Boxing - Glossary of Terms

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1. Term: Jab Definition: A quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand from the guard position. The jab is
accompanied by a small, clockwise rotation of the torso and hips, while the fist rotates 90

degrees, becoming horizontal upon impact. As the punch reaches full extension, the lead shoulder can be brought up to guard the chin. The rear hand remains next to the face to guard the jaw. After making contact with the target, the lead hand is retracted quickly to resume a guard position in front of the face.

Definition source: Context: The jab is recognised as the most important punch in a boxer's arsenal because it
provides a fair amount of its own cover and it leaves the least amount of space for a counter punch from the opponent. It has the longest reach of any punch and does not require commitment or large weight transfers

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Lovitura scurta Source of Romanian equivalent: French equivalent: Direct long du bras avant Source of French equivalent:

2. Term: Cross Definition: A powerful, straight punch thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the
rear hand is thrown from the chin, crossing the body and traveling towards the target in a straight line.

Definition source: Context: The cross can also follow a jab, creating the classic "one-two" combination. Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Lovitura transversala Source of Romanian equivalent:

French equivalent: Direct long du bras arriere Source of French equivalent:

3. Term: Hook Definition: A semi-circular punch thrown with the lead hand to the side of the opponent's head.
From the guard position, the elbow is drawn back with a horizontal fist (knuckles pointing forward) and the elbow bent. The rear hand is tucked firmly against the jaw to protect the chin. The torso and hips are rotated clockwise, propelling the fist through a tight, clockwise arc across the front of the body and connecting with the target. At the same time, the lead foot pivots clockwise, turning the left heel outwards

Definition source: Context: A hook may also target the lower body and this technique is sometimes called the "rip"
to distinguish it from the conventional hook to the head

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Croset Source of Romanian equivalent :

French equivalent: Crochet du bras avant Source of French equivalent:

4. Term: Uppercut Definition: A vertical, rising punch thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the torso
shifts slightly to the right, the rear hand drops below the level of the opponent's chest and the knees are bent slightly.

Definition source: Context: The strategic utility of the uppercut depends on its ability to "lift" the opponent's body,
setting it off-balance for successive attacks.

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Uppercut

Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Uppercut Source of French equivalent:

5. Term: Slip Definition: Slipping rotates the body slightly so that an incoming punch passes
harmlessly next to the head. As the opponent's punch arrives, the boxer sharply rotates the hips and shoulders. This turns the chin sideways and allows the punch to "slip" past.

Definition source: Context: Muhammad Ali was famous for extremely fast and close slips, as was an early Mike

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Alunecare Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Desaxage Source of French equivalent:

6. Term: Bobbing Definition: Bobbing moves the head laterally and beneath an incoming punch. As the
opponent's punch arrives, the boxer bends the legs quickly and simultaneously shifts the body either slightly right or left. Once the punch has been evaded, the boxer "weaves" back to an upright position, emerging on either the outside or inside of the opponent's still-extended arm.

Definition source:

Context: To move outside the opponent's extended arm is called "bobbing to the outside". To
move inside the opponent's extended arm is called "bobbing to the inside".

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Circulara Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Abaissement et esquive rotative Source of French equivalent:

7. Term: Blocking Definition: Parrying or blocking uses the boxer's shoulder, hands or arms as defensive tools to
protect against incoming attacks. A block generally receives a punch while a parry tends to deflect it.

Definition source: Context: A "palm" or "cuff" is a block which intentionally takes the incoming punch on that
portion of the defender's glove.

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Blocaj Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Blocage Source of French equivalent:

8. Term: The Cover-up

Definition: Covering up is the last opportunity (other than rolling with a punch) to avoid an
incoming strike to an unprotected face or body. Generally speaking, the hands are held high to protect the head and chin and the forearms are tucked against the torso to impede body shots.

Definition source: Context: The cover-up is weak against attacks from below. Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Acoperirea Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Couverture avec les deux gants Source of French equivalent:

9. Term: The Clinch Definition: Clinching is a rough form of grappling and occurs when the distance between both
fighters has closed and straight punches cannot be employed. In this situation, the boxer attempts to hold or "tie up" the opponent's hands so he is unable to throw hooks oruppercuts.

Definition source: Context: Clinching is technically against the rules, and in amateur fights points are deducted
fairly quickly for it. It is unlikely, however, to see points deducted for a clinch in professional boxing.

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: A prinde Source of Romanian equivalent:

French equivalent: Neutraliser les ames en allant se coller Source of French equivalent:

10. Term: Peek-a boo

Definition: Sometimes known as the "earmuffs", the hands are placed next to each other in
front of the face (fighters tend to vary the exact positioning) and elbows are brought in tight to the body (this position can be achieved by bringing the elbows as close together while not straining yourself to do so).

Definition source: Context: Peek-a-boo is what a boxer is taught to do when he begins to box, after he gains
experience he can decide to change or vary the guard

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Source of Romanian equivalent: French equivalent: Garde de trios-quarts de face Source of French equivalent:

11. Term: The overhand right

Definition: The overhand right is a punch not found in every boxer's arsenal. Unlike the right
cross, which has a trajectory parallel to the ground, the overhand right has a looping circular arc as it is thrown over-the-shoulder with the palm facing away from the boxer.

Definition source: Context: The overhand right has become a popular weapon in other tournaments that involve
fist striking.

Source of context:

Romanian equivalent: Lovitura de sus in jos Source of Romanian equivalent:


French equivalent: Coup de poing retombant Source of French equivalent:

12. Term: Half-uppercut Definition: a combination of a wide Uppercut/straight punch Definition source: Context: As the name says, a half-uppercut is half of a normal uppercut. Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Jumatate de uppercut Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Demie-uppercut Source of French equivalent:

13. Term: Footwork Definition: The boxer relies on simplistic, economical "push stepping" in which the leading leg
advances first in the desired direction, then upon setting down is followed by the rear, coming to rest in the exact relative position, forming the perfect boxer's stance.

Definition source:

Context: The characteristic footwork employed by most of the world's major boxing and
kickboxing styles such as Western boxing and Muay Thai has changed little over the centuries, and has remained largely invariable between radically different cultures.

Source of context:

Romanian equivalent: Joc de picioare Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Jeu de jambe Source of French equivalent:

14. Term: Bolo-punch Definition: Occasionally seen in Olympic boxing, the bolo is an arm punch which owes its
power to the shortening of a circular arc rather than to transference of body weight; it tends to have more of an effect due to the surprise of the odd angle it lands at rather than the actual power of the punch

Definition source: Context: Bolo punch is more of a gimmick than a technical maneuver; this punch is not taught,
being on the same plane in boxing technicality as is the Ali shuffle

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Lovitura Bolo Source of Romanian equivalent: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners French equivalent: Bolo coup Source of French equivalent:

15. Term: Check hook Definition: A check hook is employed to prevent aggressive boxers from lunging in. There are
two parts to the check hook. The first part consists of a regular hook. The second, trickier part involves the footwork.

Definition source: Context: Check hook is rarely seen in professional boxing as it requires a great disparity in skill
level to execute

Source of context: Romanian equivalent: Verificarea crosetului Source of Romanian equivalent:

French equivalent: Verification du crochet Source of French equivalent:

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