The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

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The book argues that the level of support the US provides to Israel cannot be fully explained by strategic or moral reasons and undermines the long-term interests of both countries.

The book argues that the Israel lobby has a significant influence over US foreign policy and pushed the US to invade Iraq. It also criticizes some Israeli policies.

Some critics say the book is anti-Semitic or one-sided. Supporters say it fosters important debate on the topic.



The Israel Lobby

and U.S. Foreign Policy

by John J. Mearsheimer
a n d S t e p h e n M . Wa l t

978-0-374-53150-8 • 0-374-53150-1

“An important book that deserves to be keenly debated.”

—Daniel Levy, Haaretz


The questions and discussion topics that follow are designed to enhance your read-
ing of John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt’s The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign
Policy. We hope they will enrich your experience as you explore this timely exami-
nation of America’s pro-Israel lobby and its far-reaching impact.
Greg Martin


John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt’s article “The Israel Lobby” (London
Review of Books, March 2006) sparked a firestorm of controversy on both sides of the
Atlantic, drawing heated criticism and praise.

Broadening the debate with new research and more detailed discussions of the role
of the oil lobby; the Iraq War; U.S. policy toward Lebanon, Iran, and Syria; and
what a new relationship with Israel would look like, the book that followed gener-
ated even more extensive commentary and became a national bestseller. Raising
provocative topics for your reading group, The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy
exposes important realities regarding Middle East policy, the power of lobby
groups, and the American political process itself. Arguing that the remarkable level
of financial and diplomatic support that Israel receives from the United States can-
not be fully explained on either strategic or moral grounds, the authors further
maintain that such support actually undermines the long-term interests of both
countries. Fostering an open dialogue about one of America’s most taboo political
topics, The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy offers bold insights into crucial
geopolitical issues facing world leaders today.

1. How familiar were you with the Israel lobby before reading this book? Did the
authors change or reinforce your previous beliefs?

2. Were you surprised by the fact that the authors found it difficult to publish the
original article, “The Israel Lobby,” in the United States? Would you have suspected
such resistance from American editors?

3. The authors argue that the Cold War strategy of backing Israel as a deterrent to
Soviet communism was not wholly successful. How did you respond to their sum-
mary of this history? In what other ways has Israel’s role in the international land-
scape changed since the Truman administration? What is the twenty-first-century
equivalent of the Cold War?

4. What did you discover about the differences between aid and loan packages
offered by the United States to various countries? How would you describe the sup-
port the United States gives to Israel? What levels of accountability should be in
place for any nation receiving this kind of support? Should a country’s economic
prosperity preclude it from receiving foreign aid? What costs and benefits does this
aid to Israel and other countries bring to the United States?

5. How do the authors distinguish between their support for Israel’s moral right to
exist and their criticism of Israeli policies and lobby groups such as the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)? Does the tragic legacy of anti-Semitism
entitle Israel to exceptional status? What is the reality of Israel’s current military

6. At the heart of the debate captured in The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy is
the question of whether someone who opposes the lobby also undermines security
for Jews in Israel. Are Judaism and Zionism synonymous? How did the Six-Day
War change the nature of this question and redefine what it meant to support

7. Were you aware of the fundamentalist Christian cohort within the Israel lobby?
What common and contradictory goals exist between various Jewish and Christian
Zionist organizations? How does this relationship fit into attitudes like those of the
journalist Bret Stephens, who wrote, “One must be at least a Jew to tell the goyim
how they may or may not talk about Israel” (p. 174)?

8. How did you react to the authors’ observations about the lobby’s efforts to
influence higher education in America? To what degree should academic freedom
be unlimited?

9. The book contains commentary from politicians who describe the necessity of
securing the support of AIPAC and related groups even though such organizations
represent a minority of voters’ opinions. What does this say about the power of
lobbies in America? How easy (or difficult) is it for the wishes of the majority to be
overlooked in our democratic process?

10. Discuss the history of Middle East diplomacy described in The Israel Lobby and
U. S. Foreign Policy, particularly the frustrating experiences of Colin Powell and
Condoleezza Rice. What should the role of diplomacy be in current debates about
the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank?

11. Chapter eight addresses the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. The authors suggest
that the support of the major organizations in the Israel lobby and Israeli leaders
played a critical role in the decision to invade Iraq. Do you agree with the authors’
assessment of Israeli involvement and the impact of the Israel lobby on the decision
to go to war? What were your theories about the U.S. invasion of Iraq?

12. What themes recur in the book’s chapters on Syria, Iran, and Lebanon? Is the
use of cluster bombs against civilian populations ever justified, a controversy dis-
cussed in chapter eleven? What is the impact of the Israel lobby on U.S. interests in
the Middle East? What are the consequences for Israel?

13. How has the Israel lobby shaped U.S. policy toward the Palestinians and the
“two-state solution”? How has this policy changed over the past few administra-
tions? Should the PLO be treated differently than other terrorist organizations,
such as al Qaeda?

14. In their conclusion, “What Is to Be Done?,” the authors maintain that one essen-
tial strategy in a new U.S. Middle East policy should be to treat Israel as a normal
country. What are the potential ramifications of this approach?

15. The claims made in The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy are supported by
more than 1,300 footnotes, many of them derived from books, newspapers, and
magazines that are available to the general reader. How do you evaluate the
authors’ research? Much of this information is in the public domain—how would
you describe the public discussion of the U.S.-Israel relationship and Israel’s poli-
cies? What role does the mainstream media play in shaping this discussion?

16. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who announced his resignation in 2008, is
referred to throughout The Israel Lobby. How did his rule differ from that of his
predecessors? What do you predict for the future of Israeli leadership?


“Controversial.” —NPR’s Fresh Air

“Ruthlessly realistic.” —William Grimes, The New York Times

“It could not be more timely.” —David Bromwich, The Huffington Post

“Mearsheimer, a political scientist at the University of Chicago, and Walt, on the fac-
ulty at Harvard, set off a political firestorm.”
—Jay Solomon, The Wall Street Journal (online)

“The strategic questions they raise now, particularly about Israel’s privileged rela-
tionship with the United States, are worth debating.”
—David Remnick, The New Yorker

“Promises controversy on a scale not seen since Samuel Huntington’s “The Clash of
Civilizations” sought to reframe a new world order.”
—Stefan Halper, The National Interest (online)

“Deals with Middle East policymaking at a time when America’s problems in that
region surpass our problems anywhere else . . . People are definitely arguing about it.
It is also the kind of book you do not have to agree with on every count (I certainly
don’t) to benefit from reading.” —M. J. Rosenberg, Israel Policy Forum Friday


John J. Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of

Political Science and the codirector of the Program on International Security Policy
at the University of Chicago. He has published several books, including The Tragedy
of Great Power Politics.

Stephen M. Walt is the Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Affairs at
the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and was academic
dean of the Kennedy School from 2002 to 2006. He is the author of Taming American
Power: The Global Response to U.S. Primacy, among other books.

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