Phonological Bias Technique

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PHONOLOGICAL BIAS TECHNIQUE A technique that involves habituating a subject to a particular pattern of word-initial phonemes.

Asked to read aloud the sequence BALL DOZE BASH DOOR BEAN DECK BELL DARK DARN BORE, there is about a 30 per cent likelihood that a subject will interpret the last item as BARN DOOR. However, a lexical bias effect means that the likelihood of an error drops to only 10 per cent if it gives rise to a non-word (DART BOARD rendered as BART DOARD). This result suggests that in assembling speech we develop parallel speech plans. Here, one specific to lexis and one specific to phonology are seen to be in competition. PHONOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT: PERCEPTION There are several views on the extent to which a newly born infant is attuned to speech. An articulatory learning theory suggests that an infant has no perceptual capacity at birth and that the phonological system is entirely acquired through exposure to input. An attunement theory has it that the infant is born with the capacity to perceive certain fundamental sounds, which enables it to identify some of those which feature in the target language (TL). A strong nativist view (a universal theory) holds that the infant is endowed with the capacity to distinguish the speech sounds of all human languages but later loses it for sounds which are not relevant to the TL. Finally, a maturational nativist view envisages a biologically determined programme for both perception and production. Not enough is known about the precise relationship between perception and production in phonological development. It may be that problems in distinguishing certain sounds influence the order in which phonemes are acquired. For example, in English /f/ and /r/ appear late, and one possible explanation is that they are easily confused with /T/ and /w/. The cause does not lie in the infants hearing, which is fully developed at this point; rather, its brain may not yet be able to process these distinctions. An insight into the relation between perception and production is provided by the fis phenomenon. Assume that a child pronounces the adult word FISH as [fIs]. If an adult imitates the childs pronunciation, the child can recognise that it is wrong but cannot put it right. This does not necessarily show that the child has a precise representation in its mind of the adult form; but it does show that it has a representation that is distinct from the form that it produces. Hence a suggestion that the infant might possess two distinct lexicons: one for perception and one for production. In its current form, this theory assumes that there is actually a single lexicon (containing elements of word meaning) but that it has separate phonological registers for input and output. Many studies have shown that the development of auditory perception begins much earlier than might be supposed. Important research areas include: & Categorical perception. Experimenters have demonstrated that infants as young as four months distinguish stops by means of sharply defined boundaries and can also distinguish vowels and liquids. However, the infants do not appear to recognise category boundaries for fricatives.

This finding may be significant, as, across languages, fricatives tend to emerge late. & Critical period. The issue here is whether there is a critical period during which infants are particularly sensitive to the phonology of their target language. It appears that infants can distinguish between sounds which are not contrastive in the language they are acquiring, whereas most adults cannot. Initial evidence suggested that infants lost the ability to make these distinctions as early as nine months. However, later findings have indicated that children of four years old can still make certain robust non-native distinctions, and that adults remain capable of distinguishing sounds which are entirely absent in the native language (e.g. for English-speakers, different Xhosa clicks). Discriminatory ability may thus be lost to different degrees, reflecting the extent to which L2 phonemes are distinct from those in the first language. Jusczyks WRAPSA model offers an account based upon focus of attention rather than complete loss of discriminatory ability. It suggests that we continue to perceive all the contrasts in the signal but that certain features are given special weighting. Our perception of sounds does not change but the way we distribute our attention is determined by the language we acquire. & Phoneme awareness. Children find it difficult to distinguish minimal pairs (MEND / SEND, ROAD / WROTE) before about two years six months. This suggests that early words are represented holistically rather than in terms of the phonemes that constitute them. It is unclear exactly when the child develops an awareness of phonemes. One view is that we only come to recognise phonemic segments as a result of learning to read alphabetically. Another theory is that perception vocabulary remains holistic for a while but that production vocabulary is specified in terms of phonemes and/or the articulatory gestures associated with them. & Rhythm. Infants appear to pick up the rhythm patterns of their mothers speech even while in the womb. The child then may exploit rhythmic properties of the speech signal in order to locate word boundaries in connected speech. English-acquiring infants develop an awareness of the SW (strong-weak) pattern which characterizes much of the English lexicon and may use it as the basis for identifying potential words. & Syllable. It may also be that a unit of phonological processing is available to the infant, the best candidate being the syllable. Infants display sensitivity to syllable structure at a very early age probably as a result of noticing the steady-state sequences in the speech stream which correspond to the vowels at the centre of each syllable. & Normalisation. The adult voices to which the infant is exposed vary greatly in pitch, speech rate, accent etc. Studies have tested the infants capacity to compensate for these features when extracting phonological information. Once a given phoneme distinction has been achieved, infants show that they are able to sustain it even when the phonemes are uttered by different voices. Infants also appear capable of making the distinction between /bA/ and /wA/ which, for adults, depends upon assessing the speech rate of the talker.

PHONOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT: PRODUCTION The acquisition by an infant of the phonological system of its first language, as evidenced in signs of use. An infants first productions are purely reflexive, consisting of wailing, laughter, gurgling etc. in response to immediate sensations. Its first speech-like productions take the form of babbling, which begins at between six and ten months and is characterised by a limited range of sounds resembling adult consonant-vowel (CV) syllables. There is disagreement as to whether babbling is unrelated to later phonological development or whether it is a precursor of speech. At a later stage, babbling adopts intonation contours which seem to mimic those of adults. Intonation thus appears to be acquired independently of phoneme development. The question has been raised of whether there is a universal order of phoneme acquisition. It is difficult to determine when a particular phoneme has been acquired: it may be used accurately in certain contexts but not in others. Furthermore, the ability to recognise a phoneme may precede its emergence in production by quite a long period. That said, findings suggest that, whatever the ambient language, infants do indeed acquire certain sounds early on: namely, nasal consonants, labials, stops and back vowels. Some commentators have concluded that such forms must be innate; however, the phenomenon could equally be due to early limitations on the childs perceptual system or to the child employing the easiest articulatory gestures first. Some evidence for innateness comes from the fact that sounds which are universally infrequent (such as English /{/) tend to emerge late. An alternative suggestion is that the order in which phonemes are acquired may reflect their frequency in the input to which the child is exposed. However, the evidence is unclear, and it is noteworthy that the omnipresent // in English emerges late. Children develop systematic ways of reducing adult words to forms which match their production capacities. They might consistently voice unvoiced sounds (paper [be:b@:]) or replace fricatives by stops (see [ti:]). A common feature is the simplification of consonant clusters (train [ten]). Analogy seems to play a part, with sets of similar words showing similar pronunciation features. But there are often anomalies, termed idioms: single words which continue to be pronounced wrongly when the rest of a set has been acquired phonologically. There are also chain shifts (if truck is pronounced duck, it may cause duck to become guck). PHONOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION A mental representation of the individual phonemes of a language or of the phonological forms of its words, which enables the language user to recognise and to produce them. There is a lay assumption that the sounds of a language are recognised by a simple process of matching them on a one-to-one basis with some kind of template in the mind. This cannot be the case, due to the high variability of phonemes in the speech signal. Coarticulation causes the form of any phoneme to vary considerably according to the phonemes which precede and follow it. It has also proved impossible to slice the signal into neat phonemic segments since acoustic features representing one phoneme blend into those representing the next. There is enormous variation between

speakers in terms of pitch of voice, speech rate and accent. There is also great variation within the speech of a single speaker reflecting their emotional state and the genre of speech event. To this, one can add features such as assimilation, where the speaker modifies phonemes in the interests of ease of articulation. Broadly, there are three ways of approaching the issue of phonological representation. One can assume an intermediate level of analysis (solution a below), one can adapt ones view of how the knowledge is stored (solutions a, b, d and e below) or one can adapt ones view of how the user processes the information in the signal (solution c): a. Unit of representation. Representation may be at a higher or lower level than the phoneme: for example, at the level of the syllable or the acoustic feature. The analysis of the signal would then involve an intermediate process of dividing it into these units. The case for a syllabic representation is that phoneme values within the syllable remain relatively constant, thus countering the co-articulation problem. It has been calculated that for French a finite set of 6000 syllables could represent the entire repertoire of the language. Demi-syllables would be even more efficient, requiring perhaps 2000 forms. An alternative suggestion is that words in the lexicon might be represented in terms of smaller units than the phoneme, i.e. as combinations of acoustic features ( voiced, nasal etc.). This has much in common with the feature theories which have been put forward to explain other aspects of pattern recognition. b. Prototype solutions. The mind stores an idealised version of each phoneme of the language (or of the phonological form of each lexical item). Evidence in the input can then be matched to the representation on a relative goodness of fit basis rather than a categorical one. The prototype might consist of a core value, with a range of tolerances around it. These tolerances would incorporate systematic deviations from the prototype which exposure to variants (e.g. local accents) has taught the listener to recognise. c. Normalisation. The listener edits out or adapts any information in the signal which does not serve to identify phonemes. Allowance is made for systematic variation caused by co-articulation and assimilation. Normalisation has especially been invoked to explain how the listener succeeds in recognising the same phonemes spoken by a variety of speakers. In its strong form, the theory postulates that phonological information is strictly separated from indexical information (relating to the characteristics of the speakers voice). This view has been challenged by recent evidence suggesting that the two are more closely interlinked than was supposed. d. Under-specification. An under-specified phonological representation contains only information that is critical to the identification of a lexical item. This means that absent features (e.g. not nasal) are not recorded; it also means that features which can be predicted by rule (e.g. the nasalization of a vowel before [n]) are omitted. An under-specified representation reduces the chances that a match will fail because of extraneous details in the speech signal.

e. Exemplar theories. Recent evidence has suggested that our capacity for storing information relating to individual events may be far greater than supposed. Applied to phonology, this means that the representation of a particular phoneme or lexical item may be composed of multiple traces of earlier encounters with that phoneme or item. When we hear a regional accent, we tap in to stored exemplars of items spoken in that accent; when we hear a voice operating at a certain pitch or speech rate, we can relate it to earlier stored experiences of similar voices. An exemplar approach is not necessarily incompatible with theory b: it may be that the language user also builds up a set of core values based upon the multiple traces that he/she has stored. PHONOLOGICALWORKING MEMORY The component of working memory (WM) which stores and recycles input in phonological form. How well a listener retains what is heard appears to be partly determined by the capacity of their phonological WM, as does their success or failure at learning a foreign language. In a child, it may affect vocabulary development and success as a reader. Baddeleys model of working memory has a phonological loop which stores input in phonological form. The loop also permits articulatory rehearsal, a process of subvocal repetition which extends the life of stored information, ensures its transfer to long-term memory and recodes written input into a more durable phonological form. In this model, there are thus three ways in which phonological WM might be impaired. There might be a deficit in how much an individual is able to store; there might be a rapid decay of information held in the store; or there might be a deficit in how much an individual is able to rehearse. Phonological WM capacity is traditionally measured by Auditory Short-Term Memory (ASTM) tests in which a subject is asked to recall sets of digits, words or non-words. The sets increase by a digit a time until recall begins to fail; this gives a measure of the subjects digit or word span. Some experimenters question the validity of this approach on the grounds that long-term lexical knowledge may be involved. They prefer a non-word repetition task, in which subjects repeat nonwords containing an increasing number of syllables. Others employ a reading span test, in which subjects read sets of sentences ranging in number from two to seven and are asked to recall the last word of each. However, reading span measures involve the processing as well as the storage of linguistic material, and thus involve other components of WM. Phonological working memory may influence achievement in a number of areas: & Vocabulary acquisition. In children under six, a close relationship has been found between nonword repetition scores and level of vocabulary suggesting that phonological WM contributes to a childs ability to commit the spoken form of a new word to long-term memory. Children with better memories appear to acquire longerlasting and more sharply defined phonological traces.

This factor seems less important as the children get older, reflecting the influence of reading and the increased possibility of making word-form analogies as the vocabulary base gets larger. & Reading ability. Measures of phonological WM correlate with reading ability. Poor reading skills appear to be associated with an inability to acquire the phonological forms of new words. It may be that the weak reader finds it harder to relate written forms to phonological ones by means of the rehearsal mechanism. & Language learning. Studies of primary school children and of adults have found a strong correlation between repetition scores and achievement in learning a foreign language. &Speech buffer. It has been suggested that phonological WM might be involved in language production as well as perception. In particular, it might contribute to the buffer in which speech output is held before it is uttered. However, patients with impaired phonological memory do not seem to suffer corresponding deficits in spontaneous speech production PHONOTACTIC RULES A specification of which phonemes can occur together within a syllable and of the sequence and the position in which they can occur. For example, the sequence /str/ is phototactically legal in word-initial position in English, whereas the sequence /gn/ is not. There is evidence that infants acquire sensitivity to the phonotactic regularities of the language they are acquiring at a very early age, and it has been suggested that phonotactics may assist them in bootstrapping. Phonotactic constraints on position may also form one of the means by which adults manage to recognise word boundaries in connected speech. It has been estimated that, of 7000 consonant sequences which potentially occur across word boundaries in English, only 20 per cent also occur within a word. Furthermore, 80 per cent of cross-boundary sequences only permit of one division: thus, the sequence /mgl/ can only be parsed as /m#gl/.

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