M Lacandonica 1

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Phytotaxa 79 (1): 3036 (2013) www.mapress.

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Copyright 2013 Magnolia Press

ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)


ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)

Magnolia lacandonica (subsection Talauma, Magnoliaceae), a new rainforest species from Chiapas, Mexico

Herbario IBUG, Instituto de Botnica, Departamento de Botnica y Zoologa, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mxico; email: [email protected] 2 Herbario Eizi Matuda, Facultad de Ciencias Biolgicas, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutirrez, Chiapas, Mxico

A new species of Magnolia from the rainforest of Chiapas, Mexico, is described and illustrated. Magnolia lacandonica belongs to section Talauma subsection Talauma and is similar to M. mexicana , but it differs from the latter in having larger number of carpels and stamens, the dorsal wall of carpels unhumped vs humped, an outer spathaceous bract topped with a reduced leaf blade vs lacking leaf blade and petals entirely white vs tinged with purple. Key words: jolmasht, Magnolia inbioana, Magnolia mexicana, Mexican endemic, Talauma, tajchak

Se describe e ilustra una especie nueva de Magnolia del bosque tropical perennifolio de Chiapas, Mxico. Magnolia lacandonica pertenece a la seccin Talauma, subseccin Talauma y es similar a M. mexicana, pero difiere de esta ltima por tener mayor cantidad de carpelos y estambres, pared dorsal de carpelos sin joroba vs con joroba, brctea espatcea exterior coronada con una lmina foliar reducida vs sin lmina foliar reducida y ptalos enteramente blancos vs teidos de prpura.

Here, we describe and illustrate Magnolia lacandonica , a new species of Magnolia, endemic to the Lacandonian tropical rainforests in Chiapas, Mexico. The lack of fresh flowering material and mature fruits did not previously permit understanding this widely distributed but locally infrequent species; however, recent collections of mature fertile material at both Chajul and Misolh permitted the authors to contrast these specimens with similar taxa and conclude that this taxon was actually an undescribed species, often confused previously with M. mexicana Candolle (1817: 451). There are 21 species of Magnolia Linnaeus (1753: 535) s.l. reported for the flora of Mexico, 14 belong to section Magnolia, six to section Talauma (Jussieu 1789: 281) Baillon (1866: 66), subsection Talauma and one to section Macrophylla Figlar & Noteboom (2004: 92) (Vzquez-Garca 1990, 1994; Vzquez-Garca et al. 2002, 2012a, 2012b, 2012c; Jimnez et al. 2005, 2007; Cruz-Durn 2008). Currently, Chiapas is known to have six species, four belonging to Magnolia section Magnolia: M. mayae A.Vzquez & Prez-Farr. (2012: 109), M. aff. poasana (Pittier 1910: 93) Dandy (1927: 263), M. sharpii Miranda (1955: 29), M. aff. yoroconte Dandy (1930: 147) and two belonging to section Talauma Baillon (1966: 66), subsection Talauma, usually

30 Accepted by Mark Chase: 24 Dec. 2012; published online in PDF: 5 Feb. 2013

treated as Talauma mexicana (DC) G.Don (1831: 85), a synonym of M. mexicana, confined to central Mexico (Breedlove 1981). Here, one of these two species belonging to subsection Talauma is described as a new species.

Magnolia lacandonica A.Vzquez, Prez-Farr. & Mart.-Camilo, sp. nov. (Fig. 1)

Magnolia lacandonica is similar to M. mexicana in terms of shape of fruits and leaves, but it differs from the later in having a larger number of carpels 7080 vs 3840 and a larger number of stamens 198248 vs ca. 120, carpels not humped vs humped, petals entirely white vs tinged with purple. In terms of the number of carpels and stamens, M. lacandonica is similar to M. inbioana A.Vzquez (2012: 106), but the latter has long beaked carpels and larger obovate, attenuate leaves. Type:MEXICO. Chiapas: Municipality Marqus de Comillas, Boca Chajul, 0.4 km al NO de la casa del Sr. Manuel Lombera, selva alta perennifolia, 150 m elevation, 167'18.37"N, 9055'32.44"W, 8 May 2012 (fl. bud & fl.), Vzquez-Garca, Martnez-Camilo, Lombera, Torres-Santos, Santos-Flores & Vzquez-Godinez 9341 (holotype IBUG!, isotypes HEM!, MEXU!).

Trees 2835 m in height; 0.7 m dbh; twigs 8.701.30 0.751.50 cm, yellowish pubescent; petioles 6.07.5 0.30.4 cm, adaxially flat, yellowish pubescent. Leaves 1822.5 7.011.0 cm, elliptic to broadly elliptic; leaf blades glabrous, with 11 secondary veins. Flowers white; hypsophylls 2, the outer one (spathaceous bract) retaining a reduced leaf blade, the inner one without any remnant leaf blade; sepals 3.45.8 3.75.0 cm, broadly obovate to subrotund, concave, creamy white, thicker than petals; petals 6, outer petals 6.06.2 x 2.73.2 cm, oblong-obovate, creamy white, concave; inner ones 4.85.8 2.53.3 cm, oblong obovate with acute apex, adaxially with sticky nectar. Stamens 198248, 12.0 2.02.5 mm, creamy white. Styles 3 x 1 mm. Fruits 11.5 9.5 cm, 11.015.0 cm in diameter during dehiscence, ovoid, with sunken stylar marks before maturity, yellowish-green, puberulous. Carpels 6170, not humped, dorsally slightly verrucose, usually splitting half way of their length, few remain attached forming groups of two or three carpels after dehiscence; fruit axis 3.66.6 cm, ellipsoid to oblongoid, acute at the apex; seeds 1.01.2 cm, subrotund, with a smooth reddish sarcotesta, black. Distribution and ecology:Magnolia lacandonica is endemic to the Usumacinta-Lacandonian region of Chiapas in tropical rain forest in the Lacantn and Tulij basins. It should be looked for in southeastern Tabasco, Mexico, and in the Guatemalan portions of the Usumacinta river basin. No seedlings or saplings were observed, and there was heavy predation on flower buds and immature fruits by squirrels and/or howler monkeys. Cyclocephala sp. (a beetle) chews on flower buds and eats stamens. Magnolia lacandonica is locally rare throughout the Lacandonian rain forest. Eponymy, ethnobotany and conservation:It is named after the Lacandonian region, where is locally known as tajchak (Lacandn), jolmasht (Tzeltal), anonillo, canelo o magnolia (Spanish). Scent of the flowers resembles the smell of guanbana (fruits of Annona muricata L.). The wood of this tree is highly valued by local people, and outside protected areas its occurrence has been drastically reduced due to conversion of rainforest to agriculture and pasturelands. There was a single adult tree at the type locality and two adult trees at the Misolh waterfall, both under protection. Several trees are protected at the Chajul Tropical Biological Station (UNAM), Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve.


Phytotaxa 79 (1) 2013 Magnolia Press


FIGURE 1. Magnolia lacandonica. A. Spathaceous bract topped with a reduced leaf blade (left) and flower bud without spathaceous bract (right). B. Flower before fully opened. C. Gynoecium with and without stamens and showing styles. D. Carpels, single and aggregated in a small group. E. Mature fruit with inconspicuous and flat apex of carpels. F. Fruit during dehiscence, with carpels falling singly. Photographs: AD from Vzquez-Garca et al. 9341 (by J. Antonio Vzquez-Garca); E and F, from Martnez-Camilo 1416 (by Ruben Martnez Camilo).


Phytotaxa 79 (1) 2013 Magnolia Press


FIGURE 2. Magnolia lacandonica. Type tree in tropical rainforest at Chajul (center), Chiapas; Jos Angel Torres Santos climbing in search for flowers (upper right corner); leaf variability (lower left corner). Photographs by J. Antonio Vzquez-Garca.


Phytotaxa 79 (1) 2013 Magnolia Press


FIGURE 3. Distribution of Magnolia lacandonica.

Key to species of Magnolia in Chiapas (M. inbioana, from Costa Rica, added).
Petioles with long stipular scar; schistosyncarp with circumcissile dehiscence (Section Talauma, subsection Talauma): Carpels 8992, falling in large multi-carpelar irregular masses; stamens 175179 ............................. M. sp. nov. ined. Carpels 6170, usually falling separately, occasionally the basal ones aggregated (24); stamens 194248, Leaf blades 18.022.5 cm, elliptic, usually obtuse at the base, apex of dorsal wall of carpels apiculate at most .................. ............................................................................................................................................................... M. lacandonica Leaf blades 29.042.0 cm, oblong obovate and cuneate-attenuate basally, apex of dorsal wall of carpels prominently beaked ......................................................................................................................................................... M. inbioana Petioles with stipular scar absent or not evident; polyfollicle with dorsal dehiscence (Section Magnolia): Mature polyfollicles densely pubescent, mostly 712 (15) 35 (5.3) cm in diam. Leaves cuneate and narrowly obovate, shortly and abruptly acuminate; carpels 4257; stamens 9597........ M. mayae Leaves broadly obovate to ovate, abaxially with shortly appressed pubescence; carpels 8599 (100), stamens 220240.......................................................................................................................................................... M. sharpii Mature pollyfollicles glabrous, 36 (7) cm long, 23.7 (4.4) cm in diam. Stamens 6072, petals gradually attenuate ............................................................................................M. aff. poasana Stamens (100)128131(145), petals abruptly attenuate ....................................................................M. aff. yoroconte

Additional specimens examined:MEXICO. Chiapas: Municipality Salto de Agua, cerca de cabaas de Misolh, 255 m elevation, 1723'31"N, 9159'59"W, 8 May 2012 (fl. bud & fl.), Vzquez-Garca & MartnezCamilo 9342a, 9342b (HEM, IBUG); a 50 m al W (ro abajo) de la cascada de Misolh, a 15 m del ro, 260 m, 1723'28.1"N, 9159'57.4"W, 28 December 2011 (fr.), Muiz-Castro & Muiz-Castro 916 (IBUG); Municipality Yajaln, 500 m, Ro Pulpitillo, 20 October 1982 (fr.) , Shilon-Ton 4854 (MEXU, MO);


Phytotaxa 79 (1) 2013 Magnolia Press


Municipality Chiln, San Jernimo Tulij, 115 June 1968 (immature fr.), Chavelas-P. et al 3074 (MEXU); along road to Bachajon, 68 km N of Ocosingo, 900 m, 9 November 1971 (fr.), Breedlove & Smith 22188 (MEXU, MO); Municipality Panthel, 3 km al E del centro de Panthel, 1700'48N, 9230'54W, 1200 m, 1 October 1994 (sterile), Schmid 27 ( CH); Municipality Ocosingo, Lacanj-Chansayab, vereda de Pancho Lpez, 115 m, 13 February 1995, Paniagua 447 (MEXU); Arroyo Nuevo Tila, camino Lacanj, 6.4 km al S de Nuevo Guerrero, 1655'47N, 9116'14W, 380 m, 27 May 2002 (fl. bud), Aguilar-M. et al. 1141 (MEXU, MO); Alrededor del poblado de Bonfil, 1648'N 9118'W, 520 m, 23 November 1976 (fr), Valdivia-Q. 2309 (MEXU, XAL); 700 m al SW del poblado Plan de Ayutla, Zona Norte, Chiapas, 1648'01"N, 9118' 41"W, 660 m, 26 October 1996 (fr.), Lpez-Garca 72 (CH); 2 km al N de San Javier, 1646'48"N, 917'14"W, 28 January 2003 (fl. bud), Aguilar-M. et al. 5255 (MEXU); 68 km north of Ocosingo, along road to Bachajn, 1657'31"N 09206'44"W, 900925 m, 9 November 1971 (fr.), Breedlove & Smith 22188 (MO); Crucero Corozal, sobre el camino Palenque-Boca Lacantn,180 m, (fl. & fr.), 18 April 1985, Martinez-S. 12076 (MEXU, MO, TEX, XAL); 7.5 km al SO de Bonampak, 1639'51"N, 910'59W, 29 November 2002 (fr.), Alvarez et al. 2752 (MEXU); Municipality La Independencia, ridge, 4550 km E of Lagos de Montebello National Park on road to Ixcn from Santa Elena, 1607'04N, 9117'29W, 760 m, 10 February 1982 (fr.), Breedlove 58475 (MO); Municipality Benemrito de Las Amricas, 8 km al S de Benemrito de Las Amricas, camino a Flor de Cacao, en Zona Marqus de Comillas, 1630'36"N 09039'00"W, 8 April 1985 (fr.), Martnez S. 11619 (MO, TEX); Municipality Marqus de Comillas, Estacin Chajul, selva alta perennifolia, 150 m, 22 July 1992 (fl. & fr.), Martnez S., Ramos, Lombera & Guerrero 25090 (MEXU); 1 km abajo de Arroyo Miranda, en los alrededores de Chajul, selva Lacandona, 14, February 1985 (fr.), CastilloCampos et al. 3833 (XAL); Boca Chajul, 1 km al SO del poblado, 1607' N, 9055' W, 300 m, 21 April 1992 (fl. bud & fl.), Domnguez-Vzquez 384 (CH, MEXU, XAL), Boca Chajul, 0.4 km al NO de la casa del Sr. Manuel Lombera, selva alta perennifolia, 150 m elevation, 167'18.37"N, 9055'32.44"W, 30 Ago 2012 (fr), Martnez-Camilo 1416 (HEM, IBUG, MEXU, MO, BIGU, XAL).
TABLE 1. Differences between Magnolia lacandonica, M. mexicana and M. inbioana.
M. mexicana Leaf blades 12.022.4 cm, elliptic, usually obtuse at the base 1012 5.27.8 cm Not topped with a reduced leaf blade Abruptly narrowed basally, creamy white, tinged with purple 120-178* 10.012.0 7-8 cm 3840 Singly Humped, with a sunken and inconspicuous apex MEXICO: Morelos, Puebla, Veracruz & northern Oaxaca, in subdeciduous forest M. lacandonica 18.022.5 cm, elliptic, usually obtuse at the base. 1011 6.07.5 cm Topped with a reduced leaf blade Gradually narrowed basally, entirely creamy white 198248 11.5 9.5 6170 Singly Unhumped with leveled and inconspicuous apex MEXICO: Chiapas, in Lacandonian tropical rainforest M. inbioana 29.042.0 cm, oblong obovate and cuneateattenuate at the base 1315 2.03.0 cm Unknown Unknown

Secondary leaf veins per side Petiole length Spathaceous bract Petals

No. of stamens Mature fruit No. of carpels Falling of carpels Dorsal wall of carpels Distribution

194248 Unknown. 5270** Possibly in irregular multicarpelar masses Unhumped with emergent apex, as a prominent beak. COSTA RICA: Atlantic slopes, in tropical rain forest

* Minimum value estimated from Sess & Mocio Pl. 216, 30445 (F), maximum value from Vzquez et al. 9102 (IBUG), Puebla, Mexico; **minimum number of carpels from INBIO 57 (WIS), Guanacaste, Costa Rica, immature fruit; maximum value estimated from Hammel & Grayum 14099 (WIS), Heredia, Costa Rica, mature fruits.


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Baillon, H.E. (1866) Mmoire sur la famille des Magnoliaces. Adansonia 7: 116, 6569. Breedlove, D.E. (1981) Flora de Chiapas IV Listados florsticos de Mxico. Instituto de Biologa, UNAM, Mxico, 246 pp. Candolle, A.P. (1817) Regni vegetabilis systema naturale 1. Treuttel & Wrtz, Paris, 745 pp. Cruz-Durn, R., Vega-Flores, K. & Jimnez-Ramrez, J. (2008) Magnolia vazquezii (Magnoliaceae), una especie nueva del estado de Guerrero, Mxico. Novon 18:2124. http://dx.doi.org/10.3417/2005096 Dandy, J.E. (1927) The genera of Magnolieae. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Kew 1927: 257264. http:// dx.doi.org/10.2307/4107601 Dandy, J.E. (1930) A new Magnolia from Honduras. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 68: 146147. Don, G. (1931) A general history of the dichlamydeous plants 1: 8386. Gilbert & Rivington, London, 818 pp. Figlar, R.B. & Nooteboom, H.P. (2004) Notes on Magnoliaceae IV. Blumea 49: 87100. http://dx.doi.org/10.3767/ 000651904X486214 Jimnez-Ramrez, J., Vega-F., K., Cruz-Durn, R. & Vzquez-Garca, J.A. (2007) Magnolia guerrerensis (Magnoliaceae), una especie nueva del bosque mesfilo de montaa del estado de Guerrero, Mxico. Boletn de la Sociedad Botnica de Mxico 80: 7376. Jimnez-Ramrez, J. & Cruz-Durn, R. (2005) Magnolia krusei (Magnoliaceae), una especie nueva de Guerrero, Mxico. Novon 15: 438441. Jussieu, A.L. (1789) Genera plantarum 1. Herrisant, Paris, 498 pp. Linnaeus, C. (1753) Species plantarum. Salvius, Stockholm. 560 pp. Miranda, E. (1955) Dos nuevas especies de rboles del sur de Mxico. Anales del Instituto de Biologa de la Universidad Nacional de Mxico 26: 7987. Pittier, H. (1910) New or noteworthy plants from Colombia and Central America-2: Magnoliaceae: The Costa Rican species of Talauma. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Smithsonian Institution 134: 93132. Vzquez-Garca, J.A. (1990) Taxonomy of the genus Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) in Mexico and Central America. M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 224 pp. Vzquez-Garca, J.A. (1994) Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) in Mexico and Central America: a synopsis. Brittonia 46: 123. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2807454 Vzquez-Garca, J.A., Carvajal, S. & Hernndez-Lpez, L. (2002) Magnolia pugana (Magnoliaceae): una nueva combinacin en el complejo M. pacifica. Novon 12: 137141. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3393253 Vzquez-Garca, J.A., De Castro-Arce, E., Muiz-Castro, M.A. & Chzaro-Basez, M. de J. (2012a) Magnolia zoquepopolucae (subsection Talauma, Magnoliaceae), a new species from Sierra de Santa Marta, Veracruz, Mexico. Phytotaxa 57: 5155. Vzquez-Garca, J.A., Prez-Farrera, M.A., Martnez-Melndez, N., Nieves-Hernndez, G., & Muiz-Castro, M.A. (2012b) Magnolia mayae (Magnoliaceae), a new species from Chiapas, Mxico. Botanical Sciences 90: 109112. Vzquez-Garca, J.A., Muiz-Castro, M.A., De Castro-Arce, E., Murgua-Araiza, R., Nuo-Rubio, A.T. & Chzaro-B., M. de J. (2012). Twenty new Neotropical tree species of Magnolia (Magnoliaceae). In: Salcedo-Prez, E., Hernndez-lvarez, E., Vzquez-Garca, J.A., Escoto-Garca, T., and Daz-Echavarra, N. (eds.), Recursos forestales del Occidente de Mxico: Diversidad, manejo, produccin, aprovechamiento y conservacin. Serie Fronteras de Biodiversidad, Vol. 4, Tomo I. Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenieras-Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biolgicas y Agropecuarias, Guadalajara, Mxico, pp. 91130.


Phytotaxa 79 (1) 2013 Magnolia Press


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