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Quiz on Fiber Optics

1. The speed of light in a transparent material: (a) is always the same regardless of the material chosen (b) is never greater than the speed of light in free space (c) increases if the light enters a material with a higher refractive index (d) is slowed down by a factor of a million within the first 60 meters 2. A ray of light in a transparent material of refractive index 1. is approaching a material with a refractive index of 1.!". At the bo#ndary$ the critical angle is: (a) %0& (b) %.!& (c) ' .(& (d) "0.6& 3. )f a ray of light approaches a material with a greater refractive index: (a) the angle of incidence will be greater than the angle of refraction (b) T)* will always occ#r (c) the speed of the light will increase immediately as it crosses the bo#ndary (d) the angle of refraction will be greater than the angle of incidence 4. )f a light ray crosses the bo#ndary between two materials with different refractive indices: (a) no refraction wo#ld ta+e place if the angle of incidence was 0& (b) refraction will always occ#r (c) the speed of the light will not change if the incident ray is traveling along the normal (d) the speed of light never changes 5.The common windows #sed in fiber optic comm#nications are centered on wavelengths of: (a) 1,00 nm$ 1 0 nm and " 0 nm (b) " 0 nm$ 1 00 nm and 1,00 nm (c) 1, 0 nm$1 00 nm and " 0 nm (d) "00 nm$ 1,00 nm and 1 0 nm 6. A wavelength of 660 nm is often #sed for visible light transmission. The fre-#ency of this light in free space wo#ld be: (a) 660 x10.% /0 (b) !. x101! /0 (c) ,00 x10" /0 (d) ! x101( /0 7. The window with the longest wavelength operates at a wavelength of approximately: (a) " 0 nm (b) 1 0 1m (c) 1, 0 nm (d) 1. 1m 8. The " 0 nm window remains pop#lar beca#se it: (a) #ses visible light and this allows plastic fibers to be #sed (b) the fiber is less expensive to install and has lower losses than any other windows (c) the system is less expensive and easier to install (d) allows higher data transmission rates 9. 2o material co#ld have a refractive index of:

(a) 1. (b) 1., (c) 1.1 (d) 0.% 10. The ray enters the optic fiber at an angle of incidence of 1 & as shown in the following fig#re. The angle of refraction in the core wo#ld be: (a) ".,& (b) 10.1!& (c) ' & (d) 1 . !&

11. As the meridional ray is propagated along the optic fiber it: (a) travels in a sort of spiral shape (b) stays in the center of the fiber (c) passes repeatedly thro#gh the center of the core (d) is reflected off the inside s#rface of the primary b#ffer. This is called T)*. 12. )f the refractive index of the core of an optic fiber was 1.!' and that of the cladding was 1.!!$ the cone of acceptance wo#ld have an angle of approximately: (a) 1'.1%& (b) '(."(& (c) '".!& (d) ,!.,6& 13. The angle3 in the following fig#re has a val#e of:

(a) 80.6 (b) 50

(c) 39.3 (d) 50.7

14. The prim r! bu""er# (a) reflects the light bac+ into the core to allow propagation of light down the optic fiber (b) m#st have a lower refractive index than the core (c) is a plastic layer aro#nd the cladding to protect the optic fiber from mechanical damage (d) m#st be airtight to prevent loss of the core vac##m


1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10.(b) 11.(c) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(c)

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