IQ Centric - 345 Questions

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1. Number of changes in specific time period number of changes per week, for example.

. This describes the degree of volatility of requirements. 2. Product, process or resource The three important entities in an IT Organization 3. Which of the following is the internal attribute: Effort, Quality, Cost, and Stability? 4. The internal attributes are measures or metrics that we can control and measure directly 5. A measure is single quantitative attribute of an entity 6. Objective measures uses data that can be obtained by counting, stacking, weighing, timing, etc.

7. The subjective measurement is likely to change values across users 8. Objective measures are often referred to as quantitative data 9. Subjective data are referred to as qualitative data 10. Software metrics may be broadly classified as either product metrics, process metrics or service metrics. 11. Complexity Metrics is Product metrics 12. On Time Delivery is Service Metrics 13. The software metrics lifecycle consists of Identify, Define, Collect, Analyze and Evolve stages 14. Reusability is addressed in Product Transition of McCall model 15. Requirements are to say What a software solution should do rather than How, it is to be done 16. A requirement is complete if: Everything that the software is supposed to do is included in the requirement specification All pages numbered; all figures and tables numbered, name referenced; all terms defined; all units of measure provided; and all referenced material present. No sections marked To Be Determined. 17. A requirement is traced if and only if the origin of each of its requirements is clear 18. Annotating requirement in a requirement specification provides guidance to the software developers. True 19.Annotated by Relative Importance - This approach satisfies minimum needs of the customer 20. UML: Use case diagram, UML: activity diagram, Data flow diagrams representation forms available for Functional design 21. The usage of global data, public attributes, and common areas within a module increases coupling 22. A high fan-in is desirable for procedures as it indicates a reused procedure True 23. As a rule of thumb, the optimum fan-out is seven, 2. 24.Change-prone model is developed to identify change prone classes using following parameters Coupling Between Objects (CBO) RFC NORM LOCOM1


25.Defect-prone model is developed to identify change prone classes using following parameters Number Of Added Methods (NOAM) and Number of Operations (NOO) Coupling Between Objects (CBO) Depth Of Inheritance Hierarchy (DOIH) 26.Cyclomatic Complexity measures the structural / logic flow complexity in a method 27. One question using the formulae McClure Complexity = B + N B = the number of conditional branches in a program N = the number of unique operands used in conditional branches 28.McCabe provides complexity from structural perspective whereas Halstead provides complexity from computational perspective 29. The MOOD metrics, defined by Fernando Brito e Abreu, provide a summary of the overall quality of an object-oriented project 30. Performing smoke testing on the build and accepting / rejecting the build depending on smoke test result is part of test environment setup. 31. To achieve 100% decision coverage, each decision condition in the code has to be evaluated for both true and false while testing 32.Race Coverage: reports whether multiple threads execute the same code at the same time 33. State-based context coverage metrics are designed to improve the testing of classes with state dependent behavior. 34. Cause-Effect graph is a technique that aids in selecting combination of input conditions in a systematic way such that smaller set of high yield test cases can be generated 35. Utilities- Programs/Scripts etc. that help to automate routine tasks like initializing, comparing and similar other sundry housekeeping jobs 36. %EFFORT Savings= Actual reuse effort savings/ (Actual effort+ Actual tools savings+ Actual reuse savings) 37. Functionality is major factor in which phase of SDLC a) requirement b) Architecture c) Design d) Coding 38. Reliability is major factor in which phase of SDLC a)requirement b)architecture c)design d)coding 39. 39 high value of Count 01 and redefines clause in COBOL __________ the complexity a)increases b) decreases 40. Entities of Software Metrics Process, Product and Resources 41. Quality is the attribute of which metrics Process


42. UML activity diagram, DFD and structure diag are part of which design Functional Design 43. Simplicity is calculated on basis of complexity True/False 44. Coupling and cohesion belong to which Metric Product/Process (not sure abt answer) 45. Data from one module decides the action of second module. This is ---------Control Coupling 46. Modules are design so that user navigates from one screen to other. Which cohesion is applicable here Communicational 47. Best type of cohesion Functional 48. Structural fan in and fan out is measured in procedures as well as files TRUE/FALSE (not sure) 49. High NOAM indicates functionality of child class is different that parent class TRUE/FALSE 50. DOIH and NOCC are attributes of interaction coupling TRUE/FALSE 51. Some question on LCOM dont remember exactly 52. DesignR is not applicable in structured programs TRUE/FALSE 53. Design factors of Defect prone classes NOAM, NOO, CBO and DOIH. 54. LOCOM1 can be used to identify change prone characteristic TRUE/FALSE 55. Informational Metrics depends on.. 56. Question on CRUD Metrics 57. Use of 01Level Variables and REDIFINES . The complexity in COBOL Increase/decrease 58. True comment ratio is higher than comment ratio TRUE/FALSE 59. Overall code metrics for OOD Mood Metrics 60. You are able to express the functionality of a function in one line using 2 verbs separated by a and condition, what is it exhibiting - temporal cohesion - Communicational -functional cohesion 61. You are unable to express functionality of a method in one line what is it exhibiting 62. You need to write a design doc from SRS what is the best keywords to look for


-listed, given below -Timeliness, -Should, May Shall, will and must 63. If you need to look for non explanatory requirements (basically not doc properly) you should look for which keywords --Timeliness, Options May, can either or 64. What are the keywords that tell that the req is v long ---follows, listed 65. What estimation technique to use before start of coding phase Ans: Function points 66. McCabe Cyclomatic complexity calculates the minimum no of test cases required True 67. Which measure to use for database software? Ans: CRUD 68. Which metrics to use for OOPs Ans: MOOD 69. If comments ratio in the program is as per the standards there is no need to evaluate it And False (i think) 70. Which a. b. c. d. e. of the following is not a level of measure? Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Cardinal

71. Complexity Metrics is a type of Product Metrics 72. The focus in unit testing is code coverage 73. Performing smoke testing on the build and accepting / rejecting the build depending on smoke test result is part of test environment setup. 74.Code coverage is the focus in structural testing 75. Which a. b. c. d. e. of the following is not a black box/functional testing Equivalence Partitioning Boundary Value Analysis Cause - Effect Graphing Error Guessing None of the above

76. For optimal modular design low coupling and high cohesion is desirable. 77. Data flow diagrams are used for process modeling 78. Number of test cases required to achieve path coverage increases exponentially with the number of branches. For 10 If else braches, what is the a. 100 b. 1024


c. 2048 d. None of the above 79. The Cyclomatic complexity indicates minimum number of test cases required to ensure reasonable coverage of the program. 80. Cause-Effect graph is a technique that aids in selecting combination of input conditions in a systematic way such that smaller set of high yield test cases can be generated. 81. Utilities- Programs/Scripts etc. that help to automate routine tasks like initialising,comparing and similar other sundry housekeeping jobs 82. %EFFORT Savings= Actual reuse effort savings/(Actual effort+ Actual tools savings+ Actual reuse savings) 83. Security systems ability to protect from unauthorized access to data or system functionality at the same time permitting legitimate use 84. Efficiency how well the system utilizes the resources 85. Performance is Observable QoS requirements 86. A requirement is unambiguous if, and only if, every requirement stated therein has only one interpretation and complete if:_ Everything that the software is supposed to do is included in the requirement specification 87. Number every paragraph hierarchically Traceable 88. Use case diagram, UML: activity diagram, Data flow diagrams Functional Design 89. Coupling can be measured through a. # of parameters passed b. Number of components called c. # of Shared variables accessed in the module d. All of the above 90. If the sentence is a compound sentence, contains a comma, or contains more than one verb, the module is probably performing more than one function. Then it does not have functional cohesion. a. If the sentence has more than one verb and if they are connected by ORs then the module has logical strength. b. If the verbs are connected by ANDs then the module may have classical, procedural, or communication strength. 91. In structured design, Fan-In and Fan-Out metrics is available at files as well between procedures 92. A high fan-in is desirable for procedures as it indicates a reused procedure a. True b. False 93. The optimum fan-out is seven, 2. 94. Which of the following is false a. only about 10 15% of the classes/programs account more than 60% of defects 95.Defect proneness model is developed to identify defect prone classes using the design factors NOAM, NOO, CBO and DOIH 96.Change-prone model is developed to identify change prone classes using following parameters CBO, RFC, NORM, LOCOM1


97. McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity counts the number of possible linearly independent paths, meaning the number of if, Perform and Evaluate statements in the operations body 98. McClure tried to remove this discrepancy while estimating the program complexity. a. McClure Control Variable Complexity indicates the complexity involved in testing a program b. This is concerned on how complex the tests are that control their selection c. It is based on the number of conditions and the number of unique data items used in comparison expressions. 99. Following are the three major factors of the CRUD Matrix a. Total number of input / output operations b. Total number of different Types of IO operations c. Different types of databases used. d. All of the Above 100. Higher the Count of 01 Variables and REDEFINES clause, higher is the complexity.

101. Greater the value of MI the more maintainable the program is and lesser effort it requires for maintenance 102. At Infosys, the minimum value of MI should be 5.Recommended value for MI between 2 and 7;

103. The MOOD metrics, defined by Fernando Brito e Abreu, provide a summary of the overall quality of an object-oriented project a. True b. False 104. benefits of using metrics for Organization a. Industry Benchmarking b. Comparing Units Performance c. Meaningful Goal Setting d. All of the above Effort Metrics is a a. Process Metrics b. Product Metrics c. Service Metrics d. None of the above


106. _______ refers to the continued suitability of the measurement system to return valid measurements. a. Calibration b. Consistency c. Validity d. Timeliness 107. Ordinal measure points can be placed in an order or ranking

108. Software metrics may be broadly classified as either product metrics, process metrics or service metrics 109. PDB helps in : a. To aid estimation of effort and defects b. To get productivity and quality data on different types of projects c. To aid in creating process-capability baselines d. To aid as a tool for process improvement a, b,c b,c,d All of the above


110. Quality is defined as The totality of features and characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to meet stated and implied needs by a. Phil Crosby b. Joseph Juran c. Kano d. ISO e. None of the above 111. 112. 1 question on Figure 3: ISO 9126: Quality Factors Functionality is in focus in _____ stage of SDLC a. Architecture b. Design and build c. Testing d. None of the above

113. Benefits of metrics to organization Ans is all of above i.e. benchmarking, comparing unit performance, goal setting


Quality is External attribute.

115. Scenario, a project team decided to use certain metric. Down the line it was found that the metric is not being used correctly, Why ?options were a. DM not aware b. Lack of motivation to use metric c. Objective setting not done for metric (I marked this, n its correct ) d. Lack of training 116. 3 questions on table of point 5- The Right Metric framework.


Quality of Code is Process Metric


Metric and measures can be used interchangeably- False


Measure is single quantitative attribute of an entity True


Metric bring Normalization.

121. One scenario was given which was focusing on Calibration attributes of Metric. Please read these attributes in details, it is very confusing. Especially in Exam hall


Which is not the level of measure Nominal , Interval , Temporal, Ratio


PCB is Process capability Baseline



3 questions were on Appendix in chapter 2 . i.e. on PDB and PCB

125. What is the sequence u will follow while extending the current project There were 4 options given , I marked- Look project history, look similar projects, refer to PDB , refer to PCB. Other options were combination of these

126. 2 scenarios were give and was asked to identify the type of requirement. One was Functional and another was QoS 127. systems ability to protect from unauthorized access to data or system Functionality at the same time permitting legitimate use is Security

128. 3 questions were on Essential Attributes of Requirements. These were the scenarios corresponding to Correct, complete and modifiable attributes


The purpose of creating the POC is requirements are Achievable ( I marked this)


Requirement Organization is Essential attribute False (desirable attribute)


A question on Annotated requirement

132. Given two requirement for the same system, each exhibiting identical levels of all the previously mentioned qualities, the requirement specification that is shorter is better. -True


Which of the following does not indicate imperative requirements As applicable Must Should Figure


Directive indicates how precisely req are specified.


------Lead to ambiguity


Weak phrase Options


Following indicates size of SRS Lines of text Subject/title of SRS Paragraphs All of the above


Complexity is the attribute of design and code True


Lot of questions on Cohesion and coupling a. What define level of coupling between two classes b. Coupling can be avoided through ---- (Ans appropriate checks, checklists and review methodologies ) c. High data coupling is expected( other options were No, Moderate, low) d. High coupling means function do not implement all the functionalities

139. one module controls the logic of another, by passing it information on what to do is called Usage of Controlled flags 140. 2 questions on kind of cohesion specifically Communicational cohesion and Sequential cohesion (these were the scenarios) 141. What is the correct sequence of cohesion ( in order of acceptability) a. Functional Sequential Temporal coincidental b. Other were the combination of above mentioned kinds High Fan-out is High Coupling (not sure) High fan- in is High Cohesion (not sure) 2 questions were on OO Parameters and interpretation table CBO, MIC, VOD, RFC indicates Interaction coupling. LOCOM1 focuses on a. Service cohesion b. Class cohesion c. Generalization n specialization cohesion d. All of the above What is design Robustness (DesignR)? I dint get the answer w.r.t. option Design factors NOAM, NOO, CBO, DOIH shows Defect proneness model

142. 143. 144. 145. 146.

147. 148.


149. 150.

LOCOM, RFC shows Change proneness model Which tool is used for design metric in online application a. QA4J b. FxCOP c. Both (online means - .net and java ) d. None In Requirement analysis, we should focus on a. Whats need to be developed b. How we should develop it IF you are going in Requirement review meeting with client, where will be your primary focus a. Conformance to requirement ( I mared this) b. Fitness for use c. Attractive quality d. none



153. Finding the origin of requirements means the requirement is Traced, other options were traceable, both none 154. LOC does not affects a. b. c. d. 155. Maintainability Modularity Reusability None of the above

What is the FP weight assigned to inputs a. 5 b. 4 c. 10

156. If you are implementing the application which involves lot of mathematical computation then ideally you should follow a. McCabes Cyclomatic complexity metric b. McClure complexity metric c. Halstead metric ( I marked this one, not sure) 157. If the program has 4 conditional branches and 6 unique operands then McClure complexity is d. 12 e. 8 f. 10 (B+N=6+4) g. 6

158. 2 questions on CRUD metric, almost similar. Which metric is used if you are referring to Database operations CRUD 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. If there are too many operations performed in Procedure, then it should me refactored True 2 questions were on information flow metric MI is the indicator of maintainability of a class True TCR is always less than comment ratio True (not sure, I could not find any clue for this) The rule of thumb for maximum Fan out is Seven 2 Each executable coverage is part of Unit testing


165. 166.

In Integration test all interfaces are tested True Test strategy is designed in which phase of Testing a. Test execution b. Test planning c. Test design d. None What is correct order of test metric improvement a. Statement coverage decision coverage- condition coverage Decision/condition coverage b. Other were the combination of above mentioned attributes Which metric reports multiple thread execution on same code a. Race b. Weak mutation coverage c. Call coverage CC is helps to reduce the number of test cases True




170. One question was designed on formula of state based context coverageit was very confusion, just look after the formula 171. Error guessing is a. Not useful in unit testing b. Is not useful in reliability test c. Is just type of test which helps the traditional ways of testing ( I marked this)

172. In equivalence partitioning testing if test cases are satisfied for group of test data, then is valid for all the data True 173. 174. 175. The ability of different system to work under different system environment is called as Portability The ability of system to interact with application in future release is called as Interoperability Definition of Quality was given and asked the reference? ISO

176. In ISO 9126 model , Functionality constitutes Suitability, Accuracy, Security, Interoperability, Compliance 177. One application was developed to maintain the user requests. The process was, the user has to insert the queries in multiple pages and numerous validations were applied. Over the period of time is was observed that application is not being used by users, the reason was lack of a. Maintainability b. Usability c. Understandability d. Complexity 178. One data entry system was developed in which the data was flown from one page to another and to the last page. This system can be called as ---Communication cohesion 179. 180. 2 questions were applicable for SRS completeness and correctness What do not account for reuse a. Code libraries b. Checklists c. Material with IP rights reserved d. All of the above



Who can modify the code with which Infosys IP is associated a. Infosys Project team b. Any one c. ENCORE team ( I marked this)

182. Infosys reserves the IP, even if the application is developed using Client infrastructure True (not sure) 183. ENCORE manages the reusable assets unit wise.- True (not sure because of word unit wise) Juran Product, Process and Resource No of Defects, Hours Worked, LoC Effort can be placed in an order or ranking ISO High Coupling ,Low Cohesion McCabe Simple, Low Coupling, High Cohesion FUPS Low Couplin g ,High Cohesio n logical lines comments and blank spaces Quality Cost Crosby Product, Process, Service ISO Deming totality of." was given by:

184. The definition "Quality is the

185. Three entities of s/w 186. is an Objective Measure 187. Which of these is not an external attribute 188. Ordinal Measure 189. Which is the only model that supports all quality features 190. Features of good design


physical line of code excluding comments and blank lines Reduce DB calls

logical loc assuming physical loc will be merged If there are too many operations performed in a single procedure, refractor that procedure. Test Execution

192. CRUD is taking more time .What should be done to improve performance

193. What deals with analyzing &choosing the best strategy for test plans execution 194. What is the Reuse Tool used in Infy 195. For an asset to be termed as reusable, it has to be used without any change otherwise it does not remain reusable 196. One projects assets can be used in another project 197. A general thumb rule for Fan-Out 198. physical and logical LoC

Test Planning

Test Strateg y


With permission of the owner of the asset 5 plus minus 2

6 plus minus 1

8 plus minus 2

7 plus minus2


199. Graph Testing is what kind of testing 200. Arrange degree of cohesion from lowest to Strongest Binding 201. Shared global variable increases or decreases Cohesion/Coupling 202. Depth of inheritance counts the no of classes that are inherited 203. Question not available 204. A Requirement is said to be ----if it gives only one interpretation and --- if for every function in the requirement there is a corresponding --205. You have tested the application and the client complaints that it is taking more time to Analyze the place which has problem in enhancement. 206. There is a class with 3 functions with Cyclomatic Complexity as 4,7,9.Which function has 9 207. You want to test a procedure for its access complexity What is the metric 208. LoC is the basic practice in Infy to calculate Size Of Code 209. Encore- Cohesive 210. 6 4- Calculate 211. Review Effectiveness is addresses by which s/w metric 212. Objective is used for ------Subjective is used for decision making 213. Requirements doc is 50 pages .Can you say that it is a good SRS 214. There is a class which calls many classes and is called by many classes 215. How do you measure ---Complexity 216. Purpose of Maintainability index 217. If CR>30% the DirectR is

Black Box Logical increases coupling DOI PF Unambiguous, Complete

White Box Temporal

Glass Box Functio nal

Procedur al




Highest Level CC

Highest LoC


Fan IN

Fan Out

TRUE TRUE 10 Process TRUE TRUE Cyclomatic Complexity No of shared vars

FALSE FALSE 24 Product FALSE FALSE High Coupling Local /global var's can't say Low Cohesio n Both

2 Service




cant say


218. You have to measure the Performance metric on DB Module .What method will you choose 219. A _______ is single quantitative attribute of an entity. 220. Measure and Metrics is the same and used interchangeably 221. Which of the following in not a valid measure 222. You have prepared Use Test Cases and they are not enough. What does it map to 223. During your requirement analysis if you are able to identify the history/source of that req then that is 224. Adhering to ..requirements is a part if which testing 225. if the person developing reads the design docs and finds out that the error messages could be better This is 226. There is a website and the no. of hits dropped. Survey shows that there were 9 hits before submitting the page. 227. You have gone to client location, the client is asking when will you analyse the quality metric 228. You want to analyses the ---metric. You describe the procedure in one sentence. You realize a lot AND, OR. 229. What is a good/precise SRS

CRUD Matrix


Measure TRUE Cardinal Verifiable

Metric FALSE Ordinal Maintainable Ratio Portable Interval Scalable



Complet e System


Functional Usability

Unit Conformance to design









definitiv e as follow, listed below imperat ive words


Shall, will

figures, tables


230. You want to get a rough idea of the number of functionalities in the SRS. You should calculate the number of -

definitive words

conjunctional words

All of above

Question Coding metrics







231. The amount of computing, resources and code required by a program to perform its function is captured under 232. which of the following is use for estimation of software before development 233. which of the following is inconsistent with the actual effort 234. What is the weight for inquiries in Function point( question could be based on the weight value of other attributes as well) 235. Which of the following indicates the control flow at runtime? 236. Which of the following used for deciding complexity: 237. Complexity(options may vary) 238. which is not true about McCabe Cyclomatic complexity:

performanc e

Maintainabil ity

Extendibil ity

Reusabili ty


Function Point Function Point 2


Both Both 4

None None 10


Mathematic al Complexity No of lines in the code decreases the defectproneness counts the number of possible linearly independen t paths

Structural complexity complexity metrics decreases code reliability indicates minimum number of test cases required

Informatio nal complexit y both decreases maintena nce effort Branches in the program to call a subroutin e or a paragraph are to be considere da contributo r to McCabe counts the number of possible linearly independ ent paths

Computa tional Complexi ty none All none

Structural complexity both decreases code reliability Branches in the program to call a subroutine or a paragraph are to be considered a contributor to McCabe

239. which is not true about McClure Control Variable Complexity

McClure Control Variable Complexity indicates the complexity involved in testing a program number of conditional branches in a program McClure Control Variable

240. which are the parameter for calculating McClure

241. which of the following take the parameter passing and variable

It is based on the number of conditions and the number of unique data items used in comparison expressions . number of unique operands used in conditional branches Information flow Metrics


counts the number of possible linearly independent paths

number of process blocks in the flowchart Halstead Actual Program

number of connecti ng lines in a flowchart McCabe Cyclomat ic

option a and b

Information flow Metrics


access to calculate complexity



complexi ty that procedure can be a target for refactoring 1)Depth of Conditional Nesting= 5 2) Depth of Looping=2

242. If there are too many operations being performed by a single procedure 243. Recommended value for depth of nesting metrics

Don't remember the options.

option were different integer values

244. Impact of "01" , redefines and Clause on complexity. 245. metrics for evaluating understandability 246. Recommended value for MI 247. As per PCB the value for MI should be 248. which of the following is Metrics in Object Oriented programming languages 249. which of the following is used for encapsulation 250. High MHV, low AIV and High PF indicates

Comments density/ratio

Variable names

Procedure names


All 2 to 7 5

Don't remember the options.

Mood metrics

MHV, AHV, poor usage of MHV and AIV, Proper usage of PF

PF Poor usage of MHV, proper usage of AIV,PF 10

AIV, MIV Poor usage of MHV, proper usage of AIV and Poor usage of PF 3

CF Prope r usage of All

MHV,AHV Option c

251. if there are 3 methods in a class and they have CC values as 5, 10, 15, then the higher method cc value is 252. if there are 3 methods in a class and they have CC values as 5, 10, 15, then metric value will be 15 according to 253. If a person is using parameter CBO, CC, DOIH, RFC, he is intended to calculate the MI for Software Product Quality 254. the totality of features and characteristics" state to which definition 255. The ease with which the system can be modified states to 256. which of the following model attempts to bridge the gap between users and developers by focusing on a number of software quality factors




Highest method CC COBOL





java and COBO L


ISO Portability Bohem Model

Kano, Maintaina bility ISO

Joseph Juran, Performance Dromey Model

Phil Crosby Functionality McCalls Quality

ISO Maintai nability d


257. adaptability to new environments undergoes in 258. Reliability and efficiency are part of which higher level characteristics: 259. which of the following is not an attribute of FURPS( same question could be for other models as well) 260. Which of the following is true for Functionality

Product transition Maintainabili ty Functionality

Product revision As-is utility characteri stics Flexibility

Product operations General utility

none Modifiability)



Product transiti on As-is utility charact eristics Flexibili ty b

Supportabilit y, Recoverabilit y, Security, Interoperabil ity

Suitability, Accuracy, Security, Interopera bility

Stability, Accuracy, Security, Interoperabilit y

Suitability, understanda bility, Security, Interoperabil ity

Requirement Metrics 261. Question on Observable and non observable QOS 262. the ease with which system can handle increase in demand 263. Question on Example given to find the requirement type. 264. which of the following is not an essential attribute 265. question on definition of trace and traceable attributes 266. Which of the following is not the type of annotation 267. Given two requirement for the same system, each exhibiting identical levels of all the previously mentioned qualities, the requirement specification that is shorter is better. 268. If a requirement/Code is of 50 lines , it is good 269. ___________________gives a rough estimate of degree of design functionality required in the software 270. Two three questions were based on the word/ Phrases of different Requirement Quality Metrics 271. To precisely define the requirement use: 272. _______________used to report the number of statements identifiers found at each hierarchical level of the requirements document

Manageabilit y-


Maintainabilit y


Scalabil ity

Unambiguou s


Understandab le


Annotated by Relative Importance TRUE

Annotated by performan ce FALSE

Annotated by Relative Stability

Annotated by Version


True Imperative

FALSE Options

Can't say Directives Continuance s

c a




Continuance s

c Text Structu re


273. Which of the following is used to measure the completeness of requirement 274. Which of the following need to find out in case of specifications statement 275. Question based on example of if statement is verifiable/complete or not? Introduction 276. Effective management of any process requires 277. Metrics are used to improve 278. Identifying Process Improvements comes under 279. The three important entities in an IT organization 280. which of the following can be controlled and measure directly 281. question based on figuring out the internal and external attributes from the option given Design Metrics 282. data or procedural design can be extended: is define as 283. Which of the following is not the parameter for coding metrics 284. Class and Object diagrams, Structure Charts, UML: Class diagram is part of which Design 285. Structure Charts is of the following form 286. What are the sign of good design 287. What are the parameters to define the level of coupling between two routines 288. Usage of control flags in parameter list can be eliminated through the usage of

TBD end, etc.

TBS shall, must, etc.)

Both as listed, Figure

none AND, OR

c b

measureme nt Productivity Project Team Product, process, service internal attributes

metrics Quality Process Engineerin g Team Product, process, resource External attributes

quantification Efficiency Both

qualification Performance None

a,c a,b both

Product, resource service Both



Extendibility Extendibility Construction al Design Black Box Simplicity # of parameters passed

Reusabilit y Reusabilit y Behavioral design white box Modularity # of Shared variables accessed in the module review methodolo gies

Modularity Modularity Functional design Both High Cohesion Number of components called

Maintainabili ty Usability Data design None Low coupling Usage of control flags in parameter list none

a d a a All All

checks, check-lists

289. Which of the following is the highest ranking coupling?

Control coupling

data Coupling

checks, check-lists and review methodologie s DataStructured coupling)

Control Coupling Activating


290. There were two question on cohesion conversion. A scenario was being provided and then the question was based on the conversion from one type of cohesion to another type absed upon the changes made? 291. There were around 4 to 5 question only from the topic 3.2 from logical cohesion itself, some example based) 292. Question to find out type of cohesion based on example . E.g: If the sentence has more than one verb and if they are connected by ORs then the module has logical strength. 293. Question to find out the parameters/keyword for a cohesion type 294. The optimum value for fanout is 295. Question based on Designing Modules That Consider Fan-In/Fan-Out 296. Are the metrics for OOD and structured programming is same 297. which of the following is Sufficiency Complete considered while identification ness of right class 298. which of the Following NOA NOAM metrics will not help in deciding whether an identification of a class is a right class 299. If a person is looking for inheritance Interacti metrics: CBO. MIC, VOD, NORM, coupling on Then he is looking for which Coupling coupling 300. the number of acquaintance MIC VOD classes should be kept low, is considered in 301. If a class explicitly rejects Interaction inheritanc many of the Coupling e coupling attributes of its generalization class or if class does not use many of attributes as well services of its generalization class , is calculated under 302. Lack of Cohesion of Methods service logical 1 is of which cohesion

in design metrics.( I got two question

seven +-2

FALSE Primitive NORM Simplicity MNOP a.b,c c


Polymorphis m NORM none

RFC Polymorphism

b b

Generalizati c onspecializatio n cohesion 303. Three question on Defect and change proneness parameters and statements. The point to remember is 1. Defect proneness model: NOAM, NOO, CBO and DOIH 2. Change Proneness Model: CBO, RFC, NORM, LOCOM1 304. 3. 10 15% of the classes/programs account more than 60% of defects. These are defect prone classes 305. 4. Highly change prone Design_ Metrics.doc For Internal Circulation Only Page 22 of 30



classes/programs are 8 to 10 times as likely to be highly defect prone as well compared to change-prone classes. These are change prone classes. Software Metrics 306. the basic management Measuremen Measurem Metrics Metrics and objectives of prediction, t ent measureme progress, and System nt process improvement 307. metrics and measurements TRUE FALSE are same and used interchangeably 308. software metrics deals with Measuremen Measurem both none t ent System 309. which of the following is not variability Consisten Validity simplicity a attribute for good measure cy 310. Objective measures are TRUE FALSE often referred to as qualitative data while subjective data are referred to as quantitative data 311. Which is not the level of Nominal ordinal cardinal interval measure 312. Question on option to find out software metrics 313. 314. Complexity Metrics is part of Effort Variance is part of Product Product process process service service resource resource

not so-


c Product, process, service a process metrics

315. Question on Software metrics lifecycle order 316. Question on PCB and PDB about the capabilities 317. _______ refers to the continued suitability of the measurement system to return valid measurements. 318. The process-capability baseline contains the process capability (mean and control limits), primarily for parameters Testing Metrics 319. All the business scenario covered under which module 320. question from V model, at which level which test vases are required. 321. Which of the following is testing as per V model : 322. The focus in unit testing is 323. which of the following testing covers all the path, while testing: 324. Test Strategy is created under 325. Resource planning and determining roles and

a. Calibration Schedule

a. Consisten cy Effort and defect distributio ns

c. Validity

d. Timeliness All

Review/tes t effectiven ess



Requirem ent



Unit Testing

environme nt Testing

System Testing

Module Testing

a,c Code Coverage b b b

Unit testing Test Design Test Design

System testing Test Planning Test Strategy

UAT Test case design Test case design

Integration Testing Test Execution Test Report


responsibilities is part of 326. Document test results, and log defects for failed cases is part of 327. which of the following is not considerable in product metrics Test Report Defect Distribution Totals by Severity per Period Rtset Design Number of Test Cases Passed or Failed Test Execution Total Number of Defects Raised and Closed per Period Test Planning Defect Distribution Totals by Functional Areas/Requir ements and Severity per Period c b

328. Question on metrics available for functional coverage. 329. _________________reports whether each machine language conditional branch instruction both took the branch and fell through and_______________reports whether multiple threads execute the same code at the same time 330. The Cyclomatic complexity indicates minimum number of test cases required to ensure reasonable coverage of the program 331. OO context coverage metrics are 332. The routine is wrongly considered 100% covered when it has been exercised in the context of class Derived only.

Object Code Branch Coverage, Race Coverage




Inheritance context coverage

Statebased context coverage

Userdefined context coverage

interaction context coverage


Similar question was there on this statement, regarding when the coverage is considered 100%.

333. Question on State-Based Context Coverage, parameters and formula to calculate 334. Which of the following is not the functional Testing coverage metrics 335. Purpose of Boundary value analysis is? 336. Question on Statement" Cause-Effect graph is a technique that aids in selecting combination of input conditions in a systematic way such that smaller

Equivalence Partitioning

Boundary Value Analysis

Cause Effect Graphing



set of high yield test cases can be generated. A cause is a distinct input condition and an effect is a distinct output condition."

Reuse Metrics 337. At which stage of SDLC, reuse can be achieved? 338. Reuse of software:

Requirement Reduced developmen t effort TRUE Tools

Design Increased productivit y and quality FALSE utilities

Coding Increased dependabi lity

Testing Option were: None, a & b, a&c, All, b &c Checklists, Guidelines & Templates Tools

All All

339. Reusable assets are to be used only on As-IS basis 340. Which of the following is considered in reusing artifacts: 341. Programs/Scripts etc. that help to automate routine tasks like initializing, comparing and similar other sundry housekeeping jobs are 342. Which are the technical assets: 343. Which of the following is not a reusable artifact: 344. which of the following is not a Characteristics of Reusable Assets

FALSE Knowledge Managem ent utilities All

Knowledge Managemen t artifacts libraries graphics libraries Non Selfcontained with clearly defined boundaries



abstractio n layers Code Libraries Clear, unambigu ous, and understan dable specificati on

service routines access libraries Functionali ty of the asset

use cases All Specification conformanc e

a,b,c All a

345. Question on %EFFORT Savings (didnt remember the options.)

%EFFORT Savings= Actual reuse effort savings/ (Actual effort+ Actual tools savings+ Actual reuse savings)



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