Aircraft Pneumatic

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OBJECTIVES 1. To identify the electrical application aircraft pneumatic system 2. To explain the wiring circuit used on aircraft pneumatic system 3. To learn more about aircraft electrical circuits.

INTRODUCTION THE BOEING 777 is a long-range, wide-body twin-engine jet airliner manufactured by Boeing ommercial !irplanes. The world"s largest twinjet and commonly referred to as the #Triple $e%en#, the aircraft can carry between 3&1 and 3'( passengers in a three-class configuration and has a range from ),23) to *,3(& nautical miles +*,'*) to 1,,3,2 -m.. /istinguishing features of the ,,, include the largest diameter turbofan engines of any aircraft, six wheels on each main landing gear, its circular fuselage cross-section, and a bladeshaped tail cone. The Boeing ,,, entered commercial airline ser%ice with 0nited !irlines in 1**). 1mirates operates the largest ,,, fleet of any airline with ,( as of 2uly 3&, 2&&*. The most common ,,, %ariant used worldwide is the ,,,-2&&13, an extended range %ersion of the original ,,,2&&, with 412 aircraft deli%ered as of 2uly 31, 2&&*. 5n total, )' customers ha%e placed orders for 1,11' aircraft, with ,*( deli%ered as of 2uly 31, 2&&*. Through the 2&&&s, the Boeing ,,, has emerged as one of its manufacturer"s best-selling models. Because of rising fuel costs, airlines ha%e ac6uired the ,,, as a comparati%ely fuelefficient alternati%e to other wide-body jets and ha%e increasingly used the aircraft on longhaul, transoceanic routes. /irect mar-et competitors to the ,,, include the !irbus !33&-3&& and the !34&, with the upcoming !3)& 78B and Boeing ,(, programs currently in de%elopment.

Boeing ,,,-2&& of 0nited !irlines, the launch customer of the ,,, 3ole9 :ational origin 9 ;anufacturer 9 <irst flight 9 5ntroduction9 $tatus 5n production =rimary users9 8ide-body jet airliner 0nited $tates Boeing ommercial !irplanes 2une 12, 1**4 2une ,, 1**) with 0nited !irlines 1mirates $ingapore !irlines !ir <rance 0nited !irlines 1**3>present (11 as of $eptember 31, 2&&*

=roduced9 :umber built9

5n designing the ,,, as its first fly-by-wire commercial aircraft, Boeing decided to retain con%entional control yo-es rather than fit sidestic- controllers as used in many fly-by-wire fighter aircraft and in some !irbus transports.!long with traditional yo-e and rudder controls, the coc-pit features a simplified layout which retains similarities to pre%ious Boeing models. The ,,, fly-by-wire system also incorporates flight en%elope protection, a system which guides pilot inputs within a computer-calculated framewor- of operating parameters, acting to pre%ent stalls and o%erly stressful maneu%ers. This system can be o%erridden by the pilot in command if deemed necessary.


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