Microstrip Patch Antenna Design
Microstrip Patch Antenna Design
Microstrip Patch Antenna Design
Ben Horwath
Introduction Antenna basics Microstrip antennas Design methodology Design guidelines Footprint equations Circuit equivalent equations Quick example EM solvers PhD work-to-date Future efforts Some good references Questions
SCU Center for Analog Design and Research
For consumer devices, wireless is everywhere!
LTE (700 MHz), GSM (850MHz/1.9GHz), Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz), Bluetooth (2.4 GHz), GPS (1.575 GHz) With more coming: 5G (or whatever),
Wireless Display, Wireless USB, etc.
Antenna Basics
How is radiation achieved? Wavelength is key:
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
, 2
* Balanis, Constantine A. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2005.
Microstrip Antennas
With the microstrip antenna, l/2 is a bit too big for consumer mobile devices Typically for space and military applications Easy to design/manufacture, yet very capable
Good value, great for antenna arrays
Design Methodology
Find a comfortable model
Transmission Line easiest, can be done in Excel Cavity higher accuracy, higher complexity Full Wave very accurate/adaptable, super complex
Design Guidelines
For microstrip antennas, a good 1st step is to assume a standard substrate
like Rogers RT/duroid 5880
Importance of er, h To avoid cross polarization, keep 1 < W/L <1.5 Rule of l/2 versus ~0.48l
Footprint-Generating Equations
An initial guess at the patch width:
2 , 2 + 1 + 1 1 = + 1 + 12 2 2 + 0.3
1 2
, > 1
* Balanis, Constantine A. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2005.
[5] 1 = 1 + 1 , 2 = 2 + 2 1 1 2 , = 2 [6] 1 = 120 24 1 0.636 ln [7] 1 = 120 Via admittance transfer function: [9] 2 = 2 + 2 = 1 1 [8] 2 = 1 , 2 = 1
[10] = 1 + 2 = 21
[11] 1 = =
SCU Center for Analog Design and Research
Quick Example
Rogers RT/duroid 5880 chosen:
h=0.508mm, 100mm x 100mm board, er=2.2
Sonnet Implementation
1.88 GHz
A Few EM Solvers
Microwave Office (AXIEM)*
SCU Center for Analog Design and Research
PhD Work-to-date
Focus on tunable antennas
Add impedance elements to electrically change the characteristics of the antenna (Zin, E field)
Wearable antenna array operating at 50-500 MHz Direction finding for military applications
Future Efforts
Gain full theoretical control of the antenna
Change bandwidth, fr, E field/directivity at will Use a range of IMPATT locations and values