Bioethics On Human Dignity

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HUMAN DIGNITY: THE SOUL OF BIOETHICS Dr. Tolentino October 2, 2013

BIOETHICS (ANG PAGTATAPOS) The Basis of Medicine and Religion RESPECT FOR HUMAN PERSONS (main objective for Bioethics 1 and 2) Why Respect? This human person is SACRED and has DIGNITY o Even the worst criminal is still a human person and has dignity Human Person Intellect Free will Conscience *Multidimensional Aspect of a Human Person: Rational Cosmic Spiritual Physical Sexual Social Emotional Human Person o Acts which could be humanact or acts of man o Moral decision making of these actions can be guided by the different principles(beneficence, stewardship) Human person: might be: Patient Neighbour Family Prisoners Poor and the rich Weak Defective Beggar YOU Human person and the ethical issues Life Abortion or care of defective or weak Lifes journey in relationship with himself or with others (male or female) o The expression of human sexuality and all the issues Towards the end suffering and death Justice in health care Allocation of scarce resources Other problems

Human Person: The Physician Virtuous vs Impaired HUMAN DIGNITY (SanctityAnd Scarcity) Dignity From Latin term: dignus o Worthy or Valuable Shares the same root with term dignitary o sense of honor When applied to human person: it means: o Human worth and value o Human dignity is the highest of all worth and values

Poverty and Human Dignity Many people sell their dignity for fear of poverty, people betray friends, close partners, for fear of poverty. People allow themselves to be used negatively for fear of poverty. (Inspirational Quotes and Pictures) For those who complain a lot in their daily life... reflect on these!!! Arent thankful for a bed to sleep in? Others wish theyd not wake up! Someone got you Adidas instead of Nike? Others only have one brand!(pic: brand? C2 slippers?) Bored of the same games? Others have no option! Does your parents care tire you? Others dont have any! On a diet? Others die from it! Hate veggies? Others starve from hunger! Does studying annoy you? Not them! Define NECESSITY? - Sanctity of life: Preservation of life no matter what... that kid might be the next president! - Almsgiving: you give because of love. A dog is mans bestfriend. Picture of an old woman carrying heavy baggage: Think of them...Baggage men in the market.In Singapore, some senior citizens are still working in the restaurant, etc., Earning for a living despite the absence of hands. rd An encountered with a 3 degree malnourished baby in Apayao. One of the doctors,who is lactating a son from home saw this... for the duration of our stay, on of the doctors who came to the medical mission breastfed the baby.

THEOLOGICAL BASES OF HUMAN Based on Salvation History A. Man is created in the image and likeness of God o Crowning of Gods creation is the human person o God gifted him with unearned sanctifying grace thus making him a special friend of God o Simply tells us that we reflect in us the attributes and qualities of God. ***Attributes of truth, goodness and beauty (remember this) B. Christ redeemed man form his sin o For God toshed his dignity and majesty and assume a human flesh is a mystery o For God to die a shameful death to redeem man from evil is even an act of foolishness (St. Paul) o For God to act like a fool for the sake of man, seems to defy any reason o God was willing to do anything for man o This act of Christ becoming a man to redeem humanity speaks in absolute terms of the worth and value that is in every human person o Of all the creatures, it was for and because of man that God has to give up his divinity. C. Man possesses an ultimate destiny o God, in His generosity, has gifted man with the highest and greatest destiny that no other creatures could experience o That destiny (we call heaven) is his ultimate union with his creator o Any acts that stalls man or that stymies him from achieving or pursuing his ultimate destiny or any structure or system, whether political, economic, or moral that does not contribute to his ultimate goal is HUMAN DIGNITY. Human dignity is more precious than prestige.

You hate your life, while some people dream of having your life. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...(Matthew 25:35) Pic: A 20 month old boy has lived partly on milk he suckles directly from a cow in Cambodia. *Pictures on children using animals urine for taking a bath or even as source of drinking water SOME RULES FOR BEING HUMAN No one can make you inferior without your consent Eleanor Roosevelt On fairness: I cried because I have no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet author unknown There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Life doesnt require that we be the best only that we try our best H. Jackson Brown Jr.
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HUMAN DIGNITY: THE SOUL OF BIOETHICS Dr. Tolentino October 2, 2013

o Your own enemy is your self. Learning does not end. There is no part inlife that does not contain lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time. Thomas Edison To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often Winston Churchill Other are only mirrors of you You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. o Doc: One thing I like best. When someone says youre ugly/stupid, say in reply Thank You. You are a mirror of my own self. What you make of your life is up to you You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. No one can change us unless we want to. No one canteach us anything unless we desire to learn. No one can grow for us, to grow or not is a personal decision. Earnest L. Tan Only those who risk going too far can possibly find how far they can go HuwagkangPAKPAK o Pakpakalaing... (nagmamarunong) hindinamanmagaling

Clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12b No matter how good a person you are, there will always be someone criticizing you. Wisdom of the Elders Crabs (crab mentality) Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you. Lion King The seeds of kindnessthat you plant today, will one day bloom in the hearts of all that you touch. Satisfaction is not always the fulfilment of what you want, it is the realization of how blessed you are for what you already have... Doctors are not made. They are chosen. Dr. Leon Dont let anyones ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you from being the Best person God wants you to be. Dont let others doings affect you. What will you give back to God from the blessing you have received? Stewardship a way of life. THANK YOU For your kind attention during my classes... (for most) even just by being physically present. One of the hardest decisions youll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder. For strengthening my PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE because when I was about to walk out of class because you lack or no respect for others and even to yourself, when you are very noisy and indifferent... I think of the few who are eager and willing to listen and learn and change for the better. To all those who are always present (physically and otherwise) ... I will remember you. To all the lecturers from Bioethics 1 to 3, for your time and efforts in sharing the messages in your topics... I also learned from you... Grabeanggalingnyo!! To the Bioethics coordinators ... for helping me and your classmates For allowing me to know you (from a distance) for the past 2 and a half years through your handwriting Your reaction papers and your handwriting reveal the real you that may affirm or change my first impression of you. For supporting the Concert for Cause ... for Raven Our prayers for all of you Samganangbubully...I have tabulated their names. Okay langsamgalalaki but I was surprised to know that there were also females nanambubully.

Para sa akin lang, ungmganambubully, may mga personal issues yan. May pinagdadaanan. May sarilingproblema. Kaya pagbigyanna lang. Siguronga may mgapagkukulangsabuhay. Its more fun in Cordillera!! HULING ONE FOURTH: Give your own title/caption for this:

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you cant help them, at least dont hurt them. Dalai Lama Dont be a bully Huwagkangmanirangibaparalangumangatka, dahilkahitano pang pagpapabangoanggawinmosasarilimo, sisingaw at sisingaw pa rin and basurangugalimo! Huwagkang...SIPSIP: Socially Insecure Person, Seeking Instant Position Lahattayo may kilalang nanJOHNlangkapagMICHAELangan. JOHN MICHAEL,

Dr.Tolentino: Thank you for being patient with Bioethics. FROM THE BIOETHICS TEAM: Thank You. DeborrahMatbagan, LoidaUmila, VernalizaPasol, JaidiSagay, Glaiza Ranges 2015



Ayonsaalamat, angtao ay gawasaPUTIK.Eh, bat and damingPLASTIC? Obstacles cant stop you. Problems cant stop you. Most of all, other people cant stop you. Only you can stop you. J. Gitomer Success is not measured by where you are in life, but by the obstacles you have overcome. Booker T. Washington Bioethics does challenge me and leaves me a small question to ponder upon. Am I savoured with proper seasonings of becoming a great doctor? Simple answer I got is, if it is to be, it is up to me. from a previous med student.

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