Inpa Software Install Quide

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The software. EDIABAS=The communication layer to the car INPA=Module interface NCSExpert=Programming/flashingsoftware/USB support (?

) 1) Create a system restore point and backup your registry. 2) Use the Worlds Most Resiliant torrent site to download INPA.iso. It is 326MB and the only file matching that word at the time of writing. 3) Extract the iso using winrar to a folder called INPA_CD. Place it on C:\. Open the folder C:\INPA_CD\Programminstallation and run setup. Click through all the options, install INPA, EDIBAS and NCSExpert as a minimum ( I left the install options as default Full Installation). When prompted, tell it you are using OBD and tick the USB to Serial box. Make sure you keep the add de sktop icons ticked. 4) Complete the installation and go to C:\EDIABAS\Hardware\OBD. Open USB-OBD.pdf and follow the instructions to change the latency timer from 16ms to 1ms. Force the USB/serial adaptor to COM1. 5) Run OBDSetup.exe. Do not close the DOS box yet. If it says "Warning, some val ues do not match, malfunction can occur" then the registry needs to be hand edit ed until those values match. It's DWORD values like buffer sizes and FIFO settin gs. Run OBDSetup again to verify all the warnings have gone away. Reboot if you have changed the registry. 6) Add the Environment variableC:\EDIABAS\BIN to your system. 7) Open the file OBD.ini from C:\EDIABAS\BIN add in the UBAT item manually. Chec k the Hardware=USB CODE: SELECT ALL [OBD] Port=Com1 Hardware=USB RETRY=ON UBAT=OFF Copy the file OBD.ini from C:\EDIABAS\BIN to C:\Windows You have now installed the EDIBAS communication handler, configured all of it's FIFO settings, and installed the INPA "whitescreen" framework. 8) Now you need to install the guts of INPA. Open C:\INPA_CD\Referenz\INSTALL and run Installprog.exe. Chose the English lang uage and install BMW Group Rectification programs UK. Select Upgrade or preferea bly Complete when possible. Complete and exit the installation program. Now when you run INPA from the desktop icon you should see INPA and EDIABAS load , and along the bottom of INPA you can select your car and the modules therein. 9)Wah! It's not working? If you get EDIABAS initialising errors you need to check the registry DWORDS abo ve, and the USB/Serial latency timer. If you get INPA IFH-0018 INITIALIZATION ERROR then check the com port.

Download a file called INPA_FAQ for detailed error code help. Use Teraterm to open COM1 at 9600 baud to see if you can echo characters to prov e you are connected to the car.

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