Electricity Distribution Code UAE

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Version 3.0 November 30th 2005

Approved by: The Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi


PREFACE.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................... 10 GENERAL CONDITIONS.................................................................................................... 21

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 21 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................ 21 UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ............................................................................................................ 21 THE DISTRIBUTION CODE REVIEW PANEL .......................................................................................... 21 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE DISCO AND USERS...................................................................... 22 DUTY OF GOOD FAITH AND STANDARD OF CONDUCT .................................................................... 22 CODE RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................................................................... 22 EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 23 CONFIDENTIALITY..................................................................................................................................... 23 DISPUTES...................................................................................................................................................... 23

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

PLANNING AND CONNECTION CODE ........................................................................... 24

GENERAL INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 24 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................ 24 OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................................. 24 DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................................ 25 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONNECTION................................................................................... 29 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONNECTIONS............................................................................. 32 REQUIREMENTS FOR EMBEDDED GENERATORS AND USERS WITH OWN GENERATION ........ 34 TRANSFER OF PLANNING DATA............................................................................................................. 39

CHAPTER 4 OPERATING CODE.................................................................................................................. 43

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DEMAND AND GENERATION FORECASTS ........................................................................................... 43 OPERATIONAL PLANNING ....................................................................................................................... 45 TESTING AND MONITORING.................................................................................................................... 47 DEMAND CONTROL ................................................................................................................................... 49 OPERATIONAL LIAISON............................................................................................................................ 52 SAFETY CO-ORDINATION......................................................................................................................... 57 CONTINGENCY PLANNING ...................................................................................................................... 60 SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT REPORTING AND INFORMATION SUPPLY............................................... 62 NUMBERING AND NOMENCLATURE ..................................................................................................... 65 SPECIAL SYSTEM TESTS........................................................................................................................... 67

1. 2. 3. 4.

DATA REGISTRATION CODE ........................................................................................... 72

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 72 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................ 72 DATA CATEGORIES.................................................................................................................................... 72 PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................. 72

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SCHEDULE 1A - FOR ALL EMBEDDED GENERATORS ................................................................... 73 SCHEDULE 1B - FOR EMBEDDED GENERATORS GREATER THAN 5MW .................................... 74 SCHEDULE 1C - FOR EMBEDDED GENERATORS GREATER THAN 5MW .................................... 75 SCHEDULE 2 - DEMAND & GENERATION FORECASTS ................................................................. 76 SCHEDULE 3A - OPERATIONAL PLANNING: LONG TERM (YEARS 3-5) ....................................... 79 SCHEDULE 3B - OPERATIONAL PLANNING: LONG TERM (YEARS 1- 2) ...................................... 80 SCHEDULE 3C - OPERATIONAL PLANNING: SHORT TERM ......................................................... 81 SCHEDULE 3D - OPERATIONAL PLANNING: USER PLANT AND APPARATUS............................ 82 SCHEDULE 4 - SYSTEM DESIGN INFORMATION............................................................................. 83 SCHEDULE 5 - LOAD CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................ 85 ANNEX 1 : ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS & RELEVANT DOCUMENTS ...................... 86

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1. The re-organised Electricity Supply Sector comprises the following principal organisations: i. The Abu Dhabi Transmission and Despatch Co. (TRANSCO), which holds a licence granted under Article 82 of the Law which operates the Abu Dhabi Transmission System. Electricity and Water Distributors (DISCOs) which hold licences granted under Article 82 of The Law Generators (GENCOS), which hold licences granted under Article 82 of Law; Customers who have Generating Plant for supplying part or all of their own needs. The Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Company (ADWEC) which holds a licence granted under Article 82 of the Law; which is the single buyer of water and electricity capacity and output and is responsible for the matching of capacity and demand.





2. The TRANSCO Transmission System transports the electricity, mainly generated by the larger Generating Plants, to the DISCOs Distribution Systems, through which most Customers will be supplied. Some of the Generating Plant of the GENCOs may be connected to a DISCOs Distribution System and not the TRANSCO Transmission System and, as such, is referred to as Embedded generation3. TRANSCO has produced a Transmission Code, approved by the Bureau, which defines the technical aspects of the working relationship between TRANSCO and all those connected to the TRANSCO Transmission System. Embedded generation may also be subject to some of the provisions of the Transmission Code. 4. TRANSCO has produced a Metering and Data Exchange Code (MDEC), approved by the Bureau which defines the technical aspects of the working relationship for metering at defined metering points (Reference to the most recent version of the MDEC). 5. This Distribution Code, which has also been approved by the Bureau, is designed to perform a similar function to that of the Transmission Code in relation to the DISCOs Distribution System and to those connected to it. It also enables the DISCO to comply with its obligations under its licence and the Transmission Code. The provisions of the Distribution Code are common to all DISCOs except in those areas where an individual DISCO has received approval from the Bureau for variation.

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6. The Distribution Code does not deal with charges and other terms for connection but deals with technical aspects concerning supply of electricity and the use of the DISCO Distribution System for the transport of electricity. Statements setting out the calculation of such charges, together with current prices, are available from the DISCO. 7. The Transmission Code specifies all technical aspects of the interface requirements between TRANSCO and the DISCO and, consequently, the Distribution Code does not contain specific references to the rights and obligations of TRANSCO. 8. The Transmission Code and the Distribution Code are essential to ensure that the total electricity supply System operates efficiently, so as to provide, as far as is reasonably practicable, security and quality of supplies to Customers. 9. The Distribution Code is given legal authority by the provisions of licences issued under the Law and is incorporated as a term in every agreement for the connection or supply of electricity or for the use of the DISCOs Distribution System. 10. The Distribution Code is not exhaustive as to the requirements to be complied with by those connected to the DISCOs Distribution System who must also comply with the requirements of the Law, the Electricity Supply Regulations, and all other relevant legislation which from time to time comes into force. 11. The Distribution Code applies to all Users as detailed under schedule 1, including Low Demand Customers connected at LV. However, the DISCO will be responsible for ensuring that such Customers cause no consequential effects on the quality of electricity supply and that they do not interfere with the efficient operations of the DISCO Distribution System. The DISCO shall provide such additional support and guidance to such customers including such technical information and clarification as required to enable the customer to comply with the requirements of this Code. 12. The Distribution Code consists of the following parts: Glossary and Definitions: General Conditions (DGC); Planning and Connection Code (DPCC); Operating Code (DOC); Data Registration Code (DDRC). 13. Those sections of the Distribution Code which principally apply to the various categories of User connected to the DISCOs Distribution System under the terms of a specific connection or Use of System Agreement. However, all Users and potential Users must have a working knowledge of all provisions of the Distribution Code as these apply to all Users. 14. Potential Users will find in the DPCC, details of the standard of supply offered by the DISCO Distribution System and of the design principles to which it is constructed, together with details of the technical and other requirements to be met by those requiring a general connection to the System. Persons desiring to connect Generating Plant to the DISCO Distribution System need to read the
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DPCC, which contains special requirements relating to such connections. The DPCC enables any person to obtain from the DISCO a statement of capacities, power flows, loadings and certain other information on the DISCO Distribution System. 15. The DOC deals with the various operational matters affecting Users, including the provision of forecasts of Demand, the planning of DISCO Distribution System outages and Generating Plant outages, the reporting of operational changes and events, safety matters and procedures for dealing with contingencies. 16. The requirements for the provision of information to the DISCO are summarised in tabular form in the Distribution Data Registration Code (DDRC) which provides for the establishment by the DISCO of a data bank consisting of information furnished by Users. The data included in such a data bank is termed "Registered Data" and will be used by the DISCO for planning, and operational purposes. A User will be able to apply to the DISCO for details of the Registered Data furnished by him. Information will be supplied to the DISCO on a confidential basis, and it will be disclosed by the DISCO in the circumstances set out in the Distribution General Conditions of the Distribution Code, which deals with subsidiary matters, mainly of a legal nature. 17. The DISCO, like each other DISCO, may have several different businesses, including a Distribution business which will own and operate its Distribution System, a Supply Business which will comprise the supply of electricity in its authorised area. 18. Supplies of electrical energy to Customers within the DISCOs area will be made by the Supply Business of the DISCO, or Exempt Suppliers. Each will be entitled to use both the TRANSCO Transmission System and the DISCO Distribution System for the transport of electrical energy from the Generating Plant to Customers. 19. Use of a DISCO Distribution System may involve several different transactions: i. two types of connection to that DISCO Distribution System, namely: Entry: i.e. the connection between the DISCO Distribution System and the point where electricity enters the System, usually the TRANSCO Transmission System or an Embedded Generating Plant (i.e. a Generating Plant connected to the DISCO Distribution System), or with another DISCO connected to the DISCO Distribution System ; and Exit: i.e. the connection between the DISCO Distribution System and either the premises where the electricity is consumed or, in some cases, another Distribution System; use of the DISCO Distribution System to transport electricity between entry and exit points; and the provision by the DISCO of Standby and/or Top-up supplies of electricity. "Standby supplies" means the provision of electricity on a periodic or intermittent basis, to replace a primary source of





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supply which is temporarily unavailable. "Top-up supplies" means the provision of electricity on a continuing or regular basis, to augment a primary source of supply other than from the DISCO which generally is insufficient to meet the supply requirement. These are, of course, in addition to the supply of electricity between the DISCO and the Customer. 20. These transactions will give rise to a number of agreements: i. a. b. Embedded generation Connection Agreements will provide for: connection to the DISCO Distribution System, and compliance by the parties with the Distribution Code.

Contracts in respect of Embedded generation connected in future will deal also with the construction of the Connection Point. ii. Other Connection Agreements fall into a number of different categories. Existing Low Demand Customers of the DISCO: the existing arrangements will continue until they are revised. New Low Demand Customers of the DISCO: Such a Customer will require an application form. The application form will contain the terms of connection and supply and will be available from the DISCO. Exisiting High Demand Customers of the DISCO: the existing arrangements will continue until they are revised. New High Demand Customers: such Customers will enter into a Connection Agreement and a Supply Agreement with the DISCO which will provide, inter alia, for compliance with the Distribution Code. Connection to a User With Own Generation (UWOG): a UWOG will require a specific Connection Agreement. The Connection Agreement will, where appropriate, make provision for compliance with the Distribution Code by the parties to such agreement.






iii. Top-up and Standby agreements may be required by a User With Own Generation. In each case an agreement with the DISCO will be required.

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21. This preface is provided to prospective Users of the DISCO Distribution System for their information only and does not constitute part of the Distribution Code.

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Users of the Electricity Distribution Code

host DISCO and other DISCOs Embedded Generator UWOG: parallel operation UWOG: non-parallel operation High Demand Customer (1MW) Low Demand Customer (<1MW)

General Conditions (DGC) All parts Planning Code (DPCC) 1. Introduction 2. Scope 3. Objectives 4. Design Principles & Standards 5. General Requirements for Connections 6. Technical Requirements for Connections 7. Requirements for Embedded Generators 8. Transfer of Planning Data Operating Code (DOC) 1. Demand Forecasts 2. Operational (Outage) Planning 3. Testing and Monitoring 4. Demand Control 5. Operational Liaison 6. Safety Co-ordination 7. Contingency Planning 8. Incident Reporting 9. Numbering & Nomenclature 10. Special System Tests N
> 5MW > 5MW > 5MW > 5MW > 5MW > 5MW > 5MW > 5MW > 5MW > 5MW

> 5MW > 5MW

> 5MW




> 5MW > 5MW > 5MW

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Schedule 1 contd Users of the Electricity Distribution Code

host DISCO and other DISCOs Embedded Generator UWOG: parallel operation UWOG: non-parallel operation High Demand Customer (1MW) Low Demand Customer (<1MW)

Data Registration Code (DRC) Schedule 1a - Embedded Generator data Schedule 1b - Embedded Generator data > 5MW Schedule 2 - Demand & Generation Forecasts Schedule 3a - Generation Outages - long term Schedule 3a - Generation Outages - medium term Schedule 3a - Generation Outages - short term Schedule 3d - User Outages Schedule 4 - System Design Data Schedule 5 - Load Characteristics

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

> 5MW

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In the Distribution Code the following words and expressions shall, unless the subject matter or context otherwise requires or is inconsistent therewith, bear the following meanings: AC Active Power Alternating Current. The product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current normally measured in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW). A particular combination of weather which gives rise to a level of peak Demand within a DISCO Financial Year which has a 50% chance of being exceeded as a result of weather variation alone. All Equipment in which electrical conductors are used, supported or of which they may form a part. The Product of voltage and of alternating current measured in units of volt-amperes and standard multiples thereof, 1000 VA = 1 Kva 1000 kVA = 1 MVA The formal sanction given in writing to undertake specified tasks that has a specific meaning in Safety Management Systems. Any person (other than the DISCO) in its capacity as Operator of the Distribution System who is licensed under the Law to generate, transmit or supply electricity. That combination of weather elements within a period of time chosen by the DISCO to represent the average of the observed values of those weather elements during equivalent periods over a number of years (sometimes referred to as normal weather). Protection equipment or system(s) which are intended to operate when a system fault is not cleared in due time because of the failure or inability of the Main Protection to operate or in case of the failure of operation of a circuit breaker other than the Main Protection circuit breaker The procedure necessary for a recovery from a Total or Partial System Shutdown.

Annual MD Conditions or Annual Maximum Demand Conditions Apparatus

Apparent Power


Authorised Electricity Operator or AEO

Average Conditions

Back-up Protection

Black Start

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Black Start Capability

The ability of a Power Station to commence generating without the need for a power supply external to that Power Station. An occurrence relating to Equipment which prevents that Equipment performing its correct function within the Distribution System. The Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi established under the Law. The Despatch of Generating Units by TRANSCO. A mechanical switching device, capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also of making, carrying for a specified time and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions, such as those of short circuit. Directions given by the Crown Prince to AEOs for the purpose of mitigating the effects of any natural disaster or other emergency which, in the opinion of the Crown Prince, is or may be likely to disrupt electricity supplies. The final process of testing part of a System prior to that part of the System being considered suitable for normal use. As declared in the application for supply or the Connection Agreement between the user and the DISCO. The method of calculating the Connected Load is given in the Wiring Regulations An agreement setting out terms relating to a connection with the DISCO Distribution System (excluding any such agreement with TRANSCO). A point of supply to or from a User. A location for the control and operation of Distribution System, the TRANSCO Transmission System or the System of a User. A person who has been nominated by the DISCO, TRANSCO or a User to be responsible for controlling and co-ordinating System operations. The period 0-24 hours inclusive ahead of real time operation. Any person who has an agreement with or is entitled to be supplied with electricity by the DISCO but excluding any



Central Despatch Circuit Breaker

Civil Emergency Direction


Connected Load

Connection Agreement

Connection Point Control Centre

Control Person

Control Phase Customer

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Authorised Electricity Operator in its capacity as such for the provision of electrical power. DC Decimal Week Direct Current. The week numbering system where week 1 commences in the first week of January on a date as advised by the DISCO. Unless otherwise stated, the demand expressed in MW and MVA (or Active Power and Apparent Power) respectively for High demand customers; or MW or MVA for Low Demand Customers. Any or all of the methods of achieving reductions in Demand listed in the DOC. The maximum current or voltage, or combination of both, which an item of Equipment is intended to have applied to it, taking into account cyclic variations of that voltage or current, together with other parameters as appropriate to specific items of Equipment. The issue of instructions for Generating Units to achieve specific Active Power and Reactive Power outputs within Registered Data parameters and by stated times. The Distribution System operated by the DISCO.


Demand Control

Design Rating


DISCO Distribution System DISCO Financial Year Distribution Code

Bears the meaning given to it in the DISCO Licence. The document prepared and maintained by each DISCO pursuant to its licence and approved by the Bureau as from time to time revised with the approval of the Bureau. The Panel with the functions set out in the DGC.

Distribution Code Review Panel or Panel Distribution Data Registration Code or DDRC Distribution General Conditions or DGC Distribution Operating Code or DOC Distribution Planning

That portion of the Distribution Code which is identified as the Distribution Data Registration Code.

That portion of the Distribution Code which is identified as the Distribution General Conditions. That portion of the Distribution Code which is identified as the Distribution Operating Code. That portion of the Distribution Code which is identified as the

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and Connection Code or DPCC Distribution System

Distribution Planning and Connection Code.

A 33kV and lower voltage electrical network operated by a DISCO or any AEO (other than TRANSCO). The holder of an Electricity Distribution and Supply Licence. Regulations issued pursuant to Article 62 of the Law by the Bureau. Having a direct electrical connection to a Distribution System. An entity who holds a Licence issued by the Bureau to generate electricity and whose Generating Units are directly connected to a DISCO Distribution System. The time specified in respect of Equipment Isolated from the System for the purposes of maintenance or construction work by which it is possible to return it to normal service. The documents referred to as and issued by the Disco.

DISCO Electricity Supply Regulations Embedded Embedded Generator

Emergency Return to Service Time

Engineering Recommendations Equipment Exempted Supplier

Plant and/or Apparatus. A person who supplies electricity, authorised by exemption under the Law. A connection to a System outside the Total System.

External Interconnection Fault Level

Prospective current that would flow into a short circuit at a stated point on the System and which may be expressed in kA or, if referred to a particular voltage, in MVA. A Power Station including any Generating Unit therein. That portion of the output of Generating Plant which is contributing to meeting Demand. Any Apparatus which produces electricity. An entity which generates electricity under licence or exemption under the Law. In relation to any undertaking and any circumstances, the exercise of that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and

Generating Plant Generating Plant Output Generating Unit Generator (GENCO)

Good Industry Practice

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experienced operator engaged in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances High Demand Customer High Voltage or HV IEC Incident A Customer who has a total Connected Load at or greater than 1MW in aggregate for the site. A voltage exceeding Low Voltage. International Electrotechnical Commission. An unscheduled or unplanned occurrence on or relating to a System (including Embedded Generating Plant) including faults, incidents and breakdowns and adverse weather conditions being experienced. A Power Station or any Generating Unit not necessarily subject to Generating Central Despatch. Discrete parts of the Distribution System capable of generating and maintaining a stable supply of electricity to the Customers within those discrete parts without any connections external to that discrete part. Disconnected from associated Equipment by an Isolator or by adequate physical separation. A device which provides in the open position a means of disconnecting Apparatus from the Distribution System in accordance with specified requirements. Law No 2 of 1998 concerning the Regulation of the Water and Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The method to temporarily control Demand by reduction of System Connected Load. A customer with a total Connected Load of less than 1MW in aggregate at the site. A voltage exceeding 50 volts AC but not exceeding 1000 volts AC or 1500volts DC between conductors or 600 volts AC or 900 volts DC between any conductor and earth Protection equipment or system(s) expected to have priority in initiating either a fault clearance or an action to terminate an abnormal condition in a power system. The minimum output which a Generating Unit can reasonably generate, as registered with TRANSCO under DDRC.

Independent Generating Plant Islands of Supply




Load Reduction

Low Demand Customer

Low Voltage or LV

Main Protection

Minimum Generation

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Minor Independent Generating Plant Negative Phase Sequence Non-Embedded Customer Normal Operating Frequency Operation Operation Diagrams

Any independent generating plant with a registered capacity of less than 20 MW. A term used within the theory of symmetrical components which is a method of analysing an AC polyphase System. A Customer receiving electricity direct from the TRANSCO Transmission System irrespective of by whom it is supplied. The number of Alternating Current cycles per second, expressed in Hertz at which the System normally operates, i.e. 50 Hertz. A scheduled or planned action carried out on a System. Diagrams which are a schematic representation of the HV Apparatus and the connections to all external circuits at a Connection Point, incorporating its numbering, nomenclature and labelling. The boundary between the Equipment operated by the DISCO or a User and the Equipment operated by another, as specified in the relevant site responsibility schedules. Any effect on the Operation of the relevant other System which causes the Systems of the DISCO, TRANSCO or other Users, as the case may be, to operate (or be at a materially increased risk of operating) differently from the way in which they would or may have operated in the absence of such an effect. The period from 8 weeks to 3 years inclusive ahead of real time operation. That portion of Registered Capacity which is not unavailable due to a Planned Outage or breakdown. The condition under which part of a System is subject to a Demand in excess of the normal Design Rating of that part of the System and not due directly to System fault current. The boundary between the Equipment owned by one DISCO or User and the Equipment owned by another. The operation of one source of power in direct connection with another; such as an Embedded Generator with a DISCO Distribution System, or a User With Own Generation with a DISCO Distribution System, or a DISCO Distribution System interconnected with another System. This definition includes

Operational Boundary

Operational Effect

Operational Planning Phase Output Usable or OU


Ownership Boundary


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Partial System Shutdown

short term parallel operation of, for example, a User With Own Generation with a DISCO for the purpose of testing generation units. The condition which applies when all generation has ceased in part of a System and there is no interconnection from other parts of the System. A scheduled outage of Generating Unit or of part of the TRANSCO Transmission System or of part of a Distribution System. Fixed and movable items used in the generation and/or supply and/or transmission of electricity other than Apparatus. The ratio of Active Power to Apparent Power. An installation comprising one or more Generating Units even where sited separately, which are owned and/or controlled by the same Generator and may reasonably be considered as being managed as one Power Station. The period 24 hours to 8 weeks ahead inclusive of real time operation. The provisions for detecting abnormal conditions in a System and initiating fault clearance or actuating signals or indications. The product of voltage and current and the sine of the phase angle between them which is normally measured in kVAr or MVAr. The normal full load capacity of a Generating Unit as declared by the Generator less the MW consumed when producing the same. For a Customer With Own Generation this will relate to the level of output he expects to export to the DISCO Distribution System. Data referred to in the schedules to the Data Distribution Registration Code. That condition which safeguards persons working on or testing Apparatus from the dangers which are inherent in working on items of Apparatus which are used separately or in combination in any process associated with the generation, transmission and Distribution of electricity. The procedure adopted by the DISCO or a User to ensure the safe Operation of its System and the safety of personnel required to work on that System.

Planned Outage


Power Factor Power Station

Programming Phase


Reactive Power

Registered Capacity

Registered Data

Safety From The System

Safety Management

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Safety Procedures Scheduling

The procedures specified within a Safety Management System. The procedure for determining intended usage of Generating Plant. The period from 0000 to 2400 hours in each day.

Settlement Day

Small Independent Generating Plant Special System Tests

Any Independent Generating Plant with a Registered Capacity of more than 5 MW, and less than 20 MW. Those tests which involve simulating conditions or the controlled application of irregular, unusual or extreme conditions on the Total System or any part of it, but not including routine testing, commissioning or recommissioning tests. A defined length of time, as appropriate, expressed as one of the following intervals: Week Month Quarter Year The supply of electricity by the DISCO to a Customer on a periodic or intermittent basis to make good any shortfall between the Customers total supply requirements and that met by his own generation. The highest level of Demand recorded or forecast for a specified summer period which is normally also the highest for the 12 month period. Those electrical signals carried on a Distribution System for the purposes of information transfer. An agreement for the supply of electricity made between a Disco or Exempt Supplier and a consumer of electricity. Regulations made by the Bureau pursuant to Article 62 of the Law A network running at various voltages. The administrative and other arrangements established to maintain as far as possible the proper safety and security of the System. The state of the System whereby predicted changes in load and

Standard Review Period


Summer Maximum Demand

Superimposed Signals

Supply Agreement

Supply Regulations

System System Control

System Stability

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generation can be accommodated without any detrimental effect on the System. Top-up The supply of electricity by the DISCO to the Customer on a continuing or regular basis to make good any shortfall between the Customers total supply requirements and that met from other sources. The TRANSCO Transmission System and the Distribution Systems of all DISCOs and AEOs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The situation existing when all generation has ceased and there is no supply from External Interconnections. The Abu Dhabi Transmission and Despatch Company. The amount of electricity to be supplied to the Transmission Supply Points and to be met by Embedded Generating Plant plus TRANSCO Transmission System Losses less the output of directly connected Independent Generating Plant. The System of High Voltage lines and Plant owned or operated by TRANSCO for the transmission of electricity from one Power Station to a sub-station or to another Power Station or between sub-stations, or between External Interconnections and a substation or Power Station including any electrical plant and meters owned or used by TRANSCO in connection with the transmission of electricity. The losses of electricity Transmission System. incurred on the TRANSCO

Total System

Total System Shutdown


TRANSCO Transmission System

TRANSCO Transmission System Losses Transmission Code

The code required under the terms of the Transmission Licence to be produced and maintained by TRANSCO. The licence granted to TRANSCO under Article 82 of the Law. The point of supply from the TRANSCO Transmission System.

Transmission Licence Transmission Supply Point User

A term used in various sections of the Distribution Code to refer to the persons using the DISCO Distribution System, more particularly identified in each section of the Distribution Code, but excluding TRANSCO, such persons normally comprising: all Embedded Generators

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any other DISCO connected to the Distribution System all High Demand Customers all Low Demand Customers. User Responsible Engineer/Operator An employee or duly authorised representative of a Disco or AEO or Generator authorised by his employer to carry out specific duties associated with the Operation of the Total System. Any System owned by a User comprising Generating Units and/or Distribution Systems and/or Equipment connecting Generator Units or Distribution Systems. A User with one or more Generating Units providing all or part of the User electricity requirements, and which may use the DISCO Distribution System for the transport of any surplus of electricity. Means that particular combination of weather elements that gives rise to a level of peak Demand within a week, taken to commence on a Saturday and end on a Friday, which has a particular chance of being exceeded as a result of weather variation alone. This particular chance is determined such that the combined probabilities of Demand in all weeks of the year exceeding the annual peak Demand under Annual MD Conditions is 50%, and in the week of maximum risk the weekly peak Demand under Weekly MD Conditions is equal to the annual peak Demand under Annual MD Conditions. Regulations made by the Bureau pursuant to Article 62 of the Law

User System

User With Own Generation or UWOG

Weekly Maximum Demand Condition

Wiring Regulations

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Construction of References
In the Distribution Code: i) The Table of contents, the Preface and headings are inserted for convenience only and shall be ignored in construing the Distribution Code; unless the context otherwise requires all references to a particular paragraph, sub-paragraph, Annex, Appendix or Schedule shall be a reference to that paragraph, sub-paragraph, Annex Appendix or Schedule in or to that part of the Distribution Code in which the reference is made;


iii) unless the context otherwise requires the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, references to any gender shall include any individual, body corporate, unincorporated association, firm or partnership and any other legal entity; iv) references to the words include or including are to be construed without limitation to the generality of the preceding words; v) unless there is something in the subject matter or the context which is inconsistent therewith, any reference to a Law or any Section of or Schedule to, or other provision of a Law shall be construed at the particular time, as including a reference to any modification, extension or re-enactment thereof then in force and to all instruments, orders and regulations then in force and made or deriving validity from the relevant Law;

vi) references to in writing or written include typewriting, printing, lithography and other modes of reproducing words in a legible and nontransitory form; vii) where the Glossary or Definitions refers to any word or term which is more particularly defined in a part of the Distribution Code, the definition in that part of the Distribution Code will prevail over the definition in the Glossary and Definitions in the event of any inconsistency; viii) a cross reference to another document or part of the Distribution Code shall not of itself impose any additional or further or co-existent right in the part of the text where such cross-reference is contained; and ix) nothing in the Distribution Code is intended to or shall derogate from the DISCOs statutory or licence obligations.

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The provisions of the Distribution General Conditions are of general application to the Distribution Code. Their objective is to ensure, to the extent possible, that various sections of the Distribution Code work together and work in practice for the benefit of all Users.

The Distribution General Conditions apply to all Users.

If circumstances not envisaged by the provisions of the Distribution Code should arise, the DISCO shall, to the extent reasonably practicable in the circumstances, consult promptly and in good faith with all affected Users in an effort to reach agreement as to what should be done. If agreement between the DISCO and those Users cannot be reached in the time available, the DISCO shall determine what is to be done. Wherever the DISCO makes a determination, it shall do so having regard, wherever possible, to the views expressed by Users and, in any event, to what is reasonable in all the circumstances. Each User shall comply with all instructions given to it by the DISCO following such a determination provided that the instructions are consistent with the then current technical parameters of the particular Users System registered under the Distribution Code. The DISCO shall promptly refer all such unforeseen circumstances and any such determination to the Distribution Code Review Panel for consideration.


The DISCOs shall establish and maintain the Panel, which shall be a standing body, to carry out the following functions: The Panel shall: i. ii. keep the Distribution Code and its working under review; review all suggestions for amendments to the Distribution Code which the Bureau or any User may wish to submit to a DISCO for consideration by the Panel from time to time; publish recommendations as to amendments to the Distribution Code that a DISCO or the Panel feels are necessary or desirable and the reasons for the recommendations; issue guidance in relation to the Distribution Code and its implementation, performance and interpretation when asked to do so by any User; and



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consider what changes are necessary to the Distribution Code arising out of any unforeseen circumstances referred to it by a DISCO.

The Panel shall consist of: i. ii. iii. a Chairman and up to 4 members appointed by the DISCOs; up to 2 persons appointed by the Bureau; and the following members: a) 3 persons representing Generators with Embedded Generating Plant subject to Central Despatch; b) 1 person representing Generators with Embedded Generating Plant other than those in (a) above; and c) 1 person representing Users without Generating Plant.

The Panel shall establish and comply at all times with its own rules and procedures relating to the conduct of its business, which rules and procedures shall be approved by the Bureau. The DISCO shall consult in writing with all Authorised Electricity Operators liable to be affected in relation to all proposed amendments to the Distribution Code and shall submit all proposed amendments to the Distribution Code to the Panel for discussion prior to such consultation.


Unless otherwise specified in the Distribution Code, the methods of operational communication and data transfer shall be agreed between the DISCO and Users from time to time.

6. DUTY OF GOOD FAITH AND STANDARD OF CONDUCT Each party to the Code shall at all times in its dealings with the other parties to this Code: (a) (b) act in good faith; act in accordance with Good Industry Practice.

The Distribution Code sets out procedures and principles governing the relationship between the DISCO and all Users of the DISCO Distribution System excluding DISCO Low Demand Customers.

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Users of the Distribution Code should note that the provisions of the Distribution Code may be suspended in whole or in part during an emergency situation for the period when a Civil Emergency Direction is in place.

The Distribution Code requires information to be provided by Users to other Users. Users of the Distribution Code shall not, except in pursuance of specific requirements of the Distribution Code, disclose this information to any other User or person without the prior written consent of the provider of the information.

Any Dispute that cannot be resolved between Users or potential Users of the Distribution Code shall be referred to the Bureau for resolution.

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The Distribution Planning and Connection Code (DPCC) specifies the technical and design criteria and the procedures to be complied with by the DISCO in the planning and development of its Distribution System. DPCC also applies to Users of the DISCO Distribution System in the planning and development of their Systems in so far as they affect the DISCO Distribution System. The User requirements may necessitate the reinforcement of or the extension to the DISCO Distribution System and in some cases may require the DISCO to seek the reinforcement of or extension to the relevant TRANSCO/DISCO interface capacity, such work being identified by the DISCO or TRANSCO as appropriate, as part of the discussions concerning the User requirements. The time required for the planning and development of the DISCO Distribution System and any consequential requirement of the DISCO interface with the TRANSCO Transmission System, will depend on the type and extent of the necessary reinforcement and/or extension work and the degree of complexity in undertaking the new work whilst maintaining satisfactory security and quality of supply on the DISCO Distribution System.

The Users to whom the Distribution Planning and Connection Code applies are as shown in Schedule 1.

The objectives of the Distribution Planning and Connection Code are to: i. enable the DISCO Distribution System to be planned, designed and constructed to operate economically, securely and safely; facilitate the use of the DISCO Distribution System by others and to specify a standard of supply to be provided, establish technical conditions which facilitate the interfacing of Systems at points of entry to and exit from the DISCO Distribution System; formalise the exchange of System planning data; and provide sufficient information for a User to assess opportunities for connection and to plan and develop his System such as to be compatible with the DISCO Distribution System.



iv. v.

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It is necessary to ensure that the DISCO Distribution System conforms to the statutory requirements and licence conditions placed on the owner and operator of the System. The DISCO has a duty to develop and maintain an efficient, secure and co-ordinated System of electricity supply that is both economical and safe. The DPCC sets out current principles and standards to be applied in the design of the DISCO Distribution System and any User connections to that System. The DPCC is, therefore, based upon the performance requirements of the DISCO Distribution System necessary to meet the above criteria.


Standard of supply 4.2.1 Security

The DISCO Distribution System and any User connections to that System shall be designed to be consistent with the security requirements of Annex 1 Item 4.


Frequency and voltage

The DISCO Distribution System and any User connections to that System shall be designed to enable the Normal Operating Frequency and voltages supplied to Customers to comply with the Electricity Supply Regulations.


Voltage disturbances and harmonic distortion

Distortion of the System voltage waveform, caused by certain types of Equipment, may result in annoyance to Users of the DISCO Distribution System or damage to connected Apparatus. In order to limit these effects the following shall apply to User loads connected to the DISCO Distribution System: i. voltage fluctuations shall comply with the limits set out in Annex 1 Item 7; the harmonic content of a load shall comply with the limits set out in Annex 1 Item 1; and voltage unbalance between phases shall comply with the levels laid down in Annex 1 Item 10.



Under certain circumstances the DISCO may agree to other limits or levels subject to prior approval by the Bureau.

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Under fault and circuit switching conditions the rated frequency component of voltage may fall or rise transiently. The fall or rise in voltage will be affected by the method of earthing of the neutral point of the DISCO Distribution System and this variation in voltage shall be taken into account in selecting Equipment from an appropriate specification for installation on or connected to the System.


Design principles 4.3.1 Specification of equipment, overhead lines and underground cables
i. The principles of design, manufacture, testing and installation of distribution Equipment, overhead lines and underground cables, including quality requirements, shall conform to applicable statutory obligations and shall comply with relevant DISCO Standards. Advice will be made available upon request to the DISCO. The documents specified in paragraph (i) contain options for purchaser selection which together with other requirements that are necessary to meet System design needs, shall be specified so as to provide performances and ratings in line with Annex I of the Distribution Code or such other specifications as the DISCO may adopt from time to time by agreement with the Bureau. iii. The specifications of Equipment, overhead lines and cables shall be such as to permit Operation of the DISCO Distribution System within the Safety Management System of the DISCO, details of which will be made available by the DISCO upon request. Equipment shall be suitable for use at the operating frequency, within the intended operating voltage range and at the design short-circuit rating of the DISCO Distribution System to which it is connected having due regard to fault carrying capabilities and making and breaking duties. In appropriate circumstances, details of the System to which connection is to be made will be provided by the DISCO. Equipment, overhead lines and underground cables shall be operated within the thermal rating conditions contained in the appropriate standards, specifications, and other relevant publications, taking into account the intended use. Such information will be made available by the DISCO upon request.




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The arrangements for connecting the System with earth shall be designed to comply with the requirements of the Electricity Supply Regulations. Guidance as to the design of earthing systems is contained in Items 8 and 9 in Annex 1. The method of earthing of the DISCO Distribution System, for example, whether it is connected solidly to earth or through an impedance, shall be advised by the DISCO. The specification of associated Equipment shall meet the voltages which will be imposed on the Equipment as a result of the method of earthing. Users shall take precautions to limit the occurrence and effects of circulating currents in respect of the neutral points connected with earth where there is more than one source of electricity.




Voltage regulation and control

Any extension or connection to the DISCO Distribution System shall be designed in such a way that it does not adversely affect the voltage control employed by the DISCO Distribution System. Information on the voltage regulation and control arrangements will be made available by the DISCO if requested by the User.


The DISCO Distribution System and the System of any User connected to the DISCO Distribution System shall incorporate protective devices in accordance with the requirements of the Electricity Supply Regulations. In order to ensure satisfactory operation of the DISCO Distribution System, Protection systems, operating times, discrimination, and sensitivity at the Ownership Boundary shall be agreed between the DISCO and the User during the application for connection process, and may be reviewed from time to time by the DISCO, with the concurrence of the User. In order to cover a Circuit Breaker, or Equipment having a similar function, failing to operate correctly to interrupt fault current on a High Voltage System, Back-up Protection by operation of other Circuit Breakers or Equipment having a similar function must normally be provided. During the application for connection process, the DISCO will advise the User if the same is not required. Unless the DISCO should advise otherwise, it is not acceptable for Users to limit the fault current infeed to the DISCO Distribution System by the use of Protection and associated Equipment if the failure of that Protection and associated




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Equipment to operate as intended in the event of a fault, could cause Equipment owned by the DISCO to operate outside its short-circuit rating.


Superimposed signals

Where Users install mains borne signalling equipment it shall comply with European Standard EN50.065 as amended from time to time. Where a User proposes to use such equipment to superimpose signals on the DISCO Distribution System, the prior agreement of the DISCO is required.

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Distribution Planning and Connection Code Section 5 (DPCC5) ensures that all Users of the DISCO Distribution System are subject to the same requirements for connection. DPCC5 specifies the information required from Users by the DISCO in order to ensure that adequate technical provision is made for new supplies or increases in existing load; DPCC5 also applies to Generators who operate in parallel with the DISCO Distribution System, where a supply is required from the DISCO under normal or emergency conditions.


Declaration of load characteristics

For supplies at Low Voltage it is possible in most cases to assess whether a proposed connection is acceptable, and to determine the necessary supply arrangements, from analysis of the following limited data: i. ii. maximum power requirements ( kVA); type and electrical loading of Equipment to be connected, e.g. number and size of motors, electrical heating or cooling arrangements; and the date when the connection is required.


These requirements will be specified on the appropriate application for connection form obtainable from the DISCO. Should a preliminary examination of this data indicate that more detailed information is required then it shall be provided to the DISCO upon request if reasonably required. For supplies other than at Low Voltage it may be necessary for the following more comprehensive information to be provided on request: iv. a. (MVA); b. maximum and minimum Reactive Power requirements; type of load and control arrangements eg controlled rectifier or large motor drives, type of starter employed, stored motor current and started current; All types of Demand: maximum User apparent Power requirement


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maximum load on each phase at time of maximum Demand; and the maximum harmonic currents to be imposed on the DISCO Distribution System Fluctuating Loads: Details of the cyclic variation, and where applicable the duty cycle, of Active Power (and Re-active Power, if appropriate), in particular:




the rates of change of Active and Reactive Power, both increasing and decreasing; the shortest repetitive time interval between fluctuations in Active Power and Reactive Power; and the magnitude of the largest step changes in Active Power and Reactive Power, both increasing and decreasing.



In some cases, more detailed information may need to be provided to permit a full assessment of the effect of the Users load on the DISCO Distribution System. Such information may include an indication of the pattern of build up of load and a proposed commissioning programme. This information will be specifically requested by the DISCO when necessary.


Connection arrangements

The design of connections between the DISCO Distribution System and Users shall be in accordance with the principles set out in the DPCC, subject to any modification to which the DISCO may reasonably consent. During the application for connection process the DISCO will agree with the User the voltage level to which a User will be connected in accordance with its normal practice for the type of load to be supplied. The DISCO may on occasion specify a different connection voltage from normal in order to avoid potential disturbance caused by the User Apparatus to other Users of the DISCO Distribution System or for other technical reasons or may agree alternative methods for minimising the effects of disturbing loads. Before entering into a Connection Agreement it will be necessary for the DISCO to be reasonably satisfied that the Users System at the boundary with the DISCO Distribution System will comply with all appropriate requirements of the Distribution Code. The User installation shall comply with the principles contained in the Electricity Supply Regulations.

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Ownership Boundaries

The point or points at which supply is given or taken between the DISCO Distribution System and Users will be agreed between the DISCO and the User as required. For supplies at Low Voltage the general rule is that the point of supply will be at the User terminals of the DISCO owned metering equipment. For High Voltage supplies, including connections between DISCOs and Users, and where necessary busbar connected supplies at Low Voltage, the points of supply will be subject to specific agreement between the parties in each case. The respective Ownership of Plant or Apparatus will be recorded in a written agreement between the DISCO and the User as required. In the absence of a separate agreement between the parties to the contrary, construction, commissioning, control operation and maintenance responsibilities follow Ownership. For supplies at High Voltage, and those covered by the Electricity Supply Regulations, the DISCO will with the Users agreement prepare a responsibility schedule and, where determined by the DISCO during the application for connection process, an Operation Diagram showing the agreed Ownership Boundary. Copies of these documents will be retained by the DISCO and the User. Changes in the boundary arrangements proposed by either party must be agreed in advance and will be recorded on the DISCO Operation Diagram.



Where, for operational reasons, a DISCO determines that a means of routine and emergency communication between the DISCO and the User is required then the same shall be provided and maintained by the DISCO.

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Distribution Planning and Connection Code Section 6 (DPCC6) specifies the technical arrangements required at the Ownership Boundary between the DISCO Distribution System and the System of the User and is applicable at all voltage levels.


Equipment at the ownership boundary

All Equipment at the Ownership Boundary shall meet the design principles contained within DPCC4. Connections for entry to and exit from the DISCO Distribution System shall incorporate a means of disconnection of the Users installation by the DISCO.


Protection requirements

Protection requirements vary widely depending on established practices and the needs of the particular DISCO Distribution System. The basic requirement in all cases is that User arrangements for Protection at the Ownership Boundary, including types of Equipment and Protection settings, must be compatible with standard practices on the DISCO Distribution System, as specified by the DISCO during the application for connection process. In particular : i. maximum clearance times (from fault current inception to arc extinction) must be within the limits established by the DISCO in accordance with Protection and Equipment short circuit rating policy adopted for the DISCO Distribution System; in connecting to the DISCO Distribution System the User should be aware that auto-reclosing or sequential switching features may be in use on the DISCO Distribution System. The DISCO will on request provide details of the auto-reclosing or sequential switching features in order that the User may take this into account in the design of the User System, including Protection arrangements; and the User should also be aware that the Protection arrangements on some Distribution Systems, e.g. rural, may cause disconnection of one phase only of a three phase supply for certain types of fault.





Earthing of that part of the User System that is connected to the DISCO Distribution System shall comply with the arrangements specified in DPCC4.

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Fault level considerations

The short circuit rating of Users Equipment at the Connection Point should be not less than the Fault Level specified in the Electricity Supply Regulations. The choice of Equipment for connection at Low Voltage may take into account attenuation in the service lines as specified in the Wiring Regulations. The DISCO in the design of its System will take into account the contribution to Fault Level of the Users connected System and Apparatus. In order to permit these assessments to be carried out information should be exchanged on prospective fault power infeed and X/R ratios where appropriate at points of entry to and exit from the DISCO Distribution System.


Capacitive and inductive effects

The User shall, when applying to make a connection, provide the DISCO with information as detailed in DPCC8. Details will be required of capacitor banks and reactors connected at High Voltage which could affect the DISCO Distribution System and which it is proposed to connect if agreed by the DISCO. When requested by the DISCO details shall also be provided of distributed circuit capacitance and inductance. Sufficient detail is required for the following: i. to verify that controlling Equipment of the DISCO Distribution System is suitably rated; to show that the performance of the DISCO Distribution System will not be impaired; and



i. The User should provide such voltage, current, frequency, Active and Reactive Power pulses and outputs and status points from his System as are considered reasonable by the DISCO to ensure adequate System monitoring. The telemetry outstation in such a situation will be provided, installed and maintained by the DISCO. Under the requirements of the Transmission Code new scheduled Generating Units and Power Stations will need to provide signals to TRANSCO for monitoring purposes. If it is agreed between the parties that the DISCO shall control the switchgear on the User System the DISCO shall install the necessary telecontrol outstation. Notwithstanding the above, it shall be the responsibility of the User to provide the necessary control interface for the switchgear of the User which is to be controlled.


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Distribution Planning and Connection Code Section7 (DPCC7) is applicable to all existing or prospective Generators, including Users With Own Generation, having Plant operating or capable of operating in Parallel with the DISCO Distribution System. It is recognised that some existing Generators may not comply at present with all of the requirements of this section and in such cases the DISCO will advise the Generator which requirements are necessary for the Operation of the DISCO Distribution System. In addition to meeting the requirements of DPCC7, Embedded Generators will need to meet the requirements of other relevant sections of the Distribution Code.


General requirements

Embedded Generators connected at or below 11 kV and with an output not in excess of 5 MW shall, as a minimum requirement comply with the requirements of Item 3, Annex 1. Embedded Generators connected at a higher voltage or of a larger capacity shall comply with the general principles of Item 3, Annex 1, subject to the particular requirements of the DISCO necessitated by the adjacent DISCO Distribution System conditions, which will be made known by the DISCO during the connection application process.


Provision of information

Embedded Generators will fall within three basic classes i. Generator with Embedded Generating Plant connected at a voltage level of 11 kV or below or with a capacity less than 5 MW (Item 3, Annex 1) ii. Generator with Embedded Generating Plant connected at a voltage level greater than 11 kV or with a capacity greater than 5 MW and up to 20 MW Generators with Embedded Generating Plant in excess of 20 MW.


When applying for connection to the DISCO Distribution System Generators shall also refer to DPCC5. The DISCO will use the information provided to model the DISCO Distribution System and to decide what method of connection will need to be employed and the voltage level to which the connection should be made. If the DISCO reasonably concludes that the nature of the proposed

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connection or changes to an existing connection requires more detailed consideration then further information may be requested. It is unlikely that more information than that specified under 7.3.1 below will be required for Embedded Generators who are to be connected at Low Voltage and are less than 50 kVA in capacity, or connected at other than Low Voltage and smaller than 300 KVA in capacity.


Information required from all Embedded Generators

It will be necessary for each Generator to provide to the DISCO information on (a) the Generating Plant and (b) the proposed interface arrangements between the Generating Plant and the DISCO Distribution System. The information which may be required by the DISCO before entering into an agreement to connect any Generating Plant onto the DISCO Distribution System is given under Schedule 1a.

7.4 Additional information required from embedded generators greater in size than 5 MW or connected at a voltage level above 11 kV
This section details the technical and design information requirements for Embedded Generators not specifically covered by Item 3 Annex 1. The following information may be requested by the DISCO before entering into an agreement to connect any Generating Plant onto the DISCO Distribution System: Technical Data a. Generating Plant information (impedances p.u. on rating): Type of Prime Mover Rated MVA Rated MW Generator MW/MVAr Capability Chart (at lower voltage terminals; see Figure 1) Type of Excitation system Inertia constant MW sec/MVA (whole machine) Stator Resistance Direct Axis Reactances: Sub-Transient Transient Synchronous Sub-Transient Synchronous Sub-Transient Transient Sub-Transient Resistance Reactance Resistance Reactance

Quadrature Axis Reactances: Time Constants: Direct Axis: Quadrature Axis: (Stating either open or short circuit time constant) Zero Sequence: Negative Sequence:

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Generator transformer:

Resistance Reactance MVA Rating Tap Arrangement Vector Group Earthing


Automatic Voltage Regulator: A block diagram for the model of the AVR system including the data on the gains, forward and feedback gains, time constants and voltage control limits;


Speed Governor & Prime Mover Data A block diagram of the Generating Plant turbine control system and turbine time constants together with the turbine rating and maximum power.

Capacity and Standby Requirements d. Registered Capacity and Minimum Generation of each Generating Unit and Power Station in MW. Generating Unit and Power Station auxiliary Demand (Active Power and Reactive Power) in MW and MVAr, at Registered Capacity conditions. For Users with own generation this should include Top-up requirements f. Generating Unit and Power Station auxiliary Demand (Active Power and Reactive Power) in MW and MVAr, under Minimum Generation conditions. For Users with own generation this should include Top-up and Standby requirements.



Technical requirements 7.5.1 Generating Plant performance requirements

For Generating Plant subject to Central Despatch the electrical parameters required will be those detailed in the Transmission Code. For generation not subject to Central Despatch the electrical parameters required to be achieved at the Generating Unit terminals are defined according to the connection method and will be specified by the DISCO with the offer for connection.


Control arrangements

The DISCO will specify in writing if a continuously acting fast response automatic excitation control system is required to control the Generating Unit voltage without instability over the entire operating range of the Generating Unit or Power Station. This will be dependent on the size and type of Generating Plant or Power Station and the adjacent part of the DISCO Distribution System to which it is connected.
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Co-ordinating with existing protection

It will be necessary for the Protection associated with Embedded Generating Plant to co-ordinate with the Protection associated with the DISCO Distribution System as follows: i. For Generating Plant directly connected to the DISCO Distribution System the Generator must meet the target clearance times for fault current interchange with the DISCO Distribution System in order to reduce to a minimum the impact on the DISCO Distribution System of faults on circuits owned by Generators. The DISCO will ensure that the DISCO Protection settings meet its own target clearance times. The target clearance times are measured from fault current inception to arc extinction and will be specified by the DISCO to meet the requirements of the relevant part of the Distribution System.


The settings of any Protection controlling a Circuit Breaker or the operating values of any automatic switching device at any point of connection with the DISCO Distribution System shall be agreed between the DISCO and the User in writing during the connection consultation process. The Protection settings or operating values shall not be changed without the express agreement of the DISCO.

iii. It will be necessary for the Generating Plant Protection to coordinate with any auto-reclose policy specified by the DISCO. iv. Any Generating Unit or Power Station connected to the DISCO Distribution System will be required to withstand, without tripping, the Negative Phase Sequence loading incurred during the clearance of a close-up phase-to-phase fault by System Backup Protection which will be within the Plant short time rating on the DISCO Distribution System. The DISCO will advise the Generator of the expected Negative Phase Sequence loadings during the Connection Agreement process.



It is conceivable that a part of the DISCO Distribution System, to which Embedded Generators are connected can, during emergency conditions, become detached from the rest of the System. It will be necessary for the DISCO to decide, dependent on local network conditions, if it is desirable for the Embedded Generators to continue to generate onto the islanded DISCO Distribution System.

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If no facilities exist for the subsequent resynchronisation with the rest of the DISCO Distribution System then the Embedded Generator will under DISCO instruction, ensure that the Generating Plant is disconnected for resynchronisation. Under emergency conditions there is an expectation that some generation will continue to operate outside the statutory frequency limits. However, for Embedded Generators connected to the DISCO Distribution System it is likely that this could mean connection within an automatic low frequency load disconnection zone. Consequently, Embedded Generators should ensure that all Protection on Generating Plant should have settings to co-ordinate with those on the automatic low frequency load disconnection equipment which will be detailed by the DISCO on request.


Black start capability

It will be necessary for each Embedded Generator to notify the DISCO if its Generating Plant has a restart capability without connection to an external power supply, unless the Embedded Generator shall have previously notified TRANSCO accordingly under the Transmission Code.


Generating Plant commissioning tests

Where Generating Plant requires connection to the DISCO Distribution System in advance of the commissioning date, for the purposes of testing, the Generator must comply with the requirements of the Connection Agreement. The Generator shall provide the DISCO with a commissioning programme, approved by the DISCO if reasonable in the circumstances, to allow commissioning to be co-ordinated.

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Distribution Planning and Connection Code Section 8 (DPCC8) details information to be exchanged between the DISCO and Users. It includes data that is necessary in order for the DISCO Distribution System to be developed in an efficient, co-ordinated and economic manner, and to enable the DISCO to comply with the conditions contained in its DISCO Licence. This data is explained below and listed in the relevant schedules in the DDRC.


Planning statement

In accordance with its DISCO Licence the DISCO will prepare a statement on request. This statement will detail the present and future circuit capacities, forecast power flows and loading on the part or parts of the DISCO Distribution System, specified in the request and shall include Fault Levels at each distribution node covered by the request. The statement will be prepared within 28 days after the date of receipt of the request or the date on which the DISCO receives agreement from the person making the request to pay the amount estimated or such amount as is determined by the Bureau on account of the reasonable costs of the DISCO in the preparation of the Statement (or where the Bureau so approves such longer period as the DISCO may reasonably require having regard to the nature and complexity of the request), providing the request contains sufficient information to enable the statement to be prepared. Under the terms of the DISCO Licence a charge may be levied by the DISCO for the provision of this statement.


Planning information to be provided by Users

Users of the DISCO Distribution System must provide sufficient planning data/information as requested by the DISCO from time to time to enable the DISCO to comply with the requirements under its DISCO Licence. For those Users from whom Demand forecasts are required under DOC1, there will be a requirement to prepare an annual submission to the DISCO. This submission, which is to be in accordance with DOC1, should include a development plan covering at least the subsequent 3 years and, where the User holds planning data or information relating to subsequent years up to 5 years ahead that data or information, including changes either increasing or decreasing in maximum Demand, transfer requirements or generating capacity as appropriate. In addition to periodic updates of planning information a User should give adequate notice of any significant changes to his System or operating regime to enable the DISCO to prepare its development plan, budget for, and implement any necessary System modifications, Such information should include any changes either increasing or decreasing in maximum Demand, transfer requirements or generating capacity as appropriate. In the event of unplanned changes in a Users System or operating regime a User shall notify the DISCO as soon as is practically possible to ensure any contingency measures, as necessary, can be implemented by the DISCO.


Information to be Provided to Users

Where the DISCO has received from a User any information or data, or where the DISCO proposes to make modifications to the DISCO Distribution System which, in either case, in the reasonable opinion of the DISCO, may impact upon the System of any other User, the DISCO will notify that
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User of the proposals subject to any constraints relating to the timing of release of information or confidentiality provisions.


Reactive compensation plant

A User shall provide the DISCO with information on any reactive compensation Plant directly or indirectly connected to a DISCO Distribution System, other than at Low Voltage, including: i. the MVAr capacitive or inductive rating of the Equipment and operating range if variable; details of any, automatic control logic such that the operating characteristics can be determined; and the point of connection to the DISCO Distribution System.




Lumped network susceptance

Under certain circumstances it will be necessary for the User to provide, at the request of the DISCO, details of the equivalent lumped network susceptance at Normal Frequency of the Users System at nominal frequency referred back to the connection with the DISCO Distribution System. This should include any shunt reactors which are an integrated part of a cable system and which are not normally in or out of service independent of the cable (i.e. they are regarded as part of the cable). It should not include: i. independently switched reactive compensation plant connected to the Users System; or any susceptance of the Users System inherent in the Reactive Power.



Fault infeeds

Information shall be exchanged between the DISCO and the User on fault infeed levels at the point of connection with the DISCO Distribution System in the form of : i. the maximum and minimum 3-phase symmetrical and phase to earth short circuit infeed; the X/R ratio under short circuit conditions and in the case of interconnected Systems, adequate equivalent network information.

ii. iii.


Interconnection impedance

For User interconnections that operate in parallel with the DISCO Distribution System details of the interconnection impedance shall be exchanged between the DISCO and the User. This

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information shall include an equivalent single impedance (resistance, reactance and shunt susceptance) of the parallel User or DISCO Distribution System.


Demand transfer capability

Information shall be exchanged on Demand transfer capability where the same Demand may be supplied from alternative DISCO or User points of supply. This shall include the proportion of Demand normally fed from each point of supply and the arrangements (manual or automatic) for transfer under planned/fault outage conditions.


Distribution System data

Users, including adjacent DISCOs, shall provide the DISCO with detailed data relating to the interface between their Distribution System and that of the DISCO, covering circuit parameters, switchgear and Protection arrangements of equipment directly connected to or affecting the Distribution System to enable the DISCO to assess any implications associated with these points of connection. Reciprocal arrangements will apply between the DISCO and its Users.


Transient overvoltage effects

For Users busbars connected to the DISCO Distribution System sufficient details may need to be exchanged with respect to the User/DISCO Ownership Boundary to enable an assessment, where necessary, of transient overvoltage effects to be made. This information may relate to physical and electrical layouts, parameters, specifications and Protection details. In certain circumstances more & detailed information may be needed and will be provided upon the reasonable request of the DISCO.

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In order for the DISCO to operate the DISCO Distribution System efficiently and to ensure maximum System security and System Stability, there is a need for those Users specified in DOC1.3 to provide loading and generation output information to the DISCO. The Transmission Code specifies the TRANSCO requirements for Demand forecasting for Generating Units subject to Central Despatch; Distribution Operating Code Section1 (DOC1) specifies the information to be provided by all other Users of the DISCO Distribution System to the DISCO so these requirements can be met. The information to be provided under DOC1 is required to enable the DISCO to maintain the integrity of the DISCO Distribution System. Where Demand data is required from the User, this means the MW Demand of electricity at the DISCO point of supply to the User. The DISCO may, in certain cases, specify that the Demand data shall include the MVAr Demand. The information to be provided to the DISCO shall be in writing. References in DOC1 to data to be supplied on an hourly basis refers to it being supplied for each period of 60 minutes ending on the hour in each day.



The objectives of DOC1 are to: i. set out the Demand forecast and Generating Plant Output information required to be provided by Users to enable the DISCO to operate the DISCO Distribution System; and specify the information required to be provided by Users to the DISCO to enable it to comply with its obligations under the Transmission Code.




DOC1 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution Systems as shown in Schedule 1.

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Information flow and co-ordination 1.4.1 Demand forecast information

The DISCO will co-ordinate all Demand forecast information for each Grid Supply Point to meet the requirements of the Transmission Code.


Generation output information

Information relating to Generating Plant Embedded in the DISCO Distribution System and not subject to Central Despatch shall be provided, where specified, to the DISCO. Users with own generation may be required to furnish such information should the DISCO reasonably consider that it would affect its Demand forecasts.


Demand and Generation forecast periods

Information for the following rolling timescales is required by the DISCO: Forecast Period Demand Forecast Period 0 hours to 3 years ahead Schedule 2

In DOC1 year 0 means the current DISCO Financial Year at any time, Year 1 means the next DISCO Financial Year, Year 2 means the DISCO Financial Year after Year 1 and so on.


DISCO and User forecasts

The following factors will be taken into account by the DISCO and Users when conducting Demand forecasting in the Operational Planning Phase:historic Demand data; i. weather forecasts (NB Responsibility for weather correction of Users loads rests with the User.); historic Demand trends; incidence of major events or activities; Customer Generating Unit Schedules; Demand transfers; interconnection with adjacent DISCOs; Demand Control proposed to be operated by By-Pass Generators; and any other factor reasonably considered necessary.

ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.


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2. OPERATIONAL PLANNING 2.1 Introduction

Distribution Operating Code Section 2 (DOC2) is concerned with the co-ordination through various timescales, of Planned Outages of Plant and Apparatus which affect the Operation of the DISCO Distribution System or require the commitment of DISCO resources. DOC2 supplements the obligation of each DISCO to provide certain information to TRANSCO under the Transmission Code and establishes procedures to enable the collection of such data from Users specified in DOC2.3. The means of providing the information to the DISCO and its confirmation includes any nontransitory written form which enables the recipient to retain the information.



One objective of DOC2 is to set out the Operational Planning procedure and typical timetable for the co-ordination of outage requirements for Plant and Apparatus to be provided by Users to enable the DISCO to operate the DISCO Distribution System. Another objective is to specify the information to be provided by Users to the DISCO to allow it to comply with the Transmission Code.



DOC2 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Information flow and coordination 2.4.1 Embedded generating plant

Information relating to Embedded Generating Plant not subject to Central Despatch whose Registered Capacity is greater than 5MW shall be provided where specified directly to the DISCO, This may include Users With Own Generation where the DISCO considers it appropriate.


Other plant and apparatus

Information relating to all Plant and Apparatus connected to the Distribution System, or that which may affect its Operation, shall be co-ordinated with the DISCO as under schedule 3D.

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Timescales and data

Information for the following rolling timescales is required by the DISCO: Forecast Period i) imminent ii) short term iii) medium term iv) long term 0 hours to 8 weeks 9 weeks to 52 weeks ahead 1 year to 2 years ahead 3 years to 5 years ahead Schedule 2 3c 3b 3a

In DOC1 Year 0 means the current DISCO Financial Year at any time, Year 1 means the next DISCO Financial Year, Year 2 means the DISCO Financial Year after Year 1 and so on. Detailed implementation of data gathering and timescales will be agreed locally between the DISCO and each of the Users. Due recognition will be given by the DISCO to voltage levels and capacities of Plant and Apparatus when assessing information requirements. Timescales are ass shown in the table in 1.5 above All information shall be provided in Weeks as a minimum, where Week 1 commences in the first week of January. In DOC2 Year 0 means the current calendar year at any time, Year 1 means the next calendar year, Year 2 means the calendar year after Year 1 etc. Where Week 52 is specific read Week 53 in the appropriate years.


Generation scheduling information

The DISCO will obtain Scheduling information from Generators for other Embedded Generating Plant not subject to Central Despatch where it considers it appropriate.

The Scheduling information will specify the following on an individual Generating Unit basis: i. ii. iii. the period the unit is required; the planned half-hourly output; and any other information the DISCO reasonably considers necessary.

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3. TESTING AND MONITORING 3.1 Introduction

To ensure that the DISCO Distribution System is operated efficiently and within its Licence Conditions and to meet statutory actions the DISCO will organise and carry out testing and/or monitoring of the effect of Users electrical apparatus on the DISCO Distribution System. The testing and/or monitoring procedures will be specifically related to the technical criteria detailed in the Distribution Planning and Connection Code (DPCC). They will also relate to the parameters submitted by Users in the Distribution Data Registration Code (DDRC). The testing carried out under this Distribution Operating Code 3 (DOC3) should not be confused with the more extensive Special System Tests outlined in DOC10.



The objective of DOC3 is to specify the DISCO requirement to test and/or monitor its DISCO Distribution System to ensure that Users are not operating outside the technical parameters required by the Distribution Planning and Connection Code and/or the Distribution Operating Codes.



DOC3 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Procedure related to quality of supply

The DISCO will from time to time determine the need to test and/or monitor the quality of supply at various points on its DISCO Distribution System. The requirement for specific testing and/or monitoring may be initiated by the receipt of complaints as to the quality of supply on its DISCO Distribution System. In certain situations the DISCO may require the testing and/or monitoring to take place at the point of connection of a User with the DISCO Distribution System. Where testing and/or monitoring is required at the Connection Point, the DISCO will advise the User involved and will make available the results of such tests to the User. Where the results of such tests show that the User is operating outside the technical parameters specified in the DPCC, the User will be informed accordingly. Where the User requests, a retest will be carried out and the test witnessed by a User representative.

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A User shown to be operating outside the limits specified in the DPCC will rectify the situation or disconnect the Apparatus causing the problem from its electrical System connected to the DISCO Distribution System immediately or within such time as is agreed with the DISCO. Continued failure to rectify the situation may result in the User being disconnected or de-energised in accordance with the Connection Agreement from the DISCO Distribution System either as a breach of the Distribution Code or through the authority of the Electricity Supply Regulations, where appropriate. Any such action shall be notified to the Bureau as soon as possible.


Procedure related to connection point parameters

The DISCO from time to time will monitor the effect of the User on the DISCO Distribution System. The monitoring will normally be related to amount of Active Power and Reactive Power transferred across the Connection Point. Where the User is exporting to or importing from the DISCO Distribution System Active Power and Reactive Power in excess of the parameters in the Connection Agreement the DISCO will inform the User and where appropriate demonstrate the results of such monitoring. The User may request technical information on the method of monitoring and, if necessary, request another method reasonably acceptable to the DISCO. Where the User is operating outside of the specified parameters, the User will immediately restrict the Active Power and Reactive Power transfers to within the specified parameters. Where the User requires increased Active Power and Reactive Power in excess of the physical capacity of the Connection Point the User will restrict power transfers to those specified in the Connection Agreement until a modified Connection Agreement has been applied for from the DISCO and physically established.

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4. DEMAND CONTROL 4.1 Introduction

Distribution Operating Code Section 4 (DOC4) is concerned with the provisions to be made by the DISCO or User with Systems connected to the DISCO Distribution System, in certain circumstances, to permit reductions in Total Demand in the event of insufficient Generating Plant being available to meet Total Demand or to avoid disconnection of Customers or in the event of Breakdown and/or Overloading on any part of the TRANSCO Transmission System and/or the DISCO Distribution System. DOC4 deals with the following method of reducing Demand: i. ii. iii. iv. Customer Demand management initiated by Disco; Customer disconnection; automatic low frequency disconnection; and emergency manual Customer disconnection.

The term Demand Control is used to describe any or all of these methods of achieving a Demand Reduction. Customers determined as being in protected categories as defined in DOC7 cannot be guaranteed protection in real time System incident management.



To establish procedures to enable the DISCO, following an instruction of TRANSCO or otherwise, to achieve a reduction in Demand in order to avoid a Breakdown or Overloading of any part of the Total System in a manner that does not unduly discriminate against or unduly prefer anyone or group of Customers, By-Pass Generators or their Customers in accordance with the DISCO Licence.



DOC4 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.

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Procedure 4.4.1 Operational system load reduction arrangements

The DISCO will arrange within the DISCO Distribution System a scheme to reduce load in a controlled manner by any of the following methods: a) b) c) d) disconnecting Customers (either manually or by a disconnection scheme) automatic low frequency disconnection by instruction by reduction of system voltage


Issue of warnings for operational system load reduction

A System of warnings will be contained within the load reduction arrangements to give notice, wherever practical, of possible implementation.


Implementation of demand control

The DISCO will arrange to have available at all times at least two 5% stages of Demand Control for each interface point with either TRANSCO or GENCOs for implementation with or without notice at prescribed locations. These stages will employ methods of Demand Control determined by the DISCO. The DISCO will arrange to have available a scheme to implement a further four 5% stages of Demand Control upon receipt of a suitable warning from TRANSCO which will be issued by 1600 hrs on the previous day. The DISCO will arrange to have available a scheme to implement further twelve 5% stages of Demand Control. Embedded Generators connected to the DISCOs System will need to be considered in the preparation of DISCO Demand Control schemes.

4.4.4 Automatic disconnection of demand by low frequency detectors

The DISCO will arrange to have available at selected locations a System to detect progressively low frequency conditions on the System and will provide for 40% of the DISCO Demand based on Summer Maximum Demand to be disconnected automatically. The areas of Demand affected by the low frequency disconnection scheme should be such as to allow the Demand relief to be uniformly applied throughout the DISCO Distribution System, but may take into account any operational requirements and essential load.

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The inclusion of By-Pass Generators in a low frequency disconnection scheme network must be reflected in their contractual arrangements.


Emergency manual disconnection of demand

The DISCO will arrange to have available an emergency disconnection scheme based on Transmission Supply Points. The scheme will be designed to be called into operation irrespective of System frequency, and to be implemented in predetermined timescales to disconnect Demand progressively.


Co-ordination of actions

Where Demand Control is exercised by the DISCO in order to safeguard the DISCO Distribution System the DISCO will liaise with and inform Users accordingly so far as is practical. Where Demand Control is exercised by the DISCO on instruction or request from TRANSCO in order to safeguard the Total System then the DISCO is required to respond to these requests promptly but will liaise with and inform other Users so far as is practical. Where the DISCO issues instructions to User(s) to carry out disconnection or reconnection of demand the User(s) shall carry out instructions without delay. Where disconnection is envisaged to be prolonged, the DISCO may utilise disconnection rotas to interchange connected and disconnected Customers.

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5. OPERATIONAL LIAISON 5.1 Introduction

Distribution Operating Code Section 5 (DOC5) sets out the requirements for the exchange of information in relation to Operations and/or Incidents on the DISCO Distribution System or the System of any User connected to the DISCO Distribution System which have had or may have had, or will have or may have an Operational Effect on the DISCO Distribution System or the System of any other User. The requirement to notify in DOC5 relates generally to communicating what is to happen what has happened and not the reasons why. However, DOC5 provides that when an Incident has occurred on the DISCO Distribution System, which itself has been caused by (or exacerbated by) an Operation or Incident on a User System, the DISCO in reporting the Incident on the DISCO Distribution System to a User can pass on what it has been told by the User in relation to the Operation on that Users System.



To provide for the exchange of information so that the implications of the Operation and/or Incident can be considered and the possible risks arising from it can be assessed and appropriate action taken by the relevant party in order to maintain the integrity of the Total System and the User System. DOC5 does not seek to deal with any actions arising from the exchange of information, but merely with that exchange.



DOC5 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Communication Procedure

The DISCO and each User connected to its Distribution System will nominate officers and agree communication channels to make effective the exchange of information required by DOC5. Communication should, as far as possible, be direct between the User and the operator of the network to which that User is connected. However, this does not preclude communication with the Users nominated representative. A notification under DOC5 will be given as far in advance as possible and in any Incident shall be given in sufficient time as will reasonably allow the recipient to consider and assess the implications and risks arising. Where given orally a notification will be dictated to the recipient who shall record it and on completion shall repeat the notification in full to the sender and check that it has been accurately recorded.

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Requirement to Notify Operations

In the case of an Operation on the System of a User connected to the DISCO Distribution System, which will have or may have an Operational Effect on the DISCO Distribution System, the User will notify the DISCO in accordance with DOC5. In the case of an Operation on the DISCO Distribution System or on receipt of notification of an Operation on the TRANSCO Transmission System, which will have or may, in the opinion of the DISCO, have an Operational Effect on the System of a User connected to the DISCO Distribution System, the DISCO will notify the User. Whilst in no way limiting the general requirement to notify in advance, the following are examples of situations where, in as much as they may have or have had an effect on the Operation of the DISCO Distribution System or another System, notification will be required of : i. the implementation of a Scheduled Outage of Plant and/or Apparatus which has been arranged pursuant to DOC2; the Operation of any Circuit Breaker or Isolator or any sequence or combination of the two including any temporary over-stressing, System parallels, or Generating Unit synchronising; and voltage control.




Requirement to Notify Incidents

In the case of an Incident on the System of a User connected to the DISCO Distribution System, which has had or may have had an Operational Effect on the DISCO Distribution System or on the TRANSCO Transmission System, the User will notify the DISCO in accordance with this DOC5. In the case of an Incident on the DISCO Distribution System or on receipt of notification of an Incident on the TRANSCO Transmission System, which will have or may, in the opinion of the DISCO, have an Operational Effect on the System of a User connected to the DISCO Distribution System, the DISCO will notify the User in accordance with this DOC5. This does not preclude any User asking the DISCO, to whose System he is connected, for information regarding the Incident which has affected the Users System. An Incident may be caused by (or exacerbated by) another Incident or by an Operation on anothers System and in that situation the information to be notified is different from that where the Incident arose independently of any other Incident or Operation.

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The following are examples of situations where notification will be required if they have an Operational Effect: i. the actuation of any alarm or indication of any abnormal operating condition; adverse weather conditions being experienced; breakdown of, or faults on, or temporary changes in the capabilities of, Plant and/or Apparatus including Protection; and increased risk of inadvertent Protection Operation.

ii. iii.



Form of Notification

A notification by the DISCO of an Operation which has been caused by another Operation (the First Operation) or by an Incident on a Users System, will describe the Operation and will contain the information which the DISCO has been given in relation to the First Operation or that Incident by the User. The notification (other than in relation to the information which the DISCO is merely passing on from a User) will be of sufficient detail to enable the recipient of the notification reasonably to consider and assess the implications and consequences arising from the Operation on the DISCO Distribution System and will include the name of the individual reporting the Operation on behalf of the DISCO. The recipient may ask questions to clarify the notification. Where a User is reporting an Operation or an Incident which itself has been caused by an incident or scheduled or planned action affecting (but not on) its System the notification to the DISCO will contain the information which the User has been given by the person connected to its System in relation to that incident or scheduled or planned action (which the User must require, contractually or otherwise the person connected to its System to give it) and the DISCO may pass on the information contained in the notification. A notification by the DISCO of an Operation under DOC5 which has been caused by an Operation or an Incident on the TRANSCO Transmission System, may describe the Operation on the DISCO Distribution System and will contain the information which the DISCO has been given in relation to the Operation or an Incident on the TRANSCO Transmission System by TRANSCO. The notification (other than in relation to the information which the DISCO is merely passing on from TRANSCO) will be of sufficient detail to enable the recipient of the notification to consider and assess the implications and consequences arising from the Operation on the DISCO Distribution System and will include the name of the individual reporting the Operation on behalf of the DISCO. The recipient may ask questions to clarify the notification.

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A User may pass on the information contained in a notification to it from the DISCO to a Generator with a Generating Unit connected to the System or to another DISCO connected to its System if it is required (by a contract pursuant to which that Generating Unit or that DISCO is connected to the System) to do so in connection with the equivalent of an Operation on its System (if the Operation on the DISCO Distribution System caused it). Other than as provided in DOC5, a User may not pass on any information contained in a notification to it from the DISCO or in a notification to another User from the DISCO to any other person connected to its System, but may only say that there has been an incident on the Total System and (if known and if power supplies have been affected) an estimated time of return to service. Each User shall procure that any other Users receiving information which was contained in the notification to a User from the DISCO which is not bound by the Distribution Code, does not pass any information on other than as provided above. A notification by the DISCO of an Incident which has been caused by (or exacerbated by) another Incident (the first Incident) or by an Operation on a Users System will describe the Incident and will contain the information which the DISCO has been given in relation to the first Incident or that Operation by the User. The notification (other than in relation to the information which the DISCO is merely passing on from a User) will be of sufficient detail to enable the recipient of the notification reasonably to consider and assess the implications and risks arising from the Incident on the DISCO Distribution System and will include the name of the individual reporting the Incident on behalf of the DISCO. The recipient may ask questions to clarify the notification. Except in an emergency situation the notification will be dictated to the recipient who shall record it and on completion shall repeat the notification in full to the sender and check that it has been accurately recorded. Where an Incident has been reported to the DISCO by a Generator under DOC5 relating to a Generating Unit and in order for the Generator to assess the implication of the Incident on its System more accurately, it may ask the DISCO for details of the Fault Levels on infeeds from the Distribution System to that Generating Unit at the time of the Incident, and the DISCO will, as soon as reasonably practicable, give the Generator that information provided that the DISCO has that information.


System Control

Where a part of a DISCO Distribution System is, by agreement, under the System Control of TRANSCO then the requirements and provisions of the Transmission Code shall apply to that situation as if that DISCO Distribution System was the TRANSCO Transmission System. Where a part of a System of a User is, by agreement, under the System Control of the DISCO then the requirements and provisions of this DOC5 shall apply to that situation as if that System was the DISCO Distribution System.

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Significant incidents

Where an Incident on the DISCO Distribution System or the System of a User has had or may have had a significant effect on the System of any of the others, the Incident shall be reported in writing to the owner of the System affected in accordance with the provisions of DOC8. Such an Incident will be termed a Significant Incident. Where a DISCO notifies a User of an Incident under DOC5, which the User considers has had or may have a significant effect on that Users System, that User will require a DISCO to report that Incident in writing and will notify the DISCO accordingly. Such an Incident will also be termed a Significant Incident. A Significant Incident will include Incidents which result in, or may result in, the following: i. ii. iii. voltage outside statutory limits; System frequency outside statutory limit, or System Stability failure.

The DISCO needs to ensure that it reports any relevant incident to the Bureau in accordance with the requirements of Regulations issued by the Bureau from time to time.

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6. SAFETY CO-ORDINATION 6.1 Introduction

Distribution Operating Code Section 6 (DOC6) requires that an approved Safety Management System is applied by the DISCO to meet statutory and other requirements. Similar criteria and standards contained within the DISCO Safety Management Systems are required to be provided by other Users of the Distribution System when carrying out work or tests at the operational interface with the DISCO.



To lay down requirements with a view to ensuring safety of persons working on the Distribution System and at or across operational and Ownership Boundaries.



DOC6 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Procedure 6.4.1 Approved safety management systems

A Safety Management System specifying the principles and procedures, and where appropriate, the documentation to be applied so as to ensure the health and safety of all who are liable to be working or testing on the DISCO Distribution System, or on Plant and Apparatus connected to it, will be established by the DISCO in conjunction with the connecting User as specified in DOC6.


Operational boundaries and principles

At sites or locations where an Operational Boundary exists, which Safety Management System is to be adopted and when, shall be jointly agreed. This will include provision for Control Persons to operate to the Safety Management Systems in use by field personnel where appropriate. A system of documentation shall be maintained by the DISCO and the User which records the intersystem safety precautions taken when: work or testing is to be carried out on High Voltage Plant and/or Apparatus across the Operational Boundary; and i. isolation and/or earthing of the others System is needed. Where relevant, copies of the Safety Management Systems and related documentation shall be exchanged between the DISCO and Users for each Operational Boundary.

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Authorised personnel

Safety Management System must include the provision for written Authorisation of personnel concerned with the control, Operation, work or testing of Plant and Apparatus forming part of, or connected to, the DISCO Distribution System. Each individual Authorisation shall indicate the class of operation and/or work permitted and the section of the System to which the Authorisation applies.


Site specific safety

Arrangements shall be made to ensure site safety and security as required by statutory requirements. Arrangements shall also be made by all parties to ensure that personnel are warned by an appropriate means of hazards specific to any site, before entering any area of the site. This shall include hazards that may be temporary or permanent. Where these risks include contamination or similar, suitable decontamination facilities and procedures shall be provided. Arrangements shall be made to facilitate inspections by DISCO management and safety representatives to sites accommodating DISCO owned Plant and Apparatus.


System control 6.6.1 Control responsibilities

The DISCO and Users shall jointly agree and set down in writing schedules specifying the responsibilities for System Control of Equipment. These shall ensure that only one party is responsible for any item of Plant or Apparatus at any one time. The DISCO and each User shall at all times have nominated a Control Person or persons responsible for the co-ordination of safety from the System pursuant to this DOC6.


Control documentation

The DISCO and Users shall maintain a suitable system of documentation which records all relevant operational events that have taken place on the DISCO Distribution System or any other System connected to it and the co-ordination of relevant safety precautions for work. All documentation relevant to the Operation of the Distribution System, and safety precautions taken for work or tests, shall be held by the DISCO and the appropriate User for a period of not less than one year.


System diagrams

Diagrams illustrating sufficient information for control personnel to carry out their duties shall be exchanged by the DISCO and the appropriate User.

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Where the DISCO reasonably specifies the need, suitable communication systems shall be established between the DISCO and other Users to ensure the control function is carried out in a safe and secure manner. Where the DISCO reasonably decides a back up or alternative routing of communication is necessary to provide for the safe and secure Operation of the DISCO Distribution System the means shall be agreed with the appropriate Users. Schedules of telephone numbers/call signs shall be exchanged by the DISCO and appropriate User to enable control activities to be efficiently co-ordinated. The DISCO and appropriate Users will establish 24 hour availability of personnel with suitable Authorisation where the joint operational requirements demand it.


Schedules of responsibility 6.7.1 Ownership, operation and maintenance schedules

Schedules specifying the ownership and the responsibilities for Operation and maintenance shall be jointly agreed by the DISCO and the appropriate User for each location where either an operational interface or joint responsibilities exist. For those Users connected at High Voltage and having firm supply connections (provided by more than one circuit) and where the User so requests the DISCO, these schedules shall identify those specified DISCO circuits on which Planned Outages by the DISCO shall be notified to the User. These specified circuits will be those where the DISCO and the User have agreed that during outages of the specified circuits the User can introduce measures to manage critical processes or safety aspects. These specified circuits will usually operate at the voltage level at which the supply is provided and will have a significant effect on the security level of the Users supply. Those Users connected at High Voltage and not having firm supply connections (provided by more than one circuit) may seek to obtain outage planning information through arrangements with the DISCO.


Maintenance of schedules and diagrams

All schedules and diagrams shall be maintained by the DISCO and appropriate Users and exchanged as necessary to ensure they reflect the current agreements and network configuration.

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7. CONTINGENCY PLANNING 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 Black start

Distribution Operating Code Section 7 (DOC7) covers the system recovery procedures following a Total or Partial Shutdown of the Total System as recognised by TRANSCO and that TRANSCO intends to implement Black Start procedures after having given notification to the DISCO.



DOC7 lays down requirements with a view to assisting the restart of the Total System or to operating the Total System in abnormal situations which require co-ordination between all Users with a common approach to give uniformity of priorities. It also specifies requirements to be met during periods of declared civil emergencies.



DOC7 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Procedure - black start

Total System Shutdown is a situation when all generation has ceased with no electricity supply from External Interconnections. Partial Shutdown is a situation where all generation has ceased in a separate part of the Total System and there is no available interconnections to the other parts of the Total System.


System recovery

Certain Embedded Power Stations may be identified as having an ability to start up from shutdown without connections to external power supplies. Such Power Stations are to be referred to as Black Start stations. The DISCO will segregate its DISCO Demand into suitably sized components to allow progressive re-energisation of the DISCO Distribution System. The size of the areas of Demand of these will be determined by TRANSCO and will be commensurate with the size of Generating Plant being restarted.


Resynchronising islands of supply

The overall strategy of recovery will be to re-establish stable Islands of Supply and Demand and to resynchronise these islands progressively. Embedded Power Stations within DISCO Distribution Systems will be required to operate to the DISCO directives.

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Where there are no Power Stations with a Black Start Capability within the DISCO Distribution System, then restoration of supply may be substantially delayed while TRANSCO re-establishes the Transmission System from a restored island or part of the Total System. The DISCO will re-appraise its priorities in these situations and restore supplies in accordance with such priorities.


System incident procedures

To co-ordinate activities, Users and the DISCO will ensure that there are suitable communication paths available and that where appropriate senior members of staff are appointed to manage these abnormal situations.

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Distribution Operating Code Section 8 (DOC8) sets out the requirements for reporting in writing those Incidents termed Significant Incidents which were initially reported verbally under DOC5. DOC8 also provides for the joint investigation of Significant Incidents by the Users involved.



The objective of DOC8 is to facilitate the provision of more detailed information in writing and, where agreed between the DISCO and the Users involved, joint investigation of those Significant Incidents reported verbally under DOC5.



DOC8 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Procedure 8.4.1 Communications

The DISCO and each User specified in DOC8 will nominate officers and establish communication channels to ensure the effectiveness of this DOC8. Such officers and communication channels may be the same as those established under DOC5. Communication should, as far as possible, be direct between the User and the operator of the network to which that User is connected. However, this does not preclude communication with the Users nominated representative.


Written reports of Incidents by Users to the DISCO

In the case of an Incident which has been reported verbally to the DISCO under DOC5 and subsequently has been determined by the DISCO to be a Significant Incident, a written report will be given to the DISCO by the User in accordance with DOC8. The DISCO will not pass this report on to other affected Users but may use the information contained therein in preparing a report under DOC8 to a User in relation to a Significant Incident on the DISCO Distribution System which his been caused by (or exacerbated by) the Significant Incident on the User System.


Written reports of Incidents by the DISCO to Users

In the case of an Incident which has been reported verbally to the User under DOC5.4.5 and subsequently has been determined by the User to be a Significant Incident, a written report will be given to the User by the DISCO in accordance with DOC8. The User will not pass this report on to other affected Users but may use the information contained therein in preparing a report for another Authorised Electricity Operator connected to its System in relation to a Significant Incident which has been caused by (or exacerbated) the Significant Incident on the DISCO Distribution System.

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A report will be in writing and shall be sent to the DISCO or User, containing written confirmation of the verbal notification given under DOC5 together with more details relating to the Significant Incident, although it need not state the cause of the Incident. The report should, as a minimum, contain those matters specified beneath: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Date and time of Significant Incident; Location; Apparatus involved; Brief description of Significant Incident; and Details of any Demand Control undertaken. Effect on Disco including where appropriate: vii) duration of incident; and estimated date and time of return to normal service. generation interrupted; frequency response achieved; MVAr performance achieved; and estimated date and time of return to normal service

Effect on generation including, where appropriate:-

. The above list is not intended to be exhaustive to this DOC8 and the recipient may raise questions to clarify the notification, and the giver of the notification will, in so far as it is able, answer any questions raised.



A written report shall be given as soon as reasonably practicable after the verbal notification under DOC5 and in any eventevent a preliminary report shall normally be given within 24 hours of such time.


Duty to report Incidents

Nothing in this DOC8 shall be construed as relieving Users from their duty to report Incidents as required by Regulations issued by the Bureau either in force or that come into force.

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Joint investigation into significant incidents

Where a Significant Incident has been declared and a report submitted under DOC8 either party or parties may request in writing that a joint investigation be carried out. The composition of such an investigation panel will be appropriate to the incident to be investigated and agreed by all parties involved. Where there has been a series of Significant Incidents (that is to say, where a Significant Incident has caused or exacerbated another Significant Incident) the parties involved may agree that the joint investigation should include some or all of those Significant Incidents. A joint investigation will only take place where all parties affected by it agree to it. The form and rules of the procedure for, and all matters relating to the joint investigation will be agreed at the time of a joint investigation and in the absence of agreement the joint investigation will take place. Any joint investigation under DOC8 is separate from any inquiry which may be carried out under the Water and Electricity Sector disputes resolution procedure.

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Distribution Operating Code Section 9 (DOC9) sets out the responsibilities and procedures for notifying the relevant owners of the numbering and nomenclature of Apparatus at Ownership Boundaries. The numbering and nomenclature of Apparatus shall be included in the Operation Diagram prepared for each site having an Ownership Boundary.



The prime objective embodied in DOC9 is to ensure that at any site where there is an Ownership Boundary every item of Apparatus has numbering and/or nomenclature that has been mutually agreed and notified between the owners concerned to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable the safe and effective Operation of the Systems involved and to reduce the risk of error.



DOC9 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Procedure 9.4.1 New Apparatus

When the DISCO or a User intends to install Apparatus on a site having an Ownership Boundary the proposed numbering and/or nomenclature to be adopted for the Apparatus must be notified to the other owners. The notification will be made in writing to the relevant owners and will consist of an Operation Diagram incorporating the proposed new Apparatus to be installed and its proposed numbering and/or nomenclature. The notification will be made to the relevant owners at least eight months prior to the proposed installation of the Apparatus. The relevant owners will respond in writing within one month of the receipt of the notification confirming both receipt and whether the proposed numbering and/or nomenclature is acceptable or, if not, what would be acceptable. In the event that agreement cannot be reached between the DISCO, and the other owners, the DISCO, acting reasonably, shall have the right to determine the numbering and nomenclature to be applied at that site.

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Existing apparatus

The DISCO and/or every User shall supply the DISCO and/or every other User on request with details of the numbering and nomenclature of Apparatus on sites having an Ownership Boundary. The DISCO and every User shall be responsible for the provision and erection of clear and unambiguous labelling showing the numbering and nomenclature of its Apparatus on sites having an Ownership Boundary.


Changes to existing apparatus

Where the DISCO or a User needs or wishes to change the existing numbering and/or nomenclature of any of its Apparatus on any site having Ownership Boundary, the provisions of DOC9 shall apply with any amendments necessary to reflect that only a change is being made. Where a User changes the numbering and/or nomenclature of its Apparatus, which is the subject of DOC9, the User will be responsible for the provision and erection of clear and unambiguous labelling. Where a DISCO changes the numbering and/or nomenclature of its Apparatus, which is the subject of DOC9, the DISCO will be responsible for the provision and erection of clear and unambiguous labelling.

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10. SPECIAL SYSTEM TESTS 10.1 Introduction

Distribution Operating Code Section 10 (DOC10) sets out the responsibilities and procedures for arranging and carrying out Special System Tests which have or may have an effect on the Systems of the DISCO or Users. Special System Tests are those tests which involve either simulated or the controlled application of irregular, unusual or extreme conditions on the Total System or any part of the Total System, but which do not include commissioning or recommissioning test or any other tests of a minor nature.



The objective of DOC10 are to: i. ensure that the procedures for arranging and carrying out Special System Tests are such that, so far as practicable, Special System Tests do not threaten the safety of personnel or the general public and cause minimum threat to the security of supplies, the integrity of Plant or Apparatus and are not detrimental to the DISCO and Users; and set out procedures to be followed for establishing and reporting Special System Tests.




DOC10 applies to the Users of the DISCO Distribution System as shown in Schedule 1.


Procedure 10.4.1 General

If the System Test proposed by the DISCO or the User connected to the DISCO Distribution System will or may have an effect on the TRANSCO Transmission System then the provisions of DOC10 or the Transmission Code will apply. Special System Tests which have a minimal effect on the Distribution System or Systems of others will not be subject to this procedure; minimal effect will be taken to mean variations in voltage, frequency and waveform distortion of a value not greater than those figures which are defined in the Distribution Planning and Connection Code.


Proposal Notice

When the DISCO or a User intends to undertake a System Test which will have or may have an effect on the System of others normally twelve months notice, or as otherwise agreed by the DISCO, of the proposed System Test shall be given by the person proposing the System Test (the Test Proposer) to the DISCO and to those Users who may be affected by such a System Test.

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The proposal will be in writing and will contain details of the nature and purpose of the proposed System Test and will indicate the extent and situation of the Plant or Apparatus involved. If the information set out in the proposal notice is considered insufficient by the recipient they will contact the Test Proposer with a written request for further information which shall be supplied as soon as reasonably practicable. The DISCO shall not be required to do anything under DOC10 until it is satisfied with the details supplied in the proposal or pursuant to a request for further information. If the DISCO wishes to undertake a System Test the DISCO shall be deemed to have received a proposal of that System Test.


Preliminary notice and establishment of test panel

The DISCO will have overall co-ordination of the System Test, using the information supplied to it under DOC10 and will identify in its reasonable estimation, which Users other than the Test Proposer, may be affected by the proposed System Test. A Test Co-ordinator, who shall be a suitably qualified person, will be appointed by the DISCO with the agreement of the Users which the DISCO has identified may be affected and shall act as Chairman of the Test Panel (the Test Panel). All Users identified under DOC10 will be given in writing, by the Test Co-ordinator, a preliminary notice of the proposed System Test. The preliminary notice will contain: i. the Test Co-ordinators name and nominating company;

ii. the details of the nature and purpose of the proposed System Test, the extent and situation of the Plant or Apparatus involved and the Users identified by the DISCO;

iii. an invitation to each User to nominate within one month a suitably qualified representative, or representatives where appropriate, to be a member of the Test Panel for the proposed System Test. The preliminary notices will be sent with in one month of the receipt to the proposal notice or the receipt of any further information requested. As soon as possible after the expiry of that one month period all relevant Users and the Test Proposer will be notified by the Test Co-ordinator of the composition of the Test Panel.


Test panel

A meeting of the Test Panel will take place as soon as possible after the relevant Users and the Test Proposer have been notified of the composition of the Test Panel and in any event within one month of the appointment of the Test Panel.

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The Test Panel shall consider: i. the details of the nature and purpose of the proposed System Test and other matters set out in the proposal notice; the economic, operational and risk implications of the proposed System Test; the possibility of combining the proposed System Test with any other tests and with Plant and/or Apparatus outages which arise pursuant to the operational planning requirements of the DISCO, TRANSCO and Users; and implications of the proposed System Test on the Scheduling and Despatch of Generating Plant, insofar as it is able to do so.




Users identified under DOC10 and the DISCO (whether or not they are represented on the Test Panel) shall be obliged to supply that Test Panel upon written request with such details as the Test Panel reasonably requires in order to consider the proposed System Test. The Test Panel shall be convened by the Test Co-ordinator as often as he deems necessary to conduct its business.


Proposal report

Within two months of the first meeting the Test Panel will submit a report, which in this DOC10 shall be called a proposal report, which will contain: i. proposals for carrying out the System Test (including the manner in which the System Test is to be monitored); an allocation of costs (including un-anticipated costs) between the affected parties, (the general principle being that the Test Proposer will bear the costs); and such other matters as the Test Panel consider appropriate.



The proposals report may include requirements for indemnities to be given in respect of claims and losses arising from the System Test. All System Test procedures must comply with all applicable legislation. If the Test Panel is unable to agree unanimously on any decision in preparing its proposal report the proposed System Test shall not take place and the Test Panel shall be dissolved. The proposal report will be submitted to all those who received a Preliminary notice. Within fourteen days of receipt of the proposal report, each recipient will respond to the Test Coordinator with its approval of the proposal report or its reason for non-approval.

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In the event of non-approval by one or more recipients, the Test Panel will as soon as practicable meet in order to determine whether the proposed System Test can be modified to meet the objection or objections. If the proposed System Test cannot be so modified then the System Test will not take place and the Test Panel will be dissolved. If the proposed System Test can be so modified the Test Panel will as soon as practicable, and in any event within one month of meeting to discuss the responses to the proposal report, submit a revised proposal report. In the event of non-approval of the revised proposal report by one or more recipients, the System Test will not take place and the Test Panel will be dissolved.


Final test programme

If the proposal report (or, as the case may be, the revised proposal report) is approved by all recipients, the proposed System Test can proceed and at least one month prior to the date of the proposed System Test, the Test Panel will submit to the DISCO and all recipients of the proposal notice a programme which in this DOC10 shall be called a final test programme stating the switching sequence and proposed timings, a list of those staff involved in the carrying out of the System Test (including those responsible for site safety) and such other matters as the Test Panel deem appropriate.

The final test programme will bind all recipients to act in accordance with the provisions contained within the programme in relation to the proposed System Test. Any problems with the proposed System Test which arise or are anticipated after the issue of the final test programme and prior to the day of the proposed System Test must be notified to the Test Coordinator as soon as possible in writing. If the Test Co-ordinator decides that these anticipated problems merit an amendment to or postponement of the System Test, he shall notify any party involved in the proposed System Test accordingly. If on the day of the proposed System Test operating conditions on the System are such that any party involved in the proposed System Test wishes to delay or cancel the start or continuance of the System Test, they shall immediately inform the Test Co-ordinator of this decision and the reasons for it. The Test Co-ordinator shall then postpone or cancel, as the case may be, the System Test and shall if possible, agree with all parties involved in the proposed System Test another suitable time and date or if he cannot reach such agreement, shall reconvene the Test Panel as soon as practicable which will endeavour to arrange another suitable time and date and the relevant provisions of the DOC10 shall apply.


Final report

At the conclusion of the System Test, the Test Proposer shall be responsible for preparing a written report (the final report) of the System Test for submission to other members of the Test Panel.

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The final report shall include a description of the Plant and/or Apparatus, tested and of the System Test carried out, together with the results, conclusions and recommendations. The final report shall not be distributed to any party which is not represented on the Test Panel unless the Test Panel having considered the confidentiality, issues, shall have unanimously approved such distribution. When the final report has been submitted under the Test Panel shall be dissolved.

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The various sections of the Distribution Code require Users to submit data to the DISCO. The Distribution Data Registration Code (DDRC) provides a series of schedules summarising all requirements for information of a particular type. Each class of User is then referred to the appropriate schedule or group of schedules for a statement of the total data requirements in his case. The DDRC specifies procedures and timings for the supply of data and subsequent updating, where the timings are covered by detailed timetables laid down in other sections of the Distribution Code they are not necessarily repeated in full in the DDRC. In the case of a Generator seeking a connection to the DISCO Distribution System then irrespective of the potential arrangements for Scheduling and Despatch required under the Transmission Code, discussions on connection will be with the DISCO concerned in relation to connection arrangements.

The Users to which the DDRC applies are as shown in Schedule 1.

The data required by the DISCO is divided into two categories, System Planning Data (SPD) and Operational Data (OD). In order to assess the implications for making a connection the DISCO will require SPD and OD information, the precise requirements being decided by the DISCO and dependant upon the circumstances. Following an agreement to connect and not less than 6 weeks before the proposed date of connection the User must supply data as requested by the DISCO which will be referred to as Registered Data.


Unless otherwise specified or agreed by the DISCO each User is required to submit data as defined below and the attached schedules. It is a requirement of the DDRC that data changes are advised as soon as practicable to the DISCO and in any case reviewed annually to ensure continued accuracy or relevance. The DISCO will initiate this review in writing and the User will respond in writing. Where possible data will be submitted on standard forms forwarded to the User by the DISCO. If a User wishes to change any data item then this must first be discussed with the DISCO concerned in order for the implications to be considered and the change if agreed (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld), be confirmed by the submission of a revised data form or by verbal means with confirmation by telex or similar if short timescales are involved. From time to time the DISCO may change its data requirements, appropriate Users will be advised of these changes as they occur and will be provided with a reasonable timescale by which to reply.

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Data description Terminal Volts Rated Kva Rated kW Maximum Active Power sent out Reactive Power required Type of generator Type of Prime Mover Anticipated Operating Regime Fault Level Contribution Method of Voltage Control Generator Transformer Details kV kVA kW kW kVAr Text Text Text MVA Text Text Units Data category SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD

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Data description Rated MW at Registered Capacity for individual units and the Power Station Rated MW at Minimum Generation for individual units and the Power Station Auxiliary demand for individual units and the Power Station at Registered Capacity conditions Auxiliary demand for individual units and the Power Station under Minimum Generation conditions Individual Generator Information Rating Generator MW/MVAr Capability Chart Inertia Constant Stator Resistance Direct Axis Reactance Sub-transient Transient Synchronous Quadrature Axis Reactance Sub-transient Synchronous Time Constants Direct axis sub-transient Direct axis transient Quadrature axis subtransient MVA Text MWsec/MVA % on MVA % on MVA % on MVA % on MVA % on MVA % on MVA sec sec Sec SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD SPD Units MW MW MW MVAr MVA MVAr SPD Data category SPD SPD SPD

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Data description Zero Phase Sequence Resistance Reactance Negative Phase Sequence Resistance Reactance Generator Transformer Resistance Reactance MVA rating Tap Arrangement Vector Group Earthing Automatic Voltage Regulator A block diagram for the model of the AVR system including data on the gains forward and feedback time constants and voltage control limits Speed governor and prime mover data A block diagram for the turbine control system and turbine time constants together with the turbine rating and maximum power Diagram Text SPD % on MVA SPD Units % on MVA % on MVA % on MVA SPD Data category SPD

Diagram Text


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Data description 1. Units Time period covered 8 weeks 2 years Update time Week 20 Data category OD

Hourly Active Power and Power MW/MVAr Factor at Annual MD Conditions for specified time of the annual peak hour at the associated Transmission Supply Points and at the specified time of the annual peak hour of the TRANSCO Demand. Hourly Active Power and MW/MVAr Power Factor at Average Conditions at the specified hour of the annual minimum TRANSCO Demand. The annual energy forecast MWh requirement at Average Conditions identified under the following categories of Domestic, Farms, Commercial, Industrial, Public Lighting and Distribution System losses. Hourly Power output of MW Embedded Generating Plant at the specified hour of the annual peak hour of the TRANSCO Demand. Schedule s for the operation of MW Embedded Generating Units Date whose output is greater than 5MW on a hourly basis (but time which are not subject to Central Despatch).


8 weeks 3 years

Week 20



8 weeks 3 years

Week 20



8 weeks 3 years

Week 20



2 weeks to 8 weeks ahead

1600 hrs each Wednesday


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Data description 6.


Time period covered 2 weeks to 8 weeks ahead

Update time 1600 hrs each Wednesday

Data category OD

DISCO Customers, and other MW DISCOs connected to the Date DISCO Distribution System Time shall notify the DISCO where their or their Customers operations are likely to result in an aggregate change in Demand at the DISCO Connection Point of supply of greater than 5MW of the Demand at that time on an hourly basis. Items 5, 6 above updated.


2 days to 12 days ahead 0 - 24 hrs ahead

0900 hrs each Monday As specified



Details of differences greater MW than 5MW from the schedules of Date operation of any Embedded Time Generating Plant on an hourly basis submitted under item5 above.



Details from each User MW connected to the DISCO Date Distribution System of any Time change in aggregate Demand at the point of surplus of greater than 5MW of the Demand. Detail of half hour Active Power MW and Reactive Power output sent MVAr out to the DISCO Distribution System by Embedded Generating Plant not subject to Scheduling and Despatch during the previous day on a hourly basis.

0 - 24 hrs As specified ahead



Previous day

0300 hrs


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Data description 11.


Time period covered Previous day

Update time 0300 hrs

Data category OD

Other DISCOs connected to the MW DISCO Distribution System Time will provide details of the amount and duration of Demand Control at the DISCO Connection Point aggregated to 5MW or more (arranged over any hour) which was implemented during the previous Schedule Day.

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Time period covered Years 3 - 5 Update time Week 2 Data category OD

Data description 1. For individual Generating Units the unit number and Generating Plant capacity. Preferred outage dates earliest start date latest finish date. DISCO advise Generators of : details of Generating Plant they may withdraw from service. Output Usable requirements. 3. Generators provide DISCO with: update of provisional Generating Plant outage programme. Registered Capacity. Neutral weekly Output Usable forecasts. 4. DISCO following discussion with Generator will notify, with reason, revision to the provisional Generating Plant outage programme DISCO following discussion with Generator will notify, with reason, revisions to the provisional Generating Plant outage programme. (This taken into account User outages received in Week 28 ). DISCO following discussion with Users agree Users outages.

Units MW Date



Years 3 5

Week 12


MW Date

Years 3 - 5

Week 12



Years 3 - 5

Week 12


MW Date Date Years 3 5 Week 28 OD



Years 3 5

Week 42




Years 3 - 5

Week 43


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Time period covered Years 1 - 2 Data category OD

Data description 1. For individual Generating Units the unit number and Generating Plant capacity. Preferred outage dates earliest start date latest start date. Generators provide the DISCO with estimates of : Output Usable. Outage programme. 3. DISCO following discussion with Generator provide: Details of .Generating Plant they may withdraw from service for an outage Update of Generator outage programme 4. 5. DISCO notify each Generator of Output Usable requirements. Generator provide estimates of Output Usable of each Generating Plant

Units MW Date

Update time Week 2


MW Date Date

Years 1 - 2 Year 1

Week 10 Week 12


MW Date MW Date

Years 1 - 2 Years 1 - 2

Week 12 Week 41


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Time period covered Weeks 9 - 52 Data category

Data description For individual Generating Units the unit number and Generating Plant capacity. Duration of outage earliest start date latest finishing date. Output Usable estimates. DISCO informs Generators of Output Usable requirements. Generators provide DISCO with Generating Plant Output Usable estimates. DISCO informs Generators of change to Output Usable requirements. Generators provide DISCO with Generating Plant Output Usable estimates. DISCO informs Generators of changes to Output Usable requirements Generator will provide estimates of Generating Plant Output Usable. DISCO inform contracted Generators of changes to Output Usable requirements.

Units MW Date

Update time

MW Date MW Date MW Date MW Date MW Date MW Date MW Date MW Date

Weeks 9 - 52 Weeks 9 - 52 Weeks 18 52 Weeks 18 52 Weeks 28 52 Weeks 31 52 Weeks 44 52 Weeks 44 52

Week 2 Week 4 Week 10


Week 12


Week 25


Week 27


Week 41


Week 43


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Time period covered Years 1 2 and Years 3 - 5 Data category OD

Data description Users provide the DISCO with details of proposed outages which may affect the performance of the DISCO Distribution System Details of trip testing, risks of trip and other information where known which may affect the security and stability of the DISCO Distribution System shall also be included. Update of previously submitted data for years 3-5. Following consultation with Users and DISCO will include agreed outage proposals in the programme As changes occur.

Units Dates

Update time Week 28


Years 3 5 Years 1 2

Week 43 Week 48


Update of Users proposals agreed in the Medium Term Plan.

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Data category SPD SPD

Data description 1. Reactive Compensation Rating of individual shunt reactors (not associated with cables) Details of any automatic control logic such that operating characteristic can by determined. Point of connection to the system Lumped Network Susceptance Details of the equivalent lumped network susceptance of the Users System referred back to the connection with the DISCO Distribution System including: shunt reactors which are an integrated part of a cable system and which are not normally in or out of service independent of the cable. Excluding: independently switched reactive connected to the Users System

Units MVAr MVAr

Text/ Diagrams Diagram






and: any susceptance of the Users System inherent in the active and reactive Demand 2. Fault Infeeds Maximum and minimum short circuit infeeds into the DISCO System X/R ratio under maximum and minimum short circuit conditions [Contribution from rotating plant ] Equivalent network information at the request of the DISCO Interconnection Impedance SPD MVA SPD

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Data description For User interconnections that operate in parallel with DISCO Distribution System details of the interconnection impedance shall be exchanged between the DISCO and User, including Positive Squence Resistance Zero Sequence Resistance Positive Sequence Resistance Zero Sequence Resistance Susceptance If the impedance in the view of the DISCO is low then more detailed information will be requested. 3. Demand Transfer Capability Information shall be exchanged on Demand transfer capability where the same Demand may be supplied from alternative DISCO or User points of supply including the proportion of Demand normally fed from each point of supply. The arrangements for manual/automatic transfer under planned/outage conditions should be provided 4. Non DISCO System Data The DISCO will request information on circuit parameters, switchgear and protection arrangements. 5. TRANSCO Transmission System Data


Data category

% on 100 % on 100 % on 100 % on 100 % on 100




Text/ Diagrams Text/ Diagrams


The DISCO will request, as appropriate, information on circuit parameters, switchgear and protection arrangements including protection settings


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Data category

Data description Types of Demand : Maximum Active Power Demand Maximum and minimum Reactive Power requirement Type of load and control arrangements, eg variable speed motor type of starter employed Maximum load on each phase at the time of maximum demand Maximum phase unbalance Maximum harmonic content


kW kVAr Text


Amps/Phase Amps/Phase at the time % of harmonic number


Fluctuating Loads : Rate of change of active and reactive power both increasing and decreasing Shortest repetitive time interval between fluctuation in active and reactive power Largest step change in active and reactive power both increasing and decreasing. kW/sec kVAr/sec Sec kW kVAr SPD SPD SPD

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The following table identifies documents that are referenced to in the Code and which are integral to the operation and understanding of the Code. This Annex shall be kept and maintained by the Distribution Code Review Panel as part of the Code. The latest version of the Annex shall be that most recently approved by the Bureau and shall be available to any User of the Code on the same basis as the Code. Any change to the Annex or to a document contained therein shall be made in accordance with the governing procedures of the originating authority, which maybe outside of the Panels Authority. It shall however be the duty of the Panel to ensure that any such modification is reflected in the Code and Annex as appropriate, and to ensure that any necessary alteration to the Annex is made as if it were an integral part of the Code.

Item No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Title Engineering Recommendation No. 1 LIMITS FOR HARMONICS IN THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY SYSTEM. Engineering Recommendation [ ], Requirements For The Application Of Protective Multiple Earthing To Low Voltage Networks. (Withdrawn - Number not to be used) Engineering Recommendation No. 3 CONNECTION OF EMBEDDED GENERATING PLANT UP TO 5MW. Engineering Recommendation [ ], SECURITY OF SUPPLY. Engineering Recommendation [ ], The Short Circuit Characteristics Of Low Voltage Distribution Networks And The Coordination Of Overcurrent Protective Devices On 230v Single Phase Supplies Up To 100a. (Withdrawn - Number not to be used) Engineering Recommendation [ ], The Estimation Of The Maximum Prospective Short Circuit Current For Three Phase 415v Supplies. (Withdrawn - Number not to be used) Engineering Recommendation No. 7 LIMITS FOR VOLTAGE FLUCTUATIONS IN THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY SYSTEM Engineering Recommendation [ ], EARTHING INSTALLATIONS IN SUBSTATIONS. Engineering Recommendation [ ], A GUIDE FOR ASSESSING THE RISE OF EARTH POTENTIAL AT SUBSTATION SITES. Engineering Recommendation No. 10 LIMITS FOR VOLTAGE UNBALANCE IN THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY SYSTEM

6. 7.

8. 9.


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Annex 1
of The Electricity Distribution Code

Engineering Recommendation No. 1: Limits for Harmonics in the Electricity Supply System Engineering Recommendation No. 3: Connection of Embedded Generation Plant up to 5MW Engineering Recommendation No. 7: Limits for Voltage Fluctuations in the Electricity Supply System Engineering Recommendation 10: Limits for Voltage Unbalance in the Electricity Supply System

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