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Course Schedule and Readings (subject to amendation): WEEK 1 T 8.27: Introduction Th 8.29: American Film Ch.

1 Early Cinema (1893-1914) WEEK 2 T 9.3: Film Art Ch. 1 Film as Art: Creativity, Technology, and Business & Ch. 2 The Significance of Film Form W 9.4 Screening: The Birth of a Nation (D.W. Griffith, 1915) Th 9.5: American Film Ch. 2 The Silent Era (1915-1928) WEEK 3 T 9.10: In-class screening: Midnight Ramble: The Story of the Black Film Industry (Cram/Bowser, 1994) W 9.11 Screening: Within Our Gates (Oscar Micheaux, 1919) Th 9.12: Film Art, Ch. 3 Narrative Form WEEK 4 T 9.17: Film Art, Ch. 9 Film Genres W 9.18 Screening: 42nd Street (Warner Bros./Lloyd Bacon, 1933) Th 9.19: American Film Ch. 3 Technical Innovation and Industrial Transformation (1927-1938 WEEK 5 T 9.24: QUIZ #1 W 9.25 Screening: Citizen Kane (Welles, 1941) Th 9.26: Film Art, Ch. 5 The Shot: Cinematography WEEK 6 T 10.1: American Film Ch. 4 Hollywood in Transition (1939-1945) W 10.2 Screening: Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944) Th 10.3: discussion (no reading assigned) WEEK 7 T 10.8: Film Art, Ch. 6 The Relation of Shot to Shot: Editing W 10.9 Screening: The Searchers (John Ford, 1956) Th 10.10: American Film Ch. 5 Adjusting to a Postwar America (1945-1955) WEEK 8 T 10.15: NO CLASS W 10.16 Screening: The Graduate (Mike Nichols, 1967) Th 10.17: Film Art, Ch. 4 The Shot: Mise-en-Scene WEEK 9 T 10.22: American Film Ch. 6 Moving Toward a New Hollywood (1955-1967) W 10.23: Screening: Night of the Living Dead (1969) Th 10.24 In-class screening: BaadAsssss Cinema: A Bold Look at 70's Blaxploitation Films (Isaac Julien, 2002)

WEEK 10 T 10.29: discussion (no reading assigned) W 10.30 Screening: M*A*S*H (Altman, 1970) Th 10.31: American Film Ch. 7 A Hollywood Renaissance (1968-1980) WEEK 11 T 11.5: Film Art, Ch. 7 Sound in the Cinema W 11.6: Screening: Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979) Th 11.7: Discussion (no reading assigned) WEEK 12 T 11.12: QUIZ #2 W 11.13 Screening: Stranger than Paradise (Jarmusch, 1984) Th 11.14: American Film Ch. 8 A New New Hollywood (1981-1999) WEEK 13 T 11.19: Film Art, Ch. 10 Documentary, Experimental, and Animated Films W 11.20 Screening: The Thin Blue Line (Morris, 1989) Th 11.21: Arthur, Jargons of Authenticity (Three American Moments) (on Owlspace) WEEK 14 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY no class or screening WEEK 15 T 12.3.: American Film Ch. 9 The End of Cinema As We Know It (1999-2006) W 12.4 Screening: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Gondry, 2004) Th 12.5: Paper & Extra Credit Due in class + Wrap-up & Exam Review

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