Engine Maintenance Concepts For Financiers V1

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EngineMaintenanceConcepts forFinanciers

Elements of Engine Shop Maintenance Costs

Illustration: Engine Alliance Group GP7200

By: Shannon Ackert Vice President Macquarie AirFinance [email protected]

Abstract Commercial aircraft maintenance cost can be divided into three main areas; airframe, engines, and components. These three areas represent the majority of the aircrafts maintenance exposure over its service life. Of these three costs, engine maintenance expenditures will often represent the most significant, and consequently will have an important impact to the market value of the entire aircraft at any given time. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the primary factors that influence engine maintenance costs. The material presented herein is intended to be both a guide and a resource tool for those interested in gaining a better understanding of what factors influence engine maintenance cost and how these factors can be managed.


Elements of Engine Shop Maintenance Costs

1. 2. 3.

INTRODUCTION ... TURBOFAN ENGINE... ENGINE MODULE DESIGN CHARATERISTICS 3.1 Fan / Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) ... 3.2 High Pressure Compressor (HPC) ... 3.3 Combustor .... 3.4 High Pressure Turbine (HPT) .... 3.5 Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) ..... 3.6 Accessory Drives ....

3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 14 14 14 14

4 5

ENGINE OPERATING TEMPERARTURES ... ENGINE KEY OPERATING PARAMETERS... 5.1 5.2 5.3 Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) ... N1-Speed .,... Exhaust Gas Temperatures (EGT) ..

6 7

ENGINE LIFE LIMITED PARTS (LLPs)...... ENGINE MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONCEPTS..... 7.1 Engine On-Condition Monitoring .. 7.2 Workscope Planning ..

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7.2.1 Minimum Level Workscope .... 7.2.2 Performance Level Workscope .... 7.2.3 Full Overhaul Workscope .. 7.2.4 Time On-Wing Considerations... 7.2.5 Business Considerations ... 7.3 Engine Utilization.. 7.4 Engine Phases.. 8 PRIMARY CAUSES OF ENGINE REMOVALS . 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 EGT Margin Deterioration . 8.1.1 EGT Margin Recovery Through Water-Washing.. LLP Expiry .. Hardware Deterioration Foreign Object Damage (FOD) ..

Elements of Engine Shop Maintenance Costs

FACTORS INFLUENCING ENGINE TIME ON-WING . 9.1 9.2 Thrust Rating ... Operational Severity ... 9.2.1 Flight Length ...... 9.2.2 Take-Off Derate . 9.2.3 Ambient Temperatures . 9.2.4 Environment ... 9.3 Engine Age ..

14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 20 20 Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010 21 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 29


ENGINE MAINTENANCE RESERVES. . 10.1 Hourly / Cash Maintenance Reserves. 10.2 End of Lease Adjustment... 10.2.1 Mirror-In / Mirror-Out 10.2.2 Zero-Time.. 10.3 Letter of Credit

11 12 13 14

ENGINE DIRECT MAINTENANCE COSTS .. ENGINE SEVERITY CURVES ..... ENGINE MAINTENENACE VALUATION.. ENGINE MAINTENENACE INFLATION. ...... Example 1 - Theoretical Maximum Time On-Wing.................................................................................................. Example 2 - Restoration DMC Calculations.. .... Example 3 - Restoration DMC Matrix ..... Example 4 - Restoration DMC Adjusted For Operational Severity .. Example 5 - Effects of Derate on Restoration DMC... Example 6 - Effects of Flight Length & Derate on Engine SVR ... Example 7 - Engine Shop DMC Adjusted For Workscope Management ... Example 8 - Engine Life-Cycle Shop DMC Adjusted For Workscope Management . Example 9 - Engine Half-Time Valuation . Example 10 - Engine Maintenance Escalation





The predictability in assessing an engines shop Direct Maintenance Cost (DMC) is largely a result of the significant reliability improvements inherent in todays engine technology and a result of the introduction of on-condition maintenance. Engine on-condition maintenance does away with hardtime intervals and prescribes routine monitoring of key operational parameters such as Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT), fuel flow, vibration, oil consumption, and rotor speed. Degradation in any of the parameters beyond OEM specified limits often warrants removal of the engine for maintenance. A by-product of reliability improvements and on-condition maintenance philosophy is greater reliance on condition-monitoring software and statistical analysis to predict the frequency of engine shop visit events and their corresponding shop visit costs. Estimating an engines shop DMC therefore, requires careful forecasting of the equipments on-wing life as well as accurate assessment of its shop visit costs at each phase during its life-cycle status. An engines on-wing life is heavily influenced by its thrust rating, operational severity (e.g., average flight leg, take-off derate, environment), and maturity (e.g., first-run or mature-run). Factors influencing an engines shop visit cost consists of time on-wing considerations as well as business considerations. The aim of this paper is to examine the off-wing elements of engine maintenance cost. The examples and data analyzed are based on a standard turbofan engine incorporating conventional design architecture. 2.0


Aircraft turbine engines used todays commercial jet aircraft are classified as turbofans Figure 1. Relative to their turbojet predecessor turbofans develop much higher takeoff thrust, are much more fuel efficient, and considerably quieter in operation. All turbofan engines currently in use are axial flow engines, meaning that the compression phase within the core is done axially (parallel to the axis of the engine) as the air flows through the compressor. The compressor is composed of several rows of airfoils that alternate among rotor blades and stator blades. Rotor blades are connected to the rotating shaft whereas stator blades are fixed and do not rotate. In a turbofan engine a large portion of the inlet air accelerated by the fan is bypassed around the core of the engine. The fan, in effect, is taking on the role of a propeller by generating supplemental thrust. The remaining portion of the inlet air continues into the core engine where it is compressed and mixed with fuel in the combustor. The resulting high temperature exhaust gas is used to turn (power) the turbine and generate thrust. A turbofan, therefore, generates a portion of its thrust from the core engine and most of its thrust from the fan. F IGURE 1- T WIN -S POOL T URBOFAN E NGINE
Thebypassratioistheratiooftheairwhichexitstheenginetotheair whichentersthecore.Highbypassratioengineshaveimproved propulsiveefficiencyandhencethrustspecificfuelconsumption. Dependingontheenginemodel,thefanstagecanprovideashighas85% ofthetotalthrustproducedbytheengine.

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Turbofan Engine Twin-spool Bypass Ratio = Mass Flow 1 / Mass Flow 2

2 2

Conventional turbofan engine design is based on either a twin-spool or triple-spool configuation. In a twin spool configuration the low-pressure compressor is driven by the low-pressure turbine, and the high-pressure compressor is driven by the high-pressure turbine. A triple-spool turbofan generally inlcudes an additional (intermediate) compressor and turbine. Each spool generally rotates at different speeds in order to maintain high efficiency in all stages of compression. Thrust growth on turbofans is usually obtained by increasing fan airflow, which is commonly achieved by increasing its bypass ratio. The bypass ratio is the ratio of the air that goes around the engine to the air that goes through the core. Increasing the bypass ratio tends to increase core thermal efficiency as well as improve fuel efficiency The turbofan market is dominated by General Electric, Rolls-Royce and Pratt & Whitney, in order of market share. GE and SNECMA of France have a joint venture, CFM International, which manufacturer the CFM56 family of engines. Rolls Royce and Pratt & Whitney also have a joint venture, International Aero Engines (IAE), which manufacturer the V2500 family of engines. And Pratt & Whitney and General Electric have a joint venture, Engine Alliance, which manufactures the GP7000 series engines currently installed on the Airbus A380. 3.0


Todays engines are built from a number of individual F IGURE 2 T WIN -S POOL M ODULE A RCHITECTURE assemblies known as modules, each of which has its Enginesaredesignedasaseriesofmodulesforeaseofassembly andsubsequentmaintenance. individual identity, service history and inspection Fan / Low Pressure High Pressure thresholds. Any of the constituent modules can be Compressor Compressor replaced as an entire unit during a shop visit. Key Combustor & High Pressure benefits gained from a modular construction are: a.) Turbine Decreased turn-time, and b.) Reduced spare engine holdings. Figure 2 illustrates a modular architecture of a conventional twin-spool turbofan engine. Turbofans that are based on triple-spool design architecture also include an Intermediate Pressure Compressor (IPC) module and an Intermediate Pressure Turbine (IPT) module. A brief 3/15/2010description of each of the major modules is summarized below. 3.1 Fan / Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) - The fan / LPC module is the first component on the engine. The key components of the fan module consist of the fan blades, fan disk, and compressor case. Todays fan blades are generally made of titanium, however a number of newer generation models also use high strength composites. 3.2 High Pressure Compressor (HPC) - The HPC module is made up of a series of rotor and stator assemblies whose main function is to raise the pressure of the air supplied to the combustor. The rotor assembly key components are the axially mounted compressor blades, while the stator assembly key components are the compressor vanes. 3.3 Combustor - The combustor is where fuel is added to the cycle to create thermal energy. Most of todays modern turbofan engines employ an annular combustion system. The key components of a combustor consist of the inner & outer casings, fuel nozzles, and the high pressure nozzle guide vanes.

Accessory Drives

Low Pressure Turbine

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3.4 High Pressure Turbine (HPT) - The HPT module is aft of the compressor rear frame and forward of the LPT stator case. The HPT module is made up of the HPT rotor and nozzle guide vane assemblies, which act to extract the combustion thermal energy for driving the high-pressure compressor and accessory gearbox. 3.5 Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) - The LPT module is downstream of the HPT module. LPT components include the LPT rotors, LPT nozzle stator case and turbine rear frame. The LPT extracts the remaining combustion thermal energy to drive the fan and low-pressure compressor rotor assembly. 3.6 Accessory Drive - The accessory drive section is usually attached to the engine core or fan case. The accessory drive transfers mechanical energy from the engine to drive the basic engine & aircraft accessories (e.g. generators and hydraulic pumps) mounted to the accessory gearbox. F IGURE 3- E NGINE C ORE M ODULE
Core = HPC + Combustor + HPT

Fan / LPC


An engines core section (Figure 3), also referred to as the hot section, and consists of the High Pressure Compressor (HPC), combustor, and High Pressure Turbine (HPT). During operation it is this section that will be subject to most demanding conditions with respect to temperature, pressure, and rotational speed. It will therefore be this section of the engine that will deteriorate fastest, and core refurbishment will more likely need to be performed to regain lost performance.



Maximumtemperatureislocatedintheturbinesection. Theturbineusesenergyfromtherapidlymovinghotgases comingoutofthecombustionsectiontoturnashaftthat drivesthecompressorandotherengineaccessories.

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High thermal efficiency is dependent on high turbine entry temperatures. Figure 4 shows the temperature rise through the engine gas flow path. Todays engines can experience turbine inlet temperatures in excess of 1,500C. To put this into perspective, at approximately 1,500C components in the turbine are operating eight times hotter than a typical domestic oven. The primary limitation to higher turbine inlet temperatures is the availability of exotic materials that can withstand these higher temperatures. The general trend is that raising the turbine inlet temperature increases the specific thrust of the engines with a small increase in fuel consumption rate. The combination of a higher overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature improves thermal efficiency. This, together with a lower specific thrust (better propulsive efficiency), leads to a lower specific fuel consumption.

Max Temp at Turbine Inlet

Temperatures / C

Fan / LPT






The key engine operating parameters are illustrated in F IGURE 5- E NGINE K EY O PERATING P ARAMETERS Figure 5, and consist of fan speed, or N1-Speed and Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT). Fan speed is N2 / N3-Speed commonly used for thrust indication whereas EGT is a common condition (or health) monitoring parameter. EGT N1-Speed Some engine models also make use of Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) and N2/N3-Speed for thrust monitoring. The following is a brief discussion of each of these performance parameters.


5.1 Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) - is defined to be the total pressure ratio across the engine, and is computed by taking the ratio of the total pressure at the exhaust (or turbine exit) to total pressure at the front of the fan/compressor. This is used by some engine manufacturers measure engine thrust. 5.2 N1-speed N1-speed is the rotation speed of the fan (or low pressure compressor depending on the engine type) and is typically presented as percentage of design RPM. Rapidly fluctuating N1 or EPR can be a sign of an engine stall whereas as low EPR or N1-speed can be a sign of a flameout. N1speed is also a primary parameter used to measure thrust. N2-speed (or N3-speed if the engine is a three spool configuration) is the rotation of the high or intermediate pressure compressor and is also presented as percentage of its design RPM. Rapidly fluctuating N2/N3-speed can be a sign of an engine stall. 5.3 Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) - expressed in degrees Celsius, is the temperature at the engine exhaust and a measure of an engines efficiency in producing its design level thrust; the higher the EGT the more wear and deterioration affect an engine. High EGT can be an indication of degraded engine performance. An exceedance in EGT limits can lead to immediate damages of engine parts or a life reduction of engine parts. With this in mind it then becomes absolutely important to keep the EGT as low as possible for as long as possible. Normally EGT reaches its peak during take-off, or just after lift-off. The difference between the maximum permissible EGT (red-line) and the peak EGT during takeoff is called the EGT Margin Figure 6.
EGT Margin = EGT Red-Line EGT Gauge Reading


ThedifferencebetweenmaxpermissibleEGTandEGT duringtakeoffisEGTMargin.EGTmarginisoneofthe bestindicatorsofanenginesoverallhealth.
EGT EGT Redline EGT Margin Takeoff EGT

In general, EGT margins are at their highest levels when the engines are new or just following refurbishment. Theoretically an engine can remain in operation until its EGT margin has reduced to zero.

EGT margin is also sensitive to changes in Outside Air OAT Temperatures (OAT). As the OAT increases so does EGT Corner Point Temp for a given thrust setting. This is because most engine power management systems are designed to maintain constant take-off thrust with rising OAT. The rise in EGT is traditionally linear up to the design corner point temperature at which point the EGT becomes controlling. The corner point temperature is where the EGT is highest when operating at maximum thrust conditions. Operating at a higher OAT beyond the corner point temperature is possible, however the thrust must be reduced (de-rated) to avoid an EGT redline exceedance.

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Within engine modules are certain parts (Figure 7) that cannot be contained if they fail, and as such are governed by the number of flight cycles operated. These parts are known as critical Life-Limited Parts (LLP) and generally consist of disks, seals, spools, and shafts. The lives of most LLPs tend to range between 15,000 30,000 flight cycles, and piece parts costs can range from $10,000 to as high as $700,000. F IGURE 7- E NGINE L IFE L IMITED P ARTS (LLP S )
LLPsarehighenergypartsthatcannotbecontainediftheyfail,partswhose failurecreateahazardtotheaircraft.LLPpartsmustbepermanentlyremoved fromserviceanddiscardedbeforeaspecifiedflightcycleisachieved.

Certain LLPs can have shorter lives imposed on them by airworthiness directives (ADs) or other technical issues such as a decrease in fatigue characteristics or strength capability. Additionally, some engine manufacturers certify ultimate lives of LLPs at the time they certify an engine model. Other manufacturers certify the lives of LLPs as experience is accumulated. In these scenarios ultimate lives are reached after one or several life extensions.

The term stub-life is used to represent the engines shortest life remaining of all LLPs installed in a specific engine. Not all stub-lives are consumed during operation, and quite often the range of life remaining on an individual LLP at the time of replacement can vary from 3 to 10 percent of total cyclic life. Invariably, a considerable amount of value can be wasted when LLPs are replaced. In addition to rotating parts being categorized as LLPs, a number of engine models also contain static LLPs. Although these parts are not classified to be critical rotating parts they do fall under the category of parts whose failure could create a hazard to the aircraft. Such parts often consist of shrouds and frames. 7.0
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Maintenance describes the work required during the engines service life to ensure it operates safely, reliably, and cost-effectively. Maintenance accounts for about 10% -15% of the direct operating cost of an aircraft; however this estimate will depend upon a number of parameters such as the aircraft model, the engine type, and the nature of the operation. Of this total, engine shop maintenance cost represents approximately 30% - 35% of aircraft total direct maintenance costs. An engine removal is classified as a shop visit whenever the subsequent engine maintenance performed prior to reinstallation entails one of the following: Separation of pairs of major mating engine flanges Removal/replacement of a disk, hub or spool.

The breakdown of an engines shop visit costs and maintenance process are detailed in Figure 8. The primary cost driver of engine shop maintenance is material cost. Approximately 60% - 70% of the cost of an engine shop visit is due to replacement of material. If life-limited parts (LLP) require replacement the material cost will increase further. Direct labor will account for approximately 20%30% of total cost, while repairs will account for 10%-20%. F IGURE 8- E NGINE S HOP V ISIT C OST B REAKDOWN & M AINTENANCE P ROCESS
Theoffwingmaintenancethatisperformedinashopincludestheinspection,overhaulandrepairofcompleteengines,modules,andpiece parts.Maintenancecostsrelatedtodirectlaborandmaterialsexpensesinducedbyshopmaintenance.Italsoincludestheindirectburden inducedbymaintenanceactivities,suchasmanagement,planning,storage,andengineering.





60% 70%


20% 30%

Enginemodulesare disassembledand individually inspected


10% 20%

Restoredengine is routedfor operationaltesting




Removedpartsare cleaned&inspected forserviceability

Partsrequiring repair aresenttospecialized workshops

Moduleunitsare reassembled&QEC kitisreinstalled

Engine on-condition monitoring and workscope management are becoming increasingly important and sophisticated aspects of maintenance management. The following sections discuss these two key components in greater detail. 7.1 Engine On-Condition Monitoring - Historically, engines were removed and overhauled after a fixed time interval, often referred to as a hard-time interval. The main disadvantage of this process is that engines which were operating safely and satisfactorily had to be removed prematurely. The modern trend is to maintain engines on an on-condition monitoring basis, wherein engines are removed only when an internal component reaches its individual life limit, or when performance monitoring suggests that the engine is operating outside manufacturers suggested parameters.

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The biggest portion of material cost is attributable to airfoils blades & guide vanes. Individual vane segments in the turbine modules can cost as much as $10,000, while turbine blades can cost as much as $8,000 each. A full shipset of High Pressure Turbine (HPT) blades can total between 60 80 blades, and costs $600,000 - $800,000. High Pressure Compressor Blades (HPC) are less complex, however a complete shipset can cost $150,000 - $200,000. Typically, the largest portion of parts repair cost is also associated with airfoils given high tech repairs are required to make these parts serviceable again.

In order to monitor the performance of an engine, regular detailed measurements are taken of the engines operating speed, temperature, pressure, fuel flow and vibration levels. The measurements are tracked by special software in order to identify deteriorating trends. By closely monitoring these trends it is possible to identify a potential problem with the engine and rectify the problem before it becomes serious. One means to monitor the physical condition of internal engine parts is through use of a borescope. Borescopes are easy-to-use optical diagnosis instruments that view, magnify and illuminate hard-to-reach areas. They are used to inspect the internal parts of the engine for defects such as cracks, stress fractures and corrosion. The most commonly used form of the borescope is the video borescope, which consists of a handheld unit and a long, flexible, fiber-optic cable as shown in Figure 9. Current borescope technology now allows for the accurate measurement of voids and defects such that the serviceability of the engines can be determined immediately by the inspector. F IGURE 9- E NGINE B ORESCOPE
Aborescopeisanopticaldeviceconsistingofarigidorflexibletubewithan eyepieceononeend,anobjectivelensontheotherlinkedtogetherbya relayopticalsysteminbetween.

7.2 Engine Workscope Planning - The primary objective of the workscope is to restore the engines performance, and to build the engine to a standard that minimizes long-term engine direct maintenance cost, or cost per flying hour. This process, however, can be quite challenging given parts and modules have different rates of deterioration. Most repair shops will assess the life remaining on LLPs when an engine is inducted for maintenance and will manage time limited components to coincide with subsequent shop visits. Ideally, the repair shop will ensure that LLP stub-lives closely match the expected time on-wing from EGT margin erosion. So, for example, if the an engines LLP stub-life is 10,000 FC then the repair center will ensure that the engine has sufficient EGT margin to stay on-wing for 10,000 FC. The 10,000 FC would then be called the engine build standard. An engines Workscope Planning Guide (WPG) is a maintenance planning guide, published by each engine manufacturer, which details the suggested level of required maintenance on each module as well as a list of recommended Service Bulletins. Engine manufacturers generally specify three levels of workscopes Figure 10 consisting of: a.) Minimum Level, b.) Performance Level, and c.) Full Overhaul Level. F IGURE 10- E XAMPLE : E NGINE W ORKSCOPE P ACKAGE
Anenginesworkscopeisadocumentusuallypartofacontractbetweenamaintenanceproviderandaircraftoperatorthatpreciselydefines thetaskstobeperformedduringashopvisit.
Major Module Fan & LPC Core LPT Accessory Drive SV1 Workscope Level Minimum Level Performance Level Minimum Level Minimum Level SV2 Workscope Level Performance Level Full Overhaul Performance Level Performance Level SV3 Workscope Level Minimum Level Performance Level Minimum Level Minimum Level

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7.2.1 Minimum Level Workscope Typically applies to situations where a module has limited time since last overhaul. The key tasks accomplished with this workscope level are external inspections, and to some extent, minor repairs. It is not necessary to disassemble the module to meet the requirements of a minimum level workscope. 7.2.2 Performance Level Workscope Will normally require teardown of a module to expose the rotor assembly. Airfoils, guide vanes, seals, and shrouds are inspected and repaired or replaced as needed to restore the performance of the module. Cost-effective performance restoration requires determination of the items having the greatest potential for regaining both exhaust gas temperature (EGT) and Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) margin. 7.2.3 Full Overhaul Workscope - Full overhaul applies a module if its time / cycle exceed the recommended (soft-time) threshold, or if the condition of the hardware makes full overhaul necessary. The module is disassembled to piece-parts and every part in the module receives a full serviceability inspection and, if required, is replaced with new or repaired hardware. The level of workscope to be performed on an engine is dependent on the removal cause(s); time accumulated on the engine modules, observed hardware conditions, trend data at removal, and business goals. The key determinants that affect the workscope inputs vary by operator but generally can be categorized as follows: 1. 2. Time on-wing considerations Business considerations

7.2.4 Time On-Wing Considerations As illustrated in F IGURE 11- E NGINE T IME O N -W ING VS . C OST Figure 11, an engines time on-wing plays a dominant Theamountofworkperformedateachshopvisitvarieswith factor in both shop visit cost and shop DMC. The timeonwing,butgenerallyincreasesastimeonwingincreases. amount of work performed at each shop visit varies with TOW, but generally increases as TOW increases. With greater TOW most modules will require higher levels of maintenance to address part repair & $ / Shop Visit replacement.
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Time on-wing considerations are affected by several factors key among them are the engines operational profile and LLP management considerations.

$ / FH

Engines operating on short-haul networks tend to accrue higher flight cycles. Engine LLPs are therefore Time On-Wing replaced at frequent intervals and represent a higher proportion of total engine maintenance costs. Common shop visit practice for mature engines is to establish build standards such that its performance potential closely matches its LLP life limits. Engines on medium to long-haul networks engine are exposed to higher levels of wear and deterioration. This leads to a higher degree of parts being replaced and/or repaired, and greater degree of module re-work, particularly on the core modules. Engine LLPs replacement are often required only during alternating shop visits intervals, and in extreme cases, an entire set of LLPs will require replacement once during its service life. 7.2.5 Business Considerations - An operators financial status often dictates their policies towards investments in engine shop visit maintenance. Cash constrained operators may view the cost


associated with an optimized workscope as being cost prohibited, and instead will opt to minimize their liabilities by scaling down the engines build standard. One business consideration gaining considerable popularity is the use of parts designated as meeting Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) standard. An engine PMA is an approval of an engine part that is a proven equivalent part to the original type approved part, and is an authorization to produce that part for sale. PMA makers have gone after more complex and expensive parts, including high pressure turbine and compressor blades. Engine PMA savings potential can range between 25%-80% vs. OEM pricing. As attractive as PMA parts are form a cost savings standpoint, the acceptance as alternative Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts can be an issue especially when a PMA part is assembled with an OEM mating part. OEMs are now restricting how they will provide technical support and warranty coverage when the PMA is used. The other risk in using PMA parts is if they were installed by a non-OEM shop and at the next shop visit the operator/owner sends the engine to an OEM shop. In this scenario the PMA parts become exposed and more than likely quarantined. This will then force the operator/owner to find OEM replacement parts, which are likely to be more expensive thereby mitigating the expected savings. Another popular alternative used for cost reductions is the use of repaired parts. Roughly 60% 80% of replaceable parts in an engine consist of airfoils. These piece parts also happen to be some of the most expensive engine parts. Through investment, research and development, and process improvements, much of this hardware can be repaired to the new part specification, reducing the requirement for new spare hardware. 7.3 Engine Utilization - The measurement of length of time an engine remains in service is often quantified in both flight hours and flight cycles. The Flight Hour (FH) represents one hour of flight, whereas Flight Cycle (FC) represents one aircraft take-off and subsequent landing. Flight hours are generally the unit of measurement used as a charging basis for engine restoration events, while flight cycles are used for engine LLPs. F IGURE 12 E XAMPLE : F LIGHT P ROFILE
Theflighthour(FH)representsonehourofflightandisabasicunitoftimein servicebeforemaintenancebecomesdue.Cyclemeansoneaircrafttakeoff andsubsequentlanding.
Flight Profile = 1.0 flight hour per flight cycle Cruise

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1 Flight Hour

1 Flight Hour

1 Flight Hour

Figure 12 illustrates the comparison Cruise between two flight profiles. An aircrafts flight profile can be represented by the ratio of the aircrafts flight hour to flight 3 Flight Hours cycle terms such as flight length, utilization, and hour-to-cycle ratio are often used to describe an aircrafts operational profile. 7.4 Engine Phases - First-run is the initial operating years, often referred to as the honeymoon period. First-run engines will traditionally last longer on-wing than subsequent run engines. Depending on the engine type, mature-run begins after the first core restoration shop visit, or after all the engine modules have been restored.

Flight Profile = 3.0 flight hours per flight cycle




As illustrated in Figure 13, the causes of engine removals depends heavily on the type of operation an engine is exposed to. Engines operating on short-haul operations experience higher removals due to EGT margin (EGTM) deterioration and LLP expiry. In contrast, engines operating on medium-tolong haul flights tend to have a higher percentage of removals due to hardware deterioration and EGT margin deterioration. Other unscheduled removal causes result from Foreign Object Damage (FOD), High Oil Consumption (HOC), and engine vibration. F IGURE 13- E NGINE R EMOVAL C AUSES
EGTmarginandLLPexpirycombinedaccountforthemajorityofremovalsforenginesoperatingonshorthauloperations.EGTmarginand hardwaredeteriorationcombinedaccountforthemajorityofremovalsforenginesoperatingonmediumtolonghauloperations.

Shop Visit Removals %

Removal Causes - Short -Haul Operation

100 80

Removal Causes Medium / Long-Haul Operation

80 First-Run 60 40 20
EGTM EGTM Hardware Hardware Other Other LLP LLP

Mature-Run 60 40 20








The following is a description of the major causes of engine removals. 8.1 EGT Margin Deterioration - EGT margin deterioration is often the primary driver of engine removals, particularly for engines operating on short-haul missions. It is well known that a major factor in deterioration of engine efficiency is the gradual increase in the clearance between the turbine blade tips and surrounding static seals or shrouds. Figure 14 illustrates the primary causes of EGTM erosion. Deterioration of the tip clearances increases the amount of flow losses and leakage of working fluid between blade tips and the surrounding shroud of both the turbine and compressor stages. Such leakage reduces overall engine efficiency hence raising the total specific fuel consumption. F IGURE 14- EGT M ARGIN : T YPICAL D ETERIORATION C AUSES




Increasing Gas Path Flow Losses

Dirt Accumulation Increased Tip Clearance Airfoil Erosion

Increases EGT Margin Deterioration

Increases Fuel Burn

Seal Leakage


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The EGT margin deterioration cycle is illustrated in Figure 15. As the engine accumulates more time on-wing efficiency erodes and more fuel loading is required to achieve the same required thrust level. Ultimately the EGT increases to the point where there is little margin remaining and the engine has to be removed for refurbishment. F IGURE 15- EGT M ARGIN D ETERIORATION C YCLE
EGT will increase with engine wear Due to compressor/turbine blade wear, the engine becomes less efficient. EGT EGT Redline EGT Margin This loss of efficiency is compensated by an increased fuel burn.

Effects of Deterioration This increase in fuel burn leads to a higher EGT. OAT

The rate of EGT margin deterioration is affected by how the engine is operated. Engines operating on short cycle legs experience higher rates of deterioration than those operating high cycle legs. Actual rates of deterioration will vary with thrust rating in addition to other operational factors, such as engine derate and average flight leg flown. Additionally, engines operating in hot & dusty environments experience greater EGT margin erosion than those operating in cool & temperate environments. Figure 16 illustrates the relationship between EGTM erosion and accumulated engine flight cycles. Rates of deterioration are highest in the initial 1,000 2,000 engine flight cycles of operation as the blade tips begin to wear. EGT Margin erosion rates stabilize after the initial loss and reach a steady state level that remains fairly constant until the engine is scheduled for removal. F IGURE 16 EGT M ARGIN D ETERIORATION C URVE
High Production EGT Margin
EGT Det (C )

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100 80 60 40 10 2,000 Installation Loss 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 Steady State Loss: Per 1,000 Flight Cycles

Low EGT Deterioration Rates High Time On-Wing

Engine Flight Cycles

Engine manufacturers often publish the initial EGT Margins and the expected installation loss for their engines. With this data one can compute the engines theoretical maximum time on-wing using the following equation:
Theoretical Max TOW = Initial FC Loss + (Initial EGT Margin Installation Loss) / EGTM Deterioration Rate - measured in FC


For example, an engine rated at 24,000 lbs has an initial EGT Margin of 100 C, and its installation loss is expected to range between 10-15 degrees Celsius per 1,000 flight cycles. Thereafter, rates of deterioration will stabilize to 4-5 degrees Celsius per 1,000 flight cycles. On this basis, the engine could theoretically remain on wing for 18,000-23,500 flight cycles. 8.1.1 EGT Margin Recovery Through Water Washing All engines become contaminated during the course of normal operations. Over time, this contamination leads to performance deterioration which can be restored by regular engine wash. Figure 17 illustrates the effects of water washing on engine EGT margin erosion. F IGURE 17- E NGINE W ATER W ASHING
Without Water Wash Engine Water Wash
EGT Det (C )

100 80 60 40 10

With Water Wash

Increases EGT Margin

Lowers Fuel Burn

Shop Visit 2K 8K 14K 20K 26K Engine FC

Engine washing is an on-wing, ground-based, process that pumps water and cleansing additives into the engines intake while the engine is operating. The process fully penetrates the compressor and turbine to clean the airfoil surfaces. Engine wash provides increased EGT margin - thus longer onwing life- and compressor efficiency resulting in reduced fuel burn. Keeping the gas path clean can reduce fuel burn by as much 1.2% and increase engine EGT margin by as much as 15 deg. C. 8.2 LLP Expiry - Many engines have high enough EGT margin to remain on wing beyond the limits of certain LLPs. In most instances these engines are operating on short-to-medium haul networks and accumulate enough flight cycles to bump-up against a LLPs stub-life. 8.3 Hardware Deterioration - Mechanical degradation problems typically emerge on certain parts after they have been exposed to extreme operating conditions for a prolonged period of time. The effects of hardware deterioration result in blade distress (particularly on HPT blades), parts cracking and chipping, and in extreme situations, part failures. 8.4 Foreign Object Damage (FOD) - FOD results from ingestion of foreign objects. Sources of FOD include debris ingested while in the air (i.e. birds, ice, hail, ash, etc) as well as runway debris that an engine ingests during take-off or landing. The effect of FOD on maintenance costs can be significant although many of todays modern turbofan engines are designed to avoid major core damage when FOD does occur. 9.0


An engine will occasion several shop visits during its life, however the rate of visits will depend on the engines utilization as well as on the severity of its use. The parameters influencing engine time onwing are: 1. Thrust rating, 2. Operational severity 3. Age status


Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

9.1 Thrust Rating - For a given engine variant, EGT margin deteriorates faster when operating at higher thrust levels Figure 18. Higher thrust generates higher core temperatures, which exposes constituent parts in the engine to greater thermal stress. Reducing thrust will: a.) Slow EGT deterioration, b.) Reduces fuel-flow and 2.) Lower maintenance costs by increasing time between shop visits. F IGURE 18- E NGINE T HRUST R ATING VS . T IME O N -W ING

Same Engine Goes Into Shop

EGT Limit EGT Limit EGT Margin Loss (C )

Time On-Wing High Thrust Rating 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 2,000

Time On-Wing Low Thrust Rating 4,000 6,000 Flight Cycles 8,000 10,000

Flight Cycles

9.2 Operational Severity - An engines DMC is heavily influenced by the severity of the operating environment it is exposed to. More demanding operating conditions will impose greater stress on engine parts and components. Operating severity comprises: Flight Length Takeoff Derate Ambient Temperatures Environment

Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

9.2.1 Flight Length - As the flight length reduces an engine spends a larger proportion of total flight time using take-off and climb power settings. In most instances, the effect of shorter stage length operation is more rapid performance deterioration leading to greater direct maintenance cost per flight hour - Figure 19. Conversely, longer sector lengths will lead to less wear and tear and an increase in the on-wing time of an engine. F IGURE 19- E FFECTS OF E NGINE F LIGHT L ENGTH

Increasing Flight Leg

Cost $ / FH

Greater Flight Leg Lower DMC

Lowers EGT Deterioration

Higher Time On-Wing Flight Leg (Hours)


9.2.2 Take-Off Derate - Take-off derate thrust is a takeoff thrust setting that is below the maximum thrust level. A larger derate translates into lower take-off EGT and therefore enjoys a lower engine deterioration rate, longer on-wing life, and reduced cost per flight hour. Figure 20 illustrates the definition of derate and its effect on maintenance cost. F IGURE 20- E FFECTS OF E NGINE D ERATE
Increasing Derate
Cost $ / FH

Lowers Thrust & EGT Deterioration

Increasing Derate = Lower Thrust

Higher Time On-Wing 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Flight Leg (Hours) 3.5 4.0

0% 10% 20%

9.2.3 Ambient Temperatures - Turbofan engines are normally flat rated to ambient air temperatures around International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) + 15C, or sea level conditions. The turbine entry temperature at max take-off and max climb rating increase as ambient air temperature increases, up to their limit value. Therefore, an engine exposed to high ambient temperatures will experience greater performance degradation.

9.2.4 Environment - Engines operated in dusty, sandy and erosive-corrosive environments - Figure 21 are exposed to higher blade distress and thus greater performance deterioration. Particulate material due to air pollution, such as dust, sand or industry emissions can erode HPC blades and block HPT vane/blade cooling holes. Other environmental distress symptoms consist of hardware corrosion and oxidation. F IGURE 21- E FFECTS OF E NVIRONMENT
NA & Europe Crushed Gravel China Dust & Pollution

Coastal Salt

Coastal Salt India Sand, Dust & Pollution

Coastal Salt

ME & North Africa Sand


Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

9.3 Engine Age - Older engines generally cost more to maintain than newer engines. As an engine ages its average time to shop visit lessens - Figure 22. First-run engines will last considerably longer on-wing than mature engines. In fact, it is not uncommon to see first-run engines remaining on-wing 20%-30% longer than mature run engines. As the engine ages a disproportionate amount of parts experience higher deterioration rates, higher scrap rates, and correspondingly higher engine maintenance cost. F IGURE 22- E FFECTS OF E NGINE A GE

As Engine Ages

FirstRun 20,000FH
Hardware Deterioration Rate Increases

SecondRun 16,000FH SecondShop Visit

ThirdRun 15,000FH ThirdShopVisit


Higher Maintenance Costs



In the case of leased aircraft or engines, funds which are set aside to pay for future maintenance costs are referred to as maintenance reserves. The decision to require an operator to pay maintenance reserves is usually a credit-risk issue. Usually the owner of a leased aircraft or engine will perform some degree of financial due diligence on an operator in order to form a valid judgment as to whether an obligation to pay maintenance reserves is required. There are three principal ways that lessees pay lessors for engine maintenance utility:
Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

10.1 Hourly / Cash Maintenance Reserves - These are usually payments made on a regular, usually monthly, basis by the lessee to the lessor, and are generally based upon the age and expected utilization of the engine in question. Therefore, at the time an engine is taken out of service for maintenance, the lessor should already have funds to cover the cost of the overhaul. 10.2 End of Lease Adjustment - This option would expose a lessor to a greater risk of incurring maintenance costs and is thus usually only offered to better quality credits or airlines that have demonstrated a good track record of payment. If the engine is returned at the end of a lease in a worse than stipulated condition, the lessee must make an end of lease payment to the lessor. Conversely, if the engine is returned in a better than stipulated state, the lessor is obliged to pay the lessee. There are two types of end-of-lease payment structures: 10.2.1 Mirror-In / Mirror-Out A mirror adjustment can either be one-way, where the Lessee is required to pay an adjustment when an engine is returned with less time remaining than at delivery, or a twoway mirror whereby lessor may have to pay the lessee if the engine is returned in better condition than at delivery. 10.2.1 Zero-Time A payment whereby the lessor receives payment for time used since last overhaul or since new.


10.3 Letter of Credit - This option would expose a lessor to a greater risk of incurring maintenance costs and is thus usually only offered to better quality credits or airlines that have demonstrated a good track record of payment. If the engine is returned at the end of a lease in a worse than stipulated condition, the lessee must make an end of lease payment to the lessor. Conversely, if the engine is returned in a better than stipulated state, the lessor is obliged to pay the lessee. 11.0


Engine Direct Maintenance Costs F IGURE 23- E LEMENTS OF S HOP D IRECT M AINTENANCE C OSTS (DMC) (DMC) are expenses for scheduled and Engine DMC unscheduled labor, material and outside services applied to meet the performance of the required maintenance that is Line DMC Shop DMC directly related to the operation of an Line Labor engine. An engines DMC can be broken Routine Labor: assembly / Line Inspection disassembly, cleaning, down into its constituent line and shop Troubleshooting inspection of modules and direct maintenance - Figure 23. LRU Replacement parts

An engines Shop DMC is the product of its Shop Visit Cost (SVC) and shop visit rate (SVR). When dealing with an engines Shop DMC financiers often break down the SVC into its primary constituents, consisting of: the cost of module restoration, and the cost of LLP replacement.

Line Material Consumables Line Equipment Repair

Repair of parts Material: cost of parts and material replaced Fees, Tests, Transportation

ShopDMC=ShopVisitCost(SVC)xShopVisitRate(SVR) $/FH Where:SVC=RestorationCost+LLPCost

Mean-Time Between Shop Visit (MTBSV) = (1 / SVR) x 1,000 measured in FH

Assessing the on-going cost of maintaining an engine can be best achieved through the use of the engines Restored Shop Visit Rate RSVR. The RSVR is the ratio of total number of shop visits having occurred within a period to the number of hours flown by the involved engines since their last restoration shop visit. RSVR represents an average time on-wing between removals.


Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

Shop Visit Rate (SVR) is a measure of an engines average Time On-Wing (TOW), and is the ratio of the number of shop visits for all causes in a fleet of similar engine models to the total fleet flying time expressed per 1,000 engine flight hours. It is often used as a measure of the reliability of an engine fleet. An engines SVR is often presented on a 12-month rolling average basis to smooth out any statistical anomalies. An engines Mean-Time-Between Shop Visit (MTBSV) can be computed from an engines SVR as follows:

Figure 24 illustrates the differences between engines SVR and its RSVR. Over the life of the engine both the SVR and RSVR eventually merge to into the engines mature SVR. F IGURE 24 E NGINE S HOP V ISIT R ATE (SVR) VS . R ESTORED S HOP V ISIT R ATE (RSVR)
Fleet 1 2 3 4 5 Totals Total (FH) 25,500 25,000 23,000 21,000 21,000 115,500 3 Total 1 # of SV 1 1 Fleet 1 2 3 4 5 57,500 19,000 First-Run (FH) 18,000 20,000

SVR = (3*1,000) / 115,500 = 0.0260

RSVR = (3*1,000) / 57,500 = 0.0522

In an effort to normalize engine cost data, both engine and aircraft manufacturers report maintenance costs that are adjusted to a mature level. This policy enables equipment manufacturers to make a fair comparison of stabilized maintenance costs. Aircraft and engine leasing firms often incorporate engine maintenance reserves to cover costs of engine restoration and LLP replacement examples illustrated in Figure 25. For engine restoration coverage, the lessors will either use the manufactures published rates, which are normally classified as mature, or will they derive their own rates based on experience and/or research. Those lessors that do derive their rates will often do so for both an engines first-run and mature-run phases. Some lessors will opt to derive a blended rate, which is computed by taking the average of the first-run and mature-run rates. Engine LLP rates are F IGURE 25 - E XAMPLE : E NGINE R ESTORATION & LLP DMC C ALCULATIONS computed from the engine Cycle Part Cyclic FirstRun Restoration DMC manufacturers published life LLP Limit Cost$ Cost RSVR=0.040=25,000FH limits referenced in Chapter 1 30,000 180,000 6.00 RestorationCost=$2,000,000 RestorationDMC=$80.00/FH 2 27,600 120,000 4.35 5 of the Engine Overhaul 3 30,000 100,000 3.33 Manual and piece part 4 20,000 50,000 2.50 costs, which are published in 5 20,000 80,000 4.00 the engines Spare Parts 6 20,000 110,000 5.50 7 20,000 30,000 1.50 Catalog (SPC).
MatureRun RestorationDMC
8 20,000 240,000 12.00

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RSVR=0.0625=16,000FH 9 20,000 200,000 10.00 Engines owned by lessors RestorationCost=$2,200,000 19 20,000 180,000 9.00 often assume that each LLP RestorationDMC=$137.50/FH 11 20,000 90,000 4.50 will retain 10% of its stub life 12 20,000 60,000 3.00 before being replaced. 13 25,000 100,000 4.00 14 25,000 150,000 6.00 Lessors will typically apply a 15 25,000 70,000 2.80 10% stub factor to each LLP 16 25,000 90,000 3.60 as a means to recoup the Blended Restoration DMC 17 25,000 80,000 3.20 cost of the stub life often TOW=41,000FH 18 25,000 70,000 2.80 RestorationCost=$4,200,000 StubLife : 20,000 referred to as the green time RestorationDMC=$102.43/FH Total : 2,000,000 88.00 98.00 remaining. LLP piece parts are escalated annually in accordance with each engine manufacturers escalation policy. For the past 10 years LLP list prices have been escalating between 4% -6% annually.

10% Stub 6.67 4.83 3.70 2.78 4.44 6.11 1.67 13.33 11.11 10.00 5.00 3.33 4.44 6.67 3.11 4.00 3.56 3.11




Engine severity curves permit an evaluation of the effects that thrust, takeoff derate and flight length impose on engine direct maintenance costs. Engine manufacturers develop severity curves from statistical distributions that characterize expected restoration shop visit costs and time on-wing. Engine manufacturers often develop severity curves for each engine model in production. Engine models with multiple thrust ratings will often have severity curves developed for each thrust rating, in addition to severity curves for different phase intervals (e.g., first-run or mature-run). Severity curves can provide a valuable resource for achieving the lowest cost of operation through sensitivity analysis. Figure 26 illustrates an example of severity curves that have been tabulated to produce the factors for multiple de-rates and flight length profiles. F IGURE 26- E XAMPLE : E NGINE S EVERITY C URVE
TherelativeratesatwhichEGTmarginerodesfordifferentthrustsettingsandoperationcanbeanalyzedwithaseveritycurvethehighest severitywillcomefromashortflightlegandlowderate.
Engine Severity Curves 0% 1.75
Severity Factor

5% 10% 15% 20% Base Point @ 2.0 FH 10% Derate = 1.000



0.50 1.0 1.5

Flight Leg (Hours) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

FL 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Engine Severity Factors Table Derate 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 1.850 1.350 1.100 0.980 0.900 0.825 0.800 1.750 1.250 1.050 0.930 0.850 0.800 0.775 1.650 1.200 1.000 0.880 0.800 0.775 0.750 1.550 1.150 0.950 0.830 0.780 0.750 0.725 1.450 1.100 0.850 0.780 0.735 0.725 0.715

FL 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Engine Restoration Rates - $ / FH Derate 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 148.00 140.00 132.00 124.00 116.00 108.00 100.00 88.00 78.40 72.00 66.00 64.00 84.00 74.40 68.00 64.00 62.00 96.00 80.00 70.40 64.00 62.00 60.00 92.00 76.00 66.40 62.40 60.00 58.00 88.00 68.00 58.80 58.00 57.20 62.40



One of the most important factors affecting an engine's value is the maintenance status of the engine. Maintenance status is directly correlated to maintenance value. Maintenance value obviously declines with time on-wing, however the value does not fully amortize to zero nor does it fully re-capitalize to its full market value. The Full Life condition means that the engine has just been completely refurbished and that the Life Limited Parts have their full certificated limits remaining. In practice this will not be the case, however if the engine is fully funded by maintenance reserves the combination of the potential life remaining on the Life Limited Parts and the time remaining to the next refurbishment complete with the


Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

maintenance reserves previously received means that the engine is effectively in a "Full Life" condition. The Run-Out condition means that the engine has fallen outside its allowed operational parameters and requires refurbishment before it can return to commercial use. In addition, minimal life is usually left remaining on the Life Limited Parts. The Run-Out value of an engine will closely correlate to the cost of overhauling an engine, or for types that are being phased out, the value of the engine core. Figure 27 illustrates the traditional saw-tooth maintenance cycle an engine is subject to. Overall, an engines saw-tooth graph depicts the combined residual values of its modules and its LLPs. An engine will typically use a percentage of its maintenance value at the first shop visit. The workscope performed on the engine will then partially restore the maintenance value it lost during its time onwing. Only when an engine has had a full overhaul and full LLP replacement at the same shop visit is its value replenished to near 100% of original maintenance value. The amortization in maintenance value is a function of an engines rate of time on-wing deterioration. And the rate of time on-wing deterioration will be influenced by both operational factors and by the operational environment the engine is exposed to. The goal in assessing an engines maintenance valuation is to make accurate predictions about: a.) where an engine is relative to its last and next shop visit, and b.) what the expected costs will be at future shop visits. F IGURE 27- E NGINE M AINTENANCE C YCLE
Anenginesmaintenancecyclecanbeillustratedbycalculatingandplottingitssawtoothgraph,whichhighlightsitsresidualstatusasa functionoftime(months)

Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010


One term commonly used by appraisers to describe the maintenance time of an aircraft engine is halftime. Half-time pertains to scheduled overhauls that are repeated at specified intervals of time; with "half-life" implying that the status is half-way through such an interval. Market values are often adjusted for maintenance condition and the method for calculating this adjustment is as follows:
Half-Time Adjustment = [ (Percent Life Remaining 50%) * Event Cost ] or Half-Time Adjustment = Value Remaining (50% * Event Cost ) measured in $




The individual economy-driven factors affecting engine maintenance cost are mainly labor and material repair & replacement. Engine manufacturing wage rates increase over time because of overall changes in wages and prices throughout the economy, as well as changes in prevailing wages engine manufacturers must pay to retain skilled workers. Material repair & replacement costs tend to exhibit higher price volatility due to: a.) Greater imbalances in supply/demand for these materials, and b.) Greater use of more advanced and expensive materials (e.g., titanium, nickel alloys, composites). The proportion of total engine maintenance cost is on the order of 35% labor / 65% material. To measure and forecast changes to these cost inputs we need to factor the price escalations of key economic indices that correlate to them. These key indices are illustrated in Figure 28 and consist of: a.) Employment Cost Index (ECI) for aircraft manufacturing wages & salaries, and b.) Producer Price Index (PPI) for industrial commodities. F IGURE 28- E NGINE M AINTENANCE C OST I NFLATION
ECI - Aircraft Mfg, Wages & Salaries Forecast PPI - Industrial Commodities Forecast


Formula : En = Pb * [0.35 x (ECIn / ECIb) + 0.65 x (PPIn / PPIb)] Where: Pb = Base Cost ECIb = Average of the ECI "Wages & Salaries" for the 11th, 12th, and 13th month prior Basic Date ECIn = Average of the ECI "Wages & Salaries" for the 11th, 12th, and 13th month prior Escalation Date PPIb = Average of the PPI "Industrial Commodities" for the 11th, 12th, and 13th month prior Basic Date PPIn = Average of the PPI "Industrial Commodities" for the 11th, 12th, and 13th month prior Escalation Date


Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

Actual indices can be obtained through the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website Appendix 2.0 describes the procedures for generating this data. Forecasted indices can obtained through use of third party services such as Economy.com and Global Insight. A method to calculate actual maintenance inflation can be accomplished using the following formula:

APPENDIX 1 EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS The examples that follow are based on a conventional turbofan engine rated at 27,000 lbs. The engines base operating parameters & costs, LLP limits & costs, and severity factors are illustrated in Table 1 below. The engine is projected to have an initial EGT Margin of 85 C, and installation loss of 10-15 degrees Celsius per 1,000 flight cycles. Thereafter, rates of deterioration will stabilize to 4-5 degrees Celsius per 1,000 flight cycles. T ABLE 1.0 E XAMPLE E NGINE M ETRICS
Engine Base Information Base Point : Rating : Annual FH : Annual FL : Derate : 1.000 27,00 Lbs 3,000 2.0 10% First-Run RSVR: Mature-Run RSVR : First-Run Rest $ : Mature-Run Rest $: Environment Temperate Hot / Dry Erosive 0.0500 0.0625 $1.6M $1.8M Factor 1.000 1.100 1.200 Engine Severity Factors Table FL 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 1.450 1.100 0.850 0.780 0.735 0.725 0.715 Engine LLPs Module FAN HPC HPT LPT Cost $400K $500K $500K $600K FC Limit 30,000 20,000 20,000 25,000

1.850 1.750 1.650 1.550 1.350 1.250 1.200 1.150 1.100 1.050 1.000 0.950 0.980 0.930 0.880 0.830 0.900 0.850 0.800 0.780 0.825 0.800 0.775 0.750 0.800 0.775 0.750 0.725

Environment : Temperate

Example 1 - Theoretical Maximum Time On-Wing Calculation Given: Initial EGT Margin = 85 C Installation Loss = 10-15 C per 1,000 flight cycles Steady State Deterioration = 4-5 C per 1,000 flight cycles Theoretical TOW Low = 1,000 FC + [(85 C - 15 C) / 5 C] * 1,000 = 15,000 FC Theoretical TOW High = 1,000 FC + [(85 C - 10 C) / 4 C] * 1,000 = 19,750 FC

Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

Example 2 Calculate the Base First-Run, Mature-Run, and Blended DMC Rates The base operation for the above engine assumes flight leg operation 2.0, 10% take-off derate, and temperate operating environment. Given: First-Run RSVR = 0.05 per 1,000 FH = 20,000 FH First-Run Restoration Cost = $1,600,000 Mature-Run RSVR = 0.0625 per 1,000 FH = 16,000 FH Mature-Run Restoration Cost = $1,800,000


Base First-Run DMC=$1,600,000 / 20,000 FH = $80.00 / FH Base Mature-Run DMC=$1,800,000 / 16,000 FH = $112.50 / FH Base Blended DMC=($1,600,000 + $1,800,000) / (20,000 + 16,000) = $94.44/FH


Example 3 Calculate First-Run Restoration DMC Matrix An aircraft lessor is requested to develop the first-run restoration rate matrix assuming 10% take-off derate operation in the following environments: a.) Temperate, b.) Hot/Dry, and C.) Erosive. The matrix will extend from flight operation ranging from 1.0 through 4.0. Given: Base First-Run DMC=$1,600,000 / 20,000 FH = $80.00 / FH 10 % Derate Factor = 1.000 Temperate Factor = 1.000 Hot/Dry Factor = 1.100 Erosive Factor = 1.200 Adjust Rest Rate = (Base Rate)*(10% Severity Factor) * (Environment Factor)
10% Factors 1.650 1.200 80.00 $/FH x 1.000 0.880 0.800 0.775 0.750 10% FL Temperate 1.0 1.5 132.00 96.00 80.00 70.40 64.00 62.00 60.00 Hot /Dry Matrix = Temperate Matrix x 1.1 Erosive Matrix = Temperate Matrix x 1.2 Flight Leg Temperate Hot / Dry Erosive 1.0 132.00 1.5 96.00 2.0 80.00 2.5 70.40 77.40 84.50 3.0 64.00 70.40 76.80 3.5 62.00 68.20 74.40 4.0 60.00 66.00 72.00


145.20 105.60 88.00 158.40 115.20 96.00

2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Example 4 Calculate the Restoration DMC Adjusted for Operational Severity An operator flying similar aircraft on different routes wishes to estimate his engine performance restoration DMC based on the following operational profiles: Profile - 1 Annual FH: 3,000 Flight Leg: 2.0 Derate: 20% Environment: Hot/Dry Given: Profile - 2 Annual FH: 3,000 Flight Leg: 2.5 Derate: 5% Environment: Erosive
Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

Base First-Run DMC=$1,600,000 / 20,000 FH = $80.00 / FH Profile 1 Severity Factor = 1.450 Profile 2 Severity Factor = 0.980 Hot/Dry Factor = 1.100 Erosive Factor = 1.200 Adjust Restoration Rate= (Base Rate) * (Severity Factor) * (Environment Factor)
Severity Factor Table FL 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0% 1.850 1.350 1.100 0.980 0.900 0.825 0.800 5% 1.750 1.250 1.050 0.930 0.850 0.800 0.775 10% 1.650 1.200 1.000 0.880 0.800 0.775 0.750 15% 1.550 1.150 0.950 0.830 0.780 0.750 0.725 20% 1.450 1.100 0.850 0.780 0.735 0.725 0.715 Shop DMC ( $ FH ) : $80.00 $127.60 $89.28 First-Run Shop DMC 1.) Base Rate ( $ / FH ) Flight Leg Derate 2.) Severity Factor Region 3.) Environment Factor Base $80 2.0 10% 1.000 Temperate 1.000 Profile 1 $80 1.0 20% 1.450 Hot / Dry 1.100 Profile 2 $80 2.5 5% 0.930 Erosive 1.200


Environmental Factors Environment Temperate Hot / Dry Erosive Factor 1.000 1.100 1.200


Example 5 Calculate the Restoration DMC Adjusted for Derate Severity An operator flying similar aircraft, on average flies 2.0 hours / cycle and 10% average takeoff derate. If the operators route structure allows for some degree of additional derate then the following DMC savings benefits can be estimated using the severity curves detailed above. Given: Base Profile Severity Factor = 1.000 Profile A Severity Factor = 1.550 Profile B Severity Factor = 0.850

Solution: Restoration DMC Savings (%) = (Base Factor Actual Factor) / Base Factor
Flight Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 Derate 10% 15% 20% Severity Factor 1.000 0.950 0.850 Calculation Base (1.00-0.95)/1.00 (1.00-0.85)/1.00 DMC Savings Base 5% 15%

Example 6 Effects of Flight Length & Derate on Engine SVR Operators flying similar equipment but different operational profiles can compare their SVR using severity factors. Operator A operates 1.0 flight-leg at 15% average take-off derate. Operator B operates 3.0 flight-legs at 5% average take-off derate. Given: Base Severity Factor = 1.000 Base SVR = 0.050 Profile A Severity Factor = 1.550 Profile B Severity Factor = 0.850

Restoration DMC Savings (%) = (Base Factor Actual Factor) / Base Factor
Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

Solution: Multiplying the base SVR by 1.55 and 0.850 respectively will provide levels that can be directly compared to operators A & B SVRs

Operator Base A B

Flight Time 2.0 1.0 3.0

Derate 10% 15% 5%

Severity Factor 1.000 1.550 0.850

Calculation Base 1.55 /1.00 0.85 /1.00

Ratio Base 1.550 0.850


Example 7 Engine Shop DMC Adjusted For Workscope Management An operator flying 3,000 FH per year at 2.0 flight leg and 10% derate would like to compare two workscope alternatives - detailed below - to assess the following: a.) Restoration DMC, and b.) Shop DMC. Workscope 1: Build Goal: 7,000 FC Solution: Expected TOW = 14,000 FH Restoration Cost = $1,650,000 Restoration DMC = $117.85 / FH LLP Cost = $0 Total SV Cost = $1,650,000 Shop DMC =117.85 / FH
Replace No LLPs Build to 7,000 FC Totals --------------------------------------------------Restoration $ 1,650,000 - Total FC 7,000 - Total FH 14,000 - Restoration DMC 117.85 $/FH LLP $ 0 ------------------------------------------------------------Total Shop Visit $ 1,650,000 Shop DMC 117.85 $/FH Replace Core LLPs Build to 10,000FC

Workscope 2: Build Goal: 10,000 FC

Expected TOW = 20,000 FH Restoration Cost = $1,800,000 Restoration DMC = $90.00 / FH LLP Cost = $1,000,000 Total SV Cost = $2,800,000 Shop DMC =$140.00 / FH
Totals --------------------------------------------------Restoration $ 1,800,000 - Total FC 10,000 - Total FH 20,000 - Restoration DMC 90.00 $/FH LLP $ 1,000,000 -----------------------------------------------------------Total Shop Visit $ 2,800,000 Shop DMC 140.00 $/FH


7 12


7 12

Example 8 Engine Life-Cycle Shop DMC Adjusted For Workscope Management Engines generally go through patterns of workscopes that vary based on time on-wing and business considerations. The examples that follow illustrate the unit shop visit cost versus shop DMC trade-off when adopting workscope management optimized for: a.) Maximum usage of LLP hardware, and b.) Minimum number of shop visits. Scenario A: Optimized For Maximum Usage of LLP Hardware Build Standard Goal: Maximized to LLP stub-life. Annual FH: 3,000 Flight Leg: 2.0 Derate: 10% Environment: Temperate Solution: Maximizing usage of LLP hardware often leads to lower unit shop visit costs, whereas building engines for minimum number of shop visits allows one to achieve lower shop DMC.
SV 2 - RPL Core LLPs $1.8M 10 0 0 5 5 SV 3 - RPL LPT LLPs $1.6M 15 15 0 0 SV 4 - RPL Fan LLPs $1.6M 10 10 20 SV 5 - RPL Core LLPs $1.8M 20 0 0 10

SV 1 $1.6M



20 25 13 ,000 FC


7 12

7,000 FC

5,000 FC

5 ,000 FC

10 ,000 FC

Totals -----------------------------------------------------------Restoration $ 8,400,000 - Total FC 40,000 FC - Total FH 80,000 FH - Restoration DMC 105.00 $/FH LLP $ 3,000,000 --------------------------------------------------------------------Total Shop Visit $ 11,400,000 Shop DMC 142.50 $/FH


Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

Scenario B: Optimized for Minimum Number of Shop Visits Build Standard Goal: 10,000 FC Annual FH: 3,000 Flight Leg: 2.0 Derate: 10% Environment: Temperate

SV 1 - RPL Core LLPs $1.8M 30 20 20 25 13 ,000 FC 17 7 7 12

SV 2 - RPL Fan + LPT LLPs $1.8M 8 11 11 3 9 ,000 FC

SV 3 - RPL Core LLPs $1.8M 21 2 2 16 9 ,000 FC

SV 4 - RPL LPT LLPs $1.6M 12 11 11 7

9 ,000 FC

Totals -----------------------------------------------------------Restoration $ 7,000,000 - Total FC 40,000 FC - Total FH 80,000 FH Restoration DMC 90.00 $/FH LLP $ 3,600,000 --------------------------------------------------------------------Total Shop Visit $ 10,800,000 Shop DMC 135.00 $/FH

Example 9 Engine Half-Time Valuation An investor is conducting an aircraft market value analysis for a twin-engine turbofan aircraft. Part of the analysis requires assessing the aircrafts market value adjusted from half-time maintenance condition. Both engines have accumulated 10,000 FC / 20,000 FH since new, and the engines first-run MTBSV interval is 25,000 FH. Solution:
Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010


Engine restoration half-time adjustment = [ (Percent Life Remaining 50%) * Event Cost ] ; where a. Percent Life Remaining = 20% b. Event Cost = $2,000,000 c. Half-Time Adjustment Per Engine = ($600,000)

Event Restoration

Expected TOW FH 25,000 Part Cost $ 180,000 120,000 100,000 50,000 80,000 110,000 30,000 240,000 200,000 180,000 90,000 60,000 100,000 150,000 70,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 2,000,000

Time Remain 5,000 Cycle Limit FC 30,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000

%Time Remain 20% Cycle Cost $/FC 6.00 4.00 3.33 2.50 4.00 5.50 1.50 12.00 10.00 9.00 4.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 2.80 3.60 3.20 2.80 87.74

Expected Cost $ 2,000,000 Remain Cycles 20,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000

Half-Time Adjust $ (600,00) Remain Value $ 120,000 80,000 66,600 25,000 40,000 55,000 15,000 120,000 100,000 90,000 45,000 30,000 60,000 90,000 42,000 54,000 48,000 42,000 1,122,600 56.1% 122,600

LLP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Engine LLP half-time adjustment = [ Value Remaining (50% * LLP Stack Cost ) ]; where a. Value Remaining = $1,122,000 b. Event Cost = $2,000,000 c. Half-Time Adjustment Per Engine = $122,600


Total Engine Adjustment = 2*($122,600 $600,000) = ($954,800)

Half-Time Adjust $


Example 10 Engine Maintenance Cost Escalation Calculate the escalated cost of an engine restoration shop visit in March 2009 assuming a base cost in March 2006 of $1.8M. Refer to Appendix 2 for instructions on retrieving the required indices.
Formula:En=Pb*[0.35x(ECIn/ECIb)+0.65x(PPIn/PPIb)] Where: Pb =BaseCost ECIb=AverageoftheECI"Wages&Salaries"forthe11th,12th,and13thmonthpriorBasicDate ECIn=AverageoftheECI"Wages&Salaries"forthe11th,12th,and13thmonthpriorEscalationDate PPIb=AverageofthePPI"IndustrialCommodities"forthe11th,12th,and13thmonthpriorBasicDate PPIn=AverageofthePPI"IndustrialCommodities"forthe11th,12th,and13thmonthpriorEscalationDate

Step 1. Go the BLS web site at: http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/srgate Step 2. Retrieve both the ECI - NAICS Wages & Salaries Aircraft Manufacturing indices and the PPI indices for the following periods: a) 11th, 12th, and 13th month prior to the base date (March 2006) b) 11th, 12th, and 13th month prior to the escalation date (March 2009)

Step 3. Calculate the indices averages for the period defined above.

Step 4. Calculate the escalated restoration shop visit cost.


Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

APPENDIX 2 U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS DATA RETRIEVAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. Go to the BLS web site at: http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/srgate You will then be prompted to enter the series ids for the data you wish to retrieve. You may select one or more series id's at a time. Below is a description of each series id. a. ciu2023211000000i - NAICS Wages & Salaries Aircraft Manufacturing b. wpu03thru15 - PPI - Industrial Commodities Index Type in the Series id, select the years you wish to view & click to retrieve data.


REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Rolls-Royce Technical Publication (2005) Otis, C. (1989). The Jet Engine

Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplants. Casper, WY: IAP, Inc

Beck, A. (2004). Calculating Maintenance Reserves, The Engine Yearbook 2004, pp. 36-41. Ruff, O. Dr. (2005). pp. 20-25. Ascend Glossary Engine Maintenance Costs, The Engine Yearbook 2005, http://www.ascendv1.com/info/glossary.asp

Aircraft Commerce. Aircraft Owners & Operator Guide - CFM56-3 Maintenance Analysis & Budget, Issue 45 Apr/May, 2006, pp 18-28. Aircraft Commerce. LLP Management for Wide-body Engines, Issue 38 Dec/Jan, 2005, pp 29-36. Aircraft Commerce. LLP Management for Short-Haul Engines, Issue 34 Apr/May, 2004, pp 36-44. Aircraft Commerce Fine Tuning Engine Maintenance Costs, Issue 6, July/August 1999, pp 42-48 Aircraft Commerce The Relationship Between an Engines Value and its Maintenance Status, Issue 35, June/July 2004, pp 5-9 Airline Fleet & Asset Management Mar/Apr, 2002, pp 40-44 Budgeting for Engine Refurbishment,

Engine Maintenance Concepts for Financiers | 3/15/2010

Airline Fleet & Asset Management Assessing Engine Maintenance Costs Theres More To It Than Meets the Eye, Jan/Feb, 2001, pp 40-47 Airline Fleet & Asset Management Protecting the asset: Maintenance Reserves and Redelivery Conditions, Sep/Oct, 2006, pp 60-62 AirFinance Journal AirFinance Journal Worth the Weight Aircraft Engines, March, 2008 Keeping Down Engine Maintenance Costs, Jan, 2001

Aircraft Technology Keep On Running Engine Maintenance and Cost Reduction, Issue 94, pp 52-60 Day, M. & Stahr, R. A Technique For Engine Maintenance Cost Forecasting, AIAA Publication, pp 45-52.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank Tom McCoy, Phil Nasser, and Dave Koch for providing much input and constructive criticism. The GP7200 illustrations contained in this document is Engine Alliance, LLC Proprietary Information and is disclosed in confidence


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