Ujian Learning To Score - (Set 2 - Paper 1) 2005: Bahasa Inggeris SJK

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Inggeris No.Surat Beranak ………………. Angka Giliran ………………


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50 minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan. Jawab semua soalan.

2. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan pada kertas jawapan.

3. Bagi satu soalan, hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja.

4. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.
Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.

[Lihat sebelah

Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the
best answer from the answers marked A, B, C or A,B,C and D. Then on your answer
sheet, blacken the answer that you have chosen.

Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to complete the paragraph below.

One _____________ , Siti followed her mother to a shopping complex.


Her mother bought her a ______________ and ___________ .

2 3

looked beautiful in her new clothes. She felt very________ .

l. A. night
B. morning
C. afternoon
D. evening

2. A. dress
B. T-shirt
C. shirt
D. blouse

3. A. blouse
B. dress
C. pyjamas
D. cheongsam

4. A. worried
B. annoyed
C. sad
D. happy

Questions 5 – 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the sentences below.

5. She dresses up ___________ she can.

A. as neatly as
B. as nearly as
C. as happily as
D. as cheaply as

6. My teacher advised me _______________.

A. not to sit on the grass.
. B. not to be careful.
C. not to walk on the grass.

7. He is ____________ a snail.
. A. as slow as
B. as quiet as
C. as sharp as
D. as hard as

Questions 8 – 10
Choose the best sentence that describes each picture.

8. A. Stand here
B. Do not cross.
C. You may cross now
D. Please slow down

9. A. The buds are beautiful.

B. The flowers are beautiful.
C. The plants are very beautiful.
D. The flowers are very big.

10. A. He washes his teeth every morning.

B. He brushes his teeth very morning.
C. He cleans his teeth every morning.
D. He rubs his teeth every morning.


Questions 11 – 15
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown
in the picture.

. A. Please go there.
B. Let`s go for the football practice.
C. My grandmother is there.
D. Where is the sky?

A. What is this?
B. Where is the fried rice?
C. Is it fried rice?
D. How much is the fried rice?

13. A. Very delicious .

B. I`m fine, thank you.
C. I`m eating now.

14. A. What is that?

B. What is the time, please?
C. Where is the canteen?
D. Is this the canteen?

15. A. It is just next door.

B. Yes,it is.
C. Where is the staffroom?
D. They are books.


Questions 16 –19.
Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

16. Please add ____________ sugar to make it sweet.

A. a few
B. many
C. more
D. much

17. That is the __________ apple in the box.

A. big
B. bigger
C. biggest
D. more bigger

18. The car skidded ________ the road and went into the monsoon drain.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. off

19. The _________ boys ran after the thieves.

A. stubborn
B. kind
C. happy
D. brave

Question 20 - 21
Choose a word that has the opposite meaning as the wqrd underlined.

20. The boys are very noisy.

A. noise
B. quiet
C. quite
D. innocent

21. The lion is a wild animal .

A. fierce
B. tame
C. pet
D. strict

Questions 22 – 23.
Look at the picture. Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

22. A. Cauliflower
B. Califlower
C. Curry flower
D. Cauliflour

23. A. This rob is long.

B. This rope is long.
C. This ropes is long.
D. This robe is long.

Questions 24 – 25.
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

24. A. Are you alright, Mr. Tan.

B. Are you alright mr. Tan.
C. Are you alright, Mr. Tan?
D. Are you alright, mr. Tan?

25. A. They ate bread, eggs and cakes for break fast.
B. They ate bread eggs and cakes for breakfast.
C. they ate bread, eggs, and cakes for breakfast.
D. They ate bread, eggs and cakes for breakfast.

Questions 26 – 30.

Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the
passage, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Roslan`s father is a ________. He goes to work _________ in the morning. He

26 27

________ paddy in the paddy _________. He harvests the paddy when they are ______.
28 29 30
26. A. farm
B. farmer
C. farmers 29. A. ground
D. worker B. land
C. field
27. A. every D. farm
B. many
C. early 30. A. cook
D. yearly B. cooked
C. ripe
28. A. plant D. ripen
B. plants
C. planted
D. planting

Questions 31 – 35.

Read the following notice and answer the questions below.

The Girl Guides Society

The Girl Guides Society of our school will be having its annual food sale this weekend. The
food sale will be followed by a film show. The money collected from the food sale and the
film show will be donated to the Bakti Orphanage.

Food Sale Film Show

Date : 7 February, 2005. Title : Pink Panther ll

Time : 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. Date : 7 February, 2005
Venue : School canteen. Time : l0.00 a.m.
Venue : School hall
1. Nasi lemak : 50 sen Price of ticket : 1 ringgit
2. Fried Mee : 50 sen
3. Chicken burger : l ringgit
4. Spring roll : 40 sen
5. Assorted sandwiches : 25 sen
6. Prawn crackers : 30 sen
7. Assorted cakes : 30 sen
8. Curry puff : 25 sen

All teachers and pupils are invited to the food sale and the film show.

Thank you.

( Elizabeth Lee )
31. When will the food sale be held?
A. The seventh of November.
B. The seventh of February.
C. The seventh of January.
D. The seventh of December.

32. The word donated in the notice means

A. spent
B. given
C. lent
D. borrowed

33. How much would a packet of fried mee and a curry puff cost?
A. 75 sen
B. 25 sen
C. 50 sen
D. One ringgit

34. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The film show would be followed by the food sale.
B. A sardine sandwich would cost 35 sen.
C. The food sale would be held in the hall.
D. The admission fee for the film show would be a ringgit.

35. Who are invited to the food sale and the film show?
A. Only the teachers.
B. Only the pupils.
C. Only the Girl Guides.
D. All the pupils and the teachers.

Questions 36 – 40
Read the following passage and answer the questions below.

The “three pistol-gang” has struck again. This time the three men held up a salesman, Mr.
Wong, outside his house last night. Mr. Wong had just returned after buying food for his
family and was getting out of his car.
“We are hungry,” one of the robbers said. “Hand us the food!”
Mr. Wong did as he was ordered. Then the robbers made him go into the house and call
for his family.
Mr. Wong’s wife and their two children came out. They were surprised when they saw the
three robbers. They stood there helplessly as the robbers snatched their gold chains,
watches, bangles and rings.
“Now, get into the storeroom,” the leader said. In the storeroom, the robbers tied up the
family. Before they left, the leader warned, “Don’t make any noise or try to escape. If you do,
we will shoot.”
Then the men searched the whole house. They took some money, jewellery and two
transistor radios. There were other things which were too heavy for them to carry.
About half an hour later, the robbers went off on their motorcycles. Mr. Wong freed
himself and his family. Unfortunately the telephone was out of order, so he could not report
the robbery to the police immediately. When the police heard the news, they mounted road
blocks all over the town.
36. Where did Mr. Wong park his car?
A. Outside his house
B. Outside a shop
C. In the car park
D. In the garage

37. What did the robbers order him to do?

A. Hand over his car keys
B. Call his family
C. Hand over his house key
D. Call for his neighbours

38. What did the robbers do to Mr. Wong and his family?
A. They locked them in a room
B. They made them search the whole house
C. They tied them up
D. They made them sit in a corner

39. What did Mr. Wong do immediately after the robbers left?
A. He broke the lock
B. He freed himself and his family
C. He shouted for help
D. He telephoned the police

40. How were the robbers armed?

A. They were armed with grenades
B. They were armed with knives
C. They were armed with pistols
D. They were armed with sticks

(40 marks)


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