NY B16 NYPD Radio FDR - Transcript - Special Operations Division - Tape 01 - Draft 089

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09/01/01 08:46:53hrs to 09:33:00 DRAFT

Counter# Time
017, 08:46 TF portable to Central w/ an emergency message
Central go w/ your message,
Be advised that there was an explosion at the WTC. An airplane into the WTC.
Central repeats same.
Sector Adam responding
U/Trans the top floors
U/trans We have an explosion at Barclay & Church.
Gracy truck 4 & 1 responding.
ESU portable WTC possible airplane crash into the top of WTC
Unit4 2Truck w/them
UnitS Get a boss from the boro to put a mobilization point over here.
Car 3 Inaudible
ESU portable Mobilization point is going to be Church & Vessey.
Unk West B'way & Vessey
Central.... West B'way & Vessey or Church & Vessey.
ESU portable Church & Vessey.
Central Mobliz is at church & Vessey, in regards to this job.
Car6 Have highway close down HOV lane into the Bklyn Battery Tunnel, for
emergency vehicles only
Central Acknowledges
ESU portable Slow down the units a lot of debris in the street
Unk responding
Truck 5 responding
Unit 1... .to central get aviation up
Central.... Responds.
Operations Level 1 mobilization (C#032) have the supervisor at scene take charge
of mobilization.
Central 10-4
ESU Lt....to central confirmed job have supervisor respond to location.
Central Supervisor on the scene to take charge of Mobilization. At Church & Vessey.
Unk Answers he is at mobilization point C&V
Central....Truck 10 & Adam 2 read that
Truck 10 responding from LIC.
Unk what is the mobilization point
Central C& V is the mobilization point it is a level 3
Unk central that is definitely a plane into the Trade Center
Unit2 all 1,2 & 8 trucks to C & V
Unk send a couple of buses to that location in case someone is injured
Central EMS notify.
SOD?? In route.
ESU It message stepped on
Central Lt. you message was crossed 10-5 it please.
ESU Lt Unable to get ESU desk on the cell phone.
Central Repeats same asks if ESU desk heard message.
Unk 75 on the air will you take us down to WTC
ESU 14 Central we are in route.
Central 10-4, ESU 14 on the air
ESU 14 Can you ascertain if ??? Elevators are down there.
ESU portable Be advised we have a TV picture it shows numerous injured down there.
Central 10-4 redirect, they are getting a TV picture that there are numerous injuries.
Unk.... Garbled stepping on each other inaudible
ESU Lt To central, notify the hospital also on that.
Unk You better notify hospital in Bklyn and have traffic cleared to the battery tunnel.
Unk Have the pets to keep the bridges clear.
Central 10-4
Unk Do you want the Task Force down there?
Central 10-5
Truck 6 broken transmission
Central truck6 your message was broken up the only thing I got was the upper floors.
Truck6 We are on the Gowanus and we can see a heavy smoke condition pouring out
of the WTC on the upper floors.
Central 10-4
Unk ????Garbled at Floyd bennet field for coordination of aviation.
Unk Be advice that was a very large aircraft that hit the tower.
Central.... 10-4
ESU portable Be advised to mobilization all available ESU units this is ESU portable
at the scene.
Central All available ESU units to mobilization to the mobilization point at C & V
Unk Any 1 trucks at the scene.
Central Any 1 trucks available at the scene, at this time, any 1 trucks 84 at the scene
Truck 1.... Was about 1 minuet out
Truck 4 Redirect
ESU Lt be advised it was a TWA plane that went into the building. At this location
notify aviation.
Central.... 10-4 please 10-5 what kind of plane.
ESU Lt TWA plane that went into the building at this location, advise aviation and see
if they can get anything on that.
Central 10-4 aviation base on the air.
Aviation base....///garbled.
Central It was a TWA plane that went into the building at WTC
Aviation Base Stand by central we have 2 units in the air and will do an area survey
Truck l....ToE4.
Central 10-4
Staten Island truck.. .calling Central.
Unk see if you can get LaGuardia towers.
Central 10-4
Unk Central does anybody in ESU want a high rise team to meet at Floyd Bennet
Unk Have them stand by central.
Truck 1 supervisor To central
Central go truck 1 supervisor.
Truck 1 sup Notify aviation to get a couple of ships in the air, the south/north tower
got a large fire into the north tower mostly on the top 20 floors , looks like something
went into it.
Central 10-4 units be advised that we have people trapped on the 60th floor trapped up
Truck 1.... To central
Central Truck 1
Truck 1.... See if you can get some responding emergency units to the heliport to meet
aviation so they can go to the roof.
Unk Which heliport, heliport
Truck 1 Check with aviation, probably the Wall St. heliport
Central Aviation on the air.
Aviation Aviation 14 to central, that LZ is sufficient for us we are about 1 minuet out.
Central All right guys can anyone advise if that LZ is sufficient for aviation now, to go
to the Wall St heliport.
2rescue 14.... To central we redirect we are 30 seconds out if they want to use Wall St
Heliport. That will be sufficient for us have emergency personnel respond to Wall St.
Adam 2 show us responding.
Central 10-4
ESU 1 To central
Central... ESU 1
ESU1 Who do you got responding over to the WTC
Central I have all available ESU
Unk Adam/Boy is 84 central; we are going to go to Tach2
Central 10-4 I have all available ESU responding there aviation and all specialty units.
Responding out their right now plus EMS, FD and everyone else.
Boy 6 Central
Central Boy6 have someone do something with this Manhattan bound HOV lane into
the Tunnel here. It's backed up.
Central 10-4
Car3 To Central
Central... Car3
Car3.... Car 3 & 4 we have a level 3 I think you might want go to a Level 4 here central
Central.... 10-4
UNK Now going to bklyn to a thv???? Garbled.
Central They are assembling to pull the vehicles from the battery tunnel, so the
emergency units can get through.
Car3 can you reach car5, please
Central Car 5 on the air.
Car5.... On the air.
Central Car 5 on the air
Emergency Truck 1.... To central
Central....5 is on the air
Car5/Truckl... .stepping on each other
Unk Car5 what's your location, (stepped on)
Unk Central 1 please
Central units stand by one second, car 5, car5
Car5 /. Car5 to central. Do you have a message for this unit?
Central Car 3 is trying to contact you.
Car5 Tell car 3 I'm on the FDR, and headed over to the scene right now, I'm on 34l
C-14 Central
Central C14, SC-14K
Unk aviation unit Be advised that we are 84 at this time we have people falling out of
the building at this time. It looks like all 4 sides are cut open. A lot of flames we are
going to be landing at the downtown heliport as soon as emergency services are 84. I
don't believe at this time that we are going to be able to land on the roof, central it's too
engulfed in flames.
Central 10-4
Unk somebody at the heliport, I'm on my way down the west side. Advise highway to
get that cleared.
Units stepping on each other unable to make out what is being said.
Bomb Squad 35007 to central
Central... .Bomb Squad
SC14 To central
Central SC-14, SC-14
SC-14 Be advised that we are going to be unable to land on the roof, due to heavy
smoke condition at this time.
Central.... 10-4
ESU Truck 1... .to central
Central ESU Truck 1
ESU Truck 1... all members in truck 1 are going up to management at the scene. We
have units going into the building at this time. Have all ESU units on the scene go to tach
2 immediately Have them come down Vessey to Church they need Scot packs entry tools
and life lines. Copy that Central
Central Your message keeps cutting off, who do you want to respond to that location
ESU Truckl.... I want all ESU trucks and ESV units to respond to this location and
notify ESU desk.
Central 10-4
Unk In route central.
Central 10-4
Unk can anyone advise if traffic on the west side highway south bound is it moving
Unk It is moving, but it's crowded.
Unk Come 3rd St its all clear come down the wrong way.
Central SC-14
Unk 33rd St south bound is clear.
Central Did you hear that south bound west side is clear from 33 St.
Unk The HOV lane to the tunnel is at a dead stop all bklyn units are trapped in the
SC-14 to central
Central....SC-14, SC-14 with a message
Unk With a message
Central.... Proceed
Unk.... Unable to hear units stepping on each other.
Central units you are crossing each other, not reading the last message 10-=5 it
Unk ESU Truck 1 adaml and Boy 1 are entering the building now
Car3... to central, with an emergency message.
Central car3
Car3 Advise carl that they are 84 at this time.
Central Carl on the air, carl on the air, carl on the air.
SC-14 To central let _??? know that we have numerous people falling from the
building at this time. It looks like it's going to be a minimum of 15 floors from the top,
going up to the top that are fully engulfed.
Central 10-4
Unk Advise if anyone is at the Wall Street Heliport.
Central Alright guy's
TF 10 to central
Central.... I need the highest ranking officer on the scene on the air.
Unk portable We are going to need additional units up here to help get the residents
out of the building, down the staircase.
Central I need the highest ranking officer at the scene on the air
Car3 Is with Adam 2 central
Central alright car 3 can you advise do you want ESU to land on the rooftops over
Unk They can't
Central... alright ESU redirect, SC-14 read
SOD-1.... To central, a lot of stepping on each other can not hear transmissions.
Unk Be advised that another plane just hit the WTC a 737 just hit the WTC
Truck2 Emergency message from truck 2, unable to hear because of numerous
messages on air stepping on each other.
Central Units did another plane
Truck 2.... With an emergency message
Truckl With an emergency message.
Numerous units attempting to give emergency messages unable to hear any one
clear message.
Central Go with your emergency message. Truck 1 go
Truckl A 737 just crashed into the south tower of the WTC
Central Alright a 737 just crashed into the south tower of the WTC
Numerous unk units talking at the same time
Unk Get them out of the building.
Car5... to central have them give the message slowly looks like another explosion
Central Alright units
SC-14 Be advised a 2nd 737 look like a US air 737 just crashed into the south tower
of the WTC
Central 10-4 I have read that unit be advised that a 2nd 737 has just struck the tower at
the world trade center.
Unk Notify the military at this time??? The coast guard and the pentagon, get this out
Car3.... To central
Central Car3
Car3 I am at the scene the 2nd tower has just been hit by another aircraft. Central is
the security plan in effect at headquarters
Central 10-4
Operations ... to central could you let all the units know that the mobilization point is at
South & Pike I'm being informed its going to be at South & Pike, This is operations.
Central 10-4, Units the mobilization point is know at South &m Pike, you have South
& Pike on that mobilization, South & Pike on that Mobilization point
Car 5 Redirect
Central Car5 10-4
Car3 To Central
Central Car3, Central have operation notify???? Locations in lower Manhattan and
have them evacuate the buildings. This seems like a planed attack Central; I want
headquarters secured and any other high security buildings evacuated.
Central 10-4, Operations redirect that.
Operations operations redirect central
Unk Central notify me if here any more planes out there?
Squad Bomb Sq.... to central
Bomb Squad 3500 is on the air and at the trade center.
Unk Central does anybody know if they closed down NYC ton air traffic
Central.... 10-5 that
Unk Ask the F.A.A to close down NYC to air traffic.
Central 10-4
Truck 1... to central
Unk Truckl what is the mobilization point.
Truck 1.... To central
Central....Truck 1
Truckl I need ESU units at Vessey & Church; I need to coordinate what units that I
have at the scene
UnkSgt To Central
Central.... Sgt I want every available ESU unit to mobilization to this location, unable to
hear small portion. We need every available unit we have several secondary explosions
inside of the building central.
Central 10-4
Unk We are in route to the building to get them out now. Advise the units in the
building that the 2nd tower is now engulfed; the 2nd tower is now engulfed.
Unit4 Redirect central
Car3 To central
Central Car3 advise our units that I don't want any units to land on top of these
towers central.
Unk supervisor.... To central I don't recommend that any units should land on anyone of
these towers. I don't know where that secondary explosion came from.
Central 10-4 Units no one is to land on any of the secondary towers at this time. No
one is to land on these secondary towers at this time.
Unk I have a clear view from the top of the world.
Unk To Central
Central Proceed
Unk Make sure that the units know that the secondary explosion was another plane
flying into that tower.
Central 10-4, Car 3 you redirect, that was not a secondary explosion it was 2nd plane
that ran into the tower
Unk It was a dark green military plane that ran directly into the tower.
SC-14 Central be advised this is air sea rescue 14 that it was a US Air 737
commercial airliner that crashed into the south tower.
Central 10-4, Car3 redirect on that.
Unk.... Does anybody know where that plane came from?
Unk TF....It was a commercial airliner it was most likely a United Airlines 737
ESU1.... To central
Central.... ESU1 is there a ESU supervisor who can advise if we had any units in the
building, again transmission are garbled numerous units talking at the same time.
Central Units you are crossing each other. In background you can hear a female voice
saying "pull to the right."
Unk Sates use the PA system not the mic. Again in background female voice "Move
the vehicle to the right."
Central Units with the vehicle you are coming over the air, directing the units with the
vehicle. You are coming over the air. Female voice continues "Move your vehicle to the
right the right
Unk.... Can you notify the Port Authority to freeze all the airports?
Central 10-4
Unk.... Freeze all the airports.
Central 10-4, female voice continues in background to direct vehicles to the right.
SC-14.... To central be advised that Newark and LaGuardia have suspended operations at
their airports and they are attempting to contact Kennedy at this time.
Unk Who is putting those plans in effect? Keep the radio clear except for emergency
vehicles and personnel on the scene.
ESU Lt.... to central
Central ESU Lt. Go. Transmission garbled female voice still directing a vehicle to
right. The unit directing traffic you are coming over the air. (An officer has apparently
mistaken her radio for the Public Address system in her patrol car and is
transmitting over her radio interfering with SOD communications.)
Central.. .Unit please you are coming over the air directing traffic, please don't come
over the air directing traffic.
Unk Head up to the Empire State.
Central 10-5 the message for the empire state
Unk Central give me some mobilization points for all emergency services.
Central The mobilization point is Pike & South St.
Unk Garbled transmission
Central 10-5
Unk Make sure that the word goes out to operations that we are going to be
evacuating every high security building in Manhattan. 1 -PP, Gracie mansion, Municipal
Building any potential target, get the people off the top floors.
Central 10-4, that was to evacuate 1 Police Plaza, Gracie Mansion and the Municipal
building and any potential target. Who is that advising this.
Inspector Robinson From the 1st Deputy Office as per the Chief of the Department.
Central 10-4
Unk Be advised that 26 federal Plaza is being evacuated at this time.
Ranger 1 Ranger 1 to central, Ranger 1 to central
Central.... Proceed Ranger 1
Rangerl Have this airspace restricted up here and have aviation respond.
Aviation 14.... To central
Central.... Aviation 14
Unk Make sure that the UN is fully evacuated at this time.
SOD portable.... To Central
Central.... SOD portable
SOD Portable... Can you please designate 3 channels for this emergency.
Central 10-4 oper.
SOD Portable.... Break them down into 2 responding units and units at the scene
Central 10-4 securing the 2 channels right now
Unk Central have all units Combat Park so we can access get in and out with
ambulances and emergency equipment.
Unk 10-5 the location for the mobilization.
Commander Officer from the Police Commissioner's office... to central
Central Cmd. Off. PC office go
Cmd. off PC office Where is the field command post.
Central Car 3, Car 3, car 3 on the air.
Car3 Go
Central Where is the field command post?
Unk At the Post Office opposite World Trade Plaza.
Central It at Post Office opposite World Trade Plaza., 10-4 redirect on that, opposite
World Trade Plaza.
Unk At Church & Vessey at the Post Office
Central The Post Office.
Operations.... To Central this is operations calling, there is another command post at
South & Pike, South & Pike
Central 10-4 there is also one at South & Pike.
Unk This one is for Emergency vehicles central.
Unk Central you have all emergency vehicles coming down south on park they are
starting to block this area inaudible.
Unk Central where is the mobilization point.
Central South & Pike
SC-14 To central
Central SC-14
SC-14 Central just confirmed that Newark, LaGuardia and Kennedy have suspended
all operations in the NYC area and I'm going to contact Westchester
Central 10-4, Newark, LaGuardia and Kennedy, 10-4
SOD 1 To central
Central SOD 1
Unk Inaudible
SOD 1 Unless it is an emergency transmission keep everything else off this frequency
Central.... 10-4, unit's only emergency transmissions on this frequency at this time, only
emergency transmissions.
Unk.... Can you get the Pet's to clear the drive for emergency vehicles?
Central 10-4
Unk Central do you have those 2 channels dedicated
Unk Central have operations contact the military liaison and lock our air space down
Central 10-4
Unk 10-5 the location of the mobilization point.
Central South & Pike the are 2 points now, I have South & Pike and opposite the
World Trade Plaza by the Post Office
Unk 10-5 the 2nd one, opposite the World Trade where
Central The Plaza by the Post Office.
Unk Central raise the bomb Squad raise the Bomb Squad and have them respond to
the mobilization point start conducting sweeps.
Truck 1 To central
Central Truck 1 go
Truck 1 We have to get ESU cops to the scene inaudible, notify ESU desk to recall
we are going to have to recall people.
Central 10-4
Unk Central, inaudible transmissions, some one has to get to the FAA and lets us
know what's up there and what's not supposed to be up there.
Unit 1.... To truck 1 supervisor.
Unk Truck 1 supervisor on the air.
Unk Inaudible
Aviation-14 .... To central
Central Aviation-14
SOD portable To aviation -14 on direct
Operations To central
Central Operations
Operations Can we have car 3 & car 5, 10-1 operations please?
Central Car 3 on the car 3, car 3 on the air.
Central Car 5 on the air.
Car 5 Redirect central
Central 10-4, car 3
ESU truck 1 To central
Central Go ahead.
ESU truck 1 Do you have the bat truck responding to this location?
Central Affirmative
ESU Bat truck Responding
ESU truck 1 10-4
SOD portable To aviation -14
Unk Central the command post is opposite the World Trade Center, give me an exact
Central.... It was opposite by the Post Office and the other one was at South & Pike
Unk Central is there a lane through the tunnel.
Central I'm trying to get it
Bomb Squad 3500 To central
Central Bomb Squad 3500
Unk Notify any bomb squad unit with a canine to respond to the command post, the
World Trade Center, authority of the Chief of Detectives.
Central 10-4, any bomb squad units with a canine to respond to the WTC command
Truck 2 Central
Operations To central evacuate if possible the Empire State Building as well
Central 10-4
Truck 2.... To Central
Central Truck 2
Truck 2 Can you send the A team out to this location as the A team
Central 10-5 who you want to come.
Truck 2 Have the A team respond to this location as the A team
Central 10-4
Unk En route
ESULt To central
Central Lt
ESU Lt I just been advised by OEM that the military is enforcing a no fly zone in the
vicinity of the WTC advise aviation of that fact please. Be advised that restrictions are in
Aviation Tetboro and Kennedy are all shut down West 30th Street & downtown
heliport is shut down no traffic in the air, except for NYPD aircraft.
Aviation Do you copy central?
Central 10-4
SOD portable To aviation base
Chief Scallion To central
Central Proceed
Unk Have all command post vehicles meet at Vessey & North End Ave, Vessey &
North End Ave.
Central All command post to meet at Vessy & North End Ave.
Unk 10-4
Central That's for all command posts to meet at Vessey & North End Aves, for all
command posts to meet at Vessey & North End Aves.
Unk Central that is command post vehicles.
Central All command post vehicles, 10-4, all command post vehicles to meet at
Vessey & North End Aves
SOD portable To central
Central SOD portable go.
SOD portable would you notify Nassau & Suffolk to let them go to inaudible
approach at the FAA building and let them secure the liaison post over there, please
Central 10-4
Unk Also the coast guard notify them in Staten Island as to the Statue of Liberty is it
secure there
Central 10-4
North gate... to central
Central North gate go
North gate The statue of Liberty on Ellis Island both evacuated as we speak.
Central 10-4
SC-14 To central
Central SC-14
SC-14 Just notify the ground units that wall Street does not look suitable as a LZ we
have too much debris falling in the area, if we need to pick up anybody in the area I tell
you right now downtown I mean West 30th Street heliport would be suitable.
Central 10-4
Unk Central make sure American Express and Merle Lynch are evacuated they are in
direct proximity of the WTC.
Central.... 10-4
Unk Inaudible
Unk Central have them secure the HOV lane.
Central 10-4, how am I supposed to secure that HOV lane right now?
Unk The HOV lane is clear.
SOD portable.... To central
Central SOD portable
SOD portable Notify the TBTA, the VZ the Bklyn Battery Tunnel and all the other
access points to secure it
Central 10-4
Unk Inaudible
ESULt To central
Central LT.
ESU Lt Be advised that Adam 1 & Boy 1
Central Lt. your message is cutting off, what I copies was Adam & Boy 1
Unk Is there any man on the bat truck?
Central Truck 5 bat truck on the air. 5 bat truck on the air
Bat Truck Is in route to the city right now should be their any minuet.
Truck 1.... To central
Central Truck 1
Truck 1... All ESU to Vessey & Church, let them know central.
Central All ESU for Vessey & Church, all ESU Vessey & Church, all command
Unk Central advise all units the elevators are out in the building, we need Scott packs,
entry tools and firs aide equipment.
U-4.... To central
Unk That RMP coming down you have to get into the opposing lane they got you
shut down going south bound.
Central.... ESU-4
ESU-4.. ..I'm with the PC and the Mayor and their looking for the command post
TF?.... to central
Inspector.... To central
Central.... Inspector
Inspector Right now the command post was at 90 Church St now it moved it over to
South & North End.
Central The command post is going to South & North End right now. There is an
open carrier here, please check your radios for an open carrier, check your radios for an
open carrier.
SC-14 to central
Central.... SC-14 we want to let ESU know that they want to take Chambers St and River
Terrace and Battery Park City right on the corner there is a park there that looks like the
best suitable LZ for any past or present coming.
Central 10-4, That's Chambers Street & River Terrace and that the best place for an
SC-14 Chambers Street & River Terrace there is a nice big grass area right there that
will be suitable LZ and might want to get in there and clear our personnel. Because at this
time the downtown heliport has too much debris falling and (cut offO
ESU portable To central
Central.... Portable
ESU portable We were just struck in the battery tunnel is there a new mustering plan.
For ESU personnel.
Central ESU personnel is at Vessey & Church
ESU portable.... 10-4
Unk We are going to South & Pike.
Unk South & Pike 10-4
Truck 4 ESU To Central
Central.... Truck 4
Truck 4 Can you ascertain from any units 84 if the bosses need anything in particular
from us.
Central.... Truck 4, 10-5 that
Truck 4.... Is going to H4 do they need any equipment.
Central Truck 4 you are unreadable. What they are advising is Chambers & River
Terrace, would be the best LZ. Truck-4
Truck-4....If ESU is 84 just find out from an ESU boss do they need anything, any
particular equipment.
Central 10-4 inaudible
SC-14 To Central
Central.... SC-14 transmission garbled inaudible
Central... You are not coming over, there is an open carrier check your radios, there is an
open carrier Al right units the 2 frequencies that are being utilized in regards to this
Manhattan IO and City Wide 1, City Wide 1 and Manhattan IO in regards to this job
Those are the 2 frequencies being utilized right now.
Unk Central what is that mobilized point
Central 10-5
Unk Inaudible
Central You are crossing?? Inaudible, Truck 6 proceed
Truck 6 Can you raise ESU 1, please?
Central ESU 1
Unk.... Central disregard.
Unk Central is Bellevue being utilized.
Unk... inaudible what is your location
Central Affirmative
Truck 6.... To central
Central.... Truck-6
Truck-6.... Yare Central I'm at Vessey & West Street I have some responding units here
I'm going to be setting up tacitly, advise ESU Ithat we have helmets and weapons.
Central 10-4, ESU 1 redirect, ESU 1
ESU l....Read.
Central ESU 1 also be advised there advising that you may went to secure Chambers
by River Terrace, there is a grassy area that might be a LZ for the Aviation Units.
Aviation-14.... To Central
Central.... Aviation-14
Aviation 14 We are on the ground at Chambers & River Terrace, we have secured the
LZ if you want to send over a Emergency Unit to see if this is a suitable LZ let us know
that will be fine.
Central 10-4, ESU 1
ESU 1.... Go ahead
Central.... SC-14 landed at Chambers & River Terrace he wants
Unk.... I will send a unit over there
Central.... Units you are crossing, do you want an ESU unit to respond over there.
To Chambers & River Terrace.
SOD 1.... To central
Central SOD-1
SOD-1 Ask ESU-4 to send someone over there
Central 10-4, ESU-4
UNK Let me get ESU-4 for you.
Central.... 10-4
Unk Inaudible
ESU-4 To central
Central.... ESU-4
ESU-4.... Someone looking forme.
Central.... Affirmative, SOD advising that they want a unit to go up to Chambers &
River Terrace where the Air Sea unit landed
Unk.... Roger McGovern of the chief of the department office can you 85 me at Church
& Vessey.
Unk 10-4
ESU 18.... To Central
Truck 1 To central
Central Truck-1 go ahead
Truck-1 What is the mobilization point for the tactical
Unk Vessey & Church
Unk West & Vessey we are going to stay tacitly here
Truck-1.... To central
Central Truck 1
Truck 1.... Did we aviation get anybody on that roof of any building
Central Negative nobody is landing on the roof up there
Unk Inaudible units stepping on each other.
Aviation There is no possibility of landing on the roof up there
Unk Is that a negative aviation?
Aviation That's a negative, a negative
Unk Aviation as soon as that clears up we need people on the roof.
Aviation That's affirmative we are standing by Have Emergency services respond to
Chambers & River Terrace we are here.
Unk.... Chambers and where
Aviation Chambers & River Terrace on the water just the North West side of Battery
Park City in the park
Unk 10-4
Unk 3046 on the air.
Aviation-12 .... To central
Central Aviation -12
Aviation-12 Departing Floyd Bennett field with??? Inaudible
Central 10-4
Unk 3046 on the air
Unk Tony where are you.
Unk Tony you coming down
Unk Year I'm bring some stuff with me a couple of guys.
Unk Charlie did you leave quarters yet.
Unk NO what do you need.
Unk Bring vest heavy vest, mines on the shelve and grab Davies.
Unk.... Will do.
Unk Listen???Inaudible when you come down the West highway is shut down, take
B'way to 158 St get out and drive down at 158
Unk 10-4 will do I will come as quick as possible
Unk ??? Bring extra Scott bottles with you also
Unk Loaded them on the van already.
Aviation-6 to Central Aviation -6 to central be advised that there may be another
aircraft inbound there may be another aircraft inbound LaGuardia is tracking a fast mover
Moving inbound.
Central Units be advised there may be another aircraft inbound, there may be another
aircraft inbound, please be advised.
Unk Where is the air force?
Central Inaudible
Car 132 to central give everybody a heads up
Central.... Units please be advised that there may be another airplane inbound
Unk Central who advised you of that aviation.
Central Affirmative
Aviation-6 Was advising, LaGuardia is advising us that they got a fast mover inbound
at this time.
Unk Inaudible
Task Force.... To central
Central Units again please be advised that LaGuardia is advising that they have a fast
mover the may be another plane inbound
Unk... Ok central be advised this might be military aircraft their enforcing a no fly zone
in all of Manhattan
Central 10-4, they just may be a military aircraft their enforcing a no fly zone
Unk See if that can be confirmed.
Unk Inaudible
Central.... 10-5 that.
Truck 5 Is 84 at Vessey & Church?
Central 10-4
Unk.... Inaudible
Car 1 To central, stepped on inaudible
Central.... Car 1
Car 1 What do you have on that aircraft?
Central As of right now, stepped on inaudible
Unk No traffic south of Canal Street, inaudible
Central Carl be advised at this time the information is coming from LaGuardia, they
are advising that it may be a military aircraft. We are still checking on that
Unk.... To central
Central 10-5 that
Aviation 6 To central
Central Aviation-6
Aviation-6 Inaudible message
Central.... Aviation-6
Aviation-6 Be advised that is a military aircraft, APC is talking to him now at this
Central All right units be advised, stepped on inaudible, Car 1
Car 1 I got it central
Central 10-4, units be advised it is a military aircraft it is a military aircraft
Unk.... Inaudible
Unk Is that a US military central?
Central Aviation-6 that is a US military correct
Unk Inaudible
Car 5... you on the air

END OF SOD TAPE #01 CONCLUDES AT 09:33:00 Counter# 542

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