Classroom Management Plan - Example-Beth Anne Harris

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Classroom Management Plan (example)

Teache r: Beth Anne Harris G#idelines $or S#ccess: As a professional educator, I want my students to feel engaged in the classroom as much as possible Students will be encouraged often for small and large successes Use of reminding, redirected, and reflective language when necessary Good sense of classroom community using morning meetings Building the classroom together as a team to celebrate big successes together Students will be allowed to use a variety of ways to help them master concepts taught School Year: n/a Posted %#les: The classroom r#les &ill 'e made together in classroom contract $orm( )xamples as $ollo&s: Listen to whoever has the floor to tal Be respectful to everyone at all times Always be helpful Always be friendly Alert a teacher if someone is being bullied !or together to ma e the class successful Grade e!el: "nd

Attention Signal: "any different forms may be used# Specific e$amples% &if you can hear me clap once' if you can hear me clap twice###(, &)ne, two, three, eyes on me*(, +eacher% ,-, . Students% /,0 +eacher% 1,2 Students% 3,4 +eacher and Students% ,*###etc

CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management # 5ugene, )6% 7acific 8orthwest 7ublishing, Inc# ,


Classroom Management Plan (example)

)xpectations $or Classroom Acti!ities and Transitions: 9uring classroom activities students will be e$pected to use an inside voice while having a variety of different styles of learning# It could be group, partner, or individual activities# +ransitions will happen after a brief five minute warning before it is time to move on to the ne$t activity# At the end of a lesson we will ta e the opportunity to summari:e what was learned from the day;s lesson or as any <uestions that anyone was confused on# 5$pectations should be that everyone does their absolute best no matter what# )nco#ragement Proced#res (Moti!ation): +o motivate students% Introduce new lessons with an engaging &hoo ( to interest them# +his could be as ing them what has been going on in specific sub=ect area, bring in something that relates to sub=ect, as <uestions that will as their opinion, or even a game that could tie in the lesson# >eeping a fresh positive attitude at all times so students and the teacher will form positive relationships will also help achieve motivation# ?lassroom reward system that includes the whole class for being successful and using good manners# 6ewards by receiving compliments or doing a good deed to be ac nowledged# ?lass will wor together to receive an award* "otivation through noticing when someone is having an e$ceptionally good day or even a bad day by giving student a note to encourage them#

CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management # 5ugene, )6% 7acific 8orthwest 7ublishing, Inc# @


Classroom Management Plan (example)

Correction Proced#res $or Mis'eha!ior ('oth earl*+stage corrections and r#le !iolation conse,#ences): )arl* stage conse,#ences: Students that are in early warning stages may be corrected using reminding, reflecting, or redirecting language# %#le !iolation conse,#ences: Students will have a chart starting on Good day and ready to learn# +heir clips can move up to a better level or lower to a level that shows them that they need to ma e better choices# If they ma e poor choices conse<uences will be losing 2 to ,- minutes of their recess or a parental contact#

Beginning and )nding %o#tines:

,# 6outine for how students will enter the room%

CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management # 5ugene, )6% 7acific 8orthwest 7ublishing, Inc# 4


Classroom Management Plan (example)

As students enter the room they are to unpac their items from their boo -bags, and get settled in for the new school day# Students are to bring me their assignment boo s and papers to turn in as well as sharpen two pencils, go to the bathroom, and get a drin of water# Students will also be allowed to chec their mailbo$ for missing wor or to put away their completed wor # After they have gotten ready they will have the option of finishing up something from the day before or morning wor #

@# 6outine for how students will be instructionally engaged while attendance is ta en and for how opening business is conducted% "orning meetings will be a regular part of the morning routine and students will be e$pected to wor on their morning wor or filling out their assignment boo for the day as attendance is ta en#

4# 6outine for dealing with tardy students% A classroom helper may fill in what tardy student has missed after they unpac #

3# 6outine for dealing with students who come to class without necessary materials% 6eminders that these items are to be left at home# As ed to put said materials bac in boo bag#

2# 6outine for dealing with students returning after an absence% Students will be given a wee grace period to complete necessary wor # +heir missing wor will be in a bas et labeled for the day that they missed or in their mailbo$#

1# 6outine for wrapping up at end of dayAclass% "a e sure assignment boo is completely filled out then initialed# Students then will ma e sure that their daily chore to help the classroom is completed# After pac up students have option of end of the day brain brea , reading at des , or partner share something about their day that they en=oyed#

0# 6outine for dismissal% Students will be dismissed depending on dismissal of car riders, adventure club, and busses#

CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management # 5ugene, )6% 7acific 8orthwest 7ublishing, Inc# 3


Classroom Management Plan (example)

Students line up based on busses and wal to their designated buss#

Proced#res $or Managing St#dent -or.:

,# 7rocedures for assigning classwor and homewor % As homewor is provided, students will put them in their ta e home folder on the return side# Students will have opportunities to write down assignments throughout the day# +heir assignment boo must have teachers initial by the end of the day# Graded classwor is to be turned into the classwor bas et# ?lasswor that is to ta e home may be placed in their mailbo$es# Graded papers will be filled into their sub=ect binder#

@# 7rocedures for collecting completed wor % +estsA<ui::es collected by teacher ?lasswor that is completed may be turned into classwor bas et

4# 7rocedures for eeping records and providing feedbac to students% Bolder on each student that may be ta en home at the end of the year regarding progress, tests, and ma=or pro=ects# 6egular graded classwor may be filed in their sub=ect binder# Students will receive feedbac based on comments on their graded wor # If needed students will have one on one conference with the teacher to provide feedbac #

3# 7rocedures and policies for dealing with late and missing assignments% Late assignments may be completed any time, but will not be given full credit unless the situation warrants it#

CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management # 5ugene, )6% 7acific 8orthwest 7ublishing, Inc# 2


Classroom Management Plan (example)

"issing assignments are still to be completed# Late assignments due to absences will be given a five day grace period# ?ontinual late wor will result in necessary implicationsC )ne-on-one discussion to ma e sure that something is not going on at home# If so provide help as needed# If due to la:iness hold a meeting with student presenting options on how to get student to move forward with wor # Students may have to complete at the beginning of recess or during a free time when students are finished up with other classwor #

Proced#res $or Managing /ndependent -or. Periods: Self-control from students should allow them to wor <uietly# +he teacher will role play with e$amples and none$amples when needed to demonstrate self-control# "usic may be played during independent wor ing time to help motivate and rela$ them* If help needed students may raise their hands, and I will ma e sure that they understand what they need to do# !hen students finish necessary wor , or need a brea , they will be given a brain brea that either includes a dance brea , class game, or different movement brea s# Students will be given warning is noise is too out of control and will have conse<uences if warned more than three times#

CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management # 5ugene, )6% 7acific 8orthwest 7ublishing, Inc# 1


Classroom Management Plan (example)

CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management # 5ugene, )6% 7acific 8orthwest 7ublishing, Inc# 0


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