Scope Management Plan

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The key takeaways are that a scope management plan defines how project scope will be defined, developed and verified. It also outlines roles and responsibilities for managing scope and the process for scope control and changes.

The purpose of a scope management plan is to detail how the project scope will be defined, developed and verified. It clearly defines who is responsible for managing the project's scope and acts as a guide for managing and controlling the scope.

The 5 steps in the scope management process are: 1) Collect Requirements 2) Define Scope 3) Create WBS 4) Verify Scope 5) Control Scope

SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE This Project Scope Management Plan Template is free for you to copy and

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ntroduction......................................................................................................................................! Scope Management "pproach.........................................................................................................# $oles and $esponsibilities...............................................................................................................# Scope Definition..............................................................................................................................% Project Scope Statement..................................................................................................................& Wor' (rea'down Structure.............................................................................................................) Scope *erification...........................................................................................................................+ Scope ,ontrol...................................................................................................................................+ Sponsor "cceptance ......................................................................................................................-.

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Scope Management is the collection of processes which ensure that the project includes all the wor' re0uired to complete it while e1cluding all wor' which is not necessary to complete it. The Scope Management Plan details how the project scope will be defined2 de3eloped2 and 3erified. t clearly defines who is responsible for managing the projects4 scope and acts as a guide for managing and controlling the scope. Project Scope Management follows a fi3e step process5 ,ollect $e0uirements2 Define Scope2 ,reate W(S2 *erify Scope2 and ,ontrol Scope. -6 ,ollect $e0uirements 7 this first step is the process by which we define and document the re0uirements needed to meet all project objecti3es. The foundation of this process is the project charter and sta'eholder register. 8rom these2 the team can identify re0uirements2 collecti3ely discuss details associated with meeting each re0uirement2 conduct inter3iews and follow9on discussion to clarify the re0uirements2 and document the re0uirements in sufficient detail to measure them once the project begins the e1ecution phase. This documentation also ser3es as an input to the ne1t step in the process which is to define scope. /6 Define Scope 7 this step is critical to project success as it re0uires the de3elopment of a detailed project:product description to include deli3erables2 assumptions2 and constraints and establishes the framewor' within which project wor' must be performed. !6 ,reate W(S 7 this process brea's project deli3erables down into progressi3ely smaller and more manageable components which2 at the lowest le3el2 are called wor' pac'ages. This hierarchical structure allows for more simplicity in scheduling2 costing2 monitoring2 and controlling the project. #6 *erify Scope 7 this is the process by which the project team recei3es a formalized acceptance of all deli3erables with the sponsor and:or customer. %6 ,ontrol Scope 7 this is the process of monitoring:controlling the project:product scope as well as managing any changes in the scope baseline. ,hanges may be necessary to the project scope but it is imperati3e they are controlled and integrated in order to pre3ent scope creep. The Scope Management Plan pro3ides the scope framewor' for this project. This plan documents the scope management approach5 roles and responsibilities as they pertain to project scope5 scope definition5 3erification and control measures5 scope change control5 and the project4s wor' brea'down structure. "ny project communication which pertains to the project4s scope should adhere to the Scope Management Plan. This project is for designing2 programming2 and testing a new software product which will be used to trac' the company4s finances and impro3e 3arious financial processes. This includes design of the software2 all programming and coding2 and testing:3alidation of the software. ;o e1ternal resources or outsourcing are anticipated for this project.

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t is important that the approach to managing the projects4 scope be clearly defined and documented in detail. This section pro3ides a summary of the Scope Management Plan in which it addresses the following: Who has authority and responsibility for scope management <ow the scope is defined =i.e. Scope Statement2 W(S2 W(S Dictionary2 Statement of Wor'2 etc.6 <ow the scope is measured and 3erified =i.e. >uality ,hec'lists2 Scope (aseline2 Wor' Performance Measurements2 etc.6 The scope change process =who initiates2 who authorizes2 etc.6 Who is responsible for accepting the final project deli3erable and appro3es acceptance of project scope 8or this project2 scope management will be the sole responsibility of the Project Manager. The scope for this project is defined by the Scope Statement2 Wor' (rea'down Structure =W(S6 and W(S Dictionary. The Project Manager2 Sponsor and Sta'eholders will establish and appro3e documentation for measuring project scope which includes deli3erable 0uality chec'lists and wor' performance measurements. Proposed scope changes may be initiated by the Project Manager2 Sta'eholders or any member of the project team. "ll change re0uests will be submitted to the Project Manager who will then e3aluate the re0uested scope change. ?pon acceptance of the scope change re0uest the Project Manager will submit the scope change re0uest to the ,hange ,ontrol (oard and Project Sponsor for acceptance. ?pon appro3al of scope changes by the ,hange ,ontrol (oard and Project Sponsor the Project Manager will update all project documents and communicate the scope change to all sta'eholders. (ased on feedbac' and input from the Project Manager and Sta'eholders2 the Project Sponsor is responsible for the acceptance of the final project deli3erables and project scope.


n order to successfully manage a projects4 scope it4s important that all roles and responsibilities for scope management are clearly defined. This section defines the role of the Project Manager2 Project Team2 Sta'eholders and other 'ey persons who are in3ol3ed in managing the scope of the project. t should state who is responsible for scope management and who is responsible for accepting the deli3erables of the project as defined by the projects4 scope. "ny other roles in scope management should also be stated in this section. The Project Manager2 Sponsor and team will all play 'ey roles in managing the scope of this project. "s such2 the project sponsor2 manager2 and team members must be aware of their responsibilities in order to ensure that wor' performed on the project is within the established scope throughout the entire duration of the project. The table below defines the roles and responsibilities for the scope management of this project.

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Na e @ohn Doe

Ro!e Sponsor

@ane Doe

Project Manager

(ob @ones

Team Cead

@ohn Smith

Team Member

Tom (rown

Team Member

Re$pon$)*)!)t)e$ 9 "ppro3e or deny scope change re0uests as appropriate 9 A3aluate need for scope change re0uests 9 "ccept project deli3erables 9 Measure and 3erify project scope 9 8acilitate scope change re0uests 9 8acilitate impact assessments of scope change re0uests 9 Brganize and facilitate scheduled change control meetings 9 ,ommunicate outcomes of scope change re0uests 9 ?pdate project documents upon appro3al of all scope changes 9 Measure and 3erify project scope 9 *alidate scope change re0uests 9 Participate in impact assessments of scope change re0uests 9 ,ommunicate outcomes of scope change re0uests to team 9 8acilitate team le3el change re3iew process 9 Participate in defining change resolutions 9 A3aluate the need for scope changes and communicate them to the project manager as necessary 9 Participate in defining change resolutions 9 A3aluate the need for scope changes and communicate them to the project manager as necessary

Ta*!e +#+, Scope Management Roles and Responsibilities

The scope definition section details the process of de3eloping a detailed description of the project and its deli3erables. This can only be completed after the re0uirements ha3e been identified and defined during the re0uirements definition process. During the re0uirements definition process three documents were created5 $e0uirements Documentation2 $e0uirements Management Plan and a $e0uirements Traceability Matri1. Dou can refer to these documents when defining the projects4 scope. This section should e1plain the process you followed to de3elop the detailed description of the project and its deli3erables. f you used other documents such as the Project ,harter2 Preliminary Project Scope Statement or $e0uirements Documentation you should identify them and all other documents used. Dou should tie the scope definition process bac' to the re0uirements definition as the projects4 scope answers the re0uirements for the project.

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Dou should also document the tools and techni0ues used to define the project scope such as e1pert judgment2 product analysis2 alternati3es identification or facilitated wor'shops. The scope for this project was defined through a comprehensi3e re0uirements collection process. 8irst2 a thorough analysis was performed on the company4s current software applications based on employee and user feedbac'. 8rom this information2 the project team de3eloped the project re0uirements documentation2 the re0uirements management plan2 and the re0uirements traceability matri1 for what the new software application must accomplish. The project description and deli3erables were de3eloped based on the re0uirements collection process and input from subject matter e1perts in software design2 technical support2 programming and business applications. This process of e1pert judgment pro3ided feedbac' on the most effecti3e ways to meet the original re0uirements of pro3iding a new software platform from which the company can impro3e its financial trac'ing and internal financial processes.


The project scope statement details the project4s deli3erables and the wor' necessary to create these deli3erables. The Project Scope Statement should contain the following components: Product Scope Description 7 describes what the project will accomplish Product "cceptance ,riteria 7 describes what re0uirements must be met in order for the project to be accepted as complete Project Deli3erables 7 detailed list of deli3erables the project will result in Project A1clusions 7 description of wor' that is not included in the project and outside of the scope Project ,onstraints 7 lists limits on resources for time2 money2 manpower2 or e0uipment =capital6 Project "ssumptions 7 describes the list of assumptions the project team and sta'eholders are wor'ing under to complete the project The project scope statement pro3ides a detailed description of the project2 deli3erables2 constraints2 e1clusions2 assumptions2 and acceptance criteria. "dditionally2 the scope statement includes what wor' should not be performed in order to eliminate any implied but unnecessary wor' which falls outside the of the project4s scope. This project includes the design2 programming2 and testing of a new software application for trac'ing the company4s finances. The deli3erables for this project are a completed software application for finance trac'ing with the fle1ibility to modify and e1pand the application as necessary in the future. This project will be accepted once the new software has been successfully tested in each department and has been shown to be compatible with the company4s current information technology = T6 infrastructure. This project does not include ongoing operations and maintenance of the software. Bnly internal personnel and resources may be used for this project. "dditionally2 the project is not to e1ceed -+. days in duration or E#%.2... in spending. "ssumptions for this project are that support will be pro3ided by the project sponsor


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and all department managers and that ade0uate internal resources are a3ailable for the successful completion of this project.


The Wor' (rea'down Structure =W(S6 and Wor' (rea'down Structure Dictionary are 'ey elements to effecti3e scope management. This section should discuss how the project scope is to be subdi3ided into smaller deli3erables in the W(S and W(S Dictionary and how these smaller components are managed during the life of the project. n order to effecti3ely manage the wor' re0uired to complete this project2 it will be subdi3ided into indi3idual wor' pac'ages which will not e1ceed #. hours of wor'. This will allow the Project Manager to more effecti3ely manage the project4s scope as the project team wor's on the tas's necessary for project completion. The project is bro'en down into three phases: the design phase5 the programming phase5 and the testing phase. Aach of these phases is then subdi3ided further down to wor' pac'ages which will re0uire no more than #. hours of wor' and no less than # hours of wor' =see W(S structure below6.
;ew Software Project

-.- Design Phase

-./ Programming Phase

-.! Testing Phase

-.-.- 8irst Design Phase

-.-./ Second Design Phase

-./.- Programming Tas' F-

-.!.- Testing Tas' F-

-.-.-.- Design Tas' F-

-.-./.- Design Tas' F!

-././ Programming Tas' F/

-.!./ Testing Tas' F/

-.-.-./ Design Tas' F/

-.-././ Design Tas' F#

-.!.! Testing Tas' F!

&) +#+, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) n order to more clearly define the wor' necessary for project completion the W(S Dictionary is used. The W(S Dictionary includes an entry for each W(S element. The W(S Dictionary includes a detailed description of wor' for each element and the deli3erables2 budget and resource needs for that element. The project team will use the W(S Dictionary as a statement of wor' for each W(S element.

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W(S ,ode

Alement ;ame

Description of Wor'




Ta*!e +#/, WBS Dictionary

Scope 3erification discusses how the deli3erables will be 3erified against the original scope and how the deli3erables from the project will be formally accepted. The deli3erables for the project should be formally accepted and signed off on by the customer throughout the lifecycle of the project and not held bac' as a single deli3erable at the end of the project. "s this project progresses the Project Manager will 3erify interim project deli3erables against the original scope as defined in the scope statement2 W(S and W(S Dictionary. Bnce the Project Manager 3erifies that the scope meets the re0uirements defined in the project plan2 the Project Manager and Sponsor will meet for formal acceptance of the deli3erable. During this meeting the Project Manager will present the deli3erable to the Project Sponsor for formal acceptance. The Project Sponsor will accept the deli3erable by signing a project deli3erable acceptance document. This will ensure that project wor' remains within the scope of the project on a consistent basis throughout the life of the project.

Scope control is the process of monitoring the status of the scope of the project. This section also details the change process for ma'ing changes to the scope baseline. The Project Manager and the project team will wor' together to control of the scope of the project. The project team will le3erage the W(S Dictionary by using it as a statement of wor' for each W(S element. The project team will ensure that they perform only the wor' described in the W(S dictionary and generate the defined deli3erables for each W(S element. The Project Manager will o3ersee the project team and the progression of the project to ensure that this scope control process if followed. f a change to the project scope is needed the process for recommending changes to the scope of the project must be carried out. "ny project team member or sponsor can re0uest changes to the project scope. "ll change re0uests must be submitted to the Project Manager in the form of a project change re0uest document. The Project Manager will then re3iew the suggested change to the scope of the project. The Project Manager will then either deny the change re0uest if it does not apply to the intent of the project or con3ene a change control meeting between the project team and Sponsor to re3iew the change re0uest further and perform an impact assessment of the change. f the change re0uest recei3es initial appro3al by the Project Manager and Sponsor2 the Project Manager will then formally submit the change re0uest to the ,hange ,ontrol (oard. f

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the ,hange ,ontrol (oard appro3es the scope change the Project Sponsor will then formally accept the change by signing the project change control document. ?pon acceptance of the scope change by the ,hange ,ontrol (oard and Project Sponsor the Project Manager will update all project documents and communicate the scope change to all project team members sta'eholders.

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