NH - Who Is Behind The Josiah Bartlett Center

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The State Policy Network (SPN) is a web of right-wing think tanks in states across the country.

The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy (JBC) is SPNs cookie-cutter think tank for the state of New Hampshire. While JBC claims to be focused on issues important to the people of New Hampshire, it actually pushes an agenda dictated by its national rightwing funders and partners.

Defund and privatize New Hampshires public schools Block access to affordable healthcare for New Hampshire families Cut retirees benefits and destroy public pensions Oppose renewable energy Cut corporate taxes

- Granite State Progress

Josiah Bartlett Center, accessed 11/1/2013

In November 2008, looking to further insert its right-wing agenda into the New Hampshire media market, the Josiah Bartlett Center hired former radio host-turned-Republican political operative Grant Bosse to launch the New Hampshire Watchdog, a new investigative project for the free market think tank." Housed at the Josiah Bartlett Center, the New Hampshire Watchdog is actually a state affiliate of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, an umbrella group of right-wing news outlets in states across the country. Like many Franklin Center affiliates, Bosse has been denied press credentials to the NH legislature due to the fact that the NH Watchdog works more as a right-wing media machine than an actual journalistic news outlet. Many SPN think tanks run Franklin Center outlets, as a way to promote their right-wing agenda under the mask of journalism.

JBC is not required to disclose its donors to the public, and does not publish a list voluntarily. The identities of JBC's few known donors, though, show that the "think tank" is largely funded by out-of-state right-wing organizations. The Koch-funded Donors Capital Fund is by far JBC's largest known donor, contributing $545,364 to JBC between 2007 and 2011. The original funders of Donors Capital Fund are kept anonymous, therefore adding another layer of secrecy. In 2009 alone, funding from DCF made up 70% of JBC's total revenue for the year. Other major JBC donors include the South Carolinabased Roe Foundation ($153,500), the Californiabased Jaquelin Hume Foundation ($32,298), the Virginia-based State Policy Network ($26,819), and the Koch brothers' Lambe Charitable Foundation ($3,500).

In March 2013 Grant Bosse titled his weekly Concord Monitor column Obsession with the Koch brothers clouds the left, attacking the campaign against the influence of the Koch brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in New Hampshire. In the article, Bosse asserted that JBC does not receive funding from the Kochs. After advocacy organization Granite State Progress protested, JBC President Charlie Arlinghaus confirmed to the Monitor that his organization does in fact receive Koch funding just three days after he and Bosse put in a newspaper column that they do not. It is likely that Bosse and Arlinghaus had simply not expected anyone to challenge them on the false assertion.

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