Health Environment Aquaculture I To 12

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Edited by

Edmir Daniel Carvalho,

Gianmarco Silva David
Reinaldo J. Silva

Edited by Edmir Daniel Carvalho,
Gianmarco Silva David and Reinaldo J. Silva

Health and Environment in Aquaculture
Edited by Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Gianmarco Silva David and Reinaldo J. Silva

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Health and Environment in Aquaculture,
Edited by Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Gianmarco Silva David and Reinaldo J. Silva
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0497-1


Preface IX
Part 1 Parasitic Diseases 1
Chapter 1 Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa 3
Hiroshi Yokoyama, Daniel Grabner
and Sho Shirakashi
Chapter 2 Metazoan Parasites of the
European Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax
(Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica 43
Laetitia Antonelli and Bernard Marchand
Chapter 3 Parasitic Diseases in Cultured
Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico 63
Emma J. Fajer-vila, Oscar B. Del Ro-Zaragoza
and Miguel Betancourt-Lozano
Part 2 Bacterial Diseases 95
Chapter 4 Molecular Detection and
Characterization of Furunculosis
and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections 97
Roxana Beaz Hidalgo and Mara Jos Figueras
Chapter 5 An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors
of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria 133
Jessica Mndez, Pilar Reimundo, David Prez-Pascual,
Roberto Navais, Esther Gmez, Desire Cascales
and Jos A. Guijarro
Part 3 Antibiotics and Probiotics 157
Chapter 6 Antibiotics in Aquaculture
Use, Abuse and Alternatives 159
Jaime Romero, Carmen Gloria Feijo
and Paola Navarrete
VI Contents

Chapter 7 The Use of Antibiotics in Shrimp Farming 199
M.C. Bermdez-Almada and A. Espinosa-Plascencia
Chapter 8 Probiotics in Aquaculture Benefits to the
Health, Technological Applications and Safety 215
Xuxia Zhou and Yanbo Wang
Chapter 9 Probiotics in Aquaculture of
Kuwait Current State and Prospect 227
Ahmed Al-marzouk and Azad I. Saheb
Part 4 Applied Topics of Cellular and Molecular Biology 249
Chapter 10 Use of Microarray Technology
to Improve DNA Vaccines in Fish
Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model 251
P. Encinas, E. Gomez-Casado, A. Estepa and J.M. Coll
Chapter 11 Fighting Virus and Parasites
with Fish Cytotoxic Cells 277
M. ngeles Esteban, Jos Meseguer
and Alberto Cuesta
Chapter 12 Bacteriocins of Aquatic
Microorganisms and Their Potential
Applications in the Seafood Industry 303
Suphan Bakkal, Sandra M. Robinson
and Margaret A. Riley
Chapter 13 The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities 329
Elisabeth Ytteborg, Jacob Torgersen,
Grete Baeverfjord and Harald Takle
Part 5 Ecological Impacts of Fish Farming 359
Chapter 14 Ecological Features of Large
Neotropical Reservoirs and Its
Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish 361
Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Reinaldo Jos da Silva,
Igor Paiva Ramos, Jaciara Vanessa Krger Paes,
Augusto Seawright Zanatta, Heleno Brando,
rica de Oliveira Penha Zica, Andr Batista Nobile,
Aline Angelina Acosta and Gianmarco Silva David
Part 6 Work-Related Hazards Prevention and Mitigation 383
Chapter 15 Aquacultural Safety and Health 385
Melvin L. Myers and Robert M. Durborow
Contents VII

Part 7 Spread of Pathogens from Marine Cage 401
Chapter 16 Spread of Pathogens from Marine Cage
Aquaculture A Potential Threat for Wild
Fish Assemblages Under Protection Regimes? 403
Antonio Terlizzi, Perla Tedesco and Pierpaolo Patarnello


Aquaculture is a modality of food production that has been experiencing continuous
expansion in many countries worldwide. This expansion brings the challenge of
developing reliable tools for disease control, to assure high productivity of healthy
seafood. The increase of farmed fish production raises the issue of achieving a
sustainable and environmental friendly aquaculture. The adoption of best
management practices in the whole production chain, based on state of the art
scientific knowledge, is the key for sustainable health management. In this book,
experts from several countries bring updated information about some of the main
health issues that currently affects aquaculture. Topics concerning pathogens,
antibiotics, probiotics, cell biology, ecological interactions, and safety are included in
the six sections of this book.
The first section is entitled as Parasitic diseases, addressing issues and impacts of
parasites upon aquaculture. The first chapter is the Transmission biology of the
myxozoa, which explains about the diseases that some myxozoans cause in marine
and freshwater fish, and how they can be a problem for aquaculture and fishery
industries. It also elucidates the life cycle of myxozoans, that involves invertebrates,
and a vertebrate host that is typically a fish. However, there are no commercially
available chemotherapeutants and vaccines to treat myxozoan infections. This review
summarizes the current knowledge on the transmission biology of myxozoans, which
would be useful for designing management strategies for related diseases. The second
chapter is Metazoan parasites of cultured European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax
(Linneaus 1758) from Corsica. It is a study relating that parasitic infections and
associated diseases have emerged in aquaculture systems in many regions of Europe,
resulting in significant economical losses. This study points out that wild fish are
believed to be the primary reservoirs of parasite infection for fish farmed in cages, and
environmental conditions in culture systems may favor disease transmission,
threatening production activity. In this sense, it is considered that animals reared in
sea-cages are exposed to a large number of parasitic agents. The third chapter is
Parasitic diseases in cultured marine fish in Northwest Mexico. This chapter
summarizes the main parasitic diseases that affect marine fish species with
aquaculture potential in the Norwest Pacific coast of Mexico, emphasising proper
strategies for their control. The study shows the need to perform parasite treatment
and control applying prophylactic and therapeutic measures.
X Preface

In the section Bacterial diseases, the fourth chapter Updated information of
Aeromonas infections and furunculosis derived from molecular methods focuses on
the bacteria Aeromonas salmonicida, the causal agent of furunculosis, considered a
particularly important fish pathogen mainly due to its widespread distribution and
ability to infect a diverse range of hosts, causing massive mortalities and economic
losses. Additionally, climate change has been considered to play a role in the
appearance and impact of furunculosis. The study undertakes molecular techniques in
Aeromonas infections in fish, including significant advances in genomics and taxonomy
of these microorganisms. The fifth chapter is An overview on virulence-associated
factors of Gram-negative fish pathogenic bacteria, which addresses the issue of
bacterial outbreaks causing important economic losses for aquaculture. Gram-negative
bacteria have long been recognized as a cause of the most prevalent fish pathologies in
the aquaculture industry. The application of in vivo and in vitro molecular techniques
to fish pathogenic bacteria resulted in the characterization of novel virulence
determinants and allowed to increase the knowledge of bacterial pathogenic
mechanisms. This review deals with representative species of gram-negative fish
pathogenic bacteria in the context of the analysis of well-established virulent factors
produced by these pathogens.
In the section Antibiotics and probiotics, the sixth chapter is Antibiotics in
aquaculture: use, abuse and alternatives. This study argues that unpredictable
mortalities in aquaculture production may be due to negative interactions between
fish and pathogenic bacteria. To solve this problem, farmers frequently use antibiotic
compounds to treat bacterial diseases. The concerns about the increase in bacterial
resistance and antibiotic residues have aroused great caution in the use of antibiotics
in aquaculture, which has encouraged research to obtain alternatives. The aim of this
chapter is to provide information about the current knowledge in antibiotic use in
aquaculture systems, including information about mechanisms of action and
resistance. The seventh chapter is The use of antibiotics in shrimp farming. This is an
important study, considering that shrimp cultivation has been the most expanding
aquaculture activity. Nevertheless, this industry faces major problems with viral and
bacterial diseases, and large quantities of chemical and antibiotic products are
frequently used to counteract this. The study demonstrates the importance of applying
appropriate therapies with antibiotics, seeking greater effectiveness for the control of
bacterial infections. The eighth and ninth chapters, within this section, deal with
probiotics in aquaculture, which has been considered a key factor for fish health
management, due to the increasing demand for environment friendly aquaculture. The
eighth chapter is Probiotics in aquaculture: benefits to the health, technological
applications and safety. This study points out that, currently, a number of
preparations of probiotics are commercially available and have been introduced to
fish, shrimp and molluscan farming as feed additives. Thus, there is a commercial and
academic interest of increasing our knowledge in effective preparation, technological
applications, and safety evaluation of probiotics. The ninth chapter is Probiotics in
aquaculture of Kuwait: current state and prospect, and mentions the application of
Preface XI

autochthonous probiotics. In this experimental study, a protocol for the isolation,
screening and selection of candidate probiotic bacteria based on several selective
criteria was accomplished. This study showed that the methods were suitable to
certain extent to assess the antagonism ability of probiotic bacteria on pathogenic
bacteria, and these findings can be applied to other cultured fish.
In the section entitled as Applied topics of cellular and molecular biology, the tenth
chapter is the Use of microarray technology to improve DNA vaccines in fish
aquaculture: the rhabdoviral model. Rhabdovirosis are one of the most important
diseases affecting farmed fish worldwide, and are amongst the few fish diseases for
which there is an efficacious DNA vaccine. Understanding the induced molecular
events occurring after fish immunization with rhabdoviruses and their DNA vaccines
might contribute to improve vaccines to other fish pathogens. This study focus on data
published on the use of microarrays for the identification of rhabdoviral-induced
genes, with properties that make them candidate adjuvants for the improvement of
fish DNA vaccines. The eleventh chapter is Fighting virus and parasites with fish
cytotoxic cells, which is a review on the fish cell-mediated cytotoxic activity as the
main cellular immune mechanism against tumors, parasites and viral infections. It also
addresses the modulation of this activity by means of immunostimulants, stress,
pollution, and vaccines. This research contributes to understand fish cytotoxic cells
and their activity from an evolutionary point of view. Furthermore, the lack of
commercial antiviral and anti-parasitic vaccines for fish makes necessary to increase
the knowledge on the cell-mediated cytoxic activity of fish. The twelfth chapter is
Bacteriocins of aquatic microorganisms and their potential applications in the seafood
industry. Narrow killing spectrum bacteriocins are recognized as a promising
alternative to broad-spectrum antibiotics, whose efficacy has been compromised by
the evolution of resistant bacteria. This study aims to provide an overview of the
diversity of bacteriocins produced by marine microorganisms, their role in mediating
microbial interactions in the marine environment, and their potential applications in
the seafood industry. The thirteenth chapter is Molecular characterization of
pathological bone development in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). This study argues
that spinal disorders are a recurrent problem for aquaculture, and until recently, their
molecular development in fish has received relatively little attention. In this review,
the current knowledge on the cellular and molecular mechanisms for skeletal
homeostasis and aberrant development of bone in the Atlantic salmon vertebrae is
In the section Ecological impacts of fish farming, the fourteenth chapter is
Ecological features of large Neotropical reservoirs related to health of cage reared
fish. This study raises the subject of fish cage culture in hydroelectric reservoirs in
Brazil. Wild native fish species and a farmed fish species, Oreochromis niloticus, were
searched for ectoparasites, which showed that the cultured fish presented high rates of
parasitic infection. This research attempted to identify interferences of fish cage
farming upon water quality, wild fish assemblages and parasitic diseases in large
freshwater reservoirs. The fifteenth chapter is Spread of pathogens from marine cage
XII Preface

aquaculture: a potential threat for wild fish assemblages under protection regimes?
focusing on the exchange of viruses between farmed and wild populations, and
further, the potential impact on natural ecosystems. The study reviews the effects of a
serious disease, Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN), which affects more than 40 fish species
worldwide. Likewise, betanodaviruses are the most important viral pathogens
reported in marine aquaculture within the Mediterranean region.
The last section is Work-related hazards: prevention and mitigation, with the
sixteenth chapter: Aquacultural Safety and Health showing that occupational
hazards in aquaculture are associated with different rearing technologies. Farm
operators are encouraged to adopt or develop inherently safety technologies by first
eliminating, then guarding against, and finally warning about the hazard. A model
safety manual presents contents that can be adapted to aquaculture.
The challenge of editing this book could only be accomplished with the help of some
colleagues. Therefore, we would like to thank Professor Dr. Fernanda Natlia
Antoneli, from Federal University of Mossor (RN, Brazil), who has assisted us with
her background on cell biology; Dra. Fabiana Garcia Scaloppi, from Sao Paulo State
Agency of Agribusiness Technology (APTA at Votuporanga, SP, Brazil) who has
collaborated with her expertise on parasitology; Professor Dra. Mara Renata Dega,
from Marechal Rondon Faculty (at Sao Manuel, SP, Brazil) who has helped with
pharmacology themes. Finally, I would like to give especial thanks to the biologist
Aline Angelina Acosta, a graduate student in Zoology, who has collaborated
throughout the edition process with her English skills.

Dr. Edmir Daniel Carvalho
Dr. Reinaldo J.Silva
Dr. Gianmarco Silva David
Sao Paulo State University

Part 1
Parasitic Diseases

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa
Hiroshi Yokoyama
, Daniel Grabner
and Sho Shirakashi

The University of Tokyo
University of Duisburg-Essen
Kinki University
1. Introduction
Myxozoans are spore-forming parasites of both freshwater and marine fishes (Lom &
Dykov, 1992, Kent et al., 2001; Feist & Longshaw, 2006). The Myxozoa were previously
classified as protozoans, although the multicellular state and functional specialization of the
cells composing spores were considered to exceed protozoan level (Lom & Dykov, 1992).
Indeed, molecular studies demonstrated that myxozoans are metazoans (Smothers et al.,
1994, Siddal et al., 1995). However, there were two conflicting views concerning the
phylogenetic origin of myxozoans; the Bilateria (Smothers et al., 1994, Schlegel et al., 1996,
Anderson et al., 1998, Okamura et al., 2002) vs. the Cnidaria (Siddal et al., 1995). More
recently, the Cnidaria-hypothesis has been strongly supported by phylogenetic analyses of
protein-coding genes of myxozoans (Jimenez-Guri et al., 2007, Holland et al., 2010). The
phylum Myxozoa, of which more than 2100 species in 58 genera are described to date, is
divided into two classes, Myxosporea and Malacosporea (Lom & Dykov, 2006). Most of
myxozoans are not harmful to host fish, however, some species cause diseases in cultured
and wild fish which are problems for aquaculture and fishery industries worldwide.
Generally, freshwater myxosporeans appear to be specific at the family or the genus level of
the host, while some marine myxosporeans have a low host-specificity. Some examples are
mentioned below.
For freshwater species, myxozoans infecting salmonids have been relatively well studied.
For example Myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of whirling disease, Tetracapsuloides
bryosalmonae, the cause of proliferative kidney disease (= PKD), and Ceratomyxa shasta,
causing ceratomyxosis, have fatal effects on farmed salmonid fish (Table 1). Salmonid
ceratomyxosis is a local disease which is restricted only to North America (Bartholomew et
al., 1997), while whirling disease and PKD are widely distributed in the world (Hedrick et
al., 1993, 1998). M. cerebralis infects cartilage tissue and causes a whirling behaviour (tail-
chasing swimming), a black tail, and skeletal deformities of affected fish. Whirling disease
was previously known as a hatchery disease, but recently, it has been recognized as one of
the causes for the decline of natural rainbow trout populations in several western states of
the USA (Hedrick et al, 1998). Symptoms of PKD in salmonid fish are a swollen kidney (Fig.
1A) and anemic gills, evoked by chronic inflammation of the kidney interstitium. The

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Myxozoans Disease names or typical
Fish References
Ceratomyxa shasta Ceratomyxosis Salmonids
Bartholomew et al.
Hypertrophy of gall bllader Salmonids Lom & Dykov (1992)
Henneguya ictaluri
Proliferative gill disease
Pote et al. (2000)
Milky condition Salmonids
Awakura & Kimura
Hoferellus carassii
Kidney enlargement disease
Yokoyama et al. (1990)
Myxidium giardi Systemic infection Anguilla spp.
Ventura & Paperna
Myxobolus artus Muscular myxobolosis Cyprinus carpio Yokoyama et al. (1996)
Myxobolus cerebralis Whirling disease Salmonids Hedrick et al. (1998)
Myxobolus cyprini Malignant anemia Cyprinus carpio
Molnr & Kovcs-
Gayer (1985)
Myxobolus koi Gill myxobolosis Cyprinus carpio Yokoyama et al. (1997a)
Myxosporean sleeping
Urawa et al. (2009)
Myxobolus wulii
Cysts in gill or
Carassius auratus Zhang et al. (2010b)
Inflammation and necrosis
of filaments
Salmo salar Karlsbakk et al. (2002)
Swimbladder inflammation
Cyprinids Dykov & Lom (1988)
Proliferative kidney disease
Salmonids Hedrick et al. (1993)
Hemorrhagic thelohanellosis Cyprinus carpio Yokoyama et al. (1998)
Table 1. Economically important freshwater myxosporeans.
causative agent of PKD has not been identified for a long time, and thus the organism was
previously called PKX (Hedrick et al., 1993). It was assigned to the Myxozoa in 1999 and
initially called Tetracapsula bryosalmonae (Canning et al., 1999). Canning et al. (2000) erected
the new class Malacosporea in the Myxozoa, and later, in the course of nomenclature
changes by Canning et al. (2002) Tetracapsula bryosalmonae was renamed to Tetracapsuloides
bryosalmonae (Fig. 1B). Salmonids suffering from ceratomyxosis show abdominal distension
and exophthamia, possibly caused by osmotic imbalance due to C. shasta infection in the
internal organs (Bartholomew et al., 1997). Henneguya salminicola produces cysts in the
musculature of anadromous salmonid fish (Fig. 1C, D). This parasite does not cause a health

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa


A & B: Proliferative kidney disease of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Note the swollen kidney
(arrow). Malacospore of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae from bryozoans host (B). C & D: Milky condition
of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). White exudate (arrow) filled with spores of Henneguya
salminicola (D). Photos of courtesy by Dr. T. Awakura. E & F: Hemorrhagic thelohanellosis of common
carp (Cyprinus carpio). Note extensive haemorrhages in mouth and abdomen caused by Thelohanellus
hovorkai (F) in the subcutaneous tissue. G & H: Creamy appearance of enlarged hepatopancreas of
goldfish (Carassius auratus) infected with Myxobolus wulii (H). Scale bars for B, D, F and H are 10m.
Fig. 1. Myxozoan diseases of freshwater fish and the causative myxozoan parasites.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

problem of the host, but renders the infected fish unmarketable due to the milky condition
of the flesh (Awakura & Kimura, 1977). Myxosporean sleeping disease is caused by
Myxobolus murakamii infecting the peripheral nerve of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou).
This disease has been known only in Hiroshima Prefecture, in south-western Japan,
although M. murakamii occurs also in Hokkaido, the northernmost area of Japan. It remains
to be clarified why the sleeping disease does not occur in Hokkaido (Urawa et al., 2009).
Chloromyxum truttae infects the gallbladder of brood stock of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss), while it infects the yearlings of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Affected fish showed
loss of appetite, yellow colouration of body, and hypertrophic gall bladder (Lom & Dykov,
1992). Pseudobranch infection with Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola has been reported in
Atlantic salmon in Norway, showing lethargy, disorganized swimming, exophthalmia and
low-grade to significant mortalities (Karlsbakk et al., 2002). Affected fish exhibited eye
bleeding and cataracts, possibly due to obstruction of the blood supply to the choroid bodies
of the eyes.
Myxobolus koi, Thelohanellus hovorkai, and Sphaerospora dykovae (= S. renicola) are well-known
pathogens in cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Europe and Asia (Dykov & Lom,
1988, Yokoyama et al., 1997a, 1998). M. koi infects the gills and causes a respiratory
disfunction of carp juveniles. Yokoyama et al. (1997a) reported that there are two types of M.
koi infections; the one forms large-type (pathogenic) cysts in the gill filaments, while the
other forms small-type (non-pathogenic) cysts in the gill lamellae. T. hovorkai infecting the
connective tissue is the causative agent of the hemorrhagic thelohanellosis of common carp
(Yokoyama et al., 1998). Spore dispersion of T. hovorkai in subcutaneous connective tissue
causes extensive hemorrhages and edema, finally resulting in death of affected fish (Fig. 1E,
F). S. dykovae, the cause of swimbladder inflammation (SBI) was previously known as S.
renicola, but has recently been renamed as S. dykovae in association with revised taxonomy of
the genus Leptotheca (Gunter & Adlard, 2010). The target organ (spore forming site) for S.
dykovae is the kidney, but the extrasporogonic stage of S. dykovae proliferates in the
swimmbladder, which causes SBI of carp (Dykov & Lom, 1988). Myxobolus artus produced
rice bean-like cysts in the musculature of common carp. Adult carp (over 1-year old) do not
die of the disease but lose their commercial value. In contrast, juvenile carp (0-year old)
heavily infected with M. artus exhibit hemorrhagic anemia and increased mortality rate.
After degeneration of M. artus cysts in the musculature, spores engulfed by macrophages
are transferred into gills, where numerous spores accumulate and pack within the lamellae.
As a result, the gill epithelia are exfoliated, causing the hemorrhagic anemia (Yokoyama et
al., 1996). Myxobolus cyprini infecting the skeletal muscle of common carp was also reported
to cause the malignant anemia (Molnr & Kovcs-Gayer, 1985), but it is unknown whether
the disease mechanisms are the same as M. artus. Thelohanellus kitauei forms large cysts in the
intestinal mucosa of common carp so that the intestine was occluded to emaciate the
infected fish.
Hoferellus carassii infecting the kidney of goldfish (Carassius auratus) is the causative agent of
kidney enlargement disease (KED). This parasite does not cause a high mortality of affected
fish, but a low marketability as an ornamental fish (Yokoyama et al., 1990). Myxobolus wulii
forms numerous cysts in the gills of goldfish in some cases, whereas large cysts are formed
in the hepatopancreas in other cases (Fig. 1G, H). In both cases, infection of fish results in high
mortality (Zhang et al., 2010b). Gill infections with Henneguya ictaluri and H. exilis are typical

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

myxosporean diseases in catfish culture. H. ictaluri causes proliferative gill disease of catfish
(Ictalurus punctatus) (Pote et al. 2000). Myxidium giardi infects multiple organs including gills
and kidney of several eel species, Anguilla anguilla, A. rostorata, and A. japonica. Infected elvers
exhibit dropsy, ascites, and swollen kidney (Ventura & Paperna, 1984).
Compared to freshwater myxosporeans, many marine species have a broad host range,
such as Kudoa thyrsites, K. yasunagai and Enteromyxum leei (Table 2). K. thyrsites lowers the

Myxozoans Disease names or typical
Fish References
Enteromyxum leei Enteromyxosis or
myxosporean emaciation
Diplodus puntazzo,
Sparus aurata,
Paralichthys olivaceus,
Pagrus major,
Takifugu rubripes
Diamant (1997)
Yasuda et al. (2002)
Enteromyxum scophthalmi Enteromyxosis Palenzuela et al. (2002)
Henneguya lateolabracis Cardiac henneguyosis Lateolabrax sp. Yokoyama et al. (2003)
Henneguya pagri Cardiac henneguyosis Pagrus major Yokoyama et al. (2005a)
Kudoa amamiensis Kudoosis amami Seriola quinqueradiata Yokoyama et al. (2000)
Kudoa iwatai Cysts in multiple organs Dicentrarchus labrax,
Lateolabrax japonicus,
Mugil cephalus,
Sparus aurata,
Pagrus major,
Oplegnatus punctatus
Diamant et al. (2005)
Kudoa lateolabracis Post-mortem
Lateolabrax sp.,
Paralichthys olivaceus
Yokoyama et al. (2004)
Kudoa lutjanus Systemic infection Lutjanus erythropterus Wang et al. (2005)
Kudoa neurophila Meningoencephalomyelitis Latris lineata Grossel et al. (2003)
Kudoa shiomitsui Cysts in the heart Takifugu rubripes,
Thunnus orientalis
Zhang et al. (2010)
Kudoa thyrsites Post-mortem
Salmo salar,
Paralichtys olivaceus,
Coryphaena hyppurus
Moran et al. (1999a)
Kudoa yasunagai Abnormal swimming Lateolabrax japonicus,
Oplegnathus fasciatus,
Seriola quinqueradiata,
Takifugu rubripes,
Thunnus orientalis,
Plotosus lineatus
Zhang et al. (2010a)
Myxobolus acanthogobii Myxosporean scoliosis or
skeletal deformity
Seriola quinqueradiata,
Scomber japonicus
Yokoyama et al. (2005b)
Sphaerospora epinepheli Disorientation, hemorrhage Epinephelus
Supamattaya et al. (1991)
Sphaerospora fugu
(= Leptotheca fugu)
Myxosporean emaciation
Takifugu rubripes Tin Tun et al. (2000)
Table 2. Economically important marine myxosporeans (see also Fig. 2).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


A & B: Skeletal deformity (A) of Japanese mackerel (Scomber japonicus) infected with Myxobolus
acanthogobii (B) in the brain. C & D: Enlarged bulbus arteriosus (C) of Chinease seabass (Lateolabrax sp.)
infected with Henneguya lateolabracis (D) in the heart. E & F: Myxosporean emaciation disease (E) of tiger
puffer (Takifugu rubripes) infected with developmental stages (arrows) of Enteromyxum leei (F) in the
intestine. Diff-Quik stain (F). G & H: Cysts (arrows) in the skeletal muscle (G) of red sea bream (Pagrus
major). Cysts are packed with spores of Kudoa iwatai (H). Scale bars for B, D, F and H are 10 m.
Fig. 2. Myxosporean diseases of marine fish and the causative myxozoan parasites.

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

commercial value of various cultured marine fish species, particularly Atlantic salmon
(Salmo salar) in North America, by causing post-mortem myoliquefaction (Moran et al.,
1999a). K. yasunagai forms numerous cysts in the brain, probably causing disorder of
swimming performance of many fish species (Zhang et al., 2010a). Recently, enteromyxosis
or myxosporean emaciation disease, caused by E. leei, has emerged as a new threat in
various cultured marine fish, e.g. gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Mediterranean
countries and tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes) in Japan (Diamant, 1997, Yasuda et al., 2002). In
contrast, Enteromyxum scophthalmi and Sphaerospora fugu (= Leptotheca fugu) have been found
only in the intestine of turbot (Psetta maxima) and tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes),
respectively, although the signs of the disease appear to be similar to E. leei infection (Tin
Tun et al., 2000, Palenzuela et al., 2002). Heart infections have been documented such as
Henneguya lateolabracis, H. pagri, and Kudoa shiomitsui. The former two species are highly
pathogenic to Chinese sea bass (Lateolabrax sp.) and red sea bream (Pagrus major),
respectively (Yokoyama et al., 2003, 2005a), whereas the pathogenic effects of K. shiomitsui
are not clear (Zhang et al., 2010a). Many Kudoa infections in skeletal muscle may render the
infected fish unmarketable by producing cysts (e.g., K. amamiensis and K. iwatai) or causing
myoliquefaction (e.g., K. lateolabracis and K. neothunni). K. neurophila has become an
impediment to the juvenile production of striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) in Tasmania, due
to meningoencephalomyelitis of hatched larvae (Grossel et al., 2003). Myxobolus acanthogobii
infects the brain and causes the myxosporean scoliosis in yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata),
while infected Japanese mackerel (Scomber japonicus) exhibits the lordosis (dorso-ventral
deformity) and infected goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) is subclinical (Yokoyama et al.,
2005b). Sphaerospora epinepheli infects the kidney of Epinephelus malabaricus, which shows
disorientation of the body and hemorrhages (Supamattaya et al., 1991).
2. Myxosporeans
The class Myxosporea is comprised of the two orders, Bivalvulida and Multivalvulida.
Bivalvulids include 52 genera with more than 2100 species described from freshwater and
marine fishes, while multivalvulids contain 5 genera with more than 60 species
predominantly from marine fish (Lom & Dykov, 2006). Morphology, life cycle, phylogeny,
and biology of myxosporeans are summarized below.
2.1 Morphology of myxosporean
Myxosporean spores are composed of shell valves, sporoplasms, and polar capsules
containing coiled polar filaments (Fig. 3). Number of valves and polar capsules,
arrangement of the polar capsules, and ornamentation of spores allow the genus-level
diagnosis of myxosporeans. Identification at the species-level is based on spore dimensions.
Species description of myxospores should follow the guidelines of Lom & Arthur (1989). For
bivalvulids, spore length and spore width in frontal view, spore thickness in side view,
length and width of polar capsules are measured (Fig. 3). If ornamentations such as the
caudal appendages for Henneguya are present, the length is also measured. For
multivalvulids, spore length (including the apical projections, if present) in side view, spore
width and spore thickness in top view, length and width of polar capsules are determined.
Care must be taken to avoid confusion of thickness and width of spores, because
multivalvulids are radially symmetrical.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


PC: polar capsule, SP: sporoplasm, SV: shell valve, SL: sutural line, L: spore length, W: spore width, T:
spore thickness, PCL: polar capsule length, PCW: polar capsule width.
Fig. 3. Diagrams of bivalvulid (A: frontal view, B: side view) and multivalvulid (C & E, top
view, D: side view) myxosporean spores.
2.2 Life cycle of myxosporeans
The first myxozoan life cycle was discovered for M. cerebralis by Wolf & Markiw in 1984 and
was later confirmed by many other researchers, who reported similar life cycles for more than
30 myxosporean species. These life cycles involve an annelid invertebrate (mainly oligochaetes
for freshwater species and polychaetes for marine species) and a vertebrate host which is
typically a fish (Fig. 4). In the latter, myxosporean spore stages (= myxospores) develop.
Myxospores are ingested by annelids, in which the polar filaments extrude to anchor the spore
to the gut epithelium. Opening of the shell valves allows the sporoplasms to penetrate into the
epithelium. Subsequently, the parasite undergoes reproduction and development in the gut
tissue, and finally produces usually eight actinosporean spore stages (= actinospores) within a
pansporocyst. After mature actinospores are released from their hosts they float in the water
column (El-Matbouli & Hoffmann, 1998). Upon contact with skin or gills of fish, sporoplasms
penetrate through the epithelium, followed by development of the myxosporean stage.
Myxosporean trophozoites are characterized by cell-in-cell state, where the daughter
(secondary) cells develop in the mother (primary) cells. The presporogonic stages multiply,
migrate via nervous or circulatory systems, and develop into sporogonic stages. At the final
site of infection, they produce mature spores within mono- or disporic pseudoplasmodia, or
polysporic plasmodia (El-Matobouli & Hoffmann, 1995).

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa


A: The polar filaments are extruded to anchor the spore to the gut epithelium, followed by opening of
shell valves of myxospore. B: Gametogony. C: Sporogony of actinosporean phase. D: Mature
actinospore stages develop in a pansporocyst, and actinospores are released into the water. E: Upon
contact of actinospores with the skin or gills of the fish host, polar filaments extrude to anchor the spore
to the skin or gills, facilitating invasion of the sporoplasms into the fish. F: Presporogonic multiplication
in a cell-in-cell state. G: Sporogony of myxosporean phase.
Fig. 4. Diagram of the life cycle of myxosporean alternating fish and annelid hosts.
2.3 Morphology of actinospores
Actinospores that are formed in the invertebrate hosts have a triradiate form with
exclusively 3 polar capsules and mostly 3 caudal processes (Figs. 5 & 6). To characterize
actinosporean stages, researchers should follow the guidelines of Lom et al. (1997); shape of
the caudal processes (straight, curved or branched), presence of the style (small stalk below
the spore body) and formation of spore nets (pattern of connection between several spores),
number of daughter cells in the spore body, and measurements of the spore body, style,
polar capsules and processes (Fig. 6).

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A: Raabeia-type actinospores of Myxobolus cultus from oligochaete Branchiura sowerbyi, B:
Neoactinomyxum-type actinospore from B. sowerbyi. C: Triactinomyxon-type actinospore of M. arcticus
from oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus, D: Echinactinomyxon-type actinospore from B. sowerbyi, E:
Aurantiactinomyxon-type actinospore of Thelohanellus hovorkai from B. sowerbyi, F: Sphaeractinomyxon-
type actinospores from unidentified marine oligochaete, which was collected in May 1990, on the coast
of Mie Prefecture, the middle part of Japan. Arrow shows an actinospore released from a pansporocyst
which develops 8 actinospores. Scale bars for A, C and D are 100 m, and those for B, E and F are 50
Fig. 5. Several morphotypes of actinosporean spores.

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa


A: Triactinomyxon, B & C: Aurantiactinomyxon, D & E: Neoactinomyxum, F & G: Tetractinomyxon.B,
D & F: top views , C, E & G: side view. SB: spore body, LSB: length of spore body; WSB: width of spore
body; S: style; LS: length of style; WS: width of style; CP: caudal process; LCP: length of caudal process
(regardless of curvature). LSCP: largest span of between the tips of the caudal processes; PC: polar
capsule; DSB: diameter of spherical spore body
Fig. 6. Diagram of actinosporean spores.
There have been 18 collective groups described thus far (Lom & Dykov, 2006, Rangel et al.,
2011). Based on the total length of spore (or interconnected spore mass), they are distinctly
divided into two morphotypes; the small-type ranges from 15 to 40 m, e.g., Endocapsa,
Sphaeractinomyxon, Tetraspora, Tetractinomyxon, Aurantiactinomyxon, Neoactinomyxum
and Guyenotia, while the large-type ranges from approximately 100 to 400 m, e.g.,
Echinactinomyxon, Raabeia, Triactinomyxon, Pseudotriactinomyxon, Hexactinomyxon,
Ormieractinomyxon, Siedleckiella, Synactinomyxon, Antoactinomyxon, Hungactinomyxon
and Unicapsulactinomyxon. From the practical point of view, the large-type actinospores
are more likely to be removed by filtration systems than the small-type actinospores. Thus it
is important to determine the type of the corresponding actinospore, not only for
parasitology, but also for disease management in aquaculture.
Practical key for determination of actinospore-types:
1. a. Processes are absent..........................................................................................................2
b. Processes are present.........................................................................................................4

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

2. a. Spores are tetrahedral with a single binucleate sporoplasm .....................................
b. Spores are subspherical with polar capsules embedded beneath the spore
3. a. Eight spores, rounded in side view, are developed within a pansporocyst..
b. Four spores, flattened in side view, are developed within a pansporocyst...............
4. a. Spores do not connect each other......................................................................................5
b. Spores connect each other at the end of the processes, forming a net structure........7
5. a. Processes are reduced to bulge-like swellings.................................................................6
b. Spores with curved leaf-like processes resemble an orange with partly opened peel
c. Spores have a subspherical spore body with 3 finger-like processes..........Guyenotia
d. Spores have an ovoid spore body with 3 straight spine-like processes.......................
e. Spores have an elipsoidal spore body with 3 curved, and sharp-tipped processes...
f. Spores have an elongated spore body with a style and 3 anchor-like processes.........
g. Spores are similar to triactinomyxon, but the processes have longitudinal sutures,
which remain fused over all their length..........................................Pseudotriactinomyxon
h. Spores have an elongated spore body with a style and 3 diverged (in total 6)
i. Spores have a single and large polar capsule in an elliptical spore body..................
6. a. Flattened in side view, and polar capsules are embedded below the spore surface
b. Rounded triangular in top view, and polar capsules protrude at the spore apex.....
7. a. Spore units are echinactinomyxon whose 4 processes of different spores form the
b. Spores units are triactinomyxon whose 3 processes of different spores form the
c. Spore units are echinactinomyxon whose 8 processes have anchor-like hooks at the
end, adhering together..............................................................................Ormieractinomyxon
d. Spores have two wing-like and one short, conical process, forming a star-like
e. Four spores form a cube-like net interlaced with another cube made of 4 spores......
2.4 Phylogeny of myxosporeans and actinospore-types
As far as we know, the corresponding actinospore stages have been identified for 39
myxosporean species. Among them, 18S rDNA sequences of 33 species were registered in
GenBank for either myxospore or actinospore stages, or both (Table 3). Cladistic analysis of
myxosporean and actinospore-types revealed a lack of taxonomic congruity between the

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

Myxosporean species GenBank No. Actinospore type GenBank No.
Ceratomyxa shasta AF001579 Tetractinomyxon nr
Ceratomyxa auerbachi EU616730 Tetractinomyxon EU616733
Chloromyxum schurovi AJ581917 Neoactinomyxum AJ582007
Chloromyxum truttae AJ581916 Aurantiactinomyxon AJ582006
Ellipsomyxa gobii GQ229235 Tetractinomyxon AY505127
Ellipsomyxa mugilis AF411336 Tetractinomyxon EU867770
Gadimyxa atlantica EU163416 Tetractinomyxon EU163412
Henneguya exilis AF021881 Aurantiactinomyxon nr
Henneguya ictaluri AF195510 Aurantiactinomyxon nr
Henneguya nuesslini AY669810 Triactinomyxon nr
Myxidium giardi AJ582213 Aurantiactinomyxon nr
Myxidium truttae AJ582061 Raabeia AJ5820009
Myxobilatus gasterostei EU861210 Triactinomyxon EU861209
Myxobolus arcticus AB353130 Triactinomyxon AB353128
Myxobolus bramae AF507968 Triactinomyxon nr
Myxobolus cerebralis EF370478 Triactinomyxon MCU96492
Myxobolus cultus HQ613409 Raabeia AB121146
Myxobolus dispar AF507972 Raabeia nr
Myxobolus hungaricus AF448444 Triactinomyxon nr
Myxobolus intimus AY325285 Triactinomyxon nr
Myxobolus lentisuturalis AY278563 Raabeia nr
Myxobolus macrocapsularis AF507969 Triactinomyxon nr
Myxobolus parviformis AY836151 Triactinomyxon AY495704
Myxobolus pavlovskii HM991164 Echinactinomyxon nr
Myxobolus portucalensis AF085182 Triactinomyxon nr
Myxobolus pseudodispar AF380144 Triactinomyxon EF466088
Myxobolus rotundus EU710583 Triactinomyxon FJ851447
Parvicapsula minibicornis HQ624972 Tetractinomyxon DQ231038
Sphaerospora dykovae
(= S. renicola)
AY735410 Neoactinomyxum nr
Sphaerospora truttae AJ581915 Echinactinomyxon (?) nr
Thelohanellus hovorkai DQ231155 Aurantiactinomyxon DQ231155
Thelohanellus nikolskii DQ231156 Aurantiactinomyxon nr
Zschokkella nova DQ377690 Siedleckiella nr
Table 3. List of myxosporean species and the corresponding actinosporean types registered
in GenBank. nr: not registered.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

two stages (Xiao & Desser, 2000a). Different phenotypes may be subject to environmental
factors. Since the first study of molecular relationship between myxosporean and actinospore-
types based on the 18S rDNA by Holzer et al. (2004), some more life cycles of marine
myxosporeans have been discovered. Thus we update the phylogenetic analysis of species,
where both life stages are described using the data available in GenBank. It is widely
accepted that freshwater and marine myxosporeans are separated into two major branches
(Kent et al., 2001, Fiala, 2006), and the phylogenetic tree in the present study also supports this
(Fig. 7). Further, the close relationship between the marine clade myxosporeans and the
Gadimyxa atlantica (EU163416) TET
Parvicapsula minibicornis (HQ624972) TET
Ellipsomyxa gobii (GQ229235) TET
Ellipsomyxa mugilis (AF411336) TET
Ceratomyxa shasta (AF001579) TET
Ceratomyxa auerbachi (EU616730) TET
Myxobolus bramae (AF507968) TRI
Myxobolus macrocapsularis (AF507969) TRI
Myxobolus parviformis (AY836151) TRI
Myxobolus rotundus (FJ851447) TRI
Myxobolus dispar (AF507972) TRI
Myxobolus pavlovskii (HM991164) ECH
Thelohanellus hovorkai (DQ231155) AUR
Thelohanellus nikolskii (DQ231156) AUR
Sphaerospora dykovae (AY735410) NEO
Myxobolus pseudodispar (AF380144) TRI
Myxobolus hungaricus (AF448444) TRI
Myxobolus intimus (AY325285) TRI
Henneguya exilis (AF021881) AUR
Henneguya ictaluri (AF195510) AUR
Myxobolus cultus (HQ613409) RAA
Myxobolus lentisuturalis (AY278563) RAA
Myxobolus portucalensis (AF085182) TRI
Henneguya nuesslini (AY669810) TRI
Myxobolus cerebralis (EF370478) TRI
Myxobolus arcticus (AB353130) TRI
Myxobilatus gasterostei (EU861210) TRI
Myxidium giardi (AJ582213) AUR
Chloromyxum schurovi (AJ582007) NEO
Chloromyxum truttae (AJ581916) AUR
Myxidium truttae (AJ582061) RAA
Zschokkella nova (DQ377690) SIE
Sphaerospora truttae (AJ581915) ECH

TET: tetractinomyxon, TRI: triactinomyxon, ECH: echinactinomyxon, AUR: aurantiactinomyxon, NEO:
neoactinomyxum, RAA: raabeia, SIE: siedleckiella.
Fig. 7. Phylogram of myxosporeans based on 18S rDNA. Bayesian and maximum likelihood
analyses. Myxosporean species names were followed by GenBank accession numbers in
parenthesis and the corresponding actinospore-types.

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

tetractinomyxon-type actinospores has been strongly supported, whereas no obvious pattern
was observed for actinospore morphology for the freshwater clade myxozoans.
To date, the information on myxozoan life cycles is still limited. Therefore, the species used
for this phylogenetic analysis only covers a small portion of the wide myxozoan diversity.
This leads to instability in some parts of the tree. The marine tetractinomyxon-clade was
well defined, only the position of C. auerbachi and the rather aberrant C. shasta was not
resolved properly. Considering that the hosts for C. shasta are anadromous salmonids and a
polychaete which is typically marine, C. shasta may be an originally marine parasite, which
migrated secondarily to the freshwater environment. The inclusion of further Ceratomyxa-
species would probably help to stabilize this placement, but unfortunately C. shasta and C.
auerbachi are the only species of the genus where both actinospore and myxospore are
known. The exact positions of M. cerebralis, H. exilis + H. ictaluri, H. nuesslini, M. portucalenis
and M. cultus + M. lentisuturalis at the base of the Myxobolus-clade were not clarified.
Again, the inclusion of more species might stabilize their branches. The placement of M.
rotundus with M. parviformis is quite different compared to the analysis of Fiala (2006), but
the sequence of the actinospore was used in the present study, because it exhibits a higher
quality at the 3 end compared to the available myxospore-sequence of this species.
According to the hypothesis of Fiala & Bartoov (2010), who stated that the common
ancestor of myxozoans was a freshwater species, the congruence of the marine clade
actinospore-type (tetractinomyxon) might reflect the divergence of freshwater and marine
myxozoans. When colonizing polychaetes as hosts, the tetractinomyxon type of spore
developed or was already present in the freshwater ancestor of marine myxozoans. This
actinospore-type persisted at least in most myxozoans parasitizing marine polychaetes that
we know to date. Knowledge of more life cycles of marine myxozoans is necessary to
provide information on marine actinosporean diversity. At present, there are 13 marine
actinosporeans for which the myxosporean stage of the life cycle is still unknown (Table 4); 2
types of endocapsa from oligochaetes, 3 types of sphaeractinomyxon from polychaetes, 4
tetractinomyxon from polychaetes and sipunculids, 2 tetraspora from oligochaetes, 1
triactinomyxon from oligochaete, and 1 unicapsulactinomyxon from polychaete. Among
them, most of the oligochaetes are benthic living in beach sediments whereas most of the
polychaetes are sedentary tube worms (fan worm) attaching on the rocks or shells in coastal
areas. The sipunculid (peanut worm) lives in shallow waters, either in burrows or in
discarded shells.
2.5 Biology of actinosporeans
Since the discovery of the life cycle of M. cerebralis by Wolf & Markiw (1984), many scientists
have focused on biological studies of actinosporeans, such as emergence from annelid hosts,
waterborne stage, invasion mechanisms, and the portals of entry into fish host. Invasion
process has been also investigated in relation to the mechanisms in the host specificity of the
parasites. The current knowledge on the aforementioned points is summarized below.
2.5.1 Methodology for actinosporean biology
To obtain materials for research on actinosporeans, it is desirable to maintain the life cycle of
the model-myxosporean in the laboratory. Released actinospores can be harvested by

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Actinospore type Invertebrate host Corresponding
Endocapsa rosulata (Hallett et al.,
Heterodrilus cf. keenani
Endocapsa stepheni (Hallett et al.,
Heterodrilus cf. keenani
Sphaeractinomyxon stolci (Caullery
& Mesnil, 1904)
Clitellio, Peloscolex, Tubifex
Sphaeractinomyxon ersei (Hallett et
al., 1998)
Doliodrilus diverticulatus
Sphaeractinomyxon leptocapsula
(Hallett et al., 1999)
Heronidrilus sp. (Oligochaeta) nd
Tetractinomyxon (Kie et al., 2008) Chone infunduliformis
(Sabellidae: Polychaeta)
Ceratomyxa auberbachi
Tetractinomyxon (Kie et al., 2004) Nereis diversicolor and N.
succinea (Nereididae:
Ellipsomyxa gobii
Tetractinomyxon (Kie et al., 2007) Spirorbis sp.(Spirorbidae:
Gadimyxa atlantica
Tetractinomyxon (Kie, 2002) Hydroides norvegica (Polychaeta) nd
Tetractinomyxon (Kie, 2005) Unidentified spionid
Tetractinomyxon intermedium
(Ikeda, 1912)
Nephasoma minuta
(Sipunculidae: Sipuncula)
Tetractinomyxon irregulare (Ikeda,
Nephasoma minuta
(Sipunculidae: Sipuncula)
Tetraspora discoidea(Hallett &
Lester, 1999)
Doliodrilus diverticulatus
Tetraspora rotundum (Hallett &
Lester, 1999)
Tibificidae spp. (Oligochaeta) nd
Triactinomyxon (Roubal et al., 1997) Duridrilus sp. (Oligochaeta) nd
Unicapsulactinomyxn (Rangel et al.,
Diopatra neapolitana
Table 4. Marine actinosporeans from annelids or sipunculids. nd: not determined.
filtering of the aquarium water through mesh screens (El-Matbouli et al., 1995). If a
laboratory system is not available, study materials are obtained from naturally infected wild
invertebrate worms. Yokoyama et al. (1991) developed a multi-well plate method to collect
actinospores of a single myxozoan species. Oligochaetes are placed individually in wells
filled with dechlorinated tapwater. One of the advantages of this method is that even small-
size actinospores which are hard to trap by filtration can be collected easily from wells.
However, it may be difficult to apply this method to fragile or large-size worms. Also, if
actinospores are released after host death, the well plate method will be inapplicable

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

(Rangel et al., 2009). In that case, worms may be crushed on a glass slide with gentle
pressure. However, Rangel et al. (2011) successfully obtained marine actinosporeans of
Zschokkela mugilis from the coelomic fluid of the polychaete host with a hypodermic needle
and syringe. To determine the viability of actinospores, presence or absence of the
sporoplasms in the spore body has been used as an indicator (Yokoyama et al., 1993, Xiao &
Desser, 2000b), because aged actinospores spontaneously release sporoplasms so that spores
become empty. Alternatively, a vital staining technique with fluorescein diacetate (FDA)
and propidium iodide (PI) can be applied (Markiw, 1992, Yokoyama et al., 1997b, Wagner et
al., 2003, Kallert et al., 2005).
2.5.2 Emergence pattern
Most of freshwater actinosporeans infect the intestinal epithelium of oligochaetes and
emerge into the environment by defecation (Fig. 8A, B), whereas C. shasta actinosporeans

A: Pansporocysts (arrows) develop in the intestinal epithelium of Branchiura sowerbyi. B: Pansporocyst is
excreted from B. sowerbyi. As the pansporocyst membrane (arrow) is ruptured, actinospores are
released. Tip of the caudal process is still folded (arrowhead). C: Free actinospore. Note completely
unfolded processes. D & E: Chemical response of actinospore to fish mucus. D: Intact spore. E: Empty
spore releasing sporoplasm (arrowhead) immediately after contact with mucus. Polar filaments (arrow)
are discharged. Scale bars for A, B and C are 50 m, and those for D and E are 10 m.
Fig. 8. Process of emergence, floating and invasion of Myxobolus cultus actinospores.

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develop in the epidermis of the polychaete Manayunkia speciosa and actinospores are released
directly from the epidermis into the water column (Meaders & Hendrickson, 2009). In many
myxosporean species, actinospores are shed from the annelid hosts between spring and
summer (Yokoyama et al., 1993, El-Mansy et al., 1998a, b, zer & Wootten, 2002), which may
be an adaptation to synchronize with hatching and growing seasons of larval fish. However,
in some species, actinospores are released throughout the year. Prevalence of infection in the
invertebrate hosts has been reported to be relatively low, 0.1-4% (Yokoyama et al., 1993, zer
& Wootten, 2002), but in some cases, it reached extremely high value of over 90% (El-Mansy
et al., 1998a). Actinospore release may persist for the natural life-span of oligochaete hosts, at
least for 2 years in case of Tubifex tubifex infected with M. cerebralis (Gilbert & Granath, 2001).
Actinospore emergence follows a circadian rhythm with a significant peak in the middle of
the night or early morning (Yokoyama et al., 1993, zer & Wootten, 2001). It is unclear if this
daily pattern in spore release is due to the rhythm of the oligochaete itself or of the
actinosporean, and the ecological significance of this phenomenon for transmission to the
next host remains to be investigated. Alteration of the photoperiods affected the release
pattern of actinospores (Yokoyama et al., 1993), and thus artificial control of lighting
condition may have some effects on myxosporean transmissions in the field.
2.5.3 Waterborne stage
Actinosporeans with long processes are buoyant (Fig. 8C) and can remain suspended in the
water column for more than 24 hours (Kerans & Zale, 2002). Longevity of actinospores in the
water ranges from 4 to 25 days, depending on temperature and species (Markiw, 1992,
Yokoyama et al., 1993, Xiao & Desser, 2000b). Life-span decreases with increasing
temperature (Yokoyama et al., 1993, zer & Wootten, 2002). At ambient temperature (20 C),
viability of raabeia actinospores persisted for 10 days, while echinactinomyxon spores
survived for 21 days (Yokoyama et al., 1993). In contrast, zer & Wootten (2002) reported
that raabeia and synactinomyxon spores remain viable only for 2-3 days at 22 C. Markiw
(1992) showed that the infectivity of actinospores of M. cerebralis persisted for 3-4 days at
12.5 C, whereas El-Matbouli et al. (1999a) indicated that M. cerebralis actinospores survived
and maintained their infectivity for 15 days at 15 C. Using morphological characteristics
and vital staining technique, Kallert & El-Matbouli (2008) showed that actinospores of the
myxosporean species survive longer at lower temperature (4 C vs. 12 C). M. cerebralis
actinospores were most sensitive and showed a significant decrease of viability already after
1 d at 12 C, while M. pseudodispar and Henneguya nuesslini survived longer, even at 12 C.
Water flow has been recognized as an environmental factor which have some effects on
myxsporean infections (Hallett & Bartholomew, 2008, Bjork & Bartholomew, 2009). Higher
water velocity resulted in lower infection prevalence of C. shasta in polychaete and
decreased infection severity in fish (Bjork & Bartholomew, 2009). During the planktonic
phase of actinospores, high flow velocity may cause mechanical damages and dilution
effects on actinospores. Also, high flow rates may limit the time for actinospores to
encounter and attach to the fish host (Hallett & Bartholomew, 2008).
2.5.4 Invasion mechanisms
Polar filament discharge and sporoplasm release of actinospores are induced by chemical
responses to fish mucus (Fig. 8D & E), suggesting the role of chemoreception in the host

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

attachment of actinospores (Yokoyama et al., 1993, 1995, Uspenskaya, 1995, McGeorge et al.,
1997, Xiao & Desser, 2000b). However, the percentage of actinospores reacting to the mucus
varied among fish and parasite species (Yokoyama et al., 1993, zer & Wootten, 2002). Thus,
it is not clearly understood whether the chemical stimulation with fish mucus reflects the
host specificity of myxosporeans. Actinospores of M. cultus reacted not only to the skin
mucus from natural host but also to the mucus from abnormal host (Yokoyama et al., 1993)
and even to mucin from bovine submaxillary gland (Yokoyama et al., 1995). Further,
purification of the reactants from fish mucus by gel filtration and ultrafiltration revealed
that they were low-molecular-weight (<6000 MW) substances (Yokoyama et al., 1995).
Yokoyama et al. (2006) indicated that M. arcticus actinospores reacted to the mucus of the
susceptible host, masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) as well as non-susceptible hosts,
sockeye salmon (O. nerka) and goldfish (Carassius auratus), whereas T. hovorkai actinospores
reacted only to the susceptible host, common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In contrast, actinospores
of Myxobolus cerebralis did not react to fish mucus alone (El-Matbouli et al., 1999b) and
required both mechanical and chemical stimuli (Kallert et al., 2005). Nevertheless, M.
cerebralis actinospores were unable to specifically detect susceptible fish (salmonids), but
also penetrated gills of carp at the same rate as gills of trout (Kallert et al., 2009). Further,
Kallert et al (2007) revealed the process of host invasion of M. cerebralis actinospores in
detail; immediately after filament discharge of actinospores, contraction of the filaments
brings the actinospore apex to contact with the host surface. Then, opening of the apical
valves is followed by penetration of the sporoplasms through the epithelium. The active
fraction inducing the polar filament discharge of M. cerebralis actinospores was small
molecular, amphiphilic to slightly hydrophobic organic substances (Kallert et al., 2010).
More recently, several nucleosides derived from surface mucus of fish, inosine, 2-
deoxyinosine and guanosine have been determined by HPLC method as chemical cues
triggering host recognition for M. cerebralis actinospores (Kallert et al., 2011).
2.5.5 Portals of entry into fish
Entry of myxozoans into the fish host via the skin, fins and buccal cavity was first
demonstrated in rainbow trout experimentally exposed to actinospores of Myxobolus cerebralis
by Markiw (1989). Within 5-10 min of exposure, aggregates of sporoplasms were observed in
the epithelia of exposed fish (Markiw, 1989, El-Matbouli et al., 1995). Further, El-Matbouli et
al. (1999b) revealed by scanning electron microscopy that M. cerebralis actinospores penetrate
into the secretory openings of the mucous cells of the epidermis. Belem & Pote (2001) showed
by indirect fluorescent antibody test that Henneguya ictaluri has the multiple entry sites; the
gut mucosa, skin and buccal cavity of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Some
actinospores may be able to enter the fish through different portals of entry. Sphaerospora
truttae and Ceratomyxa shasta utilize predominantly the gills as entry site (Holzer et al., 2003,
Bjork & Bartholomew, 2010). Yokoyama & Urawa (1997) suggested that small actinospore
(aurantiactinomyxon) invade the fish through the gills, whereas large actinospores
(triactinomyxon and raabeia) penetrate mainly through the fin and skin.
2.5.6 Other biological characteristics
Effects of physical and chemical treatments on viability of actinosporeans were investigated,
although the information is available only for Myxobolus cerebralis and Myxobolus cultus. For

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

M. cerebralis, drying at room temperature for 15 min, freezing at -20C for 1 hour,
temperatures above 75 C for 5 min and sonication (47 kHz, 130 W) for 10-13 min were
effective in killing actinospores, but pressure of 6.2 x 10
Pa (9000 psi) was not (Wagner et
al., 2003). To inactivate actinospores of M. cerebralis chemically, chlorine of 13 ppm for 10
min, hydrogen peroxide of 10% for 10 min, and povidone-iodine of 50% solution (5000 ppm
active iodine) for 60 min were effective (Wagner et al., 2003). Electricity with a pulse length
of 99 sec at 3 kV induced polar filament discharge of M. cerebralis actinospores, suggesting
a potential use of direct current as a means of disinfection (Wagner et al., 2002). For M.
cultus, drying at 5 C for 1 day and ultraviolet irradiation at 600 mW s cm
were highly
effective in killing actinospores, whereas sodium chloride of 0.5% had a moderate effect
(Yokoyama et al., 1997b). However, even high concentrations of malachite green (10 ppm),
metrophonate (5 ppm) and formalin (1000 ppm) did not affect the treated spores (Yokoyama
et al., 1997b).
Actinosporean infections are also influenced by various biological and ecological factors,
such as host (annelid) susceptibility, water temperature, and sediment type. Susceptibility to
M. cerebralis varied among different genetic strains of T. tubifex (Beauchamp et al., 2002).
Development and release of M. cerebralis actinospores from T. tubifex were temperature-
dependent; High temperatures above 20 C were lethal for the parasite, whereas low
temperatures between 5 and 10 C delayed development, and moderate temperatures
between 15 and 20 C accelerated development, and increased the number of spores released
(El-Matbouli et al., 1999a). Blazer et al. (2003) also reported a similar pattern of temperature
effects on development of M. cerebralis actinospores in T. tubifex. Environmental factors like
substratum and water quality may influence the actinosporean production. Blazer et al.
(2003) indicated that the mud substrate produced the highest total number of M. cerebralis
actinospores in T. tubifex, whereas the leaf litter was the least productive substratum in
number of actinospores released. Aquatic oligochaetes have habitat preferences which are
closely associated with some environmental parameters, such as substrate type, texture,
nutritional potentials, and anaerobic conditions (Koprivnikar et al., 2002, Liyanage et al.,
2003). Actinospore production of M. cerebralis is also affected by environmental pollutants
(Shirakashi & El-Matbouli, 2010).
3. Fish-to-fish transmission of marine myxosporeans
Enteromyxum leei develops within the gut epithelium of marine fish, and the developmental
stages are excreted to the water (Fig. 9). Released stages are orally ingested by other fish,
resulting in establishment of horizontal infection (Diamant, 1997, Yasuda et al., 2002, 2005,
Sitja-Bobadilla et al., 2007). This route of transmission may occur only in intensive culture
systems, where it facilitates rapid spread of the parasite. Broad host range of E. leei also
appears to assist the parasites dispersion (Diamant et al., 2006). Indeed, an episode of
enteromyxosis in 25 different fish species in an exhibition aquarium was reported (Padrs et
al., 2001). E. scophthalmi and E. fugu also transmit from fish to fish directly, but their host
ranges are narrow.
3.1 Infective developmental stages of Enteromyxum spp. in water column
Although actinosporean stages for Enteromyxum spp. have not been discovered, some
biological characteristics of infective developmental stages have been investigated. Viability

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa


A: E. leei develops in the intestine, followed by excretion through the vent. B: Developmental stages are
horizontally transmitted to other fish by oral ingestion. C: Mature myxospores are released into water
column. D: Myxospore possibly infects marine annelids. E: Actinospore is possibly released from
annelids, followed by infection to fish.
Fig. 9. Diagram of fish-to-fish transmission and putative life cycle of Enteromyxum leei
of Enteromyxum spp. stages was determined in vitro by dye-exclusion assays (Redondo et al.,
2003, Yokoyama & Shirakashi, 2007), tetrazolium-based cell-proliferation assay (Redondo et
al., 2003), and vital staining with fluorescent dyes, Hoechst 33342 and propidium iodide
(Yokoyama et al., 2009). Longevities of E. leei and E. scophthalmi were estimated to be at most
1 day in seawater (Redondo et al., 2003, Yokoyama et al., 2009). However, intestinal mucosal
remnants covering the parasites may protect them from osmotic shock, resulting in retaining
their viability in seawater (Redondo et al., 2002, Yokoyama et al., 2009). Survivability of
developmental stages of E. leei decreased significantly in low salinity of less than 8
(Yokoyama & Shirakashi, 2007). Also, fish size and parasite dose likely affect the success of
fish-to-fish transmission (Sitja-Bobadilla et al., 2007, Yokoyama & Shirakashi, 2007).
3.2 Invasion and development of Enteromyxum spp. in fish host
Following ingestion of the infective stages, the first barrier is the intestinal mucosa of the
fish. A role of lectin/carbohydrate interaction in the turbot-E. scophtahlmi relationship was
suggested (Redondo & Alvarez-Pellitero, 2009). Further, attachment and invasion of E.
scophthalmi to the turbot intestinal epithelium were inhibited by pre-treatments of parasites
by some lectins, Con A and SBA, suggesting the involvement of N-acetyl-galactosamine and
galactose residues and also of mannose/glucose residues (Redondo & Alvarez-Pellitero,
2010). After penetration of the developmental stages into the intestinal epithelium, several
factors are involved in the progression of the disease (Quiroga et al., 2006). One of the most

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

important factor is water temperature.Yanagida et al. (2006) showed that temperatures
below 15 C suppressed the development of E. leei and onset of the disease, but a
temperature increase to 20 C promoted E. leei development. Similarly, infection with E.
scophthalmi was established earlier at higher temperature (Redondo et al., 2002).
4. Malacosporeans
The class Malacosporea is a recently discovered group, and only three species belonging to
two genera have been described to date (Canning & Okamura, 2004; Canning et al., 2007).
All of them are known to be parasites of freshwater bryozoans, but the life cycle is described
only for T. bryosalmonae. Besides the bryozoan stage, it involves the infection of salmonid
fish (Saulnier et al., 1999) where the parasite causes the Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD).
According to recent findings, species of the second malacosporean genus Buddenbrockia
might also require a fish host in their life cycles (Grabner & El-Matbouli, 2010a).
4.1 Morphology of malacosporeans in bryozoan hosts (bryozoa-spores)
Malacosporean spores developing in the bryozoan host (bryozoa-spores) are small (15 20
m), approximately spherical without appendices (Fig. 10). They consist of two haploid
sporoplasms including one secondary sporoplasm cell each, four capsulogenic cells and
eight valve cells (Canning et al., 2000, McGurk et al., 2005). Only minimal morphological
differences have been recorded between spores of different malacosporean species. Morris
et al. (2002) documented ornamented spores with a mean diameter of 19.0 m in the
bryozoan Plumatella repens infected with worm-like malacosporean stages. The spores
observed by McGurk et al. (2006a), also released by a worm-shaped malacosporean in P.
repens, were spherical and 17.7 m in diameter.

Fig. 10. Diagram of malacosporeans in bryozoans (bryozoa-spores).
4.2 Morphology of malacosporean in fish hosts (fishmalacospores)
To date, fresh and mature fishmalacospores were only described for T. bryosalmonae. They
are about 12 7 m in size and bear two polar capsules with 4 to 6 turns of their polar
filament, one sporoplasm and four valve cells (Kent et al., 2000, Hedrick et al., 2004, Morris
& Adams, 2008). Apparently, only few fishmalacospores are released at a time by T.
bryosalmonae-infected fish, because only small numbers of spores were found in urine
samples from infected fish over a prolonged period of time (Hedrick et al., 2004).

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

4.3 Life cycle of malacosporeans
Life cycles of malacosporeans still remain mysterious, but recent studies have revealed most
parts of the development and transmission of T. bryosalmonae (Canning et al., 1999, Kent et
al., 2000, Morris & Adams, 2006a). This parasite develops as sac like stages in the body
cavity of freshwater bryozoans, followed by release of malacospores to the surrounding
water. When the spores come in contact to the skin or gills of a fish host (salmonid), the
sporoplasm penetrates the epithelium and is transported by the blood into the kidney
interstitium, causing PKD. Sporogony commences after migration to the kidney tubules and
mature spores are released with the urine to the water, where they are infective for
bryozoans (Fig. 11). The whole development, beginning with the penetration into the fish, to
the presence of mature spores in the kidney tubules takes about 9 weeks in brown trout
(Morris & Adams 2006a).

A: Fishmalacospore infects freshwater bryozoans. B: Presaccular cell aggregates in coelomic cavity of
bryzoans. C: Early spore sac floating in bryozoan coelomic fluid. It contains stellate and sporogenic cells. D:
Sporogenic cell becomes enclosed by stellate cells. E: Maturing spore with casulogenic cells, valve cell and
forming sporoplasms. F: Mature bryozoa-spore infects fish. G: Proliferative stage (cell doublet with
primary cell and secondary cell inside) in kidney interstitium. These stages are in close contact to host
phagocytes (not shown). H: Division of cell doublet resulting in 2 cell doublets. I: Engulfment of one cell
doublet by another resulting in a S-T-doublet (primary cell enclosing one secondary and one secondary
with tertiary cell). J: S-T-doublet in kidney tubule. Note that contact to the host phagocyte is lost during
migration through the tubule epithelium. K: Sporogony inside of primary cell (pseudoplasmodium).
Fig. 11. Diagram of the life cycle of T. bryosalmonae (Malacosporea), alternating between fish
and bryozoan host.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

T. bryosalmonae can infect a wide variety of salmonid fish. Most affected are species of the
genera Salmo and Oncorhynchus, but also Salvelinus species (Hedrick et al., 1993, El-Matbouli
& Hoffmann, 1994). Severe outbreaks of the disease were also noted in grayling (Thymallus
thymallus) (Hoffmann & Dangschat, 1981). Northern Pike (Esox lucius) is the only non-
salmonid fish species, in which extrasporogonic stages similar to those of T. bryosalmonae
were found (Seagrave et al., 1981, Morris et al., 2000a). It was observed that fish become
resistant against reinfection with T. bryosalmonae after surviving the disease (Ferguson, 1981,
Foott & Hedrick, 1987). However, in some fish species sporogonic stages seem to persist
after clinical infection and possibly continue to form spores chronically (Kent et al., 1998,
Kent et al., 2000). Recently it was shown by transmission experiments conducted with
European parasite lineages that brown trout (Morris & Adams, 2006a) and brook trout
(Grabner & El-Matbouli, 2008) can transmit the parasite to bryozoans. In contrast, rainbow
trout and grayling became infected, but no infection appeared in bryozoans cohabitated
with these fish. But as mature fishmalacospores were reported from rainbow trout infected
with T. bryosalmonae in North America, it seems likely that there is a regional difference in
host specificity (Morris & Adams, 2006a). Additionally, infection experiments have shown
that common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) can become infected by
Buddenbrockia species, but the proof for the completion of the life cycle is still missing
(Grabner & El-Matbouli, 2010a). Additionally, intra-bryozoan cycles without involvement of
a fish host might be possible for some malacosporeans (Hill & Okamura 2007).
4.4 Biology of malacosporeans
Knowledge on the biology of malacosporeans is still limited. Most information exists for T.
bryosalmonae, while the understanding of life cycles of other malacosporeans is still in its
infancy. The information concerning the transmission of malacosporeans will be
summarized below.
4.4.1 Emergence pattern
Occurrence of PKD is seasonal and occurs from spring till autumn. This can be explained by
the higher abundance of the bryozoan host in warmer months and therefore higher spore
load in the water, but also by increase in severity of infection in fish at higher temperatures
(Foot & Hedrick, 1987, Hedrick et al., 1993). It has to be noted, that in most cases infections
with T. bryosalmonae become apparent only in trout farms. Mortalities or diseased fish in the
wild are not found in most cases. Therefore, the dynamics of natural life cycles are difficult
to investigate (Okamura et al., 2011).
4.4.2 Waterborne stage
Malacosporean bryozoa-spores do not possess hard valves for protection against external
damage. Therefore, they are very short-lived and lose their infectivity after about 24h (de
Kinkelin et al., 2002). Hedrick et al. (2004) described that fishmalacospores degrade already
within minutes on a microscope slide. The floating characteristics of malacosporean spores
are not investigated, but the lack of processes that might prevent sinking down in the water
column and short life-span suggest that contact to the host must occur soon after release of

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

4.4.3 Portals of entry into fish
The T. bryosalmonae spores released from parasitized Bryozoa most likely enter the fish
through the gills (Morris et al., 2000b, Holzer et al., 2006, Grabner & El-Matbouli, 2010b) or
the mucus cells of the skin (Longshaw et al., 2002), while the blood stream was considered to
be the most probable route to the target organs (Morris et al., 2000b, Holzer et al., 2006). The
infection seems to be very effective that one single spore is sufficient to infect a fish and to
cause clinical symptoms of PKD (McGurk et al., 2006b).
4.4.4 Other biological characteristics
Transfer of malacosporeans to new habitats can also occur by fragmentation and
reattachment of bryozoan colonies, which was found to be common for Fredericella
sultana-colonies (Morris & Adams, 2006b). Another way for propagation of
malacosporeans without a fish host might be the infection of durable stages (statoblasts)
of bryozoans (Hill & Okamura, 2007). Water quality, especially increase of organic
material, seems to influence disease outbreaks, most likely by fostering growth of
bryozoan colonies and thereby increasing numbers of infective stages in the water (El-
Matbouli & Hoffmann, 2002).
5. Control strategies of myxozoans
To date, there are no commercially available chemotherapeutants and vaccines to treat
myxozoan infections. Thus, the current disease control strategies can only be based on the
biology of myxozoans. Compared to myxospores, waterborne actinospores are generally
short-lived and highly susceptible to several treatments. The actinospore stage can be
considered as weak point in the life cycle of myxozoans and should be targeted for the
control strategy. This paragraph deals with possible control strategies of myxozoan diseases
with emphasis on prevention of transmission to fish hosts.
5.1 Eradication of invertebrate hosts
In case of most myxozoans with indirect life cycle, transmission success largely depends
on the size of population of invertebrate hosts. The most effective way for prevention of
myxozoan transmission is to eradicate the invertebrate hosts in the aquaculture
environment. Habitat manipulation may be an effective means to remove oligochaetes for
example by dredging mud from the pond bottom or by conversion of earthen ponds to
concrete raceways. Replacing the muddy substrate with coarse sand reduced the number
of Branchiura sowerbyi which is the alternate oligochaete host for Thelohanellus hovorkai,
mitigating the hemorrhagic thelohanellosis of carp (Liyanage et al., 2003). This was
explained by a delicate body surface of B. sowerbyi was damaged by rugged-edged sand
particles. Removing the vegetation upstream of the water inlet to a fish farm with PKD
problems is considered as a possibility for prevention of PKD-outbreaks because it
reduces habitats for bryozoan and spore load in the water, but this measure is not be
feasible in most cases (de Kinkelin et al., 2002). Besides the substrate amendment for
eliminating the habitat of invertebrate hosts, use of a benthos-eating fishes as a biological
control of oligochaete abundance is worth considering in fish farms (Yokoyama et al.,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

5.2 Avoidance of infective period
If actinospore emergence occurs only in a certain time of the year, rearing fish outside the
infective period may be useful. To reduce PKD-related losses, it is recommended to delay
the transfer of young fish to the endemic water until autumn when water temperature is
decreasing. As bryozoan populations decline under low temperature conditions in autumn,
the number of T. bryosalmonae spores in the water becomes significantly low at this time.
Additionally, low water temperature prevents the clinical outbreak of the disease and the
fish usually become resistant against this pathogen in the subsequent years (Foott &
Hedrick, 1987).
5.3 Removal of actinospores
Sand filtration is highly effective in removing actinospores of M. cerebralis (Arndt & Wagner,
2003, Nehring et al., 2003). However, it may be applied only for large-type actinospores. The
sand filtration of water supply was also suggested to prevent enteromyxosis caused by E.
scophthalmi in turbot farms, though the actinospores of this species have not been
determined (Quiroga et al., 2006). In contrast, the infective stage of K. thyrsites was not
removed by filtration of seawater (Moran et al., 1999b). Ozone and ultraviolet treatments of
water supply are also effective for disinfection of M. cerebralis and C. shasta (Sanders et al.,
1972, Tipping, 1988, Hedrick et al., 2000). Increase of water velocity may dilute the density of
actinospores and reduce infection severity in culture facilities or rivers where water
release is managed e.g. by dams (Hallett & Barthomew, 2008, Bjork & Bartholomew, 2009).
Chemical treatments with toxic compounds may be effective but not be environmentally
acceptable. Biological filtration of floating actinospores using a planktonic copepod
(Cyclops spp.) may be practical in fish farms (Rcz et al., 2006). Murakami (1983) reported
based on his empirical observations that rearing of rainbow trout, which is non-
susceptible to M. murakamii, upstream of the masu salmon farm reduced the myxosporean
sleeping disease, suggesting that rainbow trout plays a role of biological filter of the
waterborne infective stage of M. murakamii. This may be explained by the nonspecific
response of actinospore to fish mucus. The same was shown experimentally for M.
cerebralis by preincubation of carp with actinospores of the parasite. Thereby, infection rate
in susceptible rainow trout was reduced significantly (Kallert et al., 2009).
5.4 Interception of fish-to-fish transmission of Enteromyxum spp.
Fish-to-fish transmission of Enteromyxum spp. should be considered as an exceptional case.
Because of their direct life cycle, epidemics of Enteromyxum frequently occurs in closed
aquaculture systems. Effective control may be achieved with the integrated management
strategies. The foremost strategy is to prevent infected fish from entering the culture system.
Early diagnosis using a highly sensitive PCR assay greatly reduces the potential for
dispersal of E. leei via infected juveniles (Yanagida et al., 2005). Fish farmers should
minimize their risk of pathogen introduction by cultured fish from uncertified sources. Fish
cages with different age classes should not be set up in a close proximity, because infection
rate may increase with fish age, and older fish could spread the pathogen to younger fish.
Infected fish must be removed as soon as the disease becomes apparent. Fallowing is also
effective in intercepting the transmission cycle of Enteromyxum spp., if all fish farmers in the
area cooperate in this practice at the same time. However, wild fish living in the farming

Transmission Biology of the Myxozoa

area may act as carrier or reservoir of the parasite. In this case, the fallowing practice
becomes useless, though Enteromyxum infection has never been detected from wild fish so
far. Increase of water flow possibly lowers the chance of ingestion of infective parasites by
dilution effect. Evacuation of sea cages to offshore area with faster water flow may reduce
further transmission of E. leei. In case of land-based culture farms, increasing water
exchange rates of rearing water would help to flush the waterborne parasite out of fish tank
(Yokoyama et al., 2009). Development of E. leei is strongly influenced by water temperature.
Rearing of Malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus) at 30 C had both for preventive and
curative effects on E. leei infection, although a similar treatment was not effective in tiger
puffer. Hyposalinity treatment below 1/4 seawater (8) was effective in killing
developmental stages of E. leei in in vitro (Yokoyama & Shirakashi, 2007), but in vivo trials
where tiger puffer were reared in low salinity seawater were unsuccessful for prevention of
the disease. Further studies are required to clarify these inconsistent results.
6. Acknowledgment
This review is based on an invited lecture given in Kudoa thyrsites workshop, emphasizing
the current knowledge of Myxozoa biology, host-pathogen interaction, diagnostic methods,
and impact on fish farm and fisheries industry, which was held at Campbell River, B.C.,
Canada, on 7-8 December, 2010. We greatly thank Dr. Luis Afonso of BC Centre for Aquatic
Health Sciences, and Dr. Simon Jones of Pacific Biological Station, for their kind invitation to
this workshop.
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Health and Environment in Aquaculture

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Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758)
(Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica
Laetitia Antonelli and Bernard Marchand
Laboratory Parasites et Ecosystmes Mditerranens,
University Pasquale Paoli, Corsica
1. Introduction
As in many parts of the world, aquaculture production in the Mediterranean has been
expanding rapidly over recent years (Basurco & Lovatelli, 2005). The continuous decline of
ocean fisheries stocks has provided impetus for rapid growth in aquaculture. Global
production of farm fish has more than doubled in the past 20 years with the growing
demands of an expanding population, and it seems that grow is set to continue. It has been
the fastest growing food production sector since 1970, with an increase at a compounded
rate about 9.2% per year (Guo & Woo, 2009; Naylor et al., 2000). Alongside, and perhaps
partly due to this rapid expansion, the welfare of farmed fish has received increasing
attention. Fish welfare is an important issue for the industry, not just for public perception,
marketing and product acceptance, but also often in terms of production efficiency, quality
and quantity (Ashley, 2006). Many factors influenced the rapid increase in the production of
cultured fish species in the last two decades (FAO, 2010). One of the most important factors
is the great development and diffusion of sea-cage culture. The success of the sea-cage
farming is essentially correlated with the possibility to reduce production cost. On the other
hand, aquaculture of fish is not without problems. Cages constitute an open system, which
allow free exchange between wild and caged organisms, leading to the emergence of
characteristic diseases (Ghittino et al., 2003; Merella et al., 2006). The maintenance of a good
health is a major problem in animal populations. Rapid development of fish culture in
marine cages has been associated with an emergence of parasitic diseases (Fioravanti et al.,
2006; Nowak, 2007). The difficulty of managing disease within sea-cages is regarded as a
major drawback (Mladineo, 2006). Fish parasites are a major component of aquatic
biodiversity, and their monitoring is considered an essential element of the management of
the health for animals. Parasites that have low rates of infestation and minor pathological
effects on their hosts under natural conditions can easily spread in populations confined to
rearing systems, causing serious outbreaks and epizootics diseases resulting in significant
economical losses (Combes, 1990; Ghittino et al., 2003; Johnson et al., 2004; Naylor et al.,
2000). The environmental conditions in culture systems, in particular increased density of
fish, repeated introduction of hosts, homogeneous host populations, fast growth and a
potential decrease in genetic diversity have an important effect on commercial production

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

and could prevent the expansion of the industry (FAO, 2010; Fernandez-Jover et al., 2010;
Nowak 2007). Numerous studies on the parasites of marine fish were carried out,
specifically on species with a great economical interest such as the European sea bass
Dicentrarchus labrax or the Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Antonelli et al., 2010a; Euzet &
Combes, 1998; Focardi et al., 2005; Reversat et al., 1992). They have long been recognized to
have the potential to affect the survival of their hosts (Johnson et al., 2004). Investigations
revealed that infections through the attachment of parasites and active feeding on mucus
and epithelial cells of host fish by large populations can cause severe damages such as
necroses, haemorrhages, inflammation, and mucus hyperproduction (Manera & Dezfuli,
2003; Noga, 2000; Paperna & Baudin Laurencin, 1979).
The European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, is one of the main marine fish species
extensively reared in the Mediterranean area. It represents an important economical source,
especially in Corsica. Fish production increases from 1 000 tons in 1994 to 2 250 tons today
(Antonelli et al., 2009; Antonelli et al., 2010b).
They are many publications on the parasitofauna of cultured sea bass in various
Mediterranean areas, where fish farming represents a significant economic activity (Cecchini
et al., 1994; Johnson et al., 2004; Sitja-Bobadilla et al., 2006). Despite, the historical and
commercial activities related to D. labrax in Corsica, few studies have been reported on their
parasites. Investigations have revealed that many parasites species are globally frequent on
this fish species, but large scales of mortality have not yet been registered (Antonelli et al.,
2009; Antonelli, 2010).
The objective of the present study is to relate the occurrence of parasites to climatic
conditions. Our survey aims to establish seasonal changes and spatial dynamics of parasites,
and their importance for animal health for an improvement in the monitoring and
management of populations of D. labrax of Corsica. The variation in the patterns of parasites
communities was examined by taking into account environmental factors such as
temperature, and physiological parameters related to host. Several studies have shown an
increase of parasite richness with host age and that age and/or size related recruitment
influenced parasite aggregation (Cable & Van Oosterhout, 2007; Poulin & Rohde, 1997;
Silan, 1984). All animals are not equally infested according to their age. Our work will allow
us to identify the most sensitive animals. Prevalence and abundances of the infections in
different culture systems, fish stocks, and sampling seasons are reported.
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Sampling and examinations
A total of 470 European sea bass D. labrax from several culture systems on the South coasts
of Corsica were sampled during the period ranging from January 2007 to December 2008.
Fish were caught for parasitological examinations from six fish farms. Their names are not
revealed for reasons of confidentiality: each farm is designated by a number (Figure 1).
Seasonal samples varied from 10 to 15 specimens for each farm.
The production cycle of D. labrax cultured in Corsica is known. On average, larger pre-
fattened sea bass (10 grams) reach first commercial size in about 1 year, while smaller
juveniles (5 grams) reach the same size in about 16 months. Generally the fish are marketed
Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica


Fig. 1. Localisation of fish farms studied.
at age 2 years. In order to have consistent and significant results for a population we
collected our samples still in the same cage for each farm throughout the study.
The fish were randomly collected directly from cages and immediately transported to the
laboratory for analysis. Biometrical measures, sex and maturity stage of each specimen of D.
labrax were recorded. Body surface (skin, fins) and gills of the fish were examined. Gill
arches were carefully removed and studied in a fresh condition. The eight arches were
separated (four right, four left) and immersed in Petri dishes containing seawater to
replicate the best initial environmental conditions, and individually examined. Parasites
were collected alive and immediately fixed in absolute ethanol. Parasites were identified
using a light microscope according to the description done in previous studies (Cabral et al.,
1984; Ozel et al., 2004; Toksen et al., 2008). Some specimens were fixed in glutaraldehyde to
be studied in scanning electronic microscopy.
In order to asses the relationship of the infection with the host size and age, we considered
two classes to discriminate younger from older fish. The first class (I) included fish under 30

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

cm total length, and the second class (II) fish over 30 cm. These classes were chosen taking
into account the size ranged on sampled specimens. According to that study, classes would
mainly include specimens with age 1+ (I) and 2+ (II).
At each sampling, surface water temperature (C) and salinity () in cages was measured.
2.2 Statistical analyses
Relations between rates of infestation were investigated using statistical indices
frequently used in ecology. Prevalence (proportion of the population infected), abundance
(mean number of parasites of both infected and uninfected fish) and mean intensity (mean
number of parasites of infected hosts) were calculated and applied according to Bush et al.
Statistical tests were conducted to determine the influence of several factors on the
distribution of Lernanthropus kroyeri. Possible differences in infection parameters between
seasons were evaluated using one-way analysis of variance. If data failed to meet
parametric testing requirements, comparisons of the mean number of parasites found on
D. labrax were performed using the Mann-Whitney U test (two groups) and Kruskal-
Wallis test (more than two groups) according to Dagnelie (1975) and Sprent & Ley (1992).
Significance for all the statistical analyses was established with 95% confidence intervals.
Calculations were performed using the statistical software Systat 12 and SigmaStat 3.5. In
order to be sure of our values we will then use the Bonferroni test which consists of
correcting the mistake on the risk of alpha error when using the same test several times
(Bland & Altman, 1995).
3. Results
3.1 Distribution of parasites in host population
Five species of metazoan parasites included in four groups were identified: one
monogenean Diplectanum aequans, two copepods, Lernanthropus kroyeri and Caligus minimus,
one isopod Cerotothoa oestroides and the myxosporidian Ceratomyxa labracis.
428 (91.1%) of the 470 D. labrax examined were infected. The number of parasites per host
ranged from 1 to 169. Externally, all fish used for the study appeared to be in good health, in
body condition and in coloration. A total of 7 376 parasites were collected. Water
temperature varied from 13C in winter to 24C in summer (Fig. 2). Rates of salinity () are
reported in table I.

Farms Seasons
W2007 S2007 Su2007 A2007 W2008 S2008 Su2008 A2008 Mean values
1 38.2 37.6 37.8 37.6 38.0 37.8 37.9 37.9 37.9
2 38.2 37.6 37.8 37.6 38.0 37.8 37.9 37.9 37.9
3 36.0 37.0 37.1 36.5 36.0 36.1 37.0 36.9 36.6
4 37.8 37.3 38.0 37.8 37.6 37.8 37.6 38.1 37.8
5 37.6 37.6 38.2 37.8 37.6 37.5 37.6 38.2 37.8
6 38.0 38.4 38.6 38.2 38.0 38.2 38.3 38.3 38.3
Table 1. Seasonal rates of salinity () in all fish farms studied (W: winter; S: spring; Su:
summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of sampling).
Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica

3.2 Presence of parasites in fish farms
3.2.1 Monogenea
D. aequans was collected in all farms studied. 408 fish (86.8%) were infected.
Farm 1: D. aequans occurred throughout the sampling period. Prevalence values varied from
50% to 90% (Figure 2). However, there is no statistically significant difference between seasons
(Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.5). The highest mean abundance value was recorded in winter. Values
ranged from 4.2 to 10.4 during the study (Figure 3). The mean intensity shows the same trend
as abundance with highest values recorded in autumn and winter (Figure 4). The infestation
shows a clear seasonal pattern statistically verified with Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.001).

Fig. 2. Prevalence of Diplectanum aequans in fish farm studied according to season (W: winter;
S: spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of sampling).

Fig. 3. Abundance of Diplectanum aequans in fish farm studied according to season (W: winter;
S: spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of sampling).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Farm 2: D. aequans were identified on all fish examined during the first year of study. After
winter 2008, values sharply decreased to summer 2008 and increased gradually to autumn
2008 (Figure 2). The highest mean abundance was recorded in winter. Values ranged from
7.5 to 57.1 and the Kruskal-Wallis test shows a significant difference between seasons (p <
0.001) (Figure 3). Mean highest intensity was recorded in winter (Figure 4) and statistically
significant difference was revealed between spring and winter (Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.001).

Fig. 4. Mean intensity of Diplectanum aequans in fish farm studied according to season (W:
winter; S: spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of
Farm 3: the number of infected fish ranged from 80% to 100%, with highest prevalence
values recorded in winter (Figure 2). Mean abundance values ranged from 10 to 33.8 (Figure
3). Mann-Whitney U test revealed significant difference between winter and spring (p <
0.001). The highest mean intensity values were recorded in winter and the lowest in summer
(Figure 4). A statistically significant difference was revealed between winter and summer
(Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.001).
Farm 4: prevalence values ranged from 60% to 100% (Figure 2). Abundances and intensity
values are highest in winter and lowest in spring (Figure 3, 4). Statistically, significant
difference was highlighted between spring and winter (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.005).
Farm 5: the number of infected ranged from 70% to 100% (Figure 2). The mean abundance
and mean intensity show the same as prevalence with highest values recorded in winter
(Figures 3, 4). However, no significant difference were found between seasons (Kruskal-
Wallis, p = 0.25). In the case of farm 5, it is difficult to analyze correctly data obtained
during the sampling period because we had an interruption in our samples in autumn
Farm 6: prevalence values varied from 50% to 100%, with highest values registered in
autumn and winter and lowest in spring. After winter 2007, values decrease to spring 2007
and increase to autumn 2008; it decreases again in spring 2008 (Figure 2). The mean
abundance was highest in autumn, with values ranging to 3 to 22.4 (Figure 3). The
Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica

infestation shows a clear seasonal pattern verified with Kruskal-Wallis test (p <0.001). The
mean intensity show a similar trend to abundance with highest values recorded in autumn
and winter (Figure 4), with a significant difference of seasonal infestation (Kruskal-Wallis, p
< 0.001).
3.2.2 Copepoda
Specimens of L. kroyeri were collected only in the farm 6. The investigations revealed the
presence of parasites in 65% of D. labrax examined in this farm. A total of 283 specimens of
L. kroyeri were collected (mean abundance: 3.7, mean intensity: 5.4). L. kroyeri occurred
throughout the sampling period. The number of infected fish varied from 30% to 90% with
highest prevalence values recorded in summer and lowest in winter (Figure 5).

Fig. 5. Prevalence of Lernanthropus kroyeri in fish farm 6 according to season (W: winter; S:
spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of sampling).
Mean abundance values ranged from 0.7 to 9.3, and the highest values were recorded in
spring 2007 separated by intervals of decreasing values, with a significant decline during
winter 2008. After winter 2008, values sharply increased to summer 2008 (Figure 6).
The mean intensity shows the same trend as the abundance for the second year of study,
with highest values recorded in summer (Figure 7). Statistically, the occurrence of infection
showed a clear seasonal pattern verified with Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.001), with significant
differences between winter and summer.
As L. kroyeri, C. minimus is identified only in the farm 6. Rates of infestations are lowest than
those of L. kroyeri. Prevalence values ranged from 0 to 60% with highest values recorded in
spring (Figure 8).
Abundance values shows that rates of infestation with C. minimus are relatively stable
throughout the seasons, with an infestation a little more important for spring (Figure 9).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Fig. 6. Mean abundance of Lernanthropus kroyeri in fish farm 6 according to season (W:
winter; S: spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of

Fig. 7. Mean intensity of Lernanthropus kroyeri in fish farm 6 according to season (W: winter;
S: spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of
Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica


Fig. 8. Prevalence of Caligus minimus in fish farm 6 according to season (W: winter; S: spring;
Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of sampling).

Fig. 9. Mean abundance of Caligus minimus in fish farm 6 according to season (W: winter; S:
spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of sampling).
In 2008, the mean intensity increases with the elevation of water temperature. Highest
values were recorded in spring and summer (Figure 10). However, no significant difference
was revealed between season (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.39) because values are lower.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Fig. 10. Mean intensity of Caligus minimus in fish farm 6 according to season (W: winter; S:
spring; Su: summer; A: autumn; 2007: first year of sampling; 2008: second year of sampling).
3.2.3 Isopoda
All specimens were found at the end of spring in 22 fish of the same farm. However, rates of
infestation are to lower to have a significant result (prevalence: 4.7%, mean abundance: 0.1).
3.2.4 Myxosporea
All specimens were found at the end of spring. As C. oestroides the number of parasites
collected is to lower to have a significant result (prevalence: 0.43%, mean abundance: 0.2).
However, the study of mean intensity shows that in spite of the small number of infested
fish C. labracis possesses highest value of mean intensity (69.04).
3.3 Influence of the host size on parasite population
3.3.1 Monogenea
The highest prevalence of D. aequans was registered for class II with 92%. Class I possesses a
lowest prevalence with 81%. Our results showed an increase of mean abundances and mean
intensities in the courses of generations. Values are higher for class II with 19.4 and 21.1
respectively. Statistical test show significant difference in abundances according to age
classes (Kruskall-Wallis, p < 0,001). Older fish are more infested (Table 2).
3.3.2 Copepoda
Considering all samples as a whole, it was found that rates of infestation varied with host
size. Results (prevalence, abundance and mean intensity) are presented in table 2.
Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica

Concerning L. kroyeri, the lowest prevalence values were observed for class I (55%) and the
highest values for class II. The mean abundance and mean intensity have shown an irregular
and significant pattern with size class (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.01): values were higher in the
largest specimens. Each size class corresponds to an age class. Class I represents younger
fish while class II corresponds to the oldest fish. Rates of infestation were relatively similar
but values of mean abundance and mean intensity showed that larger and older fish tend to
be more parasitized.
Prevalence values of C. minimus increase between class I and class II. Older fish are more
infected. However, there is no significant difference between age classes (Kruskal-Wallis, p
= 0.237). Mean abundance and mean intensity show values relatively close between

Age class
N Fish
Prevalence %
D. aequans 1+ 210 81 9 11
2+ 260 92 19.4 21.1
L. kroyeri 1+ 33 55 1.7 3.1
2+ 47 72.3 4.8 6.7
C. minimus 1+ 33 21.2 0.3 1.3
2+ 47 32 0.8 2.5
Table 2. Rates of infestation of D. labrax between age classes.
3.3.3 Isopoda
Four parasites were collected. The number of parasites is too low to establish a relation
between infestation and host age.
3.3.4 Myxosporea
Colonies of C. labracis were collected in the stomach of two fish. A total of 120 colonies were
counted (prvalence: 1 %, abundance: 0.5) but our data are not sufficient to establish a
hypothesis between host age and the number of parasites.
4. Discussion
4.1 Distribution of parasites in host population
The relationship of the number of parasites to severity of disease can be dependent of some
factors. A variety of environmental and biological factors and management practices that
may influence rates of infestation of parasites have been identified. Parameters including
oceanographic factors (temperature or water circulation) associated with physiological
factors (immunological alterations and hormonal changes) are the most frequent causes
suggest to explained seasonal fluctuations of parasitic infections. They are highly variable
and may vary seasonally or annually (Gonzalez-Lanza et al., 1991, Oliver, 1982; Robertsen et
al., 2008; Winger et al., 2008).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

4.2 Presence of parasites in fish farms
Seasonal fluctuations in prevalence and abundance are common in many parasites species
infecting marine fish (Oliver, 1982). Our results indicated pronounced changes in the cycle
of infection, with variation in parasite distribution. The fluctuation in rates of infestations
showed that water temperature, which generates a definite seasonal cycle, has a great
influence on the population dynamics of parasites. Many studies conducted on the
behaviour of parasites in culture conditions have shown that water temperature is the major
abiotic factor affecting reproduction and population growth (Oliver, 1987). Generally, high
water temperature levels promote faster hatching of eggs and parasites propagate rapidly
(Gannicott & Tinsley, 1998; Kim et al., 2001; Silan & Maillard, 1989). Cyclic peaks of many
parasites species have been mainly registered in sea cages during summer months
(Andersen and Buchmann, 1998; Cecchini et al., 1998; Gelnar, 1987).
As monogeneans, in contrast to other helminths, which need intermediate hosts to complete
their life cycle, have a direct life cycle, temperature appears to be the most significant in
explaining the seasonal periodicities. Generally, monogeneans propagate rapidly on the host
fish in warm water seasons. Our results differ in some extent from those reports in the
Mediterranean. This study demonstrates that transmission of D. aequans in fish farms is
seasonal, with invasion maximized during the colder part of the year and almost negligible
infection over summer. Influence of temperature causing a rapid development on the life
cycle of D. aequans was reported in D. labrax. Cecchini (1994) mentioned that between 20C
and 30C, hatching of D. aequans takes place a few days after laying, whereas at 15C and
10C it occurs respectively between the 11
and the 19
day. However, the present study
revealed that D. aequans exhibit clear and significant seasonal changes with highest rates of
infestation recorded in winter and the lowest during summer, following a contrary
temperature pattern. These variations tend to confirm that D. aequans display spatial and
temporal stability. Similar data has already been reported for some monogeneans, including
D. aequans, and may be explained by changes in parasites behaviour (Antonelli, 2010;
Robertsen et al., 2008; Silan, 1984). These results may indicate that D. aequans is adapted to
cold temperature. Lambert & Maillard (1974) and Gonzalez-Lanza et al., (1991)
demonstrated that seasonal changes in composition of parasites population of D. labrax
could be the sign of a parasitic adaptation, and suggest continuous recruitment and their
persistence throughout the year.
Temperature is also assumed to influence the immune defence in fishes, and may affect
intensities of parasites indirectly (Johnson et al., 2004; Oliver, 1982). Variations in rates of
infestation through the seasons can also be explained by changes in the fish behaviour.
Abundance peak recorded in winter for D. aequans can coincide with an immunodeficiency
of fish linked to brutal changes in temperature during the transition from autumn to winter
(Faliex et al., 2008). These periods of decreasing of water temperature result in a stress
response of the European sea bass (Hadj Kacem et al., 1987). This may reflect a weakened
immune system of fish, and therefore a greater vulnerability, leaving the opportunity for
parasites to increase their populations rapidly (Oliver, 1982).
Results found for copepod species L. kroyeri agree with data previously reported in the
Mediterranean (Bahri et al., 2002; Manera & Dezfuli, 2003). The development of L. kroyeri
appears to be directly linked to water temperature; highest rates of infestation were
recorded in spring and summer, coinciding with an increase of water temperature. Seasonal
Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica

changes in prevalence and abundance suggest that L. kroyeri have an annual life cycle, with
one period of heavy infestation. Like most copepods, L. kroyeri have a direct life cycle and
environmental factors such as temperature appears to be the most significant in explaining
the seasonal periodicities (Noga, 2000). Host tissue reactions were observed on gill filaments
in the immediate vicinity of the copepod attachment sites. This hyperplasia or inflammation
of gill tissue is interpreted as a host tissue immune response to parasite aggression.
C. minimus, C. oestroides and C. labracis were identified in our study but rates of infestation
appear very low. Two hypotheses are considered to explain these results:
- The fish is adapted to the presence of these parasites species and rates of infestation
decreased as it was already demonstrated by Mladineo & Marsic-Lucic (2007) for the
Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata ;
- This lowest infestation explains by a recent arrival of the parasites in the environment.
Only a long-term surveillance would allow us to verify these hypotheses.
Specimens of C. oestroides and C. labracis have been collected in the same fish farm, but our data
values are too low to comment statistically our results. However, the presence of these isolated
individuals could be the result of a parasitic transfer. Numerous wild fish revolved all around
cages looking for food. There is an international speculation that parasite transmission from
farmed to wild fish leads to increase the incidence of parasitism in wild fish. However, our
previous study tend to confirm that some diseases are transmitted directly to fish by
cohabitation with infected fish or by horizontal transmission from wild marine fish. The
analyse of the parasitic fauna of wild fish living around cages highlighted important rates of
infestation with C. oestroides (Antonelli et al., 2009; Antonelli 2010). Wild fish are believed to be
the primary reservoirs of parasites infection for fish farmed in sea-cages, and can negatively
impact upon the health of farmed fish (Bragoni et al., 1984; Hutson et al., 2007). In our case, D.
labrax can constitute a new host to colonize for new parasites species. Physiological parameters
of some parasites species, e.g. female C. oestroides constantly mature, could entrain a rapid
parasitic development, causing highest mortalities (Bragoni et al., 1984).
A few studies highlighted infestation with myxosporean in D. labrax. Alvarez-Pellitero &
Sitj-Bobadilla (1993) mentioned that infestation due to C. labracis is more important in
cultured fish than in wild fish. The infestation in fish farm 5 is relatively low but it must be
controlled. C. labracis is highly pathogen and can provoke serious outbreaks on fish, such as
inflammatory reaction of epithelial cells.
Our observations were also consistent with the idea that local conditions can influence rates
of infestation. The high densities living conditions in sea-cages can favour parasites
infestation, and fish became targets for infection at high levels. Parasites having low rates of
infestation in the wild can easily spread in populations confined to rearing systems. This
phenomenon is partly due to the direct biological cycle of parasites without intermediate
host (Buchmann and Lindenstrm, 2002; Fioravanti et al., 2006; Hayward et al., 2007). They
are likely to establish and proliferate in aquaculture because they may reproduce rapidly
(Hutson et al., 2007). The presence of parasites throughout the year may be due to close and
prolonged contact between fish in the same cage (Mladineo, 2006).
In addition to the season, the presence of copepods in a single farm suggests that several
factors may operate in the distribution of this parasite, but also the location of the farm. The

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

fact that the farm 6 was isolated on the East coast of Corsica may not have allowed the
parasite to infect other farms. The presence of copepods on a single farm, could explain
according to salinity. The farm 6 is situated in a zone of shallow depth. In littoral waters
(some tens of meters) the contributions of continental fresh water generate vertical
stratifications which can modify the parameters of temperature and salinity (Aminot &
Kerouel, on 2004). This difference could also be due to the circulating sea currents around
the island, in particular the Liguro-Provenal current. This one goes raises of Sicily towards
French coasts, by the canal to Corsica, situated on the eastern coast, with waters of surface
charged in minerals. In the Gulf of Lions, these waters are then going to mix with waters of
the western Mediterranean Sea, much less salted.
Copepods require concentrations in salt less important than monogeneans (Devreker et al.,
2009; Mc Allen & Brennan, 2009). We can suppose that monogeneans are thus less present in
the fish farm 6 because the environment is less salty than on the western coast. It also
coincides with the results obtained for the monogenea D. aequans in the fish farm 3 and
suggests that the salinity could be a factor conditioning the presence or the absence of
certain parasites of D. labrax in Corsica.
Heavy rates of infestation could result also of breeding conditions. Highest densities and
thus contact between fish in cages could favor the apparition and development of pathogens
(Combes, 1990; Johnson et al., 2004; Nowak, 2007; Sterud, 2002). While there are species-
specific differences in optimum stocking density intensively cultured fish are usually kept at
greater densities than occur in the wild. This increases host proximity and therefore
improves the ability of a parasite to locate a host. High densities in cages can also promote a
parasite infestation. For example, sea bass showed higher stress levels at high densities
resulting on chronic stress situation and innate immune response favouring parasites
development (Vazzana et al., 2002).
The introduction of a new species in an ecosystem without sanitary control could constitute
a serious risk of parasites transfer responsible for the break of for the break of natural host-
parasite interactions (Euzet & Pariselle, 1996). In mariculture, naive fish are introduced from
hatcheries to sea cages and can increase the frequency of infections. Intensive aquaculture of
fish is not without its problems, and these include disease outbreaks and consequences of
introducing parasites to new host and/or new localities with the transportation of live fish
(Combes, 2001). Severe epizootic periods have occurred because of fastest accumulation of
pathogens in fish populations.
4.3 Influence of the host size on parasite population
We found signicant relationships between the parasite burden and host-related factors.
Dominant parasites species showed a positive relationship between host age/size and
parasite load. Rates of infestation (prevalence, abundance and intensity) showed significant
changes with host age/size (body length is closely related to age in fish). Older fish are more
parasitized. This positive correlation between age (and therefore the size) of fish abundance
and parasite occurs relatively frequently for different fish parasites including monogeneans
(Cable & Van Oosterhout, 2007; Poulin & Rohde, 1997). A higher parasitisation level in older
fish has also been observed by Silan (1984) for D. aequans. Our results for copepods differ
from those reported by Manera & Dezfuli (2003), which reported that small fish are more
Metazoan Parasites of the European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica

parasitised than large, but prevalence of copepods increased with host size up to fish of
intermediate length before decreased.
The influence of host age and/or size on parasites populations has been demonstrated by
several authors, and two hypotheses have been proposed to explain these relationships.
- The first hypothesis followed the island size hypothesis, which is also linked to the
theory of island biogeography proposed by Mac Arthur & Wilson (1967). Dogiel
(1964) compared the host to an island and concluded that the larger the host, the more
parasites can settle on it.
- The second hypothesis refers directly to host age. Host accumulates parasites as they
get older because time increases the likelihood of acquiring parasites.
Previous studies showed that the variation of the parasitism depending on the size and age
of fish can be depending on several factors. The availability of space may be one of these
factors involved in the infection of European sea bass. The abundance of gill-infecting
parasites has been correlated to host size, where an increase in body length is accompanied
by modification in gill surface. An increase in the branchial surface can provide a larger area
of infestation, and thus more potential sites for attachment of these parasites (El Madhi &
Belghyti, 2006). Changes in size of gills filaments were associated with an increase of the
volume of water passing through the gill cavity, may affect attachment capability of
parasites and enhancing the possibility of being detached by respiratory currents (Timi &
Lanfranchi, 2006). Parasites were attached horizontally, facing into a seawater flow supplied
by a circulating water system. This may indicate that only the most resistant parasites can be
securely attached to a fish of a given size, and may influence transmission, increasing or
decreasing the chances of invasion by the larvae of parasites (Buchmann & Lindenstrm,
2002). Also, in their natural environment, larger individuals have higher physical
(ventilation volume) or chemical (mucus) stimuli which increase their attractiveness to
parasites (Kearn, 1967). showed that copepods were able to respond to visual and
mechanical cues by increasing their swimming activities. All of these factors should logically
increase the probability of encountering free infective stages.
5. Conclusion
Even though the overall prevalence was higher, parasites were never abundant in our
study. Mortalities related to parasites were not reported and all fish examined appear to
be in good health. Our results differ in some extent from those reported by Manera &
Dezfuli (2003) who reported clinical signs such as occlusion of branchial circulation,
destruction of gills and massive mucus cell proliferation observed on fish. Fish sampled
during our work do not display the symptoms described in previous studies (Manera &
Dezfuli, 2003; Toksen et al., 2008). Parasites were present at too low abundances and
intensities to affect the health of cultured sea bass. However, we must remain vigilant and
we have to monitor the evolution of the parasite. We expect that the parasites infection
scenarios reported here illustrate basic characteristics of the hostparasite interaction and
would correspond with infection regimes affecting fish farms at different times of the
year. The fact that transmission is seasonal will allow the introduction of measures to
decrease parasite recruitment.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

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Parasitic Diseases in Cultured
Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico
Emma J. Fajer-vila, Oscar B. Del Ro-Zaragoza
and Miguel Betancourt-Lozano
Research Center for Food and Development, Mazatlan Unit, Parasitoogy Lab
1. Introduction
Parasite treatment and control, as well as proper health management of cultured marine
finfishes are needed to establish mariculture as an economically viable activity. The Pacific
northwest coast of Mexico harbours important commercial fish biodiversity, where some
species are currently being considered for marine culture. Nowadays there are important
advances in the domestication of several species of snapper, such as Lutjanus guttatus
(spotted rose snapper), L. peru (Pacific red snapper), L. argentiventris (yellow snapper), L.
aratus (mullet snapper), and L. colorado (colorado snapper). In particular, the spotted rose
snapper is an important commercial fish species that has been in experimental culture for
several years in Central America. In Mexico, snapper wholesale prices are among the
highest, explaining the increasing interest in its cultivation that had led to several grow-out
trials carried out by more than 17 coastal Pacific fishery cooperatives. Other species with
potential for mariculture are the puffer-fish (Sphoeroides annulatus), the California halibut
(Paralichthys californicus), the leopard groupers (Mycteroperca rosacea) and the yellowtail
amberjack (Seriola lalandi), with potential for USA and Asian markets. Similarly, the Pacific
coast of Mexico supports large tuna fisheries that have the highest economic value after
shrimp. The capture-based tuna (Thunnus orientalis) aquaculture in the northern Baja
California, Mexico, represents 3% of world production and is among the fastest growing
forms of aquaculture in the world. It is estimated that in the future 80% of tuna will come
from aquaculture (Zertuche-Gonzlez et al., 2008). Snapper aquaculture in Mexico is carried
out in grow-out cages (Fig. 1) maintained by coastal fishermen grouped in cooperatives in
nine states of the Mexican Pacific: Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco,
Colima, Michoacn, Guerrero and Oaxaca (Avils-Quevedo, 2011), with an estimated
demand of over 150,000 thousand juveniles for each production cycle. This activity
nowadays depends on the capture of wild juveniles. Currently, the Mexican government
UAS, others) and farmers are joining forces in the expansion and diversification of
mariculture. In these sense a multispecies, 2668 m pilot-scale tropical marine finfish
hatchery was designed to fulfill the requirements of finfish juvenile research and
development at the Research Center for Food and Development, in Mazatlan, Mexico
(Alvares-Lajonchere et al., 2007). The main goals of the facility are (1) scale-up and study
experimental results at a pre-commercial-scale; (2) assess technical and financial feasibility

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Fig. 1. Floating cage of the spotted rose snapper in Mazatln Sinaloa. Photograph courtesy of
C. Hernndez
and improve these technologies before transfer to commercial-scale; (3) adapt technology to
other fish species. Other snapper hatcheries are located in Baha Concepcin, B.C.S. and in
Boca de Apiza, Michoacn (CRIP), while facilities for California halibut and yellowtail
amberjack are in Ensenada B.C.N. (CICECE).
The occurrence of parasites is one of the most important problems in aquaculture
development. Fish farms require knowledge of parasites that could become potential
pathogens. In this context, 19 species have been reported as bullseye puffer fish parasites, 38
for the spotted rose snapper, 18 for the Pacific red snapper, 5 for the Pacific cubera snapper,
10 for the yellow snapper, 2 for the mullet snapper, 36 for the Pacific bluefin tuna, 11 for the
yellowtail amberjack, 4 for the leopard groupers, and 24 for the California halibut. Among
these, ectoparasites represent the major threat in farming systems, where infections can be
predominantly caused by protozoans, monogeneans and crustaceans. To overcome the
problems posed by parasites, the use of proper prophylactic and therapeutic measures is
frequently indicated, as well as immunostimulants to improve fish welfare, health and
production. Therefore, the objective of this chapter is summarizing the main parasites and
parasitic diseases that affect the marine fish species with aquaculture potential in the
Norwest Pacific coast of Mexico, emphasising on the research approaches aimed at
developing strategies for their control.
2. Diseases caused by protistants
2.1 Ciliates
Among the protozoan, the group of ciliates has more than 8000 species, with sizes ranging
from about 10 m to 4.5 mm (Lom, 2005). Ciliates can be found virtually everywhere from
small ponds or streams to open oceans. Their locomotion is performed by cilia and although
most are free-living, many occur as commensals, and some are parasites of invertebrates and

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

vertebrates. The ciliates exhibit nuclear dimorphism, with a large asexual nucleus
(macronucleus) responsible for the entire life activity, and the small sexual nucleus
(micronucleus) for reproduction. Although in most cases the ciliates do not inflict any harm,
there are some species severely pathogenic to fish.
Cryptocaryon irritans is perhaps one of the most virulent parasites of snappers causing a
disease called cryptocaryonosis (Fig. 2a). The main characteristic of this holotrich ciliate is
the presence of a tetra lobulated macronucleus and several smaller micronuclei (Fig. 2b)
(Colorni & Diamant, 1993). Its infective phase is carried out by tomites that become pyriform
free swimming theronts, which can then penetrate skin and gills. Mature trophonts leave the
fish and produce cysts that eventually develop as daughter tomites (Dickerson, 2006). In the
spotted red snapper, the time required to complete its life cycle is approximately 6 days at

C (unpublished results). This parasite invades the epithelial tissue of snappers

cultured causing serious lesions. In our facilities, outbreaks of C. irritans were common in
snapper juveniles (L. guttatus, L. peru and L. argentiventris) reared in tanks, with
characteristic white pinheads on the skin, fins, eyes and gills, where each spot represented a
developing trophont within an epithelial capsule or vesicle (Fig. 2). The observed infection
levels were heavy ( 200 trophonts gill arch
) and caused serious damage in gill tissue such
as hyperplasia, inflammation and necrosis, while mortalities rose up to 70% within the
affected stock.

Fig. 2. Cryptocaryonosis in the spotted rose snapper (a) (from: Fajer-vila et al., 2011).
Arrows indicate white spots. A drawing of Cryptocaryon irritans (b) (from: EcuRed 2012).
Although there are reports of C. irritans in tiger puffer fish (Takifugu rubripes) (Ogawa &
Inouye, 1997), this ciliate has not been found on bullseye puffer fish cultured in Mexico.
Ogawa & Inouye (1997) occasionally reported this parasite from tiger puffer fish cultured
which seasonality on the occurrence was not clearly demonstrated. However, the occasional
reports of this parasite in the tiger puffer fish, (Ogawa & Inouye, 1997) and its association to
the emaciation disease in fish cultured in net cages, with clinical signs of severe emaciation,
sunken eyes, bony ridges on the head and a tapered body (Tun et al., 2000), indicates that C.
irritans could eventually become a risk for the bullseye puffer fish culture.
Another parasite that is known to affect snappers in captivity is the phylopharyngiid ciliate,
Brooklynella hostilis. This parasite feeds on epidermis tissue of skin and gills, causing
hemorrhages as also ingest blood cells with and extensible cytopharyngeal armature (Lom,
2005). In captive fish it may multiply massively causing brooklynelosis, when it can be
found gliding over the gills using its ventral rows of cilia. Heavy infestations of B. hostilis
have been associated to stress during the transportation of wild spotted rose snapper
a b

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

juveniles to our facilities, causing respiratory difficulties and up to 70% of fish mortality
(pers. obs.). High infection levels associated to mortalities have also been observed on gills
of the Pacific red snapper captivity in aquaculture facilities in La Paz, B.C.S. Mexico (Perez-
Urbiola et al., 2008a).
Trichodina spp. can be considered among the parasites that could be of importance in the
bullseye puffer fish culture. So far, two trichodinid species have been identified, Trichodina
jadranica and Trichodina sp. (Fajer-vila et al., 2011), normally found on the skin and gills of
wild adults from Sinaloa (Fajer-vila et al., 2004), where Trichodina sp. ocurred in 30% of the
fish, and was associated to histopathological and degenerative alterations, such as
hyperplasia, increase of mucous cells and inflammatory reactions (Chvez-Snchez, pers.
comm.). These degenerative changes have been previously described in other species and
linked to high mortalities in wild and cultured fish (Bason & Van As, 2006; Colorni &
Diamant, 2005). The high prevalence and abundance of trichodinids in wild marine fish has
also been proposed as indicator organic pollution (Aksit et al., 2008).
2.2 Dinoflagelates
Amyloodiniosis is caused by the dinoflagelate Amyloodinium ocellatum, considered the
parasite that inflicts the greatest damage to commercial marine fish cultivated in tropical
waters (Fig. 3). This organism has dark brown sac-like trophozoites (trophonts; 56 to 73 m
diameter) bounded by a cell wall, internal globules and a prominent holdfasts stalk that
anchors the parasite to the host.

Fig. 3. Amyloodinium ocellatum attached to a gill filament on the spotted rose snapper.
Scale bar = 100 m (400 x).
The life cycle of A. ocellatum infecting captive spotted rose snapper takes 96 hours at 28

and 34 ups of salinity (Ontiveros-Garca, 2008). Its growing and feeding phase occurs on the
skin and gills of fish, followed by a detachment of the trophont (with stalk withdrawal),
which then produces a reproductive cyst (tomont) that settles in the tank walls. The cyst
performs several asexual divisions, releasing motile forms (dinospores of 12 to 15 m) after
the last division, which is then capable of infecting new hosts. Outbreaks of A. ocellatum
have been frequently observed on bullseye puffer fish, spotted rose snapper, Pacific red
snapper, Pacific cubera snapper, yellow snapper and mullet snapper causing gill lesions,
impaired oxygen exchange and even 100% of fish mortality (Fajer-vila et al., 2011; Prez-
Urbiola et al., 2008a). The rearing conditions of juvenile leopard groupers were favorable for
the proliferation of this dinoflagellate, resulting in a cumulative mortality rate of 89.5% at 7
days post-infection, where the highest virulence was observed at 48 h (Reyes-Becerril et al.,

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

2008). The infection is characterized by initial signs of appetite loss, followed by opacity of
the skin with whitish areas and erosion of the caudal fin. Fish start swimming sideways and
rubbing against the tanks bottom. Severe infection cases have been observed on the spotted
rose snapper (Ontiveros-Garca, 2008), with hundreds of parasites per fish. A notorious fish
response was an increment on erythrocyte size, which could be considered as respiratory
exchange compensation due to the effect of parasites on the gills. A positive correspondence
between the level of infections of A. ocellatum and the total leucocyte number was also
observed, indicating that this is a protective response to parasitic stress (Das et al., 2006).
High infection levels of A. ocellatum were further associated to a severe proliferative
epithelial response on gills, high number of mucous cells, infiltrating inflammatory cells and
lamellar fusion (Ontiveros-Garca, 2008).
3. Infections by monogeneans
Monogeneans are flatworm ectoparasites with a direct life cycle, frequently found in
mariculture systems. The main characteristic of the monogenean group is presence of an
opisthaptor, an adhesive apparatus equipped by sclerotized structures located in the
posterior region of the worm. Most of monogeneans infecting marine fish are ovoviviparous
(Buchmann & Bresciani, 2006). They are considered important pathogens due to their
velocity of propagation among fish in culture systems (Thoney & Hargis, 1991). Mass
infections by monogeneans are result of the innate susceptibility that stressful
environmental conditions could elicit on fish (Buchman & Bresciani, 2006).
3.1 Capsalids
The capsalid family has a characteristic flattened, leaf-like body. The haptor is also
remarkably conservative. The basic arrangement comprises a saucer-shaped attachment
organ armed with three pairs of median sclerites that are usually large, 14 small hooklets at
the periphery of the haptor proper and a thin, membranous marginal valve around the edge
(Whittington, 2004). The capsalid monogeneans are considered important pathogens in fish
culture facilities (Ogawa et al., 1995; Whittington et al., 2001a). They normally inhabit on the
fish skin and under the scales, although some can be found on the gills and nostrils
(Buchmann & Bresciani, 2006). These parasites feed on epithelial cells and mucus and are
relatively large and flat, with prominent muscular disc haptors at the posterior end (Leong
& Colorni, 2002).
Some species have been linked to epizootics of wild fishes (Paperna & Overstreet, 1981),
while other species have shown low host specificity in marine fish cultured in floating net
cages, such as the ones of the genera Benedenia, Neobenedenia and Megalocotyloides (Leong &
Colorni, 2002). Benedenia spp., B. epinepheli, B. lutjani, and Neobenedia sp. were reported to the
snappers L. johni and L. argentimaculatus, while N. girellae was reported to L. johni (Leong &
Colorni, 2002) and T. rubripes (Ogawa et al., 1995). B. epinepheli was reported in 25 fish
species, where tetraodontid fish was considered the most susceptible for severe infections
(Leong & Colorni, 2002). Five Neobenedenia species were found in the Pacific coast and
Cortez Sea, Mexico: N. girellae, morphologically synonymized as N. melleni by Whittington &
Horton (1996) molecularly confirmed by Li et al. (2005), and N. adenea, on the groupers M.
pardalis and M. rosacea in Baja California Sur, Mexico (Kohn et al., 2006) and N. isabellae on
gills of M. olfax in Nayarit; N. longiprostata on the serranid family in Baja California Norte

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

and N. pacifica on the flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus) in Baja California Norte (Kohn et al.,
2006). Wild bullseye puffer fish were found infested by N. melleni at low levels (1-3 parasite
per fish) (Fajer-vila et al., 2004), while in tanks the infection levels reached values of 28-60
parasites per fish, causing skin lesions, anorexia and mortality on juveniles (Fajer-vila et
al., 2008). A potential new species of Neobenedenia (Fig. 4a) was found in spotted rose
snapper causing hemorrhage of the caudal fin (Fig. 4b), emaciation and mortality in
juveniles reared in tanks (unpublished results). Additional reports of Neobenedenia spp. on
adults of L. peru, L. aratus, L. novemfasciatus and L. argentiventris reared in tanks indicates that
fish show opaque eyes, mucus proliferation, coloration changes and anorexia, while this
parasite was not found in juveniles of the same fish species (Prez-Urbiola et al., 2008a). As
pathogen, Neobenedenia is particularly important as there are reports of the introduction of
this parasite into fish stocks due to unregulated fish transference across international
borders (Ogawa et al., 1995).

Fig. 4. Neobenedenia sp. (Scale bar = 1mm at 40 X; Staining Van Cleaves hematoxilin) (a)
causing hemorrhage on the caudal fin in spotted rose snapper (b).
Benedenia seriolae is the most common capsalid species in the intensive culture of yellowtail
(Seriola quinqueradiata), where approximately 20% of the total production costs is dedicated
to control this parasite (Whittington et al., 2001b). In Bahia Magdalena, BCS, Mexico, 5%
mortality of S. lalandi cultured in floating cages has been attributed to mismanagement and
the presence of opportunistic parasites, such as Benedenia sp. (Avils-Quevedo & Castell-
Orvay, 2004). Benedenia sp. is commonly found in wild fish such as croakers, flounders, and
mackerels (Avils-Quevedo & Castell-Orvay, 2004). In Mexico most of the capture-based
tuna aquaculture is located along the Pacific Coast of Baja California. The farms normally
rear the pacific bluefin tuna a species recognized as resistant to diseases, so although several
parasites have been identified, no serious problems have been reported. The capsalids
reported in pacific bluefin tuna are B. seriolae, Capsala paucispinosa and Capsala sp. (Munday
et al., 2003). No reports of monogeneans were found for the culture of the California halibut
a common fish along the Pacific coast of North America. However, there are reports of
capsalids parasitizing this fish species such as Entobdella squamula and E. hippoglossi
(Castillo-Snchez et al., 1998; Kalman, 2006).
3.2 Dactylogyrids
Dactylogyrids are common gill parasites from teleost fish distributed throughout warm seas
(Wu et al., 2006). The monogeneans of the Dactylogyridae family presents two pairs of large
hooks or hamuli that oppose each other and allow the parasite to attach to the secondary
a b

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

lamellae of the gill filament. The hamuli break the gill tissue and cause epithelial
hyperplasia, oedema and haemorrhages (Whittington, 2005). Heavily affected fish may die
due to asphyxia as a result of gill pathology and interference with the exchange of
respiratory gases and ions (Stephens et al., 2003). Dactylogyrids could have an impact on
cultured fish as they can easily multiply and disperse as result of their direct life cycle,
sometimes reaching very high densities.
Some Haliotrema species are pathogens of marine fish. H. johni and H. abaddon were reported
infecting gills of snapper L. johni, in floating cages in Penang, Malaysia (Leong & Wong,
1987), and the cultured Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum) (Pironet & Jones, 2000).
Dactylogyrid monogeneans (Fig. 5) such as Haliotrematoides spp. and Euryhaliotrema sp. are
commonly found on the gills of wild and cultured spotted rose snapper (Fajer-vila et al.,

Fig. 5. Dactylogyrid monogeneans on a gill filament of spotted rose snapper.
Scale bar = 50 m (40 x).
Three dactylogyrid genera, Euryhaliotrema, Haliotrematoides and Tetrancistrum, include
species that have been found on the gills of snappers (Kritsky et al., 2009). Fifteen species of
Euryhaliotrema are currently known from snappers worldwide (Fuentes-Zambrano & Silva
Rojas, 2006; Garca-Vargas et al., 2008; Kritsky & Boeger, 2002, Li, 2005, 2006; Li et al., 2005;
Pan & Zhang, 2006) and 22 of Haliotrematoides (Kritsky et al., 2009). In Mexico four species of
Haliotrematoides have been reported from lutjanids from the Atlantic (Kritsky et al., 2009;
Zhukov, 1976). E. perezponcei and H. guttati (Garca-Vargas et al., 2008), H. spinatus, H.
plectridium and Euryhaliotrematoides sp. were found on the spotted rose snapper in
northwestern coast of Mexico (Soler-Jimnez & Fajer-vila, in press) Perez-Urbiola et al.
(2008a) reported high levels of dactylogyrids (Haliotrema spp.) associated to mortalities of
snappers (L. aratus, L. argentiventris and L. novemfasciatus) confined at high densities in little
ponds with low water exchange.
Experimental studies with L. guttatus subjected to different levels of dactylogyrid infections
showed that the attachment of dactylogyrids increased the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in
fish with a low level of infection (mean intensity of 22 parasites per fish). Glucose was high
for all infection levels. An increase in the infection load was positively correlated with the
total leucocyte count (68,000 to 152,000 leucocytes), representing an increase of more than

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

200 percent in fish with the infection level higher respect to control group. The infection load
was also positively correlated with the thrombocyte percentage ratio and the percentage of
granulocytes, whereas increased infection level was negatively correlated with the leucocyte
percentage ratio and the number of lymphocytes. A high infection level (100 parasites per
fish) led to severe proliferative epithelial response in gills, as well as high number of mucous
cells, a moderate increase in chloride cells, infiltrating inflammatory cells and lamellar
fusion (Del Ro-Zaragoza et al., 2010).
3.3 Diclidophorids
Diclidophoridae monogeneans have an elongated body, which usually have an
opisthohaptor with several suckers or clamps in two mostly symmetrical rows. The number
of clamps never exceeds four on one side and they have also a cirrus and or genital atrium
armed or unarmed (Yamaguti, 1961). The genus Heterobothrium is a very common
diclidophorid parasite of tetraodontid fish, with four pair of sessile clamps and a ring of
claw-shaped spines at the terminal end of the male copulatory organ. Heterobothrium has a
direct cycle, invading fish hosts through free-swimming larvae, oncomiracidia. Outbreaks of
diclidophorids have been reported in several Asian countries, such as H. okamotoi infecting
gills and the branchial cavity of the tiger puffer fish, while Neoheterobothrium hirame infects
the gills and the buccal cavity of the Japanese flounder (P. olivaceus), the latter parasite being
considered the causative agent of anaemia among Japanese fisheries since the late 1990s
(Ogawa, 2002).
In the Pacific coast of Mexico, H. ecuadori has been reported in the bullseye puffer fish from
Oaxaca (Lamothe-Argumedo, 1967) and Sinaloa (Fajer-vila et al., 2004). In the Gulf of
Mexico, H. lamothei from the gills of checkered puffer (S. testudineus) was described. Reports
regarding the occurrence of the platyhelminth parasites on wild bullseye puffers fish from
two localities in Sinaloa revealed that H. ecuadori was the most prevalent species, likely to be
present at water temperature of 23-24.5

C (Fajer-Avila et al., 2003). The higher prevalence of

H. ecuadori observed in some areas could be associated to the behaviour of the bullseye
puffer fish, which congregates in large numbers in lagoons, such Teacapan, to spawn,
facilitating the transmission of parasites with direct life cycles.
In general, the biology of diclidophorid monogeneans is poorly known (Frankland, 1955;
Yasuzaki et al., 2004). Grano-Maldonado et al. (2011) described the development and life
span of the oncomiracidia of H. ecuadori in bullseye puffer fish under experimental
condition. The authors found that hatching time fluctuated between 7 and 10 days at 231

and 35 ups salinity. Oncomiracidia longevity was 4 to 7 days at 211
C, indicating
infectivity potential for a long period of time, therefore making this parasite very dangerous
for fish culture. Other monogenean larvae from the same family, such as the oncomiracidia
of H. okamotoi, were also able to survive up to 7.3 days at 20

C (Ogawa, 1998). As result,

severe parasitic infestations of H. ecuadori can result in significant mortality in cultured
bullseye puffer fish (Fajer-Avila et al., 2003). Histological findings showed that the parasites
were attached to secondary gill lamellae, causing moderate damage to cells, such as
inflammation, gill fusion, mucus cell number increase, hyperplasia, epithelial sloughing and
necrosis (Chvez-Snchez pers. comm.). In general, diclidophorids do not elicit great tissue
damage of their delicate ways to attach and drawn blood from gill lamellaes (Cone, 1999).
Infections levels higher than 100 H. ecuadori per gill arch on bullseye puffer fish juveniles

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

reared in tanks were associated to pale gills and 25% mortality (personal observations),
showing similarities to the effects reported by Ogawa (2005) with H. okamotoi on T. rubripes,
indicating that anemia was the main pathological alteration.
3.4 Microcotylids
The monogeneans of the microcotylidae family are gill parasites that possess a haptor with
numerous clamps and a mouth adapted for blood sucking (Leong & Colorni, 2002).
Although reports of infections by these monogeneans are restricted to relatively few fish
species, not always showing clinical signs (Leong & Colorni, 2002), it is known that
microcotylids are able to parasitize a wide range of hosts in the wild (Yamaguti, 1963).
However, in recent years microcotylids have caused severe losses in Mediterranean
aquaculture. For instance, Sparicotyle (syn Microcotyle) chrysophrii has been identified as one
of the most threatening ectoparasite for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) culture (Alvarez-
Pellitero, 2004; Sitja-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero, 2009). Heteraxine heterocerca and Zeuxapta
seriolae infecting S. quinqueradiata and S. dumerili respectively, produced similar pathological
effects and were associated to mortalities. Anemia and death are normally associated to the
severe gill damage and blood sucking of these monogenean parasites (Montero et al., 2004).
In Korea Microcotyle sebastis is considered a major parasitic disease agent as it has been
related to high cumulative mortalities of net-pen farmed rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli) (Kim &
Cho, 2000). In northwest Mexico, several microcotylid species have been reported from
snappers from Jalisco, Nayarit, Sinaloa and Baja California Sur (Table 1).

Microcotylids species Fish Host Localities Reference
Neobivagina aniversaria
Polymicrocotyle manteri
P. manteri
L. guttatus
L. guttatus
L. jordani
CB Mendoza-Garfias &
Prez-Ponce de Len
P. manteri L. peru LP Torres-Ayala (2008);
Prez-Urbiola et al.
P. manteri L. colorado BB Perez-Ponce de Len et
al. (1999)
Microcotyloides incisa

M. incisa
L. argentiventris

L. jordani

Mendoza-Garfias &
Prez-Ponce de Len
(1998); Perez-Ponce de
Len et al. (1999)
M. incisa L. guttatus BB, MB,MTB Garca-Vargas (2008)
M. incisa L. colorado BB Perez-Ponce de Len et
al. (1999)
Table 1. Microcotylids species found on wild snappers from Chamela Bay, Jalisco (CB),
Bandera Bay, Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Nayarit (BB), Matanchen Bay, Nayarit (MTB), Mazatlan
Bay, Sinaloa (MB), and La Paz, Baja California, (LP) Mexico.
To our knowledge no microcotylids species has been reported in snapper fish culture.
However, even if microcotylids in wild fish generally have relatively little pathological

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

consequence on the host (Leong & Colorni, 2002), as the projected plans to rear fish in sea
cages develop, the high densities in these systems could easily favor microcotylids
transmission. For instance, a single-host cycle of S. chrysophrii could be experimentally
completed in only 6 weeks post exposure in the gilthead seabream (Sitja-Bobadilla et al.,
4. Infestations by copepods
The adaptations of parasite copepods are, in many cases, of such extent that there are few
resemblances to the typical free-living forms (Grabda, 1991). These parasites are small
dioecious crustaceans, with female carrying eggs in egg sacs attached to the genital segment.
The egg hatches into nauplius that develops into copepodids and eventually adults in a
rather shortened life cycle (Lester & Hayward, 2006). Copepods can be considered among
the most important disease-causing parasites in both wild and aquaculture fish populations
(Boxshall & Halsey, 2004). Parasites such as the sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), as well as
cymothoid isopods, have acquired notoriety with the development of rearing fish in sea
cages (Lester & Hayward, 2006).
4.1 Caligids
Caligids are dorso-ventrally flattened parasites that typically hold to their hosts by a
combination of claws and suction. Their bodies are divided into an anterior cephalothorax
and a post-cephalothoracic genital trunk (Boxshall, 2005). Two genus are very common
parasitizing fishes: Caligus spp. that have frontal lunules, and Lepeophtheirus spp. which does
not have lunules (Wootten et al., 1982). The Caligidae family is generically called sea lice,
and mostly occurs in tropical and warm temperate waters. They are considered among the
most important parasites in marine fish aquaculture. Sea lice infestations are particularly
well known due to the problems caused to the salmonid farming industry, where the cost of
treatments could represent up to 6% of the fish production (Costello, 2009a). The presence of
sea lice on non-salmonid production systems has also been associated with mortality and
diseases, such as the reports of L. pectoralis infecting the European flounder (Platichthys
flesus) (Cavaleiro & Santos, 2007). Although the presence of caligids in the California halibut
culture have not been reported, L. bifurcatus and L. spatha were reported in wild fish with a
prevalence of 3% and 6%, respectively (Kalman, 2006).
L. simplex has been found in the bullseye puffer fish in Sinaloa, Mexico. This parasite showed a
prevalence of 63% and a mean intensity of 2.6 copepods per fish in the Teacapan area, Sinaloa
(Ho et al., 2001). In fact, a seasonality pattern of L. simplex was observed on bullseye puffer fish
from Santa Maria La Reforma lagoon, Sinaloa, with prevalences ranging from 16 to 93% and
mean intensities from 2 to 5.1 (Morales-Serna, 2010). The highest levels occurred during the
warmest months (August and October), although host size was also linked to prevalence. In
culture conditions, however, mean infection levels, up to 30 copepods per fish and 100% of
prevalence have been observed (Fajer-vila & Chvez-Snchez, 1999). L. simplex mobile stages
(pre-adult and adult) cause the greatest damage due to their grazing habits on the hosts skin,
affecting the epidermal tissues due to the mouthparts sawing movements. As consequence of
the infestation, bullseye puffer fish develop whitish spots and hemorrhagic points across
lateral and ventral areas of its body, sloughing epithelial skin and ulceration exposing the
muscular tissue, which then can led to bacterial infections and ultimately fish death.

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

Sometimes L. simplex infesting the bullseye puffer fish has been found hyperparasitised with
the monogenean, Udonella sp., causing more damage than the copepods alone (pers. obs.). This
is similar to reports of Pseudocaligus fugu on the T. rubripes hyperparasitised by Udonella sp.
(Ogawa, 2005; Ogawa & Yokoyama, 1998).
The importance of monitoring and controlling sea lice as part of escalation of the bullseye
puffer fish culture derives from the infectivity potential of this parasite (Fig. 6). In
experimental conditions, sea lice nauplii and free swimming copepodids of L. simplex
successfully infested bullseye puffer fish juveniles, taking only 12 to 14 days to complete the
life cycle (Rivas-Salas, 2003). The genus Caligus sp. has also been reported by Fajer-vila et
al. (2011) on the skin of bullseye puffer fish collected from Teacapan and Mazatlan areas,
Sinaloa. C. serratus, considered as pathogenic for wild and fish culture (Costello, 2009b), was
additionally found in bullseye puffer fish from Santa Maria La Reforma lagoon, Sinaloa by
Morales-Serna (2010), with prevalence ranging from 14 to 70% and mean intensities from 1
to 1.5. The prevalence of C. serratus was positively correlated with fish size as it was found
with L. simplex (Morales-Serna, 2010). Similarly, on the gills of wild and cage cultured
spotted rose snapper adults of Caligus sp. were found at very low prevalence and
abundance (Fajer-vila et al., 2011; Quispe, 2005). Prez-Urbiola et al. (2008a) reports
different Caligus species parasitizing wild Pacific red and yellow snappers, although
indicates that the diseases caused by these parasites were developed during their captivity.

Fig. 6. Bullseye puffer fish heavily infected by Lepeophtheirus simplex under culture condition
(a) (from: Fajer-vila et al., 2011). Diagram of dorsal side of L. simplex female.
Scale bar= 500 m (b).
4.2 Lernanthropids
The Lernanthropidae family, consisting of approximately 140 species, most from warm
waters, is characterized by presenting a body compounded by cephalotorax (with well
developed dorsal shield curved ventrally on each side in female, flat in male), trunk, a
genital complex, and abdomen with 1 or 2 segments (Boxshall & Halsey, 2004). They attach
to the gill filaments of the hosts by the antennae and maxillipeds.
Lernanthropus sp. was found on the gills of wild spotted rose snapper adults from Nayarit
and Sinaloa, and juveniles in cage culture (Quispe, 2005). Lernanthropus can be identified by
the presence of egg sacs linear, the third pair of legs not fused, somite bearing leg 4 with
single dorsal plate and endopod of leg 4 as long as, or longer than, exopod (Boxshall &
Halsey, 2004). In wild spotted rose snappers presented a monthly prevalence higher than
a b

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

20% during sampling from May to October, with a maximum of 36% in June and a mean
intensity of 0.27 parasites per fish (Quispe, 2005). However, despite their pathogenic
potential there are no reports about their incidence in fish culture (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Diagram of ventral side of Lernanthropus sp. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
4.3 Chondracanthids
There are about 160 known species of chondracanthids that occur predominantly in the oral
and branchial cavities of marine demersal fishes (Boxshall & Halsey, 2004). The body of
chondracanthids is sexually dimorphic, with large transformed female typically carrying a
small male. Female body is divisible into head, neck, trunk and genitoabdomen. They
normally attach to their hosts using a strong, uncinate antenna (Boxshall & Halsey, 2004).
Nauplii and first copepodids settle on the host and molt into a sexually differentiated
second copepodid (Ho, 1970). The male copepodid then adheres to the juvenile immature
female and remains attached throughout the rest of its life
The first report of the chondracanthids in fish culture was Chondracanthus goldsmidi on the
striped trumpeter (Latris lineate), cultured in Australia. This parasite was reported as causing
inflammation in the site of adhesion and high mortalities (Tang et al., 2007). In wild
California halibut, the copepod Acanthochondria hoi was reported with a prevalence of 44
(Kalman, 2006). A representant of the Chondacanthidae family was found on the gills and
branchial cavity of wild bullseye puffer fish from Sinaloa (Fajer-Avila et al., 2004).
Additionally, Pseudochondracanthus diceraus was identified by Morales-Serna (2010) on
bullseye puffer fish from Santa Maria La Reforma lagoon, Sinaloa (Fig. 8).
An evaluation of the pathological response of P. dicerarus on bullseye puffer fish showed
potential to cause a disease under experimental conditions, with a lower percentage of
leucocytes in those fish with the highest number of chondracanthids per fish (7 to 17) (Fajer-
vila et al, 2011). This suggests a connection between parasitic infestations and
immunological responses. The attachment area in the gill showed a characteristic response
of hyperplasia and secondary lamellae fusion, atrophy of lamellar epithelium and higher

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico


Fig. 8. Female of the Pseudochondracanthus diceraus from the bullseye puffer fish at 100 x.
Scale bar = 200 m.
number of mucus cells, likely produced by the claw-shaped antennae and grazing of P.
diceraus. A description of the life cycle of P. diceraus under experimental conditions indicated
a development from nauplius to the first adult stage (settled on juveniles of bullseye puffer
fish) in only 20 days at 22

C (Guzmn-Beltrn & Zrate-Rodrguez, 2008). The results agree

with the severe infection produced in only three weeks by C. goldsmidi in a striped
trumpeter, Latris lineata, reared at the Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute,
Australia (Tang et al., 2007), indicating that culture conditions can be favorable for the quick
reproduction and transmission of this parasite species. Based on the preliminary results, this
parasite species deserved special attention as it has the potential to become a health risk for
the bullseye puffer fish culture.
5. Infection by isopods
The isopods are parasitic crustaceans, typically marine, normally inhabiting warm waters
(Lester & Hayward, 2006). The body of isopods is dorso-ventrally flattened and lacking a
carapace with a thorax composes of 7 free segments with 7 pairs of uniramous swimming
thoracic legs (Grabda, 1991). The ventral side of female possesses a marsupium that hold the
eggs. Most isopods are cymothoids ectoparasitizing marine teleosts, with adult females
attaching to the gills and buccal cavity or even burrow into the fish developing a pouch.
They are protandrous hermaphrodites and the first male to parasitize a fish changes into
female (Lester, 2005).
Some species of cymothoids harm the fish in different ways. Fry and fingerlings are readily
killed by the tissue damage produced by mancae stage juveniles, while adults could retard
or inhibit both growth and reproduction (Lester & Hayward, 2006). The parasites that settle
on the gill chamber are usually associated with anemia and loss of gill filaments as result of
their movements and feeding habits (Lester & Hayward, 2006). In the mouth they can affect
the development of oral structures and could eventually replace the tongue (Lester, 2005).
Cymothoa exigua is the only species of the genus distributed in the tropical east of the Pacific,
ranging throughout the Gulf of California to Ecuador (Fig. 9). This isopod is very abundant
throughout the Gulf of California, and it has been reported by Brusca (1981) and Brusca &
Gilligan (1983) in L. peru and L. gutattus. Ruiz & Madrid (1992) reported C. exigua on Pacific
red snapper from commercial fisheries in Michoacan, with isopods on the mouth and gill

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Fig. 9. Diagram of Cymothoa exigua dorsal side of a. Scale bar = 6.0 mm.
chamber of 165 from 691 snappers collected. The authors partially described the life cycle of
C. exigua with notes about relative fecundity, marsupial development and pre-hatch
mortality. This isopod was also found in mouth and gills of wild and cage cultured spotted
rose snapper from Nayarit, with 12 and 8% of prevalence and a mean intensity of 0.14 and
0.6 parasites per fish, respectively, although no apparent affectation on the host was
indicated (Quispe, 2005; Fajer-vila et al., 2011). Infections with this parasite have been
reported on wild adults of Pacific red snapper from Nayarit (Torres-Ayala, 2008) and Pacific
dog snapper from Baja California Sur (Prez-Urbiola et al., 2008a).
The genus Nerocila has been found in groupers, seabass and snappers in Singapore and
Malaysia (Leong & Colorni, 2002). Isopods are considered an emerging problem in
Mediterranean sea cages (Lester & Hayward, 2006). Deficient fish growth and mortality has
been attributed to infections of N. orbignyi on the gills of sea-caged bass (Dicentrarchus
labrax), and gilthead sea bream (Lester, 2005). Ceratothoa oestroides reduced the growth rate of
cultured sea bass, especially of large fingerlings (Horton & Okamura, 2001), while larvae of
C. parallela caused great losses on young gilthead sea bream, upon introduction in an
intensive cage farm in Greece (Papapanagiotou & Trilles, 2001). The transference of these
parasitic isopods from wild populations to cultured ones could therefore be a risk issue for
the development of this activity.
6. Treatments against ectoparasites
Studies on the effectiveness of treatments for control of specific parasites in marine fish
cultures in northwest in Mxico involve the evaluation of toxicological, metabolic and routes
of exposure to ensure food safety issues, particularly if fish are used for human
consumption (Fajer et al., 2011). The methods commonly used for drug administration
consist on dipping into the products, from seconds to prolonged periods, although
formulated diets are now widely used (Sapkota et al., 2008). The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) have several products approved for aquaculture use, such as
formalin that can be used on immersion treatments to control external parasites. For
instance, formalin-based products are approved against external freshwater protozoa
(Chilodonella, Costia, Epistylis, Ichthyophthirius, Scyphidia, and Trichodina spp.) and the
monogenetic trematodes (Cleidodiscus, Dactylogyrus, and Gyrodactylus spp.) on salmon, trout
and in general all finfish (Food and Drug Administration [FDA], 2011a).

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

6.1 Formalin
Although FDA approves formalin, it should be administrated with caution as it is a toxic
product and fish have different tolerances to chemicals depending on the species and
treatment conditions (Hoffman & Meyer, 1974; Kabata, 1985). Therefore if formalin is not
properly used it can potentially have undesirable effects in either the aquatic ecosystem or
even in the fish subjected to treatment. Thus, it is desirable to evaluate the toxicity to the
host before using it as therapeutic agent (Fajer-vila et al., 2003). Although information on
acute toxicity of formalin to different species of freshwater fish is available (Bills et al., 1977;
McKim et al., 1976; Wellens, 1982), data for marine fish are generally scarce. The toxicity to
formalin was evaluated in juveniles of bullseye puffer fish. The median lethal concentration
) was estimated at 1095 mg L
to 30 min, 972 mg L
at 60 min and 79 mg L
at 72 hours
(Fajer-vila et al., 2003). The in vitro median effective concentration (EC50) of formalin was
also estimated against H. ecuadori with values of 225 mg L
at 30 min and 87 mg L
at 60
min. A calculation of the therapeutic index (LC
/ EC
) was of 5 for 30 min and 11 for 60
min. This led to in vivo assessments of formalin on bullseye puffer fish juveniles infested
with A. ocellatum, finding that a concentration of 51 mg L
caused a significant reduction in
the number of trophozoites on the skin (97%) and gills (84%) after one hour of exposure,
while 4 mg L
added to the tanks significantly reduced the number of parasites on the skin
(66%) and gills (84%) after seven hours of treatment (Fajer-vila et al., 2003). Furthermore,
the in vitro effect of formalin (51 mg L
) was also able to reduce the number of adults
dactylogyrids (Haliotrematoides spp and Euryhaliotrema sp.) attached to gill filaments of the
spotted rose snapper in exposure periods up to 60 min to achieve 72% of effectiveness. In
vivo treatments on infected snappers showed similar effects (Fajer-vila et al., 2007;
Velzquez-Medina, 2004).
6.2 Praziquantel
Several studies indicate that the anthelmintic compounds praziquantel can be employed as
alternative for the control of monogenean ectoparasites of marine fish (Fajer-vila et al.,
2006; Hirazawa et al., 2000; Kim & Cho, 2000; Sharp et al., 2004; Stephens et al., 2003).
Praziquantel causes spastic paralysis to the parasite and induces a calcium influx across the
worm tegument, while also inhibits glucose uptake, forcing the parasite to consume its
glycogen stores (DEF, 2005). Five minutes of exposure to Praziquantel produces a
degeneration of the worms integument, an action that apparently is also exerted upon eggs
and the encysted larvae of helminthes (DEF, 2005). The experimental in vitro results with
Plus (50 mg praziquantel + 150 mg embonato de pyrantel + 150 febantel) on the
spotted rose snapper showed that 15 mg L
for 240 min resulted in 100% mortality of
dactylogyrids (Arambul-Muoz, 2007). Parasites showed severe contractions prior to death.
The effect of Drontal
Plus and Vermiplex (2 mg Ivermectin + 50 mg Praziquantel,
Holland, Mexico) on spotted red snapper infested with dactylogyrids was also evaluated.
Tested concentrations of Vermiplex were 4.5 and 3.5 mg L
for 14 and 24 hours
respectively, while Drontal
Plus was tested at of 4.5 mg L
for 14 hours. All treatments
had 100% effectively (Fajer-vila et al., 2007). Furthermore, experiments with Drontal

Plus (5, 10, 15 and 20 mg L
) for five days showed a significant reduction in the number of
dactylogyrids in snapper of the control group, but not between the concentrations tested.
The effectiveness rate was increased to 82% (unpublished results).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

6.3 Freshwater
The increasing concern about the possible harmful effects of chemicals and pesticides on fish
and human health have led to the imposition of stringent regulations that limit the use of
antibiotics and a number of chemicals harmful to the aquatic ecosystem as well as
consumers. This has generated interest in seeking environment friendly alternatives, either
natural or synthetic, for parasite control. The use of freshwater is possibly the most
recommended treatment to control monogeneans and copepods from marine fish as it is
cheap, non-toxic and readily available in aquaculture facilities. The exposure time differs
between the group of parasites and host species, but there are reports of its application to
control ectoparasites in the pacific bluefin tuna, yellowtail amberjack, bullseye puffer,
spotted rose snapper, Pacific red snapper, Pacific cubera snapper, yellow snapper and
mullet snapper, among others (Fajer-vila et al., 2011). In Pacific bluefin tuna cage culture,
freshwater treatments could be useful to eliminate ectoparasites, while repeated baths with
yellowtail amberjack can actually break the life cycle fast growing monogeneans (Avils-
Quevedo & Castell-Orvay, 2004). Freshwater baths of 10 minutes were reported useful as
prophylaxis by PrezUrbiola et al. (2008b) for the control of ectoparasites in Pacific red
snapper, Pacific cubera snapper, yellow snapper and mullet snapper. However, after the
freshwater treatments, the Pacific red snapper showed darkened body and some lied
sideways on the bottom, while the yellow snapper only showed obscured body. The authors
indicated that the Pacific red snapper is apparently more susceptible to change salinities
than others snappers, so they recommended gradual changes of salinity for longer periods
of time.
Fajer-vila et al. (2008) evaluated in vitro tolerances of nauplii and copepodids of L.
simplex at periods from 0.5 to 16 min. The results indicated that freshwater highly effective
with exposures of 1.5 to 2.5 min for nauplii and 12 and 15 min for copepodids.
Furthermore, in vivo freshwater treatments (23 0.5C) on bullseye puffer fish infested
with mobile stages of L. simplex and mature an immature of Neobenedenia sp. were able to
reduce 99% of pre-adults (PA) and adults (A) of L. simplex at 60 min of exposure, but was
unable to affect the chalimus (CH) stage. In this sense, considering that mobile stages of L.
simplex elicit the greatest damage to the host, their rapid reduction through treatment is
important. In laboratory conditions, the time that L simplex requires to change from CH to
PA was approximately 100 h at 22C (Rivas-Salas & Fajer-vila, pers. obs.), suggesting
that baths should be repeated at least every 96 h to break the life cycle in order to
effectively control the parasitic infection. Regarding Neobenedenia sp., an increase of
freshwater effectiveness (24C) was directly related to the time of exposure, where 60 min
were able to remove up to 99% of immature and adult monogeneans without causing skin
lesions or stress in the treated fish (Fig. 10).
The effectiveness of freshwater for the control of eggs and adults dactylogyrids infecting the
gills of the spotted rose snapper was also evaluated (Fajer-vila et al., 2007; Velzquez-
Medina, 2004). In vitro tests showed that after 3 h of freshwater exposure, egg viability was
limited to 10 %, while freshwater in vivo baths for 30 min removed 100% of adult
dactylogyrids, although it was observed that the treatments caused some stress in the fish.
To overcome this, 5 ups salinity increments every 10 min up to 35 ups for three consecutive
days may help to achieve 100% of effectiveness against dactylogyrids with minimum
osmotic stress to the fish (Del Rio-Zaragoza, pers. obs.).

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico


Fig. 10. Freshwater treatment on the bullseye puffer fish against Neobenedenia sp.
6.4 Herbal medicine
The herbal medicine has increasingly become an important alternative to treat parasite-
related diseases due to the side effects attributed to synthetic drugs. A medicinal plant may
contain one or more chemical compounds with potential to be used therapeutically. The
utilization of herbs against fish diseases in Mexico dates from 1987, with reports of
successful use in freshwater fish using lilac (Syringa vulgaris), pine (Pinus teocote), butterfly
bush (Buddleja americana), the wax-leaf privet (Ligustrum japonicum), garlic (Allium sativum),
onion (Allium cepa), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides) in the
treatment against ectoparasites as protozoa and nematodes (Aur de Ocampo & Jimnez,
1993). In contrast, there are few studies performed about the use of medicinal plants in
marine fishes.
6.4.1 Peppermint
The essence of peppermint has vermifuge properties that can be used to expel intestinal
parasites. The in vitro effect of peppermint essence (obtained by distillation) was tested
against H. ecuadori infecting the gills of the bullseye puffer fish (Contreras, 2001).
Concentration of 1 mL L
caused mortality of the 100% of the parasites after 45 min of
exposure. Concentrations of 0.6 and 0.4 mL L
caused 71 and 34% of mortalities,
respectively at 75 min. It was observed that the essence of peppermint caused an immediate
contraction of the parasite after being added.
6.4.2 Garlic
Garlic is one of the best studied medicinal plants, and it has been used in a variety of forms.
The antiseptic properties attributed to garlic have been pointed out as one of the best
remedies to kill parasites (Rojas-Alba, 2004). Garlic contains a sulfur compound called
allicin, which can be extracted just by crushing fresh garlic. It is reported that garlics
parasiticidal effects could be potentiated by adding commercial dehydrated garlic sulfur
(Ocampo & Aur, 2000). In vitro experiments using garlic powder (GNC ) with sulfur (150
mg L
for 330 seconds) indicated that a 100% mortality of adult gill dactylogyrids from the
spotted rose snapper could be obtained (Arambul-Muoz, 2007). Spotted red snapper fed
with garlic-containing diets (150 mg kg-1) for 15 days showed a reduction of 48% in the
number of monogeneans compared to control treatments. It was observed that the

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

dactylogyrids killed as consequence of the garlic treatment showed swollen and deformed
bodies, and felling off the gill filaments after immobilization (Aguilar-Ibarra, com. pers).
7. Perspectives of future research and development
The need to increase productivity and develop marine fish aquaculture with new species is
based on the growing worldwide demand for food and the declining of most important
marine fisheries. Fish culture relies on high quality production, able to produce healthy
animals, sometimes in high densities. Emerging diseases are therefore a constant threat as
farming systems normally break the natural pathogen-host balance, propitiating a constant
need to find new and safe approaches to control fish pathogens. Here we present a
perspective of the different approaches that could help to successfully develop the
aquaculture industry in northwest Mexico.
7.1 Chemical control and environmental impact
A major challenge in animal production is to implement effective strategies for pathogen
control. The chemical approach faces the problem that simple compounds are frequently
toxic to the infested fish, while certain commercial products, such as formalin, could be
unsatisfactory due to potential undesirable side effects and low specificity. Treatments
recently accepted by the FDA (FDA, 2011b), such as hydrogen peroxide (35%) have proved
useful against ectoparasites such as Neobenedenia spp., A. ocellatum, C. irritans, and Uronema
spp. in marine fish species. The FDA program Investigational new animal drug (INAD), that
provides guidance for aquaculture drugs, also approved the product SLICE (emamectin
benzoate as active ingredient), which is orally administrated to control copepod parasites in
fish species (Bowker et al., 2011).
The use of medicated feed is suggested as the most viable method for cage culture and fish
breeding stations, where high stocking densities are present and where dipping treatments
are impractical expensive. For example, Hirazawa et al. (2000) indicates that routine
treatments for N. girellae infestations in off-shore net pens involved bath treatments,
although this normally increase the labor cost and could be stressful to the fish (Kim & Choi,
1998). For this reason, several drugs have been proposed against parasites in marine fish
aquaculture (Table 2), such as the antihelmintic praziquantel, orally administrated against
skin (Okabe, 2000) and gill (Hirazawa et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2001) monogeneans.
A promissory area for pathogen control is based on the use of natural plant-based treatments.
Some active components contained in traditional plant extracts have been proved effective
against parasitic infections, such as phenols, polyphenols, alkaloids, quinones, terpenoids,
lectines (Harikrishnan et al., 2011). In this context, investigations about these alternatives are in
general incipient. For instance, the only recommendations by the FDA are the use of garlic for
helminth and sea lice in marine salmonids at all life stages and onion as treatment for external
crustacean parasites. There are, however, some promissory alternatives mentioned in the
literature, like the reports of crude extracts of P. elliottii (Tro et al., 2003), Carica papaya
(Ekanem et al., 2004), green tea (Suzuki et al., 2006) and ginkgolic acids from Ginkgo biloba
apparently useful to control some parasitic worms in fish (Wang et al., 2009).
Nowadays, aquaculture practices have to seriously consider the potential effects of the
accumulation of chemicals either in the products (posing risk to the consumers) or the

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

Parasites Hosts Application /Compound Reference
Trichodina jadranica Anguilla
Dip / Bithionol (0.1 mg L
for 1 h), Detarox
AP (45 ppm for 1 h), Virkon PF vet. (mg L
for 3 h)
Madsen et al.
A. anguilla Dip / Toltrazuril (10 g mL
for 4 h)

Dip / Ginkgolic acids: C13:0 (2.5 mg L
for 48
h) and C15:1 (6.0 mg L
for 48 h)
Schmahal &
Wang et al.
Microcotyle sebastis Sebastes
Oral / Mebendazole or bithionol (0.25 g 200
basal diet for 20 days)
Kim & Choi
Oral / Praziquantel (4 g kg
basal diet for 20
days) and Caprylic acid (100 mg kg
weigth by day for 60 days)
Hirazawa et
al. (2000)
Hirazawa et
al. (2001)
Neobenedenia girellae Verasper
Oral / Praziquantel (40 mg kg
body weight
by day for 11 days)
Hirazawa et
al. (2004)
Benedenia seriolae

Zeuxapta seriolae
Dip/ Praziquantel (2.5 mg L
for either 24 or
48 h by two days)
Dip / Praziquantel (2.5 mg L
for either 24 or
48 h) and formalin (400 L L
for 1 h + 5 min
fresh water dip by two days)
Sharp et al.
Sparicotyle chrysophrii Sparus
In vitro/distilled water (5 min), limoseptic
(1 mL L
for 5 min), formalin (300 L L
30 min), or hydrogen peroxide (200 L L
30 min)
Oral / Praziquantel (200 mg kg
body weight
by day for 6 days)
Bobadilla et
al. (2006)
Neobenedenia girellae Verasper
Dip/buffer solutions (lacking Calcium and
magnesium ion-free buffer for 10 min)
Ohashi et al.
Lepeophtheirus salmonis,
Caligus elongates
Salmo salar Oral / Emamectin benzoate (50 g kg
biomass by day for 7 days)
Stone et al.
Ceratothoa gaudichaudii Salmo salar Dip/Trichlorfon (300 mg L
of Neguvon for
60 min) and dichlorvos (3 mg L
of Nuvan
1000 for 60 min)
Sievers et al.
Table 2. Drug treatments tested against some parasites in fish aquaculture.
environment; something that has led (mainly in developed countries) to rigorous
regulations that restrict the use of chemicals (Harikrishnan et al., 2011). An example of
substitution of chemicals by more eco-friendly alternatives is the increasingly use of
hydrogen peroxide in Japan, substituting formalin as treatment to prevent ectoparasitization
in tigger puffer cage systems (Hirazawa et al., 2000).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

However, although the environmental impact of hydrogen peroxide is thought to be
relatively small, the viability of the fish could be affected in the summer season, while these
bath treatments have shown limited effects against mature parasites embedded in the
branchial cavity wall (Hirazawa et al., 2000). Comparative studies regarding the
effectiveness of new and safer alternative treatments are necessary to identify the possible
applications. For example, caprylic acid have shown efficacy against H. okamotoi infections
in the tiger puffer, and is likely to be effective against other fish monogeneans, while it could
be relatively innocuous to the environment (Hirazawa et al., 2000; 2001). However, further
research is needed as the assessment of caprylic acid (334 mg L
; Sigma, USA) against
dactylogyrids on the spotted red snapper indicated that it was not effective in reducing
parasitic load, despite applying a concentration 4 times higher than that used by Hirazawa
et al. (2000) to control H. ecuadori (Fajer-vila et al., 2007).
7.2 Immunostimulation
The use of inmunostimulants has become an attractive alternative to reduce the
dependence of chemical treatments for parasite control. The negative impacts of the
former include side effects such as immunosuppression and the appearance of drug
resistant pathogens (Galina et al., 2009). Immunostimulants are particularly important
during the larval and juvenile stages as they can strength the activity of nonspecific
defense mechanisms of the immune system and confer protection against disease. So far
there are few studies on the use of immunostimulants as a prophylactic method against
parasitic diseases affecting marine fish species cultured in Mexico (Reyes-Becerril et al.,
2008; Del Rio-Zaragoza et al., 2011). In this regard, little is known about the effect that
immunoestimulants have on host resistance against ectoparasites. Nevertheless,
immunostimulants are widely applied in culture conditions and there are many examples
of the successful use of immunostimulants to improve fish welfare, health and
production, such as the use of glucans in salmon diets to reduce sea lice settlement
(Burrels et al., 2001; Bricknell & Dalmo, 2005). Thus, the use of in-diet immunomodulators
has become widely accepted in both salmonid and non-salmonid aquaculture practices
with commercially available diets. These diets were considered to be effective in
managing disease outbreaks after stressful events (Bricknell & Dalmo, 2005). For example,
it has been observed that oral administration of glucans is able to stimulate innate
immune responses in fish, as well as increases in lysozyme and complement activity,
phagocytosis, nitric oxide and respiratory burst (Bridle, 2005), increasing host resistance
against bacterial pathogens in several cultured fish species (Ortuo et al., 1999; Couso et
al., 2003). The development of aquaculture in northwest Mexico, particularly the one with
species of economic importance needs to be complemented with novel approaches. In this
sense, the implementation of immunostimulation procedures is already suggested in the
scientific literature (Table 3), so more research should be encouraged to optimize and
increase the profitability of this important activity.
7.3 Final considerations: Good aquaculture practices
Good aquaculture practices, particularly those with an ecological perspective, where the
activity is considered as an additional component that interacts with the natural processes,
are possibly the final step to achieve the sustainable development of fish production.

Parasitic Diseases in Cultured Marine Fish in Northwest Mexico

Biological substances
Bacterial derivatives Beta glucans, lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycans,
streptococcal extracts, cells of Vibrio anguillarum, and
Achromobacter stenohalis
Plant extracts Laminaran, kelp powder, Spirulina (algae); carotenoids (plants
and microalgae)
Animals extracts EF-203 (Chiquen), Ete (Tunicates), Hde (abalone)
Hormones Growth and prolactin hormones
Proteins Cytokines (Interferon, Interleukin-2, TNF), lactoferrin
Carbohydrates Polysaccharides (Chitin, Chitosan, glucans, lentinian,
oligosaccharides, sclerotium, schizophylan)
Nutritional compounds Vitamins (C, E y A), trace elements (zinc, iron, copper,
selenium), nucleotides
Light oils
Synthetic chemicals Avridine, bestatin, DW-2929, FK-156, FK-565, fluoro-
Chindone, Freund coadjuvant, Isoprinosin, levamisol and
muramyl dipeptide.
Table 3. Immunostimulants that have shown increased non-specific and specific defense
mechanisms in fish against diseases (from: Del Rio-Zaragoza & Fajer-vila, 2008)
Thus, aquaculture should integrate diverse aspects such as animal welfare, environmental
health and consumer safety. Careful use of regulated products should ensure, to the greatest
extent possible, its effectiveness, reducing both overuse and unnecessary expense.
Aquaculturists that comply with the state and federal laws should be able to maintain
public trust and consumer confidence in cultured aquatic animals and seafood products.
The development of vaccines (not covered in this chapter) could be another useful tool
where research is needed. Altogether, an integrated approach with well-established
programs of quarantine procedures, disease management practices, good husbandry
techniques, and chemotherapy should be aimed at preventing parasite-associated diseases
(Sharp et al., 2004) with minimal environmental impacts as the best way of adding value to
aquaculture products.
8. Conclusion
The ciliate Cryptocaryon irritans, the dinoflagelate, Amyloodinium ocellatum, the monogenean
Neobenedenia spp. and the copepods Lepeophtheirus spp. and Caligus spp. represent a
potential threat to the health of fish marine culture in the northwest Mexico considering
their low host specificity and wide distribution. Moreover, an unregulated introduction of
fish and the ability of parasites to cause mortality due to their direct life cycles and the
feasibility to produce disease outbreaks in wild populations also could be matter of concern.
In general wild fish could act as reservoirs of infecting agents, highlighting the need of
parasitological monitoring programs as the industry moves to intensive aquaculture. Thus,
the development of an integrated management program orientated to the prevention, with

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

prompt disease diagnostics, immunization and eco-friendly treatments, will help to
minimize the economic impact of parasitic diseases in mariculture systems.
9. Acknowledgment
The authors gratefully acknowledge to R.M. Medina-Guerrero and S. Abad-Rosales, and
numerous students for their contribution during the studies. Most researches were funded
with research grants awarded to EJFA by the National Council for Science and Technology
(CONACYT: 31621B) and Fondo Sectorial de Investigacin en Materia Agrcola, Pecuaria,
Acuicultura, Agrobiotecnolgica y Recursos Filogenticos (SAGARPA-2002-C01378; 2003-
73- 02073).
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Part 2
Bacterial Diseases

Molecular Detection and
Characterization of Furunculosis
and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections
Roxana Beaz Hidalgo and Mara Jos Figueras
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
1. Introduction
Species of the genus Aeromonas, which inhabit aquatic environments, can produce
septicaemia and ulcerative and hemorrhagic fish diseases, including furunculosis, which
result in mass death and important economic losses in the aquaculture sector (Austin &
Austin, 2007; Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010; Bernoth et al., 1997; Gudmundsdttir & Bjrnsdttir,
2007; Noga, 2010; Wiklund & Dalsgaard, 1998). The species Aeromonas salmonicida (with 5
subspecies: salmonicida, masoucida, smithia, achromogenes and pectinolytica) and Aeromonas
hydrophila have classically been considered the most important Aeromonas fish pathogens,
and the subspecies salmonicida is thought to be the causal agent of furunculosis, a disease
that was reported more than a century ago to affect trout, and later to affect other salmonids
and fish species (Bernoth et al., 1997; Goodwin & Merry, 2009; Han et al., 2011; Noga, 2010;
Wiklund & Dalsgaard, 1998). Nowadays, furunculosis has a worldwide distribution, having
been reported in Scotland, France, Norway, Iceland, Spain, United States, Canada, Japan,
Chile and Australia. The fact that many strains isolated from diseased fish do not fit the
described characteristics defined for A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida or for furunculosis has
lead to the terms atypical strains and atypical furunculosis to be introduced when they
are attributed to other A. salmonicida subspecies, other Aeromonas species or when
furunculosis occurs in fish other than salmonids (Wiklund & Dalsgaard, 1998). This causes
confusion because the term atypical is applied in different ways by the authors.
Publications such as the specific furunculosis monography published in 1997 by Bernoth et
al., chapters dealing with this infection in specific aquaculture books (Austin & Austin, 2007;
Hiney & Olivier, 1999; Noga, 2010) and reviews on atypical and typical furunculosis
(Wiklund & Dalsgaard, 1998) and their treatment (Gudmundsdttir & Bjrnsdttir, 2007)
among others, all reflect the importance to the aquaculture sector of Aeromonas infections.
Several PCR methods have been designed and evaluated comparatively for the fast
detection and identification of typical and atypical A. salmonicida from infected fish tissue
and the introduction of reliable molecular Aeromonas identification methods have enabled
new species (Aeromonas tecta and Aeromonas piscicola) to be discovered and/or other known
species associated to fish disease to be recognized i.e. Aeromonas bestiarum, Aeromonas sobria,
Aeromonas encheleia, Aeromonas veronii, Aeromonas eucrenophila and Aeromonas media (Beaz-
Hidalgo et al., 2010; Koziska, 2007; Li & Cai, 2011; Nawaz et al., 2006; Soriano-Vargas et al.,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

2010). These species would have remained masked as, mainly, A. salmonicida or A. hydrophila
if biochemical identification had only been applied and would have misrepresented the real
prevalence and/or diversity of the species implicated in fish infections (Beaz-Hidalgo et al.,
2010; Figueras et al., 2011b).
This chapter on Aeromonas fish infections presents the most recent information on the
taxonomy and identification of these microorganisms derived from the application of
molecular techniques together with a detailed review of the currently available PCR
methods that have been designed for the detection or characterization of typical or atypical
A. salmonicida or other Aeromonas species in, mainly, fish tissue and water during outbreaks
or regular preventive monitoring. Preventive strategies for the control of infectious fish
diseases, such as those produced by Aeromonas are a constant challenge, and need to be
regularly reviewed in order to recognize dynamic changes associated to these diseases,
which may be caused both by the emergence of new pathogenic species (i.e. the recently
discovered A. piscicola and A. tecta) or by environmental factors. Regarding the latter,
climate change is considered to play a role in the appearance and impact of furunculosis
(Tam et al., 2011) and is therefore another aspect addressed in this chapter.
2. The genus Aeromonas
The genus Aeromonas belongs to the class Gammaproteobacteria, order Aeromonadales and
family Aeromonadaceae (Martin-Carnahan & Joseph, 2005). Aeromonas species are widely
distributed in aquatic environments and are isolated from water, healthy or diseased fish,
food products, animal and human faeces and other clinical and environmental samples
(Figueras, 2005; Janda & Abbot, 2010). The first description of an Aeromonas species dates
back to 1891, when Stainer described the bacteria Bacillus hydrophillus fuscus (now A.
hydrophila) isolated from diseased frogs (Martin-Carnahan & Joseph, 2005). A few years later
in 1894 Emmerich and Weibel described the species Bacillus de Forellenseuche (later Bacillus
salmonicida, now A. salmonicida) isolated from diseased trout (Martin-Carnahan & Joseph,
2005). The formal description of the genus was made by Stainer in 1943, and in the 1970s
Aeromonas species were classified into 2 groups on the basis of their growth temperature,
motility and pigment production (Martin-Carnahan & Joseph, 2005). One group comprised
mesophilic strains able to grow at 37C, motile and non-pigmented, mainly associated with
human clinical infections and represented by A. hydrophila. The other group comprised
psycrophilic strains (optimum growth at 22-28C), non-motile and pigmented, which were
mainly fish pathogens represented by A. salmonicida. In the 1980s, DNA-DNA hybridization
assays allowed the differentiation of various genospecies or hybridization groups (Martin-
Carnahan & Joseph, 2005).
In the last edition of Bergey`s Manual (Martin-Carnahan & Joseph, 2005) the genus, that
previously belonged to the family Vibrionaceae was placed in its own independent family
Aeromonadaceae, it comprised 14 species i.e. A. hydrophila (with 2 subspecies: hydrophila and
ranae), A. bestiarum, A. salmonicida (with 5 subspecies: salmonicida, masoucida, smithia,
achromogenes and pectinolytica), A. caviae, A. media, A. eucrenophila, A. sobria, A. veronii, A.
encheleia, Aeromonas jandaei, Aeromonas schubertii, Aeromonas trota, Aeromonas allosaccharophila,
and Aeromonas popoffii. Also some species were synonymised with previously recognized
species such as A. ichthiosmia and A. culicicola with A. veronii and A. enteropelogenes with A.
trota. Since then, the genus has expanded rapidly with the addition of 11 new species
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

(Aeromonas simiae, Aeromonas molluscorum, Aeromonas bivalvium, A. tecta, Aeromonas
aquariorum, A. piscicola, Aeromonas fluvialis, Aeromonas taiwanensis, Aeromonas sanarellii,
Aeromonas diversa and Aeromonas rivuli) and today the genus comprises 25 validated species
(Figueras et al., 2011b).
3. Furunculosis and other Aeromonas fish infections
Furunculosis is one of the oldest known important diseases in aquaculture first documented
by Emmerich and Weibel in 1894 when they observed furuncles or ulcer lesions on the
trouts skin. These characteristic ulcerated lesions are those that give rise to the name of the
disease attributed to infections produced by Bacillus de Forellenseuche, now known as A.
salmonicida (Austin & Austin, 2007; Bernoth et al., 1997; Martin-Carnahan & Joseph, 2005). In
reality, furunculosis was the first fish infection for which the Koch postulates were
demonstrated more than a century ago (Austin & Austin, 2007; Bernoth et al., 1997). It was
thought originally that the infection affected only salmonids, but it soon became evident
that it was distributed worldwide and affected many other marine and freshwater fish
species, such as the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), halibut (Hyppoglossus hyppoglossus), turbot
(Scopthamus maximus), lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), carp (Cyprinus carpio), goldfish
(Carassius auratus) and eel (Anguilla anguilla) among others (Austin & Austin, 2007; Bernoth
et al., 1997; Godoy et al., 2010; Goldschmidt-Clermont et al., 2009; Noga, 2010; Wiklund &
Dalsgaard, 1998).
Lethargy, lack of appetite, or skin hyperpigmentation can be the first signs of the infection
and it may show other clinical manifestations such as the presence of the typical furuncules
or ulcers, exophthalmia (swelling of the eyes), septicaemia, petequias (small haemorrhagic
lesions due to broken blood capillaries), anemia, ascitis and haemorrhages in the muscle,
gills, fins, nares, vent and internal organs (Austin & Austin, 2007; Bernoth et al., 1997; Hiney
& Olivier, 1999; Wiklund & Dalsgaard, 1998). On the other hand, fish affected by
furunculosis do not always show all these clinical symptoms and may even not show the
typical furuncules or skin ulcers (Noga, 2010).
Many A. salmonicida carrier fish that do not show external lesions or clinical signs of the
disease but that are indeed able to shed the microorganism (10
CFU per fish/h) and to
develop the disease under conditions of stress (i.e. increase in water temperature, poor
water quality, etc), producing an epidemic outbreak have been reported (Bernoth et al.,
1997; Gustafson et al., 1992; Hiney & Olivier, 1999; Noga, 2010; Wiklund & Dalsgaard, 1998).
It has been estimated that up to 80% of cultivated trout may carry A. salmonicida, thus
increasing the likelihood of transmission to susceptible fish (Gustafson et al., 1992). These
covertly infected fish (or carriers) play an important role in the epidemiology of the disease,
therefore early detection of the pathogen is very important. Several PCR detection methods
have been developed for the detection of A. salmonicida (see Sections 4.2.2-4.2.5, Tables 1-5),
whose application is essential for an effective disease control (Altinok et al., 2008; Byers et
al., 2002a, b; Gustafson et al., 1992; Onuk et al., 2010).
Diseases caused by atypical strains of A. salmonicida (those that do not belong to the subsp.
salmonicida) are referred to as atypical furunculosis, although this terminology is also
applied to infections produced in non-salmonids. Furthermore, more specific names have
been used to refer to infections affecting specific fish, i.e. goldfish ulcer disease, carp

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

erythrodermatitis, and flounder ulcer disease (Austin & Austin, 2007; Noga, 2010; Wiklund
& Dalsgaard, 1998). Despite some authors have tried to describe specific clinical signs for
each of these named pathologies (Austin & Austin, 2007; Noga, 2010), in practice they are
indistinguishable from those associated to furunculosis or other ulcerative diseases or
septicaemia caused by other motile Aeromonas species. The latter has also been named
motile Aeromonas septicaemia and is considered a clear example of a stress-induced disease
mainly affecting freshwater fish. Although motile species also inhabit brackish water, their
prevalence decreases with increasing salinity (Austin & Austin, 2007; Noga, 2010). These
infections are mainly attributed to A. hydrophila, classically considered the most important
species after A. salmonicida. However, the importance of the species A. hydrophila is
overestimated because biochemical identification systems erroneously identify up to 70-80%
of the strains of Aeromonas as belonging to this species, when in fact they are many different
species when identified by molecular methods (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010; Figueras, 2005;
2011b; Soler et al., 2003a). Prevalent motile species associated to diseased fish following
molecular identification include A. veronii, associated with catfish, A. sobria with tilapia and
trout, A. hydrophila with trout, A. bestiarum with carp and the recently described A. piscicola
recovered from diseased salmonids and turbots (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010; Koziska, 2007;
Li & Cai, 2011; Martino et al., 2011; Nawaz et al., 2006; Soriano-Vargas et al., 2010). Other
motile species, such as A. encheleia, A. allosaccharophila, A. jandaei, A. media, A. eucrenophila, A.
aquariorum and A. tecta have also been recovered from healthy or diseased fish, though less
often (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010; Koziska, 2007).
Typical or atypical furunculosis and motile Aeromonas septicaemias all produce similar
clinical signs that are also common to those observed in other fish systemic diseases caused
by other bacterial and viral pathogens (Austin & Austin, 2007; Bernoth et al., 1997; Noga,
2010; Wiklund & Dalsgaard, 1998). Therefore, a definitive diagnosis requires the isolation,
culture and identification of the bacteria recovered from the lesions or internal organs of the
diseased fish and/or from the dead fish. Molecular PCR methods are available (Tables 1-5)
that specifically detect A. salmonicida without the need for culturing. Care is needed in the
case of covertly infected fish because false negatives can be obtained. Some authors
recommend using a pre-enrichment step before the PCR detection or to use both culturing
and PCR detection in parallel (Byers et al., 2002a; Gustafson et al., 1992).
3.1 Isolation of Aeromonas sp. from diseased fish
Recognizing a bacterial fish pathogen requires their analysis in several organs (mainly
kidney, but also spleen, skin, and ovaric fluid in breeding females) of a significant number
of living fish (Byers et al., 2002b; Noga, 2010). Between 4 and 10 diseased fish are
recommended to be sampled for detecting the pathogen, and between 10 and 60 fish in a
population where there is a low mortality rate or the fish are apparently healthy (Noga,
2010). Detecting the pathogen in mucus, blood or faeces is also recommended because these
samples do not require the fish to be sacrificed (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2008; Byers et al., 2002b;
Gustafson et al., 1992; Kulkarni et al., 2009). When searching for asymptomatic carriers, the
kidney and intestine are the recommended organs to sample. Skin and gills can also be
cultured, but A. salmonicida may be uncovered by the presence of other dominant bacteria
(Noga, 2010). False negatives in carrier fish are common since the bacteria are present in low
concentrations (Byers et al., 2002b; Gustafson et al., 1992; Noga, 2010). More asymptomatic
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

carriers can be detected by including either a pre-enrichment step before the PCR analysis,
as commented before (Byers et al., 2002b; Gustafson et al., 1992) or by inducing stress using
the approach named stress induced furunculosis (SIF). The latter requires an
intraperiotoneal injection of glucocorticoids (which generates immunosuppression) and
then exposure of the fish to a heat shock (raising the temperature of the water to 18C for 14
days). This favours bacterial proliferation and the appearance of clinical signs, and will also
increase the recovery rate of the bacteria (Austin & Austin, 2007; Bernoth et al., 1997; Byers
et al., 2002b; Hiney & Olivier, 1999; Noga, 2010).
Non-selective culture media used for the isolation of Aeromonas strains include trypticase
soy agar (TSA), brain heart infusion agar (BHI) or Columbia blood agar (Austin & Austin,
2007; Bernoth et al., 1997; Hiney & Olivier, 1999). More selective media used for the recovery
of A. salmonicida include the Furunculosis agar (tryptone, yeast extract, L-tyrosine and
NaCl), TSA or BHI supplemented with L-tyrosine (0.1%) or TSA supplemented with
Coomassie brilliant blue (0.01%). The latter method was designed for detecting strains that
have the A-layer (or S-layer), one of the oldest known outer membrane proteins associated
with Aeromonas infection in fish, which is implicated in the resistance against the host
complement system and enables the bacteria to adhere to the host proteins, facilitating
colonization (Gustafson et al., 1992). The Coomassie brilliant blue attaches to the A-layer
and the colonies are then seen as deep blue in comparison with white or light blue negative
A-layer colonies (Austin & Austin, 2007; Bernoth et al., 1997). However, this method is not
specific for A. salmonicida, since other Aeromonas or other bacterial (Pseudomonas, Pasteurella,
Corynebacterium) species pathogenic to fish also have the A-layer and are able to grow in this
culture media. Once the bacteria are isolated they can be identified by serological,
phenotypic or molecular methods, the latter two being discussed in the next section.
4. Identification of Aeromonas species
This section describes the established phenotypic characteristics that differentiate the genus
Aeromonas from other related genera, the limitations of the conventional and miniaturised
biochemical identification sytems for differentiating all the species, as well as the new
panorama derived from the application of molecular techniques.
4.1 Phenotypic identification with conventional methods and miniaturised commercial
Aeromonas species are phenotypically characterized as Gram-negative bacilli, with
cytochrome oxidase generally positive, an ability to grow at 0% of NaCl but not at 6%. They
do not produce acid from inositol, are able to ferment glucose and most are resistant to the
vibriostatic agent O/129 2,4-diamino-6,7-diisopropil-pteridine-phosphate. The genus
Aeromonas can be differentiated from other closely-related genera like Plesiomonas by its
fermentation of inositol and its resistance to the vibriostatic agent, and from Vibrio by its
ability to grow at 0% but its inability to grow at 6% of NaCl (Martin-Carnahan & Joseph,
2005). Optimum growth temperature for Aeromonas species is 22-37C, except for some
strains of A. salmonicida, which is 22-25C (Martin-Carnahan & Joseph, 2005).
As indicated previously, the species A. salmonicida includes 5 subspecies (A. salmonicida
subsp. salmonicida, A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes, A. salmonicida subsp. smithia, A.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

salmonicida subsp. masoucida and A. salmonicida subsp. pectinolytica), which are practically
impossible to differentiate using phenotypic or molecular methods. All of them, except the
subspecies pectinolytica have been implicated in fish pathology (Austin & Austin, 2007;
Goldschmidt-Clermont et al., 2009; Han et al., 2011; Noga, 2010; Wiklund & Dalsgaard,
1998). Being unable to assign strains implicated in fish disease to any of the subspecies
masoucida, smithia, achromogenes or pectinolytica using biochemical characteristics, they have
been termed atypical A. salmonicida to differentiate them from the typical A.
salmonicida, a term restricted to the subspecies salmonicida (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2008;
Goodwin & Merry, 2009; Wiklund & Daalsgard 1998). Typical A. salmonicida strains are
psychrophilic, non-motile and produce brown pigment. In contrast, the atypical A.
salmonicida are a more heterogeneous group with different phenotypic features and are
usually isolated from non-salmonid fish (Noga, 2010). Among the atypical A. salmonicida
strains, there is a group of strains that show a mesophilic behaviour (growing at 37C), are
motile and do not produce pigment and that have been also identified from human clinical
samples (Figueras, 2005; Martnez-Murcia et al., 2005). Some of the mentioned characteristics
(motility and mesophilic behaviour) are also phenotypic traits of A. salmonicida subsp.
pectinolytica (Pavan et al., 2000). To distinguish these mesophilic A. salmonicida strains from
other mesophilic species like A. bestiarum or A. piscicola is practically impossible when using
biochemical characteristics or the sequences of the 16S rRNA gene (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010;
Figueras et al., 2011b; Martnez-Murcia et al., 2005). However, these species can be
differentiated with sequences of the housekeeping gene rpoD (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010).
Numerous biochemical schemes have been proposed for the characterization of Aeromonas
species, but they mainly discriminate three big phenotypic groups i.e. the A. hydrophila
complex (including A. hydrophila, A. bestiarum and A. salmonicida and also latter A. popoffii),
the Aeromonas caviae complex (including A. caviae, A. media and A. eucrenophila) and
Aeromonas sobria complex (including A. sobria, A. veronii, A. jandaei and A. trota) (Abbott
et al., 1992; 2003; Borrell et al., 1998; Koziska et al., 2002; Martin-Carnahan & Joseph, 2005;
Martnez-Murcia et al., 2005). In the descriptions of new Aeromonas species, the mandatory
criteria of identifying differential phenotypic tests from other existing Aeromonas species has
been fulfilled (Figueras et al., 2011b and references therein). However, biochemical tests may
show intra-species variability either due to the variable nature of the bacterial phenotypic
characters or due to a lack of reproducibility of the tests when they are carried out under
different laboratory conditions, such as temperatures, etc. (Figueras et al., 2011b).
Biochemical identifications in fact lack precision and tend to generate a lot of inconsistent
results in comparison to those obtained by molecular methods (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010;
Figueras et al., 2011b; Koziska et al., 2002, Koziska, 2007; Nawaz et al., 2006).
Miniaturized commercial identification systems, such as API (20E, 20NE), Vitek, Biolog GN
Microplates, BBL Crystal or MicroScan Walk/Away are also routinely used in
ichthyopathology laboratories, but are not always able to identify Aeromonas species
precisely (Figueras, 2005; Joseph & Carnahan, 1994; Koziska et al., 2002; Park et al., 2003;
Soler et al., 2003a). The mentioned systems normally tend to identify all Aeromonas strains as
A. hydrophila (Figueras, 2005; Soler et al., 2003b). Some other authors have also reported poor
results from the API systems and discrepancies with traditional tube testing when
identifying Aeromonas strains isolated from fish (Godoy et al., 2010; Han et al., 2011; Joseph
& Carnahan, 1994; and references therein). Some methods may even misidentify Aeromonas
strains as Vibrio species (Park et al., 2003; Soler et al., 2003b). To avoid this confusion,
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Chacn and colleagues designed a specific probe based on a fragment of the
glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (GCAT) gene that is able to hybridize with
all Aeromonas species but not with strains from other genera (Chacn et al., 2002).
4.1.1 Discrepancies between biochemical and molecular identification methods
Because phenotypic characterization can give imprecise results, one cannot guarantee that a
strain has been correctly identified at the species level, especially for complex genera like
Aeromonas, if it has not been verified later using reliable molecular methods (Figueras et al.,
2011a). Using biochemical and genetic methods in parallel for species identification has
allowed big discrepancies to be highlighted and the characteristic phenotypic traits that
might be responsible for the confusion to be discovered (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010; Koziska,
2007; Nawaz et al., 2006).
In a recent study, Nawaz et al. (2006) demonstrated that with the Vitek-GNI system 81
strains isolated from the intestines of catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) collected from different
geographical regions of United States were identified as A. hydrophila (n=23), A. trota (n=7),
A. veronii (n=42), A. caviae (n=6) and A. jandaei (n=3). However, when they were evaluated
with the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 16S rRNA gene (16S rDNA-RFLP)
method proposed for Aeromonas identification (Borrell et al., 1997; Figueras et al., 2000), all
the 81 strains were identified as A. veronii (Nawaz et al., 2006). In this case, the errors in
phenotypic identification were masking the importance that the species A. veronii may have
in catfish pathology.
In another recent study, Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2010) used phenotypic and genetic methods
(16S rDNA-RFLP and sequencing of the rpoD gene) to retest 119 Aeromonas strains recovered
from diseased fish and shellfish that had been biochemically identified in a routine
ichthyopathology laboratory. They found that, of the strains considered to belong to the
genus Aeromonas using biochemical methods, 24.4% (29/119) did not belong when using the
genus-specific PCR identification method based on the GCAT gene, which is specific for the
genus Aeromonas as previously explained (Chacn et al., 2002). Sequencing the 16S rRNA
gene identified these strains as belonging to the genera Pseudomonas and Vibrio. Considering
only the 86 Aeromonas strains isolated from diseased fish, the species recognised by
biochemical identification methods were: A. hydrophila (n=63), A. salmonicida (n=12), A. sobria
(n=2), A. veronii (n=2), A. media (n=1), A. trota (n=1), A. bestiarum (n=1) and 4 strains could
not be assigned to any known species (Aeromonas sp.). However, 66.3% (57/86) of them had
been incorrectly identified phenotypically when compared with the genetic results that
showed that the order of prevalence was as follows: A. sobria 25.6% (22/86), A. hydrophila
17.4% (25/86), A. salmonicida 17.4% (15/86), A. bestiarum 16.3% (14/86), A. piscicola 11.6%
(10/86), A. media 7% (6/86), A. eucrenophila 2.3% (2/86), A. encheleia 1.2% (1/86) and A. tecta
1.2% (1/86) (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010). The strains of the species A. veronii (n=2) and A. trota
(n=1) therefore belonged to totally different species. For instance, the two A. veronii
belonged to A. sobria and A. piscicola, while A. trota was A. sobria and the 4 strains of
Aeromonas sp. belonged to A. sobria (2 strains), A. media and A. bestiarum. Furthermore,
genetic identification revealed that 50 of the 64 phenotypically identified A. hydrophila
strains did in fact belong to 8 other Aeromonas species, including 17 strains belonging to A.
sobria and 6 strains to new species A. piscicola (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2009; 2010). This study
clearly highlighted once more that there was a false importance attributed to the species A.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

hydrophila as the most prevalent (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010; Figueras, 2005; Figueras et al.,
2011b; Soler et al., 2003b). Regarding A. salmonicida, 85.7% (12/14) of the strains that showed
to be psycrophilic, non motile and pigment producers had been correctly identified. The two
strains misidentified phenotypically as A. hydrophila showed mesophilic behaviour (i.e. were
motile and did not produce pigment). Looking at the most prevalent Aeromonas species by
fish host, it was found that A. sobria (15/22 strains) and A. hydrophila (8/15 strains) were
more associated with trout, A. salmonicida with Atlantic salmon and turbot (6/15 strains
each) and A. piscicola (5/10 strains) and A. bestiarum (8/14 strains) with Atlantic salmon
(Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010). The only strain of the species A. tecta was isolated from bogue
(Chondrostoma comun), this being the first report in this kind of fish and the second report
from fish since its recent description from trout in 2008 (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010 and
references therein).
These results gave evidence of a greater diversity of Aeromonas species involved in fish
pathology than was first thought and that the species A. salmonicida or A. hydrophila were not
the most prevalent.
Despite the known limitations of phenotypic identification methods, they are still being
used in ichthyopathology laboratories, which contributes to an underestimation of the true
diversity of Aeromonas species associated with diseased fish (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010).
4.2 Molecular identification
This section describes the above-mentioned molecular methods used for identifying
Aeromonas in fish pathology (i.e. 16S rDNA-RFLP, the sequences of the 16S rRNA gene or
other housekeeping genes) as well as the different PCR detection and identification methods
that target typical and atypical A. salmonicida.
4.2.1 The 16S rRNA and the housekeeping genes
The 16S rRNA gene is essential to bacteria and has been used as a specific molecular marker
for their identification (Alperi et al., 2008 and references therein; Martnez-Murcia et al.,
1992). An RFLP method based on this gene was developed by our group to differentiate all
the Aeromonas species described up to 2000 (Borrel et al., 1997; Figueras et al., 2000) and has
proven to be useful to different authors who have identified the strains recovered from
diseased fish (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2010; Koziska et al., 2002; Koziska, 2007; Nam & Joh,
2007; Nawaz et al., 2006; Soriano-Vargas et al., 2010). However, this method is not able to
differentiate closely related species that have an equal or almost equal 16S rRNA gene
sequence because it produces the same RFLP pattern for all of them. This is shown in the
case of the new species A. piscicola, which has the same RFLP pattern as A. salmonicida and
A. bestiarum whose 16S rRNA sequences share 99.8-100% similarity (Beaz-Hidalgo et al.,
2010; Figueras et al., 2011b). The same is true with A. caviae and A. aquariorum, which show a
99.8% similarity and the same RFLP pattern (Figueras et al., 2009, 2011b). The latter, i.e. A.
aquariorum, was isolated originally from ornamental fish, but has not so far been isolated
again from other fish. The 16S rDNA-RFLP method is also not useful for the 8% of
Aeromonas strains that show mutations on the 16S rRNA gene in the targeted region of the
endonucleases used, because these produce a different pattern from the one expected for the
species (Alperi et al., 2008).
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

In the genus Aeromonas the sequences of the 16S rRNA gene are not very useful tools for
identification because only a few distant species can be well discriminated, but it is useful
for confirming whether or not the strains under analysis belong to the genus (Figueras et al.,
2011b; Han et al., 2011).
As a complementary tool to the 16S rDNA-RFLP for identifying all Aeromonas species, we
have introduced the use of housekeeping genes that codify essential proteins for the
survival of the bacteria (Figueras et al., 2011b; Soler et al., 2004; Yez et al., 2003). In
reality, the analysis of 5 housekeeping genes is one of the methods used in the description
of new bacterial taxa that has been recommended by the ad hoc committee for the re-
evaluation of the species definition in bacteriology (Stackebrandt et al., 2002). The first
housekeeping genes described for the identification of Aeromonas were the gyrB gene,
which codifies for the subunit B of the DNA gyrase (Yez et al., 2003) and the rpoD gene,
which encodes the
factor of the RNA polymerase (Soler et al., 2004). Nowadays the
cost of sequencing has fallen considerably being much cheaper to use external services
that provide the sequences from a given extracted DNA than to perform the sequencing at
your own laboratory. Therefore we recommend sequencing the rpoD or gyrB gene to
establish the identity of the isolated strain because it is a faster and more reliable
identification approach than the 16S rDNA-RFLP (Figueras et al., 2011b). However,
misinterpretations may still occur when comparing the sequences obtained with those
available for all the species of the genus that are held at the GenBank, especially if
sequences are too short or of poor quality. Furthermore the database also contains
wrongly labelled strains, so comparison should always be made with the sequences of
type strains (Figueras et al., 2011b). We also recommend to deposit the new sequences at
the GenBank for further broadening of the existing database. Figure 1 illustrates a
phylogenetic tree constructed with the rpoD sequences of the type strains of the 25 species
that include at present the genus and several Aeromonas strains isolated from diverse
diseased fish studied in our laboratory.
Other housekeeping genes that have been used in Aeromonas are the rpoB, which codifies for
the subunit of the RNA polymerase (Kpfer et al., 2006), the dnaJ, which codifies a thermal
shock protein (Nhung et al., 2007), the recA, which codifies a protein involved in DNA
repair (Sepe et al., 2008) and the cpn60, which codifies the chaperone Cpn60 type I that is
involved in protein assembly (Miana-Galbis et al., 2009). A Multilocus Phylogenetic
Analysis (MLPA) of the genus Aeromonas has recently been established using the
concatenated information derived from the sequences of 7 housekeeping genes: gyrB, rpoD,
recA, dnaJ, gyrA, dnaX, and atpD (Martnez-Murcia et al., 2011). The resulting phylogenetic
tree (4705 bp) agreed with the taxonomy of the genus as recognized to date, showing that
the MLPA is a robust way of identifying unequivocally all the species. The MLPA is also
called Multilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) by some authors, which derives from the
original name Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) (Martnez-Murcia et al., 2011).
Nowadays, MLST schemes are recognised to be the best way of establishing the
epidemiological relationships among isolates using the sequences of internal fragments of
multiple housekeeping genes (approximately 450-500 bp of 7 genes). For each gene the
sequences of different strains are compared and each unique sequence is assigned a specific
number. The strains that show the same numbers assigned to all genes belong to the same
sequence type (ST) which is also identified by a specific number.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Fig. 1. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on rpoD gene sequences showing the
relationships of 26 Aeromonas strains isolated from diverse diseased fish (in bold) (Beaz-
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Hidalgo et al., 2010) with the 25 species included presently in the genus. The scientific
names of the fish species: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), rainbow trout (Oncorhychus mykis),
lamprey (Petromyzum marinus), bogue (Boops boops), goldfish (Carasius auratus), turbot
(Scopthalmus maximus). *A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis is considered a synonym of the species
A. aquariorum (Figueras et al., 2011b).
The first Aeromonas open access MLST scheme ( was
recently constructed (Martino et al., 2011) and another that included a set of 7 housekeeping
genes (Lamy, 2011) was presented at the 10th International Symposium on Aeromonas and
Plesiomonas. The open access MLST uses 6 genes (gyrB, groL, gltA, metG, ppsA and recA, 3,084
nt) and was applied to a total of 96 reference and field strains that included a high
proportion of strains, 79.2% (76/96) obtained from known diseased freshwater and marine
fish species mostly collected in the north-eastern area of Italy (Martino et al., 2011). The
phylogenetic tree constructed with the concatenated sequences grouped the 76 fish strains,
in order of prevalence, in A. veronii (n=28), A. sobria (n=25), A. salmonicida (n=6), A. bestiarum
(n=6), A. allosaccharophila (n=4), A. media (n=4), A. hydrophila (n=2) and A. encheleia (n=1). The
strains of the prevailing species A. veronii and A. sobria came from 11 and 6 fish species,
respectively. However, the majority of the strains of A. veronii were from catfish (7 strains
belonging to 7 different STs) followed by carp (6 strains belonging to 6 different STs) while
A. sobria prevailed in trout (13 strains belonging to 12 different STs).
Recent studies have used the above-mentioned molecular methods (the 16S rDNA-RFLP
and/or the housekeeping genes rpoD or gyrB) and have identified A. salmonicida subsp.
salmonicida in farmed Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in Austria (Goldschmit-Clermont et al.,
2009), A. bestiarum in farmed carp in Mexico (Soriano-Vargas et al., 2010), A. sobria from an
outbreak that occurred in tilapias in China (Li & Cai, 2011), A. veronii from catfish in United
States (Nawaz et al., 2006) and the studies carried out by Koziska et al. (2002), Koziska
(2007) and Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2010) that characterized numerous Aeromonas species
isolated from diseased fish in Poland and in Spain respectively. Jun et al. (2010), using a
multiplex PCR (m-PCR) and the 16S rRNA gene, identified A. hydrophila as the agent
responsible for an outbreak that killed 50% of a farmed population of Korean cyprinid loach
(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus). Nam & Joh (2007) using the 16S rDNA-RFLP found that 84%
(252/300) of the isolates obtained from diseased trout belonged to the species A. sobria, and
also found other Aeromonas species in a lower prevalence i.e. A. encheleia (9.3%), A.
salmonicida (3.7%) and A. bestiarum (3%). Using several housekeeping genes (gyrB, rpoD,
dnaJ, recA) also enabled Han et al. (2011) to identify A. salmonicida from ulcer lessions and
haemorrhages in the black rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli) in Korea. These authors also
sequenced the vapA gene (encoding the A-protein, a subunit of the A-layer or S-layer) and
found that the sequences from the isolated A. salmonicida strains clustered with A.
salmonicida subsp. masoucida in a neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree that included the
sequences of other atypical A. salmonicida strains isolated from fish and of the subspecies
salmonicida, masoucida and smithia (Han et al., 2011). However, these and other authors
(Lund & Mikkelsen, 2004) stated that many atypical strains do not cluster with any of the
subspsepecies of A. salmonicida when using the vapA sequences, and consider this gene not
to be useful in the delineation of A. salmonicida to the subspecies level.
Pridgeon et al. (2011) sequenced the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and 3
housekeeping genes (cpn60, gyrB and rpoD), to identify 6 isolates as A. hydrophila from

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

catfish (of which 3 were associated to an outbreak) and used suppression subtractive
hybridization to investigate genome differences between a highly virulent and a less
virulent strain, and they found 64 different sequences. By performing specific PCR reactions
targeting these sequences, they determined that 3 of them that encoded a hypothetical
protein XAUC_13870, a putative methyltranferase and a structural toxin protein RtxA were
specific for the virulent strain. The specifically designed PCRs for these 3 sequences were
further tested in another 7 field isolates (6 of them obtained from fish) for which the
virulence had previously been determined by in vivo experiments in catfish. The two
sequences encoding the hypothetical protein XAUC_13870 and the putative
methyltranferase were present in the 4 highly virulent A. hydrophila strains but absent in the
5 less virulent strains, suggesting that these two sequences might be new virulence factors
and therefore useful molecular markers for identifying highly virulent isolates of A.
4.2.2 PCR methods for the detection of A. salmonicida from fish tissue and water
Molecular PCR methods are fast, sensible and specific and have therefore been developed
and applied for detecting typical and atypical A. salmonicida strains producing fish diseases
(Tables 1-5). The methods that rely on the 16S rRNA gene have not been taken into
consideration, because as commented above this gene does not enable the correct separation
of A. salmonicida from its closely related species A. bestiarum and A. piscicola because they
have an almost identical 16S rRNA gene sequence.
Table 1 describes in chronological order the most relevant PCR methods. In 1992, Gustafson
et al. and Hiney et al. designed primers targeting 2 specific regions of A. salmonicida, which
were later used by several authors for detecting the pathogen in water and fish samples
(Tables 1, 2). The method described by Gustafson et al. (1992) targeted the vapA gene (which
encodes the A-protein of the A-layer, as commented previously) of A. salmonicida. The
authors validated their PCR method with 54 A. salmonicida strains (28 typical and 26 atypical)
and found only one negative strain that was also not able to express the protein forming the
A-layer. The authors suggested that the vapA gene in this strain possessed a mutation that
affected both the amplification and the expression of the protein. However, they also found
that 13 PCR positive strains did not express the protein (negative by Western blot)
indicating that in those strains the mutations in the sequence of the vapA gene affected only
the expression but not the PCR amplification. Further PCR analysis with primers covering
the whole gene revealed that strains not expressing the A-layer had amplicons of lower
molecular weight compared to strains expressing the protein, indicating that the mutations
were deletions. The sensitivity of the PCR method was also validated using artificially
infected samples that were prepared by inoculating a strain of A. salmonicida in the fish tank
water and into homogenates of fish tissue and faeces of rainbow trout. The sensitivity from
the direct detection in fish tissue was of 10 CFU/mg while in pure culture suspensions and
water it was 1 CFU/ml (Table 1). The method was further tested using fish tissue and faecal
samples of 25 naturally infected dead fish and of 25 suspected carrier fish, evaluating in
parallel the results of the PCR carried out both before and after an enrichment incubation
step in nutrient broth. Results for all 25 infected dead fish were positive with both
methodologies (with and without a pre-enrichment). However, 5 of the 25 carrier fish were
only positive after the pre-enrichment. Furthermore, the 10 water samples taken from
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Reference Target region or
gene (bp)
N of As strains
Type of samples Results and/or conclusions
Gustafson et
al. (1992)
vapA (421 bp)
coding for the A
protein (A or S
28 typical (Ass),
and 26 atypical
Dilutions of pure
inoculated kidney,
spleen and faeces
homogenates and
samples of sterile
water. 25 dead
infected fish, 25
suspected carrier
fish and their tank
All typical Ass and atypical As
strains were positive except 1
typical Ass strain.
Detection limits were: 1 CFU in
pure culture and in 100 ml of
inoculated water and 10
CFU/mg in all tissue.
All faecal and tissue samples of
the 25 infected and 20 carriers
fish were positive, 5 carrier fish
were only positive after an
enrichment step, therefore this
step is necessary to eliminate
false negatives.
Hiney et al.
DNA fragment
(423-bp) recognized
by Southern blot
with unknown
25 As.

Dilutions of pure
All As were positive by dot blot
hybridization with no cross-
reaction with any of the 14
Aeromonas strains belonging to
other 4 different species.
Detection limit for the PCR
assay from pure cultures was 2.4
Miyata et al.
fragment (512 bp) of
unknown function
10 Ass, 2 Asa, 1
Asm and 4
atypical As.

Dilutions of pure
Kidney of 15
infected fish.
The method detects only typical
strains (the 10 Ass were positive)
because the 2 Asa, the 1 Asm and
the 4 atypical strains tested were
The detection limit in pure
cultures was 10 fg of bacterial
A positive reaction was obtained
from kidney samples from all
the experimentally infected fish.
Hie et al.

DNA plasmid
fragment of Ass and
Asa of unknown
function (710 bp).
2 Ass, 1 Asa and 1
Dilutions of pure
cultures of 4 strains
of Ass, 1 of Asm and
1 of Asa.
inoculated kidney
and gill
Kidney and gill from
109 covertly infected
Atlantic salmon.
Kidney from 88 wild
brood Atlantic
All strains were positive except
the only Asm tested. The PCR
products were confirmed by
Detection limit in inoculated
kidney and gill homogenates
was 10
CFU/100 ml.
Kidney and gill samples from
covertly infected Atlantic
salmon were negative by PCR
and by culture.
Ass was not detected in kidney
of brood salmon by PCR but
6/88 were positive by culture.
However, a PCR based on the
16S rRNA gene of As was
positive for 29 of the 88 kidney
samples analyzed
Table 1. Developed PCR methods for the detection of A. salmonicida from diverse infected
fish tissue and water.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Reference Target region or
gene (bp)
N of As strains
Type of samples Results and/or conclusions
Oakey et al.
5 RAPD fragments
of unknown
function were used
as probes in
Southern blot
10 Ass, 6 Asa, 4
Asm, 1 Ass
Dilutions of pure
All 5 Southern blot probes
hybridize with Ass and with
some of the subspecies,
therefore the method does not
discriminate typical from
atypical As strains.
Nilsson et al.
DNA fragment (749
pb) of the insertion
sequence (ISasa4) of
the tapA gene
encoding a protein
of the type IV pili.
29 atypical As, 24
typical (Ass)
Dilutions of pure

This PCR differentiates most of
the atypical As (27/29 were
positive) from typical As (24/24
were negative.
The detection limit was approx.
250 fg of template.
et al. (2008)
fstA (422 bp)
encoding a ferric

gyrB (760 bp)
encoding the B
subunit of the DNA
66 Ass, 2Asa, 1
Dilutions of pure
and mixed bacterial
inoculated (kidney
and skin) tissue
mucus and blood.
Mucus and blood of
31 wild salmon.

Dilutions of pure
All As strains tested were
positive, so it does not
differentiate typical from
atypical strains.
Detection limits from pure
cultures was 20-200 cells/ml
and from mixed cultures 60-600
cells/ml. The latter was approx.
the same detection limit for 100
mg of infected tissue with pure
and mixed cultures. Detection
limits from mucus was 10

cells/ml and in blood 10

6/31 samples of wild salmon
were positive.

The gyrB primers amplified all
69 As strains but showed less
sensitivity when compared with
the fstA primers, so no other
experiments for gyrB were

As, A. salmonicida; Ass, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida; Asa, A. salmonicida subps. achromogenes; Asm, A.
salmonicida subsp. masoucida; CFU, colony forming units.
A Blast analysis we carried out revealed that it shares 99% of similarity with the gene mobA (accession
number: AJ508382) which is a mobilization protein of 1263 bp localized in the plasmid PAsa1 of A.
salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (strain JF2267).
The sequence of this fragment is not available for
This method has been used in several studies (Table 2) to differentiate the atypical strains
based on the negative PCR reaction obtained with this method.
We found that these 16S rRNA primers
do not differentiate A. salmonicida from A. bestiarum and A. piscicola.

Table 1. Developed PCR methods for the detection of A. salmonicida from diverse infected
fish tissue and water. (continued)
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

the tanks of the suspected carrier fish were only investigated using the enrichment step and
all were positive. Gustafson et al. (1992) concluded that the enrichment step increases
sensitivity and avoids possible false negative results (Table 1).
Hiney and co-workers (1992) discovered an apparently specific DNA fragment (423 bp)
from a genomic DNA library of strain 7222V of A. salmonicida by differential hybridization
with a strain of A. hydrophila. They tested the specificity of this fragment by dot blot
hybridization using 25 A. salmonicida strains, other Aeromonas species (8 A. hydrophila, 3 A.
caviae, 2 A. sobria, 1 A. media) and 11 strains belonging to other genera. The results
demonstrated that the probe only reacted with A. salmonicida. This DNA fragment was
isolated, sequenced and a specific PCR was designed obtaining a sensitivity of 2.4 cells of A.
salmonicida in pure cultures (Table 1). Despite the authors sequenced the amplified fragment,
they were not able, at that time, to determine the identity of this sequence. In the search for
establishing its identity, now that the complete genome of A. salmonicida is known and that
more sequences are available for comparison at the GenBank, we found that it shares 99%
similarity with the sequence of the gene mobA (access number: AJ508382), which is a
mobilization protein of 1263 bp localized in the plasmid PAsa1 of A. salmonicida (Fehr et al.,
2006). The PCR method designed by Hiney et al. (1992) has been used and evaluated in
posterior studies which are listed in Table 2.
In 1996, Miyata et al. sequenced a DNA fragment (512 bp) of unknown function obtained
from a RAPD amplification of A. salmonicida and developed a PCR for the early detection of
furunculosis, evaluating the method with several typical and atypical strains of A.
salmonicida and experimentally infected fish. They found amplification only for the 10 A.
salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains (Table 1). The method could therefore be considered
specific for detecting only typical furunculosis or typical A. salmonicida strains (i.e. those
belonging only to the subsp. salmonicida). The assay was also positive in kidneys of 15
experimentally infected amago salmon (Oncorhynchus rhodurus subsp. macrostomus). So far,
the sequence of this fragment has not been deposited in the GenBank and since this target
has also been used in several later studies (Table 2), it is important to obtain the sequence in
order to know its function.
Other studies performed by Hie et al. (1997) and Oakey et al. (1998) also developed PCRs
for targeting DNA fragments of A. salmonicida of unknown functions, but these methods
were not able to differentiate the subspecies. To our knowledge, these protocols have not
been used since in any later studies and the main results of the two studies are summarised
in Table 1.
Two new PCR methods were described in the first decade of the 21st century (Beaz-Hidalgo
et al., 2008; Nilsson et al., 2006). The one of Nilsson and co-workers (2006) is based on the
presence of an insertion element (ISE) in the tapA gene (encoding a pili subunit protein of
the type IV pili) of A. salmonicida, which they named ISAsa4. They demonstrated that ISAsa4
was present in multiple copies (>30) but only in atypical strains of A. salmonicida, because
none of the 24 typical strains tested were PCR positive, whereas 27/29 atypical strains were
(Table 1). The identity of the 53 typical and atypical strains was confirmed by their positive
amplification using the PCR method described by Gustafson et al. (1992) (which detects
both typical and atypical strains) and by the non-amplification obtained for the 29 atypical
strains using the method described by Miyata et al. (1996) (which only detects typical strains
i.e. A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida). On the basis of their results, Nilsson and co-workers

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

(2006) proposed this method as useful for differentiating most atypical strains. Furthermore,
by Southern blot, using the ISasa4 as a probe, and after sequencing the tapA gene, these
authors also observed that the atypical strains showed a high heterogeneity in this
region/gene in comparison with the typical strains. Similar results were obtained
previously when the amino acid sequences of the vapA gene from typical and atypical
strains were compared, because identical sequences were found in typical strains, which
contrasted with the significant variability observed in atypical strains (Lund & Mikkelsen,
2004). We believe that this high variability could indicate that the group of atypical strains
may in fact not only embrace other subspecies of A. salmonicida but also other misidentified
Aeromonas species. This PCR method directed at atypical A. salmonicida strains was used
recently by Godoy et al. (2010) for characterising strains isolated from freshwater Atlantic
salmon (Salmo salar) with successful results (Table 2), which we will discuss later.
The method developed by Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2008) targets a fragment of 422 bp of the fstA
gene of A. salmonicida that encodes a siderophore receptor and was validated by testing 69
strains of this species using Gustafsons method in parallel. All of the 69 strains produced
the expected amplicon of the fstA gene, although 4 strains did not amplify with the method
designed by Gustafson et al. (1992). This is probably due to the presence of mutations in the
targeted DNA sequence of the vapA gene as Gustafson et al. (1992) discussed. The detection
limit of the fstA PCR in dilutions of pure and mixed cultures (A. salmonicida, Vibrio
anguillarum and A. hydrophila) was within the range of 20 to 600 cells/ml. In artificially
infected kidney and skin samples the range was relatively similar, 60-600 cells per 100mg of
tissue (Table 1). The proposed PCR for A. salmonicida was considered a non-destructive
diagnostic tool when used in blood or mucus. Detection limits of experimentally infected
mucus and blood samples were 2.5 x 10
and 1.5 x 10
CFU/ml respectively. Bacteria present
in seeded blood was only detected at a high concentration (1.5 x 10
CFU/ml), which is
probably due to interferences with heparin or other unknown blood components that
compete with the bacterial DNA in the PCR amplification (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2008). This
problem was reported by other authors previously (Hie et al., 1997 and references therein)
and could maybe be avoided including a pre-enrichment step (Byers et al., 2002b; Gustafson
et al., 1992) or evaluating the quality of the extracted DNA for the presence of inhibitors
(Mooney et al., 1995). However, none of these approaches were tested by Beaz-Hidalgo et al.
(2008). In the search for possible asymptomatic carrier fish, the fstA protocol was further
assayed in the mucus and blood of 31 wild salmon that showed no signs of furunculosis,
obtaining 4 A. salmonicida PCR-positive samples of mucus and 6 of blood recovered from 6
(19%) of the 31 salmon assayed (Table 1). On the other hand, culture methods were only able
to isolate A. salmonicida from one blood sample, indicating that the PCR method had a
higher sensitivity. It was concluded that the method was fast, specific and sensitive to A.
salmonicida in both infected and asymptomatic carrier fish (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2008). The
possible application to mucus and blood, which can be obtained without the need to
perform necropsies or to sacrifice the fish, was a differential and advantageous characteristic
over other molecular methods that were designed to detect the pathogen only from internal
organs. Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2008) within the same study also designed an additional
method that relied on the amplification of the gyrB housekeeping gene of A. salmonicida and
that produced the expected amplicon for the 69 strains tested. However, no further
experiments were carried out with the gyrB PCR because its detection limit was higher than
that obtained for the fstA gene (Table 1). Both the fstA and gyrB primers designed by Beaz-
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Hidalgo et al. (2008) have been employed in later studies (Table 3) and have also been used
in m-PCR methods developed for the simultaneous detection of A. salmonicida and other
bacterial species that cause fish diseases (Table 4, section 4.2.5). In our laboratory, we have
recently evaluated 10 strains of each of the species A. piscicola, A. bestiarum and A.
salmonicida (including the type strains of all the A. salmonicida subspecies) using the PCR
method described by Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2008), which targets a fragment of 422 bp of the A.
salmonicida fstA gene. This assay was carried out to know whether the primers only reacted
with A. salmonicida or could also react with the closely-related species A. piscicola and A.
bestiarum. To our knowledge those primers have never been tested in the recently described
species A. piscicola (Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2009) and only in the type strain of A. bestiarum
(Beaz-Hidalgo et al., 2008). The results confirmed the specificity of the method for A.
salmonicida because only the 10 strains of this species showed a unique band of expected size
of the fstA gene. In contraposition none of the A. piscicola and A. bestiarum strains showed
this specific band (422 bp) despite some bands of others sizes were amplified in some strains
(unpublished results).
Another potential new specific target of A. salmonicida is a hypothetical protein named
AssHPA, which was discovered by chance by Kingombe et al. (2010) while they were
developing a m-PCR for the detection of three enterotoxins (act, alt and ast). Since the
AssHPA amplicon (148 bp) was present in the nine A. salmonicida strains isolated from dead
fish, the authors suggested that its usefulness as a specific target for the identification of this
species could be evaluated. However, it was also present in two other strains, one identified
as A. bestiarum and one identified as belonging to the A. caviae/A. media phenotypic complex.
Considering this, we believe that the specificity of this PCR reaction might be compromised
by this cross reactivity with other Aeromonas species and so requires further investigation
with a greater number of strains of other species, including A. piscicola. The latter should
also be evaluated with all the molecular methods available that can differentiate A.
salmonicida strains (typical and atypical). This would guarantee that A. piscicola, which is
commonly infecting fish, would not interfere by producing false positive reactions.
4.2.3 Application or comparative evaluation of the described PCR methods
Several studies have evaluated individually, or compared, the methods described in Table 1
and the results and conclusions are summarized in Table 2. In this sense, Morgan et al.
(1993) used the PCR method designed by Hiney et al. (1992) to confirm the presence of
viable not culturable (VNC) cells of a strain of A. salmonicida after 21 days incubation in
sterile and untreated lake water microcosms (Table 2). Flow cytometry was used to
determine the number of viable cells comparing it with the amount recovered after
cultivation on agar plates. In the sterile microcosm culturable A. salmonicida cells were
evaluated on trypticase soy agar (TSA) plates. However, to differentiate this species from
other indigenous bacteria present in untreated lake water, the strain tested was marked
using a kanamycin resistant plasmid and the xylE gene (that encodes a D-xylose
transporter). Growth of colonies on TSA agar plates supplemented with kanamycin revealed
the presence of the tested A. salmonicida strain in the untreated water. The bacteria were also
detected using the PCR designed by Hiney at al. (1992), which targets the vapA gene and in
the case of the untreated water also the specific PCR targeting the xylE gene only present in
the marked A. salmonicida cells. After 21 days, counts of viable cell measured by flow

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

cytometry were 4 logarithms higher than culturable cells in the sterile microcosm, and a
positive PCR detection was obtained at all the times tested (Table 2). In the untreated
microcosm, the number of culturable A. salmonicida cells had declined below the detection
limit after 14 days, although both viable cells and positive PCR amplicons (confirmed by
hybridization) were observed until the end of the experiments.
The same DNA fragment discovered by Hiney et al. (1992) was also used by OBrien et al.
(1994) to investigate the presence of A. salmonicida in samples of faeces, effluent and tank
water of a hatchery of Atlantic salmon smolts. Their results showed that although cultures
of water and particulate matter of effluents of tanks with apparently healthy fish were
negative for A. salmonicida, the pathogen was detected by PCR. The estimated sensitivity
was approximately 1000 fg of A. salmonicida DNA (or 200 genome equivalents) per g of
sample by PCR detection, but this sensitivity increased 10 times by dot blot hybridization
(Table 2).
Byers and colleagues (2002a) compared three PCR methods designed by Gustafson et al.
(1992), Hiney et al. (1992) and Miyata et al. (1996) in order to verify the identity of 308 A.
salmonicida strains, which included type and reference collection strains as well as strains
recovered from 38 teleost fish. They determined their sensitivity in inoculated fish tissue
homogenates and evaluated the method on mucus and other samples (gill, muscle lesion,
intestine, spleen and kidney) from experimentally infected salmonids (Table 2). They found
that the methods of Hiney et al. (1992) and Gustafson et al. (1992) correctly identified 92.5%
and 93.5% of the 308 strains (typical and atypical) and their simultaneous use gave a
positive result for 99.4% of the strains (Table 2). In agreement with what it was described by
Miyata et al. (1996) their PCR was able to identify 100% of the A. salmonicida subsp.
salmonicida strains but none of the atypical strains. The latter were positive only with the
methods of Hiney et al. (1992) and Gustafson et al. (1992). Thus they concluded that the
simultaneous application of these three methods appeared to be useful for distinguishing
typical and atypical isolates of A. salmonicida. Byers et al., (2002a) found that some PCR
negative isolates for the method of Hiney et al. (1992) targeting the vapA gene of the A-layer,
were still able to produce this layer and suggested that this was probably due to a mutation
within the primer site that did not affect the expression of the gene as it was already
described in the original study of Hiney and co-workers. They found that the methods of
Hiney et al. (1992) and Gustafson et al. (1992) were more sensitive than that of Miyata et al.
(1996) (Table 2). The obtained sensitivity in pure cultures ranged from 0.2 to 2 pg of DNA in
50 l, while in the different inoculated fish tissues it ranged from 10
to 10
CFU per g.
Furthermore, they detected the presence of the pathogen in tissue of all the experimentally
infected fish (Byers et al., 2002a). In a second complementary study, Byers et al. (2002b)
investigated the presence of A. salmonicida in covertly infected rainbow trout, Atlantic
salmon and Arctic charr again using the same 3 PCR methods in parallel with conventional
cultures. However, they only evaluated the two most sensitive methods (Gustafson et al.,
1992; Hiney et al., 1992) for the direct PCR detection of A. salmonicida in experimentally
infected fish. They concluded that culturing was a more reliable method than the PCR
assays, and estimated that the lowest detection limit of the 2 PCR methods assayed
(Gustafson et al., 1992; Hiney et al., 1992) was 4 x 10
CFU/g of tissue. In addition, for
evaluating the presence of A. salmonicida in covertly infected fish, they also recommended
the use of a pre-enrichment culture step of the tissue before the PCR assay (Byers et al.
2002b). Another interesting result was that mucus samples yielded PCR products more often
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Reference Objective PCR method/name
of primers
Type of samples Results and/or conclusion
Morgan et al.
To study the
viable but not
state (VNC) of
Hiney et al.
inoculated sterile
and untreated lake
The number of bacteria
recovered from inoculated
sterile lake water after 21 days
by conventional culture was
only 4 CFU/100 ml. However
5.6 x 10
cells/ml viable cells
were confirmed by flow
cytometry. In untreated lake
water colonies were not
obtained after 14 days.
However, the bacteria were
detected over the 21-day
experiment by PCR.
A. salmonicida possess a VNC
state in inoculated freshwater.
OBrien et al.
To detect A.
salmonicida in
a hatchery of
Hiney et al.
Faeces, effluent and
tank water samples
from a hatchery of
Atlantic salmon
The method enables detection
of A. salmonicida from all
samples. Parallel culture
techniques were negative in
the effluent and tank water
samples. The estimated
detection limit of the PCR
products by gel
electrophoresis was approx.
200 A. salmonicida genome
equivalents/g of sample but
dot blot hybridization was 10
times more sensitive.
Byers et al.
To compare
the results
obtained for
the detection
of 308 A.
strains using
three existing
PCR methods
in parallel.
Gustafson et al.
Hiney et al.
Miyata et al.
Dilutions of pure
inoculated tissue
(mucus, gill, kidney
and intestine).
Mucus, gill, muscle
lesion, intestine,
spleen and kidney
from experimentally
infected fish.
Of the 308 A. salmonicida
typical and atypical strains
tested the AP amplified 285
and the PAAS 288. Their
parallel application improved
the individual results and
detected 306 (99.4%) strains.
The MIY method only
amplified the typical Ass
The AP and PAAS methods
provided better sensitivity in
pure cultures (0.2 pg-2 pg/50
l) and in tissue (10

CFU/g) than the MIY method
(200 pg-20000 pg/50 l in
culture and 10
CFU/g in
tissue). Tissues from all the
experimentally infected fish
were positive.
Table 2. Studies that apply the PCR methods described in Table 1.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Reference Objective PCR method/name
of primers
Type of samples Results and/or conclusion
Byers et al.
To compare
the results
obtained for
the detection
of A.
salmonicida in
and covertly
rainbow trout,
salmon and
Artic charr
using three
existing PCR
methods in
Gustafson et al.
Hiney et al.
Miyata et al.
Tissue (mucus, gill,
spleen, kidney,
intestine) of
infected salmonids
as well as covertly
infected (or carriers)
All experimentally infected
fish were positive with AP
and PAAS methods.
The 3 PCR methods identified
correctly the 32 isolates
recovered from covertly
infected fish by culture.
Detection limit in covertly
infected salmonids with the
AP and PAAS methods was
CFU/g. An enrichment
step is required to increase the
Skugor et al.
To detect and
levels of A.
salmonicida in
Hiney et al.

Liver and spleen
from experimentally
infected vaccinated
and unvaccinated
Atlantic salmon.
A. salmonicida was detected in
the liver and spleen of all
analyzed fish but the load was
substantially lower in
vaccinated compared to
unvaccinated fish.
Godoy et al.
To identify by
A. salmonicida
(typical or
strains isolated
from a
outbreak in
Gustafson et al.
Miyata et al.
Nilsson et al.
External lesions,
kidney, liver,
spleen, heart of
moribund Atlantic
Since the 5 strains only
amplified with the PAAS
primers (that does not
discriminate between typical
and atypical) and with those
described by Nilsson et al.
(2006) (specific for atypical
strains) but did not with the
MIY primers (specific for
typical strains), the strains
were considered as atypical A.

Table 2. Studies that apply the PCR methods described in Table 1. (continued)
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

than tissues like the intestine (Byers et al. 2002b). The authors suggested that this might
indicate either that the pathogen is more abundant in certain body parts or that some types
of infected tissue may inhibit the PCR more than others. In our view, it should be considered
that the mucus that covers all the surface of the fish is the most accessible part of the body to
A. salmonicida, which could be another reason for these results.
Another study in which several molecular methods were used in parallel was the one
performed by Godoy et al. (2010) that aimed at re-identifying 5 biochemically characterised
A. salmonicida strains isolated from a furunculosis outbreak that occurred in Chile in a
freshwater farm of Atlantic salmon. The study tried to determine if the infection was
produced by typical or atypical A. salmonicida strains, since atypical furunculosis had been
detected previously in seawater in Chile. They used the primers designed by Gustafson et
al. (1992), which recognize both typical and atypical A. salmonicida strains, those of Nilsson
et al. (2006), which targeted the repeated insertion element ISasa4 specific only of the
atypical strains (non salmonicida subspecies), and those designed by Miyata et al. (1996),
which only recognize typical strains (A. salmonicida subsps. salmonicida). The five isolates
were positive for the PCR that targeted the insertion element ISAsa4 (Nilsson et al., 2006)
and the PCR that targeted the DNA region of Gustafson et al. (1992), but were negative for
that of Miyata et al. (1996). These results indicated that the freshwater salmon isolates were
atypical strains of A. salmonicida. Sequencing nearly the complete 16S rRNA gene was also
carried out and revealed that the five isolates obtained from diseased Atlantic salmon reared
in freshwater shared 100% similarity with A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes and A.
salmonicida subsp. masoucida, whereas with A. salmonicida subsps. salmonicida the similarity
was 99.85%. In our view Godoy et al. (2010) forgot to consider that the species A. bestiarum
shows an identical 16S rRNA gene sequence to A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes and A.
salmonicida subsp. masoucida (Martinez-Murcia el al., 2005). Furthermore, some strains of the
recently proposed new species A. piscicola also share a 100% 16S rRNA gene similarity with
strains of A. bestiarum and A. salmonicida, including the subspecies achromogenes and
masoucida. When the authors tested another 12 atypical A. salmonicida strains isolated from
cultured marine fish, they found that the ISasa4 PCR was negative. Godoy et al. (2010)
suggested that this might be due to a lower number of copies of this insertion element being
present in the atypical A. salmonicida strains they isolated from the marine environment, in
comparison with those isolated from freshwater, or due to variations in the targeted
sequence. However, none of these suggestions have been investigated experimentally or
proven by sequencing the specific region.
4.2.4 Studies that develop other PCR technologies using previously described targets
Other authors have used the PCR primers or a part of the specific target region described in
previous studies for developing other PCR technologies, such as a nested PCR (Mooney et
al., 1995), quantitative PCR methods (Balczar et al., 2007; Goodwin & Merry, 2009) or a
loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) (Kulkarni et al., 2009), which are all
summarized in Table 3 and described in this section. In the study carried out by Mooney et
al. (1995), they applied the method described by Hiney et al. (1992) for the detection of A.
salmonicida in the blood of 61 wild Atlantic salmon, but all samples were negative. In order
to verify this, the authors developed an improved extraction procedure and a test to
evaluate the quality of DNA by performing a PCR suitability test. The latter consisted of a
PCR targeting a region of the fish host genome in order to determine if the sample was free

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

of PCR inhibitors that might interfere with the PCR detection of A. salmonicida. Furthermore
they developed a nested PCR procedure (involving two consecutive PCRs) to improve
sensitivity. So, after the conventional PCR (using the primers of Hiney et al., 1992) was
carried out, specific primers that further amplified a sub-region (278 bp) of the original
amplicon (423 bp) were designed and used in a second PCR. In this way, Mooney et al.
(1995) were able to obtain amplification bands at the expected size in 87% of the 61 fish
blood samples (Table 3).
Balczar et al. (2007) developed a quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) for the detection of A.
salmonicida in inoculated fish tissue and in naturally infected fish. The Q-PCR targeted 131
bp situated within the 423 bp of the mobA gene that Hiney et al. (1992) amplified with the
advantage of being able to quantify the PCR product (Tables 1, 3). The specificity of the
method was confirmed by the positive results obtained for the 16 A. salmonicida isolates
tested (belonging to 3 subspecies: salmonicida, achromogenes and masoucida) and the negative
results for 10 strains belonging to other Aeromonas species and for 16 strains of different
bacterial genera. Sensitivity of the Q-PCR was similar in pure culture and in inoculated
tissue and was within the range of 0.5 pg to 50 ng of DNA that was established to be
equivalent to 16 CFU (Table 3). In order to further validate the designed Q-PCR, it was
applied to fish from natural outbreaks of furunculosis, and the levels of A. salmonicida per g
of tissue (kidney, liver and spleen) obtained ranged from of 5.12 x 10
to 1.05 x 10
In a more recent study, Goodwin & Merry (2009) used the three pairs of primers previously
described by Gustafson et al. (1992), Hiney et al. (1992) and Miyata et al. (1996) and adapted
them for a Q-PCR to analyse 62 ulcer swab samples obtained from carp to investigate the
possible association of typical and atypical A. salmonicida in the ulcerative disease of the
carp. Using the conventional PCR, they demonstrated that atypical strains were present in
84% (52/62) of the carp ulcers analysed. Like in other studies (Byers et al., 2002a) the
distinction between typical and atypical strains was based on the positive amplification
obtained using the primers of Hiney et al. (1992) and Gustafson et al. (1992) and the negative
amplification using those of Miyata et al. (1996). Sixteen percent (10/62) of the samples were
found to be PCR negative, which coincided with the ulcer swab samples taken from carp
that live in water with high temperatures. These authors suggested that these increasing
temperatures are likely to negatively affect the survival of the pathogen or to help the carp
immune system to eliminate it (Goodwin & Merry 2009). Using Hineys primers, Goodwin
& Merry (2009) calculated a range of 9.83 x 10
- 7.74 x 10
genome copies of A. salmonicida
per g of host DNA extracted from the ulcer swab samples of the carp (Table 3). In parallel,
the authors also grew cultures of the swabs but failed to isolate the bacteria and they argued
that this is most likely due the overgrowth of other bacteria, particularly fast-growing motile
aeromonads (which might also be responsible for the disease) as occurs with gills and skin
where dominant bacteria mask the presence of lower prevalence bacteria. The authors
concluded that the Q-PCR protocol might be a useful new tool to study the A. salmonicida
epidemiology of the carp ulcer (Goodwin & Merry 2009).
Another totally different method is the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
assay developed by Kulkarni et al. (2009) for the detection of furunculosis in Atlantic cod
(Gadus morhua). For the development of the method, the authors designed 5 sets of primers
targeting the gyrB gene region described by Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2008) as useful for detecting
A. salmonicida. The LAMP technique was first described by Notomi et al. (2000) to detect the
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Reference Objective Type of samples Results and/or conclusion
Mooney et
al. (1995)
To increase the
sensitivity of the PCR of
Hiney et al. (1992)
improving the DNA
extraction (developing a
procedure for testing its
quality) and performing
a nested-PCR.
Blood samples from 61
wild Atlantic salmon.
Conventional PCR did not
detect A. salmonicida in the
blood of wild salmon but the
improved method was
positive for 53 of the 61
evaluated fish. These results
were confirmed by
Sensitivity was < 100
A. salmonicida genome
equivalents/fish sample.
Balczar et
al. (2007)
To develop a
quantitative real time-
PCR (Q-PCR) for the
detection of A.
salmonicida from fish
tissue using a smaller
fragment (131 bp) of the
region targeted by
Hiney et al. (1992).
Tissue of naturally
infected fish recovered
from outbreaks.Dilutions
of pure cultures.
inoculated fish tissue
homogenates (liver,
kidney, spleen and
A. salmonicida was detected
and quantified in all naturally
infected fish (in concentrations
ranging from 5.12 x10
to 1.05 x 10
Detection limits in pure
cultures and in inoculated
tissue (liver, kidney, intestine,
spleen) was approximately 16
CFU per Q-PCR reaction.
Goodwin &
Merry (2009)
To establish the
incidence of typical and
atypical A. salmonicida
in ulcerative lesions of
the carp using primers
designed by Gustafson
et al. (1992), Hiney et al
(1992) and Miyata et al.
(1996) and to used them
in a Q-PCR.
Swabs from ulcerative
lesions of diseased carp.
52 of the 62 strains recovered
from ulcers were considered
atypical and therefore those
are the As strains associated to
the carp ulcerative disease.
The range of genome of copies
of A. salmonicida in ulcer swab
samples was 9.83 x 10
to 7.74
x 10
/g of DNA.
Kulkarni et
al. (2009)
To develop a LAMP
protocol for the rapid,
sensitive and specific
detection of
furunculosis in Atlantic
cod using 5 A.
salmonicida specific
primers for the gyrB
gene targeted by Beaz-
Hidalgo et al. (2008).
Spleen obtained from
experimentally infected
and uninfected fish.
Dilutions of pure
inoculated mucus from a
healthy fish.
The LAMP assay was specific
for A. salmonicida and was
positive for all the
experimentally infected fish
LAMP was more sensitive
than conventional PCR
detection in pure cultures (1
pg of DNA/ml vs. 100 pg of
DNA/ml) and in infected
mucus (10 pg of DNA/ml vs.
1000 pg of DNA/ml).
LAMP, loop-mediated isothermal amplification.
Table 3. Studies that improve the PCR methods described in Table 1 or use the target regions
and/or primers to design other methods.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

hepatitis B virus and has the advantages of being faster (45 min) than conventional PCR and
of not needing a thermocycler or any sophisticated equipment. Furthermore, on-site
detection of the pathogen can be carried out by direct visualization of the fluorescent
staining (SYBR Safe green) of LAMP products under a handheld UV light (Kulkarni et al.,
2009). In their work, Kulkarni et al. (2009) compared the LAMP assay with the conventional
PCR using the gyrB and fstA primers previously designed by Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2008).
They tested serial DNA dilutions of a pure culture of A. salmonicida and achieved a
sensitivity of 1 pg of bacterial DNA/ml with LAMP, which is a 100-fold improvement over
conventional PCR detection. Both LAMP and conventional PCR were assayed inoculating
mucus samples, and the detection limits of 10 pg of bacterial DNA/ml and 1000 pg of
bacterial DNA/ml, respectively, were achieved (Table 3). The use of the LAMP technique
has rarely been reported in the literature, the study by Kulkarni et al., (2009) being the first
one to use it for the detection of an Aeromonas fish pathogen. Further validation studies are
needed for it to be applied in diagnostic laboratories and in on-site programmes (Kulkarni et
al., 2009).
4.2.5 Multiplex PCR (m-PCR) methods to detect simultaneously A. salmonicida and
other fish pathogenic bacteria
The advantage of using an m-PCR is its ability to detect several targeted sequences
simultaneously, enabling the presence of several pathogens to be evaluated at once, being
less time consuming and more cost effective than any individual PCR. Gonzlez et al. (2004)
developed an m-PCR that could be adapted to a microarray that targeted A. salmonicida and
4 other important marine fish pathogenic bacteria i.e. V. anguillarum, Photobacterium damselae
subsp. damselae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus (Table 4). For detecting A.
salmonicida, 2 regions of the vapA gene encoding the A-layer were selected, a region of 177
bp different from that of Gustafson et al. (1992) and a smaller fragment (101 bp) of the same
region (423 bp) described by Hiney et al. (1992). They tested a total of 75 strains,
representing 28 species of several genera, including 3 strains of A. salmonicida subsp.
salmonicida and 3 strains belonging to other Aeromonas species (Table 4). The specificity of
the assay was 100%, but the authors indicated that false negatives might arise as result of
naturally occurring mutations in the region targeted by the primers. The sensitivity obtained
with pure bacterial cultures (4-5 CFU) was similar to that obtained with other previously
discussed PCR methods (Altinok et al., 2008; Gustafson et al., 1992; Hiney et al., 1992; Onuk
et al., 2010).
Altinok et al. (2008) described another m-PCR for the detection of A. hydrophila, A.
salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and 3 other major bacterial fish pathogens (Flavobacterium
columnare, Renibacterium salmoninarum and Yersinia ruckeri) (Table 4). For detecting A.
salmonicida, a modification of the Hiney et al. (1992) primers were used, while for detecting
A. hydrophila the primers were those previously described by Nielsen et al. (2001) targeting
the 16S rRNA gene. However, when we searched for any possible cross reactivity of A.
hydrophila with sequences of other Aeromonas species, we found that complementary
sequences to the primer regions were also present in the species A. molluscorum (only known
from shellfish) and A. encheleia (originally isolated from European eels in Valencia, Spain
and found in association with fish diseases in other studies). This seems to indicate that
those primers cannot be considered specific for detecting A. hydrophila, and this needs to be
tested experimentally using several strains of the mentioned interfering species. The method
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Reference Simultaneous
detection of:
Target region or
gene (bp)
N of Aeromonas
strains and type of
samples evaluated
Results and/or
Gonzlez et
al. (2004)
A. salmonicida
subsp. damselae,
Vibrio vulnificus
Vibrio anguillarum
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
A different region
of 177 bp of the
vapA gene targeted
by Gustafson et al.
(1992) and a
smaller fragment
(101 bp) of the
region (423 bp)
targeted by Hiney
et al. (1992)
3 A. salmonicida
subsp. salmonicida, 1
A. caviae, 1 A.
hydrophila and 1 A.
Dilutions of pure
Detection limit for A.
salmonicida in pure
cultures was <20 fg of
genomic DNA, which
is equivalent to 4-5
The m-PCR products
were used to develop
a microarray and
clear hybridization
signals for both
regions were
Altinok et al.
A. salmonicida subsp.
A. hydrophila
Yersinia ruckeri
A slightly smaller
fragment (416 bp)
of the region (423
bp) targeted by
Hiney et al. (1992)
for A. salmonicida.
The region of the
16S rRNA gene
proposed by
Nielsen et al.
(2001) for A.
5 A. salmonicida
subsp. salmonicida, 4
A. hydrophila and 2 A.
Dilutions of pure
Tissue (liver, spleen,
kidney, gill, skin and
fins) of diseased
farmed rainbow

Detection limit in
pure cultures was 1
Of the 558 diseased
rainbow trout
obtained from 31
farms, 112 were
positive for the
detection of any of the
3 pathogens including
35 positive for A.
hydrophila and 22 for
A. salmonicida.
Onuk et al.
A. salmonicida subsp.
Yersinia ruckeri
Identical region
(fstA, 422 bp) as
Beaz-Hidalgo et al.
9 A. salmonicida
subsp. salmonicida.
Dilutions of pure
homogenates of liver
tissue obtained from
a healthy salmon.
Detection limits were
30 CFU in pure
cultures and 250 CFU
in infected liver.
All A. salmonicida
subsp. salmonicida
were positive.

Kulkarni et al.
A. salmonicida
Francisella piscicida
V. anguillarum
(three major
pathogens in farmed
Atlantic cod).
Identical region
(gyrB, 760 bp) as
Beaz-Hidalgo et al.
1 A. salmonicida
Dilutions of pure
Detection limit of
10g-50 ng DNA/ml
in pure cultures.
The only reference
strain of A. salmonicida
tested was positive.
Hiney et al. (1992) indicated that this sequence had an unknown function. However, a Blast analysis we
carried out revealed that it shares 99% of similarity with the gene mobA (accession number: AJ508382),
which is a mobilization protein of 1263 bp localized in the plasmid PAsa1 of A. salmonicida subsp.
salmonicida (strain JF2267).
Table 4. Studies that develop multiplex-PCR (m-PCR) to detect simultaneously Aeromonas
spp. (mainly A. salmonicida) and other fish pathogens.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

appeared to be specific for the 5 strains of A. salmonicida evaluated, with no cross-reaction
with the other bacteria (Altinok et al., 2008). The detection limits in dilutions of pure culture
were 2 CFU for A. hydrophila and 1 CFU for A. salmonicida, respectively, and the assay
detected A. hydrophila in 35 fish and A. salmonicida in 22 fish of the 558 diseased rainbow
trout analysed (Table 4).
In a very recent study, Onuk et al. (2010) has developed an m-PCR for the simultaneous
detection of A. salmonicida and two other bacteria (Flavobacterium psychrophilum and Y.
ruckeri) able to produce contagious infections in salmonids (Table 4). The detection limit was
30 CFU of A. salmonicida from culture suspensions and 250 CFU from inoculated
homogenated liver tissue (Table 4). For the design of the m-PCR, they assayed in parallel the
vapA primers of Hiney et al. (1992) and those of the fstA of Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2008),
showing that the latter had better specificity as none of the 9 strains analyzed showed any
false negative reactions or non-specific amplifications. False negatives were, however,
obtained for 2 of the 9 A. salmonicida isolates (2.2%) using the primers of Hiney et al. (1992).
The failure of some A. salmonicida isolates to amplify with the latter primers agrees with
results obtained by Byers et al. (2002a), who reported no amplification in 23 of the 308
isolates (7.5%) examined with these primers.
For monitoring the presence of A. salmonicida, Francisella piscicida and V. anguillarum,
considered the three most important pathogens in cultured Atlantic cod, Kulkarni et al.
(2010) developed an m-PCR. For detecting A. salmonicida they used the primers of the gyrB
gene designed by Beaz-Hidalgo et al. (2008). The m-PCR was specific for the detection of the
single strain of A. salmonicida tested with no cross-reaction with the other pathogens tested
simultaneously and had a good detection limit when assayed in bacterial suspensions
(Table 4).
5. Impact of climate change in Aeromonas infections
Several studies have reported that climate change can affect the aquaculture sector and its
production, as it may increase the vulnerability of cultured fish to diseases due to an
increase in water temperature and/or to a decrease in water quality (Alborali, 2006;
Karvonen et al., 2010; Marcogliese, 2008; Marcos-Lpez et al., 2010; Mohanty et al., 2010;
Tam et al., 2011). It is well known that small changes in water temperature alter both the fish
metabolism and physiology that may have consequences for their growth, fecundity or
feeding behaviour (Alborali, 2006; Marcogliese, 2008; Mohanty et al., 2010). An increase in
water temperature causes fish to suffer thermal stress, making them more susceptible to
infections (by opportunistic pathogens such as Aeromonas spp.) and degrading their
environmental habitat, lowering oxygen concentrations and altering the levels of nutrients
(Alborali, 2006; Karvonen et al., 2010; Marcogliese, 2008; Marcos-Lpez et al., 2010; Tam et
al., 2011). However, it also has to be considered that at a higher water temperature many
bacteria replicate at a higher rate and they might therefore be more abundant, favouring the
spread of infectious diseases (Marcos-Lpez et al., 2010). Motile opportunistic Aeromonas
species have an optimal growth temperature under laboratory conditions of 25-30C, and
the ideal water temperature for A. salmonicida to survive is within the range 12.8C to 21.1C
(Tam et al., 2011 and references therein). Classically, outbreaks of Aeromonas septicaemias
and furunculosis are linked to a rise in temperature, usually occurring during spring and
summer (Tam et al., 2011). Increased temperature may also lengthen the transmission
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

Target region
or gene (bp)
Primer set- Sequence of oligonucleotides Conditions Reference
94C 1s
57C 25s x 35
73C 25s

Gustafson et al.

94C 1min
55C 1min x 30
72C 1min
Hiney et al.
region (512)

94C 30s
60C 30s x 30
72C 1min
72C 5min
Miyata et al.
IS sequence
ISasa4 (749)
94C 2.5min
94C 30s
67C 30s x 30
72C 30s
72C 9.5min

Nilsson et al.
gyrB (422) Asg1- 5-TGG CAT GGA ACA TTC CTC CT-3
95C 3min
95C 30s
57C 30s x 40
72C 1min
72C 5min

et al. (2008)

fstA (760) Fer3- 5-CGG TTT TGG CGC AGT GAC G-3
92C 3min
92C 1min
60C 1min x 30
72C 1min
72C 5min
et al. (2008)
Blast analysis we carried out revealed that it shares 99% of similarity with the gene mobA (accession
number: AJ508382), which is a mobilization protein of 1263 bp localized in the plasmid PAsa1 of A.
salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (strain JF2267).
Amplification conditions were not indicated in that study
so those indicated were from Kulkarni et al. (2010). All these methods detected typical and atypical
strains except Miyata et al. (1996) that detected only typical and Nilsson et al. (2006) that detected only
Table 5. Primers and conditions of the most commonly used PCR methods for the detection
of typical and atypical A. salmonicida strains.
season, leading to a higher prevalence of the disease and to more widespread epidemics
(Karvonen et al., 2010). There might also be ecological alterations between species or strains,
resulting in the emergence of new pathogenic strains affecting a wider range of hosts
(Karvonen et al., 2010; Marcos-Lpez et al., 2010). Furthermore, bacteria might show a greater
virulence, for instance A. hydrophila has shown a greater virulence in largemouth bass
(Micropterus salmoides) at warmer temperatures because of either reduced resistance of the host
or to an increased expression of virulence factors (Marcogliese, 2008 and references therein).
In a recent study, Tam et al. (2011) carried out a regional impact assessment of climate
change in relation to furunculosis investigating fish populations in two lakes in Canada.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Lake water temperatures from 1963 to 2001 were used for the model to project future lake
temperatures (2011-2100) considering different scenarios and calculating the vertical and
surface water temperatures over different time scales. They recognized a significant rise in
air temperature since 1963 and in the mid 1990s they detected the occurrence of furunculosis
when the mean air temperature was 12.8C and summer mean water temperature was 15C.
Between 2011 and 2100 they predict that the summer mean water temperatures will rise
from 15-15.5C to 16.5-17.4C, conditions being within the range of the survival
temperatures of A. salmonicida (12.8-21.1C). Furthermore, they noticed that the estimated
range of temperature between 16.5 and 17.4C is relatively near to the 18C at which
virulence of A. salmonicida is better expressed (Daher et al., 2011). Tam et al., (2011)
considered that the effects of climate change might also be transferred to other
anthropogenic impacts, such as contamination that impacts on water quality. This is another
factor that might favour the development of furunculosis.
In conclusion, we could say that there is a general agreement that as a consequence of global
warming, water temperature will increase and as a result endemic diseases like furunculosis
will become more prevalent and more difficult to control in immunodepressed fish
populations (Marcos-Lpez et al., 2010). In the long term, aquaculture must respond to
climate change by minimizing discharges into water ecosystems, try to mitigate the negative
impacts of climate change in water quality and avoid fish crowding to minimize disease
transmission (Marcos-Lpez et al., 2010).
6. Conclusions and perspectives
Classically the species of Aeromonas implicated in fish disease that have been considered
important in ichthyopathology were A. salmonicida and A. hydrophila. However, recently this
panorama of species has expanded with the discovery of new species like A. piscicola and A.
tecta, which have been isolated mainly from diseased salmonids and turbot. These new
species might have an important role in fish pathology that needs to be explored in the
future. Other species such as A. veronii or A. sobria seem to have a specific role in the
pathology of catfish and trout, respectively. All these species should have remained masked
under A. hydrophila when only biochemical identification methods were applied. Therefore
these methods should be avoided as they provide results that misrepresent the real
prevalence and/or diversity of the species.
The species A. salmonicida includes a broad diversity of strains, some able and others unable
to produce pigment or be motile under laboratory conditions. This heterogeneous behaviour
has led to the introduction of the terms typical and atypical strains (subspecies different
from salmonicida), which in our view is very confusing. However, strains of both groups are
known to cause furunculosis and ulcerative diseases in a variety of fish hosts, in which they
produce similar clinical characteristics. Furthermore, there has been evidence over the years
that the identification of the strains of A. salmonicida as belonging to the different subspecies
(other than salmonicida) is both phenotypically and genetically complex. Therefore, it is
probably time to realize that the separation of this species into different subspecies does not
fulfil the aim of helping to clarify the identity of the isolates on the basis of stable
phenotypic and genetic characters, but just makes the situation more difficult and confusing.
We believe that after genetic confirmation, it is probably better to avoid the use of the terms
typical and atypical and to refer to the strains simply as A. salmonicida.
Molecular Detection and Characterization of
Furunculosis and Other Aeromonas Fish Infections

In ichthyopathology, correct identification is essential for determining the true etiology of
the disease during outbreaks at aquaculture facilities and this is the basis for establishing
adequate treatment and prevention programmes. Fast and reliable detection of Aeromonas is
a key element to minimise the impact of the infection. Moreover, the continuous monitoring
of Aeromonas in fish farms (both the water and the fish) is needed because these bacteria are
autochthonous of the aquatic environment and can act as opportunistic pathogens.
Phenotypic methods are unreliable for identifying Aeromonas species. Therefore it is
necessary to direct efforts towards the use of suitable and reliable molecular techniques.
There is a broad panorama of PCR-based methods developed to detect A. salmonicida in fish
tissue (mucus, blood, and other tissues) that have shown to provide a good specificity and
the tendency in the future will be to continue using m-PCR methods that will enable to
screen several pathogens simultaneously. Sequencing the housekeeping genes (i.e. rpoD and
gyrB) of the strains recovered from fish have proven to be useful for identifying the
Aeromonas species and its routine use will revert on the clarification of the diversity of
species involved in fish disease.
Also more knowledge will be gathered in the future from the complete genomes of both
bacteria and the infected host fish. In the genus Aeromonas there is only one complete
genome of the 3 available belonging to a strain recovered from diseased fish (trout) of the
species A. salmonicida (strain A449). It can be expected that soon other ones will be available.
These genomes can provide important information about the expressed genes in the host, in
response to vaccination or infection that can be useful for selecting resistant fish populations
in the future.
It is clear that one of the predicted effects of climate change will be an increase in the water
temperature, a tendency that has already been observed and that can change the fishs
immunocompetence and susceptibility to disease and affect fisheries and aquaculture. There
is evidence to suggest that emergence, distribution and transmission of many pathogenic
bacteria like Aeromonas will increase under the effect of global warming but other
anthropogenic impacts such as those derived from water contamination might also be
important drivers in exacerbating the problem. Few studies have tried to predict the impact
of climate change on fish Aeromonas infections and therefore this needs to be further
explored in order to search for timely corrective measures that can be implemented to
counter the effects of global warming.
7. Acknowledgments
The authors thank Dr. Jess Lpez Romalde, Dr. Juan Luis Barja and Dr. Alicia Estevez
Toranzo from the University of Santiago de Compostela for providing information and the
Aeromonas fish strains used in some of our articles reported in this chapter.
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An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors
of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria
Jessica Mndez, Pilar Reimundo, David Prez-Pascual,
Roberto Navais, Esther Gmez, Desire Cascales and Jos A. Guijarro
Department of Microbiology, IUBA,
University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Asturias
1. Introduction
Bacterial diseases are among the most important causes of losses among fish stocks in the
aquaculture industry, affecting the economic development of the sector in many countries.
The ability of bacteria to cause disease depends to a large extent on the expression of
virulence factors, which help them to invade the host, produce pathological effects and
evade host defences. The study of these factors is essential for the development of new
immunoprophylactic and chemotherapeutic reagents to fight the bacterial infections, since
the development of antibiotic resistance by bacteria has led to these diseases becoming one
of the major problems in the sector. In the last decade, the application of in vivo and in vitro
molecular techniques to fish pathogenic bacteria, together with the availability of adequate
models for studying the disease, have allowed the discovery and characterization of novel
virulence determinants, as well as a deeper insight into well-known pathogenic
mechanisms. In reference to bacterial diseases, Gram-negative bacteria have long been
recognized as one of the main problems in the aquaculture industry. They can cause
systemic infections in which they invade the fish and damage internal organs or can cause
external infections affecting the gills or causing fin rot and body ulcers. This review
describes current understanding of the virulence factors shown to be involved in the
virulence of Gram-negative bacteria causing disease in fish.
2. Bacterial adherence and colonization
2.1 Adhesins
Bacterial adherence to the host may involve either specific interactions between a receptor
and a ligand or hydrophobic interactions. The receptors are usually specific carbohydrate or
peptide residues on the eucaryotic cell surface and the ligands called adhesins are bacterial-
surface proteins or polysaccharides.
Many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria display long adhesive fibers, called type IV pili, in
order to mediate cellular attachment to host tissue receptors. Pili are also involved in several
other bacterial processes, including bacterial auto-aggregation, target tissue specificity and
natural competence for DNA uptake.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

The fish pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida contains in its
genome a complete set of genes for two type IV pilus systems, Tap and Flp (Boyd et al.,
2008). In vivo experiments in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) showed that the Tap pilus
contributes moderately to virulence. A tapA mutant constructed by allelic exchange was
found to be slightly less pathogenic than wild type when delivered by intraperitoneal
injection (Masada et al., 2002). Boyd et al. (2008) showed that the Tap pilus also made a
moderate contribution to virulence in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), while the Flp pilus made
little or no contribution. In addition to type IV pili, A. salmonicida has also a type I or Fim
pilus system (similar to Pap fimbriae of Escherichia coli) encoded by several genes clustered
into an operon. When this operon was deleted in A. salmonicida A449, the virulence of this
strain was not affected in direct live challenges of Atlantic salmon. However, an ex vivo
adherence and invasion assay using freshly excised salmon gastrointestinal tract showed
that, compared to the parental strain, the ability of a fim mutant strain to adhere to the
salmon gastrointestinal tract was reduced but, once adhered, its capacity to invade was
unaffected (Dacanay et al., 2010).
In A. salmonicida, the S-layer also acts as an adhesin promoting high levels of adherence to
non-phagocytic fish cell lines (Garduo et al., 2000). The capsular polysaccharide is involved
in the ability of A. salmonicida and Aeromonas hydrophila, the leading cause of fatal
hemorrhagic septicemia in rainbow trout, to both adhere to and invade fish cell lines, being
an important factor for intracellular invasion (Merino et al., 1996, 1997a). The capsule also
plays an important role in the pathogenicity of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida
(formerly Pasteurella piscicida), the etiological agent of pasteurellosis in fish. The induction of
its expression increased the degree of virulence for fish of the non-pathogenic strains and
conferred resistance to serum killing (Magarios et al., 1996).
2.2 Motility
Bacteria have developed at least six different types of motility (Henrichsen, 1972). The
evolutionary maintenance of motility, despite its high energetic cost, indicates its
importance for the survival of bacteria in changing milieus. Additionally, motility is
considered essential during host tissue colonization in pathogenic bacteria.
For instance, the fish pathogen Listonella anguillarum (formerly Vibrio anguillarum), the causal
agent of vibriosis, required the presence of the flagellum to produce the disease when
rainbow trout were infected by immersion in bacteria-containing water. However, this
appendix and the bacterias resulting motility were not required for pathogenicity following
intraperitoneal injection (OToole et al., 1996). Ormonde et al. (2000) suggested that active
motility is essential for this bacterium to enter the fish host, maybe in a process driven by a
fish skin and intestinal mucus chemotactic response. In this work, the authors created a
strain with an intact but paralyzed flagellum by disruption of the motY gene, a flagellar
motor gene. The virulence of the motY mutant was 750-fold lower than that of the wild type
strain when the bacterium was supplied by immersion, using rainbow trout as the infection
model; however, no loss in virulence was seen when the motY mutant was injected
intraperitoneally. Taken together, these results suggest that motility and not the flagellin
proteins are required for L. anguillarum to invade rainbow trout successfully (Ormonde et al.,
2000). In A. hydrophila, the motility is important for the adhesion and invasion by the
bacteria of fish cell lines, as was demonstrated by Merino et al. (1997b). Gavn et al. (2002)

An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

concluded that the lateral flagella are mainly responsible for the adhesion process in this
species and also for its ability to form biofilm. However, in the case of Yersinia ruckeri, the
causal agent of yersiniosis, a non-motile biogroup identified as Y. ruckeri serovar I biotype 2
has been described, which is able to cause the disease in rainbow trout (Austin et al., 2003;
Fouz et al., 2006). In fact, Evenhuis et al. (2009) have demonstrated that the lack of the
flagellum and flagellar secretion machinery do not affect Y. ruckeri virulence.
In general, there are few cases establishing a direct relation between fish pathogenic bacteria
motility and disease development. The reason may be that mutations in motility-related
genes usually involve pleiotropic phenotypes. Therefore, it is difficult to ascribe the absence
of virulence exclusively to the lack of motility. However, all authors recognise the
importance of motility for host tissue colonization during the first stages of the infection.
3. Growth and invasion
3.1 Iron acquisition
Iron is an essential element for most bacteria due to its participation as a cofactor in
numerous biochemical cellular processes. Thus, bacteria have developed high-affinity iron-
transport systems that are considered to be important factors in pathogenicity. Many
bacteria are able to synthesize low molecular mass molecules, or siderophores, which bind
ferric iron (Ratledge & Dover, 2000; Ratledge, 2007). These iron compounds are then
recognized by specific outer membrane receptors and introduced into the cell by an energy-
transduction complex named TonB system (Andrews et al., 2003; Ratledge, 2007; Ratledge &
Dover, 2000; Wandersman & Delepelaire, 2004). A second iron-acquisition mechanism is
based on a direct interaction between the host iron-containing proteins transferrin,
lactoferrin and ferritin and specific receptors on the bacterial cell surface (Butler, 2003;
Ratledge, 2007). Some pathogenic bacteria are also able to acquire iron from free haem or
haem proteins, such as hemoglobin or hemopexin within host tissues (Genco & Dixon, 2001;
Tong & Guo, 2009).
Evidence for the role of different iron scavenging mechanisms in promoting Gram-negative
bacterial infections within fish hosts have been reported in literature on several occasions.
For example, the isolation and further analysis of a mutant showing impaired growth under
iron-limited conditions using a Tn4351-mutagenesis system led to the identification of a
TonB system which includes ExbB, ExbD1, ExbD2 and TonB proteins in Flavobacterium
psychrophilum, the causative agent of cold water disease in salmonids (lvarez et al., 2008).
Moreover, in vivo assays conducted in rainbow trout fry determined that the ExbD2 protein
plays an important role in virulence of F. psychrophilum, since the exbD2 mutant strain was
approximately 450-fold attenuated compared to the wild strain and conferred a high level of
protection after vaccination (lvarez et al., 2008).
Two different TonB systems, TonB1 and TonB2, were identified and characterized in the
pathogen Vibrio algynoliticus, which causes vibriosis in marine fish (Wang et al., 2008).
Construction and further analysis of mutants in these systems led to the conclusion that they
are involved in iron uptake from ferrichrome and vibrioferrin and that they are also
essential for virulence, since the corresponding mutant strains showed an 11 to 25-fold
increase in LD
value in zebra fish (Danio rerio) in comparison to that of the wild type strain
(Wang et al., 2008). Besides, the TonB1 gene cluster was shown to specifically contribute to

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

haemin and haemoglobin utilization in this fish pathogen (Wang et al., 2008). In the same
way, two different iron-regulated TonB mechanisms were identified in L. anguillarum (Stork
et al., 2004). The analysis of these systems revealed that TonB2 protein but not TonB1 is
involved in the transport of the siderophores anguibactin and enterobactin and that TonB2
protein is essential for virulence of L. anguillarum, since the LD
value for the tonB2 mutant
strain was more than 100-fold higher than that of the parental strain (Stork et al., 2004).
Following suppressive subtraction hybridization experiments, the existence of a siderophore
biosynthesis gene cluster in P. damselae subsp. piscicida was reported (Osorio et al., 2006).
Insertional mutation of an irp1 gene included within this cluster, which codes for a putative
non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, led to impaired growth under iron-limited conditions,
loss of siderophore production and a 100-fold decrease in degree of virulence in turbot
fingerlings (Scophthalmus maximus) (Osorio et al., 2006).
The application of an in vivo expression technology system to the study of the fish pathogen
Y. ruckeri permitted the identification of, among others, four clones involved in the
biosynthesis and transport of a cathecol siderophore named ruckerbactin (Fernndez et al.,
2004). An isogenic mutant in rucC (involved in ruckerbactin biosynthesis) was conducted
and it was demonstrated that this strain was impaired for growth under iron-depleted
conditions with respect to the wild type strain. Moreover, in vivo assays carried out in
rainbow trout indicated that the LD
value for the rucC mutant was 100-fold higher than
that of the wild type strain (Fernndez et al., 2004).
The iron-uptake processes and their importance as determinants in pathogenicity have been
widely studied in L. anguillarum. In 1980, it was demonstrated in in vivo challenge experiments
on juvenile Coho salmon that heat-mediated curation of a 65 Kb plasmid of this bacterium,
named pJM1, was correlated with an attenuation of virulence of about 3 logarithms (Crosa et
al., 1980). The pJM1-type plasmids encode the genes responsible for the biosynthesis and
transport of the siderophore anguibactin, an iron-sequestering system that represents a major
virulence factor in L. anguillarum (Crosa, 1989; Lemos et al., 1988). One of these plasmid-
encoded genes, angR, is involved in the regulation of both the expression of the iron transport
genes fatDCBA and the production of the siderophore anguibactin (Chen et al., 1996; Salinas et
al., 1989). Construction and subsequent analysis of site-directed angR mutants and deletion
derivatives indicated that an intact AngR protein is required for full virulence and anguibactin
production in L. anguillarum but not for regulation of iron-transport gene expression
(Wertheimer et al., 1999). Virulence tests carried out on juvenile trout showed that the angR
mutation results in a dramatic attenuation of virulence of about five logarithms in L.
anguillarum (Wertheimer et al., 1999). Additional iron uptake systems have been found in this
bacterium. For example, isolation of mutants defective in haem utilization led to the
identification of the gene huvA, which encodes an iron-regulated outer membrane protein
involved in a specific haem uptake mechanism (Mazoy et al., 2003). The analysis of the huvA
mutant strain revealed inability to grow in the presence of haem as the sole iron source as well
as a decrease in the degree of virulence for turbot fingerlings in experimental infections in
which fish were previously overloaded with haemin (Mazoy et al., 2003).
It has been clearly demonstrated that the ability of pathogenic bacteria to scavenge iron
from the fish host is of vital importance to the outcome of the disease. Thus, iron acquisition
mechanisms should be deeply studied in bacterial fish pathogens and may be considered as
optimal targets for the development of new antimicrobial agents in aquaculture.

An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

3.2 Extracellular products (ECPs)
Separation of the extracellular products (ECPs) secreted by bacteria from the cell fraction has
been a common strategy for studying the virulence factors of fish-pathogenic bacteria. The
analysis of the pathological effects of their different components on fish can give us
substantial information about host-pathogen interactions. Among these components,
molecules with different activities such as haemolytic, cytolytic, proteolytic and lipolytic,
etc. have been identified.
ECPs and extracellular proteases have been well studied in the genus Aeromonas and there
are numerous reports showing their implication in the virulence of this pathogen. The
species A. hydrophila produces extracellular substances that are capable of causing
pathological effects when injected into rainbow trout and tilapia (Tilapia nilotica) (Allan &
Stevenson, 1981; Khalil & Mansour, 1997; Santos et al., 1988). Allan and Stevenson (1981)
showed that the in vivo effect observed in rainbow trout, as well as the proteolytic and
haemolytic activities, were lost when ECPs were heated. These authors also suggested
haemolytic activity as a significant lethality factor.
The ECPs of A. salmonicida seem to play a relevant role in the pathogenesis of fish
furunculosis. Ellis et al. (1981) showed that all the lesions associated with this disease were
reproduced when ECPs were injected intraperitoneally or intramuscularly into rainbow
trout. A few years later, it was indicated that the presence of protease and haemolysin
activities in the ECPs of A. salmonicida was correlated with the development of lesions but
not with the lethal toxicity of the ECPs in rainbow trout. Thus, an unidentified component of
ECP was responsible for killing fish (Ellis et al., 1988). Concerning the two major
extracellular enzymes of A. salmonicida, glycerophospholipid: cholesterol acyltransferase
(GCAT) and a serine protease (AspA), it has been surprisingly revealed that no major
decrease in virulence in Atlantic salmon occurred when their encoding genes were mutated
(Vipond et al., 1998).
The role in virulence of the activities present in ECPs within the family Vibrionaceae has also
been closely studied. In L. anguillarum, different exoenzymes (i.e. haemolysins, cytotoxins, and
dermatotoxins) can contribute to the development of infections (Kodama et al., 1984).
Nevertheless, metalloproteases and undetermined low molecular weight substances are the
main toxins responsible for the lethality of their ECPs (Toranzo & Barja, 1993). This was
illustrated with the work of Santos et al. (1991) which showed that, although all L. anguillarum
isolates tested were virulent for trout, salmon and turbot, rainbow trout was the most
susceptible fish species to experimentally induced vibriosis. In contrast, the ECPs (with
proteolytic, haemolytic, cytotoxic activities and permeability factors) exhibited similar lethal
doses for turbot, salmon and trout. Therefore, differences in susceptibility to vibriosis were not
completely due to a differential sensitivity of fish to the extracellular products of this bacterium.
In L. anguillarum, a membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase D (mltD) mutant was
generated and its extracellular protease activity decreased markedly together with a total loss
of haemolytic activity compared with the wild type strain (Xu et al., 2011). The MltD protein
was characterized and it showed haemolytic, phospholipase, gelatinase and diastase activities.
Surprisingly, virulence of the mltD mutant was enhanced compared with that of the wild type
when it was inoculated intraperitoneally into zebra fish. This could be partially explained by
the hypothesis that peptidoglycan (PG) fragments, released during growth, can contribute to
the pathogenesis of multiple bacterial infections (Xu et al., 2011).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

With regards to other Vibrionaceae species, it has been demonstrated that the ECPs from all
the strains of P. damselae sp. damselae are strongly lethal for fish (Fouz et al., 1993). These ECP
samples possessed low proteolytic activity but remarkable phospholipase and haemolytic
activities for turbot red blood cells and were cytotoxic for fish. Finally, a correlation could be
established between the levels of enzymatic and cytotoxic activities of ECPs and the degree
of virulence for fish (Fouz et al., 1993). Additionally, it was shown that the ECPs from 16
strains of P. damselae subsp. damselae that were strongly lethal for redbanded seabream
(Pagrus auriga) exhibited lipase, phospholipase and esterase-lipase activities among others
(Labella et al., 2010). They also displayed a strong cytotoxic effect on four fish cell lines,
although this effect disappeared when ECPs were heated at 100C. The virulence of the
strains tested could not be related to the haemolytic activity or to the production of the toxin
damselysin. Therefore, another unknown type of toxin could play an important role in the
virulence mechanisms of this bacterium (Labella et al., 2010).
There are also many works with other Gram-negative bacteria whose ECPs have been tested
on their hosts. As described by Romalde & Toranzo (1993), ECPs (including proteolytic
haemolytic, cytotoxic, and lipolytic activities) could play a role in the pathogenicity of Y.
ruckeri because when injected into fish they lead to the appearance of symptoms related to
yersiniosis. The same occurs with F. psychrophilum. A crude extracellular preparation (CEP)
from a strain of this bacterium was capable of causing serious muscle necrosis in rainbow trout
after intramuscular injection. The CEP degraded gelatin, but the addition of protease inhibitors
to the CEP simultaneously terminated its ability to degrade this protein in vitro and to produce
muscle necrosis in rainbow trout. Both effects were restored following the addition of zinc
chloride to the protease inhibitor-treated CEP, suggesting that this strain of F. psychrophilum
secretes a protein complex with zinc metalloprotease-like activity (Ostland et al., 2000).
In relation to the degradation of non-proteinaceous components from the extracellular
matrix of fish tissue, the activity of a chondroitin AC lyase present in Flavobacterium
columnare could be the cause of the necrotic lesions characteristic of the columnaris disease
(Suomalainen et al., 2006).
3.2.1 Extracellular proteases
Production of extracellular proteolytic enzymes is a property shared by non-pathogenic and
pathogenic microorganisms. These enzymes are indispensable factors in their life cycles and
may be lethal to the host when produced by pathogenic bacteria (Miyoshi & Shinoda, 2000).
The role of proteases in pathogenesis is not clear, but it seems that they are involved in
colonization and invasion during host-pathogen interaction, apart from providing nutrients
for the microorganism.
This idea is also strengthened by the findings of a wide variety of studies, such as that on
Moritella viscosa, which causes winter ulcer disease in salmonids (Bjornsdottir et al., 2009).
The metallopeptidase MvP1 of this pathogen caused extensive tissue necrosis and
haemorrhages at the site of injection but was non-lethal to salmon at concentrations up to
0.22 g/g fish. The authors suggested that MvP1 could aid in the invasion and
dissemination of the bacterium in the host by causing tissue destruction (Bjornsdottir et al.,
2009). The same function is attributed to the protease Yrp1 of Y. ruckeri, included within the
serralysin metalloendopeptidase subfamily. The mutation of the yrp1 gene caused the loss of

An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

the proteolytic activity as well as attenuation in virulence when the mutant was injected
intraperitoneally into rainbow trout (Fernndez et al., 2002).
Additional reports relating to the activity of extracellular metalloproteases in virulence can
be found. The participation of an extracellular zinc metalloprotease in the first steps of the
infectious process by promoting invasion is suggested in L. anguillarum. Norqvist et al.
(1990) isolated a mutant with a low level of protease activity. This mutant behaved also as
an invasiveness-defective strain. When compared with wild type strain, this mutant had a
1,000-fold higher LD
value after immersion infection of rainbow trout. In the work of Yang
et al. (2007), it is also proposed that an extracellular zinc metalloprotease, EmpA, is a
putative virulence factor of the fish pathogen L. anguillarum.
Proteolytic enzymes may play an important role in invasiveness and establishment of
infection by overcoming initial host defences and by providing nutrients for cell proliferation,
as has been suggested for Aeromonas spp. (Leung & Stevenson, 1988). The first report in
which the mutation of an extracellular protease of A. hydrophila was related to a decrease in
virulence was the work of Cascn et al. (2000). The protease (AhpB) hydrolyzed casein and
elastin and showed a high sequence similarity to other metalloproteases. The mutation of
ahpB resulted in 100-fold attenuation in virulence for rainbow trout. Indeed, in local infections
proteases can cause necrotic or haemorrhagic tissue damage through digestion of structural
components of the ground substance and form oedematous lesions through generation of an
inflammatory response (Miyoshi & Shinoda, 2000). As Abolghait et al. (2010) indicated,
intramuscular infection of goldfish (Carassius auratus) with wild type A. hydrophila led to the
development of a characteristic large ulcer at the injection site while the PepO (a
thermoregulated outer membrane M13 family zinc endopeptidase) deficient mutant strain
lost its ulcerogenic property in vivo. However, this mutant strain caused a higher mortality in
goldfish than the wild type A. hydrophila. This paradox could be partially clarified by the
evidence that pepO-mutagenesis changed the extracellular proteome, suggesting that PepO
may regulate the secretion and/or the expression of some of A. hydrophila virulence factors
present in ECPs. What is more, metalloproteases from A. hydrophila could have a more
harmful effect and even be lethal to the host. Extensive haemorrhages in the abdominal cavity
were caused after injection with the protease obtained from the culture filtrate of this
pathogen (Kanai & Wakabayashi, 1984).
Combining protease isolation and gene interruption in A. salmonicida, as early as 1985, Sakai
showed that a protease-deficient mutant (NTG-1) lost its virulence and proteolytic activity
in Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and rainbow trout. In addition, the activity of an
extracellular metallo-caseinase, AsaP1, was linked with lethal toxicity and a strong
pathogenic effect (Gunnlaugsdttir & Gudmundsdttir, 1997) in A. salmonicida subsp.
achromogenes for Atlantic salmon fingerlings. Besides, the lethal dose of an AsaP1-defective
strain was 10-fold higher in Artic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and 5-fold higher in Atlantic
salmon than that of the wild type strain (Arnadottir et al., 2009).
However, the involvement of extracellular metalloproteases in the virulence of fish
pathogenic bacteria is not a general rule, given that the metalloprotease Vvp of V. vulnificus,
is not an essential lesion factor. Thus, when the ECPs from a Vvp-defective mutant were
injected into fish, similar lesions to those caused by the wild type strain appeared in eels
(Anguilla anguilla) (Valiente et al., 2008). A similar case is that of the Fpp2 proteolytic enzyme

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

of F. psychrophilum, which seems not to be involved in the infection process, having a
putative nutritional role (Prez-Pascual et al., 2011). In contrast, according to Zhang et al.
(2009b), the AprX of Pseudomonas fluorescens (an extracellular alkaline metalloprotease of the
serralysin family) could be involved in the infection process, since an aprX mutant strain
exhibited significantly attenuated ability to disseminate and survive within Japanese
flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) blood and tissues. These results, together with the
observation that purified recombinant AprX was highly toxic in cultured flounder gill cells,
demonstrated that AprX is a virulence factor that contributes to bacterial infection.
3.2.2 Haemolysins and phospholipases
Bacterial haemolysins are cytolytic exotoxins, generally considered as important virulence
factors. These toxins cause damage to erythrocytes and other cell types, such as leukocytes
or neutrophils, by two different models of action which involve a pore-forming protein or a
phospholipase enzyme (Rowe & Welch, 1994). However, their specific mechanism of action
as well as their specific contribution to pathogenicity varies in each organism.
There are many reports about bacterial fish pathogens, especially Vibrio species, which
possess haemolysin proteins. Thus, Rodkhum et al. (2005) identified four genes, vah2, vah3,
vah4 and vah5, which encode four haemolysins in L. anguillarum. These genes were cloned
and the corresponding proteins subsequently purified. It was demonstrated that all of them
displayed haemolytic activity against erythrocytes of rainbow trout. In addition,
construction of a mutant strain for each haemolysin gene and subsequent LD
assays in
rainbow trout determined that the four mutant strains were less virulent than the wild type
strain (Rodkhum et al., 2005). Rock & Nelson (2006) characterized a haemolysin gene cluster
that encodes the L. anguillarum haemolysin Vah1, a putative phospholisase (Plp) and a
putative lactonizing lipase (LlpA). Mutation in the plp gene resulted in a significant increase
in haemolytic activity but not in virulence. On the contrary, mutations in the vah1 and llpA
genes did not affect haemolytic activity. Moreover, the vah1 mutant strain showed virulence
attenuation in juvenile Atlantic salmon. The data obtained in this study suggest that plp
constitutes a negative regulator of the haemolysin genes vah1 and llpA and that vah1 plays a
role in the pathogenicity of this bacterium. A repeat-in-toxin (RTX) gene cluster (rtxACHBDE)
related to haemolysis in L. anguillarum was identified by Li et al. (2008) a few years later.
Haemolytic-deficient mutant strains were obtained by interrupting vah1 and an rtx gene,
leading to the conclusion that the rtx gene cluster represents a new haemolytic mechanism
in L. anguillarum. It was proved that Vah1 and RtxA proteins displayed cytotoxic effects on
Atlantic salmon kidney cells, whereas the vah1 rtxA double mutant strain lost this cytotoxic
activity. Besides, the rtxA mutant strain showed reduced virulence in juvenile Atlantic
salmon, suggesting that this gene is a relevant virulence factor for L. anguillarum.
The thermostable direct haemolysin gene (tdh) from V. alginolyticus was identified and
sequenced by Cai et al. (2007). The encoded protein was expressed and purified in E. coli and
it was shown that the Tdh had haemolytic activity and it was toxic for crimson snapper
(Lutjanus erythopterus) (Cai et al., 2007). In the same way, Jia et al. (2010) expressed and
purified the thermolabile haemolysin (TLH) from V. alginolyticus. The experiments carried
out with the protein revealed that it had both phospholipase and haemolytic activities
against flounder erythrocytes. What is more, toxicity of TLH to zebra fish was demonstrated
when injected intraperitoneally, evidencing the importance of this protein in the pathologic
process provoked by this bacterium.

An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

The V. harveyi haemolysin gene (vhhA) was overexpressed, purified and characterized by
Zhong et al. (2006). Evident phospholipase and haemolytic activities against turbot
erythrocytes were determined for this protein. In addition, the protein was proved cytotoxic
for flounder gill cells as well as lethal for flounder (Zhong et al., 2006). Later, Sun et al. (2007)
carried out the construction of a vhhA site-directed mutant strain. It was observed that this
mutant strain exhibited loss of haemolytic and phospholipase activities, together with a
complete lack of virulence for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). A haemolysin gene cluster,
which encodes an YhlB haemolysin activation protein and a YhlA haemolysin, was
identified in Y. ruckeri by Fernndez et al. (2007). Insertional mutant strains of the two
proteins were constructed and it was concluded that both mutant strains exhibit reduced
haemolytic activity relative to that of the parental strain. What is more, LD
assays carried
out in rainbow trout determined that yhlA and yhlB mutant strains showed a 10-fold and
100-fold decrease in virulence respectively, which clearly implicated this system in the
virulence of the bacterium (Fernndez et al., 2007).
The mutation of the esrB gene of Edwardsiella tarda, part of the two-component system EsrA-
EsrB, resulted in severe attenuation in virulence but this was accompanied by significantly
enhanced haemolytic activity and cell-invasion capability (Wang et al., 2010b). The authors
observed that a haemolysis-associated protein, EthA, was up-regulated in this mutant strain.
The construction and subsequent analysis of an ethA mutant strain determined that it
exhibited decreased capacities of internalization into epithelial papilloma of carp cells.
Nevertheless, no significant differences were recorded between the LD
values obtained in
zebra fish and Japanese flounder for the mutant and the wild type strains, thus questioning
its contribution to lethality in the fish host (Wang et al., 2010b).
Several proteins have been shown to be involved in the haemolytic process in A. hydrophila.
Thus, Li et al. (2011) evaluated the relationship between the presence of the aerolysin (aerA),
cytotoxic enterotoxin (alt) and serine protease (ahp) genes, and virulence of A. hydrophila
isolates in zebra fish. The authors conclude that the aerA+alt+ahp+ isolates were more
virulent to zebra fish than other single or two-virulence-factor combination strains. Apart
from haemolysins, phospholipases constitute other important membrane-active agents in
many pathogenic bacteria (Bai et al., 2010). In A. hydrophila AH-3, the plc gene codes for a 65-
kDa protein involved in phospholipase C activity. An insertion mutant in this gene showed
a 10-fold increase in its LD
in rainbow trout and mice, suggesting that Plc protein is a
virulence factor (Merino et al., 1999). Furthermore, Plc is also a cytotoxic factor against
epithelioma papulosum of carp (Cyprinus carpium) monolayers and slightly haemolytic for
rainbow trout erythrocytes (Merino et al., 1999).
As a conclusion, it has been clearly demonstrated that ECPs from Gram-negative fish-
pathogenic bacteria have a variety of damaging factors as haemolysins, cytotoxins,
proteases, phospholipases, etc. which result in the appearance of symptoms of the disease
and even more frequently in a toxic effect causing the death of fish.
3.3 Protein secretion systems
Protein secretion is involved in different processes in the bacterial life cycle, including
organelle biogenesis, nutrient acquisition and virulence-factor expression. In Gram-negative
bacteria, where secretion involves translocation across inner and outer membranes, up to six

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

different secretion pathways for protein export to the extracellular environment have been
identified. Some secreted proteins are exported across the inner and outer membranes in a
single step via the type I, type III, type IV or type VI pathways (Tseng et al., 2009). Other
proteins are first exported into the periplasmic space via the universal Sec or two-arginine
(Tat) pathways and then translocated across the outer membrane via the type II, type V or
less commonly, the type I or type IV machinery (Tseng et al., 2009). In Gram-negative fish
pathogenic bacteria we can find several examples in which all of these secretion systems,
with the exception of the Sec and the general type II pathways, have been related to
The bacterial twin-arginine translocation system (Tat) is involved in the translocation of
proteins in a folded state using a proton gradient as an energy source (Mller, 2005). In V.
alginolyticus, the Tat pathway plays pleiotropic roles in growth, motility and secretion of
some virulent factors such as the extracellular alkaline serine protease (Asp), an important
exotoxin in this bacterium as was previously indicated. Fish infection and cytotoxicity assays
showed that the Tat system is also required for the virulence of this bacterium in zebra fish
and against an epithelioma papulosum cyprinid cell line (He et al., 2011).
The type I or ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter pathway exports substrates such as
toxins, proteases and lipases (Binet et al., 1997) directly across the inner and outer
membranes without periplasmic intermediates. The Yrp1 protease of Y. ruckeri (described in
section 3.2.1) is secreted by an ABC protein secretion system composed of three genes
termed yrpD, yrpE and yrpF, and a protease inhibitor inh. Site-directed insertion mutations
into the yrpE gene led to the loss of protease activity and attenuation in virulence when
bacteria were injected intraperitoneally into rainbow trout (Fernndez et al., 2002).
The type III pathway is composed of a complex protein structure spanning both the inner
and the outer membranes and it is used exclusively by pathogenic bacteria to deliver
virulence factors into host cells, directly interfering with and altering host processes. In fish,
two species of the genus Aeromonas (A. salmonicida and A. hydrophila) have been reported to
have a functional type III secretion system involved in virulence (Burr et al., 2002; Yu et al.,
2004). In A. salmonicida, a mutation in the ascV gene that encodes an inner membrane
component of the type III secretion apparatus results in the lack of toxicity against RTG-2
rainbow trout gonad cells (Burr et al., 2002). In A. hydrophila AH-1, insertional inactivation of
two of the type III secretion system genes (aopB and aopD) led to decreased cytotoxicity in
carp epithelial cells, increased phagocytosis and reduced virulence in blue gourami
(Trichogaster trichopterus Pallas) (Yu et al., 2004). E. tarda also has a type III secretion system
that is essential for pathogenesis formed by three genes eseD, eseB and eseC. Infection
experiments in fish showed that the eseD mutant exhibited slower proliferation and a 10-
fold decrease in virulence in fish (Wang et al., 2010a). Finally, in V. alginolyticus, a type III
secretion system (T3SS) is required to cause rapid death of infected carp fish cells (Zhao et
al., 2010).
The type IV secretion system is related to the transport of macromolecules, such as proteins
and DNA. It allows the secretion of nucleoprotein complexes, multi-subunit toxins or
monomeric proteins. Recently, this pathway has been divided into two subgroups: type IVa,
similar to the VirB secretion system of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and type IVb, assembled
from Tra homologues of the Incl ColIb-P9 plasmid of Shigella flexneri (Sexton & Vogel, 2002).
Proteins using this pathway can be secreted into the extracellular milieu or directly into a

An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

host cell. In Y. ruckeri, the traHIJKCLMN operon, which encodes a putative type IVb
secretion system, is involved in the virulence of the bacterium (Mndez et al., 2009). LD

determinations with rainbow trout fry indicated that a mutation in the traI gene resulted in
virulence attenuation. It is suggested that this system contributes to bacterial pathogenicity
through the secretion of some effector molecules into the host cells (Mndez et al., 2009).
The type V secretion system presents the largest family of protein-translocating outer
membrane porins in Gram-negative bacteria and the simplest secretion apparatus (Yen et al.,
2002). Proteins using this system are translocated across the outer membrane via a
transmembrane pore formed by a self-encoded -barrel structure. The Pfa1 autotransporter
of the fish pathogen P. fluorescens is associated with virulence since a mutation in this gene
significantly attenuates the virulence of the bacterium and impairs its ability in biofilm
production, interaction with host cells, modulation of host immune response and
dissemination in host blood (Hu et al., 2009).
The type VI secretion machinery is a recently characterized secretion system that appears to
constitute a phage-tail-spike-like injectisome that has the potential to introduce effector
proteins directly into the cytoplasm of host cells (Tseng et al., 2009). In E. tarda, a type VI
secretion system was identified as EVP (E. tarda virulence protein) gene cluster and
consisted of 16 components (evpPevpO). Compared with the parental strain, in-frame
deletion of evpP in E. tarda EIB202 led to a significantly increased LD
in zebra fish and
Japanese flounder, decreased haemolytic activities, failure to adhere to mucus and reduced
serum resistance (Wang et al., 2009b). Moreover, the evpP deletion mutant exhibited
incapacity to internalize in epithelioma papulosum of carp cell model in vitro,
demonstrating that EvpP in type VI secretion machinery plays a critical role in the invasion
mechanism of E. tarda and merits investigation as a potential target for attenuated live
vaccine construction (Wang et al., 2009b).
Finally, different uptake systems such as a cysteine transporter and a zinc transporter were
shown to be involved in the ability of Y. ruckeri to infect fish (Dahiya & Stevenson, 2010a;
Mndez et al., 2011).
4. Endotoxins
An endotoxin is a toxin which is a structural molecule of Gram-negative bacteria and which
is recognized by the immune system of the host. The prototypical examples of endotoxins
are complex molecules called lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which are a constituent of the cell
wall outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. LPS structure consists of three
components: an outer polysaccharide region that is highly variable among different bacteria,
known as O antigen, a highly conserved polysaccharide chain called core and an inner
fatty-acid-rich region known as lipid A.
Lower vertebrates such as frog and fish are stated to be resistant to endotoxic shock,
whereas higher animals are very sensitive to it (Berczi et al., 1966a, 1966b; Wedemeyer et al.,
1969). However, in recent years endotoxins/LPS have frequently been shown to be
responsible for the pathogenesis of several bacterial fish diseases. The Gram-negative fish
pathogens in which endotoxins have been identified as disease-related virulence
mechanisms belong mainly to three genera: Aeromonas, Edwardsiella and Vibrio. Gram-
negative bacteria have the unique characteristic of smooth and rough variation, which is

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

mainly based on the presence or absence of an O-specific chain (Lukcov et al., 2008). The
attachment of O-antigen to core lipid-A results in smooth phenotype, while core lipid-A
lacking O-antigen is referred to as rough phenotype (Swain et al., 2010). Genes involved in
the biosynthesis of the O-antigen have been associated with virulence in different studies.
For example, A. hydrophila AH-3 mutants in which the gene that codes for UDP N-
acetylgalactosamine 4-epimerase (gne) is affected, showed the O
phenotype (LPS without O-
antigen molecules) and were less virulent for fish compared to the wild type strain (Canals
et al., 2006). The results obtained in a later work (Canals et al., 2007) confirmed that LPS is
essential in A. hydrophila pathogenicity. In another study carried out with the same strain, a
mutation in galU, a gene that codes for UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, caused two types
of LPS structures (Vilches et al., 2007). The galU mutation reduced the survival of this strain
in serum to less than 1%, decreased the ability to adhere and reduced the virulence of A.
hydrophila AH-3 in a septicaemia model in fish (Vilches et al., 2007). In a recent work, two
rough attenuated variants of A. hydrophila, derived from two smooth virulent strains by
continuous cultivation in brainheart infusion agar over a period of 8 years, were
discovered to be attenuated, since they produced neither disease nor mortality in the
injected fishes (Swain et al., 2010).
In Edwardsiella ictaluri, an LPS O side-chain (O antigen) mutant strain was isolated using
transposon mutagenesis (Lawrence et al., 2001). The mutant failed to express O side-chains
and was highly attenuated in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fingerlings compared with
the parent wild type strain.
In the virulent strain E. tarda EIB202, a mutation in the gene waaL, which codes for a putative
O-antigen ligase, resulted in the absence of O-antigen side chains in the LPS production (Xu
et al., 2010). This waaL mutant was attenuated in virulence, showed an impaired ability in
internalization of epithelioma papulosum cyprinid cells and a poor ability to proliferate in
vivo. The waaL mutant also exhibited a decreased resistance to serum and polymyxinB and
an increased sensitivity to H
, indicating that the LPS was involved in endurance to
oxidative stress in hosts during infection. In another study in E. tarda (Wang et al., 2010c), a
comparison of pathogenicity of purified LPS and lipid A from virulent and avirulent strains
demonstrated that LPS was one of the virulence factors of the E. tarda isolates.
In V. vulnificus, there are classically two biotypes with the virulence for eels being specific to
strains belonging to biotype 2, a homogeneous LPS-based O serogroup. It was demonstrated
that the O side chain of this LPS determines the selective virulence of biotype 2 for eels
(Amaro et al., 1997). In this study, biotype 1 strains were destroyed by the bactericidal action
of non-immune eel serum, biotype 2 strains were resistant and rough mutants of biotype 2
lacking the O polysaccharide side-chain were sensitive and avirulent for eels. Another study
in V. vulnificus biotype 2 showed that the gne gene is essential for O-antigen biosynthesis
and virulence in eels (Valiente et al., 2008). Mutation in gne increased the sensitivity to
microcidal peptides, to eel serum and to phagocytosis/opsonophagocytosis. Moreover,
significant attenuation of virulence for eels was observed. The change in the attenuated-
virulence phenotype produced by the gne mutation was correlated with the loss of the O-
antigen LPS.
In L. anguillarum, the presence of the O1 antigen side chain was shown to be crucial for the
resistance to the bactericidal action of serum from rainbow trout (Welch & Crosa, 2005). In
this work, a mutant in rmlC, a gene involved in the biosynthesis of dTDP-rhamnose (a

An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

common constituent of bacterial LPS O side chains) was isolated. The rmlC mutant was
shown to be defective in the production of the O antigen. In addition to this, a mutant
obtained by allelic exchange in rmlD, another ORF in the dTDP-rhamnose biosynthetic
cluster, showed the same O1-deficient phenotype and was highly attenuated compared to
the wild type strain.
5. Regulation of virulence gene expression
Pathogenic bacteria are submitted to continuous environmental changes, which may vary
significantly during infection process. Therefore, the pathogenicity of the bacteria depends
on their ability to survive in stressful environmental conditions. To confront these
surrounding variables, bacteria present a complex regulation of gene expression.
5.1 Two component regulatory system (TCS)
Bacteria efficiently survive under changeable conditions by utilizing different signal
transduction systems. One of the most extended systems is known as the two component
regulatory system (TCS) (Gao et al., 2007; Robinson et al., 2000). The typical TCS consists of a
sensor kinase that responds to specific signals, phosphorylating the second component of
the system (Mitrophanov & Groisman, 2008). The EsrA-EsrB TCS is well characterized as a
virulence regulatory system in E. tarda. Tan et al. (2005) showed that this TCS regulates a
type III secretion system related to the pathogenicity of the bacterium. When esrA and esrB
genes were disrupted, proteins that compound the type III secretion system (EseB, EseC and
EseD) were missing or considerably reduced (Tan et al., 2005). The EsrA-EsrB TCS system
also controls other regulator called EsrC. The esrC mutant showed an increase of 50 % in its
virulence using blue gourami as the infection model. In this sense, the authors concluded
that the EsrC regulator plays an important role in the virulence of E. tarda, forming a
regulation cascade complex with the TCS EsrA-EsrB, which regulates the expression of the
secreted proteins encoded by the type III secretion system and the evp cluster (Zheng et al.,
2005). The EsrA-EsrB TCS is also involved in the regulation of the type VI secretion system
of E. tarda exercising a positive effect on the transcription of evpP (Wang et al., 2009b).
Recently, it has been demonstrated that this EsrA-EsrB TCS governs the expression of EthA
haemolysin of E. tarda, which belongs to Eth haemolysin system in this bacterium, which
comprises EthA and EthB subunits (Wang et al., 2010b).
Another novel TCS is the BarA-UvrY described for Y. ruckeri. In this system, a mutant strain
in the response regulator uvrY gene showed less ability to infect epithelioma papulosum
cyprini cells, more sensitivity to H
and was unable to maintain a high bacterial load in
rainbow trout kidney (Dahiya & Stevenson, 2010b).
5.2 GntR family regulators
The GntR regulators are a metabolite-responsive family that represents one of the most
abundant groups of Helix-turn-helix (HTH) transcription factors. These proteins contain a
characteristic DNA-binding HTH domain at their N-terminus (Hoskisson & Rigali, 2009).
Besides the mentioned regulation system of E. tarda virulence factors, Wang et al. (2009a)
have characterized an EthB subunit regulation belonging to the Eth haemolysin system. The
ethB gene encodes the activation/secretion machinery required for the maturation and

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

translocation of EthA haemolysin (Hirono et al., 1997). In the study of Wang et al. (2009a),
they identified the ethB regulator EthR, a transcription regulator of the GntR family, which
controls ethB expression by direct interaction with the ethB promoter region. Disruption of
the regulated expression of ethR significantly decreases bacterial virulence using Japanase
flounder as infection model by intraperitoneal injection (Wang et al., 2009a).
5.3 Sigma factors
Sigma factors are another type of regulation system. These consist of a class of proteins
constituting essential dissociable subunits of prokaryotic RNA polymerase and they are
involved in promoter recognition and transcription initiation. These regulation systems are
diverse and they have been shown to regulate expression of virulence genes as well as
virulence-associated genes (Kazmierczak et al., 2005). Related to the fish pathogenic bacteria,
the alternative rpoN sigma factor, classified into the
subfamily, was proposed as a
virulence factor regulator in L. anguillarum. The disruption of the rpoN gene generated an
aflagellated mutant, and in consequence, a non-motile strain. The infectivity of rpoN mutant
was similar to that of the wild type strain following intraperitoneal injection of fish;
however, it was reduced significantly when fish were immersed in bacteria-containing
water (OToole et al., 1997). The authors concluded that RpoN regulated the expression of
the polar flagellum, an important virulence factor, which is necessary during host
colonization in the first stages of the water-borne infection (OToole et al., 1997). In V.
alginolitycus, the alternative rpoS sigma factor has been defined as a virulence factor
expression regulator, comprising the extracellular protease activity and cytotoxicity of
extracellular products (Tian et al., 2008). In the same way, the authors confirmed the
implication of RpoS sigma factor in the regulatory network of the LuxS quorum sensing
system; the disruption of rpoS gene showed a decrease of extracellular autoinducer-2 level,
involved in the LuxS system (Tian et al., 2008).
5.4 Quorum sensing
Bacteria are social organisms that display complex cooperative behaviour, such as
conjugation, biofilm formation, antibiotic synthesis, sporulation, secretion of virulence
factors and bioluminescence. Many of these kinds of behaviour are regulated by a process
known as quorum sensing. Quorum sensing is a cell-to-cell communication system that
enables bacteria to synchronize gene expression with population density. The prototype of
quorum sensing in Gram-negative bacteria is the LuxI/LuxR circuit of V. fischeri (Engebrecht
et al., 1983; Fuqua & Winans, 1994).
In A. hydrophila, the involvement of quorum sensing in pathogenicity could be demonstrated
(Bi et al., 2007). In this species, the ahyR gene encodes the LuxR-type response regulator. An
ahyR mutant was highly attenuated relative to the wild type strain. The analysis of
exoenzyme activity revealed that the ahyR mutant could not produce exoproteases,
amylases, haemolysins and Dnases, while the wild type strain of A. hydrophila had a high
level of exoenzyme activity. The S layer of A. hydrophila could not be detected in the mutant
A. salmonicida also possesses the LuxIR-type quorum sensing system, termed AsaIR. It has
been shown that the autoinducer synthase AsaI plays a role in the virulence of A. salmonicida

An Overview of Virulence-Associated Factors of Gram-Negative Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

subsp. achromogenes (Schwenteit et al., 2011). A knockout mutant of AsaI did not produce a
detectable quorum sensing signal and its virulence in fish was significantly decreased. In
addition to this, the expression of two virulence factors (the toxic protease AsaP1 and a
cytotoxic factor), was reduced in the mutant. AsaP1 production was also inhibited by
synthetic quorum sensing inhibitors.
In E. tarda, it has been suggested that some virulence factors are regulated by the quorum
sensing system. An E. tarda strain isolated from deceased flounder was found to produce N-
acyl-homoserine-lactones (AHLs) as quorum sensing signal molecules that control the
expression of a 55-kDa virulent-strain-specific protein (Morohoshi et al., 2004). In the same
bacterium, it has also been shown that the overexpression of EthR, a transcriptional regulator
of the GntR family, drastically altered the expression patterns of ethB and luxS in the host
environment during infection, causing vitiation in the tissue dissemination and survival
ability of the bacterium, and significant attenuation of the overall bacterial virulence (Wang et
al., 2009a). EthR positively modulates luxS expression and autoinductor AI-2 production by
binding to the luxS promoter region (Wang et al., 2009a). In another study (Zhang et al.,
2009a), it was found that 5411 and 5906, two small peptides which share sequence identities
with the C-terminal of E. tarda LuxS, inhibited AI-2 activity and could vitiate the infectivity
of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX1. The inhibitory effect of 5411 and 5906 on AI-2 activity
was proven to be exerted on LuxS, with which these peptides specifically interact. The
expression of 5411 and 5906 in TX1 produced effects that are similar to those caused by
interruption of LuxS expression, such as the alteration of biofilm production and a decrease
in the expression of certain virulence-associated genes. It could also be demonstrated that
fish expressing 5411 directly from tissues exhibited enhanced resistance against TX1
infection (Zhang et al., 2009a).
In L. anguillarum, a species known to produce AHLs as quorum sensing signal molecules, the
use of furanone C-30, a quorum sensing inhibitor, caused a significant reduction of mortality
in rainbow trout during challenge with the bacterium (Rasch et al., 2004). Although neither
growth, survival, proteome, motility nor respiration of the bacterium were affected by the
concentrations of furanone C-30 used in the challenge experiments, it could not be
discounted that the disease suppression effect of furarone C-30 is caused by action directly
on the fish defence systems, since it is known that AHLs exert a direct immune modulatory
effect on the host. Furthermore, the absence of any clear up or down regulation of L.
anguillarum proteins would suggest that the furanone is affecting the fish host rather than
the quorum sensing system.
In V. alginolyticus, it has been shown that the LuxS quorum sensing system plays an
important role in regulating the expression of virulence factors (Ye et al., 2008). The luxS
mutants of both a standard strain and a fish-clinical isolate had reduced lethality in red
seabream (Pagrus major). The two luxS mutants exhibited a lower growth rate and defective
flagellar biosynthesis. They also showed a significant decrease in protease production and
an increase in both extracellular polysaccharide production and biofilm development.
Moreover, in V. alginolyticus the LuxO-LuxR regulatory system is involved in the regulation
of the exotoxin alkaline serine protease Asp. A LuxR-deficient mutant showed a reduction
in asp transcript and the disruption of the luxO gene caused an increase in this virulence
factor. Furthermore, the interruption of luxO resulted in a higher level of luxR mRNA,
indicating that LuxO negatively regulates the expression of luxR, which in turn activates the

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

expression of asp (Rui et al., 2009). Recently, Liu et al. (2011) have found that Hfq, an sRNA
chaperone, plays an important role in post-translational regulation of the alkaline serine
protease Asp, besides other environmental stress responses. The interruption of the hfq gene
caused attenuation of virulence in zebra fish and grouper infection models (Liu et al., 2011).
6. Perspectives and future
The increasing level of production in the aquaculture industry, in terms of both quantity
and the number of fish species cultured, has resulted in the appearance of new bacterial
diseases. In this sense, the development of vaccines and diagnostic techniques is probably
the major challenge in the field. The study of the biology of fish pathogenic bacteria and in
particular, of their virulence factors, is essential in order to achieve these goals. Gene
mutation is currently the major and, probably, the best means of determining the
involvement of a gene in the pathogenic mechanisms of bacteria. Most of the studies
described in this review are based on this fact. However, the relationship between virulence
and a particular phenotype as a consequence of gene mutation should be carefully
established, since in most cases this alteration produces pleiotropic effects. The recent
development of specific and sensitive techniques such as microarrays, genome sequencing,
in vivo expression technology, etc. will provide massive information about virulence-related
genes as well as their expression and regulation. This will lay the foundations for tackling
and solving the infection problems in the aquaculture industry.
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Part 3
Antibiotics and Probiotics

Antibiotics in Aquaculture
Use, Abuse and Alternatives
Jaime Romero
, Carmen Gloria Feijo
and Paola Navarrete

Universidad de Chile, Biotechnology Laboratory,
Institute for Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA)
Universidad Andrs Bello, Laboratory of Developmental Biology, Santiago
1. Introduction
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, aquaculture is growing more
rapidly than all other animal food-production sectors ( Its contribution to
global supplies of several species of fish, crustaceans and mollusks increased from 3.9% of
total production by weight in 1970 to 33% in 2005. It has been estimated that fisheries and
aquaculture supplied the world with about 110 million metric tons of food fish per year
(FAO, State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2010.), providing a per capita supply of 16.7
kg (live weight equivalent). Of this supply, 47% is derived from aquaculture production.
However, this production is hampered by unpredictable mortalities that may be due to
negative interactions between fish and pathogenic bacteria. To solve this problem, farmers
frequently use antibiotic compounds to treat bacterial diseases (Cabello 2006).
Aquaculture is becoming a more concentrated industry, with fewer, but much larger, farms.
Infectious diseases are always a hazard and may cause significant stock losses and problems
with animal welfare. Intensive aquaculture (shrimp and fish farming) has led to growing
problems with bacterial diseases, the treatment of which now requires the intensive use of
antimicrobials. Although various authors have emphasized the putative negative effects of
using antimicrobial agents in fish farms (Alderman and Hastings, 1998; Cabello, 2006), few
studies on antimicrobial resistance in the aquaculture industry have been performed in situ.
(Fernndez -Alarcn 2010, Miranda & Zemelman 2002).
Because a wide variety of chemicals are currently used in aquaculture production, control
measures have been introduced over the years. These include disinfectants (e.g., hydrogen
peroxide and malachite green), antibiotics (e.g., sulfonamides and tetracyclines) and
anthelmintic agents (e.g., pyrethroid insecticides and avermectins) (Rawn et al. 2009).
However, disease control is an active research field, and alternatives to antibiotic treatments
have been explored. The public health hazards related to antimicrobial use in aquaculture
include the development and spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and resistance genes
and the presence of antimicrobial residues in aquaculture products and the environment.
The aim of this chapter is to present information about current knowledge regarding
antibiotic use in aquaculture systems. This will include basic information, for example,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 160
mechanisms of action and resistance, the role of antibiotics in disease control and the
putative negative impact of the use of antimicrobial agents in fish farms, and also some
alternative strategies that could reduce the use of these chemicals.
2. Use of antimicrobials in aquaculture
2.1 Controlling diseases using antibiotics
Antimicrobial agents can be defined as substances that have the capacity to kill or inhibit the
growth of microorganisms. After their formal discovery by Fleming in 1928, antibiotics have
become essential drugs for human and animal health and welfare. Antibiotics can be derived
from natural sources or have synthetic origins. Antibiotics should be safe (non-toxic) to the
host, allowing their use as chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of bacterial infectious
diseases. In addition to their use in human medicine, antimicrobials are also used in food
animals and aquaculture, and their use can be categorized as therapeutic, prophylactic or
metaphylactic. Therapeutic use corresponds to the treatment of established infections.
Metaphylaxis is a term used for group-medication procedures that aim to treat sick animals
while also medicating others in the group to prevent disease. Prophylaxis means the
preventative use of antimicrobials in either individuals or groups to prevent the development
of infections. In aquaculture, antibiotics at therapeutic levels are frequently administered for
short periods of time via the oral route to groups of fish that share tanks or cages . All drugs
legally used in aquaculture must be approved by the government agency responsible for
veterinary medicine, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA). For
instance, in the USA the following antimicrobials are authorized for use in aquaculture:
oxytetracycline, florfenicol, and Sulfadimethoxine/ormetoprim. These regulatory agencies
may set rules for antibiotic use, including permissible routes of delivery, dose forms,
withdrawal times, tolerances, and use by species, including dose rates and limitations. The
most common route for the delivery of antibiotics to fish occurs through mixing the antibiotic
with specially formulated feed. However, fish do not effectively metabolize antibiotics and
will pass them largely unused back into the environment in feces. It has been estimated that 75
percent of the antibiotics fed to fish are excreted into the water (Burridge et al., 2010).
In most of the countries with an important aquaculture industry, government agencies exert
some controlling actions. For example, in Norway the use of antimicrobials requires a
veterinarians prescription, and hence, their use is therapeutic. They are sold in pharmacies
or in feed plants authorized by the Norwegian Medicines Agency. In Norway, it is
mandatory to report the amount of antibiotics used and retain records of prescriptions.
Intensive fish farming has promoted the growth of several bacterial diseases, which has led
to an increase in the use of antimicrobials (Defoirdt et al., 2011, 2007). Current levels of
antimicrobial use in aquaculture worldwide are not easy to determine because different
countries have different distribution and registration systems. Nevertheless, Burridge et al.
(2010) reported that the amount of antibiotics and other compounds used in aquaculture
differed significantly between countries. Defoirdt et al., (2011) previously estimated that
approximately 500600 metric tons of antibiotics were used in shrimp farm production in
Thailand in 1994; he also emphasized the large variation between different countries, with
antibiotic use ranging from 1 g per metric ton of production in Norway to 700 g per metric
ton in Vietnam.

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 161
2.2 Antibiotics Mechanisms of action
Antimicrobial drugs may have different types of chemical structures, and they act on
different parts of bacterial machinery. In general, antibiotics work by one of two
mechanisms (Figure 1):
i. A bactericidal effect, i.e., the antibiotic generally kills the bacteria by interfering with
either the formation of the bacterium's cell wall or its cell contents. Examples include
penicillin, fluoroquinolones, and metronidazole.
ii. A bacteriostatic effect, i.e., the antibiotic stops bacteria from multiplying by interfering
with bacterial protein production, DNA replication, or other aspects of bacterial cellular
metabolism. Examples include tetracyclines, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, and

Fig. 1. Diagram showing the different mechanisms of action of antibiotics.
Some of the antibiotics that inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis include Betalactams
(penicillins, cephalosporins) and glycopeptides. Beta-Lactam drugs block the synthesis of
the bacterial cell wall by interfering with the enzymes required for the synthesis of the
peptidoglycan layer. In contrast, vancomycin and teicoplanin work by binding to the
terminal D-alanine residues of growing peptidoglycan chains, thereby preventing the cross-
linking steps required for stable cell wall synthesis.
Antibacterial drugs that work by inhibiting protein synthesis include macrolides,
aminoglycosides, tetracyclines and chloramphenicol. These antibacterial drugs take
advantage of the structural differences between bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes to
selectively inhibit bacterial growth. Macrolides, aminoglycosides, and tetracyclines bind to
the 30S subunit of the ribosome, whereas chloramphenicol binds to the 50S subunit.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 162
Fluoroquinolones exert their antibacterial effects by disrupting DNA synthesis and causing
lethal double-strand DNA breaks during DNA replication. For example, the bactericidal
action of ciprofloxacin results from the inhibition of topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) and
topoisomerase IV (both Type II topoisomerases), which are required for bacterial DNA
replication, transcription, repair, and recombination. Sulfonamides and trimethoprim (TMP)
block the pathway for folic acid synthesis, which ultimately inhibits DNA synthesis. The
common antibacterial drug combination of TMP, a folic acid analogue, plus
sulfamethoxazole (SMX), a sulfonamide, inhibits 2 steps in the enzymatic pathway for
bacterial folate synthesis. For example, sulfadimethoxine and ormetoprim are two different
antibiotics compounded into one drug. Sulfadimethoxine is a long-acting sulfonamide and
ormetoprim is a diaminopyrimidine structurally related to trimethoprim. These antibiotic
drugs act in synergy because they block two sequential steps in bacterial folic acid synthesis,
thus inhibiting bacterial thymidine synthesis. Sulfadimethoxine blocks the conversion of
para-aminobenzoic acid to dihydrofolic acid by inhibiting the enzyme dihydrofolate
synthetase. Ormetoprim blocks the conversion of dihydrofolic acid to tetrahydrofolic acid
by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase. The net effect is that of a potentiated sulfa whose
action is not merely bacteriostatic but bactericidal.
Disruption of bacterial membrane structure may be a fifth, although less well characterized,
mechanism of action. It is postulated that polymyxins accumulate in the bacterial cell
membrane and exert their inhibitory effects by increasing bacterial membrane permeability.
The cyclic lipopeptide daptomycin apparently inserts its lipid tail into the bacterial cell
membrane, causing membrane depolarization and, eventually, the death of the bacterium
(Carpenter & Chambers, 2004).
2.3 Resistance mechanisms and transference
The use of antimicrobial drugs in aquaculture has particular differences from their use in
terrestrial animals. In aquaculture, antimicrobials are regularly added to the feed, which is
then placed in the water where the fish are kept. In some cases, antimicrobials may be added
directly to the water. These procedures result in a selective pressure in the exposed
environments (usually water). The use of antimicrobials in aquaculture may involve a broad
environmental application that affects a wide variety of bacteria.
Several bacterial species may survive unfavorable conditions or environmental changes after
selecting mutations that improve their fitness in the new conditions. Furthermore, bacteria
take advantage of mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids and transposable elements.
With these elements, bacteria can access a large pool of itinerant genes that move from one
bacterial cell to another and can spread through bacterial populations. Some of these genes
may provide the ability to resist antibiotic effects. Antibiotic resistance takes two forms:
i. Inherent or intrinsic resistance, i.e. the species is not normally susceptible to a particular
drug. This may be due to the inability of the antibacterial agent to enter the bacteria cell
and reach its target site, or a lack of affinity between the antibacterial and its target (site
of action), or the absence of the target in the cell. It has been suggested that some
species of bacteria are innately resistant to whole classes of antimicrobial agents. In such
cases, all strains of that bacterial species are resistant to all members of the antibacterial

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 163
ii. Acquired resistance. This type of resistance represents the major cause for concern
because of the transmissible nature of the resistance mechanisms. In this case, the
bacterial species is normally susceptible to a particular drug, but some strains express
drug resistance. Initially susceptible populations of bacteria become resistant to an
antibacterial agent and proliferate and spread under the selective pressure induced by
the use of that agent. Genes responsible for antibiotic resistance can be transferred
between bacteria by three processes that involve lateral DNA transfer:
1. Transformation, i.e., bacteria acquire genes from the uptake of (foreign) DNA from
the external environment;
2. Transduction, i.e., bacteria obtain genes through infection with viral DNA. This
alternative has the potential to play an important role in resistance transference
because of the high concentrations of viruses (bacteriophages) in aquatic habitats,
seawater and the marine sediment.
3. Conjugation, i.e., bacteria gain genes by cell-to-cell mating. In this process, a plasmid
is passed from one organism to another through a pilus. This may occur between
members of same species or between bacteria from different genera or families. The
spread of genes coding for antibiotic resistance is facilitated by mobile genetic
elements called transposons, which can move from plasmids to the bacterial
chromosome and in the reverse direction. A large family of discrete mobile genetic
units called cassettes has been described; these elements act similarly to transposons.
Cassettes may contain only one antibiotic resistance gene and a family of receptor
elements called integrons that provide both the site into which gene cassettes are
integrated and the enzyme responsible for gene movement (integrase). This enzyme
can move these resistance cassettes in and out of the integron, thereby substantially
increasing the horizontal mobility of antibiotic resistance genes and allowing bacteria
to quickly adapt to environmental changes.
Several mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance are readily spread to a variety of bacterial
genera. The microorganism may acquire genes encoding enzymes, such as beta-lactamases,
which destroy betalactams (penicillins). Other antibiotic-inactivating enzymatic reactions
include phosphorylation, adenylation, and acetylation. Recently, Kumarasamy et al., (2010)
described the beta-lactamase NDM-1 as an example of how significant a single enzyme can be.
This metallo-beta-lactamase is the cause of a dramatic and frightening rise in antibiotic
resistance among enteric bacteria isolated from patients in India, Pakistan and the U.K.
Bacteria may also acquire efflux pumps that excrete the antibacterial agent from the cell before
it can reach its target site and exert its effect; these molecular pumps may energetically transfer
antibiotics out of the cell. Bacteria may acquire several genes for a metabolic pathway that
ultimately produces an altered bacterial cell wall that no longer contains the binding site for
the antimicrobial agent, or bacteria may acquire mutations that limit the access of
antimicrobial agents to the intracellular target site via the downregulation of porin genes.
Ribosomes (RNA or proteins) may become altered due to mutations and chemical-physical
changes that prevent antibiotic attachment. Therefore, normally susceptible bacterial
populations may become resistant to antimicrobial agents through mutation and selection or
by acquiring genetic information that encodes resistance from other bacteria.
Lateral DNA transfer mechanisms allow bacteria to acquire resistance to multiple classes of
antibiotics. Bacteria with multidrug resistance (defined as resistance to > 3 antibacterial drug
classes) have become a cause for serious concern, particularly in healthcare institutions

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 164
where they tend to occur most commonly. Similarly, an important consequence of the large
amounts of antibiotics used for farm animals and fish in aquaculture is the selection of
pathogenic bacteria resistant to multiple drugs. Multidrug resistance in bacteria may be
generated by one of two mechanisms. First, these bacteria may accumulate multiple genes,
each coding for resistance to a single drug, within a single cell. This accumulation typically
occurs on resistance plasmids. Second, multidrug resistance may also occur through the
increased expression of genes that code for multidrug efflux pumps that excrete a wide
range of drugs.
3. Antibiotic effects on host microbiota
The intestinal tracts of healthy fish harbor a microbiota that has been investigated by several
authors due to its assumed importance in digestion, nutrition and disease control (Navarrete
et al. 2008). Studies in germ-free zebrafish have revealed that gut microbiota could be involved
in important processes such as epithelial proliferation, the promotion of nutrient metabolism
and innate immune responses (Bates et al. 2006). An important aspect of these results was the
specificity of the host response, which depends on the bacterial species that colonize the
digestive tract (Rawls et al. 2004). Possible modifications in gastrointestinal microbiota due to
antibiotic treatment could alter this presumably beneficial host-microbiota relationship.
Therefore, understanding how antibacterial compounds modify the gastrointestinal
microbiota of farmed fish could help to improve the management of hatcheries to reduce
antibiotic use and enhance the safety of farmed fish. However, few studies have focused on
determining the effects of antibiotic treatment on the microbial ecology of the fish gut. In
general, published studies have mainly focused on describing the frequency of antibiotic
resistance during and after the use of antibiotics (Kerry et al. 1997), the susceptibility of fish
pathogens isolated from fish and fish farms to antibiotics (Giraud et al., 2006; Kerry et al., 1997;
Akinbowale et al., 2007) and molecular determinants of antibiotic resistance (Miranda et al.,
2003; Miranda & Zemelman, 2002). The impact of a specific antibiotic treatment on bacterial
diversity will be reviewed in the next paragraphs. A special effort was made to describe the
dominant bacterial components, especially the newly arising microbiota.
Navarrete et al (2008) evaluated the effects of oxytetracycline (OTC) treatment on bacterial
populations present in the intestines of healthy juvenile salmon. Oxytetracycline was
administered via medicated feed to Atlantic salmon held in experimental tanks and their
intestinal microbiota were analyzed after culture. Isolates were analyzed by restriction
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing of 16S rDNA amplicons. Microbiota
from the intestines of untreated fish were more diverse and their main components were
Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Flavobacterium, Psycrobacter and Brevundimonas/
Caulobacter/Mycoplana. In contrast, the microbiota of the OTC treated group were
characterized by less diversity and were only composed of Aeromonas, clustering with A.
sobria and A. salmonicida. The frequency of resistant bacteria, defined as those capable of
colony formation on TSA medium containing 30 g ml
OTC, indicated that no resistant
bacteria were detected (< 10
CFU per gram) in the three tanks before OTC treatment. In
treated fish, resistant bacteria accounted for 60%, 33% and 25% of isolates from the samples
collected on day 11, 21, and 28, respectively.
All resistant bacteria isolated from the treated group showed an identical RFLP pattern to
that obtained for Aeromonas spp. 16S rDNA sequence analysis confirmed that these resistant

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 165
phylotypes belonged to Aeromonas spp. The presence of class A family Tet tetracycline
resistance genes (tetA, tetB, tetC, tetD, tetE and tetH) was assessed by PCR and HaeIII
digestion of amplicons (Jacobs & Chenia, 2006; Schnabel & Jones, 1999). The tetE
determinant was detected most frequently among the isolates (78%), while 22% of the
isolates possessed tetD/H determinants.
Figure 2 shows a shift in the composition of the intestinal microbiota of the OTC-treated
salmon, with several phylotypes disappearing and an Aeromonas population appearing (Figure
2). Bacteria belonging to this genus have been widely isolated from the gut microbiota of fish
(Huber et al., 2004; Romero& Navarrete, 2006) and are considered to be a normal bacterial
component. However, some species of Aeromonas, including A. salmonicida, A. hydrophila, A.
caviae and A. sobria, are also regarded as common pathogens of fish because they may cause
furunculosis and hemorrhagic septicemia. More recently, Ring et al., (2004) proposed that the
digestive tract could represent a port of entry for invading bacteria, especially Aeromonas.
Compared with the OTC-treated salmon, a more diverse bacterial composition was observed
in the untreated salmon (Fig. 2B). Some authors have suggested that, to maintain a successful
culture environment in an aquatic hatchery, it is necessary to maintain a diverse microbial
community that includes innocuous and beneficial bacteria (Schulze et al. 2006). Therefore, the
reduction in the diversity of the intestinal microbiota observed after OTC treatment could
facilitate the proliferation or invasion of opportunistic microorganisms, as indicated by the rise
of some phylotypes that became prevalent several weeks after treatment. Antibiotic treatment
can eradicate susceptible microorganisms and promote opportunists that may occupy
ecological niches previously unavailable to them. The occurrence of OTC-resistant bacteria,
including Aeromonas species, in salmon farming has been demonstrated previously (Jacobs &
Chenia 2007). Mobile resistance determinants have also been detected in this genus (Miranda
et al. 2003). The presence of bacteria harboring resistance determinants could be related to the
widespread use of antibiotics in aquaculture (Cabello 2006). Some authors have even
suggested that common components of the microbiota could disperse resistance genes via
horizontal gene transfer because of the high density and proximity of resident bacteria in the
gastrointestinal tract microenvironment (Navarrete et al. 2008).
In their study with rainbow trout, Austin and Al-Zahrani (1988) used erythromycin, oxolinic
acid (OA), oxytetracycline (OTC), penicillin G and sulfafurazole to study the effects of
antimicrobial compounds on aerobic heterotrophic gut microbiota. These authors observed
that oxolinic acid, oxytetracycline and sulfafurazole, which are used to combat infections by
gram-negative bacterial pathogens, caused an increase in bacterial numbers throughout the
digestive tract, with maximal numbers in the lower intestine. Conversely, erythromycin and
penicillin G, which are used to treat some diseases caused by Gram-positive bacteria, caused
a rapid reduction in bacterial numbers within the gastrointestinal tract. Overall, this
evidence suggests that antibiotic treatment may change the composition of the intestinal
microbiota of farmed fish, causing a reduction in bacterial diversity. This evidence supports
the current concern that antibiotic treatment can eradicate microorganisms of the normal
microbiota, facilitating the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria by depleting competition.
4. Antibiotic effects on environmental bacteria
The effects of fish farming on bacterial density, biomass, and community structure and the
possible connections between these factors and antibiotic resistance have been investigated

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 166

Fig. 2. Relative abundance of bacterial components in the gut microbiota. Bacteria were
isolated from the intestines of untreated (control) and OTC-medicated salmon at different
sampling times (day 0, i.e., one day before treatment, and days 11, 18 and 25 after
treatment). A: OTC-medicated salmon, B: untreated salmon (control tanks). Adapted from
Navarrete (2008).

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 167
in several studies; however, the overall results are still controversial. When an antibiotic
treatment begins (usually via medicated feed) the gut microbiota and environmental
bacteria can come in contact with the antibiotics present in fish farm and hatchery wastes. In
fact, treatment of salmonids with various antibiotics (including OTC) has been shown to
result in significant increases in the proportion of the gut microbiota showing resistance to
the administered antibiotics (Austin and Al-Zahrani 1988). The same is true for
environmental bacteria coming into contact with wastes containing antibiotics such as OTC.
The use of oxytetracycline in fish farming has been demonstrated to coincide with an
increased frequency of oxytetracycline-resistant microorganisms (DePaola et al 1995).
Miranda & Zemelman (2002) also investigated the prevalence of oxytetracycline resistance
in freshwater salmon farms, finding that the highest proportions of resistant bacteria were
found in effluent samples (8-69%), and these were significantly higher than those from the
influent samples (0-16%), which exhibited the lowest proportions of resistant bacteria.
Clearly, these data suggest that the numbers of oxytetracycline-resistant bacteria are usually
higher in fish farms undergoing antimicrobial therapy because susceptible microorganisms
are inhibited, thus allowing colonization by resistant bacteria.
Oxytetracycline, one of the most commonly used antibiotics in fish farms and hatcheries, is
very poorly absorbed through the intestinal tract of fish. It has to be administered at a high
dosage rate of 100150 mg per kg fish per day for 1015 days. This treatment consequently
causes the slow excretion of large amounts of this antibiotic, thus increasing the selective
pressure which might lead to the selection of oxytetracycline-resistant bacteria in the gut
(Austin and Al-Zahrani 1988; Navarrete 2008). Furthermore, it has been estimated that 70-
80% of OTC is intact in the feces (Samuelsen, 2006; Ellingsen et al., 2002); although it appears
to be degraded in seawater, it may persist in sediments. Following several OTC treatments,
OTC levels in farm sediments reached 11 g/g and the half-lives for OTC persistence were
estimated to range from 9 to 415 days (Smith and Samuelsen 1996). In marine salmon farms,
the proportion of OTC-resistant environmental bacteria can reach 25%, compared with less
than 5% in sites not affected by marine salmon farms.
In another report, Akinbowale et al (2007) used polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
amplification to detect the genetic determinants responsible for tetracycline resistance (tetR
genes) in oxytetracycline-resistant bacteria from aquaculture sources in Australia. Samples
included different fish (skin, intestine), rearing tanks, and water from prawn farming. This
study suggested that bacteria from aquaculture sources in Australia may contribute to the
reservoir of resistance genes because one or more tet genes were detected in 75% of OTC
resistant isolates. tetM (50%) was the most common determinant, followed by tetE (45%),
tetA (35%) and tetD (15%). Furthermore, some OTC resistant isolates were able to transfer
their R-plasmid to Escherichia coli recipients of chicken, pig and human origins in vitro.
Therefore, most of the studies indicate that increased levels of antibiotic resistance can be
expected to occur for as long as antibiotics are used in aquaculture. However, if the use of a
given antibiotic in aquaculture is discontinued or if the frequency with which it is used is
reduced, it appears likely that the advantage of possessing resistance to the antibiotic would
disappear. Nevertheless, more recent observations could not confirm these initial
The available studies have focused on characterizing antibiotic-resistant bacterial isolates
from aquaculture farms. However, it should be considered that almost 99% of

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 168
environmental microbes are uncultivable (Amann et al., 1995); therefore, this approach has
important limitations when attempting to determine the prevalence of resistance genes in
the environment.
Using a culture-independent approach, Seyfried et al. (2010) assessed whether OTC use in
aquaculture facilities increased the detection frequency of tetR genes relative to facilities
with no recent OTC treatment. Using a conventional (qualitative) PCR strategy, these
authors screened water and sediment from four noncommercial fish farms. tetR was
detected at significantly higher frequencies in water from farms with recent OTC use
compared with water from farms without recent OTC use. Although OTC use was
associated with increased prevalence and diversity of tetR genes in water samples, it was not
found to be correlated with the prevalence of tetR genes in sediment samples. Sediment
samples from facilities with no recent OTC use had significantly higher frequencies of tetR
gene detection than did samples from facilities with recent OTC use. These findings suggest
that OTC treatment in aquaculture facilities and the farms themselves may be sources of
tetR gene introduction to the environment.
A more comprehensive understanding of drug-resistance in aquaculture requires an
unambiguous and quantitative analysis of resistance genes using a culture-independent
approach. Tamminen et al. (2011) investigated the prevalence of tet resistance genes in
sediments from aquaculture farms and their surroundings and analyzed the stability of
these resistance genes over a period of several years. The prevalence of tet- genes was
monitored by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and the total amounts of
tetracycline and oxytetracycline in the samples were also measured. None of the farms were
using tetracycline at the time of the sampling, and one of the farms had stopped all
antibiotic use six years prior to the first sampling. Two of the farms were sampled over four
successive summers, and two were sampled once. The authors reported greater copy
numbers of tetA, tetC, tetH, and tetM at the farms compared to pristine sites. However, no
resistance genes were found in samples collected 200 m from any of the farms. Furthermore,
the analysis of tetracyclines indicated that none of the samples contained therapeutic
concentrations at any of the sampling times, suggesting that the prevalence of tetracycline-
resistance genes may be caused by the persistence of these genes in the absence of selection
pressure. An increase in antibiotic-resistance genes in the absence of the antibiotic itself has
also been attributed to co-selection with other antibiotics.
Miranda & Rojas (2007) described the prevalence of florfenicol-resistant bacteria in a farm
under florfenicol therapy two weeks before the date, designated LF1, and a farm with no
recent history of antibacterial therapy, designated LF2. Samples from surface water, pellets,
Salmo salar fingerlings and control and under-cage sediments were collected from each
salmon farm. A low (< 9%) percentage of water and fingerling samples from both farms
showed florfenicol resistance. However, 27% of sediment samples from LF1 showed
florfenicol resistance (under-cage), and this was significantly higher than the prevalence in
LF2 samples, which was < 1%(under-cage). In a complementary study, Fernndez-Alarcn
et al. (2010) detected the florfenicol resistant gene in florfenicol-resistant isolates from these
farms and other locations by using specific PCR amplification. The isolates carrying the floR
gene showed a high incidence of multi-drug resistance, with all strains resistant to at least 5
of the following antibacterial drugs: ampicillin, cefotaxime, streptomycin, kanamycin,
gentamicin, chloramphenicol, florfenicol, oxytetracycline, nalidixic acid, oxolinic acid,

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 169
flumequine, furazolidone and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. This observation indicated
that a single antibiotic has the potential to co-select for a diversity of resistance genes.
Molecular approaches and massive sequencing methods could be important tools to
elucidate the diversity of antibiotic-resistance genes present in the environment. The
resistome concept has been used to describe the diversity of antibiotic resistance that exists
naturally in a particular environment (Fernndez-Alarcn 2010). However, the resistome of
aquaculture environments has been poorly described. A comprehensive understanding of
the influence of anthropogenic activities on the environment, for example, the long-term
effects of antibiotic use on aquaculture facilities and their surroundings, will required more
studies using molecular approaches. These approaches should allow the diversity of
antibiotic resistance genes in an environment to be analyzed, even when no antibiotics are
used and also permit the effects of antibiotics on bacterial populations to be evaluated.
Recent studies have emphasized the observation that a single antibiotic has the potential to
co-select for a diversity of resistances. To assess this potential risk, future studies should
focus on the ability of different antibiotics used in aquatic environments to co-select for
multiple resistances.
5. Selection of fish pathogens resistant to antibiotics
The major concerns with treating fish with antibiotics are the potential impact of
antimicrobials on the aquatic environment, both marine and fresh water, and the wider
theoretical risks associated with the development of antimicrobial resistance by fish
pathogens. The spread of antimicrobial resistance due to exposure to antimicrobial agents is
well documented in both human and veterinary medicine. It is also well documented that
fish pathogens and other aquatic bacteria can develop resistance as a result of antimicrobial
exposure. Examples include Aeromonas salmonicida, Aeromonas hydrophila, Edwardsiella tarda,
Yersinia ruckeri, Photobacterium damselae and Vibrio anguillarum.
Aeromonas salmonicida, which causes disease in fish from temperate and colder areas, easily
develops resistance when exposed to antimicrobials. Sulfonamide was used in the 1950 to
control this pathogen; however, resistance to this drug emerged with a prevalence > 75%.
More recently, multiresistant Aeromonas salmonicida isolates have been described in various
parts of the world, and transferable resistance plasmids are commonly detected in these
strains. Similar findings have been reported in other countries for other bacterial fish
pathogens following the use of antibiotics to control diseases in cultured salmonids. When
antibiotic resistance occurs, the effectiveness of the antibiotics for treating fish diseases is
Currently, antibiotics are only partially effective due to the emergence of resistant bacteria;
therapeutic treatments may have limited success at controlling infectious bacterial diseases.
For instance, Karunasagar et al. (1994) reported mass mortality in Penaeus monodon larvae
caused by Vibrio harveyi strains with multiple resistances to cotrimoxazole, chloramphenicol,
erythromycin and streptomycin. Genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance that have been
described in aquaculture environments are regularly located on mobile genetic elements.
Indeed, resistance genes have been found located on transferable plasmids and integrons in
pathogenic bacteria such as Aeromonas spp., Edwardsiella spp. and Vibrio spp. (Defoirdt et al

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 170
In summary, the high proportions of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that persist in sediments
and farm environments may provide a threat to fish farms because they can act as sources of
antibiotic-resistance genes for fish pathogens in the vicinity of the farms. Because resistant
bacteria may transfer their resistance elements to bacterial pathogens, the implementation of
efficient strategies to contain and manage resistance-gene emergence and spread is critical.
Inefficiencies in the antibiotic treatment of fish illnesses may lead to significant economic
losses in the future.
6. Antibiotics and their effects on fish stress responses
The use of antimicrobial drugs in aquaculture has well-known positive effects on the control
of bacterial infections; however, several side effects that affect both the fish and the
environment are associated with excessive use. If one takes into account that 70 to 80% of
the antibiotics administered to fish as medicated pelleted feed are released into the aquatic
environment via urinary and fecal excretion and/or as unused medicated food (Martinsen &
Horsberg, 1995; Smith & Samuelsen, 1996; Samuelsen, 2006), it is not hard to imagine the
extent to which antibiotics can affect the aquatic habitat. The effects of antibiotics on the
environment are mainly due to the overuse of these drugs by the aquaculture industry and
the presence of drug residues in fish products (Saglam & Yonar, 2009). Unfortunately, there
are only a few studies that analyze the side effects of antibiotic use on fish themselves. There
is evidence that some antibiotics can induce nephrotoxicity (Hentschel et al., 2005), but the
most well documented side effect is immunomodulation (Rijkers et al., 1981; Grondel et al.,
1985; Wishkovsky et al., 1987; Tafalla et al., 2002).
In the case of nephrotoxicity, a study conducted by the Bonventre group (Hentschel et al.,
2005) determined that, as in rats and humans, gentamicin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic,
induces acute renal failure in fish. Their results showed that gentamicin induced pericardial
edema in a time- and dose-dependent manner, which resulted in the fish being unable to
maintain fluid homeostasis. In addition, a histological analysis of treated larvae pronephros
demonstrated the existence of lysosomal phospholipidosis, flattening of the brush border,
accumulation of debris in the tubular lumen, and tubular and glomerular distention.
Moreover, they observed peritubular accumulation of leukocytes with occasional infiltration
into the glomerulus in the medicated larvae, a typical feature of human acute renal failure.
Immunomodulation is a consequence of a change in the quantity and/or function of the
cells or molecules involved in the immune responses. In addition to natural
immunoregulatory mechanisms, a number of drugs and environmental chemicals are
known to induce alterations in the immune system. It is important to remember that the
immunomodulatory effects of the antibiotics used in aquaculture are variable and depend
on the drug, the protocol used in the analysis, and the fish species. At present, a few reports
have been published that describe the effects of oxytetracycline, florfenicol and, to a lesser
extent, oxolinic acid on the fish immune system. There is evidence suggesting that
oxytetracycline can suppress immune functions in carp, rainbow trout, turbot and Atlantic
cod. The first studies were carried out in vitro and showed that oxytetracycline suppressed
mitogenic and allogenic leukocyte responses in fish and that low concentrations of this
antibiotic delayed the mitogenic response, but did not reduce it (Grondel et al., 1985). In
vitro experiments in rainbow trout and in turbot demonstrated that oxytetracycline also
suppressed macrophage phagocytic capacity in these two species (Wishkovsky et al., 1987;

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 171
Tafalla et al., 1999). Moreover, in turbot, both respiratory burst activity and phagocytosis
were significantly suppressed by incubation with oxytetracycline in vitro. However,
phagocytosis seems to be more sensitive to oxytetracycline because it was inhibited by all
the doses used (Tafalla et al., 1999). Unexpectedly, these two macrophage functions were not
suppressed when the effects of oxytetracycline were examined in vivo by the same authors,
probably as a result of the low antibiotic levels present in the head kidney due to poor
absorption rates. In many cases, contradictory results have been reported depending on the
fish species and especially the antibiotic dose and the route of administration, making it
very difficult to compare results from different studies. One study showing a discrepancy
between different administration routes was conducted by Rijkers and collaborators. They
analyzed the in vivo effects of oxytetracycline, administered either orally in the feed or by
intraperitoneal injection, on immune function in the carp. To determinate the effects on
cellular immunity, allogeneic scale transplantation was carried out. In the case of oral
administration, they determined that there was no effect on the median survival time (MST)
of the scales. However, the injected fish showed significantly prolonged MST, 1120 days
compared to control fish with 8.5 days. Thus, cellular immunity was not affected by oral
administration of oxytetracycline, but injections did have a dramatic immunosuppressive
effect. To study the effect of oxytetracycline on humoral immunity, animals were injected
with red blood cells from rabbits and sheep, and the number of rosette-forming cells in the
spleen was determined. Regardless of the route of administration, the serum
immunoglobulin levels were drastically decreased by oxytetracycline (Rijkers et al., 1981).
Lundn and collaborators studied the effects of several antibiotics, including oxolinic acid,
oxytetracycline, florfenicol and trimethoprim in combination with sulfadiazine, on different
aspects of immune function in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Lunden et al., 1998;
Lunden et al., 1999; Lunden & Bylund, 2002). The results for oxolinic acid and
oxytetracycline, both in vitro and in vivo, indicated that these antibiotics suppressed the
mitogenic response of head kidney lymphoid cells. Moreover, the suppression of the
response was stronger in T cells than in B cells.
Reports concerning florfenicol are even more controversial, but there is a consensus that its
effects appear to be less pronounced than those demonstrated for oxytetracycline and
oxolinic acid. Lundn and collaborators analyzed immune responses after vaccination with
simultaneous oral antibiotic treatment in rainbow trout (Lunden et al., 1999). They found
that florfenicol did not have any significant effect on antibody production or on circulating
leukocyte levels. They only detected a decrease in the number of phagocytic cells 56 weeks
after vaccination and a slightly reduction in fish survival after challenge with A. salmonicida.
The same research group used a different approach to show that oxolinic acid and
florfenicol suppressed the respiratory burst of phagocytic cells in rainbow trout both in vitro
and in vivo (Lunden & Bylund., 2002). Again, contradictory results were obtained due to the
use of different protocols to analyze the same biological question. Caipang and collaborators
(Caipang et al., 2009) demonstrated that florfenicol and oxolinic acid were able to modulate
different compounds of the immune system in another fish species, namely Atlantic cod.
They found that, at therapeutic concentrations, the activity of alkaline phosphatase, but not
that of myeloperoxidase, was altered. Transcript levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines
IL-1 and IL-8 were upregulated, as was the bactericidal permeability-increasing protein
(BPI); the expression of g-type lysozyme was downregulated. In the case of the oxidative
stress-related genes catalase and phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (GSH-

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 172
Px), they observed differential effects of florfenicol and oxolinic acid on the expression levels
(Caipang et al., 2009).
The antimicrobial effects on the immune system described above were detected using assays
in which the drug was administered orally or injected into the fish; these studies did not
examine the effects caused by exposure to antibiotics that remain in the water column
and/or in the sediment. It is common to dose farmed fish with antibiotics in their food to
protect against disease and, as fish pens are typically located in rivers or lakes, the toxic
feces, uneaten food pellets, dead fish, and antibiotic residues are distributed over the entire
ecosystem. This is an important point because, as active compounds, antibiotics must be
considered potential environmental micropollutants and thus a source of artificial
environmental stress for fish. Furthermore, in addition to the presence of the antibiotic itself,
the existence of its degradation products is also a cause for concern. Unfortunately, no
studies of these problems have been published, and only limited information is available
regarding the presence, or absence, of antibiotics (mainly oxytetracycline, florfenicol and
oxolinic acid) in the sediment around fish farm nets in a few countries (Carson et al., 2002;
Lalumera et al., 2004; Pouliquen et al., 2007). The use of drugs in aquaculture has different
legal constraints in each country, and supervision of compliance with regulations also varies
between different countries. Likewise, companies have different ways of working,
depending on the country where they are. Some information can be obtained from the
industry websites. An example of this is Marine Harvest, which is one of the most important
salmon farming businesses, which is headquartered in Norway and has subsidiaries in
several countries. In the recent Sustainability reports submitted by Marine Harvest
(, they stated
the amount of antibiotics used in all countries where the company conducts salmonid
farming. In spite of important disparities in the amount of antibiotic used in the different
countries, a global tendency to reduce antibiotic to disease control can be observed.
It is imperative to investigate how long different antibiotics can persist in the water and
whether this time period is sufficient to alter the wellbeing of the farmed fish. This
invaluable information will help determine the conditions that promote fish health and
survival. Pouliquen and collaborators (Pouliquen et al., 2009) have quantified the amount of
oxolinic acid, flumequine, oxytetracycline, and florfenicol present in four fish farms in
France. They only detected florfenicol in one sediment sample, possibly due to the limited
use of this antibiotic, which is mainly used in winter treatment and restricted to fry or
young trout. In the case of oxytetracycline, they found relatively few sediment samples were
contaminated with this antibiotic, presumably due to its weak stability. OTC undergoes
photolysis and hydrolysis in the water column and in the first few centimeters of each layer
of sediment. However, oxytetracycline can still be detected in sediments under aerobic
conditions after 30 days. Compared with florfenicol and oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid and
flumequine were more frequently detected due to their greater consumption and
persistence. It is important to note that this work was done in a country with very low levels
of fish farming; the situation is very different in countries like Ireland, Canada, Chile and
Norway, where aquaculture is a highly developed industry. The difference is apparent, even
in the case of Norway, which uses fewer antibiotics than the other three countries.
Samuelsen and collaborators determined the amount of oxytetracycline in the sediment of
three selected cages at a fish farm in Norway over a period of 18 months after 10 days of
medication with the antibiotic. Most of the oxytetracycline disappeared during the first

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 173
weeks, but it persisted in the sediment at lower concentrations for quite some time after the
initial medication. The half-life of oxytetracycline in the sediment was measured as 125, 144
and 87 days under each of the cages. At the end of the treatment protocol, all three
sediments contained 100% oxytetracycline-resistant bacteria (Samuelsen et al., 1992). The
next step will be to analyze whether there are any physiological changes in fish that live in
pens where antibiotic residues were found in the surrounding sediment.
Due to the absence of any published report on the effects of chronic exposure to any
antibiotic on stress levels and/or immune function, we decided to investigate the effect of
two of the most commonly used antibiotics, namely oxytetracycline and florfenicol, on
zebrafish (Danio rerio). This teleost fish has several advantages as a model organism,
including an especially well-studied biology, rapid development, ease of handling, and
more importantly, the ability to perform in vivo analyses. Due to its versatility, the zebrafish
has become one of the preferred animal models for performing ecotoxicology and toxicology
research (Froehlicher et al., 2009). We took advantage of the existence of a stress-responsive
transgenic line, Hsp70::GFP, that expresses green fluorescent protein when the larvae are
exposed to stressors like extreme temperature and heavy metals. The primary response of
fish to stress involves the activation of the hypothalamicpituitaryinterrenal axis. This
activation leads to increased levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and the glucocorticoid
hormone, cortisol, (Barton, 2002). Moreover, plasma cortisol is used as a routine indicator of
the magnitude and duration of the stress response. Previous research in rainbow trout has
demonstrated that Hsp70 and the glucocortocoid receptor (GR) maintain a balanced
sequential pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine expression profile that is
required for effective immune responses. Heat stress and cortisol treatment have also been
shown to stimulate the association of Hsp70 with the glucocorticoid receptor (Stolte et al.,
2009), indicating that Hsp70 is a good molecular marker to address for both cellular and
molecular stress. To determinate whether the selected antibiotics could modulate stress
levels in vivo, we developed an assay in which we incubated zebrafish larvae for 48 hours in
the highest sublethal concentration of each antibiotic. In the case of oxytetracycline, we used
750 ppm because this concentration is not lethal nor does it produce obvious phenotypic
changes during 4 days of larvae incubation. Next, we analyzed whether chronic exposure to
750 ppm of oxytetracycline could activate the Hsp70 promoter. We incubated HSP70::GFP
transgenic larvae for 48 hrs in 750 ppm oxytetracycline per triplicate and analyzed the
resulting fluorescence. At 6 hours post treatment (hpt), we found that there was no obvious
difference between the control and experimental larvae; the only GFP detected was the basal
expression in the lens. At 12 hpt, fluorescence in the trunk and tail was limited; only a few
muscle fibers expressed GFP. After 24 hrs of treatment the GFP expression became more
ubiquitous, but it was not until 48 hpt when strong fluorescence was detected (Figure 3)
(Feijoo, unpublished data). These results indicate that the activation of the Hsp70 promoter
is gradual, and the full response is obtained after 48 hours of treatment. Prolonged exposure
to oxytetracycline strongly upregulated the stress levels of the zebrafish and, thus, may alter
immune responses and the ability to cope with pathogen infections. Further experiments are
needed to corroborate the effect of oxytetracycline-triggered stress on the immune response,
such as determining the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1, IL-8, and IL-6,
and chronic inflammation markers such as iNos and the respiratory burst. Nonetheless,
previous studies supported our hypothesis because they indicated that the immune
response is inhibited or depressed as a consequence of stress (Ortuo et al., 2001). Moreover,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 174

Fig. 3. Oxytetracycline effects on stress levels. Lateral view of Hsp70::GFP transgenic larva
incubated in 750 ppm oxytetracycline or control medium for 6 hrs (A, B), 12 hrs (C, D), 24
hrs (E, F) and 48 hrs (G, H). hpt, hours post treatment.
chronic elevation of plasma cortisol levels in fish was shown to result in a dose-dependent
increase in mortality due to common bacterial and fungal diseases (Pickering & Pottinger,
7. Antibiotics and public health
The use of antibiotics in aquaculture depends on the local regulations, which vary widely
between different countries. The emerging view that antibiotics should be used with more
care has prompted more strict regulations on the use of antibiotics in aquaculture and on the
presence of antibiotic residues in aquaculture products. In some countries, regulations on
the use of antibiotics are strict, and only a few antibiotics are licensed for use in aquaculture.
However, a large proportion of global aquaculture production takes place in countries that
have permissive regulations. Furthermore, many governments have set obligatory
Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) for aquaculture products. The public health risk
associated with antimicrobial residues depends on the quantity of the antimicrobial
encountered or consumed, i.e. the exposure. In a FAO/OIE/WHO consultation on scientific
issues related to non-human usage of antimicrobials held in Geneva in December, 2003, it
was concluded that antimicrobial residues in foods represent a significantly less important
human health risk than the risk related to antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in food.
The presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in foods of animal origin is a potential health
threat because resistance can be transferred among bacteria, and antibiotic-resistant
pathogens may not respond to antibiotic treatments. In a microbiological study of market
products, Duran & Marshall (2005) examined several brands of ready-to-eat shrimp that

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 175
were obtained from grocery stores. A total of 1,564 isolates corresponding to 162 bacterial
species were recovered while screening for resistance to the following 10 antibiotics:
ampicillin, ceftriaxone, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid,
streptomycin, tetracycline, trimethoprim, and vancomycin. These authors reported that 42%
of the isolates and 81% of the species showed resistance to antibiotics. Several human
pathogens were observed among the resistant isolates, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella,
Shigella and Vibrio spp.
Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in aquaculture present a risk to public health. The
appearance of acquired resistance in fish pathogens and other aquatic bacteria means that
such resistant bacteria can act as a reservoir of resistance genes from which genes can be
further disseminated and may ultimately end up in human pathogens. Plasmid-borne
resistance genes have been transferred by conjugation from the fish pathogen A. salmonicida
to Escherichia coli, a bacterium of human origin, some strains of which are pathogenic for
humans. In other examples, plasmid-borne drug resistance genes have also been transferred
from the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum to the causative bacterium of cholera in humans,
Vibrio cholera (Nakajima et al. 1983).
It is important to consider that most antibiotics used for treating infections are produced by
environmental microorganisms, meaning that the genes for antibiotic resistance must also
have emerged in non-clinical/artificial habitats (Martnez 2008). A better understanding of
the ecological role of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in natural environments may
eventually help to predict and counteract the emergence and evolution of resistance.
8. Alternative treatments: Probiotics, essential oils and phage therapy
The rise in bacterial antibiotic resistance and antibiotic residues has become global concerns,
and there is a need to develop alternative therapies for bacterial pathogens in animal
production, especially in aquaculture. Vaccination is an ideal method for preventing
infectious diseases, but it is not a treatment for existing infections, and commercially
available vaccines are still very limited in the aquaculture field. Several alternatives to the
use of antibiotics have been used successfully in aquaculture. The use of innocuous
microorganisms to avoid bacterial infection in aquatic organisms has been tested in
aquaculture. Here, we include a brief review of the use of probiotics in aquaculture and
discuss some of the suggested mechanisms by which they might control aquatic pathogens.
Another source of alternative treatments is essential oils, which are natural components
from plants that are generally recognized as safe substances (GRAS). Due to their
antimicrobial properties, these oils may constitute alternative prophylactic and therapeutic
agents in aquaculture. Furthermore, phage therapy has gained much attention for its
advantages in preventing and controlling pathogen infections; since 1999, phages have been
used successfully in aquaculture facilities.
8.1 The use of probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics in aquaculture
Elie Metchnikoff was the first to report the beneficial effects of fermented milk products
containing microorganisms; however Kollath was the first to suggest the term probiotics
to designate organic or inorganic substances that are essential to the healthy development of
life (Desriac et al., 2010). The definition of probiotics has changed many times, and The

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 176
International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics recently adopted the
definition proposed by the World Health Organization, probiotics are live microorganisms
that, when administrated in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host (Reid et
al., 2003). A definition of probiotics applied to aquaculture has to be adapted to include
reference to some specific characteristics of aquatic organisms. For example, the microbiota
of aquatic organisms interacts constantly with their environment, which has a much greater
influence on the health of the fish (Cahill, 1990; Romero & Navarrete, 2006). Opportunistic
pathogens can proliferate in seawater outside their host and reach a high load in the
environment (Moriarty, 1998). This implies that the health status of aquatic organisms is
strongly influenced by its environment. This also means that probiotics can be active in the
environment as well as in the host. Probiotics are often defined as applications of entire
microorganisms or components of microorganisms that are beneficial to the health of the
host (Irianto & Austin, 2002). However, based on the important influence of the
environment on aquatic organisms health, the following more complete definition for
probiotics has been proposed: a live microbial adjunct which has a beneficial effect on the
host by modifying the host-associated or ambient microbial community, by ensuring
improved use of the feed or enhancing its nutritional value, by enhancing the host response
towards disease, or by improving the quality of its ambient environment (Verschuere et al.,
2000). As defined by these authors, probiotics may include microorganisms that prevent the
multiplication of pathogens in the gut, on structural surfaces, and in the growing
environment, improve the water quality of the culture, contribute to food digestion, or
stimulate host immune responses.
Several microorganisms has been evaluated as probiotics in aquaculture, and these have
been extensively reviewed elsewhere (Verschuere et al., 2000; Irianto & Austin, 2002;
Balczar et al., 2006a; Kesarcodiwatson et al., 2008). The most studied are lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) (Lactobacillus, Carnobacterium, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Micrococcus,
Streptococcus, and Weissella) (Balcazar et al., 2008; Balczar et al., 2007; Hagi & Hoshino,
2009; Prez-Snchez et al., 2011; Vazquez et al., 2005; Villamil et al., 2002), Bacillus (Ai et
al., 2011; Antony et al., 2011; Balczar & Rojas-Luna, 2007; Bandyopadhyay & Das
Mohapatra, 2009; Ochoa-Solano & Olmos-Soto, 2006; Liu et al., 2009; Nakayama et al.,
2009; Newaj-Fyzul et al., 2007; Olmos et al., 2011; Salinas et al., 2005; Sun et al., 2010;
Vaseeharan & Ramasamy, 2003), Vibrio (Fjellheim et al., 2007; Thompson et al., 2010),
Pseudomonas (Abd El-Rhman et al., 2009; Chythanya, 2002; Das et al., 2006; Preetha et al.,
2007; Strm-Bestor, Wiklund, 2011), and Aeromonas (Irianto et al., 2003; Lategan, 2004;
Lategan et al., 2006; Lategan et al., 2004). Yeasts (Saccharomyces, Debaryomyces)
(Abdeltawwab et al., 2008; Reyes-Becerril et al., 2008; Tovar-Ramrez et al., 2010), bacterial
spore formers (Hong et al., 2005) and recently Actinobacteria have also generated interest
due to their high metabolic potential (Das et al., 2010; You et al., 2007). These probiotics
have been used in different aquatic organisms, such as teleost fish (Merrifield et al., 2010;
Dimitroglou et al., 2011), prawns (Van Hai et al., 2009), shrimp (Farzanfar, 2006; Ninawe
& Selvin, 2009), and bivalve molluscs (Kesarcodi-Watson et al., 2008; Prado et al., 2010)
and have been shown to be successful, not only for their ability to prevent disease, but
also for improving digestion and growth. Many of these applications have been targeted
at the early stages of development of the aquatic organisms, such as the larval stages,
because these stages are more susceptible to infections (Dierckens et al., 2009; Vine et al.,
2006; Avella et al., 2011; Bricknell, Dalmo, 2005; Fjellheim et al., 2007; Fjellheim et al., 2010;
Nhan et al., 2010; Planas et al., 2006; Tinh et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2009).

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 177
The mechanisms of action of probiotics in aquaculture have been extensively reviewed
(Balczar et al., 2006; Gmez et al., 2007; Irianto, Austin, 2002; Kesarcodiwatson et al., 2008;
Nayak, 2010; Prado et al., 2010; Tinh et al., 2008; Verschuere et al., 2000). Some of the
proposed mechanisms that provide protection against pathogens involve the production of
inhibitory compounds, competition for essential nutrients and adhesion sites, the
enhancement of disease resistance and the modulation of host immune responses (Nayak,
2010; Magnadottir, 2010; Verschuere et al., 2000; Desriac et al., 2010; Balczar et al., 2006).
However, some of these probiotic activities, such as the production of inhibitory compounds
in the aquatic environment, remain controversial because there is no scientific evidence for
these mechanisms of action in vivo.
Interestingly, the disruption of quorum sensing in bacterial pathogens has recently been
suggested as a novel strategy for use in aquaculture (Defoirdt et al., 2004; Defoirdt et al.,
2008; Defoirdt et al., 2011; Merrifield et al., 2010; Tinh et al., 2008; Vine et al., 2006; Natrah et
al., 2011a). Quorum sensing is a process that involves bacterial cell-to-cell communications
with the participation of low molecular weight signaling molecules that elicit population-
density-dependent responses. The signal molecules AHL (N-acyl homoserine lactone)
and/or AI-2 (autoinducer 2) have been found to be involved in the regulation of virulence
factors in many pathogenic bacteria, including fish pathogens (Federle, Bassler, 2003;
Morohoshi et al., 2004; Bruhn et al., 2005; Defoirdt et al., 2005; Natrah et al., 2011b; Rasch et
al., 2007; Ruwandeepika et al., 2011). Bacteria that are able to degrade quorum sensing
molecules might be useful as biocontrol agents in aquaculture. To date, several bacteria of
aquatic origin have been studied for their quorum quenching properties (Chu et al., 2011;
Defoirdt et al., 2004; Defoirdt et al., 2008; Merrifield et al., 2010; Nakayama et al., 2009; Nhan
et al., 2010; Tinh et al., 2007; Tinh et al., 2008). Marine Bacillus and Halobacillus salinus have
been shown to quench the quorum sensing system of Vibrio harveyi (Musthafa et al., 2011;
Teasdale et al., 2009). A Bacillus (QSI)-1-like bacteria isolated from the intestine of the fish
Carassius auratus gibelio can degrade AHLs in vitro and reduced the amount of AHLs and the
extracellular protease activity of Aeromonas hydrophila in coculture with the fish pathogen
(Chu et al., 2011). Carp fed a diet supplemented with (QSI)-1 showed good survival after an
experimental infection with Aeromonas hydrophila compared with those fed a control diet
(Chu et al., 2011). Recombinant AHL-lactonase from Bacillus sp., when co-injected with the
fish pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila in common carp, decreased the mortality rate and
delayed the time of death of the fish (Chen et al., 2010). The Actinobacteria Streptomyces albus
has been also suggested as a promising candidate for aquaculture because it was able to
attenuate biofilm formation and inhibit the quorum-sensing system of Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio
vulnificus, and Vibrio anguillarum (You et al., 2007).
An important aspect to be considered is that probiotics have to be innocuous or not
pathogenic to the host, other aquatic organisms or human consumers. For instance,
probiotics have to be free of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance genes. In addition,
considerable further research in terms of food and environmental safety is needed.
Most of the literature about probiotics consists of reports on the study and application of a
single bacterial strain. However, the conditions in which the aquatic organisms are cultured
are continuously changing and have strong effects on host health. It is has been suggested
that a probiotic which contained several bacteria could be more efficient at controlling
bacterial pathogens (Verschuere et al., 2000; Chapman et al., 2011). This is based on the

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 178
assumption that it would be difficult for a single bacteria to be able to remain dominant in a
continuously changing environment. However, different strains could interact under a
variety of conditions and be able to maintain their dominance in a dynamic way
(Verschuere et al., 2000). An optimal combination of strains with different mechanisms of
action may result in successful anti-pathogenic effects (Fjellheim et al., 2010). For example,
rainbow trout fed a multistrain formulation containing Enterobacter cloacae and Bacillus
mojavensis and then challenged with Yersinia ruckeri had a higher survival rate compared
with control fish (Capkin & Altinok, 2009).
There is a consensus in aquaculture that some microorganisms are beneficial to aquaculture
organisms in terms of reducing the incidence of disease. However, despite the promising
potential benefits demonstrated in the current literature, the probiotic mechanisms which
mediate host benefits are poorly understood. Future studies should be focused on
evaluating the mechanisms by which probiotics interact with the host and pathogens. To
study the probiotic-host interaction, the use of axenic and gnotobiotic aquatic organisms
have been proposed, which eliminate interference from the environmental and host
microbiota, seems the most appropriate approach. Axenic organisms are raised or treated to
eliminate microbes derived from parents, gametes or environment; hence they are
considered germ free animals. Gnotobiotic organisms are animals harboring a known
microbe or microbiota, formerly, they could be derived from a germ free animal, colonized
by a known microbe. To date, very limited information has been reported about the
development of axenic aquatic organisms. To our knowledge, only zebrafish (Bates et al.,
2007; Rawls et al., 2004) and more recently sea bass (Dierckens et al., 2009) larvae that are
free of microorganisms have been reported.
8.2 Essential oils: Antibacterial properties and potential applications in aquaculture
Essential oils (EOs) are volatile liquid fractions that contain the substances responsible for the
aromas of plants; they are obtained from different organs, such as flowers, buds, seeds, leaves,
twigs, bark, herbs, wood, fruits and roots (Bakkali et al., 2008). There are several methods for
extracting essential oils, including expression, fermentation, enfleurage, extraction, and the use
of liquid carbon dioxide or microwaves, but the steam distillation method is most commonly
used for the commercial production of EOs (Burt, 2004). The chemical composition of EOs
depends on the extraction method and can also vary according to conditions such as climate,
soil composition, origin, season, plant organ, age and vegetative cycle stage (Abu-Darwish et
al., 2011; Angioni et al., 2006; Ben Marzoug et al., 2011; Chung et al., 2011; Ennajar et al., 2011;
Karakaya, 2011; Masotti et al., 2003). The composition of EOs is very complex and can include
more than sixty components; however, a few major components constitute up to 85% of the
EOs and generally determine their biological properties (Bakkali et al., 2008), whereas other
components are present only as traces (Bader et al. 2010; Rali et al., 2007). The components
include two groups of distinct biosynthetic origin that are synthesized in secondary
metabolism (Nagegowda, 2010; Pichersky et al., 2006). The main group is composed of
terpenes and terpenoids and the other of aromatic and aliphatic constituents, all characterized
by low molecular weights (Bakkali, et al., 2008).
The primary roles of essential oils in plants are believed to be as pollinator attractors and
defenses against pathogens and pests due to their antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 179
insecticidal effects. The essential oils of many plants contain phenolic compounds, and these
comprise the majority of plant antimicrobial components (Consentino et al, 1999; Ultee et al,
2002). Among the most studied are thymol from thyme and oregano; cinnamaldehyde from
cinnamon; eugenol from clove, carvacrol from oregano and anethole from anise, whose
antibacterial properties have been examined in several studies (Hammer et al., 1999;
Bagamboula, 2004; Burt, 2004; Calsamiglia et al., 2007; Delaquis et al., 2002; Kim et al., 1995;
Lambert et al., 2001; Garca-Garca et al., 2011). Several investigations have been conducted
to determine the efficiency of essential oils and their individual components in extending
the shelf-life of different foods (Busatta et al., 2008; Mejlholm, Dalgaard, 2002; Kisk, Roller,
2005; Lambert et al., 2001; Lin et al., 2004; Ponce et al., 2003; Ultee et al., 2002; Fratianni et al.,
2010; Doulgeraki et al., 2011; Mastromatteo et al., 2010; Mahmoud et al., 2004; Kostaki et al.,
2009; Shekarforoush et al., 2007). These reports have focused on the in vitro evaluation of the
effectiveness of EOs against food-borne pathogens (Pasqua et al., 2005; Dorman, Deans,
2000; Nascimento et al., 2000; Irkin et al., 2010; de Oliveira et al., 2011; Si et al., 2006) and
spoilage microorganisms (Barbosa et al., 2009; Bevilacqua et al., 2010; Pasqua et al., 2005;
Dorman et al., 2000; Mejlholm & Dalgaard 2002; Mastromatteo et al., 2010). The molecular
basis of the antibacterial action of EOs is poorly understood. It has been suggested that they
can disrupt the permeability of the bacterial cell membrane (Bouhdid et al., 2009; Pascua et
al., 2007; Turina et al., 2006; Devi et al., 2010), leading to the disruption of the proton motive
force, electron flow and active transport (Lambert et al. 2001; Ultee et al. 2002; Cox et al.
2000; Helander et al. 1998; Fisher et al., 2009). Other proposed mechanisms are related to the
coagulation of cell contents (Lambert et al. 2001, Becerril et al., 2007), and recently, evidence
has been provided for the inhibition of quorum sensing (Brackman et al., 2008; Kahn et al.,
2009), the induction of heat shock proteins and the prevention of flagella development (Burt
et al., 2007). Interestingly, cinnamaldehyde was recently found to interfere with
autoinducer-2 (AI-2), which is involved in quorum sensing in Vibrio spp., by decreasing the
DNA-binding ability of LuxR, resulting in several marked phenotypic changes, including
reduced virulence. Because inhibitors of AI-2-based quorum sensing are rare, and given the
role of AI-2 in several processes, these compounds may provide useful leads for
antipathogenic drugs (Brackman et al., 2008).
Limited information is available concerning the in vivo antibacterial effects of EOs; however,
interest is rising in the use of these natural compounds as an alternative to antibiotic growth
promoters to improve gut health and control the pathogens carried in the guts of livestock,
swine and poultry (Bampidis et al., 2006; Benchaar et al. 2008; Busquet et al., 2006;
Calsamiglia et al., 2007; Jang et al., 2007; Fraser et al., 2007; McIntosh et al., 2003; Muhl &
Liebert, 2007; Cross et al., 2007; Maenner et al., 2011; Windisch et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2007).
The in vivo effects of dietary treatment with EOs to control bacterial pathogens or to modify
the microbiota composition are very controversial, and the effects largely depend on factors
such as the type or combination of EOs used, the EO concentration, the host in which EOs
are tested, and the composition and susceptibilities of the bacterial groups present in the
The dietary addition of a commercial blend of essential oils, including thymol at 25 and 50
mg/kg diet, showed a decrease in E. coli CFU in the ileo-cecal digesta in growing broiler
chickens, whereas the Lactobacillus population was not affected (Jang et al. 2007). In contrast,
a dietary treatment with 1000 mg/kg feed of thyme, oregano, marjoram, rosemary or
yarrow herb (with an assumed 100 g oil/kg herb) did not affect the total viable counts of

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 180
lactic acid bacteria, coliforms, anaerobes or Clostridium perfringens in chickens from 7 to 28
days of age (Cross et al. 2007; Muhl & Liebert, 2007). In cows, viable bacteria, cellulolytic
bacteria and protozoa were not influenced by supplementation with a mixture of EOs,
including thymol (Benchaar et al. 2008). The inclusion of thymol [1% (w/w)] in a pig diet
caused clear changes in the small intestine microbial community, notably decreasing
Actinobacillus spp. to undetectable levels (Janczyk et al., 2008)
EOs have been studied in aquaculture as preserving agents in seafood (Kostaki et al., 2009;
Lin et al., 2004; Mahmoud et al., 2004; Mejlholm, Dalgaard, 2002; Pyrgotou et al., 2010), and
only recently have they been used in vivo as antibacterial agents to control bacterial
infections (Yeh et al., 2009; Randrianarivelo et al., 2010). For example, the shelf-life of carp
fillets has been extended by dipping fillets into a solution containing both carvacrol and
thymol, leading to reduced growth and numbers of bacteria (Kim et al., 1995; Mejlholm,
Dalgaard, 2002; Mahmoud et al., 2006). Trout fillet treatment with oregano EO also extended
the shelf life by 7 to 8 days for fresh trout llets (Pyrgotou et al., 2010).
Examples of the in vivo use of EOs in aquaculture systems are scarce but promising. The few
studies that exist have reported the effects of EOs on shrimp and some fish. A recent report
by Yeh et al. (2009) reported that EOs from Cinnamomum kanehirae (stout camphor tree)
showed antibacterial effects against different pathogens of aquatic animals, and shrimp
(Litopenaeus vannamei) treated with hot-water extracts from twigs of Cinnamomum kanehirae
showed a signicant decrease in their sensitivity to Vibrio alginolyticus (Yeh et al., 2009).
When the EO of Cinnamosma fragrans, an endemic plant to Madagascar, was added directly
to the water tank, there was an increase in the survival of the shrimp larvae (Penaeus
monodon) concomitant with a decrease in bacterial concentration (Randrianarivelo et al.,
2010). Similarly, two EOs of C. fragrans (B8: linalool-type and B143: 1,8-cineole-type) reduced
the total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria and the Vibrio concentrations in the rearing water of
P. monodon shrimp larvae (Sarter et al., 2011)
The effects of supplementing diets with acetone extract (1% w/w) from four medicinal
plants (Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon; beal, Aegle marmelos; wintercherry, Withania
somnifera; and ginger, Zingiber officinale) were evaluated in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus).
The results showed that tilapia fed the plant extracts showed improvements in their growth,
and their non-specific immune responses were stimulated, as indicated by increases in
leucocrit value, phagocytic index and lysozyme activity. The acetone extract from W.
somnifera showed the strongest inhibition of Vibrio spp. and Photobacterium damselae growth.
A challenge test with V. vulnificus showed 100% mortality in O. mossambicus fed the control
diet by day 15, whereas the fish fed the experimental diets registered only 6380% mortality
at the end of challenge experiment (30 days) (Immanuel et al., 2009). Interestingly, channel
catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fed with the natural oregano EO extracted from Origanum
heracleoticum had the lowest mortality following an Aeromonas hydrophila infection compared
with fish fed a combination of carvacrol and thymol, which are the principal active
components of oregano EO (Zheng et al., 2009). These results highlight the fact that the use
of the entire EO is more effective than treating with a combination of its principal
It is important to evaluate the effect of EOs on the normal gut microbiota. Recently,
Navarrete et al. (2010) evaluated the effects of a diet supplemented with Thymus vulgaris

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 181
essential oil (TVEO) on the composition of the rainbow trout intestinal microbiota using
molecular profiling methods based on 16S rRNA gene analysis (restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP)) and PCR-temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis (PCR-
TTGE). No significant changes (P > 0.05) were detected in the RFLP and TTGE profiles of
TVEO-treated trout compared with controls, indicating that the dominant microbiota was
not affected by the EO. In addition, in vitro determination of the antibacterial activity of
TVEO was performed using several bacteria isolated from the gut of healthy trout and some
fish pathogens. The inhibitory concentrations for all bacteria tested were higher than the
TVEO levels used in trout, which may explain the in vivo results. The MICs were similar to
those previously reported (Cosentino et al. 1999; Burt, 2004). Notably, some pathogenic
bacteria, such as Lactococcus piscium, were clearly more susceptible to TVEO than those
isolates belonging to the indigenous microbiota. It should be noted that the level of TVEO
required to inhibit bacterial pathogens (480 mg/L) is higher than the level used in the in vivo
study (20 mg TVEO/kg

feed). Therefore, more in vivo studies are needed to evaluate the
effects of higher TVEO concentrations on gut bacteria. It will also be necessary to evaluate
whether these higher concentrations can alter feed flavor or induce toxic responses in the
fish (Stroh et al. 1998). To enhance shelf life and avoid the degradation of EO in
supplemented feed, the encapsulation of EOs could be a plausible means of delivering
active EOs into the fish gut, as this would reduce interactions with the food matrix and
possibly reduce any toxic effects. This approach has recently been evaluated, and the
application of this method to aquaculture is highly promising (Wang et al., 2009; Piva et al.,
2007; Prez-Conesa et al., 2011; van Vuuren et al., 2010; Donsi et al., 2011).
8.3 Phage therapy as a potential therapy in aquaculture
Bacteriophages are defined as viruses that can infect, multiply in and kill susceptible
bacteria. They are both ubiquitous and abundant in the environment, especially in seawater,
in which the total numbers of viruses frequently exceeds the bacterial concentration by a
factor of 10 (Brsheim, 1993). Since their discovery in 1915, phages have been studied for
their therapeutic properties and ability to control infectious bacteria; however these studies
were later abandoned due to the introduction of cheap, broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Recently, after the increase in bacterial antibiotic resistance, phage therapy has reappeared
as an effective alternative to the use of antibiotics. To date, several early studies have shown
the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of phage therapy in animals and humans (Mathur et
al., 2003). Phages have several advantages over other therapeutic agents: 1) they have
specific narrow host ranges, meaning that they do not harm the normal intestinal
microbiota; 2) they can self-replicate in the bacterial target, which eliminates the need for
multiple administrations and 3) there have been no reports of side effects (Mathur et al.,
2003; Nakai, Park, 2002).
The use of phage therapy in aquaculture began with the work of Nakai et al. (1999) and has
been recently reviewed (Almeida et al., 2009). The first studies evaluated the ability of
phages to prevent the infection of yellowtail (Seliora quinqueradiata) and ayu (Plecoglossus
altivelis) with Lactococcus garvieae and Pseudomonas plecoglossicida, respectively. Phages can
easily enter the fish body through the skin and gills; phages can be detected in the kidney
after dipping fish in phage solution. Bath administration of phages will be effective for those
fish in which infection is initiated by bacterial colonization on the skin and gills (Nakai &

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 182
Park, 2002). Administration of phages through feed will be advantageous for infections in
which the oral route is the major route for pathogen transmission, as is the case for L.
garvieae infection of yellowtail and P. plecoglossicida infection of ayu (Nakai & Park, 2002).
An anti-Lactococcus garvieae phage was intraperitoneally or orally administered to yellowtail
and protected the fish from experimental L. garvieae infection, suggesting a potential use for
the phage in controlling this disease (Nakai et al., 1999). The oral administration of phage-
impregnated feed to ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) resulted in protection against infection with
Pseudomonas plecoglossicida, which quickly disappeared from the kidneys of the phage-
treated fish (Park et al., 2000). In the presence of phages, bacterial counts in freshwater were
also low. These results suggest the feasibility of using phages to control the disease caused
by P. plecoglossicida, the causative agent of bacterial hemorrhagic ascites disease in cultured
ayu fish (Park et al., 2000). Furthermore, in another study, a mixture of two phages induced
the highest protection in ayu (P. altivelis) against water-borne infection with P. plecoglossicida
compared with the administration of one phage alone (Park & Nakai, 2003). Interestingly,
neither phage-resistant organisms nor phage-neutralizing antibodies were detected in
diseased fish or apparently healthy fish, respectively.
Phage therapy has also been successfully used to protect against Vibrio infection in a shrimp
and prawn hatchery. A bacteriophage of Vibrio harveyi was isolated from shrimp farm water
from the west coast of India and showed a broad lytic activity against V. harveyi isolates.
Shrimp larvae infected with V. harveyi showed a higher rate of survival in the presence of
the bacteriophage compared with the control. Treatment with the bacteriophage in field
trials where there was a natural outbreak of V. harveyi improved larval survival and reduced
the V. harveyi counts in hatchery tanks (Vinod et al., 2006). Shivu et al. (Shivu et al., 2007)
also isolated four phages from oyster tissue and a shrimp hatchery that had lytic activity
against V. harveyi. These bacteriophages were effective in controlling the population of V.
harveyi in hatchery systems and enhanced the survival of shrimp (Penaeus monodon).
Bacteriophages with lytic activity against V. harveyi were isolated from prawn farm samples.
Purified phages of the family Siphoviridae had a clear lytic ability and no apparent
transducing properties, indicating they are appropriate for phage therapy (Crothers-Stomps
et al., 2010). Although several phages isolated from hatcheries and water from aquaculture
systems showed highly lytic activity against V. harveyi (Shivu et al., 2007), some phages that
infect V. harveyi occur in a hatchery and co-exist with V. harveyi cells and are unable to
control the outbreak of luminescent bacterial disease in a shrimp system Chrisolite et al.
More recently, Imbeault et al. (2006) confirmed the earlier results of Park and Nakai (Park &
Nakai, 2003) showing that a bacteriophage mixture was successfully used to prevent
Aeromonas salmonicida infection (furunculosis) in brook trout. They showed that more than
one phage could infect A. salmonicida and that a mutant resistant to one phage was sensitive
to one or more other phages. Resistant bacteria had a shorter generation time than the
original strain and their replication success was very low (Imbeault et al., 2006). This
highlights the necessity of using more than one phage to avoid bacterial resistance. In
contrast, Atlantic salmon was not protected by the application of bacteriophages from A.
salmonicida furunculosis, which could be due to the limited duration of survival of
bacteriophages in the target animal, limiting the effectiveness of the treatment (Verner
Jeffreys et al., 2007).

Antibiotics in Aquaculture Use, Abuse and Alternatives 183
In order to control Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the causative agent of systemic bacterial
coldwater disease (CWD), a number of lytic phages of F. psychrophilum that infect trout,
were isolated and showed a broad host range on F. psychrophilum, suggesting that they
could be used in phage therapy (Stenholm et al., 2008). Another recent study that involved
searching for phages using the enrichment method on pond water collected from Japanese
ayu farms showed that the phage PFpW-3 had high infectivity for F. psychrophilum and
demonstrated sufficient survivability in the stability tests. This study may be the basis for
further evaluation of phage therapy in the treatment of CWD in Japanese ayu farms (Kim et
al., 2010).
Walakira et al. isolated two lytic bacteriophages specific for Edwardsiella ictaluri which
causes enteric septicemia of catfish (Walakira et al, 2008). Each E. ictaluri strain tested was
susceptible to phage infection with variable efficiency, but the phages showed no evidence
of lysogeny, and no plaques were detected on other bacterial species, demonstrating their
potential use as biotherapeutic and diagnostic agents associated with enteric septicemia of
Besides the broad range of advantages, the following limitations of the use of phages have
been identified (Mathur et al., 2003): 1) the induction of toxin genes, 2) the rapid release of
bacterial endotoxins due to the lytic effect of the phage, 3) the risk that phages might
mediate genetic exchange among bacteria, i.e. transduction or phage conversion, 4) the
maintenance of phages by regular propagation needs expertise and an established set up, 5)
the development of antibodies against phages may also lead to their decreased effectiveness,
6) the cost 7) some temperate phages contribute to bacterial virulence, 8) the rapid
appearance of phage-resistant bacteria, 9) the presence of a disease outbreak with unknown
bacteria in which high specificity may be a problem and 10) phage therapy cannot be used
for intracellular bacteria because the phages are continuously cleared by the spleen, liver
and other filtering organs (recticulo-endothelial system).
Despite the limitations mentioned, neutralizing antibodies have not been detected to date.
Conversely, the low immunogenicity of phages in fish might provide an advantage for
phage therapy in fish (Nakai et al, 2002). In addition, although phage-resistant mutants are
uncommon, the use of a multiphage therapy could reduce the resistance frequency and
avoid resistance (Levin & Bull, 2004).
Recently, phage therapy has generated a great deal of interest, and this interest has led to
the formation of a strong network for the development of phage therapy in aquaculture
(AQUAPHAGE, The implementation of this
initiative involves a common project focused on the identification and exploitation of
phages specific for bacterial pathogens that constitute serious threats for both freshwater
and marine aquaculture. The target bacteria are Listonella anguillarum and V. harveyi,
pathogens of Mediterranean aquaculture species (European sea bass and gilthead sea
bream); Flavobacterium psychrophilum, a serious trout pathogen; and Aeromonas salmonicida,
an obligate bacterial pathogen of Atlantic salmon.
9. Conclusion
Intensive fish farming has promoted the spread of several bacterial diseases, which in turn
has led to the increased use of antimicrobials. Concerns about the consequences of antibiotic

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 184
use on public health have encouraged the development of strict regulations controlling the
use of antibiotics and have led to only a few antibiotics being licensed for use in
The high proportions of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that persist in sediments and farm
environments may provide a threat to fish farms because they can serve as sources of
antibiotic-resistance genes for fish pathogens in the vicinity of the farms. Because resistant
bacteria may be transferred to humans and are capable of transferring their resistance
elements to opportunistic human pathogens, the implementation of efficient strategies to
contain and manage resistance-gene emergence and spread is critical. In addition to the
potential effects on human health, inefficiencies in antibiotic treatment of fish illnesses lead
to significant economic losses.
One strategy for reducing antibiotic use in aquaculture is to implement rearing practices
that minimize the level of stress on the fish and that reduce the likelihood that infections
requiring antibiotic treatment will occur.
Several alternatives to antibiotics have been developed; including probiotics, phage therapy
and essential oils, and some of these have been successfully used to control bacterial
infections in aquaculture facilities. These microorganisms, compounds, and/or their
components are gaining increasing interest because of their relatively safe status, wide
acceptance by consumers and their potential for multipurpose uses. Although the
application of these alternatives to aquaculture is very promising, further studies are needed
to gain more insight about their mechanisms of actions, to improve their stability and to
evaluate their impact on the environment and the host microbiota.
10. Acknowledgments
This work has been supported by FONDECYT grants No. 1110253, 11090102 and 3100075
from CONICYT-Chile.
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The Use of Antibiotics in Shrimp Farming
M.C. Bermdez-Almada
and A. Espinosa-Plascencia
Research Center for Food and Development, AC, Hermosillo, Sonora
1. Introduction
Global aquaculture has grow dramatically over the past 50 years to around 52.5 million
tones in 2008 worth US$98.5 billon and accounting for around 50 per cent of the worlds
food fish supply. Asia dominates this production, accounting for 89 per cent by volume and
79 per cent by value, with China by far the largest producer (32.7 million tonnes in 2008).
The rapid growth in the region has been driven by a variety of factors, including pre-
existing aquaculture practices, population and economic growth, relaxed regulatory
framework and expanding export opportunities.
Aquaculture development in Europe and North America was rapid during the 1980s-1990s
but has since stagnated, probably owing to regulatory restrictions on sites and other
competitive factors, although as markets for fish and seafood they have continue to grow
(Bostock et al., 2010).
In contrast to other animal production sectors, aquaculture is highly dynamic and
characterized by an enormous diversity of species raised both in natural and artificial
systems (Walter & Winton, 2010). Aquaculture began in Asia with the cultivation of
freshwater fish, and use of the cultivation techniques currently extend to all continents,
with a great diversity in the species raised (Subasinghe et al., 2009). Approximately 350
different species are raised in farms, including 34 fish, 8 crustaceans, and 12 species of
mollusks that have annual production levels exceeding 100,000 tons (Walter & Winton,
Shrimp cultivation areas have expanded the most. However, this industry faces major
problems with bacterial diseases, and large quantities of chemical and antibiotic products
are frequently used to counteract this (Le et al., 2005; Tu et al., 2008).
2. Shrimp disease, one of the main threats facing aquaculture
In aquaculture, bacterial diseases have emerged as a serious problem and represent the most
important challenge facing this industry (Morales, 2004; Holmstrom et al., 2003). Bacterial
microorganisms can also cause destructive infections, such as the diseases caused by
bacteria of the Vibrio genus and the bacteria that cause necrotizing hepatopancreatitis
(NHP). These are the main diseases responsible for infections in shrimp farms (Roque et al.,

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Health and Environment in Aquaculture

2001). The causative agent of necrotizing hepatopancreatitis (NHP) is a gram-negative,
pleomorphic, obligate intracellular pathogen. The predominant is a non-flagellated, rod-
shaped, Rickettsia-like form, that occasionally, exhibits a transverse constricted zone
indicative of replication by binary fission (Vincent & Lotz, 2007).
Infections due to necrotizing hepatopancreatitis have been virtually eliminated in the
Americas, but the International Office of Epizootics (IOE) has stated some concerns due to
the potential that this disease possesses that could be extended to the entire world, because
the mortalities caused in shrimp due to necrotizing hepatopancreatitis may include up to
95% of the organisms infected in the pond, causing large losses during the crop cycle
(Vincent & Lotz, 2007).
The first infection by necrotizing hepatopancreatitis in a shrimp crop was reported on a
farm in the state of Texas (United States of America) in 1985, and outbreaks have
subsequently occurred in Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, and
Mexico, causing significant mortality. This disease is also known as granulomatous
hepatopancreatitis or Texas necrotizing hepatopancreatitis, and the infection has been
identified in species of Litopenaeus vannamei, Litopenaeus setiferus, Litopenaeus stylirostris,
Farfantepenaeus aztecas, and Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Vincent & Lotz, 2007).
The symptoms that shrimp infected with necrotizing hepatopancreatitis exhibit include a
reduction in food ingestion, lethargy, an empty intestine, a flaccid body, darkening of the
gills, an expansion of the chromatophores around the swimmerets leading to a darkened
appearance, and marked atrophy of the hepatopancreas (Lightner, 1996).
Bacteria of the Vibrio genus constitute the majority of the bacteria isolated from among those
that cause disease and death, either when equilibrium is broken or the immune system is
suppressed, and these can be due to some factors. Physico-chemical changes like salinity
and temperature, and hypoxia have been reported to affect the immune response of shrimp
and its susceptibility to pathogen bacteria. Water with low and high pH level, as well as
those with low dissolved oxygen have been reported to decrease the total haemocyte count
(THC) and phenol oxidase (PO) activity (Li & Chen, 2008).
Systemic vibriosis, bacterial erosion, Zoea II syndrome, and white ball are some of the
diseases affecting shrimp produced by bacteria of the Vibrio genus (Gmez-Gil et al.,
2001). Systemic vibriosis, also known as seagull syndrome, affects all farmable species of
shrimp, as they may be susceptible to infection under stressful conditions. Vibrio species:
harveyi, vulnificus, parahaemolyticus, and alginolyticus are all related to this disease
(Morales, 2004).
Bacterial erosion of the shell is present in all penaeid shrimp, juveniles and adults alike. It
manifests with the appearance of brown or black stains in areas that have been eroded
through the action of chitinolytic bacteria, such as Vibrio sp., Aeromonas sp., Spirillum sp.,
and Flavobacterium sp. The disease is self-limiting and generally disappears when the shrimp
molt. If left untreated, it becomes more serious and may become a systemic infection
(Morales, 2004).
Zoea II Syndrome causes high mortality rates in the juvenile stage of shrimp. In Ecuador,
the causal agent of this disease was found to be Vibrio harveyi, although other authors have
reported the possible presence of intracellular bacteria. This infection was detected for the

The Use of Antibiotics in Shrimp Farming

first time in 1993 in farms of Litopenaeus vannamei in Ecuador, Mexico, and the United States
(Morales, 2004).
White ball disease causes the appearance of small balls, arising from desquamated
hepatopancreatic cells or to hypertrophied and rounded hepatocytes that appear as
spherical formations. It is believed that these balls are caused by toxins produced mainly by
Vibrio spp. The species of Vibrio related to this syndrome are Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio
harveyi (Gmez-Gil et al., 2001; Vandenberghe et al., 1999).
A significant limitation to the industry is loss of stock through bacterial disease. Traditional
methods to combat disease with antibiotics have been questioned and alternatives have
been sought. The modern aquaculture industry demands alternative prophylacts that may
help to keep a microbiologically healthy environment, resulting in better production and
higher profits. Within this context, the probiotics seem to be a very promising alternative for
the management of disease in aquaculture (Senz, et al., 2009) Another form is with the
reduction in stocking density.
3. Antibiotics used in the cultivation of shrimp
Antibiotics are commonly used in aquaculture during the production cycle, both in the
larval and growth phases. The use of antibiotics in aquaculture is associated with
environmental and human health problems, including bacterial resistance, persistence of the
disease in the aquatic environment, and effects on the biogeochemical composition of the
sediment. The accumulation of antibiotic residues in the edible tissues of shrimp may also
alter human intestinal flora and cause food poisoning or allergy problems (Ma et al., 2006).
The antibiotics most frequently used in aquaculture to combat bacterial diseases include
oxytetracycline, florfenicol, sarafloxacin, and enrofloxacin (Roque et al., 2001; Soto-
Rodrguez et al., 2006). Globally, other antibiotics such as chlortetracycline, quinolones,
ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, oxolinic acid, perfloxacin, sulfamethazine, gentamicin, and
tiamulin are used (Holmstrom et al., 2003).
3.1 Oxytetracycline
Oxytetracycline is widely employed to treat bacterial infections in aquaculture farms, such
as vibriosis and furunculosis (Capone et al., 1996; Prescott et al., 2000; Reed et al., 2006;
Wang et al., 2004). It belongs to the tetracycline group, which exerts antimicrobial action
against both Gram (-) and (+) bacteria, ricksettsias, mycoplasmas, and others (Gmez-Gil et
al., 2001). Tetracyclines are produced by Streptomyces spp., which possess determinants for
resistance to this class of antibiotics.
Oxytetracycline is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that exerts its antimicrobial effect against
protein synthesis, by bonding directly to the S7 protein of the 30S subunit of the bacterial
ribosome, thereby impeding the bonding of aminoacyl-tRNA (aminoacyl transfer RNA) to
the A-site of the ribosome. This prevents the addition of amino acids to the growing peptide
chain (Chambers, 2004; Isidori et al., 2005; Jara, 2007). In order for oxytetracycline to interact
with its target site, it needs to pass through the external membrane via passive diffusion
through the OmpF and OmpC pores, and through the cytoplasm membrane via an energy-
dependent process (Jara, 2007).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

3.2 Enrofloxacin
Enrofloxacin was developed as an antimicrobial agent during the 1980s for exclusive use in
veterinary medicine and has proven to be effective in the treatment of bacterial diseases that
affect aquaculture organisms. Enrofloxacin is a derivative of nalidixic acid. It has a basic
dihydroquinoline (4-quinolone ring) chemical core with an ethyl group at the 4
favoring its absorption and availability. It is primarily lipophilic and has a low molecular
weight, favoring tissue penetration. The mechanism of enrofloxacin acts at the level of the
cellular nucleus, inhibiting DNA synthesis. During the multiplication phase of the bacteria,
the DNA folds and unfolds alternately. This process is controlled by the enzyme DNA
gyrase, which is inhibited by enrofloxacin, causing a collapse of bacterial metabolism and
preventing the genetic information from being copied, thus causing the bacteriocidal effect
(Williams et al., 2002).
The information related to this antibiotic for the most widely grown shrimp species such as
Litopenaeus vannamei is scarce, but pharmacokinetic studies on enrofloxacin have been
carried out using other species, such as crab (Scylla serrata), tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus),
black shrimp (Penaeus monodon), Chinese shrimp (Penaeus chinensis), and European seabass
(Dicentrarchus labrax) (Intorre et al., 2000; Tu et al., 2008; Wen et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2006). It is
important to note that the pharmacokinetic results for enrofloxacin obtained for these
species should not be extrapolated to other aquatic species, because each organism
possesses a different metabolism, and the cultivation conditions may have a significant
influence over the kinetic behavior displayed by the antibiotic.
None of the fluoroquinolones included enrofloxacin is approved for use in shrimp in the
United States. Their potential use in other countries, such as Mexico, as well as the
potential for extra-label use in the United States provides a need for efficient methods to
monitor food supplies for the presence of fluoroquinolones residues (Schneider et al.,
3.3 Ciprofloxacin
Ciprofloxacin is the main metabolite of Enrofloxacin and is active against a broad spectrum
of aerobic Gram (-) bacteria, including enteric pathogens such as Pseudomonas and Serratia
marcescens. It is also active against Gram (+) pathogens, even when these bacteria have
developed resistance to other antibiotics, such as penicillin (Wen et al., 2007). It is not active
against anaerobic bacteria and may be used occasionally, in combination with other
antibacterial agents, for the treatment of mycobacterial infections.
The antibacterial effects of ciprofloxacin arise from its inhibition of Topoisomerase IV and
bacterial DNA gyrase, which act by cleaving the DNA of the bacterial chromosome and
rejoining the ends once a superhelix is formed (Banerjee et al., 2007). When these enzymes
are inhibited, bacterial cell multiplication is interrupted.
3.4 Florfenicol
This fluorinated antibiotic, derived from thiamphenicol, is a potent and broadly acting
bacteriostatic agent. It is effective in the treatment of infections caused by Pasteurella
piscicida, Aeromonas salmonicida, Vibrio anguillarum, and Edwardsiella tarda. Its chemical

The Use of Antibiotics in Shrimp Farming

structure is very similar to that of chloramphenicol, and florfenicol is effective against
bacteria that have developed the ability to deactivate other drugs, such as thiamphenicol
and chloramphenicol. Pharmacokinetically, florfenicol use has been reported among some
species of fish such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), in which a bioavailability of more than
95% is present, exhibiting a good distribution among all of the organs and tissues. Its half-
life in fish is less than 15 h (Yanong & Curtis, 2005). However, published information for
shrimp is scarce, meaning that the kinetic behavior of this compound among these
crustaceans has not yet been completely elucidated.
3.5 Sarafloxacin
This is a white or slightly yellow crystalline solid with the chemical name 6-fluoro-1-(4-
fluorophenyl)-4-oxo-7-piperazin-1-ylquinoline-3-carboxylic acid. Its solubility is 0.034
mol/L at pH 1, and its molecular weight is 385 (King et al., 2000; Oliphant et al., 2002). Two
fluoroquinolones have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the
United States for use in the production of animal-derived food products. Sarafloxacin was
approved in August 1995 for the treatment of infections caused by Escherichia coli in poultry
(turkeys and chickens) but, along with other fluoroquinolones, has not been authorized by
the Food and Drug Administration for use as a therapeutic agent in aquaculture (Roybal et
al., 2002; Nakata et al.,2005).
The normal dosage used in farm animals is 10 mg kg
, and the drug is administered in
drinking water. A Maximum Residue Level (MRL) has not been established for cows milk
or chicken muscle (King et al., 2000; Oliphant et al., 2002).
3.5.1 1
Generation quinolones
These are used exclusively as urinary antiseptics because they do not have sufficient serum
levels and are actively eliminated with urine. All are administered orally.
3.5.2 2
Generation quinolones
These are monofluoride quinolones. Compared to 1
generation quinolones, these exhibit
more potent activity, a greater bacterial spectrum, a longer half-life, and, with the exception
of norfloxacin and enrofloxacin, they achieve good serum levels, making it possible to treat
systemic infections. Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, and Perfloxacin can be administered both
orally and parenterally.
3.5.3 3
Generation quinolones
These are bi- and trifluoride fluoroquinolones. Some have a greater half-life and others have
a greater antibacterial spectrum, in some cases including Gram (+) bacteria (mainly
streptococci), intracellular bacteria (Chlamydia, mycoplasma, mycobacteria, etc.), and
anaerobic bacteria.
3.5.4 4
Generation quinolones
This group has improved activity against Gram (+) bacteria and anaerobic bacteria (King et
al., 2000; Oliphant et al., 2002).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

4. Studies on the accumulation and elimination of enrofloxacin and
oxytetracycline antibiotics among Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp
The exposure of the consumer to antibiotic residues in seafood is of great importance for
health. Information related to residues of oxytetracycline, enrofloxacin and its metabolite
ciprofloxacin in Litopenaeus vannamei tissues is very scarce, even though this species is
among the most highly valued for its commercialization and oxytetracycline and
enrofloxacin are frequently employed when farming this species.
However, pharmacokinetic and bioavailability studies of antimicrobial agents in farmed
shrimp are important in order to determine optimal dosage regimens and formulations, to
establish safe withdrawal periods, and to minimize the environmental effects of the drug
used in aquaculture.
The low analyte concentrations normally present (ng g
, ng mL
), the complexity of
matrices and the diverse physico-chemical properties that antibiotics may present make
their determination difficult, and highly sensitive, selective methods are necessary for
monitoring antibiotics in the aquatic organisms (Hernndez et al., 2007). The liquid
chromatography is the most widely used method, for quantitative analysis of antibiotics.
The purpose of introduce the chemical method about high-performance liquid
chromatography was precise quantitative determination of antibiotics residues in the
muscle tissues and hepatopancreas to shrimp. Following this analytical approach, the
requirements for veterinary monitoring concerning to antimicrobials residues would be
fulfilled. Previously only microbiological methods were used, which gave only orientation
In a study performed in our laboratory (unpublished data), an attempt was made to
determine the accumulation and elimination of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin
in a crop of Litopenaeus vannamei using high-performance liquid chromatography after
administering a diet medicated with enrofloxacin at a level of 200 mg kg
for 14 days.
Subsequently, a diet without the antibiotic was administered for 16 days. The study was
carried out under controlled laboratory and farm conditions. It was found that the
maximum concentrations (C
) reached for enrofloxacin in the muscle and hepatopancreas
under laboratory conditions were 0.540.26 g g
and 3.521.9 g g
, respectively. For
ciprofloxacin, levels of 0.180.13 g g
and 1.050.20 g g
were reached in the muscle and
hepatopancreas, respectively.
In the farm study, C
enrofloxacin levels of 0.360.17 g g
and 1.600.82 g g
reached in the muscle and hepatopancreas, respectively. For ciprofloxacin, these were
0.030.02 and 0.360.08 g g
, respectively. Once the medicated diet was suspended,
enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin residues in the tissues decreased, requiring four to ten days
for the levels of both antibiotics to be undetectable in the muscle and six to fourteen days for
elimination from the hepatopancreas.
Under controlled conditions, the greatest accumulations of the antibiotic and its metabolite
were reached, showing a reduction of 33% in the muscle and 55% in the hepatopancreas
when compared with the levels reached under farm conditions. For ciprofloxacin, the
reduction was 66% in both tissues. It is important to relate the accumulations levels reached
with the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration of the drug that can treat bacterial infections

The Use of Antibiotics in Shrimp Farming

among shrimp, to determine whether this antibiotic is effective for the control of these
Oxytetracycline, another of the most widely used antibiotics both in fish and shrimp farms,
was studied in relation to its accumulation in shrimp tissues (muscle and hepatopancreas),
and this was related to its effect in the inhibition of Vibrio bacteria through determination of
the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration. In addition, the time of elimination of the antibiotic
from shrimp tissues was established.
To perform this study, ponds on a farm of Litopenaeus vannamei were employed. The shrimp
were treated for 14 days with food that contained a theoretical oxytetracycline concentration
of 5000 mg kg
. Next, an antibiotic-free diet was administered for 16 days. The shrimp were
sampled every third day. Vibrio bacteria were isolated in the muscle and hepatopancreas of
the shrimp, counted and expressed as CFU, and strains belonging to the Vibrio genus were
identified at the molecular level.
The results obtained show an average C
for oxytetracycline in the shrimp tissues of
31.323.44 g g
in the muscle and 274.8162.35 g g
in the hepatopancreas. The
accumulation levels reached in some of the tissue samples in the treatment stage were
greater than the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration determined for oxytetracycline, in the
range of 0.75-100 g mL
. Vibrio parahaemolyticus was identified in 48% of the strains
analyzed in the crop system, and no strain was positive for toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1.
The withdrawal times necessary for the oxytetracycline residues to be eliminated were ten
days for the hepatopancreas and sixteen days for muscle. Under controlled conditions in the
laboratory, a diet was administered to Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp that contained 5000 mg
of oxytetracycline for 14 days. The accumulation levels (C
) for oxytetracycline were
33.5411.19 g g
in the muscle (Fig. 1), 194.3716.11 g g
in the hepatopancreas (Fig. 2),
and 18.795.87 g mL
in the hemolymph. The elimination time for oxytetracycline were six
to ten days for all tissues.
The results obtained in the application of these antibiotics demonstrates the importance of
applying appropriate therapies with antibiotics, seeking greater effectiveness for the control
of bacterial infections, and highlighting the importance of respecting the withdrawal times
for each antibiotic, with the purpose of eliminating the residual presence of these
compounds from the edible tissues and from the cultivation system in general (to decrease
the development of antibiotic resistance in the bacteria).
5. Factors to consider when using antibiotics in aquaculture
Antibiotics must not be used as a preventative measure, since bacteria very rapidly develop
resistance to them, leading to their ineffectiveness. Chemical agents should only be applied
if there is an appropriate diagnosis of the situation and always under previously established
control protocols. To evaluate the impact of antibiotic administration, the usage standards,
the hydrology of the area, and the physical-chemical properties of the water should be
known (Pez-Osuna et al., 2003; Nakata et al., 2005). Best practices in aquaculture
management should be prioritized to avoid the entrance of pathogens into the shrimp
cultivation systems, and antibiotics should only be administered as a last resort (Chvez-
Snchez & Higuera-Ciapara, 2003).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Time (days)

Fig. 1. Muscle oxytetracycline levels -time profiles in the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei after
an oral OTC dosage through a medicated feed. The vertical bars represent the Standard
Error (n=3). A: treatment period, B: withdrawal period.
The most frequent administration route for antibiotics in shrimp is oral, in which the
antibiotic is incorporated in the feed with subsequent exposure to the extremely aggressive
aquatic environment. For this reason, it is important that the antibiotic be contained within a
pellet to maintain its stability and protect it from factors such as leaching and binding to
trivalent and divalent cations (Cabello, 2004).
It must be certain that the shrimp will eat the food when the antibiotic therapy is applied,
because the disease will otherwise not be treated, the environment will be contaminated,
and the emergence of bacterial resistant strains will be favored. The consumption of food by
the farmed organisms may decrease during the molting period, due to environmental
factors, or factors related to the infections, reducing the quantity of the antibiotic ingested
(Cuzon et al., 2004).
The water temperature of the farm ponds is a critical point to consider, because parameters
such as the maximum concentration, distribution volume, and rate of elimination of the

The Use of Antibiotics in Shrimp Farming

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28


Time (days)

Fig. 2. Hepatopancreas oxytetracycline levels time profiles in the shrimp Litopenaeus
vannamei after an oral OTC dosage through a medicated feed. The vertical bars represent the
Standard Error (n=3). A: treatment period, B: withdrawal period.
antibiotic may be affected. The pH, oxygenation, salinity, stage of disease, climatic changes,
and presence of natural food in the ponds are other factors that affect antibiotic therapies
among aquatic organisms (Chvez & Montoya, 2004; Montoya, 2002).
The use of pharmacological agents, antibiotics, and other chemical agents should be
considered as methods of last resort in shrimp farming and aquaculture in general. None of
the antibiotics is approved for use in shrimp in the United States. The medicated feed is
used in an extralabel manner only for treatment of minor species as defined in the Code of
Federal Regulations (21 CFR 514.1(d)(1)(ii). In an aquatic species, the extralabel use of
medications added to feed in limited to products approved for use in other aquatic species
(FDA, 2001).
6. The development of bacterial resistance
Drug resistance in when a formerly effective drug dose is no longer effective. This can be a
natural resistance or an acquired resistance. Resistance arises mainly by natural selection,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

the replication of a naturally resistant strain after the drugs has killed all of the susceptible
strains. Since mutagenic drugs generally are not used, resistance by drug-induced mutation
seldom occurs. Drug resistance also can develop from gene transfer or gene amplification
(Albert, 1985).
The most worrying effect of the use of antibiotics in aquaculture production and its
relationship with human health is the generation of resistant bacteria strains and the transfer
of this resistance from the aquatic environment to land, where strains that are highly
immune to antibiotics may originate that are capable of causing disease among humans. The
transfer of resistance may occur through mechanisms as simple as the consumption of
seafood products that contain bacteria that are resistant to various antibiotics (Grslund &
Bengtsson, 2001).
It has been demonstrated that the use and abuse of antibiotics has given rise to multiple
resistance among microbial populations associated with shrimp production. Various studies
have shown that antibiotics persist in the sediment and aquatic environment for several
months after their administration (Matyar et al., 2008), and that these may affect native
bacterial community in detrimental to the ecosystem since this community plays key roles in
biogeochemical processes. Some antimicrobials can inhibit important microbial processes as
denitrification or primary production by cyanobacteria (Garcia-Armisen et al., 2011).
The capacity of the microorganisms to reduce sulfates may also be reduced (Pez-Osuna et
al., 2003), affecting the quality of the sediment and the environment (Ma et al., 2006), thereby
promoting the proliferation of resistant bacterial strains or pathogens (Capone et al., 1996;
Hektoen et al., 1995; Tendencia & De la Pea, 2002;), which may place the viability of shrimp
crops at risk.
It is estimated that between 15 and 40% of the administered medicated diet is not ingested by
the organisms and remains in the substrates. Another part of the medication is not absorbed
during its passage through the intestinal tract of the organism and returns to the environment
in fecal matter. The amount of antibiotic transferred to the environment varies from 1%
(chloramphenicol) to 90% (oxytetracycline) (Capone et al., 1996). Hektoen et al. (1995) reported
that approximately 70-90% of the antibiotic used in the therapy of farmed organisms ends up
in the environment and sediment, and a high percentage exhibits antibacterial activity. It has
been reported that residues of oxolinic acid and oxytetracycline are very persistent under
certain conditions, with half-lives exceeding 100 days (Samuelsen et al., 1992).
Three mechanisms of resistance to tetracycline have been described: (1) decreased
intracellular accumulation due to either impaired influx or increased efflux by an active
transport protein pump; (2) ribosome protection due to production of protein that interfere
with tetracycline binding to the ribosome; and (3) enzymatic inactivation of tetracyclines.
The most important of these is production of an efflux pump. The pump protein is encoded
on a plasmid and may be transmitted by transduction or by conjugation. Because these
plasmids commonly encode resistance genes for other drugs, eg, aminoglycosides,
sulfonamides and chloramphenicol, tetracycline resistance is marker for resistance to
multiple drugs (Tenover, 2006).
Some studies have demonstrated that the concentrations of oxytetracycline in the sediment
after therapy may range from 0.4 to 495 g g
. Therapeutic dosages of oxytetracycline in fish

The Use of Antibiotics in Shrimp Farming

may cause sub-lethal effects, including alteration of the levels of immunoglobulin in the
serum and suppression of the phagocytic response and macrophages (Uyaguari et al., 2009).
International regulations regarding the use of antibiotics in aquaculture have established a
list of prohibited products (Stolker & Brinkman, 2005). Shrimp with traces of these products
are subject to measures against their importation. The strongest restrictions are on the use of
chloramphenicol, dimetridazole, furazolidone, nitrofurazone, other nitrofurans, and
fluoroquinolones, and these antibiotics should not be used at any stage of the production
process (Defoirdt, et al., 2007; Tittlemier et al., 2007).
Epidemiological and molecular assays have indicated that genes mediating resistance might
be transmitted from aquatic bacteria to bacteria capable of producing infections among
humans and terrestrial animals. This demonstrates that the aquatic and terrestrial
compartments lack borders with respect to the flow of resistance genes and that the
resistance phenomenon is global, because the use of antibiotics in an environment will have,
over time, repercussions in other, apparently distant, ecosystems (Cabello, 2002; Rhodes et
al., 2000). To decrease the contamination of the environment and bacterial resistance,
appropriate aquaculture production practices must be carried out, and biosecurity measures
must be applied to reduce outbreaks of disease and the propagation of pathogenic agents
(Kemper, 2008).
Global efforts are needed to promote more judicious use of antibiotics in aquaculture and
the new strategies to control phatogenic bacteria are needed to make the industry more
sustainable. However, it is not always economically feasible to culture the organism in the
most optimal conditions, so there will always be a risk to infection and a need for effective
biocontrol techniques (Defoirdt, et al., 2007).
It is important to highlight that the application of highly sensitive analytical methodologies
is indispensably in measuring the concentrations of antibiotics and their metabolites with
certainty in the distinct tissues of aquaculture products. This would help in establishing
regulations that protect the environment, generating products that are safe for human
consumption, and allowing the growth of aquaculture.
A practical use of the pharmacokinetic data is the possibility to design dosage regimens in
which levels of a specific drug can be maintained above the Minimum Inhibitory
Concentration and below toxic effects by means of repeated dosages. However, this method
requires information on Minimal Inhibitory Concentration established for bacterial
pathogens of interest. Although there are reports on available Minimal Inhibitory
Concentration for bacterial strains potentially pathogens to shrimp species, they reveal a
wide range of values. Takahashi et al., (1985) reported that Minimal Inhibitory
Concentration of oxytetracycline against 49 strains of Vibrio sp., range from 0.1 to 12.5 g
. Monhey et al., (1992) found the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration to be in the range of
2.0 g mL
or less for Vibrio isolated mainly from American shrimp. Furthermore, Roque et
al., (2001) in their study of 144 isolated of Vibrio reported a Minimal Inhibitory
Concentration of 304.0 g mL
for oxytetracycline with a range from 0.26 to 1064 g mL
Given the wide range of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration it is recommended to isolate
local bacterial strains and evaluate their Minimal Inhibitory Concentration. Additionally, it
still requires performing such studies in natural farming conditions (Gmez-Jimenez et al.,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

7. Conclusion
Scientific studies have been conclusive with respect to the health risk that the massive and
unlimited use of antibiotics in aquaculture represents. When health certifications are
implemented for aquaculture products demanded by domestic and foreign markets, the
control over the use of these compounds needs to be increased, together with other aspects
of primary importance such as food safety, protection of the environment, and the health of
farmed organisms. These aspects should be considered and resolved through the
implementation of Best Management Practices.
8. Acknowledgment
The authors wish to express their gratitude to PhD. Evelia Acedo Flix and Q.B. Rosalva
Prez Morales of the Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, for their technical support and
contribution to help facilitate the completion of the project. Furthermore, we acknowledge
the kind donation of the shrimp from the farm La Borbolla, specialty engineers Roberto
Federico Aguayo Valenzuela and Csar Patio Patio, and the technical assistance of Biol.
Adolfo Prez lvarez and Tech. Juan Carlos Gastlum Domnguez.
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Probiotics in Aquaculture Benefits to the
Health, Technological Applications and Safety
Xuxia Zhou
and Yanbo Wang

College of Biological and Environmental Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou
Food Quality and Safety Department, Zhejiang
Gongshang University, Hangzhou
1. Introduction
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food-producing sector in the world at an average rate of
8.9% per year since 1970, compared with only 1.2% for capture fisheries and 2.8% for
terrestrial farmed meat production systems over the same period (Subasinghe, 2005).
Although aquatic food production through aquaculture is the fastest growing sector and
vaccines are being developed and marketed in aquaculture, the disease is still a major
problem in the aquaculture farming industry (Bondad-Reantaso et al., 2005). During the last
decades, chemical additives and veterinary medicines, especially antimicrobial agents, to
prevent and control disease have been also applied in aquaculture (Wang and Xu, 2004;
Cabello, 2006; Lupin, 2009). However, the risks associated with the transmission of resistant
bacteria from aquaculture environments to humans, and the introduction in the human
environment of nonpathogenic bacteria, containing antimicrobial resistance genes, and the
subsequent transfer of such genes to human pathogens existed according to FAO (2005).
Previous studies also show the aquatic bacteria can develop resistance genes as a
consequence of exposure to antimicrobial agents (Smith et al., 1994; Kim et al., 2004; Srum,
2006). Therefore, the need for alternative techniques is increasing and the contribution of
probiotics may be considerable.
The use of probiotics in aquaculture is now widely accepted with an increasing demand for
environment friendly aquaculture (Ring and Gatesoupe, 1998; Gatesoupe, 1999; Sharma
and Bhukhar, 2000; Irianto and Austin, 2002; Wang and Xu, 2006; Vine et al., 2006; Wang,
2007; Denev et al., 2009; Qi et al., 2009). Nowadays, a number of preparations of probiotics
are commercially available and have been introduced to fish, shellfish and molluscan
farming as feed additives, or are incorporated in pond water (Moriarty, 1998; Wang et al.,
2005; Prado et al., 2010). According to the claims of the producers, these products are
effective in supporting the health of aquatic animals and are also safe. However, there are
doubts with regard to the general concept of probiotics and to these claims on the other
hand. Indeed, the current explanations and principles are still not enough to describe what

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Health and Environment in Aquaculture

probiotics actually are, where they come from, and what they can do (Wang et al., 2008).
Thus, there is clearly a need in increasing our knowledge of aquacultural animals and of
effective preparation, technological applications and safety evaluation of probiotics. This
chapter provided a summary of the status and challenges of probiotics application in
aquaculture. In this chapter, the benefits to the health, technological application and safety
evaluation were discussed. In addition, the probiotics information in aquaculture obtained
from authentic and highly regarded sources was contained and listed.
2. Probiotics and gut microbiota
Three general modes of probiotics actions have been classified and presented by Oelschlaeger
(2010) as follow: (1) Probiotics might be able to modulate the hosts gut defences including the
innate as well as the acquired immune system and this mode of action is most likely important
for the prevention and therapy of infectious diseases but also for the treatment of
inflammation of the digestive tract or parts thereof. (2) Probiotics can also have a direct effect
on other microorganisms, commensal and/or pathogenic ones and this principle is in many
cases of importance for the prevention and therapy of infections and restoration of the
microbial equilibrium in the gut. (3) Finally, probiotic effects may be based on actions affecting
microbial products, host products and food ingredients and such actions may result in
inactivation of toxins and detoxification of host and food components in the gut. According to
above summary, all three modes of probiotics actions are all likelihood associated with gut
and/or gut microbiota. Therefore, it has become apparent that we are in fact dealing with
another organ, the so called microbiotic canal with the increased knowledge of the specific
activity of the gut microbiota (Wolf, 2006). In general, the gut microbiota remain relatively
stable throughout life once established although they can be influenced by several factors such
as mode of delivery, hygiene and the use of antibiotics.
The gut microbiota with the epithelium and mucosal immune system orchestrate a network
of immunological and nonimmunological defenses, providing both protection against
pathogens and tolerance to commensal bacteria and harmless antigens (Sanz and Palma,
2009). The important role of commensal bacteria in development of optimally functioning
mucosal immune system was demonstrated in germ-free animals (Tlaskalov-Hogenov,
2004). Therefore, the imbalance of gut microbiota has been linked to several diseases
including inflammatory bowel diseases, periodontal disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
atherosclerosis and allergy. So probiotics, that is, microbial strains that have beneficial
effects on the host, are thought to benefit this intestinal ecosystem (Julio and Marie-Jos,
2011). In addition, some probiotics strains also induce the secretion of multiple antimicrobial
materials by intestinal Paneth cells through cell-autonomous MyD88-dependent toll-like
receptor activation (Vaishnava et al., 2008) and regulate the alterations of permeability
related with infections, stress, and inflammatory conditions (Lutgendorff et al., 2008). There
is evidence that probiotics produce a protective effect on the gut microbiota and the
beneficial effects of probiotics on several microbial disorders have been well reviewed
(Gismondo et al., 1999).
As for the aquatic animals such as fish and shrimp, the colonization of the gastrointestinal
tract starts immediately after hatching and is completed within a few hours to modulate
expression of genes in the digestive tract, thus creating a favorable habitat for them and
preventing invasion by other bacteria introduced later into the ecosystem (Balczar et al.,

Probiotics in Aquaculture Benefits to the Health, Technological Applications and Safety

2006). This is attributed to competitive exclusion mechanisms and improved immune
system development and maturation. Intake of probiotics has been demonstrated to modify
the composition of the microbiota, and therefore assist in returning a disturbed microbiota
(by antibiotics or other risk factors) to its normal beneficial composition (Gmez and
Balczar, 2008). As for the mechanisms during this physiological process, the production of
antimicrobial substances, competition for nutrients or adhesion receptors, inhibition of
virulence gene expression and enhancement of the immune response are all included
(Irianto and Austin, 2002; Nikoskelainen, et al., 2003; Vine et al., 2004; Kim and Austin, 2006;
Balczar, et al., 2007). However, the exact mechanism by which these probiotics do this is not
known. Advances in the understanding of the mechanisms between gut microbiota and
probiotics and how the immune system of aquatic animals generally responds to gut
microbiota would be of great help to identify the molecular targets of probiotics and the
biomarkers of their effects, and to provide sounder evidences on their benefits on
physiologic conditions and immune-mediated disorders.
3. Probiotics effects in aquaculture: Benefits to the health
When looking at probiotics intended for an aquatic usage it is important to consider certain
influencing factors that are fundamentally different from terrestrial based probiotics
(Kesarcodi-Watson et al., 2008). Indeed, aquatic animals are quite different from the land
animals and a consequence of the specificity of aquatic microbiota is that the most efficient
probiotics for aquaculture may be different from those of terrestrial species (Gatesoupe,
1999). A fairly constant habitat of resident microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract of
terrestrial livestock is important, whereas most microbiota is transient in aquatic animals
(Moriarty, 1990). Shift in intestinal microflora of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)
larvae during first feeding was studied and the results showed the transition from a
prevailing Flavobacterium spp. intestinal flora to an Aeromonas spp./Vibrio spp. dominant
flora occurred when first feeding commenced (Bergh et al., 1994). It indicated that the gut
microbiota of aquatic animals may change rapidly with the intrusion of microflora from
water, live food and artificial diet. In addition, aquatic animal and microorganisms share the
same ecosystem in the aquatic environment and it suggested that the interaction between
the microbiota, including probiotics, and the host is not limited to the intestinal tract.
Therefore, the definition of a probiotic for aquatic environments needs to be modified,
which allows a broader application of the term probiotic. A probiotic is then defined by
Verschuere et al. (2000) as a live microbial adjunct which has a beneficial effect on the host
by modifying the host-associated or ambient microbial community, by ensuring improved
use of the feed or enhancing its nutritional value, by enhancing the host response towards
disease, or by improving the quality of its ambient environment.
Most probiotics used in aquaculture belong to the lactic acid bacteria, of the genus Bacillus,
to the photosynthetic bacteria or to the yeast, although other genera or species have also
been mentioned (Fig. 1). Many studies have reported promising results using a single
beneficial bacterial strain as probiotic in the culture of many aquatic species (Gatesoupe,
1991; Noh et al., 1994; Bogut et al., 1998; Carnevali, et al., 2006; Daz-Rosales et al., 2009; Li et
al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2009; Tovar-Ramrez et al., 2010; Wang and Gu, 2010; Zhou et al., 2010;
Wang, 2011). It is important to consider the possibility of using different species, as
suggested by Noh et al. (1994) and Bogut et al. (1998). The effect of probiotics, photosynthetic

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 1. The configurations of putative probiotics strains isolated and stored in our laboratory
using scanning electron microscope (Philips XL30ESEM, Netherlands). a, Lactococcus lactis;
b, Bacillus coagulans; c, Rhodopseudomonas palustris; d, Saccaromyces cerevisiae.
bacteria (Rhodobacter sphaeroides) and Bacillus sp. (B. coagulans), on growth performance and
digestive enzyme activity of the shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, was investigated and the results
showed that the effects were related with supplementation concentrations of probiotics and
thus use of a 10 g/kg (wet weight) supplement of probiotics in shrimp diet was
recommended to stimulate productive performance (Wang, 2007). A mixture of Bacillus
probiotic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus pumilus) was also
evaluated in the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larviculture focusing on their effects on
survival, growth and general welfare (Avella et al., 2010). The data generated in this study
show the benefit of the administration of Bacillus probiotic mixture in terms of stress
response and growth and provide scientific and technical support for the implementation of
sustainable development of sea bream aquaculture. Similar results were also observed in
olive flounder supplemented with Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Lactobacillus sakei, Bacillus subtilis, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as individual and mixed
enriched diet (Harikrishnan et al., 2011a). Lactobacil probiotics individually or mixed with
Sporolac enriched diet were used to enhance the immune status, thereby improving the
disease resistance in lymphocystis disease virus infected olive flounder (Paralichthys
olivaceus) and the results showed that the better innate immune response and disease
resistance were found in groups supplemented with mixed probiotics (Harikrishnan et al.,

Probiotics in Aquaculture Benefits to the Health, Technological Applications and Safety

2010). However, feeding experiments conducted on 600 O. niloticus using the diets
containing single or mixed isolated probiotic bacteria show the different results in survival
rates and the highest with fish fed diets supplemented with B. pumilus was observed,
followed by a mixture of probiotics (B. firmus, B. pumilus and C. freundii in equal numbers),
and then C. freundii (Aly et al., 2008). It indicates that the beneficial effects of probiotics fed
aquatic animals are associated with probiotic strains, isolation species, culture animals and
water quality. Altogether, the data reported above may well explain the current trend to
prefer alternative probiotics for the application in aquaculture.
Additionally, a large number of studies have combined probiotics with prebiotics, a
selectively fermented ingredient that allows specific changes both in the composition
and/or activity in the gastrointestinal microflora that confers benefits upon host well-being
and health (Gibson et al., 2004). Thus the synbiotics, as a combination of probiotics and
prebiotics, have been studied to expect the synergistic effects. Nowadays, there are several
recognized functional prebiotic oligosaccharides such as fructooligosaccharides (FOS),
mannan oligosaccharides (MOS), insulin, -glucan, and xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) in use
around the world. The effect of dietary application of a commercial probiotic (Bacillus spp.)
and MOS, used singularly and combined, on the survival, growth performance and feed
cost-benefit of European lobster (Homarus gammarus) larval was assessed and the results in
this study strongly suggest that the dietary combination of Bacillus spp. And MOS is cost
effective when used to promote survival and provides the added benefits of improved
growth performance, compared to their individual supplementation (Daniels et al., 2010).
Similar results have been reported on shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, and the disease
resistance was also improve by enhancing immunity, as well as presumably modulating
microflora in the shrimp's gut (Li et al., 2009). It suggested that the combined application of
probiotics and prebiotics is an interesting prospect for replacement of growth-promoting
chemotherapeutics in the aquaculture industry and could be a useful tool in the rearing of
certain aquatic animals. Recently, herbs and probiotics are combined in diet and treated as
one of the promising alternative tools to supplement and supplant antibiotics, chemicals or
vaccines (Sahu et al., 2008; Nayak, 2010). According to Harikrishnan et al. (2011b),
administration of probiotics (Lactobacillus sakei BK19) and herb (Scutellaria baicalensis) can
effectively minimize the mortality and restore the altered heamatological parameters and
enhancing the innate immunity in O. fasciatus against Edwardsiella tarda, which indicate a
promising role to prevent diseases and disease outbreaks in aquaculture. Similar results
were also determined in olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, against Streptococcus parauberis
and the enhanced growth, blood biochemical constituents, and nonspecific immunity were
observed in the groups treated with probiotics and herbals mixture supplementation diet
(Harikrishnan et al., 2011c). Further investigations on the interaction between probiotics and
other functional additives at molecular level are warranted in aquaculture.
4. Manufacture and safety evaluation of probiotics
The continuing expansion of interest in probiotic bacteria has led to an increase in
manufactured functional foods and feeds containing these bacteria. Given the natural
and/or intestinal origin of these microorganisms, the challenges these putative probiotics
face in order to be in a highly viable state throughout processing, manufacture, and storage
are enormous. Environmental stresses such as temperature, acid, exposure and osmotic

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

pressure, oxygen have important effects on probiotics survival and activity both in product
and animal gut. However, like all bacteria, probiotic bacteria retain a broad arsenal of
molecular mechanisms to combat the often lethal environmental stresses encountered
during processing and following ingestion and therefore the comprehensive appreciation of
these mechanisms should inevitably lead to the design and manufacture of probiotic
cultures, which retain greater viability through to the target site in the intestine (Corcoran et
al., 2008). Environmental stress responses in Lactobacillus, which have been investigated
mainly by proteomics approaches, are reviewed by De Angelis and Gobbetti (2004) and the
physiological and molecular mechanisms of responses to heat, cold, acid, osmotic, oxygen,
high pressure and starvation stresses are described. As for the proteomics approaches, the
technique primarily bases on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) (Kellner, 2000).
The intensity of an individual spot indicates how much the cell has produced of that actual
protein and thus it has facilitated the rapid characterization of thousands of proteins in a
single polyacrylamide gel for the molecular mechanism studies of probiotics. Such studies
associated with the cellular processes and metabolism mechanisms available to probiotic
bacteria to facilitate survival in various stressful conditions can lead to production of
designer probiotic strains with enhanced viability in feed systems and efficacy following
ingestion for aquatic animals. Additionally, several other factors including the physiologic
state of the probiotics, the chemical composition of the product and possible interactions of
the probiotics with the starter cultures must be considered to ensure the abilities of
probiotics in aquaculture.
Although the probiotic species such as Lactobacillus acidophilus have been safely used for a
long time, the safety aspects have always to be considered and possible adverse effects
should continuously be evaluated as illustrated by literature (Salminen et al., 1998).
However, a growing number of diseases that appeared with the worldwide development
of aquaculture may be assigned to distinct bacteria belonging to the genera Streptococcus,
Lactococcus, Vagococcus and Carnobacterium, but, in most cases, the clear mechanisms have
not been found (Ring and Gatesoupe, 1998). In addition, safety considerations regarding
antimicrobial resistance neglected for a long time are now taken into account for the
development and marketing of probiotics (Courvalin, 2006). The question whether genetic
exchange may occur between probiotics and gut microflora or pathogens is raised because
the genes can be transferred between microorganisms. As a result, the antibiotic multi-
resistance existent of probiotics shows the possible insecurity caused by the possibility of
resistance genes transfer from probiotic strains to bacterial pathogens or from aquatic
commensals to probiotics. According to O'Brien et al. (1999), it is important to
differentiate between intrinsic resistance and that mediated by special genetic elements
when evaluating the antibiotic resistance profiles among different species and strains.
Indeed, safety is the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by an
agent under defined conditions. Therefore, feeding of novel probiotics to healthy aquatic
animals is not only concerned with efficacy but safety even though lactobacilli and
bifidobacteria are generally regarded as safe. With the development of molecular biology
and other advanced modern techniques, the critical, tailored approaches such as cell
culture to safety evaluation of probiotics can ensure that healthy benefits are accessible to
aquatic animals. The epithelial cells of tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) were isolated and
primarily cultured as the cells model to evaluate the probiotic, Rhodopseudomonas palustris,
through the morphologic characters, cells viability, livability and permeability (Wang and

Probiotics in Aquaculture Benefits to the Health, Technological Applications and Safety

Xu, 2007). This study shows cell culture is one of the promising approaches to safety
evaluation of probiotic in the future.
5. Future probiotics for aquaculture
The important role of the gut flora in the maintenance of health and in the prevention of
disease is well recognized (Holzapfel and Schillinger, 2002). Use of probiotics is likely to be
the most natural and safe means for improving gut flora balance to prevent bacterial
pathogens by competing for essential nutrients or attachment sites (Chukeatirote, 2003). As
for aquatic animals gut flora, the continuous interaction with the environment, the body
system and intrinsic microorganisms is very complex. Although the explosion in recent
years of publications dealing with probiotic organisms has been increased, central and vital
information is still needed and therefore more advanced methods should be developed to
assess the changes in the composition of the gut flora and their mutual interaction with the
metabolism of aquatic animals. Currently, probiotics may serve to partially replace the
presently reduced or even prohibited application of nutritive antibiotics or
chemotherapeutics in animal nutrition and in fulfillment of health claims in man and
animals (Reuter, 2001). According to Kesarcodi-Watson et al. (2008), a probiotic for the new,
effective and safe products in aquaculture must possess certain properties as follow: (1) the
probiotic should not be harmful to the host it is desired for, (2) it should be accepted by the
host, e.g. through ingestion and potential colonization and replication within the host, (3) it
should reach the location where the effect is required to take place, (4) it should actually
work in vivo as opposed to in vitro findings, and (5) it should preferably not contain
virulence resistance genes or antibiotic resistance genes. These properties should be
considered during the manufacture process and safety evaluation of novel probiotics. Then
the future will provide targeted probiotic bacteria accord with above properties for specific
use with carefully controlled studies on clearly defined selected strains. In addition, an
increasing demand for alternative to antibiotics products applied in aquaculture indicates a
bright future for probiotics and a number of better commercial probiotics will be available,
particular directed at larval culture.
6. Acknowledgments
This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30901044
and 31072221) and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
R3110345). Special appreciation goes to Mr. Junhui Wen, Mrs. Yaqing Zhu and Mr. Gentu
Wu for their works which lead to success of this review.
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Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait
Current State and Prospect
Ahmed Al-marzouk and Azad I. Saheb
Mariculture and Fisheries Department (MFD)
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Salmiya
1. Introduction
The blue-fin porgy, Sparidentex hasta, known as sobaity in Kuwait, is a commercially
valuable food fish greatly preferred in Kuwait and other Arabian Gulf countries. This
species has been cultured at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) since 1979
(Hussain et al., 1981). From 1982 to1986, research efforts were carried out with the intension
of developing a commercially valid culture technology for sobaity (Teng et al., 1984). The
research efforts were completed, and the results were assessed to formulate a culture
technology recommended for commercial application (Teng et al., 1999). However, a
number of bacterial diseases have been reported that cause severe losses in sobaity larvae.
Outbreaks of vibriosis caused by Gram-negative bacteria Vibrio spp., is the most serious
bacterial disease of both grouper and sobaity (Rasheed, 1989a). They were identified as V.
anguillarum, V. ordalli and V. carchariae and V. damsela. In addition, V. harveyi was associated
with mortalities in hamoor and sobaity (Saeed, 1995). So far, conventional approaches, such
as the use of antimicrobial drugs, have had limited success in the prevention or cure of
aquatic animal disease. Furthermore, there is a growing concern about the use and,
particularly, the abuse of antimicrobial drugs in aquaculture. The practice of using
antibiotics indiscriminately for the treatment of diseases in aquaculture could result in the
accumulation of residues and the development of resistant strains of bacteria (Uma, 1999).
This leads to the search for new, more effective antibiotics thus increasing the consumption
of antibiotics in aquaculture. Vaccination can not prevent the development of the disease in
young and small fish (Ellis, 1999; Magnadottir et al. 2006). Conventional vaccination is,
accordingly, not of value before this time, and the larvae are wholly reliant on the non-
specific immune parameters. Thus, an alternative methods are to be evolved to maintain a
healthy microbial environment in fish rearing tanks. One such method that is gaining recent
acceptance within the aquaculture industry is the use of probiotics bacteria to control
potential bacterial pathogens (Wang et al., 2008; Decamp et al., 2010). Thus, the application
of probiotics may provide a potential alternative method to protect fish from infectious
diseases and improve the survival of cultured marine fish (Irianto and Austin, 2003). The
aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of three autochthonous probiotics, coded
as SHBP, 4SQ and 5L8 and a standard isolate Lactobacillus divergens (ATCC, 35677) on
growth performance of rotifers and the effect of dietary administration of SHBP, L. divergens
and a combination (SHBP& L. divergens) on the survival rate of sobaity larvae.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

2. Screening, isolation and in vitro antagonism test of autochthonous
Performing an in vitro antagonism test is considered to be an important step in screening
potential probiotics, in which pathogenic bacteria are exposed to

the selective probiotics in

(Gildberg, et al., 1995, 1997) or solid (Austin et al., 1992; Dopazo, et al., 1988;
Westerdahl et al., 1990) medium. The preselection of candidate probiotics based on these
in vitro antagonism tests has usually led to the finding of effective

probiotics (Verschuere
et al., 2000). Bacterial isolates were obtained from the mid and hind gut of cultured
yellow-fin porgy Acanthopagrus latus (shaem), wild silver pomfret Pampus argenteus
(zobaidy), wild orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides (hamoor), wild tigertooth
croaker, Otolithes argenteus (newaiby), cultured blue- fin porgy Sparidentex hasta (sobaity),
Lactobacillus sp., (Alken-Clear FIO-1006, Alken-Murray Corp, USA) and a Lactobacillus
divergens (ATCC, 35677). Autochthonous probiotic, Gram-positive bacteria isolated from
cultured shaem was coded as SHPB, form wild zobaidy, coded as 4SQI, from cultured
sobaity coded as S24, form wild newaiby coded as 5L82 and from wild hamoor coded as
5M99b. Probiotic bacteria were cultured in brain heart infusion broth (BHIB, Oxoid,
Basingstoke, UK) with 2% NaCl. After cultivation, bacteria were harvested by
centrifugation (2000 rpm for 10 min), washed twice and resuspended in phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS). The in vitro antagonism of the isolated autochthonous probiotics
against Vibrio alginolyticus (locally isolated from diseased cultured sobaity), V. anguillarum
(ATCC 43310), V. harveyi (locally isolated from diseased cultured mullet Liza klunzingeri),
V. parahaemolyticus (ATCC, 27159), V. vulnificus (ATCC, 33149) and Streptococcus agalactiae
(locally isolated from diseased zobaidy) was investigated. The inhibitory activity was
assessed by three antagonism tests, the first test is the well-diffusion test (Perez et al.,
1990) and the second test is the double-layer method (Dopazo et al., 1988). The third test
was a modification to the double-layer method. The new modified technique applied was
named as filter paper disc method, which aimed to obtain precise and accurate
inhibition zones created by the probiotics bacteria against the pathogenic bacteria. During
the current research the third method was selected. Five sterile filter paper disks were
placed on the BHIA, and a drop of the probiotic culture (2 L) was placed on the sterile
filter papers, and incubated overnight at 30C. The overnight cultures of the pathogenic
bacteria were prepared at 1:10 dilution using sterile phosphate buffered saline. All the
probiotic cells were killed by exposing the plate to each diluted pathogenic bacteria were
overlayed. The cultures were incubated overnight at 30 C and the zone of inhibition was
measured. The results showed that all the methods were suitable to assess the effect of
probiotic bacteria on pathogenic bacteria. However, the modified overlay method seems
to be more effective for the selection of probiotics. This method showed consistent results
on the zone of inhibition compared to the other two methods that some times produced
doubtful false negative results mainly due to the swarming nature of growth in the case of
V. alginolyticus. In addition, the administration of suitable concentration of probiotics and
allowing growth and production of antimicrobial compounds before the addition of Vibrio
spp produced a reliable inhibition results. The probiotics coded as SHPB and 4SQI
showed a significant zone of inhibition against all the pathogenic bacteria (Plate1). The
other probiotics showed some effect, but they were unable to inhibit the growth of all the
pathogenic bacteria.

Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait Current State and Prospect


1: Lactobacillus sp; 2: Lactobacillus divergens; 3: 4SQI; 4: SHPB; 5: 5L82; 6: M99b; 7:S24.
Val: V. alginolyticus; VP: V. parahaemolyticus; Vh: V. harveyi; Strep: Streptococcus agalactiae; VV: V.
vulnificus; Van: V. anguillarum.
Plate 1. Antagonism test of seven putative probiotics against six pathogenic bacteria by the
modified double-layer method.
3. Competitive exclusion of vibrio co-cultured with autochthonous probiotics
Competitive exclusion of potential pathogenic bacteria effectively reduces or eliminates the
need for antibiotic prophylaxis in intensive larviculture systems (Garriques & Arevalo,
1995). It has been reported that bacterial strains associated with intestinal and skin mucus of
adult marine turbot Scophthalmus maximus and dab Limanda limanda, suppressed the growth
of the fish pathogen V. anguillarum (Olsson et al., 1992). Thus, the manipulation of microbial
constitutes is a viable tool to reduce or eliminate the incidence of opportunist pathogens
(Balcazar et al., 2006). In this study, co-culture of Vibrio sp. and SHPB was plated on a BHI
agar plate. A 24 h BHI broth culture of Vibrio spp., and SHPB was used. The suspensions of
individual bacteria after harvesting and adjusting the cell density to 10
/ mL were used.
Both the suspensions were spread (100 L each) on a BHI agar plate and incubated for
observing the colony formation. The colonies were observed, under the microscope, at 0, 3
and 6 h of incubation at 30
C for competitive exclusion or invasive growth. The SHPB
showed a distinctive competitive exclusion against Vibrio spp., (plate 2).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Plate 2. Competitive exclusion of SHPB (P) against one pathogenic Vibrio (V) After 6 h
(1a &1b) and after 3 h (1c & 1d). 20 x.
4. Effect of autochthonous probiotics on rotifer proliferation
Several studies related to marine fish larviculture have attempted to find suitable probiotics
that has a positive effect on the live food and improves their dietary value (Benetti et al.,
2004; Robertson et al., 2000; Gomez-Gil et al., 2000; Ringo and Birkbeck, 1999; Harzevilli et
al., 1998; Gatesoupe, 1991a). Douillet (2000) reported that rotifers cultured with an
Altermonas strain or blend of strains resulted in a consistent enhancement of the rotifers
culture. In this study, rotifers Brachionus plicatilis were enriched for 24 h with a high quality
mixture of algae (Nanochloropsis, Tetraselmis and Isochrysis) along with the available
commercial enrichments (Super-Selco and DHA protein selco). The rotifer density was 22
cell/ mL. A one week experiment was carried out to evaluate the proliferation of the rotifers
treated with probiotics SHPB, 4SQI, 5L82 and L. divergens. Daily 1 mL of the probiotic and 1
mL of the algal suspension was added to each flask, which corresponds to 10
CFU/ mL.
The control flasks received 2 mL algae daily. The rotifer count was determined for seven
days to assess the effect of the probiotics. An increase in rotifers proliferation and
reproducibility within different treatments was obtained, as described by the differences in
the coefficient of determination for four probiotics treatments and the control (Fig. 1). The
probiotic SHPB and L.divergens showed better enhancement on the cell population with time,
while 4SQI and 5L8 showed lower cell proliferation response compared to the control. The
SHPB gave the best compared to the control and other probiotics, mainly during the first
three days. All the probiotics tested showed better effect on the rotifer counts compared to
the control. The Vibrio load in the rotifer population without probiotic treatment was
significantly higher than that of the probiotic treated sets during the first three days.
However, the vibrio population was significantly lower in SHPB treated rotifer all through
the week. The sobaity larvae usually start feeding on day two or three post hatch. Thus, the

Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait Current State and Prospect


Fig. 1. The effect of SHPB (B. halotolerance), LD (L. divergens), 4SQI, 5L82 on the growth
performance of rotifers compared with the control (Con).
rotifers are initially added on these days with a starting density of 5 rotifer/ mL. The
probiotics were added daily, this could explain the significant effect mainly for the SHPB on
rotifers proliferation all through out the experiment. Repetitive addition of the probiotics
can significantly enhance the rotifers performance and survival. The result of this study is in
agreement with the results obtained by Planas et al., (2006). They reported that continuous
additions of probiotic (Rosebacter strain) are necessary to maintain a minimum level of it in
the rotifer and the culture water. In addition, exposing the larvae to sufficient probiotic
concentrations will increase the chance of the probiotics being ingested by the larvae. Thus,
this could lead to the advantage of improving the survival rate of the fish larvae.
5. Effect of SHPB and L. divergens used alone and in combination (SHPB &
L. divergens) on the survival of sobaity larvae
Owing to the problem of antibiotic resistance and subsequent reluctance of using antibiotics,
the use of probiotics in larviculture is becoming increasingly popular. During the early
stages of development, manipulation of the larval digestive system seems possible through
the addition of probiotics, either through the culture water, or via the live food (Vine et al.,
2006). Geovanny et al. (2007) reported that the use of probiotics can increase the survival
rate and control the high incidences of larval diseases. Thus, by shifting the bacterial flora in
live feed organisms to probiotic species, this can assist the fish larvae to minimize the
pathogenic bacteria from the feed, and the fry will benefit from the probiotic bacteria.
Several bacterial probiotics were used in the larval culture of aquatic organisms. Kozasa
(1986) reported that the spores of Bacillus toyoi increased the growth rate of yellowtail and
reduced the mortality of Japanese eel that were infected by Edwardsiella sp. The Gram-
negative Vibrio pelagius decreased the mortality of the turbot larvae Scophthalmus maximus
challenged with Aeromonas caviae (Ringo and Vadstein, 1998). Gatesoupe (1991b) showed
that Bacillus toyoi and Bacillus sp spores increased the growth rate of larval turbot introduced
via the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Pirarat et al., (2006), reported that supplementation of

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

L. rhamnosus significantly reduced cumulative mortality due to E. tarda, confirming the
protective effect of a probiotic bacterium against this pathogenic bacterium. Suzer et al.,
2008 showed significant increase in the survival rate of Sparus auratus larvae fed with
Lactobacillus spp. via live food and water. In this study, the effect of single and combined
administration of SHPB and L. divergens on the survival rate of sobaity larvae was evaluated.
The larvae were reared in 1m
circular fiberglass tanks with stocking density of 60 larvae/ L.
The enriched rotifers were added to the larval tanks and the rotifer density was maintained
at 5/ mL. The survival rate of the larvae was determined at 28 days post hatch. The results
showed that all the treatment with probiotics significantly enhanced the survival rate
compared to the control. The survival in L. divergens fed larvae was the highest (11.7%)
whereas it was 9.2% in the mixed probiotics, 8.9% in SHPB and 6.3% in the control (Fig 2).
Balcazar et al., 2007, demonstrated that the administration of a mixture of bacterial strains
(Bacillus sp. and Vibrio sp.) positively influenced the growth and survival of white shrimp
juvenile. Salinas et al., 2008, showed that the combined probiotics, L. delbruekii and B. subtilis
enhanced the cellular innate immune system of gilthead seabream. Suzer et al., 2008,
showed that Sparus aurata larvae fed with commercial Lactobacillus spp via live food
increases survival rate and specific growth rate. To our knowledge there have been no
studies on any probiotic on the blue- finned Sparidentex hasta (sobaity). So, in our study,
since all the tested probiotics showed significant survival rate compared to the control, the
dietary administration of both singly SHPB and L.divergens and in combination (SHPB and
L. divergens) were used and they showed significant increased in the survival rate of sobaity
larvae and seems to be a promising probiotic candidate. However, feeding sobaity larvae
with a combination of them needs further dose adjustment to achieve the best survival rate
and possible beneficial interaction between both bacteria in sobaity gut microenvironment,
which may make the use of a mixture of different bacterial strains more interesting than
using a single bacterium.

Fig. 2. The survival rate of sobaity larvae fed with SHPB (B. halotolerance), LD (L. divergens)
and their combination (Mix) compared with a control (Con) group fed with un-
supplemented diet.

Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait Current State and Prospect

6. Pathogen challenge test for probiotic-fed sobaity larvae
Increased resistance to the pathogen by probiotics has been extensively reported. Growth
inhibition against pathogens by Carnobacterium was reported (Joborn et al., 1997). The
tolerance of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss to furunculosis was enhanced when fed with a
diet including the probiotic L. rhamnosus (Nikoskelainen et al., 2001). In Atlantic cod Gadus
morhua, tolerance to V. anguillarum increased by feeding with lactic acid bacteria
Carnobacterium divergens supplemented in the diet (Gildberg et al., 1998). Robertson et al ., 2000)
reported that Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and rainbow trout O. mykiss, fed with Carnobacterium
spp. supplemented in the diet were more tolerant to disease. Chiu et al., 2010, showed that S.
cerevisiae colonized the intestines of the grouper E. coioides fed S. cerevisiae-supplemented diets
improved and increased the resistance to challenge by Streptococcus sp. and a grouper
iridovirus. In our study, after feeding the larvae with probiotic-enriched rotifers (SHBP/ L.
divergens / mixture of SHBP and L. divergens) for 28 days, the larvae challenged through
immersion against virulent Vibrio harveyi. The bath suspension contained a cell density of 10

cells m
and the duration of challenge was 30 min. Fish larvae were transferred to 50 L
aquarium tanks (50 fish/ tank) after the challenge, mortalities were observed and recorded for
one week and the squash preparations of washed freshly dead larvae were plated on TCBS
agar to record specific mortalities. The results showed that fish larvae fed with SHPB and
combination probiotics showed clear disease resistance as indicated by distinctive 85.3% and
58% survival rate for SHPB and mixed treatments respectively compared to L.divergens-fed fish
54% and control 50%. Pieters et al., 2008, reported that challenge with A. bestiarum, the
probiotics GC2 and BA211 led to 76% and 88% survival, respectively, in contrast to 22%
survival for the controls. In the current study, it is apparent that SHPB and the mixed
probiotics (SHPB & L. divergens) fulfilled the major requirements of being an effective
probiotics by enhancing the survival rate of sobaity larvae after challenge with virulent V.
harveyi. However, the survival of larvae fed a combination of probiotics was not as good as
that of SHPB and here, probably the dose structuring needs to be optimized for furthering the
effects of a combination of probiotics (Fig 3).

Fig. 3. The survival rate of sobaity larvae challenged against V. harveyi after feeding with
SHPB (B. halotolerance), LD (L. divergens) and their combination (Mix) compared with a
control (Con) group fed with un-supplemented diet.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

7. Molecular characterization of SHPB probiotic and bacteriocin-like
The SHPB was characterized using the PCR and 16s rDNA gene amplification (Al-Marzouk
et al., 2009). The identification of SHBP probiotic confirmed as Bacillus halotolerance. The
modes of action of probiotics include the inhibition of a pathogen through the production of
bacteriocin-like compounds, competition for attachment sites, competition for nutrients
(particularly iron in marine microbes), alteration of enzymatic activity of pathogens,
immunostimulatory functions, and nutritional benefits such as improving feed digestibility
and feed utilization (Kesarcodi-Watson et al., 2008; Fuller, 1989). Thus, an understanding of
the mechanisms probiotics use to compete with pathogens is important when designing a
protocol for their selection. Bacteriocins are antibacterial proteins produced by bacteria to
kill or inhibit the growth of other bacteria (Cleveland et al., 2001). They are ribosomally
synthesized unlike antibiotics, which are synthesized by other mechanisms (Brock &
Madigan, 1997). In this study, B. halotolerance (SHBP) cultures of different age (12h, 24h, 36h
and 48h) were used for detecting the possible role of bacteriocin in the antibacterial activity.
The mode of action of B. halotolerance was confirmed through its ability to produce
bacteriocin-like compound, which is considered as a significant criterion of the defense

system displayed by it. It produced an amplicon of approximately 1500 bp and for the
bacteriocin gene a 1000 bp amplicon (Plate 3). Cultures of different age, however, showed
interesting amplification pattern with clear amplification of the bacteriocin-like gene in 24-h
culture and a very mild amplification in 12-h culture. This state was tested by treating the
compound (probiotic bacteria free BHI broth) with different pH and temperatures. Later, the
treated broth was used in antibacterial assay. The persistence of antibacterial activity of the

Plate 3. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification of the bacteria specific 16s rDNA
(approximately 1500 bp, brighter band) and bacteriocin gene (approximately 1000 bp).
Lanes: 1: 100 bp DNA ladder; 2: Negative sample; 3: Positive amplicon (kit); 4 to 7 probiotic
bacterial cultures (12h, 24h, 36 h and 48h) of B. halotolerance.

Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait Current State and Prospect

treated broth confirmed that it a bacteriocin- like compound of the probiotic that was
responsible for the antagonism. One of the most well known bacteriocins is nisin, which is a
ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptide produced by certain strains of Lactococcus
lactis which has been proved to act against human multidrug resistant pathogens such
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis
and others (Gatesoupe, 2008). Further research will be required to specify the exact type of
bacteriocin produced by the probiotic B. halotolerance.
8. Persistence of probiotics in the fish gut
Adhesion and colonization are important for selection and use of probiotic strains (Bussarin
& Rakshit, 2006; Vine et al., 2004; Olsson et al., 1992) and because it is considered a pre-
requisite for colonization (Beachey, 1981). Adhesion of probiotic bacteria to the intestinal
mucosa has been shown to enhance their antagonistic activity against pathogens (Coconnier
et al., 2003). In this study, the ability of SHPB, L. divergens and their combination to attach to
fish intestinal mucus were examined. Colonization of probiotics fed through diets was
monitored at 15 and 30 d during the probiotic feeding and at one month after the probiotic-
enriched feed was withdrawn. Colonization of the SHPB was evident even at 15 d (Plate 4).
The intense localization on the brush boarders of the hindgut intestinal epithelium noticed
at 15 and 30 d (Plates 4 & 5) during feeding, suggests that the SHPB is more likely to

Plate 4. Sobaity gut fed with SHPB, L. divergens & mixed (SHPB & L. divergens) and control
diets. Arrows: IMP: Immunopositive; GV: Gut vacuole; BB: brush boarder. Left (40 x) and
right. 10 x.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Arrows: HE: hindgut epithelium; LP= lamina propria of the hindgut.
Plate 5. Gut of sobaity sampled after 30 days of continuous feeding with SHPB and L.
divergens-(top right, 20 x), mixed probiotics (bottom left, 40x) and control (bottom right,
10x) diets. Note immunopositive SHPB colonization on the hindgut epithelium (top left). No
immunopositive bluish-purple reaction in the gut of control fish (bottom right, 10x).
colonize in the hind gut of sobaity than the L. divergens, which was processed as an antigen
and did not remain in the gut long enough (almost no localization at one month post
withdrawal). Clear and significant immunopositive localization (Plate 4) was noticed in gut
of both probiotic SHPB and mixed (SHPB and L. divergens) probiotic-fed sobaity even after
withdrawal of probiotic feeding. This indicates the higher persistence of the SHPB than that
of L. divergens. The process of colonization is characterized by attraction of bacteria to the
mucosal surface, followed by association within the mucous gel or attachment to epithelial
cells. Adhesion and colonization of the mucosal surfaces are possible protective mechanisms
against pathogens through competition for binding sites and nutrients, or immune
modulation (Balcazar et al., 2006). However it needs to be accepted that the efficiency of a
selected probiotic in vitro may significantly change when administered to the host because it
is influenced by more complex factors such as the selective ingestion and the death in the
intestinal tract (Vine et al., 2006) caused by the failure of the probiotic to maintain its in vitro
physiology under circumstances of a more complex microbial interactions and/or
nutritional environment. In general, there is a sense of the lack of correlation between in
vitro and in vivo experiments in the latest reviews on probiotic use in aquaculture (Balcazar
et al., 2006; Vine et al., 2006). The main claimed mechanisms are: competitive exclusion,
digestion enhancement, immune response enhancement, water quality improvement and
antiviral effects.

Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait Current State and Prospect


No immunopositive bluish-purple reaction in the gut of control fish (bottom right).
Arrows: IPV: immunopositive vacuoles.
Plate 6. After 30 days of withdrawal of feeding with SHPB-(top left, 40x), L.divergens-(top
right, 40x), mixed probiotics (bottom left 40x)) and control (bottom right (40 x)) diets.
9. Bacterial count in gastrointestinal tract in probiotics-fed sobaity
No Vibrio sp., was detected in the vibrio selective medium (TCBS), from the fish gut fed
from SHPB and mixed probiotics (SHPB and L. divergens). The highest bacterial count was
counted in the control and L.divergens treatment (Table 1). The main bacterial colonies that
were detected in the brain heart infusion agar (BHIA) from fish fed with SHBP.

Treatment Media 45d 60d 75d 105d
SHPB BHIA 6.30 10
1.00 10
0.30 10
0.80 x 10

TCBS - - - -
LD BHIA 3.20 10
4.00 10
1.70 10
0.90 10

TCBS - - 1.00 10
15.00 0

Mix BHIA 3.00 10
6.60 10
6.20 10
0.30 10

TCBS - - - -
Con BHIA 1.30 10
6.50 10
4.10 10
2.10 10

TCBS - - 0.30 10
1.00 10

Table 1. Bacterial Count from the Gut of Sobaity Fed with SHPB (B. halotolerance), LD (L.
divergens) and their Combination (Mix) Compared with Control (Con).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

10. Pathogen challenge test for probiotic-fed sobaity fry
Vendrell et al., 2008 showed that Probiotic supplementation of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and
Lactobacillus plantarum reduced fish mortality significantly from 78% in the control group to
46-54% in the probiotic groups after challenged with Lactococcus garvieae. In this study,
sobaity fry fed with SHPB and mixed probiotics showed clear disease resistance as indicated
by distinctive 100% survival rate compared to L.divergens fed fish and control (Table 2).
Based on the ability of the SHPB and mixed probiotics to attach to fish gut, the growth of the
pathogen in the digestive tract might be suppressed by the candidate probiotics presence.

Treatments Survival Rate (%)
SHBP 100
LD 16.6
Mix 100
Con 66
Table 2. Survival Rate of Control (Con) and Probiotic-Fed (SHPB, LD and Mix) Sobaity Fry
after Challenge with V. anguillarum
11. Immunological assays
The non-specific immune system can be stimulated by probiotics. Taoka et al., 2006
indicated that probiotics supplied in the rearing water and the diet of fish enhanced the
stress tolerance and the non-specific immune system of Japanese flounder, providing them a
higher resistance against stress conditions and pathogens. It has been demonstrated that
oral administration of Clostridium butyricum bacteria to rainbow trout enhanced the
resistance of fish to vibriosis, by increasing the phagocytic activity of leucocytes (Sakai et al.,
1995). Balcazar (2003) demonstrated that the administration of a mixture of bacterial strains
(Bacillus sp. & Vibrio sp.) positively influenced the growth and survival of juveniles of white
shrimp and presented a protective effect against the pathogens Vibrio harveyi and white spot
syndrome virus. This protection was due to a stimulation of the immune system, by
increasing phagocytosis and antibacterial activity. In this study, custom-production and
characterization of rabbit polyvalent antibodies against B. halotolerance and L. divergens were
carried out using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
and Western blot analysis, and in addition, to evaluate both the humoral and cellular innate
immunity responses of sobaity fed for 75 d with the above mentioned probiotics. These
included the phagocytic activity; lysozyme activity, serum immunoglobulin and alternative
complement (ACH50). Different immunological parameters, mainly serum and mucus
lysozyme, phagocyte activity and complement were enhanced in sobaity fry fed with B.
halotolerance and the mixed probiotics for 75 and 105 days.
11.1 Lysozyme activity
Lysozyme has an important role in non-specific immune defense system and it contained in
the mucus on the fish body surface, and in plasma and liver. Lysozyme has an antibiotic
ability and is released by leukocytes. It can damage bacterial cell walls, especially of Gram-
positive and some Gram-negative bacteria (Grinde, 1989). Lysozyme activity varies between
species of fish, genetic strains and different pathogens. Several reports showed the effect of

Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait Current State and Prospect

probiotics on lysozyme activity. A significant increase in lysozyme activity was observed in
Nile tilapia, O. niloticus, fed diets containing S. cerevisiae for 21 days (El-Boshy et al., 2010).
Gatesoupe (2008) reported that feeding with Gram-positive and Gram negative potential
probiotics caused increase in the cellular parameters such as macrophages and enhanced
lysozyme activity. Kim & Austin (2006) recorded high gut mucosal lysozyme activity in fish
fed with Caronbacterium divergens B 33 and Carnobacterium maltaromaticum B26. Taoka et al.,
2006, also reported an enhanced lysozyme level in tilapia fed with live and dead probiotics
and recorded a high survival rate when challenged with Edwardsiella tarda. Panigrahi et al.,
2004, showed significantly higher lysozyme activity in rainbow trout fed with Lactobacilllus
rhamnosus. Apart from serum lysozyme content, probiotics can also enhance the lysozyme
level in skin mucosa of fish (Song et al., 2006). Lysozyme in fish can be measured either by
the turbidimetric method or the agarose plate assay. Each method was developed based on
the amount of lysis of the gram positive bacteria Micrococcus lysodeikticus. In this study,
lysozyme activity in serum was determined according to the method of Demers and Bayne
(1997) based on the lysis of the lysozyme- sensitive Gram positive bacterium, Micrococcus
lysodeikticus (Sigma, St. Louis). With the help of a computer application software, Delta Soft
3 (Biometalics Inc., New Jersey, USA) the equivalent unit of activity of the sample as
compared to the standard were determined and expressed as g ml
serum. The
turbidimetric assay results can be reported by two methods; relative lysozyme activity
measured in Units/min, and by comparison to a standard curve generated using purified.
Our turbidimetric assay results were reported by relative lysozyme activity which measured
in Units/min, and by comparison to a standard curve generated using purified hen egg
white lysozyme. The results showed that sobaity fry fed with three types of probiotics has
significant higher lysozyme activity (Table 3).

ACH50 (log
) titers
Lysozyme (units/min)
Serum Mucus
75d 105d 75d 105d 75d 105d
SHPB 6.67 0.58 5.67 0.58 18.63 4.50 17.00 6.61 21.25 4.53 26.38 7.37
LD 3.67 0.58 4.67 0.58 15.50 4.34 15.38 5.66 18.63 5.15 20.63 4.60
Mix 4.67 0.58 6.67 0.58 20.13 4.26 17.13 7.24 22.38 4.69 20.38 2.26
Con 2.33 0.58 3.67 0.58 11.63 3.81 11.75 2.38 14.13 3.98 12.38 3.50
ACH50 Tukeys HSD=1.35 for treatments; for time HSD= 1.0. ; serum lysozyme HSD= 5.74 for
treatments; for time HSD= 4.344; mucus lysozyme HSD= 4.56 for treatments; for time HSD= 3.45.
Values less than HSD values considered to be not significant
Table 3. Alternative Complement (ACH50) Titers (log
), Serum and Mucus Lysozyme
Content of Probiotic-Fed Sobaity (75 d) = After Probiotic feeding & (105 d) = After 30 d of
Withdrawal of Probiotic feed
11.2 Alternative complement activity (ACH50)
The alternative pathway of complement activity has emerged as a powerful nonspecific
defense mechanism for protecting fish against a wide range of potentially invasive
organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites (Muller-Eberhard, 1988). Chiu et
al., 2010, showed that Epinephelus coioides fed S. cerevisiae-supplemented diets exhibited

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

significant increases in both serum lysozyme and alternative complement pathway
activities (ACH50). The same result was also observed in hybrid tilapia fed diets containing

diet (Zohu et al., 2009). Dietary administration of the probiotic, Lactobacillus

plantarum, enhanced the growth, lysozyme, phagocytic activity, alternative complement
activity (ACH50) and disease resistance of the grouper E. coioides (Son et al., 2009).
Pirarat et al., 2006 reported that Lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotic enhanced the ACH50 of
tilapia Orechromis niloticus and protect the fish from acute septicemic death by E. tarda.
Balcazar et al., 2007, showed that in comparison to untreated control fish, the alternative
complement activity and phagocytic activity of head kidney leukocytes in serum were
significantly greater in all probiotic groups (Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis CLFP 100,
Leuconostoc mesenteroides CLFP 196, and Lactobacillus sakei CLFP 202) at the end of the second
week of feeding. Our results showed that ACH50 activity was significantly higher in the
probiotic-supplemented groups than in the control group after 75 d feeding and 105 d post
feeding. After the feeding, the ACH50 activity gradually decreased in the control group,
whereas it remained high in both SHPB and the mixed probiotic groups throughout the test
period (Table 3). These results indicate that probiotics incorporated in the feed of sobaity
resulted in increased serum complement activity and hence enhanced the immunity of the
fish against any virulent pathogens.
11.3 Phagocytic assay
Phagocytic activity is responsible for early activation of the inflammatory response before
antibody production and plays an important role in antibacterial defenses (Nayak, 2010).
Several studies showed the effect of different probiotics on phagocytic activity in several
fish species. Probiotics such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, L. lactis and L. acidophilus can
effectively trigger the pahgocytic cells in fish species. These probiotics used either in
viable or inactivated form were found to have the ability to stimulate phagocytic activity
in different fish species (Brunt et al., 2007; Brunt &Austin, 2005; Irianto & Austin, 2003).
Black tiger shrimp fed with a probiotic diet had greater tolerance to V. harveyi, and
phagocytic activity in hemolymph was activated (Rengpipat et al., 2000; 1998). Sun et al.,
(2010) reported that phagocytic activity and phagocytic index of grouper fed probiotic
Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus clausii were significantly higher than those of fish fed the
control diet for 60 days. Pieters et al., 2008, showed that the analysis of innate immune
responses revealed that probiotic GC2, Aeromonas sobria promoted higher phagocytic
activity in rainbow trout against Aeromonas bestiarum after the probiotic was administered
orally (10
cells per g feed for 14 d). Patricia et al., 2006, reported that the phagocytic
ability of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata fed with a mixture of two inactivated bacteria
from the Vibrionaceae family was significantly higher than in the control after three
weeks feeding. Pirarat et al., 2006, reported that Lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotic increases
the phagocytic activity of tilapia Orechromis niloticus and protect the fish from acute
septicemic death by Edwardsiella tarda. In this study, the phagocytic ability of head kidney
leucocytes was significantly increased after 75 d feeding with SHPB and L.divergens
supplemented diet. No statistically significant difference was detected in the phagocytic
ability of fish fed with a mixture of SHPB and L.divergens. The activity fell in a time-
dependent manner after 105 d for all the treatments (Table 4). After the completion of 75 d,

Probiotics in Aquaculture of Kuwait Current State and Prospect

Phagocytic Index (PI) Number of Fluorescent Beads per Field of Observation
SHPB 77.00 13.23 56.00 7.94
LD 65.67 15.67 43.83 5.53
Mix 58.83 20.97 37.17 9.72
Con 43.33 5.13 29.00 2.00
FP= End of probiotic feeding period (75 d) and EP = End of experiment period (105 d).
Treatments Tukeys HSD=22.28; Time Tukeys HSD=16.50. Values less than HSD values considered to
be not significant
Table 4. Phagocytic Index of Fresh Head-Kidney Tissue Imprints from Probiotic-Fed (SHPB,
LD and Mix) and Control (Con) Sobaity.

1a Negative control,
1b head-kidney imprint from control fish,
1c - head-kidney imprint from SHPB-fed fish, 1d - head-kidney imprint from L.divergens-fed fish and 1e
- head-kidney imprint from fish fed with a 1:1 mix of SHPB and L.d.
Plate 7. Phagocytic assay for sobaity sampled soon after the completion of 75 d of probiotic
feeding showing fresh head-kidney tissue imprints after incubation with fluorescent latex
beads. Photographed at 20x magnification.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

the fresh head-kidney tissue imprints after incubation with fluorescent latex beads showed
clear phagocytic ability in both SHPB and L.divergens supplemented diet compared to the
mixed treatment and control (Plate 3). Thus, phagocytic activity played an important role in
sobaity innate immunity as indicated by the phagocytic assay from fresh head kidney
tissue imprints and phagocytic index. Our finding indicate that phagocytosis against
bacterium can be enhanced by incorporating autochthonous probiotic alone or mixing it
with commercial probiont such as L. divergens.
12. Conclusion
A protocol for the isolation and selection of candidate probiotic bacteria based on several
selective criteria was accomplished. These criteria include in vitro antagonism ability of
probiotics against pathogenic bacteria, adhesion ability in the intestinal epithelium to
compete for attachment sites on the gut wall, improvement of fish survival, disease
resistance and immune responses. Results point out a significant effect of Bacillus
halotolerance (SHBP) on rotifers proliferation compared to other autochthonous (4SQIb, 5L82)
and a commercial (L. divergens) probiotics. Results showed that B. halotolerance and L.
divergens had a significant positive effect on the survival mainly during day 12 and 22,
compared to the control. Dietary administration of combined B. halotolerance and L.
divergens and single SHPB and L. divergens showed significant survival rate compared to
the control. Also, the survival rate of larvae fed with these probiotics was improved after
challenging with V. harveyi, indicating the positive effect of the probiotics used. Molecular
characterization confirmed the identification of SHBP as Bacillus halotolerance. It also
confirmed the ability of B. halotolerance to produce bacteriocin-like compound, which is
considered as a significant criterion of the defense

systems displayed by it.
The probiotics persistence in the gut indicated that they are able to establish themselves in
the digestive tract. Also, different immunological parameters, mainly serum and mucus
lysozyme, phagocytic activity and complement activity were enhanced in sobaity fry fed
with B. halotolerance and the mixed probiotics for 75 and 105 d.
These finding can be applied to other potential cultured fish in Kuwait through future
research. In addition the most potential autochthonous probiotics will be evaluated in large
scale fish production.
13. Acknowledgment
Our sincere thanks are due to Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences
(KAFAS), for funding all the capital equipment and operating items used in this study.
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Aquaculture, Vol. 294, pp. 99107
Part 4
Applied Topics of
Cellular and Molecular Biology

Use of Microarray Technology
to Improve DNA Vaccines in Fish
Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model
P. Encinas
, E. Gomez-Casado
, A. Estepa
and J.M. Coll

Instituto Nacional Investigaciones Agrarias,
Departamento Biotecnologa, INIA, Madrid
Universidad Miguel Hernndez, IBMC Elche
1. Introduction
Fish rhabdoviral infections, specially those caused by novirhabdoviruses, can be tackled
with commertial DNA vaccines such as the one against infectious haematopoietic necrosis
virus (IHNV) (Salonius et al., 2007). Nevertheless, rhabdoviral diseases continue to pose a
considerable threat to aquaculture because a number of practical problems regarding
vaccination remain unsolved (for instance, mass delivery methods for small fish and
requirements for safer vectors). Furthermore, some fish rhabdoviroses appear to be
spreading to wild-type species.
Theoretically, efficient DNA vaccines could be used for any fish pathogen, such as other
viruses (nodaviruses and orthomyxoviruses, for instance), bacteria and parasites. However, in
practice, many fish DNA vaccines do not perform satisfactorily in most other pathogens than
novirhabdoviruses. Therefore, fish novirhabdoviral vaccines are suitable models in which to
study why similar DNA vaccines have not been successfully developed for other viruses
(Gomez-Casado et al., 2011; Kurath, 2008). Those studies include the use of microarrays.
To date, effective vaccines against fish rhabdoviruses have been achieved simply by using
their glycoprotein G gene (Einer-Jensen et al., 2009; Kurath, 2008; Kurath et al., 2007;
Lorenzen, 2000; Lorenzen et al., 2009; Lorenzen & LaPatra, 2005). The glycoprotein G of
rhabdoviruses is a widely studied antigen in fish (Bearzotti et al., 1995; LaPatra et al., 1994;
McAllister et al., 1974; Vestergaard-Jorgensen, 1972; Winton et al., 1988) and its crystal
structure has recently been elucidated in a similar mammalian rhabdovirus (Roche et al.,
2006; Roche et al., 2007).
Most of our present knowledge about the factors that affect DNA vaccination efficacy in fish
(vaccine dosage, delivery route, water quality, host species/size, time to challenge, severity
of challenge, viral strain, etc) derives from work on fish rhabdoviral models (Kurath, 2008).
Thus, the first fish DNA vaccines against IHNV were reported in 1996 (Anderson et al.,
1996a; Anderson et al., 1996b) and against viral haemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) in
1998 (Lorenzen et al., 1998). In 2005, Vical-Aqua Health Ltd. of Canada (Novartis APEX-

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

IHN) received authorization to commertialize an IHNV DNA vaccine (Salonius et al., 2007).
In support of their licensing, millions of salmon were vaccinated in British Columbia in 2004
and 2005. However, there are no reports on the efficacy of this vaccine against natural viral
challenges (Kurath, 2008; Salonius et al., 2007).
When injected intramuscularly in each fish, plasmid-based G glycoprotein-coding
rhabdoviral vaccines induce long-term (months) specific immunity, preceded by an early
(4-8 days) non-specific protective response (Kim et al., 2000; Lorenzen, 2000; Lorenzen et
al., 2002). Non-specific short-term protective immunity results from the induction of
interferon-mx and related genes, while specific long-term protection may have this effect
as a result of the induction of G glycoprotein gene-specific antibody or cellular responses
(Kurath et al., 2007). However, most changes in gene expression that occur with resistance
mechanisms in short-term and long-term immunity are not fully understood (Goetz &
MacKenzie, 2008). Furthermore, more basic knowledge on mucosal immunity is required
to move rhabdoviral DNA vaccines from the laboratory into the field, as existing vaccines
still require either intramuscular injection in individual fish or stronger (adjuvanted)
immune responses to facilitate mass delivery methods, such as those using oral-
(delasHeras et al., 2010; Tian et al., 2008) or ultrasound-aided (Fernandez-Alonso et al.,
2001) immunization. Studies using microarrays could greatly contribute to furthering this
basic knowledge (Secombes, 2008).
Theoretically, for best performance an optimal vaccination should mimic viral infection
steps such as entry and replication. For instance, since the entry of rhabdoviruses would be
first detected by cellular membrane toll-like receptors (TLRs) through the G glycoprotein
and their later cytoplasmic replication by endosomal TLRs through dsRNA intermediates,
the question arises as to whether DNA vaccines should include not only the G glycoprotein
gene but also dsRNA intermediates (ie.: RNA hairpins). Again, new data obtained from
microarrays could shed some light on these possibilities.
As established by quantitative RT-qPCR before the advent of microarrays, 4 to 8 days after
DNA vaccination by intramuscular injection, gene expression by fish haematopoietic organs
showed an increase in interferon-inducible mx (Acosta et al., 2005; Boudinot et al., 1998;
McLauchlan et al., 2003; Purcell et al., 2004; Robertsen, 2008; Tafalla et al., 2007), virally-
induced genes (Vig) (Boudinot et al., 1999; Boudinot et al., 2001) and mhc and tcr genes
(Takano et al., 2004).
In this context, the recent availability of fish microarrays (Martin et al., 2008), which allow
the expression profiling of thousands of genes simultaneously, has provided new
opportunities to further study fish immunological responses in several rhabdovirus/fish
Expressed sequence tag (EST)-based microarrays of the Japanese flounder, trout, salmon
and zebrafish have been used in gene-discovery efforts. These studies included infections
with IHNV (MacKenzie et al., 2008; Purcell et al., 2006a), VHSV(Byon et al., 2005; Byon et al.,
2006; Encinas et al., 2010) and hirame rhabdovirus (HRV)(Yasuike et al., 2007) (Table
1). However, no studies have reported on the largest microarrays that have recently become
available, such as the ~ 32 K cDNA of salmonids (von Schalburg et al., 2008) and the ~ 37 K
60-mer oligos of trout (Salem et al., 2008), most probably due to the complexity of the
interpretation of the data.
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model

Fish name
, ~K Type Name References
1 cDNA HRV-infected
(Aoki et al., 1999)
(Nam et al., 2000)
3 cDNA GENIPOL (Diab et al., 2008)
7 oligo --- (Douglas et al., 2008)
Turbot Scophthalmus
3 oligo Aeromonas-
infected organs
(Pardo et al., 2009)

(Salem et al., 2008)
salmonids 32 cDNA GRASP (von Schalburg et al.,
(Koop et al., 2008)
37 oligo

(Salem et al., 2008)
Other species
Zebrafish Danio
40 oligo
---- Agilent (commertial)
bin/tgi/ Zebrafish, and
Sanger zebrafish project
Table 1. Summary of rhabdoviral-sensitive fish species with microarrays in different stages
of development.
In this review we focus on the data published on the use of microarrays for the identification
of rhabdoviral-induced genes with properties that make them candidate adjuvants for the
improvement of fish DNA vaccines.
2. Vertebrate viral infections, vaccination and adjuvants
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are sensed in higher vertebrates by
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). There are several PRR classes (retinoic acid-inducible
gene-like helicases, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor, peptide
recognition proteins, etc). The most studied PRRs belong to the family of toll like receptors
(TLRs) (Manicassamy & Pulendran, 2009). When expressed at the cell (TLRs numbers
1,2,4,5,6,10,11) and at the endosomal (3,7,8,9) membranes, TLRs detect PAMPs outside and
inside the cells, respectively. Most natural infections start through mucosal surfaces that
contain dendritic cells (DCs) specialized in sensing PAMPs through their cell-specific TLRs-

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

enriched membranes (Iwasaki, 2007a; Iwasaki, 2007b; Thompson & Iwasaki, 2008). After
recognition of their corresponding PAMP, TLRs generates TLR-mediated signals, these
resulting in a complex signalling network whose integration by the host determines the final
immune response (Manicassamy & Pulendran, 2009).
Since the most effective vaccinations are obtained after infections with live or attenuated
pathogens, several PAMPs from a unique pathogen (such as external glycoproteins and
internally synthesized dsRNA/glycoproteins in rhabdoviruses) simultaneously stimulate
several TLRs. In contrast, dead recombinant protein subunits and antigenic genes contain
fewer PAMPs than live/attenuated pathogens. Nevertheless, single PAMPs have also been
used to immunize against live pathogens, mostly with the help of adjuvants to replace the
missing PAMPs. Therefore, the purpose of vaccine adjuvants is to increase the immune
responses of otherwise weak individual PAMPs.
Most adjuvants in mammals are believed to target professional antigen-presenting cells,
such as tissue DCs (De Gregorio et al., 2009; Lambrecht et al., 2009). The expression patterns
of pro-inflammatory genes such as cytokines, chemokines, MHC and co-estimulatory
molecules are altered in adjuvant-targeted DCs (Figure 1). Subsequently, maturing DCs
migrate to lymph nodes and activate naive CD4+ (helper) and CD8+ (cytotoxic) T cells to
produce antigen-specific antibodies, cytotoxic cells, antimicrobial peptides and regulatory
cytokines (Craig et al., 2009; Longhi et al., 2009; Manicassamy & Pulendran, 2009; Secombes,
2008). DCs also process PAMPs into peptides for presentation onto major histocompatibility
(mhc) molecules to T cell receptors (tcr). Thus DCs are crucial for both adjuvant effects and
innate/adaptive immune responses (Figure 1).
Although most PAMP-derived vaccine adjuvants act through TLRs on mammalian DCs
(Figure 1), other internal adjuvants, such as hmgb1 released from lysed cells, exert their action
through cell damage molecules (Lambrecht et al., 2009). Artifitial TLR-independent adjuvants,
such as those derived from particulate compounds administered together with mammalian
vaccines (mineral salts, liposomes, microparticles, saponins, and emulsions) either increase
antigen persistence or uptake by DCs. Traditionally, vaccine adjuvants have been empirically
identified as enhancers of antibody responses to a co-administered antigen. However, new
adjuvant candidates have also been found among molecules of the signalling cascades of DC
activation. According to a recent review (Secombes, 2008), the molecules with potential
capacity to act as fish vaccine adjuvants might be found among: i) cytokine/chemokine
molecules; ii) co-stimulatory cluster differentiation (cd) antigen receptors; and iii) blocking
molecules, which might inhibit negative regulators. Microarray analysis of rhabdoviral fish
immunizations have identified some of these molecules, as it will be reviewed here.
3. Microarrays in the study of the flatfish/HRV/VHSV models
Traditional sequencing, annotation and estimation of frequencies of each rhabdovirally-
induced transcript in flatfish, is one of the strategies designed to identify genes transcribed
after rhabdoviral infections (pathogen-induced gene approach)(Aoki et al., 2011). Thus, the
first attempts to identify HRV-induced genes were made in the Japanese flounder
Paralichthys olivaceus by sequencing 300-596 expressed sequence tag (EST) clones from
leukocytes 2-5 days after infection. The frequencies of each EST were estimated within a
short 1 to 10 range (Aoki et al., 1999; Nam et al., 2000).
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model


Fig. 1. Scheme of possible mechanisms of adjuvanticity. Modified from several published
schemes (De Gregorio et al., 2009; Manicassamy & Pulendran, 2009; Secombes, 2008).
External incoming or internally synthesized rhabdoviral molecules (dsRNA, glycoprotein G,
other viral proteins, etc) activate dendritic cells (DCs). These recognize rhabdoviral
molecules and are activated either through toll-like receptors (TLRs) or cytokines produced
by other cells (monocytes, granulocytes, macrophages, mast cells, natural killer cells,
stromal cells, muscle cells, etc). Each combination of rhabdoviral molecules induces
simultaneous stimulation of DCs to induce the expression of secreted cytokines and
costimulatory membrane cds. The induced membrane cds, together with other signals (blue),
induce differentiation of cd4+ cells to T helper cells (Th1, Th2, Th17 and/or Threg). Each
differentiated Th cell produces a series of cytokines (red), which are required to make
antibodies, cytotoxic lymphocytes, antimicrobial peptides and molecules involved in the
regulation of other Ths. Theoretically, any of the up- or down-regulatory molecules that
increase defensive responses could be candidate molecular adjuvants for vaccines.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

The new mass-sequencing technologies, such as those offered by the Genome Sequencer
FLX (454 Life Sciences, Branford, CT, USA), Illumina Solexa (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA,
USA) or ABI SOLiD (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), could improve the
pathogen-induced transcript frequency-estimation strategy. Thus the mass-sequencing
technologies produce millions of sequences per run, facilitating significant statistical data for
the quantitation of each sequence frequency. However correct annotation of such a mass of
new sequences continues to be a problem (Goetz & MacKenzie, 2008). For instance, of 58
million cDNA sequences of ~ 100 bp from largemouth bass, only 31391 unique sequences
could be annotated (Garcia-Reyero et al., 2008). Although, the recent production of longer
sequence sizes (200400 bp), will facilitate their annotation, comparison of transcripts
from many samples by this ultra-high-throughput sequencing technology is still not
economically feasible. Massive sequencing could be used as a first approach, while a more
focused microarray developed with selected genes could then be used for quantification of
larger numbers of samples (Goetz & MacKenzie, 2008).
Japanese flounder EST-derived cDNA microarrays were applied to in vitro kidney cell
cultures 3-6 h after HRV infection (Kurobe et al., 2005). The number of expressed transcripts
changed in 20.8 % of the genes after HRV infection. The 91 immune-related genes of the
microarray were preliminarily categorized into 8 clusters on the basis of their known pattern
of gene expression. After 3 h of HRV infection, several genes included in the chemotaxis,
apoptosis, cell growth and antigen-presenting clusters were increased while the expression
of some genes, including mx, decreased. Among the genes of unknown function that
changed after HRV infection, 13 showed a similar response profile to that of the genes of
known function mentioned above. This observation may be indicative of their association.
Improved versions of Japanese flounder EST-derived cDNA microarrays (779 spots
containing 228 immune-related genes) were used for in vivo differential gene expression
after intramuscular injection of DNA vaccines containing the G gene of VHSV (Byon et al.,
2006) and/or HRV (Yasuike et al., 2007). The differential expression of their transcripts was
studied in kidney tissue 1, 3, 7 and 21 days after vaccination. The greatest number of
differentially expressed genes (Figure 2) was observed 3 days after injection (91.4 % were
increased, of which 31 % were known genes). Genes with increased
expression/transcription include those related to the non-specific immune responses, such
as tnf, il1r, ccr, and mx, transcription factors, and even a few genes associated with the late
specific antibody response, such as cd20. Many interferon-inducible genes including mx and
interferon regulatory genes were the most strongly induced genes 3 and 7 days after
injection. The expression of a number of unknown genes was also increased(Aoki et al.,
2011). Among these, the LB3(8) gene increased a maximum of 56-fold 3 days after infection
and then remained increased during one week (Byon et al., 2005).
Later versions of the Japanese flounder EST-derived cDNA microarrays of up to 1187
unique flounder ESTs (691 identified genes) were then used to compare the injection of
recombinant G protein (non-protective) with the G gene (protective) (Byon et al., 2006). A
number of IFN-related genes (including the unknown LB3(8)) and mx increased 7 days after
injection, thereby confirming the observations made in previous studies using reverse
transcriptase-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) (Acosta et al., 2005;
Robertsen, 2008). Further studies included differential gene expression in kidneys from
Japanese flounder injected with the HRV G gene (protective) in comparison with the N gene
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model


Fig. 2. Number of differentially expressed genes after rhabdoviral immunization. Genes with
increase expression were defined as those genes with more than 2-fold increase in expression.
ip, intraperitoneal injection. im, intramuscular injection. imm, immersion. Flounder, Japanese
flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Trout, rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Zebrafish, Danio
rerio. *, number of unique sequences or features and type of microarray (cDNA or oligo DNA).
HRV, hirame rhabdovirus. IHNV, infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus. VHSV, viral
haemorragic septicemia virus. , infection-by-injection of trout with the IHNV G gene and
expression on head kidney with p<0.01 (MacKenzie et al., 2008)., Infection-by-immersion of
zebrafish with VHSV and expression on fins (Encinas et al., 2010). , VHSV infection-by-
immersion of zebrafish and expression in internal organs (head kidney, liver and spleeen)
(Encinas et al., 2010). , Injection of trout with the IHNV G gene and expression in muscle
tissue with p>0.01 (Purcell et al., 2006b). , injection of Japanese flounder with the HRV G gene
and expression in head kidney (Yasuike et al., 2007). , Injection of Japanese flounder with the
VHSV G gene and expression in head kidney (Byon et al., 2006).
(non protective). Results confirmed that the IFN-inducible genes, LB3(8) and mx, were also
increased 7 days after vaccination but only when the G gene was used (Yasuike et al., 2007).
Furthermore, it was shown that the LB3(8) gene has an homologous domain to that of a
mammal IFN-inducible protein. Thus, this gene is an example of how new genes involved in
rhabdoviral immunization can be discovered by the microarray approach.
However, in all the series of experiments on flounder commented above, only transcripts
from pooled organs from 3-5 fish were compared. Biological replicates were not reported
and therefore statistical biological variation could not be estimated. Furthermore, the
number of genes in the microarrays were relatively small and their collected data has not

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

been deposited in any known banks to allow for independent or comparative analysis.
Nevertheless, two main conclusions can be drawn from these experiments. Firstly, the
largest number of differentially expressed kidney genes after fish rhabdoviral (VHSV or
HRV) immunization-by-injection occurs 2-3 days after vaccination (Figure 2) and, secondly,
IFN-induced gene responses are stimulated after 3-7 days (Byon et al., 2005; Byon et al.,
2006; Kurobe et al., 2005).
In these earliest experimentations, microarrays based on cDNAs (100-500-mer) rather than
oligos (60-70-mer) were used. Because one of the greatest concerns with cDNA arrays is
cross-hybridization between similar genes or between repeated elements of different genes
as a result of the pseudotetraploidy of many fish, the use of oligo microarrays would
increase specificity (von Schalburg et al., 2008). However, in contrast to cDNA microarrays,
oligo microarrays have a poorer performance when used for other related species. The
current tendency appears to favour the use of the former. Thus, by using oligo microarrays,
the printing layouts, total number of sequences and number of sequence replicates can be
modified to meet any formats. Furthermore, oligo microarrays do not required maintenance
of collections of bacterial clones coding for cDNAs. In addition, oligonucleotides can be
selected and used in a range of various formats suitable for each experimental design.
Improved sensitivity, increased dynamic range, lower variance and fewer outliers have also
been demonstrated when using oligo rather than cDNA microarrays. Correlation between
cDNA and oligo microarray results has been demonstrated, although some discrepancies
have also been reported (Salem et al., 2008). High density oligo microarrays have been
developed in other fish such as salmonids (von Schalburg et al., 2008), rainbow trout (Dios
et al., 2008; Salem et al., 2008) and zebrafish (Cameron et al., 2005) (Table 1).
4. Microarrays in the study of the salmonid/IHNV/VHSV models
Large-scale genomic projects for salmon have been initiated by groups in Canada, the USA,
the UK, Norway and France. As a result there are many physical and genetic maps, large
collections of ESTs and a growing number of genomic sequences and derived microarrays.
Thus three projects have developed salmonid microarrays. The first salmonid 16K cDNA
microaarray appeared in 2004. This array was developed by the Genomic Research on
Atlantic Salmon Project (GRASP)(von Schalburg et al., 2005a) and led to the most recent 32K
cDNA (von Schalburg et al., 2008) and the first 5K oligo DNA of 70-mer (Koop et al., 2008)
microarrays. The high sequence similarity (~ 86 %) between salmonids (9 genera and 68
species) indicates that cDNA microarrays may be suitable for studies involving any member
of this fish family. Transcriptome Analysis of Important Traits of Salmon (TRAITS) and the
Norwegian Salmon Genome Project (SGP) also developed a 16K cDNA microarray
(http://www.abdn.sfirc/salmon) based on two independent collections of their bacterial
clones kept in ARK, Genomics Facility at Roslin Institute, UK and at SGP Genetics
Laboratory at the University of Oslo, respectively. The TRAITS-SGP cDNA array was
obtained from ESTs from 15 tissues (pathogen-induced libraries, trait-specific substractive
EST, starvation-induced libraries, diet-response libraries, smoltification-response libraries
and well-known genes). This array was conceived as a preliminary tool to develop an oligo
microarray for routine health monitoring of Atlantic salmon. The first results found some
artefactual expression patterns caused by cross-hybridization of similar transcripts and
underlined the greater relevance of biological over technical replicates (Taggart et al., 2008).
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model

By using all the tentative consensus sequences available at the Rainbow Trout Gene Index
(RTGI) data base, a 37K oligo microarray was constructed (Salem et al., 2008), which is
available at Agilent (design number 16271, deposited on the GEO with the GPL6018
number). The new rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) high-density, oligonucleotide
microarray was developed using 37394 specific 60-mer oligonucleotide probes assembled
from 244984 ESTs from 12 tissues (
bin/tgi/ The specificity of each probe was checked for possible
non-specific mRNA cross-hybridization by comparing all individual probes with all
rainbow trout transcriptome sequences. Approximately 91 % of the sequences used for this
microarray matched a previously annotated sequence in the GenBank.
Few attempts have been made to use these microarrays to study the rhabdoviral
immunization of salmonids. In homozygous trout, the 16 K cDNA GRASP microarray was
used to profile 7-day muscle transcripts after intramuscular injection of the IHNV G gene
(Purcell et al., 2006a; von Schalburg et al., 2005b). After immunization, irf3, mx, vig1, and
vig8 transcripts were increased (Purcell et al., 2006a). Genes associated with antigen-
presenting cells, lymphocytes, leukocytes, inflammation, antigen presentation, and
interferon pathways were also augmented. The increased levels of transcripts associated
with type I IFN pathways in systemic organs (gill, spleen and kidney) were corroborated by
RT-qPCR. These observations confirmed that, when intramuscularly injected, the host-
expressed viral G gene induces a systemic non-specific type 1 IFN innate immune response.
Using a 1.8K cDNA salmonid microarray, comparison of infection-by-injection with IHNV
and attenuated IHNV in rainbow trout after 1 and 3 days showed an IHNV-dependent
change in differential transcription in kidney towards adaptive immunity genes (MacKenzie
et al., 2008). Thus, the rapid spread of the IHNV infection inhibited tnfa, mhc1, and several
other gene markers while favouring mhc2 and ig responses. The molecular mechanism for
the development of late (months) specific cytotoxic T or B cell-mediated humoral responses
has not been addressed by means of microarrays (Kurath, 2008; Kurath et al., 2006).
More recently, trout families with low (32% survival following challenge) and high
susceptibility to VHSV (18% survival following challenge) were infected with VHSV by bath
exposure and transcriptional data from internal organs were analyzed with the 16K GRASP
microarray from day 3 post-challenge (Jorgensen et al., 2011). In total, 939 genes were
differentially expressed between infected and non-infected fish. The genes increased in
infected fish belonged to the following categories: stress and defence response, NFkappaB
signal transduction, response to non-self, antigen processing and presentation, and
proteasome complexes. Most were also increased among the 642 differentially expressed
genes in the low-susceptibility trout family but not among the 556 differentially expressed
genes in the high-susceptibility family. These results suggest that the innate immune system
of internal organs plays a crucial role in eliciting an effective immune response to VHSV
infection in rainbow trout (Jorgensen et al., 2011).
5. Microarrays in the study of the VHSV/zebrafish model
The zebrafish Danio rerio is one of the most suitable models in which to carry out microarray
studies because, compared to other fish, its genome sequence is one of the most advanced.
Furthermore, ~ 40 K annotated quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) arrays and

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

annotated oligo microarrays are available. In addition, large-scale experimentation with
zebrafish is easier than with other fish models and zebrafish are susceptible to several
viruses, most of these belonging to the fish rhabdoviral family (Sullivan & Kim, 2008). Of
these, VHSV (Novoa et al., 2006) was chosen in a recent study using microarrays (Encinas et
al., 2010) over IHNV (LaPatra et al., 2000), snake-head rhabdovirus (SHRV)(Phelan et al.,
2005) and spring viremia of carp (SVC)(Sanders et al., 2003), because only in the
VHSV/zebrafish model have infection-by-immersion (the natural route of infection) and
successful vaccination been described (Novoa et al., 2006).
Damage and epithelial cell death immediately after VHSV infection in the surface portals of
entry of these viruses, such as the fins (Harmache et al., 2006), should alert surrounding cells
to promote epithelial cell division to replace dead cells, recruit inflammatory cells to the
infection site, and send signals to internal immune organs. However, viral-induced signals
to inhibit the most relevant host responses have also been detected. Detection of natural
early responses may contribute to identifying vaccine adjuvants. Thus, the expression of the
636 immune-related transcripts that were increased after VHSV infection, as estimated by
hybridization to oligo microarrays (confirmed by RT-qPCR arrays), was higher in fins than
in organs. In contrast, the number of decreased transcripts was higher in organs than in fins
(Figure 3). Therefore, an upregulated response of immune-related genes was greatest in fin
tissues, while a downregulated response was most detected in the internal organ responses.
The latter might be targets of viral inhibitory signals early after infection (Encinas et al.,
2010). These results showed that 2 days after infection-by-immersion, VHSV had not yet
caused an strong response from zebrafish internal organs, which contrasts with reports in
other fish at later times after infection-by-injection (such as ifn1, mx, il1b, tnfa, etc) (Acosta et
al., 2006; Samuel, 2001; Tafalla et al., 2007; Tafalla et al., 2005) or infection-by-immersion
(Jorgensen et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2009).
The zebrafish are refractory to rhabdoviral infection-by-immersion at high temperatures or
without acclimatation to low temperatures with IHNV (LaPatra et al., 2000), VHSV (Novoa
et al., 2006) or SVC (Sanders et al., 2003). Therefore, a temperature-dependent response
mechanism(s) that inhibits rhabdoviral infection and spread may occur. While these
preliminary findings shed some light on the earliest effects of VHSV infection at the
molecular level, some of the new immune-related genes identified might be suitable
candidate adjuvants for fish vaccines (Rajcani et al., 2005; Secombes, 2008).
6. Comparative microarray study of fish/rhabdoviral models
To best detect innate immune responses, early times after rhabdoviral infection should be
studied. Thus, according to the data obtained from flatfish, salmonid and zebrafish studies,
the maximal number of >2-fold differentially expressed genes in microarrays was detected
2-3 days after rhabdoviral infection (Aoki et al., 1999; Byon et al., 2005; Byon et al., 2006;
Kurobe et al., 2005; MacKenzie et al., 2008; Nam et al., 2000; Purcell et al., 2006a; von
Schalburg et al., 2005b; Yasuike et al., 2007) (Figure 2).
Table 2 shows a list of some of the differentially transcribed immune-related genes detected
using microarrays after rhabdoviral immunization, independently of immunization
mechanism, fish species, rhabdoviruses and organs. Among the gene list, ifn and irf -related
genes were expected to be present; however, their presence was scarce. As with many other
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model


Fig. 3. Comparison of the number of differentially expressed genes 2 days after VHSV
infection in zebrafish fins and organs (modified from Encinas et al., 2010). Groups of 10
zebrafish (Danio rerio) were infected with VHSV. To perform the hybridization to oligo
microarrays, 636 selected immune-related sequences from the 44K microarray (Appligene)
were used to analyze mRNA levels. Normalization was made with the ribosomal
phosphoprotein p0 (rplp0) gene. Folds were calculated by the following formula: mRNA
levels in VHSV-infected zebrafish / mRNA levels in non-infected zebrafish. The total
number of genes increasing (+) or decreasing (-) expression > 2-fold and p<0.05 was
represented as the percentage of the total number of immune-related genes assayed (n = 4).
Percentages were calculated by the formula, 100 x the number of differentially expressed
genes / total number of immune-related genes assayed (Encinas et al., 2010).
viruses and host species, an increase in ifn1 expression is one of the first responses to the
injection of any DNA vaccine (Acosta et al., 2006; Samuel, 2001) and to rhabdoviral
infections (Samuel, 2001; Theofilopoulos et al., 2005).
Transcripts encoding several forms of il17 were detected as differentially expressed only
in one of the studies using microarrays (Encinas et al., 2010). Il17 is produced by T helper
17 (Th17) cells (Figure 1) and acts together with il22 on epithelial cells (Trifari et al., 2009)
and other types of skin cells to trigger il1b and tnf. These responses induce
neutrophil/macrophage recruitment in epithelial surfaces (Qiu et al., 2009), stimulate
keratinocytes (Nograles et al., 2008) and increase the production of antimicrobial peptides
such as hepcidin (hamp1) and defensin like-2 (defbl2). Both hamp1 and defbl2 were found

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Gene classes Genes References
Interleukins il17 (Encinas et al., 2010)
& il1r (Kurobe et al., 2005)
Receptors il8r (Nam et al., 2000)
il1b (Encinas et al., 2010)
Interferon - irf1 (Kurobe et al., 2005)
related mx (Yasuike et al., 2007)
molecules isg15, 56 (Yasuike et al., 2007)
iip56 (Byon et al., 2006)
iip54 (Aoki et al., 1999)
ifn3 (Encinas et al., 2010)
mhc1 (Aoki et al., 1999; Byon et al., 2006; Encinas et al., 2010;
MacKenzie et al., 2008)
Complex mhc2 (Aoki et al., 1999; Byon et al., 2006; Kurobe et al., 2005;
MacKenzie et al., 2008; Nam et al., 2000)
Antimicrobial hamp1 (Aoki et al., 2011; Encinas et al., 2010)
peptides defbl2 (Encinas et al., 2010)
Chemokines &
ccr (Byon et al., 2006; Kurobe et al., 2005)
Complement c3 (Byon et al., 2006; Encinas et al., 2010)
components cfb/c2b, crpp, c3b, bfb,
cfhp, clu, c6, c8a, c8g,
c9, c1q
(Encinas et al., 2010)
c3ar (MacKenzie et al., 2008)
High Mobility
hmgb (Aoki et al., 1999; Encinas et al., 2010; MacKenzie et al.,
2008; Nam et al., 2000)
G proteins gnb (Byon et al., 2006; Encinas et al., 2010)
tnf (Byon et al., 2006; Encinas et al., 2010; Kurobe et al., 2005)
tnfr (MacKenzie et al., 2008)
tnfr1 (Nam et al., 2000)
tnfr2-traf (Kurobe et al., 2005; Nam et al., 2000)
Toll-like tlr2 (Kurobe et al., 2005)
receptors tlr5 (Encinas et al., 2010)
tlr7 (Encinas et al., 2010)
tlr9 (Encinas et al., 2010)
Immunoglobulin igh (Byon et al., 2006; Encinas et al., 2010)
chain domains ighz (Encinas et al., 2010)
igl (Aoki et al., 1999; MacKenzie et al., 2008)
sid4 (Encinas et al., 2010)
Table 2. Some of the fish immune-related genes differentially transcribed in microarray
studies after rhabdoviral immunization. Independently of fish species, rhabdovirus, organ
and time after immunization, annotated genes with a differential expression >2 fold were
searched in the original papers and some of the most common were ordered on the basis of
gene classes and listed in the table.
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model

to be differentially expressed in some studies (Table 2) (Liang et al., 2006; Yu & Gaffen,
Differentially upregulated transcripts of il12 were detected in a zebrafish fin study (Encinas
et al., 2010). In that context, il12 is crucial because it has been widely described as a vaccine
adjuvant in mammals (Bliss et al., 1996; Chong et al., 2007; Hirao et al., 2008; Stevceva et al.,
2006), specifically increasing protective mucosal immunity (Arulanandam et al., 1999;
Wright et al., 2008) to viral infection (Hancock et al., 2000; Jacobson et al., 2006; Skeen et al.,
1996; Zheng et al., 2005). However, ill2 has not been tested in fish.
Co-stimulatory cell membrane cluster differentiation antigens (cd) molecules responsible for
the antigen-presenting cell interactions with T cells were not differentially expressed, except
those belonging to mhc1 and mhc2 molecules (Table 2). Nevertheless, the use of cds as
vaccine adjuvants has been described for the cd154 gene in zebrafish (Gong et al., 2009); the
reasoning being that co-expression of cds with antigen in the same cell might accelerate
specific immune responses. Thus, specific antibody responses obtained using cd154 and the
pMCV1.4 plasmid coding for the G gene of VHSV (Ruiz et al., 2008) were increased 3-4-fold
with respect to the plasmid alone (Gong et al., 2009).
Transcripts of c3 and c3a were differentially expressed in salmonid and flatfish internal
organs after immunization-by-injection while many more complement components (cfb/c2b,
crpp, bfb, cfhp, clu and c6 and c8a) were found in zebrafish fins after infection-by-immersion
(Encinas et al., 2010). The use of c3 derivatives (c3a, c3d, c4a and c5a ) (Green et al., 2002; Ross
et al., 2001; Sunyer et al., 2005; Villiers et al., 1999a; Villiers et al., 1999b) as vaccine adjuvants
has been reported in mammals but not in fish. A possible relationship between c3 trout
genetic polymorphism and VHSV resistance (not confirmed by genetic evidence)
(Slierendrecht et al., 1993; Slierendrecht et al., 1995; Slierendrecht et al., 1996) may require
further physiological studies.
TLRs, immunoglobulin chains, TNF -related molecules, and high mobility proteins were
also found amongst the differentially expressed genes in several studies using microarrays
and thus might deserve some consideration as adjuvant candidates (Table 2).
7. Future research
Microarray and mass sequencing technologies have opened up new avenues to analyze
gene expression profiles. The data obtained by these technologies might facilitate the
discovery of new immune-related genes (immunogenomics), clarify the molecular
mechanisms of immunity and identify new candidates for vaccine adjuvants. Nevertheless,
some problems remain in the application of these technologies to the amelioration of fish
rhabdoviral vaccines. For instance there is a need to improve comparison of the data
obtained from different models, to complete present gene annotations, to confirm
transcriptional data with protein data and to develop mathematical models to facilitate
interpretation of the abundant data.
In addition, the number of immune-related genes on zebrafish, trout, salmon, human and
mice microarrays (Table 3), shows that more fish immune-related genes might have to be
included in future microarray designs. The number of immune-related genes are still much
lower in other cultured fish species (turbot, sea bream, sea bass, etc).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Zebrafish Trout Salmonids Human Mouse





key words 14K 45K 37K 36K 36K 47K 39K
interferon 19 53 62 92 42 103 91
chemokine 14 36 29 56 10 104 100
interleukin 8 57 62 49 40 187 142
cytokine 13 43 28 49 13 87 68
defensin 1 3 2 0 1 29 32
antiviral 0 2 1 0 0 9 5
LPS 0 0 0 0 2 2 7
13 18 13 59 3 76 74
MHC 2 16 70 375 433 10 4
viral 40 73 29 16 8 171 96
Mx 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
complement 28 79 168 88 53 129 102
14 53 116 54 46 294 156
Toll 3 22 5 17 12 39 31
TNF 15 22 7 13 3 7 38
macrophage 5 11 22 25 25 34 36
lymphocyte 2 15 22 14 8 49 52
neutrophil 2 4 0 4 7 11 7
leukocyte 6 15 12 18 4 50 21
cytotoxic 5 5 14 3 4 30 22
natural killer 3 0 3 2 5 19 8
T cell 13 64 63 59 14 88 112
B cell 20 42 29 36 11 102 97
dendritic 0 3 15 0 3 0 0
TOTAL 226 637 772 1029 748 1630 1301
Table 3. Estimation of the numbers of immune-related genes in fish microarrays compared
to human and mouse. Microarrays vary in the number of probes per gene, and gene
nomenclatures. Many fish genes might be duplicated variants (due to pseudotetraploid
genomes or transposon variations) and arrays may use different genes and/or cDNA or
oligos per gene. All these facts make comparison of microarray platform gene contents
difficult. The use of immune-related key words to preliminarily compare the relative
abundance of the genes might serve for a first estimation. The future should bring about the
use of a common languages such as gene abbreviations following the HUGO Gene
Nomenclature Committee for human orthologues ( and/or
UniGene entries ( Genes should be also grouped
by functional categories such as by using gene ontology (GO annotation for the immune
system or the clusters of
orthologous genes (COG,
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model

AFYz (AFFYMETRIX, zebrafish) 14K, ~ 15 oligos 25-mer/gen (Santa Clara, CA,USA).
AGIz (AGILENT, zebrafish vs2) 45K, 1 oligo 60-mer/gen (Palo Alto,CA, USA)
AGIt (AGILENT, trout) 37K, 1 oligo 60-mer/gen
GRAs (GRASP, salmonids) 36K, 1 cDNA/gen
TRAs (TRAITS-SGP, salmonids) 36K, 1 cDNA/gen
AFYh (AFFYMETRIX, human) 47K, U133plus v2.0 ~ 11 oligos 25-mer /gen
AFYm (AFFYMETRIX, mouse) 39K, 430 v2.0 11 oligos 25-mer/gen
The use of microarray technology stems from the availability of genome, mRNA and EST
( sequences to build representative annotated (gene-
identified sequences) microarrays. For most commertial fish species, there is a lack of
information on the annotated genome or known mRNA sequences and thus most
microarrays used for these species mostly apply EST sequences. However, correct and
complete annotation continues to be a bottleneck.
At present, it is quite difficult to compare data from distinct microarrays, even between
salmonid microarrays such as GRASP, TRAITS-SGP and RTGI. We consider that reanalysis
of the data deposited in data banks, for instance by the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus
(GEO) (, to identify similar or identical genes should be
For the most studied fish species, such as zebrafish, trout and salmon, identified mRNA
sequences present in current GenBanks can alternatively be used to design focused
microarrays enriched in some gene classes. For instance, the zebrafish and trout microarrays
that are currently available omit a number of immune-related genes, the number of which
vary depending on each microarray. A possible alternative to this problem in fish species for
which abundant annotated mRNA sequences are held in GenBanks is to search for
keyword-selected sequences to build up the corresponding microarrays.
One example of using some of the most obvious keywords corresponding to immune-
related genes for the trout O. mykiss and the zebrafish D. rerio is shown in Table 4. Thus, this
table shows that the number of some immune-related genes extracted from GenBank data
are 2-24-fold higher than their corresponding numbers in the microarrays of trout and
zebrafish commertially available. Furthermore, trout and zebrafish 2-4K microarrays
designed on unique sequences selected from GenBank immune-related genes (using ~50
keywords in GenBanks) are enriched an average of 2-3-fold in immune-related sequences
with respect to the more general 37-44K commertial alternatives (data not shown). The
design of smaller, focused (ie: immune-related) microarrays based on existing GenBank
sequences could contribute to making the experiments less expensive and their results easier
to interpret.
Although the advent of mass sequencing technologies might soon change this scenario,
correct annotation will still require a considerable research effort for most fish species.
Care must be taken not to over interpret differential transcript gene expression. Thus, some
rhabdoviral-induced changes might involve protein cleavages (complement c3) and/or
protein post-translation modifications (hmgb1) in which transcriptional control may not be
essential. Although in most reports some of the microarray results were confirmed using
RT-qPCR, true confirmation would require estimation of its corresponding protein levels by
parallel proteomic studies. Thus, although the differential expression of some fin proteins

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Zebrafish Trout
Gene names



Interleukin 88 355 47 97
Chemokine 93 367 24 84
Interferon 89 299 48 107
Toll 41 107 8 37
Immunoglobulin 96 2207 98 1234
MHC 13 320 56 411
Vig 0 0 6 14
* vs 3 of 44K oligo microarray of zebrafish (Agilent's ID 26437)
** 37K oligo microarray of trout (Agilents ID 16271) (Salem et al., 2008)
MHC, major histocompatibility complex
Vig, VHSV important genes
Table 4. Comparison of some immune-related genes found in commertially available
microarrays with those obtained from GenBank sequences. GenBank at
(transferrin, hemopexin, annexin, ATP binding, alpha actin, and kinesin) show a parallel
variation with their transcript levels, in most of them, the changes in the differential
expression of proteins do not correlate with their corresponding transcript changes (Encinas
et al., 2010). This observation suggests that regulation of their expression is not at the
transcriptional level, at least in that study. Although correlation of gene and protein
expression has been found in some plants (Gallardo et al., 2007; Joosen et al., 2007), most
studies found no correlation, including a recent report on individual E. coli cells (Taniguchi
et al., 2010). Correlation values comparing gene/protein expression levels in several systems
are consistently very low (Hack, 2004), suggesting that mRNA levels are poor indicators of
the expression of their corresponding protein. Therefore, the study of mRNA levels is
justified only when protein levels cannot be detected by the proteomic approach because of
their low concentrations or short lives.
Finally, mathematical modelling of microarray data may shed light on gene changes and be
useful for testing new hypotheses. From the first symposium held on 2003 (Petrovsky et al.,
2003), some progress has been reported on the use of mathematical modelling for early
response genes (Lawrence et al., 2007), whole immune responses (Ahmed & Hashish, 2006;
Kalita et al., 2006), immunity to infectious diseases, including microarray data (Morel et al.,
2006) and future perspectives (Li et al., 2009; Ta'asan & Gandlin, 2009). Mathematical
modelling is expected to develop further since there are few other alternatives available to
interpret the massive amount of information generated by microarrays.
8. Conclusions
Novirhabdoviroses are among the few fish viral diseases for which efficacious DNA
vaccines are available; however, they continue to affect aquacultured fish worldwide.
Despite DNA vacines being commertial in Canada, the actual method of delivery by fish-to-
fish intramuscular injection and safety concerns are the major bottle necks to wide
Use of Microarray Technology to Improve DNA
Vaccines in Fish Aquaculture The Rhabdoviral Model

acceptance of DNA vaccination. In addition, a complete understanding of the molecular
events induced after rhabdoviral fish infection and immunization may contribute to
improving DNA vaccines not only for rhabdoviroses but also for other fish infections for
which there are no current remedies.
Knowledge about infection, vaccination and adjuvant mechanisms in mammal models,
together with high throughput genomic techniques, such as hybridization to microarrays
(cDNA or oligo, wide or focused) and new massive sequencing technologies (largely
unexplored in fish), offer the opportunity to gather a considerable amount of new
transcriptional data in fish models.
Indeed, microarrays have already been used to quantify fish gene expression as well as to
discover new genes involved in defense in several fish rhabdovirus models, such as flatfish,
salmonid (salmon and trout) and zebrafish.
Genes that show increased transcription after infection (hypothetically signalling internal
organs to react against the viral invasion) and also genes whose transcription is inhibited
(possibly due to viral shut-off of critical host defences) might help researchers in their quest
to identify new adjuvant candidates for fish vaccines.
9. Acknowledgments
This work was supported by CICYT projects AGL08-03519-CO4-ACU, AGL2011-28921-
CO3-02 and INGENIO 2010 CONSOLIDER 2007-00002 awarded by the Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovacin of Spain.
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Fighting Virus and Parasites
with Fish Cytotoxic Cells
M. ngeles Esteban, Jos Meseguer and Alberto Cuesta
Fish Innate Immune System Group,
Department of Cell Biology and Histology,
Faculty of Biology, University of Murcia, Murcia
1. Introduction
Cell-mediated cytotoxic (CMC) activity is the main cellular immunological response to kill
tumor cells, virus-infected cells and parasites (Groscurth, 1989). In mammalian species this
is carried out by several leucocyte populations depending on the non-specific/innate and
specific/adaptive immune response. Among the last ones, the CMC activity is carried out
by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), expressing the co-receptor CD8, after repeated antigen
contact and restricted to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I. Among the innate
cytotoxic cells, acting without previous neither sensitization nor MHC I restriction, the most
important are the natural killer (NK) cells, which consist on large granular lymphocytes
(markers: CD16/56
). However, other cell types such as the lymphokine-activated
killer cells (LAK), adherent lymphokine-activated killer cells (ALAK), antibody-dependent
cytotoxic cells (ADCC), macrophages, neutrophils and acidophils are also responsible for
innate CMC activity (Groscurth, 1989). This CMC activity has been described in all the
vertebrate animals with substantial differences. In the case of fish, the first vertebrate group
showing both innate and adaptive immune system, they are not an exception. However,
deeper studies are needed to clearly understand the appearance and evolution of the fish
cytotoxic cells and their activity from an evolutionary point of view. Furthermore, the great
potential of aquaculture industry and lack of commercial antiviral and antiparasitic vaccines
for fish make necessary to increase the knowledge on the CMC activity of fish.
2. Cell-mediated cytotoxic activity in fish
In all the fish studied so far, different populations of leucocytes from head-kidney (the main
haematopoietic tissue in fish), peripheral blood, spleen, thymus, peritoneal exudates or gut
display variable cytotoxic activity. The fish innate CMC, not restricted to the MHC, is
mainly carried out by the named non-specific cytotoxic cells (NCC), which show great
differences at morphological and functional levels between fish species (Carlson et al., 1985;
Evans et al., 1984a-d, 1987; Graves et al., 1984). The adaptive cytotoxic activity is restricted to
the MHC, shows memory and is formed by CTLs (Fischer et al., 2006; Nakanishi et al., 2002,
in press; Somamoto et al., 2000; Verlhac et al., 1990). Most of the data from fish CMC come
from the activity against xenogeneic tumor cells but recently the interest to evaluate their

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

potential against viral infections and the generation of proper tools is increasing. One of the
main problems associated with the study of the fish immune system, and the CMC in
particular, is the lack of proper tools. Most of the studies are based on morpho-functional
data but the lack of commercial antibodies is a serious task to definitely identify the
leucocyte-types involved. Furthermore, most data obtained in mammalian CMC come from
very few species such as human, rat and mouse which show some differences at molecular
and cellular levels. However, in fish, the number of evaluated species is larger, including
nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), common carp
(Cyprinus carpio), tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus or Tilapia mossambica), channel catfish
(Ictalurus punctatus), bicolour damselfish (Stegastes partitus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar),
Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides),
zebrafish (Danio rerio), European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) or gilthead seabream (Sparus
aurata), what greatly increases the variability and difficult the interpretation and correlation
between species. However, most of the knowledge comes from the cytotoxic activity against
xenogeneic or allogeneic cells and there is few information regarding the role and
importance in combating fish virus and parasites.
2.1 Fish innate cytotoxic cells
First evidences showed that head-kidney leucocytes from several freshwater fish (common
carp; crucian carp, Carassius cuvieri; grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella; pond loach,
Misgurnus anguillicandatus; and northern snakehead, Channa argus) were cytotoxic towards
mammalian cell lines (Hinuma et al., 1980). Afterwards, a series of reports on channel catfish
widely described the morphology, biochemical and physical requirements, killing
mechanisms, etc. of these leucocytes (Carlson et al., 1985; Evans et al., 1984a-d, 1987; Graves
et al., 1984). They showed for the first time that head-kidney catfish have small non-
adherent, non-phagocytic and agranular cells displaying the cytotoxic activity, which were
catalogued as monocyte-like but also resembled to lymphocytes (Evans et al., 1988).
Obviously, they showed different morphological features than the mammalian NK cells, but
very similar functional properties. These leucocytes were called non-specific cytotoxic cells
(NCC) and are considered phylogenetical precursors of the mammalian NK cells. However,
studies since then, including more fish species, have shown that there are many different
leucocyte-types displaying the innate CMC activity but sharing the NK cell functions. Thus,
the term of fish NCC population should be renamed as NCC activity more than a
subpopulation since it is not a discrete and concrete leucocyte type. After that, fish NCCs
have been characterized as single or heterogeneous population of leucocytes (Table 1)
including lymphocytes, monocyte-macrophages and/or granulocytes (neutrophils and/or
acidophils) (Bielek, 1988, 1991; Cammarata et al., 2000; Cuesta et al., 1999; Greenlee et al.,
1991; Kurata et al., 1995; McKinney et al., 1986; Meseguer et al., 1994, 1996; Mulero et al.,
1994; Ords et al., 2011; Pettey & McKinney, 1983; Sasaki et al., 2002; Seeley & Weeks-
Perkins, 1993).
Though very different in terms of origin and morphology, fish NCCs share the cytotoxic
activity and showed the same mechanism as the mammalian NK cells (Groscurth, 1989;
Lancki, 1998; Roitt et al., 1996): target recognition and binding, activation and delivery of the
lethal hit and finally the target death. In the first step, some membrane molecules have been
identified playing a role in the fish CMC. Vimentin-like proteins were identified in the

Fighting Virus and Parasites with Fish Cytotoxic Cells

Fish species Tissues Effector cells References
Ictalurus punctatus HK, Sp, PBL Small agranular, non-
adherent leucocytes
Evans et al., 1984c
Evans et al., 1988
Graves et al., 1984
Oncorhynchus mykiss HK, Th, PBL,
Small agranular
monocuclear leucocytes
RTS11 cell line
Greenlee et al., 1991
Hayden & Laux, 1985
Moody et al., 1985
Ords et al., 2011
Salmo salar HK, PBL, Sp Small agranular
monocuclear leucocytes
Moody et al., 1985
PBL Macrophages McKinney et al., 1986
Pettey & McKinney, 1983
HK, PBL, Sp ND Moody et al., 1985
Stegastes partitus HK, Sp ND McKinney & Schmale,
Oreochromis sp. HK, PBL, Sp,
Faisal et al., 1989
Jaso-Friedmann & Evans,
Fundulus heteroclitus HK, Sp ND Faisal et al., 1991
Opsanus tau HK, PBL, Sp,
Lymphocytes? Seeley & Weeks-Perkins,
Cyprinus carpio HK, Sp, PBL,
Bielek 1988, 1991
Kurata et al., 1995
Sparus aurata HK, PBL, Sp,
PE, Th
Cuesta et al., 1999
Meseguer et al., 1994, 1996
Mulero et al., 1994
Diecentrarchus labrax HK, PBL, Sp,
PE, Th
Cammarata et al., 2000
Meseguer et al., 1994, 1996
Mulero et al., 1994
Danio rerio PE ND Moss et al., 2009
HK, head-kidney; PBL, peripheral blood leucocytes; Th, thymus; Sp, spleen; PE, peritoneal exudate;
ND, not determined.
Table 1. Characteristics of representative fish NCCs.
catfish NCCs and inferred to be important in the recognition and binding to the target cells
(Jaso-Friedmann et al., 1993). However, the best characterization of this first step was
achieved by the finding of the non-specific cytotoxic cell receptor protein-1 (NCCRP-1) by
the generation and selection of a monoclonal antibody (5C6) that completely blocked catfish
NCC activity (Evans et al., 1988; Jaso-Friedmann et al., 1988, 2001). This receptor showed
important features: 1) the 5C6 antibody recognizes the NCCs of most studied fish and even

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

the mammalian NK and LAK cells, demonstrating its conservation (Cuesta et al., 2005a;
Evans et al., 1988; Jaso-Friedmann & Evans, 1999; McKinney & Schmale, 1997); 2) the NCC
activity is blocked by the 5C6 antibody (Evans et al., 1988; Iwanowicz et al., 2004; Jaso-
Friedmann et al., 1988, 2001); 3) the NCCRP-1 is a 32-34 kDa protein found in the membrane
of NCCs and binds to a 42 and 46 kDa from the tumor targets and protozoan that they kill,
respectively (Evans et al., 1996; Jaso-Friedmann et al., 1997a, 1997b, 2001; Lester et al., 1994);
and 4) it is a type-III membrane protein and its activation led to tyrosine and serine
phosphorylation and uses the Jak-STAT signalling pathway (Evans et al., 1999; Jaso-
Friedmann et al., 1995, 2001). After binding to the target cell, mammalian NKs and fish
NCCs share the same killing mechanisms including granule-dependent (release of perforin
and granzymes) and granule-independent (Fas/FasL system) (Cuesta et al., 2003a; Hogan et
al., 1999; Jaso-Friedmann et al., 2000; Shen et al., 2002). The release of perforin and granzyme
contained in the granules is calcium-dependent and the NCC activity is greatly inhibited or
completely abrogated by Ca
-chelators demonstrating their involvement in the NCC-
mediated cytotoxic activity (Carlson et al., 1985; Hogan et al., 1999). In the last decade, fish
perforin (Athanasopoulou et al., 2009; Hwang et al., 2004; Toda et al., 2011a) and granzyme
(Huang et al., 2010; Praveen et al., 2004, 2006; Wernersson et al., 2006) sequences have been
obtained but their gene expression or function has been scarcely related to the innate
cytotoxic activity (Ords et al., 2011; Praveen et al., 2006). The granule-independent killing
mechanism has also been identified in fish NCCs by the use of commercial antibodies or
functional studies (Ca-chelators) leading to the identification of the Fas/FasL system in fish
NCCs (Bishop et al., 2002; Cuesta et al., 2003a; Evans et al., 200, 2001; Jaso-Friedmann et al.,
2000; Kaur et al., 2004; Long et al., 2004). After the delivery of the lethal hit, the killing of the
target cells occurs by two conserved pathways: necrosis and apoptosis (Cuesta et al., 1999;
Meseguer et al., 1994, 1996; Mulero et al., 1994). At the end of the cytotoxic reaction, while
NK cells are able to recycle, inactivate or dye (Leibson, 1997) the very few data available in
fish NCCs demonstrate that they are unable to recycle and dye by apoptosis after encounter
the target cells and kill them (Bishop et al., 2000; Evans et al., 1984a). Finally, it is important
to note that in most studies the ratios between fish NCCs and targets is usually higher than
when using mammalian NK cells, a fact demonstrated by the very low fish NCC kinetic
parameters (V
or K
) observed (Cuesta et al., 2002a; Evans et al., 1984a). Further
characterization of the fish NCCs at molecular and cellular levels will help to elucidate their
role in the immune response against virus-infected cells and parasites and the mechanisms
Apart from fish NCCs, other innate cytotoxic cells resembling the mammalian NK cells have
been discovered. In catfish peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL), two populations of NK-like
cells have been identified: one able to kill allogeneic, but not autologous, cells and the other
able to kill virus-infected catfish cells (Hogan et al., 1996, 1999; Shen et al., 2002, 2004; Stuge
et al., 1997, 2000; Yoshida et al., 1995). These NK-like cells were able to proliferate after weak
alloantigen stimulation and presence of specific growth factors giving to clonal NK-like
cells, what has greatly allowed further characterization. First, they morphologically
resembled the mammalian NK cells and resulted in large granular lymphocytes, similarly to
those previously identified in carp (Bielek, 1988, 1991; Shen et al., 2002, 2004). Second, they
were negative for 5C6 antibody and this NCC-marker failed to block the NK-like cells-
mediated cytotoxic activity (Shen et al., 2002, 2004). Moreover, they express neither T (T cell
receptor TCR- o, | or chains) nor B (immunoglobulin -Ig- chains) lymphocyte markers

Fighting Virus and Parasites with Fish Cytotoxic Cells

(Shen et al., 2002, 2004). Clonal catfish NK cells induced apoptosis in their target cells by
means of the calcium-dependent perforin/granzyme-mediated secretory lytic pathway since
Ca-chelators completely abolished their cytotoxic activity (Hogan et al., 1999). Moreover, an
antibody against leucocyte-function-associated antigen (LFA)-1, which is an adhesion
molecule, inhibited the clonal catfish NK-like cell activity (Yoshida et al., 1995). Finally,
clonal catfish NK-like cells bound to IgM through an FcR and exerted an ADCC activity
(Shen et al., 2002, 2003, 2004), which has been related to the presence of a similar antibody
receptor (CD16) in mammalian NK cells.
Unfortunately, very little is still known about the fish innate receptors involved in the
proper recognition of target cells. In mammals, it is widely known the presence of activating
and inhibitory NK receptors that mediate the recognition and differentiate between self,
normal and altered cells (Bakker et al., 2000). In humans, they belong to the killer
immunoglobulin (KIR) or C-type lectin membrane (NKG2/CD94) receptors with either
activating (ITAM) or inhibitory (ITIM) intracellular motifs. In fish, orthologs to human KIR
and NKG2/CD94 gene receptors have been identified and named novel immune-type
receptor (NITR) and KLR, respectively (Litman et al., 2001; Yoder 2004). Functional
characterization of these receptors will help to elucidate the innate cytotoxic populations in
fish, their regulation and role in disease.
2.2 Specific cytotoxic cells or CTLs
First evidences of the existence of specific cytotoxic cells in fish come from in vivo studies
of allograft rejection (skin and scales), graft-versus-host reaction or delayed
hypersensitivity reaction (DTH) (Manning & Nakanishi 1996; Nakanishi et al., 2002, in
press). These experiments showed a great infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages to
the graft site, thymectomy greatly reduced these responses and the second exposure
greatly reduced the time of response and increased the fish survival. All together clearly
demonstrated the necessity of repeated sensitization and suggested the role of T
lymphocytes. Afterwards, with the use of specific antibodies, it has been clearly
demonstrated that the infiltrated lymphocytes were T-type, and very recently that were
(T helper) and CD8
(T cytotoxic or CTL) (Abelli et al., 1999; Nakanishi et al., in
press). However, these aspects are not reviewed here in depth since these concepts do not
apply to aquaculture industry.
In vitro studies with PBLs from channel catfish, rainbow trout and ginbuna crucian carp
(Carassius auratus langsdorfii) have been used as models for fish CTL characterization and
have also demonstrated the restriction to the MHC class I (Fischer et al., 2006; Manning &
Nakanishi 1996; Nakanishi et al., 2002, in press; Shen et al., 2002; Somamoto et al., 2002).
These have demonstrated that immunized fish are able to kill hapten-modified
autologous cells, allogeneic cell lines and allogeneic erythrocytes (Fischer et al., 1998;
Nakanishi et al., 2002; Verlhac et al., 1990). In the case of channel catfish, the use of mixed
leucocyte reactions (MLR) from PBLs and cloning of the cytotoxic effectors resulted in five
types of clones (Stuge et al., 1997, 2000). The first type of clones (I) was related to catfish
CTLs since they showed the following characteristics: exerted specific cytotoxic activity to
the allogeneic cells used for immunization, expressed TCRo| genes but not the Ig, were
large granular lymphocytes and killed their targets by the calcium-dependent
perforin/granzyme-mediated secretory lytic pathway (Shen et al., 2002; Stuge et al., 1997,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

2000). Unfortunately, it is not known whether they express the CD8o| co-receptor that
will definitely demonstrate that they are CTLs. This approach also produced other type of
clones: group II) clones consisting on TCRo|
and CD4
lymphocytes showing non-
specific cytotoxic cells and killing the targets by both the perforin/granzyme and
Fas/FasL system pathways (Edholm et al., 2007; Stuge et al., 2000; Zhou et al., 2001);
group III) alloantigen-specific TCRo|
non-cytotoxic cells presumed to be T helper
lymphocytes; group IV) TCRo|

non-specific cytotoxic cells defined as NK-like cells and

described above (Shen et al., 2002, 2004); and group V) TCRo|

cytotoxic cells presumed to be oT cells (Zhou et al., 2001). In the model using rainbow
trout PBLs, the presence and function of CTLs has been documented thanks to the use of
clonal trout effectors and MHC I-matching RTG-2 cell line targets, both sharing the same
allele (Dijkstra et al., 2003). Sensitized-rainbow trout showed that only sorted IgM
negative (sIgM
) PBLs were able to kill the targets in a specific manner (Fischer et al., 2003,
2006). These data suggested the involvement of trout CTLs that was further evidenced by
the up-regulation of TCRo and CD8o genes in these sIgM

after allogeneic cell
immunization. The generation of monoclonal antibodies for rainbow trout CD8o has
allowed further characterization of this population (Takizawa et al., 2011). Sorted trout
lymphocytes showed great expression of perforin or NK-lysin genes (related to the
cytotoxic activity, either specific or not), as well as their up-regulation upon stimulation
with the T-lymphocyte-mitogen PHA-L. However, further studies are still needed to
clearly identify them as the trout specific cytotoxic cells or effectors since tissue
distribution and gene expression pattern in CD8o
cells show some contradictory results
and deserve deeper analysis. In the last model, the use of clonal ginbuna crucian carp has
been very productive. They firstly proved the existence of specific cytotoxic response
against syngeneic virus-infected cells (Somamoto et al., 2000, 2002, 2006). Afterwards,
they have purified CD8o
, CD4
, IgM
and CD8o
leucocytes by means of
house-produced antibodies and found that only the CD8o
population was able to kill the
allotargets in a specific manner, what definitely demonstrates the specific cytotoxic
activity of fish CTLs (Toda et al., 2009). Moreover, they have also showed that these CTLs
mediate the target cell killing by the perforin-mediated pathway since perforin and
granzyme B inhibitors abolished almost completely the cytotoxic activity (Toda et al.,
2011a, 2011b).
Further studies in other fish species have documented the presence of TCR and CD8 genes
indicating presence of CTLs, but functional characterization of the CTL-mediated CMC
activity is still lacking. Thus, CD8 genes, alpha or beta chains, have also been sequenced in
fugu (Takifugu rubripes) (Suetake et al., 2007), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (Moore et al.,
2005), European sea bass (Buonocore et al., 2006), gilthead seabream (Randelli et al., 2006),
Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) (Patel et al., 2008), common carp (Sun et al., 2007)
or orange-spotted grouper (Xu et al., 2011). Unfortunately, CD8o gene might not be the
definite CTL marker. In mammals, CTLs are characterized by the presence of the CD8o|
while the expression of the homodimer CD8oo is detected in NK cells, oT cells and
intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (Bonneville & Lang, 2002). Thus, unexpected data
obtained in the functional characterization of CD8o
-purified lymphocytes could reside in
the potential purification of other cells different to CTLs with non-specific activity.
However, further studies are needed to clearly ascertain the CTL presence, distribution and
role in these fish species, some of them with aquaculture interest.

Fighting Virus and Parasites with Fish Cytotoxic Cells

3. Cytotoxic response against fish tumors
Fish tumors are quite rare in the wild. However, aquaculture management, intensive culture
conditions and environmental contamination may increase the incidence of fish tumors.
Although some aspects, such as tumour structure and nature, metastasis or lethal effects
have been studied, little information exists concerning the involvement of the immune
system in protection against tumours (Campbell et al., 2001; McKinney & Schmale, 1994a,
1994b, 1997; Romano & Marozzi, 2004; Schmale et al., 1994, 2004; Thompson & Kostiala,
1990; Vicha & Schmale, 1994). Thus, most of the information regarding fish cytotoxic activity
comes from the use of hapten-modified autologous cells or xenogeneic/allogeneic cell lines
(Evans et al., 1984a-d, 1987; Fischer et al., 2006; Graves et al., 1984; Manning & Nakanishi,
1996; Nakanishi et al., 2002; Shen et al., 2002; Verlhac et al., 1990). So far, fish immune
response against tumors has been slightly evaluated. In the bicolour damselfish naturally
suffering of neurofibromatosis (DNF) (caused by a retrovirus), study of the immune
response has provided information with respect to CMC activity, morphology and
distribution, degranulation of eosinophilic granular cells (EGCs) and lymphocyte
proliferation (Vicha & Schmale, 1994; McKinney and Schmale, 1994a, 1994b; Campbell et al.
2001; Schmale et al. 2004). Most of the cytotoxic activity of damselfish leucocytes against
DNF-derived target cell lines resided in the spleen whilst in the head-kidney it was quite
low. Interestingly, specificity suggested that this activity was likely carried out by CTLs in
the spleen and by NCCs in the pronephros (McKinney & Schmale, 1994a). Later, they
demonstrated that the 5C6
lymphocytes showed all the cytotoxic activity against the
retrovirus-infected DNF tumor cell lines, suggesting the presence and role of damselfish
CTLs, whilst the 5C6
leucocytes were only able to kill xenogeneic erythrocytes (McKinney
& Schmale, 1997). Unfortunately, deeper characterization of this CMC model has been
The use of zebrafish as a model for human cancer would also help to understand the fish
immune response against tumors, and concretely the role played by cytotoxic cells. As
mentioned above, zebrafish showed NCCs in the peritoneal cavity that were positive for the
5C6 antibody and exerted cytotoxic activity against xenogeneic tumor cells (Moss et al.,
2009). Moreover, the complete genome sequence allow to identify major molecules involved
in the cytotoxic activity such as NCCRP-1, TCR, CD8, perforin, granzymes, Fas/FasL, etc.
The easy generation of transgenic zebrafish and mutants would also be a very valuable tool
to study the fish CMC activity against tumors. Further studies should focus on the leucocyte
infiltration to the tumor site and identification of the potential molecules involved in the
activity of the cytotoxic cells.
4. Cytotoxic response against parasites
Fish parasites represent a serious problem in the aquaculture since there are no available
vaccines or effective treatments. Whilst some aspects of the fish immune response against
parasites have been studied very little is known about the role of the cell-mediated cytotoxic
activity (Buchmann et al., 2001; Jones, 2001). First study evaluated the NCC activity in
catfish parasitized with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Graves et al., 1985a). They found that
moribund Ichthyophthirius multifiliis-infected fish showed decreased NCC activity in the
head-kidney against xenogeneic cells when compared to control specimens. Strikingly, this
activity was increased in the PBLs of the same fish as consequence of an activation of the

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

NCC killing capacity and affinity (Graves et a., 1985a). A second study determined that
catfish NCC were able to bind and kill 50-60% of Tetrahymena pyriformis after 10 h of co-
incubation (Graves et al., 1985b). Furthermore, NCC binding to xenogeneic tumor cells and
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis or Tetrahymena pyriformis parasites shared the same antigen, that in
the case of parasites, consist on a 46 kDa (Evans et al., 1998a, 1996; Graves et al., 1985a; Jaso-
Friedmann et al., 1997b; Lester et al., 1994). In another study, gilthead seabream specimens
were parasitized with the enteric Enteromyxum leei parasite (Cuesta et al., 2006). This
parasitation increased head-kidney NCC activity against tumor cells indicating that
parasitized fish posses enhanced cytotoxic cells activity. Moreover, parasite-exposed fish
either parasitized or not, showed increased NCC activity. However, no other study has
evaluated the role of the cell-mediated cytotoxicity against fish parasites and deserves
further evaluation due to the interest for aquaculture industry.
5. Cytotoxic response against viral infections
Viral diseases are responsible for most of the economic losses suffered in modern
aquaculture since they produce high levels of mortality and no effective antiviral
treatments are available. Moreover, fish farming practices such as growth under very high
densities, introduction of species in new areas, continuous transport between hatcheries,
nurseries and growing plants are increasing the spread of pathogens and the number of
susceptible and reservoir species. However, while most available information focuses on
the mechanisms involved in pathogen susceptible fish immune responses, further
knowledge is also important in pathogen-reservoir fish systems. Among the major
immune mechanisms to kill virus, the interferon (IFN) and the CMC are the most
important, but most efforts have only focused on the IFN pathway (Ellis, 2001; Robertsen,
2006). Regarding the CMC activity against virus, this can be mediated by innate or
specific cytotoxic cells (Table 2). Regarding the innate CMC activity against virus-infected
cells, first studies demonstrated that salmonid kidney, spleen and PBL leucocytes were
able to kill infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV)-infected cells much more than to
non-infected cells (Moody et al., 1985; Yoshinaga et al., 1994), and similarly in catfish
against channel catfish virus (CCV)-infected cells (Hogan et al., 1996), demonstrating the
antiviral activity of fish NCC and NK-like cells, respectively. In the orange-spotted
grouper, CD8
PBLs also showed non-specific cytotoxic activity against nodavirus
(nervous necrosis virus or NNV)-infected cells suggesting a role for NK-like or oT cells
(Chang et al., 2011). Fish exposure to virus also increases the fish innate cytotoxic activity.
Thus, gilthead seabream injected with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), which
did not replicate at the assayed conditions, increased the NCC activity, demonstrating the
importance of studying the antiviral immune response in reservoir fish species (Esteban et
al., 2008). Moreover, NNV-infection increased the NCC activity of head-kidney leucocytes
from 1 to 15 days post-injection in both gilthead seabream and European sea bass
(unpublished data). Recently, we have also demonstrated that trout RTS11 (monocyte-
macrophage cell line) cells exposed to VHSV increased their cytotoxic activity against
xenogeneic tumor cells and up-regulated the NKEF (natural killer enhancing factor),
granzyme and perforin gene expression whilst trout head-kidney leucocyte infection with
the VHSV increased the innate cytotoxic activity but failed to significantly change the
expression of these genes (Ords et al., 2011).

Fighting Virus and Parasites with Fish Cytotoxic Cells

Fish CMC activity References
Channel catfish NK-like activity against CCV-infected cells Hogan et al., 1996
Atlantic salmon CMC activity against IPNV-infected cells Moody et al., 1985
Rainbow trout CMC activity against IPNV-infected cells Moody et al., 1985
Yoshinaga et al., 1994
VHSV infection induced innate CMC activity, up-
regulated NKEF, CD8o, perforin and granzyme
Cuesta & Tafalla, 2009
Utke et al., 2007
Unpublished data
VHSV infection elicited specific CMC activity, up-
regulated CD8 o gene
Fischer et al., 2006
Utke et al., 2007
VHSV DNA vaccine elicited specific CMC activity Utke et al., 2008
VHSV and IPNV DNA vaccines up-regulated
NKEF, perforin and granzyme genes
Cuesta & Tafalla, 2009
Cuesta et al., 2010
Unpublished data
VHSV infection of RTS11 cells increased the CMC
activity, up-regulated NKEF, granzyme and
perforin genes
Ords et al., 2011
Ginbuna crucian
IPNV or EVA infection elicited specific CMC
Somamoto et al., 2000
CHNV infection elicited specific CMC activity, up-
regulated TCR| and CD8o genes
Somamoto et al., 2002
Somamoto et al., 2006
Generation of in vitro virus-specific CTLs and up-
regulation of TCR| and CD8 o genes
Somamoto et al., 2009
Anal immunization with CHNV-infected cells
elicited specific CMC activity
Sato & Okamoto, 2010
Common carp SVCV infection up-regulated, granzyme A/K or
CD8o genes
Forlenza et al., 2008
Huang et al., 2010
NCC activity induced by VHSV injection Esteban et al., 2008
NCC activity induced by NNV infection Unpublished data
Sea bass NNV infection no affected TCR| and CD8o genes Scapigliati et al., 2010
Atlantic halibut NNV infection no affected CD8o and CD8| genes Patel et al., 2008
CMC activity against NNV- or RSIV-infected cells Chang et al., 2011
NNV infection elicited specific CMC activity,
increased CD8o
cells and CD8o gene
Chang et al., 2011
VHSV infection up-regulated CD8 gene Byon et al., 2005
VHSV DNA vaccine up-regulated CD8 gene Byon et al., 2006
CMC, cell-mediated cytotoxicity; CCV, channel catfish virus; IPNV, infectious pancreatic necrosis virus;
VHSV, viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus; EVA, eel virus from America; CHNV, crucian carp
haematopoietic virus; RSIV, red seabream iridovirus; SVCV, spring viremia carp virus; NNV, nervous
necrosis virus; CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocytes; TCR, T cell receptor; NKEF, natural killer enhancing factor.
Table 2. Major studies evaluating the fish CMC activity against virus.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Viral infections also elicited the specific immune response by inducing antibody production
and CTL activity (Table 2) (Nakanishi et al., in press). First studies demonstrated that
isogeneic ginbuna crucian carp elicited CTL activity against virus. Thus, ginbuna crucian
carps immunized with hematopoietic necrosis virus (CHNV) specifically killed CHNV-
infected syngeneic cells in a viral antigen and MHC I-restricted manner (Somamoto et al.,
2000, 2002), increased the TCR| and CD8o gene expression (Somamoto et al., 2006) and
helped to establish virus-dependent CTL clones in vitro (Somamoto et al., 2009). In rainbow
trout, infection with VHSV greatly elicited specific- and MHC I-matched cytotoxic cells but a
non-specific and MHC I-mismatched cytotoxic activity was also found (Fischer et al., 2006;
Utke et al., 2007). Surprisingly, they found that specific CMC activity mediated by CTLs was
produced much earlier than the innate activity, in sharp contrast to all the information at
this respect. Strikingly, the NKEF gene expression followed the same time-profile than the
CTL activity but in the case of CD8o was opposite, adding more controversy to these data
(Utke et al., 2007). Furthermore, trout vaccination with VHSV DNA vaccines also elicited
CMC activity against MHC I-matched infected cells, suggesting a role for CTLs (Utke et al.,
2008). However, they also found a bit lower CMC activity against non-matching-infected
cells or cells infected with a different virus, suggesting a role for NCCs or even the ADCC
activity since these fish showed high antibody levels, but this has not been confirmed. In
other studies, VHSV infection increased the trout NKEF and CD8o gene in vivo but failed to
modulate the NKEF, perforin and granzyme genes in vitro (Cuesta & Tafalla, 2009; Ords et
al., 2011). VHSV and IPNV DNA vaccination also up-regulated the trout CD8o, perforin and
granzyme gene expression (Cuesta et al., 2010; unpublished data), giving more consistency
to the involvement of CMC activity against viral infections and its activation by DNA
vaccines. Moreover, oral vaccination with inactivated CHNV elicited specific CMC activity
that resulted viral antigen-specific and restricted to the MHC I (Sato & Okamoto, 2010). In
the orange-spotted grouper, nodavirus infection also elicited a CTL response when viral
antigens were properly presented by MHC I receptors, as well as increased the CD8o
expression at gene and CTL surfaces (Chang et al., 2011). This study represents the first one
demonstrating the CTL role against viral infection in marine fish species with great interest
for aquaculture industry. Further studies would help to understand the CMC activity
against viral infections and to design and probe viral vaccines.
6. Modulation of the fish cytotoxic activity
Fish CMC activity regulation has been widely evaluated and mostly focused on NCC
modulation. Fish NCC activity has been shown to be modulated by several chemicals,
cytokines, environmental contaminants, stress factors, immunostimulants, etc. First studies
dealt with the NCC inhibition by blocking the binding to target in order to characterize the
role of NCCRP-1, or inhibiting the killing mechanisms in order to evaluate the perforin- or
Fas/FasL-mediated lytic pathway (Bishop et al., 2002; Carlson et al., 1985; Evans et al., 1988,
2000; Hogan et al., 1999; Iwanowicz et al., 2004; Jaso-Friedmann et al., 1988, 2001; Kaur et al.,
2004; Shen et al., 2002). Further studies demonstrated that catfish NCC activity is increased
by leucocyte treatment with ionophore A23187, A23187 plus phorbol myristate acetate
(PMA) or vanadate but no with PMA alone or poly I:C (a mimic for viral infections) (Evans
et al., 1984b, 1990, 1998b). Moreover, serum from stressed fish contained cytokine-like
factors able to increase the tilapia NCC activity suggesting a role for FasL (Jaso-Friedmann

Fighting Virus and Parasites with Fish Cytotoxic Cells

et al., 2000; Ruiz et al., 2001). Fish NCC activity is also increased by bacterial infections:
Edwardsiella ictaluri in channel catfish (Evans et al., 1998b), Aeromonas salmonicida in brook
trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) (Dautremepuits et al., 2006) or Streptococcus iniae in tilapia (Taylor
et al., 2001). In our lab, we have been investigating the immunostimulatory role of many
substances and conditions in the gilthead seabream, one of the most important farmed
species in the marine aquaculture. This has allowed us to get a lot of information about the
regulation of the seabream immune response, and concretely the NCC activity. Thus, we
have shown in vitro and/or in vivo modulation of seabream NCC activity by vitamins C
(Cuesta et al., 2002b), E (Cuesta et al., 2001), A (Cuesta et al., 2003b) and D3 (Cerezuela et al.,
2009), chitin (Cuesta et al., 2003c; Esteban et al., 2000, 2001), levamisole (Cuesta et al., 2002c),
lactoferrin (Esteban et al., 2005), melatonin (Cuesta et al., 2008a), propolis (Cuesta et al.,
2005b), inulin (Cerezuela et al., 2008), unmethylated oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs)
containing cytosine-phosphodiester-guanosine (CpG) motifs (Cuesta et al., 2008b, 2008c),
probiotic bacteria (Daz-Rosales et al., 2006; Salinas et al., 2005, 2006, 2008), yeast (Cuesta et
al., 2007; Ortuo et al., 2002; Reyes-Becerril et al., 2008; Rodrguez et al., 2003), fungi
(Rodrguez et al., 2004), virus (Esteban et al., 2008), environmental contaminants (p,p-DDE
and lindane) (Cuesta et al., 2008d) or stress factors (air exposure, crowding and anaesthetics)
(Cuesta et al., 2003d). In general, we have demonstrated great NCC increments after these
treatments. Moreover, we have also observed that NCC activity reached the greatest
activation, compared to other innate cellular immune responses such as phagocytosis or
respiratory burst activity, and did at shorter treatment times and lower dosages.
Unfortunately, most of this information has been obtained evaluating the NCC activity
against xenogeneic tumor cells and whether this is correlated to the in vivo activity against
viral infections deserves further investigation. In this sense, few recent studies have
correlated the stimulatory role of immunostimulants with an increased viral disease
resistance. Thus, probiotic-supplemented diets resulted in reduced mortality of Japanese
flounder specimens exposed to lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV) (Harikrishnan et al.,
2010) whilst feeding of shrimp with immunostimulant herbs reduced their mortality upon
viral disease (Citarasu et al., 2006). Further characterization of the beneficial
immunostimulants against viral diseases is needed to control the virus spreading and lethal
Apart from the direct activation of fish cytotoxic activity, the expression of some CMC-
related genes (NCCRP-1, CD8, perforin, granzyme, etc.) is also modulated (Table 2),
suggesting an increase in the CMC activity. First, the NCCRP-1 gene expression was altered
after bacterial infection (Reyes-Becerril et al., 2011; Sakata et al., 2005), administration of
immunostimulants (Cuesta et al., 2008b, 2008d; Lazado et al., ; Reyes-Becerril et al., 2008),
exposure to contaminants (Cuesta et al., 2008d) or bacterial vaccination (Caipang et al.,
2008), depending on the fish species, tissue, time and dose of exposure, and suggests a
parallel effect of fish NCC activity. Perforin gene expression is usually up-regulated after
immunization of ginbuna crucian carp with tumor cells (Toda et al., 2011a), after PHA-L
(Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin) stimulation of trout CD8o
cells (Takizawa et al., 2011),
after VHSV infection of RTS11 cell line (Ords et al., 2011) and after viral infection or DNA
vaccination in rainbow trout (unpublished data), whilst down-regulated after cadmium
exposure (Auslander et al., 2008). In a similar fashion, granzyme genes are up-regulated by
bacterial vaccination (Caipang et al., 2008), viral infections (VHSV in RTS11 cell line and
SVCV in carp) (Huang et al., 2010; Ords et al., 2011) and viral infection or DNA vaccination

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

(unpublished data). The transcript level of CD8 gene is related to the CTL presence,
abundance and activity. Thus, fish CD8 transcripts are up-regulated by viral and bacterial
infections, viral DNA vaccines, scale grafts, poly I:C or mitogens (Byon et al., 2005 2006;
Cuesta et al., 2010; Cuesta & Tafalla, 2009; Forlenza et al., 2008; Overturf & LaPatra, 2006;
Somamoto et al., 2005, 2006; Utke et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2011). In some studies, these CD8
gene levels have been correlated with increased CTL activity. Finally, other genes related to
the cytotoxic activity have received less attention. In this category, the natural killer
enhancing factor (NKEF), which increase the cytotoxic activity in humans but its role is
unknown in fish, is up-regulated by viral infections and DNA vaccines (Cuesta & Tafalla,
2009; Ords et al., 2011; Utke et al., 2007) while granulysin, which is secreted together to
granzymes and lyses target cells, gene is up-regulated in CD8
lymphocytes by mitogen
stimulation (Takizawa et al., 2011). Further studies are needed to clearly state the gene
expression with either innate or specific cytotoxic activity in fish. Future development of
more molecular tools will help to elucidate this fascinating and complex immune response.
7. Future directions
As summarized above, fish posses a wide range of cytotoxic cells with killing activity
against tumor cells, virus-infected cells and parasites. Further studies in the future should
identify, describe and characterize the cytotoxic cells and mechanisms in the most cultured
fish species and those susceptible to be farmed in the future. Another issue is the generation
of molecular tools to evaluate the fish CMC and clearly identify the function of NCCs, NK-
like and CTLs as well as assay models such as clonal fish, cytotoxic cell clones or MHC I-
paired effector and targets (virally infected or not). These tools will also help to design
powerful and safe vaccines against problematic virus and parasites for fish aquaculture.
Finally, these studies have also to be applied to marine fish, which culture is continuously
increasing because of the human demand and high economic value.
8. Glossary
ADCC Antibody-dependent cytotoxic cells
ALAK Lymphokine-activated killer cells
CCV Channel catfish virus
CD4+ T helper lymphocyte
CD8+ T cytotoxic lymphocyte or CTL
CHNV Crucian carp haematopoietic virus
CMC Cell-mediated cytotoxicity
CpG Cytosine-phosphodiester-guanosine
CTLs Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNF Damselfish neurofibromatosis
DTH Delayed hypersensitivity reaction
EGCs Eosinophilic granular cells
EVA Eel virus from America
HK Head-kidney
IgM Immunoglobulin M
IPNV Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus

Fighting Virus and Parasites with Fish Cytotoxic Cells

ITAM Activating intracellular motifs
ITIM Inhibitory intracellular motifs
Jak Janus kinase
KIR Killer immunoglobulin
LAK Lymphokine-activated killer cells
LCDV Lymphocystis disease virus
LFA-1 Leucocyte-function-associated antigen-1
MHC Major histocompatibility complex
MLR Mixed leucocyte reaction
NCC Non-specific cytotoxic cells
NCCRP-1 non-specific cytotoxic cell receptor protein-1
NITR Novel immune-type receptor
NK Natural killer
NKEF Natural killer enhancing factor
NKG2/CD94 C-type lectin membrane receptors
NNV Nervous necrosis virus
ODNs Unmethylated oligodeoxynucleotides
PBL Peripheral blood leucocytes
PE Peritoneal exudate
PHA-L Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin
PMA Phorbol myristate acetate
RSIV Red seabream iridovirus
RTG-2 Rainbow trout gonad cell line
Sp Spleen
STAT Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription
SVCV Spring viremia carp virus
TCR T cell receptor
Th Thymus
VHSV Viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus
9. Acknowledgments
This work has been funded by national (AGL2008-05119-C02-01 and AGL2010-20801-C02-
02) and regional projects (04538/GERM/06). A. Cuesta thanks to the Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovacin for the Ramn y Cajal contract.
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Bacteriocins of Aquatic
Microorganisms and Their Potential
Applications in the Seafood Industry
Suphan Bakkal, Sandra M. Robinson and Margaret A. Riley
University of Massachusetts Amherst
1. Introduction
Bacteriocins are potent antimicrobial polypeptides and proteins produced by most lineages
of Bacteria and, perhaps, by all members of Archaea (O'Connor & Shand, 2002; Riley &
Wertz, 2002a, 2002b; Tagg et al., 1976). Although initially the focus of numerous
biochemical, evolutionary, and ecological studies, more recently, their potential to serve in
human and animal health applications has taken center stage (Gillor et al., 2008). The use of
bacteriocins in probiotic applications, as preservatives, and, (most excitingly) as alternatives
to classical antibiotics is being broadly explored (Abee et al., 1995; Einarsson & Lauzon,
1995; Gillor & Ghazaryan, 2007; Gillor et al., 2007).
Most bacterial species produce one or more bacteriocins (Cascales et al., 2007). One of the
most prolific bacteriocin-producing species is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, of which 90% or more
of the strains tested produce their own version of bacteriocins, known as pyocins (Govan &
Harris, 1985). In contrast, only 15-50% of Escherichia coli produce their brand of bacteriocins,
known as colicins (Riley & Gordon, 1992). The colicins are exceedingly well characterized
proteins, and have been the subject of numerous detailed biochemical, molecular,
evolutionary, and ecological analyses (Cascales et al., 2007; Riley et al., 2003; Riley &
Gordon, 1999; Riley & Wertz, 2002a, 2002b). Some species of bacteria produce toxins that
may exhibit numerous bacteriocin-like features, but have not yet been fully characterized;
these toxins are referred to as bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances, or BLIS (Messi et al.,
2003; Moro et al., 1997).
In this chapter, we will explore the bacteriocins of aquatic bacteria, particularly those of
potential interest in the seafood industry. A short primer of bacteriocin biology is followed
by a detailed review of the diversity of bacteriocins described from marine microorganisms.
These toxins have received far less attention than bacteriocins produced by terrestrial or
human-commensal bacteria, yet they have equivalent potential as antibiotics and even
greater promise for use in the creation of probiotic strains for the seafood industry.
2. Bacteriocin basics
Bacteriocins are proteins or short polypeptides, which are generally only toxic to bacteria that
are closely related to the producing strain. A typical bacteriocin contains a toxin (bacteriocin)

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

gene, an immunity gene (which confers resistance to the aforementioned toxin), and a lysis
gene, which encodes a protein that aids in toxin release from the producing cell (Chavan &
Riley, 2007). Bacteriocins work by binding to and killing only cells with surface receptors that
are recognized by that specific bacteriocin (Cascales et al., 2007; Chavan & Riley, 2007). In a
microbial community, cells can either be bacteriocinogenic (produce bacteriocin), sensitive, or
resistant to each bacteriocin. When all three cell-types are present and are competing for
limiting resources, the strain interactions mimic the childrens game rock-paper-scissors
(Kerr et al., 2002). The premise of this game is that paper covers rock, scissors cut paper, and
rock breaks scissors, creating a cycle of wins and losses with no one matter dominating as long
as all three states are present. The same interaction is observed in microbial communities that
employ bacteriocins (Table 1). Only a small percentage of bacteriocinogenic cells will be
induced to produce and release bacteriocin. Some sensitive cells are immediately killed by the
bacteriocin, while others harbor mutations that confer resistance. These resistant cells rapidly
displace the producer cells, due to the cost of bacteriocin production. However, the resistant
cells grow more slowly than their sensitive counterparts, because resistance mutations often
have a negative effect on fitness (Kerr et al., 2002).
Strain More Fit Than Less Fit Than
Bacteriocin-producer Sensitive Resistant
Sensitive Resistant Bacteriocin-producer
Resistant Bacteriocin-producer Sensitive

Table 1. Competition for resources results in a rock-paper-scissors-like interaction of
microorganisms (adapted from Kerr et al., 2002).
In contrast to traditional antibiotics, which are used in human health applications precisely
because of their ability to kill a diversity of bacterial pathogens, bacteriocins generally target
only members of their producing species and its closest relatives (although numerous
exceptions abound)(Riley et al., 2003; Tagg et al., 1976). Riley et al. (2003) mapped the killing
spectrum of bacteriocins from seven enteric species (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Klebsiella oxytoca, Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii, Hafnia alvei, and Serratia plymuthica)
onto the molecular phylogeny of the same species (Fig. 1). This study showed that
bacteriocin producers tend to kill strains belonging to their same species. However, there are
some exceptions, such as bacteriocins of E. coli that inhibit distantly related H. alvei (Fig. 1).
2.1 Bacteriocin naming
Bacteriocins were originally named based on the producer species such as colicins produced
by Escherichia coli, pyocins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (formerly named pyocyania), cloacins of
Enterobacter cloacae, cerecins of Bacillus cereus, and pesticins of Yersinia pestis (Reeves, 1965).
Fredericq (1957) created the first classification, and thus nomenclature, of bacteriocins focusing
on the colicins of E. coli (Fredericq, 1957). Fredericq grouped colicins into 17 different types
(colicins A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, V, S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5) based on their receptor
specificity. These colicins were then further subtyped (colicin E1, E2, and E3, etc.) based on
their immunity patterns. In this scheme, all subtypes were recognized by the same receptor,
but they possessed different immunity phenotypes (Fredericq, 1957). Later, the addition of the
producer strains name provided further differentiation of bacteriocins produced by strains of
the same species (Daw & Falkiner, 1996). This scheme is still used today.
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry


Fig. 1. The breadth of bacteriocin killing in enteric bacteria (adapted from Riley et al., 2003).
The bacteriocin killing phenotype of six enteric bacterial species were mapped onto their
molecular phylogeny constructed with concatenated sequences of five housekeeping genes
and 16s RNA. Vibrio cholerae (VC) was used as an outgroup to root the phylogenetic tree. EC,
Escherichia coli; KP, Klebsiella pneumoniae; KO, Klebsiella oxytoca; EB, Enterobacter cloacae; CF,
Citrobacter freundii; HA, Hafnia alvei; SP, Serratia plymuthica.
2.2 Bacteriocin classes
In general, bacteriocins are produced by Bacteria and studied based on the gram designation
of their producing species (Gram-negative versus Gram-positive). Additionally, a relatively
small number of bacteriocins from Archaeal species have also been characterized. A
comprehensive review of bacteriocins from Bacteria and Archaea can be found elsewhere
(O'Connor & Shand, 2002; Reeves, 1965; Riley & Gordon, 1999; Riley & Wertz, 2002a, 2002b;
Tagg et al., 1976). Below are short descriptions of the bacteriocin classes of Bacteria and
Archaea and examples of bacteriocins belonging to each class (Table 2).
Bacteriocins Bacteriocin Types /Class Size (kDa) Examples References


Pore Formers
Colicins A, B
Colicins E2, E3
Cascales et al., 2007
Michel-Briand & Baysse, 2002
Gillor et al., 2004
Reeves, 1965

Colicin-like NA 20-80
Phage-tail like
> 80 R and F pyocins
Post-translationally modified
< 10
Microcin C7
Microcin B17
Colicin V


Class I
Type A-positively charged and linear
Type B-uncharged or negatively charged
Type C-synergistic
< 5
Lacticin 3147
Heng et al., 2007
Drider et al., 2006
Field et al., 2007
Maqueda et al., 2004

Class II
Class IIa-antilisterial
Class IIb-synergistic
< 10
Pediocin PA1
Carnobacteriocin B2

Class III
Type IIIa-Bacteriolytic enzymes
Type IIIb-Nonlytic peptides
> 10

Class IV Cyclic peptides < 10 Enterocin AS-48


Protein halocins
< 10
> 10
Halocin A4, C8, G1
Halocin H1, H4
Shand et al., 2007
OConnor & Shand, 2002
Ellen et al., 2011
Sun et al., 2005




Table 2. Bacteriocins of Bacteria and Archaea

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

2.2.1 Bacteriocins of Gram-negative bacteria
Bacteriocins of Gram-negative bacteria are categorized into four main classes: colicins, colicin-
like bacteriocins, phage-tail like bacteriocins, and microcins (Table 2) (Chavan & Riley, 2007).
The colicins, produced by E. coli, are the most studied bacteriocins (Cascales et al., 2007).
Indeed, they have been used as a model system to study bacteriocin structure, function, and
evolution (Cascales et al., 2007; Riley & Gordon, 1999; Riley & Wertz, 2002a, 2002b). In general,
colicins are protease sensitive, thermosensitive proteins that vary in size from 25 to 90 kDa
(Pugsley & Oudega, 1987). There are two major colicin types based on their mode of killing;
pore former and nuclease colicins. Pore former colicins (colicins A, B, E1, Ia, Ib, K, E1, 5) kill
sensitive strains by forming pores in the cell membrane. Nuclease colicins (Colicins E2, E3, E4,
E5, E6, E7, E8, E9) kill by acting as DNases, RNases, or tRNAses (Gillor et al., 2004).
Proteinaceous bacteriocins produced by other Gram-negative species are classified as colicin-
like due to the presence of similar structural and functional characteristics (Table 2). Like
colicins, they can be nucleases (pyocins S1, S2) and pore formers (pyocin S5) (Michel-Briand &
Baysse, 2002). Klebicins of Klebsiella species, S-pyocins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and alveicins
of Hafnia alvei are among the most studied colicin-like bacteriocins.
Phage-tail like bacteriocins are larger structures that resemble the tails of bacteriophages.
Some even argue that they are defective phage particles (Bradley, 1967). R and F pyocins of
P. aeruginosa are some of the most thoroughly studied phage-tail like bacteriocins (Michel-
Briand & Baysse, 2002; Nakayama et al., 2000). They are encoded in a large gene cluster,
which spans a DNA region greater than 40 kb (Nakayama et al., 2000). There are 44 open
reading frames associated with the R2/F2 phenotypes, which include regulatory, lysis, and
toxin genes. The R2 and F2 pyocins show sequence similarity to the tail fiber genes of P2 and
lambda phages, respectively (Nakayama et al., 2000). Finally, Gram-negative bacteria
produce much smaller (<10 kDa) peptide bacteriocins called microcins. Microcins can be
divided into two classes: post-translationally modified (microcins B17, C7, J25, and D93) and
unmodified microcins (microcins E492, V, L, H47, and 24) (Table 2). Microcins are
chromosomally encoded (Gillor et al., 2004).
2.2.2 Bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria
Bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria are generally divided into four classes based on size,
morphology, physical, and chemical properties (Lee & Kim, 2011). Class I bacteriocins are
lantibiotics, which are small peptides (<5 kDa)(Field et al., 2007). They are post-
translationally modified, incorporating non-traditional amino acids such as dehydroalanine,
dehydrobutyrine, methyl-lanthione, and lantionine (Cleveland et al., 2001). This class is
subdivided into Type A, B, and C with the distinction being that members of Type A are
positively charged, linear peptides whereas those in Type B are either neutrally or
negatively charged rigid globular peptides. Members of Type C require synergistic activity
of two peptides to be active. This class includes the well-studied bacteriocins nisin and
lacticin (McAuliffe et al., 2001).
Class II bacteriocins are small (<10 kDa), heat-stable peptides that are not post-translationally
modified (Heng et al., 2007). Class II is also subdivided into two subgroups. Class IIa are
pediocin-like or Listeria-active peptides, which contain a conserved N-terminal sequences
(YGNGVxCxxxxCxV). Class IIb bacteriocins require the synergistic activity of two peptides to
be fully active (Nissen-Meyer et al., 1992). Class III bacteriocins are generally large (>10 kDa),
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry

heat-labile peptides. They are subdivided into two subtypes. Type IIIa are bacteriolysins,
which are bacteriolytic enzymes. Lysostaphin is the most studied bacteriocin in this subtype
(Schindler & Schuhardt, 1964). Type IIIb are non-lytic bacteriocins. Helveticin J (37 kDa)
produced by Lactobacillus helveticus belongs to this type (Joerger & Klaenhammer, 1986).
Finally, Class IV bacteriocins have unique structural characteristics. The first and last amino
acids of these bacteriocins are covalently bonded, thus they have cyclic structures. Enterocin
AS-48 produced by Enterococcus faecalis subsp. liquefaciens S-48 was the first characterized
bacteriocin belonging to this class (Maqueda et al., 2004).
2.2.3 Bacteriocins of Archaea
The Archaea also produce unique types of bacteriocin-like antimicrobial compounds, called
archaeocins (Shand & Leyva, 2007). They have been much less studied than the bacteriocins
of Bacteria. Thus far, two major types of archaeocins have been identified: halocins of
halobacteria and sulfolobicins of Sulfolobus species. Halocins can be peptides (< 10 kDa)
and/or proteins (>10 kDa) (Shand & Leyva, 2007). According to Torreblanca and Meseguer
(1994), halocin production is a universal feature of halobacteria. Halocins are located on
megaplasmids (or minichromosomes). Halocins H4 and S8 are located on ~300 kbp and
~200 kbp plasmids, respectively (Cheung et al., 1997; Price & Shand, 2000). Their activity is
usually detected at the late exponential to early stationary growth phase (Cheung et al.,
1997; Price & Shand, 2000). There is not much known about sulfolobicins. Prangishvili et al.
(2000) screened sulfolobicin production from Sulfolobus islandicus isolated from volcanic
vents throughout Iceland. This study predicted that sulfolobicin activity is membrane-
associated and is not released from the cell. Sulfolobicins are also associated with
membranous vesicles ranging in size from 90 to 180 nm in diameter (Prangishvili et al.,
2000). Like many bacteriocins, they are thermostable and sensitive to protease treatment.
Their mode of action is still unknown (Ellen et al., 2011).
2.3 Bacteriocin genetics
Bacteriocins can be encoded on chromosomes, plasmids, and other transposable elements.
For example, the colicins of E. coli and halocin H4 are plasmid-encoded while the pyocins of
P. aeruginosa are chromosomal (Chavan & Riley, 2007; Cheung et al., 1997; Michel-Briand &
Baysse, 2002). Lacticin 481 has been shown to reside on the transposon Tn5721 (Dufour et
al., 2000) and some bacterial species such as Serratia marcescens possess both plasmid and
chromosomally encoded bacteriocins (Riley & Wertz, 2002b). Just as we see differences in
the function of Gram-negative, Gram-positive, and Archaeal bacteriocins, we can also trace
these distinctions to the genetic level.
In general, the full function of bacteriocins produced by Gram-negative bacteria is encoded
via three tightly linked genes, the toxin, immunity, and lysis genes (Fig. 2A). However, there
are significant differences in the genetics of colicins, colicin-like bacteriocins, phage-tail-like
bacteriocins, and microcins (Fig. 2). For example, the colicin gene cluster consists of the three
bacteriocin-related genes in close proximity, whereas colicin-like pyocin S3 does not possess
a lysis gene (Fig. 2A-B). Two representative phage-tail like bacteriocins, R and F-type
pyocins, R2 and F2, are encoded in a large gene cluster that spans more than 40 kb
(Nakayama et al., 2000) and includes 44 open reading frames (Nakayama et al., 2000). The
open reading frames include regulatory, lysis, R, and F pyocin genes (Fig. 2C).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

caa cai cal
pyoS3A pyo S3I
prtN prtR
PRF9 PRF10-23 PRF24-26
A- Colicin A
B-Pyocin S3
C- R2F2 Pyocins
D- Nisin A
nisA nisB nisT nisC nisI nisP nisR nisK nisF nisE nisG
PnisA PnisRK PnisF
E- Sulfolobicin
sulA sulB

Fig. 2. Genetic organization of bacteriocins
(Horizontal arrows represent genes; not to scale)
A- Genetic organization of colicin gene cluster. PSOS and Pimm represent promoter regions of the SOS
and immunity genes. Gene caa encodes colicin A; cai encodes the immunity gene; and cal encodes the
lysis gene (adapted from Cascales et al., 2007).
B-Genetic organization of colicin-like gene cluster. P-box refers to the binding site for transcriptional
regulator (PrtN); pyoS3A gene encodes pyocin S3; pyoS3I encodes the immunity gene (adapted from
Duport et al., 1995).
C- Genetic organization of phage-tail like bacteriocin gene cluster. prtN and prtR encode
transcriptional activator (PrtN) and repressor (PrtR), respectively. PRF 9 and PRF24-26 encodes the lysis
genes; PRF10-23 and PRF28-43 encode the R2 and F2 pyocin structural genes, respectively (adapted
from Nakayama et al., 2000).
D-Genetic organization of lantibiotic gene cluster. P
, P
, and P
encode promoter genes for nis
A, nisRK, and nisFEG, respectively; nisA encodes nisin A precursor; nisR and nisK encode proteins for
nisin biosynthesis; nisB, nisC, nisT, and nisP encode proteins for nisin processing and translocation; nisI,
nisF, nisE, and nisG encode immunity proteins (adapted from Kuipers et al., 1993; Mierau &
Kleerebezem, 2005).
E-Genetic organization of archaeocin gene cluster. Sulfolobicin is composed of SulA and SulB proteins,
encoded by sulA and sulB genes (adapted from Ellen et al., 2011).
The Gram-positive bacteriocins are more complicated genetically, with genes that encode
post-translational modification of the toxin. The genetic organization varies between the
Gram-positive bacteriocin classes as well such as the requirement of two peptides for the
full activation of Class II bacteriocins. An example is provided by the nisin gene cluster (Fig.
2D), which includes 11 genes (nisABTCIPRKFEG) encoding functions such as synthesis of
the nisin precursor (nisA), regulation of nisin biosynthesis (nisRK), the processing and
translocation of nisin (nisBCTP), and immunity (nisIFEG) (Kuipers et al., 1993; Mierau &
Kleerebezem, 2005).
The genetic organization of archaeocins is relatively unknown in comparison to other
bacteriocins. A recent study showed that sulfolobicin of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is comprised
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry

of two proteins, SulA and SulB, which are encoded by sulA and sulB genes, respectively (Fig.
2E). These two proteins are associated with membrane vesicles in the extracellular medium
(Ellen et al., 2011). The gene organization of archaeocins is also unique. Sun et al. (2005)
showed that the gene halC8 encoded both halocin C8 and its immunity protein HalI (Sun et
al., 2005). It differs from other bacteriocins in that typically separate genes encode
bacteriocin toxin and immunity proteins.
2.4 Bacteriocin biosynthesis
Bacteriocins are often produced under stress conditions, such as nutrient limitation and
overpopulation (Riley & Gordon, 1999). The biosynthesis of Gram-negative bacteriocins is
regulated by the host; often involving the SOS system. The SOS system is comprised of
RecA and LexA proteins. LexA is a transcriptional repressor, which binds to the bacteriocin
promoter and prevents its transcription. In stress conditions such as DNA damage and UV
exposure expression of the recA gene is induced. RecA binds to LexA and therefore prevents
the repression of bacteriocin expression (Cascales et al., 2007). The expression of colicin-like
S-pyocins and phage-tail like RF pyocins also depends on RecA, except these genes possess
a P-box in their promoter region instead of an SOS box (Nakayama et al., 2000; Sano et al.,
1993). Further, there is no LexA-dependent repression of bacteriocin expression. Activated
RecA cleaves the PtrR transcriptional repressor protein, which leads to expression of the
transcriptional activator ptrN gene. PtrN binds to the P-box and induces the expression of
the pyocin genes (Matsui et al., 1993; Michel-Briand & Baysse, 2002). Alternatively, Gram-
positive bacteria possess bacteriocin-specific biosynthesis pathways. For example, nisin
regulates its own biosynthesis in cell-density dependent conditions (Eijsink et al., 2002).
Finally, there is much less known about archaeocins. Regulation of their biosynthesis is still
under investigation.
3. Bacteriocins of marine bacteria
Bacteriocins produced by marine bacteria have generated a great deal of excitement due
primarily to their potential to serve as probiotics and antibiotics in the seafood industry
(Galvez et al., 2008; Garca et al., 2010; Pilet & Leroi, 2011). A recent antimicrobial screen of
258 bacterial strains isolated from water and sediment in the Yucatan peninsula revealed
that 46 strains belonging to the genera Aeromonas, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Photobacterium,
Pseudomonas, Serratia, and Stenotrophomonas possessed antimicrobial activity. Approximately
fifty percent of this antimicrobial activity was due to bacteriocins or BLIS (De la Rosa-Garcia
et al., 2007). Further, Wilson et al. (2000) investigated surface-attached bacteria isolated from
Sydney Harbor, Australia. He showed that approximately 10% of surface-attached marine
bacteria possess antibacterial activity. Proteinase K treatment showed that this inhibitory
activity was associated with proteinaceous substances such as bacteriocins or BLIS (Wilson
et al., 2010). Given the fact that bacteriocins and BLIS have been characterized in most
culturable bacterial species, it is tempting to speculate about the diversity of new substances
the marine environment will reveal.
The first bacteriocin isolated from marine microorganisms was detected in Vibrio harveyi
(formerly Beneckea harveyi). McCall and Sizemore (1979) screened a total of 795 Vibrio spp.
strains isolated from Galveston Island, Texas for bacteriocin production (McCall &
Sizemore, 1979). This study revealed that approximately 5% of the Vibrio spp. possessed a

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

high molecular weight bacteriocin-like killing agent. Further investigation revealed that the
source of the bacteriocin-like killing was a plasmid. It was also determined that the killing
range was limited to strains of B. harveyi. This bacteriocin was named harveyicin (McCall &
Sizemore, 1979).
In 1982, Hoyt and Sizemore investigated the chemical nature of harveyicin. They showed that it
is a proteinaceous substance, sensitive to protease, trypsin, and papain treatment, and resistant
to pepsin and lipase treatment. Furthermore, it is stable at room temperature and -20 C for
several weeks and several months, respectively. However, the protein did lose killing activity
after heat treatment at 55 C for 4 hours (Hoyt & Sizemore, 1982). Hoyt and Sizemore (1982)
also investigated the role of harveyicin in bacterial competition in enteric and planktonic
environments at various temperatures (4-39C), pHs (5-9.5), and salt concentrations (1.75%
and 3.5%). They also performed a competition assay on nonluminous bacteriocinogenic
(SYLum-) and luminous bacteriocin sensitive strains (SYcured) in equal concentrations (10
cells/ml). The ratio of harveyicin producer strain (SYLum-) to the harveyicin sensitive strain
(SYcured) peaked in an enteric environment (25 C, high salinity (3%), and alkaline pH (pH
9.5)). The harveyicin producer strain also outcompeted the harveyicin sensitive strain at an
acidic pH (pH 5.0) (Hoyt and Sizemore, 1982). Given the fact that the natural habitat of these
species is in the guts of fish (an acidic environment), bacteriocin production may serve as a
competitive advantage to the bacteriocin producer strain in this environment.
The identification of harveyicin led to numerous bacteriocin-screening studies in marine
bacteria, which focused primarily on biochemical characterization of bacteriocins and
bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (Bagenda et al., 2008; Bhugaloo-Vial et al., 1996;
Carraturo et al., 2006; Hosseini et al., 2009; Hoyt & Sizemore, 1982; Longeon et al., 2004; McCall
& Sizemore, 1979; Messi et al., 2003; Metivier et al., 1998; Moro et al., 1997; Nilsson et al., 2002;
Pinto et al., 2009; Pirzada et al., 2004; Prasad et al., 2005; Rajaram et al., 2010; Selvin et al., 2004;
Shehane & Sizemore, 2002; Stoffels et al., 1992; Sugita et al., 1997; Suzuki et al., 2005; Tahiri et
al., 2004; Valenzuela et al., 2010; Yamazaki et al., 2005; Zai et al., 2009). The majority of these
studies focused on the killing breadth of the producing strains due to their potential for use as
antimicrobials and probiotics. However, the authors generally did not further characterize the
identified bacteriocins/BLIS, although see Table 3 for rough classifications (Table 3).
The relatively few characterized marine bacteriocins are primarily isolated from
Carnobacterium species, which are ubiquitous, Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria isolated from
marine organisms (such as fish and marine sponges), from cold and temperate environments,
as well as from terrestrial environments including Canadian winter soil, permafrost ice,
composite piles, and horse manure (Leisner et al., 2007). C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum
(formerly known as C. piscicola) are the most-studied species from this genus.
Carnobacterium species can produce bacteriocins at low temperatures and high salt
concentrations (Buchanan & Bagi, 1997). Further, the bacteria survive in fish products and
have low acidifying capacity (Tahiri et al., 2009). Thus, these species have been the focus of
intense research due to their potential as probiotics (Leisner et al., 2007; Rihakova et al.,
2009). Piscicocin V1a, V1b, divercin V41, piscicocin CS526, divergicin M35, carnocin U149,
and carnobacteriocin B2 are some of the bacteriocins isolated from marine Carnobacterium
species (Table 3) (Bhugaloo-Vial et al., 1996; Duffes et al., 1999; Metivier et al., 1998; Stoffels
et al., 1992; Suzuki et al., 2005; Tahiri et al., 2004; Yamazaki et al., 2005). These bacteriocins
share similar characteristics with the Class II bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria.
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry


Table 3. Bacteriocin and BLIS activity characterized from marine bacteria (NA: Not available)

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Table 3. Continued
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry

BLIS from the marine environment are a relatively uncharacterized group of inhibitory
substances. While they may not be well characterized, they are abundant. Indeed, numerous
BLIS have been identified from marine species belonging to Vibrio, Aeromonas,
Carnobacterium, Lactococcus, Streptomyces, Pseudoalteromonas, Enterococcus, and Pediococcus
genera (Table 3) (Bagenda et al., 2008; Carraturo et al., 2006; Longeon et al., 2004; Messi et
al., 2003; Moro et al., 1997; Pinto et al., 2009; Pirzada et al., 2004; Prasad et al., 2005; Rajaram
et al., 2010; Satish Kumar & Arul, 2009; Selvin et al., 2004; Shehane & Sizemore, 2002; Sugita
et al., 1997; Valenzuela et al., 2010; Zai et al., 2009). These species are important in the
seafood industry and in human health.
The bacteriocins and BLIS isolated from marine microorganisms are diverse. However, they
do share common characteristics with bacteriocins from Bacteria and Archaea (Fig. 3). They
can be small peptides (5-10 kDa) like microcins of Gram-negative bacteria, microhalocins of
halobacteria, and class I and II bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria. They can also be
larger in size (10-90 kDa) like colicins and colicin-like bacteriocins of Gram-negative
bacteria. The majority of marine BLIS have been tested against a number of proteases
including trypsin, proteinase K, and pronase A, which are commonly used to identify
bacteriocin activity. Some have unique characteristics. For example, BLIS-IW1, BLIS-BC1,
and BC2 from Vibrio species possess a carbohydrate moiety while BLIS VIB 571 from
V. harveyi has a lipid moiety (Shehane & Sizemore, 2002). It is not clear if these moieties are

Fig. 3. Shared and unique characteristics of bacteriocins and BLIS from marine Bacteria with
bacteriocins of terrestrial Bacteria and Archaea

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

involved in BLIS activity. The mode of actions of these BLIS is unknown and their killing
ranges are variable; either narrow - like bacteriocins of Gram-negative bacteria - or quite
broad - like that observed in bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria (Bhugaloo-Vial et al.,
1996; Moro et al., 1997; Sugita et al., 1997; Suzuki et al., 2005; Yamazaki et al., 2005).
Further, the stability of BLIS activity varies. BLIS IW1 is inactive after cold storage at -70C;
like phage-tail-like bacteriocins. Others, such as BLIS-BC1, BLIS-BC2, and BLIS-400, are still
active after cold treatment, as is observed in colicin and colicin-like bacteriocins. Some BLIS
are also resistant to treatment with organic solvents. For example, BLIS-400 is resistant to
organic chemicals including ethanol, methanol, acetone, and chloroform (Carraturo et al.,
2006). This feature is similar to some bacteriocins isolated from Gram-positive bacteria and
Archaea (Carraturo et al., 2006). Finally, most BLIS from marine bacteria are produced
during the stationary phase of growth, similar to bacteriocins from Gram-positive bacteria
(Pinto et al., 2009; Tahiri et al., 2004).
4. Applications and implications of marine bacteriocins
The international seafood industry is one of the worlds most profitable commodities, worth
more than $75 billion per year (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[FAO], 2006). Fish and seafood are major proteins in some areas of the world. In 2006, of the
143 million tons of total fishery production (including fish, crustacean, and mollusks), 110
million tons was for direct human consumption (Pilet & Leroi, 2011). To meet this demand, we
have seen a marked rise in aquaculture (the farming of aquatic plants and animals) in the last
decade (FAO, 2006). Recently, there have also been dramatic changes in the seafood industry
due to technological advances, consumer habits, and globalization of the food market (Galvez
et al., 2008). In particular, there has been an increase in consumer preference for foods that are
minimally processed or preserved (especially those that claim health-promoting benefits).
Consumers are also demanding that these foods be fresh tasting and ready-to-eat (Galvez et
al., 2008). The demands on the industry to provide fresh, minimally preserved products in the
ever-growing globalized food market is requiring a longer and more complex food-chain and
increasing the risk of microbial contamination and spoilage (Garca et al., 2010).
4.1 Challenges in the seafood Industry: Spoilage and disease
With the expansion of the seafood industry and the rise in seafood consumption, spoilage
and disease in fish are the main challenges the industry faces (Gram & Dalgaard, 2002;
Toranzo et al., 2005). Microorganisms are the major cause of spoilage and diseases in the
seafood industry. It is estimated that nearly 25% of all the seafood produced is lost to
microbial spoilage (Baird-Parker, 2000). Microbes cause changes in the sensory properties of
the seafood (smell, taste, color), which make it less appealing and often dangerous to eat
(Gram & Dalgaard, 2002). Disease severely affects the production and trade of farmed
seafood, creating high economic impacts for many countries (Bondad-Reantaso et al., 2005).
4.2 Common microbial diseases in aquaculture
Fear of disease, as well as climate change, are acting as deterrents to aquaculture farming
(Bondad-Reantaso et al., 2005). It has been shown that bacteria exhibit greater pathogenesis
at higher temperatures, leading to greater and more virulent disease in aquaculture (Desriac
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry

et al., 2010). The bacterial microflora of fish can become pathogenic under stress conditions
such as sudden temperature changes, overcrowding, and poor water quality conditions and
thus can cause diseases in fish. Furunculosis, vibriosis, columnaris disease, streptococcosis,
pasteurellosis, fish tuberculosis, and enteric septicemia are common microbial diseases
observed in economically important aquaculture fish species. These diseases are
predominantly caused by Aeromonas, Vibrio, Cytophaga, Streptococcus, Pasteurella,
Mycobacterium, and Edwardsiella genera (Table 4).

Microorganism Hosts Diseases Antibiotic Treatment References
Salmonids, catfish,
carp, tilapia, trout,
perch, goby
Sulfadimethoxine and Ormetoprim
Oxytetracycline dihydrate
Noga, 2010
Salmonids, cod,
ayu, Japanese eels
Cold water vibriosis,
Hemorrhagic septicmia
Skin ulcers
Potentiated sulfonomides
Oxolinic acid
Noga, 2010
Toranzo et al., 2005
Salmonids, catfish,
tilapia, stripped
Columnaris disease
Oxytetracycline dihydrate
Noga, 2010
Stripped bass,
tilapia, turbot,
Atlantic Salmon
Noga, 2010
Toranzo et al., 2005
Pasteurella Yellow tail, seabass Pasteurellosis Oxytetracycline
Noga, 2010
Toranzo et al., 2005
Striped bass,
seabass, Atlantic
Fish tuberculosis
Erythromycin thiocyanate
Noga, 2010
Jacobs et al., 2009
Edwardsiella Channel catfish
Enteric septicemia
Fish gangrene
Sulfadimethoxine and Ormetoprim
Noga, 2010
Mohanty & Shaoo, 2007

Table 4. Fish pathogens, corresponding diseases, and antibiotic treatment regimens
Furunculosis (skin infection) and motile Aeromonas septicemia (MAS) are two major fish
diseases caused by Aeromonas species (Noga, 2010). Nonmotile, psychrophilic Aeromonas
salmonicida is the causative agent of furunculosis in salmonids (O'Brien et al., 1994). Besides
furunculosis in salmonids, it causes erythrodermatitis in carp and ulcers in trout (Noga,
2010). Furthermore, motile mesophilic Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas veronii are the
causative agents of MAS in carp, tilapia, perch, catfish, and salmon. They also cause ulcer
disease in catfish, cod, carp, and goby (Noga, 2010).
Vibrio species cause systemic infections in fish (Vibriosis). The common symptoms are loss of
appetite and skin ulcers, which are associated with septicemia. Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio
salmonicida are the causative agents of vibriosis and cold water vibriosis in salmon and cod,
respectively (Colwell & Grimes, 1984). Further, Vibrio vulnificus causes hemorrhagic septicemia
in Japanese eels and V. damsela causes skin ulcers (Toranzo et al., 2005).
Columnaris disease affects the skin and gills of freshwater fish including salmonids, catfish,
striped bass, and tilapia (Noga, 2010). Infection causes degradation of the cartilage tissue,
the major cause of death. Cytophaga columnaris as well as Bacillus columnaris, Flexibacter
columnaris, and Flavobacterium columnare are the causative agents of columnaris disease
(Noga, 2010).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Streptococcosis is a fish disease caused by Streptococcus species. Some of the clinical
symptoms of streptococcosis are anorexia, loss of orientation, erratic swimming, lethargy,
and hemorrhaging (Noga, 2010). Streptococcus iniae is the causative agent of streptococcosis
in at least 27 species of farmed finfish. The worldwide impact of streptococcosis was
estimated globally to be around $100 million (USD) (Agnew &Barnes, 2007).
Pasteurellosis (pseudotuberculosis) is one of the most important diseases in Japanese
aquaculture affecting commercial yellowtail, ayu, black sea bream, red sea bream, and
hybrid striped seabass (Noga, 2010). Pasteurella piscidium is the causative agent of this
disease (Romalde, 2002). Hemorrhaging around the gills and lesions in the skin, liver, and
kidneys are common symptoms in acute and chronic forms of this disease (Noga, 2010).
Mycobacteriosis (or fish tuberculosis) can be observed in nearly 200 species including
salmonids, seabass, turbo, cod, and halibut (Noga, 2010). Mycobacterium marinum is the most
common Mycobacterium species causing tuberculosis. Greyish-white nodules in the spleen,
liver, and kidney, and hemorrhagic lesions are among the symptoms of this disease (Jacobs
et al., 2009).
Edwardsiellosis (emphysematous putrefactive disease) is commonly observed in carp,
tilapia, eel, catfish, salmon, and trout (Noga, 2010). Edwardsiella tarda and Edwardsiella
ictaluri are the main species causing Edwardsiellosis. Gas-filled lesions in the skeletal
musculature are the major clinical sign of this disease (Mohanty & Sahoo, 2007). Further,
Edwardsiella ictaluri is associated with enteric septicemia in channel catfish (Mohanty &
Sahoo, 2007)
4.3 Current practices in the seafood industry to combat spoilage and disease
The seafood industry employs numerous techniques to eliminate microorganisms from their
products. The oldest and still widely used form of seafood preservation is drying/salting.
Besides keeping the seafood chilled in cold-water or on ice, this is the most low-tech
preservation technique. There are many variations to this method such as wet-salting or
additional acidification, but most achieve the same results. In this method, the fish is dried
(with or without salt), which creates an environment devoid of vast nutrients (and possibly
with high salinity). This prevents most bacterial growth, but spoilage can still occur due to
filamentous fungi growth or insect infestation. Yeast is also able to grow in heavily wet-
salted fish (Gram & Dalgaard, 2002).
Other preservation methods include washing with disinfectants, including chlorinated
water, iodophores, salts, organic compounds, aldehydes, hydrogen peroxide, quaternary
ammonium compounds, and antiseptic dyes (Calo-Mata et al., 2007; Shao, 2001).
Disinfectants are mostly used to kill fungi and parasites. However, they may also select for
antibiotic resistance in bacteria (Murray et al., 1984). Seafood can also be marinated in an
acidic solution to prevent bacterial growth. Vacuum-packing and preservatives such as
sorbate and benzoate have also been employed to prevent microbial growth (Einarsson &
Lauzon, 1995; Gram & Dalgaard, 2002). Recently, complex solutions such as carbon-dioxide
packing, spray-drying of antimicrobials, and radiofrequency heating have been applied to
fight these ever-present problems of spoilage and contamination (Calo-Mata et al., 2007;
Galvez et al., 2007; Gram & Dalgaard, 2002).
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry

The use of vaccines and antibiotics in aquaculture is aimed at preventing the initial
colonization by microorganisms. The means of administration of these prophylactics is
simple, they are either added to the water or feed, or given by injection (Shao, 2001). A large
body of research in the 1970s resulted in vaccines against numerous seafood pathogens,
primarily species of Vibrio (Shao, 2001). Although vaccines are effective (and cost-effective),
there are still no vaccines against shrimp and mollusc pathogens (Subasinghe, 2009).
An alternative to vaccination is the use of antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections.
Tetracycline has become one of the most popular antibiotics in aquaculture due to its low-
cost, low-toxicity, and high efficacy. Further, florfenicol, sulfadimethoxine/ormetoprim,
oxytetracycline, and sulfonamides, are used to treat common bacterial infections (Table 4).
However, the rampant use of antimicrobials in this industry has created massive selective
pressure for bacteria to develop resistance (World Health Organization [WHO], Fact sheet
194). While these drugs are effective in killing bacteria, they also play a much more
nefarious role in aquaculture. Antibiotics have varying half-lives, meaning they degrade at
different rates. Some antibiotics degrade slowly and thus proliferate in the aquatic
environment (Cabello, 2006). Worse still, the drugs flow into open waterways, sewage
systems, sediments, and can even remain in the flesh of the farmed seafood (Benbrook, 2002;
Cabello, 2006). These antibiotics continue to impose selective pressures leading to resistance
until they are eventually degraded. This resistance is not only seen in the bacteria that
inhabit the seafood produced in antibiotic-using aquaculture facilities, but in the animals
neighboring the facilities as well (Benbrook, 2002). It has also been shown that these
resistant bacteria are able to horizontally transfer their resistance-conferring genes to other
human pathogens (Benbrook, 2002). For these reasons, governing agencies, such as the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), strictly
regulate the use of antibiotics in aquaculture.
Due to the problems associated with antibiotic use, the seafood industry is exploring the use
of probiotics to promote the growth of healthy microflora in the seafood that can combat
infecting pathogens. Probiotics are live microbial feed supplements that beneficially affect
the host animal by improving its intestinal health (Fuller, 1989). While this definition needs
a bit of tweaking to fit the seafood industry, it does still apply.
One area of active research in seafood aquaculture is the utilization of bacteriocins as
antimicrobials. Bacteriocins have a long history of use in dairy or meat applications and
there is an increasing number of studies on the effect of bacteriocins as antimicrobials in the
seafood industry (Table 5) (Aasen et al., 2003; Al-Holy et al., 2004; Budu-Amoako et al., 1999;
Einarsson & Lauzon, 1995; Elotmani & Assobhei, 2004; Luders et al., 2003; Neetoo et al.,
2008; Nilsson et al., 1997; Nykanen et al., 2000; Szabo &Cahill, 1999; Tahiri et al., 2009;
Tsironi & Taoukis, 2010; Zuckerman & Ben Avraham, 2002). These studies have focused
largely on the effects of nisin, a Gram-positive bacteriocin that has been generally
recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA. Early studies of nisin indicated that it delayed
growth of L. monocytogenes in cold-smoked salmon. Later research revealed that the addition
of CO
atmospheric packing significantly increased the effectiveness of nisin against Listeria
(Nilsson et al., 1997).
There has also been encouraging research into nisin-coated packaging. Neetoo et al. (2008)
investigated the effect of nisin-coated plastic films on the survival of L. monocytogenes on
vacuum-packed cold smoked salmon. This study showed that nisin-coated plastic films

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Bacteriocin Target Seafood product Reference
Bavaricin A Extended shelf-life Shrimp Einarsson et al., 1995
Carnocin U149 Extended shelf-life Shrimp Einarsson et al., 1995
Divergicin M35 L. moncytogenes Salmon Tahiri et al., 2009
Nisin L. moncytogenes Salmon Nilsson et al., 1997
Nisin L. moncytogenes Salmon Nilsson et al., 1997
Nisin L. moncytogenes Salmon Szabo and Cahill, 1999
Nisin L. moncytogenes Salmon Neetoo et al., 2008
Nisin L. moncytogenes Salmon Zuckerman and Ben Avraham, 2002
Nisin L. moncytogenes Trout Nykanen et al., 2000
Nisin L. moncytogenes Lobster Budu-Amoako et al., 1999
Nisin L. innocua Caviar and ikura Al-Holy et al., 2004
Nisin Aerobic bacteria Salmon Zuckerman and Ben Avraham, 2002
Nisin Bacterial flora Sardines Elotmani et al., 2004
Nisin Extended shelf-life Fish Tsironi and Taoukis, 2010
Nisin Z Extended shelf-life Shrimp Einarsson et al., 1995
Pediocin L. moncytogenes Salmon Szabo and Cahill, 1999
Sakacin P L. moncytogenes Salmon Aasen et al., 2003
Sakacin P E. coli Salmon Luders et al., 2003

Table 5. Examples of bacteriocin trials in seafood products (Adapted from Galvez et al.
reduced the number of L. monocytogenes by 3.9 log CFU/cm
at 4
C and 10
C after 56 and
49 days of incubation, respectively. Further, this study also showed that nisin-coated plastic
films suppressed the growth of other aerobic and anaerobic spoilage microorganisms in a
concentration-dependent manner (Neetoo et al., 2008).
The combination of nisin with heat has also been shown as an effective method to prevent L.
monocytogenes contamination. Budu-Amoako et al. (1999) applied nisin along with moderate
heating on cold-packed lobster and showed a reduction of L. monocytogenes by 3-5 logs in
comparison to nisin and/or heat treatment alone (Budu-Amoako et al., 1999). Further, Al-
Holy et al. (2004) used a radio-frequency heating method to apply heat treatment in
conjunction with nisin. The combination of nisin and radio-frequency heating caused
reduction of L. innocua by 100% (Al-Holy et al., 2004). With an industry moving away from
traditional preservation techniques, bacteriocins (such as nisin) offer a promising alternative
as antimicrobials in the seafood industry.
4.4 Bacteriocin potential in the seafood industry
There are a number of factors that play a significant role in the potential to use bacteriocins
as probiotics and/or bio-preservatives in the seafood industry. The natural microbiota of the
seafood needs to continue to be surveyed for its sensitivity to bacteriocins. This information
should be incorporated into the guidelines for bacteriocin use in order to use these proteins
prudently against relevant pathogens. The environmental conditions, such as pH and
temperature, during seafood growth and processing could also affect the activity of applied
bacteriocins and requires further investigation (Galvez et al., 2007).
Bacteriocins of Aquatic Microorganisms and
Their Potential Applications in the Seafood Industry

Despite these factors, research on aquatic microorganisms has shown that bacteriocin
production and diversity in aquatic environment is abundant (Bagenda et al., 2008;
Bhugaloo-Vial et al., 1996; Carraturo et al., 2006; Hosseini et al., 2009; Hoyt & Sizemore,
1982; Longeon et al., 2004; McCall & Sizemore, 1979; Messi et al., 2003; Metivier et al., 1998;
Moro et al., 1997; Nilsson et al., 2002; Pinto et al., 2009; Pirzada et al., 2004; Prasad et al.,
2005; Rajaram et al., 2010; Selvin et al., 2004; Shehane & Sizemore, 2002; Stoffels et al., 1992;
Sugita et al., 1997; Suzuki et al., 2005; Tahiri et al., 2004; Valenzuela et al., 2010; Yamazaki et
al., 2005; Zai et al., 2009). Bacteriocins have numerous qualities that make them attractive as
alternatives to antibiotics. They have been shown to be non-toxic to eukaryotic cells and are
GRAS, making them a safe alternative to traditional antimicrobials (Galvez et al., 2008). It
has also been shown that purified bacteriocins do not effect the sensory qualities of seafood
and that they are stable up to a salinity concentration of 10%. Additionally, the relatively
narrow killing spectrum of bacteriocins compared to traditional antibiotics limits the
selective pressure for bacteria to evolve resistance to these antimicrobials and thus reduces
the incidence of drug-resistant pathogens.
Because of the above stated reasons, some have suggested that bacteriocins should be
applied to foods by spray-drying as either dried bacteriocins or probiotic bacteriocinogenic
strains (Calo-Mata et al., 2007; Galvez et al., 2007). For example, Brillet et al. (2005) has
shown that bacteriocin producer Carnobacterium divergens V41 can be used as a
biopreservative to inhibit the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in cold smoked salmon (Brillet
et al., 2005). This study showed that spray application of C. divergens V41 on commercial
smoked salmon did not affect the sensory qualities of the salmon (Brillet et al., 2005).
Additionally, Schobitz et al. (1999) directly applied a BLIS from Carnobacterium piscicola into
vacuum-packed meat, which inhibited the growth of L. monocytogenes in the vacuum-packed
meat after 14 days of storage at 4
C (Schobitz et al., 1999). These studies aid in the argument
that bacteriocins should be used as a biopreservation technique in the seafood industry. This
technology has already emerged in the terrestrial food industry as we see with nisin (an
FDA approved food additive) and Microgard
(a milk-based BLIS).
It has also been suggested that bacteriocins could be combined with current methods of
antimicrobial treatment and preservation to produce synergistic effects, such as
incorporating bacteriocins into bio-active packaging (Calo-Mata et al., 2007; Galvez et al.,
2007; Pilet & Leroi, 2011). For example, bacteriocins can be impregnated into gel coatings
and/or polyethylene films and can be applied to seafood during packaging (Neetoo et al.,
2008). The application of bacteriocins on packaged seafood is steadily being seen as a very
promising biopreservation method (Aasen et al., 2003; Al-Holy et al., 2004; Budu-Amoako et
al., 1999; Einarsson & Lauzon, 1995; Elotmani & Assobhei, 2004; Luders et al., 2003; Neetoo
et al., 2008; Nilsson et al., 1997; Nykanen et al., 2000; Szabo &Cahill, 1999; Tahiri et al., 2009;
Tsironi & Taoukis, 2010; Zuckerman & Ben Avraham, 2002). In fact, immobilization of
bacteriocins on coating materials for biopreservation may actually reduce the cost of
packaging due to the reduced amount and cost of the antibacterial needed to attach to the
film (Galvez et al., 2008). Creating combinations of bacteriocins and current methods used in
the seafood industry has the potential to increase the guarantee of freshness by assuring the
inhibition of spoilage causing microorganisms.
One trouble that the industry was having was the scale-up of these bacteriocins to levels that
were high enough for use in pilot studies and/or on the industrial scale. However, there is

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

technology in the pipeline that will make this an issue of the past (Galvez et al., 2008). As the
exploration of the aquatic environments of our planet increases, we are sure to find new and
exciting bacteriocins, which could play a vital role in antimicrobial effects and
biopreservation in the seafood industry.
5. Conclusions and future research
Bacteriocins have been the focus of an extensive number of studies for the past sixty years
due to their important role in nature and more recently, their potential for use as
therapeutics and probiotics. Most studies of bacteriocins initially focused on phenotypic and
molecular characterization of these toxins. However, due to their high potency and
relatively narrow killing spectrum, they were quickly recognized as a natural alternative to
Knowledge regarding bacteriocins and their potential applications from terrestrial bacteria
is vast. Gram-negative bacteriocins such as colicins and microcins of enteric bacteria and
pyocins of P. aeruginosa have great promise in human and veterinary medicine. In addition,
Gram-positive bacteriocins such as nisin, pediocin, and lacticin have been developed for use
as food preservatives.
The focus of this chapter was to explore the bacteriocin and BLIS activity characterized from
marine microorganisms and assess their potential applications in aquaculture. The
bacteriocins and BLIS from marine microorganisms are under-studied relative to their
terrestrial counterparts. Thus far, most studies are limited to the identification of BLIS
activity and characterization of its killing breadth. Some studies have further characterized
these proteinecous killing agents and classified them based on similarities to known
bacteriocins. However, the abundance and diversity of bacteriocins in marine
microorganisms remains to be fully explored. We predict that a wealth of interesting
bacteriocin proteins can be easily identified as the screening efforts proceed.
Further, there is increased interest in the use of bacteriocins as alternatives to classical
antibiotics in aquaculture. Bacteriocins are highly potent against marine pathogens and
environmentally safe, due to the fact that they do not create intensive selection pressures for
antibiotic resistance. Clearly, bacteriocins could prove extremely beneficial to the seafood
industry and more research should be dedicated to exploring their potential applications as
probiotics and therapeutics. Given the fact that all species of bacteria have the potential to
produce bacteriocins, and only a handful have thus far been identified from marine
microorganisms, we are confident that existing studies have exposed only the tip of the
iceberg, in terms of bacteriocin diversity and potential use in the seafood industry.
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The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities
Elisabeth Ytteborg
, Jacob Torgersen
Grete Baeverfjord
and Harald Takle

Nofima AS, Norwegian Institute of Food,
Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
AVS Chile S.A.
1. Introduction
Stagnating fish stocks and a growing population demanding for aquatic food products have
been the major driving forces behind the rapid increase in aquaculture production.
Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) estimates that 650 000 tons of fish
are farmed in the EU annually (compared to 60 000 tons in 1970). Within Europe as a whole,
the total production is more than 1.6 million tons (FEAP, 2009). Norway is a major
contributor to Europe's aquaculture sector with over 860 000 tons of Atlantic salmon (Salmo
salar) and trout produced each year, a production that has been more than doubled the last
ten years (Directorates of fisheries, Norway 2009). Forecasts predict that production will
need to increase for decades to come if demands are to be met (Brugere & Ridler 2004). To
keep up with the growing demand, the aquaculture industry is constantly searching for new
strategies to improve the rearing conditions and reduce production time and cost. However,
as a relatively new industry, and as a consequence of intensified production regimes, the
aquaculture sector faces growth constraints.
Farmed salmon is bred for rapid growth, and the industry aim at obtaining the optimal
growth rate by optimizing both diets and environmental factors accordingly. However,
intensive rearing conditions are linked to increased occurrence of production related
diseases and malformations. Elevated temperature during the fresh water period was
commonly used in the 90`ies to speed up developmental rate. An increasing number of fish
developing manufacturing defects, such as skeletal abnormalities (figure 1), heart failure
and jaw deformities was observed. Recommendations limiting temperatures to safe levels,
8C during egg rearing and 12C after fist feeding, led to substantial reductions in skeletal
malformations (Baeverfjord et al., 1999). However, in the last few years, the start feeding
temperature has been increased again, due to the stakeholders demand for reduced
production time. Further, the growing need of replacing fish meal in commercial fish feeds
have come into focus and deformities related to feed ingredient replacements, malnutrition
and mineral deficiency are investigated.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Fig. 1. Deformed (top) and non-deformed Atlantic salmon and corresponding radiographic
pictures. Photo: Grete Baeverford, Nofima.
In the present situation, fast growth in combination with unpredictable and potentially low
bioavailability of nutrients is considered the main challenge for adequate skeletal
development. Suboptimal supply of minerals (phosphorous, magnesium, zinc) and
nutritional imbalances of fatty acids, vitamins (A, C and D) and amino acids are considered
the main challenges in regard to skeletal malformations. The challenges related to
bioavailability are further amplified with the introduction of vegetable meals, some of
which are rich in antinutrients (e.g. phytic acid) that may further impair absorption. It is
therefore important to completely understand the molecular and cellular events in bone
development in salmon in order to deal with upcoming questions
Most of the knowledge currently available on cellular mechanisms for bone development is
adopted from studies using mammalian species. However, information from teleosts, like
zebrafish (Danio rerio), sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), sea bream (Sparus aurata) and Atlantic
salmon and related in vitro studies, is emerging. Molecular tools like in situ hybridization,
microarray, real time quantitative PCR, immunohistochemistry and cell culture systems
have allowed researchers working with teleosts to do more comparative and functional
studies. Also, transgenic model organisms, such as zebrafish, and in vitro transfection with
reporter gene constructs are now being more common and will provide valuable
information on processes involved in bone metabolism. Relevant examples include studies
on gene expression of several bone and cartilage associated marker genes, such as bone
morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) (Rafael et al., 2006), osteocalcin (Wargelius et al., 2009;
Ytteborg et al.,2010b), osteopontin (Fonseca et al., 2007), vitamin D receptor (Lock et al.,
2009), parahyroid related hormone (Flanagan et al., 2000) and proteoglycans (Pedersen et al
2010;Conceio et al., 2008). The Sea bream vertebrae cell lines described by Braga et al.
(2006) as well as two reports on zebrafish (DeLaurier et al., 2010; Kimmel et al., 2010) show
the possibilities with fluorescent reporter gene constructs in bone research. The work
developed during the last few years has provided clear evidence that fish can be adequate
supplementary model systems to study bone and cartilage biology. Teleosts have been
successfully used to analyze molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in different
developmental pathways and revealed that the key genetic factors regulating lineage
determination and differentiation of stem cells are conserved among vertebrates at the
molecular level in both sequence and expression pattern (Kikuta et al., 2007; Shafizadeh et
al., 2004; Nakashima et al., 2003; Aubin, 1998; Pinto et al., 2001; Renn et al., 2006; Wise et al.,
2006; Ytteborg et al., 2010a). Due to the similar physiologic pathways and genetic
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities

background of fish and mammals, this alternative system is also an interesting model to
unveil some of the molecular determinants of human bone related diseases and
malformations, like osteogenesis imperfecta, degenerated disc disease, persistent
notochordal canal and scoliosis (Gorman and Breden, 2007;Nissen et al., 2006;Fisher et al.,
2003). A number of animal models have been used to explore the pathology of spinal
deformities and revealed that vertebral pathology presents a complex but comparable cross
species etiology. With regard to complex disorders in humans, multiple models are critical
for the investigation and manipulation of etiological factors.
Fish systems could be of benefit to vertebral research because they exhibit a diverse range of
deformities, are free from skeletal appendicles and substantial genomic resources have been
developed for several species. Skeletal deformities in commercial salmon production have
been recognized as a problem of obvious relevance to economy as well as animal welfare.
Much effort has been put into understanding malformed development of Atlantic salmon
vertebrae during the years due to the importance of this organism to the aquaculture
industry. As a consequence, Atlantic salmon is emerging as an excellent model to study
vertebral deformities and other relevant vertebral pathological states. In this review the
current knowledge on the cellular and molecular mechanisms for skeletal homeostasis in the
mature Atlantic salmon vertebrae is discussed. Further, the cellular mechanisms for
differentiation and activation of osteoblasts and chondrocytes are described in relation to
pathways for pathological development and discussed in the light of related pathological
conditions in mammalian species.
2. Cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling bone formation
Bone formation basically occur via two mechanisms in both mammals and teleosts:
mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) either differentiate directly into bone producing osteoblasts
(intramembranous ossification) or by first forming a cartilaginous template secreted by
chondrocytes which is later replaced by bone (endochondral ossification) (Erlebacher et al.,
1995). However, similarities and differences in tissue structure between teleost and
mammalian bone have been described (Witten et al., 2009; Huysseune et al., 2000). In
general, fish possess rather few long bones with growth plate-like arrangements exhibiting
typical endochondral bone formation as seen in mammals. In the Atlantic salmon vertebrae,
compact bone of the amphicoel and trabeculae is formed directly through intramembranous
ossification, whereas the arch centra are modelled through endochondral ossification. Both
mechanisms lead to the formation of mineralized extracellular matrix (ECM), consisting of
fibers, mainly collagen embedded in a matrix of proteoglycans (PGs) and proteins. An
overview of the two different processes in the Atlantic salmon vertebra is shown in figure 2a
and b.
2.1 Linage determination and cellular differentiation
The cellular lineage determination and differentiation of osteoblasts and chondrocytes from
the MSC lineage are determined by a number of transcription factors, regulatory
mechanisms, environmental conditions and mineral availability. The pathways are
interconnected during vertebral formation and must be coordinated. In particular, the
transcription factors Runx2, Osterix, Sox9, Twist and Mef2c have distinct functions both in
the establishment of the vertebral bodies and later in the differentiation and maturation of

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Fig. 2a. Overview of the intramembraneous and endochondral ossification in the Atlantic
salmon vertebra. See the text below for details.

Fig. 2b. Bone and cartilage in the Atlantic salmon vertebra. Both endochondral and
intramembraneous ossification leads to mineralized bone formation (red Alizarin red S
staining of bone in the centra and arches; blue Toluidine blue staining of cartilage in the
arches). See text below for further details on bone and cartilage formation. Vertebrae from
15g fish, scale bar= 200 m
specific skeletal cell types (Karsenty et al., 2009). Similarly, signaling molecules like bone
morphogenetic proteins (Bmp2 and Bmp4) and hedgehog proteins (Ihh and Shh) play
different roles both during cell differentiation and skeletal tissue ontogeny (Karp et al., 2000;
Hogan et al., 1996; Spinella-Jaegle et al., 2001). Important signalling pathways that induce
transcription of matrix producing and mineralizing genes in osteoblasts and chondrocytes
include the downstream targets of Bmps; Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) the
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities

zinc finger containing transcription factor Osterix and Sex determining region Y box 9
(Sox9). Whereas Runx2 and Osterix activates genes in the osteoblastic lineage (Karsenty et
al., 1999; Otto et al., 1997; Nakashima et al., 2002), Sox9 regulates transcription of
chondrocytic genes (Bell et al., 1997).
The differentiation of MSC into mature osteoblasts involves several phases, which may be
divided into three subsequent stages; commitment, extracellular matrix production and
mineralization. Estrogen and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D
are among the hormones shown to
increase osteogenic differentiation via up-regulation of osteogenic growth factors, such as
BMP2. Among the many transcription factors expressed early in osteogenesis, runx2 is
noteworthy because it is required for bone formation and is an important early indicator of
osteogenic capacity of cells. Downstream targets of Runx2 and Osterix include genes
encoding both collagenous (e.g. Collagen 1 and 1) and non-collagenous (e.g. Osteopontin,
Osteocalcin, Osteonectin, Bone sialoprotein and Alp) proteins, which make osteoblasts
capable of producing and mineralizing bone matrix (osteoid). In both teleosts and
mammalian MSCs, alkaline phosphatase (Alp), col1a and osteopontin serve as useful
markers of early osteogenesis and the expression of these genes usually increases
throughout maturation. Col1 is the major structural component of bone, whereas the non-
collagenous proteins binds inorganic minerals and are involved in the mineralization
process (Cowles et al., 1998; Ikeda et al., 1992; Bolander et al., 1988; Termine et al., 1981).
Upon maturation, osteoblasts start secreting osteoid and mineralizing components, leading
to direct formation of bone via the intramembraneous ossification pathway. The key
markers involved in osteogenesis are shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Osteoblast differentiation, maturation and key factors involved. After commitment to
the osteoblast lineage, matrix deposition starts. Mature osteoblasts are responsible for both
osteoid production and mineralization. See text for details.
The chondrocytes undergo a more synchronized process of proliferation, differentiation and
maturation so that three pronounced zones can be identified in the growing cartilage:
resting, proliferating and hypertrophic zones (Hunziker et al., 1994). Chondrocytes in the
resting zone are irregularly scattered in cartilage matrix, whereas chondrocytes in the
proliferating and hypertrophic zones are arranged in columns. The chondrocytes in the
resting zone serves as stem-like cells in the growth plate, stimulated by e.g. growth hormone
(GH) and insulin like growth factor (IGF). The proliferating zone is the region for active cell

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

replication and chondrocytes in this zone are mostly devoted to cell cycle processes.
Chondrocyte hypertrophy is the final step of chondrocyte maturation, regulated by the
transcription factors Myocyte enhancer factor 2c (Mef2c) and Runx2 (Arnold et al., 2007;
Kim et al., 1999). Parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP) and Ihh appear to play
important roles in proliferating chondrocytes by maintaining cells in a proliferative
condition, hence preventing chondrocyte hypertrophy. After commitment to the
hypertrophic state, chondrocytes start expressing Col10 (Ytteborg et al., 2010b; Arnold et al.,
2007), a unique component of the matrix produced by hypertrophic cells and extensively
used as a marker for chondrocyte hypertrophy (Iyama et al., 1991). Once hypertrophy is
reached, endochondral ossification can be initiated (Mackie et al., 2008). Hypertrophic
chondrocytes induce angiogenesis by secreting angiogenetic factors, such as the Matrix
metalloproteinases (Mmps) and Vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF) so that
osteoblasts and osteoclasts may enter via newly formed blood vessels (Blavier et al., 1995).
The key markers involved in chondrogenesis are shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Chondrocytic differentiation, maturation and key factors involved. Resting,
proliferating and hypertrophic chondrocytes are clearly visible as zones in the growth plate.
See text for details.
Osteoclasts are cells involved in removing damaged bone, repair mechanisms, mineral
homeostasis and replacement of cartilage with bone, both in mammals (review in Boyle et
al., 2003) and teleosts (reviewed in Witten et al., 2009). Osteoclasts provide an acidic
environment where mineralized matrix may be dissolved through secretion of cathepsins,
mmps and tartrate resistante acid phosphatase (TRAP) (Delaisse et al., 2003; Motyckova et
al., 2001; Ortega et al., 2003; Engsig et al., 2000). As in mammals, osteoclasts in Atlantic
salmon are multinucleated and the mechanisms involved in activation and differentiation of
osteoclasts are conserved (review in Witten et al., 2009). Mononuclear cells respond to

colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) produced by nearby stromal

cells and
osteoblasts, through activation of c-fms, the receptor for M-CSF (Wiktorjedrzejczak et al.,
1990; Yoshida et al., 1990). The other signaling system essential

for osteoclast differentiation
is triggered when receptor

activator of nuclear factor kappa () B ligand (RANKL), a
member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family, activates its receptor RANK (reviewed in
Collin-Osdoy et al., 2004). Among the downstream genes of RANKL are genes directly
ivolved osteoclast function (e.g. TRAP and Cathepsin K). The key markers involved in
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities

osteoclastogenesis are shown in Figure 5. In addition, mononucleated osteoclasts are also
found in both mammals and teleosts and are considered to participate in minor, fine tuning
bone resorption (Witten et al., 2009). However, since teleost lack haemapoietic tissue in bone
marrow, the question of the origin of these cells remains unknown. In the vertebrae of
Atlantic salmon, multinucleated osteoclasts have been identified in the arch centra and
trabeculae but not in the compact bone of the amphicoel (Witten et al., 2009).

Fig. 5. Osteoclast differentiation, maturation and key factors involved. Fully mature
osteoclasts are able to dissolve bone. See text for details.
2.2 Matrix mineralization
Skeletal formation and growth occurs as a result of mineralization of ECM. A time lag where
collagen synthesis decreases and mineralization increase appears to be required for allowing
modifications of the osteoid so that it is able to support mineralization and hydroxyapatite
) formation (Hernandez et al., 2000). Mineralization of both bone and
cartilage occurs by deposition of inorganic hydroxyapatite crystals inthe ECM. This process
has not yet been described in teleosts. In mammals, the initiating step of hydroxyapatite
formation occurs in ECM vesicles secreted from mature osteoblasts (Anderson et al., 2005,
1996, 1995). These vesicles create an environment where deposition of minerals (mainly Ca

and P
) occurs and hydroxyapatite is produced, a process involving proteins like Annexins
and Alp (Balcerzak et al., 2003; Kirsch et al., 2005). The attachment of the vesicles to bone is
not well understood, but Alp and Annexin in the vesicle membrane are reported to anchor
to collagen fibrils (Wu et al., 1991). Vesicle formation is followed by the linking of
hydroxyapatite crystals to ECM components (Balcerzak et al., 2003) using the Ca
hydroxyapatite binding properties of Osteonectin, Osteopontin, Osteocalcin and Bone
sialoprotein (Hoffmann et al., 1996; Pinto et al., 2001; Furie et al., 1991). Hypertrophic
chondrocytes are also capable of initiating calcification processes by releasing similar matrix
vesicles as osteoblasts and it has been suggested that hypertrophic chondrocytes may
participate actively in bone formation (Anderson et al., 1975; Kirsch et al., 1997). Moreover,
hypertrophic chondrocytes from both mammals and teleosts express genes like osteocalcin,
osteonectin and alp (Ytteborg et al., 2010b; Ishizeki et al., 1996; Lian et al., 1993). Cancedda et
al. (1992) showed that hypertrophic chondrocytes from chicken can be induced to obtain a
strictly osteoblastic phenotype in vitro. These findings are supported by Yasui et al. (1997)

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

who suggested that hypertrophic chondrocytes are able to trans-differentiate into
osteoblasts and produce bone through a process called trans-chondroid ossification. More
than 10 different forms of cartilage and several other tissues with histological characteristics
between bone and cartilage have so far been identified in fish (Huysseune et al., 1986;
Huysseune et al., 1990). This makes bone studies in Atlantic salmon more complicated, as
strict lines between cell types and distinct borders between tissue structures are difficult to
define. However, intermediate tissue is instructive due to the many molecular pathways
and cellular adaptations during pathological development and normal growth.
3. Pipeline for studying vertebral development
Bone deformities in Atlantic salmon are a complex problem, which may have diverse causes,
acting either one by one or in combination, hence, a number of different tools are important
to establish in order to cover different mechanisms involved in their development. The
pipeline for studying bone development in teleosts is shown in figure 6. In vertebrates, both
bone and cartilaginous structures coexist during development of the vertebral column and
both tissues are built up mainly of the organic ECM. Cartilage and bone cellular activity
largely depends on the interaction with ECM components. ECM components regulate cell
growth and differentiation by interacting with growth factors and enzymes, provide the
tissue with mechanical strength and resilience and constitute the template for mineralization
during development of the vertebral column. The composition and structure of molecules in
the ECM are shown to play pivotal roles in bone formation and changes therein may result
in deformities in the spine of both mammals and teleosts (Pedersen et al., 2010).
Radiography, or the use of X-rays for analysis, is the preferred method for fish skeletal
deformity diagnostics. X-rays have enough energy to penetrate soft tissues, but not bone
and other hard substances. Moreover radiography thus allows the creation of a negative
image of the skeletal structures of the fish, which allows the evaluation of calcification level
and for identification of pathology in the bones, without cutting into or even killing the fish.
However, fish radiography has its limits and it is difficult to diagnose fish before the
deformity has developed. More sensitive techniques are therefore necessary. So far in vivo
trials with Atlantic salmon using different temperatures and light regimes, water speed for
studying the effect of training and feeding trials using custom-made feeds for studying
mineral and vitamin components has been applied for deformity studies. In addition to
radiography and measuring rate of development and growth, essential minerals have been
followed from uptake and secretion in the intestines using quantitative real time PCR, to
incorporation in the bone matrix using mineral analysis and Fourier Transform InfraRed
(FT-IR), histological staining techniques and screening techniques such as microarray.
Important pathways for cellular differentiation of bone and cartilage have been followed
using gene expressional tools, like quantitative real time PCR, in situ hybridization and
immunohistochemistry. In a recent puplication, (Ytteborg et al., 2010b), it was shown by
using molecular markers and gene transcription techniques, that fish susceptible for
developing vertebral fusions could be detected already at 2g size. Atlantic salmon in vitro
based systems are also developed, where cellular differentiation and lineage determination
can be studied in more controlled environments (Ytteborg et al, 2010a). Combining
radiography, histological staining techniques and molecular tools has led to a more
complete understanding of how normal and pathological bone formation in Atlantic
salmon progress and opens up for prospective advanced functional studies in
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities


Fig. 6. Pipeline for studying vertebral development.
commercial teleosts species. Importantly, management control of deformities and health in
general demands precise tools and knowledge to depict any problem as early as possible in
the production line. The reliable correlation between defined skeletal markers and the risk of
developing vertebral deformities has indicated that these genes can be developed as
prognostic markers and further be used to investigate how the progression of skeletogenesis
is modulated in response to other stimuli.
4. The teleost vertebra
The vertebral column is the defining feature of all vertebrates, composed of an alternating
pattern of vertebral bodies (centra) and intervertebral regions. While centra give support
and strength to the organism, intervertebral regions provide flexibility. The segmented
pattern of the spine is established during embryogenesis when the precursors of the
vertebrae, the somites, are formed (review in Brand-Saberi et al., 2000). The mature Atlantic
salmon vertebra consists of approximately 58 vertebral bodies with neural and heamal
arches protruding from the top and bottom of the centrum, respectively (Kacem et al., 1998).
Grotmol and co-workers (Grotmol et al., 2006, 2005, 2003) have previously described the
early development of the Atlantic salmon vertebrae in details. However, few studies have
defined the nutritional needs or described the functions needed to keep continuous growth,
remodelling and homeostasis in the mature vertebrae. An overview of the Atlantic salmon
vertebra features is shown in figure 7.
4.1 The intervertebral regions
The notochord is found in embryos of all chordates, being well conserved between species
as the forerunner of the spinal column. However, whereas only remnants of the notochord

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Fig. 7. Overview of the Atlantic salmon vertebra.
exist in the mammalian intervertebral disc (IVD) between adjacent vertebrae (Walmsley et
al., 2009), the notochord persists throughout all life stages and throughout the entire length
of the fully developed vertebral column in many teleosts, including Atlantic salmon. The
morphology and function of the notochord of the mature vertebrae has not been thoroughly
described. However, the layers and cell types found at early larval stages persist throughout
all life stages in the salmonides. Hence, the mature notochord of Atlantic salmon consists of
a core of chordocytes, a layer of chordoblasts, an acellular fibrous sheath and an outer elastic
membrane (Grotmol et al., 2006). The chordoblasts continue to divide throughout life in
accordance with sustained notochordal growth (Grotmol et al., 2006) and maturate into
chordocytes, containing large fluid filled vacuoles (Adams et al., 1990; Glickman et al., 2003;
Nordvik et al., 2005). The chordoblasts also produce the basal membrane and ECM
components of the notochordal sheath, which in both mammals and teleosts like Atlantic
salmon, has been shown to consist of mainly Col2 fibrils (Domowicz et al., 1995;Linsenma et
al., 1973; Sandell et al., 1994). In mammals, the remnants of the notochord, the chordoblasts
and their subsequent matrix, develop into the intervertebral discs (IVDs), which separate the
vertebral bodies. The annulus fibrosus (AF) surrounding the nucleus pulposus (NP) of
mammalian discs consists of overlapping collagen and elastin fibrils, forming transversing
bands crossing the joint in opposite directions, hence, stabilizing and supporting the
intervertebral regions. The NP consists of a fluid filled matrix which distributes the
hydraulic pressure in all directions within each disc under compressive loads. Similarly in
teleosts, the helical geometry shift between adjacent collagen lamella in the acellular
notochordal sheath restricts expansion of the vacuolated chordocytes (Grotmol et al., 2005;
Grotmol et al., 2006; Koehl et al., 2000). The elastic membrane surrounding the notochordal
sheath has a thickened structure in the intervertebral regions, further contributing to
increased strength in these regions. At more mature stages, the notochordal sheath consists
of folded structures (Ytteborg et al., 2010d), which may be the consequence of compressions
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities

of the notochordal sheath upon formation and mineralization of the centra. As the cross-
helical architecture of parallel Col2 fibrils probably is important for flexural stiffness of the
larval body during development (Grotmol et al., 2006) the folded pattern may contribute to
increased flexibility and normal functioning of the mature spinal column.
In addition to its structural role, the notochord secretes factors to surrounding tissues and
contributes to vertebral patterning during embryogenesis (Cleaver et al., 2001; Fleming et
al., 2004). The role of the notochord in patterning of the somites is known from several
studies from chicken, mouse and zebrafish, in which secretion of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) from
the notochord appears to be essential both for somite survival during the early
somitogenesis and for induction of the sclerotome during later somitogenesis (review in
Monsoro-Burq et al., 2005). In vertebrate species with limited growth, such as humans, the
notochord ceases its regulating role for vertebral development as part of the normal
ontogeny, followed by the transformation of notochordal tissue into cartilage (Hunter et al.,
2003; Oegema et al., 2002). In Atlantic salmon, however, the notochord should fulfil its
regulating role for vertebral body differentiation throughout life, since salmon and other
fish species do not stop growing. Immunohistochemistry with the proteoglycan component
Perlecan has revealed that this protein is abundantly present in the notochordal sheath of
Atlantic salmon (Ytteborg et al., 2010d). Perlecan has structural roles in mammalian cartilage
and IVD (Sivan et al., 2006) and is important for proper establishment of basement
membranes in different vertebrates including teleosts (Parsons et al., 2002; Aviezer et al.,
1994). An interesting aspect of Perlecan is its link to nutritional transportation over the
notochordal sheath. Parsons et al. (2002) have previous suggested similarities between the
structural role of the teleost notochordal sheath and the mammalian glomerular kidney
membrane (GBM). GBM is an important part of the filtration machinery in the kidneys and
involved in hydrostatic pressure maintenance (Timpl et al., 1996). The heparan sulfate
chains of perlecan have further been shown to play important roles in glomerular filtration
(Morita et al., 2005) and to be involved in diffusion of nutrients during tooth development in
mice (Ida-Yonemochi et al., 2005). The mammalian IVD basically relies on diffusion for
nutrient supplies and removal of waste products. As no evidences for vascularization of the
Atlantic salmon notochord exists today, it seems likely that a similar transportation system
must apply for the vacuolated chordocytes in the notochord core.
4.2 The centra
The Atlantic salmon spinal column is formed directly in bone, in contrasts to the formation
of the vertebrae of avian and mammalian species, which are first formed in cartilage (Arratia
et al., 2001; Smith et al., 2009). At early stages, the precursors for the osteoblasts are situated
on the external elastic membrane only interrupted by the neural and haemal arch cartilages.
The segmentation process leading to formation of vertebral and intervertebral regions starts
with the formation of the chordacentra, where matrix in the outer half of the notochordal
sheath becomes mineralized (Fleming et al., 2004; Arratia et al., 2001; Laerm et al., 1976;
Grotmol et al., 2003). Osteoblast at the vertebral growth zones and osteoblasts lining the
trabeculae are involved in intramembraneous ossification. Denser osteoblast populations are
located along the cranial and caudal rims of each vertebral body, leading to the biconid
hour-glass shaped vertebra. In situ hybridization has confirmed transcription of osteogenic
marker genes like runx2, col1a, osteocalcin and osteonectin in these populations at mature
stages in Atlantic salmon ontogeny, confirming their actively involvement in osteoid

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

production throughout life (Krossy et al., 2009; Ytteborg et al., 2010b and c), shown in
figure 8. In the arch centra of Atlantic salmon, in situ hybridization have identified sub-
populations of chondrocytes corresponding to the resting, proliferating and hypertrophic
chondrocytes described in mammals (Ytteborg et al., 2010b; Hunziker et al., 1994).
Chondrogenic marker genes, like col2a, col10a, sox9 and mef2c, are characteristic for specific
maturation zones and have been used to characterize the maturation process in the arches of
Atlantic salmon (Ytteborg et al., 2010b). TRAP secreting osteoclasts has further been
identified at the ossifying borders of the salmon arch centra, marking the ossification front
during endochondral ossification (Witten et al., 2009, Helland et al., 2006; Ytteborg et al.,
2010c). In the vertebrae of Atlantic salmon, multinucleated osteoclasts have also been
identified in the trabeculae but not in the compact bone of the amphicoel (Witten et al., 2009).
As the vertebra grow through the activity of osteoblasts located along the distal ridges, the
trabeculae becomes more branched and filled with adipose tissue. After finishing shaping
the scaffold for the vertebral bodies, the Atlantic salmon vertebrae continue to grow
throughout life (Nordvik et al., 2005). Compared to mammals, where bone is constantly
remodeled, the shape and constant growth of the salmon vertebrae have indicated that the
need for bone remodeling is scarce. During stressful or unfavorable conditions or during
periods of rapid growth, the mammalian skeleton is used as a mineral reservoir, where
minerals are released through the activity from the osteoclasts. In Atlantic salmon however,
such reservoirs are mostly found in the scales. Experiments have shown that long-term

Fig. 8. Overview of histological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings in non-
deformed vertebrae. Vertebral endbones (top): Toluidine, PCNA, Caspase 3, col1a, runx2,
col2a Elastin in elastic membrane (left), Perlecan in notochordal sheath (left). Osteocalcin in
trabeculae (right). Aggrecan in chordocytes (right) Arch centra (bottom): Alizarin
red/Toluidine blue, TRAP, PCNA, col2a, col10a, mef2c. Trabeculae, tb; Notochordal sheath,
ns; Notochord, nc; End bone, eb; Arch centra, ac. Scale bare = 100 m.
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities

stressful conditions rather manifests in salmon as overall improper bone formation and
cellular disturbances rather than increased bone resorption. This has been shown through x-
ray visualization of lower radiodensity (e.g. in ghost and hyperdence vertebrae),
development of soft bone phenotype, transcriptional analysis (e.g. reduced transcription
of genes involved in production and mineralization of ECM) and immunohistochemistry
showing disturbed cell cycling (e.g. using PCNA antibodies) in vertebrae not yet possessing
skeletal malformations. However, these disturbances might further develop into vertebral
deformities at later stages.
5. Vertebral deformities
Deformities in the spinal column have been observed in a diverse array of vertebrates and a
number of causatives have been suggested. Spinal disorders are a major concern for human
health and often related to painful conditions (Freemont et al., 2009). Spinal lesions observed
in wild animals, such as brown bear, sandtiger shark and smallmouth bass are occasionally
found and often reflect environmental problems (Preziosi et al., 2006; Bengtsson et al., 1979;
Vandenavyle et al., 1989; Wagner et al., 2005). Deformities in domesticated animals like
chicken, broilers, pigs and farmed fish are recognized as a reoccurring problem in intensive
production system and represent both ethical and economical challenges (Berg et al., 2006;
Hammond et al., 2007; Julian et al., 1998; Reiland et al., 1978; Sullivan et al., 2007). Fish with
spinal deformities, such as salmon, trout, cod, halibut, sea bass and sea bream, do not swim
efficiently, are less capable of acquiring food, are at a greater risk of predation and are more
susceptible to physiological imbalance, in addition to being down-graded at slaughter
(Silverstone et al., 2002). Most deformity studies in teleosts have been largely descriptive
and primarily performed to reveal factors contributing to increased occurrence of skeletal
deformities, e.g. genetics, infections, fast growth, light regimes, vaccination, water current
and quality, pollution, malnutrition and elevated temperatures (Berg et al., 2006; Berntssen
et al., 2003; Cahu et al., 2003; Divanach et al., 1997; Gjerde et al., 2005; Koumoundouros et al.,
2001; Lall et al., 2007; Madsen et al., 2000; Roy et al., 2002; Vagsholm et al., 1998). Spinal
deformities in Atlantic salmon have been intensively studied during the past years due to
the importance of this specie to the aquaculture industry. Bone deformities in Atlantic
salmon are a complex problem, which may have diverse causes that may act alone or in
combination. Among these causes of bone deformities, the effect of temperature stress
during the early developmental stages is best documented (Ytteborg et al., 2010a,b;
Wargelius et al,. 2005). Malformations later in life are often related to abnormal nutritional
preferences, malnutrition or fast growth. Until recently, the molecular development of
spinal deformities in fish has received relatively little attention and few deformities have
been explored beyond the level of association with particular causative factors. However,
accumulated studies on intensive production regimes and incidence of deformities have
been followed by more and more advanced studies on vertebral development and bone
biology. Below is the current state of knowledge on cellular mechanisms for pathological
bone development. In figure 9, major causatives, radiography and histological staining of
normal and deformed salmon is shown.
5.1 Cellular mechanisms behind weakened bone structures and development
Conditions that accompany fast growth in farmed animals, e.g. light and feeding regimes,
elevated temperatures and breeding, are linked to increased numbers of spinal deformities

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Fig. 9. Normal (left) and deformed (right) Atlantic salmon. From the top: photography of the
fish, radiographic image, enlarged radiography, Alizarine red S and Tolouidine blue double
(Julian et al., 1998; Reiland et al., 1978; Wargelius et al., 2009). Fast growing Atlantic salmon
has been shown to develop soft, low mineralized, bone compared to fish with lower growth
rates (Fjelldal et al., 2006) and to have an increased risk of developing vertebral deformities
(Fjelldal et al., 2007; Fjelldal et al., 2005). In fast growing Atlantic salmon, elevated muscle
mass exercise pressure on under-calcified bone that increases the mechanical pressure,
which might trigger formation of intermediate tissues and malformations (Witten et al.,
2005). Comparative studies have been performed in commercially farmed chicken, which
are the product of long-term selective breeding for high growth rates (Leterrier et al., 1992).
Fast growing chicken have weaker bone structures and increased rates of skeletal
abnormalities than slower growing broilers, which reduces the bone's ability to adapt to the
higher loads induced by the increasing body weight (Rawlinson et al., 2009). In Atlantic
salmon, however, high genetic growth rates have not been correlated to increased rates of
deformities (Gjerde et al., 2005). To fulfil the requirements for bone mineralization, fast
growing animals needs to assimilate a higher proportion of the mineral intake (Hernandez
et al., 2000). However, knowledge concerning mineral uptake and transportation in the fish
intestines are lacking and needs to be studied further. The current change in fish feed
production, switching to a vegetable based lipid diet, may further change the intestinal
uptake of minerals, vitamins and amino acids (Jutfelt et al., 2007). Achieving predictable
production of high-quality fish that perform well later in life therefore requires a high level
of control of various factors influencing normal development and growth during early
phases of life. Understanding the interactions between dietary mineral levels, n6/n3 fatty
acid ratios, bioavailability, growth rate, temperature and intestinal uptake is imperative to
be able to balance diet composition and use available feed ingredients adequately.
At the cellular level, a general trade-off between proliferation and differentiation has been
suggested as a cause for delayed skeletal development in fast growing species of birds
(Arendt et al., 2000; Rawlinson et al., 2009). It has further been suggested that during rapid
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities

growth the time required for bone matrix to be produced and mineralized may be reduced
to a critical level (Hernandez et al, 2000); hence development of a soft bone phenotype. This
causative relation has been suggested for fast growing under-yearling Atlantic salmon smolt
that has a higher incidence of vertebral deformities than slower growing yearling smolt
(Fjelldal et al., 2006). Temperature and light regimes are factors shown to speed up
developmental rate in Atlantic salmon, but also to delay production of osteoid. It therefore
seems that bone remodeling in Atlantic salmon is generally sensitive to elevated growth
rates (Ytteborg et al., 2010a). Osteoblasts and chondrocytes are cell types producing large
quantities of ECM and may therefore be particularly sensitive to stressful conditions, due to
reduced normal protein synthesis (Tsang et al., 2007; Haynes et al., 2004). Quantification of
mRNA in vertebrae from fast growing Atlantic salmon has revealed a reduced transcription
of important genes encoding structural proteins taking part in the bone matrix and
mineralization, e.g. col1a1, osteocalcin and osteonectin (Ytteborg et al., 2010b). Furthermore,
generally weaker in situ hybridization signals were detected for probes targeting these ECM
transcripts in areas where intramembranous ossification takes place. These findings further
correlated to an impaired mineralization and supported the assumption that disturbances in
bone formation constitute an important part of the mechanisms involved in soft bone
formation. These observations are further consistent with an Atlantic salmon osteoblast in
vitro experiment, where long-term 16C heat exposed cells showed a decreased transcription
of alp, col1a1 and osteocalcin. Based on in vitro and in vivo results it seems that Atlantic
salmon osteoblasts may be particularly sensitive to elevated temperatures during the early
stages of differentiation.
In mammals and teleosts like Atlantic salmon, elevated temperatures and fast growth may
also interrupt the normal chondrocytic differentiation pattern and delay endochondral bone
formation, further weakening the bony structures (Tsang et al., 2007). A number of studies
have linked skeletal malformations to disturbances in chondrocytic maturation (Kieswetter
et al., 1997; Farquharson et al., 2000; Julian et al., 1998). Recent results have suggested that
fast growth caused by elevated temperatures leads to an arrest prior to the final maturation
of chondrocytes in the Atlantic salmon vertebral arch centra (Ytteborg et al., 2010c).
Morphological studies of the arch centra of juvenile Atlantic salmon reared under intensive
temperatures have identified chondrocytes with a distorted maturation pattern and an
increased zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes (Ytteborg et al., 2010c). In this study, an
increased zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes correlated with increased transcription of
hypertrophic marker genes such as col10a1 and mef2c. Fast growing chickens are also
characterized by disturbed chondrocytic maturation where cartilage do not mature enough
to ossify (Julian et al., 2005; Farquharson et al., 2000) and increased mechanical load is
associated with an increased hypertrophic zone in the growth plate of rat ulnae along with a
suppressed mineralization rate (Robling et al., 2001; Ohashi et al., 2002). Furthermore,
mammalian osteoclasts are temperature sensitive and hypothermic conditions may
stimulate their activity (Patel et al., 2009). Similar observations have been described in
Atlantic salmon where no TRAP activity was observed in the arch centra of fish reared at
intensive temperatures. Also transcription of osteoclast associated marker genes, like Mmps
and Cathepsin K was reduced (Ytteborg et al., 2010c). Absence of Mmps may cause delays in
endochondral ossification and runx2 deficiency may inhibit mmp expression and lead to
mild disturbances of chondrocyte differentiation (Inada et al., 1999; Kirsch et al., 1997;
Pratap, 2005). Disturbances in chondrocytic maturation and endochondral ossification will

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

overall weaken the vertebrae, and may be an explanation for wrinkled and shortened ribs
observed in Atlantic salmon suffering from P deficiency (reviewed in Sugiura et al 2005).
Overall, both bone and cartilage formation seems disturbed during fast growth and may
equally contribute to weakened skeletal structures. In Atlantic salmon, experiments have
indicated that during rapid growth, both endochondral and intramembraneous ossification
is affected. Moreover, fast growth leading to weakened bone and cartilage structures at
juvenile stages increases the risk of developing severe deformities later in ontogeny. This
might be a result of local cellular compensation and an effort to restore and strengthen a
weakened area in the vertebrae, as described in the next chapter.
5.2 Cellular mechanisms behind vertebral deformities
Witten et al. (2009) recently published a survey on commonly observed vertebral
malformations in Atlantic salmon which included different grades and combinations of
platyspondyly (compressions), ankylosis (fusions), lordosis (-shaped vertebral column),
kyphosis (-shaped vertebral column) and scoliosis (S-shaped vertebral column).
Histological characterization of compressions and fusions have described shape alterations
of vertebral body endplates, reduced intervertebral space, transformation of intervertebral
notochord tissue into cartilage, mineralization of the intervertebral cartilage and
replacement of intervertebral cartilage by bone (Witten et al., 2005; Kvellestad et al., 2000;
Witten et al., 2006), independent of the factor inducing the malformation. Changes in
transcriptional processes in osteoblasts and chondrocytes from both mammals and teleosts
are involved in pathological vertebral formation (Hammond et al., 2007; Breen et al., 1999;
Wargelius et al., 2005). The development of vertebral fusions is a dynamic process but recent
publications have shown that the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms may be
summarized as four key events (Ytteborg et al., 2010a, b and c). These events are illustrated
in figure 10 and described in the text below.
I: Disorganization
The initiation of the fusion process includes disorganization and proliferation of osteoblasts
and chordoblasts. Osteoblasts at the growth zones of the vertebral body endplates have a
markedly increased cell proliferation rate and the growth zones extend spatially along the
rims of fusing vertebral bodies. As the intervertebral space narrows, proliferating
chordoblasts and denser packet chordocytes appear. With a progressing pathology,
proliferating chordoblasts occupy most of the intervertebral space and vacuolated
chordocytes disappear.
II: Metaplastic shift
Proliferating cells at the border between the osteoblast growth zones and the arch centra
show a transcriptional shift, where co-transcription of osteogenic (col1a, runx2, osteocalcin
and osteonectin) and chondrogenic (col2a, mef2c and col10a) marker genes are prominent. The
marked border between the osteoblast growth zones and the chondrocytic areas connected
to the arches becomes less distinct, as proliferating cells and chondrocytes blend through an
intermediate zone. A similar shift is found in the notochord where co-transcription of genes
such as col2a, sox9, col1a and runx2 increase with proliferation of chordoblasts. In the
central notochord of developing fusions, hyperdense regions of denser packet chordocytes
lacking vacuoles appear as the number of proliferating cell increase.
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities


Fig. 10. Major findings during the development of vertebral fusions in Atlantic salmon. I
Disorganization, II Metaplsatic shift, III Loss of notochordal sheath integrity, and IV Ectopic
bone formation. See text for details. Scale bar = 100 m (a-l), 50 m (m-r), 200 m (s-u).

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

III: Loss of notochordal sheath integrity
The elastic membrane surrounding the notochord becomes fragmented and the notochordal
sheath loose its integrity. Verhoeff`s hematoxylin staining has visualized a thinner elastic
membrane surrounding the notochordal sheath of developing vertebral fusions. In the most
severe cases, the elastic membrane is fragmented. Furthermore, the highly folded structures
in the notochordal sheath are lost during development of spinal fusions.
IV: Ectopic bone formation
Ectopic bone formation in the affected areas gives the vertebral bodies a squared
morphology as the arch centra fuse and ossify. Ectopic mineralization of intervertebral
regions and arch centra is formed, indicating that the proliferating and metaplastic cells not
only differentiates towards osteoblast-like cells, but also complete the differentiation to cells
that are capable of producing mineralized matrix. The intervertebral space narrows
completely down and the notochord mineralizes.
The overall structural and molecular features of bone and cartilage development in vertebral
fusions in Atlantic salmon have shown resemblance with similar pathological spinal
conditions in mammals (Ytteborg et al., 2010c and d; Gorman et al., 2007; Witten et al., 2006).
For example several mammalian studies have suggest that changes in the balance between cell
death and cell proliferation is involved in bone and cartilage defects which may lead to
malformations (Cockroft et al., 1978; Miura et al., 2004; Breen et al., 1999; Farquharson et al.,
2000). Spinal fusions in Atlantic salmon are characterized by changes in ECM components and
mineralization of the intervertebral regions (Ytteborg et al., 2010c; Witten et al., 2006). Similarly,
intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) in mammals involves breakdown of ECM components
in the AF and calcification of the NP (Takaishi et al., 1997; Kanemoto et al., 1996; Antoniou et
al., 1996). Fusion, compression and chondrogenic transformation of skeletal tissue have also
been reported from lordosis and kyphosis in sea bass. Histological examinations of both
lordosis and hyperdense vertebrae have further indicated cellular plasticity (like metaplastic
shifts and trans-differentiation) and development of intermediate tissues as pathological
events (Ytteborg et al., 2010c; Helland et al., 2006; Kranenbarg et al., 2006; Witten et al., 2006;
Witten et al., 2005). It has previously been suggested that a metaplastic shift is involved in the
development of spinal fusions, leading to the formation of chondroid bone which at later
stages in the fusion process is replaced by bone. As previously discussed, chondrocytes
associated with calcifying cartilage can acquire properties of osteoblasts (Cancedda et al., 1992)
and are able to change their phenotype from a primarily cartilage synthesizing cell type to a
bone synthesizing cell type (Lian et al., 1993). Co-transcription of chondrogenic and
osteogenic marker genes in the arch centra and notochord supports the suggestion of an
adaptation through metaplastic shifts during development of vertebral fusions, which may be
induced to produce more robust cells that are able to withstand increased mechanical load. A
pathway to bone formation through chondrocytes might be possible during development of
vertebral fusions and fast growth, which could be similar to trans-chondroid ossification, as
described by Yasui et al. (1997). Trans-differentiation and ectopic calcification has also been
suggested as pathological pathways in lordotic sea bass where deformations stimulate ectopic
bone formation in the intervertebral regions between two affected vertebral bodies and
along the rims of the vertebral body endplates (Kranenbarg et al., 2006). Similarly, a
shift in the mammalian IVD NP cell population coincides with spinal disorders
like intervertebral disc degeneration and changes in the synthesis of matrix molecules differ
The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Vertebra
and Cellular Pathways to Vertebral Deformities

with the degree of degeneration (Handa et al., 1997). The mammalian AF is further
strengthened through cartilage formation upon elevated mechanical load (Lotz et al., 2002;
Prescher et al., 1998). Moreover, breakdown of PG components, like Aggrecan and Perlecan,
may lead to reduced hydrostatic pressure, invasion of nerves and blood vessels and loss of
transportation of nutrients and waste products in degenerating IVD (Kauppila, 1995; Urban et
al., 2003 and 2004; Melrose et al., 2002; Yasuma et al., 1993). Loss of Aggrecan resulting in
tissue dehydration, reduces the ability of mammalian IVD to transmit and absorb compressive
load (Kanemoto et al., 1996; Urban et al., 1985). Loss of Aggrecan and Perlecan has also been
observed in the notochord of Atlantic salmon during development of vertebral fusions
(Ytteborg et al. 2010d), which may possibly reduce the hydrostatic pressure and hence the
transportation of nutrients and alteration of pH values. Another comparative pathological
process to teleost vertebral fusions is the mammalian Bamboo spine, describing a condition
where vertebral bodies have fused and reshaped through ectopic bone formation (Bakay et al.,
1970; Resnick et al., 1983). Witten et al.(2005) have described similar processes in Atlantic
salmon. Fusing vertebral bodies may either stabilize as on large vertebral body or continue to
develop through neighbouring vertebrae. What kind of cellular actions leading to a stabilized
or aggravating fusion remains to be answered. However, it seems that different types of
deformities have similar pathways of cellular pathological development, processes involving
proliferation, metaplastic shifts, cellular instability and trans-differentiation.
6. Conclusion
During the last decade, fish have emerged as suitable animal models for studying bone and
cartilage biology and have shown to be a suitable supplement to mammalian systems
aiming to uncover the corresponding fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms of
action. In the light of metaplastic shifts during skeletal deformities in Atlantic salmon, a cell
culture based system allowing for cellular differentiation and lineage determination studies
have been developed. In this particular system, precursor cells are stimulated to myogenic,
adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, and opens up for studies where these cells can be
manipulated upon different stimuli to undergo metaplastic shifts. Hence, functional studies
can be performed to better characterize the pathology, define particular requirements and
minimize the occurrence of bone disorders. Advanced methods and defined molecular
markers should enable us to detect the risk of developing deformities early in ontogeny.
Similar diagnostics and medications as those existing in the human medicine will not be
applicable for farmed animals. However, treatments and diets have shown to be well suited
also for teleosts. Exercise and addition of minerals in the feed have already shown positive
effects in regards of bone quality and should be further addressed in future research.
7. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Johanne Halvorsen ( for help with
graphic illustrations.
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Part 5
Ecological Impacts of Fish Farming

Ecological Features of Large
Neotropical Reservoirs and Its
Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish
Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Reinaldo Jos da Silva, Igor Paiva Ramos,
Jaciara Vanessa Krger Paes, Augusto Seawright Zanatta,
Heleno Brando, rica de Oliveira Penha Zica, Andr Batista Nobile,
Aline Angelina Acosta and Gianmarco Silva David
So Paulo State University (UNESP)
1. Introduction
Environmental Brazilian legislation allow the implementation of cage culture fish farm
enterprises in large public reservoirs (Ayroza et. al., 2006), aiming a qualitative and
quantitative increase of inland aquaculture, regarding concerns with environmental,
economic and social sustainability (Costa-Pierce, 2002; Valente, 2000). Fish farming is an
important activity for animal protein production, and if well planned, is benefic to the
economic development of the country. However, it is necessary continuous assistance of
appropriate expertise and scientific support in order to organize and improve fishery and
aquaculture (Agostinho et al., 2007). Due to low productivity of inland native fish stocks,
Brazilian government aquaculture programs initially focused on change artisanal fisher to
fish farmers, assuming that this could improve their economic situation. This is a
mistaken philosophy, since the extrativist way of life contradicts the planned life of a
modern aquaculturist. This is especially applicable for Brazilian Southeastern region,
where this activity is basically maintained by intensive culture of tilapia (Furlaneto et al.,
2006) by capitalized stakeholders. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations [FAO] (2010) and Rojas & Wadsworth (2007) highlight that aquaculture annual
growth rate surpasses other zootechnical activities. Currently, annual fish yield in Brazil,
by means of aquaculture and extractive fishing, has accomplished a 1,240,000 metric
tons/year baseline, of which approximately 10% are related to tilapias (Ministrio da Pesca
[MPA], 2010), predominantly Oreochromis niloticus and derived hibrids Lovshin, 1982).
Within this context, Brazil has been showing vigorous growth (over 25% per year) in this
decade, however this growth is still modest considering the prodigious potential of water
resources and suitable weather that Brazil offers (Godinho, 2007; MPA, 2010). It is evident
that Brazilian aquaculture production is behind its potential comparing to Chinese fish
yield, that produces approximately 47.5 millions of metric tons/year (FAO, 2010).
Fitzsimmons (2006) highlights Brazil as a prominent country that could compete with
China as biggest fish producer in the world. The Paran River is the second largest
catchment in South America, with 3,780 km of extension, and is the main River of La Plata

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

River basin originating at the confluence of Paranaba and Grande Rivers and has a
watershed area of 2,800,000 km
, which consists chiefly of sedimentary and volcanic
rocks. The Paran River stretches are divided into an upper course, from its source to
Itaipu reservoir; a middle course along Paraguay-Argentina border; and a lower course
from Paraguay River confluence to La Plata River estuary. The Upper Paran River basin,
with an extension of 809 km and area 820,000 km
, has about 250 km without
impoundments, resulting in a deeply altered hydrological and limnological regime
(Stevaux, 1994). Currently, Brazilian inland net cage aquaculture is integrated to these
large reservoirs. Within this context, in the last five decades it is noticed that Brazilian
large Rivers have been impounded to build dams and power-plants, aiming
hidroelectricity as a priority (Tundisi, 1993; Zocchi, 2002), to meet the increasing demand
for energy in the country. This way of producing hidroelectricity energy represents 14.8%
of all Brazilian energy matrix (Ministrio das Minas e Energia [MME], 2006), with So
Paulo state responsible for over 22% of this type of energy. These impoundments were
built as a cascade system in large rivers (Grande, Tiet, Paranapanema and Paran Rivers)
(Agncia Nacional de Energia Eltrica [ANEEL], 2009; Agostinho et al., 2007). Under an
ecological perspective and environmental legislation, a good water quality and aquatic
ecosystem integrity are fundamental to allocate the multiple uses of these large reservoirs,
especially to effective organization by policy makers for aquaculture and fishing activities.
In limnological terms, the determination of trophic state index (TSI) sensu Carlson (1977),
based upon phosphorus and a chlorophyll contents to a specific water body, is a
satisfactory and practical tool as environmental indicator, considering different human
interventions that induce artificial eutrophication process. Various studies in
hydrographic sub-basins of Tiet and Paranapanema Rivers show that this index usually
varies. As an example, the index varies between oligotrophic to mesotrophic state for
upper and middle Paranapanema stretches (Nogueira et al. 2006), and also between
oligotrophic to eutrophic for Tiet River (Barbosa et al. 1999; Moretto et al., 2008; Tundisi
& Strakraba, 1999). These variations are mainly due to anthropogenic actions, such as
occupation of lands for agriculture, livestock, increasing urbanization due to growth of
human population, and emissions of organic wastes (Tundisi, 2005). Brazilian native
ichthyofauna of large rivers has been subjected to negative impacts, such as these
impoundments (Agostinho et al., 2007), introduction of non-native species (Brando et al.,
2009; Latini & Petrere, 2004; Orsi & Agostinho, 1999; Santos & Formagio, 2000; Souto et
al., 2011), environmental contamination, loss of riparian vegetation, sedimentation, and
erosion (Agostinho et al., 2007). Currently, a new form of impact in Brazil is the increasing
development of fish farming in floating cages (Ramos et al., 2008). In cage systems, the
input of organic matter and nutrients is done by artificial feeds, and output is
done through the removal of fish produced, similar to what occurs in fish ponds
(Beveridge, 2004). However, Beveridge (2004); Munday et al. (1992); Persson (1988); and
Pillay (2004) report that in fish cage farming systems up to 30% of feed is lost into the
aquatic environment, in the form of unconsumed feed and wastes. These feed losses can
cause problems related to eutrophication (Beveridge, 1984) and/or be used as a food
resource by local biota (Beveridge, 2004; Hkanson, 2005; Ramos et al., 2008; Vita et al.,
2004), resulting in ecological changes around these systems (Beveridge, 2004; Hkanson,
2005; Ramos et al., 2008). Besides these impacts, several authors as Agostinho et al. (2007);
Beveridge (1984, 1996 e 2004); Dempster et al. (2002); Hkanson (2005); Karakassis et al.
Ecological Features of Large Neotropical
Reservoirs and Its Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish

(2000, 2002 e 2005); Machias et al. (2004, 2005 e 2006); Pitta et al. (2005); Ramos et al.
(2008); Yucel-Gier et al. (2007); and Zanatta et al. (2010) discuss the problems of this
activity in coastal and inland waters. These authors cite impacts upon water quality and
sediment which have implications on the structure of benthic communities, plankton and
fish, and furthermore, the inherent scapes of caged fish. Thus, it is evident the necessity of
developing new technologies aiming the enhancement of fish yield, associated to decrease
of environmental impacts caused by this zootechnical activity. This is a big challenge for
Brazilian aquaculture that needs to guarantee its economic and social sustainability with
preservation of water resources and multiple uses of public reservoirs.
2. Situation of the aquaculture in cage farms in Brazilian Southeastern
reservoirs: An overview
The effects of cage aquaculture enterprises in Brazilian inland waters upon the biota and
water quality have not been satisfactory elucidated yet, thus these effects still require studies
aiming a full comprehension to better ordinate these activities. However, despite divergent
opinions of some sectors of Brazilian society, the Brazilian government has been sponsoring
studies focusing on taking advantage of the potential for aquaculture of large public
reservoirs (Ayroza et al., 2006). Thus, Brazilian government has been selecting, delimitating,
and controlling areas to install Aquaculture Parks in different reservoirs, based upon
premises that promote sustainable development, enhancement of Brazilian fish yield, social
inclusion, and food safety. Effective success of production in aquaculture founds in
limnological studies and environmental carrying capacity, regarding concerns with water
quality and maintenance of water resources (Costa-Pierce, 2002; Tundisi, 2005), as well as its
interference upon aquatic biota, through escapes of non-native species, and pathogen
dispersion (Agostinho et al., 2007; Orsi & Agostinho, 1999). According to Dillon & Rigler
(1975) and Beveridge (2004), the modeling of environmental carrying capacity is done based
upon two fundamental equations, which define phosphorus emission to aquatic ecosystem
without inducing eutrophication, and how much P is emitted per product unit. The lack of
suitable information to define application values of this modeling has been repeatedly
emphasized as the highest difficulty to appraise environmental impacts caused by
aquaculture (Pillay, 2004). In Brazil, cage fish farming systems has gained impulse in the
mid-90s, especially in Brazilian Southeastern (Medeiros, 2002; Ono, 1998; Rojas &
Wadsworth, 2007). Nowadays, this activity is in accelerated expansion in Brazilian
reservoirs, and at least 40 freshwater fish species are used in Brazil, considering all kinds of
pisciculture (Godinho, 2007). However, despite this rich fish diversity, the most used species
for inland aquaculture in Brazil is the non-native Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) due to its
favorable zootechnical features (Castagnolli et al., 2000; David et al, 2006; Rojas &
Wadsworth, 2007). The Middle Paranapanema River area has about 800 net-cages
designated to Tilapia culture along its reservoirs and ponds. It is estimated in 200 kg of
/cycle in small net-cages (up to 6m
); and 100 kg of fish/m
/cycle in net-cages of
great capacity (over 10m
) (Furlaneto et al., 2006). In this sense, three issues are eminent
within this approach: 1) artificial eutrophication, which is interconnected with
environmental carrying capacity; 2) dispersion of parasites and pathogens and; 3) escapes,
relating to depletion of fish biodiversity lato sensu by ecological processes of competition
and predation. Below, it is followed the results of our main researches aiming to identify
and quantify the ecological interferences of tilapia farming.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

00W 45
South America
So Paulo State
Studied sites

Fig. 1. Reservoirs studied in the Upper Paran River Basin, So Paulo State, Brazil.
2.1 Limnological conditions and trophic state index
A comparative approach was used to evaluate the impact of three cage farms upon
limnological conditions of the stretches were the cages are installed. These farms are located
in three different reservoirs in the upper Paran River Basin, So Paulo state, Brazil (fig. 1).
The farms are small and medium-sized enterprises (ranging from 30 to 200 cages with 6 m

each), mainly for the culture of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) using an intensive model, with high
densities and fed with pelleted compound feed. An example of such farms is shown in fig. 2.
Monthly surveys were performed in the farms in different years from 2003 to 2009, sampling
limnological data and water samples inside the Farm Sites (referred as FS) and in similar
Control areas sited upstream (CT). Differences among farm sites and control areas were
regarded as effect of the nutrient loads from the farms. Limnological sampling included
Secchi depth (Z
), water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), electric conductivity
) measured in situ using a water quality multiprobe Horiba model U-22; water samples
were collected for nutrients (total Nitrogen - TN and total Phosphorus TP following
Valderrama, 1981; Strickland & Parsons, 1968), total suspended solids (Teixeira et al., 1978)
and chlorophyll a (CHL, Golterman et al., 1978) analyses. TSI was determined based on CHL
and TP by formulae 1 and 2, combined using formulae 3 (Carlson, 1996, as cited in Lin,
2001). The first reservoir studied by our research group was Nova Avanhandava, which is
the fifth of a cascade of reservoirs on the Middle Tiet River, sampled from 2003 to 2004
(Paes, 2006). It is a run-of-river plant, that has been operated since 1982, located at 358 m
above sea level, with surface area of 210 km
, total water volume of 2,720 x 10
, mean
discharge rate of 688 m
/s, maximum depth 30 m, level oscillation of less than 1 m
throughout the year, and water residence time of 46 days (Torloni et al., 1993; Rodgher et al.,
2002). The second reservoir was Jurumirim, where the surveys were done from 2004 to 2005;
it is a storage plant at Upper Paranapanema River, operated since 1962, located at 568 m
above sea level, total area 484 km
, total volume of 7,900 x 10
mean discharge rate of 210
Ecological Features of Large Neotropical
Reservoirs and Its Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish

, mean depth 12.9 m, residence time 334 days (Henry et al., 2006) and significant level
oscillation of 2.2 m along the year.
TSI (CHL) = 9.81*ln(CHL)+30.60

TSI (TP) = 14.42*ln(TP)+4.15 (2)
TSI = (TSI (CHL)+ TSI (TP))/2 (3)

Fig. 2. Cage farm at Chavantes reservoir, Middle Paranapanema River Basin, So Paulo
State, Brazil.
Lastly, it was studied Chavantes reservoir, that is also a storage plant in Paranapanema
River, operating since 1970 in its middle stretch at 474 m above sea level. This reservoir area
is 400 km
, total volume of 8,800 x 10
, maximum depth 80 m, residence time 281 days,
mean outflow 322 m
, and seasonal water level oscillation is more than 3 m (Nogueira et
al., 2006). The three reservoirs are in a region with annual precipitation above 1,500 mm, and
with a rainy season from September to February and dry season from March to August.
Limnological characterization of the three sites studied are shown in Table 1.
Limnological features of Tiet River basin are quite different from Paranapanema River
basin (table 1). Ph values are higher in Tiet, reaching 9.6, while Paranapanema values were
close to neutrality. Conductivity was three fold higher in Tiet, and CHL were almost ten
fold higher. TP values were slightly higher at Tiet, and TN was two times higher in Nova
Avanhandava than in Jurumirim, and five fold higher than Chavantes. OD mean values

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Reservoirs Nova Avanhandava

Parameters/Sites FS CT FS CT FS CT
Temperature (C)
Dissolved Oxygen
Secchi depth (m)
Chlorophyll a
Total dissolved
solids (mg/L)
- -
Total P
Total N
Table 1. Limnological characterization of surface waters of the three reservoirs studied in the
Paranapanema and Tiet Rivers, Upper Paran Watershed. Modified from
Paes (2006),
Zanatta (2007) and
David et al. (2011).
were above 6 mg/L in all sites, considered adequate for tilapia culture, and average Z

reached 3.1 m at Chavantes, while in the other sites were about 1 m. A concerning issue
about the improvement of cage aquaculture in Upper and Middle Paranapanema reservoirs
is that winter temperatures were far below 23
C (fig. 3) and in a less degree for Nova
Avanhandava, assumed as a lower limit for efficient tilapia grow-out commercial systems
(Shelton & Popma, 2006; Suresh, 2002). This fact can hinder aquaculture sustainability and
profitability in this watershed, and suitable native species would be desirable. Paes (2006)
studied a medium-sized farm, with 80 fish cages of six m
volume, in Nova Avanhandava
reservoir and concluded that the limnological variables measured showed no statistically
significant differences between FS and CT (Table 1). Some of the variables were considered
high, especially electrical conductivity and total nitrogen, indicating risks of water quality
deterioration, a typical feature of Tiet River Watershed (Barbosa et al., 1999). The Trophic
state index (TSI) was mesotrophic for both areas (fig. 4A). These conditions can be seriously
aggravated by nutrient loads from cage farming activities, which can induce autopollution
and loss of water quality for aquaculture purposes. Alves & Baccarin (2006) found similar
values for these limnological variables, in a cage farm that uses more than 2 tons of feed per
day to produce 1,500 to 1,800 kg of fish per cage per cycle. Water quality depletion is object
of concerns in this basin because of widespread blooms of cyanobacteria (Fraccio et al.,
2002, Tundisi, 2005). In Jurumirim reservoir, Zanatta (2007) studied a small farm with only
30 cages of six m
volume, and no significant differences between FS and CT was found for
all limnological parameters measured. The very limited scale of farming operations
probably prevented impacts on water quality in this large reservoir. Thus, only natural
Ecological Features of Large Neotropical
Reservoirs and Its Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec



Nova Avanhandava Jurumirim Chavantes

Fig. 3. Seasonal variation of water surface temperature in the studied sites.
and seasonal differences were reported. Jurumirim reservoir was oligotrophic in both areas
throughout the year, except for FS (mesotrophic in August), (fig. 4B).
David et al. (2011) using data from a cage farm in Chavantes reservoir with 200 cages, found
significant seasonal variation for all limnological parameters measured, but no significant
differences among areas at monthly scale. In this same study, comparison of mean values
(pooled data per year) of phosphorus in the water between FS and CT indicates that fish
farming may be related to hipernutrification of FS in the euphotic layer (TP=1.65mg/m
p<0.05), although no significant increase in chlorophyll a was detected. However, in the
euphotic layer other limnological variables measured showed no significant differences
between areas, even though depletion of dissolved oxygen in the bottom layer in FS was
verified. Most of the year, oligotrophic conditions were also found in Chavantes, but
switched to mesotrophic in January for CT, and in December/January for FS (fig. 4C).
Simulations on the carrying capacity, due to availability of more detailed data on
hydrodynamics and field farming practices in Chavantes reservoir, was also performed by
18 David et al. (2011). Data used for carrying capacity modelling were: Feed Conversion
Rate (FCR): 1.5; feed total phosphorus content: 1.5%; whole fish phosphorus content: 0.9%
(Dantas & Athayde, 2007), resulting on of 13.5 kg P/ton of fish produced. It is worth
emphasizing that phosphorus loads can be greatly influenced by FCR (fig. 5), which itself is
related to the welfare of fish and their physiological condition. In addition to unprofitability,
the cultivation of tilapia at temperatures below the optimal nutrient emissions increases,
which brings higher risks of eutrophication. Hydrological data of FS used in modelling
were: original total phosphorus water content of 10.85 mg/m
, maximum allowable TP
water content of 30.0 mg/m
, and sedimentation rate of 0.083 (Larsen & Mercier, 1976).
Retention time used was 1 day for precautionary purposes, according to estimates of
Persson et al. (1994) and direct ADCP measurements was less than 1 day, with measured
water current velocity from 0.1 to 0.3 m/s.
Maximum allowable fish production in the area was estimated to be 1666 tons/year, while
the theoretical fish production that would result on the observed increase of TP was 144
tons/year while total tilapia production of approximately 55 tons/year. These results

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

Oct/03 Dec/03 Feb/04 Apr/04 June/04 Aug/04


Feb/05 May/05 Aug/05 Dec/05


May/08 July/08 Sept/08 Nov/08 Jan/09 Mar/09



Fig. 4. Seasonal variation of Trophic State Index (TSI) for FS and CT for Nova Avanhandava
(A), Jurumirim (B) and Chavantes (C) reservoirs.
P load
kg/ton fish
TP feed

Fig. 5. Effect of FCR and feed composition on Phosphorus loads by fish cage culture
indicate that fish production at FS is compatible with the local carrying capacity for the
assimilation and recycling of nutrients derived from aquaculture.
Regarding water quality, conditions may be considered adequate, with no signals of
surpassing eutrophication thresholds. Dillon & Rigler mass balance model overestimated
the fish production needed to cause the observed FS increase, indicating that specific models
are needed for the management of aquaculture in the ecosystems studied here.
2.2 Main fish parasites in cage farms
The interest in fish parasites has increased in recent decades due to economic implications,
particularly for intensive fish farms. The high rates of parasitic infestations or infections can
Ecological Features of Large Neotropical
Reservoirs and Its Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish

cause considerable mortality in several species of farmed fish and its treatment in some
cases is very difficult, while in others, there are no currently effective treatments. The
economic losses caused by parasites can often be verified in an indirect way, either by
reducing the rates of assimilation and growth of infected animals, or by decreasing the value
of marketable final product (Eiras, 1993). Many organisms have been associated with fish
diseases. Although parasites can occur in natural environments, these organisms become
more abundant in conditions of intensive cultivation and depending on the conditions of
culture, they can have a deleterious effect to fishes. In eutrophic environments this situation
could worsen due to the presence of many intermediate host species, favouring the life cycle
of many parasites (Pillay, 2004). Our studies performed with O. niloticus in cage farms have
shown that the main parasites affecting fish health in intensive cage systems are
monogenoids, Trichodina spp., Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Henneguya sp. Monogeneans
(fig. 6A) are ectoparasites responsible for the most important parasitic disease of fish
farming in Brazil (Martins, 1998). They are characterized by the presence of a fixation
structure generally located in the back of the body, called haptor, which contain hooks, bars
and anchors, in different numbers and sizes according to the species and its function is the
fixation of parasite in the hosts (Gerasev, 1990). The adult parasites are elongated, oval or
round and measure one to 75 millimeters. The most important monogeneans in fish farms
belong to the families Gyrodactylidae and Dactylogyridae. Gyrodactilids are viviparous
species and they are mostly parasites of the body surface of fish. Dactylogirids are oviparous
and are found in the gills, but can also become placed in the nasal cavities and, more rarely,
other parts of the body (Kubtiza & Kubtiza, 1999). The studies performed with O. niloticus
from fish farms from Chavantes reservoir showed that the dactylogyrids Cichlidogyrus halli
(fig. 6B-C) and Scutogyrus longicornis were the most abundant monogeneans found in the
gills of this fish species. Dactylogyrid monogeneans are hermaphrodites and have direct life
cycle, which facilitates the parasitic re-infestation. Generally in monogeneans the eggs
(dactylogyrids) or larvae (gyrodactylids) leave the uterus by the genital pore, attach to the
host and develops in the same host (Cheng, 1986). According to Eiras (1993), pathogenesis
caused by monogeneans varies with the species and the fixation site. Monogeneans which
parasitize the gills frequently cause cell hyperplasia and mucus hypersecretion. The lesions
are much more serious as the parasites are most abundant, which can reach high densities.
When attached to the tegument, necrosis of cells, destruction of scales and mucus
hypersecretion can be observed. In cases of high intensity of infection, monogeneans can
cause mortalities especially in small fish (Noga, 1996), which has been recorded for
numerous fish species (Cone et al., 1983; Ergens, 1983; Lester & Adams, 1974; Mackenzie,
1970). Considering the seriousness of this disease and also the difficulty of eradicating this
disease in fish after installed, it is suggested that all new fish bought undergo to quarantine
and prophylactic baths using commercial formalin diluted 1:4,000 for an hour or sodium
chloride in 1 to 3% from 30 minutes to 3 hours (Pavanelli et al., 1999). Another important
group of organisms that can affect fish health, especially those in breeding system, includes
the protozoans of the phylum Ciliophora, highlighting, Trichodina spp. (fig. 6D) and I.
multifiliis (fig. 6E). Apparently, these ciliates live as ectocomensal in the tegument and gills
of the fish without causing major damage, except in cases of heavy infestations, which is
particularly evident in species that multiply rapidly by successive binary divisions,
especially in environments with excess of organic material and low amounts of dissolved
oxygen in water (Eiras, 1993). The rearing of O. niloticus in cage farms in Chavantes
reservoir have high infection rates by Trichodina spp. (fig. 6D), in some cases and periods,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

the prevalence is 100%. Trichodinids are ciliated protozoa commonly found in both
freshwater and saltwater, and show no host specificity, which favors their widespread
distribution. Their morphology is characteristic, with a circular shape and the presence of an
adhesive disc with a series of denticles that help fix the parasites in the host. They are
usually considered ectoparasites of skin and gills of the host and can rapidly proliferate in
the presence of decaying material (Heckmann, 1996). The life cycle of Trichodina spp. occurs
by binary fission, in which the parasite divides and fixes in the host's skin (Cheng, 1986). Its
pathogenesis is related to the rotatory movements of these ciliates on the gills and tegument
of the host, leading to an abrasive action of the skeletal structures and denticles present in
the adhesive disk, which damage the epithelial cells. Trichodinidiasis signs include loss of
appetite, lethargy, excessive mucus production in the gill epithelium and skin, erythema,
and sometimes bleeding skin (Heckmann, 1996). This is more evident in cases of intense
parasitism, which is observed when environmental conditions favour the reproduction of
the parasite and weakens the host, which happens when there is a decline in water quality.
These parasites are easily transmitted through infected fish, water, plants or utensils used
on fish farms. The treatment can be accomplished by bath with malachite green 2-3 g/10 m
when the fish are not used for consumption, or a bath for two hours in commercial formalin
1:4.000-6.000 (Pavanelli et al., 1999). Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (fig. 6E) however, has not been
frequently found in O. niloticus from Chavantes reservoir. It causes a disease commonly
known as freshwater white spot disease. This protozoa is a ciliate parasite, ovoid, measuring
100-1000 m, the cytoplasm is granular and contains numerous vacuoles and contractile
structures. These protozoans are characterized by the presence of a horseshoe-shaped
macronucleus and a micronucleus barely visible (Cheng, 1986). Although often cited as
ectoparasites, it is located under the epidermis, presenting the appearance of small white
spots on skin and gills of fish (Eiras, 1993). The life cycle of I. multifiliis is completed in 3-4
days at 25.5 C, but can also occur in up to 5 weeks at 18 C and in lower temperatures the
parasite will remain dormant. The adult parasite called trophont reach the maturity, leaves
the host as tomont forms and fixes in the substrate of fish cage forming a cyst. Inside it,
multiple cell divisions form many tomites which are the infective forms to new fishes when
the cyst breaks (Ewing & Kocani, 1987). Probably this protozoan is responsible for major
economic losses in fish farms in the world. Young fish are usually more susceptible, and
high infestations are usually associated with sudden drops in temperature in the water fish
farm (Eiras, 1993). In Brazil, I. multifiliis was already reported infecting Colossoma
macropomum; Prochilodus cearensis, Cichla ocellaris, Piaractus mesopotamicus; Leporinus
macrocephalus; tambacu hybrid (P. mesopotamicus x C. macropomum); Tilapia rendalli;
O.niloticus and Cyprinus carpio (Bksi, 2002; Tavares-Dias et al., 2001).
The most appropriate way to avoid freshwater white spot disease is maintaining good water
quality, adequate food, and avoiding stress, caused mainly by changes in temperature. In
this case, fish are more sensitive to attack by parasites. It should be considered that
freshwater white spot disease is difficult to treat, especially in large cages. Treatment should
be done in special cages for therapeutic baths. One product that can be used is sodium
chloride 0.3%, where the fish stay sunk for about 24 hours. More concentrated doses, 5% for
example, may be used in severe cases, with the fish remaining in the solution for 30 minutes
(Pavanelli et al., 1999). Myxozoa includes parasites frequently found in marine fish and
freshwater. Currently the phylum Myxozoa includes the classes Myxosporea and
Malacosporea, and almost all fish parasites belong to Myxosporea (Eiras et al., 2006). The life
Ecological Features of Large Neotropical
Reservoirs and Its Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish


Fig. 6. A) Monogenoid in the gill of Oreochromis niloticus (10x); B) Cichlidogyrus halli
specimen (10x); C) detail of the haptor and sclerotized structures of Cichlidogyrus halli (40x);
D) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis specimen (40x); E) Trichodina sp. specimen (40x); F) Henneguya
sp. spores in fish tegument (100x).
cycle of mixosporeans occurs in two hosts: a vertebrate (fish) and invertebrates (oligochaete).
The spore is released when infected fish dies and decomposes, or through contaminated
faeces of a predator fish that have eaten infected fish. The oligochaetes are infected when they
ingest the sporoplasms that fix to the intestinal wall using polar filaments; these proliferate
and remain incubated for 3 months. After this period the Actinospore are released to infect

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

the fish in the water column and deposit the sporoplasm within the epidermis which will
migrate to the organs and gills (Stevens et al., 2001). The main genera of Myxozoa infecting
fishes are Myxobolus and Henneguya (fig. 6F). In Brazil there are only reports on the
occurrence of Henneguya sp. infecting O. niloticus (Ranzani-Paiva et al., 2005).
Histopathological analysis of the gills of fish infected Henneguya sp. reveal the presence of
severe bleeding and inflammatory foci in the gill epithelium, where the cysts are located.
Lesions such as compression of capillaries causing edema in superficial lamellae more
frequently in primary and secondary lamellae occasionally can be observed. In later stages,
cysts dilate the respiratory lamellae decreasing respiratory efficiency of infected fish (Martins
et al., 1999). The treatment of this disease has been carried out using 10 ml of formalin/m
which has been quite effective (Martins et al., 1999). Other studies have been conducted
evaluating the oral administration of chemotherapeutics (quinine, salinomycin) that had
significant effect on the treatment of infections in the gills of fish mixosporeans (Dohle et al.,
2002). However, studies on the treatment of infections Henneguya spp. are still scarce. Our
studies with O. niloticus in Chavantes reservoir have also demonstrated that the occurrence of
parasites in cage farms is associated with environmental variables. Therefore, we have
observed a higher prevalence, abundance and intensity of infection of parasites in the
summer. No difference was noted in the parasitism levels among different fish tanks,
considering the groups established by the zootechnical methods in fish farm. Depending on
the parasite species, fish size also influences the parasitism. For example, a negative
correlation was observed between monogenoids and fish size and a positive correlation
between Trichodina sp. and fish size. This is important because demonstrates that some
parasites are more important in the initial breeding phase while others are problems in the
final stages. In conclusion, we can note that despite the wide distribution and incidence of
parasites in fish rearing, there are few studies on the prevalence, pathogenesis, and potential
biological cycle of transmission of these parasites in Brazilian cage fish farms. It is important
to consider that in cage farming there must be a balance between the health of the host, the
proliferation of pathogens and conditions of the aquatic environment. Thus, poor water
quality, reduction of dissolved oxygen, changes in temperature, high fish density, inadequate
management or unbalanced nutrition are factors able to induce stress to the animals,
predisposing them to various types of infections, including parasites. Water offers an
extremely favorable environment for the proliferation of these agents and the parasites are
responsible for major losses in fish farms worldwide, with more relevance in the neotropics,
due to the climatic characteristics of these regions (Martins, 1998; Thatcher, 1994).
2.3 Impacts on the resident ichthyofauna and fish feeding ecology
Brazilian freshwater fish fauna has been managing to adjust to continuous environmental
impacts, such as damming and deforestation, due to its great diversity of species, with
different tactics of life cycle (Agostinho et al., 2007). Currently, a new expanding form of
impact is fish farming in floating cages. However, knowledge of the impacts from this
activity on the ichthyofauna is still precarious. This activity provides food resources and
shelter to resident fish fauna, attracting a large number of fish (Brando, 2010; Nobile, 2010;
Paes, 2006; Zanatta, 2007, 2011), which is also observed for marine fish farms (Boyra et al.,
2004; Machias et al., 2004, 2005, 2006). This attraction is due to availability of food resources,
such as feed losses, fish scales, and fish faeces. According to Beveridge (2004) and Pillay
(2004), these losses can reach 30% of all feed used in aquaculture enterprises. Thus, the
Ecological Features of Large Neotropical
Reservoirs and Its Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish

contribution of allochthonous energy in aquatic ecosystems can cause changes in the food
chain, especially upon plankton community, benthic community, and fish fauna, interfering
with the dynamics of the aquatic ecosystem. Our studies in the Paran River basin (Middle
Tiet River and Upper/Middle Paranapanema River) reported impacts on the ichthyofauna
(Nobile, 2010; Paes, 2006; Zanatta, 2007, 2011) from this activity, such as changes in
population structure of fish fauna (Ramos et al., 2008), changes in diet (Brando, 2010;
Ramos et al., 2008, 2009), and changes in bromatological composition of some fish species
(Queiroz, 2010). A research made by Paes (2006) in 2003 and 2004 at Nova Avanhandava
reservoir, evaluated some impacts of fish farms upon ichthyofauna. While in FS was
recorded 18 species, a greater number of fish species (N=20) was recorded in CT. However,
a greater number of individuals was captured in FS (n=684) than in CT (n=518). For species,
the Shannon-Wiener diversity index H' (Krebs, 1999) showed no significant differences
between these two sites (p> 0.05). For Simpson dominance 1/D (Krebs, 1999), similar values
were recorded for FS (1/D = 5701) and CT (1/D = 5555). Even though this difference was
small, the dominant species in the FS was Metynnis maculatus, an omnivorous species with
tendency to herbivory, while in CT the dominant species was Plagioscion squamosissimus, a
strict carnivore species. A study conducted by Ramos et al. (2008) aimed to compare the diet
of the species M. maculatus, Astyanax altiparanae and P. squamosissimus between FS and CT.
The results show that the omnivorous species M. maculatus changed its diet in FS. This
species used a new alimentary source with high availability and low energy cost, and its diet
consists almost exclusively of feed from fish farming (85%). Such a change in diet led to a
change in population structure of this species, showing higher values of weight and length
in FS (p <0.05). Similar results were found at Jurumirim by Zanatta (2007). A greater number
of species (N=24) was captured in CT than in FS (N=21), and a greater number of
individuals were captured in CT (n=1,601) than in FS (n=1,470). There was no significant
differences for H ' (p> 0.05) between the two sites, and Pielou evenness E (Krebs, 1999)
values were similar for FS (E = 0.73) and CT (E = 0.76). At Chavantes reservoir, Nobile (2010)
showed differences only between the abundance of individuals in both sites, recording the
78% of the capture (n=3096) in FS. Furthermore, it was recorded introduction of the non-
native fish Ictalurus punctatus by aquaculture activities, whose impacts upon native fish
fauna of Brazilian reservoirs are still unknown (Zanatta et al., 2010). There was also the
capture of O. niloticus juveniles, which we believe that they are recruited from reproductive
processes occurring in the reservoir rather than escaped, due to its great abundance, and
size smaller than juveniles stocked in the cages (fig. 7). If these recruits are born from adult
scaped fish from fish farms, than efficiency of the sexual reversion process in use is not
enough to avoid breeding in this aquatic ecosystem, which may lead to disruptions of
ecological interactions with native fish assemblages. In Chavantes reservoir, Brando (2010)
and Ramos (2009) observed that the most abundant species showed differences in diet
composition between the FS and CT. Remains of feed was major component of the diet of
Pimelodus maculatus (98%) and A. altiparanae (99%) in FS. For CT, the diet of P. maculatus was
composed of detritus (27%), aquatic insects (22%), vegetables (21%) and molluscs (21%); and
A. altiparanae by terrestrial insects (61%) and vegetables (30%). Another species analyzed
was Apareiodon affinis, which diet was composed of detritus (80%) and feed remains (20%) in
FS, and only by detritus in CT. Moreover, two carnivorous species were analyzed
(Galeocharax knerii and P. squamosissimus), and there was no differences in their diet between
the sites studied. Comparative analysis of weight and length show that omnivorous species
grows faster at FS due to use of remains of feed as main food source. In addition,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

10 cm

Fig. 7. Oreochromis niloticus juveniles captured around FS at Chavantes reservoir.
Queiroz (2010) observed change in bromatological composition of muscle tissue of P.
Significant differences for total lipids and gross protein were observed between fish caught
around FS and CT (p <0.05). It is evident that this type of fish farm attracts native
ichthyofauna in these reservoirs. Attractiveness is directly related to availability of food
resources, especially remains of feed. These are similar to the findings for marine
aquaculture in coastal ecosystems, which also found the effect of attractiveness of these
systems (Boyra et al., 2004; Dempster et al., 2002; Hkanson, 2005). The results presented
allow the conclusion that remains of feed are used by omnivorous species with large feeding
plasticity, which certainly justifies its dominance in sites used for cage aquaculture.
Furthermore, the changes in the diet of these species have direct effects on their population
structure, and the effects upon fish fauna still need to be clarified. Hkanson (2005) and
Ramos et al. (2008) report that such changes in the diet of abundant species in aquatic
ecosystems may affect the food chain in long term, and the effects upon ichthyofauna are
still unknown. We conclude that where fish farms in cages are deployed, there is a change
upon the population structure of fish communities, due to attractiveness and changes in the
diet of omnivorous species in nearby sites, which may interfere in the local ecological
dynamics, especially in the food web, altering ecological relationships between the
components of local biota.
3. Conclusion
The results showed that cage aquaculture fish production in oligotrophic ecosystems, as
Jurumirim and Chavantes reservoirs (Paranapanema River) is compatible with
environmental carrying capacity, and wild fishes play a relevant role recycling nutrients
derived from aquaculture. The main constraint to cultivation of tilapia in these reservoirs is
the low temperatures during the winter months, with recent records of mass mortality of
fish due to parasite infestation in this season. These aquaculture enterprises are an
important source of dispersion of non-native fish species, as O. niloticus and I. punctatus. In
Tiet river (Nova Avanhandava reservoir), the situation is more complex because of low
Ecological Features of Large Neotropical
Reservoirs and Its Relation to Health of Cage Reared Fish

water quality due to high nutrient loadings of sewage and agriculture runoff, related to the
presence of cyanobacteria blooms, causing severe consequences for the environmental and
economic sustainability of aquaculture. After some years operating cage farms in middle
and lower Tiet River, events of fish mass mortality associated with eutrophication
motivated fish farmers to move to sites with better water quality. It is also pertinent to note
that fish farming in cages still need the development of scientific and technological
knowledge, which besides basic technical support, could also allow the improvement of this
activity. The lack of expertise and the inappropriate implementation of best management
practices can lead to failure of these enterprises, making them economically unviable in the
short and medium term. Measures for the effective planning for farming public waters
require further discussion and guidance at governmental levels, in order to reach a truly
sustainable aquaculture, in all its socioeconomic and environmental interfaces.
4. Acknowledgments
The authors are grateful to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e
Tecnolgico CNPq, Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos FINEP, Fundao de Amparo
Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo FAPESP, Fundao para o Desenvolvimento da Unesp -
FUNDUNESP for grants and financial support. Authors also thank Botucatu Bioscience
Institute (IBB) and Aquaculture Center So Paulo State University (CAUNESP) for the use
of laboratory facilities and logistics. This work complies with the current Brazilian laws.
5. References
Agncia Nacional de Energia Eltrica - Aneel. 2009. Banco de Informaes de gerao. In:
ANEEL, Braslia, DF, Brasil. Available from (
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Siluriformes, Ictaluridae, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818): First Record in
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Audichromo, So Paulo, ISBN 85-88031-13-2
Part 6
Work-Related Hazards
Prevention and Mitigation

Aquacultural Safety and Health
Melvin L. Myers
and Robert M. Durborow
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky
1. Introduction
Worldwide, 11,289,000 people worked in aquaculture in 2004up nearly three-fold from
3,832,000 workers in 1990 (Watterson et al., 2008). Aquaculture, including mariculture, is a
fast growing sector of worldwide agriculture but has unaddressed occupational safety and
health issues. Many fish farming tasks are dangerous; working around water poses a
particular danger, and Working at night and alone compounds the danger. A safety or
health hazard is any work design or property (physiological, physical, chemical, biological,
or psychological) that may cause harm to workers or bystanders.
As the cultivation of aquatic organisms, aquaculture may include the complete value chain
of production including feed production and fish processing, but for our purposes, we
delimit the scope of our writing to aquatic organism production that includes the hatchery,
nursery, and grow-out phases of production. Feeding, controlling predators, applying
chemicals, harvesting, and refurbishing or constructing structures or ponds are examples of
typical fish farm operations. While onshore aquaculture is associated with many of the same
hazards that are present in agriculture generally, offshore aquaculture is more closely akin
to a combination of hazards associated with shallow water commercial fishing and offshore
Mariculture has many hazards. SINTEF, an independent research organization
headquartered in Norway, has presented data for Norwegian aquaculture showing that the
fatality rate (9.13 deaths/100,000 work yearsIs "work years" the correct unit here?) is 17
times the average rate for other industries (0.53 deaths/100,000 work years) and equivalent
to that of its fishing fleet (Clausen, 2000). In another study with more detail, 16 fatalities
occurred in the Norwegian salmon farming sector between 1980 and 1999. Ten of the deaths
were associated with using a boat: five in small boats, three occurring: in one type of
incident, boats capsized with overloading and shifting loads along with bad weather. Three
deaths occurred in workboats when two workers were either stuck by a crane or loads from
a crane, and another incident on a well boat, a worker was struck by an anchor that was
propelled into his face from a hang-up under the boat by the recoil of the anchor line. Three
additional workers died while diving, all of whom lacked a professional diving certificate
(Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, 2001).
Figure 1 shows the percentage and type of non-fatal mariculture-related injuries. Most of
these injuries were associated with machinery followed by slips trips. Knife cuts and fish

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 386

Fig. 1. Percentage of nonfatal occupational injuries associated with aquaculture in Norway,
1980-1999. Source: Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, 2001
bile in the eye were likely processing-related injuries, but boat-related injuries and needle
sticks were associated with fish production, as most probably were the climbing-related
Figure 2 shows the frequency of mariculture-related illnesses in Norway during the 1980-
1999 period. The highest number of reported cases was for musculoskeletal disorders
followed by skin allergies and hearing loss.

Fig. 2. Number and type of aquaculture-related occupational illness cases reported in
Norway, 1980-1999. Source: Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, 2001
In the United States, the non-fatal occupational injury rate in 2006 for onshore aquaculture
was 6.8 injuries per 100 full-time employees according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
1 1 1

Aquacultural Safety and Health 387
In comparison, rates were 5.3 and 7.8 injuries per 100 full-time employees for terrestrial crop
and animal production, respectively, and 4.6 injuries per 100 full-time employees across all
occupational sectors (Myers & Durborow, 2011; Cole et al., 2009).
Potential occupational hazards in aquaculture have been associated with fatalities that
include drownings, electrocutions, crushing-related injuries, hydrogen sulfide poisonings,
and fatal head injuries. Non-fatal injuries have been associated with slips, trips, falls,
machine operation and repair, strains and sprains, chemicals, and fires. Risk factors include
cranes (tip over and power line contact), aerators (entanglement and trauma), tractors and
sprayer-equipped all-terrain vehicles (overturn), heavy loads (lifting), boat propellers, high
pressure sprayers, slippery surfaces, rotting waste (hydrogen sulfide production), eroding
levees (overturn hazard), storm-related rushing water, diving conditions (bends and
drowning), night-time conditions, working alone, lack of training, no personal flotation
devices (PFD), and all-terrain vehicle use (ATV, also known as a quad-bike). Other hazards
include punctures or cuts from fish teeth or spines, needle-sticks, exposure to low
temperatures, and bacterial and parasitic infections (Myers, 2010).A fatality of an
aquaculture farm manager occurred in Kentucky when he was entangled in a tractor power-
take-off during fence post installation, and a diver drowned offshore in Hawaii while
working with submerged fish cages (Shikina, 2011).
In this chapter we follow an order that has been developed in industrial hygiene for
protection against hazards: identify, evaluate, and control the hazards. In the following
sections, we describe approaches for recognizing hazards, including descriptions of the
known occupational hazards involved with aquacultural work, and for evaluation, a job
hazard analysis approach is described. A risk matrix is used for priority setting so as to deal
with the worst hazards first and risk assessment is described. We describe precedence
modelsa safety hierarchyfor valuing the effectiveness of hazard controls, and finally, we
provide an outline that can be used for developing a safety manual for the individual
2. Identifying occupational hazards in aquaculture
This section describes the known hazards of aquacultural work and identifies and discusses
the hazards associated with different species and rearing technologies. This information will
aid fish farmers in recognizing hazards associated with their operations. Recognized
hazards involves employees and includes observed close calls and occupational injury or
illness history. The endpoint for the recognition of hazards is an inventory that lists the
hazards associated with all tasks, equipment, and substances:
Injury and illness information and data regarding the industry and related industries,
e.g., farming or fishing.
Information from past incidents and workplace injuries.
Information from your workers as well as family members and neighbors.
Product literature and information from suppliers.
Best industry practices.
Examine areas or activities where children or visitors may be present.
To identify and better understand hazards before product use, employers need to obtain
and read the manuals and safety sheets that are provided by equipment, machinery, and

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 388
chemical manufacturers. Employers should also develop and implement communication
and emergency plans to allow for a timely response in the event of an incident.
Five categories of hazards are 1) physiological (work design), 2) physical, 3) chemical, 4)
biological, and 5) psychological (Moreau & Neis, 2009). These categories are described in
Table 1. Onshore and offshore exposures to hazards differ greatly, and most species raised
offshore involve onshore tasks for the hatchery and nursery phases.

Categories Exposures Potential Consequences
Physiological (work
Heavy lifting, prolonged standing,
awkward postures, repetitive
motion, overexertion, lack of
Low back pain, neck and
shoulder pain, bursitis,
tendonitis, tenosynovitis, carpal
tunnel syndrome
Physical Slips and trips, falls from height, falls
overboard, transport and trucking,
machinery, electricity, fire, heat and
cold, diving, noise, vibration,
confined spaces, entanglement,
underwater entrapment, solar
Injuries, cuts, burns, broken
bones, amputation,
hypothermia, hyperthermia,
drowning, electrocution, injury-
related death, asphyxiation,
decompression illness, sprains
and strains
Chemical (toxic,
Disinfectants, parasiticides,
piscicides, fungicides, antifoulants,
anesthetics, antibiotics, radon gas
from water sources, hydrogen
sulfide, carbon monoxide, sulfites,
dusts, fumes, styrene, needlesticks,
flammabilities, battery explosion
Respiratory illness, burns,
cancer, central nervous system
effects, birth defects,
reproductive effects, poisoning,
hematopoietic effects, and lung,
eye, or skin irritations
Biological Sharp teeth, spines, aerosolized
proteins, bacteria, parasites, skin
contact with shellfish and finfish
tissues and fluids, enzymes, airborne
proteins and endotoxins, fish feed
Bites, cuts, punctures and
related infections; allergy,
asthma, eczema, urticaria
(hives), chapped skin, itching.
Psychological High demand and low control
situations, remote locations away
from family, potential for large fish
kills, abusive social environment
Work-related stress
Sources: Moreau & Neis, 2009; Myers, 2010; Durborow 1997; Erondu & Anyanwu, 2005.
Table 1. Occupational Hazards Associated with Aquaculture
Table 2 provides a summary of common occupational hazards and associated consequences
that have been related with work in aquaculture, focusing on the hazards particular to
rearing different fish and plant species. Hazards by species vary, but occupational hazards
also vary by the phase of production. While hazards associated with the nursery and grow-

Aquacultural Safety and Health 389
Species Potential Fatal Incident Potential Non-fatal Incident
Catfish Injuries from traffic collision,
unused seatbelt, or tractor
overturns and electrocution
from electrical contact.
Disease or illness from chemical exposure: formalin,
potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide,
fertilizers, lime, oxidants, disinfectants, algaecides,
herbicides; burns from exposure to sulfuric acid or
fires; injury related to fatigue or slips and falls; as
well as hand infections, back injury, spine
envenomation, and venomous injuries.
Trout Injury related to falls from
raceways or live tank trucks,
roadway collisions or, crane
overturn; drowning in
Injury related to high pressure water jet penetration,
no guard rails, falls, and slips and trips; hearing loss
from noise exposure; leptospirosis infection; toxic
exposure to formaldehyde.
Shellfish Drowning when scuba diving. Electrical shock from broken electrical conduits;
injuries related to loose hand rails, missing safety
latches on electric hoists, and working on dredges;
shrimp meal allergy; crab scrape-related infections.
Crawfish, snail
(rice field
Crushing injury from tractor
Injury from boat propeller entanglement;
wrist/hand and back strains.
Tilapia Electrical shock from extension cords in water; injury
related to poor flooring, missing hand rails, working
alone, forklift, algae growing on walking surfaces,
trip hazards, or no fall protection; toxic effects or
burns related to chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, or
hydrochloric acid exposure; musculoskeletal
disorders; and spine prick infection (finger
Ornamental fish Salt and coral dermatitis, fish tank granuloma, skin
infection, cercarial dermatitis, skin granulomas after
abrasions, Mycobacterium marinum infection.
Salmon Respiratory failure from H2S
exposure; drowning related to
fall overboard, boat capsizing,
or diving; injury when struck
by crane or crane loads or gear
Decompression illness; toxic effects from styrene and
acetone exposure during fiberglass tank
construction; anaphylactic shock or infection from
self-injection of vaccine; and pesticide poisonings.
Tuna Diving-related drowning. Decompression illness.
Sturgeon Toxic effects or burns from exposure to hydrogen
peroxide, lime, or muriatic acid; fork lift-related
injuries; fire danger from oxygen.
Plant production
(taro, cress,
water spinach,
dropwort, water
Drowning related to fall
overboard or no PFD.
Dermatitis, wastewater-related dermatitis,
Source: Myers 2010.
Table 2. Recognized Hazards Associated with Specific Species or Phases of Production

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 390
out phases may differ between species and rearing technology, hatchery operations have
much in common between species production. Deaths have occurred in hatcheries
associated with hydrogen sulfide exposure and slips and falls. Other hazards associated
with hatcheries include exposures to aerators, pumps, heaters, and other types of
machinery; fuels, solvents, hypochlorite, formaldehyde, formalin, confined spaces, water
jets, unguarded saws, ozone, and hair entanglement in hatching trough paddles.
Erondu & Anyanwu (2005) identified hazards in African aquaculture including noise, cuts,
sprains, fractures, asthma, rhinitis, snake and fish bites, bronchitis, chemical burns,
pesticides and disinfectant poisoning, parasites, and pathogens. In another review, Conway
and RaLonde (1998) identified hazards associated with worldwide aquaculture including
machine entanglements, hearing loss, slips and falls, drowning, lacerations, infections,
electric shock, hypothermia, repetitive strains, sleep deprivation, decompression illness,
organophosphate poisoning, respiratory illness, sunburn, keratotic injury, leptospirosis, and
dermatitis. In another two reviews, Durborow (1997; 1999) identified several hazards
associated with aquaculture including exposures to bacterial infection, hydrogen sulfide,
sodium metasulfide, sodium bisulfite, anesthetics, antibiotics, vaccines, tractor overturns,
electricity, overhead power lines, power-take-off or aerator entanglements, falls, muscle
strains, drowning, hypothermia, and decompression illness.
Tables 1 and 2 can be helpful in listing known or potential hazards into a hazard inventory.
This inventory should include the following (Myers, 2011):
Process descriptions,
Controls related to the hazards,
Location organizationally and physically of each process,
Supervisor name and contact information,
Number of employees who work in the process,
Medical information related to the hazards, and
Historical information about the process and related hazards
3. Job hazard analysis
The evaluation step aids in decision-making about the nature and control of hazards given
the circumstances of the work and exposure to the hazards (Myers, 2011). Priorities for
focusing on the worst first are effected by using a risk matrix. The matrix maps the
likelihood of an incident occurring versus the severity of the consequence, which informs
the decision maker of the risk and the urgency for taking preventive action. A risk
assessment tool summarizes and evaluates the workers exposure, job redesign, and actual
or potential control measures by the processes of the enterprise.
The job hazard analysis, which is currently used at some fish farms, identifies a job such as
climbing a ladder and lists the steps involved in the job and the associated hazards with
possible countermeasures to reduce exposure to the hazard. The job hazard analysis tool is
presented in a table format in Table 3.
A likely hazardous exposure to workers or bystanders must be corrected immediately.
When a hazard has been identified, the risk can be assessed by examining the likelihood
of the hazard resulting in injury to workers or other persons (is it likely or unlikely to

Aquacultural Safety and Health 391
Job:Lifting and Carrying Feed Bags Date: 02.11.2003
Title of Person doing the job:

Analysis by:
Organization: Location: Reviewed by:
Required or recommended personal protective equipment:

Approved by:
Sequence of job steps Potential hazards Recommended control
1. Planning ahead. 1. Holding the bag may
cause strain, or it may be
1. Know where the bag is to go;
Have a place to put the bag.
Consider lighter loads with
more trips.
2. Lifting bag. 2. Back injury. 2. Use arm and leg muscles,
not your back; When in doubt
make it a 2-person task.
3. Carrying the bag. 3. The bag may slip and fall
resulting in strain from
3. Grasp bag firmly and secure
your footing; Keep your back
straight and the bag close to
your body. Avoid twisting
your back while carrying the
load; the back muscles may be
strained or the foot could stick
to a high traction surface while
the rest of the body is twisting,
causing knee sprain.
4. Seeing where you are
4. Carrying the load in front
of you can cause injury to
you or another person.
4. Make sure the load does not
block your view while
walking; Use a hand truck or
move bags stacked on pallets
with a forklift.
5. Setting the load down or
dumping the load.
5. Back injury. 5. Use your arm and leg
muscles. Avoid bending back.
Table 3. Sample Job Hazard Analysis Form
occur) and if the incident occurs, what is its potential severity, i.e., death, serious injury, or
minor injury?
Ask questions like: How many people come in contact with the hazard? How often? How
seriously could someone be harmed? How quickly could a dangerous situation occur if
something goes wrong (PEI, 2005)? Other factors to consider include abilities of the
individual, the weather and terrain, and how equipment is used.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization provides a typical risk matrix as shown in Table
4 that can be used to set priorities for controlling hazards. In this table catastrophic refers to
death or a lethal disease, critical relates to severe injury or occupational disease, serious
relates to injury or disease requiring medical care but is not critical or catastrophic, minor

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 392
Insignificant Minor Serious Critical Catastrophic
Rare N L L M M
Very low N L M H H
Low N L H H E
Moderate N M H E E
High N M E E E
Risk level denoted by: N = negligible, L = low, M = moderate, H = high, E = extreme
Source: Arthur et al. 2009.
Table 4. A Risk Matrix
refers to a minor injury or disease, and insignificant refers to property damage only
(Myers, 2011).
In Norway, job hazard analyses are summarized by job location. This summary is a risk
assessment that is made easy by asking three questions (Norwegian Labor Inspection
Authority, 2001):
1. What can go wrong (hazard)?
2. What can we do to prevent this (recommended control)?
3. What can we do to reduce the consequences if something occurs (recommended control)?
The emphasis should be aimed at the greatest risk. The format for this assessment is to place
answers to these questions as shown in Table 5. The examples developed in Norway suggest
different tables for each location in salmon farming: (1) fish hatchery, (2) dock, (3) fish fry
boat, (4) feed boat/work boat, (5) plant base, floating or on land, (6) plastic net pens, (7) steel
installation, and (8) feeding station. One example is shown in Table 5, which is consistent
with the Job Hazard Analysis and uses recommended control information from the US
Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the US National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health.
4. Hierarchy of controls
This section introduces the reader to the hierarchy of controls as an extension of the
identified countermeasures listed in the job hazard analysis. It distinguishes passive from
active controls. Passive controls involve no human action for protection and include the
elimination of the hazard at the top of the hierarchy, followed by substitution of a less
hazardous technology or an engineered guard against the hazard. Active controls include
awareness through warnings or training and the use of personal protective equipment.
Farm operators are encouraged to adopt or develop inherently safety technologies by first
(eliminating), then (guarding against), and finally (warning about) the hazard. Warnings
are not always reliable in preventing contact with hazards. Examples of this hierarchy,
which has evolved for safety engineering, are presented in Table 6 (Wogalter, 2006).
The hierarchy of controls is an approach for evaluating the inherently safer technologies
with an emphasis on moving from active to passive controls. This simple two-step hierarchy
was used in highway safety with the highest precedence based upon (1) passive control that

Aquacultural Safety and Health 393
Work task
What can go wrong?
(Potential hazards)
What can we do?
(Recommended control)
Walking on
the dock..
Slipping or tripping on
Eliminate, to the extent possible, conditions
causing slippery working and walking surfaces
in immediate work areas, e.g., brush poured
cement before it dries to provide traction to the
walking surface. Active work areas shall be kept
free of equipment and materials not in use, and
clear of debris and other objects not necessary
for the work in progress. Cargo and material
shall not obstruct access to or egress from boats,
cranes, vehicles, or buildings. PFDs must be
aboard and
ashore from
Falling into sea. An adequate gangway must be provided. When
a gangway is not practical, then a ladder or
floating bridge must be used. The gangway must
have clear access, have hand rails, and be
properly trimmed and illuminated. When
boarding, leaving, or working from small boats
or floats, workers shall be protected by personal
flotation devices.
Loading or
with cranes.
Crushed by load or crane
Cranes are to be operated only by qualified and
trained personnel. Inspect all rigging prior to
use. Do not exceed the load chart capacity while
making lifts. Suspended loads must not pass
over the gangway or above workers. Shut down
the operation during extreme wind or during
loading or
Crushed by runover. Do not operate a forklift unless you are trained
and licensed. Do not handle loads that are
heavier than the weight capacity of the forklift.
Operate the forklift at a speed that will permit
it to be stopped safely.
Source: Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, 2001. Adapted to recommendations by US agencies: the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Table 5. An Example of a Job Hazard Analysis Related to a Work Location: The Dock
requires no human intervention at the work interface, whereas the less safe approach was
(2) the active control that depends upon human behavior at the work interface (Haddon,
1974). The passive control emphasized roadway and vehicle design features while active
controls focused on the driver.

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 394
PASSIVE CONTROLSprotection does not depend upon the workers actions (Haddon,
1. Eliminate hazards posed by equipment, animals, and the environment if at all possible
or substitute something safer by using a different machine, material or work practice
that poses less risk to perform the same task. For example, replace a faulty machine or
use a safer chemical instead of a more dangerous chemical.
2. Guard against the hazard when it is not possible to eliminate hazards. Engineered
controls include machinery guards and PTO shields. Design controls, such as locked
fences, isolate the worker from the hazard.
ACTIVE CONTROLSprotection depends upon the workers actions (Haddon, 1974).
3. Warn against the hazard if other controls are inadequate. Protect workers through
training, supervision, and personal protective equipment (PPE). For example, supervise
new workers until they are competent to deal with hazardous situations.Use and
provide proper clothes and respirator protection for handling dangerous chemicals or
With more than 50 fish farm visits, investigators were able to identify hazards on fish farms
as well as different levels of hazard control on different farms (Durborow, et al., 2011;
Ogunsanya et al.,2011). Farmers were generally aware of the hazards but were less aware of
controls that different farmers had used to prevent injury from the hazards. Twelve hazards
and a range of controls for each hazard are summarized below in Table 6, which classifies
the interventions against the precedence hierarchy of controls (Myers & Durborow, 2011;
Myers & Cole, 2009).
5. Model safety manual
The Global Aquaculture Alliance for Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) is a standards-based
certification system that combines site inspections and records review to help program
participants meet the global demands for wholesome seafood produced in an
environmentally and socially responsible manner. BAP has developed standards to certify
shrimp hatcheries and shrimp, tilapia, channel catfish, pangasius, and salmon farms. One
section of 13 sections in the certifications process includes Worker Safety and Employee
Relations (BAPa, 2011). Other sections have an effect on worker safety and health: Storage
and Disposal of Farm Supplies, Drug and Chemical Management, Microbial Sanitation, and
Harvest and Transport.
In the certification process, the following standards regard worker safety: Living quarters
provided by the employer shall be well ventilated and have an adequate shower and toilet
and potable water; and wholesome meals should be available for workers. National labor
laws or criteria in the International Labor Organization Conventions for minimum age
and child labor shall be followed. Minimum standards for occupational safety and health
include (1) medical care access, (2) an emergency response plan regarding serious
illnesses or injuries, (3) workers trained in first aid and the emergency response plan, (4)
available first aid kits, and (5) personal protective devices and clothing should be

Aquacultural Safety and Health 395
Hazard Warning Guarding Elimination
Falling lid on live tanks
Post sign urging
caution when
working near raised
Place wooden wedge
under open lid
Install locking or
pneumatic hinges
Impalement on electric
fence rods (to deter
Be careful and dont
Use top insulators as
impalement caps
Place rods
horizontally on
raceway walls
Fall from feed bin roof
Hang on tight to
Install a ladder guard
or use a harness
attached to a cable
Install hatch handles
at ground level
Needle stick while
vaccinating fish
Keep fingers away
from injection site.
Use corrugated table
top to immobilize the
fish in the corrugated
Install automatic fish
vaccination machine
Overhead electric
power line contact
Flag areas under
power lines
Raise power lines,
e.g., 30 to 45
Bury power lines
Lifting fish with a dip
Keep good posture
while lifting
Lift smaller loads of
fish making more
frequent trips
Install a pulley to
raise fish nets from
tank and a track to
slide loaded net to the
weighing point
Tractor overturn
Stay off of slopes
that could cause
Install rollover
protection and use the

Net entanglement &
drowning while diving
Dont panic
Place regulator
shrouds on O2 tanks

Traffic collision hazard Dont drive sleepy
Maintain distance
from other drivers

Aerator PTO
Keep away from
rotating PTO shafts
Place guards on
power-take offs
Use electric-powered
Hatchery paddle
Use panic wire to
stop shaft when hair
Replace bolted metal
paddles with plastic
paddles that slip upon
Mount motor that
drives the paddles on
a movable platform
that completely
disengages the drive
belts if disturbed
Solar radiation
Dont expose bare
Wear sun block Work in covered areas
Table 6. Examples of Prevention Effectiveness Related to the Hierarchy of Controls

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 396
provided as needed. Best Available Practices are established for the following categories of
fish farms and hatcheries:
Tilapia Farms (BAPb, 2011):
The above standards apply.
Shrimp Farms (BAPc, 2011):
The above standards apply.
Shrimp Hatcheries (BAPd, 2011):
The above standards apply, and
Train and assure appropriate licensing of machinery operators, drivers, and repair
personnel in machine safety.
Channel Catfish Farms (BAPe, 2011):
The above standards apply.
Electrical pumps and aerators must be wired according to standard and safe procedures.
Pangasius Farms (BAPf, 2011):
The above standards apply, and
Comply with laws that govern diving on fish farms.
Dive safety plans that include diver training, maintenance of diving logs, and
equipment maintenance.
Written procedures and trained staff to handle diving emergencies, and regular audit of
records and procedures.
Salmon Farms (BAPg, 2011):
The above standards apply, and
Initial training of workers for their assigned tasks and safety procedures and use of
boats and related equipment.
Familiarize workers with emergency response plans and train them in first aid, one of
whom shall be present among untrained personnel.
The employer and diving contractors shall comply with laws that govern diving on fish
farms or implement a dive safety plan requiring diver training and certification.
Minimize the frequency of ascents during the diving day.
Maintain dive logs that document procedures and safety-related incidents.
Require records on equipment maintenance.
Dive safety equipment shall include the availability of bottled oxygen.
Written safety policies for contractors.
A possible safety manual is provided by the Prince Edward Island Workers Compensation
Board in its Aquaculture Safety Code of Practice. It can be accessed online at
practice.pdf. An outline for this manual is shown in Table 7. It does not address confined
spaces, but a US Occupational Safety and Health Administration publication can be used to
develop policies regarding confined spaces (OSHA, 2004).

Aquacultural Safety and Health 397
Responsibilities Under the Law
Aquaculture Safety Planning
Boat, Deck & Navigational Safety
Chainsaw Safety
Chemical, Fuel & Lubricant Safety
Diving Safety
Electrical Safety
Equipment & Machinery Safety
Finfish Safety
Fire Prevention
First Aid and Emergencies
Confined Spaces*
Hand & Power Tools
Hoisting and Conveyor Systems
Hydraulic Safety
New & Young Workers
Personal Protective Equipment
Rescue Procedures
Sharp Objects Safety
Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention
Transportation Safety
Weather Hazards
Welding, Cutting or Soldering Safety
Winter Harvesting Safety
Workplace Housekeeping
Sources: PEI, 2005.
*OSHA 2004.
Table 7. Possible Sections That Can be Chosen for an Aquacultural Safety Manual
6. Conclusion
This chapter aims to provide information for establishing programs for protecting
aquaculturalists from occupational hazards. It presents many occupational hazards
associated with aquaculture with some regarding specific species and rearing technologies.
These recognized hazards can help the aquaculture production enterprise identify potential
hazards in its operation. Next, approaches are described for evaluating these hazards
including the job hazard analysis and risk assessment approaches with a description of the
risk matrix that can aid in setting priorities for controlling hazards. Section 4 addresses the
use of the hierarchy of controls to implement the most effective protection by emphasizing
passive controls (protection independent of the worker) over active controls (protection
dependent on the actions of the worker). Finally, a possible table of contents for developing
a safety manual for an operation is presented (Section 5).
We began with the model developed by industrial hygienists to protect against occupational
hazards: the identification, evaluation, and control of hazards. More recently, industrial
hygienists have added another purpose for their profession, the anticipation of hazards
(Myers, 2005). The anticipation of hazards is of high importance to aquaculture, which is
developing rapidly worldwide. One approach is to use known hazards and controls from
other sectors. Procedures in the fish processing sector can be expanded into the fish
production sector, and the unique procedures of the fishing sector can be adapted to
offshore aquaculture. In addition, the traditional regulatory sector regimes for onshore and
offshore operations need to come together to protect aquacultural workers (Claussen, 2000),
many of whom work both onshore and offshore.
Other sources may aid in more specific approaches. As an example, regarding channel
catfish, the Catfish Farmers of America, USDA Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, and
National Aquaculture Association developed Safety for Fish Farm Workers program
guidelines, which can be accessed at
d001800/d001756/d001756.html. A manual for aquaculture safety in cold waters Spawn,

Health and Environment in Aquaculture 398
Spat, and Sprains is available at, which deals
not only with safety and ergonomics, but also with survival in the event of a vessel
capsizing. A Guide to Drug, Vaccine, and Pesticide Use in Aquaculture produced by the Federal
Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture revised in 2007 can be accessed at
7. Acknowledgments
The project that informed this chapter was supported by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (NIOSH) Cooperative Agreement number 2 U50 OH007547-07, and human
subjects review was provided by the University of Kentucky Office of Research Integrity
under IRB protocol number 06-0564-P2G. We are grateful to Teresa Donovan of the
University of Kentucky College of Public Health for her help in editing this paper.
8. References
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Aquaculture Certification Council, Inc. Updated on 03.16.2011. Accessed at
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BAPc (Best Aquaculture Practices).(2011). Shrimp Farms: Best Aquacultural Standards
Certification Standards, Guidelines, Sample Application/Audits. Crystal River, FL:
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BAPd (Best Aquaculture Practices).(2011). Shrimp Hatcheries: Guidelines for BAP
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03.16.2011. Accessed at on
BAPe (Best Aquaculture Practices).(2011). Channel Catfish Farms: Best Aquacultural Practices
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BAPf (Best Aquaculture Practices).(2011). Pangasius Farms: Best Aquacultural Practices
Certification Standards, Guidelines, Sample Application/Audits. Crystal River, FL:

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BAPg (Best Aquaculture Practices). (2011).Salmon Farms: Best Aquacultural Practices
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Claussen, C.B. (2011) High accident rates in aquaculture. Gemini. Accessed on 07.26.2000 at .
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Part 7
Spread of Pathogens from Marine Cage

Spread of Pathogens from Marine Cage
Aquaculture A Potential Threat for Wild Fish
Assemblages Under Protection Regimes?
Antonio Terlizzi
, Perla Tedesco and Pierpaolo Patarnello
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies,
University of Salento, CoNISMa, Lecce
1. Introduction
The spread and the control of pathogens represent a serious problem in aquaculture,
implying important environmental and economic issues (Huntington, 2006; Sapkota et al.,
With the rapid development of aquaculture in recent decades (Food and Agriculture
Organization [FAO], 2008), an increasing number of pathogens involved in fish disease, and
the range of susceptible fish species have been identified and described. The increasing use
of molecular tools has helped improve our knowledge in this area.
Few studies have been performed to evaluate the interactions host/pathogen in the natural
environment (Hedrick, 1998), or to investigate the mechanisms of infection and interaction
between farmed and wild specimens, nor the ecological role assumed by infected wild hosts
has been explored yet.
In view of the current decline of fish stocks, which has recently been attributed not only to
habitat loss and overfishing, but also even to the spread of pathogens (Daszak, 2000; Gozlan
et al., 2005), understanding these mechanisms is essential for a proper conservation and
management of marine and fisheries resources.
The effect of parasites and other pathogens on fish populations under protection regimes
has received virtually no attention (McCallum et al., 2005). Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
can provide unique protection for critical areas and spatial escape for overexploited species
and are regarded as essential tools for the conservation of marine environments (Lubchenco
et al., 2003; Pauly, 2005; Roberts et al., 2005). However, the effectiveness of MPAs is greatly
limited by several anthropogenic and natural impacts acting at scales much larger than that
encompassing by the reserve boundaries. Examples of such impacts toward which MPAs
cannot offer any direct protection are represented by climate change (Graham et al., 2008;
McClanahan, 2000), with all the problems related to it (Keller et al., 2009), the spread of
pollutants (Jarman et al., 1992; Loganathan & Kannan, 1994; Terlizzi et al., 2004), invasive

Corresponding Author

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

species (Carlton et al., 1990; Katsanevakis et al. 2010; Trowbridge, 1995), and pathogens
(Lessios, 1988; Littler & Littler, 1995; Rasmussen, 1977; Steinbeck et al., 1992).
In this chapter we briefly review the potential threats to wild population represented by the
spread of pathogens from marine cage fish aquaculture. As an emblematic example we
focus particularly on the effects of a serious disease, namely the Viral Nervous Necrosis
(VNN), affecting several reared fish species worldwide.
In order to warn about how the spread of pathogens could represent a risk for natural
populations, even under protection regimes, we report on the results of a preliminary
survey for the detection of viral particles responsible for VNN in the gonads and brain
homogenates in some wild specimens collected in two no take-no access Marine Protected
Areas in the Southern Italy (South Adriatic and North Ionian Sea).
2. The spread of pathogens from marine cage aquaculture
There are several ways by which new pathogens can attain natural populations.
For example, a benign organism can undergo a genetic change that may increase its degree
of pathogenicity (Bull, 1994; Cunningham, 2002). A pathogen may also be introduced
through the expansion of the range of wild species in new regions as a result of global
warming, the removal of barriers, or the transport of animals for commercial and
recreational purposes (Gozlan et al., 2006).
It is now known that the activities of aquaculture farms, particularly those of offshore floating
cages, are a source of various types of environmental (Pusceddu et al., 2007) and biological
(Terlizzi et al., 2010) impact, including the facilitation of the spread of potential pathogens
(Krkoek et al., 2006). The high density to which organisms are reared and the unnatural and
stressful conditions to which they are subjected may in fact facilitate the emergence and spread
of diseases, which can potentially extend to wild organisms (Naylor et al., 2005).
The use of net pen or cages systems involves a higher risk for disease transmission because
there is no impermeable barrier between the farm and the aquatic environment (Huntington
et al., 2006). There is therefore a strong potential for contamination between reared
organisms and the wildlife of the surrounding environment.
Many species of wild fish are attracted by the presence of the cages, which provide them
food and shelter (Diamant et al., 2000), often succeeding to get into cages, passing through
the mesh. Farmed species may be able to escape in the environment too. This phenomenon
may have important biological implications (e.g. in terms of genetic contamination) on wild
populations. In addition, escaped individuals can carry infections they acquired at the
culture systems (Conseil International pour L'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer
Mdetirrane [CIESM], 2007).
Farmed fish stocks may prove receptive to pathogens from the surrounding environment
too. The exchange of pathogens between farmed and wild fish has been repeatedly observed
in different geographical regions (Diamant et al., 2000; Kent, 2000; Mc Vicar, 1997; Nowak et
al., 2004; Paperna, 1998; Sepulveda et al., 2004). Bacterial infections by Mycobacterium
marinum and Streptococcus iniae, which are common among farmed fish stocks, have been
described to cause mortality even in wild fish (Colorni et al., 2002).
Spread of Pathogens from Marine Cage Aquaculture
A Potential Threat for Wild Fish Assemblages Under Protection Regimes?

Pathological events in populations of wild abalone (Alstatt et al., 1996) suggest a potential
susceptibility that makes them able to influence or be influenced by, reared individuals.
Such pathogen exchange relationship seems to occur frequently between farmed and wild
fish populations, as in the case of a disease known as Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis, which
affects mainly salmons, and which appears to be transmitted between wild and farmed
specimens in both directions (Naylor et al., 2003).
Transmission of pathogens from aquaculture to wild fish can occur at different stages of the
life cycle: infection can start from the earliest stages of reproduction and larval rearing
(hatchery) and spread in the later stages (growing) contaminating wild stocks and causing
dangerous epidemics (Naylor et al., 2005).
Krkoek et al. (2011) studied the effects of sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) from salmon
farming facilities on populations of wild salmon (Onchorhynchus gorbusha and O. keta),
noting that juveniles of these species, when parasitized, show a reduced ability to escape
predators that consume selectively parasitized salmon. Therefore, the mortality of juvenile
wild salmon may be higher than previously believed and this has important implications for
the development of appropriate conservation policies.
The importation of feed for aquaculture can also be considered vehicle of sources of
pollutants and of pathogens between fish stocks very distant from each other (Dalton, 2004).
Parasites and pathogens can therefore play an important role for fish stocks, reducing both
the number and yield, increasing mortality, altering the reproductive potential, affecting the
structure of the population size and/or reducing the commercial value of harvested stocks
(Dobson & May, 1987; Kuris & Lafferty, 1992).
Being able to influence the survival of the host and his reproductive success, pathogens
should be taken into great consideration in the design and management of MPAs
(McCallum et al., 2005). Also, even if the survival or reproduction are not affected, as in the
case of infections by Anisakis simplex and Pseudoterranova decipiens, pathogens may pose a
problem for fisheries management-oriented reserves, because the infected hosts have a
lower market value and can represent a health risk when consumed as food by humans.
3. The Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN)
The genus Betanodavirus, family Nodaviridae is a widespread and well-known viral
pathogen in the field of fish farming. It is the etiologic agent responsible for a severe disease
known as Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy (VER), or Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN). It
affects more than 40 species of marine fish worldwide (Panzarin et al., 2010). VNN disease is
regarded as one of the most devastating viral infections among marine fish.
Affected fish, particularly juvenile forms, show spiralling swimming, darkened colour and
hyper inflated swim bladders. Internal disease signs include pale livers, empty digestive
tracts and intestines filled with brownish fluid. In affected fish the virus propagates in the
eye, brain and distal spinal cord causing marked vacuolations leading to encephalopathy
and retinopathy (Fig. 1). Such lesions in the Central Nervous System and in the retina
(nervous tissue of the eye) have always been typical of larval and juvenile stages in the sea
bass (Bovo et al., 1996; Breuil et al., 1991) and in other species sensitive to nodavirosis
(Glazebrook et al., 1990; Grotmol et al., 1997; Mori et al., 1991; Nguyen et al., 1996). For this

Health and Environment in Aquaculture


Fig. 1. Histological preparation of a sea bass larva (age 45 days) with the typical vacuolar
necrosis of the brain tissue and in the retina (indicated by white and black arrows,
respectively). After the collection, the sample has been readily fixed in 10% neutral buffered
formalin for not more than 7 days. Thereafter it has been included in paraffin to be cut in to
sections of 5 m and then colored for histological analysis. The dye used in this histological
section is hematoxylin-eosin.
reason histological analyses have often been performed in monitoring programs to evaluate
the spread of the disease in the hatcheries (Sweetman et al 1996).
The virus also multiplies in the gonad, livers, kidney, stomach and intestine (Grotmol et al.,
2000; Munday et al., 2002).
Experiments with Pseudocaranx dentex (Arimoto et al., 1992; Mushiake et al., 1994; Nishizawa
et al., 1996) have shown that the virus transmission can occur either vertically, from
broodstock to larvae through the eggs or sperm, either horizontally, through the contact
between healthy fish and infected larvae (Arimoto et al., 1993). Experimental contamination
with infected tissue homogenates (Arimoto et al., 1993; Glazebrook et al., 1990; Grotmol et
al., 1999; Tanaka et al., 1998) or addition of purified virus from infected individuals (Nguyen
et al., 1996) or produced in SSN-1 cells (Pducasse et al., 1999) is also able to transmit the
virus. The ability of the betanodavirus to resist to a wide pH range, varying from 2 to 9
(Frerichs et al., 1996), and its resistance in sea water at 15 C for more than one year (Frerichs
et al., 2000) increases the probability of horizontal transmission (Munday et al., 2002). The
transmission of the betanodavirus from infected, asymptomatic specimens is also possible.
Some Authors (e.g. Castric et al., 2001) have shown how specimens of Sparus aurata
Spread of Pathogens from Marine Cage Aquaculture
A Potential Threat for Wild Fish Assemblages Under Protection Regimes?

experimentally infected but apparently healthy, are able to transmit the virus to individuals
of Dicentrarchus labrax placed in the same cage.
The finding, in Norway (Aspehaug et al., 1999), of adults of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus
hippoglossus) positive for betanodavirus suggests a possible danger of using wild animals as
breeding stock.
There is obviously also the possible risk of transmission occurring in the opposite direction,
namely that the virus originating from aquaculture facilities can infect wild healthy
individuals. Supports to this hypothesis, in addition to the above mentioned evidences,
which show that betanodavirus can spread both horizontally and vertically within a system,
are provided by the detection of the virus in several wild marine species, although the
infection in the examined subjects was asymptomatic (Barker et al., 2002; Gagn et al., 2004;
Gomez et al., 2004; Gomez et al., 2008; Thiry et al., 2004).
Recent studies carried out along the Italian coast have identified the etiologic agent
responsible for the disease in wild organisms belonging to a wide panel of species. From a
virological examination conducted by Maltese et al. (2005) on samples from the northern
Adriatic and the Strait of Sicily, the presence of viruses has been detected in the sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), white grouper (Epinephelus aeneus),
dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), axillary seabream
(Pagellus acarne), poor cod (Trisopterus minutus) and in the black goby (Gobius niger). The
study highlighted a possible widespread of the virus in nature, the role of S. aurata as an
asymptomatic carrier and the high sensitivity of the genus Epinephelus, for which episodes of
mortality in other geographical areas have been reported. The study also confirmed the
considerable sensitivity of D. labrax to the betanodavirus, which had already been proven in
the context of intensive farming.
4. VNN and protected populations: A limited effectiveness of MPAs?
The two areas considered for sampling are the MPA of Porto Cesareo, located along the
southwestern coast of Apulia (Ionian Sea, 4015' N - 1752' E) and the MPA of Torre
Guaceto, located along the east coast of Apulia (Adriatic Sea, 4043' N - 1748' E). Both areas
are characterized by the past presence of extensive aquaculture activities within or close to
the reserve boundaries. The survey focused mainly on specimens of D. labrax but, whenever
possible, considered, as a preliminary screening, some other species of commercial interest
for which positive serology for the betanodavirus has been already reported in literature.
For all specimens, samples of brain and gonadal tissue, the main target organs of the virus
were taken in double aliquot for DNA extraction and biomolecular analysis. Virological
analyses were performed by the laboratories of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale
delle Venezie (Padua, Italy). Samples were analysed through real-time TaqMan PCR. This
technique proved to be highly sensitive, is suitable for a wide range of organic matrices and
is able to detect the four betanodavirus genotypes currently recognized. The experimental
protocol followed the procedure described in Panzarin et al. (2010). More particularly,
samples were processed for RNA extraction using the NucleoSpin RNA II (Macherey-
Nagel GmbH & C., Dren, Germany). Real-time PCR was performed using the LightCycler
2.0 system and carried out in 20 l with LightCycler TaqMan Master (Roche
Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany), 0.9 M of each primer, 0.75 M of probe and 5 l

Health and Environment in Aquaculture

of cDNA template. The thermal prole consisted of a 10-min incubation at 95C followed by
45 cycles of 10 s denaturation at 95C, 35 s annealing at 58C and 1 s elongation at 72C,
followed by an additional 30-s cooling step at 40C.
The analysis involved the collection of 28 specimens, 9 of which coming from the MPA of
Torre Guaceto and 19 from the MPA of Porto Cesareo. Results are summarised in Table 1.
Several specimens resulted positive to the VNN test. The individuals showing positivity to
the molecular analyses were mostly represented by the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) but
the presence of the virus was also detected in the scorpion fish (Scorpaena scrofa), the gray
mullet (Mugil sp.), the goby (Gobius sp.) and the comber (Serranus cabrilla). All positive
individuals appeared asymptomatic.

Fish species No. of examined fish No. of positive samples
Torre Guaceto MPA
Dicentrarchus labrax 4 3
Diplodus sargus 5 0
Porto Cesareo MPA
Dicentrarchus labrax 3 3
Scorpaena scrofa 3 1
Mugil sp. 3 1
Gobius sp. 2 1
Serranus cabrilla 2 1
Synodus saurus 2 0
Serranus scriba 1 0
Sarpa salpa 2 0
Oblada melanura 1 0
Table 1. Summary of VNN tests performed in the two Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
5. Discussion
The lack of clinical signs in infected fish specimens observed in this study is consistent with
the results obtained in other recent studies of wild marine fauna (Baeck et al., 2007; Gomez
et al., 2004), thus confirming how rare are the observations of clinical forms in wild fish
populations (but see Gomez et al., 2009).
Some authors argue that most infections in wildlife are presumably latent and they do not
evolve into a pathological condition until the fish becomes stressed (Barker et al., 2002).
Barker et al. (2002) firstly reported piscine nodavirus in wild winter flouder Pleuronectes
americanus in Passamaquoddy Bay (New Brunswick, Canada) considering the possibility that
the virus could be transferred between wild winter flounder and sea-caged halibut or cod.
Baeck et al. (2007) detected nodavirus in 21 different apparently healthy wild marine fish
collected in coastal areas of Korea, close to aquaculture facilities and Gomez et al. (2004) reported
Spread of Pathogens from Marine Cage Aquaculture
A Potential Threat for Wild Fish Assemblages Under Protection Regimes?

high prevalence for betanodavirus in apparently healthy cultured and wild marine fish near
mariculture areas in Japan. In both studies, sampling areas were located near aquaculture
facilities and the authors support the hypothesis of an horizontal transmission of the virus.
The results here reported, although preliminary, make us suppose that the distribution of
the betanodavirus is currently extending and not confined to marine cage aquaculture. The
genetic characterization of isolated viral strains is currently under investigation and will
likely help determining more precisely the range of dispersion and residence time of these
possible sources of contamination, thus improving our understanding about the
epidemiological mechanisms of the disease and consequently our ability to control it.
Our findings also confirm that MPAs are not able to cope with this particular form of
impact, which clearly acts at a scale larger than that covered by the measures of protection
(Allison et al., 1998).
The specimens considered, although asymptomatic, might still be reservoirs of infection, by
acting as virus carriers, and further favoring the spread of the pathogen. The ecological role of
these asymptomatic carriers in nature remains however unclear and the possible consequences
on natural population still remain to be clarified. This is not an easy task, however, as disease
disorders are difficult to observe in the wild because affected individuals are rapidly removed
from the population by predators (Gozlan et al., 2006). These consequences are nevertheless
conceivable since in some reared species such as the sea bass, the virus causes, in addition to
the above-described damages to the nervous system, failure in reproduction (often
sterilization), reduced hatching rate and high larval mortality.
In the view of the impact caused by the over-exploitation of marine resources and given the
current trend of decline of commercially important fish stocks, increased mortalities and
failure in reproduction due to diseases should be carefully considered and adequately
addressed, especially in sound quantification of the effectiveness of MPAs.
Attempts to protect biodiversity through MPAs and/or restore ecosystem functioning (e.g.,
through the protection of over-exploited species that generate positive community-wide
effect) might be frustrated and/or biased in their quantification by external pressures.
Given the wide spread of this virus and its possible consequences in asymptomatic forms it
should be important to include the issue of pathogens in disease surveillance program and
monitoring of biological health of each MPA as well as any area that has or has had a
significant number of intensive aquaculture plants.
6. Acknowledgments
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Communitys
seventh Framework programme (FP7 / 2007 2013) under Grant Agreement No. 266445 for
the project Vectors of Change in the Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic
Sectors (VECTORS).
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