Child Prostitution

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Child prostitution is an evil that hosts everyone according to the UN. However, no exact figures on the subject since the sources are as clandestine as their own practices. But there is no doubt that the numbers are high, especially if one takes into account the significant increase in sexual exploitation of minors. According to a report by the United Nations, UN, figure Argentina along with Brazil, Sri Lanka Chile and Cuba on the list of countries with the highest child sexual exploitation in the world. However, the clandestine nature of their work, social disapproval, concealment and denial of the "consumers" of paid sex and those who manage the business or protect you do not allow quantitative approaches . Therefore, no exact figures on the subject since the sources are as clandestine as their own practices . But there is no doubt that the numbers are high , especially if one takes into account the significant increase in child prostitution and youth of both sexes. One of the few rescued by UNDP statistics indicates that in the city of Buenos Aires , by 1997 , there were 10,000 women in prostitution ; 3,000 working in the streets and 7,000 indoors , with 82 % of the prostitution indoors was done under the operating third in 500 private apartments and 300 underground saunas . Projections prepared by NGOs indicate that about 100 cases , 46% of the premises where prostitution takes are saunas , 11% are agencies , 11 % were apartments with up to 3 women and 9% regenteadas over 3 . The other 5% are home agencies . The truth is that the business of prostitution and the millions moving works both exclusive places with affluent people and foreign tourists and from the train stations where demand sex adult children up to 11 years , male or female, to change "coins " or a plate of food . It is not just for girls lower classes there from all sectors have in common is a mental weakness from family problems. The high-level services in private apartments or " saunas " , may be charged up to 3000 pesos if the girls are under 15 years. As admitted . Each year , according to UNICEF , one million children , mostly girls , all over the world enters a child prostitution market . They always pushed by adults that end . They are usually introduced by other adult prostitutes who take advantage of the poverty in which these children live and suffer economic deprivation . These women are in charge of capturing children. For that, looking at the ring roads and in marginal areas of big cities or within countries where poverty tends to be higher than in the capital . Once you earn the trust of the boys, promising them a better life , work and help. But actually completing a network setting where they fall in the hands of a sex industry proxeneta.La recruit more and more young girls as a result of the mistaken belief that they

have little chance of being infected with HIV / AIDS. These organizations are made up of brokers, dealers and customers , especially men, who exercise this cruel trade , sex tourism and child pornography . Causes . Neglect, physical abuse and psychological suffering children had never reached such alarming proportions . Child prostitution has become a way of life . Poverty, the decline of the family as an institution and the lack of access to education leads children into the hands of criminal organizations . Child prostitution is increasingly common . The numbers and multiply cases supported in the echo of the media and a more open society . Before there were also numbers but they were minor and were silenced by the fear that they will say , shame, taboo , denial and only whispered from ear to ear . Child prostitution is a topic that always want to see , on which costs start talking and on which many prefer not to hear. Today this type of exploitation has become a way of life that is explained by the poverty that exists in some regions, the decline of the family as an institution , lack of education and access to alternative sources of income for parents. In the last 10 years has significantly increased the number of children living below the poverty tolerable . In these countries , the survival of children depends on arbitrary factors such as the balance of payments , fluctuating economic conditions and external debt . In Africa and in America there are thousands of children who pay with their physical and mental integrity fabulous debts of their countries. Over 70 % of children who die in these regions is easily curable ailments and more easily such as measles , diarrhea , tetanus , pneumonia or starvation. consequences The child prostitutes living a nightmare without end. The mistreatment and abuse they are subjected lifetime sequelae , ranging from stress to depression and suicide attempts, and personality disorders. They must also cope with AIDS , sexually transmitted diseases and abortions for pregnancies that endanger their lives . The abuse that children undergo when they are forced into prostitution is the problem more serious mental health and destructive. Child prostitution should be considered an act of violence , even if there is such that no physical assault, psychological aggression always . By introducing the kids in activities that are age appropriate are interfering with the normal and healthy sexuality. At school age , the minor adult distance to acquire a certain way of knowing , feeling and seeing things. His philosophy of the world and life becomes " home school " different from that of adults . The theme of this inner process towards autonomy is sexuality . When it is disturbed, the whole personality is in crisis and may lose the desire to live . Therefore, any sexual interference by adults at the body or the child's wishes , as with pedophilia, seriously compromises his integrity and his psyche.

The consequences are as varied as the races that may arise. In childhood is recorded school failure, behavioral disturbances , phobias regarding sexuality , or precocity and sexual perversion . Even the victim may feel guilty and responsible for what is happening . In adolescence exhibit difficulties with female identity , body image rejection , severe depressive states , eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. At maturity externalize frequent emotional crises , depression , sexual dysfunction in the marital relationship . In the elderly tend to have outbreaks of anxiety and intentions to commit suicide especially at the beginning of menopause in case of women. World Different international statistics indicate that child prostitution enslaves 100 million children around the world and each year the circuit enters the 1 million children. An increase that meets the requirements of the international market . The main driver of child prostitution in many areas is sex tourism. Its practitioners are the largest consumers of child pornography and mainly from USA, Germany , UK, Australia and Japan. According to the World Tourism Organization each year, more than 600 million international tourist trips . About 20 % of travelers surveyed recognized seek sex on the go , of which 3% confessed pedophile tendencies , this is more than 3 million people . According to figures from UNICEF , child sex tourism generates annual revenues of five billion dollars to middlemen. Asia is the continent most affected by child prostitution. Some 600 000 creatures are exploited in the Philippines , 300,000 in India , 250,000 in China and 30,000 in Sri Lanka and Nepal. The Child Rights Committee reported that between 100,000 and 150,000 girls and women from Nepal were sent in 1995 to India for sexual exploitation . Each year 3,000 Hindu girls are forced into prostitution for the first time . In Thailand the situation affects about 80,000 children , of which 60,000 could reach 13 years. In Indonesia, 20 % of women are sexually exploited minors. In the great world powers like the United States and Canada today prostitute more than half a million children . 20,000 are in New York City and another 100,000 are exploited in child pornography. Studies in the United States over 30% of consumers of this type of pornography end up putting into practice what they see in magazines and try to capture it in photos or video . Germany is the country with the highest number of tourists increased demand sexual and pornographic material . Followers United States , Australia , France and New Zealand. More than 60 % of Berlin's young prostitutes come from Eastern European countries and , often , are content with a clean bed, a little food and a hot shower What are pedophilia and pederasty?

Both come from the Greek words meaning child paid philia meaning attraction. Psychologically they are recognized as two sexual disorders characterized by the presence of fantasies or behaviors involving sexual relations between an adult and a minor. Some scholars equate with the perversions such as sadomasochism and incest.

Some specialists listed pedophilia within sexual perversions such as narcissism , exhibitionism , fetishism , sadism , masochism , necrophilia , incest , bestiality , ephebophilia , the patofilia and gerontophilia . To consider a person within this clinical category , you must be over 16 and have at least 5 years older than the victim. These people report feeling attracted to children within a specific age range . They are those who are attracted to girls and boys about eight years. The activities carried out in these relationships can be from the nude and observation. Although a lot more aggressive cases involve full sexual relationship .

Many pedophiles do not suffer when performing this type of behavior because they do not understand as immoral , do not feel shame or guilt. To stay hidden relationships with younger guys threaten to stop talking , while others earn the trust of the children with gifts and favors for keeping the secret . Sometimes the explanation is to be found in a lack of control over impulses that generate people under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The less curious and unworldly is easily suggestible through the motions and attitudes of different adult apparently sympathetic . Sometimes , poor living conditions lead to less helpless family to wander the streets , looking for a father or a mother imaginary , which end up finding dramatically in the pedophile . Law against child prostitution . Entered into force in January 2002 . Thereafter , the Contracting States shall implement the necessary measures to eradicate these practices and include them in the category of offenses . The treaty states that child sexual exploitation is an extraditable crime . Once it becomes national law , the Optional Protocol directly responsible adults who participate in these activities and criminalize these violations of children's rights . The first countries to ratify the treaty were Andorra , Bangladesh , Cuba , Iceland , Kazakhstan , Panama , Sierra Leone , Norway and Morocco joining the other 69 that have signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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