Number Meanings

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Number Meanings: #1 I am yet to come across someone with a name like 'A'! Anyways (we've got to begin somewhere!

), a person with a 1 name would do airly well initially, but middle age crises would bog him down! "arly on there is individuality and inventiveness! #ater, in le$ible and intractable! %eaps o con usion, with ego issues not letting any solutions through! &o, it's inadvisable, even or people who number 1 would usually be lucky! 'he end is lonely! 1 people possess a strong sense of self-worth, and a marked dislike for criticism. A 1 person demandsand usually gets-respect; will insist on organizing and controlling everything and everyone around. The underlying desire is to be inventive, creative, and strongly original. These people are uite definite in their views, and can be stubborn when thwarted. They dislike restraint, and must feel free. They!ll almost always rise to some position of authority in whatever they undertake. "therwise, they!ll pout in the corner, nursing a bruised ego and frustrated ambitions. They insist on being looked up to by the mate, friends, relatives, co-workers--and even by the boss# They!ll protect the weak, defend the helpless, and take on the burdens of others as long as $the others$ will do e%actly as the &umber 1 person dictates. They know everything better than anyone else, and consider their opinions to be superior, if not flawless. The great ma'ority of the time they are right, which understandably annoys the people they lecture. They!re strong on lectures. (ut 1 people are also unbelievably susceptible to compliments )sincere, not phony, and they can detect the difference*. +enuine appreciation will get them to bend over backward to please. ,ride is their weakest point. -hen the pride is wounded, 1 people lose all their virtues and become most unpleasant. -hen they!re appreciated and respected, no one can be more generous and benevolent. (ut they can be dangerous when ignored. (eing in love and being loved is as vital a necessity to them as the very air they breathe. Although the disposition is easily wounded, enemies are uickly forgiven after they bow down and apologize. The only way to win a confrontation with a 1 person is to be humble, say you!re truly sorry, and you!ll be graciously e%cused. The &umber 1 person resents familiarity from strangers, but is e%tremely warm and affectionate with those who are loved and trusted. There!s a fondness for children and young people, but often some sadness is connected with a child. The 1 person en'oys fine clothes and 'ewels, impressive cars. .ven a cloistered monk with a 1 vibration will keep his robe mended, and the cord around his waist will not be torn or tattered. All &umber 1 people are blessed with a visible inbred sense of dignity.

ONE Im Exclusive 'he 1 was the irst and rom it all things were made! (ythagoras called the 1 )#imited and *nlimited!+ 'his was part o his #aw o ,pposites, which he attached to every number! 'he 1 is limited to itsel and is unlimited in other numbers, e!g!, two 1-s make ., ive 1-s make /, etc! &o it is unlimited in all numbers but itsel ! ,ne is the line between %eaven and "arth, the creative power, the 0irst 1ause touching the "arth plane! 'he numeral 1, a straight line, is the irst principle in geometry2 an e$tension o the point and having length but no

breadth! It is the sign o unity and good, and is represented by perpendicular lines, circles, spheres, upright columns, and openings! In numerology, the 1 is a leader! It is the vertical line, which stands straight and con ident! 'he 1 demonstrates creative abilities, originality, and is a trailbla3er, an inventor, a style4setter! It is sel 4reliant, an individual, a doer, a thinker and planner! In "nglish there is one word that totals 1 and that is the word )A!+ A is an article meaning one, so it can be used to point out one o something, e!g!, A car! A house! A person! In that way it is like %ebrew where every letter is also a number! 'he cypher a ter any number intensi ies the 5ualities o that number by its own amount, i!e!, .6 is twice as strong as .7 86 is three times as strong as 87 and 16 is 16 times more power ul than 1! 'his is because all 'en &ephiroth (numbers) are mani est in each 16!

Positive: Active! Ambition! 1reative ideas! 9etermination! :ood mind! Individuality! Inventive! ,riginality! &el con idence! &tarts many pro;ects! <illpower! Negative: Aggressive! =raggart! Impulsive! #a3y!&el 4conscious! >epresses eelings! &el ish! &ensitive! &tubborn! Destructive: A bigot! A bully! Antagonistic! 9omineering! "$tremely egotistical! (uts sel irst at all times! 'yrannical!
#. 'his again, would be a really rare name! &till not help ul, though! A luid mind, some choppy waters ('wo is associated with the moon and water)! #et's ;ust say they would be emotional, to the point where logic would be overpowered 5uite o ten! All leading to a wasted li e, and missed opportunities! A markedly timid persona, the challenge is to be resolute, to ind balance!

/ people are dreamers, with a tendency to fear the unknown or the unfamiliar. They are e%tremely imaginative and inventive, but not always as forceful as could be in carrying out their plans and ideas. &ot all, but most / people are seldom as strong as those born under the single birth numbers of 1, 0, 1, or 2. These people possess a very romantic nature, and are secretly what is called $psychic.$ The intuition is highly developed. "ne of the traits for / people to guard against is $fearing shadows of fears.$ A / person fears every conceivable kind of loss3 loss of love, property, money, friendship, employment--loss of loved ones through death of any other kind of separation. These people need a home base, and although they adore to travel the globe as fre uently as finances permit, they must have a home to return to. 4n no way can a / person be a $soldier of fortune,$ to whom home is where you hang your hat. They are fanatically devoted to or involved with )in either a negative or positive sense* the parents, especially the 5other. They make ideal parents themselves, but they must be careful not to smother their children with possessive love.

This is the $chicken soup$ vibration, since all / people are ultra concerned with the well-being of friend and relatives. They hover over everyone, making sure they don!t catch a cold, throw away money foolishly, and so forth. $6ave some hot chicken soup and wear your boots or you!ll catch your death of pneumonia.$ / people are e%tremely cautious, and dislike gambling or taking chances. They love money, but like to accumulate it in a safe, stable way, then invest it securely, so it can increase through dividends and interests. The / vibration is secretive, and never lets anyone know what the ne%t move might be. They!re e%perts at wheedling secrets from others, but they won!t allow you to invade their own privacy. They!ll veer from right to left and backward, then lunge forward in a surprisingly aggressive manner toward their goals. 5oney seems to stick to them like glue, so you!ll almost never find a / person )or an 7 person* on public welfare or food stamps. These people are charitable )especially with family*, and are prone to heading charity drives, but it chills them to even think about accepting charity themselves. 4t insinuates a failure to protect their assets, which is a cardinal sin to the / vibration. -hen / people learn to overcome fear, possessiveness, and unnecessary caution, their imagination, adaptability, and intuition can carry them to the fulfillment of all their many dreams.

TWO Lets e !rien"s (ythagoras called the . ),dd and "ven+ because . is an even number made up o two 1-s, each o which is odd! 'his is a number o partnership, companionship, and marriage! "ve was sent to be a helpmate or Adam! &he came second, was .! 'he . is a wonder ul companion! 'he number aces and bends toward the 1 because the . wants to help! It eels incomplete by itsel ! 'he . is associated with pairs o things, as is readily seen by the >oman two, II! 'hat is also 11, which adds up to ., but on a higher level! <here . is a ollower, 11 stands on its own two eet, showing leadership ability! 'he . is stronger on "arth than the 11 or its base is straight on the ground2 .! An unbalanced collecting . may become a )collecto4maniac+ (kleptomaniac)! 'he word )kleptomaniac+ has the &oul-s *rge (vowel count) o .., twice the power o ., obviously in the negative side o the vibration! I you look closely at ., it is actually the upper hal o a 8! It is like a plant with roots deep in the ground, showing only its outer sel ! 'his gives .-s great sensitivity! 'heir eelings go as deep as the roots o the plant and what they eel hurts keenly (Morals and Dogma, 8?.)! 'he . also gives a tendency to hide things! @egative .-s tend to be sneaky, and cover their acts with lies2 #IA> (..)! #ike 8-s, .-s are good talkers, e$cept that the bottom hal o the . is buried, so . hides the truth7 the . may say one thing (upper part o .) and mean another (buried part)! 'he . is a eminine and receptive number ("ve came second)! 'hough it is not a leader, it does have an in luence that is gentle, kind, and help ul! It is happy to go to work in the background7 taking care to per orm detailed work to

per ection! And it does not mind not getting ull credit so long as the work is admired and appreciated! (eople who are .-s are known as peacemakers, or they are able to see both sides o a 5uestion and have the desire to =A#A@1" emotions on either side, and to keep the peace! 'hey have an inborn tact to deter tempers rom laring! 'hose who have many .-s or a strong .6 in the name become our best diplomats! I a man-s missing number is ., he may have a problem relating to women! 'he .6 loves and needs music, may have a oot etish, and may ear death! 'his is because Ausic, 0oot, and 9eath all total the same numerical vibration2 .6! 'he . tends to be neat, due to its inborn 5uality o attention to details! ,ne . is good at detail work! 'wo .-s (B) organi3es and gets things done! 'hree .-s (?) teaches and per orms, and our .-s (C) is the e$ecutive overseer! 'he .6-s are happiest when they can be o service to others! 'hose with a .6 =irth (ath, or born on a ., 11, .6, or .D day usually ind their success in li e as part o a team, e!g!, =ob %ope, /4.D, and =ing 1rosby, /4.! 'hose whose ull birth name has the root o . are diplomats! ,thers ind their niche in the ministry, as dentists, private secretaries, and in some branches o medicine! .-s are our best speechmakers because . is sensitive to acts and knows how to use the right words! <e need .-s or tact and diplomacy!

Positive: A ectionate! A way with words! =eauti ul e$pression! =etter at continuing pro;ects than starting them! 1onsiderate! 1ooperative! 9iplomatic! 0riendly! :ood companionEbusiness partner! :ood with details! %elp ul! #oving! Aodest! @eat! &ensitive to sel and others! &incere! 'act ul! <orks well with others! Negative: 1on lict! 9issatis ied! "asily o ended and hurt! 0astidious! :lib! Indecisive due to being able to see both sides o an issue! Insecure! Aeticulous or careless! ,ccasional moods o depression! ,ver4 emotional! &ubservient! 'actless! 'imid! Destructive: =ad temper! 1ruel! 9eceptive! 9emanding! #acks sel control! #eans too much on others! #iar! &ly! &neaky! <ants to control others!
#8 ,ptimistic, garrulous and spiritual! 'his is a desirable name to have! 'hey make great academics, are respectable, and every stone ahead is a stepping stone! <ell sought a ter or their wise words, the name is e$cellent or all, e$cept those with a prominent ? in the date! 1on ers a happy li e at home, both parental, and ones own! Fery high on creativity!

Abundance prevails! <ill bene it rom, and later be o great assistance to the ather! 1 people base every actin )even when they are misguided and the action is a negative one* upon the foundation of a great ideal. They aim high for truth, and nothing less than truth with satisfy them, whether they seek the truth of a love affair, a friendship, a career, politics, or religion. They are not easily put off by evasive answers or deception, and they can spot a lie, a distortion, or dishonesty a mile away. 8ome of them achieve the goal of truth, others are misled into believing their own illusions, but they never stop searching. The 1 vibration is fiercely independent, seeks total freedom of speech and movement, and cannot be tied down. Travel is an absolute necessity, mingling with others and seeing the world, learning everything there is to know about every country and its people, every intellectual concept, every philosophy. They tend to look at the bright side of everything, and their optimism is contagious. .ven 9apricorns with 1 as the birth number will shock themselves with these occasional bursts of sheer ,ollyanna optimism. (ecause of the shining uest for truth, the 1 person is either an agnostic, an atheist, or intensely devoted to a religious principle, i.e.3 nuns, ministers, monks, rabbis, and priests. :eligion is an important part of the life of a 1 person or entity, whether the religion is fervently, fanatically accepted or bitterly re'ected. The attitude is never neutral. ,hysical challenge inspires the 1 people or entities; therefore sports play a ma'or role. The 1 vibration is shockingly blunt of speech, candid to a fault, and outraged at duplicity of any kind. There!s a genuine love for animals and a strong tendency to defend the underdog human with the same loyalty they show to their dogs, horses, and other pets. There!s a marked indifference to family ties, and marriage works only when freedom is total. The 1 vibration is associated with tests of physical strength, gambling, and taking a chance, whether at the casinos or on the floor of the stock market. The 1 person or entity will take a chance or bet on 'ust about anything. Their bubbling optimism is delightfully contagious. 1 people or entities often display an odd blend of the wise philosopher and the happy-go-lucky clown, and a sense of responsibility is sometimes lacking. 8ome of the goals, dreams, and ambitions are serious; others are silly and frivolous. ,ursuing an education matters a great deal to 1 people, and they are crushed when they!re denied the halls of higher learning for whatever reason. They make e%cellent $armchair lawyers$ or professional attorneys, since the ,lanet ;upiter, represented by 1, rules the law.

T#$EE Lets %&rea" 'o( Aan is a three old creature having spirit, mind, and body! #ikewise, every system has a irst, middle, and a last part7 so 8 was considered the irst per ect number! (ythagoras called 8 )the ,ne and the Aany,+ meaning a limited e$pression o both 1 and ., and a number o talents because 8 is the 1reative (rinciple in the :odhead, the number o sel 4e$pression, the artist and entertainer! 'he 8 is an C with the le t side open, so C makes its own boundaries by organi3ing its a airs! 'he 8 is open to scatter its energies! =oth are moneymakers, but C strives to keep money growing! 'he 8 doesn-t want to think about organi3ation, but do as it pleases! It wants un, not work!

Positive: Artistic! Attractive! 1harming! :ood imagination! 1heer ul! 1reative! "nthusiastic! "$pressive! :i t o gab! :ood at writing! :ood hostEhostess! :ood sense o humor! ,ptimistic! ,utgoing! &inging! &ociable! &peaking! 'alented! 'he li e o the party! Negative: =ored! 1ritical o others! 9islikes responsibility! "$aggerates! %ates work7 wants only un! Impulsive! Gealous! Aoody! &cattered! &el 4 centered! Fain!<aste ul!<ears too much makeup or gaudy clothes! <orrywart! Destructive: 1owardice! 9eep ;ealousy! 9ual4personality! :ossip! :reedy! %atred! %ypocrite! Intolerant! *ses hurt ul words!
#B %ere is a person who would be robbed o his individuality! Aostly by people at home, to whom, he would be trapped into thinking he is subservient! All talents will be underutili3ed, and he will eel powerless to stem the tide, or each time he rises, the all would be greater! 0riends are ew and a ar! &logging doesn't result in much! =ut the mind is rational and ideas are well ounded! Aarriage is an e ort! =ullied by the spouse, and e$ploited at work! <ould be a tragic name or those with a prominent C in the date! 'hey are actually likable and honest people, and that is the sad part!

< people are seldom understood by their friends and family. They!re an enigma to everyone they know. They make their own rules, and these rules don!t always match those of society. 5arked individuality colors every thought and action. 4f there!s a different way to do anything, the < person will find it. Their speech and actions fre uently shock others, and it often seems the attempt to shock is deliberate. 4t is. < people live in the future, caring little about the present. They!re light years ahead of others in their ideas and ideals. +oing along with this trait is an innate talent for prophecy, for knowing what will happen tomorrow long before tomorrow arrives. Their life-style ranges from unconventional to the bizarre, yet their $crazy$ ideas are successful more often than not. Anything far out of off the beaten path appeals strongly to the < person!s uesting, curious nature. =or e%ample, a < person with a well-aspected ;upiter in the natal horoscope has an e%cellent chance to be the first person to tame and make friends with 8as uatch or (igfoot--or locate and swim along with &essie, the >och &ess monster. 4f the < person also has a 8corpio 8un or 5oon, the discovery, if attempted, is almost certain to be successful. That!s because such an incredible, unproven, and so-called unscientific theories never deter, but instead e%cite the < person, who is deeply convinced of the reality of whatever can be conceived in the mind. To be told that a thing is impossible only intensifies and spurs the < person!s resolve to prove it is possible. The phrase $mission impossible$ rings the great bells of mental challenge in the very soul of a < person. Although the < vibration advocates change in every area of life, from politics to art, these people are strangely reluctant to accept change in their personal habits, which remain rather fi%ed. They can be uite stubborn when people try to dictate to them or try to mold them into a more acceptable social pattern. (ecause prophets are often unrecognized in their own time, and because < people live far into the future, their grandest and truest visions are often ridiculed or ignored. They!re fascinated by ?.=.".s, and their secret wish is to be contacted and taken aboard, hopefully not to return to the chaos of .arth. :eform movements like -omen!s >iberation and . ual :ights for 5inorities attract < people, who are genuinely dedicated to tolerance and brotherhood )and sisterhood*. =riendship is vital to the < vibration, and these

people--not always, but usually--have bushels of friends from all walks of life. 5oney means little to them; they!re as likely to mi% with @ings as with paupers--they care nothing about class distinction, have not desire to impress anyone, and would 'ust as soon live in a van, a tent, or a sleeping bag as in a mansion. 4t!s not that they!re pre'udiced against comfort or wealth, it!s because they simply don!t notice their surroundings. They live in their imaginations. "ne of their finest virtues is the tendency to $live and let live.$ The < person doesn!t give a ginger snap what you do or say, however outrageous or against his or her own principles--and e%pects you to return the same consideration.

!O)$ Lets *et Organi+e" 'he &acred 'rinity sent vibrations via the spoken word down into material orm! 'he 'rinity, or :odhead, is shown graphically as a triangle, which stands on the line depicting spirit descending into matter, making the symbol B! &ome see it as upright man carrying the :odhead 'rinity! (ythagoras called it )>ight and #e t,+ the land to your right and le t as you stand, or the our corners o the "arth! :eometrically, B is a s5uare, the most stable o all orms! <hen a man is honest they say he is s5uare with you!+ 'he B represents uprightness, honesty, and integrity! 'he B is devoted to amily, community, church, and country! 'he s5uare is closed in on all sides, so the B will set up its own limitations and sometimes eel bo$ed in! =ut it does not mind working nine to ive in an o ice room because that a ords a eeling o security! 'he B-s will work hard or a secure uture! 'hey want to set a irm oundation early in li e! &ometimes they get so wrapped up in their work that they orget to play, and then they can be pretty dull! 'he saying, )All work and no play makes Gack a dull boy+ evokes the image o the B! =ut B is an honest achiever and has material success! Positive: Accurate! 1onscientious! 1onservative! 9isciplined! :ood worker! %onest! #oves home, amily, country! #oyal! ,rgani3ed! (atient! (atriotic! (ractical! (rudent! (unctual! &incere! &tudious! &table! <ants the law en orced! Negative: Argumentative! 9ull! 0orgets to take time out to play! %eadstrong! %umorless! Intolerant! Gealous! Aust see to believe! @arrow4minded! @ot a ectionately demonstrable! ,pinionated! ,verworked! (re;udiced! 'oo serious! <orkaholic! Destructive: Animalism! Antagonistic! 1rude! 1ruel! %atred! &trong negative emotions! Fiolent!

#/ I like this name! Heeps one moving, and how! =rings all talents to the ore, gives great resilience and le$ibility, good in arithmetic and accounting! 'hey will achieve great successes both in academics and in their career! %ardworking, innovative, disciplined, known or their honesty and air play, they will be well appreciated by all (and be the envy o many)! 'hey strike a per ect balance between this ever4changing world and spiritual truth! 1an be great in the per orming arts! Aultiple sources o income are usual! A== is an e$ample!

A people possess a great deal of natural charm, and, as a general rule, are innately courteous. They!re uick to spot mistakes and flaws, and will not hesitate to point them out when they see them. The A vibration is super-critical and incapable of ignoring mistakes )their own, as well as those of others* and it!s associated with a love for movement and travel. 9hange is a never-ending necessity for A people. 9hange of scene, chance in relationships, residence, spiritual and political beliefs, and so on. There!s a strong tendency to overanalyze people and situations. 4t!s difficult for a A person to submit to the feelings and the intuition; the intellect is determined to find logical answers. This obsession with analysis can ruin personal relationships for those who allow themselves to be ruled by the A vibration. .ven love can wear out under such continual )and usually unnecessary* scrutiny. >ove is made of instinct and feelings, not logic. A people tend to $talk love to death$ instead of 'ust letting it be, allowing it to become part of them, without uestioning its whys and wherefores. >ove has nothing to do with logic. 5ost people en'oy being in the company of a A person, since the outward persona is unusually pleasant and soothing. (ecause A is the vibration of intellect, those under its influence are e%tremely bright, of higher than average intelligence, and mentally alert. &othing escapes their notice. They seem to be fine-tuned to the smallest detail. -hen financial or other circumstances don!t permit the fre uent travel all A people need, they!ll travel in their minds, and since their minds are so acute, their $daydreams$ are vivid enough to satisfy the restless urges within them for a time, at least. According to the ancients, the number A has an association with what is called $earth-magic.$ 9uriously, the number A brings a longing to believe in magic, elves, faeries, and mysteries of &ature, along with a need to pin everything down and view it under a mental microscope, two ualities which are in direct polarity to one another, causing those under the influence of A to find it difficult to understand themselves. A people are sometimes high strung; they live on their nerves, and crave e%citement. They!re uick in thought and decision, often impulsive in their actions. They have a keen sense of new ideas and inventions, are willing to take risks, and are born speculators. -riting, advertising, public relations, and publishing are fortunate A occupations. A people possess an admirable elasticity of viewpoint, and the ability to rebound swiftly from blows of fate, which seem to leave no long-lasting impression on them.

!I,E Dont !ence Me In 'he / loves its reedom and wants to come and go as it pleases! &ee how the number is open at both sidesI %ow its base is on a rockerI It is

so adaptable, likes so much variety, that it sometimes doesn-t know i it is coming or going! 'he /-s are very restless under routine7 they must have the reedom o ad;usting their own schedules! A ;ob in the same place every day, within our walls, is con ining to the point o e$treme uneasiness! (ythagoras called / )Aasculine and 0eminine+ or it is composed o . and 8, the eminine and masculine numbers! &o /-s are very popular and get along very well with both men and women! In travel they like to take the side roads and e$plore! 'hey like to see how the natives live and speak their language! 'he lower hal o the number / is like the top hal o a 8! 'hat gives it good speaking ability! >emember, the 8 has a way with words! 'his makes / a super salesman! %aving many /-s in a chart means changes and une$pected happenings! =asically /-s are curious! 'hey want to know what makes things tick and what is going on! 'hey will investigate everything! 'he / is called the number o man because it is the e$act middle o numbers and man has ive physical senses! It is part o /-s lesson to learn the right use o reedom and not to overdo sensual pleasures! =ecause / is not bound4in like the con ining s5uare o B, it is apt to take chances, be the daredevil! It has no ear7 wants new e$periences7 is willing to gamble!

Positive: Adaptable! Alert! Analytical! Attractive to opposite se$! 1harming! 1lever! 1ourageous! 1urious! 9ynamic! :ets along with all types o people! #earns languages easily! #ove o reedom! #oves to travel! (opular! &ocial! &uper salesman! <ants adventure! <itty! Negative: 1areless! 9iscontent! Impatient! Impulsive! Irresponsible! (rocrastinates! >estless! 'akes dangerous chances (daredevil)! Destructive: :ambler! ,verindulge the senses in se$, drugs, alcohol, or ood! (erversion! >ude!
#? 0riendly and artistic! 'hese are the people who convert a house into a home! 'here is the love o lu$ury and com ort, but it's not enough to make them super competitive in the commercial world! 'hings should come easy7 development is slow, but steady! A great number or personal relationships! 'hey are peace loving, and have many riends! <ill go out o their way to create a happy atmosphere, so people can grow! Avoidable or those with a prominent 8 in the date! 2 people seem to magnetically attract others to them. They!re genuinely loved by their friends and associates--and when they become attached themselves, they!re devoted to the loved one. These people

are born romantics with a strong sentimental streak, no matter how they deny it or try to hide it. The 2 vibration brings a love of art and a deep affinity for music. These people love nice homes and tasteful furnishings, pastel colors, and harmony in their surroundings. They love to entertain their friends and to make people happy, and they simply cannot abide discord, arguments, unpleasantness, or 'ealousy--although they can display intense 'ealousy themselves if they!re threatened with the possible loss of someone )or something* they love. The 2 vibration makes friends easily, and they tend to en'oy settling disputes between their friends, business associates, and relatives, at which times they appear to be as peaceful and as docile as lambs--until their stubborn side surfaces; then they don!t seem uite so sweet# 5oney often comes to them without effort, sometimes through their own talents and abilities, sometimes through inheritance or through wealthy friends and relatives. (ut they!re warned to watch for a tendency toward the e%tremes of e%travagance and stinginess. There!s seldom a neutral attitude toward finances. 4t!s either one or the other, taking turns in the nature. The love of beauty of all kinds in every area of life is pronounced. 5ost 2 people are deeply attached to &ature in some way, and love spending time in the country, near the silent woods and singing streams, which has a tran uilizing effect on their emotions. A fondness for lu%ury marks the 2 vibration. ?gliness is e%tremely offensive to them. They admire the tasteful and shrink from loudness and vulgarity. Their manners are, as a general rule, impeccable, and in their associations with others they are usually polite. 6owever, when they feel strongly about anything, they won!t hesitate to make their opinions known. They!re fond of discussing and debating politics and other matters, and they usually win, because of their logicBand their irresistible smiles.

%II Want M( ,oice to e #ear" 'he ? is the vibration o home, amily, and service! It is man (1), standing by the amily circle (o), or 1o or ?! &o it is a number o regeneration! "very body has si$ sides! (ythagoras called ? )>est and Aotion+ because these are important to all bodies or good health! 'he ? is known as the )1osmic (arent+ or our reasons2 1! It wants the responsibility to nurture and care or its amily, pets, or those who need care! .! 'he vowels o our home planet, "arth ("4/ and A41) total ?! 8! All words that vibrate to ? show an a inity or the body o persons, places, and things (si$ sides)! B! 'he circle o the ? is on the bottom, denoting the womb! <omb-s vowel, ,, is a ?4letter! 'he ? corresponds with se$ because Fau, the si$th letter o the %ebrew alphabet, is the )peg+ or )nail+ that connects the male Jod to the emale %K (I%F%) that there might be creation! (eople with strong ?-s love to eat7 some are overweight! In this case, the lower circle indicates a ull tummy! 'hose born on a ? day (?, 1/, or .B) may have an unusual or outstanding voice! 'he ? is open at the top to depict this! 'hey talk well, sing, and teach! 'hey make good counselors or they know ;ust what to say,

are calm and receptive in nature, and have a knack or making people eel at ease! 'hey like to be com ortable and dislike dressing up! 'he ?-s are artistic! 'hey like to have their surroundings re lect their good taste, artistically arranged and in their avorite colors!

Positive: Adores amily, home, children, pets, garden! Advicegiver! Artistic! 1om orter! 1osmic parent! :ives loving service! :ood education important! %armonious! %igh ideals! %onorable! %umanitarian! Gust! #aw ul! Ausical talent! (oised! (rotective! >esponsible! &ympathetic! 'eacher! 'rue riend! *nderstanding! *ses voice in career2 teaching, singing, speaking, acting, politics! <ants to nurture! Negative: An$ious! =ossy! 1ynical! "gotistical! 9omineering! "$pects too much o people7 easily disappointed in them! 0alse pride! Inter eres! Gealous! Aeddlesome! Aopes! @eeds to eel appreciated! ,utspoken! &el centered! &el 4righteous! &mug! &uspicious! &weet tooth! Destructive: 1onceit! 9omestic tyranny! Aartyr! @osy and inter ering! &lavery!
#L &uccess and prominence by personal e orts! 'hey have a sub4sur ace grasp o everything! 'hey will gain through knowledge and academics! 'hey make superb counselors, but their own lives are ar rom stable! &eekers o deeper meaning, they rise above emotions and desires, so they can see with clarity! 'here is wisdom inside, waiting to emerge! Independent and creative, they are allergic to any attempt at domination! A dangerous adversary, they prevail over their enemies! *nsuitable or prominent Ds, brings about uncertainties in personal li e! C people tend to have remarkable dreams. 8ometimes they talk about them--and sometimes they keep them to themselves. (ut they do dream more than most. 8ecretly, they have an intense interest in esoteric mysteries, mythology, spacecraft or ?.=.".sBand the entire forest of the unknown. They often possess the gifts of intuition and clairvoyance and a certain uieting, calming magnetism which has a great influence over others. "ften, their mere presence has a soothing effect on a troubled person. The C vibration is associated with peculiar ideas about religion, a dislike of following the beaten path, and a tendency to adopt political beliefs which are uni ue and somewhat non-orthodo%. 4t!s not unusual for a C person to discover, found, or believe in a new religious concept. The C person will either travel e%tensively at some time in the life or else read avidly books about foreign people and faraway lands. 5any people influenced by the C vibration are strongly attracted to the sea and at some time are associated with sailing, water sports, or the &avy. There!s a tendency to be an%ious about the future, which is why C people need to know they have a rock of financial security somewhere in the background, lest the waters of fate sweep them away. Det, they care little about material possessions or accumulating great wealth. C people can earn large sums of money through their original ideas, but they!re likely to make substantial contributions to charities or institutions. -hen they gravitate toward the arts, they make fine dancers, singers, poets, writers, actors, or actresses. 4n their own uiet, laid-back way, people influenced by the &umber C have ambitions they don!t discuss

with others, and these are always tinged with a philosophical outlook. They bless others with the grace of their sympathetic understanding of pain and suffering, which is why friends, relatives, and business associates unburden their troubles to the C person. There!s a strong leaning toward privacy in the C vibration, and these people prefer to keep their own problems to themselves. They shrink from prying uestions, and have a horror of $big brother$ or anything they consider to be an invasion of their privacy. :efined manners, an artistic temperament, and a sensitive nature make up the C essence, and don!t let these people fool you with their sometimes taciturn natureByou!d be surprised if you knew all the strange thoughts that swim through their minds when they!re communing with themselves. 4f you can coa% them to talk about what they!re thinking, you!ll not only be surprised, you!ll be fascinated when you learn the secrets of their &eptunian world. (ut the C person must find you trustworthy before he or she shares these inner streams of contemplationBand you!ll have to earn that trust by proving you!re not 'udgmental or pre'udiced. C people are rarely either.

%E,EN *ive Me Time To 0bout It 'he L is the number o spirituality, mysticism, wisdom, and success! (ythagoras called L the )1rooked and the &traight!+ :od made the world in si$ days and rested on the seventh! 'he L turns its back on the upcoming numbers, does not start the ervent work o the C! It looks back in retrospect on all the lessons it has learned in 1 through ?, or to re lect on work well done, ;ust as :od looked upon %is creation and saw that it was very good! <e were told to do likewise! <e were told to keep the &abbath holy, meaning that it has spiritual and moral worth! =y resting we build up our energy or the work we do in C! 'he C has physical stamina, good health due to proper rest on the seventh! 'he word &A==A'% is 1LEC2 the sel (1) resting (L) to renew strength (C)! 'hose with L-s prominent in their charts need more rest than other people! 'hey can-t take loud music, crowds, noise, or commotion! 'hey maintain their balance through serenity! 'he L-s stand straight, tall, and digni ied! 'hey are usually conservative in manner, thinking, and dress! 'hey don-t talk much but when they do they have something o substance to say, or L is an intellectual number! 'hey read a lot and think deeply about things! 'hey seem to be secretive! 'he L is a number o aith! 'hey seek spiritual wisdom unless they are negative! 'hen aith is replaced with ear and the strong, 5uiet person is, instead, an incessant talker! In general, negative L-s will e$press aith or ear, alertness or la3iness! 'he L-s continually seek per ection! <hatever type o work they decide to do, they must be the best! I doctors, they will speciali3e! I musicians, they will compose and per orm! 'he L-s will dig or acts and analy3e everything! 'hey work best alone! Also, the L-s pre er 5uality to 5uantity! 'hey want to share their li e with someone they admire or they would rather be alone! 'hey are very private people

and can be hard to know! ,nly when they know and like you will they open up and be riendly! 'hey need understanding, love, and compassion! 'hey may seem cold but they do like to do things or people! 'he L-s are very intuitive! 'hey are the ones most apt to remember their dreams and dream in color!

Positive: Analytical! =ook4lover! 9eep thinker! 9igni ied! "ducator! 0aith! :ood mind! :reat inner strength! Inspired! Intuitive! Hnowledgeable! #ogical! #oves history, anti5ues, and the arts! Aore spiritual than religious! Ausical! @ature4 lover! (eace ul! (er ectionist! (oised! >e ined! &cienti ic! &ilent! &piritual! <ise! Negative: Aloo ! Argumentative! =roods! 1old! 1on used! "ither says nothing or doesn-t stop talking! 0ear ul! %aughty! %ermitEloner! #ives too much in the past! Aelancholy! @ervous! (eculiar! >epresses emotions! &ly! &ecret motives! &keptical! &tubborn! &uspicious! *napproachable! *npredictable! Destructive: A cheat! A gossip! 9ishonest! "vil intent! 0aithless! >esentments! &arcastic! &lyness! 'hie ! *nreasonable!
#C 'his number is under the complete in luence o &aturn! 'here can be lopsided success on the inancial ront! 1areer calls or great personal sacri ice! 'he number represents unreali3ed dreams! 'hey perpetually try to restore e5uilibrium between the person and the persona! 'hey have innate administrative skills7 and do well in large organi3ations! In advanced years, they will turn towards spirituality, in a serious attempt to bring harmony and meaning to li e! Aarriage is a heavy burden! 'hey tend to su er in stoic silence! (ersonally, I take it as a strong, but un ortunate number, due to the repeated calls to sacri ice! Absolutely tragic or those with a prominent B in the birth date! 7 people are normally uiet, reserved, and shy. They don!t obviously push ahead, but slowly and surely they will get where they want to go, and nothing will stop them from achieving their ambitions. The shyness and reticence is a cover for an intense drive to reach the top of the profession or career. They make e%cellent teachers and counselors, most of them could be successful in the tough game of politics )although now and then there!s a sour apple in the barrel*--and they e%cel at anything that re uires patience and intelligent deduction. Those influenced by the 7 vibration may have poor health in childhood, but they grow more robust when they reach maturity, and longevity is common with 7 men and women. These people are willing to wait for their plans to bear fruit, and they use the waiting time wisely. 4t!s rare to find an 7 person procrastinating or $goofing off.$ They have an inborn sense of duty and responsibility that won!t allow them to take a careless attitude toward what is e%pected of them. 5ost of those born under the 7 influence are as reliable as a grandfather clock, and as cozy to be around as a grandma uilt or comforter. They have a rich sense of humor, but one has to watch for it; it!s subtle and never obvious. These people behave as if they don!t care a peanut what people think of them, and they appear to be turned off by compliments, yet inwardly they care very much what people think of them, and if the compliments are sincere, they secretly

en'oy them, although they!ll hide their pleasure, for fear they might be considered weak. To be considered weak is the very last thing they want to happen. Although 7 people appear to be cold and undemonstrative with those they love and trust, they can be shyly affectionate and warmly devoted. They!re often lonely, needing desperately to be loved, and they!re capable of great sacrifices for an ideal, an ambition, or for those who depend on them. They grow younger in appearance and behavior as they grow older--they look and act younger at fifty than they did when they were twenty. They!re as demanding of themselves as they are of others, but for all the outward attitudes of wisdom and maturity, self-control, and discipline, the 7 person!s heart is lonely and longing, and they need to learn that the pursuit of happiness is not a sin.

EI*#T Ill Wor/ #ar" !or Nice T.ings 'he C represents the law )As Above, &o =elow!+ 'his vibration understands the "arth (o4 lower circle) and the intellectual plane ( 4upper circle)! 'his means it can take an idea and make it work on the material level! =oth C-s and 8-s are strong personalities, but 8-s are more e$troverted! 'hey are the per ormers, while C-s are more conservative and are the business people! 'he 8 is C with the le t side removed! It is like two hal moons letting their light shine! (ersonality plus! %umor! 0un4loving! 'he C is enclosed, sel 4 contained power! 'he 8 will spend on impulse7 the C will save, and is good with money! ,n its side, C is a picture o the balances2 M! 'his means it has good ;udgment and a good dose o )common sense!+ 'he C balances good health, strength, and stamina, and is ound in the name total o many athletes! Aany musicians also have this number as it re lects their ine sense o rhythm! =ut anyone with an C or a name total will ind it is a better name or business than or the per orming arts! &ome people are aware that the number CCC re ers to Gesus, but ew know why! 'he numerals that correspond to the letters o Gesus- name in :reek are 16, C, .66, L6, B66, and .66 which, when added together, total CCC! 'he C is also a number o resurrection because Gesus arose on the eighth day, and C is a picture o )the below that rises above!+ It came to represent the law )As Above, &o =elow,+ or by studying man and the world around us, we come to understand the worlds aboveNthe *niverse and spiritual man! Ancient man discovered the shape o the C to be the orbit o planets! It has since been proven that it is the natural path o activity or people and animals as well! In 1D.C a pro essor o 3oology at the *niversity o Hansas, Asa A! &hae er, observed that people who have been lost in the woods or blind olded really do travel in the pattern o the igure C! &o do swimmers and drivers who have been blind olded, and pilots who are lost in a og7 all will travel in spirals! &hae er concluded a ter many e$periments which included animals and even amoebas, that spiral motion is a universal property o living matter in orm (Why Do Some Shoes Squeak?, ..1)!

(ythagoras called the C )#ight and 9arkness!+ 'he darkness is the sel ish material4minded moneymaker, and the light is the spiritual4minded who o er light to those in the dark! 'his knowledge o spirit and matter gives the C inspiration, leadership ability, and even genius! It is B plus B7 the organi3ational abilities o the B doubledNBB2 Aastermind! (rosper! *nlimited! (&ee Aaster @umbers or more on BB!) Positive: Ambitious! 1apable! 9ependable! " icient! "$ecutive ability! 0ine leadership abilities! :ood at starting pro;ects and getting others to inish! :ood ;udge o character! :ood ;udgment! %andles money wisely! #ikes nice things! Aakes a good boss! Ausical andEor athletic ability! ,rgani3ed! (hysical stamina! (ractical! (rudent! >ealistic! &ets goals! &uccess ul! Negative: 1areless with money! %ard! Impatient! Aaterialistic! @eeds philosophical study! (ushy! >epresses eelings! 'houghtless! Destructive: Abusive! 1ruel! 9emanding! Ignorant! Intolerant! @o eelings or others! >evenge ul! &chemer! 'emper! *ncultured! *nscrupulous!

#D A long swim against the current, so long, that they eventually have the power to deal with anything! All kinds o situations testing ;ust one thing2 9o you have what it takesI 'here is orce, and control, mainly over the emotions! :lorious attainment a ter delays and struggles! :rit and determination mark their character! 9eliberation and prudence is needed! 'he latter part o li e is easy, thanks to the boot camp training in the ormer! 'hese names spell trouble or those with a prominent . or L in the date, great results or the others! A'O' is a typical D! 0 people are not stubborn, but they are determined to get what they want, and there is a difference. 8tubbornness reacts and determination initiates. 0 brings a tendency to be impulsive and make snap decisions, later regretted. Although the temper will flare rather fre uently, these people are uick to both forgive and forget an in'ury. They!re vulnerable to their enemies because their first instinct is to trust everyone. 8ince they!re so direct themselves, they e%pect others to be the same--and others often are not. Eeviousness and manipulation always come as a shock to 0 people. As a general rule, they!re incapable of such behavior and motives themselves, and dishonesty catches them off guard nearly every time, until they learn to be more cautious. "ne of the most beneficial virtues of the 0 vibration is the ability to penetrate straight to the heart or the core of a situation instead of indulging in circumlocution and the slow process of analysis. The 5ars rulership of 0 allows these people to get directly to the point swiftly, and this makes them e%tremely impatient of slower thinkers, which doesn!t help them win popularity contests. 4n fact, impatience with the mistakes of others and with errors of thinking they see instantly is one of the traits 0 people find the most difficult to control. The familiar catch phrase $what you see is what you get$ perfectly describes the 0 personality )when it surfaces to interact with the 8un 8ign nature* because of the complete lack of guile. 4t!s against the very essence of the 0 vibration to plan comple% strategies or to play games to get what they want from other people. 4t!s so much easier to simply demand what they want# 8ince such straightforwardness in une%pected by the other person, 0 people usually get what they want by catching the opposition by surprise. 5any people are touched by the visible vulnerability and childlike uality of the 0 person, and feel protective toward him or her; others see these ualities of the 0 person, and feel protective toward

him or her; others see these ualities as foolish, one of the reasons that 0 people are seldom truly respected by friends and business associates--until that 5ars temper and courageous spirit comes forth, like a battle cry, and those who underestimated the 0 vibrations pure energy will take a sudden, shocked step backward. There!s a strong tendency toward vanity. At least that!s what it appears to be on the surface. (ut 0 people are not vain, even though they are admittedly almost constantly concerned with their appearance. The true root of this attitude is fear of re'ection, because, beneath all their bravado, 0 people inwardly tremble with a lack of confidence. As self-assertive as they may seem, they need continual reassurance that they are liked--respected--admired---and loved. =or all the pushiness and independent airs of 0 people, they!re secretly very unsure of themselves. +enerous to a fault and normally e%travagant )unless the 8un 8ign cancels this trait most of the timeBalthough it will still be evident on rare occasions in anyone born as number 0*--0people need no lessons in giving. The first instinct is to give, to let go, and let tomorrow take care of itself.

'he D is emotionally a ected by people and surroundings! It lets its deep eelings a ect it adversely! It becomes restless and dissatis ied, orgets its high standards and lo ty ideals, and sinks into sel 4indulgence where it dissipates its energies! 'he D is indeed a testing number! It must orget the sel , the )I+ (which is the ninth letter), and think more o others!

NINE Ill #el& 1ou 0n( Wa( I 2an %ermes was considered to be the wisest o all philosophers and brought light to this world in the orm o wisdom! 'he D is a re lection o his lamp that lights the way7 so D holds the knowledge o all numbers be ore it! 'his endows D with understanding and a eeling o brotherly love! &o it is a humanitarian number! A D in the =irth (ath or total name number is a sign that the person is born to give loving service in a pro ession or in the arts! It is able to draw rom the attributes o the preceding numbers and there ore understand and orm any character desired! &o D is called )the stage where the drama un olds!+ 'his is also because D is emotional, hence, )emote!+ 'his is the vibration o actors and some politicians! 'his is why some actors aspire toward politics, and why politicians are great orators! =oth serve the public and appreciate the applause! 'urn the D upside down and you have the ?2 the voice that must be heard, the vibration that has interest in its home and community! Aany actors, and probably politicians, have a big ":, (1CED)! 'here is a big head on the D and a strong C a ter the 1 (sel )! 'hat same circle that applies to an in lated ego is also a mind illed with knowledge! 'he D has a natural bent toward #A< (D) and it likes law

and order! (ythagoras called D ):ood and "vil!+ =eing enlightened, D should know the di erence between the two! =ecause the D understands love in its highest sense, it sees only good, even in aults (Vibration, ?8)! 'he D is the circle o continuity, the tail being the li e orce that propels it! 'his is seen mathematically! 'ake any numbers and subtract them in a reversed position rom each other! 'he remainder, when reduced, will always be D! "$ample2 C?B 4 B?C P 8D? P 1CED I you add the digits 1, ., 8, B, /, ?, L, C, and D, the total is B/, which totals to D (The Key to the Universe, 8.84B)!

Positive: =road4minded! =rotherly love! 1aring! #ove or humanity! 1ompassionate! 1reative! 9ramatic lair! :enerous! :reat artist! %igh ideals! (hilanthropic! >omantic! 'he great lover! *nsel ish! Fery considerate! Negative: Aimless! =urdened! "$tremely sensitive! 0ickle! 0rustrated! Impolite! ,verly emotional! >esent ul! 'actless! 'houghtless! *n ul illed! Destructive: =ad habits! =itter! 9issipates! Immoral! #iar! (ossessive! Fulgar!
# 16 Auch, much better than the standalone 1! 'hey will somehow make progress on all ronts and will be widely respected! Aoney in hand makes them content, no pressure to keep slogging and atten the bank balance! #i e is cyclical, on many ronts7 every ending has the seeds o a new beginning sown in it! &o long as one understands this, the ride eels smooth! 'his name will be known or good (usually) or evil, according to the holders desires and actions! *ne$pected changes, but usually bene icial! &igni ies honour, aith and success! 'hey can be relied on, or pushing through plans and pro;ects! "$pect the une$pected, and move on! The -heel of =ortune 1F is symbolized by 4sis and "siris. A number of rise and fall, according to personal desire. The name will be known for good or evil, depending on the action chosen. 1F is capable of arousing the e%treme responses of love or hate--respect or fear. There is no middle ground between honor or dishonor. .very event is self-determined. 1F is the symbol of >"ve and >ight, which create all that can be imagined, and also contains the code3 4mage 1F "rdain. 4mage it, and it shall be. "rdain it, and it will materialize. The power for manifesting creative concepts into reality is inherent, but must be used with wisdom, since the power for absolute creation contains the polarity power for absolute destruction. 8elf-discipline and infinite compassion must accompany the gift of the former to avoid the tragedy of the latter. Eiscipline must precede Eominion. ?nfortunately, some 1F people fail to realize their power potential, and conse uently harbor deep-seated feelings of frustrations, causing them to feel unfulfilled, and to occasionally behave in a somewhat proud and arrogant manner to cover such unnecessary feelings of inferiority. # 11

'his is a challenging number, or all, e$cept those with a prominent L! It warns o hidden dangers and trials! "motional su ering comes rom the near and dear! <ith riends like these, who needs enemies! 'hey will see the duality o li e, on many ronts! "$tremely creative, but the will to change thought into action is missing! 'hose with this name valuation should take a irm grip on themselves, and re use to be swayed by what others may say! 'here is the test or strength o character, to rise above emotions and desires! @ot surprisingly, nature endows them with the spirit o ortitude, and they ace di iculties wide awake, never evading struggle! In the inal analysis, this is a victory o the spirit, over matter! A >ion 5uzzled--A 9lenched =ist This is a number of hidden trials and treachery from others. 4t represents two members of the same or the opposite se%--or two opposed situations. 4n either case, compatibility of interest is lacking, and interference from a third force must be con uered. The difficulties may also arise from the illusion of separation. 4t!s necessary to unite divided goals to avoid a sense of frustrated incompletion. The third, interfering force can be a person or an idea; and it can take the form of a refusal to see the other side as an obstacle to harmony. The origin of the separating force must be identified, an attempt made to seek compromise. "ccasionally, conflicting desires within one!s own self are seen as in a reflecting mirror. Two forces or two desires stand apart and must ultimately unite for happiness. Det, each must remain individual, even after being 'oined, for each possesses its own worth.

Aaster number 11, 'he (sychic Aaster

<here . is a ollower, the 11 likes to stand on its own two eet! It has the natural abilities o the 1 and is artistic, spiritual, and inspired! All 11-s are meant to be pro essional people or they cannot be happy in mundane work! %ere are the inspired artists, painters, teachers, philosophers, ministers, musicians, composers, per ormers, and decorators! 'heir desire is to upli t others through the beauty o their creations or with their inspired thoughts! 'hey are an )As Above+ number because o their highly intuitive and inspirational thoughts! 'hey can mingle reely in the world and yet not be a part o it! 'hey have a charisma, a mysterious glamour that makes them stand out in a crowd, and they easily draw ollowers! 'he 11 is known as )'he (sychic Aaster+Na messenger o :od and a master among men, or it is the nature o 11 to delve into the mysteries o li e! Gesus was such a master and his name total is 11! %e desired to bring his light to the world, and #I:%' is the same vibration! %e said2 )I am the light o the world! %e who ollows me shall not walk in darkness, but he shall ind or himsel the light o li e+ (Gohn C21.)!

An 11 who does not pursue a spiritual or religious vocation is either artistic, musical, or politically inclined! Irving =erlin, who brought us hundreds o America-s best loved songs, was born on Aay 11! And an inspired pianist and brilliant entertainer who thrilled us with his per ormances was a man with a name totaling 112 #iberace! All 11-s need music in their lives! 'he root o 11 is ., and music is a strong .6 whose root also is . but with the power o the spirit (6) ne$t to it! All master numbers are illed with greater energy than single numbers because they include the vibration o the root number! 'he di erence between . and 11 is that the 11 pre ers to stand on its own two eet and take the lead rather than be the modest, willing ollower that the . is! 'he 11 strives or per ection and will study hard to achieve it! 'hey don-t eel ul illed unless they can give something to the world! Aany become amous! ,n the other hand, they are easily disappointed in people or they e$pect the same per ection in those they look up to! A=#" is an 114 word that vibrates to this energy! It begins with A, the letter o action and initiative! All 11-s are able! #A*9 means to praise highly, and o ten 11-s are praised or their talents, their abilities, and their spiritual strength! ,n the opposite end o the vibration are the destructive 11-s! >ather than upli t humanity as the positive 11-s do, these 11-s want to rule and enslave others! 'hey become despots, wicked leaders such as Aussolini and %itler (name totals o 11), who were blinded by and misused their powers! @egative 11-s lack the practical aspect because they are not in tune with material matters! 'hey become neurotic rom not being able to make their brilliant dreams work or them on the material plane, and they have trials and hardship! #ike ., they must learn to choose between good and evil, the opposite ends o the vibration! <hen they turn toward the light, which is the Jod o 9ivine #ight within, it will illuminate the way! 'hen the darkness o con usion will be replaced with the light o understanding and 11 will re lect that light! <hen that happens, we see the special glow, eel the charisma, and sense that something special which radiates rom the 11! )I we live in the light as %e is in the light, we have ellowship with one another+ (1 Gohn 12L)! 11 Positive: Artistic leanings! 1reative! 9igni ied! %igh ideals! %ighly selective! Inspired! Aay be religiously or politically inclined! @ot a physical laborer, but a pro essional! (ersuasive! Quiet! >eserved! 'eacher! <itty! <ants to upli t people (as a whole, not necessarily individually)! Negative: A daydreamer2 it-s ar easier to dream about great things than to accomplish them! Aimless! A loner! 1an-t always put ideas into constructive orm! 1on used! "motional! "$pects too high a standard in others! In the

world, but not a part o it! Aiserly! @ot at all practical! (re;udiced! >epresses eelings! >epressive leader! &el 4centered! &el love!&hi tless! *n air! Destructive: 9evilish! 9ishonest! <icked! #acks understanding! Aay unconsciously antagoni3e others! &el 4indulgent! >eligious anatics! I there are two 11-s in a name, the person may have very little tact!
# 1. 'his number has the 1 o the &un and the . o the Aoon, giving 8 (Gupiter) as the resultant! (eople with 1. as names, tend towards social causes, at least there is a deep concern or the underprivileged! 'heir personal lives would be beyond control! <orse, i there is a prominent ? in the birth date! An ominous signi ication, namely, sacri iced and victimi3ed! :ood public speakers! 'hey ight or the wel are o others! 'heir mission is to seek within, not without! 'his number denotes abandonment, or destruction o the amily unit! 'hey must stop struggling, and move out o paralysis and stagnation! <isdom O happiness is gained, once well4set notions are le t behind! 'his name does not in luence education or career, either way! 9iana, (rincess o <ales was a 1.! The 8acrifice--The Gictim "ne will periodically be sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. The number 1/ warns of the necessity to be alert to every situation, to beware of false flattery from those who use it to gain their own ends. (e suspicious of those who offer a high position, and carefully analyze the motive. Although duplicity is not always present, forewarned is forearmed. There is a degree of mental an%iety, caused by the need to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. A secondary meaning of this number should be considered. The figure 1 is the teacher )whether it be a person or >ife itself*. The figure / is the kneeling, submissive student. 8ometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental anguish creates amnesia, forgetfulness of lessons preciously learned. 1/ represents the educational process on all levels, the submission of dom, on both the spiritual and the intellectual levels. -hen the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. >ook within for the solution. Attention paid to the re uirements of education will end suffering and bring success. # 18 A change o plans, and place! 'here are upheavals and stri e, but within each change, there is the seed o a new beginning! 'hose with this number should acknowledge that change is valuable, and there is no point in resisting it! A ew numerologists argue that it is a symbol o power, which leads to destruction, only i it is misused! It is said, %e who understands the number 18 will be given power and dominion! I would contend that only a highly developed mind will know the right use o power, and so, or the rest o us, it is a di icult number! (rosperity may be there, but so will con usion! :egeneration--9hange 11 is not an unlucky number, as many people believe. The ancients claimed that $he who understands how to use the number 11 will be given power and dominion.$ The symbol of 11 is a skeleton, or death, with a scythe reaping down men in a field of new-grown grass, where young faces and heads appear to be thrusting through the ground and emerging on all sides. 11 is a number of upheaval, so that new ground may be broken. 4t!s associated with power, which, if used for selfish purpose, will bring destruction

upon itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the une%pected. Adapting to change gracefully will bring out the strength of the 11 vibration, and decrease any potential for negative. 11 is associated with genius--also--with e%plorers, breaking the orthodo% and new discoveries of all kinds. 4f you were born on the 11th day of any month--or should the 9ompound @ey &umber of your name be 11--you!ll need to read carefully the section of this chapter related to the numbers < and 7. # 1B 1 (#eadership) and B (organi3ation) adding to a / (mercantile activity)! 1Bs will succeed in any commercial venture that they start! An over4con ident and e$tremely ambitious nature should be curbed! I not, there can be humiliating losses! 'his number has a dual meaning! It signi ies adaptation and consolidation! =ut the other meaning is risk and danger, i matters go out o hand! &atis action should result rom what you have got, not rom getting everything that is out there! "$ercise prudence and caution always, and restraint at times! "lse, the best laid plans o mice and men can go awry! (ersonal relationships cause di iculties and heartaches! Aoderation and a sense o balance can create a well rounded being! 'hey are popular despite their eccentricities! 5ovementB9hallenge 5agnetic communication with the public through writing, publishing, and all media-related matters is associated with the 1<. ,eriodic changes in business and partnerships of all kinds are usually beneficial. Eealing with speculative matters brings luck; likewise, movement and travel associated with combinations of people and nations can be fortunate. 6owever, both gains and losses are sometimes temporary, due to the strong currents of change, which are ever-present. 1< warns of danger from accidents related to natural elements, i.e.3 fire, flood, earth uakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tempests, and so forth. )This is not an absolute, merely a warning to be cautious.* There is risk involved in depending on the word of those who misrepresent a situation. 4t!s a mistake to rely on others. :ely on the intuition, the self, the voice within. The $luck$ of 1< includes money dealings and speculative pro'ects, or $betting,$ but there!s always a danger of loss due to wrong advice from others, or overconfidence.

This is a karmic number. There are lessons to be learned or there will be accidents, losses in business and in friendships. It is known as the number of experiences, for its possessor learns no other way. The 14 must learn self-control of all physical appetites and temper. They can become too involved in physical sense pleasures and that could bring about health problems. The 14s have sharp mental faculties and enormous energy. It helps them a great deal to study philosophical truths to balance out their emotional energies. The 14s are enticed by anything they feel can bring them a moments JOY (14) or FUN (14). They are too EASY (14), will WED (14) on impulse and later regret it. In Genesis it is the serpent who tempts EVE (14). To us, a serpent is a snake, and SNAKE totals 14. Its full number is 50, which shows it to be highly intelligent. A SAGE (14) is one who has gained complete control of the senses, and is on the spiritual path.

# 1/ A ortunate number, especially, i connected with the arts and sciences! (ower over others is the interpretation o this number! (ersons represented by this number will e$haust every method, to gain what they desire! It is associated with the gi t o the gab! 'here is strong personal magnetism! =ondage to materialism is not the way to go! 'here will be more than one source o income, and they will earn well throughout li e! &upport rom people o position is certain! Ability to ree themselves (mentally), rom whatever restriction is holding them back! 1reature com orts are assured! (ersonal li e is well supported! >ough weather at home, or those with a prominent 8 in the birth date! 9ell, Alcoa, &hakira O >ekha are some 1/s

The 5agician 1A is a number of deep esoteric significance, the alchemy vibration through which all magic is manifested. 4t!s e%tremely lucky and carries the essence of enchantment with it. 1A is associated with $good talkers,$ elo uence of speech, and the gifts of music, art, and the drama. 4t bestows upon the person or entity represented by it a dramatic temperament and strong personal magnetism; a curiously compelling charisma. The 1A vibration is especially fortunate for obtaining money, gifts, and favors from others, because of its powerful appeal to the altruistic nature of people. 6owever, there are no roses without thorns, and the ancients warn that 1A rules the lower levels of occultism when it is associated with the single numbers < or 7. 8uch people will use every art of magic--even black magic, hypnosis, and mental suggestion--to carry out their purpose. "r the contrary is true. The < or 7 person will become the victim of others using the same methods. 9onse uently, if the 1Ath is the birth date, and the name number is <, 11, // or 11, the spelling of the name should be changed to e ual a 9ompound number that reduces to the 8ingle number 1, such as 1F or 10. 4f the birth date is the 1Ath, and the name number is 7, 1C, or /2, the spelling should be changed to e ual the number 2 or /<. 4f the name number is 1A, and the person was born on the 7th, 1Cth, or /2th, the name number should be changed to e ual 2 or /<. 4t!s important to read the section beginning on ,age /11 about the numbers < and 7 for a fuller understanding of the reason behind this advice. "ther than this warning, the 9ompound number 1A is e%tremely fortunate. 4f you were born on the 1Ath day of any month, and the 9ompound number of your name is also a 1A, you!re blessed with the ability to bring great happiness to others and to shine much light into the darkness, assuming you don!t use this magical and fortunate vibration for selfish purposes.

# 1? A good beginning but a poor end is the signi icance o this name valuation! It shows a all rom power, grace, o ice, position! *ne$pected shock or catastrophe is associated with this number! It gives warning o some strange atality awaiting one, also danger o accidents and de eat o one's plans! 'he only way one can escape its atalistic tendency is by walking the tight4rope o virtue, at all times! Aany 1?s have avoided the big hit to the ego, having done so! 'his number severely impacts those with a prominent D! =ut it works ine or those with a prominent .! &ony, @okia, Gapan O 'ibet are amous 1?s The 8hattered 9itadel 12 is pictured by the ancient 9haldeans as $a Tower struck by >ightning, from which a man is falling, with a 9rown on his head.$ 4t warns of a strange fatality, also danger of accidents and the defeat of one!s

plans. 4f the name e uals the 9ompound number 12, it would obviously be wise to change the spelling of the name to avoid this vibration. 4f the birth date is the 12th day of any month, the challenge of the 12must be carefully met, so that its effect may be diluted to a milder vibration. To avoid the fatalistic tendency of the 12 as a birth number, one must endeavor to make all plans in advance, making certain that any possibility of failure is anticipated and circumvented by careful attention to detail. The 12 brings with it the 8ingle number C!s obligations and responsibility to listen to the voice within, which will always warn of danger through dreams or the intuition in time to avoid it. The inner voice must not be ignored. As 4 partially e%plained earlier regarding the fact that the name $Abraham >incoln$ is a 12, >incoln was warned repeatedly of his potential assassination by his dreamsBand also by several $sensitives$ or $mediums$ who were brought to the -hite 6ouse by 5ary Todd >incoln. 6e did not heed these many clear warnings, and refused to take the necessary precautions, therefore, was unable to avoid his fate. (ut it could have been avoided, and this is important for the person whose birth number is 12 to remember. To find happiness in ways other than leadership at the top )the Tower and the 9rown*--to renounce fame and celebrity--is another way of decreasing the negative aspect of the 12. >incoln did not choose to do so, feeling it was more important to attempt to keep the nation united than to en'oy the fulfillment of a private life, although he accepted the ,residency with much reluctance and a profound sadness. # 1L 1ourage, inspiration, spiritual strength! >enewed e orts bring attainment and ul illment o wishes! 'his number has 1 o the &un and the L o @eptune, giving C (&aturn) as it's total! 'he key signi ication is that the person it represents rises above the trials and di iculties in his li e! 'his means there are a ew trials! It is considered the @umber o Immortality, because the person's name lives a ter him! 0aith pulls them through many an issue! &o they take the plunge into the water, con ident o reaching the other shore! =ut there may be some talk about methods adopted (to make money), and they may be viewed as sel centered! 'hose with a prominent B will take a course at the school o hard knocks! 1oke, G>9 'ata O Aira @air are typical o this name! The 8tar of the 5agi This is a highly spiritual number, and was e%pressed in symbolism by the ancient 9haldeans as the 7pointed 8tar of Genus. The 8tar of the 5agi is the image of >ove and ,eace, and promises that the person or entity it represents with rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of earlier life, with the ability to con uer former failure in personal relationships and the career. 1C is $the number of 4mmortality,$ and indicates that the person!s )or entity!s* name will live after him--)should one decide to dies, that is, which is a choice, as you!ll learn in the ,hysical 4mmortality chapter*. This is an e%tremely fortunate 9ompound number, with one warning. 4t reduces to the 8ingle number 7, so it!s important for anyone with 1C as a 9ompound @ey &umber to carefully read the section about the numbers < and 7 at the end of this chapter. # 1C 'his is a number o disease, mental instability, and generali3ed decay! 'he name is depictive o materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side o nature! It generally associates a person with bitter 5uarrels, even amily ones, also with war and social upheavals ( or nations)! 9anger rom the elements! 'hey ideali3e situations, not reali3ing that the seed o ailure is o ten sown within success! Intuition can guide, once mental blocks are broken! 9evoid o peace and happiness, they have the innate ability to turn riends into oes! Quite o ten, the person lives ar rom the amily! 'hough some 1Cs are e$tremely success ul, their successes will be seen as hollow! =rings with it the gi t o healing! *ndiluted hell or those with a prominent . or L! Ayanmar, @igeria, Hashmir, &ri #anka, :u;arat O now Aumbai, are representative o this number! 8piritual-5aterial 9onflict "f all 9ompound numbers, 17 has the most difficult symbolism to translate. ):ead again on an earlier

page of the chapter the relationship of 17 to ;esus.* The ancients describe the 9ompound number 17 with the following image3 $A rayed moon, from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below, catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower, a crab is seen hastening to 'oin them.$ 17 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. 4t often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter uarrels within the family circle--with wars, social upheaval, and revolution. 4n some cases it indicates making money or achieving position through divisive tactics, through war or other conflict. 4t warns of treachery and deception from both $friends$ and enemies; also danger from the elements, such as fire, flood, earth uakes, tempests and e%plosions, electrical shock or lightning. 4f the 9ompound number of the name is in 17, the vibration should be negated immediately by changing the spelling of the name to e ual a more fortunate 9ompound number. 4f the birth number is an 17, e%treme caution and care must be taken to meet the challenges and dangers of this 9ompound number. The only way to dilute or diminish its effect on the life is by spiritual means, by unfailingly and repeatedly meeting deception and hatred from others with generosity, love, and forgiveness, by $turning the other cheek,$ and returning good for evil, kindness for cruelty, honesty for dishonesty, honor for dishonor. 4n this way, the vibration 17 may be used for great success in illumination and enlightenment. Those born on the 17th day of any month have chosen themselves )on the level of 6igher 8elf*, between incarnations, this channel of birth )as did ;esus* as the greatest of all testings of the soul for worthiness. Another way to dilute the negative aspect of the 17 is to change the number of the name )whatever number it may be* to any favorable 9ompound number which adds or reduces to the single 2, by changing the spelling of the name. 4n addition to the attitude 'ust counseled, this will also help to turn the tragedy of the 17 into triumph. :emember what we!ve learned about the 2 )>ove* always and without e%ception con uering the 0 of conflictH )1 plus 7 is 0.* Adding the 2 vibration )with its related number 1* was also chosen when the life pattern of ;esus of &azareth was planned, as 4!ve already e%plained. ,eople born on the 17th day of any month would be wise to plan everything of importance on the 1rd or 2th day of any month would be wise to plan everything of importance on the 1rd or 2th day of any month, or on a day adding to the 1 or 2, especially the 2--and to add the 2 vibration to the life in every way possible, i.e.3 addresses, telephone numbers, and any other way they can think of )there are many* to emphasize and increase the power of the number 2 in the personal life and career. 4n this way more one be victorious, in both the spiritual and material worlds, over the restrictions of the 17. # 1D @ow or a breath o resh air! And some light, or this name is greatly in luenced by the &un! =rilliant success is the declaration o this number! (ower and clarity are associated with it! <ill meet great people and ortunate events are oreseen! 'hey will progress with each passing day! %onesty, good health and a suitable li e partner are associated with the 1D! 'hey have good riends, and dislike pretence! All told, they will lead a com ortable and lucky li e! 'hings get better with the passage o time! 'he end will be sudden! 1itibank, 'otal, 'arget, Amy Adams, I1I1I =ank, @9'F, A;it Agarkar, Hamala 9as O Aayawati are amous 1Ds! The ,rince of 6eaven 10 is one of the most fortunate and favorable of all 9ompound numbers. 4t is symbolized as the 8un, and is called the ,rince of 6eaven because it indicates victory over all temporal failure and disappointment. 4t blesses the person or entity represented by it with all of the power of the 9ompound number 1F, without the danger of abuse inherent in the 1F. This number promises happiness and fulfillment--success in all ventures as well as in the personal life. "f course, if 10 is the same number, it must be considered along with the birth number, which might not be as fortunate. 8o nothing is perfect, but regardless of the influences of another, possibly negative number, the 10 will smooth the path and greatly dilute any negative vibrations one must deal with in the full numerological analysis. # .6 %armony and balance are the keywords or this number! 'his number has a peculiar interpretation7 the call to action, but or some great purpose, cause or duty! It is not a material number, and conse5uently is a doubt ul one, as ar as worldly success is

concerned! It denotes delays, and hindrances to ones plans, which can only be con5uered by developing the spiritual side o human nature! Aa;or changes occur, but only those that can be handled! I success comes, it does so late in the day, and so the charm is lost! 'hey are good counselors, though their own lives are not e$actly balanced! *ncontrollable when they lose their tempers! <orking or others is their best bet! =ad news i the birth date has a prominent D! The Awakening 4n addition to being called $The Awakening,$ this 9ompound number is also pictured by the ancient 9haldeans as $The ;udgment.$ 4t has a peculiar interpretation, and is symbolized as $a winged angel, sounding a trumpet, while from below, a man, woman, and child are seen arising from a tomb, with their hands clasped in prayer.$ At some time in the e%perience of the person or entity represented by the number /F, there is a powerful awakening, bringing a new purpose, new plans, new ambitions--the call to action for some great cause or ideal. There may be occasional delays and obstacles to one!s plans, but these may be con uered through developing patience )the challenge of the number /F* and by continually cultivating faith in one!s own powers to transform. /F brings the blessing of vivid precognitive dreams, plus the ability to manifest the happy ones and cancel the negative ones. 4t is not a material number, therefor is doubtful regarding financial success. 4f large sums of money are necessary for practical support of the new cause or ideal, then one may choose a more positive materialistic number by changing the spelling of the name, assuming the /F is the birth number. 4f the e/F is the name number, then, hopefully, the birth number will bestow a more fortunate financial vibration. 6owever, those who are comfortable with their /F vibration seldom care about matters of finance. 5oney is not important to them-and /F will, as a general rule, provide enough for the basic necessities. .1! 'his name signi ies an initiation to a new level o wisdom and stature that appeared impossible be ore! It is a number o advancement, honour, elevation in li e and general success! It means victories a ter a long initiation, and several tests o determination! 'here ore, the irst hal o this person's li e would be ull o struggles, whilst the second hal will be illed with achievements! Attainment and per ection are attributed to this number! 0ame which reaches out to every nook and corner o the world! A number o mastery at all levels! In the second hal , this is perhaps the most power ul number o all, and the person would spend time discovering secrets that lie in this new plane o e$istence! Absolutely destructive or those with a prominent ?! Allian3, <almart, Aegon, 1anon, <yeth, ,racle, >ay 9olby, Gerry Jang, &aad %ariri O A> >ahman, are amous .1s! The 9rown of the 5agi /1 is pictured as $The ?niverse,$ and is also called $The 9rown of the 5agi,$ 4t promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in the life and career. 4t indicates victory after a long struggle, for the $9rown of the 5agi$ is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. 6owever, the person or entity blessed with the number /1 may be certain of final victory over all odds and opposition. 4t!s a most fortunate vibration--a number of karmic reward. ..! ,pinions are divided on the interpretation o this number! &ome say, it stands or success i the person can keep his own ;udgment! ,thers condemn him outright! 'here is a strong element o speculation and stri e attached to it, is how I see it! In the early part o li e, his interests will be compromised by others! In later stages, the person will become e$tremely shrewd and cynical, and may even resort to cheating others! "ven i one wants to orsake evil ways, he will be led on by riends and associates! &o only those who have con idence,

courage and cool deliberation are advised to work with this number! ,therwise, its best le t alone! 9i icult circumstances are indicated, or those with a prominent C in the birth date!

8ubmission--and 9aution // is symbolized by the ancients as $a +ood 5an, blinded by the folly of others, with a knapsack on his back, full of errors.$ 4n the image he seems to offer no defense against a ferocious tiger which is about to attack him. 4t!s a warning number of illusion and delusions. 4t indicates a good person )or entity* who lives in a fool!s paradise; a dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger, when it!s often too late. 4t warns of mistakes in 'udgement, of placing faith in those who are not trustworthy. 4f // is the birth number, the person it represents should e%ercise caution and watchfulness )since the birth number cannot be altered* in both career and personal matters. The karmic obligation here is to be more alert, to curb $spiritual laziness,$ and develop more spiritual aggressiveness--to realize your own power to change things, to prevent failure by simply ordaining success. -hen this personal responsibility is recognized, practiced, and finally mastered, the // person can be in control of events, no longer blinded by the folly of others, and will see ideas achieved and dreams realized. Anyone born on the //nd day of any month needs to carefully read the section about the numbers < and 7.

Aaster @umber .., 'he Aaster =uilder

'he .. came to be known as a master number or several reasons! It has always been the characteristic number o any circle, and the circle is associated with the Aonad, or :od! 'he original %ebrew alphabet consists o .. letters that are the creative basis and attributes o all that has been created! &o .. represents the whole circle o creation! 'he .. is the )&o =elow+ or it makes mani est on the material plane! It is known as the Aaster Architect because it is capable o building the great roads, waterways, and buildings o the world! 'he .. knows how to unite the inspirational idea with the physical mani estation! Jet .. is less spiritual than the )As Above+ numbers 11 and 88! It is more adaptable to the "arth plane7 it can make mani est because o its root o B! 'he energy with this vibration is very high! In childhood the child is o ten hyperactive and must keep hands busy! 'his is the child who en;oys "rector &ets and building blocks! <hen working in the positive energy o this number, much good is accomplished! Aany constructive ideas come to ..-s and they have the innate ability to make their ideas reality! <ords that add up to .. re lect the attitudes o success2 Aglow! 1apable! :allant! %eed! Ideal! Aodest! @ice! @oted! (ro! &mile! @egative attitudes o the same vibration are ound in these ..4words2 Aloo ! =iased! =ore! 9ismal! 0ret! Gumpy! >age! &torm!

'he . pays attention to detail and likes detailed work7 so ..-s are masters o detail! As a result they are valuable (..) to society2 Actress! 1he ! 1lerk! 1lown! 1ra ts! Aaster! Aodel! &leuth! &tatesman! ,ther types o masters are2 Angels! =uddha! :uru! Aost ..-s have weak bodies in contrast to their strong minds! It is important or them to have good nutrition! ,ne end o the vibration is starve (..) and the other is ood (..)! It is invaluable to good health to laugh (..)! #aughter makes the body organs move in a harmonious rhythm that is bene icial! In %ebrew the ..nd letter is 'av, (7) the sign o the cross! 'his makes the negative side o the vibration e$treme, so negative ..-s lack ul illment and eel oppression! 'hey become destructive materially and spiritually and they are inclined to go to e$tremes, even against their own ;udgement! 'hey o ten have a hard struggle with themselves! 'hese type o people are in sympathy with the negative end o the spectrum which includes the ollowing negative ..4words2 1lip! 1rash! 9amage! 0lop! %urt! %arm! #ethal! (ain! &pend! &tolen! &toop! Adol %itler is a prime e$ample o a leader on the negative side o the master numbers! %is total name is an 11 and he was born on the ..nd o the month! &ince . is a number o sensitivity, .. is doubly so! &a ecrackers, whose unusually sensitive ingers pick up the inner clicks o the combination locks, have been ound to have a strong .. in their charts! ',*1% is another ..4word! (eople with these master numbers in their name or birth date have an unusually high amount o nervous tension! 'his means potential or good, and when channeled into constructive pro;ects they become the bene actors o society by building what is most needed by the people! =ut those who become rustrated or lack o an outlet or these energies, either through lack o education or misguided direction, become a grave burden on society! 'he strength o .. is seen in nature, as in the ollowing ..4words2 Auddy! (ond! (ool! <ater! <oods! &tream! 'rees! 'he backbone o a mountain range is called a AA&&I0 (..) and one o nature-s strongest orces is ound in a &',>A (..)! 'he .. is the entire circle o :od and %is creation, and the spiritual 5ualities that are to be developed or un oldment! 'his number is e5uated with ma;or <ater orces such as tidal waves and energy derived rom <ater! (eople with this name number bene it rom living near <ater! <ater also e5uates with our emotions, so ..-s are e$tremely sensitive! 0eelings go as deep as the ocean, and when aroused, they )make waves!+ 'hey can be one e$treme or the other2 calm and deep, or raging ury!

'he .. is 11 R 11! It has the vision o the 11 but is able to put it to practical use! It completes work! It is very strong because it is the double o both . and 11! .. Positive: A doer! A hard and tireless worker! A master o accomplishment! A very capable leader! An acute sense o touch! 9ynamic! :reat achievements! Hnown as the Aaster Architect! ,rgani3ed! (ractical! Negative: Aimless! 0anatic! 0eels in erior! 0rustration! Indi erent! @ervous tension!'alks big! &ervice with ill will! Destructive: =lack magic! 1riminal! 1rooked! "vil! :ang leader! ,n edge!

.8! @umber . o the Aoon and number 8 o Gupiter, one ne$t to the other, giving / o Aercury! 0ortune's avorite! 1ommunication with others will be vibrant and richly rewarding! All talents will be recogni3ed, and appreciated! @o matter how much more capable rivals are2 .8 wins (some may call that un air)! All plans will succeed, not because they implement, but because they get people to align with their vision! 'hey cannot be disturbed rom a prede ined track! It is a promise o success, help rom superiors and protection o those in high positions! <ill pro it rom business, transport O commission work! .8s per orm much raved about heroic deeds! Absolutely antastic or those with a prominent C! 'he partner would be rom a di erent background (so what's new!)! =oeing, &wiss >e, #a 0arge, 'oshiba, "d %arris, >ahul =a;a;, >atan 'ata, >H #a$man, Hiran =edi, Fi;ay Aallya, O #H Advani, are amous .8s! The :oyal 8tar of the >ion This is a karmic reward number. /1 bestows, not only a promise of success in personal and career endeavors, it guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. 4t!s a most fortunate number, and greatly blesses with abundant grace the person or entity represented by it. As always, the /1 must be considered along with other 8ingle and 9ompound @ey &umbers making up the full numerological analysis, which may not be uite so fortunate. (ut other numbers don!t have much of a chance to bring about serious trouble when the :oyal 8tar of the >ion is present during difficult times. &o number can challenge the >ion!s strength and win. # .B! . (cooperation) and B (structure) leading to ? (harmony)! .B scores in relationships! &igni ies gi ts and good ortune! =oundless courage and energy! 'here is a spontaneous and kinetic approach to li e! 'eam player and leader rolled into one! Accepts the greatest challenges! It promises the assistance and association o those o rank and position! Also, it

denotes gain through relationships, especially through patronage o members o the opposite gender! (rogress with each passing day! =usiness will do well! (eople with this name have the ortune o e$erting authority over many! All round ruin, i it is in licted on a prominent 8! 'oyota, 9enso, 1arl Icahn, 0ergie, <ipro, Anil Ambani, #alit &uri O Indu Gain are representative names! >ove--5oney--9reativity This number is also most fortunate, another 9ompound number of karmic reward, 'ustly earned in past incarnations, particularly when it!s the birth number. 4t promises the assistance of those with power, and it indicates a close association with people of high rank and position. 4t greatly increases financial success, and the ability to achieve happiness in love. 4t denotes gain through romance, the law, or the arts, and a magnetism which is e%tremely attractive to the opposite se%. The only warning related to the /< is abused in the present life, it could revert to an 17 or some other e%tremely difficult birth number in the ne%t. 8o one is warned not to fail to appreciate the benefits of the /1 and the /< 9ompound numbers, and not allow such good fortune to cause selfishness or a careless attitude toward spiritual values. The temptation to indulge in promiscuity must be avoided; likewise a tendency to overindulgence of all kinds.

'his is the number o the success ul person, an attractive personality7 the ? root re erring to the )1osmic (arent,+ the . revealing their loving ways, and the B, their honesty, dependability, and respectability2 "n;oy! 0emale! %usband! Gustice! #ovable! Aagic! Aature! @atural! @uptial! &hare! &ucceed! <ealth! 'hen there are the words that show the peace ul ., the dependable, accurate B, and the artistic ?2 Artist! 1ostume! 9reams! :i t! %oly! Ausical! (lanets! (ray! (ure!
./! 'his is a number denoting strength gained through e$perience, and bene its obtained through observation o people and things! It is not e$actly deemed lucky, as its success is given through stri e and trials in the irst two4thirds o li e! =ut it is avorable when it appears in regard to the uture! 'hey are peace ul and ull o grace! (ublic support is certain! @evertheless they undergo many tear ;erking incidents, chie ly in their personal lives! 'hey try to lead a li e based on ;ustice, honesty and morality! <orks hard or the wellbeing o others! <ill courageously ace all problems and become amous! It's a great name, when there is a prominent . in the chart! 1onverse, i the number is D! @estle, 0ortis, (epsi, 1omcast, Apple, @omura, =ill :ates, =ill Aurray O Aishwarya >ai, >a;an >ahe;a O >e;i Abraham are amous ./s! Eiscrimination and Analysis

/A bestows spiritual wisdom gained through careful observation of people and things, and worldly success by learning through e%perience. 4ts strength comes from overcoming disappointments in the early life and possessing the rare uality of learning from past mistakes. The 'udgment is e%cellent, but it!s not a material number; therefore, financial benefits of a substantial nature must be gained through other 9ompound numbers in the full birth and name numerological analysis.

'alented musicians and painters are born on the ./th! 'his number shows a bright, in5uiring mind! L thinks deeply about things and will analy3e and decide or itsel ! Auch comes through intuition! L-s appear wise or they speak only when there is something worth saying! (sychic! / has curiosity, will probe or acts! It wants to know how others eel and think7 is interesting and changeable! =oth / and . are good talkers! &ee the resemblance between the bottom curve o / and the top curve o .I 'hey are both open on the le t, the side that aces the past! 'his means that both have good memories, remember acts, and are open to talk! 'he / is open on the material plane (lower), so is concerned more with things o a sensual nature! 'he . is more cautious about its words, or it is open on the very top or mentalEspiritual plane, so it uses discretion and tact! <ith this in mind, consider the ollowing ./4words2 Apostle! 1harm! #isten! Aessages! (leasant! >elate! &ecret! &ilent! &tory! <ords! <I0" and &,*#AA'" are ./4words2 the eminine ., sensual /, and aith ul L! ,ther ./4words bring out the collective aspect o the . and its love o detail, /-s diversity, and L-s inner eeling2 =rook! 1reate! "arth! :ala$y! %eart! @ature!
.?! 'his number is ull o the gravest warnings or the uture! It oreshadows disasters brought about by association with others7 ruin by bad speculation, unions and advice! <hen considered in connection with uture events, one should care ully consider the path one is treading! 'his would ensure antastic success! .? has wisdom! (artnership is a strict no4no! 'read cautiously where investments are concerned! A number o distinct atalities! #i e is active and ull o lu$ury, provided caution and prudence are always kept at hand! Fery sad when associated with a prominent B in the birth date! >enault, =arack ,bama, #arry (age, Aark 1uban, &alma %ayek, Gude #aw, Aariah 1arey O &ania Air3a are all .?s!

,artnerships This 9ompound number vibrates, in a strange way, to a uni ue kind power, based on compassion and unselfishness, with the ability to help others, but not always the 8elf. /2 is full of contradictions. 4t warns of dangers, disappointments, and failure, especially regarding the ambitions, brought about through bad advice, association with others, and unhappy partnerships of all kinds. 4f /2 is the 9ompound @ey &umber of the name, it might be best to change the name to achieve a more fortunate influence. 4f /2 is the birth number, and therefore cannot be altered, the person is counseled to avoid partnerships and pursue the career along, not heeding even the well-intentioned advice of others, but follow only the personal hunches and intuition--although these should be carefully e%amined for flaws before acting on them. /2 people should begin at once to stabilize the income, to save money, and not behave in an e%travagant manner or invest in other people!s ideas. 4nvest in your own future, be generous with others, especially those in need, but also build a solid foundation for the future for yourself. 4f your name is a /2, or if you were born on the /2th day of the month, you should read carefully the section about the numbers < and 7 at the end of this chapter. )/ plus 2 e uals 7, so /2I7.* 4t!s most important advice for you--or for anyone you know whose name number is < or 7, or who was born on the 7th day of the month--or any date that reduces to < or 7, such as the 11th, 1Cth, //nd, /2th, or 11st. .L! A promise o authority, power and command! &trength and le$ibility are striking! It indicates that reward will come rom the productive intellect7 that creative aculties have sown good seeds that will reap a harvest! (ersons with this command number should carry out their own plans! Acts intelligently and immediately! A number with puissance, ame, tremendous creativity! <ill reach a high position in any pro ession! 'oils or the wel are o dependants, and or the under4privileged! It's unsuitable or those with a prominent . or L in the birth date! =ob Aarley, @ina <ang, Aadonna, H!( &ingh, :ovinda, O (' *sha are amous .Ls! The 8ceptre This is an e%cellent, harmonious, and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. 4t blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. 4t guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination, that the creative faculties have sown good seeds which are certain to reap a rich harvest. ,eople )or entities* represented by the 9ompound number /C should always carry out their own original ideas and plans, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. /C is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.

'his is a number o deep a ections, spiritual insight, creativity, and love o beauty and the arts!

'he . adds a loving and cooperative 5uality7 it is ever the peacemaker who works 5uietly in the background! 'he L adds poise and reserve, and a desire or study and per ection! 'he D represents humanity, people, and brotherly love! Advanced! Agree! =reath! "ducated! :entle! %onest!

(ublic! Quiet! &chool! <hole! <orld! 'he .LED has to do with those who have a concern or the public2 the per ormers who need an audience, the law o icials who deal with public laws, and those who give 1A>" (1CED) and 1,A0,>' (8?ED), as in the ollowing .LED4words2 =uyers! 1hapel! :entle! #over! Aoney! (ilot! &atis y! &tardom! &teward! <orld! 'he .LED-s like to either travel or stay put2 #imit! Quiet! >estless! &earch! 'rip!
My own interpretation: 27 is a very spiritual number, combining the intuitive and emotional 2 with the intuitive, spiritual and analytical 7, adding up to the humanitarian and broadminded 9. 27s tend to be considered dramatic due to their highly sensitive nature and great idealism. They combine spiritual study (7) with intuition and insight (2 and 7) and often channel their wisdom through some sort of art. They can be performers, but even if they dont perform, they are usually well nown among a larger group of people and often hold an informal spiritual authority of some sort, at times through their art and at times through their insight and spiritual nowledge. 9 is the number of mars, so there is a warrior spirit and a rebelliousness in them, though, contradictory as it may seem, their fight is for peace and !ustice. The 9 is always a humanitarian and their love for humanity and !ustice is their priority. .C! 'ragic e ect, i .C is used to orm one's name or trade name! At li e's close, they will have to begin all over again! 'his name indicates a person with great potential who is likely to see it all taken away rom him, unless he steers clear o rash ideas! , ten put through di icult ethical choices! At times like this, the best o ence is a smart de ense, with a long term perspective! 9on't take on a ma;or li e challenge i you are not prepared or it! 'his number indicates loss through trust in others, opposition and competition in trade and due to non4compliance with the law! A ter all attempts at progress ail, may hate li e and wonder what to do with it! 'his is a great name or those with a prominent 1 or B in the birth date, and it has catapulted some o them onto the world stage! In that sense, it is stunningly ickle! =ut more o ten than not, its e ects are debilitating, and must be avoided! The Trusting >amb /7 is a number of puzzling and frustrating contradictions. 4t symbolizes a person )or entity* of fine promise, even genius, and great possibilities, with the capability of achieving impressive success, and the /7 person fre uently does realize such success, only to see everything taken away unless he or she has carefully provided for the future. 4t indicates loss through misplaced trust in others, powerful opposition from enemies and competitors in business or career, danger of serious losses in courts of law--and the possibility of having to begin the life path over and over again. 4f /7 is the name number, one might wish to change the spelling to achieve a more harmonious and fortunate number. -hen /7 is the birth number and therefore can!t be altered, the karmic lessons of prudence, caution, and well-laid plans must be learned and practiced. -hen this is done, the negative aspect of the /7 vibration will be substantially diluted. The key is to look before you leap. .D! (eople with .D as a name will become rather 5uarrelsome, and ind ault with everything that others do! 'here is a struggle between logic and emotion! 'hey oppose their enemies seriously, but i the enemy is stronger, will change their tactics! 'his undesirable behavior

invites ridicule! *n ortunate in matters o the heart! 0oreshadows trials, une$pected dangers, pain O di iculties created by members o the opposite gender! &uch di iculties are, without doubt, opportunities to learn rom one's mistakes! 'hose with a prominent L in the birth date su er ewer adverse e ects! 'his name is ha3ardous or those born with a prominent D! 'hey will be seriously disturbed by the opposite gender and may go to e$treme e$tents! +race ?nder ,ressure The /0 is a number of perhaps the heaviest @arma of all. 4t tests the person or entity it represents for spiritual strength, through trials and tribulations echoing the "ld Testament story of ;ob. The life is filled with uncertainties, treachery and deception from others, unreliable friends, une%pected dangers--and considerable grief and an%iety caused by members of the opposite se%. 4t!s a number of grave warnings in every area of the personal life and career. -hen /0 is the 9ompound @ey &umber of the name, it!s obvious that the spelling of the name should be changed to lift this difficult vibration, unless one is a masochist. 4f /0 is the birth number, and thereby unavoidable, conscious effort must be made to dilute and eventually to negate, neutralize, or erase this karmic burden. 4t can, to a great e%tent, be eased by choosing a new name )or spelling* with a strongly positive 9ompound @ey &umber. =urther than this, the person born on the /0th day of any month should do everything advised in 9hapter < concerning @arma and reincarnation. 4n the specific instance of the /0 vibration )bringing with it also the secondary vibration of 11, which should also be read regarding the way to relieve the karmic burden*--remember that the development of absolute faith in goodness and the power of the 8elfBthe constant and energetic cultivation of optimismBwill act as a miraculous medicine for the problems of the number /0. After all, ;ob!s burdens were finally lifted, when he had learned to accept full responsibility for his troubles, and not to blame others or seek revenge for the hurts he suffered. &ot only did his long bad-luck streak end at last, he was given back everything he!d lost, several times over. 8o, if you were born on the /0th, change the vibration of your name to a powerful number, such as 10, follow ;ob!s e%ample, and soon you!ll be as happy as--or happier than--anyone else. 4nterestingly, the name $;ob$ e uals the powerful 9ompound number 1F--a difficult vibration to defeat. 86! Aental and pro essional brilliance is the hallmark o this name! =ut it is debatable whether a 86 will turn it to realistic bene it! , ten, the only intent is to improve onesel through one's work7 they transcend the material realm! 0avors scholarship, undoubtedly! 86 is a number o thought ul deduction, perception, and mental superiority over one's ellows! =ut as it seems to belong completely to the intellectual realm, the person it represents is likely to place materialism aside not because they have to, but because they wish to do so! 86 understands and helps others easily! Also takes on some challenges considered impossible by others, i only to prove it unto themselves! <achovia, Aet#i e, "li #illy O 1o, <ill &mith, 9iane #ane, %ilary &wank, >a;iv :andhi O Alisha 1hinai and are amous 86s! The >oner--5editation This is a number of retrospection, thoughtful deduction, and mental superiority over others. 6owever, it belongs completely to the mental plane, and those represented by it often put all material things to the side, not because they have to, but because they wish to do so. 9onse uently the 9ompound number 1F is neither fortunate nor unfortunate, because it can be either, depending entirely upon desire of the person )or entity* it represents. The vibration of 1F can be all-powerful, but it is often indifferent, according to the will of the person. Those whose name e uals 1F, or who were born on the 1Fth day of any month, generally count few people as their friends. They tend to be taciturn loners, preferring to be alone with

their own thoughts. 8ocial functions and public gatherings are not their style. 1F doesn!t deny happiness or success, but fulfillment is more often found in retreating from the chaos of the market place, so that one!s mental superiority may be used to develop something worthwhile to the worldBto write ideas which may change the worldBor to protect and develop one!s personal talents, such as art or other gifts. 4t indicates a lonely, yet fre uently rewarding life pattern. 81! 'hose with 81 as a name are reedom loving and will not live under the control o others! 'here is the inclination to accumulate knowledge and detail! 1onversations are e$aggerated, animated! 1hallenges are aced, with a combat spirit! 'here is serenity between challenges, some time o , to recover, and return to the battle ield, recharged! 1alm, rational clarity in the midst o stri e! Aentally aloo and distinct! 1erebral and kinetic at the same time! It's a great date or those with a prominent 1 or ?! I wouldn't call it a ortunate name or the rest o us! ( i3er, Aunich >e and =A" &ystems, 'om %anks, 'im >obbins, >obert =ass, 9avid >oss, &habana A3mi, &an;ay :andhi, '@ &eshan, >amalinga >a;u O Asha =hosle are amous 81s! The :ecluse--The 6ermit Those whose birth or name number is 11 should first read the analysis of the foregoing 9ompound number 1F, because the 11 is very similar to it, e%cept that the person )or entity* represented by this number is even more self-contained, self-sufficient, lonely, and isolated from others. Juite often, genius is present, or at least high intelligence. At some une%pected time in the life, the glittering promises of the world will be suddenly re'ected for the peace and uiet of &ature, or, if the response to the 11 is not uite that pronounced, there will nevertheless eventually be a degree of retreat from society in some manner. The 11 person is sometimes opinionated, an advocate of political change, while remaining fi%ed in personal habits. .ven in a crowd, a 11 person will often fee a sense of loneliness and isolation. 8.! 8 (Gupiter) O . (Aoon) to result in / (Aercury) make or a sparkling name! <ill always have immense ame and wealth! 'here is the ability to discover new concepts, and to propagate these ideas! Hnows how to keep people happy! %is diplomatic personality and sound wisdom go a long way! 0riends rom all walks o li e! @on4;udgmental, patient and tolerant! %e lends an ear to all, even when their views directly con lict his own! =ut there is a 5uiet power over the others, and he is almost always hiding his strategy, his motives! =ig on con idence! <ill be respected by superiors or being serious about what he says, because he is consistent, and can deliver! 1aptivating speaker, substance with style! 8. not holding on to his own opinions is likely to see his plans being wrecked by the obstinacy and stupidity o others! :a3prom, Gim <alton, Him Hardashian, Anil Humble, &abeer =hatia, Fikram &arabhai O 'ulsi 'anti are amous 8.s! 88! 'his twin number o Gupiter con ers blessings o all kinds! #i e will be ull o lu$ury, hustle and bustle! &ecurity, happiness and wisdom are in plenitude! 'hey use their success to ensure the well being o those that they care or! 'hey pass on ull4si3e legacies, both material, and the guidance that their children would ind help ul! <ill ac5uire material com orts, and achieve a position o eminence in society! <ell traveled! :i ted talkers! <ill not engage in pursuits that harm others! 'his is the substance that great people are made o ! It's a bad number though, or those with a prominent 8 in their date! 1hevron, A$a :roup, Feri3on, *nilever, <alt 9isney, 1aterpillar, =@( (aribas, Ael :ibson, 9i$ie 1hicks, &issy &pacek, Aarisa 'omei, &ean 1ombs, %illary &wank, #aura #inney, Indira :andhi, %omi =habha, Fikram &eth, &avitri Gindal O =ipasha =asu are all 88s! Aaster number 88, 'he Aaster 'eacher, or &el less giving

'his is the master number o spiritual giving! It is the )As Above+ or it bene its the spiritual needs o others! 'he root number ? is the vibration o home, love, amily, service, and responsibility! It must make its voice heard in its amily or career! )@o greater love has any man than to lay down his li e or his riends+ (Gohn 1/218)! ,ne who will do this is e$periencing the 88 vibration! Gesus was 88 years old when he gave his li e or humanity! 'he word &AFI,*> vibrates to 88, so this is known as the love vibration in its highest ormNcompassion! Another aspect o the master 88 vibration is the e$perience o the Hundalini orce making its way upward through the 88 segments o the spine, opening the chakras as it rises, and causing a tingling sensation in the body rom the movement o the petals o each lotus4like wheel! (ositive aspects are seen in the ollowing 884words2 Ability! Angelic! =lessing! Inner! Inward! (eace ul! (otence! *ni5ue! 'he diamond was chosen to be the spiritual gi t a man gives to his betrothed to show his love! 9iamond vibrates to 88! %awaii is considered by many as %eaven on "arth! It totals 88! ,ur great spiritual gi t is the :enesis (88) o li e! 'he opposite side o the vibration is 9oomsday, %olocaust, and 1alamitous, all 884words that are the negative side o the spiritual! (ersons with 88 in a name or =irth (ath number are highly sensitive to the needs o others, and through their occupations they will give o themselves in caring and com orting2 =roker! 1ostumer! 1ustomer! (eople! (erson! (illow! (olice! (riest! &alesclerk! &elling! 'eacher! Fictor! <aitress! ,ccupations are the same as or ?, which is 88-s root number! &ome 884words connected with love and amily are2 =elieve! 9esire! >omance! 'he ? root represents the voice! <hen it is elevated to the 88 vibration we ind it at its height in the great orator and in the teacher! 884words that have to do with the voice and sound are2 Announce! 1oncert! 9ramatic! 9ynamic! (reach! Quality! >esound! 'he opposite end o the 88 spectrum is the negative voice that is &hrill (88) and *npleasant (88) to the ear7 voices that speak *ntruths (88)! It is the negative 88-s that are the Aartyrs (88)! ,ther negative 884words are2 1heater! %elpless! (hantom! >obber! &el ish! 'orment! *npleasant! =oth 1heater and >obber have the ull number o ?6 which is a vibration o power, and in these cases, in the negative use o power! 88 Positive: 1ompassion! 9eep understanding! "mpathetic! :entle! Hind! #oving service! @urturing instinct! &el less giving with no thought o return! *npretentious!

Negative: =urdened! 1areless! &weet tooth! Destructive: Aartyr! Aeddlesome! &lave to others! &lovenly!
8B! Amongst all the names adding up to L, this is by ar, the best! 'hey will be knowledgeable O amous! Ability to e$press their ideas and opinions clearly! <ill accumulate wealth, and help a lot o people! Hnown or their generosity! 'he advice that they give, o ten sets people on the right track! 'hey persevere in all that they undertake! (rogress until the last day! 'here is su icient time to celebrate their successes, to replace labor with contentment! 0or those with an prominent ., this name is outstanding! 1reates obstacles and di iculties or those with a prominent D in the date! Ac9onald's, >udi :iuliani, Gudi 9ench, Adrian =rody, Alec =aldwin, (aul %aggis, >yan :osling, &am Aendes, Hirk Herkorian, 'ony :ilroy, Indra @ooyi, A3im (rem;i, &harad (awar, Juvra; &ingh O Armaan "brahim are all 8Bs! 8/! ,pinions sharply divided here! =y one school, the person inherits money, ul ils travel urges, and lives in peace and seclusion by choice! <ill go a long way, when compared to where he came rom! ,thers give it an impression similar to .?! 'hat there is the possibility o inancial loss, and the conse5uent humiliation! I this loss hasn't happened yet, here is how you can avoid it2 A irm grip on greed, or it is avarice that leads to loss! 8/s will have to continually put up with some e$penses and obstacles or those with a prominent B! <ill employ aggressive schemes to earn money, and will not bene it in any way through riends and relatives! A really bad name or those with an important B in the date! <orks very well or those with a prominent /, and also i all other aspects o (ythagorean numerology are suitable or the birthdate! 1itigroup, Gulie 1hristy, @ick @olte, &ammy , er, Ho i Annan, Gohn Ac1ain, (aul Allen, @icolas 1age, =en Hingsley, 'om 1ruise, 9inesh Hartik O >ahul 9ravid are amous 8/s! 8?! &erenity and material security achieved through sheer willpower! A promise o authority and success! 8 o Gupiter and ? o Fenus combine to give D o Aars! <ill work hard and carve out a sound career! 1an strike out on their own, and establish themselves away rom the home! &uccess hounds them once they learn the art o working with others (it takes a while), and they are then thrust into leadership roles! @o one can take away rom the act that they made it on their own! 'he opposite gender can cause a little con usion! It's a great name or those born with a prominent D! 0or those with a prominent . or L, this one is best avoided! 1arre our, @aomi <atts, Aatt 9illon, Aark <ahlberg, Goel 1oen, &onia :andhi, @aresh :oyal, >ahul Hhanna, =ismillah Hhan, (anka; Advani, Halanidhi Aaran O 9hanra; (illay are amous 8?s!

'his is the creative trio where all the arts are represented2 'he 8 is the writer, ? is the voice, and D is the stage o drama7 loves to hold the pen, can copy and improve articles! &ome 8?4words that e$press these traits are2 Aesthetic! "ditors! "nthrall! (oetry! &inger! Fiolin!

'he one who en;oys what these per ormers have to o er is the &pectator (8?ED)! (eople with this number make money easily2 0ortune! >evenue! 'his is a number that re5uires perseverance, strength o character, and the ability to overcome problems with good aith and patience! 'he 8 has a caring attitude and does everything with kindness! 'he ? takes on responsibility, even burdens itsel ! 'he D believes in honesty and ;ustice! <e see these 5ualities in the ollowing 8?4words2 1ashier! 1harisma! 1om ort! 1onsumer! 1o4pilot! 9iplomat! 9iscern! 0lorist! (opular! &urgeon! 'he D loves to travel! <hen the 8 is behind the D, the travel may be longer because 8 is the number o long distance travel! Gourney (8?ED)!
8L! ,ne o my personal avorites! (eople with these names struggle early on, but will eventually reach a top position! 8Ls are endowed with charming personalities! 'he ability to lead, and to maintain a distinct personal touch is prominent! 'hey chalk out plans that are well beyond known capabilities, and will succeed because they have genuine riends! 'hey know what they want, and they go out and get it! 1larity in thought and speech! Ama3ing enthusiasm O charisma, they are the center o attention in large groups! *p ront in all dealings! It's a great name or those with a prominent 1! A superb number or business partnerships, it osters healthy communication and prevents backstabbing! Astra Seneca, American Idol, 1hina Aobile, Aerrill #ynch, =ill 1linton, Gulia >oberts, Aichael 9ell, Aichael 1aine, Gamie 0o$$, >ichard (ratt, &ean (enn, Avril #avigne, &heryl 1row, (aul :iamatti, Aichael Aann, &ai Al :hurair, 'ata Aotors, &unil :avaskar, Gavagal &rinath, Anil Hapoor, Aedha (atkar O A(G Abdul Halam typi y this name! 8C! (eople with 8C as a name will be widely respected! (eace ul in nature, and spiritually inclined, great integrity and there is a charming innocence! In luentual and wealthy riends! 'his is the irst name that adds up to ., that has a basket o gi ts tied to it! 'hey are die4 hard optimists! 0ame and ortune are assured especially or those with a prominent L in the birth date! 'hey radiate an aura o happiness and rela$ed con idence, even the satis action o ;ust being alive! 'hey have many beauti ul memories! A prominent D can make them accident prone, or victims o vile politics! :iorgio Armani, 9avid =eckham, =arbra &treisand, Aarc Anthony, "llen (age, (eter <eir, Al red Aann, #ouis =acon, Gaswant &ingh, Ghumpa #ahiri, Ailind &oman, Saheer Hhan, 9r! 9evi &hetty, " &reedharan O Aadhuri 9i$it are amous 8Cs! 8D! 'his is one o the best names adding up to 8! 'hey are help ul and ortunate! 'hey make great pro essionals7 and one reason is the non4stop4work approach! <ell suited to large businesses, with overseas communication! <ill make sure that their near O dear grow along, notwithstanding an underlying apathy or them! 'he second hal o li e is relatively hassle ree! 0re5uent lyer with bags ull o air4miles! 'hose with a prominent 1 or ? in the birth date would be prone to skin ailments like ec3ema! 'here is a certain sense o aloo ness, to the point where they are a little cut o rom all that's happening around! 'his is due to the intellectual nature o the name, and it doesn't impact their lives! In the end, they would be happy with themselves, and the li e they have made!

Aicroso t, (rudential, @ews 1orp, >onald >eagan, Angela Aerkel, %ilary 9u , Gason >eitman, Hate <inslet, 1eline 9ion, Aartina Ac=ride, :eorge Haiser, >ichard Aarriot, #indsay #ohan, Arundhati >oy, Fikram (andit, Aahesh =hatt, (rannoy >oy, "kta Hapoor, (reity Sinta, Anand Aahindra, O Aukesh Ambani are amous 8Ds! B6! =rings success in business, literature and statistics! Attains ame by lecturing, writing, or by occupying an authoritative position! 'hey will have riends who propel them to important positions! 'hey are un people to be around, while on their road to ame! <ill ac5uire a lot o wealth! And oh, how they love their sycophants! 'hese people are willing to go to any e$tent to achieve their ob;ectives! #aws will be bent, bra3en acts carried out with impunity! "ventually the world catches up! 'hey will be shunned by society, and may even land in trouble with the law! A name o poetic ;ustice! 'he conse5uences are severe or those with a prominent C in the birth date! %arshad Aehta, Hetan (arekh O &uresh @anda (stock O arms brokers who have all spent time behind bars), (aris %ilton, %eidi Aontag, Gack Abramo O %arbha;an &ingh are typical B6s! B1! B1 can become a leader o men! ,bstacles will move themselves out o his way! <ill accomplish what is impossible or others! 1an become a leader respected by all and sundry! 'he pit all is2 arrogance a ter reaching the top! 'his can be his <aterloo! 'he winner can claim his pri3e, but not much more! 0igures out he was wrong a ter all, and turns over a new lea ! @eeds tightrope walking in the latter part o li e, and not all can avoid the hit to the ego (it doesn't cripple him)! It's a great name or a prominent / or C! >alph #auren, 1argill AacAillan, (etro1hina, =%( =illiton, :eorge =ush, >ichard @i$on, &teven Gobs, >oss (erot, @icole Hidman, >achel <eis3, Angelina Golie, 0aith %ill, @orah Gones, @icole >ichie, 0orrest Aars, 9eve :owda, &ubroto >oy, and &aurav :anguly, are a ew typical B1s! B.! ,ne o the most power ul names in Fenus' domain! :allantry and prudence are marked traits! 'here is a permanent 5uest or a better li e, and by middle age, they reach a ormidable position! :reat planners, dynamic, kinetic, they have a uni5ue understanding o how things work! 1harismatic and optimistic! ,pportunities come out o the blue, and they e$ploit these with the best resources at their disposal! 'here is a passion or learning, even matter which they have no obvious relation with! 'hey lead disciplined, even austere lives7 it's all part o the plan at getting ahead! (ersonal li e is on irm ground! 'he end will see each member o the amily well set up! =ut people with a prominent 8 in their birth charts will see heaps o con usion in their personal lives! =ank o America, 1harles &chwab, :oldman &achs, @issan Aotor, "lton Gohn, 'iger <oods, %elen Airren, 9on 1headle, %eath #edger, =ritney &pears, Aeryl &treep, Gon =on Govi, Aichael Gordan, &hah >ukh Hhan, #eander (aes, Amartya Humar &en, 9eepa Aehta O (@1 Aenon are a ew amous B.s! Ay own interpretation2 To me, number ! is the number o" great "ame# Mi$hael %a$kson had ! as his destiny number# &t is unheard o" not to love the ! individual# They are entertaining, $harming, genuinely $aring, $harismati$, and humble# They have $onsiderable energy, too, 'hi$h they need in order to kee( in tou$h 'ith their long, long list o" "riends# B8! 'his name gives one a ertile imagination! 0rank, without a worry as to the conse5uences! @obody can deny that they have a point7 the problem is the directness with which matter is

stated! And so, they will be targeted, hounded! 'hey can get into trouble even or highlighting the obvious! 'hey do eel the ear, but they do it anyway! 'his is the number o the marked man, 5uite o ten a ter achieving a position o eminence! 'heir words will destroy others, and themselves! =ut they believe that they hold the moral high ground (and o ten, they actually do), regardless o the numbers that try to convince them otherwise! (ersonal li e is shaky! (ublic wel are is close to their heart, even i they don't achieve much in this direction! It's a great name or those with a prominent .! &alman >ushdie, 'aslima @asreen, Amitabh =achchan, Aung &an &uu Hyi, %ansie 1ron;e, Aary4Hate ,lsen, >obert Augabe O Adol %itler, are amous B8s! The ancients claim that this is an unfortunate number, and if the name e uals a <1, the spelling should be changed to e ual a more fortunate 9ompound number. 4t is symbolized by the tendency toward revolution, upheaval, strife, conflict, and war. 4t carries the vibration of repeated disappointment and failure. BB! 9ouble Bs o *ranus leading to &aturn's C! :reat commercial strategists! Adept at matters inancial! 'he 5uaint relationship between B and C is e$hibited in this name! 'he two Bs suggest atality, dignity and strength! And they better be strong enough to resist temptation! :reed and avarice usually bring about the down all o this number! %ey, honesty is a really smart policy! BBs who stick to the straight and narrow path o virtue continue to do very well throughout and stay indomitable! A strong, but sometimes unhappy vibration! It's ine, though, or those with a prominent /! :reat or those whose names are otherwise complying with the re5uirements o (ythagorean numerology! 'hose with a prominent B can even get into trouble with the law! %&=1 %oldings, "$$on Aobil, Aorgan &tanley, >ichard = 1heney, %illary 1linton, %elmut Hohl, Aichael Gackson, 'ilda &winton, (aul @ewman, :eorge Argyros, Gulian &chnabel, (ramod Aaha;an, Finod Hhosla, 1handa Hochhar O #al Hrishna Advani, are amous BBs! Aaster number BB, the master therapist

'he BB is the master who solves the material needs o the world! It is the )&o =elow+ that makes mani est on the material plane! 'wo B-s make this number doubly practical! 'he BB-s are very resource ul! 'hey can take valuable ideas and put them to work helping people build or rebuild their lives! &ome help through Aedicine (BB)! 'he ull number is ?.2 help (.) the body (?)! "dgar 1ayce provided solutions or seemingly unsolvable, insurmountable physical problems, and his =irth (ath was BB! 9r! Gack "nsign Addington o the Abundant #iving 0oundation had a BB =irth (ath, and he gave spiritual insight, hope, and rehabilitation to countless prisoners and others through his radio ministry, )(eace, (oise and (ower,+ and )bundant *iving maga3ine! Ainister is BB! Its ull number is 16L2 spiritual help (L) on "arth (16), or, seek per ection (16) through spirituality (L)! 'he 16 is the 16th sphere on the 'ree o #i e2 Aalkuth! 'his is where spirit descends into matter! 'he BB is a very special kind o 'herapist (BB), one on a &piritual (BB) level! 'hese people usually have a oundation in 'heology (BB)! "dgar 1ayce did his work while under sel 4imposed %ypnosis (BB)! As his conscious sel , his knowledge was ordinary! =ut when he had

these 'remendous (BB) "ncounters (BB) with his Aastermind (BB) while in a trance4like state, his knowledge was *nlimited (BB)! 'he church, throughout the ages, has been a power ul 'herapist in showing how spiritual ideas can be used or our bene it! 'here are 5uite a ew words that total BB which are associated with the church and the ministry, such as2 =ene actor! 1eremony! 1ontentment! "ternity! %appiness! Improve! In luence! Ainister! >ebirth! >espect ul! >everent! &piritual! 'heology! It is interesting to see the esoteric di erence in meanings between certain words! =oth %appiness and 1ontentment total BB, so they are important to the spiritual4material balance! =ut %appiness has the ull number, 16L2 completeness (16) rom within (L), while 1ontentment has the ull number 1B82 ease, ;oy, and com ort (8) worked or and earned (B) by the sel (1)! 1ertain BB4words also show some problems that must be handled2 9ependence! 9iscordant! 9isturbance! "ccentric! %ysteric! Ignorant! &hrewdness! &uspicion! &tupidity! *npopular! <rong ul! &ometimes an e$traordinary type o person will have a name that totals BB, such as %oudini! %is In luence (BB) in illusion was such that people could not tell Appearance (BB) rom >ealities (BB)! 'he BB also relates to persons, places, and things o beauty2 =eauty contest! :orgeous! &hangri4#a! 'wo B-s make this number doubly limited, or B sets up its own boundaries, as is seen by the our4sided s5uare! 'here can be boundaries such as the in liction o (ollution (BB), which is (oisonous (BB)! =y disobeying basic laws we cause our own mis ortunes! =ut we can Improve (BB) our lives with proper "$ercises (BB)! &wimming (BB) is particularly bene icial! <here e$ercises can be used or therapeutic value physically, harmonious music is o like value to us emotionally! 'he ,rchestra (BB) is a dynamic medium or balancing our energies through musical sound! <e can group certain BB4words together and come up with power ul ideas that total CC2 Aarriage4ceremony! Aarriage4happiness! >espect ulappearance! &piritual4 therapist! *nlimited4diplomacy! 'remendous4in luence! 'remendous4 masterwork! (eople with a BB =irth (ath or name total ind themselves involved in helping themselves and others in physical or emotional therapy! It is a master commitment! BB Positive: A leader! 1on idence! Hnows what needs to be done and how to do it! Aental 1ontrol! &trength o conviction! Negative: Inconsiderate! ,verworked! Destructive: &el 4destructive!

B/! Another shining avorite! B/s become amous with their oratory! Aany end up as honchos in the corporate world! =rilliant at running large organi3ations, business with sound ethics is their orte! 'hey have the ability to turn their dreams into reality, to achieve their highest ambitions! >espected or their integrity! 'hreatening a B/ is a oolish thing to do! 1ool cucumbers under stress! :reat or all e$cept or those with a prominent . in the date! 9eutsche =ank, "n3o 0errari, >ussel 1rowe, 1ate =lanchett, "ddie Aurphy, :ordon :etty, Al red @obel, Queen #ati ah, Finod :upta, =aichung =hutia, >amnath :oenka, @imesh Hampani O Auna (atel, are amous B/s B?! Hnowledge, wealth and respect will pursue the holder o this name! Acuity and energy are the chie attributes here! I B? uses his many talents, he will be known internationally! Hnown or his integrity and reasoned ;udgment! @othing can con use the man! <ill be sought a ter or his opinion, to bring matters to an arbitrated conclusion! >enders decisions that are both air and insight ul! 'his is a brilliant name or those with an important 1 in the birth date! <ell balanced li e at home! @> @arayanamurthy, &ubhash 1handra, Humar Aangalam =irla, Aohammed >a i, &hahid Hapoor, Gack @icholson, 1hris 1ooper, %olly %unter, Gohn 'ravolta, :wen &te ani, (eter Gackson, Heshub Aahindra, Aark Suckerberg, Fladimir (utin , @icolas &arko3y, Abigail Gohnson, Albert "instein, %onda Aotor O A,# 'ime <arner are all B?s! BL! 'his is a number o movement and e$pansion! 0ear means nothing to the BL! Quick decision maker and communicator! 1oherent handling o buckets o in ormation! 'hey are well suited or research work and are smart counselors! 0inancial position is great! BLs waste no time in making progress! :reat at solving stubborn problems! 'he idea is to place every piece o their lives in its own place, and then move back to the big picture! &uperb results and a spiritual streak or those with a prominent L! Quintessential gentlemen! <orks against the interests o those with an important D! 1hristina Aguilera, (eter Hellog, 1harles Aunger, &imon 1owell, :eorge &oros, @aomi 1ampbell, (ablo (icasso, Gawaharlal @ehru, (F @arasimha >ao, &richand %indu;a O 9r! @aresh 'rehan are amous BLs! BC! @ot a good name to have, i one wants to improve his circumstances! 'he B o *ranus and C o &aturn, two enemies together are bound to create problems! 0ailures plague him! >epeated e orts bring limited orward movement! 'here is the weight o burdens upon his shoulders! =y bearing physical burdens, they may ind that emotional burdens ease up! 'hey are orced to live under someone else's will, rather than their own! <asted energy, especially in a business name! *ltimately, they will su er rom inancial constraints, and the denial o recognition or services rendered! 'he name is at its worst or a prominent ?! #eaves some wind in the sail, or those with a prominent 8! BD! Ai$ed in luences, as in any B name! %aving said that, this has a power ul streak to it, and has worked wonders or many! BD will be a leader o men, a diplomat or a statesman! Aost success ul in spaces that involve dealing with a lot o people! =rilliant orator! %ard work will pay o , in the end! =elieves strongly in the establishment o order and in a balanced li estyle or themselves! Also in being ;ust and air to all! 'here is a con lict between the dynamic e$pansion o the D and the restrictive and limiting B! %ence there would be more than a air share o un ortunate incidents! (rominent Cs born with this name will be accident prone!

(rocter O :amble, %ome 9epot, 1arlos &lim %elu, >oman (olanski, Gohnny 9epp, @elly 0urtado, Gustin 'imberlake, Aanmohan &ingh, 1himanbhai (atel, Hushal (al &ingh O Harnam Aalleshwari are all BDs! /6! /6 will break through social barriers and reach a top position through their intelligence and capabilities! =rilliant talkers, linguistic skills! 0orthright in their speech and high con idence levels in all they undertake! 'he thought process is ast and urious, almost aggressive! 'hey can it well into any pro ession! "ngineering, especially I' would be ;ust per ect! "$cellence is a given, and they are recogni3ed as luminaries in their chosen ields! 'he /6 is almost totally earless, and never anticipates de eat! 'he spouse would augment income and li estyle! It's suitable or all, but best or those with a prominent / or C! Aercedes =en3, :eneral "lectric, &ano i Aventis, >oche %olding, &pencer (ratt, Annette =ening, (aul :reengrass, &achin 'endulkar, Aahima 1houdhury, &unil =harti Aittal O =ishen &ingh =edi are amous /6s! /1! 'he most in luential name that adds up to ?! /1 is comprised o the two most active, aware numbers! Intrepid O ready to take the world head on! =rilliant leaders, others will draw rom their courage and scale great heights themselves! *ntiring in task completion! 'ruck loads o stamina and strength! :reat moral iber and superb health! 'hey are the pillar o any amily or organi3ation! 'hey are surprisingly polite and easy to get on with! (roo that one doesn't need to antagoni3e others in order to show one's mettle! A name that brings in health O wealth! &uitable or all e$cept 8s! =erkshire %athaway, #ockheed Aartin, @elson Aandela, 1olin (owell, Aargaret 'hatcher, >oman Abramovich, >oberto =enigni, ,prah <in rey, Aikhail :orbachev, Aichelle <illiams, =ena3ir =hutto, 9eepak 1hopra O #akshmi @arain Aittal, are prominent /1s! This number possesses a strong potency of its own. 4t!s associated with the nature of the warrior, and promises sudden advancement in whatever one undertakes. 4t is especially favorable for those who need protection in military or naval life, and for the leaders of any $cause$ unrelated to war. Det, it also brings the threat of dangerous enemies and the possibility of attempted assassination; therefore, it is clearly wise, should the name e ual A1, to change the spelling to e ual a safer 9ompound number--and forget the glory. /.! Attention and goodwill to others is the hallmark o this name! It's a name that brings intuition and insight to the ore! A gi ted counselor and a caring riend, they are ready to provide a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold, whenever needed! Inner and outer beauty! :reat at the arts, music, poetry, and as a parent! It's an unsuitable name in today's hostile commercial world, e$cept or those with a prominent .! ,thers should look at more suitable names! Aggressive competition is not their orte! @urturing, sympathetic and tireless in devotion to children! #ovely sense o humor, because they are able to look ob;ectively at the material world! Gulianne Aoore, Aorgan 0reeman O :eorge =enson are all /.s! /8! Inner strength, stamina and the will to go on, in the ace o impossible odds are at the center o this name! &o the going does get tough, but they keep going! 'he name is de ensive, but it is a name o dynamic de ense! Incredible strength, to endure whatever is thrown their way! =estows a rather meddling personality, and is capable o generating the odd storm in a teacup! <ary o others! 'hen there is the apathy! &teady change is stability, or a /8! Age will bring balance, and a more amiable persona! "arly years will bring a

mi$ture o conspicuous victories and ailures, no middle ground or them! "$cellent commercial brain! (ersonal li e is rather uneasy! *nsuitable or those with a prominent B in the birth date! Absolutely brilliant i other aspects o the name are in compliance with (ythagorean numerology! %ewlett (ackard, American "$press, 1arlo =enetton, Antonio =anderas, &amantha Aorton, :eorge Aitchell, 1lint "astwood, Imelda &taunton, (hillip 0rost, Firender &ehwag O #aloo (rasad Jadav are all /8s! /B! 'he / (Aercury) and B (*ranus) adding to Aartian D! All 8 are active numbers, and go all out in achieving their goals! 'his is a number o material security, both earned through work, and that ac5uired through another source, such as inheritance! 'he knowledge to utili3e his wealth and power correctly, that's present in heaps! =ut knowledge is not enough, and this is the number o the miser, who re uses to help others in need, because he ears loss o position! 'he result is loss o riends, and possibly, loss o wealth! Aust consciously be risk averse and use his ability as a specialist in promoting change! Ai$ed in luences prevail throughout! 'he autumn o his li e will see some stability, some lost ground regained! 'his name works well or those with a prominent D, but those with a prominent . or L will run or cover rom problems! ,utstanding or those whose names are well matched per (ythagorean numerology! =arack %ussein ,bama, 'ommy #ee Gones, (amela Anderson, Ge rey =e3os, Fenkatesh (rasad, Ashwini @achappa, Goshna 1hinappa and Fiswanathan Anand are amous /Bs! //! 'win /s adding to a 12 :reat bodily strength and mental resolve! Quick thinker who can't endure ools! 'here are bound to be con rontations, all emotions are strongly elt! #ucid understanding and deep insights help in achieving their goals! %eads are hard disks ull o in ormation! 'heir plans are short term7 they go through li e in brilliant spurts, varied directions! Aaterial stability is assured7 it's a very ortunate name! Initiates change wherever they go! A name with great potential, i // decides to be disciplined with long term pro;ects! It's a great name or those born on the even dates7 the rest may grow to be a little too individualistic! >oyal 9utch &hell, 0rance 'elecom, &tandard 1hartered, :eorge <ashington, 0orest <hitaker, 1harli3e 'heron, 1atherine Heener, &uleiman Herimov, &ergei (opov, =oris =ere3ovsky, Hiran Aa3umdar &haw, Aahesh =hupathi, 9r!Ferghese Hurien, O Aa5bul 0ida %ussain are amous //s! Aaster number //, Intelligence

'he entire scope o all knowledge is contained within the 'en &ephiroth, or numbers! <hen 1 through 16 are added to each other, their total is //, so // is known as the number o intelligence! &ince / plus / is 16, the number o per ection, //4words strive or per ect answers2 Aristocratic! 9ictionary! 9iscipline! Intelligent! @umerology! ,mniscience! ,rchestrated! (ictures5ue! (ro ession! >e inement! >esearcher! 'he basic meanings o / are se$uality and the senses, reedom, curiosity, and adaptability, so the // is both a physical and a mental number! Its 16 root is a new start, on a new cycle2 :enerations! :randparent! (ersonality! >e;uvenation! 'he negative vibration is ound in2 =raggadocio! 1ondemnation! 1ounter eit! (ro ligate (reckless spendthri t)!

&ome //4words that have 166 as their ull number are2 9iscipline! #ightning! >esearcher! 'he 166 is the power o 16 raised to the 1osmic level2 16 multiplied by itsel ! It has been described as the 'en &ephiroth o the 'ree o #i e accomplishing by sel 4contemplation (The +ook o" Tokens, 1L.)! 'hese are strong words! #ightning is unharnessed primal energy! 9iscipline makes us strong, and it is the researcher who inds the answers!

/?! A great name or those with a prominent L in the birth date! 'hey are the only ones who have the T4ray vision to see through the illusions that this name evokes! In addition, it is harmonious with their date! &o they are assured the best that is on o er! 0or the rest o us, this name presents too many possibilities, options! Aany o these are delusional, and the /? wanders in <onderland! @othing becomes a reality7 there is no ocus, clarity or hard work! &ome attainment is indeed possible, but like the sword o 9amocles, the inevitability o de eat lingers over his head, waiting to drop and shatter all those castles he built in the clouds! 'emptation is the other theme o this name! @eedless to say, pleasure gained temporarily is ar outweighed by the long term conse5uences! /L! Another name signi ying de eat! 'hat said, this is a great name or those who go into the per orming arts, they do not undergo a similar ate! 'he name indicates an impasse between two e5ual, opposing orces! 'hese orces can take on di erent orms2 the impulse to act, against the desire to stay silent, or knowing what to do versus actually doing it! I these con licts are not solved, they can lead to long term stagnation! Quite o ten, the problems are with the partner! /Ls lose early advantages and run into trouble in advanced years! 'here is the need to clearly understand his situation, and to look at his actions ob;ectively! 'hose with a prominent 8 do airly well with this name, whilst prominent ?s would be put out o business! =enito Aussolini is a typical /L! /C! A great name or those with a prominent 1! /Cs have great perception and insight! 'his clarity helps them see straight into the heart o any situation, past the illusions that may entice others into seeing what is really not there! 1annot be easily deceived! 'he do not tolerate disagreement! It's not a great name at keeping riends, to some e$tent, because they are so rank! 'hen there is the dry and nasty sense o humor! 'hey are treasure4 houses o knowledge, and any time spent with them is worthwhile! <hen paired with a suitable birth date, /C can propel one on to the global arena! A prominent C with this name will have a roller coaster ride! Its ine or the others, but best or those with a prominent 1! Ai3uho 0inancial, <arren =u et, 0rancois (inault, >upert Aurdoch, &ilvio =erlusconi O >eliance Industries are all /Cs! /D! Aercury and Aars together, two active, dynamic planets, one cerebral and the other physical! A combination like this always yields superb results! 'hey will be known as pro essionals, always on top o the problem! ,ne who has learned all aspects o their career and is now putting all that knowledge to practical use! 1ooperation with others towards yields ma;or achievements! Aotivation and honest endeavor are their strengths! 'here is the tendency to be a little un air in dealings with others, without adverse impact to

themselves! <herever Aercury is involved, there is the tendency to be spontaneous, sporadic! 9iscipline will help the /D cover the e$tra mile! " ective public speakers, given to a lot o detail! 'hey end up in pro essions that are both personally O inancially ul illing! A brilliant name, good or all, above average or a prominent 1 or ?! =eyonce Hnowles is a amous /D! ?6! Another da33ling name rom Fenus' stable! :reat or all, e$cept or those with a prominent 8! 0osters a beauti ul li e, ull o the ;oy o living! 'he name signi ies a li e well lived, in the company o others! All duties ul illed, ;obs completed! &erenity and peace are in the air, material worries are missing! <isdom and skill are present, coupled with artistic or musical ability! 0amily brings happiness, pride! @o misgivings about the past, no an$iety over the uture! 'here is little else one can ask or! &teven &pielberg, Figgo Aortensen, 1arrie *nderwood, (hilip Anschut3, &heldon Adelson, Aano; @ight &hyamalan, (rakash (adukone O @av;ot &ingh &idhu, are all ?6s! ?1! A ter those three great names, we have disturbing ?1! 'hat said, it is a great name or those with a prominent . in the birth date! 'he others will be plagued by worries, though material com orts are present! Aost o ten, they are overwhelmed by sadness, unto a point where they decide to leave the troubling situation, and escape to a 3one o peace! *neasy at home! >enewed e orts bring victory, even ame, but the ?1 is orever cycling uphill! 'hey are huge on ambition7 there is an impartial and analytical nature that stands out! 'he sky is the limit, once they take the decision to leave behind limiting circumstances! 9avid >ocke eller, #eonardo 9i1aprio O 0rances Ac9ormand are all ?1s! ?.! A brilliant, but rather ;uvenile name! 'here is orce and vivacity, and resultant rashness o decision! %e is the catalyst that provokes changes that might be impossible in any other situation! %is arrival on a scene is always treated as good news, especially when massive change is re5uired to put things back on rails! Fivid and constructive imagination, ree spirit! 'here is the power to deal with ears, by acing them, and calling their blu ! Aaterial stability is assured! %igh on ethics! 9anger rom the elements, and accident prone! #i e at home is ar rom un7 o ten it's 5uite a task to keep riends and relatives happy! "nds up making some power ul enemies, given their clear intent and outspoken nature! :reat or those with a prominent . or /, bad news or those with a prominent B! 1arre our :roup, &tephen =echtel, Genni er %udson O Genni er #ope3 are amous ?.s! ?8! 'his name brings about 5uestionable ethics! ?8s employ diplomacy and tact, when they recogni3e that brute orce does have its limitations! @ot the best o team players, they believe that the team can slow them down! All o li e's challenges are not overcome7 there will be work remaining or those le t behind! Quite o ten, they become victims o guile themselves7 leaving them with the lesson that deception is now not the best way to win! 'he ends do not always ;usti y the means! 'here is indecision, and a warped sense o ethics! &everal useless attempts to achieve impossible targets! 0riends dri t away! At its worst or those with a prominent . or L in the birth date! 0airly neutral or those with an important 8, ? or D! 0elicity %u man, &ubhash 1handra =ose O :eorge 0ernandes are all ?8s! ?B! Another great name, especially or those with a prominent 1, . or B in their birth date! 'his name is very strong on activity, more mental than physical! %is actions are dominated by

the power o his rational thought, which can be a little insensitive at times! :reat at gathering in ormation, and at research! >ather balanced, his emotions will not rule him, and he will not linger over each decision he makes! :reat (>, persuasive speaker and brilliant at managing change! %e has the per ect balance between diplomacy and candidness! ?Bs do well at academics and rapidly rise up the ladder in the corporate world! 'heir aversion to underhand practices brings them both moral authority, and some opposition! 'hey will be amous or their e$pertise and integrity! 0inancial prospects are e$cellent7 multiple sources o income are indicated! Fery neutral to amily li e, that would depend on the birth data! 1onoco (hillips, (enelope 1ru3, >enee Sellwegger, Genni er 1onnelly O 9eepika (adukone are all ?Bs! ?/! Quite a good name, or those with a prominent L in the date! ?/ assures an e$cellent li e partner, and a home that is illed with peace and goodwill! It's a name that denotes cooperation with, and advancement due to association with in luential people! =rings all relationships to the ore, everybody wants to be a riend o the ?/! <ill become a seeker o spiritual tran5uility! 1hildren he can be proud o ! <ill unction very well as a mediator, counselor, and any role that re5uires antastic interpersonal skills! 'hose with a prominent D in the birth date, stay away rom this name! &tandard 1hartered =ank, 9eutsche 'elekom, 'he >olling &tones (still gathering no moss!) 1ondolee33a >ice O (erve3 Ausharra are amous ?/s! ??! 'he twin numbers o Fenus is a antastic combination or those with a prominent 8, /, L or D in their dates! 'his is without doubt, the most power ul name that adds up to a 8! 'he name indicates accomplishment on all levels 4 pro essional, emotional, inancial and physical! Ideas and dreams become reality! :reat things ;ust happen! =rilliant speakers, house proud, well turned out! Abundant happiness, satis action! =y middle age, he will be in a position with clout! I cannot sense a single reason to disparage this name! 'he great part is that they will not become slaves to lu$ury7 there would be a healthy balance in how they en;oy the goodies! 1redit &uisse :roup, Gohnson O Gohnson, &amsung "lectronics, #iliane =ettencourt, (rince Alwaleed bin 'alal Al &aud, Aahendra &ingh 9honi O (ulella :opichand, are all ??s! ?L! A suitable name or all e$cept or those with a prominent . or C in the birth date! 'his is a person who has a vivid imagination, heaps o creativity, and at the same time is solidly grounded! <ith him, beauty and emotion can endure orever, because he represents the essence o li e and not the sur ace! %onesty and sincerity shine through! &uperb communicator, the per ect word to convey the intention! %e values tran5uility and peace, and as such is o ten out o place in the modern world because he cannot always cope with con lict! All the same, material success is a given, especially when he is associated with manu acturing, design and negotiations! &tands out at academic pursuits! %e is never detached rom his imaginative plane in this world o technology and practicality! Aaersk Ac4Hinney Aoller, the shipping tycoon, is a ?L! ?C! #oss and gain are the perpetual ingredients o his li e! Auch e$citement and tension throughout! Always kept on the move, with something important that needs to be done, now! 'here is no stagnation, yes! =ut the eeling o security that permanence O continuity can bring, that's absent! %aving said that, the ?C does his best to keep disorder manageable! %e is like a per ormer, who keeps all the balls in continuous motion!

*n ortunately, the odd ball or two does drop, and the ?C has 5uite a time in transition! 0inances are at the edge o chaos, but there is enough to get him by! It is a ortunate number or those with a prominent /, C or D in their birth date! 'he others are better o with something that doesn't keep them constantly on their toes and out o breath! ?D! Fenus and Aars together, this is one antastic combination! &low but very steady development is the trait here, not dissimilar to a large rocket taking o ! 'here is persistence and staying power in achieving long term ob;ectives! @o worries in everyday li e! %e is a pillar o inancial strength, with the e$perience and wisdom to share with all! An entrepreneur to the core, with the intelligence to not be swept away by the da33le o money! A traditionalist, he sticks with the tried, and the proven! 0amily li e is very stable, and the ?D spends large doses o 5uality time with his olks! %e is big on patience, and has riends o all kinds, no class demarcations or him! (hilanthropy is important, and he gives generously o his time and resources! A brilliant name or all, e$cept or those with a prominent 8 in the birth date! >oyal =ank o &cotland O 9en3el <ashington are both ?Ds! L6! Ais ortune plagues the L6 or the irst two4thirds o li e! #i e will be relatively stable, in advanced years, but the evolution is usually too little, too late! Quite o ten, the hammering he gets is enough to throw things away, and withdraw in search o spiritual silence! 'his name is the ultimate coach, and it shows him how to not all into the evil side o human nature again! 'he impact is not too adverse or those with a prominent . in the date, but even so, I would advise against its deployment or all! L1! 1on idence and clarity are robbed rom one with this name! 'here is hesitation, rational thought is compromised, and emotions are twisted! ,nce the L1 reali3es that he need not go down the road o mental entrapment, pieces o the pu33le will all in place! Aeanwhile, a lot o water has lown under the bridge! Aaterial growth is severely curtailed! %e seems to per orm better i he is working on behal o others! It's a airly good name or those with a prominent / in the birth date! Ill advised or those with a prominent B, they will need to be emotionally supported throughout! L.! 'his is a brilliant name, when it comes to material success! It's a name signi ying slow growth, but he is endowed with talents, and the results kick in at middle age! All talents will be ully e$ploited! @ot in re5uently, L.s are recipients o large inheritances! 1ommercial O engineering skills are pronounced! "ducation is well supported, and the name is neutral to amily li e (this will depend on the birth data)! &trong o body and mind! *ndaunted by hurdles! 0ertile imagination7 uni5ue ideas that are planted here will grow well O bear ruit! <el are o the disadvantaged is important to him! <ell suited or all, e$cept those with a prominent . in their birth date! L8! 'his is the ountain o knowledge and happiness! :reat at building and managing a team! &piritual strength, coupled with intuition! It's a herald o good ortune! Aultiple sources o income! <ill do very well at senior positions, especially i in the government! Integrity and candor shine through! &trong emotional connections with the amily! It's a good name across the board, although those with a prominent 1 or B in the chart tend to harvest better rewards! A li e well lived, but with a little less social concern when compared with the L.! >eese <itherspoon is a L8!

LB! @ot e$actly a happy name, this one can make li e careen into trouble! 9oesn't knock the socks out o somebody with a prominent L in the birth date, though (they end up aring 5uite well, actually)! 0or others, this is a name symboli3ing lament over past actions! A ter all who can you blame, when the buck did stop at your doorI 'ormented by what has happened, and an$ious about the uture! Aore worries made up in the head, than are actually out there 4 once bitten twice shyI 'here is a strange belligerence7 the inability to compromise can lead to sel demolition! 0inancial circumstances are wobbly! 0amily li e is troubled! %ealth is not all that great, gastric problems are indicated! <el are o others is important! 'read with caution, is my advice! L/! 'he L/ leads the li e o an artist and an intellectual! 9riven by passion, he loats above the everyday grind! =rilliant creativity, whatever orms it takes! &low, but steady progress is what he makes! 'here is inner calm and peace! 'here is out o the bo$ wisdom that others can use to surmount obstacles in their own lives! %is is an utopian view o li e that is dismissed by the realist! 1onversely, he has no space or people who are not driven by vision! &olid riends, who help, and are helped! Ample education and inances! <ill be luminaries in their ield o work, and well regarded in society! Aany contradictory in luences or those with a prominent ? in the birth date! L?! A strong element o risk pervades the autumn o his li e! It is a challenge that can be overcome, but lethargy strikes the L? at the very same time! "motional issues dominate! ,nce the L? beats the apathy, old mountains can be climbed again! I not, li e's closure would be dreary! 'he rest o li e is ine7 there is an indomitable spirit, coupled with an industrious nature! 0inancial, academic and especially pro essional spheres are well taken care o ! >easonably good or those with a prominent 1, but mayhem prevails i there is a prominent C in the birth date! LL! 'he twin Ls leading to Aercury's /! "nergy in thought, keen insight, highly adaptive, risk takers! 'he last bit needs to be reined in a bit7 their accomplishments make them want to scale ever greater heights, and ast! &o long as they manage risk whilst managing change, all will be well! 'his is a brilliant name that can be given to all, although it is slightly partial to those with a prominent C! :reat at academics, irm O upright in character, well respected! 'hey spurn o ers o assistance, and take great pride in being sel 4made! #ots o travel, always learning! 'his name is unbiased when it comes to amily li e7 that would depend entirely on the birth data! Arnold &chwar3enegger the 'erminator is a typical LL! LC! Another brilliant name rom Fenus' arsenal! 1aring and nurturing, a LC has the desire and the ability to help all around him, with nary a thought about reward! 'he rat race is not or him! In contradiction though, he is materially wealthy! =ut that is outdone by the wealth he has built through charity and compassion! 9ependable and stead ast, a true riend in need! 'heir homes are not ;ust a bunch o walls7 they are sanctuaries where peace and goodwill are alive! Ability to motivate, through gentle persuasion! 'his is an all rounder o a name or all, e$cept or prominent 8s! LD! An uphill climb awaits those with this name! 'he irst hal o li e will present many a

stumbling block, urging them to be sure4 ooted in all they undertake! 'he knowledge and e$perience garnered will make them well sought a ter pro essionals! <hile the rest o us are acing our mid li e crises, LDs will move into top gear! 0amily li e is a little rocky, but their compasses would point towards greater understanding, and support or those who depend on them! &teer clear o disdain or those who are where you once were! It's a great name or those with a prominent ., and above average or the rest! "$cepting or prominent Ds, who need to stay ar rom this name! In osys 'echnologies is a amous LD! C6! 'he power o &aturn magni ied! I would keep away! 'he name would push one into being overworked, and burnt out! (ro essional li e over lows with hardships and adversity! <ith not enough time o , the C6 becomes robotic! (ersonal relationships are neglected7 lots o mending needs to be done there! Quite a loner! (essimism rules! 'here is good stamina and endurance, but o what use is it, i the world demands moreI 0airly good or those with a prominent /, and very adverse or those with a prominent B!

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