National Operational Guideline On Facility Based Management of Children With Severe Acute Malnutrition

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Facilitator Guide


Facility Based Care of

Severe Acute Malnutrition

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Government of India, 2013
Hkkjr ljdkj
LokLFk; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky;
fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh - 110 108
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 108


The National Rural Health Mission is being implemented across the country and
undertaking massive efforts for the reduction of child mortality. Improvement of
nutrition status of children is critical to child survival, provides enhanced growth
opportunities and avenues for increased life expectancy. Under NRHM, nutritional
interventions are an integral component of child health programme and include
promotion of IYCF practices, micronutrient supplementation, and facility based
management of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition through Nutritional
Rehabilitation Centres.

Smt. Anuradha Gupta, IAS Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) have nine times higher risk of
Additional Secretary & dying than well-nourished children. An effort has been made towards treatment
Mission Director NRHM and recovery of such children under various Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres
established since 2006 in many States and to restore them to path of healthy
development. The National Family Health Survey -3 revealed that 6.4 percent
of all children under-five years of age are severely wasted. With appropriate
nutritional and clinical management, many of the deaths due to severe wasting
can be prevented.

Quality training of Staff of NRCs is crucial for management of Severely Malnourished

Children and their rehabilitation. The training manuals are designed with expert
inputs from UNICEF, WHO, other child health experts across the country. I am
sure it would enhance technical and management expertise for treatment of
Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition. I urge the States to use these modules
and undertake trainings as prescribed for realisation of the goal of Facility based
Rehabilitation of SAM children.

I compliment Child Health Division for bringing out the training Manual

 Anuradha Gupta
Hkkjr ljdkj
LokLFk; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky;
fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh - 110 108
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 108


The nutritional status of the people is an internationally recognized as an indicator

of national development. Nutrition is both an input into and output of indicator of
the development process. A well-nourished, healthy workforce is a pre-condition
for successful economic and social development and as such promoting nutritional
status of the people is of utmost importance.

Under National Rural Health Mission, Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres (NRCs)

have been set up at health facilities in many districts. Programme Managers
have expressed a need for comprehensive training modules in order to ensure
optimal operationalizing Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres. In response to this
Dr. Rakesh Kumar, IAS
need, Reproductive and Child Health Programme, Ministry of Health and Family
Joint Secretary (RCH)
Welfare, Government of India in collaboration with United Nations Children’s Fund
(UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), in consultation with domain
experts and program managers have drafted these modules.

Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) have nine times higher risk of dying
than well-nourished children. In India, the prevalence of SAM in children remains
high despite overall economic growth. Many Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres are
operational in the States at district and below district level facilities. A validated
training curriculum based on scientific evidence would help in building technical
expertise of health service providers and take this important initiative forwards.

I am confident, these modules will be instrumental in developing a technically

sound workforce.

November 2012
New Delhi  Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Writing Team Members:
1 Dr. S. Aneja, Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital
2 Dr. Praveen Kumar, Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital
3 Dr. Nidhi Chaudhary, WHO India
4 Dr. Dheeraj Shah, University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
5 Dr. Sriram Krishnamurthy, JIPMER, Puducherry

Reviewers for the Manual:

1 Dr. Ajay Khera, Deputy Commissioner Child Health & Immunisation, MoHFW, GoI
2 Dr. Sila Deb, Deputy Commissioner Child Health, MOHFW, GoI
3 Dr. Deepti Agarwal, Consultant Child Health, MOHFW, Goi
4 Dr. Shinjini Bhatnagar, AIIMS, New Delhi
5 Dr. H.P.S. Sachdev, Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science & Research, New Delhi
6 Ms. Anuja Agrawala, AIIMS, New Delhi
7 Dr. Panna Choudhary, Past President, Indian Academy of Paediatrics
8 Dr. V.K. Anand, UNICEF India
9 Dr. Piyush Gupta, University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
10 Dr. T. Sundararaman, National Health Systems Resource Centre, New Delhi
11 Dr. Padam Khanna, National Health Systems Resource Centre, New Delhi

Section A: Guidelines for Facilitating Training 1

on Facility Based Care of SAM
1. Introduction to the Facilitator Guide 1
2. About the Course on Facility Based Care of Severe Acute 1
3. Agenda for Training on Facilty Based Care of SAM 4
4. Checklist of Instructional Material Needed 5

Section B: Daily List of Activities 7

Day 1: Daily List of Activities 7
Day 2: Daily List of Activities 11
Day 3: Daily List of Activities 17

Section C: Case Studies 21

Section D: Annexure 29

1. INTRODUCTION TO THE use of the same ‘case management practices’. Because

of their different job responsibilities and backgrounds,
FACILITATOR GUIDE however, nurses and doctors may find different parts
of this course more interesting and applicable to their
What is the purpose of this guide? work. Nurses, in particular, may find that some parts
of this course are more detailed than they need, or
National Operational Guideline on Facility Based
that they would like more explanation or time to
Management of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition
understand the concepts.
(MOHFW, 2011) recommends that various cadres of
health service providers working in the Nutrition
rehabilitation Centres (NRCs) be provided relevant
What methods of instruction are used in
knowledge and skills for managing children with this course?
malnutrition. This course uses a variety of methods of instruction,
including reading, written exercises, discussions, role
This guide has been developed to assist the National plays, demonstrations and practice in a Nutrition
and State level facilitators in planning and conducting Rehabilitation Centre or a hospital ward. Practice,
trainings on ‘Facility Based Care Of Severe Acute whether in written exercises or on the ward, is a
Malnutrition’. The Facilitator Guide complements critical element of instruction.
the Participant Manual. As facilitators read through
this guide, they will find stepwise description of
How is the course conducted?
activities, explanations, tips on important points to be
emphasized during training as well as exercises that ÒÒ Small groups of participants (16-24 in 2 batches)
promote participants’ understanding and learning. The are led and assisted by “facilitators” as they work
facilitator will want to become comfortable with this through the participant’s module. The facilitators
material before the workshop begins. are not lecturers as in a traditional classroom.
Their role is to answer questions, provide individual
2. ABOUT THE COURSE ON feedback on exercises, lead discussions, structure
role plays, and clarify new concepts or individual
SEVERE ACUTE MALNUTRITION ÒÒ The modules provide the basic information to
be learned. Information is also provided through
For whom is this course intended? demonstrations, charts, photographs and videos.
This course is intended for both doctors and nurses who ÒÒ The modules are designed to help each participant
manage severely malnourished children in hospitals or develop specific skills necessary for case
NRCs. Doctors and nurses must work closely together as management of severely malnourished children.
a team, so they should have consistent training in the Participants develop these skills as they read the

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

modules, observe cases and live demonstrations, 1. You INSTRUCT:
and practise skills in written exercises, group
discussions, oral drills, or role plays. ÒÒ Make sure that each participant understands how
to work through the materials and what s/he is
ÒÒ After practicing skills in the modules, participants
expected to do in each module and each exercise.
practice the skills in a real hospital setting, with
supervision to ensure correct patient care. A ÒÒ Answer the participant’s questions as they occur.
clinical instructor supervises the clinical practice ÒÒ Explain any information that the participant finds
sessions in the severe malnutrition ward of the confusing, and help him/her understand the main
hospital. purpose of each exercise.
ÒÒ To a great extent, participants work at their own ÒÒ Lead group activities, such as group discussions,
pace through the modules, although in some exercises and role plays, to ensure that learning
activities, such as role plays and discussions, the objectives are met.
small group will work together.
ÒÒ Promptly review each participant’s work and give
ÒÒ Each participant discusses any problems or correct answers.
questions with a facilitator, and receives prompt
ÒÒ Discuss with the participant how s/he obtained
feedback from the facilitator on completed
answers in order to identify any weaknesses in the
participant’s skills or understanding.
(Feedback includes telling the participant how well
ÒÒ Provide additional explanations or practice to
he has done the exercise and what improvements
improve skills and understanding.
could be made).
ÒÒ Help the participant to understand how to use
What is the role of the FACILITATOR? skills taught in the course in his/her own setting/
A facilitator is a person who helps the participants learn ÒÒ Assist the clinical instructor as needed during
the skills presented in the course. The facilitator spends clinical practice sessions.
much of his/her time in discussions with participants,
either individually or in small groups. For facilitators 2. You MOTIVATE:
to give enough attention to each participant, a ratio of
one facilitator to 6 participants is desired. ÒÒ Compliment the participant on his correct answers,
improvements or progress.
In your assignment to teach this course, YOU are a
ÒÒ Make sure that there are no major obstacles to
facilitator. As a facilitator, you need to be very familiar
learning (such as too much noise or not enough
with the material being taught. It is your job to give
explanations, do demonstrations, answer questions,
talk with participants about their answers to exercises,
3. You MANAGE:
conduct role plays, lead group discussions, assist the
clinical instructor with clinical practice in the hospital, ÒÒ Plan ahead and obtain all supplies needed each
and generally give participants any help they need to day, so that they are in the training venue or taken
successfully complete the course. to the hospital ward when needed.
ÒÒ Monitor the progress of each participant.
You are not expected to teach the content of the
course through formal lectures.
(Nor is this a good idea, even if this is the teaching
How do you do these things?
method to which you are most accustomed.) ÒÒ Show enthusiasm for the topics covered in the
course and for the work that the participants are
What, then, DOES a FACILITATOR do? doing.

As a facilitator, you do 3 basic things: ÒÒ Be attentive to each participant’s questions and

needs. Encourage the participants to come to

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

you at any time with questions or comments. Be ÒÒ Do not be condescending. In other words, do not
available during scheduled times. treat participants as if they are children. They are
ÒÒ Watch the participants as they work, and offer adults.
individual help if you see a participant looking ÒÒ Do not talk too much. Encourage the participants
troubled, staring into space, not writing answers, to talk.
or not turning pages. These are clues that the ÒÒ Do not be shy, nervous, or worried about what to
participant may need help. say. This Facilitator Guide will help you remember
ÒÒ Promote a friendly, cooperative relationship. what to say. Just use it!
Respond positively to questions (by saying, for
example, “Yes, I see what you mean,” or “That is 5. How can this FACILITATOR GUIDE help you?
a good question.”). Listen to the questions and try
to address the participant’s concerns, rather than This Facilitator Guide will help you teach the course
rapidly giving the “correct” answer. modules, including the video segments.

ÒÒ Always take enough time with each participant to For each module, this Facilitator Guide includes the
answer his questions completely (that is, so that following:
both you and the participant are satisfied). ÒÒ a list of the procedures to complete the module,
highlighting the type of feedback to be given after
4. What NOT to do each exercise;

ÒÒ During times scheduled for course activities, do ƒƒ a list of any special supplies or preparations
not work on other projects or discuss matters not needed for activities in the module;
related to the course. ÒÒ guidelines describing:
ÒÒ In discussions with participants, avoid using facial ƒƒ how to do demonstrations, role plays, and group
expressions or making comments that could cause discussions
participants to feel embarrassed.
ƒƒ points to make in group discussions or individual
ÒÒ Do not call on participants one by one as in a feedback.
traditional classroom, with an awkward silence
ÒÒ a place to write down points to be made in addition
when a participant does not know the answer.
to those listed in the guidelines.
Instead, ask questions during individual feedback.
To prepare yourself for each section, you should:
ÒÒ Do not lecture about the information that
participants are about to read. ÒÒ read the module and work the exercises;
ÒÒ Give only the introductory explanations that are ÒÒ read in this Facilitator Guide all the information
suggested in the Facilitator Guide. If you give provided about the module;
too much information too early, it may confuse ÒÒ plan with your co-facilitator how work on the
participants. Let them read it for themselves in module will be done and what major points to
the modules. make;
ÒÒ Do not review text paragraph by paragraph. (This ÒÒ collect any necessary supplies for exercises in the
is boring and suggests that participants cannot module, and prepare for any demonstrations or
read for themselves). As necessary, review the role plays;
highlights of the text during individual feedback or
group discussions. ÒÒ think about sections that participants might find
difficult and questions they may ask;
ÒÒ Avoid being too much of a showman. Enthusiasm
(and keeping the participants awake) is great, ÒÒ plan ways to help with difficult sections and answer
but learning is most important. Keep watching to possible questions;
ensure that participants are understanding the ÒÒ ask participants questions that will encourage
materials. Difficult points may require you to slow them to think about using the skills in their own
down and work carefully with individuals. hospitals.

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

The role of the clinical instructor signs on the other children. On a day when participants
are learning about the stabilization phase, s/he may
There is one clinical instructor who leads all the clinical select several children in the ward who are in that
sessions. The clinical instructor leads a session each phase and prepare for the participants to see their
day for one small group of participants. 24-hour food intake charts, assess progress, and plan
feeding for the next day. S/He may prepare a list of
Teaching a small number of participants in the ward at questions to ask or prepare tasks for participants to do
a time allows each person to have hands-on practice.
with these children.
The clinical instructor is able to watch carefully and
give feedback to help each participant improve.
The clinical instructor needs to be skilled at anticipating
what will occur on the ward and planning how groups
To prepare for the day, each morning the clinical
of participants can accomplish their objectives. If the
instructor reviews the teaching objectives for the day
clinical instructor finds that the schedule planned for
and plans how to accomplish them. For example, on
the day when participants are to practice identifying clinical sessions will not work that day, s/he must plan
clinical signs of severe malnutrition, s/he may locate an alternative and adjust the schedule.
several children in the ward who clearly demonstrate
the signs. S/He plans how to show the signs on one or General procedures and specific guidelines for teaching
two children and then asks participants to point out each clinical session are provided later in this guide.



Day Time Activity

Day 1 9.00-9.30 AM Registration
9.30-10.00 AM Introduction of participants, Pretest
10.30-11.30 AM Module reading (individual) - Introduction and Principles of Care
11.30-12.00 AM Tea Break
12.00 -1.30 PM Module reading: Principles of care (continued) and Initial Management
1.30 -2.15 PM Lunch break
2.15 – 3.00 PM Video on Anthropometry
3.00 – 5.00 PM Clinical sessions in two groups (1 hour each). After 1 hour both the groups to
Group 1: Tour of emergency and hospital wards
Setting of Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres (NRC)
Group 2: Clinical signs of severe acute malnutrition (SAM),
Anthropometry measurements, calculation of SD Score
Day 2 9.00-11.00 AM Module reading: Initial Management continued
11.00-11.30 AM Tea Break
11.30-1.30 PM Module reading: Initial Feeding, Rehabilitative Phase
1.30-2.15 PM Lunch break
2.15 -3.00 PM Video on ‘Initial Management’
3.00 -5.00 PM Clinical sessions in two groups
Group 1: CRT, Assessment of dehydration, calculation of
ORS, Antibiotic dose
Group 2: Demonstration of different diets and calculation of
amount of feeds for individual patient and NRCs

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Day 3 9.00-11.00 AM Module reading: Section 5.2 Daily Care, Involving mothers in care, Prepare for
discharge & Follow up
11.00-11.30 AM Tea Break
11.30-1.30 PM Module reading: Management of SAM in infants less than 6 months, HIV-exposed
children, Monitoring & Problem solving
1.30-2.15 PM Lunch break
2.15-3.00 PM Video on sensory stimulation and involving mothers in care
3.00- 4.30 PM Clinical sessions in two groups
Group 1: Demonstration of Toys and structural play therapy
Group 2: 24-hours diet record, weight charting, identify and solve problems


Item needed Number needed
Facilitator Guide 1 for each facilitator
Participant Module 1 set for each facilitator and 1 set for each participant
TV/DVD/Computer with projector Lead Facilitator will inform you where you can show the group video
Set of wall charts 1 set for each small group
Case recording forms 5 for each participant plus some extra
Pretest questionnaire 2 for each participant
Evaluation form 1 for each participant

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition


1. Day 1: Preparation space provided. Tell the participants that they do

not have to write their names on the test paper.
The participants can write a 3 digit number of
List of activities for Day 1
their choice.
1. Participant Module
ÒÒ Introduce the participant module and ask the
2. Wall charts
participants to read Section1: Introduction.
3. Video/DVD
ÒÒ Lead a discussion on how the participants identify
4. Infantometer
children with SAM in their clinical practice and how
5. Stadiometer they manage these children in their work place.
6. MUAC Tape Try to understand how commonly they see children
7. Copy of Weight-for-length Reference Chart with undernutrition and what kinds of facilities
8. Clinical session recording forms are available for management of these children?
Explain that malnourished children are usually
1.1. Day-1: Classroom Session not brought to hospital because of their nutrition
status. They mostly come because they have some
ÒÒ After the inaugural session, divide the group of medical complication e.g. diarrhoea, pneumonia.
participants into two smaller groups of 8–12. Each The usual response is to tackle the illness first,
group should be facilitated by 2 facilitators. and plan to do something about the malnutrition
ÒÒ Clinical sessions will be organized by Clinical later, when the illness has been treated. But this
Instructor with assistance from other facilitators. is not correct. We have to identify such children as
‘severely malnourished with a complication’ and
ÒÒ Start with introduction of participants. Ask the
begin treatment of SAM immediately.
participants to pair up with the person next to
them. Explain that each pair of participants will ÒÒ Explain that children who are classified as severe
introduce each other to the larger group. They PEM based on weight for age can be either wasted
have 5 minutes to talk their partner and learn or stunted. The management of wasted children
more about them – their name, place and nature of (SAM) is different from those with stunting. The
work and future plans. To make it more interesting children who do not have SAM do not require
participants can be asked to find out one secret hospitalization and can be managed at community
that their partner has not shared with others level. If the child is undernourished or moderately
before or about their secret dream. Now each pair malnourished they will need dietary counselling.
takes turn to introduce each other to the group. Stunted children are not at same risk of death as
children with SAM are. They can be managed by
ÒÒ Pretest – Distribute the pretest questionnaire to
nutritional counselling.
all participants. Explain that the questions are
multiple choices with one correct answer. The ÒÒ Tell the participants that this training workshop
participants should write the correct answer in the aims to impart skills to doctors and nurses so that

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

they are able to establish Nutrition Rehabilitation for Height SD score in the Annexure. Show them
Centres (NRC), identify and manage children with how to use this chart for calculating SD score.
SAM according to standard treatment protocol. Highlight the point that if length or height is 0.5
During the training they will also learn how to or more cm greater than the next lower length /
identify and solve problems. This training module height in the table then round up, otherwise round
is based on the WHO international guidelines and down. If weight is between an SD Score, write “less
Indian Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for SAM than” (<). For example, if the score is between
management. This course will teach participants -1SD and -2SD, write <-1SD.
how to implement the guidelines in practice. Ask ÒÒ Take an example of boy with length 74.6 cm and
one of the participants to read learning objectives weight of 9.4 kg. Tell participants that since the
of Section 2.0: Principles of Care. length is 74.6 cm you will round up to 75 cm. Now
ÒÒ Module reading- Participants read module Section if you check for 75 cm boy 9.4 kg comes between
2: Principles of Care (Learning Objectives, -1 SD and Median.
Recognize Signs of Severe Acute Malnutrition, ÒÒ Tell participants to do Exercise A individually.
Weigh and measure the child and identification The participants should refer to the Weight for
of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition) till Length and Weight for Height charts in Annexure
Exercise–A. to complete this exercise. Check the answers given
ÒÒ Guide the Participants to the Chart showing Weight by the participants and share your feedback.

Answers to Exercise-A
1. Sudha, girl, length 63cm, weight 5.0 kg
2. Ram, boy, height 101 cm, weight 11.8 kg
3. Tanya, girl, length 69.8 cm, weight 6.3 kg
<-2SD (Explain that 6.3 is exactly -3 SD and not
below -3SD. Hence the SD score is < -2SD)
4. Karan, boy, length 82 cm, weight 8.0 kg

Module reading facility. Basic investigations should be done & care

giver should be educated for nutritional support.
ÒÒ Participants read Section 2.5: Criteria for
ÒÒ Participants now complete Exercise-B. Check
hospitalization / in-patient care up to Exercise-B. answers individually and give feedback.
ÒÒ Lead a discussion on various anthropometric ÒÒ Participants read Section 2.6: Organization
parameters used for identifying children with SAM. of care and Section 2.7: Physiology of severe
Take participants’ view on individual parameters malnutrition.
and its use in their work setting. Highlight the
ÒÒ Once all participants have completed reading the
relevance of using MUAC in community setting. sections, reiterate that all SAM children are pre-
Discuss criteria for Facility based & community disposed for hypoglycemia and hypothermia.
management. However good community care Misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment of
& supervision is needed for community based dehydration is common in SAM children and
management. If community support and supervision nearly all children with SAM have bacterial
is not available they should be admitted in a health infection.

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Answers to Exercise B
Name Age Sex Weight Length/ Height MUAC Oedema SD Does this child have
(months) (kg) (cm) (cm) SAM
Prince 12 M 9.8 73 13 No N No
Rani 15 F 7.1 75 12 No <-2SD No
Ritika 26 F 10.4 89 14 No <-1SD No
Dinesh 32 M 11.2 95 15 No <-2SD No
Iqbal 20 M 6.4 83 10.8 Yes <-4SD Yes
Nitin 6 M 5.8 66 9 No <-3SD Yes
Sakina 8 F 4.2 72 9.8 No <-4SD Yes
Sonu 12 M 6.6 73 10 No <-3SD Yes
Shyam 24 M 8.6 82 11.2 No <-2SD Yes

ÒÒ Participants read Initial management from Section ÒÒ Emphasize that the health staff must understand
3.1: Identifying and managing the severely and follow the procedures outlined in this session.
malnourished child with emergency signs. Once emergency treatment has been provided, the
ÒÒ Take the participants to the Emergency Triage and child should be moved immediately to the ward
Treatment Wall chart and show the algorithm of designated for children with SAM. Staff working
in emergency area should also be oriented on
ETAT. Tell participants that focus of emergency
emergency care to children with SAM.
care is to prevent death while stabilizing the child.
Any child presenting to the hospital should be ÒÒ Participants read up to Exercise-C. Briefly cover
checked for emergency signs as part of standard the main points: The hypoglycaemic child needs
procedure. Some of the procedures described in glucose quickly. If the child can drink, give a 50
this session may be performed in the Emergency ml bolus of 10% glucose orally. If alert but not
Room of the Out Patients Department (OPD) or in drinking, give the 50 ml bolus by NG tube.
the paediatric ward equipped for emergency care. If lethargic, unconscious or convulsing, give 5
ÒÒ A severely malnourished child should be seen as ml/kg body weight sterile 10% glucose by IV,
quickly as possible in the OPD. It is very important followed by 50 ml 10% glucose by NG tube. Start
that OPD staff knows how to treat the severely feeding with Starter diet half an hour after giving
malnourished child appropriately. They must glucose. Give it every half hour for 2 hours. Give ¼
be taught to recognize severely malnourished of the 2-hourly amount shown on the Starter diet
children and to understand that these children Reference Card (Annexure 8). When the child’s
may be seriously ill even without showing signs of blood glucose is stabilized (54 mg/dl or higher)
infection. then change to 2-hourly feeds of Starter diet.
ÒÒ After that take participants to chart-2 and discuss ÒÒ Highlight co-existence of hypoglycemia &
broad time frame of management. Show them on hypothermia. Hypoglycemia & hypothermia may
chart three phases of treatment – 1) Stabilization also be a sign of underlying infection.
2) Transition 3) Rehabilitation. ÒÒ Tell participants to do Exercise-C.

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Answers to Exercise-C
1. Hari is 36 months old and weighs 7.4 kg. He has blood sugar of 42 mg/dl. What immediate treatment Hari should be
Hari has hypoglycemia (blood sugar less than 54 mg/dl). Hari should receive 50 ml bolus of 10% glucose or 10% sucrose
immediately orally if he is not able to drink then by nasogastric tube.
2. 14 months old Sunder has been brought to hospital with lethargy and unconsciousness. He weighs 5.6 kg and his
length is 72cms. His mid arm circumference is 11.6 cm and there is no pedal oedema. His blood sugar is 46 mg/dl.
i) Do you think Sunder is having SAM? - Yes
ii) Is Sunder hypoglycemic? - Yes
iii) What immediate treatment you will give to Sunder? - Glucose 10% 28 ml followed by 50 ml of 10% glucose/ sucrose
by NG tube

Video demonstration on Anthropometry Participant Objectives

Assemble all the participants for video demonstration ÒÒ Observe the admission area
and ensure all can see the projection screen. Explain ÒÒ Observe the emergency treatment area
that they will see a video on anthropometry for
measurement of weight, length, height and mid upper ÒÒ Observe how the Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre
arm circumference. Ask them to watch the video and is organized
bring up any queries towards the end. ÒÒ Observe the kitchen area
ÒÒ Observe any special area for play, health education,
Tell the participants that they have the opportunity to etc.
practice anthropometric measurements in the clinical
Instructor procedures
1.2: Day-1: Clinical Sessions 1. Introduce yourself and review the objectives of
the session.
Group -1
2. Explain hygiene procedures to be followed.
Tour of the Ward Participants should wash hands with soap before
and after each session and between patients.
To prepare: Prepare to take each group for a tour
Explain where hand washing facilities are located.
of the ward and all areas where severely acute
(Even though participants will not be asked to
malnourished children are seen and treated. Identify
handle patients on the first visit, they should wash
areas that you will show and prepare your comments.
anyway in case they touch the children.)
If possible, obtain data on the number of severely
acute malnourished children seen each month or each 3. Take participants to the admission area and explain
year, and how long these children typically stay in the how children are admitted for severe malnutrition.
hospital. 4. Visit the emergency treatment area and explain
what treatment is given there. Emphasize the
Plan to tour the ward, the emergency treatment area, need for use of the ETAT in emergency area.
admissions area, kitchen area, and any special areas
used for play, health education, etc. 5. Take participants for a tour of the ward, pointing
out different areas of the ward in which the services
If possible, find one child in the ward/NRC who has are organized: beds, area for weighing, play area,
made a good recovery (a “success story”) and prepare kitchen & food demonstration and education area,
to describe the child’s condition on admission and how etc.
s/he has improved, emphasizing the protocols adopted
and success achieved.

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Group 2 3. Demonstrate how to take mid-arm circumference
with the help of MUAC tape.
Clinical signs & Anthropometric
measurements 4. Also demonstrate clinical signs of severe acute
malnutrition – severe wasting and bilateral pedal
To prepare: Make arrangements for measuring weight, oedema and how to look for them.
height and MUAC (weighing machine, infantometer,
5. Now instruct participants to practice these skills in
stadiometer, MUAC Tape). Ensure that scales are
small groups. Each group is allocated a child as a
working and stadiometer or measuring boards are set
case study.
up correctly.
6. When a participant has finished assessing the
Select one or two children with a variety of clinical child, ask each group to present their findings.
signs to show to participants. Try to find cases with The participant should point out the clinical signs;
well-defined signs. For anthropometry you may include state the child’s weight, height and SD score; and
children who are not acutely malnourished. explain whether the child should be admitted.
Ask the participant questions, as needed, to draw
Look for children in the admissions area and/or ward a complete explanation. Confirm if the clinical
who could be assessed for clinical signs of severe findings and measurements are correct and
malnutrition, weighed and measured. appreciate the good effort made by the group.
7. Select few cases that are most interesting and
Ask participants to take their Weight-for-Height have a variety of clinical signs and show to all
Reference Cards, Clinical Session recording form and a participants.
pen or pencil to the clinical session.
At the end of the session, reinforce the key messages
Participant Objectives on clinical examination and anthropometric
ÒÒ Observe children with clinical signs of severe
ÒÒ Look for signs of severe malnutrition
2: Day-2: List of activities
ÒÒ Weigh and measure length/height and MUAC Preparation for Day 2
ÒÒ Look up weight-for-height SD scores 1. Case recording forms
ÒÒ Identify children who are severely malnourished 2. Video CD
3. Glucometer
Instructor Procedures 4. Thermometer
5. Ingredients and measuring utensils for preparing
1. Explain the objectives of the clinical session to the Starter and Catch-up diets – milk, sugar, vegetable
participants. oil, puffed rice, measuring jar
2. It is best that children selected for the clinical 6. Infant and child feeding tubes
practice session are accompanied by their mother/ 7. Clinical cases: Children with severe malnutrition
caregiver and are in relatively stable condition. As
some of these children may be irritable or would
not like to be touched by strangers, facilitators 2.1: Classroom Sessions
and participants not only have to be efficient
ÒÒ Recap of Day 1.
during examination but also be ready to give some
time to the children to familiarize with the new ÒÒ Participants read Section 3.6: Manage dehydration
faces around them. Remember to seek the consent & Shock till exercise D.
of the parent/mother for examination of the child ÒÒ Lead a discussion on assessment of dehydration
by the group. Demonstrate how to take weight, & reliability of signs of dehydration in children
length and calculation of SD score with the help of with SAM. Remind the participants that the signs
reference card. of dehydration are not very reliable in presence

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

of severe acute malnutrition as the usual signs of with SAM with severe dehydration, unless they have
dehydration (such as lethargy, sunken eyes) may be shock. Also highlight SAM children need closer &
present in these children all of the time, whether frequent monitoring for overhydration. Emphasize
or not they are dehydrated. the importance of giving potassium supplements
ÒÒ Recapitulate difference in amount of ORS to and starting early feeding in these children.
be given in children without SAM and with SAM. ÒÒ Participants are asked to complete Exercise-D.
Highlight that IV fluids are not given in all children

Answers to Exercise D
1. Rajiv has watery diarrhoea and is severely malnourished. He weighs 6.0 kilograms. He should be given __30______
ml ORS every __30___ minutes for __2___ hours. Then he should be given ___30-60_______ ml ORS in _
alternate____________ hours for up to ___10___ hours. In the other alternate hours during this same period, __
Starter diet______ should be given.
2. Yamuna arrived at the hospital in shock and received IV fluids for two hours. She has improved and can now be
switched to ORS. Yamuna weighs 8.0 kilograms. For up to __10___ hours, she should be given ORS and Starter diet in
alternate hours. The amount of ORS to offer is ___40-80___ milliliters per hour.
ƒƒ After the first two hours of ORS, a child is offered 5- 10 ml/kg of ORS in alternate hours. What two factors affect
how much to offer in this range?
- Willingness to drink ;and
- Amount of ongoing loss

Group Discussion child: Is lethargic or unconscious AND has cold

hands AND Slow capillary refill (>3 seconds) AND
ÒÒ Ask one of the participants to enumerate signs weak or fast pulse.
which should be checked in order to monitor the
child taking ORS. ÒÒ Lead a discussion on indication and choice of
IV fluids in children with SAM with shock. Ask
ƒƒ Respiratory rate, pulse rate, urine frequency,
them to open wall Chart-3 showing protocols for
stool or vomit frequency and signs of
management of shock. Highlight the following
aspects: choice of IV fluids, importance of giving
ƒƒ Emphasize the importance of close and glucose bolus and when to consider the diagnosis
frequent monitoring. of septic shock.
ÒÒ Tell participants to read Section 3.6.4: Manage a ÒÒ Demonstrate how to calculate the dose of dopamine
severely acute malnourished child with shock till
for a 5 kg child on white board or chart.
exercise E.
ÒÒ Participants are now asked to complete exercise-E.
ÒÒ Once the participants have finished, explain that
IV fluids are given in severe malnutrition only if the ÒÒ Check individual feedback to participants.

Answers for Exercise E

Case 1 - Tina
Tina is an 18-month-old girl referred from a health centre. Her arms and shoulders appear very thin. She has moderate
oedema (both feet and lower legs). She does not have diarrhoea or vomiting and her eyes are clear. Her temperature is
34.5 degree centigrade and blood sugar is 50 mg/dl. Her weight is 6.5 kg and height is 81 cms.
1(a) What is Tina’s weight-for-height SD-score? < -4SD
1(b) Should Tina be admitted to the severe malnutrition ward? Why or why not? Yes, should be admitted in malnutrition
ward as there is presence of oedema

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

1(c) Is Tina hypothermic? Yes, (Temperature is less than 35°C).
1(d) Is Tina hypoglycaemic? Yes, (Blood sugar is less than 54 gm/dl).
1(e) Tina is alert and does not have cold hands. Her capillary refill is less than 3 seconds. According to the definition
given in this section, is Tina in shock? - No
1(f) What two immediate steps should be taken based on the above findings?
- Give 50 ml bolus of 10% glucose / sucrose orally or NG tube
- Rewarm the child and maintain temperature

Case 2 – Kalpana
Kalpana is a 3-year-old girl and weighs 6 kg. She is very pale when she is brought to the hospital, but she is alert and can
drink. She is not having any breathing difficulty. She has no diarrhoea, no vomiting, and no eye problems. Her CFT is less
than 3 seconds. Her blood sugar is 46 mg/dl. Her hemoglobin estimation revealed a level of 8 gm/dl.
2(a) What should Kalpana be given immediately? - 10% glucose / sucrose
How should it be given? Orally
2(b) When should Kalpana be given Starter diet? After half an hour
How often and how much should she be fed? 16 ml. every half an hour for 2 hours then 65 ml. 2 hourly

Participants read Section 3.7: Correct Electrolyte What would they do if the child shows poor
Imbalance and Section 3.8: Treat Infection: Give response to treatment with antibiotics? Note the
Antibiotics. responses on the flip chart till all these points have
ÒÒ Highlight those children with SAM who need been brought up by the participants:
potassium & magnesium supplements. All children ƒƒ Ensure that the child has received appropriate
need antibiotic because usual signs of infections are and adequate antibiotics
often absent. Discuss with participants regarding ƒƒ Check whether vitamin and mineral
choice of antibiotics. Highlight that children with supplements are given correctly
SAM require gram negative coverage.
ƒƒ Reassess for other possible sites of infection
ÒÒ Ask participants to open Section 3.8, Table-2
(Antibiotics for severely malnourished children) ƒƒ Suspect other underlying infections (malaria,
and go through it. Explain that the presence or tuberculosis) or HIV
absence of complications determines the type of ÒÒ Instruct the participants to complete Exercise-F.
antibiotics to be prescribed. Recommendations Check the answers and provide feedback
may vary locally according to sensitivity pattern to individually.
antibiotics in that particular area.
ÒÒ Participants read Section 3.9: Give emergency
ÒÒ Invite participants to respond to your question: eye care for corneal ulceration and Section

Answers to Exercise F
Anu weighs 6 kg. and her length is 82 cm. She does not have any airway problem, or convulsion. Capillary refill time is
less than 3 seconds. She is lethargic and has blood sugar of 40mg/dl, axillary temperature is 34.8 degree centigrade and
has mild dermatosis.
(a) What two antibiotics should Anu be given now? Inj. Ampicillin & Inj. Gentamycin
(b) By what possible routes can these antibiotics be given? IV/ IM
(c) Given Anu’s body weight, determine the dose of each antibiotic:
Inj Ampicillin- 300 mg 6 hrly
Inj Gentamycin- 45 mg once a day

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

3.10: Give Micronutrients. Answer if they have feeds. Starter diet is a low sodium, low solute
any query. Remind participants that the children milk and is safe for young babies. However, all
with Vitamin A deficiency may have photophobia the mothers should be counselled regarding
and resist opening the eye. breastfeeding.)
ÒÒ Highlight importance of micronutrients for Ask the participants to read from Section 4.4, 4.5
proper recovery in children with SAM. Choice of and 4.6
supplements will vary according to availability ÒÒ Discuss indications to start NG feeding & continuing
of micronutrient formulations. Zinc preparations 2 hourly feeds.
are freely available. Explain that locally prepared
combined electrolyte – mineral solution can ÒÒ Demonstrate 24 hours Food intake chart & show
be used, if available, otherwise a commercial the participants how to record feeding. Explain
preparation with recommended amount of that all feeds, whether given by cup or by NG
supplements can be used. tube, need to be meticulously recorded. Instruct
them to open Section 4.5 showing an example of
ÒÒ Participants read Section 4: Initial feeding (4.1 Completed 24 Hours Food Intake Chart. Answer
& 4.2). any queries related to the feeding chart. Point
ÒÒ Explain that this section describes a critical aspect out that participants have learned about planning
of management of severe malnutrition, which is feeding for individual patients and for the ward.
feeding. However, feeding must begin cautiously It is important to set aside a planning time every
with Starter diet, in frequent and small amounts. day. Once each patient’s 24-Hour Feeding Chart is
These two sections will describe how to start reviewed and plans made for the day, then a Daily
feeding on Starter diet, transition to Catch-up Ward Feed Chart can be completed.
diet, and continue with free-feeding on Catch –up Remind the participants of the importance of:
ƒƒ starting with small frequent feeds of Starter diet
ÒÒ Lead a discussion on feeding of children with SAM.
Highlight that children with persistent diarrhoea ƒƒ making a gradual transition to Catch up diet
are also managed with Starter diet. A large number over a period of 3 days
of children will improve on this formula because ƒƒ adjusting the feeding plan on Catch up diet as
it has low lactose load. Only a small number of the child’s weight and appetite increase.
children will need lactose free diet as given in ƒƒ carefully preparing the hospital staff to
Table 4. undertake new feeding tasks.
ÒÒ (Participants may ask about giving Starter diet to ÒÒ Take participants to the wall charts showing Starter
babies who are “exclusively” breastfed. It is very diet and Catch-up diet reference charts. Explain
rare to find an exclusively breastfed baby who that the reference chart/s help in calculating the
is severely malnourished. If the baby is severely amount of feeds to be given. Highlight points given
malnourished, s/he requires the Starter diet but at the bottom of these charts (i.e volume in these
should be encouraged to breastfeed between columns are rounded to the nearest 5 ml etc).

Show the following table on the flip chart.

Age : 1 yr, Weight : 5 kg
Time Amount offered Amount left in cup Amount taken orally
8:00 55 20 35
10:00 55 15 40
12:00 55 20 35

Ask the participants if they see the patient at 12:30 pm leaves more than 20%) for 2 or 3 consecutive feeds.
what will be their action? Explain that the total amount of starter diet to be
ÒÒ Discuss that the child will need a NG tube if s/he given is based on admission weight and will not
does not take 80% of the Starter diet orally (i.e., change during the stabilization phase.

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

ÒÒ Ask participants to read Section 5: Rehabilitative DAY 2: CLINICAL SESSIONS
ÒÒ Explain that all children with SAM after stabilization Group 1
will need rehabilitation. Rehabilitative phase has Initial Management
three components- feeding catch-up diet, daily
care and involving mothers in care. To prepare: Arrange a place for participants to practice
ÒÒ Discuss signs that help to recognize readiness the testing of blood samples using glucometer. Plan how
for transition from starter diet to catch-up diet. the blood will be obtained. Gather a supply of gloves,
glucometer and supplies for obtaining blood samples.
Remind the participants that initially the children
In the morning and throughout the day, look for newly
are given same amount of catch-up diet 4 hourly
admitted patients who are severely malnourished.
for first 48 hours after transition. On 3rd day each
feed is increased by 10 ml as long as the child is
Brief the staffs who do initial management of severely
finishing feeds. If the child is receiving breastfeeds,
malnourished children about the objectives and plan
encourage mother to breastfeed in between feeds
for the clinical session. Get their ideas on board and
of Catch-up diet.
solicit their cooperation for participants to observe
ÒÒ After transition the child can feed freely on Catch- and, if feasible, participate in giving care.
up diet to an upper limit of 220ml/kg.
ÒÒ Participants may ask if it is permissible to give Remind participants to bring their module and a pen or
a child more Catch up diet if he is crying with pencil to the session.
hunger. Respond by saying that during transition,
it is very important to be cautious. If 4 hours is Participant Objectives
too long for a child to wait between feeds, it is
ÒÒ Observe initial management of severely acute
fine to give 3-hourly feeds, while keeping the total
malnourished children
daily amount the same. If a child continues to cry
for more, it is acceptable to give more only if the ÒÒ Identify clinical signs of severe malnutrition,
staff is able to monitor the child very closely for hypoglycaemia, hypothermia, shock dehydration.
danger signs. Later, after transition, more food can ÒÒ Practice blood sugar estimation by glucometer
be given according to the child’s appetite without
the need for such close monitoring. The amount of Instructor Procedures
catch up diet is based on current weight and will
increase during rehabilitation phase. 1. Share the objectives of the session with the
Video Demonstration 2. Position the participants in different areas of the
ward /triage so that they may closely observe the
Tell the participants that they will now be viewing a initial management of the child without getting in
video on the way. Explain to them what is being done. Brief
ÒÒ Transformation of SAM children on treatment. them on any emergency care that has already been
ÒÒ Initial emergency management of a SAM child. provided. If there are several patients, spread out
the participants so that they can be more involved.
Assemble all the participants for video demonstration 3. Keep the focus on initial management, but point
and ensure all of them can see the projection. Ask out other important features whenever they are
them to watch the video and to note down their observed (e.g., a child with dermatosis, oedema of
queries. Facilitators can address the queries at the end feet, corneal ulceration and so on).
of the video session. If required, the video can be put 4. Under supervision of the hospital staff /team and
on ‘rewind’ for viewing any particular sections linked the facilitators, participants should practice the
to the query/ies. following:

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

ƒƒ checking for signs of shock: lethargic/ Participant Objectives
unconscious, plus cold hand, plus slow capillary
refill and weak/fast pulse ÒÒ Learn how to prepare Starter and Catch-up diet.

ƒƒ Identifying signs of possible dehydration in a ÒÒ Review 24-hour food intake charts and plan feeds
severely acute malnourished child for the next day

ƒƒ taking temperature
Instructor Procedures
ƒƒ re-warming the child
ƒƒ giving first feed ÒÒ Review the objectives for the clinical session.
Explain that the focus today will be about
ƒƒ measuring and giving ORS
making decisions on the feeding plan for a child.
ƒƒ monitoring a child on ORS Participants will also continue to practice feeding
ƒƒ Determine appropriate antibiotics and dosages. tasks.
They should refer to the Antibiotics Reference ÒÒ Demonstrate preparation of Starter and Catch-up
Card as needed. diets. Explain the ingredients of diets and their
Ask the participants to record information about preparation. Highlight the need to use a dietary
the patients that they have been assigned. Unless scale that is accurate. Choose a suitable container
the child is too ill, this will involve weighing and for weighing the ingredients. Weigh the empty
measuring the child. (If the child is too ill, use a container first, and account for this when weighing
weight/height from the hospital record). the ingredients. For measuring oil, choose a small
container to reduce the surface to which the oil can
5. After all participants have finished, conduct a
stick. Let the oil drain out well when transferring
round of the ward and ask each participant to
it to the blender or jug. Then rinse the container
present their findings. Point out the clinical signs of
with a little boiled water and add the rinsing to the
severe acute malnutrition, when they are present.
blender or jug.
Appreciate the participants if they have made a
good clinical assessment of the child. ÒÒ Discuss feeding of one of the admitted child. Give
a brief history of the child (how many days has
Group 2 the child been in the hospital, admission weight,
clinical signs on admission, etc.). Distribute copies
Demonstration of different diets of the previous one or two days’ 24-hour food
To prepare: Utensils, measuring jars and materials for intake charts for the child. Participants can share
preparation of Starter and Catch-up diet. (Milk, sugar, copies of the intake charts and then return them
lukewarm water, puffed rice powder, vegetable oil), to you. Ask participants questions about the child’
hand/electric blender, dietary measuring scale. feeding, for e.g: What was s/he fed yesterday?
How often was s/he fed? Did the amount increase
Confirm the feeding schedule so that you will know during the day? Were there any problems?
when to schedule the activities during the session. ÒÒ Tell the participants the child’s weight today.
(Weigh the child if necessary). Ask participants
Identify several children at different stages of feeding: what the child should be fed today (Starter or
child on NG tube feeding, children ready for decreasing Catch-up, how many feeds, how much, and by
the frequency of feeds, children ready for transition what means (NG or cup). Ask the participants to
to Catch-up diet and so on. Get a copy of previous use their reference cards and then write down
day’s 24-hour food intake chart or fill in a 24-hour food their answers at the top of a blank 24-hour feeding
intake chart for each child. Make copies to share with chart. Discuss what participants decided and why?
the participants.
ÒÒ Tell the participants to calculate total amount of
feeds required for their Nutrition Rehabilitation
Ward if they have six patients admitted. The
details are as follows:

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Name Day of Admission Weight (Kg) Type of feed Frequency
Rani Day 1 4.2 Starter 2-hourly
Sonu Day 10 5.3 Catch-up 4-hourly
Tinku Day 11 5.2 Catch-up 4-hourly
Abdul Day 2 3.7 Starter 3-hourly
Shyam Day 6 4.3 Catch-up 4-hourly
Salman Day 18 5.7 Catch-up 4-hourly

Give copy of the details of admitted patients to participants.

Name Starter Catch-up
Rani 45 x 12 = 540
Sonu 200 x 6 = 1200
Tinku 190 x 12 = 2280
Abdul 85 x 8 = 680
Shyam 160 x 6 = 960
Salman 215 x 6 = 1290
TOTAL 1220 5730

At the end of session:

Summarize the key learning from the day. Answer any queries from the participants.

Day-3: List of activities

Preparation for Day 3 development. Remind the participants that sensory
stimulation is started from the stabilization phase
1. Video CD
and is continued after discharge. Even when the
2. Toys for demonstration during clinical sessions
child is sick, the mother should touch, hold and
3. Post test questions copy
comfort the baby. As the child gets better s/he
4. Participant Evaluation Forms
needs to have age appropriate structured play
therapy. Explain that the term ‘structured’ means
3.1: Classroom Session that the play therapy is carried in planned and
ÒÒ Ask participants to read Section 5.2: Daily Care pre-designed manner. Emotional and physical
from till exercise G. stimulation through play therapy that continue
after discharge can substantially reduce the risk
ÒÒ Highlight importance of sensory stimulation in of permanent mental and emotional damage. The
recovery. As children become malnourished they malnourished child also needs interaction with
gradually reduce their activity. In severe cases other children during rehabilitation.
they don’t play, cry, smile, complain or show
normal emotions – they become lethargic and ÒÒ Ask participants to attempt exercise G and give
feeble. Because they don’t play, they don’t learn individual feedback.
and this leads to delayed mental and behavioural

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Answer to exercise G
1. Rani has corneal clouding. She has not received a dose of vitamin A in the last months.
On what days should this child receive vitamin A? - Days 1, 2, and 14
What eye drops should be given, if any? - Antibiotics and atropine eye drops
2. Arun has a Bitot’s spot and inflammation. He has not received a dose of vitamin A in the last month. On what days
should this child receive vitamin A? –Vitamin A on Days 1, 2 and 14.
What eye drops should be given, if any? - Antibiotic eye drops

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

ÒÒ Tell participants to read Section 5.2.6: Recognize child’s mother can provide more continuous
danger signs and Section 5.2.7: Provide continuing stimulation and loving attention than busy staff.
care at night.
ƒƒ When mothers are involved in care at the
ÒÒ Recapitulate that monitoring is critical so that hospital, they learn how to continue care for
problems can be identified and treatment can their children at home.
be adjusted accordingly. Summarize danger
ƒƒ Mothers can make a valuable contribution and
signs other than increase in pulse rate. Ask one
reduce the workload of staff by helping with
of the participants to explain the importance of
activities such as bathing and feeding children.
recognizing these danger signs. Emphasize that
presence of these signs indicate complication or ÒÒ Participants read Section 7: Prepare for discharge
associated infections like nosocomial infection and and follow up.
require specific treatment. ÒÒ Emphasize that the criteria for discharge should
ÒÒ Demonstrate plotting of weight for an individual be flexible depending upon the local and individual
patient on a flip chart. Explain plotting of weight circumstances. The key problem with prolonged
on a blank weight chart. Explain to the participants hospitalization is high risk of nosocomial infections
that on Y-axis the base line weight has to be marked and mother’s unwillingness to stay for long period.
and plotted depending on the individual patient’s ÒÒ Participants read Section 8: Management of SAM
weight. Oedematous children may have weight loss
children less than 6 months of age and Section 9:
in first few days. Example of weight record chart is
Management of SAM in HIV exposed/HIV infected
shown on next page.
ÒÒ Participants complete exercise H; check each
ÒÒ Emphasize that the management of severely
participant’s responses and provide feedback.
malnourished children less than 6 months depends
ÒÒ Participants read Section 6: Involving Mothers in on whether breastfeeding option is available or
care. not. For non-breastfed babies stabilization is with
ÒÒ Highlight importance of involving mothers in care. Starter diet but in rehabilitative phase they are
Mothers needs to be involved in care as given diluted Catch up diet.
ƒƒ Emotional and physical stimulation are crucial ÒÒ Emphasize that children with SAM who are HIV
for the child’s recovery and can reduce the risk exposed or infected, the management is similar.
of developmental and emotional problems. The Management of malnutrition gets preference over

Answers to Exercise I
Calculate the daily weight gain for the children described below. Assume that the weights were taken at about the same
time each day.
1. Manish weighed 7.25 kg on Day 10. He weighed 7.30 kg on Day 11. What was his weight gain in g/kg/day? 6.8 gm/kg/
2. Kavita weighed 6.22 kg on Day 8. She weighed 6.25 kg on Day 9. What was her weight gain in g/kg/day? 4.8 gm/kg/
3. Gaurav weighed 7.6 kg on Day 9. He weighed 7.5 kg on Day 10. What was his weight gain in g/kg/day? 13 gm/kg/day

starting antiretroviral therapy (ART). If there is a reach practical solutions for the problems raised
need for ART, it should be started once the child is by the participants.
ÒÒ Demonstrate calculation of weight gain on a flip
ÒÒ Participants read Section 10: Monitoring and chart.
Problem solving.
ƒƒ Admission weight 5 kg
ÒÒ Lead a discussion on common problems and possible
ƒƒ On day 10 – 5.5 kg
solutions. Also try to learn from participant what
type of problems they are experiencing? Try to ƒƒ So total weight gain 5500 – 5000 gms = 500 gms

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

ƒƒ 500 gms in 10 days and helpful to the mother, correcting her nicely if
ƒƒ 50 gmm in 1 day she misunderstands.

ƒƒ i.e 10 gm/kg/day Mother

ÒÒ Emphasize that a child is said to have good weight ÒÒ You are very eager to go home after 18 days in
gain when weight increases by 10 gm/kg/day or the hospital with your 2-year-old son, but you are
more. concerned that you may not have all the necessary
ÒÒ Participants are asked to complete exercise I. foods at home to keep him healthy. For example,
you may not have (meat or local source of protein).
Role play – Giving discharge instructions You wonder if you can feed him something else.
ÒÒ You understand most of what the nurse says, but
ÒÒ During the role play observers should refer to the you miss a few points when she asks you checking
Discharge Cards and make notes in order to answer questions. (This will allow the nurse to correct you
the questions in the module. After the role play, in a nice way).
use these questions to structure a brief discussion.
Ask the participants to read following sections:
ÒÒ Also ask whether this type of Discharge Card would 1 section 10.2.2: Identify the child who is failing
be useful in participant’s own hospital. How would to respond
they need to modify it?
2 Section 10.2.3: Determine cause(s) of failure to
Role Descriptions
3 Section 10.2.4: Indicate and implement solutions
Nurse for the individual child and
Explain to the mother the instructions given on 4 Section 10.3: Monitoring patient outcomes
the discharge card, following the same sequence
and covering all of the information on the card. Ask Recapitulate the criteria for failure to respond.
the mother checking questions to ensure that she
understands. Specific information that this mother Failure to regain Day 4
needs includes: appetite
Failure to start to lose Day 4
ÒÒ Give 3 meals of family foods each day, plus 2
nutritious snacks between meals. Include local
cereal with oil or other energy-rich food added, a Oedema still present Day 10
variety of (local) vegetables and fruits, and (local)
sources of protein. Good snacks include (local Day 3: Clinical Sessions
Group 1
ÒÒ Continue multivitamin. (Give her supply to last 1
week until first follow-up. Tell her how to give it ÒÒ Demonstration of toys and structural play therapy
to the child).
ÒÒ Show participants the video on structured play
ÒÒ Continue folic acid. (Give her supply to last 1 week therapy and involving mothers in care. Explain that
until follow-up. Tell her how to give it to the child). the toys for play therapy need not be expensive
ÒÒ Continue iron twice daily. (Give her supply to last and can be made from simple available materials
1 week until follow-up. Tell her how to give it to e.g. cola cans, match boxes covered with bright
the child). paper, rags etc.

ÒÒ This child is up-to-date on immunizations. ÒÒ Emphasize the need for age appropriate toys which
should be safe as well.
ÒÒ Register the child at local AWC.
ÒÒ The child needs a follow-up visit in 2 week. Group 2
Also given information on danger signs, how to play ÒÒ Participants do case studies 1-5 given below.
with the child etc. You are consistently courteous
ÒÒ Discuss answers in group

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide


Case Study 1: Sunil

Sunil is a 15 month old boy who has been unwell for 5 weeks. For the last 3 days he has diarrhoea. Sunil is
lethargic and limp on arrival at the hospital, and the doctor assumes his blood glucose is low without testing
the blood sample. Sunil’s temperature does not record on a standard thermometer. Hands are cold and pulse is
150/min, weak. His gums, lips, and inner eyelids appear normal in colour (not pale). His weight is 5.8 kg, visible
wasting is present but there is no pedal oedema.

1a. List problems you have identified in this child.



1b. Write treatment that Sunil needs immediately.



Sunil is given IV fluids starting at 9.45 am. His respiratory rate at that time is 48 breaths per minute, and his pulse
rate is 150. Sunil is monitored every 10 minutes over the next hour, and both his respiratory and pulse rates slow
down during this time. At 10:45 am his respiratory rate is 40 and his pulse rate is 106. His length was measured,
which is 69 cm.

1c. What should be done for the next hour?



After two hours of IV fluids, Sunil is alert enough to drink, although he still appears unwell. His blood glucose has
been tested and is now 80 mg/dl. His haemoglobin is 8.5 g/dl. He is weighed again, and his new weight is 6.0 kg.

1d. What should Sunil be given in alternate hours over the next period of up to 10 hours?


Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Case Study 2: Shyam
Ten months old Shyam has been brought with loose stools and vomiting for last 3 days. There is no history of blood
in the stool. Shyam is severely wasted and has some mild dermatosis. He has no pedal oedema. His weight is 4.4.
kg and length is 64 cm.

Shyam’s temperature is 37.8 °C and his blood glucose is 88 mg/dl. His extremities are warm, CFT is less than 3
seconds and pulse rate is 124/min. His haemoglobin is 10 g/dl. His eyes appear clear and he has not had measles.
When the doctor does a skin pinch, it goes back slowly. Eyes are sunken and Shyam drinks eagerly.

2a. Using the above information about Shyam, what is your assessment of dehydration?

2b. What treatment you will give?


Shyam is first given ORS at 9:00 am. His respiratory rate is 28 and his pulse rate is 105. He eagerly takes the full
amount. At 9:30 am his respiratory rate still 28 and his pulse rate is 105. Shyam has not passed urine. He has had
one loose stool but no vomiting. There has been no change in hydration signs. Again Shyam takes the full amount

The columns below show Shyam’s progress during the next hour. He continues to take the full amount of ORS.

Time 10:00 10:30

Resp. rate 28 25
Pulse rate 105 100
Passed urine Y/N N Y
Number stools 0 0
Number vomits 1 0
Hydration signs Same Same

2c. At 11:00, Shyam is ready to begin the next period of treatment, during which ORS and Starter
diet are given in alternate hours. How much ORS should Shyam be given in alternate hours?


2d. What signs of overhydration should be watched for during this period?


At 12:00 Shyam’s respiratory rate remains at 25 and his pulse rate at 100. He has passed no urine or stools in the
past hour and he has not vomited. When a skin pinch is done, it returns normally. Shyam now has tears as well as
a moist mouth. Shyam is weighed again. He now weighs 4.5 kg. Shyam continues to be willing to drink within the
recommended range, although he does not drink eagerly.

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

2e. What signs of improving hydration does Shyam show?


2f. Should ORS be continued. Why or why not?



2g. What should be given to Shyam in the next hour (starting at 12:00)? Write amount.


2h. If Shyam’s diarrhoea continues, what should he be given after each loose stool? How much
should be given?


Case Study 3 - Rani

Rani a 7 months old girl is admitted with diarrhoea of 20 days. Her weight, length and MUAC is 3.9 kg, 65 cms
and 10.5 cms respectively. There is no pedal oedema. Her blood sugar is 60 mg/dl & temperature is 37 degree
centigrade. On assessment her breathing is normal, extremities are warm, CFT is less than 3 seconds and pulse
rate is 126 per minute. There is no dehydration.

a. Write the feeding plan for this child.



b. You have given the planned feed for 4 days. If diarrhoea is persisting & there is no weight gain
then what causes should be looked for?


Case Study 4 - Mithoo

Look at the 24 hour food intake chart on the next page.

4a. At what times did Mithoo’s feeding day begin and end?


Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

4b. How many times was Mithoo fed during the 24 hour period?


4c. What amount of Starter diet was Mithoo offered at each feed?


4d. At 10:00 did Mithoo take enough (80%) of the Starter diet orally?


4e. At 12:00 did Mithoo take enough of the Starter diet offered?


4f. What apparently happened at the 14:00 feed?



4g. How was the feeding method changed at 16:00? Why do you think the staff changed the feeding


4h. How was Mithoo fed from 20:00 to 2:00?



4i. At 4:00 and 6:00 did Mithoo take enough Starter diet orally?


4j. What was the total volume of Starter diet taken by Mithoo over the 24 hour period? Include the
amount taken orally and by NG tube, and subtract the amount vomited.


Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Case Study 5 – Deepak
Deepak began transition on Day 4. On Days 4 and 5 he was given 95 ml Catch-up diet per feed. On day 6 he
increased to 125 ml by the last feed of the day. On Day 7 Deepak began free feeding on Catch-up diet. Deepak is
fed 4 hourly. Deepak’s 24 hour intake chart for Day 7 is on the following page.

5a. What volume of Catch-up diet was Deepak offered at his last feed on Day 7?


5b. On Day 8 Deepak’s weight is 42 kg. What is the range of volumes of Catch-up diet that is
appropriate for Deepak fr each 4 hourly feed?


5c. What should be the starting amount of Catch-up diet given on Day 8?


Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

5d. What instructions should be written on the 24 hour food intake chart concerning the amount
of Catch-up diet to offer at subsequent feeds on Day 8?


5e. On Day 8 Deepak reached the maximum volume per feed and still wanted more. The nurse
gave him no more than the maximum allowed. On Day 9 Deepak’s weight is 4.4 kg. What should
be the starting amount of Catch-up diet on Day 9? Should this amount be increased during the


Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide


1a. Hypothermia, Shock, Severe Acute Malnutrition. 3a. Starter diet 40 ml every 2 hr.
1b. Sunil needs following treatment immediately: 3b. 1) Underlying infections – HIV, UTI, Pneumonia,
ƒƒ Oxygen Fungal infections etc.

ƒƒ 5 ml of 10% glucose by IV (29 ml) 2) Osmotic diarrhoea if Starter diet is being

prepared with milk powder.
ƒƒ IV fluids (Ringer’s lactate in 5% Dextrose or
half normal saline with 5% glucose or Ringer’s CASE STUDY 4: MITHOO
lactate) - 87 ml over 1 hour
ƒƒ Active rewarming 4a. 08.00 AM and 06.00 PM
1c. Repeat 87 ml of IV fluids (Ringer’s lactate in 5% 4b. 12
Dextrose or half normal saline with 5% glucose or 4c. 35 ml
Ringer’s lactate) in next 1 hour.
4d. No (less than 80%)
1d. ORS and Starter diet in alternate hours.
4e. No (less than 80%)
CASE STUDY 2: SHYAM 4f. He refused most of the feed and vomited the small
amount that he took.
2a. Shyam has some dehydration. 4g. He was fed by Nasogastric tube. It was changed
2b. Oral rehydration therapy. because Mithoo did not take 80% of the 3 successive
2c. 22-44 ml of ORS feeds.

2d. Increase in pulse and respiratory rate 4h. First offered orally and then he was given the rest
by NG tube.
ƒƒ Puffiness of eyelids
4i. Yes, Mithoo took more than 80% of Starter diet
ƒƒ Engorgement of jugular veins
4j. 345 ml (200 ml taken orally + 155 ml taken by NG –
2e. He has passed urine 10 ml vomited).
ƒƒ He is no longer thirsty
ƒƒ He has a moist mouth and tears CASE STUDY 5: DEEPAK
ƒƒ He is skin pinch 5a. 135 ml
2f. Stop offering ORS routinely in alternate hours since 5b. 105 ml – 155 ml
he has more than 3 signs of improving hydration.
(Give ORS after each loose stool instead). 5c. 135 ml

2g. Give Starter diet. Give 50 ml (based on rehydrated 5d. Increase by 10 ml if finishing feeds. Do not exceed
weight). 155 ml

2h. He should be given 50 ml of ORS after each loose 5e. 160 ml is the starting amount. It should not be
stool to replace stool losses. increased by Day 9, as 160 ml is the maximum
amount for a child weighing 4.4 kg

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition


Name: _______________________________________________ Age (in months) _________________Sex________

Weight (in Kg) _________Temp __________ Date of registration (dd /mm/yy) 
Hosp. Reg. No._______________________ SAM No._____________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________Phone No.______________________________________________
Complaints :_____________________________________________________________________________________

Family information:
Mother: Name_________________Age (in years)________Education________________ Profession______________
Father : Name_________________Age (in years)________Education________________ Profession______________
No of family members ______________ Average daily family income___________Education___________________
No of siblings_____________ Water supply_______________________

Sanitation facility: open defecation / latrine Electricity- yes / no Refrigerator – yes/no

History: ( Informer-Mother/ Father/ Grandmother/ other care giver)

ÒÒ Appetite- Good/ Poor (Do appetite test if facility available)
ÒÒ Diarrhoea – Yes/No
ÒÒ Vomiting – Yes / No
ÒÒ Urinary complaints – Yes/No/ Not Known
ÒÒ Fever- Yes / No
ÒÒ Cough –Yes/No
ÒÒ Lethargy –Yes/ No
ÒÒ Swelling of limbs/ body- Yes/ No
ÒÒ Skin Changes - Yes/ No

Immunization History: (Circle all which received)

BCG, , OPV (1,2,3), DPT (1,2,3), Measles, DPT & OPV booster , Hepatis-B (1,2,3)

Dietary History:
ÒÒ Breastfeeds: yes/ no
ÒÒ Any other milk: yes / no; if yes which milk?___________________How?______________Over dilution –yes/no

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

ÒÒ Complementary feeds – yes / no ; if yes age of introduction _______________________ No. of time
ÒÒ Dietary Recall: list all the foods and drinks consumed int 24 hours in addition to breastfeeds. Note amount
(approx.) of each by showing a suitable katori/glass.

Time Food items consumed Appropriate amount (g)

Morning (breakfast)

Mid-morning (snacks, if any)

Afternoon (lunch)

Evening (snacks, if any)


Pre-sleep (milk/snack, if any)

Midnight (snack, if any)


ÒÒ Weight( in gms) _____________Height/ Length( in Cms)________________W/ H SD Score_________________
ÒÒ MUAC( in Cms)______________________
ÒÒ Heart rate___________________Respiratory rate___________________
ÒÒ Temperature___________________CRT___________________
ÒÒ Chest indrawing ___________________Cyanosis : yes/ no
ÒÒ Visible Severe Wasting – yes/ no B/L pedal oedema-yes/ no; if yes grade- +/++/+++
ÒÒ Alert/ irritable/lethargic
ÒÒ Hair changes: yes/ no if yes describe____________________________________________________________
ÒÒ Skin changes : yes/ no if yes describe___________________________________________________________
ÒÒ Eye – signs of Vitamin A def : yes/no if yes describe_________________________________________________
ÒÒ Ear discharge- yes/ no f yes- pus/ watery duration_________________________________________________
ÒÒ Mouth- Glossitis/Oral thrush/Glossitis/ Angular Smotatis
ÒÒ Pallor – yes/ no if yes some/ severe
ÒÒ Lymphadenopathy – yes/ no if yes describe_________________________________________________________
ÒÒ If diarrhoea – no dehydration / dehydration present

Systemic examination

Respiratory system-

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Abdominal system

Cardio-vascular system

Central nervous system


Hb___________PCV_______________Total Leukocyte count___________________Blood lucose_________________

Blood culture: sterile / growth; if growth - describe __________________________________________________

Urine R/M_______________________________________________________________________________________

Urine C/S: sterile / growth; if growth - describe_________________________________________________________

Chest X-ray – normal/ abnormal, if abnormal - describe_____________________________________________________

Mantoux test-

Any other Investigations

Daily Care:

Days in hospital Day--- Day--- Day 3--- Day 4---- Day 5---
Weight (gms)
Type of feed
Total volume intake (in 24
Any IV fluids

Vit A
Vit K
Folic Acid

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Blank Weight Chart
Weight on admission_______________________________Weight on discharge______________________________



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Recording form for clinical session-1

Name: _____________________________Age (in months) _________Sex______Weight (in Kg)_____Temp_______

Date of registration (dd /mm/yy) 

Complaints for which brought :______________________________________________________________________

Assess for emergency signs (Make sure child is warm during assessment & history)

Assess ( Circle all signs present) Emergency treatment

( if any sign present first give treatment before further assessment)


ÒÒ Not breathing or gasping or
ÒÒ Central cyanosis or
ÒÒ Severe respiratory distress
Cold hands with
ÒÒ CRT > 3 seconds
ÒÒ Weak and fast Pulse
Coma/ Convulsing
ÒÒ Coma
ÒÒ Convulsing now

Severe Dehydration
Diarrhoea plus any of the two of these:
ÒÒ Lethargy
ÒÒ Sunken eyes
ÒÒ Very slow skin pinch

Assessment of nutritional status

Weight( in gms) ____________________Height/ Length( in Cms)_________________W/ H SD Score____________

MUAC (in Cms)_____________

Visible Severe Wasting – yes/ no B/L pedal oedema-yes/ no; if yes grade- +/++/+++


Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Recording form for clinical session-1

Name: _____________________________Age (in months) _________Sex______Weight (in Kg)_____Temp_______

Date of registration (dd /mm/yy) 

Complaints for which brought :______________________________________________________________________

Assess for emergency signs (Make sure child is warm during assessment & history). Treat emergency signs if

Assessment of nutritional status

Weight( in gms) ____________________Height/ Length( in Cms)_________________W/ H SD Score____________

MUAC (in Cms)_____________

Visible Severe Wasting – yes / no B / L pedal oedema-yes / no; if yes, grade- +/++/+++

ÒÒ Heart rate_______________Respiratory rate_______________
ÒÒ Temperature_______________CRT_______________
ÒÒ Visible Severe Wasting – yes / no B/L pedal oedema - yes / no; if yes, grade- +/++/+++
ÒÒ Alert/ irritable / lethargic
ÒÒ Hair changes: yes / no; if yes, describe�����������������������������������������������������������
ÒÒ Skin changes : yes / no; if yes, describe����������������������������������������������������������
ÒÒ Eye – signs of Vitamin A def : yes / no, if yes, describe����������������������������������������������
ÒÒ Ear discharge- yes / no; if yes - pus / watery duration����������������������������������������������
ÒÒ Mouth- Glossitis / Oral thrush/Glossitis / Angular Smotatis
ÒÒ Pallor – yes / no; if yes, some / severe
ÒÒ Lymphadenopathy – yes / no; if yes, describe������������������������������������������������������
ÒÒ If diarrhoea – no dehydration / dehydration present

Systemic examination
Respiratory system-
Abdominal system-
Cardio-vascular system-
Central nervous system-

Problems identified:


Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide


Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition


Q1. Which of the following cut offs is used to c. 54 gm/dl

identify severe acute malnutrition in infants d. 60 mg/dl
more than 6 months of age?
a. Weight-for-age less than -3 SD Q6. Hypothermia in SAM children is defined as
b. Weight-for-height less than -2 SD
axillary temperature less than
a. 35 degree C
c. Mid arm circumference (MUAC) <11.5 cm
b. 35.5 degree C
d. Wasting
c. 36 degree C
Q2. Which one of the following practices does d. 36.5 degree C
not contribute in high case fatality in Severe
Acute Malnutrition? Q7. Which one of the following statement
a. Excessive use of IV fluids is not correct regarding a SAM child with
b. Use of diuretics and albumin
a. The hypoglycemic child is usually hypothermic as
c. High index of suspicion for infection
d. Early use of diets high in proteins and energy
b. Sweating and pallor is common in SAM children
e. Early treatment with oral iron with hypoglycaemia
c. The child may present with lethargy or drowsiness
Q3. Which one of the following statement is
correct? d. Should be investigated for infections

a. Baggy pants appearance is not a sign of severe

Q8. Which one of the following is not
recommended as a treatment of severe
b. Standing height is 0.7 cm less than recumbent hypothermia in children with SAM?
a. Warm humidified oxygen
c. SAM children have non-pitting type of pedal
oedema b. 5 ml/kg of 10% dextrose IV or 50 ml of 10% dextrose
by nasogastric route
d. If the child is 1 year or older then standing height
should be measured c. Intravenous antibiotics
d. Rapid re-warming
Q4. Which one of the following is not an
emergency sign in a SAM child? Q9. Hari is 36 months old and weighs 7.4 kg. He
a. Central cyanosis has blood sugar of 42 mg/dl. What immediate
treatment Hari should be given?
b. Respiratory rate more than 60
c. Diarrhoea with severe dehydration ______________________________________________
d. Shock
Q10. Write down the amount of ORS to be
e. Convulsions
given to a SAM child weighing 4 kg with some
dehydration during first 2 hours?
Q5. Hypoglycaemia is defined as blood sugar
less than
a. 40 gm/dl
b. 45 gm/dl

Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition Facilitator Guide

Q11. A SAM child was admitted with signs of Q16. Which one of the following criteria is
shock and is lethargic. Which one of the following not used for identification of Severe ACUTE
statement is incorrect regarding management? Malnutrition in children less than 6 months of
a. Give IV 10% glucose 5 ml/kg as bolus age.
b. Give oxygen a. Weight for length less than -3 SD

c. Give 20 ml/kg of normal saline as bolus b. Visible severe wasting

d. Give 15 ml/kg of ringer’s lactate with 5% dextrose c. Oedema of both feet

over 1 hour d. MUAC less than 11.5

Q12. Nasogastric feeding is given if oral intake Q17. Select the incorrect statement about
is less than ________ percentage of calculated feeding.
feed in two or more consecutives feed. a. Starter diet is calculated according to admission
a. 50% weight
b. 70% b. Catch-up diet is calculated according to admission
c. 80% weight

d. 100% c. Starter diet is given 130 ml/kg in SAM children with

Q13. Which one of the following is not correct? d. Catch-up diet is given in the range 150-220 ml/kg
a. Give all severe malnourished children antibiotics
Q18. Blood transfusion is required in SAM
b. For septic shock given third generation
children if -
cephalosporin along with gentamycin
a. Hb is less than 10 g/dl
c. In meningitis, give only IV cefotaxime or ceftriaxone
alone b. Hb is less than 8 g/dl

d. SAM with dysentery give Ciprofloxacin as first line c. Hb is less than 6 g/dl
drug d. Hb is less than 4 g/dl

Q14. Select oral dose of vitamin A to be given to Q19. SAM children should receive mineral
a 13 months old SAM child weighing 6 kg. supplements for at least -
a. 50000 IU a. 7 days
b. 100000 IU b. 10 days
c. 150000 IU c. 14 days
d. 200000 IU d. 90 days

Q15. Which one of the following is not a common Q20. Select the criteria used to identify a child
complication seen in SAM children. who is failing to respond.
a. Infection a. Failure to regain appetite by day 10
b. Hyperkalemia b. Failure to start to loose oedema by day 7
c. Hypothermia c. Failure to gain atleast 5 gm/kg/day for 3 successive
d. Hypoglycaemia days after feeding freely on Catch-up diet
d. All of the above

Facilitator Guide Facility-Based Care of Severe Acute Malnutrition


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