasbasilandoregano Dumplings: 11/2cupsallpurposeflour 21/4tsp.bakingpowder Freshlygroundblackpeppertotaste 3T.choppedfreshparsley 3T.solidvegetableshortening 1/2cupmilk Choppedparsleyforgarnish

Rosemary Haake

Rinse chicken pieces and pat dry. Combine next four seasonings in a bowl and rub seasoning mixture into chicken pieces. Heat the oil in a Dutch oven and brown the chicken over high heat, about 10 minutes. Pour off fat from pan. Add vegetables and stock to the pan, lower the heat, cover pan and simmer until chicken is done, about 45 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, remove the chicken and vegetables to a platter and keep warm. Skim off any fat from broth in pan. To make the dumplings stir together the flour, baking powder, pepper and 3 T. parsley. Using a pastry blender cut in the shortening until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add the milk, stirring just until the mixture is moistened. Gather the dough into a ball, knead it a couple of times and cut it into 18 pieces. Bring the broth back to simmer and drop the dumplings into it. Cover, and simmer until they are puffed and cooked through, about 15 minutes. Don't cheat and keep checking as it will allow steam to escape and prolong the cooking time. Towards the end of cooking time, remove one dumpling and cut into it. It should not be
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doughy. If it is, add a little more cooking time. To serve, arrange the chicken, vegetables and dumplings in six shallow bowls. Ladle broth into each bowl and sprinkle with parsley. Serve with a hearty bread and white wine. Personal Notes: This recipe is from New Basics by Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins, authors of the Silver Palate cookbooks. Delicious winter meal accompanied by a hearty bread and good white wine.

Coq au Vino Bianco (chicken stew in white Italian wine)

2c.tinypearlonions,frozen 2T.unsaltedbutter 1c.coarselychoppedonion 3/4c.unbleachedallpurposeflour 1/2tsp.paprika 1/2tsp.salt 1/2tsp.freshlygroundblackpepper 8servingpieceschicken(mixofbreasts,thighs,legs) 2T.oliveoil 6slicesbaconcutinto1inchpieces 1tsp.sugar 4carrots,peeledandcutinto1"chunks 4ribscelerycutinto1"chunks 1lb.mushrooms,stemsdiscarded,cutintoquarters 1bayleaf 2c.dryItalianwhitewine,suchasSoaveorOrvieto 1c.chickenbroth,fatfree,lowsodium 1/2tsp.driedthyme 2T.choppedfreshItalianflatleafparsley

Rosemary Haake

Thaw two cups frozen pearl onions. Melt butter in a large flameproof casserole. Add the chopped onion and saut until soft and translucent, about 10 minutes. Remove the onion and set aside. Combine the flour, paprika, salt, and pepper in a mixing bowl. Dredge the chicken in the flour, shaking off any excess. Add the olive oil to the casserole and brown the chicken on all sides. Return the chopped onions to the pot. Oven-fry the bacon until it is crispy, drain on paper towels. Add it to the chicken.
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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Place the thawed pearl onions in a skillet with 1 T. butter and cook over medium heat until lightly browned. Sprinkle them with sugar and continue cooking until the onions are caramelized, 3 to 5 minutes. Add them to the chicken in the casserole. Place the carrots and celery in the skillet and cook for a few minutes, then add the mushrooms and cook all until slightly firm. Add the vegetables to the chicken casserole. Add the bay leaf, wine, broth and thyme to the casserole. Cover and bring to a boil; reduce to a simmer and cook until the juices run clear when the chicken is pierced with a fork, about 30 minutes. Transfer the chicken and vegetables to a warmed platter. Bring the remaining liquid to a boil and simmer until it is slightly thick, about 10 minutes. Pour the sauce over the chicken, and serve garnished with the chopped parsley. Personal Notes: This is a great one-dish meal to serve company and I believe the stove-top method is more flavorful than the slowcooker method. Just add bread and a green salad. Please note that you are using a flame-proof casserole and a skillet in the preparation. Everything that is browned in the skillet is added to the casserole, then simmered on top of the stove. Traditional coq au vin is made with red wine (it also turns the chicken red!)

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Chicken and Veggie Handpies

Pastry: 13/4plus1/8cupKingArthurallpurposeflour 1/4cupfinelygratedfreshParmesancheese 1/4tsp.salt 3/4cup(11/2sticks)coldunsaltedbuttercutinto1/2"cubes 1/2cupgratedcheddarcheese 6T.icewater 1cupfreshlygratedParmesancheese(frombrick) Filling:

Rosemary Haake

2T.butter Twocupsdicedonion 10oz.boxwhitemushrooms,choppedinto1/2"pieces 11/2cupsredbellpeppercutinto1/2"pieces 1carton(7oz.)babyspinach 2T.choppedfreshbasil 1/2pkg.LiptonSavoryHerbwithGarlicSoupMixor1T.tacoseasoning Freshlygroundblackpepper 2cupsfreshlygratedcheddar Threesmallchickenbreasthalves

To make the crust: Whisk together dry ingredients. Use pastry blender or two knives to work in butter until mixture is unevenly crumbly. Add cheddar cheese and water, mixing until the dough is cohesive. Divide the dough in half, flatten into two discs, wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour. Filling: Pound chicken breasts to an even thickness. Dredge in flour, season with salt and pepper and fry in a combination of butter/ Canola oil until tender. Drain on paper towels, cool and cut into 1/2" pieces. Saute onion, mushrooms, red bell pepper and chosen seasoning until softened in 2 T. butter. Add chopped basil and baby spinach. Stir until softened. Add chicken, cool filling to room

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temperature. Preheat oven to 400. Grease a large baking sheet. Roll out dough on lightly floured board to a little less than 1/4" thickness. Use saucer or bowl measuring about 6" to cut out 8 rounds. Collect pastry pieces and re-roll to complete the 8 rounds. Stuff each round with about 1/2 cup filling + 2 T. grated cheddar. With fingers, push filling together towards the bottom of circle while stretching one side of the dough and folding it over the other. Mash edges together with fingers then crimp both the front and the back edges together with the tines of a fork. Place pies on baking sheet and sprinkle with grated brick Parmesan. Bake about 20 to 22 minutes until golden brown. Personal Notes: This was a King Arthur flour recipe that I tried for the first time for a neighborhood progressive dinner recently. Delicious!!!! If King Arthur Flour is available where you live, I strongly recommend it. It's the silkiest flour on the market! It really does make a difference. (And it's a Vermont company!)

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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

Mrs. Hering's Famous Chicken Potpie

1(31/2lb.)fryingchicken 1carrot 1celerystalk 1smallonion,halved 2tsp.salt PieDough: 21/4cupsallpurposeflour 3/4tsp.salt 3/4cupcoldunsaltedbutter,diced 1/4cup+2T.vegetableshortening,chilled 41/2to6T.icewater Potpie: 6T.unsaltedbutter 1largeonion,diced(about11/4cups) 3carrots,thinlyslicedonthediagonal 3celerystalks,thinlyslicedonthediagonal 1/2cupallpurposeflour 11/2cupsmilk 1tsp.choppedfreshthymeleaves 1/4cupdrysherry 3/4cupfrozengreenpeas,thawed 2T.mincedfreshparsley 2tsp.salt 1/2tsp.freshlygroundblackpepper 1eggwhiskedwith1T.water

Rosemary Haake

Combine chicken and vegetables in large stockpot. Add cold water to cover and bring to boil; reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes. Transfer chicken to plate and allow to cool. Boil broth for an additional 20 minutes. Strain, and discard vegetables, saving broth. Shred cooled chicken into bite-size pieces. To prepare dough, combine flour, salt and butter in the bowl of a food processor and pulse 5 times. Add the shortening and pulse a few more times, until the dough resembles coarse cornmeal. Add ice water 1 T. at a time, pulsing a couple of times after each addition. Add only enough water to form the dough into a ball. Remove the dough and flatten into a disk. Wrap with plastic wrap
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Main Courses: Seafood, Poultry, Pasta and Casseroles

and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before rolling. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Place a large saucepan over medium heat and add the butter. When the butter is melted, add the onion, carrots, and celery and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes, until the onion is soft and translucent. Add the flour and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Slowly whisk in the milk and 2 1/2 cups of chicken broth. Decrease the heat to low and simmer, stirring often, for 10 minutes. Add the chicken meat, thyme, sherry, peas, parsley, salt and pepper and stir well. Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary. Divide the warm filling among six individual ramekins. Place the dough on a floured surface and roll out to 1/4 inch thick. Cut into six rounds for ramekins about 1" larger around than ramekin. Tuck the overhanging dough under itself and flute the edges with a fork. Cut a 1-inch slit in the top of each pie. Brush the tops of the pies with the egg wash. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place the pies on the baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes until the pastry is golden and the filling is bubbling. Personal Notes: This is Marshall Field's famous chicken potpie that dates back to 1890. It was a favorite dish served in the beautiful Walnut Room which used to serve 3500 of them a week. I've many happy memories of enjoying lunch in the Walnut Room many years ago when we used to live there. And I happened to be visiting Chicago during the time that Macy's took over Marshall Field's in 2006. Chicago women were positively in mourning! This recipe is a bit of work but worth the trouble. It's delicious!

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Vegetables and Vegetarian Dishes

Vegetables and Vegetarian Dishes

Corn Souffle
2canswholekernelcorn 2canscreamstylecorn 4Tsugar 4Tflour 4Tmilk 4eggs

Anne Huntzinger

Combine all ingredients and pour into a 2-quart dish. Bake at 350 for 1 and 1/2 hours

Slogars Creamed Corn

1poundfrozencorn 1tsalt 3tsugar 3/4chalfandhalf 23tcornstarch

Anne Huntzinger

Add the ingredients except corn starch to cooked corn. Mix corn starch with a little cream and add to corn - bring almost to a boil

Barbecue Green Beans

1(28oz.)cangreenbeans 1/3lb.bacon 1/2c.ketchup 1/4c.onion 1/2c.brownsugar

Jennifer LaMarca

Drain green beans. Grease Pan. Cut and Fry Bacon. In sauce pan stir ketchup, brown sugar, onions. Bring to boil. Pour over green
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beans. Cook at 350 for 1 hour

Glazed Carrots
1and1/2poundsbabycarrots 1/3cpackedbrownsugar 1/2tsalt 34Torangejuice 2Tbutter

Anne Huntzinger

Heat 1 inch salted water (1/2 t salt to 1 cup water) add carrots, cover and heat to boiling - cook until tender about 10-15 minutes. Cook and stir brown sugar, salt and orange juice in butter in 12inch skillet until bubbly. Add carrots, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until carrots are glazed and heated through - about 5 minutes.

Jiffy Corn Casserole

116oz.cancorndrained 116oz.creamedcornundrained 18ozsourcream 1stickbuttermelted 1/4cchoppedonion 1/4cchoppedgreenpepper(optional) 14ozcanchoppedgreenchilirinsedanddrained(optional) 1pkg.Jiffycornmuffinmix 1cupmoreorlessgratedcheddarcheese

Anne Huntzinger

Mix all ingredients except cheese in a large bowl. Spread in grease 9x13 pan. bake 350 for 40-45 minutes (until set). Add cheese bake for 5 minutes or until cheese melts. Personal Notes: This is an easy recipe that everybody loves!

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Vegetables and Vegetarian Dishes

Crock Pot Potatoes

2lbsfrozencubedhashbrownpotatoes 16ouncessourcream 1(103/4ounce)cancreamofchickensoup 2cupscheddarcheese,shredded 1/2cuponion,chopped 3/4teaspoonsalt 1/4teaspoonpepper

Jeanne Beuoy

Mix all ingredients in large bowl. Spray crock pot with non-stick cooking spray. Turn ingredients into crock pot. Cook on Low for 5 to 6 hours. Recipe can be doubled. Personal Notes: Whenever I brought anything to a family gathering in a crock pot, JC would ask, "Whatcha got in the crotch pot, Jeanne?". Kind of ruined everyone's appetite!

Broccoli Casserole

Betty Smith/Rosemary Haake

1pkgPedderidgeFarmcornstuffing 3/4cmeltedbutter 1canofmushroomsoup 1mediumonion,chopped 1cgratedcheddarcheese 1cmayo 2eggs 2pkgfrozenchoppedbroccolicookedorfreshbroccolisteamed 13ozcreamcheese

Put stuffing in 9 x 13 inch pan; pour butter over pan. Beat soup, onion, cheese and mayo. Beat in eggs. Mix with cooked broccoli.

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Pour over stuffing. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Personal Notes: Another Traditional Haake recipe brought to us by our wonderful Rosemary when she came into our lives. I have so many request to make this, that I know it by heart!!! Thanks Rosemary!

Sweet Potato Casserole

2cupsofmashedsweetpotatoes 2eggs,beaten 1stickofbutter 1cupofsugar 1/2tnutmeg 1/2tcinnamon 1tvanilla Topping 1/2cupbrownsugar 1/4cupmeltedbutter 3/4cupcrushedcornflakes 1/2cupchoppedpecans

Betty Smith

Mix first 7 ingredients together and place it in a well greased pan, bake at 450 for 20 minutes Mix topping together and put on top of casserole and bake additional 10 minutes Personal Notes: This recipe comes from the Smith side of the family and always makes a big hit on Thanksgiving.

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Vegetables and Vegetarian Dishes

Corn on the Cob: Oven Roasted

cornonthecob butterormargarine foil Corntoppings(optional) mayo gratedparmesan paprika chilipowder

Emily Teegarden

Preheat your oven to 350F Remove the husks and silk from the corn and rinse with water. Pat them dry and spread a little butter or margarine on the corn before wrapping them individually in foil. Place on the middle rack in the oven and roast them for 30min. Spread as much or as little of the topping as you like. Note: If you plan on leaving the husks, Just remove the silk. Spread a little of the butter and refold the husks back into place. Put them directly on the oven middle rack and roast for 30 min.

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Vegetables and Vegetarian Dishes

Southwest Baked Beans

Rosemary Haake

6stripsbacon,diced 3/4cupchoppedonion 116oz.canpintobeans 116oz.cancannellinibeans 116oz.canblackbeans 116oz.cankidneybeans 116oz.canporkandbeans 1bottleofStonewallKitchenMapleChipotleGrilleSauce(Ifnotavailable, chooseanotherbrandofgrillesauceorone19oz.bottleJackDanielsHoney SmokehouseBarbequeSauce)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Saute 6 strips of diced bacon together with chopped onion. Drain well. Drain all beans well. Combine beans, bacon, onion and grille sauce. Mix well and spoon into a greased 8-cup casserole. Bake for one hour. Personal Notes: We served this dish at a gathering for an afternoon deck picnic for Kate and Ernie before they moved to Florida. Delicious!

Lisa's Famous Mashed Potato

Lisa Curran

12Potatoes 4cansofHerbedBroth(orChickenBroth) 2CHeavyCream 2Tblsp.FRESHSage,Rosemary,Thyme,Parsley(othervariationsok,but highlyrecommendusingsage&rosemary) 1/2stickButter

1. Peel and boil potatoes in broth; If broth level is too low, add more broth, DO NOT add water. 2. Chop all herbs (DO NOT use any dry herbs) 3. Prepare mixture - melt butter, add all herbs, except for the parsley and heavy cream to the butter; Add parsley about 1 minute before the mixture is ready. 4. Bring mixture to a simmer; Make sure it does not boil.

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5. Begin mashing the potatoes; As you mash slowly drizzle in the mixture. 6. Serve with or without gravy. Personal Notes: Picking the right herbs is the key to this side dish. The fresh rosemary gives off the most flavor to the mashed potatoes. It's a Yoon family favorite at every Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Enjoy!

Potato Salad

Rosemary Haake

10med.tolargepotatoes 6ribscelery,cutbitesize 2med.onionschopped 1jar(16oz.)sweetpickles(gherkins),sliced1/4".Reservejuice 6clovesgarlicminced onebunchbasilsnippedor1T.drybasil salt,peppertotaste 6hardboiledeggs,chopped 1to11/2c.mayo 1/4to1/2c.sweetpicklejuice 3T.GreyPouponmustard

Boil unpeeled potatoes just until done. Do not overcook or potatoes will be mushy. Drain potatoes and allow to cool. When cool, place in refrigerator for several hours. Skins will easily peel off. cut into bite-size pieces. In a very large bowl combine potatoes with other ingredients through salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Stir in eggs last. Mix gently. Combine mayo, sweet pickle juice and mustard in a separate bowl. Mix well and add to potato salad. Combine thoroughly. Personal Notes: This is Skip's favorite potato salad. He says he likes a piece of pickle in every bite!

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Vegetables and Vegetarian Dishes

Roasted Potatoes, Carrots and Onions

3smalltomediumpotatoes 3mediumcarrots 2mediumonions 3T.meltedbutter Driedbasil

Rosemary Haake

Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Peel potatoes and slice in 1/4" slices. If potatoes are medium size, cut each slice in half. Peel carrots and cut into 1" long chunks. Peel onions and cut in half vertically. Cut each half into vertical slices about 1/2" wide (like orange sections). Try to keep slices intact as much as possible. Melt butter in a medium bowl and add potato slices to cover completely. Place potatoes singly on a cookie sheet. Add carrot chunks to melted butter and place singly on cookie sheet with potatoes. Place onion chunks on cookie sheet (as intact as possible) and drizzle remainder of melted butter over onions. Sprinkle vegetables with sea salt, freshly ground pepper and dried basil. Roast for 15 minutes, remove from oven and turn potatoes over. Season this side of potatoes. Do not turn carrots or onions. Continue roasting for five minutes or until potatoes are starting to brown and carrots and onions are still slightly firm. Personal Notes: This is Skip's and my favorite vegetable dish. I had never roasted veggies singly on a cookie sheet until I saw Paul prepare them this way. They're delicious. I guess you can always learn something from your kids!

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Vegetables and Vegetarian Dishes

To-Fu Jo Rim (Seasoned Tofu)

2lb.Tofu(firm) 1/8tsp.Salt 23tst.CookingOil Sauce: 4Tblsp.Soysauce 2tsp.Sugar 1tsp.Sesameoil 1tsp.Sesameseed,toasted/ground 1/8tsp.Pepper 1cloveGarlic,finelycrushed 2med.Greenonions,choppedorsliced(diaganolly) 1Tblsp.Water

Lisa Curran

1. Slice the Tofu into 1/2 inch thick slices 2. Sprinkle with salt and let it stand for 2-3 minutes 3. Prepare sauce 4. Pat the Tofu dry with a paper towel 5. Lightly oil large pan over medium-high heat 6. Fry the tofu until golden brown on both sides CAUTION: The water form the tofu will react with the hot oil and will splatter. Be ready to pull had away from pan quickly or use a oil splash guard. 7. Dip the fried Tofu in the sauce, then layer the tofu in the sauce pan 8. Pour remaining sauce over the layered Tofu 9. Simmer over medium to low heat until the Tofu absorbs most of the sauce, about 4-5 minutes 9. Serve as a side dish with rice or other foods Personal Notes: This recipe was taken from a cook book by Moon Ja Yoon - no relations...well, none that I know of. This dish is REALLY yummy. I hope some of you will give it a chance.

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Desserts, Pies, Cakes and Cookies

Cherry Delight Pie

10inchgrahamcrackerpiecrust 18oz.creamcheese 1cuppowderedsugar 1cupwhippingcream 1(1lb.6oz)cherrypiefilling

Anne Huntzinger

Whip cheese, sugar and cream till fluffy. Spoon into crust and chill at least 2 hours. Before serving top with cherry pie filling

Emily, Sam, and Alex

Individual Cheesecakes
Vanillawafers 38ozcreamcheese(softened) 3/4csugar 3eggs 2tspvanilla Piefilling(anykindofpiefilling)

Martha Teegarden

Beat well the cream cheese, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Put one vanilla wafer in paper cupcake holder. Fill 2/3 full. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Cool in tin. Top with pie filling and refrigerate. Makes 24 to 30.

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Peanut Butter Dream Pie

1(3oz)pkg.creamcheese 1cpowderedsugar 1/3cpeanutbutter 1(8oz)CoolWhip,thawed 1/2choneyroastedpeanuts,finelychopped 1(9in)grahamcrackercrustorOreocookiecrust

Anne Huntzinger

Whip cream cheese until soft and fluffy. Beat in sugar and peanut butter. Fold cool whip topping into peanut butter mixture. Pour into prepared crust. Sprinkle with nuts and chill until firm.

Raspberry Dessert
110ozpkgoffrozenraspberries(drained) 1caneaglebrandsweetenedcondensedmilk 1tlemonjuice 18ozfrozenlightwhippedtoppingthawed grahamcrackercrustorbakedwontonssprinkledwithsugar

Judy Curran

Blend all ingredients together and pour into the crust.or wontons Personal Notes: This was Aunt Mimi's dessert. We had problems with in being too runny. The whipped topping seems to help that.

Strawberry Pie
1(9in)bakedcrust 1and1/2qtstrawberries 3Tcornstarch 1csugar 2Tlemonjuice Whippedcream

Anne Huntzinger

Rinse berries; set best 1/2 aside. Mash other 1/2 berries. Combine
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with corn starch and sugar; cook until thick and clear. Remove from heat. Cool, stir i lemon juice and pour into pie shell over best berries. Cool completely and serve with whipped cream.

Nonny with her greatgrandchildren

3cflour 3and3/4tbakingpowder 3/4csugar 3/4tsalt 3Tbutter 3and3/8Tshortening notquite1and1/2cmilk


mix well and put in a greased 9x13 pan - bake 20 minutes in 45r0 oven.

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Personal Notes: I think we all can remember Nonny making these when she would visit in the summer!

Oreo Ice Cream Pie

1packageOreocookies 1/2gallonvanillaicecream,softenedforeasierspreading Choppedsaltedpeanuts Hotfudgesauce 1smallcontainercoolwhip,thawed.

Beth Kanter

Crumble up the Oreo cookies and place at the bottom of a 9X11 rectangular pan. Save a small amount of the cookie crumbles for the top of the Pie Layer the Pie first with the ice cream, then with the peanuts, then the hot fudge sauce, cool whip topping and then the cookie crumbles. You will need to put in the freezer for a couple of hours to refreeze. Serve.

Oreo and Fudge Ice Cream Cake

cuphotfudgeicecreamtopping,heated 1tub(8oz.)whippedtopping,thawed,divided 1pkg.(3.9oz)chocolateinstantpudding 8Oreocookies,chopped 12vanillaicecreamsandwiches

Jill Amonette

Pour fudge topping onto medium bowl. Whisk in 1 cup whipped topping. Add dry pudding mix; stir 2 min. Stir in chopped cookies. Arrange 4 ice cream sandwiches, side-by-side, in 24-in-long piece of foil; top with half of mixture. Repeat layers. Top with remaining sandwiches. Frost top and sides with remaining whipped topping. Bring up foil

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sides; double-fold top and ends to loosely seal packet. Freeze 4 hours.

French Pecan Pie

3eggwhites 1/2tbakingpowder 1csugar 20Ritzcrackers 1cchoppedpecans 1/2tvanilla

Betty Smith/Rosemary Haake

Beat egg whites until foamy. Sprinkle baking powder and beat until stiff. Add sugar gradually; beat until sugar is dissolved. Add crackers (crushed), vanilla and pecans. Mix well. Put in 9 inch buttered pie pan. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Garnish with whip cream chocolate pieces. Personal Notes: Another recipe Rosemary brought into our family.

Milk Chocolate Walnut bars

1/2cbrownsugar 1/2coleo,roomtemperature 1egg 1and1/2cflour 1/2tbakingpowder 1/2tvanilla 112ozmilkchocolatechips 1cchoppedwalnuts


preheat oven to 350 - combine brown sugar, oleo and egg, add flour, baking powder and vanilla. press dough in a 9x13 pan. bake for 10 minutes. remove from oven and immediately sprinkle with chocolate chips. return to oven 1 minute. as soon as chips melt, spread evenly, then sprinkle nuts on top. cool and slice.

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makes about 4 dozen bars.

Cream Cheese Blueberry Pie

4oz.creamcheesesoftened 1/2cupconfectioner'ssugar 1/2cupheavywhippingcreamwhipped 1pastryshell(9in)baked 2/3cupsugar 1/4cupcornstarch 1/2cupwater 1/4cuplemonjuice 3cupsfreshorfrozenblueberries

Judy Curran

In a small mixing bowl beat cream cheese and conf. sugar until smooth. Fold in whipped cream. Spread into pastry shell. In a large saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch, water and lemon juice until smooth, stir in blueberries. Bring to a boil over med. heat, cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Cool. Spread over cream cheese layer. Refrigerate until serving

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Eclair

1pkg.(3.4oz.)vanillaflavorinstantpudding 13/4cupscoldmilk 1/4cuppeanutbutter 1tub(8oz.)whippedtopping,thawed 24grahamcrackers 6squaresBAKER'ssemisweetchocolate 3tbsp.butter Heathcrumbles

Jill Amonette

Beat pudding mix and milk with wisk for 2 min. Add peanut butter; mix well. Stir in whipped topping. Layer 1/3 of grahams and half the pudding mixture in 13x9 in. dish, breaking grahams if necessary. Repeat layers. Top with remaining grahams.
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Microwave chocolate and butter on high 2 min., stirring after 1 min. Stir until well blended. Spread over grahams. Top with Heath crumbles. Refrigerate 8 hours before serving.

Chocolate Eclair Cake

1boxofgrahamcrackers 2smallboxesofinstantFrenchVanillapudding 3cupsofmilk 18ouncetubofCoolWhip 1canofChocolateicing.

Betty Smith

In a large bowl put in French Vanilla pudding and 3 cups of milk, stir for 3 minutes, fold in Cool Whip. In a 9 x 13 pan place on sleeve of graham crackers and add 1/2 of pudding mixture on top of the graham crackers, add another sleeve of graham crackers and the rest of the pudding mixture. Top with the last sleeve of graham crackers. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours than spread the chocolate icing on top Personal Notes: This is a pretty easy recipe and always makes a big hit with adults and children.

Darryl and Mary, Colts Game, October, 2012

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No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Mary McPherson

1/2cbutterormargarine 2csugar 1/2cmilk 4Tcocoa 1/2ccreamypeanutbutter(orchunkybutcouldmakecookiedryandcrumbly) 2tvanilla 331/2cdryquickcookingoats

Add the first four ingredients into a 4-quart sauce pan. Bring to a boil and hold for 1 minute. DO NOT BOIL FOR MORE THAN ONE MINUTE. Remove from heat. Add peanut butter to hot mixture and stir until melted. Add vanilla. Mix in oats. Drop by tablespoons onto wax paper. Let cool and set. Personal Notes: It's hard to find a good no-bake cookie but Darryl and I found it! These are very good.

Peanut Butter Cookies

1cupofflour 1/2tsalt 1/2tbakingsoda 1tcinnamon(Iuse2t) 1/2cupbutter 1egg 1cupsugar 1/2cuppeanutbutter 1tvanilla chocolatechipsoptional

Betty Smith

Mix flour, salt, soda and cinnamon. In another bowl combine butter, egg, sugar, peanut butter, and vanilla, mix with a fork until creamy. Add flour mixture and blend frequently scraping bowl with a spatula. Roll into 1-inch balls. Drop onto greased cookie sheet, about 2 inches apart. Flatten with a fork. Sprinkle each cookies with a few
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chocolate chips, if desired. Place in pre-heated 350 degree oven and bake about 12 minutes.

Grandma's Million Dollar Fudge

4c.sugar 1largecanevaporatedmilk(notcondensed) 1/4poundbutter 12ozpackagesemisweetchocolatechips 1jarMarshmallowFluff 1tsp.vanilla choppedwalnutstosuittaste

Rosemary Haake

Add sugar, evaporated milk and butter to large sauce pan. Cook to soft ball stage, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips, Marshmallow Fluff, vanilla and nuts. Beat by hand until fudge is a thicker consistency. Spoon into dish or platter and refrigerate. Cut into squares before it becomes too solid. Personal Notes: This recipe is from my Grandma Kidwell's handwritten, yellowed sheet of paper. (She passed away in 1970.) She mailed it to me when I was in Chicago. Her note at the bottom of the paper says, "Hope you made it back ok. Will call bank this morning." (was I overdrawn??)

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Mom's Carrot Cake

2csugar 4eggs 11/2csaladoil 1tcinnamon 3crawcarrots,grated 1tvanilla 2cflour,sifted 2tbakingsoda 3/4tsalt 1cuppecanorwalnuts,chopped Frosting: 8ozsoftcreamcheese 3/4boxconfectionerssugar 3/4stickbutter,softened 1tvanilla combineingredientsandspreadoncooledcake.

Betty Smith

Beat sugar, eggs and oil until light and fluffy. Add rest of ingredients in order given and stir. Pour into 9 x 13 inch greased pan and bake at 375 for 35 minutes. This cake is moist and keeps well. Personal Notes: This is David's favorite cake, and I try to make it for him for his birthday.

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Coke Cake
2csugar 2cflour 2sticksbutter 3heapingTcocoa 1ccoke 1/2cbuttermilk 2beateneggs 1tbakingsoda 1tvanilla 1and1/2cminiaturemarshmallows ________________________________ Icing 1/2cbutter 1heapingTcocoa 1/3ccoke 1cupchoppedpecans 1boxpowderedsugar

Anne Huntzinger

Combine flour and sugar in bowl. Melt butter, cocoa and coke and continue cooking until boiling. Pour over sugar and flour. mix. Add buttermilk, soda, eggs and vanilla. Stir in marshmallows pour into a greased and flour 9x13 pan. Bake 30-40 minutes at 350. Icing Combine butter, cocoa and coke - bring to boil - pour over powdered sugar and beat well - add pecans and spread on cake while hot.

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Berry Cobbler in the Crockpot

1cupflour 3Tbsp.sugar 1tsp.bakingpowder 1/4tsp.cinnamon 1egg 1/4cupfatfreemilk 2Tbsp.canolaoil 1/8tsp.salt 2cupsraspberries 2cupsblueberrires 1/2Tbsp.lemonjuice 1cupsugar 1/4cupflour

Emily Teegarden

In a large bowl, combine 1 cup flour, 3 Tbsp. sugar, baking powder and cinnamon. In a small bowl combine egg, milk and canola oil. Whisk together until completely blended. Add egg mixture to flour mixture and stir until just moistened. Spread over the bottom of a 5qt slow cooker. In a medium bowl, combine 1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup flour and salt. Next add in raspberries and blueberries (fresh or frozen will work) and lemon juice. Stir to completely and evenly coat the raspberries and blueberries with the sugar-flour. Evenly distribute the raspberries and blueberries over batter. Cover and cook on LOW for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours or until batter is cooked through. Top with ice cream or frozen yogurt if desired.

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Easy Pineapple Sheet Cake

Cake: 2eggs 2cupsflour 2cupssugar 2tsp.bakingsoda 1tspvanilla 1/2tsp.salt 1/2cupchoppedwalnutsorpecans largecancrushedpineapple,undrained Icing: 8ozpkg.creamcheese,softened 1/2stickbutter(4T.)roomtemperature 11/2cupspowderedsugar 1/2cupchoppednuts

Rosemary Haake

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all cake ingredients and mix well. Pour onto large greased cookie sheet and bake for about 30 minutes (it browns quickly, so check at 25 minutes) or you can use a 9" by 13" baking dish and increase the baking time until a tester comes out clean. Icing: Stir all ingredients together, mix well and spread on cooled cake. Personal Notes: Connie gave me this recipe many years ago. She served it the last time I visited her (Feb., '13). It's so easy, and so delicious. It's sure to be a kid-pleaser too. Bet you can't eat just one piece! Is this cake a four-star winner? You betcha!

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Lemon Pound Cake

Rosemary Haake

1pkg.DuncanHinesMoistDeluxeLemonSupremeCakeMix(oryellow) 1pkg.instantlemonpuddingandpiefilling 4largeeggs 1cupwater 1/3cupvegetableoil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour 10-inch tube pan. Combine cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, water and oil in large bowl. Beat at medium speed for two minutes. Pour into pan. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pan. Using sharp knife, go around side edges of pan, separating cake from pan. Remove cake holding on to the tube. Use knife to separate bottom of cake from tube as well as the hole in the middle. Turn cake upside down, placing other hand under cake and allow it to fall into your hand. Invert cake and place on plate. Drizzle a warmed purchased frosting over the surface. Or make a simple powdered sugar glaze, adding a little lemon zest. Personal Notes: This is a very popular cake for a local bakery!! All of the locals know that it is basically an enhanced box cake that any one could make at home, but the tourists don't know that! They love it and even have it shipped everywhere for gifts.

Peach Melba Ice Cream Pie

1pkg.flakedcoconut 3/4cupfinelychoppedwalnuts 3T.meltedbutter 2qt.peachicecream(orvanillaifpeachisunavailable) 2pt.freshraspberries(divided) 1/3c,sugar 1T.cornstarch 4c.slicedfreshpeaches

Rosemary Haake

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Combine coconut, nuts and butter.

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Press firmly and evenly against bottom and sides of 10-inch pie plate or other baking dish. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Cool. Allow ice cream to soften enough to scoop into cooled pie crust, spreading to edges. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze. Place 1 pt. raspberries in a sauce pan and add sugar. Add cornstarch to a little water and stir until dissolved. Add it to the raspberries and cook, mashing berries and stirring constantly, until thickened. Refrigerate. Slice peaches and add a dusting of sugar. Refrigerate until pie is frozen solid. Cut pie into eight wedges and place in shallow bowls. Add sliced peaches, raspberry sauce and top with remaining pint of fresh raspberries. Personal Notes: This is a fun dessert to serve when fresh peaches are in season. I've made this dessert several times, the last time was for a going-away party for friends who were moving to Florida. This recipe is from Soupcon, a Junior League of Chicago cookbook dated 1974.

Meringue-Topped Rice Pudding

3c.cookedlonggrainwhiterice 4c.wholemilk,roomtemperature 3/4c.sugar 1/4tsp.salt 4largeeggs,separated 11/2tsp.purevanillaextract 1/3c.raisins 1/4tsp.cinnamon 1/4tsp.creamoftartar

Rosemary Haake

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Butter a shallow 2-quart baking dish. In a medium-size heavy-bottom saucepan, combine rice, 3 cups milk, 1/4 cup sugar, and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently so that the milk doesn't stick to the bottom and burn. Cook until thick and creamy, about 30 minutes. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, remaining milk, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Stir into rice. Add raisins and cinnamon and cook for about two minutes.
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With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until foamy. Increase speed to high and gradually add the remaining 1/2 cup sugar, cream of tartar, and remaining 1/2 tsp. vanilla. Beat until stiff but not dry, 3 to 4 minutes. using a rubber spatula, spoon meringue on top of rice, covering entirely, and swirling some peaks into the surface. Transfer to oven and bake until the meringue has golden brown peaks, about 5 minutes. Personal Notes: This rice pudding is delicious served with a raspberry sauce. Just heat some fresh raspberries in a small pan along with a little orange juice, some sugar and cornstarch and simmer for a few minutes until thickened.

John and Jeanne on Catalina Island

Saltine Toffee
11/2sleevesofsaltinecrackers 1stick(4oz)butter 1cuppackedbrownsugar 2cupschocolatechips

Jeanne Beuoy

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with aluminum foil and spraying the foil with nonstick cooking spray. 2. Arrange the crackers in a single layer on the baking sheet so that there are no empty spaces in between them. Crush any remaining crackers into small crumbs and set aside for now.
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3. Place the butter and brown sugar in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir while the butter melts, and bring the mixture to a rolling boil. Once boiling, carefully pour the sugarbutter mixture over the crackers on the baking sheet in an even layer, trying to cover most of the crackers. If you miss some spots, dont worry as the toffee will spread in the oven. 4. Bake the toffee crackers at 350 degrees for five minutes, until the toffee is bubbling all over. Carefully remove the pan from the oven and allow to cool for one minute. 5. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top of the hot toffee, and allow them to sit for one minute to soften and melt. Once softened, use a knife to spread the melted chocolate over the entire surface of the toffee in an even layer. While the chocolate is still sticky, sprinkle the top with the reserved crushed crackers. 6. Refrigerate the pan to set the toffee and chocolate for about 30 minutes. Once set, break into small uneven pieces by hand, and enjoy! Store uneaten saltine toffee in an airtight container for up to a week.

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Trifle Supreme

Rosemary Haake

Onepurchasedorhomemadeangelfoodcake,brokenintopieces strawberries,halved blueberries bananas,sliced 2c.heavycream 6T.sugar 1tsp.vanilla 1/2c.(ormore)crushedpineapple 1/2c.quarteredMaraschinocherries 4c.miniaturemarshmallows 1c.choppedwalnuts Custard: 3T.sugar 11/2T.cornstarch 3eggyolks 21/2c.milk 1tsp.vanilla

Combine prepared fruit in a bowl. Beat whipping cream until soft peaks stand, add sugar and continue beating until spreading consistency; add vanilla. Fold in crushed pineapple, Maraschino cherries, marshmallows and chopped walnuts. Custard: Whisk in saucepan sugar, cornstarch, and egg yolks until smoothly combined; whisk in milk in a steady stream, stirring constantly over medium heat until thickened. Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla. Cool slightly then cover surface with plastic wrap and cool. In a trifle bowl or other deep sided bowl layer pieces of cake, custard, fruit, whipped cream mixture; repeat layering. Garnish top with fresh fruit. Personal Notes: The blending of the cake, custard, whipped cream and fruit is very pleasing to any sweet tooth! It is a very impressive dessert. You will need enough fruit for two layers plus the top of the trifle.

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Pink Champagne Cake

3c.allpurposeflour 3tsp.bakingpowder 1/2tsp.salt 1c.(2sticks)unsaltedbutter 2c.sugar 1tsp.vanilla 6eggwhites afewdropsofredfoodcoloring 2c.Champagne PinkChampagneFrosting: 1/4c.(11/2sticks)unsaltedbutter,softened 4c.confectionerssugar 1/2c.Champagne 1/4c.wholemilk 1T.vanillaextract Afewdropsredfoodcoloring

Rosemary Haake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans. In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In a mixing bowl, beat butter and sugar 3 to 5 minutes, or until light and fluffy. Add vanilla and beat in egg whites, one at a time. Mix in food coloring. Beat in flour mixture and Champagne in three alternating additions, starting and ending with flour. Pour batter into pans and bake 35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Frosting: In a mixing bowl, beat butter 1 minute. Gradually add the confectioners sugar, Champagne, milk, vanilla and food coloring; beat until smooth and creamy. After cake has cooled completely, place bottom layer on a cake plate and spread with about 1/3 of the frosting. Place second layer on top of first and frost the top and sides of the cake. Personal Notes: This is the perfect cake for a bridal shower or for the ladies who lunch. The recipe is from Booze Cakes. This was a popular cookbook in The Drawing Room.

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Golden Rum Cake

1c.(2sticks)unsaltedbutter 2c.sugar 4eggs 3c.allpurposeflour 2tsp.bakingpowder 1/2tsp.bakingsoda 1/8tsp.salt 1c.milk 1tsp.vanillaextract 1/4c.darkrum GoldenRumGlaze: 4T.(1/2stick)unsaltedbutter 1c.sugar 1/2c.darkrum 3T.confectionerssugarforfinishing

Rosemary Haake

Preheat oven to 350 degree. Grease and flour a 9 or 10 inch Bundt or tube cake pan. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl, combine milk, vanilla, and rum. Beat flour mixture and milk mixture into butter in three alternating additions. Pour batter into the prepared pan. Bake one hour, until golden brown, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Glaze: Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Stir in sugar and 1/4 c. water and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer for five minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in rum. Place cake on serving platter and slowly pour glaze over top and sides until completely absorbed. Dust with confectioners sugar. Personal Notes: This is the perfect cake for the Christmas holiday. Keep it tightly wrapped in foil and refrigerate after a couple of days and it will last a long time. (That is unless someone gets into it in the middle of the night!) This recipe is from Booze Cakes, a very creative little cookbook that I sold in The Drawing Room

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Berry Cobbler
Eightcupsmixedberries: Raspberries Blackberries Blueberries 1/3c.granulatedsugar 1/2tsp.coarsesalt Juiceof1/2lemon 21/2T.cornstarch BiscuitDough: 11/3c.allpurposeflour 1/3c.granulatedsugar 11/2tsp.bakingpowder 1tsp.bakingsoda 1/2tsp.coarsesalt 6T.coldunsaltedbutter,cubed 1/2c.buttermilk,plusextraforbrushing

Rosemary Haake

In a large bowl toss together the fruit, sugar, salt, lemon juice, and cornstarch. Transfer to a 13"x9" baking dish. Set the oven rack to middle position and preheat the oven to 375 degrees. To make the biscuit dough, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. Work the cold butter into the dry ingredients with your fingers or a pastry blender until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Work quickly so that the cold butter doesn't get warm. Add the buttermilk and fold in with a spatula or your hands until all the buttermilk has been absorbed. Do not overwork. The dough will be wet. Spoon dollops of biscuit dough on top of the fruit. The dollops will spread together as it bakes. Brush the dough with buttermilk and sprinkle with sanding sugar or raw sugar. Bake until the biscuit topping is lightly browned and cooked through, 30 to 35 minutes. Personal Notes: This recipe is from the Sono Baking Company Cookbook, a favorite cookbook, and a favorite gift from Connie. I've made this cobbler when I didn't have the right berries on hand, (substituted some chopped apple) or buttermilk (I used skim milk) and it was still delicious. So use whatever fruits you have

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Rosemary's Oatmeal Cookies

3cupsflour 1tsp.salt 2tsp.cinnamon 1/2tsp.nutmeg 6cupsOldfashionedoatmeal 2tsp.bakingsoda 1cupcoconut 1cupgoldenraisins 1cupdriedchoppedcherriesorcranberries(notCraisins) 1jarmacadamianutschopped 11/2cupsCrisco 3/4cupbrownsugar 1cupwhitesugar 4eggs 2tsp.vanilla

Rosemary Haake

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Combine all dry ingredients in a very large bowl (I use a Dutch oven). In a separate bowl, cream together Crisco and sugars until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla. Beat an additional two minutes. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. Stir until combined well and no more flour is visible. Drop by golf-ball size balls onto greased baking sheet. After 8 minutes, you may flatten cookies slightly with a spatula or just leave them dome-shaped. Bake an additional 4 or 5 minutes. They should be lightly brown on the bottom. Let cookies cool slightly on sheet then remove to paper towels to finish cooling. Have the next cookie sheet ready to go into the oven, or wipe out first sheet and grease it again after it has cooled. Personal Notes: Many years ago when we lived in New Jersey, I started "fooling" with the Quaker oats original cookie recipe. This recipe has half as much brown sugar and Crisco instead of butter. It's also loaded with chewies. I remember taking some of these cookies to Indy one time when Grandpa Haake was still living. He grabbed the bag of cookies after eating one and headed for the
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basement, saying "These are mine" as he disappeared around the corner. Cookies never to be seen again. The cookies were very popular at Drawing Room store events. This is a double-addictive recipe.

Berta's Carrot Cake

Rosemary Haake

2c.unbleachedallpurposeflour 2c.granulatedsugar 2tsp.bakingsoda 2tsp.groundcinnamon 1c.canolaoil 3eggs,lightlybeaten 2tsp.vanillaextract 11/3c.cooked,mashedcarrots(leaveafewchunks) 1c.choppedwalnuts 1c.shreddedcoconut 1largecancrushedpineapple,welldrained Creamcheesefrosting CreamCheeseFrosting: 8oz..creamcheese,roomtemperature 6T.unsaltedbutter,roomtemperature 3c.confectionerssugar(mayneedmore) 1tsp.vanilla Juiceof1/2lemon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. butter and flour a tube pan. Sift flour, sugar, baking soda and cinnamon together in a large bowl. Add the oil, eggs and vanilla. Beat well. Fold in carrots, walnuts, coconut, and pineapple. Pour batter into the prepared tube pan. Place it on middle rack of oven and bake for one hour or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Place cake on rack to cool completely. With a sharp knife, go around the outer edge of cake, separating it from the pan, and lift it out of pan by holding on to the tube. With knife go around the bottom of cake, separating it from the base of the tube. Go around center of tube, separating it from the cake. Turn cake upside down, holding one hand under it. Slide tube out
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of cake and place cake upright on cake plate. Ice. Cream Cheese Frosting: Cream the cream cheese and butter together in large mixing bowl. Slowly add the confectioners sugar. Beat well. Stir in the vanilla and lemon juice. Spread liberally over cake and create swirls in the frosting Personal Notes: This cake has become our traditional Christmas cake. It's from the Silver Palate series of cookbooks. The secret to its moist texture is the crushed pineapple. Be sure it is welldrained.

Classic Coconut Cake

2c.allpurposeflour 11/3c.looselypackedsweetenedflakedcoconut 1c.buttermilk 1tsp.bakingsoda 2c.sugar 1c.(2sticks)unsaltedbutter,roomtemperature 5largeeggyolks,roomtemperature 4largeeggwhites,roomtemperature

Rosemary Haake

Frosting: 31/2c.powderedsugar One8oz.packagePhiladelphiacreamcheese,roomtemperature 1/2cup(1stick)unsaltedbutter,roomtemperature 2tsp.vanillaextract 1c.sweetenedflakedcoconut

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour two 9-inch cake pans. Mix flour and coconut in medium bowl. Whisk buttermilk and baking soda in small bowl. Using electric mixer, beat sugar and butter in large bowl until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add egg yolks and beat to blend. Add flour mixture in 3 additions alternately with buttermilk mixture in 2 additions, beating just to blend after each addition. Beat egg whites and 11/4 tsp. salt in

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another large bowl until peaks form. Add 1/3 of egg white mixture to batter; fold into batter just to blend. Fold in remaining egg white mixture in 2 additions. Divide batter between pans. Bake cakes until tester inserted in center comes out clean, about 35 minutes. Cool cakes in pans. Frosting: With electric mixer, beat sugar, cream cheese, butter, and vanilla in large bowl until blended. Place 1 cake layer on plate and spread with 1 cup frosting. Place second layer on top of first and spread top and sides of cake with remaining frosting. Sprinkle some coconut on top and pat some on sides of cake, Refrigerate cake after the first day. Personal Notes: This recipe is from the Hominy Grill in Charleston, SC. My five high school girl friends and I enjoyed a wonderful week in Charleston during the flower garden shows the spring of 2011. Coconut cake is a southern delicacy. It's very important that the chilled ingredients are room temperature prior to mixing. The blending will be creamier and the cake will be lighter and more tender.

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Rustic Apple Crumb Croustades (Free-form tart)

Crust: 1c.allpurposeflour 1/8tsp.salt 3T.chilledbutter,cutintosmallpieces 31/2T.icewater Filling: 2c.choppedpeeledGrannySmithapple(about2medium) 11/2T.freshlemonjuice 1/4c.packedbrownsugar 1T.allpurposeflour 1/8tsp.salt 1/8tsp.groundcinnamon 1T.water 1largeeggwhite Topping: 2T.allpurposeflour 1T.brownsugar 11/8tsp.salt 11/8tsp.cinnamon 11/2tsp.chilledbutter,cutintosmallpieces.

Rosemary Haake

To prepare crust: Combine flour and salt in medium bowl. Cut in chilled butter with pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add ice water; stir just until moist. Turn dough out on a heavily floured surface; knead lightly several times. Divide dough into two equal portions and roll each into an 8-inch circle. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for ten minutes. Uncover dough and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Filling: Combine chopped apples and lemon juice; toss to coat. Add sugar, flour, salt and cinnamon. Toss to combine. Place half of the apple mixture in the middle of each dough circle, leaving a 2-inch border. Fold edges of dough inward, over the outer edges of the apples, slightly overlapping the dough and gently pressing it together around the edges. Most of the apple mixture will still be visible in the middle. Combine 1 T. water and egg white; brush

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mixture gently over the outer border of the dough. Topping: Combine flour, brown sugar, salt and cinnamon. Cut in butter with a pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle mixture evenly over apple mixture. Bake for 45 minutes or until golden . Personal Notes: This is an easy, delicious and rustic way to serve apple pie. You don['t have to worry about transferring a rolled-out pie crust to the pan, And you don't have to worry about how neat it looks. That's why it's "rustic".

Texas Sheet Cake

2cupsflour 2cupssugar 2sticksbutterormargarine 1/4cupcocoa 1cupwater 2/3cupbuttermilk 1teaspoonbakingsoda 2slightlybeateneggs 1teaspoonvanilla

Rosemary Haake

ICING:(Lots) 1stickbutterormargarine 1/4cupcocoa 4T.milk 1boxconfectionerssugar(ifusingabag,mixuntilspreadingconsistency) 1tsp.vanilla 1/2cupcoarselychoppedpecans(optional)

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Grease (or cooking spray) and flour a 15 x 10 inch jelly roll pan or a 9 by 13 inch baking dish. In large mixing bowl, blend together flour and sugar. In small saucepan melt margarine, cocoa and water together over low heat. Pour this mixture over flour and sugar and beat well. Add buttermilk, soda, eggs and vanilla. Beat well. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake

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17 minutes (jelly roll pan) or 30 minutes (9 x 13 pan) until a toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean. It's ok if a few crumbs cling to it--guarantees it will be moist. Place on a wire rack. ICING: Combine 1 stick butter, 1/4 cup cocoa and 4 T. milk in large saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and gradually stir in powdered sugar then add vanilla and pecans. Beat icing until well-blended and thick enough to spread. Icing will thicken more after it's spread on cake. This makes a lot of icing (which Skip loves) Personal Notes: Connie gave me this recipe in the late 1960's. She makes the sheet cake version and I make the 9 x 13 version. I've also used the recipe for cupcakes. You just have to watch the baking time. It has become our family traditional birthday cake. This recipe has travelled far and wide and become very famous (with a few variations). I remember baking it for our family picnic in Glen Ellyn. One cake fed all of us at that time. What I like about it: It's simple to make, dense and rich. It's also delicious refrigerated after the first day. Just go cut a sliver and eat it with your fingers. Ummmm!!

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Desserts, Pies, Cakes and Cookies

Nonny's White Fruitcake

11/2cupsbutter 2cupssugar 6eggs,separated 4cupsflour,siftedbeforemeasuring flourforfruitandnuts 2tsp.bakingpowder pinchofsalt 1poundpecanmeats(halves,preferably) 1poundcrystallizedcherries,halfgreen,halfred 1poundcrystallizedpineapple,clear somecitronorlemonpeelifdesired 1cupbourbon 1tsp.vanilla nutmegifdesired

Jeanne Beuoy

Grease three loaf pans with Crisco, line with wax paper, also greased. Prepare the fruit and nuts ahead. Cut the pineapple in thin slivers and the cherries in half. Break up the pecan meats, reserving a handful or so shapely halves to decorate the tops of the cakes. Put in separate bowls, dusting the fruit and nuts lightly in sifting of flour. In a very large wide mixing bowl cream the butter very light, then beat in the sugar until all is smooth and creamy. Sift in the flour, with the baking powder and salt added, a little at a time, alternating with the unbeaten egg yolks added one at a time. When all this is creamy, add the floured fruits and nuts, gradually, scattering the lightly into the batter, stirring all the while, and add the bourbon in alteration little by little. Lastly, whip the eggwhites into peaks and fold in. Set the oven at 250. Pour the batter into the cake-pans, remembering that they will rise. Decorate the tops with nuts. Bake for three hours or more, until they spring back to the touch and a straw inserted at the center comes out clean and dry. When done, the cake should be a warm golden color. When they've cooled enough to handle, run a spatula around the sides of each cake, cover the pan with a big plate , turn the pan over and slip the cake out. Cover the cake with another plate and turn rightside up. When cool, the cake can be wrapped in cheese cloth or foil and stored in a tightly fitted tin box.
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From time to time before Christmas you may improve it with a little more bourbon, dribbled over the top to be absorbed to ripen the cake before cutting. This cake will keep for a good white, in or out of the refrigerator. Personal Notes: Nonny always made this fruitcake when she came to visit over Christmas. Everyday, she would unwrap the cheese cloth and pour bourbon over the cake. I remember coming home from school and seeing Mom and Nonny sitting at the breakfast table having a little afternoon snack of bourbon-soaked fruitcake. They were always in a good mood!

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Nonny and Grandma Haake

Grandma Haake's sausage dressing

BreadCrumbs(orPepperidgeFarmherbedcrumbs) 1#sausagefried 1smallonion Addplentyofwater(wenowusechickenbrothinstead) 2Tsalt 2Tsage 1egg(slightlybeaten)

Judy Curran

Combine all ingreadients and bake for 1 hour and 350 degrees Personal Notes: Thru the years we have changed this recipe. We still debate about using day old bread or the store bought bread crumbs. We always are looking for ways to improve - but it is always a big hit around the holidays!
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People Puppy Chow

9cCrispixcereal 1c.semisweetchocolatechips 1/2c.peanutbutter 1/4c.butter 1tvanilla 1and1/2cpowderedsugar

Anne Huntzinger

Pour cereal into a large bowl and set aside. Combine peanut butter, chocolate chips and butter in a microwave safe bowl. microwave on high 1 to 1 and 1/2 minutes. Stir until smooth and add vanilla. Pour chocolate mixture over cereal, stirring until all pieces are coated. pour cereal mixture into a large Ziploc bag with powdered sugar. Seal and shake until all pieces are well coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool.

Cherry Berry Jam

2c.pittedfreshcherries(about12ounces) 11/2c.blackberries 11/2c.raspberries 3/4c.sugar(orlessifyoupreferlesssweet) 11/2tsp.freshlemonjuice

Rosemary Haake

Combine all ingredients in a medium heavy saucepan over medium-high heat; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until reduced to two cups (about 1 1/2 hours), stirring occasionally. Cool in pan. Spoon into a bowl, cover and chill. Yield: 2 cups Personal Notes: Delicious on English muffins anytime your sweet tooth needs to be satisfied!

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Recipe for Happiness

2cupsofpatience(heaping) 1heartfuloflove 2handfulsofgenerosity Dashoflaughter 1headfulunderstanding

Jody Bailey

Mix and sprinkle generously with kindness and plenty of faith. Sprinkle over a period of a lifetime and serve to everyone you meet!! Personal Notes: This was given to me by grandmother dated December 19, 1983 on a recipe card in my new recipe box that she had given me and that I still use!! She was an awesome cook and had and used all the ingredients listed above!!

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2sticksofbutter 21/2cbrownsugar 1/2tsalt 1cKarosyrup 1cEagleBrandmilk 1tvanilla 16ozmilkchocolatemorsels 1pkgwholepecans

Betty Smith

Melt butter in heavy saucepans; add brown sugar and salt and stir until combined. Blend in Karo gradually. Add Eagle Brand milk, heat until firm ball stage. Stir in vanilla. Lay pecans out; spoon caramel mixture over pecans, then melted milk chocolate. Let harden and refrigerate. Personal Notes: Diane Gardner and I use to make these every Christmas.

The Peters Family

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Breakfast Pizza
1pkg.Littlesmokies 1pkg.Crescentrolls 1c.Loosepackfrozenhashbrowns,thawed 1c.Shreddedcheddarcheese 5eggs 1/4c.Milk 1/2tsp.salt 1/2tsp.pepper 2TParmesancheese

Jane Peters

Place dough on pizza pan, cover pan. earl perforation. Chop Little Smokies. Place on crust . Sprinkles with potatoes. Top with cheese. In a bowl, beat eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Pour onto crust. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake at 375. For 25 to 30 minutes. Personal Notes: I make this pizza every Easter for the family. Great for leftover. I always make sure the eggs are done. You might have to add some cooking time.

2cupsbisquickbakingmix 2/3cupmilk

Anne Huntzinger

Mix ingredients until soft dough forms. On a floured surface roll dough to about the thickness of pie crust. Using a shape knife cut into about 1 - inch squares. I usually use a pie pan and cut many pieces of wax paper that will fit in the pie pan. Place a piece of wax paper in the pie pan, sprinkle with flour, add a single sheet of dumplings, sprinkle dumplings with flour, add another piece of wax paper and continue until dumplings are gone. End with a piece of wax paper over the dumplings - then slide the pie pan into a plastic bag and tie the bag tight. Place in freezer. Best to freeze at least a week before using them.
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To use: Dutch oven with lots of chicken broth (I usually add a little yellow food coloring) Heat to boiling and then slowly add dumplings - one at a time - be very careful you do not do this step too fast otherwise they will stick together. cook for about 15 minutes - careful about stirring and check often to make sure they are not sticking. Dumplings can be eaten as a side or the way we like them is on mashed potatoes !

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Notes ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Index of Recipes 20 minute Chicken Parmesan - Mom 114 7 Layer Frito Dip - Martha Teegarden 33 Alfredo meatballs - Katie Hyatt 17 Apple, Pecan and Blue Cheese Salad - Anne Huntzinger 63 Avocado and Goat Cheese Dip - Judy Curran 21 Avocado Chicken Salad - Emily Teegarden 57 Bacon-Wrapped Turkey Burgers with Blue Cheese Sauce - Jill Amonette 115 Baked Brisket of Beef - Rosemary Haake 95 Banana Bread - Lisa Curran 46 Banana Bread - Betty Smith 42 Barbecue Green Beans - Jennifer LaMarca 143 BBQ Chicken Nachos - Emily Teegarden 35 Bean and corn salad - Katie Hyatt 26 Beef and Noodles - Beth Kanter 85 Beef Tenderloin with Mustard, Garlic, Pepper "Frosting" - Rosemary Haake 101 Beef with snow peas-pioneer woman - Katie Hyatt 99 Beer Brisket - Rosemary Haake 94 Berry and Banana Smoothie - Rosemary Haake 24 Berry Cobbler - Rosemary Haake 175 Berry Cobbler in the Crockpot - Emily Teegarden 166 Berta's Carrot Cake - Rosemary Haake 177 Bloody Marys - Martha Teegarden 28 Boneless Swiss Chicken - Betty Smith 110 Breakfast Casserole - Lisa Curran 121 Breakfast Pizza - Jane Peters 191 Brisket - Anne Huntzinger 92 Broccoli Casserole - Betty Smith/Rosemary Haake 145 Buffalo Chicken Dip - Mary McPherson 22 Butternut Squash Soup - Lisa Curran 78 Callie's Charleston Cheese Biscuits - Rosemary Haake 49 Cameron's Enchilada's - Diane Smith and Cameron Ragan 113 Carolina Crab Cakes - Rosemary Haake 128 Carrot Apple Salad - Jennifer LaMarca 64 Casserole Dill Bread - Rosemary Haake 45 Champagne Four Ways - Rosemary Haake 37 Cheese Ball - Jill Amonette 19 Cheeseburger Chowder - Jill Amonette 64 Cheesy Baked Fish - Jill Amonette 108 Cherry Berry Jam - Rosemary Haake 188 Cherry Delight Pie - Anne Huntzinger 155 Chicago Chili - Rosemary Haake 77 Chicago Deep-dish Pizza (Skip's requested birthday dinner) - Rosemary Haake 102 CHICK 'N DIP - Mary McPherson 23 - 195 -

Chicken Piccata - Rosemary Haake 132 Chicken and Broccoli - Jennifer LaMarca 109 Chicken and Dumplings - Rosemary Haake 134 Chicken and Veggie Handpies - Rosemary Haake 137 Chicken Casserole Delight - Betty Smith 111 Chicken Divan or Chicken SO FINE!! - Betty Smith 122 Chicken Pita Pockets - Beth Kanter 112 Chicken Pot Pie - Jody Bailey 116 Chicken Pot Pie - Diane Smith 127 Chicken salad - Jill Amonette 66 Chicken Salad Supreme - Anne Huntzinger 60 Chicken Spaghetti - Anne Huntzinger 110 Chicken Velvet Soup - Judy Curran 61 Chilled Shrimp Salad - Anne Huntzinger 76 Chocolate Eclair Cake - Betty Smith 161 Church Picnic Lime Jello Salad - Rosemary Haake 67 Citrus-Roasted Salmon - Rosemary Haake 123 Classic Coconut Cake - Rosemary Haake 178 Cob Salad Dip - Betty Smith 31 Coke Cake - Anne Huntzinger 165 Coq au Vino Bianco (chicken stew in white Italian wine) - Rosemary Haake 135 Corn Chowder with a New Twist - Rosemary Haake 79 Corn on the Cob: Oven Roasted - Emily Teegarden 147 Corn Souffle - Anne Huntzinger 143 Cracker Barrel Chicken Tenders - Mike and Niccole Beuoy 107 Cream Cheese Blueberry Pie - Judy Curran 160 Cream Cheese Spread - Martha Teegarden 23 Cream Cheese Wrapped Dill Pickles - Jeanne Beuoy 32 Crock Pot Potatoes - Jeanne Beuoy 145 Cucumber Sandwiches - Mary McPherson 24 Curried Butternut Squash Soup - Rosemary Haake 74 Dad's Hockey Puck Hamburgers - Dad 83 Dumplings - Anne Huntzinger 191 Easy Blueberry Coconut Pineapple Coffeecake - Rosemary Haake 43 Easy Pineapple Sheet Cake - Rosemary Haake 167 Egg Salad with Greek Yogurt and Dill - Emily Teegarden 62 Elaine's Mom's Chili - Martha Teegarden 69 Fish in Foil - Judy Curran 111 Four-Cheese Macaroni - Rosemary Haake 130 French Dip Sandwiches - Jill Amonette 84 French Pecan Pie - Betty Smith/Rosemary Haake 159 Fruit dip - Katie Hyatt 19 Fruited Chicken in Creme - Judy Curran 119 Glazed Carrots - Anne Huntzinger 144 Golden Rum Cake - Rosemary Haake 174 Goldie's Coleslaw - Anne Huntzinger 57 Grandma Haake's sausage dressing - Judy Curran 187 Grandma's Million Dollar Fudge - Rosemary Haake 163 - 196 -

Grandma's Skillet Fried Bread - Rosemary Haake 47 Grape Jelly Meatballs Crockpot - Betty Smith 17 Great Ground Beef Casserole - Anne Huntzinger 88 Grilled Chicken - Jeanne Beuoy 131 Ham - Poppy Seed Sandwiches - Martha Teegarden 90 Hawaiian Pork Chops - Lisa Curran 96 Homemade Alfredo Sauce - Diane Smith 58 Honey Whole Wheat Bread - Rosemary Haake 51 Hot Cross Buns - Rosemary Haake 53 Hot German Potato Salad - Anne Huntzinger 65 Humphrey's Chicken Wings - George Haake 117 Indian Summer Turkey Chili - Jill Amonette 75 Individual Cheesecakes - Martha Teegarden 155 Jeanne's Casserole - Judy Curran 90 Jeanne's Foliage - Jeanne Beuoy 61 Jeanne's ORIGINAL Spinach (foliage) Salad - Betty Smith 58 Jiffy Corn Casserole - Anne Huntzinger 144 Judy's Rolls - Judy Curran 41 Judy's Spaghetti - Judy Curran 120 Laurie's Dip - Judy Curran 24 Layer salad - Anne Huntzinger 65 Lemon Currant Scones - Rosemary Haake 50 Lemon Pound Cake - Rosemary Haake 168 Linguine Carbonara - Jill Amonette 121 Linguini with Bacon and Eggs, Beans and Cheese - Rosemary Haake 133 Lisa's Famous Mashed Potato - Lisa Curran 148 Loaded Meatloaf - Rosemary Haake 98 Mandarin Orange Salad - Betty Smith 57 Marinated Pasta Salad - Betty Smith 107 Meringue-Topped Rice Pudding - Rosemary Haake 169 Microwave Chicken Cordon Bleu - Betty Smith 115 Milk Chocolate Walnut bars - Mom 159 Mom's Carrot Cake - Betty Smith 164 Mom's Chicken a la King - Judy Curran 108 Mom's Oven Fried Chicken - Jeanne Beuoy 126 Mom's Pasta Salad - Anne Huntzinger 68 Mrs. Hering's Famous Chicken Potpie - Rosemary Haake 139 My Three Sons Pasta Salad - Anne Huntzinger 59 New England Clam Chowder - Jill Amonette 59 No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies - Mary McPherson 162 No-Crust Pepperoni-Cheese Pie - Jeanne Beuoy 113 Nonny's Brandy Alexander Frappe - Judy Curran 20 Nonny's Hors d'oeuvres - Betty Smith 36 Nonny's White Fruitcake - Jeanne Beuoy 183 Olive Chicken - Mary McPherson 112 Oreo and Fudge Ice Cream Cake - Jill Amonette 158 - 197 -

Oreo Ice Cream Pie - Beth Kanter 158 Oven Roasted Sausage, Potatoes, and Peppers - Jeanne Beuoy 92 Parmesan Rounds with Lox - Jeanne Beuoy 30 Paula's Oriental Salad - Judy Curran 66 Peach Melba Ice Cream Pie - Rosemary Haake 168 Peanut Butter and Chocolate Eclair - Jill Amonette 160 Peanut Butter Cookies - Betty Smith 162 Peanut Butter Dream Pie - Anne Huntzinger 156 People Puppy Chow - Anne Huntzinger 188 Peppered Bacon Twists - Jill Amonette 42 Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers - Emily Teegarden 93 Pineapple Cheese Spread - Anne Huntzinger 21 Pink Champagne Cake - Rosemary Haake 173 Pizza Bites with Quinoa - Emily Teegarden 35 Pork with Pineapple-Kiwi Salsa - Jill Amonette 85 Potato Salad - Anne Huntzinger 63 Potato Salad - Rosemary Haake 149 Praline Pull-Apart Bread - Anne Huntzinger 44 Pulled Pork - Rosemary Haake 86 Queso in the Crockpot - Emily Teegarden 29 Raspberry Dessert - Judy Curran 156 Raw salad - Anne Huntzinger 62 Recipe for Happiness - Jody Bailey 189 Refrigerator Rolls - Rosemary Haake 48 REUBEN DIP - Emily Boch 25 Risotto with Shrimp and Gorgonzola - Rosemary Haake 129 Ritzy Salmon Pate - Anne Huntzinger 27 Roasted Potatoes, Carrots and Onions - Rosemary Haake 150 Rosemary's Oatmeal Cookies - Rosemary Haake 176 Rustic Apple Crumb Croustades (Free-form tart) - Rosemary Haake 180 Rustic Tomato Soup - Rosemary Haake 73 Saltine Toffee - Jeanne Beuoy 170 Sausage Mushrooms - Anne Huntzinger 18 Sausage Shrimp Skillet Meal - Jeanne Beuoy 91 Schnitzel (Veal, Pork, Turkey, or Chicken) - Rosemary Haake 124 Shepherd's Pie - Rosemary Haake 100 Shortcake - Nonny 157 Shrimp Dip - Anne Huntzinger 22 Simple lemon soda - Paul Haake 22 Six-week Bran Muffins - Rosemary Haake 44 Slogars Creamed Corn - Anne Huntzinger 143 Sloppy Joes for a Crowd - Jody Bailey 88 Slow Cooker Garlic Chicken - Ameera Haake 125 Slow Cooker Taco Soup - Jennifer LaMarca 70 Southwest Baked Beans - Rosemary Haake 148 Spaghetti Bake - Anne Huntzinger 118 Spicy Cajun Stew - Jill Amonette 60 Spicy Corn Chowder - Diane Smith 71 Spinach, Strawberry and Blue Cheese Salad - Anne Huntzinger 67 - 198 -

Strawberry Pie - Anne Huntzinger 156 Strawberry Pretzel Salad - Anne Huntzinger 73 Stroganoff Superb - Anne Huntzinger 87 Stuffed Fiesta Burgers - Jill Amonette 86 Super Bowl dip - Betty Smith 28 Sweet Potato Casserole - Betty Smith 146 Swiss Chicken - Anne Huntzinger 109 Taco Casserole - Anne Huntzinger 83 Taco Soup - Anne Huntzinger 72 Tamale Pie - Beth Kanter 89 Tex Mex Dip - Jennifer LaMarca 34 Texas Sheet Cake - Rosemary Haake 181 Texas Toast - Rosemary Haake 42 To-Fu Jo Rim (Seasoned Tofu) - Lisa Curran 151 Trifle Supreme - Rosemary Haake 172 Turtles - Betty Smith 190 Tuscan Frittata - Rosemary Haake 97 Warm Cranberry Walnut Brie - Rosemary Haake 30

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The Haake Family Cookbook Please contact: Jeanne Beuoy The Haake Family Cookbook Editor , IN

To begin your own family Cookbook Project or to create a cookbook as part of a fundraiser, visit www.familycookbookproject.com

Mom's Funeral, January, 2012

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