Letters From Andromeda - v2n5

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One of the key takeaways is that science will reveal facts about our ancient languages, explorers of our past, and archeological and astronomical discoveries that will point to an incredibly bright future. Another takeaway is that the barriers of race, religious doctrine, politics and philosophy will completely shatter in the next 10 years.

According to the text, the barriers of race, religious doctrine, politics and philosophy will completely shatter in the next ten years, which is 2004.

The text states that science will reveal truths about our past origins that will point to an incredibly bright future. It suggests these truths will come from quiet fields of science and archeology, not religion, and will tell us who we really are.


Volume 2, #5 "To facilitate the free evolvement of all life equally." Oct/Nov 1996
The barriers of race, religious
doctrine, politics and philosophywill
completely shatter in the next ten
years. That's 2004. By then, things
continued on page 3
going to turn right around and
totally blow them away on a con-
scious level.
Our Leap Of Consciousness
For thousands of years, religion and
science have been at odds with each
other, causing confusion, chaos,
wars, fear, deception, and dis-
placement of creative vision. We
are going to witness and experience
in the next 10 years (2004) the
release of facts regarding our ancient
languages, and the explorers of our
past, and the discoveries of
archeology and astronomy. These
truths of our past origins will point
to an incredibly bright future. To
put it more simply, our newspiritual
realization or leap of consciousness
will come from the quiet field of
science and archeology and not from
religion. It is going to be science
that's going to give us the boost we
need for leaping. It's not going to
be religion, spiritual teaching. it's
going to be science, facts. It's going
to say this is who we really are. This
is going to be an incredible shift for
a lot of people, especially the de-
bunkers, because here they are,
resting their laurels, and basing their
realities on science and science is
be in touch with your planet races.
Since the ego consciousness in your
races still goes on and since you
cannot break the denial of your
inner self, your race becomes
detrimental to your planet and to
your planetary system. At this
moment, there are many beings who
continued on page 4
Now the technology of advanced
races in higher densities have taken
control of your evolutionarysystems.
By means of this systems' control,
the evolution of certain dimensions
and reincarnations are now
becoming history and by this means,
your races Alex, and others than
yours, have a probability of directly
attaining your full essences. The
reason for tellingyou this truth in all
clarity is to free you of the conflicts
and contradictions so your races can
attain the truth as soon as possible.
So don't ask us about yourself, ask
about yourself to your own self. If
your races cannot attain the truth
and cannot be unified with your
original intent, we willnot be able to
In This Issue
The Period of Sincerity Moraney
Our Leap of Consciousness Alex
Prepare and Invest Moraney
Moon and Mars Alex
Remember DK Robinson
Quotes and Much More!
physicalness in accordance with the
degree of the consciousness attained.
Since it appears that your races
having no concept of the law of
consistency, becameveryfragmented
in extremes. Religions became
divisions of beliefs, and conflicts
among your races took place. The
worship of belief systems and
idolatry came into existence.
Your bodies are the effect
of the cause which is
intent moved by emotion
which creates physicality.
Your world is a place of veiled
consciousness. In order to be
embodied in physicalness all lower
frequencies should be assembled in
a whole intent. The very distresses,
the many anxieties are the result of
conflict with the limitless awareness
in your races. This is the reason
why your planet races cannot attain
your own selves. Your desire to
possess everything means this also.
The reflection of the evolutionary
state of your physicality, causes your
races not to livecomfortable on your
planet. Your present religions
causes your races to unify your
physical bodies with your abstract
egos. You call this progress. We do
not. Stop lookingto your physicality
to bring your enlightenment. Your
bodies are the effect of the cause
which is intent moved by emotion
which creates physicality.
During previous past times in your
3rd density, education of the soul
took many, many incarnations of life
and death of the physical body.
Situations and reincarnations would
reflect this system it appears. All
beings would transcend your
The Period of Sincerity
Please don't confuseour compassion
for your races, with a love for your
planet. Please understand that they
are separate with our race. We are
neither pleased with your worlds
riches, nor dismayed by its poverty.
We come here to assist in the period
of sincerity. The clarifying of the
original intent of all of us is this
"veedia" [holograph]. Because of
lineage to your races, we returned to
Letters From Andromeda
Letter From The Editor
Recently, I've had a great deal of reflection on my teachings and experiences with the friends from Andromeda. I remembered
the discussions regarding children and the teachers teaching teachers, the lawof consistency, and the evolvement of all of race,
as opposed to the fewwho consider themselves elite or other such crap. I've watched the Andromedans people. They, as a
race, consistently expect and offer mutual respect of and to, each other. The Andromedans are a healed race, whose pride is
in everyone of their culture.
After spending time with them and having then to return to our earth, there have been times that I've been embarrassed by
the selfishness and destructive nature of our planetary race. What I've learned in my many, but few, years on earth about our
race is this:
A human being whose heart show no passion, is a person without a life. A human being that doesn't give from the
heart, is a person who will tell you lies.
A human being whose heart is committed to nothing, is a person who doesn't try to achieve anything, and has no goals.
A human being who is 110t willing to risk or take chances for love, is a person who is empty inside.
These things I've learned with my own interacting with our race.
I'm saddened to say that many people on our earth, carry the denial of their self-royalty. They, and all of us, are love; born
of love, connected to love and created in love. Love is. And it will conquer all denial, in time. I admit that we all battle with
fear within. The fear can rattle the soul, like a thunderous wind against a house. We must hold on, in the belief that still
unbroken, our souls trust the light of self to guide us through the night. All the while life rushes right by us, never ceasing to
wait for any of us. I've taken the time to rest and listen to my heartbeat. I stand unbending in my commitment to our race
and my family. But your all must do your part. And your part is to teach what you know. It's also to hold onto your loved
ones. Be eager to laugh. Be dedicated to family. And be dedicated to each other.
Every day is the sweetest day I know. And even when the memories have faded away, I'll still have the sweetest days, each
day. My heart demands a change in our world. That is one of the reasons I share my experiences with you. Thank you, for
your interest, and thank you for becoming the teachers you've always been. Be at one with all there is. You might as well..
You already are.
Publishers Notes
All of us here involved with Letters From Andromeda offer you our most sincere apology regarding the lateness of this issue.
Everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong: from printer problems, data program complications, to personal family
Please understand that this is not a business for us. We look upon this work as one way in helping spread the Andromedan
perspective to those who seek the truth. As each of us well know, things happen that can slowdown progress at times. Even
our Andromedan friends get involved with events that hold them back from contributing the latest information. Times are
changing for each of us, very quickly and soon, dramatically.
Our experiences upon this beautiful planet are quickening faster than most of us are aware of. Change is in the air and the
wind is poised for a gale force. All must become aware that a change in our intent can bring upon this world either great
happenings or disastrous events. It is truly our choice.
Within these pages are great Truths. Terms of intent, responsibility, determination, belief and Love. All these ideals must
have action taken upon them if we are to move in a direction of positive growth.
Recently I heard that it did not matter if we do anything because it has already happened. Well, I am telling you now with
utmost truth and conviction, don't fall into that trap! Whether we are playing a game in the past or in the present, change
based upon responsible actions set forth by your intent leads to change...regardless of the position in the time line.
I also have a message to all who know that they have certain responsibilities during this life time. You must now go about
doing whatever you must do, i.e. energy, lightwork, teaching, etc. For each is important and you must complete your tasks
Letters From Andromeda
Notes cont,
on time. Some will finish ahead of
others; they are laying the path for
others to do their work as well.
Time is short. What are you waiting
Some quick notes of importance.
The Call To Action in the last
newsletter has been receiving life
and support globally. It is
imperative that we keep this
movement going. We are almost
ready for Alex's presentation of our
Terran Proposal to the Andromedan
Council and associated member
races for their consideration and
responses. We will, as intended
keep you advised as to the responses
that come as the result of this
document. I would also like to point
out a publication, Life Times 1609
Stone Mtn Rd, Vilas NC 28692
(704) 297-2342, that circulates
globally and embraces sharing the
Andromedan infor-mation from
Alex. These people and others, are
very loving and are doing their part
in our awakening. We urge you to
check them out and show support if
you feel moved to do so.
From time to time we share other
sources that we feel support the
Andromedan perspectives, for
knowledge must be brought forward,
not suppressed.
Let me close with a quote from the
main character in the movie
Phenomenon. "Everything is on its
way somewhere." By sharing your
interests and concerns with others
they take with them a bit of your
consciousness. Now, more than
ever, we need to get out and speak
our Truth. Please enjoy this
newsletter. All our wishes go out to
each and every one of you during
the holiday season. Thank you for
your patience. Go with Peace, Love,
and the Knowingthat the Creator is
always with you as we travel and
experience in creation.
Leap cont,
will be well on their way. You'll be
sitting by your televisions wanting to
see the news, just to find out what
they discovered today. The
discoveries that we will become part
of are as follows.
- Scientific proof of dimensions and
higher selves/spiritual consciousness.
I don't know how they are going to
prove it.
- Reincarnation will be scientifically
proven and demonstrated.
- The acknowledgement of other life
in the galaxy and our universe.
Ample proof already exists on the
moon, mars and on Earth, and will
be shared with humanity. Could be
that we have a group of renegade
scientists who just say enough is
- Face to face contact with other
extraterrestrial races will occur. It
will actually happen a lot sooner
than in ten years, but within the next
ten years we.will have contact with
at least nine different races.
- The introduction of three clean
energy devices based on the
magnetic fields of energy that
permeate all existence.
- The Earth is in fact hollow, and
capable of sustaining human life very
comfortably. Also, the existence of
a city known as Calnogor within the
hollow Earth originally built by
- The rediscovery of the lost land of
Atlantis in the Atlantic, In the
Pacific, a very large temple complex,
still intact, once belonging to
Lemuria will also be discovered.
Nowaccording to the Andromedans,
we are going to share in these
discoveries. Which means, if you
know the reputations of the powers
that be are now, you can imagine
what they are going to fight. This is
what we are going to find out about.
- The reality that all we perceive in
the physical is a holographic imprint
that is directed and created from a
higher portion of ourselves.
- Human consciousness is not in the
brain, but located in its entirety in
the energy field and/or the aura.
- Our past and present educational
Letters From Andromeda
processes have not prepared us to be
completely conscious creative
thinkers, but more like robots that
can be shaped by peer pressure.
- Organic and plant life forms do
exist on seven planets and fifteen
moons in our solar system.
The rediscovery that each of us is a
part of the whole of the universe.
We are a significant part of that idea
that we call god. And god is the
idea of love.
- This accelerating self discovery
being experienced throughout the
universe was created and activated
by all of us in the universe.
- We as a by-product of extra-
terrestrial genetic manipulation are
possessors of a vast gene pool that
has many different racial memory
banks of, at least, 22 extraterrestrial
races in our DNA. Because of our
genetic heritage of having these 22
different races, we are all considered
royalty. All we need to do is
acknowledge it, acknowledge
. ourselves, and seize our true history.
In other words, the only fear we
have is the fear of, that we are.
After we accomplish this, we can
free ourselves from the conditioning
and programming of our creator
gods and/or extraterrestrials. We
need to learn to accept our
uniqueness, and planetary adulthood,
and know that we are our own
inheritance. Only then can we
honestly and maturely create our
own future the way we want it to be.
What is the future? Here is their
definition: Responsible freedom of
self-determination, becoming trulyself-
confident and free to unconditionally
be responsible for one'sself, without
being coerced to accept some higher
- The reason our planet has not had
mass contact as a race, is because as
a race, we don't remember who and
what we are. In other words, we're
having a severe identity crisis. It
also means that there are few
walking this Earth who remember
other planetary existences or even
previous life forms, let alone
previous life times. Some have
sought spiritual development
through various healing
methodologies and mediation in the
hopes of enlightenment.
The Andromedans have taught, and
are teaching, that judgements both
present life and past life must be
cleared from the cellular imprint of
the soul. As one does achieve this,
one becomes aware of other
planetary existences, and one's true
planetary heritage. We have
limitless possibilities to be and find
satisfaction, joy and fulfillment in
our lives and in our relationships
with one another. By rediscovering
direct contact with our own essence
of being, we can remember freedom
that is not only freedom from
external restraints but also free
expression. Meaning and value of
what it is to truly be a human being.
Most of us have been walking
around thinking this is it.
Apparently our perception of this
gift which we have, means severe
tuning out, in their opinion.
Apparently we are really blessed to
have the forms we have and have
the genetics that we have. This lack
of self knowledge and understanding
is itself the root of our problems on
many different levels. Once
relearned, this intrinsic freedom
becomes a lived and practiced
reality. That all the other freedoms
will naturally follow after that. Once
we have learned to take
responsibility for ourselves.
Apparently not on a third density
level, but on the other levels as well.
Sincerity cont.
cannot attain genuine respect for self
and self awareness in our galaxy.
They, as well, are being kept under
control. Their evolutions are being
made in an indirect way. Your races
have also been persecuted and
manipulated by other galactic races
from planetary systems negatively
charged other that your own. Since
during your different past time
periods they have tried to prove to
your ancestor their own technical
power, fear has been created in your
races. We have returned, to convey
the truth to erase these fears.
Since your planet is the site of both
the most primitive and most high
maturity, is very full of con-
tradictions. Your religions which
helped many to evolve, have not
been released. Your races have
refused to let go of a system of
beliefs that have not serviced your
planet for the last 453 rotations of
your star. By freeing you of this,
with the use of common sense we
hope your races will attain your own
selves andbecome fullyindependent.
Be at one.
Moraney 11-3-96
Our Moon's Forbidden History
We live in interesting times. We all
share a common interest in our
countries and our world. We show
a temporary interest in space as new
and unseen information and
discoveries are shared, then that
interest is incorporated into day to
day survival. I would like to share
with you information regarding the
Moon and our Solar System. This
information was shared with me by
Andromedan Cosmonauts.
It is my hope that I can only add to
the information and hidden
revelations. As I have been
reminded by my friends from
Andromeda, we all have a piece of
the puzzle. I offer this perspective
as a piece of that puzzle. It is not
my wish to detract or prove anyone
incorrect. I myself have taken this
information with the understanding
that it is just a small part of a larger
drama playing itself out in our
backyard and on our home, Earth.
This information was given over a
period of contacts, both physical and
telepathic. The following is the
Andromedan perspective of our
Our Moon has an atmosphere
comparable in many places to that of
Earth. In many of the large craters
on the visible and the hidden side,
Letters From Andromeda
the atmosphere is said to be denser
than sea level on Earth. Our Moon
has a small egress at its north pole,
and the crust is thinly shelled in
places. It is only twenty-one miles
thick in some places, and thirty-five
miles in others.
We've been told that our moon is
dry. A million times dryer than the
Gobi Desert. According to the
Andromedans it all depends on
where you are. They say the hidden
side has many large underground
lakes, huge in size. The irrigation
and terra forming is occurring on the
hidden side on the surface, but is
occurring underground on the visible
side to hide the agenda. Apollo 15
discovered and took pictures of
water vapor clouds that appeared
from the hidden side. This would be
most odd and unusual if the moon
really didn't have much of an
atmosphere, as we've been told.
Because clouds would be impossible.
The age of the Moon soil is 9.2
billion years old, and has compound
and chemicals not found on Earth.
In fact, there are many chemical
compounds that were discovered, but
withheld from the public. There are
many more we've yet to discover
because our science is not advanced
enough yet. The lunar soil did not
come from the rock that makes up
the moons mountains and craters.
This is known to some lunar
scientists. However, it's not spoken
about, but in whispers. So, where
did the soil come from? The
Andromedans say the soil and many
of the rocks come from Ursa Minor,
located in a solar system named in
the Orion tongue "CHOWTA", a
binary sun system. We have many
similarities in our system as well.
We have limitless
possibilities to be and find
satisfaction, joy and
fulfillment in our lives and
in our relationships with
one another.
"CHOWTA" is a very large system,
holding 21 planets and 47 moons.
Our moon is said to have been made
around the 17th planet in this
Apollo 15 discovered that portions
of the moons crust is radioactive,
especially near the Appenine
mountains. Why were the readings
so hot? The Andromedans have
said it's because some nuclear waste
was brought up there to be reused as
a fuel supply for the space craft that
the world government has built.
However, many of the ships that use
Our present Moon was one
of two moons that orbited
it. The second moon, I'm
told is the moon Phobos.
nuclear fuel are obsolete now. So,
howwas the moon brought here? It
was, I'm told by the Andromedans,
put into the tail of an asteroid which
brought it into our solar system.
This same asteroid circles our part
of the galaxy every 25,156 Earth
years. Andromedans have said that
our moon has been inhabited
periodically in it's history for 1.8
million Earth years.
The Moon is hollow. It contains
huge underground facilities built by
E.T.'s and later by humans from
Earth. There are seven openings
into the Moon's crust, and the
underground bases. Conservative
scientists have wondered why so
many craters seem so shallow,
despite their size. The Androm-
edans say, it's because much of the
surface was built on top of a metallic
shell of a circular space craft; or " A
War Carrier ", as the Andromedans
descnbe it. An example of a
shallow, but large crater would be
the crater Gagarin. This crater is
roughly 185 miles across, but is only
4.5 to 5 miles deep. Based on the
impact and size across the craters
depression on the surface, the depth
should be 4 to 6 times that deep. In
fact, all the craters are the same;
they are too a shallow and defy
known science.
Many of the craters have been
artificially created. The
Andromedans have said that many
of the craters on the far side were in
fact domed cities at one time and
that they were destroyed during a
war that goes back 113,000 yrs.
Others were used as space craft
hangers with larger craters capable
of housing 200 craft. The surface
bases consisted of 9 domed cities
which would be equal to a small city.
Small lakes or ponds were scattered
along the surface. The remains of
these domed structures were
discovered by NSA astronauts,
Russian cosmonauts, and the NASA
Apollo astronauts. The true military
complex of the moon is now
underground. Entrances to this
alien and Human base are at both
poles, the Taurus Mountains, Jules
Verne crater on the far side and
Archimedes. These are the original
entrances. The black government
has created more openings and is
currentlyexpanding the underground
complex. The expansion is for the
operation of private scientific and
military agendas for the World
Order. The Andromedans also state
that it was a military outpost, until it
was needed in our part of the galaxy
to end a rebellion that was taking
place. The personnel consisted of
Reptilian, half-human/half-reptilian
and those who would be known as
humans. Many of the original
structures on the surface of the
moon were destroyed during what
the Andromedans refer to as the "
Black League Conflict". This was a
battle fought by humans of different
systems that formed a secret
alliance, and fought the tyranny of
the Orion Empire. Continuous
destruction occurred on one side of
the moon as it was being transported
here by space debris. The side that
suffered the heaviest destruction is
the visible side we see. The
destruction was caused by particle
beam weapons when our Moon was
located in the orbit of Maldek, now
a destroyed planet. Our present
Moon was one of two moons, that
orbited it. The second moon, I'm
Letters From Andromeda
The Andromedans say the
size of this facility hidden
under the dark side of the
moon is approximately the
size of New York.
told, is the moon Phobos. It also
has ruins on it, as does Venus which
was a moon of Uranus. Uranus is
abundant with plant and mammal
The glass that is abundantly spread
over the moons surface came from
the Domed cities that were once on
this war carrier. I would like at this
point to explain how the moon is
supposed to have gravity. Now this
is Andromedan science and it flies in
the face of our own science. But
regardless, here is the Andromedan
reasons for the moon having gravity.
Our sun produces a highly
penetrating radiation in the
electromagnetic spectrum. This
frequency is approximately a trillion
cycles a second. This frequency is
located between the lower portion of
the infrared and radar band. It is
this radiation from the sun that
causes gravity, not the planets
rotation. Andromedan science
claims that any planetary body that
is 29.3 miles in size and is exposed
to a sun, is capable of a gravity field.
Even if it is not rotating on its axis.
The Andromedans have related the
following series of events to me.
They have said that this information
has been recorded. I have not seen
this yet, so I'm relaying this
information to you the reader in
faith of its accuracy. Upon arriving
on the surface of the moon, the
NSA astronauts, together with their
tour guides, the Greys, were taken to
the underground facilities where the
remains and skeletons of Reptilian-
like beings and human beings were
found, as well as, old Orion
technology. This location has been
identified by the Andromedans as
beneath the crater named Jules
Verne. The Andromedans say the
size of this facility hidden under the
dark side of the moon is approx-
imately the size of New York state.
These huge underground facilities
contain large lakes, plant life of
Earth, alien form manufacturing
machinery, food storage facilities,
and space craft hangers. Also, alien
writing is to be witnessed on the
walls in the hallways. The NSA
astronauts were shown eight vaults
that were sealed, but information
regarding their contents has not
been disclosed to me. Artificial
Terra environments are being
created all the time to house and
support hand-picked personnel by
the World Government.
The human leader of this base or
facility is called Mr. Secretary. The
moon now houses approximately
36,719 human beings from Earth, a
small colony; only Aryans by birth.
According to the work that is being
done above and underground to
expand the facilities, the
Andromedans foresee a population
of 600,000 in the very near future.
Much contact is taking place on the
Ladies and gentleman, this
time in which we now live
is and will be known in
our future as the end of
the innocence.
moon between regressive aliens and
World Order humans.
Currently, the World Order has fifty-
three Earth built UFO type space
craft on the moon. Also, other
weapons beings built on the moon
are particle beam weapons, lasers,
nuclear bomb satellites, and anti-
matter weapon systems. Anti-gravity
anomalies on Earth were used to
send equipment and hardware to the
Moon. Pine Gap, Australia and
Diego Garcia Island in the Indian
Ocean and Siberia in Russia were
the primary launching sites. There is
an atmosphere on the far side of the
Moon being created on the surface
for extended habitation. There is
also water, lakes, and vegetation.
They are literally turning the moon
into a habitable colony. From there,
the World Government decided to
go to Mars in March of 1959. This
ultra secret space program was
developedand launched largely from
the Soviet Union, simply because of
its natural resources and size. They
could virtually do everything in
secret. When first arriving upon the
moon, the World Order astronauts,
with help from the Greys, reopened
the ancient underground facility.
We've had a working colony on the
moon since 1961 according to the
When the Apollo astronauts landed
on the moon, the World Order had
been there for some time. This
knowledge and technology was
withheld from the lower levels of
NASA and our military. NASA has
been used as a blind to keep the
people from truly knowing what was
going on out there. The astronauts
were silenced under threats and
many remain so today.
I would like at this point to share
some old history or events that the
Andromedans say is important. I
have not been able to find any
information about these events.
However, because the Andromedans
specificallybrought it up, I am going
to share it. In 1953 Earth satellites
and radar showed large objects
coming towards Earth. These were
Grey motherships. These time-
traveling spacecraft were the same
craft seen near Venus in 1787, 1788,
and 1789. In the year 1645 a large
moon seen near Venus, was seen
coming and going four times. This
was a mothership from Sirius B. In
November of 1844, the large craft
seen illuminating part of Mars was
an Orion mothership. The same
craft illuminated Mercury in 1799.
Again, the same craft, which is
spherical, crossed the Sun on March
26, 1859. On the eclipse of July 29,
1878, the two large glowing bodies
seen between Mercury and Venus
were Pleadian and Andromedan
motherships, moving through our
part of the galaxy. In 1783 and
1787, the large bright lights that
Letters From Andromeda
were seen on the moon were not
volcanos, they were Pleadian
motherships. Along with the
creation of a self-ruled government.
The first on Earth; America. In the
month of February, in the year 1894,
the object photographed striking a
huge black object was a carrier craft
from Alpha Draconis. On April 4,
1892, the craft that crossed the
surface of the moon was not a large
bird, but was a craft that looked like
it had wings. It was a craft from
Alpha Draconis. This same ship was
last in this solar system on January
27, 1912.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this time in
which we now live is and will be
known in our future as the end of
the innocence. We, as a planetary
race, must commit ourselves to the
idea that truth must survive. We
have major challenges to face, and
whatever is the truth, we must do all
that is necessary to stick together.
We have been tom and tattered, we
have been betrayed. But please, let's
not give up on each other. We are
capable of being heroes. We can
save the world, and our freedom.
We must believe in each other, and
in ourselves. I love you. Be at one.
Prepare and Invest
"Alex, we have already spoken with
you in detail of your races genetic
transfers and reincarnation before.
I will mention them again when
necessary because your path and
happiness depend on being able to
attain the truth. Yes, we are aware
of the situation of your planet shows
great deviation off the right path in
the sincerity period. But please if
your would try to share this moment
in your planets evolution as a
preparation for the investments,
which will be made in the very near
future for your races. Since the
removal of conditions by density
technology, your evolution is going
at a faster pace, I think you say, than
before." [Note: Here Moraney
paused in the middle of the talk to
tlhelle oe Hmm wken 9 sit Ofld polldell. wky it aOO must be.
CWe've made OUlt chOicm you Ofld 9.
,..Amllmia. 9 am you and yOUlt Q/le me.
CRemembeil. CWe must Clteate OUlt
declaring your sovereignty. You are
declaring the fact that you are who
you are, and that you've got every
right to be here, right now, at that
moment. Because, if your don't
declare your space, some species will
take it from you. It's that simple.
Moraney tells me that if you do this,
and you mean it, they will leave you
alone. Those of your who are
working with people that are being
abducted, please teach them this.
Now, after having said this, if they
ask for permission, you can say "yes
or "no".
Law of Consistency
Now, the Andromedan people teach
their children everything. The oldest
and the wisest are the teachers, and
hold noting back from their children.
Those with the most experience
teach others what they know. This is
up 9 say. witkill youJtseQvm. alld /ladiate yOUlt essence.
yOUlt yOUlt tIlue seQ6-knowillg.
CP/l01ecl yOUlt Qove. yOUlt so alld know the 9t is tTttuth.
CRemembett. CWe 0Ile dmHlly.
tlhe b/lightell eack passillg day.
6i{JfPlIillg tltftough OUlt dellseQy woven. seQ6-cllated veiQ.
CYou alld 9. CUs alld must Q"lSfell. alld see withill.
alld upwO/ld.
CRemembeil. CWe must become OUlt
CWe lleed to know CWe hoQd tke to aOO that's tIlue /leaQity.
CWhat CWe see. CWe CWe
<;]OOOOWillg the path CWe chose so QolIg ago.
CWe've 6oogottell OUlt /lOOSOIlS alld stumbQe alld 6a
WeQ/lillg bQilldoo 06 OUlt OWII 0eatio/l.
CfM dOIl't Qose keOllf. do 1I0t dmpaill.
CWe Q/le Qoved.
CRemembeJt. /lemembett.
CWhol!e is thall tke sum 06 the pOIlfs.
(extracted from 1996 Global Sciences
Congress lecture)
Now, some of you in this room may
be having contact. When the extra-
terrestrials get here, sometime next
year (1997) or the year after, when
they physically land and they start
showing themselves, it is imperative
that you approach then, regardless of
who they are or what they look like,
as an equal, because you are a
spiritual being first, and a physical
being secondly. And then, you stand
and you acknowledge them, looking
at them directly, whether you are
scared or not, and you bow without
taking your eyes off them and you
declare to them, "It is the manner
and custom when entering my space
that permission be asked." No
matter how many times you say it,
you must mean it. You are
At present moment many transfers
occur in your planet from many
different cultures and planes. Each
member of the races on and in your
planet will naturally exhibit their
own mentality. They do and will
contradict your habitual cultures.
But please do not forget that we
have told you about mental conflicts
cause(ing) each to go though test of
maturity. We determine your
mentalities through the impulse
signals we receive from your races
chain of thoughts. Now the
selection of man or woman and the
situations they transcend are much
more difficult, because their
preparation of the future is in
accordance with their levels of
consciousness. There is no
intercession. What ever is created
will manifest itself. Alex, you cannot
help all your races. Each member of
your races will feel their essence in
the balancing of positive and
negative as they have done and it
will be weighed in their own
consciousness. Those who prepare
and invest will be prepared for the
evolution to another density. The
countenance of your planet is
changing quickly.
Moraney 11-4-96
listen to information regarding
movement of craft around Uranus.
He smiled and then resumed.] "We
have had to raise the frequency of
your planet to move change and
enlightenment along. Such a broad
word you use, this word,
'enlightenment'. It was necessary.
This also means that great tests of
tolerances will be caused by
delusionary discriminations between
your peoples. At the present
moment your races are carrying in
your DNAgenetics the influences of
a thousand centuries, as your count
rotations, both the positive and
negative aspect. Please understand
we are trying to prepare your races
far advanced maturity.
Letters From Andromeda
called by them the Law of
Consistency. They know that their
children are their legacy. They don't
"dumb them down" like the educa-
tional system here does. They would
never ever think to do that, because
they are proud of their lineage and
their heritage. They know that this
is who they are and their young
people are who they are. Ladies and
gentlemen, if your have children, you
owe it to them to teach them what
you know, and don't let anyone else
babysit. Don't let the television
babysit, because it is teaching them
what to think, not how to think.
What About..?
If we have such a unetic structure
iouo(uin2 22 races. whY do we have
There are two reasons we have
disease. We've totally polluted our
environment, which we are
responsible for. Chemicals in the
water and the air; we've made a
disaster out of everything, thinking
that science will fix it. The second
reason we are short-lived is because
many tens of thousands of years ago,
a great group of extraterrestrials
came here and said, "Oh my god,
look at these people. They're
humans and they have all these
genetics, and they are incredibly
powerful. We can never control
them unless we take away ten
strands of their DNA out. Then we
will be able to control them forever.
They will never be able to evolve
physicallyand spiritually at the same
time." That's exactly what
happened. We originally had 12
strands of DNA, ten have been
taken out of us as a race, tens and
tens of thousands of years ago. This
is the result. We all know it's there,
we just don't know how to get there.
According to the Andromedans. it's
our physical form that's holding us
back. Our physical form was
manipulated to keep us as workers.
Is there any way for us to ser our DNA
It Was Once Said...
"A Constitution is not the Act of
Government, but of a People
constituting a Government, and
Government without a Constitution
is Power without a Right."
Thomas Paine
The Rights orMan 1795
''A nation united can never be
Thomas Jefferson
A letter to John Adams, 1816
"It is time for our government
leaders to respect the law no less
than our humblest citizen, so that
we can end the double standard of
justice in America. "
Jimmy Carter
39th President,
United States
"Responsibility is unique. You may
share it with others but yourportion
is not diminished. You may
destain it, but you cannot divest
yourself of it."
Hyman R Rickover
Admiral, US Navy
"We must remember that the people
do not belong to the government
but that the government belongs to
the people."
Bernard M. Baruch
War Industries Board
"When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
Because of the changes that are
going on here, and certain other
influences which have not been
made specific to me, our DNA is
now apparently stretching, and a
third strand of DNA is now being
formed within us. It could be that
we are tired of waiting and we're
calling it down ourselves - just saying
enough is enough. I understand
Letters From Andromeda
there are some extraterrestrial
influences doing that, as well as this
new twelfth density. It is stretching
everyone's awareness and physical
forms so that we adapt to the new
energies that are coming in. The
result is the stretching of our DNA
and a new strand being added.
Getti02 to the ~ r 2013 sounds reallY
200d to me. It's.iust the next twenty
~ a r s that I'm havioll some trouble with.
I understand where we are now. I
understand the GreYs are here. the
Draconians are here. and I ooderstand
2013. How do we 2et there fromhere?
There will be a shedding of physical
form, but no one really ever dies.
Just take it one day at a time. The
Andromedans would much prefer
that we tale responsibility for our
own reality. They are very, very
concerned about wanting to be our
savior, especially with the
connotations it has on our planet
and in our consciousness. They
simply do not want that role,
whatsoever. Which is why certain
information and certain energies are
occurring that are bringing a lot of
this awareness to light. People are
starting to wake up and say, "Hey,
what's going on?" Because, ulti-
mately, if we do it ourselves, then
we've all learned the lesson once and
for all. If someone else comes in
and does it for us, and it doesn't
tum out, we have someone to blame,
and we're not taking responsibility
for it. Since the soul is eternal, we
can create this all over again, if need
be if we don't get it right this time.
My very small part is to help. That
I get it and we all get it. I hope that
we'd prefer not to have to deal with
this anymore.
Letters From Andromeda Statement of Puroose: To
help creete a world of unconditional responsibility.
This is a non-profit newslener dedicated to
humanity, without reservation. This wisdom is a
gift. The truth should not be offered with
restrictions. There is no copyright. Edited by:
Alex Collier Published by: Jon & Deborah
Robinson - 289 S. Robertson Blvd., Suite 212
Beverly Hills CA 90211 USA (310) 247-8796
email: [email protected]

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