Cbse Questions On Light

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CBSE Papers, Questions, Answers, MCQ ...: CBSE Class 6 - Science ...

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CBSE Papers, Questions, Answers, MCQ ...: CBSE Class 6 - Science ...
2 oI 5 8/16/2013 2:40 PM
Q7: Moon appears bright at night. Is it a luminous or non-luminous body?
Answer: Moon is a non-luminous body, it does not emit its own light. It reIlects the sun light that
Ialls on it.
Q8(NCERT): Classify the objects or materials given below as opaque, transparent or
translucent and luminous or non-luminous:
Air, water, a piece oI rock, a sheet oI aluminium, a mirror, a wooden board, a sheet oI polythene, a
CD, smoke, a sheet oI plane glass, Iog, a piece oI red hot iron, an umbrella, a lighted Iluorescent
tube, a wall, a sheet oI carbon paper, the Ilame oI a gas burner, a sheet oI cardboard, a lighted
torch, a sheet oI cellophane, a wire mesh, kerosene stove, sun, IireIly, moon.
Q9: How shadows are formed? What are different types of shadows?
Answer: When some objects are placed in the path oI light, a dark portion is Iormed on the
opposite side oI the objects. This dark portion is called shadow.
There are two types oI shadows:
The umbra is Iormed where no light reaches and it is a dark, black shadow.
The penumbra is Iormed where some light reaches and it is grey in color.
Q10: Do all objects cast shadow?
Answer: No. Only opaque objects cast shadow.
Q11: Which type of surfaces produce clear images?
Answer: Polished and plane reIlecting surIaces
produce clear image.
Q12(NCERT): Can you think of creating a
shape that would give a circular shadow if
held in one way and a rectangular shadow if
held in another way?
Answer: A cylinder object can cast shadows in
two ways. When the top circular view Iaces the
sun, a circular shape shadow is Iormed. When
its horizonatal side Iaces the sun, it casts a
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CBSE Papers, Questions, Answers, MCQ ...: CBSE Class 6 - Science ...
3 oI 5 8/16/2013 2:40 PM
Posted by at 7:25 PM
Labels: class6-science
rectangular shadow.
Q13(NCERT): In a completely dark room, if you hold up a mirror in front of you, will you see a
reflection of yourself in the mirror?
Answer: To see the reIlection, source oI light is required We can only in the presence oI light.
Q14: What is lateral inversion?
Answer: When an object is placed in Iront oI a plane mirror, the right side
oI the object appears to be on the leIt side oI image and leIt side oI the
object appears to be on the right side oI image. This is called lateral
Q15: State the principle behind the working of a pinhole camera.
Answer: Light travels in straight line. This principle is behind the working oI pinhole camera.
Q16: What are transparent objects?
Answer: The objects which allow light to pass through them are called transparent objects.
Q17: What are opaque objects?
Answer: The objects which do not allow light to pass through them are called opaque objects.
Q18: What are translucent objects?
Answer: The objects which partially allow light to pass through them are called translucent
Q19: What types of objects do not cast shadows?
Answer: Transparent objects and Iew translucent objects, because light passes through them.
Q20(MCQ): The image formed in pinhole camera is
(a) Inverted
(b) Erect
(c) Both a and b
(d) None oI the above
Answer: (a) Inverted
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