Emulsion Congress

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NOM (s) NAME (s) Jain (Dr ) Rao Sik!

ar (Pro* )

RESUME / ABSTRACT PRENOME (s) AFFILIATION Theme FIRST NAME N0 (s) Pramo! "#mar $her%he#r &' $RRI , -enk)eshwara $her%he#r $RRI Pra/eer "#mar Dire%)e#r

Alielier workshop (i)#men em#lsion *or roa! an! non+roa! appli%a)ions reser.e a# $omi)e

(Si pl#sie#rs %o+a#)e#rs0 in!i1#er en premier e) so#li2ner %el#i %el#i 1#i presen)era le %omm#ni1#3) (I* se.eral a#)hors0 in!i%a)e *irs) an! #n!erline )he one who presen) )he paper) ADRESSE POSTALE 4 MAILIN5 ADDRESS 6 $ENTRAL ROAD RESEAR$7 INSTIT8TE0 DEL7I+ MAT78RA ROAD0 NE9 DEL7I0 INDE TELEP7ONE 6 :;+;;+':;<=>; (O)0 :;+;;+':<?&;< (R) FA@ 6 :;+;;+'>&=:&A0 :;+;;+'>A0&>0
Microsurfacing qui im !iqu" I# u$i!isa$ion %"s "mu!sions mo%if&""s a I# ai%" %"s o!&m"r"s "s$ "$r" u$i!is" %ans I# "n$r"$i"n %"s rou$"s 'i$umin"us"s "$ %ans !" mis" "n !ac" %" I "n%ui$ sur %"s ou(rag"s a N") D"!*i+ Un" mac*in" s "cia!is$"" fa'riqu" I# "n%ui$ "$ I# a !iqu" sur !a rou$" ",is$an$"+ C"$$" mac*in" "ff"c$u" !"s o "ra$ions !i""s a c"$$" ac$i(i$" $"!!"s qu" !a r" ara$ion %u 'i$um"- "$ son a !ica$ion sur !a surfac" %" !a rou$" a("c un" rofon%"ur %" . a /0 mm- $ou$"s sans aucun" o!!u$ion a$mos *"riqu"+ Qu"!qu"s a(an$ag"s %" !a main$"nanc" ar !" microsurfacing son$1 I# "!"(a$ion %u $ro$$oir "s$ minima!"- !a mis" "s$ ra i%"+ La "rformanc" %" $"!s $rai$"m"n$s a !a 'as" %" m2!ang"s froi%s %" "n% %"s s "cifica$ions %"s ingr"%i"n$s- %" !a com osi$ion %" !a su's$anc" "$ %( con$ro!" qua!i$" !ors %" sa mis" "n !ac"+ L" roc"ssus com r"n% !a ("rifica$ion %"s si$"s a(an$-!"ur microsurfacing I# i%"n$ifica$ion %"s s "cifica$ions- I "(a!ua$ion %"s ma$"riau, au, fr"qu"nci"s o $ima!"s- !" ca!i'rag" %"s mac*in"s "$ !a sur("i!!anc" %" !a cons$ruc$ion+ L# ann"" %"rni"r"- c"$$" $"c*niqu" a "$" u$i!is"" our !a cons$ruc$ion %" nom'r"u, 3i!om"$r"s %" rou$"s "$ ou(rag"s a N") D"!*i+ C" %ocum"n$ (is" a r"s"n$"r %"s s "cifica$ions c*oisi"s- ainsiqu" I# "(a!ua$ion- %"s ma$"riau, "$ %"s mi,"s- !" con$ro!" qua!i$"- !a ra$iqu" gagn" !ors %" I# ","cu$ion- I- o's"r(a$ion %" !a "rformanc" a r"s !a cons$ruc$ion "$ !"s "conomics %# "n"rgi"+ En s# a u&an$ sur I# ", "ri"nc" acquis" !ors %" c"$$" r"mi"r" $"n$a$i("- !"s cons"i!s %# u$i!isa$ion son$ formu!"s+ En !us- c" a i"r r"s"n$" I# a("nir %" c"$$" $"c*niqu" "n In%"+
Mi%ros#r*a%in20 Em#lsion mo!i*iees0 (i)#me0 Main)enan%e0 $on)role0 B#ali)e0 o#.ra2es0


Microsurfacing in(o!(ing us" of o!&m"r mo%ifi"% "mu!sions *as '""n us"% for main$"nanc" of 'i$uminous roa%s an% surfacing of 'us& f!&o("rs in N") D"!*i+ I$ is ma%" an% a !i"% $o ",is$ing a("m"n$ '& a s "cia!is$ mac*in" )*ic* carri"s ou$ a!! o "ra$ions suc* as- mi, $*"m a$ si$"- an% s r"a% $*" mi,$ur" on roa% surfac" in . $o /0 mm %" $* )i$*ou$ causing "n(ironm"n$a! o!!u$ion+ Main$"nanc" using microsurfacing *as s"("ra! a%(an$ag"s !i3" incr"as" in a("m"n$ *"ig*$ is margina! an% !a&ing is fas$+ T*" "rformanc" of suc* co!% mi,"% $r"a$m"n$s %" "n% u on s "cifica$ions of ingr"%i"n$s- mi, %"sign an% qua!i$& con$ro! %uring ","cu$ion+ T*" r"s"n$ s$u%& com ris"% ins "c$ion of si$"s '"for" !a&ing microsurfacingi%"n$ifica$ion of s "cifica$ions- "(a!ua$ion of ma$"ria!s a$ r"%"fin"% fr"qu"nc&- ca!i'ra$ion of mac*in" an% cons$ruc$ion su "r(ision+ During !as$ on" &"ar s"("ra! 3i!om"$"rs of roa%s an% surfacing of f!&o("rs in N") D"!*i )"r" r"surfac"% )i$* $*is $"c*niqu"+ T*" ur os" of $*is a "r is $o ro(i%" %"scri $ion of s "cifica$ion c*os"n- "(a!ua$ion of ma$"ria!s an% mi,"s- qua!i$& con$ro!- ", "ri"nc" gain"% %uring ","cu$ion- o's"r(a$ion of os$ cons$ruc$ion "rformanc" an% sa(ings in "n"rg&+ 4as"% u on ", "ri"nc" gain"%- usag" gui%"!in"s ar" "(o!("% an% fu$ur" ros "c$ of $*is $"c*no!og& in In%ia is %iscuss"% in $*is a "r+

Mi%ros#r*a%in20 Mo!i*ie! Em#lsion0 (i)#men0 Main)enan%e0 B#ali)C $on)rol0 o.er /ri!2e



Maintenance is an essential activity for providing required serviceability and durability of pavement to road user. It is established that appropriate, timely and scientific maintenance inputs extend the service life of the pavement considerably. In construction and maintenance of roads by conventional hot mix technologies, energy inputs begin from quarrying of stones and continues till mix is finally laid and compacted. These hot mix technologies also create environmental pollution. The use of cold mixed technologies use environment friendly materials and techniques involving bitumen emulsions which can provide effective, energy efficient and long lasting solutions. The use of surfacing like microsurfacing suits to maintenance of urban roads as applications are thin enough, so that utility accesses and curbs do not need adjustments. Maintenance of roads and round about in ew !elhi has become increasingly difficult and subject of debate with the closure of hot mix plants by "on#ble $upreme %ourt of India. Microsurfacing can be considered as an alternative to thin hot mix renewals. "ence, it was decided to undertake a demonstration project to resurface &rithviraj 'oad and (indsor &lace round about using this technique. $ubsequently, many other roads have been resurfaced by this faster maintenance technology. The paper discusses specification adopted, experience gained and performance of microsurfacing on busy urban roads and round about in ew !elhi. 2. ADVANTAGES OF MICROSURFACING

It is reported elsewhere )*+,- that microsurfacing have the following advantages over convention hot mixed techniques . Marginal raise in pavement height /east environment pollution /ife comparable to hot mix renewals Increased skid resistance 0aster laying process "igh durability due to rubber additives

In view of above merits, !M% decided to resurface &rithviraj 'oad and (indsor &lace round about using microsurfacing. The study was planned in four phases . Inspection of surface to study extent of distress 1valuation of materials, mix design and calibration of machine for rate of application 2uality control during execution &ost construction performance monitoring

&(!, )3overnment of !elhi- has also adopted this technology recently to resurface several other roads, and also as finished surface in flyover. 4s microsurfacing is only of 5+*6 mm thick layer of rich emulsion based mix of good quality aggregates, it does not add to the strength of the bituminous layer of the pavement. 0undamentally, such thin layer is applied to the structurally sound pavement to regain its service properties as new. The oxidised bituminous surface with micro+cracks and low skid resistance can be corrected for regaining its original properties. Thus, in effect or bituminous pavement surface is prevented from deterioration beyond a very high level of service using

microsurfacing as a preventive maintenance measure. $ome of these are 'oad 'oad o. *6, 8oseph Tito Marg, 4shram 0lyover and 9helgaon Marg. 3. SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN OF MIX

o. %+7,

&erformance of microsurfacing strictly depends upon specification of its ingredients and design of mix. The major ingredients include fine aggregate, cement, water and $:' latex modified emulsion. The specification adopted for the first two case of application on !elhi roads and typical properties of materials are given in Table * and ;. The specified grading and grading of stacked materials is given in Table ,. The design requirements and properties of designed microsurfacing mix are given in Table 5. The properties of ingredient recommended for microsurfacing by International $lurry $eal 4ssociation )I$$4- are also indicated in Table * to 5 for comparison purpose. !ata given in Table * to 5 indicate compliance of properties materials with I$$4 specifications besides marginal amendments to suite requirements of Indian conditions. Table 1 : Propert e! o" Mo# " e# $ t%&e' E&%l! o'! 'equirements Test Method <iscosity $aybolt furol at I$.===> 6 ;7 %, sec. &article charge I$.===> $torage stability I$.===> );5 hours-, A 'esidue by evaporation, A I$.===> Test on Residue I$.*;6, - &enetration, 6.*mm at 6 ;7 % I'%. $&. 7, - 1lastic 'ecovery, A 6 I$.*;67 - $oftening &oint, % 6 I$.*;6= - !uctility at 7 %, cm I$.*;67 E - &enetration Index *;6, I$.*;67 E - &lasticity Interval I$ . ?,=C Test <alues 'ange 4verage ;,+;? ;7 @ve 6.*+6.? C*+C= 7;+=6 7*+>6 7>+C* ,7+>= D@*.*7; ;.>7 >;+>7 @ve 6., C7 C; 7= 7? C5 @*.;7 >, $pecifications $uggested I$$4 ;6+76 ;6+*66 @ve B *.6 DC; 76+=6 D 76 D C6 D;6 D@*.;7 D >6 @ve ++ DC; 56+?6 ++ D 7> ++ D@*.7 ++

Table 2 : P()! *al Propert e! o" A++re+ate! Re,% re&e't $and 1quivalent <alue $oundness, A Methylene :lue Index, mgFg 4brasion /oss, A Te!t Met(o# 4$TM ! ;5*? I$+;,=C )&art+7I$$4 T: +*57 4$TM % *,* Te!t Val%e C7+C? *.6+;.7 6.>+6.= ;*+;C Spe* " *at o'! ISSA S%++e!te# Min. C7 Min. C6 Max. *7 Max. *; Max. *6 Max. *6 Max. ,6 Max. ,7

Table 3 : Spe* " e# A++re+ate Gra# '+ S e-e Te!t Val%e! Spe* " e# Gra# '+ Co'tra*t Do*%&e't ISSA

?.7 mm 5.>7 mm ;.,C mm *.*= mm C66 m ,66 m *76 m >7 m

*66 ?,.; C7.; 7;.C 5C.* ;?.C ;6.5 *6.*

*66 ?6+*66 C7+?6 57+>6 ,6+76 *=+,6 *6+;* 7+*7

*66 ?6+*66 C7+?6 57+>6 ,6+76 *=+,6 *6+;* 7+*7

Table . : Propert e! a'# Co&po! t o' o" De! +'e# M / Re,% re&e't! %ohesion ,6 )9g+cm%ohesion C6 )9g+cm4brasion (T4T , gFm; %onsistency )mm$et Time, minutes %ure Time, minutes %ement, A (ater, A 1mulsion, A .. ISSA 0 & t! S%++e!te# Spe* " *at o' Te!t Val%e ;5 ;5 5,5 ;C *= ?6

De! +' Para&eter! *; )min*; )min;6 )min;* )min7,= )maxC66 )max;6+,6 ;6+,6 Max ;56 Max ;56 Max 5=6 Max 5=6 Co&po! t o' 1b) 2e +(t o" A++re+ate3 *.6 *5.6 *5.6


Materials are the most important factor besides climatic conditions and condition of the application surface in achieving a successful microsurfacing. The control with respect to quality as well as quantity of ingredients are also essential during the various phases of microsurfacing construction. The various phases includes following . &reparation of surface $torage of materials and evaluation %alibration of microsurfacing machine ..1 'ecording of temperature of atmosphere &recautions during application Traffic control

Stora+e a'# E-al%at o' o" Mater al!

$:' latex modified emulsion needs special care during storage and transportation. The hose used to pump the emulsion were ensured to be free of any materials that may contaminate emulsion. $ince, the storage stability of modified emulsion is relatively less, it was used within a month from the date of production. Materials like aggregate, water and emulsion were checked for compliance of specifications )Tables * to 5-. ..2 Preparat o' o" S%r"a*e

4ll depressions were filled with cold mix of appropriate grading and visible cracks were repaired before applying placing microsurfacing. $urface was cleaned by mechanical power broom effectively before application of microsurfacing. ..3 Cal brat o' o" Ma*( 'e

In microsurfacing, the mix design is based on the combined weight of dry aggregate and weight of mineral filler. To set the machine to a given mix design and to produce a consistent mix, accurate information on delivery rates of aggregate, emulsion, water and additive is necessary. %orrections for moisture in the aggregate is also necessary for needed compliance of mix design. Microsurfacing machine was thus calibrated frequently for flow of aggregate, water and emulsion. The data of calibration are given in Table. 7. Table89 : S%++e!te# G% #el 'e! "or Ma 'te'a'*e
Ser- *eab l t) I'# *ator! :: !eflection, mm !istress, A 'oughness, mmF9m. 'utting, mm <ehicle !amage 0actor Thickness, mm 2uantity of aggregate, 9gFm; Type of grading Urba' 16ea-) Tra"" *3 Pre-e't -e Per o# * 6.= )max.6.= )max.7 )max.*6 )max.;766 )max.,766 )max.= )max.*C )max.5 )max.5 )max.5+C >+= *6+*; *5+*C III III Urba' 10 +(t Tra"" *3 Pre-e't -e Per o# * *.; )max.*.; )max.7 )max.*6 )max.;766 )max.- 5666)max.= )max.*C )max.; )max.; )max.,+5 C+= C+> *;+*5 II II


Sa&pl '+ a'# 4%al t) Co'trol Data

!uring the process of producing, hauling and stockpiling of materials and execution of microsurfacing project, very good quality control is required on )a- materials complying to specifications, and )b- required quantity of ingredients comply mix design. The frequency of testing and various tests conducted are given below . Te!t 2uality of aggregate 3rading of aggregates and moisture 0low of aggregate 2uality of emulsion :inder content in mix 3rading of washed aggregate 2uality of water and cement Fre,%e'*) Gne test per source Gne test per lot )*66 tonne!aily 'egularly per lot )*6 tonneGnce per day Gnce per day Gnce per source

The other data recorded during quality control are given as under . $ection %arriageway /ane o. %hainage (idth . . . . . 4F: /eft F 'ight *F;F, $tart F 1nd, m m

4rea Travel Time 4ggregate %onsumed 1mulsion %onsumed ..9 Tra"" * Co'trol

. . . .

m; Minutes 9g 9g

Time required for closure of traffic depends upon humidity as well as temperature of environment. 4s the temperature increases and humidity decrease, the time it takes for emulsion to break and cure the surface by evaporation of water decreases. $imilarly, cement also control breaking time of emulsion. "ence, optimum amount of cement was used to control the duration for development of needed strength before opening of the surface to traffic. In case of &rithviraj 'oad, traffic was opened after two hours, as the atmospheric temperature during execution was about *6+*7 6%. &rithviraj road being a busy <I& road, resurfacing of only one lane was possible in a day due to traffic restrictions. 9. EXPERIENCE GAINED DURING EXECUTION

The laying of microsurfacing in progress at &rithviraj road and (indsor &lace 'oundabout is shown in &hoto * and ; respectively. The other precautions undertaken are )i- pre+matting of surface )ii- homogeneous mix to prevent segregation of the emulsion and aggregate fines. The difficulties experienced during laying are as follows . )i- !elayed curing and setting of microsurfacing, i.e, upto 5 to C hours during the month of !ecember. (hen temperature of the atmosphere was about *6+*76% it did not enable laying of microsurfacing in needed thickness in single application. "ence, laying was executed in two applications. )ii- 4pplication was further affected by )a- patch work impressions )bnon+uniform flow of aggregate when laying was executed for shorter duration, and )ccontinuous traffic flow caused hindrance in achieving desired output of machine in peak hours. It was also observed, that when the surface of existing pavement was uneven, the surface of single layer microsurfacing application was also uneven. 1xperience shows that two+ layer application has been successful over cracked and patched surface. The time required before traffic can be allowed on microsurfacing depend upon the time for emulsion to break and the mixture to cure. 2uantity of cement also plays a major role in controlling setting time. 'olling traffic normally can be permitted in about one hour after application of microsurfacing. The unevenness of surface was recorded by fifth wheel bump integrator. The inference drawn from the experience and the data collected are as follows . )i- one layer of microsurfacing brings down roughness values by about ;66+ ,66 mmFkm, which could be suitable mainly for preventive maintenance on structurally adequate pavement, )ii- two layers of microsurfacing help in reduction of roughness by >66+=66 mmFkm, when used for periodic renewals in place of thin hot mix layer, provided roughness of original surface is below ,666 mmFkm. "owever, for periodic maintenance of surfaces with roughness over ,766 mmFkm, thickness of microsurfacing needed will be around *;+*5 mm, which can be achieved by application of ;=+,; kgFm ; of aggregate in multiple applications. The tentative guidelines are indicated in Table 7. 'esurfacing of flyovers with mastic asphalt is a common practice in India, which create a highly uneven surface with roughness ranging from ,766+5766 mmFkm besides creating

air pollution due to its hot process. 'ecently constructed flyover at 4shram chowk in $outh !elhi, was surfaced with microsurfacing and roughness value achieved was around ;>66 mmFkm which appears to be a excellent substitute of mastic asphalt as surface of flyovers. :. POST CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE

$ince microsurfacing technology was used first time in India, it was decided to monitor performance at the interval of , months to study progression of roughness and distress. The following observations are made from the data given in Table C. %ontribution of microsurfacing towards rectification of roughness is marginal. "ence, this technology is applicable to road surface with acceptable initial roughness. "owever, progression of roughness after treatment with passage of time is also negligible. $ince microsurfacing seals the surface effectively and prevents ingress of moisture in pavement, it prevent progressive development of distress. %omparing freshly laid microsurfacing with mastic asphalt, unevenness is found much higher in case of mastic asphalt. Table8: : Ro%+('e!! at Pr t(- ra; Roa# a'# 2 '#!or Pla*e Ro%'#abo%t Ob!er-at o' :efore treatment 4fter first layer 4fter second layer 0irst observation ), months$econd observation )C monthsThird observation)? months0ourth observation )*; months=. CONC0USIONS Microsurfacing could be an alternative to thin hot mix renewals in maintenance of urban roads in environment friendly manner and to saves energy. 1ffective quality control plays a vital role in success of a microsurfacing projects. &rogression of roughness and distress development with passage of time is found within limits in case of recently laid microsurfacing layer. Pr t(- ra; Roa#< 0a'e! 0e"t Ce'ter R +(t ;?;5 ;?=; ,6CC ;C=7 ;>*> ;>== ;;*? ;;,; ;;;C ;;57 ;;=6 ;;>5 ;;=C ;,*6 ;,5= ;,6C ;,,6 ;,C= ;C;C ;,C6 ;,?6 2 '#!or Pla*e Ro%'#abo%t ,>>7 ,;5, ++ ,;>; ,,*7 ,,56 ,,C;

REFERENCE 'oger 1. $mith and %. 9eith :eatty HMicrosurfacing Isage 3uidelinesJ Transportation 'esearch 'ecord, o. *C=6, pp *,+*>. $ikdar, &. 9. and 8ain, &. 9., H1nergy 1fficient &reventive Maintenance Technologies for $ustainable 'oad InfrastructureJ, $eminar on ational %onnectivity <ision . $urface Transportation and %ommunication, *?+;6 8anuary, );666-.

/ebourlot, 0., HImprovement of Microsurfacing !esignJ, &roceedings ;nd 1mulsion %ongress, :ordeaux )0rance-, pp 5+*:F*55F6*to6C )*??>!esign Technical :ulletinK;66*, International $lurry $eal 4ssociation, (ashington !.%. );66*-.

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