Zulueta Vs Pam Am

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Zulueta vs. Pam American World Airways, Inc. Concepcion, C.J. January 8, 197 Properties t!at compose t!e CP"

#!is is motion $or reconsideration $or a case decided %y t!e &upreme Court on 'e%ruary (9, 197( t!at ruled in $avor o$ t!e plainti$$s. Plainti$$s were )a$ael Zulueta, !is wi$e, and !is dau*!ter. #!ey sou*!t to recover dama*es +actual, moral, e,emplary, and attorney-s $ees. %ased on t!e %reac! o$ contract o$ carria*e committed %y de$endant. #!is !appened w!en Zulueta le$t t!e plane and went to t!e %eac! in order to answer t!e call o$ nature. /pon returnin* to t!e plane +delayed %y (01 0 minutes., Zulueta came across Capt. Zentner, w!o was already remonstratin* at !im in an intemperate and arro*ant tone and attitude +as2in*, 3W!at do you t!in2 you are45.. #!is impelled Zulueta to answer %ac2. As a conse6uence, t!ere immediately ensued an altercation %etween t!e two men. #!en, Capt. Zentner ordered to o$$1load all o$ t!e Zuluetas, )a$ael, wi$e and dau*!ter and le$t t!em in a desolate island. +7urin* t!e pendency o$ t!e action, wi$e separated wit! !er !us%and. &!e also !ad a compromise a*reement, amountin* to 80,000, wit! t!e de$endant. Issues: +Assi*nment o$ errors. 1. 7oes t!e lower court !ave 9urisdiction over t!e case considerin* t!at t!e actual dama*es did not amount to more t!an P!p10000 as settled in doctrines o$ t!e :onora%le Court4 (. Is t!e amount o$ dama*es e,cessive4 . 7o t!e plainti$$s !ave t!e ri*!t to recover e,emplary dama*es considerin* t!at t!e de$endants did not act wit! 3*ross ne*li*ence5 %ased on stated in Article (( 1 o$ t!e Civil Code4 ;. 7o t!e plainti$$s !ave t!e ri*!t to recover attorney-s $ees4 5. Is the compromise agreement between the wife and the defendant effective (therefore, amounts to the dismissa of the case!" #e d: 1. <es. 'irst, t!e de$endants erred w!en it ar*ued t!at 3unspeci$ied sums representin* items or ot!er alle*ed dama*es may not %e considered5 +t!e still unspeci$ied sums o$ t!e moral, e,emplary, and attorney-s $ees.. #!ey only too2 t!e actual dama*es as t!e %asis $or suc! ar*ument +actual dama*es = 880(.88.. &econd, claim $or moral dama*es is one not suscepti%le o$ pecuniary estimation, and is le$t at t!e discretion o$ t!e court. #!ird, t!e de$endants also $iled a counter1claim amountin* to 1(000> t!ere$ore wit!in t!e ori*inal 9urisdiction o$ t!e court. (. ?o. #!e Zuluetas !ad a contract o$ carria*e wit! t!e de$endant. 'or a su%stantial monetary consideration +payment o$ t!e Zuluetas., t!e de$endant is %ound not merely to transport t!em to @anila, %ut also to do so wit! e,traordinary dili*ence or utmost dili*ence. In t!e present case, t!e de$endant did not only $ail to comply wit! its o%li*ation to transport @r. Zulueta to @anila, %ut, also acted in a manner calculated to !umiliate !im, to c!astise !im, to ma2e !im su$$er, to cause !im t!e *reatest inconvenience, %y leavin* !im in a desolate island. "iven t!ese circumstances, it could %e said t!at t!e amount o$ dama*es +700,000., w!ic! was %arely e6uivalent A100,000, was not e,cessive. . <es. Article (( 1 o$ t!e Civil Code does not allow one to recover e,emplary dama*es in 6uasi1delicts e,cept w!en t!e de$endant acted wit! 3*ross ne*li*ence.5 #!e Court, !owever,

reasoned t!at i$ 3*ross ne*li*ence5 warrants t!e award o$ e,emplary dama*es, t!en, wit! more reason, is its imposition 9usti$ied w!en t!e act per$ormed is deli%erate, malicious, and tainted wit! %ad $ait!. ;. <es. #!e law is clear. Article ((08 o$ t!e Civil Code e,pressly aut!oriBes t!e award o$ attorney-s $ees 3w!en e,emplary dama*es are awarded.5 &ince it was esta%lis!ed in t!e t!ird rulin* t!at t!e plainti$$s can recover e,emplary dama*es, t!en t!ey are allowed to recover attorney-s $ees. 5. $es and %o. The payment involved in the compromise agreement is effective . It is deductib e from the award given b& the Court. #ence, the '((,((( award of damages wi on & be )5(,((( when the 5(,((( pa&ment from the compromise agreement is deducted. The compromise agreement itself, however, is not effective. It is not effective in re ation to con*uga partnership. +rtic e ,,- of the Civi Code states that, .the husband must be *oined in a suits b& or against the wife e/cept: / / / (0! If the& have been in fact been separated for at east one &ear.1 This provision, according to the Court, is on & app icab e to suits where the wife is the principa un i2e the case where the damages to the wife on & resu ted from the humi iation her wife was sub*ected. The damages in 3uestion arose from a breach of contract of carriage. The pa&ment of which is presumed to be ong to the con*uga partnership. #ence, the damages fa under +rtic e ,5- (,! for having been ac3uired b& onerous tit e during the marriage. The damages invo ved in the case at bar do not come under an& of the provisions of +rtic e ,45 or of the other provisions forming part of Chapter -, Tit e 6I, of 7oo2 I of the Civi Code, which is entit ed .Parapherna Propert&.1 #ence, it is part of the con*uga partnership. 8oreover, if that which is ac3uired b& right of redemption or b& e/change with other propert& be onging to on & one of the spouses and that which is purchased with e/c usive mone& of the wife or of the husband be ong e/c usive & to such wife or husband, then it fo ows that what is ac3uired with mone& of con*uga partnership be ongs thereto or forms part thereof.

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