Requirements, Etc For Officials in The Philippines

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Age Citizenship Residency Literacy Other requirements A registered voter Prohibitions, Disqualifications Inhibitions, Incompatible and Forbidden Offices - Not hold any other office or employment during their tenure, unless otherwise provided for by the Constitution - Not practice, directly or indirectly, any other profession -Not participate in any business -Not be financiallyinterested in any contract, franchise or special privilege granted -Spouse and relative by consanguinity or affinity th up to 4 civil degree are not to be appointed as members of ConComs, Ombudsman, secretaries, undersecretaries, chairmen/heads of bureaus or offices, including GOCCs -same as President Term Powers and Functions -executive power -control power -appointment -pardoning power -military power -emergency power -supervision over LGUs and autonomous regions -borrowing power -informing powers -diplomatic power -budgetary power -veto power -other powers (residual powers)


At least 40 years old


At least 10 years/anywhere in the Philippines

Able to read and write

Six years with no reelection

Vice President

At least 40 years old


At least 10 years/anywhere in the Philippines

Able to read and write

A registered voter

Six years, with reelection but not for more than two successive terms

-may be appointed as member of Cabinet with no need for CA confirmation -legislative power -appropriation (but should originate from House of


At least 35 years old


At least 2 years/anywhere in the Philippines

Able to read and write

A registered voter

-Not appear as counsel before any court of justice or Electoral Tribunal -Not, directly or indirectly, be interested

-Not hold offices/employment, subdivision, agency or instrumentality including GOCCs during tenure (incompatible offices)

-Six years, with reelection for not more than 2 consecutive terms

financially in any contract, franchise or special privilege granted -Not to be appointed to any office which may have been created or the emoluments thereof increased during term (forbidden offices) Representatives) , taxation, expropriation -concurrence in treaties and international agreements -war powers (declaration of existence of state of war) -legislative inquiries -contempt power -question hour -Constitutional amendments -inherent powers -concurrence in amnesties Three years, with reelection but for not more than 3 consecutive terms -same as senator except in concurrence in treaties and international agreements -appropriation bills, tariff/revenue bills, bills increasing public debt, bills of local application, private bills -same as district representatives

District Representative

At least 25 years old


At least 1 year/district

Able to read and write

A registered voter

same as senator

same as senator

Party-list Representative

At least 25 years old (for youth rep, not more than 30 years)


At least 1 year/anywhere in the Philippines

Able to read and write

-a registered voter -a bona fide member of the party for at least 90 days before election day

same as senator

same as senator

Three years, with reelection but for not more than 3 consecutive terms

SC Justice At least 40 years old Natural-born -engaged in practice of law or have been a judge of a lower court in the Philippines for at least 15 years -of proven competence, integrity, probity and independence Until 70 years old, unless impeached and convicted -judicial power -sit as Presidential Electoral Tribunal -original jurisdiction -appellate jurisdiction -temporary assignment of judges -change of venue or place of trial -rule-making power -appointment of court personnel -administrative supervision of courts -judicial power

CA Justice

At least 40 years old


-same as SC -other requirements prescribed by Congress -engaged in practice of law or have been held public office in the Philippines requiring admission to the practice of law -other requirements prescribed by Congress -same as RTC

Until 70 years old


At least 35 years old

Does not specify whether natural-born

Until 70 years old

-judicial power


At least

Does not

Until 70 years

-judicial power

C 30 years old qualify whether it be naturalborn Does not qualify whether natural-born Natural-born -same as RTC old


At least 40 years old

Until 70 years old

-judicial power

CSC Chairman and Commissioners

At least 35 years old

-with proven capacity for public administration -not have been candidates for any elective position in the elections immediately preceding appointment

-not hold any other office or employment during tenure -not engage in the practice of any profession -not in active management or control of any business which affects the functions of his office -not financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, franchise or privilege granted

Seven years, with no reappointment

-grant civil service eligibility -hear and decide administrative cases -jurisdiction on personnel actions -authority to recall appointments -original jurisdiction to hear and decide complaints of cheating -central personnel agency -adopt measures to promote moral, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness and courtesy -strengthen merit and rewards systems -integrate all HR development programs for all levels and ranks -institutionalize a

mgt climate conducive to public accountability -report powers COMELEC Chairman and Commissioners At least 35 years old Natural-born College degree holder -Not have been candidates for any elective position in the immediately preceding election -majority, including Chairman, should be members of the Philippine Bar and engaged in practice of law for at least 10 years -same as CSC Seven years, with no reappointment -enforcement of election laws -decision of election contests -decision of administrative questions -deputization of law-enforcement agencies -registration of political parties, organizations and coalitions and accreditation of Citizens arms -improvement of elections -examine, audit and settle all accounts pertaining to revenue and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds and property -define scope of audit and examination, establish technique and methods, and promulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations

COA Chairman and Commissioner

At least 35 years old


-CPAs with at least 10 years of auditing experience or member of the Bar engaged in the practice of law for at least 10 years -not have been candidates for any elective position in the elections immediately preceding the elections -not all members should belong to

-same as CSC

Seven years, no reappointment

the same profession Ombudsman and deputies At least 40 years old Natural-born -of recognized probity and independence -member of the Philippine bar and have been a judge for at least 10 years or engaged in the practice of law -not have been candidates for any elective position in the immediately preceding elections -same as CSC Seven years, no reappointment and disqualified from seeking elective position immediately following cessation from office -investigation, on its own or on complaint -direct agency, including GOCCs with original charter, to perform duty -direct officer to take appropriate action against public officer and recommend removal -direct officer to furnish it with copies relating to contracts or transactions -request any government agency for assistance and information necessary for it to discharge duty -publicize matters covered by its investigation -determine causes of inefficiency, red tape, mismanagement, etc. and make recommendation for its elimination -promulgate own rules of procedure

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