3 Description of Emerging Trends in Retail Management

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3 Description of Emerging Trends in Retail Management

Retailing is interlinking the individual consumer with the manufacturing and distribution chain. The retail industry in India is growing up and there are lot of employment opportunities for the educated youth in all parts of the country. The book speaks on retailing from the marketing, finance, management, information technology, global scene, human resource and issues related to retail trade in rural and urban areas. The marketing aspects include retail marketing, product display, food retailing, mall culture, super market, store diode and value and private labeling. Retailing is highly consumer driven with customers being exposed to new retail formats frequently. If well planned and organized, retail business would ensure that the consumers will benefit not only by way of quality products but also in prices due to the bulk buying capacity of big retailers. The foreign direct investment and financial challenges argue about the prospects of the industry to gain importance in conducting organized retailing in India. Retail management has become a special sub ect of importance in India educational institutions. The various issues in retail management have been addressed in detail. The need for organized retail trade and strategies gives lot of insight for the industry to grow. The automation and e!commerce in retail gives lot of scope for employment and does effective service to consumers. Technology assumes importance for the business. Internet is growing in usage and influence over product preference and purchase behavior is changing lifestyles. The increasing ratio of women in employment and rising disposable income are driving the growth of the Indian retail industry. "oreign direct investments, global issues and international giants entering into our nation speak volumes of Indian retail in the global arena. #uman resource management issues like recruitment and training assume importance for effective employment. The book discusses the broader business trends and general issues like communication, competitiveness, rural retailing and logistics. The various topics in retailing adopt both empirical and non!empirical approach and come from various authors across the country. The authors$ insights, experience, research and their consultancy have enabled the editors to bring out a text which will be useful for academicians, students, research scholars and for the corporate managers.


The lifestyle and mindset!change of the Indian customer has led to a spur in the retail industry with the total private consumption in &''( clocking Rs.&',''' billion according to the Indian Retail Report &''). *ities like +umbai, ,angalore, -ew .elhi, #yderabad, and /une have around 0' malls as of today, which is expected to touch &1' by &'2' 34/+5 report6. The Indian retail industry is valued at 7&)' billion, with organised retail cornering 0.1 8. The organized pie is expected to see a growth at a *95R of :) 8 3India Retail Report &'')6

1. Pantaloon Retail
It is headquartered in +umbai with 01' stores across the country employing more than 2;,''' people. It can boast of launching the first hypermarket ,ig ,azaar in India in &''2. 9n all!India retail space of 1 million sq. ft. which is expected to reach :' mn by &'2'. It is not only the largest retailer in India with a turnover of over Rs. &' billion but is present across most retail segments ! "ood < grocery 3Big bazaar, Food bazaar6, #ome solutions 3Hometown, furniture bazaar, collection-i6, consumer electronics 3e-zone6, shoes 3shoe factory6, ,ooks% music < gifts 3Depot6, #ealth < ,eauty care services 3Star, Sitara and Health village in the pipeline6, e!tailing 3Futurbazaar.com6, entertainment 3Bowling co.6 =ne of their recent innovations include e!commerce> hybrid format of >small> shops , the area for these stores will be 21' sq. ft. fitted with 0' digital screens. *ustomers will be encouraged to browse through the entire range of products on digital screen. They will be able to place the order, the delivery of which will be arranged by the shop to their homes within a few hours

!. " Ra#e$a %ro&p

They forayed into retail with ?hopper>s ?top, India>s first departmental store in &''2. It is the only retailer from India to become a member of the prestigious Intercontinental 5roup of .epartmental ?tores 3I5.?6. They have signed a 1'%1' oint venture with the -uance 5roup for 9irport Retailing. ?hoppers ?top has ), 1&, '' sq ft of retail space with a turnover of Rs (.)1 billion.

The first #ypercity opened in +umbai in &''( with an area of 2, &',''' sq. ft. clocking gross sales of Rs. 2 bn in its first year. *rossword brand of book stores, #omes stop a store for home solutions, +othercare a concept stocking merchandise related to childcare are also owned by them. Recently, Rahe a>s have signed an +o@ with the #ome Retail 5roup of @4 to enter into a franchise arrangement for the 9rgos formats of catalogue < internet retailing. The group has announced plans to establish a network of 11 hypermarkets across India with sales expected to cross the @?72'' million mark by &'2'. 3. Tata gro&p Astablished in 2BB;, Trent ! one of the subsidiaries of Tata 5roup ! operates Cestside, a lifestyle retail chain and ?tar India ,azaar ! a hypermarket with a large assortment of products at the lowest prices. In &''1, it acquired Dandmark, India$s largest book and music retailer. Trent has more than 0 lakh sq. ft. space across the country. Cestside registered a turnover of Rs :.1; mn in &''(. Tata>s has also formed a subsidiary named Infiniti retail which consists of *roma, a consumer electronics chain. It is a 21'''!2)''' sq. ft. format with ; stores as of ?eptember &''). 9nother subsidiary, Titan Industries, owns brands like ETitanF, the watch of India has &'' exclusive outlets the country and Tanishq, the ewellery brand, has ;) exclusive outlets. Their combined turnover is Rs (.11 billion. Trent plans to open &) more stores across its retail formats adding 2.1 mn sq ft of space in the next 2& .D" malls. '. RP% gro&p =ne of the first entrants into organised food < grocery retail with "oodworld stores in 2BB( and then formed an alliance with .airy farm International and launched health < glow 3pharmacy < beauty care6 outlets. -ow the alliance has dissolved and R/5 has ?pencer>s #yper, ?uper, .aily and Axpress formats and +usic Corld stores across the country.

R/5 has ( lakh sq. ft. of retail space and has registered a turnover of Rs 0.1 billion in &''(. It is planning to venture into books retail, with the launch of its own bookstores E,ooks and ,eyondF by the end of &''). 9n I/= is also in the offering, with expansion to 01'G +usicCorld, 1'G ?pencer$s hyper outlets covering 0 million sq. ft. by &'2'. (. Landmar) gro&p were launched in 2BB; in India. Difestyle is spread across six cities, covering 0.( lakh sq. ft. with a turnover of Rs :.1 billion in &''1. 9 new division named Difestyle International has emerged for their international brands business comprising ,ossino, 4appa and ?pringfield in their portfolio. Their retail mix includes #ome solutions 3#ome centre6, fashion 3lifestyle, landmark International6, value retailing 3max retail6, hypermarkets < supermarkets 3+ax6, kids entertainment 3"uncity6. They plan to invest Rs. :'' crores in the next two years to expand on +ax chain, and Rs 2'' crores on *itymax : star hotel chain. They have already instituted a separate company christened *itymax #otels 3India6. *. Piramal %ro&p In ?eptember 2BBB, /iramal Anterprises announced their arrival into retail with the launch of three retail concepts% India$s first true shopping mall of international standards, called *rossroadsH a lifestyle department store named /iramyd +egastoreH and a family entertainment centre known as Iammin. /iramyd +egastore and Iammin were anchor tenants for *rossroads 3recently sold to /antaloon for Rs 0 billion6. In &''2, the group entered the business of food < grocery retail with the launch of Tru+art supermarkets in /une. They have around 2; Tru+art stores covering 2.B' lakh sq. ft. registering a turnover of Rs :).( mn in &''1. /iraymd +egatsore>s contributes more than )' 8 to their retail mix with a turnover of Rs 22&.; mn. They plan to open 21' stores covering )1 mn sq ft of retail space in the next 1 years. +. S&,#i)s#a ?ubhiksha is a *hennai!based, decade old, no frills, food, grocery, pharma and telecom, discount retail chain. I*I*I Jenture *apital holds

&08 in the equity capital of ?ubhiksha. It has more than 1'' stores across the country covering a retail space of more than 2 million sq ft with a registered turnover of Rs :.:0 bn in &''(. It has a planned investment of Rs.:'' crores to ramp up its operations to 2&'' stores by &'';. -ew but potential ,I5 players -. .#arti/0almart Their plans include @?7 ) bn investment in creating retail network in the country including 2'' hypermarkets and several hundred small stores. They have signed a 1'%1' percent oint venture agreement with Calmart. Cal!+art will do the cash < carry while ,harti will do the front!end. 1. Reliance India>s most ambitious retail plans are by reliance, with investments to the tune of Rs. :',''' cr 37 (.() bn6 to set up multiple formats with expected sales of Rs B',''' crores 37&' bn6 by &''B!2'. There are already more than :'' Reliance "resh stores and the first Reliance +art #ypermart has opened in 9hmedabad. The next ones are slated to open at Iamnagar, followed by marts in .elhi K -*R, #yderabad, Ji aywada, /une and Dudhiana. 10. A2 .irla %ro&p They have a strong presence in apparel retailing through +adura garments which is subsidiary of 9ditya ,irla -uvo Dtd. They own brands like Douis /hillipe, Jan #eusen, 9llen ?olly, /eter Angland, Trouser town. In other segments of retail, 9J ,irla 5roup has announced investment plans of Rs ;''' ! B''' crores in the first : years till &'2'. The acquisition of Trinethra 3food < grocery6 chain in the south has moved their tally to 0'' stores in the country. Their E+oreF range of 21 supermarkets are slated to open at -ashik, /une and other tier II cities in Cestern India in &'').

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